Times journal v 7 no 33 may 1, 1952

Page 1



Corner Park Avenue & Wheeler Phone GRanite 7100 DEADLINE: News, Monday Noon; Advertising, Tuesday Noon

u. s.


Sec. 34.66 P. L.



CD lrainim3 Class The six-weeks course being held at the Pierce County Civil Defense Training center at Pacific Lutheran college; April 16 to May 24, is ·now well under way. Instructors in the variou_s 'coUi~seS; arc specialists drawn from the Army and the State Department of Vocational Education. Subjects· taught are biological, chemical and atomic warfare, emergency fire fighting, light rescue, panic control and district mapping and ~urvey. ·· · The course will be terminated on Saturday, May 24-, with general field exercises __covering situations in .,the' '"subjects taught. Immediately' folio\", ing the field exercises, diplpmas will be presented to the graduates, Those enrolled from the Parkland district are Jim Linder, Alfred Grode vig, Trav Dryer, Bart Payne Mrs., K. A. Holstad and Quincey Carrell; from Roy District, l\fay Fuhrman, Valle Thompson, Helen Welch, ,Ann'! Lyons, Marie Harrison and David Harkness; from Summit district, All."' drew Ramsay.


Many Activities Le9icn Grolgp \

P:; n-/\..111cric1n



highlighted the April 11 meeting of the 1\n1criran Legion ,auxiliary No. at Parkland. Mrs. W. P. Blackdinnci chainnan, was a_ssistc:;d B~n Bronlgnrd, Mrs. Leonard 1 and Mrs. Walter Fritz; Cos-! tuu1cs in -keeping \vith the theme I :ind decorations \Vere \vorn b)r the I chainnan and her cuuunittce. P'-ec-1 ords of Latin m1i.sic were played by :Miss Barbara Bromgard during the



At the last meeting, members of The .Sylvia Stornasli Ortho.pedc the 4-H club led by James Sales de-t Gmld will meet Thursday, May 1, at cidcd to call themselves the Span-a- the home of Mrs. Mike Wutz for a Park club as members live in both 12:30 luncheon. Mrs. R. T. Westercon1111unlt1es, Spanaway and Park- inan will be assisting hostess. land. Edgar Graves was elected viceMrs. Thomas Fleming will sen·e president. The proper way to give again as president with the followdemonstrations was dfacussed by ing·officers; Mrs. S. 0. S'toraasli, viccDcnny Modahl. The meeting was president; Mrs. Mike Wutz, secretary; held at the home of Sheila Sales, the Mrs. H. R. Collins, treasurer; Mrs. president. Dolores AndPrson, rnart chainiian; Mrs. Virgil Bergh, hostess chairman, !al /I!//, !!'HUR A run 1111.Rll'lo Mrs. Herbert Anderson, mcmori'l lrMt"fibMlf~M Iii\. ur~uchairn1an; Mrs. R. T. WPstrrn1an, puOl'c.ity, and Mrs. Orval Dahl, membership.

' Many Atternding

IIOXHOLDER OR OCCUPANT RURAL ROUTE POSTMASTER-If unable to deliver, return postage is guaranteed..


l\Jrs. J:uncs Lindc1\ president, \velcon1cd 1nc111bcrs auU visitors. Mrs. Lona Jur.~enson, dr'.part1nent of \Vash1ngton legislative ch::iifn1anc gave a short talk on pending bills concerning veterans. Nomination of officers was held all every member is urged to attend i tfH'. 1nectiri'g on election night, May 9. A. potluck dinner is scheduled for that date with Mrs. Ben Bromgard, poppy chnirrnan, _in charge.



Use Dur BUDGET PblD AS LONG Appearing as guests of the Parkland Kiwanis Club last Thursday were the five pr.etty misses pictured above with Morris Ford, Kiwanis C!ub Presi- 1 dent. The five girls shown represent the official Parkland Roundup Court. ; Left to right they are Nancy Roberts of Washington Horsemen; Lois Pollard, Clolts and Fillies; Joan Culp. Tacoma Laricttcs; Barbara Nolte, Tacoma Lari6ttes, and Carmen Robinson, Parkland Riding Clnh, and Morris Ford, club p,l'esidcnt.~Official . Roundup photo by McKcwen Studio, Parkland.


.Dr. Eastvold to

that this 2 rrangemcnt will do much to cement the relationship between these two irnportant. institutions, and Deliv1~Mr will als'o serve to highlight the cause C. Eastvold, president of of Lutheran higher education in the :f<:cifi<;Lµtheran college, will deliver Pacific Northwest." '1;11e. commencement address for. Concordia c ollcgc (Missouri Synod), .P.ortjaO:d, Oregon, on Thursday cveIjing, .;May 29. · TJ:i,e.1952 class will include th~. first 'gcroup graduating from the Junior Col··kge ·:.i.lepartment, and the great majority;of. the boys will proceed to ¢o'!lplete their studies for the ministry '(t C.o~cordia seminary in St. Louis, :ryfissouri, · Th~· s~me service will include the graduiltion of the senior high school class of ~ 3 boys. In. commenting upon this appointment, Dr. Eastvold said, '~I believe


Brown eyed, auburn haired Parkland Beauty who was selected from a of many to reign as Queen of the 1952 Parkland Roundup to take place. in Parkland during the week of June 2-7. A Parkland girl, Carmen Robinson is the daughter of Mr.· and Mrs. C. H. Robinson. Carmen attends Clover Park High. She will rule from May 1st to June 7th. Besides appearances on Radio, . TV and .others she will be presented at the Wenatchee Apple Blossom Festival as well as other similar events throughout the state during her reign. Official coronation doings will take place on June 6th at the PLC gymnasium where she wm be crowned by Bnrt McMurtrie, outstanding radio personality. The Parkland Roundup is sponsored jointly by the Parkland Business Club and the Pierce County Jersey Cattle Club.-'Official Roundup photo was by W cs McKewen Studio, Parkland.

I field


Graham Starts Season The biggest thing of the week for the folks up at Graham is the Satur"' day night shindig being presented by; members of the Mt. Rainier Riding,: Club to take place at the Graham Grange Hall. Nine o'clock is the· 4072 209 34 time for .the festivities to get under way. Quitting time will depend on. So. th HI. you. T · I 8 · 15 h · ·11 · · A drawing will be had at whi.:h • .. · 0111g 1t at . t. e curtams :v1 nse, o~enmg the most time a dressed hog will be presented ambit10us cultural event 111 Tacoma lustory, the first annual P. L. to some lucky winner. Members of C. Music-Drama Festival. The affair celebrates the completion of the riding club hwe been busy )'~t~ the tremendous new $650,000 building, which will be dedicated tmg thmgs_ ready for the .b1g .a~"!'l'· Sunday afternoon. · Pro.cecds will go for the Jumor divmo11 of the club. Clarence Derwent, noted Broadway;:tChristopherson, will present two outLarry Kirkwood (there's that busy. actor who arrived in Parkland, Sun- door co_ne~rts from the balcony of the man agam) will do the callmg and aric .day, expressed amazement at the new ne\". bu1ld111g on Fnday and Saturday nouncing for the event. Graham cx7. buiLd.i11g. .. H.e...s.'!id,. ,.tha,t ..ma,ny New at 6:30 P· in. . . ·. . .. pects to raise a few extra bucks in York • thea'tc·rs inferior to the 'J:'he _Student Union· has been·-ei:ln·.. presenting this dance for their arenq-, Food aplenty will be on hand.; P. L. C. auditorium, with its large'. vcrle? rnto an art gallery and will be Workable stage and its unique lighting ~he site of an exhibition of 100 paint- Members of Parkland Riding Club, systcrn. · 1ng_s and_ sculptures by Northwest Washington HorRemen, Orti:ng Riding · Derwent will. be the Fr!day fca- artlS:s. This exl_1ihit, planned .by Club and any other dub arc more Ccuru:.u:li~im turc of the festival, presentmg read- Ge01ge. Roskos, will be open during\ than welcome accordmg to Worthy ings in the afternoon and starring in the fcs.ti:•al ~nd for several days after. Hecht _and Orville Eveleth who ".s . Exl11b1ts m the science hall will usual are right in the middle of all a play in the evening. Metropolitan Opera Mezzo-Soprano ~nclude. displays by .11 large Tacoma (Continued on F'il.ge 3) JOHNSTON FISH Irra Petina will sing. Thursday night mdustnal fmns, a b10logy open .house and the Seattle Symphony will play and a _number of chemistry and physics twice on Sunday. experunents. 82!l0 SO. TACOMA WAY THE Besides these five festival performCapacity audiences are anticipated ances, for which a few tickets are still for Sunday's three programs, all withANN availablc, Co~direc:tors Karl Weiss and out adn1ission charge. A 111orning · - - - - - - - I Theodore Karl emphasized that there worship at 11, dedication at 3:'.lO and arc B nun1ber of other events and exw the Choir of the \\test's silver annivl'r~ hibits which will be complimentary to sary concert at 8, will conclude the Has no dispute with the four-day affair. Dr. S. C. Eastvold's the public. m Rolfe For instance, the 70-piece festival afternoon address will be broadcast Bakers' Union and will band, under the baton of Harley I. over KTAC and other Liberty staInsurance Ageney tions in the N orth\vest. Continue to Serve You PARKLAND-GR. 3113 /\ftcr this session, the Dorn1itory auxiliaries arc sponsoring a tea in the Automobile - Casualty - Fire to the best of our ability. Student Union. Inland Marine Buttons and Button Holes

AL.cuU;/i<s~i,~a8:t::;;I Music-Drama.

Fest.iva.I i1 For . PLC Dedication


'40 Chev. Sedan

'41Nash600 4-Docr

SEDAN. BeautifulJight gray finish; BEAUTIFUL finish; new shocks 4 brand new tires; radio, heater and and engine; has only 8,000 miles rnany other acce::;sories. on .it.'






Red Snapper

are ..

49c lb.




Phone LA. 3991



Parkland Fuel Oil Se

Parkland Cleaners Phone GRanite 3221



Phoille GR. 8684


Send Your


• • 901:: lb. Kippers


120ll'h & !Pacific Ave.

33c lb.






I011'thopedk Guild

Spatt·a-Park Club


Tacoma, Wash. Permit No. 51

11004 Pacific Ave. North of the Bank Comer

''out where the west begins'' ~ • .. _,.... 111 your own·"'"' .l~ack yard! ,



fnuITI nTI 110I



OUR CAPABILITIES MYSTIFYAs we watch a great airliner we are mystificcl. It simply can't fly and be supported by thin a.· ir, yet there it goes. From a single seated contraption planes have grown to be garganluan n1onsters and one

of the biggest is the Navy patrol plane. Their pilots are little sh?rt of inccha.ntcal wizards. Comequently, I with was filled dread when I read of one of these planes in trouble. That Navy patTrav Dryer rol plane was aloft, 600 miles from laud when the pilot ,,1:,as stricken, then the co-pilot and navigator. They lay writhing in horrible agony. Death for them and the S<:<.:mcd certain. R. 1\. Ostrofe, 1n<1tcJ \vitli no piloting ex~ :ti;.surncd c0rnn1an<l.

k-d tbr: C()ntrol Tower for heJ1J''.'. tfH:,ir inst ructions n1ight at:> well ha\'c hr::r~n Lu ('.hincsc. I-le shrugged his sliouldos ;md applied goocl old American ing_cr1i1i1y and brought that gargantuaa nF·-~n>tcr back to its base for a :-.afe

Whc·n an boy has a job to do, he dou, d .. 'Hif. capabilities mystify.

I I FIn I! 11

:p~t:~t~~: ~~:ppe 5~!~~~~~~ !!~~!·of

11 Doll I 11230 Pacific Avenue

~~~e~~~~i~~h~fl E'~~~~~;'l~c tl~~:d':~~!

in the Benston Grange hall on Saturday, May :l. All wishing to attend arc asked to make reservations with the secretary, Marjorie Colyer, P. 0. Box 679, Eatonville. ----------------·


1111!1 llllll








93th and Portland Avenue GR 8501 Miscellaneous

OPTOMETRISTS IJR. L RICHARD McGIRK Modem Eye Care 4802Y. So. Yakima HA 2113

Paint, Hardware and



Parkland lumber & Hdwe. 127th and Pacific

ROY V. ROSTEDT 8201 Park Avenue Phone HA 2342 DR. JOSEPH G. HANSON I Osteopathic Physician . 5437Y, So. Tacoma Way Odd Fellows Building HA 5315 Tacoma 9, Wash.


1'J 0


Pacific Avenue at Airport Road Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.~..._.,---~_.,.



Corning Attractions


THEATRE 56th & M St. GA. 7373 Doors open 1:00 p.rn. Sat. &. Sun. 6:45 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. April 30-May 3-Wed.-Thur.Fri.-Sat. "Westward the 'Women" Robert Taylor - Dennis Darcel "Hong Kong" (Color) Ronald Reagan - Rhonda Fleming May 4-6-Sun.-Mon.-Tues. "Bend of the River" (Colof) James Stewarf- Arthur Kennedy "The Lady Pays Off' Linda Darnell - Stephen McNally May 7-10-Wcd.-Thur.-Fri.-Sat. "I'll See You in My Dreams" Doris Day - Danny Thomas "Flame of Araby" (Color) Jeff Chandler - Maureen O'Hara

0 ..

You Can Buy a Thrilling

NASH RAMB!.J:R CUSTOM Country Club Sedan (hard top) including radio, air conditioning heater, foan1 cushions, direct. signals, clock, Chrorne wheel discs, and custom wheel, for only

~1_gg~.oo RIGHT HERE IN PUYALLUP! DON'T WAIT, ACT NOW Sec these beautiful one,owner trades flooding in on the amazing new '52 Nash Airflytes. Save up to 153 with our latest price cuts. Most ' cars have radio and heater. 52 Dodge 4-dr., 300 mi.; auto. 51 Olds. Super 88 club coupe. trans .............................. _ $2,399 Hydra ........... _........--........ _ $2,359 51 Nash Amb. sed. Hydra. $2,289 51 Humber Hawk sed. 4-sp. $1,699 .'iO Nash Amb. sed. Hydra. $1,599 51 Nash Sup. sed. Hyd. Bed. $2,04-9 50 Kaiser Vagabond. O'dr. $1,'e59 50 Ford sedan. Extra nice .. $1,399 '}9 Olds. 98 sed. Hydra ......- $1,699 49 Li.neoln sedan. O'drive. $1,499 49 Nash Amb. sed. O'drive. $1,4-99 49 Plymouth sedan. Jewel .. $1,199 49 Ford Cmt. V-B cl. coupe. $1,199 49 Nash sedan. O"clrive .... $1,299 49 Chev. Y"·ton pan. Clean. $1,199 50 Nash Rambler convert. $1,499 48 DeSoto Custom sedan .... $1,399 4-. Chev. Fleet sedan ....... _ $1,099 47 Caddillac 60 sed. Hydra. $1,699 47 Chev. Fleet Sedan ............ $999 46 Chev. Fleet. sedan ....--...... $899 46 Nash Amb. sedao ...-........ $659 46 Hudson sedan ...........--... -... $499 46 Nosh 600 sedan ................ $599 11 Studc. Com. Club coupe. $399 41 Chevrolet sedan._ .............. $199 41 Plymouth sedan ... _............. $199 41 Nash Amb. sedan ... -.........- $199 41 Dodge sedan .......... ., .......-. $199 41 Nash. Needs trans. work .. __ $89

Start those youngsters right .•. from the ground up ..• with rugged, colorful

Acme cowboy boots!

!Priced Right! Children's Sizes 6-8 _..... 4.95 Sizes 8 Y,-3 .................... 5.85 Boys' and Girls', 3 Y2-7 9.45 Men's and Women's __ 13:75




Auto Sales and Service 303 West Main

Puyallup Nash Dealer Phone Puy: 5-6693 or Tac. FU 1187

Parkland Shoe Store

41.1 Garfield St. (In the Parkland Centre Bldg.) Across from the Parkland Post Office GRanitc 3526 Al and Malcolm Soine Open 10-6

01.I"t Believe It ••

t Owner Must Do AH



~'H'e offerin9 ycu a 4mroem hou~e. e;omp!ete with plumbwirin~ii. C(ilbinets for cr1!y $4,150.00. Me>n~hiy payment

ing, abclllt $31.00 per month. AH Mall'eri(ds furnished

22'x28' ....... Bufi!t to F.H.A. spedfkati@n:s @n owner's Bots

Small Picnic Hams --·········· lb. 38c All Other Cuts at Reduced Prices 1

Locker Beef, Pork and Veal Cus. tom Slaughtering, Cutting and Wrapping . RETAIL SALES THURSDAY, . FRIDAY and SATURDAY

Gibson remood, are now ready for delicious serving with only a frac· tion of the usual work and time,

Movable wire baskets Food protec:tion plan


land Roundup Queen is for 1952 .. ; Princesses of the Parkland Roundup We arc proud to·announcc that lovely will be four lovelies . . • each of red-headed Carmen Robinson of the whom could serve in their own rights Parkland Riding Club has been se- . . . Fron1 the Tacoma Lariettcs we lected as the choice for Roundup have Barbara Nolte and Joan Culp Queen. Already she is adithcr over . . . Joan incidentally is also a printhe affair making plans for appear- cess of the Ellensburg Rodeo. The ances and uniforms. Her proud Colts and Fillies as their represenlapappy Mac Robinson is a popping tive have Lois Pollard. The WashHORSES buttons all over the place . . . and ington Horsemen Unit No. 1 are her mother . . . she is delighted and proud of their petite princess. Nancy ei~··she should be.•.. Carmen is a good Roberts. (Continued from Page One) choice . . . she will make a good ap. It is a pleasure to have such a group !his work. Drop up to 'Graham this pearance and will do the title justice. of very outstanding young girls to repf:;aturday evening and 1nCet your Gra .. As her first official appearance ar- reseot the Roundup. I hope each of ham i·iding club fri~nds and at the rangements have been made to have you have as _much .fun pa:ticipating s;.u11C 'tin1e have a lot of fun. her appear at the Apple Blossom Fes- as I am havmg domg "anous parts Roundup Queen• tival in Wenatchee this week end, of this huge affair. All of y·ciu have been: wondering Besides riding in the huge crowd As you perhaps know by .now the and phoning to sec who the· Park- which attracts visitors by the thous- Queen will ~e crowned on l·_n.day eveands from all over the state she will ning June Gth at the. Pacific Luthhave the honor of being at the Sat~1r- eran College gymna~mm by that ?ay aftcrn.oon horse show . . . whtch maste_r Burt McM.urtric. Other out-' Fresh Eggs - Locker Rentals 1s itself qmte an event. standmg talent will be presented on Next will come appearances over the program with Stan Boreson of TV K!'1;0 on that fa1_nous Burt McMur-1 fame as featured st;;r.. .. tnc s Breakfast with McMurtne proParkland R1dmg Club . . gram .... I'll announce the date lat.er , The rr:ccting of the Parkl.and Ridi?g Airport .& Spruce GR ·S332 2Y, Miles East of Pacific Avenue on this. A host of other events will Club will take place next Tuesday .follow. evening, May 6th, at iny hoinc · · · ·

Jag Along


CUSTOM MEAT Mountain View :Food Lockers·



because of having visited the spots where history was made. Washington is jam packed with t.ourists these days. They have even bf'PJ1 asking in the ncwspapr-rs for those with extra rooms to offer them to visitors as all of the hotels are full to capacity. Many of the visitors are high school students from far an.cl



summer will, be like back th;s way. Thursday, M.ay 1, 1952 The TIMES-JOURNAL It's warm and humid too. I can't I really say I am looking forward to it." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No Puget Sound breeze to keep the -. tc1nperature down.




near. Tt ·sef'1ns to be a custon1 out tl11s \vav for senior classes or bands or othl?r hi,ih school organizations to take chaperoned bus trips lasting for a week

· Custom Fur.tiers Also Repairs, Cleaning, Restyling, Storage Tues. thru Sat., 12 noon to 8 p. m.

or so in the spring. Most of these trips hit Washington, D. C., for a couple of days to sec all the sights. It is said HI 8110 20 April 1952 that some +00,000 will come to Washington in this fashion before school is Betty's fat:hr·r has always been very out. To me this sounds like a wonderUNiTED interested in history, and in the two ful idcrL rfhis 'past l\VO \VCcks has been weeks he and Mrs. Burns spc1)t with an excellent tin1c for sightseers, as DECOR.ATORS us we visited the scenes of many ,of -thC- cherry bl.osso. 111s were at their be:Jt . Terms - Nothing Down the great battles of both the RcvC>lu- and now the crabapple blossoms arc 10-Yr. Guarantee on Exterior 1 tionary and Civil wars. Manassas, out. I GR 6982 where the battles of Bull Run were We arc gelling a taste of wh,1t the fought; Fredericksburg, the scene '9\_a great battle of the Civil war· Grttvsburg, where Lincoln made hi~ fam~us GROUP ONE PARKLAND speech and Yorktown where Gorn\vallis' surrendered t~ WaShi1~gton. Each of thcsl'. battlegrounds has been made a National park and markers and monun1ents -have been erected telling. the story of each assault and N cw Installations cngagcn1cnt. I'hcsr: 1narkcrs, together with complete map of the battle CO!)· Repairing Pumps, Hot Water taincd in muse111ns at (~nch of the i'\JaEXCHANGE Heaters, Washers tional parks, gjvcs one a clear picture Sluggish Drains Opened Gas at Competitive Prices of how the battle was fought. W c found thcsr visits very intcrrsting and Shop located at BOB'S PLACE only hope the kids will absorb enough so that when they study these phases of Airport Road & J St, GR. 339S our history, it will be more interesting 18 Years in Parkland


Small Homes

GR. 8669


the finishing touch of beauty


for your home


ODD LOTS 2x4's No. 4· Grade S.hort and Long Lengths At Our Yard ..............

Fencing aterial



Reg. $45 per M No. 4·

1x4's ... $19.95 All J,cngths Per M. Reg. $45 per M.


• • • •




Including 5-ft. 4x4 Cedar

Posts anrl 1x6 No. 1 Grade Rails

2.90 per 100 sq. ft.


For Garages, Barns, etc.

--·····•H•• .7.80 per I DO sq. ft. 3. & ~tr., Clear Grade 14 50 Reg. 20.60.,



per 100 sq. ft.

famous BOYSEN


FLOORING Per M End Mntchcd lx4 Clear Grade ..

save S1.40

19.50 Per M

No. 2 Oak Shorts .



I x3 Utility ........... .


PLYWOOD and WALLBOARD Reject Plywood :y,f." 21"x43" All Water Proof %" 31"x66" ~la"




SHEET ROCK Available in ~~1 ", %" and Y2" Thicknesses

1 lf4 ''

2' G"x6' 8" as low as


Any Size from . sq. ft. 12"x48" to 48 11 xYb"


Phone GA 3301


Two House Trailers McDOWELL BUILDING SUPPLIES Milton, Wash . .,- WA 8582 Yon Can Always Do Better at McDowell's



, . Parkland fJU1,e d Shoe Store

Completely equipped and ready to go, like new. $700 $1;·445

411 Garfield Street

Al and Malcolm Soine· GR. 3526 (In the Parkland Centre Building) Open 10 Tm 6 Across from the Post Office

LAWN MOWER Sharpening

Schwinn" BIKES i

An Independently Owned and Operated Dairy Serving The SOUTH END Grade A Milk • Chocolate Milk Cottage Cheese

• •

TRUCKS Save One Half We Furnish Everything


Driu-Ur-Self Co




Corned Beef 45e HIX Deal Pack 2farl27c For a Fine Breakfast


1bunches 15c


RHUBARB • • Large Size Arizona GRAPEFRUIT •





• 1!1



Fruit Cocktail . . Lacee

Napkins . . • Garden S !iced


Lean and Meaty

SPARE RIBS . • . . lb. 49c POJ ROAST Graded Good lb. 69c BOSTON BUTTS Smoked lb. 49c "




3 for 19c



136th & Pacific Ave.




MA 9039


s I





The Better Stoker Coals: Dines, Wyoming, Aberdeen Utah Double-screened Lump and Nut Coals' STOVE & ·DIESEL OIL PRES-TO-LOGS


4 .9 5


Navy Beans . . Blended Juice . .

2 cords $16.00

Free Trading Stamps



Wood at Its Best!



v A Million Feet of Lumber to Choose From



Parkland Shopping Center GR. 5772



BURN THEM NOW . 01(1 •+rowth Fir Timber

regular 2.80






4x8x3 /8 •. 1.98 ea.


Cascade Pump & Drming Co.

Parkland Cycle



$5 per mo.

Capable, Experienced Drillers Nothing Down-3 Years to Pay

Puy. Valley Now Is the Time to Save on • • •





1.20 ea. 2.80 ea. 1.20 ea.


No Down Payment

$6.25 per foot







BOOSTER, 80 lightweiglit it floats. Handsome cider-pr~ss fabric with that lush, thick platform solcit's cork and crepe rubher-really "'airy'? ''t"nlking. Scientific Foot .. Fitting Lasts please Dad and Son. Washable. Popular colors for your casuals.


Free Pick-up and Delivery


Cheaper Than Fir






Per M


HEAVY PLANER ENDS Mixed Load Core Blocks and Planer Ends $12.50 Cord



DO\V ••..••••

Rt. 13, Box 768 Central Ave. Dr. \ran Hoos en, outstanding vrtcrinarian, recently from WSC, will be featured on the program. Dr. Van Hoosen will talk on the care and feed" ing of }1orses He 'has some good 1na..: terial to give us ... bring your friends and corne on out for an evening of strictly horses . . . Our Roundup Queen will be on hand as will her folks I hope. Herc and There See Kent Erickson with the first colt of Dinaris, the Arabian stallion ,. of Ted McMakin. The filly colt was born Monday out of Star Beauty part Thorobred and Standardhred. Should be a "Ood colt. Hc,;'rd ahout Del Cheney Tiding through the night knowing not where his horse was taking hi1n. Jack Brown busy repairing the damage from wire cuts to a colt. Some of us lucky ones getting ready to leave Thursday for the big Hurse Show over at Wenatchee ... Ted McMakin and Margaret ... B. F. Fluty and Marie ... myself and Ruby . . . we 1nay not win a ribbon but \Ve'll sec the show in any event Get into the. spirit of the Roundup ... grow a beard .... dress up in your best duds and iet's go Western from May 1st till June 7th.

Per Running Foot

Y,x6" and 8" Bevel X Grade, Shorts

Dozens of Dazzling Styles

Phone GR, 3141 or GR. 5874

All Materials for a

Complete -

Playshoes For The Entire Family

770 South 120th


136th & Pacific



Plumbing & Heating


Tacoma's largest Builder of Garages


630 I Pacific Ave.

By Howie Snowden

GR. 3710

Open All Day Monday tlnu Saturday

For Cool& Cool Leisure


3bunches 1Oc lb. 10c


Graded Geed

RIB STEAKS . . . . lb. 83c '<;!ello Wrapped




MOVED BIXBY Guaranteed RADIO Repair



Inspection and FRE.ETube Check

On Waller Road, % Mile South of Airport Road

Moved from Garfield and C St. to

120th and C St. GR 5485

Finest black pulvc1·izrd ·peat .topsoil. State tested. 1- to 5-yard loads. Lawn Construction and Rockcries


. Y,xG 3-ft. CEDAR SIDING .......................................... Per 100 ft. $2.00 Y,x8 3 to 7-ft. CEDAR SIDING·······························-···· Per 100 ft. $3.50 4x4 REJECT CEDAR POSTS ............................... . lx8 No. 4 SHIPLAP .................................. :................. Per 100. ft. $3.75 . CEDAR GARDEN STAKES ........................................................ Each 5c

Reg. 104.50 $9.00 Down Sasy Terms U ndcr-cow milker is 20%

and easier than floor types. Stainless steel pail; rubber inflations stay on all size teats. Efficient, dependable, easy to clean.

Fa.rm Master Pump REG.


·Located at 1408 K St. So.a Tacoma


Vacuum pump outfit at a $30.00 saving. Smooth running, efficient, up to

Pay Only 10% Down on

20-cow capacity. See it at Farm Store, Tacoma.

Tin Plate Milk Pail 98c 12mqt. Bleached cotton. Thick, fluffy for 1naxi111um


strength and efficiency.

Regular $209.50

Less Tires ········· 196.50 New super-power David Bradley tractor. Enjoy "Klidc-away" co11trol, 2 speeds. Less tires, attachment_s.

Comes in 20-Rod Rolls


Reg.$17.75 26 'inches Wide • U Reg. $20.25 32-inch .... $19.95 Reg. $22.95 39-inch .... $19.95 Reg. $2) .95 47-inch .... $21.50

The Society for Cripriled Children and .. Adults, -which sponsors the annu2l cnn1'pa_ign in PierCe county, provides medical and educational services for the physically handicapped.


Cub Circus The annual Cub Scout circus of Cub pack No. 92 will be held in the Collins gym at 7:3.0 p. m. May 9. Booths , games of skill, moving pictures and sale of articles made by the , Cubs will be some of the attractions. Cake and coffee, candy and popcorn will be sold. Orville Peterson is general chairman and .has charg'c of tickets on a$ JO box of groceries which sorp.elucky person will win.





THEATRE WA. 7071 I 11111111 99, East Side of 1lridgc Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 1, 2; 3 Show Starts at Dusk

. -· ..



a v1·11-a v f t Bl\


.di u



• "'"'Lo f(



'II\ f,j



11\l: 1IW lJ






• •





• • •

Nalley's Fresh POTATO. CHIPS Everyday Food, 7-oz.

Nalley's Kosher Style

DILL PICKLES, 14 oz. One of the Best Pickles You Ever Ate

lb. Sliced


6c lb. 10c


BACON 3 Skinless Wieners



• •

lb. 49c


of I sanctioned by the U ~ited States Figure Skating Association

gala ice skating revue ••• T_acoma's ofiily ice show! n1orc than 100 skaters ... gorgeous costtunes ... con1cdy pageantry and pulchritude.

Wecfoe:sday,. Thursday. Friday, Saturday April30', May 1. 2. 3. and 7. 8, 9, 10 TICKETS NOW

LAKEWOOD ICE ARENA on Lake Steilacoom



* I)avcno--Many Colors to Choose From

* Swing Rocker to Match* Floor Lamp Coffee Table· Smoker· ** Two Table Lamps ** Scatter Rug * Two End Tables

FREIE PlU MBDN G On Side Arm Heater Replacement if Cost Not Over $30.00 on a 52-gal. Automatic Hot Water Heater $139.95 and UP ~

at 3Stores Downtown

13th and "K" Street BR. 0386

On the Mt. Highw(lly 7208 Pacific: Ave. HI. 9556


Forrester & Lee, Inc.

HOME AND FARM BUREAU-REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL 2-BEDROOM SOUTH END HOME-Only 2 years old, living room with fireplace, dinette, lots of closet space, utility room. lvfodnn and comfortable describes this lovely home. Flowers and shrubs and ]own in, garage. Only $9,250. FHA terms. Mr. Ingalls, GR 8811. No. 906. SP~AWAY GR. 7512 LAKE HOME - OPEN SUNDAY - MAY 4 TH APPROX. I ACRE Lovely year around lake home nestled among the trees on approx. 2 Y2 NEAR- 90th and Pacific 'Ave. Choice acres on west side of Spanaway Lake. Livin.[\-dining room 33 ft. long, 2-bedroom rambler placed in select with floor to ceiling fireplace, picture windows, large porch overlooking setting of fir trees. Ideal spot for the hike. 1 large master bedroom, 2 smaller bedrooms. 5-pc. tile bath. additional building site . .!'.{ore inWell arranged kitchen, utility room with trays, toilet, and lots of cupformation, call Hal Wagner, PR Clos~ board space. Large den or sewing room. Hardwood floors, cement founPuss 'N Boots Large Cans 2923. No. 1007. dation, part basement, automatic oil furnace. Completely furnished in $500 DOWN for excellent taste, including oil paintings, wall-to-wall carpeting, drapes, MOVE IN tomorrow. 2 bedrooms, etc. Beautiful lawn, shrubbery, flowers. A boat and bath house, dock and comfortable living room, wired f01; Fresh (The kind you like) Lb. diving board. A 16-ft. boat with outboard motor. Garage, tool shed, 220, utility. Only $1,950; $50 a Desert sand finish, 8-dr. Mr. and stable and corral. Picnic tables, benches, etc. The full price of this comPear111utsa •• month, Good location in Oakland Mrs. dresser, 4-dr. chest, '2 night pletely furnished home is only $1 G,500. Take over the present owner's Addition. Mr. Ingalls, GR 8811. Lb. Pkg. stands, Hollywood headboard. equity and payments of $100 mo. This is truly a wonderful buy. Sec for No. 490. yourself by driving out the Mt. Highway to the Military Road, turn $7,950 right, go to first stop sign at Spanaway Loop road, turn left arid follow GOOD BUY in good district near So. our open house signs. Completely Cooked, Ready to Eat 54th and Pacific Ave. '..: bedroon:,; Swift's down, 1 up; part basement, utility 17 ACRES - 3 BEDROOMS - . FIREPLACE room on main floor, forge garagr. Dandy modern home with built-in freezer. Wired Z20. Garage, barn, 2 lb~ Fenced back yard. Terms. Ihl Wagchicken houses. Well fenced. Located near McKenna on hard-surfaced ner. PR 2923. No. 796. Sun Tan, Pearl Pieces andEnds (Limit) road,"within walking distance of bus a;nd stores. No.rocks. Only $500 2 Lbs. % ACRE down. This is a bargain. Immediate possession, 2-BEDROOM home, only 3 years old, 10 ACRES GOOD SOIL - COLLINS ROAD DIST. apprnx. 1,300 sq. ft. on t floor, Nearly new 2-bcdrm modern home, wired 220, concrete foundation. Lb. circulating fireplace, full basement, Sun Tan Pearl, full or twin size. Chicken hohse. This is a good value for $9,450. Approx, $2,000 down double garage, small outbuilding, will handle. Better sec it. variety of fruit. Close to all conveniences. FHA terms. Hal Wagner, HOME AND FARM ESTATE PR 2923. N'"o. 1302. 1 pr. Frosted Walnttt 12810 Pacific Avenue, Parkland GRanite 3931 8 ACRES - CLEARED DARI GOLD TALL TIN II""" HIGH QUALITY 3-bedroom ranchMail Address: Rt. 3, Box 819, Tacoma, Wash. styk home, separate den, fireplace, Evenings and Sundays, Mr. Loring, GR. 3570; dquple plumbing, 2-car attached gac rage. Workshop. This is choice prop15 .I'ERTILE ~qRES . I FOR SALE - 28 sliccts ~ inch 4-ft. erty. Call Hal Wagner, PR 2923. GOOD soil, good bmldm~s; widow x 8-ft. plywood; 240 bd. ft. No. 1 No. F-2500. ::11:11 must sell. Modern .J-bedroom clear 1-ineh by 6-inch dry cc:dar' house; 2-~ar garage; storage room; 15 gals. green barn and roof paint Prices Consistently LOW barn; chicken house; good well, in 5 gal. cans. Rau Mfg. Co., phone Member Tacoma Real Estate Board Quality Consistently HIGH electric pump; well fenced, eras~GR 7372. . 13c33 917 PaCific Ave. BR 8325 fenced; is ,.voR SALE' - R ecl f ryers; a 1so .f'ive· 8 lacres . f cleared. $ 7 5 00.Here Id Prices Effective May 2nd & . 3rd. I. sccun d cc k b a tt ery w1'th b a'b y c h'1ck s. DON'T OVERLOOK THESE! 'dty ·ga dore or 11, 1 ' wou 1 FLAVORS consi er tra c or sma Pace c ose 9023 Pacific Ave. HI 4000 13 33 10 ACRES, 5 rms., $5,200; $500 dn. FOR SALE-:- '51 ford custom Tudor; to Puyallup or sell on easy terms. ' · c 2. acres, 5 rms., chicken house, gamost all extras; one owner; must Bill Dacy, HA 6006. No. A-200. F01:l. SALE Choice white weaner rage, $5,600; $800 dn., immcd. poss; sell. If you or your friends are jn WANT SOMETHING NICE? pigs; Rt. 1, Box 188, Spanaway . •.. ,.:,,· y,'i acre, 4 rms., close in, $800 dn.; the market, this car is in perfect conFERTILE ACRE in a good loc:aGR 6147. 13p33 TO BUY OR SELL YOUR HOME $4,600. Call Ralph Decker, HI dition and an excellent buy. GA tion; inaster built rambler that you FOR SALE Weaner pigs; 3 blocks CALL BR 5166 4705. 5696. would be proud to own. Really, ea~t of Waller Road on 80th; Box 4524 NORTH 14TH S~E: 6526 SO. D., sm. G. I. equity, CONVERTIBLE '46 Plymouth de folks; this is not just another one 826. Call afte1· 4 or Saturday or $6,950 - A REAL value at this price'. lilt~' new, $9,500. 3728 So. Asotin, luxe; raaio, heater, leather interior; of those 2-bedroom homes. It has Sunday. 13c33 Out-of-town owner must sell at dandy 2-bedrm. on bus line, $3,900; looks and runs fine; $895. GR 8512. · individuality galore, setting in a sacrifice. Dandy 2-bedrm. modern $,~00 .dn. 45th and Yakima, 3 bed12p33 grove of towering fir trees. F'iuc home, only 7 yrs. old.· Corner lot, rooms, $6,500. 1223 So. llOth, a Tenderized, Short Shank garden spot, 2-car garage; close to 1946 MERCURY sedan, excellent. near bus, school and shopping. beauty for $6,200. 96th and Taylor, buses, school, stores. And this is Best transportation buy anywhere. M-263. Mr. Moore, MA 4755 or BR new and lovely for $8,250. Call no mafarkcy. Price $13,400 on FHA Nelson Garage, Ft. Lewis. Weekdays 5166. , Rex Rector, HI 8344· to buy or II terms. Rill Dacy, HA 6006. No. ELA 3611 ext. 27172. Might trade LOW DOWN PAYMENT sell your home. for good truck, tractor or what have 704. 3-BEDROOM, jn North end bsmt.3-BEDROOM RAMBLER HERE IS YOUR HOME you? 12e33 dbl. garage. Close to 6th Ave'. 2 YRS. OLD, comb. !iv. and din. MUST SELL 1951 Kaiser 2-door de Owner will carry contract. K-87. rm., nice kitchen with lots of built- JUST off McKinley Aw.; \'cry 1110<!c1'"n 2-bedroorn hon1c; living roon1, luxe sedan. A-1 shape, radio, rear $8,950 - LOVELY 3-beclrm. · large ins. Bcdrms. have cedar lined 3 Lb< dining area, dream ki~chc:i with seat speaker, air conditioner and kitchen, din_ing rm.; dbl. plu~1bi~g. closets ~ith sliding door~. Dbl. galoads of built-ins; 2 spac1nus bedheater, clock, rear view n1irrors, An extra mcc family home. K-99. l''}gc with floored upstairs. 3 lots, rooms; very nice '4-piecc ha th; oil nylon and plastic scat covers, one Mr. Koski, HA 7952 or BR 5166. 2'J,/2 blocks. to bus. $9,950. Call Gene furnace; utility room; double>. gaowner. A buy at $2,250. GR 7750, G. I. SPECIAL Davies, GR 5895. rage; 1 block to stores, bu'; close 10 evenings. 12c33 LAST ONE available at $250 down. NEED HELP IN BUYING HOME? sc.hools. Price $8,600 on FHA .terms. Known for Good, Clean Sharp 8-yr.-old, modern 2-bedrm. home TELL ME your needs, I have several FOR SALE -1940 light gray PlymBill Dacy, HA 600b. No. C-440. Cars with unfinished upstairs 1·cccssed good new listings in Parkland and outh 2cdoor de luxe; good condibath, oak floors, insulated'. 5fith and So; end districts. 2 Y2 acres, good 3tion, quiet, solid. Sell or trade for RICHAVEN Pacific Ave ..dist. Act fast on this y_r.-old, . 2-bedrm. home built by cow, fresh or coming fresh, or other one. B-70. Charlie Landis HA 42H owner, has lgc. rms., place for BR. 1219 livestock. GR 8389. Rt. 3, Box or BR 5165. ' c)lickens, etc., 3 .blks. to bus. Call 357-A, Tacoma, (Collins Road). WORDS cannot tell you how nice FOR SALE OR RENT·--3-room modGOOD BUYS J)avc Fo.rtier, HI 5214-. 12c33 they really are. Sec them before ern house, completely furnished; 2 2934 SOUTH 17TH ST. - 2 bed. SPACIOUS HOME you buy: lots, $3,750; ! 70th an<l B St. Call rooms; full bsmt. Range and· rcfrig- A'I\404-0 "A" ST. - 3 bcdlrooms, GR 6163, or write Louis Conway, erator included. $8,500. H·287. ' !iv. and din .. rm., kit., brlc nook, Rt. 1, Box 197-E, Spanaway. 9p33 '52 PONTIAC SUPER 1215 SOUTH 117TH ST. - 2 bed'l'.~ll-to-wall rugs. Terms, can. he PARKLAND RANCH rms.; auto. washer. $7,950. H-288. · afranged. Call Chas. Fulwiler, GA CATALINA +ACRES of finest farm soil. Immacu5120 lO!ST ST. S. W. - 2 bedrms.; Q;.?65 ... Easy Glare Glass lately clean 4-bedroom family home. carport. Range jncluded. . $6QO ~·M·· NEVER LICENSED 13-25 living room. Part basement, down, $40 mo.; 4% loan. H-286, .;;:: . ... . . 1-bcdroom gl)cst house. Lots of fruit Mr. l}ai11es,P~1675 or.BR.~166. ;iJ .... '50 CHEV: piclmp; dJx. cab, low trees. Coad 'stable •. Only 3 blocks to SAVE$ (\Y:E;\],\\ESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMITGUANTI'l'IES) mile51ge. gracldschool and bus. Price $10,950 \vith :gif1;M';;Kinley Ave: ; GA. ;£h65' 'q, \1 for quick sale. Call BYRON BRYPrices Effc.;;tive May 1st, 2nd and 3rd ga;age, range, . recessed bath, etc. Member Tacoma Real Estate Board SON, HI 9114-, Geo. D. Barclay '5 2 STUDEBAKER Pnccd for qmck sale on terms. HOGAN'S HAVE LOWER PRICEs Co., 911 Pacific. '4·7 CHEV. Flcetlinc 2-dr. R.-H. Immediate possession. W-267. Mr. HELP YOU REALTY STARLINER Very clean. Wheaton, PR 4821 or BR 5166. HONEYMOON SPECIAL - 1-bcdPARKLAND RAMBLER RAY GOGAN Never Licensed PARKLAND room bungalow, nice yard, close JUST OFF Park Ave., on Violet MeaLANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION 3 BEDRMS., one floor plan. $9,900. to bus, low down payment, balance dow - An attractive, well-kept 2ONE BEDROOM - $390 DN. 'AUCTION SALE General landscaping service - new T-4·3. · like rent. bcdr,oom home. Unusual storage '47 FORD conv., new paint. R.-H. SAVE$ IF YOU want more cash quick, sell lawns, peat soil, topsoil, shrubbery, COMPLETELY modern home on 3 3 3-BEDROOM space. $&,950. Call Carl Lindgren, lots. Early possession. Priced at SOUTH 12H AND ADAMS by auction. Every Fri., 7:30 p.m. rockeries. 10% down, 30 months to bedrms.; 10 yrs. old. $8,750. T-54. ALL on mairi floor this home is among GR 5088. Lakes Realty, LA 21 o+. $2,850. Call Mr. Harmon, GR 3624 Glen Betts, 8113 So. Tacoma Way. pay. GR. 3127. 3ctf '51 CHEV. BEL-AIRE VETERANS loan. New 3-bedroom ''18 FORD Club cpe. R.-H. Sharp or CR 6896. beautiful suburban homes. Full base- FOR SALE !-bedroom modern Free pickup service. LA. 8505. rambler. $9,990. 0-15. PUMPS car. · 1 Y, ACRE WALLER ROAD Less Than 3,000 Miles rnent, .2-car garage, chicken home. home, furnished; on 19 acres, partly 2ctf' WATER WELLS DRILLED 3-BEDROOM home, chicken coop FOR the above properties and other We tlunk a good deal; $12,600. cleared; good outbuildings; 175 lay$2,250 fine homes call George Tibbits, SK 1 and garage. Fruit trees; Sl,200 down 5 ACRES-ALL CLEARED ing pullets, clearing $50 a month. 1 2786 or BR 5166. '49 PONTIAC 2-dr. Hydr. R.-H. for G. I. equity; $45.50 per month. CHICKEN house 25x80, old barn, GR 8495. 10c33 PARKLAND $7,750 FREE ESTIMATE Priced at $7,600. Call Mr. Dammcl, '50 CHEV. BEL-AIRE fruit trees. $750 down. t FU. 2400 8108 GR · No Down Payment on '32-'42 CUTE, modern 2-bedrm. home with 3624 or GR 368L $5,750 FIVE ACRES u-,Green and Yellow Terms 15ctf Model Cars fireplace, large garage and lovely 3-1\00M house,. Y2 acre in. str11wbe.r- FOR RENT-2-bedroom small home $500 DOWN Two-Tone Deal Direct with Applicator ACE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE yard. Captain transferred, ma)<cs ONE-BEDROOM home on 4 lots. Oil ri.es. On bus !me and children will f · d 11 I · . $40~ OPEN NEW FRAN·'KLIN IJI,..,l·I un urmshe ; exec cnt· ocatlon, · , . and Save 0. B. Ackley, owner. Septic tanks $1,895 this offer possible. L-119. Mr. Forcirculator and electric range ingo, t o our . • ''" GR 7711. 10p33 cleaned, contents hauled away. rest Lyons, SK 2227 or BR 5166. cluded. Immediate possession. Call The 4 hard top conv. SCHOOL. , ~ ROOT GR. 1313 or GR. 5539. 28tf LOOK ....,. $5,650 Mr. Smith, GR 362'1 or GR 1162. . . .LARGE.FAMILY HOME. above. All have autoPuyallup, Rt. 2, Box 163 ON SOUTH BOTH _:.. + yrs. old. A. I~ ;THE CITY of Puyallup. 4 acres 10 ACRES - TRADE 1 matic transmissions Terms Phone 5-6552 fine 2-bedrm. modern gray shake. :ofsome HI 5100 96th & Pacific Ave. FOR EQUITY in home in Parkland of the riehestland, •mit;1ble plus loads and loads HA 5533 3 lots, good soil. Hdwd. floors/ love4532 So. Tac. Way or Tacoma. 2 bedrooms, a small gafor bulbs or berries. This home is ly . 4-pc. tile bath, cab. kitchen, rage and chicken coop. Partly lBc.ated on the river and is owned of equipment. brkfst. nook, utility rm. 4% mort- , Hy one of .the doctors in the State PARKLAND WESTERN AUTO deaned. School buses by door. gage, $38 mo. payments. You' can't : :Experimental Station. Priced at $6,200. Call Mr. HarAirport & Pacific GR 3112 '51 FORD V-8 Tudor, Fordo- CHILDREN'S NURSERY -- Family hent this. A-.107. Mr. Harned, BR mon, GR 3624- or GR 6896. YOU REALTY 7542 or BR 5166. CHOICE OF TWO matic d r iv e, etc. Very style; educational toys; trained pcr7 ·~rport and Leonards Crossing UNFURNISHED OUTLYING properties. Have Y, acre FOR RENT - Parkland, modern furclean ________________________ $ l, 8 9 5 sonnel. GR. 6682. 11etf GR 3871 Day or Eve. with lovely 3-bcdroom home right 2-BEDRM. range and refrig,, $65: n!shed cottaoT, rrrlecoratc<l; gara1Ic: CHILD CARE-Wish to do child 2-BEDRM., garage, $65. garden space; adults; no pets; GR on Pacific Ave for $11,500. PARKLAND care in my own home. GR. '3503. HA VE 2 acres with \'cry nic cl-bed- 3-BEDRM. rambler, $100. 3345; GR 5659 evenings. 1 10c33 '51 FORD "6" Fordor. R. '2-SSJ'ORY home in the heart of Park14etf FURNISHED room home, approx. 2 blocks off !ahd. 5 bedrooms, concrete base- F(.)R RENT - Narrowmoor, 3-room and H, A real good buy. PLOWING with horses. GA. 1324. Pacific Ave., for ~:9,950. Call Mr. 2-BEDRM., basement, $80. mc.nt a_nd a large yard. Only $6,950. furnished apartment; fireplace; elecPrice ________________________ $1, 6 9 5 14ctf 2-BEDRM., in Lakeview, $75. Dillon, SK 2458 or GR 3624-. ~1,750 down and $60 per mo. tric range and refrigerator; auto. !-ROOM apartment, private 8Y2 ACRE. farm on Airport Road, TRIPLEX furnished apt. Income hot water; private entrance; workFREE RENT to pensioner or couple $32.50. Call Mr. Haines, PR large home, small barn and other .$127; total price, $10,000, terms. ing people preferred; no pets or '50 FORD V-8 custom club· for looking after horses and other UPHOLSTERING Ward Smith, Inc., BR 5166. UNFINISHED furniture. H a g g's, outbuildings. Most all cleared and R,ltMBLER style home at 1103 So. children. PR 4-132. 10c33 light work. GR 3170 after 6 p. m. coupe. R. and H. -~---$1,595 FOR RENT - FURNISHED 1107 Market Street. 15ctf fenced. Rush sale at $6,750; $2,000 1'16th. Living room with fireplace FOR RE-NT - Two-room furnisi:;;:-d Custom Built--New and Recovering 5p33 LAKEWOOD - Modern 2-bedroom handles. 14-xl8, 2 large bedrooms, 4-pieee Cushions Refilled --J:'ree Estimates apartment, 3-picce bath; wall-toSCRATCH PADS-Get them at Laduplex. Large living room, dinette, 96-ACRE farm near Olympia. Fine bath. Lots 75xl00. $10,300, take wall carpet. Inquire 5420 So. L. '50 CHEVROLET de luxe Crosse Printers and TIMES-JOURMARSHALL UPHOLSTERY cabinet kitchen, utililty room, al)fo. improvements, good land, all clear over equity of $1,500. NAL office, 25c lb. Convenient 10c33 Fleetline 2·door sedan. A Airport & Knapp-Moore Road oil heat. 2 blocks to new Center. LOST - Black and yellow revcrsib!C but 6 acres. Inquire about this atSPANA WAY pads and sizes. 15ctf black beauty ______________ $1,545 GRanite 6066 Newly redecorated. $65 per month, 4-ACRE farm, cleared and fenced. FOR RENT-Small 2-bedroom home, jacket. Lost a month ago on College tractive buy. fully furnished, $4·5 a month; also or with range and refrigerator $70 Golf Course. Call GR 7144. 6c33 ABOUT 3 acres right in Parkland, Very good soil. 3 . bedrooms, old ROTOTILLING COMPLETE tractor work. Loosening small business building on Garfield per month. Call LA 3897. 10c33 good soil. Streets and has water in l)ome and barn. Fm' $3,700. $250 ground and leveling. Average lawn, '49 PONTIAC 4-door. R. and WORK ?uaranteed. 'Tom Schuster, St., Parkland. Phone GR 534-4or front of property. Has 208 frontdown and $4·0 per mo. $12,00. Don Abbot, GR. 384-6. 3ctf H., Hydra-Matic ______ $1,595 HA 942 1. 13ctf GR 3526. 10c33 age. Can buy all or any part. Priced CLOVER CREEK ROAD WARD SMITH, INC. AUTO GLASS INSTALLED-Auto CASH for· equities. Fife Motors, 5026 right. 21-ACRE farm, all fenced and into So. Tacoma Way. HI. 9241. Bctf Member Tacoma Real Estate Board Upholstery, convertible tops. MA. 8 ACRES on Brookdale Golf Course 109 South 10th Street cultivation. 7 rooms, older home, BR 5166 '49 MERCURY 4-door. R. and 2200, Art's Glass Co., 816 So. Ta- RADIATORS, scrap iron, junk cars Rd. About 700 ft. frontage. Water, 3-piece bath, barn and garage and WASHING MACHINE PARTS and batteries. Puy. 5-2141. Hecker, coma Ave. 3c50 H. A good car priced right. lights and telephone. Building Largest stock in town. Repairing chicken coop. Good location. Only the Wrecker. 24-x36. Cement floor. $2,300; small that pleases. B. B.'s Washer Service, $8,500 with $2,000 down on con-------·-----------------------$ l ,4 9 5 8ctf PACIFIC BROKERS MOTOR REBUILDING 3722 So. G. GA. 5115. llctf down payment. tract direct with owner. The farm USED FURNITURE. Also generous 20 ACRES, all cleared and fenced you have been looking for! Why Not Check Our All Automotive Machine STOVE REPAIRS-Largest stock in '48 MERCURY 4 d cJ R COMPANY trade-in allowances and bank terms. on 82nd, near Pacific Ave. Large Northwest. Hyder Furnace, 1513 ·. . - r. se an. · Temperance Policy Rates? and Repair Work . $700 DOWN$35 PER MO. Parkway Furniture, 141st & Pacific. 2-bedrm., spacious !iv. rm. and firePacific Ave. MA 4767. Established and H. A real buy at wholcErnest Harmon at NEWLY painted and new hardwood GR. 3941. Bctf Insurance of All Kinds place. $10,000. in 1872. 1 lctf sale ______________________________ $89 5 Shop: GR. 7450 •• Res: HI. 6190 floors in this 3-room house on a . Notary Public POULTRY WANTED, any amount. HATCHERY, well equipped and 10 Pacific Avenue at Brookdale CUSTOM GUNSMITH - RebarrellOOx 135 lot. Garage. Full price Est. in Parkland Since 1941 acre,s. 2 residences. Close to ParkWeighed and paid for on farm. Free GRanite 3624 Use Our Easy Finance Plan ing, head-spacing, stock work, re$5,500. Call Mrs. Hughes, GR 4328. GR 7232 days: GR 8210 Eve. & Sun. land. $26,250. culling to your advantage. Highest 12 Months to Pay-Nothing Down bluing. Guns and ammunition. Jerry '48 OLDS. 6 6 scdanet. Hydra3-BEDROOM RAMBLER WfAVATING-No job too small. 208 Garfield Street prices paid. No obligation. Just call SPANAWAY ~ 4 lots, 4-nn. house, Matic, heater and recondiShannon, Mt. Road, near Loveland. BEDROOM in knotty pine. Large FOR SALE W. L. Lewis, GR. 74·92. 3ctf nicely furnished. Priced to sell quick us first, HA. 5761 or write P. 0. 2-beclroom house at Phone Graham 537. llctf tioned motor, and so clean dinette and eating space.in kitchen. at $4,750. BOOKEEPING and Tax Returns preBox 866, Tacoma. Bctf McKenna; curnplctcly remodeled 2 cords $12. GR in and out ___. ____________ $1, 285 UPLAND-Wi56:D~ Lots of tile, birch cabinets. Firepared. Phone MArket 597& or GA CHAIR CANING with Natural cane. with new foundation; garage; util3306. 15etf SPOT CASH place. Attndied garage. 3 lots. Call Call Mr. Inloes, HA 2547 or GR 3624 3415. 3ctf Call BR. 7804 or bring in. Alan jty room· garden spot· berries· nice l<'or Your Used Furniture Helen O'Brien, GR 3558. · or Mr. Harmon, GR 6896 or GR 3624 BULLDOZING in exchange for timVandegrift, 720 So. Sheridan. fenced y~rd; $4-,600; Jack Ric'c; fr1Ill. FREE INSTALLATION 1 Piece or House Full '46 CHEV. coupe. R. and H. BROWN SHAKE . , ·' ber. L. J. Fortney, HI 8089. quire at McKenna Store. 9p35 llctf SUBURBAN REALTY lit ARMSTRONG INLAID LINOBlock's Furniture Mart . . 2-BEDROOM plastered home. Oil Way above average. A good 15p35 LEUM - You ·buy linoleum, our 8205 So. Tacoma Way LA. 2882 9920 Pacific Avenue GR. 36241 furnace, aluminum storm windows FOR SALE - 9 level lots on Garfield clean solid ·car. Motor overcrew will expertly fit and cement and Ainsworth; will divide; GR WANTED and door. New auto. hot water hauled _______________________ $ 7 9 5 jt to your floors. 7955. 9p33 DEAD STOCK REMOVED WITHtank, hardwood floors. This is a Homes in Parkland Community; OUT CHARGE. Highest prices r: ••ALDERMAN'S DO YOU NEED INSURANCE? nice home on lOOxlOO lot with ga- FOR SALE - 3-bcdroom older home paid for tallow, hides, grease and o 125 Pac1f1c Ave. HI. 2200 CHECK OUR LOW DOWN PAY- Acreage close in, either with or withwith 6 lots in Spanaway; unrage and. small ehickt'n house. All ,......,.._...,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3_ctf. MENT INSURANCE PLAN. bones. PUGET SOUND RENDER- '41 BUICK scdancL Radio, out buildings. furnished or partly furnished; 2 fenced. Call Mrs. Hughes, GR 4-328. heater, sportlite ____________ $345 ING WORKS. Phone LAkewood blocks to school; Y2 block to Mt. 3Y2 ACRES PLUMBING REPAIRS •• Sewer WE NEED listings of an kinds. Farms, BROWN 2434. 13ctf Highway; low down payment. Phone • acreage, lots, building sites, homes 3-BEDROOM home, chicken house, . . p• CIcanmg • Electric ipe Thawmg (new or old, 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedGA 6459. 9c33 FENCES of all types. Specializing in barn. Lots of fruit and berries. Close 11220 Pacific Ave. Local Bank Terms - Trade ,...f'r•. ...... -....,ft OOA1 ... i.";.... 1 ................ 1-. ...........1 ..... ~ ......... .,,................... 1 ~ .. : ~·"' to bus liuc. \\rill consider trade vr FOR SALE BY OWNER - Modern VHH.;c-.uay::s, \J.1'. .:.>.J'1" J Reg. $i35 0 All work guaranteed. For free estiR. E. contract as down payment. Call Evenings, YU. 9221, LA. 3066 2-bedroorn horne, $400, balance like mates call BR 74·09. BR 7010. 18 Months to Pay 1 Helen O'Brien, GR 3558. Agent for American Express rent. Call Beckim, GR 8H8 or GR DUPLEX Money Orders 5165. 9c33 covr:M:ANURE $5 per yard; ground Open Till 8 P. M. PLUMBING Property Management Insurance 8003 SO. YAKIMA peat $3.50; delivered; WA 8515. FOR SALE BY OWNER-2-b~droom FOR TRADE--South ei:d .2-be~room UPPER apt. furnished. 2 bedrooms, GRanite 8905 Notary 13c36 home; corner location, beautiful Member of Tacoma Real Estate Board modern home; also bmlchng sites at living room, dining room, cab. kitchFOR SALE Scottish terrier, female, lawn, fir t1·ccs, fenced yard; G. I. . Office' 328 Garfield St. GR. 3:169 Parkland, trade for small acreage rn down. Extra iargc garage. Call GARDEN SERVICE l(NUTE LOH..AND 8 weeks old; AKC registered; 5equity. 838 So. 103rd, Barnes Lane. or waterfront property. GR 5827. '-l·l· ROTO TILLING FOR SALE BY OWNER - New 2c ' c en O'B··· !Jen, GR J0500 :Ju. gencration pedigree; reasonable; 223 9c33 9 33 MOTORS Lawn rebuilding, fertilizing; top soil, bedroom home, Fern Hill district; So. 135th or phone GR 5093, SaturPACIFIC BROKERS CO. CREEK PROPERTY Approxidressing maintenance. GA. 5885. insula#on plaster, knotty pine cabi- _M_I_D_L_A~N-'D_D_I_S_T_R_I_C_T_N_c,-,.,-2--b-'-e-'-d-1 Where Your Dollar day or Sunday. 13c33 m11tely 3 acres on beautiful stream, room house, 3 lots; close to school 3807 So. G St. HI 8428 HI. 2722. 3ctf nets and snack bar; auto. furnace; 1004 Tacoma Ave. BR 2030 Goes Farther 5 miles from city center. GR 714-6 FOR SALE - 10 weeks old Chester and .bus. Fur sale by Qwncr. GR . Next to 38th St. St. Post Office 1 JOE'S Tractor Service. ~d'to~ng. hardwood floors; Venetian blinds; evcni_I)gs. 9c33· White pig; PR 5660, 13e33 I HA ..4112 340~ S.q, .G .SL.i ·--.~.-,,---------~ 6972 or ·GR 5341. 9c33 Member ... Tacoma Real Estate. Board full attic;,$8,950; HA 7924-. 9c33 GR 5932, . .· ~ctf


Save Up

Spanaway Food Center


Sharp Cheese lb. 65c Oxydol •• 29c

On These Factory







Marshmallows • • 29c


Complete Set $97.50

lh 0


4-Draw. Chest $27.50


Panel Bed .. $19.50









Twin Beds. $18.75 ea.


Picnic Hams ••


Sliced Bacon •

. . 29c

.Loin Pork Chops 59c Pork Sausage. lb. 43c Pork liver .•• lb. 39c Garden Fresh Vegetables at Lowest Market Prices



Cat food .. 2

5-pc. Bedroom Set


Forrester & Lee, Inc.


12-·-used Autos

E IOc I ~,~~~!£~ · · I PORK STEAKS agus 29c WEiNEl8" SM:=






Priced Right


2 Big lots to Serve You $1u295








$1 695

Call Turner


Roofs and Siding

lflRen a l s


0. l.


'5-Help Wanted


Till 9:00


14--Situations Wanted



6-Lost & Found


8-Wanted to Buy

11-Repair Service


Insurance Too High?

Parkland Realty Co.


13-Farm Ads

9-Real Estate





E. M.





Hot Water Tank


jnfb;~~~ h;•~;~;;cr;nw::t-








Peoples Supply



State Farm .Mutual Insurance

. FORREST LEONARD Agency GR. 7222 Anything In Insurance 12815 Pacific Avenue - (House just South of Blue Spruce Motel) -~-----

Septic Tanks, Cess· Pools Cleaned

Violet Prairie Club


Bathinette, folding stroller, 6-year crib, playpen, bassinette, Baby Tenda, high chair; GR 5660. . . 15c33 WILL TRADE Schwinn boy's bicycle for a large tricycle {trike bike) ; LA 8910. 15c33 FOR SALE - 9 weeks old pigs; hot water tank; separator. Rt. 1, Box l5c33 261-A. Graham 198.

i'UK ·:;ALE -


Contents Hauled Away Violet Prairie Garden club will WE DEMONSTRATE on yo~r meet at 1 p. m. May 9 in the Ever, 'nUTso:N TANK CLEANING ground. We oil and adjust .and degreen room at Schoenfelds. Hostesses HI HA 7038 liver new. Merry> '.fillers to your ,., 3980 ' will b.e Mrs. J. B. •Ri~hards and Mm door at no extra .cost; Briggs & F. Y .. Thomas .. Mrs. A. L. Hunter, Stratton or Clin.ton engines. Don president, will preside for a short LEAVE FILM at Quality Photo Servke for developing. In at 1O, out at Arthur Distributors, the original bminess session. Mrs. C. S, Pitzler 1Sctf Merry Tiller dealer; Arthur W. will derµonstrate dish gard~ns and · '5. 9610 Pacific Ave. Dahlberg. Call PR 1800. . 13ctf membe.rs arc asked .to bring appropriFull Estimates' on Irrigation Systems ate materials, · PLOWING, harrowing 'discing; with Buy, Selli and Exchange 15ctf horses; GA 1324·. Quality Recapping & Vulcanizing FOR SALE '-:-. Guernsey. cream. Qt. 80c; Rt. 13, Box 347. 15c34 PLOWING, discing,' leveling. R,t. 3, .FOR SALE :_ Police shepherd pup220 Puyallup Ave., Tac. ER. 1888 Box 521-A. GR 7702. 13ctf pies, healthy; GR 8408. 15c33 FOR SALE Perennial plants; dcl: W~NTED - Chic)<,ep.s and rabbits. ph,iniums, giant. Pacific hybrids, Call us before you sell. Cope's Poµllarge clumps 35c each, 3 for $1; tcy .Market, 7036. Pacific Avenue, Russell lupins $Q<;; J~nglish daisies 15ctf 90c a dozen.

'Ault· Tire Service

FDR A NEW BUILDING or to refoof th.e old, why. not put on the nest long-life cedar, shingles and ~ave time· and money. They don't bl9'°" off or .sweat. •Our extra thick No:·1, 24">can be laid up to 10-in. ·exposure. We a'lso make 16" and 18ushingles. Mill price or.delivered. Ohop .Lake Shingle Mill, P. 0. Box 353, Eatonville, Wash. 15c38 F:()~ SALE Ki_tchen tab)e and ; cpairs; stationary tubs; wash basin. \GR 3 768 evenings. 15c33 FOR SALE -,-Daven() $15. GR 4205. 15c33 1;00p TIRES/all sizes at wholesale prices. T & D. Tackle Shop, 1018 So. 108th St., GR 4463. 15c33 FORSALE - 2- and 3-week-old gosling~. Frank.Velke, 5-7fi5'1, Puval· lup. 15c33 ROTTED COW FERTILIZER $1 SACK or by the yard; peat and topsoil. HI 4056. 15p33 FOR SALE - Outboard motors; .1 horse, 5 horse, 7 Y2 horse. If my prjce isn't right, make an offer. GR 7146 evenings. 15c33 FOR. SALE - Finest peat dirt and topsoil. We haul 'or you hauL GR 4324. · 15c37

~· ... ··.·~ {./~ ... ·· ...... ·

IT A Gift She Will Cherish Forever

PHONE·GR 3833 For Appointment

For the REtllf ofYour . FOOD BUDGET

Tomato Julc:o mUl..


25t 46-oz. Tin

HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES: Case Count and Can Size

Rosedal.e Peas • Sl.68 · ·. 25c Whole'sale,Pric:e,

Handling Charge

• •


Black Pepper, Schilling ~-oz. 19c Milk, Darigold . . . 3tall tins 39c ·,a

Kool Aid Pickles. Genuine Dills

Spry . l-lb. Tin 79c Corned Beef, Fray Bentos . 11 oz. 39c B

$1.93 Your Cost


Handling Charge

·S3~ l6

~andling Charge





Handling Char;ge



l.62nd ·& Park Ave. Spanaway

Pork Steaks 49e lb.

FOR SALE·..,.-- Young Guernsey cow, fresh short time; heavy milker ..GR 8860: 13c33 FOR SALE - .·.Exceptionally fine mare; ·rose-gray in color; registered Arab. Puyallup 5-5671. 16c33 FOR SALE ' - Nice weaner pigs. Phone HA 3667. 13c33 PASTURE AVAILABLE for 1 or 2 · horses; GR 7630 after 5. 16c33 WANTED-C. at t 1 c to pasture. G. Cook, Rt. 1, Box 68, Kreger Lake, l 6ctf Eatonville SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 8c . each for R e d Cockerels. Available e a ch Wednesday. Special prices on large or d e r s. LaCrosse Hatchery and Poultry Ranch. Ph. Sumner 3-3122. 16ptf

CORNED· PORK lb. 38c




Hlghway at Spatiaway GR. 3323 WE DELIVER




I .,

South End Plumbing

Home of Schorn Paints . . ·.· Near Roy Y ·Spanaway Graham 194 GR. 8357

''Now Featured" at

24/21 63c



And His Orchestra

FRUITLAND GRANGE DANCE JAMBOREE 7 Miles East of Pacific Ave. on Airport Road

Case Count and Can Size ~



Dancing 9:30-2

Admission: $1.00

You Save

Your Cost



Your Cost

It's Wonderful the Way Grass

and Plants Grow and Flourish When You Feed

You Save

item in stock, but if you



°' ®

.° Complete,

organic-based plant food for flowers, trees, shrubs• Made in the Northwest for Northwest soil conditions.

Du.e to• ?Uf''limited ·storage space, we may net have


2-lb. 29c 2·1b. 34e 2-lb. 27e lb. Sc Carton 25c lb. 29c

· ·.

16-Livestock & Equip.

You Save


D~lt~es,s,jGreen CufBeans I?riie



Gase Count and Can Size

Calirose Peaches, Freestone Halves 24/2 ~ 6.24 15c $6.49 68c Per .Can

FOR.SALE - Gentle Albino gelding. Call LA 3584. 16c33 GOOD family cow, fresh now. JerseyHolstein. Rt. 2, Box 327 between Airport aI\d Pear ,OJ?..5th, Puyallup . . . .. '· 16p33

You Save

Case. Count and Can Size

AA Ll!Ige

Rice, Calif. White Raisins, Seedless Beans. Idaho Navy Cabbage, Solid Green Tomatoes, Fresh Cukes, Hot House

Dutchess .·Corn, Cream .Style . 24/303 15c $3.63 45c Who)e~ale

24moz. 49c 6Pkgs.25c ·24-oz. 29c

Mayonnaise. Shurfine

Case Count and Can Size


lb. llc:

24/303 43c

You Save

Your Cost

Silver Dal~ Tomatoes • $4.64 · 15c S4a89 Iba 65c

Good Quality




Eviscerated, Ready.· for the Pan

Coffee. Shurfine • • 1~~,. lb. 79c ~riskies Meal • • ~ 25..lb. bag 2.69 Hi Ho ~rackers • ·l<11r~.~ Pkg. 27c lrer,1d • . • larg~ Pkg. 19c


A. new Bar9ain Basket feature not duplicated any· where. We .are new offering to the thrifty ·ease..lot buyers any item in our store by the case at whole~ • sale plus 25c: handling charge.-We do not care if it is a $3.Sll case of b~ans or a $25.00 case of t1.11'Aa, ·""'~' the ~candling charge per case will be 25c:.

Handling Charge

Sliced Bacon lb. 27c


PORK ROAST 38c: lb.


mm~~rm ~um ti, ~1.suuim~ biscuit recipe,.su!>stltufing L.1 b by:•

Here It Isl Bargains Galore! Libby's Pineapple Ju-ice '46-;,oz.': 25c Pretty Print Bag flour ' ·25-Jbg 1.~97


tOOK 25c ... LOOK 15c -- LOOK 15c 1/J

Thursday, May 1, 1952 ;

NEW UPHOLSTERY SHOP just opcn~d; recovering· and restyling done for less; 40 years . experience, Harold R. Wendt, 10219 So. Yakima. 15p33 FOR SALE-27-foot Travelite trali:; house, all aluminum; across from Madden's Men's Shop. Garfield an.d C Sts., Parkland. 15p33 FOR SALE - Duo-Therm oil heater, VEGETABLE AND FLOWER PLANTS trailer size, good condition; 316 So. , FERTILIZERS - HAY, GRAIN, FEED !20th St., Parkland. GR 5897. 15c33 FOR SALE - Siamese kittens, only 4" left; HI 2441. . l 5c33 FOR SALE - Sad,dle horses; saddles; . GR. 8213 ., · 1railers. Phone Graham 127. l6p33 · MAY 2nd and 3rd STOP AT A & A AND SHOP--c8410 Pacific Ave., across the street from Paul Cook's Mkt. Everything from· SUGAR CURED ''LEAN PICNIC STYLE soup to nuts less than wholesale.' Cast Iron Kitchen Sink, reg. $27.50 for $12.50· 8xl2 Gray Carved AxBLADE CUTS minster Scroll Pattern Rug, reg.: $160, for $89.50; Metal Lath 50c a sheet. Restaur;mts Notice! To-' mato Purce, No. 10 Cans $3.25 a case; Hom'iny, No. 10.._C'lns $1.75 a case; Tomato Paste, .No. 10 Cans,, $3.95 a case; Best Washing Deter-· GR 8215 NEXT DOOR TO HERMAN'S gent, reg. 12Y,c a lb., 8c a lb. A&A Salvage, 8410 Pacific Ave. HA 2165. 15c33 WOOD-Upland slab, 2 eds. $12; TOP SOIL, peat, fill dirt, gravel. Jack WHITE FACE registered bulls and heifers, polled .and horned; a 1 s o Houtz, GR 8221. 15p34 planer ends, $4 and $8 loads. HI polled Shorthorn bulls. Take other 4056. 15p33 ~SALE BY OWNER - Alteracattle in trade. Rt. 3, Box 610, Tation, dresmaking and baby line with coma. Summit View. 16ctf plenty of space for other lines of merchandise; sickness only reason HORSE SHOEING now available every day .. Drop a .card to Rt. I, for selling. 11230 Pacific Ave., .just Box 475, Graham.J. R. Young. . south of bank in Parkland. 15c33 16ctf




• Tires





100 lb. sack ........ $4.95 50 lb. sack ...•..•...••..$2. 95 .25 lb. s~ck ......•....•..$1.75



sack ........... ,..$ .90

5 lb. sack •••...•••.••..$ .50

ENUE FEED· STORE 98th & Pacific

GR 864 l


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