Saga 1980

Page 61

Cross Country first race of ,he !ie1S!ln saw Dianna )ohn)()n lake fitS[ pla c e :11 lilt The





coma c.e., Pacific [vercH. Puger Sound. and Sklgi( Valk" c.c. The womens ream pi:lc ed SC(ond in fhe \'V"omen's Conference of Indepcn­ dem G)llege races. Sfmng pcrform:1nces

n:udy. as:l rt�Jm, PlU's women h:micrs

wcre mack by Dianna JolmSlln. who

off ,he pace SCI by \'(!csrcrn.

(':lp'UI'C<I lhe: wCle individu:11 cha m­


AI Ihc Simon Fraser, the men p/:!ced third behind Fr:lser and Western.

The next mt'Ct was the hrgcsr of th(;' season: the Fort C'lsey Inviradon:ll. The mens tea m placcd fomfccnrh 0111 of Iwcnry ·rhret.,



\'({om ens

pionship. :md Cisca \'\1(-1'),. who placed third.

The mcn next competed aT rhe Cen­ tm] W':lshing(oll Invit:1tional. They p]acC"d founh OUI of dglH. The


runners then put a wrap on the season

tcam pla ced remll QUI of r hirrttn. AI

by IlOt(hing a SC<'ond in Ihe Nonhwcs[

the Western \'{Iashington mt'C(, the mens Icam took thi rd out of ('igI1l. The women m:ln:l.gcd f ou rth 0111 of five.

Confercno:: and

In Ihc Pacific Luthcl":UI Invir!lIional. (he women orne in fourth :lgainsf Lin­ field. Central. Seattle Pacific. and Pug er

Sound. The men also

plac cd fourth

agJinsr CcIHral. Ponl an d, WeSTern, Ta-

fourth piace


Di:'lricl ..... imlup ;1[ lilt" combined meef

in Walla Walla.

The e sccllc n l individual


()f DilOl}:l Johnso n and CiloGI \"\fery C:lppcd Ihe womens SC'Ason. The), R'.P rt"Senrcti PLU lf AIA\'V' Division III


N:uional Cross C ou n u )' i\1Ct'!.

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