Saga 1979

Page 139

E l evato r b r o k e n? D o n 't bla m e Cascad e Second and third floor Tinglestad­ -Cascade-sI3ned (he year with a challenge. Half the people were new, the staff was new and of course there were minor obstacles such as dorm dues, new roommates and "dang" freshmen to overcome. To become beller acquainted and aware of other's inleresrs the dorm held a retreat early in the year at Camp Hahobas near Hood Canal. Here Cascadians indulged in "good food, good fun and good fellow­ shi p" while canoeing, playing volley­ ball and sharing in a communal sleeping arrangement. Meals have always been a lime for socializing; residents have never had to worry about eating alone for there is always somebody you know at the "Cascade table." Besides sharing mealtimes, ideas and communicable diseases, resi­ dents also shared in the boycott of the elevator. God help those that enter the elevator with some Alpine residents and push "2."

For the first time in a long time Cascade displayed its talents by sweeping the field in Homecoming competition-thanks to a lot of those "dang"freshmen. If not taking part in sports, resi-

dents could be found aCTively watching Monday Night sports, Batt­ lestar Galactica or Johnny Carson. You name it-sleepers and scholars, P.K.'s and party-ers, junkfood junk­ ies and joggers, Cascade has them all.

-Brad Jenson

The relrcat at Camp Hahobils made "goofing off" ea�y and entoyable. 1. Rolf Lunde sets up the volley as Eric Frojker looks on. 2. C,JSCiI­ dians A,Jroll Couch, Kim Rogers, Sue C.lrlsen, Jennifer Tada, Kathy Seiu ,Jnd Jim Ford join in a few tun(.�.

J. Although C,JSCilde lost in the pt,Jyoffs this ye�r, their men's rntr�muul footbdll team lost only one of lheir rCl!ul�r games.


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