Prairie pointer v 1 no 24 feb 28, 1946

Page 1

f!R 8,4'te)U !Ji! Your nevi.:s ~nd advertising


phone number. All copy must be in Tuesday night for Thursday's Pointer. Holiday Friday \V:ishington's- birthday observance on Friday of this week will see most of the stores and all schools closed. PLC will also be closed and many of the students are planning trips to their homes for the extended weekend.

VOL. I, l\O. 24

• 1r



IS r1


Shake! Humans, dogs, cats and' chickens were all set aquiver by the FIRE PERMITS earthquake which r u m b 1e d through the South End last REQUIRED Thursday evening, but reports of Residents of the Midland, any serious damage are nil. EveryParkland, Brookdale and Spanone admits it was a nerve wrackMEETING OPENS NEW away areas are required to have ing experience; the noise raised by ERA FOR PARKLAND permits for any outdoor fires, the animals was colossal, and a CIVIC GROUP according to word from the few loose gadgets in the homes fire warden's office in the were toppled. The opinion seems Meeting for the first time ill Pierce County court house. This to be unanimou;;. that the Olympic what is believed tc> be a new era ruling went into effect on mountains- can quit slipping its of activity for the Parkland Com- Feb. 15 last and will remain unfaults. munity Club, a record turnout is· til Sept. 15 or longer if the seae x p e c ted toco11 warrants it. night (ThursCongratulations Persons desiring ~rmits for day) in the Mrs. Ppipps, postmaster at any outdoor fires must go to Spanaway, lias two commenda- Parklantl room SOOY:! in the court house tions on hand for good deeds. She School auditoin Tacoma and make applicahas received a citation from the rium. The protion for a Much time United States government for fine gram gets will be saved by having along a s t a r t e d achievelncnt during war bond legal description of the property · campaigns-, and in the recent promptly at 8 where the fire is to be built. March of Dimes $15.60 was col- o'clock w it h the club's new lected ill the post office window. a 11 d a c ti \' e H. Socolofsky president, HerArt and Art bert Socolofsky, presiding. HighSome confusion has arisen from light of the meeting will be a talk the fact that there is- an Art's gy Roderic Olzendam of Tacoma shoe repair shop in Spanaway and who is president of the 'World Afan Art's shoe repair shop in PLC FUNFEST OPEN Parkland. Both these men arc fairs Council of that city. His subject will be "Fine-Rut How?" TO ALL; FAIRYLAND good shoe fixers but they otherEvery resident of the Parkland IS 1946 THEME wise are separate institutions. comnrnnity is considered a member of the clnb and asked to be The Saga Carnival, Pacific Add Famous Words Lutheran College's annual funfcst there. "This affair was certainly an A brief business ses·sion will packed with hilarious entertainearth-shaking event" said Al prccccd Olzendam's talk. Socolof- ment, has been aunounced for Kuhn after his marriage last sky is to make a few remarks on Friday night, !\larch I. South End Thursday evening. The earthquake club activities for the future and folks - attend this gala afiair in occurred just as the ceremony will introduce the new officers. large numbers for it always means started. N e15t will be a report by Mrs. Ray fun aplenty. "Fairyland" has· been Renwick on progress of the Pierce chosen as theme for this year. Bow Fiddler Needed County library. Miss Mabel SeaAt 7 :OD o'clock the doors to the Having organized an orchestra mons will bring her committee's gym will open and at 7 :45 comes for tootin' old time tunes, our findings in regard to better mail the coronation of Saga king and friend, Bill McLellan, Spanaway s·ervicc for Parkland, and Mrs. queen. At 8:00 a top-nL>tch probarber, needs a bow fiddler to Jennie Palmer will report for the gram is scheduled. Anita Roth is complete the group. If you aren't zoning committee. general manager of the carnival a bow fiddler but can wham out A musical treat is on the agenda and she announces that a large old time stuff on the drums then as Miss Muriel Dawley, music di- number of booths have already you'll .do. McLellan now has rector of Parkland Junior High been signed for. One of the most three pieces along with Win Hunt School will present the Girl's popular will have Scandinavian to do the calling, and he says if Ninette. Members of this organi- delicacies on sale; then there will he can get this one more piece his zation are Constance Hanson, be a penny arcade and an art galorganization will be nonpariel Joan Huchttoen, June Wellan, lery besides others. And of course (whatever that is)! Joan Buckner, Martha Presha, food booths will be set up to keep Helen Lien; Marion Meyers, Mar- customers happy. lene Ziegler. Money cleared from the Saga Nice Riding Refreshments will foj,!ow the Carnival is used to produce the Eddie Ellingson of Parkland college yearbook. It is open to enjoyeq ( ?) au unusual weekend meeting. New Officers the public and the student body spent in Everett recently. With From the five board of direc- claims dandy en tcrtainmcnt for his wife and daughter, he was visiting the K. N. Bakers who op- tors officers selected are: "Herb" every member of the family. -0--erate an ambulance service in Socolofsky, president; Mrs. JenEverett. Eddie rode . along on nie Palmer, vice president; Sam every ambulance call, including a Brown, secretary; Mrs. Esther Davis, treasurer. Fritz Beitz is suicide and a murder. the other board member. A. large group of parents., teachCommittees Announced ers and friends gathered in the The Club's standing committees Parkland School gymnasium Frihave been selected and were an- day evening, Feb. 15, for a meetTwo fine features were enjoyed nounced this- week by president ing of the PTA with .Mrs. Vern by approximately 40 members of Socolofsky. They are: Tuttle, president, presiding. After Elk Plain Grange last Thursday Membership-Mrs. J. P. Pflue- the flag salute and the singing of evening when they gathered in ger, chairman, Mrs. Ray Ren- "God Bless America," led by Miss their hall for a social affair. First wick, .Mrs. Henry Berntsen, Cliff Anna Mikkelsen, Mrs. J. G. Hanfeature was the work put on by M. Olson and Neil W. Thomas. son read the minutes- of the prethe new grange girls' drill team. Entertainment-Mrs. Carl E. vious meeting. Under the direction of Win Hunt, Coltom, cl\iirman, Miss Clara The program of calisthenics a past ma&ter in the art of drill Chilson, Mrs. Paul Larson, Gil- and acrobatic tumbling directed procedure, the girls ga Ye a fine bert Peterson and Jack D. Spence. by Miss Muriel Dawley, was enprecision performance, considerCivic-Virgil Bergh, C. S. Fyn- thusiastically received by 'the ing that they have been organized boe, Cliff 0. Olson, John G. Rich- c row d. Outstanding tumblers a very ::ihort time. ards and Otto S:iburg. (Chairman among the boys was Dave Lincoln Next highlight came at the re- to be announced later.) and Cleo Bunney of the girls. A freshment table . .Mrs. Howe, home snappy basketball game between economics chairman, assisted by Parkland's midget team and the Esther Castle, served a delicious vars-ity girls, using girls' rules, repast in the Valentine motif. was greatly enjoyed. 'vVhcn the Hearts and flowers were featured whis-tle blew, the boys had a score both in decorations- and cleverly Spanaway Fire Department met of nine points (eight of them Fred trimmed pastries. Monday night, Fcg. 18, in the Stovner's) to six points for the -o--Spanaway School with about 30 girls. CONVALESCING members present. The next rneetRefreshments were served in Pearl Stauffacher, daughter of ing will be held on Monday, Feb. the basement by the third grade Mr. and· Mrs . .M. Stauffacher who 25, at Elk Plain Grange. mothers. operate the Golden West dairy, is Also meeting last night was the ---0----in her parents' home convalescing ladies' auxiliary which served from an appendicitis operation sandwiches and coffee after the performed Feb. 12 in a Tacoma bus-iness sessions. hospital. .Miss Stauffacher has Three new members who joined been working in Seattle. the auxiliary are Mrs. May Gaul, j The engagement of Miss Mary -o--Mrs. Deanie Lowery and .Mrs. C. Ruth Lono, daughter of the Rev. LOCAL MAN TAKES WIFE C. Phipps. The next meeting of and Mrs. Mikkel Lono of Alpena, IN NORTH DAKOTA the auxiliary will be held in the Mich., to Mr. Ira L. Otto of BalRobert T. Ramsay, who is as- Spanaway School on March 4 and timore, Md., was- told to a group sociated with his brother, Andrew, any ladies interested in joining of friends Sunday evening in the in the garage busines·s at 98th and are invited to be present at that home of :Miss Thelma Kraabcl Pacific, was married Feb. 9 in time. and Miss Nora Olson of Tacoma. Northwood, N. D. The bride is ---o------Miss Kraabel entertained her niece and friends at a supper the f9rmer Lorraine Bildon of DORMITORY AUX. NO. 1 Northwood. MEETIN ON S A party and each guest was present1 After the ceremony the couple G ' TUE D y ed with a valentine containing the traveled to Mt. Baker where they Mrs. A. W. Ramstad will be pictures of the betrothed couple are honeymooning. They will hostess to Pacific Lutheran Col- with the date, July, 1946, undercClme to Parkland Sunday tp take legc Dormitory Auxiliary Num- neath. TJ1e following guests were np residence. Mr. Ramsay is her One on Tuesday, Feb. 26, at present for the affair: Mis-s Patty ·planning to enter Pacific Lutheran 2 o'clock with Mrs. F. Eide and Boynton, Miss Charle11e Martens, College as well as help with the Mrs. L. Rasmussen assisting. The .Miss Vivien Wenham, .Miss Janauto repairing. program will feature a talk by ice Kittelson, Miss Marilyn Pfluc---oformer army chaplain 0. K. Dav- ger, Miss Donna Jensen, Miss CUB COMMITTEE idson of Tacoma. Rev. Davidson Anita Stuen, Miss- Janet Hauge MEETS TONIGHT will tell of his experiences· in the and the honored guest. Boy Scout Cub Pack No. 33 South Pacific where he spent Miss Lono, formerly of Parkwiii holci a committee meeting to- many months. Music will be fur- land, spent Monday visiting the night (Feb. 21) at 8 o'clock in nishcd by Parkland Junior High college and friends in Parkland the home of Mrs. L. B. Richard- Girl's Ninette under the direction and was a luncheon guest in the son. All den mothers and all of Miss Muriel Dawley. Mrs. K. Ed Tingelstad home, She will rec!tairmen of pack 33 are urged to A Holstad will lead the devotions. turn to Deaconess Hospital in attend this important committee Mrs. Clifford 0. Olson, president, Spokane where she i's a cadet will preside. meeting. nurse.



PTA Meeting Is Well Attended

Girls Drill For Elk Plain Grangers

Spanaway Firen1en And Ladies Meet

Mary Ruth Lono Tells of Engagement


r MIDLAND PTA FOUNDERS DAY Program in Si:hool Commemorates Founding Of Local Organization



lVIerchant Patrol • 0 • d B eing rgan1ze


Office· Basement PLC Chapel, Parkland




STATE PATROL SEIZES DEFECTIVE VEHICLES AT PARKLAND SCHOOL Thirteen bicycles were impounded at the Parkland School Monday by Paul Pattison of the Washington state patrol because of faulty equipment making the111 unsafe to ride along the highways. Nine other bikes were tagged for defects- and these will be impounded if they are not repaired. A II the vehicles are being held at the school by the patrol until assured by parents of the owners that defects will be remedied. Officer Pattison was at the school \\i cdncsday afternoon to meet with the parents and to impres:; 011 them that the state law requires certain bicycle equipment. Tl e also emphasized that im~ pounding of the bikes is an action of the state patrol ancl school authorities have nothing to dowith it. Start of. Campaign The round-up at Parkland School Monday is the first of a number of visits to be made at all the schools in the county, Patrolman Prentiss stated and so if bicycle riders would avoid trouble they should check their '"rigs" to see that they comply with the law. The state patrol feels that if school students become safety conscious now and learn to heed highway requirements they will be that much safer on the highways when they drive cars in later years. The rules are that all bicycles must pass a safety ins·;:cction and must be equipped with 3-inch rcflectors, fenders, hand grips that are glued on and a chain tight enough to avoid slipping. Rules for riding on the roads are the same as for automobiles. Hand signals should be used and slow vehicles mnst move aside for faster traffic.

One of the year's most impressive meetings- of the HarvardMidland PTA, commemorating the birthday of the organization, was held \Vcdnesday afternoon in ~lw J\Jidland School. The "Founders' Day" program \\'as the playing of "America Patrol" and "Some Sunday Mornmg" by the Midland School orchestra. The fifth grade room gave a skit entitled "\Vhat Betty Dreamed," in honor of George \Vas hi n gt on. Mrs. Williams, fourth and fifth grade teacher, and Barbara llfadison were in charge. "Foundation of the P.T.A. at 1-lan'ard and Past Presidents," an essay written by Mrs. H. R. Dryden, P.T.A. member, was read by Mm. Elsie Hiller. ' Gardenia corsages were presented to the eight past presidents and the annual serving of the "Founder Day" cake was held. Refreshments were provided by the ninth grade parents with six ninth grade girls sen'ing. A short business meeting, pres-ided oYer by Mrs. E. A. Brittain, president, g-rought the enjoyable meeting to a close.

Je\Yell's National Detectives has opened an oifice in Tacoma and is busy forming a county-wide detective patrol senice_ Clive Buttemcre, capta111 of detectives for the Tacoma district has been in the South End during the past wcck lining up a service for merchants along the Mountain Highway irom 96th St. throug·h Spanaway. When fully organized, Buttemere says, merchants· can be sure that their places will be checked at half honr intervals throughout every night. A system of "telephonic com.munication will keep patrolmen in constant touch with the central office in Tacoma so that any irregularities "-ill receive immediate attention. All patrolmen will be •deputized by the sheriff's office anfl allowed to make arrests for law violations. Fred Ball, who recently was discharged from the army M.P. and intelligence service, has been assigned to the Mountain Highway patrol.



Junior Guild Party Tonight at Church

The Junior Guild of Trinity Lutheran Church, Parkland, is presenting its- annual birthday party tonight (Feb. 21) at 7:30 in the church parlors and a most cordial invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy an e1·ening of uovel entertainment. A melodrama, "Captain Kidd's -0----Kid," will begin the Gay Nineties Revue. Following there will be a skit or song for each succeeding month of the year. A fashion paThc Board of Directors of 1 radc and bevy of bathing beauties Clover Creek School have ad~ed wi!l .be but two parts of tl~e very Mr. Lyle Catt to the teaclung 1ongmal program. A birthday staff of the school. theme will be carried out in the Mr. Catt is a former resident of· refreshments and decorations_ Clover Creek, living in the com- Tickets may be obtained at the munity for four years and gradnat- door. ,ing from Kapowsin High School. Planning the party are the folHis father at that time was owner lowing: Program, Avis Hovland, of the Clover Creek Grocery Jean Doering and Vivien \V cnStorc and a prominent member of ham; refreshments., Beverly Swanthc community. son, Janice Kittelson and Vivienne After graduating from Kapow- Shore; decorations, May Pellett, sin, Mr. Catt took a trip to Alaska Charlene Martens and Roumelle and upon his return to Tacoma I Olson. attended Pacific Lutheran College. -o--Mr. Catt served in the army, teaching illiterates at Camp .McQuaide, Calif. He went overseas and returned as a first sergeant. That Clover Creek Grange is an He was discharged from the army active, growing -organization is Sept. S. Mr. Catt will teach the sixth sbown by the large percentage of and seventh grades at Clover gain in members-hip. During the past two years unCreek School and coach the athder the able leadership of Roy letic teams. Mrs. Catt, the former Marie Renner, master, this grange has Anderson, also has taught in increased in size from 29 members to almost 90. At the last meeting Clover Creek School. held Feb. 15, eight more new -0--members were added to the roll. PUBLIC INVITED TO MIDLAND CLUB MEETING Mr. Renner modestly disclaims credit for this growth, stating that Scheduled for tonight (Feb. 21, the credit belongs to all the memin the Midland Community Hall, bers of the grange. 8 :00 p. m., is the second meeting The organization takes an acof Cub Pack 84. tive part in the affairs of the comThe theme of the meeting to munity. They were instrumental which the public is invited will be in causing the unsanitary garbage the birthdays of Lincoln, 'vVashdump to be closed, sponsor the ington and the Boy and Cub Boy Scouts, and are forming a Scouts. Juvenile Grange for the children ---o--of the community. STORK SHOWER ---o--Mrs. Eugene Snyder of MarySUBURBAN STUDY 1_11ount Rd. gave .a surprise stork shower for Mrs. Robert Snyder CLUB ON MONDAY Mrs. Clifford 0. Ols-on will be Feb. 16. Those present were Dani Roberts, Agness Lonneman, Caro- hostess Monday to the members lyn Riek, Ella Maddock, Alice of the Suburban Study Club when Prettvman. Marv Ad .. laicl,. Kl,.m- thP.Y n1PPt in her h0E!e ?..t 2 c'c!cck mie. -Alice. C. Healy, ·Gcsta Daly, in the afternoon. Miss Grace Josephine Pruett, Olga Monsen, Blomquist, dean of women at PaFrancis and Lois Snyder and cific Lutheran College, will reClara Ninman. Games w ere view a group of books. Miss Blomplayed, a delightful lunch was quist's yearly book talks are s-crved and _ the honor guest was looked forward to with pleasurpresented with many lovely gifts. able anticipation by club members

Lyle Catt to Teach At Clover Creek


Clover Creek Grange Shows Fine Growth


ANY EMERGENCY The H. M. & L. and Parkland fire departments would like to call to the attention of the people they serve, that answering fire calls is NOT their only duty. A fireman's first duty is to save life. Secondly, to save property. Too many people think of a fire department (such as Parkland and Midland) only in case of a fire. A fire department should be called for any emergency where life and property is endangered, regardless of cause. For example, a child caught her hand in a wringer and the mother was 20 minutes working frantically to get her loose. A call to your fire department would in most cases ease the situation. Another instance is that a child may lock himself in a bathroom, crawl into the tub and in his play turn on the water. A call to your fire department would bring trained men to your aid. These cases have happened and could happ-en again. The fire department is a public service-use it! The H. M. & L. phone number is GR 7161; Parkland fire department, GR 7141.


M.idland School District No. 304 will hold its annual school election March 2, 1946, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 8 :00 p. 111. in the Midland Junior High School sewing room. Two people have filed as candidates for the three year term of director in the election. Roy E. Pirie, incumhent, retired official of Carstens Packing Co. and widely known in s.porting circles., has filed as candidate to succeed himself on the board for the three year term. Mr. Pirie has been a resident of Midland school district for the past 28 years. He has three sons and one daughter, all of whom have attended Midland schools. Mr. I'iric's hobbies are sports and gardening_ Mr. Pirie has s-erved approximately seven years as director of the Midland schools. Contractor Files Emil J. Rody, contractnr, has also filed as a candidate for the three year term. Mr. Hody has resided in the Midland school district for the past 18 years. He is engaged in farming and excavating contracting. Mr. Rody resides at Rt. 76, Box 106. Mr. Rody has follr sons, three of whom have attended .l\iidland School, the youngest not yet of school age. Mr. Rody's hobby is working in Pentacostal Sunday School work. People are urged to turn out Satnrday, March 2, 1946. This is the fir.,t time in 10 years that there has been a contest in the Midland school district for a board position. Last year only 26 people voted in the district. This- ·was a very poor showing out of a possible 2,000 voters. Now that there is a contest perhaps more voters will go to the polls. The present board is composed of Mike Hansler, chairman; Andrew Christensen, clerk, and R. E. Pirie.


__ . __ 395

Against .................. 5 There's· the answer to whether residents of Parkland and vicinity want an organized fire protection district. An even 400 persons took time to go to the voting place in Parkland SchL>ol last Saturday and only fi1·e of these were against the proposal. This overwhelming favorable vote is Ycry gratifying to all persons who have worked to get more and better fire protection in the Parkland area. Members of the volunteer fire department are especially happy as they had taken the lead in setting up the fire district. The Parkland Community Club als-o backed the move. Three Commissioners The ballot in Saturday's election also carried the names of three perso11s to be voted on for fire district commissioners. E. W. Beitz, Fred Danielson and C. R. Marsh will be the administrators of the new iire protection set-up. 1t will be fil'c days before an official can vas·S of the vote is made by the county and then the commissioners will be sworn in shortly after. They will then meet and set up a permanent organization and make plans· for adequate fire protection. The residents within the district can now be assessed four mills and the money used to provide the necessary fire fighting equipment. Workers Thanked Stewart Palmer, Mrs. Roy Peterson, Mrs. Fred Danielson and Mrs. Harry Beitz put in approximately 14 hours in the polling place Saturday acting as the election board. This was all voluntary work without pay and the thanks of the community goes to them for this full day of labor. ---0--

Benefit Saturday For Victims of Fire Rallying to aid their neighbors, residents of the South End will turn out in large numbers Saturday night for a benefit "shin-dig" in Barna's Hall, Fredricksen. All proceeds are going to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bowie who lost all of their possession:; in a recent fire whie'h totally destroyed the home these two couples were jointly occupying. A large committee under the direction of Lawrence Failey is actively engaged in an advance ticket sale and making· plans for a big time that night. Local merchants have donated a number of useful articles which will be awarded as door prizes and lhe women are preparing a bountiful supper all of which is included in the price of admiss·ion. · Every one ·is invited to join the fun this Saturday evening in Barna's place and at the same time help in a most worthy cause. -o---

Mrs. I--loskins DieS' In Spanaway I-Iome

Mrs. Anna Hoskins., 82, of Rt. 1, Box 439, Spana way, died Thursday, Feb. 14, in her home. A native of Wisconsin, she came to the Spanaway vicinity 46 years ago. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Minnie Edie of the home; a son, Earl, of Tacoma; a sister, Mrs. Mary Weaver of Iowa; eight ---0--grandchildren and two gr e at grandchildren. Funeral services we r c held Tuesday afternoon in the Piper Funeral Home chapel. The Rev. The Mary Martha Society met Hans Svinth officiated and interlast Thursday evening in the home ment was in Spanaway Cemtery. of Norma Dahl assisted by Eliza---o-beth Satre, co-hostess. Leona ElEASTMANS HONORED AT lingson, president, presided at the business· meeting after devotions VA.LENTINE SUPPER Romance was the theme of a by Marie Preus. A talk was presented by Stella Jacobs on the valentine stJJ)pcr party given last topic, "Martha." Helen Bryson Sunday eveniug by Mr. and Mrs. was unanimously elected to the of- Byron Bryson of Parkland. The valentine motif was carr~ed out in fice of treasurer of the club. The hostesses started a fund to- the menu, decorations, games and ward Norwegian relief, the plan prizes. Honor guests· were Major being to minimize the luncheon and Mrs. Sam Eastman who have served and contribute the money recently moved to .Parkland from saved toward helping the needy. Garfield, Wash. Others present ~.fhc5c j)i-C5·t:i1t at thi:: u1eeiiug were lvir. and Mrs. Henry Berntwere: Nina La·rso·n, Gertrude An- sen, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dahl, derson, Gertrude Tingclstad, Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs, na Olson, Peggy Recd, Eleanor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ellingson, Armstrong, Helen Bryson, Leona Mrs. Marie Fieve, Miss Alice Ellingson, Stella Jacobs, Marie Kjesbu, Lt. (jg) and Mrs. Paul Preus, Charlotte Johnson and the Preus and Mr. and Mrs. Sam hostesses. Brame.


Group in Session



Page T"o

Thursday, February 21, 1946

Kennedy-Blanchard Nuptials Feb. JO

.___.a. ..

:.i,~' _ .......~:-111111 -'

Publisher Editor


co111111unity newspaper for Midland, Parkland. Brookdale, and Spana\\·ay. Published cYery Thtffsrlay hy Beard Printing Co., P. 0 Box 797, Parkland, Wash. Application for Second Class Mail Malter Permit Pending :1t the Postoffice. Parkland, Washington


PARKLAND METHODIST CHURCH George W. Cooper, Pastor A. Marcus Freeman, S.S. Supt. F. vV. Traill, Youth Connselor S tin day Church School at 9:55 a. m. vVor,ship and preaching, 11 a.m. This is Laymen's Sunday. The service will be conducted by laymen of the chnrch. Mr. F. Vv. Traill will preach. Topie: "The N ecd for Evangelism." Mr. T. H. Algeo will play a trombone solo, "The Stranger of Galillee." Tnesclay-Bihle study class m the parsonage at 8 p. m. under the leadership of Mr. F. W. Traill, studying the teachings of the prophets and Jesns. A large group of young people met in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. VVaiJe, iVlonday night and organized a you th choir under the leaders-hip of J. D. Spence. The young people had a very fine time and have a promising outlook. They arc preparing to sing at the Sunday morning services.

TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Parkland, vVash. Mrs. G. J. Malmin, organist Dorothy Sattcr!ie, Parish vVorker, Choir Director Divine services, Sunday, Feb. 24, at 11 o'clock. Chaplain F. Eide, guest speaker. Sunciay School, 9:45 ·a. 111. Cho i r rehearwl \,Y ednesday


A Vote of Confidence

The Parkland community took a progressive step forw;ird--and they did it with enthusiasm-when voters Saturday approved forming a fire district with an overwhelming majority. That there is need for fire protection is obvious. but getting a community to recognize these things and to understand all the details takes organization. Members of Parkland's volunteer fire department, the Parkland Community Club and a number of individuals are to be commended for their efforts in this direction. Especially noteworthy has been the fire department's work in showing the need for a bigger and better fire protection set-up. Obtaining a fire truck by personally signing notes for the pu.rchase price, a handful of Parkland men organized the volunteer fire department and from the first it has proved an invaluable asset to the community. Many thousands of dollars worth of CLOVER CREEK BAPTIST property have been saved for citizens all over the South End. CHURCH Now these men can feel that they have been given a vote l\lilitary lfoad opposite Clover Creek School of thanks and a directive to carry on with the assurance that Sunday School, 9 :SS a. m. Geo. the citizens of the district are willing tc assume added taxes so Chessum, Supt. that an equal share of the expenses will be met by all. Better Morning worship, 11 a. m. Training Union, 6:30 [l. m. fire protection and lower insurance rates will be the reward.

* * **

Brotherhood ... A Challenge This is Brotherhood Week-in the new Atomic Age. Here is a challenge worthy of Americans. Can we work together with our neighbors at home and abroad, and enjoy an era of peace and prosperity such as the world has never known? Or shall we muff the peace and plunge the world into complete destruction? In a few rt10nths or years we may no longer have the choice. Just now it's still up to us. We know we must get along with other nations, in spite of the fact that their languages. their customs. and even tbeir political systems are different from our own. This may not be as difficult as it sounds. For friendship begins at home, and America is a great laboratory. We have already learned to un· derstand and respect many different people-the neighbors down the block who attend a different church, the folks on


this evening in the church parlors. You are invirecl to attend. Mary Martha Cookbooks available after Sunday senices.

Shower Hon ors lliiss May Pellett

SALVATION ARMY SUNDAY SCHOOL AT SPANAWAY Meets e1·ery Sunday at 11 a. m. Sewing- club meets every Saturclay "t 1 :30 p. n1. in the old German church. Buth arc under the leadership of Major Selma Goode. MIDLAND COMMUNITY HOME CHURCH Thure Moberg, Minister Sunday School, 10:00 a. m. Morning service, 11 :DO a. m. Bible study and prayer, 7:30 p. m. Friday.




What an economy! Especially when you remember that Electric Cooking is so much cleaner, safer-and so fast. Plan now to own a new electric range. When the new models are available in Tacoma you'll find them at your electric dealers' or at Tacoma City Light.




Owned and Opecated by the People of Tacoma



0 Ison Electric 0 . .M. OLSON Gr. 8983 Rt. 1, Box 301, Spanaway


GREAT DAY-MARCH 3 Boat cruises, parties and picnics, along' with Christian fellowship is within the reach of all juniors and seniors in high school and above, who come to Trinity Lutheran Church Sunday evening, March 3. The Trinity Luther League is sponsoring a drive for new league



§hoe §tore (Next to Gates Mkt.). PARKLAND


SUNDA Y SCHOOL 209 East 96th Street Sunday School, 9:30 a. rn. every Sm1day. :rvrarch 2 an educational film will be shown at 7 :30 p. m. The public is invited to come and share· the comnurnity spirit. vVe have a very good adult department and would like to see more of the adults at our gatherings on Sunday. ---o---

I n1r>n1h1~r,,


•• 1




GR 7583



Open Seven Days a eek

A mother and daughter birthday club meeting and surprise shower on Mis-s Mav Pellett of Parkland were co11;bined in a celebration in the home· of Mrs. M. Kittelson on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. A large decorated cake with th c names "'I.Jay and John" with tall white tapers on either side made up the centerpiece of the refreshment table. Valentine decorations were used. After Miss 1-farrict Harkness sang· "I Love Y 011 Truly" and "That Old Sweetheart of Mine," a table of gifts was carried in to :Miss Pellett. Mothers and daughters present included two sets of four generations: l\frs. "Grandma" Kittelson, Mrs. ] . D. McGuire, Mrs. L. J. Jackson and Judy Ann, and another daughter of Mrs. "Grandma" Kittelson, Mrs. Tina Thompson, with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Ellison, and granddaughter, Joannc. Others present ,;·ere :ivlrs. Ed Thompson of Parkland and daughter, Mrs. Hilbur Oien of Puyallup; Mrs ..Harold Dempster of Seattle; Mrs. A. H. Garsta,] of ·racorna and daughter, Delores; Mrs·. George Hollinf;s.tad of Ta-1 coma and daughter, Lila Ann; Mrs. .Selma Jensen with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Moline, and granddaughter, Cheryl; Mrs. Herbert Gullberg and daughter-inlaw, Mrs. Herbert Gull berg; Miss· Rena J erms"tad and her daughter for the day, Miss Harriet Harkness; B illiarn Allen and daughter, Darlene; Mrs. C. A. Pellett and daughter, May, and three grandsons, Jimmy Oien, Chris Jackson and Jerry Ellison. st2rting

out by having a "get acquainted rarty." If you .really want to have a grand time wit.h young people of yuur own age 11:- the future, be sure and attend this party March 3rd. There will be more details rn next week's Prairie Pointer.


l I


The following verse from Proverbs is included in the LcssonSermon: "Commit thy wo,rks unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established."

It's a fact! In Tacomawhere municipal ownership brings every family the benefits of America's lowest electric rates-it costs the average user only about 4c a day to operate a modern electric range.


SPANAWAY COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH until m., Rev. Louis V. Martin, Pastor vvhen we re1nain Church School, 10:00 a. 111. --u-Services at 11 :00 a. m. Mr. August Schrump of Span-1 Jl Sermon topic: "The vVells of away Loop Rd., retun1ed Sunday - - - Salvation." from Bc.llmgham wh.ere he attend--o--ed the :1cral uf lllS nephew.

It Costs About 4¢ a Day

for the Average Tacoma Family to


party and uGay N inc ties Revue"

PRAIR1K MISSION M. K. Stacy, Superintendent Mrs.. J. N. Engebretsen Asst. Supt. Sunday School, 10:30 a. m. Worship service, 2 :30 p. m.

the next street who use strange seasonings in their food, the PARKLAND EVANGELICAL little colored boy in the same grade with Junior. LUTHERAN CHURCH War brought the people of this country closer- together The Church of the International Lutheran Hour than ever before. We worked together. Catholic. Protestant Collins Road and Mountain Hwy. and Jew; white, black and yellow; native and foreign-born. Walther C. Gullixson, Pastor Together we defeated the cncm y in spite of every effort to diMorning worship, 10 :30. Sunday School, 9:30. vide us. As President Truman puts it: "The armies of the United Nations won a conclusive victory over the forces of PEACE LUTHERAN tyranny which exploited racial and religiollls hatred to divide CHURCH Corner 3d St. on East Pioneer the world and destroy freedom." Puyallup Brotherhood Week reminds us that we must maintain Erwin H. Jahr, Minister this unity if w~ are to win the peace. The conquest of the atom Sunday school 'at 9:45 a. 11i. Men's Bible class at 10 a. 111. heralds unheard-of wonders-.-or swift and total destruction. \Vorship service at 11 o'clock. Tomorrow we will live in "one world-or none." Either we work together as equal citizens of that world, or there will SPANAWAY FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE be nothing left to work in. Stanley R. Weddle, Pastor What world-citizenship can mean is demonstrated in the Sunday School-11 :DO a. rn. realm of medicine where the practical benefits of brotherhood :Morning worship-I I :00 a. m. Evangelistic service-8 p. m. are felt by every one of us. An Englishman developed the vacChrist's Ambassadors, IN ednescination for smallpox; a French chemist produced the cure for day 8 p. m. rabies; tbe discoveries of a Japanese and a German guard our MIDLAND children from diptberia; pellagra is being cured today because Robert E. Logan, Priest of the researches o( an Aust;ian. These men-and thousands Midland Community Hall Sunday Mass, 8:00 a. m. like them of every race and creed-never thought in terms of Catechism after mass. national boundaries. religious groupings or .racial differences. They were servants of all mankind. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Such is the harvest of brotherhood-the only harvest SERVICES "Mind" is the subject of the tliat can bring us lasting peace. Lesson-Sermon which will be read next Sunday in all branches of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts.. Golden text: Psalms 119:33-34. "Teach me, 0 Lord, the way of Thy statutes; ... Give me understanding, and I shall keep Thy


Junior choir rehearsal Saturday, I l o'clock. Cnn firmation Saturday at 9 :30 a. m. Trinity Ladies' Aid rn e ct s vVednesday, Feb. 27, in the church parlors at 2 o'clock. Hostesses are Miss Camilla Ilenrud and Mrs. 0. Hagen. The Junior Guild birthday

adahl UID a

Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Blanchard are now at home on South .Pin·e St. following their wedding in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. l-lerb Kennedy, un 80t11 and \11/ilkeson Rd. Feb. 10. The Rev. R. W. Ledyard officiated at the double-ring ceremony at which the bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs. J31anchard is the former Violet Kennedy and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Blanchard of Tacoma. Mrs. Blanchard wore for the occasion a white gown with a god ice of lace fashioned with a s.weetheart neckline and short sleeyes. She carried a bouC).uet of pink carnations. Miss Dorothy Douglas attended the bride as maid of honor. She chose a gown of blue with a sweetheart neckline and corsage of pink carnations. Ji arr y· Blanchard was his brother's best man. At the reception which followed the ceremony Mrs·. Hazel Kennedy, Mrs. James Bonner and Mrs. Ila Shipton presided at the table.

Miss Shirley McKenzie, Reporter Friends of Miss Harriette Eddy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har-•· old Baker, will be sorry to hear of the tragic death of her fiancce, Mr. Delmer Buchmann of Shelton, Wash. The tragedy occurred Saturday evening, Feb. 9, when the car in which he and his parents were returning home from a family reunion, was involved in a head-on collision resulting in his death and serious injuries to buth paren ts. Birthday Friday afternoon, Feb. 15, was the occasion of a party honoring Miss Mary Hunt who celebrated her 10th birthday on Feb. 14, Valentine Day. The afternoon was spent in games and refreshments shared by the following sthoolmates and fellow Brownies: Charlotte and Maur~e.n Gibb~ns,. Maxine Crocker, V1v1a 11Dav1s., Ida Ludom, Joanne Gagnon, Joan Ot:!den, Bernice Cameron, Elizabeth Butts, Robert Slater, David Scearce, Bill Mattsen, )falph Redford, Tommy and Robert Hunt. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taluck and son, Glen, from Seattle, spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Durham and family of Military Rd. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Griesbach of South Dend, Wash., arc spending a few days visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Helen Hermansen, and son, W. H. Griesbach, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steidel recently entertained as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs-. Lewis Bennett, f orrner Spana way residents, now living in Morton, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. George Burton, Rt. 1, Box 474-A, recently received a s11q:.'!'i~e "'.'i5iL f;·:::;l; tb'-'.ir sv:t1, Robert I. Burton, who is now in Seattle where his ship, the USS Dane is in for repairs. Bob has been at Okinawa and Pearl Harbor. --a-SUBSCRIBE to The Pointer


except Saturday open until 10 p. m. I I


GO~~R~ES1 I Le~~~o:ou~•~::o~:,~~~g ~~~~!~yl



R.A.CLARK One Block North Of Parkland School On Pacific Ave. PHONE GR 8443 PARKLAND

BUTTER MILK AND ORANGEADE DELIVERY SERVICE Parkland, Midland, Summit, Collins and Harvard




.DANIELSON INSURANCE AGY. Office 223 Tacoma Bldg. -

B.OB'S PLACE Airport Road-Yakima Ave.


and all other forms of Insurance



Phone MA 3311

m i.i!::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i~ RES. PARKLAND


PHONES GR 8052 & GR 87la


§ § § §


Ge1ieral Auto Repairings

lGe~v~,R~;,;;;ing '~irm'GR: 7~BB .


§ §

On lOOth Street One Block West Park Ave.

"A first class job on all Automobile repairing .."


Repairing ... Trouble Shooting By expert workman


Worhmanship and Material Guaranteed ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Old G:rrowth lt'ore§t Wood


Spanaway News

9 p.




GR 8235






98th and Pacific Ave.



Phone GR 8436 for Free Estimates

BEARD PRIDTIDG CO. Publishers of The Prairie Pointer P. 0. BOX 797 PARKLAND, WASHINGTON Basement of PLC Chapel Bldg.

A1 I! D 7l \2l ' T UH I R.E.POCHEL Your Local Distributor of General Petroleum Products At Brookdale on Mt. Hiway


Jason C. McCabe


PLUMBING AND REPAIRS 20 Years Experience 1 Block West of Golden Slipper ROUTE 7, BOX 428

''Across From The Parkland Postoffice."

Thursday, February 21, 1946




Spanaway Girl Basketeers Busy

Trinity Cage Squad Valentine Wedding Tops Church League In Trinity Church

The Spanaway girls· basketball team had a busy week in which they played three games. The first was playctl Feb. 12 when they ·were hostesses to the Ruston team, by who1n they were defeated. On Feb. 14 the girls visited Collins School over which they gained an 18-4 victory. University Place was Spanaway guests on Friday, Feb. 15, and again the Spanaway g·irls won in a nip-and-tuck game with a final score of 16-13. Della Corley was· high scorer for the week.

Trinity Lutheran's' basketball team is still riding the crest in the Tacorna Clrnrch League. The Parkland churchmen have only had two defeats and both of these have been by First Evangelical. Below arc box scores for the last

An Announcemenf fo



Trinity (30) Lk. City (26) Hauge (6) ...... F .............. (4) Holt l''orrl (8) . . .... I•' ........ ( 4) Smith Ellingson (4) .. C. ..... (8) S.M'lghn Stovner (1) .... G .... (4) .M. M'lghn Larson (9) ......... G .......... (6) Loper Trinity (31) 1st Ev. (34) Ford (8) F ................ (4) Roe Haug·e (3) .......... F .... (2) LaGrande Ellingson (13) ..C. ....... (ll) Martin Tombra 14) ........ G.. <8) 13. Johnson Stovncr ............. G .. (9) C. Johnson Km1dtson .......... G


STATE FARM POLICYHOLDERS New cars will soon be here. Many of you will be buying cars out of income on a deferred payment plan. Old style, costly financing methods are "out". Arrangements have been made with local banks in this territory to finance cars for State Farm policyholders at reasonable rates. And you can continue to enjoy the benefits of your State Farm Mutual protection. This service is also available to careful drivers, not now insured with State Farm. In most cases it saves the buyers many dollars. See or call me now. I'll be glad to give you the details of this money saving plan.

TACOMA EVENT .Mel!lbers of one of Parkland's birthday cl ulis met in the home of iv! iss Nora Olson and Miss Thelma Kraabel of Tacoma last Saturday evening at a 5 :30 supper. Those present were Mrs. Magdalyn Akre, Miss· Anna Marn .\:ieben, 1\·1 iss Grace Blomquist, Mrs. Esther Davis. Miss Clara Chilso11 and Mrs. Rhoda Young, all of l'arkland; Miss Anna Lan;:low and Miss Lillian Gullixson of Tacoma.

BLUE RUSTIC Entire Family


DANIELSON INSUH.ANCE AGENCY Office 223 Tacoma Bldg. Phone MA 3311 RES. PARKLAND Phones GR 8502 and GR 8718

Fuel ii eliuery



Large and Small Animal Veterinary Service

ATias 8613

Rt. 3. :Box 1001, Auburn *imM'TTV

5436 SO. PUGET SOUND GA 5436

GRanite 8112 PARKLAND, WASH.

Gullberg's Greenhouses One Block East of Parkland Public School

PILIUIH:HI1'TG <anal §l!Elllllt'WICllE CJ!UL.llLI

Oil Burner Service All work guaranteed JIE. 'W. !!ilH:lllTllllll


Rt. 10, Bx 319-A, Tacoma GRanite 7301

Dramatizing the

lndividttal Personality Special Time and Patience Given to Children

Doris Morrison Your Residential Studio GR 7516 SOUTH BROADWAY AND SALES ROAD

For Your BARBER Work Go To McLELLAN'S , BARBER SHOP Now Located in Ted's Place SPANA WAY 2nd St. Mountain Road

Newlyweds Will Reside in Midland

Itesidcnce--Lake l(illnsney

Piper Funeral Home

U. R. SEbbE


William F. Harris,D.V.M.


Patronize Your Local Fuel Oil Dealer


WE NEVER CLOSE ·Corner Mt. Road & Garfield


CALL GR 7524 BROOKDALE ELECTRIC Your Neighborhood Electrician

The marriage of MiS<S Vedis Huseboe to Albert Kuhn joined two prominent Pacific Lutheran College students when the vows VARSITY AND MIDGETS were read at 7:00 o'clock in the WALLOP MIDLAND LADS evening on St. Valentine's Day in ON THEIR HOME FLOOR Trinity Lutheran Church, Parkland. The Rev. A. vV. Ramstad Parkland Junior High was hotofficiated at the ceremony before ter than Dutch love on Valentine's a large gathering of classmates, Day when it bopped hoth Midrelatives and friends. Miss Huse- land's varsity and midgets basketboe is the danghtcr of Mr. and ball teams last Thursday in M.icl~Irs. Henry Huscboe of Everett land's own bailiwick. Parkland's and Albert is the son of Fred varsity swished baskets to the tune Kuhn oi H.enton. qf 32 points against Midland's 18 The bride was . lovely in her and then not to be outdone the wedding gown of white satin with grade B Parklanders dumped fingertip veil as she walked down 1v1idlan<l's midgets 21 to 10. the aisle on the arm of her father. Storaasli with 12 points and Bob She carried a bouquet of white Clemons with nine topped the carnations. scoring for Parkland varsity and Miss Valborg Huseboe, sister Peterson was high with five points of the bride was maid of honor on Midland's squad. Midget top ;rnd wore bl nc as did the brides- men were Stovner (Parkland) n1 aids, Dean Pickett and Ruth seven and Couture (Midland) four. \Vallcn, who carried nosegays of Summary of the two games: lemon yellow carnations. Grace Varsity and Rumohr Gulhaugen gowned Midland (18) in yellow, were candlelightcrs. Parkland (32) Ushers were \.\/alter Logsden an! Whisler (7) ........F ...... (l) Vaug-han Vernon Berg and 'fed Reitz served Storaasli (12) .... F ........ (4) O'Neill B. Clemons (9) .. C. ........... (4) Piper as groomsman. R. Clamons (3).G._ .... (3) Kennedy Classmates Furnish Music M.iss Ruth Jensen was organ- B Waters (l) ....G ...... (.'i) Petcrwn Subs: Parkland-Dahl. D. Linist. l\Tiss Marion Soltman sang Greig's "Jeg Elsker Dig," "The coln, Younce, Earley, Simerson, Loni's Prayer" by Malotte was Bob Waters and Smith. Midland sung by Miss Anita Norman and -Brown (!), Clark, Hanson and Miss Deloris W alien sang "0 Per- Fell. Midgets f cct Love." Midland (10) At the reception following the Parkland (21) Roley cere111ony, 'Mrs. Bertha Grass of Selden (6) .......... i\lllerican Lake, aunt of the Schibig ....... _..... F.-...... (4) Couture gToom, and Mrs. A. M. Wallen, Leap (5) ..............C. .................... Ott aunt of the bride presided at the Stovner (7) ....... G .... (2) R. Horton urn,; and Mrs. L. J. Lee served Simerson (3) ...... G (2) B. Cross'n Subs: Parkland-\,Viggins, Enthe wedding cake, 'while Nellie Risa was in charg·e of the guest geldingcr, Earley and Leap. Midbook. Grace Elaine Gulhaugen land-Bansler, J. Crossman aud D. Horton (2). caught the bridal bouqttet. ---o--The bride is a stttdcnt at PaBASKETBALL SCHEDULE cific Lutheran College where she Junior High League is a junior while the groom gradThursday, Feb. 21-Midland at uated this winter. Mr. and Mrs. K.ulm left for a short wedding Dupont; Kapowsin at Fife. College Basketball trip and will be at home in Parl~­ Friday and Saturday, Feb. 22-23bnd after the 19th. PLC at C.\V.C.E. in Ellensburg-. Out-of-Town Guests --OOnt-of-town guests were the Hev. and Mrs. Molien and dattghtcr, Sylvia, Mr. and Mrs. Art Olson, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Lee and d;1ughter, Rhoda, Mr. and Mrn. 1 Miss Delores May Cook and A. M. \lv'allen, Mr. Hcljmer] Lester Loyal llolbrook were tnarBergseth and son, Jennings, and ried Fch. 14 at S p. nL in the daughter, Dorothy, Mrs. Louis Evangelical Church in Tacoma Christiansen and daughter, Edith, with the Rev. Alfred Jamieson Miss Lorraine Larson, Miss Dor- reading the service in the prc.,othy .·\ndcrson, Mrs. Otto N egard ence of 150 guests. and daughters, Lorene and Delia, The bride, given in marriag·e by Mrs. Mollar Larson, Miss Ruth her father, wore an all white lace Smiley and Miss Inga· Johnson, gown with fingertip length veil all of Everett; Mrs. Bertha Grass and carried an arm bouquet of of American Lake, and Mr. and white and pink carnations. Miss l\l. E. Reishus of Tacoma. \'irginia Lee Cook attended her ---o--sister as· maid of honor. BridesCARD PARTY maids were Miss Patricia Balmer On Feb. 22 the Elk Plain Grange and "Miss Jackie Caple with will hold a card party for mem- Jackie Cook serving as flower bers with the ladies bringing bas- girl. Howard Battle was best man ket lunches. and Robert and Harold Cook, uncles of the gridc, were ushers. Miss Gladys Neilson s·ang, "Always" and "I Love Yot1 Truly" accolllpanied by Mrs. Howard Battle. Following. the ceremony, a reception was held in the church parlors with Mrs. lfalph Sauffer, ' ,..?"I Mrs. Harold Cook, Mrs. Russel .V'/ / \ •Llo".d. and Mrs. Patricia D'Angfo ::J/r--;i \ pres1d111g at th~ su 1;1JCr table. '),-t::::-· \ 1/ Mn;. Laura I\·1~1lcr of Seattle ~'\:,;.0("~~ served the weddm_g cake. Mrs. Holbrook 1s the daughter - ~ --.._ ' o f Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook of ~ Midland and was recently discharged from the Marine Corps after two years service. Mr. Holbrook is the son of Mrs. Maude Holbrook of Le;viston, Idaho, and has just completed three years service with the army. The young couple will make their home in l'vlidland after a short honeymoon.

F: .................

Excelfent Meals For The

Ml L K


\ Nj


Two Blocks Off Pacific On Collins Road

Jj,J id land Pep Club Elects Officers

For Good Eats visit the

Complete Beauty Service

PARKLAND Beauty Shop Across From the Postoffice

GR 7460

ally Inn Pacific Ave. and Sales Road



Lundberg Drug Co. The Suburban Drug Store with Uptown Prices!




1'Tur~iu~ Dolin~' Tule Lake Road


GR 8077

George H. Woolhouse








Mon day night at a Pep Clnh meeting in Midland School the following officers were elected to guide the 9-A members through the spring term: President, Dorothy Sweet; vice pffsidcnt, Bud Sweet; secretary, Gloria Federighi; treasurer, Shirley Hals; publicity chairman, Alice Long; s-ergeant-at-arms, LeRoy Brown; historian, Margaret Keys.


RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz, P.O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. (Adv.)

PARKLAND REALTY CO. Notary Public Fire Insurance Car Insurance Real Estate GRani te 7232 Office: Arneson Bldg., Garfield St., 150 ft. West of Mt. Hy.

Page Three



Margaret Keys-Reporter Call GArland 4350

Brothers Return Lester Nordlund is home with his parents, i"vl r. and Mrs. T. A. Nordlund, Midland, from Angels Island, Calif. He arrived last Saturday after receiving an honorable discharge at Fort Lewis. A graduate of Midland Junior High and Lincoln High Srhnol, the army assigned him to the University of Dayton in Da);ton, 0. He spent one year of s.tudy there, and in the fall of 1945 he was sent to c;ermany where he fought eight months with the 9th J\ rmy, He has entered the College of Puget Sound to complete his advanced education. l'liil Nordlund, his brother, has also returned home after being separated irorn the air corp recently. Year book Editor The Mahna Kide staff elected Doris Nordlund honorary editor of the Midland School yearbook Friday. Class, clubs teams and in- girls in Midland School has been shaped box of candy from the dividual pictures of the ninth changed to Tuesday nights, start- troop. Refreshments of ice cream, cnpcakcs and Valentine cookies grade were taken last week by ing at 6:30. A visitor in the home of Mr. were served. The red and white Irene's Studio in the school for and ivirs. R. H. Keys on 80th an<l of Valentine's Day prevailed in publication in the yearbook. Portland Ave. this week was Mrs. the decorations. Vaccinations The troop made wrist coin The ann11al small pox vaccina- Agnes Snow, an old friend. She purses of green felt to match their tion in Midland School is dated makes her home in Alder.' ---()--uniforms. for Feb. 25 at 9 :30 a. m. in the ---o--school sewing room. Pupils with NOTICE their parents' consent will be vacArt's Shne J{epair Shop is still cinated for this disease and chilat 7th St. and lvft. Ilighway in dren under 11 with their parents' Girl Scouts of Troop 100, Spana way and has no connection consent will also be gicen imParkland, enjoyed a valentine with any other shoe shop in the munization for diptheria. Dr. N. E. Magnussen, two party held in the home of their South End. A. W. LINTON mirs·es from the Pierce County leader, Mrs. "vV. V\I. Penry on Health Department and Ethel Valentine's Day, Feb. 14. The Jessup, school nurse, will be on girls brought and exchanged valhand to do the vaccinating. J-lar- entines which were placed in a vanl School kindergarten, first beautiful box decorated by Mary and second grade pupils will also Ann Richardson and Sharon Ellingson. Games- were played with be imnmnizcd that day. Rosemarie lfolrn and Janet BuckDischarged Complete Automotive Service I-I ow a rd Greer, well-known ball- 11er in charge. Electric and Acetyline Welding A Clever one-act play, "The player, received his discharge from the 1iavy in Los Angeles and Comic Valentine," was prcsentecl. is making his home in Parkland. Helen Jeter directed the play and Howard graduated from Midland the cast incuded Sally Anderson, 9847V. PACIFIC AVE. Jnnior High in 1935 and his sister, Earlene Summers, Lorraine WelMm. Dorothy Harron, taught in lan and Diann Peary. Mrs. Penry, leader of the group, Midland last year. Mrs. Harron is now teaching in Key VY est, Fla. was presented with a loYcly heartVisitors Callers in the home o.f Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Schoneman in Midland Monday were Mr. and. Mrs. Theodore Reese from Kennewick, \Nash., and Mrs. N. C. Gullixson of Parkland. Also during that week, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cherry of Snohomish visited in the Schoneman home. Sunday dinner gnests- of l\'1r. and J\Ir~. R. H. Keys, 80th and Portland A\'e., were Mr. and Mrs. George King and daughter, Georgina of Spanaway, and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Phlugmaker of Tacoma. PARKLAND, WASH. GRanite 8560 After visiting relatives in Texas Groceries - Meats - Fruits - Vegetables - Feed - Flour and Arizona for four months, Allyene and Nathan Long returned General Paint Distributors School Supplies to their mother, Mrs. C. 0. Moore, We carr~; the current issues of all popu[ar magazines of Airport Rd. Feb. 12. Mrs. Anna Thompson is happy over the return of her so11 on Feb. 10. He has been with the army on lwo Jima and Tinian. In Hospital Mrs. Mandia Williams, dattghter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Cruse of Midland, is quite ill in a Renton hospital. She lives at Black Diamond near Seattle. New Members The H. M. & L. Fire Department in Midland has taken five new members into its organization. This makes· a total membership of 26. They are: E. Brittain, Ed Chalberg, Charles Peterson, I l~ichard Welton and C·· 11 · Fago11 ..-:..:.~......... ~.••.••.••.••.~•.••.••.••,;~~-;_~ ............................................... ;:;;..~;:;;~~~;~.........t.••.••...•.••.••.•• ......• .~ · ;-, iF••tttt ............................................. ~ ~ tt•' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper ft of East 80th St., welcomed home i:t § their son, Charles, and his wife Evelyn, who met him in Sai~ Francisco when he arrived there ft aboard the ship Hornet Jan. 28. He spent 20 111011 ths working in ::: Peach Leaf Curl-use Bordeaux Mixture and Oil Emulhospitals on Tinian and Saipan. sion or Lime and Sulfur. He v:_ill report in . Bremerton Scabe, Scale and Leafspot on fruit trees March I to be re-assigned. ~.t Use Lime and Sulfur Mr. and Mm. R Christofferson, t·! •.• f parents o Mrs. Charles Cooper, t·! ~"1enue Jr., are residBenbts oBf Midland. !Pl!ith """"d IPi!lciliic GllHtCll1111ite !!ifi4 ll a y oy 1 :~: 11 r. and 11 rs. E. L. P1al111 er, :.:;:•l!•::·lt·l:•!!·!!·!!·!t·lt•::·::·::-::·:!·:t·::·::·:!·!f·'t!·!!·!!·!~::·::·::·!!•l!·!!·!:·::·:t·!!•;t·!!·!:..::·::•::-::•::•:!·!!~!·~. 9th and Taylor, now have a family o.f six with the arrival of their second son in a Tacoma hospital Feb. 9. The baby, now at home was named Lavern David. HEAT QUICKER, HOLD HEAT LONGER AT LESS COST THAN ANY OTHER BROODER Mr. A. A. Dahlquist returned MADE. FOUR SIZES. SEE THEM AT this week from a business trip to Boise, Idaho. Berglund Hdw. Co., 98th and Pacific On Furlough Grange Supply Co., 27th and A Streets Farm Machinery & Supply Co., 23rd and Pacific , Cpo ldar "Ike" Johnson returned to California Feb. 20 for re-a&Signment after spending a 60day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Johnson of PuyalGRANITE 8863 ROUTE 7, BOX_498 lup. The J ohnsons formerly operated what is now Art's Corner in Midland. Ike has served with the navy nine years and says he "'ill stay in till retirement. Kenny Lambitt was we!Gomed home vVednesday by his wife and two children. Kenny s·en'ed. with the Truck Division in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. B. Zangas and 11111111 son, Jim, are now making their 1 home on McKinley Hill with Mrs. Zongas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Imhoff. Jim is attending school in Midland as a student 'in the eighth grade. The night recreation time for

arbage ollection Servicing Parkland Area And 96th Street District



LA 3220

Girl Scout Troop Valentine Party




Sunshine Krispy Crackers ______________ 34c Libby's Fruit CocktaiL ____________ ,.....33c Fels Naptha Soap_. ·---·-·---·-----2 for Ile Gerbers Baby Foods ____________3 for 20c Free Delivery on Wednesday and Saturday ... Just Call GRanite 8560 "(r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..., . . . . . . . . . . .

JIB f t J¥l Y T JI H JE. :·I H Now is the tinie to spray your fruit trees For Peach Leaf Curl and Scale !:!



Jt=eed §tore



Rau's Electric Brooders





BONDED CAB· 24-HOUR SERVICE Stanley C. Peterson) Operator



Page Four

Thursday, February 21, 1946

accompanied on her return by Mr. Parkland Personals and Mrs. Bloom and son, Mr. AlBernice Eklund, Reporter fred Handy, who arc now staying Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaw have in the Dahl home. taken up residence in Parkland Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hanson and Mr. Shaw, who recently re- entertained Dr. and Mrs. E. A. llll ceived an army discharge, is reg- Hanson and son, David, of Seattle istered at PLC. Mrs. Shaw is em- at dinner Thnrsday, Feb. 14. ployed as secretary to Dean Neighbors on vVheeler St. in Philip E. Hauge, registrar of the Parkland were entertained last college. ·The Shaws came here Saturday evening in the home of from Aberdeen, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Al Bidstrup. LunchComing by plane from Tracy, eon was served to Mr. and Mrs. For Harry Allen and Dick Bowie families who lost Minn., Miss Van Peterson, sis·ter Gunnar Malmin, Mr. and Mrs. of Postmaster Roy Peterson, spent Stan Dahl, Mr. ~and Mrs. Trygve everything in recent disastrous fire. last week visiting with the Peter- Blix, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hanson family. She returned home son, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Coltom last Saturday. and the Bidstrups. Ivar Ostlund, son of Mr. and Fre•l Kohler recently received a discharge from the navy in Mrs. Carl Ostlund of Parkland, BARNA' HALL-FREDRICKSON Bremerton and is now with his was discharged the last of J anuwife and son, J immic, in Park- ary from the army. Ivar, who DOOR PRIZES! served as a major in the 13th Airland. Mrs. Gunnar Malmin enter- borne Division in the European tained a group of friends in her theater of operations, is now athome last Tuesday on the occa- tending the University of Washsiou of her daughter, Ann's, sec- ington. GOOD MUSIC 'I'ICKETS INCL. Marine Pfc. Bob McGuire surond birthday. Guests were Mrs. Stanley Dahl and Susan Dahl, prised him mother, Mrs.,J. D. McMrs. Robert Johnson, Melody and Guire, with a visit last Monday Roxanne Johnson, Mrs. John evening. Bob went into the mared heart with paper lace covered Lamb and Johnnie, Mrs. Lowell rines in July and is now stationed YL~ MEE! TUES?AY 1 Clover Creek News the stage wall. The supper tables Satre and Gloria, and Mrs. in Seattle at Pier 71. Miss Frances Scearce will enter-1 Fred Danielson, local insurance tain the YLA of the Parkland Mrs. Ruth Allen, Reporter were lovely, hearts and pussy wil- Trygve Blix and Natalie and AnMethodist Church in her home, , Members of the Clover Creek lows were effectively used as- dee- drea. The 11revio11s evening, Mr. man, will he in Seattle Thursday, and Mrs. Carl Coltom and chil- Friday and Satnrday attending a Park and Lafayette Sts., Tuesday Grange seemed to enjoy the an- orations. Miss Jane McCammon enter- dren, Ronald, Carolyn and Janice, convention of representatives of cvcning, Feb. 26, at 8:00. The reg- nual Valentine party held Feb. 15 i1lar business meeting will he fol- in the Grange Hall. Mr. and Mrs. taincd those present with a violin and Mr. and Mm. Al Bidstrup and the State Farm Insurance Comlowed by a social hour. Ernie' Southwell provided the mu- selection, "The Merry Widow children, Lyn and Chris, were pany. ---o--sic for the dancing, the younger Waltz." A valentine box brought served dessert to note the occasion. lf you can't decide what to bake, Grnng·ers especially liked the the Grangers much amusement. Mrs. Rohert E. Lee's home ecoMr. and Mrs. A. C. Marsh and Try Mrs. Niles' large white party schottishes and square dances. cake! The hall ,was beautifully dec- nomics committee served a love- daughters, Dorothy Marsh, Jo Page 5 Mary-Martha Cookbook orated by the Lecturer's Commit- ly supper, carrying out the val- Meachum, Ivlanha i'vfoachum and Your local real estate office is (Available at Parkland Light & tee, Bertha Renner, chairman. Va- entine motif with white cake and Rosemary lllcachum, are moving equipped to handle sales,, renfrom Parkland Thursday to 1633 \Vater or Beard Printing Com- rious sizes of red paper hearts red jello. tals and all types of ins.urance. Mr. Claude Rubottom has been East 29th St. in Tacoma. JENNIE L. PALMER, Realtor pany.) cascaded from the ceiling. A huge PARKLAND REALTY CO. asked to,, supply th~ ,pulpit in the Wilma Chapman entertained a Clover Cr:ck Baptist Church for group of Parkland Junior High GR 7232 Days-GR 8210 evenings GRANT'S FUEL the next six months.~ Mr. Ru bot- School students at a party last to1~1 has preached at Cl?ver Creek Saturday evening· in honor of Bon- Forest Wood, Dry Upland slab &nd cedar fence posts. Route I, betore and has. many friends here. nie Nicol. Games were played and You get a 1,000..mUe guara'ntee with [fox 99, Roy, Wash. Mr. a_ud Mrs. C:mer . Roland refreshments· served to the folPAINTING and paper hanging, ga a d~nner party Lil their home lowing boys and girls: J unc \Velour Stop-Wear lubrication service! immediate serYke; free esti~nday, I• eh. b, 1ll honor of Henry Jan, Marian Myers, Connie l:ianmates. Ellison and Westrom. Ke_ane. Guests were Mr; and Mrs. son, Bonnie Nicol, \<Vilma ChapGH. '7231. Rt. 13, Box 465, TaW1!11am Keane, Roy l-.eane, Mr. 111an, Hob Clemons, Hans Dahl, coma, or Rt. 1, Box 205, SpanBecause we use only the finest lubricants away. 24-25-26-27p George . Keane, Mrs. Rosetta De:-cter VVashhurn Jerry Leap and in servicing your car and because each Leach, Barbara Keane and H~r- J ul;nnic C;vin. ' FOR SALE-Trailer, $35; two job is carefully handled according to the be rt, Dona lei, Joyce and J a111ce .. . ., ... . . compartment rabbit hutch, $5; Allen. Later Mr. and Mrs. MerI he Ladies Aid of the Parkthree girl',; coats, sizes 12 and make and model. we are. able to guaran· lin Southwell spent the evening land lvletho~list Church met 14. Call GR 8896. 24c tee our lubrication jobs to be free from with the family. W cdnesda)'. 111 the h~me of Mrs. 500 DAY O~.D Parmenter chicks, squeaks and noises, due to faulty chassis To honor Mrs. R. V. Ellstrom, ] ohn H ol~1em un Lmcoln Ave., good strain, lSc each. Rt. 7, Box 711, Brookdale golf course road, Mrs. George Allen gave a lunch- ior a L;JO lunch. lubrication. for 1,000 miles of operation l Y:l mile from Mt. Highway. 24p eon Wednesday, Feb. 13. The Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Johnson You receive this Stop·Wear lubrication guests- were Mrs. Ellstrom, Mrs. and Barbara Coblentz journeyed FOR SALE-Walnut dining room guarantee, in writing, at the time we lubritable, 4 chalrs, small china cabiRoy Renner, Mrs. Fred Bittner, to Eugene and Corvallis, Ore., net. GR 8039. 24c Mrs. Peter McLeod. last weekend to \\'itness the bascate your car. FOR SALE--7-week-old pig. Rt. L.ittle Mary Markstonc spent ketball game between vVashingRemember! Stop-Wear lubrication is 7, Box 551, Tacoma, Wash. Call four days last week in the Ta· l<>n State College and the Oregon GR 7002. 23c guaranteed! coma General Hospital. Luckily, sclwols. Johnson's son, Ray, is a FOR SALE--40 red hens and pulshe didn't have to have that op-· first stri11g member of the PullSTOVE OIL lets, laying. $50; 2 ducks, l eration for appendicitis and is man squad. On their retun1 they drake, $7; 2 crocks, 8 and 5 gal., CLEANING SOLVENT slowly recovering. visited m Portland with Mrs. $5; baby basket and stand, $4; Corporal D. Millett is home Johnson's sister, Miss Gjcnla chest of drawers, $8; ~ bed and mattress, $7; fruit jars, take all, with his wife, the former Shirley H a.11. $1.50. Kilbourne, next to Firs on McAllister. He served overseas on .Mrs. Jack Fritch and son, GR 8197 Dudeloon Road. 24p Korea. Corporal Millett expects· Craig, will arrive in Parkland FriFOR SALE-Fresh Jersey, good to be discharged from the army day to spend a \\'eek with lier butter cow, $90; Guernsey cow, about Feb. 19. He plans on finish- parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. John$80; brood sow, $4-0; 3 heifers, ing his college education in Provo, son. They reside in Pullman where $120; Shepherd pups, good ' U tab. Mr. Fritch is in the engineering stock dogs, $5; Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. William Keene college at \VSC. Wendell piano, $175; player attachment for piano, $25; round as their guest last week ~iss Mr. and Mrs. L. Peterson of 0 I L COMIPAINIY had oak table, buffet and library UN I 0 N Ir~ne Johnson, Mrs. _Keene's me~e. Seattle spent Sunday visiting witn table, large Estate Heatrola, $50; Miss Johnson has JUSt bee~ dis- Mrs. Peterson's. sister, Mrs. WilElectric fence, new barbed wire, charged from the vV AVES .. _She liam Storaas-li of Parkland. small power rip and cutoff saw, . left Monday for Motley, Mum., L S f M I $15. Hawkins, Rt. 1, Box 38-A, · · l· l 1 C cl" ester toraas 11, son o r. ant via a trip t iroug 1 tie ana ian M w·n· S r p kl cl Rainier, · Wash. (Hubbard Rockies. " rs. , 1 1am toraas 1, a; an , Place). 24p The Girl Scouts of Clover left 1 uesl'.ay to re~urn to his base .GR PARKING SPACE AT DOOR . . I 1 b" · . b' 1 at San Diego, Calif., after spend- 12 CU. FT. HOME FREEZER d C1 eek 1e d a com ma ti on 1rt 1- . · p kl cl Now available at low day and Valentine party in the mg a 30- ay 1eave m ar_- an · price of $379.50 ~K R ti C t Lester spent many months 111 the See at I10me o f ;virs. u 1 ope 1as S .1 n 'f· cl · 1 1 out 1 r act 1c on uty wit 1 t 1c EASTMAN'S MARKET T ucs d ay, F e1), 12 . y a 1en t'mes were nav FLE1"'CHER Frigid Lockers exchanged and games were played. y. Mt. Highway at Airport Rd. There was a beautifully decorated Slaff Sergeant and Mrs. Robert PHONE GR 7111 birthday cake in honor of Bar- M. Boyl and 8-month-old daughHEMSTITCHING-Leave orDustpans bara Renner. lcr, K athlcen, arc visiting with ders Garfield Variety Store, -0-lvl r. and Mrs. Stewart !'aimer and Parkland. 22tfc STIEDS family this week while the ser- SEPTIC tanks pumped, contents Fletchers Purchase Tamales, jar _____________ _ geant awaits his <lischarge at Fort hauled away. Established busiLewis. They will make their home Parkland Business ness. Phone GR 8680. 13tfc Mr. and Mr,;. M. M. Fletcher iu Albany, Ore. BE A McNESS DEALER_: APIY!'skles full quart-------····--·----on Monday of this week took over Make more money-be your Mrs-. Bernard Olson enterown sealed mediIC ' so I"'; .. • the Parkland Market Center store tained her birthday club Monday cines, extracts, soaps, food from Sidney Madsoc. Fletcher re- evening, .Feb. 18, in her home. RePotatoes No. 2s ...... .. products, stock remedies, direct cenlly was released from lhe army freshments were sc1Ted to :Mrs. to farmers. Fine locality open with the rank of major after serv- John Salater, Mrs. Philip Hauge, 100 lbs. near here-a great opportunity ing five anrl a half yearswith the ··-···---·-No. l's ..... Potatoes ---·----Mrs. J. U. Xavier, Mrs. Alberta for a dependable person with a 41st di' is ion. Both Mr. and Mrs. Preus, Mrs. Ed Tingelstacl, Mrs. car. See me evenings or SaturFletcher resided in Parkland be- Ludvig L.arson, Mrs. Clifford Olday afternoon. TEXAS PINK fore the war and they expressed son, Mrs. J. P. Pflueger, Mrs: L. L. R. OVE-RLAND Grapefruit, per lb .............. . R. 13, Box 252-C their happiness over being able to l~asnrnss-en, Mrs. A. L. Ellingson, GR 87 20 Tacoma return here. Mrs. 0. J. Stuen, Mrs. H.L.J. FOR SALE Fletcher has had considerable Dahl all of Parkland, and Mrs. Extracts, spices, soaps, washing experience in the merchandising Herman Anderson of Tacoma. powder, brushes, brooms and business and expects to operate a mops, k>ilet articles, stock and A daughter, Susan Elise, was metropolitan store for this compoultry tonic and several hunborn to the Rev. and Mrs. Robert munity. dred other items. Mr. and Mrs. MaclS<Jc have W. Lutnes of Hines, Ore., on L R. OVERLAND Jan. 31. "lluq and Betty," .former moved to Tacoma. GR 8720 R. 13. Box 252-C PLC students, are well-known in ---0--ALTERATIONS and children's Parkland. Grandparents of the clothes made to order. GR 8120. Elk Plain Notes young daughter are Mr. and Mrs. 12tf J. Lutnes of Longview and the Sonya Maritvold and Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Hanson of Patricia Howe, Reporters Stanwood. Mr. and Mrs. Lutnes Ross-Bennett ART'S SHOE REPAIR Donald Bennett· of Spanaway arc :llso parents of a 2-year-old COR. 7th & MT. HIGHWAY and Virginia Ross of Benston daughter named Sylvia Margaret. SPANA WAY were married Saturday night, Feb. After visiting with her sister, GENERAL 16, at 8:00 o'clock in Trinity Mrs. Arthur Bloom of Soap Lake, SHOE REPAIRING Lutheran Church in Parkland. Mrs. H.L.J. Dahl of Parkland was Hicharcl Bennett, brother of the groom, came by air from Washington, D. C., to be best man. Margie Bennett, sister of the groom, was bridesmaid. Grange News LB. CAP CITY Elk Plain Grange members arc giving a card party Friday, Feb. .22, ~t 8 c'clc!:k. The 12.tli~~ ~rP: bringing box lunches for two. WITHOUT AUTOMATIC 1· THERMiOSTA T THERMOSTAT ---o--Pvt. LeRoy Carlton, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Carlton, GRANITE 8112 Rt. 13, Box 209, Tacoma, recently PARKLAND, WASH. enlisted in the Air Corps, United States Theater, for three years-. LAkewood 2167








aturdily~ m=eb. 2 $1.00,








ar t Center 8550

Now Under New Management M. M.


GR~Hl Dil







~ s~

Thursday and Saturday, Feb. 21 and 23 CLOSED FRIDAY





FISHER'S Pancake Flour______________________



Dht·ISON'S · C con Carne___________________________



26C 1 lb. 23C can lbs.

32c large 23 pkg. c gai.85c

Peanut Butter.


DUZ-OXYDOL Super Suds ______ _ Dry Cleaner _________________ _

CLAPP'S l d Strained Baby Food ________________ . 4Y.-~~'.

79 C

SUNSHINE 2 lb Krispy Krackers ..... -----···--·-----·-bo~ ASSORTED FESTIVAL Cookies Cigarettes ·------··---···---·--··-------·carton GARDEN

29C 1b:29c $1.49





C-0urteous Service at Herman's Neighborhood Shurfine StoL·e

CENTENNIAL FEEDS Spanawar/s one-stop shopping center. Herman's Shurtznc. and Geo. Kinq's market, at end of bus line, and next 10 Postoffice where local folks meet

Spanaway meat

a et






Small Loin Pork Chops. ____ . ________ Jb.


SHANK END Shoulder Pork Roast ___________________

Jb. 31c Spareribs ·-·---·-·------------·-------------··--Jb. 25c Pure Lard...... ---·---------·---····------- . .2 lbs. 39c HAMS AND BACON SLICED OR BY THE PIECE FRYERS AND ROASTING HENS CLOSED FRIDAY, WASHINGTION'S BIRTHDAY




"On the Mountain Highway"

Parkland, Washington

· ---··----·---··-------··---2&c 28c $1&De 19 $

50 ____ IOc

?e& Jtme ol



2 Automatic Goal 250



I-$2ilo· I$190 V. R.SELLE








Paint up







Paints, Varnishes and Oils MARKET PRICEq

Hem ne



entennial eeds ,..

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