Katalog Energetika 2010

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advertisers Blue Hall 10.00-15.00

International business meeting of Slovenian and Macedonian small and medium-sized enterprises from the renewable energy sector, Slovenian Chamber of Craft and Small Business (OOZ), OOZ Maribor, Celje Fair Plc, Agency for Promotion of Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Macedonia, Slovenian-Macedonian Business Club and Skopje Chamber of Craft 09.30 Reception and participant registration 10.00 Welcome speeches and introduction to Slovenian Chamber of Craft and Small Business and Celje Fair Plc 10.30 Introduction to Slovenian and Macedonian economy and possibilities of investing in renewable energy sources in both countries 11.30 Individual meetings 15.00 Exhibition viewing Wednesday, 19 May Small Congress Hall 10.00-11.00 16.00

Slovenian Vocational Schools Competition – Mechanical Fitter, Maribor Secondary Mechanical and Business School, Section of Installers - Energetics at OOZ Maribor, Celje Fair Plc (written part) Meeting of Slovenian Photovoltaic Industry Association (ZSFI)

Blue Hall 08.00-15.00

Environmental Symposium: (Un)safe hazardous waste management in Slovenia, Organizers: Celje Municipality and Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning; Contractor: Fit media d.o.o. 23

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