Prairie pointer v 2 no 37 may 22, 1947

Page 1



Yourne~s ~nd Gil ljlOO d advertising

~-. 4. 1.. _,,


VOL. 2, NO. 37

Mrs. Robert !faner, reporter GRamte 7551

Montana-Bound-Mr. and :Mrs. VV. H. Stanley. who have spent the winter at 1he home of their S·On and daughter-in-law Mr. and .Mrs. John J. Stanley ~f Golden Given Road, have left for Miles ci·tv ~.1· 0- 11 t .. ,1.1 1e1e . ti1ey w1·11 IJC f·or ,, i1. the summer.


~tyle Sh?w-''Two \,Yecks' Vacatwn \V 1 th Pay" will be the lhewe of_<~ style show to be pres_;ntcd l' r.iday evening at First Congreg·at1011t~l Church in Tacoma u n de r auspices of the Venture Club wth Miss Lorna Rogers as chairman. Other local young women members of Venture are Harold. Peters.on. president; Miss Carol Eidson, style show program chairman: i\liss Virginia Sea!Jut·g, in ch a r g e of refreshments: Miss Betty Christensen anti Mrs. \Valda Johnson. The public i,;. in1·ited to the style review which \\'ill be given by People's Store with Venture Club members as mod.els. See Follies - Miss Edna Martc!ls and Miss Gladys H Dvland spent the ,,·eekencl in Seattle where they attended the lee Follies. House Party-Miss Lillian ·Langenw. at!, and Miss Virginia Seabt1rg accornpanied members of the PLC Delta Hho Gamma group on their annual house party held this )'l'ar at Patterson Lake. p t t v· ·t ]{ N ]' , . as or . 0 isi ev. . · '· I hoqJe, tonncr pastur uf Park-1 land Trinity Lutheran Church and now scning Trinity Lutheran Church in Santa Barbara will arrive in Parkland the la~tcr part of ~fay with Mrs. Thorpe to attend the district church conventiun to be held in Tacoma and to rcncw . old acquaintances. They will he llt)llSe gne:<ts of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford 0. Olson. AecomgTO\Ytl up in recC'nt 111011ths·." panying the. Thorpcs. will be Rev. The deputy believes if the town and Mrs. Melvin 0. Andrews of were incorporated he would have San Pedro, Calif. a greater opportllnity to keep Stork Shower- Mrs. Oscar J. crime at a minimum and that with Olson, Mrs. C. Gulbcrg and Mrs. a few paid officials a 24-hour J olrn 1.ien were hostesses at a watch could be maintainetI: As it "pink and blue shower" honoring is now, law is eHfurced in Park- Mrs. John E..linzmann on Tuesday land only when Knapp feels he evening, at the home of her mothcan spare the time. er, Mrs. Claude /\. Pellett, on AlThe ex-G. l., who formerly lived lison Hoad. For a buffet s·upper in Tacoma. came here 'lbeca11se I a bouquet of sweetpcas flanked by like the people and believe in pink candles was used on a lace Parkland's future." 1-l e has asked cloth and tuv storks centered the that residents give him coopera- cake. G u e ; ts were 1•lesclames tion in reporting crime, and, better Simon Anderson, Ed Thompson, yet. tip him off to criminal acts ]. McGuire, Rosetta Jackson and before they develop-if possible. childten, Judy and Chris, Frank Tl e want& Parkland to be a bet- l'eppcr, L. Overland, Morton Anter place in which to live. derson, Claude Pellett, Alberta ---o-Preus, Wm. A lien, H.ollert Ellison and children, Jerry and Joann, Selrna Jensen, T. Thompson, E. Moline, and vVilbur Oien and son A real apple tree will grace the Jimmy; and Misses Rena Jenn:<tage of the Parkland junior high stad, Edna Olson, Dolores Jen:>chool auditorium as it will figure sen and Donna Jensen. New Homes-Three new homes prominently_ in the PLC all-scl10ol production, "On Borrowed Time,'' arc in the process of construction by Paul ()sbornc, which will be on Hendricks street. Facing Park given May 22 and 23 at 8 :15 p.m. Avennc, the new large b.rick hon:e Three acting areas arc included of )\fr. and Mrs_. Ed Hmclerhe 1s in the play, the interior of the nearing c.omplet1011. At the corner house, the front porch and the yard of Hendricks and C street, George :;111-rotrnding the apple tree, which M. Brewer, contractor from SpanCramps ( llowarcl Swartz) hexes. away, is building a bungalow for David Sanncrud. son of former re-sale, and on the north side of PLC Professor Arling Sannerud, Hendricks next to the Dale resiand fourth grader at the Parkland dence, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ross grade school, plays the part of the will have a new home. Annouruce Troth-Mr. and Mrs. little boy, Pnd. A section of the seats have been George Harstad of Seattle anreserved Friday night for conval- nounce the engagement of their escent soldiers fro 111 Madigan daughter, Isabel G. Harstad, to Mr. Lnther Watness, son of Mr. General Hospital. and Mrs. J. A. Vl/atness of SpoThe play is directed by Miss Clara Chilson, l'l .C speech in- kane. A summer w e d cl in g is planned. Mis·s Harstad is secrestn1ctor. tary to President Eastvold at ---o--PLC and Mr. V\Tatness is attending the college. Son-A son, Gary Andrew, ar,. . . . . . . " rived April 11 at the home of forI l.i'~ Spa~1away-ld!~ Plam l<lre- mer Parkland residents·, Mr. and 1i1en s Auxiliary S·Oc1al card party Mrs. Andrew V. Jensen, now of tc'. he held on May 2~ at the home Llurien, Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Joot Mrs. Jack Henricksen of 7th seph Bowles motored to Seattle street has . been postponed until. Sunday to be sponsors at the further notice. Ii ab y's christening. A brother, .. Tl1e meeting oJ the anx-1 Gene, alsu welcomes the new baby. 1liary w1ll be on Monday, June 2, In East-Mrs. Edna O'Drien of at 8 Jl.111. at Elk Plain Grange. All 518 Arthur Street, recently visited ~ii embers are asked to attend this her daughte.r, Mrs. I-I. E. Harroun, 11nportant meeting. (Continued on Page Four)

"Borrowed Time" On Stage Tonight

Spanaway Auxiliary Party Postponed







iiorra ed Ti

Adults: 75c

8:15 P.M.

Students: SOc



Parkland Junior High Auditorium MAY 22-23 -

r......:;- .,._


DEPUTY MAKES IN PARKLAND I FIRST ARREST DON KNAPP PLANS TO ENFORCE SPEED LAW, CURB CRIME WAVE " . _ lhe first arrest by Don .Knapp, 26-year-old Parklan? special dept_1ty, _was made last _ Saturday when . t I1e e:nploye ot a local busmess estab!tshment was taken to the prosecuting attorney's office on a charge of stealing $500 in cash receipts over a period of time. Ue admitted the theft and made arrangements to pay off the loss. The prosecutor agreed to withhold his name on the supposition he make reg·tilar payments. Meanwhile he will be booked under technical arrest. Knap1i, who was authorized by Sheriff "Lee" Croft last week to carry a belt and gun, has been having a busy time chasing speeders. 1-1 e says, "There is definite need for more speed limit signs. Many of those detained give the excuse that they are unaware that a speed limit exists." \Vhile he has arrested none of the nnmerous persons stopped, he has issued warning·s, and will conduct a vigorous campaign against speeders in the near future. ''Li\'eS of our residents are in danger when it is often necessary to drive .10 blocks or more to catch up with drivers who apparently believe nothing can be done in Parkland," he declared. 1' napp, father t1f three children, who is building a bicycle ancl radio shop on Parkland's main thorough fare, is authorized to make on the spot arrests and to assist sheriffs deputies enforce the law. l-1 c receives 110 salary and has taken on the duties because he "feels something should be done to stop the wave of crime ancl juvenile delinquency that has

.... ..,...

Children: 25c

Mrs. Clifford 0. Olson reported that early Tuesday two beautiful deer came out of the shrubbery across from their home on Park Avenue, crossed over into their yard, went on through the J.P. Pflueger yard, jumped the fence, and were last s e e n go in g leisurely down Thurman street toward the Mountairu Highway. Residents of more than 30 years in Parkland say that deer have not been seen before so close to the residential district. It is reported that a large number of deer are now roaming the reservation around Roy.

The crowd was not large, but those who took part had an exciting time at Parkland's first annual fish derby at Spanaway Lake last Saturday. Youngsters in particnlar were enthusiastic about ·the event, the first sporting activity to be sponsored by Parkland Business Club. Only complaint was: "Th ere sl10nld have been more fish!" A not unco111n10n grumble for fishermen these days. Trout Winner Trout winner was Alfred Olson of Parkland who hauled in a 13 % inch catch. Floyd Harwood of Spanaway was second with a 12)14 inch haul. while Bob Rummer, PLC s-tudent, was third with a 12 ancl 9/16ths inch net. vVinner in the bass classification was Sid (;lasso of Parkland, who brought in a two-pound, nineounce catch. Longest perch was caught by Beulah Chandler of Spanaway lake. a 10 a!ld oneeighth hopper. Bicycle Winner The bicycle went to Bud Harwood of Spanaway who netted a 13~-'.\ inch trout; Garey Harvey of Parkland was second in the Junior <livisinn and Vic Knahel of Parkland was. third. The streamlined scooter was awarded tu Larry Gray, five year old youngster, who hooked a 12J.(i inch chub. Charles 1-!arkms \Vas o;econd and Fred Stovner third. Suggestions were made that a father-son c1·~,nt might pro\'c popular in future years. Club officials S·aid an diort will be made to have the lake stocked so that next year's eHnt will offer a lure to the most experienced of sports-



Grid Ace Nabs Youth Looting Garfield Store Fleet-footed Vern Morris, PLC gridiron ace,_ found that his athletic training came in handy Thursday night when he dashed - in bare feet - down Garfield street to capture a 16year-old youth who was looting a sto,re. Morris was "alerted" when he heard calls f r o m Luther Watness and Miss Isabel Harstad, who were passing The Bug, local refreshments spot, when they noticed someone inside at a late hour. The calls routed the intruder, who hurried through a window pane in the front door, which he had broken to gain entraruce, and started down the street. M o r r i s stumbled down the stairs from his apartment above and gave chase. He caught the boy a s h o r t distance away, breaking all records for the short sprint. The youth was turned over to juvenile authorities in the courthouse who will carry out disciplinary measures.


SPA'NAWAY PTA HAS LAST MEET Sam Green presided over an interes·ting pro gr a 111 featuring a spelling bee between Collins grade pupils .and Spana'\vay students at Span': way P.T.A. May 14. Winner ol tlw contest was Spana way. High pointci· was Janine Spencer, 7th grade, prize $3.00; second, Ray Boyle, 8th grade, $2.00; third, Joyce 1-l ughes, 8th grade, $1.00. llonorablc mention went to Bill lvl attson 6th "Tade. ' " The P.T.:\. recreational program will cuntiHu? tl~rough, the su11Jrner nwnths \11th !::iam (,recn a:< snpervis·or. Teen Agers The group is sponsoring· the Teen Agers with a council, consio;ting or Sam Green, Mesdilmes J. C. \Vallin, Leslie :-Iiller and Fred Hutts. Cub Srnut Troop 34 is alsD S·ponsored !iv the l'.T.:\.. with Havden Stc1~art as scoutmaster. De;, M uthero; are M esdamcs Oscar 1-laugen. L. Dodson and lTayden Stewart. Wins Award The P.T.A. was awanled the certificate of Gold Oak Tree membership award for increase of mcm bersh i p. Installation of new officers was conducted by Mrs. Harold Baker, chairman of the school board, with Mrs. Louis Symrnons, pre:<ident; Sam Green, vice president; Mrs. J o h n Dirkhof er, treasurer. and Mrs. Leslie Miller, secretary. A corsage was- given to Mrs. Birkhofcr, treasurer and secretary, for her good \\'Ork of the year in holding two offices. Mr. c;reen. retiring president, was presented a carnation and gifts having to do with his favorite sport, fishing. The room count was won by Mrs. Nina ll aagrn, 8th grade teacher. Lunch was served by the first mothers, Mr.s. Sam Green, teacher. This, the last meeting for the school term, was enjoyed by all.

Office: Bas·ement PLC Chapel, Parkland


It's True! Deer On Streets Here


Cheaper Air Mail Rates Available Roy Peters·on, Parkland postmaster, announced Wednesday that a new air mail form with low rates is now available. The "Air Letter Sheet" is similar to the war-time V-mail, except that it will not be photographer!. By this method an air mail message may be sent anywhere in the world for only 10 cents. The special farm can be purchased at any post office. It is handy to use, since it requires no stamp but is merely folded and mailed.

MIDLAND NEWS Mrs. George Turner, reporter GRanite 7727 Silver Anniversary- Mr. and Mrs. Elnwr Brott and clau,.,.hter N orrna Amt. ·of \Vall er Road"' wisl~ to thank the many friends who visited them al their open house on Sunday. It was their silver wedding anni\·ersary. Ninety-five guests- signed the guest book. Relatives from l'ortland, Seattle and Tacoma were present. Manv hcautiful gifts \\·ere receiYed ~uch as individual salt and pepper shakers in silver, a heautifnl sih·er tray, candle liolders, glass dishes and s·ilver dollars. Floral pieces were also received. Mr. and Mrs. Al Bombardier sent pink snap dragons, white sweet peas and pink carnations. This was used for the centerpiece for the table. They say money doesn't grow on trees, but from Chief of Police vVilliam Farrar and Mr. and Mrs. John Reed they got a small tree clone in s·il ver wilh silver dollars hanging from the branches. Mrs. George Lind poured, assisted later in the evening by Mrs. \.Yilliam Farrar. Mrs. Peterson of Seattle cut and served th<! cake. Norma Ann was in charge of the guest book.

The planning committee of Cub Pack No. 84 met at the Noel Bain home May 14 lo dis.cuss plans for the pack meeting to he held May 22 at the Midland Improvement hall. Plans were also made for the Cuh picnic to be held June 22 at Dawson field. The flag will be presented at the May meeting by Den No. 3. Deu stunts will follow in the form of "stage stunts." Awar,ds and achievements will be made by Cub Master George Turner. The Den Dads will perform in a short skit. I<efreshments will be served by Den No. 1. All parents arc cordiallv invited to attend this meeting. · ---o--y .L A TO MEET ·,. · · l he ~· J\. of .the Parkland M \'tliodist C. hurch .will. m~et at th.e home of Mrs. 1'.:loyd Skmner on Tnesday, May 21, at 8 p.m. President Frances Scearce has appointed the nominating committee as follows: tv1 rs. Orville French, chairman,_ Miss Gladys Carlson and Mm. Neil Thomas. There will be election of new officers and therefore it is urged that all memhers be pre.sent. . . ---o--SPECIAL DEPUTY . . , Don ~napp,. special sheriffs ~eputy, is on mght and day call m the Parkland area. If police services are needed, call GRanite 8600.

Marker for Tenino Promises Heavier Traffic on Highway A sign directing traffic over P;icific highway from Tenino is definitely assured, it was decided Monday night at a meeting· in the Thurston county city. Ray Poche!, president of Tenino Cut-off Association, received as·snrancc from a Tenino merchant that the Jand he own' at the cutoff wil! be available for the sign. Represcntati,·es from Olympia had previously attempted to block the proposal after the project had been approved by the T e n i no mayor and Lions club president. The sign will be placed near the spot previously agreed to, "but in just as ianlrable a location," Poche! s·aid. It "·ill hear ill neon lights the words "Seattle - Tacoma Cutoff." Contract was let last week for the marker whirh will be nine feet by 29 inches.

3-DAY REUNION FOR PLC ALUMS Banquet, Tea, Ball Game And Music Festival Features of Get-Together Reunion festi1·ities at PLC will be held May 30-J nne 1, according to Bert l\'1yhre. president, and members or the hoard making plans. Since June 1 is also tile date of liaccalaureate and gradt1atiun ceremonies, the usual reu!lion choi1 concert will not be presented on Sunday afternoon. I nstcad, Prof. Gunnar Malmin, choir director, and Mrs. Rhoda Young, choir hns.iness rnanager, are planning a music festival for Friday evening·, May 30, in the Parkland school auditorium at 8 o'clock. The "Choir of the vVest," college orchestra, chorus. men's glee club, girls' trio, and men's qnartet will join in giving a real nrnsical treat. All former choir members are invited to join the present choir in selected numbe1·s, especially the choirs of 1927 and 1937. Baseball Saturday afternoon opens with a softball game at 2 o'clock, arranged by the Booster club and featuring some of the "old boys" versus the 1947 PLC team. l'rorn 3:30 to 5 o'clock, Delta H110 Gamma alums are sponsoring a tea and alumni are invited to inspect such campus developments as the new gyn1nasiun1, s.cience hall, elevator, walks, landscaping, etc. Banquet B ighlight of reunion is the annual banquet, Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at the New Yorker cafe, 1501 Sixth '\venue, in Tacoma. ---o---

Work will begin on paving of Parkland's main street within six weeks if bids for the project are acce!'ted by ~aunty commissioners, it was decided Tuesday. The project was approved at a session of the board Tuesday when $92,026.83 in seal-coating was authorized for summer and fall highway work. The only other major job passed by the commissioners was a fill project in the Gig Harbor area. Put Roads in Shape The emphasis will be Oil placing county roads in condition to withstand extreme cold weather so that school busses· and other traffic will not be halted as was the case last winter when the worst conditions in 20 years prevailed. The Garfield paving project had a·n A-1 priority on Commissioner Harvey Scofield's road budget, aHd was thereby one of the first approved by the board when it reviewed the work to be done for the balance of the year. It calls for an as-phalt application on Garfield street from the college to Pacific highway. It also includes improvements on Park \venue.from Garfield to Harrison street and replacement of a 20 foot timber bridge over Clover creek. Olympia First Before bids can be called the project nrnst go to Olympia for consideration by the state clcveloplllent buard for matching funds. As soon as it is· approved, an invitation for bids will be made, Finch Van Slyke, road engineer, said. This is expected to be complctct! within six weeks. Sealcoating for n1a~ls in the second district will be applied on 17.4 miles at a· rnst o[ $1\297.57 whilL· in the first district s.ealc,1ating for 57. 1).1 miles will rnst $40.898.45. ---o---

Spanaway Flyer Killed in Crash Richard Niesen, well known Spanaway resident, died in a plane crash at Rainier Tuesday c\'ening. He \YaS· piloting· a small private craft owned by the Spanaway Aircraft Co. The canse of the accident, which occ11rred while landing, has not yet been ascertained, but is believed to be pilot error. A passenger, Mickey Gilstrat, formerly of Spanaway, now a resident of Rainier, is in a serious condition in Olympia hos[lital Niesen is survived by his wife and two children of the home on the Mountain Highway.


Midland Scouts Attend Camporee

Nature Movies at Prairie Mission




Canadian Trip - Several boys Scout Troop 84 of Midland, unwho distribute a daily paper in <ler the leadership of Noel Bain Midland went on an excursion last and Clarence Johann, attended the Saturday. They traveled by bus Camporec at Spanaway this weekto Seattle where they boarded a end. boat and sailed to Victoria. vVhilc Many interesting things were ---0--there they went swimming in the done and the Scouts learned much big salt water pool. Lunch and about camping. Boys. that went dinner were served to the boys on were Claude Johann, M.erle Kemp, the boat. Those who went were I~onnie Turner and Clayton Bain. .. .. . . ) im and David Gilman, Eugene Court of 1-T on or was on SaturThree sound motion pictures Miss Margie lvfay Dickerson, Ellis, Lloyd Ifavik, Vicki Eshday night with a number of boys peter and Richard Johnson. dealing with nature are to be daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. receiving their badges. Breckenridge, Rontc 13, Box 998, Birthday Club- The Birthday shown at 8 p.111. Friday, May 23, At nine o'clock each morning, became the bndc. of Mr. John D dub met at .Rose Perkins' home at the Prairie l\'1ission. the assistaut scout leaders held Mostead, son of tv1 r. and Mrs. C. "n May 9 for 12 o'clock luncheon. The pictures are: "The Road Mostead, at a beautiful ga!'den \t each place stood a crocheted I{ unncr Battling a Rattlesnake," inspection at each camp. Troop 84 demonstrated knots cer<:mony held Friday evening at basket with candies in it. Those "The Door to H cavcn," and "Back and made a May Pole as its part her parents' home. Door Exploration." present were Mrs. Helen Haddon, in the outing. Given in marriage by her father, Mrs. Cora Taylor, Mrs. Bernice No admi:o.sion is to be charged Troop 92 demonstrated the diathe bride wore a light green suit Turner. Mrs. Lilly Campbell, Mrs. and everyone is cordially invited n10nd hitch on a pack sack. with orchid and rosebud corsage, Vera f ohnson, Mrs. Ann Kemp, to attend. The Prairie Mission is ---o--and diamond earrings, gift of the Mrs. ·Ila Cook and Mrs. June located near the corner of Tacoma groom, for the double-ring cere- Kreshak. A venue and Francis street in the many performed by the Rev. A. VI/. Sales Road district. Malaria Victim- Lester HolRamstad. Mrs. Rosemae Peterson ---o--Spana way i\ th l ct i c Baseball of Tacoma was matron of honor brook, husband of Dolores (Cook) Holbrook, is reported to be in Club defeated the Navy team at and the g·room's brother, Mr. H. a game played Sunday, May 18, Thorpe of Santa Ana, Calif., was Madigan General Hospital ill with at the U, S. Veterans Hospital. best man. Bridal music included malaria. He served in the South The student council of Pacific two songs, "One Alone" and "The Pacific and on Luzon during the Lutheran College were the guests Final score was- 8 to 4. 11ighlights of the game were Lord's Prayer," by L. Wohlhue- war in the 33rd division, 136th at a party, given by Melvin Osterli, hits made by two Spanaway boys. tcr, accompanied by Miss Rumohr infantry. secretary of the PLC student Motor Trip-Mr. and Mrs. Floyd body, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A three-bagger by Paul Jacobsen Gulhaugen. Calla lilies, iris, delphinium and Cook, Mrs. Mabel Cook and Mm. Ole]. Stucn, Tnesday, May 6. Ee- and a two-bagger hit by Jack other summer flowers predomi- Edna Myers have just completed freshmcnts were served by Mrs. Justice provided two exciting 1110meHts. anted in the garden setting. Pre- an eleven-day trip to California. Slllen. Batteries for Spanaway were: siding at the buffet service were They went inland to Tulare, then Guests were Dr. Philip Hauge, :V!esdamcs E. Lucas, P. Marshall, staved four days at Lindsay with I' LC dean: La V crne Linnerson, DeNune and Brammer. The third game of the season C. Johann and Miss Shirley Lucan. Mr~ and Mrs. Mark Fruin, Mrs. l\'1r. anrl Mrs. Gust~f Anderson, will be played at Spanaway Park, M;abel Cook's youngest brother. Miss Geri Lucas had charge of Bob Hauge, 1'.lr. and Mrs. \Vally I-I c took them to se.c Sequoia Na- I .arson, Il erb Nicnsledt, Patricia Strnclay, May 25, agaiHst Graham. gifts Mr. and Mrs. Mostead will make tional Parle They toured the Purvis, Del Schaeffer, /\ ft o 11 Game time is 2 :00 p.m, Everyone their home in Parkland at Houte Lindsay olive cannery and w?nt lljelm and Marilyn Pflueger. Dr. is welcome to attend and root for 13, Box 998. through the or a n g e packmg J. 0. Patrick, business administra- their team. ---o--houses. They went from Santa tion jHofessor, showed his moving Cruz through the retlwood forests, pictures taken around the camp1rn OFFICERS ELECTED then on to As·toria. At Long and pictures of his travels. Officers for the Parkland Junior Beach they dug clams. Their re-.--o--High 1947-48 student body were Use our spray guns to make turn from Long Beach was made PARKLAND JR. HIGH recently elected by the students. youc <V~Y pointing job ''"'· via the Olympic Peninsula. TAKES FIRST PLACE Also to spray fruit trees. Nominations were made by peti----o--The Parkland Jlrnior High track Save Time - Save Paint tion and after a week of campaign. 1 __ FIRE ALARlVlS team, Coached by Stan 'vViiiis, acSave Energy ing, tne e1g11u1 g1 a.u. c 1uauc cL \...1\.. a.u May 15, 11 :00 p.m., south en- cumulated 59 points last Friday sweep of offices with Russell Wilkcrson bein!< elected to h:ad the trance to Parkland school on afternoon to take first place, with students with the followmg as~ Wheeler and Pacific: transfor- Midland a close competitor (540 sis tan ts, Marilyn Hos so, vice pres- mer on light pole on fire. points), Orting 26 points, and DuMay 18, 5 :00 p.m., west end pont 13 points. idcnt; Lorraine vVellan, secretary; Names of students who placed land Jerry Briggs, treasurer. Class of Hayes street, I. Bowers resiUSED CAR~ representatives will be elected in dence, oil furnace overheated. in the events will be printed next 96th & Pacific GR 8613 No damage. week. the fall.

Margie Dickerson Is Parkland Bride

Midland Cubs Will M 0 M eet n ay 22

phone number. All copy must be in Tuesday night for Thursday's Pofoter.


Spanaway Athletics Drop Navy Team

p LC Student Council

Honored at Party







_ _ _,




' $3.50 for 24 hours



Page Two


ELMER BEARD .......................................................... Editor and Publisher NORMAN JENSEN ............................................................ Associate Editor community newspaper for Midland, Parkland. Brookdale, and Spanaway. Published every Thursday by Deard Printing Co., P. 0 Box 797, Parkland, Wash. Entered as second-class matter October 3, 1945, at the post office at Parkland, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. A

SUBSCRIPTION RATES, By Mail: 1 year, $2.50; six months, $1.75

How About Parkland Day? Puyallup has its Daffodil day, Shelton its Forest Festival and Wenatchee her Apple celebration. Why not a Parkland day that will call attention to the fastest growing community in Pierce county? We have all the advantages of many an incorporated city. Pacific Lmheran College is making plans for more than 1,000 students next fall, stores going up on the highway are in greater demand than there is supply and it won't be long before a fourlane highway will be bringing tourist traffic through our community on a scale that is greatest in history. The fishing derby held at Spanaway lake last Saturday was a start toward a community project, but. at best. it could not be called a gigantic success. Those who took part report every one had a good time. But, there were not enough fish caught. There were not enough sportsmen taking part. Perhaps, with Parkland's great asset, PLC, planning a much larger activity program next year, it could be possible for the town and school to work together for a Parkland day that would really bring attention to an area that has grown beyond the dreams of old-timers who settled here years ago. Let's have some suggestions. Anybody have any ideas for a truly representative Parkland day?



. Mrs. Albert Nelson, reporter Phone G Raham 206

Stork Shower-Mrs. Joe Jupiter was honored with a stork shower S'PANAWAY RESIDENT at the home of Mn;. Ross Plumb. URGES FIRE ENGINE BE KEPT AVAILABLE 011 Monday. Those attending were Tl. E ]' p .. p . . j Mrs. C. O'Neal, Mrs. Lester Cruts ie c 1tor, ra1ne 01ntcr. and \,Y csley Woods, Mrs-. Ed Dear Mr. Beard: rvlerrick, Mrs. Ray Richmond and Y cstcrday something happened son. Phillip; Mrs. Charles Lorenz that distres·secl and worried me a and son, Donald; E. W. great deal. Castle, Jr., Mrs. Joe M.ickus, Mrs. I live in the neighborhood of Sam Jenkins, Mrs. Golden Smallsomc ten miles from Spana way, wood, Mrs. 0. J 6hnson, JI,£ rs. hnt yesterday the fire truck roared Howard Miller, Mrs. 0. Lathrom, hy, siren going, cars following, Mrs. F'rances Loucks, Mrs. Albert blowing their horns. For a minute N clson, Mrs. L. Betschart, Mrs. it had rne rushil1g to see where it Preston I-I cndcrson. Mrs. 0. C. was g·oi11g. And then it had rne Eichler, Mrs. C. Chabot, Mrs. Ben puzzled hy all the crepe paper Kuper, Mm. \Valtcr McGee, Mrs. streamers. l nsteacl of going to a Ona] Evelth and daughter, Rosy. fire, as is tlic original purpose of Those coming from Tacoma were a fire truck, this· one was out Mrs. Albert Monta, Mrs. G. Plumb advertising some doings or other. and daughter, Susan; Irene Koltyk Now far be it from me to deny and June Rudsclil and Mrs. L. the power of advertising, especial- Plumb, the honor guest, Mrs. Joe ly for some worthy cause, but Jupiter, and the hostess, Mrs. Ross someone could ha,·e lost a home Plumb. Games were played. \\'inyesterday because Spanaway's fire ning prizes wer? Mrs. Alber.t N eltrnck \\'asn't where it should have son, Mrs. E. \V. Castle, Sr., Mrs. · Ben Kuper, Mrs. E. \V. Castle, Jr., been. It's high time people in rural 1 and Mrs. vValter McGee. The communities found out the fact honor guest received many lovely that fire trucks· are for protection gifts. The hostess served a deliarnl not something to be played cious lunch. with like a new toy. Visits Parents-Mr. and Mrs. Many_ people have w~rk?d Kenneth Miller of Worthington, to provide this protectton and 1t Minnesota, are visiting with her shonlcl not be up to a fc\\' to cle- parents, Jllfr. and Mrs. Sam Jenstroy its effectiveness. kins. I hope you will find a small space to remind people of the Woodland Park Guests-Althea necessity of keeping iire trucks Smallwood, Raymond O'N~al, where thev belong. It seems some Beverly Crnts and Sammy Jenk111s peo. pie ca;.1 •t figt;re conseq.uences· w~re guests of tl~c state patrol at until the'' meet up with them. V\ oodlancl park 111 Seattle Satur. d~u Mrs. E. VI. Castle, Jr. ', · J<t. 1, Box 291-A, . Weekend in Tacoma-Terry, Spanaway. 11. ,arry . an·d· Jerry Plumb were ---o--.guests 111 1 acorn a over the weekend at the home of Irene Koltyk and June Rudsdil. Alice Dorfner, Reporter 4-H Meeting-The Commando Graham 458 4-1 l boys held a special meeting Friday evening at the Kirby school New Baby-.Mr. and Mrs. Jack house. The members who atReynolds are the proud parents of tended the cooking- demonstration a baby girl, born on May 12. The at Riverside judged the table setlittle girl weighed seven pounds ting demonstration given by the ancl has been named Alice May. other club members. Mrs. C. The grandparents arc all residents O'Ncal and June Ruclsclil were visof Elk Plain. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald itors at this meeting. DcM.ttnc and 1fr. and Mrs. H. Afternoon Caller-Mrs. L. BetHcynolds. schart vis.ited at the home of Mrs. Weekend Guests-J\Ir. and Mm. Eva Interdilzen of Clo\'er Creek Ernest \\Talk and three children, on Tuesday afternoon. Anna Laura, Butch and Ernest Attend Concert-YI r. and Mrs. Jr., of Raymond, were guests over Preston Henderso11' and Mrs. Lesthe weekend at the Pan! \Valk ter Cruts attended at concert held at Puyallup high school Friday home. Word from Italy-Mrs. Al Wik- evening. lund received word from her niece Luncheon-Mrs. J oc Jupiter and and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Bengt Mrs. lfoss Plumb were limcheon Johnson, who are honeymooning guests at the home of June Rudsin Europe. Mrs. Johnson is the dil of Tacoma Friday afternoon. former Sarah Amren and although Visitors-Mr. and Mrs-. Golden she made lwr home in California, Smallwood visited with Mr. and has dsited many times with the Mrs. H. Ulrick on Thursday eve\Viklunds- and has many friends ning. here who are happy to hear the L. Cruts Ill-We are sorry to news. They are in Italy at the hear Mr. Lester Cruts is ill at present time and expect to visit his home. all through Europe. Birthday Celebrated-A birthAttending Schoo 1 in Iowa- day party was held at the home Philip Zurfluh, son of Mrs. Flossie of Mr. and Lester Cruts on Zurfluh, has left for Iowa where Saturday evening. Those attendhe will take a six weeks course




South End in 1960 Plans were announced last week for a South End community that will be built with a view toward streamlined living. as, say, it will be in 1960. The William H. Ford Company of Spokane presented plans to the county engineers and planning commission for a subdivision of 5 5 0 acres that will provide 15 0 cottage sites in the Benbow lakes area, Julf way between Tacoma and Mt. Rainier, on the Mountain highway. The fin;n is now clearing logs in the area that is ow'ned by D. S. ToBias of Seattle. Plans include an airport strip and golf course for the subdivision which will be known as Whitman Lake Addition. Portions are already developed for private use and tentative plans call for pieces to be platted into lots ranging from 3 0 feet to 3 00 feet, and l 00 feet to 3 3 0 feet. The. property includes three private lakes and one ublic


lake. Work has begun on two and one-half miles of roadway which will eventually be turned over to the county for upkeep, providing agreement is reached with county engineers. the officials indicated. Planning engineers have been scheming for years on ways of dispersing residents crowded together in large cities. It appears that here's a firm that believes so much in the future of aviation and commuter flying that it is willing to spend a large sum to be one of the first to take the step that will bring this age about. It is difficult to sec where such a project would end if other firms took up the challenge. Surely it would provide a higher standard of living for everyone. If the airplane ever reaches the popularity of the automobile, the South End, much of which is covered by trees and prairie, may some day become one of the most modern communities in America. Privacy would be assured each resident, there would be ample space about each home and an airport within walking distance would undoubtedly act as a lure to decentralization and more wholesome living.


Elk Plain News

day evening.


YARD BEAUTIFIERS Rose arbors and trellises for s·alc, Brookdale Lumber Company. GRanite 8362. (Adv., 27tf)

SUBSCHIDE to The Pointer

beautiful cloth-covered casket in this style. -at C. C. MELLINCER'S



Including 48 Items of Service

almost seems like a neW' car! Bring yours in to-

/l~t:J~ WOOL BLANKETS ·--·--·······-··----$3.00 AND COMFORTERS

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OFFICE DESKS. ___________ $5.95 to $32.00 Stock Canning Pots ........$1.75 to $5.95 5-Gal. Aluminum and Steel STURDY NEW G. I. GARBAGE CANS USED TRUCK TIRES-HARDWARE-PAINT

South End Trading Post SPANA WAY Corner Mt. Hiway and Military Road.

Cleaning Solvent STOVE OIL Tire-Tube Repairs LUBRICATION


Battery Service FURNACE OIL


GR 8112 V. R. SELLE



The HunsHlow


GRanite 9978

v ARIETY STORE 326 Garfield St.

Pacific Ave. and Sales Road

Complete Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners

GR 7758

7:00 a.m. to I :30 a.m.


(Saturday 'til







Get Your 1947 Fishing and Hunting License Here

Daniels Hard are

Parkland Cycle Shop


326 Garfield Street GRanite 7758 Dealer for the famous "World" Schwinn Bicycles

GR 7947




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Water Beaters ·· Floor Furnaces ·· Basement Furnaces


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and all other forms of Insurance

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PHONES GR 8052 &: GR 8718

TO GO * SOUPS, SANDWICHES, SUNDAES *LIGHT LUNCHES Hours: If you're here, we're near ELDON KYLLO, Prop. GRanite 9988


1:~: -: -: ·: -: -: ·: -: -: -: ·: ·: ·: ·: ·: -: -: ·: ·: ·: ·!:.!:·!:·: ·: -: ·: -: -: ·: ·: ·: ·: ·: ·: -: ·: ·: ·: -: ·: ·: -: ·:t-: -: ·: -: ·: ·: ·: -: -: -: -: -: -: ·: ·: ·: -: -: ·: ·: ·: -: -:a:-~; t -~~ .



Phone MA 3311






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Phone GRanite 6294


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!itretch -Wour4' . .ollH.r§ ••

RT. 7, BOX 497-A

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HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 6 a. m.-12 midnight F n'day: 6 a. m.-2 a. m. Open Saturday, 6 a. m. UNTIL Midnight Sunday


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Open: 9 - 6 :30 Daily

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day and

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nights! Your car runs



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You would expect to pay at least $350


operate is something to

Birthday Party-Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Golden Smallwood, Althea and Melvin visited at the home of Mrs. Anna Edling of Spanaway. It was in honor of Mrs. Edling's birthday.



Finer Funerals For ljESS



Mahe Ticket Resewatio11s Early

* *


Mothers Visit Kapowsin-M rs. \i\lm. Brown, Mrs. A. B. Howe, Mrs. E. \V. Castle, Sr .. and Mrs. Lowell Elston were guests on the afternoon of May 14 at the Mother-Daughter Kapowsin Tea. On this occasion awards were given by the girls club. Amy Drown was one of four girls to receive a pin.

A Stage Show NOT a Movie TUESDAY THRU SATURDAY FOR THREE WEEKS May 20th thru June 7th Phone BR. 2481 between 1 and 5, .7 and 9 p.m. College or Point Defiance bus to No. Second and I Sts. \Vhen making reservations, mention the Prairie Pointer Adults $1.25, Students and Service Men 75c, (including tax)

ing were Bessie and Ed Rolland, W ana Bolling, Georgia Bolieu and her mother, Maxine Leonard, Richard and Carole Rhea and Betty Cruts. The honor guest was Mrs. Lester Cruts. Flower Display-TJ1ere will be a flower show held at the Graham Grange hall on May 25 at 8 p. 111. There will be no judging of the display. Anyone having flowers may enter them. The ladies auxiliary will serve lunch. Everyone is welcome. Back to Work-Emma H. Erickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nelson, returned to Tacoma last week to return to work. She is employed by the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company. Motor to Canal-Mr. and Mrs.,. R. v\T. Stanger, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Panls·on and Mr. and Mrs. \Nalter Stanger and children drove to Hood Canal on Sunday by way of Gig Harbor and returned by way of Shelton. Honor Student-Mary Ann Loucks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Loucks, is on the honor roll at Smnner high school. Back to Work-Miss Margaret Keane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keane, returned to Tacoma to resume her job as a telephone operator. Honored - Mary Ann Loucks was chosen standard bearer of the Rainbow Girls of Smnner. Visit Mrs. Nelson-Mrs. Mary Berryman, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shaffer and children Barbara and Curtis of Tacoma visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert N. Nelson on Sunday afternoon. Visit Son-Mr. and Mrs-. M. H. Loucks and daughter of Edgewood, Wash., visited with their son, Francis Loucks. on Sunday. Attend Lodge-Mrs. M. Jorgerson and Katie Nelson attended the Rebekah Lodge at Elbe, along with 12 other members of the Kapowsin Rebekah Lodge on Tues-

in auctioneering.

School Club Meets - The Elle• Plain School Club held its monthly meeting on May 13 at the Grange hall. It was decided to hold the annual picnic at Spana way Park on June 4.


Parkland, \Vashington, Thursday, May 22, 1947.


§ /5.. ~



Parkland, ·washington, Thursday. May 22, 1947.

GR 8625

SPANAWAY FUEL CO. Phone GRanite 8235 WOOD - Dry or Green COAL - All Types



SPANA WAY . Under New Management



SHOE REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Berntsen Building Garfield St.






6205 So. Puget Sd.

Piper Funeral H01ne


5436 SO. PUGET SOUND GA 5436


Parkland Theater Bldg. GRanite 8581

Stella's Flowers vV eddings - Corsages Funeral Designs STELLA JACOBS

GR 7863


Margaret's Beauty Shop Open 9 to 6 Evenings by Appointment Spanaway GR 8080



0 lson Electric 0. M. Olson

GRanite 7705

Parkland BEAUTY SHOP GR 7460 JLa.houre HoJD111.e


'l'ule Lake :a.oa.d


GR 8077



Marsh & Knudtson Two Chairs for Fast Service Across from Parkland P. 0.



Bessie Roland, reporter

Poche I Distributing Co. Rt. 7, Box 497-A

the Miracle B~ok Club at a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cruts, Saturday night, May 17. Rose Marie Righetti, Reporter The evening was s-pent playing Scouts-The Clover Creek Boy games. Refreshments of cocoa, G Ranite 8227 Scouts, Troop No. 79, met at the cake, sandwiches and jello were school Tues-clay, May 13, with Mr. served to the following: Lois Honored-Friends· arrived unPete McLeo<l, assistant Scout- Paisheck, Ju cl y Carkins, St an expected Friday evening, May 16, master, in charge. J\ board of re- l\ober Val Bures and Harley }.fol- at the home of Miss Wilma Mae view was held with the following yon of the Miracle Book Clllb and Righetti to help lier celebrate her committeemen: l larold McCam- Bessie and Eddie l\oland, Caroline 15th birthday. The evening was 111011, \Villiam Mayers, and Roy E. Rhea, Jo Copple, M ttriel Barker, spent i11 games and frolic. l{efreshRenncr, scolltmaster. 0 ni er S. Maxine Leonard, tvJary Jane Leon- men ts prepared by her parents Roland was awarded a pack for anl Gcorg-ia Bolieu, Bettie and and friends, were served to Florearning the most points in passing nc,;erly Cruts, Richard Hhea, euce Davis, Betty Fox, Sammy the requirements of the troop. Jauna Bolen, and Mrs. George .Crisrnan, Janelle Nygard, Alice Back to Oregon - Vance Mc- Bolieu, and Mrs. Cruts of Clover Funkhouser, Jimmy llouk, Rose Manigal and M ichacl returned to Creek. Marie l<ighctti, Bob Freligh and 0 St. 11 clcns, Oregon, on Satnrday, Dinner Party-Mr. Omer E. Jimmy \A/ca,·er. vVilllla was the Map 17, aitcr a week-long vis-it Roland was hostess to a group of recipient of many lovely gifts. with the relatives here. relatives and friends at a dinner, Attend Concert-Students· of the Guests - .Mr. and Mrs. J<ran.k Thursday, May lS. Mr. and Mrs. sun-ounding communities spent a Keane. Leota and Bruce of Allt- Way n c Glidden prepared and dclig-htful day attending the allancc, Nebraska, spent Thnr~day served the dinner. ~fr. an<! !vlrs. county co 11 cert held at Eatonville at the home of Mr. aud w~rs. l'rcd Frank Keane of i\ll1a11cc, N;~iras- high school, Thursday, May 15. J. Boness, who accompanied them ka, won the door pnze. I hose Orchestral and chorus numbers to see Henry !~cane, who is at the present were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. pro\idcd wonderful entertainment !vladig·an Hospital. ~ h:eane, Estel and Barbara, and to the following: Carmella Miller, Convention-Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Cliffonl Evers-ull of_ Spana way; Eleanor J\lurphy, Betty Sahli, Heller attended a Rowle1g-h co 1_1- Mr. am! Mrs. Frank Keane of Al- Juvcc Reeder. Sarah vValker, Bevvention at tile New i_n liancc, Nchraoka; ~Irs. Van c. e ~·riy McCauley, Pat Hicks, BcverTacoma, Satnrday, May 17~ ~heir McManigal an<l Michael_ of St. IL-e Picard, Janelle Nygard, Wilma daughters, Nan c Y and Slurley, Helens, Oregon; Mrs. M. 1'. ,South- !{ighctti, Violet Olson, Pat Johnspcnt the day with M.r. and Mrs-. \\ell, Mr and Mrs. Paul Strana- so;1, Juanita Muir, Helen Byrd, Cyrlis Greenlaw. . han, l\[ r-; Alice Gene Slll~W aud Marj~ric Johnson, Betty Honek, Scout Outing - Approxnnat~ly David: Bessie, Omer and J<,d_wai cl Lillian H ildebritnd, Leota Reiter, 100 lfoy Scouts of the Ramier Roland, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Marjean StcYenson, Glen McVcy, District held a camporee at_ the Gelhlcu and the hostess, Mrs. Rose Marie Righetti, Betty Fox, Mill pond over the weekend, start-1 Omer E. Roland. _. _ Ruby Stauffacher, Beverly Petering Friday night, May 16; ;'.n.d Return to Nebraska- J\lr. and son, hy Knnschak, Marilyn James, ending Sunclay uoon, May 18. :· n- Mrs. Frank Keane, Leota and Dorothv Hoskins, Lois Boone, day night camps "·as set up. lltgh·· Brncc left Friday evrning for tl;cir Elcanoi: Ruley, Gloria Davenport, lights of Saturday's program. \\'ere hnmc in i\lliancc, '.'\cbras-ka, alter and Mrs. Eileen Miller, They were demonstrations on fire lrnilding spending a \\'eek IYith relatives conveyed to and fro111 the school and cooking in the forenoon ses- here. bv Fred Brannan. sion and a conrt of honor after _Returns Here-__ L:t_st Tue_·sday, ·Ill L' D'. • "' 1 1 '-'ewman, s 01i · · I ··! · I ittc 1c<1e supper. Sunday mormng c 1lll cl Mrs. J.'rcd \V. Boness returnet f M an! Mrs Charles Newman s-crviccs were hcl<l. Hoy Scouts from California where she_ has ? . r. ' .' • ' ](}t.1 "tl"et ' .frorn Clover . · · · been · staying near her · hnsbat~< I w 11_0 is i 11 at 111s 11ome on • ,. 1 ~ • e . I Creek attcn d'mg· "etc , __ Glen White Gene H cllcr, Omer is in the service there. She 1s At Home-Mis. It' 111 B.11! anc · l11en, ,UH_ · 1 Al- staying · · J\{argarct Roland, ..·1··'au'J S i:1il \\"tth her htts lian<l' s· 1· o 11·,s,· bah)' . . dmwhter . "~· ,. ,. .- __ .Ann arc ,·. 1 ired Southwell "·ith Pete i\lcLcod Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Boness._ no\\_ iecen111~. \1s1lo1s at ticu O\"er them. Mr. and l'vl rs. R. E. Anniversary _ Mr. and Mrs. home at the l\.1rby Apts. Renner attended the con rt of lton- Lawrence Failey observed thc~r Returns-Mr. and Mrs-. vVilliam or Satnrday night. . . 2:itli wedding anniversary_, at th~ir Caldwell, Shepher~I S1mn1011s Rd., Visits Mother-Mrs. ]{nth Allen hollle May 15, with thell' family returned home this week from a went to l loquiam vVcdncsday, and fricn<is. Those present were: recent visit at Hot Springs, vVash. May 14, to visit her mother, M_rs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hammond, Vacation- Enjoying her vacaS. M. Poston, who returned wlth La r r y Richard, Mr. and Mrs, tion at Spanaway Lake is Mrs. her Thursday night. . Frank Failey and daughter, Mr. Lora Carr of Santa Ana, Calif. Club E,ntertained-Tlte Baptist and 11 rs. Frank Hans en and M.r. Mrs. Carr is a former resident of y onng People's Union of Clovci: and Mrs. Law1Tncc Failey and Spana way. Creek entertained the rncrnbcrs 01 Ruth. Visits-Guests at the home of ---( o--. Mr. and Mrs. Clandc Kanchl, of Spanaway L,ake, are S/Sgt. and Mrs. John Browning and children, Janet and Johnny, of Vancouver, The Clover Creek P.T.A. will VI' ash. Recuperating-George King of JHCSL'nt ;1 play and turkey s11pper this Friday at I :30 p.m. as a hot Tltird street is recuperating- from htnclt benefit. S l1 pp er will be an attack nf influenza. ~ Visits - Visiting in Seattle on scn·c<l frout Ci to 8 run. The name RICKRAK of the play is "Sweet Adeline," Tlrn1·sday were Mrs. Stanley CarlBIAS TAPE son, Spanaway, and her guests, with the following cast: CROCHET THREAD :\<!dine l lennessey, Ivirs. Rob- lvlrs. Thomas \Vats-on of 1vlidland ert llammond; Chauncey, Mr. H. and Mrs. L. Guier of Tacoma. ~ Guest - Mrs. Jack Carson of }.J. Uaiscngcr; Boss, Mr. George 1'.olien: Mr:;. Hcuncsscy, Mrs. Renton was a guest at the home Gcorg·e Bolien; Chinese Charley, of Mrs. Emily Ball, First street, Mrs. Harry Markstonc; Gloomy, on Friday. Leaves-Leaving Spanaway to M. rs·. Nor man \Veimcr; Bronc, ad Georgia Bolieu; C11rley, EI s i e make their home in Lemmon, S. Keene; Cookie, Mrs. Harold Cox: D., arc Mrs. l\ohcrt Mohr and Mt. Highway at Hancock St. Next to Red & White Hungry, Mr. Harold Cox; Hand- daughter Josie. Her husband will some, l\J rs. James Lencord: Two- follow in the near future. New Home-Now making their Gun, Mr. James Lcneord. Special home on Eighth street arc Mr. lltllsic by Mr. Joln1son. and Mrs-. A. Shea of Morton. ---o--Convalescing - Now convalesDELTA HOUSE PARTY Boating, roller skating, swim- cing at her home after a prol?nged ming and hiking were the attrac- illness is Mrs. Charles Justice of 13497 Mt. Highway tions at the Delta Rho Gamma Sixth and E streets. (BROOKDALE) Guests-Guests at the home of house party held last weekend at, E. R. Crain Lake Patterson ucar Olympia. The Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Anderson BRAZING hol\sc party, an annual affair, was of 14th street is an invalid sister atte1alcd by over twenty girls, in- of Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Victor cluding their advisor, Miss Lil- H.iatt, and children, J an is and lian Langcmo, PLC library as- Jacqueline, of San Francisco, and his mother, Mrs. Anton Anderson, sistant. Mrs. Anderson left for her home in vVinthrop, Minn·., on Tuesday, May 13. . , Church Views-The vVomcn s Society of Christian Service of the Spanaway Methodist Cl)urch c_o.nvencd at the borne of Mrs. Clifford Anderson and Co-hostess 1813-1890 Mrs. Russell Scearce on American explorer, who led day, May 8. Guest of the s?ci~ty a government expedition into thL was Mrs. H. Pritenzu of District Northwest. He followed the route Sec. 2 of Spiritual Life. i'he next of the Old Oregon Trail, reaching meeting will be pot lunch at the The Dalles on the Colwnbia river home of Mrs. Louis Symmons, Nov. 4, 1843, after vainly seeking a 11th street, on J ttne S. All memnew passage through the Rockies. bers are asked to attend. Such were the qualities of leaderGuests-Guest for the weekend ship that opened upAmerica'sneW• at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifest frontier. ford Mason, 4th street, was her sister, Mrs. H. G. Ainslie of Seattle. Guests-Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Manma, Shepherd Simmons Road, on Mother's Day, May 11, were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Patrico of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. George Vanek, Mr. and Mrs. You'll find it well worth your while, in planning that vVilliam Vanek, sons- of _Mrs. new home, to turn to those best qualified to guide you Maruna, and Mrs. Steve Hiblar. in the selection of the materials with which to build, Mrs. Maruna was the recipient of That's why it will pay to consult us first for the best many lovely gifts and flowers. Birth - M1. and Mrs. Robert in building materials and supplies, Moore Eighth street, are receiving c~ngratulations on the birth of their first child, a daught~r, n am e d Patricia Ann, born 111 Northern Pacific Hospital, weighing 8 pounds., 4 ounces, on Friday, GOOD ASSORTMENT

Clover Creek



Page Three

Clover Creek PTA To Present Play




PACIFIC Welding Service






May 9. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. S. L. James of Snlllmitt and Mr. and Mrs. James A. ~loorc of Booneville, Ky. Mrs. Moore will be remembered as Nettie James of Spanaway. Visits-Mrs. Charles J laggerty of Tacoma was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. l loward Nolan, Fifth street, Thursday. Observes Birthday - Congratulations and best wishes were extended to Mrs. Jl. C. Lindsly on her 92ncl birthday, Thurs-day, May 15. Mrs. Lind sly is in the best of health and enjoys receiving visitors at her home on Second street. She came to Spanaway in September of l 945 by plane from Philadelphia to make her home with her daug·hter, Mrs. C. C. Phipps, postmaster of Spanaway post office. Mrs. Lindsly is quite active and enjoys- shopping for herself. Gnesb for the day were her niece and nephew, lvlr. and Mrs. George H radley of Seattle. She was the recipient of many lovely cards anrl gifts from different parts of the country. Visits - J\I r. and Mrs, Robert Rhone of Second street visited for the weekend at. Lakeland, \Vash. Weekend-Mr. and Mrs. Robert K r<'ge1· spent the weekend at their home on Spanaway Lake, 12th street, Ladies' Aid-The Lo\eland Ladies' Aitl will convene Thursday, May 22, (today) at the home of Mrs. Emcl'Son Tarpcning, Mt. Highway ..\11 members arc asked to attend. Ill-Confined to her home with chicken pox is Louella Bosworth, daughter of Mrs. Bernice Hosworth, Fogg street. Recuperating-Jason C. .McCabe of Brookdale is recuperating from a recent illness. Return - Mr. and Mrs-. L. L. Laurence and children Jackie Lee and Jimmy have returned to California from a recent visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl James of Eighth street. School Patrol Picnics - Members of the Spanaway school saiety patrol spent a very enjoyable day at Playland Park in Seattle. The pknic was their reward for faithful d1tty 011 the patrol during· the school term. They enjoyed free rides and cats. Those enjoying the trip \\'ere: Alice Scearce, captain: Joyce Mattsen, Henrick Patjens, Betty Schroeder, Barbara Beck-. 1_1_1an, Pete Dubacher, lient.enants; E ngc n e Scearce, David Scearce, Mary Birkhofer, Clara Roberts, Ronald "Johnson, Lloyd Johnson, Bill Mattsen, Janet Mattsen, Marcella Mulligan, Kate Mulligan, Harold Drake, Carrol Doyle, Opal Cooley, Beverly N oan, VV·arren Symmons, Pat Queen, Tony Smith, Earnest Corp, patrolmen. Home League-Spana way Home League lllct at home of Mrs. Taini on Thursday. Meeting was opened by sing-in g "Sweet Hour of Prayer." This meeting was to honor our mothers, tbe o'l'd'e's't mother and yonngcs-t m o th e r. H nnors we1it to Mrs. C. Gunns as oldest mother and Mrs. Bolieu was youngest rnuther. Both received lovely gifts. Mrs. Ingham gave a reading, "A Little Parable for Mothers." Adjutant Larson read a Scriptnrc reading. Adjutant and iVlrs. Larson sang a d1tet. l'vl eeting was then clos-cd by repeating the Lord's Prayer. "Happy Birthday" was then snng- for Mrs. Vera Monta by the group. She was presented with a lovely cake by her daughter, Mrs. Bolieu, and she received many lovely gifts from her friends and neighbors. Mrs. Taini served a verly lovely luncheon. Those present were: Adjutant and Mrs-. Larson o[ the Salvation .-\rmy, the Mesdames Kimilbcrgcr, Easter, Thorsen, C. E. Harris, Fae Boliu, Vera Mon ta, Walter Harris, Parrish, C. Gnnns, Hay. Laudette, Verna Petaski, Onnic Hall, Mabel Kenny, G. Nygren, E. Ing~ ham, and the Misses M a r i a n Schwah and Connie I mus. There were also 16 chil<lrcn in attendance. Scouts - Girl Scont Troop 30 has been very busy the past month and a half working on the firs-t aid and folk dancing- badges. The girls worked on the first aid badge under the direction of Merle Prettyman. Dnring the absence of their leader, Mrs. \l.,lilliam Ghan, Mrs. Nina Haag-en helped the g-irls on the folk dancing badge. Both Mr. Prettyman and Mrs. Haagen were greatly appreciated. Auction Sale-Spanaway Home League will have an auction sale of cm broidery pieces at the Salvation Army hall at 1114 South 12th on May 24, at 8 p.m. Money from this- sale is to send some of our children, who have attended Sunday regularly, to s u m mer camp and to help the Spanaway Salvation Army Sunday School. Sunday school will be at 11 o'clock every Sunday.

Johnson lr Anderson "On the Mountain Highway"

Parkland, Washington

ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTER Friday and Saturday Specials R. & W. COFFEE ____________________ ,__ Jb. 47c

R. & W. Ripe Olives, No. 1 can ________ 38c Orange Marmalade, 1-lb. glass ________ 23c Wesson Oil, pint ---------------------··-- __ 43c _______________3 cans 22c Baby Foods __ _ Popular Brands

Strained Honey, 2-lb. glass ____________ 89c Cigarets, carton ________________________________ $1.59 Popular Brands

Ivory Soap _______ _2 med. 2lc; lge. bar 17c DUZ, lge. pkg. __ . . _______________________ 3lc Ivory Flakes, lge. pkg. _____________________ _33c FROZEN FOO~S -


Qno.lity Heo.t!!i PORK CHOPS, center cuts


BACON, sliced lean


WEINERS, skinless





For Something Different


When Those Showers, Birthdays or Weddings Roll Around


NEW GUN CLUB Packing· Company on Tlmrstlay, All persons interested in organ- May 22, 8 p.m. izing a Gun Club for the Spana---u--way-Elk Plain district are asked Be a safe driver, not a s-orry to attend the meeting at Loveland one.





l/2 OFF

Now's the Time to Save On These I fems




GOING FOR YJ OFF ----------~------------------

Large Fish Creels $4.50

Bristol Telescope Fish Rod $4.25 Good Stock of Loose Hooks and Snelled Hooks with Light Test Leader

----------------------------MOTOR OIL

2 Gals. 98c


t~'4tJ4tS~ Across the streef from PLC

Walter Young, Prop.

9648 Pacific Ave.

GRanite 8780


Page Four


, . ( Continued from Page One) at Key vVest, Fla., and then accompanied her daughter to her ncw home in New London, Conn. Vacationing- Lt. and Mrs. F. D. Van Rheeclen, of 518 Arthur Street, are vacationing in Virginia. Before returning west they will visit the lieutenant's parents in Illinois. Special Meeting - Miss Arna Njaa of Minneapolis executive secretary of the Luthe,ran Daughters of the Reformation, will be the guest speaker at a special meeting at Trinity Lutheran Church on Monday evening spansored by the Mary Martha Society. Junior Guild members are also joining in the meeting, and everyone is ill\;ited to attend. Vocal numbcrs will be given by Misses Charlene Martens, Barbara DeBerry and Marilyn Pflueger, and a trumpet duet will be played by .Paul Steen and vVilhclm Christensen. Refrcs.hrnent:s will be' served

with Mrs. Robert Johnson in charge. Feeling Better-Jimmy Olson, son of Coach and Mrs. Clifford 0. Olson, recently underwent a tonsilcctomy and is now recovering at his home. Dinner Guests - Sunday night supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bryson were Mrs. Marie Fieve of Tacoma, Mrs. S. Tor\'end of Silverton, Oregon, David H nff of Sacramento, Calif., Miss Olga Torvend, Miss Alice Kjcsbu, Silas Torvend and LaVerne Linnerson, all of P.L.C. Entertains at Luncheon- Mrs. Marie Fieve entertained twelve of her friends from Tacoma at a noon luncheon last Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B yrnn BrysoJL • Visits Mother-Mrs. S. G. Lowell of \Vinlock has been visiting a week with her mother, Mrs. Lena Shelstad of Brookdale. Loses End of Finger-Mrs. vValton vViklund is the victim of a badly cnt finger. As she was at-


Bunce Fuel \-o. Write P. 0. Box 762, Tacoma

Phone PRoctor 5001






HOUSE PAINT LINSEED OIL No. 1 Upland Cedar Shingles

BASKETT bU BER CO. AT MIDLAND 96th and Portland Avenue

?IJe'u ~ea4·

GRanite 8488

to Sewe


CUSTOM BUTCHERING CUSTOM CUTTING CUSTOM SMOKING SUGAR CURED We are specialists in cutting and caring for your Locker Meat Wholesale Frozen Fruits and Vegetables for Locker Storage MEAT DEPT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Processing Plant Serves Locker Customers Only

joerloff Inc. Pacific near Airport




tempting to remove an object from the vacuum sweeper when it was running, it cut the encl off the finger and pulled the nail off. Girls See Friends-B 1 a n c h e Shelstad and Mary Cooper of Vlinlock have been visiting at the E. L. Ingham home t h i s past weekend. The two girls have many friends attending PLC from Winlock and visited the college. Doth will graduate from high school at vVinlock this J unc. Blanche Shelstad is on the honor roll at \Vinlock high. She is the daughter of Mrs. E. L. I ngarn. Surprise Party-Mrs. E. L. Ingha1ll invited guests in as. a surprise party for her husband's 49th birthday recently. Hooms were decorated in spring flowers and a large birthday cake was center decoration for the dining table. Evening was spent in singing and dancing. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lenz of Hoy; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Goyrner, Mr. and Mrs. Miele, Miss Rosemary Palmer and Mr. Enfield, all of Tacoma. Mr. Joe Shelstad of Brnokdale, Miss Blanche Shelstad of \Vinlock, and Robert I ngha111 of Roy, and honor guest '.vlr. E. L. Ingham and•' hostess Mrs. E. L. Tngharn. Senior Tea -The Dor1llitory Auxiliary No. 1 of Paciiic Lutheran College will hold its annual te;1 for the women seniors in the gardens of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Pflueger, Parkland, \111 ash., on Tuestlay, May 27. Mrs. Clarrnce Johnson has arranged the program. Mrs. C. 0. Olson, president of the auxiliary, will welcome the seniors.. Mrs. A. \V. Ramstad will lead in devotions. :Miss Elizabeth Bailcy will play some flute solos. The speaker ll'ill be Mrs. E. B. Steen of Parkland and her topic is . ''Transforming Influences." Hostesscs for the l.lay are Grace Bloomquist, ·~I'! iss Clara Chilson, 1v1i~;:, Anne 1(nudson, 11.iss .Ani-laura Peck, Miss Dora Berg and Mrs. M.ichel Frank. PTA Officers Retire-!Vlrs. Leif Klippen was prcs.cnted with a past prcsident's pin at the joint PTA and Pre-School meeting held last Friday at Parkland school. Miss Frances Scearce, kindergarten teacher, received a corsage, :is did Mrs. George Rolstad, retiring· PreSchool president, and the new



THEATRE Friday & Saturday, May 23, 24 "NIGHT TRAIN TO MEMPHIS" Roy Acuff and Adele Mara and "DEATH VALLEY" Robert Lowery, Helen Gilbert --::-Sunday & Monday, May 25, 26 "I'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU" Philip Dorn, Catherine McLeod plus "CRASHING THROUGH" James Ne'?'ell --::--

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 27, 28 and 29 "ORCHESTRA WIVES" Glenn Miller and His Band George Montgomery and Ann Rutherford and "THE WIFE OF MONTE CRISTO" with John Loder, Lenore Aubert


Parkland, vVashington, Thursday, May 22, 1947.

CLASSIFIED ADS Clover Creek American Legion Post 118 meets 2nd and 4th Friday at Spanaway school. VFW-Rodger Lunde Post No. 5052, meets every Tues. night, Sunshine hall, Parkland, 8 p.m.

DON'T SAY NO Clover Creek Auxiliary Unit No. 118 of The American Legion has purchased three thonsand poppies to be put on sale during ''poppy day," May 23 and 24. \Vhen you are asked to buy a poppy don't say no! Think of the om:s you are helping. Onr slogan is ''\Ve serve those who sened us." Spanaway Carnival Clover Creek Unit sponsored a booth at the P.T.A. Carnival held at Spanaway sd10ol Friday and Saturday, May 16 and 17. The ladies reported a good crowd and enjoyable time. Meeting Friday Clover Creek Legion post and Auxiliary Unit will hold their social meeting Friday night, May 23, at Spana\\·ay school at 8 o'clock. Members arc urged to attend and get in on the poppy sales. Other important business \\'ill he discussed and refreshments served after the meeting. PTA officers headed by Mrs. \Villi:1111 Chambers. prcs.iclent. Recital-Gudrun Ness H.onning presented a number of her pupils in a private voice recital at her home, Cleveland and Park Ave., Monday evening. Soloists appcar-







Gulhaugcn, Richard Rose, Marilyn Pflueger, Ronald Josi, Betty Reiman, JVlartin Gulha11gen. Dorothy Meyer, Carl Fynhoe, Sylvia Blomelic, Gerald Solvik and Ruth Jensen. Guests were Mrs. S. C. J;:astvold, Miss Helen Blornelic, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Steen, Miss Doro~ thy Satterlie, Mr. and lvfrs. C. S. Fynboe, Mrs. Robbilarll, Miss Grace Blomquist, Mrs. Philip E. liaucg, Dr. and J. 1'. Pflueger and Rev. and Mrs. 0. L. Jensen, Miss Gladys H ovlanrl, Burton Severeid, Mis·s Vivian H ertig and Luther Steen. Recovering-Friends of Mrs. E. J. Scott will be glall to know that she is improving from illness which has kept her confined to her home for the past two months. Rummage Sale-A rnnunagc sale will be held Friday and Saturday at 743 So. Tacoma Ave. by members of Mary l\lartha Society, with Mrs. Simou Anderson in charge. Anyone wishing to donate nm1111age may contact her "(GR 8607) or those ass·isting, Mesdames Paul Larson, John Stanley, E. T. Ellingson, Buel Storaasli, li'.ulicrl Clark and Ed llimlcrlic. Study Club - Suburban Study Club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. l'. Pflueger, Monday, ]\fay 26, at 2 p.m .. with Mrs. Ray Hcnwick presiding. Mrs. K cnneth Jacobs will speak on flower arra11gc1nents. Special mu sic is planned. Annual Meeting - Pacific Lutheran College Dormitory Auxiliary Ko. 2, will hold its annual meeting June 9, 1947, in the reception room uf the college. Mrs. 11 enry Bcrs-lund of Tacoma will tell of her recent trip to Norway. Miss Nora J. OJs.en, president, will conduct the business meeting at which will be held the aunual ~leetion of ·officers.

FOR SALE-Good family cow, 61 LATE JvIODEL 15-tube Zenith. gals. milk a day, $125. Frank Completely overhauled, 3 short Hartman, Ht. 1, Box 241, Span- J wave bands. New tubes and ne\v away. 37p condensers. Like new throughF 0 l{ SALE Emerson phonoout. Miller & Knabe], Mt. Highgraph-radio combination. Conway. GR?563. 37c sole type. Overhauled, guaran- WANTED - Man for garden teed. Only $SO. Miller & Knabe!, work, one day a week. GRanite Mt. l-ligll\\'ay. GR 7.163. 37c 7032. J. J. Stanley. 37p WELL DH.lLL.lNG-Electrically WJl_IPPING CREAM for sale, welded joints and all work "Uartime! house nqrth of the Brookantecd. Call or write E. J. \Vebdale Golf Couf~e entrance. 37p ber Well Drilling Co., Rt. 3, Box CARPENTER remodeling, large 841. G Ranite 7211. 19tfc or small jobs: Gene Russell, 707 FOR HOHSESI-IOEING, call"A. Hend'.icks St., Parkland. Ph. L. Reizner. Phone HI. 5072. GRan1te 7036. 23tfc Sales Road. 3'1-37p EXPERT FURNITURE RE-· rZ-66FfNG=-Kew. roofs-now ail~ PAllUN G and finishing-cupplied. N cw material now on board doors and .drawers. ~ubhancl. Roof repairs. 12-month urban Wooc 1work111g, 9643 P1petcrms on new roofs. Phone line Road 11ear 96th and "A." GRanite 7857. tfc GR 8662. tfc FOR SALE-One Winchester 16 Moles, Gophers, and Field Miceguagc pump shotgun, $75; one 1,: UL L ,~~'.£ERMIN~TION electric record player, $25; one <~UAR'.\Nll~~D. Full mstrucExccl n1 o vie projector and t1011s. $1.00. I•rank Eggers, Is. screen, $25. All articles arc new, saquah, vVash. 36, 37L: ·never been used. Call GR 8627 GRAVEL for driveways, etc. Reaafter 5:30 p.111. 37c s·onable. Veteran War II. Call FOR SALE.-12-tube Philco conGR 7202. 30tfc sole completely overhauled. Just WELLS DRILLED and pumps like new, guaranteed, $60.00. on a F.H.A. loan. 3 years to Terms .. Miller & Knabe!, Phone pay. Einar Thorsen, Rt. 7, Box GR 7563. 37c 437, Tacoma. GR 8707. tfc WANTED - Reliable person for BULL AND BOAR SERVICE. care of 3 small children and Delivered. Registered Guernseys light housekeeping, 4 hours a no extra charge. 0. L. Myers, day, 6 clays a week. Mrs. A. J. Rt. 1, Box 220-D, Spanaway. Stearn,GR7111. 37c PhoneGR8636. tfc

FOR papering, painting and kemtoning, call GI'\ 7231 or GR 7496. Free estimates, reasonable. 19tic MYRTLE'S BEAUTY SHOP at 706 Lafayette St., Parkland. Ph. GRanite 4679 foi appointments. 28tf EQUITY for trade or sale t\\'O bedroom house, electric pump, three lots; for car or $650. Phce valued at $2,000. Payments $30 per month. East Fifth St., Spanaway. Apply to Art Burnside, Onalaska, \i\Tash. 35, 36, 37p FOi{ SALE-Or•e "uod or coal range, hea\'y ca:-;t iron, good condition. Coil inclndecl. $30.00. Call GR 7727. 37p PAPERING, !;~;~~ting, Kemtoning. All work guaranteed. GArland 0130. W. Campbell. 37, 38, 39, 40c PLOvVlNG, discing, lawns leveled, hack-filling and scoop \\'Ork. I~ay Gogan, GR 8842. tfc BUNCE FUEL CO. now offers good upland rnixecl millwoocl, direct from the Loveland Mill. For prompt clcli\'ery, call PR. 5001. 33tfc N E\V an cl used pumps for sale. For service call after 4 o'clock or Sundays. E in a r Thorsen, GEanite 8707. tfc WANTED - H o u s es to wire. TI ouse wiring of all kinds. Call now, don't wait. GRanite 7524 evenings. tfc 15 LOTS, Brookdale, within one block Park An~nue, $30 each. Ed. Anclernon, l~t. 3, Box 800, \Nilson street. 37, 38p

T ~~

99th. & South Tacoma Way -


Open 7 :00 -


NEAR McCHORD FIELD . Show Starts at Dark - Enjoy Movies in Your Car.

Lumber &Hardware


GR 7900



1 x 12


2x 6


"TALL IN THE SADDLE" John Wayne an:d Ella Raines



Colotyle Installed Paint, Hardware Colored Shakes Composition Shingles



(In Technicolor)






Gail Patrick and Mischa Auer NEWS AND COMEDY

Made to Order

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<r>2'.t; :z:....,.- ~99_c.!:!_

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· Ooo ""t5].... 33:J: fTABLEl

e ill Build is Hause On Your For Only $875


Easy Pay1nent Plan (NOT FINISHED INSIDE)



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All Metal

Kitchen Sink and Cabinet COMPLETE WITH FITTINGS

with a new



Plenty of Hot Water .. all the time ! For dishes . . . laundry .•• shaving ... the bath. Install a modern Automatic Electric

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Automatic Electric Storage Water Heaters are now available - - -



AUTOMATIC OPERATION. Just set it, forget it-and enjoy hot water all the time! SAFE AND CLEAN. No fumes ••• no soot or smoke to dirty your

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MORE EFFICIENT. All heat goes into the water. None escapes up

the chimney! - • ...... -. ......... _, .. ,,.. ,..,,..r..,. ..,. ____ _ 1 4 Li~htM 'y;~ .. A~;;i~,~~; lowest 'electric rates. Take advantage of them!

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See your Dealer or



nly That's what Oregon and Washington housewives may soon be told if our poultry flocks continue to diminish at the rate they have been. We now have 1 million less chickens on Northwest farms than last year at this time. The Department of Agriculture urges poultry growers to increase their flocks in 1947 and help alleviate the critical egg shortage. See your Triangle dealer now for latest effective feeding developments.



Indirect lighting fi"ture Easy to Install


Sold locally by STEWART Hay & Grain Company S·panaway

D1111•aLlflgla l11111111nhn11 UIUUDUlllHi MUllllHfli!I



On Mountain Highway ORVILLE TORGESON, Manager

Rt. 7, BOX 420




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