Saga 1998

Page 128

:Jor :/()'lJr Pwtettimlfl. CAM P U S SA F ETY Campus Safety. PLU's own crime fighters, were founded in the 1950's as an attempt to make the PLU campus a safer place.

Now in the 90'5

campus safety has evolved into a 24-hour hu­ man security system with the motto:

Service ­

First. last. and always. Campus Safety's main function is to pro­ tect students, staff and faculty from outside influences. Security for the buildings on campus is another main responsibility. Campus Safety provides escorts by foot or car for anyone. any time. They also watch over student and faculty cars in the parking areas. Campus Safety patrols the campus by foot. bike and car to be able to cover large areas fast on the campus. As a Campus Safety officer the major and most common issues on campus are medical aid responses and alcohol infractions.

Other re­

sponsibilities include jump starts on cars. ve­ hicle unlocking, infonnation and refenal. coor­ dination of the police. attending fire emergen­ cies, and ground and parking lot security patrol­ ling. Campus Safety enrolls students in the work force. There are now 40 students workJng for Campus Safety as officers anel communjca­ lions officers. Walt Huston, Director of Campus Safety. says that he is very proud of the out­ standing job made by the students to keep the PLU campus a safe environment. PLU students. faculty and staffcan heavily rely on Campus Safety officers patrolling the campus. makingPLU one of the safest campuses i n the area. StOI), by Cecilia Wiren

Cam us Safe


Layout by Sara Mueller

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