Parkland times v 5 no 49 aug 17, 1950

Page 1

Sec. 34.66 P. L. & R. Parkland, Wash. u. s. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 9




17, 1950 (VOL. 5, NO. 't9)






Tuesday Noon


*~ Parkland Boy Cops EX-PARKL~NDER Civilian Defense ApolicaHon F II y h A ·d WINS TOPlPRIZE A . w· · 1· H I ~;~::,f~:;;~:·~;. ~::::::!~:;~: e er ·. out . war ONH.HEIDTSHOW orm wa1i: u 1ng e pers {!Ob' _. T B p d N W .S . . 1



Ken W1ll~rd, promment me~nber of ~:Cplorer Post 228, was

the sheriff's office catches it in the.


'necl\inti1"~Jackofso-callcdparticipa~ announced this wee~( as the regional rec~p1ent of the Bob Feller Ronald Kilde, 19. violinist ti91b,in' the, ~earch for the killer of award for outstai;dmg youths. of Am~T!Ca. I former Parklundcr, last Sunday The award-mcludmg a $100 savmgs bond, a gol~ .medal, a B.ob Feller autographed baseball, a p~aque and a ~ert1f1cateis give.n annually to the youths of. America on the basis of leadership, sportsmanship, heroism and character. . -----Monday· tbe Tacoma Jun10.r Ch. amber of Commerce received rl' a wire announcing his selection.

MeNicholas girl way back in '48. We have rea~hed the conclusion that whatever one says about the incident it is be wrong for some. one. The Parkland T 1mes contacted the office of the" sheriff last night about the blast at it to ascer~ain .

whether or not such accusations were · true. W e may have a story IJe f ore · · . time to go to press m the mornmg or we may .not. · ' ' 'ff I ias rea II Y b een gcttmg Tl ie sh en. from all sides the latest beiri a .. . · " . g petlt10n circulated m the Parkland . f h area f or b etter protect10n rom sue . . " . 1 cnmma cases ;is seem to want -to _ h' . nest rn t 1s secluded area around B roo kd l d S panavvay. Th c area ~ a e an I _ lias rea 11 y b cen 111 t 1lC news 1ate1y. t looks like it is the duty of the incurnbent sheriff to take a look arnund · 1 in · 1115 " coun t y an d see w I1a t d ocs t1c..: . . . after all he was elected to the · b t o d o a t as l' . . . no t. spen d a ll JO· his time campaigning. Wf' can expect a lot ·of promises






Tomorrow noon the Tacoma city

di "'0 nitaries will officially JJrcsent ..Ken the award at a luncheon in the Win· throp hotel.







"I was 'very much surprised _ and am very much honored," said Ken T .. d h · t·· - , ·d " ues ay w en m crvicwc · · cert·1inly aiad that they chose me ' "" '·'· 1-inda' proud that I am ·ible to bring ' " " c some credit to Parkland" he added · ' · Yesterday Ken was interviewed at -j. p m over Station KTBI the pro-

. .. ..

V. D. Patterson, former p1cs1dent f I C · Cl d C 'I o t tc 011mmrnty lest an ounc1 , d ., . t ., t' , , .. tf ti e an .p1cscn cx.ccu ne sccre ary o ' C . , b . b h f 1 , WI 11 e t e eaDa 1c arnegic cu . d k h d' . tu re spca ·er at t e mner-meet1ng




gram being sponsored by the Tacoma Junior Chamber. Ken was selected from a· field of sf'ven in this region. Now young Willard will eleven _ _ vie with . the · rcg10nal wmners for n~tional awards of two 4-ycar scholarships to Syracuse


and a lot of doings at this time of the year b11t by putting the forces of the sheriff's ~ffice against those . of the prosecutmg attorney's off tee seems hardly the way to get anything' accornplishe.d. . The time is definitely ripe for a good man to take over in both jobs at this next elecLion and let both offices cooperate fully. That in itself would solve a good deal of those un-1 solved crimes which exist at present just because neither office wants to let the other office giet a bit of credit where it is d1w. And w, ..:..::,'t !r:.·,~~ ,\nything personal about any of these i·cnYirl-s ._ . . . . . we SJJeal· . . " of the office not t'hc person STATE 1:RYING. TO SA.VE Vve note wtth cons1clcrable mtcrcst ·ual ,".'0 .> ood frelin.r the fact that • this ... • t:'> _ vear Waslunuton State has decided 1 0 ,, · '' ~10 save some $930 000 on its license ' - ' plates alone- sim]}ly by nrnnufacturino· c ' t:> a tag bearing the word 1951 instead Df manufacturing the entire plate as has been the custom Robert L Smith director of licenses i.s to be co~mand~ eel upon this decision. It is perhaps · one of very few gcs.turcs on the part of elected officials to actually try to 'ave money for the state. Other states have done this very thing for a long time. It is about time we too should · enjoy -some of ·this economv which . . · could be possible with the proper . . . . · · nght people makmg.the dec1S1ons. VANDALISM I have been asked by several differe.nt leaders ?f this communi~y to p~bhsh about the mcreasmg number of vandalism cases which arc spreading in this area. This subject has been approached by other sources than this paper. .However, the growing magnitude of the situation calls f 01. more ti1an a f ew word s. It seems that the younger set of the area take a certain delight in destroying prop. t y . . . th a t o f o th er peop1e. Th'is 1s · er . h is . no t I'1n11't ed t o p ark~a -t ren d w h IC . . f orme d b y 1earne d 1an d aiea, we are 111 . I n f ac t none o th er th an th c sou1ccs. _ M r. H oover, , t op officer of th e coun t 1y,




' Until Monday Ken was all set to kavc for San Frm:cisco. t.o~ay to attended the submaune tia11ung school there, but ~ow, he will leave Saturday. , Asked 1f he had eve1: see~ Bob feller, the Cleveland Indian pitcher, I' Ken sai.d: "I've read se~eral books about lllm · · · I would like to meet him." . . the son of Mt. .and Mis. Howard Willard :an .outslu~e eleven others on a nat1onw1dc basis, Ken may get . bis w~~h of meeting the Cleveland Firebau.





Elk Plai'n Communi"ty ' Ch urch Pl ans v·1ewed

CLAY ROLEY · · · · · of the area K1wams club tl11s eve.·n1ng 111 the parlors of the 1nn1ty Lutheran B AMY BROWN church. Y Elk Pla'n 1 Re P ort er "So You Think Yo're Slipping?" • • • . • _ • . • r will be the title of Patterson s d1ssertalVhss Eutropia Keogh was hostess at tion. a Stanley "Come-as-you-arc" party . , . In , the way of ente.Ttamment ' Sec- l.ast f.ue. sday mor.nmg.· at her home. • retary Roy Ros~cdt announced that The g~ests enrnyed .£ames and demJames (Hoot) Gibson ' a....PLC . student, onstrat1011s of • • S. tanley products. will present a humorous skit. Several vmtors from Texas were President Clay Roley will attend entertained at the home of Mr. and . . the Kiwanis district convention Aug. Mrs. Thorne Tibbetts over the past · . . 20-22 in Spokane it was also learned. weekend. The occas10n was the re' . . . urnon of the Tibbetts farrnly. 1 A. I · l , · f I Ell HARRY SLINGS CAS.'ABA l ast mg 1t s meetmg o tie { OR AAF Pl . C . . . . h h b oar d , F ' arn ommurnty c urc ' P J'anne d . trip · b mldmg · · H arry M c L aughi .ms plans f or the church were O · · · · to akland to tram with the. Bay discussed and the blucprmts were c·ity Bl uc , n G Id AAU casab a team viewed. · . su dd en Iy c h ange d to a tnp · next , · · ., "as 1omon:ow evenmg at eight the , Id . · · · M on d ay ~o M cCl. 10rd f 1c teacher trammg class will meet at





The lugh-sconng basketballer at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Anaerson. PL?, has been. ordered ~o ~eport for . Mr.•and Mrs; Willi~~1 G .. Rrown a ctn e dut:. with the Air Force, !Je- "nd . da.ughte. r Carol v1s1tcd rn Spomg a rese1v1st. kane last weekend. They were g·uests Bert Wells, another PLC athlete, at the' home of Mrs. Alex Gowdy. took his Army physical Monday in Mrs. Brown's sister. Seattle. Remember, tomonow night is the , . . , night for the teenage dance in the Mrs. Ernie Haskms cntcrtamed last Grange hall • Music will be from the c weekend in honor of her husband's jukebox and all teenagers a1e we!~irthday. ""'.ecl'.end g~e~ts were M~. corned. ctnd. Mis. Geo1ge Haskms and their children .of Tacoma. The husbands PARKLAND FIRE"" CALLS are brothers. Also Fire department re, . present Sunday for 1 The Parkland . · the_ birthday ]'f _ dmner were Mr. , and . 1, sponded to the following· calls·Mis. Cf 1Gfo1d. Farnes and their clul- ' ·f\ug · 10-Martens Garage' Clover d ·


declares that this is a nation-wide ren o raham. ~reek and. East B., 11 ~· m., brush trend which has reached a peak in Modern furniture is often made fire spreadmg to truck fire, loss $25, the past year or so. from bleached mahogany, the finest Aug. IO-George Drexler residence, Trying to keep it local, we find that grades coming from the West Indies 8:'1'5 P· m., oil fire, no damage. Continued on Page Four and South America. j Aug.·. 12-119th and Ainsworth, 9,40 p. m., brush fire, no damage. Aug. 13-138th and Yakima, 12 noon, brush .fire, no damage.


Thank Youl It has been encouraging to receive so many unsolicited offers of assistance from the residents of the Parkland area. Sincere thanks to the many who have come to our headquarters and volunteered their help by takirig placards, bumper strips and other campaign literature.

lVIiss Linda Bradshaw last week suffered abrasions of the legs, arms and eyes when she tripped and fell on a concrete porch, it was learned this week. Miss Bradshaw had jus.t returned from Sunnyside, Wash., when the accident happened. S\1e had been working there.

CASH for G. J. Equities CALL

TED PALMER BR. 8:191 -

(Res.) MA. 6457

Ted B. Palmer Co. 905 Pacific Ave.

RR 3391

M. R H d/ . 1ecbve 0 e repare ' 0 t at . ?ate, ISS eneau onore Big Job Ahead for Parkland Area Citizens At Wednesday Tea•' With the objective to. be prepared, civil defer:se programs IBeen at PL.C17 Years in tbe area began to roll with thr announc~ment this week that _ , . . . . . _ . · . . . application forms for. helpers are ,now ava.ilable. . ..

and won the Horace Heidt radio talent con-1 cs . ·attic . t t rn Sc< · . " . . Son of Mr. and Mrs .. "'1ilham Kilde, now of Kalama Was.h the youth'


' '" ·







• .



Pre.sent students,. formei students 1· The forms arc designed to get mformat1on on the applicants d f I b l10 d M' . . . b 1 d h · ty .m.em ers nore iss. 1 abilities and capab1ht1es, .so. ~hat he or she may e p ~ce w ere Crorg<' ~rneau yesterday afternoon, the best good can be accomplished. The forms are available from at a tea m the PLC Student Umon I a1·1y committee member · · . . f M' I · · 1 "' Some of the information bm!dmg.f The tea R I l7 W'\S to thctef Itss I o rncau or ier years on c acu Y UX asked are: past and present occuf PLC Sh "t'. ft th o . e 1e 11es a er c summer Jt" pation, military service and · du tics, references, and criminal and sess10n. M". R. .. I - . b,, t ·I · , t . 'II&'·. ' driver's record. !SS CIIC<lll ldS CCI! cac ung a PLC since 1933 and before that at Ille!. , UI· Last Thursday evening Parkland, , . • o Cl S. She has taught plulosophy, B "·IRS OLIVER OMAT Spanaway Midland community ' · · · .. y " · aesthetics, English, soc10logy, h1story GR 6466 coordinators attended a meeting at l · · 1· · · d l · and Jusmess aw. She receive icr Tl S ] t f'-. • '· the Tacoma court house called by . . ie panaway vo un cer nemen s LL.D. from LaSalle urnvers1ty. ' .1. h d . ·d pai·ty last Friday Gus Partridge, Tacoma-Pierce county . aux11ary a a car ' She 1s a charter member of the . ht p _. . . ochl. re won by coordinator. · , . . mg . 11zes m pm c we At the meeting it was announced then. 1 acorna Soroptmmt club and has Jess Williams, first, and Victor Fox, One year ago Ronald was living in been a well-known lecturer. She ?as second, in the men's competition;' and that there will be four departments Tacoma with his· brother-in-law ' . ' also spoken at Aloha .club mcctmg "Krs J..YJ.. . Grace Bowen, first , , and Miss set up in each community namely. Ernie Lease, 1328 So ..'4·7th St., and antl ~as. condt'.cted a scne~ of lectur~s I Alice Randall, second, in the ladies police, fire, public works and medical. attending Parkland's delegates, Mr. and · Lincoln hiuh "' school whcH:· ,o.n. B1bhcal lustory and IIterature m group. he was a member of the school or- l acoma. For "500" the winners were M. Mrs. Alfred Seaman said that there chestra. ---------Braghetta, first, and Oscar Storlie, is a "big job ahead of us , . . the, second, for the men; and Mrs. Mary county areas will (in all probability) He has played the violin' since ht: Hudson, first, and Mrs. A. N. Stan- be receiving areas . . ." Mrs. Seaman was six years old, ·his aunt told The • ' • • ' added that application forms in , tc1n, second, for the ladies. Parkland Times. Ronald was a pupil Ill Lorian Buck won the bacon door Parkland are available at the Parkof Bernard Aus. D } ·. . C prize, and Erwin Timm won the land Power and Light, The Parkland By Mrs. Lois Johann beautiful hand-quilted state flower Times or from any of the committee 1 l GR 5733 quilt. members. Committees lined up by the SeaThree cars and several persons were Mrs ... ~arry .White, president of ' involved in a collision at the inter- the aux11Iary, wishes to thank every- mans arc auxiliary police, headed by Th~ Veterans :t\ section of 99th and Portland Avr:. 1 one who helped make this affair a Lou Innerarity; auxiliary fire, John released the d~ta1ls of new re.stnct10ns about lO::iO Monday night, sending success. Curtis; public works, Mike Wutz; on G.I. housmg loam w~ich have I at least four to the hospital for treatMr. and Mrs. F. W. Newell from medical, Dr. P. E. Bonda, and in been ordered by the 1Prcs1dcnt and mcnt. · Silverton, Ore., have been vacationing advisory capacity, A. A. Mykland, Vctc~ans Administratio~ Adn:inistraOne car traveling south on Portland with their son and family, the John Morris Ford, Harry Sprinker and 1 R. E. Running. tor uad R. Gray}:·J~-..1~odify go~- I failed to make the necessary stop at Newclls. ernment support o1 l)ousmg credit t1le i;1td'&;"C;,.m and was run onto The Friendly Dozen Birthday club Said Roy Kreger, president of the " and Itob conserve available b d 'd .. , ... _ ... __ .n. icn.icke.d Ja··.st .Wednesday at J,ake Parklanl' Community club: "I have 1 . .· . ~ . "'. roa Sl es Jy a car travellnb \V~;,1. -vu; . . . _,, and a 01 duung the ,p1escnt emeI- 99th B0 til cars were spun aroun d 0'10p andlJOO per confidence , ' Tose' pre·:~'lt "'"'"'·' wer·e···.·Mr. ... .. - cent . .. - ' in the JJCople gency. , _ . . __ and one caromed into a third car Mrs. H. F.'Pillsbury, Mr. B::'.ld }.i[§., (sclcc~cd to serve o'.1 the committee) The Veterans Admpustlation ie -k db, h• M"dl d V · , . Jack Splane and the Mesdames Jacki ·'"1--£accd w1tlt a pretty grave I 0ff" . s· 1·· 'd . h d pa1 c ) t e i an anet) store. . . . . e '"- . .·. . ·. , ice gwna m eatt ". sat it a A b b I · · cl Kanton Althia Flannery Walter Ellis 't t' · is · betLt.:·:.:. · · ·, r to be j}re' • d . . f '. . l a y was an1ong t 1osc 1nJure ·, as ' ' · ' s1 ua ion an d it receive mstruct1ons rom its centia d II Oma Peterson Olive Tarpenning and d h ,, , _. • • were tvlo wo1ncn an a 1nan. A ' " ' pare t an sorry. .office m Washmgton, D. C., to put d b ff , f I k .Doris Omat D E Id ' 'cl f I h f l . . . . sec me to c su cnng rom s 1oc , · · · on astvo , prcs1 cnt o t t<J t e • o lowmg measures mto effect nn· M'dl . . ,s c 1u l), con1~ I an d base b a II tcan1,. w1nner of -Prizes were won by Mesdames p arkl an d Bus1n~ssmen r~cdiatcly: . , · , the second half play met the Fire l.Tarpcnning. a.nd Flan,ner)[. mented that the person· selected are 1 ( 1) bNo. loans need mg pnor ap- Cluc · fs, wm . h crs o f t1ie f'irst h a If, 1ast The next meeting will ·be at excep t'10nall y capa bl e 1ea d ers an d VA 'II · I 1 prova 1 Y tie· wi 1JC o rnyed un- . h D f' Id . f' Wapato park Aug 30 with Mrs h " 11 h Id ,, 1 1d less the veteran makes a cash down rng t aft I ailvsonff fie l m lt.1e .1rst Althia Flannery as hoste~s . that . ~1 dsfou pc ge support to I . game o t 1e p ayo or t w c rnmp10n· t e c1v1 e ense program. payr.nent equa1 to at east 5 per cent . I . Tl ']' ff ·11 b f The Loveland Ladies Aid will meet · 01_ · s 11p. ie p ayo w1 e or two out 0f f. h e pure·hase pn.ce constructwn. next Thursday in the home of Mrs Th' 'II ff II l I of three games, the second game to · 1 cost. is w1 a ect a oans mace b ~ . . Chester Wright b. ·t . · d e played at 6:30 p. m .. Fnday m · ,· Frank Gural, civilian defense coY mor gage compames, an . SO!l)C Those nominated for offices at the I oans ma d e b Y b an lrn an d savmgs . an d South ·· Tacoma. . . . rneeting of the Spanaway Progressive 9rdinator for the Midland area ·has Ioan . associatwns. · · Mid 1and won their place m the Community club were· William Rig. announced this week that he has . (9) I h f · 1 playoff by swamprng the Tacoma . · ~ n t e case o automatic oans . · hetti ])resident· Oscar Storlie vice chosen heads for the four de]J<!rtmen_ts _ ·r· . f a 'II b · Giants 19 to 3 last Saturday at th€ ·· _' . ' · , · 0 ""uaranty wi no cctti icate e is. . president· Mrs Chet McAtee secre- of the defense program. , .ma,es · J- a caSl 1 Dawson field. Battery ·for Midland tary· Harold ' · · treasurer·' EmerThey are fire protection under Fire sue d un Iess t h e \Cteran Baker d own payment·. equa 1 .to ~t 1cast :J" was Larson and Taylor. ' ' ' . Chief David McPherson; police proson Tarpenning, sgt. at arms and per cent of the purchase pncc or conJohn Newell trustee. The election tection under Ass't. Chief Fmnk struction cost. Thi~ .wi:l affect .all will follow a~ next month's meeti_ng. Baskett; public works untler water )oans. made by mortgage compamcs, If you hav.e been looking for good company manager Carl Taylor and 0 and some loans made by banks and clean fun for the whole family come medical aid ·under graduate nurse savings and loan associntions. Parkland's American Legion Post 1 to the Spanaway community's 'square Nonie Hartley. Gural announced that the master (S) ~~the case of automa.tic loa~s 228 will send thri;e .delegates to the dance this Saturday at the Mctrono certificate of guaranty will be is- state convention Aug. 24-26 in Bell- politan hall. Dancing will be from plan for civilian defense will come from Washington, D. C., and that all sued unless the veteran has paid all ingham, it was learned this week 9 p. m. to 2 a. m. co-ordinators will be called to a secclosing costs in cash • Automatic loans Se1ecte d b y t h e 151 memb ers h'1p as ond meeting within the next few may be made by supervised lenders, a delegates are Severn Kittelson in-1


aun. t and uncle live in P.arklan.d. They are Mr. and Mrs. John Lien, 615119 I1 s· t t. , 1fr. and Mrs. K1lde were members . . of the Parkland Trinity Lutheran church. ' Ronald's rendition of "Perpetual ' ,, ' Mot10n won him .the top prize of $9 ' .50. · · ' Next Sunday he w1ll,compctc agam I · H ·~ • I d O\'Pr t1c air . on .c1uts 1roa cast, _ . , _ . this one Jrom Oakland,.. Calif. HP will " . , ,, play The Flight of thr Bumble Bee i

Snanaway f Jre A • c d ip ty· ''S:n1rcess· - ' Earr··Immarw· Q ·1i

. •

Baby 2 women Man lnJUred M1d'land A hE d t 99t ·.· . Ort an

Vel • Adm. Mod•f , leS GJ. Housing Loans




. .






M'dl an d D e £ense


Am. legion Delegates

S . F ·( , ef Or OnVellliOn

:ategory that inclu~es. all banks; savmgs and loan assocrnt10ns and msur· ance companies who have the privl-1 Jege of granting loans to veterans without advance approval of the VA. . The 5 per cent down payment will -

corning fourth district comm~nder an d past comman d er -of p ost 228 · F•ran~k B erry at hl et1c : o ff'1cer an d a'J d eIegate f or t' 11c past t iree years an d 1 w . . . p ost na1ter F ntz, mcommg 228 ' comd man er.

PROFESSJON·A··L, ·I ··d····<·a····;·:ll .cooperation from all residents wi.IL be necessary for the success of this program. DIRECTORY, ATTORNEYS AUCTION .~

,~ ··~

, Iii

not be ~equired .by the VA for these As alternates arc Leonard Blakely, EASTVOLD & HICKS automatic loans. James Linder and Jack Ouill Linder I National Bank of Washington 4 ( ) The r~strictions will not apply was announce~ as the ;;-;,w ~ergcant : Parkland Branch to ne'."' dwelling units ?n which con- at arms, filling the vacancy left by GR 8693 strcµct1on was begun ~nor '.o July 1~, Bil.! who was called recently 1950, or to any case m which a ccrti- · t' . INSURANCE . . in 1o ac 1vc scrv1cc. ficatc of reasonable value 1s outstancl' CLAY ROLEY AGENCY ing or a request for determination of 1 reasonable value has been received . O, · 93th and Portland Avenue prior to July 1, 1950. Mrs. Phi1)ps, S1x1naway postmaster, GR 3501 ( 5) In the estimation of reproduc- spent last weekend in Seattle where . OPTOMETRISTS tion cost as an elernent%in determining she attended the Aqua Follies. reasonable value no recognition will Mrs. Fedderson, Spanaway Post DR. L. RICHARD McGIRK be given to costs higher than those Office clerk, is back from her two Modem Eye Care prevailing in this region on July 1, week vacation. Mrs. Engcbritson was 4802~ So. Yakima HA 2113 1950, without the prior concurrence her sub during Mrs. Feddcrson's of central office. Such concurrence absence. will be given only with the stipulaAnne Marie Bryson spent ten days DRS. D. M. CLISE, M. A. TWEIT tion the dollar arµount of any rccog- visiting rciativcs in Portland, Ore., Visual Training nized increase must be added to the while her brother Bobby accompanied 5434Y:,i South Tacoma Way cash down payment in all prior ap- their grandmother, Mrs. Marie Fieve GArland 5424 proval, combination or insured loans. to ictoria and Vancouver, B. C. REAL ESTATE ( 6) The minimum cash down payTwenty-two friends unexpectedly mcnt may be applied to the payment dropped in on Mrs. Edwin Ellingson PACIFIC BROKERS CO. of closing costs with any excess ap- to surprise her with a non-host baby Everything in Real Estate plied to the reduction of the loan shower in honor of one-month-old 508 Garfield GR 6323 principal. Steven Ellingson ..Present were: Mes( 7) The same restrictions will ap- dames J canncttc Ellingson, Ozzie ply equally to direct loans made by Ellingson, Olai Hagencss, Orv Dahl, Clean Clothes. \.Vear Longer . the VA. Carl Ellingson, Stanley Peterson, Bud The VA said it has been advised Storaasli, Byron Bryson, Mable Galthat the FHA is issuing similar in- braith, Helen Stern, Verna Guirl, struction increasing down payment Evelyn Hill, Olga Mills, Judy Gra- i [l requirements and freezing cost fac- binski, l.PstPr K n11 trnn, Albert John-1 tors. However, it said, veterans pref. II son, Robert Johnson, Loella Ayers, erence in the acquisition of housing Raymond Rhodes, Thomas Fleming, will be preserved under the changed Donald Davey and Herbert Gullbel'g. regulations. No true and permanent fame can be W. e are more sociable, a. nd get on founded except in l.abors which pro-.\ better with people by the heart than mote the happiness of mankind. the intellect.-Bruyere. I -Charles Summer I Clean Clothes Wear Longer



at • • •


Back of Gas-0-Lcne Alley On lOOth and Pacific Avenue



Weekly Report ... The outside doors and windows are in and we arc starting to fireproof with sheetrock. Our son, Gerry, 13, is doing his bit putting on white shakes. Gini, 10, wants a job too. -TRAV DRYER

. Clean Clothes Wear Longer

Go Back lo School in Clean Clothes

tff"lfq ""ill""


"'Iii"' -

.,.., -



A .. -


;::, I A I l: !>t:NA It: 29th Disbid CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS: National Bank of Washington Bldg.

Airport & Pacific

Phone GR 8693 or GR 7144



We Pick

GRanite 3221

7 P.M.

.l..d4) THURSDAY-.7 P.M.

p and neliver





Thursday, August 17, 1950


PARKLAND TIMES (Formerly the PRAIRIE POINTER) Dislributcd by direct mail every Thursday to 6,000 homes in PARKLAND, SPANAWAY, MIDLAND, Clover Creek, Elk Plain, Harvard, Brookdale, Summit, Roy, McKenna, Graham and Eatonville.



Office: Park Avenue and Wheeler Street Post Office Box 885, Parkland - Telephone GRanite 7100


The Tacoma Theatre Guild is now receiving manuscripts for participants in the cuncnt Guild cone-act play writing contest. Manuscripts will be received until the closing date of the

Garfield and Pacifj_c was the scene of a traffic accident early Monday morning when a. Mercury hit_ a Nash and eased the latter up against the Blue Rusty Cafe on the southwi:n corner. No one was reported illjure<l 1 and the Blue Rusty was not damaged. The accident happmed ahout 2 :'.JU a. 111.

Fank Quinn, North Puyallup busi- contest .which is Sept. 30, 1950. ness man, said this week that if he Anyone in the Northwest may enter were elected to the office of county a one-act play which is original, un: Mr. and Mrs. Rush Van Orman of commissioner from the first district, published and unproduccd. There is Brookdale left yesterday for a vacahe pledges to work for efficient, com- no entry fee. Cash prizes, Samuel A. tion trip to Vancouver, B. C. They mon se.nse government. Perkins Awards, will be first prize, will return Saturday. For road building knowledge and· $5?.0D; second prize, $25.00;. third experience, he points to how he was prize, $15.00; fourth pri~e $10.00. launched at the age of 12 as water The prize winning plays will be proboy for road construction crews fol- duced on the stage of the South Talowed by membership in the Engi~eers con:a Community Center sometime Union where he says he worked on dunng the season following the close all phases of construction in Pierce of the contest. Entrants may obtain critry blanks and King counties. For business administration and any information concerning the points to his business and acco:nting 1 c~ntcst by . writing Mary Dolan, training at a business college for 2y2 j1 heatre Guild Workshop Chairman, 2918 No. 15th, Tacoma 6, Washingyears. ton. For knowledge of governmental opf'.l'ation, he points to his service as a clcl'k in the criminal department of Want Ads do not Cost-They PAY the sheriff's office, 1923-30. Quinn is a veterau of Wu!·l<l War I, having served with Tacoma's 91st Everything in Division He was decorated .for hero9 WE DELIVER inn and received the Purple Heart

JOSEPH HAMANAKA .................................................... Editor-:Manager CLARENCE LA CROSSE .......................................................... Publisher ADVERTISING RATES Local and National......... .............. .... ............... . .... Column Inch $ .85 Contract (local) ··-···--·---···-····-···············-·-···················Column Inch $ . 75 Printed in Parkland (~1'f##Y,~:w Mailed in Parkland


'R'.Jl!f onth Adage Mistaken Idea

SUMMER OYSTER THIN; HARMLESS By the Staff of the School of Home Economics, University of Washington The 'R'-month adage concerning the months for purchasing oysters can be consigned to the limbo of other · · ul!staken 1deas. The fresh oyster is nut so delectable a dish in the summer because it is · . . . . " . tlun, not because 1t is harmful. 1 J11s is because the oyster is busy raising a family and "is not as plump and rich "' in the 'R'-months but is certainly . . . edible. For those v..·ho wish to wa1t for the fall, winter and spring months for oysters at their plump best, canned · 1 ·1 bl oysters aie a ways avai a c. A few pointers concerning cooking fresh oysters may be helpful. Their composition is not unlike that of eggs . . . . and like .eggs, !ugh heat mamtamcd for any length of time, over-coagulates the protein of the oyster and makes


Theatre Guild Seeks One-act Playwriters


sizes may be used in the same dishes if cut into pieces. But, do the cutting after cooking the oysters slowly in their own liquor or in a small amount of butter or substitute, in a covered Wh h 1 d souccpan_en t cy are ~ump an trndcr, 1Il about three nunutes, reruove from heat and let them cool 1111til they c·rn be handled then cut . "' vi_ .. ~c., ·., . . . '. th n' th a 'l sh"ip knife. Avoid pricking ·the body of the oyster with a. fork. Instead, when . . . . using a fork, insert it lnto the aduc:ar muscle, the small muscle by wluch the oyster is attached to its shell. I · · .f . Some people question the pncc di - 1 ferentinl for the s nm e volunH~ of 1 oyster:· B ut w~1c11 yo~ cons1.der t Ile labor mvolvcd m opernng 200 Olym- 1 . . . . . 1 pia o~'s.teis to produce a pint, 1t is not surpr1smg that they cost much more, than the 5 to 20 oysters in a pint of/


it tough. N? matter what tlw method of preparation, 0 y s t er s should be heated only long enough to cause the body portion to plump and the gills 10 flute. A_It.hough Olympia and smaller size Pac1f1c oysters arc best adapted to the preparation of soups, stews, pan roasts and scalloped dishes, the larger


JCE CREAM sodas made at in a tall g!ciss. Acld a small home have the perfection of amount of chilled spar;d in''. the _fountain produc.t and _all the water and stir: add a scooTJ or v.ancty, too. Starting with the vanill~1 or ehoco1;1te ice c1~c~un simplest, and one of the most ~nd fill th.:: ·glass \Vith spo.rklin;~ delicious, the Boston Cooler, you \VB1l'1'. You might like to try a lull can run the gamut of flavors. 'rhe. Boston Cooler is made by g]ass of ice cold ur~nge ur grap~~ Lt'\'1._·r:ige, tu!)PPLt addmg a scoop of varnlla ice carbonated cream (or any flavor you prefer) \Vith a .sco00 of ice (Te~1ff1 u:· to a tall glass of pale dry gin- :-;he-rbet. 'l'h~is 1nakL•s a n11ghly good soda. ger ale: . Here is an lllHIStial and rc'ally . Fi:csh frmt, syrups, extrr:cts, liquid and powdered flavormgs delicious soda. can be used as the base for VINEYAP,,D SODA spdas. Keep pale dry ginger ale 1 ~2 C'Up:; p~l\t.: dry ginger ale and sparkling water chilled in ~~ cup [~rape juice the rcfrigcrato1· along with pack2.JaUle;-;poons lc1no11 juicraged ice cream in· the freezing compartrnent ~nd you can \vhii) 4 ~cuop:; . 11 azc-l nut ur 1.. u: ~.-·r . up d. e i·1cious so d as at a momen t'-~ .pec~ltL,-:,icL· . , . crea.1u. ., .. . . . ,, , 1 11,'gl CB<;lLI<., 111 . 1·".1 ·' noTtJCe. . Cornb 11 1 1 o make a fine van1 ln soda, n11x1ng Ju\VJ. eat unl!l 1c,~ place 2 tablespoons sugar syrup crc·am is li:ilf melted. S.·n" a·. and lfs teaspoon vanilla extract once. Yield: 4 servings. ------------------


e tt·er •




for the loss of a leg in the Argonne. He has lived in North Puyallup for 16 years.




Parkland Center



Extended Coverage

@eu; 'i/<q.~ ;49~ GR 8501

98th & Portland Ave.

'"'----GR 7863

Glide to the Music of Jim Calvert's Orchestra

----- ______ ., ____ ,, ------ -----World War II veteran had, at some time or other, taken educa. . . . lion or trammg under the GI Bill and Public Law 16 (for the disabled).

17 ,5 00, 000


at the

---h -=d-t e -. • or

Pacifies. There is. also a scarcity fac-_I ._ tor mvolve? l11 pncc. In cGok1ng oysters, a fc\v flavor suggestions improve results. Dilute the Editor, Parkland Times: the several donations made direct to Lew Davies secretary, Benston egg used to coat oysters prcpa1·ed for [ Realizing the utter futility of send- the Freddie Hans. ch Trust fund and Vil'gil Wright, Kapowsin deep fat frying with Y;o _teaspoon each I ing a personal letter to the hundreds are crediting them directly to the Fred Erickson, Graham of water and lemon Juice mstead of of people who have given so gcner- account. Bill Righetti, Spanaway. the usual water or milk. Oyster stew ously of time and money to help little We arc happy to report that little takes on more interest if Yi cup of Freddie Hansch over this critical pc- Freddie is now definitely on the One-third of the 555,276 disabled I finely diced green cekry plus a few riod, we take this opportunity to ex- mend. He will require weekly skiu World War II veterans who trained drops of onion . juice. are adde~ to prcs:s our appreciation. grafts and may possibly go home under Public law 16 had .completed 1each quan of nch milk used. Cook Fnst there was the barbecue at periodically starting in September. their trammg and were declared rethe celery covered, in_. just enough Graham. People throughout the Bethel Many pints of blood have been used. habilitated a Veterans Administration \Vatcr to pn~vcnt burning, and only school district and adjoining commu~ So far the fine people have returned report as of June 30 disclosed. until crisp-tender. nitics made this effort a huge success this voluntarily to the Central Blood Oysters arc not only good, b.. ut tl;ey financially. v_oluntecr workers pitched Bank. arc good for you. /\.n average serving 1n o.nd \vorked hard and late- for the St. Joseph's hospital has made every,_ of six oysters will supply more than cause. effort to m.akc ..·u,ffirorfable, the daily rcquiremcn't of iron and! Next with the assistance of Mr. and D;·s. Race ai1d Yoder have excopper and ~bout ~nc-tcnth of. thej _ryfeMurtri,. nf Jr·~:~\_,, \vc· witnessed pressed confidence of recovery and . n<'cded protein, calc1u1n, 1n~J~·neD 1 .u·.--:~.~, an extren1r-: gFsture of generosity, are working strenuously to assure corn~ _pl~.?SP~,~!-~~s. ,vi~- ~-".v1~i 1 ·n ,,A, thian1inc, when the Pony Lake Park turned over Let Us · riboflavin .anrl nacin. the entire proceeds of one day to· the plcte rehablitation for Freddie. Pacific Ave. at New !1""'.';--n";orner ~ Even aftt•r this initial trcat1ncnt, -i:: . .. Freddie Bausch fund. Especial conThe number of disabled veterans 1 gratulations go to Mr. Johns of Pony there will be need for expensive sur]>1 receiving con1pcnsation au<l pension Lake, he personally paid hi 8 assist- gery to correct possible disfigurements. ~ Fully Equipped to Do ~ Ope.n Week ifays-9 a.m.-10 p.m. paymcnts from Veterans Administra- ants so that the entire proceeds could Many hundreds of dollars will be. Sundays and Holidays-;! ALL TYPES OF BRAKE ~ used before. final recovery is assured t.i9n rose three percent. <luring the ,go intothc fund. I 0 a.111. to 2< p.m;-4. p.m. to 9 p.m. WORK ~ fiscal.year ending June 30, 1950, go· The third large affair was the dance but with the fine response to date we And General Repair ALWAYS A REGISTERED ing from 2,313,54·5 9n June 30, 194·9, held in t\1e Benston Grange hall, hun- are sure that Freddie will realize comPHARMACIST ON DUTY to 2,'.l68,238 a year later. drcds of friends turned out for a night plete a11d final recovery. Sales Road ( 108th) Freddie Hansch Trust Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - of dancing and fun t() assist little Executive Committee. Freddie. Herc again as in the other projects we found volunteer worken I Gordon Johnson, chairman, Elk Plain who worked many hours to make the affair the outstanding success it was. Special n1cntion, too, n1ust go to the Nationlll Bank of Washington, at -Parkland Branch. They arc acccpti11g WORK ON YOUR OWN CAR! Come use our tools if you like; we'll help.



Dwelling Fire

MIDLAND BALLROOM One Mile East of Pacific Avenue on 98th



Th e






Leave Your Films

Overhaul Your BRAKES

•Auto Parts "Motor Overhauling and Rebuilding

Quality Photo





9643 Pacific Ave.



GR 7271

GR 60471

~ ~'fd\\











Fitting Policy



Each foot ia corelully atuciied, properly measured, correctly filled · rben, double check· ed lot tread, posture aud g-row room.

Hours: 10 to 6 GRanite 6012

Parkland Centre



LINCOLN BRANCH 3308 So. Yakima Ave. Federal Deposit Insuram:e Corpora ti on LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION


ood Printing

No. 51106 I NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETIIn the Superior Court of the State of I TION TO WITHDRAW FROM Washington for the County of Pierce SPANA WAY WATER DISTRICT.


Iii t~1e Mn,ttcr of the Estate of RENA .TERMS f AD, Deceased.

Electriclty is the back-bone of modern industry. Tacoma City "Light furnishes low-cost power to Tacoma plants •.• makes more jobs for our citizens. More jobs mean more prosperity. Tacoma City Light is plunning ~ow to increase facilities' for IVIORE: POWER TO. YOU for the future.

Hearing Friday, August 25, 1950 . Notice is hetj,by given that a petiNoticc is he~cby given that the un- t10n. has been ~i,led by certain electors dcrsigncd has been appointed and has scekmg the w1~hdrawal from Spanaqu<:lificd as Executrix of the above way _water District of the following enlltled estate; that all persons hav- descrrbed propefty: ing claims against said deceased are That portion of the Spanaway hereby required to serve the same. Wate,- District lying East of the duly verified, on said Executrix or he; National Park.Highway and North attorneys of record at the address of the Henry Berger Road (15th below stated, and file the same with Street), all in .Section 2B and Seethe Clerk of said Court, together with tion_ 21, T19N) R3E, W.M. p roof of such service within six NOTICE jg further given that a r~1011lhs af_tcr the date of first publica- 1 public hearing ')!ill be had upon such uon of thrs notice or the same will be pelltwn on August 18, 1950, at the barred. hour of 8:00. p:m. at the Spanaway Date of first publication: August school, at which hearing any person 10, 1950. In~,y appear and rnay nbjr-ct t!? tht:: Executrix of said Estate, wrthdrawal of such territory. AMANDA HAUGEN VODDEN Dated this 31st day of July, 1950. ROBERT RHONE, Secretary, +16 Cleveland, Parkland, Wash. EASTVOLD & HICKS, Spanaway Water District. Att()rncys for Estate, Ptib. Aug. 10, 17, 1950. P. U. Box 728, Parkland, Wash. Patronize TIMES Advertisers Pub. Aug. 10, 17, 24, J950 1



~«Ii 4C~"'

rinting In Parkland


PLC Cainpus

Publishers of Your PARKLAND TIMES -~-~----------


·········· .....

Complete Banking facilities in. nearby

GRanite 7311


Martens Auto Service


$A.95 . . .


In 10 a.:~ ~~i~n~t 5 p.m.


Many a healthy pair of grown \ up feet first crawled ... thei:i toddled ... later scuffed, and skip· ped the merry miles of childhood in Pre-tested Poll·Pauoti. Now, as theu 1 every new Poll-Parrot tdyle is wear tested for fit, wea.c • .. aµd proper support .. come in soon ... Jet one of our expert Utters show you how Pre-testing will benefit your child.


for S11eedy Developing

rrot c;11as



Martens Garage

·GR. 8519



Thursday, August 17, 1950

Parkland Club Lands Third in Tournament; Yakima Tops State

Tele-fun by Warren Good rich • ,(,!_'ifn, ...... . ~ ' ......,



Nine Parkland errors coupled with seven base on balls by two local golf course men's club, last Sunday, chuekers were too much a~ Spokane when he defeated Paul Charneski of v; hipped Parkland's junior Legion Parkland, 3 up and 2 to play. club, 10 to 4, last Wednesday night Bratlie succeeds Paul Larson of in Yakima. l'arkland, last year's champ. Larson Yakima Juniors then stepped in and on the consolation flight, defeating blanked Spokane, 4· to 0, the following Dell Totten, 7 and 5 night to grab the Washington state Parkland "old-timers" won the Alherican Legion junior baseball team tournament sponsored by the tournament. clubhouse management by a net score Yakima swept through the tourney of 707 to 732. without a defeat and will play in the Gross scores turned in by the winregional tournament in Yakima startners were as follows: Pete Westby, 72; ing Aug. 20. Paul Larson, 77; .Paul Charneski, 79; So the curtain came down on anFrank Gratias, 80; Cliff Olson, 81; other state tournament and Parkland Carl Colton1, 83; Oz Ellingson, 84; again came home with third, one Ron Gratias, 88; Joe Soltis, 91; Dell I place better than Seattle. Whi;n Gloria Swanson, motion picture star, visited Scattle,_she joined in the I Totten, 96. prevailing fun spirit of the city by visiting the new Aqua Theatre, scene of Pete Westby took both gross and the Seattle. Scafair Aqua Follies, August 11-20...Hc're sh.c i~ shown w_ith !I net honors for the winning team. Jack P-arkla;<l- ... .. Walter A. Va~ Camp, of Greater Se~ttle, Inc., c1v1c orga.mza~10n I?rescntmg, Bratlie and Harry McLaughlin tied Hits ................. -.. 005 001 010- 8 the Aqua Follies and events of the first annual Seattle Seafa1r. Tickets arc for low gross for the losers, with 79 Spokane .... _........... 012 210 20x- 8 available at Aqua }lollies, Seattle I, Washington. rnch; Steinar Gorud took low net. Hits ·············-······ 212 200 2lx-10 I 1 . Kuhn, Southwell (8) and Chilton; Keep in tune with tbe TIMES


".... •, :· 1'



....'..• ..

{" '• 1_J



...,._1 ,,. , ., .......-''''~

~~ ....... ,.,_ .........._...... ~··

iVtl •

"It's easy to allow time between your calls. Just walk around the room between each one." ... Please wait a

~~~~~~: -~-~-;-:-o-o_o_o_oo--4


few minutes between your calls so other folks can reach you more easily ... Pacific Telephone.


Ninety-two per cent of the World War II veterans' loans under the G.I. Bill were for the purchase of homes .




v Z~'i'fl'), "'f}"J.11~

\ •:. J ·' 1,,, Wf; \



;{_1 ,


. 72

a . pac s --------


McCay's Ice Creamery , • · 330 Garfield St.








GARAGE-One block from College, 420 123rd. Also room for rent. GR 8703. k48

Brown & Robinson

P. 0. Box 207, So. Tacoma

Buyers Waiting

• .· B rOWn & R 0 btnson

Tacoma 9

Phone GA. 3301


of Pierce county prosecutor on ·the under the G.I. Bill and who are preRepublican ticket, Patrick M. Steele vented from completing their courses issued the following statement on be- because of reentrance into the armed half of his candidacy: forces will not be affected by the July "Four years ago I pledged to the ~5, 1951, training deadline, accordcitizens. of Pierce county an honest, mg_to the Veterans Administration. able, vigorous, and courageous ad1 he VA has announced this week ministration. That pledge has • been that these veternns will be allowed to conscientiously fulfilled. resume their training within a reason"No one can adhere to a promise able period following their release of that nature without incui-ring the from active service, even though they ARE YOUR TROUBLES opposition and criticism of certain are not back in school until after the LITTLE ONES? groups ·and individuals, but in review- statutory deadline for entering or reing these years of service as a prose- entering training. Do you ever worry about the cutor, there is no policy or action I . The July 25, 1951, cut-off date future of your young family should you suddenly be called would '."aterially change . . . I seek applies to all World War II veterans by death? Sun Life Family Inre-elect10n on my record, and my discharged before July 25, 194·7. They come assurance will replace your promise to the voters of this county are required to be in training within income while the children are is still unchanged . . . four years of the end of the war, and growing up and take care of your widow for life. "The record will show that these training must be completed by July four years have been the most active 25, 1956. . S U N LI FE Ass u RAN c E i~ the history of the pro~ccutor's .o~-/ Veterans discha1-g~d af~e:- Jul~ 2_5, COMPANY OF CANADA fice. The volume.of work m both c1v11 1 1947, must start theu- trammg w1thm and criminal cases has surpassed any I four years and complete it within nine • 0 other four-year period . . . years. 502 Puget Sound Bank Bldg. "My policies will remain unchanged Veterans serving during tht' period MA 1381 New Bank Bldg., Parkland if re-elected to office-vigorous prose- of .the Korean emei·gency must show.. cution of confirmed criminals, humane satisfactory progress and conduct durGR 3226 handling of youthful offenders . . ." ing previous G.I. Eill training in order Steele. is on the board of directors to resume training on their .discharge AUTO -- TRUCK ·- FIRE t A · R d from act· d t T · · . 11 \ MARINE -- ACCIDENT - th p· o1 c 1erce coun y mencan c . . . 1vc u y. rmnmg w1 1e Cross. He is a member of the Elks, ~urntcd .by the extent of their t·emainEagles, N B anIi Bid g. 'parkI and r .Moose, Kiwanis, . Scandinavian entitlement to educational benel cw ·ratermty of Amenca, VFW (Post its. ' No. 91), D.A.V. (Tacoma Chapter N ) . . o. 1 , American Leg10n (Rhodes p ost N o. -?) , t h e A m V cts, an d 1>.,cserve 1%" LATTICE, per bundle of 120 feet ·····-···---.--·-···-·-···-·····-······--·$1.50 Officers' Association, Knights of Colx3-3-FT. PICKETS ····-·····-······---··--····----····--·······-·-···-·---·-··--··each 12c 1umbus, Fourth Degree Assembly, and 7-FT. FENCE POSTS ..... ·-·· • -··-·-···· ···········-··-···each 97c tt d St p t · k' Cl h a en s . a nc. s 1urc . (These posts arc set in g~vanized pipe) Steele graduated from CPS in 1934, SPECIAL and u. of w. Law school in 1937. %x10 NULOC "Ir' CEDAR SIDING ......... -......... per 100 ft. $21.00 He rcsid(;s at 1112 North Steele with (This is a Weyerhaeuser product) his wife and three children.


Puget 8ound Nursery & Garden Shop 9201 PACIFIC AVENUE

GA 2151

Summer Hours: Weekdays Only, 9 to 5

repare for •

Castleman Agency



REALTORS G.L,eqm:tyA-room,modcm home, hv"' .. · ing room very modem kitchen 2 11220 Pac1f1c Ave. GR. 3341 b edrooms, • ' 4-piece · ' bath, hardwood Member Tacoma Real Estate Board floors. Located in fine district on SERVICES 138th St. So., Seattle. folks, this is Real Value. $900 takes over G.I. loan. Bill Dacy, GR. 3341. CHILDREN'S NURSERY reopening __ Aug. 14 with new additions of toys, gym sets, etc. LICENSED, experienced mother for the care and indi- I REALTORS vidual training of your children. Completely fenced yard for their 11220 Pacific Avenue GR 3341 safe.ty. PROMINENT PHYSICIAN Home phones: YU 9221, SK 1361, j A man may have authority over subiect to call 24 hours a day. Any LA 3 0 6 6 and HA 7938 j others, but he can never have their 'age, hour, day, board. Reasonable Ih b · · h. rates. Call GR 4282. k50 ·I eart, except y g1vmg is own. REAL ESTATE of all types in Park-1 --W. _Wilson . land for sale. Even though we have --·· many properties available, we would Recovering and Rebuilding like to have you call us if you want to sell or if you want cash fol' your CUSHIONS. REBUILT equity. 1·




Brown & Robinson



Parkland Upholstery



f1\• ii\ f\oor; f\o\·\!,e9\sl<>f or

uo\-~ o\\ tf.odehl

~eecl• ~o ~o•e"'e"'


PACIFIC AVENUE LUJ\'1BER COMPANY 84th and Pacific Avenue


· Parkland Realty Co. ! 208 Garfield St. GR 7232 Established in Parkland 1941 MEMBER OF TACOMA REAL EST ATE BOARD


GR 6907 FOR SALE SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, con-1 KEEP FOOD COOi;_Here is an tents hauled away. Don Redford, excellent refrigerator-type cooleraGA. 7334 .., r tor. White enamel inside and out. ACE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE- I Well. worth $30. G~ 6608, 816 Lyman Redford, owner. Septic Airport. r tanks cleaned, contents hauled .MET AL SIN. CLE BED and spring. away. GA. 3446 or GA. 9794. r 6-foot cross-cut saw. Phone 7100. NURSERY SERVICE-Capable 517 South Violet Meadow. mother offers her home days and AUTOMATIC Wedgewood gas evening~ f'?r the care of childrenrang·e.. Day and night automatic no age lumt. !fome at 910 ~· 1 lOtb. gas hot water heater. Small circularge fenced-m yard. Dayt1m~,- 35c lating gas space heater. GR 8316. pe~· ht?ur ( 15c _for each additH;maI DINING ROOM table, walnut, gate child 111. a family). Aecomodat10ns legs extension. Like new. Price $30. I for 8 children. GR 5364. r GR 6928. 120th and Yakima. k50 RAY GOGAN WINE DAVENO bed, like new. Call LANDSCAPE' CONSTRUCTION after 5 p.m. or Saturday. PR. 6967. ' 1220 So. Union Ave. k48 Nothing. down, 3 years to pay. New lawns, topsoil, shrubb~ry, rockeries. GRAVEL, bank run, goad for driveGR 3127. . r way, 4· yards, $6. Cn1shed rock and drainfield gravel. GR. 8259, OR.. 8573. r MISCELLANEOUS 6-PIECE blonde dining set, excelelnt WANTED-Alterations and restyling. condition; including C:ordenza type Men's and women's clothing. Come buffet. A bargain at $95. GR 5931. in for free estimate. Located across Rt. 7, Box 640, Brookdale Golf from Parkland Bank. Clodine's AlCourse Road. k48 terations & Restyling. GR 3326. rcw WANTED - PARKLAND HOMES; We have Printed Signs for your have several cash buyers for 2 and convenience: 3 bedroom homes in Parkland who NO TRESPASSING will pay up to $15,000. Call Mr. FOK SALE Harper, GR 8760, representing Washington Realty Co., 772 So. KEEP OUT 38th St. Member Tacoma Real Es· FOR RENT tate Board. r NO HUNTING_ Almost four men and women in the ,. And Many Others United States suffer disabling injuries 15c each 2 for 25c every single minute of the work-day. j THE PARKLAND TIMES



ACT NOW!-Save Real Money and Get Ready for Winter Ahead of the Rush!

GA. 3133

Space Heaters from $59.95

lady Poultry Raiser Shows Good Results with

MODEL 5055

TRIA "For the last eight years. I have raised about 450 chickens each year. I have used Triangle feeds exclusively with the greatest success anyone conld expect, always getting from 55 to 85% lay."


Automatic Heat. Clean Heat. Extra-Comfort nwarm-Floors 0 Heat. Easy Installation - No Base• ment, No Ducts, No Tearing Up Your House,

Low Down Payments


Office Phone: GR 7232 (days) 140th & Pacific GR 3201, GR 3181 MRS. GRODVIG, Realtor BRAKES OVERHAULED - Fully GR. 8210 (evenings) equipped to do all types of brake work .. Martens Garage. See our ad JIM or TED DAMMEL · on page 3. k47 GR. 7685 (evenings) BICYCLE REPAIRS - Guaranteed ERNIE HARMON parts and workmanship. New and used bicycles for sale. Spanaway GR. 6896 (evenings) Cycle, 3rd and Mt.. Highway, in . Spanaway. r Insurance Notary Public

Kitchen Cabinets




J h S C .n • astleman

WANTEU 2 BLOCKS P.L.C. RAGS, laundered clean. No buttons. 4-rm. home. H.W. firs. Pre-war built. Cotton, wool or linen. Will pay 5 Not large but neat. Rented for $55. cents per pound. Bring to LaCrosse Selling price $5,200. Printing on PLC campus_.----· 2 ACRES-BEST OF SOIL Folks, here is the place to beat the IF you contemplate selling your home, hi~h prices. 2-bdrm. modern. h~nne, why not have your local men apchicken house and other bmldmgs. praise it? Close to Parkland. This is an o~tA LISTING with us could mean a standing buy at :j>5,250, $1,500 dn. quick sale for you . Call Clabough.

GR 5544

127th & Pacific Ave.



Note: Hereafter new classified ads will be PAYABLE IN ADVANCE -25 cents extra for charged ads.

Parkland Lumber & Hardware



WORD RATE: 3 cents (50-ccnt minimum); LINE RATE: 15 cents; DISPLAY LINES: Ads with display lines (14 point) will be charged on basis of 85 cents for the column inch.

Cedar Picket Fence Material




Baker anc1l urnurnu. " '- - _rr_ ··



They are Pvt. John A. Nilsen, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Vanderbilt; I'vt. Raymond E. Martin, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Martin; Pvt .• Donald L. Myron, 17, son of Mrs. Marie Myron, and Pvt. Charles M. Thompson Jr., 18, son of Mrs. Charles M. Thompson.

STEELE STANDS GJ. :rraining Cut-off ION HIS RECORD Statute Won't Affect .~ ~ Ice Creamk Spedat[ ".~ki•g re-d'"'°"'" "'office s~~.~ew~~~~~~t~"i"'"" .\\' 2V g l $3 75



Jack Bratlie Cops Four Graham Airmeri Five things are requisite to a good .Colleg~ Golf Club Now Train in Texas officer-ability, clean hands, despatch, I patience, and impartiality.-Penn. F our men f rom G rn h am were anIMen's Championship nounced assigned for basic ·I Jack Bratlie, former PLC athlete, training atthistheweekLackland Air Force 4x4 was crowned champion of the College base near ·San Antonio, Texas.


$iz4.9S to 79.9.5


IPochel Dist:ribut:ing



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A M~dical



GR. 8624

Yours truly,




Don't sign those papers ••• yet YO~ GET


Ies sound advice not to make commitments to buy.or builda home until you are sure you have a prac~ical financing plan. Without such · a plan, your beautiful new borne may be a millstone around your neck. Play safe ... go first to NBW and consult one of our friendly mortgage specialists. He can offer you a choice of financing plans, including low-cost FHA insured loans, and work out a payment program that is tailor-made to your financial condition and expectations. Come in tomorrow; no obligation, of course;

EXTRA PROFITS with TRIANGLE X-TRA Egg Producer Your egg profits can be increased by feeding Triangle extra egg producer. Hundreds of successful Pacific Northwest poultry men have been able to maintain a far higher average egg production at no increase in feeding cost with this carefully built feed. Make a test this month, feed Triangle extra egg producer a few. weeks and see the difference.

J YHL·2 '":~.~~~~.~



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CORf..ORt;f!Ori • MHHiEli



'SERVltHl' W£STERN :VfA.S'lil:i'GTON


. , noc k1n

Thursday, August 17, 1950


LaCrosse: ALONG THE STREET Continued from Page One Imares mothers of the area

must face defacing billboards, signs, and traffic, especially during the daytime and 1 warnings along with throwing rocks early evening while "their children are through auto windows and store win- at play, mostly on the street or near dows take up a good part of the idle the street. This area bears a 25 mile time of some of the teen-age night limif. However, we are constantly beprowlers of this area. We don't know ing called about speeding vehicles on why they do it, nor docs anyone else, the side streets and on Park Avenue but lots of theories are advanced upon,. here in Parkland. It appears that taxis the subject. The leading contention of the area are exempt from the 25is the fact that most of the children mile limit as 50 seems to be more near (we'll call them that) are from homes their cruising speed. If you will note which could be considered the better the license number and make of the class of the community. The only car next time you have cause to note rC'ason they go out nights on the prowl one of these speedsters and register a is the fact that they want something complaint with the State Patrol we exciting to do. It all boils down to are sure you will be rewarded with the parents in nearly 70% of the at least an occasional arrest. Aftr:r cases. If the parent doesn't take all, that is partially what we ncC'dcnough interest in the family to care stricter enforcement of existing laws. where the children spent their spare hours or what they do why should the . There is no fit search after truth children themselves care? which docs not, first of all, begin to . SPE~DING . j livc the truth which it knows. Speeurng, tou, 1s one of the mght· I -Horace Bushnell

Play House for Youngsters

By Don Eastvold (Editor's Note: Don Eastvold, Republican candidate for the State Senate in the 29th District, relates in this column some of thee xpcriences he encounters as he knocks on doors and conducts his campaign fro111 week to week.) A pastor greeted me at the door. After I had introduced myself,. he aeked me if I were any relation to the president of Pacific Lutheran College. When I said that I was, he smiled and invited me into his home.

"Eae4, ta Se4ooe S P E C I AL !

He told me that he was very happy was running for office and that he would do all that he could to sup. port me; but he then asked me poiut bbnk what I would do to support him and the work of the church. I, of course, told him that I would do c\'crything I could. ·


SPANAWAY 5 6- 10 Across from School


• BEFORE STARTING that weekend trip, a full tank of gas and a quick look at vital ca1· check points are a MUST!

• DRIVE UP NOW, and let us check your oil, radiator, battery and tires. When you leave our station you can be Chevron Sure of pleasant weekend motoring.

Parkland Fuel Oil &Service Station · GR8112 120TH AND PACIFIC



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Graham 194


He smiled again as he told me his 1 congregation needed a new church and that a small contribution from me would be .greatly appreciated. What could I do? I was stuck. I . . went away, however, respectmg him for hJs forthrightness in seizing upon . the opportunity to further his cause. My wife was met at the door by . · a staunch Democrnt who smd he would never vote for a Republican. He said "My father was a Democrat df th d I a d ' n , so was my ~ran a er, an won t vote anything but the DemoCratic ticket." "That's no argument," said my wife. "Suppose your father and grnndfathe1· had been horsethicves. Would that make you a horsethief?" "No," he replied, "I suppose in that case, I'd be a Republican." As I was walking down the street a little freckled-face lad was following me. He asked mf'., "What are you doing?" I told him that I was a candidate for the State Senate, and was tryiug to get around to visit as many homes as I could. "When are you going to ''isit my house?" he asked. I told him it would be just a matter of a few minutes. He followed me from. house to house listening intently as I talked to the people. When I got to his house, he screamed, "Hey, Mom! There's a man out here that wants you to. vote for him.' After his mother and I had talked for a few minutes, she told me that she was sure that her little boy would grow up to be a politician also. When I asked her why, she said, "He can say more things that sound well and mean nothing at all, than any kid I ever saw." It is interesting to notice how the children show great interest in what we arc doing. elne little fellow, upon learning what I was doing, asked me


·p'U DDLE' JU~·fPING · e1g · 11t h . So far t Ius · season, ton held at_the ,. came 111 . _ head office in Tacoma . . on Aug. l:J, 1t was voted to mcrease J'viyrtle Mockel was in Seattle Aug. Anderson (of Anderson Lumber) has h . b . 1 . . t e capita 1 and' surp1us o1 t 11e an' 13, 14, 15 and 16. These were the had three wmners and six second- b I f OOO a dd'1tiona . 1 sI1arcs y t 11e sa c o 60 , dates for August Market Week for placers. · f l 11e par va Iue o f ~ll"12 .50 eac h . 1 o Northwest apparel folks. The suave gentleman at Brown & ' ,., . . . . Myrtle says that brown will be Robinson Realty is Bill Dacy. He's I he stock is to be offered to present popular this fall. We'll even see rich the new addition to the "firecrack~r" sto:ld10lders at $38 a share on the chocolate lingerie Braid trims f B'll - r . f d ' baS1S of one new share for each l y, . .' . . . out it. t spe_cta tzes m arms a.n 'shares now owned. The new capital will also be m favo1 ·this fall, she says, rural homes and formerly was with . . ,, , as will strong· colors in blouses. Cor- C F M· d 0 I" B . . I ' will represent an rncrcase of $2,280,. . ason an . .,_, raster rea t) OOO . · 1 f d. d 1 · I duroys, too, are popular, with a short- firms. . m capita un _s, an tie. capita · tins account after the rnerease will total age m sa . Herman Fuchs of Spana way's Shur- $7 830 000 Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Ma~d_anz fine store has become a proud father. of the hardware store have a visitor I l .l M ll A f It 1s the 111tcnt1on of the Board to f e rm a n 1 <e s o y nn or from Kansas. She is Miss Jud j l h . d h , b h , contmuc with the present annual !us new aug ter s name, ut e s . . , r. Jacobs assistant professor of English . . h f h' f . . d1v1d.cnd of $2. .:iO a .'I.tare after the ' £;omg to p 1ease t e rest o 1s arlll 1y, . . at Kansas State Teachers college and · · • · . h' 'f f capital mnease has been effected. he says . . . meanmg, 1s w1 e, our a sister of Mrs. Magdanz. Professor A. H. Brouse, presi<lent uf the bank, Jacobs is . vacationing in these parts M . d •-[ . R· l I , M' . stated, "It has become apparent <lur-_ _ _. r. au 1Y rs. a p l 1 • ason, 811 . . for her first. She will leave· late tliis f mg the past year that an mcrease ol S o u t h 121 st ha vc a visitor rorn • . · . . . month . . . ' capital wollld be highly dcs1rab1e m And, inciuentally, we learned that Plattsburg, N. Y. She is Mrs. W. B. meeting requirements for the bank;s .Mrs. J\lfagdanz is a former principal Jaques, Mrs. Mason's mother. Travel- growing ckposits nnd expanded acat St. Paul's Episcop:il high school. ing west with Mrs. Jaques were Mr. J tivities. •other daughters and a son. . and Mrs. Stephen J. Baskett Jr. of "We will be in position to render However, added that he·s 1 Parkland. Mrs. Baskett is a grand- c\·en greater service to the comgo111g to get 111 bis two cents worth, daughter of Mrs. J a q u es. They munitics where branches are mainfor J\!Iolly An_n · · · . . stopped at Niagara Falls, Erie, Pa., tained, and we feel the capital inTo Jack, J1111, John a?d Jun at the and Yellowstone park. crease is definitely a forward step in Parkland P. 0.: You tlcklcd Myrtle , the progress of the bank." M. (above) when she received a let-; Tacoma's Wisconsin club will meet ter addressed: "The Style Center, Sunday, August 20, in the basement Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rostcdt will Richland, Wash." ... Splash! of Odd Fellows Temple, 6th and Faw- leave Monday for a three-week vacaBill Righetti finally found a licensed cett, according to Mrs. Charles H. tion in Huron, South Dakota. With plumber so he and the Mrs. are taking Nichols, club secretary. As usual, all them will be Mrs. Martha Featherhuff, off for Fredericktown, Pa., for a W isconsi tes are welcomed to this pot- sister of Mrs. Rostedt, who is now much needed vacation, their first visit supper-meeting. visiting the Rostedts here. home in nine )'C'ars. Bill and Dorothy plan to leave on the 28th this month. Their daughter Wilma Mae will manage the South End Plumbing Shop _ . _ The new plumber's name · is Richard Bostwick. We heard abu from anuther source that Righetti is slated to he the offi· 1 cial president of the Spanaw.ay Community club. It seems that no one else has been nominated for the po· 1 sition. It will be a shoo-in for Bill who is now "acting" prexy. j Mr. and IV!rs. Bob Haner vaca· tioncd last week, Tuesday through Thursday, in Victoria, B. C. During Dob's absence Mrs. Margie Rolfe of Danidsou Insurance Agency wa• a ,. busy lady, watching both the insur· ~1ncc business and Bob's Parkland Jewelry. Ted Daniel;; of the hardware busi· ness is back on the job moaning that two weeks isn't enough for a vacation. ··~:;; All you do is plug it in, set it and He w e n t b a c k to his hometown, ACTUAl .size :!:~'.-,. :w.·. ]Y,.. forget it. Then your defrosting Crookston, Minnesota, for his first ; drudgery days are gone forever. in +2 years. Mrs. Dan. iels? Why, she stayed home with their grandchildren, because Mr. and Mrs. Stan Willis also went to the Middle West. Willis, prin· 1 1 cipal at Central Avenue school, picked 1 us a school bus . . . Morry Anderson's Vincedor paid $4 to place and $2.90 to show at Long· GR 5689 acres last Sunday in the tenth race. 13022 Pacific Avenue T


I ' _' . -

I .

This house, only 6 feet wide and 10 feet long, but having a door, windows and make-believe chimney, is constructed on a framework of 2 x 4.. foot lumber. Panels of Masonite Tempered Presdwood, a material that is weather rnsistant and wil.l withstand . lots of rough?-ess from children, are laid on the I x 4-mch lumber floor. They also form the walls and gabled roof. Some of the older children can help their Dad build their play house, and even the younger ones can assist in the painting. When the job's done, Dad can make some child-size furniture. A working drawing for making this cute play house may he obtained by writing Home Service Bureau, Suite 2037, 111 West Washington St., Chicago ~. Ill., and asking for Free Plan No. -' n.11\>

RESPONDEZ s,il vous plait This is YOUR community newspaper-it always will be . . • a NEWSPAPER of, for and by the progressive citizens of this community. During the 1>ast year, hundreds of helpful letters have been received from you readers. T h a n k you. Many of these letters have eon· tained good editorial suggestions, news, and eon~tructive criticism. We like to hear fl."om yon, whether it be to "bang" . us on our heads or to "pat' our heads. We hope you will continue to write" us about your likes, dislikes and suggestions. This is your newspaper. Your letters are welcomed at any time. The Staff, Parkland Times

t r



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Wrote the Seattle P.I.: " ... Vinccdor rrrnved up on the outside in run down backstretch to force pac.c, raced head and head with winner (Joe Himelhoch's. Hard Pone) thereafter aud hung slightly in closing strides." Morry cried '.'foul" on this race, but the topsidcrs wouldn't listen to his protest. His jockey had welts on J his face from a whip, Morry said. Hard Pone paid $18.90. In the second race, Anderson's Maria Del Ora

if he could hav.e some of the pamph• lets that I was passing out. I told him that they were valuable and I would be glad to give them to him if he would not throw them away. He promised me that he wouldn't. Thc little fellow must have believed me, because later in the day I saw At END OF SPANAWAY BUS LINE AND SAME BLOCK AS POST OFFICE him and two of his friends again. They were in business, selling lemonade for three cents a glass and my pamphlets for a.penny a piece. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 18 AND 19 I am.told many stories about politicians as I go about the district. A Democratic precinct committeeman who wanted to subtly let me know B • • II e •. what he thought of the Republican party told me one of the better stories I heard last week. "A large Republican meeting was held at county seat in Ohio, which was attended by a small boy who had four young puppy dogs which he offered for sale. Finally,· one of the II • II crowd, approaching the boy, asked: -, 'Are these Republican pups, my son'!' "'Yes, sir.' j " 'Well, then,' said he, 'I'll take these two'." 1111 "Ahout a week afterward th" Democrats held a meeting at the same (fl!/J ,tiA_ place, and among the crowd was to V e~tdl/fl·W4 1i be seen the same boy and his two remaining pups. He tried for hours Any Size to obtain a purchaser, and finally was approached by a Democrat and asked: e e e 'My little lad, what kind of pups are these you have?' NEW CROP "'They're Democratic pups, sir.' "The Republican who had purchased the first two happened to bP. in hearing, and broke out ·at the boy: FOR STUFflNG "'Sec here, you young rascal, I didn't you tell me that those pups that I bought of you last wC'ek Republican pups?' SWEET, SEEDLESS " 'Y-e-s, sir,' said the young dog· merchant; 'but these ain't-they've got their oyes open'."






At a special meeting of the shareholders of National Bank of Washing-




''WHAT shall I do now?" Every vacation, mothers hear that question. Children, jf they . are to develop normally and keep out of mischief, need something constructive and entertaining to occnpy their time. One answer to the leisure time problem· of children is a well-constructed ·bu_t low-cost play l1ouse. Situated in a shady part of the lawn, a play house like the one described will immediately become the children's vacation activity center. There they can "play house," play school, have a refuge on rainy days, carry on art and handicraft projects, and learn the important lesson of keeping their "home" in tidy and clean condition.

.L •

National Bank, Wash. IShareholders OK's 60,000 More Shares



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NEW STORE HOURS: 8:00 A.M. to 7 :00 P.M.

lives Shurfine, nu. I tin. 23c Tomato duice Delmonte, 41-oz•••• 25c ork'n Beans Dennison, large tin 17C SARDINES, oval. .2 for 33c U-8 Catsup COFFEE, Woods .. . lb. 73c ?uetU a1ed TOMATO SAUCE. . 3 for 17 c A;PPLE BUTTER ..... 29 oz. 19c Cantaloupe Cigarettes, Wings or Avalon $1~69




oug orris llll

Nothing to buy or to do! Walk in and ask for yours! ?es, Ifill! Genuine Royal Ruby Red Glass Vase, 6%


inches high .•. given FREE to all adults who come into our score. Fine for flowers, a real decoration for shelf oi: mantel. Nothing to buy! Simply bring this advcrtiscm,l'nt to our score and get your vase, ACT NOW! THIS OFFER GOOD Thurs., }1ri., Sat. (Aug. 17, 18, 19)

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