Saga 1977

Page 35

Gianni Schi(chi wrillen by Giacomo PU(:dni Opera Workshop's first perlormorn::e of on entire opera. Done in Ihe smoll, intimate selting of the Cove, Ihe production employed 20-member cost which, 10 me, represented whot opera was intended 10 be. According 10 one of the actors I !olked 10, opero was originally staged in very small selling wilh performers Clnd audience simultaneously ellperiencing the emotion and dromo expressed through music. u 'm::l :;;:::�;�;,�::�I;:::��,;:O" IW Bravo! Opera Workshop, Bravo! �I WO�



L00k '\Nh at they've done to m y song

Paul 8e�k perfonns with a guoll oriill during ..hop'l production 01 Gianni Sehlu l Opera Worl by Giacomo Puccini. Students enjoy .. skit dono by tho Alhlond PlaY." be'Me thoi. Pf'Oduclion of King Lea•.


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