Prairie pointer v 4 no 15 dec 16, 1948

Page 1

}';ic'iic Lullieran Co!lc;,;e J .ilnary .. _: ·-· __ .xx





PARKLAND POST NO. 228 Boy Christmas Seals AMERICAN LEGION VOL 4, NO. 15 Meetings every second and fourth 4 ~"4r~fl~Pu PARKLAND, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER lG, 1948 Office: Park Avenue and Wheeler St., Parkland Friday at 8:00 p.m. in the Sunshine Hall 1 Next Monday night will sec Sunshine hall rcplendcnt in Yuletide decorations and much cheer and holiday felicitations being handed Friday of next week, December A. Christmas party to be given out by the many members of the 24·, will be the first day of the Two Christmas concerts by Pahy the Parkland Firemen's AuxPost and Auxiliary that , will be Christmas vacation in Parkland Fraser, principal, have announced iliai·y the afternoo~ of December gathered therein. For on that date, cific Lutheran College music organ- school, Supt. Morris E. Ford has ELECTION scHEDULED that the annual Christmas party and 19 will be for children of firernen December 20, there will be in full izations will be broadcast over KMO announced. Pupils will return to • AT JANUARY BANQUET program at the school will be Deonly. The Auxiliary regrets that swing the first annual Christmas next week. V\ledncsday evening, De- school on Monday, Janhary 3. WITH FIREMEN GUESTS cember 22, this year. Festivities will it cannot include ~II children of party of Parkland Post No. 228 and cember 22, at 7:30 the "Choir of the Walter E. Young, Parkland gift begin in the afternoon, with a movthe community in1 the party as its Auxiliary. The ladies of the Aux- West" will appear on Campus Theshop ~p.erato:·, has been ~amed to W. W. (Woo~y) Cline st~nds uning picture and treat, with an exwas stated in a ;story in last iliary ha vc been working for quite ater program. The entire producth: .P1e1cc County Plannmg C?mopposed to contmue as president of change of gifts among the children tion :-vas planned and produced by week's Prairie Poipter, but the a while on the preparations for this nnss10n, to serve out the unexpucd l p I I d C · Cl b f 1 of the higher grades. students under the sup<'rvision of Fire Hall is not large enough to t le an an omrnurnty u , o event and arc in complete charge term of George T. Hagen of Eaton- 1 . . . The first grade classes, under the accommodate morel than the chilof the entire evening from begin- Prof. Theo. Karl. direction of Mrs: Elsie Pease and ville, resigned. Young will seive un- lowmg withdrawal this week by H. dren of the firemen'. F r i clay evening, December 24· ning to end. Every member and his · E. Mobley, who was named by the A dek-gation of seven members Mrs. Ila Green, will pi·esent the ti! June 30, 1951. Another Christn~as project bewife is invited as well as the chi!- (Christmas Eve), at 9:30, a tran- from the Harvard and Midland ImYoung was notified by letter of special nominating committee to "Bib Parade." Second, third and ing carried out by the local Firedrcn in the family-in fact, those scription of the Christmas concert provement Clubs attended the biDecember 3 that he had been chosen fourth grades will t'ach give an enrun against Cline. In announcing men's Auxiliary is preparation of the younger genera,tion are to be given on the campus Sunday will be monthly meeting of the Metropolitertainment feature. The higher for the post at the November 29 his withdrawal, Mobley released this and distribution of Christmas broadcast. The program will last tan Park Board at the Tacoma City honored guests of the evening. grades, fifth to eighth, will present meeting of the county commissionbaskets to needy fa~1ilies. It is to statement: Beginning the evening will be a until 11 p.m. Prof. Karl gives the Hall Annex, December 13, to petia play entitled, "A Drop-in Christ- e1·s. The planning commission is a further this project that the Busigigantic ham dfoner, to be served commentary on the broadcast. The tion the board to make usable the group with wide responsibilities and "I am deeply honored at having mas," which has beFn directed by ness Club voted a contribution of without cost to anyone-except the same progranf will be broadcast over field house at Dawson Playfield. Young's selection is a signal distinc- received nomination of the Parkland Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Crippen. The $15. The Auxiliary is appealing treasury. Next on the agenda will WCAL, Northfield, Minnesota, on This building; built by WPA, is tion for Parkland community talent has b een se.lected fron; each · Community Club for consideration to local residents for repairable be an exchange of gifts that every- Tuesday, December 21, at 9:30 a.m. 24x40 and in good condition. grade. The cast mcludes: Warren toys which may be refurbished as its president, but I feel it would one will bring-gifts of nominal Harold Olson, spokesman for the Symmons, Charlotte Gibbons, Janet to bring joy to children of needy \'alue, 50c being the top expendi-1 Choir and chorus nwmbers living two clubs, stated that the Harvard be an injustice to the club and the Mattson, Gordon Haagen, Beverly / families when included in the ture required-and for the benefit in Tacoma and vicinity will sing Improvement Club, Teen-age groups community if I were to accept and Parlakoski, Carole S":enson, Joa:i baskets. Mrs. Haley Peterson, of the younger gentry present, Santa Christmas music Monday evening and Boy Scouts are in need of a Harper, Ba r b a r a Cook, Denrns The Mothers Club of Tnrnty Lu- subsequently be elected because I GR. 8833, will accept toy conClaus has promised to be in attend- at 6:30 under the huge Christmas meeting place and that with a new Reeves, Connie W i Ison, Beverly theran Church met at 3 o'clock Fri- do not have the time available to tributions. a~~e to see that each one is the re-1 tree in Br~adway Square, 9th and heating system, floors resurfaced and Smith,, Mary BirkI day aftt'rnoon, December 10, in the properly discharge the duties of the c1p1ent of a token of the evening. Broadway, m Tacoma. walls sealed against the weather, hofer, Margie Storlie, Louise Spry, I church parlors. Twenty mothers and office. I thank the club and nomEntertainment is being lined up to this building would meet the reLois Hill, David Smith, Paul Schroe- 1 36 children, 5 years old and under, follow and after that a session of Crosstown rivalry in basketball quirements of all these groups. The inating committee and hereby anIder, Chester Turney, Jack Splane 'witnessed a dramatization of Chriscommunity singing of Christmas gets underway Thursday night in Park Board seemed very favorable 1 . • nounce that I will not be a candiand Robert Slater. mas preparat10ns m the home. . ,, carols will polish off the evening. Memorial . gy~1~asium, Parkland, toward the requests of the two clubs Nl'w fire cl11ef for Parkland is Th e sc h oo1 b an d , un d er d'irectlon . M rs. E rnest B . S teen an d "f date for the .office. w rs. To make sure that there are suffi-: when the Pacific Lutheran Glad- and Dr. Nace, a member of the Lams Duffy. Chief Duffy was named f M B . c h'ld Other officer nominees . o r. arras, w1.11 prov1'd e t h e mu- R oI) r f t J oh nson an d t h e1r 1 ren . presented . cient gifts to go around, it is em- ! iators meet the College of . Puget board, is to meet with Olson to Mon. day evenmg at the regular . B d . f h GI Cl b t k t Th . f to the dub by. the nommatmg com1 o car: . sic. oys an g1r 1 s o t e ee . u oo · par . e1r portraya . . 1 phasized that everyone who comes' Sound Loggets at 8 p.m. This is examine the building and decide meetmg of the Parkland Volunteer . Ch nstmas . C aro s. V oca o 11 1ng, . . f or t h e S un d ay m1ttee at the regular December . w1 11 sing prac t'1c1ng . 1 1 brings a gift for himself and every the first in a four game series for what needs to be done. b d b Fire Department, to replace Eldon b . S h I Ch . t f d' meetmg, December 9, are: , . . num ers w1 11 a1so e rendere y c oo ns mas program, ee mg . . member of his party, young and the city championship. There will be Atten.ding the meeting alona with Cook, resigned. Cook was gwen a h "N d s· ,, d I th b' cl t k' b k t f f d t V1ce-pres1dent, Lawrence Hulten' " . . . t e onettes an ixtettes, un er , e 1r s, a mg a as e o oo o old. All gifts will be put under the a preliminary game between the Olson were the Mesdames Olive great hand by the .firemen for his d1rect10n . . El s1e . P ease. . gren and Robert Haner; secretary, ' . of "f n rs. a ne1g hb oi,. an d rea d'mg th e Ch nst. tree and then distributed. Everyone j Lute and Loggers frosh teams be- Huston Ervi.n Smith Stella Olson fme work as past chief. Th h' h f h . . . G I h . d Mrs. Dorothy Goodrich and Mrs. ' ' ' . e 1g spot o t e evenmg w1 11 mas ospe , was muc enioye . . . . . can come to this party because there I ginning at 6:15. Ruth Eshpeter Glenn Alstead and The annual election of depart- b h f S Cl Wh'l M H . Id L t Id Virgima Ellmgson;· treasurer, M. , . ' . e t e appearance o anta aus, I e rs. a10 eraas o . is no baby-sitter problem-you bring Lois Johann. ment officers brought out these re- who will . d1stn . 'b ute i'fts and oo d'1es th e Ch.· . · us t mas s t ory t o t h e c h'ld 1 ren, Stauffacher and E. W. Beitz; pubChpstmas vacation at the college suits: President of Parkland Volun- · . g g . licity director W. K. Clark. Other the baby with you! · F 'd f D b . . . among the children the mothers had a short busmess ' b e. gms 'n ay a ternoon, ec. em et teer Fire Department Robert · . f nominations will be in order from ·I S S . · ' meetmg, and ormally became an CLOVER CREEK POST NO. 118 24, and the students w1l return to ~ Haner; vice-president, Lee Smith; . t' M R b Ol the floor preceding the election at t orgamza 10n. rs. o ert sen was ~MERICAN LEGION classes Monday, January 3. 1 S s~cretary a~d t:ea~urer, Mor. r is C 00 elected president and Mrs. Roland the regular January meeting. Meetmgs every second and fourth . --The physical guidance program Ford; h1stonan, Erme Skance; direcYtreeide, secretary. The dub members present voted 0 Friday at 8:00 p.m. in the The sixth annual Tacoma Ath- for younger boys which has been tor, for three-year term, Gay Kagethat the election be held at the anSpanaway School letic Commission high school "Hoop- meeting with notable success here !er. This evening (December 16) the • nual banquet, which will be held In the absence of Commander Go-Round" will be held Friday and under direction of the Parkland The firemen plan to install a regular December Parkland P-TA January 13. Members of the ParkWilliam Lee Bailey, who is still Satu.rday evenings, Dece~1ber 17 and P-TA recreation committee is 'to be lighted Christmas tree on the roof meeting will be replaced by a Christland Volunteer Fire Department will watching "the world go by" from lB, m the PLC gymnasmrn. enlarged to include fathers of the of the Fire Hall. On the committee mas party at the school, with teach. u be invited as honored guests at the the windows of his oxygen tent, Three Tacoma schools, Stadium, boys. Next Tuesday evening in the in "harge of selecting and decorat- ers of the elementary grades and Chff .C?Ison, former athletic coach banquet. A banquet committee is to Clover Creek Post No. I lB was ably Lincoln and Bellarmine, will join Parkland school gym will inaugur- ing the tree are firemen Jimmie kindergarten presenting their pupils at Pacific ~utheran College, was be announced by President Cline. pre~ided _;:)Ver on December 10 by I Clover Park ~nd. Sumner of the ate a series of "Lads and Dads" Brown and Carl Ellingson. in the annual Christmascc pr?gram. elcct;d President of .the Pa;kland Mobley, as~ representative of thP Semor \-ice Commander Jens Jen- 1 Puget Sound circuit ·and Roy, Eat- nights. All members of the coi:nmumty are ~~n s Golf Club at its .elect10n of Parkland Busmess Club, urged the sen, who conducted the session in 1 onville and Fife of the Pierce CounThe lads will have the gym from invited to the program, which be- officers' recently. :1fe will ~ucceed support of the Community Club in the best prescribed manner. ty league for this traditional affair. 6:30 to 8:30 o'clock each Tuesday • • gins at 8 o'clock. Carl Coltom, president dunng the petitioning for a mounted carrier Acting Commander Jensen reevening, and the dads from 8:30 to past year. P~ul. Lar~on, ii:structor mail route in Parkland. A co;,mitminded every member taht Christ10·30 Basketball tumbling and t at Parkland JUlllor !ugh, will serve tee to work with the business group 1 . to be named by mas IS just around the corner and weight hftmg are among the events . · as vice presi'd ent. on the matter 1s the Legion progran;: ''.Gifts fo.r Hosin order, as well as c:alisthcnics. " s,~nda: cvc~mg,. D~c:mbcr 19, a~ Members of the club play at the Cline. . . pitalizrd Vetern~s, IS dra~mg to • The first four scss10ns of the gym ~ ~doc!,: the mtcimc.di.atc and sen • c.ollege Golf. Couise, PLC-owned i Bu'rt. McMurtnc, Tacoma Times a close. "In fact,, he said, we .are program have seen a total of 4·28 101 dcpa1 tmcnts of !nmty Luthera.n mne .hole comse open to the general, columrnst, was guest speaker at the collecting and boxing gifts which "Christmas is just a few days young boys enthusiastically turn out Sunday School will !~r~s~nt th~Ir Christmas Seal purchases for the publi.c as well as college students. December meeting. He expressed his (Continued on Page Four) j away and The American Legion -an average of 107 at each ses- Christmas program, Livmg Pie- 42nd Annual Seal Sale in Pierce .Wmners of recent tournaments, as personal disappointment at the acprogram, "Gifts for Hospitalized sion. The volunteer instructor staff tu res," in the PLC Student Union County conducted by the Tubercu- announced at .the meeting,. are as tion of Tacoma voters in not apVeterans," is drawing close to the is now increased to 12, with the building. Iasis Le ague of Pierce County follows: proving the various projects for deadline," Commander Severn Kit- addition of Neill Gaiser at the last Statue-like characters will bring amounted to $20,628.13 at the end Turkey Eclectic: low gross, Paul community development that were telson of l'ost No. 228, said. "We meeting. Boys taking part are vol- ~o life seve~ famous :acred paint- of three weeks' sales, according to Larson; low n~t, Carl Coltom, first; on the. ballot. He linked the negaNomination :>nd. election of offi- arc in the final stages of collecting untarily contributing five cents at mgs that will progressively tell the an announcement made this week Paul Charneski, second; Lyle Greer, tive vote to the general lack of procer~ for .the commg year was the and boxing these gifts which will each session to pay for more equip- Christmas story. Each of the char- by Mrs. J. W. Kalkus, county Seal third. . gressive spirit which he said is very m~m busmess before the body of t~e bring happiness to over three thous- ment and it is hoped that the dads acters will be clothed like the orig- Sale chairman. The returns in ParkNine-hole medal, December 11- apparent in Tacoma. He argued for Midland Im~rovement Club at its and hospitalized vctl'rans in our hos- will donate 25 cents each. inal picture in design and color. land total thus far, $4-45. 70, reports 12: Carl Christensen, first; Frank an attitude of "It can be done." regular :'1eetmg, December 7 · The pitals on Christmas Eve." Under further planned expansion Throughout the JXtgcant colored Mrs. Carl Coltom. In Spanaway, Gratias, second. McMurtrie also commented on the new. offi~er~ are: Spalt ~.artenb~, If you have not joined this pro- of the program, nights for fifth and lightin~ effects .will be ~scd. $24-5.05, is reported by Mrs. Charles A nine-hole point tournam.ent was Parkland park program which was ~resident, Floyd Jensen, \ice-pres- gram, there is still time! When you sixth grade girls and their mothers Durmg the fast showmg, Mrs. E. G. Phipps, ch.airman. scheduled for the week endmg De- discussed at the meeting, cautioning ident;. Ruth Eshpeter, secretary; go shopping this week, place one will be commenced on Wednesdays B. Steen will give tl?c art explanaThe sale began Nov. 22 and will cember 19. It was explained that local leaders against hooking up Lew 1 s McArtor, treasurer; and or more of these articles on your in January. A series of four classes tion of the picture. When the picture continue until December 25. Returns the short tournaments would be con- with the Metropolitan park district. George Turner, the new trustee to list: Mechanical pencils, fountain in leather working is now scheduled. is revealed the second time, the high from the Seal Sale will be used to tinued until early in the spring, serve for three years. . pens, handkerchiefs, new books, aftschool verse choir will read the ap- support the league's J 949 program when the regular 18-hole matches ~!so taken up at th: mectmg was er shave lotion, talcum powder, propriatc Christmas Scripture. of tuberculosis prevention and con- would be scheduled. a list of recommendat10ns from the . . I d fl 'd USIC Ul 11 In ~he interludes tht' i'unior choir I . . stat10ncry, 1ig 1tcrs an u1 , or tro · 1. l I Id b 0 girls' chorus and Sunday school fll'e chief, Dave McPherson, on reairs to the. hall in relation to fire anyt 11 n~ c se you mo'; ':ou e . . . • . . . . ' p . . appropnate foi· a hosp1tahzed vet"Old :Mam" will receive a new choll', under d1n.ct10n of Mrs. E. and health regulations. A commit. J h '11 .· , Cl ·· t 1 . . eran. roof and other remodclmg next sum- o nson, w1 smg u 1s mas caro s. A large number of members attee. was appomted to rewnte and . . and ca II C om- mer accordmg . · · IlY 'fhe B1'bl1'cal cl1ai·acte1·s \"1°11 be tended the annual election of offiThen gift-wrap 1t to aut I10nzat1on • ~~,,·1.=tT~ bnng up to date the by-laws of the . ' d b h f II · , . J · . . . mandcr Kittelson at GRamte 8663 the Pacific Lutheran College board portraye Y t e o owmg peop e. cers and Christmas party of the ~~· club. Scrvmg on this comm1ttee arc: . . . . A · · I · "Ch' '" G. . H· J -~(\; and 1t will be mcluded m the boxes of trustees at a mectmg December ngc s m imes · iace aw<Spanaway Volunteer Firemen and . . L01s Johann, Berrncc Turner and I to be delivered . . . . ·an architect · · . S an d ra J aco · b s an d SI1a 1·o n El ::~~'\\: by a Leg10nna1re 9. The board also lured ms, Mrs. Anna b e11e M urph y, 86 , was Auxiliary at the regular monthly R ut I1 E•s h peter. . · t'wn '"· M · · Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. The to draw plans for a $4-00,000 chapel- 1·mgson. "A nnuncia ' ary- struck and lulled by an automob'I 1e me!'ting, Monday evening at the Doors Opened total value of each gift box is $5.00 conservatory of music building on Georgia Ann Ellingson; Angel- at 5 o'clock Friday evening, Decemschoolhouse in Spanaway. Parkland Ice Creamery and .Deliso your gift can be for any amount. the campus here. Present plans arc Marie St. Clair. "Nativity": Mary her 10, while she was walking along catessen, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Matilda Symmons was electA cash donation is also welcome to begin construction of the struc- -:--Lillian Nyberg; Joscp?-Gary El- the Mountain Highway near her K. F. Skutlcy of Tacoma, this week ed Auxiliary president. Other Auxand your check may be sent to De- ture some time in 194-9, and to have lmgson; Shepherd-David Berntson. home. The accident occurred near opened its doors under the manage- iliary officers elected were: Vicepart111cnt Headquarters, The Amer- it ready for use by the fall of 1950. "The Angel's Mess~ge to the Shep- Third street in Spanaway. ment of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sum- prcsident, Mrs. Lucille Steidel; secican Legion, 51'.'14· Arcade Bldg., SeThe proposed building will in- herds": Angel-Lo!S 0ver1 and; State patrolmen Gil Paulson and merfield of Tacoma. Grand opening retary, Mrs. Dorothy P. Smith; attle I, Wash. All cash donations elude an auditorium chapel with Sh~pherds-Stanle?' Strunk, T~mmy I Jack Stewart, who investigated the (with free cones for callers) is set treasurer, Mrs. Althea Flannery. will be used for purchasing more stage, seating 1,200 people, music Swmdland, Dav 1 d Steen. Holy accident, said Mrs. Murphy ~ppar­ for this coming Saturday atfernoon, Robert Steidel was elected presigifts. and speech classrooms, soundproof Family": J~seph-G r 0 v er Akre; ently walked into the path of a car December 18. dent of the Volunteer Firemen. As"I am sure your Christmas will practice rooms radio production Mary-Nadme Andresen; Shepherds driven by Ray Furrer of Vancouver, sisting him will be James Grey, viceCoffee Time! be brighter if you purchase a gift rooms and offi;cs for faculty mem- -D a 1 e Storaasli, Lee Markholt, Washington. The driver was not Garfield street merchants plan to president; Alfred Goddard, treasurfor a h~spitalized veteran," con- hers. Tommy Swindland, Bobby Mark- held. The victim was taken to Pierce offer free cups of coffee as bonuses er, and B. M. Shandrow, secretary; eluded Commander Kittelson. The roof of Old Main will be re- halt. "Worship of the Magi'': Jo- County Hospital, where she was de- to Parkland Christmas shoppers After an exchange of gifts, 1·encwcd at a cost of $20,000. The 31 scph-Gary Ellingson; Mary-Ve- clared dead upon arrival. through next week. A .one-dollar freshments, carrying out the Christrooms on the third floor will be re- netta Kunschak; Wise Men-Eric Mrs. Murphy, born in Illinois, purchase at most shops will earn a mas color theme, were served by the You will find furbished at a cost of $18,000. The Jordahl, Dale Storaasli, Max Star- had resided 55 years in this vicin- tirket good for one eup of coffee hostesses for the ~vening, who were Sincerity lattcr project will complete the re- kd. "Sistine. Madonna": The Ma- ity. She is survived by a daughter, at any one of the eating spots on' the Mesdames Smith, Mildred Taland modeling of all the rooms in the donna, Phyllis Marten~; St. ~arbara Mrs. J. Robert McKinnell of Span- I the street. ley, Esther Goddard, Alma StevenSimplicity girls' dormitory, which houses 168 -Joyce Rogness; Sa 1 n t Sixt~s- away, with whom she made her son, Olive Tarpcnning and Helen Busy Evenings at girls. Grover Akre; Cherubs-Manlyn home; a grandson, J. Robert McTaylor. Most retail stores in Parkland and Rogness and Karen Korsmo. Kinncll, Jr., of Tacoma; a grand- Spanaway arc aiding Yule shoppers The next regular meetings of the daughter, Mrs./'Dodie Waters of Los by ket'ping open evenings until 9 Firemen and Auxiliary will be JanCUBS WILL BE SANT AS Angeles; two sisters, Mrs. James o'clock, from now until Christmas uary 10, at The Firs. At that time, TO INDIAN CHILDREN the new officers will be installed. Kreel of Parsons, Kansas, and Mrs. Eve. Pack 33, Parkland Cub Scouts, Winnie Barlow of Abbington, IlliCandidates on Air will travel to Cushman hospital Sat- nois, and four great-grandchildren. w. W. Cline, president of ParkOn Garfield Street Is Private funeral services were held 1 land Community Club, who has urday, December 18, to deliver Yule OPEN EVENINGS __ !r... _ .__ ... i..~ T~.-1! ....., .-.1... ;1.-1 .... ,,. ..... +l,,,.rP f,.,,,,,n.y;;.,,;,.,,,r 1VfG~d:.!y ~fte!'!!CC'~ at 3 .:/t:l0ck from been 11uu·1iD.atcd tv :;~c~~ed tc th~ .IL''"'¥' ! giJ. L>:I LU l.U.L. ..1..1.1\,.,U.u.l• .._.._,.._ ... ..._.... ......... ... .... - .. - · "'...,.,,.,b r'h,,1,.-rh Until Christmas Den mothers and members of the the Buckley-King funeral parlors. office will be the first of the club's The 'Couples Club of the MethoCub Scout committee will accom- Graveside services were half an hour officer candidates to be heard on dist church has recently brightened .later at the Spanaway cemetery. the airwaves in coming weeks. He the appearance of the church inpany the boys. The Cubs will leave Parkland. The Rev. Arthur Bell, of St. Luke's will be on the Parkland Hour over terior by having the floor sanded, STAND AT BUNGALOW FREE COFFEE CAFE school by bus ar 2 o'clock p.m. They Episcopal church, officiated. The station KTBI, this Friday noon pe- varnished and waxed. The club is With of $1.00 or More Sales Road at Pacific Avenue will carry gifts including trains and family requested that flowers be riod, interviewed by program direc- now placing new carpets and makALL NEXT WEEK · doll beds. .omitted. tor Louise Lynd. ing several general improvements.

Campus Activity DECEMBER 24 • p OPENS SCHOOL H •ng h Durmng re- HOLIDAY HERE Christmas Time

~1~i~~is ~~~~;


Auxiliary Party For Children of Firemen Only

young Appointed / To Planning G:roup / 1'


Favorable Response Seen for Proposal of Dawson Hall Repair


Trinity Mothers Cl b O .. . I u r~~ntze~ . I








.I I


I .



I "La d an d D a d " N "ght a G ym


. .


• "G"fts f or .L eg1on Veterans" Program Drawing to Close

S h 1 Ch rIStmaS • p Th" E rOsram lS Ve.

Chff Olson Elected I Golf Cl b p rexy



"· ..



'Living1 Pictures' Theme of Trinity C'h ns • mas p ro gram X mas Sea1 Sa }e Progress Reported By Local Chairmen

· _

W artenbe President Improvement Club

M • B "ld • 1g· for

PLC Plans A re T Id

' "




Steidel, Symmons Heading Spanaway Firemen Groups

Highway Accident Causes Death of Spanaway Woman




Shop in Parkland

GRanite 9978 Parkland

Couples Club ls


'-of ................... ....


Page Two 1


Spokane, at which time they attended the wedding of Mr. Talley's niece.


Harry W. Smith, B.M., U.S.N., who had been spending the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry w. Smith of Loop Road, has returned to San Francisco, fr 0 m where, on December 16, he will 1 th U · 1 d St t. f d t eave e Ill e a es or u y . Ch' m ma. S/Sgt. and Mrs. James Spangler . were dmner guests Wednesday eve· t mng a th c h'ome of T/S g t . an d M rs. Phil Taylor of Thirteenth street. Mr ·and l\'lr·s Vance Van Woert

Mrs. Lois Johann, Reporter GRanite 4429

Mrs. Dorothy P. Smith, Reporter P. 0. Box 228 - GR. 6757

W. C. Tandberg, James Heanski, J. L. Ghesnuiere ................ c.Publishers Wm. K. Clark .......................................................................................... Editor

Parkland, Washington, Thursday, December 16, 1948

. The annual Christmas program !\. community newspaper for .Midland, Parkland, Brookdale, and ·by the children of the Sunday school Span:"" :1y. Pllblished ·ev.ery Thnrsday by Hear'.! Printing Co., P. 0 of Spanaway Methodist church will Box 797, Parkland, Wasl11ngton. Telephone GRamte 7100. " f · be presented Sunday evening DeEntered as second-class matter October 3, 194:i, at the post o ftce at ' Parkland, vVashington, under the Act of 1.Iarch 3, 1879. cembcr 19, at 3:30 o'clock at the • • " 1 h . . SUBSCHTPTION H.ATES By Mail: 1 year $2.SO· six months $1.7:. churc, on Mounta111 Highway. ' · · ' ' ' ' Santa Claus will be present to dis-

It's a Necessity

tribute treats from his pack. The , . . b d d d b" f program is in charge of Mrs. LinP et1tions soon to e passe aroun un er sponsors 1p o . . · the Parkland Business Club should meet ready signatures of beck. . former resid_e~~s of Spana.way, spent ·. . . p. A farewell party, m honor of Mr. the week v1s1trng old friends. The our residents who are really interested m the welfare of ark- and Mrs. G. E. Stevens of the Co- Van Woerts are now living in Perry · Th · · ·' '11 urge esta bl'JS}1ment. o f a penhagcn Motel was given Wednes- Washmgton . ' 1an d commumty. e pet1t10ns wi where Van Woert has . . ' ' mounted earner postal route dispatched from . the Parkland day evening. Stevens had been sta- been transferred. He is an Immigra. . . . post office. This carrier would serve a most important area tioned at McChord F1?ld and has t10n Inspector for ~he U. S. governof Parkland and one which is now an island surrounded by, been transfcrr~.d to .F.lond~. Enroute ment at the Canadian border. but not serv. ed by, rural and one city mail routes emanating the .coup!c will visit f_riends and A son was born December 3 at . relatives m Iowa and l\orth Caro- Tacoma General hospital to Mr. from the Tacoma post office. rma. j . ' . . . . and Mrs ..Jack. Smith. Mother and . Tacoma ru.ral routes which until recently had delivered, . .Mr. and M:s. John Rohr of Mt ..I son a:e domg .mce:y. mail to homes 111 all of Parkland have been relocated so as to Highway received ~ telegram De- 1 Chief Petty. Officer and Mrs. ~ob skirt the Parkland area. The rural routes had grown too bulky ccm~cr 11 from their daughter and 1 Weatherby will s~on be occupymg . l T l h' f bl' h d d son-m-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert the new home which they have puran d to re 1ieve t 1em acoma posta c ie s esta 1s e a mounte . . I Jowers (Merrcil Rohr) of DcFumak ·chased on Second street. ' • ~ • • • :i > , earner service W1tbm the area south from 96th street to Har- S1>rings Florida announcing the Sunday guests at the home of Mr. . . , . . · ' ' nson street 111. Parkland. Simultaneously they . decreed that this arrival of twins, a boy and a girl. and Mrs. Chet McAtee of Ninth , . . . mounted earner should -, not go south of Harrison street except Besides the parents, the .twms were street , . . were Mr. . and Mrs. Wilham to carry mail to the streetside boxes of those residents pre- welc?mcd home by a sister, Judy Gnffm .a~d family of Nor~h Bend. · 1 d b l I Tl l ffl d l Marilyn, 21 months old. The Gnffms ar. e former residents of v10us y serve y t 1e rura routes. 1e re-s 1u e rura routes .. . . . . Sunday visitors at the home of Spanaway. Then· residence was on are similarly excluded from the most central sect10n of Park- M. d M. J 1• H . 1. f Tenth street. 1· an is. ac' ennc ,son 1an d · Lake Shore Drive were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Naccarato and !vfrs. . • The area thus left without mail carrier service is one of Mrs. A. E. Hart of Grayland. Mr. R o b ert Ste1de 1 attended a bndge · b t and Mrs Hart arc well known in party Thursday afternoon, at the P ar kl an d ' s mos t a t trac t'1ve t o new h omes an d b usmesses, u ' ·· ' · . Spanaway being former residents. home of Mrs. Adolph Wall m Ta' , . new homes and businesses now coming into the area cannot Their home was at Eighth and Lake. coma. , get mail except by calling at the local post office. The ParkAlfred Pietz · F dd f of Hosmer South M r. an d l\1rs. Cl airc 'e crsen o . ' . S d · Dakota, 1s a newcomer to Spanaland post office is far from having sufficient rental boxes for Sh D k La e ore nve spent un ay 111 • . • • all its present patrons, leaving only . general delivery service Tacoma, visiting th cir son and way and is makmg his home with Mi· a d Mrs Wal Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pietz of Mt. ·ht · d nug er-m-1aw, available to newcomers. .• n . · tcr Feddersen. Highway. He is a nephew of Arthur The Business Club bas been advised by a ranking official Pietz and is employed at People's M r. an d l\·1rs. B arto C ooIey o f . d d h store in Tacoma. of the Tacoma post office that postal heads in Washington, M an l{ato, M tnn., son an aug tcr· I f M, d M F C The Women's Society for ChrisD. C., are prone to be impressed by fat petitions-hence the 111aw o i. an rs. ay oo1ey tian Service of Spanaway Methodist l o ~ ast street, \V 10 I iavc b een E E f campaign for signatures now getting underway. · · · · parents, 1iave d ec1'd e d church has been gathering used v1S1t111g t h eir The petitions will ask that a vehicle-mounted mail carrier · h · h N h clothing- which is to be distributed k l to ma e t ieir ome m t e ort ··' be attacbed to the Parkland post office to serve the central sec- west and have taken up residence among needy families. Any surplus clothing from this project will be tion of the community and sucb adjacent sections as the Ta- in Tacoma. Mrs. Ernest Jensen of Mountain sent to foreign missions. coma office is willing to relinquish to Parkland. The carrier Linda and Bob Bradshaw of 12th would not deliver mail direct to homes but would deliver it Highway and Mrs. Bob Weatherby street are two of the students atspent Monday at Bremerton. to boxes along the streets, as is common at present. But, resiMr. and Mrs. :Frank Talley of tending Clover Park high school dents so served would receive their mail addressed to Parkland, Fourth street spent the week end at who will have a part in the chorus of the Christmas program which not Tacoma-relieving confusion and doing much to preserve will be presented December 16. Parkland as an independent community. An additional divi- 'I TED'S PLACE Recent guests , • . at the. home of Mr • dend would be the likelihood of special delivery service here. VARIETY STORE and Mrs. Carl Rhodes of First street . . . . .. · You'll be pleased with our selccFrom all considerations, this lS a petit10n movement, tion of J. P. Coats' Knit-Cro-Shcen, were Mr. Rhodes' brother and sisworthy of all support, promising substantial gains with noth-1 merce'.ized crochet thread, 6-strand ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Verner · t b 1 t embro1deF·Y floss, stamped goods. Rhodes of Polson, Montana, and Mr. mg 0 e OS • , Now open ~venings. 15c and Mrs. Val. Bailey of Cody, Wyoming. The next regular meeting of the W.S.C.S. of Spanaway Methodist church will be held Thursday afternoon, December 16, at the home of Mrs. John Newell of Louvre street. Mrs. Amos Ouhl will be co-hostess. B. Merritt Shandrow is convalescing at his home on Mountain Highway after an appendectomy which was performed last week. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. The Friendly Dozen birthday club honored Mrs. Robert Schultz with a birthday dinner Wednesday at noon, at the New Yorker in Tacoma. Help, ing celebrate the occasion were Mr. 1and Mrs. Harry F. Pillsbury and the Mesdames. Olive Tarpenning, Doris Omat, Althea Flannery, Jack 1. It's a mighty mite, that tiny cylinder. Tests Kanton, J. Splane, George Woolhouse and Rohert Manning. · have shown it can amplify sound at least 100 The monthly card party of the times ••• just like the vacuum tubes in your radio. It is a brand new invention from Bell Telephone Firemen's Auxiliary will be held on Laboratories. 'It's called a "Transistor" ••• and is so small you could hold a hundred in one hand. For the Ideal Gift ... a












How a new voice booster the length of a shoelace tip may help with your telephone call


Members of Cub Pack No, 84 of Midland would like to announce This firm is not a branch. that they will be canvassing the disOur location outside the city limits enables us to offer you lower prices. trict in the next ten days to take We have a qualified Military Advisor. orders for Christmas trees. The Cubs More and more families want the MELLINGER (Father and Son) arc planning to use this money on personal service. a community project to provide The Coroner's office is located here. THEREFORE: money to help the needy people of Let us be your friend in time of need. this district during the holidays. There will be a contest between the PAUL MELLINGER D h' h b . . ens to see w ic can rmg m the CHARLES MELLINGER most orders. Owners A b f h d d ·n .. ox o ome-ma c can ~ w1 be given away as a door pnze at h b' hl T t e 1-mont y een-age dance, on . ce 1eb raN Thursd a Y , D,c.cem ber 16J 1n tion of the first anniversary of these dances. Christmas music will be fea, tured by the "City Zekes" and danc· ,~;::;~..:O:'.:"_::~;;;·,;t~'ing will be fr 8 t0 J 1 Th ~ om p.m. e ~ dances are sponsored by the Mid~ ~ land Improvement Club and held LAKEWooo 2167 in the Midland hall. I 1 Mrs, C. C, Davis of 98th and\ . . . SANTA CLAUS WILL BE y a Ie st rec t is. b ac k a t 1wr h ome con- club work. Girls takmg part m the . val . f . t' sale were Joanne Morud, Jamee AT METHODIST CHURCH esc1ng ron1 a n1a1or opera ion . Johnson Janet Keller Ruth Recd Following a Chi·istmas service in which was performed a month ago , ' ' ' . t th p 'd H 't S Udd,, Valer'ie a e rov1 cnce osp1 a 1 111 cat- MarJorie . _ . Davis, Ann the Parkland Methodist church next ti e. M rs. M'inn1c · J oh nson, c h'ldh i oo d Clmton, Lorrame. fomlmson, Shar- Wednesday evening, December 22, friend of Mrs. Davis, has come from on. E~hpete:, Diane Schrag, Idell at 7:30 o'clock, the Sunday school S ttl t b 'ti I d . h Bnttam, Diane Solkcy and Carol groups will meet by . a Christmas ea e o e w1 i 1cr urmg er .. Landccn. tree in the church basement to rerecovciy. Mrs. Elmer Brott of 96th and ceive Christmas treats. The Junior 4-H Girls cookie sale ._ · · . Walle1 Road has iust returned home at Midland Food Center, December f k T . ram a two wee s stay at acoma High heels, according to Chris4 was acclaimed a huge success by G l h · l h ,cncra osp1ta, w ere she under- topher Morley, were invented by a their leader, Mrs Eugene Brittain . . · went a maior opcrat10n. She must woman who had been kissed on the She reported that the shoppers pad · . · b b . . . spcn some time 111 cd, ut her forehead. tromzed the girls booth which was d' · · d b ' · con 1t1011 is rPporte to e very set up in conjunction with a display d goo . I from General Mills to the extent , . _ ' ., 1hc La Fleur Garden Club memthat the girls earned $30 for theu hers entertained their husbands at a . . Christmas party at the home of Mr. Fnday even. mg, December 17, at the and Mrs. John Deering December. . ' homP of Mrs. Robert Steidel on 11. Games were played and a lovely .. Pacific street. Hostesses for the eve- supper served. Those attending were · M R b S 'd 1 · nmg are . 1 rs., o ert tei e, chair- Mr · and 1frs · Henry Bi'orklund · ' Mr · man, assisted by the Mesdames Harand Mrs Phil Zurfluh Mr . · ' · and ry Wlute, Beulah Ballard and Ida Mrs. Eugene Brittain Mr and Mrs D ' · ' e11 wo. . . Arthur Rolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Spanaway Progressive Commumty Lipke and the host and hostes~. Club will hold its an~ual Christmas The Seattle showing of Art Linkparty and pot ·luck dmner Tuesday letter's House Party was the occaevening, December 2 l, at the home sion for twelve Midland and former So heautifull So clependablel of Mrs. Matilda Sy~mons on Pacific Midland women journeying to Se1 street. The party ~ for members attle, December 9, and with this only and each one IS requested to was combined the celebration of bring a fav?rite dish'. also a gift (~ot Anne Kemp's birthday. At lunch to. exceed fifty cents m value) which after tl1e sl1ow, M rs. K emp was sur• will be ex~hanged. w 1 th another prised with a lovely cake complete member. Dmner will be served at with candles. Those making the trip seven o'clock. were Helen Haddon June Kreshak Mrs. ~obert .Steidel entertained Vera Johnson, Lil' Campbell, IJ~ a ~ew friends with a luncheon~and Cook, Cora Taylor, "Bernice Turner, bridge party at her home on Pa- Beryl Teffre, Barbara Shanahan, cific Wednesda~ afternoon. Nellie Taylor, Lois Johann and the Gay Christmas decorat10ns greeted honored guest. the guests. The centerpiece was of large fall chrysanthemums against a background of bright holly. Guests 1Labonre were Miss Mae Anderson, Mesdames *Patent peudiv 1'l"nr!!iiin~ Dol!ID.e Ella Dumas, Frances Whitney, Mary An Elgin Watch for depend· Henricksen, Beulah Ballard and the '.rule Lake Road ab iii ty through the years. I ts DuraPower Mainspring elimi· hostess. Parkland GR 8077 nates99%ofwatchrepairsdue Thursday, December 23, w i 11 to steel mainspring failures. mark the beginning of the ChristElgins are priced from $29. 75. mas vacation for pupils of Spanaway school. A farewell party was given in PARKLAND LUMBER honor of Harry W. Smith, Jr., B.M., Guaranteed Watch Repair AND HARDWARE U. S. Navy, Thursday evening at OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 Wilson St., just off Mt. Hiway the home of his parents, Mr. and 8232 Pacific GA. 2351 GRanite 7900 Mrs. Harry W. Smith of Loop Road. A Christmas theme prevailed in the decorations and refreshments. Guests MOTOR TUNE-UP LUBRICATION attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steidel, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Atlas Tires and Batteries - Complete Line of Ignition Parts Green, T /Sgt. and Mrs. Phil Taylor, S/Sgt. and Mrs. James Spangler, Mrs. Matilda Symmons, Mr. and GRanite 6465 Spanaway on Mt. Highway Mrs. Ernest Smith of Parkland, Guy Kuykendall of Fresno, California.

z·. . ,


r /







Paint ·· Hardware

Smith's dewelry

_Anderson CI-IEVRON Service


POINT YOUR POINTER TO THE RIGHT ADDRESS Prairie Pointer subscribers who arc having addresses changed to· new street designations are re· quested to call GRanite 7100, to advise the publishers of their new mail address. (If new address is in a Tacoma zone, please give zone number} , Cooperation will greatly simplify mailing problems and may prevent delay in your receiving one or more issues of the Pointer.

Aunt Sue's Bakery 209 So. 84th

Setvices 9?et/ected S:htu geneJzations

HI. 4072


Cal I GR. 6789, days PARKLAND-BROOKDALE ELECTRIC Your N eighb'orhood Electrician F. J. Nordyke

Photographic Christmas Cards made from your snaps See display at

Quality PI-IOTO SERVICE 9610 Pacific Avenue

GRanite 7271

Shopin Comfort at the Convenient

STE 2. A giant model lets you look inside the Transistor ••• it contains only two tiny wires or "cat's whiskers" ••• touching a bit of the rare metal germanium. It is much simpler than a vacuum tube .. and does not require continuous heating ••• an important item in the 24-hour-aday service we render.

3. It will take some time

for engineers to perfect this invention. They're working ahead at it and some day it may be used in central offices and repeater stations up and down the Coast. It's one example of how research helps improve service ••.• making your telephone a better buy year after year.



Gifts for all the Family OPEN EVENINGS

Whenever possible ... COOK BEFORE 4:30 OR AFTER 6:30 PM THE

entire Pacific Northwest faces a serious power

shortage - especially between the hours of 4:30 and 6:30 PM. In so far as possible, serve oven meals prepared


in advance of 4:30 and use as few surface units as possible. DURING THE CRITICAL HOURS - WASTE NO ELECTRICITY.·

4. Such inventions as

the Tran· sistor and coaxial cable ••. as well as better day-to-day operating methods and more efficient equipment... are developed for Pacific Telephone and other Bell System companies by a centralized laboratory and engineering group. T11is has been workine: successfullv for vears. Combining efforts and sharing costs in this way have proved to be much more eco· nomical and effective than if Pacific Telephone tried to make such developments alone ... dcvelopments which have steadily improved service and have resulted in a saving of untold millio~_s of dollars to Pacific Coast telephone users.


Pacific Telephone

The fOO and Comaanv . . .Teledraah . ·u ~



- -···1··



Sporting Goods and I-Iardware



More than 70,000 people working together to furnish ever·better telephone service to the West

Daniels Hardware PARKLAND


GR 7947

Remember the Critical Hours 4:30 TO 6:30 PM

Parkland, Washington, Thursday, December 16, 1948


projects, at a meeting held at the Orsborn home, Friday, December 3. Luella Keene received a third year Mrs. Ruth Kuper, Reporter sewing pin, Gladys Smith a second Rt. 3, Box 705 - Phone GR. 82391 year sewing pin, Mary Lou Jen--nings. a second year cooking pin,





d'Ales~lo 11 HARVARD

Mrs. Ace Orsborn, leader of the Clover Creek Sunshine 4--H Club, presented pins to seven members of her club who ·had completed their

Sunday night, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutter attended a charivari for Fred Blau and his bride. at Eatonville. Mrs. Alma Coffey was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Johnson in Tacoma. Helping to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Ace Orsborn, December 12,

Baskett: lumber



lx3 Molded Casing lx3 Sanitary Casing lx4 Sanitary Base lx4 Molded Apron Cove Mold Base Shoe %-Round WE CUT GLASS 96th & PORTLAND AVE., MIDLAND

GR. 8488


C:Jt_'~ 11)



afford it!'~, were: Mrs. Rilla Meekhof of Scat- i tie, Mr. and. ~rs. Orv:llc Cavanaugh and son VJrg!l of Kent, Mr. and Mrs. George Berry of South Tacoma, Mrs. Orsborn and the Orshorns' thrf'c children. Phillip Chapman, sun of Mrs. Zella Chapman, has injured his hip and is home from school. The Executive Board of Clover Creek P-TA was entertained by Mrs. Fern Cox at luncheon, Wednesday, December fl, at the Cox home. Mrs. I van Collier assisted the hostess. Places wcrc "'t for the Mesdames H. L. White, C. E. O'Neill, Ace Orsborn, John Kuper, Harlow Tuttle, Virgil Rodius and the hostesses. .Mr. and Mrs. John Kuper were visitors at the Charles O'Neill home in Olympia, Monday afternoon. A man can sometimes get a pearl out of an oyster, but it takes a pretty girl to get a diamond out of , an old crab.




i'.~ i·!












ii ~j


a .... ~i





~d'.i f'.~


fi I~

. g v


Christmas Tree Lights





"Stop worrying, Dear. l'H figure out 3ome way for you to


u ...

.. '«..

..l~! i:i

~-, 6 (!'-.. .~ bo; 6 J



Christmas Wrappings Photo Albums Electrical Appliances Lamps - Electric Razors Wallets - Nylon 1-:Iose . Cameras - Novelties Scented Soaps




:t <






:·: ., ..








H •





ELK PLAIN NEWS Alice Dorfner, Reporter Graham 458 The annual Christmas program put on by all eight grades of Elk Plain school, will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday, December 22. All of the grades will be represented and Santa Claus will be there to give candy to all the kiddies.


Call GRanite 8112


Friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Palmer arc sony to hear of their leaving Elk Plain and moving to Las Vegas, Nevada. Taking over Margaret Cockburn, Reporter their business, the Bun-Glo Tavern, Phone LA. 2121, Ext. 5607 are Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lihlwy Jr., formerly of Fircrest in Tacoma, Election of McChord NCO Auxwhere they were residents for 2 7 iliary officers for the coming year years. Charles King and Mrs. Emma will be the first order of bus[ncss Ohern, who fornwrly owned The at the meeting to be held at 2 Firs, have recently bought it back o'clock at the NCO Club on Tuesand arc establishing their business day, December 21. The balloting will be followed by again. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jackrnn have owned and operated The the Auxiliary's annual Christmas Firs for about the last year and a party. Members will bring gifts to ha IL Friends of the Jacksons arc exchange. A turkey luncheon served sorry to hear of their leaving. Their by social activities committee mem1u·\v home is planned to be in Ta- bers, Mrs. Robert Wright and Mrs. John A. 1vfoorse, will bring Auxcoma. A smorgasbord and bazaar was iliary festivities for the year to a held in the Elk Plain Grange hall, close. Nursery facilities will be available Tuesday, December 7. Winner of the beautiful quilt was Mrs. Foster and fees will be pa id by the auxof Clover C:redc The five booths iliary for members attending the were: Fancy work, which was oper- meeting. McChord NCO and Auxiliary ated by Mrs. Dorothea Rich and Mrs. Ruth Gregg; country store, by will eo-sponsor a Christmas dance Mrs. Norma Brown; aprons, by Mrs, at the NCO Club on Friday, DeDaisy Pratt and Mrs. Frances Dorf- cember 17, Mrs. W. R. Stephenson, ncr; candy, by Mrs. Mary Kuper entertainrncnt conunittcc chairman, and Mrs. Ella Rau; and fish pond, has announced. The dance, which ts for NCO members and t.h cir hy Mrs. Olive Tibbitts, assisted by guests, will be semi-formal. Miss Alice Mac Tibbitts. Supper


Phone GRanite 8519 ~:i:.:

Pacific Ave. & Airport Road



For Christmas Shopping DON'T J'ORGET TO SHOP AT THE



Hiway Uariety Store 7025 Pacific Avenue



••• 9,




Distributors of Standard Oil Products GRauite 8112

E • 18

2 to 4 P.M.



Herc you will find most everything you are looking for-Gifts for the entire family-and plenty of FREE parking space . OPEN UNTIL 8:00 P. M. ------------~-----


I. __

Parkland, Wash.





Ladies League: W i th but one week to go the Rollerettcs arc still in first place. On Monday, Margaret Healy (Alley Cats) scored the night's high single with 199, and Parl Hofmann (Alley Cats) rolled the high series, her 514- topping Ruth Stuart's ( (Rollcrettes) 508. Mixed League: This week brought to a close the fin;t half of the season for the mixed league. Joy Wisdom made ladies high single for the POINTER WANT ADS PAY night with 181 and Pearl Hofman the high three-game series with 466. "Steve" Stephenson rolled men's high single with a 213 and "Hex" Hexum the series with 560. Trophies and prize money will be awarded next week. All Alley: Pe a r 1 Hofmann has been doing some mighty bodacious



ftnd §er'1ice §ta.tion

was served from 5 to 8 p.m., with Mrs. Esther Castle as chairman, assisted by the Mesdames Betty Smith, Lorrine Castle, Hanna Odcfcn and Mary Ku p e r. Serving were the Misses Amy Brown, Sonja Maritvold, and Patsy Howe. Ticket chairm~m was Mrs. Rena Johnson. The proceeds were good and they will go towards decorating the dining room of the Elk Plain Grange hall.




Parkland :m==nel Oil


I. Parkland ~ Pharmauy I!'.i

Automotive Parts & Tools

Chet Robinson was honored on his birthday, December 7, with a ENGINE EXCHANGE dinner given in his honor at his MACHINE WORK, including home on 30th and Golden Given. Those present for the affair were: KOETHERIZING (Pistons expanded permanently) Helen Robinson, Marcilyn and DoFREE DELIVERY-To fill your order, we gladly make every lores; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey'Weeks cff ort promptly to pick up any items that may be short in Jr., Steven, Jan and Candice, and our stock. · Mrs. William Robinson, and Chet's mother. Harvard Improvement Club met last week with a better turnout than usual. Motion pictures were shown DELIVERY SERVICE by George Turner and Dave McSPAN AWAY GR. 654-7 and GR. 7583 Pherson of the HML Fire Department. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Huston and Mrs. Arnold. Next month when the club meets, refresh- bowling outside league n[ghts. Just GUILD BAKE SALE OF ments and entertainment will be fur· last Tuesday afternoon, she rolled 1 CHRISTMAS TREATS Trinity Guild will sponsor a baked nishcd by the men, as they were a single game of 24-5 and her thrce-1 goods sale commencing Tuesday, losers in the membership drive. The game ser[cs totalled 560. December 21, at 9 a.m. in the Parkclub meets the second \Vednesd;1y land W at c r and Light company of the month. STUDY CLUB TO HOLD lmilding. Christmas baking will be A. A. Drath received a $10 award CHRISTMAS PARTY Suburban Study Club of Parkland featured. for a labor-saving device he made to use at Fort Lewis, where he is will meet Monday, December 20, at the home of Mrs. C. S. Fynboe for employed. Congratulations. Patronize Your Advertisers Mrs. E. B. Smith, Buster, Buddy a Christmas par.ty. Entertainment and Billi Jo, spent the week end in features will include violin solos by TED'S PLACE Portland, Oregon, with Ervin Smith. Gary Malmin and a Christmas readVARIETY STORE A group from Harvard and Mid- ing by Mr~. 0. M. Jordahl. There Open evenings until Christmasbnd met Monday with the Park will be a display of articles brought Denmark by the hostess. As- to hcl~ you shop for ever~one on Board to request that the building from . your list. 2nd and Mt. Highway, 15c at Dawson Field be finished, so it s1stant hostess is Mrs. J. P. Pflueger. Spanaway. could be used for community func- --···--·--· ' tions. If it is finished, the Harvard ., Teen-agers will be under way again, bigger and better. Those present for l~OR PROM.PT DELIVERY OF the meeting w c re: Lois Johann,! Olive Huston, Stella Olson, Alice Smith, Ruth Eshpcter and Harold Olson.



!~ :{


GA. 7802

Carolyn Cripps, Betty Wolf and Sarah Bolieu each received a first year cooking pin and Jo Ann Eicher . . ' . . . was given a first year sewmg pm. Vivien Collier was presented a certifiratc for completing a first year sewing project . as she . was not ~Id enough to receive a pm. The girls outlined their program for the coming year, but arc waiting till after rehearsal will be Thursday evening, the first of January to definitely deat which time they will help dccocide on meeting dates. The Sunshine rn tc the Grange hall. '4-H Club has 15 members this year. The Ladies Auxiliary of Clover Dave Loughlin of South Tacoma Creek Grange met at the home of was a visitor at the Andy Kaliman Mrs. Franz Anderson for pot luck lu11chcon in honor of Mrs. Ander- home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ace Orsborn visson's birthday, Thursday, December 9, Following luncheon a short busi- ited their little daughter, Mauna, at ness meeting \vas held. The ladies th_e Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle decided to have a Christmas party last Sunday. They are happy to anat the home of Mrs. LeRoy Gam- no11ncc that slw is improving rapmon, Tuesday evening, December idly. Mrs. L. Sutter Sr. has been ill at her home this past month. She is a little improved.


Mrs. Alice Smith, Reporter

Members of the Teen-Age Club will entertain members of th~ Clover . . Creek Grange at the meetmg. Fnday evening, December 15 . With tlin..,., J·ii.·.lp o f .. tl·icu . · . a d VlSOts, · . M r. an d Mrs. Erwin Ward and Mrs. Joan Franklin, the youngsters have prepared an entertaining program of skits and musical numbers. Final

21. Mrs. Gammon and Mrs. S. I. Carlson were appointed as a decorations committee and Mrs. Fred Sutter and Mrs. John Kuper will arrange for entertainment. Husbands of the Auxiliary members will be guests for the evening.

Page Three


Come in, phone or write today!



Truck Sales Department-Phone MAin 3111

H:·::·::·::·::·::·:t·::·::·::·::·::·::·::.::·::·::·::·::-::. ::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::.::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·:~~



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fi R j'.f I:::

ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE Save Up to 20 Percent on Your Insurance Office Adtlress: P. 0. nox 243, Parkland

Office Ph. (after Dee. 1) GR. 6492 Res. Phone: GR. 8052


Open 7 Days and Nights -

10 a.m. to 10



H g

i:i fa•


Want Your News Item on the Air? CALL

Louise Lynd uThe Voice of Parkland" AT GR. 7380 AND LISTEN TO THE

Cherry Valley LUMP COAL $13.75 ton MOBILHEAT FUEL OIL

GA. 3366



12:15 to l :00 p.m. Friday over KTBI

Page Four


KITCHEN CABINETS MADE TO ORDER We Have Our Own Cabinet Shop-Estimates Gladly Given



P A C I F I C A VE. LUMBER CO. 84th and Pacific Avenue GA. 3133 1

KIRBY NEWS Mrs. Albert Nelson, reporter Phone G Raham 206 Mrs. Robert Bottomley was hostess to a wedding shower at the h omc of Mrs. E. G. Tinius, honoring Mrs. Don Eichler (Dorothy Dobiash). Those present were the Mesdames Carl Casperson, Miles Matchett, Paul Lindberg, Gordon Bolen, Jim Browder, Arthur Harpel, Carter Larsen and M. Sorenson. The afternoon was s p e n t in playing games and after Dorothy opened her gifts the hostess served a lovely luncheon. 0

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Farley were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stanger. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shook of

Mrs. Enus of Nebraska, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Casperson and son T e r r y arrived from Rcnon, Montana, and have moved to Eatonville. Mrs. M. E. Shook and her mother, Mrs. Enus of Sioux City, Neb., were luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. Claude Ackerson, Wednesday. Mr. and ,Mrs. W. Lindeau of Tacoma visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Casperson. Mrs. Roy Carlson is confined to her home with tonsilitis. All her neighbors and friends hope for a quick recovery. Mrs. Art Baydo was a week end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Tinius.

~~~ii~~;~ :~h~~;ir!\;~~.a~~o~~~ v~~:~~~~ f~1e:;~ One) Mrs. L. Schiemer and Mrs. Chas. will bring happiness to over 3,000 Lorenz and family visited at the hospitalized veterans in our hospitals on ?lnistmas Eve.". . Exprernons- of appreciation for kindness and service to the Post were extended tu the Post Bugler and to Ted Warmold. After the business sessions were concluded, the members adjourned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Long, where refreshments w c r c served, while the Comrades and the ladies enjoyed a happy, friendly hour. If you would like to have friends, and are eligible, come and join our Post 118, American Legion.

Christmas Gift Suggestions For the GOLFER in Your Family


GOLF BALLS IN ATTRACTIVE GIFT BOXES U. S. Royal Spccial... ..................................... Y2 dozen $5.70 U. S. Royal Red Labcl... ............................... Y2 dozen $5.70 U. S. Fairway ____ ....................... _................... ,Y2 dozen $4.20 Dunlop Maxfli.. .................................................. dozen $11.40 8 GOLF BAGS ........... ~ ................................... .from $3.50 to $35.00 0 GOLF SUNDRIES-Gloves, Head Covers

9 JUNIOR SETS-2 woods, 5 irons ..................................$38.25 (Styled for the young golfer) 8 WILSON HEAD SPEED WOODS (3) ................. ,..........$45.00 Phone your orders to GRanite 8559 -

1'serving and Sharon Eshpeter taking CHURCH care of the guest book. Mrs. Verna l Lloyd of Gig Harbor cut and served I Announcements HENRY . Eyvonnc Ade 11 e Cooley, i Cooley, · · and Mrs. Raymond · · I(e. O n D ecemb e1. 14 . . Miss Mr. t h e we <ld'mg ca . ZIEGELMAIER . TRINITY LUTHERAN Parkland, Wt1shin9ton Henry Ziegclmaier, 80, Box 13+, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fay G.: Cooley, Mr .. and Mrs. Jay Cooley, the couple left for Clarke, S. D., Ernest B. Steen. Pastor Thursday, Dec. 16: 12:30 p.m., Trinity Spanaway, died at a Tacoma hos- Cooley of East E street, Spanaway, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leonard, Mr. to spend the Christmas holidays Missionary Society at the home of Mrs. N. pita! Sunday. He was born at Mil-'· became the bride of Mr. Cecil M. /and Mrs. Bob Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. Morey's family. It will be Lorentzen, 96th and Pennsylvania. Friday, Dec. 17: 7:00 p.m., Special dress waukce and lived in this area 30 Larsen of Tacoma on Saturday aft- I Fred- Henning, Mr. and Mrs. Don his first Christmas at home since rehearsal of Christmas program, ''Living years. He was a retired salesman. crnoon, December 4·. The ceremony McLellan and Wanda Joy, Mr. and joining the Navy in 1941. Pictures,n in the Student Union building; 8:00 p.m., Circle 1 at the home of Edna He is survived by his widow, Jessie; was solemnized at 3 o'clock at the Mrs. H. Jalmar Larsen, Mr. and Lund. Sunday, Dec. 19: 10 a.m., Sunday School sister, Miss Bertie Zicgelmai<?r, of parsonage of the Methodist church Mrs. Arthur Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. DR. EASTVO~D ON and Bible Classes! 11 a.m., Junior WorR Buffalo; two brothers, Augustus of at Summit, the Reverend H. J. D. E. Manecr, Mr. and Mrs. Charles SPEAKING TOUR ~hip Service and \Vor:i:hip Service; 5 p.m., School program, ''Living Pictures,'' . Buffalo and Ferdinand of Wheaton, Woods officiating. IL. Michadson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dr. S. C. Eastvold, president of Sunday in Student Union building, Monday, 20: 8:00 p.m., Circle 5 at Ill. . . . The bride wore a brown tailored Bader, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Thomp- Pacific Lutheran College, is currcnt- the home ofDec. Mrs. H. 0. Dale. Services were to be held from suit, with accessories of contrasting son, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Moorhead, ly engaged on a speaking tour of PARKLAND METHODIST Spanaway Full Gospel tabernacle shades of the same color, and a cor- Mr. and Mrs. J. Samuelson, Mr. the Midwest. He is speaking on beGeorge W. Cooper, Pastor Sunday: Worship and Preaching at 11 :00 Tucsday at 3 p.m., the Rev. Stanley sage of talisman roses. Her "some- and Mrs. J. C. Guinn, Mr. and Mrs. half of the United Christian Edu- a.m. A Christmas me~sage; Sunday School Weddlc officiating, followed by bur- thing borrow<?d" was a very old E. R. Shipton, Mr. and Mrs. Fern cation Appeal of the Evangelical at 10 a.m. Classes for all g-rades. Intermediate 1vlethodist Youth Fellowship ial at Brookdale cemetery under crystal necklace which belonged to Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. James Sam- Lutheran church. Following appear- at 6 :30 p.m. Sunday Nursery for childre"n during the worship direetion of Piper. the bride's grandmother and which uelson Jr., Don Oksness, Orville ances in Wisconsin cities and in hour. --·had been worn by all brides in the Oksness, Dave Wonser, Arland Bart- Chicago, he will return to Parkland KATHERINE WAGNER !Cooley hmil)' Miss Della Cooley ' hold, Archie Oksness,• Earl Cooley, December 21 ' '·ifter stoppin"· at ,.I I UC.HRISTIAINiscd1.ENCME EI d ' · · . . n • s. t 1e nwerse, nc u ing .:. an 1 vo ve Mrs. Joseph Wagner, 75, of 2130 sister of the bride was bridesmaid Tabby Shipton, L. oms V. Larsen, Fara-o, N. D. by Atomic Force?': is the subject of the ' . J ·! · I J L <l E "' Lesson-Sermon which wtll be read next South Tacoma m·c·nue, died early and only attendant. She was attired ac oe anc an ct eonar ' va Sunday in all branches of The l\fother Friday December l 0 at a Tacoma in a grey tailored suit and wore a Ostead, Isabell Lin<lgreen, Dolly Patronize Your Advertisers Chui-ch" The First Chur~h of Christ, Sci' ' '-' ' · • ent1st, m Boston, Massachusetts. hospital, following a short illness. corsage of pink rosebuds. Best man, Stengle, Betty Garner, Della Cooley, 1 1 She was the mother of Mrs. Robert/ and only attendant to the groom:· Olive Eveland, Sis Laniberg, Mabel Lynd of Parkland who was at her, was Lawrence Larsen, a nephew. Larsen, Mrs. Ed Cooley, Spenser BICYCLE ACCESSORIES bedside. She is survived by eight 1Others in the bridal party were Mr. Phipps, Clifford A. Cooley, John other children and six grandchil- and Mrs. Fay ·cooley, Mrs. Law- LeVan~, and others. <lren, most of whom reside in the rcnce Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. After the reception, Mr. and M~s. I GENERATORS SPEEDOMETERS LIGHTS Tacoma area. Louis Larsen, brother and sister-in- Larsen ldt for a honeymoon in i Funeral services were held Mon- law to the bri<lcgrpom. C a n ad a. They arc at home at! HORNS CARRIERS TIRES FENDERS day, December 13, from the BuckMrs. Cooley, mother of the bride, l 723 Tacoma Ave., Tacoma. Icy-King chapel, with inter·ment in wore a blue gown, Mrs. Louis LarComplete Line of Bicycles Tricycles Mountain View cemetery. sen a grey. Each wore a corsage of pink carnations. The bride graduated from Lincoln high school last June. The groom, Harvard Covenant Church was who also attended Lincoln high, is the setting Sunday, December 12, . n veteran of World War II, having for. the wedding of Miss Arlene I-lei1 Per Word .......................................o3 GRanite 7758 HI. 1261 spent 5 years in the U. S. Army in en Johnson, <laughter of Mr. and Minimum .........................................50 Free Coffee Tickets All Next Weck in Parkland the South Pacific. Mrs. Frank Johnson, and Mr. FrankCall GRanite 7100 Following the ceremony, a wed- lin W. Morey. The bride wore a ding dinner was served at the home wine suit with gray accessories and ACE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE- of the bride's parents. Attending a corsage of orchids and was at, Lyman Redford, owner. Septic the dinner were Mr. and ·Mrs. tended by her sister, Mrs. George tanks pumped, contents hauled Cooley, Mi-. and Mrs. Louis Lar- Vance of Bremerton. Best man for away. GA. 34+6 or GA. 979'L · tfe sen, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Larsen, Mr. Morey was the bride's brother, _S_P_A_N_T_A_W_A_Y--L-U~M=B~E~R-c=o-=-.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Arden Johnson. Only relatives witSTORE OF GOOD PARKING Better Lumber for Less. Eoof. Gene and Della Cooley and the nessed the wedding, which was solMt. Highway at Parkland GRanite 8356 ing, Hardware and Paints. v\le newlyweds. emnized by the Rev. Bodin. ... ... rent floor sanders. GR 8235. In the evening a reception for 150 100 Attend SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, contents hauled away. Don Redford, Immediately following the wed- was given at the Midland hall. Mrs. · · - - - - tfc ding dinner the party left for Thrift Victor Eshpeter and Mrs. Harry GA. 7334. RAY GOCAN - JACK BARRETT Hall, Graham, where a reception Weeks were in charge of the gifts, General landscaping, pruning and was in full sway with more than 100 Mrs. Dallas Ballard in charge of


Portland, Oregon, arrived here Fri-

home of. Mrs. Lorenz' sister, Mrs. Max Hemzman of Puyallup. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoganson returned home Tuesday after visiting in Vancouver, Wash., with friends. Mr. and :Mrs. Preston Henderson, Bettie and Beverly Cruts attended the show held at Puyallup high school on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson visited at the home of Mrs. Grace Blasing of Tacoma on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Shook and family and Mrs. Shook's mother,



Make Fine Gifts:




spraying, rockeries, rock walls, fences, tractor work. GR. 8842 Terms BR. 6982 FOR SALE -Two-year-old Jersey gi".ing over four gallons daily, and heifer calf. Sec at W 1lson at Ros15p tedt, Parkland. · · t, l~'Ol'"'- SALE' - Boston1an cI anne wood or coal range, one set golf clubs in A-1 condition. Call after 2:30 p.m. '.furn east off Mt. Highway at Pme St., one block east Lutheran Concordi;,\ school. 15c . FOR SALE•- T wo Sh eti an d pomes. Phone GRanite 672+. 15p

in attendance. The hall was beautifully decorated with white chrysanthcmums and pink carnations. Pink and white streamers helped to carry out the entire pink-and-white theme. The huge three-tiered wedding cake . . . was decorated m silver, with wedding bells on top, across the cake. In gold letters were the words "Our Wedding." Oth tt d' M a d ers a en .111.g were: r. n Mrs. Gerald Gr1ff1th, Mr. and Mrs. Barto Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.

* . . _.~



.... \





you'll find it easier to select

Malto ·Meal ---··-··--··----------··----30c


Carnation Instant Wheat ___ _28c




Shredded Ralston -··--------····---17c


Kellogg's 40% Bran Flakes __ l7c


Post's Grape Nuts --------·-·---·.20c Pork and Beans ____________________ l7c


Yellow Corn Meal --··--··--·--··.25c (2-lb. bag)


Spaghetti Dinner -----···-·-·----·-·-40c Chef Boy-Ar-Dee or Del Monica's


Tamales -·-·-·-----··---------------·-······30c


Puree of Split Pea Soup .... ____ lOc Hop-Flavored Malt Extract (21/2 -lb.) _________ _43c






Tender Leaf Tea ···-··-····---··--·.27c Orange Pekoe Black, Yi-lb. pkg.


Lipton's Green Tea ·····--·---·--45c Y2-lb. pkg. .


89c and up



GROCERY VALUES CANE SUGAR (10-lb. bag) _________ .89c CRISCO (3-lb. can)


CIGARETTES, carton ------··--··-···$1.69 Popular Brands SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD CHEESE (2-lb. box)



QUALITY MEATS - FRESH FRUITS Fresh and Frozen Vegetables - Candies All Kinds of Nuts, Dried and Preserved Fruits, for the Holidays ~000o..:..-~~-o-°"""4-l'r,11>>Jl'~".,,..,,_~..o->-~,,.,.,,.";);)ara"'l)aJ;

Open to

GR. 6829






Airtight Heaters

2-27c 2-19c

Borden's Eagle Brand


where she shops for herself-

Parkland Jewelers

Hunt's No .. 2 Cans Pork and Beans -----··-·-·-·-··-··-12c Hunt's No. 300 Cans

Men's WOOLEN SOX assorted colors pair

Christmas Tree Light Sets ________ $1.75 up




Cotton SHEET BLANKETS 72x99 Extra heavy quality

$3.29 and up

Lovely Ladies Love



_____ .. _, ... ___________________

Children's and Misses GAYTEES pair


~ /'//f \'' ')

Sale Price

2-burner l l o t Plate __ $16.95

4-PIECE REFRIGERATOR SETS . . ........... $2.95 4-PIECE MIXING BOWL SETS .................... $2.95



Electric Toasters ________ $5.95

Colored Pyrex Ware


East 84th and Portland Ave.

Wheaten a

" "


Happy Isle Figs ··-·--··---·-··--·-.23c Duff's Hot Muffin Mix _______ .27c


Westinghouse Food Mixer ______ .... $39.95

Shopping bate?




Gift: Suggestions

for Christmas

Island Belle Grape Juice ______ 39c




Tree Top Apple Juice __________ 25c

Parkland and Lincoln Cycle Shops



We Deliver in Parkland

Regular Price


Johnson-Morey Vows Exchanged





Cooley-Larsen w.edding Ceremony , , • · , Is Climaxed by Brilliant Reception



Parkland, Washington, Thursday, December 16, 1948






Open Until

Here You Will Find a

Gift Suitable for

Every Home on Your Christmas List

A gift to the home is a gift to eueryone in the family, adding to their enjoyment. You'll please them best by choosing from our fine selections of:











Special ..




Ol=AAnn1=1 l\.tnw I V I ""-"' ' - ' L La f f'

I '\ L


,_ """""









Brookdale Lumber o.








Box 125

GR. 8362

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