Prairie pointer v 2 no 10 nov 14, 1946

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Your news and GR 71 "0 U advertising phone number. All copy must be in Tuesday night for Thursday's Pointer. Sea Serpent Vague rumblings of sea serpents cavorting in Span:nvay Lake have been emanating from the shores of that aug11st body of \\'ater for &ome time. Then last week the Pointer had a report that a walleyed pike was snatched from those waters, only to be howled down by a raving mob of fishermen who declared a wall-eyed pike couldn't JJvg)n such turbulent, dragon-infested depths. Now comes forfh Fred Butts and Ken Kramer with the startling statement that they captured ;; serpent out of Spanaway's deep blue. The \'ery same skull of this monster, they s·ay, is now on display at the Target in Spanaway. Here is the nrbatim story of the capture: "We determined to go after one of those monsters that the old timers claimed were roaming bottom reaches of Spanaway Lake. After using a load of Target sea mo n s t e r bait as the lure we dropped in a line of 3/8 inch cable, using No. 20 piano wire for leader. Drifting near the south waterway fonr enormous s·trikes came at 0840 PST and we lit out for shore as the other encl of our line was hooked to the '41 Ford pickup. In the terrific struggle that followed the rear encl was torn out of the truck but we managed to lane! the brute. What a sight to behold! Lena the Hyena is a beauty in comparison. It was. a male (?) serpent 17'9" Jong weighing 993 lbs. It was too tough to handle whole so we dressed out the beast, and lo and behold in the stomach we found unc!iges·tec! cattle horns, two steel coyote traps and $4.75 in silver coins." That's their story, folks, and the boys placed the skull on display at the Target. And, friends, \i\Tin Hunt is giving a daily dramatic, unrehearsed story telling of this great capture. Yon should hear it.

VOL. 2, NO. 10

MIDLAND TANK CONTRACT LET S. E. TACOMA WATER CO. SOON TO HAVE OWN WATER SUPPLY The la.,t contract in connection with the South East Tacoma Mutual \\Tater Company construction has heen let. The coutract for the erection of a 100,000 gallon steel water tank on a one hundred foot steel tower was awarded to the Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co. The award was announced at a joint meeting of the mutnal company's construction committee and board of directors held on November 4. The bid wa& stated to be $23,235. The tank should be completed in about nine months, and will be situated at 98th and Jackson Sts., which is the site of the now complete number one well. Pete Sylte has commenced work on the drilling of the number two well at 90th street and Golden Given Road. Members of the committee and board of directors present were: Carl Taylor president; William Roley, secretary; A. P. Easton, treasurer; Bert L. Vaughan and Clarence Johann.

4 ···~


DOG IS HERO AS HOME BURNS Family, Aroused By Barking, Escapes From Blaze; Animal Dies A faithful dog assumed the role of hero when fire destroyed the James· Brown home on .K street last Friday night. A large crowd of "fire watchers" gathered to view the spectacular blaze as it completely consumed the house and all of its contents. Jam es S. Brown, the father, bundled his . family together in such haste that his sole garment was a pair of trousers.: Mrs. Anne Brown, the mother, a night gown; and Eleanor, 7, Margie, 5, and ] erry, the little boy about twc:_ and one-half years old, were bunc!lec! in blankets.. An old car was salvaged. That any of the family is alive today is credited to old Bob, the aged dog, who roused the family by barking until smoke and flames in the kitchen silenced him forever. Mrs. Brown made a brave effort to get the old dog out of the kitchen. She smashed a window with her fist trying to provide an exit for the old fellow, but she only succeeded in severely cutting her arm. "I'll hear that old dog's cries to the clay I die," she told neighbors. Bob was· old and he was deafbut he could bark. Neighbors-the Steels and Bentleys-called the Parkland fire department. The volunteers responded with both of their trucks and the 1-l-M-L fire truck came over. There was little they could do. Handicapped by lack of fire hydrants, they rnallc three trips back for \\·ater. The loss was placed at $3,500 or more. Brown is ~ watchman at Columbia Breweries, Inc. Fire Chief Herb Jenness of the Parkland department received a bad burn on one hand while directing fir"c fighting operations.

Office: Bas·ement PLC Chapel, Parkland




Firemen's Night Tonight, Thursday, Nov. 14, is Parkland Community Club meeting am1 an exceptionally fine program is ready. Parkland V o I u n t e er Fire Department members will be honor guests. Refreshments follow the meeting. President Herbert Socolofsky will preside over the business session which starts at s:oo a.'clock in Parkland school auditorium.






• I


by Richard Clemons Harry Sprinker, reelected masOlai Hageness, county superinThe end of the 1946 football ter of Pierce county Pomona tendent of schools, announced on season found the Parkland Jr. Grange for the fourth consecutive vVec!nesc!ay that he will call a· High varsity team not only un- term will be installed with other special election shortly after the ---o--defeated but unst:ored 'against. Pomona and subordinate Grange new year to determine if the resiFirst string players on the team officers at Fruitland Grange hall dents of Collins, Central Avenue, which was coached by Stan Willis, on December 16. Parkland and Midland school diswere: left end, Garnet Lune!; left The public has been invited to tricts desire to consolidate for the tackle, Roger Lincoln; left guard, attend the colorful rites to be held purpose of erecting a high school. John Simerson; center, · Winton December 16. Petitions with sufficient signatures Victor; right guard, Robert OlafOther officers elected were: from each district concerned have son; right tackle Don Farrell· Overseer, Joseph Mickus from Elk ACHIEVEMENT DAY right enrl, Merle Sherwood; righ~ Plain Grange; Lecturer, Bertha SLATED FOR SATURDAY been presented to Hageness asking for the special electiou. half, Hans Dahl; left half, Bob! Renner, Clover Creek Grange; AT RIVERSIDE SCHOOL "I have decided to wait until \i\Taters; fullback, Cleve Woods, Steward, Harry Thompson, Fruit. and quarterback, Bob Clemons. land Grange; Assistant Steward, Pierce County 4-H Leaders early 1947 to hold. the election so Defeat Eatonville Lloyd Brandt, Roy Grange; Lady Club met at the Thieman home at that each district will have plenty Friday afternoon the Parkland As.sistant Steward, Lavonne Kron- Kelly Lake for their regular of time to discuss the pros and squad easily overcame Eatonville qmst, Benston Grange; <?hapl.ain, monthly meeting las·t Friday, No- cons of consolidation," Mr. Hageness told the Pointer W ec!nesday. with a score of 27-0. In the first Rev. W. A. Moore, R1vers1de; vember 8. few minutes of the game Bob Treasurer, George Custer, McMilThe m?in order of business was A special committee composed of vVaters passed to Hans Dahl who Ian; Secre~ary, Roy Renner, Clo- the electt01.1 of officers for 1947. representatives from each of the ran over for the first touchdown. ver Creek, Gate. Keeper, Rodney T?e followmg were elected; Mrs. district school boards. involved ---0Hans Dahl caught a flat pass for Howe, Elk Plam; Ceres, Helen G1lh~rt Car~son of Waller Road, has been active since August 1945 the extra point. Next Eatonville 1'.ogle, Waller Road; Pomona, pres1d.ent; Gt;y Norman of Bens- studying the proposition and hearkicked 011 their fourth down and Esther Swalander,, Crocker; Flora, ton, vice president; Mrs. Ida Thie- ings were held in most of the disBob Waters ran 40 yards along Eutropia Keough, Elk Plain; man of Kelly Lake, secretary and tricts. The petitions seeking the the sidelines and over the goal. ~ome ·Economics Chainnan, M!n- treasurer, and Mrs. Omer E. Ro- election were presented through The conversion was successful. 111e No'.ter, James Sales; Executive land of Clo\·er Creek, news re- this committee. Spanaway-Elk Plain Fire The next scoring was made. Committeeman for one year term, porter. 518 Students Auxiliary Serves 356 Dinners through a successful sleeper play Clarence Otte, Fruitland; t\\'o year It was'. decided to· hav~ the That there is a need for a high At Election Night Spread with a pass· from VVaters to Cle- ~owe f?r three year term from ne~t meetmg Dece:n~er 14 rn the school in this· area is unc!isputable It was a happy group of women ihons. A similar play accounted l~lk Plam. , . Wrnter Sch?ol bu1ld11:g a'. J?ui:-- when the enrollment and other who met in the home of Mrs. for the nex.t touchdown \\'ith \Nat- . Pierce :ounty Grangers will con- allup Experiment s.tauon, if It IS figures are studied. Total assessed *** Thelma J./larti last Friday night in ers passing to Dahl. t1~rne their efforts to get the state available. At th~t tun~ .there will valuation for the districts is $2,Stolen Car Recovered The most spectacular play of the lughway department . ~o correct be a demonstration trarn111g school 087, 127 and high school students A telephone call from Tacoma Spanaway for they gathered to game occurred in the last quarter the dangerous co11c11t1on at the for leaders and men:bers. now attending schools in other police at 7 a. m., Saturday morn- hear a report of the great success when Cleve Woods threw a pass under-pas£ near Crocker on state Heed 1-fansen, ass1.sta11t. agent, districts number 518. Detailed figing advisee! R. L. Renwick that of the turkey clinner served by the from the 50-yarc! l\k)e to H.ichard h1g~1~vay ~o. ~:E. . !:cl a round. table d.1scuss10n 0 ~~ ures a,re given as follows: his 1942 Buick which had been Spanaway-Elk Plain Fire DepartSimerson who barely caught it G1 ange1 s ha\.t decided to work The Leade1 s Place .m th? Club. missing since the previous Mon- ment Auxiliary on election night 1946 Valuations for 1947 Levy ., . Pot Luck Dmner day, had been recovered by the in the Spana way school lunch 011 the 15-yard line, side-stepped for the . retent10n _of the statefor Proposed District r o o Ill. Three hundred fifty-six an Eatonville player and ran over owned can11e17 at l~ent. The Pt~yI otluck 1·efresln:1ents were ser- Collins ............................... $ 209,125 state patrol at Kelso. They informfor the touchdown. allup valley is a lu?b productive ved to the foll.owmg: M:·s. J. M. Central Avenue ................ 249,243 ed him the car was in good con- plates were dished np for a sum of -o--Midgets Win area of sm;<tll fnut. and vege- Heath, l\'.lrs. Michael ,Vas1cho, and Parkland ........................... 1,029,735 dition and that by contacting the more than $500. The organization The undefeated midget team, ~ables and this cannery, it Mrs: Gilbert of \\ aller Road; Midland ........................ sherriff's. office and state patrol has asked that the Pointer publish 500,024 coached by Paul Larson, beat is. felt much frmt and vegetables David ,Harkness of Roy; Mr. and of that city, the car would be the following ''thank you'' note: "The Spanaway-Elk Plain FireEatom·ille midgets 21-0 in a game ml! be lost. M'.s. l•rank Ballon. Mrs. Mitchell turned over to him. TOTAL.. ................... $2,087,127 the s·ame afternoon. Players were Monday. ni~h.t'. No".. 18, OI:op M.1lne, and iHrs., Don G~aser of Margaret Keyes, reporter Ha1·ing been "·ithont bis custom- men's Auxiliary wishes to thank Total Enrollment Russell vVilkerson, Roland Hohn- Grange will 1111t1ate m the f!rst F1rgrove.; .Guy Norman, Denston; ary reliable transportation for ali business firms and individuals Call GArland 4350 quist, Ronnie Colwell, Tommy and secon;l degrees an cl on Nov. Mrs: \i\T1111fred Carson and Mrs. Collins several days Mr. -Renwick decided \\'ho so generously contributed Bryan, Alan Ahrens, Dick Rouner, 2~, the third and fourth clegrees Eumce Potrofk~ of Rocky~ B~nc!; Central Park 'to get possession of the car with food and money for their turkey dinner on Nm·ember 5. You helped Cub P;;;ck 84 Active-Tonight, Bobby Schibig, Jerry \i\Tiggins, will be put on at Benston Gr~nge. Mrs. Fred :w1ese an~! . Sh1r!e~ Parkland the least possible delay, and asketl to make the dinner a financial sucNovember 14, the Cub Pack 84 l{onnie Storaasli and Paul Steen Plans were made for Pierce Andrews of Graham; H1ll1ard, \V. Midland a friend George Phenecie of South 38th street to fly with him to Kel- cess and \Ye thank you from the meeting will ieature a dramatiza- Substitutes \~c~c Freddie Hoheim: county's pa~·ticipati.on in the 80th Greene, Mrs. Geo. I~i~hen. a~1d TOTAL.. .................................. 518 bottom of our hearts. tion of "Pioneer Days" for the Glenn Armstrong, Lawrence Ross, a.11nual National G.range conven- Jea.n, and Robert Posp1s1l ol Rtvso and drive the car home. "Another 'thank you' to the benefit of parents and leaders. The Tommy Swindland and Ed Erick- t1011 at Portland tl11s \\·eek, where ers-1de; Mrs . .Lena Larson and According to Supt. Hageness Twenty minutes after take-off 300 Grangers from this county Mrs. Casper Irish of Knapp Road; the increasing grade school atfrom Tacoma airport, ai1d o\'er committee alic! m em be rs who theme of the evening is appropriworked; also to Mrs-. Ida Delwo son. are expected to witness the degree Mrs. Albert Knesal of Midland; tendance and the continual influx ately in observation of ThanksgivTenino, Mother Nature decided to ---o-~work on the national assembly Mrs. Loretta Reynolds of Fruit- of new residents is creating a lower the already not too high and her assistants, Mrs. Palma ing Day and the 57th anniversary Thursday. land,Doun Baker, Mrs. Ina Thie- high school problem that must ceiling and succeeded in obscuring Nissen, Mrs. Helen Olin and Mrs. of vVashington statehood. A comA. S. Goss, former \i\T ashington man, Inez and Louise of Kelly be solved very soon. "This area mittee meeting was held at the the hills surrounding the town Dorothy Birkhofer. "There is much to be done for Clarence Johann home on Novemslate master, w]fo is now national Lake; Mrs. George Allen, Mrs. is- considered the most critical in with a solid overcast. Renwick A lively and entertamrng time master, will preside. Secretary .of Omer E. Roland and Andrew C. the state by the school officials," said they circled a small valley our firemen .and with such coop- ber 7 to discuss, plans for the prowith all avenues of escape shut eration, we feel that we can and gram. Other business of the eve- was enjoyed by students of the Agriculture Clinton Anderson will Schmidt of Clover Creek; Reed said Mr. Hageness. "We are planning. concerned a Cub Christmas· Parkland Junior High when the be among those taking the seventh Hansen, assistant county agent, ing for two high schools in the off except down. He picked out will accomplish great things. "\,Ye would like to extend a party which is to be hcl cl on De- first ail-junior-high Halloween degree. About 7,000 Grangers from and Miss Agnes Sunell, home- South End in the future. Collins, a stubble field in which a man was plowing with a. tractor and making hearty welcome to all who are cember 19 in the Midland Im- party, planned by the stndent the Northwest arc expected to take c!emons-tration agent. Central A ve11;.1e, Parkland and council, was- held Thursday even- this degree. Achievement Day Midland would make up one cona low power approach, sat down interested in becoming members provement Club house. ing October 31. Cornstalks, pump---o-The annual county Achievement solidated district, while the union on the field and at the end of the of the Auxiliary. We need you and S Day will be held this Saturday, high district of Clover Creek, KirDragon Stars Card Party-The kins and orange and black streamlanding run, stopped within a few yon need us." November 16 at 10:30 a. m. at by, Elk Plain, Spanaway and ---o--benefit card party given last Fri- ers added a Halloween atmoshundred feet of the tractor which the Riverside School. Mrs. Casper Lacamas could join with H.oy and day night by the Midland girls phere to the school basement had stopped to see what was takBethel 23 Job's Daughters will· Ir.ish is chairman with Mrs. Geo. Kapowsin to provide another mobasketball team netted approxi- where students gathered at seven ing place. As he cut the switch and . . hole! its second monthly 'meeting ~1c~1en and Mrs. Backstrom a.s- den1 high school plant." mately $70. The money is going o'clock for games. climbed out in the cold drizzle, Games were played with pnzes in the Fern Hill Masonic Temple, s1st111g. The lunch at noon will to be used to finance the team in their genial host said, "Well, start Roy and Kapowsin are both Ano th c r business enterprise that d - - - thing and hook on came to Parkland this week when the vV o m e n's City Basketball awarded to Bob Clemons, Mar- Friday, November 15, at 7:30 p.m. be served by the Leaders Club. operating high schools now under Miss Lois· Ki cl de r honoree! Those in charge will be Mrs. severe hardships. Roy's building here and let's get some plowin' H. E. Mobley opened a watch League, as well as help purchase ian Myers, Don Farrell, Ernest done!" He also volunteered the repair and jewelry store in the playing equipment. The evening Nation Mac Daniell and Billy queen presiding, annot;nces that George Richen, Mrs. Backstrom, burned in the fall of 1942 and information that this is as close new Parkland Theatre building. w a s pleasantly enjoyed by all, Rush. Firs-t prize for 'guessing considerable business will be con- Mm. Eunice Potrofke and Mrs. the high school classes have since as I've ever been to one of them Mobley had been located at 98th especially those who won the the number of peanuts in a jar ducted, including the semi-annual ~Iichae! Vasicho'. All awards won been housed in temporary strucd - - - things and that if I wanted and Pacific for some time but prize&. Clarence Johann received went to Glenn Armstrong. Door election of officers for the ensuino- 111 4-H work c!unng the past year tures. Kapowsin's building is old to kill myself I'd either get one because of a need for more display the door 1)rize-which turned out prizes were won by Roger Lin- term with Mi.~s Rnth Reindtro~ will be presented at this time. and needs replacement. asp!l'mg for the station of queen; -o--to be a live cluck. Mrs. Carl Tay- coin. and Shirley Skinner. of them things or a motorcyele !" Clear Majority Needed space and a more central location C1der and frosted doughnn~s Phylli& Bagley, senior princess; CLINIC OFFICE OPENING After a couple hours wait, and in the South End he secured the lor won a twenty pou!1Cl turkey, When the election in the ParkJean Deuel a cake, and Mrs. Doug- were served for r~freshments Ill Laurice Shapre, junior princess, EARLY NEXT WEEK with weather conditions sufficient- pres·ent space. land, Collins, Micl!anc!, Central Tuesday or Vv ednesday of next Avenue area is held a clear malas Morris went away richer by the lunchroom wluch was decor- and Margaret Parent, guide. The ly improved Renwick took off and Prior to going into business i1) office of marshal, the first elec- week will be the opening c!a te of jority of the voters in each indiscooted for Tacoma under a min- these parts Mr. Mobley spent five three cooking bowls. Various oth- ated in the Halloween motif. Robert Olafson, student body tive office in a Bethel, will be con- the branch office of the Lakewood vidual district will be required to er prizes donated by Harvard-Midimum ceiling. years in the army air corps workThanks to· good police work the ing in the highly skilled branch of land merchants were presented to president, was general chairman tested for by the following mem- Clinic, Dr. Lawrence E. Skinner form the consolidation. Under precar is back, no worse for the wear chronometer and instrument main- those taking honors in pinochle at for the following committees as- bers: Misses Patricia Pietila, Nor- said Wednesday. A slight delay iu sent laws an adverse vote in any ma Brott, Glenda Gay, Betty Esta- the heating plant installation has one district would kill the entire and the thief enjoying free lodging tenance. Bes ides his c 1 o c k and their tables. The makings for the sisting: Ente.rtainment: Ann Stovner, brook, Anita Herzog, Gloria Leon- been encountered. refreshments were donated. by the project. If approved, then the in Tacoma. watch work he will have a line of Dr. Marjorie Miller will be in board of directors for the conmothers of the team members. The chairman, Joeann H.nchttoen and an!, Marilyn Hill, Gloria Graham *** jewelry and related items in the ladies of the H. M. & L Fire De- Martha Pres·ba. Decorations: Joe- and Donna Pederson. charge of the new offices which solidated district wonlc! pick severBig Elk new store. ann H uchttoen, chairman, Ann The Guardian Council extends are located at Airport and Pacific al likely school sites and these partment Auxiliary s·erved. A 900 pound elk is something ---o--Stovner, Shirley Skinner, Martha an invitation to Bethel 8 of Ta- Avenue next to the Lundberg Drug would be put to a vote to deterof a moose! 0. E. French, who Home Again-John Lawson re- Hall, Helen Lien, June Wellan, coma and all others qualified to Company. Una May Soukup of mine the location of the new high went hunting· last week with StanParkland has been secured to be school. turned home on Armistice Day Wilma Cha1)man, Joan Hicks, attend. ley Ros·so, Mike Hayt and Al Tur---o--office assistant. Office hours at the after a stay at Castle Rock, Wash. Minerva Woods, Eleanor Nation, ner, bagged a magnificient elk ---o--which weighed 900 pounds before Men~bers of the Victory With him came Mrs. A. Johnston, Cleve Woods, George Green, Gar- STANLEY DAHLS HONORED start will be from 1 to 5 o'clock dressing. The men 'yent hunting Through Prayer club will meet his mother, and Mr. and Mrs. net Lund, Roger Lincoln, John AT LARGE DINNER PARTY Dr. Harold J. Laraas will be the Erle A large party in honor of Mr. dentist in attendance s-hortly after east of the mountains in the "ra- Thursday from 12:15 to 12:30 to Charles Walden, his sister and Younce, Marian Myers, hear a speaker, Miss Shirley Mor- brother-in-law, of Kelso and Castle LaVergne, Jerry Leap and Bob and Mrs. Stanley Dahl was held the first of the year. ttlesnake" country. Girl Scout Troop No. 100, under at the Dalhem in Tacoma last ---o--gan from Pacific Lutheran Col- Rock, respectively. The· vis-itors Clemons. *** ·Refreshments: Fr e cl Kramer, Satmc!ay night. Besides the honor- BASKETBALL TURNOUT AT the leadership of Mrs. L. B. Richlege. The recently-formed organ- are house guests of the Lawsons Late Letter As far as Dr. N. A. Harris, who ization meets in Room 1 in the this week. The Lawsons, with chairman, Bob Hutton, Lorraine ed guests those present were: Mr. SPANAWAY NEXT MONDAY ardson, held its first meeting last On Monday evening, Nov. 18, Thursday at the Parkland grade resides near Parkland, is concerned Parkland Junior High School. It their children, Donna and Joseph, Wellan, Marilyn Hosso, Bill Pitt, and Mrs. H. L. S. Dahl and son, the Pony Express is still operating was decided to obtain an outside live on 91st street near Taylor Earlene Summers, Tommy Bryan, Hans, Rev. and Mrs. Lowell Satre, a turnout of basketball players school. So many enthusiastic girls· speaker for each Thursday meet- street. Mr. Lawson's visit at Castle Clara Mitchell and Connie Stay; Mrs. Alberta H, Preus, Mr. and is sd1eduled for the Spanaway turned out for this meeting, that it between Olympia and Tacoma. Recently Dr. Harris received a iug, Joau Buckner, president, an- Rock was devoted to the building cleanup: Dick Olaf,son, chairman, Mrs. William Staraasli and son, School gymnasium. Young men was necessary to limit the memof a new home for the Charles Earl Brown, Grover Akre, Max Dale, Lester Sforaasli, Miss Carol 16 years of age or older arc bership to girls of the fifth and letter from friends in Olympia nouncec!. Spencer, Mac Daniell, Joanna Mc- Ellefson, Mr. nd Mrs. Orville asked to be there if they are sixth grades who are ten years :w,hich was mailed from that city New members or gues·ts are cor- VValdens. ---c,..----Cune, Van Hinote, Floyd Single- Storaasli, Mm. Paul Preus, Mr. interested in being a member of of age and older. in December of 1934. There is no dially invited to attend. tary, Billy Rush, Eel Erickson, and Mrs. Olai Hageness, Mr. and a Spanaway basketball squad. All Since a Girl Scout troop is visible means to account for the MONZER ELECTED NOBLE ---o--Lenard Abbott, Tommy Swind- Mrs. Orwall Dahl, all of Parkland; South End athletes will be wel- limited to 24 members, and unless time interval, since the letter was GRAND, FERN HILL I.0.0.F. lanc!, Rita Wellan, Jackie Sim- Mr. and Mrs. Silas Dahl, and Mr. come. For further information call another leader is obtained, there cqnipped with clearly written ad- LOVELAND LADIES AID BAZAAR THURS., NOV. 21 and Mrs. Rudolph Dahl of Tac- GRanite 8037. will be a lot of interested girls A Parkland resident was elected mons and Betty Ruth Snowden. dress and return address. who will not be able to participate ---o--oma; Mrs. Vernon Haroldson and ---o--A 12 o'clock luncheon followed as Noble Grand to head the Fern -6In New Home-Mr. and Mrs.) daughter Molly and ·son Ronnie, Move to Tacoma-Mr. and Mrs. in Scout work. An appeal is being Has Notable Trip-l\frs. Jessie by a bazaar will feature the Hill Odd Fellows Lodge for the Scearce returned to her home last meeting of the Loveland Ladies coming vear. He is C:h,rlP<· vV ""- T. E. StH11111er!; u.~1tl da.t:1ghtc1 aitd 1vff. a11J lvfrs. Louis Peterson E. F. JVlcAtce and children, Ernie, made for some woman to volunCharlot.te, Kenneth and Ellen, are teer to give a little of her time week after a three weeks vis-it in Aid next Thursday, November 21. zer, w-h~ resides at Park Avenue Earlene moved last week to their of Seattle. - - - o - - ,moving this weekend to Taco111a, each week for this worthwhile Los Angeles. She visited many This event will be held in the and Lafayette street. Other offi- new home on the E. ]. Anderson where they have purchased a cause, and take over the leaderplaces of fame while there, among home of Mrs. Emily Ball on cers chosen along with Vv 011zer Road, purchased from C. R. Judy. FIRE AUXILIARY Mrs. Carl Ellingson will be hos- home. Their home, on Walker ship of these girls who are too them the CBS and NBC broad- First street in Spanaway. The ba- are: Craig Gray bell, vice grand; Mr. Summers has recently been casting studios, Tom Brennaman's zaar opens at 1 :00 p. m. and the II arold West, recording secretary; appointee! representative of the tess to th<0 Ladies Auxiliary of the street in Parkland has been pur- old for this group. Anyone interBreakfast in Hollywood and scenic public is more than w elcomc say Robert Laslie, financial secretary, Lipton Tea Co., for Tacoma and Parkland Fire Department next chased by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rob- ested should call the Girl Scout office in Tacoma. vicinity. Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 8 p.m. inson. and Robert Munz, treasurer. the members. spots on the coast.





Watch Repair in Theater Building

Job' Daughters To Elect Officers


College Girl Will Talk to Prayer Club

Many Girls Seek Scout Membership


Page Two

Clover Creek News


Thursday, November ;14, 1946

Elk Plain Notes

By Alice Dorfner Mrs. Omer E. Roland, reporter 1 vVeekend Guest- Bret Castle, Baby Daughter-Mr. and Mrs. U. S. navy, stationed in Portland, .......... Editor and Publisher Jack Pease are the proud parents Ore., visited over the weekend ELMER BEARD ................................. . of a daughter, horn November Ci, with his aunt anrl uncle, Mr. and A community newspaper for Midland, Parkland, Brookdale, and in St. J o s e p h's hospital. She Mrs. E. l'. Castle, Sr., of Elk Plain. Spanaway. Published evttry Thursday by Beard Printing Co., P. 0 weighed 5 pounds . 13 011nces·, ancl Bundle From Heaven-Mr. an<l Box 797, Parkland, Wash. is named Beatrice. This is tbc iirst Mrs. Clarence Wiklnncl, now livApplication for Second Class Mail .Matter Permit Pending girl for the Pease hmily. They illg· in Spokane, are the proud at the Postoffice, Parkland, Washington have three boys. parents of a baby daughter, burn FOR NEWS AND ADVERTISING CALL GR 7100

Rural Mail Routes Considerable discussion has been going the rounds of the South End concerning a change of post offices for the originating point of the rural routes for this area. There is no apparent reason for starting the rural mail carriers at Fern Hill and having them travel more than a mile before delivering a piece of mail. According to old timers in these parts the mail routes covering the South End were at one time scheduled to start from Parkland. However, the man serving as postmaster at that time discouraged the plan because of the added work. A big disadvantage to these rural mail patrons is the long trip to Fern Hill to get packages and registered mail that is not delivered when the addressees are not at home. Business' firms lose a day mailing from one route to another because the mail goes from post offices in this area into Tacoma's main office and then is rerouted back to Pern Hill for delivery. There is also the fact that all the mail ~rder and stamp revenues are credited to the Tacoma post office. Post offices are rated on the amount of revenue and the Parkland post office should get credit for moneys spent in its area. The con census of opinion is that rural routes 3, 7, 10 and 13 should originate at Parkland, and even route 4 would start no further from its territory than it does at present. A Parkland Community Club committee has circulated petitions asking for a change, and further action is contemplated. However, a large response from persons. receiving mail on these routes would be the quickest way to get things started. Many persons have expressed the wish that a change could be effected and it is only a matter of getting these people to move as a group to bring about a change.

CHRISTMAS IS COMING! WE HAVE a large selection of Christmas Decorations


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ladial:or Service PACIFIC AVE. AND ARTHUR






u11 October 20. She weighed at birth 6 poumls, 8 ounces and her na111e is Ann ivlarie. Congratulations to 1.hc grandparents in Elk Plain, Mr. ancl Mrs. Al Wiklund.

Celebrates Birthday - Mrs. L. Visits Father-Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ellis and family have gone to M. Tibbitts celebrated her 74th Sequim, vVash., to free :Wlrs. Eilis's birthday Sunday, NoYembcr 10, with her three sons and their famfather who is very ill. ilies at her home in Elk Plain. Dinner Guests - Mr. and Mrs. There were 24 present for dinner H. E. Mathison and children, Jerry including· her grandson, Cammey and Colleen, were dinner guests Tibbitts, who has recently been at the Jack Dunn home Friday discharged from the service. Guests also present were other evening. grandchildren and great gran<lVisiting Mother-Coxswain Roy chilclren..Mrs. Tibbitts ha~ many Bolieu an<l wife arc visiting with friends who wish her many happy his mother :Mrs. J. C. Fuller. He returns of the day. has been stationed on the cast Guests From Overseas - \tVilcoast but will be discharged from liam (Cammey) Tibbitts, a nephew the navy in thirty days·. of Thorn Tibbitts, and his buddy, Lloyd Goddard, both from Tor~ Bridal Shower - The home of rence, Calif., are spending a few Mrs. Esther Carle was the scene weeks at the Tibbitts home. Camlast week of a lovely bridal shower mey has just been discharged from in honor of her daughter .l'vliss the army, where he served with Betty who is to be married in the 1352n<l Army Air Force Base January. Mrs. Grace Kyser and Unit in India for 10 months. His Mrs. Herbert Gasaway were hos- line of <l nty was to fly with an tesses for this S·urprise affair. The observation plane to determine evening was spent playing games. the location of wrecked aircraft. Prize winners were Irene Carle, Then with another soldier he Betty Gasaway, Mrs. Haynes, ·Mrs. would go through the jungle to Boerger,. Mrs. Patterson, i\frs. the wreck and the pair would gathJames Leonard and Maxine. Betty er the necessary identification of received many lovely gifts, and the occupants, bury the bodies refreshments were server] to the and attempt to determine the following g u est s: Mrs. Vera cause of the crash. He made two Wolfe, Mrs. Hazel Funk, Mrs. trips in which it was necessary Goldie Appl, Mrs. John Patterson, to have the permission of the Mrs. A. Norris and Della, Mrs. Viceroy of India or the MahaNorman, Mrs. Haynes, Mrs. Lor- rajah as the plane for which entzen, Betty Miller, Mrs. James they were searching· lay in forLeon a rd and Maybelle, Irene bidden territory in Tibet. Lloyd Carle, Mrs. Boerger, Betty Gasa- Goddard was in the army for way, Tynnie Smith, Mm. Grace two years spending 18 months on Kyser, Mrs. Herbert Gasaway, Luzon where he worked as a Mrs. Esther Ca r I e and Betty \Jail Clerk. He will receive his Smith. dis.charge papers on November 23. 1'hese boys are enjoying a vacaTaffy and Tooth Pull-Wall ace tion cutting Christmas trees an<l Markstonc bought a taffy roll for expect to return to California for Benny Intcrbitzcn the other <lay the lJolidays:':I and in the chewing bee that followed one of Benny's teeth was yanked with the taffy. Visit Dunns-Mr. and i\frs. P. A. Clayton and and Mrs. Harry Clayton of Seattle were ,-isitors at the Jack Dnnn home Monday night.

LAMP SHADES 8 to 19 inch sizes-49c to $1.69

8242 Pacific Avenue

Visit in Seattle-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn were visitors in Seattle last week at the home of Mr. and Ivf rs. Harry Clayton.

Dinner Guests-l\frs. Inga Solaas, Mrs. Cora Merritt and Mrs. Dorothea Valentine were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Fena Elledge November 10. Slumber Party-The Misses Nancy and Nina Boness entertained a group of friends at a slumber party at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freel J. Boness, on Friday night. The girls· went to the B01~ess home aitcr school and as is usual at a slumber party, they didn't have mnch slumber. Girls attending we r c: Maxine Susan, Edna Interbitzen, Ruth Quinn, Ruth Failey and Shirley. Birthday Dinner-Mrs. Fred J. Boness entertained at a birthday dinner in honor of her sister, Mrs. Bes-sie Snyder, Sunday, N ovembcr 10. Those present were: Mrs. Evelyn McKcown and H.obert Jon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Boucss an<l Lois Marie, Mr. and Mro. Fred J. Boness, Richard, Nancy and Nina; vVanda Fix and the honor guest, Mrs. Bessie Snyder. Doug Laird Leaving-Folks in Clover Cr c e k will miss Doug Laird, who has been with them for the past few Sundays with his accordian and songs·. He was to leave today (Thursday, Nov. 14) for his home in Kentucky. He has been recently discharged from the service at Fort Lewis.

Vi•i" F d . . d -

Mm. Hmy

Markstone w e n t to W es.tport, Wash., on W cdnesday to see her friend, Mrs. Howard Shye, whose husband is missing. He was fishing off the coast there when he disappeared and only pieces of his boat were fmind. They have four children. Mrs. Markstone also visited her cons in, Mrs. Pearl Stanger, in Aberdeen. Visit in Olympia-Mr. and Mrs. H.obert McCullough and family visited with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Abner Olson an<l family of Olympia, Sunday. Mrs. Olson's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Scott and family of Seattle, also friends of the McCulloughs., were there.

M arunamDillon Wedding Oct. 23


Miss Florence Maruna, daughter of Mr. an<l Mrs. Wesley Marnna of Eleventh street, Spanaway, and Wesley Dillon, son of Mr. ancl Mrs. vVebb Dillon of Kapowsin, were united in holy matrimony \tV ednesday, October 23. The double ring ceremony was performed at the home of Rcvercn cl Flint in Tacoma. For the informal ceremony· the bride wore a gray tailored suit with black accessories· an<l a corsage of gardenias anrl pink rose-




Matron of honor, Mrs. George V\l aracek of Tacoma, wore a moss g.reen street dress and a corsage of reel rosebuds. Attending the gT00111 was Mr. George \Varacek. \;Vesley Dillon served for 28 months in the army air corps with the rank of lieu tenant. He is a 1942 Kapowsin graduate a11<l Miss Mantua gTaduatc<l from Kapowsin in I 94Ci. Mr. Dillon is now employed with the Puget Sound Power and Light Co. Following the ceremony the couple left for a honeymoon in northern \.Vashington and Van··couvcr, B. C. They are now at home to their friends on Sixth St. in Spanaway.


Across from the School

GR 7583

Mr. H. E. Mobley Jeweler and Watchmaker

Antique Shop to Open in Parkland Used furnitltre and antiques will be the line of merchandise at Soinc's· Shoppe, opening in about ten days in Parkland. Malcolm Saine is owner and proprietor of the new store, which is located directly in front of the College on Garfield street. "The antiques will consist mostly of glassware and some furniture," Mr. Saine said. "In addition to these, more modern pieces of used furniture will be offered. Articles of these types will also be sold on consignment. "I believe that all South Enders interested in antiques and used furniture will find some real values in the shop," Mr. Soine conclncled.

has moved from his former place of business at Ninety-eighth and Pacific A venue, to the Parkland Theater building. He will continue to serve the community with a fine line of watches, jewelry and ideal Christmas gifts.

Watch and Clock Repairing HOURS: 11 :00 A.M. TO 7 :oo P.M.



Excellent Meals For The Entire Fami{y


OPEN 8:00 A.M. TO 1 :00 A.M.

Interurban l\..uto Freight, Inc.


{8} Daily Service to Parkland, Spanaway and Surrounding Territory. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE

College Special Luncheon 11 :OO a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


OPEN EVERY :i;}AY EXCEPT WEDNESDAY Cor. Mt. Road & Garfield St.

Regular. Dinners 11 :00 a.m. to 1 :00 a.m.


GD. AT MIDLAND 96th and Portland Ave.

• I

Full Course Dinner on Thanksgiving

GRanite 8488

um Roasi:ers

ng Ca.


Re.gularly $5.75 - NOW $4.95

Mobil oil







Let our driuer expfain our Automatic Fill-up Service

8-foot 2x4's (No. 4) no priority 6-foot 2x4's, no priority


These Are Offered For Sale at

lOc each

Duo-Therm Automatic Water Heaters Range Conversion Units Floor Furnaces Radios-Zenith, Eqierson, Delco OPEN 7 A.M. - 9 P.M.

GR 8625

At Brookdale on Mountain Highway Rt. 7, Bo% 497-A - Tacoma





PARKLAND LUMBER, HOW. CO. (1 block off Mt. Highway -

west of Parkland Garage)

Get Ready for Fall Entertaining We Accept H. H. Priority Ratings

Order the extra pieces of Unfinished Furniture you need (Chests, Kitchen Cabinets, Desks, Etc.) and touch up the dingy places with fresh, attractive colors.

KEMTONE-easy to use water paint NASONS-where a good oil painf is called for. L;lothes Line and Clothes Pins

Friends Visit - Mrs. Dorothea Valentine visited with her friend Mrs. N cllie Hull in Midland on Monday, November 1 L Jimmy Visits-Jimmy Osbourne visited '\vith his 11H1r> fr1t:~1d I_):~vid

Smithlin o.n Monday, Nov. 11.

Del Levage, owner In Hospital-La r r y Richard Hammond, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hammond, was taken to the hospital last week. It is 1141 Broadway - Store Hours: 10 to 5:40 P.M. - BR5131 I not. definitely known what is the !:illlllllll!lllll!illliil•lliiiililllllilllllll•illlllilllilllilllllilllllllillllliiilllllllllllll!iill!lli!lli!llllllililllii!lli!illliil••••--~' trouble.

ut:o Pari:s




, , "


GRanite 8780

Call G Ranite 7900


Pointer Classifieds Are Paying Dividends

Thursday, November 14, 1946


Page Three


Oil o.:ud

7 A. M. to

10 P. M.

TIRE REPAIR Spot and Section Work

9 A. M.


10 P. M.

Furnace Oil

Quick Delivery

Dependable Service.





Stove Oil


Marriage Oct.12



IB ransonm wyatt



<;r ".!)1'll .


Diner ~"'

10 a.m. to 10 p.m.-Closed Thursdays MOUNTAIN HIGHWAY AT BROOKDALE


~m;;:=·~~m:;;:om~•~~;;•=•="i1 Ill

and all other forms of Insurance



Office 223 Tacoma Bldg. RES. PARKLAND

lll :::


Phone MA 3311


PHONES GR 8052 & GR 8718


mm;m;m:m;m;;;;;;mmm:::::m;;;m:m::m:m:m:mm;;mmm:m:mm:::mml 11mr"





Rose Marie Righetti Miss Emma Branson, dhnghtcr i GR 8227 of Mr. and i\frs. \Villiam Bucklev of Va1icouvcr. B. C., and Dnwar~l House Guest-Mr. and Mrs. Ted \•Vyatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- 'vV ormald of Second street have ence Morgan of 84th and Golden as their house-gnest, Miss Frances GiYens _Road \Vere united in 1nar- Galipeau of San Francisco, Calif. riagc on the afternoon of October 12 in the Morgan home. Rev. Visits Parents-Mr. and Mrs. 'William Turner of Sixth Avenue Donald Larine and family of Y aldBaptist Church performed the ma spent the weekend visiting ceremony before a small gather- Mrs. Larine's parents, Mr. and ing of friends and relatives. Mm. Herb Salley of Fourth street. The bride wore a simple agua dress, black hat and gloves and Recovering-Little Betty Ann, a corsage of gardenias and pink daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vl/m. rosebuds. The bridesmade and Rohr of Eighth street, is recoveronly attendant to the bride, 1vliss ing at her home from a recent Grace Taylor, wore a fuchsia illness. tunic suit with black hat and gloves and a pink carnation corVisits Sister-Mrs. Herb Olson sage. Jr., and daughter Arlene of SeatBest man was Laurence Buck- tle are guests at the home of her ley, brother of the hricle. Mrs. sister, Mrs. Henry Shull of SpanBuckley, the bride's mother, wore away. a simple black dress and Mrs. .:Vforgrrn wore a fuchsia dress and Michigan Visitors - Guests at a rosebud corsage. the home of Mrs. L. R Morris The reception was· held follow- of Loop Road are a sister, Mrs. ing, in the home decorated with Theresa M i 11 er, and daughter bouquets of fall flowers. Mrs. Theresa and her son and daughGrace Bradley, aunt of the groom, ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Pa u 1 Miller of Ann Arbor, Mich. poured and served. Mr. and Mrs. \i\Tyatt left following the reception on a motor trip Home on Leave-Mr. and Mrs. to Salem, Oregon, for three days Harold Baker of Extension Road and Vancouver, B. C., for seven were happily surprised .when their days. At present they are making son, James Eddy, of th.e merchant marine, arrived home Friday, Notheir home in Tacoma. vember 8, after traveling through the Marianna Is.lands and other SUBSCRIBE to The Pointer parts of the Pacific area.

'flXI SlHOP Mt. Highway at Clover Creek

Radio ~ Appliance and Mechanical Repairs WE FIX ANYTHING FIXABLE


Carry ... Electric Heaters Schick Shavers Automatic Irons Door Chimes Light Bulbs, etc.

GR8787 BONDED CAB 24aHOUR SERVICE Stanley C. Peterson) Operator a

Brother Visits-Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nygard of Fourth street, Sunday, November 10, were Mrs. Nygard's brother, Newton Davis, and son Earl and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis oi Everett. Business Caller-Mrs. Eva Da\'is of Tenth str~et was a business caller in Seattle on Thursday, November 7. Celebrate-Friends of l\frs. Mac Slater of Military Road called on her to celebrate her birthday Sund~y, November 10.

GRANITE 7232 Office: Arneson Bldg., Garfield St., 150 ft. West of Mt. Hy.

Open 7:00 a.m. to I :45 a.m.


OF ALL KINDS Berntsen Garfield St.



(Saturday 'til 4 a.m.)




Parkland BEAUTY SHOP GR 7460

Parkland's Newest Business PICK UP AND DELIVERY-GR 7914

Olfering Three-Day Service At Park Ave. and Violet Meadow

Complete Septic Tank Service Installing and Pumping

PRoctor 8247



Marsh & Knudtson

~~~~ Deluxe quality Developing, Printing, Enlarging and Tinting 24-HOUR SERVICE For the convenience of our Parkland friends we feature a daily pickup service at GATE'S MARKET.

Two Chairs for Fast Service Across from Parkland P. O.

1Labon11•e 1'Tllli!ll"!!!iing Dome Tule Lake Road


9610 Pacific A venue

GR 7271

~ ~


Shaving Sets ______________ $1.00 For Dad

Christmas Cards __ box 59c

For little girls

R. A. Ritter


County Officers at Midland W.C.T.U. Mrs. Floyd Barwick, county president, and Mrs. Mae Armstrong, county treasurer, were the featured speakers on the program for the November meeting of the Midland W. C. T. U. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Agnes Elmquist on \V' cdnesday, N ovcmbcr 6, with Mrs-. Alrna Olson and Mrs. Janette Gjuka assisting with the serving of the 12 :30 luncheon. This was an important meeting as the county officials gave fine reports on Union activities, and Mrs. Nellie Ring, publicity director, was presented with a gift for having captured second prize in the county contest for best publicity work. A piano duet by Mrs-. Myra Steele and Miss Freda Meyers was enjoyed. Mrs, Lue 11 e Engler, president of the Midland group, presided during tlw husiness session.

Birthday Dinner-Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Smathers, of Tacoma, were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Netzel of Military H.oad. The dinner was in honor of ---o--Mrs. Netzel's birthday, Sunday, November 10. WALLETS OF PERFECTION Y on'll marvel at the quality of Visit Morton--Mrs. Beulah Bal- the billfolds in stock at Parkland's lard and Mr. and Mrs. R. Steidel Peterson's !'den's Vv ear. They're and son Bobby of Tenth street built and built well, of sturdy visited over the weekend with Mr. leather - handsomely hand-tooled and laced. They will last and last. and Mrs. Bill Taylor of Morton. (adv.)

'vas done.


Sparkling Tanks _____ _$2.98 Dish Sets ________________________ 98c

GRanite 6119

the school. The sixth grade students, under the direction of Miss Lorna Rogers; will provide the remainder of the program. The winner of last year's P.T.A. attendance drive will be awarded a picture. The County P.T.A. attendance cup will be on display. The Parkland P.T.A. tied with

Central Avenue for this cup at the October 3 meeting. Mrs. L. B. Richardson, room mother, will be assisted by sixth grade mothers in serving the refreshments during the social hour. There will be a nursery for preschool children in the kindergarten room.


GIFT SHOP & VARIETY STORE Moving Saturday to new quarters across the highway from present location. We will have a larger stock of fine gift items. Come in and look around.

Featuring Personalized Xmas Cards Use our Lay-away Plan with No Down Payment Opposite Red & White Store on Mt. Highway at Hancock St. Open Evenings .and Sundays


Fletts Ice Cream



DOUGLASS - KYLLO . SWARTZ Your Favorite Snack Shop WEEK DAYS: 8 :30 a.m. 10:00 p.m. SUNDAYS: . 3:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.



en Queen, Mrs. Doris Imat and Mrs. Opal Gustin, but their wearines-s was soon forgotten for a chicken dinner was served them by Mr. and Mrs. Charles King, of The Firs, when the day's work


Pacific Ave. and Sales Road

Table Lamps $6.95 · $10.95 For Mother


"Fiue Years Experience with South End Properties"

GRanite 9978

Pandas, giant size ____ $4.98

Parkland P. T. A. Meeting Friday




Dinner Guests-Mr. and Mrs. R. u. Palmer and daughters CharI lottc and \Vinifrcd, and Miss Mary j ane Blaser of Tacoma were dinMrs. Arling Sannerud will be ner guests Sunday, November 10, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. guest speaker at the Parkland P.T.A. meeting to be held at 2:00 Sanders of Military Road. p.m. oi1 Friday, November 15, in E 1 e ct ion Board-Tired and the school auditorium. Mrs. San"·eary workers on the Spanaway nerud, who spent a year in Brazil, election board of November 5 will tell of its customs. She is now were Mrs. Freida Rohr, Mrs. Hel- one of the first grade teachers of



Did you know that your Parkland Western Auto, located at Airport and Pacific, bas a complete Toyland? To belp you with your Christmas shopping problems we have added many new items for gifts for all ages, including adults. You will find plenty of parking space and time to shop at your Parkland Western Auto.


GR 8077

Visit in Morton--Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bagglcy, Fifth street, arc visiting relatives in Morton. Home From Hospital-Mrs. Al Gall and infant daughter Lt1cy Evelyn arc now receiving friends at their home on Fourth street. Ill - Staff Sgt. Donald Smith has been confined to his home the past week with the flu. Visit Friends - Mr. and Mrs. Herman Simpson of Puyallup visited friends and relatives in Spanaway Friday. The Simpson& are former residents of Spanaway. -0--

CHILL IN THE AIR \Vool blankets ·will keep you comfortably warm on the coldest winter night. See the nice selection of assorted colors and weights at Peterson's Men's Wear in Parkland. They make ideal gifts. (adv.)


THEATRE Friday & Saturday, Nov. 15, 16 "DAKOTA" with John Wayne and Vera Rhuba Ralston plus "UNDERCOVER WOMAN" with Robert Livington Sunday & Monday, Nov. 17, 18 WITHOUT RESERVATIO.N with Claudette Colbert, John Way~e plus IF A BODY MEET A BODY with The Three Stooges Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 19, 20, 21 "GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST" plus "IT ALL CAME TRUE" with Humphrey Bogart and Ann Sheridan

199POmc_Tfl&_J:~rI ·1'TOTICI: Effective immediately, payment of telephone bills will be accepted at




PACJFIC AVENUE & AIRPORT ROAD (Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

• Other payment agencies, including our business office at 757 Fawcett Avenue, are listed on Page 2 in the intro· ductory section of the Tacoma telephone directory.



Thursday, November 7, 1946

IN PARKLAND Mrs. Robert Haner, reporter GRanite 7551 Surprise Dinner-Mrs. Hoy Peterson surpris·ed her husband on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday with a dinner party in his honor. Guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Hubbard, Mr. Samuel 0. Burgess and Mrs. Robert Thorpe, all of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tillotson Jr., and son, Robert, of Dash Point; Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gaines- and children, Faye and Lloyd, of Orting; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fletcher and son, Ronnie, of Parkland; and Van and Tommy Peterson.

Camera Club-Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Totten entertained the Camera Club at a waffle supper on Sunday evening. Members present were: Miss Anna Marn Nielsen, Miss Grace Blornqt1ist, Mrs. Esther Davis, Miss Luella Kucthc, Myron Kreidler and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Totten and daughter, Merrily, of Seattle.

VARIETY AND GIFT SH01P OBTAINS LARGER SPACE The variety and gift shop which has been operated along with the Parkland Home Service at Hancock street on the Mountain Tl ighway will mo\'c this week to a new location across the highway. Mrs. Edna McAllister will be joined by her sister-in-law, Mrs·. Marie Gressinger of Clover Creek and a considerably larger stock of gift items for the Christmas season will be carried. Plans as now laid, Mrs. McAllister said, call for moving into the new location directly across the from the pres.ent site on Saturday of this week. The store will be operated in this location until after the Christmas holidays.

Study Club-The meeting date of the Suburban Study Club has been changed to Monday, November 18, at 2 :00 p. m., with Mrs. R. L. Renwick presiding. The hostess will be Mrs. S. C. Selden, whose home is at Park and Airport Road. Mrs. Frank Naccarato will speak on the "Making of -u--] ewelry" and vocal numbers will Eastern Washington Guests be furnished. by the P. L. C. Coffee Party - Mrs. Vi r g i 1 Girh;' Trio, composed of Anita Mrs. Mary Kinney had as her Bergh was hostess at a "morning Norman, Agnes Rolcdcr, and Mir- guests last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs-. coffee party" last Thursday with iam Hopp. Blair of Grandview, Wash. Also Mrs. Myron Hoffman as co-hoshere for several days last week tess. Those pres·ent were MesSeriously Ill-George Arneson, were Mrs. Mary Wickstrom and dames Hans Dahl, Orwal Dahl, well-known Parkland resident, is Miss Muriel Slussy of Yakima. Bernard Olson, C. M. Olson, Neil seriously ill at the Doctors' Hos- Mrs. Kinney accompanied Miss Gaiser, Jennie Benson, John SalStuss-y, who is blind, to Seattle ater, Paul Spencer, Robert Clark, pital in Tacoma. where they attended the board Eleanor Thomas, Robert Owen Visiting in Mid-West-Mrs. E. meeting of the Association for the and Miss Rena J ermstad. Tingelstad and her mother, Mrs. Blind. Hot Dinner-The Ladies' Auxiliary oJ the Parkla,nd Fire Department served a hot dinner for the men who were working on the new fire hall last Sunday. In New Home-Lieut. and Mrs. Charles Christensen have moved into their new home on Hayes street. Lieut. Christensen is a doctor at Madigan Hospital, and Mrs. Christensen is a nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital in Tacoma. Attend Dinner - Among those from Parkland who attended the Spanaway Fire Department turkey dinner 011 November 5 were Mr. a11d Mrs. Robert Lynd, Mr. and Mrs. Haley Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Damme!, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beitz, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jenness, Mrs. Tillie Wharton, Ernest Skance and Fred Danielson.

Guri Fjelde, left two weeks ago on a trip to the middlewest. They are visiting in Minneapolis, Minn., and several cities in Iowa and expect to return in about three weeks.

Going to Minnesota-Miss Van Peterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Petersorl,'is leaving on November 22 for Grand Rapids, Minn., to visit her grandmother, Mrs. C. C. Peterson. Enroute she Dinner Guests - Dinner guests will stop in Bozeman, Mont., to of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Olson on visit friends. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Peter V elsvick. In the afternoon they Weekend Here - Miss Alina drove out to the sanatorium to Stolee of Vancouver, Wash., spent visit Henry Ols·on. the weekend visiting Miss Gertrude Tingelstad and other friends Visiting Damme·ls-A visitor in here in Parkland. Miss Stolee is the E. E. Damme! home is Cap- well known in Parkland, having tain Th.eodorc Damme!, who is on been Dr. 0. A. Tingelstad's secterminal leave from Camp Beale, retary for five years when he was Calif. president of the college. Christmas Sale - The Ladies Club of Prairie Mission will hold its Christmas s-ale at the club hall, Tacoma Avenue at Francis street, on N ovembcr 21 starting at 1 p.m. Refreshments will he served. Everyone welcome.



Skull of Sea Mon1ster, reported captured in Spanaway Lake, on display at THE TARGET, Spanaway.

KITCHENWARE MECHANICAL TOYS VASES Gloves for men, women and children Shaving needs for men Cosmetics and Toiletries for women CIGARETTES-17c a pack

• GARFIELD Variety Store 326 Garfield St.

GR 7758

Thursday, November 14, 1946

BEEN BELT HUNTING? FOR SALE-Large Montag wood URGENTLY NEEDED. 1-Iouse- A VON Pro cl u ct s make fine Have you been trying to find a circnlating heater. GR 7500. lOp keeper for short time. Phone Christmas gifts. Call Mrs. C. A. good stmdy, solid leather belt? GRanite 77.51. lOc Pe 11 et t, GR7533, mornings. FUR SALE-Six-room house, gaYour search will end at Petersen's· 9-lOp rage, work shop. 1023 vVhceler EXPERT FURNITURE REMen's \Iv' ear, for there you'll find Parkland. GR 8897. lOc PAIRING and finishing-cupSt., a variety of non-stitched beauties board doors and drawers. SubCOMPLETE LINE OF with removable lrnckles-in sizes GARBAGE collection. Week 1 y urban \;\T oodworking, 9643 PipeBAKERY GOODS up to 40. (adv.) service for Parkland and Spanline Road near 96th and "A." a way areas. Bunce Fuel Co . , GR 8662. tfc LAkewood 3220. 43tfc FOR SALE - Maytag washing machine, good condition, $60. 209 So. 84th HI4072 Corner J oi111so11 and Park Ave., ROOFS REPArnED-All kinds. Parkland. G Ranite 8788. _..!.2.E A Is o new composition roofs. GR 7857 evenings. Stfc SEPTIC tanks pumped, contents hauled away. Established busiSOUTHWORTH TUR KEYS ness. Phone GA 1986 or GA for Thanksgiving. Call GRanite 9794. · 29tfc 7091 evenings. lOc FLOOR FURNACES CONCI~ETE brick and tile work FOR quick, expert shoe rebuildFURNACE CONVERSIONS and carpentering. By hour or ing look for llie big red l>oot. COOKSTOVE job. Joe \Villiams, 218 E. 31st, Paul's Shoe Repair, Spanaway. CONVERSIONS Tacoma. !Op Stfc 7-W EEKS-OLD PIGS. Quarter BULL SE-RVlCE DELIVERED mile south of Collins Road on ALSO TRACTOR WORK \Valier Rd. Joe Andreason, Rt. 0. L. Myers, Rt. 1 Box 220-D, 3, Box 742, Taroma. lOc Spanaway. Phone GR 8636 tfc TO FEED GUARANTEED watch repairing llULL and boar service. GRanitc clone in my home. R. J. Haner. 7725. lOtf c Last house on Thurman St. in Oil Heaters will be available Parkland. 9tfc soon .. Leave your name here. PRIVATE CATERING and maid A good flock, good management service. Let us take the worry and good feed mean more· egg out of your entertaining. ExcelJ. W. and Wayne profits. Cull out your "boarders" lent references. Mrs. Partmann, McAllister and put your good layers on GRanite 8153. lOtfc Triangle X-tra Egg ProducerCLEAN bull service. Registered it's scientifically built for maxiand grade bulls. Bert Quam, mum egg production. Airport & A St. GR 8910. tf





Oil Stove Repairs and Service


X-Tra Egg Producer

It's A Pleasure to Serve You




Arc &Gas

Sold locally by




STEWART Hay & Grain Company

Mt. Highway at Hancock St. Next to' Red & White


GR 7536





"On the Mountain Highway"

Parkland, Washington



Welding Service





(Brookdale) E. R. CRAIN, Proprietor



At Prices You Can Afford to Pay TURKEYS now from Southwor~h Turkey Farm. Order for the hohday season.



I •


Dry Wood, cord .............. $12.00 Utah Stoker C o a 1, Oil Treated, ton .................. 12.50 Utah Lump ---·······-··---·-······ 15.50 Mill Wood, block and slab, per cord ................ 8.00

Wool and CotMn


Aluminum Ware Pabco Paints Presto Cookers


11 and up



Soap Powder .. Salad OH .. Shortening (Limit) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~






AUTO ACCESSORIES AND LUBRICATION Dick and Paul Cambern, Props. On Mt. Highway at Brookdale



I~ HA~!~~~T! w~r~1!~!T!!~~Es ~§



Come In and See Our Display of Modern Lighting Fixtures for the

Living Room



~~~«7>~«?'>~'<7'>«7>~«?'>'<7'>~«7>~<.o-i<Q><Q><Q>:l !~:./# -:~oung, § co" fu•

Dining Room

Kitchen Bedroom and Bath Room






iN eel dings - Corsages Funeral Designs STELLA JACOBS

Announcement . . .

dolly Inn Cafe and Service Station -

GR 7863



W e Se>rue Good Food

cash prices paid for cars l Any make, model or condition! CAMPBELL AUTO CO. GRanite 7272 98th & Pacific

We have Anti-freeze for ·your car at our service station OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO 1:30 A.M. AT SALES ROAD AND PACIFIC A VENUE Ellis and Lester Barnes, props. Rt. 3, Box 100 .

9 Richfield Gasoline

8 Richlube Pre'mium Motor Oil 9 Repairing Cars and Tractors 8 Accessories


Piper Funeral Home 5436 SO. PUGET SOUND GA 5436


Spanaway Richfield

ti an



Artist Photographer

. GR 7516 S. Broadway and Sales Road


On Mountain Highway- Orville Torgeson, mgr., RT. 7, BOX 420 GRanite 8362

Doris Morrison

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On lOOth Street One Block West of Park Ave.

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