Saga 1979

Page 50

Shi rl ey Aikm. Nursing Charles "ndetSon. ChellllsHy

Ed "nd efwn. P.E.

Elnesl "nkrim. £ronorni(S

Gcorge Arbdugh, Philosophy Sluart BJncwil, Bu�inl.."SS Admini�1fation

1. In Chern 11S, studenlS must idenlify unknown metals, liquids, ')nd solids through Y.lrious I�t� such .IS melling poinl5, specific he.lI, and inlured spectrometry. 2. "" nursing �!Udefm mu�t lake the year.lonK "n.ltomy and Physiology dan which iflCludcd a lab. BCf:lcy B.lbington and her lab �nnf!r le.ilrn Ihe bone� of the hUm.ln body wilh the help of a consenli:ltl sk�leton. 3.ln .lny lab, IhecxpcflmenlCf mUSll;lkc dca. ')ntl ("onrire data to insure accurate inlerpret.tion) of thc ('xpcrimcn!.

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