Saga 1983

Page 82

and the Lute:. rebounded bv up�ellmg r.fth­

ranked Central Washington , 29-20.

Todd Rosenb."Ich 's fir�1 th rt·(, field �oa'� of

the year prov ided the winning margm, a� Skngen threw for 352 yanls and t hl· young defen'l' cnme up with the h i g Jlby�. The defen!>e continued to improve, with ,hulOut viCiories over Northwt',t Conft'lence fOt"> Lewis 29-0.

& Clark . 48-0. and Wl11amelle .

In the bilarre play of the )'t'llT. deft'n­

!>lve end Steve Gibbs grabbed a p'l!>' Ihat had bounced off a Le.... is &



helmet, racing 73 yards for a tollchdo" n .

Whitwurth ' � Mike Martrrl, the nation "

Ic;rdin l-: ,ma l l-college pl."er , next pro\ cd no

oh,tHcll·. Jeff Rohr rushed for 1 1 6 yard, . and the defen,e forct'd �even turnover, in a 4 5 - 1 0 L inwl n Bowl triumph. PLlI cont i nued 10 cl i mb back in the m.tronal 1>011\, and everyone looked (or"ard to the Linfield game. Rrsl. though. Ihe Lutes had 10 slip and slide past Pacific,

1 7-6.


swampy Fr.lIlklin Pierce Stadium.

, All the C<lrd� wcre un the wble .11 Mc­ Minnville. , . \aid COBeh Wc!>tering - :r NAIA Divi�ion II pl ayoff Ix'rth lllld tlte Northwe" Cunfcrcnce ehampiun!>hip went to tilt-' ....inner :111<1 . w. \Ve,tering ,aid , " t he rnorl' l')C­ pcrienet'd , quicker, and bellcr telull won, " •


Although il was the most losses for a PLU tealll since 1979. their 7-2 mark was certainly nothing to be ashamed or.

The Lutes had

some outstanding i ndi v i dua l perfo'rm ers : Skogen threw for a �ch(}ol-record [ 6(X) )';lTd�,

Rohr hulled hi� IVa), for 68 1 , 'l'uiur CUrl 30 pa!'>!>l>� before :. leg injur), ,t(le l incd Itirn, and Don Collom intcrn'ptc(1 'IX p.I�'e�. On thc all-�tar �quad!>, co-cnpwi n Ro(lin, tirclc'� dclen\ive I:Kkle Leroy WHltcr" Ruhr. and Collum were all named to the di,uict lind I�()din clIughl

conference fir" teams, Lmch.leker :md "eniur co-captain Eric An­ dCNHl .mel ( )rfe n�ive linemen Todd Davi� lllld Bruce Lar,un wcre AII-Di,trict 'l'le(l i on" Tho'l' ,Im'c, Skugl'l 1 ,


Cui tum

Gibb" :lI1d cllrrlerhack ,('c on d Icarn A l l ­


Cunierellel' , And ('vt'rrbud) puimed to 1981, . ' Sun' 11 IlOrt s to lo:.c and nnt �t) to n,lIlon.•I, ..�am . . , ,..,d dl'fen�i\'l' m:." ermind

Paul I lu'clh.

" But the murt' I hi, \'" url�

glllup uf �u\', pla\'t'd, the bell,'r the\' gut.

\Ve 're �"nll.1 h... wu�h nexl


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_II".. ( v,."

78 nil Sports

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