Saga 1975

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TABLE OF CONTENTS The Year Administration Faculty and Seniors

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18 72 92

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Organizations living Groups

192 22\J

That process we are all steeped in, time permeates, with a sense of urgency, everything we do, And as it changes the physical

structure of our community ...

... So It Also Changes the Faces Within It



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Fully celebrating and embracing a faith, Pacific lutheran exists not to survive, but to serve, working through history to grapple with a modern time . ..


Our community begins anew each year, building on the common past and forging into the uncertain future.




Time exercises the passage of each season, 'til we scarce notice the

cycle merging

into our history.


And yet time remains in its unique way, to leave its mark on us all.

As we remember !HI '�I

",eRection by 0.. W. O. lI:iele

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1 MOVE IT, MOVE /T: Getting all one's worldly possessions packed and transported to college ;$ 01 difficult task in itself, but the worSI is yet to come: fitting it all in One closet, one bureau, and one desk. The 610 entering freshmen made a va l i ant eHort, howe�er. and were ge n era lly settled in by the time PLU'.s 2,779 other students joined them at Thursday dasses. 2,3 DON'T SWEAT IT: Entering and re-


turning students alike g<lthered for their last "fling 0/ summer" at the No Sweat Day and Picnic held on Foss Field the day be·fore class­ es started. An afternoon of g<lmes and relays lead by ewch Frosty Westering was foll.owed by a pic ni c supper, music and dancing.

pe,lIed with B.B. King, Gordon Lightfoot a.nd other major entertainers, perfo rm ed at E ast ­ void Auditorium September 12. The per­ for ma n ce was presented in conjunction wi th the Freshman Orientation Week pro­ gram.

4 fRESHMAN ENTfRTAINMENT:The "Mule Deer and Moondog Medicine Show," an im­ provi�ational comedy team which has ap-

5 ORATORY: "work, Leimre and Educa­ t ion in America" was the lOpic 01 the first of the Lecture and

Convocation Se r ies 1974-

September I Guest speaker R o b e rt Havighurs\, author of Developmental Tasks and Educa­ tion, proposes that there are specific intel­ lenual, $ocial, emotional and physical characteristics of each stage of an individual's development.


6 ROMANTIC REPHOIRf: PlU piano in­

muctor Mary Kent presented w o r ks by Chopin, Rachmaninoff, Schubert, and Schu·

mann in recital Sep tember 27. Ms. Ken I, lirSI exposed \0 piano al age 5, began Iraining as a classical p i a ni st at age 16. She dedicated this performance to her favorite pianist, Martha Agerich, the inlelllationall y known Argentine artist. 7,6 WATER,



spontaneous wat r fight broke out one sunny Sunday afternoon, and set all of upper cam-

pus awash. The baltle. waged with wastec.ans of water, began as a serie, of dousings in .he Hons court yard, and moved out 10 in­ clude surrounding dorms. Momentarily retired Irom the fra y , Stuen residents watched some unlucky viclims get washed OUI; evcn lu al ly th ey joined forces wilh their opponenls 10 drench Ihe halls of Harstad. The u n l uc ky ladies demanded their ;III,ackers' liquidation.



n w

f cult, pfu ers; ripwre ; hymn ,ind nth ms by he ChOir of the I, including "A MIght Fortr<>s l Our God," rounded out th(.· pro�ram. opho­ m Jr lee W. Temp I rt' e,ved Ih· Emma �IOtac1!>" A ..... ,u I for outsl,mo­ ing fres h man c1chievem{'nl, and Dr. Charles Anderson, Ch mistry, dS re din

P rI n fa( I Ih 11 I ICd_ pel I tH f�, hI'


and dlso 01-

ru Ir, m ex­ "BUI equally

can (nm(' s ai d .

named Regency Professor. Althoug �




[ruE'-and indf'cd more mcaning­

pre sident did not use the "Proc(' -

flJl-i� til

sional of Joy," whi ch has become ,)

recognition that experi­

ence it elf can come, and does come from idc'ds, in other words, from t h e very stuff of which higher education

is made-from the world of ideas, trom the life of the mind." Ret gnilion of academic pro­ motions, tenure, doctorates and

popular t radit i on at PlU in the last

six years, the processional would be hea rd again at commencement exercises, he assured students.

Fa, ll.'ir; II Is


privilege 10 accept Ihe honor­

ary doctorale of divinity, Ihe Rell. Emil Jaech said, "bul I know thai people will expect more of m(' now t ha n they did before." Left:

Dignilaries J se mbli ng for O p ening Convo­ calion included guesl � peake r Dr. !aech, Bishop CIJrE'nce Solberg and Thomas Ander­ son, A ling Pr�idenl /ungkunlz, Univer�ity Mini�ters lalhrop and Beckman. PlU faculty m mber� Kennelh Chri\topherson and CUrl is Huber. Sludenl rerresenlalives wert! ASPlU President Tracy Tolten and ReligiOUS life Coordinalor USJn Kintner. B lolY Lefc: Choir 01 the West soprano Naomi Lyso and alto Sharlene Anderson lift their VOlt. in d hym n of praise. Below: Nearly 2,500 people wcre assembled for 1974-1975 opening cere­ monies. The honors beslowed were mimy: seven faculty members were acknowledged lor having earned doctorales, 14 received lenure, 12 were promoted and over 300 freshmen were recognized with H ono r ;. at Entrance.




LIFE: Author Jesse Ld;r

of enriche<.!li ving in an all-day seminar and leclUre October 1 at PlU entitled "Turn


the Corner into a More Beautiful Life - Five

3 STARS AND STRIPES fOREVER: Spon­ sor ed by the PLU Lute Club, "The President's

M inute s al a Time,"

Lair. who holds a doc'lOr�tc

in psychology,

has published two books - "/ Ain't Much

Baby-Bur I'm All I've Got", and "I'/ey Cod, What ShaJ/ I Do Now?" - which expound his views on relaxed life style, views he form­ ulated Iwo years ago al1eril heart attack. 2 fOUR CENTURIES OF CLASSICS: Michael Lorimer at age 28 is one of the (oun­ try'� outstanding: yo u n g classical guitarists. He appeared in concert at PlU on October 4, presenting a gu it a r repenoire spanning over four centuries of classical works which in­ cluded compositions by Bach �nd his world­ renowned mentor, Andres Segovia. San Ffancisco Chronicle music cntlC Heuwell Tircuil has pr edict e d of Lmimer that "His will be one of the greatest careers; he has atready found a highly persona l style,


is musical to the core and ulleriy in performance, ranking with the

one that


besfanywh'r ,"

Own" United States Marine: Band presented

two concerts in Olson Auditorium October 8.

Their featured healthy sprink­

ling s of John Philip. Sousa. With its own 200th bi r th day ju�t around



on to

al the White

Choir under the direction ot Kilrl Scheuber

J.4-me01ber fife and drum corpoS.

the band has been called up­

per for m







feller on

office and has given concerts


New Year's Day since President Adams' invitaiion in 1801; hence. the band has become known as "The President's Own." 4 DIPLOMAnCALL V SPEAKING: Sir Her­ bert Marchant (Left), Britai:n', Arnua�ador House every

race re­


when Ihe Continental Congress passed a bill Since that time

His wife, Lady Diana., also spoke on


5 SING TO THE I.ORD: PLU was chosen as the host school for thc "nnual Lutheran Brotherhood Chu r ch Music Semi­ nar. Held annually since 1961., the tive.-day seminar was al1ended by H:presentalilles of the 32 sen i or lutheran colleges in thc U.S. and Canada; it culminated October 13 with a perforrn<lnce by the A ll - Luth eran College

bilnd, now under the direc­ tion of Major Jack Kline, was stdrted in 1775 the corner, the


to C u ba during the 8ay of Pigs invasion and Russian missile crisis. gave a series of lectu res at PLU October 7-10. A Senior Woodrow Wil;on fellow, Sir MarchanL in addition to his lectures as a lIisiting professor, gave 3. public i1.ddr(!.s en­ titled "Britain on the Eve of an Election". the

in 1974

of Zurich, Swit2crialld, in str u c tor al Teacher's Seminar in Kus.snacht,


Llltheran Brotherhood traditionally gf'a"'ts s<:holarship5 to those chosen to attend. PLU"� representative was soprano

Dinah li'ndberg,


Months of planning by Home­ coming Co-Chairmen Car o lyn Rice and Ann Pi cker ing and t heir com­ mit t ee s paid off as " I t's a Small Wo rl d began to F rida y, Octo­ ber 25. "

S on g ( es t b egan the festivities; the evening opened with the crowning o( Queen Joanne Brdun and her es­ COrt Jay Gilbertson, Hong's "Hand­ some Harry." Princesses Sharon An­ derson, Cathy Holkestad and Debi Nicol c o mp let ed the e ntou rage. "The D u l t ons, a take-off on the T.V. family liThe Waltons," gave first place honors in Songfest competi­ tion to Cascade-Ordal; Evergreen­ Hong took second and Raineer­ P flueger thi rd. Coach hosty Westering intro­ duced the M i g h t y Lutes, and then swung into his now trad i t io nal drum solo, accompanied by the PL U Pep Band. A sto mp in Memorial Gym followed the pep rally. Sa.turday , a capacity crowd in F-P stadium watched the PLU gold-ma­ chine soundly trounce the Will a­ mette Bearcats 37-21. The exciting and colorful half - t i me activities fit t he crowd's mood: Cas cad e O rd al hustled to first place in the bed­ race ; Ever green Hong were an­ nounced winners of the Attitude "



Check as well as b ein g granted top honors in dorm displays for their Knight barbequing a bearcat. The h i ghl ig ht of half t ime was the pre­ sent'ation of the Queen and her c ou r t in t he Alumni Association's gift to A5PLU-a new 1S passenger van. Distinguished alum ni were hon­ ored at the Homecoming Banquet following the game, wi th Weslering as the guest speaker. Formalities did not en t ir el y hold sway there, how­ ever, as the guests indul ged in tur­ key-nosing" - hanging warmed spoons from the ends of th ei r noses. The semi-formal dance, held at Top of the Ocea n, completed the evening. Nea rl y 500 w ere in attend­ ance. Sunday evening, singer-composer and "song-painter" Mac Davis gave a concert al on g with Jane lambert and the Horns 0' Plenty. Fireworks filled the sky following the perform­ ance to conclude t he three days of H o m e co min g 1974. -



ItRN-RTIe-Rb bY FllNNY fLRN�' •







Knapp (of the PLU mu si c facuhy) were hcard

in recital Ihc f i rst we k of November per­ forming works by Mozan, Brahms and Mus­

sorgsky. Highlight of the program was thcir transcription for two pianos of Mussorpky's "Pictures at an Exhibition."

2 MUSICAL CRIfIQUf: 50ci�1 comment obviously need nOI be confined to politic�l and jouroalistic quarters. Dave Robbins, music faculty member, and friends are con­ vinced contempor ry m usic can serve as a vehi cl e for serious evaluation of t h e S(;l(US


QUO. Their Nove mber 7 concer!, " Composers al Social C ri l ics ," capably supported thai conviclion. Features on Ihe pr ogr am were such works ilS Robb i ns ' "Pofilic" and "Exrt Music" by George Burt, centering on LB),> departure from thc political world following his first pre�irl(!ntialterm.

3 CLMSICAI GUITAR: Despite the disad­ va ntaRe of very l il l i e advance publicity, classi al musician Jeffrey Van a p pea r ed in con e-err in Ihe ave N ove mber 8. " DRAMATIC DAN -C: Martha Graham


her world-renowned d ancer s J:raced the PlU campu Novernb >r 13, bring i n g with them t h e i r own distinctive styl e of modern

dance cultivated over the pas t hall century. The New York City-based company, hailed by criti :s <IS "a n a t io n al arl treasure," b rought the packed houeat 01. on Auditorium to its feet iollowing the grou p 's performance of thr ee Graham works. 5 FAMED M

KRAKeR: Jack A n d erso n , one top investiSilti\le reporters, stormed on campus November 18 advancing



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A stage adaptation of lames Thu­ ber's "Many Moons" was presented by PLU's Children's Theatre Novem­ ber 16-17 and November 23. A chil­ dren'� classic, "Many Moons" is the story of a pri ncess who falls ill and cries for Ihe moon. Her father, the king, summons all his wisemen to find a way 10 get the moon for her. The cou rt jester fi nally solves the king's dil e m m a . The Thurber story was adapted for the stage by Char­ lotte Chorpenning and was direcled by Eric Nordholm. THE CAST CYNCiA ROYAL NURSE LORD HIGH CHAMBERLAIN ROYAL WIZZARD PARETTA ROYAL MATHEMATICIAN lESTER PRINCESS LENORE THE KING GOLDSMITH'S DAUGHTER

MiHnee Hollis

Sally Lund

Dale Forrey David TrOlter

Becky Wie{zke Steve Doke LaHY W ak e fi e l d

Diane Poleo Terry Tennesen Joanie Scribner

Above: The Princess (Diane Poleol


to understand one of the Jester's (Larry Wake­

field) many logical explanalion. RighI: Mullins over Ihe King'$ threat ninS lack of any failh in his Royal Wi emen, Ihe ROydl Wizard (David TrOller) as�umes a pensive




1,2 GOD




A her a th ree�yea r hiatus, Cu rta in Call's

production 01

Dicken's "A




Joanie Scribner

WIVES: The third annua l Yule Bou­

Brian Faker

tique sponsored by the PLU Faculty

Boy ScroogeiTiny Tim

Christmas Ca rol" returned to the


Charlene Twite

Wives was held December 7 in Ol­

PLU stage, December 4. The classic

Young Scrooge

Larry Wakefield

son Auditorium. In addition to

was d irec t e d by student Lynn Kopel­ ke. Cast members includ ed: Fred Scrooge Collector Bob Cratchit


Steve Doke

Ma rley's Ghost Ghost of Christmas Past

Bill Timnic!< Van Prather David Trotter Bob Molu!


Denette Dowling Scoll Bru nd

G host of C hri st m a s Present Mrs. Cratch;t Martha Joe C harwoman Fred's Wife

Judy Carlson Diane Poleo Milo Crumpton Linda King Diane Bailes




boot hs prepared by charitable or­ ganizations




Pierce County, the boutique includ� ed




h ow featuring Puget

Sound area artists and Jrt o:rgani,za­ tions.

DeceDlber Purpose of the evenl is 10 altra I more Christmas hoppers 10 one

lack in

place, offer more il m

l rial was original while


and save

wear and tear on hoppers. Pro­ ceeds from Ihe sale of it rn such as k ni lIeel clot h i ng, (Jndles;) nd holi­ day delicacies went to scholarships, retarded children and many 01 her eh a rit ies. S SEMESTER FINAL BLUES: Soul rock. rhYlhm and blue·, and ·ome h. rd rock were performed by Laz





TwenlY percent of the band's ma­

lure, ceramics, prints. :luylic and

water color paintings were but

a few

the r· t in­ cluded hils made papula r by per­ iorrner such as Marvin Gay, Stevie Wonder, Grand Central Station, The Allman Brothers and J Ii So k. Gui­

of various art pie es exhibiled dur­

tar, bass gUitCH, organ percu sion,

t ered the exhibition which provided

harmonica and voice combin d 10 support their billing as "just about Ihe hotleSI band in the area". 6,7,8

GUILD EXHIBIT: Soft sculp-

ing December in the Morlvedt li­ brary Gallery


a part 01 the {all

semester Art Guild Show. Approximately

20 students


the artist with the 0PP0r/unity to obtain cril icilll from someone out­

si de the PL

art Department. This

year's judge wa Mr. Larry Metcalf.


lucia !lJride !J(efatds !}uC '

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1 OUCH!: AbDUl $6,500 In ASPLU f u n d� t h e lUbes J a n u a ry 20 when J c o n ­ cert by s on� wr i t r Pa u l W i l l i a ms failed to W P n I d ow n

d r a w a crowd_

Will i a ms was booked over C h r ist mas v ac a ­

tion t h r o u gh t h e ASPI U E n tertai n m e n t Com­

b u t members compla i n ed t h at t he dS a whole never met to decide to sign W i l l iams; t h ey were o n l y i nf o r m e d of i l aller the fac l . C h a i r pe ( �o n C h et Dawson called the booking ju t an error in j u d g m e n t . 2 A L MOST ANCEL S; The Vien n a Ch o i r Boys, famil iar to America t h r ough concert t o u rs, t elevision, a n d a Walt D is n ey movie, a p peared in Olson A u d itori u m J a n u a ry 29 under the sp o m o r sh i p of t h e A n ist S e r res. The choir, comprised of 22 boys <l fled 6-1 4 . h a s been at Pl U twicc bel o r e . The re pe r t oirc i n cludes H a y d n , Moza n , Beel hoven, li 7.1 and I3 l uckner; they a lso perfor med a n opermillee,



el l i l.

The V i e n n a C h o i r Boys c a n t r ace t h e i r be­ ginnings back 10 1 498 wh e n t h ey were f ou n d ­ ed by H o l y Rom,1 n E m p e r or M.1 x i rn i l l i a n I . S i nce t h e n t h ousands o f b o ys have s u n g w i t h Ihe ch oir, i n cl u d i n g H a yd n and liS L I . 3 I N TE R I M POET: Pau l Smylh, a u t h or of four books of poe l r y , was appointed PLU's

poct - in-resid nce f o r I n t e r i m . His visit was h i g hl igh t ed by t w o p u b l i c readings of h i s works; on l a nu a ry 1 9 h e l e a d a fest ival of p oe t r y that i n cl ud ed t h e best poe m s emerg­ ing f ro m a wo rkshop held e a r l i e r in the wee k . A H arvar d g r a d u a t e , Smyth p res e n t l y

teaches at Mou nt H o l y o k e C o l l e g e in Massa­ chuse t 1 s . Hi pecial i ntere5.ts a r t r adition.a l i nti/ic me t a ­ p o e l ry forms, and t he u s e 0 phors i n I y r i t: poc t ry of t h e 1 7th and 20 t h centuries. 4 A SUPERLATIVE


Willia m

Doppm a n n , who has p e r f o r med as a soloist

with m o re than 50 o r ches t r as t h rough o ut t h e

world, made h is first concerto ap pearanc

in Tacoma wit h the P L U S m y p h o n y O rc he s t r a Ja n u a r y 1 4 . Doppmann, n o w <l Tacoma resident, was (e awred in a p e r f o r m a n ce of Beethoven's "Con erlo N o . 4 in G. Major." I n t h e i r sec­ o n d of a series of four concerts, t he orchestra, under the di r ec t i on of J e r ry K r a c ht , also per­ formed MOlJrt's " Symphony No. 32 in G Ma j or" a n d Charles Ives ' " T h r ee Places in New E n g l a n d . " The ( a l ter commemorated the 1 00t h I n '1 i vcrsary of t he c o m p o e r ' s birth. S PHIL OSOPHY Of POL L nON: Artisl H a l Bockner presented h is "ph ilosophic statement of pol l u t i o n " i n J six -piece scul p­ t u rc co llection entitled Man and Earch, wh ich appeared i n PLU's Wekcll Gallery in J a nuary. The �cu l p ' u re series was beg un th ree years

January ago when Bockner began pick i n g up �crap melal from Oregon beaches. A I f irSI negal i ve about ma n's environmental e ifo rl S , Boc k n e r s�w people achieve i\ growing awarenes� a bo u t pol l u t i on . H i s an reflects I his posil ive c h a n ge: h e <.:ombines black des igns wilh nill ­ row r ibbons of blue, green and yel low - t h e environ m n l " t r y ing to creep t h r o u g h t h e pollu tio.) . " 6 MA KE WA Y f O R' HIS MAJESTY THE KING ! : NQrwegian A. m b a s sador Soren Som­ me r felt visited PLU J a n u a r y 2 1 t o prepare for K i ng Olav V's visit here next fall. Sornme rfeh l o u r ed c am pu s, held a p ress conier nee, a n d conferred w i t h PL U Presi­ dent J u n g k u n t z a n d Sesquicen tenn i a l An­ n i ve r s ary C h J i r m a n Charles Nelson a b o llt t " e royal v i s i t . K. i n g O l a v w i l l be a p pearing a s pari of t h e 1 S0t h J n n iversary celebration 0 1 t h e l irst major Nor w eg i a n i m m i g r a t i o n to t h e

U.S.; b o t h cou m ries are p a r ticipating in the fest ivities. 7 THE WOR L D OF B OOKS; PLU st udents were offered a f i rst t h is I nterim: a course e n t i t l ed "C areer i n P u b l i s h i n g " i n troduced

M i�sionaries t e nded to say, 'You ' re

heat h e n ;

and the technical process of gelling a m a n u ­ s c r i pt f r o m the aut hor's pen t o I. h e reading

your rel i g i o n is i d o l a t r o u s ; we h ave c o m e t o bri n g you the t ruth. What I nd ians w e re s a y ­ i n g is t h at t h e missionaries weren't just con­

ENDEA VOR: Endeavoring t o make u n d erst andable to people what is hap­ pening. a m ong n J t i ve A merican�, Dr. P J u l B o e taught a PI, I n t e r i m cou rse on " N a t i ve A merican Rel igions and t h e C h u rc h . " Boe, the Luth eran clergyman arrested in connec­ t i on w i t h the I n d i a n ocC llpalion at W ou n ded K nee, related the following i m p r ess i o ns i n a Ja n u a r y i n t erview: " Many I n dian people feel t h e i r identity a.s I n dians was r o bbed by t h e C h ristian C h u rc h .

demning everything I n dian b a u s e t he I n ­ d i a n rel igion was very pe rvasive. M y fee l i ng is we should h av e respected t h eir r e l i gion . Then we shou ld h a v e t r i e d to share some o f rhe con cepts 01 C h rist wilh t h em, and let t hem develop t h e i r version 01 Chr"istianity w i t h i n t h e con t e � 1 of I n d i'ln c u h u re. They d o n ' t worship a muh i l u de o f gods. T h ey have a �ense of one God , The only d iflere nce is t h a t t he y d o n 't have the same concept 01 a Mes i a n or S a v io r as C h riSl l -a n l l Y n a s .. ··

them to copy edi t i ng, edit orial procedures

public. S HOPEfUL




t h y w e re co n ­


'1 you DON'T SA Y: M i m e Claude 51. Denis made his t h i r d ap pe a r a nce at P l U 1 0 g ive I w O per for ma n ces t o capacity au d i e nc s i n I h e C ave F e b r u a r y 9. T h e po p u la r C a n a d i a n mime and his S I U ­ denl assiSlant p e r io rmed a s eri es of hum o r ­ OU5 a n d p rovocative pi ece� dea l i n g w i l h everyday l ileo-t he

ordeal of

t h e denlist ' s

c ha i r , t h e pain o f a cold .shower, a n-d t he I I i a l s of I h e fisherman were a l l pantomi med to appreciative audience'S.

2 HOME FROM THE TOU R : The C hoir of th e West. r e t u r n ing from a wel l - r ecei ved t hree-week t o u r of t h e midwest a r,d a I CO;)5t, pre en t ed i t s a n nual Homecoming C o ncer t . F c b r u , ry 1 1 . Despite bou t s w i l h f l u a n d p n e umon ia , t h e 62-voice c h oi r a n d t h e 32-picce c h <l m ber orc he s tra held togel her to give p e r fOr fll <l n<:eS in 21 c i lies in 10 states end i ng the tou r w i t h

t he i r h o me a ppea r a n ce. The pr og r a m includ­ ed M ozar t 's "Coronation M a s s , " Pe nde­ r ec k i'� " Psal m s o f D a v i d , " B r i t t e n 's " H y m n to S I . C ec i l i a " a n d C h a rle'S Ive'S' " Ci rcus B an d . " A lso feat ured were spirit u al, a n d folk



BEAU T Y: film maker D 'wi l l J o n es p e r so n a l ly presen t e d d n d nar­ rated his u n iqu e color film, "John Mu i r 's

t l igh


ierra," F eb r uary 1 3_

Produ ced w i t h t h e pa r t i a l spon o r s h i p of t he Niltional Geog r a p h i c Society. t he f i l m use t h e l i f e and I r avels o f f a m e d con,ervJ­

t ion i s t lohn Muir to tie !ogc!her a s!ory of Cali forn ia's mag n ifice n t S i e r r a Nevada. H i g h ­ l igh ts of t he f i l m in c l ude d m.ljes! ic Yosemite Valley; c l i m bi n g of the 2,0()()-foot high vcrti­ cal face of Wash i n g t o n 's C o l u m n ; r ime-lapse pholog r a p h y of su m mer storms; back pac k ­

i ng . i n to t h e h i g h cou n t r y ; w i n t e r s k i i n g a n d mou n t a i neering; a n d t h e Sla r t li ng b e a u t y 0 1 t h e four H i g h Sierra's �easons. " FRI TZ FANS FULfiLLED: " F r i t z T h e C a t ," t he X - r a l ed a n i ma l ed Ii 1m whose show i n !) W;)s

was cancelled i n OClober, s u rvived t h e Siorm 01 c o n t rilve rsy to receive J q u i e ! p rese nt a ­ l i o n in t he Calle, February 1 6. " F r i t l, " Movie Com m i l l ec sel en i on , had been cancelled lo l l ow i ng a n u m be r of com­ pla in l S a bou! its s u bjecr ma il e r . Pro!t:' t was raised against I hat " a r bi t ra ry decis i o n , " t he commillee lIoted !O s how t h e f i l m il :I s u f ­ ficient n u m ber 01 s!udents were in terested

i n see i ng i t , and Ihe ov e rwh e l m i n g r espon s e prom pt e d F rilZ' r ch edu l i ng ! o F e b r u a r y .

5 UNIFIED A WARENESS: A Febr u a ry 16 coronarion p rogr a m coordinated by S a i l i t ab S,lIlloa i rl i t i d ! d a week's act i v i ! i e 01 BA N T U

(Blac k Reed,

Aw�rene5S Through U n ity)_ Palma senior sociology major f r o m los


Angefes wa crowned a n d reigned 01 r h e Black A w a r eness Wee k .


q ue e n

W i t h I h e p u r pose o f gai n i n g i m ight a nd beller u nder t a n d i n g of o nese l f a we l l ,1 5 01 fellow bid ks, t he week also included a panel discu sian in t he cave. T h e six- member panel d eal t wi!h i,sues o f s t e r eoty pes a nd o r h e r fa lse n O l i o n � r ega rding I h e Bla c k I mdse.

6 IfU DE DEUX: Famed p i a n ists F err an l e a n d Teicher, prod u cers of 75 a l bum s , a p ­ peared i n concert i n Olso n A ud i l or i u m , f eb­ r u a ry 1 9 . rhey we r e sche d u l e d by NOr! l1 we�t Releasi n g . Their p r og r a m r a n ! h e r a nge f r o m la - s i ­ cal to mod e rn , fe.l I u r i ng t wo p i a n o compo­ � i ! ions by Bach JS well as p o pu la r cant m po­ r3ry a r r a ngemenlS i nclud i n g t h eir r rademark, !he r h eme from " T I1(' Apart ment . " Du ts we r e i n tersper!;ed w i t h sofos and explanalory r em a r ks . The co nce r t WilS especi311y w ell al­ !ended by community member.s_ 7 BEGINNING Of A TRADmON; The fi rs t Walter C . Schnackenberg M emoria l l ec t u r W .J d e l i ve re d F eb r u ar y 10 to a capac­ ilY audience in C h r i Knutsen H a l l . D r . David B . T ru m a n, presiden! o f Mo u n! Holyok College in Massac husetts, s poke o n " Polit ical M y t h a n d Democraric A u t hori ty _ " A lively question ;,nd a nswer sess i o n after I he l ec t u re was fo l lo w ed by a rece pt ion given by


Harstad's Tenth Successor Na med 0. W,II"m �"" . ' ,um'" cum I� PlU 1'.du". (1'10'1 ",HI ". twn to �� .Im• .,..,� .. ... ..,••"'� "",.id<o" �.,.. 01 �<'S<"" (;1'..0;,. m.., 10m Aoo.,_ .In""""'''" ''''u..., It. R.,._ "'., ,"""'" Imm . r..lrl '" .... Z5() ","",,.,., .10.. ".),,,", oj ......,,'j"! wmk .,. ,...�ido"';.1 �..<h (""""i".., ..� ... ''''0' ......10 �""""'" T"'OO!i> .-,.,nn,;.. . ,he , .M In'....;,,"'. 'loC "'''� ,..., '""".... 10 fou, 11...1 w><l;';',,,, 0..... _,. ",Om""d 10 ,II< 8o..d 0 1 �<J.n" I", ",>t._

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Antiqu ity Speaks To Modern Audience

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Sesq u icentenn i a l Celebration




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Lcft: Mortar boards a n d gowns arrayed, faculty a n d a d m i n i s t r ators gather i n E as t v o l d plaza o n the sunny alter noon in May to beg i n their a n n u a l trek to Olson A u d i tor i u m for t h e 3 : 00 commencement cxercises. Lower Left: Dr. Richard l u ngku nt2 states that, "Real enjoyment of l ife comes from exam i n i ng l ife closely, crit ical ly, objectively, contextual ly, aesthetical足 ly, scienti fically, appreci at ively." l u ngku n t z was especially honored by Thomas A n derson, Chairman of the Board of Regents, who declared him the ten t h president of PLU and t h a n ked him for his se r v ice as act i ng preSident d u r i n g 1974-75. Lower RighI: Rev. Gordon Lathrop receives an emotional farewell from one of t he many grateful grad uat ing seniors for his i n f l u en tial ministry at PlU for the past four years. Lathrop rBigned his position as University Minister to accept an appointment at Wartburg Theological Semi nary, Dubvque, I owa. B elow: J o i n i n g 507 other grad足 uates in the diploma distribution ceremonies, Tony H icks accepts t h e coveted parchment representing his completion o f bachelor degree re足 quirements in social wel fa re.









Office of the Pl-esident



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Getting It From Shelf To Student

"We got i t , we got it, a n d we'd

love t o report i t ! "

and a search strategy problem; for each

B u t, t h e modern u n iver s i ty l i brary prese n ts t h e peren n i a l problem o f

acad e m i c



department, pri nted



of l i brary usage skills designed for

see m i ng, to t h e fledgl i n g s tu dent,

t h e st u d ents majo r i n g i n that sub­

most like a h o peless maze o f dead­

ject; and for certain gra d u a te level

ends a n d booby t r a ps.


The h istory of the PLU reve a l s

attem pts


l i brary

s hort-wave

co u rses,

s pecific

l i brary

usage s k i l ls modu l es a i m ed at a n advanced ueatm e n t of negot i a t i n g

radio tours, videotape, a n d o t h er

t h e pa t hways of recorded k n o w l ­

i n g e n i o us methods, but a l l m et w i t h


l i m ited success. The

The p rogram provides t he val u­

curren t ori e n t a t i o n/i nstruc­

a ble feat u r e of having t h e l i b r ary

tion program is the f r u i t o f years

i nstruction


context of a n act u a l cou rse, t h us

ex pe r i e nce,


i n c l u d es :


a d m i n istered



new studen ts, ori entation tours and

un iting the " d esire to k now" ( t hat

packets; for E n g l ish 1 01 s tudents, a

is, the professor assi g n i n g a l i brary



desi g n ed


i n­

trod uce t h e basic refere n ce tools,

project) w i t h the means for doi n g so.


Debora h M a r i e B o m g r eo lu a n n J ea n C o n n o l e # Wendy H e l e n Enger # Susan E l i zabeth K e m pe #

E l l e n Mary K u n t z # A n t ho n y Y i ng Lok lee # li n d a Kay N elso n # C l a u d i a Lynn R ea #

Glenn l . Ryder I I # J o se p h E l swor t h Ster ba # Terry Mark Ten neson # V i rg i n i a D a r l e n e Witt #

W alter Tomsic, M . F . A .

David Keyes, M , A . L a r s K i ttleson, M . F . A .

# i n d icates Bachelor of F i ne A rts


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N a n cy Lee Bea m l oren e F a e Byers <:; r i s t i n a M a d r i d Del Rosario Debra Lou G a brielsen Joh n Dav id Pa l m C a rol y n J e a n R i ce • K a t h le e n Barbara Tro n dsen

Ray mond K lopsch, P h . D .

Pa u l B e n t o n Ph . D . ,

L u c i l l e J oh nson, Ph . D.


i nd i ca t es d o u b l e m ajor

English 1..111.11

b . dio<ipIM>e ,,!>K:t> ....., �""""" i<I �.

.... """-'__ In "'�inL doi><e...-, '" �od;".,

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History Tho d . � . .... . . .. _eII� In ..-... .._" ",.h ,10< ...... ot .._ d t" onoI iIOjI(IoIc "'..I••d' .... -. ....t ..... _I<.00I <':IIL.. .... �........ ..... I.. ,... ,..._ , 0/ ....... __ 10 .... ... Iounol. IhInt .... .... .. . .• 11 0/ _ ..... �........ .... od "" ", ... . . ... _ 11> .... _. oIoc __ .oIooe lO __ wiII ..... _IO .... ..... _ .... ..... . ..... ... bo _ In .. ..... 1 01. ... ' ... ..·, " ·

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CojIoA�dd_�._· "....jeltlllo ,,�_ '"". '..... "'-..,

Earth Sciences 1 ... ......... oI_� ...Io.o< .. ........ _ __ 01 ",,"\ph,'c"_"_"'" � 10 ,... ....,�', ....... I. _.... .. ..... ,""', ...,,,,,,, , """"-, .... . �. ,_'.""' ,....... ........ � «" ,.,� '1dI..,.. 'f'O<�"'od �udH:. In .' ""' .... ..... .- ....,, .. .. . .

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Mathematics c., � D� ._ " . ,

..,'., 5!. � .ft l.�104'" It _ , ' , . •

.... . d'oaI 10 -...,.

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Philosophy ... ..... _ _ _ .....- et "'" _ ... _ft. """ " _ • ....'" ., """ ""'"- -,. of _ _ .. .. _.ndo .oI_ .... "' .... _ � _ ""'_.. ... _r ,...., ... _ ""4 '. _ IF 'to. _ _ _ - - '- '1'

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Physical Education 1100< ....... ""-01 �.,"", ..."',.... _. '0 I".,.!" III _. '"d, � . fu.... ,-.t.oI '...-. I", tho ,,"" 01 �hr>l<oI ... om., In -... 'oJ..........,. • "'",,"'e> ",,,,__,,.1_.1.. <0< .... In pbfll<o' ......., ,.,.,. 1'><.0"". ,,,,•• ,, 1I00I, "h� .1'><1 ""'_ ,,,",,01'1'


Thorn., ""..",.1 o.-v"

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"..I,. p'.... ",",0"

Engineering lho �"';'-"'" ".".""",n, �,�"" «1...-...,.. ... ,..IfO:Iofl,'¥ (undom<n," n>tu" ,,, ....... ,op;d .od.o",,,,,,,, 01 ....... '",,�no:� p."'" Iom• ..,d _,"""... ,..0 01 ,"f" fd....I' ...,..,1 «Of'" ,. ",""ide 'w'<on<" ... ,"" b<_ ",d., .t· """";/Mlil_ Implklo" In "".1..-· ;.�. rho d.... ""-t " <""'....,..1 '0 t�.




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Political Science 1100 ....... '" polio.... ......e . ,,,,.,. ol>e __ !e< .... "Lcioo ... .... '...." ..... ..... . .. . c�..... " ....... ..... . ...... _· ... . .. _ , .... .. ......,_ ..-.. oj .... -,..;. ".-... . . •• ''' ... . . Id • • _" ro.. ........... " '• .,..._ ''''' ...., .. . .. ..._ ... " , ..... .. 1000• • _0 '._ ....,,<1_.

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o-A_� .... 0._ ........ .. · C"" .. . ....M. h'" [_ ... .,."" _11 ... ,_

""......."". ",".D.

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Psychology "'� k • .o.,,'�lc �"d) ot ,I>< _."'" 0I 1i.",* ",. JoIn_ ....h . n om....... on "_""ndinl hum.n bduoior. rho ""- ",...ide> . b.dJ,,,,,nd "'.,..,""'" 10,. "'01.",.,.... """.... .. ....... ,1>0.. ""'""'� pl."".... '" F"".... ,�"..J ' '''' •. ,..... in which "" ,h.....i<.1 ;""fM b. ,,10_ " " """• . �, . ....Iu..... '0 00_ .....,;"1, ,h. I"",,1ty ..ok" " "'.,.. '"do _,"'".... '''' ""_,, I" h... ......."'.. oj , fo.ld. _. ....Uf. . I" .< ......., oj ..." .... in tho v'",, ,,,-.. ._ ., A....ricon lok. v_.'" "........ W..'...n St... ...,.... _,In", I,,,. xhool Hoop;t.I. C-..di.o Dl.."""i< C ... 0I1oc.. "hooI di,,,",,,. •00Spo<;ioI � o.�n...." •

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Religion II .. ,,·, 1M' I .. --.. • ...'n ,.. Nit,,'0 . 'I'" t' .' • <flIIoIIr •.-... ... " ,.. s ." .. "'u..... . .... .. "�Ih.,_ " " "'". "$ .,1"" ...... _ .... ........ . .. I " " ,... _r [," ..... ' , .. , «1 .. - .......... .... ... .. ... ..-.... ooIIo .... ' ,, · "" .. .. ,...... oc ' ,,*"


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1'.",1 "...... Hod, c>.<..J ,.;II " .... �..,....-..

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Sociology, Anthropology & Social Welfare •.- 10..... -..I <"- ...., 00 �... -- - - .-- ... tho ," ' "'""' ,. . 01 __ ... _� • .... do• " I" e...... ,he ..._ O O .. ruII_ """ ,_ .,f' :L "'_ 01 ,...."'.. """"'... ..

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"'_ Cdbo'bon, M.S.W


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W. Dwight O b e r h o l t z e r , P h, D.


E . Nelson, Ph.D,

Vernon H a nson, M . A .


Lutefisk! Lutefisk!

Foolba l l �ea\on compleled, lhe rally �quad appear elared i n a less se riou moment. Cheer and song leaders i nc l u d e : Kay Pitsenbarger, Sue Wester ing, eeCe Dempsey, J i l l Ajola, Deb Virak, ·'K.J." J o h n­ son, Peggy Joh nson, J oa n Nelson.

The validilY of EMAl (" Every Man a l u te) is prove n by yell le3ders J i m C hri Ii Mike McMa nus, G a r y W u sl e r ba r t h, Mark Nelson. 1 50

n on,


.. __ ..,'

, ,''', _... .... "..__.-


.... ..


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Pacific Lutheran Football:

R o w 1 . Lance Schroeder, J i m Molz.hon, J i m Cr ary, R oger Pasqu ier, lohn C ol l in s , C r ai ' F o u h , K u r t owadnick. R ick F i n se( h , Dave A n d erson. Dud l u t l o n . larry G reen, H owiHd Joh nson, M ike Osborne. Bob F r a nce, Mark Brandl ; Row 2: C a r l i e McKi nny, D u a n e F rom h J fL Mark C l inlon, D;Jve a r n el l , len Higgins, CrJig Da h l , G,H)' Tort o re l l o , Doug Wilson, S I eve R idgway, Dan Joh nson, Ken F lajole, W il c e , Dave M i S l e rek ; R o w 3: Rod B r agato, Prentis J oh ns o n , Dave Tucker, M i k e Fabert, Dan Pritch a rd, B ryan Caume, AI Besselle, M i k White, J i m W .alker, P erry Sch m i d l , Ron B rown, J i m Card, J i m Carvey, Cory Hei ns, Pa u l H o hel h; Row 4: R a n d y R ochester, D.wc Hc n d r i k;, K e v i n S\ephcn\on, Steve fdm u n d�, W J I t Zeiger, Steve I rion, Bert H y d e , Chuck Hag ( r om, J o n H o r n e r , Lar r y Reyer, Loui� Redix, Todd Miller, f.d Andef1on; R ow 5: As� i s t a n t Tra i ner, M i k e Bishop, R o n Spc( k , Tom Delo ng, Mark Hend r i h, Mal{ K l e i n , Clair Troitg r u bc n , Dave Olson, Ro b N icke l son. Brad H a u ge , Don F r a n c e, Dave Pederson, loe Broeker, f rmty Wesl e r i ng.

l �l

fhe Team and 'The Man'


,•., .. P'lU .,kll"", ...,...

c""," I ..,,,. ,..,...... ;>0;

..,um'." Iot••,me. � ,, � I". "'....... 'u," "'" 01 �, w""..� ..... .......,.j I" ,100 ,'17' <"'"""'0... ." .od !>«ondo.., c.o..d> P'ul ...,." 0.,1....... . CooodOu'o< I<>< " <><�.,, " CoKn', drl\o"''' 01 ,,.. ........ r", w....."'. "'.. to. 'u" .it,,,,,, <N.. u....� .. ..,. 01 Pu"," r..u,"" .·21 " ,... ,...., 'I,� r;..., in ..... "".... ,in<. 'iii' ,"" l","" Iud "f."m""",! "''' ,... [<>to..... 'OO ooly ,he <:leo..,," ""c. ,he ....,., l><,.., ,,"ll!


lute Gridders Pos16-1 Best Since '41 )."ed ""'" '",m it> ""'" "" ,,,.an!..� _..... "... ..- ''''....... . ........ ... .. ...... � .......... an I , , ,,,, ...d "" ,.. ,ob.... 01 ,..... ,lot """, ,... ","",n ....l_�""" .. On� • ,..... ,_,.., .. 11._ _,_ I'I.U � ""' . N"'� ,.t.o..... b<nh. ..... �,-I/ItI ..--_. _,....... .



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W�i1_,� ..... .... .."'".... W_ '0 I'l"' ''' Toeo«>o. b., ,ho lu'" caplt,Ii... on ...... .....�...

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seth bo m b, i n a 30 - 1 4 s e c o n d h a l f comeback w i n o v e r L e w i s a n d C l a r k . F i nset h h i t on 1 8 of 2 S p a ss i n g il t ­ t e m p t s f o r 290 y a r d s . F i v € L u t e p a s s i nt ercept i o n s a n u a v a r i e t y of o f f e n s i v e lirewo r k s p r o ­ pel l ed PLU 1 0 d 37:21 w i n o v e r W i l l a ­ meHe a t H o m e co m i n g . N A I A D i v i s i o n Two's b a i l i e o f t h e



G o l i ll t h s





Lin field

1 4 -0 h.:l l f t i me s h or!<lge t o squ e l c h t he L u t e passi ng g a m e i n the second f r a m e , w h i l e b o u n c i n g b a c k fro m

wi n n i ng



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fe l l 1 5 ·1 4 . PL

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S l:I



t u r n o v e r s,


i n t e rcept i o n ,

in t o

t a i ned d rives,


defe n d e rs h e l d Paci fic's pass­

i ng ga me in check, a l lowing n a ry a

s i n g l e co m p l e t i o n w h i l e t he L u t es

s t aged I n o f f e nsive c i rc u s i n



ru nJway.

F i nset h a n d C l i n t o n col l abo rated

for reco r d s and yardage i n a b u n ­

da nce i n I he

ason w i n d u p

a t Col­

lege. of I d a ho, P L U p r eva i l i ng 34 - 2 1 .

M i k e W h i t e ran h is l e a g u e l e a d i n g i n te rcept ion t O l a l l o seve n .

Sea s o n R e cord • • •e • • · . ·

. :u.: .


••• • • • . . .

. ,



. . •••• • •


.... • • •

• •� � • •

. . . . .., :. :. : : . . ... .




. VIS IT.o R · i., TO GO Li O T R �




.. -


O pp o n e n t


Wes t e r n




Whit man


W h i two r t h

30 37

Lewis & C l a rk Wi l l a m e t l e


l.i n f i e l d


Pac i f i c


Col lege of Idaho

0 27 0



21 15

6 22

--- .�--


1974 Cross Country Squad Best Ever WIllIoo pr_'" "" dw ....Loood ..

. .... �"" . ........ " (_an «_ .-,... <ooct.. ..... 11,,"_ �.Iod ... two -"" .11< _ ... ..... ..... 'n_ .-. .. .. ,_ LoP ...... ",.. 010 __ , w _ .. ""'1.. ... ' • ....., ...... ... ... .- 10 rlU. ... .MzsJ, I 000' booM ........." 1Il10",,", ...., ..... "'" -" ,", W.� ....., . _ ... ,... ",... .d. . ll , . ... . . on I>od.M .......... '..�'n �'e k_. �"'" �..."", _..d _,... It;l, _....t>t>.. ...... Po..1 ..,.,.....�. 00.... I... ..",••,,-. ..... c.o._ _....... 0,.., (10.<' O'.. I(]I<.... ..... �_ kllol(..

,... � _... """'" 10 • lio:Id "' ..- .. ,"' "'I) I� 0_ coo....,. _. � .. " 0<> ,too ,,,0 \.0';_ «,."... it .... ,be ..... -...... "'"'" of 'he ....... "" ,,,,....... 1'1.1) pI.>ye<I '-' '" I)ft�...., .... W"'-l_ _ h_. t...... 0"" a"k, W_...,,, _ U"'-1t w.. ...... '" ,,,. ........ .. .. .....11 ,cO_

..... -,. ,"" """ """'." ,­


�"I.t�'_'. ... imprCM. the In'" IK..o to. ""..,d pIoc:. fonM 'n to. NMh�"" Coo>,.._. ,..... 00..."', ""'"....."....." """" .. �.... 0.. tho ,....._

.... W"�_,� (dcI< "- .... '

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up _ ........ fo"�1IInt Iouolll '" OM �...,.. DiMlkt I "'et'I1o � 1.._ �_ �_ ..... ,he I.... pod. .. +>. e<pI",od 01 . .. ..h pIo<L _ _ _ bol.4 1o ,_10.




' 59

Field Hockey Team Gains Experience W"" ,t.. _ <II _I -_.­

role -.0'11'10- onoI -liod ......... . .. _ .. _.,od� .nd ...... ,lit ,.... hold "., d .. " .. .. .. <0"1"' " 9-,.. ..._ �...d ""... <'--..-,.;hoah"....nIt>. ... ....... &om ,... .... ,..., ...... . ._ !<>e."",_" � . .. ,lit 1><-. •i...... 01 rho .u_ ... . daw_ _..... _ .. ,I><ONI. , ... ,�_ "" ,"'" inlp....._ .... laIr'>' due '0 ,ho _,n<>, .... oIod;c.o,_ 01 .ho ..,I>, uId (_10 10<. 0/1.... - I.. '•..., .... 'N<""";� t>r .. •It.....




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"""Ie _. H"hl'..,.. ... .... .... ..", lodudod . .... _ C....,... ,n ""..., .,... U......... 01 w...._ ""Oft, 'oO • u. w.h w...... ",_..,on.

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Lute Kickers Fust In Northwest Tourney Action Itw .. .. ew l ........ .... .. . ..... _ 10 .... "'.nu_ ....,.t ..... 00 .. ...:;" ri- ._<_,.... - - _ ...._ ........... �bo. ..""" coni.. --. y""... ,nod junIoo ,no...... _ lo .... ,"" 'Y'_ .� .. , Ib �' "'" uPS ..... . re" in ,,,",, n", «I......__f <II .... ..- �b< �i<\,<d """'" • '" • •-4 o«n< "In

,ood ,.;th w...... J.� Tho ,. _ ....... .... 10... _" ..... ... ... A'" I.,.t. Iw,o ........... .-I 2d bod. ....... .... __""" "'u

....... -..........,- ­ c-t. Mo"" � u_ ..,-", u..roold l-L. W_'el'O ..... -. ,.... ..... 0.... l-I '" ..� tw .. pbc. """,.,,, in 1M """""'"" NA,A -... c""r.e...... _,...._ "",aoboo "'". I" '�"""� ' ''' .. .._ ''''' '..4". __

Uord ___led_al .... '... _... uru..... Dout ....... . _ .. _ _ ... W__ .... "-u .. ..... ,..� .._ ... .. .... oc_ I·.U. ...�.. ...., _...... _,! . rho _.h A_.. ,.... po _ ,_ ,;. IMeoI... .,....... ....,' ....001'.....

,...""" ''''' .Ol. "" ..Iuo< ..... bftn • <III", .... _ ,... _ ... ....'lbid . . ". <_ lit' ,...,.' Ito ...... -n.. ,""" "'"' we hod .. .... ' ' .. , Itu,_ t.o-� """ ._". 10 __ h .... ,...., II.. ....., _ ,"" the '... ..... _ ...,. .....h a l _ ''''...... 0/1 01.. 1_ _ � ,•...,. �o>Od ''''' i.... 1....... ..... _ •

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''''' _ tM«I .. � � , .. d ....h • •'O ..' " _ ..... -. 'ho l_ Ud..... 1+1 lew .... _._... _ 10 .......... ...

....... "" ... .... "". .... _ ... �. 7 1 .. t . .. ... '.t"dllwbol' !no.. .... ...





Women Hoopsters Grab District First Place

b.I....... c"""� <:",1"" .,..,., ........ , ..... ;., It.. ..""" ..... ...... ....... .... .s;",,,,. ...0 .... ........... ""- ".... .. ,"" ....,. ,.... ...""..... hom. .... J;." ...,.., .o\r ___ '" II< """ bo .... I'lu ..... ........-n.. !'VI' '...... ... 'OOM'..! "� � 01 _ ,.-, buo c_� 0..", .aid, -�\ "'" ....,_ ,_ l'w-.. ........ .-... ,...u :2 ' _ ... r-<' Pri> I'rtIchood ...". .- ..... aI'Gw. " ,100 to.! 11 __ 01 _ .. .. "", ....... ..-. to ".. ...u • __ , .. ,,', _ .""""" >lid ,"" ..... • ."" �._ -.... .! . """""I _ .. .. ... 0.\. ...phooI .. ,_ .... 1M _...... """'- .... _ _'til ... 11·\ "..-mo. NO ....... .... .._ 7O�".... ''''' ...._... _ -. <ood--N". .. ...,. ...... .. """' ..... . . In "'" ,___ 10<-loI 'n ........ .. ,........ ,"" ....... _ ,h'ouch ,..... ..m... _"" Col�. '" ,doh<>. U",_. 01 "'..... .......... on<! llo.....od v.... (_ ......, .. C...... .. C............ ., _ C,...., ..... �W.b_.-' pl." i<N tho ....... ...." .. .... ......., "" ,.,...t. . "M. o/! ''''''' " .... _"

"'''' I."

�"od �.. "," by ,�, tho_

_"I'mC",,'," O\U j,

ow-.,."" U oIw....;"�''''' "8''



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"'-'" (.." ,,,. W....." W...h "." s...... ,.o<JIi< U.oI ""... *.0 !ot. M..'..•• (....,,01 I . W_...."" ..... s,."... ,..�i<

.. 66 '"

U..........0l0i.,...... C......oIlUIo U .. ....... _

.. 11 66 IJ 50f

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"'....... W...,'"�'O"

'_VoIIoy CC •

.\ � 16




.. � SJ


JII )4 � �

D R I B B L E : enior M i m i Mor,ck b(inl-:� I h.' bJII dow neou(t. G R I N A N !) [l ( A R 11; So phomore !(UJrd De b P",ch �rd � u l l les pasl S ' J I I I " Pac,l;c in a nulher 2-poim " " cmp l .

A STE AL ! . T p o r r I,)., Borcherding r{'d t he, In 1 0 lak l he bJII 'rom J SeJnlc Pdcifi opponent. Sue C reavcr Jnd C h r i � l ohnwn (51 ) a"j<1. '

P I fHE A I R : C h rj, loh O i l ,1im� (or I h e hoop while Dianne Q U J�1 awa i t s the rebound.


Lute BasketbaU 1975 - .- . , � . . - - - - .. .. ,- -


__c-.._-.... ___ .. ... _� ...


Sophomore Dan Mi ller took over the



floor general this year 10 help

t he Lules POSI anot her succelO�ful season.

J unior Len BellS goes up fOT a rebou nd in the J(nighlS lirsl 'Varsi1y scri m mage.

1 6:1

Randy Sundberg lel� go of one of his "skyhooks" a,gainsl whilwo n h .

l unior lim B a l l p U I S u p one of h i s famous j u m p shols agai nsl SI. M 3 n i n's.


Coach Gene L u ndgaard, who ended h is coac h i ng career t h is year, ques­ tions one of the. ref's calls.

SIeve Conrad lak� a shot over Ihe oUlsuetched ha nds of freshmen de­ fend er Kevin Pelersen, In the l Ules firsl scrimmage.

A IIdnt ..... . .... , ... .." C_ .._. -. ..... _ _ A', .. ... ..01 !he _' 1_ ........ IC_ .� <II eo- (undo _d "..., _� "'....,.,OIIY ••' ,�. ,,,..,15 hoop loti'

att_ IfI




..t>o oeot'"


poW. ,No •., ",loot ,._ ... .... Ie...... Iiti.ld .... w_ will'l •

'" <OI�"' _ _ ....r _ ....... """'ic <II ,.,Il,

.....; L '" "'" ---. I'\U _ loci bJ _ "..-"'" '''' HId, ..... JoII ...... _ _ _. ,..,

....... lot AllzCon_. __ KId.> leo! "'" ,_ in """....iII'I •

lU -' ..... """ III Iotopt_ l-4\<o �.... 'M roold. •" d 11fI� __ It! 0<0<.... ...h t.;, ,8,1 ""', " " _Ie le.&,.. ''''' ''''.. 1ft lez


..... .... ..."-

�•....,. So_.. . lromN< "­ C",","Ho c,c.. w.. ,lie GMt'


... _ '.... '0 _, _ blef, " _ ' _ ,, 500

_ . 'l" flo"""" NIWIOf_1O Irtd 10

"_, ,...


....... _ .... 1_ petb_ _ co. .. ....... _SO... c-. .ad. 0... ....... ..... .""" W.....'.

..... .. pI.opd 1mpoI,.... ... M ,lie w-. A�1w;..... "". ;

"'" .... ..... ..... "'...... I•.,d .... ...h ..... . ,he luteo ..... . 00" "-'" oil",,, ..... <.. b< "..... ..." • "'" <II ,ho ......... ..d. ..... Mi�• • wI'_.... ... Aw..t, ...._ ,he ' .... _ . ..-Woll " ib " . ... .. _....,....,.. •


-� .."" ,"11 _ w.. ,,,., tI,_ - ,..... ... " .... . - ....

...,. ........ _ , (.- w ·,.,..a.. _. _ _. _ ,_ ..... . .. . , "'"". _ ..... ...... --_1'".,- � - ...... " CON'[R(NC! CM<[S

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..� W.'..... I......... CI.� �

.....<II kWoo C . -

" •

" "

"" � • •

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....... _" .. , � ...._. jo . ... . -'- 11>0 _ ........ .. ... .... . <,'I' "..,.. <.-.. of ",.... I...... HI<\>, a,..!.....W.."",b<,•. Tho IC_ ..... "'"..... 10 In"'" ''''' .... ...... .. . <oo<1W'It ... '" PlU ""''''''' wl<h 'he .<>il"""'" of

lu"""",,d 'u.......d. ...h •

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..... <OKhInti _d _ 11 _ _ ...- '... 1..... ' 0 _ .-. ...._. ...... - ...... ..... Io..t N....I.l N""""'" T_ "" .. , ,, . ..


National Title Hopes Spur Lute Tankers






Women Swimmers Break 18 Records; Compete at Nationals " ..... "" ...� ,....cIo . !do "'" .. . ,OWIO ,"" ,",..' -..10 _­ m"" ...n ' I,,.., " , ,.,., ....1onoI _ 'n ""-""", '''160' 1_ ,.,"Io, M... 11<,'. I.. '" Coo&." .... C... ....C.....I .. ," ,." .. "'" 10... ..... .. . . . "II ,.. ..... ,_< .. . ..._ ..... _ _ _ ...... _ ..... -.- �.... _. _ _ ..I ...' , . ... "'" _ C...... er. ....... C...."' .. Ihe _..... . ,� .... _ . . . . ... .... _.. "'.-., ....... .. _... .. _. "'.. " , Iou. . . H



,te, _ ontr


...�.... "'" "'" _ Oft ... "r" \I .._ ,_ _ _ .. ....h . ,.. - ....... ,_. 'ho ,.... ... C�. M<Coot-". ..... ..... ....... ... __ 1 0 _ •...,.. 1._ '- ...... .,. .._ J-.. C-,. _ ,_ ........., ........ _ ...... -.d. CoIio Mct........... _ _ __ . ," 10< I "..... ..... _. ..;



.. ...._ ............ . . tho.....

,....... ,..... _ " ' . -... ... ....

�.... 110_ I<>w r.... ....... Io<� ..... ....... r.._ ,.,.d ..

... _ _ MOllI e...., ,... ....n� . ..- ...._"" ........... ;n tho '" b.... ... ... 1. ....... ...., ........ _ __ h,oI"

..c.., """ , i"cd " "' ... . . . .. , It .... .oIoy c.-,. • ,.,.. .. .. . . 'p ., .... .... _ -"_. < $d o. � .... ,ho

.... _ "'"w __ _


....c . ..... _.. "'.- ,.. .. T N ' E " 1 d U1 .. _

_ 1

.." ...

- , "- _ ..- .... ..... _.- D' ._, _ _. _ .._ ..... <0: '.-'-----, ___'''�_-

�I'a�on PLU 29 43 74

79 92 75 52


cor d

OPPO N E N T Univ('Isily 01 W •. I , h i n g t o n 9] 79 Ccnl l a l Hig h l i ne 55 We,1 ' rn 46 Eve r e u 8 St:3 t t le U niver�i l y 42 71 Highli 'l!! 7th P L A n ; U N I V E R S I T Y OF WASHINGTON I NVITATIO A l

55 109

Ccn l r .11

We sler.,

69 27


Top: l a na

ooley f i n i hes t h e 400 medley relay wilh her specially.

01 t h e four women who p3 r r ici­ Ndlionals. Above: lana Cooley (l ane 3) and Vickie G ra n ­ lund (lane 6) dive in a I h e y compele i n Ihe b u l t crfly a g a i nsl I he U niversily 01 Wa h i n g l on. A bove Righ I: Mary Beck, Iwo- y ear leuerwomen. show� her fo r m i n Ihe Ir e lyle. She compclI:: d 3 1 Nalionals i n I h 400 f r ecstyle a nd t h e 400 medley relay. R ight: Freshman l a ne M i l l er, who look pari i n e�tab li hing ei - h i PlU r ecords, q ual ified i ll four evenl) al I h e n a l i o l1Jl lev I .

I h e b u l l erlly. Cooley was on e paled al

Il J

PLU Matmen Finish Second in Conference


. , "


Links, Squad Wins Third Straight NorthU'est Conference ChaDlpionship

Ambitious Volleyball Team



Baseballer's Season Best at PLU Tony Whit ley, lelling L ute's leading hilter.


baseb'a l l


e nj oyed


h i g h h a r d one g o b y aga i n� t U PS, d i sp l ays

i ts

yea rs wi t h a n overa l l record o f 1 2 - 1 7 a n d 7-1 0

w i n n i n g est s e a s o n i n te n

f o r t h e N o r r h w est C o n f ere n c e . To n y W h i t l ey ,

named PlU's most

v li l u a b l e p l a y er, l e a d t h e K n i g h t s i n h i l t i n g w i th


. 391 sea�on. m a r k and 27, Steve I r ion

in s t o l e n b a s es w i t h

a n d B o b Tons a k e r w e r e co - l eaders

in r u ns ba i t ed in w i t h 1 9. G a ry P a y n e wi t h 4 .

was t h e home run leader

M i k e B e r ge r , n a m e d Se n i o r M V P,

5 - 4 w i t h a 3 . 4 7 E R A a n d h a d 64 st rikeo u t s in 70 i n n i n g s . was

Ca t c h e r St a n S m o k e w a pre-s e n t ­

e d w ith r h e I ns pi rat i o n a l AWdrd .

8ASEBALL PLU (, 4 2 0 7 9 9 2 0 ) 1 4

1 £> 8 0 10 ) 6 5 2 ) 1 5 7 14 1 7 2

Whitworlh W h i t wort h

Whi tworth Lewi� a n d C I Jrk Lewis .a n d C I � r k W h i tmiln Wh i t m a n Whit m a n P uget Sound C e n t ral Wa�hi ngton

Pacific Paci f ic L i n fi eld L i n field

Puget Sound Lewis a n d Clark Lewis a n d Cl a r k Willamelle W i l la metlc

Wa h i n g t on

Wes t e r n Woshington Wes t e r n Wash ington Ce ntr al Wash i ngton C c n l r J I WashinSlon College of I daho

Co llege 01 I d a ho College ol l d a h o 5ea l l ie


11 5 14 10 11 4 6 4 B 7 7

5 10 24 5 2 20 1 ) 2


� I:


2 5 4 2 1 o (forfe i t ) 3 10

Second ba�emdn J i m C a rvey r ela xes whi l e watching t he

act ion .


the ( a r m which

made him t h e

in 1 1 Years .... .......' ''-- - ,� , .. - '....... '- "'- . .. . -. .... ...... 1oO .� .... _', _ ,_"" _ __ .,'" 1_ """ _. ... ..... ,_...- .......... _.r ". '''' __ .'' ....=. " - _ . ....".,.. ..

""""" - ----..".'�---. p_ .....--

_ _ <:.on ,.,_..........

Mark Smith Garners National Championship Highlighting Third Place Track Season s,-\od � '..... "'_


___• ,he "",. _ """"... ... 01

"'_,....,.. .t ..-.• 7 _ � _ _ . ,·1 dNi _ _ _ 111I0Il HId -.h 10 .... _.Iou" C__•

""" ...... Ohbl<t 1

_ __•

tMoIy And. 10< .ho r;. .. ,.... ..... ...,,,..<<1 Il0>0 010«-10 .... I"lU _· _«Is......... . .....,.. ....t' .. .. oIcH l • · ..

. ' 0


...... _�.. ...... " " ","", ,, ,bo

.......... eom�""" ....,.. [)k. .. ,,"" 1. '0.1 tho .....t... ""', ...... .... , ... ......... . loS "'_ NWC ""', ",d Ih,_ <II __ t., .""""" tho ..... .. . ,,...., ..- lor \J '"' . . ."" ohri<1 _ wioh • •_01 III·•• ... "" ___ ,he ......,. ,..... .... ... 1M tiN! ...._ . ..�� . ..... ... ,77., MM. _h ...... '-..... .... ..... ......... ,1000,."." ,'U ..... hoc!

. . "... ..... ,;.lol 10 " "'... _

" n ,"- .. _', ""'.... D<>II� W....." "'... 1""-" to ''''"","!po """, 10 booh Tho con­ Ier� ..... d"',1c> _, ..... ,... _ ..noh ., 1M ..,...,.� 1#0 ..... """ W"'P '" .... " 'M NWC _ ..... • ....,e<......, ,,,,,...d. Mo1o" 1'<01,. jul.... !.miIn ond W1..,. .. <_,�O<O Ch.",pI"",'" I..�..... ,I." I. ,hoIo.. ,.""p, ..". <II ""�

... ...... _<* I _ _ _ _ .. _ """ "' 1 _ -----_...__.._-

IIIJ\« • IIU.o "" • • • • • • W -

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: ',. ' . ' c." I, '.

,.. _ _ ,111...... _


all'''"'' • " • " � • "

.. • _ . _ . . . . _. ..... _ •




- ;


". -

Male Lute Tennisians Second at Conference


Lady Lutes Tennis Squad: 6 / 1 8

1 87

Distaff. ROUTers Win Meyer CUJJ


� 89

ASPLU Iv.·'m .... . ,�I."".,........ "". _ ,... '" "h..h ....U ..,;."d ,.,. rho .......,""" '" ... ...., "'.... ....'.11 . m...'od, """" t .. " , ,, , 0<1;'" , . ...... ct....."'s ... ...,K>d I.. ,... ASI'lI,l ......." ,.............. ,.... ,....... ........", I", ,"" ,.. woo '0 -.- ....-, '-IJII po>/lq __ .od _. ..._,� 1I0Il

_ ... t.. .«� .., _ ina .... .. . " " " . ...... ... 1_ • ,.... _ J . f d IG .........,.... -. .. ....... """ '.'1' _ ...,...,u, - . r·," _ _ _ <M<t l!! '''"'''''' _ .... 10 '110 ... ... __ - _ ...... <_... """ ... _..." " d.... __ M � . ..... � _ -" "..... d lot .... . �,.. - ... -... ..... _ _ .. _ .. ._ '"I .'" --

_ �""'..... !No


..-,. dw,... .... .....II\' .... .... ... _� lh" ...,', ........, """""....,.. .... ''''....... __,h 10 bll .. _ ,. " _ 01 "1l1li1·

<- pOI;q .... ' ,... , .... ,... b<_h, '" " � aI ".._

'<pi"''''''''''' '" ,... _d of ._ .., ....,.....", 10 """...... bov'l, .n .b.>t....... ,. ....'... ,_loll""" .... ...., ............. 01 • ......1 ..-" palKo,. .. ... "'01<>' � .... ,"" � bof... _h. 1"" �_ ..... ,oIoe<t • _ .. .."'" ...... . n' KIf 1110 U"'""''' 10 ,,,,,. ...... ""'h .. on ._.... 0aI;d.. '" __ ,... IMI ......, ..... ... 01.....'.. 10 ,lor U-.....,. ""'............ ..... . ........ .. -...... . ... 10 row IIM ........ _.."',n' _ ........ ..._ .... -

<....... ...

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. '.' • ...... ''''' 1M...... ,....... .; "" ,,_ ..--., .... ".' ...... ...._ ...n.d ...., ,"-ly 10 ...."'""' .. ,_ TIl< ""'''II __ . • """ PI_ .. .,1,...._ """*- ...-...t on _....... ,.....01 .,...."' .... co....,.. <NI,....... . '_ In-.ltl" 11;0., .Ad • .....t ....... ..<t.onr _,<1 'ho ,.1 ..m...... ..... _ ...... """ r". tho ....�. .. A r.t..... ....b! . ... ..., ..-.. K_tII .. ' I.h ,,"'" ".. oIu"",', • <....,. , � ..... -._ kIo ,ho u_c.. ,Ad " ... ,__ _ .... .....rIod" . ,-. '*" _\ lot • do, Gl'u...... . ..... .-...... . .. . ..-�l< <...... 10100' ........ b .. .U.. .... ,;,�,d, and tho _.... _"'''' So.IIt.,.. •

.. ,__ ,1>0 __



_ ... .' ..., .... , _ flo l'O" l<1po<<<I .. ,nd lien''''''; "''''I- 01 Pill'. "'. "....Ie> .nd '" .",k,.. ,." at 10<_ ,",.. .nd ,." ,,,,_, ,"" ..," ,.....". ...., ,..,, " ......,.... f<t< 'M ."","", bod-,




R es i d e n ce Hall Co u nci I


S t r a n ge

J eff Neher

J oa n ne


N ieman

lo "'_ . ...... .. ..

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M U P H I E P S I L O N : National m u ­ r e q u i r i n g 3.0 g . p . J . A p l edKe fee asses e d . To recog n i ze s c h o l a r s h i p , m u s i c i a n s h i p , p ers o n a l i t y a n d c h ilraCIp.r; to p r o m o t e f r i e n ds h i p w i t h i n t h e s i s t e r h o o d .

s i c soro r it y


Row 'I: loui c _.chuler. Joann R i C' h J r dso n , Verna Powers, Gretchen J erde; Row 2 : j ackie Harri , .Iii ahlbe r g . L ucy AI"'�::Inder, K .a r e n F l a g!:. D i ane Bailes, j a n n e l eutho ld. Debbie C hriSt i a n

o n,

S Y M P H O N Y : t h ose

i n t erested an a p ­

who h a ve p r o f i c i e n c y w i t h

p r o p r i il l e i n st r u m e n t . T o prov i d e a U n iver i l y

Sy m p h o ny

O r c h e S i ra

o f fers concer ts and p e r f o r ms a t specia I events.


A n n T r e m a i n e , R o d n e y G e h r � e , An h u r CJ bles, K a t h leen Joh noon, Gwendolvn B ry a n L P a u l a j o h m o n , C arol 5 t J�wick, K'ily L o l l is, ,'vl i r i a m A rn tso n, V iClor i;) larson, N o r ­ man T dy lor, ,\;I a r i a n ne Eckr O t h , Sue Doc k e n : A ndre a TlOn� C I , K a t h y Syverson, 1 01 Gil be r t ­ � o n , l a r ry Cl e l a nd , C a r Van Heuvelen. D " r ­ cie Ann ebcrg, janice R i t c h y, R o n a l d Staggs, I.e. Calc5, H ' l en K e v l , P ie rre V e n l u r e , L o r d e m n ieh, Dolle R o,J k , j oh n G U $ , B 'a r b,H'1 Mcle r t a n , joyce G o b l e , K a l h y K o e n i g , G o r ­ don G i l be r t o n , N a ncy D a r y , M .H Y M c us, j e n n e A h r endt , N ancy Picdo n i , K ;l ! h e r i n c H oh l , C h a r les Na u ber!, · u · n C r itc h l ow. K a r ··n )ohl) o n , l � n ct' R o berl�, I J ni e D r o).: ­ !o wl , Diane Bailes, M i m i j a t:obson. E i leen Reichel t , Harr DeRuy l e r , Carla Benn t I , R o bert M e amara, Rebecca Roberts, P 'gf:Y R u d o l p h , Mdrilyn fenn, )ocl Wcmgaar d .


CONCERT BAND,..... ifto.._


Saxifrage Blooms in Spring ",""IN ,. *"' __ I'lU

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Mooring Mast




1ar i l ee F i j a l k a ,

Mark E. Jewell, E d i tor

' n there a i nl n o t h i n g more ( O write a bout, a n d I a m rot fen �/(J d o f if, })<, .!Use if I'd k n o wed what J' trouble it Wil.\ t o ma ke a book ' wouldl l 't () /Jcklcd it ami J d in '/

"A n d

a going to no morc. B u t I reck on I


for I II Tl'r r i t ory re,/ beca use A unt Sally 5 h (" � .t;oing /0 adop t m e a n d s;viliz<' m e afld I can '/ ,I m , e} it , J l)('cl1 I h e r e before:. " / 0 lighl O t J I

a h e; n J of 1 h e

M ;1 r k

Twa i n

. •


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U n i ty,

Represen tati o n ,

Sacrifice-all of t hese q ualit i es are epito足 mized by K i m Doyle, 1 974 -75 pres i d e n t 0 1 t h e sophomore women's h on o r a ry . Below: Sca n 足 danavian a r ra ye d S p u r s pose for t h e i r 1 974 C h rist mas card in l u cia B ride cos t u mes. Each costume consists of apro n , ve,t, and d i r n d l s k i r t w h i Ch. have been dey i g ned a n d made by

each Spur. Lower Left : Grannie Spu r C l a u d i a B row n pre pares an ice cream s u n d a e at T he Febru a r y Fou nder's Day fes t iv i ty w h i c h co m 足 memoratcs t h e ann iversary o f t h e organiza足 tion's beginnings. Lower Right: Su nshine on on tneir s h o u l d e rs. J a n Soderstrom receives from M i chelle H o p p the traditional Spur d o l l a l ' h e OctOber B ig S iyLi t t l e S i s Banquet.


. -


-,' . . , .




' ' .

... : : - . - : - : .






t h ose w h o wish \0 i d e n t i fy w i t h t h e G i rl Sco ut

movemen I

I h rough

se rvice l o

sco u t i n g a n d t h e u n ive r � i t y co m m u n i ­ t y . C i n d y B re n n a n , J a n e l L i l l i e, J a ney S i ege l , E l i z a b e t h Poe .

I N D EPENDEN T K N I G H TS-·Sophomore

m e n 's hunow (or fuU-l ime wdent, with 25 g . p . a . Dedic ,ued ( 0 I h ideals of se� vice, ,a r i !i e , and loya l l y 10 , h ool <1M! com m u n i l y , 1 0 p m fl\ O I t' coHes ' spi r i T, ( h r is l.ia.n fel lows h i p , a n d personal deve l o p m e n t . R w -I : R i c k Troyer. Brian Key, Dave Dorothy. Leigh Erie; R o w 2 : J o h n O l a f son. Ron Snyd e r , l'eH li ingesdal, Bob K e r a n e n ; Row J : Bruce Hoffma n . Tim A n der.on.

SEA SPR f TES-Studentl wil.h su Hicient prolide ncy or aptitude ('or syn c h r o n i w d swim­

m ing. To practice �)'nch roni7.ed s w i m m i n g and prod uce an a n n u a l show. Row 1 : A m y Ol\on, Vicki Lycksell, Karla Ander o n , Cary SheekJe y , Lisa Lilmat�:. R O I." 2: Kath , K e n t , !leth Vein;, Clara M i l l c r , Jiln M a nch<\ I L


A U 5lVOCNfS C U ltO-' .. _ . _ -'. _ . ' - _ .. . .. .. . .... " , ... .

.. . - ... - -�=,� -',:" ,",:"':" .-::;"" � ... :":

... _


,, ,. .. - - - - - -. -. .


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ASSOCI"tW WOMEN STU­ IXNT5 To _ ,. "'" "od:.

-..o d S r... allo«... ..U . _ ... and ,.. ,.._ . ....... "' ....� ... _ ....__ be ....;... "' -. _ .....-. 01._ w"" .. , ,.. I...

-. . � , ,. ,. .. ,,. ". , '--' , - .. oorioiy

...... --








..ho ...

:1 " ....... ....... .._ . .. ... .. acrMlieo and I. .... " td .......... -- - , .. , '..

... , . .

....__ ...._, .. .... .... .... �

PI elil tflfTA, � ...�.....(co_ ......."" ..""'� "" "" .....k· ... '" c......... <OIHIu<t<o I('.'� ....

-s.I"'.... _ ! '___ 00.._" '. .... .- _ .- , - _ .-. - -.

A L P H A K A P P A PS I : To promote courses leading to degrees in B u si­

ness A d minist ratio n ; to fosler re­ search in b u s i n ess field s; to furl her

i n d ivid u al welfare of its m e m bers. Row 1:

Tom Bi lyeu, Ch uck Bowles, Steve Gerstma nn, Terry H olm, Dw a y ne A be rle, Mark f ree m a n , Wayne T h efres, J i m West,

LETT E R M E N ' S C L U B : To en­ cou rage the p a r tici pation 0 f all men on cam pus in inter-coll egia t e and i nt ramu r a l spo rts.

M i ke O l son; Row 2: Bob Clarke, Don T o m ­ mer�·jk, Gus Wa lbol!, Alan IBacon, D o n B eq ; ­ l u nd. J e f f Smi t h , B n lCe BergeL B i l l Wilson; Row 3: P e te T rogdon, Rob Calh ou,n,

1: Rod Bra g ato, Mi,ke Whi le., Craig F o uhy; R ow 2: SIeve Rid gway, Rick lF i nse.!h, Ken F l a jole, Len Beta, AI ae�;,el!e, M i ke


Berger, Larry G reen, Stan Smoke.

21 3

N O R S K : T o f u r t h e r o u r educa t i o n b y acqu a i n t i n g u s w i t h N o rwe g i a n

U SSA C : ( U n i v e r s i t y

c u s t o ms a nd c u l t u r e, g iv i n g t h e s t u ­


I nv o l ves


t h e N o rwegi a n l a n g u a g e .

de nts i n p r o g r a m s o f s o c i a l o u t ­ re a c h : t u t o r i n g , t e a c h i n g swi m m i n g

Row 1:

to m e n ta l l y re t a rd e d c h i l d r e n , h e l p ­



g re a t e r o p p o r t u n i t y to u s e D o n a t d R owbe q:; , C l a u d i a B row " ,

lisa Nelwn, l ean Phi lpot l , lohn O l a / s o n , Joe C o n ner, Pele G u l s r u d ; Row 2: Mary l o h n s o n , le a T e n gesd al, K r i S l i R ig a l l , S U � Saitvei t , Carol Slaswick, J a n M u nson.



c o m m u n i t i es

of soc i a l i nv o l v e me n t .

To e n c o u r ­

i n t e l l e c t u a l h o ne s t y i n fore n s i c ac­ t i v i t i es . Ro w 1: Lois Mich o l l a n d , P h i l Sen i n , Cal h y Holke)!ad, l o h n C o ll i ns, l i m Clymer, Sharon Ga n ser , Karl F r i tsche!. Sa m M e r r i c k ; Row 2: Rac i n e Heacox, Ken Onon, l i m Bridge. D o u g K irkpat r i c k , M a r ge Mil lay, loe F ischel .



u nder­

p r i v i leged c h i l d r e n , a nd ol h e r areas

a g e i n i ts m e m bers h ip h ig i d e a l s a n d


St u d e n t Soc i a l

Commi ttee)


PIlOPlllIIC: 10 0<"""",,


_ ..Io� ......... oI _eo< In _· .,... ,'Uk> _ "'�.. �"N ft<l<lt

.,.., ... , --- - - , - ­ ""- '- , "'" - '­ , • ,

Student Congregation _ Ga.dan ...hoop. .."I.•...,. ........ . " p",,;r.. •.......n 11... __iot ... ,to< -' 10<>, ,...... .. ' ....... h� __ 10 "'� In .po. _ .. w...... '..... ..., , ".-. .. D...... . ... ... A, •• h< .... ...... .. "'... _"'_.. ""...... .nd,..... .... p.o.'''', H. ..... . 1J " .. " oboo , J.,.., .._ ........ . �oo.", -, 01 ... _<1>.... w..,...,� � one '" It.. "........" t.,,,.,," C"",eII', ,h_.-.ioorift. "1"'" ..." hut..... .nd _"- of ....'" ...... .. .. .... ""ilod . ....." 01 "",.wI "�" ...."'I In<! -''',"'''� ._ ....';cl......... •__ II.. .. ...... , _ '... " , 1.- 0. Rid,... '.'1'.'"', 00:<;"1 p'''''''' '*.-'h'''''�h """ � "" ...... _. """' "" ..odm" 10 ••"..;...u 'N' w. ....<Ot'-. '" ......... 01 tho in,""""''''' .n<! ,he ..... " ...,. ,... ..1 1 ,., w",b"" w.. .... _ .... ... hod ,-..... In ",. "... ,.... ",...... "....,.,.! b"", 0<001<...

... C"'- "''' '.TII« _.. '" In

So. " .... ....... 1011_. l'.....". _ . " ,.,. 11.....� f\' 01 ..!}m..... In 'M ........,.""'. .. _to h. '0''''..! . .....<M....... ... '" ,_ .. H... '.."...." So ....... ... _ ••" .. _... o/ '0'.... 'wo � . ."0\<J ,d\ l<Io",W.."... , W�.


Top: U n iversity Ministers Gordon L a t h rop

and Ja mes Bec k m a n distribute t h e eucharist ic

elements. Left: Su y K i n t ner Religious We

Coordi nator 1 974-7 5. Above: M ik kel Tho m p ­ son, P l U alumnus, ret urned 10 his a l m � maIer t o serve a s Un iversity tnte rn.



Grou nd F loor

Row 1 :

E l i zabeth l a m es, B renda R inger, A n n e

PieH<I$, J a c q u e Marlin, P a l Walker, Mar leen Cha�e, Joyce Savage, Margaret Koo n; Row 2: Karen Haag, J u dy Carlson, M a ry Seward, Lori Broekemeier, C l a u dia Rea ( R.A.L Kathy T5lJi, Debbie Vatsaas, Sarah Will iams, Pal E u m, A n drea Tronset; Row J : Lynn Ola fson, Cindy Scheid,








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Hinderlie n", WeoI _ , .... ""'. ..... ..._.... ..... """". "_' __ .... ....... WW ...... ".. '_._I .n M< _ _ ďż˝ .._ _ ...... ._ \ . " '... -.....= ..




-3 e• II






II Soutll _ , _ ....... _• •••_ ... _ '... .. - .......... " -. .... _._, .... . ----,--,-


'" ' 10 . . ... ....... .... _ A West ."", , f... ." " -.. ...... ""'" __ ... _ c_ ...... ..._ "- .".. ._ - "_ ..�� ........ n._ "'- ... "'_ ..... ...... 'W- Tn ,,, ...... ....... �>





B West : NeWlon MorGan, SIeve F u l lenwide r , Dan Sheppard, Roben Davidson, C a l v i n K n app, W i l l i a m j u n g k u n t z, D a v id Gerry, Jay G i l bertSon, ( R _A-l, David Kerr, K e i l n D avIS, D u a n e K i li an, j a mes Hal let, Dan Beal. Timothy Seck, Lynn j o rdan, Wayne Lac k m a n _

2 39



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OrdaJ Fir>! W... U_ r SM.I C.......l s.."" M<Clintid. !><>wI"'.. ""'loy K-. A...... !.hooot, ...... A.,.


_. �_l LIM F<."'.... "'....." . c:. r tb«� o..t>r..o Cobt� IRAI. C.... c._. A"'I' Ohon. 1_ WoOO..d,L,"n-..


SoKond E... _ ' "


_-------,-, �-.... ... --_____ .... .. . :l ._ _

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u N o r th Rowd 1: Cral,r. f olly, im nadland. ' m Clcmmon�. :con ..J C 2' rd f III zen, lelf Tenge> I Cra.s s awy l ' Seoll RobreebI, ,a , 03V1 R iek e, M i�e 80b Neison, fohn Ol.hon, u nie Kong ; ROw f. d (R. II'\, Dave Vo" u, l d, leIf Mon�n, loe Conner, Dav..' Danger ,eI 'no III Lac.key, C ary Sieverl.







S< .... ... w�_,_...

......F·, ..._..... _c._ ..._ . .... ___ ._ '... _ ... . 1 , ._. __•.-__ .... ..... ...1.

". _ '


Thirdu.._, -.o " .. _ _ ,.. " .... ,.. .' Coo _· _ _ ...... - _ _ ,. _ .. . _ ...... ,.... � _ _ _'__, _ I _ "




Third \\leo" ,....



c.., ,_. 00<... ........ .....

,_ <lOA., "� W..... _ "_ "' _ _ ""'_ _ '''''_ ,...... _ C... '-' 0,_ '''''''. __

_ .... ..-




Seo;ond South _ ._ ""'".._...... _ ..� c�

.... - "....,. ..... ..... - � .... -, ""' ..... ... . ,•• _ .... _ _ _ _ ... T_ "-_ ...... , ' .-'-






F i rst F l o or Row 1 . P h i l l i p y,lO, M J ry A n n B j err e , KJfen Berry man, i l a Thompson. Mike I . K . Adam .. ; Row 2 : K a ren B ol i n , T o m Tveil, l('on d , K;trcn An der_on, G a ry Pabsl, Doug Siafford, K J r e n lincoln. Karen Taylor, Debbie Fl eisch; Row 3: Duane Hoffmann (R.A.L Don F r ance.




T h i r d F l oor:

Barb 51; hler, Li�� Smyth, Debi Solberg, R o�cmary Drake, Chuck Cooper, Dave Binl, Phil Bigelow, Randy Walle nberg, M a r i ;] i l\c Mar�, Mark Schul�tad, Sian Feagler, Doug C ro s�, Chuck R a ­ p U l L l , l e�lie G l aze, Lori HoHmdn, C a r o l Peterson, K " s ! i Sagllold ( R , A,), K.irk el�on, S , ell(' Snow, Dan Moelle r i n/!, A n dy C h ow, Jean Phi lpol l_


OlympIC: •



Olynipic •



, , .1IlA' _. _---.. .... fi'>l lHI'_' _ ". _ _ _ _, _ ., ... ,-,_,a_ . ._ -_ ....... '*- _ ......... "- -, . .. , _c..I...- ___""""


F i rs t West R ow l : laurie McDo u g a l l , Sherry Mck a n . N a n cy Thomp�on. J a n n e L('ulhold ( R . A . ). J i l l Sundby; Row 2: SMa C l a u s e n , Debbie Lyso, Lois Mi l holland, S u c Michaelson, Joannd Vaswig, K"thy

A nderson, F a n ; Own/: .


Pflue ger

Second E a s t

Ho..... 7. Dl.'b F l uc k i n!:!.'r , Kar 11 Mo,bo, Row 2: K r i , R alslon, lu l i lohnson; Row J: Mdrlinc Ro's, Gemgi,) BlOwn. P,111 0' e l l . Ter r i l y n Theilin g ; Row </: Karla l u n g aard. Merilec I Olďż˝, f r a nces Taylor, Su il.' B u r n s , Co n n i<- Burau, Pan Paul 011. j .m B o r c h N d i n f( : Row 5: Nancy Ch eLl ng, L, Ihy Brand l , Pegg hu. R i n J.:o, J e l l



Seco nd Wes t :

R i ta Nygaard, M a r i lyn R u d o l ph, Virgi n i a Caspers, Beth Tennesen, J u lie F u �ler, Sue F r ench, E m ily Johnson, Cindy R o u t l U , Lisa Hylton, J i l l B u rrington, Roch e l k Pila, Ter; W h i t m er, N aomi Gravdal, Anne Mcl usk ie, janet Hermansen.



T h i r d East :

R o w 1: f oycc S u t h e rl,md, Debbie Home, O;J«y H a m ­ ple. a l a l i e l u hl, l. ynda lyon, M a r y E l lcm Flell I R . A .l; R o w 2: at hy Dolan, Ann tdle'n. Ch,il Johnson. J t h )' Dorothy. u c Jack!on . j.ln , n e- D u buar, LiSJ Jone . B t il Vci rs; .'( o w J: heryl C orb in. Dianna O;Jke,. Carrie K i p p . Shari laubach, B a r b Jan k e, Sa l l y Lincol n .






Cascade Seco nd East

Row 1: Debbie Foltz, G inger L end (R.A .I, J a n e Good足 e ru m, Lynda Ramsey, Becky Snider, Sue Wietzke, Barb Hauck, M i chel l e Shoeman; Row 2: Debbie Reeser, K a t hy Vykouk, K r isti Tann er, Melody A l brecht, Marge M i l lay, Robin And rew, M a r i e Schauer, M e rry l MurJ足 kami. Robin Weissnaar, Kay Messmer. Carol Holden, Ci ndy Dean.


:eco n d W es t :

Victor Benzel. Bob France, Ron C hatterton. B I l l v il50n. Bel L a n g e ( R .A.l. R ic k Mangels, T n o m Mac F a rl ane, Paul M art i n. andy Mi lholland, Bill Phelan, Pa u l Carslen, Scon Detrick. Mark ;uidos. Wah Zeiser, Ken F l ajole.




fhird IYHlo_, c...o _ ...._ . .... ... ..�• •_, _ ....� c.... ,,_. -. _.... ....... "-, , _ _ _._ ...., ...., _,,_CMto _ _ , ' -_ _, "_ lIAl. L..-"", '.



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Evergreen Row 7: lohn Baer{schiger, Tracy Reiner, Paul Walson, Amy 5 l avlo, Deb­ bie Ahrendl, Claudia Sooggs, Brian W i l l i , Sandy lamb, Darlene A n ­ der�o", Debbie G r onli, K i m M l nneman, l a y M cC l a u g helly, M a n h a

Olson, M o n r c C louslon, Connie I r vin, Ion Carl�on; R o w 2: Vince I l ob­ son, Cuy Bugbee. SIeve VanCle e, Mary Froberg. Desi Mclaughlin, Pany Adamich, Pally Oja. Guy Hamer. Pam !'ialse.h. Gary Shellgren. J ohn Palm. Dave Watne�\.

Row 1 : Sharon U ndhjem, l ulle Carlson. Gay Thompson, li a D u d l ey, G�yle Hend,,�,o n ; Row 1: M a r gy Waag, Eleanol EI)', Darry Hall, Oeni,,' Palmer, JOdn Nelson, C i n d y Klellke, PaW'Risdal, Rick. Wilson, Maren Sande, Dave Hewe l l ; Row .1: Kalhy SlOck man. leff H a ll, D u a n e Snyd e r , Don WehmJnn, E r ic. lemnilzer, Nor r is !'''lersOn.


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Park Avenue House

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