Prairie pointer v 4 no 28 mar 17, 1949

Page 1

Give Through your Red Cross (~.A

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PARKLAND POST NO. 228 AMERICAN LEGION .Meetings every second and fourth l't·i<lay at 8:00 p.m. in the Sunshine Hall Last Friday's merting took on the form of an observance of the 30th birthday of the American Legion as a national organization. Everything was complete even to the birthday cake, which was taken care of by the ladies of the auxiliary. Fourth District Commander Al Bragg was prcsent and was assisted by Bill Bierer from Sumner, who gave an enlightening speech on the f~unding and history to the present of the Amcricrrn Legion. The meeting also saw 10 new members joining the ranks via initiation rites. Bill Bierer also took care of this in his usual inirnitable manner. A fine looking lot of new members these were, too -we arc certainly proud and fortunatc in having them. We can use their talents in the program of the American Legion. Those initiated were: l\1r. and Mrs. Ralph McLaren, Melville Wilson, Joseph Schorba, John Korsmo, Bob Toft, Jack Cimino, Bill Reiss, Howard Motteler and Lon Rutherford. To these new members we say welcome and thanks a lot for showing your interest in the organization. New members mean new workers and new workers mean that we can accomplish more and more of the programs set before us. We hope that they will help us make every meeting as successful as the last one was·--40% attendance isn't bad-not with the membership standing at, 101. This is a singular honor and not many posts can boast as great a percentage of attendance as we do. Maybe the fact we do accounts for the fact that the things we accomplish are done just a little bit easier than they are in other places.

The Parkland Mothrr-Singers, under tlw direction of Mrs. C. 0. Olson, will present a _joint concert and fashion show Friday, March '.'.5, at 8 in the school auditoriurn. The concert will be divided into two groups; the numbers in the first group will be "Absent," by MetcalfLynes: "Song to a Slc<'ping Child," by Nobel Cain, and "The Housekeeper," by Gustav Klemm; included in the second group will be "Cradle Song," by Brahms; "Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be," by Hall, and "On a Lovely Summer Evening," by Marjorie Elliott. "A Day in the Life of Parkland" will be the theme of the fashion show, carried out in eight scenes, and featuring merchandise from Parkland shops: The Myrtle Mockcl Dress Shop, the College Dress Shop, thr Knee-Hi Shop, Parkland Men's Store and the Sunset Furniture Store. The fashion show, under the gcncrnl co-chairmanship of Mrs. Harold Peterson and Mrs. Stanley Willis, will have Mrs. Robert Lynd

as commentator. Others participating an': Mrs. Emil Johnson, Mrs. Ray Renwick and Mrs. Robert Gottschalk, fl or a 1 arrano·ements· Mrs. E. Perrault, stage; Wal~er Kun~ sehak, stage crew and lighting; Ivfiss Lorna Rogers, stage settings; l\frs. John Stanley and Mrs. H. R. Jacobs, posters and programs; l\frs. Haley Peterson, propnties; Mrs. W. F. Stay, tickets, and Mrs. Robert Haner, publicity. Background music during the style show will be furnishcd bv Miss Eleanor Hellbaum Addition~! music will be furnished by Harlem Moen, director of the bands and orchestras of the Parkland school and Pacific Lutheran college,!

Meetings every second and fourth Friday. at 8:00 p.m. m the ~ Spanaway School Meetino-s of Clover Creek Post ". . . 118 ' ·'\mencan Leo-JOn · " ' and Aux1liary were held March 11. . . . Among projects bemg seriously . . considered arc remodclmg the Scout hall and spring construction on the . . ,. Lrg10n Memonal hall. A spccia1 . . meetmg will be called very soon, to . . f' . . make possible more de mite act10n . . . . on the two bmldmg quest10ns. Watch for your postcard announce. ment-and for further informat10n call Acting Commander Jens1~n at . . . GRamte 6560 or Jumor .V1ce-Com. mandcr Carl Swanson at GRamte 6277. The ladies reported.· that they re. . . cently aided 111 makmg the pot luck · dinner of their Cub pack a success and are pleased to be its sponsor. ' A worthy endeavor which the Legion Auxiliary is supporting is the construction of a new greenhouse and potting· room at Ameriean Lake hospital. To show its desire to assist in putting such a buildinointo operation , 118 Auxiliary b


aga·i·n donated 25 dollars. This week · · L d fmds President Irma ong an com. . . . d .d. I • m1ttee v1s1tmg an prov1 mg c ice1 to the ward patients of American . Lake hospital. . . . Our ne1ghbonng Leg10n post at Sumner served a ha~ dinner on . Sunday, March 13. S evera I o f our . d ·l 1 members attended and en3oye Jot l . . . the fnendslup and the dmner. Plans for entertaining the national president of the Auxiliary arc being completed. The celebration will be held in Seattle, March


.APOLOGY: The Prairie Pointer deeply re-. grets a shortage of green ink that prevents recognition of the day in really appropriate fashion. Anyway, "Luck to the Irish" on St. Patrick's Day.



Office: Park Aveuue and Wheeler St., Parkland

Youth Evang'elist


what two representatives of "Uncle Win" Johnson, prominent Parkland's fair sex will ride the floclt y.outh evangelist of Chicago, ~ill rcprescnting_thcgrnwtho'.P:.lrkbnd, conduct a series of Youth Rallies, in the Apnl 9 Daffodil Fcstp,;1] /March 21-27 al the Harvard Cov- parade. That question of high intcrThc ~nnual .~mcrican R'.'d ~ross I enant church, 8+th and Portland ! est will be settled before ~his month fund dnvc, now m progress 111 Pierce avenue. Rallies will be held nightly,: is out, following ballotmg to be county, will be captained in local Monday through Sunday, except conducted Friday through Monday, South End districts by the following Saturday, at 7:30 o'clock. March to 28. ladies, announced this week by the Monday evening will be "free Mrs. H. E. Mobley, chairman of county chapter: gift night,'" with a prize for every the Parkland Business club's comParkland arca--Mrs. Russell Ear- person under eighteen years of age. mittee in charge of selecting a tiny ley; miss and a tall lass to depict tlw Harvard - Midland-Mrs. Mike floafs theme, already has I 0 entries Hans!er; for the honor-five in each division. Larchmont-l\frs. W. F. Grass; More ations are wan~cd and Spanaway--Mrs. E.· J. Buckley. will be received by her until MonTacoma-Pif'rcc county chapter's day of next week. quota for the campaign is $125,000. Portraits of the contestants will No local district quotas arc yet anappear next week in windows of the nounced. The district chairmen for Evergreen studio on Garfield street, I this are arc being· hPlped by friends where the ballot box will be located, and neig·hbors, but more volunteer also. Any resident of Parkland may solicitors arc greatly needed, Mrs. vote his choices. Ballot forms will Earley has announced. appear in next week's issue of The The Red Cross story will be told Praric Pointer. to Parkland P-TA at its March It is desirable that the two conmeeting this evening at Parkland testants f i n a 11 y selected be well school. Miss Ella B. Watland of San. matched in type of beauty (both Francisco, Red Cross regional work-/ blondes, etc.). Winners will be aner, will speak. nounced before the end 0£ this ·


A number of suggested new programs of Parkland Community club activity were submitted to the club by its new board of directors, at the regular March meeting last Thursday ev~ning. at Parkland school. Much d1scuss10n was evoked which, who will play on the violin: "Sertogether w i t h the noticeably inenade Espagnolc," by Chaminadc, creased attendance, resulted in a and "The Old Refrain," by Kreisler, very satisfactory meeting. accompanied by Duane Fodds. Included in the Mothers-Singers 1 The larger attendance was mamgroup are: Mesdames Haley Peter- ly due lo efforts of other local organson, Rudolph Strom, H. R. Jacobs, izations to turn out their own memJohn Stanley, W. F. Stay, .Earl bets for participation in ComrnuMarkham, W. W. C] in e, Leslie nity club affairs. Thorne, Don a Id Waddell, Roy Most discussion, overwhelmingly Kreger, J. N. Engebretsen, and Olai favorable, greeted the suggestion Rogness, with Mrs. Stanley Willis that the club sponsor dances, shows as accompanist. and other entertainment features to Refreshments, furnished by all assist its own treasury. President w. room mothers, will be served at the W. Cline was authorized to appoint "Uncle Win" Johnson , , " close of the program by the fifth a comrnittre which will be in charge · l\1 arc11 8, t h e grade· room mothers·· Mrs · C · H · of planning· such e,•ents from time· Q 11 Highlights for. the. .week mclude T ues d ay evcnmg, ' · · • . M M 1 · f T · · L Rob:nson Mrs E R Crain and to ti 111c chalk talks, 01! pomtmgs, surpnses ary- art 1'1 society o nmty u· ' · · · .' · . . . Pierce County '1-H Rally Day, from the Wonder box ~horns sin._ thcnn church met at the home of Mrs. V. E. l\1eyers. Table decoraRay Renwick, library chairman, l ·id . 1.. '·!·1 ll d I t ·' g · · ' . f"f d · · lt'. at t lC iv ' an mprovcrnen 1"11g· elcct1·1·c gu1"ta1· the blacl· 11.g·ht '·'·I Fl·atness. Tl ie p10,,ram . o · · uons will be by the 1th gra e gave a prelmunary Teport on prorr' ' ' mis. Ed ware " club March 1? was attended by . , , · . . "bl ' 'S . · ·] d d d"1 . - · f l t · teachers Ivfrs. Waldron Mrs. John- I ress toward a cornmnnit)' library •.. _, ' the Giant Bi e, cnpture memo me u c a scu,s10n tlc opic, ' . ' 477 4--Hers from all over the countv. . · · . · 0 .· "C I [" _.. " I , M E . . St. son and Mrs. Clothier. on the lot recently deeded to the . . . . · uzrng and Gospel magic. n F11day Dt 10 ic1sm, J) rs. imst ccn . . After registration m the mornmg, evenino· ·1 xize will be iven to 1 • · ~ :md a rncal solo by Afton Schafer. club by Stanley Rosso. Inqu1ry is Ll d B ·] . . f F'f t 00 ]· , . '" ' lJerng · · oy uc ianan i· e family attendmg the ' O\et the larg·est The oTOUJJ welcomed a new mrmber now directed toward deter-. f d ' ' 0 • · ,_ - , _ • • _ , ~ • • • as n1astcr o cc1Tn1on1es an con- rall . 0 Slurley Strandemo, and bade farenumn,,. whet.her a. su. 1table bu1ldmg d .. ·d· l . _ .. [ . k" . .y . . . , •. . . . r , I uctt t lt contest o1 mg, queen All younff people are cordially well to Lucille Raymond who is . . . can be e1ectcd on the 25-foot y\ heel-' d . d· . f . l . D. ff d"l - . .. . " . . .. . · · I l l d ·. Secrecy will be shattered this eve- er street 16t or whether additio·ial an attcn ants 01 t le a 0 i pa rnv1tcd to attend these ralhes, as sa, 1rng soon to JOlll 1cr ms Jan iu ' ' · d · fl · t I ·· ,.,. t' 111~ 1·r·d h>' the 4 '-I · · 0 : . ning (March 17) at Parkland school _ ·11 b . . ·'d f . Ia ' oa xn, ' · · .. , well as everyone m the surroundmoMarnia. Special guest was Mrs. Rob-1 • . a1 ea w1 c needed to p10\· 1 e 01 ·] 1 . " .. . . . . . . , wlwn the undercover comrrnttee of . .. . · · c u Js. cornmumty. e1 t Olsen, I cp1cscntmg the Mothcis , . . . . . ·11 t an adcq~a~c st1 uct~1c_ wlu:h will Choice was made by popular ap. ' . , B . ,1 1 ·] k f . buildrng restnctwns m that . . . The Re\. Robe1 t E. odm, pas 1 . _ . ti . male par cnts m cha1 ge w1 presen meet cu>, w 10 as cc1 o1 11e pe1s 111 ie Parkland P-TA's annual Dads' Night . plause and 111 the queen spot is tor of the Harvard Covenant church church nursery. Hostesses of the . . .. . ai ca. M am i c McCune of the Collins. , . · ff' ,. · , · dd"t' n " t- p10g1am. ThCic have been many A request fr 0 m the Si)anaway . announces that on Sunda} mo1nm,,, 1 wn t o 1M.. . C\ cnmg, 111 a is. . ,.. . ,_ . , . . . Waller road club. Her alternate 1s . . . . 0 ., . .. . .. ... . . Aft S l f' .. cl '.f .wluspus as to whats f01thco1111ng, ProoTcssive ImlJrovement club that . . . i\fa1ch _7, the RC\. Cail H. Pctuness, wue on c ia tI ,m " UllC 1 . • " ' Ilcvcrly Corrigan of the :tvL1dbnd . · . , · G .1 but. they seem to have been marnly Parkland support SlJanaway's efforts . . . son, supcrmtendent of the North . _ . club. Princess is Barbara Thargc ol Tl es. . .. . . ff .. · "f" · · . f . 'JI . .. f m1sd11ect1on. 0 n 1 y o icia 1 p10 to sc-cui-c a new road mto Tacoma Pau 1c M1ss1ona1y con e1enee, w1 1 Donmtory Auxiliary No. o nouncemen t is . tl1a t tlle D a d s p Ian , . . . cl· · "" S ' Waller road, alterm1tc Carol Hurst tl t k at th 11 1 , , p T t. t · JC · 1e gups · spea ·er , e · · Pacific Lutheran college will hold l P T, I h' l 't I Id cxtcn lll:o panaway s aci IC s ICC of Fruitland club. Bob Ballou of . l 1 T I " to now - " as t ley t m t i s 1ou .h , .. . S . ·l I . o c oc ' wors 1ll p service. cnor so os 01 its next meeting at the hornc of b e ian . di . E. , .l . ti t" . n .. t. "". '. oss pa.naway lXll c a on.g FirgTovc was chosen kin!!·, l.~al1Jh I tl . R ' J . L · '.Jig1rt o c1uc \: is - lC 1n1e 1 f . . . ·1 . , cl .· )'} f ,_ ,_.. \Vt 11 1)C sung )y - H': ev. esse e1se, 1 Mrs. Ernest Steen Tuesday, March f . .. tic mmei mi toa Ilg it 0 way to Ha.,. c n of Vvomlland, alternate. d" f.. T . d y tl f . . . or t 11e unve1 1mg. · · p +l· d' C t. t , l " . . ireetor o a coma 1an ou l 01 22, 2 p.m. Ass1stmg hostesses arc p . . PTA jOm a i ' ,rn s s ice ' w"ls a so Prince is Rolly Marsh of F1rgrovc, C'l · . f t . nnc1pa1 item 0 ac ua 1 . I .. l d t 0 . l . ff d" . , HIS(. Mrs. M. T. Hokenstad, Mrs. Wal- b . . b l . f su JJCC e seaic Ullo iscusswn. alternate Michial Koska of Buckley. S d I l · h Id S usmess w1 11 e e ect10n o a nom- Th b . ·d 0 f d' t . d . e every un, un ay sc 100 1s ter Younrr and :tv!rs. Robert Olson. . , . e oai lfec ors 1rn iecomAfter the morning session the . . " . matmcr committee, Mrs. W. W. . ,. · · . · . ' ' day mornmg at 9:,J.5 and the mo! nMrs. A. W. Ramstad will give !ugh- Cl' " .d d mended coopu a ti on rn the prn. iect, 1 senior club members adjourned to · · t 11 • l l M' l eek 1 · me, pres1 cnt, 1ias announce . h d 'f . t f d . , -_ . 1ng wors up a o c oc c ic -w . lights of the recent tour made by the w en an 1 coun Y un s aic mai 1 the Midland school gym where they E"J 1 d" ti b n · -··bl 1'h· . b 1· . . ,d · )!Jc stu ics 1iavc reccn y cc PLC choir. There will be musical • a c. e mem crs up appro\e a enj"oyed sc1uarc dancing· under the · . ' ' 1 · B l d" d L · · · · . . · · l · started on Thursday evcnm~s at b urg, ' a cna om Ja icr, an selections. ouise resolutwn favormg the project w len direction of Diel· Thurston of Yelm. ' ' : . . ' . c · ·l R f· I t · I d·r f d ·1 bl · ' 7:+5. 1 he pastor 1s now leadmg the 1 M d M. R G , t t f i unmng mm. e ics unen s me u and un s are avai a e. The j'uniors rcnrnincd at l\1idland congregation in a study of First r. an 1s. . reens ree o , d . . K d l· d . · Cashmere, Wash., were visitors last e ice cream'. 001a e, coo <1es an. Repair of present badly-de tenor- hall, where they staged a contest of Peter. The Junior Boys group meets week at the Morton street home of remarkably fm~ cake. The Davis atcd roads of the area must come skits and songs. Winners in the skit every Tuesday at 4 p.m. and the M . d M. J 0 D 11 M. home was beautifully decorated with\ first, was the general opinion con- contest were: First Girls club from r.<1n IS • . • a1C. IS. ·1 1· 'h . ' Junior Girls on every other TuesGreenstreet is Mrs. Dahlc's niece. pm< and w utc streamers, "'.it a scnsus. The right of way across the Fruitland; second, Firgrovc boys; day afternoon at 3:30. NeighborThey were accompanied by their duster of balloons suspended l1l the park area (65 feet wide) is Lo be third, the Kelly Lake girls. In the hood people are urged to attend '! . cl h"I, 1 • f. center of the room. For table• deco-f donated by Gus Breseman at such ·sonocontest th.e "Knotty Knots" son, \ r1 non, an \V I e 1e1 c, 10111 • . o - ' these various services of the week. 0 Wednesday . until. Friday, attended r.aht'.on was a_ damty lccnterpdiece . time as the project is approved by of Gig Harbor placed first, with the w 1tc carnat10ns pm< snap ragons th co nty . . . games of the state Class-B basketball . ' ,, . c u · "Little Gray Bonnet" group wmmn.e; and pmk candles. I he white cake h G' II 1 tourney at PLC Memorial gym. . . . . l second anc1 anot er 1g · ar Jar 1\,f I l\'I . J L Gl ' . of was ~rlistica~ly decorated 111. pm(, group of girls taking third. At the " r. anc rs. -. · iesqmere I Valent· received many lovely and S · u· 1 t M ·. · . conclus10n of the contest Bob d t .. t ere i"nforillCd v 10 e ca ow s ice w her fnends. · · Hager · l. l f 1 l . tl f R"cl ! useful gifts from of Tacoma coached .the JUlllOl"S ll1 According to the meagre informat us wee' ~ t 1c. J1r l o_ a son,. '. l- ! Mrs. Jack Courtney of Midland ganws. tion being released, search was still ard Lee, mto the family of cousms is back home after a two week vaca. . . . . . d "'. continuing Wednesday (March 16) res1dmg at Yakm1a, Mr. an 1 vus. tion in San Francisco visiting her Newly organized the Dawson . ' ' . 1 1 for the remains of Dan Cope of Robert Duncan. The J:l ))' was relatives Capt Jack Courtney is Teen-Agers club met Friday March . ·· · • ' Frederickson, victim of the shatterhorn March : · in the air lift, now stationed in 11, '.'t Dawso_n field clubhouse for ing blast at the Columbia Powder . Mrs. H. E. Mobley >~as back at GPrmany. Mrs. Courtney hopes to clecnon of officers. Plans were made Officers of a joint Harvard- Midcompany plant there which teetered Parkland school at her krndergarte_n join her husband in the near future. to raise money for some sort of land improvement club playground structures throughout the South End teaching post Wednesday of tlus Ladies and "Busy Bees" please music. committee for Dawson field were area Tuesday forenoon. week, following a siege of mumps. take notice! Have you ever tried a Mi's. Betty Jo Myers is the new clcclcd l\1arch 9, following a reguLocal rcsidcn ts are agreed that Mrs. Robert Lynd also returned to "galloping lunch?" No! Well, if recreation instructor. The recrcalar business meeting of the Harvard the explosion was the most violent school duties this week, following you want to sec your neighbors and tion committee consists of: Bi 11 Improvement club at Dawson field""perienced hereabouts since a simillness. Mrs. Lynd sustained a com- friends, and at the sam<> time have Squires, Terry Piper, Beverly Corrihouse. il:u blast at the same plant some bincd attack of flu and pneumonia. a good time, come to Mrs. Engcbret- gan; Chris Morris-9th grade; Lucy E 1 c c t c d were: Charlotte Mc. :Mrs. H. Bel!crud and Mrs. J. 0. sen's Thursday before dinner, for a Young, Janice Fisk, Jim Howard, Clatchcy, ehainnan; Lois Johann years ago. Cope was one of the for. Dahle planned to leave Parkland "quilting bee." Kcith Vaughan-8th grade; Joyce secretary; Olive Huston, r st er' tun~lc sur~1vor: of t~e earlier ex0 plosion, bcmg a long-t1mc employee Wednesday of this week for a visit of Suggestion: Follow the crowd to Snyder Robert Snyder-7th grade.. . . · · . ·I . ' . chairmal1" Chet Robmson, treasurer.; of the company. a frw da)'S at the Suqumrnsh, Was i., the pot luck supper, Fnday, 6 p.m. Refreshment committee for March ' . .. . K 1 . . · · ']] Harold ( llson spo1<esman. 1'ran1c home o f Mr. an cl M rs. Ch ar 1IC c - at Pra1ne Mission. Mr. Knautz WI is: Joyce White, Sally Alstead, Har' . . . .... · of pictures. · was appomtcd to mg.irnze a I or. 'l'l1c I">..C 11 ors an d t·l1c t wo l a d.ics show a series old Snyder and Joe Lawson. J'1111 Gural : . . h f · d l d TI . . softball team. frorn Parkland were former neighM rs. Ell • 10tt as a new ncn , Kelly and L oy r aav1 1< w1 11 assist G ·] IT d · • Ad N D , · · · h . . . 'uesls at t 1e :i.arvar mcetmg, 1Jors m ams, . . Edna. Sack et. She is stay mg wit l\frs. Alstead rn startmg fires lo .. . . . ,. '·f. d M. · f M d . d" PLC . from Midland wen. iv 1. an rs. l ,, . l l r. an Mrs. Elliott and atten mg . lwat tlw clubhouse dunng March. , ', Cl , .. , '·f _ "On to Sas <atoon is t re s ogan D enms, young son o Clarence Joh.urn, 1ai 1ottc iv c. . . . d l\1 rs. W . F•. A rnoId , was ta l;en t o a Neighbors drop· m to see E na. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. . l\'1 C'l B of the Trimty Lut 1icr 1eague, as a ' · ' f h' . · Clatc.hev V10lct c , ate11cy, er. 1 acoma hospital fuesday o t 1s Mary Clandia Engebretsen cele- C. L. Johann, Mr. and Mrs. G. . . , ·' W .. d three-month dnvc, for funds to send 1 · · L . . . nice 1 urncr Spa 1t artcn JC an . . l week, suffcnng· pncumoma. ate1 bratcd her 12th blfthday Monday furncr. Refreshments w c r c fur' . l . two delegates to the Internat1ori,,'1 · · "d 11 · • Frank Baskett. Baskett, w lo 1s a ' . reports rnd1catcd cons1 eraJ c 1m- at home, 855 South Sales Road. nished and served by the Mesdames . . d' . . Luther League convent10n, moves · · · · dra1naO'c in1proveincnt 1stnct co111provcrncnt rn !us cond1t10n. Those who came to congratulate her Johann, Turner, Alstead and Mc. . "'. . . , II into action Sunday, March 27, at miss1onf'.r gave a s1101 t l,t ' on l\fr. and Mrs. '\Valter G opIcm d were: Mrs. Adalme Gnffm and Clatchey. . ' ' . 8 p.m. · . · . drama c rohkms. . of Puyallup were Saturday evcnmg Alice Ann, :tvir. and Mrs. Lol!ls EnA movement is under way to start g P_ ff· .. .. l That cvPmng", Mrs. E. J. Perrault · · h p l l d C' t j I I l G "ff' '"·' ., . l Spaghetti and co ce wuc sc11.c.c . ·a spccia . 1 prov1s1lors at t c ar <an en re ge Jretscn, lo Jert n 111, iv~ac· a Community club, to get rn c oser ' .. d (.)! will be featured m . . d C P . , by Gural, Robrnson an son. . l ... apartment o_f MJ. nncl M rs. A me Ro)mson I an armen .•-,er parents, touch with the Teen-Agers parents · gr;im. of play-cuttl~gs as t lC im'.1~ 1



waHer Road Has Q p •


ueen, rtncess 4 Hers' Float


. .










Dawson Teen-A oers Ch Off" oose 1cers, L A • • Pl ay CtlVIty ans

Dawson Playfield Committee Elects


Fund Drive to Send Conclave Delegates

You will find Sincerity and Simplicity at

Community Will Ballot March 25

j SS IAt Harvard Church

DRIVE CHAIRMEN ITo Conduct Rallies


hosen -

rincesses f:o e



Continued on Page Four






VOL. '1, NO. 28


month, so they may have time for preparation of costumes for their roles aboard the festive float. Already nominated for the contest arc: Little misses (approximately 5 years old)-J enelle Jacobus, Marla Parker, Twyla Mcintosh, Virginia Guilford, Susan Scharpf; tall lasses -Teresa Jacobus, Mary Lapenski, Ingrid Fynboe, Trudy Mackel and Hazel Parker.

SPORTS Spanaway Boys and Girls teams were both victors over Clover Creek in the first softball games of the season, playl'd at Spanaway. The boys won by one run. The final score was 10 to 9. The girls team won an easy victory, the result nevE'r being in doubt. The final score was '20 to 7. Ski enthusiasts will lw pkased to hear that the Milwaukee Ski Bowl will remain open until the first of April. Normally, the Ski Bowl closes around the middle of :March, but due to the unprececkntcd snowfall this winter, the skiing is expected to remain excellent for at least two extra weeks. Spring skiing at the Bowl is the finest in several years. Elk Plain school boys baseball club pla ycd its second game of the season here Friday, March 11, losing a hard-fought game, 15 to G. The girls won. Paul Bunyan Rifle and Sportsn1an' s club n1arksn1cn arc riding high, in fifth place in the Mt. Rainier Rifle league standings and topping the tyro trams of the loop. However, their future is shicdowed, as they meet the three top teams of the league during the final five weeks of competition. Last week, the Bunyans accounted for the Marine Corps Reserve squad by an 1827 to 1709 count, boosting the locals' season aggregate to I +,335. Slirn Stem grabbed off the first medal to come to any Bunyan, taking the high tyro trophy for the week with a :373 score. This week, the Bun ya ns were to shoot against the Tacoma R i f l c Blues; next week they meet the first place Tacoma Rifle Golds. Their following schedule is: March 29, Bunyans vs. Sumner Rifles: April 5, Bunyans vs. Ike Walton Greens; April 13, Bunyans vs. Sportsman Easy X's.





and Mrs, J. N. Engebretsen, and to start n:creation for younger · Bonme, . R os1c . children 111 · the conuuumty. · P cope l John, Lomsc, and Darlene enjoyed the party with in the community arc asked to take IH·r. a keen interest in this newly-organC. B. Walters, superintendent of ized club, to watch for announceLcste rschool, was visiting his cous- rnents of money-raising projects for SALES RO~D NEWS . in., Mrs. Pearl Elli?tt, while he was rthe group and to givi.: a helping The Floyd Davis home was the hne on school busmess. hand. scene of great hilarity the night of Prairie Mission Ladies' Assembly The club will meet each Friday March 10. A lovely birthday party club will meet March 24-, at noon, at 7:30 p.rn., with a small admission was given in honor of their oldest for potluck luncheon. The Mes- charge for refreshments. All Teendanghter, Valerie, who is 11 years dames Mary Moore and Flora Nor- Ages officcrr arc asked to gather old. Carnes were enjoyed by all and j dyke are hostesses. Come early and each Friday at 7 o'clock for special ! prizes were given to Anna Arnem- J quilt. meetings. Sunset. ' Ison was to re t urn F re d D amc home this wel"'k, following several days spent at St. Martin's hot springs, Wash.

IMr. and I




, AND , ,E SCI·!OOI 1 1'" P ARKL ' WILL RUMMAGE SALE Parkland Pnc-school will hold a rummage sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 17, 18, 19, at 74·3 Tacom~ avenue. Good ~sed cl~thing and nusccllaneous articles will be sold, with children's clothing and furniture predominating. Sale hours will be from JO o'clock a.m. to 5 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Marvin Parker will be in charge, with Mrs. Stanley Reynolds assisting.

impetus of the drive. The Pacific . Lutheran colle,ge stnng quartet w1'11 also entertain that evening, as the assisting artists. Admission to the program, to be held in Trinity Luthcran church, will be free, but a free-wi_ll ?..f.fc. ring will be taken. Prd•!nm~ry pbm fnr nthcr events to further enthusiasm in the eonvcntion at Saskatoon, ·saskatchewan, Canada have been made and, so far, consist of a pocket Testament banquet in April aud a basket social in May.

Baseball is in the air at Parkland Junior High these weeks following close of the basketball season. The county sc!iedule is soon to be released and the local boys and girls squads arc whipping into shape for their first tilts. Track turnouts also are on lap. Wednesday of this week, Parkland's two c01:nty jay-hi basketball champion teams, Varsity and Midgets, were rewarded.with a trip to Seattle to sit in on games of the state "~A~" t0!.!!'!"!.a!"!"l(:!;,!. 2.t the U. of W. pavilion. The hoopstcrs were accompanied by Morris Ford, school superintendent; Stanley Willis, principal; Coach Paul Larson and Hartley May, father of one of the players.


Page Two

-~ ---.


Wm. K.



··-------·····------------------Editor , I I l d 1:- arkland, Bro0 {(a e, an

. . . A. contmu111t} newspaper for J.Vl1dland, :"panawav. Published every Th11rsday by Beard Printing Co., P. 0 Box 797, ·Parkland, Washington. Telephone GRanitc 7100. .. Entered as second-clas~ matter October 3, 1945, at the pos,t office at Parkland, VVashmgton, under the Act of :March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, By Mail: One year, $1.50; six months, $1.00

Parkland, Washington, Thursday, March 17, 1949

f the .

ert Ettlin of Spanaway on March!

5. Games were played, after which' the honored guest opened the many Mrs. J?orothy P. Smith, lovely gifts. were presented P. 0. Box 228 - GR. 67::>7 to her. Dehc10us refreshments were • --served by the hostess. Those attendh.athlcen Corbett was an overin"' . . . . . " were the Misses Eileen Callamght. ~ucst Saturday of Miss Joy han, Alice May Whitehouse,. Paula· B~rsot.ti, at her horn~, 0 ~, the Moun- Sutlich, Lorainnc Mott, Betty Hamtarn highway at the Y. mond, Joanne Henry, Margaret Mr. and Mrs. Anthony l\frous Sr. Butcho, Dolores Peterson, Sa I I y of the Mountain highway at the Lombardo and little Richard Zur-




Recipe •

. ·


l wee (




College scholarship awards have been increased from $200 to $300 · · t .. rn nme een na t"1ona I ,,1·- H. prog1ams,

As American as Yankee Doodle's feather is the hamburger! And the variety of ways in which this low cost meat may be served is almost endless. For instance, here's an e~sy-:o-mal~e ~1~mburger recipe with a bit of the Italian flavor. You 11 like tlus imcy hamburger dish with its topping of 1ich-tasting cheese.

the National 4-H Committee has announced. One hundred twelve members having highest rating rccords in their projects will receive ~:300 scholarship awards totaling

fluh. , PIZZA HAMBURGERS $33,600 at the 19'1·9 National 4-H Ernie Jensen of the Mountain! 1 pound hamburger 2 tablespoons chopped Club Congress in Chicago next Nohighway at Eighth street is now l Y2 teaspoons salt pa'rsley . vembcr. The National Board of Fne Underwncers recently made the proud owner of a new Air y2 teaspoon pepper 'Ii teaspoon dried basil Programs in which the increased ;in engineering inspection of San Francisco's fire fighting Coupe. The plane was purchased 1 cup well drained tomatoes ~ tablc~poons finely chopped scholarship awards are offered, and facilities and turned in ;i report. The San Francisco Chronicle Saturday from Boeing in Seattle. Y2 c~p shredded sof~ cheese on'.on . . _. . ic don?rs, are: Na~ional Achievement, . . . . . l f. . ccNccdlrss to say, the week has been Mix hamburger with salt and pepper. P<tt o.ut rn a. 9 mch l~, National comm1tlce on Boys and then wrote an interest111g commentary on W 1'1t He prot . . . f . 1 " . 1t . ,, pan Sprnd tomatoes over hamburger ancl spnnkle with the 1cG' Cl W B t M th d 1 1 .· . 1 sp.rnt in g1~1~ng nenc s. s1g 1 ·-see1ng -.. : . r1 i;1ur-d' ... ts. Bake in a n1oderatc oven 3750 F. for 15 to Ir1s , UJ .Or\; et er C" ·• o s t1on invo ves. tnps over l acoma. mairn.11 •0 ° Ce 1'':1 d ' Ekctnc, Westmghouse Educat10nal "Th · b · h f · · ·l · , J t f" . 20 nunutcs. 'ut 111 we ges to serve. . . .. • ,e report nngs out t e aLt t 1at a comp e e ue proMr. and Mrs. Lvnclon Tcnneyson ' Joundat10n: camung, Kerr Glass: tection system is more than a fire department," it said: of Bremerton were.Sunday guests at Cfothing, Spool Cotton ~ducational 1 "It is a water supply and means for efficient distribution the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bringing gifts and wishing Ann a bureau: Dairy Pro~uct1on, Kraft of the water to the scene of a blaze. Jrns. en of the Mountain highway. "~appy b. irthda( were W a~ n e ,. • , f.~°.ds; f,~nn ~afcty'. _G,.ncr~l M~.tors; " It is . a f'·ire ;ilann systen1 t h at w1·11 not b rea k d own . . . l\I· 1s. .. Tl1e·I ma U/ .. ti 1 f 'l'l. · l Pwtz. Terry Dixon Lloyd Pietz, I•1dd F1ozcn , Foods, .Innc.i icr Yo u1c . .' . .. .C1ops . _.rnd ....... . , · ,Cl1StHI J By Cl·irciic Hirschy tunat10n.1I II.u vcste1, Food P1ep· "I . 1 ·1· .·' f ·! f'· d . ·I . 1·' d> stn'l't ;1m1 ,l\1 rs. Pl 'oss1e 0 f Jeff Wdloughbv • ,, Mike' Cox . , Geny ' • • t IS t 1e JU~l .i~ues o t w_ He epartn1ent, t 1e po ICC cMountain highway were guests at Wcymon· and Lola Cox. Mrs. ArPublicity Director ~ratwn, Servel; ~orestry, American partment, the facilities of the telephone company. . . a party given at the home of Mr. thur Pietz and Mrs. Gladys Wey· The Parkland Girls club held a l•o1:est Products 1.nd~1stnes; Garden, "It i's the co11str·11ctio11 of buildi11gs , frame or brick ' stucco · in · T aco~ more. were afternoon g·uests of Mrs. 1ncct1ng . F·e Jruary .J, n t ~·lO All1s-Chalmers; Girls Record, Mont· :inc1 l'v.1rs. ur narrrn E'r\v1n · . ~- , a ...... 1 1919 or steel. Mrs. Conrad Gagnon celebrated nw, Thursday evening. /Dixon. p.m. The main purpose of this meet- gornery Ward; Home ~mpr~v~m:nt, · educat1011 · · fire · · }1<' 1· '" ·thd·iv Frid·iy with a hrnily · Ch nst1 · 'I aw mg . . ll at10n · K111ttmg"lt is a system for l)Ubbc 111 l)revent1on. ull ''' • ' ' ivfrs Antone Sw'll1tz of Mountain I1 l\''H", an cl "I "rs. E'rv1e was tlc o f new o ff'1- Sears-Roebuck . .foundat10n; . 1 rnsta cl· · · l · G o· l , · ' · ' crochetmo· Sp111ner111 yarn; Lcader· .· · cl "l t is the general hazard of ;ill conditions, and the total mne'. at, t 1c a,,non wrnc on highway is confined to Tacoma Gen-1 of Mo:1nta111 l'.1ghway ~nterta1~c a cers. . ship Ed\~~rd P. Wilson· .Meat Anib"J" d Louvie stlect. en! hosjJital where she will receive few. fnends. with a chicken d111ner Short speeches were made by for' . ' . l b resources o f a commumt t 1at can e mo· I 1ze ;ig;imst a ·' '·' · . . .. . ma!, Thos. E. Wilson; Pou 1try, Deary Sharlyn Shafer, daughter of Mr. rnrcn·y. Friends and nei~·hbors wish at the Palonwr, Saturday cvcmng. mer and new otf1cers. Former off1. C . , 0 0 f ne · · · ' '' · • . • and Mrs. Gleason F. Shafer of Sec· ·her a' speedy recmccry. · / 1.. heir guests were: Mr. and Mrs. cers are: President, Diane Bassett; born motors·' S01 1 onservat10n . ' FireTl1is ' d e f'mit10n · · · · · . Overland; sec- stone ' and Tractor Ma111tenancc. o f f'ire protection app l'ies. to a vi"[J age as one! street, celebrated her s 1 x th ~r I St· 'd f p "f' t . t; James Nugent, :tvfr. an d 'M rs. R ob - v1cc-pres1dent, Lois . TI . . . . . . . . d rs .. unc c Cl c1 u ac1 1e s rec · . .. . All of these National 4-r awards ,. • . · well .as to a city. In the small community naturally fac1ht1es birthday with a J.Jarty, Sa.turda).' aft- . . . . S . rrt Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. Bill rrtary, Be\'f·rly Milhga.n; treasurer, 1 1 1 1 ' • . . . IS sprnc ing \VO \VCC '"s tn po '"ane, -, progran1s are conducted under the Wi.11 be less extensi"ve , 11 d el,bor'te Btit ·tl;" basi"c i1eeds _, , crnoon. A beautiful wh1tr· birthday ,. 't' , -111 1.. ·, 1. Cook. NaDcnc Ballard, all of whom have . ·. . f . (' . . E ~ \JSI rng WI IH nc s. . . . . . . direction o t 1H' ,oopcrauve .xten. . of .. . construe- cake., Dinner ,.,uucsts • Sundav·' at the done an excellent Job 111 the . pas.t . . . goo d water supp 1y, an a Iann system. SJ f e b lll'Id"mg . dccoratc:d Ill bhlf' and \.v1th ,Sa 1urcIay gucs t s a.t t·l1c 11ornc . Service. 51011 . ., . ,' . . 6 lighted candles, was the ccntrr of Mr. and :tvfrs. Robert Steidel of home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Shaff year. New officers arc: Pres1clcnt, tion, and ~n educJted public-arc exactly the .same. Together, j attraction. After an aftc:rnoon of fun Pacific street were 'Mrs. Frances 011 Fourteenth street, were Mr. and Rita Wcllam; vice-presK!ent, Clarenc they constitute the weapons that can fire. and g·ames, ice cream and cake were 1,:>l'nnrtt an d 'f Fl . C os t on Mrs · Gcoro-c Whitney and son of Hirschy,· secretarv, Diane Delmore; Games were played and then refresh~ l\1 rs. · orencc - w • • ments, consisting of cookies and snn·d to the little guests by lvirs. of ·Morton. Telcoma and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Wil- treasurer, Darlene Garnache. Shafer. Bringing lovely gifts and Enjoyinff a dinner Saturday eve- son of Goodland, Kansas. :tvfrs. Acton, our former senior punch served from the Girls' club wishing Sh11rlyn a "h:1ppy birth· nin~·, ;it L~ Pngola,' were the Mes· l\frs. C. C. Caw of Henry Berger adviser, has done an excellent. job punch set, were l'njoyed. Mrs. Cline, Parkland P-TA presMarch is known as "Red Cross i'vlonth," when volunteers day" were Sherry Roberts, Barb1:r~t dai;ws Beulah Ballard, L,ucillc Std- road has been spending a few days as adv'.scr and we appreciate it a of Parkland, Spana way, Midland, ;ind our other neighboring Dahl, t:ha;·l."tte Wnght, and Jamee ck! of Pacific street and Frances with her son-in,law and daughter, I '.oL. Miss C~rlson l:as moved from ident, publieized the leathcrcraft communit~es join with workers across the nation to gather D. ah! of .I acoma, Arlene lk.rr;iy, B.c·nnctt ;111d F!orcncr Coston of Mr. and lvfrs .. Torn Woods and fam-1 JLirnor tu scmor adviser and our new class, open to junior high girls, and showed leather articles which could . . , . . Judy Clingenpeel, Janet Barr11y, Morton. ily, 1lt Seattle. During the visit the jt111ior adviser is Mrs. Greg·ory. money-gift's for the year S services. . Rita Fcrichs, Nor;1 Patten, Sh:11Ton We arc sorry to hear that Mrs. birthd 11 y of her grandson, Douglas The Girls' club had a Valentine be made. Statewide support of the I 949 Red Cross campaign h;is Owens and Johnnie Rohr. At the ) fl Woods was celcbnted f , · · party February 15 at 2: 10 p.rn. in 1 cO"o-y 2-~ur u 1l o l.\1 ountn1n 111g·11· ' been urged by Gov. Arthur Langlic: party also were the Mesdames Les- wa~," is confined 10 her home wcith · We arc sorry to hear that Louis the gaily - decorated gymnasium. POINTER WANT ADS PAY "The people of the state have reason to reca 11 with par- lie Rohr, Do1.1 Dahl, Gale Roberts the mumps. Nickoff is again :onfined t~ Ma~iticular gratitude the splendid record of the American Red Cross and Vcrlc Wnght. Bob Rhone of Second street celc- gan General hospital and wish hun . . , , the governor said. . , 'Never . . Dan Grcfthen, seventh gr a cl c 1.mlte · 1)Ir · fl 1cl ay, S un d ay, wit · 11 a ·speedy recovery. . d 111s 111 the year JUSt passed, before 111 . . · . . . . . teacher M Spanm•ay school, anf .1 c1· t · h l\1rs V1olct W1ckwnc of Moun·] · · ., R ,d C · , ·. j] ,d d . 'd ,1 . ·. a arn1 y 111ncr a w 1iic a 11 en. : . . FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF t 11s reg10n were . c ross services so vita y nee e. or wi e Y nounccd that the candy s.-;1le held . d d tarn Jw•hway kit fn,hv for C·unp 3oyed a huge 1Jll't 1i ay ca 1(C, n1a c ' o. ' '1 • ext·ended, as during the devastJt111g floods last May and June Fnday afternoon '.vas a s.uccess. N111e I h' ·r • . · · B Kilmer New Jersey 1TY 1 n · 1 . ts \V1·c. 1 1iose \VIS11ng OJ ' · · in the Pacific Northwest. At J cost of more th;in three million dollars and fifty-two cents has been! "happy birthday" were: Mr. and ~ens Jensen of ~Icnry Berger road, dollars, the Red Cross provided thous;inds of flood victims added to the class trcnsury. " Mrs. R. L. Frerichs and children, actmg command1?g- ~f _American. . . . . . . . Rchcn>als for the plav, Aaron .. . . . , ·I Leo,1011 Post 118 1s enioymg- a few in this area with immediate assistance and long-term help 111 . . · · . , . :, Rita, Lrncb and Step 11cn; lv. r. anc1 " . ' . . Slick irom Punkm C.nck, arc un- 'f "' . I c11 I "Id rcn, weeks vacation, pnor to reenlist.te-csta ,. bl')" ] ·. h . d f I' .1·1 d ·· · . Jv rs . C' . n . .J urgen anc IS 11ng t 1eu omes an means o ive 1 100 . der w;iy. The first rehearsal was . . " ment. · . Sandra ancl Shll'ky, and :Mrs. v e 1ma The governor pomted out that the money expended by hr·ld Monday cven111,<; at the home RI . p ·r· 1011('. the Red Cross in W;ishington state last year far surpassed tbe of Mrs. Robert Stcidf'I on aci ic. Mrs. William Righetti of Twelfth Distributors of Standard Oil Products Free estimates on repair and re· ' d f · · f } · · 1948 street S·un Green eighth oTade amount it receive rom citizens o t 1e state m its cam- · · · ' ,, i" . stred has rce .. ntly recovered from model jobs-Brookdale Lumber Co. GRanite 8112 Parkland, Wash. 1 . teacher at Spanaway schoo, wil f fl (adv.) pa1gn. . . a severe case o LL )ortray Aaron Slick. Dan Grefthen, 'fl · l . · , f cl I · Wee k (M ate · J1 14) SJW· Ul1JtS · b eg111 · JCt!Vc · , lIla 1c picrecc -car ca1T111£>: M On d ay 0 f t 11is Grcrn I-Iden Taylor and Lu. . ~ a f lllS · · · · • · . . . ' . ' . . . struck Sp1maway with full orcc. soltc1tat10n to raise Tacoma-Pierce County chapters $125,000 cdlc Stetdcl will also appc;1r 111 the S. f t·


Roy "Y" have begun excavation for the building of a modern duplex home. The card party, held Friday evening at the Spana way school, sponsored by th.c Spanaway-.~lk Plain Volunteer Firemen's Auxiliary, was h ll t d d a . ugc success, \'Cry \VC at Tn c . Prizes were won by the Mesdames . Pearl Mannmg, Maude Adams, Alda Barsotti, ~,orra'.n~ Netzel and the Messrs. Jess Wilham~, Fa'y Co~lcy, Tony Mrous a. nd Btll Righ~tt'.. A W11!1ams. .lwm was r. won . by . Mis, Jess ... . . fhc od1ec1 s .rnd rnembns ' thank Spanaway mc.rchants for thcll". don;1llons o.f pnzcs, and Boh Stc1df'l, tor donatmg the ham.

. l f F. . p t t. n ssentia s 0 ''l1 e ro ~c io

Iparkland Girls club Picks New Leaders




'"' ' " " ·





. ·.

Red Cross Month






Call GRanite 8112




Parkli1J1•d .=u:el Oil and 8ervice §ta.tion


f'Tn1s t 1iat

st'vLTa 1


our n1a ·1ons,

quota. Many more volunteer workers are needed, according play. both young and old, have fallen to our loc;il district chairmen Jnd, of course, the Red Cross Mr. and Mrs. Joe Netzel w.erc.. vic. tirns to t.hc fashion and arc nurs-1· . host at a thnncr party . · f ul car I oIies. 1" ues· nee d s a 11 we can give. · · and . hostess . . rngrather pam held at their home on Mountain cay l I ti u: St ·d ' 1 cay, \Vas tic 1 :inc ~ c1 et hiffhway Sundav evcnin". Enjoy"f' I 1 .::i ' • ,-i hon1c on P:,ic1 1c strcrt \Vas t 1r: p nee. ing the dinner were Mr. and lvfrs. After piercing her O\Vn ~ar, Mrs. H. Howell of Honolulu, Haw1tii, Velma Rhone presided nt the needle. ( lirom Industrial N cws Review) Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Danielson of In the middle of February, 214,372 retail stores, situated in some Clover CrC'ck, :Mr. and Mrs. Byron Those with newly-pierced cars arc 10,000 American communities, joined forces in a campaign bearing the Gawley, Mrs. Beulah· Ballard, Mr. the l'vfrsdni;ws Robert Steidl, Matiltheme, "Democracy Works here." The purpose of the campaign is to and Mrs. Anton Swantz and Char· da Syrnmons, Vivian Fram_, Beulah Ballard and Lorraine Netzel. Lookdemonstrate to the buying public that the right to pick and choose at lie Kino·. . l\f "' d M n b w. I l j111g; on were Mrs. W. Don MeLellan store counters is a forceful expression of American democracy at work. · r. an ·rs. o ,eat 1cr y ;inc1 and Bob Miller. Every size, type and description of store is included. Newspapers, the daughter, Peggy, of l•ourth street Mrs. Freida Rohr was 11 spcndradio and compelling store displays will be employed to emphasize what •;pent the week end at Elma, Wash. the-day guest at the home of Mrs. the free enterprise system does day in and day out for the people. Spanaway members of the FriendIt is particularly fitting that retailing should sponsor such a campaign. ly Dozrn Birthday club who attend- Violet Turner on La.kc Shore drive, It is one of the most competitive of all enterprises-every community has ed Lite regular 111cciing of the pJoup, Tuesday. Litt.le Billie Louise Rohr spent the its chains, its independents, its department stores and the rest. It is also held at the home of Mrs. Jack an enterpris~ which has made tremendous progress in the last generation. Splane in Elk Plain, Wednesday j week end with her grandparents, We have infinitely more goods to choose from, services have been broad- aftl'rnoon, wc·n' the Mesdames Har- Mr. and Mrs. William Rohr of ned, the improvement in sanitation has been almost revolutionary and- ry Pillsbury, Oliver Omat, Emmer- Eighth strcr:l. Mrs. John Farron of Mountain despite higher prices-the profit earned by the average retailer on each son Tarpenning, Ernest Tarpcnning, dollar spent with him is far smaller than it used to be. The free market Freida Ellis, Robert Manning· and highway is confined to the County hospital for surgery. has been the relentless driving force which has made all that possible. George W oolhousc. The next regMr. and Mrs. Carol Williamson Every retail store is a miniature show place of the American way of ular meeting will be April 13 and doing things. The intricate machinery of production and distribution is will be hdcl ;Jt the home of Mrs. o[ Lakeview and Mrs. Luther Hall of Brnukdale were Thursday guests geared to your needs and desires. In a controlled economy, people get what Robert Manning on Ninth street. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthe bosses think they ought to have-in a free economy they get what We arc glad to hear that Mrs. they want. That is the difference-and whilt a whale of a difference it is. Robert Schultz, former resident of thur Pietz of Mountain highway. Senior Out 134 of the Boy Scouts Sp::Jnaway, is recovering fron1 pnru. monia. enioyc·d 11 camping trip over the (Editor's Nole: This is the fourth in a series of informative artic:lcs lHrs. Oma Peterson. mother of week end to the Skookurnchuck river in Thurston county. Lee Corp, dealing with procedures and e.ffects of municipal incorporation, for Mrs. Emmerson Tarpenning, has consideration with regard to possible incorporation of the cornmuni t y outfit advisor, accompanied the been very ill at her home on Mounof Parkland. It is evident that problems of discharging such civic funcgroup. tain highway. Her many friends tions as are cited below become more acute as population becomes more .Ann Cox, daughter of Mr. and dense. Therefor, at some stag·e of its development a community must and neighbors wish her a speedy Mrn. Doyle Cox of Mountain highconsider whether to change to a municipal government.) rf'turn to health. way, cr·lf"hr;1t"d Jwr ninth birthday Mrs·. Margaret Wrighl of Lah SOME POWERS OF A THIRD CI.ASS CITY witl1 ;1 p:il'iy, after sdH1ol WednesShorr· drive spent Tuesday 111 SeUtilities and Franchises: day aft<'rnoon. The table was decoThird class cities are authorized to franchise "railroad tracks, steam, attle. rated in pink and white and the Mrs. Ed Joelson of Eighth street electric or other powered cars, gas and water pipes, steam mains and birthday cake was yellow and white. ,conduits, and telegraph, telephone and electric lines." Thus regulation is recuperating at ho1nc, after suf- __________ ________________ _ 'of activities of such utilities can be accomplished and, by fees or taxes, fering a slight stroke and spending the city can rcali2e revenues to pay for such regulation. several clays in a hospital. We all Public Works: wish her a speedy return to health. DA Y'S TAILOR-D TROUSERS A third class city may establish, build and repair bridges, streets, etc.; Mrs. Phillip Zurfluh Jr. (Peggy and WORK PANTS construct and maintain sewers, drains; erect and maintain public build- Dl«·ring) of the Mountain highway, ings; obtain and operate parks, and similar things. entertained a group of former classMunicipal Utilities: mat<'S of St. Joseph's hospital School The third class city may contr;wt for water, light, power; may acquire of Nursing, Wednesday evening. The and manage water, light, power syst("ms; may issue gern·ral obligation or occasion was a bridal shower, honrevenue bonds for such purposes; may charge for water or sewer service. oring Miss Helen Poorman of Gra7025 Pacific Avenue Public Health and Welfare: ham, who became the bride of Rob'l'he city may provide fire engines and other protective equipment or contract for fire protection; may regulate nuisances, breach of the peace, vice and crime.


The Right to Choose



JOBS ERE BORN Pacific Telephone's construction program has made work for countless thousands and added to the West's postwar prosperity

1. When you see telephone cable on its way to work, you're watching the West benefit in two important ways. It means new voice highways for the West ..• more telephones ... better service. It also means jobs and paychecks for the men who make the cable, those who install it and, later on, those who maintain it. And putting in new cable is just a small part of our building program.



For Men:


Hiway Val'iety Store


DO GAINS BALANCE COSTi' By these and other grants of power to the city, the means and tools are furnished whereby the people can take positive action to accomplish needs and desires of the community. Excluding those special purpose levies which may be voted by either


B, C and D GRADES -

.. $2.95



cities or county Oistri,·ts; ~ f·~ty" gl.':!!!"!';llly, ?Y!~.y t~x rf:'~;idf'.~t p~·Dp:-rty .

owners to a total amount five mills in excess of the taxable limit outside Incorporated areas of the state. For this additional tax bill there would be more home rule, better means of making improvements, more protection from undesirable buildings, nuisances and activities. A property owner must weigh the advantages against potential cost and, like any expenditure, consider if the gains arc worth the cost.

4" It all adds up -


DOOR JAMBS ________________________ WE



Basket:t lumber 96th & PORTLAND AVE., MIDLAND

2. Hundreds of new buildings mean work for carpenters, bricklayers-and work for those who provide the materials. They mean future jobs for celephone people. Since the war, we've put half a hil lion dollars to work in new construction. Much A it has found its way in ever-widening circles 'nto the economy of practically every city and wwn in the West.

O@ GR. 8488

3. More business for the baker, the druggist, the clothier - telephone construction has given the \'Vest a big postwar life. There's no way, of course, to trace all the jobs created by just one mile of cable . . . or one building. But it would probably be hard to find a family whose income has not benefited, in some way, from t.he money we've spent to provide more service.

this tre-

•nendous building program -

rn a better West for all of us. ft is being paid for by thou>ands of investors who have • H m·; <led the millions of new '..vorldng dollars that make the job possible. Result: More tel:pliones ... better service. Yet t few pennies still buy a telepht>ne call - one of your real \;due!i today.


Pacific Telephone


~ and Telegraph

Give gladly to


the Red Cross



(;lassy. A lovely lundi was served by the hostess and tbe new bride received many lovely and useful

Mrs. Albert Nelson, reporter GRaham 206

_.. -··- - .. •-·•c---~-


Parkland, ·washington, Thursday, March 17, 1949


Page Three





l\1rs. Ruth Kuper, Reporter Rt. 3, Box 705 - Phone GR. 8289


Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hanson of

islon Rings

0 Mr. and Mrs. M. Paulson of Ta-1 Puyallup visited at the home of Mr. Fred Sutter, who is a patient in coma were visitors at the horn_ e of ai~cl . ~rs. Albert Nelson, Sunday a hospital in Portland, Oregon, is Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stanger on evenrng. much improved in condition. His Mr. W. Il. Smith called at the Sunday. wife, Frances, who had been in PortMechanics know and demand the exceptional quality that is Mrs. Effie McGee is a visitor at home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stanland to be with him, has returned the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy ger, Sunday. American Hammered home. She reports that Fred is out Carlson. A group of Rebekahs attended of clangc-r, though s t i 11 suffering Mrs. Annie Hansch aml Mrs. E. I the meeting- at Eatonville, Thursgreatly. G. Tinius visited at the home of day evening. Attending- fro1n Kaw l\frs. Alma Coffey entertained tlw Mrs. Norman Emcty on Wednes- powsin Rebekah Lodge were: Mrs. ladies of the Clover Creek Grange day. Beth Norman, Annie Hansh, Mrs. Auxiliary last Thursday, at the home Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farley and May Borden, Mrs. Lois Bumgarcl of Mrs. Franz Anderson. The afterson of Tacoma were week end vis- cncr and her sister from Haywood, noon was spent sewing on articles SPANA WAY ACROSS FROM THE SCHOOL itors at the home of her parents; Calif., Mrs. Roy Huff, Elrse Saunfor a bazaar which will be held GRanite 6547 and GRanilc 7583 Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stanger. ders, Mrs. M. Lyman, Mrs. Victor later. Those present were: Mrs. An- 1 I' J· 'II l\frs, l'r:mk Kearns was a Seat- Anderson and Katie Nelson. dcrson, :Mrs. Fred Sutter, presidenl \ =-------~--__ ·------·-tle visitor on Monday. of the organization; Mrsc L c r o y Friends and neighbors arc sorry Virgil Radius, Mrs. Ivan Collier, Calvary Methodist church met ~it Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Shook vis- to hear Mrs. Hyle Fairbanks isn't Gammon, ~Irs. Stella Carlson, ~lrs. Mrs. Haruld Cox, Mrs. Doris Ors- the home_ of :Mrs. Forrest Sallee, ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. feeling too good. We all hope the .Josephine Washburn, Mrs. Florence born, Mrs. John Kuper, Mrs. Har- March 9 .. Roll call was answered Claude Ackerson, Thursday evening. spring weather will help cheer her. Parr, Mrs. John Kuper and the low Tuttk, Mrs. Teel O'Neill and with countries of the Bible. DevoMrs. Lee Nelson and son Andy hostess. Mrs. Walter Stanger and children lions were It-cl by Mrs. Robert Danwere visitors in Tacoma, Monday. Henry Washburn of Tacoma en- thc hostess. were guests at the home of her parSpanaway Fire department quickford. After the meeting, rcfrcshMrs. Walter Stanger entertained joyed Sunday dinner at the home ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Paully extinguished a brush fire on the ments were served by the hostess. Mrs. V. Ackerson, Mrs. Edward of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Renner. son. Ruth and Mrs. Frank Dworsky Jr. In honor of the birthday of his Military road last Wednesday aft- Those present were the Mesdames Louise Wiese visited at the home Sallee, C. Forbes, E. Williams, M. at luncheon on Friday. father and of Orner Roland Jr., Paul ernoon. Mrs. Jack Williams, sister-in-law Kallock, R. Danford, E. Davis, A. Friends and neighbors arc sorry of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lorenz, Sun"We lost that motor cap, .foe, and Nichols entertained with a birthday to hear Em Jupiter is confined to day. geat~;:,~ cur number !j' din'1f'r la.<t Sunday at his home in of Mrs. Paul Stranahan, visited with Berggren, S. Harris, W. Hanson, L. Mrs. Stranahan for a few days ·last Hunsburger, .J. Edie, Cronquist. her bed. Mrs. Ross Plumb, Mrs. B. Gil- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jovita. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. week. Mrs. Williams was accomMrs. Ray Funk was hostess to a strap and Mrs. Reardon took the 0n1f'r E. Roland, Bessie and Edward miscellaneous shower for 1v1rs. Ray Elk Plain L_ively Eleven girls and_ Roland, Clyde Nichols, the honored panied by her little son. Hanson at the home of Mrs. C. the Elk Flam Commando boys to Mrs. Sophie McCullough was a guests, Merle Nichols and Omer S. luncheon guest at the home of Mrs. Raynor. Present were the honored the +-H Rally at Midl~nd, SaturRoland. guest, Mrs. Franz Hanson, Mrs. clay, March 12. The girls gave a E. O'Neill last Wednesday. An1ong youngsters \d10 arc hav1 Kate Neimie, Mrs. D. Miles, Miss skit and sang a song. Helen ErickSpanaway Full Gospel church was ing a forced vacation fro111 school, The largest number of members Thelma Funk, Mrs. Norman Em- son accompa'1icd them on the piano.. the scene of a beautiful and impres-' attired in a gown of pastel . pink because l h c y ha v c mumps, are for the year attended the reg-ular Pry, Mrs. Lena Schicmer and son At the Elk Plain Grange hall I sivc ceremony, Saturday evening, satin. She carried a bouquet of car. monthly meeting- of Spanaway P-T A Bobby, Mrs. Chas. Lorenz and fam- Saturday night there will be '-a bene- when Miss Virginia Ann Smith nations. Miss Shirley Drewery and Huww White, Jerry McCullough on Wednesday eventing. The third ily, ]\1rs. Hysteset and Mrs. Katie fit dance sponsored by the Elk Plain daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norvill~ Mrs. James Snow, bridesmaids, car- and Dru' ~ochme. I Mrs. Alice Smith, Reporter and fourth ·grade mothers, assisted GR. 5475 Nelson.· From Tacoma were: Mrs. School club. Admission will be a Smith of Roy, became_ the bride of ricd nosegays of pink and white M.r.s: Alic~ B. ocl.unc, wh. o had b:cn · by teach-ers, Mrs. Opal Rosi"', l'vfiss Hazel Twedt and daughter, Mrs. donation. Jvfr. James Funkhouser, son of Mr. carnat10ns and wore gowns of pale a patient m _a Tacoma hospital Helen Walker, and Mrs. Francis and Mrs. J. C. Funkhouser of Ex- pink satin. Bonnie Smith was flow- w_here sh'.' 1·cccl\·L:cl treatm:·nt for n Mrs. A. A. Drath has been re- Jean Huber and N1iss Inez Arneson, · . d. s Th d bl er o-iri and little Jerrv Funkhouser I kicln<'v '"lmcnt, 1s much improved newing an old acquaintance with were hostesses. 1 oa , pan1nvay. c ou e b . • · ' .· Pat: Htwe you christened the new t ens1un Mrs. Rosella Kennedy from Seattle. . A very interesting program, which · .f .I b I brother of the aroom was rin" bear- and has returned home. nng ccrc1nony was per onnc<. y tie · . <:::> ' b ... .. . Laby yet? Rev. Stanley R. Weddle- before an er. Candle lighters, also dressed in Mrs. Erwrn Ward has recovered Mrs. Drath and Mrs. Kennedy mcluclecl a "March of Time" film Mike: We have. · fl O\VCTS pink satin and wearing corsan-i:s of from a bad casr' of tonsillitis and worked with each otllf'r in the tde- and a concert under the direction .all'ir _ ._ bcdecl·< ·, '\. ~c-l \\'l'ti' l spring . ' . .... . Pat: An' what cl id ye call it.,, carnat1011s, \WIT lkverly Burton and llu. phonc office in Seattle before Mrs. of George Barass, was enjoyed by and greenery. l\l ik1' c I laze L J. H. McCammon had the mis- Drath was married. all. An acconlian solo was given by Lee Lam'. Carnations decorated the The bride, given in marriage by candles. Pat: Shure an' with 22'.l saints to fortune· to hurt his back, pulling The community would like to Joanne Gagnon. Barass was comname it after you lw\'e to go and her father, wore a colonial style, loosr son1e tendons, whllP at \vork tl~ank Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tcffre plirnented on the splendid progress Sam C:risrn:rn was best man. James YOU HAUL-$1.50 yd. at Pit white slippn satin wedding g·own name it after a nut! \Vf't~k_ of 96th and Golden Givan. road for '.'~ has mad" with th_c schoo. l band. with long train. Her finger-tip veil Snow and Robert Ingrahm were Clover Creek will miss the Percy the cook stove they gave to be used . l he trophy, for havrng the largest -WE HAULwas caught to a coronet of orange ushers. Nfrn of the bridal party Cripps family, who moved to Cali- ;:it the Dawson fiddl;ouse. number of parents present, went to G-yard Load ......................$14.00 blossoms and she carried a bouquet \~ore boutonnicres of white carnafornia Inst week. They have leased People on the Larchmont bus line Dan Grcfthen's seventh grade class; 4 and 5-yard loads at $2.50 yd. tions. of whit<: carnations and pink rosetheir home and expL·ct to be g-one are happy that the busscs arc once which had 21 parents attending. 3-yard load .................... -..... $8.00 Mrs. Funkhouser, mother of the at least a year. buds. again running on McKinley avenue. Spanaway P-TA plans to sponsor PHONE-GRanitc 8511 1\-frs. Sadie Johnson is visiting- with Miss Shirley Smith, sister of the g-roorn, was attired in a blue afterAttending the Portland Eao·les a play, which will be presented bride, was maid of honor, and was noon gown while Mrs. Smith cho~c Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bolieu in vs. Tacoma Rockets hockey g·a~ c some time during- the month of Mav. ... , 1 .. , 'one of black. Each wore a gardema South Tacoma. last Saturday night, were: Lloyd (Watch for further announcements) . corsage. Taking the first and second de- Marvik, Buster Smith, Russell Wold The play is entitled, "Aaron Slick Daily Service to Parkland, Mr. Funkhousn graduated in '4-7 grees of the Grange last Thursday and Mr. Wold. JLa.bonre from Punkin Crick." It is a clean, Spanaway and Surrounding from Roy high school. The bride is were 1-vfr. and :tvfrs. Georg-c Bolieu. 1 rural comedy, showing how the old rt.luJ1 §ing Doane Peter Sallee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Territory a student at Yelm high school. Folformer got ahead of the city slicker. Eugene Fcitllcr of Puyallup was Forrest Sallee, eekbratccl his first T11le Lake Road lowing the wedding ceremony, a a week end visitor at the home of PICK-UP AND birthday with ice cream and a cake According lo the chairman of the reception was held at the Golding Ln rry and Charles Cox. Parkland GR 8077 with one candle, March 14-. Those cc-mmittec, the play will be even a """""' DELIVERY ..,.. J - - - - - - residence, Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Ward had sharing the cake, besides his par- better comedy than "Alibi Bill," last as their guests for dinner, Sunday ents, were: Grandparents, Mr. and year's P-TA play. c\·cning, l:Vfr. and Mrs. John Kuper Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. E. Zollman; ~Ionthly terms on all purchascsand sons, \Vessel Kuper and George aunts and uncles, Mr. and Mrs . Brookdalc Lurnber Co. (adv.) Charles Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen. --------------Visiting at the home of Mr. and Larson. Others were l\1rs. Sam HarMrs. Virgil Rod_ius last Sunday were ris and Barbara, Buddy and Billi Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kohanick of Jo Smith, Robert Larsen, Nancy for 'J';1COTll<l. Loveridge, Jimmy and Janet Lamb, ACCURATE Frank Reardon is clearing. several Georgie Rodenberger and his brothacres of land for L. 0. Johnson, to er, Steven. Prescription Service make pasture for his herd of whiteCongratulations to Ruth Virginia faced cattle. Elmquist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Gammon August Elmquist. She received her have been busy clearing land on nurse cap after completing her protheir property. bationary period of student nursing John Kuper has a good start Oii at St. J oscph' s hospital. the plowing of I 10 acres, on which Helping Hanel circle of the WomPacific Avenue and Airport Road he intends to plant peas for the en's Society of Christian Service of


In Sets and Open Stock


We Gladly Deliver




Double Ring Ceremony Unites Virginia Ann Smith and Mr. James Funkhouser I . , I

Largest Attendance A S TA t panavvay p. ; Play Planned in May








mA 4122

Interurban Auto Freight, Inc.







. I

Phone GR. 8519





Mrs. C. E. O'Neill was hostess at a luncheon for the executive board

Into every dog's life comes at least one sad, distressing day. This day often begins when a strange cat invades Fido's home grounds. Such an affront, of course, cannot be taken casually. Fido snaps bis leash and starts the brazen invader. A scrambling chase through back yards, across vacant lots, and down alleys then ensues. Several blocks later, with the cat succ_essfully treed, Fido faces tbe unhappy realization that be is in a foreign country, far from home and lost. Tbis is the time when a feller really needs a friend.

of the Clovc:r Creek P-TA, Wednesday, March 9, at her home on the Mahon road. Those present \vere: Mrs. Harry White, president; Mrs.


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6.A. 3366

Complete Line of Ignition Parts

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1 En1VICEH1ghest Quali~;


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GRanite 6455



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Fido is relying on his owner to be his friend and rescue him from his dilemma. His owner will be this "friend indeed" if he remembers the simplest solution to Fido's

"'''"~~ \ / }I

problem: the Want Ads. A brief notice in the Lost and Found column costs little, and chances are good that it will soon have Fido back home-"in the doghouse" but happy. The next time your pets (or valuables) stray from home, remember Fido's experience and telephone GR,,anitc 7100 to place your Want Ad.

·~:,I,~ ~\..,._ 1'1\j / II)~,.,~

•; ('



. • ~""""l



Call "The Voice of Parkland" at GRanite 7380





GR 7947






..· ' \

Louise and Bob Lynd will put your news ite1n on the

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Page Four


ll-FT. SECTIONS PICKET l'ENCJL ..........................each $4.50 4-I'T. POINTED PICKETS ............................................ cach .08 I ,A TTlCE ................................................................ per bundle 1.50 MATERIAL l•'OR 4-Vf. l'lCKET VENCE ............... per ft. .29 (This includes rails, pickets, posts and nails) CREOSOTE FOR POSTS.. ___________ per gallon .80


Mrs. Lois Johann, Reporter G Ranitc 5 738


PACIFIC AVE. LUMBEll CO. 84th and Pacific Avenue

GA. 3133

'fhc A1ncrican Legion I:is The following month,

Veterans News Continued from Page One 10. Fo;- further information call Mrs. Inna Long, GRanitc 8313. It pleases us to report that our two Bills-Bailey and Long-were both home "on pass' during the week end. You can't keep "good men" down. Wc are sorry to report that Cornradc John Lee is in one of the local ho"!Jitals with pneumonia. \Ve greet you, Johnnie, and wish you a speedy return to circulation. In closing we wish for our great organization, the American Legion, many happy returns of its birthday plus an even greater strength to . . . . achieve success rn its many praise. . . . 1 wort iy activities, as it presses on . and on to a greater Amen ca. \N'D POS'f NO · "0 I'Al'I'L "" t


E D' C I '· ixon, .ommam er l\Tcctings 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 8 p.m., Sunshine Hall, Tacoma Avenue, off Sales Road . The recent special meeting, open to the public, was rather successful despite the new snow and otherwise inclement weather. About 50 vrlcrans, widows of veterans, and other dependents learned much from the talk g·i,•rn by Mr Henry l\'Iar• • cum, chief contnct officer for the - "t ia - t-ion f '["1 coin,t · · \ ! c·t,. 11111115 ci:i_ns 1 'd "'area. Several persons who were eligible for sonic benefits were pleasantly



surpriscd as_ heretofore were not informed as to all their privilegcs under veterans laws. Mr. H. R. Kester, s,tatc_ service director for .~l\'IVETS, discussed vNerans bei:cf!ts as processed by a stale service office of a veterans organization.

a special

Harvard-Midland Pre-school will meet March 23 at B p.rn., in the basement of Harvard school, with Marie Payne presiding at the business meeting·. Main topic for discussion will be: the Rcitha Gcrhi Rr·nH', to be sponsored by the Preschool group at Midland school on March 25, at B p.m. Betty Webb is diainmm for thC' revue:. A report of the nominating committee will also be iTad. Midland Orthopedic guild is sponsoring a card party at Midland hall March 18, at 8 p.m. Pinochle and 500 will be played. Funds raised by this party will be used to finance the chest of linens which the guild has chosen for its project, and which will be sold at a la ler date. The committee in charge of the card party is: Nadine Sharpe, assisted by Beryl Tdfrc and Tutti Foster, l\1argaret

crncus met in Paris to which all branches of the A.E.F. were repres<.·ntcd. Nine Washingtonians also attended this caucus and among those still residing in Washington arc Walter B. Beals, associate justice, state suprcnw court; Dr. Oliver Austin of Aberdeen and Russell MilIcr of Seattle. Prior to tlw Pal'is caucus, Colonel Roose\Tlt had rctunJC·d to the United States to organize rcprcsentati\'eS from each state and arrange Corrigan in charge of gauw~ and for a caucus to be held in St. Louis, Corn Taylor in charge of refreshl\'fo., May, 1919. Such a caucus rncnts. Firc of unlmm~n ori_gin slart~d would assure representation for men . . . at the top of a stairway rn the marn not scrvrno- overseas. Jvimncapohs . . . , " ' hu1ldrng of the Jesse Dyslrn boys :Minnesota was selected as the site .. , . . , home, :March 12, causmg damage . . for the first nationnl Amencan Le. . . . . estimated by Fire Clm-f Dave Mc,,- 1011 convcntlon to convene on _ , _ _ .-,. . Pherson at about $10. 1hc boys had March 15, 1919. Jack Sullivan, the f;iT ll ! _ . t 10 _I I a _ . · • - · •. - - , . - - - • . . • · we con ,. · ' )y plOlll!lHnt Scattk .1ttmncy, was ScI ·inn· . t" unc ICJ ".· _ •1P , , .. , , . . r·.. . · , .·" . . P) 0 wa 'i anc cxtmgU>s 1ins, J} Ju.tea .is the nst n.lt10n.1l \ 1u. com- the time ti1 , l -I-- 0 f ti1 . I-I· . ,. 1r ! ' rue ,s cl . I· ·. ,u' ' c' ' man er at t i1s c01wcnt10n. :Midland and I archrnont depart"From this handful of men, the mcnt arriv;·d. " American Ler;ion has ·g-rown to the · f I L , Il 9 111ccllnr.~; ' 1-11c ,n'1arc o · t 1c a greatest veterans' organization in the l'I G 1 1 was' postpone·d · _ . _ _ '· , ' cur arc1en cu) world, with a _mcmbrrsh1p of over until lvfarch ~' clue to illnc·ss of 3,000,000 serncemcn and women, several of the mcrnbcTs. The club and posts nurnbning over 17,000," will rnc·ct at the home of Mrs. said ;-:on;_rnancler Emmett G. L'.'ni- Henry Bjorklund for one o'clock han of the Dr·parlnH·nt of Wa~lung- dessert luncheon, with a business ton. nwctin'" to follow. "In our statc of \V:1shii1gton, wc !'>O b "']\- '.as f t · \' I ·crman, a scrnor at: a,_ have m·r·r 57,000 memlx_rs and 230 ima high school, is Lhc unanimous j)OSls rnl'rnbcr · . .· · · Fa --'•· ch , ·. . . - is charo·ed , ~ choice of coaches and sports wntt·rs wllh tlH' responsibility of carrymg uf tlw League Cities northern diviout ti.le _JHognn;s nf_ our natio1;aI I sion of Ynkirna Valley's basketball orgamzat;on_ wluch__ rncludes. cluld leagi_>_e t_o play on th_i' a_ II-star sqi_iad c

Parkland, Washington, Thursday, March 17, 1949


ville Bombardier. Cleo Nelson and Marie Christensen, in charge of the evc-ning's program, presented as the rnain speaker, Jv[rs. Jack Johnson, who demonstrated flower arrangenwnt, flowers for shows and flower I judging. Mrs. Johnson m a cl e up eig·ht different arrangements for the members. Louise Petersen reported on highlights of the Capital district meeting at the.New Yorker, March J, which was attended by nine members of the Flower Box club. Forcing of flowFring shrubs was the main topic of thc meeting, March 9, with each membn showing a shrub she had worked on. Charlotte Schaeffer \Von thr dr:nving for the f'vr:ning. Hostesses were Beryl Teffre and Aileen Dawson.

Alice Dorfner, Reporter

Graham 458

I HIGHWAY BUS SERVICE SCHEDULE IS INCREASED Additional daily trips between Tacoma and Mountain ~ighway points nre now being mnde by the Marine Highway Bus company, much to the gratification of residents. of the area just beyond the Spanaway terminus of the Tacoma city line. The revised Marine Highway bus daily schedule-which will become effective Friday, March l B -follows: Lv. Tacuma-8:·15 a.m., 2 :00 p.111. and 5:00 p.rn. Lv. Loveland for Tacoma-7:25 a.m., 10:20 a.m. (r·xcept Sunday), l 2:25 p.m., 3:15 p.ui. (Suuday only) aud 8:05 p.m. Tacoma hound buses will reach Spanaway approximately 10 minutes later than times given for Lm.·dand. Fur.thcr_ inforrnati.on may be obtained by calling l\'IAin 7548.

At the second rne<'ling· of Midland Orthopedic guild, March 7 at Midland hall, Mrs. Don Kemp was elected president, nlong with the following officers: Mrs. Carl Taylor, vice-president; Mrs. George Turner, Friendly Dozen Birthday club met secretary; l\'frs. l\1 i kc Hanslc r, treasat the home of Mrs. Grace Splane for lunch. Members present were ui-ci · , . . d TT t 0 . T arpenl\1rs. l\.cmp appornted, tll 'o_-.- '·f lY. es arnes 1-"-an ·on, . . as chairnino· , E • B a 11 , M . P'll 1 A . "'I _ men to comm1ttces, the I s Jury, J.. an . the various . 0 ncry , F . Ell" G T , · p followmg ladies: Ways and nwans, is, . a1pcnn1ng, . . M .'lnn'n , I g, D . 0 n1a t· nn d E W oo I - Mrs. Rdbcrt Sharpe, Mrs. Hcnrv· house. Two members, Mrs. 0. Peter- Tdfr: and Mrs. Wm. Fos'.cr; mcmson and Mrs. c. Shultz, were ab- bcrsh1p, Mrs. George Lmd; tclcscnt due to illness. phone, Mrs. Vincent Drcis; volunl\fr. and Mrs. B. L. Kuper and teer chairman, Mrs. Clay Roley; sons, Bobby and Kenny, had dinner i hostess, Jv[rs. Gunnar lldd; scrapF_'riday evening at t_h_ e I_iome of Mr./ book, Mrs. Alex Hml_)y; memorial and Mrs. L. T. Greenlaw. cards, Mrs. R. W. Ellison; by-laws, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Dorfncr had Mrs. Nels Johnson, Mrs. Victor Eshdinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. peter and Mrs. Frank Johnson; pubFrank Talley, in Spanaway, Satur- licity, Mrs. Clarence Johann. day evening. A,t table:_ decorated in. a St. ~atl'vlrs. Clarenc·e Harmer is visiting nck s mot>f and featuring spnngwith :'\1rs. Lillian Sherman for ; flowers, luncl:eon was served to the few clays. She is from Alberta, Can- more than sixty members present. ada. Hostesses for the _clay were the l'vfrsMr. and JVlrs. Alfred Goddard had I dames George Lrnd, Doug Morns, s_ unda.y dinner at the home of ]Vfr_ Victor Esh peter, Alex Huseby, Roy and Mrs. C. Young, in Puyallup. Taylor, 11ncl Clarence Johann. Fourth in the series of card parties has been changed from Thursday, March 17, to Friday,. March 18, due to conflicting Grange work

-1 •

First meeting of the newly appointed Dnwson playficld committee was held following the regular meeting of the Harvard Improvement club, l\'forch 9. The members of the committee from the Midland club were invited to assist the Harvard club in celebrating the opening of the newly-decorated fieldhouse at D~nvson and \Vere served a delicious spaghetti dinner. Mrs. Charlotte )VfcClatchey was elected chairman, Mrs. Lois Johann, secretary, ! M. Cl1 . R ] · -- ;:me 1. ct o )rnson, t1easme1. 'f'l ·I -· · d S J W . 1<' c 1ainnan appornte pat art.1 I _ d 1-·I· -0 Id 01 t d. n )C an ai son rnw up f · . f . f l n set o npporntments 01 use o · t 1e f; ·ldh -c M .. Oli ,. II -t - is to "· uuo · ' '" \C ''° ~u • ha\'C char••-c· of the a1)1Jomtmcnt 0 • book. It was also decided that Jani. . . . tor service l' to be rnamt·uned by · _ · " .• ' _ . ~he person or group usrng the buildmg. . . Midland Birthday club met March . _ . . . _ _ 10 at the home of Ila Cook. 1 here was no birthday to be celebrated hut tlw members planned ~ party for tlwi,r husbands, to l~c given on Mar'.-!'._ 2G '_'t the Don h.cmp home. A Ylsitor for the day was Helen Prosch of Elma, Wash., sister-in. • law of Juiw I\.rcshak of Puyallup, who was . also . . JJrcscnt. Other . . .--. mcmbe-rs attcndrng were: Bcr~1c_c l urm:r, Hein~ Haclclun, Ruth ~illwms, Lillie C:unp'.)dl, 1 I\.emp, Vera

WISCONSIN SlJPPER Monthly potluck supper of thr Wisconsin club will take place Sund:1y, March 20, in the basement of Odd Fellows' temple', Sixth and Fawcett streets, Tacoma.



Elk Plain Fire Department held a fire drill Sunday, March 13, at the Elk Plain fire station from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Instruction was giv. . - . en by Assistant Chief Dillingham . . . · rn the opcratwn of fire pumps and use of fog play pipes. Also, hose stowing methods w c re discussc-d while· restowinohose on the- fire· ,':) trucl· · '· l\frs. Nick Ocldcn entertained at cards to a group of ladies, in her home on the afternoon of March 9. Those present were thr Mesdames Dorothea Rich, _Dorothy Ockfen, ·Marie Anderson, Leona Smith, Olive Tibbitts Eill'rn Kanton Edith Shep., , ' ' . hcrd and thl' hostess. The highlight • t 0 f ti 1c d. ft" ct noon \VrlS- tilC inoincn when Mrs. Tibbitts found 1000 ap:s in her hand. Mrs. Tibbitts won first prize and Dorothy Rich, the



wclf_ai·-c; Jll~rnor .basdiall_, boys st'.lle, rehabihtal.lon ancl nunwrous sn\'lecs to the lurnl co1Hm11nity," Lenihan concluded.

Mrs. Don Kemp Is First President Of ll!Jidland Guild

i_n_ tI_ia.t . cit)_'· E_ ightcl'n yc·ars old_,_. Joh non, Cora 1 aylo.r and th-c ho- consolation prize. A ltwely lunch six fret, fi,'l· inches tall and weigh- tcss. w;1s scn-ed by the hostess. ing l 8'1· pounds, Bob is a son of 'the~ Five hundred eighty-four residents --fonncr Mrs. Alyce Bjornsen of Mid-, of I-Iarva:·d and Midland tun~ecl out LOVELA,N~ 4-H NEWS _ --·:-:--; . , , " _ land. He is playing his second year I to vote m the school clectJon _on ~~Edith Cosby _ RODGI~R LlJNDI~ l OS1 NO .. 10:>2 as eentn on the varsity team. E:ist-, March 5, to help assure a !ugh J\frs. D1llmgham and 12 LoveVeterans of Forcir;n Wars crn Washins-ton Collc·ge of Educa-1 school for Fr:mklin Pierce district. land 4-Hers attcnckd the Rally Day

. and princess to nde on the +-H float .ll1 the Dafiodil - - parade. Followrng . _ . the election, each dub presented a . . . skit. Takmg parts m the Loveland club's skit were David Rich, l'vfickey Farren and Roland Greo-oIt was 'bb· called "A Ghss in Time" Those · '· · · from the Loveland 4--H who attended wen': Bubby Kuper, David Rich, ~vfarlenc Ettlin, Barbara Burrington, Jae]; Uckfrn, Bruce Healy, Donald Burrington, Mickey and Jimmy Farren, Eddy Williamson, Rohnd Greo·g· ·ind D·tll' Tibbitts , "" . , - .. Elainl' Barker w;is a ,·isitor from 1'·i(''>ii ·1 ' '"' 1,,,,

Per Word __ _ Minimum

Call GRanite 7100


Lyman Redford, owner. Septic tanks pumRcd, contents hauled away. GA. ,,.j.4.G or GA. 9794 · t fc -----_-.- - - - - - - - - - LOST-Chi 1d's eve..-Jasses bad 1 y needed, Sunday- e~cnin~ in Parkland Tlwatrc or vicinity. Enclosed in white and gold case. Call GR. 6-1-66. 2B_c SI',\ NA \'VAY Lll MB ER CO. !\cttcr Luml,cr for Le~s. Roofing-, l_ lanlware and Pamts .• We rent lloor sanders. GE 823~. SJ~PTIC 1"'ANKS--CiEANED con' tc'nts hnuled a'vay. Don Redford, ** * _ GA. 7334-. tfc l\frs. Lloyd Dillinglwrn, leader. of WANTED-;-Rdiablc won~ an for LU\l'lancl 1-II, conducted the iegnb?by s1t~rng; transportatwn fur-




lar monthly meeting of the club at rnshed. 1 hon- c GR. 6._79- 8. - 28c her home, lhursclay, March 10. RAY GOG!\N - JACI\. BARRETT Mrs. P,rnl Thiel was present and Gem:~·al landscap'.Hg, pruuiJJg and assisted . • , . _ . Sj~ray'.ng,__rockcnes, rock walls, Helen I hu·l, Marlene Ettlm and I le nccs, tiacto,', woil.. Jack Ockfen demonstrated methods. GR. 88-1-~ l crms BR. G982 1 of judging \'egctabks for tlw i;1- FOR SALE-~Vhite enarnPl wood



Mr. I'. E. Dixon,_ an AMVETS Meets every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. t.ion .has offered him ·a-· schol.:nship Many of th.r·_ voters co-rnnwndcd the at. Midland Con.nnunity hall struction .oi_· all -prPsc·nt. P- c·tc \Vilstate scn·icc officer (and member in the Sunshine Hall and the same SjJorts writers have committee on the service of the day, :March 12. Following a busy liamson was admitted as a 11cw rncmof Parkland Post) talked on local post service officers' duties in relation to assisting local veterans, families, and dependents in obtaining proper benefits. A regular business meeting followed the special program.

Mr. F. E. Dixon, "our" member,

Rodger Lunde Post held its annual election of officers at a special meeting Tuesday, March 7. The following- eomr11des were elected to guide tlw Pust thrm.~,gh tlw year: Conmwnd<'r, John W. Johnson, Jr.; senior vice eomrn:rndcr, Waller Larson; junior vice comrnander, Don Ward; q1rnrtcnn;istcr, Troy Nighswonger; surgeon, llan·cy Bunny; post advocate, Gus Clemans; chaplain, Albn Stevens: trustees, Clinton - Wilder, Harold Salveson and Guy Str«·lc. Tlw Pnst and its Auxiliary will held an open inst:illation in the Parkland school auditorium, lvfonclay, April 1 l, at 8 p.m. Past Commandci· Guy Steele will hr the installing officer for the post. Third District President Crace Bodh'1ine will be the inst:1lling officer for thr Auxiliary. The public is cordially invited to ;ittend. Rdreshn1enls will be served. Rodger Lund" Pcist ;rnrl Sam Brough Post, of the Mount Rainier Ordnance depot, have combined to hold Saturday night bingo parties in the American Lake Cardrns gym. These games ha\'e pro\'ecl very popular and have helped both Posts fin:rncially. If you want to ha,·« a

att_e_nded • a• - n-1eetin-g of T_ac011ia off1c1als and Army personnel • _ as rcprescntallve ol the State Commancler of AMVETS, to assist in arranging the "Anny Day" parade

o·ood time c·ouu·· un out. Lunch is ·":I · · sr·rvr,d cv<'r"1 Sat 11 nlay niP·ht. · ,, Rodger Lunde Auxiliary rccTntly prescntc·d :1 Philco 1·ight-tullf' AMFM radio to the Orting Soldiers'




A fund has been "frozen" 111 our budget for a "cup" for a tennis tournament w h e n the memorial playground gets in full operation. "){- ·:t-

Our night" March Public

monthly "veterans welfare will be held on Thursday, 24-. Games and fun for all. welcome.




Your local AMVET Post operated the Tacoma "Mile of Dimes" table for one Saturday. Despite freezing, windy weather, it was a huge sue~ eess, which again proves that "Parkland" gets there "fustcst with the mos test." -x- * ,_ At the last meeting of Parkland Post 3, AlvIVETS, it was unanimously decided to back the "Parkland Daffodil Float," both financially and physically. -x- x- _,_


chosen him number one c-ollcge prospeel of the year. Mrs. Andrew Christensen entertai1wd ht·r granddaughter, Georgia Cr·nmwll, and several of hn friends :it a party lvbrdt !'.!, to honor her sixth birthd:iy. Those attending were: l\frs. Don D a r g an (Alice Lichty) ;rnd ht'>' chi!drl'n, Kathleen and Dc·nnis, of Thrift; l\1rs, Francis Hushck nnd i'vf a r y, Francis and Charles: Mrs. William Stevens :me! Laura lvfaric, l\'frs. Andrew Christcns<'n Jr. and Richard :rnd Ronni<', Mrs. Roy Christensen and Carl:i, Bonnie Lt•e and Joyce, Valc·ria Bofnbardic·r, Nancy lfansler and C:corgia <md her motlwrs, l\frs. Georgi· Ccmrnf'IL First meeting of the cornmittce pl:rnninr~ the styli' show, to lw prcscntr·d by the T-Ln'\'ard-Midl:rnd !'-TA, April I, undr•r the title'. "April Fnulishnc·ss," w:is calll'd :1t the home of Mrs. Victor EshpC'!er, 1vfarch 10. Mrs. Eshpcter :rnd Mrs. Howard McF:1rlancl arc co-chairn1an for the affair. Chairmen of the various subcmnmittc1·s an· the l\1esclames: Floyd Ayers, programs; Ch;1rlottc McCbtdwy, postr•rs; Da\'id McPhcrson, tickets; Mike llansler, dccorations; Fred Rousseau, prizes: Clar-

Don't Throw Away Those Shoes



Hours: B-G

Frank Gural

Ask about our house plan serv>ee -Brookdale Lumber Co. (adv.)



sou_ncl car cinploycd to rcmmd the forenoo~, the after.noon was fcatt;rcd ! ~CL Rer,rcshmcnts were !J~:on.dccl by residents to vote. The merchants of by decllon of a krng, queen, prince Edith Cosby and Dale l 1bb1tts. thC' district made it possible to hire I the _car. Spalt Wartenbc, president of the Midland Improvement club, :rnd Harold Olson, president of the Harvard lrnprmTnwnt dub, thank the following for assisting voters to the polls: Mrs. Stanley Lipke, Mrs. vVilliam Shanahan, Mrs. Mike Hansler, lvfrs. Victor EshpC'tn, Mr. and Mrs. Noel Bain, Roy Taylor, Lewis lvfrArtor, Clarence Johann, and members of the Senior Girls 4-H club. Mrs. Clarence Johann, clerk of the election board, also thanks Nellie Taylor, Bernice Turner, Cleo D:1vis, Cl:ira Palnwticr and Verna Weeks for their donated assistance in countin_g tlw b~illots.

i:ange,_ $25; smk,

$-·~-; b.a-by stroller,

_ !.!-loot rowbmt with

~·?; Dormcycr lvhxmaster,_ $19;

clcctnc motor or will sell separately. Phone GRanite 8200. 28c

Get White Clotbes


Funeral services for Mareno J acobsr·n, 'i-6, of Rt. '1·, Box +28, Midland, who died March 11 in a Scattk hospital, were held at 3 p.rn. from thr· C. 0. Lynn chapel on March 15, with burial in Tacoma cc·mctcTy. A native of Norway, Mr. Jacohsrn came directly to Tacoma enc« •Jo_ hann, _P_ub.licity; •Jack Co_urt_-,," . • L) years ago and was a . sa 1inon .an d ney, senior models; Harry Bcshler, f' ·B h • • • tuna is 11nrnan. J-k attendcc1 et e 1 3unior girl mode-ls, and Mr. Robert i\ssernbly church. Surviving arc his Clinton, junior boy models. The widow, Hanna; two sons, Harold Licht connnittcc wiil have tickets and Robert, both of Tacoma; a n·ac_I_y for_ distrib_1.1t-ion. by. lV·f.arch IG_. brother, two sisters . . mother , . ;rnd his 1 he ·styles will be furmshcd by the . N , in lrorway. J. C. Penney Co. of 1 acoma and 1 Larchmont Furriers. flower Box Garden clnb met on March 9 in its club rooms in the LEGAL PUBLICATION basement of the- hmnc of Mrs. Or-

and . progrm_n early_ in .Ap1.·il. This Horne. The lVfrsd:1mes Ralph Rawwill be a very worthwhile event, so Icy vValti·r Larson Don Ward and . - ' .,, ' watch your paper for full details. Troy Nighswonrier made the pre~- ~- * sentation and also clistriln1tl'C! magaAll veterans of World War II zincs to the vcterans there. and _families arc wdc~rnc to_ our Mcsdarnes Walter Lai·sun, Don meetrngs. Phone GRarntc !HB(J for Ward, (;uy St<-clc, RobC'rt Gillispie, details. Ray Mangc·s, Winifred Schwab, ·» _,_ ·* John W. Johnson and Troy Nighs-1 Ray C. Roberts Auxiliary for blood WE I'OlJGHT TOGETHER wo-·ngc·r attended a 'I.'hird _district donors. Anyone wishing to g_·· iv c LET'S BUILD TOGETHER! meeting at Elias J. M1·ssinger Aux- blood to be used for ,·ctcrans and iliary recently. Mrs. Gillispie is tlH'ir families may make ;rn appointLEGION ANNIVERSARY Third district •;uard and Mrs. Einar ment with the blood bank, at 728 Y" March 15 marked the Thirtieth Thorsen is Third district historian. St. Helens Avenue. This is for a Anniversary of the birth of The l\1rs. Don Ward n'eently gave a very worthy cause and it gives you Arncrican Legion. It was on Feb- card p;irty in lwr lwnw, for the a good feeling to think you have ruary 15, 1919 that the late Colonel benefit of the auxiliary. Jt is rcport- done something that may aid in Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., invited 20 cd that C\'eryone had a very good s~n·ing another person's life. Jvfrs. officers of the American Anny to time and is looking forward to more John W. Johnson started the ball meet with him in Paris, France, tD I parties like this; also to snnw eve- rnlling for the auxiliary and it is 1 discuss plans for the formation of a 1 ning card p:irties. hoped that others will follow soon veterans organization, no\v kno,.vn 1 An 3.,ppeal \V:ls recently issued by The auxiliary will hold its annual election of officers Tuesday night, March 15, and the list of those elected will be published in the next issue of the Prairie l'ointer. l'vfcrnbers of the Post are seriously talking about a building lo lw erected on the property tlw Post owns on Airport road. It will ta kl' can rebuild them quickly . . . at 1mces a lot of hard work un the p:irt of that wi({ suit you the members, but it will be a project . that shoulcl give. each one who takr's REST OF MATERIAL - NEWEST OJI EQlJIPMEN1 part in it satisf:iction. 9llth and l'ortlaud Ave.

............. 03 ..................... 50





Patronize Your Advertisers


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN >hat the Board of County Commissioners of Pierce County, \\lashington, believes it to be to dw best interests of Pirrcc County and the people thereof 1 and it is their intention. to sell the fullowing described personal propPrty (road equipment), to wit: District No.· 1 I Chevrolet Sedan Dclivcrv I Ca:wline Shovel ' District. No. 2 2 19'.H :tvlack Jr. Dump Truck l SperrwPll Scarifier l J:w~~t·r Bi1uminous 1vlixc1 1 :\iodcl 511 \\lhik Dump Truck I Su~;i111 Donl(ey Em~inc District No. ;3

:\m;tin 1~-ft. Pull Gradei Rns-;ell 12-ft. Supcl' ]\.fogul Scarifit~1· C)2-1- Ct'dar Rapids Cntslicr and Cunveyors Simons 2-ft. Cone Unit J Iesse-Erstl~d Gas Donkey Dislrict. No. ~ and No. '.) Gallion (Internutionnl 10-:..!()) 10-ft. Gnuler ' (;alliou ( Fordson) 5-ton Roller Killifcr Ripper Kot>1·ing 10i5 Cemenj l\-Iixc1 (J Spreader Boxes I Fordso11 Rolary Broom





Look at tlrese mM:es-! (WyLwW.mat has iMml




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INSTALLS ANYWHERE! No bolting to the Floor ••• No Vib~afion!.

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NOTICE JS FURTHER GlVEN that !he Board of County Connnissioncrs will 1neet on l\.JonJay, the 21si day of :rvfarch, 1949, at the hour of ten o'clock A.1'1. at thcit .. rr:.... :.. .1,,. f"'.->~ ... 1 t-T .. ., .. " .,, •r .. ~ ...., .. - - - - . . . _ . . _ ' l l ! B l f l l t n l ... -~ \.y·;~-; 1'1 i !\.~-ion:., ~·to ~-·i~ ~:;\;. :1~~~j'.'"c1c f~;rmi t~~A"ij~~~ alh'isahility of making such sal1~, and any taxpayt•r i11 the County either in person HOTH. AND PACIFIC GR. or l)y co1111sel, ~1-hall have the ri~ht to be he~ird for or :i~aiw:t. ~uch proposition. Dah·d, 1his lst day of !vlarch, 1949. HALF YEAR MORE TO PAY - WITH ONLY 15% DOWN -- LIBERAL TRADE-IN JAC:K W. SONNTAG County Auditor and -Clerk of the TUNE IN TED MALONE ... every morning, Monday through Friday ••• ABC Network Board of County Commissioners By 1-L Leif, dep111y. l'uh. March Ill, 17. 1H di'W1¥ii8*&¥"'!##& WM Bm J'iZUZJ ~. ·~



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