Prairie pointer v 2 no 27 mar 13, 1947

Page 1


Rose Marie Righetti, Reporter GRanite 8227


~--~"'fl ,. "·

New Residents-First/Sgt. and


-"'--~~!!,.: ·-~ ... ~ Louis Morgan and twin sons,

Thumas Micl;ael (Torn111y) and \i1 thony Roliert (Tony), are new residents in Spana way on 12th street, having moved from Love- VOI l<ind. Sgt. Morgan is stationed at Fort Lewis and their twin sons are four months old

2, NO. 27

Firemen's Auxiliary-The Spana way-Elk Plain Firemen's Auxiliary will meet Friday, March 14, for their third social card party DRILLING O\PERATIONS to be held at the home of Mrs ON LAST WELL RAPIDLY Karl Marti, 7th street, with Mro NEARING COMPLETION \~illiam Highctti as co-hostess fhe Southeast Tacoma Mutual Please notify your hos-tesscs if \Valer Project is progrcss·ing on 1mable to attend schedule, according to Carl Taylor, C a rd Pa rt y-The Spana way manager. The No. 1 well at 98th PTA will hold a benefit card party and Jackson streets is fully comon Friday, Mar~h 21, at 8 p.m pleted as far as drilling is conPrizes for ·pinochle and 500 will cerned. J\ special screen is now be given. Admis·si'on 50 cents, and on order which will be placed at lunch will be served. The public the bottom of the welll This scrci•n's purpos·e is to nullify the is iil\'ited. · possibility of ever pumping sandy Woman's Club-The Vvoman's water Drilling· is still in progress at Clllb of S'panaway met recently at the home of Mrs. E. E. Recd the No. 2 well site. The shaft is on Military Eoad. Guest of the now do\\'n 412 feet. T\\'o good afternoon was a former member, water strata have been reached, Mrs. Bruce Roger of Enumclaw. but the driller, Pete Syltc Co., is The ;1fternoon was socially spent attempting to reach one more bewith a surprise given to Mrs. fore ceasing; operations. One \YaEeccl in !Jonor of her Natal da} ter s·trata was located at 200 feet The members presented her a gift and another at 39~· feet. 1\ third of five dollars. A hug,e birthday unc will add sufficient water, it is cake was the centerpiece of the expeckd, to care for the future lnncheon table anti the members population expansion anticipated attending "·ere Mesdames E. E. in the Midland area. Tower Next Morgan, A. Philips, Anna Hall, According to word received Doris Sargent, L. Eoberts, Nancy 1-l oln1er and the hostess, Mrs from the Pittsburgh-Des Moines Reed. The next meeting will be at Steel company, the tower will be the home of Mrs. Nancy Holmes, deli,·ered in June or July. It will arrive in a prefabricated state and Orchard Hill. assembly at the 98th and Jack son Brush Party-Mrs. vVilliam Cil- property will follow immediately. lespie, 12th street, was hostess This company is the same organrecently to a brush party with Mr. ization tlpt held the contract fo1 l~. \V. Repp as demonstrator to the Parkland water towc1 Carl Taylor, manager oi the the follo\\"ing guests: Mesdames E 0. Smith, Don Murphy of Park- Southeast Tacoma Mutual, estiland, G. Summer, Clark Boyes, mated that the company will be Chester Hadman, Grace Houtz, on its own by the last part of this Frank Lalley and Miss. Virginia summer. Taylor also announccll Mills of Spokane, vVash. Door that the mutual is now mailing prize was won by Mrs. Frank quarterly statements for 1hc first Talley. A delicious luncl1eon was time' in its history. This action is for the convenience of the 111en1served by the hostess. bers as well as the office ---o--Guest-\!Veckend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Titl ley of 14th street were Mr. and 1.frs. Jack Chambers of Grays Harbor.

Visits - Mrs. Louis Symmons, 11th street, was a bus·iness caller in Puyallup on Friday. , ~In Yakima-lv~r.s. Herb .Sallc7, 1~.ou~"th str:et, visited relatives Ill 'r alrnna tlus past week.

Community Club Meeting Tonight A talk on the atomic bomb by Dr. 0. M. Jordahl will be featured at the meeting of the Parkland Community club tonight (Thursday). There will also be musical numbers and impo·rta11Jt business matters taken up when the meeting is called to order at 8 p. m. by President Ray Renwick. The usual social hour and refreshments will close the meeting in the Parkland school auditorium.



Ra)· Smith and Don Cronandcr, t\' o members uf the Lincoln high school Debate clnb, ga\'e a fine debate on the Columbia Valley \nthority at James· Sales Grange the e·n~ning of March 6. The boys arc both officers in the T,incoln high Debate club. Through the medium of local and intramural debate,;, these boys have established themsches as convincing debaters. The members of the grange enjoyed their interesting and entertaining feature Another talented Lincoln high school boy, Dale Keller, played se,·eral classic pieces for the Grange's enjoyment. Dale has a fine sense of music appreciation and conveyed it to his audience by his fine keyboard artistry Next meeting a tcchnicolor film about the legend, romance and color, and reforestation of lumber is to be shown. The breathlessly llcautiful film pertains to the forest of living trees, milling, and scientists in wood findings. "Trees and T-T omes" prornises to he wonderfo 1 entertainment The Ladies Auxiliary will meet on March 13 at the home of Mrs. Richart! Yost, with Lorraine vVhecler as co-hostess. Mrs. Yost's l1ome is locate cl at 2610 South 1Sth On March 18, at 8 o'clock in Having carried the City-Connty the c\·ening, a card party will be airport issue as far as possible at helcl in the James Sales Grang"e present, the Parkland Bns.iness hall. "SOD" and vinochle \Yill be Cluh is turning its efforts to a played. ;\ delicious lunch will be new South End need. After con- served. Mrs. Maude Moore is sidcrablc discnssion all members chairman of the evening were emphatic'. in their desire to ---o--procure banking;· facilities for this DELTA RHO GAMMA area. More than 500 businesses Delta }tho Gamma alumnae of would welcome and take advan- PLC will hold a meeting at the tag·e of such s·ervice. The club home of Mrs. John Tsapralis, 4806 went on record as favoring an in- South C, Friday at 7 :30. Assisting vestigation into the possibilities of hos·tcsses will be Mrs. Sin1on Ansecurii.1g a suitable financial insti- clcrs.on, .. Otis Grande and Mrs. tution •Obert Sovdc


Visits-Mrs. Ray Hill of 11th street spent the weekend in Portland, Oregon, visiting relatives


Returns-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Melton and daughters, Reba and Edith, of Loveland, have returned from Yakima where they had been The evening of March 8, Miss living the past seven months. Evangeline Peterson, daughter of , "'. Recuperating - James Oclden, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy 1 eterson, beFifth street, is recuperating after came the bride of Mr. C. En gene an attack of influenza. Anclcr'Son, son of Mr. and !vlrs. Verne Anderson of Tenino, \Nash., New Residents- Mr. and Mrs. in Trinity Lutheran church in Albert K.cuchcr and children, J er- Parkland. ry, Sharon and Michael, of EnumDr. Ernest l3. Steen performed claw, arc making their home on the double ring ceremony before S'iher street. At present they arc a flower-decked, candle-lit altar. making their home with Mr. and The bride, attired in white satin Mrs. Freel Kercher, parents· of Mr. with train and finger-tip veil fasK.erchcr. Mr. and Mrs. Kercher's tcned with a coronet of seed pearls son Art of Enumclaw is also and c;irrying a shower bouquet of staying at their home violets, was given in marriage hy' her father. Mrs. Neville Moore, dressed in Brush Party-Mrs. Ed Samuel was hostcs·s recently at a brush pink net and carrying pink carnaparty at her home on Fourth tions, was matron of honor. Mrs. street with Mrs. H. Nichols as Wallace Selden and Mis-s Shirley demonstrator to the following Lucas, gowned in pink, were guests: Mesdames George Henley, bridesmaids, as were Miss Shirley Orville Schley, George Hardin \Villiams and Miss Bernice DoerPete Nygard, George \<Voolhousc, ing, wearing blue. Miss Joanne Bert Samu c 1, John Ehly and Anderson and Mi:;s Faye Gaines, Claude Loewen. Door prize was wearing pale yellow gowns, were won by Mrs. George Henley. Mrs candle lighters· and little Betty Samuel was. assisted in serving Anne Brumfield, dressed in green net, was ring hearer. lunch by Mrs. John Ehly. Miss Anita Norman, accompanTrip-ML and Mrs. Leo Mono- 1ed on the organ by Dorothy Brann han, 12th street, motored to Vancou\'er, B. C., over the weekend

Peterson-Anderson Vows Said in Trinity Lutheran on Night of March 8


Church Views-The "'Nomen's Society of Christian Service of the M.ethoclist Church will convene on Thursday, March 20, at the home of Mrs, Tohn N cw ell and co-hostess· Mr~. \Vayne Bruner. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Todd, who is associated with the Nation a 1 \.\/omen's S o c i et y of Christian Service. All who arc interested in drnrch activities are urger] to attend. Party - Mrs. Clair Fcdderson, 7th street, was hostess to a farewell party on vVcdncsday, March 5. Cards were played with prizes won by Mrs. Harry vVhitc, Robert Rhone and Chester Modahl Door prize was won by Mrs. Don M cLellan. A dcl icious Iuncheon was served by the hostess to the following guests: Mes.dames Rob(Continncd on Page Three)

Malmin, sang "I Love Thee," "One .~lone," and "The Lord's Prayer,' as some 400 fncnds and relatives witnessed the ceremony. Mrs. Roy Peterson, mother of the bride, was gowned in blue chiffon while the groom's- mother, i\J rs. Verne Anderson, wore aqua sill<. They wore matching corsages of red roses and white carnations. At the reception following Mrs. Eric Selden and Mrs. Joseph Prince presided at the supper t<ible and Mrs. Otto Damkicr cut the bride's cake Out-of-town guest,;. were: M 1 and !vlrs. Hoy C. Peterson, Puyal!up: Ivfr. an cl Mrs. Eugene Crane, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nyhus, Belli11gham; Mr. and Mrs Harry Tillitson, Jr., and son, Robert, Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. George I !ales, Tenino; Miss Betty Anne llales, Tenino; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gaines and daughter, Fay, Orting: Mr. Lloycle Gaines- and Mr. Donald Bailey, Seattle; Miss Audrey \Vatson and 1v1iss Gloria Swanson of Portland, Oregon i\fter a Canadian honeymoon the young couple will he at home afte1 April l, in Tillicum, 'Nashington

RECIPE OF Tf-IE WEEK Editor's Note I<ccipe each w<'ek

phone number. All copy must be in Tuesday night for Thursday's Pointer.




Oonvalescing-Mrs. Wlll. Branfus of Third street is conrnlescing at her home after a major operation in St. Joseph's Hos·pital.

news and GR 'I7100 Your advertising

The Pointer will feature a Mary Martha Following is the first of the series

WHITE CAKE % c. shortening (part % t. salt 1 c. thin milk butter) l t. vanilla flavoring 1.YJ c. sugar 3 eggs (at least % c) 2% c. flour, sifted 3 t. baking powder Cream shortening, add s11gar. Cream until light and fluffy Add dry ingredients alternately with milk. J\dd flayoring Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake. YVONNE OLSON l.lNDELT The above recipe is from the cake section of the "Mar) Martha Cook Book pnblis-hccl by the young women of Parkland Trinity Lutheran Chmch. Mrs. John Lindell, the contributor, is a fonner r~sfrlent nf P:irkl!lnr_!, !10'.V !iv!!1g 'Sith her ht~~band and young daughter in East Stanwood, VVash. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Olson of Parkland, and her grand father, 0. K. Olson, was one of Parkland's early residents (Note: The Mary Martha Cook Book may he purchased at the Prairie Poi!)ter office, from any Mary Martha Society rnernlier, or from Nfrs. Olai 1-lagcness, 303 Hendricks St. Pirone GH.anitc 7495, or order by mail if you wish. Price, $1.25.)

LAWN TOPIC OF GARDEN CLUB Monte Vista Garden Group to Hear of Correct Grass Care J'he Monte Vista Garden club will meet at the home of !'vi rs. Earl Il ctrick on March 20 at 12 :30 o'clock. Mrs. H ct rick's appreciation of beallty has found one outlet in the cllltivation of beautiful flowers and plants, both in the house and in the garden. The garden club alll'<JYS· enjoys theii meetings at her beantiful home at 827 So. 96th St -\ 1 · · f 1 t .tits tnne 0 · tie year a gardencr s thoughts naturally turn to his lawtL i\£avbe it needs fertiliz, · . . rng-, has mossy sr:ots or is oven'nn by weeds. Now tf you arc the lazy type of gardener who doesn't believe in exerting bimself unneces sarily, try feeding your chickens on the mossy spots a few evenings in succession. Their scratching will make short \.Vork of the moss Ii, holl'el'cr, you must do your gardcBing in a more orthudox manner. nothing, can beat a good application of rake and elbow grease ·\ t this nJt•t•ting, Mr. Milton /\ ndcrson of the Tacoma Metropolitan Park Board. will talk to the club members· on the making of new lawns, and the remaking of old lawns. \Vith the new easy method of weccl control, there is no excuse for \VCeds in any lavvn \fter the program, the club will hold a p 1 an t sale. The Monte Vista Garden club has been a 111cmber of the Arboretum Foundation for scYeral years and every spring a plant sale is held to pay the membership fee Mm. Harry Hitch, the president, will preside at the meeting and reports from the different flower show chairmen will be heard -o-

p. L. C. ACQUIRES FAMOUS GARDEN NURSERY FACILITIES TO BE USED IN EXTENSIVE CAMPUS LANDSCAPING Dr. S. C. Eastvold, pres-ident of Pacific Lutheran College, announced Monclay that "the Lingham's Lily Garden at Brookdale, Wash .. has been purchased by the institmion. Tile purchase was made from Alfred A. Ling ham and his \Vife, Mary Lingham. New Road Planned U ncler the direction of the \Vood worth Cons !ruction company, ex.tensive remodelling is going on about the campus·. A new black-top road will enter from the east side of the campus and swing around in front of lhe new science building and across the campus to.ward the west, meeting the intersection where the future girls' dorrnitory and new chapel will be built. This road \\'ill then emerge from the campus on the north side Black-lop roads will also be built to the Old Main and to the library as s·ervice roads New concrete sitlewalks will be constructed between the Old Main building and the new Student Union building on the south, and between the new science hall and the new library. 'fhcse sidewalks \\'ill be connec(l'(l with concrete pathways also \ black-top ruatl will also be constructed between the main campus on the hill, down across Clover creek, ancl over to the new gymnasium. This· will he lighted for evening use and will be beautified with, shrubbery on either side Will Beautify Campus Mr. Kenneth Jacobs, plant man ager and landscape gardener at the college, stated when the question about the fntnrc campus was raised, as iollows: "vVith the use of these hundreds of yariclies of rhododcmlrons· and flowering clccidnous shrubbery, evergreens and other plants, it should be selfevidenl that Pacific Lutheran College will have one of the most beautiful campuses found among ,;l'liools anywhere."


Local Interest in Concert Is High The appearance of the Augusta na College Choir in Tacoma is of particular interest to local citizens. Dr. L. M. Stavig, who is now president of the Sioux Falls, South Dakota, institution, served as pa;;tor of Our Saviour's Lutheran clrnrch in Tacoma some 20 years aRo. U is son, Richard, is a member of the present a cappella orOi.ii.1.

Stanley and Dean Arl ton, sons of Dr. A. V. Ariton of Parkland, arc enrolled at Augustana and are also members of the choir. file choir will sing a concert of sacred music on March 24 at the Central Lutheran church in Tacoma.

TROOP 30 AIDS RED CROSS SPANAWAY GIRL SCOUTS GIVE OF TIME AND EFFORT TO UP FUNDS The Spanaivay Girl Scout troop, Nu. 30, has gin·n its full support to the present Hcd Cruss drive. U11der the capable leadership of l\.lr.s. \Villiam Ghan and ivl n;·. I larold Baker the girls of the troop installed booths ill each local business establishment. 'fhe scouts conducted individual llrives to gain Red Cross contributions. The -col. . . . . . lect11•c· thanks oi the gronp and its leaden;. ;ire expressed to the publie for the kind cooperation and re~ponse

Office: Has.ement PLC Chapel, Parkland

Fire Guts 2-Roorn Hmne in Parkland Fire gutted the two-room cottage owned by John C1·cen at the corner of v\lashington and Tacoma avenue in Parkland Tuesday evening". Fire Chief U crb Jenness said the call was received by th<: Parkland department at 7 p. m ;rncl that the entire interior of the l111rnc' was ablaze whc11 the firemen arril'ed. The fire wa.s quickly extinguished bnt lhc furnishings and inside finish were a total loss with damage estimated at $1,000 At 4 :45 the ·same afternoon Parl;land firemen were called to a residence at the corner of Airport Road and A street to douse a chimney fire. The hollle is occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Halph Green. No da111agc was done

µ;1vc11. C<?ntributio.n '. . A clonauon, torthco1n1ng, lrom past and prc•scnt members of Scout Troop 3ll was presented to the S~!int Alban,; camp on H.ood canal. This gift of $40.00 will make possib.k .th.c cons·truc'.ion_ ~f one,newl huildmg at the Girl Scont i csoi L Annual Program This being Scouting ' 1·eek tilroug,lrnut the nation, there is going to lie :in annnal "Sr;1,ut.s 0:\· 1:" prngram nn Sunday. J his aifatr will be held at Stewart juninr high sclrnol and will be partll"1pated rn by all 15 c;irl Scout troops in 1listrict. The Spanaway troop wtll be well represented, it was announced by rvlrs. \Villiam Ghan, leaclet

MAIL SERVICE IS EXTENDED TACOMA P. 0. EXTENDS RT. 10 TO SERVE MORE PARKLAND RESIDENTS Hural 1nail scr\'icc \lll Runk Ill \\'Ill be cxtn11lcd soulh of Airport Hoad starling· next ).{on day, March 17, it wa,; announced Wednesday by John l'. McMona.12;le, acting postmaster of the Tacoma office. Route ]() orig'inatcs at the Fern Hill station and t'nds nn Highway 99 This· nc\\' extension of servtc'e will start at Airport Road and l'acoma Avenue in l'arklancl. The carrier \\'ill go sou th on Tacoma


\venue to l-]arri:--;011 street, \Yest on

CrY stat Springs Club . To Assemble Friday

I!.arrison to G ,;trcet, north to Franklin, west to Yakillla and then north to Airport Hoad Then a second extension will leave Airport Roacl at K street and gu south to Harrison street, west on Harrison to L, ancl then north to Airport

The Crystal Springs Garden Club will meet Friday at 12 :30 at the home of i!.frs. Howard Doering on the corner. of Park Avenue and Cleveland m Parkland. J\ Hes·ident:-; aJong this ne\V route short bns·incss meeting will fllllow are asked tel contact I( /\. Grocott, the noon luncheon. Roll call will be answered h} nu-al carrier on !(ontc 10, for box locations and nnmhers giving an Easter legend fhc ne\v service has been grantEach member is asked to bring a sample of a shrub or plant to ed by the Tacoma po~t office in learn the botanical name of each. response to several petitions from i\lcmhcrs of the clllh \\'ho were residents of the arm affected, acpresent at the annual Capital Dis- cording to Mr. McMonagle. ---o--trict meeting in Tacoma were the Mesdames H.oward Doering-, Gene Russell, llcnry Berntsen, Eddie ---o--Ellingson, Thomas Fleming and Ed Hinclcrlic Harvard'~Midland A report will be given on the The Pierce County 4-H leaders Dis·trict meeting council met at the home of }.frs The prog-ram 1Yill be on new George Richen of Riverside with Miss Nora ll all of Puyallup will be the guest speaker at the Har- annuals, bv Mrs J-1 enrv Berntsen. Vice President Guy Norman in ---o--charge. The Rally Day com1nitvarcl-Midla11cl P.-T. A. meeting. It will convene in the Midland school tee reported everything in order for the event. March 15. at the at 2 p. lll. \Vednesday, :\farch 19 \Valier l~oad Community hall. The rhe phys.ical education class of ~couples M1-s. Sterling will supply the en/\ group of younger married Midland girls 4-H, which is· a tertainment. They arc planning people at the Methodist church newly formed gToL1p, will act as an interesting tumbling act Thnrs·clay night enjoyed a social the hostess group. Mrs. Knesal Mrs. E. A. Brittain, president, evening and organized a "Couples and Mrs. Ellis are the leaders at will have charge of the business Club" for social fellowship an<l Midland The daffodil festival committee n1cctlng. mutual helpfulness ---o--Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Casteel were was not present but it was reelected president; Mr. and Mrs ported the 4-I-I is to have a float Ross Cory, vice president and and a n1arclling section. Skatinp; party committee, Shnrecreational directors; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 1L Brown, secretary ley Andrews .. Mrs. George Richen treasurer. Other eouples· present and Eva Rota, reported their findwere Mr. and Mrs. Neil Thomas, ings on facilities at the different rinks. It was decided to have a ANNUAL PIERCE COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Logan, Mr. EVENT AT WALLER ROAD and Mrs. G. K.. Baker, Mr. and roller skating party at King Roller Mrs. F. \·V. Traill, Mr. and Mrs Rink Saturday, March 22, from COMMUNITY HALL Gerald Van Beek and Mr. and 1 :30 p. m. to 4 p. m Mrs. Hichard l3ell reported on The anmwl Pierce County 4-H Mrs. J\. D. Valinoti club rally day program for 4-H A committee was appointed to the possibilities of a 4- H savings boys and girls, parents and friends, plan for sunrise service Easter program. A discussion of district leaders will be conducted at the vValler Sundav. The committee which Road Community hall next Sat- met s;rnday afternoon is planning meetings· was held and there was urday, March 15, accordinR to the an outdoor service, weather per- also a report from the camp comcounty arrent's office. The pro- mitting, on the home grounds of mittee. Following the llleeting a gram schcrlulcd to begin at 10:30 Mrs.. Mary Smith on the Spanaway potluck supper was served to a. m. has been planned to bring Loop Hoad and breakfast at the about 25 leaders as well as Mr all Pierce county people interested church. This group, augmented Heed Hansen and Mr. George Purin 4-H club work together in a by others, will also prepare music cell of the county office ---o--pep rally to further stimulate in- for the Easter worship service untcrest in 4-lI club \\'Ork and to dcr the leadership of Mr. Neil afford them an opportunity to get: Thomas, better acquainted with each othei ---o--Mrs. Gilbert Carlson of Carlson Members of the Pan! Bunyan Road community southeast of Ta H.ifle ancl Sportsmen club voted coma is chairman of the 4-H Friday night, March 6, to. send a leaders' committee in charge of J'hc close of the Pierce County telegram to Gov. Mon C. vVallgren this c:vcnt. Other 4-Il leaders on ) uni or High basketball s·eason protesting the proposed raise in tliis committee arc: Mrs. George fo11ncl Parkland and Fife teams at hunting and fishing license rates Richen of Eivcrsidc, in charge of New officers of the dub arc the lop wilh Parkland winning a the program planning; Mrs. Edna tic play-off in the midget race and !'res. John llcinrick, vice presiRoland of Clover Creek con1munFife taking an undisputed varsity dent, Ross Le111aster; secretary, ity, in charge of publicity, anll championship with an unddeatccl Gootlwin Moc; trcas-nrer, Ed HamMrs. l{udolph Geise, Mrs. Mike ilton, and executive officer, Albert tean1 \'asickn, Mrs. Jack Heath, all of The midget tic play-off was Stearns, J1 VVafkr Road community: Mrs played in the Midland gym with ---o--Sheldon Stutz of Gig J.J arbor, Mrs Parkland at the long end of a de\rvid Backstrom of H.oy, Mrs cisive l 8-8 sc.ore. Ronnie Storaasli \ lbcrt K.nesal of Midland, an cl was high man, scoring 10 of ParkMrs. George Allen and Bessie land's 18 points. !{oland, both of Clover Creek Recently-elected officers of the The final standings of both ---o--teams were as· follows: Midgcts- Parkland Girls' club will preside Parkland, won 9, lost I; Fife, won at the regular meeting to be hclcl 9, Jost I; Midland, won 5, lost 5; Thllrsday afternoon at the school Orting, won 4, lost 6; Kapowsin, Joan Buckner sncceeds Janet l{lipwon 2, lost 8: Dupont, won 1, pen as president, with the following officers. to assist her: V\lilma lost 9 Varsity-Fife, won JO, lost 0, Chapman, vice president; Helen Parkland is. going to put its Parkland, won 8, lost 2; Kapowsin, Lien, secretary; Rita \Vellan, name before the public. A large won 4, lost 6; Midland, won 4, lost treasurer; Marilyn Rosso and neon lighted sign is· to. be installed 6; Dupont, won 4, lost 6: Orting, Janet Peterson, historians; serR<~ants-at-arms, ninth grade, Pau011 Pacific avenue under JOttlt won 0, lost JO line Panter; cigh th grade, Beth sponsorship of Pacific Lutheran ---o--\Vadsworth; and seventh grade, College and the Parkland Business SUBSCRIBE to The Pointer Eleanor Carlson. club. Tentatively, the sig"n will rear!, "Parkland-Home of Pacific Luthe ran College," according to f~t·!:·!t·!t·!t·!!·l}!t·::.::·:t·!!•!t·!t·!t•!t·!t·!t·!t·!!•!!•!t·!t·!t•!!·!t·!t·!t·!!·!t..::·:t·!t.::-::·::·!t·!!·!t·!!·!t•!t·!!·!t·!t·!!;' \\Taller Young, president of the business group. Such a landmark i~ To the. Citizens of the South End H has long been needed for the H THE ~ community and for the college, ~ ~ ~ Young said Cost High Cost of the project has· been 1\1 placed at approximately $1,000. IS NOW The college has agreed to take half of the financial responsibility The Dusiness club has $300 in its sigu fund, but needs $200 more in H H order to complete the matching !:~ COMPLETE CYCLE AN)) WHEELED funds. 1\ cornmittee composed of GOODS SALES AND SERVICE i·i F. J. Nordyke, chairman, J. E !°t ft ft A Beckwith and 0. J. Stern, Jr .. has • ~ been entrusted with the task of M Your new repair man, Jack Brown, has 10 years experience. t·! c;.ccuring the rc1na1111ng n1oney Let him d'o your work at reasonable prices, fully guaranteed. H l'hcy have chosen the means of k m m direct solicitation of the business :·: HOURS: 8:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. :·i H ~ establishments as the quickest way to complete the project. .

Pierce County 4-H Leaders Gather

PTA Meeting Wed.

Young Married Folk Form Club'


Sportsmen Protest

License Fee Hike

Jr. f-Iigh Basketball

Schedule Closes

Parkland Girl's Club Elects New Officers







Parkland Cycle Shop






l~I Under' New Management






~:~ ::·::·::·::·::·!t·::·~·::·::·::·lt·::·::·::·!:·l!·l:·:t·!:·::·::·::·::·::·:!·::·::·:t·::·:t·l:·::·::·::·:t·l:·::·::·::·::·::·::·::·:i;j

Page Two


'~~:::====---i1 ·


~ ..


ELMER BEARD ..... ,.................................................... Editor and Publisher KOH.MA::..! JENSEN .......................................................... Associate Editor ;\ co111m1111ity newspaper for )vlidland, Parkland, Brookdale, and Span<rn;iy. Published c1·ery Thursday by Beard Printing Co., P. 0 Box 797, Parkland, Wash. as second-class matter October 3, 1945, at tl1e post l)ffice at 'a1-kland, \,\/ashington, under the Act of l\farch 3, 18/9.


The "well baby clinic" sponc sored by the Parkland PreSchool will be held in the Parkland Methodist church parlors on March 20 at 9 :00 a. m. Immunizations arnd physical examinations will be given free. Dr. Marjorie Miller will be the physician in charge,

SUBSCRIPTION lU\TES, Ily Mail: 1 year, $2.50; six months, $1.75 -·




------~--·- -----~·----~-~---·---


We Proved to Be Big Enough In an editorial several weeks ago Tbe Pointer questioned whether the South End is big enough to tackle a major probkm. The Pointer bas bad it proven in no uncertain way that it sure is big enough. We were challenged when the opportunity came to make a bid for tbe Pierce County-Tacoma airport. Parkland Business Club took up the gauntlet and the voice of the grairie was heard far and wide. For almost three weeks a conL~oversy over the location of the airport raged tbroughou.t Tacoma and environs and nor hardly a day went by without the South End getting mentioned in tbe metropolitan Tacoma papers as well as the community journals. Not only that but the South End still has a good cbance to get that airport located at the site east of Spana way now known as Forest Grove Airport. However, whether the airport is secured or not, the South End is the victor because of tbc many columns of reading matter which appeared in newspapers regarding the situation. We still want tbc field and we haw all the things that go tl; make up a super airport, so keep plugging, folks. \Ve're big enough to get it, that's for sure!

* * * Victory Not A !ways Sweet The fru'its of victory are not always sweet. That is something tbe Republicans in congress and in our own state legislature are finding out. And they are learning it the hard way. On the national scene, there is anything but harmony in the ranks of the GOP. The Republicans rode to victory on promises of economy in government, tax reduction, and the like. Now those who insist that the party uphold its promises arc at odds with those who cannot see relief in the immediate .future. A similar situation faces the legislature at Olympia. After many years of bitter criticism leveled at the Democratic regime, particularly accusing the Democrats of going on spending binges, the Republicans are in the saddle. They don't have the governorship, it's true, but they control the legislature and that is the body which decides how much money is to be spent and bow it is to be raised. And what do we find? The Republicans may have decided to trim a bit here and a bit there, but when the final omnibus appropriations measure is introduced it is likely it will call for larger expenditures than ever before. The Republicans 'defend themselves, of course, both in congress and in the legislature by claiming the·people still have to pay for Democratic commitments. It isn't that easily explained. In the state of Washington, for instance, the demands upon each subsequent legislature continue to be greater. A great many of the demands arc pressing and recognized as being virtually necessary of immediate fulfillment. For example: Teachers' salaries and educational facilities general! y are woefully in need of correction; aid to senior citizens must be adjusted to meet present living costs. Then, too, there is the matter of state bonuses to veterans, which wou1ld call for perhaps one hundred million dollars in payments to ex-service men and women. That is only a portion of the huge problems facing our lawmakers, but it gives an idea of the immensity of the situation. The moral of this. is that one shouldn't make promises he can't fulfill. Cenainly the Republicans can't be blamed for the mess the world is in, but they shouldn't blame the Democrats, either. The GOP is in an embarrassing position, and who wants to bet that the Democrats aren't just as well satisfied that the Republicans are in the saddle now?-Western Railway Review.

Letters to the Editor Uear Editor: ln 1·egard to your editorial in the February Ll, 1947, issne of the Prairie Pointl'I" the Tacoma Real Estate Board wishes ln point onl various miss-tatcmcnts of fact. It is easy 1'fl employ emotional language and to be satirical, ironic or sarcastic, the true test of man as a thinking animal is when he is able to use pure reason and not emotion in discussing his problems-; therefore, we shall attempt to adhere to the FACTS. \Ne might further state that 1\'c are not be;•ting the drum for any politician, but where an obvious injustice has been done we ,,·uuld like to sec it ccirrcctcd. First, the Seattle Post-lntelligcncer has always widely publicized the newly elected officials, thus their series· of stories on llarrv Cain \\'ere a ct1stn1n:iry proccdu1:c and not a special bnild-np uf any kind. Second, the $35 a day hutel snile \\'as taken hy necessity and not by choice, \"v'ashinglun, D. C .. having .the most acntl' lwnsing olwrtagc in the country. Third, the linking of Senator Taft and Senator Ctin in their oppositi'on to Dillon F. Meyer is really laughable, as even most laymen know that althongh these two are opirns-cd to l'vl r. Meyer as head of the l''e"tl't'ral Public Housing J\nthnrity it is for widely divergent reasons. Senator Taft is one of the most ardent "public houscrs" in the senate as a perusal of the T:1ft-spo11sorcd Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill will readily disclose, "·hile Senator Cain is opposed to

Elk Plain News

drove the car. The Victor Bennett family visitecl with Mrs. Victor Bennett's father, Mr. MacGlothlin, also of .H oqniam and who also has been quite ill. The boys, who are Visits in Enumclaw-Mrs. Em- very interested in aviation, visited ma Goddard, who makes her home the airport. with her son and family, .Yl.r. and i\lrs. 1\lfn:cl Goddard, is visiting Hot Lunch Program-The Elk for a few weeks with another son, Plain Parents club met on March Her be rt Goddard, in Enumclaw. 7 and thr' decision was to continue I he hot hrnch program. Due to Death 1otf Brother - vVord has· the discoi1tinuation of the federal been received by Mr. and Mrs. aid, it was decided necessary to Ben Kuper. of the death of Mrs. raise the price of the lunches to Kuper's brother, Al McGinley, in I 5 cents per day. Milk, which will Butte, .Montana. be optional, will be five cents , extra. Home After Illness-Mrs. Al Wiklund, who has been staying in s,chool Room Repaired--Tbe reTacoma for several weeks follow- paired school roo111 which burned ing an operation, has returned scvcnd \Veeks ago is ready for ochome and is rl'ported to be much cnpation somcti_me this week. The improved. second grade pupils with lYirs. Alice Dorfner, Reporter Graham 458


Brush Party-!VI rs. 1-l. H. Harvev entertained in her home on th;, evenitw of March 5 with a 11'rush part;. Games \\'ere played, prizes going to M. rs .. Ben L. Kuper, Mrs. Alfred Greenlaw and Mrs. T. L. Greenlaw. Guests included Mesdames Nick Kanton, Paul Theil, Ben Kuper, Doris Crim, Lillian Sherman, L. T. Greenlaw, Alfred Greenlaw, Ernest Haskins, Hugo Loveland, Earl Lowery, Mable Neilson and Albert Lape. ;\ late supper was served by the hostess.. Guest from Kansas - Mr. and l\l rs. II. H. 1-1 arvcy have as their honse guest, Ill rs. Harvey niece, Clio Smith fru111 Kansas. Open for Business-Lloyd Dillingha111, well luto\vn as an auto~ mobile mechanic, is now located in the Eagle Garage on the mountain highway. Weekend Guests-Mr. and Mrs. G. J-1. Dorfner have as their gllests Mr. an cl Mrs. Francis Feser and Mr. Philip Jostis from Naches, \V:1sh. They atlcnclecl the funeral oi their brother-in-law, Mr. Leslie L. Becker, who passed away last \\"eek in Tacoma. Visit Fathers in Hoquiam-Mrs.

n1ore g1nYernn1ent participa- Sidney Bennett visited in Hoquiam



:ind bungling in the hous·ing field. Fonrth, the idea that the peoples money went into the various housing projects therefore they should get it back in the form of low rents is poor reasoning. \Vhy should a few people benefit from these low rent projects at the expense of the rest of the taxpayers? The present projects under the Lanham Act are rented at a nominal figure and the tenants· and ever)'One concerned are quite satisfied. \Ne shall not attempt to enumerate the vast number of logical reasons why we arc. opposed to making Lincoln Heights, for instance, a low rent housing project. However, the reason all of this controversy concerning low rent proj cc ts arose was due to certain It igh ly placed federal employees in the FPIJ A who could see the end of their jobs in sight and arc desperately trying to pt'omotc some sort of a proposition that would prolong their tenure of bfficc. Y cs, the \;\/PA "shovel leaners" nf old arc still with us only now 1hey ha\'l' a college education, wear a white collar and get $8,000 per yt'ar which is one of the reasons those tkdnctions on that weekly pay check arc so large. Tacoma Real Estate Board VJ CTOR H. VINE Vice l'residcnt

Thursday, March 13, 1947

\\"ith her father, Mr. Frank Noble, wl10 has been quite ill for some time. She was accompanied by her sister-in-law, Mm. Victor Bennett, Miss Detty Bennett, 'Donny Yager and Billy Bennett who

SPANAWAY FUEL CO. Under New Management


PHONE GRANITE Wood, dry or green, cord $8.00 Utah Stoker Co a 1, Oil Treated, ton ..... $13.00 Utah Lump ........................ 15.50 Range Coal, ton ..............$15.00 DON OLIN, Mgr.

Bro\vn as


f 1 \\Ji

No wonder he makes a bee-line for our place whenever he ,n e e d s h i s car looked after.

The referee ought to lay off that hypnotic stuff! The Champ's 11lready on his ivay to


been temporarily housed i11 the dinino- room of the Grange hall. "' 4-H Meets at Collins - The l'icrcc County 4-H will meet on March 15 at 10 o'clock, a. m .. at Collins Grnnge. ,. • Elk Plain Sunday School-All interested in the Elk Plain Sttnday school are asked lo meet at the school on Friday evening, Mar. 14.



Gives Buffet Supper-Mrs. E. L. Haskins entert:lined a group of ladies in ltcr honw last Monday evening· with a buffet supper and games. Among the guests were threr' of .IVJrs. ll a skins' s·isters, i\frs. P. L. Williamson, Mrs. I-I. M. Loveland and Mrs. E. R. Lowery. Others present were Mrs. Nicky Kanton, :Mrs. Margaret Theil, Mrs. Joe Harvey, Mrs. Jack Rankin, :Ylrs. Ivar Forms, Mrs. Charles King, Mrs.. Keith Bonnell and Ill iss Eunice vVilliamson.

7 A. M. to 10 P. M.



Toys and Gifts




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Daniels Ha -



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Automatic Electric Storage Water Heaters are now available . - -


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Get Your 1947 Fishing and Hunting License Here

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We Have Materials to Do New Jobs

Furnace Oil




Stove Oil




Trinity Lutheran Church Parlors, Parkland

9 A. M. to 10 P. M.



FRIDAY, MARCI-I 14- 8:00 P.M.



Oil Stove Repairs and Service

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Helen Davis

ornell Plumbing

TIRE REPAIR Spot and Section Work



Fashions by

I I\

The champ knows his way around when it comes to having his car taken care of, too.


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A.DMISSION: 30c including tax

fJlEEFIJlfJSIJPlllES :::J-i;\...),

See your Dealer or





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and all other forms of Insurance



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Office 223 Tacoma Bldg. RES. PARKLAND



· m

Phone MA 3311

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BONDED CAB· 24-HOUR SERVICE Stanley C. Peterson, Operator Pointer Classifieds Are Paying Dividends

fire department. All women ingren, Mrs. C. M. vVold, Mrs., table wa:; lighted with candles: terested in this civic organization Oscar Olson, Miss Edna Olson, Mr. vV. C. H.hea, Mr. and Mrs. (Continued from Page One) are more than welcome to join. Mrs. \V. T. Storaasli, Mrs. F. W. George S. Chessum, Mr. and Mrs. Mi-s. Robert Haner, reporter Pepper, l\ifrs. Louis Peterson and J. B. vVallace, ::V!rs. Virgil Roclius" ert l~hone, Don McLellan, Harry All mernbers- are asked to attend daughter, Barbara, of Seattle; Mrs. Mrs. Ivan Collier, Mrs. James· GRanite 7551 v\lhite, Chester Modahl, Lou i s the next rcgtdar meeting on MonSyrnmons, Philip Taylor, Jack day, April 7, as election of officers Guest .Day--'-The Violet Prairie Pauline Glassu, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Maybelle and Mary Jane Henricksen, Karl Marti, vVilliam will be held. New member, Mrs. Garden club will meet on Friday, Lowell Satre and Mr. Leunard Leonard, Mrs. Orange Gag c r, Righetti. The hostess was pre- Nellie H ansrn, Clover Creek. March 14, at 1 :30 p. m. in the I3rottem. March 10 is also the Mrs. Dorthea Valentine, Mrs. Cora sented a handkerchief sho\\'cr in Parkland Methodist clmrch. As birthday of two other members of Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Visit Portland-Master Sgt. and appreciation of her kindness as this will be "Guest Day" each Mrs. Dahl's family, her son, Or- Boness, Nancy, Nina and Richard Mrs. Fedclerson is· leaving Spana- Mrs. 11 arry VV. Smith and son, member is asked to bring a gues·t. woll, and a nephew, Bud Storaasli. Boness, \.Vanda Fix, lei arolcl and way to make her home in Port- Harry, Jr., of the Copenhagen Mr. A. M. Richardson of the So, on Monday evening a family Elmer l'rornm, Mr. Omer E. holland, Oregon. Mrs. Fellderson was Motel, spent several days this county extension service will speak dinncr to celebrate all three birth- and, Bessie Edward ancl Omer most active and a rnembcr of the week in l'ortland, Oregon. un Home Gardening. Mr. Clyde days was held at the Dahl home Roland, and the honor guest, all with Mrs. \.V. T. Storaasli as eo- of Clover Creek, and Mrs. Loiselle Firemen's Auxiliary. Mr. and Mrs. Back to Duty-Harry vV. Smith, Marshall will show pictures of the Fedclerson have lived in Spanaway Jr. (Cox.), who has been spending daffodil parade and the rose pa- hostess. Gues-ts were: Mr. and 1 Ide and Mrs, \IV. G. Custis· of Tafor the past 5 years and Mr. Fed- a 44-day leave from the navy with rade in Portland. The nonette of Mrs. Bud Storaasli, Mr. and Mrs. cu111a. 'The eveuing \Vas spent in a dcrson was employed hy the Jor- his parents, Master Sgt. and Mrs. the Parkland junior high will sing Orwoll Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. vV. T. time of fellowship. dan Baking Co. Be is now in 1-1 arry vV. Smith of the Copen- a group of songs to cmnplcte the Storaasli and sons, Lester and Birth Announced - Mr. l larrv Dale; Mr. and Mrs. OJai Hagel'ortland with his son-in-law, Mel- hag·cn Motel, returned to clnty for progran1. ncss, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. J. Dahl Jvfarkstone has received an a1;vin Harrison, in a bakery bus·iness rcassig11111c11t at the Yerba Buena Birthday-Mrs. Jennie PalnHcr of their own. They will be greatly navy station near San Francisco. was li'ostes·s to a birthday dinner in and sun, l·Ians., and Jvlrs. LoL1is nouncement from his niece, Mrs. Peterson and daughter, Barbara. Frances 11 olloiiield, of tl1e arrival missed by their many friends and honor of Mrs. j olrn P. Swanson. of a bahv hoy, horn Fehrnarv sincere good wishes were extended Visitors- Visiting at the home Other guests were Mrs. T. K. Pre-School Meets-P a r k 1 a 11 d 26, weighi;1g 6 pounds, 40 uunee~. to them. of Mr. and i'drs. George Burton Fulton of Enumclaw arnl l'vlr. and Pre-School met Monday, March 1'l!ey named him Robin Lee. of the mountain highway, Satur- M1·s. LaMonte Heillund. 10, at the kindergarten with Mrs. Party-Mrs. Robert l{hone, 2nd day, March 1, were Mrs. Burton's Party-Mrs. Jack Dunn enterCard Cluh-Thc Pi11l)chle club George Holstad officiating. A past St., entertained at a party Friday, sister ancl husband, Mr. and Mrs. tained a few friends at a "brush presidents pin was presented to March 7, in honor of her husband's llothcll Darbyshire, and a niece met on Saturday night at the home Mrs. IZeffler, 1945 and 1946 presi- party" at her home \Vednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Neil ·rhomas of birthday. The following guests and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard rlent. v\l ork was started on articles evening', March 5. l\Irs. Kay Leap who attended to s·urprisc Mr. 11 umola and children, Shirley and Br'ookdale. Other members are Ivfr. and Mrs. Bryan Logan, Mr. for the spring fair. Hos·tcsscs for was, the demonstrator. Refresh1./.hone were: Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Jimmy, all of Tacoma. and Mrs. Don \.Vaddell and Mr. the e\·ening were Mrs. R. Gotte- ments \\'Crc served to Mesdames kirhy, Mr. :llld Mrs. Harold Baker, and Mrs. !loss Cory. High hon- chalk, Mrs. P. Hominda ancl Mrs. John Susan, T-J arry Marks tone, "Pointer" Travels-Trnth that Mr. and Mrs. Don McLellan, Mr. Lynn Dixon, Ray E. Poche!, ors- were \\'Oil by Mrs. Cory and E. L. Perryman. and Mrs. Karl Marti, Mr. and the Prniri<' P1>inter travels tn many N e \I" e 11 Skinner, Miss Maxi1!e 'Mr. Logan. an interested reader is its long Mrs. vVilliam Reghetti, the hostTo Eatonville-Mrs. Arthur C. Susan. Entertains-Mrs. E. 0. Totten Hart of Brookdale, together with ess and honored guesL Mrs. Rhone journey c\·ery week to Rev. and Guests From Yakima-Mrs. was assisted in serving lunch by Mrs. Ed ward E. Decker and son, entertained a group of friends on 10 other members of the Sojourn''Trippy ," of Lq.upahochoe, Ha- Thursday evening. Her guests J\frs. M. L. Kirby. ers club, were guests of Eatonville John Susan, Mrs. Harry Markwaii. Mrs·. Decker is the daugh- II' ere the Ill C'sd;1mcs T. JI. Olson, Sojourners last F'riday, A deli- S·tOne and Mrs. Jack Dunn atS' , tcr of Mr. allll. ll/[rs. A ux1·1·iary p ays 0 u t - 'l'l .. ie , .George Burt. '1'1 on R. E. St. Clair, Frank Bryan, cious noon luncheon and an after- tended the theater in Tacoma · -'. \ .of the mo1111tam 111ghway. .. icy Peter Vcls,·ick, A. L. Ellingson, noon of cards were enjoyed at the Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Onille I - 11\: I'l a\Yay-:. - atn 1•1re111cn s· :- ux1 1- sa r it is 'l grand fcelin1)· to read Mel Pedersen. A. S. Olson, Alma ii oles hotel. Hunter and sons, Marsden and iary con\'cnetl .Vlonday, March 3, ·' > .' ' ~ . ~ I Coffey and Hert Streng. · 1l i\'J r.:s . 'l Theron Ray, of Yakima, Wash., wit .l\' 1'11 t re< 1 '1·. iv oc·]·tt 11 1 I )l"e - so111ctl11ng ol home every wee'· Daughter-Mr. and Mrs. Byron spent the week with the Jack Weekend Guests-Mrs. N ctlic siding. A fine attendance was reFirst Granddaughter-l'vlr. and ported and ll!lsiness of importance Mrs. Charle,; Burton of Seattle Larsun of Seattle visited her sis- J. Brys,un of Parkland arc the new Dunn family. was discussed. A check of $100 were the joyous paret1ts of a ter, 1vfrs. L. J{asmusscn, in l'ark- parents of an adopted daughter, Growing,-The Clover C r c e k Anne Marie, five months. \\'ilS presented to the fire depart- daughter born Monday, March 3. land over the weekend. Juvenile Grange has three new ment and a round of applause was The baby weighed 7 lbs., 7 oz. at Auxiliary Meets - The board Surprise Party-On the evening members, Ron n i c, Velma and heard by the members from the birth. She is welcomed home by members of PLC Auxiliary No. 2 of March 5 Mrs. Dale M. Bos- l\I auna Ors borne. a brother, "Chnckie." Prond grand- will meet on Monday C\'ening, worth held a surprise birthday To Centralia-Mrs. Roy Renparents arc Mr. and Mrs. George March 17, at 8:ll0 p. m,, at the party for Mrs. Helen Best at the ner Mrs. Harry Markstone, MrsBurton of the mountain highway, homc of Mrs. Jennie Pah.ner, ''.'ith home of Mr. J. C. Mc_Cahe at Ma~kstone's mother, Mrs. Pearl as it i,s the first granddaughter. lvlrs. S. Kittelson and Miss Eliza- Brookdale. Many lo\•ely gifts· were Plew motoretl to Centrali" and beth Stut'n as co-h'ostcsses. The presented t<} the honored guest. vi:;ite'd Mrs. Margaret Shye, who Pink and Blue Shower-Friday, 111eeting will be to dis.cuss plans Cake and ice cream. were served. is in the hospital there. They had f.Jarch 7, Mrs. Dick Niesen of the for raising funds to complete the· Those present were Mr. and M~s. lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Carol POLISHES - WAXES nrnuntain highway gave a baby pledge made to the college. John Flemning, Mr. and Mrs; Ed vVallace and Marline, and Mr. and shower for her sister-in-law, Mrs. Home Baptism-1'he hulllc of Pero, Mr. and . Mrs; Glen l ero, ·Mrs. Charles Graham, former res·· WALLPAPER CLEANER Fred Tegan! of Tacoma. Games Prof. and MLs. J. P. Pflueger was First Sgt. and Mrs. Y: C. \Valters, idents of Clover Cr.eek. were pl.aycd with prizes going to the scene of the christening of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Goodman, Jr., f B "d u .. RavPAINT - KEM'RONE " NT"ies.'en, ' ··Paul 1- homas ·Mrs. l',u Iiy J·l a1·Ir cs}' t · 1'!£ ·- Lucille Shower n e· -t 1>'.tls. , their - grandson . T or 1), Mrs]Hrs 1\,Jarcoe, Mrs. \ TC\<l ' ls. 1 -J\.'lrs. • .. 1vlartha Carson, :VIrs.· . .I""·! ·· of ' JI/Ir · ... and Mrs. ,. '1 -·· v oge. ·1- moud \-l·l tirner, ec1 )Creek · NEW KITCHENWARE 1\ 1 Is. Hardesty, M-' "amice l. tl ass1s f Clo"er e en Pflue.,.cr so11 · ,,. . VVilliam "' ' Pflueger . · . · J · C · M c C a 1Je., 1'\ R· L1th 1 en ' io. 1 -·d o l sliower • ' Erb, Mrs . .Barbara S. nnth, iv11ss of 1-l oquiam, on hacher .and Mr. BASEBALLS-SOFTBALLS ' · L ate 1un. c 11 was Su nda" afternoon. l'rof. · gave a 1ove Valerie La hurc. Pflueger love Iy tune was 11ac.1 1Jy a 11 · ~_ .· 1}'.. 1H 1 . a tl ne 011 of 111 · officiated ' . and spondt 1e 1101 served. to tlie. guests, 'i rs. M arat the scrncc B" thd D" ner-Mrs Fred ,I -.uesday . -..' Mai . clc1i ·13.4• , Turner in hon' 1 l\'r " ·tl · C r · · · l'fl ir ay m · -· 1v rs '"'tymon .. gery hrarnsc 1c, . HS. ma1 .1,,1 . ~ - so rs were 1\11s·s . Manlyn neger Becker entertained Monday eve- or1 ~f 1 Miss Loretta Bittner, forson, !vl.rn. Rochefo. ega1. d, and Malcolm Some. All members ·. .. b" ·ti d·ty d · e - for ,, Cl er Ci·eel· Games E b rt,\ TMrs. IN., 11111 1 · . . 'i nmg wit 11 a 11 l ' mer 1v o, ov '· · GARFIELD Mrs. · Helen . r , eva rescn, 'Of the chnstcmng party and .t\' r. · . 1 t •~ • Fra 1· Parent · I · I' · u.. M: · . were p ayecli· 11 \''1 ,, 11·c11 IJrizes were 11 ' 1ier c1aug11 er. m . . Valene La 'a ire, mis. ,u coe, and Jvlrs. A. L. Some were guests r p ·l·l· d , Gifts· were OJJened . , "'i·s Pete McLeod Mrs. I . 1 ·1' · ·! ARIETY STORE M· lon1e S 1 · to, a1,,rn · ·' \\011 )} m. • •rel .. cg~Il' .. !. ". . for supper on 'uncay cvemng a foll1wing the dinner and a very l' , 1Penner Mrs. Allene Ryan IMr. 1 1 ' ' 0 Y '' .. 'l'! ' ·l ·f·1·t I'1ll Erb Jolrn l;loyd, ti, Pf! GR 7758 326 Garfield St. "Jc icT. o ·· ' · l.> M. 1·s ' John • , ie . uegcr 1on e. . . . ,. bl'e c'\·eninowas spent. am 1 1v11ss "" .. Ruth Schheps1ck. ie M. l<loyd . cnJO}d · ' t· .'gal< ' ." 11 11 1 .. S . 1 ' . House Guests - Mrs. E m ma Guests were Mr. Joseph Parent, house· was· beautifully decorated , •·Mrs. 1'" '1'· }dio. ' i::u.t · mit 1. J(nudtsen of B. C., Mr. and Mrs. Eel Hindcrlie, Mr. with bouquets of daffoLlils. A beauspent a \\·eek here w1U1 her son and and Mrs. Frank Parent and the tiful decorated cake and other redaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. hostess, Mrs. Fred Becker. freshments were enjoyed. The ~ Arthur Swindland and family. . . . . . .. lovely bride-to-be was presei1ted ~ To 'Ocean-Mrs·. Otto Da111k1er S'h?rt ~IS1t-Stanl,ey Dahl sto1:~ with many nice gifts. Those presand Mr. and Mrs. George VVolever pcd m I arkla;1cl Monday on his ent were ::VIrs. Roy H.enner, :VIrs. d~·ove to Copalis for some clam- way to Olympia. Virginia Storlie, Mrs. Pete Mcd1gg111g on Sunday. ---o--Leod, Mrs. Blanche (,reenlaw, To Move-Mrs. E. 0. Wailes Mrs. Ruth Allen, Mrs. Willy Bol'.l, has sold her home on Allison ~oad Mrs. Mimnick, May Mi~ler, _Mane to Mr. and Mrs. John V. La1son Bessie Roland, reporter Stcrmberg, Mm. Anna hlackwood, frolll Calif'ornia, and is planning --Mrs. Allene Ryan, Miss H.nth \ ' to move this weekend into the In Production-Richard Boness Schlicpsick, Laura Burnside, Mrs. home she has purchased in Taco- of Clover Creek is starred with Al Felland, the honor guest, Lorma at 3702 So. J St. Loretta Mackey in the Kapowsin etta Bittner and her mother, Mrs. Victoria Visitors-Miss Barbara junior class play, "Oh Promis,e Fred Bittner. Peterson went with friends to Vic- me," which ;s to be presented on •:,.~ Now Ill-Those on the sick list toria, ll. C:., for the weekend. March 14 at 8 p.111. in the high ~ Circle Meeting-The newly or- school auditorium. The rest of the in Clover Creek include Mary ganized aftern'oon circle of Trinity cast includes vV a It er Conway, Markstonc, Teddy Dunn, Mrs. Lutheran Church Guild will hold Marian Go r e, Beverly N cl son, Cyrus Greenlaw and Billy VVyits first meeting on Thursday, Walt Anderson, Glen v\leise, Vir- mouth, \Yho has· been in the hosMarch 20, at the home of Mrs. ginia Morhart. Almeda Cope, Irene pital for about a month. Bernard Olson. Mrs. Jolrn Salater Raiden and Dixie Otto. will be co-hostess for the l :00 Visitors-Mrs. Loiselle Ide and o'clock luncheon. Mrs. \V. G. Custis· of Tacoma visVisit Friends-Mr. and Mrs. ited with Mrs. lngas Soolas on For Immediate Installation Paul Preus and children, John, Tuesday aff~rnoon, March 4. Priscilla and Mary Elizabeth, LAVATORIES spent five days last week in MukDinner Guest - Mr. VV. Plew, ilteo visiting Mr. anti Mrs. Stanley father of Mrs. !·Jarry Markstone, BATH TUBS - TOILETS Dahl and family, former residents hacl dinner with her and her famSINKS - TANKS of Parkland. ily Sunday, March 2.

Spanavvay News

Now On Hand -for-

1~ 7)~

IL HEATERS 1-2 ROOM - 3-4 ROOM - 5-6 ROOM 1/3 Down, balance 6 to 12 months

FLOOR FURNACES Automatic Water Heaters Nothing Down, up to 3 years to pay RADIOSConsole and table models. Zenith, Emerson, and Howard

Pochel Distributing Ca. Mobiloil

Mobilgas OPEN 7 A.M. - 9 P.M.

At Brookdale on Mountain Highway Rt. 7, B,ox 497-A - Tacoma

GR 8625







Choice of the Following Colors Ivory Aqua Blue Yellow

Spring Cleaning Equip1nent

Cream Peach Green Buff




Meycrcord Letter and Numeral Decals .................. .lOc Sc

1-inch for Sc %-inch, sheet of 42 assorted letters ...... 15c

l l



GRanite 8488

Shabby Floors Made Beautiful



See Us for Finishing Materials




TBIA'Ni.GL~ F~~DS Equipped to Serve You INSIDE or OUT

Quality Hay and Straw




The JBu:ns«tlow


Pacific Ave. and Sales Road

(Saturday 'ti! 4 a.m.)






We Do Made-to-Order Cabinet Work

Open 7:00 aim. to I :45 a.m;



GRanite 7900




· Rent our HILCO sanding machine-and do it yourself!

GRanite 9978







GARDEN 1-IOSE, 25 feet ____________$3.69

Del Levage, owner


i.i· ·.

Cane Poles _ ___________________________________ $ .97 Herring Dodgers ----------------------------- 1.10 Shallow Rudder _ _____________ l.80 to 3.-50

AT MIDLAND 96th and Portland Ave.








5-inch 3Yz-inch 2-inch



Thursday, March 13, 1947




Pointer Classifieds Are Paying Dividends

Sunday Guests··-Mr. allll Mrs. Fred lJess and daughter, May Del light, of Chehalis, formerly of Parkland, called at the vV. T. Storaasli home on Sunday. Home-Mrs. Martin Swenland has returned home' from the hospital afte1· a major operation and is convalescing nicely. To Hawaii-Dr. and Mrs. N. A. .Harris left a week ago Saturday on the first leg of their trip to the 1I a waiian Islands. They drove to San Francisco, where they boarded the liner Matsonia which sailed on Thursday, March 6, and docked in Honolulu on the 12th. They expect to be gone six months. Birthdays Celebrated - M a n y friends gathered for potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. H. L. ]. Dahl on Monday in celebration of her birthday. Among those who called were: Mrs. J. S. Brye, Mrs. L. Rasmussen, Mrs. A. L. Ellingson, Mrs. Bert Streng, Mrs. Arthur Swinclland, Mrs. Louise Sales, Mrs. Olai Hagenes·s, Mrs. K. LindWIRING FIXTURES


Sunday Guests-Visitors at the Fred J. Boness home Sunday, March 2, were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Snyder and Emma Jean, Mrs. Bessie Snyder, Mrs. Evelyn McKeowen and Robert Jon, Byron Parr, Cleaora Cope, Elmer Fremm, Virginia and D on n a Franklin, Donald Smithlin, Robert Porter and Charles Rodgers. Surprised on Birthday - Mrs. Orner E. Roland was pleasantly surprised Thursday night, March 6, in honor of her birthday: A gr?up of _friends planned tl1c s~1rpnsc to lollow the regular midweek Bible study hour. Mrs.Virgil Rodius baked a lovely birthday c;,_ke. Refreshments of ice cream, cake and coffee were served to the following guests while the

We install and service oil burners for both furnaces and kitchen ranges CALL US FOR ESTIMATE

PURDUE Plumbing · Heating Phone G Ranite 8088



QA 1711



Olson Electric

Complete Home and Auto Radio

0. M. Olson GRanite 7705 11222 Pacific Ave. Tacoma


Piper Funeral Home 5436 SO. PUGET SOUND , GA 5436




GRanite 7563 Next Door to State Liquor Store

Four·=====================;=============================';'============================='F'~~~~::,:~~;=~~~~~==f'.'.:===:=:====:==:::===:==;:::====1:~~=='.:'.=::~~:::=:::==-::=:~;:J;,~~;;~:::;;::~:::;;=:::=::~ Lorenz and family of Tacoma were ROOFING-New roofs now apTHE PRAIRIE POINTER



Mrs. L. A. Cruts, reporter Phone Graham 461 In Hospital-Raymon cl and v\layne O'Neil are still in the hospital and are improving. They arc both weak and Raymond is much thinner. The boys haYe been in the hospital for three weeks.

Sunday guests at the Albert N els on borne. To Undergo Surgery-Mrs. Hoganson has been ill for the past several weeks. She expects to enter a hospital March 19 for an operation.

Mother Passes Away-Mrs. Ida :Yfoore, mother of ·w esley vVoods, Visitors-Mrs. Jack Sloat and pas·sed away in a local hospital son from Gig Harbor, and Jim Monday, March 3. \lv'eslcy has , been 1nal<ing- his home with the Crnts for the past 21 months.




tRUJ'~~~-~.~-~---· . $10. 915 ~~~-:;;:::~ ...... $9. 75 SCHICK DRY SHAVER-

~!~··-·-···· . . . . $18.00

Fluorescent Farm Lantern


Light Bulbs, Electric Wiring and Supplies RADIO REPAIRS WE PICK UP & DELIVER GRanite 8787

Rainbow Girls 4-H Club~The Rainbow Girls 4-H Club held a rneeting Ivlarch 8 at the Cruts'. They cut out their aprons, practiced their song and held their business meeting. Refreshments were furnished by Bethie and Beverley Cruts. The serving was done by mcrn hers of the cooking club, Dolores Bolling and Beverley Cr u ts. :Mrs. Station has agreed to act as assistant leader in takiug over the cooking. They med at her bo111e Thursdays after school. Mrs. Nelson is ai:ting as ass·istant leader in the sewing club. Visits Mother - Mrs. Hardesty, of Oregon, Ill., arrived this week to spend a month with her mother, :Mrs. Hoganson. ---o--FLOOR SANDERS, HOUSE JACKS for rent. Brookdale Lumber Company. Call G Ranite 8362. (Adv., 27tf)

Serving Parkland for Over 25 Years



"On the Mountain Highway"

Parkland, Washington



Thursday, March 13, 1947



Parkland Cycle Shop Changes Ownership



2 2


Augustana Choir on Twenty-Sixth Tour


0 .






Per Thousand

• I

Meet your friends for a ..•

• I


,. I

at the



ONLY $39.00


Call GRanite 7524

BATI-1 TUBS. · .. · $77.48 to $87.00

SIZES 12-45 and HALF SIZES ORGANDIE BLOUSETTES SHARKSKIN PETER l'AN DICKIES Styles for the Junior Figure - Sizes 9 - 15


PACIFIC Welding Service

WASH BASINS · · - $16.00 to $36.75

Mineral Surface Roofing 90 pound weight

KITCHEN SINKS · $ 9.95 to $28.14

Colors: red and green


ASPHALT ROOFING 55 and 65 pound


13497 Mt. Highway (BROOKDALE) E. R. Crain BRAZING


Stella~ c:Rowe'ls Weddings - Corsages Funeral Designs


GR 7863




CHILDREN'S DRESSES Sizes I - 6 - Solid Colors, Florals, Stripes


Kraft Sheathing Paper

Margaret's Beauty Shop

1-pound Deadening Felt

Open 9 to 6 Evenings by Appointment Spanaway GR 8080


Brookdale bu ber Co.



·Parkland BEAUTY SHOP GR 7460

On Mountain Highway

Gallons, 5 Gallons


RT. 7, BOX 420

Kem tone




~ For Your Spring Parf:ies ~I~ Candles Paper Napkins Nut Cups ~

S, :r

Paper Coaster Doilies Juvenile Birthday Party Invitations Birthday Candles


9648 Pacific Ave.

LAkewood 2167 '


MARIE SPARKS, Beautician



Garfield Street


TOILETS · . · · .. · $37.15 to $45.00

Just Arrived - - -

1'Iew § Print!i



All the Time

We Have New Insulated Heaters with Thermostat



Carl of Bothell, \Virt of Anacortes J plied. New material now on and Ernest and Ralph of Seatt.Je. hand. lfoof repairs. 12-lllonth ovement Club-The M1dI terms on new roofs. Phone Mrs. George Turner, reporter . C· E · "fc lanrlmpr lmp1"ovement· club held its . a ck" Brown amwunccd OIL HEATlNG SERVICE. All GRanite 7857. tfc GRanite 7727 makes repaired. Oil heaters for regular meeting in the In;prove- this-week that he had purchas:d entered for all s_ale. Prettyman Heating & Oil SUBSCRIPTIONS magazines. Call GRanite 7424. ment Club hall March 3 with Mr. the Parlnancl Cycle Shop and will Service, CiR 7694. Qnick serv27-28p Honor Bride-A belated bri'.lal Clarence ] ohann p_residing. A reg- soon start construction on a new ice. shower was held for :Mrs. Julrns ular bnsines~ meeting followed and concrete block building on GarYARD BEAUTIFIERS Rose arbors and trellises for Marinacci (Theda Chapman) at a discussion was held as to field street. Mr. Brown is an ex- EXP EH.T "·atch and clock repa1n11g. :\II work guaranteed. S·ale, Brookdale Lumber Company. the home of Mrs. Eileen Andrea- whether Midland should ~Je tal~en perienced cycle man with 10 years G. J. Anderson, opposite Span- GRanite 8362. (Adv., 27tf) son, March 6. Guests that were into Tacoma. Further d1scusswn experience in this field. lviost of a way school. GE 8322. 27c present were: Mrs. Teffre, ~Irs. will be taken up at the ne_xt mee_t- his c mp1 et e experience was I 0 BULL AND BOAR SERVICE. ' Hushek and daughter, Mary Fran-, ing on the first Monday 111 Apnl. g-aincd in the Seattle area where Delivered. Registered Guernseys ces: Mrs. Martm Peterson, Mrs. 4-H Rally-Mrs. K nesal and he managed Tommy's Cycle .Shop no extra charge. 0. L. iviyers, Morris, Mm. Lind and danghter, Mrs. Ellis reports that the Mid- for a munber of yearn. Ht. 1, Box 220-D, Spanaway. tfc Marlyss; Mrs. ·.Roy Taylor, Mrs. land 4-H Girls will have a rally Together with a complete cycle FOPhone p S \lGR F 8636. Delphinium roots Turner an<l daughter, Be'.tY Gean; day at the Grange hall on 64th 1-cp;iir service he is soon going tu ' 50~ :~~cl;. ·Good size, can be. di~ Mrs. Marinacci, mother-111-law of and vValler Rd., March 15, at 10:30 offer lawn muwer repair and vided. A. T. Danielson, Tulc Friday & Sraturday, Mar. 14, 15 the bride; Mrs. Charles Ta_yl?r, a. m. until 3:30 p. m. Mrs. Gilbert sharpening work. If you have any Lake Road. GR 8718. 27, 28c WALTER BRENNAN Miss Barbara Taylor, Mrs. Barn- Carlson, president of the County repairs to be done on wheeled J'vlYRTLE'S BEAUTY SHOP at in bridge, Bonnie Spahn, Mrs. An- 4-H, \\'ill be in charge. Mrs., Kne- »oods such as bicycles, tricycles, 706 Laiayette St., Park~and. Ph. "HOME IN INDIANA" dreason, mother-in-la.;v of t_he sal would like all the girls to n;eet baby carriages, etc., ~akc them to! GI~.anite '1<)79. f.or app~rntments. hostess, and June D~vis. _Shm,Hr at her home at 9:30 that rnornmg. I thc ParJ.L111d Cycle Shop. , . ~ ~4: -5, ~· ~c plus games· \\'ere played with p1:1zes goTwo Operations- Mr. Floyd ---o--DANCING CLASSES - Eve1y "LIVE WIRES" 1 ing to Mrs. Tdfre and Miss Mar- C 0 ol- ·o[' J't 4 Miclland was aclwith Montlay, .'vlasonic Temple, So. ' . I1 . re f res l1 • mitted ' ' lyss Lind, after w 1lJC to ' a· local hospital las·t Leo Gorcey, The Bowery Boys 84th and Parle J\frs. Anderson, rncnts were ser'Ved and gifts were Monday night and was operated PRoctnr 91('4 after 6 p.m. --::-unwrapped by Mrs. Ancl1 cason. on Tncsclay morning. He is re27-28-29c The A ugustana College Choir H. M. L. Ladies Meet-The H. ported coming along nicely. Mr. Sunday & Monday, Mar 16, 17 EXPERT FURNITURE REM. & L. Ladies Auxiliary held Harry Lang of La1·chmont was of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, acPAllUNG and finishing-cup"CLOAK AND DAGGER" board doors and drawers. Subtheir regular meeting in the f!re 1 als'o operated on last week. He is clairncd by critics from coast to coast as being one of the best with urban Wooclworking, 9643 Pipehall vVednesday, March 5, with also recovering. line Road 11ear 96th and "A." Gary Cooper and Lilly Palmer Mrs. Alden pt'csiding. Silverware Reunion-Mr. A. Moser of Port- choirs in the world, will appear -tfc GR 8662. in concert at the Central Lutheran plus will be bought by the auxiliary f~ 1: land, Oregon, was a guest of Mr. church of Tacoma the evening of FOR SALE-New 3-roorn house, Sheila Ryan and Fred Brady their use when they hold th~u-, and Mrs. O. Shockley over the March 24 at 8:15. completely furnished. To be in card partie:>·. Mrs. Eshpeter will weekend. Mr. Moser and Mr. The local appearance of these moved off property. GR4287. "SLIGHTLY DANGEROUS" buy it. J\frs. Frank J ohn~nn won Shockley were buddies· in 1898 and 52 young singers, all trained under 27c the "money well," into which each a verv enjoyable weekend was the. expert leadership of their re- SEPTIC tanks pumped, contents ·--::-member puts a After the :;pent -reminiscing, nowned director, Dr. Carl H. hauled away. Established busiTues., Wed. and Thurs. neSS·. Phone GA 1.986 or GA business n_iccting the_ t;'.ble was To Visit Friends-:tvlrs. Louis Y·oungdahl, will be. ~Jlle. of the 23 March 18, 19,- 20 9794. 29tfc covered with a pape1 Ltblecloth , ,, ·\ ·t' . f l' t 13 Box 194 is [Jro"rams the choir will present . d cl ff "'1Ci I OJ 0 ' . • • b Tl . G f{ ,\VE L fu1· driveways, etc. "SISTER KENNEY" with · g ,a ti·i·\) to 13ell1·11 gham to clnrino·"' thi,;. season's tour. 11s. S . aT 1 . . shamrocks .over ,,1 It• an · o-_ p 1anmn . Prices very reasonable. Veteran with dils 111 the centet. " rs. ··tan ·· P visit a friend Mrs. Phyllis Curtiss, year marks. the 26th annual tom Worl<i War 11. Call GRanite Rosalind Russell and kc's birthday was ubscncd. She 10 was in' nnrs·cs tl"tining with made by the choir and Dr. Young7202 or G Ranite 8733. 27p Alexander Knox received a cash gift from tl'.e mem- '1" SI.1 . ,ill be. 0 ;1e for five dahl in the U nitcd States and e " " M A l B 111 I niter and ier. CAR PENT ER remodeling, large plus bcrs. rs-. ~ >a.... . _ days. On the way home she plans Canad~: . , .. or small jobs·. Gene Russell, 707 "PARDON US" Mrs. 0. A. Bergmann "ne host t 't · Seattle and visit her Paciltc Lutheran College DotHendricks Parkland. Ph. St., csses. o b Op lll • • T 1 • l d t with Laurel and Hardy G Ranite 7036. 23tfc uncle, Dr. Benson, and another rnitory Auxiliary ~o. is g a .o Resident Passes - Francis M friend, Mrs. Ruth Palmer. present to the music lovers _of tl11s ELECTROLUX, $69.iS complete. I-{ ill ~1 9 of Rt 4 Box 329 died T a b 1 e D emonst r at"on - l'he co .111 rn. uni t y an entertamment Pre-war price. Immediate delivt , , . , '. i . _ .. · · 11 , , ._ ery. Oscar Hovrud, 702 East Tuesday at his home. A natn·e of Demonstr·ttion club will meet at wluch 1s msp11111is:, ~1ass1ca }lat 43rcl St. G .\ 4179. 27-28-29c Missouri, he came to Tacoma 40 the home '0 f Mrs. Stark March 20 tistic, and recog111z~ every"'. 1ere years ago, and was a retired car-1 with a 12 :30 o'clock potluck lunch- as a Ieadmg attract10n of nat10na] WELLS DRILLED and pumps on a F.H.A. loan. 3 years to !)enter and a member of the Car- . I' 0 11 call will be answered_ standrng. . " 1 N·0 : 40: con. ' . . ---0--pay. Einar Thorsen, Rt. 7, Box penter ' s union.. lo.c_.i with favorite recipes. Two 4-I-l 437, Tacoma. GR 8707. tfe Surviving are lus ~lie, Nell~e _l~·: girls, Nancy Peterson and Carol PARKLAND NOW HAS FOR RENT--16 MM silent and one son, J oscph I•.;_ two s~stci s, ;\nn Johnsen, will demonstrate DRIVE-IN RESTAURAN-i;' sound cartoons, shorts, features, Mrs. Carrie Hicks, ot I;l,utchm~on, table setting and sen·ing. As it is· The Parkland XXX Dnve-In GR 7311 projectors. GRanite 7360. 19tfc, and Mrs. Lyde I hompson, the club's birthday month there restaurant opened it' doors to the ·rnACTOR WORK Plowing, 9802 PACIFIC AVENUE of Ottawa, Kan.; and one" brother, will be an exchang-e 'Of gifts. Mem- public yesterday. N orrnan Swenharrowing, etc. Call GR 7787. lra A., of Kansas City, Kan.; and bcrs arc urged not to forget their land and S"am Hull, naYy veteran, Rt. 7, Box 552. Elvis Simon. one grandson. quilt blocks. Aluminum Roofing 27tfc are the partners in the enterprise. Passes-Ross A. Camp hell, 52, Home--Miss Agness Brenner, They are both local men, Hllll N lC:\V and used pumps for sale. Downspouts of Rt. 4, Box 88, died in a local owner of the Larchmont Furriers, li1·ing at 98th and Pacific and For service call after 4 o'clock Electric Conduit hospital Thursday. H c was born is enlarging her establishment. Swenland in Parkland. The buildor Sun clays. E in a r Thorsen. GRanitc 8707. tfc in Clay county, Kaus., came to the There will be· a new sh'ow room ing was started about 10 months Large size Garbage Cans Northwes-t in 1901 and to Tacorna and all new fmnis-hings. FOR papering, painting and kemMiss ago. toning, call GR 7231 or GR 7496. 25 years ago. He was a member Bre1111er and ]'vi iss Phipps have This newest addition to the rapFree estimates, reasonable. 19tfc of the Barhers' union and \Vild j11st returned from a trip to Cali- idly growing business side of West Post No. 91, V.F.W., and fornia. Parkland is something new in the LOS'i'-Sho1i.l1-i1T1:c<l1110nd -;-;1ak Cocker, in vicinity of 102nd St. during v\I orld \Var I served in are:i. Complete curb service for ---o--27c Reward. Call (; R 85411. the army and navy. Surviving arc anything from a toke to a dinner PLEASE FENCE ME IN I WELL DRILLIJ\:G-Electrically his wife, Lillian; three sons, RichThe Brookdale Lumber Com- is the feature. welded joints and all work guarard, Allen and Glen, of Tacoma; pany has sturdy split cedar fence ---o--anteed. Call or write E. J. vVebone grandson and four brothers, posts. Call GR 8362. (Adv., 27tf) SHIRTS FOR SPRING her vVcll Drilling Co., Rt. 3, Box NO PRIORITY NEEDED 19tfc 841. GRanite 7211. They say"· it's the shirt that makes the man. Peterson's Men's WANTED - Good shotgun and Large Stock of Quality deer rifle. GR 7763. C. P. Creso. Wear in Parkland offers you the 27-28p CARPENTER TOOLS nationally advertised line of Aetna TR1\CTOH work, plowing, harDress Shirts·. Sport shirts also. rowing, etc. Call GRanile 7787, (Adv., 27c) Ht. 7, Box 552. Elvis Simon. tfc



Marsh & Knudtson Two Chairs for Fast Sei:vice Across from Parkland P. 0. .,


Acco"' <ho!~~~ f# :~ung, Poop ~


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