Parkland times v 5 no 25 mar 2, 1950

Page 1

Sec. 54.66 P. L. & R.. Parkland, Wash. U. S. Postage Paid Pennit No. 9

Boxholde:r o:r Occupant Rural Route


Suggest: Moving Rural Rout:es From Fern Hill To Parkland

MARCH 2, 1950 (VOL. 5, NO. 25)


HERE IT IS-THE TIMES ANNUAL SPRING PREVIEW Parklanders and Spanawayitcs are . field Street. The postmastei· dis·· The Parkland Times, leading news· somewhat relieved following the Ta- couragcd the plan because of the paper in suburban Pierce County, this coma acting postmaster's outspoken 1added work. week presents its colorful annual declaration that the Tacoma PO had A disadvantage to these rural mail While in the East to attend a school Spring Preview edition, giving you a no intentions of annexing the Park- patrons is the tedious trip to Fern land and Spanaway post offices. Hill to get packages and registered administrators' convention at Atlantic peek into the season's best offerings However, among the good results mail that is not delivered whrn the City, N. J., Superintendent Homer for homes, gardens and fashions. The Anderson of the Bethel School District issue is sponsored by some of the of the recent rumpus is the revival of addressees aren't at home. talk in favor of makin~ the Parkland Business firms lose a day mailing plans to stop at Washington, D. C., progressive merchants of the South and Spanaway post offices even more from one route to anothn For in- to help the district obtai11 funds under End. ~mportant than th:'y are now and stance, if a person drops a .card into the Federal aid program. improve postal service for the whole the slot at the Parkland PO fot . The annual six-dav conclave, startSouth End suburban area Fl cc1crs t l , M arc,onya k t I bl oc\.a\vay, I mg last Saturday and ending today, consist of 64· dis. For years, people have been point- ti1c car d 1ias t o go .a 11 th c ,vay t o was . scheduled to . . - mg out the advantages that would re- d t T b k F cusswn groups covermg school admmown ·own acoma, t 1ien ac to ern . . ' suit from making the Parkland PO . . . 1strat1on. Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt was Hill, and fmally to the earner on the terminal for local rural routes . one of the speakers. · . · Route 3 for delivery. . . mstcad· of Fern Hill -These advant. Before !us leavmg Superintendent • Naturally, all the mail order and Anderson. and the ·'. ages grow· more and · more obvious as d!l'ectors of the stamp revenues on the mutes arc . . . . · the South End continues to mushroom d't d t tl T PO p t district had been mfonncd by RepN ear Iy :i, 0 men an d · one woman acoma . os . ,, , ere 1 e o ie . . room ·•O 1 hor Tollefson through . . f t h e F ran k m population. off'ices arc ra t cd on tile amoun t of rescntative . . . iamme d ti· 1e 11vmg There seems no apparent reason for d th p kl d d S the office of the county commissioners D · k t !OOth d A··s e ar · an an , pan. . cmtc s a an · treet M on. . . revenue, an startmg . the rural mail earners at away off'ices s1iou Id ge.t ere d"t . 1l t f or ano th er m. . a series . of . 1 f or that leg1slahon had .been passed d ay mg Fern Hill and havmg them travel moneys spcn t m . t h ctr . area. through the House and is now on the mce t'mgs to d'1scuss ·nort . h ern p ark • more than a mile before delivering a calendar of the Senate whereby the 1 d' . d . · bl . . The Parkland Times believes that d' . I b an s serious. ramage pro em. piece of mail. Present routes cross 1stnct wou d c granted 61 acres Tl ·h h M . ie 50 men were . ome-owners . the 625 boxholders on route 3 the 0 f F d 1 1 d an d re-cross each other m such a conb ' 'e era a n on t e oun tam f . th h 0 t th f A 800 13 640 fusin and inefficient manner as to on route ctween Highway at Muck-Kapowsin Road to mm roug ~ e area rom • and the g the city limits and 116th Street served b f Street to Sheridan Street south of make even the Metzger map-makers e used or school purposes. . . . • ' ·• · by mounted carrier 119 would he At th . . K . the city limits. The woman was Mrs. d. 1 1 izzAy, d' Id . , served more satisfactorily from the I e tar· _cir nccltm~I' at·d apowFsbm ·e e- Jerry Siler, whom the rn_en had electccor mg to o -tuners m t 1iese m n } sc 100, ues ay, •c . 2 1, d f . . . h Parkland PO, and that it would be the di. ct .. I I ·d t f c as secretary o the newly-formed pars, t th e mat1 routes covermg t e ie ms a so icai rcpor s rom . . . orgamzat10n. . . h d d logical to divide route 7 between the the comrni'ttees that 1 ad b ,Sou ti 1 E n d were a t one tnne sc e u1e . , • ' ccn prev1Th' . b f I . · Parkland and Spanaway offices. ously appo' t d t . . t' t 'bl is 1s y ar the argest attendance t o cmana t e f mm P ar, ' m c o m\ cs 1ga e posst e b . JI an d I{ owcver, that was when the Parkland post Whether rou~e 4 should emanate out expenditures, transportation and pub- yet, nearly dou le any ·prev10us at. .. .t t d . ti b of Parkland 1s dubious. . li'ci'tv fi·om the tipcomt'n h I tendance. As a result, the leaders Off ice \Vas s1 ua c in ie ac1( roon1 J g sc oo . 't I G Proposals for a change have come electi'on hope to rent a public hall for the of a d c1apt atcc grocery store on ar· up from time . · • · · will · he held some to time but have melted next seSS1on, which away each time. It seems that a large D! night next week. 1 response from persons affected would r IC At the next meeting, the group be the quickest way to get things hopes to have the countycommi.ssionstarted. Of course there will pl'Obably ers and engineers out to confer about be no change if a majority of box· A partial answer to Parkland's cry solving the unsanitary conditions. holders arc satisfied with the existing for more bus service along Pacific Watch the News-Tribune for an an· set-up. Ave. is offered by Robert Wrio-ht of nounccment about date and place of Let us know what you think of the Yelm, whose Nisqually Vallcy~Lines meeting or. call GR fi41L At Monday's session, the men disThe Girl Scout cookie sale will be idea, and watch next week's Times supplants the former Rainier Transit cussed the damage caused by the launched this Saturday and continue for a report on the consensus of I' company. His busses traverse the route be- standing water. Most of them agreed through March 18. The girls want opinion. tween Vail-Rainier-Yelm and Tacoma that the problem was growing worse to thank everyone for the splendid cothree timPs a day, passing through as population increased and more operation last year and hope it will Roy, Spanaway and Parkland. His septic tanks were installed. be as wdl-supported this year. franchise allows him to pick up any The group doesn't expect to drain The competition will be gxeatcr as passengers south of the city limits the swamps and .solve the problem thci·c arc many n1ore troops in the who signal that they want to be overnight but intends on drawing up area this year. There will be Girl Students of PLC will stage their picked up. a sensible and carefully-planned long· Scouts and Brownies knocking at your The Nisqually vehicles, leaving range program that will benefit all doors to take orders. as well as booths 20th annual "Saga Carnival" next set up in convenient places throughout weekend, with the festivities taking their southern terminus at 5:50 a. m., of Parkland. ----· the Parkland, Spanaway and Collins place in the Student Union and in 9:45 a. m. and .(:30 p. m. respectively, two large tents being erected in front pass through Parkland at 6:27 a. m., districts. 11 :30 a. m. and 6: I 0 p. m. and 6:40 . . The cookie sale is an annual proj- of the campus. It.:-vas_ inMay,.1930, _that the fi~·st p .. m._ Only one trip. ea.~h way is ect, the proceeds of which go to imwas held for the purpose of made on Sundays and holidays. d d h prove the Gfrl Scout camp at St. carmval 0 ver 150 persons atten e t e scs·· . 1 he new company also offers a . f h B h D' . C . Albans. It also gives the girls an ra1smg funds for ·the college yearbook, , swn o t c et e1 1stnct ommumty . Saga. It was such a success that c harter service. 1 he three busscs have C . M d . l S opportunity to net a little cash for the · b · ·· . · f ounc11 on ay mg 1t at panaway . , a capacity o I 0, 25 and 29. Wnght s their own troop treasury. The troops 1t was csta hshed as a yearly event. In the early days, a Miss Carnival busscs have carried many a Thurston gyArn. . f h ff' f receive a two-cent refund on each box · · to 1··e1gn · ·over county g1oup, · Iud'mg. ti1e Ol ympia • me . .ppcanng . . · ,rom t e state o ice, o k was c h osen eac h sprmg they sell. I b . · ·1 publte mstruct10n were Werner De1c , B • The cookies are packed 45 to 48 the celebrat10n. More recently, the Jasket all team durmg recent years. · '· H d • l mann, who spoke on cunculum, en hotly-contested races for Saga Kmg ea quarters are m Yem. I' alk d lo a ox and sell for 35 cents a box. _______· _ _ _ Ham 111, who t ed on trades an They are a shortbread type cookie •m cl us t nes · ·m t IlC h'1gh sc1100 ' I, an d nnd .keep very well. The girls will Tillman Peterson, who spoke on the · . . I take orders during the two weeks of orgamzatwn of consolidated schoo .t · the sale and deliver them March 25. Plans are beginning to take shape d is nets. Cookies in the booths will be sold 'ff '" by, supervisor · of Im1'Id for Central Avenue P-TA's gigantic · Cl 1 I vest directly to the purchasers. d sI'd b u1'Id'mgs mgs, s iowe 1 es on new Mardi Gras carnival set for March 31. There will be booths in the Park·1· · th t ti t t f 1tics roug11ou JC s a e, Mrs. Ranghild Peterson, general chair- .an cl ac1 • • land Light & Water Co. from March 1 1 1 ustratmg gymnasiums, lunchrooms, man, called a meeting at her home 'b · d to- 10, as well as at the P-TA meetl1 ranes an c1assrooms. and appointrd chairmen: at the polling places on election · a b ne · f d' · ti F II owmg 1seuss10n on lC o Spaghetti dinner, Mrs. Robert day and at the Community Club d · f th B h 1 h' h e i;t e ig Nalley; salad, Mrs. Harvey Mark- propose site .0 r meeting. worth; garlic bread and rolls, Mrs. school, the mcctmg was adiourned by In Spanaway, a booth will be set President Henry Laslie. Final session Cleo Nelson; wienen, buns and desup at the Spanaway Cafe. At Collins ·1 b efore th e e1ec t'10n is · o sert, Mrs. Ann Nordhouse; popsicles, f t I1e counci there will be a booth at the P-TA .mg · ht a t Elk Pl am · se or on a y • d t f M ice cream and pop, Mrs. McQuillan; nKeting. spook room, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G range H a II . Leaders and cookie chairmen parBrown; popcorn, Mrs. A. Shaffer; ticipating this year will be Mrs. Alan bazaar, Mrs. Alfred Ward; fishpond, Stnith and Mrs. Edan Rogness, ParkMrs. G. J. Wallace. iand Troop 39; Mi·s. Neal Gaiser and Candy bars and balloons, Howie Mrr.. V. E. Myers, Troop 100; Mrs. The board of directors of the Park· Lee; bakery, Mrs. George Wangelin; P. E. Bondo and Mrs. Harold Leraas, land Community Club will convene Clyde VanDcrcn and skill games, Mrs. Ethel Allen, one of the "Saga Troop 90; Mrs. John McCaffery, Mrs. E. A. Hansen; make-up, Mrs. tonight at the . Golden Given Road Troop 104; Mrs. Wilbur Roberts and Queen" Candidates M. Toburen; hats and corsages, Mrs. home of its newly-installed president, Mrs. Samuel Brown, Troop 131; and and Queen have been one of the L. L. Howard; movies, Stan Willis; Roy Kreger. Mrs. Einar Jacobs and Mrs. Carl main features leading up to the carni- garden, Mrs. Chester Larson; big· Kreger emphasizes that presidents Elefson, a new troop. show, G. Barras; door prizes, Mrs. and chairmen of all organizations in Spanaway has two new troops, the val. Electioneering has already begun, Emil Ripoli; hobby-lobby, Mrs. Henry Parkland are members of the board, leaders being Mrs. Robert Van Alwith signs, posters, placards and Colin; fortune telling, the "super- and all arc urged to attend the board stinc and Mrs. Alice Prettyman, the c.ookie chairmen for both troops be- streamers appearing in every corner witch"; tickets, Mrs. Lyle Catt; and meetings one week in advance of the of tbe campus. The winners will be Publicity, Mrs. F. W. Patrick. regular meetings. ing Mrs. G. S. Shafe1'. At Collins, the Among the features of next Thursrookies will be vended by Troop 29, crowned by a local dignitary next Fi·iday night. day's session of the Community Club Mrs. H. T. Nusbaum and Mrs. Walter The music-comedy program will he at the Parkland School will be an Godfrey; and Troop 33, Mrs. Lyle staged inside the Student Union, and informative debate to ring out the Parker and Mrs. H. Olsen. the tents will house a gigantic 15points for and against socialized medibooth midway including "splash," live Registration and a class in Textile cine, cumpulsory health insurance and KTDI PARKLAND PROGRAM duck hunt, turtle race, smorgasbord, Painting will begin Friday, March 10, voluntary health insurance. STOWED IN MOTHBALLS balloon shaving, penny pitch, bean 7 to 9 p. rn. at the Dawson Fieldhouse, T ues d ay, t h e Iast d ay o f F•e b ruary, d d h · at East 90th and Portland Avenue. MRS. VAN RHEEDEN . I . h game, an art t row. marke d t h c f ma program m t e Th 'll b "C' T' " "Parkland Presents" series on· KTBI. em~ WI e . ~rcus ime. The class,. to be sponsored by the ENTERTAINS T! d 'I half h h d b There will be no admiss10n charge to Metropolitan Park District and the Mrs. Frederick David Van Rheedcn ie ru '. . - our program a een the tents. Tacoma School District and under entertained with a birthday luncheon the air smce January; J the direction of Mrs. J can Larson, will Tu~sday at her home at 909 I 17th St. The station decided to discontinue. CUBS MARK ANNIVERSARY be held each Friday cv~ning. Guests were Mesdames Belle Pepper, the program because not enough spon-1 WITH BLUE-GOLD BANQUET . The following list of supplies should Pauline Glasso, Muller Dahl, Louise ~ors could be found to support the enterprise. Almost 130 Cub Scouts and parents be brought along for use in the first Sales, Julia Olson, Alma Storaasli, ~-gathered at the Parkland School cafe· class session: A piece of glass ap· Agnes Lindgren, Eda Wold and teria last Friday to commemorate the proximately eight inches square or an Martha Hinderlie of Parkland, Ottelia 4-0th anniversary of Scouting with a old plate, a twelve inch square of :>oft Olson, Ruth Bjorklund and Inez Peter, wood, linoleum, or insulation board, son of Seattle, and' R. J. Hill of "Blue and Gold" banquet. The program consisted of a series th~mb tacks, single edge razor blade, Baltimore, Md. of skits put orr by the a:dous. d~ns. pnlet knife vr corset .&l;ty, and a stenAn interesting two-hour s o u n d Several new Cubs were initiated into cil brush-a thick stubby brush. A very nominal fee will be charged 'movie will highlight next Tuesday membership. In the absence of Cubmaster Bob Thomas, Dr. Roert Olsen for each class session. For further in- night's meeting of the Spanaway Proformation call the Recreation Com- gressive Community C I u b at th e conducted the session. school. Everyone is urged to come and An interesting feature was that Joe mission office""MA 0195. bring a new member, because "the Anderson "knighted" all the Cubs as they received their awards. The Cubs Mark March 14· on your calendar club's welcome mat is out." right now. VOTE on Election Day. Presiding will be Harry W. Smith. had been studying King Arthur.

swamp Issue


S-W-C Firemen's Feast Sunday, P-TA Monday, Tots Club Mar. 7

Supt. Anderson On East Coast



8 .. By MRS. RAY GOGAN I thinks he's pretty wonderful, especialThe Fruitland Grange is sponsoring ly with the girls. the ham dinner planned by the Sum· And the uplifters-every town has mit-Woodland-Collins fire department them. Although these ladie.~ feel for this Sunday from 12:30 to 5:30. they are indispensable in the service (See Picture 011 Page B-2) Not waiting for the building to b~ The menu will include ham or fish of the community, the community entirely completed, some 130 firstmashed potatoes and gravy, swee; could do very well without them. potatoes, green beans, vegetable salad, . The plot cvolv~s around the build- grade pupils from the Parkland School hot rolls, strawberry shortcake and mg of a new bndg·e to replace the eagerly moved into classrooms in the spanking new $100,000 Trinity Lucoffee. wornout Fulton's Ferry. Come <\nd see all of them and more theran parish house. Th 1 d' · 0 f I f' ·1· d e a ics tic u·e aun iary an in "Constable Jerry from Fulton's They will make use of the new h F. · I d G 'II t c 1u1t an range w1 prepare Ferry" next Friday evening, March quarters until the public school has d J f Pl an serve· tie east. ease note that IO, in the Collins gym. The play is more rooms of its own available. The it wt'11 not b e h eId at C ol1·ms. sponsored by the three branches of exterior and part of the interior of • l\:forn.s E.. Ford, superintendent of Boy Scouting in the community. the new structure were finished durFranklin. Pierce schools, will speak J. C. Olsen of Tacoma will speak ing the latter part of February. Sevat Collms . gym at a special .session tonight, Friday night and Sunday eral more weeks of work will be re· Monday mght under., the auspices of night in a series of three evangelistic quired before the rest of the interior . Collms P-TA. He Wiii speak on the services at Calvary Pentecostal Church is completed. millage issue to be voted upon in the Of course the main purpose of the at Bingham and Airport Road. Thr. , March 14· election. services will each begin at 7 :45 p. m. building isn't to house overflow classes A card party sponsored by Collins from the public school, but the church . , is happy to cooperate during the presTots Club will be held at the school . s t d 8 ent emergency. g}m a ur ay at P· m. The primary purpose is to house Pinochle, canasta and 500 tablc1 . . . . . Trinity Lutheran's fast-growing Sun· will be m place, with pnzes for !ugh day School and to provide a meeting scores. There will be no admission, . place for church organizations. It is and refreshments will be served, so Determination to undertake a long-' admirably suited for its job, being the club is hoping fo'.· a large crowd. Next Tuesday cvenmg, the club will term community project has stirred equipped with 25 separate classrooms, . stage its regular meeting at the home the Rocky Ridge Ladies Club into a fellowship room with a fireplace and of Mrs. Harold Hasse at 8 p. m. All action. Since the recent consolidation a kitchen, two offices, a four-room parents are urged to come and hear of school districts has released the apartment, six utility rooms and a Mrs. Smith of the Circus Toy Shop out-dated Rocky Ridge school build- chapel. The building measures 158 feet in at Lakewood speak on "Developing ing for other uses, the women decided officially at their Feb 22 meeting to length and 60 feet in width in the Toys for Pre-school Children." Reports will be given on the recent assume responsibility for the place and chapel and social room wings and is of two-story construction. Total floor ham dinner and the survey being con- to rcnova"te it for community use. The club, which has been in con- space adds up to 11,000 square feet. ducted to determine the number of A few Sunday School classes have pre-school children in the Collins dis- tinuous existence for over 20 years, trict. This survey is being made to met at the home of Mrs. Alice Moor- already started meeting in the new building, help Supt. Morris Ford plan for next ten. Among the first problems to be met Perhaps the most beautiful feature year's kindergarten and first grade. Collins is hoping for a full-time were those of acquiring legal proof of the parish house is the chapel of responsibility; inspection and plan- which is finished in knotty pine. Its kindergarten. All Pre-school parents wishing ning for wiring, and discovery of ceiling is of trusswork construction. transportation to the school Tuesday what classes are now available for It will seat more than 200 persons should call Mrs. Manley, GR 7544 or instruction in arts, crafts and recrea· and will be used for the junior worship tion. Mrs. Maiy McFadden and Mrs. service which is conducted Sundays Mrs. Gogan, GR 8842. Fire District No. 9 wishes to re- Marguerite Jones were named to the simultaneously with the regular scl'mind everyone in the district that it first committee, and Mrs. Carl Gaul vice by the Rev. Kelmer Roe. According to Dr. E. B. Steen, pas· is necessary to have a permit to burn to the latter two. The club boasts an excellent record tor, dedication ceremonies have been between Feb. 15 and Oct. 1.5. Anyone of past community benefits and an set for April 23. Dr. J. C. K. Preus, wishing a permit may contact Fire Chief Andy Ramsay by calling GR amazing record of service during the synodical director of Christian educawar. It is hoped that the new project tion, and Dr. H. L. Foss, president of 73_79, or stopping at ~is home, Aixport and Leonard's Crossmg, any weekday will be equally successful, and that it the Pacific district; will speal~ --at ..the . will snve to draw in new members. dedication. after 5 p. m. and weekends. Any women living in the BenstonMembers of the building committee Joe Purdue, John Gorow and Lowell . . Rockey Ridge area will be welcomed are Burt Raymond, chairman, Cliff Hite were among the delegatwn of junior Odd Fellows who journeyed into membership, and may inquire of Olson, Ernest Pitzler, Carl Hedlund • . to the new president, ?vfrs. Thelma Mc .. 2nd ~scar lviorken. On t~~ planning over the Casca<les la><. weeKenCl ·.mittate . . a new lodge at Entiat. The Arthur, phone Graham 441, as to the comnuttee were Dr. Philip Hauge, . time and place of the next meeting. Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs, Mrs. A. W. Puyallup lodge conducted the ntes. Ramstad, Raymond and Morken. Ed ·P d f .h d h ur ue urms e t c transporta, John Richards was the architect. tw n. f I' b C With the approach of the building's 5o ar vc to1d you a out on-. completion, Pastor Steen released this . bl J h d d sta e crry, t e good-nature gen • statement: f , M · armc "The new facilities makes it possi. o Fulton . s Ferry, and ort1mer . Flmt, who . 1s ble to provide Christian training for . the village storekeeper . The new Lake Park Club is gaining so tight the only tlung he would give more children and young people. All . h ' f new members by leaps and bounds. away 1s t e s1eeves out o a vest. who have no other church home are Tl I , l\f. B d Their president, E. J. Reed, anicn t 1cre s 1s. on , the urgently invited to avail themselvrs . . , widowed postmistress of Fulton s nounces an enormous increase since of the opportunities offered at Trinity. , the announcement last week and that Ferry. Shes a dear, ncvet too bus) "John Edgar Hoover, director of to lend a hcl in hand. word of approval and sympathy to the F. B. I. declares: 'The Sunday Edd' . g B d' I _their cause is pouring in at every ' te ts rs. on 5 ~on, wmc School teaches the power of prayer hand. from .college, June and and the need to make God an intrinsic . . Kit . arc two The members passed a resolution as young ladies who . arnve. m town on not favoring the water plans for part of our daily lives. The Sunday the same bus with Eddie. School teaches the child to rule his Henry Tilton is a quiet family-man, Spanaway District in its present form spirit and to place reliance upon God because of facts and figures pointed but you know the saying, "Still water which will not be shaken in later runs deep." And we mustn't forget out by investigators and various legal years. It stands as a strong bulwark ~dvisors alleging the plan to be unAlf Perkins, the town barber. He against angry waves of evil presently stable and not within financial reason sweeping across our nation. It is a to this community. powerful medium in materially reIn a release to the Parkland Times, ducing the army of youthful offenders , ,, the club also disclosed that it was I d d . , . for t h e an c1mquents . against t h e propose d site

ears Finish


At: Mass M.eet: ·



y , B AJ e1m us so


uP LOCaJ cOmmUterSs

10 irl Scout: Troops Launch Cookie Drive

20th Carnival Is

Next Weekend


150 Attend Discussion Of New Bethe} School


-. ,


Central Avenue P-·TA Eyes "Mardi Gras"

Community Board To Gather Tonight

Start Textile Paint Course at Daws9n



Ladies Acquire

·Ridge School




Fact:ion Claims New Members




high school. The statement declared: F. W. Traill preparing his sermon "Through the efforts of several for Sunday morning's service at Park- worthy gentlemen at Elk Plain, word 1 land Methodist . . . 25 members of by telephone and letter to our United the Lake Park Club stomping into States Senator Harry P. Cain had the Bethel Community Council ses- gotten action on the proposed site of sion at Spanaway an hour and 15 67 acres for the New Bethel ConACCOUNTANTS minutes late ... Mrs. Wilbur Roberts solidated High School. Senator Cain D. W. MOSER and Mrs. Rufus Harvey .spreading the had a measure passed through Connews about the Girl Scout cookie sale gress and Senate releasing this plot of Parkland Theatre Building . Emil Ripoli bidding $5.25 for land from Fort Lewis for the High LA. 3467 (Res. phone) his wife's basket at Central Avenue school purposes. ATTORNEYS ~ox .... Hugo Loveland argu-1 '.'Mea?while~ the . schoo: d~rectors mg agamst site proposed for Bethel I bemg d1sappomted m their first try EASTVOLD & HICKS High School . . . Parkland Business for this plot and turned elsewhere. National Bank of Washington Club members preparing for March They selected a proposed site of 34.37 ParkJand Brauch meeting next Tuesday eve . . . . Com- acres on the east side of the mountain GR 7313 missioner Harry Sprinker and Judge highway at the Pole Linc road, which INSURANCE Hugh Rosellini chatting with editor could be obtained from Mr. Harold of Times about rumored PO annexa- Bowman for $7,500.00. CLAY ROLEY AGENCY tion . . . Mrs. Robert Haner com"The plot on the proposed site at 98th and Portland Avenue pleting a course on demonstrating the junction of the Graham and moun· GR 8501 new Ironrite ironers at Western Stores tain highway roads can be had for . . . Herman Fuchs blueprinting 99- a small legal fee and using the same LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD cent sale . . . prep casaba fanatics valuation would be worth approxiRepresentatives swarming to PLC gym for district mately $15,000.00. This, of course, Jess Thompson and Nyer Urness tournament . . . Dr. E. B. Steen will take some time for county and GR 5221 509 Garfield St. prouCUv showing visitors through ether !ega! :u:thcrizaticn to rt:lcasc OPTOMETRISTS Trinity's new parish hall ... Kenneth completely. Behling and Donald Omat presenting "Th.e Bethel district being made DRS. D. M. CLISE, M. A. TWEIT short skit of Scout court of honor. . . up of four districts further out must VISUAL TRAINING Rufus Parker ringing up a till at c?nsidcr the d!stance of .travel to the Parkland Centre Bldg., Suite 17 Avenue Feed Store . . . Mrs. Mabel site and vote 111 an unbiased manner GR 7050 Hart of Spanaway squawking because in order for everyone to get together DR. L. RICHARD McGIRK the Times had failed to print an item and have a site selected at all. Unfair Modern Eye Care . . , Mrs. Paul Lindberg keeping in selei;tion will avail the district nothtouch with Graham goings-on . . . ing." 4802}'2 So. Yakima HA 2113


I 1·



Thursday, March 2, 1950

(Formerly the PRAIRIE POINTER) Distributed by direct mail every Thursday to 6,000 homes in PARKLAND, SPANAWAY, MIDLAND, Clover Creek, Elk Plain, Harvard, Brookdale, Summit, Roy, McKenna, Graham, and Eatonville.

ADVERTISING RATES Local and NationaL....................................................Column Inch $ .85 Contract (looal) ............................. ,............................ Column Inch $ .75 m:~~;;u4

Signs of the Times What a dither the world is in! An escaped leopard has had residents of Oklahoma City in a panic. In London, Attlee and his fellow Labor-itcs arc apprehensive. In Pittsburgh, everybody's excited about the coal strike. And in Tacoma, the municipal elections have had the town in a tizzy. Isn't it wonderful to live in suburban Pierce County, where we have nothing in the world to fret about, but can sit back in our easy chairs and read the !atcst copy of the Parkland Times! Of course not everything is completely tranquil in the South End. Interest is increasing in the upcoming elections, paxticularly in the Bethel district, where the voters will declare whether or not they are satisfied with the 3-1 acre site and whether they want themselves to be taxed 20 mills to help build a new high school. School elections arc also on tap in the Franklin-Pierce district and in the Clover Creek district. \'\' e will emphasize it more next week, but we also want to cmpha~ize it this week-don't fail to vote! Due to the tremendous grnwth of population in the South End during the last few years, the old sprawling precincts have become overt:rowded. In fact, there were tluee precincts in th~s area in which more than 1,000 votes were cast in the election. Since precincts are supposed to handle no more than 300 voters each, this meant a great deal of waiting in line and other inconvenience. During the past few months, the county planning commission, the county commissioners, the county clerk and the county auditor have been busy slicing up the suburban South Encl so that voters won't have to travel so far lo the polls each time. For instance, Parkland's two precincts Jiav(; been divided into eight. Four new precincts have been created in the Midland-Summit district._ Some of the new polling places have already been determined, but due to th city elections this week, this job won't be completed for a few days yt. Watch the Times next week for a report on where you will be voting.

Mrs.Beckman Named Princess of Hockey

As a result of a chance visit to Tacoma's Ice Arena about three years ago, :rvfrs. Lawrence Beckman of 138th Street now has a 21-jcwel watch, a suit and hat, an oil portrait, and other prizes. You sec, after that first visit, the Bcckinans became ardent hockey fans, and last week, 1vfrs. Beckman was crowned "princess of hockey." ]\.early Pacific Ave. at New Bank Col·ner 5,000 people, largest crowd of the season, witnesses the coronation in conjunction with the Rockets' observOpen Week Days-:9 to 9 ance of Radio Appreciation Night. Sundays and Holidays-: The Beckmans have missed only 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.-4 p.m. to 9 p.m. two of the Rockets' home games this ALWAYS A REGISTERED year, both of them during the hunting season. Mrs. Beckman is a charter PHARMACIST ON DUTY I ~ 1,member of the Rocket Fan Club ...




S~ff Y(~D_I-~ oEL.1.Y,ERY . ] rom. per ga.1.. to

i:ruu ~rn. -···-·--·--·l-'/"2C





GR. 8173

Parkland's Hoopsters rWin League Title I


Span. Firemen




8 By MRS. OLIVER OMAT The Spanaway volunteer firemen will no longer need to bundle themselves in red flannels when they gather at their modern new fire station. During the past week, a dandy new, completely automatic, furnace has been installed and is now in operation. Henceforth, meetings of the fircmen and the auxiliary will be held in the statio1i. Hostesses who will serve the first lunch for the grand new kitchen are Mesdames Edward Flannery, Ida Dellwo, Rose McClure, Kelly Grey \md Jack Henricksen and Miss R Lee Koch. Spanaway will be represented by two Boy Scouts at the national encampment this summer at Valley Forge, Pf>n11:::.:.:...t.hafis, if$500' can be raised before that time. The decision to send two boys was made at a recent committee meeting at Delbert Ilrcscmann's home. The committee members started the ball rolling with a total donation of $100. The rest will be raised by donations, parties, dances, etc. All donations will be gladly accepted. Contact Mr. Bresemann at GR 7752. The nominating cc:-nmi l tee of the Spanaway Pre-school met at the home of Mrs. Eugene Bresemann Friday. Their report will be given at the next


$ 60.00 for 12 months..............................................$ 5.27 months.............................................. 8.78 months ............................... ,.............. 9.18 months.............................................. 11.26 months .............................................. 12.78 months............................... ............. 15.97





GR. 8088


* *

SOUTHEND PLUMBING Mt. Highway at Spanaway, Near Roy "Y'' GR. 8357 and Graham 19·1


Furnace·' division with six victories and no losses. They sewed up the trophy Trave I Eas-lb.L IDupont's with a decisive 39-21 victory over midgets. Donny May notch-

· Att en c1·mg were P rc-sc h oo1 sess10n. M es cl a1nes Cl I'ff An d erson, D . N . C ox, L awrcncc Bcc l\:n1an, 0· 1·1ver 0 1na1:,. . · an cl E . J . K rumpos. R ob er t M cGrnms . A'cl I"ove1amI L a(1ics 1 ga tl· iere <l a t the home of Mrs. Robert Rhone Aft er t I ie IJUSITlrnrs d ay a f ternoon. ,.., ness meeting and devotional.;, a lo,·cly lunch was served to Mes<la1nes M. L.

. New ·student body officers at Roy High School are Gerald Ouhl, presi~ dent; Dick Mattsen, vice-president; ed 16, and Frankie Taylor, 15 count- Jeannette Ouhl, secretary; Elenora ers for the local club. Ruley, treasurer; and Roger ThompMidland's cagers, though not far oif son, sergcant-at-axms. . course, couldn't quite wiggle mto the . . wm column at all this year. They Did you know that Parkland's post· took ove1~ _und1s?ute~ cont.rel of. the master, Jack Quill, played in the cellar pos1t10n with six straight d1sap- Rose Bowl in 1918 ? . pomtments. ---------J.VIore people spend more time read- . ing the Parkland Times than any j The Pacific Lutheran College other paper printed in the South End

I I ·.1





PLC Chorus TO Sing

Kirby, Georg·e Schnelle, Ernest Tarpenning, Jack Kan ton, Emerson Tarpcnning, I-I. F. Pillsbury, Jack Splane, cl10rus will present a group of apEdward Flannery, Pete King, William propriate sacred songs at the Lenten Rohr, M. Bailor, Robert Fry, Oliver service in Trinity Lutheran Church on Omat and RC\'. Hans Svinth. Thursday evening of this week. This Mrs. 'William Fueston is home from service will be the second in the series the hospital recovering from an opera- of Lenten services conducted annually tion. She and her husband own the in the church. Praixie Tavern. "The Cross-Our Glory" is the l\1cmbcrs of the Friendly Dozen gcnt:ral theme followed in pi·cscnting Birthday Club will meet with Mn. the passion story in scnnon and song· Oliver Omat Wednesday, March 8, this year. for a noon luncheon. A large illuminated chancel eross There will be another Spanaway presents an attractive and symbolical community square dance club shinsetting for the cross-centered messages. dig this Saturday night at Metropoli.A cordial invitation is extended to the tan Recreation Hall. ublic to attend these services each Be sure to give the Ilrowni1! girls Thursday at B. m. your order for cookies. The cookie order drive starts this Saturday and Rohr. Out-of-towners included Mrs. continues till March 18. The cookies Verne Oderkirk of Portland. will be delivered on March 24-. The first in a series of dances plan-

AIRPORT & YAKIMA "Your Friendly Neighborhood Store"





EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Come and Learn to Square Dance Sponsored by Paul Bunyan Rifle Club

MIDLAND HALL One Mile East o[ Pacific Avenue on 91lth


Two Brownie troops in Spanaway ned for the teenagers of the Bethel are participating. Cookie chairman School district was staged at Spanais Mrs .. G. Shafer, GR 4135. way School last Tuesday evening, with Last Saturday evening, Miss Althea nearly 200 turning out. Chaperones were Mr. and 1v1rs. Smallwood of Graham, fiancee of Earl Thomas of Tacoma, was honored Sam Green and Dan Grcfthen of with a bridal shower at the home of Spanaway, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon the Robert VanAlstincs of Spanaway. Johnson, Mrs. Reardon, Miss Kcho The wedding is set for this Satur- and Mr. Boyce of Elk Plain, Mr. and day, which will also mark the 25th Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Virgil Wright and anniversary of the bridc-elect's par- Mrs. Russel Fix of Kapowsin and Miss ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Smallwood. Scherzer of Roy. A lovely miniature bride-and-brides- • Chairmen of the affair were Mrs. maid centered the table from which R. L. Hill and Mrs. William Walin of Spanaway P-TA, who were assisted by refreshments were served. Guests were Mesdames Roy Morley, Mesdames Louis Symmons, John Leonard Cook, Henry Zicgelmaicr and Ilirkhofer, Chet McAtee, Martin GibHa1;old, Georg<: and Golden Small- bons, Kenneth Reeve and Oliver wood, and Misses Lois and Marjorie Omat.





We Save You Money on





SPANAWAY BARBER SHOP Third & Pacific St., Spanaway

Res. Tel.: GRanite 7757



We Will Pick Up Your Livestock for Your Locker COMPLETE CUTTING AND WRAPPING SERVICE

L0VELA NDPACKINGC0. Route 1, Box 353, Spanaway HARRY SPLANE-GR. 4030

Phone Graham 196 CLAUDE BLYTHE-GR. 62-38


GR 8669










Phone GA. 3301




COMPARE THESE TERMS 12 24 30 36 36


I .


FOR REMODELING AND REPAIRS for for for for for

Mrs. Ella Burleson will preside at the business meeting in the absence of the president . and plans will be made for the Spring Institute to be held in May. There will also be sev· era! musical numbers arranged by the music chairman, Mrs. Dora Doeskin. All members and friends a1·e cordially invited.

A qucst'.on box will be set up and · I · ·th · everyone 1s encouraged to present Cl os1ng t 1e1r rcgu 1ar season \Vl a · over D upon t J r. II'1gh , queries. . At the close of the panel Mr. . 38 -,30 tuump p kl cl' cl b p IFord will speak on the forthcommg ar · an s cagers, coac 1ie . y . au 1 school election and will answer all Larson, annexed the champ10nsh1p of I . . . . . . . quest10ns concernmg 1t. the Pierce County Jumor High league All d f · d · · d 'd · h parents an rien s are mvite I ast F•n ay mg t. · · wit · 1i t h e teach ers , cl . to come an d V!Slt Tl1c P ar kl· an cl ers season recor 111- . . . d cl f . · cl d f Th 1Ill then· classrooms and stay to enjoy 1 c u e ive wms an one e eat. e , the evening's fun. race was close throughout the season, 1 and if Dupont had won the last game, At its Febmary meeting, the Mid. the Tacoma Daffodil · Parade less than a month away, the Parkland '. tie I c h ase wou Id h·ave en d e cl w1'th a land Improvement With . . Club. voted to Times submits this question: Will Parkland have a float in the parade as it I three-way deadlock between Parkland, change their meetmg mght to the has.for the past. two years? Midland is alre;idy plan!1ing for a float _in the I Dupont and Fife. second Wednesday of ~ach ~onth. The festival. The pictures above show Par. kland s entry. m the 1949 festival, a ·L d' th p -kl d tt ,_ · th fact that the panel cl1scuss1on ·as to fl oa t apt1y portraywg · tiie stead y grow til o f th c conunum't y. Th e fl oat, sponea mg e m .an . a acic m e be held on that evening in March was sored by the Business Club, was designed with 20,000 daffodil blooms and last contest were Neil Richardson and · ' : carried tl1e two clectecl princesses, Marla Parker and Ingrid Fynboe, pel'soni- ; Tom Peterson who bueketted 11 and overlooked, so at a recent meetmg of fying Parkland's . g_rowth: ~ow is the time to start planning for an even I 9 points respe~tively. . the club trustees, it was voted to better float for this sprmg s spectacle. The same also goes for Spana way Tl 'cl b cl b Eld K 11 cancel the March meeting of the Imand Summit. ie m1 gets, osse y ' on y o, _ . ·--,boast a completely unblemished rec- pimement club. e ord, winning the title in the midget They agreed the March 8 meeting

HOME LOANS $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $400.00 $500.00

The regular mectiifg of the Midland W. C. T. U. will be held Tuesday, March 7, at the Midland home of Mrs. August Elmquist. A 12:30 pot· luck luncheon will be served and Mrs. Marion Flint, wife of the pastm of the Bethseda Baptist church will lead the devotions.


PAUL ARLTON ................................................................................Editor MALCOLM SOINE. ..................................................... Ilusincss Manager CLARENCE LA CROSSE ............................................................ Publisher

. n

8 By LOIS JOHANN 1 A Parent-Teacher Panel discussion ccncerning the problems of home and school will be sponsored by the Harvard-Midland P-TA in conjunction with an Open House at the Midland School Wednesday evening, March 8, at 8 p. m. Master-of-ceremonies for the panel will be Morris E. Ford, superintendent of the Franklin-Pierce School district. Representing the Prc-sch_ool for the teachers will be Marian Crothers, for the Elementary school Lester Storaasli and for the Junior High, Thane Devereaux. The parents will be repI resented by Mrs. Raymond Ellison, !'1rs. Victor Eshpeter and George Turner.




idland P-TA Plans Debat:e

at the school is of vital interest to everyone in the community. The Harvard-Midland P-TA appreciates this gesture and in the future will try to avoid conflicting dates.


• so. 50




9 BUTTEil:



A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paulsen of Route 7, Box 206, at St. Joseph's hospital on Feb. 21.


'-----------------! ! in

Want Ads are only 3 cents a word the Times-Call GR 7100.

.::·::·:t·::·::·::·::.l:·::·::.::. ::·::·::·::·::·:!·:}::·!!·!t•l!t!!·!t•!t·l:·::·::·::,::·::·:!·!:;::·!!·:!·~!·::·~... l'G.T . . - . U.7 l~ ~ ~







Automatically• . 1 t? To Insure You~~ f' i~ Printed _.: . ·_... ~ of Accuracy i:i




I Parkland Fuel Oil &Service Station I ~



GRanite 8112

Parkland, Wash.


;?.;:.::·!!·!!·!t·!t·!!·!!·!:·:!•lt·!!·!!·!:·::·::·:!·!}:!·!t·!t·!:·!t·!!•!t·:t·l:·::·::·:!·::·::·::·::·t!·!t·!t·:t·!!·!t•::·:t•!!·!t•!!•!!·!!·!~ ·


'P. L. C. DOESN'T FORGET its many friends who. have done so much. to help establish the Parkland institution as one of the finest small colleges in the Northwest. Hung alongside the main entrance to the new Student Union building last week was this plaque re.cording the· names. of those who gave financial assistance to its construction. Dr, S. C. Eastvold, president of the college, is shown reviewing: the.names of the donors.

$25, 25. Loss As Shack

nd "LIGHT and POWER MAKE MORE BUSINESS" Offices, stores, factories all need light and power to serve

you better. Tacoma City Light serves Tacoma business With dependable, adequate electricity now. To keep serving business-and you-Tacoma City Light must plan now to meet the ever-growing needs of an ever· growing city. Tacoma City Light is doing just thatplanning for your future •.• for the futm·e of your home, your job, your family. .,..

You Own Tacoma City Light

faeomc City Ught Serves You

ansion Destroyed

Fires swept through two South End homes last Thursday night, burning both to the ground. But damage was estimated at $25,000 at one and only $25 at the other. The junior conflagration was at 115th and Sheridan in Parkland, where a blaze gutted the humble bachelor quarters of H. Knight. The two·rnom place was totally destroyed, but since it was constructed with cardboard, old Coca-Cola signs and driftwood, the loss didn't amount to much. But at th.e Brookdale residence, it was a far different story. Charles McPhail, of the McPhail Engineering Co. had purchased the lavish country home, secluded in the woods along Spanaway Creek about eight blocks west of Poel1el's, about a year and a half ago. The house itself was beautiful, being built with hand-hewn logs. McPhail had made extensive additions and installed much electrical equipment. The home was said to be furnished with expensive furniture and

antiques. Everything was a total loss in the blaze. Because no one was at home at the time and because of confusion on the part of neighbors repo.rting the fire, the flames gained considerable head,. way before any fire-fighters arrived on the scene. First report of the fire came to the Spanaway Fire Station about 8:30 Thursday night, whe'n a boy phoned to say that there seemed to be some sort of a fire back of his. place. Chief Chet McAtee told the lad to check further while he alerted his volunteers. " But when the youngster had affirmed his finding, the phone line to the hall was clogged, and he called Parkland's smoke-eaters instead. Believing the fire to be in their district, they immediately dispatched their two best rigs. When they discovered that the blaze was within Spanaway's boundaries, the Parkland firemen got the telephone operator to clear the party line so that the Spanaway department

72nd St. Cleaners


Martens' Garage


could be summoned. When Spanaway's rigs pulled in, Parkland retrieved its two engines, sending its older truck to help the Spanawayltes. Parkland's engine utilized its porta· ble motor to suck a steady stream of water from the creek to keep the ffomes from spreading to surrounding buildings. It was fortunate that Parkland's two rigs were i:ecalled to the home station, because the alarm ·from the Knight shack came just after they returned. But since all but four of Parkland's firemen were out battling the McPhail blaze, a call was made for Midland to send a truck to help fight the second fire. Neighbors living in the new "housing project" just east of the !{;night hut were glad to hear that the. old man wasn't incinerated but weren't too sad at seeing the unsightly shack go up in smoke. Incidentally, both of last Thursday night's .conflagrations attracted sizt'able crowds of spectators in spite of the drizzle. Chief Lewis Duffey of the Parkland department warns :would-be fire-chasers that it is against the law to follow fire equipment. Duffey has. given his men orders to take down the license numbers of all cars trailing the fire buggies and turn them over to the state patrol.


Anderson Chevron Service Station and Garage ATLAS TIRES AND BATTERIES Mt. Hiway at Henry Berger Road, Spanaway GR. 6465 FARMERS' UNION AUTOMOBILE & CASUALTY INSURANCE

flll.11Jlf 0

Jl1'l !!!i WJH.fl&.1'1 CI:

To Comply with the New Law in Strong Capital Stock Companies: EMPLOYERS GROUP NATIONAL FIRE GROUP ROYAL-LIVERPOOL GROUP

CLAY ROLEY AGENCY Rt. 4, Box 161, Tacoma GR 6923

99th & Portland Avenue GR 8501


Miss Bettianne Pirie, 25, of Rt. 4·, Box 297, in the Midland district, died Friday in a Tacoma hospital. She was born in Tacoma and attended the Midland School. Surviv~ng are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pirie of the home. Private services were held Monday afternoon.

1/)tti, a ~ome-Of;U.~ ~oea((f!




La Crosse Printing Com• pany ( f o r m er l y Beard Printing Co.), a local con· cern, employs local people. (At present there are 7 PARKLAND PEOPLE employed.) These local peo· ple spend their money local· ly, thus creating better busi· ness for YOU, THE PEO· PLEANDMERCHANTS WHOSE SUPPORT WE ASK.


Corner Park Avenue and Wheeler Streets On Pacific Lutheran College Campus


IJpe"tated 'BU4Uee44 1Ufue ~~oee SUufa ·11e

All printing work accepted by our plant is PRINTED IN PARKLAND, not somewhere else where your dollar will support other com .. munities. PLAY BALL WITH US, both by advertising in your only LOCALLF' OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER, The Parkland Times, and also by letting us do your COMAJERCIALPRINTING. TVeall benefit.

Buy. perishable foods just a few times a year and store them in a frozen food locker. You'll save money, and have seasonal foods available whenever you want them.


, , ,



Parkland Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid has finished plans for serving a "flote-grot" and creamed ham dinner to the public this Friday, March 3. The dinner will be served at 5 :30 p.m. and will continue till all are served. l Chairman of the dinner is Mrs. ] Drive In Under Awning .•• T. H. Olson, and serving with her are Where Everybody Stops Mesdames Ed Antonsen, Louis Stanke, Open 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Severson and Brandt. Daily except Sunday The flote-gTot, a Norwegian del- Telephone GA. 5495 for Pick·up icacy, will be prepared by Mesdames.!.....--------------' T. H. Olson, Marit Kittleson, Carl SOUTH END Korsmo and Anne Ellingson, who are BRAKE SPECIALISTS well known for their skill in preparing Modern Equipments and Norwegian specialties. Reasonable Rates GRanite 604 7 Want Ads are only three cents a word in the Times.

Covenant Sunday School was climaxed last Sunday with an all-time record attendance of 195, Rev; Robert Bodin told the Times. Some of the classes were so crowded that pupils had to sit on the floor. When the tally was completed, it was announced that the girls had edged out the boys by only four points for top honors in the contest. A new member contest will get underway this Sunday. Also on the church's schedule is the mid-week prayer meeting tonight with Mrs. Fred Grass in charge. Pulpit guest Sunday morning and evening will be Rev. Stanley Johnson, director of the Servicemen's Christian Center at 13th and Pacific.




Thursday, March 2, 1950

·Trinity Ladies Serve Flote-Grot Friday The attendance contest at Harvard


A daughter, Sandra Lee, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Theil of Brookdale at Tacoma General on Feb. 18.



Girls Edge Boys In Harvard SS· Contest




GRanite 7100

A-4 .:



E. D. Parsons and A. I. Knesal of IP-TA TO DISCUSS ELECTION Pierce county health department, reSpanaway P-TA will devote its ' ported that Elk Plain School is below next session Wednesday night, standard in ·heating and lighting. It March 8-to another panel discussion also stated that the lunchroom and on the issues on the March 14 ballot. kitchen needed minor changes. Everyone is cordially invited. The

ETE S! on't let your "uphill money'' melt away•••

fifth grade will serve lunch.

LEGAL PUBLICATION NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 50157 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for the County of Pierce.

The Washington State bonus and wartime insurance dividend will be "money rolling up hill." It will be mighty easy to spend ••. a dollar here, $50 there •.. until sudden!y you are right back where you started.

In the Matter of the Estate of ED. B. THOMPSON (;ilw k.uown as Eddie B. Thompson, nnd Eddie Be1·nt Thompson), Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been ap11oiutcd Administratrix of the above entitled estate; that all persons having clairus against said estate arc hereby i-equired to serve the same, duly verified on said Administratrix or her attorney, at ti1e address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of Courtt together with proof of :such service, within six months after the date of First Publication of thi.s notice, or the same will Le barred. Date of first Publication, Feb. 23, 1950; Date of last March 16, 1950.

Why not set aside a substantial portion of these funds in a savings account at NBW? Your account is insured, of course, and by adding to it systematically, you will be building a fund with which to take advantage of fumre opportunities ... own a business, buy property, or make other investments. A home is a good investment, too. Your bonus and insurance refund may be enough for the down payment, and a low-cost home loan can be arranged for the balance. See..,il friendly officer of NBW first for facts about home financing.


Administratrix, -1-05 So. ll5th St., Tacoma 4, Washington.



INVEST in your future,

Attorney for Estate, 215 Gadield St., P. O. Ilox 356, Parkland, Washington. Pub. February 23; March 2, 9, 16, 1950

in a home, or in something of lasting benefit •••


Thursday, March. 2, 1950

Clearence of Valuable Merchandise Too Numerous to Mention Public Invited Open 'Til 7 p. m. HIGHWAY VARIETY STORE 7025 Pacific Ave.

Bondstock Corporation A REGISTERED INVESTMENT COMPANY Inc. 1936 A prospectus describing the Company and its shares, including the price and terms of offering, is available .on request. FRANK RUSSELL & CO. Rust Bldg., Tacoma In Parkland: Mr. Guilford GR 6133




He11 Honse or Ba,. ••• 11 BIG Jon OJ{ SMl\tl,








Yo~"Gf>'t £V'"""""'" 1'sT1M.,;Gc~.trlVT

WJ(•"' STockllD ,..


GR. 8215


PORK SAUSAGE (country style) lb. 35c PORK NECK BONES .. _. _________________ Jb. 16c Carstens' Washington Brand

SLICED BACON _____________________________ Jb. 45c SKINLESS WIENERS ___________________ Jb. 39c BOSTON BUTTS ___________________________ Jbs. 47c RED SNAPPER _______________________________ Jb. 29c


ri" ,


, ,


Hungrey Jack

Cream Style

PANCAKE FLOUR ... ·.... 10 lbs. ggc

CORN . . . . . . . . . . 10 for 99c


BABY FOOD (Gerbers) .12 cans 99c Canned MILK (Carnation) 10 cans ggc

SOUPS (all varieties) ...... 6 for 99c CATSUP (Hienz) ......... 5 for 99c

Cheddar CHEESE (Darigold) 2 lbs. 99c

TOMATO JUICE ... 4 for 99c

No. 1

POTATOES, 25 ~bs. 99•


TOMATO SAUCE.19 for 99c Cooks in 7 minutes

Utah Crisp

CELERY ········ tb. 7• Crisp Delicious A_,Dhl

tlC C .l..tI'A) •

8 lb. carry bag


ONIONS and RADISHES Per Bunch . . . . . . 5c

-E~~s Double AA 'Large

Ranch Fresh


1 lb. jars, 2 for

Apricot Preserves 39c l 2 oz. glass, 2 for

Hours:. 8 to 6



Lindsay Extra Large

Red Shield

Olives, Ripe . . . . . . 33c Hunt's



2Y, can, 2 for

Pork and Beans .... 39c Sunshine


Crackers, 2 lb. box 43t Mission

Noodles ...... 1 lb. 28c Purex . . . . . . . gal. 43c 2 for


CORN FLAKES Giant lllllllllllll!l...t

£1'4 FEED DEPT. 100 lbs.

&!otch Cleanser . . . 21 c Scratch . . . $3.95 Wieners . . lb. 39c Dreft . . . . . . . pkg. 25c Centennial 100 lbs. Fresh and Tender S4al& Red Fryers, lb. 49c Ivory Snow . . . ~ge. 25c Egg Mash PRODUCE Tender Branded Beef Garden Spray Rib Steak .. lb. 59c Juice Oranges, 6 lbs. 59c and Netted Gems 1 FREsHA~ ~~t~~~E~sTERs Potatoes, 100 lbs. $3.75 Garden Seeds No. I, Not No. 2

MA:CARONI .... 24 oz. pkg. 29c



JeHy, Apple ...... 2lc


. 2 lb. Cello pkg. 29c



Why Pay More?

SA'LMON . . . . . . . . l lb. can 39c


3rd & Pacific, Spanaway

Cheese ... 2~ lb. pkg. 83c


Happyvale Pink

White Navy

DAFFODllS, 2 doz. 49c



TUNAFISH (White Star) solid pack. . . . . . 39c K!RAFT DINNER ..... 2 for 25c CHEESE, Velveeta, 2-lb. loaf 83c

Darigold Deluze

Large Grade A


2 0 D!.

3 pkgs. for

2 Pkgs.

Kraft Dinners . . . . . 25c






DOG FOOD (Bar None) ... 11 for 99c



home. GR 4·071 for appointment. r, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

IVOR!Y SOAP (large bars) .. 8 for 99c

BEER (Old Style-Stubbies) 10 for 99c


SERVICES CHILDREN'S NURSERY, ANY AGE, any hour. Trained mother, licensed, well equipped, reasonable rates, hour-day board. GR 4282. WAD E'S SERVICE - Guaranteed service on all refrigeration and heating equipment. Call GR 5034 day or night. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, contents hauled away. Don Redford, GA. 7334. r ACE SEPTIC TANK SER VICELyman Redford, owner. Septic tanks· cleaned, contents hauled away. GA. 3446 or GA. 9794. r RAY GOGAN Landscape Construction SHRUBBERY planning a:nd planting. Rock masonry wails, driveways and patios. GR. 8842. r RECOVERING & REBUILDINGDavenport and chair in tapestries, low as $125.; freize mohair, low as $140. Rebuild cushions, *4.00. Samples shown day or eves. in your


Herman's Produce

Yotr lVJ(llD Fo4 Yotr 4T 4 MoMEJVT•s lVOTfc sPJ<ll'lo btru.n1,,G ... Fo4 ll'1,p JJV oiv tis "Lso Fo4 Af>V1cE llV soivll< otr4 "'ims A1'D ''J<oai,.,8_ G Yo"" Btru.nllVc

apt, 3 or 4 rooms. GR 6455. K25 chicks and day old pullets available on order. LaCrosse Hatchery, Tele- ATTENTION, VETERANS - Disphone Sumner 489. r charge papers copied for 50c per DRY UP-LAND SLABS. Call R. & R. side. 24-hour service. Quality Photo 3 Cents Per Word: 50e Minimum Fuel. GR 471 L r at 9610 Pacific. GR 72 71. r Call GRanite 7100 BANK run gravel, good for driveway, SITUATION WANTED - Reliable 4 yards *6.00. Crushed rock and Lincoln high school girl to work FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS drainfield gravel. GR. 8259, OR. for room, board and compensation. 8573. r Also child care. GR 8170. Rt. 7, FOR SALE-Manure spreader, disk Box 138. r harrow, orchard cultivator, mower, MISq<:LLANEOUS TAP, ACROBATIC, Ballet classes, plow, also Fordson for parts. Joe 75c per lesson. Mildred Keller, Dabiash, Route I, Box 312, Spana- FOR RENT----Small 3-room apt. Ideal GR 7881. k25 way, 1 y, miles west of Graham. for couple. Furnished. GR 6455. WANTED- PARKLAND HOMES; SPECIAL! !--Red Cockerels everyl See at 411 !20th. K25 have several cash buyers for 2 and Wednesday, 6e each.Parmenter Red WANTED TO RE:\'T-Housc or 3 bedroom homes in Parkland who will pay up to $1.5,000. Call Mr. Harper, GR 8760, representing Washington Realty Co., 772 So. 38th St. Member Tacoma Real Estate Board. r


!Ob ... CotrivT ON trs

GR 8213


John8on & 1'.nder8on HA\.RKIET GRanite 8356 128TH & PACIFIC (We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities)


uThe Store That Has It"


Thursday, March 2, I 950 ~;.·.~


"·-"'"'·. (..;{_. r_:·.:~.·::;:;~ '~···


,,-..'\_,,, -~ /


.. .-~




s UT



Spring is just around the corner. For weeks the merchants of Parkland, Spanaway, and Midland have been stocking up on new merchandise and ideas for better living in 1950 for the residents of the South End. These merchants in .vite you to read through this edition and discover the variety of offerings right here in your home town.

Fertilizer Lawn Seed Rose Bushes



Pugel Sound Nursery and Da en Shop · n.

R. Willia:ms,


Since 1922

920! Pacific Ave.



Farm and a r en Gd


tl?1'i, ~

Thirty-one of the linksters were supplied by the Parkland club. Cliff Olson and Paul Larson and Mal'\/ Tommcrvik and John Smidt were tied for second spot in the second division. Two local twosomes, Frank Gratias and Cliff Olson and Bob D,insmorc and Hap Anderson tied for honors in the third division, while Carl Christiansen and Larry Jasperse copped third prize,

PARKLAND LEADS WAY$564 TO MARCH OF DIMES Parkland School again led county and city schools throughout Pierce County in support of the March of Dimes, john Fishburne tL'j)orted as totals were annO\lnced for the 1950 campaign. The pupils of Parkland School collected $564.95 for the polio fund despite the fact that the drive was conducted during the severe cold wave. Fishburne thanked all persons throughout the South End who participated in the campaign.

BULK GARDEN and FIELD SEEDS Peas, Beans, Corn, Carrots, and all other garden seeds for the neighborhood PLANT YOUR SWEET PEAS EARLY THIS YEAR-Sweet Peas-Bulk or Package

ONION SETS Per Pound .............. ., .... 20c 2 Pounds for................ 35c




~ S'Jl42 I)



"11..&11: .!!.







112 Linksmen Vie In Parkland Tourney

1,;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;u;;;;:;=:=;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;===--=--=-----=•;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;,;;;m;;;;::.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m,_;;;;;;;!.11 sociation sweepstakes of the season.

This year have a garden and landscape tore member! Buy your planting supplies here for full assurance of better results. Consult our rnany catalogues and charts for valuable information.

Nothing Down-3 Years to Pay

- - - - - 11 Tacoma golfers had a field day at the Parkland Golf Course last weekend. No less than 112 competed in the two-day best-ball tourney, first Tacoma Golf as-

"You an· cordially inviied to come in and visit our nursery and gacden shop at your convmience"


People are talking about school elections, style shows, school carnivals, and cookie sales. Ycs spring is on its way. Let the advertisements on these four pages guide you ,.to the best bargains of the

8 Oregon Grown Choice Roses 0 Seed Potatoes and OPJo!l Sets 1111 Bulk and Package Seeds @ Flowering Plants


Use of Roller and Fertilizer Spreader with pur· purchase of lawn seeds and fertilizer

Parkland Florist and Garden Supply 125th and Pacific

GR 7270






DISH GAR.DENS Bring in your dish and we will plant your garden free of charge.

"A little imagination and a little help from us and every room of your home will herald spring.

, 4 Parkland Centre Bldg.

GR 7863.




Quality Worh


Reasonably Done


CR 6907



2x4 No. 4 Cornnum, 11 ft...

l\! $19

1x3 No. 4 Shipbp Common .................................................... Pcr IvI $28 pa1·ish hou::w of Trinity


-c1E.:.?i.'i'~h of ~"arkhnHl is

the district. 'l'he exterior -..,vork ou ihe pnrish house just reare tine on the interin1·. Dedication eeren1onies set pus tor the clnneh.-~.


9Gth and Portland Ave.

GR £H33

Cabinets and l'inc

Kitd1rn Cabinets W a1·droln:s

Clll 1

Book Cases


Fire Place Fronts Comer Cabinets

7 FT. MODELS AS $199.95


GR 7005

Spana way

1'.i022 Pacific

Plain Gleaners an' holding their n:gular rneding Tuesday, lYfarch 7, at -8 p. m. in the: Grange ffall.

hostesses for the .group will be Mrs, Frances Plumb and lvfrs. Rena John-

honies constructed for

~ ;~atisbcd

Floor furn;icc .,,,


;,_ &·



l 0-UH_gSl.OH l\-1Ct.a!



:nvnrdcd to ]\/fr.:.;_ \Vil1i::nn (~. Bro\V11



'Vatcr ·rank 3-piccc Bath Set (lavatory, tub)

Thick Butt

color) cliHcrcnt types asbestos and


Construction \Valls and l;"luors Both Oak and

son. Last night was the monthly meeting of the Elk Plain Sdwol Club. Serving for the meeting were ::Vhs. 1vfeyers, Mrs. John Ockfcn Jr., Mrs. Michael Dungan and Mrs. Web Gilstrap. evening \vill n13rk the: seventh in the series of auxiliarysponwrcd c:1rd parties in the Elk Plaih School :1cti,·ity room.· Pinochle and .500 are on the docket. Prizes last Fri<la;.r night \Vere

:md l'i-eston Henderson for pinochle and 500 rf'.Spectively. Guests for the past two weeks :it the home of Mr. and . Mrs. Lloyd Dillingham were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Fittantc and infant daughter, Elaine :tvfaric, who was born Jan. 2iJ at Puyallup General Hospital. Neil Dorfner of Loveland returned Sunday evening from a brief cruise aboard the 1JSS Charles Bannon with the n1cn1bcrs of his naval· reserve unit.


The group held rnancuvcrs in (;a-


:nadian ·waters.

and 220 volts

Kitchen Cabinets

Part of the South End's crime wave was solved this week with the of four-man holdup gang in downtown Tacoma after a pedestrian had become suspicious. Under prolonged questioning, the youths, none of them O\'l.T 20, admitt. cd cc~rnrnit.ting .six holc·li.11:s, lh.·c largest of which w:is the $•112.53 from the Bungalow Cafe at 107th and Pacific on Feb. 19. also adxrlitted relieving Frank's Tavern in Spanaway of $50 two days earlier. At the Bungalow, friends arc still ribbing Chef Roy Vaughan about the stickup at his eating crnporiurn, \Vhcrc 1he bandits had demanded, "vVhcre's the cabbage?'' Vaughan has long been famous for his cabbage sabds, but these "customers" wa ntcd cabbage from the ca.oh register, not the kitchen.

I See our big Sprii1g S11owing of Frigidaire Home all the modern con vcnicnces lnd features you get in AmeriD·s "First Familv" of Kirchen and

Learn about these

FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerators


Automatic \Vasher Heaters yon



We· don't know whether or not Morris Ford, Stan Willis and Spalt vVartenbc have ever taken a course in jndging baskets, but last Friday night, they impressed everyone. at the Midland Hall with their expert judging to find the prcLtic:sl basket at An'.nuc Pre-school's box social. When the trio had held a huddle, it was disclosed that Mrs. Willa Farmer ol Tacoma was the winner of the

* Electric




Electric Water

Electric Clothes Dryer

* Ho1ne Ficczcrs Dehumidifier * Kitchen


Cabinets and Sinks

you can get a genuine low price! Look fer ih;s

grand prize.

A.nctioncer for the gala event was silver-tongued Austin Dodd of Orting. Mrs. George ]\-fusser was general chairman; Mrs. C;1spcr Irish, refreshments_; Mrs. Russell Nelson, publicity;, and Mrs. Mike Lattcrall, de corn ti ons. ! .

our _ ___


GR 6789

2, 1950

· Pr·fect


j _)-") ' "


and Value of your Horr«:' with St. John of tile· Woods Catholic Church at 98th and1":1ylor in, Midland will be tlH: scene of a week's mission, .to open this Sunday, the Rev, Robr·rt E. Lo,o:au, pa,ilor announced. The mission will be prc:ichcd by the Rev. Rich:Hcl Hod:;c, 0. F. 1\cL, one of a group of .-:l() 111issi011:1 ri cs re-

corner {Includes 4 Chairs) This cnrirc set reproduced fine craftsmen in an E,uly /\mei:ic:in


sci I at !:un, rain, snow ouJ clusl_y winds pound against your house the year rotind, -vvearing away its appecuance o.:nd vcrlue. A thin layer of paint is its only protection. hJrne~owners \vho know paint 'choose ACiv1E .. For AC!VIE n1ade to a bGlctnccd forniula. )1:_ formula thett p:i:THE:cti~ \vell cm cold, dust crn \Vell as rain. Co1ne oHr selection of the beoutiful nB\'I ACl'v1E 1



your the Nortln\·1·st in this extensive spiritual crusade. Sim.ibr rni'5io11s v;ill b1: conducted in


Catholic church in


Washington. 'I"his is a part of the world-wide obsr:rYancc of Holy Y car ordc·rcd by Pope Pius XII, h~1Ying for its purpose the drawing doser to AlCod of all men through prayer

and the reformation of liYcs. For Catholics loc:i!ly, the'. mission also rnarks the preparation for {Jbscrvancc of the ccntcn'1ry of the establishment of the C:ithulic diocese here. '"'J'here TH-Yer w:-1s a tirne 1.vhen 1nen felt more keenly the need. of liglct nnd Planning on redecorating? Here's the bstest thing! Now v;e have a selection of paints to complete your Ke1n-Tone color scheme. Durable, quick-drying new Acme paint' for furniture. woodwork, walls and trim .. -·in tints and colors selected b_y America's lore111osi i11lt.:rior decorato1s! For kitchen or bathroom walls-or any room- .. J\.CMB Seffd~Gloss gives a s1nooth, satiny finish. Imperviour~ 10 grecrne and dirt, and can be easily cleaned wl!honl losing its luster. Come in toduy 1::md 11ee lhe glorious new decorator-chosen



l\f o Sag {~ons.truction Fkxisted Sprinµ, System-Nationally Advcrti-;ed and Uncom]i(ionally Guaranteed ..


spiritual aid in fo,·ing up to the prohkms and trials of lifr,'" con1nientf'd Father





spiritual crus:::iclc. "The thcrne will b1· 'The purpose of life-·-..·G·od's \vay to peace and happiness.' I know that anyone· who. attends the mission will find oume-1 thing of inf('rcst (lnd of !'ndnring bt"nCfit c\·cn though they atti nclcd merely out of curiosity to hc;"ir the Catholic

Church's amwcr to the i1roblc111s of






A new with new Ironrite. It's the grandest in our storebe sure to see il now! We'll show you all ihe feat mes, all the great advantages of lromite's restful, "rhyth· while you relax in




Thursday, March 2,'950



Library Features

organ. The S. U. stage will be decorated as a flower garden and arbor. Receipts will help finance a scholarship for a worthy girl chosen by the During the remainder of Lent, the A. W. S. cabinet on the basis of need, Parkland station of the Pierce County Co-eds at PLC realize that spring scholarship and leadership. Tlie show is about to spring, and they want the is scheduled for 7 :30 this Friday eve- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lpuhlklibrary~k~uringbookswhkh promote Christian peace, Custodian public to know about it, so they're I ning. BACH FESTIVAL AT PLC Virginia Ellinc;son told the Times THIS SUNDAY AFTERNOON ycst~rday. • inviting everyone to their annual VOELKERS ATTEND STATE Pacific Lutheran College's famed Among the volums chosen as apspring style show in the college Stu· GIDEON CONVENTION propriate for Lenten reading are "Out Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Voelkct' of Park- Choir of the West, and Orchestra, and dent Union. The Associated Women of My Life and Thought" by Albert land drove to Port Townsend last piano, organ, vocal and violin stuStudents are sponsoring the event. dents will join this Sunday afternoon Schweitzer, "How to Read the Bible" Friday morning to attend a banquet Twenty-four bright new fashions by Goodspeed, "In the Steps of the will be modelled by eight lassies, and and rally of the Peninsula Gideons. to commcmmorate the 200th anniMaster" by Morton, "One America" will include everything from formals On Saturday, Mr. Voelker, secretary \'Crsary of the death of Johann Bach. The Bach festival will include many by Brown, "l\{ary" by Asch, "Our to sportswear. Among the models are of the Washington State Gideons, atof the great composer's best-known Roving Bible" by Nelson, "Civilian Naomi Roe and Helen Kyllo of Park· tended a cabinet meeting to make on Trial" by Toynbee, "The Naza· plans for the annual state convention works. It will take place in the land. Student Union, starting at 3. The Gcneve Curvis will serve as com· to he held at Port Angeles in May. public is invited. Returning home, the Voelkers stoprnentator, and Alfred Kluth will fur· nish gay background music on the ped to visit friends in Olympia. Keep .in Tune with the TIMES

Spring Fashions At PLC Friday

Books for Lent


rene" and "The Big Fisherman." There are also many books in the county library which may be ordered through the Parkland station, Mrs. Ellingson added. MIDLAND ORTHOPEDIO<GUILD SLATES NOON LUNCHEON Members of the Midland 01tho~ pcdic Guild will converge on Midland Improvement Club Hall Monday at 12 :30 for a luncheon session presided over by Mrs. Elmer Brott. ThcMarch 10th card party will be plan·· ned. Hostesses will be Mesdames Floyd Jensen, Frank Johnson, Kenneth Lampitt, Russell Malray, Harry Wcclts, Albe1't Asplund and Gordon Andreason.

Site'// dance a twtJ-slep


in these smart



Something's new in black pacen1! It's this cuce Poll-Parrot Z·strap ... just the ching for that "always dressing up girl" of }'Ours. Bring her in real soon. She'll love 'em -r. ... you will, too. ~

$QOO to $(.)00 According to siu and sty/;

This spring look your best in a paii: of slacks tailored by Day's or some other famous make.

Slipover Sweaters are just the trick for these chilly spring days. 25 % cashmere.

WOW! Have YouSeenOurSpringTies?

ark la d


ens '

In the Parkland Shopping Center

Parkland Centre Bldg.


We'll help lighten your seasonal cleaning chores with rapid


Garments Drapes Rugs CALL US FOR f'REE ESTIMATE





GR 6301


Parkland S You needn't wait for the first pussy willows to sport this neatly checked worsted dress. Wcar if under your coat now and be ready to salute Spring's earliest zephyrs. Designer Sheila Lynn has given the ever·popular check patteru new dashes of style i11 the diagonallyarrangecl bnttlms and folded tuck pleat. It's 01ic of three cheeked dresses featured in Harper's Bazaar and retails for about $41).

Imean~ taking the trouble to vott'. several times. And the poor kids who now have to spend an hour and 20 minutes "Freedom is everybody's business!" j on the bus morning and nightYou've heard it on the radio " thou- they haven't got a vote. sand times. Maybe you've heard it If there is any point at which the so often that you can't hear it any- Little Fellow can make his vote felt; more. Nothing is easier than to mouth can put and then see democratic mafinc-sounding slogans-and stay home chinPry in action, it is in the rclaon election day beeaus: ~t rains. 'I tions of the community to ~he school Maybe you are ehg1ble for the -and if there is any more important D. A: R. and had a couple of anccs- point, I don't know where it is. But tors on the. right side. of the Battle ~f it means pulling out of the old M?rris Bunker Hill. So did I; but then· chair, no matter how stormy the mght, ghosts aren't eligible to vote, and they I to get out to public meetings so we aren't doing a thing about getting can have sufficient information and better schools for my children. on which lo vote intelligently. We get discouraged about the U. N., Freedom is c\•erybody's business, and we just don't see why !host' guys but most of us read that "Let George can't settle things on the democratic do it.n 1\.nothcr proverb says, "What basis of doing what is best for the is everybody's business is nobody's most people in the long run-but if business." we'd just look around home it would If we had a slogan that told the be easier to understand. Take the real truth, .it would read like this: simple matter of selecting the site "Democracy' means a lot of work and for the new high school building. a Ji ttle sacrifice on the part of everyMost of us would wag our heads one. Do you want it at that price?" . It takes a real American to say in vigorous agreement if you said that the only logical and democratic way 1 yes. would be to draw lines on the map Cecil N. Cortesi, Reporter, Rocky and put the new school where it would Ridge Ladies Club, Rt. I, Box 184, be most nearly equi-distant from all Graham, Wash. parts of the district. That would be only fairness and common sense--oh The county engineer's office has ycs--in theory. recommended that a petition of 13 But right here you nm into <lat ol prnpcrty-owners for establishment of dcbbil Human Nature. O!'e group a nc:'\V :road in the Golden Given doesn't want the school moved at all! Road area be denied. 'because then their kids will have to ride the busscs, and they will lose the trade the school brings in. Another group wants the site chosen right close to them so their kids won't have a long bus ride, and they'll get the trade. A third bunch figures anywhere they put it will be better than the prescn~ set-up, so they don't need to spend ,too much energy seeing that the best site is voted in, even if it


Parkland Centre Bldg.

GR 6612

Hairdo's Styled Fo,r· Spring!



~···...-. ~.r~

\~~ . I

;::~i' ' Margie's Beauty Sa1on tt


GR. 7931

Parkland Centre Bldg.


Fashion Parade of 1950 I a

fj,(fi;f .f',..l"..



7:]:--..i~ ·.It'!:



BOLERO Suits and Dresses $14.95 and $16.95


Pretty as a picture in sharkskin or sheen gab. 19 5 0 fashioned with a tiny balero. New pastel shades. Unidure wrinkle resistant -wrinkles actually hang out.

We invite you to see ()Ur seven lovely patterns of nationally advertised Forstoria and Heisey glassware - - - Stemware and extra pieces.


~ An appearance of height on top is desirable for the girl with 1l t!lquare face. In this hair-do, 111hod


Styled by FANYA for the business and college girl • Combed Cotton II Crease Resistant • Pcnnanent Finish It Washable

New Merchandise Arriving Daily

SPRING COLORS In Sweaters-Imported Cashmere and Zephyr Wool In Sport and Dress Blouses-In New Skirts and Slacks Lapel Flowers

locks on top form 1 high, li.!Oftlll'



Wl!V<!J!l bi;ng, T!!e !:'!!.'Et !:!! llie ha!!' Is medium-long, brought up at th@ sides, fastened with combs, and then let fall into a cascade of curl11 from high on the head hi b1<ck. This coiffure Is from th@

Master Handbook of 50 New Hafr.. dos, a feature of th1 March i1111ua





Women's Apparel of Distinction Parkland Centre Bldg.

GR. 7617

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