Times journal v 9 no 22 feb 11, 1954

Page 1


iU. Install Puyallup Chamber of Commerce this week announced the scheduling of a "world premiere" of a new professional colorsound movie filmed in this vicinity. Some 2,000 Washington State dignitaries, including Gov. Arthur B. Langlie, legislators and others, will receive compliment.

Active Clubs

ary tickets in the near according to Chamber dent W. E. Pence. Entitled, ,'The Men hind Your Refrigera'tor," the story centers around four of this state's 200 .different types of ·farms, an·d attempts to show something of the chain of events on these farms. The narrative also production of farm produce from the .farm to processing establishments. Most colorful movie centers around state's tulip and daffodil pro· auction. Also shown are modern dairy, poultry and berry farms. Dramatic .treatment is added to the story through film portrayals of scientific research done at the Western Washing· ton Experiment Station. Pence . said the film repre· sen ted several .thousand dollars in time and money on the part of numerous individuals and organizations in western Washington. He said chief credit goes t6 three ·individuals in PuyallupL. K. Raymond, professional photographer who donated his time and professional movie camera equipment; and. Percy B. Rowley and Dr. V. P. ·Ferrµcci, ·who jointly headed µp the.Chamber of Commerce committee charged With producing the film.

Jacques To Talk


istrict ·Procedure


Parkland .Community Club will install its officers, Thursday, Feb. 11, in the gym of the Parkland Grade .School. Dr. J. P. Pflueger, former president, will conduct the installation of Mrs. Jennie L. Grodvig, president; Sev Kittlesen, vice president; Mrs. Floyd V. Hicks, secretary; Mrs. Mike Wutz, treasurer. 1

Mrs. Grodvig will announce her committees for the com· ing year. Miss Margue~ite Thompson, By Special Officer C. K. ·"Red" Haney aecpmpanied by Miss Onella C. Melvin McKenny of 10404 I from his lot at Sales . road and Lee shall sing "A Little Song of East F St., Parkland, reported Life", by Albert Hay Malotte to Deputy Helen Wick that arid "Silent Strings" by Gran. someone broke. the hasp off th.e ville Bantock. Miss Thompson door Of the James Sale Grange and Miss Lee ·are . students at hall some tinie between Jan. 29 Pacific Lutheran College. • and Feb. 2 and took three Mr. Robert Jacques, civil pounds of coffee. deputy of the Pierce County To Hospital . Prosecutor's :office will give a Richard Morrison, aged 54, short talk about the procedui;~ of Rt. 7, Box 431, Tacoma, was to follow for t:he: 5ewer district. taken to Pierce County hospital Letters will be read from th~ by Deputies Berry and Lettiere Miiwaukee. E,ailroad .and State for treatment for diabetes ·by· Highway department in regard Dr. A\·alon. tp better highway protection Battery Taken .pear the Franklin Pierce High Mrs. Ralph G. Watt. Apt.· 5 School and the Parkland grade at 9701 Pacific Ave., reported sch pol. to Duputies To111 D:urham and Don Warren that someone took a battery out of her car last week.


A neighbor, Mr.S. Henderson, took the fa111ily in, and the beds are sprea\i fl,bP\.lt almost everywhere, ¢a:using 9ne of the boys to remark;. it "looked like an army barracks in .there." All the children's clothing was destroyed in the .fire, and•· although the Parkland Kiwanis was qui.ck to .provide the boys with shoes, they still need many things. The . Fellers ar.en't asking for aid but The TimesJournal h; suggesting that an•yone who feels. they can aid in any way, should con· tact Mrs. Feller. .·Her phone number is GR8771-we know she'll appreciate the 'help-wo\lldn't you in the same circulll!ltances ?

Firemen's Ball

turday other .firemen responding in· stantly to the alarm in cases of fire. The Parkland Volunteer Fire. department now have four fine; modren fire trucks and much fi'ne equipment, in· eluding a resuscitator which has saved more .than one life since it was installed. People of the area feel grateful to the firemen for their faithful attention to duty. Npt

Civil Ueputy

Neighbors dashed into the house to drag out what they could, one man carted ·out the TV set before it became hopelessly waterlogged. However,

~~ ~1 ~;~~~, ~~i~h~a;e~.~a~~~~ and one water soaked mat-


Spanaway Water Compan·.·. Y els I


F'.or the -0,he week only, the :fj.anklin Pierce Square Dance club wiU me~t Wednesday eve;. ning, Fcb.17; in the Jame~ Sales .. schOol cafeteria instead of the il/~.iiai place, the high school; The change was made necessary because. of the con· cert; at the high school. The clas~. begins at 8:00 p.m.

Experimental Passenger Cabinet Developed By McCbord Officers I m

Bake Sale

tr;. Joss. covered doesn't by in· ·E·.··········'.··e· Thea Collins T.otsat club w. surance butw. as insurance ·.. · hold bake sale the Mid· take. of.. the _aching.· void Commissione···r··s. ·· 0.··f.: tli.e recent- iand Thrifm:ay. store. Saturd.ay, that comes with disaster . . . ly organized Spanaway Water Feb. 13, begmru1.1g. at 9.?0 a.m. the "This can't be happening Co. have had tn~lr·f~rst official Mrs. Ge~rge Williams is gen· to me" feeling ... or the acrid business meeting • and have era! chairman. odor of charred cloth and the elected officers. John Newell - - - - - - - - - - - - - little puf.fs of ashes raised by is president; Hugh Gonyea, vice· weary feet of those surveying president; Phil Zurfluh, secre- I the da111age. tary. ·. : . Even with the crushing Attempts are bemg made to blow the loss of home a.oo iron out the many problems of possessions means, Mrs. Fell- getting the project under way, er found time to express her and. st.eek is expected to be , tha.nkfulness that the fire ?va1lable at.the··..·.regular meet-1 had happened in the day mg Feb. 23. , time rilther than at night. i;:iackers of the n_ew concern ; "Our six boys sleep up there," 1 pomt out the follo':'(1,ng. advant-, ages of the water system to the public: Safety from polluted water which carries disease;' better fire protection, lower in surance; lower cost th<tn drill· son and delaware, either on a ing your own well; lower oprnonthly or quarterly basis, and erating cost than maintaining· pwners of vehicles bearin~ these your own well; rio drought, hcen~es must have Washmgton period-pure watc:r from 100 plates prior. ~o the time indi· to 200 feet down; gre.atly in- I cated . _on their present out-of· creased selling price o.n prop· slate licenses. . . erty; you have a voice in man- i Under no circumstances agement· your share of stock . 1¥ill a grace period be given can be 'sold for .cash;· shares!




Parkland Fire Dept. was kept hopping this week, as numerous fires broke out in the area. 'Following the Feller blaze Monday, both the Parkland and Lakewood companies were summoned to the Raymond Smith residence at 9816 Sales Road, at 3 :30 a.m. Tuesday morning. Fire was evidently caused by faulty refrigerator wiring, and caused about $750 damage.

On March 1, when the ve· hicles from Connecticut, I ndi·

ana, Michigan and Maine become delinquent, vehicles bearing licenses from these states wi II be stopped by State Patrol Officers. District of Cqlumbia, New Hampshire, .New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, So. Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Marylf111d, and .Texas vehicles, where .licenses are in· valid on ..April :I., will. have. to secure Washington plates !lrior to this. date. In West Virginia, vehicle li · censes expire on June 30 and on September 30 in Alabama. Expiration .date for licenses in South Caro.Jina and Mississippi is October 31. The staggered expiration date of vehicle licenses is in effect in Missouri, Oregon, Wiscon-

About $170 per month will be saved for Uncle Sam at Mc· Chord Air Force Base from now on, with the adaption of an ex· perimen tal passenger cabinet designed by two base officers. Capt. Richard E. W;iter·


The unused· paper cups, towels and burp bag.s in the expendable bag are never seen again, as a paper grocery bag qoes not last through a two or more day flight.



fo.r. . out'of-st.ate . . e.•. a··.•···n··.d···.·. .no.n-t.ax ..· 1 the owner and his vehiclehe.re are ar.e able·non. a casses···s···a.1JI better friendlier more domiciled in this State. co-operative · 'conimuriit~ in "The annual renewal of v~ .. 1 ;;~}1.i~;i tu liv-c _'bt:(:t;u~e .,yuu have hide licenses _shoul~ prompt co-operated in tbe vitally im· car owners to immediately ob- portant project of insuring a tain their new plates," Pryde safe and adequate supply of si(id, "rather than to be forceq water. into pm;chasing them through fear of being _arres.t.ed,_In .the State of Washmgton this year, ·· · · '.:II 45 days of grace is extended to Cub Scouts of pack No. 79 motorists, which is certainly will meet at the Clover Creek ample time to attend to this school Friday evening, Feb. 12, matter." · at 8 o'clock. j'

Cub Scout Meetinn

Budget Saving Design .



house and Capt. C. W. Bennett, members of the 1705th Sqdn·., jointly designed and built the cabinet out of sal· vage materials, at no cost to the Air Force. Purpose Of the cabinet 'is to 1·eplac:e the . passenger service kit Which flight attendants carry, and the flight service bag. Under present practices, the supplies are placed aboard an aircraft and never returned in a reusable condition. The passenger service kit is ii fiexible fabric hand-bag, which does not provide adequate . protection for items ·'like tissues, cardboard boxes of medical supplies. When these supplies are returned unused, they are usually crushed and soiled in appear-



for an expernnental fhght passenger cabmet was recently developed by Capts. Richard E. Waterhouse and C. N. Bennett of the l 705th Air Transport Group at McChord Air Force Base. W t l . · h k' a _er 1ous~ IS s o~n here, ~toe mg one of the cabmets with medical supp hes, paper cups, tissues and other essentials. It will save an approximate $169 per rp.onth in supplies.

The eabinet ·provides pro· tection and storage space for allthese suppfies and returns unused items to the ba~P. of operations in a reu?able con· dltion. The cabinet has eight pigeon holei;; for storage of medical ,supplies, magazines, cups and spoons. Carrying handles, also used to tie down the cabinets have been placed on the sides. The cabinet measures 4 ft.x15". xl2",

lb. Custom

CURING and SMOKING 7clb. Custom


Thursday, Feb. 11. 1954 The TIMES - JOURNAL





Published Every ThursdGJ A'.[)l)RF..SS .....: ......l". 0. BOX 654, PARKLAND. WASH1NG'IO~

Entered at Parkland, Waehingt?n Post Office

NEVA T. HONEYWELL ·····································-·-·········-· EDITOR JUDY DENSMORE ........................................ASSISTANT EDITOR


BILL BLACK ·······························-·--·---············-·····ADVERTISING DOLORES BROWN ··············································'·-·CIRCULATION KENNETH POTI'LE ···-··················· SHOP SUPERINTENDAN'f WES MeKEWEN ···········-······························-· PHOTOGRAPHER ROG McDONALD ............................................ SPORTS EDITOR

C. K. (Red) HANEY ··-········--·-·······-····-· POLICE REPORTEF.



Ia Oulllid· -C"""tr P-Countr


s.... OutOf-





















~·-- ~

';/ >





$4.00 $4.2.5 $3.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.00 $2.50 Advertising Rates On Request Qualified as a Legal Publi<!ation under Chapter Legislative Acts or c11e 1941 Regular :Session of the State Washington.


BEEF . 3 lbs ••<= POTATOES . . . 50 ~~ t.a<= ON'IONS 10


JACK BROWN ............................................................ PUBLISHER GlBB THEIS ................................................ GENERAL MANAGER

Subscription Rate


• Gives You For

U9th and Pacific A venue .(kppli.cutipn for entry as second-class matter is pending.



A Pat On The Back A Glenville, West Virginia paper says in an editorial which we think is well worth quoting:









:c c



" . . . Perhaps the county agents of today are <t the forerunners of a great host of men and women ~ who will go out from America in years to come, not to conquer men of other lands, but to lead by the hand (Editor's Note-Brotherhood week will begin Feb. ~ to conquer their own problems of need and want. 21, nationwide. This editorial was written. espec- :C "They can show the backward peoples of the ially for the Times-Journal by Bernard Baruch, ~ earth how to help· themselves rather than trying to Elder Statesman, to launch the occasion in Pierce N feed them off the farms of America-a hopelessly County.) impossi'ble task on the face of it. The forces of organized bigotry are being routed "The world's best hope of a full dinner-pail in America. Steadily and surely, in education, em- 0 lies in the capable hands of America's county ployrncnt, housing and in all. human ·relations, disagricultural agents. crimination is waning. "'.!.'hey must plant the seed of knowledge in Much remains to he done. to he sure, and tile ground before the discoveries of research can be Bl'IOtherhood Week is a reminder to us that the harvested." task is stilt incomplete. * * * To discriminate ag::iinst a man because of race, Until next week, don't be surprised if people color, creed or national origin is antithetical to demochoke with anger if you attempt to force your opincracy and dangerous to America. In this time of deion down their throat. mocracy's testing, we must proclaim our faith in it and live closely by its principles. NllKllS Itonan; lici~; Mrs. Kennet~ Hoff, his11110 Mrs. Lyle Wmsley, sunIn these days of danger to America we can per. shine. Members are asked to mit nothing to undermine the unity which is so essenMrs. M. S. Rau bring needles and_ thimbles to GR 8391 the n~xt meeting, whic11 will be tial to our safety. Nothing is so destructive of unity than the Central Avenue Preschool Feb. 24.





This Nation Under God



Krispy Crackers




5 lhs.


2 lb. Pkg.


OAN Limit 6 Cans

= >


If --..







IR ::ii::



will sponsor a movie again FriRalph·Ashby day, Feb .. 12, beginning at 7:30, A pretty wedding was held in the school lunch room; Saturday evening, Jan. 30, in adults 25c, children 15c. the home of Mr .. and Mrs. Fred Auxiliary Elects Ralph on Canyon road when At the last meeting of the their only daughter, Ba.rbara Summit-Woodland.Collins Fire- Marie, became the 'bride of men's auxiliary, the following Garner Ashby, son of Mr. and officers: Mrs. George Purdue, Mrs. Hubert Ashby of Hender· president; Mrs. Sidney War- son, Texas. The Rev. Harley J. ing, vice president; Mrs. David Wood officiated for the impres· John. , secretary-treasurer; Mrs. , sive service, read before the Fish, ways and means chair- fireplace. The soft lights of man; Mrs. Ashley Butler, pub- . candles, in tall candelabras, and

hate, discord, ·suspicion and bitterness which prejudice breeds.

There can be no second class citizens in America. As we expect each man, black and white, Jew and Christian, native and foreign born to bear the responsibilities of citizenship, so we demand that each share in its rights and privileges and we seek that all shall live in mutual respect, understanding and friendship.



The time will come, and soon I hope, when Brotherhood Week will be a reminder, not of the presence of discripiination in our midst, but of its eradication.

Full Quart



Until ·that time, we must, each of us. work to break down its barriers, fight bigotry wherever we· 11 find it and cleanse our own hearts of blind animosity White Face Grain Fed Steers Cut & Wrapped V2 or whole against our fellows. CUSTOM CUTTING AND WRAPPING * * * RETAIL SALES THURS., FRI. &. SAT. WE RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES A Kansas paper relates it has been suggested Carsten's Quality Graded Beef U.S. Govt. lns.p. n:any times t~at the S'tatu~ of Lib~rty shoul~ be redeWhite Face Beef ~· signed, showmg the old girl holdmg a bag mstead of Young Steers and Heifers


• • • lb. 25c: GR



1 Block North of Airport on Canyon Road

We Retail at Wholesale Prices

BUILDING MATERIALS Cedar Split Posts . . . . . 37c: to 48c: Drain Tile - Sand - Cement low Grade Shiplap . . . $29M to $37M Reject Veneer - All Sizes Drop Siding & Flooring . . . • • $71 M

SUMMIT LUMBER GENERAL BUILDING SUPPLIES Rt. 13, Box 659 - Airport &. Canyon Road

We Deliver Rain or Shine

GR 8605


~~ :-: ~=


i I



SAVE! For Cooking and' Baking

3 Pkgs.

SWl.FTNJNG 3 lb. tin

; •1.00

· 79c



PURE GROUND BEEF • • 3 lbs. 89c: POT ROAST • • • • • • • • lb. llc BOILING BEEF • • • • • • • lb. 19c: SIR.LOIN STEAKS • • • • • • lb •. 53c: RIB STEAKS • • • • • • • • • lb. 45c BONELESS ROLLED 'ROAST lb. 49c GROUND ROUND • • • • lb. 49c BONELESS BEEF CUBES • • lb. 49c



a torch. pots of spring flowers .and [ the bride, and Mrs. David Beak baskets of roses and carnations and Mrs. Arnold Anderson. made a lovely setting for the Mr. Ashby, who is in the Air ceremony. Force. is presently on furlough; The bride entered on the arm he and his bride motoring to of her father, attired in a pink Texas to visit his parents. afternoon dress and carrying Sympathy an orchid surrounded by white Deepest sympathy from stock and freezias with white neighbors and friends goes to ribbon streamers. She was at- Mrs. Jessie Vinson and family I 11::11 tended •by Ellen Reed of Ta- on the death of her son, Fred coma, who carried a bouquet of W. Vinson, in Salem, Ore. Surbaby ms. James Ralph, a viving are his wife, Geraldine, cousin of the bride, acted as of the home; three sons," Fred best man for Mr. Ashby. Cand- W. Jr. of Oakland, Calif., Capt. I"""' les were lighted by Carole Alan E. of Washington, D.C., a Jones of Portland and Nancy (Continued On Page 6) Johnson of Tacoma. Archie La f1:S .Q Forge Jr., a cousin, sang "'Because" and "The Lord's PrayIO er," accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Archie La:Forge Sr. :! Seventy~five friends and rel· atives were in attendance. For the reception, refreshments ~ were served from a table covN ered with a beautiful white handmade lace cloth, centered by the ·bride's cake in Maltese Ill. cross form, with white candles ·· ' . 110 in crystal holders. If Your Not Making Mrs. Harvey Morgan, aunt of th.e bride, cut the cake and Marianne Morgan passed the groom's cake. Also assisting in serving were Mrs. Clarence Ralph, Mrs, Harry Holmberg and Mrs. Elden Polly, aunts of


Chili Bricks


69c lb.










on your farm, switch to "Fishers Quality Feeds" From

Summit Peed ·Co.

Home of' "Fisher's QU4lity Feeds"

Canyon Rd., next to Summit Trading Co. GR 7136

We Deliver






. . . • GR 8693 =

SORRY! We ran out .. Another Carloc:1d



10 cans $100 DS:MS:MRS:DI





SORRY! We ran out .. ~other Carload

ROSEDALE CORN 10 cans $100



uII S:llTllS:'I nay _..Iii mll"lllilllllillll811 lill lllll1111111




llllllllUll'tlll..,-llrl!lllllll B


We Have A Large Supply Of Hallmark Cards, Gifts and Candy




r • ..... Cl



a ~


N.B.C. Vanilla



GRanite 3691

Page 5

SMORGASB,ORD ·DINNER. Sunday. f.eb. 14. Be~inning at l:OO p.m. Spons9r~d by Rodger Lunde PostNo. 5052, YFW

Adults $1.00

NOT A Floor,.Samplel .NOT A 53 ModeU· 1

·But Brand *

Includes Federal Tax, 1-Year Picture Tube&. 90•Day Parts Warranties

Delu]!:e Full Door· Con$ole







APPLIANCES INC. 8401 Pacific: Avenue

Now ~laying ..So Big"









••. THE





I I-Repair Service WASHING MACHINE PARTS. Largest stock in town. Repairing that pleases. B.B.'s Washer Service, 3727 So. G. m 9409 11ctf

12-Used Autos I

FOR SALE - 1948 Chev. 2-dr. sedan; 5 new tires, new 30· month-guarantee battery; ex· cellent condition; $595; call G-R 7893. 12p22



DUPLEX . $5500 3-Business Service FURNISHED. Present income FOR SALE - '37 Plymouth 4· $105.00 per month. Auto hot door; good transportation; imusE MOVING; !leveling; water, wired 220, 3 fenced 12c22 foundatlons; cement work; lots. On city bus line. Garage. make oHer; GR 5203. free estimates. PR 2653. 3ctf Lots of shrubs, nice lawn. Call '40 DODGE pick-up; will trade Ralph Decker, HA 0365 or for dump truck or Hat bed; Rt. ACE SEPTIC TANK HA 3415. 3, Rox 291-B, Tacoma, Waller Road. 12p22 5 ACRES


AiRTIFIGTAL BREEDERS - claims against said deceased are Evergr. een Breeders Ass'n. $71 hereby required to serve the breeding fee; no charge on re-. same, duly verified, on said turns. Holstein, Guernsey, Jer- Jeanne E. Lampitt, executrix sey, Milking Shorthorn, Brown or her attorneys of record at Swiss, Ffereford. Call Puyal· the address below stated, and lup 5~{Qa. 16cH file the same with the Clerk of '· sa.id Court, together with proof BAY WARE - Large, gentle; of such service, within six trade f~J. smaller horse suit· months after the date of first _abl_e fo1..,~hi_ld; G~ 8236~ 16c22 publication of this notice or the same will be barred. ega ot1ces Date of first publication January 28, 1954. In the Superior Court of the JEANNE E. LAMPITT State of Washington, for the Executrix of said Estate'. County of Pierce 114 second Ave. S. E. Puyallup, Washington. IN THE MATTER OF THE JACOBS & PETERS ESTATE OF EVEREIT W. FULLER, De- I Attorneys for Estate 114 Second Ave. s. E. ceased: Puyallup, Washington. NO. 57280 Published in the Times.Journal NOTICE TO CREDITORS Jan 28· Feb 4 11 1954 . . . · ' · ' ' · Notice If'. hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as STERBICK &. STERBICK Executrix of the above entitled Attorneys estate; that all persons having 3S05Y2 So. Yakima Ave.


I N •

Tacoma, Wash. In the Superior' Court of the State of W<ishington, for the County of Pierce. In The Matter Of The Estate of WILLIAM HENRY SIELK, Deceased NO. 57433 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given tha1 the undersigned has been ap· pointed and has qualified as Executrix of the 3'bove entitled estate; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same! duly verified, on said Ex. ecutr1x or her attorneys of record at t~e address bel~w stated, and file t!1e same with the Cler)< of said Court, to~ether with proof of such serv· ice, w1thm sir months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be bar· red. Date of first publication 11th day of February', 1954.



90TH & WALLER RD. 1 bed· room bungalow, 5 years old. 13-Farm GR. iN'ew chicken house 15x55. 1 ___o. B. ACKLEY HI 5058 block to bus. Will sell equity HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of livestock; call or SJ\'lITH CABINET SHOP _ or. trade for house trailer. write Butch Grombach, Rt. 3, Hemodeling, kitchen cabinets; Price $6200. Call Dean Bruner Box 577, Puyallup; phone Puywe ~ell glass; 16309 So. Park, HA 0365 or GR 4438. allup 5-5621. 13ctf Spanaway, GR 7949. 3ctf 1918 SO. JAY CABINET WORK and general J $5.,250. TERMS. _Living room, carpentry work. New and re· dmmg room, kitchen, wired pair. Reasonable. Fre" "st.i- 1220. auto. hot water. 1 bed- WOMAN wants work ·by the mates. Phone GR 7320 after room down, 3 up. plastered in· hour; $1 per hour; call GR 14c22 5 p.m. 3p25 terior. Good garage. Call 3972 after 4 p.m. - - - - - Ralph Decker HA 0365 or HA ClilLD CARE in mY home by \'VE BUILD HOMES, remodel, 3415. day or week; 804 116th St. level buildings; cabinet work 14p22 concrete work. Reasonable'. McKinley R.ealhl GR 3550, MA 0706. 3cU •1 .. · 6311 McKinley Ave. HA 0365 ACCORDION lessons in your home; instrument furnished; :5EPTIC TANKS CLEANEDCorrtents hauled away. Don Member of call m 9547 collect; 141i;:tf Redfo¢, 8232 So. Fawcett. Tacoma Real Estate Board RELIABLE middle aged woGA 7334. If no a.'"1Swer call man will baby sit. Excellent GA 92'12. 3ctf 3 BEDROOM RAMBLER references. Call after 5 p.m.; FULL BASEMENT Puyallup 5-2511. 14c22 SEPTIC TANKS, CESS POOLS CLEANED ALL Master bedrooms. 22x14 Contents Hauled Away living room with fireplace DRESSMAKING and altera 14ctf Separate dining room. Roomy tions; GR 7257. Hutson kitchen with natural finished TANK CLEANING cabinets. 4-pc. bath. Utility 15-Misceflaneeus HI 3980 HA 7038 room wired for drier and Locker Meat Accepted washer. Hardwood floors BALANCE DUE $139.00; heavy throughout. 1460 sq. fl. Full duty Singer portable, fully RAY GOGAN concrete basement with auto automatic, sews forward and LANDSCOPE CONSTI:tUC- hot air furnace and rumpus reverse; terms; SINGER SE\V TION GENERAL landscap. room. 1-car garage and work· ING MACHIN~ CO., 116 2m ing service-- new lawns, shop. This home sparkles with Ave. S.E., Puyallup. 15c22 peat soil, topsoil, shrubbery, newness. All No. 1 lumber. In· rockeries. Nothing down, 36 sulated walls and ceiling. It's WHWPJ:NG CREAM, 85c a Qt. months to pay. GR 3127. 15p22 perfect in every detail, even to GR 7375. 3ctf price $12,750. Located South WANTED-Chickens and rah ELECTRIC CONTRACTING of Parkland. Selling G.I., con- bits. Call us before you sell 25 years experienced; licensed tract or bank terms. Eves Cope's Poultry Market, 703E & bonded; reasonable; Lee call GR 7068. Pacific Ave., Tacoma, Wash Corp, GR 7064. 3ctf HA 4406. l5ct 80 ACRES THINKING of Airfoam? U. S GOOD LAND. few stumps, no 8~\Nanted To Buy Koylon, Englander, Fireston \.. swamps, some cleared. 1 bed· WANTED-Buildings to wreck. room, kitchen and bath, liv- Foamex. See All Three of th We buy and sell used building able house. Good buy at $4500 leading sets at PARKWA materials. White Ball Lumber Some cash and so much a ' FURNITURE, '41st &. Pacific Co., Bingham Road, just west month. Near Bethel High Open till 9; GR 3941. School. Eves. GR 3272. of Summit View; GR 8591. 8clf BUI1JD1NG SITES W ANTED - Horses and old 80x242 on :So: 127th St., 200' cows for mink feed; Rt. 3, Box .from Pacific Ave. Ready to 577, Puyallup; phone Puyallup build on. Loaded with shrub5-5621. 8ctf bery and already fenced $1700. Eves. GR 7068. SFOT CASH 100x100 corner location on Pa~ For Your Used Furniture cific Ave. near Garfield St., 1 Piece or House Full $4750. Block's Furniture Mart 24 LOTS, Spanaway. Take all 8205 So. Tacoma Way for $1500. LA 2882 5 ACRES · COLLINS ROAD 9-Real Estate FIRST TIME listed. 4-bedroom, 4-01.CANS 1 good home, with basement. 2 303CANS • • car garage. Barn and chickfmam::mg 1 en house. Corner location and a good buy at $12,500. Terms 303CAHS 300CAMS WE NEED listings of all kinds. arranged. Eves. GR 3272. Farms, acreage, lots, building l ;;1les, homes, (new or old, 1, 2, · JAMES R.. LOR.ING FOREST WOOD for sale, al 3, 4, bedrooms). REAL ESTATE types; wholesale, retail; Smi JAMES R.. LOR.ING National Bank of Wash. Bldg ingell Bros., Rt. 1, Box 29, Eat· 15ct Eves. GR 7068 • Days GR 4148 onvillc. CEREAL REAL ESTATE Natl. Bank of Wash. Bldg. FOR SALE Piano $75.00 Economy Size Eves. Gr 7068 - Days GR 4148 . Daveno, bowed glass oak boo~ Homes rn Parkland Commun- case, rose sectional set. Trad ACREAGE w AN~ it~; Acreage close . In! either or cash. Phone GR 8615. 15c2 WE NEED acreage; 1 acre on with or without buildings. FOR. SALE-Boys and girls up. Have prospective buyers R.ealw bicycles, $25 each; GR 5577. for bare acreage; 1 to 4 bed• 'I 15ctf room houses. Need places 11220 Pacific Ave ···--·~ with chicken houses; have • FOR SALE - Bunk ·beds, com· parties who will trade for O!fice-Days, GR 3341 plete, $15; Montgomery-Ward homes in to\vn. No matter Evenings, YU 9221, HI 3315 washer, $20; 819 So. 96th St., a::-;_4;•~••:s,n~u;e;••~••=e:••~··~••3••~··~••:!,;••2.:,•~••:,,,:••·~ what you have in the country Agent for American Expre111 HI 8268. 15c22 ..........................................................., ....... , ...... , ......tt..• ..tt..• ...tt...+...o ...• .. tt..• ...tPl ~ --~------~-----­ we can be of service to you. Money Orders PARKLAND FURNITURE . ~@ For full cooperation and acNew and used miscellaneous; ti<?n call HA 0365. McKinley I 0-Rentals Airport & Pacific Ave.; :ResiHlll Real•ty. Mem'ber of Tac. dence Phone GR 3748. l5ctf ·~'•:!;••~n.a;n~··~u.a;n:t,;n~na;:••~n.~n;t;n;t;••~O~· R?al Estate l"!oard. 6311 Mc- FOR RENT House and SINGER TREADLES, com· t~o:;:u~o~tt:;:tt:+"!'u~tt~"~"'~,,.~...~o:;!4t~4,.!i°!4•!i°!•t; Kinley Ave. c9tf chicken house; 414 East 133rd pletely guaranteed; $9.95, Tender Young Beef St., GR 6009. . 10p22 $19.95, $27.95, $29.95. SING· Jennie I.. Grodvlg SLEEP.ING accornodations for ·ER SEWl!KG MACHINE CO., w 8 Lb. Bag 0 Large Size 4 students with a reading 11fi 2nd Ave. S.E., Puyallup. Parkland Realty room; block from the College; 1'5c22 ·<l Lean Meaty Insurance of Ali Kinds call GR 3149. 10c22 , !!!... FOR FLOWERS, lawns and Notary Public WANTED - 2 or 3 aged pe0- gardens try Puget Sound's ~ Est. in Parkland Since 1941 ple for board and room; com- Best, pure bone and meat m11m GR 7232 days fortable, homelike place, tele- meal; Puget Sound Render- lvision; GR 7476. lOctf ing; 8317 Tyler St. S.W., LA 1208 Garfield Street Red Bliss Combination 50 Lb. Carsten's Select 2434. 15ctf 11111 LOCKS & LOCK REPAIRS- f!ft $49 50.00 - Low Down Keys While-U-Wait. Parkland Cycle & Key. GR 5772_._ _ 11111 IMMEDIATE possession on this clean one bedroom home; Good - Tender Beef SINGER ELECTRIC CON· 0 garage and shed; V2 acre; close in. Call Orrin Moore, SOLE, completely gear driven, GR 3624, GR 54B9. Beautiful Hot House :A-1 condition; only $89.50; terms; SINGER SEWING A. Spanaway $4500.00 MACHINE CO., 116 2nd. Ave., Fresh 2-BEDROOM home vn 6 lots. Clean and neat. Garage, S. E., Puyallup. 15c22 ~ electric range. Low down payment, like rent. Call Helen USED METAL BED, coil spring O'Brien, GR 3624, GR 3558. and cotton mattress, complete Closing Cost $17.5.0. Parkway Furniture, I~ Ruby Gem I Lb. Ctn. Fresh 12-15 Size 141st & Pacfic Ave. Open till ::::» $4750.00 on this 2-bedroom home, wired 220, with '78'xl20' 9. GR 3941. lot; garage and shed; fruit and berries. Call Orrin Moore GR 3624, GR 5,1B9. TAP, ACROBATIC, BALLET classes. All ages. Mildred 4 Acres - Midland Keller, GR 7881. 15ctf ONE BEDROOM home and several other buildings. All FOR SALE Mixed grass hay, cleared i'or building sites or pasture. Priced at only $25 per ton; Ch.ester Reichel, $B500.00, Call Mr. Beisel, GR 3526, GR 7729. end of SmiU1 road; phone Yelm 7820. 15ctf Septic Tanks Gleaned



Executrix of said Estate ZELDA L. SIELK 38051h So. Yakima Ave. Tacoma, Washington STERBICK & STERBIOK Attorneys for Estate 38051h So. Yakima Ave. Tacoma, Washington Published in the Times-O'ournal Feb. H, 18, 25, 1954.

Well Brining Complete Water S y:utelTISI -

Northwest Well

Drimng Co.

WELL DR.ILi.iNG Berkeley Pumps e

Rt. 7, Box 140, Taooma GFl.anlte 0037


Sewing Machines Lowest Prices in Tacoma Necchi . Singer - White from $29.00

Call GR. 7281 Tacoma Pump &


Well Drilling Co. Rt. 7, Box 316 Terms -


Tacoma Trades

607 So· Pine

M:A 6393



, .....-i.


___.-::-:Stokel.y'• sOUo

5 ~ lOMllOES


G.• I.








fRllH flllJII








0 .....



Parkland Homes

Sold · Sold - Sold

I I.

s.~,_T,E;-~ If'-!

b~t 1.'.'e r;.eed !!!0!''2' li~th1g~ i:.""'nr Sfll'Vicc on your real estate problems, call any of the follow· ing people at GR 3:i36, GR 3684 or at the numbe1: following their nilmcs - - !VIr. Moore, GR 54B9; Helen O'Brien, GR 3358; Mr. Bl'iscl, GH 7729; ·:Mrs. Bier, GR 3213; Mr. Damme!, GR :ic:-M; Mrs. Halverson, LA 7610; Mr. Boyce, HI 5014.

s D ..'\YS,

SUBURBAf'J REALTY 11302 Pacific Avenue







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Jl.t..• ..tt..• ..tt..• .. tt......................................................... , ............~ ...................



DRIJ'-1 '-11

M . ~u~. ~Jt4'-~··~••;:;:• . .;£,••~n.:!;n~n~••a.:'~~··~··~··~··~n;,_.;n~•~lt~

~''~ . .






Large Size




.McDaniel's Finest Quality



6 7

• II




c ,~ c ""' c 0



• •

• •

BA.YER'S ASPIRIN . 2 for 12's . . . .








18 Tal:Jleh


• •

~ n m

• •


2 or 3 BEDiiOOMS, new 'and like n"w; G. I. tt:rms or low equity. Call Helen O'Brien, Gn 3624 or GR 3558.



Ho. 2!h CANS





Exira Large AA



Bert Brown



Carnation Instant


Insurance GRanite 3624


SEWING MACHINE - Elec· tric console; heautiful mahog· any cabinet; sews forward and reverse; only $97.50; terms; SINGER SEWING MACHINE rn 11~ ')nil AvP -~ 'R Pnv:ill~p:' --- ------- .. ' 15c22


SP BCIAL ORD.ER CAKESPhone GR 3330, Patty Ann Bakery. 15ctf

and Every Night

16-livestock, Equip CASH FOR milk cows, beef, heifers, veal and hogs. Call R. Thackeray collect. Puyallup 5-5414. l6ctf



Dolores Brown, Times-Journal, Citculation .Dept.; failure to make proper hand signal; warning ticket issued, WSP. <fib T)l.eis, Times Jourp!l.l General Manager; failure to stop at red. light. $5.00 fine, Tacoma Police Dept. , Loring J;~nsen, ~t. 13, . ~ox. 646, Tacohia; Speeding, Filled $25 and costs, PCS: Robert H. Campbell, Rt. 3, Box ;560, Puyallup; Speeding, B.F. $10, WSP. Donald D.·Mclntrye, 1703, 7th S.W., Puyallup; Failure to yield right of way, B.F. $10, WS'.P. George Bastaich, 9912 Sales Rd., Tacoma; Speeding, B.F. $10, WSP. Robert E. Southwell, Gen. I Del., Parkland; Failure to transfer title, B.F. $10, WSP. Edward· R. Hartman, Rt. 13, Box 632, Tacoma; Failure to stop for red traffic light, B.F. $10, WSP. Edward E. Otis, Rt. 1, Box 184E, Spanaway; No arterial stop, Defective equipment, and no registration, B.F. $25, WSP. James E. Dubacher, Rt. 1, Box 480G, Spanaway; Speeding, B.F. $10; WSP. I, the undersigned, certify Urnt the above list of violations is true and accurate; taken from official court dockets of the State of Washington. Luther C. Shelton


Please pass this m~ssage to a neighbor or friend and bring them · to ·the meetings in the Community hall. Refreshments . 1 are served.

INSURANCE CLAY ROLEY AGENCY 98th and Portland Avenue GR. 8501


ft.I A ) EnM&N'r Prices Effective Thurs. Noon ,

AIUll'llVC -


w... u...

.. · - - · -





D..: ...... ..11

___ ......

. . . . . . . "'9


Also Dry lumber Under Cover at Reasbnable Prices

.LEES, LUMBER Airport Road


? -·--


Thursday, Feb. 11, 1954


Vol. 9, No.


SECTION Published Every Thursday at Parkland, Wash.

GRanite 3466

lOc Per Copy

local Fishermen I

t Delux Rods If the fish had only known that Jack Trounce was going to be remodeling and desig1iing /

fishing rods for the local Izaac I Waltons, they probably would have taken to the hills-or the depths, wherever it is that fish take to-long ago. Jack, owner of the Jack Trounce Sporting Goods Store at 9450 Pacific A vc., has been working with rods and reels for the past nine years-both in the retail and wholesale sporting goods houses. He took over the present store about three years ago, and hasn't had an idle mo· ment since, what with re· modeling old rods and creating new ones-custom made to personal specifications.

The most popular rods Jack makes, he says, are variations of the Harnell 440 or 625. Both are glass rods. The 440 is about 6% feet long, used mostly for steel head or salmon mooching and trolling. One of Jack's trademarks is a longer handle, removable, so it may be adapted to any type ·of rod. His method of wrapping the guides onto the pole is differ· ent also, as he uses more and wraps them stronger than the

In the photo above, Trounce is shown beginning work on a rod-a job which requires great skill. "Rods are much less cxpens· ive, now," Jack concluded, "and an' of better construction. Especially the glass ones, which compose almost 75<,:i of the rods now made."

factory. The 625 is a longer rod, about BY;, to nine feet-designed primarily for salmon fishing and salt water use, although it can be used for steclheading too.

In the above photo, he is pictured working on a half completed rod. Jack makes the rods for both salmon and stee\head fishing--and custom fitted to the demands of the individual fisherman.

The handles Jack uses on his work range from .15 inches to 2 1h feet long, according to individual preferences. The inter· changable feature is unique with the custom made rods, as the manufactured ones are made all in one piece, with the handle moulded from the same stock as the rod.

Final Winter




SLIPPERS 85 pair of Nationally Advertised

1+'~ and 72 pair of other brands

Reg. to

3m99 18 Pair Misses, sizes 12 Y2 to 3 ....... :............... also


74 Pair of U.S. Gaylites Latex Rubber Toe Soots For Ladies. Med. and Hi-Heel Shoes. Reg. 1.95 .....


52 Pair of Ladies Size Sport Oxfords In Suedes and Leathers. Reg. 7.95 ................ now


76 Pair of Ladies Wedg1es Reg. 7.95 ................................................................ NoW


PARKLAND SHOE STORE 411 Garfield Open 10 · 6 GRanite 3526 Across from Parkland Post Office

AMaster Craftsman at Work creating a fishing rod before our eyes, is revealed in the photos above. Jack Trounce, owner of the Jack Trounce Sporting Goods Store, 9450 Pacific Ave., is shown placing a finished rod in a rack with other pieces of his handiwork. .-.Photos by McKewen Studio

Around the Studios '----11!1 C:lt111rlie lroolcs


Gordon MacRae, star of NBC's "The Railroad Hour," did an "after• show" following last week's broadcast before a most distinguished and private audience. Gordon's daughter, Heather, was celebrating her birthday with With so many pop artists dig- a . combination birthday and ging into .hack files of old hill· Hallowe'en cosbilly numbers and recording tume party at popular versions, the country the MacRae artists have evidently decided home. One ot Gordon MacRae the highlights turnabout is fair play. · of the soiree was to be a brief conDot's Mac Wiseman has re- cert, starring "Daddy." So as soon as corded hiHbilly versions of "The Railroad Hour" was off the air, Gordon leaped into his car "Love Letters .in the Sand" and drove home to fulfil his vocal backed by. "The Waltz Y~u commitment before a packed house Saved for Me." of 7.year-old goblins, skeletons, And Floyd Cramer has a nice witches, pumpkins and black cats! rendition df the oldie "Five Lai;t week Roy Rogers• received Rosi Schwaiger Foot Two, Eyes of BI~e," on a telegram from the Mayor of Yellville, Arkansas, who wanted legro Molto" from. the String the Abbott label. Roy to enter the national wild .Quar.tetin C Major •by Beethov-..• Remember when all the art- turkey calling contest there on en, . "Adagio" from · the .String ists were singing. "Goodnight Ocfob.er 31st. Roy, as busy as ever Quintet tiy Bruckner, . Five Irene"? They evidently . sang with his NBC radio and television German Dances . by Schubert her to sleep, as Hank Th'OilllP· shows, declined with. thanks and jokingly admitted: "Besides, I'm and ."Vie.nna Blopd" by Strauss'. s.on's lates;,on C!lJpito1 is "Wake not .sure I can call a wild turkey, Miss Schvraiger will sing Up, Irene. though I sure can call hogs!"

''Voices• of Spring" by Strauss, ancl four songs by Mozart. Elfried.e Bachner, first vio~ linist, will play "Adagio" from the Violin Concerto in C Major by Haydn. Tickets are available at the ;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;t;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;::=:;:::;::;:;:;::;: die as. Dr. Quincy .Adams Jam· j college,. and telephone orders • .• 'es, Jr,; Ellis Johnson as Bill will be taken at GRanite 8611. Dobbs; Mrs .. Lois Legg as.Mrs. . ·. . ..· . .. Gordon (Yvette Yvet); . Miss . · .· . Helen Clarke as Evelyn Snow; 1sway the. jury around to her Mrs. Dorothy Foster as Sus- way of thinking.

M.!tchell Torok, the newsongwntmg sensation whose numbers are being recorded.in both the popul!lJl• and country field is .proving he can sing as weli a~ compose. His recording of his own song, "Hootchy Kootchy Henry," on Abbott, should make a hit with country-music fans. 1 O'DHER GOOD R ELEASES are "I Love You" (Ginny Wright Fabor) ; "Let Me Be

·... ·. ..•N.·.. •s . ·of the. Helen Lucille y A.· :cU· G.··•.'.H.· ...··.A, . .··.1.1 ann.e N.·.court; i·e·d•. U.b.b··a.·e·n· ·courtreporter ··.a•. s •t.he.. l. e. r.·k···..•. Produ.Mantz ·c.·tion·. and .commit. t.ees Nao· are HI 9'~' &4th a:. Paaric Afti· Iand two waiters. nan, prompters; Helen Scott

S'tar);,"Yoti All Come" (:by the the. One" (Hank .L· ·.ck.lin, .4· composer, Arlie Duff, Starday) ·






.····•·· ....· .·..· ....•.. · . - ...Iii, Livingston .· The play Baldwin centers. around Mrs. Edith Ramsay, and Crane who Lasley, . properties;


Corneli~ Robert

duti ..l.ly.. ·1.f.il.·l·s· . er c1··v.• ic. of duty .. .a.nd. Moore, t.he s.t.ageLeona c.rew, Sum· sta.gby . ·.fu becommg . a hmember a l.yvh1'.te mg; Inez .jury· trying .Yvette Gordon for mers and the typing ·classes, the murder of her husband. · programs. As the jury goes behind . Donald Tracey and the art locked doors' to decide the classes, advertising; Loismarie fat~, of the defendent, Mrs. Doerner and Helen. Feutz, tic· Crane finds herself In oppos· ketF Athyleen. Nicholson, the ition to the other jurors. busmess education classes, Joe

~I'!:=::-~-~-:--~. _:__::-~-:--:-·::~l~l;;;;M~r~s-~·~C~ra~n~e~th~e~n~·.~a~tt~e~m~p~ts~t~o ~ Ii


"Hi There, Swee,t Thing" (GeO: McCormick, MGM); "I



G. .My_ .Wedd1.·ng 4. way (Kitty Wells, Dres.s Decal); "Why Did You· Leave Me Broken Hearted?" (Rocky .Ranch Boys,,, Mel?dy Guy); "Yo Yo Heart (Bill Taylor, 4 Star); "God Was So Good" (Jimmy Walker, ~GM); "The ~ed Deck 0 ~ Cards (Pee Wee King, RCA

The outstanding versatility of Loretta Young, charming star or NBC's "Letter To Loretta" televi-. sion series, has never been given as great an· opportunity of dramatic expression than it is currently en· joying in the television mediumfor the glamorous Loretta will por· tray over thirty completely different characters in as many weeks on the video program. As a further accent on variety, Loretta has carefully. planned her wardrobe and makeup so that she will not look the same from week to week. This is done by the use of wigs, which will change her hair from blonde to black to her own natural brownette shade, arid from short to long ... all with the aid of the hairdressers' art. The one element· that won't change, however; is the beauty of the star henlelf, who acts as hostess as well as leading lady in each of the weekly "Letters To Lorena·• features,,


So.ntris, the Lincoln News, pub- Victor). 11c1ty~ SACRED

RELEASES: "I Proceeds from .the . play Have a ~esire" (Swanee River will be donat.ed to the fund Boys, King); "Supper-Time" for new. 'auditorium drapes. •(Ji~e Davis•. Decca>_;, '.'In the Any bal.ance will be used for Sunshme of His Love (Bqek· .

DANIELS HARDWARE Pacific Ave. &. Garfleld GR. 30'1


Your Clothes Come lack Smelling· Sweet and Clean as a Newly Blossomed Rpse, wl\en you Send. Them To The

~t.e~~e~q~,'.f~ .="~.'u~nd .·

.• .. •.•• Summers studied at t·.he·.·stu.• the University Of· Southern california, and ~orked · sununers acting and directing in California. ;tie also studied at Columbia Uni· versity In New York. He was in the legitimate theater. in Hollywood, and . hiS latest ·background is a master degree in the division of drama at the University of Southern California. HAV~. YOUR . CABINETS

North. of the Barik Corner

CUSTOM BUILT At• No Extra COst RHON!E'S CABINET SHOP 161st .&. Park Ave. QRanlte 3841

~~lY!arty .~.~. ~!·f.o.~n~!k.;e·.·ro· .u.e: 10.·~d~ 1


. Robbins, Columbia),; ·· I l1 Be No Stranger There (M~d<!?,~ J?:rothers & R~~e, De~; ca).' sia:rway ,to Heaven (Slim Whitman, Imperial).








Phene GR. 8688


lnstallatl.on & Repalra

Sheet Metal W ~rk Poultry &: . Pet Stock Equipment Special Attentiono to Special Equipment

RAU MFG. CO. GRanite 7372


RADIO SERVICE 405 Garfield St. for service phone ·GR Sll91

Quid: relief! NEPHROH · INHALATION TH ERAP.)' h11 helpeel countlcu tho1111md1. Ask about our Trt.l offer. See rour Druggist or write NEPHRON COM· P_.tl,ijY, TeGOme I, Wash. . . ·

Top Vegetables With Cheese

PLC News Notes

'fhursday,. ]'eb; 11. 1954

'' ··Page 3



The Rev. Herbert G. Lod· digs of Los Angeles, Calif., is the speaker for spiritual emphasis week at Pacific Lutheran College. The series of meeting~ began Monday and will continue Teacher: "What tense is: 'I through Friday. am beautiful' ? " Rev. Loddigs gives the adLittle Boy: " Past." dress at chapel each morning and at the inspirational services each ·evening at 6:45 p.m. DurAt the coming school el!'!ction ing the day he conducts counselto be held March 9th, 1954, the ing interviews. Franklin Pierce District will: ask The speaker was interned by for: · the Japanese in the Philippines Proposition No. 1-7 m111s / during the war, and spent over special levy to the general fund three years in a prison camp. for kindergarten operation. He was enroute to China as a Proposition No. 2.:...7 mills missionary when war broke out. special levy to the building From 1946-49 he served in fund to be used in the construe· China. tion and lighting of the ath· * * * !die field. Dr. S. C. Eastvold, P.L.S. In answer to a question which president, will attend a series has been asked many times, it of board meetings and confer· should be remembered that ences in Minneapolis, Minnebuilding fund money has alsota next week. ready been passed for the con· He will meet also with the struction of much needed classcommittee planning the bienroom space, and these classnial convention .of the Evangelrooms will be constructed as ical Lutheran Church to be held It 'akes a lot of skilled care and soon as State money has been hours of exercise for young David allocated. in June. Dr. Eastvold is first Payne (If Los Angeles to fight his vice-president of the ELC. Additional information on this way back from polio. David's physical therapist, Jean Cum- election will be released in the mins of Orthopedic Hospital Is near future.

:~------~-~-------9 SCHOOL NEWS · ~ F. P. District· Asks 14 Mills Stretch to Health

Here are two hints to make vegetables look their best, taste their best: plan unusual platter arrangements and serve with cheese ~auce for color, flavor and good nutrition. As the highlight of a luncheon plate, a whole cooked cauliflower looks inviting with a golden cheese topping. Provide contrast with whole green beans and broiled tomatoes. Y 011 can make a quick cheese sauce by melting pasteurized process cheese food with a little milk. Or use a new pasteurized process cheese spread which needs only to be heated and it becomes a sauce. Vegetable .I,ullcheon Plate !h pound pasteurized Broiled tomato halves process cheese food Hot buttered whole green bums % cup milk PimentO sfripli · 1 cauliffowcr Melt the cheese fond in the top of a double boiler. Add the milk gradually, stirring constantly ·mtil the sauce is smooth. Cook the whole cauliflower, drain well and p: '1cc it in the center of a round chop plate. Pour the hot cheese sauce O\'Pl" it <rnd sunound il with broiled tomato halves,

and R~·eep !1fans g-ai·nishPd \\·ith piinento st1·irs·.

County Agents' Corner By George Purcell

TIC-Toe· JEWELIY 10331 PACIFIC AVE. Repairing of Fine Watches Our Specialty

GIVE the

Crystal Springs Members of the Crystal Springs , Garden club will answer roll call by displaying Valentine corsages at the group's meeting Friday, Feb. 12. Mrs. Ed Hinderlie, 11861 Park Ave., will be hostess for a noon luncheon, with Mrs. Al· bert Blades as co-hostess. The conservation chairman will give her annual report and Mrs. H. L. Halvorson will discuss indoor planting.


DO'RETTE CHOCOLATES in Lovely Heart Boxes Wide Assortment to Choose From Get Them F R E i H at The

DORETTE CANDY FACTORY On Hiway 99, Tacoma, Washington

Watch for the Sign

Open Every Day - 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

We Mail Chocolates For Your Convenience



Suburban Realty 11302 Pacific Ave. Mrs. A.vyce Combs

GR 3624 .. GR 3136

The Tacoma Elks club which along with many other organizations actively support Pierce County 4-H clubs have recently purchased 13 new 'flag sets and gavels .for use ·by 4-H clubs. The flags include American flag and 4-H flag plus a gavel. They are used iby .each club at the i!Jeginning c;f their meeting when the members all stand and repeat "pledge al1egiance to the flag and to the republic for which it stands, etc." Each of 'these· sets cost several dollars each. This is time of year for. new 4-H clubs to get started if you do not alre'ady have one or want another one in your neighbor· hood; contact us in the Court House at Tacoma and we will work with you in the organ\· zation Which is actually not very complicated. There are no dues to pay, no uniflorm to buy. Members are 10 to 21 years df age. Must •be 10 by next September 30. Nominal cost summer ·camp wiH be a· vailable to all 4-H'ers. Many leaders say they learn right along with the memibers.

teaching him to re·educ;.te mus· cles damaged by the disease. Miss Cummins• own training and David's after-care are paid for out of March of Dimes funds. The drive to fight polio Is from Jan· uary 2 to 31. Give generously.

BULLDOZING Leveling Road Grading Landseaplog & Back Flllng Top S,p,11 Large and Small Dozeni

Frank Rearden GR. 5758

If you are too busy to pray, you are too busy.


Plumbing &: Heating GR 37UJ New Installations Repairing Pumps, Hot

Water Heaters, Washers Sluggish Drains


Shop Located at 770 South 120th

rices Slashed on PLUMBING SUPPLIES

Garden Club The Violet Prairie Garden club wiJ.1 meet for a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon Friday, Feb. 12, at the home of Mrs. Floyd Skinner on Sales road. Mrs. Fred Danielson is the assisting hostess. Members are reminded to bring "white elephants" wrapped as Valetines.

Science Services Told How spiritual understanding of God brings health and har· mony into human experience will be brought out in the lesson - sermon entitled "Soul" which will be read at Christian Science services Stmday.

Auto Insurance 10/20/5 As Low As $12.50

Semi-Annually Check us for other rates Comprehensive & Collision Farmers Mutual of Enumclaw ED MAREK 12909 Pac. Ave. GR 3100

Complete 3-Pc. Bath Set Reduced to $119 .50 Including: 5 Ft. Recess Tub with filler and overflow. China Wash Basin with center set faucet, P.O. Plub and Trays. Reg. 2.70

11/4" Chrome P Traps • • • now 1.85 112" Hose Faucets, reg. 1.35 • now 87c 112" Galv. Elbows, reg. 23c: • now 15c These Prices Good For Limited. Time Only

All Materials - • No, Down Payment Pay as Low as $5.00 Per Month

Thursday, Feb. 11, 1954 Th.e TI.MES-JOURNAL

Page 4 ..







Wind Instrument · 1

Here's the.. Answer

llORIZON'l'AL VERTICAL I Depicted 1 Flag musical 2 South Instrument American 9 It is used in rodent bands 3 Disenc.umlxir 13 Stirs .4 Pronoun 14 Pouting 5 Story grimace 6 Pertaining to l5 Bow slightly the ear 16 Climbing '1 Tidy 24 Lassos plant 8 Domestic slave 26 Abandon 1,8 Age 9 Part •of "be" 33 It has ---: 19 Greek letter 10 Fish eggs 34 Greek youth 20 Reading desk 11 Slaughter 36 Face 22 Physician 12 Longs 37 Revised . (ab.) . 17 Area measure 42 Chemical 23 Volcano in 20 Soaped suffix Sicily 21 Balloon cars 43 ·ogle 25 Prayer ending 27Tumult · I z 3 ~ s ~ 1 a 28Vehicles 29 Exclamation B . of surprise 30 Comparative i ~ ~~ suffix 31 Symbol for ro 9 ~ selenium m ~ 32Behold! 33Swerve ? ~ u 35 Affection c=:::: 38Church recess ~ 89 City in Oklahoma M . 40 Left hand (ab.) B ~ 41 Monetary units 35 .47 Chinese city ~ w ·48 Letter of u ~~ alphabet 00 50 Girl's name ~ ~ ~ '51Consume y n 52 Spanish river ~ 54Alienate ~ 5~ :56Dispatch i57.Took offense



44Misp.face 45Insects 46'Unusual 49Sea eagle 51 Adjective suffix 53 Hypothetical force · 550ne ~





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* * *


~-~~ lttJJVors

Mrs. Milton H. Schroeder






~m SS

District Meeting Planned For VFW Auxiliaries Here Third District of the Ladies Auxiliary to ·the Veterans of Foreign Wars meet Friday at 8 p.m., in the Elias J. Messenger Hall, 6229 South Ta· coma Way. Mrs. Raymond Mu11caster will preside over the business session, at which time a trustee will be elected, and reports of committees will be heard. All auxiliary presidents are .port on the activities of their auxiliary. Among the visitors for the evening will be Mrs. Emanuel Karch, of Tacoma, state vice president; Mrs. Julia Lipscomb, of Yakima, state president; Mrs. Agnes Redfield, of Aber· deen. Rodger Lunde and Messeng· er auxiliaries will be hostesses for .the refreshment hour to ' follow the meeting.

011Jyf!.o7Jli!' lft. • iillv £84. fQ:

Atrti'IJ/sr.at sweep tifl

11eood1 b11d. Na1ura1 iffd·IJll1deofll.Ralflld 11

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LAKEWOOD JEWELERS Opposite New Center Bldg. 96(11 Gravelly Lake Dr. .L.f.kewood 4311

The Fourth District Rehabilitation chairman, Mrs. Myron Paulson, Olympia; will officiate at American Lake Veteran's HospitaLFriday night when the district sponsors ·•.5J. dance for the patients of the hospital. Members of the Auxiliary will be present to dance with the patients and help entertain. Re· freshments will be furnished and served by the Auxiliary members. Music for dancing is being donated by the Olympia Musicians Union through the Petrillo Fund. Dancing will be· gin at 7:30.



lll!ltY U'..JfltYr&



Campaign Opens; Supplements UGN

Television show is being plan· ned. The show will be on the air, February 26 at 4:30 p.m. over station KTKT-TV and will be shown during the Dandy Time program: The entire show will be per· formed by the Juniors of the American Legion Auxiliary and include Juniors .from Units in the fourth district. A practice date 11as been set for February 20 at the Legion Hall in Spanaway. Any one in· terested in getting in the show may call Mrs. Drake at HI 5880. Approximately 20 junior gi:rls will be needed for the show and reservations must be made previous to the show. The only requirement necessary for admittance is membership in the American Legion Auxiliary. Eligibility for membership can be explained by caJling Mrs. Drake or Mrs. J. E. Wormald, GA 6810. Mrs. W. P. Blackstone of the Parkland Unit is acting as co. director for the show.



A pessimistic wife is one who has the pork chops .cooked when1her husband comes home from a fishing trip.

LE GlO N NEWS Mrs. Milton H. ·Schroeder, Department Pr.esident of the American Legion Aurilia.ry, will be honored at a Brunch Thursday morning at the home of

d• • *


By Phyllis Blackstone 4th Dist. Publicity Chmn.


Cog Hearl Fund

9uotable 9uip Russian faces at Helsinki, Finland, were said to have been red when it was pointed out to them that a portrait of Stalin was leaning to the right.

Mrs. Roy Van Antwerp of McChord Air Field. Members of the Parkland Unit assisting the hostess are: Mesdames James Jensen, Sam Carta, Walter Fritz and Willard Blackstone. Mrs. James Linder, 4th Dist· rict President and also a Past President of the Parkland Unit, will escort the Department President on many tours of interest during her three day visit in this district. . The guest list for the Brunch includes, Mesdames Wendell Jones, Tommye Jefferson, Peter Pasero, R. W. Marsden, Andrew Williamson, Harry Berg, Irma Long, James Jensen, Sam Carta, Walter Fritz, Willard Blackstone, James Linder and Clee Perry, 4th District Vice President. Thursday evening, a dinner and meeting will be held at the Country House where the Department President will meet women from all of the Units in this area. An invitation is extended to all members of the Auxiliary and the public to at· tend this dinner and meeting. Reservations for the dinner may be made by calling Mrs. Ha.rry Berg, HA 1872.

26K PClub M ing Monday

* * *

Under the direction of Mrs. Riley Drake, Junior Activity chairman of the Clover Creek Unit No. 118 at Spanaway, a

Bethel Hi p.TA Will Hold Family Dance

The next meeting of the 26K Republican club •:vill be held Tuesday evening, Feb. 16, at 8:00 o'clock in the Spanaway fire hall. A. B. ~Kim) Comfort will give the club a talk on Lincoln and other subjects. He is a very fluent speaker and all members of the club, as well as the general public, are urged to attend. A round-table discussion will follow the talk and refresh· ments will be served. Harold Crisman will preside.

A family Valetine dance will be held at Bethel high school Saturday evening, Feb. 13, under sponsorship of the P-TA. An attractive intermission pro: gram is promised and refreshments will be served. All peo· ple of the community are.cord· iaJly invited.



Announce Opening of Craft Guild Classes

* * *

The 4th District Units Coun· cil met last week at the American Legion Hall of Post No. 138, Tacoma. Hostesses for the day were the Past President's Parley of Unit No. 138, Mrs. George Haddon, president of the parley was the chairman. Entertainment was furnished by the losing team for the membership drive held recently in this district. The following women portrayed a skit using the theme, "How Much Is That Doggie In The Window": Mesdames Hannah Hazelton, Harry Berg, Peter Pasero, A. N. Ohlinger, Shirley Thomas, Lona Jorgensen and Andrew Williamwnl Captain of the losing team. Mrs. Clee Perry, membership chairman, reported the fourth district has only 63 members to get in order to reach the district quota of 1177 members. To date only five units in this district are behind on their quotas.

The 1954 Heart Fund Drive got under way Monday in all Pierce County com.munities which have not had an organized fund drive. The county drive is designed to supplement contributions given by Tacoma residents during the United Good N'eighbor Fund Drive with which the Heart Association is affiliated. The drive is sponsored by the Pierce County Unit of the Washington State l;eart Association. Red, heart-shaped coin boxes will be distributed in public places throughout the county. Mrs. Willard Andre, Alpha Phi representative on the county board, will be assisted by alum· nae and active members of that sorority in distributing the boxes. Dr. G. M. Whitacre, chair· man of the. Pierce County Unit, said, "We are investing in education looking toward a broad· er understanding of the heart problem and the destruction of harmful misconceptions, and looking as well, toward the speediest possible transmission of new research findings to physicians." ,.Pn the board are Dr. Frank R. Maddison, Dr. G. M. Whitacre, .Or. Max Thomas, Mrs. H. Trevor McLain, A • H. Brouse, Dr. Lawrence Brigham, Robert Lloyd. Mrs. Robert Stein, Mrs. Robert S. Gruver, Mrs. Edward T. Bown;Hln, Mrs. Willard Andre, Mrs. Homer Humiston, Mrs. R. S. Wia;inwright and Miss Nora Hall.

Classes in copper tooling will be offered to members of ·the Craft Guild of the South Park Community center from March 4 through 18. Those interested in this craft should contact Mrs. H. C. Wiemer, HA 7152, for list of supplies by Feb. 18. There wlll also be other classes offered at this time: Shellcraft, from March 4 through 18; enameling on copper, March 25 through April 1.


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le-to 25c

Hankies • • • • • 49c Japanese China


Cups & Saucers 89e Many Other Nice Valentine Gifts

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4 patterns to choose from


UtO VY reC HDCJ Transmissions Rear-Ends Good Tires ·1


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CUSTOM WORK Seed Bed Preparation Jess Maddox



GR 8101

Open 8 a.m. Till 8 p1m.

Thursday, Feb. 11, 1954 The TIMES-JOURNAL

Page 5

Infants' Sleeping Bags Provide Ample Comfort



Check correct word.

1. (Blue) (pink) is the accepted color for baby boys. 2. The chrysanthemum is the official flower for (May) (November). 3. Topaz is the birthstone for those born in (May} '(November). 4. The Peninsular State is (Florida) (Maine). 5. The 45th wedding anniversary is called the (Bronze) (Sapphire) anniversary. 6. The Dionne quintuplets were born in (1931)

To your baby, the right kind of clothing is just as important as the righl ldnd of food. Pedi· a tricians say that restricting clothing is unhealthy. They add that clothing should be loose enough to permit baby to move around easily, particu· larly in his sleep. One sMe and. con1)fortable garment designed for just such a purpose is a sl0eping bag that provides lots of room to wig· glc and kick.


7, (Henry) (Knox) was the middle name of Presi-' dent James Polk. 8; Harry S. Truman's wife's name is (Marjorie) (Bess). 9. The U. S. is divided into (4) (6) time belts. 10. A midinette is a (Parisian shop girl} ·(dress design). Check your answers, scoring yourself 10 points for each

correct choice. A score of 0-20 is poor; 30-00, average; 70-1l0, superiorr 90-100, very superior.


Decoded Intelligram 1.f!! doqs




ueJsr.rea-or ·v-6



·eppol..i{-y ·.r;iqWilAON-& '.l'&qUl'>AON-Z

PLC Student Wives Hear Nutritionist The Lady Lutes of Pacific Lutheran College met Tuesday, at 7:'30 p.m., in the upper lounge of th.e Student Union· Bldg., to hear Miss Carolin Sullivan, 1rntritionist for the Washington State Dairy Council. Hostesses were Mrs. Walte.It Jencks and Mrs. Ronald Ab· berger.

HARDWARE Fuller Paint • Republic Paint - Dramex Super Kemtone Complete Stock Save Time & Money

MAGDANZ Lumber & Hardware 11401 Pacific Ave. ·GR. 5538 Open Eve. 'Til 8 p.m.

Prescriptions .arefully

Fresh Irlswin at Downtown Prices. Pay phone bills here

Tincher's Pharmacy


' By the Dept. of Health Sciences


P-TA, Preschool Plan Program To Honor Founders Parkland P-TA and Preschool will hold a joint meeting in the school auditorium Thursday evening, Feb. 18, beginning at 7:45 o'clock. The two m·esidents, Mrs. Travers Dryer for the P~TA and Mrs. Virgil Flynn for the Preschool, .Will preside. The event will h<:lnor Founders Day. .. The Parkland school junior band will play several selections under the direction of Mr. Winters, after which the Preschool will have charge of the invocation, Leroy Spitzer singing. The Founders Day program will feature recognition of all past presidents of both P-TA and Preschool, who will be spec· ial guests. Beth Krell wiU show slides of her last summer's trip to England. Orville Weeks will speak on school millage. An informal social hour will be enjoyed at the close . of the meeting. Rummage Sale A rummage sale is planned by the two .groups on March 15. For pick-up, .call Mrs. William Hart at GR 3758 or Mrs. John Swanson at GR 6463.

7239 Park Ave. HI 3344 Across from Fern Hill P.O.

Time tell on a man ... espe· cially a goor time.




Bruce Gambill

1750 9th

St. S.W .. Puyallup

Basements, Backfills, Driveways, Clearing, Leveling, Etc. F'ill Dirt - Gravel • Top Soil Dozers-Large and Small Ph •. Puyanup ?J·Z452 • 5~5487 • Estimates Cheerfully Given

ll's Your Health

Staff of the University of Wash. Appetite in Childhood . We al know how illness, physical i~e<:ds, exercise, food likes and dislikes, surroundings. and our emotions can affecl our desire for food But,. we sometimes f?r~et thal: small children are s1m1larly affected The science of nutrition has made sueh an impression on us .that we feel that certain foods in certain quantities must be fed to children even if it means a struggle which it usually does. Appetite is a vari· able thing at any age. Of course, we want our children to receive the best possible diet, but it often seems that this very natural function develops into a fight between parents afld their children. In turn, the doctor frequent· ly hears the question "Why won't my child eat? There are many reasons for sudden loss of appetite in childhood, some of which have been suggested above. However there is one period of child: hood during which this com· plaint becomes so marked, ,that doctors have come to recognize it as a common "problem" despite the fact that the child is not sick, and there is 110 immediate cure for the symptom. Sometime between che ages of one and three years appetite drops off sharply. Your chub· by, healthy baby who happily gurgled (and gargled) down everything you placed in his mouth for more than a year, suddenly refuses to be fed. He turns away from his favorite foods and begins to make more of a mess out oi mealtime.

At the same time, it protects a baby of throe months will baby from drafts and prevents also be right for a baby at the him from crawling over the side age of three years. of the crib, The secret lies ir:l the double This sleeping bag has a long line of stitches aL the barrel zipper that allo\;s moth~r to I bott011;1. They let out for a total change baby's diaper without. of 12 rnches. The sleeves grow, removing the garment. And too. there's additional safety in the This bag comes in fabrics for zipper tab closing, which can't" all seasons: heavy wool for winhe opened by small fingers. kr weather; coiton flannelette Best on the budget, this gar· or blanket cloth for chilly >veament grows with ,[he baby. The ther and cotton plissc for warm same sleeping garment right for months. Force seems only to make it worse, and example and coaxing are similarly unsuccessful. To confirm your fears that he is not getting what he needs, his weight suddenly stops progressing an·d he may even lose slightly between weighings. To most doctors this pattern is so common as lo constitute no difficulty in diagonosis and handling. The simple fact is that the bab.,ir just doesn't need as much food as before. However, :11any parents who do n_ot .receive helpful advice at tfos time may struggle anxious:y, even bitlerly, with 1heir clulrl for rnon1hs before the comht10n seems to n'solve itself. And, indeed, bad handling '.11ay set. in motion· poor eat'"? habits for the rest of childhood. A few suggestions may help in handline the situation. Quiet relaxatJOn from strenuous play before meals often enhances appetite. Early encouragement of self-feeding, and some consideration of the child's likes and dislikes is also recommendecl. Small servings are essential; let him return for seconds. Set the food before him and allow him a reasonable time to complete his meal. Try to avoid undue emphasis on eating. Dis· cussion of family problems is not recommended for the dinner table.



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• '

Franklin Pierce Upsets E t ·11 Q · t 47 38 n ~n~!~!ra!lin Piere~~di>;als bun~: sting. ing. 47 to 38 defeat on the Eatonville Crmsers last ~

week in a game played on the Cardinals home floor. Seems •uke quite a. spurt of Eatonville, on.e of the stronger teams in the West activity with horseshoers get- Central League, started fast, gaining a 5 to 0 lead ting busy, people swapping ibefore the Cardinals found themselves. horses, looking at ·new· trailers By the end of the first quarter Franklin or .fixing over their. old one. It had taken .a two.point lead and from that•point happens ..every spring! on were .never headed. Twin Rivers Riding ·Club an· nounce a· dance to be held Sat· Jim Van Beeir: with some dead-eye shooting from urday night, March 6th. Sure to the key led the scorers for the evening contributing

18 points for the winners. · Teammate Ron .Curlis garnered 13 · points mostly on long accurate set shots. The Cardinals played heads-up ball throughout the. whole game dominating the backboards and showing a lot of team spirit. · Franklin Pierce Eatonville Van Beek {18) ................ F .................. (15) Longston Curtis (13) ...................... F .................... (7) Toulouse Frantsen ..................... ,..•...... C.................... (7) Morrison Ransler (4) .............. ,....... G., ...................... (7) O'Neil Erlandson (7) ............. , ...• G ........................ T. Harper Cook ( 5) ....•.......•...•.•......•...........•.............. Ted Harper Coltom ......................................... ,.......... (2) Jacobsen ........................ :......... White ···················"······ Del Gianni

THE •SPORTING. TIMES · - - - - - - - By ROG


THE HUMAN BUZZ-SAW Probably the closest thing to a. tropical hurricane boxing fans have ever seen in a boxing ring was Hammering Henry ·Arm· strong. Aiwstrong held many .titles on his way up :from the. amateur renks an~ will porbaibly be remembered best because he held. three world championship titles at one time. He ts the only. boxer ever to hold so many .cfowns at one time. . . Armstrong was . the busl· est fight~r that ever. wore a pair of boxing gloves. When h.e left his dressing room to take the walk.tO the rtl'lg he danced and shadow· boxed all the way . and coh· tinued these antics until the bell sounded for the start of · the fight. ·

When the bell sounded .he rushed to .the center of the ring and started throwing. . short punches to the body. This was his procedure ill every match. After a few punches he moved to the head with long right hands and constantly pressed his opponent.




get back in action. He was a marvelous. boxer and could throw punches at his opponents from any posltlon. He carried. a knockout punch In either hand and his record indicates a good percentage of knockout~.

The only flaw in Armstrong's armor was the fact that he. cut quite easily.. On mahy oceasions. he looked in much.worse condition than his opponent due to the. blood flowing from cuts on his face. This however, only made Hammering Hank want to fight all the more. To win the match was all that he had on his mind. . In a match wit}i Le~ Ambers for the championship, . Arm· strong suffered a severe cut in his mouth and was bleeding badly. . The rmg was covered with blood from the wound and the referee threatened to halt the"' bout and award the match to Ambers. Armstrong .begged the r~feree to let tlhe. fight go_ on, smce ~e ~as leadmg on po1~ts, and p10mi.sed to stop bleeding.


During .the remainder of

The rounds JUst. d1dn t last long enough for .Armstrong. When he was throwing leather • fast and hard he was. the happiest After the bell .he would stand hi• his c:orner .between rounds instead. of sitting OlJ a stool, be'. cause he could hardly wait to

ROLLINS, AUTO Send your news items to Larry's Mt. Vde\V Cleaners, 13'.ith & Pacific Ave., phone GR 3261.

"Sometimes," said the mistre~s to the new maid,"it will be necessary for. you to help the butler upstairs."


"'You Be

The Judge Try



1<>81$ Pacific Ave.

(Continued On Page 7)



7 Days a Week



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And• •his Orchestra .. Every Saturday at the

Fruitlan~ . . Grange Dance Jamb*ee 7 MHea . ~~~. of Pacific Ave.. on Alrp.ol't Road Danelng ~130 ~ ~=09 " Admission $1.00



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