Prairie pointer v 3 no 4 oct 2, 1947

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OVER 175 CHILDREN WILL PARTICIPATE IN DEDICATION PROGRAM Final plans for the dedication of Garfield street have been worked out as Parkland gets ready to officially open her main business thoroughfare with the first parade in her history. The first car going to the reviewers' stand will be that of the speakers, Mayor C. Val Fawcett, Commissioner Han·ey 0. Scofield, and someone representing Dr. S. C. Eastvold. The second car will contain member& of the civic committee and will include Burt Ray, Cliff Olson, Herb Socolofsky, and John Richards. The parade, led by the fire department, will follow the speeches and cutting of the ribbon by Commissioner Seo.field. Three drum majorettes from the Parkland school and the college band will be the next unit in the parade. · Pet Parade Next The pet parade and bicycle units will be next. The children have turned out in big numbers for the occasion. More than 75 of them will display their pets and more than 100 will decorate their bikes and follow in the procession. School buses· from the college and Concordia and decorated floats and trucks from local business concerns will complete the parade. The firemen will give a pump and water display to show the effectiveness of the department's equipment at the close of the celebration. New Entries New entries in the pet parade are as follows: Beverly Lund, cat; Bud Richards·on, horse; Marilyn Jensen, miscellaneous; Freddy Hohime, horse; Jimmy Owens, miscellaneous; Louise Eng-ebretsen, horse; Bonnie Engebretsen, cat; Karen Browning, clog; Diane . Delmore, horse; Ronald Smith, dog; Barbara Bryan, dog; Jacquelyn Fisher, cat; Betty Friend, dog; Patsy Little, dog; John C. Murray, dogs; Tommy Richards, horse. Don Knapp, parade mas·ter, will have charge of policing the streets. He will be assisted by boys from the Explorers' Boy Scout Troop. Bob Lynd will be master of ceremonies. The entire program is expected to last from 2:30 p.111. to 4 p.m. All businesses arc asked to be closed at that time. ,

Flame Destroys Poultry Building The building of the Pa c if i c PoultryCompany was burned to the ground 'N ednesclay afternoon in the second big fire of this area during the past week. The alarm was turned in at l :45. Several thousand dollars worth of brooder and refrigeration equipment were destroyed in the fire as well as some poultry. Firemen fr om Spanaway and Parkland were unable to save the building due to lack of water. The building, a 125 x SO foot frame structure, is owned by Mrs. Grace Kuntz and located in Brookdale, just b e hi n d the "Little Diner." The fire occurred just before the Prairie Pointer went to press. .More details will appear in next week's paper. ---u---.

S. C. Eastvold To Attend Conference In Middle West

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VOL. 3, NO. 4









Office: Park Avenue and Wheeler St., Parkland



John McCutcheon Will Discuss Accomplishments And Benefits of Grange State Senator John McC11tcheon will be the speaker at the "Booster Night" at 8 :30 p.m., Oct. 2, in the Jam es Sales Grange. Mr. McCutcheon will speak on accomplishments and· benefits of the Grange, pending matters in the state government and may pres·ent some highlights on the powers in the Supreme Court. McCutchcon has been a member of the Grange for 18 years, and is attorney for the Parkland 'vVater and Light Company, and for several cooperatives ia this territory, The speaker will be followed by a progral11 of music: a piano solo· by Jourdan Sullivan, and a voice solo by Fay Gawley, a dance, a musical number by Marlene Berger, Jimmie and Jerry Hartly, and Burth Bullard, accompanied by Mrs. Keplinger. Ada Prohman and Mim1ie Notter will give a vocal duet. The program was arranged by J\.frs. 11 arry Sprinke1-.


Midland Brownies Hold First Meeting

Fire completely destroyed the home and furnishings of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Skelton of 98th and Polk St., Midland, Tuesday morning, leaving them and their five small children homeles·S. Damages are estimated at $3,500 for the house and $1,000 for the contents. Skelton, a carpenter, had no insurance covering either the house of furnishings. Complete! Destro ed ~ y . !he Midland fire department reccived the alarm at 9 a.m. Tues?ay. Flames were already commg. through the roof when they arnved and, lack111g the proper water supply, they were unable to save any portion of the building. Fire is said to have been caus.ed by the children playing with matches. The oldest of the chi!dren is 6 years old. At present the Skeltons are staying with friends in Midland~ Anyone wishing to donate clothes to the family may leave them at the fire hall or with Mrs. Bruce Eshpeter at GR 8644.

Brownie Scouts from Midland and Harvard had their first meeting September 25 at the Midland· Fire IIall. The two commLmities have combined their scouts for this· year. Mrs. Cleo Davis is the leader of the Brownies, and Mrs. Clara Palmetier is the assistant. A group of intermediate scouts has been organized for the first time in Midland. Mrs. Beulah Marshall is the new leader.

CUBS AND SCOUTS SPONSOR CARNIVAL A carnival will be sponsored by Cub Pack and Scout Troop 92 at 8 :00 p.111., October 4, in the Collins gym. A free moving picture show will start at 8 p.m. There will be a fun house, games of skill, and prizes for all. Hot dogs, peanuts, popcorn, ice cream, coffee and pink lemonade will be sold.



New Shop A new watch r e p a i r and jewelry shop called the "Parkland J ewclcrs" h a s m o v e d into the Haner Building on Garfield Street. The new shop is owned and operated by Robert Hanner. The opening of the store has been timed to coincide with the official opening of the newly re-surfaced Garfield street. The store will carry a variety of men's and women's watches as well as gifts and costume jewelry. The Haner building was constructed by Don Knapp and is 25x20 feet, concrete block structure. New Portrait Studio A new portrait stt~lio is being o¥ened up in Midlai.1d by Noel _Dam. ~Irs .. Bam will gn:e s-~m~ 11;strncbons 111 photograpluc 01! tmbng'. She expects to open her shop around Oct. 7. Side ~oads Repaired. . Not only 1s Parkland gettmg its main street paved anti sidewalks put in, but the side streets for severa! miles around are being resurfaced with oil mat by the county. F b B d . oot a 11 roa casts Here's an item of interest to all local football fans who attend the football games· via means of rndio. Poche] Distributing company is sponsoring the broadcast .of all home PLC ai;d CPS foothall games over stat1011 KMO. Where's the Fire Several different nights in the past week the fire department has· dashed out complete with equipment, fastened their hoses to the hydrant across from the old chapel and really gone to work spraying water on surrounding objects. A four alarm fire? No, they're just practicing for the demonstration they're going to give after the parade Saturday. The exhibition makes a picturesque sight under a full moon, with the water. streaming· high into the air and spotlight turned on the trees..

GARFIELD AFTER RECENT PAVING BEFORE-Garfield street as it looked twenty-five years ago. The picture was taken from the Pacific Lutheran College facing east. The waiting house at the bus stop is now located where the shack in the left hand corner is shown. Note size of trees in. this picture compared with t~se in the next.

Pierce County PTA Convention Meets The initial rnnve11tiu11 of the new year for the Pierce County P-TA will be held Oct. 2 at the Parkland school. The business ses·sion will be under the direction of the new officers who were installed at the school of instruction held in Tacoma last month. They are: Mrs. A. W. Millard of Milton, president; Mrs. E. L. Peterson of Milton, 1st vice president; I\'lrs. J. E. Bunch of Puyallup, 2nd vice president; Mrs-. Elmer Hilden of Sumner, 3rd vice president; Mrs. George Wangelin of Central Ave., treasurer; Mrs. A. B. Callahan, Buckley, financial, social secretary; and Mrs. John G. Gerow, Colins, corresponding secretary. County chairmen will outline their suggestion for the year. Speakers ·for the morning session will be Mrs. George IIubinan, Was-hington State PTA preschool chairman, who will speak on "Cooperation Between Preschool PTA," and Miss Anna Neilson, supervisor of teacher training at Pacific T.11theran College, who will give instruction on "Building Heading Readiness in the Pre-school Child." Chairman of the day is Mrs. C. A. Spoon of Steilacoom. Special music will be presented by Mrs. E. \Al. Purdue, county mus.ic chairman for the afternoon session on "School Education." Speakers will he l\'1rs. Ruth Bethel, assistant superintendent of Pierce county schools, and Mr. Sheldon Osburn, visual education chairman. --o--

'PLC TO FACE I · ST. MARTIN'S LUTES HOPE FOR THIRD WIN AFTER 19-0 VICTORY OVER CPS LOGGERS As a fitting climax to Parkland's celebration of the completion of Garfielrl Street, many South End grid fans will descend upon the Tacoma Stadium Saturday night to watch the PLC's Gladiators vie with St. Martin's College in their first league tus·sle of the l<J;l 7 season. The Lutes looked impressive in their two pre-season games, humbling St. Olaf 14-0, and last week blanking the Loggers from the College of Puget Sound 19-0. Over 12,000 people saw the PLC-CPS game. In PLC's chapel program this morning, the Tacoma Young Men's Business· Club's Totem Pole was presented to the Lutes as a trophy of their victory over the Loggers. They will get to keep the pole nntil next year's game, when it will again be given to the winner. St. Martin's has lost twice this season, both times tu strong teams., Bellingham and. Linfield. IIowe\·er, in previous seasons the Rangers proved themselves capable of staging some mighty surprising upsets, S·O PLC Coaches Tommervik and Harshman have been drilling their squad hard this week in preparation for Saturday's tilt.

Dr. S. C. Eastvold, president of Pacific Lutheran College, left for the middle west~,on Tuesday evening, where he will attend a Lutheran Faculties Conference at Gustavius Adolphus· College in St. Peter, Minn. He expects to visit Northfield and attend the football game be---o--tween St. Olaf College of Northfield, anJ Luther College of Decorah, Iowa. The two teams are rivals ·O.f decades standing. Doctor Eastvold will preach By Russ Wilkerson also at two services in the NoThe Parkland a Vrsity defeated komis Lutheran church, MinneMidland, 33-0, in its initial game apoli~, Minn. During his stay in at the college field Friday. Minel1apolis, he will have conferTwo Tacoma bus-iness men will Parkland's scores came on a ences 'Yith i~1surance ~geneies in speak at the next meeting of the short run by Huss \Vilkerson and conncct.1on with the vanous phases Parkland Business Club to be held passes to Gernlcl Leaps twice, and .the msurance problems ~t Pa- at 7 p.m. in the Indian Inn. once to Flax, Singleterry and Wilcific Lutheran College. It 1s un. ,_ kerson. Rich Simerson converted officially stated that about $800,Tl!e speakers are Mart111 Traub, twice and passed to Leaps for the 000 worth of fire insurance is car- president of the Tacoma Cham- other extra point. ried 011 college property in con- ber of Commerce, and Chad SteThe Midgets were held to a 6-6 trast with Jess than $100,000 car- ;ren~on, secretar~ of that organ- tie by the Midland juniors·. Gus ried in the summer of 1943. ~zation. They wil.1 speak on sul~. . . iects of general mtercst to busi- Storaasli passed to Eel Erickson for the Parkland touchdown and Wlule 111 the. nuddle, Doc- ness men and women. Jerry .Hansler passed to Davis f tor Eastvale! will confer with prosH 1 . S 1f 1 pective. teachers to take care of ~r )ert oco 0 s <y, or mer for the Midland tally. the ever-increasing faculty' loac\,, at pres·1.dent of the:; ~arkland ComBoth Parkland teams wi!l go to the college. He will also take part. mtm~ty Club, will 111troduce both Dupont Friclav for their second in a number of circuit rallies in I "pca1<cr,, game. the North Dakota district in conJim Williams, Pacific Lutheran' · ---o--nection with the United Mission College student, will sing several NEW LIBRARIAN Advance program in the Evange- numbers. Mrs. Albert Preus will be the lical Lutheran church, which is All members are urged to at- new custodian at the county lian appeal for $2,000,000 for home tend and bring their friends with brary, taking the place of Mrs. and foreign missions. them. Ray Renwick.

Traub, Stevenson to Speak in Parkland


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Parkland Wins Over Midland, 33 to 0

South End Groups Formed for Drive South End units for the Community Chest are being formed as the opening of the drive nears. :Parkland and Spanaway will be two separate districts for the first time this year. Heretofore they had been one unit. Colonel for the Parkland district will be Mrs. J. U. Xavier. Mrs. vVilliam Gha11 will be chairman of the Community Chest unit in Spanaway. She will be assisted by Mrs. V cl ma Rhone. Mrs. Bea Brittain will head the Midland division. Captains for the units have not yet been chosen. Anyone wishing to volunteer their services· 1irny call the leaders in their rspective communities. They may reach Mrs. Xavier at GR 8908, Mrs. Brittain at GR 8231, and Mrs. Ghan at GR 4139. The Commnnity Chest parade which 0fficially starts the annual campaign will start at 10 downtown Tacoma.

---o--MIDLAND W.C.T.U. TO MEET The Midland W.C.T.U. will meet Tuesday, October 7, at the home of Mrs. Ella Burleson, Midiland, for the first meeting of the year. A pot luck dinner will be served at 12 :30 p.m., followed by the business meeting and program. The officers for the new year are Mrs. Luella Engler, pres·ident; Mrs. Ella Burleson, vice president; Miss Mabel I'lank, secretary; Mrs. Blanch Mason, treasurer. (Photo by vVayne Barker) All members and friends are invited AFTER-Garfield street· as it looks after completion •of paving, taken from the same angle as the · older picture. This will be the scene of the ddication day ceremony to be held Saturday, October -.--o--4, whe111 Parkland's first parade will march down the main thoroughfare.


Funeral Services For Spanaway Man Paving of Midland Price Control Topic Road Almost Ended Of Community Club

Funeral services were held Sat1 urday for Jam es E. DeN nne, 77, Parkland is not the only comInterested in current prices? of Spanaway at Piper mortuary munity getting its roads paved. If so, you'll be interested in the chapel. Paving of Portland Ave. in Town Hall Formn panel discusDeNune was born in Iowa but Midland was. started several 1 sion on "Should We Return Some came to Spana way thirty years months ago ~n~ is expected to be Form of Price Control?" .ago. comple.t:ed w1th111 a week o; tw?, The forum will be held Oct. 9 Surviving are four sons, Ed- accordmg to the county engmeer s at the next Community Club meetmund of Tacoma, Gerald and dep,artmen:. . . ing. Five speakern will participate, ;Lawrence of Spa1iaway and Allen 1 he pav11:g will cover a section, two speaking for price control, of Ashford: four daughtPr<; Mr<. ?ho11t a mile and tl~ree-q11arters ! lwu ag~i 11 ,t it, aml oue acting a' E. Thrasher of Princeton, Ida., m 1.ength an~ also mc!udes ~he moderator. The p a 11 e1 will be Mrs. George Rose of Eatonville, sections of side roads runmng timed to last 35 minutes. After the and Mrs. John R. Tibbits· and into the main thoroughfare. discussion questions from the audMrs. Alfred Carlson of Tacoma; Th t 0 t 1 t 0f · · th ience will be answered Mrs. Nan Madison of Blue e a cos improvmg e · Springs, a sister; 29 grandchil- road will be approximately $46,The forum is sponsored by the dren, and 15 great-grandchildren. 000. Toastmasters' Club of Tacoma.


<What <Vl/h.::n <Wh.::7..:: Social Calendar of the \Veek OCT. 2-Booster Night, 8:30 p.m. at James Sales Grange. OCT. 3-Sunshine Club, 6:45 p.m. at clubhouse . OCT. 7 - Spana way Progressive Community Club, 8 p.m. at Spanaway school house. OCT. 7 -:- Kapowsin Rebekah T -...1- ...











OCT. 7 Midland W.C.T.U., 12 :30 p.m. at home of Mrs. Ella Burleson. OCT. 7-Loveland 4-H club at home of .Mrs. M. Ferguson. OCT. 7-Elk Plain Gleaners· at home of Mrs. B. Kuper.


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Mrs. Robert Haner, reporter GRanite 7551

ELMER BEARD .............................................................................. Publisher MAH.JORIE RINGSTAD ................................................._.................... Editor ChurchG~w'ld-;-Trinity Lutheran · · M anag·e r T Church m . NORBERT ELLINGSON........................................ Ad ve1.tismg . I O d will meet l at 8l p.m. I uesc ay, · ct. 7, 111 t 1e c 111rc 1 A community newspaper for Midland, Parkland, Brookdale, parlors with Mrs. C. S. Fynboe Spana,v-ay. Published every Thursday by Beard Printing Co., P .. 0 presiding at the business meetBox 797, Parkland, Wash. ing. Mrs. Morris Ford will be in Entered as second-class matter October 3, 1945, at the post office at charge of the devotional period Parkland, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. and the newly-formed Girls Trio


SUBSCRIPTION RATES B Mail: 1 ear $2.SO; six months, $1.75 from the .college will furnish the ' Y Y ' · music. Mrns Clara Jones from the mission field in China during the war, will be the guest speaker of the evening. A social hour will Oh, I love the town of Parkland, follow and refreshments will be With its many, many trees, served, ·with Mrs. Ludvig Larson and Mrs. Bernard Olson actWith its rocks and stones and gardens ing as hostesses.. 1frs. Fynboc And its pretty scenery. also announces that a meeting of the executive board members will held at 7 o'clock Tuesday evebe Oh, Parkland, dear old Parkland, ning in the church parlors. I hope you never be P.-T.A. Committee-Mrs. Bryan Logan is chairman of the commitLike a town like other cities tee in charge of serving the lunchWith its sin and rivalry. eon by the Parkland Preschool for the P.-T. A. county convention to be held on Thursday at (Editor's Note. The poem used was written in 1932 the Parkland school. Assisting by a Parkland grade school pupil. It was found in a colher will be ·Mesdames Rudy lection of items written by students. The name or age Strom, Neil Thomas, Sam Br·own, George Rolstad, Esther Seeger, of the child was not on the paper.) Jam es Stanziola, Ernest Harmon, Written with the simplicity and sincerity of a child, the Ralph Cory, Glenn Bump, Peter above poem exemplifies the feeling of every citizen .who takes Horninda, Robert Gottschalk, C. C. Olson, Al McCoy, Lloyd Larpride in having a beautiful and friendly community. son, Rush Van Ormat1, Robert Parkland residents will have more incentive to keep their Hobart and George Sharupon. Surprise Shower-On Tuesday community beautiful since the paving of Garfield street, and evening, Mrs. Ray Poche! enterthe repairing of many of the side roads. tained at a S·urprise "pink and Many visitors from other parts of the county, including 'blue" shower in honor of Mrs. Eel MayorVal Fawcett, Commissioners Harvey Scofield, Les Hud- Black. Other guests were Mrs. Robert Johnson, Mrs. Roger Mcson, Paul Newman, will be coming for the official opening 'Donalcl, Mrs. Newell Skinner, of Garfield street. Parkland will be on inspection. Let's show Mrs. Melvin Skinner, Mrs. Eel George, Mrs. Emmett Boyd, Mrs. them what kind of a community Parkland is. Dudley Hensley, Mrs. Harry Those w'ho have buildings along Garfield street will have Beer, Mrs. James Gray, Mrs. an added responsibility for Garfield will be the center of at- Max Parker, Mm. \i\Talter Malmtraction. Trees overhanging the sidewalks will have to be gren and Mrs. Thomas Moore. Women's Golf Club-On Sept. trimmed, and the yards kept extra clean. 17, the members of the Parkland Let's give Parkland a haircut, wash her face, and put on \Vomen's Golf Club held their her best bib-and-tucker, for company's coming this Saturday. medal play at the College golf coufse with Mrs. Clifford Olson Let's keep Parkland full of "pretty scenery" the child winning the ball. Others who participated in the play were Mrs. speaks of in his poem. J. U. Xavier, Mrs. Carl Hedlund, Mrs. J. P. Pflueger. The club met again Sept. 24 with Mrs. Fred Danielson and Mrs. Paul Larson For more than two years the Prairie Pointer has printed winning in the fairway s·hots. news about you. This week, set aside by Governor Mon C. Other members playing· were MesWallgren as newspaper week, we wish to tell you a little bit dames Carl Hedlund, J. U. Xavier, J. P. Pflueg·er, Clifford Olabout us. . son, 0. I-I. Ellingson, John Rich"It is altogether fitting that several thousand communi- anls, Philip Hauge and Anne Ellingson. ties across the country should set aside a little time to appraise Unique Shower-Mrs. Robert and pay tribute to the local newspaper," writes William· N. Johnson entertained. at a luncheon Hardy, manager of the Pennsylvania Newspaper Publisher's and shower at her home recently in honor of Mrs. Byron Bi:°yso1~. Association. The party was unique in that none "Editors and publishers want the public to realize what the of the guests knew the name of local new spa per means to a coqnn unity, as a service unit the ho_noree until the announcement was read on the place cards unexcelled.'' in the shape of miniature baby The Prairie Pointer has given all its support to every worth- carriages .. The guest list included while community project and has helped make them successc Mrs. Ray Poche!, Mi·s. Einar J acobs, Mrs. Henry Berntsen, Mrs. ful. We have supported local businesses because a prosperous Gerhardt Haakenson, Mrs. Olai community develops from proeperous business concerns. Hageness, Mrs. Mabel Galbraith, We have done .this in the past, we are doing it now, and Mrs. 0. H. Ellings·on, Mrs. Edwin Ellingson, Mrs. Don Dovey, will continue to do so in the future. Mrs. Simon Anderson and Mrs. To gather and print all the news in a community such as Paul Larson. Birthday Cake-Mr. W. W. this would of course be impossible, but with your cooperation (vVoocly) Cline was surprised on we can do our best to print the kind of news you want. Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. To quote Mr. Hardy again, "Understanding the role of Arnold Ellingson and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Beitz who called to the newspaper in our society, we realize that it is no hollow present him with a birthday cake boast for the press to claim it is 'serving freedom by serving and to wish him many happy reyou.' We see that the power of the press is actually the power turns of the day. · Birthday Party-Mr. and Mrs. of the people-the people speaking through the medium of Harold Anderson entertained at the press." supper Sunday evening in honor. of Mrs. Anderson's father, Mr. Chris Madsen, who was celebrating his birthday anniversary. The j

* * * Power of the Press




* Prevent Fires Now

. R.



Licensed Public Accountant Tacoma, Washington 1532 No. Oakes PR. 3980

Elsewhere in the paper you have read of the home in Midland being destroyed by fire. It is somewhat ironical that this happened just before Octover 5-11, the period set aside as fire prevention week. The home was a total loss as far as any m;aterial goods were concerned. Let's hope it is not a total loss in setting an example to others to take all precautions in preventing fires. Check all your chimneys and flues no.w, that they won't be a source of fires in the fall weather ahead. Keep your matches where small children can't reach them. A little time and trouble now -to take fire prevention measures may save you twenty times as much in property later.


Elk Plain News


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Company's Coming

guests incltided Mr. and Mrs. Chris Madsen of North Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Nelson, Howard, John and Stanley Nels-on, and Miss Peggy Bogren, all of Seattle. Baby Shower-On Sept. 17, lvlrs. Stanley Peterson was guest of honor at a "pink and blue" shower at the home of Mrs. James McGuire of Brookdale, with Mrs. John McGuire the assisting hostess. Other guests. were Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs. Don Dovey, Mrs. 0. H. Ellingson, Mrs. Frank Pe~ tcrson, Mrs. Rex vVingate, Mrs. Lauds Overland, Mrs. Gilbert Peterson, Mrs. Frank Paxmen, Mrs. Robert Johnson, Miss. Irene Peterson and Miss Janet Peterson. Vacation-Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rosso enjoyed a three-day vacation in Vancouver, B. C., last week. Go to Wedding-Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ellingson drove to Mt. Vernon .a week ago Saturday to attend the wedding of Miss Elsie Carlson and Mr. Elvir Johnson at the Lutheran church there. Thev returnee! to ·Seattle and remai1;ed there over Sunday to help celebrate the bii'thday of Mrs-. Ellingson's father, Mr. Lee.Rowe. Guests From Des Moines-Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Brann from Des Moines, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Brann of Tacoma were guests of Prof. and Mrs. G. J. Malmin on Sunday. Baby Shower-rMrs. Max Parker entertained at a shower on F riclay evening in honor of Jon Merritt .Hansen, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.. Marvin Hansen of Brookdale. The guests were Mrs. Marvin Hansen, mother of the honored g u es t, Mrs. vVayne Swinney, Mrs. Larry Swinney, Mrs. Richard De Eemer, Mrs. Jam es Lorenz, Mrs. Rudy Strom, Mrs. Jack Conway and Mrs. Harold Hillman. Entertains Birthday Club-Mrs. Frank Lorenz entertained the members of her birthday club at her home on Monday evening. Those present were the Mesdames Mel Pederson, Stanley \'Villis, Harold Anderson, Mabel Galbraith, Pa u 1 Larson, vValter Young, Howard \Villis and Misses Gertrude Tingelstad and Anita Stuen. Refrigerato1· Party-Mrs. Edwin Ellingson was guest of honor at a "refrigerator" party Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Byron Bryson. The honored gnes·t was presented with appropriate gifts, .and games were played. Other guests were Mesdames 0. H. Ellingson, Robert Johnson, Thomas Fleming, Mabel Galbraith, Don Dovey and Henry Berntsen. New Residents ~ Mrs. Lois Buck and her daughter, Shirley, have moved to Parkland from Olympia. They are living on "A" street. Day in Vancouver-IVIr. and Mrs. Ray Renwick spent a day in Vancouver last week. Mr. Renwick is going to fly to Flint, Michigan, on husiness after the parade October 4. · Garden Supper-Taking advantage of the beautiful S·ummer weather last week, Prof. and Mrs. A. vV. Ramstad entertained with a garden supper in honor of some of the 1~ew Pacific Lutheran College faculty famiiies. The guests included Dr. and Mrs. Robert Olson and sons, Dr. and Mrs. Burton T. Ostenson and sons, Rev.

Parkfand, Washington, Thl\pday, October 2, 1947

Alice Dorfner, Reporter Graham 458 Booster Night - The annual booster night of the Elk Plain Grange was held last Thursday, Sept. 25. The officers opened with a drill, placing them in their respective places. The lecture hour, conducted by Mr. F. Bowers, consisted o.f group singing, games., a talk on ag-riculture by John Ockfen, a talk on the Grange Co-op by Earl Bowe, and a talk on the Grange itself by Mr. E. Bowers. A concluding lunch was served by Home Ee Chairman Mrs. B. Kuper. Castles Vacation-Mr. and Mrs. E. Castle Sr. left Sunday for Cleveland, 0., to visit friends there. They plan to return in late November via Los Angeles. Baby Boy Arrives-Cong.r.atula tions go to the D. Judds who anno11nce the arrival of a 7 lb. 4 oz. boy, David Jr. Mrs. Judd, the former Helen Bennett, gave birth to her child Sept. 11 in Tacoma General hospital. Surprise Birthday Dinner-Mrs. C. Wright was surprised by her children on her birthday las-t Sunday, the 2th. Two daughters and their husbands, lvir. and Mrs. R. Mangus of Parkland and Mr. and Mrs. J. Maycumber of Sumner; two sons, Rone lei and Cecil; Mary McCool of Kapowsin, friend of the \;\frights; and husband, Mr. C. Wright, formed the roster which gave the dinner. Mrs. vVright had afternoon ca!lcrs also but they were unable to attend the birthda,y dinner. Mrs. Margaret Wright and her mother, Mrs. Turner of Spanaway, were -the afternoon vis·itors. Buy Home-The purchase of a new home in McKenna was made by the D. B. Donald Bennetts of Elk Plain. Don is a laboratory technician at the branch plant of the Enumclaw Creamery at McKenna. Ill With Flu-Mrs. Doris Crim has been confined to her home with influenza. anrl Mrs-. Kelmer N. Roe and children, Prof. and Mrs. Milton Nesvig, nephew and sons. Miss Anne Knutson and :Miss Lillian Langemo also were supper guests.. Bazaar-The Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid will hold a bazaar Friday, October 10, starting at 5 p. m. Lunch will be served. Everyone is welcome. Father Dies - v\le wish to extend our sympathy lo Prof. Gunnar J. :Malmin, head of the department of music at PLC, who recently learned of his father's death. Professor .Malmin left for the eas-t this week to attend his father's funeral. Visitors Go To Ladies Club Mrs. Roy Hackard of Shelton, formerly of Sales Road, and her daughter, Mrs. Gladys Van Buskirk, of Eatonville, were in Parkland recently and attendee! the Prairie Mission Ladies Club.

had dinner at the Cruts'. Birthday Party-Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Albert Nelson, reporter M. E. Shook entertained Mr. and Phone GRaham 206 Mrs. Lester Crnts and daughters, Bettie and Beverly, at dinner on Confined to Hospital-Sorry to Sunday afternoon, Beverly's birthhear that Mr. King Phelps is con- day. fined to a Tacoma hospital. Dinner Guests- Mr. and Mm. Rebekah Auxiliary - The Ka- Joe Jupiter and family, Eoy Snoc powsin Rebekah Auxiliary met at vcr and Melvin Smallwood were the home of Mrs. Victor Ander- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. son on Friday, Sept. 26. Rebek- Ross Plumb Sunday, Sept. 28. ahs attending were: Mrs. Beth Dinner Guests-Mr. and Mrs. Norman, Mm. May Borden, Mrs. W. B. Paulson of Yakima, Wn., H. Fairbanks, Mrs. H.oy Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Paulson of Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. M. Novak, Seattle, Wn., Mr. Emil Nelson and Mrs. Charles Gardner, Mrs. Al- Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gooch of bf;rt Nelson, Mrs. E. Sanders, Mrs. Tacoma, were guests at the home W. Huff, L. Whitford, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs.. Albert Nelson on A. Mickelson, Mrs. M. Daniels·, Sunday. Mrs. M. Caper, Mrs. Teel Board Visit Son-Mr. and Mrs. Dan man and Mrs. Edith Anderson. Cook of Yelm, vVash., visited Next meeting is to be held at the their son, Leonard Cook and famhome of Mrs. Albert Nelson on ily on \;\feclnesday. Oct. 28. Spanaway Visitors - Mrs. GolFalls-Mrs. Fay Bolicw (Fay den Smallwood and Mrs. Flossie Monta) had the misfortune of Zurfluh visited at the home of falling at .her home and injuring Mrs. Smallwood's mother, Mrs. her back. Anna Edling of Spanaway, on Commando Boys - The 4-H Thursday. Commando boys held a meeting In Hospital-Friends and neigh\Veclnesday at the home of Jl.hs. bors of Mrs. E. G. Tinius wish Joe J upiters. They took pictures- her a quick recovery from her of those ,·vinning ribbons at the operation. She is at the Tacoma vVestern \;\fashington fair at Puy- General hospital. allup. Visit Mother_;_Mrs. Charles LoHurts Shoulder - ·waiter Anrenz and son, Donald, visited with derson had the misfortune of having the car fall off the jack and her mother, Mrs. D. T. Lindbergh, on vVedncsday. hurt his shoulder. Attend Missionary Circle-Mrs. Dinner Guests - Mrs. Alexia Sundquist of Tacoma was dinner L. Cook and Mm. Helen Smallguest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. wood attended the Benton MisS. M. Jorgens-011 on Ivfonday eve- sionary Circle held at the home ning. of Mrs. L. A. Larson. Ribbon Winners - The 4-H Visitors From Firgrove - Don Comrnando boys who received fi:!chler and Norm~n Smith of ribbons at the vVcstcrn Washing- l<irgrove, Wash., v1s1ted at the ton fair were as follows: Red rib- home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Lalx~ns for cakes, Raymond O'Neal, throm on Sunday. vVilfred Burlsem, Melvin SmallReturns Home ~ Roy Snover wood, Terry Plumb and vVayne has returned home after spending O'Ncal. Terry Plumh also re- the summer at Ekalaka, Mont., c~ivccl one hlne ribb?n, t!1ree r~d with his grandparents. nbbons and one white nbbon rn !Promotion Certificates - Thos·e canning. winning Certificates of Promotion Visitors-Mrs. B. Carsten of Ta- of the Baptist Sunday school at coma spent Tues-clay at the home Clover Creek from here were Betof Mrn. Lester Cruts. In the eve- tie Cruts, Beverly Cruts- and Helen 1 ning Mr. Carsten joined them and Erickson.


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The Army and Air Force are doing everything possible today to help each individual develop along the _lines that he picks for himself. Army and Air Force training i~ thorough and take-home pay is better than most civilian jobs. Opportunities for advancement are wide open to eve1·y roan ~in uniform. Make your choice today at your U. S. Army and Air l•'orce H.ecruiting Station.

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Mrs. J. W. 1vlcAllister, Prop.



99th and Park A venue 780 Commerce

Tacoma, Washington

MAin 3762


Parkland, vVashington, Thursday, Octo.ber 2, 1947


Rose Marie Righetti, Reporter G Ranite 8227 Son B1orn-Congratulations are being received by Mr. and Mn;. Doh Smith of 14th St. on the birth of a frOn September 9. The boy, l{oilert Eugene, was born in Tacoma General hospital and weighed 8 lbo. 7 oz. The mother is the former Frances Kidd of 13th St. Both she and infant son are now at home. Guests-Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Gall of 4th St. were Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rice from Long Beach, Calif. Noted Guests - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Synunons· of 11th St. entertained recently at Sunday dinuer for !:VI r. and Mrs. Clyde Rollins and children, Marie, lJarry, Joan and Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roe and daughter, Delores, l\'1r. anti Mrs. Philip Taylor and sons, Freddie and Robert, Miss Lorraine Bernair of Ridgefield, N. J.. and aud Mr. Len Hart from Essex, England. .Miss Bernair and M.r. Harl are on lour with a troupe which is entertaining at the Ft. Lewis hospital. They have traveled all over Europe and mos·t of the United States. During Mr. Hart's stay in Hollywood he was a guest of Rex Harrison and met many other English stars, including Peggy Cunnnins who accompanied him on many excursions. He will return to England around the first of the year. A very pleasant day was spent at the Sym' mons' as .Mrs. Symmons and Mrs. Tay!,ir are both from England also. Father Visits-Visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Les Linbeck of Extension Road, is Dr. Cora G. Marshall of Cashmere, Wash. Food Shower-A food shower was held Friday, Sept. 26, for Rev. Ray McMillan, pastor if the Spanaway Methodist church. Over 40 people attended and enjoyed the luncheon s-erved by the Women's Society of Christian Service. Dinner Guests-Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ouhl of !st St. were Mrs. Ouhl's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burke; her sisters, Mitzi and Grdchen Rotter, and a brother, $te,·e, all from Olympia. Mrs. Onhl will he remembered asFritzie l~otter. At PLC-Mrs. Chester Crcso of Loop Road is now a lab assilil:ant in biology at Pacific Lutheran College. She formerly taught at Clover Park high school in the biology subject. Visitors - Mrs. Evelyn Sperlinc and daughter, Marliso of Pasco, \Vash., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shull. Visits-Mr. and Mrs. James · Ockfen and children, Jimmy and Joan of Lake Front Drive, and Mrs. Anna Schmeckle of Tacoma recently 1notored to \Venatchee and visited at the home of Mr. and :Mrs. llarry Roberts. They then went to Yakima and to Naches, 'Nash., where they visited the Harney Oclden family, former residents of Spanaway. Guests-Rec.en! guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Fedderson of 6th St. were Mr. and Mrs. Boh Daniels 'anti children, Jean, Carl and Robert of Tacoma. Scouts-Girl Scouts, Troops 30 of Spanaway, under the leadership of Mrs. Willian1 Ghan, are now studying for their homemaking badges. Troop 30 is conducting a paper drive in the vicinity for funds. Anyone having old newspapers, magazines or any paper matter are asked to call GRanitc 4139. Your cooperation in this drive will be greatly appreciated. Visits Parents - Mr. and Mrs. \..Vesley Dillon of Kapowsin vis·ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \Vesley Marttna of 12lh St. Weekend Trip - Visiting for the weekend in .Portland, Ore., were :Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Knabe! and sons, Charles and Harvey. Visits Sister-I-] ere, visiting her sister, Mrs.. C. M. Justice of 6th and E Sts. is Mrs. Floe Baker of Booker, Mont. Visits Uncle - Staying 'indefi-

nitely at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Queen of Military Road, is Don La Faunce of Sacramento, Calif. He will attend the University of Washington. Return- Rev. and Mrs. Don l<ogne and daughter, Bonnie of 4th St. have returned horne from an extended vacation through the states. Auxiliary-The Spanaway Elk Plain Firemen's Auxiliary will convene on Monday, Oct. 6, for their regular meeting: Mm. Mary 1-:lenricksen, president of the auxiliary, will call the meeting to order at 8 p.m. at Spanaway school. All members are asked to attend as a final report will be given on the Firemen's Ball. H.ecipes for the Cook Book, which is to be completed, are to be presented at this meeting. Hostesses for the evening are Mesdames Martha Anderson, Frances Dorfner, Bernice Dillingham· and Evelyn Corbett. Congratulations - A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Clary, Rt. 1, Box 184E of Spanaway, in St. Joseph's hos·pital last Thursday. Card Party-Members of the Spanaway Elk Plain Firemen's Auxiliary enjoyed an evening of cards at the home of Mrs. EYelyn Corbett on Mt. Hig)nvay with Mary Keeper as co-hostess on Friday, Sept. 26. Four tables were in play \\'ith Mrs. Ethel Hansen and Mrs. Helen Fogle taking honors i11 pinochle; Mrs. Matilda Symmons and Mrs. Kelly Gray took honors· at 500. Lunch was server! by the hostesses to the following guests and members: Mesdames Nellie Hansen, Velma Rhone, Ethel Hansen, Helen Fogle, Mary Henricksen, Marie Baker, Kelly Gray, Erdine Christilaw, Marian vVhite, Matilda Symmons, Helen Taylor, Lucille Steidel and Dorothy Righetti. Guests of the evening \\'ere Mm. Beulah Ballard and Mrs. Betty Ghan. Frolic-A good time is anticipated by the teen-agers of Spanaway on Friday nigh!', Od. :>, who are sponsoring their Teen-Age Fall Frolic at Spanaway school. The public is- cordially invited to attend this social event and tickets can be purchased from any teenager. Music will be furnished by James •Oclden and his orchestra. Councilors for the club are Mrs. Howard Holman, Louis Symmons and Mrs. J. vV. ·waHen, and they announce half of the proceeds go towards P.-T.A. lttnch fund. Pre-School - All mothers or anyone interes.ted in pre-school, having children in kindergarten or interested in child care, are iilviterl to call :Mrs. Bailey, GRanite 2306. The pre-school mothers convened v\lednesday, Oct. 1, at the home of Mrs. Joanne McGinnis on 15th St. Plans and discussions were outlined for future meetings to he held once a month. Visit-l\'f r. and Mrs. Frank Niesen of 6th St. spent the weekend at the home of their daughter and S·on-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Whiteside of Morton. Guests at the Whiteside home were Mr. and Mrs. John Crow and son, Frank, of Whitehall, Mont. Visits Parents-Mrs. Hicharcl C. Kirkland and sons, Dickie and Roger of 1st St., visited last Thursday at the home of her parents, Mi-. and Mm. Roy Smith of

Clover Creek By Bessie Roland Reporter Weekend Guests \;\/ eekend guests at the home of lvirs. Fena N. Elledge Sept. 21 were Mr. and l'virs. C. E. Nordwall and claug·hters, Margaret and Ada, of Spokane. Mr. Nordwall is a brother of Mm. Elledge. Sunday afternoon all motored to Seattle for a brief visit with S. V. Nordwall, another brother, and his family. Motor to Centralia-Mrs. Christine McCarty and Mr. and Mrs. John Kuper motored to Centralia Vvednesday to visit with Mr. and l\.frs. Ernie Kuper. Dinner Guests-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stranahan and Paul Jr. and Tommy Overeast were Sunday Llinner guests at the John Kuper home. Mrs. Stranahan and the children visited with Mr. and Mm. Roy Renner and the Kupers five days last week and returned home last Thursday. Returns Home-Friends in Clover Creek were glad to see ,Mrs. Grace Dugan home Sunday, Sept. 21, after a five months visit with relatives in the midwest. She went first to Lyman, Colo., to visit her sister and then to Dodge City to vis·it her son, Ansel Dugan. From there she attended a banquet given by her high school alumnae. She attenclad a family reunion at Manhattan, Kan., on Aug. 30. On her return trip she came through Rocky Mountain National park. VVith her two sons, Darrell and Ansel, and their wives, she went to Atlanta, Ida., where they spent several days fishing and doing placer mining for gold. Dinner Guests-Sunday guests for dinner and the day at the Norman F. vV cirncr home Sunday, Sept. 28, were Mr. and Mrn. Lyle Barnhardt and children and Mr. Otto L. Barnhardt of Shelton, Wash. Grandmother Leaves - Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Weimer and family motored to Taconia to see Mr. vVeimer's grandmother who is leaving vVednesday, Oct. 1, for St. Paul, Minn. Mr. VI/ eimer's grandlllother is visiting at his folks', Mr. and Mrs.. C. F. \Veimer's home. Visit Daughter-Mr. and Mrs. John \Vilson from Portland, Ore., arrived at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Fred Vv. Boness, Saturday e1'c11ing-, Sept. 13. They spent a few days with their daughter and other friends and returned to Portland Sept. 16. New Resident - Miss Leona S\\'eet is now living at the home of Freel J. Bones·s and attending high school at Kapo)vsin. She is in the ninth grade. Birthday Dinner-Mrs. Fred J. Boness entertained in honor of her husband's and daughter-in-

law's birthdays at a birthday dinner on Sunday, Sq\t. 14. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Portland, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Bones·s and Lois Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Boness, Nancy, Nina and Richard, \.Vanda Fix and Leona Sweet. Active in School-Nancy Boness is being very active in school at Kapowsin high. She graduated from Clover Creek school last spring. She has been elected yell leader, representative to the student body and representative to the Girls-' club, representing the freshman class. Yell Leaders Nina Boness, Ruthie Quinn and Dorothy Bolieu were elected yell leaders at the Clover Creek grade school. Baptist Church-On Thursday, Sept. 25, the Clover Creek Baptist church had as their guest Dr. Burns from the Association of Baptis-ts for World Evangelism." He brought a message on the work of this organization during the regular mid-week Bible study hour. The Clover Creek Baptist chnrch will have their regular monthly meeting· of the church rigt after choir practice Thursday, Oct. 2. Booster Night- Friday night, ·Oct. 3, is booster night at the Clover Creek Grange. Everyone in the community who is interested in the Grange work is invited to attend. The Clover 4-H club will have an exhibit by every member of the chit. Also there will be a skit presented by them called "Here Comes the Bride." Mas.fer of ceremonies is Elsie Keene with Bessie Roland as the bride and Maxine Leonard as maid of honor. George Allen is the pastor, Alfred Southwell, the groom, and Omer Roland, best man. The remainder of the club members will be guests at the: wedding. Winners at Fair-Members of the Clover Creek 4-H club winning awards at the Western vVashington fair were: Georgia Bolieu, Shirle,y Heller and Bessie Roland. Bes.sic Roland won a red· award' on a suit and also on a jacket. Georgia Bolieu won a red award on a dress and a white award on· pears. Shirley Heller won two white awards on fancy work. Georgia and Bessie are members of the senior club under the leadership of Mrs. John Kuper and Shirley is a member of the junior gTottp under Mrs. Omer E. Roland.



Mrs. Ore.

GRanite 8121


hvecl 1945.

FREE! . 0 Ct 0 ber D Urzng We are offering. you, FREE of charge, one 5x7 portrait of any one child in your family, under 10 years of age. Studio hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Evenings by appointment.

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Closed-\Valtz's restanrant in Midland closed Monday when 1 Mr. \!Valtz received word from: Arizona that his son had been hit by a truck.







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mony in the Zion Littheran church at Silvana. The bride wor a gown of nylonette over white satin fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, long tapering sleeves and a short train. Attendants of the bride were Mrs. S. 0. Storaasli, matron of honor; Miss Dorothy Elefson, haicl of honor; Miss Barbara Fixen and Miss Jean Lo void, bridesmaids; Cathy Willis, flower girl; Jimmy Getchman, ring bearer. S. 0. Storaasli was best man for his brother. Ushers were R a I p h G un d erso.. n, E r I an cl El ef son, b rot h er o f t h e b n· d e, an d Jerry Enge. . . A reception followed 111 the church. The bride, a graduate of Pacific Lutheran college, is now teaching in. Parkland. The groom at present is a student at the college.

Bee Brittain, Reporter Candlelight and pink and white GR. 8231 Riverside Guests-Mr. and Mrs. gladiolus were the setting for the Dale Hirt and their son, Dale marriage of Miss Carol Helen Junior, from Riverside, Calif., Elefson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. were overnight guests of Mr. and Evender Elefson of Silvana, to Mrs. Noel Bain. Mrs. Hirt is Lester W. Storaas·li, son of Mr. Mrs. Bain's niece. The Hirts are and Mrs. William Storaasli of on their way to Petersburg, Alas- Parkland. The Rev. M. J. Sheldahl offika, where Mr. I-I irt will open up ciated at the double ring cerea barber shop. Moth Visit!l,.,..-Mr. and Mrs. · · d Ed . Stanley Lipke had as a guest this E n t ert ammg an 1 ucat10na "' h II M J M rs.. B eu I a Il mars a , past week Mrs. Irene Larson of I F d M Cl rs. D o. Tacoma, mother of Mr. Lipke. sep l < ette, an r . rs. eo av1s Sunday Guests-Sunday guests have been attendmg the South at the E. A. Brittain home Sun- Tacoma Arts and Craft Guild. day were Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brit- The ladies say it is very entertain of Tacoma, parents of E. A. taining and education~!. Full House Brittain; lV1rs. Maria Jacobsen, Relatives from Missouri are mother of Mrs.. Brittain, and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Weiks of Little visiting Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DaRock and their three daughters, vis of Midland. They are Mr. --o-Dorothy, Deanna and Dalene. and Mrs. Bill Radie, Mr. Davis' NO FIRE PERMITS Mrs. Vv eiks is Mrs. Brittain's sis- grandparents, Mr. John Davis., The fire department has anter. his father, and Mrs. Alice WorCall Dave-Yes, ladies, if you ley, his aunt. Mr. Davis had not nqunced that no fire permits will ade downto1Yn waiting for friend seen his grandparents for. 25 be issued during fire week from Oct. 5 to 11. husband lo quit his work and years. come home for dinner, and find that he is busy talking· to a customer, ymI s·it and wait and wait and the time stretches into anywhere from a half hour to an hour, yonr dinner is on the stove, jusi you hop to a telephone and call Dave l\'1cPherson, Midlands fire chief. l Tc will hop into his You would expect to pay at least $600 car and go tnrn off the electricity even ii he has to break in. Let for 11 complete funeral service Including us keep our good record of no iires. This did happen to a party this beautiful metal casket. here in Midland last vVednesday -at C:. C. MELLINCiEl'I evening, September 24. Called to Fire-The Harvard- I only Larchmont-l\lliclland fire dcpartIncluding 41! Items of Service n1ent answered a call as l :45 p. rn. Scpte111 bcr 23 to 83rd and McKinley Avenue. Mr. Swanson had been 1I11n1i11g out a stump fonr days previous to the call and it seemed that the fire had traveled through a root for 15 feet underground and then came to the top, starting the grass on fire, but clue to the quick response of the fire Otlter Complete fuharalr Aslowiaa department the fire was stopped within three feet of a nigh bor's chickn coop. The fire department returned to the fire hall at 2 :20 1


Bryan Logan

Helen Elefson Weds Lester Storaasli


Dedication Day-Child Dedication Day is to be Sunday, Oct. 12, at the Clover Creek Baptist church. Mrs. Eldred McAniuch, head of the Cradle Roll department, is- working on a new roll for the Cradle Roll department, which will be posted on Child' Dedication Day.

~~~~:~;-M~'.1e:1~~ ~~~~~'.1tgu;tF~~~ JJ:r=mms;m~:::::mmmmmm:=. ro.ns of 7th St. were Mr. and Teti Durst of Longcreek, Mrs. Durst is a sister of Mr. rons. The Farrons formerly at Longcreek for a year in

Page Three

hiplarf $25.00 a thousand


Affi ..

- .





Page Four



Gloria Wahlquist \Report Shows $125 Weds Don Christian Loss in Cabin Fire Four hundred persons attended the wedding of Miss Gloria LaVerne v\Tahlquist to Donald Christian in the Trinity Lutheran chnrch Sept. 12, with Rev. Dr. E. B. Steen officiating. The bride is the daughter of Mr. an cl Mrs. Edwin H. Wahlquist ancl Mr. Christian is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Christian of Quilcenc. The bride, attired in white satin with a flowing train, was given in marriage by her father. Her veil caught to a crown of seed pearls, was edged with lace. She carried an orchid and stcphanotis on a white rainbow Bible. Mrs-. Gerald L. 'Nilson, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. Other attencla1its were Misses Kathryn Sorenson, Anne Baird and Emalee Christian. Grace and Gloria Johnson lighted the can" (lies. Richard Christian, the groom's brother, was best man. Lawrence Barnhardt and Leo Shepro ushere(l. Mrs. C. J. Malmin was the organist, and Dorothy Molund pro-· vided the nuptial music. Presiding at the reception in the church parlors were Mesdames H. M. Christian, Elmer Moluncl, L. F. Colombraro and Miss Lola Mae Johnson. Assisting them were Mesdames C. L. Frcishcim, S. vV. Tipton, Harold rvieyer, Chester Burke, Fred Matzat, Clarence Sylvester, Dais.y \Vatts, Miss Roberta Marshall and Elaine Sylvester. At present the bridegroom is attei1ding Pacific ·Lutheran College.

Damage of $125 in a cabin was the only loss from fire in past weeks, according to the fire report recently issued by the Parkland fire department. The report · for the past two weeks is as follows: Sept. 7, 2 :40 p.m., cabin fire at 98th and Pacific Ave., $125 damages. Sept. 12, 3 :30 p.m., grass fire at "C" sfreet between Sherman and vVilson street. No damage. Sept. 12, 1 :03 p.m., grass fire at !Olst and "A" street. No damage. Sept. 14, 2 :30 p.m., oil stove fire at Morton and "C" streets. No damage. Sept. 15, 8:30 p.m., chimney fire at 203 Thurman St. No damage. Fire Chief Elden Cook suggests all residents check 'their chimneys and flues to save themselves and the fire department a lot of hard work during the fall weather ahead. The fire department also has amionnced that they have received 500 feet of 2%-inch hose.


SPANAWAY SCOUT TROOP OWNS OWN PROPERTY Boy Scout Troop 34 of Spanaway is one of the very few Boy Scout Troops in the country that owns its own property and Seoul Hall. The troop meets at 7 :30 p.m. enry Thursday in the Scont Hall at 11th an cl "C" streets, Spanaway. All boys who are 12 years of age may join. Mrs. Harvey Brads-haw and Mrs. John Newell have agreed to form a mother's auxiliary to the troop. Anymie \~ith a son in the troop is eligible for membership. · "HARD TIMES" THEME OF SALES GRANGE DANCE "Hard Times" will be the theme .of the next dance at the James Sales Grange to ·be held at 8 o'clock Oct. 3 for the younger set. The main feature of the evcqing will be square dancing. All teen-agers- are invited and should come dressed in old clothes and ready to have some fun. Chaperons for the dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Eel Perdue and Mr. and Mrs. Don \;\/hisler.


CHOIR OF WEST Seventy-five Attend PLANS TOUR TO Shower at Midland A miscellaneous shower was fire i CALIFORNIA


For Bigger, Better Birds


MARIE SPARKS, Beautician

Margaret's Beauty Shop


Open 9 to 6 Evenings by Appointment Spanaway GR 8080

Choir Contains Fifty-six Members This Year; Names Of Personnel Announced The Choir of the West of Pacific Lutheran College is planning a trip to southern California in February. Prof. Gunnar J. Mal111in, head o.f the department of music, is his choir three times weekly. The personnel of the choir contains 56 singers, 30 of which were in last week's choir. They are as follows: Firnt sopranos: Grace Carlson, Tacoma; J can Hesla, Aberdeen; Edna .H aglm.1d, Anacortes; Carol Hans on, Fairfield; Lois Jean Pearson, Kelso; 1-Ielen lfamstad, Portland; Betty Lou Rieke, Cashmere; Brita Skoog, Olympia; Delores Wallen, Everett; and Dorothy Meyer, Kendrick, Ida. Second sopranos: June J orgensen, Puyallup; Evangeline Ordahl, Tacoma; Pat Purvis, Sumner; Lois Schuisow, Ritzville; Fritzi Lou Busching, Olympia; Afton Hjelm, Firth, Ida.; Grace Gulhaugen, Astoria, and Helen Jens.en, St. Helens, Ore. First altos: Marie Haglund, Tacoma; Emely Sholseth, Dupont; Beverly \'Vigen, Lacrosse; Rumohr Gulhaugen, Astoria; Noreen Skilbrecl, Eugene, and Harriet Root, San Diego. Second altos: Jean l'larbeck, Seattle; Charlene Martens, Tacoma; Marilyn Pflueger, Parkland; Betty Reiman, Seattle; Doris Vinje, Seattle, and Eleanor Bellbanm, St. George island, Alaska. First tenors: Clifi and Rudy J ohns-0n, Tacoma; Charles Martin, Kent; Neil Solvik, Bellingham, and Hoy Tolifcldt, Hoquiam. Second tenors: M.artin Gulhaugcn, Astoria; M.elvi11 Osterli, Sacramento; Dick Svare, Bremerton; Luther vVatness, Parkland, and Jarnes Williamson, Olympia. First bass: Halvar Braafladt, Sacramento; l I arold Jensen, St. Helens, Ore.; Arne Aakre and Arne Towe, Parkland; Eugene Ahrendt, Ritzville; Lyle Severson, Tacoma; ·Lowell \Vohleuter, Anacortes, and Richard Rose, Castle Rocle Second bass·: l·J arry Carlson, Portland; J uhn Nicolai, Orland, Calif.; Louis Bnmue, .Puyallup; Dick Haglund, Tacoma; Jes s Thompson, EHrett, and Bill Saas, Ed Sandvig and Stan 'vVilliamson, Seattle. ---0---

Students Meet Sta/f A faculty reception for PLC students was held at the Trinity Lutheran Church on Monday evening. Dr. Eastvold gave a short talk.

Piper Funeral Home


5436 SO. PUGET SOUND GA 5436

Fire Protection District No. 4


\Nl-IEREAS, Pursuant to chapter 254, Laws of 1947, Fire Protection Districts are authorized to ass·ume the authority to issue permits for the starting and supervision of open fires on cleared or BRAZING cultivated lands within the boundaries of the Fire Protection District; and Wll EREAS, the CommissionDIVE LOPING FEED' r ' ers of Fire Protection District No. .... Mt. Highway between 4 deem it to the best interests of 13421 Mt. Highway Brookdale & Spanaway L ·-···-·-···· those res-iding within the boun(Brookdale) E. R. Crain GRanite 8551 daries of said District that they assume the authority granted by itt·!t·!t·:t·!t·!t·:t•!t•!t·!t·!t·!t•!t•:*:t·!t·!t·!t·!t·!t·!t·!t·lt·!t·!t·:t·:t·!t·!t·!t·!t·!t·~!·!t·!t·!t·~·!t•!t·!t·!t·!t·!t·!t·!t·!j~ statute to issue said permits; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the •.• ', J •• Board of Commissioners of Fire i'i i:i Protection District No. 4 that said Fire Protection District hereafter permits for the starting and ~ H is-sue supervision of fires upon open and cultivated land within the boun:i !:i daries of District and, B E I T F U R T H E R R En !~ S 0 L V ED that notice of this Resolution be given as required by law. i~ GOOD i:t Fire permits may be obtained r " from the Chief of the Fire De:~ partment. ~ ~ Dated this 15th day of Septem~ ~ ber, 1947. ROBERT HANSLER FRANK JOHNSON ~ 0. A. BERGMANN H ~ Board of Commissioners, Fire Protection District No. 4. $ 2, 3, 4


Stewart Hay & Grain




HIA.RKET i:i il 231 Garfield Street f.i :-; M eats · G""'roceries . · F ru1t . &Pro duce i:f I• •I BEEF ROASTS _________________________ Jb. 4lc i:i

and SIRLOINS _____ Jb. 63c ~'.~ .ii~:f T-BONES LEG MUTTON _________________________ Jb. 28c ;:i ~


• u

p J

SHOULDER MUTTON _______ Jb. 24c i:i

u u




j:i MUTTON CHOPS _________________ Jb. 33c i:i



VEAL STEAKS _________________________ Jb. 49c i'.~


i:i JELLO _______________________________________ _2 for 15c :·:

u i.: 1:1 i·i



I STOKELY I i:! HONEY POD PEAS ___________ _2 for 35c 1:1 :::•.• :::..J :.:


:.::~ CORNED ....


HASI--1 _____________ _29c







Ii •.:

Ii:J :.t :.:

•t :•t

FRUIT MIX _____________________________________ _29c M






--::-Sunday & MondaY', Oct. 5, 6

tt "THE MAN I LOVE" M Ida Lupino and Robert Alda ~::



Friday & Saturday, Oct. 3, 4 "S,IOUX CITY SUE" Gene Autry and Champion 'THE GMQS,T GOES WILD' James Ellison and Edw. Everett Horton



ii i-·

:·, i-;



held at the Midland Improvement hall September 25 honoring Miss Leona Holland. Leona is well known 111 Midland where she attende<l grade school and was graduated from the Midland Junior hig·h. There were 75 . persons prese11 t at the shower. Mrs. Mary Baskett was in charge. Those as·sisting her were Mrs. Kate Olsen, an aunt of Leona, a cousin, Edith Olsen, :Nlrs. Ethel Peterson, Mrs. Bernice Turner, Mrs. Vivian Simpson. The hall was decorated with maple leaves and autumn flowers. The tables were arranged in the shape of a horseshoe with the bride-to-be table at the head. On the head table was a toy sprinkling can. At the foot of the other two were many beautiful colored grograin ribbons coming from the two sprinkling· cans on the foot to the one on the head table. At the end of each ribbon was fastened household articles. After the gifts were opened by Leona the guests played bingo, after which a delightful lnnch was served by the hostess and her as·sistances.

Parkland, Washington, Thursday, October 2, 1947


Per Word .... -............. ____ .................03 Minimum

FOR SALE-White and pink enameled baby basket, carrying handles, waterproof white mattress, ruffled dust co v e r in sprigged cl es i g n. Spotlessly clean, $10. Call GR. 7100. 42tfp FOR SALE-Doub 1 e laundry trays, $10. Call GR. 8857. 3p BUNCE FUEL CO. now offers good upland mixed millwood, direct from the Roy mill. For prompt delivery, call Yukon 9659. 33tfc NEW and _used pumps for sale. For service call after 4 o'clock or Sundays. E i n a r Thorsen, GRanite 8707. tfc PHOTOGRAPHIC OIL tinting class starting about October 7. For information call GRanite 7416. 4c HEREFORD LOCKER ~EEF -Choice Hereford. 'vVill dress about 250 pounds. 40c a pound dressed. ·Wilcox .H e r e f o rd Farm, Roy, vVash. Phone Yelm 2515. ~5 c GOOD wool sleeping bags, waterproof, $5.95; new .50 caliber ammunition, $1.'19 per box; gas lanterns, $7.95; ca 111 p cook s·toves, $13.25. Guns and ammunition. T a r get Sport Store, ---o--Spana way, vV n. GR 7082. \;\/ e buy, sell, swap sporting goods. 4c FOR SALE-Dining room table and four chairs, $35; 9xl2 felt A letter from Oyi RiYer Leper rug, $40; davenport and upholsettlement of the Sudan Interior s·tercd chair, $160; dresser, $35; bedstead, springs and mattress, Mission telling of the operation $50; electric washing machine, of the leper settlement was re$60; chest of drawers., $5. GRcently received by the Prairie 6253. );Jission Dible school. The letter written by Dr C FOR RENT-Paint spray guns, 'f : . d " · · $3.50 up per day. Ken Rowe \\• r. .I. iv orns, . rea : At present U se . d C ars, 9614 p a ci·f1·c Ave . . . . I am superv1smg t 11e re 11g10us 47tfc \\"Ork: school work, fan.n and in- FOR SALE-M 0 narc h wood du,;tnal w.o~·k and n:ecl1cal work. range. Perfect condition, $20.00. In add1t10n to this settlement Jacob Braunclt, Rt. 7, Box 748-A, of 1050 patients, 1 must superTacoma. 4c vise another settlement of 400 vVANTED to Rent-Furnished or lepers at 011111 Aran. unfurnished 2-bedroom house "\Ve live 011 what we call the within·Jy; mil,f.ra~ius of Sats Mission Compound an area of Road a_nd Paci 1c. 1. ve. ~top y • _. . . , • " or wnte Mountam Highway 1 . ' app1 ox1n1atel} 6.Y, ,1c1 cs. T~1e Shoe Rebuilding, Ht. 3, Box 94, leper settlement 1s about Yi nule Tacoma, \Nn. 4c away and, together with the farms., ELDE'."IU:v widow "·ishes 2 or 3 covers an area of about 2400. room iurnished apartment or "Just now we have about 1085 cabin. South Encl preferred. Best inmates hut 32 are tiny babies refe1·e11ces. Permanent. Not over and <ffe not classed as patients. $25.00. \Vrite Box 2-A, Prairie There are about 775 males and Pointer, or Phone GR 7100. 4c 280 females hut the numbers SIX 111011th old black, part Cocker change we_.ek hy week as some s_paniel, fe111ale ~uppy. vVill give are allcv..ved home on. parole and ~lta4~~7 ~Yl10 oflcrs good hon4e~ new patients arc admitted. S , F · 11 1 · " , . . . . LO 1 - •ox terrier, a w ute, tan 1 w1cc a week all the lep~rs.1 cars, long tail. GR. 8170. 518 who are able to come to the disArthur St., Parkland. 3p pensary are given injections· of A VON representative for Parkhydnocarpus oil. Some, of course, land area is Mrs. Frank Parent, require treatment for other illRt. 7, Box 731, Tacoma. GR. ncsses such as malaria, dysentery, 8200. Corner of Park and VVashyaws, sleeping sickness, bilharzia, ington. 4, Sc and so 011. Tuberculosis· is fairly common and many of the deaths among the lepers arc due to this·disease." ----o--Weddings - Corsages FIRE DEPARTMENT GETS Funeral Designs EMERSON RESUSCITATOR STELLA JACOBS The Parkland fire department recently added an Emerson resuscitator to its equipment. The resuscitator automatically WIRING LICENSED breathes for the patient, adjusts FIXTUI~ES BONDED itself to lung capacity and signals when an obstruction occurs. It is used in cases of electric shock, O. M. Olson GRanite 7705 severe cases of as.thma, pneu11222 Pacific Ave. Tacoma monia, asphyxiation by smoke or drowning.

Letter Tells of Leper Settlement

FOI< SALE- Large oil heater with fan. $40. 8801 McKinley Ave. 4f PARKLAND LAWN SERVICE New or old ~awns rebuilt, plowing, leveling and Rototilling. Reasonable prices. Nothing down, 3 years to pay. Ray Gogan, GRanite 8842. 43tfc EXPERT FURNITURE REP AIRING and finishing-.'..cupboard doors and drawers. Suburban W 001.1\vorking, 9643 Pipeline Road near 96th and "A." GR 8662. tfc WELLS DRILLED and pumps on a F.I-I.A. loan. 3 years to pay. Einar Thorsen, Rt. 7, Box 437, Tacoma. GR 8707. tfc CARPENTER remodeling, large or small jobs. Gene Russell, 707 Hendricks St., Parkland. Ph. G Ranite 7036. 23tfc YARD BEAUTIFIERS . Rose arbors and trellises for s·ale. Brookdale Lumber Company. GRanite 8362. (Adv., 27tf) MYRTLE'S BEAUTY SHOP at 706 Lafayette St., Parkland. Ph. GRanite 4679 foi appointments. 28tf FOR papering, pamting and kemtoning, call GR 7231 or GR 7496. Free estimates, reasonable. 19tfc FOH SALE-Winter cauliflower plants. 98th street, l block east of Park Ave. 4c HIGHEST prices paid for ski eq11ip111ent. Phone GRanite 8082 or GRanite 8178. 4p WEEKLY GARBAGE C 0 LLECTION -Also extra trash remove-d, any place in Pierce county. Spanaway Refuse Co., GHanite 6191. 27tfc TllAT "NATURAL" WAVE look for the little Miss, achieved through proper hair shaping. Fern Hill Beauty Shop, Elberta vVaite, 8232 South Park Ave. GA. 6515. 4p COOK Stove conversions. Floor furnaces and furnace conversions. Expert installation and repair service. Call GR. 7536. 4, 5, 6c

LAWN MOWER, rubber tires, one only, $28, now $21. Lawn seed and fertilizer. Puget Sound Nursery & Garden Shop, 9201 Pacific. 4c DRESSMAKING, alterations and buttonholes made. Also children's clothes. GR. 4595. 4c FOR SALE-Hyacinth bulbs·; also one-wheel trailer. 12501 A street, Parkland. GR. 8445. 4p FOR SALE-Sun Flame oil heater. Reasonable offer accepted. 211 Cleveland. 4c ACE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE -Septic tanks pumped, contents battled away. GA. 1986 or GA. 9794. 13tfc WANTED-PLC boys. to room. Private furnace, fireplace, cooking, laundry, telephone. 606 Morton St. Telephone GRanite 6432 or GRanite 6641. 4c

HAGER'S Infants' and Children's Wear We also do HEMSTITCHING and make BUTTONHOLES 8237% Park Avenue GRanite 8537, evenicngs


Auto-View DRIVE-IN THEATER 99th & S. Tac. Way-GA 9024


FERN HILL BEAUTY SHOP Hair Styling . . . Permanent Waving ELBERTA WAITE GA. 6515 8322 So. Park Ave., Tacoma

Friday & Saturday, Oct. 3, 4 "PERILS OF PAULINE" in technicolor with BETTY HUTTON

* *

Sunday & Monday, Oct. 5, 6 "COWBOY AND THE LADY" Gary Cooper, Merle Oberon "HURRICANE" Dorothy Lamour, Jon Hall

* *

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 7, 8, 9 "TOGETHER AGAIN" Irene Dunne, Charles Boyer and Charles Coburn "FOR THE LOVE OF RUSTY" Ted Do111alclson, Ann Duran Opens 7 :00 p.m. Show Starts at Dark

I I .

* * Precision Machine Saw Filing

156 So. 82nd and Pacific Tacoma, W n.

Stella~ <;Jlowe~s

GR 7863

Olson Electric

()~/ October 4th

Parkland dewele brings you a brand new selection of

nationally advertised watches



~':Roberts /!YU Service

Commercial and Wedding Photographer Available Day or Night 9442 Pacific Ave. HI. 2154

costume jewelry

Let us lubricate your car with the very latest in equipment. You can also1 save money on your gasoline. Corner Sheridan & Sales Road

LINCOLN CYCLE SHOP 761 S. 38th St. HI. 1261 Sales and Service for WHIZZER BIKES Ride to Work on a "Whizzer"

electric clocks

The :Unnsa.low G Ranite 9978

Pacific Ave. and Sales Road

Complete Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners


TRY OUR DELICIOUS HOTCAKES Open: 7 :00 a.m. ti> 2 :00 a.m.

(Saturday 'til 3 :00 a.m.)


WEEK-DAYS, 7 A.M. to 9 P.M.-SUNDAYS, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.

watch repairing

Pa.rklcand .=net Oil

clock repairing

and §ervice 8tation

jewelry repairing


beads resti:ung

Distributors of Standard Oil Products

"DOWN MISSOURI WAY" Martha O'Driscoll and John Carradine

fast, efficient service


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 7, 8, 9 "SINBAD THE SAILOR" Douglas Fairba,nks and Maureen O'Hara plus All Star Cast in "CAMPUS BOOM"


B Biii

all repairs g uaranieed STOVE OIL FURNACE OIL

Prompt Courteous Delivery Service



R. J . 239 Garfield Street

an er Parkland

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