Saga 1978

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The following pages. six through fifteen, are devoted to the five senses and one person's feelings. both factual and fictional, concerning these ever important aspects of our lives. This person has given of herself. to you, a part of her life. This person is Marilyn Fenn. We hope that you enj oy them.




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shore forest, logged before timber companies were required to reseed.

A young woman drives down a country road whistling to the radio, her stomach jumpy from anticipa­ tion and lear. The land going by is hilly and covered with second­ growth firs, vine maple. and Indian peach. There are no towns or houses or fields. just woods. A rock logging road V's off to the left; the girt turns the Datsun onto the ruts. She and the pickup sway and jolt for half an hour up and down land swells

is a mixture of maple, alder, red and white fir. A family of cedars live In the swamp where the creek drains the lake, Sara strides a t a steady pace, planning where to make camp. For a while she walks under branches in­ terlaced like a mUlion green-limbed children playing london Bridge. She notices her own arms look lime in the leaf-filtered light. A red-winged blackbird calls and flits ahead of her. She puckers to imitate his voice. When the sun's straight overhead she gets to a patch of clear-cutting. The trees have been gone about lour

until she sees her spot. The road widens to two lanes of chuck holes. and she pulls left against some leaf trees. A narrow dirt road marked with a plywood sign, "240," sets off up a hill and loses itself in heavy brush.

false darkness brings fat splats of water. She sticks her tongue out and takes a lick-it tastes soft. Sara drapes her poncho over the pack

Sara sits and stares at the road thinking, "It's not too late. I can give this up now and be home in forty­ five minutes ... I'm scared, I admit

and herself, glad for the storm, knowing it will be dry under the firs. The rain is company; it will overpow­ er the spooky little noises of the woods when she's a bit afraid and a lot alone after dark.

it ... I'm scared," But she gets out of the Datsun, takes her map with her. and locks the doors, She hauls her old green pack out and checks her supplies once more, Every­ thing's there but food. perfect.

Sara whistles "The Happy Wan­ derer" over the last hill. Through a break in the brush she sees a piece of dull aluminum in the bottom of a sharp valley-lost lake. She switch-backs down the hill at a trot.

She re-organizes her load. shoul­ dors it, cinches the hip belt. tightens her right boot laCing, and starts up the track. Eight miles of easy-grade packing and she'll reach her objec­ tive, lost lake. Sara had fished it once with her brother. Since it's tucked twenty miles back in the hills, only a lew loggers and hunters know it exists, a slender, shallow lake the color 01 blue spruce, fed and emp­ tied by a creek, A stand 01 old­ growth Douglas fir hall-moons the north shore. They're a rare find any­ more: somehow Ihe old virgins. three and four feet in diameter. have escaped the buzz-saw. The south

years and ripe Himalayan blackber­ ries cover the black stumps. Sara hadh't expected a meal until even­ ing-here was lunch for the picking. She fills her waterbottle with seedy fruit. Each berry the size of a thumb­ nail. She eats them, wishing some vanilla ice cream sat under them, but they're good alQne-just lart enough to stimulate the saliva, warm and juicy from the sun. Sara fills the bottle again and begins her last three and a half miles. Her shoulders feel tight after the rest. The afternoon turns stul. Sweat tick­ les down her spine and wets Dad's hickory shirt. She rolls her knickers


up and socks down. Within an hour a frisky wind climbs out of the west dragging battleship clouds over the hill. Another fifteen minutes and a

feeling hungrier with every thunk of the pack in the small of her back. She finds a clearing between the young and old forest. It's high and dry, sparsely grassed and sprinkled with needles. with horizon space for dawn and dusk light. She strings her tube tent up, fluffs out her bed. and clothes-pins her home shut. Sara collects firewood among the old la­ dies. The rain sounds far away, No Oregon grape or sallal or devils club live there. no brush at all, only the columns of wood, ankle-deep In nee­ dles. Thunder in the distance ,., Sara decides the giant woods won't be a healthy spot for long, Back at

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SMELL she sparkled when she recognized me, "Mary," she breathed. "How you doing, Lady? You're as beautiful as ever." "Go on," she chuckled. Her eyes wandered from me to the foot of her bed.

I walked down a sterile corridor feeling wonderfully absurd with my arms lull of blossoms. For once I could not smell the noxious, clean presence of disinfectant. I walked into the world of age camouflaged in a cloud of scent. It felt illegal and rebellious and right. The old fellow without legs sat in his usual spot by the east window. "Good morning, Mr. Nicky. How do you like my garden?" "Is that Mary behind the lilac

"You're irresistible. Mr. Nicky'" Grandma was sleeping when walked in. I set the three feet of flow­ ers on the shelf al the foot of her bed. I pulled a chair up and let her sleep so I could look her over and see how she was doing. There were no pulls of pain around her eyes or mouth today. She looked as cool and beautiful as marble, the same transluscent skin. Her left hand lay upon her stomach. I marvelled at the number of blue lines visable through the flesh of her wrist. It felt indecent somehow to see so much inside a person's body. Her pulse rose and fell, slowly. She looked thinner than last week . every skull bone prominent through fine·wrin­ kted tissue. t touched her arm. "Grandma 1" Her hand jerked like a tickled eat's foot. "Grandma?" Her eyelids rose and tree 1" "Sure is. Can you smell me?" "I smelled you coming before saw you. Those for your grandmoth· er? ,. "Yep. She used to have a lilac tree by her back step. They're her favor­ ite. " "She'll love 'em. I'll come and ad­ mire them after your visit. You bet­ ter run along and see her now. Don't waste your visiting time talking to this old fool." I gave him a kiss on the forehead and whistled down the hatl. "Don't you flirt with me young woman!" he called.


"My goodness, it's a lilac tree! And the smell . . . why, it smells like my back step in May!" Tears of pleasure ran down to her jaw. She cried easily anymore. I gave her a hug. "I know. That's what I thought of when 1 saw them. They were grow­ ing by a condemned house. I cut them on my way here. Excuse the vase, please. An oil can was all I could tind under the car seat. " "It's perfect. Oh, it's just like spring snuck in the door . . . Now, tell me about school, ani boy­ friends?" She reached for my hand.



"Grandma, is that all you think about?" I teased and gave her good hand a squeeze. We talked about classes and pro­ fessors and dorm gossip. She knew the intimate details of all my friends. I figured they'd forgive me if they found out that she knew. My college jabber took her outside her stainless steel bed, her institution-beige walls, and herself. She let go my hand and pressed the call button. "If you'll excuse me a minute. dear," Two nurses aids came in with a bedpan, "These girls are going to help me for a minute."

"Are you afraid?" "No. Jesus and I hashed out fear years ago. He went to his death with nothing but bare hope. I'll have him to go through death with me." "I'm scared to have you die ... I'll miss you too much." "I'm tired of this body and bed and room, Mary. I'm especially tired of the smell of this place." "I know what you mean-Lyso! and Purex." "That's why the lilacs are perfect. They overpower the smells around here with their sweet breath. I bet God has them on his back step."


"Sure, I'll just wait outside." I closed the door. What guts. She accepted the losses of control as graciously as she had lived her inde­ pendence before the stroke. Back in the room I read Grandma three Psalms and the last chapter of II Timothy, " ... the time of my de­ parture has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." "Those are good dying words, Mary: that's how I feel.·'

"If He doesn't. you can speak to His gardener." 1 left soon after that, I kissed her waxen cheek, brushed wisps of gray­ blond hair from her brow, and let go of the weak, nobby hand. "Study hard. but have some fun. Love your youth." "I will Grandma, I will ... i'li see you Sunday. Okay?" "Okay ... Oh. Mary?" "Yes?" "I'll be needing some fresh lilacs by then." "It's a deal." But Grandma died before the lilacs did.


There's No Place Like... Suddenly, I was surrounded by the long. empty hallway of the dorm I would call home for a year ... Thousands of faces (it seemed) some confident, some as scared as mine ... meetings to attend. forms to fill out ... and heavy boxes to haul up three /tights of stairs; such was the strange beginning of my freshman year. Strange indeed! The all足 campus picnic was lun (if you could find a place to sit) but

the Dogpatch Olympics were some足 thing else. Along with many other freshmen, I made a fool of myself doing the izzy dizzy. But when our team won, it made up for the grass stains and mud embedded on my jeans. Convocation was impressive:


especially the black-robed profs in their colors marching to

the "Processional of Joy." I wondered if they'd look so stern in class. I got a chance to meet some of them the next day, when the frash were introduced to the profs who taught classes in our particular fields of inter足 est. As I spoke with them, I realized that some had just gotten out of school, and were not much older than I.

For a while, I was a lit足 tle stunned by the unfamiliarity of it all: completely new home, friends and way of life. But after being saturated with wing meetings, freshmen orientation meetings. and campus tours with cheery-voiced guides

for a week, I felt thoroughly orientated. Now, to go forth and conquer! But my real introduction to college life came one fine Monday morning. when all the freshmen on my wing were rudely awakened at 6:30 a.m. and sent











up to the UC for breakfast . . . in our Pi's (or whatever). We also had to attempt eating without forks. spoons, or knives. with a dozen snicker· ing upper·classmen watching us. I was told that we were lucky; they had thought of making us spend the night down by Foss Pond. I thank them for their kindness.

Geri Hoekzema


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And You Thought Ivy Was a Men's Dorm


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An Incredible Evening With Uri Geller A young, Israeli psychic, Uri Geller. drew a packed house ot both curious sceptics and curious believers . all laden with spoons and broken watches路 to Olson Auditorium in September. The crowd hushed as the sensitive Israeli concentrated on the mental message a young woman was directing to him from behind his back. On a chalk board visible to the audience, she had drawn a sun and diamond. Geller successfully described it. Throughout his lecture, Geller reiterated that his powers are universal, that we all can do what he does if we believe we can. Children have proved his point through their "blind" faith and ability to do the extraordinary. A young girl successfully moved the hands 01 a watch back with her mind during the Geller program. Other children aided Geller with their minds, as he "fixed" hundreds of watches brought to the stage by the audience. As Geller methodically stroked a spoon and bent It. members of the audience held keys in their hands and thought "bend", Some claimed their keys bent while others tried to re颅 member if their keys had been bent before they came. After a program of "fixing"


watches, bending spoons and reading minds, Geller told his audience to try their minds on broken appliances - "You will see they work. and I mean they will be fixed," he said. Researches have confirmed

Geller's powers. Stanford Re路 search Institute wrote, "As a result of Geller's success in this experimental period, we consider that he has demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and un路

ambiguous manner." At Cambridge University in England. Or. Edward Bastin said, "This is a phenomenon ... that might blow apart the reigning orthodox scientific values." Joye Redfield




Place Your Bets •


Win a Duck

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Dancing to a Philosophy of The Artist Series started their season with tbe performance of the Bill Evans Dance Company on October 7. The six-member Seattle


troupe hlls been described by the

Saturday Review as, "one of the best choreographic forces to touch the whole American dance scene. " The repertory reflects a philosophy of movement and dance concerned with communication. The dances are designed to be enjoyable lor audiences with either little or frequent exposure to modern dance. Their PLU performance was part of the company's 25 week tour of 22 slates this year. Kathleen Hosfeld

Bill Evans Dance Company , ,- -.


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A Tale Of TwQ Cindys

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Fathers of PLU students in· vaded the campus Saturday. October 8, for the annual Dad's Day. This special event gives the dads an opportunity to visit on campus and also to help raise funds for club sports at PLU. The program for the day included breakfast in the C.C. with "chalk talk" by foolball coach Frosty Westering. Edward Charles William Schutte II was named "Oad of the Year". He is the father of three PlU women: Dori, a sen­ ior nursing major; and Dana and Diane, both freshmen. After the breakfast, all dads wefe invited to attend the football game at Franklin Pierce Stadium where the Lutes lost to the Linfield Wildcats


Angela Peterson


Sons Lost, But Dads Are Winners

Who Ever Dreamed Classics Could Be So Much Fun -_ ..... ..



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continued ...


1. Davtd Harum as the steward and Paul FOII\y as the mliler

2. Christopher Teal sings his story to the pil&nms as tne clerk 01 Oxford.

3. David Harum as the steward speaks to pilgrim Kevin Schmid as Van Prather, Ken OrIon and Paul Fouhy look on. 4. Karen Chamberlin, as tne wile of 8alh, holds on to the clerk 01 Oxford played by Chflstopher Tear who holds on to Don Nokes, as the host, who is held by Mark Peder$On who plays the SQuire.

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The Non-Lettermen


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Walker and Prine Offered Even ing of Broken Strings an d Sing Alongs


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The opera workshop. under the direction of Barbara Poulshock. performed the well-known Humperdink opera Hansel and Gretel on November 9-12. The opera was

double-cast. Hansel was played by leeanne Campos and Naomi Gravdal; Gretel played by Vickie Pomeroy and Karen Kitts; the mother played by Priscilla Bosch and lori Krause; the father played by Jeffrey Kogle and Paul Beck; the witch played by Janet Hildebrand and laurie Kramer; the sandman play�d by Audrey Coryell and Kari Strandjord; and the dew fairy played by Susanna linda and Julie Cessnum.

Janet Hildebrand, who played the witch, was also the stUdent director of the opera. Set designs and construc­ tion was under the direction of Susan Mortenson. Accompan­ Ist for the program was Kendall Briggs. The children's chorus was directed by PrisciUa Bosch and the angel pantomime chore­ ographer was Beverly Owens. Costumes were by Hl;!len Marshall.

1. Leeanne Campos and VIckie Pomeroy as

Hansel and Grete! 2. Janet Hildebrand as the

3. Dew fairy SU!.aI'lna

wicked witch

Lind waves her magic

wand over Hansel and Gretel.


Nibble, Nibble Little Mousey Come, Get Into My Housey


Keeping Track Of

The Bird



Yes, We Have





�ontinued ... "

Songfest Masters of Cere­ monies Don Mueller and Jim Funfar, initiated a new tradition in Homecoming festivities with a Homecoming King award. First recipient of the award, the library's African fertitity bird, had to meet qualifications including "never having been alive at any time." The Homecoming dance was held in the Greenwood Inn, Olympia, with the theme "Saturday in the Park. and couples boogied to-the sounds of "Push." Kathleen Hosfeld

·Yes, We Have No Rain


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Yes, We Have No Rain


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Over two-hundred music students celebrated Christmas in song at the annual Christmas Festival Concert series per­ formed in Eastvold Auditorium, Portland's Civic Auditorium and the Seattle Opera House. The program featured the Choir of the West and University Orchestra, performing Poulenc's "'Gloria;" the University Chorale performing Howell's "Te Deum," and the Concert Choir performjn� Gretchaninoff's "'The Cherubic Hymn. "' Kathleen Hosfeld


Poulenc's Gloria Highlights Christmas Festival


This Statesman Has Nothing To Do With Politics ","" J...." ......, IloO\' '_ .......d ..... ,..·. ...1il1 .

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"U there are better chor­ uses. they must be In heaven." This is how the Los Angeles Herald Examiner described the Roger Wagner Chorale. who per­ formed in Olson Auditorium. January 19. Known for their versatility as performers the choir used works of the Renaissance, class­ ical and contemporary composers as well as spirituals and music from the Broadway stage. The 26 member choir has also recorded a broad repertoire fealUring no only con­ temporary pieces. but 16th century church mUSIC and Amer­ ican folk music. Their recording history also includes one Grammy winner and another album which is the best selling record of Capitol Records' classical division. Kathleen Hosfeld


continuing the tradition of making children smile

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Priooil.. James W"yermann Da.i(! Harum J. Cha,"" Lahman SI".e Hau�e

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Charme<! Cowan ... Gil Wh,tu><le ! "'AGICIM GENE Of THE RING Ron Snyder Jutie PaI>�PoIic" KALISSA GENE Of THE LAMP Paul Fouhy CHilENS lami Ande,son Sharon CantnU. Rebec�3 Hoen. Nancy K,t_. SUf! lee. Don Nokes. "'argaret Pitsenbarger. Davod Trotter. Kr;' Wl>eathermon. Oebb,.. Weh"'h""l.,... ..

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THE CAST DON BAKER .................... Donald James Nokes JILL TANNER Elaine E. Busby MRS. BAKER Lisa A. Johnson RALPH AUSTIN David O. Harum .


































































• • -


Can balancing acts. clowns. animal tricks. mime fables and magic tricks all fit in just one-quarter ring? Yes. and more. answers The Royal Lichtenstein Quarter-Ring Circus. The circus delighted children of all ages in their annual PLU performance February 21 in Chris Knutzen Hall.

Since its humble beginnings in 1970. the three-man troupe has expanded its yearly routing to include over thirty-five states. Their format is designed to provide continuous entertainment for all members of the family and incorporates mime fables, poetic jugglers and magic. Kathleen Hosfeld



Silent Pyrotechnics ofthe Soul


Parker, was a complex study of this woman. The show had fine performances by the 14 member cast. beautiful costumes de­ signed by Laura J. Blobaum, and a set and lighting designed by Gary Daines that gave the play its humid summer quality. Greg Vie

his father's practice, but he spent most of his lime gambling and with women at the casino. Although Alma was attracted to him. her physical desires were trapped inside her and she seemed destined to remain a spinister. Tennessee Williams' Summer and Smoke, directed by Bill

3. David Harum as John Buc.hanan. Jr, and

THE CAST REV. WINE MILLER ...................... Donald James Nokes MRS. WINEMILLER Karen Chamberlin JOHN BUCHANAN. JR David O. Harum ALMA WiNE MILLER Charmee Cowan ROSA GONZALES Patty Ben Peterson NELLIE EWELL Lisa A. Johnson ROGER DORE MUS .............................Greg Lehman DR. JOHN BUCHANAN, SR. ... .... .............. Paul Fouhy MRS. BASSED ............................Laura J. Blobaum ..........Glenn Budlow VERNON Sharon C. Cantrill ROSE MARY David B. Sharkey DUSTY GONZALES .......... . Ernest Hibbard .Casey Applen ARCHIE KRA MER . . .



















































































































































































































































1. Charmee Cowan as Alma Winemiller and Paul Fouhy as Dr. John Buchanan, Sr. 2. Karen Chamberlin as Mrs. Winemiller and Donald Nokes as Rev, Winemiller















Patty Ben Peterson as Rosa Gonzales (Inset) David Harum and Charmee Cowan


'.\Rt\lS Mtl-(\D • ....

• I. and 3. "Proud PLU Parents" and studenls attended a dinner In ChriS Knutlen Hall of the UniverSity Center. 2. Or. William O. Rieke, preSident of PlU. addres�s the parents' weekend audience. 4. Don Ryan performs a "trlck" on Dr. Rieke while Mrs. Rieke, Jean Kunkle and Ron Benton lOOk on.


Parents Barraged With A Collage Of Weekend Activities

Ol " ' ",,'[

, 55


PlU Mo'''' 'o. 'n' Of' .>0<'/"•...,..., .,..,,, """,.,.•.co .. tho ..""" lop. 19-22 Tno ,..,........ ''''�K'

0Vn0n...... '" ......- �..." """ f'uI>Ic PoIK:y'" ."',',,'" ...,_

oily _..... po-�>O<'/ ""�"'" """"'''' Thomo> ,,.,........, v... "w pi'o'......, -. 101'..11<0, p................ C<>k.mblo U-"", """ ...,., of C;",I .-... 1Ioo......,_1bn ......... "'po ....... 0""" Of tho �.."" ..... .. ".,.,., ..... w""""'" "*1. _ .... -. '''''''''' 'no Famoly '''''''''"'' Rillhh"'" _..,.. Mf (HEW) lno coni... ",," ..'""".... ..""" .. comb'"t.onoi ....' r ... ' ..,'of """<"I" ..'-.q _ 'M '...... 'ompo. ..UOl ....0<)', .,.,..,.,,'" ."....."". _"'... ....., ....'1""" ...,,"," •"""


Kot--' _'old

First National Human Rights Conference Attracts Privacy Experts

1 Panel members <I'5<:U55 Ima!'w;.al pnv;)cy ,n ChrIS KnUllen Hall 01 the unwen.ily ; Center.

2. and 3. Few students attended the panel diSCussIOn'> whIch were held over 9

day penod Two students. John Bley and

JoM Glassman. par\lclpllted In the panel dlKuSSlon on priVaCY of college students

¥Mom_., ,.. __ '" _... 1_--_._oPp..... .. ""_ 00.... _'........'- ....... .

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Windom Creates World of Thurber •

And You Thought Only Women Schemed

",. _ s"'.-. .... "",,on by (iLL.. r..�.....

"'dW, fIIeI«I by 0-0 �"",m .. ...�..'. ","'<:.,.,." "' ..... � . ...... _ " ,_t ' (0 ctwo ... ... .... hod....,._II>

• • •


continued... ._ .. ... _ ..-_.,. .­ ._....... 0 7' ._ .... _

---_ .. -



THE BEAUX'STRATAGEM ..�.� _.... .�.-.-­ .-.. _....... ,� ..,�..�.--. .-..._....

And You Thought Only Women Schemed

O�.__,,, • .. . ....".. ..

--, - _

"-- ".... ..... " ...- � ",. .... ,-.-... --...-........ ..... .. ...-... . _.-- ....

. .. ...

THE CAST BO N N IFAC E .. . . . .. ...... . . ...................G lenn Budlo w C H ERRY ........ . . ..... . . ............ . ...Tammy Anderson A I MWE LL ......... . . . . . . ....... . .. . . .......... ...T i m Block ARCH ER ... . .. . .................. . . .... .... . .. David Harum LADY BOU N T I FUL 'S MAI D MAIN Susan Lee MRS. SU LLE N ............................ Karen Ch amberlin DORIN DA . . . . ...................... ..... Patty Ben Peterson SU LLEN Phi l Holte SCRU B ....... . . . . . . . ....... . .... . . . . . ..... Don ald J. Nokes GIBBIT . . . . . . . . ....... ..................... . . . . Ken l. Orton G I PSEY ... Laurie Blobau m FOIGARD Gil Whiteside COUNT BELLAI R . . ..... , .......... . ..... .Roy Ha mmerling COUN TRY WO MAN .....................Susan E. Mortenson Debbie DeGrosse LA DY BOU NTIFUL HOU NSLO W ...... . .. . . . ...Chris Witt BAGS HOT ...... ............ . ... .............Rand Drollman S IR CHARLES FREEMAN Mark C. Pederson .


























































































































































































1. Glenn Budrow as Bonnlface and Ken Orion as Gibblt 2. Pally Ber, Peterson as Dorinda and lim Block as Aimwell 3. Gil Whiteside as Fo.gard, laurie Blobaum as Gipsey. and standing in the background. Don Nokes as SCTub


CAV E B l ossoms a n d Bears Fru i t for Eyes , Ears and Tu m m i es

1 and 2 CAVE Manager Chrislophe. Teal Joins In .l performance w" h Scott Marhn. 3. and 4. Popular CAVE Singer and song足 w",er SCOII Marhn played to full houses dunng his frequent CAVE oppearances, 5 S.ngQr.gul,arIS\ Mike Gulczian



• __ ,� hot..... _ 1..., ......" _ . '...... "'­

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1 978 School of N u rsing G raduates .... ....

..._ " 7 , - --


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The 1DlIowtni lui II lrom u.. .tll.tmenl Ikdkillion el.... �, Prnl�"'1 Will..... O. R'-�. to n .. �"'. O. H. Il.-t _ Me.....' WI�k.trom 11 1M 'hl'. 1'97' COmmenc.....nt ce.........1fl.


AIoo& wilh 11\11. many OuH.. I'M Mrlicel to PI>Cifi< lut_.., U....'soty. incIucIinR dloirrnano/llp 01 tile Comml>r>lcl,ion >\rll o..pOf'''-' t,om I� 10 1'975. To.! alwars NH DeeR act..... "' m...,y ,",otGuional "'&MOlaliom. H. """"*<I both .. Pr_nt and s.c..taty.T,...ur"" 01 p; lI.pp' 0.1r.. ,"­ I'laliotlal IOf� lr'l..nll�. and � ".....,lIy fpln ih ""honal SiH:rel"'Y' lfu.....,... .o.tnon& . _iely ()/ Ollie< oItIcft tI .. been the ",I...senq 01 In. W�I�rn � �....tion ....uo �,on. He ....., ___e<! ... ....1""'.. ch... man tor 1M 1976-77 Bic..,tennoal Youth Ooi>alefo, In which ca...,city ". Ofll­ nize.d KIMIiH lot [he Itals ()/ WHhlr\clon, ALHIIa and Ha.. aIi . Fe>< ..-. r-- II>8n mool 01 ... cat\ ',","'�'�. he '- _ the parliomen. ,_ 0I111e IKWIty MoSembly _ ther _ ......- .'...... n .. ' ty �_ ments. Afn<In&...... 1_ hundr..:! llCUIty �fI. t.. fo the only _ who hal acl'>oeved the __ d"wni\Y 01 ... _lenlly __ by �1IfIII" _ II..:Ienu. aI;ke ... ""'01." •


Margaret Wickstrom began 27 year s of service to PLU by atte ndance a t t he fir st a nnual faculty fall confere nce convened in t he fall of 1 9 5 1 . She ca me here from the Biblical Seminary i n New York City with a M a ster 's Degree in Reli­ gi ous Education. Profe ssor Wi ckstrom completed her Ba chelor of Arts De gree from A u gus­ tana College in Rock I sla nd, I l linois. She started her teaching ca reer a s an ele mentary school teacher in Stanton, I owa, which w a s her hometow n. Profe ssor Wickstrom served i n a variety of ca pa cities pri or t o coming to PLU, including parish work i n t hree l ocations for the wa r housing project for the Division of A me rican Missions of t he National Lutheran Council. At Pa cific Lut heran she helped to e stablish a parish education progra m in t he Rel igi on Department. Her pri mary responsibility at that ti me wa s the position of Dean of W omen, She served a s Di re ctor of F oreign Students and Spe cial Progra ms, a position u niquely suited to her travel e xperiences a b road, and to her excep� tionaI ca pacity for concern for the individual student. T hrough t he years, M s.Wickstrom devel oped a truly w orld-wide view toward life with dose frie nds a nd associa'te s in bot h church and educational circles in countries around the w orld, Her ext�n sive travels often included conta cts with current and former students. Perhaps because she combined confidence in the G ospel with confidence in the stude nts, Margaret ha s shown a re marka ble capacity for ada pting to change and re maining conte m porary in her t hin k)ng, Her church ties with First Luthera n and T rinity Lutheran have been strong and have included numerous teaching and leadership experien ces, Through partici pati on in Chri stian Lay W itness Mi ssions and in other ways she ha s shared her faith with other s, Her personal concern and unflagging ene rgy have taken her many e xtra miles t o assist stude nts with t heir devel opme nt. A marvel ous hostess and entertainer, she for many years wel comed in small groups in her home every fre shman w oman w h o enter'e d Pa cific Luthera n , With it all, she maintained her heavy administrative responsibilitie s w he re she w a s a p preciated most for her kindly, timely, and insightful hel p in facilitating process in w ha tever decision­ making w a s ta king place, 67


continued . . .




M oo r i ng M a st Visitat i o n C overage TIll lollowlna Slorles ar. I'ken from the Moorlna Mas" , co...,.,. of the ..1,lt.llon polley conl,Ovtr.y. They .,. pr.Mnted her., with per· ml••lon. H • permanent record of !hl1 Yelrlona

9-30-77 R,sodence H;,!I COUI"ICII w,1I pre­ sent /I comprehenSIve VISItatIOn pto­ posal to Ike BO;)rd of �gf!... ts ,n No­ vember for lh." approvltl Though ,1 does lengthen the rna_i· mum "",,tatoon hours 00 the week­ ends, Ille policy allows each dorm \0 decide on the" own hours. A ten day waltong !>erood aUe. the dorms ex­ I�f hoUI$ w,1I allow resi· dents to sw.tch dorms ,I they op­ pose the new hours "II ,t's preSflnted to the Boa<d. shOWIng thai '\ ,ne<eaSflS tile maXI­ mum hours wh,le allOWing each dorm 10 dec,de on ,ts own hours," RIck Allen. ASSIstant D"ecto, lor Resldenloal Lole. staled. th en i 1 has II good chance 01 succe�s wllh the Board,'· The polrcy is Ihe result 01 a survey. dorm voleS. and a year·s planning by Ihe RHC Ylsitatlon commiHee. Dave CO". last yea,s yice·chai.· man 01 RlfC and chairman 01 the Vls,tllt,on comm,t lee. too� an opln Ion SUryuy last ye9r that ongonated the polICy To complete their su..�y. RHC had th� dorm presodents hold dorm moohngs and take D vote on the pohcy opt,ons Accordong to J,m Weye.mann. present y,ce-cha"man 01 RlfC. the results 01 that dorm yote �ed that 85 perCef1t 01 more lhan 1.000 .eSldents YOhna �re In layor 01 II 24·hour YIS<t311on polICY on the weelo.ends. "

Two 01 the pohcy·s goals are to recogn,ze Ille matUflty and .espon· Slblhly 01 f>LU Slu�t5 ,n respechng each other·s "&hIs. and to hetp ,n decreaSIng the adversary role 01 the Res,dent Asslst""t In a dorm

··We are g010g 10 do a hUle more wo.k On lhe polICy and then take ,\ to Dr. Beal afld Dr R'eke"· Weye.­ manfl sard ··tt we cafl gel their 3P proval thefl we will be very optrmrs· tIC when we get to the Boa.d 01 Re· gents:· Ifl comong weeks RHC will hold meetIng>; in each do.m to lurtlle. doscuss and ac""alflt he,""mefl w,th the policy Lene.s 01 suppo.t w.1 be Circulated 10. Slgnona and. 'f enough student support ,0; '-"'own. WI' be taken w,th tile policy to Dr Bealllfld D.. R;eke betore the Hovembc. mef!""g MIke Bury

1 1 - 1 8-77 Recommefldatlons 10' a I,ye·yea. budget plan. iflclu<J'flS twlion afld stallong. w,1I be b.ought to the .Janu· ary Regeflts meetoflg by Dr. Rreke afld the executIVe comm,ttee 01 the Board. Included ifl Ihe recommendatrofls would !>e changong the 13 I laculty­ studefll ratio to 15:] over a perooo 01 lIVe years. thus 11&lp'flg to stab,lue tUitIon costs One method 01 dO'flg th,s m'ght be flOt hirong a repl�ce­ ment when J laculty mem!>er re­ tiles. lflcreased endowmeflt tundlng i s also in-eluded , n the goals. By rfl­

c.eaSlflg the IUfldmg th.ough ello.ts such as Ihe cap,lal ,mpmyernent drive. 1onaflc.31 aid would increase Dr. Rieku and other adm,nlStra­ tors hil'le Deen meetong regula.,y woth student repte,""fltahvcs Irom ASPLU to d,scuss afld plan possibol,­ lIes lOf the budgel Gerl HoeJ<zema

1 1 - 1 8-77 The vlS,tat,on p<oposat was tabled by the reg"",ts becau,"" Student L,le requested mor.. support,ve data on the potlCy·s ellects The regef11S asked Or. R",ke to set up it comm,t-

lee. whICh woll 'flClude faculty. ad· m•..,st.atoye. and student .ep<esefl· lat,ves. to 'ev,ew Studeflt L,le·s ob ,eet'ons to the polICy Accordong to RHC heeutrve VICe P'C'S. J,m Weyermann. some Of the obtflCtoo1>'5 m1lde by Student Ule ,no dude the quest,on. ··W,II it (24·hour v's'tatoon) be II learnong e.perM!flCe. Of rt>§t a matter 01 COflyenoence 10' studefltsl·· Studef1t L " e W""ts to know wnat ,mprO'lements. ,t any. were m1l(le wnen vlS,tatO(lfl hours we.e ra,sed from ] 2 to 2. around 1972 Weyermafln says the regents posed the quesllOn ot ,I 24·hou. Y,sr· tat,on w,1I reany !)r,na about all the !>eroelots that the proposal cfalms ,I woll. thefl why Iom,1 24 hour V,s,t8t,on 10 weekends Thrs rs aflother ObtflC­ tion whiet> must be conSlde.ed by the comm,ttee Another quest,on asked by the reo gents IS about what wt ll happen ,I every dorm goes for Ihe now pohcy. what about S1\ldefllS who want 10 Jrye In a dorm WIthout 24·hou. y,s,ta· tiOfl The d,lhculty in salhe"n8 the data .equested by Sludenl L,lo ,s that the advantages Of lhe policy are hard 10 measure. Weye,maflfl says SUCh advantages c,ted InCludo ··growth 01 interpersonal relationsl"�s:· afld . ··eflhancing the ,olt: 01 the RA One way the comm,ttee may prove I he advafltages 01 the pohey is determlnlflS whetlle. any p.og.ess was m1l(le whUfl weekend V'$.tlltron hou.s we.e .arsed Irom ] 2 to 2 The commIttee w,1I report ,t$ hfl<J milS to Ihe regenls when they meet ,n .Janull'Y •IfId ,t w,1I be Dt the d,s­ c.etoon 01 the comm,ttee as 10 whether the board woll vote a8ll'fI. or whethe< more dala will by needed Weyf!fmann att"butes the lact Ihat the y�tatoon ISwe IS 5t N at...e to Or. Roeke. whO '''''<atec! lhe idea 01 setM8 up the to re­ VK!W Ihe ob,ectrons to the proposat He emphasIzes Ihat RHC 1$ st�1 ,n et>/lfRe 01 the proposal. Since Or Re,ke has kept the proposat ahve. he IS optrmrsllc about ,t be,ng passed Geri Hoeklema .

� 1


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Mooring Mast Visitation Coverage 4-2 1-78

_'" � So _ "" "",," _ . .... .._ _ ... ",.. ,..." ''*' ..... .. _ . u'"._ ... � ; "'" _ \It .. _'\ .... � _ ,.... --� - ... - . ..., ,- _.'- ...""Tlto .... _ _ 0I0d eo.... ,_ .. .- _fII<t ,_ i1 .. . _, ,;",poo WI<! ..-.... '-' ""'''''' . .. '', ..... �­ .... ... _ -,. _ OW ; ,..... .. __ .. --­ ,-



_ ..

....... -.. .. ...... 'to

_ _ .""

The Best Of The Mast





Be�ause it says In the FacuUy Handbook that regents are to estab· Iish polocles f"",I,tatmg the stated unl�erSlty oblectl�es. Including de­ velopmenl o f ··creatl�e. retlectl�e. and




woufd a"ume regents wou'd be very concerned w,th the policies that slu· dents felt could lea<! to such person·

"'" Yet the regents. knOWing ,n ad-

fore any thong efse. And b()cause the regents te<>l that donors too� lor a �onservatlve school to give money to. how much caSler It is to maintain


for detendlng oneself dunng

those 15-mlnute study breaks in var· ious

dorms when





thaI Image dunng the devetopment

7) Food Service Meaf. - three

campa'gn. rather than ris� a mOre

defiCiOus meals a day at Food Ser·

I,!)eral image. Suffice 10

v'ce are e.�ellent because " Ihe hne say



art 01 campus lood service IS a v,tal . torce on modern education. ' and !)e·

against the omIHpotent buck. the pohcles desored by students Will like·

CaUse there isn't enough lime \0 go

Iy take a back·seal.

oft'campus to eat.

8) No·Oo. -aren't nearly as good

vance what the tOpiCS of the e�ewng

The regents necd conVincing that

woufd be. Came unprepared to an·

conser�ati5m need not be Ihe malO

for slaymg awake

Swer the carefufly·prepared Ques·

attract,on of ThiS campus. Both they

Keep two tea bags in the old NoDoz

tions ot the student panel on devel· opment. tuition. aid. birth

and admmi,trJtion should conSider

bo. ThOse who reQ",re a stronger

that. years ahead. when they ap'

upper shoutd try 7·Uo II their stom­

Control. and �ISltallon.

proach us ,'IS alumni with their tales

ach 0.,11 ever torglve them.

of development and financiat WOC. tha( we may refuse t o t1S(eO as they

SlOP nOdding·oft heads from gettmg

refuse uS now.


It Seems amaling that the very people ha�ing So mUCh Influence on the un,�ersity woutd present them·

Karen P,erce

selves in so ,nadequate a lash,on.



9) Foam·padded Desk -to soilly

10) Chewing Tobacco -as used lor several days ,n a row They put half a plug or 50 atop their upper

F o r The


a",,�dotes' Regent DaVIS said thaI the board

eyelrds to cement the" eyes open. Rarefy used the�e days due to on·

G ood Of

ooesn ' t have to listen to e�ery oP'" IOn on campus Actuatly. they onty see proposed poficies at lhe" Quar· terly meelHlIlS. when the poliCies are


by cowboys who used to "de hard

Oon't students deserve better re­ sponse to their conCerns than round-about

as most




creased use of numbers lour. five. and eight. If you thin� SOme Or alf of these have

may enhance your own ab,hty to

presented for acl,on (though they

faced the hazards 01 the w,lderness

survive dUrIng finalS bUI can't find

may ha�e gollen prior Information

w,th only the '"Ten Essenhals"

them In Ihe room. look around Ihe

trom memos 01 the Ma.t )

help them sur�IVe

They largely miss the diverse dla' logue



univers Iy factoons


house durong Than�sg'v'ng Break

As Ihe hazards ot finals week ap· proach. the follOWing li,1 or " Ten Es· sentlals tor rinals Week:' as sug·

th�t shape such polieoes. Dr. RIeke sa'd in a recent interv.ew

gested by various

PLU community

that a proposal would need unani·

members. may or may not inWire

mous approval Irom all un,velSlty taellons it il hOped 10 pass Ihe

new ways 01 coping.

Board If the proposal had no such

(0 keep the lingers 10 shape tor typ­


Rubber 8all -to be squeezed

agreement. Ihe Board would I,kely

ing and In spontaneous oul·

send It back onlO procedural grind.


which ollen takes years of work

Ihrown about the rOOm caUSing tittle

Only tor issues il conSiders ,mpor' tant wi'l the Board torm lIs own committee to study (he problem. That. said

Or R'eke. IS rare

I\"s in the sludent and adm'nistra· t..e comm,lIees "ght here on cam· pus that the lorrnat,ve deciSions. Ihe strategiC dec"ions.


made on







2) Metronome· -for plck,ng up the

tempo in reading those last lew nOv· els Can lake Ihe place of Cllfl notes ,n a poncho 3) fall cru. Schedute -to re­ mll,d you ot where the I,nai w,lf be held on thc class you haven't attend·

proposals I I poliCY is to be ch�nged

ed all semester.

at th.s SChool. disagreements muSI be Ifoned out betw"en students and

accompany and stimutate the 'nten·

adml nost ra to rs.

sive study which goes on ror tliose

Cou nt er-m oves.

4) Collee/Tea Cup



perwnal,(y conflicts. and proCeOural

Without any hnals or papers. walking

run·around only creates two enemy camps thaI Ihe Board w,1f not care

around the dorm With one tends to make you somewhal more sOCialty

to reconCile.


The board IS pf"dged to ma,,'taln Ihis school·that p"onty comes be-

uraf. h·gh·energy lood keeps you up

�) Bag of

Prune. -deflclous. nat­

and runni�g.

6) Pillow -usefuf

tor sleeping

I,me allows). Also neces·


Ron Benton

F o otb a l l

Mark Accimus Tom Alexander Brian Anderson Randy Ayers Jeff Baer Greg Bickel John Bley Steve Broeker Efle Carlson Jim Carlson Mike Cal ron Roy Chapman Jeff Cornish SCOII D.'IvIS Bob Oolhanyk Curtis Dotson Steve Doucette Jack Ougwyler

Mike Durrell Phil Earley Guy Ellison Rick Frazier Chris Fritsch Duane Fromhart Dan Gale 5cOII Gervais Brad Hauge Steve IriOn Paul Johnson Prent,s Johnson Steve Klenberger Steve Kirk Howard Kreps Bruce Kreutzer Dave Larson Oan Luce

Mike Maluri Dan McCraCken Cory McCulloch Rob Michaelsen Chris Miller Kris Morris Dave Olson Mike Peterson Greg Price Ray Pulsifer Mark Ramstad Reggie Ray Scott Ray Mark Reiman Randy Rochester KeVIn Rohr Rocky Ruddy Sieve Schindele

JOhn Schultz Steve Seberson Gregg Shankle Matt Solum Todd Spencer Barry Spomer Kevin Stephenson Erik Sirenge Brian Troosl Brian Vik Tom Wahl John Wallace Garth Warren Brad Westering Keith Wiemerslage Kns Yapp John Zamberlin

"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""


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W.,.tetn W�on

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Field H ockey Nancy Mchi$on Lyl•• Au,1 Tami BenneU Carnie Christophe, eri, Evenson Tam, Fiebelkorn Nanq G.....i..,n Julie Groh Jennifer Kyllo Jen<!ane Meier Lor; Nutb<own Amy Ol.on Kathy Pearson lynn Peters

...... b;' • ....,k 01 off...... ... _. ,.... �, Lu... '''_ '0 o l-H-2 ,,,,,d. ,, Tho ni�t 01 .... ..."'" ...... ho.. On<> tt>< """',"'" � ,or�11 ..... )oJ""" ,...." "';n, <M< c;..,... f.., ->-..,. "I.... had . ,...... "'� "'t '"c> " ,... ,..�t. ,""", "'" c." .... ...., dO;! t.... ...... ;., .... JV CO",..,.

LK' of >eoOOa w.. "_;''':1 ""­ ''''0_ at "'" N..u.-., � W�'. Soo<" 0".0",>1_ ,.......­ . ....", in v�, C.....w _ Pl.U w.. """ OIl' '" oil 'ou' _.


Glorlo Pei""on leslie P,;ce lynda Rk;h Shannon R<>bonson Ann Stellen Paul. SIO,,,,,,.. Stuckey Kathy Tveit Pat Wal"e, Kathy Weinm"n Gaol Whllne� JaneU Wisen Sara Olli"",. ""lI<:h

Soccer Bob AdamS Br"", B� ,"" lie


Cllu.cI< Brla D3ve Ct>amnes. M,�' Chase $.0;011 Cummlf>$ "" �" Oa.."", Dan Dole

��­ ,� ...

C� EIIis

Terry F",Che<

C..-.nd 00dI. Jo,," - ,­ Bot> lest.r ,� """"'" Tom ludlDw


COlon Melbt

5'..... RycNfd Joel I_bon i'lal UeIInd � westburl

.ktl Whll.


u.- c-r. 0... _. Pl.U _..... . ,.. ".,1011 1 eo-.... 50<... < 0 ..".... 'eo... """ o H O _ ' _oI _ ....... _ lLr., ... ....,.... tho l>itO> "01 W.."'" ...., Dol:: ....... ,wIc. It> _ _, A _ ....., "", ,.,,.. �... -'" _ __ I.... ...." _.. 'O"I",\" """,.... 1_ "" of ",," Pl.U ,",_I" ",I two_", -_. �.•



, •

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, • •


• ,

, , ,

, , , , , • , ,

The women placed 10th in a field of 16 teams at the Nor thwest Col足 lege Women's Sports Association cross country meet in Spokane. Deb Morgan led PLU with a 20:22 clocking and 5 1 st pl ace Beth Coughltn was 56th (20:28), Bonnie Coughling 64th (20:34), Pcxa Twit足 chell 67th (20:40). and Lois Hunt 87th (21 :24). David Smock .

First Fourth Second Filth Tenth


at at at at at

Bellevue Invitational Portland Stale InVitational PLU Invitaflonal Washington Invltilhonal NW Women'S Meet

WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY Lylas Aust Beth Beyers Deb Blucher Mary Branson Lois Christian Beth Coughlin Bonnie Coughlin Lois Hunt

Kns Kyllo

Karen Lansverk Deborah Morgan Dawn Opjorden Kathy RQwberg Pexa Twitchell Pat Walker

s.e""" o.� CI.,� MtCnM a 201� pIKa IiniIII lt tl\/! NAIA Do,· Irk:t I ch�mpionv"p meet t<>r tile HCOI'id yu, In • '00/ as tl\/!

lUI.. piKe<) sixth In tum .tlndlnp. CI.o,� com�eted the Fori SI�Coom PIrlI co...... In �7:().1,. H ...,.,...a ahud at Ie....'" .. Mike H.stund. duplicated h.. 26th �_ windup al 1976 �e.". �Ineu lind inlUi'ift h"'>peoed tile $QUId "" M....,..




" " "

... Iie....nlh ,_.

Mark Adolf Boan Blldl

�II Bolt""*,


IWM I.. c."""

M..,a e....III'I"" DM Cla,k Ru.11 Crim M,ke Hii€lund Jim �ao.l" �owon 5<:h.le, M;c� Zoes!'"

N'n1l'l T.,-,111


" " "

I Meet



Debbie Adams Marie Askegaard Diane Bankson Bonnie Borcherding Jan Borcherdirďż˝ Teddy Battiger Diana Budiselich Beth Coughlin Debbie Davidson

Jan Ellerston Jean Klingenberg Karen Lorenz Rosemary Mueller Lynn Olson Michelle Schoenberg Kathy Wales Sandy Walker

W o m e n ' s B a sketb a l l


o •






• •

Ski Team


M e n ' s B a sketb a l l

)! l,. !1TES 30

. .

Greg Lovrovich Steve Holtgeerts David Lashua Butch Williams Tim Thomsen Steve Wiley Kevin Petersen Back Row: Ed Anderson, coach Don Tuggle Mike Meyer Jim Carlson Ric Clark Steve Anderson Roger Iverson, assistant coach


While a twenty win season eluded them the basketball team posted the school's best record since 196566. The Lutes finished the season with a 19-7 record. and a share of the Northwest Conference title with the Unfield Wildcats. The Lutes finished third in NAIA District I. securing the homecourt advantage for the first round of play足 oHs against Alaska-Fairbanks. PLU had beaten Alaska-Fairbanks twice in the season by an average of 1 2 . 5 points per game. but it was not to be the Lutes' night. Alaska-Fairbanks reversed lhe earlier verdicts with a 78-63 win. Helping the Lutes along was senior wingman. Kevin Petersen. who reached double ligures in 17 of his 22 games. and also led the team in scoring with a game average of 13.9 points. Junior. Ric Clark. was the only other player to score in double figures, averaging 1 2. 5 points. Freshman Dave Lashua led the Lutes in rebounding. grabbing off seven per game. Cited for post season honors were Coach Ed Anderson, and Petersen. Anderson was named NAIA District I coach of the year. and Petersen was selected to the ten man all-district squad for the second straight year.


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Khln Barnard

M".. �

,� ....

[&on Oem... Jack DYc"Vi', '"'


Paul G;o�...-...n SIeve G,001!IJnd D..... H... . G'ej J"Iif1 51ev. K..k o.n McCrac:lotn

ROCk� �

Min Solum Ke... T.-.N Tom Wahl KeiII> WiImItsIIoae


_ _ _ _ _ __

Wrest l i ng


Fnl RO... · ,..... B."""n K�I .. K�

VOCId W.�I'-boe Bob LO_". Co.cII '"""" �� �on Be.. Susan (_" CeI;" McCormKlo.

..... """" lynn 1't''''5

wendy_, --



'01 Row<

[b.., K...,. 5t_ c.owte�



Gr. PIerson

S",_ Row: RIck MJonwn BrII« Wakefielcl Blue. T-empIjn


P .... �ton

mng •

NIl"""",, T_ fnt Row" T..... . , .... 11 Boll �.... co.ctI 1Uo ... Bo ... ... c_ ... . ,¥ _ ..... .. Jane Mille'


Hunl �.kli 010(10

Women's Volleyball ., ", "' "' � ., � "' "' ., "' "' ", ., "' ., "' ., "' "' ., ., "'

, , , , , • , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

, , , , , , , , , • • • , , , , • • , , , , ,



B a se b a l l


. ďż˝

.. ...... -� ... K,....., &own "" '"""' �-

"'" """" CI'>ud< FrlMd\ - ""­ &nan Graui JWn G..... "" "�

SIeVe '.ion Scott .I'*­ ... Phil K... S _ K.....

Todd Spence. '"'.





c c OJ f­ V>






FrOl'lt Row' s.1>ar.V__ _ .... I<¥... Knu_


Back ROW' T.... Keller geck, Hellne,

_I• ..-­ o.w. ....� . Vi(::I<j

K.ttI, w.... -



Tim .o.yri. D<lug Dalenberg Ri<:� Frn... Mike Hoe&�r De"" Knutson Jim Ko$kl Scott Kri.t""...n Kim �r$On

Men's Tennis

Tim la,,,,,,, Roody Utch Stav.. SeIl.oed.... Erik Strandr>e,$ Dave T,age..,. Gregg V,..-milliO<1 Tom Vozenllek Jim Wu.t.".barlh




B.iat1 Anderson Alex Awa$lhi Da"" Babington Kathl�n 8,,,,,11_ Gary B,OIt Bob C�ulltin. CirKIy Chiaopuzio Pete £dmor>d$ Denni. Hake Wayne Heaston Harry Hardman Bruce Johnson Ma,"n Johnson Bob Krat1ke Brad larson Greg larson Pat McMan"s Bjofn Melwm St..... Olsen Dirk R""se HO� s.;h....�M . Pete TregOOn Tom Tveit I."ne Arne"" Rhonda Ammondsen Usa Anderson Rull> Babcock P"""'tte Bergh

Hilde Bjorhovcle Kath�n Branham Kim B<-own Chris Carl""" Cindy Chiapurio Sha,nn C, Karen Cummin� Julie Do"""H C"yIe French AArte Gerber Mari"""" Gibson Ruth Hanson Jo"""" Heilman JiM Holmes Georgia Hunter EilHn Ja�r""" Laurie John...., Di.a<lM Koneman Janet Leonard Anna Mall..., M3td M........ Bente Mellem Sand"" Mellon ";ari Pederson DIana Solberg Tammy Stew.,1 Wendy St<>MX lasi The<Ie Gail Whitney




Water Polo

Sob Lov"ln', ....,.. polo l/1li'" ,eeow...ed from • 10.5 MIkol 10 lr1m HiVMM Commu· niTy Col\et4 In the _"in, round 01 u.. NW 'nt.colltilil. 10""" polo cll� In p",,'Iand. Ron 8Io<nar6. who had ......, 10. In ,,,. _. 'OIHO In lOUt In the HCond found tKll PlU ... 10 0....... Monus 1'000 01 _ '"e scoretl, IN luI.. _ trouble

n. IO,_",. �7

dInW _ -'II ,..., 01 1M ... ..... 9 ' d ..... bKII, lrom ... .. liUto .cCi'l'I"t � lot tI>I � one! nail. S � 0.;.:1 50 .a -k


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" • " "


" • " "

.... , $_ Cro Tom 1 ic 1. ,.." .... W_18V_

Rido t.I,".-

P.... "''''on

Dr.. "al1O" W....... P.... Scoll Purson

A.,.;Iy AehC

"'""' ,......, ... �II. CC Bl'uce Te ll,'

'" -


Women's Track And Fi el d


Mary Bran""" Tl!<Idy Bree� OIana B""isebcI1 l"" Ch...tian Beth Coughlin Bonn.. Coughlin J.""I Downing 1.",... [<lw..,<1< Peg £l<b<>rg Sherrie fomns Kathy Gr....1 Julie Grol> loll Hunl '.en . Kirsten ....

J.cIU Il<!mmM KIrer! lMlSver1t "" ......

Ro""mary Mueller

-K,,' Rinlo Sh.nnon Rob,n..... Marcy SacrISOfl Debb.e Tri Sandy Walke.­ Shekl. Walk..,.

M e n ' s Tra c k And F i e l d


Gary Andrew Gary Benzel Curt Bevolden Kai Bottemley Dan Clark Vern Cohrs Jeff Cornish Rusty Crim Dennis Denmark Terry Fletcher Chris. Fritsch


Eric Frokjer Rick Fuhrman Todd Hardesty Jeff Huffman Jason Hunter Karl lams Prentis Johnson Willie Jones Steve Kingma Robb Mason Dave Mays

Todd Miller Bob Norman Joel Ogard Steve Pinning Greg Price Ray Pulsifer Kevin Schafer Steve Schindele Bob Wright Mick Ziegler



1 . Maren Nelson 2. Todd Erickson 3. Doug Sire 4. Rebekka Madsen 5. Harriet Rohrenbach 6. Kelley Paulson 7. Darin Thompson

8. Julie Nikolaisen 9. John Hesla 1 0 . Kirk Veis 1 1 . Jim Hughes 1 2 . Ladd Bjorneby 1 3 . Robert Adams 1 4 . Wayne Lackman



I 2 3. 4

LinI\II K ... Juke Pciich 1I....n o..�r,," P'!I� IItn P'It....,n 5 S!>o<on c.n!ril 6 p,ter 8! 7. Cilenn ad_ 8, Don 1'1"", 9 K_!� Orton JO V.n "" U"" 11 C<q V..




I. 2

Ibndy C....ey

Catol Dahl l. Rot*! CMnder 4. J�I Pel,"""" !> RId< (aslman ro. Jo)'<:� KU"'y 1. Sont.o�_ a Jim Janr>e


I Gail Zoe_ IC'II 2. Marta ClOO J UN C0>• !\an Orion

. ..... .... . _-



1 Jennoler TMle

1 3

Lyn Abetnatl"!y N.n.- Worth

4 Jan T'�. 5 Becky Huyd<. 6 C",,01


1 U. H""« Brecht 9 l\al�Y r."1


10 0.- DunIIIJ> 11 "'*'"" Curt,. 12. Kan Shull. 13 L�K......, 14 ..IocIi ........ ..,., .. 15 .iii han..... 16. J.... oO-,

1 7 enrOlle ThOmpSon 18 M",,'" IIaIct\


Lucia B r i d e Festival Members

I ()h.,SI3 Th()rnpt<)n 2 [!c;JoOr IIre(:MI l t,nda Keene • lIa,hy IYeII

5 l!J H..,�en

6 J"" rfilpM.a&a<' I JIM r,,,,,�,c 8 Di."e Dunlap 9 Ca,(Ii 1.""4'10n 10 JoIl Rob'neue 1 1 Janl{! C�'tl$ 1 2 Ly " A!l(!,nathy

ll. Muriel e_ 14. Jun flOW! 15. Juloe Dowel

16. 17. 1 8. 19. 20 21 22

Jennoler T_ 8e<;kV HII)'cke .Iodi """"non Jody � Hilde Bjar""."" "''''1 ROfI Karl S/luiU 23. M;)fia"'" Worth 24 Tam. While




I. 1<.,1 1<...,.,., , 3. $aMra '""""-II . _5. Deb<eh larSon •• 7. N...:y 1.1••• 8. Anile >\Inb<o'" • "


I Je__ PMI)Ies II",... Sele �. V"'N01 4. Molly Malt>ews 2_ 1.

S. Shitl'Oft IIn.PI) 6. M",.. Foote 1. M...I1"'.t l....y S. Karen K�\. 9. Janel �manH" 1 0 Ch�,i lu.t

I L. AIln TremaIne

12. Lori C.,ol"-"

13. Mel..,.. Tuttle 14. Kathleen Knape) 15. Kathy 51__ 16. Sue lone! 17. Andru Tr<>nSe1 18. April Kuhr 19. 8a.b_ •


L Ch.fs Teaj , 2. lIo",;" s..."" 3 9011 �""'I!


L JimJ_

2 ..... Fuma. .

J liiI Guenthe, 4 Ja .... K..... . 5 Santt.. Oorl'tt>am


Al p h a K a p p a P s i

I . Cary Sheekley 2. J i l l Sundby

3. Nancy Eveleth 4. Richard Miller 5. Cynthia Jane

6. Eugene White 7. Dennis Hake 8. John Mace

9. DClve Bartholomew 10. Mike Bena 1 1 . James Galbraith 1 2 . Dave Corkrum

1 3 . Tom Tufte 1 4 . Randy Carey


Beta Alpha Psi

1 KMh Cook 2. Lir>da Ramsey

3. J�11ry Smith 4 Marl< Burley

, 6. E"elyn Co'n......1 , 8 Dale Pe"y

9 Cheryl Mangan 1 0 £Id"", Schafer " 12 Charl�' Robinson

13 Stephen Crowley 14. Karl F,,"chel

". H,

I""mel. Stub"en


Independent Knights

I. Ke<l1 T""""",, 2. C",,* H,1d>e< l. Slhe Dahl 4. Mikf, UnOeI 5. II_I launhafdl 6. Kirk VetS 7 Mld1ael Slaudonge' , 9 "''''k Swan..,.,


Bring A Friend --

, 2.

CyrI .... l Manion

J )(athlHn 1(""4 JodI S,mmons 5 �"""Y H�j".otwn 6

Peter Stank

1 Syl..a NDbbe" 8. M...k K,lmer 9. Di ..... Gr_ 10 Ca,lo White "

12 Pa.... SKktNM

13 John P.te'.....

14 Brenda JO/'Inoon


Feminist Student U nion

I. ....... Co.tll$ , "" -.., 3. 410" Wenger •. Betty jo R()jI.,'5

5. eh,;,,,"a P,..lQflno 6. K."I� G..ssia.o• •


Norsk Club

I. G;>f'I J""obson 2 Doug W'o;ghl J II,,.;IM Dahl 4 Sleven Mellon 5•• Gu,I<'" 6 ladd BJomel>y


l . Nancy HBlvOIsen

2. K"ren Boyd

3. Diane • MatHY •• 5. £11M Wotluond



........ _.,..., �-. -.­


V(... w......t><. .. -... �rx.... _.... J.... -..'"'"

"ott»' T_,

- ­ �_C_.. '0"'" Jon__ " � z lornpo G.oIoW_ V....... H"""," ..... "''''''' Non<)' ...._ lI_t 80• ..... _,.. -�, �..ny 5<..".".,



OFFICERS Mr. Melvin R. Knudson, Chairman Mr. George L. Davis. J r. . Vice Chairman Mr. Lawrence Hauge, Secre1ary

EX-OFFICIO Bishop Clarence Solberg Bishop A.G. Fjellman Dr. William O. Rieke

Dr. Ronald Lerch M r . Paul Hoglund Dr. Richard Klein Dr. Jesse Pflueger Rev. Robert Que l lo Rev. Charles Bomgren Rev. F. Warren Strain M r . Martin Pihl Dr. George A. Wade

1 977-1978 TERM Mr. Theodore C. Carlstrom Mr. Robert Hadland Mr. Emery Hi ldebrandt Mr. Jerrold Koester Mrs. Dorothy Schnaible Mr. Richard Neils Mr. Sterling Rygg Mr. Gerald Schimke Dr. Roy Schwarz M r . R. Gene Grant M r . Galven [rby Mrs. Ruth JeHries Mr. Roger Larson Miss Florence Orvik Mr. Clayton B . Peterson Dr. Christy Ulleland Rev. David Wold Mr. Thomas Anderson W .


ADVISORY M r . Perry B. Hendricks, Jr. Dr. Richard Jungkuntz Rev. Luther W. Bekemeier D r . Philip E. Seal Rev. Milton Nesvig Rev. Harvey Neufeld Mrs. Lucille Giroux Dr. Philip A. Nordquist Dr. David M . Olson Dr. S. Erving Severtson Mr. Chris Keay. Student Mr. John Knox, Student Mr. John Glassman, Student M r . James Weyermann, Student Miss Jean Kunkle, Student M r . Dave Perry, Student


Sl.p�n 01..." Bjorn MelJOm Ch",'I.,. Carlson

TIIomM Tlleit Dit. R.....

RO�I Kr.nke l)i&nn.;l Koneman Coact\; � "", ,.,. ...... Cynthl, Ch;.puz;o M.d M.-esl '- --

BrMlley Lanon

IIrv<:e Johnson en." Mdetson

p""IeUe B9rah Kim Brown Patrlel. M� Ruth BabCock Gail Wr.I1....y

Pel.,.- [_

EOIooen ",-son

� F,1II\dl

Karen C...." .. ... Ooan. $oot>e" Ma,1In Johnson AtIne Gerbe<

SchIenke< RhondIo Ammondson �_



I 2 1 •


Tom f.." BMI>Ir1I J_ 80b AtMfl a..... Hudlow


I John �t...o" 2. Vlckl AIbo l 11811 F'itlCl>e! . ..., -

5 JOII RIYenbura 6,•• �"ec 1 W Ccwdon


l Stuce Or..... 2. O�,"''''' c....,.


4. -'I.t. W� 5. 1It"ln Gu..I....




l H••iet Rotv_ 2 lIS Slulltnbe'. 3. Janie:, funrllll

• K.!ie COlton 5 B<!th Be�"n 6 Nao>cy AtI<"'.mlOll 7 Sh¥OfI Crosby



- --f l


"Lutefisk Lutefisk, Lefse Lefse, We're the Mighty Lutes , Ya Sure , You Betcha !"

Residence Hall Council


, -.-­ , -­ ,-_ ..... ._ , ,. ...., _ ... " o ••• _ T_ ' - ­

' ''''"- �-- '''' - , ...... - _

",",-­ ' .... " .. . _ .... ....

Rel igious Life

K n ight S h o rts

Kathy Anderson Wayne Anthony Bob Arnett John Arrigoni Peter Bennet Mike Bury Elaine Busby Sandy Erickson Jeff Ford Barb Gatch Scott Hall Jim Hughes Rick losel Cindy Kloth Becky Lundin Peter Mattich Ken Morrison Don Nokes Jan Ruud Don Tuggle Greg Vie Larry Wakefield Jim Weyer mann


Mayfest Dancers "'_ 0...". $I .... _.

''''' w'O' 0«0 " ' 00- ',,,... .... . .. "'... , .." .. ' ",.... '" "'" ..,, ,,""" .......-. Suo � ... C"",", A"""'.., ......" .. .,," • .... "'" OCC"" ". ...... .. ..... ,_, � of lotayIHt. Undo F_ _ _ .......". "' .." ' . b", .. ,,, ",._ ..., • ..-. _ _ .... _.., .... ....."..oon

-­ &1<1 Allin &.­ &ian 8a.....y [rie 91.­ ,,,,, ...... l¥ry 8eyet Uu """"

_ &­ "'"' ....... ... .,.,'" o.bCO"""c.thy Dorothy W_ Dieter ... "....



Tom F......

l_For_.. K,..,." F._ Va!eriot Fry

Mar�... G,_ M...� Guidos

K..i Johnson Nalallo .hI1i lfll� lKMy Klthy LO\idOn

5'1"" Olsen M"� ,...·"pl Layne P<ftl Lju R�ndolph M..,.y Rouse

"" """ Matey $aII.nson ChUC� Schal.,.

" . 5O

Pe,. � &note T..i* .,

"" '"""' Dtde V.. Oyk lOll WM\H'I

1977-78 SENATE

I. Bett> BeY<l� 2 ca.- Cht"lopt,.'

1. Jim Jarvie ()oo .... Sor.

". S i _ 1 �QI__ � funl ... Sg,n II........

II. PQnq 'I:h+ . _ ......

10. Dorw! I\nIse

Associated Students of Pacific Lutheran 101<_"-" ,.,001."� .. I �" ,,,,,,,, _ _ _ , ,,0" • ....,,'= M.... ___... 1ocIoII)o ..... .... ... . 010 . .._


..... _ ...." ASPI.U _. ..... ...... ... . ....,. ... __

C h oir Of The West

M_«o $.t_� """""" SOI¥I).NO , _""v�..,n L ..On"" Com... Jo')'O ee•.,....,

'"''''.'" H."". ""'"" �11"

"0" l.",,,,, SO,,,"" LJ"<I �"'... p.."..�, 501'R.A1<O /I R'I'" &_ ....... . C"�I �'_'J G•.,.. C"'� C..,""'..., J..... C...,'h J....t. Hi""..."" "'...... Jun.. _ woe'"

,_. eu.... 1 1 .. .d. Geo"'OJ _. GIo.... ....dIow _ N n__ ...,.. _....

",'OIl ,..... "'" ...

Mm, ....,... G,_ Oil_ _n W_ H ......... LMlfIoo "'_ lOf1 �,."'• .I«�- """,.,., Ooono """" K..," Sol. •

AI '0 # P"E"'" o..,.�lt, VOIO COO",,"" ()f!x),on ....'''.. .100<0 ur.u._ .""""'Y M;'" Do ...... """", ""' }O(> $0"""." '''' $"....",,11 .

�y, o.nooI .. .. , _, ..-

0..,;, g. iii'

_.�,-'- '... -�. �" -J....... H_ '''''' �,-� .....'01 ....,...... l\'M J........ �.."'" �"""O" « 0< �"""'. r,."",�. �.� St... w...--.


U n iversity Chora l e

Cd"",d"- Ii"'''''.'' ""'«'0< SOPRANO ' K.... ""''''''0 J..,.t 8<" ..._ ""n....' ,...., """-" l"",. ...."" ..

"'"th JoM_ $u<M !<.ul1 s... ""'�.. ...., Pauhoo SlJPR..\1IO II tlod>on M...Iy/I r"'n .o...Jo ........ �.

eMf'lu.' CW><ty .." " h•...,

"'""I _" .....n R..."o ",..,j SIt...."JO'd _ ....,. . TeNOR ' Guy 1IoeMo" M""" SQ,,, _ Hoc.... s,_ ...-, 5<011 ",...tI" ,�� 0.... Trol1.,

;oM w""""

rcHOR U Erio a..... Von 8t",," 0.... H.,.. -"" Phillip ..,...... Rob." "'<""Y<'

-,...<_, Po,....... (;1<0 S',oIII.,. �, TO I T...." �"'M_ J....,. Ho'......' ..._ lIos'.... _,.«, lok.. "om l....,.�

800SS I r_ � _, Cooioy TIm 0.._.

"'...,. Home""", M"�" "'... l,....,

....... 101..."", ..... ... I<..';n &<_ cn.�t_ I.� .....n" .......

C.'n, l......

M..."" 1I<i>on J" P."""" P.",,. 8<0 ret.."", 101"" R.. .UP" �,,"," A_,,,,,, l..H. B,. !O'� ...,�, J_t IM""",,, ,,"0' R""".,

" � �...



s.n",,,,, S,..., "".beth lolo_


Concert Choir

� ":"� : " : ' : =

--'-' ''''' - --.







--_ .. . w , --_ ...., ... ---


University Si ngers

U n iversity Wind Ensemble

Roe«' fiNd. COO'IdIrlor

"<COD'" J.""nie P•• pl..


Debra lI,i.tensen T.r� Mj,ukami Barbara 0" Elsa Husby CU,RlNU

Alan Clefand o..rltam Gulf>3U&en T"""t"y Bry. Sam Soulier Barba'3 Bullock

Steven H""II" -..... B.ouard 8011 Dr...-y

[-FLitT S{JfflANO CU.RtHcr

K.t_n K�

000' Tamara SCl1foeder Silt. MeR""

BASSCiN Crall C�rnm",p

AHO �.,....., F"..


51_ W...nftJnC M..._Ue ROOS CONTRIt ALro CU.R/NIT


Uour'" lune, M'iul llrld'"


SiInd•• V....Campen \.lofTY 'hi.. 5t_ 'IYIlyl. SI<p Go<don


K...-tn $d\Iol.f V.., Brown

R_, Coyne. "- -

LrOi c.olt>e<.

Phil Cd" Phil Pe<son

TROIllBONC s.ndr. Alben""" W.lam �

BASS TROMBONE Steve 1\1en�8'f £Uf>t/ONIUI>I J&Ck DIIgwyle,

nm. Tom RoaIJ<vBm ....... Pral� STR/MJ 8.olSS ... ....,



J-..on S)I.... ro_



U niversity Symphony Orchestra

n," t....... � Ilotbr. K'�'_ .10......



00Md ' '' ''' , '• • , Gory ..' 5_ LoI'riooI


_ aw e ,

�1Io""� " . "... .

-. 1,0<)' HAt.... "'" � �""Y_or _.l..... R_..



TIItIMP£T !'W>Od P"'Y ¥Vh. Go'.... v.... 8<.-

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1 Jell Dirks. M,try Peterson. Karen Pierce. Mark Dahle and Allison Arthur 2 . Allison Arthut and Ml)I'y Peterson copy edit a Mooring Mast story at the printers in Kent. Washlnalon. 3. Jell Dirks and Marke Dahle work on a two·page printing Ilat to meet theIr Thursday .�en!nB deadl!ne. 4. Mary Peterson. Karen Pierce. Belly Boop and Mark Dahle

With Mark Dahle as edltor-in-chief, the Mooring Mas t produced 25 issues during the school year. Offshoot, a bi-monthly supplement. was introduced. Topics ranged from birth control to the energy crisis, the McChord problem to aging. During interim the Mast came out with a special Boring Past issue which featured the major news events of each decade starting in the 1920's. In April the Mast produced an eight-page Morning Mist April Fool's iss�. Some staff members ran in the Jog-a-thon during spring to help earn money for new composition equipment. By the end of the year the old composition equipment had broken and with a loan from the University. the Mast was abte to sign a contract for new equipment. Karen Pierce served as news editor: Mary Peterson was arts editor: Jeff Dirks was layout manager: and Allison Arthur was managing editor. Mark Morris and Jan .Ruud served one semester each as photo editor while Leslie Forsberg and Dwight Daniels served one semester each as Offshoot editor.



Mark Aberle Lyn Abernathy

Phillip Amundson Deb Anders

Margaret Aberneth Jan Abrahamson Debbie Adams

April Anderson Brian Anderson

Joel Adams Mary Adams RoGert Adams

Brian Anderson Cal Anderson

Nancy Aitchison Janet Alu James Akers

Carol Anderson David Anderson

Mark Albee Joyce Alcantara Brian Alers

Douglas Anderso" Jill Anderson

Ali AI-Elaibi Dan Allen Allen

Jodene Anderson Kristin Anderson

Kimberly Amburgy Anita Amburn Rhonda Ammadson

Lisa Anderson Lori Anderson

Martie Anderson Mark Anderson Susan Anderson

Robert Baker Michael Balch Muriel Balch

Tammy Anderson Heidi Andrew Lori Andrews

laura BaldWin Deborah San Diane Bankson

Steven Ansingh Evelyn Applen lyra Arensmeyer

Jim Bankson Heidi Barbarick John Barber

linda Armstrong Julie Arthur Carol Asberg

Karen Barker Karin Barker Kari Barnard

Milton Ascarrunz Marie Askegaard Lylas Aust

Deborah Barnes Beckie Barnier Margarett Barrows

Alexander Awaslhi

Laveda Barthelmeh Karen Bates



Michelle AW3Slhi

Rick Battershell

Ruth Babcock Becky Babington David Babington

Laura Ba\ungbacal Mark Baughman Rebecca Bauman

Elmer Backman Joanne Baer Julie Salus

Jon Beake Eric Bean Brenda Bearer

Tresa Bahadorsingh Kim Bailey Lisa Bailey

Margo Beck Lisa Bednar Joanie Beeksma



Nancy Bell Robin Benner

Merti Bisolt Hilde Bjtlrnovde udd Bjlllvneby

Bill Bennett Catherine Bennett

Amy Blake Lisa Bloch Suzanne Bloch

Mike Bennett Peter Bennett

Matg Blocker Diane Bloomquist Debbie Blucher

Cara Berg Janet Berg

Rebecca Blucher Parke Blundon Bruce Bogard

Kenneth Berger Paul Berghuis

Alan Bohling Bonnie Borcherding Cynthia BoViell

Nancy Bergman Bjercke Beri!

Kai Bottomley Mark Bower Peler araallad!

Bette Berk Blane Berry

Sandra Braalel'! Carol 8radenburg Nase 8r&dford

Debbie Berry Ricky Bevans

Lynda Brady Catherine Brandt Cindy Brllondt

Curtis 8evolden Beth Beyers

Cynthia Brandl Kathleen Branham Mary Branson

Mike Bury Teresa BuSt! Laura Bye

[liiott Brallen Melissa Brauer Pete BrautlgMn

[Ieanore Brecht Kim Bredeson Teddy Breeze


Robin Calender Debora Callaham

Lisa Brekke Gretchen Brezicha Lyn Bridges

DDVld campbell Randall Carey Naomi Carlsen

Gary Brag VOf'Ida Broom Ann Brossard

Susan Carlsen ChrlsMe Carlson Cindy C.,lson

Kara Brown Kathleen Brown Kim Brown

Howard Carllon Julie Carlson [Isa Carlstrom

Kn5lln Brown Mike Brown Tim Brye

Mark Carlstrom David Carnahan Mary Cartlord

Jane Brynestac:l Renee Bryant Caryn Bock

DaVid Carson Kris Cassen Sharon Cassidy

Dan Bucklin Teresa BuOI/in Glenn Budlow

Lisa Catterall Robert cautions Julye Cessnun

�a Buege Jefl Buege Barbara Bullock

Daniel Chadburn Karen Chamberlin David Chamness


Connie Chan Ross Chapman Mike Chase

Vicki Corhln Evelyn Cornwall

Cynthia Chiapullo Robert Chipps Bill Christian

Jell Cornish Katie Colton

Lois Christian Denise Christianson Judy ChrIStianson

Aaron Couch Nancy Crane

CamJe Christopher Joseph ehu Bonnie Clare

Charles Crawlord DeOise Crawford

Linda Clark Nancy Clark Alan Clefard

Mark Crawford Rusty Crlm

Ronald Clink Bob Codey Anita Coen

Alert Criner Donna Crocket!

Brad Coiling Leslie Collons Heidi Conant

Karen Crockett Marla Cronhom


o I



MarCia Conklin Sherrill Conoer Christine Connerty

Jannie Crossler Jan Crump

Cathy Connon Sonna Cook Man a Copeland

Munro Cullum SCOII Cummins

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Julie Ellerby Kathryn ElleI"by

Stelle Eilloll Greg EllIS

Gary Falde Bradley Falk Patty Falk

Elizabeth Empey Sharon Enge,

Bob Fallstrom Julie Feller Marilyn Fenn

J,II [nlleson Anita EngQUIst

Brian Fenske Thomas Ferl"" Barbara Felly

Bruce Ensign Gayle Ensor

Taml Fiebelkorn Marti Fischer lora fisher

Stacy [pps DenIse Erickson

Steve F,elslad Gregory Flalh Terry Fletcher

Janel Erickson Katrina [rickSOll

Karr. florence Susan Folsom Rob.,., FIotre1!l

Todd ErICkson Karen Espeseth

Susan Everhart Mike [vans


ens Evenson James Failor

Jeff FOld leslie Forsberg

Cart Foster

Oeborah fox Karl Francis Robert Frank





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lisa Graversen Sally Gray Carolyn Greaves

Beverly Green William Greenough John Greenquist

Mlcheal Haglund Greg Hahn


Rebecca Haig Dennis Hake

. .





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Mary Groen Julie Groh Sieve Gronlund



Glenn Hall Scott Hall

Usa Guenther Michael Guidos Bert Gulhaugen

Anne H311ey Chris Hamilton

Gary Gunderson Darla Gunning James Gural

lois Hansen Rober! Hansen

Kevin Gussiaas Amy Gutschmidl Sandra Gyiling

Tom Hansen Cindy Hanson

Lisa Haase Heidi Hackenschmidl

Daniel Hanson Mark Hanson

Michael HaCker Liz Hackett Julie Hageman

Marie Hanson Ruth Hanson

Janet Hagen Judy Hagen Hei�e Haglund

Vaughn Hanson Johanna Hanssen


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Wendy Hunt Rebecca Huriow Elsa Husby

Star Hollman Kristin Hom

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Kathy Homedew Sue Hood

Elaine Huestis Tamara Huff Robert Hulse

Men Hood Ann Hopluns

Jason Hunter Synneva Hustoft Vicki Hutson

Rene Hopp Kirby Hopper

Becky Huycke Ellen Ikemelo

Cindy IIstrup David Ingebritsen Stephanie Irwin

YOkO Hona Kathleen Hasleld

Greg Hostetler Wendy Hovland

Kathy Hoyland Brenda Huber

J.II Jackson Stephen Jackson Steve Jacobsen

Lori Huber JeUrey Hulfman

Janet Jacoby Suzanne Jaedieke John Janders

Becky Hucko Joel Hughes



Stephanie A. Irwin Elizabeth Iverson

Jeanne Jarvie Jim Jarvie Eileen Jasperson

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PhiHip l<enf1ewell DennIS Kerr Robert Xetr

rtm Kobetnik

Tamara Ketler Steve K.enberger Michelle Ktmura

Alana Koetje Jeffrey Kogle

Ray Kimura Karl Kindem Mary Kindschuh

Dianna Koraman James KoskI

Sherri Kingma Anne Kipfer

Jo lynne Kotzerke Kris Krabbenholt

Robert Kissinger Cinay Kitterman Michelle Klarich

Donak! Krahmer Kriste Kra hmer

Eddie Klein Kf1slin Klingberg Jean Klingenberg

Tim Kramer Lori Kramme

Cindy Kloth Kathleen Knapp Sharon Knapp

Robert Kratzke LOf. l<rause

William Knapp Carl Knox larry Knudsen

Steven Knppadme Debta Kristensen

Dean Knutson Undsey Knutson He.di Knutzen

Scott Kristensen Scon I<ronlund

Michael Kintner


Karen Koch


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Randy Lindblad Julie lindbo

ChuCk luhtala Greg lund Roll Lunde

William Undel Chris linquist

Becky lundin Nancy Lum Cheri Lust

Tina Upp Laura Liska

Cindy lyckman Cathy Lyseng Nancy Lyshol

Kevin Loberg laura lockwoOd



Kurt Maass Mark Maass

Joan Lofgren Tami laidhamer

luann Macan Karen Macksen Sean Madden

Ann Lomax Bob Long

Bekka Madsen Anna Mahan lois Maier

Janna Longey Karen Lorenz

Jeflrey Malmo Denise Mann Marci Maness

Kathy loudon Beth loughlin

Janet Maples Carol Marsh Ellen Marsh

Bonnie Loughlin Cyntnla Louise

Jean Marlhedel David Martin Kathleen Marlin


Paul Martin Scolt Martin David Martinson

Bob Mcintyre Despina McLaughlin LeSlie McLaughlin

Jill Martinson Brent Masenhimer Robert Mason

Colleen McManus Patricia McManus

DIane Massey Laura Matson Rick Mauson

Marie McMalian Marcie McQUade Cathy McRae

Dan Matzker Ann Mayer Deborah Mayers

Sara McRae Mathew McTee Nancy Meader

Cyndi Maylor Vickie McAllister Cathy McArthur

Gus Mehelona Jeneane Meier Colin Melby

Molly McCabe Bonnie McCanse William McConnell

Karen Melby Bente Mellem Bjorn Melsom

Dan McCracken Cathy McCready Rick McCrorie

Sandee Melton Tom Mirriam Andrea Merritt

Cory McCulloCh Debbie McCullough Deborah McDonald

Cynthia Merritt Maurice MeUler Nancy Meyer

Julie McOonnell Meagan McDougall Karen McElhinney

Judy Michaels Abby Miles Nancy Milholland



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James Paddlelord Jay Palmer

Ingrid Peterson Jill Peterson

Kenneth Palmer Robin Pardee Janelle Parent

Jeff Pettigrew Becky Philips

Holly Parkins Wanda Parsons Wendy Parsons

Larry Phillips Marcie Phillips

Christina Pastorino William Paul Kelley Paulson

.ďż˝ -

Gary Payne Michelle Payne Scott Pearson

Jell Peck Sara Peckham Kari Pederson

Linda Peighlel David Perry David Perry

Nancy Pershall Lynn Peters Beth Petersen

Angela Peterson Annette Peterson Peterson


Darcie Pickens David Pierce

Karen Pierce Kerry Pierce

KriStine Pierson Susan Pihl

Lynne Pinheiro Margaret Pitsenbarger

Karie Plate Bill Plumb

Noel Polk Kimberly Pommerenke


Michael Powell Leah Prest Leslie Price

Jerilyn Probst Christy Proctor Fawn Purcell


Debra Quast

Pam Raines Denise Ralston Mark Ramstad

Gail Randolph Lisa Randolph Philip Randolph

Richard Rasmussen Diana Rassbach Bonnie Ratcliffe

Joye Redfield Sara Reed Karen Reep

Dirk Reese John Reiner Shari Reinmuth

Susan Remerman TIna Remington Kaye Remmereid

Robin Reneison Karen Rentko Mary Repass

Unca Rhoades

Sandra Rice Neal Rider

Stephen Rieke Nancy Risdal Ann Risluben

Jana Riller Kurt Rizer Sue Roakvam

Coral Robinson Jody Roberts Melissa Robinson

Shannon Robinson Mary Roe Nancy Roe

lavonne Rogelslad Betty Rogers Kevin Rohr

Harriet Rohrenbach Jane Roleder Ula Ronsen

Karel Rose Trina Roseberg Paula Roseth


Julia Rosin Marguerite Ross Peter Ross

Heather Schiltz Eileen Schipper

Kathryn Rowberg Russ Rowland Harry Ruddy

Deborah Ruehl Eric Running Jan Ruud

Kristine Ruud Donald Ryan


fl. . •



, , "\

George Schlosser Eileen Schmid



Steve Rychard

Kevin Schmid Randall Schmidt

Paul Sackmann Stephen Sacko

Bradi Schmitt George $chmok

Cindy Safford Mitchell Sagers Doug Sahlberg

Maroa SaknsOfl laura Sather David Saues

Darcy S.wery Kathy Scammel Charles SChaefer

Linda Sehel JeaJ1ne Scheibe Marlena Scheller


Jeri Schiei LeAnn Schliemann

Steve Schroeder Michelle Schoenberg

Karen Schumacher MiVO" Schuman

Dana Schul\e Diane Schutte

Jenller Schwindt Phyllis Schwyhart

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Laurie Stevahn Mike Stevens John Stiggelboul

Joyce Stirlon Donald Stojack Cynthia Stone

Rob Slone Wendy Stanex Sharon Storey

Jim Strader Beth Strand [rick Sirandness

Lisa Streeper Danny Strelow Peter Strom

Jennifer Tada John Takalo

Pam Tangen Andrew Taylor

Christa Taylor Christopher Teal

Mag Teddy nm Teigen

Jim Tekrooy Jon Tekrony

Pamela Stubslen les Stukenberg Denise Stuckey

Mark Tengesdlll lasi Thede

Janel Sugars Lucia Sverdslen laurie Swan

Kathryn Thomas Kathy Thomas


Mark Swanson Kathy Swenson Patrick SwenSOn


Christa Thompson Darin lhomj)soo

RUlh Swenson Linda Swope

Julie ThompsOn Kris Thompson


Jeanine Trotter Jocly Trythall Kenl Tuchino Kim Tucker

JoAnn Thordarson Jim Thoraness

Scott Tucker Deborah Tudhope Tom Tufte Hotly Turus

Sandra fidwell Christi Titus

Melanie Tuttle Kathryn Tveit Alexandra Twitchell Janice Tydings

Suzanne Tinius Don Tjostolv50n

Douglas Toelle Joel Tellefson

Steffan Tolles Bill Tolo

Vance Tomchalk Teri Torgeson


Hal Ueland Barbara Undseth Marilyn Undseth


Andrea Vede!! Shan Valpy Sandra Win-Campen

Scott Vanderllute Sherre Van De Hey Mary Vandiver Dianne Van Oyk

Kevin TraU Debbie Trafton

Jill Vanetden Margaret Van Patter Gretchen Vanseth Debra Van Soest

Jan Traphagan DebbIe Tf!

Diane Van Vleet Barb Varseveld Susan Vaughan Kristi Vaughn

Brian Troost David Trotter

KIrk Vels Janice Veburg Hans Vermeer Greg VermJlllon

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Sandy Wivag Demse Wolff Batclay Wong Betn Wood

Marlarel WilUams Marrlee WIlliams

Kenneth Woolms

Mark Woolsey

Lori WIlliamsen Lewis Williamson

Lori Wordenaar Donna Workma n

Marranne Worth Laurie Wright Robert Wright James Wusterbarth

Kathleen Willms EdUh Wilson

Etlc Wil$On Kevio Wilson

Snl�y WIlSOfl Tom Wilson

Julie Winters KeVin Winters

Sue Winters Chrrs Wilt


Kns Yapp Rene Yoakum Douglas York

Chip Young John Youna Susan Young Susan Youngblood

Beth Youngquist Karen Yunker Nancy Zeller

Randy Zeller Janet Zingale Ann ZIUeWltz Gall Zoellner



Bradford A/Iln HISIOfY Port Ang�tes, WA

Je�nnle Ahrendt Commurucallon ArlS Tacoma, WA

CynthIa Alwert Social Science T;,coma. WA

Irene Amend



June Albea A,t Portland, OR

Jilt Aoderwo Engbsh

Spokane. WA

Kathy Anderson CommunicatIOn Atls "!llIsboro, OR

Lucy Alexander MusIc Sea1tle. WA

Krllten Anderwn ArIlHIS\OfY Tacoma, WA


Trlnl Anderson NurSing Fairbanks. AK D....n Anllnlh Chemistry Auburn, WA

Timothy Beck MuSic AurOra. CO

AUbon Arthur Commumcalion Arts KapOWSin. WA Llrry A5h Business Administration Olympia, WA

Klten BoI;n NurSing Bismark. NO Ronald Barnlrd PhYSical Education Tacoma, WA

Doul'l. Becker BUSiness Administration Colorado CO

Ann. 8ennett Earth SCiences Montesano. WA

J •

DIve flartholomew Business Administration Seallle, WA Plmela Bltlyola

Business AcimiOlSlratlon Tacoma. WA

Mlrk Battle BUSiness Admlnl5lfalion Tacoma, WA David flaulhman BUSiness Administration Spokane. WA

Ronald Benton Economics/Pohhca! Science Tacoma. WA Glry Benzel Business Administration Wapato, WA

NiIlncy Berentson N urSing Lake Oswego, OR

Darcy Berube BUSiness Admlnlstrallon

Llurl Blobaum Communication Arts Strawberry Point. III.

Dennl, Bo.a&lIo Social Science Longview. WA

Kent. WA

Curtis Beseda Music Snohomish, WA Kevin BeSlier Business AdmlmstraUon Chelan. WA

Sue Boalno Music longwew. WA

Mill'" Bigot! Business Adminlstrallon Seattle, WA Brian BlIldl Physical Education Seattle. VIA

Jan BorCherding NurSing San Rafael, ell.

Debbie Blrkl.y Sodal Wanete Tacoma. WA

Peler Blink

Psychology ClOVIS, CA

Gall Bonier


Federal Way. WA

Karlin Boyd Nursing Seattle. WA Mary Braailln Communication Arts Mlldford, OR

Rllbe<:ca Bradley Social Science Tacoma. WA Srllnt Braker Business Administration Pasco. WA

Regina Braker French/German Cottage Grove, OR Gretchen Brauer NurSing Florence, OR

Lin Buck Nursing KW,)l ale.ln. Marsh<)1i Islands

Stllphen Bump Biology Vancouver, WA

MalllH Burke Biology Tacoma, VIA

DOUI1III Brldlet NurSlni Salem, OR Kerlin Brolhll"lon Bus.mess Admlnlstral,on Anchorage, AI<

Suwn Burns Nursing Portland, OR

Georsla Brown Nursing Vashon Island. WA Jill GjllrUon Brown MusIc Kwala1em, Marsh<lll


Elelne Busby Communical.on Arts Tacoma. WA

Oeborah ChrlstlanM,.

Thomas Blnklrtl Sociology Eugene, OR

Jennifer Butler Social Science Tacoma, WA

SharOn Cantril! Communication Arts GIg Harbor, WA

Ann Carow En811sh Forest Groye, OR

Myr. Cauldy NurSing Tacoma. WA

Socl,,! Science BeUevue, WA Oanlel Clark Business AdministratIon SealUe, WA

Anlela Coates Political SCience Napa, CA Oabo,Jlh Conner BIology laurel, MT

Keith Cook Business Admllllstratlon Federal Way, WA Audrey Coryall MusIc Tacom3, WA

Charm" Cowan CommunicatIOn Arts Tacoma, WA Daul'JI' CrJlwford Chemistry Auburn, WA

Stephen Crowley Buslnes! Administration Bellevue. WA Karan Cummln' A" lake Os....ego. . OR

Nancy Curti, Nursing Tl8ard. OR Cheryl D.ehlln Nursmg Gaf)' MN

Mark D.hle Enghsn Kelchilc,Jn, AK Cheryl Davenport Nursing Great Falls, MT

Judith 0&lroot Biology Everett. WA Wide Dlehlf Norwegian longview, WA

Suaan Dolphin Soaaf SCience lake Slevens, WA

Clark Donnel Business Admirnsirahon EconomiCS Olympia, WA

Calhy Dorothy language Arls K,fldand. WA DIVII Dorothy (nglneerlng KI�land, WA

Bob Drake History Covlee Dam. WA

Suzanne Drake Communication Arls Tacomo, WA

Cheryl Eckhoff Nurslne Tacoma, WA

Peter Eldal BUSineSS" AdmlOlSlril(ion Aubulll, WA

Martin Eldbo MUSIC Bolholl. WA

Phyllis Eldo

NurSing Odessa. WA Kathleen Eliton

NurSing Waco. TX

Lynn Foerster

Psychology Thousand Oa\1;s, CA

Eleanor Ely

Business Administration Fremont. CA

Paul Fouhy

Sindra Erlchon

CommuniC;JlIon Arls Tacoma. WA

Communication Arts Poulsbo, WA

Nancy Eveleth

Business AdministratIon Shellon. WA

Llndl haren Language Arts Olympia. WA

Krlstl France

SOCial SC I ence Onlano, OR

Linda Ferguson

Biology lakewood. CO Maryellen Fisher

MUSIC Thousand Oaks, CA

Kathleen Franco

Biology Tacoma. WA

Vicki Flagg

language Arts Kelso, WA Kenneth Floriln

MaUl PoulSbo. Wa

James Fredricksen

Communicaloon Arts

Kentfield, CA

Karl frlt&chel BU5lneS5 Admlnlstrallon Bow. WA Thoma Fueller ChemIstry longvIew. WA

JOhn GI.uma" EconomlcslPollheal SCIence Seattle. WA

Barbara Gatch BUSIness Administration Chehalis. WA Vlc10r!a Ghlilk Psychology Tacoma. WA

Crll Gohlman Music

SlUmp. MT

Shlrt.y Gehring SOCIal SCleoce Eatonville. WA Diana Gerken Nursing Puyallup. WA

lila Geronlll Psychoto8Y Tacoma. WA Mlrllnne Gibson elology San franCISco. CA

Philip Giles MusIc Tacoma. WA Doulla Girod PhySIcal Education lake Os....ego. . OR

Sandra Gotlofon MathematIcs Woodlllyllle. WA

Jeanette Goodnow NurSing Tacoma. WA

Jlnet Gordon FrenCh Tacoma. WA

John Gordon Chemistry Federal Way, WA

Mark HJiggen History Bothell, WA JeH Hall Busmess Admml�iMatlon Bothell, WA

Vickie Grahn Busmess Admimstratlon Gig Harbor, WA

Nancy Halvorsen General Science Bellevue, WA Jewel Hamada

NurSing Kamuela, HI

Naomi Gravdal Psychology Pu llman, WA

Mark Guldos EnBmeerinB Seattle, WA

Uy Gullchmidt MUSIC

Issaquah. WA

Elaine Hamann Political Science Portland, OR

Roy Hammer lln& Religion/ClassIcs Odessa, WA

Scott Haning An Beaverton, OR

Karen Hansen Language Art.s WaShougal, WA

Toad Harde'ty Communication Arts Auburn, WA

Ric Hartman An Oshkosh, WI

Jan,t Hallerud Biology ReddIng, CA Ron Hauch'" BuslI'less Al,lrnlnlstratlon Bremer ton, WA

Brad Haule BUsIness AdmInIstrat i on Auburn. WA Kathryn Hefty Social SCIence Puyallup. WA

Mark HelmUch SOCIal SCience Tacoma, WA Merldee Heimlich SotiaI Welfare Tacoma. WA

Dlanil Hes, SpanIsh Long Beach, CA

lila Hess Social Welfa,e SeatUe. WA

Paul Hidy BuslI'less Adminlstrallon Concord. CA

Janis Hendrlcklon ." Tacoma. WA David Hensley EconomIcs Monroe. WA

JUI Him". NorwegIan Shelton. WA

Martaret Hepp BusIness Admil1lstratlon OlympIa. WA EUubelh Herman Sociology Port Angeles, WA

Doug HlnfChberaer Business Admlnl$lratlon Graham, WA

Marcia Holme, Mathemat,cs Bellingham, WA

Cynthia Jacobson Business AdmmlstrallOft Tacoma. WA

Joshua Hon ." Hong Kong

RIdge Hottle MathematiCS Port Angeles, WA Fr.ncll Jamerson Mathem,Hles Yakima, WA

James Hu,he, Business AdministratIon Kahspell, MT

Artie Huycke BuSIness AdmmlsttatlOft Edmonds, WA

ElIlIHth Jam., BIology fort RIchardson. AK

Candace kbo NurSlflg Puyanup. WA

Mlch..1 Irwin SocIal Wellare Nanana. Ak Debr. JKhon Social ScIence Lake Stevens, WA

Christine JohnlOn Nursing

-;. ,

Coeur d'Alene, 10

I Denise JacklOn BusIness AdminIStration Tacoma, WA Geor,e Jacklon Social Wellare Tacoma, WA

David JohnlOn EnglIsh HamIlton, MT

laurie Johnson "" Federal Way. WA lisa Johnson SOCial Welfare Belleyue. WA

Luke Johnson Social Science [yansYllie. WI Prentis Johnson Business AdmlnlSlrahon Tacoma. WA

LAurA Johnston Biology Tacoma. WA CynthiA Jone Business Admlruslrallon Seanle. WA

WIlliAm KAtsarslly BUSiness AdministratIOn Tacoma, WA

Chris K.A)' Hlslory Chicago, IL

Seott Kldo Biology Nyssa. OR

LIN! Jon" History Tacoma. WA MugAret Jon" N ursing

David Klnl Music Auburn. WA

Beayerton. O R

Rlchud Jones Biology Seattle. WA Lynn JordAn Music Tacoma, WA

Linda Klnl Communication Arts Spanaway. WA

Steven King BUSiness Admlnlstrahon Tacoma. WA

Karan Knutsen BU::'lneS5 Administration Milwaukie. OR Daisy lam 8USines::. Administration HongKong

Richard larMn

Carrie Klpp English Olympia, WA

Doug Kirkpatrick Economics Fo::.ter C,ly. CA

Paula Klany

Business Adminislrallon

Puyallup, WA

John Knoll MathematICs Seattle. WA

Business Admlnlslratlon Beaverton. DR Steve Lawrence BU::'lne::.s AdmmlStrallon Edmonds. WA

Paul Lecoq Economics LongVII:w. WA Patti Lederer NurSing Tacom.}, WA

Linda Lee Chemistry/German Bothell. WA Marg..rot lee NurSII'Ig Wenatchee, WA

Nancy lee SOCIal SCIence Evere!!. WA

Colleen Leveretl MusIc Tacoma. WA

lI•• lIlm.,l1. NurSing Hmes, OR R.,ndolph Llteh MUSIc

John Maee BUSiness Administrafion Rialto. CA

Tacoma, WA

fOIIlth londg,en Social SCIence Tacoma. WA

PIIW loml. Psychology

Cheryl Mengan Business AdmlrHslratlon Spokane. WA

Hastings. MN

K.thy loudy BusIness Administration Spanaway. WA

Oliver ludlow SOCial Welfare Tacoma. WA

Cynthi. Manion SoCial Welfare/ ReligIOn Simi Valley. CA

Rlch.rd ludlow Chemistry Tacoma. WA

K.rl. lundgd,d Social SCience

Ede M..,.h NUr'SIng OfegonClly. OR

Tacoma. WA

Ken lynn MusIc

Bothell. WA Oebblll l� Nursing WoodinvIlle. WA

Pete, Mattich CornrnUJlIcatlon Arts Fife. WA

EklnJ�min McCracken Business Administration Kirkland, WA l�u,le McDou.III English Tacoma, WA

Olnnls Mchll History Tacoma. WA Sherry McKlan Communication Arts Libby. MT

Jolene Metcalf Business Administration Bellevue. WA Robert Mlch..lsen Social SCience Mill Valley. CA

Gerald Milhollind Earth SCiences Federal Way. WA Rach,1 Miller Chemistry Forest Grove. OR

Todd MUI" History Laguna Niguel. CA JOin Min., Social SCience Tacoma, WA

Rachel Mllterlk Social Welfare Olympia, WA

Marcia Monson Physical Education Kihe•• Maul

Jeff Moore Hlstory/Poltt'C<!II Selenee QrMg, WA

David Morehouse Business Admlnlstratlonl Commul'llcatlon Arts Ferndale, WA

P�mllil MOrel1l Language Arts Portland. OR

Deborah Morliln General SCiences Port Angeles. INA

Bruce Netvlck MusIc Pasco. WA

Newton Morgiln Earth SCiences Atlantic Beach. FL

Corillen Morrl. Social SCience Ti.lcoma. WA

Greg Neufeld Religion Steilacoom. WA

Peter Morri' Biology Tacoma. WA

Mark Mumm Social Welfare Chehalis. WA

Milrgrel Newcomb Nursmg BeJlevue. WA

Elizabeth Murphy Business Administration Tacoma. WA

Lin MUDI NurSing Saratoga. CA

Lori Nicol Nursing Spokane. WA

WiIIiilm Myhr Language Arts Aberdeen. WA

Kirk NellOn Business Admlnlstrallon Beaverton. WA Barbaril Nemec Business AdminlstrahOn Longview. WA

-, "

Jann Nieman Economics! Philosophy Mercer Island. WA

Jeffrey Ojala Business Administration Vancouver, WA

Terlela Nixon BusIness AdminIstration Puyallup, WA

lynn Olafson NursIng Olymp'a, WA

Amy OISGn Physical Education Port Angeles, WA

Charles Novak BUSIness Admlmstratlon Port Angeles, WA

Barbara Orr Physu;al Education Mercer Island, WA

Kenl1eth Orton Communicat,on AT ts Puyallup, WA

Jill Nowadntck German Tacoma, WA

Jon OV8rvoid H,story Portland, OR

RIchard Pankl BUSiness AdmlmstnHlon Edgewater, MO

lila Olltad EngUsh Sealle, WA

linda Oriren Language Arts Canoga Park, CA

Erik Pearson Chemistry Gig Harbor, WA

Dale Perry BUSIness Admimstratlon PorUand, OR

> '

. . ' I'

,l', ; '1

Gloria Petersen PhYSIcal Education Walnut Creek, CA

Janet Peterlon SOCl3! Scu!nce Poulsbo. WA

Nlncy Poulin Nur:sang Portland, OR

Mary Peler50n Commumcallon Ans Bremerton. WA

Marie Pettigrew Music Shelby. MT

layne Prest Psychology/Religion Chinook, WA

William Pfander. Jr. Social SCience Tacoma. WA

Naomi Pflueger NurSing Ephrata. WA Greg Price PhYSIC'" Education Longvie...., WA

Rochelle PUll Nursing Tehran. Iran

Patrice Pilcher Biology Puyallup. WA

DantU Provencher Psychology Walnut Creek, CA

Julie Polich Communication Arls Tacoma. WA

Stepahnie Pope Soaal Science Anchorage, AK Karen Potwin NurSing Tacoma, WA

Raymond Pulll"er II Business Administration! Germi'1I'I Albany. OR •

Sandie Rahm Psychology Tacoma, WA Jenny Ralston BUSiness Administration Oak Harbor, WA

Kevin Rahn Business Administration Kelso, WA lynda Ramley Business Administration Long BeaCh. CA

Paula Randolph An Tacoma, WA DOUi Raubacher History Bellevue. WA

ROier Reed Chemistry Tacoma. WA Mary Rennebohm Physical Education Salem. OR

Kristine Ringo Psychology Seattle. WA

Jeffrey Rippey Economics Tigard, OR

Jon Rivenburg Music Vancouver. WA

Chari,. RobinfOn Business Administration Yakima, WA

Dave Rieke EconomiCS Seatlle. WA Brenda Rinier Biology Snohomish, WA

Rlndy Rochester Physical Educallon Tacoma. WA

Rlelt: ROM PolitICal Saence Pasco. WA

.• ,

Rlymond ROM SocI3l SCIence Sumner, WA

Murf.)' ROUM Biology Longview. WA Anna Sackl Social ScIence Tacoma. WA

Lorraine Schmidt Nurslo8 Dana... O R

Satly Schroeder Soctal Welfare Tacom", WA

Maten Sande French TWin Falls, to Chris Sanden Business Administration Tacoma, WA

Louin Sawyer Philosophy Corona Del Mar, CA Kevin Schaf.r MUSIC Tacoma. WA

Cuyt Schafft., NurSing Naperville, IL Perry Schmidt BUSiness Administration Manslleld. WN

[hne Schul.tad Psychology San Jose. CA

DcJry Schutte NurSing Salem. O R

Krlltln Scolm.n SOCI81 Wellarel Psychology Wauna, WA

Robert Shlffl,td BIOlogy Tocom", WA

Judy Scoll NorwegIan / NurSIng Span.1w!tY. WA

Jert)' Shliids Buslneu Adrrun,sjr3tlOn Bremerton. WA

MIt)' SlIchtar

Ear Ih Scrences

Stevi SlberlOn PhysIcal EducatIon/ ReligIon Gaylord, MN

Spokane. WA Kim Smlll,y An Ewere\!. WA

Jeffry SmIth BUSiness Mm,Mtralton Sdver!OI"I. OR

&.rtNrl S.pkl Bus ness Adm.n,srrahOil Rancho Palos Verdes. CA •

Grl, Shankll AnthropologyI Sociology Jefferson. OR

CIt)' ShNkllY BUSiness Adm,n,stratlon Tacoma. WA

JMI Smith BrologyI Rel'ilon Seattle. WA

Lori Smith Communtciliion Arlsl SOCIal Well."e Tacoma. WA Dlvld Smock CommUnication Arts lona Beach. CA

SUNn Sondklr Nurstng Yeilk,ma. WA John Specht Bu!iness Admlnlltra llon, Earth SCIences FOI( Island. WA

Cllrot SlllWlck HI"ory Ev�rell. WA Shllron Sleeker Psychology Graham, V'lA

Ann Steffen PhySical Education Walnut Creek. CA Penny Stephen. PhySical Education Sumner, WA

8rlan SUles BUSiness Admlnlstl'3tlon Sedro Woolley, WA Sharon Stttt Biology Federal Way, WA

Joyce Sulherland NurSing Bremerton. WA

Gall SutterfIeld NUrs,", Olympia. WA

David Svaren Norwegl!)n/Englishl Communication Arts Hardin. MT

Michelle Storms BIology Olympia. WA Erik Business Admtmstrahon, Economics Tacoma. WA

Dlllnn. Summers Communication Art� Puyallup. WA Jill Sundby Business Administration Tacoma. WA

Rod S....enlon . Biology Hemet. CA

Franct. Taylor Nursing The Oaltes. OR

Karen Taylor Physical Educaho laM.rac!a. CA

Andre. TronMt MusIc Tacoma. WA

Steven Teltle' MathematICs Tacoma. WA

T.rrllyn Thelll"1 Anthropology Tacoma. WA

Anita Tume. Nursing Renton. WA

Thorn .. Chemistry Tacoma. WA

Nancy Thompac Social SCle"Ce Choteau. MT

Thomas Tveit Earth SCience! Phoenllc. AZ

Karen Tlta. Nurs.", Tacoma. WA

Mark Tobt.dt Commurucallon Arts, Psychology BISmark, NO

Jeff Uecker Hlstory/ReioglOn Portland, OR

SI.phMlle Tripp Social Welfare Soohomlsh. WA

Clair Troftlr"Mn BloloJY Seattle. WA

John Vllnderberl Business Admlnlstrallon Tacoma, WA

Pete TrOid on BUSIness Admloistrallo Spokane. WA


• -I'

Rodier Vandiver Chemistry Yakima. WA

Gloria Weber Malhemahcs Puyallup. WA

Melinda VanNoy CommUnication Arts Tacoma. WA

Greg VIe Communication Arb Pasco. WA

Pa'ricie Weber Nursing Tacoma. WA

Diane Viele Nursing Federal Way, WA


Terence VOlel SOCial SCience Parkfldge, Il Lois Waldock NurSing

PAtrice Weller Nursing Tacoma, WA

Tacoma, WA

Shelda Walker Social Wellare Tacoma. WA Joan Wlllln Nursing Puyallup, WA

K.rlsti Wallis HIstory Fullerton, CA Stelle Warneklng Music Tacoma, WA

K.eney Wein Business Admlnislrahon Anchorage, AK

Joseph Weller NurSing Tacoma. WA

Lori Wentel Nursing Tacoma. WA

Robert Wiebusch

Business Administration Tacoma. WA

Janel! Wilen PhySIcal EducaTion Seattle, WA

Tert Whllmer Social SCience Tacoma, WA

Alyne '(ounK EconomiCS Vancouver, WA

ViCki ZIMr

Nursing Anchorage. AK

Carla White

Glenn Zimbelman

NurSing Se-atlle. WA

Business Admlnlslratton Buckley. WA

Jeff While

Marilyn Zimmerman

Biology Tacoma,WA

SOCIal SCience Fife, WA




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• . ", '5 .



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AM�""'� An"� Iv�..""". Bn," I) 93, 182 �o<le''''n, gr..n D IS2 ""'Ie,""". COO J 152 �_''''n, C",� J 174. 18? An'''''""",, Ch" ,.. 0 AfIde,,",,,,, 0""",' R I n """" """, 0"", P 182 Ande,,,,n Oougl.-.. P I n ,� A""",,,,n (�w..o Vi A"<I<,,,,",,, f<ode,,,,. Ao""""" , O",y C 177 '"<1<,,",,,,, �"'� M '"""'50n, Cleo Ao< Arrd.,,,,,,,, J..-.,., R A"d",s<>n, J,' L 182 Ao<le,,,,",,, J,III <'08 �_""", J<><,o,,", L 142 143 174, 182 �o""'.on, K,H,y S 44 46 'M A""",...... �,,,,.o '" 208 Ande,,,,,, K""., l"'" 173 '" ....ON"",. l_,once D Iv'''�"o" [.>"" C. 1�7 182 AM�"'o l",j � la2 AM.,,,,,, M " e A ."""''''''' M••,� ( 183 .""",.."" M,., � 183 ",,,,,, '-lor, � �orj",.on Mol.." C I n AA<ler>oo Po-u!o S "-"00" 0" R,eh" d A �n'lN'''''. S,o""on A""�" ",,. Slepl>o-n E Ao<le"oo, 51<0'_ 1< An",,,",,. s.._ I IBJ AfIde,,,,o. Tammy J 35 M , 76, 79. 183 Anders",". t'ona '" 85, 206 /v)<l" a.. R_.. j, AM,",. �.tt��n R And,O'" G." C lJ, A""..w Hood; " IS3 .•",,,.,,•. J_ Anc..�·', lo'" 183 "',,,e�., No,.." � A""'�..., R�h",� W ,',,,',�..,, To,.... L q l Mk""', (,,,,,,I "I "",,,"\f!", D,,� W ...."ngh, 0,.., lOS A",,"�n, S'",,�" 183 �n'hon�. w.y"" H A,,,,,,, ,,"". t_" M 173 AppelO, En' l 169, 175 Applo-n, E".tvn A tSl App'""'. K•..".,h C 67 A,"""" W.,''''' A<t>><rllh, 0000; A,b,",". G<r<l,v." I Ivo",rmyo, Ly'. J lS3 A,.'I�O Tama," L ..."" S'Il"" G A, m"",,'.', M...",o A,m''''''>g, Donn, L A,m,hoof l""-,, � lB. �,, ".,.,." , P I � A''''' 'd Jo,"" R "',,&oor. Jo"� l A"" ot.>, V",'o< R J, Artn",. AOi"", . 119 20!1 Ad"", J""o M 18J .11".... Ro",XI M •. O,�d E A,,,'O 0",..i I 5 • •be'8 C.,O] G 183 A,o,,,u,,-, rAd,,,,, I 18J �,h. l""y 0 208 A.hb;ui", o..,�.. L A,I.., D""id R

M"<",.,,,d. rAo,.. S l iD. I " IS) A,",n,. Jod, 1.1 A,k,", �"Y" A'","",,", D,.", M A" ,n"",. MlChHi G A""""" J",i AUl''''II. C,,� Au" l,la> R 105. 1 011, '" Au"",- S/l@<io, .. A""y, ("" be,h J A"." h, ,tOo,.,-,:i-e, B 183 Aw",U. M,e.,... R 18l Ay"" R..-.dy � 98 A,or,. w�,.." A J, A,,,, Till""'" j 1 2 1 lI.ltJl>" ae••,'Y K B<lI>C_. Ruth A 157 IB3 a"""nc'M, �'" S IS3 B,bonR'oo, Robe"". J 18J a,c"", 5'",,,,, A 8..." . Jelhy L 98 a""" J""",," 126, 183 9,.,,,,,,,, f,."",,,,.. C 9"lu,. N'@�. 18] B<>gley. "obert T BAAn,"" , •.,.. B.ha<lu",n!r'> J,e.. M 183 B�"y K.I....,i,.. ea..y. K"" � IS3 &oloy. L,,-, M. IB) ��. R"",," 0 e..,. �"'." M 84 2(18 B_�', M.,y E a"'Of, B,an' J 106 8,'�" Rowt A ISl 9,oI<;h 1.1,,_ 1 ISl B"",h """.. M 142, 143. ,eo B.lI<;h v....... J 8.>W",n. 'Of>(!,. l lSl Ba�'w'" T..,-,... A B" ... Rom.n T Ba""". Scon W B" •.,. �...o R B'". DebO.. .. ,, A. 183 aooo>ky. l"",.., 9"",,'0" 0 Slu...' 9,"""'", ""'Hy S B",,", �."h 1 B.,n." Sh..-o" M �,o",,,,,, o...,e '" 110 18J 11.'""-""", J"",.; � 183 �""',on, IOch',O J E.,"�",II". Dooo" � H",�"""', fl'""''''' O"be, 'p''' ( 11."""" Jo"", W. I SJ B�'be' R,I' D B,,,",, "..-eo M ISJ 8.,k.., "",," L IS3 8..,,,w. J.m.. C B..lcw 5'..... . nR B..,,.,d. �..-I I IIJ 18J B,,,,," ,, K."" 0 118 e",n"'d Ran"," L I J I . 'M em,." A,,,,, R S","�, D."","", C 183 r',M",,', Det<. K 8,,,,,,,t t. <0,,1'10> B",,"" B".., S. 169 B.""",, Bock'" J 183 B,,,,,"w' J. Th"" B...... Ke'''' B;o.-'o"', M" 8'\'ort f 183 B""hei,.,.,,, lo.c'<!.. '" 115 18J a",'ho"""�". Cl<l".,d N 148. 11) 208 a"""'f, v,e'a, K B,>" �u"""

e..,.y"'•. P"",�I� J 208 8"., D""�". L B.t", �".." 0 1 7 4 18) B'I"'" '0"",,11l O,,,d,,, Oo<"lny eMI�'''''''. R�M," 18l B,I'''' M..., r 2(18 B"I�"IllMCaI, La"" 1.1 IBJ BalJ"'. C.'" S 8.>"",. M.chclI L. a."gI>m.., A. :.>08 eol<Jghm.o ..,,' T. 18� B""Elln,,". My.. J. Ba"",""" R�"",,<, L 18J Ba"",,,,n, "....., C 123 a�u''''', r,,,,",oo B B.ll". "",,.,, J Be""h, 0.",,,, R Be.'.�. Jon " 141, IS3 Be.. Ph'h" [ \lea'd. D."" Be.,,", B,�,,". M a_e. Ly'" C Soc, �..-I.l J Ile<;', M,,,p .O I.. IB3 B@c" p...,1 P 40 122 6<>,... Timothy ( 177. 2(18 s.,c'�'. 00081'" J 12� 209 s,xkm"", "I.,....., Ru'h s.,,,,,, W'''''''' J 8«'",'Il, 1<4,.,'''1 Bod"'R""'", J .....I l 6<>unor, l"" M IBl !!e."""., Jo;m ( 23, 163 Bel'-ll' K",,,,, S 120 Be.o,,-,.,"t_ Sol, 000 " J, Be' Je'""", M Bol, N,,"<y l lS4 Bell, """"olph " Boll, ShNyl J BeI",n, B.."",. l II<m" , (""� L Beo, ""h.'eI A 106 Iota lI<od<>, ,"",,, H 115 Be""""'\. 00'0'"' Be....., Rob", J. 184 Be""," "',"" J. 209 B....I' .. Colh""". C 11<, ,� ileMe" C"tI�,,,,, ,, B"""elt. ....t.. f. 1'>, 139 '"' II.."",,,. R",h,.� M ' " B""",,II 'he�. A eeo",," T.oM" l ' " ,� e""""u, W;I""ml. '" ' "' II<n,",�, [d"..-d L _Ion, Dolo'" f II<ntO<1, P.lU1 f Bentoo "o""'d C II 91 '" �"",I C"" L 1 3 5 , 2 1 0 6<>'M!>"" N",,,,, 84 Be,& C",. t ISO Bo'R, )''''' t 1 )11 184 Bo't. Ju"" h N Be,�, l""� • Berg..... C..ol J e",g<. �utl, Borgen. Ca<ol Be,&",", Ko"",,'h '" J, 184 f!<'�""" Ro"",,t L III a�'gh. P,ouIe". D 157 Bo'g''"'', P..." A IS' a",gm,.n. CI\oo"I., Borgman. N,,,,,, J 184 IoIo''I,,,.n. P.'I''''� Ik-rg'''o",. &'''''y Be,., BoI'� 10 184 EI<o-n," R"""" � 35

a..nd" r..... D e�,"." Gory a�'nh.)._n, �""" J e.,n'..n D",,� I a.,nt..". 01.,. 11<", Do"'� l 126 IS4 6<>"" "ore," B""�, w",,,,,, H I�, 184 Be,u� D.rcy ' 210 e" .da,Curtl,A 169 1 72 '" Bo"I;>" M"'''' r � I O 6<>11". N"",,,," BOil,. K.I",,,,,,, C 6<>.,n•. "rch.M N 175. ,"' B.,oI<Ie". Cun" l 135, '" Beye', CO'",,,,, J e��N, L""y R 169 Beye' e n, J,oel M Bo",... e�'h A 108 1 6 1 , 170 I n . 17). ,84 a"",,",orl, �"" � a,b"" AI�"'H" Ilotll..,. Dolor-e, " s.c..... G,�� � 98 Btebn,", """mo,,,,,, B.((O" M... J 91 210 a'llolt. Me", J '84 B�m, e,"", J ICI'l. 210 B;l<ng'. Do"-"d C 9.IonS" Po'" I!,r",,�y. M"eo C B,",- Q,lV,rl J 8"", P.... D 9.�,"" Rodrr�, l B " . " V.,&,"", A 8.,.,. [lob", R. 210 B_.I.",". ["",& BM",p. 1.1""."" B a""".-.....,.,. 5h"""•• '" BJ..... J<I1 r BI"''''''''' '' H_,4 143 ' "' aIQ, lod� G 138 153. 164.184 a,x. V,rn, .. ""'"', J"""I S e�"'e. Amy L I"" III,,"utt, K"'''n g,,,,,,h,,,d, C,"""" l Blaoch''''''. L�w'enc. 8e",", Joy<e BI""k. 1'<,., J. 1>1. 175 '" . BI.,..,•. Gu"". [ I n 176, In BI"I' jo.... I 13 <;8 81",,....... L,u,. J J5 >0. 51 �2 �3. 61 7� 210 BlOCh, u". L 169 184 Klot:h 50'...... 1!14 810<:' Tim 16 19 Blot:•.,. l<4",y � 164 81O<1rme, G.,lo B �'c:<nq"" G,><o BI..,o,. Ti'''''h, M �Loomou�t. lJ<a"" � 184 Sluol"" Bo.H,OC< C alu,'�' [lebo,_ l ' 08 ,� B""""', "....-cCa A ISO J""" � ElJumh"l:'!'n, �,""en �"_". ""'"0 [ 16� 184 Bo"Sloo, ttenn" D 172 210 Ho"(!i..,. S",,,,, C 210 B,,,,,•. Ceo''''Y I ' 112 Bo�><>I Oo",-,ld D flog"d, B'",,� W '84 Bo"'� AI,," W 184 H"'"o. la".-'e'",'

Bolswazy. R. Stephen Bolton. Jettrey M. Boman. Waller, J. Bond. Tilda J. Boone. Charles W. Borcherding. Bonnie E. 1 1 0. 18' Borcherding. Jan E. 84. 1 10. 210 Borek. David L Borgeson, Larry R. Boris. Susan J. 84 Borman, Janet M. Bornstein. Brent S. Bosch. Priscilla E. 40. 61 Boshell. Cynthia J. 184 Boskovich. James M. Bossler. G'1I1 P. 210 BOUlger, Tedene E. 1 1 0. 123 Bottomley. Kai F. 109. 135. 184 Botts. Monte O. 1 7 3 Bowers. M;)rk S. 184 Bowtes. Suson M. Bowlin, Gladwyn G Bowman. Nath;)n L. Bowm,m. Shorry Bowser. Donald L. Boyd. Karon L. 85. 154.


Boya. Rex E. Braafladt. Peler C. 184 Braaten. EIIiolt B. 173 Braaten. Mary J. 2 1 1 Br;)atcn. Sandra E. 184 Bradbury. Larry V. Bradford. Eugene Bradley. Rebecca A. 2 1 1 Brady. Lynd<l L. 184 Brady. Susan E. Bragillo. Rodney J. Bragg. Charles B, Jr. 106 Braker, Regina B. 172. 2 1 1 8ramsledt, K. Marcell;) 8randenbur!l. Carol F. 184 Br;)ndl. Catherine J. 184 Brandt. Cynthl;"l J. 184 Brandt, Cynthia K. 169. 184 Branham. Kathleen A. 184 Branson. M;)ry D. 106. 133. 18' Br3shear, Mary Jo Braswell. Wilham H. Brauer. Gretchen E. 84,

m Brauer. Melissa J. 185 Braun, Edward C, Brautigam. Peler B. 185 Brazell, Rose M. Brecht. Eleanore L. 54. 142. 143. 185 Bredeson, Kim C. 185 Breeze, Toddy A. 123, 133. 18' Brekke. lisa A. 185 Breon, Elizabeth A. BreVik, Jon H. Brewer. Betti Ann Brezicha. Gretchen L. 185 Briar. Kathenne H. Bricker, J. Arnold Brocker. Sharon A Bridges, Chert Bridges, Cheri G Bfldges, Douglas L. 84. 2 1 1 Bndges. Lyn A. 185 Briggs, Kendall D. 40, 173 Brink. James E. Brochtrup. William A Brocker, Donna R Brocker, Mark S. Broderson. Nancy J.

Brod'gan, Donna L. Broeker, Herman J. Jr. Broeker, Steve A. 98 Brog. Gary B. 185 Bronson, Kathleen Brooks, Jeanne A. BrOOkS. Patnoa J. Broom. Vonda L. 185 Bros5. Norman E. Brossard. Ann M. 176. 185 Brotherslon. Janet f. Brotherston. Karen R. 9 1 .


Brotherston. Stuart D. Brown. Alyson R. Brown. B;)rbara L. Brown. Carolyn Brown. Georgia A. 84. 2 1 1 Brown. Jill A. 9 1 . 2 1 1 Brown. John Brown. Kar., L. 185 Brown. Kalhleen A. 185 Brown. Kenneth W. Brown. KeVin R. l25 Brown, Kim M. 157. 185 Brown. Kristin l. 185 Brown. Michael J. 185 Brown. Neal H. Browne, Samuel V. 173, 176. 177 Browning. Christopher Brue. Stanley l. Brunelle. Byron Brunner, Carol Brunner. Charles Bruyan\. Jehu Bryant, Renee A. 185 Brye. nmothy R. 176. 185 Bryneslad. Jane M . 185 Bock. Caryn A. 185 BUCk, florence S. Buck. lIsa l. 84. 2 1 1 Buck. Margaret Buckley, Raynor L. BUCklin, Teresa M 185 Budlselich, Diana L 1 10. 123. 133 Budlow. Glenn M. 35. 67. 76. 78, 79, 139. 1 58. 172. 185 Buege. Oebu K. 185 Buege. Jetf(ey S. 185 Buehn. Kenneth P. Bullock. Barbara J. 145. 176. 177. 185 Bump. Stephen R. 2 1 1 Bunger. Donald M . Bunn. Edna Burgess. Charles R 169 Burke. Melissa A. 2 1 1 Burley. Mark R. 149 Burns. Susan l. 85. 2 1 1 Burnson. James H. Burrinton. SCOtt B. Burrows. Richard L. Jr. Burtness. Larry O. Burwell. Ronald K. Bury. Michael D. 185 BurzloU. Thoma� C Busby. Elaine 62. 63. 2 1 1 Buse. Teresa L. 174. 185 Buser. l. Scott Bush. Arnold J. Jr. Buskirk. Thomas W. 212 Butler. Christine M. BUller. Jennifer l. 2 1 2 Bye. Laura L 173. 185 Byl, Mark A. Cables. Arthur M. Calender, Rob'" K. 140. 18' Calnan. John K CampbeK, DaVid J. 185

Campbell. M. Campbell. Kalhryn E. Campos. Leeanne 40, 1 7 2 Cantrili. Sharon L 35. 52. 53, 6 1 . 67. 77. 139. 2 1 2 Carbaugh. Philip C. Carden. Patricia G. Carey. Randy B. 140. 148. 18' Carlsen. Naomi A,nn 185 Carlsen. Susan E. 185 Carlson, Christine A. 157, 18' Cartson. Eflc J. 98. 125 Carlson. Howie R. 109. 185 Carlson. J"mes C. 98 Carlson. James M. l i Z Carlson, Julie B. 185 Carlson, lucinda l. Carlson. Nancy Alicia CMlson. Phyllis V. Carlson. Susan K. C3f'ISlrom. Elsa M. 185 Carlslrom. Mark J. 109. 185

Carlton. K;)rcn L Carnahan. DaVid A 185 Carnahan. Vickie L Carothers. Lori J. 145. 176 Carow. Ann M. 212 Carpenter, John 0 Car �ne. Victor J. Carr. Inger N Carrell, Robert L Carroll. Yvonne A, 84 Carson. David M. 185 Carter. Elizabeth A. 84 Cartfor(.i, Mary C. 185 Cassell. Knsllne E. 185 Cassidy. Myra A. 85. 2 1 2 ' Cassidy. Sharon l. 185 Casto. Joanne Cal ron. James M. Catterall. lisa R. 175. 185 CaulkinS. Robert l. 185 Caullon, Anita H. CedarQUIst. Jean L. Cesaflo. Gerald Cessnun. Julye S. 40. 172. 18' Chadburn, Daniel G. 173, 18,

Chakravarti. Devdas Chamberlin. Karen 35. 52. 66. 67. 76. 77. 79. 139. 18' Chamblee. Barbara A. Chamness. David R. 106. 18' Chan. Connie K. 186 Chan, Peggy Mel Chu Chance. Craig D. Chandwaney, Lal P. Chapin. Suzanne M. Chapman. James M. Chapman. Ross E.. 186 Chapman, Roy M. 98 Chard. Harry Charette. Jean·Pierre 175 Chase. Edward A. Chase. Michael J. 106. 186 Chase. Rayburn T. Chccsman. Valefle G. Chestnut, Mark E. CtHang. Ming·Chung

Clark. Gary L. 177 Clark. Linda M. 186 Clark. Nancy Ann \86 Clark, Richard I. 1 1 2. 1 1 3 Clark. Roger H. Clarke. SCOIt Allen Clarke. Sue K. Clegg. Pierce M. Cleland. Alan J. 176. 177. 186 Clement, William J. Clemmo. Patrici" Ann Cline. K. Timothy 173 Clink. Ronald W. 186 Clother. Alan D. Clough. Michael C. Coates. Angela E. 152, 212 Coben, Kirsten S. Cochran. Susan E.. 85 Coen. AMa L. 186 Cogllzer, Alene L Coghzer. Douglas G. Cohon. Jacquelyn Cohrs. Paul w.

ChlapuzJo. Cynlhia S. 157. 186 ChiPPS, Robert E. 186 Christenson. John E. Christenson. John l. Chmtlan. Bill J. 186 Chrisllan. Lois M. 108, 133. 186 Christiansen. Craig H. Christiansen. Wendy E. Christianson, Deborah 2 1 2 ChrlSllanson. Denise )86 Christi/!nson. Jud,lh 186 Christoliefson. Glen ChriStopher. Anne C. 105. 170. 186 Chu. Joseph KI Fat 175, 186 Chu. Peggy Pui Kal Church, Lawrence l. Ciro. Carol C. Clapp. f?uth Cl3re. Bonnie E. 186 Clare. John E, Clare. Wayne J. Clark. Daniel H. 109. 135.

Cohrs. Vern R. 135 Colberg. Talis J. Colburn. Gary W. Colburn. Kenneth A. Cole, Jerry L. Collins. Deborah S. Collins. Donna S. Collins. James M. Jr. Colman. June C. Combe. Elizabeth A. Conal'll. Heidi L. L85 Conklin, Maroa L. 185 Conley. Darlene J. 159 Conley, Robert H. Conner. Debotah J. 169.



Conner, Oorothy J. Conner. Uyle R. Conner. Shemll A. 185 Conner. Terry Connerty. Chrlst"'e A. 185 Connon. Catherine l. 185 Conrad. Stephen W. COOk. ChftSIIfI(! R. Cook. Kellh M 149. 212 COOk. Sonna M 185 Cook. Zen.J E. 84


Cooley, Robert C. 169. 173. 18. Coombs. Dale L. Copeland. Marl(l Alma Corbett. James J. Corbin. Victoria L. 186 Corkrum. DaVid W. 148 Cornelius, OHna M

Evans. Mike C. 188 (yeleth. Nancy J. 148. 214 Eyensen. Ruth M. Evenson. Christine K. 105. 188 Everhart. Susan L. 1 20. 188 Everson. Robert J. Faaren. linda J. 9 1 . 168. 214 FailOr. James l. 188 Falde. Gary L 188 Falk. Bradley N. 188 Falk. Palncla L. 188 Fallslrom. Robert L. 188 Filnning. Ruta E. Farnum. James R Fears. Karla P. Fedenk. Je;tn R.

Cornish. Jelfrey A. 98, 135.

1 8. Cornwall, Evelyn S. 149. 186 Corlea, Rulz Carlos Couch, Aaron J. 186 Coucoules. John W. Coughlin. Belh I. 108. 1 1 0. 133 Coughlin. Bonnie M. 108. 133 Couller. Susan C. Craig. Robert H, Crane. Nancy M. 186 Crilven. Elaine J. 84 Crayen. Michael E. Craw. Charles A. Jr. Crawford. Charles J. M. 186 Crawford. Denise L. 186 Crawford. Douglas W. 2 1 2 Daehlin. Cheryl R . 84, 2 1 3 Daehlin. Mark R. 175. 187 Dahl. Carol L. 140. 187 Dahl. David M. 187 Dahl. David N. 175 Dahl. Kristen E. 1 53. 187 Dahl. Steven B. ISO. 176. 187 Dahlberg. Palricia L. 84 Dahle. Mark R. 9 1 . 179. 213 Dahlgren. Deborah A. Dake. Donald Dale. Tamra J. 187 Dalenberg. Douglas R. 127. 187 Daniels. DWight C. 179. 184 Daniels. Jodlne A. Danielson. Mary R. 187 Danielson. Sherman A. Dastis. Dblie A. 187 Daugherty. Harvey C. Daugs. Kenneth D. 106 Davenport. Cheryl R. 85. 213 Davenport, Linda K. 187 Davenport. Robert M. David. Kathleen A. Davidson. Debra A. 1 10 DiIyie. John E Davies, Kent RDavis. Christopher DoIVIS. DaVid MIChael Davis. Diane K DaVIS. J. Delrene 187 DaVIS, Kathryn E. Davis. Kevin E. 181 Davis. ScoU C. Davis. Scott S. 98 DaVIS. Steyen W DaVIS. Wesley O. Davison. Oanlel P. 172. 187 Davison. Michael B. 106. 187 Dawson路Hageman. Raede DeGrasse. Deborah L. 52. 77. 79. 187 Deal. Patricia Dean. Thomas A 1 1 8 Debowcr. Shl(ley Mae Degroot. Judith E. 213 Dehart. Roger A. Delapp. Mark L. DembinSki. Arlene Denmark. Dennis A 135.187


FeUer. Julie D. 188 Felzenberg. Maril Fenn. Marilyn Frieda 173.


Fenske. Brion R 188 Fergin. Thomas P. 169. 188 Feguson. Linda K. 214 Ferri. Patricia A. Ferrin. Timothy J. Fetty. Barbara L. 188 Fiebelkorn. Tami L 105.

188 FIeld. Clillord Fillius. Amanda K. FInk. Gregory P. Fischer. Edward G, J. Fischer. Lezlie A Fischer. Marlha C. 188 Fish. M<lry M. Fisher, L. Diane Fisher. Maryellen 214 Fisk. DorOlhy D. Fitzpalrick. David A. Fjelstad. Stephen O. 188 Flagg, Vicki L 2 1 4 Flath. Gregory J. 1 88 Fletcher. Terrel M. 106. 135. 188 Flam. Kristin S. Florence. Kam S. 188 Florian. Kennelh M. 214 Flotree. Robin M. 188

Denny. Melinda L. 187 Depew. Paul C. Deskins. James A. Detwiler. Rebecca S. Devish. Denise L. Devries, Jacqueline B. Delihan. Egan S. 1 1 8 DICecco. James J. 1 7 2 Dickinson. Patrick C. 187 Diegel. Paul D. 187 Dieter. Wade R. 169, 2 1 3 Diotte. lor, L. 187 Dilks. Jeffrey D. 179 Doan. Rochelle R. Dobrowolskl. Yumi M. Dodd. Gerald E. Dodson. Donna C. 173 Doering. Denise M. Doherty. Carolyn Dolan. Carolyn L. Dole. Daniel S. 106, 107 Oolhanyk. Robert A. Jr. 98 Dolphin. Susan M. 2 1 3 Dong. Steven T. Donnell. Clark W. 213 Donnelly. Marylyn G. Donning. Steve D. Dorothy. Catherine A, 169. 213 Dotson. Curlis L 98. 187 Daly. Judith A.

Doucelle. Stephen L 98. 1 87 Douglass. Mark F. 187 Dove. David J. Dow. James C. 106. 125 Dowell. Cindy l. Dowell. Julie K 142. 143. 187 Downey. Roberl Edward Downing. Janet G. 133 Downing. Karen J. 187 Downs. Kathy R. Draino. Cindy L. 187 Drake. Robert R 169. 213 Drake. Suzanne l. 21 3 Q.-ak05. Sue l. Drevnlak. Donna M Elda!. Peter M. 2 1 3 Eidbo. Martin O. 21) [lde, Phyllis J. 84. 2 1 4 Elder. M. Denice 175, 187 Ellasen. Mark G. 187 Eliason. Barbara M. Ellerby. Julie L. 188 Ellerby. Kathryn A. 188 Ellellson. Jan M. J (0 Elliott. Elizabeth M. Elliott. Judilh M. Elliott. Steve O. 188 Ellis. Greg M. 106. 188 Ellis. Joan A.

Ellison. Guy A. 98. 125 Elston. Kathleen R 84. 214 Ely. Eleanor M. 213 Emel. Barbara Empey. Elizabeth A. 188 Endicott. Cynthia J. Enger. Sharon G. 188 Engleson. Jill E. 188 EngqUist, Anita E. 188 EnqUist. Paul M. Ensign. Bruce L 188 Ensor. Gayle Y. 169. 1 88 Enyurt, Karen F. Enyeart. Sharon K. Epps. Stacey M. 188 Erekert. Robert L Erickson. Denise L 188 Erickson. Janel 8. 188 EriCkson. Katrina J. 188 Erickson. Marsha J. Erickson. Mary E. Erickson. Sandra L. 214 Erickson. Susan !. Erickson. Todd S. 1 38. 188 Ericsson. lori A. Eriksen. Jay M. Erwin. Kllk A. Esche. Dayid J. Espeseth, Karen S. 188 Espinoza. Susan A. EV301clch. Linda M. 85

Floyd. linda Axamethy 9 1 Foerster. lynn M. 9 1 . 2 1 4 Folsom. Susan K . 188 foote. Maria l. 145 Forbes. John D. Ford. Jell R. 188 Formoso. Edward J. Forness. Michael l. Forness. Sherrie A. 133 Forsberg. leslie M. 169, 179. 188 Forsythe. Stuart K. FOSler. Carl W. 188 Foster. David Jol1n Fothenngl1am. Mark K. Fouhy. PaUl H. 34. 35. 6 1 . 67.214 Fountain. Virginia FOj(. Deborah A. 188 France. Kristi M. 169, 2 1 4 FranCIS. Cynth,a C, FranCIS. Lawrence D. Francis. Robin J. Franco. Jack Franco. Kathleen M. 214 Frank. Robert W. 188 Frankie. Jill E. 142. 143. 189 Franklin. Debra K. 189 Franklin. John l. 189 Franklin. Li5a M. 189 Franks. Susan E. Frill1utovich. Timothy

Fraser. Donna F Frazier. JO$eph T. Frazier. Richard l. 98. 127 Fredericks. Kristen E. 189

Frederickson. Michael 189

Frederickson. Sarah J. 189 Fredricksen. James P. 214

Freed. JennUer E. Freed. Stuart O.

Freeman, Diana G.

Freeman. linda 0 189 Freeman. Victor l. Jr. French. Churles L. 1 2 5 French. Gayle R . 1 5 7 Fricke. Annette M

Fries. Cameron S. FritSCh. Chtlstopher 98. 135 Ffilschel. Karl E. 149 159. 215 Fntz, leanne l . 1 7 6 Fri\zberg. Jon R. 189 Frokjer. Eric C. 135. 175. 189 Fromhart. Duane C. 98 Frosig. laurel A. 189 Fry. Valerie 169, 189 Fryxell. Tom D. 189 Fuesler . Thomas P. 215 Fuhr. Gale J. 85. 189 Fuhrman. Richard C. 135, 189 Fuhrmann. Debra J. Fuller. Robert C. Fullington. Randy R. Fullman. Mary Ann Fun!ar, James A. 46. 147,

1 70. 1 7 1 , 189 Funrue. Denise D. 189 Funrue. Janice Teri 161,


Furgur$on. Le$)ey A, 189 Furlong. Jacquelynn A Furnish. PatriCIa A. 189 Futch. Ruth M. Ga<trder. Diane I. 174. 189 Gabrielsen. S tel)hen P 189 Gabnelson. Glen E. G<tgey. DeSlrae E 189 G ahn . linda J. Galanli. Marilyn E. Galbraith. James T. 148.


Gale. Don J. 98 Gallagher. Mary l. Gamino. PatriCIa A. Ganser. Sharon L Garcia . Laura M. Gard. li$a K. 189

Ganando. Calhenne T. Garri$on. Nancy l. 105 Galch. Barbara A. 2 1 5 Gauche. Paul E. 189 Gavigan, Palnck J. Gawlik. Victoria P. 2 1 5 Gehnng. Shirley M. 2 1 5 Geiger. Deanoa l. Geissler. Francis T. Gelhar. Kimberly N. 172.


Gelman. Barbara George. DOt'Ina L. Gerber. Anne 157. 189 Gerken. Diana l. 84. 215 German. PalrlCla A. 189 Gerontis. LISa D. 215 Gerstmann. Ti mothy K 189 Gervais. Koren J. Gervais. Scott G. 98 Gesell. Robert A. Geltel. Michael R. 177. 189 Gettle. Holly S. Gibson. Marianne C, 169.


Gibson. Robert J Giddings, Rochelle Giesler. Edna J. 189 Giesse1. Gary D. Gilbert. Melanie E. Gilbert. Yvonne H. Gilbertson. Leanne S. Giles. Philip W. 1 76. 215 Gllle(li. Frank M. Gilletti. Jack T. Gilliland. Slephanie 189 Gillis. Susan G�man. Amy A. Ginther. Lori L 189 Gintz. RO$emary L GiombeUi. Dianne K. Giovannini. Paul W. lI8.


Glp$on. Deborah L. 189 GifOd. Douglas R. 2 1 5 Girvan. James T. Glaser . Nancy D. 189 Glasgow. Tom l. Glass. lowell G.

Glassman. John S. 73. 156. 164. 165. 215 Glassman. Thomas C. Glick. Enk R. 189 Glover. Freeman F. Gocke. Mich<lel E. Goeres. Bren t Goelz. Stephen D. 189 Gohsman. Christin e A. 172. 215 Gohsman. VictOria l . In. 189 Gold. Su$<tn M. Goldberg. Cheryl K. 189 Goliolon. Sandra L 2 1 5 Golob. Sheryl A. Goodale. Diana l. Goodman. Ross G. 189 Goodnight. Diane R. Goodnow. Jeanette I. 84.

215 GOOdrich. Gre80ry. M. Goodwin, Joann K. Goodwin. Juhe H 123 Goodwin. Ricky L Goossens. DaVid J. Gordon. Anne L. 189 Gordon. Brill M. Gordon. Gail A. 159 Gordon. John G. 125. 216 Gordon. John H. Gordon. Mary A 189 Gordon . SCOI! M. 176. 189 GOllardi. Henry A. Goudeau. Cherry A. Govig. Paul T. Grace. Veryt E. Graham. Co lleen R. 189 Graham. Douglas G. I B9 Graham. Lawrence 8. Grahn. Vickie l. 216 Gran de. Diana M. 1 5 1 . 189 Granger . John A. Granger. Steven B. 189 Granlund. Karl G. 106. 189 Gravdal, Naomi L. 40. 172.


Graven. Michael A . 189 Graversen, Lisa L. 190

Gray. Sarah J. 190 Greaves. Carolyn A. 190 Green. Beverley Ann 190 Greenfield , Julie l. Greenough. William B. 190 GreenqUIst . John A. 190 Grillith. Jams l. 172 Grigsby. Carl R. Grimm. Mark H. Gnndeland. Tracy L.

Groat. Kathy A. 133 Groen. Mary l. 190 Groh. Julie E. 105. 133. 190

Gror'llund, Steven M. II B.


Gr over, Dawn C. Grundhofler. Sharon A. Gudgell. Teresa A. G.uenthel'. usa,R. 147. 190 GUldos. Mark G. 168. 169.


Guidos. Michael R. 190 Gulhaugen. Bertram L 1 73.

176. 177. 190

Gunderson. Gary E. 190 Gunnarson. DaVId W. Gunmng. Darla J. 1 90 Gural. James W. 125. 190 GusSlaas. Kevin M. 152.

159. 190

GU\ $chmldt. Amy L. 190 Gutschmidl. Daniel J. Gutschmidt. lisa A. 216 GUldar. Rohlnton Gylling. Sandra J. 190 Haase. li$a A. 190 Habot. Simon HackenschmiOt. Heidi 190 Hacker. Michael C. 35. 52.

173. 190

Hackell. Elizabeth A. 142.

143, 172. 190 Hackel!. Joann Hackell. Kathryn A. Hafso. Marc A, 1 7 2 Hagans. Manna H. Hagel. Klaus Hageman. Julie A. 23. 190 Hagen . Janet A. 174. 190 Hagen. Lauralee 48. 91 Hagen. Tra cy Hagenau, Jeanni P. Hagerott. Ruth J. Haggen. Mark D. 216 Haglund. Heidi L. 190 Haglund . Michael M. 109.


Hahn, Gregory R. 190 Haig. Rebecca M. 190 Haire. Daniel H. • Harding. MarCia A. Harolng. Marian E. Harker. Kate F. 191 Harkins. Kathryn l. Harland. Donna S. 174. 191 H arley. Susan K. 191 H armenin g. David Alan Harmening. Sandra E. Harms. Tracy B. 177. 191 Harpole. Joyce l. 191 Hams. Carol A. Hatris. Kathryn A. 191 HartiS, Peler W. Harris. Susan J Harrison. Ca thy M. 191 Harrison. Ernest W. HarrOd. Gilbert C. Harsch. Kathleen A. Harsch. Steve A. H3rs.hman. Dale R. H art. Jesse Jr. Harth. Theresa E. 191 Har tman. R,chard J . 216

Harum. David 0 32. 34. 35. 52. 53. 6 1 . 63. 66. 67. 79 Harvey. James R.

Harvill. Edwin G. Haslerud. Janet H. 2 1 7 Hastings. Wiltiam D. Hatcher. Charles M. 150.


Hat l�n. Joel S


Hauelsen, Borbara A. Hauge. Brad J. 98. 99. 2 1 7

Hauge. Daniel James 1 18 Hauge. Heidi E. H auge. Jan M. 191 Hauge. Steven P. 61. 176. 191 Haugen. Barry P. Hau8en. CarOl K. J 91

Haukaas. Ann M. Holusken. Teresa A. 35. 47.

173. 191

Havill. Ann E. Hayama. Atsuko Haynes. Debra A. Haynes, Scoll A. Hay$, DaVid S. 173. 19 I Hays. William M. Hazard. Susan E. Heald. Leanne 1 9 1 Heaston. Wayne D. 1 9 1 Heberling. Brian L . 1 9 1 Hedlu nd. Lynne M. Heifner. Rebecca S.

Heflick. Elizabelh M. 172 Hefty. AnOrea T. Hefty. Kathryn L. 2 1 7 Helly. Milton T. Hegedus, John P. 191 Hehn. Karen M. Heighton. Sandee K. Heimlich. Mark A. 2 1 7 Heimlich. Meridee A . 2 1 7 Hein. Tracy l . 191 Hein. Wesley C. 176 Heins. Derek l. Heitman. Joanne E. 191 Hektner. Dale A. Hendershot. Kathy M. 174.


Henderson. Gayle L. 1 9 1 Henderson. Gordon Henderson. S.gne J. Hendricks. Eflc T. Hendricks. Harold T. I. 1 3 1

Hendricks. Linda J 191 Hendrickson. JaOl$ A. 2 1 7 Hendrix. Kenneth N. Henning. Dougtas Henmnger. Judy E. 1 9 1 Henrichs, Wade H. Henrick$on. Kelly J. 1 7 3 H enriksen. Janet H. Hensley. Oavid J. 2 1 7 Hensley. Lon J. 191 Hepp. Margaret Hop«lns. Clalfe L. Hopp. Renee E. 192

Hopper. Kirby C. 192 Horio. Yoko 192 Ho selh. Jeanne

Hosfeld. Kathleen M. i 73.


Hostetter. Greg K. 192 HoWe. Gwen A. 218 Hottle. Ridge B. 218

Houchen. Ronald E. Houglum. Karl P. Houglum. Steven J.

House. Steven W. Houston. Charles L. Hovland. Wendy L. 47. 172.


Howard. Christine R. Howell. Midorl M. Hoyland. Katherine M. t92 Hubbard. Bradley S.

Huber. Brenda D. 192 Huber. LOti K. 174. 192 Huberl. David C. Hucko. Becky A. 192 Huesti$ . Elaine T. 192 Hulfman. Dolores J.

Hultman. Jeffrey S. 135. 192 Hughes. James. D. 135. 218 Hughes. Joel A. 192 Huhta. H arley Hull. Lou H Hulse. Robert G. 192 Humble. Shen l. HunSinger. Dennis A. Hunt. lois E 108. 133 Hunt. Wendy A. 120. 192 Hunter. Dolv.d H. Hunter. Jason E. 135. 192 Hunter. lynda M Hunter. William M. Hurlow. Rebecca S. 192

Husby. Elsa M. 176. 192 H ustoft . Synneva A. 192 H utso n. Vickl l. 192 H uycke. Arthur E. 218 H uycke. Rebecca l. 142. 143. 192 Hylt on, Phitlip D. 173 lams, Beverly E. lams, Karl B. 135

Idso, Candace S. 218

Ikemoto. Ellen S. 192 Ilst rup. Cindy L. 123. 192 Ingebrilsen, David A. 192 lose!. Richard A. Irion. Steven K. 98. 99. 125 Irwin. Michael 218 Irwin. Stephanie A 192 I r win. Stephanie A. 192 Isaacson. Lyn n Isakson. Kim D. Iverson, Elizabeth A 192 Iverson. Mikkel J. 172 Jackson . Debra M. 218 Jackson . Denise M. 218 Jackson . Dennis D.

Jackson. George 2 1 8

Jackson . Jill M. 192 Jackson . Slephan e:. 1 76,

177. 192 Jacobsen. Dave A.

Jacobsen. Michael D. jacobsen. Steven D. 192 Jacobsmuhlen. Linda l. Jacobson. Andy J. Jacobson. Cynthia L 218 Jacobson. Gary M. Jacobson. POItra R. Jacobson. Stanley A. Jacoby. Janet A. 192 Jaed.cke. SU2anne M. 192 Jagusch. Dana S. Jahr. Armin N. II Jamerson. Francis R. 218 James. Elizabeth A. 2 1 8 James, Kalhleen M. Jamieson. Linda M.

Janders. John B. 192 Jarvie. Jim W. 140. 147. 170. 1 7 1 . 192 Jarvie. Joanne E. 192

Jarvis. George L. Jaskar. Dorothy Jasperson. Eileen E. 157.


Jenkins. Debra Jensen. awce W. 193 Jensen. [flC K. Jensen. Kirsten M. 133 Jensen. Margaret K Jenson, Bradley D. Jepson. Laura l. 1 73. 193 Jepson. Nancy B. 193 Jerde. Dwight D. Jergenson. Dawn R.

Jerin. Jonelle I. 174, 193

Jestrab. Frederick S.


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l.-.ctl"'" II.."" [ 19E "'''''bo. J..... f t'�. 196 l'''''"' W.O¥>< " 150. 116 ,% ,-"",*"",I�, Aio<. ... lnI...... P.l""... J l"""I,,,,",,, Jon R �"'''. C.....'I¥I. 1 96 Loc>e D...... 101 �,�, "'--" K l_. ,... 101 196 l....... l...... A 196 lo'<" R_ A 111 nl llOy<I. 0...""" " L_',. K..," A 196 lot"',- J_ P lOt,.... �..., �

Maass. Mark E. 196 Mabry. Kevin W. Macan. luann E. 1 23 . 196 Mace. John R. 148. 221 Mace. Leona A. Mackey. Judith K. Mackey. Ronald w. Maclennan. Jelfrey M. MacPherson. Kathryn S. Madden. Sean E. 196 Madison. Michael J. Madsen. HeIdi L. Madsen. Karen Madsen. Re�kka M. 138. 196 Madsen. Samuel A. Mael. Sherrie L Magin. Jeff A. Magnuson. larry D. Mahan. Anna M. 196 Mahurin. Philip L. Maier. lois H. 173. 196 Maiun. Michael J. 98. 99 Makepeace. David w. Manion. Jeffery Manke. RIChard E. Mann. Denise K. t 96 Mansie B. 1 3 1 . 197 Matzker. Dan R. 197 Mawhinney. John P. Mayer. Ann L. 197

lockwood. laura l. 123. 196 lofgren. Joan M. 196 logan. W. Scott 22 loidhamer. Tami M. 196 Lomax. Ann K. 196 lundgren. Faith G. 221 long. Donald B. long. Robert C. 196 longey. Janna I. 196 looney. William lorenz. James D. lorenz. Karen A. 1 10. 196

losey. Ingrid loshbough. Mary loshbough. Owen G. losser. Nola l. loudon. Kathy A. 169. 196 loudy. Kathy J. 221 lovrovlch. Greg G. 1 1 2 lowery. Sheil;'! J. Lowry. Joan C. Loyd. Rachel C. Lubbert. Candace K. luce. Daniel J. lucht. lester A.

luckman. Susan l. ludeman. Robert G. ludeman. Sharon K. ludlow. Oliver C. 221 ludlow. Richard O. 221 ludlow. Thomas J. 106 ludwig. Karen S. 84 Luhtala. Charles A. 196 lum. Nancy E. lund. Gregory A. 196 lund. William J. lundberg. Charles A. lunde. Roll l. 196

Lundgaard. Karla R. 221 lundin. Rebecca l. 196 Lust Chen l. 145. 173. 196 lulter. laurie M. 176 lutlon. Howard w. lyckman. Cindy l. 196 Lyon. James lysen. Ken l. 173. 220 lyseng. Cathy A. 173. 196 lyshol. Nancy A. 196 lyso. Deborh Ann 85. 221 Maass. Kurt C. 196

Mayer. Boyd R. Mayer. Maflanne Mayers. Deborah L. 197 Maylor. Cynthia l. 177. 197 Mayroulis. Stilanos Mays. David C. 135 Mays. Glenn E. McAlister. Karen J. McAllister. Vickie A. 197 McArthur. Catherine J . 197 McCabe. Molly A. 197 McCanse. Bonnie 1. 197 McCarey. John W. McClain. Kevin P. McClure. Mich<lel . McConnell. William T. 197 McCormack. Cella 120 McCoy. Robert F. McCracken. 8eniamln T. 222 McCracken. Dan C. 98. 1 18. 197 McCrary. Michael J. McCready. Cathy M. 197 McCrorie. Richard H. 197 McCrum. James C. McCullOCh. Brent R. McCulloch. Cory J. 98. 197 McCuUough. Debbie J. 197 McDaniel. William McDonald. Deborah A. 197 McDonell. Daniel R. McDannel. Julie l. 197 McDougall. laurie P. 222 McDougall. Mark A. McDougall. Meagan J. 197 McElhinney. R. 197 McEntire. Michael E. McFall. Dennis M. 222 McFarland. Doug K. McGee. Jackie C. Mcintyre. Robert B. 173. 197 McKanna. Douglas E. McKean. Sherry L. 222 McKeever. Janice M. McKenzie. Tonia C. McKenZie. William A. McKinney. David l. McLaughlin. Despina 197 Mclaughlin. Gerald A. Mclaughlin. Jeffrey D.


PendJetO(l, John M. Pennell, Chflstln3 Perala. MarYln E. Permenter. Ma.lne G. Perry. Albert W. Perry. Dale G. 149. 22-4 Perry. David E. 177, 200 Perry. David L. 156. 165. 200 Perry. Med C. Pershall. Nancy D. 200 Person. Philip C 176 Peters. Lynn D. 105. 120. 200 Petersen. Beth A. 200 Petersen. Cynthia E. Pelersen. Duane Keith Pelersen. Glona A. 105.


Pelersen. 1 13 Peterson, Peterson. Peterson. Peterson. Peterson. Peterson. Peterson.

Kevm M. 1 i 2. Annette C. 200 Brell T. 200 Curtis M. Ingnd M. 200 Janet C. 225 Janet L. Jill N. 140. 173.

200 Peterson. Joy E. Peterson. M. Angela 200 Peterson. Mary J. 179. 225 Peterson. Michael J. 44. 98. 173 Peterson. Patricia 8. 32. 35. 52.67. 76. 77. 79. 139. 173 Peterson. Paul A. Peterson. Theodora R. Peterson. Tina .... Pettigrew, Jell W. 200 Pllueger, Naomi L. 85. 225 Phillips. Becky S. 200 Phillips. Larry D. 200 Phillips. Marcie L. 169. 200 Phillips. Richard L. Phillips. Xal'ldis Pickens. DarCie M. 200 Pieper. Mary L. Pierce. David M. 200 Pierce. Karen R. 165. 179. 200

Pierce. Kerry M. 200 Pierce. Mananne M. Pierson. Gregory L. Pierson. Krisline R. 175. 200 Pierson. Richard W. Pih!. Arne R. Pihl. SUSBn L. 144. 200 PHa. Rochelle P. 85. 225 Pilcher. P3trice N. 9 1 . 225 Pilgrim. Jeanette M. Pima. Michael M. Pinhelfo. Lynne A. 200 Pinnmg. Steven C. 135 Pitsenbarger. Margaret 6 1 .

200 Plate. Karle R. 200 Plew. Paul T. PtisCh. Karen J. Plumb. William T. 200 Plummer. MarSha M. Polich. Julie P. 35. 5 1 . 52. 53. 6 1 . 139. 225 Polk. Noel L. 200 Pollock.. Amy J. Pomeroy. Vickie L. 40. 172 Pommerenke. Kimberly 177. 200 Pope. Stepharlle K. 225 Pope. William Potter. Robert K. Potwin. Karen L. 85. 225 Poutln. Nancy J. 85. 225 Powell. Michael W. 201 Powell. Ronald Prather. Van M. 34, 35, 139. 176 Prest. Layne A. 91. 169. "5 Prest. leah A. 201

Price, Gregory A. 98, 135.


Price, Lenore R. Price, leslie J. 105, 201 Probst. Jerlyn G. 201 Proctor. Chflsllna L. 201 Prosser. Kenn D. Pruslnovskl. Louis Susan 201 Remington. Chrrstlna 201 Remmereid. Kay M, 173. 201

Remmereld, Ruth A. Rentko. Karen M. 17J, 201 Repass. Mary M. 20 I Requa. Lori L. Reschke, Bruce E. Rettig. Randy G. Rhoades. Lrnda L. 201 Rice. Brenda A. Rice. Colleen M. Rice. John L. 176. 177 Rrce. Mary M. Rice. Sandra L. 201 Rich. lynda D. 105 Richards, Thorras P. Rider. Neal G. 201 Rieke, Dave H. 226 Rieke. Stephen H. 3 1 . 201 Rieke, Susan R. Rles. Jeflrey 0, Rlmerman. Susan M . Rinerson. Robin R. 174 Ringer. Brenda J. 226 Ringo. Kristine M. 91. 133.

". Ringold. Julie A. Rippey. Jellrey L. 226 Risdahl. Susan D. Risdal. Nancy L 20 I Ristuben. Ann M. 20 I Ritter. Jana K. 201 Rivenburg. Jon W. 159. 226 Rivera. Felipe S. Rizer. Kurt L. 201 Roalkvam. Susan E. 201 Robbins. Heather L, Roberts, Jody [. 201 Roberts. Lance A. 177 RObertson. Jaimey K. Robinett. Mary C. 173 RobInson. Chartes A. 91 .. 1 3 1 . 149. 226 Robinson, Coral L. 201 Robinson. Lawrence E. Robinson. Melissa A. 201 Robinson. ShaMOn M. 105. 133. 201 Rochester. Randall R. 9S. ". Rodgers. Robert Rodriquez. Ralph K. Roc. Mary K. 54. 143. 173. 1 7 7 . 201

Roe. Nancy l. 173. 201 Rogelstad. lavonne A. 201 RoSers. Belly Jo D. 152. 201 Rogers. Kimberly A. Rogers. Mary Rogness. Douglas Rohr. KeVIn O. 9S. 201 Rohrenbach. Harriet A. 13S. 1 6 1 . 201 Roland. Terr Roteder. Jane 5. 174 Roper. Stephen Rorem, Mark 0 Rosado. luis Rose. Karel A. 201 Rose. Richard A. 227 Roseberg. Tnna A. 201 Roseth. Paula K. 1/4. 201 ROSin. Julia M. 202 Rosin. Robert S. 143 Ross. Marguerite A. 176. 202 Ross. Raymond R. 227 Rotthaus. Laura M. Rouse. Murray E. 169. 227 Rousell, Barbara K. Rowberg. Kathryn l. lOS, 177, 202 Rowland. Russell C. 172. 202 Roy. Mary J. Ruberg. Unnea M. Rubert. Mary C. Ruby. Ronald Ruddy. H. 9S. 1 18. 202 Rudzi",. Kimberly K. Ruehl. Deborah A. 169. 202 Run ning, Eric W. 202 Ruud, Jan A. 179. 202 Ruud. Krrs\lne M. 202 Ryan, Donald P. 71. 202 Rychard, Steven H. 106. 202 Saarela. Robert Sabo. Darnlcc Y. Sackman. Elmer G. Jr. Sackmann. Paul T. 1 5 1 . 115. 202 Sackmann, Slephen M. Sacks. Anna L 227

Saekla. Sinuu Sallell. Virginia M. $allord, C.,dy S. 202 Sagers. Mitchell J. 172, 202 Sahlberg. Robert O. 202 Saint. Debra J. Saktlson. MarCia K. 1 33. 168. 169. 202 Sammons. Deborah L. 172 Samuelson, Mary Sande. Mareo C. 227 Sander. Richard J. Sanger. Tom C. Sargeant, Margaret L. Sather. Laura l, Sauer. DaVid A. 202 Sauerbrey. David S. Saugen, Douglas w. Savery. Darcy L 202 Sawyer. louise K. 91. 227 Scammell, Kathy 202 Scarpate. Jerry C. Schaefer. Charles G. 169. 202 Schse"er. Cart Schafer. Eveyn J. Schafer. Kevin 109. 135. 176. 227 Schlllter, Caryl J. 85. 227 Schel. linda l. 202 Scheibe. Jeanne M. 202 SchetLer. Marlena S. 202 Scheuerman, Richard 0, Sch路lIer. Sam R. 176 Sch.ltz. Healher S. 202 Schlndele. Stephen K. 98. 135 Schipper. Eileen P. 23. 202 SchJ&l. Jeri O. 202 Sch'ekewey, Lorrie A. 123 Sch'ick. Daryl l. Sch'lemann. Le Ann D. 123. 202 Schlosser, George H. 202 Schmid. Eileen L. 202 Schmid. KeVin B. 34. 35. 173. 202 Schmidt. Bradley T. 202 SchTildt. lrralne l. 85. 227 Schmidt. Perry L. 227 Schmidt. Phyllis J. Schmidt. Rtrndall D. 202 Schmok. George E. 202 Schneiter. Martin H. Schoenberg, Michelle 1 10 Schrag, Ardith G Schroeder. Patricia A. 62. 227 Schore<ler. Stephen B. 127, 202 Schulslad, Otane L. 227 SChultheiS, Susan R. Schultz, John E. 98 Schumacher. Karen J. 174, 202 Schuman. Marna L. 202 Schulte. Dana M. 202 Schutte. Diane L. 202 Schutte. Doreen K. 85. 227 Schwindt. Catherrne A, Schwlndl. Jena(l' A, 202 Schwyhart, Phyllis J. 202 Seolman. Kristin 68. 91. 227 Sconzo. Sheryl R. 203 Scoll. Helen M. Scott. Judy M. 84. 228 Scott. Randall A. 203 Scott. Steven L. Scott. Victorl3 l. 203 Seberson. Steven M, 98. 228Seibel. Donald W. 203 Seltz. Kathleen H, 203



Theih�. Temlyn 230 Theno, Thomas J. Thomas. J.C. Jr. Thomas. Kathleen M. 204 Thomas, Kathryn. A. 204 Thompson, Christa l. 142. 143. 204 Thompson, Darin L 138.


Sele. Karen M. 145. 172. 177. 203 Semler. Juhe 203 Semsak. Edw3ro A. Sapke. Barbara J. 228 Seralln. David G. Settje. Ronald l 203 Severtson. N,mcy A Shadle. Gordon l Shankle. Gregg T. 98. 228 Sharkey. David B. 35. 67. 203 Shaunty. Kathryn Shaw. Annetise 174. 203 Sheean. Carol A. Sheektey. Cltly D. 148. 228 Sheets. floyd W. Sheffletd. Robert H. 228 Shelton. PatnCla M. 123. 203 Shen. Robert Sherman. Kristen L 203 Shermer. Gary l. 203 Shields. Jerry 0 228 Shlnneman. Randy S Shrader. Tamara B. 177. 203 Shultz. Kari l. 142. 143. 203 Shuman. Steptlefl C. Shunck. Michelle l. SIb!erud. Paul M 46. 173. 203 Siburg. DaVid R. Sill. Deborah A. 120. 203 Sill. Paul W 169 Silrum. lois M. 203 Sillanen. Dennis A. Silva. Jeffrey A Simmons. Jodi A. 1 5 1 . 172. 203 Simonson. Dale K. 203

Simpson. Peter J. 169. 203 Sioclerson. Taml l. 203 Sire. Douglas E. 1 38. 170. 1 7 1 . 203 Sjogren. DaVid l. Sklbiet. DIana A. 203 Sletak. lansa G. 203 Stichter. Barbara R. 228 Sfict1tar. Mary L Smalley. Kimberly A. 228 S"udt. Heidi J Smith. Cartos N. Smith. Emma B. Smllh. fred D. Smith. James f. Smllh. JanIce L. Smtth. Jeffry H. 9 1 . 149. 228 Smith. Jerry A. 172. 203 Jool R. 228 SmIth. Julie l. 203 SmIth. Kay A. Sffilth. Kevin C. Sffillh. Kimberly S. 203 Smllh. Lora K. 228 Smuh. Marlin A. Jr. Smith. Mlch<tel A. 35 Smith. Richard A. Smith. Rosemane 203 Smith. Sharon D. Smith. Stephen L 175. 203 Smith. Thomas C. Smithson. Paul C. 203 Smock. DaVid L 228 Smyth. LIsa K. 85 Snider. Dorothy l Snowden. Mariellen 203 Snyder. Ronald W. 32. 35. Stevens. Michael K. 204 Stevenson. larry H Stewarl. Cynthia J. Stewart. Hennetta V. 175

Stewart. Tammy l. 165 StiCkney. Jel1rey L Stiggelbou1. John M. 204 Stiggelbou\. William Stiles. Brian l. 229 Stilwell. Barbara l. 177 Stlrton, Joyce l. 204 Slitt. Gary R. Stilt. Sharon l. 229 Stolack. Donald f. 204 Stol. Dale L. Stolz. DaVid A Stone. Cynthia K. 1 74, 204 Stone. Robert E. 204 Slonel(. Wendy A 204 Storaash, Paula R. 105 Storey, Sharon l. 173. 204 Storhol1, Julta L Storms. Michel1e R 229 Stracnota, Mary A. Stratghl. Melody I. Stratn. Thomas f. StraodJOfd. Kart M. 40. 172 StrandfO"d, Knstt E_ 173 Strandness, Erik l. 127.


Strausz. Charles R. Streeper, llsa A. 2011 Slrelow. Dan R. 204 Strenge. Erik K, 98, 229 Strom, Peter G Stubblefield. Eileen Stubsten. Pamela R. 149.


Stuckey. Dent� l. 1 05. 204 Student. MafSo l. Stukenberg. Leslie R. I G I . 204 Sugars. Janel l. 204 Suman. Rebecca A Sundby. Jill M. 148. 229 Sundell. Elizabeth

Suthenand. Joyce A. 84. 229 Suttertleld. Galt J. 85, 229 Svaren. David A. 35. 229 Swan. Laurie l. 146. 204 Swanson. Mark E. 150, 204 Swenson. Kathryn L. 204 Swenson. Patrick J. 204 Swenson. Rodney M. 165. 22" Swenson. Ruth M. 204 Swope. Unda S. 204 Symonds. George B Syvef50n. Kathleen O. 1115. 177 Tada. JennIfer R. 142, 143, 204 Taddn. Thomas A. Takalo, John B. 209 Takamoto, Benjamin H. Talaber. Alilia f. Tangen. Pamela D. 204 Taylor. Andrew W 204 Taylor. Christa l. 204 Taylor. frances S. 84. 229 Taylor. John Taylor. Mary D Teal. Chflslopher R. 34. 35. 82. 83. 146. 1 73. 204 Teigen. TIm N 204 Teltzel, Steven l. 230 Tekrony. James S. 204 Tekrony. Jon A. 204 Tempel, Bruce L 9 1 . 1 3 1 . 16" Templin, Bruce W. TengeSdal. Helen Tengesdal. Mark D. 204 Tengesdal. Nancy l Tengcsdal. TImothy G. lengs. Brian C. Thede. Tas, F. 20A

Thompson, James P. Thompson, Julie A. 204 Thompson, Kristine K. 204 Thompson, Thomas H. Thomsen. Timothy S 1 1 2 Thordarson. Joann E. Thoren. Leland Thorne. Orvel O. Thorp. DaVid J. Jr. Thorsnes. Paul E. ThorSfless. James R. Thysens. DaVid H. Tidwell. Sandra L. 144. 205 netge, Karen A. 84. 230 nn. Jan Siang nnius. Suzanne M. 205 Titus. Christi L. 205 Tjostotvson. Donald R. 205 Tkacs. Diana L. Tobiason. James R. Toetle. Douglas A. 205 Tollefson. Jack B Tollefson. Joel C. 205 Tollefson. Joseph f. 106 Tolles. Stetfan R. Tolo. WilHam G. 205 Tolstedt, Mark A. 230 Tomascll. Wendy R. Tomchalk, Vance R 205 Tomko. RIChard J Tomola, James Alan Torgeson. Terl G 205 Townsend, Thomas W Traff. KeVIn S. 1 1 8. 205 Trafton. Debbie M. 205 Trageser. DaVId P 127 Traphagan. Jan M 142. 143, 205 Trapp. Stephanie G. 230 Treider. Enc D. Treyz. Paul Trl. Debra l. 133. 205 Trimble. TIleresa L Trottgruben. Clair B. 230 Trogdon. Peter W. 230 Tronsel . Andrea l. J 45. 177. 230 Troost, Bnan H. 98, 205 Trolter. DaVid W. 6 1 , I n . 205 Trotter, Jeanine E. 205 Trylhal. Jody G 205 Tucker. Kennelh S. Tucker, Kimberly A. 205 Tuite. Thomas G 148. 205 Tuggle. Don B. 1 1 2 Tuller. Allen Turuson. Eric A ToohlOo. Kent C. 150. 173. 205 Turll5. Holly l. Turner. Anita D. 230 Tunle. Melanie 145. 172. 205 Tveit. Kalhryn C. lOS. 142, 1 43. 205. 230 Tveit. Thomas M. 157. 158 Tweedle, Debra J. TWllchell. Alexandra 108. 205 Tydlng�. Janice A. 205 Ubben, Manna K. Uekcer. Jeffry L 169. 230 Ueland. Harold K. 106. 205

Umamoto. WiUre<! A. Unana. Fe C. Undseth. Barbara M. 205 Undseth. Manlyn A. 205 Unkrur, Duane A. Unseth, Gretchen B. Unseth. Jonathan M. Urban. Jean D Valpy, Shan l. 205 Van Beek. Charmian J, Van De Hey, Sherree M. Van Houlen. Connie A. Van Paller, Margaret Van Vleet. Diane C. Vancampen. Sandra K . 176. 177

Wantz. Susan K. 206 Ward, Dorothy J. Warden. Gilda P. Wardenaar. Lori Jo Wargo, TIm J. Warneklng. SIeve J. 172. 176.231 Warren, Garth R . 98 Wartlck. Susan E. 206 Warsinske. Robyn A. 206 Watkins. Lori S. 84 Walrous. Matthew 0 206 Walson. Ebb T. Waison, Joel S. Watson. MIChael W. 177 Way. Barbara C. 85

Vanderflute, Scott L 205 Vandiver, Roger A. 205. 231 Vandyk, Dianne M. 169. 205 Vandyke. James E. Vanetten, Jill D. 205 Vannoy. Melinda L. 145. 231 VilnsoeSI. Debra E. 205 Vanvessem. Nancy Varseveld. Barbara A. 126. 205 Vaswig. Joanna C. Vaswlg. John L. Vaughan, Susan B. 1 7 4 . 205 Vaughn, Krisll L. 205 Vedell. Andrea K. 174, 205 VelS, Kirk M. 138, ISO. 205 Vel on•. Dennis H. Verburg. Janice L 205 Verhul. Steven P. Vermeer. Hans E. 205 VermiLlion. Gregg A. 127. 205 Vevig. larry B. 176. I 77 Vie. Gregory A. 35. SO. 52. 139. 231 Viele. Diane B. Vik. Brian L. Vi\strup. Audrey C. 1 7 5 Vincent. Kathryn J. Virak. Dana L. 206 Visser. Rhonda L. Vleming. James A. Jr. Vogel. Terence S. 231 Von Cleve. Kenneth Von Cramm. Marcia A. Vozenilek. Thomas J. 127 Vuong. Thuha T. Wacker, Jeanne S. 1 7 2 . 206 Wagner. Joan M. Wagner. Susan R. Wahl. Tom A. 98. 1 1 8 Wakefield. Bruce W. Wakefield. lawrence C. Walbolt. Eric E. 206 Waldherr. Terti J. 206 Waldner. Philip O. Watdock. lois G. 85 Wales. Kathleen A. 1 10. 123. 126 Walker. Gale L.

Wealherbie. ViCloria 120, 206 Weathermon. Kristine 6 1 . 206 Weaver. Arthur E. Webby, Michael R. Weber, Glona A. 231 Weber. Patricia J. 85. 231 Weeks. Cynthia L 206 Weeks, Louise A. 206 Wehmhoefer. Deborah E. 61 Wei!. Alan L Weiler. Patrice A. 84. 231 Weinman. Kathryn J. 105. 206 Wels, Susan 84 WeiSS, F. Kelly 231 Welsshaar, Robin C. Wetter. Joseph M. 84, 231 Wells. Pauline S. Wenscr. Aleta F. 152. 159. 206 Wentworth. Wanda M. Wenzel. Lori L. 84. 169.

Walker. Kenneth H. 206 Walker. Patncia A. 105. 108 Walker. Patricia l. 206 Walker. Patrick Walker. Sandra 1 10. 133 Walker. Shelda l. 133. 231 Walker. Suzanne E. 206 Wallace. Cynthia l. 175. 206 Wanace. Jonathan M. 98 Wallace. Sally A. Waller. Kathlene S. Wallis. Kristi M. 231 Walloch. Pamela C. 206 Walter. Kathleen S. Wandersee, Cynthia F. 206


Wenzen, S"llIe l. Wery. Franclsca E. West. Maqone A. Wcst, RC(!d O. Westburg. Dave B. 106. 206 WC5terlng, Brad 98 Weslland. Suzannc E. 206 Weyermann. James A 60. 6 1 . 7 1 . 156, 164, 165.206

Wheeler. Jody A. 54. 143, 206 White. Carla R. 85. 1 5 1 .


White. White. White. White. White. 232 White. White. While. White, White. White.

Carol A. Dewitt T. Diane M. 206 Eugene R. 148. 206 Jeffrey R. 106, 185. Michael Penni J. 173, 174 Rnbert L. Tam. M. 143. 206 Thomas Ctolfk Vied D. 123. 126.

206 White·Malyon. Karen A. Whiteside. Gilbert Jr. 32. 35. 60. 6 1 . 77, 79 Whitfeldt. Ross P. Whitfield. Idella A. Whitman. Randall M. 206 Whitmer, Terl l. 232 Whitney. Gail L. 105 . 157 Whitmer. RIchard T. Whyte. Stephen R. 176. 177. 206 Wick. Douglas E. 206 Wick. Stephanie L 206 Wickstrom. Paula K. 206 Wiebe. Karen S. Wiebusch. Robert J. 232 Wiemers/age. R. Keith 98,

Wi!!iams. Cleveland Williams. Debra A. Williams. Douglass K. 207 Williams. Henry M. Willi;)ms. Judy H. 207 Williams. Louis C. 207 Williams. Margaret l. 207 Williams. Marilee J. 207 Willi;)ms. Manha E. WIlliams. Sarah A. 84 Williams. SlQ3I'Ine E. 175 Williamson, Lewis H. 207 Willson, Julie M. 1 75 Wilson. Coy A. Wilson. Donald W. Wilson, Edith J. 207 Wilson. Eric P. 207 Wilson. George Wilson, John R. 173 Wilson. Shirley 207 Wilson, Tom C. 207 Wing. Sarah W. Wlilget. Donna M.

Wietzke. Susan l. Wigdahl. EriC L. Wigen. Janel! D. 105. 232 Wilce. Eugene H. Wilder. Helene M. Wilder. Pamela J. Wildrick. Robert T. 206

Winston, Gary Winters. Julie A. 207 Wisdom. Diane Wisdom, Halwyn T. Wise. Stephen A. Wismann, Judy A. Will, Chris F. 77, 79. 207 Wittmer, Thomas M. Wivag, Sandra E. 207 Wotd. Karen J. 174 WoUI. Denise L. 207 Wong. 8arclay J. 207 Wong, Bonnie L. Wood, Brion F. Wood. Elizabeth J. Woodley. Billy G. Woolms. Kenneth J. 207 Woolsey. J. Mark 207 Worth, M,manne 142. 143,

Wiley. Steven S. 1 1 2 Wiley. Stuart C. 207 Wilharm. Fred J. Wilhelm, Heike H. 207 Wclkenson. Thomas Willett. Denise C. Williams. Carl Williams. Charles B. 1 12

174. 207 Wnght. Douglas L 153 Wright, Frank B. Wrighl, Janet C. Wright. Laurie S. 207 Wright, Robert S. III 135. 207 Wucbbens. Kristin M.


Wulf, Timothy T. Wusterbarth. James W. 127. 207 Yerbich, Patncla A. Yoakum. Rene M. 23. 207 York. Douglas G. 207 Young. Atysse 232 Young. Chip B. 173. 207 Young. John M. 207 Young. Karen R. Young. Susan M. 207 Youngblood. Susan L 207 Youngquist. Belh A. 207 Yuen. George A. Yunker. Karen S. 177. 207 Zaber. Vicki A. 84. 232 Zahn. Julie L Zaichkll'l. Dana l. Zaloudek. Eli�abelh A. 173 Zambcrlin. John G. 98. 99. 125 Zander. Oianna L. Zee. Winston IoI,Ing·Tak Zeiler. Randy L. 207 Zeller, Nancy K. 207 Zelufl, Robert M. Zempel. Kirk A. Zed. Sharon A. Ziegler. Michael H. 109. 135 Zimbelman. Glenn J. 232 Zingale. Janet S. 207 Zitzewit�. Ann l. 175. 207 Zoellner. Gail E. 1 4 1 . 207 Zoti!. Michael R. Zulauf. Emilie Zurfluh. Kathleen Zvolanek. Kenneth N.


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