Saga 1977

Page 226


fOSS SfCOND SOUTH. lottom Row, No.b Hub" , Dian. "Cho Cho ChG" ChClmb•••, K.I". N,I.,n, KG"")' Tv,it. Scon kido, Mik. Svglno, Randy ShlNl,mon. Second Row: Mcuk Tol".dt (R•• ,IdeM Anlstont). Rick Lo,et, Dove "Doc" .....ghmon. . J.o.... Meye., Mo.ty King, Joan loabv'n. Deb DoI".en, Peggy Pough, Kelly

(o"ulo, [1'0 "Egg" Aegerter, S'ade Mogil. Third Row: Gall Stone. Joyu KUlky. C,olg C"mmlnll�' St.ffon Toilol. (",tb "Mongo" Krage., I.aln .ngi....... Top Row: Chris Clark, So"go Ande,_ son, Beth P"'''y, ...... 1090rd. Not Plctu.ed, lob 0,.0.... Herdman. Patrice frllb••• Paul Gray, Carol Nordby, Cynthi" Meu;c&..

fOSS "'ST NOITH. lIonnle McCaMe, D.bbi. Nelton, Mo.,. J o ,",o'en. Cindy N.... K ...ry Locke", Wendy ....1I..p.. ...." Applen_ Sharon K-... Lon .equco, U.. G.d, JuRe ........ Noncy Ly.hol, K.rren John,on. Julie a"ardan. Karen MePhI.....y. Morel .OSI. MaU)' McCab". Katf\y Al'I4enon la.lld"nl Aul.lanll. Nal �: 0.. 00,,,1'. Ko.,," N"llan. ,.,yllli HI.8r...... l.rl Word_CIOr, linda Holt. J.dy DvtKa".

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