Times journal v 7 no 44 jul 17, 1952

Page 1


,_ JULY 17, 1952 (VOL. 7, NO. 44)





118th and Pacific Avenue Phone GRanitc 71PQ DEADLINE: News, Monday Noon; Advertising, Tuesday Noon


DIRECTED PLAY Ne Fire Permits friendship Cruise Wednesday EVES OF NATION Bus Service For Parklallttci:,,~ FOR PARKLAND t' Cl b ON DD EASTVOlD; . ·A· ·. ·d·.· ·s·· ·. · .. l A *"'~;· 'KIDS ASSURED ----for Fnends o Bus mess u LAUDED IN PREssi· .n . .· • panaway oop .reas "~;:::::::,~.::~:::~,'.1:';;~:·"~ legion News P

U. S. POSTAGE PAID Sec. 34.66 P. L. & R. Tacoma, 'Wash. Permit No. 51

l!OXHOLDER. OR. OCCUPANT RURAL ROUTE POSTMASTER-If unable to deliver, :;ctun; postage is guaranteed.

Parkland •Post :ind Um~ No. American Legion .·


. m



C. R. Marsh of Pierce County Fire District No. 6 (Parkland) states that no fire permits wm be issued during the current dry spell. Other fire cjistricts have the same regulations. Local volunteer fire departments are kept bl/SY these days ans;yering calls, most of which are the result· of small brush fires which get out of control, or threaten to do so. The


Tired of the heat of the day? ... Sure you are ... How about a nice four-hour cruise on beautiful Puget Sound . . . Get away · f h. ·. h ·· ·1 f h h R 1 ha Ve from t l1e noise o t e city, ~ e Jlllg e o t. e .one · · ·. e ax, fun this Wednesday evenmg as the Virgmia V, histonc scemc boat of t11e Puget Sound, pulls away from the Top of the Ocean ld ·-r f f h . f · d ·! · 1 dock 111 0 own or our. ou:s O quiet an re axatwn. Spons?rcd by the Parkland Busm?ssi",.? 11.n ....-1- - - - - 11 J

Ily Paul Arlto'!The 52 GOPow.-wow is past, bu.t politicos, editors, and 60,000,000 TV viewers across the nation arc still buzz' mg about the _impacl made .by Don Eastvold at Chicago last week. The lanky Parkland attorney was the sparkplug of the credentials bat_tle club, thts sec.and annual b<;>at cruise • l"ll@Me eWeery which proved to be the turning pomt is open to all who .would hke to att t of the hectic five-day conclave. News tend from. the var;ous. clubs of the i'illlilO~ll'i!CeS on es papers ·all over America have been area: Special rnv1tat10n 1S extended by Glen A. Carmack, who recently superlative in their praise. President, Rog~r MacDonald to t.he purchased ]\fobley's Jewelry store :;t "Watch Eastvold, nothing will stop Spanaway .Busme.ss and Commumty 10331 Pacific avenue, Pc;rkland, is this young' man," declared the De" club. An mv1t;;!1on . also stands to seeking a new name for his place of troit News. Parkland area I\.twarnans_ and .Altrus- busincss--a.nd is willing to pay hand"Eastvold Is Man of the Hour," ians besides the Commu':1ity du~ and somely f\'r same. · proclaimed the Wenatchee World. any other grouj) that might be mterTo this end, he anpounces a co,ntcst "Don East void Emerges Bnght Conested, or theu friends. for the name, the. winner to rcccwe a vent ion Star," agreed the Longview Last year the cruise proved to be 17-jewcl watch with a one-year guar- Daily News. . of such interest and fun for so ma.ny antce. The contest is open. to ~nyone"E~stvold Steps Into Limelight,'' that it was decided tQ make it an nothing to buy-;-no obl1gat10n. Just headlined the Spokane Spokesman· annual event. You can just sit on the send your entry m letter or on post- Review. deck, if you wish, and view the gm.n~- ca.rd to. "What's Our Name?", Care "Choice of People, Other Than Tw:;eur of the Northwest as 1t passes m Times-Journal, Parkland, Wash. Only Candidates, Seems to Be Eastvold, review as the Virginia V progresses one entry per person please. asserted the Bremerton Sun. the sound. The quiet of the The winning name cannot have "Washington Man Carries Ball For night a~d the twinkle. of the stars mor~ tb_an seven letters: In case ".f Ike,' reported the Denver Post, ."Eastabove will relax your. tired body. Of duphcat10n, the one beanng the earh- vold Emer·g.es ·As Top New Fmd of course, if you wish, there will be est postmark will win, . GOP Meeting," stated the Yakima plenty of activity aboard to please The Parkland Bus111ess club will Republic,. . . all the adventuresome or those who provide the judges for the c<;>ntest and The Walla Walla Umon-Bulletm cannot sit and enjoy the quiet of a the name of the winner wtll be an- pictured Eastvold on top of its front boat trip. , . nounced on the cl~b cruise July ,23. page with the caption, "Minprity Wednesday, July 23, at 7:30, is the . Mr. Carmack is well know m the Fighter." . time of the outing. Be on hand in community, residing at East 72nd and 'The Atlanta Journal ref.erred t.o him plenty of time as the boat leaves on Vickery road, .Rt, 11, B<;>x 468. The as "the David who slew .th~ T.aft schedule. Carmacks have three cl11ldrcn. Goliath." The Atlanta Constituttpn Tickets may be obtained from the An. ex-Navy man with 21 years in called his rebuttal speech, "well-statTimes-Journal office at 118th and Pa- the service, Carmack has had seven ed." cifi~ or from the club .treasurer, Jack ~nd a h'.11f years' experience in the "Emergence of youthful State SenWh1skr, at the Nat10nal Bank of Jewelry !me and.has o~crat.ed a watch ator Don Eastv?ld as a No.. I ba.ll-. c.ar· Washmgton or from Marv. Tommer- a_nd doc!< repair busmess for some rier for ~he Eisenhower forces . . • vik,_ the club secretary at his place of time rn his home. . . caught his home state voters by ~urhus>ness. If and when you can catch Amon!\ the vanous pieces ?f mo~- prise,". averred the San Francisco Jack B~·own, you can a!so g~t ti~ke_!s em e~mpment needed for his worL, Chro111cle. . lrom !um • . . the mam thmg JS to Mr., Carmack has the latest. gadget for "The. Ike people are Y.oun. g and ".1g.• be there. testmg watcJ:tcs. It takes l~im only 30 orous," stated a_ syndicated art.icle seconds to diagnose any ailment yo.ur which appeared m the Sunday Ore• R .,., watch may have. Stop in ";nd let him gonian and many other papers. "State Umon Uay lf.;JJ test your .watch-the service is free, Senator Donald W. Eastvold of Wash., no obligation. who bears a resemblance to Movie P. C F · 'll · · ierce .ounty arn;ers ~n!On WI I • Actor James Stewart, was one wht> 1 meet at 8 p, m, (daylight time) July l"'-l""'W .., paraded before the cameras to talk 23 at Dawson Fieldhouse 90th and H'llv ••• """' ..,..,. . Il . ,, Portla~d avenue. Mt. Vie.:V .local No. Robert S. Bradshaw, son of Mr. ,prTh~e.leading editorial in Sunday's 4~5 will he .hosts. All members and and Mrs. Harvey Bradshaw of Spana- Bremerton Sun was dedicated "To Dr. friends arc urged to.attend. wav, ha.s now reached Korea where C Eastvale! Parkhnd. • It start.cd he--is serving-as dental technician \vith "Yot~ as p'rcsjdent of Luthern~ · tl1e U . S · College, ' and · Mrs. · · Eastvold, .must have · 0 a t~o-n1an 1uob i'l e uni't 10 mscons1n """ WI Manne Corps. been lJurstinf?: with pride ... " . A 111ong a II. t h e roses were a coup1c The monthly pot-luck supper of the J of thon~s The frantically pro-Taft Tacoma w. isconsin club will be held Ch' · . .. . S 11 . f p ·kl d ff d , 1cago ·T n'b une re ferre d t o "Mr . at A1thu1 ai suf' ered a j D ewey . ,s M r. E astvo ld · f rom th c sov' 6 p · m " Jul"' 20 m the basement . . So i do d an · hall of the Odd Fellows Temple, 6th leg m]ury u_n ay an is con me to i Continued on ·Page Three and Fawcett. Doctors hospltal m Tacoma.





The Parkland unit No. 228 of. the


Legion auxiliary met Friday with Mrs. W. p. Blackstone, prcsidc11t, presiding. . Th" Gold Star Mothers of the umt were honored with a· minute of silence in memoriam· to the great sacrifice t.hey gave during the ·year and. Mrs. jnrncs Linder, junior past president, nresenlecl a gift to each of the followMesdames Gudrun Jenson, Helen fon and R: Hagerson. Mios Lois Overland, in giving her on her activities at Evergreen Statc, made the statement: "If youlhs of today could .have the F ) . (Contmued on Page •our















;ci\ _spot to:picnii; often causes a picnic spot/) cla,i1ns Moon M_ullins, salesman . for the Puyallup Laundry aild Dry Ckaning Company in the Parkland .ntca. '.'C'1ll Puyallup 5-6651 for emerp;('n_cy s:erviee \Vhcn. a picnic- spot ruins sumriler apparel. Expert spotters em· ployed. hy the Pantori11m Cleaners can Vl".111.0VC spqtkS<!fely,fr()m fo1gilc S.!l,W: Iner--.shcersi I :Will gu-arantCC ~O- give you a rush .iob that will include 1Jron1pl pick up and delivt·ry S(~rvicc no ndditional cha.rge. i\nd rc111en1too~ our Lustc1:izing service, -after dry clf·::ining, rnakcs any gnnnr-nt resist spotting. Try our Lusterizcd Dry Cleaning Service, I know you'll like it."--·Pd. Adv.

"'I b



In Hospital

• The J3,Lme Transit .Co., formed by Bill Bia:k a~d Ja:k . Brown, local Parkland busme>smen, anpounc.ed that it will be~tn a.b· us servh: Monday Parkland ' west of Pacific . . '. S ' July . L21 ' to serve ea avenue, and t~e 'P.anaway o~p ar · ,T)le n~w ser.ice till ~\a s~u~ e service with routes rom t an • acifie in Spanaway, around the loop,. t~tough Parkland .to 96t!i an..d .. Pacifie Ave.; from 96th and Pacific to A.insymrth and through the·.116th St. distBcts. . . .· . They ':"ill opcra.te 19 roun~ tnp rqutes daily, with five round ti:ips on the .Spanaway Loop road. Thts new serv.ice w~ll en.able restdents of the area to, nde dJrcct to the P'lrkland po~t, ?ffice, Parkland. bank, 96th and '\'act.fie and to Spanawayi At present, manyof !he homes to be se1v~d. aie up t? one mlle or more from existmg bus lmes. . . . ., •.Buses '".'II ~onnect with the Ta.coma Transit Imes at 96th &. Pacific and at tl.ie Parklan~ po~t office. McO,hord Field workeis will be able !O nde to McCbord from any place m J:l1e. areµ the new service will. also c_orinect . with the Tacoma Suburban lm. e.S ..·•.O. ".·.·Sa.I.es. roa.d. . The new company has obtamed two \:i.rge m.ode.m.buses to serve the pubhe. White u111forms h~;~ been select, ed. for S'!mmer wear .. Iime-t.abl~s are b~iqg.pn,nted _ancj..will be distnbut'.'d froni the. buses and. through loc:il st...orcs,. a . co.P. Y .ap. pe. armg elscwh.ere m this paper. . . Lo.cal merchants, seemg the· o~p.or.tun'1\y for, an. ~xcellent . advertm.ng i:n~dtum apd wilhng to cooperate wHh the, new . company wholeheartedly, !'a>e con.tiaeted for ad;;ertismg. space rn the buses,. . . . Mr. Black ca;rie toParkl,and.m ea!ly 19.50 an.? has since ope~atcd th~ Parkland Gull and.thcGarfteld.Street Ty. M. .. r ·. Bro·····.w. .° .fi.·rst .m.ade his ho. me i~ Par~la.nd m 194-7, at that time pmchasm.g t.he Parkland Cycle Sh'?p, later estabhshmg the Mt. Htway Sb Lo~ge ai;d N<>rthwest A.rmored Car servtce with Mr, Owen. In 1949 he entered h · · · · d bl" h' b · t e ~nntmg an pu ts mg usiness and is. today co-ov:ncr of LaCro~se Printers and the Times-Journal wlth Cla. re. nc. e..L.·aCr.o.sse. . B?th of the Navy veterans c";n;e to realize. the great need for. additional bU.s service i'.n this a. rea and decided to d c;· somet· h'1!1g a b out 1t, · Th us t h. c BLme Transit Co. was born. . , 1'he ne - ,'.v company has filed _ with the .State Department of Public.. Serv.•'ce fra.n.. chise . ·foi a·. permanent . . · ,,. .The .dat.e · ·.for.the hc.arl.ng . . . has n·.ot . . be·en . . s. et · With the support of the various .clubs, schools and residents of the: area, ,there seems to. be little doubt in local minds that the department will act


weeks will now pay d!Vldends to the youngsters of the community in. the form of a directed play program of swimming and baseball. Carried by the_ Parkland school bus, . . . offered by Morn~ Ford, supennten_dfavorably on the apphcat10n. Public ent of the Franklm Ptercc school chsacceptance of the service will undoubt- trict, the children will be taken to edly be the deciding factor in the life Spanaway lake three days a '."'eek, of the B-Line Transit Co, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fndays, The Tacoma Subud;>an Lines and 12:30 to 3:30 p. m. The children will the Tacoma Transit Co., whose lines meet at the Parkland school at 12:20. they will cross over,:havc offered full Those :,IO years of age or older are co-operation. Don Wallace, traffic digible'Jor the outings but. must have Jllanagcr for the Tac.oma Chamber of. the wntten consent of the parents. Commerce has <Jffrred full support Children under 10 may go only 1 f acof .the Ch~mber. · corn.panied by a parent or other res· Many prominet peopie of Parkland-, ponsible adu!t. There will be ": capSpanaway and Tacoma. have filed kt· able woman ~n charge of the children ters with the Washington Department for the bus nde and,.at. the Jake. of Transportation urging that the Be . The only charge· will be 10 cents Line Bus company be given a fran-· for the round trip. . ehise. Most of these letters reflect the. ~s many m<;>thcrs are afra1d,t,o have opinion of service cJub.s and other or-· their small children cross Pacific aveganizations of the comm1!nity. n;.i~ alo,ne, ch.ildre~1 living east. of PaE. M. Krumm, .president of the cific will gather m the parkmi\' Jot Parkland Community club said iq by the Parkland theater and will be part: "Our population has' in escorted the, busy recent years to· the extent ~hat we The supervised baseball games will feel we are ready forthe service such be. l.·l·eld on. th~ Par. k.land school as these men are offering." g7ounds Tuesday and Thursda'i'. eveSpeaking for the Kiw<1nis club of 111ngs from 7 to. 9:30 o'cloc~. Children the Parkland area, Morris Ford, presi- a.re asked to brmg any ava1lable balls, dent, states as· follows: "Many of our bats and gloves. . people find it very difficulf to carry Tht> parents' group will meet at the on business in our area because of di.s. · tan. ces involve. d. The..· proposed line ·p1·c~·1c would allow people to shop during . middav hours instead· of waiting for ·. , . , the ra'miy car to come home at 5 .. . h. B o'clock or later." Fresh Baked t e Day You uy. As superintendent o~ the big Fran!~Wiener Buns .................. 6 for 20c lin·. Pierce school .di.stnc·t. M. r. Ford .J·s· ..Hamburger Buns ............ 6 for 20e especially pleased at the prospect of Cookies, asstd ..................... lb. 69c the new bus service, He says: ."There Fiosta Cakes ........................ $1.39 is at pre~ent no tra11wortat10n for Parfait Pies ........................ 65c ea. school children to the w~st of tl.1e . Park.land school. Many smaller chi!~·. . ....·. ~ dren would use the service for safety ~. · IAIA reasons.' . ~ Jack Quill Parkland. ostmaster is . in a position' to cvaluatcpthe needs' of BAKERY h d' . t b bl .t l . t e 1stnc pro a y more accura e y p11... than any other one person. He de.none l'!!.181 ~n. .,.,.,,.. .;;ll.;;J;JJ!i1 · . "If ff ·d t ·.p .• A.· . t A' ort., d 1 cares. ee1. we 11 q~a' i.e o pass 1 ac1 6 c .. venue .a up noa on. the.merits of t~is application, ·b~th . . :Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.fif°nd my knowledge of. thef ut.\~r. la.~k oh.a equate ~anspot};t.10i:i aci !\'es m 1 •.·.1 t11s ahreCa. an nT1y a l tatJ~n w1Ct1 t1_eNort ransportatton . . oast . . . tl o . . a~ n:a.JOY t1~nsportat10n System ll1 • IC a ctftc Nmthwest, now the No1thwest . Grcyhdound fLmcs. I servedfas s~~~r.7 mten o · transportat10n rom · ,ent h d' · · f 2 to. .19 · .,. b, wit Sirect ti supervmon d p ti od se;vice etween eat c an ~; an ' with headquarters at Tacoma. (Continued on Page 2) ·









Metropolitan park at Spanaway Tu,,sday evening July 22, for a 6:30 pot" luck dinner. They are invited to·briqg the whole family and any interested friends . for a pleasant evening of relaxation. Further plans for the supervised play will be discussed.




tremely careful at this time.

Coming Attractions 15"'>



omm.um y



ea··· r.e

..... 56th & JVI SJ. GA. 737~ Doors open 1:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 6:30 p. m. Mon. thru Fri. Enjoy Movies in Comfort New Scats Now Installed . Wed., Thurs., Fn., Sat., July 16-.19 MA AND PA KETTLE AT TH.E FAIR Marjorie Main - Percy Mc!lriqe JACK AND THE 'BEANSTALK , (In Color) Bud Abbott - Lou Costello Sun., Mon., Tues., July 20-22 BATTLE' AT APACHE PASS In Color Jdf Chandler_ John Lund AT SWORD'S POINT.· In Color Cornell Wilde - Maureen O'Hara Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat.,July 23,26 · DENVER AND RIO GRANDE I11 Color Edmond O'Ilrien - Sterling Hayden LOVE IS BETTER THAN EVER. . . , . .. . . . .k Elizabeth 1aylor - Larry Par·s ..

C1111stcmers who want Fine 'Cleaning Finishhng of rneir summer garments.

~~c;h 9~rm.~~t i~ ~.i.~en cur personal

attention~ lo l~ok your' best at all times--caH

Parkland Cleaners "\,"-.,

July Is Picnic Month


11004 Paeific.'1\Ave~

GRanite 3221

North of the Bank Comer


"Baby'.s first steps

For your picnic: --indoors or out.

the important steps!

Do Have One of Our Delicious

sure baby steps out right-

in Poll Parrot Shoes!"

Fruit Salad Cakes QUALIT





tUHe4 Shoe Store

AUNT SUE'S Bakery HI. 4072




4H Garfield St. (In the Parkland Centre Bldg.) Across from the Parkland Post Office OPEN 10-6 (Daylight Time)




OPTOMETRISTS DR. L RICHARD McGIRK Modem Eye Care 48027'2 So. Yakima HA 2113 .REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE NOTARY ROY V. ROSTEDT 8201 Park Avenue Phone HA 2342

DR JOSEPH G .. HANSON ()stcopa.thic Physician 5~1-37!/::i So. 1'acoma Way Odd Fellows Building HA 5315 Tacoma 9, Wash.


l'LtJs TAX ,, You liQNJr NEED IOUt 'llREs,

co110-Acr A Ft1i110

'fl'rfllo AL1r NEED SOWfE• ffffN. P1Jtc11As1 IOlJR A1i11{s1>or 'l'HE SAVINGS IBE'IWEEN You


APRICOTS FOR CANNING Tiltons ....... Morparks Yakima Plums Transparent· Apples

Yakima Sweet Corn


Full Line cf Fruit and ~roduce In Season One Mile Before Entering Puyallup on the River Road Open Till 10:00 P. M.


counciling, cars, p~rfectly vlann.cd th 1ngs necessary funt'ral scrviec of Chris1:0111fort and spiritual ~'---. <;.vc arc prepared to :·it any hour, here, in ovln <::omrr1unity. -Trav Dryer.



Polly Says-

209 So. 84th


Phone Puyallup 5-8561





Parkland Fuel Oil SH

IN THE SUPERIOR .COURT .OF THE STATE OF WASlllNGTON ' IN AKD FOR THE COUNTY OF PIERCE. No. 116558 SUMMONS HY PUBLICATION ALMA E. SIMMONS, Plaintiff, vs, DALE G. SIMMONS, Defendant. You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the first publication of this summons, to路 with: within sixty (60) days after the 10th day o.f July, 1952, and defend the above entitled action in the ahovc entitled Court and answer the complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys at thc'ir office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint which. has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. The plaintiff's ca use of action herein is to procure a divorce from .the defendant upon the grounds of neglect and refusal of the defendant to make suitable provision for his family .and for abandonment by the defendant for than one year. GOODWIN, EASTVOLD & HICKS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Hy.Floyd V. Hicks. Office: National Bank of Washington, Parkland Branch Building. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 728, Parkland, Washington. Telephone: GRanite .3911. Pub. July 10, 17, 24, 31; Aug. 7, 14, 1952. ~~~~-~~~



Billings, Mo., to see Mr. Bolte's father and mother, who had just celebrated , their 60th wedding anniversary, going by way of Spokane and through IdaBarbara Cordes, 5-2511 ho,'Montana and Wyoming. While in (Continued from Page One) Karl E. Cordes, father of Karl H. Wyoming, they visited Yellowstone Cordes, passed away at a local hos- Nat10nal park where the; saw the ereign state of Washington." The eoitor of the ·Spokesman-Re- pita! last Saturday morning following Emerald pool, Mormng C'.lory pool, view, another anti-Ike paper, called a sudden illness. Mr, Cordes lived here Yellowstone lake, Old Faithful and Eastv0ld a "39-year'old boy wonder." for the past three years, coming from many other geysers. From t.herc they went through (Actually he's 32.) However, he ad- Holyoke, Mass. He is survived by his mitted that Don "bested such veterans mother, Mrs. F. D. Cordes of New ~~uth _DaKota and the Back Hills. York Ci.ty; two sons, Karl of Puyall hey VlSltcd the famous Mount Rusha1 Senator Everett Dirksen in the 'now lup and Wayne of South Hadley Falls, rnorr; and sa':' !he four faces. Tl:ey bi~toric fight before the convention." One AP dispatch circulated across Mass.; a brother, Frank, of Holyoke, contmued their Journey to Rush Ci~y, j\.f mn., where they stayc_d a week visthr. nation, said, none mnn to eme.1·ge and four grandchildren. During his illness his son, Wayne, itmg re!ativcs there. 1hen wci.1l. to suddenly .into prominence in the fight · t b y U n1"t·ecl A" l' t o b P Des Momes, Iowa, where was Statq Senator Donald· Eastvold of came wcs · ·l" . h they · ~)'l vmtcd . . 1 r\11 "th l · B · 1 ·11 h .· trS1nesth H cl tic s great-aunt, w o is . · · yen IS SEATTLE.' (How about that?) WI urn. una WI ~ in ou a ~ old. 'From' there they went to. Billings, Hundreds of telegrams and letters ley Falls cemetery. His son Karl re- M d · 't d M B It ' f ti' r.. 0 . cs . a_ 1 c~ have poured Jn"' on the senator from turne<l east Saturday night on the J. o., an _ visi c_ United Airlines to attend the services. and mothc':" While staymg m Missoun people who liked what they saw. Most ·"th h" f ·1 they cxpenencecl temperatures of 105 of them misspelled his name. One ad- an cl b c WI IS ami Y· .in the shade. dressed his \vlre sin1ply. "Eisenhower Celebrate Birthday On the way home, they went :Supporter, Chicago." Miss J anct Swalander celebrated through Greensburg, Kan., where they Eastvold, who returned with his her sixth birthday with a party. The saw the largest hand-dug well in the wife end Gov. Langlic amid consider- aftci-noon was spent playing games and world, and also saw tlw largest palliable fanfare Monday night, is invit- ca.ting ir.e f'.ream and r:ake. The follow- site meteorite, vvhich w_as on display ing Republicans of the 29th district to ing- children attenclccl: Cindy Woods, there. The hand-dug well_ was cona picnic in his yard tomorrow night Forry and Gail Thompson, Caren and strueled in 1887 and finished in 1888. at 5:30. Randy Hess, Carol, Danny and Chris- The huge excavation, 32 feet in diaty Cordes, Donnie, Candy and Mary meter and 109 feet deep, bas 25 feet Rushton, Pnry and Debbie Rushton, of fresh. pure water in it tocl:w. They Rev. Graham and wife, who 1·0- Kathy and Teddy Mullins and Janet went then to the world famous Boot cently returned from n1issionary \vork Swalander. Also attending- were Mes- Hill in Dodi.;c City, Kan. This is in Brazil, ·wi11 show a n1ovie on their dames Kathryn Thompson, Maudine where the cowboys were buried with work in Brazil to n1en1bers of C~alvary Rushton, Evelyn Hess and Oscar Swa- their boots on. They visited Estes park in Colo, Pentecostal church and friends Friday, fonder. Long Vacation Trip raclo, which is one of the most bcau.July 1 7, at 7 p. m, The public is invited. Frcd Bolte and three daughters, tiful parks they 5'~w; !hey w;nt Alice, Esther and Freda, arc· home through Salt Lake C1ty,,Utah; gomg Good luck of some men consists in again after a long vacation trip to up Un·?ugh Idaho and mto Oregon. not getting what they deserve. · the East. They left June J4. to go to While m Portland, they attended, one ::;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;";;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;";;;~ clay of the Apostohslic Faith Camp •' d Meeting convention which is being held at this time. They returned home July 6, after a very enjoyable trip, in time lo celebrate Mr. and Mts. Fred .Bolte's own wedding anniversary, which was their 30th. Vacation News Three members of the Robert Collier family, Mr., Mrs. and daughter, Mrs. Sylvia Johnson, took an extensive trip during the last quarter.of June, totaling- 1,800 miles. Their first stop was Coulee Darn, Wash .• vvhcrc they rested a day at the home of their daughter, Violet, and son-iu-la\V, A. R. BrechtbilL Violet joining them the next day, they proceeded as a quartet to Vale, Ore., visiting friendly neighbors of 4·0 years' standing-. • On their return, they took in all the natural and man-made grandeur of the finished Columbia River Basin project. They had nude the same trip a decadl'. ago, when the vast £.!Crcagc that recently came under C. R. irrigation wns p:1rchcd land, and no\v, throug·h harnessing· that n1ighty river, by the creation of Coulee dam-commonly called the 8th World Wonderhas become an astonishingly fruitful cxpansr. Various shades of green crops arc relieving each other: alfalfa, peas, sugar beets, onions and potatoes. This colossal lransfonnalion calls lo mind the prophecy for our time: "The desert shall blossom as the rose." When the eye beholds a prophecy, it becomes a physicol fact.

Don Eastvold

CANYON ROAD Mrs. K. W. Struensee - GR 5742

Mr. and Mr;, Harvey Dodd, general chairmen of the Canyon Road Community club smorgasbord dinner that was held July 13, wish to thank all con11nittec 111c1nbcrs and the 1nany friends who participated in making this affair a success. Rccovcrlnv; W c arc glad to report that Mrs. L. R. Field, of East 72nd St., is doing very well after her recent accident, in \.vhieh she sustained bru_iscs and a cracked rib. Take it easy, Mrs. Field. ,. Vacation for Clubs The Canyon Road Community club and the Ladies auxiliary have decla rt>d n varation for the gumrncr. The fall activities for the auxiliary will begin September 25, and the Community club October 9. Mark your calendar. No Dance 'This Month Mrs. Raval Latterell announces that there wi'll be no dance this month. The next dance will be held August 16.

One--Coat Wall and Ceiling Finish 97c0f. ·S2.98Gal. Outside White 97c Of. S2.98GaL Also Special Prices General Paint Close-Out Items 0-CELLO SPONGE



9818 Pacific Avenue

GRanite 7302


ONLY $ 95



b. cing.,used in Korea as troop and car-1 go Larriers. Its cargo capacity exceeds 15 tons and its capacity as a troop carrier is 62 fully armed men. One of the details in which the. Flying Van differs from the :Flying Boxcar is that all its fuel is carried in two. pods suspended from the wings··· When the Van is used in cambnt areas the ~xternal tanks will.be covered with a self-scaling substance designed to reduce greatly the fire hazard. The new plane has much larger wings than the Boxcar, thus reducing the required take-off run and landing speed and 'increasing the payload. Other new features include .a "beavcrtail" rear door, which divides horizontally ratlwr than vertically and can he opened in flight. The C-119H is powered by 3,500 horsepower Wright turbo-compound engines and has four-hbclcd propcllors 15 feet in diameter. The wingspan 1+8 fret. (AFPS)

You're Losing Money If You_ Ignore Waiver Rrrnrds of each Service reveal that tens of thousands of scrviccn1cn arc 1of;ing n1oney hy fnilin~ to \vaivc their .NSLl terrn insurance prerniun1s. If )''Ou are_ an NSLI tcnn insurance policy holder, you should request a \vaivcr of prcn1iun1 )if you have:: nnt aln·ady done so) from yonr personnel officer. Al the same ti111c you .~hou)d discontinue your -prcrniu1n a1lot1nc-nt. If you don't, you're needlessly thro\Ving away tnoney. Servicemen who held NSLI term

405 Garfield






Leave Parkland Post Office to Spanaway

Leave Spanaway

Leave 96th and Pacific

A. M.

A. M.

A. M.





P. M.

P. M.







s s

6:48 via A & Eye *7:00 via A & C 7:28 via Croft & Eye 8:05 via A & Eye 8:41 via Ains. - 96th 10:13 via A & Eye 10:50 via 9&th - Ains. 11:58 via A & C

P. M. M-Comiects with McChord Field Bus.

1:12 via Eye & Croft 1 :45 via Ains. ~ 96th S-Through to Spanaway via Loop Road 2:35 via Eye & A 3:4-5 via Eye & A (*) Monday through Friday only 4':23 via Ains. - 96th 4:59 via Eye & A (All others daily except Sum:lays) •·5:00 via Eye & A M 5:38 via C & A 6:25 via C & Croft 6:52 via C: & A


s s

1:30 via A &. Eye 2:10 via. A & Eye 2:53 via 96th - Ains. 4:05 via Croft & Eye 4:41 via A & Eye 5:18 via A & C *5:20 via Ains. ~ 9Pth 5:48 via Croft & C 6 :3 5 to Garage 7 :02 to Garage


46 Oz.



Large Pkg.

t\eUogg' sCorn Fetti

Flapjack FL I LE

• 2Y,



• •



• 12 Oz.

Strawberry Preserves 29c GARDEN

Yakima fll'esh


CORN . •



• Solid White Heads

1 bunches 13c BACON

• Graded Good





I1!~~~2~'-!r.. <2~~!~e,!.S \...iU~ 1 UlVl tiUlLl At No Extra Cost RHONE'S CABINET SHOP 2nd & Pacific Spanaway GRanite 3342

Home and Auto Insurance


It Will Pay to Check Our Rates GR 3733 M:. SLATER. GR 9939



Morning Glory


GRanite 4477

• Gas or El€ctric Models.


er cousin of the "Flying Boxr...-'lr" now·

Installation & Repair Service

Bendix Suntronic lamp to bathe clothes in sun-like rays (optional at slight extra cost).


·Where Value Exceeds the Price

6:00 via Eye & A 6:30 via Ains. - 96th *6:4·7 via C: & Croft 7:10 via Eye & A 7:4·6 via Ains. - 96th 8:23 via Eye & A 9:55 via Eye & A 10:31 via Eye & A 11:40 via Eye & A

P. M.

AF Tries Out 'Flying Van' Cargo Plane

Plumbing & Heating

• Just a touch of a dial . . . warm, clean air pours through your clothes.


prcmiuni, you're entitled tp aµproxi-. matdy 50 cents a month per ::;1,000 insurance in . d'ividends. You paid $6AO. You get b.ack $5.00. What ha.pprnccl to the difference of .$1 AO? You lost it without getting any additional rights or benefits. On a yearly basis that would amount to $16.l:lJ in n<Tdless loss. At other ages you pay The "Flyin,g Van," one of the larg- higher premiums and therefore woiilcl est twin-engined planes in the world, lose more money. (AFPS) is currently being tested for the Air Force for future 111ass product.ion. Designated the C-119H, it is a largo-\

2046 6th Ave.

The drying wcaL11cr you want, WHEN you want it.


Lakewood Community Center

A. M.

' Greenville, S. C.-A new excuse 1 "VVhcn a 1nan hath taken a new for re-classification from a 1-A sta.tus.j wife, . he shall not go out to war, . · .neither shall he be charged with any was offered recently by a .newly-mar· 1)tt.s1nt:.ss,. 1)ll t h e s h a 11 b c f rec at h omc . . . ncd youth to his Selective Service one year and shall cheer up his wife hoard here. which he hath taken." The husband cited the fii;th verse The Bo~rd turned down the request, from the 2·lth chapter of Deuteron- deciding- that Selective Service laws omy, which reads: must take precendence. (AFPS)

BR 4327

• No clothesline ... no clothespins.

Leave Parkland Post Office to 96th & Pacific

Bible Pla.n Fails; He's Drafted

Custom Picture Framing

Exclusive POW-R":. VENT system banishes hot air and moisture outside.



SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 21ST, 1954 IT CAN BE DONE (getting into a parachute while wearing kilts) though it takesa little Seaforth Highlander ingenuity and exposes alittle more than a pair of wcll-roun.dcd knees, demonstrates C<ipt. Charles Donnelly of the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada. Captain Donnelly was at McChord when the above photo was taken. Watching is Capt. Warren A. Robcwald of the 313th fighter-Interceptor Squadron .









Distinct Styling LaCROSSE PRINTERS GRanite 7100



floors new beauty ond lustre- we furni•h

'.equipment, materials. and complete Instructions.

Business Cards

Movies at Church


with our complete, easy-to-use Clarke· Rentol Equipment. Save time and money and give your




Blade Cuts





Red Ripe

Pure Fresh Ground



bership for the Coming year o.f 195.3. Mrs. Lindei· is the membership chairman of the Fourth district for 1953: A card accompanied the gift bearing the mimes of the unit members \vho made th.is honor possible. An exf'Cutive board meeting \Vas held at the home of Mrs. Ben Bromg-ard in Steilacoom on Monday. A buffet luncheon was served at ;! p. m. in the garden. The next regular meeting of tJ:ie post and the auxiliary has been postponed and, insteacl, the membership will meet at Clear lake for a picnic on Sunday, July 27. The picnic is being sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Blakely at Mrs. Blakcly's n1other's hon1c on the lake. Cbainnen for the co1i1ing year are as follows: Americanism and national defense, Mrs. J,iJlian Schweyen; child welfare, :tvfrs. Ted Amon; constitution and by-laws and legislature, Mrs. Leonard Blakely; civi.l defense and bnclgct committee, Mrs. James Linder; Girls State', Mrs. Walter Frit,; junior activities and Pan-American, Mrs. Hildcne Holm; membership, Mrs. Ben Bromga1·d; poppies, Mrs. Ethel Johnson; rehabilitation, Mrs. Joe Lanz; mP.morinls, Mxs. James Jensen; community service, publicity and trophies and awa,rds, Mrs. W. P. Blackstone. Post Names Delegates The first meeting ofthc new year for the post was also held on Friday with Commander James Linder in charge. Delegates to the state convention were elected as follows; Frank



Berry andJiunes Linder; alternates are Walter Frit" and Leonard Blakely. One very important part of the meeting was -the reading of a letter from the chairman of the national legislative commission ofthc American Legion thanking the post for its cooperntion in backing "Operation \ 1ictory." Guests at the meeting were Chris Nielson, f,om post No. 138; Lloyd Burdue, po.<t No. 68, and Sgt. Leo Johnson, AF, McChord.


hat's ur ame

That's right; we have no. name, so we are of.. fering you a cham:e· to name our store and be awarded

fRff ....-A 17-Jewel Men's or ladies'


Watch with 1Year Guarantee Send your entry in letter or postcard to "What's Our Name," .


c/o Times-Journal, Parkland, \Vash. Note: All names submitted must not be of more than 7 letters. One entry per person. By Winner will be selected July 23 by the Parkland Business Club. Be sure

Rog McDonald

and enclose your name, address and telephone number.


? Jewelry tore 10331 Pacific Ave. (Formerly Mobley's Jewelry)

I fOR PEOPLE ABOUT 10 BUY A DEEP WELL HOME WATER SYSTEM! IMAGINE I A powerful water system small enough·~ :fitfuside a~· well casing!


IMAGINE! A PwnP and motor tli~tw~rl!: for years completely immerse4in water, from depth$ as low as 300 feet! ·

Service Hardware & Implement Co~ Phone FUiton 2409


Reasonable Easy Monthly

Travelers \ineques ••• Personal Loans at bank rates ••• e Deposit for valuables ••• Letters of Credit•••

65c Size





35c l7c

lb. 39c

July 26-27th .... Silver lake; Ever~tt, Westernaires show, State. July 27th ... Washington Horsemen . . . Handicappers .show. A tigusi 2 .. . . 01 ympia Riding dub ... State show. Here and There Over the Weekend done in that style only' as ai1 efficient Glenn Betts out at Lacey having a I girl can ... So much for the magazine whale of a time watching Chubby j right now . . . In or about one hour Bud, his quarter horse stallion do a· from now I hope to be on my way to magnificient job with a 15-year-old Rosario beach for the.rest of the week youngster up, roping a calf. The West- ... Going with Roger McDonald, the crnaircs doing a mighty fine drill at genial exccu.tive from .Pochel's ... See the rodeo. Mary Bfctz and her beau- you next week. tiful daughter, Pat, add a lot to the precision drill of the Westernaires. Sec Del Wright on his Appaloosa horse out doing a few tricks with the rope (roping that is) and a bit of cutting .•. If it' hadn't been for the Call GR. 8309 ' darn old fence .the nasty ci·itters kept., jumping through, one might be able BRING YOUR RADIO FOR to keep the cow from the herd. Hank Pfaff out riding the broncs • i • Even his little son was riding a Tube Check pint~sized. edition of a -steer. On Waller Rol4d, % Mile South Had a~.plcasant surprise Sunday ... of Airport Road Remember Gold Dust, the stallion, I '1ad before buying Montana's Rusty Cold . . . Anyway, we bred a coal black mare to him with a mixed idea ·md a bit of speculation as to what color the colt would turn out .. We know now. . . . It was ·a Palomino .. · 1· ~nd the very picture of Gold Dust. Sec Dec Parham and Chuck Rohr and a couple of others had a whale : 0f a good time on a recent five-day '10rscback trip from ·Ellensburg to Parkland . . . I was looking at a few ,f their pictures out at the Posse meet.ng last Thursday\ .. It would seem ,:hat they ha<\; quite a time .. , That is ;i wonderfol frip. My dad, brother and ,. ayself take the· trip nearly. every year. We have a lot of fon up on the Crest Trail; Big ·Blowout 'mountain, Mount Cliftic, Bi" Crow basin . . . The elk arc thick in there during the late sum'llCl.' mo.nths ... In fac.t, my .. father and .. ·I ·mcle. lrft this morning for a week up ·n Big Crow basin, riding the crest ~rail • . . It is a trip you will never 'orgct, , Norlhw~st Horse M~gazine i'l<atch for it ... Commg soon . . . I A horse maga. zinc dc."voted entirely. o.n the local lc".el to the horsemen and horsewomen of the state and Northwest ... Pictures, live stories and nc\115 of general interest .will be yours soon ... If our plans go right you should b a vc your first copy m'xt month • . . We are, working on the job now . . . . Jean Fitch, a graduate of the Univc.rsity of Washington school of journalism and myself have combined talents to present the horse people of the state with a really worthwhile maga-




BIXBY Guaranteed



FREE Inspection and

Avoid worry about coal strike.s and pos'sible future price increases. Have. a good supply of coals on hand NOW! Quality is at its very best. The best Wyoming and Utah Stoker Coals. Aberdeen and King Utah. Lump-Utah or Wyoming, your particular size. Nut-Double-screened clean. Gasco Briquets, leave no ash. Presto-logs-Long burning, clean. STOVE & DIESEL OIL

PACIFIC MUTUAL FUELS, INC. (Est. JOO years in 1990) Fuelpbone MA. 1137-401 E. lhh

Military Social Cards LaCROSSE PRINTERS


823 Main St., Sumner

Phone 3-4784

for our' savings we chose ...






where ·savings grow, grow and. grow

Pncific First Federal Bldg., 11th and Pacific



New radio relay to Seattle extends coast-to-coast telecasts to all the West in time for the conventions.

''live" TV now. spans the est· New radio relay brings convention tele· casts to all West C~ast viewers .On July 7th, the Bell System's radio relay system and coaxial cables enabled the TV networks to bring the Republican Convention to the nation's television viewers-who will also see the Democratic Convention on July 21st. It is now possible for all West Coast TV stations-from San Diego to Seattle - to carry these important national events as they happen. To accomplish this, Pacific Telephone engineers made special changes in the coaxial cable between Sacramento and Portland • . They also rushed the installation of a new radio relay link from Portland to Seattle so both Col,lld be l,lSed together for the transmission of television network programs over this 745 mile rol,lte.

l Your telephone . is one of today's best bargains

With the completion of Pacific Telephone's newest radio relay facilities, 99o/o of the nation's television viewers can be reached by network programs-making it possible for any event of national significance to be flashed visually across the nation in a fraction of a second. 'l'elephone calls too, are carried by radio relay. Later this year, for example, the Pacific Northwest radio reiay link will carry 132 simultaneous "through" calls-but that's only a fraction of its ultimate capacity. Important for convenience and entertainment, the radio relay system is even more important today when the telephone is hard at its biggest job-keeping America strong.

·@~ Pacific Telephone ~~~t+~~.~~~~~~t~I~~.j.~+.::~.~~<'~-- ·. ____

!11'----------'--------=---__;_;_-.a _ . .


Thursday, July 17, 1952


$500 DOWN

Cook with gas, panel ray heat. 2-bcdrm. home, + yrs. old, fur·I d · d t F d

2 bedrms., cab. kit., large livin.c; rooru. lhudwoc;d floors, cone. fmmclat1on. New cook stove. 'Yard all fenced, lots of shrubbtT}. Close to bus and shopping ccntr-r. Bargain at $7,250. Mm·c in today.

nls lC

in goo



yard. Best of South Tacoma locations. E-Z trrrns. Prier. only p,950. Move right in now.

S500 DOWN -

112 Tin

C©!rriiarfon fresh 1h 9al.

3-BEDRM. -

7c ilk 39 77

$300 DOWN On this

1-br:drrn. n1odcrn lio1nr on ]nq:;C':

borne with big garage, fenced yard. Ideally situated in Park-

plot of ground. Al1 fenced and ue,vly painted. l!oinpktely fur-

land :-iri··n. Bus line, 1nail



and school bus by door. Better hurry on this one. Only $4,750.


G\ l>



J;im Junior into one of these



~ m

t:ikc off. 3 models from $10.75. Also one Welsh, genuine Boodle $31.50. Roll $ 2 3. 7 5


Parkway Furniture GR 3941

14 lst 8 Pac.

Open until 9 P. M.



1 ACR9 - $750 DOWN 1-ROOM house, chicken coop, garage, garden. Prirwl at only $·J.,250. $+7 .50 monthly. Call Mr. Dammcl, GR %H or GR :l68'L A BARGAIN 3-BGDROOM home on H large lots Garage and chicken house':- C!on\'tnicntly 1ocated in a nic.e setting of trees. Priced at onlv $6,000. Call Mr. I-Iairnon, GR 3tiH or GR 6896. PARK AVE. NEAR the collc1;c. 4-bcdroom home I . :irg-c_· living-' roou1 \Vith granite firr·place. 5 y,. Jots. Bm by the door Prie<cd al $1.),300. Call Mr. Inloes, GR %2-1 or HA 2547. RF.DROOMS - 2y, ACRES FlTLL bascrnent. Larg-c ,t;"arag-c and b:irn. Excellent soil. Located neat the Ccntrnl Ave. school. Call Mr. Danm11cl, GR 3624- or GR 3684. 40 ACRES $5,700 4--BEDROOM honw. Barn, garage. cluckcn house. Excellent supply of '~atcr. Good soi1. 25 acres clcarc<l. B ncres vetch nnd oat hay. Fenc:Pcl and cross fenced. Call Mr. Inloes, GR 362+ or HA 254-7. NEAR SPANAWAY LAKE A GOOD 2-bedroom )10mc with an unfinished upstairs. On a 1arge cor~ ner lot. On a G. L loan. Buy the equity and continue the payments on +%. Call Mr. Damme!, GR 3G24 or GR 368+ 10 ACRES - $5,000 NEAR the Clover Creek school. Very good soil. 4-room house with hath. Full basement. Sprin.f{watcr. Would n1akc an cxce1lent hoinc. Easy terms. Call Mr. Inloes, GR 3624· or HA 254·7 · 2-BEDR.OOM UNFINISHED $1 800 A RE:<..1;i._'L opportunity '. to have a comI . d . . . P etc home at a very low mvc;stmen!. Good lorntion in the S anaway area. Call Mr. Inl;es P GR %24 or IIA 254-7. ' BUILDING SITES 3 ACRES at $1,650. 2 lots 50x150 at only $550. 8 lots· at $2,400. Call Mr. Inloes, GR '.l!i2+ or HJ\ 2.'i•l·7. 'lO ACRES - FREDERICKSON A DAIRY farm all ready to go. Grade "A:' barn and <1"iry equipment. Priced ~7,500. Mr. Damrncl, GR 362~} Cff GR ;~684-. _ 20 ACRES - 4-BEDROOM HOME 16 ACRES clcarccl, some timber. Barn and other outbuildings. G miles frm!i the c~ty limits. Machinery avnilablc. Priced at $8,500 including the full li,nc ?f mochincry. Call Mr. Inloes. GR 362+ or HA ~5,l7. -

. I


. -, . . _ H;O ACR~,S . 10 ACRES CLE.ARED ~nd now Ill bay, large fanuly home; 2

House and Commercial :Makes Motor Service Washer Service GR. 6662 lGlst & .Paiific Ave. Next Door to Target Spurt Store Spanaway Contents ,Hauled Away HUTSON TANK CLEANING HI 3980 HA 7038 ~<EPTIC

TANKS CLEANED-Contents hauled away; Don Redford, 8232 So. Fawcett. GA. 7334. If no answer call GA. 9222. 3ctf

UPHOLSTERING Recovering and Rebuilding Cushions Rebuilt Free Estimates

Parkland Upholstery 140th & Pacific

GR 320!

Res: GR 3181 Most Modern Methods of Location arid Development of Underground Water

ROTOVATING, blade work; no job too small. W. L. Lewis, GR 71-92. 3ctf HOUSE MOVING; leveli~g;-founda­ tions; cement \-\'Ork; free cstin1atcs. PR 265'.1. 3ctf EXPERIENCED office worker wishes bookkeeping, addressing, etc., in own home. For information call Mrs. Phyllis Clayton, CR 8147. 3pH

5--,-Help Wanted MECHANICS for heavy duty trucks; offers permanent employment and 1nany advantages over scale. International Harvester Co., 102 Puyallup Ave., Tacoma, Wash. BR 84·01. 5cH

BERRY PICKERS wanted; free bus service on Woodland bus line: drivers of cars receive 25c for' each picker passenger. <4R 769'1· or Puyallup 5-65+9 or 5-55:H. 5c44 COMPLETE tractor work. Loosening !;\round and leveling. Average lawn, :jil2.00. Don Abbot, GR. 3846. 3ctf AUTO GLASS INSTALLED-Auto CASH for equities. Fife Motors, 5026 Upholstery, convertible tops. MA. So. Tacoma Way. HI. 9241. 8ctf 2200, Art's Class Co., 816 So. Ta- PAINTING, papering, latest paper coma Ave. 3c50 samples. Free est. Ray Westrom, BR 2•HO. '.Jctf BETTER VENETIAN BLINDS USED FURNITURE. Also generous FOR LESS trade-in allowances and bank terms. STEEL slats with . plastic tapes at Parkway Furniture, H !st & Pacific. only 49c per sq. ft. GR. 3941. 8ctf ALDERMAN'S HI. 2200 HOULTRY WANTED, any amount. 5425 Pacific Ave. Weighed and paid for on farm. Free 3ctf culling to your advantage. Highest prices paid. No obligation. Just call PLUMBING REPAIRS ·- Sewer us. first, HA. 5761 or write P. 0. Cleaning • Electric Pipe Thawing Box 866, Tacoma. 8ctf SPOT CASH Call For Your Used Furniture I Piece or House Full Block's Furniture 1vfart 8205 So. Tacoma Way LA. 2882 WANTED TO BUY-Old cars for junk. GR. 78·17. 8ctf GARDEN. SERVICE RADIATORS, scrap iron, junk cars ROTO TILLING and batteries. Puy. 5-2141. Hecker, Lawn rebuilding, fertilizing, top soil, the Wrecker. dressing maintenance. GA. 5885. 8ctf HI. 2722. 3ctf ACE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 0. B. Atkley, owner. Septic tanks F 0 R s,\J::f:_.J-- high, level lots; 150 cleaned, contents hauled away. feet deep, $4-25; GR 7102. 9p44' GR. 434·3 or GR. 5539. 28tf I'01ZSALE=s~;;flhouse, 2;1, 1,;-;s. WE BUILD HOMES, remodel; level Sec at ()22 So. l 14·tb; inquire at buildings; concrete ...,·;erk. Re~on­ Rt. 7, Box 4 i 5, Miiitary H.. oad, eveubk. GR 3550.-3ctf. nings. 9p4A lt:>RAINAGE - Septic tank installaCHECK OUR LOW DOWN PAYtion; side sewers; earth \\.'ork of any MENT INSURANCE PLAN. type; by hour or contract. Ilauscr WE NEED listings of all kinds. Farms, & Seifert. BR. 91'11; Res. GR. 3121. acreage, lots, building sites, homes 3clf (new or old, 1, 2, 3 and 4· bedMAYTAG - FRIGIDAIRE rooms). We have cash buyers wait· BENDIX Service I-Icadqtrarters ing. Any Make Wringer Type Guaranteed Used Washers Property Management Insnran~ For Sale Notary ~ VINCENT'S. SERVICE Member of Tacoma Real Estate Board HA '.1097 3ctf I Office: 328 Garfield St. GR. 3369 5620 South Tacoma Way

Call Turner FU. 2400 GR. 8108

8-Wanted to Buy


9-Real Estate






Blue Banner

Dm Pickles


only a short distance from Roy Y. full price only :;a,ooo.

Thero fed Dog Food 5 cans Regular Price

TJ\NDEM L<tr.~e

1 Cfjn FREE

Several choice .building sites, \.Yell located, and Yr:ry reasonably priced.

IVI ushroou1 or IVfcat Sauce


Boy Ar Dee Dinner 39e

12810 Pacific Avenue, Parkland


GRanite 3931

Mail Address: Rt. 3, Box819, Tar:oma. \V:ish. Evt'.nings: Mr. Loring, Ca<. 3570; 1vir. \'\ all;ic1·, CR_ 5·1-·'l 1

free-wheeling Tnylor-Tots ;incl

6 away for ---------------------:e m

5·1b. Mesh Bag

Span.away Food Center

for Trucks


Assorted SOUTH TACOMA FD\'E distJ·jct, 5-roon1 n1odcrn borne, spic nnd span_; nice la\vn an~ shrubs. This home is in fine condition and close to everything. Price $7 ,90U, owner will carry contract. Bill Dacy, LA 7605. CHICKEN RANCH 6-ROOM modern home; chicken houses for 1,500 birds; if you arc inte1Tstrd in chicken raru.:l1in,1;, be sure :md sec this. Full price $13,000, on terrns. Bill Dacy. LA 7605. BROWNS POINT GEE, THIS is a nice place! Very n1odern ·4~roon1 hornc; large Jiving room, circulating fireplace; 2 bedroo1ns, bath, den; oil furnace; cabinet kitchen, Folks, if you want real value and a:'horney at1liusphcrc, this is it, Price $7,950, buy G. I. equity or FHA terms. Bill Dacy, LA 7605. LAKEWOOD A BRAND new rambler, nothing- but the finest of materials used; 3 bcdroo111s, corner location; garage at, tadwd. In a fine location, this home will suit the most particular $11,800, low down payment on FHA terms. Bill Dacy, LA 7605.

Cold Cuts.

FOR REN'l' C:irnpletdy furnished 1- and 2-bcdroorn aparttnents~ :ill utilities paid. CR G77ll. !Oetf


Il=Repair· Service

Sliced Baeon •• lb. 53c

WASHING MACHINE PAR'fS Largest stock in town. Repairing that pleases. B. B.'s Washel' Service, ~722 So. G. GA. 5115. llctf STOVE REPAIRS-Largest stock in Northwest. Hyder Furnace, 1513 Pacific Ave. MA 4767. Established llctf in 1872. CUSTOM GUNSMITH ~·Rebarrel­ ing, head-spacing, stock work, 1·e· bluing. Guns and ammunition. Jerry Shannon, Mt. Road, near Loveland, Phone Graham 537. llctf

12-Used Autos

2 Bunches

Local Carrots ••• '1 le


SOUTH TACOMA MOTOR CO. 5602 So. Tacoma Way

Phone HA 3311


Wishing to sell, are invited to call or come in for appraisal and inforn1ation Concerning coiisignn1ent of your car.

ASH MOTORS BR. 1219 FOR SALE-,-5 acFcs with modern home, large garage; very good well; good garden spot; faces 2. roads, about 4·00 feel on l\1t. Highway, near Roy "Y"; gt·ade and high school bus by door; the Alexanders, Rt. I. Box 457, Spanaway, GR 61 (i4. 9p14 FOR SALE OR TRADE ATTRACTIVE 2-bcdroom home; -breezeway, attached garage; 4 lots completely . frnccd, fruit, berries, garden, flowers. Owner will consider small trailer in part on trade; terms, 1212 So. 110th, GR 662 2 or HA 3231. 9c4+

9415 Pac. Ave. and 4532 So. Tac. Way

HA 5533 \ii

MOTORS Good, Clean Sharp C ars

Priced Right

'51 FORD 2-clr. 0. D. Custom 51 CHEV. tu-tone sport coupe. R. - H. '5[) CHEV. deluxe 2-dr. '49 FORD Custom, R&H. "13FORD club cpe. R. - H. '·18 CHEV. Club Coupe, R&H. Rebuilt motor. '43 CHEV. 4-cloor. Clean. '48 OLDS 78, R&H, hydramatic. ''18 CHEV. convert. R., H. !8 PONTIAC "6" 2-dr. Clean car. 'J.3 CHRYSLER. R., H. +-door, very -clean.

'1-7 CADILLAC convertible, really sharp. '·J.7 DODGE 4·-dr. Custom, R&I-I, Fluid drive. ·,17 PLY. ~1-dr, R., H., new paint.


HI 5100 HA 5533






5 YARDS $10; 4 Yards $8. Finest black peat topsoil, state tested, 1- to 5-yard loads. La\vn construction and rock~ri~s. Evergreen Landsc.;o.oing Co.

HI 2722 SUMMER SPECIAL-Top soil from Puyallup. You may see this fine dirt at 9920 Pacific Ave. For sale by the sack or trailer or pick up at our fuel yard. We deliver 4- or 5yard loads. Call us for prices in your locality ..GR 8173, Lapenski Fuel Co. 15ctf VALLEY TOP SOIL, rich and black, nny quantity. GR 7259. 15c:tf K-W VALVE FACING at. you ga· rage. E. J. Atkinsan, HA 5793. 15c44 RAWLEIGH'S h,1mehnld products. A. F. Andcrnon, 3631 So. Tyler, phone 'HA 8043. •. 15p44j ROTTED COW FEilTILIZER I $1 SAGK or by the yard; topsoil. HI. 4056.

Tires Buy, Sell and Exchange Quality Recapping & Vulcanizing

WHITE FACE registered bulls and heifers, polled and horned; a 1 so corn1nereinl cattle, -steers and hcif~ ers. Take other cat.tic in trade. Rt.

220 Puyallup Ave., Tac. BR. lS88

3, Box GlO, 'Tacon1a, Summit \ 7ic\v.

Cattle wanted, call collect, GR 6112. 13ctf JOE'S '.[';:actor. Service. R6tovatinp;. Complete tractor work. GR 5932. tf CAS.tl FC>R milk-z,;-;~, beef, heifer.<", veal and hogs. Call Thackeray col13ctf lect, Puyallup 5-5't 14. DEAD s;l\5cKREM6VED WITHOUT CHARGE. Highest prices paid for tallow, hides, grease and bones. PUGET SOUND RENDER ING WORKS. Phone LAkewood 2434. 13ctl

Ault Tire Service l'AP, ACROBATIC, BALLET ClaS"• ses. All ages. Mildred Keller, GI! 7881. 15ctf FERTILE, screened top soil; pulver: izcd peat; 5 full yards $8. All Kresse, CR 5192. 15ctf BABY FURNITURE, new and used: SMALL FRY EXCH., 1109 Market. 15ctf

HAY CUTTING GR 3846 SEWING MACHINES - Singer electric with attachments, ~23.50; White electric, $24.95; new lightweight portables, $3 7.50; Necchi or Pfaff $fi9.50; many others, new or used; terms and trade. So. Tacoma Sewing· Machine Co., 5+44 So. Tac.oma Way. HI .7151·. 15ctf SPECIAL 127 - 620 - 120 guaranteed film, 3 for 97 c. Quality Photo Service, 9610 Pacific Ave., P. 0. Box 12, Fern Hill Sta. 15c:tf



YOUR HOME FITTED for cabinets, remodeled or repaired. Nothing down, tlu·ee years lo pay, FHA. Or will consider taking YOUR HOME on a NEW 02\'E. CLIFFORD SCHRAMMECK 1108 So. !08th GR 7102 15p44



p arkl and R ea ItY c

Prices Consl!ltently LOW Quality Consistently HIGH


RI 5100


IIKnown for

Carton Tomatoes 25e: Cauliflower ••• lb,. 1 c

(Tacoma's oldest Chev. truck dealer)



large lx1rns and other bu11chngs, orchard. excellent pasture, 40 acres. of saleable timber, a chance of a lifetime to g~t a real beef setup. Owner will consider trade or contract. 'Vfr. .. Lemm , BR J... •091 , o-J. "iv,.1. 1· . I·n1 c·son, · · 11220 DPac1f1e Ave. Off• • PR 0081 ice- ays, GR 3341 · Evenings YU 9221 LA 3066 . ' ·· - • ' · ' 5 BEDROOMS HOLY ROSARY DISTRICT, on 2 Agent~ Ame ~n Express fine lots with fish pond am! fruit , onev r ers trees, p;ood gctragc and workshop, LAKE horn~. 2 bedrooms, basement. close to bus, store and schools, total guest ~abm, 51 ft. frontage, firepricc only $5,950. Excdlenl tcnus place, rnsulatcd, wired 220. $8,750, or consider trade for smaller home. ~rrms. Spanaway, GR 6367 after Mr. Carlson, HA +768 or PR '1668. _:> P. m. .______ 9p4A· TRADE BY OWNER-Small cottage at- So. FORTY-TWO ACRES, 2 homes. First ?6th and J St.; 2 lots, garage,_utilhome has 3 bedrooms, space for i~y, bath, 2 bedrooms, built-.i1t 111orc, Jiving roon1 dining rucnn kitchen and storeroon1; also 5 buildnicc cabinet kitchc~ and J)reakfast ing sites at Parkland; p;ocid price for nook, wired 220, automatic hot cash or will trade for acreage with water; second hornc has 3 rooms and or without buildings. GR 5827. bath, wired 220, automatic hot 9c44 waler, now rented. Good barn for FOR SALE~ 2-bcdroom North end l 5 head, chicken house for 200 home; good condition; '$4,000; PR b1nh, hrooclcr house, garage, fruit, ·P 1-6 9c-1·'1 br:rnr·s, large g:irden, ()v..-'ncr \vill considcr trade. Mr. Lemm, PR 5291. , Member Tacoma Real Estate Board PuYALLl,JP furnished apattlncnts. 2, , _ LAI.,,E LOUISE 9920 Pacific Avenue GR 3624 3 and 4 rooms; $4·0 to $55 irtdudcs EXCEP1 ION ALLY FINE 3-bcdrnom . heat and electricity. 901 West Main, )'.Car around home with 50 feet of , . MID LAND phone Puyallup 5-8515. l0c44 fmc hc:idi and larp;e concrc:tc patio: ACROSS from Central school,. 2-bcdfull basc~r1ent, air conditioni 11 g fur~ r.nl. hor:1c, approx. % . acre, good nace, fireplace, uiodcrn cabinc'.t l.,n~d . \Vtth latJ~f' p;nr:1ge, storage kitchPn, dining roorn, garage and bu1ld1ng-and rabbit hutches. $5,500, workshop. Mr. Imeson. PR 01)81 0 ,. $3,000 down. Mr. Peterson, SK MJiJ. .- - l , BURNKIT ROAD ONE ACRE 2 Y, ACRES good soil, large barn, GOOD VALLEY SOIL 3-bcdroom small house, ·$G,500, to settle estate, hou1e with full basenH:r:t ninurnatic S'PANA.VV A. Y . air conditio~1ing furnace,' \Vircd ::20~ l~BEDRM:. hotne,_ \Vith furniture and nice yard. Can be had on low down stoves,. $-1,300 on terms. payment, total price $7,950. Call .. PARKLAND Mr. Imeson, PR 0081 or Mr. Peter- LARGE bvm,f{ room, 2 bedrms. and son, SK 1H3. basement. Close to school and bus. Mil,, TON GARDENS $5,,950. EXCELLENT FAMILY HOME with 2-BEDRM. bungalow, nice yard and fuU basement, dandy fireplace, good l'.'";n~ Corner property, lOOx)OO~ variety of fruits and shrubs on :3 , $b,}~i0, smal} down payment. acres of very fine peat soil, Call for 1 h-:SlORY . .l-bedroom older home, appointment, Mr. Carlson, I-IA '.;~th 70x600 properly, only $5,000, 4768 or Mr. Pctt>rnon, SK J4.13. ~.JOO down. SPARKLING NEW NhW rambler, under construction RAMBLER WITH 3 extra larp;e bedwith partial acreage. Very good soil fo;· garden. $11,000 --FI-L'\. rooms, located in a fine suburban area; lovely modern kitchen with 1-~EDRM. ho1::ic with double plumbnatura] birch cabinets, utility rooin 1ng and partial bascnient. A.uJ.o. oil picture win~o~s }n living-dinin.~ f~rnacr-, close to PLC! nsd grn.dc FOR RENT~2-bcdroom unfurnished house.; electric stove; auto1natic room, automatic 011 lwat· Iar"C 2school. Ideal place for large faimly fi1rnace; rr.friger.ator; $70c; entrnnce car garage and shop; lot; of ·~p:lcc or rental incornc. Good soil fur garMcChord Field. Phone HI 1916. for garden and all for unly $9,950. de"., property 100x100, comer lo!OcH Mr. Peterson, SK 141'.l or Mr. cat10n. Total price $9,500~$1,700 Imeson, P!l 008 l. clown. ACREAGE TWO ACRES close to South Tacoma 0, (Mrs.) Jennie L. Grodvig with exceptional terms; fine 2-bcdGR 7232 days, GR 8210 eves. and Sun. rooin hornc, excellent opportunity !FOR RENT - Furnish~d- .hou.sc; 2 $4,200 _ $250 DOWN for sub-division. Call Mr. Carlson HA +768. '12 BEDRMS., wir.cd 220, bsmt., ccm. . roo. ms a~d bath; ~o drmki!S' busc~ fdn., p;ood location. Pmts. $35 mo. ~nd ~hutches mm. HA 9_60. 862_ SPRING VALLEY Call Ralph Decker, I-IA 0365, eve. _ So ... · , , . SEVENTY-ACRE HORSE RANCH HI 4-706. FOR REN I-Smglc morn, for tcachwith fine year' around creek, all $5 950 $500 DN er or business woman. 511 So fenced and cross-fenced; 2-bedrooiu IOpH . h_o1n_~': la.rge l~arn and chicken ho~sc; NICE parti~lly furn. 3-bcdrm. bunga- __!15th,_Q.1l~25. c:'-u ucnt sp11ng watLT systen1; vinelu\v, bt-irnt.. , garag~, niu; IvicKiniey PARIZL/\I~-D~New fuily furnished 4·-.1· location. Also have furnished duplex room duplex, 10 minutes from Mcyard and orchard. A real bargain for $500 dn., bal. like rent. Call Rex Chord; nice location-for couple or at $1 l,500 with -excellent terms. ·Mr Rector, HI 8344 or HA 0355. with. infant child; n'o pets; phone Carlson, I-IA 4768, or Mr. Peterson 41 l SO. 57TI-I GR S708 or GR 6047. 10-44 SK Hl3. ' SOUTH END LOVELY new 2-bedrm. home, lrg, !iv. FOIZ RENT-2-bcdroom brick house, EXCELLENT BllY AT $7,000, very nll., dmcttc, room for 2 bedrms .. up. unfurnished $75 a month· would good tcrn1s, one block fro111 10·1ninGiv~~h"1.·s a. loo. ~c _C~a}l Dnvc F.·ortirr. .c·?·nsidcr fur'nishing for rcliab1c····J··J· ar~ ute' bus, stores. Call I'vfr Carlson HI .J~l J. ne., IIA 0365 days. ties. LA 3579. 10C'l't HA 4768. ' . ' REJ\.·T:. fu;:;1isl1c<l apartment, $45. MA 21 :i6. LARGE 1-bedroom unfurnished apis. G. H. CO. $.'iO. MA 2 l 55. Member Tacoum Real Estate Board j 6311 McKinley Ave. GA. 036512-BEDROOM unfurnished house, $25. 1105-7 Commerce St. MA 2156 Member Tacoma Real Estale Board MA 2156.



Corn flakes •••• 19c


Buggy, reg.


Motor Co.

refrigtTator, Electric brakes and turn sign;1ls. V1/il1 sell JoJ.· c:-ish nr trade for f'rpiity in honw. I-look this on torL1y and be on your·\v:ty.

:c 0

lb. 4c

Seu th Ta coma


2-bedrn1. grey shakr:

Best of condition. Sleeps 1·. Heat 'rnd cook with Prnpanc gas.

• • • •





Chevrolet Truck Hdq.

Right off Lidford road is this nice modern home with 1 bcdrm. down, 2 up, \vit1i an acre of good soil. Present o\vncT is n1oving- to Auburn. J\icc quiet nc.ighborhuud. t2uick dri\T~ to C'ifher 'l'nconrn or Puy;i.Jlup. $5;100.




GR HAY CUTTING Side Delivery Raking UNFINISHED furniture. Hag g's, 1107 Market "Street. 15i:tf WANTED - Chickens and rabbits. Call us before you sell. Cape's Poultry Market, 7036 Pacific Avenqe, Tacoma, Wn. GA. 4406. 15ctf FOR SALE- General Electric refrigerator. Good condition, $50. GR 78·1-l. 15c44

Cash for Good, Clean Late Morlcl Cars or Will Sell Your Car for You

KNUTE LOH.AND MOTORS Where Your Dollar Goes Farther 34·02 So. G. St.

HA 4-112

FOR SALE-1947 27' Zimmer alln1ctal house trailer, good condition, $1,095; al.so BPndix house trailer) c]cctric refrigerator.: con1plctcly rcfiqislicd, $7,50. Rt. 7, Box 195-X, Tacoma. CR '129·1. 12p!-1 FOR SALE-'+7 Olds. club coupe. Hydra-1\:fat.ic, radio, heater, nc\v tires and new battery. GR 3216. 12c+4

Rupe Machine Works CAPABLE girl wants child care and light housework during- the day; CR 6522. _ HpH CHILDREN'S NURSERY -Family style; educational toys; trained personnel. GR. 6682. l 4ctf CHILD CARE-Wish to do child care in my own home. GR. 3503. 14ctf


MOTOR REBUILDING 3hop GR 7450 - Res. HI 6190 Pacific Ave. at Brookdale Lathe and press work, piston fin, ishing, valve and seat grinding~ cylinder and line boring, head, grinding, brake drum turning, piri fitting and rod aligning. FOR SAI.E-24' cabin cruiser; 9$horsc motor, head, after deck; sleeoo 4. Consider 14' o.r 16' out.bOard in fradc; a steal. Call LA 9050 or LA 7161. 15c44

Antiques & Second Hand Sale A frw items in second hand and antiques with prices cut to half.

KNEIPS 8237 Park Ave.



'9t SARDINES, Maine, in· oil Salad Dressing, NaUeyChafuplqt 39c ii

your good fortunes abrp~d and best wishes for your ·$ucccss.. in ·the matter of l:>ecoming atto~ney general of the state of Washingtpn. Ypu can count on· us for active support of your campaign.

Here from Indiana llfr. and Mrs. Merle Rotruck of Monticello, Ind., spent almost a week visiting Mrs. Rotruck's aunt and uncle

Tomeitoes. Tastewell, fol. ij<for • 49€; Peachesr Shurfine Slicede 2 1/is • • . 29c" Pablum Oatmeal

• · •.•···.. •



COFFEE, Shurfine v1hole ro.asi~ lb. 79c Ice Cream, flett farm Fresh f"gaL 89c Gro Pup Ribbon



Peanut Butter. Skippy, 14 Oz.



Receive lOc Coupon in ,Each Package

Tree Tea 1 48mBag Pkg.

KOOL AID . . 6for 15c Libby's Dev. Meat, St oz. tin, 1for29c a

AP!lUCOTS-Can New -

Check Our Prkes





lb. 2lc:


lb. 7c

100 lbs. $4.65 25 lbs. $1.35

(We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities)

July 18-19

Corned Beef_ .1 Polish Rings

or Pork



Well Trimmed

Pork Roast





FOR SALE-1951 5-horse Johpson outboard, $150;, includes stand;·tool MILK COWS, sold on terms. Gammon, Rt. 3, Box 703, Tacoma, 4 kit, etc.; less than .5 hours running miles south of Summit. 16ctf time in fresh water. Call Eatonville 71-5-12 or. inquire Clear Lake Inn. "LUCKY HARVESTER" - 6-yearold bay gelding; well broken for ~-------' _ _ _ _1~5p44 saddle; about 1,200 Jbs.; Puyallup SPRAYED pie cherries, 15c ·lb. 5c5108. 16p44 picked; l 2c lb., you pick. HA 4204 or HI 4669. 15c44

We Watch While You Sleep REASONABLE RATES Parkland and. Spanaway Area

HORSE SHOEING now available every day. Drop a card to Rt. 1, Box 475, Graham. J. R. Young. l6ctf YOUNG Jersey cow, milking 4 gals., $160. GR 6985. 16c44 Uur New Phone Number

GR. 4100 South End Plumbing Home of Schorn Paints Near Rov Y Spanaway GR 4100



1750 9th St. S. W. Puyallup Basements • Backfills - Driveways Clearing - Leveling ·- Etc.

ESTIMATES Cheerfully Giveil



See e11u:I Hear

Take along one of T & D special fishing outfits consisting of Telescope· Rod, J:l,eel, Line, Hooks, Leader and Shot. $5.50 Drop In and See ·Something New in Hooks. Big Bend Hooks


E And His Orchestra

Every Saturday at the

FRUITLAND GRANGE ... DANCE JAMBOREE 7 Mile;; East of Pacific Ave. on Airport Road Dancing 9:30-2 Admission: $1.00



TRIANGLE Developing Feed Now is the time to give special attention ·to your. growing pullets. Triangle .Developing Feed is a nutritionally balance.d formula built to supply the body reserve so essential for future maximum egg produ.ction. Availa.b l.e in :nash or cracked pellet ..., '·, .~- _, 0 rorm. '"'~~~.:,"""

t=::-5 ~--r<'J

'~,t ::..\."'




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