Mast 1954-1955

Page 1


The 1H:oorio'ulU:a§t WigeD, 3

;::E �onors

Ch.osen i'�:T:ER�N�;:��::E�:' 24�;;ht Mem��::ER' 11954.55 Baber Cheer Leader�


so.l9- LOtti I e soIsters Th�u rs.



the inClux of st ud ent s at

With the irst week of classes PLC eig h t ne\\ members have been ad�ed to the faculty and l\\o dor· ,�el1 on its \lay in the pattern of scholarly r o u t i n e, reglstIfLtlons mltorles ale being erected on the .. I ntrod Ct lO ns were I n order at the mplet ed In the campus Jon Ericson \\111 be were still being , Jubilee, the AWS sponsored, Big· .college offices The total enrollmen department or speech Herbert Ax· Little Sister Tea held Thursd ay at ford th department or . has been se at approximately m in the U pper S�B, as new T h e treshman Ics, Daniel Dvergsdal In the depart· regular students .




In e

This past Wednesday was decided by the popular for her second term, and crowd, along with Wally

the final election of (he cheer leaders vote of the student body. Janet Wigen, Lu Huber· will be the leaders of the Burton and Terry Brown.

To Be I Schnackenberg National AdViser .



the I Her othe r R.ctlvltles Inc lude LSA, Viking Club, Spurs, and FTA, Fu· ture plans Include a thlJd grad e Ian Is mnlnlr Inte r sted in

Irleld or music, \\"hlch Is her major


econom· l S A • • •



Ucation is he r plannea vocation eDr.:g!Q- ",,����,}tt.;�.�t,.�B. , ���nJ ed.J?�!-tlc.s.".J�. 'P-J.£; -��r 9ild�ts ���.it���;Y!·l"iIk>-1bntlRent:otmuai.e.�� t,4e If111�or _ot� o..ur ....: a v i se appOI . r t" \.UV- senlor' j'eU Queefi:' �;"" a niO've"!-of.,:!"""l':""QO--·"; d l!f� ul€lfonll Lut�ess, John' will not be available .untn next is.. Others. are· Luthe�n Students Ass oclaU on ot F'oll owing the main. speaker, Miss Sa c ra me nt o, ' Calif., -Js' ma10rtng In sue, however. AmerIca. This was lear.ned· from "Iargaret Wickstrom, dean. of ",omspeech with the lritlntion of so ing the Chicago national headq uarters I en, Onella Lee played a plano selec· inlo ether radio or TV. Last year last Friday. tion, Jean .F'rleske sang and Judy she and Paul Steen w r o t e and N ational prominence was brou ght played In the cam·pu s p roduc tion , Bureker p layed a tlut� solo. Jean Forelgn M en PLC by t he ot to selection Dr Christensen gave a reading. . "Nltht Time, USA_ " Activities In. 1 guished Schnackenberg to join the dlstin- eluded AWS council Harriet Vorvlck, newly-electe and Alpha Phi, <P Welcome d group ot advisers. WhiCh t he s p e e c h honorary . She also "resident of AWS, brought greet· includes Pror. L. J. Tolle of Texas clalm.s to be able to talk to SacraHow would you like to travel half ings to t he women. Other officers I A . & M., the Rev. John Sardenson . me to without a telephone. introduced were: Nancy Turman, way around the world to go to col· n of Cornel University. and Al Ice OtT he girls e lected last year to tlll "ice p resident; Kathy Biery, secr e lege? Artin Taniellan, or Harry, if I terness ot Boston University. t he c heer leading spots were unable tary; Kathy Gulhaugen, treasure r; . you prefer, ba.s done just that. Har· ,

4 ?

.......b oul?em? hers ,and De'" AWS om; . '!.,.- '" � me t tbe assembled." ' wPfi}: en. ...


I.... ° Facu·7 J oln

lE xceedf s 900 I t lass n

350 , trans. ment of Norwegian, and Gordon Gil, bers close t Q abou{-.w, Ftii;f-tot.a�.'




Cuke, tea, and coHee were served,



� the

Walter C . Schnackenberg 0f





C?il, we have rain. In contrast with


efficient bus system



class, "prefe ra bly In Coltax," slnc�




Uelphlne Danielson, ICC represen. ! ry has come all the way from Bagh· a 10: \.Hive , and June Sather, s o c j a J dad, Iraq: Naturally bere Is . ne w Illm. Instead ot I here that IS l"ilairman. with )lrs. Nelson, Miss, Rouze, �1rs.


r transterred to


PLC congratulates Dr. SChna Ck- to return this year, as one was work on his app olntment and In ,li!!' and the ot he an· . wishes him e\'ery Sllccess as na- Olher school. tlonal adviser to the LSA. e n berg



Student Council Holds his Fi U rst meeting 0f Year To-;

dad we bave what is comically . University of �lanltoba and • E " ltRlled the Sp,lna\\ay bu:s Ho \\ e \'er, I Maste rs from the niversity of u U nothing compares \\ Ith h e fi) JOg Kuethe, :'IIiss Connie Nelson and ronto. The first meeting of the Student nice S\\ ellson provided backglound (alpets of hl:shomeland,exceptpos· Miss Ka ren Doe. Mr. Gordon Gilbertson, midwestlD�dy Council was held TU �S-day, mUSIc dUllng the lefreshments slbl} \\ ooden houses, \\ hlch be IS Ericson g rad uated from PLC in Wyoming. will join the college statf! With Don Gaarder, \' i <- e pl'esl(l ent . I living in fOI the first time. 1952. The next yea r he did graduate in the department of music. He will ope ning the de\·otions. Thelma Ny.

.:\icholson an d Mrs

Miles presiding '

at the table s Onella Lee and

Teachers fo Spend Year on Confinent




Jon Ericson








Harry is a science .m a10r who work at Stanford University, where be the director of Band. Gilbertson g aard. secretary, then rt!ad the min· hopes to become an engineer b ef or e he earned a :'Ilasler of Arts (Iegree Is married and has three children. utes which were approved. he relu rns to Iraq. Coming Crom one in the unusually short tim e of three His publica.tlons Include "Strings In. As for the Lycenm series. it was W iO speak fOllr lan�uages nd v as Qua ters . While at PLC he was ac "! the Small School." a �l Ilo u nced t1la� )11'. Weiss and Mr. � � ; Robert L Johnson, assistant pro - I . ,stili able .0 los e himself In "New tiv e in deba.te and pal'ticlpated in D ver gsda l is an exchange profes- Karl a re \\"orklllg on this and will . fessor of illdustnal ans MISS Grace lork, the fact that he thinks PLC many tO lll"namelllS once competing SOl" fro m l"orwa)' for Professor let the COUll('i1 know the result of _ . ' s a s a O .�� �:�: �� il�.�� �. � � � st ud n ts are the friendliest he has aga inst a Britis h I'ea m i n an inter Akre. He is a tea cher at the Voss their contal:lS as soon as possible; . ld fe g , met IS a hi gh national deba te at \Vest Poim l"ew Stale Secon a y School in Voss probably as soon as tile different r t h o t :;�� Yc��!;: �\� � :� notber new student Is Ronald York. Last year Ericson tn\�ht at l"orwn.y. His borne is in MYkleb�st appointments ,lre made. � : � : t�� , i l tb Ci i . Ho from Honolulu. He happened to Texas Lutheran College_ �lrs. Eric· Jolster. The Voss school gives work Letter s of th anks are being s en t . away from the campus thiS year for enter PLC -through the efforts a s on nee my Knudson i s a PLC whi h compares with the junior to the writers of the Freshman study, tea chi ng and travel . !neig hbo r, thl% tonner Nancy Shin· grad. ' handbook, Ted Scheele, Robe rt Kelcolle ge in his counlry. ears, Pro· I ko etbe, and of course his slst�l', During the next two H erbe t Axf ord comes to tiS from D vergsdal, who was recently mar· ler and Norman Sc hnalble. o fes sor Johnson will or k i ng t - Nat. Ron Is working for a degree lD Knox College In Galesburg , 1IIlnols. ried, did his college work at the The meeting was closed a f t e r " wards his doctor s degree at the Business A mi nistration . He has taught at the University ot University of 0510 where ·he has the Gordon S t r o m and John _Holum ' L" nh'ersity ot M i nneso ta . He at- he expected a lack of sunsh i ne, the Toronto and the University or Wisquivalen of a masters degree. He were appointed to study the con· t ended that universitl': during the early morning fog surprised him. c on sin. Axford received his Bach- has done research work on the Old s i tut ion ot the Student Christian first term of the 1954 summer ses· The third foreign students"on the elor ot Commerce degree trom the Norse di i onary. sso ciation. _ _ slon and returned to leach the sec· PLC ca mp us Is Hans Mollerup from __ _ _


���:, :� �


ond term of the PLC summer ses· alon.











Copenhagen. Last year he the University of Oregon on


:\1lss Blomquist went to G ermany sic schola rsh ip.

in tli� latter part ot August. She Is

n o w a counselor I n one of ·the eight



of 1955 she

whIch I s his


a mu·

There he �came e

inlerested and activ



e rI c a n dependent secondary lng here this

schools. In the


in the LSA,

reason tor his be·

Because ot his organ s kill Hans

plans to study at a European ftnt- gained the semHlnals ot the Ted \'erslty. but has not yet decided Mack "Amateur Hour" and has ap·









travel In


now ad as





LfA' Plans W",ener Roast P rogram I I e �::�:; � �'A':"::��I::: ��� Yy:�� I :'

le roast and Inspirational am is scheduled for the Lutheran Studenta' Association Suntraveled o verland to Norway. day, Septem ber 26, at 6:00 p.m., ac· After completion of the scbool cordl�s to Phil Wig en. president. year In NorwAy, 1he.Akres pla.n to ' go to England where they will study !�I�:�t� =\:�:!:,:a�e��: 19�5 at one r ot g unfavorable. A charKe ot 25 cents ����: u::e=:� will be made tor ·the hot dogs and Grover Akre, th e protessor's son, pop. . is now a member ot the Junior class The tIrst regular business meetat PLC; Jng wJII be. Sunday, Oetobe.' 3, at on the S



They dis·

embarked on the Swedish coast and


The Ambassador Quartet is tour�

the Nor:tbweet Grand O� era AS80c1aUon. Thursday Iligbt they appeared in Tacoma in "carmen." ing with

A w' n




t ct


Fros h an d Bea n les H ave H a rd We e k

t A

New E>orm�Greet U pperc I assmen A4 .1954-55 Year Begins


"Dutton . blltton, fwho's got the any freshman on the graduation and button?" which one 11 wi ll be. Extensive peared on TV. Europe w1l1 also be on the a t w years ot study a the Unlver· campus and he'll tell you that th Copenhagen, Hans Intends button can be found on. top ot his agenda tor Miss Blomquist next slty llttle black and gold bean e, both ·to try tor ·the concert stage. year. . beanie and button gett10g plenty ot Professor Akre Is teaching wear his week.· American HiStory n Engllsh, n Carol Bottim l er and her com· stud}rJng tn Norway an exchange mittee have plan qed a Freshmen professor under the Fullbrlgbt Act. tun everyone exWeek ...tbat Accompanied by his wIre, the pro· ep t the treshmen. rules have

Ar ter






Returning upperclassmen w e r

M any freshman girls �ound that I there wer e\qUl� a tew steps In Old �

e I Main when c o u I d not week..




use the eleva.tor

On TlI esday,

\ ;f r 0 s h



met them"

selves coming and gOing when they


wore their clothes


&. r 0 u n




greeted last week by new dor" mitori s. Amid spray painting, til.





:� : ::�e s tu:::ts �::r; � ' a:e i te l hones, !! :three ot i




tusl n



j'ftto the'ultra D10dern rooms. Sa e

l fts,

an d wa

a erehutee a



the unique

re&tures. The sundecks were looked . env� while "CaJitornik. un-




d with P


) ace ' p Ian

pouring down.

' and

many '



other In-

� �� be found ln the z;ww lOUnges tor the student!' enjoyment c die ot their backs and cardIgan s e e e �e l :":':�-:t�:r:::;e :�iec�;v:�::�: :. :�r����:�b�:n � ;:��y� _ tb d;:'s S T:�!!';!� Wednesday was the day tor girls Fres,hmen are requ ir ed Is



day. Boys walked

ror Some


to show soph�


plunging necklines down to the mid-


to show otr the naturally curly hair

:�!� ��;:�:�

novat ons w l

they w11l house 246 persons. Both

will be equipped with regular post mores and all upper classmen until o n their heads and the boys to show otflce boxes. The structures are the J2:01 Sunday mornIng, . so tomor- otf the naturally curly hair 'b l w simplest and best bullt today &.nd row Is the last day mak those their k nees. Gi rls were forbidden to are fire and earth'luake progt. Work o r n r t t Sd c b P ni s and the r I t: th o tesles aren't· the only requlrementa Boys clothes went back a years' . _ . . next oionth. the lowly treshmen. name- to days of knee pants. Lit tl ' = _ ,� _ ====

eo t I �::::e;: �� e cour. :� c :� � �� °e ::� :� � !�: :��':a�:c!:: :���: �:��:�:� tew of A tew the e less members ot the class would girl bows and stutted animals were AmbassaclOi-quartet rather tace starvaUon than go to also in order tor the day. _ .. meals tbls week, Tbey s e e m w Yesterday was the day lor <be Has Successfii l Tour 7, 30 p,m, 126 con certs were given by This year's oftlcers are: Phlt" thlnk it Quite bumU1a.t.lng to stand. greenles. to call upon tpelr memo Wigen, president; RIchard Knud. In line backwards. to wear their ories as they were required to sing the Ambassador -Qllartet this Bum­ aen, vice-president; Marlys Salter- napldns around tlleir n�ks and to the school song upon the request mer on their (our. whicb covered beck, secretary;·Howard Christian. reach the humble level ot ca.rry:lng of any uppercluaman at any Ume atmost 1.1,000 mUM. They 6&D1" fil son. ItewardlJh1p; Gordon. Chris· the trays ot theii- superior IOpbo-' ot the day or night. On the Bchedu le -au statee ot the West Coast from . - Canad& to Mex.loo. (Continued on P4e Fonr) tiall5On, treU"urer. r








ISt:udent:� H av, H a ppy . .".. ew 0 W d

A Sup.rcilious Publishe d every Friday during the school year b) students of Paclflc Lutheran College. orms Carl.trom Nordqui&t ·or ror i r . ..... Entered a5 ser:ond class matter, October 2, 1952 at the Post Office at due to lnlo the room, I noticed Carol Urlle soul us curto very Being a Parkland. Washington. t l l e t I tude"tC�:�"' i> "k.�-IL'O ���·��hooe GRan"e SSIt �: ,:�, �7e omc. S t ; :�'t:: ::::�ln� :�::�nd::� ;:�t� �';:� :::' :o��:�e� , ��;.��li ;.��:: ; tiOO I P. Hall the other evening. My ope�ing over to her desk and peered 'over and Utzlnger'are gone. Question ...... JOAN KITTELSON Steen, Roegran�latlon "What 18 your opinion her shoulder. Just as 1 WitS about DI TOR IN C IE . the tabloid of the newwasDonn?" Aft. er a series ot to satl�fY my cu.rloslty 8S to what KEWS EDITOR... . .CATHERIXE SANNERUD Through �lorning Mist \,"as lIe81, t a near . f atal long, lengthy answers s ue h as: toe gals write In their lelters conF'EATUHE EDITOR. . ... . .I0AN�E POENCET blow. or this ebullient aggregation F MAKE-I'P &DI' T'ORS.. . DOROTHY JOHXSO:,,\. �IARLENE CHESLEY w·eekly�a\'e binh to a Iiterar. y ut- "swell." "wonderful." and "terri fie," cern�ng this new creation straight .... . . . . ...... .... WALT BA1..L el ance Of truly sterling Import I came to the ob\'16us conclusion from the pages of "Better Howes . SPORTS EDITOR.. . s o m e o n e cried: : impecunniolls that everyone here at South' Hall ane! Gflrdep.;,'; . ..D\\"AI!'-;E BRANDT. LOUIE SPRY tThe SPOR'T S ST,AFF'�. Indian 1'I'00ner. thinks It is the greatest and the "What In th'e world are you doing?" .. . .. . . . .. .. ...... RAY GOLD BUSl!,-;I�SS :\!A:'\AGE:R I l i ' c out of. the myself pulling After gone. real ord , w . other L. LUCKY most-in �I�� . ......... . PAt.: I� ��: .. . .. AD :\IA:-'; �GER.:. , Sg� !�: flil�\:n���� ::7.s�i::: . A-g 0;;l�terlan Due to everyone s lacks of orlginal- woodwork. I replied, "G�ttlng' Infor· HEPORTT',RS-LOIs . Erekvam. Sheldon Brooks, De\'el'ly Svenmgson. y r ellsfre ght agen , Fa t n, Bob � w O "J ! i h. 1 tilll In"·j. l,1 h � �_ul�pon a; (.0. wbl!-t..yp�> thll�r2t-�pte 1 \' Hallanger. Homi ld· Herlwall. Barbara Gronke. F'aith Blieitruan .��?:�(/,:. ,,,,,�."': ;"' �;':\'�� :� :-! ����&t;r;redt:-.'!TJ5'&OD).:twt���·��.,...:�:�:,:;"'t:.i:?,-\\ljW. .�� .- �c Q�lF ,,� . . t l\'lo . :� �IlJI W · l �::1 m�ft .�:�. d�r::t!hllit�-r� �' w.. �" ne\\; ·d orm.�' e�r6i. ·be�ng"·. A )7 :�."",,-, travelling chemist has ·transferred 1 Whilc . on my eXi�edition. I hap· tl'allsrer rrom Mt. San 'Antonlo Jun­ ::ichmlf'k, Mvrna Berg.. . . . learnTng alleglanc� f�m Luteviilc l Ior College tn California, was my to that somnolent hamlet, Pnllberg- ::�� ;I�O��ar�(� 1����;�I�gal�el:.��I:t�;e�<;�: target fo'" ttiTs question. She replied / ITIS UP TO YOU " on-the-Pallouse: Lovable little P. .ing key hole. So naturally I stopped QUietly ,t h at t h e y certainly Slll"With the prospc.c[ of .1 bright. full yeaf .lh ad of us, the stu­ �eets (slightly obese aO s a result of dor:1ll al., her fonner col· dent's of PLC look forw.1r� wiih high curiosity to what this food) and his golden horn. mis-' and placed rmy ear III) nto it.I ;\luch lta!!sed any new ye.n nuy hold in s�or('. \��1�I�erh,il�lPt!ll�lt I s ::hapen but still ha tnte reblew. s :: ��. :\�;l r :' , � �:: �f�� 71�' 1�tc� ��:�� :.� �7;�IO � ::C�l:�� a l for rl'cord to t.1S]... our is it As thl' writers of your newsp.lper. 1 placed Prewitl and Is triPle·tongue-!\ ' 1 ('xlstent. I I\ ' n Oh. well. sW'h is life: I II you the eVl'nts of this s(hool 1l'rm. so in till' futUfl' you C.ln Ing -"l,,?th SU'eet Hag-- nightly frol H : ; �� I:�(':': � ; : � :� a ;�;Si�:;f;��� .t17� hear through the grapevine that le I I rcad into t1w storil's your Oll'n memories of .1 cerr.lin h,lPPl'ning. bc�e to eternity. po::sibilities of crashin� t e fish r;ali�orninns don't n e (' d hoW;i!l� Those that arc most ,Ktiw will naturally h.1Vl' most to rl'nll'm­ The absen('c of those �halUJliolls bowl. anyway. ber. So. this editorial i" \\'rittl'll with t11l' 'intCJ1tion of arousing or rair- Ill ay will be keenly felt. But In ('a!<e yO\l ha\,en't \tl'ard the lal· Whilr- di"l'LI�:-;in,g the California the interest of our student body in col kg..: .1fL1irs. Th..: Sl't11l. '<';­ hey there: You wHh the ]lroletar( ' !<t. o t I s !< . u ' han vittl llls of 1Il� ther none h b wl i he fi Il� !1lJ]...l' rer is at the st.lning linl' no\\'. Only you I1JW till' PO\\· fa few lUore ian profile: I\rising from the IlIlIrky thf' ooys' dorm. Aftpr a I(>n�thy tli,,- weather lntel1;;e 'probing dropped . l.earn· winnl'f. Oon't h,t \' ourwlf down: till' raCl' of the .iejlths OKE8l-' E �OKr:;E "I!,;il quesl. .\lllIy. ion IIII' idea wa� rulf'd out as illl! Ihe !latHr!:' And S ) thl" suff of your ,\1oorinq Masl W.lIltS to wi"h ,111 ("oll le two almOtit legendary figures. illlpo%iblf'. I wondf'l' why: Just;l:-; Sharon and Barbara. after ('areful l the slUtknts of this (Olkgc only [he lA's1 for the wming yl'.lr. PLC ,;el'llIingly from the pages of \VAl.T tho u L kp y l I the rcmark u,ght, I came up with eave, t o was ta abo m is just Wh,lt you. with God' s hdp. t11 a]... it. This (an h,' onl' of KELLY �hOllli!lg their' journalistic . IH'ard familiar \'o]('e remarking (Continued Oil Page I"our) It's up 10 you: the fin,,::sl yr.1rs you may know philosophy. "Our best is none too about he rrom grand the front view t good." With the ..:oming of the fear- of thf' ,g irl:;' dor·nt. Say, fellows. you less pens of Carl.strom and Nord· b('tter walf'h those silhoueltes! NEAL E. THORSEN Quist. a 'e ocious pair. the dark After (Ii�('overillg that I still hall· TR CKS JOKES MAGIC Dorm Doin's I ness of ignora.nce will be banished r:'t lost illY knack of listening at <lll tl the dawning of enlightenment key·holes. I continued on down the Costumes, Tuxedoes, Serpentine seleci a new name to be announced will ( ome i.e., revolution. for Cilrl' Hall: h or :'\' na ('all from ludl until I dis('overed an open MA.4861 . Thus. ereatlng three organi· Slrom and �ordQuist are indeed a door. Cautionsly inching my way I 926Y2 Broadway "L'eat:" This seems be the later ations of women on dunpus. (DPK I revolting pair. Next week this in· main 1'0nsen SlIs of opinion about the zand DRG. also) but all three work- trepld duo of in-conoclasts, con-o· new dorm. All the boys are now I'al)- ing out sewers and bon vivants will bring idly returning the (urniture they I � s ofr oAn\VS. ing of . Christian you the fil"St in a. series of characbOJ'rowed f r? m t h e unoccupi n t . and fellog \f\.eel . ter as assllssinations. DON'T TREAD . shi Impressed p U i) moms. a;;; the irate tenants notil-ed ion eal:h girl as messages were giv- ON .IJS! . the lack of chain�.·et('. en both by 1\1Iss \Vickstrom and our r.\'eryop.e is \'ery happ\ ' exceDt i own HOllse I o t i l er Mrs. e l o n. A 5 For t e strange feeling th�t some-II very bJg well-orne was extended to It all fJ'eshma�. transfer students and ummer bs h .o e r' .n f'l h b:;"I�et! . to theIr. 5 h S:;:I� �\.�� lt�"���et \\�te: th e by the seillors espeCIally I the ligbts hooked up so can tell , many rriends returning from Eman- M ke C 00 I '5 I r .n ' I \�l; I' uel Hos�ital in Portland. ��;�! ����, ��:er t��n ��::: �h er, were not too T EaSier is beyond all expectations. Private girls, howev phO�es (ten cents, pl.easel. modern ;:rl:���1 t:V��\,�h��� �::'alroS:�:;i�� I If you had taken a trip just a few furnishIngs. every.thmg except r! blrln'da y par:ty. Conspiring with O. I shan weeks ago, vacationing PLC /----:�: �:h��:u::n� Ira�:: gt� d;a::�IB. to keep her out.UD-tilll:OO, the s�udents w o u l d have �een seen I P t Senior girls, plus Mrs. Nelson and \\orkJng at any job you could IlMlle. . I could finish this Mrs. Nick, surprised Gloria Kvlnge Up North, Tom Householder Wi-S � �%.��r, maybe with a beautiful cake and the UBllal painting house. The local bakery ' . In the same town was Delphine ,party games. (Eating and giggling) Ii . Well, bow about that!" seemed The Junior girls, besides writing Danielson's summer pastime. Won­ to be echoing through the corJidors I secret letters to a friend (boy) of del' If she ever sold a cake to Merle it of :the new South Hall as more Qnd I Milly Van Buren's , are asking the Hanson, Dick Knutson, or Dick II more girts entered the building a.nd QuesUon ot the week, to which no Jardine, who were up there. inspected their prospecUve rooms. one seems to know the apswer, Friday nsh Is gOing to be hard 'I And well might they have said It.. "What Is Mary Lou Biery holding?" tor Gerda Nugaard and Ruth DullLl everyone rs more than thrilled at And to the pseudo·Intellects who to ta�e aftE!I' the salmtlil cannery. 'j the -rooms, lounges and taclUties wlll attempt to write the "Pro- Down in "Water Washington," provided for them In {he new worn- Jetarlan Profiles" we cannew sug"palnltng all only .the green you see on When you pause ... make it count ... have a Coke en's Donn_ an Intense study or ,the Golden campus," was 'FJoyd Ohman. Carol Going along wfth the new Dorm, gest Rule and TIme magazine. Drace, who lived in "pouring Parknew or�anlzation Is evolving; oomMain land," reported using 40' gallons ot posed ot the South H&!l girls. At The campus IsOl again 011 to keep warm when not working their tlrst meeUng and devotions oJ! As.SePtember 20th Ie.llalive ILdue. . at Dairy Queen. Sue Skubinna at. Sunday evening, Sept. 19. President New IJews. old will derive tende� summet:. school and learned Je.anne Frieske presided and a de· I or our campus news nd you. o play golt. (I�ew someone must lire a deion was reached to dissolve the I We see that a few sophomore ·thave some real work), name ot Delta Phi Kappa and girls have come back with diamond Outdone East of the mountains Bob rings. CongratulatiOns are in order Keller farmed. Jerry Larson just for Liz Omll and Darlene Haugen. workect at rour jobs. (No wonder TOM'S Since the new dorms are begin­ some couldn't rind work). ICE CREAMERY ning to out9' hine Old Main there , Toot, toot - here comes Wally (Formerly McCA Y'S) have b e e n some improvements Rogelstad and ,the Southern Paclflc. made. Fourth tloor has acquired a Kathy Biery rode h r s e s and Tom "!lnd Veta Whittle.ey. propL sewing room and snack roO'lll. The laughed' at the dudes all day.'Thls TOM ANO RUBY girls on all the floors bave done a she calls a job on the ranch. beauUtul job in decorating their California crops came in with 22 FLAVORS rooms. Freshman Bonnie Trol'dson knee­ Fresb fee Cream We wouid like to take thIs o'ppor-' deep. in peaches and' grapes. T·he aonLEo UNOfI AUTHOIITY Of THE. C0C4..cOLA COMPANY IV : tunlty to welcome all the new girts only CO<?A-COLA BOTTL:ING, INC., TACO�A. WASH, chance for sunshine and Dick LARGE, THICK SHAKES' ..� I, ci '�I'� trade -t. and we l'hink they really are a...swell C I"", THE C��d�,--9,!,""'NY ey sta·yed inside sewl�g.,.;urni-· OU R SPEC IALTY �u�:� J I bunch .or kids. IT o












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.... f











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l\' s

lI ,


















__ _________






1)1' my

Lates, Loggers



[ e Colleg,e of Puget ound officially gets underway Saturday O I ght , at Lincoln Bowl In Tacoma when the two intra-city rivals . meet In the annual King's X game.

';:"-'_4� __ _


Page Three


Friday. September 24, 1954

I 'ntramural Soon


�!�!!"���,,!�_.!�,�"' I

I�". �


To Begin at PLC






director. announced on Wednesday

and naturally tha.t the Initial part of the progr m, touch football, would start Monday. October 4. The first Is schedpoint are strictly guess work. ,However, It Is no guess that Whi two h tiled (or'3: 30: O . M I d g'e l MuSlags will be strong easl of the mountains, The Plra.tes lost only one man The I ntramural program will inlude eleven activities this year, from their cha�pionshlp learn la t year and that loss was via the gradmanned Logger eleven, The Lutes , : Lutefilk, Lutefilk, Lutetltk, Etc. nl Touch tootball will be t he l a i o d-ailll to the "j)O le" In 19 52 vta uation route, , On thlll :o.ide o f the Ca�('ad es, PLC a nd CPS shape liP as the ones Activity until December, 'when basWith vislqns of )'el i leader�, fresh:l j,O wi n '�wer CPS, . o \ len b o poms coml l wi nnls e t' table and ketball .. fresh,\onten, to ea t. p rn I n an effort to bring the " Totem , O dl , h reelln� be(oIe , Th� Colle&e of Puget Sqund Loggers have a 'n Ueleu cif 1 1 lettermen .! �en,ce, l 'oll' bal k .. the hallO\\ ed ha lls of l �I�� :,,�'� � ,��� �n; \xi'ti.'L'!1'I.f\...-\rso.:o.��M��b�";..:no gg�c::: <:.o. Mb.-;r61\li'·'tit}Ca. , '-,�'l!',.rJ,�1titi"�tuq�lit af-n.c.' l"(,'fl\;,":.;.<=}'J;,.-it . ��notrun- 1on r1Hll- to ...."ork 't '"::":; �-::.. ... .� c . "'_T.\ll�me;-· �E.:" ��;.� \. lilem ln � 1II1 first the this. In seems 'to be findIng big nien to carry the ball. His whole glble to compete I n any acUvity ex­ pro �elld a bl,e: anll detelmlned, but IstlC lead ball?,>n of a n Indefinite number of colu m ns . starling line, wHit (be exception of "Louie the alphabet" i s back from cept those which Ilave earned a var- . Inexperienced team Into lfctlon The t l i ng for quarter· sUy let{er, The di str i - In which I should like to devo\c Ill)' slI<l<:e, h;st year 's squad. Don Egge and .Joe Stortlnl are tUll' be bOlsteretl br Tel r) Kluth bllt to the bacl( position and two other lettermen, ;\Ieshke and Dodds , look good to you ('ompete Is determined by your not to the neoph)tes ,Inll \\ alt F'ltzpatlh:k \Iho are rerE'�ldf'nce during the school year. h.\rdened cnm lloll,e:nelS \\ 110 m.lke rack up yardage from backfield po:;ltlons, I H I IHII,l:: fl OIll t he �enl('e 11\11 a may think lhls XOl'lh Hall will ('Omprilie th ree The ::tory of Ollr own " Lutes" i s long, but rar from sad, From here J UI) . our mnks of !-IIUld\ i l i n l I he b.u k p laying together. The ma' llistricts. Each tloor will be o n e o( l i � big III'olllem Is bu'k of though t look <; l rUlge and 1Il.I)he .In elllOlltel) h.l \ (> (\PJlth .IIHI �peed to be bapp)' for trlct Rnd will be called North Ones, terial is there a nd this yea r Coal'h ;\1 an' I a ' hma n don t untiCI but IS bel'ause q wri('IIl'l', 1!Iak.� IIJI 1'01' l a l l, or (': hal l ,goood dep\h at. ;ilrnost e\'er)' position, Very f w !-Itaners are back fro ll I l'.'Orlh Twos, a nd North Threes. I vy "UlIltl Ih(' l ' I l \ se, Harkell : I Tom Call1ph('11. a \'Pl. and iJon tell , . . I la;.1 y'·ar. but fre"hlllen ancl transfer;< look sharp, A sight for s? re Hall. Clo v r Creek Hall, and the 1 ;":l l'd(,I', a �l.S hllllrlr ma l l , have Well, tbe beginning ot t)le school year rolls all eyes turn to the gridiro n (or sports thrills.

The Lutes imlt their grip on the TOlem Pole In last year's fray , taki n� a 20-0 �elback rrom a well-

:#.'!�! n}�)f!l ·-



1\ 111




. II

' 1. ld \\111



l lf'



tltt' italf ba l' k l!tlartt'l'h,I \ ' k i n ): ,.jIOI'P!'.

It., !"dj!+' o n









\ 011




\Vltat is It that· i n Bpring t l l nt!' a

you ng



\\, i pe


;< H;<


hean '.'

in K l ll!.h,

a PIII',ll'l'd

What c< 1 ls es




of Tonllny


t ;;




F'1 l7.IHttl'll'k,

\\'a l !



ba t

( ' anlllb"11.





.,�� � -

Jln�itions ,


As rar as the Evergre'e n Cor-ference Is concerned, predictions a t thIs




ancl ! Harrar'ks; arf'

ba('k after :o.r.lnts i n the servl<:(:!, Campbell was a back and


I vision;; Also,





<: am p


l !< cli­

were guards on Ihe Gladiator team of 1950, I h f'r(' at'(> 1'0111' off·eampl1S Al S O, ba k from ",',e 'ea m O,f HaO i s t:ll:k,I C n " l ,W,add" ell ', T0 a,'l d power d i " I t' i r ' I " ' T h P I )P , 'I l'd i n e 1-,'ou5e will , " " , , " ! I,fll lely 011 l n (.,laldel l ite .Ml:kfleld , , .1 t l .Il\;.;rel, fl o m :'lI o n· b.', 0111" 1!I;.;trJct , , till;; year lI1stead at , ;;h 1.:.111 , .\'0, :.!," Gerry Bensoll: a sophomore ( a na S I ;I !" ,"IIII G:!_I'Y S all 1 u i l a, a 1 1';11\:0',1 1'1' 1 1'011\ \\' a " h i ll gto 1 S t a l .'. A l ;; o b(> i n g pal't of 1;:a � tel'll Parkland. � ' O i l , yoU ' \' e seen thcm, too, hub? ( t n m l u l'l i ll t ol l , and '1'0111 Gilmore, t e ack Ga leet hal a len :'\ l "ballm, lb f from \\,ashlngton S late com,eli , A nd I Th(> Eastern Parkland d i !it ri c t rllllS thous. Tha t':; right, they're .I1:i r l s I . h l l l a n from Federal \\'ay. Ita"c ;1 frt:, s k E ll i ngso n, Ga r)' east trom Park Avenue to the Gold­ :Iuds of I h e m ; t'a r /t O I l(> i I I) i c t u l'(! of po i t i o n w e fi n d Ph i l Xord q u ist, Brian I ' ri C'E:, and J •..-' b'>" 11 groom!'\! fo r the job and both enter and Di c k G ri swold i s kee r1ing the odds e,�en for I en Gi yen Roa (1 an (1 sOllth from Gar­ lo\'eliness, I t s lI wfu l � It ' s mob ril l e, Gal l' i s back at e ' aI''' likely to ::e(' plenty of aet i on, gU�rd position. �ran� Lancaster Is at fullback and i s ,C al)la � � field street 10 :'II iii ta r)' l{oa'l. WestSenile old .Juniors spring to t h ei l ' starting I 1 lI a i b lal erbaek ern Park lan d eover;.; t llp land west �'1;:�H;i\: l�::;1 :1�1 I ��:�� :�::, �;>��:� �: feet, fO get t i ng railing a ppendages, o r this year 5 team. Oa,ttl mg I t oU l for the starting nod at ql t from f r o m P a r k A venue to ;\lcChord , an�1 Ir i p o\' el' their (' rutc /l e:;, The a re J erl'Y Denson. a re tu rnee from last year, Tom G ilmer, freshman ,';\ I'liing his second stl'i l lc as a Lute. Federal Way, and AI .\ I urray , a freshman product from P uyallup, and F'ield and 1l0l'lh (mm Wheeler S-t. wheekhah' se t are ha\'ing motors 1 Holding down the a n cho r l)Osi)) o n Ka!;!, a Irosh frolll :;al' ramento, Calif. to !I6th St. AIi40 in('luded in \Vestinst.tlled all their mat:ilines. Tight In


)'1 ,(,

loolll!< a" l ilt'



hp1\v}' brea t h i n g p o r i ' ll m ilbi nls :'


Jl rob l elll�,

is still l o o k i n g f o r " O l e


a l l l o n g the


d id

h i :; glas!<ps?




K I 1 I t h and "Fitz"

fro n t

Se \,.






Al l i n all tlle ontlooK lor the season puts t� e Lutes i n good shape, ern Parkland are all students living little g,'OIlI)" ,'an be seen fervently i s t he d l' t in (he r. ....kes District. All students ' heir bachelor buttons, u t hillg one of the afore­ ( 5 ) Ce ntral ; not Eastern , ( 4) ) 1 ( . c r P. r tied; and ve y thi ng I s in a st.ate o onfu ! t ne year and should be even ' mentioned distrIcts a r e <tl1tomali(7) n r t s e (6) sian , rill m i sty-eyed with an ti d pan ea ms this season, but I do t ('ally i n the Tacoma i t ' t bE"tter this year. �Prl ce Is a convert- - ' t i ll too early to tell about some at N h r b fo to I I I ed fullback, the Lutes at ea st a share of Ta coma a.nd wes�e�: �� rkla nd think ':01 goIng Oll t o n a limb to � d h "" 'l S be: n �� ess::t w�;�:' l r"reshme n! Don',t forget your skull e Ev ergreen Conference title , I n facl I wl11 pi <: k one, two . three- Pa- are defending football cha mpi n s . th a show o f pnichri lllde. However order. However, Tacoma has jost t h e serv"aps! utheran, W hitworth, College of Puget Sound to fjnish i n s o m e thi n gs are better l e f t unsaid : eif1c L I'll I ces o f backs Donn Koe!JSler, n Hoover h a ar , Anderson and Eric ar ! t neshmen" H " edge, six-point a e t giving .s r;:�-:;��r:, a �::::�� :a n o a d steamroller. so ' T e food In the Something �:��e�� ��:�s �w��ne

tions are


battlescarred \'eter-

ans, Phil :-';ordqlllsl and Brian Price,




a stalltlout on




way they finished in the Evergreen Conference last year: Here PLC ; resIding In (3) CPS, Whitworth W e ; UBC. the t I ' l conc ede � �:� I that About the game Saturday night, elring along with the Lutes, may be slow to st t The hm j i ��t is a I ;::

I � � :�� ,

d I n I n g club,

old- h

In dosing , and this i s only for



Attend th e Game BICYCLE RENTAL dam and hope from the coacblng I - ( " Iots of gi rl s. all kInds of Saturday NiCJht at J:OO 1Jiarlield St. GRanite 5772 gstaff l ';; rl '' ; I . I ng ble;� m h�U�m;� , So ' �';!= ;;;O�;,�)==; : :::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;�;; ::::::::;:::::::; � I� Tools - Sporting - Housewares - Paint - Plumbing - Window HOB NOB' Shades - Travis Rods Ar�s - Crafts - Hobbles HAROWARE !J -..r .. e .. 8 FLOOR COVERING DONUT BAR � .. e _ GR. 3431 St. IF YOU CAN'T EAT IT-WE HAVE IT .;- Garfield Welcome, New Studentt Phone GRanite 3171 121st and Pacific Avenue •

Senior girls, I bring words or wis·


Madden's Men's & Little Men's Shop45' R.P.M.


Parkland, W..h.

414 Garfield Street


Come In and Select a Plan-ter for Your Room $1 ,50 qnd up


SteJ4t.'4 ?

415 Garfield Str�et

"Olltinctlve Merchandise" Parkland 409 Garfield St. Phone GRanite 5317



Lester, are stili In

but have moved out of the a








I,I, Ii

i I





Bring your Motor Trou�!es to u.--Expert Mechanic on Duty

Welcome. Ne..... and Old Students

Garfield Street

Hi·Fi �nographs

and Bu d


Pacific Avenue


Magna-vox, Columbia, Webcor anaothers � TED BR�WN MUSIC. GRanite 7863' I ·racomi.'sll��c���ad�ea:dqua.rters

, _---_ -� --� � � --


�===.===: I



Redal. and

,cboo\ Western tigh ra.ce to Distri ct. I t should be Gladiators- 1 9 54 the wire with everyone having ·Sept. 2r-<;PS at Tacoma, 8 p.m, good chance to win It. Oct. 2-UBC, Vancouver, 2:00 p.m. PATRONIZ'E OUR ADVERTISER, Oct. 9-Paclfic U., Forest Grove, 8:00 p.m. Oct. 1&-Central at El entburg, 2 Sewing of all Kinds Relining Cloth and Fur Coate p.m. ·Oet. 23-Eastern at Tacoma, 8 p.m. MRS. WHITE Parkland ·Oet. 3O-Western at Tacoma, 8:00 418 Garfield p.m. Homecoming). Nov. 6 - Whitworth at Spokane, 1 :30 p.m. \ RUSLER'S MARKET Nov. 13--CPS, Logger Field, 2 p.m. GROCERIES - MEATS -All Tacoma gam played In LInVEGETABLES II coin Bowl. J ,Garfield. St. Parkland PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS I '

Laurinat's Apparel


o Bill


Wai�h and Jewelry Repair Engraving a�d Diamond Setting Phone GRanite 7828 Parkland 239 Garfield St.

GRanite 4242

Parkland Center Bldg.

We Specializ e in

Parkland Jewelen'







----, rtf\


. - ---.o=:-- p6r('rDEBS" 5.95 · 7.95

After exhausting Ply sounes here girls' dorm, 1 decld'ed to try to gather a Httle Information on the boys' point ot "lew. Rushing back to my roOUl, [ ha s tily got Ollt my black book. Alas, the only fellow home was my rooillmate's finance. so I Rsketl him his opinion of the new dorms, anti his reply was thnt tbey are very Ilvt!able-Isn't that just like a man! How e ver . after (urthel' tel ep hon e cltlls, I ea me to the conclusion that the general con­ flenSllS fmlll the rellows seems to be tile same as tbe girls. If you don't bel i ev e me. ask J erry Slatturn, Dave Scherer, Dick Jo'al'lless, \Val'­ ren rooleyers and Jerry Jo-'arrner, Just as I was about to make another cal l , the open, tor I nformed me that zero hOllr was nl.e:h and that I would have to wait until the l'Iext day to , make any more telephone l'f\lls. He1 1llaclng the ('{'I' eiver. I gazed aronntl my ('00111 and thought of how won­ tierful it's going to be to sperHI nine months I n SUdl a beautiful home.

( ,) (e) , ' , Plain Toe in Cordo Calf.. , . . 9.95 . ............. 9.95 Pebble Grain . . . . ..... 8.9 5 White Buck


(b) .

SADDLES White Bucks Soap·n .Water


Frosh and Beanies Have Hard Week

(f) . . .

Continental Bal in black smooth ................... 9.95 or Blue Suede . (g) . . . Trugum Loafer. A Tru·Moc Shoe. Flexible and long·wearlng ... .. .8.95


( c) , . "TRACK White, Blue, smooth



when It comes to studying-who are they trying to rool. Continuing on my Journey talking , to severnl other girls such as Lor­ ! ralne Langeland. Kathy Biery, An· l ilA Anderson. Jean Cogburn, nnd Bea Hansen, I am 1 ho rough ly ('011vlnced that the girls feel It Is a won· derful pdvl lf!ge ' to be able to IJve bere wbere we have all, the modern

� the

··���iilE BUCKLE" In White, Red and Blue Suede,


(Continued from Page Two)

tilat it certainly boos-ts your morale





Stadeats Pleased. With New Dorms

Page 4 Frid.y. gept. 24, 1954 - - -- ----






(Continued from Page One) I I' 1 s yesterday was no makeup all day. anklets not rolled and dark clothes. Anothe r

fo r the g

5.95 bOys looked like they had out of bed all day yes· when they were "asked" to pajama tops to classes, who had no-paJama tops use that UtUe excuse, but to ,wear a T-shirt. The boys couldn't comb their hair, either, but that didn't bother many ot them.


pillow cases and make Uke air raid si re ns. Other minor matters whJch more t h a n likely bave convineed our neighbors t·hat all college ,aludem.s are crazy are girls In pig tai ls and the boys with their shirts inside out ' Saturday. the iait day or Fresh· man Week, will begin with a meet· Ing or all frosh on the fro nt steps of Old MaIn at 9: 30 tor something very Important which ·has been kept a eecrel and a plcDl� In the after­ noon. The only consolation that fresh­ meQ &,el out or this week is that they bave three more years to pull same stunts on the freshman for the next thre4! years. So and be&r it. tre&hmen; ft's

with their

GIRLS • • • White Gum O�ord.

3.75 BOYS • •' , White or Black



Juat V.z block from ' PL.C

We Have' a Complete Lin� .of


L-____�__________________________________________________________________________________"�7 &ll ln hm. 411 GARFI ELD ST.





- t ----






.'Zh@ , Mooring Mas t ....,son Is Injured I Mrs. Roe Teaches Ch - Ch I Tho o����8���=t Fresh man Compo I �rus Ol r,

B r o p IIR!� ac Will Be H 1- 9 h' i -1 9 h f:

professor of


F·� - .- ;o� �� r-)'.""'� e .r r



but not critically 'injured In "0 slUon Is Mrs. KelmerRoe. wileaeT. automobile accident early wean_ Kelmer Roe, a teacber of e gion T U l and Greek here at PLC. Miss Boe day mOrning. '

t -

��;;: bl: ��� !10m@-

of two cain'as rlats, each- 2� by 45 fe

r k

8 4-\q. :.,���1

ohest, but no bones



eluded in tbe conversations will be men lion of the



A crew


buihlings oh


� t lltlellts headed


thf> O: k ro[l each €\'ellillg, back 8tage in the C.\IS, trom now up until the time of the pageant. Included in Ihe �roup are Lee Horning, J ack Shullz. . 'like lirilfin. Abdul·d-::>uu· bagb, Louis GeIsert, Stan It e a d , .I

err y





George Hosko�, \\'ill be working on c

Christianity leilve


Lowell Tom Reeves, Tom Swind· J o m, �:�in�o��

Hayes, Kay Wise, Jim "lorence, Jon



at Ta·

{'obsoll . :\Iyrna Shelver. Ha.t Soder· man. Barbara Johansen.




. meeting, At tbe laa' ASB l::oy.ncil

Dr. Pflue,er ��l, Nj:t.4-!'9 Qc:\. �.


I I �� 1? 8�meel.

�Iyrwang, :\ yr


I na Pfar,

vi Biery, I alll, Hellan. I

:\larsh, Beverly Smith, Carol ·Vohs, Sol e g



Second Altos,




Nancy '

Mina. Raaen, Pat Bundur·

Doris DII:\louchel. •

First Tenors

Stan Hillsman, Ed Larson, John .

Rf>ay, J

i m Simonsen. Steve Brandt.

Set-ond Tenors,




Reierson, Hans Hollerup, Joe Dan­ iei:lOn. Virgil Anderson.



Sophomore '

"Y'tay�· Gold�· DOn-�eL.....

son, Joe Reitz, Duane Romo, Don


Tl1gges, Ron Smith, Jerry Kalyan,


RoperT.. Keller. Charles Don'bum. Seco �d s Don Brunner:- Alan Jean Peterson, Janet Towe, Freed, Jim Lokin, Martin Simms,

Second Sopranos,

Ellickson. B I' u c e Hille, Norman Schnalble, Kerma Knutzen, Darlene Haugen, Birge Pearson. John Moon. Dick

I i

Sandra Jacobs, Jo Anne Knutson, Myking. Greta Johnson, Carolyn Hoogner, Le Nell Howell, Joyce Markert, La· \'o�ne Stenhjem, Jane Wolk, Shl r·

First AI

ley Buschlng, Sherry ·Lee. · .... A n i t a Schnell, Harriet Con·




Monday, October ) \

verse, Pauline Skjonsby, Delphine 7 30-Rebearsal ror pageant, CMS, . rbara Danielson, V10 Iet Ru ed , Ba C.Mg..l�2, Radio Studio. ! I Skjonsby. Pat Olsen, Ordetta, Bech- 7 : 00-ICC, lA04. tel, Joan Klttelson, Barbara Ristau, 1 7 : 1 5-APO, L-117. . Koppe .

Second Alto.

16 : 45-Wednesday. October

Tuesday, October 5 '

, '7 : 30-Rebearsal ror pageant, OM,S. MC S--U2, Ra�io Studio. Nancy TUrman, Martha Douglass. 1 Stud ent Council. Hurd', Inez Isaksen, Betty

Johnson, Donna �Ig�i-, Ruth Hauge.



Silvia Johnson, F1orence' Ohristen. 7 : 3o--Rehearsal f�r pageant, CMS, CMS·122, Radio Studio. s en, Roberta H"U m b I e, Lorraine Janet EmUson, � Wilkins, Langeland, Marlene Babnlck, Joan 7 Rose Ann Jacobson, Jo Ann Dahle. Knoph. Dave Cbur- 7 : 3o--Pl'A, SUR Evelyn Biery, Shirley Savage, AI· ness, LaVerne Stough, Larry Peter. 1 7 : 3 tor pageant, eM S. ' zora Albright, Marilyn Viebrock, CMS·122, Radio Studio. , Roald Feness, Dick .F%lrne8s, Delores -Evanson,Anna Marie Grom� Bruce Dahl, Don Mortenson, 8 . eatrice berg, C �OlYD Winkler, B Orme. Maurice Fink, Alden M c· 8 : 0o.--.:-�A 'Movi e. . Kechne Scbeele, O&rol BottemUler. Sylvia y Ray Men sch Neil KVern, ! 7 : oo--PI Kappa Delta cruise, ' Herrl� �aJilyn Hefty, Syl\'la Klr' Raym ond Neh,en, Tom Reeves, og. it , _ tebo. -W1llnl� Mi·tton, Jo 'Ann Knut· er Olson. Ragna.r BenlOn. . Football away-Pactric U..uJversity , s��. June Gall Gruip, Ltv ' Ken Robinson. Ray Mag- 6:0Q-4-PO <formaJ pledging. faculty




the constitution or the newly o rgan. continuance of merger negotiations ti Ized C hristian Studl!nt AsSocIa on \\ I t h t h e EvangellC1\-l Lutheran was approved. This group 1 a con8 U Churcb, t�e .n1t.�,," �an,�.U �. LU. J:1qrch and . tke Lu�era� :cderatioD or LSA. Mi ssion Cmsad· theran e ra, and- the prayel: and noon war· ..� Qqvtq,s. Hel�Q Jord�p.r, . l-'ree <?burch. Call nuson.


Second 'Sopranos,

Anlla Lee, :\laria Gabrieben, DOllna

More Girls Named

. 't.


Giger. First Altos, Shirley Savage.


SNdent -e9Uncll Meet

:\'Ianie :\1("­


lloeshore, Ka.thy GlIlhangen, Winny




I �I itlon. Hllth



member of r)oor committee at . the conventlon. The (:om.mJttee ban·


Trips Planned


coma's three largest churches, T.V.


T he Freshman and


the group, lu cludlng a monthly radlo broadcast, engagemen.ts

Hinri ehs, il a \ Girls' Drill Team, donned I n white ���I' J���a:' �::���h and black, will be a new attraction r I tor the 195 .,1 Homecoming parade sc������� �;�i�:' �i:s����. �:I:� , nnd game.





Invitations have been extended to

irIs under lAle leadership of Jane Carlson, Jo�ce PUfrert, will be accompanied by the Ruth Hlne, Bob Lundgren, Shirley !: PLC Band in a colorful haH.tlme I Buschlng, Nell ·Munson, Carol Hart· , , prograw of drills, Cormations, and ,I man, Carol Buschke, Dick Barnwell. band music. . The glTls are: Lavonne Stenbjem, Trips which are being planned Valerie Hayes, Marguerite Gnof!, this season will take the torenslcs Sherry Lee, CarolYIl Hoogner, Jan squad to TUscon, Arizona ; Port. on Durant, Jo Ann Benson, Cathy land, Oregon ; Seattle Pacific Col· B hi'ge, College of Puget Sound ; M e. ' Sannerud. Jean Grad wobJ, J o a n Flaig, Janet TryhUng, Ruth Haugse, Mlnnev1lle, Oregon ; SL Martln' s ' lIIlan Getam, Carole Clark, Peggy . � and Redlands, CalUornia . Arlt, Carol Sorenson, Sylvia John· "I would say, generally speaking, son, Lorraine Langeland, Dorotby J, P. that thIs year's forensics s Q u a d Hickman. Sharol Lawson. Evelyn prospects are prom Ising We bave a Reiman, Bev Sverungson. B e t t y vention of the Amerlcan Lutheran very well balanced senior squad. Church Toepke, Jan Rindahl. Marilyn Le and some very nice prospects com· Rud, Janice Smeby. Bonnie Troed· The conclave will be beld In flea. ing up," stated Mr, Karl son, Joan Kittelson, DarIene Haug· tnce Z\ebraska, 10 the '" eek start· .-.. " � r. Er�cson added, Meetings are n Dalpblne Danielson Marlene IIlg ursday , to be heid �t 4:30 on Tuesdays and ��eSley, Evelyn Quaas , S ndy Voss, pnu�ger, who will be one r � at 7 : 00 on �uradaY8 . . . It Isn't too at Bugbee, Lorraine Schmick . f 0 u r delegates r r o m the ALC s late to turn out yet. Everyone In· P Northwestern District, .....Ill be a tereated Is welcome." . I

This cOllvention will vote on the

Stakkestad, MJlo Scherer,

ship of ninely.four\students. Many

from Augus·

New Drill Team Girls Announced

Joan :\Ieyer . .Korman i"orne8s, Gene

sen. Alan

the convention, Including tbe vital


tion of :\11'. Fritts, has a member·

Summer School

H\I�tad. :\l arilyn



... ...:.. :-:*�-;.

school in South Dakota.

cobs, Bette Toepke. Pe;,kec,



After her graduation

Solne, Ivan Seppala, Ddyrol Anton. :

merger question.


lana, she laught EngUsh in a high

Olsen. Sandra JaLinda Hurd, ' Virgin ia T ho m pse n . Judy ilure ker,

Dr. .I. P. Pflueger, profesl;or of and phi losophy, wil l . . Wednesday to attend the blennilll International delegat�





. �" ,


dies all of the major' legislation or

, A"teIVIe teles

he sludying 1'01' his maHter's Tllo,," ";ig'ninJ! l I jl for t h e forensic ' Ut'gree th e re . al' l i \· i t y were : A n i t a Sctl!ll:'I\, Ue v· ! " . ,\,\� �� W i,',- h yO\1 m I \ �j�.hl��s:lgt�d�:�ll:: _ _. . , you r erly Svenlngsen, Carol ilrall, Janet \ TUrman , E8 t he r Elli t' k!;on, Connie :\l "s. Hot' . l

Dr. J. P. Pflu..ner Is I Dele9ate to Conclave !

Th Dr.


i '�I.,:O

tlO I"l:' Karl .

lain l)' \\'ell-ome to help." says Jerry.




e l oI b r l 'l l; :::;:: � o���· ;k � . '·:�:�' �:le:� � s I ,t j\ t o J w ho enjoys "slapping paint Is \.: l'r·


ea r .

. •


be a large group of students con· . vet'8ing about campus ac.-tjvities. In-



Begl ns Yea r I n 1 9 4 9 she went to summer s('hool here and for three years she " Resolved : That the U n i t e d ! taught in the elementary grades. States shonld extend diplomatic I The Roe l'hildren are also In the ret'ognltlon to ComqnlOist China:' teaching profession. Both w e r e This is the question that debators l gratiu:ttes of PL C . Their daughter, w ill b e I)ondering tbls season. i :\1I-s. �n Sothstei n , l� aches second lry school In An adtiilioll has been made to the , grade III an element, . altilllOre. :\·Iaryland. Her husband I"O;U'hin� s t a f f or the forensics � U . 1:-; taklllg his intemship at the U, S. ti{j II ail : a Form e r PLC Htudent and Publit· · Hospital. ilaltimore, :\lary­ dt!iJator .lon Erksotl, who w i l l take land. Da vid Hoe is t(!aching chem· tltl' role or a:;si..;tanl ("oadl to Theo- i:-; try a L \Va�hi ngIOl1 State and will


second nat will be of t'be C:\1S blilldlng 'in fronl of wUl




Deba te S q u'ad

Main will b e done by Ui'a Indulitrlal


B eg eln


Two of the fin�s ( choral g{o�ps in the Pacifi,c Northwest have begun their year's �qi.yiti�s on the PLC campus. The Choir of has had to resign becau8� or poor {he West' and tbe<opLC Chorus have both filled their rosters with !te4lth" • ' talented students, who are now engaged in preparinB for the year{s . ���' _ an� Mrs. . Roe . have . l.I ��d . well-filled progra�, . . ' ?al'kl4.n d . �ve.�y.ean,.:. , ..: ,.. �tlitl:j;oii"or_tlle'·· West,.�tla�r. mii--atfettion bf Mr: �i.tnj.n}, . "Prior to coming here, Mrs. Roe's is cOlJlposed of. fifty-nine students. of which thirty-one were educationaL backgrou nd· w a s 0 n m mbe e rs last y.ear. In, a r�cent me(ling to elect officers, Don Tigges nd E n g l l s b. SO IOIOgy major � � was elected presid�nt ; Ray ReirsoD, vice�presidenr, and f0ina I ::Dakota. ;:::� ���::: �u: ;:I;..a�OU� �a:��-si:c(i:��A!Ji���S��; p��,��a(r af:JuS��J��u:of�i�i�i;:r�fc�' and also in (he ReforJ!latioD Day mass chocus Anne Knudson, English tea.cher, The PLC Chorus, under the rllrecwas attended there at the same


��� e�:����n: �: ���:�n � ��:; h o to Old Main. In front of this rlat Pl be bed.rldden (or a few days. It �s wlll be the scene of the dedi cation kno\�'n when be will be able to not The rront of the building In 1894 . �neps included "In this scene of Old return to the ela.ssl·oom, ;, one f1a ' will be the ent,"n,e

arts dep,rtUlent.

Taking the place of Miss ' Karen

was painfully Boe as. teacher of rreshman compo·

A unique backdrOD will be a high: . Rel\lrnlng tl'9m a meeting In Se' light In the coming Sixtieth Annl- aWe, Thompson crashed Into a � � ��}���� �� .f..�. "'p�,r�:� ���r .�t� .. �a;cl�_I� . �.n _ d fil' Lu(fieran College tlie weekend , Jfa�a,' 11e' "1Ufret'ed a oa:d:iT.-<ri;j,t gf October -17. The biggest drop tongue, lacerations 'In bls chin and l:'v er ' to be used a� PLC will consist lost teeth. H� also was In·


'I l


economics and busl-

ness admlnJstraUon





Q�t.en��. �4' G4r4p.

N �pn1.


Thursday, October





Friday, October

Saturday. October

lounge. Mark Freed, Dave Steen, Gerald P r i c 4i. DttXMl .A.ndeI"8OD. ! J4nn OUUD�; Nt. RaJ�r.


Page Two

., lie THE


fM:t. ,��J,,jhb.r · 4., ' �' ' U . ! ,�"i".,, �� !',\ _� "l ," �, 8!\ )��lil"�.y MUVr'''·< M ••� � ; "1" ,, �, ",' 1" fi A� com plIS b ,�, .J

M OORi,.,

1 , ,'1M � .

Publlsbed every Frtday durtlll< the ""hoof year by studenle 01 Paci c:. • , Lutheran College. , I

['" """ �




.. .


,\",;�'! �.

Another's' VI'e'ws


except one. When it came to her turl.l, she smiled and said. 'You do give thanks before 'You eat, don't you?' "If students would look around them in the lu�ch line or in the dining hall and picture how much food is actually prepared for each meal. 1 don't believe they would have this ,attitude. There would r:t't be much accamp!ished in the kitchen if �pecial attention were given to eae? pers?n s taste , � any of � might c�an�e our , way of thinkmg If we Just peeked IOta the kitchen from time to time."



your Chrl sUan attitude at meal ..



,,1)e1�' �i.tIle

,*S>'.q;;r""��llr.;t� 'th""'_'



' I




'..;;;: ,.., : R-,,;,n.;,;� .; ' -�"".""'h'!I�



smile that 'be

she possesses; it means the tangy

smell ot a. hot dog at a football

game; it means tbe thrill or listen· ing to a -hymn written 400 years 'be-

fore you were even thou'ght ot; i-t


means the padded sound of sboes

running across dewy gNss. befng almost late ror class' i t means .lbe

ested parties notify "Leadfoot" Carol. .

Steila's Fiowers

Flowera for All Occaalona \

d a on.


The Ir.shman know! 'hot !>. 's

at the bottom but he alao Is aware





Men or women to do part time work afternoon_ and eveninga. 51.50 per h o u r guaranteed to w �hr���, 9���u:��fl��.!:��e �·8�: curlty Building, Aoom'�7.

'-::===========�============ GR. 7463



ping-pong, fads, curf;w hours, midni ght studying, movies and all the other funtlamental trivialities which prove -so Individually vttal 1n 'obtaining that word-e uc tl t


Garnctd 8t.

.. .J.'



'or 'the rormula to the top. For with

and Evely:n Q�aas!. .l{ Is rU' l 'hls consumate ambition. imagina. ��red that they e�n bad flowered ti on and unlimited creative abUlty napkins. T b 0 s e pa.ekages from the road stili looks long but the borne really are wonderful, don·t light bas turned green. .

n.,.ly ..I<><:I.><I yo� think?

So, upperclassmen, why not, in

One girl on third floor is destioed all seriousness, say � sHent prayer to become another "Swannle." This sometime . tor the grad uating class namely Martha Douglas (�klp ) , of 1 968. May you pray 'tbat through about 'every prank possible 'the grace of God we

Especially tbe counsel-

One night they round cookJe


have the and Christian foreslgbt to ! and the prpud


tracUon on c9JIl1)us. We're havtng a contest to see ,it 8.nyone can gueBs bow long it wlll take a monkey with , a wooden .leg to ldck the seeds out of a 4tlI.plckle. The -winner ",111 be­ come the tlrat on PLC's Campus wear a pair or white bucks 'with a built-In bar-ratl . . .' -the kind of shoe that leaves a diet1nct:lve tootprmt. "Tbe cot1test-:wm -be hpld the third Tue84ay' hen . week ot the. tull , moono'Thre8

cheere ror telephones. a new game

' have lear.ned.·

" (rustrate ,the operator." " The

Is 10 run. down the hall, taIdDc eT­ eryone'. telephone ott Ute hook, and .tben trying- to rePlace .them tClhe& on to wb8.:t's . -abe. oa.. PU n! It you W'1LD.t to name (or an,lnie else'.) . bring the ne.... go.lIp aDd ' to Room 517---,the one wJth tbe c;J1 a t

b!g .Jmdow.




not..Jdd In""lt1elt, �!1 � trom."WI'�




, l


j . Dorm' Do;n '5 ;; ;;;;�;;;=;; I. Well, student body of PLC, w,bere is


. .. :................................:...................:.:..B�'R���� ER . . . . . . _�O.RX�1.B i. � . �l I


Entered as second class ma1.ter, October 2, 1162, 1M. the Post Orfice at '. lhrough Seattle'. teemin& m111io�� anl � -prid� Parkland, WuhIngton. ngl afr'elh· , W'bat are .the maln ·thl '. Ballard; tbr9ll«h the .acenlc:.. beauty spot ' which i, Lake, .DO�. ottice: "Student Union ;: , � ;� Telephon� p:��te Ssp.. maD:. n"?U�ee',when �� . . . � ectu- ward untn obr 1"0 naUTa �Ia �, Cook arut- Tour. wi. their 1Dte1Ieotul· . r �. , Subscr1pUon pr:tc��.�O per y�� � �... "l, caUon at P&clrtc Lutheran, CoUep! b'.�U9 vlillo..n' IU'$ "bJ tO ...mlnKiJ· .... o� � .:. · · .. 41acerh. IQ the ci11t.&!lCe: . � . �O "ON A.�oii.: ,ot thi\ lower . .. EDlTOR·IN"-CHIEFl:. .... ... ...... . .... .. ... .... ..:.....l..•••••••:••JOAN KlTTIlo.Lll the horJaon the Swaah- term : ;'Klmosabe," whlch looeel,. ...·__1 ....._.1 " v NEWS EDITOR......_....... ....................�._......:...C�THER.INE SANNqt'UiQ ·campUB I teel that In' thl,� 'ca�e .'l�I- means ' ''Burlington, home or Jerry Benson." 4. ,- . .. . _.JOANNE" POENem l FEATUJtE EDITOR.........,.... . . . - '. -r .' '1. " ;1" .. . . ....._. _.. ficallon Is a ·vlrtue. ' In born, which ts .. S�. ..:": �: .. _�:. OO�OTIfY JO MAKE·UP EDlTOR llN�N , �. VmIJN ' rrbe �an has three months 'Jerry or lbe sort·brown eyes rreB l.:L T bA:i:.L ,SPORTS EDITOR................ ....... .. ... ... _....... ... . .. . .. . - �. _ . 'W . , ag � l n· lower Tlbet-okee ten okee an obscure mountainous vlll or the Sports· Starr..... .... ........ .....Dwaine Brandt, Lpuie Spry, ;Tames Jacobsl?n previouS, experle.nce:d 0 06 . , ,Jtt".(ti..'e,qe or ten 'our became {L poUtIcal eml .. EXCHANGE' EDITOR.... .. . m"Ost a.mazing mO,menrl or b ls ttte. Utat transcends �II otbers because ot' poittic"&i atrl1i.�·' Wtfh ' a( .ub- . -= . .;t \J BUSl�ESS MANAG ..................................... _ ...;.................. " '::1".::. as It.pos" th ' " . ' , . a fraterntt .BOclal V�l'II t v� , nd " AUL· L CKY Yes�gIhtsaid ... ' Beta a.r, Beta Nu. ,Tightly lacing �8 ane:a AD MA:NAGER.... .............. ...... ....:....._... ..... .......... ..... _.......__ ...t" >: q'u�8tion now rovoking thO �kv�m; �h�I� R � It Sven.lng�n, �.!:!. " I ' P ... .ri .Lbat aU:":! nu�c. �g hIS:, BP a.ce .oadet hel,�e� , our chubby Uttl� revohiUo�al'f �n . . � ks;, D � I . ..... _ ,0 "'Hli "ffil 'b;;t-;::- .:iiaI,l4 Redw.n;,ll& �II r� . .'Bu01t'liiil l . � . ·_ .. .,.. ""� _ . � JI. � ... . e as e . . , em . . i� :a , !. ' . 'le8-,. l .lld}lB: . ' . � _ " 1l Nordquist) Ted Carlstrom, Garoly:n Hoogner,'LOrralne 8�hoo.l .gr MarvQnek, Pb. • . Schmick, Myrna Berg. Arlene Baker, Tom Reeves.. selves, " \vell , here 1 am : what do- l 'But soon, because.of his great protJr;:lency In l�"e.rder.�n•. learned " . know." � You may ' h a v e rurtively In 'lbe tncense-fl1led, �colleges ot the occult Orient. the daehJng . . 'was proselyted by tbe coaching .tat¥or·BorUntton High and-, lOOn B. Mr. aI),8Wer the as laughed a:t yoursetr perhaps evolved ' Into an Immense became lbe most sougbt·after cbaUel sioce M'IlI:veloU8 HanhmAD tore and . . nothing. So you decld'ed to go to up the' cow pastures ba'ck in '06. This prowess ,In the. sport of Being editor of a college newspaper poses many problems, but we college, In this case a Cbrlstlan In- hioS arrlllation with the -small adical sect, E.L.C., caused ;the tilbulou8 also have our moments. or 'gratification. The following letter was, besides stltutlon, to further or maybe we Jerry B. to matricula.te at the ivy-covered walla and lear�e4 halls of being {Ln in-spiration, very tn�erestlng to me. My only tha t should say begin your true edue.a- A. Herbert Nedtow's ",P,L.C.''' But wbat of his life at Lutev111e? Our only was unSigned: answer can be t� rerer-you to the tiles In the Dean �r Men'• . ofNce where rUo n. you will find (under Benson, Jerry) an afternoon of ludlc.f9UB reading. "When first coming . to �acific Lutheran College 1 noticed I \Vha't is that word, anyway ? Web. about I ster define education as the syete-. Tbls has been 1be bea,rt {ending ·tale or a, child dop� addict, Jerry that it was the regular ntual before every meal to gnpe, - the food, It seemed to be contagious ; one would start and then matic training of tbe moral 'and In- "Like··a-Gazell.e" , Be'!l99�� wno truly exemplifies tbe Amerl.08n way . -: everyone at the table had to say his liule piece before finally set- tellectual factH�les. Yes, 'but actual- ot llfe, '�tbe full trealment" as It were. ' _ I Iy it I s even more than tbat. A col- -. . tling down to eat. NOTE : For a mere pittance. the magnanimous authors of the above "One day a friend told of an incident last year which I think i lege education to Q rreshman , also arUcle are willing to sublet 'thelr oUi ce, the- centre booth J� the coffee . or a tr endlY hello should be passed on. Everyone at the table had given .their gripe 1 means the sou�d 'Shop, during the mornings or Monday, Wednesday e.nd Friday. All Inter· or. and certain.



. By Tom A••v;.



Next week: ' �HB' �G SECRET!

in roOm ofentJoned. w.. the Barb lUx, Orde'la Johnson. Unda Hurd,' luet EmU· " .

.' . .

' " " . . "'-::0" � �:·:

. T .

OSCHf YOled' I' pt.U.�1 'O . �. c�;�t��St:g!>.g�el:�� Ghrj·ufs""Isti�· ·'i' ' td·".·· g bi ·an ·


� S��iI·��4







FtldOJ. ·October ,

i«wuod ��. ,l. Dale' '. . .' Ball �,f Iu!!f'ld,Ckqlf tor 79 JVdo and 1-______..:._____...:.,::------............. o . .... , warreri' J4a,a, OonT.erted.. for the '


on top of tlie. Evergreen fracas: .. Here's a rundown' on ' Evergreen Conference teams and \ . fared last weekend : '


' . .




c extra po�· .t r lSye the edUa•• of �ug�� SOuid '& . close -7-6 K1�8 X vJctom. Ji.:er•. �cUic L�. ..rau. �1urd&i, nll'hf' at' Lln¥ln�Bo,!"l. .:, " . The Lutel'ecqroo' fl.r!t in .the-eel:



Whitman College 14, Centr.1 W..hlngton O. PacifiC Univer.lty �, Weater . Walhlngton 18. , Seatt�� Ram bl.!!r"8 20, �nlver"8llY of BrltlIlh Columbia O. ,



d�1�nJ;'? -dld;t70�-:;�ll���';� �r&: �-;��!;-C;��� l �

=_,"",,'·,,"3;.:m,�,bJ� h.·Colleoa... �..? ��I\. ..-W.ubtoAt.. ... � �� . ,

� � ..� , . �.




o ,

PO" T.h_ .-


....'.er · M ... �ftIa, IIICIJ Saturday, altomoon tho T\ctoI'7' .

"TIM �oet otustand1�"pla7er of

fa¥4:mpro't"iDa Thun.

r r o iD the ;U�1'erSt.t7

lock � � ro to , T�.,: w:u ·the bo r Clr tn, V�C�U&D�D. a r t ._f th K1�S II X couv� r, . " ..... tS.hf punt· However, Coach 1)(&" J. not.� t. Saturday n �e J.. ' · he &Dd a yard� 36 e , was they bow Ing the -..1nless ThU�der� , liI ond QU4�,r '1heD. � - 'ghrlN1aD.. ' lIIt "urag �. � , booJb.i Qj punt'.""u fum bled.' b :t, � the oniy touchdowo 'for PLC. 4 y. Scouting report. re-.eal that tlIie · ;;'�on·th' e. Lo_ a pretty g� team," UBC'ers ·are. big, f...... and. nlI'Ced., :o,�l. ' , ' '. ' · r ' .. a.-� ; � . 8 h ,as a e pl . ..,." .. p ",�.., 1, . , u....... , l s. lat�; TQuimY:0 ' '., �r. ., .c.kD.�!"ledged, "bU;t we, �n and �tlng an oU�.lng pauer ,. ' �y , . d�":�Tw;"" 'p . hA .t� �..e " ln Duncan and -a grll;llt bl& ;1�poun4 . --; ..,.. " ,,,;,, � ' 'f i-o er, ; (.r"bm m .n , qU&lltet� . · . �ay � a an .elghteen 1�r 01� freah· fu J.lbaclt .ln Bold1D;g. BaldJng 11 rEtR.;te'raJ Way, hl ' t' the same " Cbpl . n

It's been . - � week! Well. apJ'ho�, I'll tI'7 agaln. l 'pl.cked. ,th& be!at the Northerne In their rirst game, and I'm certaJDly. not dl sappoln t� in I� Sa.j.Urday'. 'sbowlnc. Bolli teat;l!.8 lqokecl better thaD tafr for a 158&801\'8 opener, and 1 sUII think the "Harshmen" will end up

Lutes ·to


1. 11M


he e" t PIP '






. ,


. . til;



um �

�j��J" �I' i1��.!·�!-




��oe!)�- Du��_J9...:.r.\i;t..t�� .xar4. d!!,h 'n · �:f""��.... . ....�:�-n.;: �OQll,,:�!,.


tion . The Whl t" ai.e ,ame wu a KIng's X affair but evIdently fal ed to convert ·orth·Ela , ";'a�. high' '�ru2 T�� �hl tY."()rth ,packs quite a unch. � the Se9l'e it mJg�t iook as though f�,o . m cent�r UBC took quite a shellacking'. However. the Seattle ,Ra�blera are a Campbell was unable to. mak the



BrltJllh Col bia . W'li� ,Rat with the Improving Lute.

i L ,. '",� it..b��� m ' l:� ' J � � H gH �D-tie c o·re;-:-Pi£- '8�:- � footha1l. He played, en when the pa.s two.,.� of •




been wotldag ?n this defense 'by ba l� the meat·' � a y .. squad , run�g the UBC

, .T�e· coach has

:lu1U:� �;'::h::�;e:ae: �n: a Q .t r p , # lor. Dorlng, hiS" len ior year, 'he bro ke Har�hma�, hasn't de<;lded"as yet 8S powertul independent oUtfit wi th late ...of. tale�t . and _ brawn. . UBC may goa.l� line, That" extra. point pI1lY,ed his leg l- . . and so � unable to play, to . who will s uit up for tb e game, � -the dUfereflce. provide quite a surprise in Evergreen competition this , year, be to . , He &' laO pl1lyed bafieball and was on but . he did say that the team will Whlle 'we're on ·the subject of football.. 1m's take a look at the na· ... Tb. e Lutes dIdI 'have a. cha.qee ,to "bw all-city·tea.m fo� this sport. ' I have tO' sh, ow a 0It m?r.e liU8Ue 'than ' tional scene. rre-eeason f..vontes to knock Notre Dame out of No. ··l pull the game out of 1.he fire in the , - This slx.toot . prefers co l· tbey ''d aga,nst tlie Loggers, or ' 'rhen they,' recovered I lege football inathlete hi- fourth Quarten spot are. ' . Texas, Maryiand, Okla:homa, IIIinoI s, GeorgIa Tech , and MJco.y comparison to _the 'else � they'l1 c o m e winless qu one of CPS 8 f , r fumbles on the r . gan State. Already Cour of these have been beaten. . . , . high school sport. again Texas went down to defeat, 21-0, at the h8.nds of Notre, Dame. The Logger 24·yard une·l The stfi)'u-t CPS "College football Is easier: hel ex. The. team wHi Jea:ve. for Vancou· . " h Irish were led by Ralph .GoUgUelml, a good bet for All American at quar· l!.ne held the Lutherans on the 14· T e plays are a lot c ea plained r· . .. ' . attem�te!i vel'. Friday morning immediately' . -terback position, He passed for one touchdown and ran the other two. yard, however,. and a1.l field goal by Pacific "Lutheran w,ent �T... . follOwing the Chapel exerc1 ges, Illinois was upset by Penn State, 14·12, ' . to PLC becausej "this Ray came . amiss State, Rose Bowl cham·ps of last season, were• out·�ought, { Ch a freshIJl1ln Is t h� place, �here the Lord guided , Ra� Chriatianson" . . H'I , y . . , me to come. He has n o t " from Lincoln in Seattle, won the FJorlda squeezed by Georgia Tech 13·12. . -I IS -but , his r o j ed is a n i . he interested award player m Okla'homa had to stage a real rall� to down Texas Christian, 21.16, game's outstanding ..:. Though 'the future is not as dark Besides scoring PLC's only touch· fores,try. in .the last quarter. as It may appear because of -the indown the surefooted Christi anson Maryland was not In action last weekend, e h ! ron� there are a nine punts for a 36.2 aver· � : �






column appears .the world series will be underway head hl�lfJay through' ,the noose, but 1 can

the real



remember the

the Yankees, but

Indians Ilnd

was shown In the National league when New



to'ug>ht off both Brooklyn and MJlwaukee In the final da s. of the pennan.t

stretch, Clevel and has terrific pitching but don't s,U the Git\nt mound staff too e ho rl I tb1nk the competition-In the National league has been som.e.what b�tter and.that mJ�t proYJ'l Quite. a dlUerence. ... �___ . . I would be nice to · see· Bob FeUer win his first World S�rles game,



I n clo.lng,

I would

like to leave' you thl., though I know It ia early

to think about ba.ketball, but expectation. 'are ItIceIt. �umor ha. It that Vern Hanaon haa been "Ittlng in front of


mirror practicing new

way. to make ugly face. at referee• • . • What prl_ce glory? ,




-VEGETABLES Garfield st.


---- �.. ---_,_ Parkl..n�



U. of B. E..


Fourteen L"tes, Grads turned Station ed at Fort Ord

be ready to go In to-- graduates stationed .there. Garnet Lund; WlIll-am AI

· ·� �iYFJri -;


:;� : :: �


. e a ,Curt Hovland, who

dislocated hi.


. '-I


Clock . Repairir\9 . �

·. par�land,wn•





11tth 4. PaclfJc


our chubby middle-Hne ba cker,

Nteman "C a n d y"


your Au,folmo,flve

.:, ' O�Iy' 45� .


St'ff LO t·


�./ pi"t.�laod · m;"



Fitzpatrick. h a 8 been f KaegJer are -ill In Co. L of heard compla nlng of a sore ahoo}• . . I nfantry' Battallon, To top der as we�l as a badly injured �eg. Marv Harshma� has been offense tbla.-week ae oUAhey are in the .same pIa- The moat ·aerlous of all injuries ' � a nd the ume sQua,d. was received . bY � F.reshman: Walb' w re able to 'Pl c� up only 5. J P. Carlstrom. J�es Be.ll, Murray, <He just returned ,fro m the ohn on the ground agalnBt CPS. Lancaster_picked up the mao John ·· Osburn 8lld Richard hospital' where b e underwent slI!of those 54 yards with some running In the first Quarter. . Harshman w&a well satisfied with the showing o�.ihe· freitbmen be against the Loggers and many . wlll undoubtedly be. push· stiiJlting "game in British Col umbia

M A•.4861


yet decld·





PLC line



Pretty ,oOn' Pactrlc Lutheran Col: shoulder, Is getting '& specia bar· 'the ball game when starter �ege will be able to claim Fol't Old, ness that will enable ·hlm to play received PLC's 'California, as an extension unit. wIthout injuring his shoulder fur· ot the game. "Fltz" will There are 14 form er Lutes &lld ther,

p�obably have my

see ,the Giants In seven games. Cleveland may have won 111 games, but they weren't against the

Giants. Everybody seems




By the time thIs

-and I'll




la a..t

GaiDlAToR" SEiYiCE " -,',

' ' Our Regul.; i. Supreme ....;. IU'pr.rne

. PacifiC -Avenue'F:-:'

,:.} M.ecnanlc.Oft Outy;

.' j ,





" I "


MI. :MUMi.,t.',


. � ...m 1)1'8, Two)!' . <i;..� ....... <o' 'I;Dd f.-9 ' can�ing t....ya mar�ed "hot" ':lid (Con� . h ....t4 i\1


"cOld." (lrabbing ODe of th, hot ones 1 aaked. "noe.s Eberhardt Gre&a& trap iive bere!" Giving me the etnligbt arm. she said. "Who nt egg In your malt or a , You want.:.w something? FQUow me: I

pP(lgtn&- guelle-llke around ·tack· l� d�1D1ee' and . proStr&tfl well w\eh!i'I"B, we made our . "!ay tQ. �e

I waited.

studY,. N:ot v;:anttng to' talk' �D tbe h"ddle.

then I aaid.


"Mr:. IPlunger.

unttl the play was I'm

stripped oU a �l1ed ' dJnnEir ja�ket . &�� �.ld. "�ave it �ck .by FrIday."


"No, no, I'm

the ne"'·8pa�r."

FrQwning sllg.htly. he uked. "You

don't u¥e

ever "




'huh 1" How­ newspaper must

han ',truck a responsive chord. &8 bls bright little eyes sbone percep­

�ft�r � �ueee"'ul �um��r t;.ealOn. Jam,e. LOkk�, Ja�ea 8Imo"'8On, ' French and Ronald $mItt:\. �re �,w t�urlng with the. W.orthwHt Grand

tibly brighter. "You want an Inter­ view,


you .&en .

huh?',' Rea.chlng down Into

ibis baggy jeans he extracted tvlo

abeetlB ot paper Identically mimeo­

graphed. Taking one ot the abused


copies, I noted \brat it was a script.

I-was about to read the nrst ques·

Quarte t

Opera Auoclatlon.


With Northwes,t Opera

tlon, which was, ''Who In your mod· est opinion is the best fullback tn


college today?"

When a brus8ue young m�m In, tailored toga rushed

Ambassador Quartet


I b:ltc�



with me, tiut I couldn't get it

rParidanct CY C LE AND


BICYCLE 'RENTA,L Garfield St. , GROlnite 5772




I Re id French, and Jim Simopson', i will end their 'Singing with this com· panr

at 1:he end of ·the month.

Am -

Crafttl - Hobble.

South "'an



Summer Tour


This past summer a good·will trip

was made tn the sobol station wag·




also visited four Bible

Camps during their summer tour.


"I enjoyed the. w e a t h e r very

3431 _ ,much," laUBbed L Jamea Simonsen, Welcome, New Student. __

.tenor. "I tr:Ied to bring some of

,Madden's M�'s & Little Men's 'S hop

' ftrIdaci Cater Bldg.

".IIU"'_1Il' lIS

when you need printing · .prC?CJrams, cards, . ribbons, pa�phlets, tickets, etc. . ! . thcit''S ..r busIMss! ........, 7'totr '


i I

' La Crosse Pr in ters· .

,. \i,Ti, eII,

FCIjI\ ��

, , M!clter Xe­



1'10 Cbl1ot1....n .. IookiaI< PubUclty hou_ 8bar,

B&rbara Breur and Lu Alit, ,� '!'.... . of cJMMo II' t,qel� , l�vlD.i qwte��. t\e ��� � V-an carT)'1n& ber buck· " ev.�m �Ilo Wt � �'� 8t to cry Into at M.unlflc.nt 011... fa,::1I1ties pro�, f� .ron fo' Tbe trelt powlng In '\he room Evdn ,�be ·tyke �oz:t � o.f the 8em widows? (carol ' Brace meats ian't as paJntul 1lS was and Bel. HanSO�) ' or Dee ,Dee Cor­ anticipated, IndIvidual tele: man not typing, and the vIew o( North H·au "Supe�cmous Sneer" might well from ,the north ' add ,lhe foot�i be calle": "Dlsd�lnrUI D1epa.rage," Meld from ,the south side ,�;e un. as It Is n�thlng bat a mud-throwing N . O ch o ea m ro to advantages " piece oC perversion by a duo ot elm· ODe's complainin ,. ' ulaled plebeians. Our suggestiODs Is Elections of officers for the sOuth. \ "Sauve que peut," d organization have resulte in the follOwing selections: President,

:======. on aDd the boys stayed at the homes of members of the· churches wbere H OB NOB the quartet presented. their con· .


roamiDC the MIla


s�ngtn:g with the Northwest 'he �: members of the quartet are Opera Association in the pre In, laeten with papers and docu· - James SimoDsen, tenpr; �D�d ments of V I. r y i n g descriptions. sentaUon of Carmen, S ttb BaritQ Re\d Fren�b, iead, "Shoot," he said. "What do you They were seen on September 23 a� jqmes Lo��eD. bass. think of college f'ootball," I QuerJed» thee.ter and tbls past t Beaming benevolen1.1y, the great &1. ·he Temple In Vancouver, man answered, "It''S a living, son, ",.eek they have been B. C. it's a living." Jeanne Frleske; secretary, Delores 'f.hey are members of the chorus So ended my day with an 1m. Beck ; treasurer, Lois Sand, of this opera In \ three Metro· mortal. a day that I w1ll n ev er Under these capable officers, a poliLan slngen appear. get. Amen. constitution is being drawn and a The boys, J1m Lokken, Ron Smith,

for· I


�i:)f:GE '

� acrou from tM '''FdpJa. X at 118th and

" " ,



Join the PLC Band





�. 1





NUti!B ER ' 3 " ' 1




t! . ftUf..-m.--:aM1stab�J'lii��.orl"""' !Y





nd for playing In cbapel October 5 for part of the Sixtietb .A�niver. Fnp.eraJ services fo1' Robert J. 1 e eb o " ��.� s ! �.�.!.I�I'!:,. �I��_ n--..\���,,��da rOT �Ulc ,.Mr· .re· two conee , economics and buslnes8 admlnlstra In e a t pari of t t b Uon, win tie held Saturday at 2 'P m : :: � h In Trinity Luthet'lUl Church, I T hi� tear the personnel for the The Rev. Erling C. Thompson. 1 orc hestra, dlr eeted , by Mr. Newn· T'rlnlty pastor, w i l l conduct the I bam, Includes: lIervtce, and President S. C. .EastViolins: Alzora lbreeht. Solvelg A Lee. Carl Holmgren, Grace Pod· r8tz. Grace Sjodlng, q, Chrl.topher1 son, Cato Gudbranda'en, Joan Sep, ton, Mrs. O. Berntsen, Beverly Tran· •

h I � l �: � � . • f a t t :��;�d ;�: ::�;�: �:: I l ' ;�� :; . ' uled at dCf;oratlon with the 60th . Annivcrsar Celebration delign. · Yect ha b een und ' Th l l . proj i . °" 1' A mIlestone on the road of publtc speaking wlll be reached • taken by the Itu dent counc 1 I • wltb additional help from Spur� this Thursday as PLC celebrates Its 60th year of educattng young A"'t. � Aes, with wq,rk lmen and women culturally. intellectually and s-pir,lt.uallt. On gri-� l;;:.fJ"itsaofrlr{i -arn � to b.t·� l n af'ti� -fi;';-FT)l ;;;�..a� rYUr �n;u�:r-�� � �tp.: �� �-;:.!o --. FrJday night. on "Chnstlan Education and tne State: ' by the Han. A rth u[' B. In order to encourage a large L anglie , governor ,of the state of Washingto at 1 1 :00. In the n, wrnout., the council will be fu.... . ' . . n lsh i ng refreshments .-or those afternoon. Mr. Wdham RIeke, Mrs. Arnold l\nderson an? Mr. Glenn Johnson. former PLC students will' present topics cent�rwhp are able to help.


The PLC orchestra j 8 buay preparmg for ruture radio broadcasts


A P 0 PIe d ge ' s .


. .



Ing on the effect of Chrlstla.n edu·

I! PLC l l s . ,: 1 0 I 0 5tu dents 101''tI" atI" 0 0 D ue lin I week.

nurn. Mllalne Marsh. Greta· John,oD. : , Ordella Bechtel, Alice Brunner, and Juna B runner.

.. 11M·





Orch�slr� Prepares , � : � : ::� ::::�t�:: 60tlt Anniversary > To For Many ,Events i Be' - Ce·le·br·aled Soo" I Il

T h�m pson F u neral Sa t:U rd ay 32.

Moo/;i/ii MIIJit'�

c.atl on on the professional man. In

h e h orne, and on, t.he coile e stu· t � .



coffee hou, will f�IIOW at

. .. l

' : 30

. . Fifteen new members 'of Alpha th� Student . Unlon Lounge. In Final enrollment statilltl�s were frater ," na college onal Omega, hi Eternal "The a U Slave evening the , · recently released by Dean Hauge, P Vlol�-Mrs, G. Gilbertson, Lind ni ty, are being initiated �his ! pageant, \Hitten by the Rev. Robert total regIstration for the . , Karlsen and ShIrley Savage. The purpose of the fraternity In thlll ' rlrat semester at a. record ot 1,010 Lutness, depIcting the history ot . school, Is to assemble former I5COUt· . Cellos _ D, Rasmussen: Donald ' students. PLC, wl1l be presented. Peterson, Janet Smith, Carole Long I n the tour regular classes, an In. ·tralned men In good Christian r ei- I and to sene the student and 'Shlrley �rallum. . Membert of Cast creue at 57 over last year's total lowshlp body. facul ty. 1\nd the youth of the Double Bass-MarY Drexel. The membel"ll of the pa&'e&nt pIa,. for the same group was noted. naUon. Dick Brandi. Is president at "'Flutes-Judy B'!rekw; The seniors, with a total of 168, 'Ue: the narrator, Dan Wold a 'j Oboa--:-Pearl Venne, Ried French, number. 94 m�n and 64 women. Jun· PLC s lphla Phi m a. ' A � eg JUnior; the voice, S�u Gilbreath; Karen Melaenhelmer, Joan Meyer, 'are total nl, of which 93 are men T·he InWats are OOln« command- ' -the 'slave, Judd Doughty; H o n g, and Sandra Jacoba. and 78 are women. Out of last year's ed to exerctse their Tocal cords each Darelt Anderson; the boy In th� I I as800ns-Donald Rast and Hog. froeh class at 311 IItudents, only 201 morning at 7 a.m. this week, sereno " kicking wst" scene, Dan Wilkens, I ' er Westberg. adlng the girls with a "Good Morn· a sophom�re ; the girl tn the aame . ! SOPhOmores returned, with 116 men French Horns-Adrian Knutsen. and 86 women. All tbe senior, class Ing" call . seen,e, Roberta Bl'rkedahl, a j11hlor: Trumpets -Jerald Bayne, ROBe- n mber remained constant f r o m To Gather Cedar Dr. Eastvold, Tom Swthdland; Dr. Robert J; T hompMft anne HarUlI, Rodney Chrlsttanlon lallt.,,-Y,J!Rf. and as the juniors only Saturday thp pledges win 10 out Strunk. Jon Sollie, freSlluilan; Bar. and Norm FOIburg. 105t 30 members; it Is. to be noted in the 8chool truck t� get cedar for stad, Howard Jeanblttnc. AboUt an· . voId will gt've the' sermon. Prot. Trombone-Allan Freed, D a v e that the greatest casualty list comes PLC's alxtJeth ·annlvereary. In the other 120 students are callt In the ' Frederick L. Newnliam' will sing , ' between �the treshman and sopho- en�lng, form:a1 iDitiation � and Prof. R. B)"6rd Fritia waL: be Steen. crowd scenes. � _ • ' Tympanl-,:-Pa\ll Lucky. and ollO w �/ • -� more reera �'. ' .th � ' e. �PQ·l.i. p�. � . _F -DeW I da "1 :00 s c�ebr the . Frlelal-at '::' The iari�i clallB to bit enrolled: membe1T'W l!f� eamp KIhf"Orth �t10-; w m b The Seattle Pipe Band ol " �hl�h- ...... Plano:-::onelt.-L&i· - - .----" � opened wIth� Co n 1 o ca '"!" � � • ...l. 80 far tn th� history of PLC 18 the at Brown's Point, near Tacoma. fOr lion in the auditorium The ReV. Thomp'son 18 a member will-play a37 member freshman class wIth a pledge party. . "The Lament" a t t h e graveside H. t FOn president at the Paellic The . ney,: memben comprille ot • 187 men and 150 women. services in Mountain View Cam. Dlstrlct ot' the En.ngeUcal LutherThere are 107 apecial and grad· the following ' Stanley P a w l e y, ' Free ter)', Tacoma, an 'Church and the chairman of the ' d 36 td t omen takIng DavId Churnes8. D a v i d Dawson. t . TholDPlIon died Wednesday eve- Of Inter-elt to College BoardIi.of Trustees, will be b e nder he e1tenslon Kenne�h Gjerd�, Roger West erg, i .nlng In a ho,epit.lI whlle the main slJ6a er. 1. People who would like to Jolft Jim Wallin, MUo Scherer, Warren plan. ' 8 undergoing an operation for the reo the oreheltra, especial ly �reahmen • In the evening lit : 15 a concert Matthes, Karl Forsell, Jon SolDe, moval of a blood clot. The clot ha_d and, .ophomorel. , ' �hald P[rlmmer Tom Morris Rob- win be held in the chapel. T'h e col· tormed a8 the result ot a c!Jest tn: 1 2. People who plan to teach ft. 0 0n. Do��id -Roe, andChu�k lege s9J91Rs -�ense mbles W'Ul� I ert . Jury 8uf�ered In an automobHe ac· sing. Allo on the , �� f� thI!I str-umental (or- vocal) music In the Slater. . ....:.. - , cldent September 29. day Is the' cortee�hour li1 the stu· ' public "hoole Juniors and senior. For.e slc8 wUl ta�e l18Cond lac 6 � + Atter the. automobile accident, dent Union loun«e At 8:00_P.m: ' . . � Included. ' ' to ,th. LtSht of the 81h.ry MOOD "fhomp.on was .hosplCalised over. urd 0 Plotb. 16. . t a Octobe, S . y a . The beg i nning string class, � hICh I Frl�� night, october - 8, when Pi I' , nlgbt and came home. He was see�. I neers ,banquet, will be 'be� 'in the . .,.). I Ka .. ! me�ts In room 228 (the. band roo ' .' ppa Delta me�ben and other I Insly recovering well from thel a�EI. 1 dlmng baU .t 7.:00. �he KeY. Henry M Wednesda .s Monday, 1 ... tober" � C � I y Friday, Oc . and Frl IItudents cruise on the Gallent Lady . · dent when the pre8ence ot the clot F Schuh wJll be the ma:tn day during the f�fth period Is , de- under tbe 'Narrows Bridge. 7. oo-PI Kappa Delta cru se. became known Wednesday. Signed especially for you. You need Departure time is 'Set at 6 : 30 from , S oo,-Soclal, Fq,tu1tr, T eachers 0r and President S. C. Eazrtvold ,rlu be Tbompson came to PLC In the the toastmaster. ReM"'tIJ}jli for , not have had "revlous musical ex· 014 Main, -according to Tom SWlnd' ' America. . ta.U 'ot 1953. Prlo'r to that he had • this b a n q u e t may be obtained pertence, ... though at least average land, chaIrman at the cruise. About \ i through the pubUc relatlot18 office. . Saturday, Octob \ (Continue"-.. on Pake nfee) musIcal talent It: de'ltable. Thl. Is ! 10 o'clock the Gallant Lad)' will 1 7:30 a.m.-6 :30 'V.m'-U � 9 Outing, � 'f . , On Sunday� the day ,will an activity; no c h . r g e II made land at the Dockton pi nic �unds Mount Rainier. , . through the bualness office, al)(l no' where cocoa. cortee chambur'pnI 6 OO--Alpha Phi Omega 0 r m a l with the f"that wor.' 10 : 8�O f� l-.udttort � , credit II o,!ere�. . I pledgln" Fu:ulty ]o ' •� e:� aDd trlmmlnls wHl S8"ed. After � � . ctTeiii In addition' to learning to r;lay the', lome entertainment turnl8b by S}OO-FootbaH game, Paclt1c y. . . ' �.Sc�. D.D.. ..b)' 8111del\' of ·""' -· .J.- �_ �rumt · Oct.o6er 18. • • 1 ns . n' (vI0 IIft,' V I° Ia, ce ,I0, .� .. Mr. ,"c lIOn, the yacht will r cruIse . .Sunday, October' 10 the prlmav Monda)" \ g.Ueal lArt:heran Immedl· ), yoU,. get practical e'!.peT�nce under the Narrow. bride' and back : 7 OO-Lutheran ba .. f!ludents' �socla· a.tely foUOWln3 the wore!Up aen1Ce election tor Freshman. clus OmC8ra i masterlhg the f�"tall to the Top of the Ocean. tJOD, SUB. I' . wJll be hetd. The run-oU, wlU be � will be the d8dilaUonot the 1tei'{.. m(.sl�, !ut.�re t��ch�r. b6c6tne aCt. O'b the committee for the crutlle ,I . "onday, OCtober 1 1 the luccee�1l8" da.)a w1th a majority da.Dce Ham. At S :�O '-Th6 EterllAl � a u cia m a t e qu l " �i:I-'\� lth b ftd .. �hod a e Con8tance tHu�d, poeten, and 9 : �P1 Kappa De� C'fi.U2: , '" yote to declde the ..lnnwe. . Skve" wm be �re8ented in dle .n� materl !' wh\lch �.n be u••d In Ruth Hemo.... !ood. Oha1H! ' tor " :So:-8OPIi. cla.ii , Bua· Th08e nown.ted are: cliapel a.tidttOrluDt Theft wtlf &liO developlni �itt l n . pr,ograml )" putt. the ennln"'I' _ .. an Ilr. and Mn EriC' I .;: , 12 • •., � President: Lowell Hlnrl�ks,· Tom' tudctay, OCtOber be .tite repea't perrOrmace _61 thi� cour." en-I II hool Early n " Dd Mr. and Mn. Solbel'C. , 6 : .1--stildeiit 6nmch. Reev••• Chari.. Geldak.r. Rlcha!d . ' pipa/rt ••ptct!Dt tile � hfitIH7. I. ' bellun a.d " hl' t t mlcbt hav. � 1.So;-VI�.• �IU�: . . ' . Schwindt. RoM GoeU. . , .� ha '.. are ..ked. .k�..u. rrl ••c.. �m flill lei� to �. as .....,. as _ 6 :Sil=-lIpun. !fld noo( loung.. . • Vtc..p, ..klOD' : 10bn Huber. Lo;ral<.. U= lat� to ot r»lIllbl e. .. . � .: 13 ', �j TV ......... . \ e l Sh*ldabl, Cbarl." nonliO.. , aid It II








Gilbertson Offers String �sons










not l too











c O tol)er










,.. :�)





h�e tru.�\\




ti �••� � JoJ{'-t,� e . to � Mr. Gllb�rt80" �I.!GI", the, �U�Q IS,\� i.



�. Entet:ta"'..... 'laftned for enliM ' I' I p �I


an �



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Frosh Elections To I. Od 1 8





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1 6'15 . probl.m. 0' �yrln � : �not...�.nta, 8ecr.\U'l': Myrna'BI.sel. 1Iubl!n ,. . . . " cau. >.' ClI:B: c_liI Monday. O"cIober ., the lacu\I.7 .�7: Orooke Iq ...... _D O< elia Ole. 10m. · ..h ool InIDum.n". .· • d " • commltt'!" of 14(0 Vi'lc�tro'" aod '.'I��I., . t- , • i ' •_ 8U" • '. IIechW. Dav'4, l_.. , /j::{6i . ..... and r <. 111 •• Clair- 9", -.I<!r .... .. _Wn't .....1 ...y. . · 1 'ri.. M&&a ot ee iolal' L8A,'a «> · � �' _ ''''' ' '' ''' . jorabl · ''' ' " iifQ� counCIl .Dt . hole( IUIaI . e; . teo ""....._. ConI ' f �nlf IiD4/i&tl6UilIA" "' & . ... , o�\a for tli8 liU65 lO,ocreiCIii'L --: J'lI......,.. �14 ,�---, - �....... • �--"'· I.C.I!-: � . ..,---.. �bol 11 r a , e t 10M..• ctlurcD .t � .. ....-... -� J . _ ..J. .� 0-r i& II �. - f....... . � �/I>.,. .. TO .¥. E• ..T . Iielll , ...... ,",r. •.. ', \ -• • � - - . 1Itufti(. !l,iIGAcU: �t; " . Til. • , or �t)itif. '" - --. _eD)t1, woli. 'ili4 1Je� 1.i"-�. i/lt1i1. . .....- - WIlt .... � �er �1'IcI,;; � � Qoib 'wIII. :IIf!II -' � � fI!II ___ OQ , .. ..,.... � �. . �"JO'!f ,9ii � �r ... 1IorrII. ' - ., �. '" _ d_ eam_ FrIdaJ U'. . • . . ' _ c . . I . . I • .. Duane Moe.

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Moorjllfl Mil.' Published everY the school year by .students ot Pacifte . Fnday dunng Plan 'Foli '> �l Lutheran College. ' Whtle'on miUtary man.u,.... Un. :> • • second class matter, October 2: 1952, lot the Pott Otnce at . ,summer our- platoon stopped Ia. a PLC'ERS HUNGRY' Parstand. Washington. 7'" . d p amote valley to W'&it tor ' Telephone GRanIte 8111 . . OttIce: S\udeDt Union "Crlmee" •. The ·more �pie you caD la.- ee eba alan . SubscrtpUon pric�$1.50 per year . I. Alwah try to g�t. one of the Tit. to' . <at your tab�.. the iouder our rev dtPJl to mOTe up wttia ihe .. new trayS" whether or DOt you had thf! song. Ma kin« the houored gueat reat of the eGmpaDY. I remember ED .. . ..JOAN KITTELSON to ITC)R.IN-CHIEF NEWS EDITOR... . .. . . .. . .... .. ...... ... . .. ...CAT HERJNE SANNERUD tltt ott 30 or 40 of the other oneil walk aJ.\OUnd the table is alto pod. attUDI" there 1eat:l1ng alaiDat DI7 lookIng · arountl at the emptT FEATURE EDlTOR.... ..... . . . . . . . ... .. _.JOANNE POENCI7l' to get It. tor attr tln& tt nit · althobl'b' rlne' E-UP AN EDlTORS N. JOHN .DOROTH . . w,hlch· seemed to cra.lh . : Y SO ..J ET SVEEN" !. Never tell the .worken· what haVlng :: ::. m cra:l :ro::d anda blackness, :M'R Ib grasp, and thlnkJn, howIn ua � :: ou . nt until they bave dJahed and kn�a· nUglrt. be more nO I wa _! · = c � ;.! j· iA��-9P;:y: S;;�·di � ::::D;�t� : . : . : ::::::: : � g ���� s : EXCHANGE EDITOR: . BEV PIERSON out elltlrely different. '10 Be aure to &8' m any die- Inwardly humid :we all tell. BuddeD....... . . . . ........ ...RAy GOLD This way'yOU can test their .bUtty paraglng remarksmake N�S M'ANAGER. . . . . .. abOut the tood &I Iy my attention was. cailed: �w:anI :g. �M.AN:A.GER.. . . ... ... . ..... :. PAUL LUCKY to read your mind. ' y ou can think 0f �rougho 't the e - ·to a glpnttc shooting atar ".ll1ch Erekvam. 'Sbeldon Brooks;e.BeTer}y SvenInpon, A.g 3. AIways test th� vanoUl. truita tire meal. Thia can alwaysll be' Ialu'ed. . REPORTERS-Loia . I.ts tIery tale ot bel.J.ttr, �.. , . . itmanD. Bob Faith Bue Hallanger, Ronald0 HedwalJ. Barbara Gronk�lln.���!:.:. he c.ltfornia sll:y. [ rit.ched. !t .. . � n -t serT CODw. s be you d'lacu; re et�the topl�:for a· � slon � hen l l � e ed , � ..!A tD: � .:. ....� �R��!� ��p.l 1�..c.!-!�D). (-> om :.I�� �d fO.!.. _ ����'�� � � �nUo� -:.::- :--::: ;:..;. ..�-: ;..:.:;,;� � ��� � ��. �.o. �� 'SChimeK, MTI'lfa Eterg:--A"tIelie H&'kf)r;-_TOlij';" l(�"�"".,r.-.''-'1ANI_. . � . . �� ·" 'r-; .qy; lU d lfO' o ct . a; w . e& a.r you 1l. [tyo� e a ted atat ble an .stralght,,�-.::. 4 :r l1L � to wb.ere \ ' up to behold ooe of the . On behalf of the students and faculty of �C, we wish to are sttUog, you can a.tand and wave ,. newcomer am,ves .aak1n.g, "Hay m t beautltul. l ht [ ha ever S g l. ,.. � in my Itbort I join you!" a CieTer reply Is: "I express our deepest sorrow to ¥rs. Robert Thompson in her a napkin, the sugar. or a red fl&«. There. 5. -Mustard or catsup can usually didn't kilow [ was coming QPart." .ee� . celett�al utetlme. bereavement. . in aU ot l� beaut,., the ob be by ned mem the petitionIng I. :Eltlctency . . 12 · increased ta.1 by floods "The sorrows of death compassed me about,' and the ltlcen of h the & queen o t . �ven•• of ungodly men made me afraid . . . In my distress I called upon bers ot a nearby table. Providing placing the entire slice of bread In lD e"gmi ....7. &a only an A.:� ltr the !-ord an.d cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his you can glre them a con'1nctng your left 'band" and applYin& the but- th story. and providing everyone at the ·ter with one «rand aweep ot the sky. can glonfy ber. temple, and my cry came before Him, even into His ears." Like . 'blind. man with & microPsalm 1 8 :4, 6 tabl. Is nnl�d with the ardcl•. knife. Following several clever remarks 13. As a fitting conclt18lon to .the scope the qu·ea1d.on, "So w-batT" may and threats, the occt!panU t18uaUy meal. pile all the 'remalnlng tood arise In the mind. Thtnk of it. -how­ s�a11 1"e are. Man wu i!ven the 'consent to let you ha�e iL and dishes together a.nd pl�e <he moat A SuperciliQus Sneer Intelligent 'brain of &Il7. an1mal 6. Always arrange to sit taclng �alad plate u side down on top but tiy w;liom·f' Toblnk of the incoming tratnc 80 that yO"Q, can It. Some peopple prefer burying It on. "earth,: intlhtte'iw:l8dom ,. W'U '�nt make -a full report to all the other· unde!' a nQ-pldn. when Chna� 2.QOO !eare .aco. spoke memb�rs at your table as to who ..,. Unlike other columns In this journal (with exception or Midget Mus. -bas . ot there beitig JD01!8" I't&nI lD. the entered� Ings), the social assasslnatlon ot Carlstrom and Nordquist do not have t..han: ift.l.n.s:"" .pf ADd on all never to be omJtted. in 'Deacon' Graa,� as their ultimate objective the dlstincUvely AmeriCan "goal ot med1- the7. aItems ' of thI!.:vrorld. ' ocnty." A prime objective ot this cOlumn Is the enUghtenment and edu. elude:bov&mentioned r e p 0 r t in.As "'selenUat once aid. "In the cation ot ·the great unwashed masses (the authors are dlstlnct1vely a) All New Couplea. (To be tol- Firel:.�g, �r Not? beginning the great" la';llot ·blie cos"dJrty--alls" and �pable ot leading these morning ablutions). Any such lowed by discussion as to wben !'lews of the dartng capture ot a moi, formulated by QOdI.lmade out educational endeavor must ot necessity have many taucets. This week's they tirst started going with each tIrebug by an Esquire Hall m� of nature ·'a �ped! whole IlIA .. frontal assult Is aimed at one phase ot the blologt<:al &ciences, the con. other, their respective qual1t:1ca- spread acrou the eam:pus of PLC. " a reault the on wtl1ch w-e .templatlve outdoor sport, ornithology. Blrd-watch1ng, as a sport, has long tlons. and prediction tor when Chuc� "Deacon" Dotrhowe, freah- find' our bektg wu-.ideal for claimed the author'a relatIvely undivided attention. Our conclusion: Or. they will stop going together) . man resident of the exclusive gtlmtDl" of the humap. ·rae.." the bentthological observation has been neglected! e Hall, W&8 returning from a Actually, you -and 1 are but a b) All Old Couples. (To be fol- lqui A cursory glance at zoolOgical order, as regards the binI kingdom. wfll lowed ater !thow S&tunlay evening. Octoby dbcussion air why they ber but. walt. what of even the reveal 1!hat the delicate equilibrium has been upset. This negation of all - make At appro.Dmateb' 10:45; .. 2. an adorable couple or why . Tbe amoeba. the cen, bowthat Is academJcally sound bas been -credited by many to the venerable they don't make an adorable cou· rounded the eas� �sroom buIldto us Yat h� rtse 1.Dr. 'Moom's Plbald l'iUtherscate--thls is a fallacy! [t has been selen. g ln , the "Deacon" i'topP,8d �rt. pIe). pe �-��:!=lO� in- --. t. .. .......t1tk:ally -:-pooven..-tes.t....t;Ae- d!Il".Jptil"e. Influence exerte(Lln..:th... I."!I- · · · ·C)·:YI81to�·." 'iFoI1OW� di&- ..DDUc.t.u�.:a suapld�.....SM�.Jt�U".: o I VlJ · " ma u . . J r a.r u g . . HA HA . 1Ioctt';ty can be positively traced to ,he hectIc. h an uelng. flgur� b�e.the dO�, , ana debate as to e:r:actly . aet P . erbapa' .. patteni' of .. HOOPLA HAGENBffiD. In through . an open windOW,' and they are). be 1IUCIieoted, & man Several years ago an unusually severe winter drove the exotically d) All men not mentioned In pouring ·��t ..,. 0bv!��l::r. �, whoseml8bt eyel are l11Ited. Jupward in plumed HAGENBlRD from its summer habitat,. Bri-Ush Columbia. to the above categories. (Followed � I:lne from/e$gas' can int? Chuck s �rm eom and mel'C1'. � , neurotic mores and' tolkwaye ot Washington. U.S.A. Tha·t you. the lalty, speculation on any Item suggest- own room, where ·bis roommate was It ma�ea oneonthtnk. WlH � may better know tbls oddity ot'tather nature and retuta.tlon ot Darwin­ ed by their preaence. .Notlce IS- peacefully with hl8 creation of a bomb even lam. a description Is in order. For oft as not when the novice 19 at a peelally new hair-cuts. unuaual i RecalUng the St18pected &rao1l:J to power l uuperfmentall)" � tu dIstance he wUl,mIstake It tor .. co-ed. That this grlevoU's error may be c u t t i t s. .outstanding injuries, ' in the rece-nt� burning of nel,hbor- plode, ever ,stop and thtu, "Oh 'Prages, Ch�k. f r o m t h e . corrected the tirst authenUc descrltpion Is here set down. (gJrls)' ellgibillty as a 4ate. ted. "Don·t y'GU light God, W'ha.t are we doing!'" The HAGENSi:Rn la distincUvely human in phsiognomy, weighs a , e) All women not. mentioned ' shou.Startled, 4; h'e disarming 410 Ibs., has several hands and reet Uke the rest ot us, Is ted above categories. (FoYowed hlS- eyee ehlD1Dg,- hia q1:l1ek daUy,ln the atmospheric '''House ot M:1r.rors," but what reveals her true speculation on any tlem brea�&nd. tense face clearly indlca-- _--'__-:_ ____ nature .fe the I n h u m a n, inexorable, very penetrating, omnipresent ed by their presence. (Gtrls) Ee- UTe of an inKD.e impulse to ineen­ UAUGH. On�e you've heard it you immediately see her relation to all pecially notice items lUI new that files, pecks for worms, sleeps In trees (on one leg yet!). briDgs Into clothea, aDd clothea not 1.1ated in South Hall twigs arid pieces of strIng to make ute easY,'and bas ' an fir:st two ca:tecoriea. On Sundaira -Debate on. whether or not sbe all-consumJng desire -to blot out ot existence ·thoae thieves ot the' ahoufd wear a lmit suiL (BoYII) WOl"�, -the cowbirds, ... .. date. Certain unfounded charges were 'hurled a.t this column last nlgib1l.lty II week,NQTE: After tull report haa been CiT­ Such acc1JaaUona are of course unfounded and very rem.inl8Cent ot S. be sure that everyone at th� last year's blood feud, hJgbly original to' say the least. After Considera­ I , tl9n knows eu.ctly who ia being it waa -agreed to ·bereafter ignore any such tomfoOlery as �Iow our dlscusaeeL Following ·tlhie anDOunCe­ plane of operation. To Dorm Doln's we say. "pa.rturiunt montes. naecettlr me t. aU the occupant. eaa thea. n rkluculus mus." � around and stare at the �en- lboE' -:il"'ike nod n tJoned penon. In this can try to gu... Juat Dorm Ooin's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �-----------= :.:� &lid can e.I80 �."'."--"--, _ ;;;; ;; ,. 9. Blrthd..,.. are always .btc Da' from North Hall: -Monday' evenlDl'. October 4. Dr. Eaatvold made hIa tlnrt formal<!e lD. Nort.b. Hall: oM will be the pract1ce -in tJie tnture on )(em. day." devOUoDe were held for entire dormitory' Inatead of ·the indI�dnal RoOrL ' " .: , Dr. EUtvold epoke On the theme. In de:Y8loplDg hi. addNu he ·In- "I. _,."._ "»,.e -hath not seen, oor ear neither uve entered. iIrto ·the of man, th. thlnp whlcb God hatll l'P��ed for them. tha�_19.,.e hlm." .I Cor, 2;'. ' eluded 80me nrx Interutlng "01��ii������;��� ����':� � ·I ���� _� vatlona on the procreu 1P&4, In �, � {,w � l'� preciate hll · takloa tlme · out of Page Two



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Friday,�OCtober .. 1154


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P:.::: ..�_T:..:h:..:.:.:, ., _A_8_T____ Glads Tak e -- I ldo _r__. _____T_H_E__OO_R_IN..G:' PLC FOOTBALL Serie's Gam �' I Lutes To ' Play 1 STAT1srtCS lot ott p . •,. Lutheran I I' F,IRST �WN8 ,n IV. U 191iU yo..,...n . , put � . 16 ... . .. RUohlng .. ..OPP .. ....IIItr.J Iete 34 . ...._............ Penalties . ... ! fo'';'*�t I Satu rday . " teat the 'Thun�erb� h o m ..t-bt & atroIlA' PacU14 Unt· b . ... . . . . Total ... .. 'Quarter. ,�. to RUSHING etart· 8 .................... b Lutes touc dol'D ers �n . .. .:. . . . .__ 11 2 ... .. or rOl' either.·te�. The Varda

Fr y, Octobe . lt54


Collete hcW.e to a W'll1Illne start In Ball





Conference actionby



•. .


, .-

_ _

What a w,eek tor sports ! manr upset.. . �._ _... . ___. . H &D underrated. UJitven1tr of BrfUldl. Tb. N tio .. . . __._.. ,Pa8slng .............__ conLeap'; Glanta ..en s.;.prlsed m. a bit, and . P1LcUlc Columbia. 6-1), In a barn Cout Conference stronger .... . .. .. .._......_..... l ' 1t ' hi recent. y-.r8. e on I Saturd&y the Lutes wt1l .... Let's a look some results In own ETe�n Conreren�e grounda. out against Arter the first week play. _.. . _ ..._ . .. _ ._.__._. ·11 It was Tommy Gllmel-'a ity Badger eleven avance back sneak In the fourth period that nu three year pu ng. e 3 \1 :Db Lute the only . . gave 'the Cor thia game will probabb; , be .. _ 1 33" '� 0 2 79 _ the day ..:.. N�t " "" ' " " 11 '. 0 - · .I. e. same as �n thu _ 1 18 • 0 drtve ffom , pled. \ .... . . tor'.'TJcer" Iota ._.____ . 1 I e. . :0 _.. Att Lute 32.yard,· m ukerJ'· 2 6 . . ... ....,.... - 2' ._. 0 Up the 10 D ·GriswOld, who seems to ha-.:e Jlia : _ t Frank Lancaster . • � 18 moat n e � ""_ 0 " 1 33 " ·th .0 rushu' that 3 .. .

nal loob






than ourhas



h · · ·. ·-. ·.·._·. -.· ·.·_ . W 0sr.tund purfl c LWashington uther.n Eattern �... ·Weet��"= Washlngton� l W pUhg•tw,



. PASSING T �:eted ... 8 � agal"� ·.�era. ' ____�.__ :____�________�. _.==-__. 1 . �����t;�= tf+�:&ci.��fi:::.� ·����..�..

th KOte cUmued a 68.yard CaP1&1n W'ith 'the 'a\t �l,th ·b�l.l.lIke .propelieci

pHno� or action slated


·= · IntercePted. �. ·

. . · . . � .:.�.�; .'�:";';-; ���r�r:�;��: :···: � . . :�����. �-;:-.� . . ·��m�!�·;:��'::�:��n:! T he hIghly touted Whitworth Pihs.tes started ott theI r campaign . where, 'but a bandort � .Too Fromm �Ince -tWs 18 a non-conle�nce tilt. " 108 . T����I�::.���.�......... 2796' with a smash 33-{) vl�rY over Western waahlilgton at 9pokane. ThIs oved -the ,Lutes to' the one and , almost the entire squad wlll be .m�. 3 23. .....:..... ..: Net Y!-rds ... : 1 comes as no -surprise to most fans who are ta.m.111ar,lith the Pirate ball from ,there Gilmer's second ¢r7 was 1ng the trip. ' PUNTING . ' . club. Remember also the 27-{) beating ,they handed Eastern two . weeks successfuJ. With the Jack of injuries recetnd �. .... Num'ber 14 .. . 13 . game, the "Gladiatore 36 .9 .. .. Average ..... ..... ... 32.• ago. The tact . that their whole starting team Is back from last year Both teams had excellent chances in the . seems .to be giving them quite a jump on the rest of us, but I still don't for scoring in the firet three qUAr. should be In good shape physically RETUR�S beUeve that they are unbeatable. ;ters, but�n each Inst&nee the oppo- tor the game. 9terYng perfo.rm.ances 10 .... KICK . ... ..... . . . • Our CroS8-'l.own 'frIends, .the College of Puget Sound Loggers, had sltlon's d efense stltfened and held from such able Lutes as Nordquist, 7 . .. . . . .....Number a s . . ..... . .... 186 Y . and . luth, Calkins, Campbell better luck after crossing ·the CascadeS last Saturday. The Loggers be- t h'e I r ground. The Thunderblrds I K . 1 ... .... -. . rd RUSHING gan their s eason conference play by waxing the E8.stern WashIngton moved -the ball to the PLC I3.yard . paU1ck can be expected. TeB Net Yd Savages 18·0. Coach John HelnrIck seemed pleased wIth hIs offenSive Une In the opening period but the The team wlll be ready for .this Player NU8buam -.6.6 26 -....-... 4 unlt's improvement. They were Able to garner 310 yards agaInst the Glads held' them 'on downs. PLC game and should give the best 5'.? 25 Elasterners, whereas in their previous game against PLC .they were able turned right around and with Gll- ehowlng they have thus tar. Unlor- Gaarder .. ;... ........... 5 1�. 29 4.8 to advance only lll.yards through the Lute detense Maybe Easter.n Is mer calUng .the plays moved down- tunately, thOUgh. Jack Enllngson, Lancaster .. . . . . Fromm 4.3 1 59 . going to take It on th&fchtn this year. '4. 7 betore Lancaster atroIl& reserve end• •uttered. a frae. field to the






.. . . . . .. .










In the only other conference game played last Siturday our .own fumbled. The CanadIans ,threatened turad hlp Mon�ay and probably

Lutes downed th



games for .this Saturday

walk and ilie way I pick them to finish:


had . 1

Game Impme p';'v.d

of the :aga1nst CPS. The Lutherans for 222 rushIng. Frank






( ConUnued from Page One)

n Fou de",




--............ ! . __

_.. _ . _


I! . �:

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---:.. 4













--..... 10 15 '

Total......... 25


a.' 26




CbrleUan80n, 14 tries. 36.9 A:-verace




...:.....:....-:-_.. _�...._;,�..: ..:....... :11" . . . . . . . _._ 8

Chr1stianson l

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.. . .

.. . ... .....






. ..... .. . . ..PASSING ...




by 20 point&. caster, Tom Campbell, Galen NuSWhltwo.rth .Ye.C Central ..UBCPS--CUBCPS-bybyWhitworth 12 b8.Um, and treshman ' Jou Fromm. point&. raD well with the ball. In. Ule aerial - PLC by6 13 pointe. U. department the# Lutes were a.gatn PLC to � the manY' friends who telt it their lack! The three quarterbacks

Weetern v Enternva. vPaci fic TWs writer



Central Washington, the one remaInlng El'ergreen team, ran Into a went over to the Gladiators. IItU. rough gol� In out-of-confl! -play la.t Saturday. Tb.y 10.1 tb. PLC's ground. the Paelflc Northwest Confer· was much ,hard "W'ay (14-13) to Lewis and . " ence. So much for last week. ,-....., Improved over the previous week And now the w�ekly to the gallows. Here is a list clicked

Clark ot









UniversUy ot British Columbia ThUnderblrds by the agaln in the second quarte� as an not play any more this year. Jack, ��;"riS .... er --.. score' ot 6-0. The "Score may not lJe I.mpresstve, but both teams played In ercepted pass moved �em .to the you will remember, dum-ped StOI'-1 t some good football. The Gladiator detense bad some troubles. but buckled Lute 15-yard stripe. Bob can. t1n1 for & loss ot 14 yards In ·the Benso n . down when:the going got rough. TI?-e team Is beginning to rol� offensively UBC quarterback, then threw to a fourth quarter ot the CPS game last Totals and was quite a contrast to the Lute offense ot ·two weeks ago. teammate In the end zone for what year. He will be m1ssed greatly by sttll bel1eve that UBC 18 a highly underrated team -this year. They 9.ppeared � be a .touchdown. but the the Lutes and Frosh De:"ny 1 . Ben reach Is expected to see 80me atc sOn .. big and f&at, and Canadian teams are just now beginning to are field arbiters road the receiver ton at Gilmer . maturity In rootbH the way U's played In this country. I stepped out ot bounds and the ball tbat end pdtJltIOD. .•


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" the deteat or the "Mighty Irish" laat week,. but used connected for only l out ot 6 AJ"---Cc>UO,. . The Lute de:- I then their composite record over the years justItIes a 1088 now and t:hen. . PUSM fC!r 6 'TOt,f'S , I tense; althoug'h loo8e at times, held That's all tor now. the B1n1s when the c h i s were ICE CREAMERY . down. J.rry Kluth, Dick GrII " oId Thompson Faneral . SHAK.E8 - 8UNDAES St'f f L 'sf , . " d e e G ) e On (Continued from P:age re awa y, Ce ntriLl. - scrimmaging at --rootball a.n arr Gel - WhIle their Une play w t)y coi.oh . . FLAVOR8 �OF ICEI taught two y:ear8 at Western Michl· Tery ffJW replaceEl· Harshman gaD College ot EduCation' at Kala· turnout Monday afternoon. Jack l the dur menta Dg pme and . . inJured waa end. a' Lute h mazoo and one year at Clark Col· Ungson, · first I-t was !)e. of the Lutes went t e entire dla. He was gNdu· quite aerIousl;-. At 1 V 1 dl.loc&ted his tance: ha� h. hat t · Waahy of ' t ';;:�.'' ";,' a� f;;'m� Pacific Lutheran goes outalde of later eho-w:ed a small a B.A..' de� 1n 1949 .hlp, but x--nya Ington the clrcult thi. ,!,eek .. they,tak. flbe, chlp oU <he bon.. Parkland Center: Bl�g� ' GRanite · 4242 and tho following year waa gt&Ilted H, will 'be cont1ned to. the Tar on .Pectflc U�vere1-ty at F o r e e t . an MotA. degree by .the Seattle 1n.aU· . Coma enerd �Hospital for n go re v . t lea ,� ro::.: s G at G a� O ��:�=:::;;;==:-:-l !iiiiii�;i����iii tution. �;ii;;ii'!iiiiiii;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;i;i; IW;�;�� i NEAL E. THOR Dnrlne World War U h• ••ned .1n Note :. It ' would be tonSEN ' Air Force In the the U. S sldered a-pproprlate . would be European theater. TRICKS ':' JOKES :' MAGIC appreCiated if J�'. friends would 'I lle, ' " ' BY 'll I �;� -I Thompaon fa survtv,ed' U__ by to eee ; four- eblldren,.l'1Lmela, 8; Sblrl.y' * ONE-D . �y , Vl C "* :. �eY2 Drew. ,6; and fte. : ; twlna David wishes d uty to remind him ot




aDd. .

I ���'�; ' ����=; I

"" triftbla,"'" M� agnavox,.Col .'Weboor / '. othere, J ...·Kr.. Bow8l' and ·Mra. Thompson's Ti!D BROWN .MU�IC T.coma'. R�,� moth.r '!rom Chlcaa:o , dt New·

Parkland for

THE ·YlSELL CO. nera - Office - at..;l.l oand Book.ellere Church 8uppllea Schoo j'8JiPp.U,-. ,. '" P.clflc •

.. .




mother,Pe beeoa., 1.; � ')(� Il.'� h ... Hold1s 0f CA_burg . slstef, )(n; Bower J. .y.


P .�n�'I'�.r! O�u:t-:. �:: I ���;�����;� Jt ��C�O'1I��.-:'� y ; n d � � used ;�; many Madden's Men's- & L,'.Hle ' Men's J"ho'P .' "


with •



and y . ' 112j' Broadwa Heedqu rte..

� •

RUSLER"S· MARKET i 1.�El:";8" ' .', GRoCE"IE V�.GET"BL'� " •

•. _ ..

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" m 'Par"t:,Lla'nd ;J\'�_ "" ; , ;.

. :' D-r·." -In" �e .






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T'R'" E' C.· L E A)f,E' ' 'R" S' : \,






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a� M.:.._ _ _ '''_ _'�_.,..''' '�_ "'"-' M ' ,,-� "_ OO_ :.:..:. 'U_N_a� .id� 'I'-, .__ •.:.. :: ,.-= :: :: .. �= ... ..' F:..r:: o .•:...:::: = ::

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� ' Are i ., 1 T ...\,. \" r, ' . , , � HchI� l� �y " �in tci ·, -, PiaN .· N jaa,oclllle ." QUl m . � l MP ,.()tace' 'P ""\ " I � ' " .... ., ' -� .. '"i � . ..... .. . c---f-,- �nMA,.nmOl ng'-St ( .N (Coolloued rrom Pog� Two) In the halls. prores�or or �ngU.h 'et pacillc' Lu. , : '. ' tberan �o'He�!,:; .u:- yltgtDla sea· the admlnistraUon to keep the. In " ·)Uqutded ·Mary Lou Biery to� . ' u.L Q��Y� �__ � U � . Ul.S'9.9t 'I ' _ . .. ....:. 0M7 .lbt • e D e d 1d:t.-Mi-r�tr.mme-;:-Qu-e@eh de8k-.tgeJ:e�'.. .�t�Qhflrttbou.jLtr1..e. _ !lrl)J =UDder the theme, "Lutes Score Does the sophomore clus look �� e�ts �nr o e .wben the tlTe ot tbem threw fmd ,Mis' �rt8 a hote In which to In8tall the delk nl r h lu '54/' the annual Homecoming 11 prettt small to you? 00 you m.tN Mar) ri .AM no� ds, tlte Int!trt1C" ' lamp� ,: t;'nd .�t . soIf1� �p�e . •r�n� '��r In� the sbower, �iotheB' an4 all," r , gra PW '�I! l' � '" 0.. taeel IIcheduled tor -tM weekend at Oc- tee!bl ioale r.prtu.t tO,ra .f �merica� Bch06�a In Get- caretUl. th�y are Hable to catc� to thf.t�ne at "I'm'FOrever Blow:1,�1" pus? :We can tly no' me.ans account many. wber 29 throUCh a1. , lIt.Ue nl1�ers In It and �U8t Bubbl�s:': � !lc1 sp�aklng of bubtitee. . thel� .ot , Petitioning tor the Homecomins fa. al1 the .e.bsentees' but 'stdeeb or �� ss Virginia Sea�urg Is .teach. walt until a faculty member re. who ,did Lori Z, snap a picture , taueen wUl begin Tuesday, October t h e m a r: e at Emanuel' HospItal Ing ll! on� o� eighty' Ani���can ele- J eases. .them. Don',f laugh !,It 8:c�U�,I- I,n}�e tUJ) ,up to her neck I'n " bu'b! 12. with the Yot.\"I',on Tuesday. Oc- S'h-hool of Nursing. POrtland. Ore!. " ' f, D ot SUb "bne ned the bapp O ly bles, �o � m entary s��.Oo:ls tn Germany. Atter, , tober 19. The two runners-up will gon, Stella Andel'8OR. Janelle Bt1.c)(•. Ih.�vlng t, �ug�fr n:S\. gtade�" at tbeJ mals, 6�r apologie.s to t10rence Chrls' . .' , be., prtncesses. Any senior or junior er. Lots Danielson, Eather Edlund. t she s, �ea , tiansen tor qmlUlng, ber name .. aD s h ar l la everal s ' �o. 9C t;1d: k P . a: r Joar.n woman' Is' elIgible to be a candidate Janes. Krug, Louise Lareon, Old Mal!! has finally settled otticer at the new South Han organs'� �ro!!..p ot;�1r�. gmd!!l . student ' (or Queen. The QUj*ln and.her court Ltndeblom, ¥ar1lyn L. u tt, ,Elaine 'b�hes .agraduated down to the rouUne at t,be echool JZl\Usm; "Cbrls" is !Ice-prelll�ent tQr . !n 19,�4, _ / , S Nielson, Ahn Nelson, M.�ley, Eiols . O chapel tn ctober be announced n _ .,...--. ,,!,� lr� Ger- rear, Many at tlie. girls have been t�e ensuing year, AI�, the girls ate , �--,� : �!...��!��.!lR.�. �J..u�,J!W- �_�!...���� �� �' , ,h:oOl, 11:1 �anl\u, ;! � : ': �= �� hlAA��.!¢.'!5.d\��M!!1!S dlrr.r.�\ !'J..!I! .. ., 'Ijr.b>�·ojTh.lijb t,"*, .bl!I.x�w.i-����� lftl!\'it�� * Ing ror the. Homecoml"" royalty I '; .Wlch."tln. T.�.r. YlI!Il'e'f tfl" �t.,-.. 'has traveled much ' in her f us with too mucli newl! for 'the .cot· ·thefr e'veutiig de�on�· tfe� done by petitions, each containing and Pauline Ziemke are s�rting the Tollteldt �reer. ! ne� Wednesday evening, dev�uonB . umn, ' She year a taught 50 signatures (anyonemay take out Jhl�d month ot ..the (:lInl<;a1 portton "teaching I clan each classes, by held be will seemed has have Cornell to Don · and PhillppiQes year the a in heD t ' Emanuel. at of t training nurses a.. petltion) and accompanied by $5. their the hearts' .ot the girls using one noor. This will sene Turn the petitions in to lris Nord- They will spend two years there and at Okinawa. S'he graduated from ' captured who -are not taiPl1Iar .with I with h�s rendition oft "HoldQ M; those man, or Gerald Sch,imke. Homeeom, then return to PLC tor their senior PLC in 1949. wn class members as wen .. , Twelv,e or thirteen miles west of Hand." At &Jmost aoy ime t day ·thelr owho year. Ing co-chalrmen. are sepa�ated tram theIr Is or night you &fe -able ·to hear this those by noors. One at the high POints at the Part of PLC'a Junior class Is 0 Han'au In Frankfust, Germany, . . trom many a room. trlends blaring 80ng Is She s s Marjo le Anderson, 1 �1 Includes at group Emanuel. This { Homecoming testivlties Is the pateaching on We elemental?' level as 1 A transter student from the 'Unl- PLC's pse\1do-lntel1ectuals, t 'h a t tade' on Saturday morning through Adonna Bondahl, Norma Borgford, she did In Seattle atter her gradua- verslty at Washin&ton, Pat BonDur- pair at "long drinks of water" com­ Parkland and downtown Tacoma. Lu Frazier. Velma Harmon. Kay white ' ; ant has been dlsco,!ered to 'have monly seen with) convention,."lert Prizes are given to the top floats, Jerstad, Marilyn Krug, Oretha Mar-. lion tram PLC In 1951. u'p­ any talentll, She does sketching, Jackets and cynically curled wIth judging by three alumni on ·iQn. Eleano!" �farlin, Carolyn Pritch, Miss Doris Berg is. 'in Erdlng, , m sings, and also cuts hair, as you per lips; were perceived l)OurJng tbe basis at beauty. originality, COOl' ard, Kay Simonsen; Sandr,a Standal Qermany, teaching·tourth grade:'ln .I may have noticed by the sbort hair -throuch a ThesauMJ!J only, to swag­ edy, and ,theme. Any or.ganlzation and Sigrid Tolletson. They are start- 1951 and 1962 Miss Berg taught. in at many girls. 'ger about In borrowed words. II, S. She may Undertake to sponsor and can- Ing theIr second month at aftiliation American schools In ' Japan, s' are in order t�r S. worthy o'tthls ehallowneis? . I Congratulation 1rtruct a noat for ' the parade and in Emanuel's Maternity Hospital. graduated In 194.9, new song leaders and also. tor Writers Note: Belng .the onl]' one competition. With this year's theme Kathy Elde Is also completing her Now a counselor In one at ' the the new dorm omcera, Good luck. ·to "walk" ..way trom a tour-car col­ and the game .,,'Ith Western wash' ·c�niCal n r s i n g experience at eight Amertcan ·high schools is Miss the girls! U,slon �¥t Sunday, let me take'a tew ' ington''S VIkings, there Is plenty ot Emanuel. She Is a member of PLC's Blomquist. Miss Blomquist plans to The ,dorm �Jll be pretty well Unea to cauUon all drivera, The ae, I nut a at study university 'European room tor OriglIHLUty". Katertalll may . class at 1965 and will return to . 'cated....thl. weekend &8 JEULny girls eldent was. cau.ed because one drlY· summer, ', ' range from scOtch-tape to batling PLC seCOnd-semester. are planning to be In PQrtland to fir tollo'l'ed too closely behind an· wire to paper napkin rosettes; the Also at Emanbel are Karen Kahelp cbeer our team on to' vlcl.9l'J:. other and couldn't ltoP, so p'lunged . only requirement being t h a t the vern and Janet Olson, They are getH , nost Is able to make its way along t:ing laboratory experience In their omecomlng 'Queen imagine It will 8eem nice to. the into a line or on-comlU&' can, h!tllng remaining to' lOme pe&Cji one head-on It could have eully the !parade route. Watch tor more : chosen protesslon. M�cal Tech , F f . '0ne. , girls and Quiet. been you. . eo ured In intormation about the pai'ade In Ule , nology. They will 'graduate n e x t ' Luella VIg, spring gredua"te ot Pa· dally bulletin .�d Mooring Mast. June with PLC's class ot 1955. Lutheran, was pictured In the Althourb parties baTe taken ., First Co n cert A large number of th ue PLe/ Issue ot One magulne � back seat tbls week'in our sojourn, Emanuelltes'plan to attend the too't- �eptember In a special teature on Lutheran they hue not detracted ttom "We ball game at "orest Grove on Octo. Partdancl tY Repair ber I o e e u Be 5 e � Q eens ot Am erica A nUl"l� ! inCldents addiD, color to the dally woll 9. Tohey are looking torward to n education major trom Ketchl- routine. ' The mu '"Jc' 01 BI-_ Rom'-g .seeing many at their PLC clast!- Ing 1 .I.Q...I kan Alaska ....'.S VIC was named Two Mexlcan peons, strlcUy from wm be featured In the firat concert 233 P.rkl.nd. mates there. Homecoming Quee� Iut. taU by the SteInbeck, were seen roamlq thJ'u ! ot the Lyceum Series � hedUled tor 44se C PLC" students. She recently .marrJ.s rooms collecting alms to buJ their Noyember tint. Pertormlng will be -============; Mitton Hefty. allO a PLC graduate, . S·u n d a y breaktut: "E1 Rancho an 18«01ce choral u with s1x I Grande" '\Vb the1r tieltt (and oDly) I }JnnclP&Ift. PrtmartlY�I�t10n. wtll in Portland. r The feature tn included. c&ID� number aDd they returned to their be latoR es trom Romberl"l trill Stella's Flowers �.fI lk Sh ak es pus beauties from. 21 ot the 81 tour- ebacks 17 cents In the black. There )mown 'operetw. I y� Lutheran col1ege� In the Unit- was an odd resemblance to Ewlr S. Joseph S for AIJ !lcc�lon. ob""." lamed.7�W.� e d state. ami Canad.. All or tho end Shlrl.y 'Ii but it mu.t ·he.. THE HANDOUT . he lOloJst at the seeotld.cin_ 7»e_ Uom., JeU wtu � t ueens Q bad beeil selected to ret.n been ·the Bob.elDJan t _ ce� fi � ft .ti.e -� on December tint · I 415 over some ' event dunos the PUt .' T!'"o' otbe� , ��ce� lD -Ja..1Ia!'1 aDd ' , . school year. February ..m complet. the ..rI... 0 •._ .1. the youth ....,0. ... pubr '"'_IP ' K� w1...... IIII lInD •..., 'VI" Stude nt tlcxet! tar the eeaeon, lfahed tor the young people ot tour � wtttch may be obtalned-..,." sboWin« Fur Coate For M any o,f. Y�ur .Ne.eds,'Stop In A� Lutheran bodIes in AmerIca the 9tadent ' B¥; Card., wJU be a"R1l· Amen�n �utheran Evangelical •• a b�e -ail loon aa tb.� rema1D1a« conLutheran, Lutheran Free and Unit- 418 P.rkland GARFIELD YARIETY cer-� 'haTe bee:n dentdte1r iChed­ d h;; h�.; . a an D C; ; uled. Tieketa tor othent- WlIl be edld urc ; C ; � . . ;; _.l'II L� l; U� � ';� Ev �g� ::1 October 31.t at $5 tor tbe-�: r g , '. '. 15-45 PLAV 'Ii Dean Haogo. ·Dr. Str u n k; Mr. Reme��, ,,;' .' �... ou �.tprillti..g . .� ' , � 1 (3 N ...o\WD Mr. _n. G. o r lt o . . y . .. Bln>m. Walt BchwlDdt,. Also..., AI·· P' ro"rams : cards', ribBons, . pamphlets, . Y ' .... FR¥E'S RECOID breoht, )(m>& �11or.. IIm Lokken � SHOPPE " . . '.'f'1' �f ·: tickets, _,!,tco : . :tttat:.I 'our 'bUIIoness! \ ! ' ' piarkl�nd. W-,.h. . and mrv 8tlv� � the oomn:dt. . � manqlog. MIe lotc..... .er\eO. .. '� GRQIIIte 7100 r' ' To l. ..� p.'nt -' Wlftdow ' 1 l. ,, �;� . ' �:.: " ' .. ; Lcil "'1 App.... .. .' J , , ' ,' IlhaClea - T•• la \ . ,. ". . . L,,aCr,OS8,e �. Pr.. in.,ters. � � "' e .ii - � ..h.••d....� .... .. ' _ � r .. .". Garfleld at. ,..rkl....' � IT-WE HAVE , : �"'o ! 1"'�YOtJ:CAN'T 'LOOMed �cto.. fro� ,T�Ple , ��.t �11�� ;ftd- Paelflc, .' Phd... � 1117 3171 '·' . 1�1at....'td P�lfltAve"Ue , ' . ' " .

enJ eL(::'i:.Wmn ,:. . . •



l I









.Old. Main





l I















��owe,.. ; WE D!'LIVE!L �l29th .. Pacific G'R.9945 ' I Garfield at. 463�===========� G R;:.:7= ;; .= ,:::;;;:=:::;;:;=::::=


Soutf't Hall Sojourn









_ . _



.Rellnln" CI� aliCi MReld ·WHITE' Ga rfi e �������i?���:;;� � ' MIL,LER'a Vol. No. 2 (Lim ed Num,.ber) I ������iii����������ii������� ���e _��o; H,ave. G��NN R.P.M; EXTENDi<D R'i;;cOR �ON��;"Y. REC6�D8 .. , ' �Ield Stiee� , o ::;:. SPorting ,HOUIeWarH -v Rod. Plu(Mtlng. HARDWARE ' " �DI�_lv. M. _ERIN� FLOOR PRINTER8 FOR, YOUR COLLEGE - , EAT . the �ve�ue PhOn,,ItGRanite . , _







.,,> '

'. _








I � S�.·.'C, $ 1l � l d' . •


.;. " ,' � ,




'"to " t;' " . ,




l ......iiO...' 'H..d· ..ilrlt l

.��.�:::� ' Sunday, two dedlcaUop. but

on of th,e pIa)' [9r tbe alao �Ul h�},a, resf!lence new be awaiting various other eventf.,. I I ded i n these are the tootball ctober 23, Homecoming,' Ocga Retot'1D.'· 30. and tober 29 tian Service' on Oetober 31. � �e Reformation serviCe tllt. band will combine wIth the Festlval C.Il.orue. Personnel to.. &e, band this,

�� �




, '

thllt 'he,



.. Anni�ersary c�l.bration wiU.' halls oil Sunday �ft.ql\X>n.· ,, � '. immediately followinll' the



JerJ'71 �


•. ,




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,>I."'!lIiJ;'� I

••••• ' R ., . h•• 11 I Don Preacb\nc... t� - qd mtslrion

Monday, Oqtobet

meetl,... Tr:tlll,!. ¥.�.

,. � ·.II1021·

"�i4� �' coJ),teIK, A,PO.

12: 60--:-Lat�e�. �:J08. I. • 4 : 0()!-,;-lJ)R ...... .

':8HP\JrO.:bd � )•.t Council:' ...,

'6 :46--&tudent


. ' . . . 'l D<!I)a. CJ4B-}2Z'l.

' T��. � I�'•



prayer �el"":Of"M'.;;: .J'oa·� ·


e Rieke, Condray.




lO: � 1�; " II _.. 11a: :DI_ 12:�a.Id_ a.; 3 : 3O--PM�t.

· 9:00-Pt �ff

' Homecoming parade wIth' BiU Anders'o'o as chairman. Other mem­ bers are : Rlehle Heina, G r 0 v r Marlys' Solterbeck, Connie ' , Ellen Henry, Elwood Morton, Bett�. �ean Redwa ll' Marlene StuhlmJUer.


7; o��' �m'J;.8J'8&l')' Banquet.

6: t6--An'· co..."

AI· ete';ari. Barbar:a IfcDon&id, �.n"�Albert ToPper Nle aea the , . . l O ttl , � Marted �ers to.r thfi! J�o,r c1�s , .A.�.·criJa.e . 8te� ]ofo""'''' pre ojdent ;. M ptl4lDeku�p. V �i?...��., ��U -:'·::"�,n.nI@ lil';'bJ;�,I��_e. ���"�g�= Gul�.ug�n. tr'"'"y �t � e. ta . M1l:b , �; cr l5 d., raL. I.C.C., and ord�n. �tro� G.


· > c-rBatco�i. 7: l1i:-1CQ. r.!�o�,

On Friday, a eon?ocaLloD wa. In the. Auditorium wltJ:r ,Rev. Fou, president ot· the , Paol8c ot the LQtberan� .. the main .peakfr. A con­ , the col1&«.· so}()Jsts . aDd


��n:o� >�" �rt_ � ,.!,.!:"

� _. �. 8:00-c0� 8 :1&-J4� COAeen. . �'rs-r. October 11 i> . 2 · OO-Foo t I I...�. Central.

Student Un· an


Percu.aton....l .. 1 . n Free�' R9&ld, f The menu didn't include hard-tack., Fenen, hU:l Lucky �' WIDtam I but th�r.e were 'hamburgers tor a DaTia. I ,', �wd , and a halt, pickle., sp�d Drum Major-Darrep. l\UmlUs J\l; �blpe. cocoa, cottee, and doughnuts. , When e�eryone was �med to caw:�. Elberson, one- ot The n�wly-el�,ted Q(f\C!'Irs tor the. J?'!lolU"� Mr. J� �;�,..tlie e¥PiBrones, suppressed severa,l band az:e : vlce-pre.ide�f., �yl�_fttin i!1:J.o ; be1c.hes , ot .. satJstaetion and mret.ary-u:;y.�r.. col,� �.��t� meqQed, a 'delightful I!,tory ot man�e!L �" F ��" _�l,� �8. �orQh&pla11lt J'1oF:.: qhlD&ii . ' Iou eoc:kD8.Y � h&1I MoA .ent ""9k ... tb8, lOG, ,i:, \ ". �., III« ret '1'D' b1 l"":" .. ..'I'.tbll!.I' from I , p" a �c\\ldi D.f . a 'lUsll lmoon, mu,,:5"'f �is<< - "IDd .ID tll � aI/!� Bl<: . ' ber 15 .. .... Fil� • ,,!�" �'1\'1 , . ' : . , 7oUr , .faCe); "110 , : lnl ll:OI)--Co � ;\i� Dr. FoBB.

\ 8

I Ion",""'Ulg•., In

F00 . .d UI' _li.q':..;1i.1i ·CIt..... � .. ", �-

. T_t'8n<1,Cwn.t�Lan7. EI.t.-. Last Ftld8y' nl&ht, o.tobor 8, & ler:. Jerry, Bayne. Nona, Folbur&. a1l.d. valiant . r o u p or· seatarers JOUl"­ QienD Hull. neyed · out t1lroUch the' murk,. IDI,Bf French Horn-Eric Jordahl a.nd or the PlIcet Sound- watere. It J� �1ea.en. tk8 anD.UAl Pt- Kap crulae EveO'one BarttoQ..8-Und Ka,tlS841 and. Dave Ibad.. buadl� up securely, tor you Hlllesland. can't tell what to expec�ln the Trombone--S t a n l e y JacobsoD, land or Walla Wan.. (that's Indian Bruce Amy. Carol S�efCe18. for ;Oman,. waters") . After about a Olaon and -Floyd Ohman. e Ga ant dy two-hour Bass H��-J?e y_�_o l� t.: htb e ,� t. ��O� . � o c'Js e 1�� nrl !: "".� �: . � :ll��� � La�� : "'"Nbi'untn F"l�, and �ohq BUckp�" : · l �d

liajorette---� -J" e Pre,�eIJt:.

At -4: 30 there was bou� In ihe the evening, "Th� t 8. V e," a: 'pa«e t, was T-hla pageant was writ· by Rev. Robert, LutON, cl.... ot· .


day at

. &!& : �O••'"


� ,-,

at r.,eulty.aJ;ld ,atudent trtead..

�ute and Piccolo--J'-"De aDd liar-loB Sbe�Ter. . Oboe and Clarinet-Pearl Vep.D� Oav-ld Knllt.eoa, Joan Merei'; IbreD. Don Rut, M.lsenhlmer, John Sud Jacobs .nd Loratta. �&(t. sJa.h ., on'e - SUron Hac"". Col · eon. T'\lel)l1�uu. .an<l lloid _.




editor ot ,89110101' "-per, and...JB no\\, a m�m�r ot the<"al nt bQa,hl ; at the same c�llege, ,} ·" Eve.ryone ,In commerct�l subjects at PLC" seems eager to learn," Mr. Faulk. ,Hls one objecttve Is to , anJ! the learnIng or shorth&D.4 typing as ea.y as �ulble. , ' PL:<', Mr. �:u.nt 01'1 hi. first wal Il�enb' impressed saJd v.1th the C-M-8 baUdJnc &D.d the, new ree.id4tDt , haJl,. Ue allo teelVi ""'gllt 110m';' among his Dl&D.Y

year Bayne



An\�vers. ry·· "' N�� :In PWlg res$ bf��'

6 0th


Page Two


. biOOd-

� �.:',::::; 1 D7,::�';:�


A 21-"�ld lirl t. I)1Dr1' In aerioU8 .codtton·.fan Orepn h08pital ton�wJIit the explo,.a Of -,... :traterJ nlt,- houu. "welcome dlapl&T." Wbne beuac tn" no po.IUoD. "t9 it Me� rather Iflce l� kIl�w .tftterDiue. haTe the W"O� frOnt ot. them,

awai-..d. · ot the ' duUes .which wQrk on the �QtltuJ. pac_ . Joann with them.. background.. ltCe08l. HIli aui$. man, and Charlene Llb.dne8l.' Cb:ar­ The algos don't read "We want ant, ida places .a cloee lene was pleaBantly aurprlsed.when an �mer1cart'" · education," or ''We I 8�con:d. Jo Gronke, ' . a cake tor 'ber came aIr erpress . from Los A.n,gelee. Ordetta BeChtel see�8 . to -have ' . ; .' WHY been entertaining the girls :wIth her rend!tlon· 0\� nervous system." Wby did you come to college. Just what .weie you personally " Guess tt has mU8'f.c. -too'! ' interested in when. you decided to come to P.L.C.? A Supercilious . Snee, Fourth fioor has beeo havlng Probably' you came to work towar:h the education that· will quite a tew parties and gab-feata be your livelihood ; or was it to make the connections which Nordqulat _ Carlatrom ty ot e y ! Quess ther .waS plen later on may be of benefit to you; or perhaps it W;1S to find tbe food brough·i back tbfs weekend. companion with \Vbom you ,.ill be spending the re",ainde< of �;<:;--;'=�;;;;;� latel :i"iholl�r ;;;;-: ;';: Our-; and shout Its-; democracy, :: ;: ;;;: ;:;; ;';;';8&Y, ;; American �C; Lproponents t:,��::;:�� W:�: jU8t Yes, your life on earth. Or maybe you are one of the fortunate Gnes to'the 18 the greatest contribution I who come merely for enjoyment, with no definite reason 0r plan of man since some joker invented the wheel. It .n · ••""n'" Increasget t� y a w. pleas�nt a what C. M �e· in mind. ' '. mind, B. . O. . . ' the wheel and a later contribution or the . plump Ingly ! merA ", velY U d!lrtlnC, (the terms -are somewhat slmUar) bave ,made the To all but the "Iatter tbere is a question that orily you. can ·Groans and gripS .can be heard answer. icanized" educational system possible. Tile logical. (and very fltUng) ftom '"overcome to necessary be may it goal your achieve To second floor to fltth fioor &8 somethipg or someone. If you felt it neCessary, would YOD reooft climax to �ll this balderdash was the "�ll�g.e" J� all o� its �lcat1ons. tball practice flnally gets under· to gossip or perhaps deceive another about this obstacle in YODr loo As used ,here, the term "college" ts· rather parrow In appJ.1(!at1o�, rer8f- way. seems the girls are a little way, ring to tbe result of the American experience . in ·"educatlon.''' ,With the out otItpractice! or wou.ld· yo.u put "the · most charitable construction" on , do .or d::le cOmlng ot col.leges came ;he stereotyped, hearts and... fiow�rs your opponents. To belittle is a mark of your own weakness. To Tue,," made was Inspection Room .. , e�ta (0t for �Ima mater, and .,?ccasIO�allY non-entltlee-:stOO. Some ot the gtrla wtlre reall,. acknowledge shows' your own character. which the subject of our study, BoUver ShagnaBty; ·is a sort. of"persomn- day. Honest labor and study may not be the simplest method of "tha": seems It sun,rlse! by taken cation). there was .lIttle c�ng of room building for the future. but it is the only way to Build for ChacBollv�... �ame from a mi.d41e class home, went to ·the 1M-tie red school- sUps which real� worried some house, and b',an all-American . boy by prof888lon (and .cboJ.ce). granulated from- hlgh school (be' played the great Ameri.can game ""',_'1._'-.-0'" Have you &D}"thing to eay, ting through, his '!'�niQue!l we",, �ear pett�ct: he once claimed he w·hat's with �outh Hall ? A op'ened a �!.. o�� � . 'hls 1I�1rl:or ,.-.�-�_ '!'� �"'���S).. De"" ..... .n _al ' ...t.. .8u.."' i After .-cD epic sU9cess and real progress, Btli d�ded t1J.e. onlY 10�cal o1llous Bneer made us wonder! or-'.aing tor bis portentlous jDt�llectual abUlty w&8 After much Oh j well� �hasLIKE IT ! ,. cons1deratlon he ohose tb, great repository of letrnlng, LuteviUe. ' Oa' CaU from North Hall Atter a couple ot IDDnths in the college famlly young BoUvet Shag­ 10 week busy a been bas This J1.asty (100% �ericBD, II:lIl1�nt_ defender of the Republic. generally flne tallow) ·had the place pegged. "You know, you can gtt through college North Hall. Five -commlttees have been selected to kap our "handsome , without a Jot of ectort, too." This Is truly wondertul. · College requires no eftort, so those attondfilg oan spend theIr time hacienda" In smooth operation. The tn utopIan chaseS and Idle day-dream.lng. Bol .Ure"d of thIs Idleness 80 devotions commlttea consIsts of turned to other diversions-among them. a\sort of baiting, blind attempt to go through ,the motions ot becoming educated. Dany Bol w:>Uld sit In �e rDiddle ot the great Intelleytual three-dog clrcues-tJie Reading are Ted Simonsen,chairman; Room. and with much obvious eftort 'attempt to read a couple of texts and Joe :Kettl. The C9m­ (loudly clalmtng 'he had bought them by mistake): Otten,he was dis­ keep everyone happyJ"{Sotracted. What upset him most ' -the peUtnnlal ,game ot ping pong in 8t:an ··Ftng8rs" Hul8man, the far cOrner-Ball vs. Burly Bud Lester. the peoples' choice. The . Bob Stuhlmlller. Dick wrestllng'match that usually ensued. catch-as-catCh-can. was" eDltenatDlll8 • opetatloO:s coDlIDtttee and usu&ny pve everyone a t�w laughs. Everybody's .t&vorlte; .nw.....' · '�<&rne., . figured that one out, yeL was .the dally rat �ce--:the bell would ring an'd one grou·p ot scholars would race out( to sun on the tront steps), and o�er �ould p,lod in from a tough morning 10 ·the cottee shop. . Here peclally waa ·exhibtted the trlendliness and splrlt, everyone racetl testlviUea we�e -saying hello (by the time' theBe table to ��'!::���� d, -tlme,toc.. � 1l<!11oI1· w!O,l"'!�I�o\"�.: l>'/rI.. �.





was '

ti8ro'�" ','

':�� j"-;.. (. �:

ON WA��IN '. Q � �p·"cr.'li�'''' fi(,.-'ffAI]l "U·IJI"." · SH'I'PING - 8TYLING '. WA,Vf N� .




iii' �

.;;IfMJ!t,t�J.;,� Woit Bail by


�J_L.*,'" ,


, "



. Page T�E\"OORiNG "�ST' �r ", '1� ' Pow de r , P ut t F:rl�" ��ti Uili,wn ' Tea�� M�et Gla diqtoJs Take - - - t!J.�- - , - 0n r' I A'' t- "'l Ii ia· ,,;:';;;: llr.;;��;.;:;e.ntra elrla an� Sat. Ml�



Well, the<LuteB tlD&lly 1Jtarte4 &Coring pointe. TweDty..a.x polnts and. �ree Is a good dAf'. work tor anJ .teaDl; and four yarde . Here a hopin they( keep rolHn. I pIcked PLC by 13 pointe over P.U.. but nerybody on campua will be happy. not leaet of all myMlf. If the boy. could win "Juat�' ten points.



. ,puget Sound ._ ....___ .___..__ .___ 2 �2 . W!hi-tworth ..._....._._. . _ _ ..__.�__








Re.ponq!ng , I<!

r&mIIIar l biid

of a to6 ac&1ut. pipkin, the fre.hmen


upper clue

to thelr\ r

1'e campa tor tralll-





I •

ing I� Ueu of the ODeo�D& Powder . , pme by Bowl football- game.


�;;��:�';�";';� ������;;�����"���tJ���I\!��",,,"'''''� � :;,"�¥;�:�" :�,:,�\.fii:��"'?:�:E }';'>· r, " ,., �Il;:","',� <z;!��",",,:;:,; :t���;�:t 0-







good ,examPle ,ot tht.�


Bt1,Ush, polumbla ......:_.... _.._....:..... Q 2 18 Western Washington ..__...._....._ .. 0 0 .. 66 Western 8eems to be -"sluck In a rut.=' Last weeked'd they 108t 33-0

to the College of Puget Sound. This ta, the same Bcore by which the Whitworth' Pirates downed them week bel�>re By the way, CPS picked ·up 353 yards during the' fracas and. it looks Uke It'8 about tmie Under �ache. ,bar Eliason and . • JIm Jacobson' the freshmen muat someone put the stopper on them. the problem ot discovering talMe.anwhUe. last Saturday. thole " powerful Pirates" from Whitwortb . ' were slowed down quite a bit by the 'hard fighUng Central WUdcate. By ent and bu1ldlng �e team trom. the start. The trosh "team seema to be the time the smoke (or was -It tog?) cleared the Whit!: were on .top U In hat strong ne nemen girls, t · (U ' a 15-6 score. Not &s much as was expected. Note also that Central's TD was th , e t!rat Beare to be racked up against the Whitworth club tbts sea- 18). ann the coaches are looking tor a good. quarterback a m 0 n g th'e son. Could be Central Is an underrated, Improving team, elI.? won Its first game ot the season. defeaUng U.B.C. by the �e:�: :�ih:l�:. t score 0 1 to 6, British Col�bla has to win a game pre�ty soon, but I back ',positions' who ' will glv. · guess it was Just time for Eastern to win one Instead. opposi on a busy day on ·defense. U While talking about U. a: q.,- it mlg�t be interesti ng to note what tor the upper las gi ls, As e the Thunderbird coach, Don Coryell, bad to sa,. in the Vancouver, B. C., a r coach BrIan PrIce and assistant paper on the following Monday. ApparenU,. he was dJ.saaUsfled to 88Y Dennis Rodin feel that �ven the least. Here's what he had. to say: "I've seen. some poor officiating in coach :!n::�= my day but thlB' caps it all. I'm convlnc� the touchdown which beat Us :O:�h :-� l �:: a nJ t1 e julrt didn't ha'Ppen.'! Team Captain Bob Brady Is QUoted as saying: "I'm , Jll be\out soon. One bIg factor this sure the referees were In no position to see the play ; I know the ball w year Is that the up�rclasa team never got 'Past me, and I was one yard .out from. the goal Hne." · does have experience 0 v e r t h e Well, tough luck, boys, but'why don't you 9tart talking your way Into ' young�r team. ,Bolstered by a large instead ot out of .losing. nllDlber of last year's w1Dll1ng. freshI'll never give up unUl I hit 1.000 percent. s Whitworth's men team membere, plas some of Probably the ' moat important game this weekend I almost an 1m. th� t a lwarta of the upper class clash with• out tn the �0r:th end SatUl"day. Thls teams, the older team looms as the po881ble one to predict 500t that they all aren't). Both teams �ve virtually .the same record all around. W'h.1tworth and C.P.S. &1ao are the favorite !o_r _ �e Bo,;1 game thJe year. . . Evergreen ·Co-Champions of last eeas6n, and. neither one 'has lost




'• th


' .

"'" staOrttlT8d

.t Her�·. '\ow th� Central • Q U & d ItormJD.K' back -to .tak8 . leAd 011 shapes up tb:ia year: J'rank" I.a.uCt.ater"s 7-Jard-"{1pJ:u.dce. .'

En�Two- lettermen and 881'era! freahmen make thIs poelUon one of the strong pointe ot the teain. T&ckle--Four lettermen. Guard-'r.b.ree exPerienced athlates. Cenier-Wealr.. ' this yea.r, but that ' easy .to undenrtand Considering l06S ot L1tUe All-Amedcan Bob HIbbard. by the way, is helping eo&oh the WUd(:at Hne this year. A t quarterback. this year 18 Bill

On ·the drive, w·h1c:h .lal:'�, on the Lute 37,- Quart8l'b&clt Gilmer com­ plated three paaaea 10' &a maoT. at-

tempts, one a 3O-7&fd piner to .ep.d Phil Nordquist wbleh set up Lan- , cuter's final jaunt. A� lJtt1f1 later in the !JUDe 'period sub halfback Don Gaarder entered the -PLC llD.8UP and. on the first pia}, caupt a stri.te froDl'Tommy Gllmer on the Badpr 45, from which he proc",,-ed,( io Show his .heels 'to the betUdd!ed P.U. secondary. This made'it a 13-3 " ' ball game In faTor ot the GJ.�tors. In the thIrd quarter the tute. · were on their way again as freshman John Fromm lit the '"tire ":h1eh 1ed'to the LuteN' third touchdowu... The husky halfback set up tim IT.D. wJth a 47-yard romp' oTer :right tackle, and then cllmu.ed the S6-






Led by Teturnlng veteran-captatn Central average ' weight In the MonJque Wetton, the ilpperelue: backtieid Ij 17.3, Wh11e the. lIne av­ and this team Is JoAded wtth much potential erages 197: TbJa m.a.k:H them i and .ligures, to gi ve tee �ew fresh. liPter team thaD the Lates. . tim. U,B.C wlU win ltA!, malo. difference being seen In 'Well, we go over to EUensburr; Satur$lay to ·meet Central In what men .ball p.layere. ' a "les80n jJi the • !Sho�ld be a pretty good tight. I don't feel 80 good about ·this on'e, but finer art of playiol' footba.ll the way the froot wall PLO came ' through last Satur­ Lutes 24, Central 13. Cenb'al boaS"t.8 some speed In their Don Pierce, who It should be played." Coach PrIce warns, ·�Fl-esh.m.en":" conalde; tbta day's. out , of conference game with aocordlng to all available miscalculations ran the lOG-yard dash in 9:6. no injories, so everyone Ja ready .to I think ·the Gladiators can match speed for epeed by virtue or Doti challenge. Let'lt lee i. -hard fought go. der'B fiy1ng feet, it they use him. By the way, 'it you don't think he can. Powde-r Putf tootball game." allY, ot


date. I' don't know why. but I'll go along

. C.P,S by '3 points, Welrtern travels up to VaIlcouver to meet the team.

run fast Just go dOWJ? to Forest Gron and I bet you.11 find a P. U. defensive back still looking around the football field tor 8ODJethlD&76-yard pass-run play. "He got faked." he lost on

So, good luck to the coach and

��dd�n�s Me�'s & Little. Men 's Shop ,

P;';k1and Center


GRanite 4242

L Parkland,Wn.


Open a Sa.'Oi1Jgsl A'c�?unt NOW. •


E; L Gable. P.,I'Op.

l .con�.rl!ltulations Are ! In Order ,to P.

, - �{)


R.... .. us .

L C. .


� &' . e� -:

, " df',, \ 726








Phone ·BR.


2238 r

, � it"'!t:v" ; """-; , pro9r�ms" 'caras, " ,tickets, etc'. .- .: ) . , •



I 'I

\ Ooor croni.. Jf- BIt.rr

1MIU... . -.... �

-_.' ---..�';"

ftwu·,B&tb'. e,,· · t h e r e. w a ll

nJPt. bad'iiint\Ol. !Il'om . eue.' WheD

1'i",ouldl·'haJ..b·on:oril, plclU" 0<1 po­ for' an hour of &net watching Carol


. � �\!Y.�

-._ '()afJ!I� ' II' 1'<!rt. l�i¥. OD� .l< the '!9.!dl�� �d III.. C'!!W\-I '!e ".l'e <!- 1ji. !!!ria of � <¥!."!. n 1!:". �r. 1Ij� ljlet

, '!'!I!!- Ill' .



e CODtrol the

e e w r; �r1ed� t e Parkland community for a f w goeetp' �t. �f!••pt. �:...��b. t� a aee- day haa been apprehended ' The �'l" ' ty ot )Jondat... "",as onIt retaf)' �tUe, b'!.\ hopes OOOD and IsBut. In �=�==:":':r: .= ====�I;: now UDder of :: =�:::� Followin,; I "rat fiQOr-weat aclfte U. p.m. to' "n ' d' w\. t ' i� .. SAe 'h�d P: ,, .." JUTenlle au1:bOr1tlee. Let'a hope that t 8eems as ".ttlouab lCe� and' O.. ., ,! � �� . . Ii • ..:.:L. _ ... Ute l st Saturdal a81'8ra1 PLC I coli .t�Ddt4 "t e ll 't . r D WubJqton ...-....u -" -.. . , . night , ,I ' . thing. ot Wa sort don't happen v•..,. 1 couldn't atan4 �. IioUtud� �d' II· ., 1M U. 9.,.q in 'D..altl � �t .-.,¥.� ��.."a%q otten. et rl. 4!� '" �. n�ra;\DI 'f�� . lIl � jUDI?� KEY . Cy��, t�p. I lene� 80 aequ1red f� � �elen ' In �ri9r �. ¥r 1J.ork !o� �!p.. of ���A� "l B 9"1':C' South Haii Sojourn , SmebY and ·rMuy "�.d"Jt up." LE R I Portland. The �t.y W'� held in one '.", �n,:'a ;';lk throush'Sout;b : Judy'Sw��� ap4, :no '.Gr:P..btr ��r. . ld lte l 2 a-p,e:' �� hqer home! owned . y the . �,� 9��I!�J lut' TUeSda1 afternoon, ] ":� �n- y "w.,.,nt speclal� of Q�.n 577 ��r:f � 'St. . . uk � wl� d mop., e l fro t � with furnltUJ'!l ed � 0\'1') . (go,�\!� tro� . . tt! abou� �em PIL;B" and. � � in �le,ty, � � qh. r:!� e �� : 7 were: PLC 'girlll from r All !1outh � "" • �l!! m." p .rnall� that goe. 0U • 8-10,8. , 1i.bsa:':iR S· MARKET ·.MImI Reu , 10.� ·f.,-�,ci�\, cleanl�g: Th� �caslon? "The �<?"" In a hI� "congratu1aUo�" tq. ��. i �!��., � l. a. 1?: e �.,.tt. 7: 3 Y� C�! C!a(ft: ��.��� H AT6 R (or a terrtf!lc JtI!l' �� te�m o the on r and e y e�day n u W� PE! PJl ec J! Jo .. Spur CaemoD7 �l Ed: ,��, � P�M,ne���, , . _=. t��;L.�! G ��� 'afternoon from 3:3'0 to 4:30. Thi, Saturday, nJgh� 0,: ��k, in 1l�'� �I��, S��,nao�. �c � �4 d�io�, , .' .. Wall �e �rs� t1�e fa, c ulty 'b�d tomorrow mabt, we're ,9aH'I,eld 8t. Parkland at ed by lid t '3�" " " p'hi , CK&l23 a b ful right the w ehind to our you dor wonder al! , e ·re . .. ' Om... A1� 8. mltortea and _ 2,1 Th,u �.�� Q.c;Wb�r �::;;;:;::=========����ii�r:��:� ;:;;;:: to effort that Ii was seen 12,: ���5 �e�o.uo:n•• Te. ... . . .;oIl! "" ., � .... b<!at F�.r all Clf Xqux �uto,"otive Service needs . , ' '' -. ' �:oo!'� �: 3�� L-t�, LaeteU. �uehore was p ,j�e� Our Regular I. Supreme, .- 6.u �.r:�m.e I. B$,It 7: 1�1fu � �..lloR,. 4 liRIQJU JQKE. MA.le cha! and �ere, were tolP' r", , Frldoy, October 22 ce\"l0DI.i.o on ..c� fioor to. ...�.r( I Coatum... Tuxedo... Serpentine c.?,I:,4,�,.0. sa".. F4�._1! No�we8t ��cJl of �d fac�ltf and �e8 � a,:. II I NaV a' BIt9'C\¥I�. � .eha"lc 'o� J?�t", Q.f\a�'.te, 7'43 ...A.l.IsoC &tlon. ftee.m!3nta of cott� an� cak� were ..




B�gt\e�� Ji1m:f.Duel HaspUaJ b �:;::::====��===�l bO.PlThethelal. le Diane Hage.; t



,_ _ __

' . ,�


the se , ;:,;:·::;·�::;' ::;""' ' 1 :;::";:_:::;;;;:= ;;; ;;; ,-,














Hall all l I 1J1.I� u8ual �e hall� b wlth- 'b e l t1>e

�,D� ,

an� best the ElleDlburg The all e ee an s c eb ifrlll ;;ere makibg e",ery_.Iblethe advantage. the .



� ,





. aro





. \\ .

DON"" IAR ..:... ,

.", t

AtU t Hal. N.�I

A t-{,v.;

Always a Fresh, DCl,nll't. -:-. . ,

JENSEN 1���� S�qp!

\ L. .




l�e �ti:e'1�IY 'Barb�� ,




,. -

• •





' �.

,STEU.A'S FLOwER sHOP,' , , . tT ' . �. "


�� lo�� YQur Best


For Gloth� ; Th'at ��ke Y , ' f '

-. , � , ,,.,.. , , ....,.� ...-, - ,-=:--r , . " " 'T.:"' ,,, _

" ..




: f ,.


, t


Jljr���:,��!c=e .

B�tJhe S;,m e


p��� FU-';'QIL •__ , Chevron Service an� ;: ,

P���" �

YOUNG'S � �� ' :-' A.GifHor. Eve'ryohe! QI;I t;very"Oc���ion' " ,


W�YNE'S c�



' A FI9�'r, fO,r:i;nry. Oec:.lliion .. -

� ,

, TR.M1 l�l ClIMBY t

HOM E-MADE piES - ST EA�8 - SEA �.cioD.� - �AL,"D' .

, 113�! .

Pacific Ave.. I

.E •••

P�!d� v.:-�







. • E aU'-'E TG TTKND

THE.-., tlE�O"MATION DAY ....VIC ..





-Convention to Be- Held Her• Tomorrow I

� expla.1ned Ellen .

co-cbalrman of the colo•• ,noon,

to 1 u r t h e r cbrtluan r.llo....'"I»,1

among the young women of the Lu· theran faith... ·


Working with EllEm on Vie con­

vention Is ' Thelma Nygaard. Other

committee heada are: Delores Beck,' registration; JUDe W!gdahl, decora· tlon's; Ellen Henry, entertainment;

Pauline Skjonsby and Marly; Sol­

terbeck. coHee hour: Sylvia Kll'ke­

bo, pubLicity.

The ,progi-am tor the day win be­

gin at 10:00 a.m. with re«istraUon In the upper SUB. The program


10:30-11:�Bible 'Study, led

Dr. Magnus Nodtvedt.

11: 0()..12:06-Buslne88 mee t i n g

tor South Puget Sound District.

12: 15-1: I5-Luncheon, FtiendabJp

Room at T.r1nlty .LuthenLn Church.

1 : 30-3 : 3I)---;Afternoon s88sl00 with

3.:'�O--COftee hour to South Hall

· a 1D.1s81onary epeaker.

Coronation of , Queen, Court Op�ns . Homecoming Festjvities wiildlie

Albert A. iM:ykla.Dd. 66, bookstore

manager and

... iacoma

asBlatant in educaUon .

from 1948 "to 1963, died in

hospital ' Wednesday mo� He had been: all mvalJd· .iDce aUttering

_ " .tit.k. ,In' �h, 1953. M7klaD# -Wu taken to the hospital Tue8day


FUneral.8enieea will be jl81d Sat­

urday_ at 1:30 p.m. in T�D1tJ' LQ.•

. ,theran Church - . with the ae.. C.

. ,





.. rlll4

.... � � · ._ Tw. _..,... . _ _ T H E _ M_ OO _ R_ ....: _ I_ G'--" . _ := _ ._ F_ .... � � ·_ _· o.tobe -=: ·· ,.,. --.:. 22,_ _1



MOfJri.." ·M ••,

Pabltabed every Friday during the 8CJlool year : b, studea.t. ot - Lutheran College. . '


Elrte� as lI�nd class matter, October 2, 195!. "at the Post Offl� tit Parkland. W�natoD. Ottica: Student Unio� _ Telephone GRanite 8611 SublcrlpUon price--$1.54) per year

7". ' ' �� -!�!6;'! �

- A SuP.clliOlQ ' Sn��


.' Nordqulat ·


REPORTERS-Lois Erekvam, Sheldon

Hallanger. Ronald HedwalJ, Barbara Nordquist. Ted' Carlstrom, Carolyu Hooper. lene Baker. 'Myrna Berg, Tom Reeve., Wall,. , .... and Dave Englund.


��{�;;���;t��1t he

�� �

w I..



to ..uo Her. ar6 & feW' ....,.u � it sU, elneen.: .�

.., rep­ PIA


waote Tour :rootlt waiUDr' 1'oI' Iflo

..meals in the Old If.ili.

�ne of the toltowtUc tbtnI'I:

80 )'OG are practJ'cal·mtmted;


YO:o. .

1-) yon tde'thWl' ele....tor. don to


wbleb' will


friend'. , .

0iI1i .,... . y�a... Buy your fam­ Ily

I ;:�;;;;;;;--;;;:;;-;,:;;;�;;;:;.;;' I from Ray


tlle basement. deflnltelJ' put you closer to- the fOod:, Ae tliIa Is DOrm&JJy considered 'poOr tute. ........ . _ .. ....� . ........ . _ .. ...._ . ........ . _ ... .;.......... .. .... . .... . .... .. .... . _ .. ....,... ...... . you do Dot do it after all. and tben ... it Is" your' SOOd lack that you 'ban


another chance,


This can b8 -either: a) the boy of your dre&Dll ; b) &DOther pl. whom you Uke almost Jast as Diuch &II your YOllU& man; c),a �up of &irIs Whom ,Oa like tery much.' � Thla penon ' (or these 'persou) happene (or bappen} to tM" CODTen. 'onUy _0 to llio d1Di.. hail 80 uI.noU",od '"ol,"ot1l:'''h� . you so· lip to him; her. or them for a lItUe triendlJ'. taIlL Then the group -In.Unct (or ..... teJU1ency. Ilf, �: U 70: pl_) hit. you '1rre.lltabl7. ... C&08M you. to IDOTe along to the Q .muob. lon&ect.for food; •

2) "'yOU ftad' a friend of your&.




rn_. . �) .) that


�Otll indi-

1:6n!�:�C:��� :

', n��':"�":':.n'��:�� ' �:11 :::�:'���:

walUq In .1n•.• ,tvOO Il\0 tmaclll';li i'J_ol·PlioC.,, 1OJ1D..

ThH U� �Cl.





Il.O D o d l , .� liarIene and I are the draased. her <Mlt of' bed. to the tUDe . " or tolla9P7 'Blrth.,... fte question here III, who W&I On the roon Sure­ lY II . �el a n d


lIi'tIio lint p!&ee' 1\JU are .....t4tM. ... of tho'raIr """ "In -iecoDd' 1I1ace Yom


' toad traps and eventually pertOn ·and an' enterprisIng never, qoWD ' to a girl at PLC. IJ1Ul'lUel at present '&re, tn the thuli_folb a1i klo 81£ mah mitt. �ll tbe cotton-plckln' scum that ah


· Bo. to DO, lt by �... Mollervp

ak1¥J of the , Gre;at American tn - sbo er eape. The (unds

""U..'L "U"'� a liumble 19. cabin �A the Columbia

. "\ ' ' The stu dents and faculty of PLC ,would 100 to shake eve!'y 1 "1.;.- ' .1.,.... , .-'" hand' that helped with the Sixtietl1 'A!'njv.nary ' Pageant. HoweVt:c, it·is impossible to know and thank ' eycrybne. But " be known . . '. . wbetber or not you were tbanked ;::; , , voice' or applause-whether you spoke. San:g.' ran e� research. art work 'or makeup, your mania· is the I helping ;, Christian college climb .v.r higher in the minds'of everyone connected with this..-inatitut�o�. YOQZ U>l1DJl'"-1""'is tbe memory of a beautiful produciiou imbedded in the of our, great' audiences. Your thanks is most certainly a lasting and beautiful tribute.


!:-;;��:::�,�,�:: frr;,: j �;



Lutes Bel' , teiitd1. '


by �.It Ball

Oc�r ��1tM . '

r.l , Take Setona�Place I,!����" Hlghbghh F�,

, :" ,/ Lottie liM7 I Coach )(an' HanhmaIl" Paclfto North Hall (�eooad.,) . ........ 5 Luth.ran ,eoU••• Gladl&tora dro.. ,I Hair ._,.�..�...'....__,_.. ; 5 Well, at 1U81 the Lutes aldo't l_et me dC)WQ .lh1a . week. See ma as 30. U' and 1f yards lor tI!ree tim vy No Ha rth ll (tblrd) �..._. 6..; . th�ugh e'iery other team did. �� : balt t'ouchdoWDa and. then put up & ...-.. .t t tu Central De Jardlnea :. .:..........._- . My "beat of"all" predlcUoD W&II CPS bT three points O'Ver WhI�worth. slout defel18'-'to defea Clonf Creek'Hall .._....... 3 : .. What's the matter with those Plratee.,...t... hey keep foulin' me up. Wuhington CoUei e of Ed: uon North Ha!l (tInt} . ......... ._.� ! . . Many a PLC fan, unable. to make the trip to Central, drove over to WJ ldcata• . 20:-1', .1.0. -.n. W el!ern.'Parklan d . ....... � ! t ......,. t the north "find of' tb'9{n� and paid $1.2& to watch .. ban I'ame. The ball . .. 4: Central Barr.eke, .': . ... -....:_. ' 2 game doesn't hurt us BO much, but the $1.26 408S. ' l • Tacoma . " There is no doubt anymore·; Whit:worth Is po"ert�. TheJ' dumped po..> 1>/'..". . �-..-.. -0 • (�t.nd tern Pa mui the Loggers 33·13 and now tina themsel't'es In tint place on. tOP""Ot the , behind "the Whitworth Conference standings. CPS just dldn·t·l�k Uke the same team



A bearty welcome, readers !





�?J:,. .



two qU.Arters 0�...p)a�,th8 �raie8 leet Central ",as . quick Jdck one's, game. he:re on, Bob Ward. and Boyd Wl�klns UteraUy ran SO-yard .Une to set up the tint PLC through, over. and around everyone on 'the ftpld. WllkJns, IncldentallJ', touchdown. Captain..... Frank L&JlcU. was rJ replacement tor the Injured Wa7lle Buchert. ter a ¥&rd. diminutive Tom:m7 WhItworth ran trom a .�.. and "Winged. T" formaUon, plcklD&" up Campbell picked uP. a .palr aDd LaA­ most of their around the ends. They tried several paas plays In caster two mote to the Wlkloat 25: the flrs1. quarter. and, being unable to more through the ,alr, they stuck S�em1ngly stymi . Gllmer.kept the !¥'to the ground for the rest of the afternoon. It might be , tnteresU!l' , to attack rolllng b � pass�_ to Phil note that WhItworth U!!led 68 difterent plays durin« the game. This, plus ( S.S.) Nordquist tor a Jlrst down the fact that the backs seemed lateral happy, made for wlde,t)pen foot- on Central's 13. A Centr&l ottaJde ball. . � _ , putthe ball on the 8. Moving up north we find that UBC J�sUll looking for Its first wIn bucke d to the 6 and' frosh ',halfback and nl be "ha.nged'� It I'm going to be the ., predict that they'�l find Joho·Fromm lOOk_over from� there.. It. Western found'the rang& and scored their tftst TO for the year-that He picked' up 4 yar.ds on bls ·puts them 1 pOint ahead . of UBC 'In the scoring department for l!,ague tr aud · on hi' nut. y compeUtlon, plunged Into tbe end SOne to Most important of al1, however, waa... our win over Central 20-7. The th� "Lute! a 6-0 lea4 wttii' fo,uc min­ . boys dIdn't pick up a tremendous amount of y�da&e, but did h,lt pay dlrt utes to play in the ft,rat quarter. � L1..tefJ ..1me's and that's what mU8s the- scoreboard look nice." I ...oca", ... placement'was no I'Oocl, , Eastem 'went out or conference last'Saturday and 'lost 2.1·7 to !Vhlttaking the kickoff. Central man, a rather mediocre � In the Nortb:�est COnference. Eastern paya to thei r own 42-yard. Une, us a visit this ",eekend and althoiich they �yen't shown too much thus where a fourth down paaa fell 10. llu.rol.o'·001101 01 far In th·e 19 54 campi1p. " the 9&va«es could aullT beco me spoilers In complete and the: GladJatOn toQk PLC's champlon.liIp up1.riuona-Let'. hope noL Campbell lpat a yard op. t11s N;It Tbui-edq, oCtober 18. Ta 's nsuc bopeful, heavywellbl tint carry. bot plcke4,. up 12 Qq tIl& Pat �)(c)(v.rtri, Will � out after another win. Tbls Ume the compeUUon next play, .h.91Veyer, for . first down detlDttet7 abo",. an Im.provemeut. Pat w1ll meet Cbuck Wood:worth ot on �1IIh, tQ.e the 31 mm .Ibot Salt �. City. Utah., IJ! � ,�t itch!, Woodwortli manaPd to gO, 10 line-for ,,!,o t!ier figt cIo� OIl, III<t rowids with Rex L&7Ile a1tboUc� loalnc bJ' decleton. Layne's e:rperie�ce 9 6 p 9 1 .nd Opn G rd r ...aprj..Dte4 1 ..... 140 f.ctor.; . • yards W th� five &4vl.. PLC, l\a TIi�' �ml to J)8 It. feJVeiLailon luIng .pla In the �DI" .c.ene t4Ird ..u� : U r. .·t ';[hree . here u1 the NQUh:;e.t. an�lt·. foi,out 'time. The State WjWi'!!>8�i'- �!O pi.,... �r CaPtaIn produced. many rill&' creats tD -pUt years.. the beat -8teele,-� ·toit.-and-�,-ec.eDU,;-,�-M&tthews. -Althouib rID. no great judge ot boxt� throughout the :world and oobody conaulta me In connectIon with the mont.hly uBJ.i1c �t1DP," I am �nUu� to 1117' own o�n..ind �ulUna: precHcUona. 1 'have a8eD. Pat IlI'bt aad. I Wne tbat ....ti eQerlence aDd a real couc1enUous eUort pius gQ04 �.JDeIlt be JriJl crack '�e "toP ten" In two yean or leas. .. From there oa.. ..-110 kilows f Good-lack, " Ir1ah Pat." Back to football and .lOme ot IIlJ" "pn�d plckl." Central Was�n Comes to ,..cOma next Saturday � -meet the CPS I,pgen. Prd1nar1b' the Notth Enders shouldn't have any trouble :Wltli-!he- WU_. -lMlt· CPS,lnJurlee-ai!ght malte & dlll._I, game 01 IL ' CPS haa to wln' th1. o�e, lO· rll give them l! polnti.· rubblng of CPB;. wll1 pro":' Wbltworth, fleah from last week's sa-13�d ably coast .�UtUe aplnst UBC .tomorrow.� The PlratN shouJd be able' to ' " " take tho TbUDderbl1'dO bT,�O pj;jolL " _ " , , . •• • " ",,,, Tbla week. Ws W8ll�rn's.turn to 10 out of.con1e�nclJ an� Jhey � .to P6rijand to meel-Lew•• �nd OlaJ;:k�. what abould be Juat about a toes up. , Tomorrow nJlbt. we'll get our tlrst .look at the Eastern Wublngton Savages. I hope�,the,. look � � �e can lOO� be tt�r. · Let�s 8&Y' PLC I ' ,13 or14 • , �_ t... Good luct.. ..te&m.! ;


decl� -:AW



� c;..p. � .







L1,i:es Will play Ce ntral Savages T{)n:iO.rrow ' Nig ' ht .



A ,tter winning theIr I a e t three on the road, and bellll" .unde­ ' In conte�ence &cUon. our tlnaUy return 'home tor a con­ test w i t' h · Eastern' Waahlngton'. Savag�s �rom Cben8y._·Kt¢kotf .ume Is at 8 : 0Q o'clock tn U ncoln Bowl·


�at�rda" lllght. ·

margin. . The r�ason for .tbe . slow start coul d well be e:rpl&l.ned by the fact that Ed ChluU8, now In hIs second year at the �elm of the ebeDe,. club, lost his entire ltarUng Une �: c�pt tbr4e-year.' letterQWl , WUtard , J,ulum. by the way� I. al� stu dent..body pr�s�d�ot at the east-, ern school. To fill theae posiUona

Chlssus baa called. on leTeral � men. Among the 76 uplranta whlcb. turned out tor football at Eastern.. 64 were' fce&bmen. .nd oDly teD ., were le tt�r.w�ers.

E!&'�� �q�.�

o.. �\11 1ro"l the . The s10.1..,n� with � �... ¥anced I1D�. There �. eXl"!rt­ at eve..,. �e� PO�;


; .


hands ot Whitworth. W'bltman. Their · Ione vlc toI'J was last nek .against USC �f a 13,7 .






'-P4 , c0-0b014er of the

loo,J"'� , � .. ""1'!'1. ��1JP0/4 /& PI"!!&bIT th� 1Uf1!",





Hanluua''' lul lmpioYlD&-'' uiUi_ will '",..b17 ... _'1Iie ' aW .wu... UD.up .. .I h a·1 It a . broqbl __ '!b" �o In the lui WMv

trio Oi _i. TM b&cklleJd _ ' would' ''' _ Lan_ al fIIll· Tom Campbell a-D do 10 b..a FromiD .t the hal.,..,' ud TOJIIID7 oii"r at (lQI.IWr. w1tti DoD 0..... dar, Qury � Gary.. Bam� &lUI g.Jen N...baaiD 10 opeU; in th. , lorward waII'_aN ... Gary a.te at< ' cell\W;' Klntll, aDd ,.Plmp.trIck.'at gwlnl. .. . .. _ _ and WaddeU at the aDd NordqWt &lUI Chrio: al .... w!Dp, IIte1Dc p18017 ..wI U '" DIe); Grlawold._

an;����:�:��� 1 �: ::� :�:..:

&Dd 0uF �

lIlUot" JIm Jacob-


IU'leIl Bead' t r la aa88

"or thoee HOMeCOmI,.. Oh.'r " *CIi4 .... ....... ,_ � week . mMtlne. ' It . .. . .. .... r�.. for ih. parllde. Ii J'OU 1taY. a y que.y�Mt Me Jack Hoov.... or Min. "R... 'mmedlatel),. 1. The floate "'... be ready for Judel " by .:30 ...... �rd.y mor"l� Thl. f. PJ I 0 to ttM time that the pa . ...rta me.,.



2., You





.re to aupply your own-

N I :::t :u:� ��o�:S!'':r. ;;!� .uceeeded. .". Myrna-Shelver Junior advJeor! . ' -I .. j thl.Tbe,.8ar'. .... tollowJnc put omceti and . members were p r a's e n t: Ruth ' ' Heino. pr.aldeot; Mildred Van Dur­ en, vlce-pre.ldoft; Vlrgtnfa Grahn, ; 1un� WlgdabJ, treaaurer; Donna SWanson, hIstorian; KJTDa and tee ropreseneditor; Shelver, Inltall" three In . Many U¥DI'S come . ments, �Dc)udlng Perry MUon thr1l1· ; taUve. Betty Jean Condray. AJao era and a briet resume � PLC's Ruth Sather, Myrna PhanneJtuchen, faculty. I joanne Pooneet. Thelma Nypard. A kni«ht on the church road pret- ' M�rlene Stnblmtller, Bartiara Mac­ t7 well desertbes Professor John Donald, LucJlle Lents Larson, Nan­ Kuethe, new professor of Church I cy Helland, Onella Lee. Karl7l So! " i terbec.t, and Mildred. Brauimer. History at 'PLC� Jut year. �er major is elementary Professor XuetIie .ttegded Capl- I Sylvia 'lOrIebo, pret1d.ent; Mar­ educatlon. She belonp to Future tol UniTerslty, • Lutheran COIf...e garet Cant., nce-prelldent;' ADgela Teachers of AiDerica and Is seere- In CoInmbu� ObJo, and received a t.a y, 'secretary; Sylna BerrtaD,. , Cathy J'oha.naen hlatarta.i-y of the Lutheran Daughters of B.A. there in 1940 and B:D. In 1943. Wetton, edltor; Pe. Travellng north he etudted. for hi. lbe ReformaUon. ICC; Glenda SlmonllOD, Maudle straub is the only Cana· Muter ot· Arts at Union Seminary De.nfellOn, d e r. d a-;' Nel'dian among the eight. Maudte trans- In New.York In 1947. Liz Oml1, Helen Jordanger, ferred during her sophomore year In the teachJD& realm he taught Bureker, Janet Wtg�n. Carol trom the Unlveraity of British church '�story In the aem1nary at JUDe 9 a t·b e r, Darlene lam'DJa In her hometown., Vancou- Capftol University t r o m 1946 to Albrecht. and Carol ver, B. C. She 11!, majoring 1n reUg- 1949. He was al80 student chaplain were tbe\liew Spur olttthere. Ion wIth ·par.jsh wOrk In .mlnd. She Back on the road Mr. Xuethe be- cers ad ,members present at- the Js a member of- the Lutheran dentB-Aseoc1a:th)Jf"8l(d-the-J::.utb;erau " . . pasior·�t-Sawt':".A.ntonio,-Tex.. c8retDoni. . infi.lon' at Odessa. TeX&.lj. Daughters of the Reformation. . he....c&lJ&e ou("' w88t to PATRON.�E OUR· ADVERTISERS. '-Ruth .Heino, also a Juluor. comes fioek at Z10n 'ABlerWinlock, Waahlngton. Ber Dia,. ...;.--,. j r--..,.-----....Church In S..ttle. 1 lor Is .ec:ondary educatlon, and Ihe I. acUve In PI Kappa Delta. d_te, IU'�ILICII,� :MAIlIET and l'ufure Teacbera of America. TOWS .' GROCEIIIES - MEATS CoDDle 'BWltad tr&naterred from - ICE . CR VEGETI-8LEII ' .. · MERY .sA SL Olaf College In· her !reohman 8AN��IC�E8 Garfield 8L . ParkJ�d Tear. CODi:J.1e, no..,. a 'juDJor. comes from BeDeTUe. wuhi.ucton. and Js AND HOM E-MADE pin el maJorlD« 1n �entary ed.uca on. ' = "-= �== She m a IIai FeaUvat prineu"_1 � =;:.:=� year-and her ac:tivlUn W. PI Kappa QIolta. debate, Ne� nme StQP At jUIpor/�lus s�ta.ry. •

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .-






.. Stellil;� Fl�"'.e,.s.


.....- Flow.,.. for �.()ceulona

� ��������i �I


__ _

7 he


'I I i ,

i' .

! i·





lb." Lyceum .eml

1I0nday. Nnember 1. a program or weU-known works by that favor­


�omecoming Program I. Announced

Lyceum Series To Begin Mon.




" .u.. . TO ATTDIO II.I'OII"A� DAY "�

·The Honora""

tte-ot·many compoler, 8 I g m u n d Romberg. It will feature the 81C' mUDd Romber, company with ..

__ _ No .... OIl

ailor Qa..a 0aJJ I ...... �

teflOn of Taco.. ' wUJ T


-. ....;;.;.-.�. ... ��

CoroDaUOa ....... ... .

KacWatters. coloratura·aopraDo MetroPoUtan


Olvls. tenor ; tone,




Glenn ' Darwin.,

.. nd Nancy Kenyon.



Performing along with the

.owlets are


'Yolees and a

cb"orua of 12 mixed


team. llu·

elc&l director tor the prelentatlon

I. Emeraon Buckley.

.Second on the Lyceum agenda.

Icbeduled tor December 1. II a con­

cert by .. ·orld-famdus cellist. JOleph Sebuster.

The entertainment _ wUl r_�

alumni and atudeDt la ..

effectively prMtlDted .p,......, Of\.

Teicher. boall



duo -piano


gao Interludes win be ,..,.. '" BaDs lMolerup. lDten,...... ..... thl. will be the erowa.tac tIC ... Queen. a speech ." the ..,.... 1M

team noted

sho wmanship ' tine playing abUllY.


The Lyceum serles or four COD­

certs otters. besides top-rate mUBI-

cal entertaJnment. an opportunity






All the concert. are to take place

at 8:30 In the Chaopel, MusJc, Speech - building auditorlu!D.


Handl.ome Harru , 0 8• Crowned.

Alums Featured at Homecoming

, and MaoriIll' lla.t atafls and he was

WorlrJng closely with the student

nd Ger- : elected to the IntercoUeliate Seuon tlclI:etI ror the PI"OCf'&ID8 co-chaJrmen. Iris Nordman a nn-Qt.... � Wb�." Wlth �. baeQrouud' of lead· er v ,lt ' : W . are n.oe. Thle J.·'l.26- .... � .w..... � ia.. enhlp and triendly &ncf cooperatJve whereaa ,1ncle Uellett would be preeldent or the AlumnJ AllocJaUon. � personality. he II an able leader ot $1.76. The coat of the concert eeriea waa included. In the tuition bill at the students of PLoC. Konday. November

I , dinner wUl




come home" to Its alumnI. In doing sO". they coordinate the weekend be I8rved In the boardlnc elub banwith the alumni ottlce. board. aDd Q.uet Ityle at 6:45 .p.m. In conneeIts presldenL tiOD with the Stcmund Romberg A graduate at tbe clus of 1948. FeltiVal.





�bemJstry profe..

... ....

ane Ballet and KarJ 4JIoe .,..... on .t.a,pn.c.







The M. C. duU.. wUI '" � by Erv s.YOrUoll. a... ..... Body prexy, � .. _te ... .. thlL The !Iud will '" _ ..

e:lecuti'Ye secretary:.!....

Sbe Is the wife of

Snalt: .. ....

sic. Myrna Pf&DJl.tnae.... ;

gram. by llau41.

a pep rally In the .,--. ....

Located In the lower SUB. Is the

and very capable In that polltion.

Jo&un Dahle aD eD�: __

p,.... ....,. ... . .

AlumnI Association otnee. Mrs. WU­ l1am Ramstad. though sha- Is not an

I alumnus.

..-... _

Immediately after tIIO _ 01 Queen Gall tonlallt. lIMn _ '"

AssocIated Student B o d y the 2.000 alumnI.

sponsors HomecomIng ae a ..-wel·

the toou.u .......

President Walter ........

gownIng of QUeen aall at the Student Body Day 'n Chapel I. . t rue8ciay. Queen and tor the students of PLC as well as will rule over the Homecoming Fcltlvltloa th l weeko1d. From left to right. ElICort to the Queen, the oft-campU8 patroDs, to attend ,on, Queen a.II. ElICort Glen" John.on, Prince.. Connie Hu.tlid, Prince.. Janet Geld.ker, and Re e ". - performancea of a definitely tormal . :. ::...:.:.. roo::. -' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ...: ::. _ _



Fraok Lancaster, &D4

Mr. Kunschtk. II a teacher at Frank- sor William Ramstad. Tbls ottlce semar and bis bome Is in Odeua. torce, P l&71D&\.... ftaIlt ..... ... U you wt.h to purchue a 1866 loin Pierce High SchOOl. While at keeps the recorde .of alumni, their W'aal>lnlgton. Tbis education major -"" for tIIO _ � PLC, he waa ASB President In '48, a ddreSiel' sends out &luJDD J . belongl to B u e KeY andlipre.lSaP. to'--The write pleue Sap. cO llito 1lI.... ""1IMo. debt of the Fut�ni !reaehere":. of 1. a buketball letterman. In debate. Uns and any hiformation that PLC. Parkland, Wuh. The price La....... ..·-.... • . .... Alpha Psi Om�ga. and on the Saga talns to graduates of PLC. Amf!:rlca. '6.00. After a tew ".,.... ..... ..


.pi enitnary

- �. - ­

der. ThI. semor •• laiD, _UI � a t_ ....... dent .comea from Fa1Jtleld, Mont. ..markO. Doll _ _ '-II (Continued on PaCe ElIlit)




Tollefson crowning Qu_. Gail I, 9 : 00-Pep Rally, lid by chetrl.adm, in Il'maaoiaa. 9 : 30-Alumni Coff.. Hour in the Stndont UnioD.

8: OO-Coro'lation program in CMS auditoriam. Mayor

SA l''u.Roi..Y

c1aasic-,-PLC'. ,

Powder PIaIf Bowl. cIowa

tinuing to . f 2 :00-Alpha Psi . Lounge. ' 2 : 00-Homecoming game against Weatcm W....... p.m. Vikings,· Lincoln Bowl. Special balfdJDt _ tainment. 7: OO-Alumni Supper in Student UnioJ! 8 : 30-Saga Benefit Show, in the CMS, fcaturiat AlaI· andu Brothers. uN DAY . S ,

BnildiQ. tJ.

Service in CMS. � Br· I I : OO-Homecoming Worship P ling Thompson of arkland'. Triaity L'-" condusting the oerviet, • .

Page Two


FrMlltlt. �r 21,

. .


Welcome Home,


. � On beh.lf of the students and faculty of P.�ific Lutheran College. we on the staff - of the: Mooring Mut w.ant to wish the finest of Homecomings to all of oar fttU mina • alumni. May you find only the pkasantat of memories waitinll to to .,.,... as well as gaining lIJany mOre to ta.� home. ADd it! Co




CI�� �

No�ul"· CarI'..-om

_ _ _ _ _ 1:J'. IlIIn1D� 1Hion111 ..l llSht .... . _ I-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ coiutnuel _ _ neer S_ Whooo Supercilious Boy! _ _

n e on. Toda,., e tbe apl· The o nlK n l g berent the u e o

" m Is In dark eorners. giving lads gems to po d r .. . I Prof_•. ,,-"-It e t f n er-bons m tome 0(. � . IOI't fit .... a-ummel. _ of mID.. __ IIfke4 oeon .. PaID- ...... .. oeni .....k-elotlHa6-Ub,oa.. _mke. n....· abe 11 IiDfac:. ...... ... G. Sloppy 8e1a1iua�,,,, � than nit o r us here at without saying-To each one of you:. WELCOME� ALUMS! ,� "S t r . l _ tot .p uut . "'"" PLC. WIllie all' ....... � tab· great paIu iIo - carotully. G. , °Ml't1t.t.. W. I, iao� I Wa SkJpPT Ja. eM . ....,.. fill � Immac late; ItralCbt or pro per and jQat � 0( teIIIa& .. 1Ie NTOlta apIut_ .... If OIV ...... ... ioc,l4t,... �ODT D.t1 .DB-iD & word, ....'.. IIl7 O1t'1t .lMll1 .... .. a �' ... . ' . � _ _ 10 efl _ _ ....-T � cIa7 � wm. leto tile mirror a' hI' ,� � . HAVE VOU EVIER ",250.1.' _ ..... ......... _'t _� ,.. .- .... tIa'e of filet . _ .... epou.Ung t.. �. '" puAiDC' hie Ume NadJac taJ,B. B_l to tlloae 1M- .... an �tau..... ... a.,. ....,.ur.l• • . a:-un.c . "\ . . ....... .. :-"'O�·w1uLf .... am �" . maD.7 to tllla aou WOR d praent StMIf _ .. � .... ,- . 'Jt 11 . �� NIUI'It. JMrt. ..... ... . �. � .IiH �1!Iqtb Itoota. Le.t'.. plaid &h.1rt o¥8iae1., ____ i-MM ....... =-_ � �.__ �. _ � ....� .. .-... t.Uot ��. - -L'·___ • .•• .. ........ .. ' . _.' -._



NOw a cll1z:p,.

Severlso� Speaks

It I. a "..

such self· teeth,and of 'kiIJat� wbola l --��� wa ....,lr. h round ttael! in OD AUPlt n, It54� " &,__.•••; ? =-c: ..�Al'.-��·tDi�t_. 'prepa�ed � . ..,..;...�. .1 . . Tile 1954 8ap .... III contract<wtul: _ _ W-=a T_ lit _ _ .. . . . ... '---. tiiot ..· _. _ �_at 1dtL . . e olt&bl. tardy .... . .. Iit _ or�� Iillr � amt � . h. Ie la C<>mpan, of Lot Anpl.. , . compan, wtlll _ _ _ , " � 1Iiit ·.... ' a . B&nk or Amer1J::a on down. to �Hah a IIdr ..... .r � ...,. .c tM- � r• • • ..-rtt... .� .... ....... el' " .... ....'.. Iboat � � trkUoua QuelUoo. to be deUverec1 DO later tMn Aacust a. III&. TtIt� "' ''' ''''' .. ..... at tM-·.....,. IIttIe ....... . ....'. I11III ---... ....1 .,......... ,, '* ,....... M 1lArIoo. or bow D<> book _.... Gnat WootwD .... ---. _ _ _ _ _ ....... ,. -. --.. �,' _ _ '" _ -. » ... oiMm a, '07<» wttll . ·_ clutch." Willa ....e .. ,. 11k. all tbedr other CU...... _ .. IIIe ._ ..- _ _.· ... _1It we _ or . __ a __ . ...... .... 110 ..- u.. .tapa or CIH. tern. to hi• •atll· ....dl7 looI·p'- "1'aJ'......y--.P_- _ .... .. _ _ ...: __ t>ia Ida -. W. _.;,ju, _ ,_ ...;.." _ ..- _ . ..... lor .... _ .u 'I11III bo"" .tatelent la""l rat. ami lienee more � to pet su. Gte telL P. . at a. �., � ....,... .at: � ... ..' �os!·· Then turutaa taM broad leatb· · ... u ahow. tlulm h1I ba.D.dhrork of .... tile -.... . � .... . ...Iitra.tPt "W&7'It .. . .... tMIIr ,fa --* :.. .1 wtae ... ... W&It . ' .... experience. Atter this fatetul t . ... Dlir't:r w. '�t �, ,,,, ....... cu-e rt..q .. ere tutened to !be j&cket, which tell for . wa,. to save the 1954 SaP anll a.. .... . ...... .. .... a club or l'tlUlau: "Parkland Cha.� _or.&at .... . . _ aII t. � _ _ rull .l.ed 1955 Sap. Our nrat toU&h _ _ . _ . ... ...... -t c � _. _1"'1 admlnl.tratioD that they could be of _ ...... .-.,. ....... '*-.. t:MIa .tato ...,. aath1t1e1. .. ..... � ; TIIae _tellda "-- ",, .'-'oted to various pursuits which rango ...... ,a.. . t\IIIlc:tIIIIl a w... From this point thInp could only co ... ...,. ... .. ... . 1'ICIfl 1ililwllb tom, &Dd till.... did Impfon. Some _ _ _ ..... or _ - ]O&t'ta of 'M _ --. - _ Il1o - - - ror the hlg datea. to meeting �· .. ,.. tlaCIII· __ "" 1IIiIIIl ng the chrome rtreta well polisbed. � I IIIItI6c.. ...,. ". t:1Iiq tIIIat .a. -...-. .. .. tion with the pmldent of Berncllft � ... .... 'CJ'O\o - ....., � wu raached by wblch both the 1954 _ _ ..... _ .. ..._ - <I _ -'A· F£W• STERLING IMPORT ..tttholIl aacrtftce or qaaJft1 or eonter4. " .eat 1iIa .... ,. ..... .-II .. ,.... � ...... ... III up.: t, . .. ... .. .. Gerry and hia accompl1ce. [rls Nord1) III .. _I It � � ... pt: � ... theD sat down and rll'Uf'ed out hGw ... .... nil. . ...."""Ing! . fDio • 1NB ' DeOesa&l'J'. FIrat thotlKht ..... an addltieMl tao.. ......-- � ... ...,.. -Uaee � we are an. faeultJ' aud .... a 2) .&. :... � .... -- .... taken Into -Beta Beta Nu, subveralve BOr.1ber. bu.t ... �eD decided this wOlIN ... to ..... . 1ut aJt.--UTe. ....... IIIIb.. cncJK: lIP '. Percort t . .... .. simple : a perma.nent lease on ... . .... whirl .a.l 'IDIBirJJtac oo the OIl petual .... MIlar � Theil came the tdea of puttfn& 00 a ...... ....,. etuawe a so-rounda of V&Ility f"&1r. Su.ccew- fee tdIDp , .-.ot2l. a � pUr Df laded. patched Len'l (Marvooek mlu1Oll. alld lell the Itu4eots and al� OIl � ..... 10 college seems to be measured by pants) and a perennJal laek ot funds. Saturday night, October 30, the Alexandtt Brothers will pre- the list ot activities beside the sen.�3) Thank you, tba.Dk you. thank. you. Soutp. Ball Sojourn. for your sent this show. These men are tops in their field and are alone: ior's picture in Saga. College .teems too generoua conceaaion laa. week. 4) We offer th1a colunm to the pe&on who writeI the best letter on w.orth the price of admission. not withstanding the idea that this to be the time or fiowering rather the time of germinatlon_ "Why l Uke SupercilloUB Sneer" In 26 wordIJ or leu is benefit -show and we must approach S I ,000 thilt evening in than Still we do teel that higher edu· order �o put out the kind of yearbooks we know you. �a�t. Eve,l caUon ooght to be, in ltOIJ1e way, an which the pl'OTer.blal needle La hl(l­ a m�d locre s��w do�nt��n. � u.! d ��t. �?re :h� n thl� fIDt pre- adventure o�·the i,nteneet. the ap1dt _Fr:o m-T.h . �.i.s. E n. d - den. She aeemed rtO have none of tbe � _ . , . , sent3tton, so please support thls ve:ntltte for upon its success' <ie- I and. tile i magtn&UOll . It should take -�na usuall,. conaeeted with n o the "oocre" of the t .tIll pends the ty"," of yearbooks we can produce. A full house means " I t "The 11e'auty Contesto. belwl1'. ·and ... Living and the noble Dead" in hope!. I __ A e it • point, for the next the finest in ye.arbooks, ...uau . that we may discover In ourselves two weeka. to become- acquainted some shadowy possibillties of Ind!By Tom ReoYQ .' ,Hanson working In the garage vidual achienment which may In On the third da of this school with her, and 810wly but surely y tound the beauty of whicb I had one nlghrwhen Jim Colberg came time merit the approval of BUch a Bo15 Trave I told. You see, ber beauty over &Dd said. "s..,-, Rolph. a1nce I group. B� the creatin Ufe of intel. year a friend or mine �xpresBed !O been . a.n me the .1l!auty ot-. girl he had aeen Dot 80�eth1ng & tube of llpl!ltick or neTer beeo. to FlOrida, why leet, spirit and lDiagtnatloD Is Tbru Coun t:ry don ot d,.e can create. Her ttle bo ' a. 't we take a drhe down some- a!falr ot soUlary work. of ,"oicelels' on the ca.mpUB. Not t.h.J.Dk1Da �_ beauty wae, an Inward re:lec lioll tr you"ye happened to DOUce a Ume!" The next Wag Rolph kaew inner act1T;itJ. of deferred. achieve- th..1q of It [ bad' almoat _tten . which st1rred the stagnant mlDds pair of well-\ana.ed lads from Alaaka . theT were on their wa.J'! menlo ot taith QllieU,.· renewed. &Ad the subject oW· he· . polnted. ot those around her and reminded about . around tbe campus, n.,u mtshl have ThQ" lett ADchoIq'l on the 26th qo!etb' renewed apiD... wo..dered about that AlukaiL weath- ot August, ualn& Jim·s car ( !) tor ";VeU. I t1n� that [ bave conTinced. her out to me a ts,... dll7ll later. I l one of the �ell" in which our � :were placed. ar. Betore J'Qu .t&r� calUna your \r&n!,portau,n. The)- w . e Q.uit. Dl1self. 11 not you, that there Is a couldn't balleTe my -eyes a� As we learned. ' In junior high «O�resam� to demand the same I aure the car wU In IJOOd. sbape &11.4 kernel of 1I1ad.QIIl in II17 friend·s r&- ��ned. the Ttait10n of DQ' obsel'vant d . a not the abllltles we are for' the Pa�c Northweat. let me 'that thaT bad llothJ,ns in the t.ut mark. ThIs weekend· I am goln& to frien who was Q.Ulte-a .judge ot tile school. It' t�n ,,?U abOUt the trip the boya took to worl'7 about., Tl!e ba;rs stopped at&7 Ihort. but rather how , _ and cO OIL . llWe- lDwud "dMdl7 �" 8Jle.. WU . , tfolll b a prqe a few Dill... out of AD- adYeu:bU'e of m,- OWL. Bat walt.. ThW (_ journa1I8tli:.: aake'-p1�-. we· uae:.. tJasm. It We- .WIe them to IIIL . ohoraae to KeT WMt.. Flor-- at chorap and rOUlld to tlleir ...... Is � � �� It . u fa �)_ ... I ..... � -. .... iciDlNat:- � tho minds and 1 \ an started tift _: RoII!h (<;ODtlnued on Pace So.,.n) . _� dala& ""!!! �. :.lI1 [Ihort. tat. .....r � �� .- ' . at " �2 lII&IIId nd. lben y, � .










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PH<;n'OOR.A.PBUt ---r-.-_.--::-- �._ N.VID . , STImN . �TIlR&-LoIa __ ,� � a.� 9ftn\np>11. .... PAUL LUcrr

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. I

1 95 5 SAGA E D I T I O N .

Alexa�cfer Brothers .10 Star in Saga Benefit Show . Saturday . Evening Georce.



·�th� � �e ·: C - -thCUll: on · ;na e' PL on �p


::�:�� :�:�: :� :' �: � u �Mee(N' �

spot11ght rns tu

pres910n on their first night audl­ ence at the Sherry·Netherland In New York, accor<ling to Variety magulne, was "socko, the lads bav­ Ing to beg orr a ( t e r a 45-mlnute eUnt."

Their program wlll range from a comedy sagebrueh sap, 'o'One Hour Betore the Posse:� to a dramatic Spanisb 'gypsy tuO"ti;-to their "tn� l)ret&t1on of characters f1'OllIl "Guys and Dolls." The homestretcb Is on the foreign 81de, startln8 quietly with the Spanlsb '"Yaya Con Dlos," building up with a eplrited Russian folk lOng, and closing wltb several roUling Mu:1can tUDes. .

engagements. George did about the same, except that he never let loose

his vocal cords In grand opera. Tbelr combination singing talent and artistry with the guitar began by chance a�ter six years ot Indivld­ ua lwork. OpenIng the program on Saturday 81'enln3" W!tb orp.n .�ecUona Is Hana 1I0llerup, The 1954 Homecoming royalty. Queen GaU Taylor and ber elcort. Erv Severtson, preceded' by ber princesses and theIr escort!, Janet Geldalter and Ray Reierson, ConnIe Hustad' and Glenn Jobnson, are to

ComparatlYely new In the enter­ be ' introduced to the audience. t&1nment world. Georce and Nick

Aleu.uder h. v e had ouutand1ng

penonai appearances In San Fran· cisco, Detroit. PlltoI>urzh, H01l7' wood, New York. 'Cleyeland, MJ.n. act. and for the rut ot the


Chicaao. and R e n o. to



After a ralhet uncenain Slart, due to the confusion caused by last year's hook not being printrd .. . scheduled, the 1 9S5 Saga has now been laid arid the 260�page edition is be·


_ . u Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. In the l� "�rceot Arma." 8Sesaed. with lUI ambition to P0 Be Saga the auditortuJD at ne eMS . get to the market where songltera fit Sho.... are engaaed, Giwlrge Is a Ught buao Veraatlle lingers, their c1e:verly. and Nick a baritone. They have arranged :'sln.plc;:t1"" en�mpa.aae. been tralned by expert' teacliers. 8tand�l, westerns, sbow tunes thUB the tree, natural Umbre of and foreign 110go lOngs. They ea&voicel haa not -been Imp&lre4. Uy swltcb trom one to another, and The A: l exandera are a discovery have a knack ot being convincing ot music makers John C b a r 1 e s no matter what the origin ot eacb ar b w d I U lgaro ng ,':'o"F oee "' lo(O theIr own accompaniment, resorting Wl JJ...� . . r'" n a n Band. ama ta s wb b double as bongo drums :r� : r �e �:r: :�:b:�en��� their guJtars f o reven shellaghs. tions. TheIr harmOnIzIng Is first clus and each shar�s the aquaUy tor solos. They take on the jntras, ana handle them- cas­ ually and warmly. TheIr overall 1m·

-_ r


:i =f::=��'-"""=E����=�s.�;;:��:k�;A,,J:-" i.,, J�l<IIn& lI>. DelOre ��. ;;;"" f:-:';:' i:��=�� �lpa, i t':<. . eto.�'f'1.t � · , ; "'a� · · " .p.q

NleolaJ Alexander ot hAve t:en. 1�prea8&4.

· ap·�.�·ee""'



Hagevik, Schwindt: .H ead l,95� Saga"

lO11d eo.tertalmnent.

AdmisaJon for the show Is name a'few of thE!' placeL Jam.· Melton aDd Jac:k Cartel' baYe tea· $1.00 for. ltudent and adult t1�ket.s, tured them on their radio and tele-- and chlldren 16 and under are ad· vlaJon sho�. mltted for only tlfty cents, if ac! . ,

"Wundebar":' "Good NlIht. Irene," companIed. by a JtUent. If IUCCA88"Juebel," "M.uaJ.c In My Heart," fnl. this ahow wlll make poIslble .. '''lIona U... and '''Home Cookln':' two complete SacaL


jhl.�.... '" " . ,, ' year I. Ittss semor rrptn, Seattle. WaahlnctOD, ouJol;1ng In primary education and i presently student teacblDg. 8b e ..


��: as :::'I&te ed!toa:tJ :w004

: ""tid 'at ..slstant edltor-lut year d r 11{ 1 I Fink. A II r tl De-

; Rieke. a Junior blolol'Y-cheml.fry major !rom CuluBere. W� ! wbo wJ1l also hold tbe position of ' sports editor. . I A t h e flnancral worries' (of . wblcb there dozens) are the problems of BUllness -Manager Walt Schwindt, who steps in to take OVer the position beld by Erv Severtson during tbe past year. Tbls- pre-med­ Ical student is a junIor from CasUe Rock, Washington, and Js aided by Larry Helm, tilling the pGelUon of ad manager. AssistIng Delores in ber editorial dutIes wlU be the (onowlng: Joanne Poencet, copy editor; Pbyllls Grahn, actIvJtIee ; Mildred Van Buren, or­ ganllatlons; Darlene -Haugen, hon· orarles; J 0 a n Kittelson, student government and publications; Rich· ard Schwindt. religion; G e r a l d ' _. l SchImke, faculty and classes; Vern of the Saga Yearbook thla year are pictured above, from left" to . j Hanilon, tine arta (cbo r. chol'US, right: Rieke, Delores Hagevlk, and Walt Schwindt. , " , ----- i dramatics, �tQ" ; and �cK4!we!l f!tu· control of all concerned it was not dIo, Dave Steen, and othel'll are tat· completed by the originally con· log care of the pboto..-apby, ..... tracted firm and thus It was necesWhen Saga Carnival Ume roUs .a'7 to take ne" bid. and ral.e around on Mareh 18 nd 19 AnIta more. money to make this tine pu� Schnell wtll be 10 cbarge of UcatIon 8. reality. The ·addltIonal ing tM... coroDttIon procram tor the 8y Erv Severtson tunds must be raised tb1s Saturday l crowntnc of the kine aDd 'queen, evening at the SAGA Benefit Show. ! and 'Dick Nodtved.t wlll .l1aDdle " the Don't' neglect to d.o your part In I carnlnl Itself in the nut Work:lng aiakJng this show a succe8ll! under bJm In charge ot pI'1H. IOU. I

II .




' 'S 4 Sa98 D





In Decemb'er

PortIan d Ffrm ' .

Low 8idde'r on e a r be) 0 k s •





tattonl are Leland Rodeb1lrl' aDd

Dean Hurat. - '

l h n y othen too numeroua to

mention are worklq uader'

.oeUon ecll!on I>ai ,th""

11pO.I�ODl .O�IL



In helping 10 enco...._

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,J ii taD old. an &Delent tale. , 19�f Iiap 10 �_e U,


mG "' Io �ame_ �,







yen Leaders Speak


War - DeclarM A. P!itwd... Puff

Frlday. October _, 1'14


We, the eheerleadera,� y'. a h to thank everyone tor the spirit shown

Teams To Clash

This Saturday at 9:00 a.m. will see the renewal ot the annuil sirla rootbali ' CODtMt, the Powder Purt 'Bowl, featuring uppercla8s BustUng Bustle� and Galloping Girdles of the !.I\eshman clul. " Both teiin. have been pracUclng hard, especIally these last few days, In prepara·Uo� for the event They have been undergoing hard calestbenUcs In order to get In good con-

8y Jack


tbJs year at the pep ralllea and

The g�e ot the week this w&4t.k

.weekend-Homecoming, We want to sho ...· the uu.mDa. faculty;: and s'upportersl just the we have to cheer on a ' winning t�m� It you aren't In ·thp band. drlll team, or ca.rd Mellon. we �1li(YOU to yell louder than you've yelled all

early Itt· the fiI'8t hatt. Then In tile middle ot the ttnt baIt, . the b&ll relled on. �. North H� (thlrc1).'. own S:yard· UD. Ha�le. In his 0Wll end �SOtte. ankle high pus �m center for a aafett. In touch tout..,. wben the ball muches a in a y e r and thea

pmes. BUt really, this bas . been. wu North Hall (second) against 'only a n.l'IIl-Up. The; INC' Nonh Ball (thIrd). - game ot the enUre MUOn ' 18 thl. PJ.y ....... .. ed. back ud forth

Illnd ot Iplrtt

,.) . " =n=��.:����;;;:-� cou: =:-:�::�:'�'':;. =�i;��)"t=· I

a·''''.... '' ... '· .

pl. 01 lAJurte•• _ut uothlng .erio.... .l1li_ '..... 11'1"'... .. .. _ _ UIIIrd). - � _..... Pep- nIBr � � Ir.. Jot. ... _: w. The upperclaaa siT" hP8ll't aut· tAoreel all)' lJIJurle. .. Jet. all � _ __- rItIIt. ... 1llAllld¥- 4C ... ... . the _ ouCht to lHl lll lllle _ dIe·_ LOrI ... _, ...- � Ii.U ... _ .. . lor the �. . _ ." . .... _ __ -. _ �. fr..hman teuo will be out _ a �_ die . n. � ... ..,a .... there to k..p the treahman clua '- _ ... 110 , ,. _ _ 110 _ . ... lint .... _ � .....u ..,Jq. The _... _... OW _ be It ... ... .. ...... __ ..' ... 1k1o .uUete4 a 4etAoat· at tile pIdIlq up ... , 11 _ _ _ � .. . hands ot the treshmen lut lear bJ" .... IMI- aba. to IIIDY � ..... :� fI#. ...... . ... -.. • count at ao-e III .... ou..� It a r.1I7 aGIac .... 110 ;. _ lilt, _ M ... .... game. TbJa lear's uppe�claas team tie trwa dart .. tbderIL.. .• � .. ...... . .,. contain.e maD7 ot thoae aame tr.ab� ..... CD lie ..... . ..... till' ant � W'M, ..... men., Illd b, virtue ot 1llat tut are CUlf_ .m M ,.,.... _ ... out". � ....... ... ... the lavorlte. golllg Illio the ""me_ _ oftlclala. T_ ._ .Uk . "" ,.., GorQ' But the trealunan team. Js Dot to be aa4 Dtoll Kee'f1&. .18ft . ...... .. � .. ..... The tr.JUaaa �, � 1f7 eetnr. Be IIPQtteId -denied. In the least. They are a.

�1 1ll


oer.IIoo. l -

�� ': w-.�


scrappy, eager ouWt .and ace out there to show these older I"lds that they know how to play football_ Coach Jim Jacobson of the freshman team 8ays, "T'he ,",rls are really going to be out there fightln&", The freshmen girls don't Intend to take a second place to the u.pperclaas team ! " The trosh outtit i!J sparked by man)' atars, including Q.uarterback Norma Kempka. center Jo Ann Jackson. halfback Ruth Haugse, and many more. -On tlie other ··hiuid, ·the�uPPercl&ie· aggregation is gOing Into the ga,me to •.,.enge laal year's defeat by the freshmen. Sparked by at&:- Monl Wetton, halfback Judy Bureker, and boasting a atan.dout line, the older ao.uad wlll prove \,.W&hty hard team to atop.:The upperclaaa. uatng the tl"t--platoon l17etem. ai are the Lrelbmen, provide a tough defense for the oppeliUon "'to try and crack. ' . Coach Brian Price says, ·'They· 8411 �.,.e work to do to come up



ITer .lll&.... aad. 1_ � iD- opeablJ. " __ tM clad.: AaD& HaU, No.... ....... tIoye: be .. .It ... ., aHerta 1lIIa*, LlI He. a.a.Ba.nJ.ia. 0tdJ ar.,.., ... Ana"..... 8OIl:JItoMt T.... Helen 8oIUe. c:::ar. lAC eMcIl »ten.UT-,.c. tIIII Une WlakJer, BoanIe T..-.oa. Ie., .. NortJa Ba:U (1MOODd)


An Ja.ebon; lfI11ce BualID, 8bar'8l b. tbe remaIJWJ.I" .... x..W80D. Clarice Chr1atMeu., J'o Ball (tird) • •� Anne Knul8on. Dor0th7. lHDIoD, I to lOON on Mnnl JoIIC" Marcia Lel.n. Muth& DouJIaiie, Ruth thelt bopM were Iilrort-U"ed. . �.le Haul"le, Paullna .RerIDS.. 'In_ leak.: Roy Swarts's 'PUI Intercepted by Gerry Lanon. • son. Janet Sveen. r N e Th e by c co erclass e u s. l T� �� g �� _ � �� . . �� _ :': �� �� �8 eci \tlllhi J u. ,·U6 .m· Brian Price and .DemiJs llod,\n, , 's obd s, Nonn such slarbrlghtl as: tire N o r t h Hall (second) team "·manned" by Gladys Johnaon, Barbara Nelson, In a pertormanc'e that shows W�y Lorraine Langeland. Winne MItton, they are the number one team. In MoDi Wetton, H e l e n Jord&Dger, the Intramural League. Judy Bureker, Marnyn LeRud., MarlIntramural football luUered ita lyn Hefey•. Nat Bo, Barbara Mcnon- tlrst casualty of the year as Clover ald. Carol Rottomlller, Myrne Berg, Cr�e� lost Ray �et�u:�n.. Jor �e !8; Carolyn Hoognef',Lorralne SchmJck, maJnder ot the season with a brokDonna BwaneoD, Jean Cosburn. Jo- en nOse. Anne Backstrom, Betty Jean Con· Other scores ot the opalit week are dray, LuWanna Hu�r, �lY.!& Her· .s tollow.: DeJardlnee Jf, Clonr nan, Ginny .Grahn, Donna .MIller. Creek 12; WMtern Parkland SO, and otHn! . - - -:- ' . . tOm .8 ; . WHlerD �. I!1uterD





" ,

__ -L __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


Thtnge · are lookla.c .p 1.D. JRdvtll.. De weekll 1'911 b1 an. tM Pad.a. Lutheran GladJatou .... ., be relllaa pretty well, too. It � beCIM to look like an 1i:a.et4W.t ..... WlU"..ortJa· repre..at1n. u.. mut i.D4 the Lutes tile '?iMt. -01J, NOTe_bel C' lD: Spokau. Th t PfIle oo\lUl meaa' tbe co81erence UUe. tNt there II one If, t� ..... ill the (OnD' ot· the Westem Wuhington VUd.JI.p tomOl'l!Mr. !p ow Boq:aacomlzlc efllrt. . LUTIlI\. SUtlP'''_ FOLLOWERS . . I . were I Ul lnk tA&re Cl,� .. rew pe<)plf!I .,. ..... �e Lut.. to. _l 'down": for ""t .........Ilt.. w� �. \lllft.. • lOIri>)'Ii'; .U ..... a ..� •• ••htw The "lILnh�" In. Pia7tns ea�' .... .... .1ooklhS, be", ........ tI..... boy. .



' ' �����:i:i�:i:�a:: 4. � '' ·


amused OYer 306 ") i'a8Mq:-i..rid � to The Lute dereDe. I, 1'e&UJ' ptUD& They only 51 yardll. �tar ortens•• 34 yard, � .., 1'7_ 001018 acored against 118 In conference play.


Up In Vancouver, B. C.• the Wblt1Nre Ptrat:. ..... ... 8Jttl8l eo. lumbl& Thunderb"", the pI&yIi.c IIeI4 at ___ _ &be _ knotted &-6. Th. tW9 teqIa had haWed· .......,. IW t_ MnI-...t ._ etrl. All the second l1&lt bepD. bO""�' It .... e1'Ne1St tMt Wldtww* coaoh Jim LounahartT � "nred WI" Ill. boyo .. _ __ _ hit ·pa;r. dlrl Ttle fin&! lcore W'U Wbttwortll IV .u tJIBC '0 bat OIl. of these time. the Prate. are SOl� t9 ftDd out that 8T..,oH """'t down tor them 10. the .ecoD� halr of � ..u ,..... f..,.be lioftalber '0 til f)


� e




Looks Uke Wellern WuhlnKton took it on the chJn &&&in. The, were downed by Lewla and Clark of the Pact,fle Northwest Conterence. V1kJng coach Chuck Lapp8nbuech III probably sUll racking his brain tor something new In rootball. Last time be gave the lIubject hill earnest attention. he came up with the detenslve, straight lIne T tormaUon­ wonder what ever happened to that! Anyhow, I hope he doe8n't have any new, deadly Uttle- Weapon8 with him this .weekend.




Time once �afn.tor the eld standby, "Putrid PI�b.", Central a.nd Eutern nnaHy both. decided�to atay over in the un· claimed reglons of the Northwest. (Eaatern Waahlngtoo. tor benefit or those nnacQuainted. with writers' Idiotic style of .prose) and, I think Cen· tral wUl take the Savages-ob, maybe 19--7. CPS takes.the long trip North WI Ume and-ilbould come bome from UBC In Vancouver with a 20-6 victory. Wh.Jtworth cOM out of the Evergreen Conference jurladJ.cUon and entertainl{ Unfield Collece In Spoka.n.e; I say WhItworth II, Lio.Qe1d 11. The tact that WhItworth Is out ot conference play We weekend gives the Lute8 a chance to- maya tnto a two-way Ue tor tint. We 1)lay host to the Western Washington VlJdD&. for our HomecOlll.lng Let's ...,. . PLC n, Western O. Just a. thoq:bt: By word. of the �vine we· ·bear that Bud � and Dwaine BraDdt are 011 their way toward winning a 19&6 Cadillac, th6t la It a�1rt ..-ery team III the oowrtry pu..ij._ a major upaet th1a Satur­ day. They entered. t!!e Cr'OIIkIy T·V .core plcb. Lester .18 DOW t.rJ1nc to figure out way to· 40 .BraB4t owt ot bi_ half of· the 0&1", aDd. be'll prot.­ ably figure t:II&t on. In DO t1IDe at alL So lon�-I; bope"''ll lltlll Me lOme �,"OU Dest w� �


C1' l!fl·· uS , : t" - -

- ... oiJD·





PASSING Vda. Pet Ave.


There are some few atG4enta her. Camptiell . PLC 3 HZ .41S p.m. Gilmer .. PLC toot. ad","ADtq:e or an Eaat2.2 ern tumble In the f1nt period and Benson : .333 J.6 4. the V.ilt.lJlp th t laid,. wrecked Murry .. ... acored on Frank Laneaeter'a three300 S I"OOd week�.That ,ame, I bul. yard buck over guard. Lancall�er PASS RECEIVINQ tate to recall the catastrophe. ended No missed. the conversion. Lancaalar Yd.. TO . with PLC on the tall end or and Camp6ell ngured· In the s8Con4' Chrl_tlansOn . . . .. score. touchdown &. theT moved th. b.t). .. .. .... This year, however, the Lutes are NordQuJet 0 65 yards with Tiny Tom scooting .. . . .. . . . ... 24 . . . . ell . 3 going Into the game with a fut 1m- Campb -. 2 21 0 I the last 20 fa.rdB on a brUlIant ort .rice provIng bunch ·of"go gU7B tlui.t have Promm . . ... ... .. - 2 - - 0 tackle run PLC thieatened _!Mfa F their hope8 Bet· on repeatiog a 1 before haJfUme as �Caster 8hoo� Gaarder . . .. . ......... champlon8hlp. team. The � himself loose on a 35-yard· punt re.. ,have scored 20 or m!Ne .points 10 the NU8baum . . 0 I turn but the Lutea "dIed" on the last three gamea, sbowlD& that they ElUott . ... ..-.......... -.-:.. 1 10 . 0 Savage 15. 2 .. . . 1 have the offense to test any bau Lancaater ... No. Yd... Ave. Th. Lutes w.nt right to work club. [n the de!enae department. PUNTING after lntermJulon and moved on a PLC's record shows tha.t In three ChrlaUaoaOD .. . Gilmer -----.-- ! drite or 75 yaida .to acor8 conferencEf ""tames the Lute Ave. Yd No. O on G1lmer'. On8:1anl aneu. Hlah· .. C KI K FFS wall has allowed but one I .... . . ... UghUD& .1. the march M. bl' down and that to Central 2 35.6 1 c::amPbe1J I 11- y �� � 71 Thoro .. DO doubt about this I __ !lom . I.q �pbeU � fact! Th. G�. wUl be a IlrhUi.c fO� more. By this uoi. w_oue cont.nder d.9Wn to the f� awi. tor EUteiU m u •.t b a Y .. All this 15 not to,oUIet tlMa r&ct _----e-....a l 829 j 1'1.� CHJiJlllPlt� � � that Coach, :Lo»PoDb1!8Cll'. �ngo y_.piDad 1 . ' : " ill .. Saturday allht: 7 -1J t loo wW dell_ .... .... "'.. � _. � _-:-�76' " {SO. , . Tbo'L�'" � t !'; �a ud 0111 .10 apIII th• . Ljlt.eo. SlD<.e � , .8 . m� w_"" ""' '-""" � J;.lI,I Gam. mrag• . ' ,aD Inter....ted- a Oeo... . .... teI! . �.'!.'I!' � I!!a. .. wll!le . m , ._. . ft� ....... "" \ .PLC ; I p... on t»4,J:u£eriin ' l� rotamod/ H- ;_. · It to' tho 0'11' � uu\ 10 7anb! "",�""""" . :as . • • DlI'/It, - �: ptr& potn' ,;_... t+ .lijI4 .�Jr!,l I"' � DO. soocI and \hO !lnal co...� . . ' , },;� l lltoo'Ut;.O. �I·

1850 a


1 181 10 1.000 10.5.50 40. 4 . _.1210 14 . . _11 6!80 1 . .. .... . . . . 11 76168 I . .. .27 94861 3'26.6.51 ,8ustatned 681 41.6 7.0.' Opp.\ 35,0 15 '�:� 188.r:ootlng Att. Compo

at school "!,bo .....QuelF' • cert.ala Hom.coml.».&

.. .



. _..

a 47�

. _. .


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_._...._. .


. .



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163. .6 � \n o�".:· 9�,:" �� � 1 . . ---;:::t-��:r.:�':::J= 10. .�_._


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��}9�.,J� ,.

Workl'. Nu�r .Q,., "J'a_I....·.. �

�¥bth :Taco�a . . IOLLElt JOWl - 8JIIolIh �_';"'ay

XXlU ' '

· Drire-In ,

The 'early PLC' Si.Pa were mapsine fonD..

,...., . .cY� AND· KEY



.H i

. Opp!

'When' � BeTtI. ,"". R....ber .. as � . :,*;I:�urc:t., -;�iw;. ..., i;p....tS, ticket�, �tc,; . ; 'W� .�I · . '. � . t.. : : . 1t" . "GRCI!IIIte 1106 . •

IIICYCLf:' RENTAL . Garfield at. . ' .. -a"",,1te '11712 /





Dwaln. "'nclt


19 r '. 1 ... II •• 16 • II . .... ....... ..


Th. hcmc Lutlaeru oladta_ put th......I_ I;' �•. iioOl••IOD of secOnd place in · the Et'ercreen co�refeJfee Saturd.,. � tro�aJ a J?,elpte•• · Eut'.m team. TIle. h.ld th. mutern ,peed mer.. · to a mere 4 yard. Wtiuemnninc tbroUSh the bJe Ea.at8m lin. for 203 1.,-.11. The Lut" � the .�. In control thtou,houJ aD d' allowed the S.yare- entrJ' In theu. temtol7 on on.l,.-two occaelona, the deepest P.8netraUon betng to lbe

:'0:, �


Lalit Saturday afternoon wal ·HomeoomJ ac for our -ofOM·ton rt...J.. It was almost an ull'happy one, too, thII Loa'en btIInc IlJlU)1e to .001"8 until midway In the fOUrth quarter. It'• ..,. to .. that £PS I, beln& hurt. b7 tnturles more than anythlnc elae; and they JUllt aren't plaJtaa up to par. I don't know about lut week8lllll, but �t Whit""rth. Loe· ger coach John Hetnrtct WU dlquated. to 8&7 the .leaaL He need.D't teel too IOrT7 tor himself, however, at he l.u't the tlnt coach thia leuOD. wbo b..u been unable to stop the ..Bue....


"" 10' .. ,:


• • ..

LalCrOiie •

..-, .

Pl-iDteI'8'; COLLEGE

� .. . .. . PRINTERS. FOR VOUR. �-'-I" X at 118th

. the Tripi. Loeated-.oro.�from



':. .... ... .

and P,.C;lflc Av.nue_


him up with a few remarks. Queen Gall wtll then speak, en­ couraging the team and student body on to Ttctory In the game and ,making the usual observat.!-one ex­ 'pected of a queen. T..m Introduced

Milt Nesv1g wUl then Introduce the football team. This was done at the firet of the season, too, but the playen wHl be easier to �cognize � the gym than they were by tire­ Ught. After another s o n g a n d some yells, we'll sing the "Glad Refraln�' and then go home, so we'll be fresh for a full day Saturday. "Follow the flares to the football festivities Friday," urge the cheerleaders: Floata In Parade

Seventeen nOats will be run In this year's Homecoming Parade th1s 8,&auday. F1oa.h entered. In order, a r e t h e (01l0w1D.g: Senior clue, JunJor c I a s ., Sophomore class, Freshman class, Old Maln, South Hall, North -Hall. Clover Creek, Offcampus Students, Spun, APO, egA, LDR, WhIte Caps, Nursing Club, FTA, Alpha Sigma. Lambda and Pi Kappa-Alpha. PIrl-Curtain Club. In the parade also with the OGata wlll be our band and drill team. Queen Gall Taylor and her princesses will be driven in convertibles, as will alltO the yeD - and JK)DI leaders, Prior to the parade which begtna at 10 a.m., and will go through Park1and. at 10 : 15 a.m., there wUl � JudClDI'.to find the prise float..


. Next TIme $top At



, ac-I

1:5 · Announced


The judl1D.1 wUl beCin at 9:30 a.m. .and,· Drill Tearne, to March. c on OartIeId: atreet ·. Some blgbJJr enjoyable b&1f41me To have & poteD.Ually ·b e t t e r entertalnment hal been planned for noat, noata should be inade of dur- the Bomecolll1ni' a:ame 1D. LIncoln able material.e. ll(ater1&ll can be Bowl thh! Satu�day. The qo1red FrIday at the Student Body Involving the band, the girls'· ' · offjce after S 'p.m. and un 7: 30 p.,m. te&Dl.- a Soo.student ' card I and also a couple bours alter the and a 12s..tudent combined cofOll&tion. and: chortls, promJses to vie with The float, In order to be eUgib.le . the game lueU as the most enjoy­ for judgtng, mnst be In position In able HomecOming feature. llne for the parade, and must llave Salute to Alum. ' Its number on ·the fTont 0:' the truck. First on the program of events "Thanks go w all tOOse who are will be the welcoming of the atum­ working on noah and preparing for nae. To the music of the band the HomecomJng festivities," says tng "Hall, Han, the G a n g's A1I ChaJrman Jack Hoover, ''and bere's Here," the drill team 'will form a hoping for much success in making large HI, The card section on the thIs the best Homecoming ever," West side of the field will exprees Reformation PLC's .personal feelings by spelling Reformation Service will. be held ALUM, A tlnal trl'bute to the alum· in Pacific Lutheran College gymna- nae wllJ be given by the yeU leaders slum Sunday, October 31, at .:00 leading the student body In a we)· with Dr. TheQdore Bach- <:�me yen.



more. !!'olo time Is� again approachlrlg and everywhere you can see small groups or girls gathered to discuss the latest developments on which will be the lucky boy! So, girls, you that haven't thought about it, don't walt too long! We wish to take this opportunity to congratulate Queen Gall and her Royal Court during their reign for D i l l Team to Perform As a second feature the girls' Homecoming-1954. team led by Jane Walk, will South Hall Sojourn &. .huge school bell After the At last! Another senior has taken formation the band, dIrected by Mr. the fatal ,plunge and. announced her Gilbertson, will complete the scene engagement. That narrows the field by the playing of "Tbe Little Red considerably and many were School House." the moans and groans Issuing forth Sa lu t to We8tern from those selllors still belonging Led once again by the drill team, to the O..M.S. (Old Maid Society). of thie resulted after the Mon­ PLC wJll greet Western w!tb the nJght popcorn party of Carol formation bf a large W_fadog the where, displaying a bad left�hand1tU8, Carol made c the exciting news. Canuck to lead the oP'poslng rooters In an Newfeld,"Sf crad, Is the fu8%change of yella. Following this croom. CongatuJatlOIl8 aDd. the PLC band will pay tribute to the VlkJD&'s with the playing of the Western f1Jht song. Combin ed Ch..-uo to 81ng For their .econd IStuDt of the aft-


mused choir made up of the choir and chorua, plus th08e from all Lutheran cburches in the Tacoma area. will Slllg -'Built on the RoCk," the 6010 part by Mr. Newnh&m ; "Prayer of Thanksglvlng," ..�o Thee We Sing," by Tkach, and "Onward Ye Peoples," by 81� be_�u. "Last year, approxlmateb' people attended the .ernoe A!ld number or more are expeeted. d thl. 7_:' commented JIr.



�to;:;1 f=::'�� :::t�r: r::




8tea�_ "1M. Plea -

Seafood. Open till 10 on






Imprinted wtth Your Name Select from the Fln_ C. FRED CHRI8TENSEN


usual, are trying aomethlnc new the Une of devotions and birth· days. On Wednesday nJghts, once a month. following the class devo­ tiona, cOllllPunJty birthday parties will be held tor everyone bavlng birthdays �urlng that month. Diane Hagen and MlmJ Reule were hos­ tesses this week. The cider and doughnuts were dellclous! "Roses" Larson was more than pleasantly sW'Prlsed a week ago wben she celebrated her 21st. Llv1ng It up on punch, cake and candy, she was royally entertained by Mar­ Ion Leonard and her " bubble type balloon act" All seniors being pres­ ent and the food so rapidly disap­ pearing, it wasn't until the next morning that they discovered via Marlene Wilken's stomach ache. who had consumed the majority 01 food. The sophomores, lowly creatures In the basement, not to be outdone b;r- upper clusmen, .held a popcorn party Monday nIght Annabelle ADd Lois Sand, Seth, Carol Breece and Dee Dee H. were the partlera ADd grape" Juice from the vine was the. beverage, H&lloween paid them terrifying visit in ilie form of the "Hagen bird," gh08U1ke fowl from the outer spaces. Tbose girls were juat plaln acared. To "na' Call from North Hall" ; What kind of aJlWl? 18 It t:hat ae­ CUies South Hallites of measy bul· letin board_ and then pula "now­ en'" OD hi. own board. Let he that Is without !aolt cut the first ltone. Have you North Hallen looked ID ,"our reporter'. room latelyt 8bakeapeare's "Worda of wisdom the...thoUCht for the day on confidence: "Our doobta are tral· ton. And-m.ate us 100e the good. we oft "qht wID. By feal1nc to .t· sa

One more � to wbo­ - DiIMeI. iiadI1ic "The CrltI�

Ga2 Pacific Ave.

._, .

Friday, 2:00; Saturday, 1:00


PacIfIc' �' � . .

waCO" �MNIl


Come In to See Our " Old Main" Tiles " : Chapel" Spoons in Sterling



The Ghost' Rider in·. . th.: MaS+ -:


� PeneUed, with bloodt-- w.. a ftOte scrawled In lono.fta" • _ .• Co",Ing

rteX\ weeki I


HOMt'eOMlN5 . ' . -; 1.9&4 r'.

S�';4: �� ' -1< -

- Parkland, W..... .

- . .,•. • . J!. '

.. -'

:--� '- PhoM .... 7111

lop ,..... YIIrotIgII Ca.ntry lty "Auto"

..... ....ft



(ConUnued �m Pale Two)

, ..""";·�w._�·. t , · ,;�'!'�� �, -, i .... tana pWll , placod. aad 11m bad 100 IIItd1-_ to

� " it

the aMl'Mt toW'A (W' h 1 c ill. WUA't

IM8I' _ &DI' Mont&aa).



....�- " ... .. ... .'

It 1Iloo _ dM _ Police

...... .. �, � diM

. ..... - �

It ....s _t

tile car'. or peaaps it w.. the o�. Whate'Wlr the reAlOD, Rolph aD4 Italwen .topped til .peal dift...nt ..tatea by tile police ....aDted. to �bem: Jim'. . UlDOn car'" 1Dspect10D., tb� Ioft "Wtth _ _ wordo• ..Ar'ft"t 70U bo7a fI1dte & W&,J' from



- ....... ct.niIj '...- .. _ - ..


11'::: :::- -. r-,.....

o! the major spon.·


Montana, North Dakota.


llll,.ojl, Ohio, WeBt V1r­

letJcalJy IDCllned pntlemen.

«inia, North 08roUna, South Caro­

P.S.-To those of you who

lina. g.o�a and on to him Beecb.

Florl4a, clty ot be&attM hotete and resortl. Of coane you e8.n �en

The Alexander Brotftere '-:-OM San FrancllCO. Gooree.. and Nicolai, �III make 8how Saturda)' Both men are .1"Vere and guitar pl.yere and

w b e r e oar two eollege etltIJeate .ap Benefit " . Rolph had thl. to



about Florida. bow...r.

stept-4n the

"[t·. , marvelous slate-the part

01 th., AtlanUe.'·

I llke best 1. the weather and the

warm _ter

At r&qa.••t the

here at PLC

(I... tootloaiI. bulUotbAII. _lIoU. tnlek- 1....1 . • • �. Tille eI1Ib _ .. a &oTt ot outlet for the extra­ curricular amJdtlOJll of theM atll­ "

Ro}p1l aDd. Jim tra1't\lled by way of t!le Allam hl«liWay. th... thrvush



-- .. .... Ii.! .- _ u .... _ 111 -



appeal"lln:c. at PLC at the fs plannln� to add to� the cultural preeent a "variety progra.... lite ot the school 'again thIs Tear. .

1._ Ch rl"st"Ian· St. u den� ASSOCla .. " t"lon T0 U nlte '" Religiou s Organi%ations . on PLC Campu s .


tine mueh:: The Lettermen's


South Puget Sound District ot Lu­ theran Daughters ot Reformation.


CODventIon was held on the PLC

camp"us Saturday, October 23rd. AIl the events ran acco"rdJng to and tried their tlahln.g. As you may 8c�edtlle. begtnning with reglstra­ tak! ed U th g the student body. voted to accept other bad an outside speaker from "and service projects, have been dy ey manalrea have uess , a Ilged to land were a few little ItDap- the constitution of a new federation. Seattle. It was tinally setUed In the en out ot theIr hands, and they have ! tion at 10 a.m. in the SUB! and clo... log with a coffee hour In the South been lett with only their weeklY ! What did you accept? Will you, President's office on the Friday ey

007. rented a boat

th thi. Wi great adventure behlnd m J urned their the , the daah ng duet t car coast and were toward the weat ft on ro o their way th ugh the deep

south and on to the 011 fielde and IntellMl heat of the Lone Star "State. From there they went to Phoen.ix, Arizona, and - on to Sa.n Diego. Tobey traveled via Hlg"h".,.. 88 up the coallt through Oregoa. and on to


Three and a half weeks ago, you , Mission Empba8ls Week. and the taUons, &dvert1sement. stewardahlp,


yourselves, feel "any consequences ning bef')!"e. This kind of thJng Is programs to worry aboul No in the Hall Dormitory. ODe of the b..l«hUI:hts of the con­ from this federation! Did Jt cbange truly uq..warranted and should nenr sense that -you have not lett any t our rel1gfous organitations In any be. Wt(b your new organisation and area forgotten. You h a v e o n 1 i ven lon wu" Mr. an-d" Mrs. Stiowalter way! This article Is written to help coun�lJ, such problems will be set- broadened. each tleld, elecled one from Bollrla., showU!I' ,Udes and of their uperlences there. tied as they ariee. person to head thJa field. ancL ibus,

answer these Questions.

WlII you, yourselves, !eel any con· given it more emphaSiS, which It First. "What did you accept?" You have accepted a �onsUtution sequences t rOo m this federaUon? deserves. that will put all the reUglous Yes, you will. A stewardship proWith your new orp.n1atIon,

.eek8"O� tr&*el,

those aDd � tbe7 wW unttlnue tbe1r aa� � D&. tlo�. l*'haPll; 1MIt ln. "otber dfrec. tiona duriD& ,ib, ... mAth �tU at PLC.





to. t:ae

�- �

no� � ,�re ban

two groupe"- haa made the rub-

l �: In..ta.n�.. , :


It" "you we�e not acuve � �he Fel- j rather than three�; -YtlU.• liaTe ...oacb Jowshlp Group before, you would azp. lDeetinl" IlDd



th"ere wM _eT811 s�ch.a

rellrsoua;tede�tion. pro-

e&:n� part" in -Ws

gram ,,!i!.i���: ' ��� �!::!�

occas19DS wh,n"fr.!�U9n. be-


���t _��?,."� o t �� �at ,I piObl� "that " pro� on l own department" a "but"no.... � 'eTeI'7OD8 .

I ia:&�,o �-;t OD. be:eD.·I·r"c:mr

Evergreen ' Empire and P&clf1c Lu� acttvlUes on yo�r campus. than bavlng three... or tour thet-an College. ThJa was a creat "trip and a lot of re"UgiOUS- groups, every� ne will be a . ristianIty t of every phase 'of Ch travel1na done In. three short ....... par

We Jmow they wW 10.. NDlMlber

gra"� on this ca.:mp� '1n the past PB:! i have many -ach'a.o.tapa oTel" "the u"rd. In fact. .,atem. You haft '�D. leaden

cOUDcll whJch ....W . coordinate not been pushed ��

Ues on our campus under ODe Inte-











I;'�� !J'· I':;;;:;;;;;:;:;;

:: .�

1 I 1



Dear PLC CI..smaleo:


On October 12, the Sophomore clan met to elect officeR. ThI. clua Is composed of 16 decree .tu­ ·tram PLC and 'If diploma atu­ dente.. We felt nry proud to han two PLC girls repreeentlna the de­ gree portion of the elas. u:eeuUve­ ly. 'Judy Starw:lth Is president and Louise uirsci"n 18 secretary. Flve weeks from tbfs date C?f 'pub­ llutton the SOphomores win recaln their caps In a 't8ry lmpresltve cap.­ pine ceremony to held In the TbJs wW tate place Decem3 : 00 p.m., and ' �t

Student Con'..... B _,Ins · at p" -L 'C' •


The Pt.cltlc Lutheran Collec. Stu­ dent Conareea oril1nated als. ),ean &go and bu since ' then beeome known throulhout the Northwest ' as ODe of the oubtaDdlnC speech and leaderahlp e T e D t . tal' hlah 'Schools In thJa aTeL Thll )'e&I' It w111 be held on 'Saturday, Norimber' . 6, 'from 8 Lm. to e p.m. TbJa 001l&T'8l1 I, .. mlnJature of our naUonal cancra.. In W-..bina­

toD, D. C. Each bJBb scbool which: W&.Dta to parUelpate leoo. .two len· aton a.nd a· Dumber of repreMDta· entoU·.. . .


,,,,,IIUoIA'" bR,•• o'Yer -thetr bill.' TeaoiutioDtl. U you were' to drop- In on one of these lobbJ1ne I1'OUp., this 18 a sample of how "Ul:e, OOJlTer­ uUon Dlight run: "OK, 111 APPOrt your blll lf you'll throw. J'o'Ur 'W:el&bt my way an this reaoluUO!i. · bere. Without thll resoluUon, you know, . It would'be impossible . , ' 0 ; etc ! " Following this lobby bour 18 ·the first jOint session ot the hOUIel. At 31 this time Mayor Pomeroy Qt Se&tUe 11: Oo--HomecomJng Sernee, Pastor will address the croup "hile anoth· " Thompson, (}:M'-S. er promInent aP94ker wlll ' d.Uver . 4 : 0o..:-Retormation"Day RaUY.Um. the "State ot the UnIon" address as a "representative of the, Presldent." 1 5:SG--Faeulty meeting, S-lOS. Next comes comm1ttee meeUnaB 6": 45-AlI-&ehool Prayer Service. and bearings during which btlll are worked over and' made agreeable to CMs-.B. " 7 : 15--I.C.C., 1,104. a majority. Cabinet, membeJ1l. IUch as the Secretary of State. Secretary 7:.3G--Organ GuUd, C-M.S. " of Labor and man,. others. \rhJch Romberg Sigmund 8:ao-Lyceum, furnished by PI Ka.ppa Delta, Festival," C-M·S. hono�ary speech fratem1ty on 10:So-Lyceum Tell;, C-M-S Faculty campus, go through veritable ero.s unge. Lo examInaUon a 1& "MeC&ru.y at thete 2 meeUngs. l.2: So-D.R.G., Dayroom. In . the afternoon there are sep­ 1.2 :5o-iettermen, M-109. arate .Hssiona of the houses fol­ .R. . O of: O--L D nt'sesslon at the end 6 :I&-Spura, Old MaiD, fourth noor lowed b.J..a jQJ d aw&rd.i are pre­ ' which . rii el ,. lounge. .p �e top .partlelpanta. Juck­ sented to 6: 45--Student Council, ABBO. 6:t5--Mhtslon Crusaders. Tower Ing I. baaed upon ncor and Iineer­ Ity of 8peech, material recoUrles Chapel. endent, and contrtbuUon to clarify­ 7: aQ--C.S.:A., cOuncll Ing 188ues and "progrea. of deUbera· 7:3O-<::ontlrmatJon Class. . ( lions. 3 Except for the adVI80lI7 capacity 6:15 a.m.-Toastmasters, In Coffee of Profeasor Karl, " W. Con.gteas, Sbop. 7:30 p.m.-Alpha BtIJDl. Lambda. which I. · lP0118Ol'tNl 1»7 PI Kappa Delta, II "41recl'ed" and run entirely ClubroOm. by callace studantJ." Tbere J. & tre4 mendoua a m o il n t otspreparat1on 12:5Q-.-.Ca.inpua DevoUons, T o w e r w�b PKt! intO; thD COqreIl and c�i " over 80 ,peieona aUs.t�ID 6:So-Aipba PhI Omega. 1..-104.

mom1ng·when the


Sunday, October Monday, November

"Handsome Harry"



(Cownued trom Page One) His activities Include tootball, As· iated &oc Student Body vlce-presi' dent, Greek club and Blue Key. Lowell HaetteJe Is "the candidate from North Hall. He Is a senior and bls home Is In Portland, Oregon. He la an accountant majpr and belongs to Alpba Sigma Lambda. Baaltetba11 also takes up BODle ot hill Ume. Merle Hanaon Is representing the sophomore clua In th1s contest. He Is a pre-denta.l student from Seattle. He also belongs to Lutheran Stu·

ART'S SHOE SHOP Garfield Street


" dents' AssoclaUon and Is pre sldent of the sophomore claas. a Hanson" s nominated Vern w by South Hall. Among his actfvUles are Blue Key. basketball, baseball, Letand chorus, and Is termen'. Senior cla88 president. He Is majoring 'n ed-ucaVon. Tom Housebolder Is the conten· der from Old Main. He Is a preseminary junior from Ketcblkan, .Alaeka.. He 1.- ;prea1dent ot'CampuJI " voUons and Is" a"member of pa Rho Kappa and Christian Studenu' Associ.Uon. LInne Society is sponsoring Topper Neilson. He Is a pre-medica) student originally from Drammen, Norway. His home Is now In Lake" wood. IDs activities are Linne 80clel}", Blue Key, Vlldng club. TO&I!It·


I StucH!IIt Alpha PhI Omega, national servo �ce fraternity. will "again fiend their Student Directory" to press. The book wlll contain faculty. ma.1n. tflnance and studenu' names and addresse�. The student listing will contain their school and summer addresses and pbone numbers. . .Abcwt 1iGO people-.aiped lor the I.,t WednMday In Chapel. If students wbo ml8sed out on this


opportunity wish to receive a diractory they may leave & signed note In Box "A" at the Irtudent mall box. The book will be edited by Adrian Knutsen and Walt Schwindt, with thEJ cover by Jerry SIa.ttum.



...... � "." ....

� "."


masters, PI Kappa. Delta. and be 18 Thi8 weekend IIIra. Ltttle wID be tha atudent cancra... her coUecttOD. of " EiJro. Bob Tlmm 18 a eontelilaDtl or the � postal ean1 � ews op the Old Spurs. He t. a pre-dental M&1n "BtiUet1. BOard. The carda are and c omes from. lIuya"Yllle. He of lCIaenacb, aerm.n.,., where Mar10Dl'8 to Germaa �lab &Dd-turDa Un Luther traDJlated the B i b l e. IDtramural lpol'\"Thll town II DOW I� the Ru..lan


burgen tth'&

_ _

".,, _

Tue8day, November

Wednelday. November Thureday, November


r�ld�"':�;N�:0v:.:mb:e:r:'5::::=: 1 _ ... J"'� F � � ' � � ��� ..... ted ·.ia401ltircParUclpat!ng ;;g � � ; ��� ��� ��I� , iiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii��iiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i U


ted Domina �by�'

!rom ,1Iqdad; /J'OQ-


{E N-T R E C l E A N'E' R S *



-No N.-.-c1 to Look Like Silt� Scrate; I L . .. Lef th Fix YOU " Up!

It IDto·r8lill11,-

7 : 3�\d Clab, L-10f,

CIo _ ,!ed

--� lid,



pation Is 1 WI fear' partici to be th6lAipat_ . r and at th. are the ' top leaden of their, 'chool, PI Kap"· ,Delta wbhe. to enCourage



tho. iIIid.nt.- � tri' pat · OD· th.1r

rrteA&J t '1Dlli "'aad aloft eoopera­ �.,.a " atUtud." .o,�tb&t· t!leH ltudenta " carr; back to their. reapectiv6 ..,!iOola" ti.o' bOol pouIble Im-

- � ,,' ·�·� �:C-;:·� ;:.111;]P.rld;m��� �II���·













Congress . Will-Meet: Tomorrow

MOinecoming I. S�cc•••; 350 AI .... "•• A.·ltd

It was I'ener&lly agreed . Amon&' PLC .tudents that last week'sHome­ .co� was a hug� 8UCC8S•. Appro:!­ Im&tely 350 alumnae were on haDd to take part I n the bome�m1n« r� th'lUes. ·�� :W ct"e:'r .r-uit , .,.,..,,� . .� provJded the PLC renow. . wlUi a pleture of the BtrenJ"tb. astl­ Ity, NoDine abruty and weJ&ht of maD)' of the campus coeds. The up. perdus women's defeoBtve Une. be­ Ing of 8uperior weight and charging abfllty. held the freshmen girls to a scorelesl!! game, wbIle the upperelKs! offenlle was able to ta'ny 8 points . At halftime Don Gaarder was crown ed as the wtuner of the Handsome Harry contest. Three of the seventeen fJoats eotered In the HomecomIng parade were awarded prizes. The juniOr class (Joat -took top honors In· the U en ongress a ers_PaclfIo•...., .tudo... will be beauUful dlvls'.n. APO w.n the most humorous contest and the :,:�:yO� � best (Joat following the t h e m e, apeaker of the bOUle: Tore Nl lae , Tacoma, ,enerai chaInnao.. aud Stu&n Gilbreath, Taool11t1, .... . .. "Lutes Score In '54," wa!!l the (Jost _ _ " = = :... Of:...: .:: '= ...::...:.. == n&... =--______---- --presented by Alpha Sl�a Lambda and PI Kappa Alph. and Psi Cur.

··.;;� trimnfiL"'8· �






PLC St d

taln Club,

Ha rold Long, N.S. A. President, Pres'e nts Views on Stude nt Council Org anization


IPresident Steinhoff

M A d Stri Conditiin Ii erItIitiI


. • A :at·$ ..:r S""" .iIII *1... . . ' ·-.n. .4 . ' 8% �o W S ' " 4: h. 60 ' I: D'! e

�� ..;I'l'.... stwcieIii COimcu' MIlt' .. 1



'! � .�; �. �..

. · �pare ... �

�tloii !>OI:Iiii � ,,6i- ti. " oo� 40. jjliidy ·!lie. i't)n. 010'1. of Au;. w,oUtutlOlt: ' Tb6 Stu· d.n't- cii1llibli se"bOi'o_ oii:' .!!l!:!!. ..... Th.lma � �t ,oim _� ..1aory com.m1ttee. servtng as aD ad -wIth five senior studenta aulattnc dddt.

I&. to



: U! .·tIi.. i; · 14ea �


C!",,": , WI�

':' al tIleli

. •. . .. i " ·NaU.naI ke'rdiii /1l� cObtributidili .i .;a.,h tlon. At that con· cia ..: u.� if/, 'e..,.:jjj ,,·it.rid, in ch apel . Ol th. tact •a : .. d alm ••t totaW '69:07: ' . 8tate• " t •• . ..

.pMU•••OOoIe, .

The co-cbalrmen of the drtve remarl/lIa·' tUt' �tel1 � PLC'. o ber 1946. the Chlc:ac goal woo � tJi.I itiIiJU. Dr Iii. renee wu c&lled by drl.,.e were -6ee&�. ''ihry. Lowell HlDrlelrel, treehman pre&,. �ta, � cona14er the. t.hI.n.I sinn 'wiit" ..beip.... Ii �.. abo Ident.· feels ..1I.lII! � ..Y! � � . .-'o . tho· ..... form& on . ..ilt> 1lI orgonls&U.n reet 10 com._ ....uL t o t t " . . &..n fJ>r .,.. a. ... .f felt hU h """"! CGllec .. ted t t i . i e r r .rtIIr ....... II1II7 "".. aff_ the ... 9" tD��t .. . . ... .-.. iq-oi . . pnbaUou' prepared recGmmenda- results aomewhat. rope wu qut.!" them.

. =.-

Coi>ciiilh>i tho· ·Po. lJireO· au �tatl ,. ....... .. 9ftIiioiOJJ�.Jt




Doctor Stelnhofr, president ot the Pacific Synod, will be at PLC on November 10 to visit with all who are Interested, This I s a result of t.b.e letter received by 1I 0 w a r d .Chrlstian n : w Mr. Howard Christianson, .Pacltlc ·Lutheran CoUege


�rlt)and, waahJnod""'iL - '

DON' Dear Howal"d : to I ha"'� been wanUng to get up all Pa::elfle L'CltlIeran Collese to aee or 10n 1J'LCA students, and I find th6 wa,' hi opeulng for me to come on November 10. I shall' be in Se�tUe the evening befOte . ·and could drlve over the· morDlns of the 10th. have lunch with the group in the college dIoing hall and stay over a litUe while afterward to chat with any who may want to do so, I am .ager to .e. ,..u all oi:ii1n.


·��,tI,i�o"�"'�) ��,,,, ,, ,..,

raccording tp Tore.Nlelson, cOngJ'ea•

Le d t C wlto n ":�o�::::b�"::'-Pi ::.,:�� ��e:n���te =�ZO�'!a.:: e n

Relgn'ng .ver tbe H.mec.mlng game was beautiful Queen Gall and Harold Long. National president tions on its organization and charher court. Needless to say, Hom� o.f the United States National Stu- acter. A continuations committee, coming would not have been com- dE' nt Association, was at PacIfIc elected at Chicago, prepared a draft the team s vict ry College on Tuesday and constitution and organized the Conutheran L o ' W:��:� spoke at the Student Body Council sUtuUonal Convention oC NSA, held In the evening the Saga Benef1t o-- meeting about the association. He at the University of Wh,consin In Show, featuring the Alexander Br explained the alms, history and Septem ber . 19-47. At tbat time stuthere, was presented In the C-M-S. benefits ot the organ.l�aU.on. deuts rep�8entlng over 360 colleges A disappolJiUng �sum of tt'l5 wU . tl ii·- a it 41 United · Staiee NaUonal Stu- 8st.abttsbed ··t Ii e . OOliitftUo THe .. collected fOr sea· &.lilt Ass'ociation (NSA) Is a con- mapped. a protram for ·the newl:1federation or student governments formed. UnIted States National Stu·· ltlon, xfor· n. cliett. which repretenta college student dent ....s80ch �e8- tbrougli their own democrat· Any cOlleie universItY, jdtifoil' eany elected student governments_ college, noMiuil schOOl or technical 'Mn. Her6m-t �t:. .&:iiont, ""Ite of l bf l!itrl:cken It 'ih,s created to serve the long- sci-lioot can jOin the NaUoriaJ -stti<the PLC pr essor. Was need for a representative dent Association up(jti rrittficatfolf eXtstlng . :rr t.a we;W · l at . ednes with polio last e organi z a t i o n de- of Its Constitution and payment of day she was mbved to the Plerce Inte�-colleglat to serve the American stU" annmd dues. N"S'A's meinbenhlp Is · ed County Hospital where her eoDdJ.. 1I� co unlty. and to promote more thaD' SM' h:iAtlttitlOhi. tion is crttical, ana the r.:rm:ij- Jiu mbit . � tu .nts' Interesti5 and welCare. &Ilked tor the prd1ers: of the facuity t d"e -NSA's a.tri:ls and purposes are out. aDd students. ... ..oiI. i . ... Mr. and 141'11. Axf.rd have three lined I� 1/1• •r..�bl. to lis c.n.U· •. .: l1li: ... -chlldren and llve at 1216 Violet tutiod In which the association Is Mr. Axf.rd com. from IIIlIII.tted t.: "Maintain academIc f ;e e d 0 m, Knox College I n Illinois, aDd te DeW . � tn the BueJneaa AdmlnistratJon de- stImulat. and Improve dem.cratic t.Io � . .l" p . �� � � ·.�IW;h"."t:.Ml · wp tlU.u'Ca :� uve vS, ImlM l� ",","OnlU :c��_. �" ri__ � !Dlerna- "6.. t0tal. M. ""'.73: .... _ ..... _ _ Uonal understanding, guarantee to tor tlie CON campus briie." report! .. ... . f ............ . .... . _ ..,.... _ rights and poBllb1l· Peggy A.r�t.· co.ciiatfiiiau·or.the drive At the last mee ua.· of:ua Student all people equal n cOUDe , Harold LUu&. 'fbi naUonai tUes for eduoation and foster the with sophomore Dean· Ubner. · n of )�� r!.ghts and re�_...l.. president o f the Unitdct States Na. recognitio ts to the . �Ch c " �DtrlbU�\ D8J'C8DtlblllU�· : tlonal S t u d e n t �Uon, ex. B pons • "If " Th. '. Jiwnanlty h " pl&lned the beDelI".f lilii orgonlg. .C oo;;� • . . tD.!!�,t!l� 1nt." g •, .t $i&. mid� flIljj .r �Ir iiiiJ ; U.n. Begnn In 1946. ttl .na"•• col- and "!"'t ' , � ' i6tern the llJgneit perc4rnlage contnbtluon leSes to confer ·� .dther :ichoola eats ... uillted f any 01 iii. claaaea. I . nt ." their app�m.u. ...�II> o . -tfJi, ••• c . ....t.. -wltb iliilui . .y.t..... .1 gof.filiont; � -TInr·"piIom....-.... . " etc. .... �w :"" ....... .rt. ...d' rr_ .. .. th uJ .. 70 . .... The other, �-of diDOr 1m. re ";'�re U.d w.lth 32.6 .... " '-" of. ·a .tu. C.

The Stud�nt Con:rre.� Will -be beld on the pacific Lutheran campus to-

.. . ...�-

�rarW, lIl Christ. t.. Ii. Bttiltlholl. Preild'eitt, .. Plicilic .s... O,JU-oa. .

·S CALENDAR . Md FHdi'. Ncs... .mtier &

director. At leut %0 sehool, In Waahtngto�and OtelOll have been Invited to participate, The pflr·pose of this event I. to eduoate students In the affaira of the national congress or Washington. D. C.

Mayor Allan PQmeroy will give a. sbOM: address. Dean Haoge and EnIng Severtson w i l l welcome the guest!! on bebaft of the faculty and stndent bod,.. The Spurs wlll act as runners to carry the messages.

The Congress omcers are: Senlte: Spea.ker or Senate. Ste....-.. act Gllbr.atb : c h , e 1 cterk. Ellen Henry ; assistant clerk, Janet Turman ; reader , GJenn Johnson. Speaker ot House, Thomas Swlndland ; cblef clerk, Nancy Helland : ..,'stant -e'erk. Th.lma Nygaard ; reader, Spencer Aust.


9... 10.: Speak.r. St.wart Gl1breath, chief clerk, Ellen Henry; assistant clerk, Thelma Nygaard; chaplain, D a v e Ensberg; reader, Glenn Johnson ; sergeant-at-arms : �nate' Gerald Schimke, WilHam norr; House; Gordon Strom, Duane �omo; commit-tee, J 0 h n Holu:bJ., Stewart Glibreath, Thomas



S:t'1n�nan_d.��� _N...!el��.:.


Senate. Connie Hustad, Glenn Johnson. Tore Nielsen, Walt SchwIndt; House, Shirley Buschin•• arlson, ohn Holu , udy m J J ��:: � ke . e�inet: Becretiu'y ot 8bite, B1ll Finkle ; secretary of treasury, Nell Munson, secretary of Interior, Rlchd J�dt. attorney genera), Lee . � "! ; :.rg. secretary of defense. Paul �: : · · Itteea The 'comm . for !ll · the ar . , �:

. Congr8ss ··

Congr�� Director: T�re· Nlellen. ii. A..•• D1rector: Tom ewlridiaIi ·

..... G e it 0 ;' .A I Ar;'ni8inent.: :B .1 1 l Fln ; ' le .(ehiJmii.i)i , Paul Jordan . , ck " B&rn �• ,J-::: Ii' •• i DI on. ..o ;c; .I. • •.... ' . .• N•'1'1 M ,UIlJl. • .,.:;'�. RobliiJoj.

JidY i Blirei:er. J6inD Eiihe� mckadii , JeriT

B.liott.. bommltu.: .ttOb L�

8:0_�o\r Collcert; Kt. ;VI." L... (chalrmaii) .

r theran Church. . hturda), November -' . . : 9O-$tudent CoDgrel., Library,

ackson, J Firftier_

�PIl"Iic.tldH of isdijtd61: ,N . il e ,. t iI r iii a'rl� jrm. riofftcei Bhl4cm b. BO'Il!Ire:.�� d!!' lilar BiOO l: 3t-Whltwortb-PI.c Spo-. ' . . ii6·rei/�f. . . _ ·IH�Ici'.,,!lIl" 'roli( Ree'tiJI' !clUiIi'M......;y, ·No••_. 8_ 8,1118 tolfDSli."hW; 6·: 4�All�1 Prayer Service, Dian)', !.oweU \ liiin. GIllie- pdfliltti', - ,-/ul_", OlIlWI: ' . . liliri>i i!\acliit i .' 7.:16-1.0.0.• L-I0f. " Ittif:-lU ii-d lsC ", '-Rmluilal," �p! KappaDellA: t:t.!S-nt� Tueiday; Novem6er � �A;h �), .ilttsaret cmug (Co'<iliali1iiih); Katlly GUI' l% : 3O-DRG «obin.t. bayroom. haug.n. J.yet! Pttttett. LliIdo aOrd. 12 :6o-Uttllri.i!en li:l04. Nilfman !lbrn..'. 6 :to.:.-.Spur•• 4th LoWe. .. ; Vlr� Tbom__; " . a n " S: '�deilt CodncIi. A:l!B ijltlc'" ...IIII! _tot. VOrnlti. Blloonor. 7: �tt!u!� S&lotY; S:let . u C on:oie Hustad. .'-eifatNtlor . m ClU!;loo 7:3�.oS.A. c'burlcd� tcl:W.l'Iian)"/ Cam Brace. Be.,.• Wednelday, No'gem'ti'er ·10 . 1IYitIIa-a; - _If;. Kaor 8d8 o.m.='I'oUtlb_: "Tlifo e .· o·. r ....�, .. :eoocaIH<I ':60 p.m.-4I:iI 'Pii! EiIiJjOn. iluIt. lhrouJ!loilt- thlt· .Ndfth1telt U_ .aJJ Lt1Ii1ftt. 1:�iiflfDlaUcin · clUa, To'" bubJ�· eT . Il � ...� TIIj....: 'Alt· ...__4 .... on_ 7:� . eJ1jjpi!il eiI1. •• _ It '1'.... ftAil _...!a ... ir�a; lit Ijr _, tbe .eA/O.... .. B:�A1i>lili· POI" � I!r &rt '"......". tp.tarM�.. tIII 7WO) . .... (COnUnuecf-oil.

(;.M.fJ. SUB.






MooriDfl Me.l



Friday,""'November 5, 1954

Dorm Do;n�s t:ilT-

P1I.bltahed eTery .Frlday during the school YMr by 'stu�d&Dte ot Pactf1c Lutheran College. Entered as second claaa matter. October 2. 1952. at the Po8t Ofnee at Parkland, W..�ngton. Otfice: Mudent Union Telepbone GRanite 8611 Subeertptlon prlce--$1.50 per y,,-

the" tbeme ot forgetting and foretT·

�."". What a relter. to relax a bit after lrig the disappointments of the past South Hall Sojourn


the Homecoming festivities! South day and lookins forward with antlcl · Hallites, most ot wbom worked Into patlon to the new dat. A m08t In· by ProfeNOr Wei.. Reflecting on tbe Rombers Fes- the wee hours of Saturday mornJll8'. spiring meuage wblcb penerated. tiva} program wblcb was presented. still were not too tired to enjoy the tbe bearts ot all wbo were there. last Monday nlgbt, I am aware that parade, game and other activities ot Tbls weekend being Halloween, the program must be considered the big weekend. But, ob, Blue Mon· also, Soutb Han was nslted by a number' ot ghosts and gboullsb crn· trom tbe point ot the art ot enter- day. talnment rather than the art ot pure Special recognition ab0t¥d be glv- tures OD Sundar nJgbt. Tbe under· l mu8Ic. A8 8ucb. the program was de- en right bere and, now, to Carol Ed- standing was that Old ·Maln alao ... .JO KITTELSON ligbttully 8ucceaaful. The prosram, hInd and Nancy Hetland tor their celT� a vl81t from tbese ·'things·' EDITOR.IN-CHIEF ....... ..... . ... . ... ......... .... . .. ...CATIIEIl.mE BANNERUD tilled with tbe 10'(811 famiUar songs tireless efforts on bebalt ot the about 8: 30 p.m. 'the creatures were .. . . . .. NEWS EDITOR.. �==. of Romberg, gave to .mAny ..ot the South Hall float With the theme, greeted by an equally gboull8b �: �'ig:s�·:.-:.-.-.·.-�·:.-�: ·=::j){)":R�·HY·JORN�O� SroRTS EDlTOR. ........... ... . ......................... . .. WALT · BALI.. older generation ·the f&ellne of nOI- ·"Lady.Lutes Score in '54." the gIrl8 buncb trom third noor. who, nbt �r:tIO.. St.Q.#f '. n-.�\� r�! LQ,\��A�pg,��e•.Jacob�D.. Dlck .lk9w. ta1J!aj And. to the (:ollege .tudent turned ,at' a noa:t that maC\e all of wanting to enter Into the Halloween EXCHANGE. EDI'rOfL.... .. ......... ...... .. .... . ............ .. _'JSIg-/� i�n�rat)on'� an ei:�«telli ·r�ew.·dt tti"nJr.r- ;' ''' " .. ....�.�� ... made ,�,l\1:! �I'\ ��'!v.'<.'J , �: BU9INESS MANAGER......... .... .. .. .. ........ ........... . .. .... x....RA.y GOLD .songs they have learned to love. to whomever cleaned tbe Recre� teacbers and toLd el"eryone to ,!O : Wbat kl�d of spirit Is tbat ome. saturday. It saw you , Lounge. solo s Ugn tour the It WllUam Of Mr. t ta ������Eii·=::::::=::=::=:��.�.�.::::::=::�:=:=-�=:::=::�::�.���:�::€t��� third floor! Defend yourselve8' Benrly Sl"enJnpon, Ag Olvls. tenor., was outstandJng. It you'll knowewby. REPORTERS-LoI8 Erekv;a.m, Sheldon Brooks. e ) � seems to me thAt we sball bear Homecomlng'was concluded in a Altbougb thl8 week was rull of �:�:�:�: �!I-b�r�s�ro�� Ca.a:��H'!,ro::; =I:: ��k. mor ot tbls young man In the role m08t betlttlng manner tor South traditional te8tivltle8. the tradlUon· lene Baker, Myrna Berg, Tom Reeves, Wally Berton, BrIan Price, of ae8010 artl8t. Virginia McWaters. Hailers on Sunday enning. Devo- al birthday party cannot be neglect and Dave Englund. soprano. was particularly effective tlon8 were led by Mrs. Ted Karl on (Continued on Page FoUr) I In the song ''Mother'' tram "My Maryland." M :'i.,Darwln. who I. manWhere Were You Saturday Night . . . 1 ager ot the co P9Y, showed amaz­ A lon g With (he many laurels bemg heaped on our Homecom Supercilious Sneer . ng ablllt� tor 10Dl phr&!ling wblcb mg chairmen and workers. we Wish to add our own However � e revea ed in �e rendition ot Nordqul.t · Carl.trom with (hiS. we also must give a verbal lashing to all those who did .. Southearted Men Two two·piano not attend the Saga Benefit Show accompaniment was particularly de· To whom it may concern : NordQuist and Carlstrom, writers of tripe. ThiS was the one event on campus thiS past weekend that fell lIghttul. Both pianists com IIm ent. woefully short as �ar as·a turnout IS cO ncern ed ; .and through no ed the school on the flnePlnstru. exponents of extra·currlcular acUvlties. and masters of the waated hour. . . , fault of the entertamment. But the pecuhar thIng IS-JUSt as many ments we possess and many memo COUldn't tlnd the time to generte tbe effort required (or a Supercilious people were missing from (he dorms that night as had been for her!! of the company lauded our Sneer. Like our draft boards told us at the beginning of tbe school year, however, "You'lI hear from us again." the Coronation or the game. stage and auditorium. Just one more thing. peasants, we offer our bearts' blood (S.S.) for I f this program had not been for such a worthy cause, this One oulstandlng observation was would ant have been so importan t . But as it now stands. the th e manner In which the enUre com· a mere .token, 'but" as yet the " S" box In Old Main remains empty. Why the literary lethargy? Ail that Is required Is twenty·five words or leBs Saga staff must think of some way to raise several hundred more pany projected the singing through· dollars. If we would just realize that this is to enable all of us out the entire auditorium. This Is of why you like Supercilious Sneer. 'fo make this contest more attractive to receive our Sagas. perhaps many of our student body would feel unquestionably the evidences of to all we offer as a booby prize a vehicle of mediocre literary expression. South Hall Sojourn. Whoo Boy! a little red·faced inside. complete theatrical training. Bye, kldleys. see you In couple of weeks. And now we move trom the art of Besides this. they should also feel more than a little disgusted with themselves for missing such a really great performance. The entertainment to the art at mU8lc.

_ AN


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � _ _ _ _






. ._



....._._._ __

_ _._..

_. . _



._. _._ .__ _


. .__.



_ .._


_. _


._. . .

.... __









Alexander Brothers, along with Jerry Bayne, presented some of the most amusing and clever acts seen on our campus in a long time. As any one of the 1 5 0 students i n attendance might tell you. this show was b y far superior to any movie Tacoma might have offered. And, as is not the case with a movie. you do not get a second chance to see i t !


From T IS · En .I



. . .

"Street Salesmen" by Tom


a small city In the state of California whi ch looks Uke any Tbere 15

�-, !.

other modeI:Q west coast town durIng tbe day with the only possible excepUon being a crowd of wideeyed people who line the sidewalks waJtlng tor the prominent to ven. ture past. The city baa Ita 81dewalks, aJley cats, mud puddles and garbage cans Just like any other. But &8 the sun goes down and the many neon Ughta are set ablue, some�lq. .trange happen8. A black clO&k. setUe8 over the lit, tle tUl1lln&: It Into a land ot ajlk8 and saUna. Tbe sounds ot little children Pla71nl hqpaeotot. 0 v e Bun.baked -chalk m a r 11: s are DOW drowned out bJ' the roar otJet b�k .cadUlus. swooping cb"nl upon the pe9ple 1D: & aucoe••tul attempt ,.t r

...S Impr.eulD.&' all lD •.Jgbt....hp�p.1g

basketa are _119" ucbanged for bereta and �k c:J,.uaea .. the ,trange tran.tormaUon .takea place lD this tiny secUon of oW' laDd. Hollywood I. nothln« more th&Il a post ottlce .D.b-etat1� aa tar .. the U. S.· Gol"ernment t. concerned. yet to the mlDda of miWoD8 ot tan. from Tacoma to TIm--Buck·Tu It· t. the m'etropollJ of!:«l1tter and gOld. Burpu8e4 perhaps onlY b7 the ndlance ot the 'French Riviera. . It ."u on the OOI1ler ot Third and Vine where' 'we 'saw a BIgbt th1J summer we' coUld never foraet. N1), It waan�t the mocktn& waye of a petO:r1ded. 'cfaII"dma .. BIle " �


her convertible In!.o another one, nor was It one ot tbe Immense theatres which border tbe gaping boulevards. It was a young, well�ressed man who stood In the mlddle'of the street, a Bible In ODe hand, scream· ing to the passing throngs of the

e b O ;:s:�;��y !e:r �.�': at t�:t:u:. wh'y don't be get offa the street." WhIle being Irritated at the word mauler we wondered It the lAst part of his sentence, if carrIed out, migbt not be better. And yet-. Waa Ws the way real eTangeU8m was car· ried out? Was the 81dewalk aamarl. tan doiDg more harm than good! Proverb. 8 : 4 states, "Unto you, 0 men I call," but was it to be In tb1a way! The other da,. we beard a PLC girl l��b at. the rldlcalou.�ess of being saved. . What tna ot en.ngeIIsm would help her tee the truth ot the CbrlsUan faith! �t t7Pe of evangeUsm could k1I1 the eT1l which pecka at oW' 8l"e17 wo� and th9ugbU It the Jew � hard to con· Yen to l.!Ut Cbrlat1aD1lJ' th1Dk bow mucb harder to k&eh the churchborn. It makes one thlnJ: . Ie the Word of CbrIot to be undolr a tont. In a tower1ni" cathedral. In. a aJeepftlled chapel. on _ wIDd.7 .treet corner or �rhap. on and In all four! What :d� J'O_u �nltt "If there were only twei�. bellev· IIll' Cbrl,U&DJ In ·the world. but each beUel"8r won at least OBe other eacb ,.ear. It 1J'ould take leu, �. the llteUme of Jes11l, uit.rty.� ,,,e&ra. to CbrlstianJze the t�o bjlll�", or more '&QuIa in the world... (Dybvlg " Faith � AcUonr',) .·" , ....






anticipating the concert to be given by the world·famous celllst, Joseph Schuster, on December first Here we shall find no catchy tunes or theatrIcal maneuver8, but rather

the concentration on the great mu· sic of Haydn, Bach, TscbaJkowsk:y, and Schumann, as it Is expressed �through the beauty ot tbe cello and plano. Here will be an opportunlty to hear some at tbe greatest music played by one of the great masters ot hI8 Instrument The student body is to be con· e l S t ��::: ���o: � :�;�c�: �:�:.


AccordIng to ·the Spokesman·Re­ view, .8ome PLC student took 'out the tollowiO;g advertisement �n tbeir paper: "Help! Help! CalUng All Fog Me.k:ers," the ad pleaded in bold, black tiPe. �e need belp bacU,. .' Our oDly hope Is to fog up ,Memortal Stadium Saturcla7. �ant" ed-one tOI" maker to report to the PLC bench at' 2 p.m " Tbe Lutes upset Whitworth In dense Tacoma f('lg last fall to .poll &Il unbeaten SeaaoD. Uadefeated again, the Whits are favored Sat. arda,. but weather could make a difference. •



It Is : too earl,. to tell wbether IIother Nature might answer the a4Yertiaement. .-------

�he.. SpOkane_ 1[e&ther.bJlreau_A1d



(Continued from Pale One)

Thu.-..Y. · N"ov.mber lI: 6O--Campus DeYOtfOIUl, Tower

Chapel. 8:Zo-Alpha Pbi Omesa.

7 :oo-German Club. 7:1�V1kJq. Club, lri04. FridAY, November ' ,

II1d�,�mes�!. ·

L-104. .


. -�

. 7:oo-:-:-Xu Pbi Epsilon FOunders' .. . ' 'Day' Banquet. ·bGQuet· room.

No Mooring M'a8t.:,· ,

•. t.


:: .l -!. .' '


.. . :

._ .

S{unt-�'9k" b� Walt Ball

PLC Trounces Lutes M"t :.-..... WeStern 7-6 at pira.l. ";'s· SaJ. ".;: � u a H mecomzn no g '

......... 4

Pacific Lu theran Whitworth





Puget Sound

... 4

Central Washington


' 108






By J. Ck H. .y....


Time once again to take a look around the EYergreen Con·ferencA. No drastic upseta, but one close scrape-down In the Lincoln Bowl. ..


Friday. Noyember 5, 19M


Game or the Week. this paat week

was when tlrat place North Hall (,ocoDd) met 'ecoDd place Ivy Hall


T"hla weetend .. IT


The game tan on an even keel with A. to-,ard pall pI.,. from Tomm1 neither being ble to score unUI the Ollmer to Don Gaarder and Captain laat four minutes of the �Int , Frank Lancaster's lIuccellllful CODwben the North Hall (aecond) line nraion gaTe the heIne Lutheran broke through to block Jerry Poea- College Gladiators .. 1-6 Homecom. eel'. punt In the end Kane. The ball






:�dBuI:!:a�:�. ; ::��:::��� ��;


blamed that defeat on the fog, but I can't settie for that excuse. None of the scoring was done wben the ' tog was thickest and whatever part

Upperclass Girls DeEeat: Freshmen

collide to Spokane tomorrow the e

����� :: ���


�� �

- - Stiff List

an 1o.1de track to .ole po..euloa.

at tbe crown.


atter the ball along with a cottple earlier thlil week,

Ing eleven are back from the 1961

ca;ehampions' grtdJron ....

Captain Bud PockUnlton II at on.. halt. Two all·conference men fill the fullback &Del lett half position&Bob Ward. and Wayne Buchert, respecUvely. Ward

reeord. Also Wa 18

loob of

that g..o



�=;=ll ��S��� ;:::==========�f�.... .. . � . behind you. U, WhItworth 14. Good lack. '"Harabmen." e.,.eryoDe',





Ho�d. PI.. - 8teab .

- - ......

Open till 10 0; :-V"k � , Friday, 2:00; Saturday. _:�

�1 <*\ . 1 13"<_ Pcidflc� .;;' :..:'.




M ....... ndl.. .

Phon_ 'GRanite

" Parkland' r-



: .Iflc �

Four) PATIIONIZE OUR' ADVERTI..... - I!'I_- Sporting - H:�.;yr.:;:..; . � HARDWARE .... ' _ e r 8 F�OOR' COVERING -..c'. re 121ft and



FUEL ';0 -

,P"h�:pq�,_ : CCL •. •


oJ -1.' :' " .... & .... ".i " .,� ; ., -

·'l kaa'a. ·





bJg-6 feet, 196


ramble in open field running. Three

freshmen, Don Price of CloTer Park. Shanoon Sweatte, and Ray Enck· sen are

ttghUng for the quarter· backing dutieB. The Buc tine Is load�

ed with experience, speed, and heft. Spangenberg



guard lut year &Jld Larry Paradis wa


little all·American


with an AII·Conference player at

Just about e�ery pasmon, .It's eas1 to see why the Pirates are und&-­

teated. But here Is the catch to the w hole story. Whitworth has never

beaten Pacific Lutheran College In an Evergreen game!



Call it a Jinx or whatever

you Will, PLC has managed to come out on top every time.

every Whitworth player w1l1 be out on

that field Saturday, having In

.mlnd a notion to wipe up the netd wl·th Lutes.

Maybe I am walking the plank

when I say the Lutes are gOing


win, but I S&y Lutes 14, Whitworth 13. Good luck. Harsh!


NEAL E. THORSEN TRICKS - JOKES - MAGIC Coatume.. Tuxedo... Serpentine

The only other score of the game suab� concuasion and don the bulater on In the second Q.uarter. ketbaJ,l 'toga. . hi.d the bell The "Lutel didn't �utfer an.y upper their OW'll territory when sudden· lD-the p,rde with Wntern

D.ldoIIi Hot cWoIate

.� ";




, r




pounds-and he can get out

but It Is doubtful

�r clua glrlJ their Homeoombic weekend. But most of all �th., )njurI88 ' feel the ItfnI of humWaUoD from a "":",. around the end came (not . jet and are UpKted to be at fDli Tiew, does It! But I 'I'�. a1tu&Uon doem't, look .,.ery cood from our rom KeChon!) but Koille Wetton . atreDCth' for the "'bl&' one" 1D 8� don't care, l plckect the Lutes to Iud on top of the EYercreen Conference fCI.l'rJ'1na stl... '.. ' " \ ' U the b&U for the B . 1 �1 Seore!-PLC etanc11rap and DO ODe�., colD& to teU me that they IIoIC1" Monle .tarted around riCht end aDd. er&l

to be champa. They want to ltart c� the

they are l ElIM ot their .tart�

frosh baeb. The defensive star, whether he will haTe contact work. Denn:y' may retlr6 from Ws Cogburn, pounced on the ball out� much yeL the football Icene becaUie of h1a side tlie end SOD. tor two polnta. le.,.-

field and Whitworth has neVflr defeated PLC on the football probably IIp&re nothing lD tIlelr attempl They hal'e certain almoat are tha1 win th1s one, they reaaona to be keyed up.

year they will


Wbl�worlh a decided tavorite tor the came and It', DO- wo,nder


luck:;r about


Last year's game with Jim Lounll· scoring opportunity. With fourth erry's Whitworth Pirates was noth· and four, PLC was penalized to the b lng short of a miracle. Virtually where Tommy CampbeU's pus to

The upperclass " BusUing BUBUes" 9 weather conditions played In the outcome of the game neither team was girls' football team came through Ray Christianson fen Incomplete to afforded any more ot an advantage or hindrance than the other. 8-0 count over end the threat. course, Wbltworth was the strongest team In the league but the Lutes 011 the long end of an Girdles" were certainly not outplayed that night. After 59 mln\iltes of terrifically the freshmen "Galloping the annual in morning Saturday the for attempt hard fought football the Pirates scored, but missed the Puff Bowl game. extra pOint. Then, with less than a minute to go, PLC recei1'8d the kick· Powder It was a hard fought battle with off and little Frank Karwoski showed why he had played four years ot This week's stltt llst doeso't In· 'Varsity ball for Marv Harshman. Frank returned the kickoff to the mid· both teams displaying good offenses clude any new faces, good defensive (eams. It wasn't and the to camed who Homestead, Dale to passed he Then stripe. field Big "Cousy" NordQ.uist is expect. Quarter I Whitworth ll·yard line. This, for the benefit of some doubters, was not until early In the second In couple of that the game fInally broke and the ed to 'return to aetlon this week. a lucky play. Homestead had to turn around and go back a hopes that he wJll be able to play yards to catch the ball, As far as I can remember, Dale was not gifted upperclass glrlB scored. Their first ankle the Satorda1. safety, whfch re- by game Ume with X-ray or fog vision eyes, and I think that Whitworth defenders pOints came on a saUing the doesn't expand properly, Phll will could probably see the ball as well as he could. He broke loose and got suited from the center heads, have to take another reat "on the r e v 0 backfleld'a ball hit Karwosld plAY, TD the came to the 11 betore be was stopped. Then end Jean Cogburn, ot the bench" thJs wek.�nd. Jim Ball in the end :lOne as allck as a whlsUe and there was nothing Right Icramble to back Dennlll Rodin wlUi tumID&' out that ; the P1rates just couldn't do auythlng about iL ' Ron older 'lQ.uad, raced

BllUDK'1 detenmna.tloo In kicking the astra point proved the I-point gin.of victorY.. How can 70U call th1s!


IDoer will walk ott with _ . tie f�r the championship and

leut a

-iad.. The Wh1 " �" ";�' �I�out a dou� hltl'&. the strOnl'eii b&ckflifct'fa..-oi. leque�



football ••800. PLC aDd WhJtwortb.

v:u :�� ::: :: ;': ! ;:': ::;: that

vlcto17 over tbe Western Washbouoced out ot the end son8 tor IL In&tOD VJk1ng.. Eastern Washington ..._...._. _. 1 76 26 lately. Thil was the' secoQd close Western Washington .......... 1 13 73 e U O game In a"'row that North Hall (sec· BritIsh Columbia ..... ............... 0 18 99 f t ml d C on�) took th8! lead' 00 a ·satety. pasll to JIm t& u_� '<XU .. Howenr, Ala" Arter having a rough Ume a-Inst Central two week, ago', CPS eThe remainder ot the tlrst �� el'.! pol�t�alter·touchdow� at� � �.!.:....""' • ..!, <!;, OouuUu. .t. �."!� �'! �� +�',�enJlti, Q.t Udt.\,,� .('p,�. . tempt went""wiCltj:"or 'ia,,"fr'6rrllt6i: ··., cODunueci as Ue teat ot the season; 46-6. At the rate J..ogger backs were tt scoring, other than the lIafet1. The PLC took the ucc ;din« 11:.1 k0 age, even the beJ;lch �uld haTe wound up with a t•.lr. ruBhlng average second half again saw the pla1 al· and .lDoved .64 y s .o pay d rt in for the game. The Logger coach reportedly "was all •smiles" after the ternaUng sides with no ami The p y e tlo ed e afOr game. Keep smiling, John. e eould not leam to score.·Wlth e ng r pass e Central Washington downed the Eastern Savages, 21-13, while the 20 secon'ds remaining in ,the game, big gainer In th . e rive. Whitworth Pirates went out of conference to Linfield and came back Gerry Larson threw a nat pasB that Near the end of the first half with a 41-13 victory. was Interceptad on the 6-yard.Une GIlmer Intercepted a Randall pa88 h � and rambled back to the Vik 41. He Homecoming tor the PacifIc Lutheran Gladiators was almost a dis­ then passed to Gaarder for 30 more aster. The Lutes didn't seem to be able to do anything right. but then with 10 second remaining In the yards to t� 11. With seconds left neither did Western. By rationalization we might come to the conclusio.l league, Ivy Hall took the lead, 6-2. In the halt Gilmer fUmbled the pass that the boys deserved a breather, but maybe not such a big breath, eh? Ivy Hall kicked off to North Hall f ;om center and the Lutes could not However, there Is still a zero In our lost column and that's all tbat counts. (second ) . who ran it back to the r get off another play. Condolences to Bud and Dwaine after coming so close to "money." 35 yard line of Ivy Hall. With one Both teams threatened In the secBut they will manage somehow. play left In t b e g a m e, Dwaine and half but neither could push the Brandt faded back to pass. The en. P'LC WESTERN ball over, Western moved to the Well, here's the big one. Plenty of things can be said about this tire Ivy Hall team dropped back In PLC 15 In the third quarter but the pass aefense. Seeing what Ivy Hall clash but here are some of the things that come to my mind. big Lute line held on downs. First of all, I can remember last year at this time. t don't know how had done, Brandt elected to run, and An Interception return by Gilmer many of you e,'er saw the press release handed out by Whitworth Col· made It all the way down to the Lutes yard line before be was stopped. to the Western 31 set up the lege last season, and I am not trying to be sarcastic when I mention It. their Initial second half threat, for etrect, the article stated that Wllitworth was about to tlnlsh Its first Thus the game ended, with Ivy Hall Western held for downs and took <Continued on Page Four) undefeated football season and was willing to accept any post season over on the 29, bowl bids, providing they could break evel1"financlally. As we well know, Gilmer's brilliant punt return to they didn't finish that season undefeated because they ran Into a stub­ the Viking 10 handed PLC another born Pacific Lutheran team that Just wouldn't Quit. Some people have 64


t r at our

Lute, .... "'Deemed tor the 1864

·'(our. Fpel Oil & . �ppliance Dealer

Phone QR. IUJf


Open "�}��!:!7.1 A.ccoulif . : . :,



Page "our

INtRAMu ' RAL __• • _ , .' ,

-::- Essay Contest To

"rld.,., November 5, 19M 1(00: t.ariy R..

,.. ""t. DIIaIl. _ . �__..

.... ..nw..., ".� .

IS De£emuCr .. ... "

r .

(ConUnued' from




-A�.I.:ifY -.l�'.;.t'";;';;;. ::--:: � the week_ That lcore &pInTacoma 18. IvY Hall O. ot

Ae the leacue Ie drawfn« to a cloae, 1 think It Is only rUtin" that recoA'nltion be . gtven to the main-


Hsf the mainstays. The1 are as


North Hall (.econ�) ' 'p w a I n e BraJl'dt, Gerry Larson, iflck Kent,

Dan Rose.

Ivy Hall ' Bu� Lesler, Jerry Poen.





: =======, r==:=::::::::= . _ Hi-Ff � __ ...... I �...... .-r."


and girls gathered In the RecreatIon ad






lParkiand JewelerS, Watch , and CICJck Repairing 131 Garfl,I" (Jt. partdand,Wn. L .L �I.. prop. .

tIj, FI�w... (6;





' . GIl; 7

, 1M1 VlSllJ; CO. i.�iiii iioo """ "",. -". ,��ijo,;.;" $ '1<" ,� . ,"' .,)co 0 ••11 ... • ... .., Ind' CHi/iii "









Tb ire8hin n did p . nt to. .�th8! on-::dr!ve �d 80 t the

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or- iU


re Ul;p:

.. QUArterback


tIi · ;:





L " � ..- cw .;:yr.... � CGat.i "eilill", Cloiii MRa. WHI'I'E

. --�.�.�� -'�JI'rI�-lf�"�"�';'��. "�.;;�--�� �'�:;� :i,�- �ioit�P.�II6�·��tiI'�Pth�IJi.t�·�"�JIIIrl7 11 ..

'- .

,- '� " SHiP , =::t.n::t:t:'I'j!:�t.' .. ms SifOE ' the �k •• e ! on dOWDL " •DOarJnC Noriwi KillDPka driv.. conneeted with .lier .."Ia on tIii.e



ero.. the 1M! J1De I.r aIx pointt, iroOr hid ali wi� -tliii6f lb' pJa:r failed In oI!ier d&1, tlioimi Wt II PiIiOOii Tbe mra point c iD ....t 0'; iIIIlfIOf iIio�. click ud the '<On! remained 1Hl .. iiiie d�k_ Btrance company you' th� tint half end� Tbe _ hIIIt ...., • back and ',,* lAt1tIy, CrrI. ! I!YJoiIIi HiirfiiD WI tl_ ,"tit, lorth batU� between til. two """"



HomecOinIncJ EliioyecJ


� O :




41& Ill11 ========����llI&tlono. GIIrfliiIlt It:




===::=:=::=:::=:====llf=':�:=7=::=��=9 �::=:JEWELl.!" FIf .,IeII' )wer:s QIFT8



for cooked to order DeLuxe Ham­ burlere FI.t\ and Chlpe SANDWICHES HOT DOGS o H.m......d. PIe. HOME.MADI! fth 4 PacIfic T. m N.W � : = :;;: = = � = = = :::;= .=' II F .= =========== II ' NOW RtS1mS Dn .,.. , C' "D-S Upperclais Girls Win Imprinted with Your_ Nun. GROCERI>;8 - MEATS from the Fine« VEGETABLES RED CHI!tlaTEN8EH F Garfield at. Parkland Stationer , Ave.



dy w e r e t b e goodies, roOmmate ' wbo didn't come Net,

:Joyce Puttert the hostese.

M.g"a"OX �o����at Webcor �n e TED BROWN MUSIC 11 21 Broaciw." , I Tacoma'. Record Headquarter. F=======;'


I Many visitors ,.,.re seen through , ...


was songfully greeted by the strahls omore glrla were bappy to lee many of "Happy Birthday." Cake a:nd can· I of the nursing Itu4elltl and triends




da)' nJ,bl Fresh chocolate Cake and

Some of the frNbmen �rls .eem Thought for today : "Man1 a man ' to be rather' destrucUn at t!mee. who Ie proud ot his rlA'ht to say a� Ho wabout tbe Q\\,art or fruit that ot lJle he pleasel, 'A'ishee be had the cour· was knocked oo:t or I tourlh floor w1ndowl Tu .da1 after.�e to do so." 'f �:': 'N-:,\��'� I J nO<!n 1 .- . r , . --tt . � ' ..... •Of>-AdnDC";'" "'::��::-l'r.!lM ' '':1 ' ' .ow ClII �", HCft'ttI Tacoma : 9f11 :Jofi"Dlon, I � :� thl.a put .., keDd li (lii:iJ.l!, . •S 1);, ROW everyone �e. Ken Gjerde. DIck � StUd l.. of the Jobns HopkIn. Unl· over a lull haa paaed O1'8r the ole! . to read a« a t n. I think . studeuta veral l1 In Waahloston. Fluteru P&!kland: Rftebie Hema, Enryone 1e now t.ry1n&' (0 butJdJni TlW:lbei to a Ihould e able . th r ke b t . aya lubmJtted will be JudA'ed Eis y let.t vlng vacation early so there would catch up n the �tti��a.. the b1 & committee of SD: nationally &1 behInd last weel:. �,. are at. SCOTeS for the t;a..t week were ' be a chance to recuperate alter own n men lnclu Sloan Jobn � cl1 . are Ivy Hall 6, NOrth Halt (second) !. )m qulte a few preparlnl' for the testa Jn at Dartmouth Homecom g. I noticed D f c II: e y. president Ineaktng up on us lowly but ItIf'&. , DeJardh;les. Western ,. o Not DIsturb" signs hanging on ,, Collfge, Robert D. Murpby, Deputy "D / y l . North Hall (secotld O, CloTer ' . l UDder-Secretary ot State. and . Lt. doore . There was a lIttle e eep lost We wl.b to oller our con_tula· Creek 6 . eekend. U you were to over tbe n aro com· ull, (ormer e d B \R. l H . G tIons to the Homeeomlng chairmen ) Tacoma 2, Ea.te' " 0 (Iorfelt . add them up, you'd have qulte a sum ! mandllnt of the NaUonal War Coland their committees for the WOll'Clover Creek 20, N e r t h Halt of dragging feet and bags under the lese. I de uI Job tbey dId to make our (thttd) 18. eye.. In Dulle" Secreta,.,. a State 01 omecom nr one ot the be.rt 19 , DeJanllne 2, Ea.tern 0 (forlelt). l -4 R There were even a tew scholars statement which accompanied the yet. North Han Wret) 6, Western O. who had their homework done tor North Hall (tlret) 24, C l o v e r �onte8t announcement said: "I hope Monday. this con test wtll produce CODstruC' Creek 24. Ray Magnuson seems to be very North Hall (third) 18. Tacoma 0, tve and helpful publ1c thinking on going Into room now. It Dear PLC Classmates : careful Central Barracks· 18. North Han a matter ot Importance to all Amer- seems that one door he opened was Everyone who attended bomecomleaos," (firs t ) 12. eupporting a cup ot water. Rather ing last weekend had a wondertul Student3 constItute one ot tour Ivy Han 12, Nor,th Han (third) 6, l time and saJd It was certainly good dampenlng experience. categorles of entrants outlined In Tacoma 18. Ivy Han O. b lson and Warren Meyers to see an at yon. They want to thank Central Barracks 24, North Hall the contest announcemen t. Other extremely healthy. Mue t be tbe you tor making them teel like a real ctltegortee embrace f o r m e r and (second) 2 4 _ nana ream pie. part of PLC again. -c Tbls week ended the first round. present State Department and ForHa een wae here again. Was Our Lutheran Student Aesociav u In the second round the top four elgn Ser ice personnel. personnel ot It ever .. Roommate and I are stlll uon elected off1cera on Tueeday ( teams play among tbemselvea and other goTernmental agenCies, and wonde.r1n« about a rather frighten- October 25. PLC EmanueHte8 rep-' the bottom eu: play among them- competen t penons other than !hoae Lng villtation last Su da y eveDing. resented &8 officers were Marilyn n In the IIr8t three categories. A total seI ee. Ther e were. atudylng llke earn- Lutt, vice preSident, and Esther T at sa.8S0 will be awarded In prlses �� , n n t when t h e r e was a Edlun:d, secre ry. Carol Hansen after tbe contest cloees December : � : ! oc� o e d . we made the Kn1edle, who, was a PLC frosh In 15, 1954. TJie contest was originally . I mistake of not astlng the password 1952-53 and Is now a nursing tuto have closed October 15. an juat .ald ".coxp,e In.'' N e v e r dent the dIploma program II ur d rull details ot the cont8lt may be ' n be �,ulIng ban.hee. bave prealdent. . by _Ung to the Forelp ag,u . T obWned nothing O ,r _ t UtUe e . � , ? P th .a T4e "Lutheran YOUD.« Adulu" of � Service JonrnaJ, C ntest ComDlltpiu Ln s ed n e to ag- the PQrtlIUld area will oieet Rentee 19 I _ W WUblDg- m li .• ure ant W'� �e_��rnaturaf. cr �- bard :hall here .t Emanuel' on Nt> 08 G street. . ton, S. D. C. e - !. tures were lappolea to repre8ent vem ber 12. w�. are bUlY plllrinllll I Looked .'n l ;;" m.; llie t .trat. nelli ln· I ALi " • ft. ,..!rQluDeDtt and mu.lca enterta ' eee '�Jij"� stua,ent. � ed .plrtt of, tb � .Ii t� merit for Wi Prosram. OVft . t�r un the head-horror e ' an� ten b t 'We re' looking forward to SHin« (ConOnued. trom Page Three) 8etect seelD.« sbe couldn't get tar that way. that QOvernor L&n$lHnia.1t1 110 trfcl- all of ou at e pp 1 - ceremOny , q. ire nl on Sw:iaaj. 0n cut back to her lett and dowu.tleld campUl �� r 6. t32 PaclflQ : did ' e te ed to out-fake and out S e ;:: n l1 tI h P.I'OCeed The = IIIiDb o = : = ;: = ::; iOurtii -;::.;= :; :; :;:; run the enUre !re.lunaD aqoad to ' A cOuple 01 tit. IIfla /foal ;;

Orton Dewitt.

stays of the teams'. Everyone npt �a1te the a11-star team, 80 1 wUJ


lounge. On the pretense of picking our baUs durinl the past weekend . up ber. wa.h l ng, LorIa OJ80n w.. F .bm.n «1rl. bad theIr Irtend� persuaded to come downltairs and trom borne wblle man1 of the soph­



e T'\Iio) ..

on that &Ccouo"L Alter Monday lee cream were ed u retresh. e�enJng's concert. a group of bors i me nta! NOt' lOo good. were they?

(Continued from Pap Three) I.A.':n1 MlklileckJ. .lack Sfnderion. upaettlnr North Han (second), 5-3'. Lane. Students Interested Ie InternaWesterit' Parkland: Jacli Hennen, One otber game I think delerYes BOb tjona) allah's now bave up until r recokDltlon I. one wber. l?y HaD Cb�ck Geldater, Stn !\lo ton, December 15 to lubmlt essa1S In did not fare too well. Tacoma out Rd41n. the Foreign Service Prise Clo"l'er Creek Han: Don za:rndt. e. deto Jut place team In tb'� le Elsay Contest. It 'waa announced fealed the tben leading IV}' Hall Denny Rots, Ray Nel1fOU. toda1. Central ear-racts: Jolm Huber, team, 18-0. Bill Johnson was tbe big I Tile essays, to be. written on "The gun for Tacoma, passing two p&sses Stan Pawley, Chuck M;iI�ust, Jrm . OrranIEat}oa' of AlIlerican Represen_ . P oore tor touchdownl to Don KTamme, North HaU (tint): €tyde Oed&. tatlon AbrOd.d�' �ay win tor a stuand one touchdown paSl to Dick Shober«. dent alii' to '1 , 00 or a tun fellowae not the Bob Stub:J:mJUer. �wn. _Altbou«b .tble , a� ,T�e ' � -: . . . .' '''_' ', ��, amQWUlnA' to



R y Sctrwari:s: DeJardlnea: Iver· Eliason,


Dorm D0;n'5

Be Helei" Dea'dJolne

North Hall (thlnl) , �Y Reop, nowell Haellele, Gordon Cbrl.uaa.

.u � '" ;:'''-'!IH bllOlCIII





.1. _Jd '

f.jei �"".. . •. Lc.a .... .


1i'�oN ��a.. lit · ' 1"" � A..-



.1t P fIo A�V" to .mUeh" �� \h� hei.!. aI7O� _I T� "", maln,lloaloki . :: ;:;;;;i ::: ::;;MA. ��� ��::::::::.:;�ao�,.I===:: === = = � � = == � == ==: 1!; eouJdD't ' -- � :5== �-d. :: �ee ��=.:= �:::=�:::: f Plf "' lf y_; AtIMIIn� 10"; IF�����§������ Sot It �taIned ve, Service . . '. .� ft18ctden�� Meh�s & JiHle e� ow· "-W Je. au ..... ...;, .� 1�· Ifat · ._ teail tlNfii7ec1 I ui. �- II"� ,,":I�----� + Parkland Center Bldg. G� � .. �� lloa · Ie ettod au••

MeB't iVp kaPt _::::w��Purta IF����� �iii;;;;i!n�� � � ii irii iiiii ii iiiii iiii;i �� ii � iii� ii iii iiiii I �.�����r for u... tioab· .... ur. _ tM.t tbQ' __ to drin so� to crou lutq pa;J � ; -rbo ' __ pm


t t M tl E .�C1 E A N E R S · .. .�fIE.;DAY; SERYlCE



pall_ or In the froah. ...-

_. .


tire.-" a�ything f�t ,1tt l:a8

W their 0,", o



The nppelClUO' ... bith' m&ln. • team victory w ith blocItJng un otrenalTO p r. y • n . l!ireDil" al\rtt. MIRih I.. to ""

�i 0;-'


! .boIIf �:� fti.e !at fn>ah � :m;.'ii' lf Ibe:dli

qVEING , .� .

Poc:IfR. ;'�H.

. • '

M�� on _ .

G!'ailtoi "ilia

�,yOll .� � ' Uet-., pr�griimi, cards!, ribbo.� r-' ",;_ .... .' � . .I . tic:tc6fI:; etc. '. " 1IIat'. .. r;-.... GR..... 'MO"

INM....... ., . ,.

i!ii ; a; ; � ; � ;; ;; ;; ;;;� ij � � � � �




LaCr888e � Prinre", :i�,'-:erplt,;��·-:.°!!t PRINTERS ;'011 YOu� � , . P);IIRUND. Cfl:NTRE . . P N R . ·W.. f'n.. x .... �..iiiiiiai....aa....................� ; .. �;A;; �·�· .=� =·��· ·�·=·�MMiRi I ...�........ =·�.=� . :.. · .. K LA;;�D�II"P?* � T - .... · ��·:� ri. P• ' ". • .. . .;·��· �· A���..�.·�..� . ,

get dirty"





= -�





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ot tt

. ·...




LrdUl' 'lire' Mooring Must �::::��':::" l J r.h S h t C ' IIT' I " : ���¢1:�;"�, �ti�?Eff.� 1 8!�Frext Ptciyr,ceu;""�u�f ' :'" II �� �





Sal ter bee. k Is



De.. CoII ...ue.. S'udento,


period of ho.pltal lzatlon ahead wi " be greatly a�prec:lated. The many kindne..u 'n the tion beld on the Seattle Unlnrslty form. of flowera, card., glfte and Campus on :Sovember 13. I Oo r . over the early Marly. 18 & JUnIOr, In VlkJDg Club. nc L.S.A.. L.D.R .• F.T .A.. and Jut year We have placed our tru.t In a She co ea God', mercy and compa..lon. H e m M u:,:: ;e; o �UrB. will carry us over this deep, wide The convention Included. d15oUB- ! valley and reunite us again. sion commltteell on the Local F.T..A. 1 Then we will walk In our way Chapter all a profes810n a.nd/�r 10- ; securely and our feet will not oi&1 group, or,anJlaUon and prom e r the lord will be our tion of high lehool F.T..A. Caap n.

Washington Association ot Future

Teachers ot America at a conven-



� ��



I � ��:; �:�:



chapter crowth of membenblp and


of ru-nd., and Wa1'8 and meG8 of broadening one'. educa I


tional preparation.

PLC lltudents attending we r e:

M.unce FInk. Willy Lathro•• M.r·

Iys Salterbeck, Ellen Henry, Bar­

bar. Brewer. Ruth S.ther. K.thryn Oulbauaeu, Delorel Beck. Mn. Mary

Jean Payne, Larry Peterson. and


Theodore SJodiil�.




Rus81an mUllcal world, �e pve a

reclt41 before the elite of St. Peten­ burg-with

After the Rua.r'n revoTuUon, bJ.

fa.m.lly toolr.: him to .Berlin where he _

continued hie musical studies at the


Hoebtlchule fur Muslk. On gradua·, Uon. he was a.saJgned the Post of

solo 'cellJst of the BerUn PlWhar­

monJ c, a post which had formerly

Yours sincerely, M r. and Mr.. H• M. Axfor d

been occupied. by Gregor P!atigor­ sky. He remained with the Berlin

Philharmonic unOI 193'4, 1L!hen his objections to mtier 4; Co., decIded


him to lean Germani and come to

New York. HIs New York debut wae a sensation. "Mr. SchUster atlrred a


� year It Is to 'be at the University ot . .... . .... .... .... . .... .... Frld�, November 18 Arllona in Tuscon.

8: OOFaculty Wives meeting,


Knorr's 1I0me.


said the New York TIm. th nut


Karl lsi the speech activities

.co-ordinator tor the

Phllharraonlc Solol.

Club), RoUerbowl, So. Tacoma. sona.

Saturday, November 20

7 : 3G--Cborus Party, SUB.

7 , 3(}- PI.y NIght. Gym.naslum.

Sunday, November 21

3: 00.5 : OO-Sta(f and Maintenance

Immediately invited to· become solo celUst ot the New York. Pbll­

program and

9 : 30 - 1 2 : 30-Roller Skating (S k i left this past Wedne'Bday tor Art·

lO : 00.2 ; 3�-H Conference, SUB.

Ericson accompanIed them as they lett In the school 8ta;.ton WB.!OD this

�� :t �:. PLC

momJnc and are expected to return

harmonJc Symphony, Schuater held thIs post for a number ot S8asODII,

Joseph Schulter, world cel ll .t, will appear on o.,r HCond Lyceum Series concert December fl�

Those competin« trom PLC are Judy Bureker, Connie Hustad, Ruth

Heino. Shirley Busehlng, Btew and Tom swlndland. Mr.



newed storms of applause tore1n« some dosen reealI.. OTattOlll eon­ Unued. throu«hout t h e eventng,H

The annual Western Speech As·

soelation Forensics Tournament Is be held November 2Z-25.


aeemili&lT cOD� taming enry 'centet of hereaboots ,to expreslIlO1lI1 ot deUgbt. the re­

At T U C s o n to

Studied In Berlin

PLC De bators I To Compete I

Glasoun9v accompany·

Ing him at the plano.

Coronation of

PLC Lucia Bride Set For

I December 10 hi

appearing under such conductors as W a I t e r. M.1tropoulos,


It has been said or Joseph Schu.

Rodzinsld. Resolving to devote him·

ter that In hJs hands "the ce110 be- self to the concert work fop wblch comes the instrument with a soul." he has always been In such demandr


ThIs is one more wav of saying Schuster left the'" New York Phil· harmonJc for' nation-wide appear­ what music c r I t i c s throughout A solemn ceremony with burning representatives ances In recital and as sol01st with America, South America and North L highlight the wUI ucia candles .the of event .' are , entered In each our major orchestras. ml Monday, November 22 toutnamenL Those fields are: ora- Bride Festival to be held Dec. 10 In Europe have been saying about the South American tours hlLve gained 6 : 45--Prayer Servlce, .t Tower tory, extemporaneous. Impromptu, the Upper SUB. This festival Is an eminent cellist rr:. llome ;,-ears now: him the reputation of "One of the Chapel. Id Swedish tradition. that "Joseph Schuster is a master discussion, and debate. greatest i6strumentaUsts 0 f 0 n r 7: 1�I.C.C., L-I04. Each class and club ma;,- select of his Instrument" (New York Sun, Ume," according to one ruo . De Ja 7: 30-Kappa Rbo. Kappa. Anton any girl a.s candidate for t:ucla Ja.n., 1949) ; that "Schuster Is one ot Detro critic, who continued, "The John80n's bome. Bride. A queen and two attendants the moat llstenable ]of �l celUats audience retuaed to let the ceWat 9 , O(}-Pi K•••• Delta, eMS-liZ. .re chosen. Entertainment .nd • •nd certalnl7 on. of the IIneo." (AI· . . . on. of the mo.t eoDiplot. 'TuCliday, Nov. 2S so�gtest will also be a part of the bert Goldberg In the Uls Angeles arlJllts we lla;ye eTer Hstened to . . • 12: 3O-D.R.G. Cabinet. Da;,-room . Times, Oct., 19 48). W I t)l aDDU&! extraordinary. program. " 2: 50-Lettermen, M·I09 . TMs coming Tuesday the � in Scand1navtan food will be serVed coasHo-coast concert tours. �ppear1 New L• 2 : 0o-Dorm. Au 1l1aT}' No. I, Rev. Old Kaln are l1l'Yited to the Spar. tor re,freshments. The, festival Is anees with le&dJng lI:rmpbouy- or Ne.. Rev. Molter'1 1001 No� Monroe. aponaored "Sln&1ai PoJ' Part7 at , sponsored 'b;,- Spura. The girls wtll cbeatraa both here and abrc:.d &D� Rec,DtlJ, � soloJ.t Coffee Hour, N. H. Lounge.

7 : 00 - Lutheran Student Assocla· tion, SUB.




Spurs to Sponsor Papama Party in Old MaeIn Next T."' . .I....�r



.. 6:30--8pura, 4th Lounce. 9: 30. A.ll Birls are to ...t iii -·the I wear ScandInavian 6: 4Htudent CoUDell, ASB oft1oe. cafeterl& .t WI um.. ..heil COOkIea I evenlng.

9:O&--C:8;:A.-eouneU, ()Iubroom.


Nov. 24

with the s�

led by

'f'OtiQa. Th,


taTOrite son,8,

by. �rd& HWtUrd with rieDlD&' de-

6: 1 5 a.m.-Toutmutera. part;T wtil 12 : 2o-Tb&n.kagh1ng VacatioD be- Tbritqlvtng hymns. . gins.

:�O:be: � �:et":

h e :!��e� n � h ;:' R:b�� T�=;::: ::� :h��_ BENEFIT CONCERT

S flt



The Seattle S"'''plpe Sa.nd, 01 which Mr. Thompson w.. a memo ' ber, will preaent the program, alslate� by aololaU from the college.


' PLC. ChoruS PlannillC) .A.--.... H� ....... ne1iildJ(. DUl.l8di; fouJ:"ecf ; """""'-- - VUWWJ-- �-- ..

7 : 3G--Cont,Jrmation Clul, Roe' s. and punch will be served. 8 , 8o-T.coma I v I c Orche .tra. Tbe evenIng .rogram will begin Concert, (}:M S.


oaMa I






' usi

., ,.., •. wttb u.,

c ta. New Yodl; wttb that a recJta1 each Se&BOn In Town Hall. Friendli of M New York, 'Kr_ SchuatM Is ·acknow(· the BalUmore STlDPh0D7" R.e.m.aN.

edged by cri cs

Saul c.otoa ......

audiences Stewart coDd�t1Da: w� the' DeD-


Ume." -

The PLC Chorus is havln& ita &D-

with nual holld&;,- party tomorrow night,

November 20. at 7 : 00. The carl wlll


.Ilke to be "one of the to.,.ranltlng vor S7DI'�"". and moat popular 'celllats of our ducUnc. Schuater


h a s·


e8rr launls;- B1s- IMPl�

10 Los An.&elea In· OctetMr, lHl, Schulter Here December 1 the mWlic crtUc, tor the Schuster, whl) will be heard In re- prompted An«elee Dall7 l'iew� to: write, cttal here in the C.'M-S on Decem· Los can plaJ'l tor- Loe AIlSchuster Mr. ber I, a� 8:30. was born in Conatan- "


Marpret cmils, Spur pl'Ul4ent, leave sCh'?Ol at 6:30 (or Lutherland" Just as 10D&: ancl oftApl, .. he· Unople ot Russian parents. WheQ, geles explalu : "TbJs Is Just a ..t:-toPth- T�e workJng committees are : ed to llkes" - whJJe following' bia, ToO er for the atria tietore neatioD.. It l Food : Carolyn Hoogner, Darlene he was three hJs family ret of Janu&rJ, 19>69,_ ,Ollll, recital Ball wiU: do us &OOd. 10' pt .way tram Haugen. Barbara. Nelson and Stan- Russia where he received the great·

. tor. awhll.."-,


; will be, 8uppI1ed by Richard Benie,

I ley

Downes ot .the New. York' Timee,

entertainment er part of his musical educaUon. A chlld prodigy, he appeared freQ.uent.' Alden McKechney, Esther Elllk.80n Iy in publlc before he reached hJs COUPLES ATTEND TOLO SiZty�two couples attended. the an- and Janet Towe. HaJJ de<;oratlons teens. At the age o� ten he was planned by David Knut- h e a r d b;,- Alexander GIazounov, ....:.u nual fan Tolo held at ' Bethleh",,_m.a.being

our pacidDi




wrote :

"The flnIeh and a:race 01


Schuster's style as cernst aDd the warmth of bls tone comme�d him


Ahu.O now t0 an American girl Mr· � Lutheran ChurCh last Saturcfay. The zen, Laverne Stough, Dorothy pet- w h o s e Infiuence bro�t him a


his enthusiastic

public:: Married -

ter has one son, and In the C9me . �& sooolarshJ• •t th.. St. Petersburg f.cui ty memb rs .t endlng w e r e erson, nd Ordetta Bechtel. ' ......11" spends most ot Those attending are asked to give CODBQcvatory of MusIc. There he pany of his � M i s s Margaret Wlckltrom. Mrs' i estate 80t Danielson ! studied under .:.Josef Press. At 12. hlB summers OD hi. Idaho Nelson and Dr. and Mrs.. Schnack- their 50 cents to Delphine • ' Coeur d Alene. this evening. I having excited the att�ntion of the enberg.


, 1



'I. he Mooriq Mas.

Page Two


Friday, November 19, 1954

Dorm Doin's � � r. :

;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;r;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;�

PubUahed. evel'J' FrIday during the acho:ol year by Itudent8 of PacJfie Lutheran College. N'O W that II _ : s ar. flnally Entered as second class matter, October 2, 1952, a.t the Post Othce at over Ith, we can again commence When our foretathers landed' on In«- HoW' m&DY .t 1 m • • haTI .70U Parkland, Washington. to begin to write this newsy column. this conUnent' the had a touch rdw picked. up the evenilll' paper and Telephone GRa.nlte 8611 Oftj'ce: StudeDt Uwon ; Last week-end marked a very 1m- ah d ot them. hey were' bect - turned directly to the tunnIes with. Subscription pric�L50_ per year : ... , n port.&Dt ooe for many of the gtrlse1r Ilves anew I a ..... ..n e out ctvtng even a glance to what t_ w -..' It! was why, of course, the � \l[hat land-knowIng nothing of the la d McCarthylsm had accompll.hed or fall tolo. Throughout the varloua the naUve inhabitants the seuon� what Commuwsm wu undermin1D& floors you cou�� see t�e girls co� of ,the year, etc.; yet they" h&d a or how the segregaUon I18ue In the coctIng their shockln stockln, s, : faith In God such that, even with all schools W&lS coming &10Ill', Some were striped, some hand-kwt thel� hardships, they g a v e their I' 'menUon this as one of the • I argyles, others polka-dot and still � first fruits In a feast to Him on a thlnga we .muat guard against If we · others jUJlt mlxed,pp. Tbe tolo waa sglvlng. day set aside for Th&n.k are to conUnue having 'freedom and talr!y well attended a.nd · eVEll'1one Does Thanksgiving m e.,a n any· the life which goes with Jt to be seemed to enjoy themselves, Con, lk n o day r ed l e e I. coUld name other . � ... � : N � � .24. ,��ulauons, g�. to..Bev ,SvenI?gson ����e�le�_t ��...� � � � �� � � nT_ ' ti�� :>o r, but 18 ' ��t' �ii � : ;: :�'��: at ;iJ���; t ';; � b w' b;-a;-;n , tb�r�'i; � de In America, but -you �e conalanUy , been chost.n by our President to p�sent t�,e .'proposed Stu�ent for numerous birthdays these past mln,d! , CongregatIOn plan. Although nothlOg definite can be deCided couple weeks. Not , too much tood '�k at the blessIngs we are..en- being remInded ot them through that day; you �houl� be in attendance i!l , ord�r that you might waa consumed over the week ! ! Best joying every day-freedom to live many sources, so we'll eklp the, be able, to vote lOtelhgencly when the deCISion IS actually brought wishes are In order for Nat Ho, and let Uve., opportuwtles to deve�- repetition. Where w1l1 we find help I 0'Y61'before the student body, Donna Methe, Janet Wigen, June op ourselves to the utmost of our ? Doesn t God, Sather, lJz OmU, and Carolyn Hoog- capacity, a living standard beyond coming 'these forcest Remember-This involves each of us personally! very one to whom ,we give the the ot country otber any In compare 1 nero ,....----, , 'Second and ,thlt\! floors were also world today. Tbese are a part ot the thanks, abo give us a pattern for for us- llte� which when a person truly scenes at birthday parties, Solvig heritage that 11as been lett to a It. gives to that per­ Lee was honored with her mother what are we doing Insure that seeks to follow for son � strength. wisdom, courage, behind lett be will heritage like and aunt as guests, who brought and all else that he needs to pro· two cakes and a galoln of Ice cream. the next generation and .the next. Since the begl,nntng of our Coun- tect these things which He has glv­ Ev"e lyn Quaas was surprised by a Culture ! The arts! To be an artist and to be truly cultured. ,one must try, men have been fighting to pro:- en to ua directly and througb our experien'ce suffering, destitution. hunger, Insufficient funds; 'and so on breakfas( birthday party Saturday teet the things America stands for. forefathers to be thankful tor. Yes, morning: It's nice to be remem. ad Inflnltux:o. ! To�ay, we, as college students and It we are trtle �hrlstIans, we shOUld bered, Isn't It, girls? W.;' here at PLC are fortunate to have one who has so suttered, a Wednesday. Nov. 3, a surprise therefore tomorrow's leaders In ev- always jOYJut;lv cele�rate a Thankstruly cultured person and a great arUst. Around tbe speech department wedding shower was gtven for Wan- ery walk ot 1Ife, are being given the I givln� Day. re��1ty of pro�cting thesa 1 1--------, she Is known as Mary Allee Axle, but In her heyday at the PaUadium she da Van e lM1kulocky by C ar0Ie G an causes e have for celebratwas known simply as HajJi Ba·ba. Pritchard and �at Burgher. For a ' � � � Her , heritage Is the theatre. Daddy was a unicyclist and mommy a, centerpiece 8. large cake was' used ng hanksglv ng. Apathy, which leads to ignoran�e" Shakespearean actress. To millions of avid theatre·goers eVQryWhere the -It ta sted, gOod, t r 0 THE HANDOUT is a force runnIng free among Amer0" Questlon was which of tbe family Interests �OUld sh� pursue. To the ela. , . Shirley Speaking" 0l showers leans today�ne which I think Is & 4. h I ta r e � b e y iO f a I s pa gero threat to our Thanks 1 an c:�p � : : � p:�e� I� �: :: c �e �:r:te;:n: ;� : a� · d __ _:... _ _ _ _ - __ - _ _ _ W! __ _ _ _ _..: &_ V ":.= = n a�l. ��; :�o 0tl�a·t ? = = = = = � = = = = =' noon and after a lIght snack, emoted before the footlights In the evening. ,Does anyone know what a provoc­ Such pbYSI�j and aesthetic carryings-on more than satisOed the diver- atIve diape is? Well, for turther In. gent IntereJts of both family and public alike. formation, contact Naomi RasmusSoon/bowever, the unicycle lost Its savor and baby concentrated sen or Don Rasl her enUre efforts to the' stage, Miss Axle was Quickly recognized aa an SUnday night devotions were held accompUshed actress, but felt that the necessary "Inner fire" was lick- with Cathy Johansen as speaker for Ing. T� search for and find thIs deep-seated Wbeeler Street Playhouse the evening. Everyone wbolebeart­ with such vIgor that a slight temblor was registered on the UoJversity of edly agreed that Cathy wlll make a . Washington seIsmograph. wonderful parish worker. ' Any day ot the week you may find her alone on the barren stage, oa' Call Hall eearchlng, ever searching, for that stili mIssing Ingredient. She will sufFor devotions last Monday evefer, she will not rest. un art's appetite Is at long last satlstled. rung, our guest night, we were forThe next time you see Miss Axle gamboling down our balls, take a lunate In having Dr. Solberg speak. long look, tor thIs Is the very essence of tbe theatre , Whooo boy! He developed the theme: "Be still NOTE: In the true splrtt of journalism ,we believe tbat the Soutb and know that I am Ood." With Hall Sojourners should tell all about the nocturnal prowllngs·about, Tolo this he kept everyone keenly Inte� night last. What's the deal on this Seattle soiree ? ested. Dr. Foss, president of the Pa­ cl:lc District, E.L.C., also a guest, this alone, warranted Investigation, gave us his greetings. These specJal which revealed an even lower ebb devotions have become very papuIn the usual mlcrocepball1c condl- lar and will remain that way I am tion ot the writers guilty ot that sure It all the speakers are halt as column. For the benetlt of those enjoya'ble as Dr. Solberg, �., __ I among you who have not analyzed We In North Hall have made a J JIIi� iiiI. the situation, note: The brevity ot �esolutIon as another unproductive While pouring over ·the current . that c o l u m D employed what fs wee kcomes to an end. We thought Isaue of Lutevtlle'B scandal sheet. ' known In literary circles, to which, taking tests Wad bad ' well we've the eyea ot the Rider came 'In con- : Incidentally, ,those writers do not tound that getting them back Ia tact with a brazen accusation stat· belong, as a gI.mmlck. The excuse worse. Anyhow, we've resolved to I ing "The rope was cut." Connected given was a lack ot Ume, which Is make New Year's resolutions. Ot with thJa sli.nderous character as. an obvious attempt to create, in the may be a bit premature, sault were the namea Lowell Hln- mInds of the tew readers of bnt It's best to prepare Idr the fuImpression the a column. that Sophrichs and the Freshman Clus. ture elen 1t you don't kDow what's omorea,."W1U you ltand Idly by and deal' of time Is spent In the in It. Maybe "Big Brother" wJU l8.y allow your good name to be dragged of that column, 'Be ye hast1ly as- he Invented New Year's and Uien throuah the' mud T Let thia Rider sured, friends, that this. Is a fals9- we'll havp to declare It unco�Utu_ ____ adYlae l!luongly agalnlt It, y o u r bood. That column )s ' written as -�ame-eIUlDot- 8trand- �e strain.- -rapidly as one I wonder It someone around here a borrowed type press the keys ot Let It be'here and now understood - hu a pet gtraffe. One that drinks that thia Rider doel not make a writer. Coke, that Is. Hanging directly out. habit of reading that balderdash, Wh1le on the subject, The 1Uder side my second. story window Is a poppycock. and paraphrastic plagarIt his duty to Inform his thou� Coca!Cola bottle suspended trom & Ism commonly DOwn as Superc11of loyal readers that extenslTe tree. Sort of makes you wO!Jder, as lou Sneer., �oday, however, It was haa reTealed that the a� , about 2;) faet from the ground. called to hia attention that that coldon't hear any volunteers clamSneer Is only umn was of unusual and particularfor ·a tlUe evidently oring to knit a turtleneck sweater Iy deUghttul brevtty. ThI. tact, and by acme genius quite pro . tor hIDi. flcJent at the art of nomenclature Speaking ot anlmalS""-8outh Hall• which fs SJtuJduggery and el8Jtbant1!1. Snoozy-oh, torget It.!! .. . . ......

-Attention, Student Body � � � l]; ��, g ili��i� ��� � ;:;


....t:!.... .

� � : :; � !

,, , �


I : !�:.t�::!':!J� 'r:� u: ��_�� ��.




� � ��


�:�: : :





; � �� ��

Nordquiat· Carlltrom


������;��!n':���'� " :


A Supercilious Sneer


'ThClnksgiving Is Time l For Expressin a Th a nks


I 129th

Milk Shakes


GR_ 9145

from Nol"'th





. App.eI "



��; :;r �;

�������i�U:�����'����;·n��� I---7-----Id�DUNH���nOf- tiijII C�&AC� � --" I---"Dr�ri�� e e� o -.:t��� i ����um�'--- ft��d�� COCA-COLA BOTTLING, NC., TACOMA, WASt:'. L_...,. 40t


:; o e : : s: :a : to a: ��u : ·:f tb atoremeD. tI�U)ed ; gQOdby� wtth-Jho tbougbt, hot ,t8(1.m 1!!m� n .uems be has two (Continued Four) 'Page on -' I "Keep Sneering," _ _ _

leld at.GRanite 5317Parkland Gal"'fPhone _ _ _ _ _ _

"Cob" I, .

....�� trOdt JI!Wk.

0 .954. ntU�01.A COMP"HY

� I



�. <1

Frlday, November 19, 1854 THE MOORING MAST Page Three I NTRAMURAL I " HIGHLI GHTS CPS Ti p s PLC Hoo p Turnout: by Walt Sail By Jock Hoover In La s t Game Be9'i ns. Seaso� . Pawley Cop, Scoring Title ' . Atter two weeks I'm stili trying to think of something printable! Stan Stan Fa; 1ey, a. f reshman f Of' Grl" d p'la Y SI:a.-O WhItworth Is trying to make a clean ,weep"l guess. Last year the Lute Salem 0 Soon ..L� a e I yt t G basebaIlers were the only group able to prevent Whitworth from �ng ! 13�ks�=:'t!e In�� :.oot_ by Loole 'pry the�:tb.��, n O I t f1rst place in every major sport. The PLC boys tl'8.veled over the moun- ' all scoring PLC c1�sed out ita 1954 fOQib&ll edWith U U � b ' tWe al bstan s a for ano y , :� �g:g�; talns and came back with a win over Central In the playoffll, Whitworth I ad PawI 'y O d 21 tlmes for a I slate by. dropping a close 13-7 de- In sports at turns to b�ketl'B, Lo un previously had taken tootbcll, basketball, and track. The Pirates look ,.ow' 0( I26• po·ICnt'·N ' Fuge' So the to gge d claion s. ext In llne was , a game incidentally which 111 strong again this year all the w'sy. It was PLC's third deteat ot their ball Lowell Haeffele playing for North ' t Sound y suited. for the Fuge Back in September I chose the teams to tinlsh this way in the Ever- H 11 (thlrd) �th' 78 I ts a d ei, season and their second Ide:ll :�:a lt i s played InsIde, out ot �een chase: 1.) PLC; 2.) Whltw:orth; 3.) CPS. Well. we certainly need.· th�rd' was D�� Ross, �a�i�g �r 'by CPS. ��., n t feel' sorry tor ourselves because our two loss�s to CPS could have CI C k H U with 72 1nta. CPS scored the tirst time It got s go�e �.t.her way a�.� . �hi:��:�����r� ����s fQ�_I!�el�: . . hand It all b a the c ng s y . ' �: ' 'J :�� :t;" .,..., � t. t r: 8 ()�: b � � � J..,.:� �,�:!?,�� �,?���_ �.��f�::� . " �.� .,."".....-." . . . ., . �!\� '1'u.l'V.tI.- · �.VtA'1.U ':;'�""I.o.tti. i t;; · ,- ·___ .�J. ·__ , . Zarndt, also a treshman, playtng for ' 40 young aspirants on the maples W L PF PA f o d Cl er Creek Hall. ZarnlU passed I :I::�d ,f:� po�:: t: ;v�''the ��g:�� Graduation. last year took ente; 201 27 Whitworth 6 . tOI- 1 7-0 lead . 129 26 touch�own passes. He, was Garnet Lund, forward Bob R O B B. 46 Puget Sound 5 lowed by Bill Johnson. playtng for a The and Ron BIllIngs, guard. The PacIfIc Lutheran . . . .. .. .. 4 67 64 Lut�B countered with a touch- Force Tacoml!-, who passed 23 touchdown another re ar starter, 73 Western WashIngton . . .. 3 51 down .late 'In the second quuter Donn took passes. Third John Huber, play· after Koessler. Men with experlCentral Washington . 2 65 84 a 4�yard drive. Tommy GIl- ence back �� fo r Central Barracks, .. with 20 from lallt year Include: Eastern Washin,ton . .. . . .. 1 26 158 mer tallied on a quarterback sneak Phil Nordquist. passes. Jack Hoover, Jack British Columbia .............................. 0 36 24 Captain Lanca ster's con. , Sin de rs on AI Gubrud. Vern Han· Just a thought: It would be nice to see Whitworth get a small bowl The Indlvi�al scorIng ran as lUI· and version kick was pertect to tie the son, L. Egg!ln, Lowell Haettele, and bid. They could quite concelva'bly give our league some prestige In other lows: at 7.7. Nick Kelderman. NordQulst is a 6'4'" parts of the country. TD Pta. sore .A. back eld-ln motIon p e n a l t y J unior torward, who wlU probably 126 Stan Pawley, CB 21 NOTE! PacIfic lutheran pla,cl"d four men on the first and second e r Evergreen Conference All-Star te�s. Lute Captain Frank Lancaster and ��!a;�l:�, ��3 ::::::::�::�:::!! �: I �� � ;o:np��� :r:�e�;: :.�: �;�:� �o�:r P!;O� s::��: Guard Gerry Kluth were placed on the first team while the second team Gale Thompson, NHI . . 9 . PS 15, but the pla.y W�8 hustler and handy man to have 54 1 to th n i s t n a G .d ba0Ck. He can play guard or tor. Slnderson, DJ ............ 7 42 callCPS the wInning touch· around.Gubrud �;:�UI: :�� f�c� t�at ;�::: �:;:�:e= !.o�: �o�:;���� :� y:��:ro�o-,:�:!:I, Jack and Hanson are a H b ' CB ................ . 7 42 down Inscored being one vote short of unanimous. Alao, Gerry pulled more votes tnan JB:dhnLe�te�: the fourth period. A pass . ward. at pair sharpsho oting guards with lH 42 7 any other lineman in the league. Congratulations, fel1as! Stortini to Tom Glump cov· plenty of Haeffele, Egan Dick Kent. NH2 .................. 7 42 from n yards to the PLC 7. Rich Congratulattons to Dick Griswold, who has been elected Lute Inspir· Virgil Weed , T . .. . 6 36 ered and Kelderman saw action' on both ational Award winner for the 1954 grid season and to Gary Gale, who has Gerry Redburg, T . . . 5 30 Dodds went over on the .next play the varsity and junior varsity last ad ·7 and that been s m ate o a n u n e k e �:;;�e'�B�� ���:h�a��: ;e��, s�� �����:e� f!�t�:� :ay �a�e c;::� t::x: �:�'�u� ��:;: a;! :;I�; a �:� o�::n� �H�..:::::::::::::: : �� ��a�Ut����!� !=!r�� 13 PLO ball territory had in the CPS couple of weeks to go In the big time. 6'7 �" tall. Egan Is a 6'1" torstands , Jerry Larson NH2 . . .. 5 30 Tomorrow finds �1lchigan fighting Ohio State, trying to tie for the Duane Moe. IH . .......... 5 30 In the closing minutes butd Stortini ward. That's the tleld of talent the Big Ten championship and a chance for the Rose Bowl trip. Out here on G. Christianson, NH3 ........ 5 30 �:��:: ::;�: ::n���: �::� ::� freshmen and transfers wHl fry to . 30 dislodge as to the success they will the ocast the hi gone is U.S.C. vs. U.C.L.A. The Southern CalIf. boys are Ray Nelson, CC . 5 already assured of one half of the Rose Bowt field on January 1st. But, Don Zarndt, CC . . . . 5 30 ute Lute threat. rind in doIng. it, only time can ·tell. Statlstlc F nal New faces that have shown well In the coast conference title Is stili in the balance. Erv Severtson tells me Phil WIgen, DJ .. . . . . 5 30 I R IJSHING ! ;CB Yds. early include Dennis Ross' he has 10 or 12 tickets for ·the game January 1st In Pasadena. These The J divIduaI pass1ng for touch. LancasJer 472 Sedropractices - 129 W0011ey; Kellh Berenson, tickets are courtesy-of Old Ben and his syndicate and can be purchased downs ran as tollows : . Campbell . . . . 67 298 Anacortes; next week from 'Scalper Erv." Even ·student body preSidents have to Don Zarndt CC . D e n n i s Rodin a n d 26 make a living, I guess! 23 �=d�r --=======� �: 221 52 Chuck Geldaker, Roosevelt of Port· Bill JOhnso�, T 1and; Lute Jerstad. nlnsu and Next week the sports stair w111 pick an All·Evergreen and an All· John Huber, CB . 20 Clark 14 48 Richie Heins, JuniorPetranster from American team which will probably coincide man for man with A.P. Ray Reep, NH3 .. . 17 Nusbaum. S3 10 o o a teams-that Is, it tho "big boys" know how to pick 'em. 16 Samblla Jerry Larson. NH2 7 . ........ 4 ...... � � ::: : � � � � � ·1n o o : �d � ::���: So long, I,have to see about libel suit. Bud Lester, IH . . 14 Murry ... . ...... 8 13 Hanson, Ballard ·ot 'Seattle; Dick Iver Eliason, :21 Kent, Port Angeles; Jim Jacobson, ...... 1114 Gilmer .... .................... . 32 -34 1 Y de Ge n .. .... . . . .. .. . 6 Benson Jerry Benson, Burl1n n Jack He en, WP .. . . .. .... .. 11, PLC . 344 .1083 andThis In tAe season it's hard I�y Hall an� North Hall (llecond) Opponents .�3aa 840 to tell early what will happen. nder Garfield- Street Share Honor - e : S d� Att. Camp Int. Yd Ivy Hall and North Hall (second) PASSING QUALITY REPAIRING - DYEING were declared co-champloDs ot the Gilmer .... ........ 75 . 34 3 445 !���:u�::S �: h :a�:t e:' 5 2 34 1-----------...... r===========;:; 1 ntramural Football League, when Benson . ..... . 13 14 Nusbaum .. . . . : ...... 4 42 DeJardines, who were a halt game Murry . ....:'......... 11 3 I: ahead of both of these teams, .w4S I Campbell .......... 3 . 1 1 10 Clark . ................................... 2 31 tied 'by North Hall (third). DeJ� I PLC ....... . . 103 43 8 503 Elllott. ....... .. .. ...... . .... . 3 29 . dines had the ball on the one-foot ', Oppone�ts . . 114 53 II 628 Campbell .. .. .. ..... ........ 6 2• -:Fromm .. ..... .. 3 19 line, with three plays to run it over, 2 but ,the North Hall (third) team PUNTING No. Yd.. Ave. Lancaster ..� .. . .. ... .... 1 buckled dowh and In three straight I Christianson . ....L42 1 77 3'.2 30.'· 183 TO XP TP SCORING ...................... plays the Delardlne team gained Gilmer r6 Lancaster ... ... .._.: 4 7 81 not one Inch. T h r e e incomplete Delicious No. Vd Fromm : .. .. 4 0 24: not only lost them the baU, PASS RECEIVING Hot Chqcolate ., but the' championship, also. The tie, Gaarder . . . . .. i .: 4 173 1 GUmer .....: .. 18 3 12 . 6-6, wIth North Hall (t'btrd) dropped Christianson .......,................11 . 86� I Gaard•r•• . .........:.......-.. 2 .1 6 119th 4. Pacific GR. 3211 DeJardines, a halt game behind Ivy Price . 'I Oampb• . ...... ..... ... .... .. . . .... _:..... 5 ...= 6 ..=I .p=n 7.=c.=...=....=�= ob=r=I.=u=a=n= ...�4 · , 62 l = ...=...=.== � rd uI t ..�=...�..=.= r



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..... ••. _ .

• • _ , � . "..._�























. ...

. ...... .. ..


... _.

... . .....



.... .



. . .... . ..






Parkland XXX Drive-In

z, NH I




__ _______

_._ ___. ._


.... ..

DJ .





. .


. ...

1 1


..._ .

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.. ...



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l.a ;

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=======; F=====�==�==�(;o�o;n;u;nu�.�d�o�n�p�a�g.�Fo���)�� �_O��Q=_.�=== YO!) =:===== Madden's Men's '& liffle Men'5: Shop� Standard -PARKtAND- FU!I;- Oito- SERYlCE... ..._ . . _







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' ' BETTER. . • • ' . 3-IN·1 TO SERY ,\ _I Heating 011. - H.e.tlng Equipment· - Heatln" Service MARY TOMMERYIK'S

YarkIiind Ce�ter Bldg.


GR!anite '4242

' EnJ oy Thd· "PLUS" Service Phone QRanlte:8184 . .12Oth 4. Pacific Avenuc \ '

' ,� \



Remelliber us Start Sa�lng for



SOc ,10 We � a x,na. 1955 LINCO�BRANj)H


=��� ae!erve � 6

when. you need P'intiJtcJ ' , .

" phle!s, programs, car�s, ribbc;)lis/p'ai,n tickets, etc. . . . that's our 'businesS!

GRanite 7100

e=.r=s�--�M- -T LaCrosse Pri�·n�t� ' Located aero..

. PRINTERS FOR YOUR COLLE � E . ., .. the Triple X at 1 1Bt11.·and Pactflc' Avenue



�:��:�mat:::M�/:::M�:OTE;���':' Enro Fourteen IIs


o em e


1�1 ;;;·"·�·�Dorm D "' ''' o�'· n:'s : /1

;;;;';;;;;; � ; ���;�;;;;;��;;;;;;;;I,�-"'_"'_"'�"'I;�;; NTIlAM;;�U�"'RA;;L�::�...

From Emanuel .


(ConUnued rr�m Page Two)

Dear PLC Classmates Fourteen stydents,;-han enrolled of l'LC H B I g0 ::' ae- ann::,:"Q�:110ween M : � : ::;:d: cording to Prof. Kelmer Roe, class ty W 8 , delayed until Tuesday. Instructor. Tbe clas8 18 beld each vember 2, 1954 It was held then In Tuesday at 7 : 30 In the Roe home at Renbard HaH at 8 p m Entertain.

been at It again

I always wondered�


(ConUnued"1rom Page Three) scientists GD his paper route .He w hy Swannle and Repulsive Zeltner was In their laboratory collecting liked to spend time on roo b. 8eems Han and North Han (second). bo es-t ey always pay him �C In as though they'Te taken to sleeping 8t...ndl� h W s. He empue makes candle hOlders u p there And And" (Carol,n), ha, ea out or. them Anyway, he was I n / pitche� her tent up there She's a Ivy H&ll . ... . ... .... . 9 "' 1 152 100 their labolal'Jry and o erheard them' tru�blue blrd·watcher - a8k heT! North Hall (2).. . 1 198 $4 6H $outh 12oth. : ment-was provided by groups trom Honestly, that's tbe way the story DeJardlnes .. ... .. 1 1 discussing their' newest discovery. 142 t1 Membership la tor anyone oot each clas8 aod tbe taculty kept us North Hall (3) .... 8 AccordIng to them, people of the gOM. 160 101 having prevlolls trainIng In the Lu· all In stitches with thetr very u. h 192 108 future w1ll open their closets a.nd "LItUe Hagev lk, " (Doo de Doo ) Cen. Barracks .... 8 8 theran church. It Is sUIl open for morou!I skit. see not one stltcb ot clothing (look was lurprlsed t w I c e this week. C. C. Hall ..... .__ 7 21ij 2 , those student. interest.ed In begin· . Tbe Luther League convenUon of 7 In mine). NothIng bu� row upon row Tblnkln� she was gOing' bome Sat· Tacom. ... 188 17& nlng confirmation !oslrucUCD. the Pacltic District or the Evangell. orth Hall (1) . .. 6 10 150 1MIn previous years a clasJl li as been cal Lutberan Churcb wblch waS or paint and .varlous otber materials urda, night tor a tamlly btrthdaJ' N 110 118 I . .. 5 10 s IOmewbat amued W Parkland held each semest�r, but IL bas been held at Central Lutheran Church In In pressurized cans nstead or dbn· dinner. sbe ... . n ... 0 9 0 - 30 13< . . nl n« your clothes, yo u slmPly"praY ito find ber relaUns consisted o f E Parkla d dlt�c�l� to get In enough se . salons Portland, was attended by a nnm . l yours lf wJ a . t a c T oss h l n n their Sou datell' and ��� . J � t Hall�rll �! � l � �� o .· : . .. . '- � ��: �Il�. ,�·�t:'�'·"��· ' ,:,i'::1 Dej-_Oi·�-uiI(i",�-\·'.�t.I.. , � �..: _ !t: _'" _....� _ .. ... ... .......1 .. _ ""'.-. ....... u - ..........,...... wi., , tlMJ. totPo,," tli b ��� "1"'. ./... '-' .hJ; .""'-8'." ..''-'' • 0; . . . , { be conUnucd part .J( uie. SCCC.Dd 8� uel �r18 'trio composed of Jo nne a n I tweed. players, It was decided .anne . mink. ermine. bur· Monday. another surprise p&l'ty at era! ot the mester. increasing t h e sessions Llndeblom, LoIs Danielson and Judy I. lap, cellophane. or whatever yoor 10 p.m. made her birthday complete. that there wou ld just be . list ot the from 10 to 15. Starwlch, sang at. tbe banquet Sat. little he'lrt desiru. These a-II come November 17th seems to be birth, .A1I·Star playen Instead of the usual This Is ....the thirteenth class tbat urday night, November They ready mixed In T a I' I 0 UUs colors. day day as Barb Mc Don&1d and two teams. Tbey are u toHows : bas been organized on the campus. were accompan.!ed by Estber Ed. Then I� tbe eather looks threaten- Mickey McAllister both celebrated Bud Lester, IH; ITer 1D1Ia· In past years 125 have been con· lund. Judy Statwt ch spoke on Eman� Ing. a pootf of waterprootlng and last Wednesday. Barb with a break· son, DJ; Don Z.rndt, CC; Ray Reap, tlrmed and of this number 46 bave uel Hospital School or-Nursing antt YOU're readJ' tor anythins-. T b I s rast and Mickey wltb a dInner at NH3; John Huber, CB; Jerry Lar· been baptlzed. Joanne Llndeblom spoke on tbe sounds fascinating LuiSi's Ah, those italtanoal son NH2; Jack Hennen, FP; 8111 ' , Pocket Testament League Imagln, some ot the com· Supercilious Sneer bas reached Johnson, T. [ can What makes Ufe's contest so un· Don't torget tbe capplng cerebln.t.1on..-mlnk sweatshirts (thank an all·Ume low. The cllman: ot their Stan Pawley. CB; Low­ even Is tha.t certain people have ml)Jly to be beld at PLC n SUnday I you. Eartha), pink cashmere slacke declJne came two weeks -«e, wben, e)f Haettele, N113 ; Dwaine BraDdt. brains and are wIDIng to work DeeemlMr 5, at 3 p.m. At tbls UDl� with green suMe latticework down too lazy to put torth what Is .-sen- NH2; Don Kvamme, T; Duane MM_ thl! decree ot 1957, whom you the side . It could get almost Ual to every writer, they auctioned IH; ' Jack Stndereon, J; Phtl Wi.... To be triumphant Just add . little regard as sophomores. wilt tee.�"e D ott thetr so-called column tor 26 en. OJ; Dick Xent. NH2; Gord6D. "umph" to every "try " j their caps, which slrnltlee that they n&aseaUng. read week dear next un Well · words or less. The ridJckJemost part S t I' 0 m, OJ; Roy ' ScJtwars; NBS; , UI , have tlnlshed thetr ,re-eJJn tca1 peroommate . or the thing Is: bow could anyone Denny Ross, CC; Arden MU!UCJa. lH. rtod and wJlI from then on be r&- er. It [ could only get my to set som�ne else to read tbls thInk of 25 words to describe It, football I. o garded as sopbomores a' Em.n el � there would be three ot as. t mucb less praise It? as well a8 .at PLC. A' number ot h Quest1on: "W h 0 Is "Laughing Instructors here at Jb::Januel plan on Face?" mld.semesters, making the trip to PI.<: tor capplDS. Atter the strain tion : "Think then you are . Quota ax a e very are you ny to nxtous ,w e one Is somewhat rel ed and Today what Yesterday you weremeet them, ellpeei.I1, you wbet are baek In the rouUne ot going to b not 1 shall Tomorrow you les8''' be treebmen In tlle PLC DunlOI' pro- their cluses. -The Ru alyat. gram. We think they are wondetful We bave an Interesting bIt of In. and we know you w11l, too. formation, naniely, that one o f our , limit no to the amount 01 1 Is There Th& PLClt'Dl.nuelltes South HaIlers, Marlys SaIterbeck. • ., Serpentine good you can do--It you don't car6 haa been elected CoordInator tor all who gets the credit. ! Western Washington F.T.A. Con. '

In this year's confirmaUon




I l.

. . . --r..Jt:.



�===========� r-

� ;: ===


Im8e�ct printedfromwiththeYourFined C. FRED CHRI8TENSEN Stationer Pac f c Ave. 832

i i

nament In Pboenlx, Arizona, thIs

(!omlng week. Those spastic Juniors, not conle nt

to sleep like human beIngs. have

Frye's Record Shoppe

Stella's Flowers

Flower. for A" Occa.lon. 4 5 GarfiWEeld St.DELIVER GR.



Parkland JeweIeFS Wetch end Clock Repeiring

GarfIeld St. Parkland,Wn. I E. L. Gable, prop. 239

' Home--made PIe. - Steak, now loc-ted -t VEGETABLES Seafood. - Salad. 3311 I P kl.r.d 12605 PacHie Av_ Gorlleld St. .. P.= C_�=T= _�� CALL HA� fth= ��I= Open til on Week D.y. 1�====�I��� for Friday, 2:00; S.turd.y, 8:00 I ' For ell of your Automotive Service needs Parkland Sa.ihMIe A....,.". OU. Revul., Sup . . CYCLE AND KEY Ct.aning BICYCLE RE�TAL GLADIATOR SERVICE 11 3th and Pacific I GRanIto Mech'llnlc on Duty PlIClflc Avenue I Garfield GRanIte 7813 CKy·Wide *














"We i:en . deen anything that you c:an . �t di�' __


. ...

.... VElWS '0' cooked to ol'd., DeLux. H..... barge,.. Flail anet Chi.. Ho........d. PI.. •


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. . •



IleIir PIe�·aP add ��




over now, tramur felal IlnoBasketb.1 w., butaldoI begInotnforget I n tramur-November s on your 30th. Youh.nded have ·Into have team Mr S.lzman to roeter. not later than November 24th. GIFT. JEWELRY

ali i

MA.4161 . PATRON rZE OUR ADVERTtS£"a ot &fatulations. Marlya ! Also to Rutb ORDER NOWI Heino and Connie Huatad: we wish ======� CH"--''' tit CARDS the best ot luck at the debate tour· ftI.Oal �

Next Time Stop At




South HallatSojourn



Coltum.., Tuxedo 826!12 Broadway =






m Fin. .'


:.. �m&.�T"'j9'





_ _ �



", 'ecltel Did.tiD, Co. •



Your -Fi'iel Oil �, A�"lianc:e Dealer .

and Pacific Avenue




' FiI S'If" '1l

C i lA M f R S

� 3820 �



1 6 Nursin g �a;:n: �� Thom �sons To: Students Chosea For Benefit: F rom I A 0' SL� u' d e n �L s at the Unl'e"lt, 0 Daa, aI Wh0" s Wh0 ' P-Ipe Concert: TO. GeL1; Ca. ps 1_ ;



Res ts he nnual We te . rn . Speech Association Forensics Tour-


nament held

membedrs of the sen ior class fifteen students, These studen ts the � 8.���elec�:d I the will be listed i n the "Who's Who· Among Students in American a :��: :�: �:n; ; � �� � t 1� U ni vers�� ies a nd Colleges ," an annual publication listing �t udent ..� �e 'Col.lege. ·fl.type"t"B�=:' 7�� �."' ��"Y.�":'''' ":,,, ,! �:.�kl J?�; 9.�e ' Sn . , N .\O �.$au&-.oa -S..iu�y �ytl1),in&. lead.e�s frQrp ;l1I campuses. . BUr to c us for their aplc e recefvw.{ 0;; g. OO" · --. . ... ':'� .twtnbel: of ,.t\ld..en.t.�.�t.e!1:., '" p,m . in the �·S. , will be n the· number . In


showed PLC



last week


to have achieved tbe


fo llowing honors:

..For the t1rat time In the history In tbe senior men'a dlTlalon, Stu· ' of the nursing educaUon prog'r&m art GIlbreath won second place In . return



ping ceremony. The event

hel(l Sunday, December p, m. In the Cha peI

5. at

Hustad and Judy


2 : 30 bate;





third bonors In senior women's de. Sblrley

BUl!chlng won

place In senior women's Extempor·






This past week a student and faculty committee chose from

Featuring the Seatt1� Pipe Sand .



em b er



&..r:.d. be n


i �y

the late

After a short Invocation by Dr.


G I a d 5 Ta k e -


". ,

Is dependent upo

.iudents enrolled in

aneous, and Ju dy Bureker received " Eastvo d the program will open I � bave taken place at Em anue I H os- tIfth place In !lenlor women's 1m· with selected num'bers by the .:3eattie Pipe Band, In tribute to pltal In Portland where tbe nurSM promptu Speaking. c Lutberan"! basketball PacI a In the PLC program take their cllnRuth Heino and Tom Swindland Profe!l!lor Thompson, formerly member of the kllted group, now team Is moving far and fast-two Icl tra nldg. also went to this dear y rememb�red by the faculty tournament tropbles I n as r. s . The 16 girls to be capped wl l1 wtth Mr. Karl an and students of PLC. The twenty weekends . have completed 19 weeka ot their bagpipe-playing member!f are all Last night the red bot Lutes training by December 5. Two of the "home-grown Scotchmen," who as really "squeeked" by [he Fort Lewis tour calendar years of their traln- ' a professional organi zation are be- Chiefs, 68·86, t o win t h e Tacoma Ing are spent at ' int "ponsored by the Seattle and Invitational Basketball Tournament Mrs. George Morken. dlr.ector Tacoma chapters of the Dughters at the College of Puget Sound field· _ nursing edncation, is in charge of t ot Scotia , I house. Iota Beta Chapter of Pacific LU. ! arrangements for the capping proThree contralto solos will be sung The 68·66 score was bitterly con· gram. tberan will be the hosts to tbe g M u Th by ompson. accom- tested by Fort Lewis rooters who ar erite "This Is a most Impressive serv- Western Regional Conclave of AI · I panled by Onella Lee. "Scottle" maintained that big Bob Woods In the past the capping



dto�rn�:n�:IOng I


A PO ConeIave I of I Here Dec.3 5

Ice, and Is one of tbe high points In the life of a student nurse," Mrs.

Morken explained,

President S. C. Eastvold will con-

duct the capping program. It Is usu-

ally tbe custom to have a clergyman

pba Phi Omega. National







Service : M yles,





schools from

I dah





1 I I



manager of




Winthrop bad scored to tie up the ball game


nunlng education at Emanuel. will


preaent the cia.. Mn. Morken win

their capt,. A total of 71 In the nuralna:


live the stadentli for


tudeau are enrolled educaUon program. 0' th.... i! 'on it �nt iil ill. cllDlNl dl1UIiIa it _uol, ' , 'iIriit:r Uii. "�tI ... In-

'::' li> k",",U\ '



conclave w1ll a d j 0 u r n


ielectlon ot


..� eire-

Wltu�H. ud


Clu b :



Paul, Alta Prest-

Ing Severtson. Nancy Turman, Philip Wigen.


Students are selected on the basis

of the following


requirements: the



and participation In extracurricular

and academic activities. service to the school;

and promise of future

-1-0 I

Fort Lew i s then came back and be well with a phenomenal 40 tooter by Gill

&rEt 'remlnded that the

next entertainment and

t o wa r d &.D.d chlldnlD.

clol1nC com- c&n be evidenced Thompaon

In the love

tana State, Don wa a member or the Intercollegiate Kn1ghtil and was the

state Future Farm�

Ica presJdenL



Vern H.nlOn. at

hattr'e. Is the president t.Dd .. mem_

senior clus lyric knotted the score at 36 all. ber ot Blue Ke,.� An honOr roll sta-that AI Pta! resumed. It W&8 the.same dent, Vern Js a but"8t� ru&rd .... Mrs. story Oftt eaeh tam. match-- and bueba.Jt- pltcher.


(COIlUnued on Pap Three) .


Senior clue f8PreMDtatI'te

. OIl the

iqa.! uit 10 Ji'iil'den\

c01lllCfl, J\I�iI ....l· ilRt. lit


Kappa DOit&; ii:. IIi aI\io ttl Xet, IraPPa IIiici � ",,4

Student 'ite�.. to . WOri4 � ClmeU, of T�lIe". Jocik "dO"iir. , tr.:iiaf.i'ni4 ti'oill l"Ua'4ell& i6'pbciiiiIiN �, ' )jDb �­ prm_ ot Hr. oiher.liClifIfI" ii'e 1 7.- ,---,:-�� IDiJlil&. _ JIIOiIIir piI8t tii'ti ,_ ,.... 'pUIIatt

firtho fhjJb

was Homeoomil:l& co-eha1rman.

LOR. tru Club, Spun; T...ta, and the honor 1'011 have &l8b ciaJmed '!if!' attentlon. A. day student; Pau baa been the DRG ChrIBtmaa p a r ·t .,. ehalrman:. and a two year cabinet · member. She alao participates fD. PTA, Campus DevotloDB. · Tu.....


Malian Churnes.. Old Main: �eann.e Frleste, Blue Key; Datil �nsen. Alpba Sigma Lambda: Kathy GuI­ haUlen. Choir: and Shem. Lawaon.

place on Tuesday &nd Wedn.aday.

II i

Nordman, Carol

bye, Brian Pr!ce. Mlna Raaen, Ra.

mon Relreson, Gerald Schimke, Erv-

Ie Iril iOIbi'<lliian

Roberta Blrkedihl, ITY Hall :

Linne Society. Campa.lp1na: 18 limited to one I a r g e poster per candidate. The posters are to be put up on Mon· day, December 6. VoUD.I will take


Gaarder' Vernon Han son. John H o i u m, Jack Hoover, Iris Donald

WeIitinlnirter, Ii, C, _tIY

Candidates thoa tar lubmItted M a r I a n Gabrt.llO�. Vlkln&




Canada. They are Faith Bueitmann.

i!jJo HO'iiilic:Oiflt: ill

.,Ian refreshmenu wtll be �ed: A abort pro.nm, will fo�� the eo... onaUon ot the LUcia Bride and a Christmas carol slnpplratJon w1U "blose the dln&tIii

ever submitted. wltb students from

Washington, Mon�na. Oregon,

P r .. 'dm

,..t1�, � lit iiPu'iO fa to W 'to at ':00 p,m. be �i Ilo<OIiI To 0411 'Ii tho BCUilina':till

pb."':Il� ;,1U M _"M



10:30 Sunday morning tollowing a slon price of olle dollar will report from d1.8Cua10D grGaps. spent, both in an evening ot

LuCid 8iiJe Festival To 8i Oke;nbet JO oM � ..m�,� Brld. miniNIo.


v., .

Thi s

usefulness to business and society. the final buzzer sounded. Ref. Each of those selected were tbougbt I songs, "Roaming In the Gloaming," I erees Huegle and Duller, however, , to till these requirements. "The Wig Wig Waggle 0 the Kll t'' ' heard the claxon Qefore Woods lett Faith Bueltmann, an education tbe noor for his futile jump shot. and "Boss o· tbe Hoose," major, has been active In all the : Following this, Beethoven's " Eg· The game was nip and tuck all : music groups on campus. Her other , m 0 n t Overture," and "Cortege" the way. Fort Lewis taking a Interests Include Spurs. Tasse ls, (from Mlada), by Rlmsky·Korsakov, lead In the opening seconds. AS Mu Phi Epsilon treasurer. ICC om­ ! will be played by tbe Pacitlc Lu· things settled down, the Lutes bat· . cer, and a four-year member of the thcran College Concert Ba.nd. under tled to an 8-8 tie and tinally led honor roll . the baton of Gordon O. Gilbertson. 17·15 at the ten mi nu te mark. A transfer trom Montana S tate , Frederick L. Newnbam, baritone, Early In tbe second quarter, aft· Don Gaarder has piirtJcJpi,ted I n w11l sing three numbers, "Wester· er matching baskets a couple of 3 major sports, as well as being a Ing Home, " "An ETiskay Love Lilt'· times. the Lutes led 21 19. Th en Bob · member of Blue Key, and Letter­ and "The Road to the Isles." Atter ood fouled Phn Nordquist as Phil man'S Club. Moet or the IItudenu, two selections by Mr. Fritts on the drove Into the key and after e x- howenr, know him as the studen t Casavant organ, the program wil l changIng wlttlcsims was given a body vice-president. Whtle at Monbe conclud� with tlnal numhers by technical foul also. Phil hit hia two Hotel , Tacoma, will sing three Scot as

Montana participating. conduct tbe program. Registration will begin Friday Six senior nu rsing students, Bar· evening. with Saturday as the main b ara Jobansen. Helen Simonson. day wltb all scbools presenting Anna Lee\ Connie Stay. Marlan Chapter progress reports. group Gabrielsen and GaU Tylor, wJll sing discussions on varloua problems, three selections, "Prayer Perfect," and a keynote address by Herb "Prayer of the Norwegian Child," West. local scouting executive. In and "The Lord less You and Keep the evenIng &n Initiation ceremony You." All members of tbe Wbite for new membeu will be held In Caps Nursing Club on campus will CMS Lou nge, followed by & ban be parti cipating In the evenL at Top of the Ocean. The ban· The ReT. Gears-e Randolph, chapwlU Include entertainment and, at Emanuel Hospital. will give blgh point. a speech by Jo- the singing pipes of tbe Seattle shots and freshman Denny Ross the addreaa. Bcanlon. national treasurer of gi'Gup, ending with tbe old favorite, potted the technic al shot which put Esther A. Jacobson, director of " Auld Lang Syne." the Lutes &head by 6 'POInts.



a collece.

Is the largest number that PLC haa

TAC Tourney


195 -1 :

beld tbls weekend, Dec. 3, -I and 5, with approximately




and honor roll.


Alta Preetbye, region&l secretary tor the LSA. baa Hen acUTe in rlllht:' Carol Paul, iris Nordman, Mlna R...n, Alta ��ye" N.ncy ,,:urman, F.lth B�lt· 1' many other aeUvlUee whlle on camErving leverDon, Ve",. Haneon, John Holum, Jack Hooyer', QeralCl S..hlmkc, R.mon , (Contlnued on PAle J'olll) Brl.n Prlc., Philip Willen, and Donald Gaarder. I to


I I, + , I





'11u! MoorilltJ MIU'


b r 3,

Friday, D em e 1954

Dorm Do;n 's

PublUhed every Frlda:y durlng the &chool year by etudente or Pacltlc Lutheran College.

Entered as lIecond class matter, October 2, 1 952, a:t the Po,t Parkland, Waahlngton. OUlce: Student Union


Telepbone GRanlte 8611

Subscription prlce---$1.50 per year


&;!1� M.... By Hou.emother, 80uth Hal colle e

South Hall Sojourn

South HaUnes returned Sunday e...�

NoWn« Is at last ..cred but the In· �ph

nlng, stutted, mucb r e s t e d, and tegrlty of your own mInd . . .

tbree weeks before Cbrlstmu vaca· e n th I S . tion. Sa:y, isn't It time to move over !:! ; ;::� ; � ; f Is h ��a� ::;� And wbat would be a nlcer sur-- and give the uttle teHow a chance? many courses for so much money. prise to come back to tban an en· The Voice of the Valley (Tbe Clover As a consequence we bu:y our text. gagement Fo u n d posted on the Creek Boys) bave graciously conEDITOR·IN·CHIEF JOAN KITT ELSON books and our notebooks, attend doors to each floor was a Church sfdered the poss.blllty of JnformlDg E . NEWS EDITOR. SANNERUD RINE CATH . 'hlass , es reg,UlarlY and .consl derthem I with protruding doors and written I the population of the Up�er Campus .. . . . . . J. .J OANN'E POENC ET c FEAT URE EDl TOR . . .. e mpor ant part 0 r our day . An d n each doorway. " Bruce and Rutb. "· or tbe little events happening down t y a I ta t Myrwan.g and Bruce In tbe "hole." Wl tb :yopr admjrable That Isa. Rwuth ��� h:: ::; :r �� 'r:a�lz! :�: ,Da�l, : .. ' , eU:'known J�nlor couple paUence we shall attemp� to give " Pcs.fpqr:e . St. tJ q�nt Conn regalJon . =!!� �� �:!' !"'!J.l)Pl"u'.ed �v ,ibe. hap. .:J . . ' ,; : ;( ... ::.1,.�';;.-;...;!��'�a...r��� M �:plft-,- oLlh.e. 1toJ�,, �er Q . . � ....·.-::: ";.D : M .. 50 allon.�!-.!O-t-penlng � or th� da'Y ' etw n 9 . '. Rulh trea ted alt of South 'Hall r�at the same Ume bearf Yt· ill�m Wuh the consent of both :tse student bqdy and admmlstuhtd. · r and 1 0 . 30 a.m. . . . Several thin gs to choco a tes Mmmmm! Congratu. that these reporla 'are unprepared [ion. the proposed STUDENT CONGREG ATION vote was . combine to make that hour truly lations ou y to ' unr ehearsed and uneatled for. put off for anorher week. As we know. [his is to give us a chance Inspiring. . . . First or all . to see To S h i rley Buschlng, Connie Hus· IK't her or not we tru I y feel chere 'IS a need to f url her consl'd er WLWe at Clover Creek Village now � nt e u tad and Ruth Heino. we sa:y weI· : for such a congregation on our c � mpus. :�: � D:I�: �� ��: ::: ::� � personal mall service. Every s I y ev r . come back from a most successful bave morning at 11:30 ( ? ) we have our Bur before we make <? ur d�clslon, we must make sure that we bl e In one spot Is Insplratlon In It. tr ip to Phoenix, Arlzona. South Hall mall delive red to eacb room by our . only for ourselves In thiS case ' A vote for the congregation think I �:�� �X,��::n�:: ::: :�:;::. ;;� Is justly proud that you could rep. charming counsellor, Mr. Don Srunmeans we are pledging our minds in prayer. our souls in loyalty, y e . resen t PLC at tbe debate tourna· nero A very rare "rea and P....., v'Iege an d our f un ds In I f we s hou Id cast a think of an event as a success when ' ' s t ewar ds h'Ip to t h'IS unit. ment and so capably too. Otber to see Don's smiling face as he vote for the congregation. all the while thinking " I won ' t go I t Is w�1I attended So then to walk co e r n d . a there myself. but I k r:lO w some students would like to have it . " down the aisle of a building where ::� :: : � l :; ;� �: :�: ;� trudges through the sleet and rain, n B a sun and rain, mud and rain, snow o The result could be failure. every seat Is taken Is InspirationaL Elliscoand rSeaoMulford have recently and rai n ; bearing t h e s e terrific Then there Is the bea.u tlfu l We must remember that a vote at this time is our pledge for Joined our Sojourn while we bid a hardships to carry our mail. How· the future. bulldlng which lends itself so well fond to Mickey (Oh You I to worship; the organ greeting us Kid ! ) farewell McAllister, who 18 mOving I ( Conti nued on Page Four) a a e Into a private bome. -----------' ���t�:. ::�a:s �� �a �; �:: w��co�� Fresb strawberry sundaes a n d J r--T-A Supercilious Sneer HE YISELL C O . by our President ; the announce. angel·food cake was the treat that ments that bring us together as a 1.... family ; the concern expressed ror I greeted AnnIe Stewart a week ago Monday, wben she was surprised at What's goln' on around here! tn last week's Mooring M.ast we found everyone's welfare; the Cheerfdg i 12:05 a.m. by her junior buddies. that not only were we personally degraded but also our literary child ror our tea ms ; the exhortations to weddings an � ing of parties, 8utf�red Irreparable damage--it was torn apart by a couple ot literary "be good"; the gentle chldlng; the Speak ors. a Biery about the F=::::::� Lu1 l U �� ., reviews that admittedly show some degree at profundi ty . Whoa boy! shop talks that knit us together; :: t pune . . the c raning of necks to see wh o lS I Give the be efit ot the doubt and never kick a man wben be's down! t Those lIecond floo r pleblans have n Next Time Stop At We feel (In the tried and true spirit of American journalillm) that the speaker of the day. Then comes been l�ving It up again. Dee �eck singing from the Uttle blue books (able music critic), celebratinK ber these challenges must not go unheeded and hope that this occasionally w h I c h aren't rea1ly needed-the o bnoxious Intra.paper banter may come to an end , a very timely and l the night before va­ h�ns are so familiar we know !!� : r��� needed end. d o them already . . . Singing Is tbril1- decan Open-minded as we are. we accept these crIticisms with the pro-­ ers ! ) , I ce :;:: ::��� ; p a 0 verblal grain or salt, as a sort of halting, bUnd attempt to congratulate girls were seeing pInk el&* * ��!� 100r:n� �::'n ���� :��:tu�� the us. The extreme lac k of originality, the shopworn cliches and tbe jum­ that Is on cleverly decorat­ . mea. pedbants, and prayer, and reading bled words that makes up these space consumers, of course, say abso-­ sages, Jlttle gems every the white napkins. I one--un. lutely nothing. Moreover, we feel that the minds that dictate tbese B7, North Hall, ettable lessons about the build. Exclusive::fRoom "features" must In some way put 8.S. on a pedestal for wby else would forg e:�� �� �:�::: ;:: sowing phases or seed, 10 they devote their entire columns to such endless cutting criticisms and ing or altars. OIlY. !: ::I�=c e o a b f . verbose evaluatIons. ; How about that? � ! Friday, 2:00; u rd ay 3:00 I I:�; :: !�:� :::! � h ;:�� scrib­ When our tired and bloodshot eyes ran over the Intellectual Quotation for thought: Who so his people how to write good books. would be a man, ' must be a non. bUngs of Miss SOuth Hall Sojourn last Friday. they sought Uterary meat, * * Not least Impressive are thf' Tues· conform.Jst. He who would cather but sadly enough. came away hungry. But, nevertheless. we did tind. out days wben one alter another, earthat she has surreptlously turned her column Into a literary review and nest y u men read passages ,------. 1 131h ... Pacific by readlng' lt again we tried to get the complete · plcture. We got It all A



eagerly looking f o r w a r d

education Isn't acquired

. .................... .........................................


........ . . . . ........... .._...

--- -_.



mmortai palms must not be bi . With lingertng. tutes of turkey dered b:r the name of eoodneaa. but a.nd" .pampkJn pie In their_ mouths, must explore It It be «oodne...



........... .


... _ ... . . ........................ ..

{ <'




-.' \,�. '''M \



. ,,








Waldo Emenon.



' . " I.Wh�



Clover Creek Calling








o ng

the Holy

to an Intense thing about South Han Sojourn Is: It can be enjoyable, despite aU. To the

right. but It's one that Pollce Gazette wouldn't print. After much the mental exertion. we came ling of the brow and remarkable conclusion (no mean feat) that possiblY' the most Importan·t

Book. As be


der silently wb:y he chose tlcular passage ; w� JOin

Sojourner we kIndly advise you to cease and deslst In evaluating S.S.• for In pointing out Quite obvious faulta you Inllult the lntelllgence of your own readerll Inatead of IIteal1ne our devoted fanll from UII.

DINING ROOM Home-made Pie. - 8teaka Se.fooa: - S.lad. Open tJI on Week Sat ,

Frye's Record SItoppe now located at

12605 Pacific A�

Goodne.aa! Who and. .,,-bat Is this ghost rider In the SQ' bUlllnell? My, he cer.ta1ql:y tries to be poInted and scholarl:r. doeso.;t he? Well, we words, el9. tlnd his stutt hard to digest, all those word. and words So we han nothing but gufraws to a rider named choet. tor :rou and I

�n' �. � o� r:e&ut7. Fr.)ml!!!�_ Iiirt!"lIou1tol7 �:_ .�.� .•.., boy. from )l� �;n th� d.lD of the HALL '1llueJr' Into yelplnc . coyotes and so baa lugged h1s co�.tiq7 bOo�. wl9' Or aib&lited' :you are friend, But paper. this tine . ud loud17 algn our name. Iii well known that gbosta are not 'real and.-.if & IDaIl rider, wJiat he claims is therefore not

clalm. to "

a Clloet

what we bear, It 8eems that one of feels that bls voIce should'l.1Nt HOLLY·

about our phU080Pby.



-i��bii�npiii'iiIIIlmifl' Uiililfl1t-::��=-:.-.::::-�-------:-tl-::.:-.�.���

be��- ,"


. NOTE: It can hardlY of our friend. ha.&gUng over the QuaUt1ea week we shall return with another in a ledee

Tassels Elect Heads; Plan Honor Roll Tea



! .-



C8A. FaR0w.hlp will meet in


the u per 8UB Sunday night at Holding their first meetlug of the 7:00 p.m, The pl'Qgram will Include' year In the South Hall Lounge, on Thursday evening, November 18, special mualc and !lot:' Inspirational

TUllelB elected officers and message by Politor �bert Lutnes or planned for an Honor Roll Tea to Hope Lutheran' Churcb Taooma. j Paator Lume. Is he held In the near future. part time pro-


Newly·elected oWcers are :

president; l


- Office Bookeeller 8tatloandneraChurch 8uppllu l 916SupplPacilefaic-Sehool Ave. MA. 2870

Nordquist -Carletrom

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

you sign your name! We




Mar· fessor In tbe EngUsh department.


Ei een Ter"All are Invited to' attend this : Ion Leonard, vo, vlce·presldent; Joan Rutherford, meeting," lIald. Dick Knudson. lead· . er. secrelary.treasurer.



&all" ", SOc, to '10 a OebWre.• Xmu


- JOKES, -Serpenti , TRICKS Tuxedoea, RIES - M EATS .MAG.'"ne GRQcE VEGETAIILES Coetume., MA,4861 ' Garfield St. 926 1.1 B d

_ . " ._ ... .Y__-'___• ____ ______ , _ _ .W __ ! .:..._ -, _ Parkland

Wee , StaI;tfor a LlN�QLlj BRANCH1955



ADd �e::o":i!on��rv� • LINCOLN MAIN K S1'RUT • lOOn. MIDWAY


,- '


ee i D'u mp Ft. Lewis, ;�a:�;:�:";ale�HEI::I�=: T�:· Thr


,.,-by Walt�� Ball "'S,��*�-

Ing point fo, polnl Sindecoon IUld Football is gone, but not the memories of a good season. One platoon Hoover caught fire and the Lutes

action these past 9 or 10 Saturday afternoons.

At the end of the season everyone plckl an Ali-American team, and

now, just to provoke antagonism, I'll pick mine. Remember, however, that I rise above all personal prejudices In my selections. Here goes: . Ends: Holleder, Army; Beagle, Navy.

���:� :� � �� �: �:: �� �: .:!:

Tackles: Ellena. UCLA; Fournet, LSU. Guards: Jones, Iowa; Salsbury, UCLA. Center, B:urrl s, Oklahoma. Quarterback, Guglielmi, Notre Dame.


Halfbacks: Cassady, Ohio State; Arnett, Southern Calif.

Fullback, Ameche, Wisconsin.

On January 1 st, in the Rose at Pasadena, Ohio State goel , , ajlaln!( .�.S:9. :O�io State was ranked number one across the nation In ·


l'lUs year'Il·'IiV��I"'"Q.ding·�:.: ';),>·\ ·.b ����, l���� �:<t��,�<��!:! ���'!.;-: �n. there. I think the "Buckeyes" should have been third behind uciJA

they're going fasL

CONGRATULATIONS to Gerry Kluth and Frank Lancaster again -this time for Little AI I-Coast honors. Gerry was named as a guard on the thirp team and Frank received honorable mention at fullback. While on the subject, I see that both· Wayne Buchert and Bob Ward

of Whitworth made first team backfield Little AlI·Coast. Too bad the

"Bucs" didn't get a bowl bId.

With the passing at football season, basketball wlll soon be In full

swing. Evergreen Conference play doesn't begin until atter the first oC

the new year, but the Lutes have more than enough to keep them busy

three cames



TUIlda;:r ev l11D.& 9.�

the home cou,t by defeaUng West·


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J !

on : l�rrgt�.Ui�)



, _'_ . ' .�. , �"'-.T_ � ' .


game was rather slow In spots until I charges got;,grt to tt '(ast start and melee and put the Fort Lewis team ' things broke lose In the closing mo' were ahead 1 6·6 at one Umlt .. and In second place. I ments at t�e contest. After tra1ling , by the end or the first half they led Earlier In the evening Buchan's by 5 and 6 points throughout the 28·22 In the second half the "Birds" t k hi d I c I th t e ; first halt and by as much as 1 5 In p start d to pump them In and tied . L g er t oP l n the- third period, the Vikings came at 34·up. At the five-min· the score 91.80. to life and put on a strong rally to ute mark the lead was passed back The Lutes displayed real team pull within four counters with three and forth with PLC finally taklng play with eve�one showing can· minutes left. But, foIlIng a full court the lead and not relinquishing it slstently. Top point getters for the press and scoring a couple QUIck the rest or the way. . However, the Black and Gold were Sinderson and , baskets, the Glads had the contest . Lutes let the Thunderblrds come Hoover with 14 each. Right behind settled as to the winner by a 62.53 close In the last two minutes. The them were Gubrud and Nordquist tally, Glads led 50.47 with 45 seconds left with 1 2 apIece. Scoring leaders for the first con. and a hook shot by McLeod tor I s Ing Fa t ! HIgh men for th test were veteran Phil NordquIst UBC put the score at 60-49 where a MI e 1 I I wlta 17, and freshmen Dennis RoBS it stayed until the contest was over l or d Ar en l and Lute Jerstad wtlP 7 and 12 and the Glads had possession at the 12 points.

1 'I

' 1I i



: � �: ��::� � : :� �:� � ---PacWc Lutheran College scored






points, respectively,



trophy. Jack Hoover and again Phil

On Saturday night, the Lutherans Nordquist led the PLC S4cortng with

I staved oft a last ditch rally by the 10 apiece while Denny Ross put up

a thrilling 84 to 79 victory over the UBC Thunderblrds to win the final 8 points. John McLeod contributed highly tout�d Buchan's of Seattle game of the tourney, Harshman's 22 points to lead UBC scorers.

That's everyone's

Question. Over In Eastern Washington, Whitworth seems Quite confi·

Wednesday night and In so doing dent, maybe overly so. "Jordan the Giant" Is the lone starter back from last year's squad which was undefeated In conference play. Both CWCE established an all time high in 8cor· for the Parkland school. The and EWCE fIgure to be about the same as last season, but possibly

_ _ = _ _ _ _ __ _ _

_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

previous shlgh was against Alaska

might give the Pirates Quite a battle.

U., when the Lutes poured In 83,

Here in the green, ferUle valleys and farmlands of the magnificent

The victory put the Lutes In con·

coastal reglon no one stands out as a basketball power. UBC dropped

tention for the tournament cham·

(me game to the powerful Buchan Bakers by only seven points and then

plans hlp Thursday night.

we took them by only one point; so no one can count the Thunderblrds

It was an unstoppable PLC team

out. Coach Harshman commented that Western, a team which was not


rated high by pre-season dope, Is a fast improving ball club with Quite a.

�� : ;:��;

::: �� � � � �: � � : :Wr� I

as Quite a favorite, bllt esc Is usually .good for one big upset a year,

and I hope It's this time. By the way, Erv still has some tickets, but

How doel conference play look from this point?


. T iir.�·

and Oklahoma. The Southern California boys finished with 8 wins and 3 losses, but that eleven game schedule ,�as a killer. Ohio State rates

t lll then.

PLC extended


Last weekend the Pacltlc Luther- ern Washington- 53-U In a pre-sea­ led 55·48 with ten mInutes remainan Gladiator basketball team ven- 80n bout with the VIkIngs. The ball Ing. At the tour minute mark . our lured north to Vancouver. B. C., to game started ott &s l! the Lutes boys built a ten point lead capped take part in the annual Totem Tour- would push the Vikings ott tha­ by the accurate free throw sbooUng court, as they ran to a 15-1 advan­ ney. or Ross and Sind6fson. Fort Lewis tage early in the first half, Then . The Lutes went into the tourney really got worMed and staged a tull Harshman began a wholesale sub­ without having a full -fledged game court press from here out and with stltutlon using different combina­ under their belts. However, when two minutes left In the game trailed tlons against the Vlks. The ensuing the smoke ot the hard fought can. t s c Y acUon became a little rugged In tests had cleared, the Gladiators c e 8 a n e G ds s b found themselves the winners of a the ball. After using precious sec· i 26 ort I a nt and o ner of he u e onds try:ng to get a shot away they � lead. te r . managed to get it In to Bob Wood, Nick Kelderman filpped in 7 field but as he turned and jumped the In the first game or the weekend goals for 1 4 points to lead the Lute

ball is proving Itself again and spo.rts fans can't complain about gridiron

� �

Vikings Again. 53-44 I.. ,trw.It

C. Teume,

Last W.e Ieend

(Continued from Page One)




' Buchan Quints


to a



lead, mainly on the brilliant shoot·

bit of potential.

Ing of sophomore Jack Slnder80n,

Our cross·town rivals, the Loggers, haven't given much press news,

who scored 16 points in the !lrst

but they have a nucleus of lettermen on which to build.

haIt, and Phil Nordquist who scored

Coming home to Parkland, we find many new faces and a nucleus

1 5.

of five or six lettermen back trom a year ago.







So, a Quick rundown will show that everyone has had a major times and even went ahead on rebulIdlng job to do this year. Most of the teams arg lacking In ex- slons, but always the Lutes roared perlence and height and there are no drastic changes to be seen at this back with superb backboard can­ time. Here is the way I pick the final standings, the only avallable data trol a n d uncanny shooting. � h e

at this time beIng in the form at well placed hunches. Northwest AAU ChampIODS. with nrst, Wliitworth; second. Pacific Lutheran ; third, Fuget Sound; big name players llk.e Hartley fourth. Br1tlah Columbia; tifth, Western; sixth. Central ; seventh, ger of Idaho. and Ed Tucker ot


=========::;:=:Jr= -= r Eutern,


Milk Shakes

"Olftlnctlve M�reh.ndl"" GarfiPhoneeld GRanito 5317Parkland



ai c

12tth .. P c fi

Capitol Theatre Fi


and neAVENUE ForeiBO.gnYAKIMA 2hone.... .. "TdayaEIGHT SERIES CURTAN p.p,mm.. week Open Open week end. at One Week, StartinG Nov �

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= = = = = = = = = = =

�A 8262 •

at'·t:So 6 :45

"Ti.e.Uttte W� Of Don Camillo;' , •..


Starri the wonG rlFERNANDEL, d'. flnect comedionean. Ala"Kangaroo o "MinstrelCourti Day." and with MAGOO ng"




Stanford. were not enough

to stop

area TV viewers something

to talk


the Lute tide who gave the Tacoma.


Ed Tuck

tord U .•


All eo••t from SIan-

led. ·the

Brea.dmen with


and that was hI&h for both

teamJ, allO• . Jack 1JI�n·. howitlers gaTe him bi&h

ors for PLC with

20. '

point hoD�

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Our Regular i. Supreme - Supreme I. Beat Pacific Avenue GLADIAT MoctiJOR nlc onSERVICE Duty


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GA i Fa:.:')� .,' :: , M <iiil" M ST , ' � ld'Y' s. . o

..� �=������=".�" Do';'r:�,-m ' < 2 D:o " ,o'n " '5



fifty feet


Not all talent reside. on the up-









� .

1 \Who' 5 ', Who 1 WEEK'S

har' Il&rl"d ( ConUnued trow Page One ) . ne ortunate lad "as thoroug.. pus. She was Spur! vice presIdent, h 1 °u ··d- with fuel °n C May Feetlval attendant and I_... water. ITA. t ,.... 1 talte D (beb, beh) or H omecom Ing PI'"IDceS8. This .peelmen no.... hu a natural J..ower Columbia J. C. cla1med tendency to omit hall'" 011 wb.11e during the acavities of combing hi. hair. his rt-eshman and sophomore years. Lo Ron ng fInally admits he prie there he was a represea ta· valely �elebrated bls 18th birthday. WhU ve to the State Leaders' Con!er· Happy birthday. What are we going U for s tate Junior Colleges. He ence to do 10 years from now when we are getting into our thirties and was also elected as ASB treasurer, honor roll, and won the football In· Ron Is stitt 18 years old!

eTer, the mati musl get through ! Just think ot the supreme aacrince mall

-';�irib. ' !'

waun! ",. l1«b ta 0

(Contioued from page Two)

of carrytng the


Ives, more commonly k n o w n as John MOOD. to pertorm on his gui-


Brian Price


.... ........ .. .... . _ . ........ . .... .. ....




;;;;.... ; .. ,-


7 : 3 0 p.m.-MovIe, by Toastmaster

Club, In SUB. "Belle ot the Yu·

Saturday, December 4






Da' Call from North Hall



Orme has continued to carry on the



Co�n Il, C



Wednetday, December 8

6 : 15 a.m.-Toastmasters.

6 : 00 p.m.-M� Pbl'Evallon (MulleLibrary).

1 : 0 0 - F'a.cUlty Committee, C.M:.:s

eMS. Student cottee hour after concert,

given by No. and So.

Sunday, December 5




��; �:.: �:::}


Lm. to 5 :00 p.m.-APO SecLounge. l tional Convention. 7 : 00-Amerlcan Chemistry Socl. 8 : 00 It.m.-SeatUe Pipe Band, In ty, movie, S-lOS . .

� : �il�:�"' :k;-;; �X::: �;!i�: :�;�,� �!;;;�:;'f :::Q�:� r

;�;.,�!:: :- ��� � ; �:��:� ·




.We leave you with this thought: splratIonal award. Upon transfer· IIlngs '�I've got no use tor women." " When the cost o t llving Is so high ! ring to PLC Brian continued his APO ConventIon ports He Joined the Let 2 3O-Capplng of Nurses, Mr. MOOn replaces our Caruso. Mr Why bother? And last, but not least, work In s termen's Chorus and Club and was 7 3O-C S A Fellowship, William Orme, who has left the con· we leave. chosen vice president SUB ccmpany charming ot tentment our

tar whJle In hJs mighty voice he



Friday. December 3

9: �O

; ��:·�


� : 30-A1pha Psi Omega. OMS-liS.


Thurlday, .December g

e·M-S 12 : 5O-Campus Devotions, T o ." e r . upper Chapel .

15' ���e�:t�;:;: ::· Se��e, 6


7: 30-Lady Lutes, clubroom,

7 : 30-Alpha .Slgma'Lambda, Lo1l7. . 7 : 3O-Curtaln Call.


7 : 00-VlkJng Club party, SVE,

CAMAS balcony. L i n n e SOCiety banquet (contact be quJte a task. It seems the boys many otJ:1er activities claiming her are FTA 7 : OO-Chrlstmas decoration ot the · hom-mom g� od work. Gerda Nergaard tor fUrther tnwho really enJoyed their vacaU on time. Included in these campus. ot Arts protormatlon). If someone comes up and slaps are the o.nes who stayed and caught treasurer, Omnibus 7: 15--I.C.C., !rIO.. Phi Epsilon, you across the cheek with a base- up on the sleep theY've mIssed sInce gram chairman, Mu ' 7 : 30--0rgan Guild, CAM-So and honor roll. ball bat don't get 8l:clted. It is Just the begInning ot t h e y e a r. Of OO--Organ Guild, C-1. ...-S. another transLowell HInrichs administerIng the course, there was not much else to 7 :P&rtland State "tinal Insult." As m a n y of you do that wasn't expensIve or �tten- ter to PLC, attended I 30-D.R.G., Dayroom. : 2 1 Ramon years. two �Irst know, Mr. Hinrichs Is an accom- ) ing. Atter all, It was vacation and College his West at 1 2 : 50-Lettermen, M·109. the ot Choir joined the pUshed swordsman. Do not by any yon couldn't study. 1 : OO-Band, Rainier State Schoo), PLC, became a. member ot the means insult him or you may find A Quick noise analysis around Buckley. S q u i r e s Quartet, Alpha Sigma. yourself Involved In a. duel behind here proves: 4 : 00-L. D. R. Lambda, North Han vice president, C.M.S at sunrise. Lowell's dennl. Reap enjoys everyone's amus6 : 30-Spurs, 4th noor lounge. senior class ICC representative and tlon or a duel : "Swords tor two, Ing remarks and everyone enjoys 6 : 45-Mlssion Crusaders. honor roll. breakfast for one." makIng them when he's there beof BIue · 6 : 45--Student Council, ASBO. The secretary·treasurer As a note of Interest, 331 East has cause he's so appreciatIve. Key this year, 7 : 00--A.W.S. CabInet, 4th noor Is DOW been officially c h a n g e d to Two hl-t! sets compete terribly the nex t PLC'er to make Who's "Nodtvedt Hall." with the music we get on Ollr litWho. He has been busy with sports, I Our "Sleplng Beauty," Ron ptrlm• • • tle s being the tennis champIon In his mer, has been In the habit of sleepeed a new mutfler. S sophomore year. Other activities Ing till :00 on Saturdays. However, Jerry Slattum should get some are sophomore class president, Saga with tough rigid conditioning and new, Quiet paInt brushes-also he o-chalrman this m l a f y be n b o . r n h p S I . r d 9th 4 h t a I c NO no The office ot ASB president Is awake at 1 2 : 3 0 and Is up by 1 2 : 45' m 0 r e basketball games In the one w.,hlch has filled. Showing the vast Improvement or hallway unless properly attired Many other activities, Including the conditionIng. tor such. Mooring Mast bUsiness manager, Alden McKechney Is happy again. the Saga advertising and business


Ramon Reler.on,


- ' -':



CALL HA,, December


Sanltone Approved


: �: :: �: : : :�:�� ; : !:






Erv Severtson


Parkland XXX Drive-In


Magnavox, Columbia, Webcor and othera TED BROWN MUSIC l1 ad Tacoma•• ���';;. ;e':dqu.rtera

DelIcious Hot Chocolate


0t h er



and the


Lut on the Uat ot Who's Who In American Universities and Colleges He has been acUve

ORDER NOWI il!l Phil Wigen. ImS.lect printed'rem withtheYourFI.Name ... I C. FRED CHRISTENSEN GR. 11lth _Ifle Paclflo Ave. t oner l :=E=;:;i====;:::===;b�=====;:::;:::;::: :: ==� MAKE YOUR HOUDAY RESERVAnONS GII'Ta JEWELRY STEAMSHIP - AIRwith- BUa - TRAIN TACOMA TRAVEL , .U�U Lobby Winth 2141 Parkland Jewelers MAo. 4a4e and Clock Tool, - 'porting - HoulMWa ..., - Paint - Plumbing - Window , Watch Shade. - T,..vl, Rod, R .�!ii �t:::��ERINQ Oarfleld IF YOU CAN'T EAT IT-WE PhoneIT GRanite 1171 121ft and Paclfle Avenue TY FOR OPPORTUNI .R when you aeecI ......, STUDENTS CHRlSTMAS CARDS






a s eSA president this year, ACS and president

tbl. 1eu, Vlidng Club or••ldent, 'sopbomore class tr8aeurer, Blue



rop Hotel

. secrelary-treuurer

and honor rol





....ber ...



E. L.


_ 1!.rk1a���n......:

.. prOp.



Delivery Service


all KOlnds

Relining Cloth and Fur Coat. MRS. WHITE 418 Garfield Parkland

3820 South Yakim�

MADDEN'S Men's and Littfe Men's ' Shop

GARFIELD STREET PHONE GR.== ;:::407:;;;== ;:::==========;:::�== =;;:: � IIF TO SERVE YOU 8ETTER ' - Heatln. aervlo, Standard HeatIng Ol �' - H.�tI'!' qulpn:'l.nt A E I ' M M K p' .r;� � l0 l.vI ·IP""'YI _ · Ny!V ruEL E , P AlfiKLA' Enjo That "PLUS" ven I


3-1� ,j.1


l20th 4.

.C _ !'_A _u�. __

. ____ ,

L .,�

GRc..1t. 7100 _




_ _


LaCrosse Printers

PRINTERS FOR YOUR COLLEGE at t1lth and PKlflc Avenue the Triple X


":lh ...


"We ca'n clean ilnything that you can get dirtY" .



Dlvl"lon of Wearever, "Flneat

In Cutlery" See H', FLATBERG OWEN PLC, North Hall. Room C-17 ... and,teWa.hl ngton 8671, Ext.' 1'1 Phone:ParklGRani


o Q ��__ .._

tiNJ�'E CL EA��R�' " *


• • •


programs, cards, ribbons, pamphlets, tickets, etc that'l our buII.....1

Located aero.. from


FI.h and Chip. e-made PIe. p:�;c Tacoma

Need your Christmas packages wra p ped for mailing? For this Free Service, bring them to


Spqrs, honor roU, Alpha Psi Omega', GuIld,


Daily Pick-up and



ties are Mu Ph! Epsilon .ecretary and vice president a.nother year, Organ



���:,' :: =:�: �� �

express his thanks to t h e b o y s kept him busy. whose valiant eftorts retrieved saId The AWS Is represented on Who's pajamas trom yon woody perch. Who by Its vice president,



It 5 VERN'S �o:/:;:ed to order Deluxe Ham­

had his red pajamas manager, Luther League Day on retlfrned after they hung I n a tree Campus co-chalrmn, Blue Key, and tor a few days. Aiden told me to Ivy Hall secretary-treasurer have

Flowers for rf

��:�� ;�:��� :::u�:I�::�.


All Occallon, WE DELlVIER 7453 GR.;:::� Ga;:::ie;:::ld;:::;:::;:::;:::;::: �;:::;::: 1 45

�:� �!::�


Stella's Flowers

Gerald Schimke,




7 he

MooriD:,g Mast

DON'T FOROET TH E CHOIR CONCERT THIS SUNDAY H.:-: Y T�: B:;-: VOLUME u, NUMIi.IiI;;R;-;-1;;. O::F:-:P-:-:H4 L:: F' D-A-Y-.-1 O'-1' --�------:P:U::.::L:': H E:D�: 8:: E a:T::U::D::"::N::T::: :-: U== A: C::'F::'::C:::T: H:::E:::R:::A-N�C-:O-L-L-E-O-E--------'--ECERDM B-E-R--

Lucia Bride 'h"" r T9 G�v. ChQrQ.s Adds Lucia Bride, Festival Concert , I Festivitie s To . . N e w M em bers ·Ch "s . tmas CoroI T, 0 ,Be Presen teel , I, ��h. ',"�.rt " � e w ,... � .H 'f.Q,n igJJJ ��¥. ;: �;I:_;������ p��ll� )������ f;� .:�::;�;�; �� th�:'!:..'::.: �: :: : � ;: �: �:�:'�:�� ;; :�:��� �:� KTAC, Tacoma radio otaUoQ. !>as





I o ! . . . . .. � erownmg r.onr�at br ' S:;;Uet.. .shCo" -c.'.uo' ...... .... :t,. __ 0_.1- .' -..:..::.rhe ' Lutheran eltle . College, which I. . o ride at 8 : 30 . In . the up�r SUB. "GlorY t Ood," and "Amen," T6e now ln lti third yeat. It Is a unique B at tbe Lucia BrIde ,p�gram w1ll conclu�� with' the celebration The or«a..nlsaUon on the PLC campus. co�es trom an old Swedish custom. !!Ilnging at SUent Night and a. beneaccording to Prot. R. Byard Frltu, The ceremony will be explained at diction. '­ director. The Chorus is a alnglns the crowning. A seml-tormal suppertime ban­ org�nlza.tion of ninety-three voices uc The will Bride selected a. Wednesday for L J b'e quet I� planned , dedicated to the arUstlc performance of th� masterpieces of ora- from a I1st at three � rla choaen by Dec. 15. At 8 : 0 0 Wednesday evening torio, opera,'icantata, and other rep- various campus groups. Voting was the a n n 0. a 1 performance ot ..... ­ resentative works at both the past held yesterday to choose from the Christmas CarOl," by Cbarles Dtck and the contemporary. The Chorus candidates, Bobble Berkeda.hl, Mar- I ens, will be presented iQ. t4� �MS. makes use at the Band, Orchestra. Ion Churness and Kathy GUlhaugen' This yea.r's performance Is directed t Pipe Organ and other ensemble Tonight the results of the final elec- by Diane Bassett, Jerry Sla um and h ­ media tor accompaniment and In tion will be made public and the Lu _ Huber, who have as t eir &a slstaDts Stu Morton, Mary Alice addition to radio. television, and Lucia Bride crowned. concert appearances makes use ot This Sunday afternoon at a: 30 Drexel and Jean Christiansen. ·



The annual Lucia Bride Festival Edlto Sch I Pa will celebrate the beginning of tbe pacJf � Lut r&n iege· • Cbrl81U1as sea80n at PLC. tbls Frl- : rarklan4. Waahlnston . day evening at eight o'clock. In the I Dear Editor' upper SUB. Students will gather ThIs lette� Is to Inform you tha.t tor the crowning at the LucIa Bride. the PLC Choir ot the Weltt w1ll be _"






lfPO. with her two attendanta, was i appearing In a special broadcast ot cholen tram fourteen candidates. Christmas music direct from the Atter a program or music and otber iobby at the Winthrop Hotel on entertainment, a smorgasbord Will Thursday, December 16, trom 6 :05 b e served by the Spurs. Admll!lslon to 6 : 3 5 p.m. b wll be 35c for one, or 50c a couple. The pro�m wlil be roadcast An ancient Swedlsb custom, tra- �n radio station KTAC, 8 50 kilodltlonally celebra.ted ten days be- I cycles, on the above date and It I tore Christmas, the �east at St wll1 be re-broadca9t on KTAC DeLucia marked the end at the har. 1 cember 25 at 3: 30 p.m. People are I







and evening at 8 : 00 the annual The part at Scrooge wlll 'be por­ Christmas Concert will be present- trayed by Dick Barnewell; Cratchlt ed In the CoM-So The combined tal- by Spencer Aust; the nephew Fred ents at the orchestra, cborua and by Jerry Slattum; the collecot by Tryouts were �eld the first two choir are sure to provide worth- Deyrol Anderson, t h e G h a s t ot while entertainment. Christmas Past by Mark Freed; the from weeks at this Fall semester t The orches ra will open the 'per- I Ghost of Cbrlstmas Present by Tom approximately aoo students which was burned at tbe stake for refusing would make noUce ot the tact In auditioned for the vacancies. Last tormance with the '"Messlah" over- Swlndland; and the Ghost ot Chrlstyear the Chorus had a membership ture, followed by a processional ot mas Future by Dave Wold. �he part to give up her talth and marry a ; your weekly paper. of elghty·tlve voices and this year the chorus and choir slngtng "From or Marley's gbost 115 played by Jerry pagan. Thl� story, brou�ht to scanSincerely, . It �as a membership ot ninety-three Heaven A b a v e." The combiDed Farmer, young Scrooge by ToIR dina via by the early C�r18Uan rols- I DICK 'WEEltif. ,' P voices. Prof. Fritts decIded to en- chorus and choir wUl sing "Wel- . Reeves, the sweetheart ot SCTOO I sloparles. was coroblned by the Vlk' ' ProSJ'8ll!. Director. l . large the Cborus because ot the come," "BesIde Thy Cr&dle," "To by Jean Christlaneen, CratchI�'s lngs with �� obse�aDce or certaJ.p. I many dlttleult decisions of selectlng Shepherds Fast A.aleep," and Bach's wite by Ida Jo - Gronke. his dau,-4anclen� rltell 19 honor ot t..ucl�a. . 8 by Ru� Duv�n �4 M�on i voices. � "Jeau. Joy at ,Kan's Desir ng;" a1't- I .t�r . Goddei� of th� harvest, light, and sou by Paul QJ• lite. The Chol1ls �. large program er wbJcb the audience will Ute Leonard, �d his o Tim will be plJtYed IW O� the festive �' !ty. tbe "J,.uc� , ot events for the ���n1ng portlon carOl, "N w Sine We Now �jolc�." sen. Tiny Bride:' chosen In e��J). 1l0u'Sehold, of this year. Some or them are as Attel a group at chorals sung by D;vnrTbompso� the art of staging and drama In choral concerts . Forty·tour members have returned trom last year's membership.


"V:est and the start ot preparations ! Invited to watch the broadcast In for the mid-winter feStiVUIes. In person In the lobby of the Winthrop . reality, th.e holiday Is of both ChriS- Hotel. tian and pagan sourcell. Lucia, a I am sure readers of your paper beau tiful Christian m a r t y r who would appreciate knowing about the lJved In Rome during the penecu- times and dates of broadcast and 'lIons ot the E mperor mocleUan, we would be very grateful It you






rose ea:�l,


BaneIn C.oncert Termed Sueeess �

wben robed In an" C;fOW"n� with an evergr�p' wreath e�udded with candlell, . brought Pl9rplI!-� coftee &Dd "Lucia ,D �pne" to' ev�"" • ., member the tamlly. Gradu� b�se famIlIes "ad no daught�r I to the part. a Lucia Quee.ta "'0 by popular" V9,te �ld t1i"e. ' VUlage . town. whIt.e


th�' PLC . ialn!l� teeD "' '', - I d'at••; .-,,' _

In accordaoce with bU

�:d by


Saturday Decttmber 4, !p&l"ked follows : the Christmas program, • radlo and televtslon programs, a an enjoyable evening , event on the ebnent . C8.JDpU �ncert, and all!lO several 8 or �thera.n College pending plans. one betng that of a ....d 10 be a r1tU� ved lKP I. bute . " ..... .... .. R pror ... I r ' I*JD. ' ll e po lIbl 10ur Iater In the year. b t aa.JI�t p oto o e T m . . ""li n The Chorul!l baa . ' a good represen,.... ne ' u n t i t' he �tlon �f the North AlDerf� Con8. 19&4. tine�t, �!1n.g �embers from eight .tate.. 'lWli'a. aiiil Canada ; the . rep"" Wi.ihbi&'. - nted' the . east Con ert, beld 111. 9".' . 0 -r ,. � "",-,t. .h.' ___ to llJiaJlOl- bulldID!. and D. re&op. ,-rr..-:'Y ....... ,_ W ,.. "'t.�4oc1 by . I..,.. Dumber of .tu- coDoID. MODtaDa, Ohio. and FeIlDdeD". frl,Dd. and relatlv•• of the .yl� The l!l!lt of Chora. memben Inr conese profeuor. LesUe d ( u_: MomlOn .".. muter of ceremoDiee. et








AlDons performera in the concert


and a p-oup of choral. by the cbor-




the choir and "Wba� Child ill Tlds/' sung by the auldence. tbe Cbr:lstmas goapel will be read. .... .. .,;.; .... .... _ . .... .... .. .... ...._ The rema.tnder of the program Mond.y. December 13 e w1ll continue wtth "A. n I' e l l W 4: aO--Cholr, James -sales aehoot "'''''· halJ� Have Heard on HIgb" and "God 6 : 0 0--German Club. dl � Re•t YOU, " luq bY the aud1 6: 45-Pi-ayer SerTtce.

L SC..... CI UD

"... I�•


7 : 15-r.C;!,�� �1��. 9 :OG-Pl Xap\l& Delta, CIIB-1S1',


Tuood.y. December 1�


•- .. .. 0..... 12:5o-Leltarm.D·. Club. r.�. , I!"'!'�"" P!I!'" .. �'!!' 8 - 5---Freno,.. h C1.:�.'., 1p'& LltU... ' .4, Th, I4Jm.. �!I,I:1 �CJ�et. � room. � 1&.t� eT?�M, ��, '�' � �W� 4- 5-�,I.· coffee hour tor honInn, �u1d ,!�q � �".Il� � ���c�.� 9,f, ,�,·�,te. South HaIL . by ,the io pei'Bona In attenda!ice_ 6: ao-spura 4th Door Jounp. , Atter " meal oi" trlea' chfeten. I&'!- ':45-8tudaDt� CowialI. MJBQ. 12: 3G-D,R.G.


Jlyrua Sere. Port Anceles, W1L ; � . W1L ; l TbomplOn "u . member. Atter ,the 8htrh ., BUchlD& Tlllcum . IDYOCaUOD WU C. Geraldln,8 DIxon. ...ttle: J:ether tali lpaPetU• ....&ct. and b r .- a d T:OO-LIn ne � II1II-. �. Ore.; Pat Qsh- OileD; tho .peak". Doctor T':OO--� w.. 1L tI:aIIIIIef; . •tII, _ rliic.·Bv-. CaUt.; Dart.... H.... I(oaru JoIqI_' ''re an lDfoaD&, ...... ... Ore.; � __ tlTO taD: on ��: �, �n 'I'-' II--4lI.IrI tmu _. � . , . . . . . .. 0... ; -.. _.... J� • RO� H0fll!"' '''! 1 �� OId . ....Ik. _, . _; Greta _.. PuJaUu.. .....\.,.iit' .... . IurDt.tied ... ; VIr8IaIa "Uor. '· _IIkI•. ·bY' ,.. 110 ��_ .l-;"��.··· "' U '' I· . ' : �,'.L � ell....'... ._.... .. OIl1:erta1locI l' OK; 1 0 1< . l e x.adoIt --. L ·o T· ." "kg," Joon .'l:lii1jtwiliOil wu th.'Seattle Pipe Band of which

..... �


... B

Peat'r '.ni8 '-' t ·"'�ii.';�-t·

1 '::: ;_ =':"�-::::: �..:.. �;

.-nne En_a: MIIqIoII.

..... .

�,";"'-;.!. !�"' ,_,hM �

nMbIa' _

--. lAo

7:3�· _. .... _"-,,,� . ......_� fbb:'

' t�CL .,IIi.�� � .1,li

� ,...... ....... """" .".. �.. .,. 1':OO--Aln.....- .. CIt8_ � . ,_ w� . .. �� _ .'. .... , .., --. -.. WL � \II! .nuIM'. � . 8-1G8. r.o•.tt; £I11oDy. Ore.; Jou l;Ut, ��. q� '!f�.un!: �'R!If Ka..... Rbo Jl&.PII' _... c<\Uu, WIL; moe 1Iu....... - �"'IH'!o 1!mI4f�; II� lI!Wf'> " . . ma; Barbara N_.. _tie; QIar. "�R"'�; L7,lMI�" "","" _ U:IO-"C&lli and pGo .....� _ .... -. -0"': c.uf. ; �; W� �, "'"""' �; ' Cliapel, • Dorothy Pet''?'''': l!vaIIIi�. -. �� � lilomM\. ,p!), l'fP""" - "- 7:.3�ol!; __ .l'1ill. for tho W"v•••1iai,wier t , nIJO .; BalOm; Ore.; �l�' �Q fl!; tl!lw .��ot .' throp HowL ro- LaV.ODD. 8toIII he p 'uo"'h;"'-;'· m• pan•• wlU 101o"� JUt;' '10.... '- • TraIt- W!!!!' .fl!l'll! Putt"", &\\II • &: So-lliphe, 1'hI' 0m0IIt0 r-1K lD( of Mpha . ' J.... !l!!lmolL .w.. borilono. eo- um. 7,iS--:Wklaf C1u'" Bdat·, _ '. d�y .\11':10' . 'I�""' B7ard 1"rItta, _ . Woll<• •, '' • .. nlty dlDlnc room. ' 7 : ao---1J!.Tc".A. • -, . .... - w"-m:getiDi. ERJB; a rraduate of North- "'I'I'o.,terllnc Bome." ff.An. Ilriat.ay Young , . ood. c.ut; .. li': oO , 13 .ia··� IL, � -Ord.tta Bechtel, Redw . • _, ' �'" Road tAl . l>1li. w••tam lJDlToditT· .... h..' holt II_ au HarIIor. . ftcirel,,:. ·Chr NCtttI • I: lIaB-l�' SOme. : "".mon. '!OIIII I�. '�.�!rn\I ",,...v , , �'tt "rt_ W... ; U . . . ...i 1· Oa!r<-. x.n!&. , A,pIJ!." "H A , .... W. Qo firm. In Ne.. yor_. "'''l'"Yl� , ' I_ . tIo"' __ ChrII\� . . • . � IC<\..IIn_' OIl· i'llCe ftur) and lllehlpl!..... C'.e .....?..H. ... .. . .. .




� !gtii"II'it!f !li '�' �)

th.lI by

1I��VW ", """ I'Aitoe


-.orI7 . ...,4


ThurildaY;' _ioftb.r.1i

ni t .

Attend tft. Lucie icicl Coronation Tonight



Decemb r

FrIday, ,

'ih, MfHlri-.. Mas. THE




Entered &8 aecond class matter, Oetober 2, 1952:, Parkland, W�h1Dgton.




Subscription prie�l.50 per" Yea!'


�� , !.


your choo!. Every .. ·' The Mooring Mact I� yo�r paper �. well ae PLC r'I.,"e e en- :r l. .

,;.Te paper .... ne o s no . n �uoe=m.' .'fro'Ura Ie "a-. prow ,why we, the Mooring Mact',staff, are askinQ for our help. We would like to make this a news'paper, one whrch Interesta-every student campu.. The only way we can accompllah this task Is to hear what you, the students, want In youI' pper. We are waiting for your auggeatlona, and, yes; your constructive critlcisma, too. We know we are far from perfect and your ideas will heip correct these wrong.. So we are asking all studenta of PLC to take a few moments from I their busy achedules and write us a ahort note. We will a reclate and do beat to lee what we can do. Letters can be addr:.':ed to the editor and put in the Mooring Mast box at the switchboard.


' I.












Nordquist -Carlstrom

W. E. 8ch,nackenberg









T '





concocted li::r the g08stp.monpra oi






h c bits � . �� thro n on

WhlI" ;.-eann1ng the

c oi e

scandal ee L



news as "Who W&8 the shower," or "who the roof watching the

out or

was seen



d Old



��� �::- �r: �::..un:: P:::::: On Thir o

Bird Watchers."

0'" S Main

Floor the f

are re-


IH e r e, tor you, in&' ·to SQueeze through' for them In the lateat Maat. the Rider -w... South Hall. Is tn opportunity. You -with their meager eal&r:Ies. and cUam&7ed to' encounler are called' upon to delend. your ceU- -It sure '11 feeling Uke home to







the and W&8 so cruelly threatened walk do,,", the a character ullUslnation 01' ut� mt&e doors decorated. Senral strls are 'rille's ' malt beloved. nollem&ker. in Superctllous Sneer. anUcJpat!q large Chr:Ietma.a, pry.. T he article W&8 written by two' nne No one, u yat, at�i:opted to .. _ from, the looks. of their. doors. men, one of whom eomes out ot hldf etoma.clul lq OD!7, to haul a aack. 'of laundry assassInate the Finkleman r o m - Alona ' :wlth their aa AC S e the baIIaP, from Th&nkast't1n.g T&­ aDd ut b ' ." t tree , l'O Hall o the. "'nG-pay" waahen in North "Th





. Hall, and another about whom some it' seema lite a «GOd idea. It ....eoiD1nenla could b e made br the sufficient that GrttteD. and BaHhon .,.*7 - taot of hi. &a80claUOn with w!iiilg away oii"IU1t:arSUlf lhe wee ' for hoUrs, now the n.nrt. T s W&8 about and Slater 'have SuperclUous Sneer, but tar above portad a man-sbed trumpet ' each,



Lee call


tm-I kUDo 1l

tun two rtnp one

. W&8 . • .cation came beaut1tUl diamond. ..t ott on either

I other W&8 & ttve antt t'\D ey�popper

aIde by two:'amaHer-- dJamonds;-ths­


-that really gave the wearer a laQ'h. . IDes? . those ' two. writers frfend QU&l1u1 h&a a raucous sound- How about Say. Colleen HanUn, we ·h a v e . F1DJtl lng an to "Would apend �re time trying duck d e and My , been trying to tlgure out who you improve the sad condltlon.ot their ers have resorted to the T . he columll. tnstead of trying to dis- word' is .that ROMIk ' and Munson mean when you keep· slngJng "Let cover the Identity of the Ghost will soon take up the tisllue paper Me Go." I don't like ·to tell you. b.1lt . ,RI�et; they could no doubt double 'and comb, while "Deacon" Don- no one on thfrd noor Js holding you fh8lr &tbat number ot readers.. Just howe stands by lamenting "tH.ese back-go, go, girl, go. . our

MaaL U

, goOd



th:lnk, tellows, how nice It would be poor)ost souJs." _ Fantu'a to ha e ·one thousand reade". You rill D�xt weektthe�, remember, lt� The spirit ot €hrlstmas has da­ � , . _ mue . a guess at t1!e identity ot the you ha,-e nothing to say, give ! scended upon Old MaIn In a ma� , . RJderj &Dd trI84 to ' pin it on one at It to' :me. I'll ,Print It. jestic mannet'. Each noor carries ita , ' '. the Mute .taff ,wrlters. Sorry, feli specJal meesage or-Christmas cheer. , . , , ! here _ . lOwI:'bad cues.. ut 2� �lllon \If�I}- I Pat BOnderant 11&8 turned the On that same page was a column owers in the United States. (Continued on Page lI'o_Dr)

are �.bo.








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and church lIervmeeUng to the next, breathlessly However, is this the onl wa to evening devotions, Ices Is ImlWrtant, too. That trip up mumbling, "I'm a good supporter," prepare for Christmas " o o ten l that we havea h Tower the to they were caught in a whirl which th hts fouild time tor, would be an enseemed to go faster and faster Was se y r gS W h there no way to stop It? I could We are so orten overcome b the rlchtng preparatory experience. May this Chrlstmall truly be a hardly blame them fo ra set of clr- anxie of waiting to open ourYgttta ty cumstances which It would be un- and seeing the gleam in the eyes blellsed one for each of us, and may we' have 80 prepared onr hearts fair to say was of their own making, of others, that we forget the say, "Even so, since definite claims had been made meani ng of Chrlstmaa and another th t e ta0 m co m, Lord J B upon their loyalty, their school spir- preparation so vital tor ua. A VERY MERRY CHR.ISTMAS It, and other genuine Interests and We go to church every Sunday A N D A M. 0 S T BLESSED virtues. I also realized that I was during YEAR from Advent PROSPEROUS the hear and leaSOD Involved to a considerable extent the message ot the coming birth- your own C.S.A. In the same cyclone. Norm Schnatble The second experience was at a day of our Savior and that we CSA council meeting. W h e n the chairman asked about how things were going In the various organiza· tlons, the answer came that too many students had too many placell to K'O too frequently, and here, too·, some said there was something they relt they just had to attend prac­ cally every nigh U t It was the same expression trom another quarter. Is It that today's Christian Stu­ dent sIgns the roll In the Fall, pays his fees, and -then becomes a Chris-

I �D='===�D===. �'===� I

SoUth H�II who, oodor the cIo!'k o! 1 . : anonymity. d"eUght in relatIng such

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Whoo boy! While my reputable co-worker Is off falling the egos of some rather fortunate and strewn-with-dew basketballers In the land of the forbidden solar rays, I couldn't pass by this opportunity to deflate his ego which Is In full nower at this time of year. In Phll-er.up-wllh.Ted's-cred lt-card Nordquist we find, In a twisted sense, what our ever Inspired citizenry would misnomer "The All-Amencan Boy." Shades of Lake Stevens ! Don't they know that PLC produces no such mediocre Items! You b ve probably noticed how those who seek his favor cling to his letter aweater as he strides determinedly to chapel every morning. SUch behavior 115 more than Brian can comprehend. A clue to this magnetism or Phil's personality can be found In his shaving lotion which is a concocton of equal parts ot "Orego n Love Call" and "Locker Room Scent No. 5." In the true spirit of PLC student ute, Big Pads Nordquist finds extra-currlcular activities inescapable. ne clubby little group that finds him a dedicated proponent Is the Order of the Black Keyhole. In which he proudly bears the title ot "head usber." Another of bJs beloved devlathe purpose ot ..the 1.I0ns Is an organization which supposedly tberence or sportsmanship," but In recalling that the last treasurer absconded with the funds, 'thls Is to be doubted. Nevertheless, this can be said of the Lettermen: they ad-Ub their way through the M1nstrel Show In such a way as to produce a hlghllght-- In PLC's perennial tesUvaI. -I suppose that much more could be aaid or thJa Lake Stevens Swede, tlan CnmmJtteet;nan, or perhapa a but space and the fact that he owel me a ceryJn amount at money Christian Ear? Have we gone b� I whhm.�ha detgs � o ..l:-·m.�;;.:.l:1·'" ·• ilalt17 ..on;" raqiih-aa . Uxlii wUio :1;;ix.d t:ha.t tl:w.v a:nd CGiiilltiuu. . (Continued on Page Three) to a h&8t::r end_ hat s all, kldl eya_


. �

What Ii happy and bles8e& Ume aliould prepare our bearta and Uvea hrlstm .ls. and how' eagerl,. we fbr It. But 80 excited are we about to r. w a r d to ItI, �The' extra th..e other �np that ·the once-a.­ look When f was' asked to contribute and radiance In each smile ' week messages are present tor a a lhort pIece to the Mooring Mast's warmth Buddenly pUBbed column, "The Cri t ca Eye," I bad and greeting, and the beauttrully momen and then decorated campus remind U8 that aside and forgotten nnW the next Just bad two experiences wblch Lo rd say., " Behold, I Cbrlstmas Is near, and that we must I Sunday. Our seemed to me to be worthy ot eval. stand at the door -.nd k.noc,k ; If any nation. First, a class or 8lUdents- prepare tor, It! voice ud open II,. bear wJll man Prepare ! Just how do we prepare I e 'Qulte all good men, mInd you door, I wUl come I,D to him an� unprepared ror tbe day's business. ror Christmas ? Our tbougb� apd, the and he with Me They had · had Ume enough, for the a lons are so tull or busying our WIl� sup :wlth .him tbat. so assignment had b e e n once· selves in buy,l�g gifts, deCOratlng, _ It must grieve Him deeply b� e o t . I!. ! � �.... ?�. , � Q,Hl1:. t,�� lu.�:""".�_ �d: •. � ���t-lt�irus�4.�_�,;."J-. �t�":"'t..b.� .�! (t:�;'oo�outwa nr .1 �� ur 1ir enough. Probing a little, I dI8COV- the way we should prepare? And cause In for­ we ered that an : ha� been under what how early we begtn to prep re In bnstl.l�g"and bUstling about, on , ofr this Admeanlng true the get I they felt to be inescapable extra- this m a n n e r ! What stimulating cu icula pressure and compul�lon. things are �eard on the radio con ve t season. . . If we sincerely desire to prepare We talked the mattt'lr over, and in cernlng early Christmas sales, s Girt, how the process It turned out that meet- all we can think about Is getUng Inwardly for God's Great we PQJceed? Faithfulness In ings, committees, clubs, activlUes downtown to get these bargains ' might or one k1nd or \another were tak1ng And what would Christmas be with- our daily Bible Reading and Being I up almost evert night In the week, out this" (But don't misunderstand Life Is our main preparaUOIl. work of and many afternoons R u s h I n g me I am not running down the Idea attentive and open to the the Spirit during the chapel pertod, hither and yon, racing from one at alI).

By Dr:,


Th-IS I 5 rTOr YO U ' t



Ef1e C

Office at

Telephone GRan1te 8111 '

Office: Student Union

every FrIday durin,; the school year by student. of PaeU'1c Luth'eran Colle . :s-

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by Walt Ball

Last week marked the end at ma­ jor rootball for tbls year. The final standings are past history. The bowl game opponents and partici­ pants have been chosen and every. one has picked his �U·Amerlcan team. ·

Whlle- on the .ubJect of an All­ American team, what about the guy. who played all year long w i t h IItt i e or no recognition. There mu.t have been quite a few

ord•. \V.hat about the oppo.ltlon .ome team. face. Doe. It com­ pare. What about that line up front. It can make ball handler. and pa••ere look mighty fine or mighty poor. Don't forget the re­ ceiver•. They kind of help In keeping a percentage up.

.All these things, along with the power of the press, make for sub­ jectIvity In choice. l·t Is a necessary tlvll, but the pol�t Is thIs: Of course .... ! . ..!'-� L �IJ�e..-,:·� � ..��,:,,' �� e�e AII -Ame �J���.",����9JU!" are think too many people will dle­ top caliber, but at any given time; agree, that probably two or three any number of ball players could or even more team. of compar­ gain at their respective positIons able quality c o u I d have been and show just as well. All of these cho.en with n e v e a player'. guys played the game and let's rEt · Phil Nordqulat, honorary captain for the Vancouver Tournament, chow. hla var.lty teammate- the trophy member, they won or lost too. name appearing more than once! . . , won In the Totom Tournament. Publicity and popular sentiment The recent Tacoma InvitatIonal are becoming altogether too much Tournament, whicb was The Critical E ye PLC ' B O W S T 0 \.... . like cause and etfect. Look at your Basketball won by PLC. was a ,e.! ,t•• lor· INTRA... URAL .. (Continued from Page Two) professional tootball team rosters. ward and I hope sets a precedent Of course most ot the All-Ameri­ 10' the lutu,s. It w., .,omoted hy HIGH LIGHTS things In which . ,tudent .tudle.? W illamette U. a1 s i cans can be round here, but wbo are these other guys, a number or �= e�!I:C:�;ga��=!��!� �:m�::!��: The tJrst week of basketball has �e���ne:� :; :h: �::aO:ba��h: ��I� By Brandt whom we have never heard any­ patlng colleges 0 e a v 0 t e ot passed wlthdut any major casual- lng of a Christian student Is to be PacHic Lutheran gat orf on the -thing before. They must have some thanks. Congratuiatlons to Man ties, though most everyone was a student? Realty, what values are wrong (oot on their Oregon road from Quiet, from study. trip quality. So what It the pros didn't WlIJamt'tte University ot and the team. Defeating trying. A couple of the close games to be gained meditation. f r o m thinking, Salem,as Oregoo, downed PLC Tues­ drart them from the headlines of a Harshman Fort Lewis or Bucban's Is a of the week were the Faculty's win from u I I I n g. sIftIng, comparing the m national syndicate. They are getttng either night 56-54 to end the Lutes' tew ball clubs have been able over Eastern and Gootch's GulCh things we've read, the Ideas that day paid plenty they must be doing feat i win over DeJardlnes. The Gulchers have come to us In one way or n· 5·game wlnnlnl streak. In the past. good job. Why are some of the to accomplish w a. l � ere previously edged by the Crew Bearcats got orf to an early coming out on top, "names" Sitting on the bench when Speakingdidof pretty other? Unfortunately suc,h valuesf8: I Cuts. All Bcores appear below. r_ 0 lead and were never beaded athletlcc well In our dis· i even nor C they are eupposedly the best. throughout , the fray,_ although the High point man for the week i ::::�:d ��o: t�:::�." . "W h 0" W h o" repre.entatlve., Then, too, In college ball do the Gladiators managed to with one eh? Vern Han.on, Jack Hoover, seems to be Dale 9torasa1l of East' Is today's "student" simply to be- point at 45·-14 late In get beat alway. get to the top_ What the second Jerry Schimke, Brian Price and ern, getting 14 and 20 points for a unit In clapping an come one about backfield. where three o r more balt. Wlllamette had a bealthy 33-22 Don Gaarder were among those total of 34 for the week. Is today's college eXl!eri- halfUme four ball carrier. have equal abil­ lead until tbe Lutes finally "Mean guy" for the week was audience! chocen thl. year. Pacific Luther. perform four ong -year· ence Ity and chore. are divided, no one a l " got into gear In the second halt and foul In a 8 B of with total Borden l I t thl. of proud Juctly be can an stu today's Intellectually. ance?" of them having a chance to make - made a close game ot it. The Salem group of student. which Includec two games. big headline. or .et national recattends lectures (which seem club only got 23 points the second the aforementioned name That'. Tbe teams curr�ntly in the lead ' dent part and unavoidable), Is a to be all for nowl are the Faculty, Ivy Hall (A) and I of an audience at a performance. halt to 'PLC's 32. the Crew Cuts, with two wins SOCially, he attends p1ays, concerts, Pete Reed paced ·WlUamette In f halt, getUng 15 at the against no losses. These are closely and chapel, numerous other the irst 33 points. He was NEAL E. THORSEN followed by North Hall (3), which �citaI8. XXX .meetings, and usually III a part Bearcats' hi how the is �a:�:a ��a;::,::�� S TRICKS JOKES MAGIC of an audience at a performance. �:�:. to hit • In the second 20 minNo� do I claim to know the an- Phil Nordquist ,totaled 18 .Loat P Costumea, Tuxedoe.....Sorpontlne et. swer. Today's student Is In & dlI FacultyJ ....................Won the Lute� to lead their 2 0 1.000 lemma. MA. 4881 926Y2 Broadway He must be a part a hOllt for ack Hoover cont;lbutedf 10 f Hall CA) ............ 2 �.OOO of activities, he must run and race Denc:IOIIs I Ivy . ! Jers. Crew . Cuts 1.000 2 PLC "ras r�d h�t at the bu e c mo & u t In ir , he at b I Hot Choc:oIate Hall (3) -.. 1 or 18 O. 20 . m.rem. UIIt- l llne as the, COnnected e h. run. the rlalt ART'S SHOE SHOP No,th Tacoma .1 erate and unawakened. to the real throws a .90 percent average. 1 1 eth .. Paclflc � GR. 3211 t 11 .1 . TraU. ng !h. � .rn nlue. and ..ofi!cl4l I 1I1••.Be JDa7.J C'ontlnul Garfield Street Gulch .. -- 1 1 the Lutes .meet think "confiJct" means an even QUALITY DeJardJn8!l ---- 1 1 il!-y ;_ �t .�t . Grove paue the schedule. REPAIRING DYEING I kers ..- 1 t r Ii" time to decide, as swtu« )nto, the, Ctt7 9t Perhaps Central Barracks .. 1 · Clark, and Lewia::'-': with at my r Omega -------.- 0 ta &ettiu« J.a.rp wind up the buy w� taJt1n,c O.D college that Stubs -.0 that we cannot &DY loq. PaCln-e iLi&tn :saturday nI«ht. .. Ivy. Hall (B) -.- 0 2. everything. Perhaps we Creek .--- 0 I . have 'de;d�, �,:!AA�I8 " � A . small town· � • place wher. I the � thaf� everybody tDon··wb&t\evel'7b0d7 . l oi ,II... Allil! .II'i .it);;;> :�': j Frienli-O,ne who hu . the ly hlteresu ·u let the I'Ht of It co. i :.�f : fl e�.� � th, the� golden ;'�<1D the elaeal 1�. . �t-��!..��� .�� �evelopment a t t,he mind and t¥ l c � 10-"' ... whO � bee. �








Parkland Drive-In


only points attack. of co�t1�;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:�����1 toul c s of "social." tor on Ore.lon n Gooth·s un., �n ,atl�Th� In it ill �������;;;;;;;:::;;� To o contest· ed, t one o r colleagues SUCg8l1 uso do Clover parUclpate ton I n l you haT:"�-=�:�� and·lnvest o III������$�������.��.m��..��:�.� SQu QUIet Ttu.a! �eem.l : l · packages ��apped for to the .�nable aervlce of Chiiatlan- .tudenL.· •





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:lc. lJ -;te� r. &b Sundberg and Dl4 ' �leD)"" . . �ong the angelic h08tease.8 wJll i �'fe upre••ed their deSire f.o 10 ' be Jound Kathy Jobanson,. Nat H�. ' �ce .t.a�. �1' Svenlngson, LI. O�, JUdJ Jim .cuhoD tlu annoutc� �. "m Ml� for' Sbelton ��Der in 'C6. b�ker and Heh�n JO�_ _ ' J.P. tiq � oD& those ob�ct.s belD.l' deco- Our ady�ce-D9,'t �o ' � .j �� wu Sylv1& fleni� Flne tel. Pl,p.ey In I� 111-ey 4q .�cb· a dead to!, P,1en41. lnJt!D;ea.. ' . . , . enll1 reT8aJ.� Jier � Specla1-8tu Gllbreath Is eucterO;a.e gal




�horu. LI.tin�. �

o f Jr,r. "iltj�!M ()hl� ::!:;��:e �l!l�p i�tehl. l,���er �f ..� �n, Ala8ka � Martha Do\l.glas: Tao IP.� ER..i ffJJ FR�Jlon. ��o. �l .��lc IOror- coma; Ruth Haugae. Richland,WD. ; l�f' Oil" R�tober U at !ft_at�erllooJ:!. 1 Roberta Humble• .CqrvaUII. Ore.; �� Facijl� l,c!unco. ! LI�d. flUfd. l!I� land" MonL ; Ine. !I1?l1"� 4ed. Fo�- ' I��s�n, �t;�ttle ; ' Betty ·J ohnson. r;:;.:!44nt bn!'ll' � � 'J��ni th� ��fJ.��� »i� �QUre E>1.��C!�W' Wn. ; S'flvla Johnson. . !� • !4'��n� Verno�. ��.; Joap IJ:ltt�l m���,"p a�� I 'Ii I,T ft @�. , 89P· r�.co� ; J��q. ��o�h. Port· "!f " , N�.,. �rr� �� p c Cbe,,!"�I�l1, �, �o e �� 9re.; I�p�, i Hfl�, I �,�. . �!'!lR� . . V{?': lfr�ln, ttn���and, SaJem, DotR�)' pllm�� Or e.; Pat pl!l!?f1' ���nd , w�:: �; . )(f�. '�!p' m ' 'B.,rb.,ra Rls�u, S&I!-tue ; V I 0 l e t R� !�,.t;t. '. 1 � Rued, Federal Way, Wn. ; Anita . ��R' �'!P �'f �� U � Sc���l1: �en�e1!lck. Wn._: Bar�ra ��. : p,p I� SkJon,a�f' Onalaska, Wn.: Pauline to l)e tftt � �� "



l;!�J', fn!o�'


T� �=!:: l:= for Stage To Nav.


I. helD. constructed the Co'l(·S alai. whl cb will lerve AI a megaphone t4 ' tIlat the.(l?q.q.d ,!,lJi �! P'l'QJecte4 l�� t�• •ud/.nc�. It I� �.Inc �ullt �1 t,be chorus mem�rs under ' the dlrec· UOJ1. ot Mr. Fritts who dellped It. The shell II made of masOntte aDd has' fo�rteen ii��1 welghlUf filii pou�dtl �acb, 15 top, of 160 pound. ' eacb and 6' k.cks at 60 poundi eac!l It will coat about $250. It will be used. tor the Ont tJm& On Sunday for the concert and ,,-111 b! used In tbe tvtutC! mainly for choral work.

�xr::::�:!!."i�\i:1!�����! ��!�il�r!��:n-1ift - �.�� 4 �I��;:���·�}:·�,�_� ·f, Thompson Benef,t � �rp.?� 'u � � �� I �4t � � f j;!r- i � ' Clover Creek Calling '!,!!�t Up: ��� . ��� �� I .



Teno,," � wU1 !>Aa !!eOn fo!!!, ..tnlteD" hy torte tI!� '.�!i4 . " e, !h� �r!, · ·� -..- . ... � .,-:: -,.,, ,...-.; : -.� ,. ..�, ,. -d '(Cont1'lU�d trom Page 'one) �cu .re �o�� �t�re,tI�. i Grover Akre,'Parkland; Marlene � ��cq! �'ff� Jtm Poo� Juet' _.,.�«?� '�d�t� on Angus, Mary8vllle Wn ' Dick Ber- E. K� San4era wu presented 1,7 � . . . 4 P,1if8t!t tests. To quote: f', don't �ea\'8 anyt n Pfa:fe�," irranc;ea Tbls weelt r�spectruUY �u�mlt body anything. � '��HIE? m1Du�:er 1t�:- :'m�'f9de v� ! ale, Inglewood, CaiU. ; E-;.elyn Biery, �� :: Ronan, Mont: Ma.rllyn Doe, Soutb Pepper, �rtrud� �Ilman,' Morrl' a comment to the "Noise or North there Is for myaeIr. He �� thr�,t- F1ndl�'; the ' corner and r:mO\ � g Moen, Bob and ieJne Henilue_ '*', try pow4ered

�upr. Tho of.


Ria\!: Hall," one Alden McKechney. In r& ened to jump ort the N a r r o w . all tbe luggage from the car tbe I San Gabriel. Callr.; G 1 e n n Hull. Thl, was fonowed by Mr. FrItts, Y prd to the "retrieved pajamas rrom bridge, but was rolled by a one bun- tben dl8co'i red tbe bus had airead ! Parkland ; Stan Jacoblon, Rlcbland orpnlat, pla11ng �'80lemn Melody" Center, Wis.: Norman McCu;J.oulh, dred dollar fine for leaping from tbe yon woody perch," cheer up, Alden. gone by. B; this time It W&8 ult� S11:verton, Ore. ; Dennis Reuter, and "Tocatta," from 5tb SympbOD7. Things could have been worse. You span. late and deciding to try and !tch Vasbon, Contr1butlng a non-musical, but Wn.: Garry Schulenburg. We close with t b l s Question : mlgbt bave been In them at the the bus, (on the way to Seattle) SeatUe; Roger Westberg, N a p a, well-received section or the ev8What dl4 the skiers do wlth' M.:)Unt tJme. the)' placed a call to Mrs. Nel80n Caut. nlng, Mr. Stanley Etberaon gaTe Rainier 0 v e r .t h e weekend? We Cause: Buzzy Brandt heard some [rom the nearest pbone booth. This several readings. couldn't see It this morning. noises. Direction-basement or Karl bappened to be In a tavern. Finally The concert was closed with the ; Robert Aust, Vancouver, Wn. Sojourn Forsell's residence. Extremely singSouth after 4rJvtng at a reasonably safe Jerry Bayne, Seattle; Ragnar Ben- entire cast and audience joining In Amid franUc cramming ror te8ts, speed, they overtook tbe bus at the olar. Tbere Is no basement son, Kellogg, Idaho; Tim Blaney, "Auld Lang Syne." Findlng8: One Larson, by tbe term paper8, etc , a group of third Sea Tac airport. two-thirds of the � reception afterward wu held Auburn, Wn , Ted Bondurant, SeDame of Edgar, bad obtained a kit floor seniors, who have not pre- wiy towards Its destination. This attle, D a v e Cburness, Compton, in North Hall. where refreshments ten, Given to Karl Foraell, kItten vtously been mentioned In these 8tOry Is true All -sImilarities to Cam , Bruce Dahl, G r e a t Fa1l8, were served. Mualc "Wal provided -took one look at I� new envIron- 8acred Jines, took time out to eojoy names and places are ab80lutely Mont., DIck Farness, Port Orford, by Oneila, Anna and Solveig Lee. ment (Brunner, Forsell, Cornell) a most successtul Christmas party. authentic Ofe , Roald Feness, PrInce Rupert, Has bidden under the residence Not bavlng theIr names In the SoOver my Quota of wordll now B. C.: Maurice Fink, Odessa, Wn . A small boy was surfer1ng rrom . journ before now, they bave been so long unUl next week ever since. Don Fosso, Seattle, Mark Freed' 8unburn tbftt ba,i Just rc:\chfd theProceedings: KItten was begged" hounding your reporter to plea8e I Seattle, Jim Haaland, Albany, Ore , I peeling stage. He was atandlng In 0.' from North pleaded wItb. Purpose-to Quite kit- I menUon .them as they are true pubWonder ot wonder8' The fellows Gordon Huesby. Los Angeles, Cal , front at the mirror when his mother ten by bringing out !rom under the , IIcity hound8 and want those prlviKnut80n, Kirkland, Wn., Neil heard him 8ay, "Only four years old David drapes Of are their open. leavIng house. I leged to let tbel r eyes roam over . see their Kvern, Ca�tdo, Idaho: Alden Mc- and wearJng out already_" Result: Two bitten hands. Three S UCh literary genlus to aay, "I aaw course, U's only so you can y, �alem, 9r e.: Ray ?4agnusLittle ·Boy: "MOIDm1",' dldn"t you . Kechne deep acratcbe8. gash on nose. ! your name In the best column In Christmas decoraUon8. Although It � so , Colfax; . Don Morten80n, 1411- I ten me we came from and we'U go Kitten sUll under bou��. Buzzy'a I the MoorJng Mast." ThuslY, Phyl Isn't t.he ea8iest thIng to Ignore th� ; o ton, Wo. ; Ray Nelsen. �al1a»e�l, I bact tQ 4"lt1" f5ani� retained. Grahn, Dom HanlOn, Florrie Mag. ! countenances behtnd them. Dick .Mommy: "Yes." ! Mont.; Roger Olson, Tacoma; Bm Wbo are the cents In North Hall nuaon. F10 Cbriaten8en, G l o r I a Nieman and Bob MUDson put In I Little Qqy: '�ell, �.� ..tuqarr� e. �u�e��, �l�sk�: L O"? aDd time on of effort w�o; collect "Ho:p1er and �etb.rO.. Kvlnge and Dee Hagevtk bad. good quite a bit look under the bed becitu:ae lOme:80n, �t\lelI, ,,�:: q�rald Prl,ce, recordl? Person! passIng roqm A.7 ' times Saturday niaht and l bope thefr window and have produced a either comltl&' or going." body'a very attraeUve s c e n e. One nice attl���e��y �oblnson, �n� Beacb, are g r e e t e d. with the ple�t 1 .they're satJ8fied. CaUf.: John Rorvlk. POrtland, Ore, ; strains ot ''When It's �eeth Pickln' l Here Is a tale ot two South Hall- thing-the windows get washed. MUo Scbel1}r, Sun Valley, 0allt. ; Time In False Teeth Valley:' ers that Is too priceleu to lean Na�urally ·there will be a couple at whose windows l!!JX>rt .. tfB"' R!C;��4 �chlenken, �p LInda: �.; taa�ee for mUllc! out. Marian Gabr1e1aon and BeT . Richard I Schultz. PorUand� Ore.; Cbrls;llDas" llDffi e�ly �� �av! I!-� th�t !te�! �J;I Smtth, namely,_ wefe tak:1D1 Ruth Wendell S�e.tad, BoW� Wn.; �� �l�n �� _��ro. . for hOUta HUSOD ('54 I'f&d) to the bus depot y'!<�, ,,,, . �� UE st�, MadI8�n, W!�.,. Lt· at a Ume. �e � 'Worn hli J"8CC?� 1!' tWo ....eb ago•. About. a mUe away HA. " !lt9ilih. t\l11a�lIl& 00 thln that whon th o noodle 10 from oehool lhey ran out of _. )ut Be.!����, �11-; B TO P . ' .-







Prye's Record... � a.-,:,.r:��



now located at ... ...


"" "

��....--... -: Milk SheI...


a pasllllllr and hl. came to their. relcue 117'11-.1. : a "pusb ' HcnreTer, the locked cd IhOT had to ...� """'0 I ear UD to get: tbam.· apart. Then motOmt' taMk -tlaem. aU' oyet "bcoDla 'JDokln&' for. a· ... statiOn. that� wu


THlI _ ! : : W�lf ��. giVe- Mpt�f. �.

�""."' C;ti� 9FT �

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GARFIELD 'aTR�rt ! � , � : ' �






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126O$ W. A.... . .




CaForelan and

400S � Phone 1'J.;�&ID<!s

jlietenburl, AlukL


- Qp.;�-W"1?d,n t!t';trR.m� �n, �n�,'UI!$. It\'ifte:m:


. . . ' . .� ' . .' " ;4� -" : " " .



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eonce rt To Q� An nv,�/$ ArriV�

Stud e'lil:$" F�vor

, :.,�:��;���:�. -� ��o :s�.t.;.,��.6}. :.�.'tJ�

W�(!t;.Q �_�, �.��t���!·;�! I

�� disk; that Is '8. summary of what . "If . . . - ., . . ver bow man the enKlneers" fro mthe RadIo De- At an estimated 1088 of $5,250, �e In ord�r to. d18 � y ur o By re are n t ga . u � ·� . � � partment o� �he D���tment or ��?1 � l! Btuden� �?��d � In.terested in S p e e c h have acoompllsbed this In', se em\n�ly �mpossl �le C?b�cl�, t��\n� a �����t �n�re�at10'il: ?D . d fieek. Last Sund.ay's Chr'1st.mas Con- Inclu jrrg '�n acc,'dent on the return t e n Coq�f e p�_ . cert ha. been r.corded. edited and t.i-i� trom Portland ' yesterday. �e � , �c;:I�Ic;: L����� �1;J:e s'tl,���Ire l!"�� I!re tl'an8cr1b�d by the engIneers so that 4ellyery was made tntac'i at 5·20. ' s�e�nS:te!d t t en 8 t�e com�ents hear<! by those dIs'? 1-��\ �d t �:r �t �e the Tacoma I;&dto stations wIll be regular chapel ser vice on Wednesable to rebrooucaat It In part and tr uUn the nouals swere all' b.i�December 8, whIch Include� �4 1 l\l�atis�actorf. In partIcular, the- .day, In Its entirety. uestIons. The cr cI l Last Sunday an hour and tturty I ��fone se�'t1on and' the �ront and qant ues ion readu aa8 and l��rt�a: t Ck s a tollows, Do a BU t n Q e d hee s t sunrise nd nmInutes ot the concert was l:lro d- I you at .thls time.. favor torming a ' �pressi � ' - ve and ealtt over KTAC !oUowed at 8 . 00 set : scenes were Lutheran S t u d e n t Congregation 'hy many. by a halt hour broadcast by Dr. mentioned . 't" " on the Camp'us to be orMany 4tanks sgo to the patient (church) Eastvold. Dr. Eastvold w1ll continue ganlzed and ready. tor action at the to broadcast tor a balt bour eacta B:ernclitf Prin�er8 of p�r�::d :;; beginnIng ot the IJchooi year 1955 1" g Sunday over KTAC at 4 : 30 tor the theIr generous h P In �� . unqred � n d n��-t1ve students h 1954 Saga possI b��. neIt twenty·three weeks. re:�JB�ered theIr b.alll)la on the tor· On Thu day the choIr broadcast- Now the pro ject tor the entire mal poU-queaUonnalre. There were ed trom the lobby of the WInthrop student body wIll be the support ot 289 o voted "no," 'lV1�h 300 voting Hotel. ThIs program will be ra- the Saga CarnIval, to be held in the " wh yes" and 66 b�g Indefinl�e, at broadcast on Christmas day at 3 : 30 sprIng. In order to make up the wh1-cb 22 voted "yes" I.n �se a conover KTAC. ThIs program will also deficit caused by the loss ot tbe gregatlon should be tormed. It Is be sent to nullo statIon WCAL, orIgInal Calltornla contract, a large Jn�ereSUDg to notice tha 46 sen o s t ' J r Northfield, Mlnn" for rebroadcast turnout wUI be necessary both evevo�ed "no" and 46 seniors voted during the Christmas season. nings. . "yes." On tbe ot,her band, there . On Christmas day, again thanks were 83 �reshmen 'which voted "no" aD 162 �e�=d�:��:�r:�:�':���:� � �� . . ChrJstmas Concert wIll' be TebroaU· -. - . �..�� therans, It Is reasonable to bel1e�e

on the-'C&Dipba.


complete program ChrIstmas eve, beginnIng at 8: 00. and KTNT wiU

A rushing party tor girls Interested In Mu Phi EpsIlon membershIp was held by EpsUon Sl�a Cliapter on December 2 at the Lakewoo d home ot Mrs. John TravIs, Tacoma Alumnae: C.hapt�r pr�sI4eD:� Following Intro' dlicttons, Mina aaaen,

broadcast one·haIt hour ot the con· cert at 1 1 : 00. One hour of the con· -cert Is also tieIng sent to WeAL in Northfield for broadcast on Christ· mas eve. progqL¥J: �h�I��, e��\aln�d what FollowIng Is a program ot local Mu Phi Is and also told. ot the ellgl�ll1ty re:qulr8:ments. ShIrley Lel\'iS broadcasts:

enUre conce


Chrlatmaa Eve: KTA9-8:QO, the ent�rt8.lo�d the �up with thr�� KTNT-ll:OQ, one- Chi�es� nurseT¥" r��e� an4 th prog'hD:n closed wlUi th� �1���g .&: halt hour ot the concert. o� Chrlltmaa Day: K�AC-12 :30 to dhrts�as t;:a�ls. Chrt�� �k� reW lind. ci>tfee were served t.o he 2 : 00. W& enUre concer.t. tw��ty girls �resent. �rs. H. �� SOli "resid.ed at the �ble. . Thoie ·p"resent · hi'ciucled : Joyce ..


Qralo.y Co te�t th SeelXtrg, ShainJn H a'g',f�, �C! . · ' Swe' :ni<in, CJtrtjl II· -,. 10 Illdi Ull d" Gteta 10hl>' On Ja";ua-. . .

�9 _


H latory of the Movemonl A brier resume ot: the hlBtory thl. m.veD\ent .hould b. Dl�de matter of, record. A.bout two years e" � ' Le1tui' " s1iirl The· aU-achool�cai co�test, i�iD.; Qe'try" S ln! tli , . " , ' ''0 members of the exec\IUye 'com' · Pd I ' 4 'b{�\ Itappa· :DeltA. Wttr D'la'be -Dosett; M:&rgtie�ur Th6�,t m1 " t th As elated Btude� j'uuf.tY: lith: Miff, miju· · -ae"n11." hrr�)r' ��. O:a.: ro -: e P.r8aldent · ot p a h d. B '.uf�:»eld <>11 tIln·tlll. Til'. Katbryn. Gulhaugen. Janet " tJ Fffi th·. COU ••• wltll & roquefl. ,lh&t they l���· .j;Jfi' be' j'U d'g� d b'f Barb..... 1Uli:. 14.... Cora .



EiIIu;: I\� !':. aI lUna 1laaen.

':""· ''With' me ,07 TU:r�u, A ' ...l: ,ul J{m�u.l� �t. ""o�i. r�1<o' .�":";� ' t.a1:01 , ,":J.' " o � ... Bueltmann, 'D e l p h l l1 e DanielsoI1, ed . (!�h'" �u� b� �la!��� f �� Mrs. Marte 'FortIer. Onella Lee and � __ ..�BeJ n Ran \k . _' - . _ . ',,� �ij{� . ' .�e. ' s._";he - T�el\mJ l i.�, . Jo� Mit P'ffi.'rEP�!'is a national' Mut�ra . women- ''1.\10 nd�� � sic s: roripr �h t'ta.lta · 'eh O � · ��:�, � � ma.jorfOf �1htnoi-l td' rrltiSlC: ··"''ho h&V�. �� D?-���o� 'f\ ora�?� ,.,-e �rI completed . 1fi����In ��� n� � proJ:t- 0r . wh� have an ove1'--&ll ��e �� �cJJ� 8 � . ��e ':0( " 2": 69 a:Dd� mbMc a " 'All''''�� ?� �, �� I;D':1.� �! v� y. '. . e'8i 3 00 i ·! . I':'V' h, " , thelr u.m� � ���irln«� I. ir�'/" l" '. ,. , ' ' 'b:?,�. 'b�: � t �� ��

u����r�?� � � �':l�t,c:7 �� p.�,n� � �� �. ���o!n.���� �h �.� tinp.� �� 1� Qfd '1� �r. ��� lQ. ed to

�Den \0





fOi/t" t>t"diij �� � "ct'e»a#.i.,.� bCii C:K:.stto����f�

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an t

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r r I h _!:'!�c ; : . �G�!.c::� . �I��C � ��ii: ;':! . ___ The Board agreed tha't It was congregation. , . -..____. not enllrely 'fa"lr to exp'eet . any . 2. That he sha" advlle with the __.. local congrega" 11'on t0_ rna ke Ihe' ad";lnlltr�tion regarding' the flriinclal outlay to meet the tnci'atlY c�ap�1 devotion.. cre�.ed need for f.acllltiel fo r 3 That he Iha" " advlae' etude';,t worst-ilp. More elpe. �dm'l,nlatrati�n � n if �.t�.d�.,:,.t8I" . clari · '0 Ill nc'e ithe 'Coilegc'h'al . ��¥���,1 n� ,h e. r l��l�� �':I;'p.ha.' a be!utiful ' . . . 'chapel. atl Wee �. �i:! d. �1?1�.I.t�a l. ��.�h·a. .. . . . 3.• Jhe: BC?a� ��I� � h� t, 'h �. . ai� We� f$. 1;�c:�1 ��i1,�t:!g��I�� . I,? t��, 1- i�;�t 'h�' I�\�I\I, c��,I>�.��� ....1. .. tf �� .' �.o �'� . �nl� �I ���e ���� �ell�I��i: ��a�I.�1I,�n� ��I !�� h �V� I.���c: TI.��I��\ LI.e,�.� ��h�' . �ampu•• h��� la��c��� �iul �� vl �I' \�e � 1'�.�" . I �q. t�. . .c.�,l n,� �eac�. n �� . �",q ' !r� ' u,� d� r · �o. �\O\', 1 0" gr�"!. a ,,!d. �re. ��} ..�' !r c ,. Irc�n�� �. �. . p�I,��� 1�� �!�,!! �� en:ti 41 ' '- •.' ..' . � , , ",0' 'l" .'f.4 te. . ,!. , .•,.... ..� �I:I��� o� �u,cb: �on i����)�� making It har�IY realOnaDie to tlan \netructl on .nd train them expect any local congregation �qi.��n�.� �? fff' _ to call aalllt�nt help to · give person.1 attention' to coll-ue atude.\a. .. · ·W �·- �1: 1:1i•. � _ "". ..'" � 4, The Board bellev� th t. th ... . ,r .. . .. r·. f<� \, ',"" "Y" .. �, . ... .... ., n � ' " onlh)p, relat profeaeor�atuCIent l . "'��t�1'i ��n,!,,,�y , Wh�r.. OraCle. 'are Invol�ecr; f. §:�q-�,r§f� �.��: neve . "".11e like. that o.f "'e. 7.:11\-1.(::9,. k'O�. free and. volu.tary p.."'..... .. l;�H(p�. \I�. P:M;�. p_ denl rel.tlonah Rn �'OO-Blue AR . l . . ,' "ey � ,'. " ' " . T'm" !'\' Th'�:?!o.�, �e. �� ?� T�.�� Tuelday" ...."�fY <1\ resolved �1 �,�. ��� �� ��.� .f:Oo-LDR. . . t lOil O!- �- irt �eD� ngr�.�tilW)n.. -6T3�ftlr nmr 1D1l1lP;--

with the

�tl! .:�




bf allo";ed ",· organIs. 8U)'1!- a con' h_t time gregaUon o� Camput. 4t ..� it "ft' deemed \Da'd�bl� and the

tturtter po8t�ned.1D:<'efiD1telY. . With the tncreaae ot frtud�nt�. ��

f pf'�� �. �t








-_ .

�¥:.t hrrli I

�\'11!�� �� a:h�U. fr�:�" J!:,' �;:�.�'�i�-��: ��t i�h�t Fay,)

�. " A tliftA�R"-

1 1:4'&-S.

wlth ·the lncrease of th number· of the Campus: 8:'45-MJis{on Crtisadel1l, T.o. � p'e:o�le' ·&tt�nal�� .�� ��'��e�� 1 : 8.0 �hat at�.d� �� �.LY h��.� �,F!" tudent €o1inc1I, ASBO. . · .,oriun matt,er nec�s1ty to n o tr participate e .. a. as . .... it tions, . � . 1 : 00-A. W. S. Cabinet, 4:tb noor l . � . Worki ng ! C?O�.�e·9'�d�.�,'·�.: g�.tf ... . lounge. ' ·that the wliole project be �nsldet"ed because the 'lacK or' �C1lltle8 er�1 ��I�.�.�� ���r�� .�� �'!'� . u.�� 7 : lo,.-..connl'JD8.� Roe!e. tor "Church servic eS' Ui.d· :tbe large mftteea, anet 10. coh�l nuo 9 : 0O-C.S.A. (CoDJicU:,.Gfllbroom). · be active 'an'd irifonned InltH� public 'moving {lito tlie" area waS 'iL WedneHay, J;"'uary 5


the duU•• of adm!n!8tratlon; teach'


alwan looldq for .... Ing. nd1>theUctmll1<.CTllIl;li it w" -- .



P!O��em:. (Ii addItiO»: �' �e'���tti� . � _ tlnd a mistake in thia news- leaders1l1p ' ot the st dents ' aunn«

r; 3.- .'e�c0�. �'&!W�n'Zl;&b peOpl' PI_ 'V''''lWdl�4 � n\T\�r.�

'!'!. .. . It>\i:,f



n��?�!�4:r; �*;� ����'tif��;�;f��:�t�� �:����J:p��r'::�£� �t�;����t�t�tJ��: ;�f�� U you


ot sucb a congregation on �he C8.lD:- lze an� to .,egin lbe opet:"4-tioD; �� I pus. Some ot the reasons tqr such this program on September I, �lt§� an action at thIs tIme Incl1l:�e t.l.!e Some ot the tblnge 'whl-ch were tollowing: set forth to be included 10 the duUea 1 . The trend In college enrol l- ' ot the college pastor are tbe to): ment foreeaats a larger Itudent lowIng:

that many at those who VO'led In the negatIve l.Jve in the nearby communltles and are members of not only LutheraD: churches �ut ot m a n y other denominational churches represented In the stu.��nt body. Thus, the total �umber tavoring the J?:rganlza.tlon c;.t such a Btudent oongTegatio� .wa·s larger than' was e��ected by �e adn:i1nia;tt8\1on. WIllie 1t Is J?ot D:I?"\¥ kl;low� j�t ho w m�i ' ot .the 36� that voted eit�er' "yes" �� "��<!e����;' w:il,l� b.e he're 10 !be ta.ll, U is certain: tha.t

betwe�n 300 and 5.0Q new students �ill ' be here to a�� �elr iDtere.\ to the forma. tion ' �! suc·.h�· a. ' cQ�e� ..� . . .. a , - n. - . . . . - . '.



� �:..:1t

. ' d . O · "' D_41�em..,.. L._ r. Secon

, _i

tralped durlng the lltud�ftt d.)'8 �o give t�elr IIve� to ¥ , paatort, "pariah wor�!,.. .a"d ���Ic�ted laymen for leader-- _. c h. � r �. �" ���d, 1�lp In Itate I .' " anti • ., unanimously endQrseQ, 1n � t!� � �o ��a� t�e Co\leq� !t!d�,:\\! the torml� o t a conSJel"!;tog. oD; ��y be l�e �or� f! rrnl, �.��,� Campus and ur8"t}� �� � C?� In t�� �0R'!m.unl�n. �f. �I,:,�, Tr.ustees ot the Coll�,e � Jire throu�� "'!-ord ��d ":t!�me �.t, favorabl e action to the c�' of �, C9)worl�ipl aa:'ld a:{f�fl ,:,� �.\1i. �" lege pator and the orp'n���g� ot Lor�'a �,!y., a college congregatio;a.. (��mbel{'ll: CALLINQ QI: P.�.TQtl of tbe F a -c u l t y Co�m1tt8e kre: AUTtiOBIZE D Pflueger �uethe, Kno�, ' 8 v a r e. The Board or T�atees �t 1� �� Nodtveq�, �st-ad. ltge. and �e Ueth Anniversary �eetiDg �u"�� two ex-ot!tcla members, :pro �. C. l ed the Executive Commlt�ee �d: East old andDean Phlllp E. �b.�ge ) . fresldent Eaatvold to cal� I!- ooQ�fS4!I! Tbe Board of Trustees gave car& 1 pas r and to appotnt a con;:a.m.Htee ful consideration to the 8��e and from the admlnistratlo�., (ac�t7. unanlmo�slY endomed qJ.e formlnt � and studen� body to begin tq or&'f!.��


� M� "ts, tt�ds �CItty

cast over local statlons. KTAC wIll broadcast tbe entire concert trom 12:30 ·to 2 : 00. KM.O will carry the


The Faculty Committee o� !tf�. 10U8 Activ ties on' , SePtemberrl1, 1954 . pre.sented resolution" (1;»f.�t.I!� B o a I' d at Tr stees. Th� �"P.l�l • . Commlttee on �UgI0ll. �c , !8



New �Qngregat:i�n; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1IM

.ii! · nit 'maDf StudOntii· if.... 'h... e 'l4Ii'I)cei ectea" .' i!hd 'tIi;! cow"I!lIC ! . Dol .


okorlcln'g,' of � gr�'g'at!Jri, '.nc:(

'C�':�� . . I�n " cJ,� . . , . .. . .

6:15.a:m;�oaaana.ten; 7 : 00·p.m.-Amer1can Chemical So-

· Clelt J � �u � � , � �,��� � .


:...po'. '�)0ir:��f ih�J�C'I���I; :, �M� 1&¥� lJi;.�":..;J,104. '.. ''' . -" '� h ' ' ' .- ' '. ':.:3" "-, cInu

h. . . on


ome a d I. • ••.. .ID ·t�.··mllOlch� .�.�I�


:b '- '.' � ..... �.1 (' I>-BkI ''' "Ill ".... .


.,- .of

T T� "




T�.E.MOORINQ M�T: ; ;:

Paoe Two

_ ,


Friday Oecen,ber 17, !t54

Students An� '

q/l students t..... Envag� The,M'oo;i�g Mast staff 'w�;'1s to wish - " .. . ... ," Provl g· .th&t· �bOr not

W·' \a

Ch rtst11?osOf B Iesse'd and J OyolU ., ) , ". May th� Lord be with us 'all as we gather wIth' our

0,. '·p '








cold'. mooth ail' trUlUOIl �made


out, thre� new eIlP&ementi h&T, .prouted at PLO, the . profoun'd. .! of - phllOllOphlc&1 8y Joanne Poencet . First of these Is sh&ted by Ruth t.b bt " sa gifts. Wbe"n.�ed to c� n �rlbU��. a �rfef " . ��r, juDlor. an� Jlm Phillip, a «iven UII the molt beau, b s eoph:o�re. �1m. ln:� . � � .:r,�� m e �b �ur- UfJll thing In Ufe. ttaelf. Should we . � '� .... ' " . Iind . Rut!< 10 from L;&Cro.;.... V{aeh! ally . suitable topic w� u �»e .. ....t not' then. :_ to Him with thank.. ttl Ington. In my mind. Since Chrl.tma. W&a gt d with all the nd I i o r by student. of Pac c dU ,- P ea 7. bU.hed eyery Fr1da P ' ean O and junior, lson, Lorie D :. :�he I used last week, I at first dl.m.1ued b eoul. w t of n� be m� , It a. a poulblU17. However, a seeplan sophomore, to Hurst, make thl. Chrf.tmaa aa penoaal Entered aa second claa. matter, October 2, 1962, lilt the Poet Otnce at l r ed nut summer. Lorte and Dean ond .thought made me realise that l1.h arkland, Waehlngton. our Creator aa HI• •ubUme w P Telephone GRanite 8811 DOth haH from C&l1tocllla, she t"?m at such a time aa Christ'. birth, too girt II to each Individual. Office: Student Union . . , _ . '-, _ _ _ _ � ....._ .... . _ �an Dle�o, he [r0ID: 'l·�..ock. . ' I much cannot be said. � Subscription. prlce----U.50 l,)er year'. . ; KeeplDg up the ebgagemelll trend I bave .,een .thlnklng of o ' . _� -.. : ' ; are llarbara Ellis. senJor, and Floyd , .everal �Ins. I wsnt.d to .bara ""' -� .• . .. and friends to thank God for the past year's families

L_ " '1 . -.e l" .oori.. '{", "'I" � r � :;::�


--�. �


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Ing the aparklf!r this seasoo. UoulI.a -being put down as they come to ' .3etby, Oregon City, Orelon, w11l be mind. married next June to CUrt Robloson Christmas, to many, Is the high of Som6raet, Massachusetts. point of theIr year of evente, parAlso planning a summer we�dlng i ties, and joyous bollday. To the are Joanne Winter, Pablo, Montana. : Christian, also, It is the high point and Gerald Hatl• who la attending of their year, theIr year of I1vlng I Telegraph school In Spokane, in and for Christ. And ou.t of this l ll lng 8 l l Ual or .ecuJar' COme. Pr' S _ I onVe o'f .th e , baoIC motl.e. Of mO t every Individual : the lOOking for an� attempting to catch everything that Is beaulltul In lite for his own happiness. From this search for the • .J__ aesthetics of our earthly v e s, should we not overlook the Irtnlctural things to obtain those that are WIth heavy heart does your Ghost simple and beautiful ? Rider set down these words. He has This Is my message to you who been sorely misj udged. The writers are Christian. thla Christmas, To of Superctllous Sneer bave called look on ChrIst's birth as the attatn4 this column unreal In poor defense ment of .ubUme beauty. aa ahoWD of their column from what they evl- through God's love tor us. To see It dently assumed to be an attack. as the ultimate spiritual tulf11lment They were w r o n g. Be a ssured, of our ever Increasing deSire for

. A Supercilious Sne.r




: ;: �; earthl,

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N ord qulat L.---------C.rlatrom ----�--":'"'--....7. .


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I = �look


2 Laat week t WllS In foggy, rain-swept Oregon. In my absence my 1 carat buddy, pal, cohort and co·author sUpped varlou. Innuendos a.nd and jokes my obvtou. untruths Into this column. Carlstrom, wbo steals cUches, reads my pogo books (breaks the bindIng and dog-ears the pages), and eats meals at my house and burns Brian's gas (Ted's car Js so old . decrepit it doesn't run. He borrows Brian's car once a week to push these pride Wba.t naive. the the Ford In front of Old Main. !l."hls deceives Californians have) . Before S. S. becomes only a wry, 8OOn4.o-be-forgotten :half smile, I feel it Is my Intellectual and moral duty to answer these atlegations. The big lie, as it were. I feel the only completely hone!!t way I can reply to this balderdash Is search deeply Into Ted's eyes, nnd the real, "ondIiJtorted" truth and point the proverbial nngerbone ot scorn

..,L Itee

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I'iili. �

at Mungstrom, undeniably not the people's choice, T be venerable, learned, oriental free loader "How about a weed ?" T. C. Mung (got a match, too?) decided a number of yeara ago to grace PLC' with his glorious presence, After a refreshing nap, he pried his ttghUy closed lids open (a prodigious piece of work), jumped Into his black, 1941 personall1y and proceeded northward. T, C. Quickly found a home here and his cheery "Hi. gang" won him many friends, Ted.


� t:;iIf.,--

By Waltan Berton DON'T BE lICROWDED" OUT

"Now IS the time tor all good Men to come to the fLtd of their party." This oft beard Quotation can be f 0 u n d wherever typewrtters are sold. On almost every machine you will nnd that someone .ha. tumbled this phrase on to a sheet ot paper,


But. I'm not trying to sell typewriters or Quotation•. Thl. Is an attempt. to se .tudenta to �em8elve•. Even though It does .eam that the price 1. ridiculously low at time., the worth ot a etudent can be phenomenal. It students can come to realise

just wba-t their "party" I., they will bave the · blgge.t part of their job over with. Instead of Identifying yourseU w i t h George, Dick, aild Mary, and the groups to which they through dint ot sheer, hard work won many honors his treshman year. friends, this was an bonest attempt aesth&Uclsm. It means going beyond belong, try to determine youreelt review, which respect of th critical literary shop and the , at the material, empirical world and joet what Ideals are yours and how He a CQutred a permanent seat In the coffee They called reaching for the highest .plrttual you can best brtng them to germ· raconteurs. His finest bit of work -was on the afler-dlnner board ot judges this paper sorely needs, the. gentlemen from development that God haa given to Inate. Remember: there are "prt­ (those ali-seeing, aU-knowlng, always-present, scintillating remark-mak- the Rider one ot tl;le Street." Thet the world-in the form of HlI own vats partiee." ers tha.t populate Old Main after meals). Rhl remarke were voted most tbe "Hall Acros. We nod everywhere that people were wrong They a.ked It the Son Think of thJs as the high poIn.t trenchant by 500 co-eds. T, C. proved to be an astute schol\U' as he went along his academic Rider wa sashamed of his column of all our cu1.lural .en.ltIvlty. spit=- are urged to "help others help did ( tact that he ttual, mental, and physical. More them.elves." I beUeve that first you way, tAking courses with reekless abandon. Contemplative Ted the by virtue of the . , on his bed not sIgn his name. T h e y w _e r e sublime ·than the greatest ot palnt· must " help youTlelt to help others." Orfent produces the contemplative mind) would otten l1e they mIsjudged Ings, the most accompl�shed . plan- You can help yourself by becoming ag-&ln and wrong, when tell u,uany can viewsr discerning A problems. protund Is a certain the purpose of this column. Its pur- 1st, the most graceful ballerina or Independent ot others. If you can Ted haa been wrestllng- with himself Intellectually--.there learn to make your own dec1.tone eyes pose Is not to emblazon the Rider's tightness around the mouth, a calculating, halt-closed l')()k to the . true name across the literary skies and respect y o u r Judgment, 'OU ree-dl�kle-doodle. Is this but . . . almost as if he had been sleeping, as before stated, . It won't need other people to lead you There 18 much more to tell about T_ C. Mung, the somnolent student of �utev11le, Utercritical at ... along. You w1ll be the leader. Then the Carl- an earnest attempt from the, Sluen house, but lack of time and a deep respect tor i gentle,remember, But review. ary you'll be able «iTe others the .. engaged be will he strom traclltiOn. force me to stop. In· a couple months Women's honor roll students were .Istance they need in order to __ of Thomas Jef4 worda the In men, foura of end the mark that aettvltte. significant In cert&tn eolemn. I honored «iv hour cotfee a tolat by an tabl1lh lndependeD.C7. tD.tea4 of bearm and terson, "Error of opiD1on can be ,ear teet1vt Then with hiB caretuUy penelled Dotes under one ; Tusels In the South Hall Lou.nce oomJng "one more clapping unit 1D the other he will begin the long trek erated where rea.aon 18 free to comtIU hUy beaten sunlamp un'der iTuea4&y afternoon. Hot .plced c1der an .udienc.... (T h a n k y o u, It." bat InstruDr. !1terary blunt this on�half'of d OaUfornia. With him goe. Since the .ubJect of 8_ S. 1. at and Chrfatmaa cookiee were 88ned. 8chnaekenberg). artlU men!. the lltted eyebrows w11l be gone and only . the snIde smIrk with 141"1. Nelson and Ne1.on MI88 , comment to te ria p ro p p a I. It hand, neTelop youraelf U aD tDdh1dual, gain will be Callfornla'. 1088; Is that· ·bow it goes1 here, Washlqton's . that the style of that column at the pourtng. not U' " reOeetion ot your auo­ S Faith �� gave & � ef&te.. You baye UDdoubtedl, heard beg1nn1ng of the e&80n waa much to be preferr&d to the pre.ent mode' enUUed • •'it C� Com...• A of ,"the 'bllDd-- _I!I tile blIDdo"



Women's Honor Roll Has Christmas P-"


:, �

CampUS Cogs




I BatJrtc&1 'humor and vlrt ua ortg- .exte�te, Barbara Jobanae n, 0aU �� 'happena all too olteD. upec1:&l-....--..... ----------------- .... lnaUt, are much to be preferred to 't:a,lor, Helen 8im�naen, -Jfar1&n 17�hl . ooUese' Ute. :A. PODP ot eta... I pleuant .tarted ·way baek. In 1( 1.. the aDd I deJrt:a w1U ehare .:th� lUi•. CDara4> chl.i"liter uSUII!Dat1ona GabriellO� Conatan� B" Beyerly aV.n'...... lOurt where hie lite of aernee be- which have lat817 appeared on thla Anna Lee. • � n . tw .elecUon8. ! teriaU'» tl1rOuu- 1DtenUmulaUou WbereTer women or PLC gather p.n. Moat � hie ute 'WH. apent In /and bearln& the now famil1&r "Slumber Sona"' and '"ThlDk on Ke. : &ad. .iut 'plain ·00P71q. ' It fa .ULt. paa e to dHcoaa the more vital aubjeeUi Konlana. where he Uve4"for th1rt7 names . Lord Jeau.... of the 'Hellra. C. ud N. l t7Pe penon 'wbo .la eu1l7 domlnat-ot Ute, like men, ,the name ot J'amu yean. Pop, .e"84 .. prtnc1pal tor Orchids to lut lear" sa... et&ft. The procram � concluded With eel. .... .Gon u uOtber 1nd1v1dual IIIIworth B.ll.e� t. �ken in rev- Forsyth and IA.urel h1ch .choo.. We now have our '6t 8llD.1ia1a. kep- the a1n&1q of. Ch.rtetmaa carole by comes e.lona who baa the - Iaut bit erent ton..._ For there 1a DO one man tor two ,ears In each echool. Twel...e tic., are your taeea redT of 1e&derah1P. he will control ' the the .enUre croup pre.ent. . on oampus more important to more yean ot hi. time was apent In helpTwo very plea.atn& oolumna In. .tut whol. sroup', bee&uae It 18 oDl.7 jW,�an he. At PLC he Italld� � tv , 0 U t h � .1lp'!"�end�� of a w_e.� e ·'The....tI� .Qrt I_ _ weelt L.llat _ ----=_ _ __ _� _ L � � wilke thl OR" _ _ a UvLns oymbj>l of the .lrlendly. fam- .choola on HnnUey ProJecL Eiy.... by Dr, sc:linackenber&'. and I pr..enu lIMIt. Thuo we tb' sptrt.t ot our college. ln caae you Green Wub.ington hu been hIa the C. S. A. c o l u m n by N9tm have ' develoPBdt a race 0 1 aoclal and 1 .-.. ll ,.., L..;.,___ MD-'e 99 o . Inteneci� autOmaton;. are among th % . home olnce 1944, _ The year 1946 ScbD&lble_ Congra� to both of you, O. �� 'POpulaUon who 1a As the New Yea,r br1nP another Dalt- brought h1m .tq our �Py. Hei'81ie This paper needa your fine wort. '" the name of James 385 ..,.S of treah. new time, tull of tl can found "fine p�" _�d "never BaW In partl.n.g, then to thoae of yo'u be . This past Tu4l'8aay evening. the P9 D &ell, his more famUiar Ue at � ptQthis who f�el t your end te tJal, let us dev�. our thought. a ttner bunch 01 i1r1s.'� , PLC �horu. held &it. fmpromptu to creattng atated In lbat small. b,ut mea.nJ.ngtul our.elves as tndividua.lJJ. During- the day home t. on the cess of education 11 too heavy· reCh stmaa ty In the No phraSe-..Pop.... . hID three blocks �m campu. �here member: "Every man must edu�te ri par nt:h FOrt I do not mean say lbat bet.n.c an mbly a e e freshmen wi from hall. u e Pop', as eV�l'Yone indlvdual requlrel being diBtlD.etty h� keeps a lovely Prden: He Uvea himself. HI. boo� an4 teaehers are L to senior know., 1a our evening cus- there with hid wife and mother·ln- but a help, �� wQrk 1s �ter presenting Chri.tmu pro- �cuJ,tar. ·It Isn't lieC881&1'Y to shaTe gram ot mule to approz.l.Dit i. ely. �oJ�r- � &!'Ow a tte:u4, .8.nd go to todJan. But to· us who Uve or have law. :Working with girls··I. not new ster, 2..0 service men, the choruS. Wu iIi· clu eoD a pogo sUclr: wtth your pet 'lived In Old Valn, he Is much more, to hlm" Three daughters and ,a son He La that bearer ot the winning m&4e hl� family -COJDplete. One or : He who I ", u g h 8 last i� eaally vlted'up8;talrs to 11.&ve refrelihminta. parakeet fiyiJ;LC" overhead.. , But, It Ie At this· time the. Choru. members �.eee'!AI'Y, t.Q. do th�\,ih'1.Up !n wh1� which makes yo� and warm girls lB. now. a i,ac::her at. Sta- aJD\l#led. .





�u: ,;;:








� 's ab1l1ty to be helpful an<!. i�'s Pops. P




PICIyi Host. T PLC Tuesday Ev.... Forf' teWis


feel m�e you just walked Into yo� dlum high IIChool in .T�m-. . kJtchen for an early JQorn)ng �reak • The i1 r',J8 ot: Old !qJn . all .Wee. _ 01coke or an apple, lather.IOh . .


� �tJ



�.ented �. Frlttl, dlrector, !rith you are, .interested, tQ. try. out 80me trj, )O pOi.t8� lOme : two �e��,l�eaa: at ; s of_ organ mu An optlml.t la a person who tell'J Au r reco� . baldhO&ded b•. A1 ...d twQ by �,,-w fa<.llJ< o� tI!t 41""",n4, in �e �eltler . ; � r 'PO�e"t 1Jji g 8. _ . . .. -'\. ... ....,;. rough known AI YOU! mad'. _�'


..... ....


: ��;";;.;; '���zilji)· "" ::i:�i�:�'1 �;:��;: Oregon Baskelt;a1f 1rek Unl· by Walt Ball


Rugged Sport

Paclt}.c Luthen.1L dropped: O;lelr and SJlldorson entrlbutec1 13 and At a coat of nearly $10,000 levan second straJgbt ga.m.8 of the week PhIl NordQUlat Ii apJn. 3 of U8 from nrlou8 parts of the In Oregon by 1081ng to Pacttlc Norm Hubert &«aIn W'U the thom United States attempted to scale TenHy 58-63 In Forest GroTe' last In the aide &8 be conneeted for 2, !V �I�� !:a�' �: '!I:h;'! ,i� Thu'rsday night; The Lute. ,Jt ott poInts. He had 25 Tuesuy night to n �� :e o to an ear er Pacltlc U 58-53 cone .g�C:� ��.:7 !::ge��a;n;:e��� D;�::O!� � : y Badgers went ahead .". 1 t'h ·three The arklanders return bome to P rugged t o' located In one t the n QuIck baakets arter lDotenOt,slon. p I '8. Y LewJs and Clark Saturday parts ar Alaska. We were organ· They stayed in the lead for the re- nIght at Memorial gymnutum .,. Ized by Dl'. Paul Gerslmann of Se- malnder of' the game. Jack Slnder· tore they head homeward tor the . 21.13 ,ttle, a tonner protessionat . .goJde. 90n was high '�or PLC with 14 boUdays. Othbr m6mbers of the expedlUon points. , whlie Dennis Doss, tresh- 'StaU�cs tor the Or$gon gama Tbls Cbrlstmaa season brings to Larson went wild). Ohio beat North- had .. . ���� . �!'.�"':t��� "Ala!��n tI�t..���.!_.��eck�d. � �� 1 �: : _�. complied. by Dwaine Brandt: ;jo.:;���&- a.�: st('��� ; : ;. Lu� "teftM--at.D·· fie�-:-wii!--U8iJ7-of- .JIrestOi'Zf� :_ asdrtts, 8Ouclr'"" .&tum CliU � eOjJ h.a:'·nii�'r5O'c. �l �; ....;;;:� · �-p"""�,:: a " .."" . ·... entertainment In every field. ·Un· them 12.7. The Buckeyes blanked and c1!mbs In the European Alps. broke a two-game Il?Slng skein by .lolordqulst .21 13 13 66 13:i doubtedly the bowl games wUl draw Pittsburgh 2&-0 and Soutliern Cal. Bush ....... ...11> ' 1& .9 36 tona piloUl transported two trlmmlng Lewis �d Clark ot PortHoover .. 9. the· largest krtmp ot sp�ctators In landed pn top, taln. Atler a long hike over glaciers J8.nd 84-73. The score 'tied a record Ketderman ... 11 6 7. 28 the sport.8 tleld during the next two The three losses suUered by the ot to the mounmen and the equipment Lutel had' Jut made 4'D1'fD1' the Gubrud . ..... ...14 13 9 39 .7 weeks, Trojans this year wert! at the hands to t e toot of P we estab shed TAC Tacoma. In Tourney 26 6.6 . Ross ... .... .... ... 8 10 U To most of the Rose Bowl con. of Texas Christian, Notre Dame, ba�ehcamp. U. ., : the despite won Lutherans The . 6 4.7 14 RodIn .. .. . .. test Is the big one and many lollow- and UCLA, and this Is certainly Our .. 3 2.7 8 tlrst problem was to retrieve tact that both of their bJgh scorers Hansoners of Pacltic Coast competlUon are nothing tobe ashamed ot. 10 3.3 air-dro�ped on a snow were benched wltb 6 fouls. Al Gu- Geldaker- . ... 3 ot the opinion tbat the best team Well, January I will tell-at any our supplIes J the In sec· .. . early le game brud the . . . .. tt ... 2 . I.S erstad plateau two thousand feet above isn't representing "us" this year. I rate the Ro.e Bowl .hould provide camp. .1> fI'wo nn81lccesstul attempts ond halt with 14 points ; Phil Nord· Heins . . .... ..... 0 certainly won't argue that fact, but a colorful garTIe and, a. u.ual, I' ll credo 1 his to with bowed t qulst . .2 1 Berentson u made 7 before were gear our reach to USC I wonder It theae same people don't go along with the underdol. The " , teams. Glad· both L tor high It, ess than games. we reacbed the plateau. This climb ' tend to underesUmate Southern by 3 pol,nt.. crawling around buge ioators wer.e down a point at inter- ! r----, CaL U.S.C. didn't have any All. It .eem. that Phil Jordan I• •tart- necessitated mls-slon but came roaring back in i p sIze the , Ice butldln of of blocks Laurinat's Ap"'" Americans (except on my team a.nd I ng 0ff fa t t Whit orth thl• •earequired to the second halt hittlng 5(1% of their , one or two others) but they · did .on. Th e '6 ' \O"'j un�or I• •corlng and eleven hours were "Dlatlnctlve Merchandlae'.' climb. Ice slopes shots. NordqUist, Hoover and Kel. have a well·balanced attack. They b etwe e n 30 and 40 point. a game. make the complete rman w�tb pr:c�I�� ac�u;ac I 409 Garfield St. Parkland moved well on the ground, especial· Looking back to l a.t yea !"', league up to seventy degrees were sur· :: run t:lt po n s a� e Lu e lea Iy, and specta.tors can always count play, Jordan .cored 262 polntt In 1 2 mounted. The exposure was hidden one time I n the game. Harshman Phone GRanito 5317 c i t c r a or seml-darkness tbe by on somethlng expIos1ve Irom Lln- game. to .et a new Evergreen rec- nights. l I substituted free y. using the enUre I den Crow, Jon Arnett, or Aramls ord, the prevlou. record being 257 , ClImbing on a rock wall one mem- 12.manntraveling SQuadDanday. point. In 14 gamu by H al Jone. · a 'TOM'S Ohio State comes west with a of Central In 1 951 . Ouch l I her caught his root between two-� pa���! �:��� :�:t::; !w�: ICE CREAMERY -season record of 9·0 which speaks Central Is looking stronger as boulders, and relaying food down to, Pac1t1c University for the second I anhit and well rock a wall the league play approaches and mlsht SA N DWICHES - HOT DOG. .tIme In a week, losing 72-68 In the h other member on tbe arm�Result last "5 seconds. The Lutes outHOME-MADE PlEa But It's VERN'S were e two broken bones. was : � � �OO ::� S ba e n �iI:;=�:ya�;!el� scored the Badgers from the tleld, for cooked to order DeLuxe Ham-- lot Ilks our own Lutes, have ple�ty prepared with two doctors and a 26 field goals to 19 for Pa· r hitting the wben on carry to mortician, FI,h and Chip. of scoring potenUal. burger. ' but the Badgers won the game Fry•,I Record Shoppe RadJo contact could cl!1c Home.made Plel Vacation begin. a little late for doctors failed. e thr llne mak go a.' the lre.. stayed Injured the and made be not " c.u_ the' Lutel� ar.�iflan have they as crew and 9th 4. Pacific fl Tacoma no 34 occ lonGs: s l6. od Wi.hlng You the Beat Chr'l8tm.. a game here Saturday night. It will on U. P whlle tbe res t 0f us con- I Four Lutes the double figures on Record , I be a return claah with Lewl. and Unued our attempt. divided. well scoring the ·kee� to , most the poor of The weather was A.-...--Pacific ...... I JEWELRY GIFTS Clark', the Gladiator. t1me that two caches ot food were Freshma.n Denny Ross ba.d H to having won 84-73 during their O re. lead the Lutherans wbJle Hoover r An mountaIn. the on hlgb placed gon trip. l Our next game Is with the College avalsnche swept one cache Into a i or Puget Sound on January 4-oee crevasse. The second was used In ' ARTS SHOE SHOP the first summit attempt. Two Ice you then. I Street Garf'e1d blocks lell withIn 75 yards 01 In Watch a nd Clock BrCYCLE RE NTAL QUALITY . a hall hour perIod whll8;jtrYlng to THORSEN E. NEAL A G R RE N - DYEI N G p: J f force a route upward beyond 10',500 GRlnlto 5172 Garfield St. Repairing feet. We jeWsoned all that was I TRICKS - J O KES - MAGIC the and down expendable hurried Parkland,Wn. 23' Garfield St. Coatume., Tuxedoe.. Serpentine II monnLaill. It fs Quite Int�resUn( E. L. Ga�le, prop. MA.4861 t26Y2 Broadway when the fce blocks you are cUmbIng on groans and mOTea. Later we · e8.tabUshed camp One ' r near the food caCh••.' T ..... ava­ For a I I of your Automotive Service needs . lanches bit our camp, knock1n& . Our Regular I. Supreme - Supreme I. B� the tenta and conrlng cUmb- 1 era and tents with ·snow and I e.. 1 ! GLA�TOR SERVICE Some food and gear left outsJde the Mechanic Oft Duty �ept .W"aJ'. Camp ab>J,doned

Chrletm.. vacation I, here and for Itselt. U.S.C. finished with 8 molt of UI lOOn won't be. Thl, I, wln8 and 109888. No Comparison amblguou� whan Thl, I, one 10U sa,T Well. walt a minute! Let's of the time. during" the year when take a look at who these teams athletic competition find. ltaelf at played. Th1a may Dot 88em releyant, c t a Q th l a �::.: t�: �: 7:���lc ::O;:�::.. j:!t \: ;:W:n �:,P I �I�d think mo.t of UI realize thlt thl, U S.C. and Ohio State had three ,hould be our attitude the whole mutual foes scbeduled this season. year through; our per.onal relat.l,on: The California Bean were defeated by State. an� U,s'C. slipped .hlp with our Lord being alwlY. • foremon. by', 29-27 (that was the day Paul



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Parkl and' Jewelers


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. • • .

'Need your Christmas paekag'es wrapped for .. For thil lfte. �, bdhg them +<, mailing? . . , .. .....

. .M A D D E N ' S .. Shop�-Men!I-anci- Llttle- ..�s.









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We wish you a Merry Christm�s and a . ., '; " . , . HaPPY, N4!'!V' Vear: .. . : . , ' . ". ,... NEW LOCATiON: 415 Garfield 8� neXt to 'tho Donut Bar

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,PLG iSt�d__". favor, �o�gre.·a,ijQn . At St. Tlat ��, �_: � :' '. �M��t' rro,,! p�� On ' ;:':E t::: �.��m �n�- i:Stlll I ""Innesota. ('" s1,..'t't �'}.!;1i III 1230 stu� . �t :

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( Con��ed !' ''Iflter eollese. tlo�. where sua . In ...'nft"'a'''; c"''''''' W. clolle with the U8UnDee th� ea�bllllhed. 7. That he -.hilil h a ." e regular t�on e t .��Inte fr�om 01 be m r or ll -..I w 0 h . 1h�re Tti �C �ehalot. ·1iU! ...hl "'" Md. DOmI'.{Ii· � � �� be'" ho� ",'h'�iIy I,t P';I��\' ", I�! �'50-150 _ ,.. . I congrega:�OD fut Ye&�· 'T1ie avel"&g� studenur to eodl. ':tid 10. to u'6 or " Itual c::aU n,etrng; " j 8t, Jim flo... ' ��Ifiq ��� :0.. �Q__ SolDe. �� .f,teM te� . bate Tou �e��' o� fri4!-J '� � �n�e. �o� ��: li1ar1 �... .. T<h� he' .mU! "on,rally coop- atttMdanee' .,t' that' .e600� at the nOl' � �18 the-Mme.. �. �I'" �D. ·111·� HIlle:. be"'t. ! �UJ1�1l. J� lt4�UDD.. . eMe In the ....rnlV'.ttd apl... 1 9�da,. 'Diorrung Wo�ht!, ••rvle" giepUOa;ur��!. fanu� ? �nd" 8. a� �. ;.�. �� wu wen 0...' T()tJ(.. Til. attend&Dce de�dent o( �� 'Oo�l,e lllouab an ttu.r pi'otnu",· ot ttt-e Clmpua. w�Ui �� qu"4�n : "�elO�T� ' � .ff S�� � . �.� · �e the Loi'd'. !tu�..r oli the nrllt llrtelNt· part of UW aamo. Tho boot "" "!-0'INTER8YNODICAL the trnl1ed �taies should ene�� dJl':' !�llr\..r, ¥Ita �!p'. Jullf ' ilQr< I lomat!c reco��o� � �, ��,. ��,r. yerul"!- l!l�l�er, IDaItDuclt .. ALclrtc Latberan g�ay eventng o( each �th ..... �911b" padOr � be oaI1� to nJlt gOTernmenl ot Chlna.t�. COllq. fa' an Intenynocllca1 coUeae, b�t�e�D �� ud 702. It ". lo� �ervf" tl. youae peap..- _1m ·chOOH !�o�"� !A�� �tm1' l!�. V� h. Th� teama enterine d.�t. are: �&r1' ¥eCarMoIl. JC&�e�Dt !l.••. .octl' ,. CODCf8l'f.tion wlU · ct'f" opo tbt.t tie{"een 400 alrd 500' .tud,aU to atftlJa'le witH th. 'e!lurch and (OF h.lp and coun· �rect �tivJ� w1Jf bII J�or �en'•.· dlvl ion�Ke J .J . joi�� N"� . . jo�ti for a coDsolidated .emce P"T.tlctPat�� I� ny � �� ��bl '.� caret · to where all ' of tli'e churcb" repr&- t)f �� �!"l�eg.lty .och �.J;0&r4.. ieDq to .� 1n80n and: �ei! MUllIOn.; .pe1fOl � fB�� I� �� _. . �· ofltOe.· denoD and Tom Ree'f8l;... OeD, PeJ� d�a, �om �eeYe�: J�!iD §o��� ted WiD llan 'OOmmon obJeet.tve. CbO�. co��el; uahe� �tc. ��e I eomff-to- h I '*tt.& more tlian. 300 studenta reI'· ker and Norman Forness; AI 'J� �n� �el��. J�et !� j�«!{ In • con,"p.�u nqt connecttd �n�egat1oil there alt!O �101'S . . ����"� direetl� �u. 'aiO' Lath •. �tt7 __ . enn sYUQd. su�ll or'FfIaUOD', �, LS.... �.� lete��g ��Ir' votn 1� ta�r· � ..�' . . �� �,ct���!l; puan ._¥... "'�-''!"T- � ' . , .• . . , ..,.- ' . � �:. ���7";: .=';:. ���� ��fu1... . -!u:� �� !�U��# ���tIO�. &:n,d .�� �. .� .�!�"f.I� . b��. LD.�, ' �i2�: ,- . �- � -:' I I . . . -"" ; · :':. ""' ' � : ;';fir�lfi l e ����i� �"tl\)r� · , . · -� r ·UG"M" JtlD.ior Women's division: .An1ta �� �ur�. f.� y �� � Ji!&. be made r9r the noIt-tUffieraiia OD · ���<n.o� !,., It �Cl flc Lut�·er.n an� with lucceedlng generation, of . . ! the Camuus to be MIIOC,,"ed with tIo�. Howe,, Scbnell and Judy Boreker: Be'fe:r17 r1� �coartfo� see fit to Col iege, nO: ' 'orp'nlntlo n '�w o n : itu�!t;l� o'�'. ill� Pt.c ��u!. tb� SnruDlson and Kargaret 0U1a; ��e���"'���! �a.u� {.��, . the .coa..-epUon. 1t ,.they . ' f lll�e with i future, as: 01 ·to4a1.· for tid.�� I I the Ca�pu. need. to . Vernita Bllesner and V I r « I n t a �anet TUf1l.l&Jl. Neil ��lOn, �� do �. i e e May we an Thomsen; Joyce �rert and' Linda . �� !! �� y�� fff �� f � GENIi.RAL ORGANIZATION AND tHe co1ngreaatTdn If the'Y dell '" to ' gaUOn II .veri r�mal � . 'n���ende�t. TJ:ie -St. bl� pray tha.t God'. will may be dODe Hurd; Bet.ty Toepke and Janet Tur� enter the �terpretlve Read1�g C·O·NGIltEOATION OF oC�ngregatIon �Iao IpdDllo� con· and tha:t tB.e' succen o( the mOT. man, and alternatel P� Venne v�a1on. Tbe board or trusteel, deacons, Discusslnc "T�e American lIdu· ' and generfJ council a'r6' to be elect.- flrmaUon classes for th�18 Don·La·. � ment will be to HI, glo , (dr the and Marie McCarlson. • . .. of Hie Klncdoa. and to be onal Sy.tem n i t a J gd by the .tudent memo therans who �ICht wlah to become , turtheranc will A: tid from a' Tbose speak ng on "The Amerl. catl Scbnen. Venita BUeener, Virginia bera o( the congrecat Jon. FacultJ members o( the L� e.� Churcb' l tile upbulldln. ot ChrlIU&Il' cl1arac· Pastor t1It!re II an.llable T�e (or I ter In the llvel of those ",!ad Will be Thomsen, Pearl Venne, and Karle memben tmd others cannot become McCarlson. Margaret Canis, Beverly membera of this c.,n8'l'egation. A studenf conferences and the aver- toucbed thriJiup theae etrortr dl· Sventnglon. Kenny Robinson. Tom C'Onstltutlon ,,111 be drawn up and age weekly aupolntIIi.ents for the rectly and fndfreetly fn the future. ----"'' ---Reeves' �Od Pearl Venne will enter adouted by the congregation and Pastor last year were between 150 60. The PalrtOr at the SL Olat Mr. Blnka was buaUt ·enpgad Alter Dloner Suea.king. amen'ded trom Ume · to time as sit. , and Congregation dUrlpg the ftnt three wltb a spade In the mucl" Jii1de his I Other parts whicb bave not been uadons arise. for determined yet are In the Radio- SInc:e the student congregation yean o( Its ex.isten'ce write. to us car wben a stran,.er· !ia.Ued hIm.

""'1 A'·R.�71i 0' r �4;i! !� ' f1,o

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::;: Division, will not be a legally Incorporated :�ll:';; on November 4. 1964. &8 "Stuck In the mud he uked. j Speaking= ::: students "Ob, no!" exclaimed congregation, Mr. be will judges The , ErIcson, == Paul StuJordan, sbip. = TomFinkle, be asked cheerily, "my engine ·and I'm their memberhome I their trom digging a gi-o'fe for reath, .b Connie Hmrtad, Shirley but will simply be Invited to become ! = be Heloo, and Joan ;;: Werle Ruth· associate members during at the College. Membershiu artoro. RUSW'S MAUEr ::;: in the will GROCERl e8 - MeATS Swelled bead - Nature � their I to a vacunm. �. 'theIr bomenewcongregations. students arrive on I -Heard In an incubator: one Campus, the members or the gen1 --l out a rotten egg eral councIl or the student congre­ gation a'nd belpers will Karl, Mr. '

the to transter



T h e 8 t u d e n t congregation died.' i Swindland. GUCleaning .. . a congregations ::;:· :: �: :::�';!:;� a �o�.� :� �L. . Bm . n I nt e e Busching, the Campu.. It .elm. to very their rea· : Ruth qty-wiqe well received by atudenta and fac­ Idence I Ulty. I believe that the congrega· student congregation In . :Q�ilY Pick-u� and, tlon haa large potentl ... for the attempts way a(tect membershiu In .tudentl, for the program of high· y EG � T��L'� ' Delivery Service rm er education, and for the Church. i When the Parkland I �rom my thre yeare of work In ! Garfield St. Last organization and carrying on It. II work here.-rwould' encourage you other vialt lel'iou.'y conaider the poaalbl l. _____ OPPORTUNITY FOR lhe new students Individually and to ORDER NOWI of a like o'1lanlzatlo" on your �TUO!!!'IT� invlte\hem to join. There will be no Ity .ampUL ,.. \�"" . . �'" .,..,. .. :compul,lon. and eecb .tudent will Imprinted with Your Name PLC G' R OWTH . be as completely free to rem&1n out· I t r 3820 South Yakima in any community Sbould Pacltle Lutheran College' Dlvl.lon of We.rever, "Flnelt side or It as he is_ C.8;�� Df �� ;T � N ente� �e period o( growth no" preIn Cutler.y". , he now realdee.. _ where !'ve. clf!c .. P �� Stationer . .. dieted In all educa.tional circles, It r -------- . .--- - ---· - . . . . -- _ .. _. - a•• Is possible that we ,here will become ;n '" /" OWEN H. FLATBERG ,'"7 (J. a college ot the size that SL Olaf I · C .1.LpUt L &' � .... ,!,e �eco�e � fol- i PLC, North Hall, Room C·17 I" We wish you " f' n ' · J ::. " -Parkl,�, '��Inpton �egeA ot 120G-15oo students: we will i tace �ctly the lame k1.Dd ot D1'O� Phone: qRanlto 8871, Ext. 18 1 A BLESS�D CHRI STMAS -, ieme let tocth 1n . and opportunIties an� a ��� . ���==��



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BU. a.1nks






S peec h De pt. New Book By G ives Con tes t Dr. Eastvold 19,

SKATING PARTY An all-achool roller akat(ng party will be eponaored by the South Hall Dormitory tonight from 9:30 to 1 2 · 00. Tickets ate on sale In the front hall today or �o centa. Tranaportatlon will meet In the front of Old Main for the S o u t h Tacoma Roller Bowl.


Scie nce Profs

: Scholarships A tten d Mee t Offered To In California PLC Students

Wednesday. January at 8:00 - the Annual All-School Oratorical 5 U IS Contest sponsored by the Paclf1c Dr. Eaatvold's recent pubUcatlon, OpportunlUes tor foreign study Dr Strunk and Dr. Ostenson, pro· Lutberan College Speech Del()&rt· "Tbe Pastor Qnd His Splrl lual Lite," fessors ot biology at PLC, attended In fifteen countries are listed In a lhe meeting ot the American Asso· Foreign Study Grants, ment and the Washington Epsilon has julrt lett the presses. It waa elation for the Advancement ot Sci· pamphlet publIshed by the Institute Gbapter of PI Ka.,ppa Delta wlll be published by Augsburg Publishing , I ot InternQilonal Educ&Uon H 0 u s e, MJnnee.poUs, Mlnn 1 East L___.:..._____•__.J ence from December to January . . • � � MZ ...;'t.;!. � I � . .�'..1d1tor\.\'ll} .-: •. booJ(' tione- ura 8eJ1B1J'�f �'�1 " .I. u.1> t..-ecU.;--.itiif, m>W--!"''Y.-r'I 6'l't.b.. St. �""'"f .� rJ�r _ . Study awarQs at lhe University All students who wish to enter old, met for the tlrst time on the ra the Ceylon at Teher· ot University .. must see Margar:et Canis or Beverly West Coast, In Berkeley, California, an In lrap, and the Free University Svenlngsen, co·chairmen. by Jan· at the University at Calitornia uary A ten minute oration on Five thousand scientists, repre. at Berlin are deserl.bed. as well as Mildem�iaelle has announced a sentlng every phase of Science and other awards administered by the any subject may be presented. Pre, Umlnaries wlll be held on Monday, new art contest, which Is designed ' Including a host of foreign seien. Institute. Universities, p r 1 v a t e I January at 4:: Faculty memto discover young talent In, colleges tlsts from European, AslaUc and groups, and governments in Eur· and LaUn America have bel'S ·wlU act as judges. 91:1: speak· d a r t ,chOOIS tbroughout the Western hemisphere unlvenltles, ope, ASia, ottered fellowships American ers w11l be selected for Jap-uary country. Any woman under twenty- attended this meeting. students for the academic The finalIsts will be introduced · six years old enrolled in a college An outstanding feature at this year. by John" Holum, · president at · Pi l or art scbool Is eligible. meeting .ws:s a major symposium tor Earliest dea appllca· 1Uines · Kappa Delta, on Wednesday nlght. The two winners of the art, con- covering pre.medlcal and dental reo tor the two The judges will be citizens trom teRt will llIustrate the two winning ' qulrements tor admittance into mao tions are January the area who are Interested In coilege fiction contest stories and jar medical and dental schools at awards at the UnJversHy bf Ceylon tor advanced study speech. First prize Is · and U'Oeach for publica- the United States and Canada. This and January will receive In Brazil. Closing dales ot other phy honors, second prize and tion of their work. Honorable men- pre.medleal and def!.tal sympos.lum competitions are in F e b r u a r y, lhjr.d prize to five other art· was one of the reasons why Dr. tion will be given I March, April, and May. Ists and photostatic copies of their Strunk attended the meeting of the The contest was begun In· General ellglblllty requJrements work wlll be kept on flle for pos· A.A.A.S. The symposium covered by Miss Clara Chilson, former PLC for the feIiOwshlP5 and scholar\ sible futUre aSSignments commls· every phase of lIason and currlcu. speech Instructor. A standing troships, designed mainly for graduate sioned by MademoIselle. The win- lar activities between liberal arts phy was established on which the students., are: U. S. cWzenshlp; ners of the art contest wlll be an· colleges and major Medical and name of each year's first place proof of good academic record and Issue. Dental schools. nounced In the Aug\ist, winner Is This may be seen In �apaclty for Independent stndy ; A maximum or five samples may the t"rophy case In the C-M·S. In addition to attendIng this sym- good cbaracter. personality, and be submitted. They . may coq,slst ot poslum, Dr. trunk did a considerContest .chairmen encourage "all . adaptablMty; and good health. Abll· those who are not speakIng to par. �. papers o[ general I nterest to the w&rk previously done or work sp&- able number r special research pa. ity to read, write, and speak the church. Lutheran t.9 clflcally done for the contest. Those pers on various fields of Biologlca� Mclpate by coming and listening language ot the country of study :Is Sections of the publication in· who choose to do a few samples Sciences. the Ideas or your fellow stUdents." a tor most eompet!· -elude Sin and Grace, Assurance · and spec IfI caI Iy ror the contest shouId He beld Interviews with the Med· . Interpreting a pIece 1caI an.d DentaI Deans and Chair· tions. Salvatlon, Some Pastoral T.empta· do A private donor w1l1 ciTe a o tions. the Pastor's �er Life., The of Mademolaelle tiction published b- men of Zoology departments at the grants ·tor study In Sprun. Olher I U S IC Pastor's Self Exa mlnatlOn and The during the past year. You may su rn a j 0 universities ot the West countries In which awards are avail. . Lord's Supper, and The Pastor's mit the Original work (any medium coast as we11 as the UnIversities t . able are Austria, Brazil, Ceylon, Is acceptable) If It Is no larger than Utah and Colorado. Faith and Courage." I Cuba, Denmark, Great Brlt.a1n, Ger· submit Dr. � o'tvold S tL whIch w r -"'""'" 72 " by 1 1 " . O r you may k' "Th e prlmary purpose ot these · Dthe 0 many, France, Iran, Italy, Mexico, has authored Inrlude: "Paul a�d photographs ot your work, no largo Interviews was to lay the ground· the Netherlands, Sweden and Switz. Luther," " Life Bf'yond the Grave," er than S Yz" by 1 1", either in black work for future graduates of PLC erland. Many students have asked when " Co utlrmft.tion ." "'!" be Sacramenta," and white or color transparencies. who would 4eslre to enter schools Largest number ot grants is at· the Mu Sic Library will be open for and 'Re \'. C. J. Eastvold ; His Life A l l work submltted should be un- of Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary fered by the French government. matted, unmolinte� and untramed' Medlcal Schools as well as post Is now, and has been and Wul'�." student use. be postmarked graduate work In various nelds of Forty assIstantships and thirty fel· All 'entrles At present Dr. Eastvold Is prelowshlps are offered. February 1 is since about the first of October. 1, the . Biological Sciences," said Dr. paring lor publlca�:on a series ot no later than midnight March the closing date tor theee awards. on to 1 The hours are 1955. Every pIece of material must Strunk. radio addre8se� Under the French government as: be clearly marked with contestant's Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and _. alstantshlp program· Americans will name, age, home address, school on to 1 : Friday; an d trom Engllsh CODveraatJOD. cluses teach address and school year. An S IAl" by I Wednesday. The Library may be P IIi French secondD"P"II' -# schools and manUa envelope, seU-addressed • teacher training iosUtutlo08_ .A �w used by groups of students In the and stamped, should be enclosed To teaching appointments 10 French evening, by making the necessary with all entries. Mademoisell� will universities wI\� be made to appH· not guarantee to send back any en· arrangements tn the office ot lhe Mademoiaelle has announced her n will tries received unless they are a ' ot lhe department at music, � annual College\ Fiction Contest tor a l e t d Friday night Dr. Eastvold c mpanled by a return envelope. The two winners ot the col· college teaching. The Frencb teJ. Mr� Karl E. Weiss. IDs oWce la fly -to Washington. D. C., to attll9-d qThe judges for the art contest . III Iv h CMS.206; and Biudlo Is CMS-207_ . .three conterences there. He w1Il tor o I e elr st 96 l lgh n t t The Music Library, the tull name return January ct Tbe National Lutheran Education B. Hess, executive editor of Art and publication 1n MademOiselle. ot which Is the Erickson Music LI· runners·up wUl receive honor· brary. has & large collection of mu· Conference meets January News; and Miss MJldred Constan. The By se a e e o o ll t ua t o s c rv h �g General Foock. &rc.t n ; b s �e e n enc nu The ABsoClaUon of Non·Tax-Su� ern jazz; tram Scarlatti to Gersh· of American Colleges wlll be held. Art. The Judges' decisions shall be at regular rates. The winners will Colleges and Univemtles in be announced In the 'August, win; trom music exemplary of . the President Eisenhower ytll speak at final. Washington. ot whicb PLC Is a Issue. ChInese· seven-stringed Ching. to lhe closing day of the gathering Submit to: The Art C a n t e s t, under under wIll receive a.cOntribution woman Any member, duate l sym and organs pipe p collosal the · which I n c e s representatives Mademo aelle, Madison Avenue, recept aeUon twenty·!lx years ola who Is regu· of as & our day. The trom almoSt every state. phony otchestras New York New York. larly .enrolled In a degree-granting taken by The General Foods ·�nd, Ubrary Is equipped with 91x 11sten· Representing Washington Jt.s pres· is eligIble. StorIes that have college Inc., announced In a recent release. may I tng posta at which students Ident of the Assoc ation ot Non· C •S •A • REPORTS appeared In undergraduate publica· Each the following, members lIsten to music by beadphones, or Tax.Supported CoUeg� and Unl· Fellowship tions are acceptable it they have of the Association of Non·Tax·SuP-they may hear the music. over .the verslties, Dr. Eastvold wUl attend 'Ported Colleges and Uni�er8it1es of C.S.A. Fellowship will meet Sun· not been published elsewhere. loudspeaker. Students are welcome the meeting ot lhe presidents and Stories should run from approx!· Washington, will receJve a portion · records state day night at o'clock In the upper to .execu Uve dIrectors from to bring In lheir own to words. More ot the grant: m tely hear. The library. haa alao a num- organIzations. . SUB. ProtessDr John Kuethe wlll a�:I:, � ach contest· :�:�IC�: : n e t s i be S : \\. I b , present an Informal talk on· falth d ' d N Sl � l1' THE SIX RULES OF WINTER and doubt. "Can one have doubts V e e se regul a.�on size typing paper SeaUle Pacltlc, S",ttle ·UnIverslty, DRIVING � �ra.ry at this time consists ot JIm Wh1two�. ltten Whitman; Walla, Walla doubleand e.ltries must be wr and still be a Christian?:' Accept your responsibility. Lokken and Alan Freed ; Mr. WeIss The General Foods �d was In· spaceJ, on one side of the page Get the "teel" ot the road. An opportunity to raise ·Questl·ons beinK. In charge. They Invite "aDY . be clearly corporated in March. 1953, to make must work All only. clear. 3. Keep the windshield and all etudents to uae .the l1brari for discussion will be ot.ered. The marked with contestant's n a m e, contrlbutlons to organlza.UoDB 1D rest. 4. Use Ure chains and good .tires. tor study. for research,. or program will also Inclu�e special age, bo rne addr�, school address i the charitable, educational, �d sci· Pump ·your brakes. t-ul-re1&sat1on._and recreation in enUf1c tlelds. ----.! t:on..!!Eued on P&!!... F�ur)_ mumcL.._ _ __ �:-Fb"lIow-a.r&"nc "II&te-dfIlt& e. __ musJ"."

I P hi" hed





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M O · LO h ra ry T o. Be 0 pen F , or S tu dents I












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PLC To Benefit

1955' Ported





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1. 2.




l:�� �� : :a� �;;: �

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result at

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age Two


F�lday, January 7, 1955


America's ' Conlinual War



S. A.

and- systematic observer." In the Hght of these definitions, ---�....,����-.,---�..,-���.� I am a bit concerned that we have more pupils at Pacltlc Lutheran Campus Cogs than we should and not because the As the purpose of this· column Is the "characterization" of the fairly people enrolled at our Institution can be seen hurrying up the basBy Beverly Sven ingae n well known on campus (a purpose from which we departed two weeks are of basically poor Quality Rather New Year has come to PLC ketball court to score agaIn for his before the holidays ) we have decided to give more con'sideration to the the difficulty lies In accumulated andThewith It new faces can be seen Alma Mater ob!lcure, by portraying an individual who renders his body and soul to h a b i t s and attitudes prevalent I campus I n lhe case or ,.1. Manlyn almost dldn t come to IJ' rest by ;taring transfixedly at his navel. among members of the group The , on a new voice. I PLC. She was going to go to the persona. week's So we have inevitably come to that segment of campus society that fellow who goes to class only be- : But to t h o s eJLty,whoIt s have 'c o me University until three days before is ,inhabited by only one person; the sbadow lurking. shlfty·eyed, Qild cause the professor takes roll ev at least one year of college she entered here. But we are glad occasionally. blatant. Who Is this boy? (We know his obscurity prevents eryday: the girl ror whom a high .through she changed her mind. The second pretty the and "olce the life, the well-calculated guess). He is Bud Lester. dynamo of uBiquitous IIv- grade point average has become tin behind the sliding glass belongsface to change since we knew her last year lng, an all·all·intramural towel boy, and Walt Ball's oply friend, end in itself and will beg, borrow or an oid friend. Many of us remember Is her job. She has just been at it Muscle Beach Bud Is a student that some have admired and yet -steal to maintain it, the scho.lar ( ?) this charming Spokane girl who since Monday morning. If you have. others ha'·e looked askance upon his activities. But to the latter cate- 1. who Is assigned a Daper and after lived at Ivy HaW last year. Now n't had a chance, why not drop in gor.y we say he isn't Quite as coarse or ungentlemanly as hE; seems. In ,spending several weeks grumbl1ng :'.I'arilyn Johnson is back to joIn and greet an old frlenrf or JIlake a idiotic professors finally the college family again. This tlme ,new one. fact. he is obsessed with the Idea of becoming the perfect gentleman. a�out the Thus' far the only real way to perceh'e Lester's gentlemanllness Is to g e t s around to copying several I she brIngs .....Ith her a new Ilame as She Is replacing Carol Foster, a convenient encyclo from view the neon sign above his door: "Bud Lester, Strong·Armed Right· pages as a new position. MarIlyn, a who, after being with us exactly a pedl a or better yet from a paper well Hander, AIl·lntramura\ Quarterback, Scholar and Gentleman." fresbman last year who graduated year, has settled down to await the l ed In conclusion, a terse but tr�nchant quote by Buddy Boy's roommate, :�l;� e�;h ��t t�::: ::hl��;:e�:: fl:"ill ,L,e :'is .nd c la 'k ln S�okane new biassing she and Chuck expect JCk HoO , e"• , '"wll Ch: very soon. Our warm greetings go : '" no I', r. "",, . Andy tbe Shlek of Bagdad: "Leave those priceless mementos alone! t O a ll tor. out to Carol Those veils aren't mosquito nets! " opera board . and her husband. Best �:�: ��� S:U : ����: �r;s th . d . T Tbe first change came August of every thing to you. Get this: Boy are our mln(I s ImprovIng! When the BCh00· I year start- ��:� fu ter!zed charac rther pil by is the ed w!'! were unread, unw�shed, unenlightened clods ; but a�ier reading person who spends great amounts 7th In Spokane wben she and Jack And ,,{Itb a farewell to Carol �lr. and Mrs. Hoover. Jack, comes a hear-ty welcome to Marilyn the untold column-s aboundIng on this page that are dedicated to the of time memorlzjng the te�tbook became Improvement of the minds of men we have become dUlIgent scholars, and the instructor's lectUre Instead a campus . leader' In LSA and CSA, and Jack. we have acquired enormous amounts of culture and we are, get this, of exercising the cortex of that �����������:;::;:; esthetes. How does that grab ya? wonderful organ, the brain,' by do � PLC'ers Journey We are going to attempt, in our bumble way, also to bring a 'lIttle Ing some analysis thInking for Dorm Doin's UgJ;l.t l�tq the dar.kness of ·Ignorance. We are instituting a Poot's Nook hims�lf. He also and asaldJously -;; p ;;;; u r;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; = East for Vocation a,n� wll-1 teatllrEl from time to time Quotes from famous autbors, Imer- sues the co-curricular activities up Sojourn South By,-Stan Jaeoblon. &ome. H. p. Throw, e� a.I. ' We may even delve into the Intrlcades of new uot1l the nIg,b t before an exam and A"d her . weHall are ., From 'a diet of On the eve ot December 16, Dave · c�.�r risbln'. tJ tben e:pect t do p na for lost eat,s study? eep, sleep and' eat, Gold. �ls Anseth, Carol Ray Steen, l � U:d with s Is°hl !ioY( . . won't you come in for a kindly thqught? We Quote the eager South Hall1tes r:ushed back Ja�obs�, an'd mf8l!It, SUm Jacoi). Peruvian (ree-verse poet' Inca Ysuoc (Yma Sumac's half-brother) , who la�: o{ s�:e�p a:: ad:enal1: com.- fro!ll the YuleUme holiday. anticl- son, ventur�d upon ·a. lo�g and Quiet sa16 w�tb all sincerity: "Po}tergtsts make up the principal type of spon. pounds. Atter such a session be also the many engagements ex- journey, home tor Christmas vaca.ta,neoQs 1;I1atertal manifestation." expects to have a clear mind and paling e ' expects the professor to sympathize �:�; ��t:au:: :::.�:��::;��ce:;t!.':: tion. Oure destination was Wiscone · Pass the condiments! l -- -..-... � '. .... -Ia8 -1 --- :�t� :l; ��::n::s ue��: : �:: sparkle" belonged to Lyndall Lov- ���:� ::ur�:' :1��: :t��s\� vb� s a nl h r n Itt, R.N" who Is studYing tor' her tween t8 drop oft L6ls and Ray, • .,., • � J..r J.r . we In short, the pupil at college 1'5 the Bachelor of Science degree. Lucky who Uve in WIUIston, N. D., and , Publlahed 'every Frlday durtng the school year by students of Pa.cttJc o n e w h o expects to be carried man Is Anton Jobnson, PLC '52 Albert Lea. Minn., resp�cUvely. through hIs college career by his grad. Best wlsbes to you both! . Lutberan College. Our flrst night was perfect By Entered as second class matter, October 2, 1952. at the Post Otfice at professors, friends and/or r a a m- Like a bunch of dirty blrdleS l mid·mornlng the next day, fben we Parkland, WashIngton, ' mates, and expects a 4.0 grade point Telephone GRanite 8611 and a dIploma at' the' end of four third floor frIends of Ginny Grahn were In the booming country of OWce: Student Union her room at midnIght Montana sagetirush, the driver of a Subscription price--$1.50 per year years merely because he has occu- stole Intonight: And there she was; paSSing car Informed us ot our first pled a chair for !lIs morn4ng nap In Sunday climbIng ust .out of bed to the tune I tIat tire. Luckily, tbere was a gas j exa succession of olassroom'S. We of "Happy Birthday" friend ' station only coasting length away. peet pupUs.ln the elementary school roommate snapped thewhen where the tea�her can and does era, Angel _toad cake flash cam- so we hobbled In to change the tl.nd give class S.UP�rvlslon. Even one Is wegIan goodies were served Nor· tire. Because of poor faclUties at for ra- the staUon-run by a woman-we I fresbments. JOAN KITTELSON too many at PLC. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 't t1x ·the tire, and on a vir.- ..... CATHERINE S.ANNER,UD . NEWS EDITOR ... I . Old you hear a bout . . . Lo Is Sand COUldn I tua Y ,readbare spare we chanced I ...................................... ...JOANNE POENCET atulat ions Con . 9r malilng !\ suitcase home because , tbe eighty mUes to the next town JOH�SON, JANET SVEEN ��li!�: :��g:s;.................. . .. .DOROTHY ....-.....................................WALT BALL Congratulations are In order for she k�ew she'd have more things to , where we could !Jnally fix the first SPORTS EDITOI.t-.:................. ... Sports Staff: .Dwalne Brandt, Louie SPTY, James Jacobson, Dick Brown r. Jesse Pflueger and his daugh- bring back arter' vacation ? . . . or blowout. · £X CHANGE EDITOR.....,,", . . ......... . ... : . ............. .. ..BEV PIERSON ter, Marilyn. . hO\\" about 'o1lle Romp<vedt ge'lIng ! Three .hun<tr.ed miles later. on a r n b o a th���d� :: ;:�� �,·B�� 9 ::,�: ;,?� ���! J�:� n�: �0:'.t��:.�� �:; :.Wm: :,:I��:go:.�= �:� . . . Hs Er"ekvam, Sheldon Drooks;- BeTerly S enlngson ,Ag- el'er and- they are now ma.k1ng $T le ild8 of- Ke�ma Knu-tzen---r----we e--. ·w.a&- dl:l.v:lng-andr--&B- I-=-wa.g_.told._ ..we · ""REPOUT . E RS=U v PbH their howe In Sioux Falls, Souio Ilallanger, Ronald H:edwall. Barbara Gronke. Faith Bueltmann, to leal'll that !lhe were dol-ng .65 . .We fixed.· the na.t, b �uch· sadd eD�d e o .a job l ' with the State ' and then my little jet wou,ldn't ��:�c�'rl�: Dakota, wbere he is an in�tructor h"as. accepted :ily��:f::. eo:� �:e� �����;r::ty�:: ��: T�� . (Continued on Page Fo�r) I (Continued on Page .Fonr) I at Augustana College. and Da\'e Englund. Supercilious Sneer




_______ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _





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HapQY New rear! That Is, If we forget the .cores of mo.t of the post s,eas,oJ;l � w l �mee-Quff said. WI·th the lH:!ginnlng of another n1;lw year basketball season gets Into h igh �ea�; Ev:�I:y'one seems to have made �e transi tion from OM sport

10 tbe other with very little dlfttculty. Including big Phil Nordquist, who 1� d 8 the Lute cagers In scoring with 132 POLnts In 10 games as of last •


Evergreen Conrer�ce play begins Thursday night over 10 Ellensburg, W here Eaetern waShlngtOll W111 tTY to hand Ce ntral its fi� de reat of the season Leo Nlchobon's boys coming Into conference play with a

'���L7�Rt� l �i:d;�;�r5'"8:�'�P5-"'"

� � : ! �t.:: ".a:: :: :::;, �

h ee r t! tw lg O the, �eJ �e's and "Ivy Hall learns � c ame w t n one p 01nt or tylng "the .re<:9 rd. of 84. DeJardJn�'8 tromped the Chimp,s 83 to 34 wttb Lane and B ro meI y pacI ng th e vI cto ra. Laoe scored 30 points tor tbe day and . Bromely had 26 Ivy Hall (A) beat Clover Creek by "the count of 83 to 27. Bud Lester paced tbe winn&rB

j I


� � :: ;��





: h: I




� :,� �� � � :hl!?w� t�." fJ.frt� ��.r


:o;�e�:'Tl�� Lead

Charle� F. Musto, Jr. , PLC grad of


: :::


were stm enjoying tbelr Christmas turkey as the Loggers ran to a 7·0 lead. Kelderman broke the Ice with



Musto majored tn education and Is now teaching In the Tacoma public

school system.

Madden's Men's & Little Men's Shop

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transportation, about $1.35 for an all·day tow ticket, and a nominal

amount for food, depending on the


individual person. are welcome to attend "All for a day of tun, says Carroll 01-sen president of Ski Club -



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ceived a trip to tbe Eaet·West game in San Francisco on New Year's Day.



TH ORSEN NEA , TR ,.c. KLS �JO K ES MA G C Co.tume., Tuxedoes, Serpentine

won second place In the

Parkland Center Bldg,








� �!

Tacoma Newg Tribune football forecas-t this season and as a prize

J. V.'. Win

man has no more troubles about the

Stevens Pass Is the sne cbosen hook to give the Lutes the for the Ski Club outing to be held a tomorrow, January 8. Altbough the spark they needed. They tlnally s ere de te a caught CPS at 9.9 and after ex. l;;1 : :� � : �; ; pr::, t: tv e chaQging a pair ot baskets went p schedule was ·to leave the school In ahead 18.i6 with about 6 minutes left In the half as �ver tipped I n Indi ...ldual C B. ;"!s ahout 7 : 30 Q n Sat· urday morning, atter breakfast. The . a rebound. The G I a d s stretched their lead at halft.Jme to 25.18 and skiers will return some time on Sat­ were never seriously threatened urday ('venlng. Cost (or the trIp will be $1.25 for therearler. Both teams were cold


Jack Sinderaon .

If this game Is a slgo 0(, things looks like Coa-cb Harsb- used only 7 men In the proceedings. to come

:-O:orth Hall (3) Is alone on top from the fleld <lIS 13 at tbe Lutes' of the league right now. There Is a 25 points I n the j irst halt were from 53 �ov. 26-Western Washington at Totem Tourney . . . .. ... .... 62 hot pace being set for the second the foul line, 7 by Kelderman and . 4 9 place berth as three teams are tied 6 by Nordquist. !\ O\' . 27-Unlverslty of British C�lumbla BIt Totem. .. . ... 50 Kelderman broke 44 . .. ..... . ...... ... 53 No\'. 30-\Vestern Washington at Tacoma. These statistics Include the games the game open In the second half 7 9 played on January 4 Deo. I-Buchan's Bakery In Tacoma Tourney. . ........ 84 and shot tile Lutherns to a H 24 64 68 Dec. 2-Fort Lewis In Tacoma Tourney... lead as he went on to score 14 of his 58 Dec. 9-Paclflc University at Portland.. . .. . .. ... ...... ........ 53 total In the s�ond period Phil r h Hall ( 3 ) ... .. 8 4 73 DeC. l()-Lewls and Clark .i'\onlqulst \\as runnerup with 16 � C e Cuts :) 68 72 Dec. ll -Paciflc University at Portland. points before he fouled out late I n DeJardine's ...... ............ .. 5 56 .. . ...... 68 Dec. 18-Lewls and Clark a t Tacoma the game. Four of CPS's starting I ( A ) .. ........ .. . Jan. 4-COUege of Puget Sound... 47 . ....... 60 five were callsd from the noor on �� � . Pre·Evergreen record: 7 wins, 3 def88.ts. 5 personals, Eliaspn, :earna-tt, WII· Central Ba rra-cks . 3 kerson, and Talman, all suftered Ea-atern the same tate: Coach Harshman Every year, and this Is no exception, Christmas vacation seems to be Tacoma .... 3 ,the tavorlte -t ime for engagements. Congratulations to Karwoski Stubs and to Omegas ... ............ 2 Frank announced his engagement to Miss Carol Schuler, a PLC Jokers ._. . . . . . _.................. 2 I graduate of two years ba�k. Faculty . . . .. . .. .............. 2 Jack used to tell roe that his mother's good cooking was the reason Chimps . ...................... 1 -4te went home on w·eek·ends, but Ills engagement to Janice Nussbaum, a Clover Creek .................... 1 Rl.chland gal, explodes ·that myth. Here's wishing luck and happiness to � Y� H a� ,� 'V ...� JJ�(� B) �.� ...� -=____ .� . ...� __ O ....� __�� ..� both couples. � �


Hits 23



The Lute J. V 's won the opener answer (0 stopping Phil JOrdoP and by a wh isker, beating the Logger . " aY B B tb orth b 's 58·56 ....lth a total of 21 point'S with Arden : : �:r : �8 t � e W S Munkon close behind with 18 e I k d 6 fi ld oal and 11 tree Gapl�r pla y' ed _ ��4JY at�erJ..lopn . t:..� - _J • . � ' . e·I� ·� l s Jo s � � , U r:� � � ;et ! # � n a l • ' Th e Lu..,. t" star�· but Iook � off like they wI nners w ith 14 pointsOY




�y �i�k K

ho scored 23 POlOtS. the Lutes Led elderman. rna e thtit ftrst tt� at e0llege 0f Pu gel Sound a succ�ssfu1 one as they lowered the Loggers 60-4 the CPS fleldhouse.

I center posiU on and m.ybe even an

9-0 re�ord,: C ntral 19 considerably stronger than pre-season <1,ope Indlcated. League competltlon begin8 tor .us .toulghl w:.I;1en the team travels . &ttt·�·· , ' � ·tt-, � "t.ngh'a.lJi" ilia:tb.�n�ii"tt1" " iUtt'"-\N.f'ift·'Saturtta}' '&. •. �'. ,. ,.. . . l\ . . . . . Whll'oyorth migM not be q�lte as' st�ng. a� last S�lls�n, on how well . Evergreen teams can stop Phil Jordon, They derinltel y miss . ' the added scoring punch prov,j ded by the Beach brothers a year ago. seronlhtgh tor the game as Harsh. Eastern, paced b y second highest scorer I n leasue man scored 2 1 fo r the losers. An, ? play last year (_35 points In 12 games), having Its ups and downs. other close game was Gooch's over Western and U.B.C. don' t figure to flnlsb too high I n the final etan . � the Stubs by a 47-46 count. Rich Ings but could eaally someone's (un. The C.P.S. Loggers don t S.wlndt was high scorer wlth 23 have much trouble scoring points but then their opponents hsve less. pOints for \tbe losers and ijenson . Our owt:l Lutes t,lgure better than most at the rest. As usual , Ha s h r · high for the victors with 4 1 points man has come up with a ttne defensive squad: In fact, fine enougb to In other games on TUB8day, 'the rank the Lutes no than fourth In tbe nation among small colleges" Crew Cuts beat the Chimps 56-43 . A gainst college competitiQn the boys bave yielded an average of only Ron McCallister was high " W ltlt 18' 57 .6 poln:1s per game. Amherst Col·le�e tops the amaH col1eg� detensl"� pO int-s. The Jokers took the long leaders with a .54.2 average. Tben. just ahead of the Lutes, are : 8out11· end of a 46.40 s core against th� west Tex!\s State (57.0) and Pepperdlne (57.4). Clover Creek five.

Dick Edward.,

As d


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JAN. 28 Start S�vlng � to $10 a Week for a Debt-free Xma. 1955 LINCOLN -BRANCH




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_ _ _

..S_ T __Fr l dar. January T H E MO O R " N G M_ _ .,...,..

7, 1t55

Statistics T.II Dorm 00;n'5 Of ELC Growth PLC Faculty Meet ? L u te Total enrollment at et:hoola and Page Two) vacation ( 1 ) . Quiet hour conUnu4e In Oslo, N orway colleges or The Evangelical Luther- (Continuedoftram Agriculture wblch until 7 p.m. each eyenlnc. Then the Christmaa away from home was an Church this ran Is the second Department W"I n R"10 T " e lonely tor several former highest In their hIstory, AccordIng· IUwill begin probably today. Best o[ �:�:�. n;!-:'d "���r :t:��. p;��e�� Two PLC gradortes recently won not asfaculty inneapolis. dl ��c�:;::; a newsiest week, I'd unlJkely and almost Impoulble due Dr. o t ml Orville Dabl, M t ht members C 1 ..p� l pillS o) severa Janeir de Rio to trip been this put holiday season' rector of the ELC's dlYlslon ot high- like to close wIth eome of EIDer- to the verbal wrestling match (no other prizes as a rfisuit (.0( a correct have er educallon. son's Ideas on books. Remember he r holds barred) tn the next cell. answer on a telev;'5loJ'l show In New for thhey met attoOsl0, Norway. York City. The program, 'The BI« tb: �u�;��� :c:::«!n����s�� 13�1��;:�!e:cve:rtaJ.: °lf9!�c ;:;:s� Is attemplln« t� · stimull;lote y o u r I Stock queaUon: "WbadJa get for : this college ar rollment-Is reported by the ELC' s thouchta. PayoU," Is televised over KTNT· PIan ThOa! from e junior and senior colleges, bringing " Books are written by thinken, 1 Christmas!" Eully answered : "The usual" or TV Miss Grace Blomquist, Mr. Akre, not by Man Thinking, by men 0f "did pretty well " Ronald Douglas, PLC class of '53, and Carl Tandberg Also preaent at their total registration to a level 20 talent, wrong, tart that who Is, Stnta is back at the North Pole, . M&rgaret and his wire, the tonner reunion were Miss Virginia Sea- percent higher than It was in 1951. who start out from accepted dog- Rudolph's red nose Is put under r.;uca�, were .the "Inners The big the burg, Mrs. Allre, Karl and Mrs Writing -tn the October 26 luue mas, not from their own sIght of wrapa, children baTe finlsbed payoCf question \\as, ".H.ow many Skarsvlk, and m e m b e ra of the of the Lutheran Herald, Dr. Da.hl pnnclples Meek young men grow ruining the tbe rest ot their gUts with people 'vere In tb� lirk'" His an- Tandberg ta.mlly. .... . reported that, with scbool and cot. It their 1helr unbreak�ble tOYl, and ..,en swer, "'I thInk tbere .... (>re elgbt," Together- these fr.1,ends wrote a lege tallies showfng Increased stu- uptyIn t libraries, believing v!�:::� whlch j tbe diehards have dlscarded .t!l�ir :illl' .!!'h!C\ d.eA =......... hun and ll.I.I...l":t!.P... l1le, .� -4:��:' "G:l '�3.'�C '!.::.:t!.c , t Ug1atr�.u:W""Uze.. tJ)jJ:d,o.P.d�. �o accep! �e. """p"i"ft"es :.w��� ....�. a:.eO.ri. 1Bf!.t�. Chrl&tmu: .t.,�aQee41 per- . " .... . t yea�, enrollment now: �to-- l....·�e;t6" told or the r retUinl3CJng or' pa8t I'ecuh9 rorgetfUl that Cicero" gu, 'uJl11J nt!'xf week, if.,. �.� Among the other awards were a local activit1ies by viewing slides. tala 6,917 (a gain of 1 0 9 peN:ent baTekegrV'en; young : (I kl:lOw you are alone), 1 leave :you Loc and Bacon were only lSet or matche.d luggage, a wnst Mrll. Tandberg wrote, "It was Juat over tbe 195"8 tall total of 6,234). men In Hbrarles this bomely bit Of phll�aopby : ' watch. jewelry, an evening gown like being back In Parkland." . At the ELC's elx colleges (!iva these books." w.,ben they wrote , wltb If you don't look before you leap, a.nd sboes-all for Mrs. Douglas. One describe\! tbe trip as "a senior and one junior) 5 927 atu. -Ralph Waldo Emerson I You'll get your feet wet. Douglas is aOlDg graauate work · dream come true, spending 'a real dents are registered a� c�mpared -Unknown Old Main in education &:t Columbia. unlver- Norwegian Christmas." Professor to 5,232 a year ago. Total gains at b elly In New York. I...a.8t year he Tandber:g wrote, "Isben says, 'Wbat ,these l:olleges over l e past thr�e Christmas v&Ca.tlon Is just part laUgbt jn th� 0 I Y m 1 a publl� , 1a lost Is yours forever: 1 sha:ll yearf\ amount to 1,000 students. 0f th� ol� year and the tun we had r ·WEEKIS CALENDAR .... 6chools. . Whlle at PLC be was busl· probably nol lbe privilege of Acdordlng to Dr. Dahl, the over- Is Just a page in our diary. The pll� ness manager of the college year I returning to PLC again, but even all I n c r e a s e s occurring In ELC of gifts under ·the Christmas tree 1 J anuary i day Fr , 7 book and a member of the student It is lost to me, It Is mine tor- scbdols and colleges may be three ,has turned Into an endless pile of 1 Basketball (conO, Western, away. or four times larger than tbe na· tbank-you Tbls was to most ever." councll. skating party. tlonal average .gain tor private In- of us just another Cbrlstmas, but 9 :30 p.m.-RollerJanuary Mrs. Lucas finished PLC In 1952. 8 Saturday, church colleges and to five girls eacb moment ot this Sbe was princess In t�e homecom- c rships OHered dependent and (cont.), -g.B.C., away. scbools, j u d g i n g by past vacation has become part of I Basketball Ing and May festival courts In ber S hola SUl1day, January 9 (Continued from Page One) secondary eenlor year. She Is teaching SCh�OI their futu re life. trends of the past two years and by 2.30 p.m.-Cholr rebearsal. The s t. a r ti flooded the heavens enrollmenl - . tn White Plains, N. Y. I study at universities and o t h e r thisELCfall'sschools p.m.-C.S.A., SUB. I state institutions of higher learnand tbelr 1954 en- "on Christmas Eve from tbe joy of 7:00 Monday, J�nuary 1 0 l ing. , lhese five girls for a ring bad found 6 .. rollments tollow: Contests for Writers service, C·M-S balAmong the specialized grants are Semlnarles-L . place on their hand. u t h e r (St. Paul. its I cony. · by shlps given or schola four lab (Continued from Page One) � l'otlnn.), 411; Luther (Saskatoon, Shirley Peterson's eyes started 5 I.C.C., tor Foundation : ic the Transatlant gleaming around the twenty-third 9i l() -.PI Kappa !.r10Delta, 4. CMS-122. Sask.), 25. and s�!lool year. An 8"h" by 11" study in :O Great Britain. Open only Colleges-A u g u s t a n a (Sioux when her ring began to shine. manila envelope, self-addressed and to candidates T esday , J a nua ry 11 from the labor union Palls, S. D.) , 817; COncordia (Moor- Pearl Venne, Pat Bugbee. and u etamped, should be enclosed with three awards are given bead, Minn.), 1,255 ; Luther (De- Carol Sorensen made the earth's 4 : Oo--LDR, Sjoding. all entries. Mademoiselle assumes movement, 12:3O-DRG Cabinet, Dayroom. Ruskin College, axford, and one corab, Iowa), 1,001 ; Pacific Lutherrays give ocr a little extra light 12 no responsibIlIty tor manuscripts 1 for : 5O--Lettennen, M·109. an (Parkland,· Wash.); 1,010; · St. w:lth theIr rIngs. and will not return' manuscripts (or COleg Harlecn In Wales. --Spurs, 4tb noor lounge. will 91. awards Woolley Foundation la! (1\"orthtleld, Mlnn) ' 1,612, Wal- Esther La VoId did the strange 6:3O reeeived unless they are aecom- b m O e to four candidates for the dorf Junior College ( Forest Oily, thing of all, for Ala,ska had two 76: 045-Stu dent Councii, ASBO. panled by a return envelope o--Llnne Society, S-108. study of art and music In Paris A Iowa), 232 midnight suns instead of just one. 7 ::3O-Judges wlll be Mademoiselle edl· limited tion, Roe's. onflrma C number of social work teltors, \lhose decisions will be final, Yes, these five glrls left with a 9 : 0o--C.S.A., Council room. lowshlps are available to expert- PLel e-s 1 dirty and c oth of suitcase full and entrIes must be postmarked by II enced _ ers Journe.y , January 1 2 came back with heart (uti· ot 6 : 15 a.Wednesday midnight April IS, 1955 and mailed . American social workers for l (Continued m .-Toastmasters. Two) Page from tn dreams, eyes full of stars, and an 6 :00 P,�.��. Phi Epsilon, Music to, College Fiction Contest, Made- j ... ork,c s t u cd y, and observation e n Avenue, New �: :� ��;::;��: Cll:d::te; ��� �t:;�·s v:: I���dt:dt�:es��: �tU::I:k� engagement rIng. ty t t ra �::� �12�' �:���:��� Da' Call from North H all 7:aO--Curtaln Call. cal knowledge or the varIous kinds a '47 Buick convertible up ,a bill), . Augsburg Conte.t Psi Omega, CMS-123. of social work .In France work hoping the motor would' k.Jck In and At last! Back to -8 C h 0 0 L Tbe 8: 3O--Alpha Th ursda.y, January 13 'rbe Augsburg Publishing Hou&e with delinquents, group work, pu� start running. It didn t, About that scholar returneth 10 wend his mer2 -mpuB a Devotions, Tower 3O : C. is Interested In !lndlng toung pea- lIc welfare, medl<:al social work, time a truck came barrellIng down ry way through many musty vol- 1 Chapel. . pIe wbo are In college or recently and factory welfare. the road behind us, approa.cblng urnes of easily forgotten lore. out of college, who would write ac- Summer school opportunities in- rapidly, In the half-<tarkness of the In anticipation or test week and 6:30--Alpba PI Omega.. lrl04. 7:0o-Gennan Club. ceptable copy for their three pa· clude eight awards for the Univer- evening. to make up for lost sleep during 7:3�Vlltlng Club, !.rl04. pers. They are: Little Folks, Ch l l slty of Vienna Summer School and Dave jumped beblnd th� wheel, Fr iday, J anuary 14 dren's Friend, and Our Young Pea- eeveral partial grants toward tuI- madly pumping the brake llghts, d ht PLC W-II Se E n ig Basketball I (-conf_), away, C.P;S" 8 pie_ Pay is about a ha.1f a cent per tlon and maJntenance &t the Eng- whlle Ray and I ran frantically to. o'clock p.m. a�::�d:r To LDR Workshop e t copy w·bleh Is used In their s 8 W S :�: n !. :-U �:.!� ; :,���::, �::O:l �0��:: !t !:� �!i::r:�:: � e for an instant. I saw the head- th:��RP�r:��:pW:!1 ::u:I��:: PATRON IZE OUR ADVERTISER8 - ------ ot Oxford, Edinburgh, London, and head. ht f g n g m e��:�::d:�e:�: tbls ·Saturday, January 8. TOM'S �!:�:: ::�h:k�:p:��e �nd ��Z: �e ��lss�:: Two P� students nominated for Laurlnat"s Appanl to when the antos dIstri say, Needle E C fOrd: a.t Strat betha held Is drama .ll REAMERY IC ct officers are : 2nd vIce-presmet. all three vehicles were ,trreon-Avon.. "Olatlnctlve Merchandl",' SANDWICHES - HOT DOGS ident, Joanne Dabl, and ·secretary(Editor's Note: More Information parably smasbed and we were all treasurer, 401 Garfield 8t. ParklalJd Delores Beck. t:'l0ME.MADE PlEa carr be obtained In' the Mooring tragically killed. gIrls going will be El· Phone GRanito 5317 Seriously, ,thougb:.the tru<:;k ek1d- enTheeotberdistrict I Mast omce. secretary; Bev ded approximately thirty feet. com- J H nry,ocal : �_.,--____� , ing ":;;:":"':"::':": president; Thelma r to a screechIng balt only a. few Tranum, l It'S. VERN'S . Sylvla. Nygaard, Kirkebo, Stella's Flowers . P e g g y JEWELRY feet from our rear bumper, turning OIF.T8 ' · for cooked to order DeLuxe Ham· and MarIlyn LeRud. sideways acrOS8 the highway only Arlt Flowe,.. for All Ocea.lon. burgen - Fish and Chipi At the converrtion ;nU be L.D.R. I d 1 r the other car had WE DELIVER ::���:d �;� members from· Raymond, S o u t h Home.made Plel Tacoma, and Pacific LUthern J I ·s tth .. Pacific Taco ma 41 5 Garfield 8t. GR. 7413 From tben on, our bomeward trip Bend, 1 was very dull. On the return trip an College. there was nothing evemlul -only �:;::;::;::;::;::;:;;..::;::;:;::;:::;::::;: :; :;::;: :; :;::;:� r $ .IN·1 TO �ERVE YOU BETTER Wetch e-nd Clock , .' I elgbteen flat tires, an argument ' Standard Heating 0111 - Heating Equipment.... Heating 8ervlce K nds Sewing I, with a guard rail on the side 01 of i ll Repeiring . a Enjoy That "PLUS" Service R mountain, and, of course, a lltUe elining Cloth and , Fur Coati M'ARV TOMMERVIK'S chat with a pollee o!!lcer. 239 Garll.ld SL Parkland,Wn. WHITE PARKLAND FUEL OIL SERVICE This I seriously believe : long , :1-1 8 GarfMM. Parkland ield . E. L Gable, p-p. 12Oth .. Pacific Avenue Phone· GRanIt• 0V0't _"'.. trlps just aren't worth their wblle; · .tbere Isn't any excitement. .1 Tools - Sporting - Houaewares - Paint Plumbing Window I r Shad•• - Travl. Rod. : For a l l of you.r Automotive Service. need·, Milk Shekes .. R HARDW Our Regular I, S upre e - Supreme I. Bnt. E I G K r e .nl e - � § . . F our _

_________ ___ __ •..: _ P _

Grads rip


tI I I








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121 st and





pacil�lcY�!�:eN'T EAT IT-WE HA:h:�: GRanite 3171

Parkla d ,.ewe er


129th 4. Pacific?

GR. U45


I ������������,l::===========� •



Pacific Avenue

---. � -= ==�========= :�

MechanIc on Duty

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GRanite 7111



.. .

VOLUME NUMBER PO Spon5�rs I Ski Club To !'Speech Section To D e bat:o r s IA . Beard Growi ng I " CO p T r o p h y l y.::O::I::d�:·:� a;��::::,���t���, H ave O � tin 9 .I Tape Rad io Pla ys acu\,. 1 At Stevens I I I � '{1�a10n' ;�� 32,






14, 1955

!Journalists To Attend Meet H ere M on d a y


In tbe Interes t of pubUc semce Once again the Pacific Lutheran ' teres l and participation In Its and enlightenment, the Radio Din· College deb&te squad has ' come Wea, Alpha Phi Omega, service tra. Sk.1 Club, continuing Ita sian of .the PLC Speech Depart· I On Monday. January 17, members . hOme with 'the bacon. , ern1 ty, Is �ponaOrl ?g; two p the all·school ment Is recordln� for future broad- T ot the journaUsm a.t Pac1f1c ect.s. y r, bas planned an o : � � . ..,�1I, "i. m � 4h-e J�?l" J [ s e e Para mount an� ll�� to �Ule I <:a.trtin.g ... � e ... t� :.�n_�{'II�A _�JI �8 hosts to ..: !team swept the Seattle Paclfic Colg v , hour radio plays on the subject of the Puget SOaa.<r ATea-membtl!9- �« lege invitational tournament held much Interest, jf not aome debate. dates set for the trip are February J uvenII e d e1\ DQuency th e na.tional journe.lIsm fratt,lrnlty, In Seattle 18.8t Friday and Saturday on the campus among the co-eds, la . 5 and 6 The outing will be at Stev· Entitled "Joey," the dramauza" Sigma Delta CtiJ, both gradua.tes The neopbyt es, mostly first year th es -gr c s and the skJers will stay tlons are wrtliten by Leone Marlatt and under·graduates ! ens Pas � speakera, brought home the 8weeP�c e gl ble and at the S ummlt Inn, ju:;rt across the Teeters, who places special ya em baEll ruer C Vogel, pr&61dent of the atak8S troPhY have nothing to do In the way of highway from the skIIng area. The sis on tbe home 8.9 basic con rtb- Jou.rnaitst&, and night edItor for the Leadi ng point getter tor PLC wall requirements except to put away I cost tor the overn1 ht tr1 Will be uUng factor to juvenHe authority Associated Press Seattle, wUJ [)errol Anderson, Eatonvi1l8 fresh· their 'razors," reports Paul Lucky. I a b o u t $10.00, g 2.11 for 'Problems. They are produced In con- ; preside a meet::lng a.t 7:00 o'clock man, who took first place in oratory tee lodgln $I 25 t r transportaUon 1n junction ith the chairman. There 18 neither , . Youth w In the PLC banquet room. ° g' and second place In radio speak.1ng. nor any sIgning up to be done. The rI p vat cara, bout I2.70 lor towe Division of the Tacoma Police DeAn1ta Scbnell won first in extem- conteat y,.111 end February 5, the Two Democrats and two Repubfor the .two days and the remaln. partme t rr h f1l ha poraneous speaking, and Beverly date of the .pLC·Whltworth game. Ileans from. the Washlng.ton State der of tbe $10.00 l ng for tood and been a s hls rles Sveningaon was second In Legislature �11 give The second major activity will : Incidentals. the basia of the tal ks on tbe matters being soted dinner apeakJng. occur January 15, Saturday. This is : The purpose ot the Plays Is o Reservations muat be made tn t upon the current Beeslon ot the Judith Bureker was In tile finals a play night In the gym, trom 7 vance and the money for lodging preeent One exemplary case, that legislature that opened Jan1l8.ry in oratory, and Donald LUes was a o'clock to 9 : 30. It promises to be , 10. . of Joey. which may serve as a I finalist in extemporaneous speak· entertaining and fUD tor both boys 1 also paid In advance. The deadUne erson from all phases ot jourI a P has been set for JalUlary 21 for &pearhead In the 'In I n d s ot the i In'g nalism and girls. In Washington wiH be here '' I these reservations. They may be AmerIcan pu bll c, pIerc Ing theIr con- I, Tbere was no coml)eU· The c l o a I n g of the semeater the Seattle gro up coming In a char­ e with eHher Betty Johnson, sclousness witb tbe Im portance of ad 'lIon for men women, and the bri ngs upagaln the subject o f one , tered bus. proper ·home relationships to lessen lO f1n s ts In eacb event were of APO's regular actlvlUes, the treasurer of Ski Club. or Marcia Members of the Mooring Mast juvenile delinquency, a.nd strength· mO'Stly men. T h i s m 8. k e s .t'he I book exchange, which has proved Leln, secretary. "No one will be alstatf will escort the visltora around lowed to go un leas they get their enlng their understanding of the -achievements of the three women to be of great value and conven. l the campus and wUl attend the 1 reserv-aUons made," says Carroll 01· problems which face the juvenile from PLC loom larger. lence to studen'ts. ·meeting of the Journalists. son, president, "because we have to autho rttiea . Debate Coach Theodore Karl and I have the definite number to hold "Joey" is the story at a tblrteen· • his assistant, Jon Ericson, took year ol boy who, unloved and In· the lodging Everyone whether squad ot 28 junior speakers to the �eglnDer, I� Invited to secure, travels a.gradual road which C.S.A. Fellowship will meet Sun· I pro or tourney. eads to crime. Throughout the encome." A group ot eight senior divls.:1on day night at 7 : 00 In the upper SUB. The ski trip held last Saturday, tire series, Stuart Morton plays the to cOmpete Pastor Robert Lutnes of Hope Lu· made tbe leading role of Joey, w i t h Dave , In debate on the seniOr level and -tbetan Church In Tacoma. and part- January 8, was a big success with Pacific Lutheran made it two the col· 37 skiers hJtting the slopes. Only Wold as Craig, the 'understandlng to judge junIor events. The four time English protessor l patien and venile tra.lght over the College of Puget s t ls o h w· ott cer ju the hit hard. skier oo one slopes PLC teams j o i n t record earned. lege, will preaent the topic on: able to help Joey find hl·msel!. Stu l Sound last night and thus assured the 15 col- "The Problem o f Human Sufter· The only casuaUy was M a r t h a them th1rd place Gilbreath and Pat Bondurant are 'lbemselves ot the city champlon­ addition there will be' spe- " Ski p" Douglass, a. beginning sider. unJverslUes which com. Ing." lege.s Skip was going up the tow tor the dramatizing the part of the parents ship, as tbey soundly bounced Ute clal music. peted. ggers, 78·63, the Logger field· Tiny, tinrt time when the glr1 In 'front of of Joey, wHh Wally Burton ber fell orr. Skip's pole got caught Joey ' s friend. Supporting cbara.c- ho use. It was the Lutes' tlfth win a In and row third without a their ters throughout to vary seriea, the In her skis and ahe ended up with a paInful fracture o f the lateral mal- s h o w different t y p e s ot back· loss in league 1954-1955 Jac k Sinderson took 0 v e r the leolus (for non-anatomy studenta, grounds trom whicb may spring the All examlnatlolls will be held In regularly scheduled claasrooms, scorIng duties as the ahUty guard near the ankle on the end ot one of seeds of youthful crime. om ition 1, Religion I, 2, & 13. with the exception of Fres6'man nder Stanley of In 24 points for the evenJng. sljpervislon pumped .tbe U . the bones In the lower leg) , plus 24: many tissues torn. Skip will be seen Elberson, "Joey" ia being produced The boys In the black and w,hlle 7 : 50-Tblrd period classes meeting M.W., M.W.F., M.T.Th. hobbling around campus with a cast and directed by WilUam Finkle and s'lripes" dldn't have too bad &Q eve­ . ....... ....CM8-B 10: 30-In1 roductlon to Old Telftament Sa.... Loren Bloom. Otbel'6 assisting are nlng either as they called eacb team ror about four months. .... CM8-B Introduction to Old Testament Sb..... Other skIers riding in tbe seven Rod Basebore, eng1neer; Eric Jor· for 28 personals. The GladJator ........ . .....L-I04 Introduction to Old Testament Sc... ":'ere : Miss Schmelder. advisor dabl and Don Roe. sound eftects; fouls were a little more bunched .. ....CMS-B 1: ::to-Life of Christ Sa.. result Phil Nordquist. Nick .. ........ CM,S·B' to the club; Carroll Olson, Fay and Jim Lokken, announcer. Life of Chrlet Sb.. Kelderman, Allen Gubrud ...... . ........... _. ...CM8-B LIte of Christ Sc... .................. . Armstrong, Ron McA1Uater, Jull 1..-104 History ot Christian Church Sa, Sd... . oJ, Ross all lelt the game. John,on. Joan Knoph. Bob Stuhl· ........8-106 History o.t Cbrlstlan Cburch Sb The game started oft close as mlller, John Olden, Kenny Mom· .S-lOS History ot Christian Church Sc... . l CPS took a 6·4 lead. The Lutes were 8On, Joanne Benson, Charlene Sand25: back tn the lead aga.ln at 12-10, bot ness; Helen Sollle, Marlene Angus, 7 : 50-Ftrst period classes meeting T.Th.• T.F.• T.Th.F., DaUY the Loggers caught them at 15'8.11. Dave Churness, Dave Knutson. Ray 10: 3�hlrd period classes meeting T.Tb.. T.Th.F.. M.T.W.Th.. The Pi Kappa. Del ta all-echool The last Logger lead was at 19-17. Ost�rloh, Curt Hovland, Nell East1 : 30-Fl-eahman Compoaltion I-all sections : oratory btl't on held be will contest the Glads took over a.t' 21-19 and void, Jim SJmoDsen. Marcia Leln, ......CMSOB Sa. Sd. Sn ......................... .. .........._..8-108 Janet Frybling. Lorndne Jobnson, Wednesday evening, January 19, at were never headed '8. g a l D. The Sb, Se, Sg . ........L104 to their lead OD fiDe Se. SI. Sm . &udttorlum. Six Lutes Ro� Ness, Norma Kempkt, Jim 8 : 00 In the C·M ......... CMS-227 Sf, SI. Sk .... Colberg. Bob Sorenson, Rose Ann students tram the c a m p u s will shooting from Gubrud and Sinder· .......CMS-122 Sh. SJ 'Jflcobson, Grover A k r e, Colleen .speak. The judges 'W111 be Supreme eon, to take 38·30 halttlme lead. 26: Hanlin, LIz Heins, Roberta Hu mble, Court Judge Bertil Johnson. Morris At this point John Helnriek put 7: SO-F1rst period classes meeting M.W.F.• M.W.• Daily Don Nelson. Rod Ohrlstlansen, Rey Summers. director ot dramatics and his boys OD '8. tun court preu and ' 10: 3O--Second -penod classea meeting T.Th.• T.Th.F., W.F. and at School, peech Hlgb narrowed the cap at one point they lJncoln s Annabelle Reece. Cbrlstensen. and [ 1 : 36--Fourth perlQd classes meeting T.Th., T.Th.F. , John Binns, Tacoma lawYer and to 55·47. PLC had a hard time mak� Neil Arneson. graduate member ot Pi K a p p a Ing to the lO-aecond Uno tor a 27:, whIle but managed to strengthe.. Delta. 7 : 50-Second p e r 1 0 d classes meeUng M.W.F, M.T.W.F., on M.W.Th . F., M.T.T.h, M.W., Dally . • A preliminary run-oct t o r t h e their lead to 60-49. 10: 30-Slxth period classes meeting T.Th.• T.Th.F. s'peakers w111 he held Monday, Jan. "Bob Rufus and Russ Wilkerson 1 : 30-Seventh ,period classes meeting M.W.F.• M..T.Th., M.W.• 17. Tbe faculty judging Ws w1ll be 11 poin ts &!pIece for the losel"ll. M.W.Th., M. Mr Axford, Dr. Strunk. Mrs. John· Sporting an 1l�3 record, PLC 1 : 30-Elghth period classes J. son, Mn. Little. Mr. Nesvtg. Mr. moves to E1leneburg tomorrow nJte' . h 28: Weiss, Mr. Klopsch. Mr. Solberg, to meet the only undefeated coUege 7 : 60-Four:tb period classes meetlng M.W.F.• M.T.Th., M.T.W.F.• ·team In the state of WashingtoD, and Mlss·Nelson. a M.T.W.Th. Those students entering the COD- Central Wash. Colleg8 of Ed1icaUolL M.T.Th., 14.W.F,. .. M.W 10 : 3O-Slxth p e r I 0 d claases meeting teet are Elizabeth Omll, Dave Wold. Leadership In Uie Evergreen CoD­ Dolly 1: SO-Fifth .period classes meeUng M.W., 14.W.F. Al Gubrud, Joan RutJiertord, Top- rerence race rests on the outcome.. 3, a 12. S :SO-Sennth period cluees me8Ung T.Th.. T.Th.F.• T.F. per Neilson, Stu The CPS Jayvees edged the .tim­ Faith the tlrat persOn who • Bueltm&n, Tom a.eeYee. Jud7 Bur- ior Lut81 43-39 In the p�Hm1D&r7. EDm1n.atiODtl tor all special cluaea win be given durlD&' the f'8C\l' ekei'. DtuTel RumUIHD. Rota 00eU Merle B&.DMD BCOred 20 polDti for of eae In. T hank you.. . Ume durlnc eu.mlnaUoo "'Hk. lar cla and Carol � � .Lath_rp.. _

=�� !e;������;t.1'

� I

l ��: :�� :�� �




separate al:l and
















I GUIdanCe ,'









DueWA to NT E D your tHI. n Mad

an over-demand and an undeHupply, the Mooring Maat uklnCl for elp To keep our file. atralght, we need cople. of few of the lAue. for year. They are: November 5, No­ vember 12, November 26, Decem. ber d Oecember The Mooring will pay 10c to br'nQa copy th IAUH

....,------I I-I.�-------=-...J

De.-eat:s t

CPS 78-63

In action.


and as a

added a





Orato ' rs To Be S e I ected, January

L__-=:::::;;;:;;; ;; ..:;; ;; ;;;;:;=;;;;;;:;; ; --=;.... -





C pos

Friday, January



ta��� = �:': :: �: 'r action.












Monday, Jan ....ary

�!�tlria�1 �� ),



a C.S.A. Fellowship Meet .



InC�Ud1n � �





and Den-

' Friday, January 14, 1955


Page Two




S. A.

to By Ro.. Goetz Let'!! read that apJn. "All We seem to have reached an obstacle i n our writing ( we use this himself . . . " Tha.t'e qu!te a statel y word apologetlcally) and bave tound It especially bard to reach any_ con � ; :� :� : ment! � ��:� b Ch CI ve g , . k by By Jon M. Erlcaon i We reel, however, we must continue, for our contract bas 8. 1 He goes on .to .8.y ue U & way you will your Ufe In : ��,::: :\Iost ('ollege students take pride t'Ouple weeks lett to rUD. NEVER LET IT BE SAID OUR OBLIGATION S :� : e . prepos· clearly . save . . . fashion slovenly a In actually ! perhaps matter. NOT no ARE FULFILLED. ! I I their school. Thil, .Is as it should One o� the tions about ! ord then aakl I.e. Since eacb student has had Wi th tests approaching and the siren song o[ the text book ringing : puzz led students asked, " What do I terous claim. The L . bae�bone dlOke In the matter of selectlDg hiS ;I in our ears, perhaps it would not be remiss to sit and ponder over last you have 10 give up to be 8. Chris. that people av enough I to stJck up for Him. There s he{"allege It would be the foolish one semester and resolve to approach this whole bu!f1ne"Ss of college. in a. tI an ?'" . . I I man Christianity from wbo att€'nded a !whool in which he vastly different way. How · about I t ? I'd say that' s a , S vior. a ()Ou..ld not take pride. Even though ' A semester of writing, If it does 'nothlng else brings much comment etty good question. How far a� So the re you Th8.'t:s what we • t;t1s.• is gen�rallY the ��'. I · rather ' both Pro. � ... ��n. '�e. �a�e att�m �ted to be ys"ht ��d ludlcr�s. and �ost �: . 1 e . �i.+Jtn.�,4-r �Jt.e.•��... ' ... • . . � � >J\. .I' � ±:, � � 88 � f.l � ..., � . 'lol1 'QW · � ..:..,-:::2:;; ��.. Bun lfe . tft � (A1i\ir"'Ttl}t� 'r-rAJ t't"B 1i4� 'n". 1·","�L\d 1 ·Clt m� 0 we bi'ye To ow mac up? Is chiefly con, I which . Jesus u llQ ue attitude toward their col· 1 to \�· n t!ll,g. (he ldeafl not Imblis!ied, alld the outside comment have finallY nClng? Swearing? Drillk ng? Just , c.nned about-l1vee . 11·g-e.. We like' When we travel e,·olveq ifHO a sort of synthesis and· perhaps some of this has relevance � here do we draw the IIn��. I to Him. f!'Om the school. be it an athletic 1.0 our problenw today. Well, let's go with this student ave we ever eecloudy cons..ld. H . trip, a choir tour. or to a drbate : · . . Possibly there are too many things to do Itt college. too many . to One who knows. Let's find liTes ev.ery area ot t()urnament, otbers soon become club meetings and too much "busy work" to contend with. There are too I ered opening inal Au tborlty. Let'a seek, It we to Christ? Have we ever coIlsldered i� \�'are that we are enthusiastic In I many "festlval.s" (a virtual nlne·month festlval)- and too much gOOfing F I that such a dare, Jesus Christ. &c· i Ollr representation of our school. oft. It seems the apparatus o[ college IHe has become aomJnant, the side· Have we matter tuaUy make We As usu.a.l, Jeau puts The motions 8 It follows that be<::ause we are llghts as it were, and the real purpose has been discarded ? ourse.lTea to riSht ! SqUarelY on the line. In Luke 9 : 23' Il:oud of our organizations, we sup- I of bcomlng educated are slavishly followed, btrt\the real �rapPling with abow Let's ask God that b translation. He sa l in the 1-101"'1 them. We do that. It follows. Ideas and the midnight watches have been [orgotten. Of course all this �a ng ot such. & di 820th Century "If anyone wants to [ollow In my ua too, tha:t It we are proud at our I rot is old rashioned; not. In keeping with the RAH-RAH footsteps. he mult up .11 right efpleehJp and draw 1M- clOler to campus and buildings-really, our , culture. I w H1m.. uka WI to f o h Ma.ster , to te. u D himself . _ . Now wait a This Is one tblng that has come to bother us a l1ttle bit regarding bf' longlngs while we are here-we I . will use them to theIr, and our, best : the Maorld'g Mast (with a little stretch of the imagInation It can be advantage. We do not altogether do applied to college and lite It!elt). Nol"dqulst - Carlatrom

� I t:;.tp



A S u percilio u s Sneer



I cluslons.










library, and a library organiza' tion, that we oan be very proud of. Wo sbouJd use those facilities. A (�o!lege president, wrl·tlng in a treshIllan composltlon book, made the statement that he would, if he were bui lding a college, begin with a dol""



gestlons on how to Improve the QualIty at our column or the MOOring Mast ( or the Student Go\'ernment, and so on endlessly), but there Is ' 110 sign of any constrnctlve mental activity working In tbls direction. (Generally, that Is, J t is our personal opinion that the Student Govern· Is doing a. great job). This probably does not prove much, only It is our belief that this inexorable griping and mental·midget -type at j �mall criticism Is minor league and that those who engage In these actlv·

I ment I

a be-ma.n


.... Chr1gt


open enUreJy , our

daring thing bet.ter?

Ya. 1 eTer given up.all ·n:l the true w mi I


There are gross amounts at griping about everything. 11 seems every· r doubt that everyone In our cam- o rie is an e�pert. Our colUmn I! not [unny (grant�), or 1t baa not IUbtle P!;.i community knows that we have ! overtones aimed at the faculty or administration. Everyone offers sug· , thaL


·h e




slli!b it---a.






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l mi tory. 1 would begin with a 11. rtles are minor leaguers. If you have somethIng to say, express yourself. o[ these brary. The materials of the library Education ( thoretlcally wby we are here) is the development purpose of present· are the life blood of any college modes of expressIon. We have a paper here tor the Ing the views, news and opinions ot the student body; if anyone teels he (·ommunity ; the library Is the ' Don le sit and mumble i n t him expose. exploited an being write is t or the Intellectual life on any cam. Incoherent rage about the Kept Press; It you have a gripe, write a PII.i. artlcle an enuncIate this problem. It It Is Intelligent and not obscene or , We are blessed with a head II. completely illogical It will be printed. brarian whose purpose in life seems Our allotted space Is gone; also the mood. If you have read this far 1.0 be to make our library an ex. you are Quite a brave rellow. Next week . . . who knows? Maybe we'll I ("<,!lent one. He has a statt, headed bring the "I Like SS Contest" back. We could do worse, or could we?. b,)· Mrs. EUI ngson, w ha Is heI pIng ' . him fulfil l that purpose. In the past I two years Mr. Haley has nearly 5 "oubled the Ubrary', r�te of coHee· I U


little :



Ta ken on Pro

Sf den f P0 II I

This column was left blank for

a specific purpose. It UJill be left

blank unril you, the students, do

something about it. This is fex you to express your views. We.

tion growth ; through his personal th. Moaring Mast staff. will efforts nearly nine thousand new welcome and print any compli­ periodicals were made for school the ......hole proeees be By Beverly Svenlngsen our use this year. The following ment or complaint you haIJe to s came very u eless. better serve the In order examDJe may serve the make. We weit for you to fill Bruce HIlUe--Yes, the students dent, . who haa his voice In the kind of work the library Is doing: . I Mooring MflSt, student opinion -polls have no opportunity to know up our featu� page. One at our faculty was w·ho their candidates are, what on various subjects ot Interest on checking. a bibUogr8,i:lhy of two hun· the or they are llke, or what nation. of C'8.mpus, drcd r.e.ferences he wished to read. atfalrs done tor the schooL I world, will be baken trom time to ' 0:1 a particular subject. Only at· poll 1s not Q vote time. This ( J unior: e rom of those were not obtainabl tect any but only to show Lee Rosebe rg-Yes, our eleetl01l8 our library ! e � feeling on the subject would give the 8'tudents ex·perl­ Ubrary has := Q�=: It II ence In poHtiC8 sin-ce we have e o The question under discussion : : � � campaigning on lev· �: r �� r:a�! I this week Is: Are you In of eL The candidates would sponsJbUlty In the academic life of having campaigning on campus for able to their programs �ur achool. 1\8 a college community :::�g �u!en: bo� e��::S?:t� and purpose r 0 I'" h e coming \\" e should Dot only take pride in our l1 t e e t � ar a . asked. A cross·sectlon at the :::: ::; JO�: Backstrom_Yes, it ous students with d1fferent inter- : give more the feeling Daeumed that beginning college ests was sought. The tbllowlng Is ' tIonal elections. how to the answer accord.1ng to classes: � Ub� -to best I!dvantage ; tr Senior: Cia.. Yes No f.reshmen. students dJd, we would �' mvcw&D.Nancy Turman-No. Co Freshman ..... 10 0 hav.e lI.tUe use for large faculties. 1 fng takes too much time. PerSophomore ... ._ . ... __. . 9 . l'art 01. one' then, and a having speeches at a. desJunior .. . .. _._ ._.._ ._ . 9 1 major part ot It, how 19na.ted. given by candiSenior . __ . .. . .. . _._.. _._ . to· llse.-the· llbrary. r a spokesman would Some w r to exact · · Th� g;:rea.test joy college life good. statement on 4. I' I "." L.-. '" (ers student I the at " ... J...... � .ae .J.. r .. - No, because all t porting the they chose. Ing out for oneself." That SChOI: cand da es ma.y not .. Freshmen: eTery ng the I!IChool year by P b sh The llbrary op campa.1gn and. if Joyce porlu.n,l.t,¥,. are an oUlce they .Entered· 8.8 econd class m&'tUr, 3, 1952, .. "the intereM WUh1Il3"toD_ · be pretty. well electIons. \ 0.0 Y U KNOW THAT? _ • • n ni DUlce: Chuck Sl8.tter-�ere h . d ' · SUbUJipt,iOD . L Dumber pollo· P&. »r1c&-U 51) P6J' ear . beand epeechea. The y u for helping with n . . ot h

And Con of Election Campaigning


to illustrate members


true that




they have





the IItudev.t does not know his






of. "find '

Is offers that



g e a �8:��:::::� a d dults s em 1 . : 2. Mbst of the import::an t pallOr

of older

e e asked gtve their reason for· supstand

Seeberg-Y-es, more epirit and enthusiasm. More In s poat.ere







would ot


dates o



n er .DotimeBrunn i t to t'U.llll.1ng for

the they

should around campus. already. Thank. o


::�::= �! pe�n �: : ::�:rb::� ::�� ::�O:tu��:


·nJ�t8 . "',�.


. ....h .Q...��� � r�se:a('-oh hU-taken! .pl&Ce� 1n_ tJle..:: ��p .. : I G e ,t a Johnson-No. colleges aDd universities.



.. . .. .... ... . .... . . 17

s education Is In s



�a:o�:l��:�t, /:a:a�


a national



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[ at our ·college,


brtngott:: to the Moor:.


:_: '�1 1ng.�st offtce Btnd another studftnt. • I n h f g h , poll w1ll be consi er d.

. _. _



u li ed








ri students ULutheran College. ·Oetober Poet· Parkland, · Telephon.e· . .: ,. . . : � <:. \ . . ': .:.. ,. . -:-.... ; .. .



. . ' _ ...,



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of Pacit1e

. Office at

GRanJte 8511

. " 7 .. . .. . . . .� . .'.;:::.��, :. !'I:::: . . . " �_ -i--..

..... _.,_. -�·' ""-.7




NSPMt- L�"

Lutes Take 2 League Games

1 FrIday. January 14, 1955



by Watt Ball

Page Th,...



PLC To Meet Central Sat.

The Paclttc Lutheran College H IGH LIGHTS ke tball squad re turned home l&8t Another week, a ouple of more wins In Evergreen play, and maybe Sun dsy. leadln g the Pack in the EvI This Saturday ni ght Coach Marv r Tllesday ni g ht saw le nty of ....- (,'re off to a cbamplonshl p--who knows ! : el'green Confere n e 8S a r;uIt Harfl hman g Gold and Black Gladt lo n In the Intramural casaba sport. . . t heir ,do u ble V l�t �� te to' With the lo ss of 6'10" Phil Jordon Whi tworth t t the streng th of Lpo probl:Lbly (eels a l ittle Th e Crew Cuts broke two records ' �:; vers �: y : a ," e to � a '" bit oh k,. go'ng i n to on e rence play . Ho weve" the S""s stili h ve Ron w a h �, a. In thel game against Centcal Ba,- I �lc �:I :' �'S heretofore undef eat ed lrltiSh �lillo'r w ho looks down from way up at 6' ", SInce 0 i urn C e " Washington Wildcats In an n a l racks. Curt Hovland the loss of the star l 9 e rgree n Conference game to be n'll!pr, o rdon, senior for-ward Ralph Bohannon has become the boy to I F'riday r.ight's actt. o n saw All �� o nd floor lads with t h ey l H poi nts l at Ellensburg. l h bas come up with a scori ng Du nch to go w th his excellent GU,brnd l ead th e L u t e W Ith �-nl\'�l. srnoth8 r�d their �ppon en ts 85-4 5 . p ayed . I pOints to a 61 -49 'Co nqu est of the . ts broke the old I Cen tral . wh l('h had only a so-so r{' boundlng s tre ngt h. Hovland s 41 POin I (6-6) record In conference play las . Vikings At the end of the first haI t t . Speaking of rebounds, AI Gubnld's efforts ag ai nst U.8.C. la st Satur- I I ndl vl dual scoring record beld by the Lutes were ' n f ront by only 3 Jim aeger who had 36. Th e tatal Ol• year, has won ten straight to open ,la\' etted him IS off the boards , wh!C' h t es the school record . 6 I ' ..' ! w . victo, ries " ast ot the 2 23 a tb y ere Jrl ng at t );> oeJ dJ e 's , co d :I th s �eason. l> . , : "" 'cL. .I;"k,""" .,."""� ·�-o:= '\""""<\"\"J$,'=.!� � ,,"",o� ''c':: : ;.�=::::,: ;::; : a1 ; .:.", :l''� "", He,;, .:;::sr. �, �c r.<>'l.t �, � . ? . , .�,' �;c �,-""_ . ...."., _:'"';; �/;;� "!��;, ('!"'"S- bel'Rllle the victim last at urd y- nI gh t, comJng out on the short end · dlvldual sc o rl ng .a g · Gubnl(\ s t a r t e d hitting the net and 50 score . of a 'I the Lutes were ahead to !}tay Phll DeJarttl ne's stopped the North any other as they have aver_ . Last year, Whitworth was ranked number one DjltlOnally In N.A..I.A. i :\ortlq uls<t fouled out ',"' I th 11 ml n- Hal l ( 3 ) winning streak in an over- aged 75.2 points per game. Their (\ef(>nsl e ho no rs, wtth a 5 .4 average per game. A t the pres ent ti me . lites to play, but Den s oss, sub- t i m e thriller, 30-27. DeJar dl ne's h i ghest total came In a 100-90 vlc­ � � unofflclally, of cour8e, PacifiC � ran (:omes up n� mber one ac ross the sUtute forward, took mup Rthe slack started oft In a nurry, having a 12 tory over S ttle Pacl&. point lead at one time. North Hal l nation In that depa rtment. Agal 8t cO lege competition the Lute. have The cart.a and Lutes have beautifolly, scori,:g 8 points during 1 ( ) k � per contest. Thlg notted the count In the closing play ed sWlld 3 Yielded only a little ove 53.5 �01Mt8 sounds good, but his stay In the lineup. ()me common opponents, sO Nordquist, it·!; e ve n better when you on i der the advent of the two-shot foul rule seconds . Bromely's last.second shot t:b I Hoover and Sinderson followed Gu- fell short for the DeJardlne boys ere can be some comparisons wh i ch has u ppe d college scoring considerably this s eason . . Central downed CPS 8 1-70. bru d all thre gettlng 9 counters . In the overUme, North Hall (3) dwrhaiwn � I�'s a fact-Roger Iverson, flpeedy guard from Lincoln of Tacoma, Switchi ng opponents le 'the Lutes won by 13. 60-47. with C.P.S., scored only one gi ft toss as DeJara,radu ate of '54, ha"S dropped out up at the VnlversHy of Washington. th L Lewis & Clark, 72-70, edg Central e utes' traveling partner, the dine's p cked up a goal from the The ex-Lincoln basketballer hasn't had much rest tho ugh-It seems \V'hlle PLC had little trouble In wln­ G lad iators won their fourth straight floor a n two c h ty tosses. Bramethat all the !JD1all co l leg es In rthe vlcln�ty think he ' s just wh at the do tor 84-;3 and 63-56. Nicholson's c game and their second In many I y was Mgtl for the winners with nlng ordered. 'C a t s bopped Western 68-61 and nights, downing U.B.C. 49-33. 11 pOints. i rso n and &:hnalble 91-77. PLC won over Western three Ron Storaasll, who started in ba8ketball during the 1952-53 campaign, I well that the Lute defense sha r tbe p i n t. honors for the lo stimes. 62-53, 53.44 and 61-49. has been discharged and 'plans to re-enter at the semester. He wlil forego wast was functioning as the:lr o fense ers with 9 poi nts apiece. :"Hchol-son will probably h a v e basketball this spring In order to retain another year of eligibility. managed only 14 at 49 shots for a Other game'! during the week ;. J c ( 6-1 ) and Bob Logue rTes-h man AI Murry sI gn ed the dotted line and wJll be inducted Into .286 shooting average. As If not Ivy Hall (A l won a pair, 45-24 an 6a-0k) Brantner sta lng a t forwards, B o b ( the Army for a three-year enlistment period on January 1 4t h. Hope to i t ti n g from the field was enough 64-57, over T roma and the Chlmp s, ) (6 �ee him back here quarterback ing the football center, and Don Hea­ Dunn at -4 squad some day. the Luthe rans carried their bad aim respectlvely eat Ivy . The Faculty x (5-9) and Don Myers ( 5- 9) at Phll Nordqui s t' s 13.3 pOints per game ranks him third In pre-Everto the tree throw line. The Lutes Hall (B) 54-31. Eastern won over co guards. Don Lyall (6-3) a)1j,o could green play. Here are the sco rin g leaders to date, excluding Phil Jo rdo n missed 20 gr tis tosses and made Omega's, 51-47. S tubs over Clover I SliP Into the starting five. Dunn Is and the fact that CBC has not reported yet. good on 21. The game u ndo ubtedly C reek, 46-43. N rth Hall ( 3 ) over the tallest man on the squad a.t Name Tot, Pta. Ave. would have had a wider margin had C re w Cuts. 4 94 7 . Omegas over the 6'4 " , whi c h gives the Lutes a con� I Don Heacox, Central Washington. .. ...... 146 16.2 the Glads been a b le to take adYan- 1 Jokers, 47-3 4. slderable hei ght advaIl'tage s Nick Con Myers, Central Washington... .. . .. 144 16 tage of the girt throws. For th e Those I nterested In the Intramur- Kelderman (6-7) and Phila NordPhil Nordquist, Pacific lutheran ......... ..... ...... . .. 120 1 3.3 al ping pong tournament sign up on I, qulst (6-5) will be In the starting Bob Elia8on, College of Puget Sound... . 117 13 get ar ound me" Nordquist fouled the )fSts o n the bulletin boards as ; lineup along wi th Jack H o o v e r 11.7 Bill Medin, College of Puget Sound... 105 ou t with most of the second half to soon as poss le The tourney will (6 1 ) Jack Slnderson ( 5-1 1 ) and 104 1 1 .6 John Barnett, C.ollege of u g t Sound... go . This dubious act, ho weve r, did begi n the fi r s: part of February, AI Gu brud (6.0). Bob Logue, Central Washington... 10.7 97 no t thwart him a s he led th e scor- and all are Invited to partici pate . PLC will sport a n 8-3 re rd go96 19.2 Dick Edwa...d8, Easte ...n Washington... Ing wi th 11 poi nts . S1nderson a.nd Ing Into th e game and also has aJ. 1 1 .25 Bob Stone, Western Washington... 90 H ov er each had 10. lowed only 63,6 points per contest Nick Kelderman, Pacific luthe . ...... ... ....... ........ 87 9.7 Follow ng are the summar es WEEK'S CALENDAR to their opponents. . How many people h ave no ticed the new scoreboards In the PLC gym. WhIch win prevafl? T'M Lotes' WESTERN GAME The welcome Improvement Is a gi ft trom last year's senior class and vaUIllted defenee or Central's or., January 15 PlC (61) 1 WWCE (49) \\;11 be presented to the school by Ri hard Stuhlmlller, presld�nt of the fense, Call BR. 2121 after el""en 0 I No rdquist , f.. 9 1 Sto ne, t . . . .. ..13 8 : C entral-P basketball conclass of 1954, at the PLC-Western game on January 29th. Saturday night to tlnd the answer. Hoover, f 9 1 Brooks, f ... . .. 8 test, at Central, Elle n sburg. Tomorrow night's game with Central IOOIDe a "big" one. Many II eld erman, c 6 ! Forbes, c ..... ... 6 Sunday, January 16 people thInk that the " Cats," b avlng legged 11 wins and 0 defea ts at ! GUbrUd, g . . .1 98 1 dli f, g .. . . 0 2 : 3O---Cholr rehearsal. present, stand an excellent cbance o f gOing all the wa.y. 'l l attek �tb nderso , g . I Jahr, g . . _ 4 7: 00 Chri stian Students' Asaoour boys! Ross, f . 8 1 Cow den . . . 4 elation, SUB. Eggan, f 2! dall . . 60 Hanson. g -..-.. 0 I Scho tt PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS � erstad, g J It's VERN'S . R SLER'S RKET

c c f

RaJ p




.s a




TRICKS - JOKES - MAGIC Co.tume., Tuxedoes, Serpentine MA. 4861



I ��lil







.: ;:::====::::=: =====�-= =; �:::.======== � r= Tacoma





ed Rl e



second straight night "they never i

i ' ...




K Sl


D Ra f . . . Ran . ..



. ._.._. -- .









i =� -








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It a

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state contracts pollo


and needs 1m

mediate aid., your local Mtrch of·

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41S G."'.'d SL, next to th Donut _ NEW LOCATiON: C --NTRE E - '-- KU Located aero let's all give to help this worthy PARKlAND !! _ 1!k�;l;§;;;;;s=;;;a=Ea=E"';;;i;;;=,;;;3;;5!J 'ctWse. "-= -..,. = = = = =Ifi " :;v.:u kU .J!J;:Z!! � .&!r .r � � _ .... ...::-::� "



' frOm·;--thO',Trtlple, X : at : 118tha;d . Paolftc Av.cnue


will belp him In be-

ibB.l ot:�1 boIil"e chlpte�:. t




PAR f,U'___

Page Four

-,,""day, ..,y�, _' 955 LlTI L E ALB ERT


by Bill Johnson, ACP

-� ·,:, "i-"

the barber a short, recitation I n any·

Loca.l Ba· rber Uses V ac uum In Inventions

Dorm Ooin's But, up and away ! A 'p&rUng Oa Call from North Hall Pue to an economy drive on the thought : Don't be half safe, part oC the MOOMn& Mast, thJs oot soap !


.f hhig Croro anthropology t o zoology. . One student has been givIng Jen· � sen a (lve-mlnute Greek lesson eV"

.Four PLC 8tudents journeyed to ery couple weeks Cor several semes.. 1 Columbus, Ohio, during Christmas ters. Wben this e ludenl gradUAtet' vacal.lon to attend the ALe Confert er probably will t a k e bls ence of Parish MJ9Slon . Bu nders ��:c :. from Dec . 28 to Jan 1.. Greta John.. " It's all stil i Greek to me," Jen.. son, Bobbl Blrkeda.hl, floyd.Ohman, sen adrolts cheerCully. "But by 1962, and Nick Nieman new from SpoI ought to be uite an e pert." kane to Chk:ago, then entrained to q x If the 'Shop happens to be emply Bainbridge 9tate Park wnere the tbe Parkland clipper isn't at a loss ; conCerence was held. he gives himself a music lesson. He They were one of the four groups keeps a violin handy. Or It he Is In Crom Lutheran collegea who< volun..


will beco� known [or Its • ( Editor's Note: Tbls week the I. By Paul Ariton brevity rather t h a n its bravery. Mooring Mast will be startlng a new Former PLC student and Mooring Cor word more, Since It Is worth Mast Editor Column ; one whIcb )s .[0 be the let.. word, th&n the etfom from the in.. ters and articles ot the students It (Reprinted from the Tacoma :-.Iews . terlor Uvlng quarters, I t must be mil be the reeponelblllly of each Tribune) um n

written In longer worde or ahorter student torm. Considering the Improba.bll..


fill the now blank space







CO · lumbus, Ohio Sees Student.



directly below the "Critical Eye " world have been enduring quietly Ity at Its clarity in the tormer, The taff looks Corward to your let s the same itching problem-how to d � �7�:�I�h �: dl!::� t b�: teered to assIst in a mission church no choice but to revert to ters as a chance to voice the stu get rid of all the little loose balrs � �: O : a s an o tbe remaining aJlernaUve. for eight weeks during the comJng dent opinion ) . tha.t cling to the scalp after a trip gbakes the walls wltb his thunder summer. The other colleges reprsI received one suggestion for the



improvement of our scbool paper-a column entitled "The 01&88 Eye.."


.. ..

to the barber shop.

sented were Capital UnlversLty, CoJensen supplements bis barber Jumbus, Ohio; Wartburg College, shop learnln' by enrolling In an WaverlY, Iowa; and Teras Luther.. whiskers. South Halllte, and Floyd Newland, b occasional course at PLC or a night a n College. A suburban Tacoma arber final.. who were m:lnied last Sunday at " Topics in the sessions for the Iy bas come up with an answer to session at Lincoln High. When he t c he m this age-old male bugaboo. In the has a daytime class he puts a sign training of evangelism teams in.. �� ;�:o;�:.'::���l f'�r::�o��U�:s per:. shop up locks and window the In teohnlQuee oC visitatIOn and e uded l waning weeks of 1954 be Introduced �(;rmed by � !\ ltor Bueltmann, father .. civilization to his bralnstorm-vac.. for an hou r. In recent years he bas .survey, Bible study. and Indoctrina of Faith u·,(>1t ' ll nn, PLC senlor earned college credits I n speech tion 0 f t h e AmerIcan Luthers.n .. uum balrcuts. li'alth '\0:1 J1I:.l. Bricker, Junior, were . a music d appreciation Cburcb. Added teM-ures included a n Albert Jensen, an ex..Minnesota the only .J."�"[�..Jant1l. farmer who ha5 been mowing scalps I .IenSen pooh..poo hs suggestlons GaUlean service on ,the edge or the Floyd ( Big John ) , a PLC '5 4 grad, on Parkland's Garfield Street the J by customers that he patent bls lake and Q New Year's Eve service. majored I n History and PoU tlcal p s Clergy leading the sessIons were a t eight years , says be bas been ! idea of vacuum haircuts. Instead, Science bere any Is now spending thinking 0 f t h e Innovation f o r ' he em:ours.ges eVoJry other barber Rev Henry HoeBmann, Director of his time wJ'� Uncle Sam. Slnce he y ver got around to try.. i who can lay hands on a vacuum Evangelism for ALC; Dr. Marcus ears, but ne . will be shipped to Japa� 10 two I cleaner to adopt tbe idea. To leI.. ! Rieke, Director or Y o u t b; Rev. ing it out until la.tely. . O weeks, t1l hap�y pa: -"ec:r!fld to be I I W members of his profession, he I Chester Patten, a.8slstant Youth 01.. Whirring Contraption married LUll !:l unda l:larbara. an e I reetor; and Rev. E., CI!jveland I)ote ot caution; The first time customers gap Ed:.lcaLJOn major, wUI j 0 I n b I m \\ hen, near lhe end of the standard Don't use the yacuum on a cus.. pastqr. there wben sbe complet'es her sen.. clip Job, Jensen wbeels out a Whlr" tomer .....earlng a toupee It'll clog ,.--Jor year thIs June. ring contraption wltb a long eel up your machine and he'll stomp ( to the csual ) : Seen outside shaped tube It Is nothing more out or your sbop singing. 'Hair o the study lounge on third floor Is than a vacuum cleaner like the one day Gone Tomorrow " T -, tbe following: ··Beware, Comrades, "the mlssus" uses on the living I

new lype of lHe are Barbara ElUs, It would be placed dlrectly opposite

the fe.culty's punchIng board, the "CritIcal Eye," and would be rsaerved strictly tor students (not pupils). The purpose of this column

would be to allow apace Cor the thougbts, views, a.nd conclusione of the students. I believe it wou·ld be

very ette cUve If people noticed that

it remained blank..




slave driver says, "Slaves at Work....

• Week for . Xmu 1M5 LINCOLN BRANCH


generally hoped that the term pa.. 1

I ChOlr. of the West I T0 "Warm UP"

fo r

Approved • Sanltone


Cle-n" u l ng

Not aU customers get by with ' occur the we�k-end ot January' 28, �prs will be completed before the j ugl banding over their fee; many when the Cboir of the West will coast People's P a r t y on campus (stuare called upon to preside over Jen.. tour poi nts along the nOl'thern

CitY-wide Daily �ck-up and


dents?) revolts against the Boishe- sen's one-man "university" Cor a of Wasblngton. viets ( Faeu!ty) and eliminates Pre- few minutes. Jensen never got be The choir will leave Friday eve­ mlere Schnackenberg as Ita first yond fifth grade back In Minnesota, nl ng, January 28, tor Renton, where ac� On being In control. so now be's maldng up for lost ! tbey w ll give a concert tbat night Saturday's performance will take Question : What do you t h i n k time.



about campaignlng tor student elec-


ae!erv� �� ��a:�ed �

......... -

CALL HA. 3 3 7 2

pouring tblough BolshcvlsUc liter- massages and ven-Wates the scalp A "warming up" choir trip to preu ssi It Ie as w ell. cede the major tour In Marcb wiU

; ature on the History of



I t one enters this headquarters tor Jensen claims, when they start feel.. Russian propaganda, he will tlnd Ing tbe whish ot air streaming the Collo�1ng comrades : G.. Grahn. througb their batr The process not . Swanson, B. Ha.nsen and Nordman only sucks away all stray hair but

R a..



room rug The customers' Qualms disappear,

Walter C. Stalin (Schnackenberg),

Start S.vlng 50c to





Ing bass.

of a full..scale shampoo ever dislodged the ornery Nothing

South Hall Sojourn Starting ofC the New Year with a

A man celebratea

taJdng bratea

"Barber College"

To take advantage oC the erudt·

year ott.

place at Oak Harbor..

Traveling next to ·Ferndale and

tion of his collegiate cHenteHe, he Bur 1n gto h, the cboir wtll perform hie hifithday by has tacked up a bJg blackboard on In those cities Sunday..

day ott. A wom n eele- one wall at bis shop. Stuttents and her birthday y tak.1ng a professors who drop in for a bair-


I l I I

Of _ you'.. lIolng to begin Iff. Insurance. but do you reanz., that now, while

you are in COnego, your premiums • are lower than if you waited until aller conego? And 1hink of the peace of mind you could · enjoy u weill Fmd out more about the advantages of beginning a policy now. Write to l.IrnIDAN B&onuaHooo bome ofIice todayl

cut take a. piece of cbalk and gtve



Delivery Service

The best way to get rid or a nolae car is to let 'hM drive. .

In your





3820 South Yakima


;(utht ran JB rothtt hood 608





.... *- $5OD, Ufl 11$_ II ftrct EINAR BOTTEN, Ge�er.1 Aaent.

',. �



3!2 North 85th St.. Se.ttle S. Wuhlneton

.) 'I

, I



V O L U M E 32.


l '


Mooring Mast I



Baritone To Si n g H e re . •


r Emphas'ls Sp'l ritual Week Is Feb 7-1 1 •

; The Luther College Choir will the works at 15 c1aesical contemPorary composers at the far.kla.n<l C9q-c.e.r.t.,. ,c.c0f.l�4U\, �P._'Y9:l: ; lege dormitory auxiliaries ot the:" local committee' on arrangements. The choir will appear at Chapel­ Muslc-S·peech bulldt,ng on F�bruary 7, at 8 : 00 p.m. The program ot the Luther choir consists ot selections which are both new and tamillar to the con�ert audiences ot the Middle West and Pacltlc Northwest. The major classical work to be sung Is Bach's "Jesu, Priceless Treasure." Repre­ sentative of the contemporary com­ positions are" "Hosanna to the Son at David:' by Gibbons; "Advent Motet," by Schreck; "Thy KIngdom Come," by Sateren. Weston Noble, Director Miscellaneous .works t n c I u d e ----- .----"Poor Wayfaring Stranger." a spiro Itual; "ChrlsUans Awake," a Bo· hemlan carol; "Unto Us a Child Is Born:' from the 17t-h Century, and other similar sacred songs. I present



I" I

i PlC

ORATORY WINN ERS-Stuart Gi lbreath, center, sophomore, holds the trophy he won Wednesday evening in taking first place In the col­ lege'. ninth annual oratorical contest. Other winners were Mra. Jean Werle Rutherford, left, Orting, third plac·e, and Judith Bur�ker, Eug en e, Oregon, second place.

Spiritual Emphasis W e e k, announced . thls year for February 7 1 .through 11, "ill fealure Dr. S. L. Swenson, president at tbe Columbia , 0 n a o �er�:e;��rc :, :'��;:B� l:: l�; 'c, "We Who Are to Live." Dr. I, oo , Education Majors Swenson, former proCessor at the The cast Cor tbe stage play to be Lutheran Bible Instff\Jte In Seattle, A given on and February 25, 24 '" To Student Teach , was last year at M8:Y Commence- i Wednesday January 19 marked Double·Barrel Detective Story," has By POIU! Luc�y ment awarded an honorary Doctor All-School Oratori- just been revealed by Director Jerry I n Tac. Schools the finals of the ot Divinity degree from PLC. I NowI gthat we hela v e dt h e beard 'Cal Contest held Ina t·hpe C·M-Sd at Slattum and his assistant, MArlon Thirty senior education majors at h pa e I I Le r th; ;h : � : ;n �:!e e;�:;:� t:�: �:�:' �n ��;.���;e �u:� :::��:g�: �.,j)i�;p:� �:�t:ll��� :h: �;:�:� ;: ;�: �;ay Is a three-Qct mystery Pacific Lutheran College will do "Courageous in Faith," "Loyal to on all of the girl trlends that have parlment. Tbought Inspiring words comedy based on -Mark Twain's practice teaching in Tacoma and God," "Friendly to Man," "Honest left their bearded "ex" boys. Serl' were given to tbose students, tac- story and re-adapted for stage by :��n��y :�:� sc::�: :���g :�� er n s In Business," and 'Unwaverlng In ously.though. I would like to answer ulLy members, and trlends of the Robert St. Clair. Hope:' I a Cew Questions that b a e been college who attended. The Mory begins in England, at week. During Cour evening meetings, I raised as of late concer'llng the Some of the Ideas presented to us the turn ot the eentury and then Dr. Theodore Sjodlng, director ot M 0 n d a y through Thursday, Dr. contest. To the Spurs. yes, you can In the order they were given were: comes directly to Hope Canyon,_ secondary education at PLC, will Swenson will consider with the stu- enter. We stalled you ott so that Judy llureker, "The Pleading Cry" C<>lorado. The enUre plot Is lIghten j -s upervlse 15 9t.udent teachers in dents tbe outstanding characteris- the fellows could have a chance. To -Each one must take a personal tn- cd by Mrs. 'Stillman's · son, who their junior high and h1�h school tics of some 'Godly Leaders ot the Blue Key we also say yes , you terest In the yout·b we know who seems to have the "schnozola" ot work. has gotten In trouble. All are r& blood-h<lund, with hte In·human sort I The secondary teachers &lld the Men," as recorded iii the H o i y I ean use Vlgoro. aChOOIS w·here they will teach In­ Word. The subjects will be present. ! Getting down to the real stuTt, sponslble for helping a juvenl1e d& of sens'" fat' smell. ed on the order of a Bible study. A <though. we would Uke to emphasize IInquent 1.0 become a loyal citizen. Those In the cast include: Arthur, clude Kathryn Blery, Bethel ; Carol final session on Friday noon will the Book Exchange. Warren Meyers I Tore N I�lsen, "Do Unto Others" - Tom Reeves; Mrs. Stillman, Terry Brace, Clover Park; Faith Buell­ conclude a week ot promised spiro . is In charge ot It this semester and ! Foreign aid In the name ot human- Lindsey ; Nancy Palmer, Helen SI- mann. Lincoln; her Ellaaon, Juan Itual growth In faUh, love, and un· through him we hope th.a.t many ot lty must be given by the UnIted monsen; Amanda Sink, Bev SmIth; Lee; Maurice Fink, Sumner; Jack derstandlng. ! you will be able to get some good .l States. "We must help In the rice Rosemary Hillyer, Kay Wise; Sam- Foote, Flte; Rose Larson, Clover books at reasonable "(&'les. We will paddles. How many of lou know my HlIlyer, Ray Mensch; Mra. Ho- Park ; Mozelle iManhaD, Lincoln; be open starting Thursday or test whM It ' is -to 8 t a r v e, actually gan, Mary Alice \Drexel; S a d i e Frank Pavia, Bethel; Wallace Ho­ week In the ·upper SUB. See you 'Starve?" SmIth, Virginia T·hompsen ; Jacob 'gelstad, Lincoln; Suzanne Sku­ there. ' Carol B r a c e, "intellectual Sui- Fuller, Roy Nelson; Flint Buckner, blnna, Clover Park; Brian Price, Once again this year we are go- cide" -"The more we know, the Dick Barnwell; FetloCk Jones, Paul Stewart; Douglas McGrath, Puy­ We don't stop to Ba6tlng; Pat Riley, BUl Da.nll ; a11up; Nancy Turman, Clover Park; Ing to have a blood drive tor those better tor us MOORHEAD, Minn.....:.At the age ot you who are 80 full at the old think." Theretore we should "galn Ham Sandwich, Knobby Anderaon; and Helen Nel1fOn, unaaeigned_ ot elghty-one, Sivert A. Jordahl of -stuff that you just can't keep It In knowledge" and use It by the pnr and Sherlock Holmes, Larry Sho- Junet E. Runbeclr:, director ot eleberg. mentary education, :..111 have 16 BtUMoorhead, Minnesota, haa written you without h u r t i n g your con- cess at "reflected thought." and published a 126-page book aD 'science. It wlll be coming U'P pretty Stuart Gilbreath, "The Sign ot The tlrst rehearsal was yesterday dent teachers to supervise. so now soon Iron of loU! eat It by Our Tlme"-"At the present rate at 7 o'clock. Rehearaala will conNonnal Lutheran . .the of history the Dr. Sjading and Miss Runbeck . School at Sioux Falls, South Va- any chance you are a Uttle atraid ot prevailing atUtudes . . . Q short tinue after tlnal test week. spend at least tllree· lull morn.1ngs kota, where he formerly was & mem- of the idea just ask some at the time before the United States ot Committees tor the play have not per semester w i t h eaeh student ber ot the faculty and, for a year, people that had theirs drawn last America can be termed totalitarian yet been chosen. The directors stat- teacher, year. They are etJll alive and do not I . . . Discipline mind In search for ed that anyone wishing to be OD a The elementary Mudent teachers was acting .president. committee should contact either Now lInng with his daughter, teel that they have lost too much truth and reallty.." their schools are Mrs. Evelyn ot their vim and Vigor. Hang loose! Thomas Reev�s, "White Heat"- Jerry Slattum or Marlon Leonard. and College Concordia Anna Jordahl, Hayne, Sumner; Mary KnudBOD. Are we going to "devour ourselves librarian. Mr. Jordahl finds time to Whitman; Shirley Lewis, DeLong; in heat and sand . . . Sttengt!l ls In TEN STUDENTS RECEIVE do the carpenter and cah�et work CHESTERMAN ENGAGED ]tIre. Mary Jean Payne, J a m e a education." Man must restrain from AUGUSTANA SCHOLARSHIPS ot the college ca1eterla In addition TO TEACH ENGLISH S⩽ Beverly Tranum, Fern Hill; to his writing. He ·belleves that as Miss Elnora Chesterman, gradu- ..uslng these new weapons if he· Ten PLC students have been gtv- Mrs. Marjorie Young, Whitman; en scholarships by the CalifornIa GeraldCashen, Lister; Roseann& retired educator, -he should not aote student at the Unl....ersl·ty at wants to Hve. Washington, has been engaged by Deyrol Anderson, "The Technol- Conterence ot the Augustana Lu- Hartill, WUlard; Malcolm MarUo.. waste time In idleness. the college to teach English the sec- ogy of Peace" -"Thls is not an age theran Church. Puyallup; Mrs. Ruth RJpell, Park­ ond semester starting :i;ebruary 1. l ot war, yet race to militarism . . . The students Include N o r m a land; SYMPHONY HERE FEB. 1 Marlene Wendt, Manitou; The Taeoma Civic Orchestra, un- Miss Chesterman Is a graduate at ' a step must be taken by some na- Kempka, Paul Basting, Betty iean Carol Paul, Horace Mann; Marion der the direction ot Dr. . Stanley the University at CaJorado and has ! lion . . . why not the United States I Condray, Glenn Johnson, Eunice Leonard, McCarver; Beatrice Han­ Chapple, will give a concert In the anM. A� degree trom 'Yashtngton. · . . . We are not trusting in justice, Swenson, Theodore Carlstrom, War- sen, Whttman; and Geraldine DLx­ ren- Meyers, Carl Hol!!!.lI!en!.. �rger on, unasslgned_ .:..... C:M-S iuanon1IIif"" Tueatta.y eV""6nIn"l';"""Sh-e- ·haflallghC ror several years In ! we are lrUs"[rng--l rf n 1 'nrs." ; secondary schools in Alaska. I (Continued on P&2'A Four) ! Pearson and Herschel HIll. Feb. 1, at 8 : 30 p.m.

Mar k Twain "

Beard Race Now' I S t u GIlbrea th PI ay T Be W i n s O r at ory G" ' B k Exchang e Iven H ere , BI00d D rive ' Soon Co n tes t Fi rst ,






S. A. Jordahl Writes Book


. . •


T1 t

21, 1955

Luther College To P r e s e n t Concert

The Ly-ceum Se.nea will present Gerard Souzay, baritone, In the I on February 15 1 the ·i.blrd in the I ee'tlea sponsored by t.b�e- F� ;..; d�ni bo'dy. The admission "price WIll be $1.25 tor .those who do !TOt bave tickets. i Mr. Souzay was recognized as I lI �::o;� ��:n P::::e :::�: ��lt: ! States In 1950 fot bls concert debut ! and his first AmerIcan tour. He .p r 0 v e d to etHics and audiences alike that "he bas everything a singer needs" and that bls singing is "truly making music with the voice." C·�I·S audl-torlum at S p.m. This Is·



____ ____






I i





Friday. January 21,. 1955

c. S. A. Publlshed every Friday during the school year by student.e of Pacific Lutheran College. Entered a� second class mailer. October 2, 1952, at the Post Office at our· Parkla.nd, Washington. Prayer Is powerful! :'Ifaybe you rather it is our duty to place wHI. Ottice: Student Union Telephone GRanite 8611 don't but testimoni es selves completely under his this helleveSubscription price---$1.50 p�r year And here, on�e again. is your by DIany prove t'hl� tact One fellow The range of things for which we Ghost Rider. all set to air a few on our campus COrdl g very \"I,� to God In may pray Is words, ;n"aCatsoev:r ;: problems, so tbose of you who don't prayer when his rturned esus' own became serl. Supercilious Sneer will I like to bear other .people's prob­ ollsly ill. Shortlya1her that name, My In ask l a h afterward his s lems. read no further. Actually. father began improving father may be glorlfled Nordquist · C rl stro m and Is now do, that the there are four things to be dealt completely recovered, Many other in the Son." (John 1 4 : 131. God but space 'permi-ts consJdera- people can give you their test!· wants to be happy and wtll withhold The long predictfHl end ,has come: after a brief moment in the lime- �with. I truly good from us. W light we hUckl� back into obscurity. ith our Pogo bOOk�, press cards I, tion or onl¥ one this week. tr.onles of the ,things granted to nothing We should pray often and develop and letters of �ri C'l, sm tucked under our little Old arms we wander out In ehaDel. Monday morning, the them by praye!', . tn . good prayer habits, even though . �t ,the �!orning .�tist. off�.c_�. and, int.o the .s � k� ���;� � � I � ! }� ����I.r� s �:. : :'\"::�':�:�i�::: . . ,--,q,?�� .9.!>'I,·,Jj.�Jf��g�·. ,F;�th:e_\ t�: l!l'!Mtl*!il·prayer .can b�Q,WA.-�.s..u��, ;: .p22� some of tbat \n��ll�l4J.. .p-r-9w�-rr .we b�ve s�� � essaraOUllbTe.l. . . , .', iti l � · and .wj\,nt� l\(>."i,tD pray ; It IS. Allow1t. In tho' OM: -' on th�B' campus. "Ii hasis a m i. There is one left unsaid . , . the solu tion to this thing caned is indeedP surpris1ng to your Ghost our menns of having fellowshI a.nd - deu.u··i?"wl!. Testa.m�nl G<>d appointed certain P college. ,We say, modestly, we bave We propose_that all clubs, orga�- Rider communIon with HIm, especlally that only 80me people.,..have h 0 1\ r s during the day ,,"8 prayer . zation�. pa{'ks, gangs, festl\'als. glee II.nd perloo societies be disbanded, . f ' vi e de n e since fellowship i8 ne<�essary for periods. but nothing Is men'tioned I It would follow that all "busy work" would go, the problem would be :�t��:rd /I �i�;. I�eI�'sIna����: the sit. faith, love. and hope. However, God In the New Test:ament about prayer solved. !'othing to do but study·study·study, acquire Imagination, and lIatlon: Who are we? Students us a choice; shall we be pf'rlodH e x c e p t the Example of learn to grapple with ideas. \Ve would turn out learned m.en and women, Pacific Luthe-ran College, we reprofe. gives prayerful or prayerless, with God As y o u n g Christians we perhaps slightly stereotyped and haggard . . . no matter. ent the institution, the I nstitution or Godless? should take i,t upon ourselves to lise \Vhat of the joining instinct in people, the drive ,to get Into tha.t club srepresents \the Lutheran' Church. Jesus tells llS that If we pray, be. at least a few minutes every day in wherein your interests are found ; tl!at club that w1l1 help you prepare What do we have ? Supposedly a H evlng. we shall receive. But to earnest prayer. for your t'uture work or even that club where you can aCQu.ire a bIt of sterling example or Christian edu· have power in prayer we must live Power In prayer brings to my fame, (a few loving cups) or gain a little authority. We propose that I cation. An educational In harmony with God's w ll and a ra.mous saying that might each person ghould form his own c1� and he should be president, veep, ! with as high standards institution are to be purposes. It is not up to us tol declde help you in your prayer life. "X1ore etc, It would follow it would be tbe best organization because it round anywhere,' wtth spiritual em· an I ssue and ilien ask {or God's things are wrought by pra.yer than caters to his tastes and has an exclusive, elite membership. There would phasis Ilnex£elled, stamp or approval on o lr deciSion, Ihis world dreams 0(." l be no possible way for anyone to feel bad about not being expended How then do we live up to these -------c�---­ membership privilege. because each would be satisfied with what we standa�ds? How successfully do we had, Each club could have an annual Beauty or Handsome Harry contest o d d n r t e t (any kind of contest, in tact) and no one would feel slighted or left out 'D", ed. 'eace,,'or,'.'n"d ,'u'DDD'O,'. Student Express/'on Should because-you win. You could present yourself with the biggest trophy edly by ,ourselves? Do we, or are you could find. The possibilities are endless. H ave P..roper, Unse If"IS h M 0 t',ves There would be confliction over meeting time a.nd place. All we guilty of false advertising? These Questions are important to hind expression. High school sLUBy John H o l u m elections would be unanimous and all executive decisions eagerly car· rted out by the enthusiastic membership. Come Saturday night you could each and every one1n YOli as Chris· There seems to be an emphasis dents revere the charmIng person· d u nd V ' s I ' this school year on student ex pres· allty and the capable athlete, Some haye any kind of activity (withIn bounds) you wanted. If your favorite Ua n ' ' a � was lacking, your club could "olun'teer to do It. There could be no gripe dent, O, �LC. Tbe : sw:�� ��s;�: sian. Along wi-th such an emphasis or this reverence shifts to Intellect they turn supplied by you, and i travels the necessity of h a v 1 n g In the older and more mature col· about lack of things to d0--1000 clubs presenting 1000 different activi[ liP negative to wha.t they sbould be, something to express, and thua we t ' �����!; ti e s-dw ell on -that a minute. ion to this problem I have the birth of serious thinking. �::::��::��:��:�:��:� �� P.S.-Say, there's a pretty good little essay on humor in Walt Kelly's then tcOhemesolut u, again yo let fro it �e The process way not be as simple their men-tal powers j ust must high The Incompleat Pogo called "The Estate of Our Independence," H you . as�mdJvi�Uals, . for it IS Ii as that. bllt obviously there should school students strive to exhi bit emphaSIzed, of course. It you don't like Pogo I you like Po 0 ou have already read who stands to gam or lose the be some relation between expressed athletic prowess. In doing so we uestlo! �ur sanity ot course. It you haven't come into contact with I most by. the outcome. . I opinion and thought. orten forget our status as students, �oga, I W�Uld reco�end you do so and read these few pages, too. You flgure owe When the ooring lI.iast staff an· seekers of wisdom, and aM.empt a I PLC . I,t out,Don�tn yt oyou somethlDg u 0 w e I nounced its desire to print : new position as learned scholars. TEST WEEK AT OLD MAIN )I'Ourself something? opinion 1 thought it a fine opport- One unfortunate result i s th at we By Martha "Skip" Douglass tunity to express my views on the not only deceive others, but also 'Twas the night before finals, subject of student expression. It Is ourselves. and actually begin to be. \ . And all through the Dorm, my purpose to share something that Iieve we are wiser than we really Dorm D 01 n 5 . Every crea{llr(> was cramming to w(>ather the s.torm. Is important to me and hope that are, The students were settled all !mug at their desks, you too will benefit from it. Ano-ther m o t i v e i n expression South Hall Sojourn While v sions of test grades danced in their heads, I At the weekly Sunday meeting of I Pastor Thompson In his last sel'- may exi�t. The .desire to condemn A wash rag was hung by the desk 'with care SOllth Hall girls, money maldng mo na has spoken on famlly rela· and crjUclz� Is al l or us, for In In hopes that the Sandman would not stop there. projects were d!s.cussed and a rarh- tionships. His purpose in doing dOing so we unconsciously attempt With Wickstrom in her kerchief and Houze in her cap, has not been t o present his congre to ' cover and excuse er unique suggestion was offered. our own sh ort. They just settled down for a long night's nap. Although a date has not definitely galion with st�rtling new ideas nor comIngs. If this Is true of you as It When out in the hall there arose such a clatter, been set, the (ollowing project is to establish himself as an authorl- Is of me, then maybe you would She sprang from her bed to see what was the matter. under serious consideration. (Atten. tarian or ideal erample. He would find it valuable to memorize I Cor. Away to the door she new like a nash, rather draw their attention t o and 13 : 2. "And though I have . lion, men!). the Tore open the door and made a dash, their interest in Hvlng as of prophecy, a n d understand gift all The "Auctioning of Services" to 'I renew The ll ght from ber bedroom on the warped, chilled floor God would ve them llve. In other mysteries, and all knowledge, and t ho s e grou ps interested, namely words, it Is � Gave a s-hadow of midnight to objects and doors, hiS desire that they seek though I have all faith that I North Hall and at:her sueh tab. "The good." In\ ibI s paper articles When what to her wondering eyes should appear, Iishments, which woul� consIst of of critical a n d suggestive t o n e .::ould remove mountain�, and have . But an em.pty hall and bottles of root beer? not charity, 1 am nothing." No matoffers fr om South Hall girls With a IItUe old rlyer so gushing and gurgling, which are directed toward the stu· ter how accurate our analYSis may clean rooms, wash cars, wash and dent She knew in a moment that It could be disturbing. usually have the same purpose. be, if It ia not done In the right iron clothes. serve ,rOOd and other More .rapid than lightning wHh mops she worked, Much .the same spirit is necessary spirit it is worthless. n s And she whistled and shouted and called girls who lurked. In any form of l serious expression :� This verse may help us then to ��e�e �:�����u:: ,���:,: !:n :a: However, that Is not alwR-n the. establish Oh! EnglIsh and Anatomy, Oh! Chemistry and Zoo, proper values, so that be auctioned off to the highest bidOh! Latin and Greek, Oh! poor mind and soul. case; rather, than seeking a better when we are dISCUSSing among our. . der and on a deSignated day, they To the middle of the hall ! 'understanding by sharing Ideas or seIves or expressing our views ou . would be performed. Such a pro· To the top of the wall! o fering a kind and gentle crlt!· paper, we seek love, faith, and un. � gram has been carrIed out Quite .... ay, mop away, all! Now, mop away, mop a" Clsm, we many ti mes have other derstanding r&ther than praise or successfully at St. Olaf and the gen· motives when expressing ourselve s. self·satlsfaction. Whatever our attiAnd tben in a mom&nt you Ileard on t·be 0001', eral consensus is that it's a " good Since we have at the present tude may be The swIshing and swashing of each wooden door. n1. deal ! " (Also a good way to retrieve ! �o� cern about student expression, to deceive we must not co lnue Then down the hall she came tor inspection. es by beUeving stolen articles). It IS necessary that we have also Q. thaot prestigeourselv Her eyes how aecusing, On returning fNlDl.. a FrIday night I concern Is a. worthless goal or about proper motives 1 he Mooring ./tj aSl



















C h ·ri �t.

mi n




m i nt n " ,a b y ' ',," O





. _I




Bel' amlle how amusing,

Her cheeks were a·glowing,

·o . A new ball point pen she hela tight in her palm And your name she encircled without a Qualm. Her ·halr was a fl wing

She had a stern face w�th her tight set ruUngs

That WOUld, with one laugh, fall out so willing.

She aaJd not a word but went right on inspecting;

And when she had fJnlshed she turned '\\ith a smurJdng,

And taking a finger away from her pen,

She stormed up the hall on the way to her den.

to her room and to the girls gave a yell, her exclaim as she dove into bed, " Pl ease study hard, but PLEA,g'E} get TO BED! ! " She sprang

And away they all flew and began to Quell. But I heard









to I I



I that de at friends. In the aI

outing, friend roommate andl.l were

t astounded 8


U c h consi






be- value.



In our last editio�, the Mooring Most opened a column just fo� t,he stude�ts. ThIS was to give each a chance to voice their tr complete ther· OpInIOnS and Ideas. thoughtful· I Three students have turned ' I t'ICIe for th' S eek"s ISSU ; but ly two w�re acceptable Th��arwas on slept thirdonone.w .Jue co .tbe fact that t�l� as unsigned As ' t t preVlo uslY lfi the paper, a t nlghL COUldn't under- articles must be signed by the �:i:er. B u t we ant to � h a k n all three for expressing their views. tlley d as fo� c�e rest a the stude nt bod.y, We will wlt,h their gifts Aneased to mclude your letters in Our future papers. be more than try more? pl middle of our humble room stood

,huge, ee,





one wea

beaten trImming. Such nesa deserves nothing but repayment. thought we, and no e hat

What we

etand was, were they celebrating Christmas a. lfttle late or were


just not satisfied and wanted to

for a few

(Continued on Page Three)




r I

�Sfunt- �� H by


Gladiawr Statistics


l.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -1

\\"(111. here Il, Is. the end of the semester, and everyone stili seems




Lo o le Spry

Friday, Januill ry


21, 1QS5

I Gla d s Take I F-Irst: PIace; :��:��:; P-Irat:es 2 n d



ev n

the final f?otball statistics. winless Ivy Hall (B) by a score of secut i ve Evergreen Conference wins. Last Saturday the Lutes grabbed of As a team, Pacific Lutheran rln· 96- 1 -1 . Three records were broken as lh' , 1 1 1 \ er s seal \\ lth a i t 69 victory over the previously unbeaten Cen· rushing In nation the in 30th Jabed tr� ' \\ ashmgton Wildcats the 96 point 'total topped the pre. _ \\ p�tern I s stili trying to ru,\ke liars Ollt or pre.season forecasters defense and 31st In 'lotal defense vlous 8 .. set recently by the Crew No I ndividual earned national j"H \\ ('{Ok t h e ) upset Eastern s Sa\'ages 7 3.5 4 One splurge was all that Cuts T he Individual record, held the to acc dlng on CA recognit i B N OT Ih' \ . o u l d maintain though, as they lost to Whitworth 69 5 1 _ the followstatistics, but four of the Lutes by Curt Hovland ",Ith 4I points, • I n !! t' \ enmg the leaders I n the Ey.. was broken b Tacoma's Hobbs, 1 n C flll,l l l y pllt a numeral In the v. on column by stopping E\VC E \\ ere among : ergreen Conference statistics Cap n \\ ho poured I n ;, 0 points during t � e ,II H. ��.ls�ern as yet has been unable to post an Evergreen \\I n nk d a s blr te a r La 32 nut m play o l f t!\: l D t. � , : w� /� ;s � Wh itworth', �c"t,.al WMfngtDn and' f"a"Cn-,u:: L,"I,C',.ittrJlUa'k'·w tri..;;'.. � .:\g!t _ _ fvy mn tAJ aDd Nt>� lUll Jt a t h re e-way fight for flr.t p lace. Tbe Pirates bave \\on their only two and Tommy Campb�1 vl1:1ual rushing Freshman Tom Gil· kept up the blistering pace, each , <> lfl'rellre �allles and thu!> are right behind us In league st.and'ngs mer ",as fourth In passln� and an winning a game apiece Ivy topped H.u ,.h man and cre\\ \\ 111 get theIr first crack at the Pirates"on F'ebruary other frosh. end Ray Chnstlanson, Central Barracks 71-33, paced by ;,rh. here in Parkland. led the conrerence in punting. Hennin's 19 points. North Hall d eAcross town. Coach John Helnrlck probably Isn't to happy with his Getting back to the current sport· feated Ivy Hall (B) 84·38 , Rierson � i \ u a ! i on, The Loggers aren't finding It too easy to win this year. But ��: s��� �h : �I::I��O:� �o:� being high with a total ot 28 points. c nllt' bright spot can be seen with the return of Erling Bubolm to the t r a e The third place DeJardlne's 8Pllt m lin('up second semester. The "Dabe" regains his eligibility in time to see lege �efe�'Iv� :an ·l ng' thrOUg� during the week, tint beating Cen. . :ll·tion against Ule ,\Vhltworth Pirates January 28. J an ua y l 2 . A h r t or Ma ,ac hu tral Barracks 53-35, then losing a c se llS leads the na.tlon with n 5-1.8 t hriller to the up and oming OmeE V E R G R E E N CONFERENCE


fifth In fn(ft. 1

P ac i fic

L u he ra



. 4

.................... �...

Western Washi.ngton . . .. .. Central Washington ....._.. ......... ...... ... ... ... Puget Sound . . ....... .. . . . ..... ... . . ......_... British Colu m b I a . Easte,.n Washington .. .. . .. .... .................. .

Wh itworth .................. .................... .......... 2



L o


















Pag e Th ree



In this, the rirst of a series of 9'ta­ r""l·ly happy. Not least of all, Marv Harshman, wbose basketball tlsU cal articles, we must take .care r:or���:Oke : �:c::: �qll:H l ] " rol l ing along with twelve wins Rnd three losses , and four co n.




Pacilic Lutheran thre\v tbelr dark

horse rating out the \, Indo" last night and assumed the


role of favorite as they handed the prevlousl ) unbeaten Central Wash­ Ington Wildcats a 71 69 setback on the Cats hom� rloor The Lutes are

now I n rlrat place \\ Ith a 1 0 record compared to Wbltworth's 2·0 ... -.... . . -. . -- .


. � -,_l\.j 9'landll'.t"..,



Central started as It th-ey would · run a\\a ) from the Lutheran! as

they took a 41.31 halftime le.'ld. '\Vnatever Coach Harshman bad to

say In the dressing room must have

been good, for the Glad!!. started orr 'lhe second period holding tbe Wild· cats scoreless tor 6 minutes and going ahead finally, 401-43. Tbe lead

changed hands 3 or 4 times until a \'etage while PLC's Is 55.7. How- ga's 40·39. Gooch's Gulch outlasted I Central again zoomed to anmher e.ser, these figures do not Include Clover Creek 45-42 to bold down I S,point lead. With substitute Denny the Lutes ' last three games, Which ·the fourth place spot In t-he standRoss contributing two hook shots Ings. The Crew Cuts broke even I lowered the average to 55.5. and a pair or free tbrow9 PLC was On the otber side of the ledger. d ll rlng tbe week by Eastern bark In the ball game and rlnally West Virginia Tech leads the na· 59·48, then losing to the Omega's staged a drive that carried them to lIon's small schools In oftense with 47 ·55. a 67. 6.1 lead which Central couldn' t Other games during the week : b,.eak. a record breaking 104.4 per game


pace. One of t�e mai n reasons for Tacoma 0 v e r the Jokers, 48·35; Jack Sinderson, for the second . . thIS I S their , 7. 8 % toul shooting Stubs over Chimps, 53·4 4 ; Faculty i stralght game, was hIgh for the Lu­ the F'ederal Old LIne Insurance Company or Seattle, dumped in 31 pOints average which also tops the coun· over Jokers, 57·33. therans with 23 points. Two other The Intramural basketball aSPir- 1 try. Last report's leader, Brander's, as the F'eds beat the Buchan Bakers 77-75 I n amateur play. hit double figures as Nick slipped to fourth behind Baltimore ants will take a week off tor finals. A thought worth m e n t i o n i n g is the fact that the Pac i fi c Lu theran , Kelderman got 1 8 and Jack Hoover and Mt. St. Mary's. Wheaton or 1lI1- :Iay will resume as per usual the u r b e the by sponsored be l l i w 1 y r a on Kennewick In Eastern with game 1 got 1 8 and Jack 1 3. Nick Kelderm'n nols has won only tour of twelve lollowlng week. Lutheran B roth e rho o d of First Lutheran Church In KennewIck. Hoover 13. Nick Kelderman'e regames ·Ulls season, but they are The singles and doubles Intra- b That's all for now! Hope everyone survives the test week. ound1ng In the second haIt played eighth In offense with an 87.6 aver- mural ping pong tournameut begins . an Iml?ortant part in tbe Lutes' se<:. the flrst part ot February. Those , age per contest. ond halt surge. PLC's roul shOOIlIng I Swyers of West Virginia Tech Interested are to sign up on the lists was vastly Improved as theY hIt on ;; leads the Individual scorers with a posted on the bulletin boards. ,Ev· = = = = = = = = = ;;" = = = = = = = = = = = = = = --;;; 33 ot 43 chances. eryone Is welcome to pa.ticipate. 38 1 a\' erage per game Fi nal exams put a two week A fe\\ of the boys have beard? (Continued trom Page Two) In his Iast t'"'0 ou tlngs, sop h0e g u e Standing. damper on L u t e bask etb aII and (AnY ne\\ s would be well appreclat· had to set theI r ala I ms ten minutes more g u a r d Jack Slnderson bas ( I nclude. game. played Ji1 n 18) >t belr next opponent will be Wes-tern earl :. so Lhat the) \\ III ha\ e time to scored 47 points He hit 15 tleld ed as )OU can well determine) L l Washington on Januar 29 , at the I to they before tr and e sha I y go Im l Q ues t ion Do you have an ) Ideas goals In 23 attempts for 65 2% and PLC g m l\ y Hall A) ( ?) y . I dropped In 17 consecutive foul shots for the Stullent's Critical Eye ?" In. [ breakfast a( l 3) . in the two games. A \\ ord from the Sick \\ ard ( stead of complaining about them. , ........... 7 ��S��d�n � s e Drandt s nose Is heali g \\ h) � don't you ,\rite them down? [ D\\ am . ......_ 5 He has now converted 23 straight Gooch's Gulch ,very well. The plastic s .ugeon sai d , It's your column. free th rows and h as mi ssed onI y Crew Cu'UI JEWELRY • ..... GIFTS he would be as good as new In a . twlet:! m his last 3·1 attempts over a Taeoma . .... 5 Oa' C a l l from North Hall few weeks. 5 ... Omegas averthrow free His span. game '8IX 1 Congratulations to �lrs. Nick on Since .there will be no paper next . 5 e for the seaso n is 83.2% (51 or Stubs ................._... her completion of another year In a week, there are a few old editions :: ). .... . ..... 4 Eastern full, productive life. The apprecla· o r the Tribune, Times, P-I, Journal, ' .. .. 4: Jack leads the Lutes In conter- Faculty . tlon ot " the boys" was best ex· and Oregonian on sale In B-7. Most Central Barracks 3 pressed by Dick Brandt, who reo ot these Include Pogo and tbe other ence play wt-th 66 points I n tour Chimps ._..... ..._....-._....._.__... 6 for Nord· games Pbil 1 a mark. .5 ferred to her as our "motber away contemporary cartoons. First come, . 2 okers from mother at our hom� away tmm firs t served. There's only one thing Q ui st leads In season statistles with J 7 1 84 points In 15 contests and a 12.3 Clover Creek .... home." mlsslngthe pictures from the cur. 239 Garfield St. Parkland,Wn. 9 9 _ __ _ __ . Ivy Hall (B) . a\'erage Foremost Question in the dorml· rent events page and the rec.lpes.



Dig Phil Jordon's name is still appearing In Nortbwest basketball

sf'oring columns. The former -Whitworth College star , now lliaying for




Dorm Doin







.................::::::: :






Co.tume., 926Y.z


1 trim mJ Cheesecake ! !


Tuxedoes-. Serpentine

M A. 4861



Stella's Flowers

In scoring, Gordon Furcott Is 12th, .


an an ex·Glad, Ron BUllngs ot the Brewers. Is third.

Flower. for All Occa.lon. WE

1. Nordquist




. E, L. Gable, prop.

For all of your Automotive Service ne�s . Our Regular

Pacific Avenue



Supreme - Supreme 1.

GLADIATOR SERVICE . Mechanic on Duty





:� �:��:�:�.-



at 118th and



:: ; �:




. .


� I I§ §






Pacific Avenue


Men's & LiHle Men's Shop : : =.=.: : : : :1:: I Madden's GRanite Parkiand Center Bldg. . -".�:: :� I �nr.;;iMi!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil iiiii .iiiiii i i iiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiii CEN TRE C L E A N E R S :�::. : I 4242

......... 22 9. V Hanson ..... ....... .....__. ... ...... 20



Watch and Clock Repairing

............... 136 1

d .

8. Rodin .

LaCrosse Printers from the



�: �::::

programs, cards, ribbons, pamphlets, tickets, etc. . . . that's our business!

Located aero ..

....._.. ...._.

3. Hoover

when you need prilltlng




2. Sinderson

GR. 7463



Individual Scorlng-15 Game.


415 Garfield at.


seventh In the Tacoma City League



Parkland jewelers

Merle Hanson ot the Lute JV's Is

Garfield Street

Remember us






GRanite Sn2 Garfield St. -' _ _ _ _ _ '_ _ _ _ _









next to the Donut .



�==r =::-==ir-�{:!_=__ : ::: -=� : ...:-::-: ...:� : �� ...:{V"' .r =-=-


Page Fou,


F,'day, Janu",y 2', '955



by Bill Johnson, ACP [ HAt( TIE IiULL DllUI);( � 1LIl�IHG (DtIPAm> TO JOYIIU\ wmtNO\! rM (rtl�lr TO flUNk •.

n VIII.- .., nUN' .., STUII£II1S!

�: G"���!

Train and Travel


-------I l Stuart 'O ... t.", vC;TIJO,,:NT 1\9.D.Y. . . f,.r------�..--.--'Gilbreath Wi"s I THE PU PIL NEWS f"irS't'fn ratOry'\;OnreS'

Former Lutes are going all sorts

Arter much

of places tbese dar'S. Bob McAdams, football end




dIscussion, both (or decided that the

and against. I t was


Student" Counell would

nol sponsor

back. bas been commissioned sec· the OmnIbus o f ArLS, as prevIously ond lieutenant In the Marine Corps suggested. However, all the council

Gnd Is o n his way to Korea. Bob

.members said they ....111 . stand b� hind the organl�atlons who will be to say hello to old friends and jeer presen·tlng ,the \three..<Jay festival. stopped at Luteville

" EII"

long enough

on to defeat.

01t.... "'t

B �oss, basketball and baseball regular or tour years, has finished


These groups are Alpha Psi Om ega,

the student's wc.rkshop hand, and the art department.

clerlt-typlst schol at Fort Ord and


c ha I r





February. flrst The aim at tbe coun-

ell I s to acquaint tbem with one

PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS another, as well as the school.


"as announced by the council


tbat tbe trophies


ously stored In the upper SUB will be repaired and moved to




trophy case In the gymnasium In the near future

became confused as


And I erased some parts But . . .



knew were wrong!

only made smudges . . . and there are blots where

A few places show how hard


really tried.



I wish It were better, God . . . full of wisdom . . . and neat,

' And written In courage Inste-a d o f defeat.

God's answer came slowly, when He checked oft my name. He continued His writing, while 1 waited In shame. Then . . . God looked up kindly



. and laid down his pen.




Betore we begin the topic of fa- able to convey our emotions by the

the definition






the word expres-






character expressed on tbe face, In voice or in artistic

I Today

use of words, such as artistic, re-


Is I the


the Indication of feeling. spirit and

I I the


: freshlng,

vorlte expressions, let us first view


these "favorite expressions,"



went along,

Passed' me another sheet and said: " H ere, child, start agai n ! "

A student committee has been ap-

Jerry Sheffels, '54. grad, vl s.1ted pointed to plan entertainment In school this last week on leave tram ; the torm ot a mixer for all In-camFort Ord. He will go back the 24th ing transfer students. This will be to tlnlsh eight more weeks at basic held In the upper SUB Monday,














our democracy

were :



Rutherford; second, Judy BUrf�ker;

and first, Stuart Gilbreath. Awards of $3, $5 and

r�spectlvely, were


made to the ranking speakers . Thomas


vlce - presl-

dent, Washington Epsilon Chapter

speakers When waiting tor the ra­ Interesting points on and





Kappa Del­




��:I�;I�� �::��� :: �� ��::f

chance to be used

Why not examine

ing all our energy on "frU'dtrating

democracy." "When \.he right of the


cated In our dictionaries just wa:lt-

lary, and

Ity opinion and fear." We are spend'Communism"

suits of the contest, Tom gave some

store o f descriptive words 10n

Need tor

Freedom"-"Now Is no 'lIme to be

ruled by the combination ot major-

l of PI Kappa Delta, Introduced the


are just a tew examples of

ing for

(Continued from Page One) .

Joan Ruthe�[Ord. "No


your vocabu

you find It overflowing




tor the e

o s t e e n Also of Importance the auscribed with the first place winner's e Dean trated o u r EngU sh language. Wher- nearest di ctio nary a n d refresh your t thorlzatlo n · b v he coun ll tor name It will be returned to the case ever we go. sayings such as "dig mind by adding new words and new Llbner · to pu'rcbase two chess sets In tront at the auditorium. This tro­ that crazy mixed-up kid," "wha t' s ! phrases and let these old worn-out for use In the lower SUB. pllY was given tor the ninth time I I y o u r maladjustment," or "w e l l "ravorlte expressions" dIe in peace. Wednesday night. that's Intelligent," are heard on the r p to Use the present lan for you Mr. Morris Summers, dIrector at ' lips at thousands of people, both future or you won ' t have one. I young and old. However, they are D ramatics and Speech at Lincoln •

F=========:;'=:'::;- I' . TOM'S I ICE CREAMERY


I F====="i

Parkla nd XXX Drive-In

Start Saving SOc


" P U G£ T' S O U N D NATIONAL BANK � sn8:W� ��rc and .oon. MIDWAY

Hot Chocolate GR. S211

�::o��o:�er;ted� ae!uw �

3-IN-l TO SERVE YOU BETTER Standartf Heating 011. - Heating Equipment - Heating aervlce Enjoy That "PLUS" Service MAIIV TOMMERVIK'& • • •


120th 4. Pacific Avenue


and/or chorus may also conl.rlbute.

I s now on his way to Germany.

JAN. 28 to $10 a Week for a Debt·tree Xmaa 1955 LINCOLN BRANCH

Dear God, this day's assignment You bave given

Is not done a s well as I know It should be.


· .Phone GRanite &e84


with trite expressions, reach tor the

T rue


FaI se '



High School ; Mr. John Binns, at-torThe March at Dimes w111 help ney, Tacoma, Washingto n, and a. Pi ' and college students. American students who need tlnanKappa Delta Alumn us , and udge Here Is a list o f some of the more : clal aid Ir they are stricken with I Bertll Johnson, judge at Superior "Shoot, pallo while visiting or living In a frequentlv used sayings: Court, Tacoma, and Juvenile Court, pity, S-u- -e, I was Just mortified. he foreign country. erce County, served as judges. 2. Nations with the best sanitary doesn't show m e much, honestly, I ptetul to these men tor We are .. ot rate highest the how about that, housemouse, k.Jll It systems have giving their time and eperience o betore i t reproduces, isn't that In- pallo. more prevalent among high school






doubt you could add many

thIs IIst_


more to'

money given them tor

the March or DLmes.

, 19 I 4- l 4.



vaccine now being be tor children only;

expressions were stricken tram our I 5. The ratio at polio. patients over vocabulary. Probably many ' ot u' 1 bas ne.,ly doubled In . would have an extr'emely dlttlcult States In the past decade I. time In eJ:pressing ourselves a a tively. How many times after an exceptionally fine program, either A chip on the shoulder ott Umea on the Intenect.ual or entertaining indicates wood Wgher up. say, "Gee, level, are we heard that was good," or "My, wasn't that beautifUl." A r t . r breaking th.,. • • • phrues down. we come out with absolutely noth.1ng. Take,' tor ex· ample. the word good. "Good" can mean a variety at things, such as &. Pa ifi righteous, p r o p e r, well"behaved, kind or pleasanL Now I am sure r that we aren't trying to say that a concert was well-behaved, k i n d. proper, or righteous, so the most ob­ vious meaning is "pleasant," which I r e a 1 1 y sn't the best detInltlon, ' I either: How much easier we are





tor cooked to order DeLuxe Ham­ .burger'll Flah and Chlpa Home-mada Pie. 9th c c Tacoma

A Slip of

the toot you may target.. the tongue you may

but a slip of

1,;:=====;;:; never gErt. over.



Laurlnat's App.eI Garfield St.

"=======::;::::;:=: ::::=: �====;:;:::== :; ====� 401



- - - --

Milk Shakes


129th &. Pacific


(1-True: 2-True: 3--F a e; F e: 5--True).




back" the our' school," said i!hal�n Beverly poliO <:&re by Svenlngson_


I have otten wondered what would evaluated will happen to our Interlocution i t these not tor adults.


3. Families must "pay

that right.,

horseteathers and very good." No

1 -



a rcoloQulal terms, have slowly tIl-

GR. 9945



Poehel DislrmutiDg Co.


Your Fuel Oil & Appliance Dealer

140th a n d Pacific



GR. 8624


Dave Wold To Be C. S. A. Pre's ident:

The Mo oring Mast Souz ay To j i CSA "'DouDces · New J� VOLUME





" n y cIt e u m

Give 3 rd o mn i bus of Arls

L - ' . . . , ' , ,- , .- ,.. .' -. . ". " 'rIo , Fe�t��e< �� d,r

� e r l' e s


•.I!. _ ": __ f

FEBRUARC 11, 1955

tft£! tL 56

D ra ma a nd Chor li s' TVlII�el a ' Iva 'I.'J"�

(Editor's Note: Is Important that students note the change of The Omnibus Arts, an annual of e h a I d t r a n �� �:: t�::e�:u� ��� �:������ �� :o�:���·�:�·c�� ��� �d ��: ��ee I production, \\111 be February 24, 25 'nlng, to Tuead�y. February 1 5tn. and 2G In the Chapel-Muslc·Speech , . . . ' . I auditorium. This production Is stu




one he closest elections of the past year, D f I1 WestInSeattle has been elected president for the follOWIng of t





avid Wold o

school term Dave, the I.C C representauve f:om KRK, IS also a radiO engmeu and has one of the three leads 10 the productlon, Gerard Souzay, a dlst m gulshed Fre!lch ban tone, will gl�e a . dent directed and the directors for concert here on Tuesday, February 1 5 , In (he C-M -S audl[onum his year are : Jerry Slatum and "Joey . " He is a lso a member of Cu ai n Call . and was Handsome I Harry tor 1953. He was aI80 prestat 8 : 30 p.m. This (oncen, third of the Lyceum Series at PLC. <t Leonard, drama; S t e v e dent of the Luther League Circuit. will be part of a 1 9 5 4 - 5 S tour wh ich will take Souzay through - Marian PLC-WHITWORT� GAME : :;���' chorus; and Jerry Bayne, Stewart Gilbreath of Tacoma Is out [he United States. TO BE BROADCAST HERE the vice·president and Is a member His program for t.hat night wtll 1 I nclude the following: Ombra ma1 Disque for his recordings, an award i The drama producUon I'S a three- Tne Pac ific Lutheran College of Phi Kappa Delta, Alpha Psi Omeact my�tery comedy based on Mark versus Wnltworth balketball tilt ga, APO, CSA service chairman, fu, from "Xerxes," Handel;"There's ,that 'has only been given thirteen Twain's story, "� Double.Barrelled Saturday evening will be broad· and was the first place winner of Not a Swain, S<:human; Three OP. Detective Story. The committees �ast direct from Spokane over the recent ortary contest. He I'S a eratlc Serenades, Mozart; T·he Stutare: Art--C a r o l Hartman, chair- KTAC, Tacoma, kllocyclel. pre-law student. 'terlng Lovers, arranged by Hugbes; man; Barbara r o n k e, Beverly Th� play-by-play account will be Service chairman for the coming Black Is the Color of My True Svenlngson, Vernita Blelsner, Robfed to tne 10c .. 1 atatlon by KREM Lo\'e's Hair, arranged by Niles; and will be Ross Goetz or S'pOkane. erta Humble' Carol Heins, Ordetta of Spokane. Tne broadcaat wil l Aterm I Rise When You Enter. Chandler. pre-seminary student and presl· Bechtel. Make.up-M y r n a Berg, I start at 7: 55 p.m. dent of Ivy Hall, he Is Interested' tn chairman ; Joanne Dahle, L i n d a I nl�I��:��a�I;�'::�:':le;�:c�-=;� the Young Life groups at Clover Hurd, Tom Morris. House--Betty and was famous in Europe and in Park High School in lAlkewood. Jean Condray, chairman. Proper· North Africa as a conceI't and operSophomore Judy Bureker was ties-Dick Brown, chairman; Carol H ig h 5 C h 00 I aUc artist, his meteoric success picked as pubHclty chairman. Judy Sorensen, Marlene Stuhlmi1ler, Bar'both times he was In America was ha:i been active in PI Ka·ppa Delta, bara MacDonald, Dave Scherer, Ron Debate 500 n Curtain unusual even in the unpredictable Alpba Psi Omega, OrHo. S t a g e--John Buckner, chair- On tbe 25th and 26th of this chestra, Call, world of m·uslc. Music lovers e.nd and she took second man; Jon Soine, Mark i'reed, and month, the Washing-ton State De- place In Spurs, professional musicians wbo had the recent oratory contest Don Lyles. heard Souzay In Europe, or owned bate Coaches Association H I g h on campus. Judy Is from Eugene, some of his records, packed hls "A Tribute to Sigmund Romberg" I School d sl)Onsored Oregon. urnamen<t. T by concerts expecting the best. They and "This Is My Country." arranged i Pacific Lutheran will again Helen Jordanger, also from Euwere not disappointed. by Fred Waring, are two features as last year, hold College, their debate here. gene, has b e e n chosen clerical Gerard Souzay bas alwaye loved of the chorus. Also, there will be : Approximately 350 students are chalrma!l. Helen's other acUvtUes music, and, unUke many young 'Several small ensemble �roups such I expected to parUclpa.te, as Invita- Include Spurs, and ICC representa19t5. he had fInancial and spiritual as 50105, triOS, and quartets. More tlons rto 95 high schools in thIs state tlve from the sophomore class. , our1lgement from a musical fam· t a e I n I GERAD SOUZAY e r e so o ��� I ����� �n s c ::d:� :� I ' �:k: �� � � � '�'I�r: a: :�� � :��:::n�: : :n: ::o!� Ta�:�:, �: S�l��� =o��e�ro:. I r to date--rul'llher aCknoWledge- cess, ao anyone who likes to sing His operatic appearances Include times I 150 students participated. ship ohalrman of CSA. Eddie's time performances as Aeneas In " Dido ment of a great voIce, is asked to come to rehearsalS. The style of speaking are fol· -has been taken with Choir, Arubas· and Aeneas" at the Paials des Mr Souzay will be accompanied I Men are especially needed, etates lows: Oxford Debate, Lincoln-Doug· sador Q u a r t e t and chairman of 'Beaux Arts In Brussels In 1946, as by DaLton Baldwin His managing Steve Brandt, director las Debate, extemporaneous speak- Frosh Week. Eddie Is a pre-semiIk: Adonis in "Venus and Adonis" in dl rector Is Mark Levine I LightIng will be a feature of the ing, impromptu, interpretive read- ary student. Paris In 1948, and as Conte RobinI band to produce special etfects tor ing and the oratory, son In Le Mariage Secret In Alx-en· . h certain numbers such marches · ' Provence this past summer. students wUl be housed at 0 f Fai' VISIan by Sousa and scores from "The Stu- theThe college and In the even1ng they C.S.A. Fellowship Meets Souzay In one of the most J>Qpudent PM n..."e," by SIgmund Romh.'g are By John Cook Invited the "Dou))le Bar. lar radio artists In Europe, and ·bls I see the Cro'SS He bore Small ensembles will also be used relied DetecUve Story. " records are favorites with collectors IIn'seefaith for the band program. There are the wounds that cut Him sore. C.S.A. be given Sa.tur- Dr. Knorr will spee.k atFebruary all over ,the world. HIs L o n d o n I see Him looking down at me. over forty student'S I n the band at The awards will Sunday night. and Decca recordings ·have helped ,the present date and practices are day at 5 ', 30 p,m, Tbls will take .Ia.ce 1 Fellowship , , Hts e .m., p upper 13 7 00 I th SUB � : ' free. me set to die Him see 1 Building. music Mustc-Chapel . ,w popular�e him with those going "swell," according to Jerry in the topIc v.:!ll be . The JJa,p;l1$ Of D.eUnlovers who ·have not had a chance In faith I hear a vIctory song . The 'headquarters tor-tWs tourna- J Quency Bayne, director. and there wlll\be opportunment wIll be In the upper SUB. I for Questions to attend his concerts. In 1949, Sou- p a i13 ,e His triumph o'er the and diacusslon, zay received the, Grand Prix du To wrong m Sw1ndland 1's ,the director ot lty To I ra and -is aes11rted by Con- The program lncIudas epeelal mudeba.te the ' and Judy Bureker. The mc. LIb ry i n trod u ees nle Hustad The VOlc� of all creation sing J d ges will h ,-�ous lac ul- mem C.S.A. has been Invtted by the, "0 death, 0 death. whe,. Is Iby Lady Lutes Report " U I bers. coacbes• of•_the teams .and the' University of Washington to a Un1Dr. and Mrs, Knorr will be hOSt stin«? ' S t , , N w Ine ys em F students on our debate team, versal Student Oay ot Prayer sene and hostess tor the next meeting ot In faith I see a u:dgbty king the Restitution, not revenge, is Ot general interest may be the lee to be beld in the evening ot · the La�y Lutes to be held on Feb- With eyes of tire that judgment basts ' tor the library's new policy ot f . t hat the high school students February 20th. Stu Morton Is In act ruary 16 -at 7:00 p.m, at 621 South brIng. accordIng to Mr. Frank Haley, who parUclpated laflt year In the charge of arrangements 1218t St., Parkland. There will be a He's coming 800n toClalm m'3 own fines, P-LC .librarian. When two-W:ftek debate az:e al89. srn. th&. deba��te� t�eam ;::;� __;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; =; ;; po'tluck dinner and all husbands are book Is overdue. the ebudent pays of PLC's at present. �The � � � l r ;: ���"""' T'he ones who 1���0�_ only Invlted 'to attend. t w done by he for ork added ment hu great innuence for here OL VALENT 9 ;::========================; the library start ,to make the notifi- potential top debators coming to The annual Valen-tolo preaentI ca.tion. Mr. Haley 1!ays this Is an PLC. . will be Gamma Rho Delta by ed P In keeping with an ancient trad�tion, the' Spu� <;>f LC i ethical basis that is fair an4 not T·he tournament directors cordial- held at The Farm loare sponsoring the annual celebration of Valentme s Day. punUlve. Iy Invite everyone to attend. morrow night at 7:00 p,m. The ()n February 14. from dawn to dusk the Sp,!rs w ill be takFor t bo library's reserve oks he Squires will entertain at tho I ing orders in the hall of o.ld Main � v�untee�lDg, for a me�e basIs Is .the same--no revenge-but price of 25c l Oc or 2c a :word, �elt own. �01ces or dramatlc .I a. punishment ts added because hog- The M o o r i n 9 Mast staff aeml-formal Co<h ..lrmen for the tolo are eloquence in the deh.very at �e ·ttme speci.t;led by the sender. I ging a reserve book Is and-social wishes the best of luck to OUr' Glen d a Simonion and Jean Bakof missives to loves., frlends or dear enemies. bebavtor. Boo� are placed on championship basketball team as er, Other committee heade " serve in might order that studen· t s Spokane. Don't send your �id calC;ried candY ; a Valentin telegram Violet Rued, publicity; r.,arl lyn. May i share that whlch wouldn't other- they journey to , 5c U< much better for her. and it will cost less--only 2 WI'II L StOlzenbera, , decoratlona; they . and all other. Lutes gOmg wise go . for a song. 1 0c for a limerick, or for your. own poetIC paIns, , Angela Stay. favore. 2c a word for your masterpiece to be dehvered to her own The new ftne system operates to back them. have a Vlc, tonous All former day girl. are welsuccess and a safe journey "orne. foUows: swftt face b.y a Cupid-for=-a-day Spur. come to attend. '(Continued on Page Four) ---' ......; -:L


. . .









_ _ _ _ _ _ _



to Sei3

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! I I




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _







_ _ _ _






are : "





Page Two


1 1,

1 55 9

Notes and Footnotes

Valentine's Day Dates Way Back

Publlshed every Frlday during the school year by students ot Pacttic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r e Again this month one of our many Entered a;, second dass m�t:��� �:t;:�� ��·U62, &t the Post Otfice at t Praised festivals Is fast approaching, and Marian Anderson Concer Parkland, Wru:!btngton. ' By Alan Freed Ofnce: Student Union Telephone GRanite 8611 ,that Is Saint Valentine's Day. The Subscription prlce--$1.60 per year Ll�t val�nt1ne you eend tllis month com. ? in standing, melDorMes a day of courtship at been least seven hundred years old. In VOI(C IS 30 Chaucer's time, SaInt ValenUne'� (0 was the day when the birds chose lean rather heavily on Us abundant ' herself wtthln the IAngui;elli�l I I . their mates, Our earliest record ot laurels, Miss Anderson, t h o u g h 'becomes a native part ot her. ---o- � -- - - young ,men and,. women doing the nearly fifty years old, thoroughly __:_ Low Range ........ ............. ......... ....... _...._.JOAN KITTELsON same on that day Is In a letter post· delighted the audience, particularly EDITOR.IN.CHIEF. The lower part 01 l\lJss AndN· ed In February, 1477, addressed with the latter .... . .....CATU""C<D n.""" -..u .. NEWS EDITOR_. ._ .. ... . .... ........ ...._. .... n:" .. � S�UD " " part of her ,prog1}l.m. 6On's range Wile unbelJevably ' b well U :'-:t.JIEAT11R:E �!!,,:!:-!,,"' '. � . ' .:;..':�."-�; , ..�.-:.:__.. ,.�: •..TO�. eo"&�� : n�� n�x. ':"l�._ t ,\ ' �!���I�:Y��;!'!�Il�. . ��l0 !1g �,h�_ wQ�ks" w}�h�h. ��.� ��e· "-"'.t.�nll""'. rlurl r>.1II" mQRt..o! tha 1\((1• . MAI\.E-U P EDItORS... ..................pOROTHY JOHNSON, .TANm' STEEN yne,! JOl1n 'P4�n, :1Q�. bOO U sefi.ted were the rolrowlng [amIlI8t" " ' n gl"3.m. In a brief little encore U lIl . ......................................_ SPORTS EDITOR.. ..........-...WAtJr BALL the cu'Stom grew ot sending cosUy nu m hers ; "A rloso : Dank seJ Dir, ber after one ot the early grouI),;, Sports Start: Dwaine Brandt, Louie Spry. James Jacobson, Dtck..Brown presents to one's hear:t'� desire; H err, " b Handel; " I>eI Erlkomk," . 8. she htl a 10.... G with a really �II(I .. ' . ·. · but · about e nturles t�'o the c I!g o ��·� � � · . by S( hl\�rt; "Mon coenr s'ouvre ����\ff��g�� ··�··��.·.·��.·��. � :�� : · ��� was at once star l .. ......_...PAUL LUCKY valentine card, eX�uisltelY made t.a vol:l:," from Samaon and Delilah, �:�e W MANAGER. ... ................................_. tl llJ,.: p . PHOTOGRAPHER ................. ........ .... _.. ................ ........................DAVID STEmN and bearing a poem ot love, became by Salnt·Saens, a OO ilie well.known , REP����:���� r�k��i ����: B�� ���n; S:��;:::�Pb Without doubt the most beau llflll "'ti popular, 1.00. In some parts at Eng· � egro Spirit uals, "Go Down, Moses" B e e ra l l r land, Saint Valentine's morning and "Ride On, King Jesus ," and InspIring numbet on the entin' Nordquist, Ted Carlstrom, Carolyn Hoogner, LorTaine Schmiclt, Arprogram was Mies Anderson's las t. ro � lene Baker, Myrna Berg, Tom Reeves, Wally Berton, Brian Prlee, was of such momentous meaning The first portion or t e p gram It was the 18&t encore Her accom· that no work was begun In houses and Dave Englund. a es or mills unlll the postman arrived ! l� I�C�� panist played t4e tlrst tew ohorrls An unengaged girl w 0 u }"d, ot There was frequently a distinct ten. of <the introduotlon; the eong was course, marry ,the first bachelor she dency to j ust barely.touch the bot' lmm edlatelY recognized b y t Ii e met on the morn of Saint Val en· tom edge of tbe desired pitch with house; applause hrteITUpted the ae· tine's Day, so a malden of those the top edge of a very heavy, but eompanlment. Her acoo m p a n J s t days. would be astute enough to fast, \i brato. As the program pro, stopped; MIss Anderson bowed low. avoid meeting anyone she did not gressed, however, Miss Anderson The applause .9topped, and ahe be­ gan again on whwt was w1tbout ex· In the Christian's think of to· terested-the stewardship of pos· wish 1.0 marry. If no suitable bach· and audience both warmed thor. ceptlon the mO&t elevating and in· day a word ha� been creeping up session'S, or more specific, the word elor appeared berore n o o n, she oughly to the mlLBlc. Marl-an An th g u 'n e derson s German is ve� German, ��:1�1!����1; :7::�::�:; �� � more and more into the limelight monE'Y, You know money actually ' rd ha : �� rt��� �� tl !���; � e� I:�:��'�� :� :: s :� n��:g���e:���.�p�::� t S \'" I I e it and yet, very beautiful. It seemed . h alk . doesn't actually Valentine's Day t a k e t w o b a y h d I been had she like reared and born a ridicules wbo man woman The . '\1 Scripture tells us that a ste'ward I s speak, it reveals the true Inwards leaves, sprinkle them th rose wa I one who adDljnl�ters that wWch be- of man. It publishes to the world ter, and place them on your pillow In that coun'try. And then, in the tryIng to drive through a 12·foot in 'tbe evening, When you go to bed Salnt·Saens. one thought the same garage door ll'8ually aobers up when longs to another. A Christian knows your mercy or miserliness, your u that he is a steward, because every· righteousness or your Inj ustice, p t on a elean nightgown turned In· thing about her French. It's beauti· I ,he trles to thread a needle.-Hud. a hi r I -thing ot this world and the world is rour Christ·likeness or your covet· �i�: ful ! And she so thoroughly places ! son Newsletter printed I n Coronet. kl�� :� :e� i�a;�:a�: �:� i , God's. How do we know this? In l ousness. me my true·love see'." Genesis 1 : 1 it tells us that God has I just received in the mal l the Today Valentine '� Day is stt'l l created al1 things. In Acts 1 7 : 28 we other day a record ot donations of are told- that God provides tor ev· the Northwest region local chap. widely ceiebrated among persons 50 ery t:hing tha.t he ·had created. In t ers , To date only $38 9 .01 has been of all ages by the exchange of ml$: Exodus 19 : 5 God actually tells tiS sent in to lhe regional office. Out of , 'sives or gifts called " valentines." that he Is the owner, God Is the this PLC has contributed only $50. Gay favors and decorations of red Q .. 'ner, becausE' he has redeem ed us. 1 The region should send no less than paper heal'ts and chubby cupids, In I Corinthians 6 : 19·20 it says, $1 fi(lO to the national L.S.A. and ' fortune·telling games and appro· ", . . ye are not your own; for ye PLC should send no Ie-ss than $400 'Drlate refr'!:'shments of frosted heart cakes and crimson candies, all Day were bought with a price . . ." . into the regional chapler and really So we being ste ....ards . we should $500, s i n c e we are a Lutheran 1 fltting honor to the memory of good be mindful at three things. First ot school. The year is halt oyer and [ saint Valentine, patron of sweet· all we own nothing. Secondly, that we have a long ways to go to meet hearts and lovers. you and I are possessors of all tha.t l <thls goal. a God owns. He 'has entrusted to US " Are we going to let Africa, Asia dn things, both material and spiro and the rest ot the world down? D r S L . S we n s on · . . ltual. We must shoulder the respon· Can't we surrender a movie a week . lSiblllty for everythIng tha.t bas to l or a cup of co ftee for contributions S pea ks 0 n S p'"'f uaI do with both our body and soul. In 1 to LUTHERAN S T U D E N T AC· E h . the third .place we will have tO TION, A little saying might apply mp as,s W eek by S, L. Swenson make an accounting of all that has here, "For want ot 8 Christian Stu. To us who live in an age ot tele· 'been given us, dent, Lll'theran Action was lost . . . It we have such a concept of I the Mission program was lost . . . vision, jet. planes, a.tomic power and man's stewardship, the emphasis Is Christ was lost . . . the world was automatic dishwashers, the tales placed on the possessor and not the lost, all tor want of a stU· ot the pioneer\. with his covered possessions. It isn� tile money God dent." What are you going to do wagon and sod shanty seem almost wants, but·the man. It God has cap. about It? Why don't you set aside like stories from fairyland. And yet. tured man, then man will see that a definite amount ot money to con· those pioneers were real, and they 1, PUlU! AND bls money, time, talents, body, SOUl, tribute to LSAetion every week? lived full and ha.ppy lives. It 1s con· WHOLE$oME !• • and possessions must be surren' After all, the money we have is celvable that we too could lose all Nature', own flavon. God's, not. ours. Are we spending our luxuries and converuences and dered to God. 2, BRIGHT, FRBSH There is one phase ot steward� this money the way God would want still be 'able to find ·happlness. Lite does not consist In the things we SPARKLE , . , shlp In W'h1ch I am particularly In- us to spend it? ln a.n Inn� peace and distinctive taste. �����=��===�==� ::::�:��

Seventeen hundred people jammed the Temple Theatre others �ere seate Monday evening-many were wl�ely �cclalmcd the orchestra pit-to hear a voice that has and abroad for over years. beIt a nch in t[his country a u ginning now f i that is voice , but b a great w ha lous range

. • ,�,









Dorm Do;n '5 Seuttl Hall Sojourn

After a 'hectic week ot tests, a most relu1ng weehena. and the start ot a new semeSlter, the wQmen of South Hall are begtnrung the last halt of this year's "Sojourn." Not least of all do we welcOme back to the hank ot student, the student teachers. To them we say "Congra.t� ulations," not only for compl9ting b their cadet teachIng but for eing able to Bay "I'm through! " ErtremeJy noticeable in their new "bobby eocks" are Glorla Kvtnge, Jeanne Frieske, Alta Preatbye, E'h1ra PotrM.%, Delores HageT1k, lAt.etttla







JesWl, In 8peaking to the .18ter8 at Bethany. said: "One thing 1a needful." That "one thing" was to Basehore. Barbara. Newland. 1fina ait at the Lord's feet and. hear His Raaen, Allee Ouda anq.�ary Ester· teaching. AU too ottEn our llves are green. We also say "Best ot luck" eontused and bewildering because to those who are begintlinl' their ! we have a l l o w e d the maze of Mudem teaeb:lng this semester. "things" to shut out from our soulEl South Hall girls al80 are saYing a the llght of the gospel and a living big "WELCOME" to, the new girls tellowsh.1p with God. Like Martha, who haTe either otransterred or are we are an.x1oua and troubled about Just beginrung their college career many things. The purpose ot Splrlt� with we sojourners. Shirley Mac· uaJ. Emphasis Week on the campus 'Isaac, Betty Aune, K a t h y Eide, is to cause U8 to See through the Delma Rolott, Janet Wlfidec.ker, -DWlB of that wbich 1'8 expendable PbyUls Brant,' Janet )(oe, BllarGn and ti.x our attention on that which I{organ and .Ifa,ry ElBtergreen are is essential. "For what will it profi.t our new netghbors.. We are most a man, it 'he gains the whole world (Continued on Page Four) and !odeits hIs llte?"-Mt. 16:26,




l '









c. S. A.



times a day

at home, at 'Work


I I I �. I , I 3, REFRESHES \ OQUlOOY , I s with few caloriel I at bJ! an &venae.




juJcy grapefruit.

_ _ _ Of 1ltll � � " CQGA�OLA BOTTLING, 'NC� TACOMA, WASH. "'Cob" .. . NIh..... ...... � tfII. 1tII Coc.t.-c:G:f,A COMPANY ""


'I .


II'SfuJ't-t �«)M " y alt Ba '' _____ b _w _

_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _



_ _ _ _ _ _ _



�� � ��ili p,




' "




a real life



pertinent statement ra-

tral's way to the championship. Wonder how they tee I now? Then came the Pirates, not wtt'b an attitude wh1ch could be called cocky, but with



bout !

Whitworth on their home floorl

roughest go all year!

I there's stili a chance the game :-'--0 matter whart.--everyone's

worry a



behind Coach

Here's hopln,

Here is the Evergreen outlook as of laM Saturday night,:

Pacific lutheran b

Won lOlt

.......................... 7

.................. ............... .

Whltwor h

Central WashIngton


........... .




. . ... 3 Washington .................. B

Western Wa�ingrt:on Eastern




.. . .. .. .. . ... . ... ... ...... .

.. .












C<llumbla ........................ 2

Puget Sound

. 1



Saturday night Is the

MarY Harshman











Looks as though that defensive depal"'tment pays off.

Central and Western ha"·e all outscored us but there we are on top


pOint getting Is spread out shows ,the result of real team work.

Phil NordqulsL�: . . ... ... 250


Jack Hoover

.. _ ..


. ......197


l'\ick Kelderman .......... 191 Al Gubrud


..... .... ........... 147

Denny Ross

. .




. .. ............. 128



...... ...... 117

Phil NordQul�t .............. 86

AI Gubrud

Denny Ross

looking over into I ntramural balketball, Ivy A Is

.. .

.. _... . 82 SO

gardi ng athletics, "the Large One"

S/8H has

from the Seattle University Papoose team. Hugh Is a cousin

coming Queen Gail Taylor.

Former Lute. Jim Ball, has been plenty busy pla}ing basketball over


in Orleans, France. His team, a company level squad, recently won the base championship, the AU-France tournament, and crowned 11 by taking

All-European Army Basketball Tournament. Jim

to say, "All athletes are stu pid



1 �������:�J �p:�,;iiiiiijiiTF::Parkla nd Jewelers Elgin

Dorll and Elmer Gable Parkland Garfield Qt. GRanite 7828


Book.eller. - Statlonera Office Supplle. - School and Church 916

Feature Lock Dlamondl Waltham


Pacific Ave.

M". 2870


TRICKS - JOKES - MAGIC Coelum.., T�.do... ..rpentine 1i126Vz Broadway MA. 4881

For all of your Autom6tive Service needs . . . Our

Pac/fie Avenue



Supreme - SUprem. I.


--- - �<-.


en Duty

.. . -. . -.� .

a. GRanite 7118

Madden's Men's & UHle <Men's Shop

Parld&nd Center Bldg.

GRaaiU! 4242

ball" In the Northwest. He Is cer­ talnly

9 poin1.s p�r game and Is a detensive standout. Their record Is 2 7 wins,

among the top scorers in "bucket. due




tJon In this, hJs third year of play,

Is a starting guard

Z 't m out of Orleans which Includes on its roster, Don Knapp, and Jerry Thomas, former Northwestern star. JJm has averaged

on the Com






conference winning skein at 18 and

the Lutes' to 10.ln a row.

The Lutes also

Le T








by defeating




made it possi ble to meet the


In what will


rate. from Whitworth Saturday

probably decide

Evergreen C onference title. Instru­ men tal in the PLC nctory was Jack

i iatOI"l! with

Hoover, who led the G ad a total of




wl�h 12 and Stnderaon Gubrud wi th 10 and 8 points,

NordquIst and





big "Nick"



. . � -r'iiSil_ S"tetftMtI · ' Wit<re&ts" e�· 1t ftFSt

rough on the L�theranS In the


earlier tilts. wis & Clark tUng 14 of 21 shots for an half by here was no speCial standout ama:Jlng .667% , but tqe Gladiators for the Glads as everyone seeme<\ came back tn the second hal with to know where the bottom of the a trio of point getters In Hoover. net was.·A9 a result, the Lutes shot Kelderman and No rdquist to nothing short of sen tional as they the Lutes ahead for good. With two hit 31 of 52 attempta for a 59 .2 per- minutes left to go In the game, Cen­ centage. Ung or tral, behind -the uncanny s All five of the Lute starters hit Myers, closed the gap to 5 poInts double figures, with Jack Sinderson 6560. T h e n Sinderson, who was leading the parad'e with 20 polnts Q�led, converted both of his free Sindy couldn't seem to miss those throws to ice the game long one banders behind a screen In the preliminary attraction, the





2 free



PLC Jayvees outscored the Park.

Lutes Hot


for the

basket bali



should at least make all .lntramural -I f he hustles !


hai3 a d ee , dark, okee-



fin-okee secret and' that being that



dreadfu ly




e F r .g _ ) __ ____ p_ _ (� �_�_ _ _ __ i


Stella's Flowers

Flower. for All Oceallon. WE DELIVER GR. 7463 415 Garlle/d St. When You Want Book.

C. Fred Christensen 932

Book.eller and Stationer BR. 4629 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, W.lh.

Parkland XXX Driye�n l1tth &


GR. &211


PLC took the opening tip-off and

through the hoop tor a Lute lead that the Pirates never broke. HH­

tlng 10 or their first 11 shots.- PLC

ran to a 24·10 lead betore the Spo­





,half tlme.




With big Nick's hook shot work­

ing at the start ot the second half, were



again and led






Fo r ten minutes

of the second halt the Lutes held a

9 to 11 point lead, but then the 6'7" Kelderman f


out and Ron

?Iol1l1er, 6'9" Pirate center, began to

The'l"" Intramural



lay-off tor semester


The end

went Into full swing after a week's

of the tIrst week had Ivy Hall undisputed first place


(A )


by DeJardlnes and North Hall (3).

who were tied for second. T h e Crew Cuts wop

a couple

to take over

fourth place and Gooch's Gulch was in



lost ground in the

Hall (A)

league s


as they laid Idle

this last week. North Hall (3) has come within halt a game from the

first. place spot, and has gained con­ close the gap. He scored 17 points in a row to cut the Gladiator mar­ trol of undisputed second place, as to






rosy at thJs time but Miller shoved

somebody once too o[ten and wae

they won a pair during the week.

Their vIctims were the Faculty by

a 44-,10 count and Clover Creek by

whistled out of the game with four a 76-38 score. mJnutes left. One of the more happy

persons a.t this event was Jack Sin­



This took some of the pre9'8Ure

off but the PIra.tes began to press the Lutes

nis Ross, who



earlier hit four


eruclal poInts from the lin e

DeJardinetia. now in third place

Hall (3) by a. half Hall (A) Thursday

trailing North

game, ,plays Ivy

ennIng. A victory for the off

pus boys woulfi put them into




fun COUllt. Free.hman Den­ w1th hy Hall. DeJardine's swamped

broke the







keep in the

throw race. The Crew Cuts kept their wtnn.1ng

Pirate defense by

canning a driving lay-in


ways alive by

thumping Ivy Hall

73-47. Curt Hovland poured.,Jp honora pof.D,ta to take This game was undou tedly the for ·the tracaa. pa&t. the g n 1 r u d gameS OUler Lutes' best eUor:l of the season. They nOW' go on the road to play week: Omegas over the Stube, 65-

·the · lead to

landers had


points, and the Park­


the ball game.

Eastern and ,these Spokane.


Rementber .s

Pirates at




29; Central B§,rr"cka over Go<x;h's (Continued on Page Four)

when you need �

programs, c4v ds, ribbons, .pamphlets, tickets, etc . . . . that's our Itulness l

GRant,. 71 00


Hot Choc.....


Nordquist promptly popped the ball

Lutes cooled off a bit and left the

making its bid tor

hulks _ w i t n e s s their declining d of Joe Reitz and graduated rrom Snohomish HI before attending Sealitle gra e pOints. " U. He "'i ll be eligible here next year. Phil Is the leadJng scorer on the Congratulations to footballer Don :'tforrls and bis brlde-to·be, Home· ' team thus far this season and Is


berore 3,000 well·pleased rans.


kane club knew what hit them. The


the big time. Bud Lester Informs me of the drafting of Hugh M arsh,

pivot man


Jack Hoover . . . . ...... ..... ... 89 :-'--l ck Kelderman

Whitworth's tall Pirates Saturday ni ght as

lowed with 12 and 10, respectively.


Jack Sinderson

I Pi



throws tor his total. land Black Sox 84.59 as Roger Iver­ Jackson Hoover followed \\'"l th 19 son, U. of W. transfer, hit 19 poi nts. points. Hoover also was the deadll- Also scoring for tbe JV's were Jer­ est Lute at the roul Une as he made stad and Coffee with 10 and Han­ good on 13 tries. sen and Jacobson with 9. Billings Phil Nordquist had 17 points and I for the Black Sox had 20, followed played one of his better rebound by Storaasll wi th 13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ games. Gulbrud and Keldennan fol_ .... .... .

however, that the Lutes are without any offense. In fact, the way the

Jack Sinderson ...... .... 226





tion our defensive average Is 57.4 points per game. That doesn't mean,




and had 9 field goals and only

the number one defensive record. For our 17 games In collegiate competl·



put themselves




Page Three






the 84 points against Buchan's and

they jour­

will be played In Spokane's New


! extended

ney to Spokane and try to bring home a nine and zero cOftference record. �stern Washington on Friday nIght might seem llke a soft touch-but

'they nev er get easy enough not



the Whltl suddenly became delperate---illl to no avall---1l.S",the. Har�hman.· Thil next weekend II .. nother big one for the "Glads" as

An amazIng band or Pacific Lu-



. - more than enoug.h self-confJdence. The Sucs, traiUng throughout, ma1n­ tained their com sure right u to the final couple of minutes: They KNOW tI:tey had enough lef,t, considering the heighth advantage '!o'Hh "Big Nick" out. But when big 6'9" Mlller picked up his fltth personal,



the Centr l W

No�dqu1st, better known

banter, the Central Washington Wildcata considered t'h e Lutes just a so·so t m, one that had to btl disposed -of as a matter of cour;se, on Cen­



on the private


' Lutes Down PLC Takes F i rst In Conference By Cen tral 'Cats '. a . T',pp', ng Wh"fworth

This al"'t.lcJe Is an unpretent ous ,

Well, things have s€'ttled back to a d ll roar here on campus fo low- u"derm'inl,,. attem p t

i ng a couple ot hectlc basketball games last weekend. Friday &. Saturday night.' game. Ihowed lome of the belt overall basketball playing nesled here In a mighty long time. AccordIng 10 some or the pre-game

Friday, February


LaCrosse ·Printers l�cated

11lth and Pacific Avenue


from th4


X at

Pag '


F o u'




Pro)· eels P as t� F u t u re . hair

! bly


d ay,

F , b M 'y




crook (o , !



of th � \\l1itworth game I o \, erheard a girl remark, " At last , . " s mer. \Vhat she " . as refe rn' ng





vour arm

the lH'etile

before t'hey put



fello -s


was a long

it was worth




It to




themselves an(1 anybody else who

H ere









follo w s :

Most Colorful : J o h n


Best T r i mm ed :

Duane Schryver, The


shave his

will go to the m a k e Stough

Jo h n So l ne .




person who


Olden a nd


::--iext in Hne for the A.P.O

blood dnve





CALL H A 3 3 7 1 •




It all the may save?


tha.t of

�la l\Y


a loved one?

Bo o k Exchange

,thanks to those of you who

��� :


: �:� � maybe


tl e







Ii I

part of many


th e hall ot Old Maln. This

cents per book. 2 . After





costs ten

week overdue,





I1M AS���� ���

( Continued from Page Two)

bappy to

have YOll


us, hope

your stay w!ll be as wonderful as

ours has been.

h t :�r���S;h: s:���:: of the h n �=r :::geTV :7! m A, �:"U��tuIt c:n l it t e

break was

is l


tbe Installation

cen� lWr


Question: What Is





fifteen cents per book tor notlfica ti on by telephone It It Is Impossible will add many hours o f enjoyto reach the st u � m..r by phone. an� t ment with radio and phonograph 8.S p ac other note 1n the student's . well as mal l box. yout' inio 3 , After the second week overdue,

up \

tion, tires


-to -the





Ca' Call from North Hall

th e Fo rmosa .Ituatlon ?




middle of the campus,




fi fty


per day,



charged ror each· book overdue. magazInes


friend's frown 1s better than a



for cooked to order DeLuxe Ham­ burgers FI.h and Chip. Home-made Pie' 9t h &. Pacific Tacoma


a note

por ch with Get thee hence' ,



Nick making fre-




exercise In


why don '·tt we

her years and

her trim tlgure doesn't need reducSo









JOKers over Eastern



4����4;; ���,:

matches ;



tootball, basket-


Lester is

be finished wi th the



leading the


the lIth. Bud



up to



district as you or the team will be

ineligible. Check on this and make

sure so the doubles tournament may

'_ t_ un _ d _ '_ '_ W r _ "_ Y_ . _____ g_ ---,

Ca pitol Theatre

Foreign and Fine Film. SO. YAKIMA AVENUE Phone HA. 8262

CURTAN AT EIGHT SERIES Open week day. at 7 : 3 0 p.m. Open week end. at 6:45 p,m. Star. Feb r uary 8th HANSEL AND GRETEL •

film features the first using ot operated pUJj)psts

electrl-cally The 'Voice ot Anna Russell Also DI.ney'. THE LIVING DESERT THIS



they reallze the




the students

books to circulation.

The singles table tenni s tourna·

third round by Friday,



brary is not interested In making


the way.

ment should


couragl ng

Gulch over Eastern, 41-39 ; and the


ne\, system has brought less but

money to the library s fine fund

has brought a grea.ter response from students




are , 'any means. Who was wearing the

checked out for two weeks and the

Stubs over Tacoma., 38-37, a thrllIer



two week books


NEW LOCATION: 415 Garfield St., next to the Donut ear PARKLAND CENTRE PARKLAND . Of · course you're going to begin life Inlurance, but -




fines for oveidues are the same as



do you realize that now, while you are in college, your premiums are lower than if you waited -until after college? And think of the peace of mind you could enjoy as well! Find out more about Ibe advantages of beginning a policy now. Write to LIITRERAN BROTHI!lUIOOD bome office todayl


(Contlnued fr m Page Three) ·

Garfield Street

Week Will Keep You Neat



sure your partner lives I n the same




Intramural HiCJhliCJhts ! � I


�:;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;:;::;::;::;:� QUALITY REPAIRING - DYEING




.... on t fInd m} belongings moved out


� I ��: �� � ����;�

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ "n _ g_ o " _ Lo _ H


I return once again to our abode


fool's smile.



George would say ) . I've added this

If )OU are \\omed a.bout the lakes

to President "Ike" and h promlse : to make them test the , Nautilus , elsewhere




Book. cents I constant I Magazine. Issues) II areCurrent checked halls;

conjecture, or tidbit, so that whence




:t ��: �� �!:ol�!;

! %.


;;:;;;;:;::; ;:;::; ; -=-=-::;:;:;::; ; ::-==::-:;. � ; ::.::-=-....:- = :-: ..d::-- ::::=-=-..r--= :- -='" --=:::: . -::: :- :r ...:r ....:;::-" .;:: � An Item

it. The hard working bors of the A.P,O. have writteu ?UlCh, �G-50;

Daily Pick-up and




Jng->:Wh t::�!;-


want you to stop





I Dorm Ooin's


been as a roommate , E.gad � ) as man) as possible turn out tor out on the same basis ball, and baseball games In the and other actlvttIss which 811pport that this and give "B ig Coos, " with his 4,001 grade as overnight reserves with a tine \\ e are able \Vho kno\\ s "'hose life average, has been a conti nuous lea.d.- I at five cents per bour, not exceed· endanger the lives at people below_ } o u r blootl l d you ever er in affairs on the southwest cor' i n g fifty cents per day, for each Falling plaster can be Injurious. First Is not free guilt by magazine. think that It might be yours or still ner of upper campus for years.

lI !i .l


3820 South Yakima


of information


get them If }OU hus

Sanitone Approved



side at tbe �cture, there are al· for the evening , (Wha.t a bubbling. overexbuberant ways the goodies that you wHi reo source Celve after give blood. So let's joyous energy and Inspiration he

I books


Delivery Service

Two-week Book.

a postcard Is mailed to the student. vities on campUs . !s an addItional twenty-rive . . T? 'l"ue�ay evening, In decid- cents. per book, makJng a total of ... EYe � nOt lie .8bi:�uM get fifty ·book.



the I tI



Room K id " has been

get tnto any auto aCCIdents before I m a d >' u�e or the sel vices offered by Februaf') 17 and the ?5-th We ,\ant k ha g e f A I o n you to have all the b �OOd you poSSI lal one l h \e u




Is anC�untiring,

:�:� � :�



t o the pure·materlalistic and

sure thaJt you don






Bushiest : La V erne. Stough

Dave Steen,

( Continued from Page One)

tnps upstatnl at a11 hbun. ,,� tor TOa-st'1lRsters the next day or 4. It has r�lled to bring In the the day and night, ' th'rough thick not, Phil asks the Inevi,table Ques- book, the library sends the and Mne a nd thIn, riot and din. It doesn't the Red I n any case, there "How do you get OUt or, giving the price of the book .to the Busl· -seem that this duty or her's should will be somebody who "ill be ever a speech at Toa.stmasters when you ness Office tor collection. thankrul that you took a few minbe neces98.ry In a dormitory or don't feel like it?" For Rellerve utes of your time to have blood Christian "gentlemen" at a A fine of five per hour, not tian college. With this Question In mind he redrawn. And if you want to get down all, she's had

heartiest congratulations, They are


throu gho u t

un tarnished view o f an "athlete. '

bank account or yOIl can give it

that you had a good time with It, the

close enough to

Whl-Ch go to make up a roommate's

needs blood,'You can send it to any

-the fellowS who entered we

thanks. We hope

' ",III

7�:: :� �� :� �� � � �� ::� �

your blood. F'or example, . . e y h° Y p e!:>e t




ll1g. Those of you who are under 2 1 . w il l ha\'e to get wntten permiSSion

=i�� :���!'d. �t P��y '2Qllld. <t\O.!.:piUj,1 .th.a.t-yol.l wan-t.4.o... you.. il they really tI1ed, rai se a lreard llan' H deposi ted Ott the PLC blood to (or reasonable tacsimlli). extend our sincere

since the

team has a lO-game winning streak

one will tlare get

in so tha.t you feel noth-

was the beard growing contesL from your par�nt or guardian so '\es , It Is mer, much to the deligh t that the Red Cross wlll be able to , of all the gi rls that have had a red t ak e your blood. There are several . rash on th.,elr face or worse yet, no tliffe rf>nt places that you can send


nothing on their face.

I Co n U nu , d [com Page T h ee,)

we can get I t fact. he I s so much so that

II is really a painless



1 . As soon as the book I s overdue <'-an remember going he bas n't Changed socks for ! process. As , far as , I s the reason he has a ye low no e l he on l y paIn was that relt In my 10 weeks. Th ls l t (or each book I mind as I awaited my turn. They been so succesl\ful .III scor n g, as no i placed In the student's mall box In

sat In the bleachers dunng



that by hook

l o u t of you.

. . By Pau l ChrIstian Lucky



better yet. needle)









shaving cream troIl!- ears

Glenn ?

\ --

to knees,

A ruffled mind makes a restless

pl ilo'"



Hi·Fi Fon04)raphs

Magnavox, Columbia, Webcor and othe� TEO BROWN MUSIC 1 1 2 1 Broadway Tacoma's Record Headquarters

Sewing of all Kinds

Relining Cloth and Fur Coat. MRS, WHITE 418 Garfield Parkland




dimes in time will grow into

Thrift is Part of Your Education Open a Savings Account NOW LAKEWOOD BRANCH





M'MI1_ nO'H� 0.,011' IM'U",MCI COUO ....lI0N _ "'o.� ..n....' ....,.1"

Tool. - Sporting - Hou.eware. ('f Paint - PlumbinG Indow Shade. - Travl. Rod. � HARDWARE ..... ... e .. e "' !!!Ii FLOOR COVERING I F YOU CAN'T EAT IT''-'WE HAVE IT 12 11t and Pac:lflc: Avenue Phone GRanite 3171 _


£utht19n ).S rothtrhoo d .608




11011 IUD $500.0.0 00.000 0 Ufl 1Is_ II force



E I N.A.R .BO:.!�N: .G enera l Agent. 312 North 85th St., Se.�.le 3, Wa.!"lngton


The "M ooring Mast




' L ther Leaguers � .

Lyceum G i v es Last: Con�ert: February 28


! O mni b us of Arts To I Be F ebruary 24 2S 26



1 ':����o"��r�,�,��, .


F R I D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 18, 1 955



. ag"m from t ilt- I-'a'-'ifll' :\ort h \\ .. .�t are \·ls . 1 . • l e d t . �:::: ��_�I:l:�L' �:::;�;'��;Il\� \\,;r:� �� eatllr ll a band (\mmatii.' pro, to tile play, Arthur Stillman (Tom , l !!' :\!onday. f'ebruary �S, i s the ! Anl('fican. AUg"llslana and F:\: angeU - F 1. (\\I,·tI01\ and a ,·hIWIl�. IhO' !<!\\(!eOl- I H('eH's ) . a �'Ulll1g man with tllp day when Ollr Chapel Auditorium ('ill i . 'lth('rall. , dirf',·{erlOlll nibU.4 of IheArts will be y t e r i o 1I� ··lhird·d!men�lonar· \�ill be ,e"raced with the twin Stein1 1;('!\lded� ill. !hf' grolll)S Is the . i"n1�·S anu" u'llUlSuaJ '1l-, dH"vi· 'A ri'l1\l� h\lm�� ...�IOodhOU1�d .. i� �'H":����"�:.'� I'.!. ..:.:,,;. f,·o, ()rf'�!) .. 1; � I.��d F.f' b rna ry 2 -1 . 2� . a 1�;ti . At the q U.1. lili b . . Perranle and Lou Teicher. duo- pian­ i .� ('olllprhi('d or S a I e Ill. EUgene. ! ,u1Tl ua r aff� lr th.e -h T.<�� . ro· hI' prE'- . sent .i.t�. hIs tlh,dlt'r tTt'r& Llf(I­ � ists par eXt't'lll'nce. Thi's !lnal C,on­ Sprillgfif'ld � \\" ..t't !lome and AI " s " n! O'd on f h \lr:-,l ay Ill!;hl. tlw dra· s('y) to HopE' .Canyon. a sIllall mill· ,'ert of thi:-; year's ASU Artlst' Series bany: Thi,.; ,gro\lp arrivt>-O Thursday ! �la on F'l'iday and t tl P ("horus on ing l"ollllIl\ln � ty In Colorado. Saturday. 1I ('r(' he IS to track down aIld a Illllst for S(,H"fal reasons, and O'v ... nln,g in a cluu'{ (,1"e-d blls and Will ' HOl ju�t bl·('all.� (· we alrea u y have St'iet tions by thE' band. dired(>d punish his father's lllurderer. Jll"ob ,.;1:1Y thrOIlg.!t Saturday . o\lr tickpt:"'. ' i OthO'r Leaguers from Oregon are by .Ierry BaynO'. include numher,.; ! Fuller (flay XelsE'n). " Ar('hy" falls from all of the Luthpt'an Churches frnlll '"ThE' �t\ldf>llt Prin("I' ' '' by Si g-· : ill .love ,,' i ul Hosemary Hillyer. ( Kay Ft'rralitE' alld Teicher h a v e a :-ollw\l"!lat unusual musical back­ in ..\,.;:orla. and tho�w from Faith , nllllld Romberg- : ·'Slnk.· LJl the ! \\-, \ se l . owner of the 101'al ho -.;t el:·y. grounJ. Till'Y have been playing to­ Band .. ' by Ger;;hwln: ··s.tar� and , but he ,'an tlot IlI'Opost' to her until dlllr.-ll of Ponland gf.'lh('r �ill("e they were six, when I (;lIe:"'t,.; f!'Om \\'a:-hillg!�ll inl"lude �trt !Jes " and 0 t h e mar�'hes b y I he l1a.: ;t" ('olllplishe-d hi:"' mission of F E R R A N T E AND T E I C H E R Ih,'Y first nH�t students at :\ew l.p<lg-I1('I"; from Hedmond. Anacortes Sousa. Playing solo numbers \\'ill be rpvPIlg-I'. He lo<"atf>"; his man. almost York ' s Julliard School of :'Illlsit-. Aft- al"1lll'" and ·· �ll1.atlna·:; Last Stand." ;[11<1 \\";\t!"l"lnall :\ortll I"osburg-. trllmp!"! : Lind Karl rllin,.; him. tlH'n di�H'oH'rs that lit' t" r graduation a.nd brief ("oncertlz- \" hen they n>" ol"dE'd " Beezw!tacks: ' LJ:lritone horn. and DavE' K n\lt 1101>' h,''' !! Oil Illt' track of lhf' wrollg . t . 1'''I·�()n 1 1l� to,getbe!". they both returned to ( their own ill tPrpre-tatlon of Him· ,.;on. " I anile J I lI1 iard to join the faculty. There sky·Kor!)ako.··s ' Plight of the Dum· M o r e CaF.t Mack Twain Stocy the) ('-uell l'(J lllbined t{'aching with bl(> Bee " ) . a/-! die)" weren ' t (·on· Only '\lark Twain ("ould eonl'('il"t. .' 1I;"�lI\Wllli at !lopl' Canyon lllHny modified sdledule of concert ap· tent with IiG kpys. so they moved a plot >'0 filII of sly hllmor. deft Inlpn'sling ",\'elll S takt> IJlal·... Fpt ..a ranl"{'s. and working together right illto the piano innartb to get I ,p twi;;ts of story devC'loplllent and ,, ' . lod, JOIlP"; ( Paul na�ting-s) kills his ,'nlargin,l.;. allgmenting. and creat- the .'<ouIHIs of a " omplete string: and IOni.'<hi11g situations as are t o ��j.>lI l JdO y e r . I·l int B \1 ,' k n p r ( Dirk ing IIPW duo-piano material. They Dl']"('us,;ion sN'lion among o tb er in- I j" pltruary 19 and �o are- Lhe dates found in A lkJllblE' Barre-lIed Detec- narnwell ) . a greedy miner. lie dol:';; rellnion. proalumni The tht' For " thO ! slnlmental \\ It conefrel"ts. a In\Valter I II I"onslder to r s "'�'1!'UI seriously e t1 ' i i e t e i �:�q� �;' :::,,� �:�';;"�';'��' :,:�,,�),,,J ,::,'o ���,: S �'� I 1:'��':;" in�� ��:�p::n � A', :;::: t ;,,�,� �',: ':; ,',:,,;''': ::, :;:"� � : : t ; ,� t i time Sherlock Holmes (Larry Rho· 1 ;::�:�;. : '; �;iel,' :; c :o�: c::,� �;:���i�;::::" :=z:�::� plett; st't;; will be used ill the pia\" . bl'r,l.':" I arrive;; in ("amp hon'ey of a Columbia platter." This day , Feb. J!I. at )r : :lu p.lll. ".'.Io.-ies which Fpatllrt'.� western garb. lr�' t�ncert tours. I of ,.; tlld"llt lift' alld events on camn e n ( a e (i l r d at f e l l l r r\ The i n etting a in ew lan be � E g u � h()"�t�;O\:�:t" �� :!��-;e p��v��:'I: �II\� f; s ; th ro\l �hout t he- years will ll �'\�:l �:� � : ;� ��: ���::t ��:g�:: � e���l � : �'I!���I�. ����ll:� ::l� ��S::� Illl: � l h< Amallda l hOll ' where le never!y ( Sink ay will a.ttend ho\ t!ten grads The nl. .'l 011 l heartl whil E' appearin atY o . a�le. all the way from pre-Bach clas- ! per }<'1 (]ells,"' \\"ill soon be th{: basketba ll ga me between P LC S � lth) all(1 � an("y Palmer ( l lelell l t "a n "on are .\Ir:;. Hogan f:\, ary AII� e �j, -.4 to Illodert: jazz. and as If this our dining hall mUHic system. ) nson Sl go throug b the prologue , Univers ity of British Co· lllO ) , D rext'l} . Sammy I I i I I Y r ( Ray W"1"('11't enough variety they have The ear!! of the long-hairs wilt nOt and the the gal�e there 1 - .--- -- --� :'Ilellf<(" h ) . " Injlln" Hattie ( Ida J� added some extraordinary planlstic I be offended. however. by the Feb- �\1.1.Illlbia . . I;'�o110Wing holr ( r ee be and hour \ rr , �I Gronkel anrl Ham &\ndw1('h ( Xobl(l rt v t he i uosi are gy mnastiL'B to their technique. Au, ! ruary Z"8 concert e A mn'es tY T 0 B e Anden!Oll l dience-s are often amazed to see one I including several stan(iar i classical limon. I < I ' O C h o rus to Sing u( the pianists suddenly rise from works ill the bill of rare. which will i On Sunday morning there will be 0:: t r I his bench and leaning over the be performed with tlleir uSlIal im- : worsh i p servic e i n the chapel audi- G I ven V '1 0 I ators y 11 th lb l < o·clock. 1 1 at torium I I : . perform The pluck pen'able boot. to technique. b�gin inner �tri;lgS The Pre�iden t of PLC ha� author. : ("h ��Il � �� 5� ,�o� �s. [�ire��� �� a nd strum them. Por drum effects j anl"t' should provt: to be a fitt ing , .\l r". G race Fink is general chair- � i z ed the librarian to grant amnes.tY i � t .. \. f' Be-andt. "'ill be present�. t ! l l'}. ha H' fashioned � mall routes to i l·on > lus�on LO thIS year' s StIl[\f'llt man for the reunion. Her c?mmittee � { O c ertain groups of antiso c ial is!;;. ' I·'rom " A Tribute to Hamberg'· tbey hea(\s are !\lrs. Stanle-y \Vlllis. ban- : T hpl"e are about 100 ,.;ludents who I will �ill,g "\Jell >'l'lenions as "Desert be I.ilat·ed o,, : r c.:ert.alll parts of the Artlfit SN I 0.;. quet pragran: : .\Irs. Harold Peter· I llavt" fail p(\ to pay the Fines imposed i Song. " " On e- Alone. " " Golden Days" of s m � I I SInn!;>'. \"anons sl7.('·' �on. deco�atlons; Darline DeJar- 1 for breaking the library code:; . �l r. a n d " Stollt Hearfed Men."' A patri\Iuolh'n :"tlcks pla(' l'd a.t specIfic dillf'. pllbltelty : and L a w r e n c e l Haley states that .'<O Ille of these utic Iribute will be "This Is My create , angl.,s anoss the strings llall,ge. Sunday servlce. stran,ger sonnds and for massed I l"l"iminals may lla \'(! violated the law : Country ,'· arranged by Fred \VarI �rembers of the nominating com- I ntentionally. while others were vlc- ' ing. ,·hon.lal effects they do not hes1tate foremit: e� are Fred H eany. chairman ; tims of (."ir("umstance. However, to I The girls chorus will 'sing such \ 0 use their elbows or whole llo� I. Larson and Mrs. Blair Ta}.· benefit by this dispensation they sa e d numbers as " 0 �lorn of arlllS on the keys. By Jim L o k k e n lor . , treatthis adapted pair , . 1l1U'>! apJlear personally at the desk 1 Beamy," by SlbellllS; "Beside Still gifted Thf' . . . . Frolll 111f> rirst �trains of Praise . . lllt>llt 10 such perFec.:tion that Coluw- to the Lord to tlw final chonls of I He�1, I \ ,ltiOnS .f�r the banquet �a) ' of ,\11". Haley and their fine slip will i \\-a.lers" · by [](>rnard Hamblen ; "0 ng or w telepholllng i bf' .made l,t by , be receipted as paJd tn full. This I Savior Hear :'lie" ":\Iy FalLh Is bia !teeords decided }'errante and TsdlnesnokoU ' s 0 Lord God the . l , has never been done before in PLC ! This," by :'Ilalmln; "Beatitudes," by Teicher s it 0 I d be the ones to ('oncert pre-sen ted last �-!onday eve- : the � I\lmnl offIce at the college, acx . I " ord11lg to Mrs. A, W. Ramstad, e - history and may !lever be done I Carl �l\leller. launch tileir new ColumbIa· Entre nlng by tllp L Ith£'r College ChOIr Label. Their first release was " Car- 1 was a r.'al thrill to all those who 1 eculive secretary of the alumni or- I I' gain . I ganlzatlon. I Those who fall to appear before : heard it. The C�lS auditorium was y i :'Ilr. Haley WIll ha e their rine SliPS ! about SO% full for the event, in Knorr and -Ramstad to the business office ! Marie ' H uth Leaves ompetiUo r e sp't f I turned over f Are Wel are Heads M�r�a: A ��:r;:n.�·who was :ln;�n� II H uthy mel1 Estate to I for collec tion and attached to the ' bill as of Friday. February 25, at lJr. F�. C Knorr, professor of so- the same evening In Tacoma. and I 1 -1 : 30 p.m. �' iollgy. was elected pre9ident of the a heavy squall whIch N)ntinu eU Pac.ific. Lutheran ' This Is another aspect of the li- i Two ra('lI lty members and !;Ix stu I Pierce e\'ening. the lett throughout I Pacific Lutlleran College was Lutheran SoCiety ot rrom :he college are taking Coun.ty at Its annual m eeti ng held The program consisted of an ex- the Huth f a m I I Y summer home. ! braxy's policy t h a t . has resulted I dent part �In the :r\orthwest Region workrecently. ("ellent. if unfamiliar. selection ot I known as Huthyme, In the will of from their war agalllst the anU · ,i shop or the Lutheran Student As­ the week behaviorists. social Last The Rev. A. W. Ramstad, profes- music from both classical and mod. Marie O. Huth, which was fIled for Cl atiOn at Copper Creek Lodge. of chemistry, was chosen vi ce- ern com posers. The cho i r sang with I probate wIth County Clerk Robert �Iooilng l-Iast announced their new I SO near Mt. RainIer, -this week end, fine system. pretiiLient of tbe organizatlon a.t the great pre<:lslon. and attacks and re- I L. Dykeman. The Rev. John Kuathe. professor saml' meeting. leases were notably good. It was I Miss H uth. well known Tacoma Th{' ten most aangerous crlm- t of religion. Is one of the main speak­ I evldellt .that director Weston H ' I <.'Ivlc leader and philanthropist who inals are: Nell Munsen. B. Hedlund. e :s. Dr. \V. C. Schnackenberg, re­ L E T ' S A LL S ! N G . :\oble's singers were thoroughly · was acUve in Lutheran Church elr- Gloria K"inge. H e l e n Simonson. I giOIl I Ilfl-t a lonal LSA adviser, w1.l1 nd I Prof. I prepared for theIr presentation, 1 eles. left an estate estimated to be Joanne Poe-neet. ll. Basehore. and I; partIClpR.te. . . L'AHTHAG8, 111.- (ACP) J. Shannon. On-HIe Riggs, noting that Carthage I College choirs generally bave one in excess of $100.000. , atherine Biery. regIon vice-pres�rost of her estate was left to her A list of the other Jawbreakers IS : K Cui lege s.luLie ll t.s are chec ked for .at- feature which they emphasi ze. St. : pos,ted on the bulletin board In the 1 Ident. Is . chairman of the workshop. 1t:ndance at chapel by sec reta.nes Olaf's emphasizes Its absolute pre· grand-nieces and grand-nephews. Alta I Prestbye 1s region secretary. he sitting In a balcony, suggested t c!slon; Conl-ordia features Its beau- Miss Huth , furnished the main library. 0 t h e r students attending the students adopt the t h e m e song : titul, rich tone Quality. Luther's lounge In South Hall and also gave e thr affair day 'whlch opened Fri� " When the Holl Is Called U p Yon· choir seems -to stress Interpretation a television set ror that dormitory. DR. ST E I N H O F F TO BE H E R E Dr. Steinhoff. president of Pacific I da) morning Include Stuart Mor· of the songs. This was particularly der. 1"11 Jle There." Synod of the ULCA, will be here IOn. David WOld. Philip Wigen and :\o10re ac.:holarshlps have been or· eyident In Christiansen' s F r o m N E W C I V I L. S E R V I C E LAWS and would like John Householder. fered (or various colleges In the Grief to Glory, w h e r e Professor I Announcement of new Civil Serv- Thursday, }<�eb. 24,with the United ;-"orman Hjelm, Rock Island, IlL, Scandinavian countries, Those \ n- Noble swept his singers trom a dell' i ce laws has be-en made. Those In- to meet together national LSA president, will be terested may contact the Mooring-, cate pianissimo to an t!xultant.. for· terested or affected should contact Lutheran students for dinner at the featured speaker. regular time. (Continued QIl Page Four) the Mooring Mast office. ...,[am editor.






. . ....






AI urnnl' Reunl' on I S Th'IS Wee ken d








Luth er Chol' r Has ' P erformance H ere :



__ ___










_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I '

E'Ig ht from P LC

I At LSA Wor kS hOp















paOe TWO_ 7i��;;:;;�n9 F'�;;::";'Y

Publish",,, e\'e-ry F'rlday durin£: Entpr.... r! p'




�tll.I" t1t


( ' nlClIl

the school year by T .111 hpr:.n Collego.

m a t l " r , Odol""r 2, 1952, Parkland. \\'a !' hi n e:ton .

� ,v

",v,O v __

\, I-:\\' �



I " n � ' \lakl'l". 1 1H \ 1' EIll'rOU




�a, k Ill" ! I

\\'a lJr

�\��!I:��� I:.;:'::.II�;I��:H :-,T,\ I,Y



A \,

K AT I I I·:in:\" I,:

Hallilllg'pr .

K I T'n:u:;O:-':

:-;,,\" I-:HI'I)

BlIrbal'a tironkt', Ar'

r , 'e('lC,

I16tEgla�!I. AI



{;I'!lZ, Pall Ho:<�.. :ind B r i a n I'ri('e

:lpile of numerous handi caps we bravel y begin ,

Grades l'a.m� out Tuesday and this, of CO ll rse, caused a great man)' forms.

There W!l.9

flame prideful ('rowing from the rooftops. and an abundance o f self-satls' ft ed �mirks, w h i l e on tbe other hand, there were muffled gasps from tbe ( 'ellars, IndignatIon , blttE"rnp.:lH and ('v en tears In th£'n,:'






.' .


some Quarters, Then ,

work, at times " busy work ," e \' e n I nactlv,

t:nlleniably this is th(' high point, Ihe very reason for. going to college

within t h e X. The monogram



��.;... {: ...!



1)ean might well haye !lilt it�ulte re�lde













t h

A:<kt'd aboll t

1 111'


is really all that counts,

. I t would SE"em that i n "fightlllg the good fight " ' the honor and dis,

! i tl{' ti\'eness I s In the fighting , not in buying a loving cu\) and InscribIng

)'our name on i t along

with the significant symbol "A," and I n telling

t,\' pryone what i nten!le exertion the achieving o r this

" ;\1 )'

trophy Is bigger aud better than yours, therefore


trophy req uired, have more abU l ly

all <l Illy potential Is greater than yours. " Th i 9 wbole bus l n eH9 seems :-;omewha.t tutlle and mean lngles9 to u s , but then th e A mer l c: an &l uca, tlonal !I),!ltem at I huM �e('m!l rathN futile �nd meaningless to us. . The point or all IhlS Is SImply w e don t t h i n k that those Il ttle



,·n rr!!."

Apologi l' ;;; are

" The





px lpnd ed

Eklund. In th(' excitement someone

('art"'lessly neglected l o I n form him






o f paper mean a heck of a lot. Possibly the reason for going to college

llere at PLC, a Chrl!ltlan college, hs\'e a double responsibility.


()f these somewhat dubious dOlng!l Illo�a

s i t u ation-Solution :

d t" l f'�ation

ronsisting- of





Berg, kettle d rums ; Ron Long, l:OW

\Varren �tathl� and his gal,


It you

tJon'l. sense this re!'ponsliJillly your tenure here has possIbly not been as

froitful as i t should ha"e been, AnywQ)'. I r you are going t o college to


j the


p r ob


e m


O ld Main Party Un� family















thai aud an er.luratlon cannot be measured on a grade report.

Remember us , , when you need printin9

. . . that's our business! GRanite�7 1 00

prog r a m s , cards, ribbons, p a m phlets,








tickets, etc,

LaCros�e Pri n te rs

P R I NTERS FOR Y O U R COLLEGE Located across from th� Triple X at 118th and Pacific Avenue







vcrsp s-from the old



standby olles

i I

like " Ro�es are red, violets are blue, I

I hate studying and so do you," Ihe s!llg�Jlirational



lilY l i e-art amI several olhers


<I. luI


Peg of

Ul il! \·alentin(, ' .'j Day Is over






!ling 1I0wn to tileir



in .

:<I'\'l'ral ,lir(',·l ioll.i Ihe �irl;; are !let· routine


o f la\l�h!ng late at night, leantl ng , (COlllinllf'd on Pae� Four}


("011 , · " ;,,


:<uperbly I n teqlrete<!.

'," 'rl'




--- -

l itera' ! of modern .


PaS{IU ! :; '

In them Gerard Souzay demon,j(:'-1"

t'd well the extremes of patbo:i an , l

nimble dexterIty of wblch hf> . '

" Kpable,






-- -_ ..




was' certa i n l y





Page Four)

. , -- -



went a long way in the


: home than any whl'fe i n the




1: : ,

wa!'! mo l' ''; ;,'

or on the way


the hall wltbout being stopped and

llelj)ing of


at home, at work


pleaded with to "please" ha\'e some


resen t..a t lon o f "�rencb voca


{'andYTllot just one piece, but two.

a com pel l l !

intf'resting piece of music, an.l :1I."rl

! perbaps, �1r_

there might be a sllgbtly fuller rep- \


rJowlng o\'er, loaded down from the


i Val engrams


the A.B,B,

listeners perhaps

1 ---'--'

per person was IHri()(lkaIlY ('olleel Iltlle slitls o f p per te�l l n g ho \\':" wonderful you are, three and Ihat Is a lot o f mall. � . � \\ Ith the ultlmalp ambitIon o f receinng a dIploma (some think this auto· ' Candy was another Item that seems lllalically makes them beller than tbe man In the mill ) ; If lhls is all to have found Its way Into every that Is meani ngrul in your eyes-I ' d quit. These four years mean more room Ju s t try walking down



)l eille Seele " ) .

come true . , , every mail box was amount or l e lters

h:" ... .

,____ ,



:\l endel 5 sohn's "O n \\-·l og.!! of Song,"

Spurs. Well , Valentine's Day eame people

Christ. Sometimes the

is added t o X ( X I ) to Man,!



a n d Sdlumann'g "Dedication" (" Du

fellow would rememb-er her with a


I word

l " t"

plain an abbreviation for th··

them the Xerxes l.oargo, by H andel, : two


was down in

was la.te tha.t day

'II'" \ for I('� of I ' �I � ' ,· hll l·\. .

('once�t !-i ('['ie s. :\I.�. �uzay sang a ' \\-'ilho\lt (loubl 8.S delightful ;'" , , llumbfJ . ur fa m i l iar \\orks, among ,i any mllsic on the program were til·'

better a singing telegram from the mall

I here


dumps . , . I t seems l i ke every

what a



box of candy or some flowers or still and

fllr I


C h r i s ! . T h i ll anclent l YTH"


lightful mllsk when Gerarrl Souza)'

I girl was wondering i f that certain



(',\1-11111. 1 C,I'l('ert,goer al1lte were treated 10 a program or very de-

day before Valentine's Day �fain


abbre\'[al l on

"1 .. ... -----------... \ "'ren('h music wa.." Alan Freed

times a dall J




� ,.

!"ians Don Brunner, Cymllal s ; Jerry


I s placed



..... 01'11

J Christ.



50 mt-IIton '


\"a.,,, I · l � Th.· .

as w e have \nrl l cat,'d.

: •. ; ::,:".::=,:,� '..:',.::. " ;:: . . :,

df'rallt and his guitar, brilliantly as, l !'oi!<tf'fl by singers Karl Forsell , Don


�t"r !"'� J flt4�": ;'



' For· 1

011r humble opinion of the

: the Old

811PS II

i s to gain an education and make yourself more useful In this world. We

?�:: ,. :.;::r;���




Perf{'ction,(lemandlng mus I c ! a n



IWO athletes annollll{'ed :

nearly eV('l'nhing. A " C " you saY? You are an unenlightened , stupid jerk, 0t'l'upied with Ihls . 1 bother Formosa, a Iilbl'lacp�1 dod a:l it wI·rf' \\'h('til('r or not you encountered anything dislurblng or resoh'cd .tt1)' 1)rObIPm;; �Iong the wa)' is uni mportant for , . LO all you scurrYlll g about IS the all,lmportaut GRADE wblch



an d

r resl, 1


rp" onlpll thi� l'la�sic ('vent.

I i /C O Y ( ' ( pron nu lwf' d

I f' t ! f' r of th f' Grrrk

: fo r





Notes arid Footnotes


lk e n

are tbese st'rawled symbols on a piece of paper. For u n u l these "gra.des" ; 1?llin ' washboard, and "Pal" tbe ('011 H)m(' Ollt rOil rt"'all)' cloll't know mUt'U, )'OU can , I even te-ll if rour study lie, to <:erenade Uncle George at J . has bcen sUCCE':lsful. You got an " A " ? {;ndoubtedly YOl l are an expert on )loscOw, This will keep Hussia too

lhe dimax


Creek word XPICTOS (pronounced

Heinrichs, I n


t r


, fO\lnd an ItHli trerenee, a simple g r u n t o f acceptance, I t : C'orn E'll , John

be tilt' dimax of a


w e-re - a.s

dences , b llt not ht> fo r-e t 'amer<l!l ha ll

would appear 10 Lh(' r(\sual viewer that this awarding of grades tends to

i t )" .

T hese

I h l' Jowf'r bridge. �umb and ( "h I lled, the two gentlemen le tt

I n the old Amf'rit'sn game : " F'ret'dom of the

t"Aa..' t ions to take pit!'('e in many plaees and In many


: .-... :: . ':..;. :.�:;, '. ;-;;;.-:.:-.;t.-t!;".,

u�l1al form ('onsists or

� � Il . " · '


gram I s rarely found at j l tor il )' , . i f'<l se 1600 year!. Consta ntine the I A rew more facts should be :)'1 . ( ; reat had Ihe monogram of Christ about abbreviations i n Ih!s (,(11\ . ' : plac ed Oil the shields of his eo ldler s, tlon. T h e abbreviation "X 11 ;, • 1 .

lI nflinehingly tore

bathing t r u n k 9,

w a l f'r

of !<(('rl in� import. Th l' lii!werning rcailer will in�Lantly



:<om (' w h a t hastily for

that w e w !'ilt! i n the HBme haphazard \'f'in. If \Vall K elly dO E'!l n ' t p ro' t!ul'e another book in the near fllture \\"e'l\ be forr e d to q u i t tor lac k of

material to stell.\.



The most


off their bathrobe!l and t 'loth ed only

h a l tl f'd the swollen {'urrent until at l a � l , I h ree minutes and 2 6 seconds la t !' r, Ihey were drag ged from the

!'ligbtly lI:<f>d ball 'point lien (t"om]llimpnt!O of the t"orree shop floor) ant! ,Willi' borro\\"(>d notebook riller we begin Ihi;; 5em<':lter, a Hell1e�ter whh 'h

lit"' Ull('




� w i l11!1lf'r� alon�the banks , the t wo

·and Ilespihl all .ledarations t o til(' contrary w e are iJ;u·k. \...·i th a

llrollli�es 10


!lye!; a t I h e s ituati on w h i ch l a y b e -


' : " o w l � o f 0111' t'H-r,I()\'in� .-ricit-:I \\ ould f o n l' 11:< i n l o thi,; volulltary n' tir("



rI s i n g

Encoll raged by the ('heerlng from




�l r��:w:� ; 5:<�:�� s bI1��e�, :�:

. I"t" ' k l l'.� � l y \\;wdl'rill� 011 1 1)11 l i Tl1iJ� a n d i nto darknl'';� of 1 ile f(' l a t i \'l'ly unknown. \\'" i n t f'ndprl to quit t ill' journal , i:<tk j::alll(' alld \\' ('1"(' �Oill).{ 10 a 1 t C lll\H to l'p\'i\-,' I hl' now npar!y l i fel C:>i'I, IO!l� i!la<"lh'�' :<{'hola r'-a I H'a]' phallla:<m. I'a,.; du t O i l I , S. S., tholt flam, boyant \·('I! i.-!t> of I I l �'ra]'y f'XP]'t,,,,; i UIl. i :< bal k 10 lilaguc the r " ader of t he ' :\I.,!. We ha.1 t hought thitl the pro\t'"ting: s.- rf'l'dlc:< and till'headed Pr{'S-s"

a I o n ('




la i ;� ': r � !: \5 ��:� :t! h: hll:r ;�.r ' J r r e " I

an anc i ent



hnok ru;lrk". lLI11f'1H'lHlla. and stoles . W h f'r!"' dlrl il ('(Jill(' from? \Vhal does



f'r('('k. Gazing with ('001. calculating


Nordqu ist . Carl.trom

1I11:-nl. bUI Our t'liitor


Clost'ly 'r('181('d

Friedrich Re.t


T i' C H "�. "1"I,loc:r<l1l1 o f ('hri�t and ollr C.S.A. +' llIbl " :ql\H';\I" 0 r l" P n on altars , UL


G O L D order to uphold t h e rlignity or bblng

A Superci lious Sneer





laJ!;e. As agreed,

n::V Al'"UI';





P A l · ( . I, I ' � I { Y

aga i

\\'(',l np:<,lay.



prominent on t h e camplls. Mr. Low, I Cbristos ) , Th l) l e tters ('II Hetnrkhs and Mr. Dan \Vllken· l -tbe name or Christ.

IJO HOT I \�:�I��I �!�.� L n u � .. S p r y . ,'Iy']., HJ-:YJ-:ru.Y PIEH�O:\", :-'I·II H I.J-;Y


s w i lllmer�

( ' r N'k h a d bef'1l unbeaten.

In':-;I:\"f-:�� 'IA\,AUEH

\\'1'11. h,'r(' WI'



. l a m · 1 �\ "t'll, J illl I . o k k t' ll. . . , .. J O A :--; :--; r: l'OENCET " A � n p ;o.




,"'o r YPIH!' C ln n ' r C reek ha"

, - h a l l t>ll,R:ed

__ _ _ _ _

c. S, A.

Ia�t: \\'1' rp-

I t h;!!" hl'''n ,lon( at J a � t � That > a ( I ' > �llli:'h'�, l� I �:�� \":,� ;' r:;= t�I�,, �e ;�':�o:: l

lIaN.-d :

8�&Ai"b'W\i., I�tri.� � �� ..."!:o'l, 1'"..;!' :;.�; ::,:��,

EXCI I A :\" c : J-: J-:IIIT()H� AP




Ul'rron, ' .\Iarrha

P't�1\""\3�i}-.u-:; �:,,:·:� " : :':" '}"S5'


\. (\...


\':rf>k \·a!ll.

l-::I�llInd .

II ha� bp;n dOllp a !

PO!lt Orrtce at

Telephone GRanite


U IITOH :-->'1',\1,' 1-', Lni�

\.'I-:A T 1 ' H E



, ,\


Greetings from the "Hol�"

(' 0

":lliTOH, I \, .{ ', I I I,: I"

\,1':\\' :-;

�tutlenle or Pacific

Sub!lcriptiun pri cl'-- $ L �O p e r year


Dor m Do; n '5

1 8 , '9" ,


Co \.



lik� i t for tangy g;oodness,


2. SO QUICKLY RE�RESH1NG . . • nothing like it for a bracing bit of energy. with as few calories as half aD 8vt'fBge, juicy grapefruit,





"'Cob" ..

Don a



I .�:�:::�.:::.� " " "


\ F,'day. �Ch'U"y

Pi ra les B ea l

1 955



Pa . e Th



e .= ; ���� �:�,���:,):;���:����� ;�r i ':'�:�::::�," E ighth League W In I 18.


h fill' fl!!lt round of pia) Is coming nf I II(> dly or Sl}Okam', Let t e Whitworth rootera l l ll l I-� I r�repn ( onf('T{' nu' baske t � ' {'rla jll \0 an end and thr� tealDs are seekgloat if they want, the season i.n't over yet. Consilierin� the tart that I ball I"IHlSt> ,' ia a 76-62 \1Clory at e T both t�u." Whit !' and 1 1\(' LUlf's must finish with a win �reak to maintain i :;::t� l;� Ir���lf�l� ��:��I�:'; �'� ��:: The Pacific Lutheran Gl d ia o rs, i ;n��:��hn�I/:\� ; 3�n��:��;1 1 �hed il e t e an n : by breaking up Ehslern Wa S hing. ! t�{' playoff DOf'.!< lbll i t r. ! wonder wht'rE' tht> playoff game \\"HI lake place. 1 �ln.."a l :! � n a c . n k a I gam s nd tbelr round nnd ('ndc(1 till with a 12 and , ]"(Jh:tbly a n" 1 I 1 I"al 1'0111"1 sOmCWbf'H'. I don·t IIk(' the �N lIl) for the NAtA , e1ght t?n'e zo�e _defense, defeated tho : :! record. ft'rf'n{'p streak was halted at the P:\!lt week th8 Savages ".'i ·,,3 lasl Friday night at " playoffs Uli!l yenr. Arl'o rdlng to the alhlf'lle director over at Gonzaga I' (, r 1 0 a r , game". I I " nt s oVerpowered \. ni\·('!"slt)". if PLC {'omes out on top of r:vergreen standings we me e t 'I ar\' Adams 100 all scorers with eh :n('y. I GOOdl'S Gulch 62,�s and thumped . I LC, lipa \�'JOnlng their eighth (�·onza�a on ( h (' i ' homf' 1"'01l1"t, bat if Whitworth takes us, the Pirates :! .... points for the Pirates, 20 ot the .Iokf'rs n.:?:i, n e ame, had to count I h lea nlt' et the DIIlldo.i1:s on th(' netllral SPOkan e Coleslum maple s . DeJa nl i n c's ke P l In the r ace b r g t hem coming I n the ·tlrst half, while 011l rath(' 1 I twOgusharpshootlng guards." . ' b��tl�,g the\\, CUU!l � 1 .3_� , th n Hoss, Jac k Sinderson. and Hy the way. did )·011 .knO\: that the Lllte�'I are first place hold('rll III ' Jack Sinderson and Al Gubrud, to ' • . th to : Hall ! I h.1l � or �IQ ul st � ere top s fo r � l Al Gub rud, bJ,1l nx the ba _ o H rcOml fll!:" ha"k�tbal1 dt"fi'n;;e in �mall 1 " . �. ,o\lp�es�. Cong:ralll, G1adll� . I i . tA�. 3� , � �. s . by . U,_ t'N � .ro�.� ...a "'nth h. '-.' -'q;Q 10 potn.t&• .I(�( I�W �.��!t rrom the y· ·��{; ,fi�·:\ ·W.h ey 'LT:;'�� "...�jO:"·�· � · . . • � , ,.. .-..tC a t Offr tbrep re1ria1nlll/l:" ,e:ame!\. We atlll have Eastern, a game but could get tle by.. win. re !' pectively. . In the rtrst half helped PLC to Its U.B.C., and C.P,S. to go, not a son touch for u". but )'et omewh .t pasl er nlng their rtnal Itame. I ' LC had one of its worst mgh18 f Iha l� Whltworth'lI two rPlllaiOtng games. We mt'eL all lhre<e foes at bomp, of the SP3 son as they hit only 15 � 6�� IP�� :: . r y 4.0 Iv)' l-�all ( A ) 811p�d to third spot . ea l willie the lUust tl"3\"('I to meet Eastern and Central. I think 1"11 &end of 56 shots from tbe field for a 26.8 I d e d 't d I f n an by thl."lr 10sM to DeJanJlne·s. The I a a lellpr to Coadl Leo �ic'holson wishing him the bE'"t of lu('k. Central's IWrt·pnlage. They connected on 32 boys from below have 0. chance to � � � s�I�� � �: � / �; a ho l h ern d t e t . be lack of height. downfall wl'1l III all probability nIake It a three·way tie j( they win of oJ :? free throw attempts, however, era I tf�es by {"niPioylng a ,. b.all their down last two games. margin \\·h victory the kept u l lch oni ·Eastern first the 0111' see bal to be cl In will b cha.nce ght T en h T he Omegas caught tire In the al'tion, the Lutes prerlOllsly having def('ateci Hed R('("se'!I boys In Ken . c on s iderably. �:: �:�a\��: :�a�:t �;f:t;;! a a t /ampalg l and now t PLC S CO R I N G e o n h i l .'! tay In the ball game by shooting I ; : �: :� �� :;: r I Pta, !t s ���t�s � �o l::�;�:��:��;r:I;�:��O:� �o��:��� t:e :�r��. 9 out of 1 1\ for a .500 shootlng, per. ! , 7 Other �ames dur\ng the woek : . . ...... 2 1 . . , \on Quist I a n t e e i l1 l I'enl gr in t.hp fIrst half. PLC, by 1 T:u'oma o\'er Clover Creek, by e. for. I i l . .. 2:)0 applying i ( 1 on a tight ti:fen:le.ln the sec· : : ��'rr:�I: t:;I�:����t�� :::: ��� I�;'� ��\�'\a :.�\ :��,��;, ��n�:I� 1:t�:�t� �: h� :.:� � l} I P '!' ff' i t : Omegas ov(>r Ivy Hall ( D L .. 217 on l hair. cau!lcd I·.astcrn 8 !l hoo U ng j 711.:!(i: C in 1 9 f d . 1'.B.C. brings along John �kLeod. who lioorPl' :In all.("onfrl"t'n('e himp ll over Clover Creek , . . .. . . .. .. 204 1 l · .a l()n g with I'hi\ .Jordon (,-om Whitworth was top point gf'tter In all·con· " I (I f> 1an fall off to an. o\·er· all � 6 O�lt 7 3 0.[ 1 fj�j.:! I : Joker� over Central, 3�.32: .. ...... ........ 1 6 ·1 - for a 3� pencn t�f'b t !l ool1n f('rpnce t('am �f> I f'!'Iloll� from year. . .... ...... .. 1-17 a�(>. J)kk r� d wa "ds, h asteg n,aV"I · l l'I (J\ �� r (·re ek ove l" the Facully, 59for 8 r one -1-1 : (' h l mp:'! 0 \. e r Q{)och'� Gulch STRA N G E HAPPENI NGS .. ... . , .J(>r:;ta(1 of the I('ague'!'! LOp scorers, was held '.I . - '19 . � points hy the Lutes alrt i ght l Earlh.'r i 1l the wh('n lOUring the Pierce County Court House l i{ou in ' : � t ' I J l It> ( OU ell ta e tennis tourna. b b . . . .... .... 2:> fanson . l dell'ns(> . and <:ounty Jail. as part of the Crime Prevention Week program, spon. \'.'1 Ii"lkt'r "d1t·�lule will be POllted In the . . . .............. . ... .•....... :; The WIIH1 �r('d loeally by th(' sherifr� office, I learned a little fact whll'h to me .� Ian lng. • s<:orl�. g \\'asr iI lllfo!I('nt . .' . ar rutu n'. I 'la )' will start Immedl . I lias interesting. Sheriff Harold Bird'S office walls aN" ,overed with pl ('· J.,c:g: " a , most e\·en , �· u l stnbuled W!l h � 0 . al(' y. I . ..... . .. 1 0 1 the first 5 in the double figurelj. IIII"('S of fa mous sJlort fi.c; l rp:< of the past 30 odd years. T he sheriff's l L�AGU E STANDINGS a.ldi{ion is a picture taken of he and Rocky �Iardano lIhaklng hands. l l lpin 5 ; ·'Sindy·· was high for the Lutes und ; .\1 . Hanson . Ol1so for the game wIth 13 po1.n.ta. I (Inciudlng games played Feb. 16) t!lf' datI" bein� 1allt )"(>ar wtwn thl' heavyweight ('hamplon was on a ref· I I followed by Gubrud with :,;ol"d· 1 ,·rpeln.c: tour in the :'\onhwt"'st .The dlamp had made It a )>olnt 1 0 look : F I E L D GOAL PCT, 1 6 G me W n L ost ( � Quist with 1 1 , and Hoover and Kel· !':orth Hall (3)- . Harold bp,'flUsP he rE'memhpred h i m from his �oldlering days just : . .. .... 102 ct. �N derman with 10 and 8 poi n s each. DeJanllne's ... 4O 8 :Ift;>r Wo rld WOlr 11. _ 11 7 ' Sinderson H. .. . . .10 In· H a l l ( A l . l I t seems that our present sher!ff had hired Rocky a s a sparring ! itOHS 42· 6 . . ' 41 4 ' He sen'es a purpose in this school, C re \\' C lits .... 42 9 l�artnN for Dig Ditl Little, Tacoma heaY)'"\\"eight prospect. "Poor" Rocky, I l£oover 61 . 4 '8 On which no man can frown, Omegas ...... . .. ....... . . ... ... . . 8 over 5'10� and has only a 67" reach coul u n't even hit :\"or(\Qui s l .... 1 who stands .88 . He Quietly sits I n every class, Gooch's : Gukh . ....... 7 a 33 Bi� niH. but 11(' was IHI.PPY w i t h the small check nd the chance to exer- Gubrtu\ ........ 5 And keeps the average down. . .6 Tacoma . ...... ......... .. . .. .. . 7 71 rise. That was In 19.16-apparent!y the Bro ckton Busler has overcome I Kelderman tubs ...... .................. 6 what might seemingly be called a handicap. In fact ht' Ulust ba\'e done PATRONIZE O U R A D V E R T I S E R S Centrol S . . .. ....... .. 6 Barracks F R E E T H R O W PCT. (21 Games) . .._ __ ._ it (juitt' early in hill I.lrofessional ('areer because on his way to the world Chi mps . 6 No. Pet. .·hampionship he knol'kpd out about 90 percent of his opponenls and . When You Want Books Facul ty ....... .............. . ... . ...... 5 7 9 ,6 I . � Sinderson dt'dsioll('d the resl. . . . 10 J. p, Carlstrom. clau of '54 and former A.S,B, treasurer. who i a with ' �u b r ld ' ::: ::::::: S I Booksell er and Stationer the Army in Germany, haa been appOinted to the Southern Area Com- i oover ...... . .. Clo\·er Creek . .... ...... , ......... .... 2 11 . ... ... 95 6' •. 9 , �ordQuist . mand ski team, On the same ski team is Brooks Dodge of the 1954 winter I i 932 pacif C �� BR, 4629 h·y all ( IJI ........................ . 0 1 3 H 60. 7 � a� . Wash. Olympics. H e w i l l begin skiing with t h e team In t h e Bavarian Alps reaort : Ross .................................... 65 • Have finished rtrst round of play. 55A : 6? Kelderman .h on the 20th of · �' · PATRONIZE O U R A � E R� '8ER8 - · � ;; _ _ T __ III

!If' ,'tiol1:-l

a t


" ,. . . ("".: . . . J;. . " · lu,\}.,�� l


I I�nll� .



f; I':: 1"






1 : :�'·��;\:��I::.l:l;

11;�".�1· l(




latest l lll'rellt soll . ..


� 27 ..... . ...... 2� IO 22 I1


�':'�--;:'rtd I






5 772



82 ........�;


32.2 1 1' I ��:�






C. Fred Christensen

, I :::�::;: .

DI:;;;-b-'e--r ·

::::::::: : :::::: �



Tuxedoea. Serpentine

926Y2 Broadway


M A . 4861

Milk Shakes


Pochel Distributing Co. Your Fuel Oil & Appliance Dealer

140th and Pacific Avenue



� I


jUJ;. t

�\ y









1 29th





ART'S SHOE SHOP Garfield Street


Parkland XXX Drive-In -.

It must be one of your students -;ith a sense of humor; the note aays: '·Professor Snatf. your window.. Is broken."

Delicious Hq.t Chocolate

1 19th & Pacific

GR. 3 2 1 1

PJlg� Four







1 8 . 1955


� (:�' ;i" .i':::.

" 1�-Ai�XL\ ",�--- ' li


::£ ��'� .::�l

i;� \ � , T,: W' , . @ "'t" �


_-" ,,'.r �\J '

�" �


'. ·...c

��:-,l '



:�: �

�e br;.ary 18



fOne Act Plays

AU��i:ln�'�;1I 1:1 11)�II.�:�::�:a�:�· 19

F� b ru ary


Alumni neunlo�-Afternoon (Sen)

t fi 3�� ;�:;�::lxlrCi and ('\ (>nlng

Ila<:kf'lhall (Co n f )

A \\' 5 ('onf(>rf'nre

11 : 0 0 7 : 00

Coffee aft



CDC here l h am


RE' 1 m�

F � r ua y



a m .-�Nv!ce, (')18. . p . m .-CSA, 81.:0.


Monday, F�b,.uary 21





W�dn�sday, F�bruary

f. : 1 5 a,m.-Toa5tmaMers. 7 : 3O--Curtain Call.

�: 3Q--Alpha



Epsi lon .

brary ,

T h u rsday. F �

Ornnibul' of Arts, 1 ; 0 0 - Campul'

b ru ary 24





, : fiO-Alpha Phi Omega, lrl04. Friday,





C·�l ·S, 9 a.m. to





E p,m.

Daddy hought a little car, He fed I t gaSOline.

::'\ow e\'erywhere that daddy goes,

Laurinat's Apparel "DIstlnctlv� M�rchandis�"


Garll�ld St.

F=====::::=====i Phone GRanite 5317



;;I)�;� �: � �: ;::� 1

aud I Both



Wold ,

Freed, �Iarlon Leonard.


Thf' romments of mally who


tended, were that the plays were " erj'


good talent.




peeled to


type and

year of this


Doin 's


Hess . f ��:':u��:n:�:;�lleJ ;




t ss o In onl } 1t':l.\ e from the ljl rnl\" To al l three of . t u n

' h ']






,I"ur{'�. I f"


I ( ] . [I �'I ' II students: If ::�II�;:�:a� � :��I� ����a:��f� :1\� trl�� : . !\ I I o! 10 1l0 W � Do ta : �o d n (> l h lo\"t'IY the was ali1o �OOtl j e 0b I I bNw(>E'1I t h I a altOi< �� ��� ��l� ��� �� : : � � �: l ight. Ba('h'.� t

tbe bu.n ll) hop, getting up late for-

,.el r ,lome \\ or k, an( ge t t,ng to d0 t u

thc'lf' {onpl",," \\ € offer our heartiest l'o n gratulatlons


best " s eS'

Il offlces



elCi!t�d Jean



to AWS


::'\ygaard. vlc&


; pre5Hlent

Gerda �ergaard,



Anderson ,

Janet Wigen, ICC ;



Pat Bondurant,

pub li ci ty : and Helen Jordanger, so­

dal chai rman.


A sm i le Is the IlghUng system

the face and the hea.ting syst em

the heart.







� ��

I turnlng imm('ll\atf'l} to a II.

per ,\ stllklng









An Item a Week Will Kee p You Neat N EW c'OCATI O N : 415 Garfield St., next to the Donut Bar PARKLAND

" Ig, former PLC stud en t home on




Ir \\ h -

l t \\.1 '" '


opens another.

. ---- --- --. --- --on�-half

aft� r






auction" loung��.






Auction��r Lu Huber will pre.

sid�, with the s�r,vic�s goIng

th� h i gh�&t cash bidd�r.


Thrift is Part of Your Education Open a Savings Account NO W LAKEWOOD BRANCH





'"'U ......C . DHOSI1 HDU"l "'<"IU ('08>0.""0" • "'DIQAl .uu�, '<5ru.

for cooked to order DeLuxe Ham·



FI.h and H o me·m ad e Pie.

.. Pacific

C hIp .





Two Men Chosen For E.l.C. · Positions

Two Olen have just been appoint

ed t o admlnistratil'e positions at the central


o ff ices of The E an gel ica

Lu theran



( ELC)




L. Reuben Lerud. 9224 Elliot Al·e ..

South In


�lJnneapolls, was named executive secretary

(0 the

ot the ELC's Board ot Trustees, Mr


T. G, O\'erson, 3829 10th Ave. South. E.



5 106 Washburn

Ave., South, Is now accountant tor


tlon. A graduate ot St. Olaf College,

th� S o u t h





any car, wash shirts and



Ref"�shm�nts w i l l follow for a

charg� of 10 c�nta.

cl�an any North H a l l room, wash



ho ld i n g

girls will be

Jobs whIch


h solo


God never shuts one door, but he

girls have

I ������ �!.:, I' �It's���� VERN'S , , :"1

��L; ua �aQ�i � �� � "�






Notes and Footnotes






lOp ·

dimes in time will grow into


W A.W,S. O F F I C E R S



th� East�rn game, th� South H a l

be s1>onso red each year,




Is ex·

:-::,::-=.:::-::� :'::q::-::::�::{!o�-=,:}::-=:::;.::-={::=:: .rv.IhC=��.':


. ..

. �"-'

'� f



ju dge !! for the ('ontest: Chocolates and fortune cookies this Finkle. u..Wanna Huber, Dave tlmt!. Jean is en gaged to Dave Nes-


� I

� :t\'

- .- ---.- .. ;:-;.. "... -:-: , ,,-,,,-: , .... .,: ' Luriflf"e mnr



O u r R�gular i. S up re m � - Sup,.em�



( Continued from Page T\\ o )


For all of your Automotive Service needs


' (>atln� bet\\'een meals.

This mark!=. the 5E"<'ond consecu·


Garli�ld St.


tbe best actor.



C l


He walks; bls son's 19.





F�bruary 25

Omnibu� of the Arts.




Psi Omega , CMS 123

9 : 0Q--)l u Phi

lo('ai hIgh schoo s b eld



' "

A ttentloll. all male one . act rt'asons f r I ompf'lltn , South H a l l Sojourn p:Oll \"(' 1I('\"('r seen a bargaIn berore. p l a \ s IThf'<;e " �re he d III tile C\IS (' N'd t he,.stage rrom lil(> ba('k ' r{l SN' ing one you w ant yo\l , "h(>arts and flowers" In e O the tia r ken e·d aud i torium .\" o bl y J ,t:t't yOllr room cleaned , clothes trad i u; n , \'al enWne'" Day In Soutll 1 ��II�� I�ltt h����:) �<;:I� r: :s �:�O\�� HaI I w a s a day of engagements, i rone( , {".ar washed an( som StadllllIl Th� P ot B o l I � r , Puyallup e i<opranos a lld at'ilievf'd . , \\'0 ti ng off, all ,<P l1l ors an d a j u nio r announced I t h t yon ve been put Whlt� Tabl�cloth, F'rankl!n Pi erce 1 on Car ol of th� Drum, anI.! Iht' m t e k the eJo:citing news in the fo llowIng ' arol yn , Clo\ CI Park, Good h of thl' fugue smoo treatment t .t a ft e u T h e vL a st On�; an d O rt i ng , F og i n 8 z p � ku h n , t a. o n !-'rlday Ill bht and make your bid ' , r e Are :'\o t of the F'lesh . " from u i i na al hough not a l l ey. th � m o et . J�su, Priceless Treas. S o u I HallilE', officially m a d e for whateyer yon would like done, ' l I I I l t h e r enga�eme l t to Len Xel· Wor k ('olllmences a.t 9 ; 00 a.m. Sat· k no\\ ' l Il ' s dlOir contains several ' Plly :I�UPP1�:;h t l � o er t u son . ;, 4 grad , by passlIlg chocolates urday. Don't miss this opp rtunity! Pran k l i n Pierce . ,"oi(-(>s and they \\'l're atl, fin(' , w as a t thf' Senior girls party i n tbe TV j )lii<5 aro \IcBride was c hosen rnir"ably ulillzed In )londay's COil · o u n ge s� nda\" evening, A few min. i thl' be�t a<'" tress (or the evening ,'('rI. Thf're W('rE' a few slight dc. utes later th � girls were ask d to Roger Lrke�, (Continued from Page Two) "jatl O Il" of pitch Inn t hey corne to \t arlon Gabrielsen's r om, o I I ) Ph. all\ l an as one can ge L hardly 1I0 tit-E'.'l ble anft did nbl d'e-I ",erf' contes tants from the troPhY ' repo t g E' 1 " here thE' rd piece of liste na b l '\ lIlnmg <:('hool It ,\ as a tnu· t f rom the exc elle n t perform. r:heIV:�gage�e �� o l a n n O ll n I mUSIC, M r Sou z a), It seems. dis MT Elberson \l as the fae ult) ad I Glorla Ah, well. perfection is a goal \ l nge and 0 B Fjelstad, rom the opera tlnetl) remo\ e-d It t we k now we {'an not al ta i n but for ' I Ber of the ('on t est , \l h i e h was , PLC semor :'\eedJess to say more and ma de a straIght concert piece , which we strl"e ne\'ertheless, s p on so red by Alpha Psi Omega, the I dlO colateS ! o u t o f i t- with no damage done. largest national speech fraternity. Orc hitis to We510n H. ;-';obJe and )lo n day e\'enlng a b o u t 1 0 : 3 0 I thInk that the hope Is u nan l- the Lu,ther Col ege Choir for a rea . through the speech departmenL The screams of " engagement" ec hoed that per tbe mous fine o level · f Iy notch perrormanC" e� L t ".; p l Y S were �Irected by Morris Hen· l .through the halls again and e"ery. � [ormances we have beard In th is d fl c k son , a 5 1 graduate of Pacitlc one went racing down to B.10 to hop e they return again soon. year'!! series will continue In future • LUlheran College, behold Jean Christianson witb that ears. Alpha Psi Omega there "certain sparkle" on her left hand. y From



!l : u{)--n u e Key. ASBO. J T u e sda y. F � r a ry


Last Saturda) a.fternoon and eve



f> : 4fl .-Prayer Sen·i C'(> . 7 : 1 5-I.C.C.,


, . �.



I: � _ �

,,,"U» ---.-c -r';� Schools G' i, v' '---"�. ..,:,-': - -.." ......WEEK'S e CALENDAR Dorm '.


� p -f." j


�' l ��l.'� i\��L,'. �.f�\il ����. " .


� 1::.,.: ,..J , " "

" � �" : :

, !,,>t, )(�.




.... ( ....:---1

by Bill Johns�n, ACP

.\��\ :.); }�:K '(��f�' � \;:.:�I� \��' q'�'-':;� �:J

(:"�" ." ... .. . , :��:'J,;'� .,.

�", l!�E'






m e nd

clothing. Th� actual work w i l l be don�


a,m, to

2 p.m.

morning from





the department of Chri st i an educa· Mr. Jacobson was assistant treasur­

er and treasurer there for 26 years.

He later served as bllslnes& man­ age.r tor Pacific Lutheran College at

Parkland, Wash., and manager

of the Lutheran Old People's Home


at Madi so n, Minn, Married, he has a son and a da gb ter,

"' Stella's Flowers

Flower. for All Occa.lons



415 Garfield St.

GR. 7463

M adden's Men's & Little Men's Shop Parkland Center Bldg.

GRanite 4242

� = = = = = = = = ,= .= :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: 0 :: ::: ::: : : = : : ": : ": � 3 N T O S E RV E Y U B E TT E R . .tandard H .. tlng Oil.




E nJ oy

_ Heating Equi pment ' T" .. at "PLUS" .ervlce


Heating a.rvlc




Pacific Avenue


__ �____________________� I �________________________________________ �

PLC Win s Leag ue Co-C h a m pion s h i p

The M ooring Mas t


! Gl adi ato rs To Mee t




F R I DAY, F E B R U A R Y 28, 1955




, r', ,.. ;:, � L _W� , c: '" - W. 'Vih 4-. . -::JCoach Marv Harshman Jnd hi s I-man varsity basketbJII Spokane [his FridThe ay morning forfiSaturday night's plsquad ayoff gameforwith Whitworth. two (earns n i s hed season as co-champions. WI


..- �

� ....... ---






:»_1-." _.-

[he Ever­

green G;onfcrencc

h i (' h will be In SI)()kane·;. !<Jlankln� nf>W I, .< I>o".<o"d y Dlstrkt :-"0, I or the AflsQ('latlon o ( l n ter('olleglate Athleth:s ( \",A I A) , ��:�C:'��ll�:g�U��i�;� ! a bf>s.t of three !!eries ''' . "o"day ' " Spok,IOe <Ils-


�a t\lnlay'l'I

L ute D ba lors G0 To L'Inf'IeId C0IIege II!:��ltI;n'!n::,�:� F or N ea r Tourney i 11 \'







>i i l y

start ·


On Wednesday. March the PLC debate team WIll leave for l..Jntleld I C<>llege !n Mo�f!nnville. Oregon. 30 mile� south or Portland. They \\i ll (850 leave at 2 : 30 and make their trip In Mark Twain "Detective Story v. To Be P resen te d For ,he rollege sta'tlon wagon and two cars. The.. team will return Sunday morning. Omnibus of Arts Progra m in C-M-S This Evening 8:00 PLC will be defendIng four Last night's performance of the a big ovation and an encore tol- i entertaining. The cast Includes the of sweepstakes winnings. Debate Omnibus or the Arts. featuring the lowed . following: Be\'erly Smith, Helen 51- Coach ?fr. Karl prerllru a difficult ,triel champion w111 represent the Omnibus Dand, was outstanding. I evening t h e r e will be a monson, Tom Reeves. Teresa Lind· tournament for many of the colleges �ta.te at the· natlonsl :-.rAIA to'Urney The band was directed by Jerry Mark T�-aln story pre-sentat1on of sey. Ray �elsen. Kay Wise. Paul ,have very mrong teams this year. in Kansas City, Mo. Bayne. A tew outstanding selections "A Do u b i e Ba�relled Oe-tectlve Bast1ngs, Diek Barnwell, Virginia The seventeen member squad will The Lutes ana Pirates have met were as follows: "Strike Up the I Story," UDder the direction of Jerry Thompson, Larry Shoberg, Bill Da.- be accompanied by Mr. Jon Erlc.�on twice this season, with PLC taking Mr. Theodore Karl. Mr, Karl an 8i-77 decision In Parkland and nand," by George Gershwin; "Dark I Slattum and Marlon Leonard. which vis. Mary Allee Drexel. Ray Mensch. Eyes," a Rusalon folk song; ",MBrdl J promises to be very humorous and Ida Jo Gronke and Noble Anderson. the flf't.h year will be member rthe Whits winning a.t h<J1D.e. 76�.2. ezel.'!nUT9 eommt.ttoo of the Last yeo.r the eame three teams Saturday rtlgnt maY'h the oilmas Gras," by Ferdl Grofe; "Stars and This tournament will of this yea.r's Omnibus. when the Stripes Forever." by John PhH1p I In the NAtA d.18trict meet. the SIlver Annlvel'8ary or the PLC � Sousa, and "God Bias'S America," by m n .I U S Omnibus chorus of 50 voices, direct· Gonzaga, but lost to Whitworth. ,'hQ ed by Steve Brandt. will be present.- Ltnneld Tournament. Irving Berlin. games were played ed. Selections from "A Tribute The 8'ludents and the events they on the Lute nOOT. Norman Fosburg presented a Mne comp te in e unior dIvision. ' Fred. .... e In m · ar : J seven of the last el� easons to Romberg." arranged by trumpet solo. An outstanding clar- 0 rese n Ahin SyIllng, Impromptu, a I e s. PLC has been In tl1e NAIAt s�trict Waring. Inet 8010 entlUed "llacb va. Beet· I The girls' chorus will Sing some meet. 1950 the Lutes were (Continued on Page Four) bO\'en," was presented 5y DaYid I .... (rict champions and made the trek Knudson a�ol!n Raey. who were � r t S h OW well chosen sacred numbers. to Kansas City. They lost out In the also key fac to M for the presenta- ' first rou nd to Hutings (Neb.) tlon ot the Omnibus band. A trum· Along .....Ith tbe OmnJbus or the Ch ' I Teacher's College. pet lrlo number by Gerald Bayne" Arts, an art exhibit will be held Harshman plans to string along �orman Fosburg and Glen Hull was ' after each eveDlng performance In (Continued on Page Three) on the agenda also. Very outstand· the old chapel. It will also be open Don Gaarder estimates that 425 0 f W I Ing playing asa baritune 9OIoiet was ; during the performance days for �tudent body tickets will be sold To lt ke City. tah. and r r o m U for the Music· Festival, B.S ! '"iewlng, Lind Carlson. a· treshman Sa La O ttl' cerS Coeur d·Alene. who shows much I The exblbH consists of all.student OHr 400 had been ordered up to this back, 18 ethe plan for this y�r's I : promising ability, ' for s.d· paid the WGS $1.00 morning. . fundamentals art. of �:;S�� M���: ..God \ c.... orkifrom the After the r n I number, �: �:�will 'r ��� ve design and public school vance order of the .ticket adn the deparL a te Their first�� concert be A - W Dless America," the audience gave I arreat t classes according to Larry Pet. '. remaining cost will be paid when I \ , g I v e n In Denny Park Lutheran ' arrives, ticket tbe C erson. student director. Water OI· Church In Seattle Tuesday. night, I ors, tempa painting, clay modeling, aod Wednesday they are traveling I oIl painting sculpturing wm be AWS State Conven· Is Hosl the featured displays, to Spokane. From there their triP tionThewasyearly held at Western on Febru· SI 10 will take them to Couer d'Alene. Last night In the C-M·S auditor· and 19. All colleges and jun. ary 18 Lewiston. Boise, Pocatello, Amerl. lor tum the Omnibus band. under the colleges In Wuh1ngoton were H i gh Schoolers' direction d a a F nd of Jerry Bayne, W&8 hee..rd. I �:�ls ��S'Id!�:���den a�d s:l� Invited, Those attending tram PLC C 1'1 1'0 : Harriet Vorvick, president ; Tonight at 8 15 p m . the play. "A Lake City In Utah; and then back were e president -and vl�president for Double Barrelled Detective Story:' to Nampa, Idaho, and to La. Grande rth the following rterm, Betty Jean ConFrldl\Y and BaotW'd'ay, February b), Mark T.....ain. will be I1ven. Di· and Hermiston in Oregon. The tour <dray and Thelma. Nygaard, respec· ·111 . have the privl rected by Jerry Slattum and Marlon Tuesday, March I, at 9 50 sharp witt take two weekll. 25 and 26 PLC ... c t Wickstrom, ,the a.dvlser, lege of having students tram high Leonard, it feaures a ast or fIfteen the Student Council will present to The Choir or the We!Jt. Is present· h'�Uss . students Wash· of state hools all over the the student body a revised Student Ing a varied program of choral mu- a. .... presentconsisted at a con· mgton The hleh echoolers will be I Saturday a.t 8 15 p m . In the Association constitution. sic. Including Bach's motet "Jesu, The program here til take part. In the second an C·M·S aud1torlum, the Omnibus I n November a corhmrttee or five Prlooless Treaeure," Healy WIllan's cert by Rafael Mtmdez, the trum­ being �ual hIgh school tournament Chorus, under tbe direction of Steve seniors �-as appointed by the Stu- "An Apostrophe to 10he Heavenly peter ; followed by a cofree hour. sponsored by the Washington State I Drandt. ....ill be·hea.rd In "A Tribute I dent Council to take the present Hosts," "Anhetung des KJndes," by The topiCS covered at the conven­ Deb&te Coaches A980cia.t1on, to Romber�." Sacred eelectlons will constitution, wh-lch has had tew re- the con-temporary German compos- tion on Sa.turday were standards parUcipasllon In AWS Our college speech department Is be presented by the glr}e' chorus. visions In Its seven-year history, er' Heinz Lau and Randall Tbomp- Bndr allhours; women students, an AWS to happy to ad as Its hosL PI Kappa. Working ,topther to present the study it. then compare it with some soo's '·AlIelul�." Among the other constitution, the AWS workIng with D e l ;( a Is 'bandltnl' arrangements Omnibus haYe been the following thirty collBtitutions of other student works roundina: out program others. programs for your AWS, and pro- are F, Melius Christiansen's "So.....Ith Tom Swindklnd, serving as directors and organlzaotlonal repr&- governments and then general student cba1rman 8.Dd Judy I sentatlves: Sandra Jacobs, Larry duce a rensed constitution, The �a" and "Lost. · In the Ntght," money-makIng projects. Saturday Bureker- and CG.n ttle Hustad act1ng Peterson, Jl;>hn Reay, Dave Knut· constitution committee, coml)O&e!d Ksllnnlkolf's "A g n u s Dei," and night clated. with a banquet.beld at as hts 8.aalstanta. Mr. Theodore 'I son, J e r r y Slattum, 8111 .F1nkle, ot OIeDD Johnson, chairI!l.8.D; Nancy "Carol ot the Drum," by Katherine I The conyentlon wlll be Gonzaga next year. (ConUnuec! on Page Fov) K. Davis. SteTe Brandt. a.nd Jerry Bayne. (Continued 00 Pue Four) I As tne cl1ief e x p l a i n s to nis friends the murder of F lint, the townspeoole l isten in rapt attention. This <'I scene taken at a recent rehearsal of "A Double Barrelled Detective Story," to be pre«ented tnl. e .... e n i n g at 8 : 1 5 o'clock t h e C h a pel-Muaic-Speecn auditorium.



















Ka ppa To Debale Tournament Pi







such a f i n e Omni bul.





air a Depart es 0 n Tour


w i l l carry play-by·p lay <lccount.

of the PLC·Whitworth game on Saturday n i g h t direct from the

Spokane Coliseum. The tilt will

go on the air at







I 0 nUdenlonsS I UVole In ' ised by Group ReV I



Tacoma radiO stations KTAC kc.) and KTNT ( 1 400 kc.)

tI'... .


To S St C ODventlon •

Page Two

Friday, Feb ruary 28, 1955


Let:t:ers To The E d itor

'l he Moorill9 lU lls,-

Publlsbed every Friday during tbe school year by studente of PacIfic Luther.. n Col lege. Telephone GRanite 8611 Office: Student Union Sub!'rri]Hion Prlce-$3.00 per year

? a��I !v�sfoIr!� I on �:�� States��rsho�high "rhe United of whether �ingld rhe singlepa��questi��on�/:��

f or no[.as" iThree its higharcprotcctive abolish pupils I, school ght ofhun­the f the weihundred speaking tarias furgently Three I nation' s decision rested on the powcr of th.e.oirnwords. a su.bjec[, that in hours put m�ny stud �aveschool dred �"-ts \�'hohigh material. credit not s partiCipating mostThis we, eass, of whetherintoor ournotstudi theas question brings toputmind much prepJrJtion quite college students. her or s hi school n i PUt must debator a high the s ect. onus.which to reflma­ nCorg subject An interesti for little embJrrassi [('butrial.JXrhaps of many g n for Thn us, a inspiration c n iwell students ss: Andng weus iss areuseleprepari s dullserveorforastheirouran work -topic theirmore fecieven do notThese e studi interested: be d shoul for graduation, '-\� '..��� . and more important,_�the future',� spent in

Another semester has begun and . students eagerly head t o.... ard n e.....


classes expecting to find .ne�' areas




EDITC)H.I:\"·C' I I I · I'-. . . :S 1::\\·S J-:\l�TOH . .


This beIng my

or thought.

semester at PLC, I find myseH do·

g; P';

fo r (re di l .

ing the same thing. I look forward


to new elasses and new subjects- as


a ('hange frOtll the old ones. A 1 1 < l l l ang(,I", Barbara Gronke, Ar. �TAFF-Loi� I':r-eknllll. A l change is always welcome in the ICJH' l\al("'I". ])111'1' t-':nglllllU . .Janel Sv ef"Il, J i m Lokken. routine of life. . .. ... .. .JOAN:-..' E POENCET FJ-: ATUItE 1·:J)ITOH And with tbls starched-collar In· I-'E A T e H "; ST A 1·'J·'-B(·\"t!rly S\"l:�J1ill�SOIl, Phil :'\oruQtlist, Ted Carlstrom, �J-:\\·S



�"c �I � .��"1i�:. ��Il... ���:l�. �':.l*:�' ��(>-:.J��� �,.,.!-."n�"\,. �Wil':'�., .


sa ckma n.




lJ"nrh;.. I �. """" .�A biggest gripe



sections of

.. DOROTHY JOHNSON Mooring MasL This week


1 \�1 1 l

:"'.:,".qq.\:\_�� .v.s: ye�.($.:-S.m �t h"i':--�.;.f5 7.r.. .



J-:X C I I A .... G E AO

:0.1 A


A G t-:H. . .


. . . . .. JtA Y G O L D t h e hours standing a s they d o . It I s



common lea\'es





to write







S.S. tilis week-it could be



' YOli




eleven o'clock i f





S u s




Snirkelfrltz i f she was due I n a t

se(·ont\ t:onset'uti\"l� wt'ek we cont ribute to the editorial page our mum·


However, for the

disagreeable of late; it could be thal lt·s "smart," collegiate, I ntellectual ;

each allegation.

We would like to discuss the seeming "festivallzlng" tendency that

we are living with at PLC, along with the concommlttant culture that come hand·in·hand \\1 th it. This Is. something that might be called the

"Attend·Concerrs-Plays-F'e stlvaIR-F'ish Fry and Stomps six nights a week a.

are voted o n by the Student Bod y.


if s he had t





I a unUI







merc pitt.ance-

fair. We wonder, couldn't some allowance be made for the bus? Much

the same thing can be said for the

Insufficient half-hour after concerts

a�d e'·ents on campus. I t I s Impos· of coUee and get


schedule of activities and there Is little chance for them to advance up

the scalEtt but with comparative ease they can be dropped even lower. No

other recourse seelDs open unless you are one of those Introverts \\ith

"no persona 1 Ity"-a recluse, as It were--who studies and Is snIckered at

because of his considered abnormalcy. Whatever you do, don't leave the ranks of your stereotyped brethren, for progress is ont to be had in this


girl in on time In half an hour,



"intelligently" about everything-the college graduate will find this easy



catch phrases and obvious platitudes and


or Jife.






Rest In the heart where my Jesus

accidentally miss a performance. Possibly you don't even have to have

,to the paint

where you are constantly weak-walleted. The poInt of financial embar. rassment Is, In most cases, reached with ease and should merit more attention In many Quarters. The point


nIl this? Probably It's simply doubt creeping In-we 're

just not absolutely sure all this hurrying and scurrying abou1. Is neces·

sary. Maybe, In the end.-thls Is what counts. Wish someone would define the real purpose in words that have meanIng so tbat an unenlightened

person with doubts could know wbere he stands or wbere he might profitably stand.


ol"gnnlza4,jolls are


Co](cge l !'l IJke a laundry-you get _



_ _






"DistinctIve Merchandise"


anneal minstrel


Garfield St.


Phone GRanite 5317

'======::.:-:::::-::'_ I

50 million

times a day at work or on the

w a1J J



noth1"ng \




diminishing returns Is reached where you are 8'imply gOing Though Fantasy's blind, yet a n an­ swer It seems, good game motions of receIving an education-you fooling yourself. Who knows, maybe some of this uproar Is But Submission succumbs and only knows he and you don't have to feel like an uncultured slob If you

of guilt If you don' t support these things financially

t he' d i fferent

f!l('el -'farch 2 at '; p.m.

are all giv'n to the giver

Others may turn


be a well· rounded Individual when you graduate. Maybe atter a while


AI! carni val booth chairmen from

less strife


Possibly tbere i s a sllghtly broader scope to this educaUon bUSiness,

a fcellng


H lme, ad\"crl l! s l n g .

Sad sorrows cease from their rest·

honorable estate!

but are only


the world's throes.

lege grads are scJntlllatlng), inject the aforementioned at random with a

through the



Is a place of sweet refuge from all

tone of authority and Instantly you wlll pass as an expert My, what an

the point of


the woes

then when en.

gaged In sclnllllating conYersation (obviously all conversations with col-

'however. Maybe (we leave room for doubt) you don't have to belong ten different organizations and attend a different conceI'lt every night


Grace All-Sufficient I

For from the clamor and gnaw

ellough to do, Certainly we must memorize a few large worda, aO Dle


but you never recognize It.

at home,


by John Cook

! ri



ru les that we now lack. A t least ,tha.t is the way IT SEEMS TO ME.

I\.onts? And of course the absolute necessity is seen in being able to talk



will present their

about It ? The least we can hope tor a knowledge of our la\\'"5 and

lng to smile and to make small talk and learning to tie naHy "windsor"

..:fo" .

out of It Just wh at you put into it­

from Portland. They will offer va·

in the gym.

your comments, Mr. Reader. How

fashion! Is not college for the p u rpose or developing personality, learn-


cities on the coast. The carnival to

,jQmeone once drew a. ('ompari:;OD between college and the proverbial , ("hanged or modified? In follo"ing American "rate race." In many respects there Is a remarkable resem· � weeks I hope to touch other points. blance. You rush hither and yon about campus attempting to do too I n the meantime I'd like to hear

justice to notblng. Your textbooks are relegated to rtftb place In your


of theIr candidates

be presented by Tommy and Benny

is a situation that seems a bit un·

i the


asked to turn

raise funds for the Saga wHI follow

on the

rna.lter where you 50. "Dut I'm broke," comes a protestation-a trlvlnBty, yoU dolt. Perhav-, tbt:> stand we take might s�m a trifle extreme, so let 116 say that J t I e [or ThIs Is not a PErsonal irri tation o to be the sole possessors I column, I write this ·with all due he sake of argument. \\I.e certainly d n't claim us a clear, all-encompasslng view. So f respect for the rules. I only won· of�any vanulge pOi '" that gives s ....... n not p ss for the fina1 answer, i t is a personal observa' der, what are the reason s for these what we ay � . . . Criticism. rules and why couldn't they be tion whl . u Is obvlousJ} Open to

many things I n too short a time and as a most frequent result you do



by March 9 . The main program will


the SUD, or she may just go in. This

[ I1U


( a riety acts and music. They have

front steps and talk, watch TV in


The organizations

twelve f r o m


�:... �

.: :..:.'.. ...:p..::. = ri..:n. ..:a:.....;, L::a..:u:::. ,:.� pa::re-I t.-5:..A }O��I��: �:��: �: ��: : :� ��:�;: �:


ul.lil h


_'1 81 ble to get a cup

movement" to the net end of becoming cultured, happy, wealthy and wise. E\'erybod y a p:u·venu! Al l this at a cost of only $93.73,

didn't make I t i n time.

ml esler,

maybe we haven't been getting up for breakfast orten enough. I t has



���� :�� � � �: � � ; �����

e ve r,

iilight be Questioned-Quite honestly we real1y can·t say why we are so

been suggested Ihat we are shallow, ill-mannered bumpkius. There Is un·

caught lhat



bl ed, Incoherent dissent. :\"ow our motives for writing I n a negative vein

doubtedly some truth

this time. The Queen, who Is n freshman, and the king, a senior,

leave Tacoma at fifteen min.

that the t'ontt"'nl o r the :'>last woul d ha\· e been better oft without our

:;(·dbbled offe i n g, A pox on all of you that concur!



ilLes to eleven. The busses are just

... ....�. ,. .

"business manager; p. m. In the Chapel-Music-SpeeCh Walt Schwindt, ! i t a Schnell, coronation; Dick building with Burt �lcMurtry as A n odl\"edL carnIval chairman ; Lee master or ceremonies. Tha Saga :\" sollclt!ng; L..1.rry sebel·g, Queen and king will b e crowned at R�


all know that it is impossible to gel

.... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ _____ Whoop·l:l � We �lllllOst


mi i\ utes



hour; well , almost every hour. We

A Supercilious Sneer Nordqui �t


J i\ �" r.� .

a re the dates set · 61�OW. F'ollowing this, the carnival W Il l be In the gym.


for the annual Saga Carnh"al. The program w i l l begin fo'riday n i g h t a.t

. .... .......... PAUL LuCKY o r the students as to the reason ror

Bl· SJ.'\"I·:SS � I A .'\" A G E I C


:\1arch IS and

some question i n the minds or many



First Pla ns. for Saga Carniv a I To Id


. .... . . ........ WALT BALL l erupt QuesUon, not allack, lhe SPORTS STA I·'I·'- I .<loil' Spry, ('lytle Genz. Dan Rose. Rnd Orlan Price 'time schedules a·1 PLC. There Is

RI'OHTS ""l Ton

no c redit. a


' I


Often I wonder why one such



Should be chosen to serve Buch a One on high,

But always He answers from our


secret place,

anxious for nothIng, but trust In

my grace.


1. FOR TASTI! . • • brisbl, braciD.& ever-fresh sparkle.

2, FOR REFRESHMENT • • • quick energy, with as few calories u half ao avuaae. juicy grapc.ftu1c. IOnlIO UNDU AUTHOlln 0' THE COCA·COLA COM1ANY IT


""Cob" .. .

� ... ,


j 1

Lates Tie for Leagae Lead by g C PS

Gladiators Trounce



� . '"

FdO.y, F.b,u.,y 28, 1955


i�!�:���'��:: I �;;�;J�;'�;';Y

Page Three

Eadern Downs Lut:es, 7 1-64

s�'\.rting five against Eastero Wa.shlngton overcame a Pacific Lutheran gained a tie for the F,vergreen Conference basket. ton, Friday night. -the Lutherans 1 \\ Lth �Is usual Phil !'\o�dq�lst (leading slx·polnt halftime deficl.t to defeat ball championship by defeating their arch-rivals, the Pugel Sound Log- ; dr.ub�ed the �ritiSh Columbia Thuri- I �heorPlra��s. Pacific Lutheran 71·64 at Parkland derblrds 6-\-4 1 , which gave them a . (' f'r " tl1 320 pOllllS) nnd Jack gNS, 75-61, Wedne.sdav. . This is the first time PLC has had a share of I Hoover will be at forward . N . ick last Friday. Dick Edw'ards of the the basketball laurels since the organization of the conference In 1949 11 9 ' ('on rprence record. I Kf'ld(>rman at center, Jack Sinder- :;;� �es :�� n�� �:��er; I7It� �� i PLC did n()t look as rnllowlhg' the established precedent, the game was a lllD-"lnd-tuc� Although t WI e p h or as they have been In previous son and AI Gubrud at .gUard. affair mo:.t of the way with CPS alwars down a Few points, but neYer sharp quist's 2� and Jack Sinderson's 1 5 ,l.! e a mes this s t,he," played weU I. . Others making the trlll were Lute wel 6 beaten 1.l Iltil the Lutes started to pull away late in the game. Captain enough to winason, ' po totals. top int Lute tile �arry Eggan, Charles Gel, Pac flc \'ern Hanson hi.t, a jump shot to put the Lutes ahead In the open'ng min· II I€'ss 'Birds. easily o\'er the hap· I .llaekr'stad� ! Lutheran led at halftime, Ross, Dennis Rodin ute and thev were .never headed, although the score was tied frequeutly '1 \'}: I� ��e�:':' tll�C:�r=�en:: for· d el\'' , rn�nnls 3i,:1l, but eastern came on wlth'a. ;\O ..' � Ha�son. � . . ' during .the first half. In :the second stanza with Edrush \ d �1' spot . Onl,) 1 0 ol the men roa) SUIt up wards getting ' . 36·�9 Lute halfll. me lead soon dWindled Howe\'er, the comfortable 12 nnd Barnes 10�durto . h w hh' n Y . . r an -£S,&5':",lfUi \i.' qu·lll'l�· · .f'.· t.he ·m.U· ganU!- t�l'irai:n\ng." A'fMl' a. .�":.;:..: <rut. tlIt;" ��( ril: ':fb�{oli&�'��:kjf, 'a� � .{�� >L:o�� I � rU le� , ��� Ha r:�� : . �}�at�" n Lute!; c!"me back strong allhollgb they lost Xick Kelderman and AI had 13wf6r British Colu'mbia, the h -'tfe� -a( 56·56 Just col� s ' Wj,.t who wOUI�e:I�7���e ti��·' Gubrud on fouls. tbe three-quarter mark, Glen , ruling . Lbe NAIA . on ani), Tpast ;>kln "Despite w he scorln Lutheran I as Pacific g T om s stole the ball from the Jack Hoover had his best night in a PLC uniform as he pumped in I b e 2 3 points for the e\'ening·s.high. Phil !'\ordquisl" was also In the double ;::�: � �\'��� ::� ,�!�\: ;:��::: i ,J O. men ror this game." Ha rsh said, Lutf's tw lee for as many cripples p i . m not gOing to le�ve home aile . Ulc. Sa\'ages led 60-56. Pacific lIgure and s with 16 points. Russ Wilkerson, Bill Medin and Bob Balus were by Phil I I Xordquisl, Jack Hoover and the en who ha e rr ed t l � Luthemn rthe JAgger leatlers with 13, 12 and 10, respectively. could not stop C o a c h l � \ � The � the season GlIbrutl with 1 1 each. and Denny .l ot. Io, lOUgh \ d U . E , · "Hell" H!,p;te's inSI)lred ball playeril l Dafus kept the Loggers in the game in ute second half as be scored I AI . all 1 1· a ll (1 E'astern won going away 0. ergreen Conference permits - 1 eight points and did a tremendous job on the backboards. Altho\lgh HossI with . U I squad. 1.. l ! Th�' ?ladlators hit 35,;% of their Hoover snared 14 rebo� lHls dUring his 40 minutes. ' :�;cl o:� �\�' �:��� �� 1 DIan The team will work .out late this shots !rom the floor and i2.79'0 . Puget Sound had the better field goal percentage, 36,070 to 33.870 L(Ih0:11 b�:�! l as �:e II s eu y pu 11 ed away ley dll afternoon on the Coliseum floor. from the foul line, but they lost the lor PLC, while the [oul shooting was close with the "SleeI}), Hollows'" III' I I t I If shooting 6G.8',o and the Glads 66.0(/ � , !n the final analysis, however, it I ,;�: f�;ld1:0� percentage was the � They �\'ill be staring at the? Desert ! ball toO frequently In the second was quantity, not quality, that paid off as tbe Lutes outscored CPS trom !Hlme as the previous night ( 35.7 70) , I I-Iotel l il Spokane. It tbey win Satur. ! half aIHI tha.t cost Ulem the game, dar t,hey will remain over for next Jim Jacobson, with 16, and Hugh the field 22·18 anti 31·25 from the foul line. ! but the foul shooting average reu week �lal'sh wl,th 13 pOints, led tbe Lute s games. Evergreen I ntercollegia.te Conference rules do ont provide for a to 70.3':". Others who went with the squad I1 .1\" 5 to a 7S·49 victory over the secplay.aff in these situations, so PLC and Whitworth will be declared CQ. ! All important factor in tbe game Frid�y Include Bob. Marvonek, manl and Cascades In the City champions. However, the Lutes must meet \Vhitworth in Spokane In an : IlI'oyed to be the fouls called on agel' . the Rev. Ro) E. Olson, dlrec- leagueplace opener. Tom Rayne of the N.A.l.A. pla)'.off. The winner of this game will go against Gonzaga in c-nell team. PLC was whistled down 1I tor of public relalion�; .and Earl ��een _wave high for the game a series for the right to go to the !\' ational Small College ' only nine limes while the 'Birds uebker, T a e 0 m a !'\e\\ s-Tnbune . Ith 1 1 . L �l Tournament ill Kansas Cily. I w(' I'e. caught 21 times with cLeod sports writer. h Ot er Lutes in the t\\1n digits Hugh �Iarsb agaio paced the Lute Jap'ees to a .6·59 City league vie· leanng on pefS()nals late in the I were Larrv Hoss, 1 2 , Bnd Dennis tar)' In tbe first game. �Iarsh had 15. Charley Geldaker 14 and Jim Jacob- . g . There Is much material to Lbe Rodin with' 10. son 1 0 to lead lhe PLC onslaught which gave them fourtb place In tile fhe PLC Jayvees won tbelr 4th I Moor I n g Ma.t 0 rtIce a bou t Eurogame in the opener as they I pean and Scandinavian s u m m e r Yesterday upon the stair straight league . . n h cholarshiPS. Those i n t e r e s t e d Th·� Is th/ hi� PLC � O N F E R E N C E �C O R I N G ( 1 2 G A M E S ) ;�� ��::' 1)'�ve91;6 r'eoo I met a man who wasn't there. . t r ed b a i ,sshould . Smd.erson. 16:, NordqUist: 1 5 6 ,, 142,. K�lderman, 1 2 i . Gu- team. contact a staff member or He wasn't there again today; bnld, 99, no�s, SO , Hanson, 16, Eggan, 10, Jerstad, 4, Geldaker, 1 ; PLC I wish that man would go away! I the editor. d H r total, 809; Opponents' totlll, 714. I m:�!rs ���� �17� :�h!�: J!�: �:�� --- -- by Dick Bibler h,d 2 5 roc the Centralia squad LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS e Dmftf'e I <'an t sa} much- II ll". j\lerle Hanson ( 1 5 ) and Lute Jer NEAL E. THORSEN t e t,\ also 1 ta In O figures :��e��;�; aC�:��5!:1�1II)t ::\: �:�v � I � d ( 2) were MAGIC T R IC K S JOKES :: Costumes, Tuxed�es, Serpentine get il."-Reader's Digest. J mE rnEc,zy oF SYl.t.A60lICAt.. CAfZNWr.:/?CUS ' Marine Corps OHicer 'w

.. . '

, ' , I I











i=:::;;:::;;� 926yz Broadway

M A . 4861

Feature Lock Waltham Diamonds

Parkland Je�elers


Doris and E l m e r Gable

Parkland Garfield St, GRanite 7828

dimes in time will grow into


1 .::'-\ \







Open a Savings Account NO W LAKEWOOD BRANCH






,,,"U_ OClIUH 0,,"'0'" "'SUu"CI COII'OU"O" _ no,u\. UUI ' nlTli"



-----I -I -----I


I : To Discuss Programs

I Caplaln WilHam P. Helm of the ' �larille Corps Ofricer Procurement , Office will visit Pacific Lutheran . College on Thursday and Friday, February 24 and 25, to discuss tbe Marine Corps officer candidate proI grams with interested stUdents. I to Two programs are now available undergraduates. One, the Platoon Leaders Class, Is open to freshmen, sophomores and juniors. It provides I for a reserve commission upon grad· ua;tlon from college and draft de· ferment until graduation. Two six· week summer training periods con· i stltute t·he only training required. t The second program Is known the Otflcer Candidate Course. After graduatlon from college the candi· II date atJtends a ten-week course at Quantico, Virgi a and receives his commission upon successful com· pletion of the course, For detailed Information concern· ing tbe �antages and reQUire' ments of these programs, aU inter· I eS'ted students are Invited to con­ I tact Captain Helm in the Student I , Union coffee shop.




C,A!)AV�(l()(j$ INOOC:,NE rt./,vC nON5 Me rO:lNO IN Tlie 5U$-�?E IICIi!JIN6 IN

Parkland XXX I Drive-In Delicious Hot Chocolate

, 1 9th



GR. 3211

C. Fred Christensen You Want Books

Bookse l l e r and Stationer

932 Pacifio- Ave. BR. 4629 Tacoma, Wash_


ni ,



For all of your Automotive Service needs . . . O u r RegUlar i. Supreme - Supreme I s Best

Pacific Avenue


GRanite 7863

Madden' s Men's & Little M e n's Shop

Parkland Center Bldg.

GRanite 4242



'============� ' Garfield St,


Thrift is Part of Your Education








n::n :

- -- --

by Loole Spry


You remember It. It's the experiment


told you not to take notes on

or study because he would never ask It.

Remember us

when you need printing

progra ms, cards, ribbons, pamphlets, tickets, etc_ . . . that's ,our business!

GRanite 7100

LaCr osse Printers P R I N T E R S F O R .YOUR C O L L E G E

Located across from t h e T r i p l e


a t 1 18th a n d Pacific Avenue


by Bill Johnson, ACP MY LtC. Tu'2tS At'( P,\ii'flY Hl'f'l • MIH£O&iAPMfP r,"IQ11 r;:: "'T£r III I�c;, AW rAc,rl) rO:OI'l (lJ.,..... Nilrt ... t (DriED \',ItltN l 'WA\ � ((llLf (r� · .

WEEK'S CALENDAR Friday, February 25

Omnibus of the Art,s


n .m. to 5 p . m.-High School De­ ba te Tournament, C:\f S building. Saturday" February 26

O m n i bus of lhe ArL'i

9 a.lll. to 5

p.m.-High School De­

batt' TOllrnament. C:\IS.

Far-ulty 7 : 00

mee lln�,

Second Lleltte nant McAdams was comm!�sloned In the Marine Corps



larch 14.

!.rIO ...







1 2 : 3 0 p,m.-ORO, Dayroom.

Turman, Kathy Bi ery, Hoover

and Ray Reierson, have done just

4th floor lounge.


6 : 45-Student Councfl, ASBO. 7 : 00--A.W.S.



7: 3{}--Contirmt:a.lon,



. : I5--Toastmuters

1 : 0o--American Chemical Soclety, Movie, 8-108 .

7 : 3 0--Alpba Sigma. Lambda.. clu � room,




Devo1.10Il8, TC.

7 : 0o--Alpha Phi Omega, !.rI04.

7 : 3O--SkI Club, !.rIO..

Region To Meet: h To Discuss T . "&: Fu"'ure Teacher Sa'lurday, March









h e regiona.l




meet on the PLC campus. It



win be an all day meeUng, with

the .toplc for discussion being "The Future






Speakers wtll be Wll11am


state WEA

gradua.te; Vern Archer ot the

meeting the




ot the Fife eehool system. Marlys



be chairman.


Some people who pass their driv­ er's test thInk they can pass any­ thing.


Hardest mental cases are those

himselt.-Oick Conway.





specialty schools,


Congress, one and two man debMe;

1'o.'e11 Munson , Impromptu, ertemp" A. D. S., o ne and two man debate ; Ge rold Pel sker, oratory, extempor.,




:::I �; :: ��

The FebruaT')'


meeting of the

Student Coundl wa!t'"brought








s�udlee Is sloth."-Ibid.

S. POSTAGE Bulk Malli n.


NN' .I',ofit OrlltOtdJ.aflan

Permit No, 51







$ewi", of all Kinds

Relining Cloth and·Fur Coat. MRS, WHITE Parkland 418 Garfield

Pay.on l �������;;;;;;;;� I It's VERN'S , ,

BeIng broke s one or the ep lngI st P O ert e 8uccess� ;;,: n




Cpon completion or the course, he was [0 be ord ered to duty with tbe Fleet Marine Force, or to ad"Y'&nced

( Co nti nued from Pase One)


and Robert C. Hall, superintendent whereIn the patient Is cruy about or;.dlnator tor the s1&te F.T.A.,



Ram­ darned If you do."

president and PLC

(Continued from Page O ne)

mill ta.ry Instrnotlon, and oth·

der by President En Severtson, event which Is taking place for the Congress, one and two man debate ; wi th the welcoming ot the newly second year on our campus . tIon will be presented In such a , Tbe debate QueS'llon for the high Dick Forness, I mpromptu, ertemp. eleoted sophomore repre8lentatlve, way th8lt all the changes will be : " ew tha. the Congregs, one and two man debate ; John Olden. Followi ng a reminder s chools Is R l ved, Con. t s-pecIrically pOinted out, Among the gress of the United States should Tom ReeTes, oratory, interpretive at the final Lyc&um Sertee concert major changes are a new Tuesday Jlob o l pr tect ive tariffs," Conte1Jt8 reading, Congress, A.D.S., one man on Monday evening, the regular Chapel arrangement, Increased Stu"'ill be held In one and two-man de- debe.-te; Ani·ta Schnell, Impromptu , ! business was begun, dent Council powers and duties, a ba . t te Tbe Indh1dual events are 1m- ey empoT.. A.D.S., Congress, two Or major Im-portance was the new nominating system for , e:lpert. , promptu, extemporaneous speak.1ng, t man debate; J&oet Turman consideration or the two constltu. elated Student ottkes, and the Inmental, Interpretive reading, A.D.S., 1nterpr-e1.lve reading, and oratory. tlons; one for the atudent body, and traduction of campaign ing to the man debate; Unda The deba.tors will be spending 'Congress, two one for the student congrega.tion. Associa ted S1.udent9 electi ons . Friday night on campus, the girls Hurd, experimental. ertemp. , A .D .S., T he AS PLC oonstiJ:tut1on waa predebate As plans stand now, a.l Lbe Karch I tn Old Main and South Hall and the Congress two man seated by Glenn Johnaon a.nd s.cI meeting changes may be submH· Senior division: Stuart They will be ateepted by t.he counell members. t ed trom the fioor, and these would , oratory, radio, Con r l b U8 play FrIday e:lteoo p , g ess This co ming Tueeday the actual' be voted on Immediately. Then M. night. l o ne and two man debate , Tom deci sions wllJ be by the &Lu� m m ex;tempor., Swlndland, t:be conclusion ot the March 1 meetI 'Pro ptu, So tar ap plteatlOO8 have beell redent. body In chape{ d tw ongre s, and one ing the consti tution will be posted c elv ed for 1 00 deba.te te&ms trom A . D. S., s o o.n The student congregat:1on consti� at various piaC€s on the campus, 27 schools. The tollowing schools man debate ; Judy BUreker, oratory, tuUon was brougbt to the council O n Tuesday, March 8, a vote ';111 wil l parti cipat e St. Martin 's, North extemp., Congress, Itwo man deb8.te; only so ,they might serve In t.n be tak4A_ bJl -ballot and I t the revised Central, Mercer le land , Cashmere, Connie Hustad, Impromptu. Interadvisory way. The actual adoptlon constitution receives two-tltlrds or Foster, Sumner, Wenatchee, Lewis view, Congress, two man d ebate ; will be done by the already tormed .the votes cast it will become the & Clark, Puyall up, O l m ia Belle- Bob Lundgren'l experimental, intery p , constitution committee ror the con� D l at T oruclal constitutlon tor the Student vue, Kalama, Port Angeles, Mar- view, A.D. S., COngreH, one and two gregatlon. he cOU c l, ter few AssociaUon or Pacific Lutheran cOl- Quette, Pullman Pros-ser, South K1t� man debate ; Ruth Heino, exper1. minor suggestions, passed on the enemp , Congrese, two lege. theH, Twlep, Kent-Meridian, men.tal, oop, man constitution. Finkle, action. 10.Clover Park, Kelso, St:a.dlum, Lin- debate ; William. Said the toe to the sock, "I'll put coin, Kenn ewi ck, Highllne, Frank- tterpreUv e readi ng, A.D.S., ra.dio, . Sunday clears a.way the rust ot Congress, one man debate, a bole through you." 110. Pierce. the whole week, Said tbe sock to the toe, "I'll be Association


9 : 0O--C,S.A. Council, clubroom.

l' �Campus

and Infan ry techniques, lead­

er Marine Cor ps topiCS'.

Lute Debaters Go To Linfield Tournament

To H'gh I Sc' h0olers


Al the Tuesday, March I, Student .

4tb noor

Wedne.d.y, March


(Continued from Page One)

1 2 : 5(}-Leottermen.

4 : 00--L.O.R. 6: 3Q--Spurs.


:::�:::�:"s::tiO: I Pi Kappa Is Host

��:: �� � �:�


Student Artist Serles, OMS, 3 3H n

the Inten­

nstnlCted In basic amphibious war-


The P a c l n c Lutheran C o l l e g e Choir of the u n d e r the d i rection of Gunnar J. Malmin , w i l l go on annual trip, leaving March l.t, which will i n c l u d e the states of Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Oregon, They plan to return about March 14th.

9: 00 p.m.-PI Kappa Delta, eMS.

C .S.A.,


I n J ul y During the training he was

Prayer Service, O�fS bundlng.


be gan

sive 5-month Indo ctri nation course

Monday, February 28

Choi r Tour, "'eb. 28 to


thL" summer, and

Sunday, February 26

p.m.-C.S.A., SUB".

for cooked to order DeLuxe Ham� burger. FI.h and Chip. Home-made PI.. 9th ... Pacific Tacoma _

������::::::::::�i ! : ARTS SHOE SHOP Garfield Street


I �------�

TOM'S Stella's Flowers ICE CREAMERY Flowel'tl for All OccaaWn. SANDWICHES - HOT DOGS WE DELIVER SHAKES � MALTS GR ' 7463 4' 5 Ga rll " d 8 L 1ii ���� �� iiiiii��ii���i��i� ������iiii��iiiiii�

r�=c:O"E"t'Nr=T R E

==== W =


An Item




C. L E-t'A-N E� RS *

Week Will Kee p You Nellt

NEW LOCATION: 415 Garfield St.. next to the Donut Bar PARKLAND CENTRE PARKLAND

a �


The Mooring Mast

V O L U M E 32, N U M B E R



Coronation Opens Saga C a r n i v a l s

Ill l

\ s !c , will present their :


pro�r�nl. Friday. \farch

ately . rollowin,g






. . . 'e • 1._ . ,,. � t ,,�,,",. .,I,;"i�.,,;�e"r,tu;;;;;2:;·, . "'''1 •.. ; " ' ,. ' lI� . ' . r �l m · .. ' ".' •.... <·'.e """..... �I....n" : All ('l\lb� af£" urged to sel ec t t1H'llr ...,. '-�'- '- "' •. • � � a n ' l i ,latt>,: fo r kin.£" · and queen ag

' th e Sag"<l ro yalty at


p . m. in

the ,

!'iOOI} as Jlo-"�ibl". The naml'S ar(' to


I \ l rn(',\ i n by �Iar("h





9. IG


f i nal t."1bulation \\'jll follow th e n e xt



Anila Schnell in charge o r the · t n n a s d �;;g�: :t l:� l� '��� ��� �:\� ��' �:.� � 'n a n I J




The first : alol.d




. •










d SI· h ie . ll �� e D

�:;' • 1�(';lw:rz.

Del Hutton. The


aa. ,



ne wly

l on




mati£' aware of the dmng es W

a ,general pa r do n for offense.


l l

::: -:-.. •�

.::�.� ...:�:":'.-:� �..!:.

Out o f

1l lch ! Uo'lzotl.

well as basl.c pro·




COllstJlitltlon and

p,l" llli!'le to hnpro\'e t .h e.,ma�l)· fanl ts . i n t o the by,laws haR 'a1so eOlile the O of pr s e nt COtlst ltutlon. I m uch dl :;; p te d � y s t rn r�gard i ng

Ollr e

Ba�ic ehang-e-s In the re't"ised ('oh· I n o m . r l


i na


ll I


tlo ns � ; s well as a lo n g sec·

��I�:L I ::I�:� ,;� �� ��� r

n, '





c O ;:��� :; ;C�'i�'� �:�

o f t h e S t u d ent Uody. :\ew articles

Ii rhp lo I e -" I Serie:;, l tU l


by·laws of the r:vi e �1 c nst! are Article I X whll'h canthe re" e ntly insLi {tlted ArUst



organiza tion is the Associ ated (' rn and A rt it: l t' I V on campalgning. (ASPLC). n s l A ia l d �;�� :�;!tI�\t (��:�t ir:::l }�/ ���qs��;,c i i 1l�1l 1;��I�� eh;:�..:P�:;��;�\:I�d�t�'� l�re:t; ? ffirers s h a l l b� helt o n the �ec?nd a · · r,.d l.road" job i n that there w a s � I . I, ue�dar followlllg E."1ster vacatlOn, ' l l. U l e t l me gIven to the stude nls to df'"n t



Illto t h e by-laws lIa\'e been placed

in" tlent Counci l as

Col· l e ·s d \ t� of P1I("iftc J,utheran lege 11 cha ge from the




l h e intricate machinery of the :;ttu­



Th(' pro posed name for our stll '

�I�I L'lr�::':�:i ! AmllC',:ly for thE' "1Inti-�oclals" i . en nie To\�rel, .dramatlc soprano K tso \\.as grant ed . but thE' I('rm was mls· of th� i\ e t l o pol t tan .o pera Com· IIndt>l--;:tood. ""'e b;; te r defines It as: pany, w i ll a ppear as t h e opening I

.... .:"'�


Con �l tu

the student

i n the Uy·Laws.


. ad \'(�rti�i llg the carll1'


: �:�:�i:rl\ , a;.�('C�ri on� ����c1!' v





Pardon G iven T0 Tourel To Perform d n ��:l; ��:�;���t! �IC\����: �e�:;� ���� I Student Offenders i For Music Festival S


Tu esd ay morning the

revisE'fi · ASPLC

i n s ; A nkh' V I , A nH'lldments, and

. l i n e . T h t:' pri z e. �o l i d ' hy ni,'k i lf' Iaro tor;; (" ha l rman ;


New Constitution OI(�ed For ASPLC 011 l j I

Illustrated Program by �. PIERCE COUNTY SHE�I FF'S O FFICE .. ________________________.J



is DIck od rveJt. assisletl I L l are Le-e noseb('l-�. I Bill Andt>r,:on. Bob tuhlm le r. Dob




Tommy and llenny. who offer va­

r i e ti('

F R I DA Y , M A R C H



a ('hange f rom t he se\'en·day ,.ari· 1'''lIress their views on the ne w con· able peri od in April as ("ontained I n

OIlr anti qu ated document. The co n·

artist for I h e fourth ann ual Pacific

-" I i l ution.



dmr ge



Jl!"Oceedings w ere well aware of that

by·laws further con. ! fa('1 but c nd uc ted the hurried meet. I ys temati c procedure where- ing ( rllsl\£>d largely beca.use of our

sti ltHion


val \\'(>f(' made �y ue I'la tch, DeO f the ten mos t w an ed-I N llS Lu the ra n College drama·music fes· tain a � 101"(',: ilel· k . nobble B1rkedabl , Je n:- � e frai n rrom the ugly term-three th'al :\lay 5, it 'was a nounc ed by by nom i nati n , elections and cam· f<l\OI:t meeting periou) not for t h e . S Ia lt u m. Gerda � el'g rd Sylna are still a t lar/!"£', and rc-aching down Profess o rs Karl F. 'Veiss and Theo· , paign s can purpose of excluding student opin­ be (' ffec ti vely I I . K rkebo, I l t·len Jordanger, and also : to the least o f them t h ere are sti ll 'Io�e , �' H. Karl, festivl I d ire:c tors' in reference with the variable Eas· 1 ion and participation but rather for : . . b� some of the Spurs. lll n ety who have not r�Cel\'ed par· CnUes have hal led �hss To�rel as ter d ate. .l purpose aimed at benefitting the dons; that Is. cancel lat o n of their one of the greatest singers I n the If the r e v i s e d constitution is Student Body,.








li bra ry flne-s. I n !.he order listed, the

A U X I°1°la ry T0 I l I? Dus("h l ll�. Show P resent . �Irs



. H enry Paul. pre s i dent of

the Pacif!!" Lu t h era n College Aux·



n e xt mo s t wanted "antl·soc1als" are

M ar ene Wendt. Ronald Chase, Shlr· Joh n Holum, Pat Ran·


J ean


�f a r i o n

Leo nard . Robert Gregory. G. D llck'


world today . The Saturday Review

of Li teratu re said recentl y of her,




: l or


al it es

Vi rg� n la

G rahn .

D e ra n .,





day. "


regular busines meet·


adopte.1. a


it w i l l s ti mulate Interest i n student





regulated I


Student Body Day in the hope that

rhomson in the Ne\ , , York Herald

�r� b


ill.'; sha l be held once a month on

two greatest si nging

said, .. " U nequalled DUane Thom pso n . Faith Bueltman. l il\'lllg s i ngers .

held tonight 5te\\ l Pi nf'. I da Gronke, 5, 5

iliary. annou n ces the "F"ash i o n Pa· . rude. a bE'lle-flt. will be . p.m. 1Il the Student Cnion at






be made only once a year under the



II .



the r e v i s e d constitution

adopted a t nex t Tuesday'S



elec tion the ASPLC will have the

opportunity t o try out the new elec-


tion and campaign system th s year, If the

I been


opportuni tY

for adOPtion had

df!layed to a later date In or-

:"tUss Tourel Is especially noted new document, thus maki ng it nee· del" to consider adtlitJonal student . for her Interpretations of the works : essary that only f!ssentlal articles opinion On other matters, the elee­ Beyerly of Ro ssi n i and Nahler. A versatile are contained I n the constltution tion and campaign sy!Otem could not ku bi n a, Judd s i ng er, she al so sings Carmen . Bu i !dill�. Refreshments w I I I b e � proper. The by·laws contain most of have been followed this s p r n g, sNn-d folloWill� the style sho w . D�ughty, F.\· el �· n H ayne , Ramon In ddi tio n t o �ll s s Tourel 's re- : the details, which from past expert· H owever, students may !O W l have . I. n fUr- B l T ll e p ro{'e-eds . wII,1 be us , rn (' s . 0, Ch n s tl a .sen , Dud Les- c Hal . the festival program will i n- ence have proven liable t o sudden Ihe o pportun i ty to bring up their � . rllslung the glrb room!:! l n South I ter: Jo Pearson , Jo )'c e Pll tfer!, Joe {"I ude t w o concerts by the Seattle ! and unforeseen changes, and there- c ri t i c isms of any article i n the con· :t-Iall. All s tud e n ts. members and R eI t z . Allen U ndem, M ary Payne, Sym phony Orchestra under the dl. fore have been made e a s I e r to st itution and by,laws at any reguJerry Hickman, Diane Hagen, Jo friends are i Jl vi ted lar meeti ng after the adoption of r ec tJo n of :\llIton Katlmas. A 150 amen d than the cons tl tu tlon. I Ann Jackson, :-'Iargaret Canis, and v i c e student cho rus will sing with the c-Onstltutlon, Thus, if anyone �fr;;. Lyle Greer, commentator, Karen and n forty son, almost Joh . the symphony These concerts will harbors any III feelin gs toward the ....ill .ope n the style show featuring I · · rai l road " tactics o r wordlng of arwomen ' s apparel and men's fash_ o the r�. Th,e .s e may appear at M �' be In the aft�rnoon and evening, Hale) s desk i n the I l b rary and theIr : Sa turday , May 7. ti eles i n the revised constitution, do have chosen ns. been models The io not let them carry,you away to the " " A stage and screen personality from the student body of Paclfl<.: fine wll\ be ca n� e-Jl ed. Am� es ty is I n a c u rrent Issue of One maga. e tended, b u r day ar h is will appear Friday evening ';\;th a Lu theran College and the member· . extent that you Wil l vote against H. c , �I 'ri t x zi ne, Dr. Jesse Pflueger of the fac I the deadllne. 1 student cast In a dramatic prOOuc' l ti its adoption, ship of the auxiliary. u I ty was honore d by an ar c Ie and ' Uon. ' �!rs Stella Jacobs Is in c harge p ic ture. Dr. Pf-Iueger i s known for The festlval w onclud unday o f the [JJ c e- S his l nter�st in talking things over morning with a. worship service. will consist o f spring fiowers and . with the students as well as teachI During the festival there will be g reens. w i t h an arrangement of an exhibit of contemporary art, a heather, aear:ia and daffodils on the



cQl' ered




Co ns







at 'PLC,

f u rni s h background musIc


well as play a group of p1a�o num.



will also accompany Miss

Marguerite Thompson \'�ho will sing

a sp edal number

Eastvold Travels To Minneapolis Dr'





thiS week o.ttendlng several ELC meetings. Serving 8S !1rs-t vice president of the Church Council, he tended





week, He Is also representing




o.t the Council of Higher Education meeting.' Last


First Lutherar:.



served In


C h u r c h in



�1 .

Peterson .





t e a table

tan ce


L a r r ),



decorations The deCOratiOnS





the m1n1stry.






' j



Concerning the bundlng of the Thompson home, the faculty




r Pfl u er H o ored



science faIr and a display of Inter-



Students ' Given SCh 0 Iarsh·.pS

Ten students from PLC and C PS

national books whIch are o u tstand-

'yere awarded Rotary International

ing In art and typography.

Se-holarships of

r efTickets for the festival are on ·has contributed theI U m e and tort for two Saturdays and have sale and may be obtained. through


Some students have helped sevtimes

since the project was

begun, and It Is urged lhal anyono

'having time to lend

a. hand on


days o r Salurdays see Spencer Ausl

or Dr. Joseph Rpnnlng for any n _ s. _ _ _ _ _ Sl gnme_ ,_


C S A FellOWSh"Ip Meet •

teaching contracts In the

C.S.A. Fellowship will meet Sun- mentary schools thIs fall:

day night at

7 : 00

o'clock in


the Gulbrandsen,






and religion departments, who

chosen for his topie : tion,"

There will



to ShoreUne;



Barbara ElUs, New·



MargI e

"PredestJna- Youni", In Tacoma; Mina Raaen, in

o.n opPOrtu.n1ty

ask questJons and to take


the di.cusslon. All are Invited,

to in

Stockton, CaUf., and Beverly Tranum at North Thureton. Two

The se


Ball Room of



on �ebruary

ilia 22,

1955. Those s tuden ts from PLC re-





caus e




un erstanding

way of


the students, he has become





vonte campus figure during his years 'here.




liard, freshmen,

Jeaae Pflueger

ing philosophy a n d religion.


sOP.homores,.. and ' Bondurant and Kenneth Hil-


ChaIrman tor the evening's din:

ner was Beecher A. MeKenzie,


and the


scholarships were

presented by F8.rUn B. Nye, also of

fo.- Tacoma, EntertaJnment was provid25 -ed by the Melody Men and group alnglng was enjoyed, Students trom

Last Sunday the Tacoma News the UnJversity of Waahlngton en� Tribune also carried an article on .tert&ined with folk dances from the

recent graduates from Pa.- him,

(Continued on Page Four)

each by the

Tacoma .

'Ceiving the awards were Jerald Slat-

upper S.U.B. The speaker will be lores Hagevlk and'"Roseanna Hart-HI stimulati ng Professor Keethe of the philosophy


Wi nthrop

Students GI'ven Teachl' ng Contracts

The following students were glv.



the Golden Anniversary Dinner held

nity or by telephoning the college.



scholarships were awarded durIng

finished the sheeting and the root. volunteer solicitors I n the commu· eral


". lin _"One��MagaZin e


I Thompson Home I is Progressi n g








would be of Interest to countries of Ja.pan, Ph1l1ppines and

many of the college students.







M rch

l he Mooring .lf asl

4, 1955

hlbli.�I. ·-<I every Friday during the school year b y studente or Pacific LUlher4n COllege. urn, J"•• Student l,; nfon Telephone GRanite 8611 :;ub�(·ri!)t!.,n l'r;....-�3 "I) p.-.r yt'-ar

Rem i n der From

A Supercilious Sneer

Old Main Girls

Nordqufat - C a rlat rom

by Martha " S kip" Douglass

rn'lS l TIt .�" day in c hapel the revi � ed !'\tudf'nt bod}' constitution "Don ' t :lay too , much and don ' t I say too l ittle . just give them a hint )rf>Sl� n !ed. rp,'�tH ion by the stlhlent body was ralhe-r pa thetic. to , I that WI,!,' put them on Pin� and I s ay Ihe leas ! . \'umerolls changes have been made and these we,re �Isneedles , 5 a .H\ Peggy Arlt, chaIrm An I; c uss ed . \'0 !'Itlldent ob je ction was ra. isecl IInll! the section on nominatIon (or the S�r1ng-Oops, almost .....rote l� q.""'o,?" soon cut _ 1 0 1' offkf' l"s was revif'wed. A vigorous dissent was here raised, � . n allotted 1.0 ,the dl�lIs, " I :-: ho rt by thp 1),1.�!<age of the pr�iolls few minutes � PRfSS 'II' ��:;n(:d general--- ------" i(1n of Ihi!'; very important student atralr. Perhaps It Is an over d b rt l ' E I 1IT()!{· I:\ ·C i- l n:F·... seeming Indtrrerence on the part of the stu. .. JOA:": KITT8LSON ��tE'r a\l; L :: �::�r�I::��n� n":: !zation on our part, but :\ 1':\', "; EIJITO H he p!rrt and parcel of an even wider indifference KATHF:RI:"I F: SA�l'\ERUD that have gone i nto planning this ' dent body !'-f'em:-> :\ 1·:';· ... ; �� \ F,'"�-I ."OI :ol �:-rf'k v a m . Ag':1p� Hallang',o.r': Rarbara Gronke Ar tha t the gi rls. won ' t come , do you ?" I with regard to s t ud en t governm Nlt, clubs and many activities as a whol e. � f I . 11,1 \ ,. ,",1)1:111 nt!, ./ anfol s ...""'n, .I 1m I.ok kpn. I )J" I.ilk 1 about student government In the spring and scream to n f'l. of lots s t 1 : I I e I stlrf-(! Peg that �he had noth. Oh how many ._ . . . _ . .. . . _ ..JOA K :\ E POE�OfJT ' r?:I)�r J � HF.: F.:" I.l',C:H . 't: Of r) abou� b:eause eve ll I thp pre!ltlge of an electIve I� mc.e, but over a year s period . .• }) .:.A�� H�, :r:r: Ar.F--:-��e_v':�lr S\·en t �gs0n., P�!I i':'<!rdqu l��. ,!,.ed , Cnrl strom, " as gOlpg hshmg , peo.ple lhlDk con!i.tructlvely or do anythlOg bllt gr,lpe-5 per cent, not ; rr�� �e�. 0.:-'"""'''' ...... ... <UL••'" , · � """er ,...,o... .:��� ih� milt \ ve neara �i loc .."i\.. � 7'_ _ ::-- �""'.�1\:' nQ,('\l\te hl.'\ t lithe a. baru;" �I\1�� .nul.;'lY �t..the _ , ...r. .. , �4t?-.WJ)�i.:' S k a � club off:cer8 care? How many wanted the 10b hi the m· l!· pl:tcli:v-lt- · :'oI A � ;';'U I ' l-}[·)ITOH.. . - . oqft°THY JOH�SO:-'; or r1lmors echoing·throu�h the halls that the students do imply to seem this and of :'olaln, ('ve Old government what is student words The S I 'OUT� l-. ;IJI'r OR.. ' ('orne up with: the go\'ernin,g-. C Possibl)' ollr spectacles are dirty al¥i we don't s� this SPOHTS �TA l-'''·-I..ooie Spry. Clyde Genz . Oan �'���:"��:V�r7:n Bp would then bandIe Lbe arralrs of the O F:-\-' EHLY PIERSO:'\', SHIRLEY VEVA..'iGE I n the halls of O ld Main thue is a issue rlearly). Student gonrnment EX c..: I � A:'\'GE El>ITOR�.. students and sen'e as an intermediary between faculty and adm.lnlstraA I ) .\ ·A:-';AGEfl.. . .... .. PAUl. Ll,;Cf(Y talk of Spring; consulted with . ... .RAt GO LD This glad time is when Old Main tlon In nearly every kind or affair. Students would be 1 : I · S I. ' f:S� :'o!A='AGER. regard to all matters that concerned them ( tbis runs the gamut) and girls begir: to sing. ---- --------In Old Main � ere is talk of showers studenl-tarulty .admi nlstration committees woulll Interpret the standards That suc:ely will bring sweet smell· and rules. Perhaps this is a highly idealized. prejudiced view of student activity. But why shouldn't the students have a vo!ce In matters or dis· i n g flowers.

\ al ,

o Si


Th �

It h o :: !; :_i:� r�'\\.:��!� �:��


I n�


Wha t ever you th i'nk thi s adds u p g-overnment should be vastly enlarged ' -and that students should run a broad statement, huh? The n!'!w constitution Is a step to b� I hope you k eep i n tou r h with things. Kind l a t e R t news l i n this t\irertion. although it is by no means perfect nor complete, and m l", '5y reading :<t rai,l!' ht from the li ps of the perSOIl P rob.:'lblY this is why the lack of interest on Tuesday kind at hlt home. The method of achieving this utopia aim is of course the real in ch :Hge. If yo u \\'i l l keep a secret I ' ll tell you this much . . . this obstacle-it requires work, patience. time-ail those tblngs we bumans requires an enlightened self·lnterest on tbe 5 pring - yOll know what - \\ill be find It hard to work witb. held at the "'intbrop Hotel, in Ta' part or the student body. not indifference.' :'o1aybe no one else teels this coma. and remember to keep Fri· l way and we should continue �·itb the status quo. Change requires lots dar, April 1 5, open . . . but, above or hard work and It's mucb easier not to shoulder anythIng that remotely . all �tart �aV1ng up your penOies and looks like it problem. In the end it is UD to each as an individual. Quo begin sizing up tbe otber SPECIES: I. Vadls ? (To be continued next week) I ------�--

('ollege for one sped!ic j)1lrpo :; e : to

I make ollr !i\'es more meaningful \\' i i ne",; ha;; bef'ome an <lcdden- i a nd I I !'-e flll throll�h t�e at tainment



To uS' l an d

proper a pplIcatIon of knowl a l i ,nw(·;,;s on thl:! rampu3: wir ll'�":JoI haJol become a matter of , ledc;p. Dl lt wha t I s this scholarship? r · 1 : t1,C; of tho arms. pounding of I True !< hola.r,.:hi l) is the fearless 1, 11 I p i t. alld renting of tbe , 1111 .."t 1/1" tnllh. This Quest could li\-ing out our i in\'o!\'e a ri�k. It may he that we d,,; 11 ..;.<, in�l(>ad �". an . r('1t (,o�fe�:'ion of '" belie,'e Will h�\'e t� (' hange som� or our preI Chrt!>t. lI " olll'Plved Ideas and nOllons. may JI('<:ause todar'� student is hrper- be ollr pride could be hurt by niti" al, he rebels at tbe pressure I g:i\'in.i!!: up these comfortable fallav,,·hniQue. He wants to discern and : des. b..liets or half-truths. But H e really gne ourselves over to the ( hoose for himself or at least be i In\ol\ e tbe,C; 1 \ en tbe °PI)OrtuOlty so tbat In " earch for truth It \\ the final analysis be teels he has dismIssal or the closed mind n 5 . . • done so T b I s button·hollng and I The trill) critIcal s t u d e n t Is {'oal collar petItioning approacb to "earchlng for truth-and If we as I orth H a l l � from Call Oa' l ('hi 1stjan \\ltne:;s has made us los e, Chrtswan students, expect to reach . of a bail: Due to the lDefhclency , �jght o f our first and prime area . . I ca \ th h � point pen which ran out of ink, �is <: st re!fponslbillty. � �'�n� �:��� :� ��;i:�� :�r � , :� IUID� has been absent tor a while. Our responsibUity as Cbrlstlan . neocessity, must be tn , ::'lOt:e proacb, out absence went unnouced, . lilll1lents is to be a channel througb tbe academiC area. anmake to imperative beeame it ( ' whicb Christ may come into the "Stud)' to sbow th)'self approved , otber attempt to get :-Oorth Hall in 11\'('s or our fellow students. I unto has no �aper. wbo workman God-a Where, then, is our rirst area of / Tbe lion·like entrance of �larch ' wilneJols. As members of an aC41- �eed to be ashamed-rl,�htly handtorecasts an early Spring. However, l d e m ic community. our first witneaa hng tbe Word of Truth. the -II Tim. 2 : 15 atler sUrYe);ng the weather is scholarship! We are enrolled i n l last few days (In preference to studying), it seems highly improb-able that we 'll ever seen another !<ummer unless we import one from California. Tbe few sporadic gleams or sunshine seem to be only fare· put new warmth and by J i m Lokken Into an well messages before the advent or Superlatives (all to describe tbe I often cold and didactic :'otozart and another Ice Age. But receiving the (':�ppvatlng brilliance and S lntlllat- 1 painted wonderfully vivid tone-pie- usual moisture in another form Is , C i l l ;: showmanship or Artbur Fer- tures with tbeir transcriptions cif enjoyable I and 1..<:l uis TeIcher at last I Debussy's nocturnes, "Nuages" and Tbe one disadvantage to hvlng on 111{'Slla) 's concert The last of this "Fetes " campus durmg a bUzzard Is that I on tbis :\Iost popular \\ <: \ l :1I s ASO Artist Series, the audience I scb&l conllnue-s unlll yQ.U bave to I CPI t \\ .i s \\ \thollt 1I0ubt tbe best re I \\ ere the encores anel extra num- go upstairs to get out of the bUIld­ « 'I \ ed or all There are many rea- , bers not printed on the program I l ng � . sons why, The seasonal interruption of out: wbere tbe duo dep'\rTed radically Fir"t perhaps foremost was from tbe eonvemional concert rep-- door ac tivity is a good opportunity ( til(' mllsk its(>lf. The singularly well eftoire to play such spellbinders as for litlie indoor acth'ity. After all, ! I u e h a i o ln C :;:�O:�:\!����I;�tlw ascJ�:;r�r:�� I: � :::;;:::n�· ��������:"��:;s��·�.:�� ' :::l:'\�;��'e ��:: ���s: :o �. ��� :: I II:a!lII('r thaI offended none of them. they made use of their justly far.:ous ' ap�ropriate time- to do a bit of read- ; Th(' autlh� nl'(' was left manelling at inno\'atipns i n piano tet·bnlque. Tbe ' ing. and besides, after Haley's " AmI 1 : . " i lll]\et�' able technique and tbe addition of startegicaljy p I a c e d ' nesty Act of 1955," it is safe to go �i':II' k !ing- int{'rprNatiC':ls of tllJ'se mUles and wood blocks made pas- I i n the library again v';thout turning art i,.t� of Ihe dual keyboards. Fer- sible an entire new world of musical up your collar and slinKing In the 1':IUIl' <Iud Tell-her do not bind tbem- sound . ilarkened doorways. * , �* . *, ... ,'h· {'� to any tradition. From tbelr : Another faetor which added much ' After the bigbly enjoyable per· I the suc('ess of tbe performance fast but sUIl marvelously ' " ! p<\n performance or Dach's "Jesu, , was the remarkable showmanship : forwance of Ferrante and Teicher or :\Jall'S Deslt'illg" to Sousa' s ot both members of the team. :\lr. i In tbe tinal concert of the Lyceum I "Stars nn(l StrIpes ForeYer," they Teicher won tbe audience immedl- I Series, I believe we all owe our sup- I mnde It ('\('ar that their interpreta- ately when he almost knocked oyer port to this project plus a vote ot flo llS were definitely their own and a large baske.t of flowers in making appreciation .to t h o s e who bave I not tied to tradition. T h e y per· bis first entry. Througbout tbe con- made it possible. formed each number In a style ap- cert the performers gave the audl. 1 :\Uss Anne E. Knudson. the first proprlate tbereto, but with an added ence tbe feeling that they were (Continued on Paee Four) (ConUn!led on Page Four) :' ,)arkle and zest all their own. Tbey ,





f .Ir·,.\lS







Notes and Footnotes 1



\llIUSl'llally ,l.)y

I Dorm




! I



D0; \




l I II









From O ld M a i n I got a "Tip on a cipllne, rllles to be Followed. aradem!c standards. et('. We're not nlhillsts Tolo" or Immatllre clods, we like PLC or we wouldn't be herf'!. (l Is our belier ;That w -i l l bring wedding bells on ' Ihat the student go\'ernment. taken in a broad sense, has been rather 80 � e summer morrow. ! linlitCd in ,;('ope, for many reasons. We believe that the scope of student


By Dave Wold, Tom Ho u seholder, and Stewart Morton



c. S. A.




50 mil/ion times a day

at home, at

'Work or

while at play










1. FOR TASTE • • . bright. bracing



2. FOR REFRESHMENT • • • a welcome bit of quick energy that

brings you. back refreshed.



-cob- it 0 � �

0 Tn,. ntl COCA·COlA CaMPA""

Gladiator Statistics

I i r!

18 15

1951·52 1952·53 1953·54 195·1·55 .

10 10 10

.22 ..16 . .........1S........19

LAST W E E K E N D I (Ion't hold a grudge and tbis isn't sour grapes, but "we wuz robbed." Last weel{end In the S-pok�n� Coliseum six or eight lo:ral or foolish (l h av en' t made up my mind yet) PLC rooters, myself included, nE'arly met an un\'imel}' end. But I still feel justifiE'd at getting bitter oyer saDIe or the calls in our game with -Wh itworth. One of the referees was a coast league official, but I don't think P.C.C. basketball i s that (Iiffel"('nt. The ball players in that conferpnce mnst not have any teeth It·ft and battle �("ars must predominate oyer natural physiognomy. "Cindy," "Big :\"Ick" and Denny Rodin know what 1" 01 talking about!


258 243 197 IS::! �5 29 22 37 1&

nson ..... .......... .. 24 F:gg-an . ........... 13 I-I...


Hoover Is Wi n n er Of I n spirat:io n


11.3 10.3 9.7 7.9 7.3 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.4

Piayer FGA FG Pet. �inderson " 207 42.0 Xordquist 227 95 41.9 I-loo\'er 1 62 67 4l.-t Other games in League NO. 1 : son. HOilS . 9S 40 40.8 Ivy (A) oYer Tacoma, 51·37; De· Coming from Lake Stevens, Wn., Gubmd .. .. ........... 217 72 33.2 Jar-dine·.'> over Ta('oma, 67·37; and Phil has earned six letters while at J\pldennan .......... .220 72 32.7 :-':orth Hall (3) over Gooch 's Gulch, PLC, thrpe In football and three In A Q U I C K G L I M PS E F O R W A R D basketball. Sta.nding 6'-l", Phll has All the major wire servi ces across the country have this on tap. Brian FREE T H R O W P E R C E N T A G E 43·H. In League No. 2. the Stubs have learned to he fe�red by eopposing Price, backfield man and ent1- on our football team for the past two sea· l d F l Hons, still has a year of playing eligibility left. With a few pats on the ;i l��:;son t 1:: �� �;.� ��:l��� �!�t�:l �:;ra:::\3��� a�� : � b�t a\: :�! back and words of well'f"emembered pralse--wbo kno\\'s ? He's a handy GubrUd 56 41 73.2 overcommg a 9 point deficit to beat . . guy to have on that gTidlron. 168 110 6 5.5 the Jokers. This gives the Stubs a I Phil, only a JUnior, has one year Hoover I' of eligibility left and will be b""k f "oedQuj't 191 124 64.9 0 and O record. All-Con erence 1 954-1955 hi s last season next year. Good 'Veil, here It Is-basketball In the Evergreen is finished and I get Ross . ... .................. 126 78 61.9 1 The Faculty has also taken their I for . two g a m e s. First by over- luck, Phil. another cbance to 'Stick my neck out. It's time for Evergreen All-Confer. Kelderman ............ 143 83 58.0 first -----ence selections. Before I name my chcdces, I want to say this: In all whelming Clover Creek, 73-40, with I REBOUNDS fairness the Lu tes won't have as many men on this all·star team ' Pro f. Ericson canning 55 points. G No. A " e. , ye r might be expected of a conference co-champion squad. But this doesn't !\"PlaordQ Showi. ng a display of phenomenal I 21 lessen the caliber of our squad In my eyes one bit. Sure, mistakes were Kelderulmsatn................ accu racy from the floor, Mr. Eric· ' 21 .............. 7 3 154 game, every for up :0 son now bas the satisfaction of I made, errors were rornmltted, and our boys weren't 7 21 Hoover ........ 147 ........... ' PI the was games most in watched we which m tea Lutheran but the Pacific hold ing the league record (set by U ubrud .................... 21 112 45.3 Hobbs best in the league. And that's the difference-whoever would have pre- I GSinderson of Tacoma wl· t h 50 poInts). 8 by Loole Spry , 101 . 21 . ... . . . .. dieted as good a season as we had. Harshman's type of basketball pays Ross ......... . ...........- 21 62 3.0 J l a The tall, talented sr Whitworth PI�sh.;a::�ltS::����t:�s �:;��tP:��;;e� rates off. I guess we all know that. eliminated Pacific Lutberan in the record book. S E C O N D T E A M (6 Men) FI RST T E A M (6 Men) he John McLeod..... . _...U. B. C. Bob Logue .. ..................Central Life is a long lesson in humll1ty. Other games In League No. 2 : �:�9_�2 �������·�;;::::��:t�l: ...P. L. C. Ohlmps over Ivy Hall (B), 63-35 ; urday. Whitworth now moves into .. ...Eastern Jack Hoover... Dick Edwards... . ...Western ......Whltworth Bob Stone.... ::��� o:�::�::' :�·:: ; �entIal .the state f n�l s against Gonzaga. At· Ron MHler..... TOM'S s I .53 Phil NordquIst.... . .. .........P. L. C. Bill Medin... .... . ............ .... ...C. P. S. writing each team has one vic· Marv Adams . .................. Whltworth Central ........ Bud Lester galnedPthe table ten. this ICE CREAMERY Don Heacox......... ... . t Ralph Bohannon ............W-hltwortb Jack Sinderson. ................. _.P L. C. S A N D W I C H E S - HOT DOGS nls title by defeating Bob Romnes - o���t!��t�hrl:� g;s�� e:;t�:lftime two out of three games. Lester rep' Last Saturday night In Spokane wasn't the happiest, but "Big Nick" after the opening minutes of S H A K ES · MAl.oTS resents the Ivy Hall c I u b a n d and tor· elderman had occasion for a good laugh. It seems that Whitworth's etc. the second balt the outcome was Kard, names, (Continued calling e, m i t on Page Four) never In doubt as big Ron Mlller put w Ralph Bohannon, was giving Nick a bad : 1n 1 5 points In that span and came Finally big "80" came up \\ith the name "goon" wblch Is usually tacked '�:;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;� as the game's high -point man out l THORSEN on the big men . EI NEAL ART'S SHOE SHOP . with 25. Pbll Nordquist &Cored the . It seems that Bohannon had just chided him a couple of times v.1th TRICKS JOKES MAGIC n his ! o,, over tripped turned, forward Garfield Street , I COltumel, T uxedoel, $.t.rpentlne I �:��:��:: ��;r:O:t� �:.d went on this remark when the \Vhltworth feet and fell flat on his face, QUAL ITY R E PA I R I N G - DY E I N G I This victory gave Whitworth a \Vell, It the snow stops, we'll look towards spring sports next week. M A . 4861 926Y2 Broadway on�p nli n ed�� ag�e�� That's all. ' Fo:u�,� �� : , , : � � n : = c ( � _ � � :: : :::::::::::::::: :::: :: �, H T E VISELL CO F I E L D GOA L P E RC E N TAGE


203 9.7 1








... _

.. _



Booksel lers ' Stationers - Office and Church

Supplies - School Supplies 9 1 6 Pacific Ave_

Remember us

MA. 2870

il n when yo ' eed prinrln9

p rograms, cards, ribbons, p a m phlets,

that's our business! GRanite 7 1 00

tickets, etc .




LaCrosse Pr inters P R I N T E R S FOR YOUR COLLEGE Located across


t h e Triple




a t 1 1 8th a n d Pacific Avenue



Garf i e l d St.


GRanite 5772

24-H our

Wrecker Service G E N E R A L R E PA I R I N G

GRanite 61 91 Lucky Sales & Service 135th &.

Pacific Avenue


:��:: :: i:�:� �

Whl' fworfh Drops L tes I n avoff



Madden' s Men' s � Little Men's Simp

Parkland Center Bldg. _

GRanite 4242


Poehel Distributing Co. Your Fu el Oil & Appl iance D ealer

14bth a n d Pacific Avenue


�R. 8624




, PLC Students Given Teaching Contracts cHic la!'t

(Con tinUN\



i n l! LY\'€'l11ll �(>ri('s. the following

Pag e O n e )




In Yf'slertiay'!'; poli on the ('Om-


These students were given these contracts



there ha� be('n a shortage of ele· "�; school teacher!'.. ] n l e n'iews







also,' but

been the

i n th(' Sl 'rondary 11.'\·e1. !<dlOOlf;

'lale Soloi!'t ( \'o( "a "

�i:�;li��f't .

gh'en for


i n s t rll!lll'lltalist



r ('


Dup o n t , Pa r k

n, ' �orth


A t i m i n i f' l ratol's f rom �('at t1e and P(")rtlan,\ will b(' interviewing future






a d m i n i s t rators Cali·


fo"nia, allli San I.panrtro. C,1IHorn i a . '

Thf' reas.on Ihat God 'ma(le woman . last wa� that H e d i d not want any arl yi('e while creating man.-HeatlE'� )ig('�1. �



I ..

f rpI'· ( hrow

Top Ten Scorers ( T hrou gh February 15th)

t :: ':,� �;)I; d : �" rt\�� C l1 S ) ) l l i .

( :'\ . rr. 3)

I la <' ffelt>

n. : .1. �

! 1I.



. .....T 7 7


l'a\\· !I.'Y ( C(,lltral l l arra<.:k s ) \£o\l�eholde"r ( Stub::;) .

W hNe t h t>1"1.'

� _. _



........ . ..1 I

I I ro llH' l y ( I Je.J ard i ne·,;) Lar:<on ( ('rew Cuts) Or mt> (.l okel·s


.. 9



_ 14:


peace, God i s .


� __ ___ ._ ._ _ _ � � �

See OWEN H . FlATBERG PlC, North Hall, Room C-17 Parkland, Washington


Open a Savings Account NO W





fmlll sf"ilOols of oyer 300. F:lmon



zation. \\'as chairUlan of the steering


c ommiLtee. Hepresentillg- "I.C was Theodore Karl. chairman of the

sppeL"i1 dppal'tnlf'1l 1. mcmbers of the

PLC chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, �a-

tional forensics honorary.

(Continued from Page Two)

of the female portion of the faculty to have h a d t h e honor, led us I n

devO"tlons last Tuesday evening. Her



the only criticism was that she had-

n ' t spoken before.




\ 1OlllIlst

he bo m



folk singers �larais





pr('si(!ellt of t h e sponsoring organI ·


! ' Le Auxiliary,

si on (re£'.




Accept Your Responsibil ity


Saturday. March

1I 3. 4.

"Feel" of the Road.

tI l


the Tire Chains and Good



: ·orn. smooth �ires , DOll ' t �eIY on \ tI res. U s e tire c h a I n s on s now

4 th noor g n I 6JOI���'I � '�� ;;;��� ; O:\IS Bal-


( 011\ 1.


-. r e .. .er . §




0 . .L-I 1

Tue day, March ,


l ;; : ���(I:I\� 'i� ;�!�' fl�;I�O��ung e. I

�: '15-S�l1dent

Council, ASBO.

i · � : �����r;�rn���l:��·R� �,�ghome. d e

Libmry building .

i : :\H-Cllrtain


S : 3U-A\pha PRi Omega, C:\IS-123.



Thursday, March




vevotions, Tower

G : ��:'� :il�ha Phi O m ega, i : OO-German Club. ""i : 1 5-V i k i ng Club




!.rI O.&.

day, March 1 1

""i :3�:\'lovle, sponsored by 1\Iu Ph! EpsJ!on,

sen .

Saturday, March 12

They cut stopping dis · Dowling Party, sponsored by Junior

tanc{'� about bait,

give "



times more s tarting and climbing




could only catch one of us,"




Garfield St.


129th &. Pacific


GR. 9945


Phone GRanite 8684

For all of your Automotive Service needs

Pacific Avenue


: . �. I,lli.

P l u mbi"ng - Window

FLOOR COV E R I N G I F Y O U CAN'T EAT IT-WE , H AVE I T Phone GRanite 121st and Pacific Avenue Regular ia



s 8 ' CabInet, D. ) room, So. L, . 3 ()--. DHG l

(or All Occasions WE DELIVER 415 Garfield St. GR. 7463

.VI Inn ..

Tools - Sporting - Houst:wart:s - Paint Shades - Travis Rods




snow and ke, fog ami frost. He . ds!lel d wiper I e d l " gI l t I �� ,��e� ::IH; tl e���:�:r� �re In top Use


7 20-A \V

6 : U O JJ.m.- �lu Phi Epsilon, Music-




Monday, March

6 : H i l::I:. .:. �'��l�'tl�1.�:t:�s� Coftee



Sunday, March

l/: OO-C.S.A. Council, clu broom,

mad I s and adjust your speeu to road and weather condIti ons. the


�.�.. ����;:ri��!l�,���-�

and away from traffic. l Find o u t j l l:l t how s U Ilpery the Keep


i : :tQ- l/ : 30-Play night. gym.

7 : 0(}--C.S.A., In SCU.

bra k e;; ol"easionally while dri ving slowly



all ill your power to drive w ltb. out a IT i (\(>llt. Von' t blame the Get the



� : 30·5: 00-\VAF'TA. SUB and 1.1.

to do

w ('a IJU'l"m;tll fo!' an accldent.



RIc c i



" ..uU""




Friday, March

to- 00 p.m,Sty!p Show, .<;pnn sorell by


Stella's Flowers






HOIU' 0100'" CORPOt."O" • Ho,a.H u

GRanite 8671,

for cookt:d to order Deluxe Ham­ burgers Fish and Chips Home·made Pies Taco ma 9th &. Pacific



enrollments up to

talk was based on Homans




f . IX RU Ies 0 W Inter were stU- I S· Driving .

U3 1 D O R M DO I N ' S . . .


Thrift is Part of Your Education


e�l i n t o two d i v i s io n s . Those In ?I' . \'IS lo n n were f rom s c hools w i t h d ellt" I n th� l r first y t',I l' of com pet! · lion. D v s III A was for students

.1 45 I1

.. . .. 1·16

Division of Weart:vt:r, " Finest i n Cutlt:ry"

,,, .....

thelr "-l hools :\led.ll � \\ere ghe n to sel'ond 'and third �lace winners, ' T he students l'olUpeting w e r e dl"lli·

1 5 6 I sppel' JI raell It y, alHI mem be rs 'o f t.he

.._ . 1 5 1








co n t ('st

:-:::' dl\\·! nd t . ( Stubs ) C. Gf' nz ( Omegas)


i T.

dimes in ' time will grow into


0l" ' n 0 all men o n C:l Ill IHI S s t.a rtlng atu nl ay morning , \l arch 5 . a t :1 : :11\ �

tf'a dl e r� this \1onday. Coming soon


. ..................25

l l age T hree ) ( \ " l ll t i 1 l f' d f rom P Homnf';:' I he Tal.'Orn'1I1s.

lInfortuti l lt' l l i n t PLC nuLit

\ \ (' lIH \ pl i(',rrned that one I do('� not lPpL1Ud b(>\\\ een the m O \ e I lll t, n , :;; o r , \ \\ork sudl . I S \101.,lrt S I �on,lta In D nHl,Jo r I t I s nl :;;o IIIl

Judy Bureker and.Connle Hustad hull .. l ! J o n It seems th e lIlstitu O \ e r :!50 studl"nts from 2 7 high L ion ; s definlt(' l } bere to stay Next <;dwols III the st.lte entered the } C,l r s �er !('s promises to be even tournament \'l1lch ended " I t h nn �o me possibilities now un, b l' l tpl Saturday nlght� \ d (,1 ('o m l 1deratlon are A ndres' Sego :{ \\" a "-"'I.' mb h F'l rst 111.1'('0) I�'(II"" -","f " '.A i'\.;' �n'en 3; \'Ia th e I1>O�)'", J'ol'€h}��� i,'tl;-,,� •• �.. tropln and ,\ p l,IQIIO " a s presented lIl t' tropol lta M opera star Dlanche

Intramural HiCJhlights II


Olympia, Bremt>rton . and Sl Ockton.


. . .1 1 . 7

I o\\ er llggs and ' i '




1'1]( 1''' h

P LC l a s t weekend. Tom \"l\llling the final enco re-Is uV('r. Swlndland sen('d as general stu· i I't>rhaps some day we wi ll learn. dent ( h'l.Irman an(1 \\ as assisted by If till S \ P,\r S concert senes I s flO}


7ll��:g-f�;�:S;}�,�1;��:�S:�::� �l' ;.I '·;':r;:��·('

noL �'!-. -�t"eaJ.. (



� c�:, , �,ed r,om Page T "o )

' P I 1 I \ PtlJO\IIl i!! !helr " ork


. 60 . . . . . 132 ........ ���� . ... .126 .


nd Footnotes


S('\"('!l stud€'nts frOnl Taeoma area fo u n a l that tbere are tho.'<{· who . high sdlOol!! won tOil honors In, the I !la,'e t ilt> rlHlpness and gall to leave W ashington State Debate Coaches the a\HI I W r ! um bl'fm'p the pe-rform· Association -tournA ment which w as 1 a n("e--- w h i d \ lasts t h ro u gh an d i n·

. ..... 2 07

. .....

1.f' (" l u rp r

(or i n l e n "" i p w s : Puyallup, Shoreli n e . Hos(>.


( ' l l o) ra l ( ;roup .

ha\'e be(>n on campns

Taroma. K t> n n e w i r k .

Souzay . . . .

.. . . . 11 ) . . . .. . . . . . .. . ..... .1 4

C 00


you likl' t o ha,'e next year? Wo man S oloIst { \.o ca l ) .. . .. .....


from 't h e follow·'



Co m pa n y .. ,;2


W hat ty pe o f programs would

no 'placements �



"�errantf' and T ei h er...

ha•.e be(>n ayailabJe at present be·

�a.p.""� 1b..Q-, .�I.}.�

W f' r< '

.iM(>p h Schuster . . . . .. . . .. ........

t eaching


p>;;:\l ! I ,.

�igm\ltlll Homberg


.Jpanne Han!'en , in T acoma, an(\ J\ldol Dou,i!"hty. at He thel High



Fd,d.'Y, M'' h 4. 195 :' Tacoma Area H'lg h· 1r N S h I Sf d en fS I I W'In Top H onors r t>


Supreme - Supreme la Beat .



GRanito' 7865


S. POSTAGE Bulk Mailing PAID

Non. Prolll


Permit No. 51

Delicious Hot Chocolate

1 1 eth.,. Pacific

GR, st• •

Are You Going to Get Cleaned U p for Easter? NEW LOCATION: PARKLAND





next to the Donut Bar PARKLAND



- -- -


Missio n Em phasis �W e e k To Feature O. Rola n d er HI'\",


\ . r,·,:�iah

H . Holander. pastor

L u t h e ran




bUrl!. \\'a.·: 1 t i ll�tOfi. w i l l be the

" j " l 1 ]':lIlpll<l!'lili � I '('akf'r





dlapel on

\]"nilay ;tllli \\'(·,[n('Hlay. l I i >l topics

II ) ] 1 h."

"Th .. T h r i l l i n g Ta;o.k of a

I >;

Holandcr n n d


Afri" a

All �U





' t . 1 9 H . and worketl a half year ;.. in

tll ' r " for four anti





11('11" grot!! .. o f naUvcfI

calh·t! tile T U rl'CIi, a tribe of I ::' U,OOu


" i < l T1.�


and here opened

new mls-

Tnd'I Y ." I II 1 ! H 9 they came back to the l'a":!!)I' l1ola nd,,1' f,:l",lduatf>J frolll �tatl'''' II !lpn' H,-\', Hoiand!'r took a I I ,.: ,\ d l l l l ,I!U':, st. ]'ell'l', .\l i n - gradual" '-OIIL:;P at Ih(' \ ' n ! \, cr,:itr 11" "'nLI, 1\ I l h atl A.II. dt',C"["ee i n 19H. u f \\· a s h i t l g t o n . l i e the:! t 01 \1 g h t I I " gradu:l!f'd from the J\\lC:lI �tana C l l r i " t i a n i t y and :-'Iis!lion� at Gus· :" · l 1 I i ! l a r y . H o.·k isl;n! d . 1 I 1 i n o l ;< . i l l laVIlS AdnllJhu� In the !l[lring !lcmes· I :J I I . I,'r of 1:1; ,If.

r ;11"'1:11

Rogness, of Luther Seminary, Visits '\ ll"in

pl'('..;illf'111 IIf 1 . l l l hf'l" �{,ltlin ary a l J't . P all . :\I i n l l . , ! ;." " I,t> " l, :\. , i. �ltv!" Oil Ih� PLC l;3.W · [l\l'; TllIlr,;d:IY <11\(1 Friday of thi..,; I\f'ck. 1 [ 1,; I·i!'it hOI'; be('ll primarily 10 i n l f']" \· i f> \\· and ,; p c a k 10 I h c ,; •. hoo)"s pr l' . sr m i n a ry studcnts. I lr


TIL,· I:"la lld f·r.� returned t o Africa

l (. f i l I IL all

u f E J�.,) where hp sen-ed 5<19.1 Royalty ca ndid at e s arc: F i r s t row ( l eft to right), D a n A Blount. B o n n i e Troedson, Cali Christensen. y ear,; as a n educational B et ty Toepko:!. J oAnne K nudson, Janet Towe. Back row ( l eft to r ight), B ud Lester. Jack Hoover, Ted Carl· lIli,.:"illllary and the he.a d master o r stro m. I v er E Ii<lso n . Brian Pri ce. Vern Hanson. Balloting w i l l be done next Wednesday. Ilu· E i nal1lpanda T(>::whers Trainin�

r"r IILn'l' :'du)01. Hev.


:\I rs. Holander mo\·eu i ·


I l ;:;;:�::� l \�l,;:��:�: � :�d ���� · ��:el :j�����:' 1 0 :'Ilessiah Lutheran Church.


H ol u nd e r gr:lIluated from the

I · n h·ersity 0 1 " \Va"hinglOn

i n Hj-l�

1\·h(,1"1': she was an a("tive partic.:lpant

tht! LS'\. bei ng national scnetary o n e year alltl II.II! Padf!c :'\ orlhwe st 1 ) 1 " . Hn,c:llf';O:'; ;O:j)okt' I n the pre.sems resident fOr olle year. S he taught in a ":IJt"'dal Il1f'f' l i l l g a t ";" : "U p. m . ]J home el" onolll i <:.� one year before go· T h u rsday {' \·l'lIill .C". Olher me m b e rs ing to Africa. I n Tanganyika she o f th(> ,;tlltil'lll body 1I"('l"e introduced lll,,.:idl'';

l ILt'


inler\" ie l\' ';,


h (' lped to him 1\ 111'11 he "11(,k., for e l'enin g

w i th

erJucatiou of



i\f'votiolls In bOlh So rth and SO llth \\ u men and ehihlren, taught sewing I I a I I l\ormitode:l :t II d in today':; and k n i tting classes ami family and dliltl care. l·hap('1 period, Tht" H.olaluJcrs have three cbil· In a gf'lleral slatement to tbe pre· L)I'. Ho�n(>�� reviewed th� Ila· u ren . Tom, i, J ohn, 5, and Ruth, 3 ,

';+o""IU S .

tions hi":lory durin/-: this century i n

light of I h £> slllritual attitudes o f the IH�Oldt>. He statcd '.hat pre\"io\ls to the fit' �t a n d s(',·olld world wars

t h e nation·s people felt a self-sllffl·

("jPlil·Y which led them to believe I hf'l"e wOlild be no famines or wars

Soprano WI' II 0pen S p r 'I n g Fest'lval

Saga King, Queen To Be Crowned BY' KTAC Personal ity Next Friday Night

Students A d o p t New Constitution

�:lga Hoplty ('antiitiat£'" for tlH' PLC h av e adopted Constitution by a ,·(I!llin� Sa�a Carnival, _\I a rdl l 'l · l � . announced by \Val!. Ilf'r" \· 0 1 (' or" �j:-, .li per t"I:'nt. "'t'oting look plar. ,. i n the lobby or Old :\Iain Tue�. :;,·h\\ indl. director, T h i .-; ,·oming , i ;\v a f te rnOOll. \\· t!clneslia)· members of the stm!ent SOllie of the major .: hanges i n the body wi]] elt:d two finalists f ro m CO Il :<t ! t lHion were as follows : th e ,; j x frf'::.hman women and the I. T h e iO�!Dpr na fl1.! Associated ,: ix senior men nominatetl last we€'k. Swllt'nt nody. ha::; b�t'n changed to A final \·ote w i l l be , ·ast t he followA S P I .C, AssociatE.u Students of Pa· i ll/! day . An nOll !I, · ('nH'll t t h e dlo,.:!'inc Lutheral: Cullege. e n Kin,c: and Qllepon lI'i \ l not be matle l 2, One T l esjay of each month Ilntil the coronation, Prilla}" a t 1\; ')1) will be tI e \. 0 t e d to the of fi cial ]l.Ill., in the C)IS. St\ldf'!1I';

t he- nell·





meeting ;


other Tues-

days w i l l b e under the juristlict10n



th e Student cot1f1cn .


A new system

and elections



de v



adopted. This new system


and be

used i n the coming spring elections,

Kin� and Qu een candidates and

th e i r sponsors are a s follows :

world wars and the depression, faith i n human competence dis· appeared, "Pews are now being filled with hungering and thi rst"­ ing soul .... According to h i m this situation pre.ents the opportun­ ity and respon .ibility of leader· .hip to the present and future spiritual leaders of America, " You are being called at an auspicious time to m l ni.ter to the explicit and Implicit yearnings 0 f t h e age," he .ald,

The position of the pre·sem stu­

dente In relation to the campus was then





tions were Ilsked by the students,

hailed by critics


e-st singers In the





among living

one or the great­

w or id

today and

In the New York said.



The festl-,;al will also Include two

('oncerts by the

Seattle Symphony

Orchestra, under the d'trection ot Milton Katims. The orchestra will

be accompanied by an I50-volce stu·

dent chorus. Tbese concerts will be in








On May 6 a stage and screen per·

sonality will appear with



cast In a dramatic production. The

Arter the meeting, he was asked restlval wlll close with a worship

what should the voice of the churcb

be during these times. To this he replied




Is to call (Continued

cburcb's special to Ii selt Pace Four)



sen-ice 00 �Iay



exhibit of contemIKlrary art. a

science fair and a display of inter­

naLional bo.:ks w i l l be feRturad dur­ In, tbe festful.

Stutlent Council



per cent of ASPLC must be turned Jack

Into the Student ConDell by March 29. '!'he final list of nominations

be PO!5ted

?tlarch 30.


Campaigning for ASPLC o.)Uices


Hoover, Parkland,

more class ;




Price, Longy iew,


Lester, Silverton,

by rreshman class;






g"rams. 1300111s 1\ iLi f.:-atllr(> variolls enif'I·lainment.. Uhe:-:\: .1',01· prizes a�4' jJ!"Omised, w ; 1 1 I tinwiJ:";- llt the dOf: e o f eac h e\' t:"n l n g Th .. ,> I"hairmi'u for thp t ar n i \'al


iJoO lhs are

l holo s :




l e nda



Siruo nso ,l, Spurs.

Orandt ;lud




:i l\· ing a era· H:lll, 1�<lllO; Don

Lettermen. Carl


���:�� � ��:t !��:� rt I o I,

by OJd Main.






��� ;:�::�

shufOeboard ;

Salterbeck and D e l 0 r e s

Uet:k, Viking Club, food; Jim Cliff­

ton ,


!'lack s ;






Bob :'Ilonson, Alpha Sigma

Lambda, penny pitch;

Glenn John­

son, Blue Key, electric wire; )Iarg&






Del illIine D'.loielson, Old �lain, dart

Brian at


Greta J ohnson,


s[>onge throw; Dave Jaech, fresh-

Bert :'tlc)lurtrie, radio personality m a n class, fish tbrow.

for tbe ensuing year w i l l be con­ rrom KTAC, w i l l crown the royalty

dut:ted April


i n the C:'Irs

Thc Saga Cai'l1 I V a l lr, · �lt)

Ua na Dionnt,of Seattle, by sopho· Howaru Jean01anc, APO, b.1.s!tetball mor p cl ass : Call Christiansen, of and rootba l l ; Dale Schimke, ITA, Ev erett , by the Letterme n ; JoAnne darto; Bob Sundberg, suphomores . Kn ll d �on, Ar\ l ngton , by· BI u·e Key , balleball a t boWes; Stu :\Iorton �nd De i l Y Toepk �, F'alrtleld, Wash., b l Elwootl Rieke, juniors, arcb€'ry; EI·

Kallpa Rho Ka pl'i: Janet Towe, 3tl · Jennie TOllrel, dramatic soprano, U�rthis Sjlring·s election on )Iarch 23 attie, by Ivy Hall; Bonnie Troedson, think of the :\[etl'opolitan Opera Company, when it posts its nominees for four Denair, Calif., sponsored by A.P.O. open the fourth annual Dramathat they had aspired upw llrds from \I'm offit-cs. The ma.."'dmllm number nom­ Ted Carlstrom, Antioch, Calif., will b e the monkey and were well on the '-[uslc Festival. The festival Inated for e a c h office w i l l b e three nominated the junior class ; lver )Iay 5·8 and \\"111 be rJirected by Proway to bl>('ollling angels." al:u the minimum two, h:l!ason. Kennewick, by South Hall; ressors Karl E. Weiss and Theodore Dr. Rogness said that after the :\ominatlng petitions signed by 5 Vern Hanson. Seattle, by Spurs; O. H. Karl. �lIss Tourel bas been


ill IiiI.' futllre. ·'The theories of

w i n had l n ftuellced them



.� ilHll will follow b()lh eVl'ni!lg pro·

aod also act a s Me.

Following the coronatiog a pro-

gram .tarring "Tommy and Benny"


Spurs To Visit CPS

S purs of PLC have accepted an of Portland will offer varieties In i n V i tation to be the guests of the music, with instruments such a. ac· CPS Spurs at a pot-luck dinner OD "Chip orr t:ge Old Block," starring cordlan and trumpet, "Besides being the CPS campus. The girls plan to Donald O' Co nnor and Anne Blythe, I nstrumentalists these two young go some tim e i n the near tuture, but will be shown in the upper SUB to- men sing and .hould offer one of a d efinite date has not been decided night a t S o' clo.;:k, Admission is 35 the best programs yet seen at a upon yet. The CPS Spurs are pl.nPLC Coronation ceremony," .ald cellts per person. ning on a returo visit. Walt Schwindt, Saga bu.lneu ma".. Following movie all students Spur President Sylvia Kirkebo i a are Invited to a game night at South commented, "Those Spurs are really ::;;'OfT�::h��:t:��:; ��e:;�� H ")· termen's Minstrel olee, even it they do go to CPS! The annual ��l..'i movie Is sponsored by Mu Show will take place Saturday eViT They' re really peppy ! " Pbi Epsilon.

Movie Tc;night I n Up per Studen�Uniono 8 p.m.






'I II#! illflOring 1''1 11 11 ' Publish"d eq;>ry Friday tiurin2 Ihe ��honl �'ear by !'Iuclents o f LUl hpr:.n Coilp.£e,

c. S. A.

Reminder From Pacific


Old Main -




l"'·l:I .'�!<ioll :

a l 1 .1 p:u·t i<"iP<llillg








to room I�fj. Get that dol· lar (ltlt and pllt it down on your rell' ('!"vation for the tolo before :'\farch IRtlt Girl:;. how has y O H r "boy scout· lng'" J!olle? \Vhif·h person of the other !'lpecies do you have your hook hailf'11 L"lr? J\ J! I ('an !'lay i,;. "YOlt Il1ltl bPltf'r �Iart playing that fi!\h an.1 l a !i.lill.e' /tim no\'.' before he i!'. '·:l Il h h � oy :-. bf'tler fi�h('rwoman than rOl l ·· Oh. }",.�. lh.' nalllE' of tite tolo: . . \\·f'II. Lhl!\ will be " n:)Ilnl1ed rll'XI I\·(·ek: l i o l l ." tip











;U •.


1I"t' 01





A Superci lious Snee r Nordquist :Carlltrom


a ;,('1'10.\ of h :I V i llJ! ,'x IIPrit'Il'·l'd anotltf'l' day. TIll'rt' :11'1' too re\\" al'tll· IF II" l' wall! to ('xperiCIl('C �rowlh. ill t h t> liff' o[ our w,' !!I l l;.: t not only rC('r-ive :-;\lste. t · ,, '(I · II II·wb" 1" · · ! l a p py I·':nnily"· Tht> n:I II " " , hi l t ,e:i\·e of ollr�('h'(>� also. ('flll�f'(IIl{'!lny we don'! /;0 I II meel· h"':1 of filiI" bf'in� a family alloll 1 1 1' :qlpcarancc. 1"0 ma l1Y 10 a \·n i t J re�Il1.n�ibility jn�,.; :1I ... 1 I" ntak t, ):00'\ hi lI l a ' III'!" \\ , . .,II'llIhl ,1:'0 to br-in� ;I�I.I . 0 ![l r i hl l l ioll. Tlti" b Ih"l in k·.·.·di!!!! :,:r" l I u . 1 for ..:1:1:': I1 ; 1 1 i"':1 :1 11 .1 :,ulII " l h I I I C I n 1 1I r- ,l!1"!l lI p. d.·. :I)". It j ' :1II " ll'}" p.lth tn ri nd : no ,,()m,· ,.; r1 .; t l l /111';1:< 111·,· IIIi' �r(Jllp may r.· 1 d'· I1I.III'I .�. n il lilt (11I1·" lIi,·IH "''' - h a l T" ,;r' ;11 .'n'ry ,l:rollp on I'a ! l l p l�'; i " Jll�l :1 ni . . . 1,'i�ur. ·lr ...: l r o l 1 . I� IIii" III·r . ·.' b llti,.; lilt' road lInl l!i., :,oiUlioll. Thi,; doc:; n o t :,olve \ \ ) 1 .\ · � ' 1 1l :my 1 ' 1..)blt'l!l. hul in"lcad ret'lls tile of I tt,· ,·ro:<,, ·.' IIlf)n.� t e r of ol"J.::l n i z a l i o n a l I III p o, 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 < 1 : t l 'rlo':l r I h a l YOll :t1'1' no I , · n . ' y . Then i t lIl \ L� t he seen tbat the l I i : l ,'r" l l t th" day you rf'\'l'i\"e your i ll d l \· id lla l i , ; t h e important factor. d l j,j'IlIl:l. frolll that fir"l exl"iting day ma(le b'''' : l l H,' nllt" pr,l!:l l l i 7.:ltillll.'" of .1" lllr ('nll('.!! ,' l lf.' fO llr }" " a r s !ll"l" lip "lll·h illdi\·illual.�. i " I I � . j f thi. � 1" i:< I II·,'ly � l ro l l ha:; If lli(' or�a niza l iOll Is 1 0 g'roll". . I'I'I·i" l1l' 1'. Hut. it' you h" " 1 1 �·( l U I · " \ 1 1 1 " �rl)w ! 1t l·an unly f!'OUl the To the sadly neglf:" IPd. iIU!"· and I t ,n,' IWld l' l·tI).:r,'��. il i � obl·iou,.; pro' 1 " · '··..: (1 11 . TlJ ert' fol" t,. ('al'll 11('1':;'011 has u ej ecleJ, 1'll.,hl·· :Iffected. little �· i l l l lll lJ.�I h :, \· p .·!J a ll .L: " 11 . A IlII � I l l"!l 1 )\,' r " � J ' . I I I � i !) i l l t�· of a I l' a tle r. The [p.·It·d, ,;,udell' l·itizenr), ul L\lle· h;l:ll':f' did not un'llr :1"; a t h llIl' :1 . . the of � .. " ,11 · 11 org'anizat jn n v i t l t' . . i:I t nt' .\\unring .\Ia I i r ., /I lid j:: ro'.q lt tI,·rt".it bill l a tll,' I' \1"<1:; rt':lliz ..( 1 as i n wili" '1 � ' , ll l';nf l r1 .; I ·i pa t e i� d('llend. "am i' t1 e:'(" lptiu o : 1 . J,:.ra,lu:l l . -:Li iilO� 1 imj)efl'('IHable. You ' �ht' fl.... uple \\·ho have been I I : ) ) ! ! yOl! . .l ll d not the 1 .001) l·r"J,!rt'.�.� in fOt'\\ilrJ dir('(·'ion. If memb ':' I" ,; .,( 'h t' · 'H appy Fami l y, " �·omplain·II.;: :tbo'II the qual'l)' of the \1,· I\:tlll r:.rn\\"th in OUI" li\·es it must HI' lltl' ! .. :; pa n i d pant in you r nt"ws lit. :ll"IlLg in lhis weekly scan· adin .·01111· h� bt·itl{! a liltll� tlifft"rent for organization� dal "I"'t.·.. You .Ire the people who ask 11·!ty don'L ba\'e some good or eH'1l fifteen. Quite thought reDone.;; this job who will prinl Ihat: SOlliPho\\· most of us feel one the news you want 10 heal'. Still, onght to be at I€':tst twenly by the you are the c1"Owd who gripes for all tim�' one is forty. Or perhaps e\·ell. to hear if this miserable sheet is not twenty-one . on the post at the appointed time eUP., Hold on now, Quit IHls.hing, you eal.:h i·'riday. You arc Ihe people for c;;, 7- all : \\'O:l.l hUltnds o[ bea\'en are whom this paper !'S printed. and the !hese-allywa}'� W a n t us to be staff wants to print the news that By John Kuethe grownups when we're still In col- you want to bear. but bow are they Wp start out saying it as fOllr· l ege? :-';0. perhaps not. but when to know your wishes? Yfoal'-oltls talking :t over with otuer does one begin to play bls pa,rt In If just few of you had the am· fOIl["·year-oJds. "I' m gOing to be . , the community? When he Is a sen- bitloh to write down your gripes and After he graduates? After he u b m i t them to the office rrom SOlll(>tlwes Irs firemen. sometimes lor? his first job? After Jle Is set· which this paper issues each week, cowboys. 1: doe!ln'l malter. ;"-ot has tied i n his first job? After he has perbaps the qua!lt)' or It would be t"f"'dl1 y, An 'l w e ali undprshtand that lived in a community for ten years? more pleasing to )·ou. \Vhy is It that it doe,;n't :lll\tlH /lot when one I� When? Is It Insanity to suggest that yOIi refuse to do .his Uttle thing? four. �or ' . h eo one I� eight. One no one becomes something or some- Perhaps you like to ba,'e something ("an be a hund:f',1 things before one one different aHer he Is twenty that about w h i c h you can canstantly I .... rlftcen. It !! pl o:"a tt l y part (If grow· he hasn't already been for many, complain. Perhaps you don' t know i lijo! up, I. h :" prof;t'!'!llOn of Im2ges of malty years before he became twen· just \\"hat it is tbat you do want: what·may·be pas!!ing a c r s s the ty? If we don't \'ole now in student Perhaps you are just complaining m i m I . It·s a kind of game. NQ harm assembli-es. do we really think we for ('amplaint' s sake. shall be active In citlzerfship later? It you . do know what you want. if til it . \\." aren' t amused any longer J( we are not excited now about yOllr complaints are well founded. if \\·hl·1I fort.···year-oltls �lil! play at God in Christ, how gray will our you are not just talking to bear the the plllle: "I'w going to ttl' ." hair have to get first? It we are not wind wbip against your teeth, then Espf'l·ial1y alarmed are we when the alive enough to write about our drop a note to the :,\Iast, let them "O."" ::- '·e a, ' "' 'd,. �.a ' 'le,,e' do',e anY· views in tbe �loorlng Mast. do we know \\-hat you wantL,. for you ha" e , "' ..' b U p a ... " ,, ,, ' s s a, d' O" C ke ts ,honestly aspire to edit Life l\· a. right to expect it If the editors all nis life, wbt-n he has never zine tomorrow? Who's k i d d i n g can be made aware of it. This Is played seriousl\' enougll with any w !tom-anfllO w? Of all h u m a n your paper. so get on the ball, wi ll one thing so that we could say he is dreams. perhaps this Is the Idlest. you? ";;owpthlng" or "somebody" otber that he who looks on for forty years... This article, Incidentally, was not than "playboy" or "dreamel." We will make hl�HOI'}' tn the next twen· solicited by the Mast. Your Ghost all understand that, life being what i y. No there' s one stili more be- Rider is writing i t only because he it is. a matter or twenty year� or ao deviled, thal he who is not a stu· h red up \\itb hearing you gripe left after on has become rorty, one delll by age twenty wiII ever be about lhis paper and doing nothing about il, shouldn't be tour when one is forty. I'1.C


Fric1<1y,"March 1 1 , 1955


1':Lrtil"ipation be set up . Thi� commlttN) ('ould work out a lo�ical ,,('I of rlllf"!l and .<:tandards and would inlerprpt them in caile of Infrncl!ons by melllbers of tbe studf'nt body. The ;l(lvant,'l�es found in ob vi oU H thl'Y rl'ally nef'd no pxplanation. \Vith reo :-; ( 1 ( ' 1 1 a .'1" ,, 1 1' 01 are gard 10 � I h f ' r rlll(·" (for pxamplp, doml hOllrH). ilomp system I'ould be inll"odll" Cfl whereby Illember!l of thf' (jorlllil Tnpt and ;;.f"'t l i P the rules to Iw 1 0 1 1 0 w f'lI. Thpre would be ( ·omplf· l (' rule i n the dorm:; by the student J,!ovt'rum.'nl of th{' dorlll". A l l matu'r" \\"oul d bf' handlNI by this dorm /.!:()\·f'rnmr·nt. Thiil ;.:y,.;t(>m WOUld. of ("ourse. rr-<lulre work. bone�lY. coop­ '·ri\tion-mo.� tlr work (if tllP ('on (·omitant r('''JlOn�ibiliIY look" di\rl� ominous 1 0 you Forgf:t tlJf> whol , · thing-I. 1I0wf'\·"r. we here III l'l.e no longer I'hildr{'n . W I' :tn' sr-If·lI,·knowl.,I!j.:,·d adult,.; and ;.:Iwulol bp <thh-. with work, make Ihi,; "ystem np" :'a/(' ('ffil"if'lltly and \\·" 11 11II·t f·ly Sf't down any f'xtensivl! :o:el of This ,·olulIln i " too "lion to l'ilan.l'(>". bllt ,.0:<;.:ilJly YOI[ .e' N thf' !.oint. Thpre are prowl ltrf'as here at I'LC that have a profollnll influen('e and ef[PI·l on tllP !\tudent holly. How· ever. lIup to \· ari ou ,; ['alL";";;; . ml)"t of the an:as not a("ce!'.;;ibte to stu· dC'!lt enlry. t il .... .'<lUt\f'llts han· no \"IliN' in milch tha.t if! extremely import· ant as far as thr· )" a r e ('onl't·rnf" !. \\"f' believe that thi:; i� not the way it should bf' and many I'llatlges should bt, made: indeed are necessary. Our Ihell!s is simply that stlllio:llt j.;overnment should be brcadened 10 1. 11(' point \\' 1I('re all a!'lpc('t;; of t·ampll" life and u r U v i t y are run by an.I left to the stndf'nt ..... Do we have an elixir that will bring tlt!s a b o u t ? R i g h t : J·lard work. an intense inlf't'est. wanting to make it \\"orll. £ome good old fashioned enthusiasm and perspiration. \\'c won·t ,get any\\,herp w i t h our present running violently about doing nothing. ollr apathy and intlifference antl ollr "\\'hy should I do anything" atLimdes. Htud(>n!



:l rl'


'·0 111

_ ______ �

Mediocray--A Mal ign a ncy? By Topper Nielsen

There Is an attitUde o r indUfer· ' S :�c�h: h�:��:::s �� �:r�:a::t:�� leges, Students or today have adopt.t ��€' �a��;::��VI�� j�setd :��:��. a�o�e:. Our own ca. mpus is not · to be exempted. It is a sorry state of affairs. The (uture can .)DIy envision con. t1nua\ degradation o( Intellect and -cultural standards, Ir this trend con. tlnues. It Is Imperative that we analyze tbe situation. Let us look to the ible B and see what Cbrist says in :'\Iatthew 25: 14-30. There we see that He wants us to do the hest we ('an witb our talents. That is exactly wbat isn 't being done . God wants it to be as one of our purposes here on earth to make his creation as perfe ct and beautiful as is possible , A s college students a special responsibility Is ours. \Ve have been gi ven the opportunity beyond others 'to help (;t'eate a more perfect world. Th€' flolntion lies in the desire to make our minds fEOrlile fields for in. telleetuai llurture. 'Ye must not stop at what i" nect'ssary to get by. Read beyond: �tudy science, philosophy, art. as well as all the other areas of learning. To be accomplished in all rields or Intellect Is the goal. Then we are dOing God's wlll ln-"er. feeling this creation. Learn to


·t he beauty in the finer thing.... In Ilfe. in arl1; as well as daily tasks. B)" doing ollr best to perfect our minds. tastes and bodies. this one. purpose of God's creation and our position as God's children. will be t)n a clearer road toward an accept· able solution. However, It must be remembered that power, fame and riches are not parts of the solution at all. It. these tbings foHow. they are only good it they are further used for the attainment of higher goals and the demolition o( mediocrity and lts disgust­ ing·atmosphere. As members or Christian strld(,nt body. the heavy responsibility 0,( satting the exam· pie must nOt be (>vaded but must be met head on In all united attempt to create thp.::.e standards. a

A New Song S y John Cook

OUt of the light the thunderer ca me, To torture the earth with his in. famo�s fame. He crept IlV l !n�p to lay hl S snare . And snari·lg. lEOtt us dying there. Into tht> nigllt 'he true light came, To �,��.�re love and give It His n He lived III low humanity. And dying, shroudedo1t Vindictively. In mire lfe le ' pt where I did grope. To br{'[lk the chains' or shackled hope. He ga\'e roe cause to sing a new song. And singing. m a r h on to His h eav 'n Jy 'tbrong. e

Debators To Attend Calif. Tournament



:t W A,'<> ',-,,,- .


., ' ; \

' 1



/ l ! I 1 "p k r r. Tom


Kap l,a

S W i :l l ! l a nd. fnr

':11Ir]r·tlt.� . and .\11' Thp.odo r€' ,:p ...·I,1I d i rPf'tor, w : 1 J bp Pi l ) p 1ta ' �

r"prf>;;f· n : , t t i v.. "

t he n.a.t innal I ' i K a p p a




(·(, n \· pn t io n-!O l l rn a tJI cn t.



rani;fI 'n



pIa,,€! : n


, " I L , ' � , · �" hol;tI' � h i p � 1 , ) 1 .i l i n g \

l i l e'

" on\'en­






Y 1'1.1.







\\' ! T I I I ' ·tl ' �

fo·our e\'{,llt", debate. oratory, ex-


�:� ��

e :::; ;:;t�:'�



; :� :��:�


�n� O f

Only 'l

' aceonl l ng to the pment .-ules,

Tom Swindlanrl. Yir'P'prbident of


the local c h a p t e r of Pi Kappa Della,

w i l l be the ,'haptd, mtln, delegate

to the

CO" ,




GRanite 5n2

Garfield St.

M e m b e r s o f t h e Letterman's C h o r u s who w i l l present their M i nstrel Show n e x t Saturday n i g h t . With t h e i r

a c c om p anist, C a l i Christe naen, and d " o< 'o', J e " y " a y " e ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Le'Itermen To E L ,),..C. A wa rd s PLC Will Be Host G.·ve Annual S c ho lars hips To To Oxford Deba!ors MinslrelShow ��,�!:�,: •


Comple tf' w i t h bla,'k interlocutor.

m y &t f- ry


an d a


m a n ' " C hn n l ;! w i l l prf'::1ent t h e i r an·

:'>I i n " t n· 1 Sllow , on ,\Iar( " h 1:1, at ">( : 0 0 p.m. in

n u al

a.t \ l rLla }',

ttw C :'I I :-i

a u d i ! o ri l l m Jerry Bayne i,; d i rector

of t�lf� group.

Sewing of all Kinds R e l i n i n g Cloth and Fur Coats





I n the �'ariE't}' program they w i l l

" i n .c::

d i go."

,,\1 ('11 "U


" :'Ilood


B o n e R ," '

r y

" Ol d


:'>[ a n .


and " T h i s








Hein.� ,



T his wi!! be the fifth annua l s h o w

o f th p group w h i c h Pr of. GU ll nar J. :\falmin


wa" i n strumental








IOJ'"'" HOUU ovo'" ,.,UU.(I c;o.�o..."o" _ no...... . . uu�, .......


i n SLart ·


Garfield St.

Open a Savings Account NO W

I . :-: A


1 3� ;;

((·",,01' o f ,� ()o"iology ( ·ol l pg.,

l'o J\s i d f' rs



\V i tt e nberg


:;u hj ee t

a , ·a,].' m i ' t"r'-'E,dom. The es�ence of

the <lnkl .. i" Ihi' way i n w h i c h free-


i n Ollr I'ollege::; i ;; e ndan gered

, j O lll

what Profl's,;or He rtz terms";;in;;


in edul'ation."

:'Ily CO l l n t n· . .

Brandt and Eddie Larson.

Thrift is Part of Your Education


i ",;u e of F rontiers, the p l l b l i , ; I l i o n . Karl Hert z, pro -

! ; I tl ilary

A, a demi ' freedom is "the ;;elf. imposed moral d i sc i p l i n e o f the aea.. A lso fe-atu red i n two s p i r i t u a l l p l l i " co m m unity." I t is not u o re� ; numbf>f" will be a double quarte t ,; tr) " lf'd l i. berty to do as one pleases , anso n , Brian it i s "in the end th e freedom of the �'on;;istillg of Vern H i v,'r"


dimes in time will grow into



Stella's Flowers

Flowers for AI! Occasions WE


4 1 5 Garfie l d St.

GR. 7463





" F i nest

See H.


obligat ion

te B

tr uth


thou,e-h the heavens fa[!."

T h e greatest threat to academic

t" r" p do m comf'S

not from evi l men bl l t f rom de rec tive I nstitutions. T he IIll)st grievous violation o f l i berty in

om ,'oll eges


not the occa s io na l

hO"T TO Jp n n i f f> r ( 'O P"'lll:t1l and [ 1.,> ,.; 1 ,'1' Hnrlo')", 11 I ,>r:1;\liol\:\1 I )L · ba l ,'


r'-p l" '�" l l l a l i \'''',;

I - n:·

( )\ I o r d


��I:.�'�;.\1,1) �"'g�t�,;��> l it v' "� y

l I " " ,� I o don , 1 . n " a l nq i ! 1 \\ '


l l ' ; :,��" ;�I .�l i :�: : \��i;t l � [ l

l I i ' i l :·;�:"�;;;� \��; ::: � �:.;· l; ;:.I �I�:��: \: :.: � ., il, 1 ll I . I '

S t l l a r t C i l bl','ath and Tom S w i nl!-

l a n d hal'f' bf"'n <"l1O ,, " :l to P'P)"',," T l t


i n rill' df>batt'. Ac ' n )'O\ i :l !!: 1 0 1 1'. .\ t h l" i .� onp o f I lw c:n'al" ,�t

�::���.S PLC K arl.


h n

,' a n b" � l o \\'


"p o nsori n g

11 PO) 11

11 I'''sidellt o f

ol·,e-anizat iol\. Pi

I w I ta, ha,� t h is






"ay o r PL C' s re " ' T1H�� " ord in Intf'rnational Dl"ba l � repre::lentath'es hav� a l w a y " r e por·tf'll t o th p i r .� pon so r � ,


i n tf' rnalional


l ilt-'

I n ,, t itll i f>

l::d 'j , 'a T i nn .

In" . .

PLC ha" been on,' of the ii:le,;L


arbitrary repression o ( the freedom

' " o m pe ti t or s they hal·" ml"H."


nalional debatt' p ro b l i' m of 1 9'1 ,1·::;:-;.



i n d i v i d ual to






built i n to the very 3tructure of edu-


" Liberal education . . . Is


!io n for freedom because i t can be

properly carried out only in an atmospllere





i d e a s are tabu and a l l ideas are sub­ ject to vigorous, c ritical scrutiny.


Resolved: Should











I":xtend D i p!nm:uir.: Re('ogni-

lion to the (o mmu n i s t Govern m enl

wl11 debate the neg-a­ guests, the affirmative

o f C h i n a, PLC rive, and the


ChlIrch ' Hev

t ho-!

:\Iinllt'apolis ,

lll ,' n l tmb)', I·li n­

I !\ ' I ;

I h"

.� ,'hl)lal"s.hi p

p r . l v i o\p,t

hl " : : , :':'

b y 'thl3

\1 , ,, '- ' l I l . l r�· 1 " ,�dl'l'a tlon of

, " : ':


' 1 11,· i ll l " I " I I ; l t ioll:ll Y l ' I . L ,'on­

\" ' I I I :IlIl I I I ,"::111 1" I';I I l , ' j " , ' !) .hne :.! 1 - :! 6 "


t·" " " i l '- ·

t l : " :I i ",�


T il" i f" .� " ho L t r " h i [l {'er­

on,> ot


l il ,>

:11, Ind.' : \\'1· 1l 1 y·nilh�

\ \\'; I I · , i '


Llll ht-'I':I:l l : m t i t " I'ho<l,] I l i g- h Srbool YOll l h ,..:, i l > l I , I I·� ) I : I I " , .-\,� many as 2�

LCr:nl! " . t l l : \ ' l a l l .1" w i l l Ill' made from

, 1 1 1 , , . .: t l l n : 1 in" lulled i n thp.





\\'-}I I''' _� $ :': " - ' i I " i .:r:l n 1. to t h {' Luther­ I �l

1':, I I I ' :t , L I I I : ! !

j , rn e' r , l l l l


I'!l l l d �

:\ 1 1 1

l;'u nd


mad,. w i l l h,'





111.111,' ;I\';lilablf',




U-:AI.' 1''',!llin'mt-'nt::1, to the


0 1 " 11 1 h�.. I h .' , 'n l l " .c:". o f hi" choice.

:'\'lIlW1 ; t l ion,; fo r the grants, to be

; l j 1 j l l �t'd

I n fl'p...;hman

; 1 1 l ) ( ) ( T il .. tll;ld,.




year costs at

ET.C col1f'ges, mu::;t

i r w a l I,uther Leagup or-

1! ; l n I Z;l ' i llll ,;. I-l i n d e r l i f' "aid.

1 .-"

1 1" , l I l l i n , ' for apvlio'ation::l is April

l\[1 p l i o - a T i o n s �hol11d be

sent to

T il,· Ynll�lg \-'eople's Luther League,

I :: �

� _ .-, til

�I . .

:'Ilin nea[lo\i" 15. Minn.

A p p l i " :l l i o ll blank;; for UIe LutherI I I Ilml!lf'rhood awards may be ob­

l a i no->d by

writing- Ihe YPLL. Nom. i n : l l i o n s for the LEAf" awards are I,)


IIladt-'� on

L8AF' appli�atlon

r'H·Ill:'. obtainable





i n all

( · III" I -= . I ian I"<incation,

ELC par­



\l i ll l � t'apo!i;; 15, :'>finn.


S. 5th St..

Su pport Saga Ca rnival



· · I n many Luth" I-an colle.c::e s, tht:re

ha,; been.


l'OU)"oole. no problem of

a" :uj,-'mj,' freedolll becall s e : 1) their

fal"lIiti l"s have been notoriously even more powerless than tllO;;e of other institutions,


::! )

ehurdl·JolIlinul&i policies




plat'''' '] th .. e w p h a s i s o n religil)us i n ­

i n Cutlery"


mo ra l


Oile o f \ three n)Ilt'KP"; of rlw :\ o rl 1 1 \ ,. " t to "PI.C ha" bpt�n hOllorpd

t h .=!!

1·: 1 . ( ' :1:ld hy 1 11 , -' I :!l l l l ra l\ Bro­ : I I " I'llnoo! 1 1l � ' 1 I'a , , ' ,",o l ' i f' I ), . n ...: , ! \ " I . I I· � il I P \I l n ll" 'r� who arC' pr!',,­

' !l "

the tournament.


I l i l d , ·r l l " ,



1 . 1 I 1 111'1'al1

;\ 1 1 '" r d i n :.:.


, ! i ;"


t h rol!l/:h

1 .1 1 1 h,'r

1 '1 ! J I " :1 ': :W l :\ "



during' t h f!

; l w a l·II.�d


1 " ',)l'],"'�

1·:I'.ln e',-· l i , ; 1 1



I li ��:�O:'�I� :::�: : ��f'��� �<;�; ���t:, ���: I ' I

Page Three

lSA Publication


t i on · to u r na m P ll ! in I {('d l an d " . C a l i f , .

Ap r i l

I I , 1955

Discusses ,College Academic Freedom

C o nn i p H u ;; t a rl . S t u a r t ( � i l b rf>a!h .





PLC, North H a l l, Room

C-17 WashIngton Phone: GRanite 8671, Ext. 1 6 1 Parkland,

doctri nation a n d , lJ�etistic moral pa­ tPrnalism. alJ(i ing-



a ssur t'd

faculty in-br:eeJ­


profefsors ;

underpaying and overworking them

has put them i n


posi tion where

the poor de�'ils r.:an't afford to pro­ test."

S u p port Saga Carnival When You Want Books

C. Fred Christensen




" It's time to get the S p ring clothes ready, ' we hope ) "

Bookse l l e r and Stationer

932 Pacific Ave_ B A. Tacoma, Wash . ..--


N E W LOCAT I O N : 415 Garfield St., next to the Donut Bar PARKLAND C E N T R E

"Senny a n d Tommy." musical variationi sts, w i l l be featured a t the Sage Coronation on

F ri da y


·· i· ..lII.....· .:



.... .

... , .... ..

• ... t .,_







" -<L "' KJ".."" ': "' �jo


_ -#'



- <


. C A R N I VA L

lIfJte Itn �(UUZ ?�



Cand<idates .







Friday, M a r c h 1 I , 1955

by Walt Ball

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l_ __ . _ __ _ __ ._ ......

( ' I";'!r I h (' " I 'a r l ;\ a ll.l


h:lll flf'a �OIl

h" I "

bbll'�" alHl bri ll � Oil I h l' ;:un ;:: h l llf!, quit baf:(>'


Thf' I ,I I ! (· ': \I i l l ;:: 0011 bp T r y i n g for a l w l h l' r F:\'f>rs::-rC(>1l




Tili ... w(,f'k


ma rks til(' l o;::(' of �n· m u ra l ba ;::k f't· 'lIall P) [i\'t, llal'f' thl'ir w i n n i n g wa)";::" 1 0 r

o t h"'r ;:: P:I;::O I1 ( I f i n t ra ball. Thp

lIIaintai n('d

or th

f e r· i n fa.'1, t i r p j r hi nl ill rH I\' . In I h i s (" � I a ,\' atoJl l h p I a gll e hut h,\\'e t \\" o " p 1 i l l l l ! < ' IWo di l'i fli on ;:: _ 1-::1;:: \ a l l d \\'f> !<t. l'oll t a i n i l l J! ! 1 nrf' gatn '-- s I'l'mai n i n g , The Om(" 1 " :1 1 1 \ < , l ' l l i · d r o p p i n e f i l I I " P ( an"" of :1 o l i f f " r"'1!{'1' i n !<.flllIefltf>r I! H � . ; 1 1 10'1' \I ll lli n ('leven in a r w, ;': � � T " Il1� ' " I ll : 1 1 I" : r \ " � ( ' 1 ' � . \\'\\'('1-:. a n d 1 ' 1 , ( ' In l it,,: \\'.' � I I'J'!I h a l f all(1 ,1",-.: 1 it ]1[1il' l h i ,; 1:1":( \I' t'ek ;:: l i p i n t o \\· h i T \l n rT!r. 1 :\\'1 ' 1·: ; o n d 1 " ' l I t r a l in Ihe o l h"'r t1i1'i�ifln . ;:: 1 '('01\d p l , ' I' [ I(,.lanline ' !<.. once t i ed ' 1954 F I N A L STA N ,o I N G S for fir;q 1'101, ' (' w i i h :'\"orth Ha l l Ci l . . W w West L E<'Ist rp !lIlW lI"lo]i l11: d o w n t il ... I h i l'll ! ' ; " ' i fi , ' 1 . 1 1 1 h .. ra I I c ' P I ! ! r a i \\' a ;:: 11 )11;11'(> .� j)nt f t ' l' a , 'ou jJ l p :-<p t b:wk!'o . 1 ' 1 1 1t'·I ·-"" ' l l l l d . \\'hHwflrl\r JI! t il£' So. 2 I 1',1,1:' liP, C e t ra l liar· W�!l'rll \\':If:h 1·;;r !< l l'rn \\·:t"li. ra!'i, ;< \r:1S " (1[1H:' liP \ 0 1 ;l k f> o l' e r the ( 'o n l p !'l'n.·1' .'ha!lJl'i{JII�hil'

"n '-·'· Ih.· 1'·a�'H' j� only




a ,


Padfio1'.1, 'fk " ;H.-ifi.

7. ('r'lllral \\'a !' h i n �l on

1.1 I I ill'ran 1.1I:11" ,';rn


J . 1 1 1 h p r;\Il

('p n trai


1 . 1 1 1 (>;:: t h i s season

bri}!,htf'f:l Pl'l);:: p... ,·t

II'a;:: a ll , i ty lafll sea ;::o n. Al s


n:l I ll!' l i " t o f hIlJlt'f\l I � arl' Hon � I o raa s l i . Jack l I e l 1 l l n . ! , I l t e .I!'r;:: tad a nd { ; a l f> Tholllp:<on.

:'-1 <1 \' i l\),: inl,) 1 l\f> i u fi ( ' l d WI'

1 1 (\(\11 a l \ ' \ P f' n n y Hn� :"" t ry i l \

Yt�:I I'.

Hkh 1 l (, 1 11.�




Bob Olfl!" \ al


( 'O I1 <'o rdi





a n d Larry :-:holwl'/!. from ;:llllny California.

" o 1'n'--'r" L:II't'y 1.:111 1' a n d F r a n k

La th'


\\ i l l 11., t O I l ,l: h a l l til,' \\';Iy a rollll,l an,l



(' 011('g-f' i n Portland. l.f'adin s::- l' a tl ll i·



l I bb !' , Li llo.,:oln On']' ill the " h t.

,latP!, at "hm't :< \ o p al'l' D O ll :'-Iay from Clon'r Park; Chu('k



flt ('r w i l l t r y t ir i r l u c k . COIllj)(> t i l i o n


has. a n l' <Iuai chann'.

(':u( 'h" I ',; )H1�i l ioll i.� p r" 1 1 y 11'('11 na i l l-'d down by l>on Gaanlcr, who

'l iJI h., h:1L k,',j u p h y

I.ynn Calkins.

A l l 1 111' I n p 1lIf'1I from til{' moUn(\ ,,'aff arf' ba('1;, TOll ,l:'anll' winner

1",,1 � ('al' '\.:." I hl :l i t1\' I Ir:l

1Hl t .

an d 1 0 re co rd,

a 9

L E A G U E NO, O N E ;\orlll I-Ia11 ' : ' ; n �fl


...... 1 - '





C rew ('uts

w j l h a I·� r" ,·ort!. w h i <'il J.!'a n' h i lU a J)iac{'

Pacific Lutheran Track Squad Begins Spring Workouts with Salzman As Coach





( ' ( . 1\ 1 1'.'11 Barra r k ;::



. _ . _. . . .

-"' T l l b;;


,'omes Into fo('ug,

n s::- l e t t f'rUl f'n p lu 5 ;:onte !,f'ttl'rml'n b;rrk I h ifl p'ar are �t[1n .1;I< · nh.� o n . a j ll l1 i Q' from H i l' l i l a n d ( '('f l t t'r. \ I ;:: I'o n. i l1 . �tn. n rll11S bot h h a l f m l l f' a mi t he mile. Don t hl '' n o ' fr(lIn Fort �Ila\\'. ( ; a rd ' '. ,\I'o n l a n a , i.� h:lI'k fo r b i s l a;: year


rl' l ll l'n i

o \ l t � l a n d i l\S::- fr "" h lllan 1'1'0;:1)('('1;:




! l



' '


t �l P





110·)'a nl


Ila;:.h' i n





f"l"nrhl..: la:�t Y('Ilr, I n

h lt rd lf's



h'ar J- l ia ;::o n from K , ' n t lt' w l o - k . \Vn.,



lof l l \

: " 1 1 ,;





i ta,"


I h ' :!·:!ll-yard > l a..:11. In Ihe �tllt:aa,;1i. a I 'a rk 1 1'1 , ,\1111'1 aud ( ' Il ly a "OIJholllo re.

\\ ,,11 a,;


h i e h jll III 1', Pal,'

1 ., 1 , 0


ju tllpt'd 0\'(,1' ,"" , ;I.: f'�" 1

I II o l h .- , J' fi l'l d P \' ('lll ;:: ,

L ta l('n

1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . " j u n i o r 1' 1'' ' 1 11 Tft\'mna, " \'." 1 1 1

I I I ,'

, ,

dll � I r · � 1 , , 0 1 1'


" lI t l' ri n g:








1,01,' 1',1 1 1 1 1 . broa d jllrnp and

IlIi)" . I ta\ ,


I-: iq. : 1 1 1 1111

will bf' on

fIn t il l' 1 I0 11·( 'on h-rellte lUeet�·

_ ._ ._ _• .....:.:-.. --=J:____... �_ .. _ \-�� � ••, ���r.�Z '&'o-r "i'Q�(,..�l\C& ' LowelJ II,, ;'ff('I(', e: , I n. r d. or t h nl h" t ". I l a \"l' t h l'o}I'.� he jll\, cnlin a n d a l;::o llolf' \',1 1 1 1 1 ;0 , I n t h e shotput Hall ( 3 1 . . " \'I>nt l/r('re i,; ('m·tis H v l and . a Second Team ('Tlrt Hovland. f"r\I'anl, ('rew CUls

Uil-hard �(·hwillll1. forwart!. =->lllb;<. Hill

F'oe",f', (·enler. Om£>g-n.'!I.

Hay l.. e !-lt('I', ,gllard, T\')' l I a l l ( A ) . L('st('r,



,i.;uard: I v)'

{'harle!'. Gobbs. guard, T aco


ma .

Honorable Mention


( ' l I i l 1 ' 1 '.'<

I ra ck

H I·fl r.

I I l'a l l t rac k I fl a c h , :'-l ark Salzman, p l a n ;:: n n ;, ",nO li ;:1'1\ ;:on wi t h ph'nO'

. .. . . ... 1 1

G(lI ' ll '" (:uldl

III(' " l lrr(>nt ba,;k{'tball ;::f'a·

\\' H h

;::0 11



..... .. 1 -1



ba ,;I' w i t h Hey !'o('I'OIHI base of Ta (' lJl: r , and

f n r l h i s positinll. Tl'yin}!' fo r

:'-1oo ('{' . fn�l"hillall f m m

Ir;l11"r" 1 frl)lll


F'acll l t y a r e t i e d for

L('a,C'Ill' ;:t a lltl i n gs are as follows:


t l' C al l i st e r, a

the pf'r;::o l of Hon

"'a t l 1 f' .


I h lrd. pa('h w i t h

flob Ho�;:. ( �oj n g by tlli!"', I

10 e n l ('r \rpr(' is in

fl·... .�hm:lll frn m l . i l1f'llln o f

l h i !"


� � :;::;:�I�el(::.�;.:'::�(��;I;�·r;.I':\ ��I�·i�a�;��·I���.?�:�, : :::�� �: � :'t J lall o :-: wl�('rf' !I(> ,·

. I I k I . . f.;j 1' ;:�" ;:h� �)� I :;i,:II,i; \\:::1 . 1



( ' h i m p s and


faN'!' w i l l bf> H" 'tI i n lir(> i n fi el d allli IWO) i n lh(> uu tfif'ld for

i irrh' nl'\1


f'I " f> ly by t l i p plI\\,{'rful �lub". T h e


I�'l. ;:: t yNl r·f: 1:: 1 ':11\1];llioll In 1 lhf' 1 .u te' s fin' f i r;:: ! !' t ril1 s::-er;::- .I lm Dall, . •l1ul



;;',.,;- ,.:.1;-.-. :;F';. :;.:-: �' z:r.::: ·�.....ed

\\'a ;ohifi�lnn "

("('lit]';'!! \\·a " lr i n s::-I oll

1 :: .

Fra n k Karllo;::k i , Hnn H i l l inc:". Hi,'k I .ar!;on




Page Five


-= -:--:



I lIl II O £'

Pa w l e n , �Ioe.

[ f e n l n , II'}'

Centra! Barracks ; Hall

� o



(A) :





Omega1i ; Iyel' f J l a fl n , De .Jard i n e · fI ;



,,1\1,II I,mon' frnm Canby, Oregon.

::: 7 I 1:

:-'nrf) ...


of !lip fresh uw \ t h a t Coal'll

a l . I 1n

to he l p the squad

n the h l �h ami ru nn in g t l l p hurdip,.; is Dave Knlll:'lOn .from Kirkl and, \\·:1. 4 h i n g l o n . I·'rom T u rlo k . ( ' a l ifornia, ' om f' L(Jwel! Sheldahl (>xPf'C\,;

i n d l l d ' Jim


H aala d from A l ban y ,

f l rr·coli. .lim n l n s bnth



h u rd l e fl . AI,;o


prnm i ,;ilH:

Za rrrd t



d l fl tanl'e;:: .

d i fl t :l tH'f'





K('n nl."l('i .. k,

A nothe r !s



a n t I DlI·k Kent. Crew Cuts.

1" 1"

" :a !'. t t'J'l1

.Iukt-'r" . ( ' I v \� t C reek ' o Hall


1 ,1

...... .


1 '\


[Ii/-: Curt Hov l an ll has been con-

and reo h'arn. \'1'1'1l Han:,on w i l h a :l.:� rccord a nti Bud I.e;::· mali t lIyh!'h iIc't ang: g ue',. leadin/-: scorer l (' r with a 1·:l :l 1' rf>ady for ,c-ootl a :<o n . Otl1£'rs trring- for a ('(>gu l a r 111' to thl' i;rte"t e o l i n :" . Ho\'land l u r n w i l l be .J , r ry i.;'!r!'ooll. Sta n P[1wl('y. anll ,John Fromm. ha s a to tal of 27-' anti i s 35 polnt;; The �" he>,llll(> for 1 11 1' !'('a!<.Oll j" a;: fol l o w·,, : ;r h r- :r II of h i s nC'arc"t opponent,

" n lite> a l l '('o1\f,�rf'nl'J� f>





:)-('('ntl'al. here.


:, t





- t ' n j \'l'I' i y of 1I,'iti;:!J Col u


m b ia , here.

-l'(ll ll' /-!,· o�



wi h

t h ,'

I ' nil,.�r,;ity

:-:01111.1. h('re.

A p r i l . Ht,l'(" " h o p i n


of \\'Ol "hi n,l!ton

sompwhcre around

t h e first of

he g N !'- plf' ll l Y of �ood weathe!' for p r ac ti ce , be('all se

l i m p i s of the !':,:<elH'e.

- - --_.

��� (' �





pains and



�: ������� Y,���::!� th


Garfield Street


Parkla nd XXX Drive-In Delicious Hot Chocolate

1 1 9th &. Pacific

G R , 3211




g: leaders i n d \ llie e r "('ol'i n2:13 poi n ts ; S t a n

I l a ef fe l ('.


p n i n l s ; and C l y d e Gellz.

o l fi c i a l






i nt ra mu ral


a lll P E' t i n g' \Vedncsday

('\'{' ning a n d





ee t i n g

,'amI" t h e 195�·�5 all·star s el ec ti o n s. The

fi l

·!' t I{'am i nl'ilill e s :

' Hay Heie!'sO Il,




l\ I.'y.


('0,' \1'11 :'- 1 ; 1 1'\· l l a r ;: ! t m a n if: ci ic-kering a t t h e p rps en t for a (Iouble-head,




:': 1 1 poi n l.�.

1 1)-\r ,�"I " rn \\',, ;::l l i n ,c-wn, \l('re.



r r

(II' :,:::!1.

Allril :!!I-C' o l l ('/-:f' (If PU!!!'! SOllnd, h .'re . :'-1 : ! y

l i


H i " hard �dlWil1llt, who bas a total

A pri l l U-Cflll l l':l1 at E!I('n sb\lr�. A p r i l :!�- \\" ' ';l l'rll a t Dell i n g-h a

:<b l'n



�0 rt

Th e b e st bal l f o r yo u r g a m e


has t h e excl u s .j v e

UnlO.:e Hille. forward, Omegas,

Gt"rald Schimke, center, Chimps. Dick Bramel)", guard,



Madden's Men's & Little Men's Shop

Here's amazing new durability i n a high<omprcssion ball. The DU RA·TH I N · cover provides [his great new Spalding DOT ® with real scuff rcsistanc: ' , , keeps the

GRanite 4242

Parkland Center Bldg.


uniform and UUC, even on rugged high.iron shots,

The hew DOT has a greater compactness for truer, more uniform Hight. It's actually an economical ball for you

to play.


And, with all this new durability, new DOTS still offer

the long, long carry every hard·hittcr wants,

At school, or on your home course, make your next round. a better one with this greatest of all golf balls,

Poehel Distributing Co.


Spalding DURA-TH I N DOTs.

Your Fuel Oil & Ap pliance D e a ler

140th and Pacific A"'enue

One of the most important habits you may ever lea rn


i" lile ilUllf{//U',' 1I1('r/rot/ or s:wiog. It is re gil l a r, protected, compubory. and SlIre. The LUTIII::RAi'I BROTIlI' R'1l 00D

home office will be glad to supply compIeIe information on how life ins urance can serve

yOlJr needs

during lnd


after c ollege.


Phone GR. 8624



sets the pace in sports


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. More tban $500,000,000.00 Life Insurance In force

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I i




Page S i x


M a r c h 1 1 , 1955


by Bill Johnson , ACP




I ­

New Bill

Concerning Real Estate Take

C . S.A To Meet


1l l q

pr i "a l !'


rp,'Pll l l y


Ol d Main to H ave New Constitutio n

Eastvold Terms Trip Success




PI'. :-: . C a,: t J l d r{'t\lrned � l a r o ' h hi l'her ellll· " O ld :-' a i n rt':o; i ll r' n t� \I" i I I !-'oon 7: I I\} p,m,-C. S . A. " l a l f> have be(·1J ex· :0 froll1 :-' l i n lwapnli" \\-hp r(' hl' a t · vOl" O i l t h !' adoption of a r{'vls{'d Monday, March 14 a nnou nces :-'l a l'i l y n l . S. A . ff'l1 ()\\'ship Sunday night in I'll' pi f!'l)m p:l y i n g n'al I's ta te L.'l.xe,.; 1 " l 1 d f> 1 1 r h l1 rd\ !I\{'('tin,l!." and �poke " on"'l itnl ion," C h oi r returns, I lpr t )" , dnnn i to l'Y p re si d en t. tile u p p f' r SlTl, I·I f' "po k e to t h e Oil -II) :l r rt· s o f ea m jl us-u se property. al t \\ll lTlN'tI 11/;'" 7 : 00 p. Ill .-lIol i ss lo n phas i s. Fl'ida�' "1' P!l i n g: , :-'l;lrl·h .1 . hp l1\el The l'olllillittee for th e rev i s i on !'llnden!s [Inri a few l1)p mb p r;;: of tht' :"\0\\' i n a rf>ct'nlly p[l ;; se d bi l l ini · u : ·la-PrayPr Service, C-M-S balrNa l-iagenson , t i a t l',j hy 1 11 (' As ,,;o('i a ti o n of ::'\'on- \l i l h 7 0 PLf' a l u m n i of St. Pan l at was l'n m l}O� pd o f f a C i l I t y on "T're-df'stina� ' cony. \l f' .. p"l i na tio ll wa :: : a X' � I I I ' ; , o n l'd o l l f'):: !:e, and l' ni\'er- SL A n t h o n y l'ark Chll l'\"l1 where the i<opholJlore chairman: Janet Towe, red s ho n a.� a l 7 : 15-I.C.C . . TrIO,1. (l o l ' l r i l i P of tlH ' Ll l tll f' ra n Ch\l rch or :"it�ps i n \\·a;::. h inJ<ton. Inc .. of whidl H" \"f'rPllll Al l.,' w i s i,.; pa s to r. The rr" :o;!J m a n , and Oa rl ellf, H a l g e n , !i: OO-i"'i Kappa Delta, CMS·l��, r. }-:;I:o;I \'ol d i :o; pr,'s ident, t. h i s e x· :l l u !ll n i ,'o ll :-< i s! in g of .:3e lll i nar.r stll· :-<op h omnI'P. �1 i ,.;:l :-'I arga rp t \\'ick­ w h i c h m o s t Ll1theran� Ila \' " ra tllf'r D 1 Tuesday, March 1 5 k n O\\ I (.d �p . l I e 'sai th a t r mp l io ll h a s bf'ell extPlllle(] to 100 dl' n t � :lnd wi ve;;, fo rm e r students, " I ro m . lJ('all o f \\'omen, and :\Ilss ;, !' '�l Il l PannI' .Ioll:l ri:lI(' t ·he, ill�11Llrtor i n

r f> l i g i o : l,



� p pa k p r


th e

·� l1 l'r'n l i ,,1! of

r:l 1 1 011

I n ,.. l i ! 1I 1 11l11 ,.. or Ihf



Sunday, March 13






,.; n o w i-'rt'da 11011].(', h Ol lselll o t !w r, ad\'iged ] � : :l O- n . H.n., Da y roo m . �l1 i s a lllPan s o f ,,;::' ;; 1 1 1'. :1 1 J"P ,; w i t h an a d d i ti o na l exemption a n d t(JrI1H"1 fanllty m p b e r l !",,'" : t , , \'i\nct't\ '1f'...� TPPs ('am� 1114' ,·omnl i I 1 Pt'. fl" l l:1 p:.y i n g a l r s ,,:1,1 p xc-ise taxes . .� l \ ! dy i ll ! 1 :! : 50-Lettermen, :-'1�lO�. �I!l("(': it I,o." i l i\·,. thin).: not n ega ti \· e. �::!I"P tl1(' tf'n pr i va t e ('ol1f'ge:: a 1111 from :'11 ::,11l's ('a�t allli \\,P,.;1 of St. Th(' rf'\'is('d con s titlltion \\·a.'l p rE">'I: OO-L.D.R . T h i :-< \1 ;I� po: !! 1 .... 1 O l l t i!l ;::. h o w i n g 1 (1 t" 1 : : 1i o ! a P . �f'T\fpd ne;\r· by Gr('ta n serve H i a ge l\s in o l l . !;tatE' Tlle,;e h ti : ::H-SIIlIT'!;, ·1111 floor lo un ge . l L ; .� . L E's t l lf' d i ffr'J"{'IH'f' b p T w f',�n l)re..r1esti na- \ n i Y f> ' . Ill f' e t­ e s a at \\ 1l e 1, n e dormitory h t :-'larch , d ' y t, a da rolled 1; c i : :lil- - .\l i�,.;ion f'rll;;:;ll\('rs, T. C. l i('(l l a h(' of df'nts 1 y �\lnd:t�' 1 n u t ;]"( ('·t : 0 I t N t . () n a Il d doubl{'-pr lestina ion, i n hi�llt� .. learnin,t::: i n \\'ashington, s:t1ll'[uary o r T r i n i y Luthel':lll Lu- ill).:". T h e nf'I\' co n sti t u ! i o n will be I i : ·I:,-Stu ieilt Cou n ci l , Asno. II hkh tp a ("hp s thaI Gnd pfNleRtines l,ro.-d",,' l in:l l i o n




hf"!:l,\' f'n and

ome t o


no t


t wh a

('h urc h (('ac · IH' ''.

11 (' 1 1 . \\ i t h :,' 1 (' -.; p el' ted in{'rea�e by 196;), l":1 l !h" $ 1 :,0 -' . 000 los,," to t h e state will he Lll t he I

�n f> t o m



p r('(k�ti n <l ti on



('ompared to Its



Chri� t ];- n 0 \\. ;; u s a;;: a s he ph erd t he."e i n s t i tutioni'. ShN'p. \\"f' are fo)"o!"(lained

1;lI n\\"� hi,.;

f'il�tor :\"Nile


of 11l'O:lo.­


"It:\\' LU!!lf'!'an :-'Iemorial Chur('b 11\

SPilll l£" \\' i l l ;;pt'a];CI111r('h."




l Claire, \\"is-

F t

('on s i !) . Thi,.; ("hurd) is one or t h ree

which has branl'1H'll fro m

i rs

t !Jpr:m C h l l rl'lL:l t;u n g rl;'ga t i on

PLC Debators Return From Tournament t

Ll l'


h t , sf'J"\"t'd from 1 8 :;3 t o 1 9·!:!.

o n the general A l i r('(\. but happy debate t ea m l i ssi o n o f thE' Sinc.:e hp plans to 1:1:1];-(' a r(' l l nlf'd from Lin f i e l d College i n

lilc;-me, "Thp "'odd

tht'ran C h u r c h ,

1'0." 1('11



Whf'Il i t b cOllied a nd then

w ppk froIU that t i m e it w i l ! he

y o! ,'(l o l1 .

Thp two lll :1in ('hang�" t ill t he


,.; t i t 11lion \\- p re that the orrk i al llaDle On \\"f>{lnpstla�', :\I arch �, Dr. E'-1St· 0 r t h e orl'illlization h a s b e () 11 Yo l d cOlllit\ c tt'd Lf>l1 f' n services ill l' ha n ge d from Delta Pi Kappa to


SaYior's Lutheran C h u r c h in



:-'l i n n ea poli i'



B. it

es ie lll s

O ld :-'lain


He\'erentl offi{'p of

Aulf Kraab(·I, fo rmerl y presitlent of


a bo l i,.; h f'll.




relJresent.ative bas

The nf'W ('onstit\\­

Oreg-on, early Sunday t h p b0:1r(j of tru ee s ami brother of t i o il gi\·t·� Iht, tl u ti es of I.C.C. re p.. (·ho ;::'t·!l a s hi� topii-, "Where Do \'I'e mOrnilli!". The ;;p\'en1een members :-'Irs. :-'lorken, i s pastor. " All these I'f' s ' n ta tin to the vice·president, !tad bpPfl attending t.he Sil\'er A n n : - proopl(' ;;:t'nol gTf'f'!ings to teachers w h o i n t h e ]la s t h :1 f e ll" d u ti es . /!o Frnm 1If'r£''' r "a ry Tourn ament. O nly a fe w allli staff," The reasons for the n ew c o n s ti ui.. All are i lH-i led , and u :-ged to CODlP \,p s t a s f i r s \'ir e pres- tion \H're to give Old :\Iain Resi· I n h i c pa ci ty a to the Sl-B fo r Chris t ian f llowsh i p lJ(l:II ! .� fro m � w p{> p;;:l.ak e$ , t h e team mo l'£!

] l el'�onal

app l i ca

t io n



h:ls ' 1 c .\l in m'il lf> ,


ot"fen'd t o u ;::. tJy these mee t·


d i d vRry

we l l .

Gi b ea h







a lte nd ed


dpIJt ;;; their own s peC ial constitution


7 : ::0-ConfiI"mation. Ro e' s home.

I ::lI1-Lat\y

Lu t ef';. Club room .

9 : 00-C.S,A. COIlIlt:il.

Wednesday, March 1 6

6 : 1 5 a,m.-Toastmasters, Sh o p .

7 : i;j p, m .-A me ri ca n ciety. 8-108.


7 : OO-�Iission

Emphasis, Reverenll



3U -

lp h a

i n Coff£!c

Chemh;al So­

Sigma Lambda, Club

Thu rsday, March 17

I : OO-CampllS

De\'o!ions, T. C.

6 : 30-Al p h a Phi Omega ,

7: l .'i-\\"" h i t e Caps, L-I0.1, m ee ti n gs fro m F'eb ruary 2 S s i n c e the begi nn i ng of the two wo m 7: 31 1�1··.T . A., u pper S UB . he en's dormitories o n ca m p s u and to a� f l i;::. c.:hil(\n·TI. 1\(' e ho" e us and phu'f>d fi r s t i n ora to ry, first in Lin.. 10 :-'l a r(' h ·1 . He also r epr esen ted t FrIday, March 1 8 e h t f n erenee e h t t a e colle o f ('o o t , up t i g ng i r b n e at d ex predbtined us a l l to a home i n , ·O I I l · ! Jou gl a s s debate, st-{;ond i Saga C arn iva l . , b oar(\ of education o f t he E.L.C. h eayen i f w e only ac( ppt the fa c t t e m por<lI1('o l) s ; Bo b Lundgren too k

that i;;


'lhat He has. A




eerning the topic.

C,S,A. fel low shi p \\ill meet again night i n


th e




-- ------ -

926Y2 Broadway



n h p s i :

�f en 's,






S �;�:: i � : �:�: ��: 1 , l la C n r r

��:�� ���:�:�


sale s ·



Connie Hustad and placed third in O xford

In t h e Junior Men' S , Tom Reeve s . pla('ed third In Lincoln-Douglass de. In


Jun i





Serp�ntine MA .. 4861

..· h l l rc h

"" placed Rogness Speaks Here � � �: � d t


S w i nd la n d

o nd i n oratory ;




A n i ta


second i n extempo raneou s , s eco nd

T R I C K S - J O K E S - MAGIC T u xe do�s ,


-- - bate.



S n io r



which students asked questions con-



in impromptu, lleverly Sveningsen

pla ced second In Congress, '

( Con i nu e

from Page O ne )

Old .Main


1 4,

b egi n ni n g

tion. "The c h urch n e e d s no eco.. after chapel. l"'unds will go for the



Hogness continued by saying that

some Europeans are a mazed by the l n i t i a�i \' e

'AmerIcan also


en hu s i allm








by the complete lack


of a pp l i c ati o n of our Christian faith

Replying to questions eoneernlng

l.h e d eve10pmen ts a t the semi nary• he claimed that a "Substantial pro·

�; �� �:fU:;!::��: ::: : ����: e




Also there Is expected to be


an in.

j orne-made


and brol':rdes will

S u p port S a g a Carnival Elgin

Feature L9ck Diamonds

Doris and E l m e r Gable

Garfi�ld 8t.




Bulk Mailing


Non- Proflt Orllonl�otion Permit

No, 51


Parkland Jewelers GRanite 7828





the goods o n

= _= :; s-_ a le ;;: == = :::: :; = = = =;


Laurinat's Apparel "DI8tlnctlv� M�rchandI8e" St.

409 Garfield

Park lan d

Saturday, March 19

Saga Carnival.

Alpha Sigma Lambda and Business

Fi nan ce Class, fi eld trips to Boe.. lng's,

Sunday, March 20 3 ; OO-�u Phi Epsilon, pledging, C:-'1S lounge.

S : Oo-Choir of West Homecon1!ng


Concert, First Lutheran Church, Ta col l"




'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : :�::::::::::::=::::::::: ::::: :::::: : ::::::::::: =( Phone GRanlt�

r �--- -


� - �- -

For a l l of your A utomotive Service needs . Our RegUlar

creased staff In the near future,



nomic or pol i ti cal order or philoso.. promotion of he Spring Tolo which ph )" but m u st s t a n d a s a c a n. . I s S hedUled for Ap rl l 15,

to our social, economic and political


have sched..

uled a nothe r bake sale for :-'[on<1a)",

critique and constant self examina.. :\farch

S u p port Saga Carnival pcoblem,.


Ol d Main Bake Sale

L-I O ,I ,

Pacific Avenue

Is Supr�me - Supr�me Is Be.t


Remember us

GRanite 7863

when you need printing

progra ms, cards, ribb� ns, pamphlets, tickets, etc . . . . that's our business!

GRanite 71 00

LaCr o sse Printers P R I N T E R S F O R Y O U R COLLEGE

Located acro•• from th� Trlpl� X at 118th and Paclfl.c

Avenue /

, .






Seattlei te. C row�ed Saga KiDg aad Queen · '-" "''''


English Debators To Appear .Here

Stuart GJl breaUI and Tom Swlnd­

Phinn"Y·RMgp·L'UrtrerJff,€·�ltntirill'Sea"le has the nonuLO".... (ounring both Queen Ja ne t Towc and King Vern Hanson as (on· grq::Jtional memlX'rs. Bot h Saga royalty arc SC3Hlc (ontriomions {O the Pacific Lutheran College scene. ---{Jueen Janet eame to PLC from

�f'attle's Lincoln


School for

this. her freshman year. The p�tlte blond will lJut all a stude,nl nurse's

uniform next year at Emanuel Hos­ I.ital as the first step In becoming

a r egl.�te l'ctl nurse. The proud Ivy l l al] ' er�,

.J anet's

sponsors ,


t!Jut a whl lt! cap will l o o k almost





Caps ,




" horlls .



,tli,< ..... ;I.nior year at ofr a

PLC has topped





lea rns

, Let-

l£-rlnen's Club. Ulue Key, and Senior bast!ball alit! basketball


IJI'cshlent have

been his

Uvilies while working toward a de-


gree In math educalion, For his outstanding



rC('ord Vern was






AIIl('rican Colleges for 1955.


Ca lendar OJ Saga Carnival Week-end Tonight the 1955



opened In the CMS auditorIum


the eoronation of Janet Towe and









King of the event. Burt


radio personality from KTAC, act­



master o f

nowned the royalty, Tremendous



indi cated

acceptance a t



royalty. The blond queen, holding

I l qUet o( roses, wore the ;� :;;o::s� .\', Tiley both stepped forward to be

l l o.


Lake City



Spokane and unloaded all


four :passengers but a faulty brake


backward down an Icy hilI. narrow­

ly missing four cars . During the tol·

l wing two. days, both buses went O intO the sbops of Inland }[ a t o r FreIgbt where :-'Ir. Gus :-..'\eman. the

owner, (Dick Nieman's father} saw


it that net:essary

repairs were

made. Worn-out brake diaphragms

were replaced, the faulty air line

repaired, and front wheel bearings restored to good condition on both

buses. The buses ran well for nearly

all of the





a jester's crown In gold with red

lap of tbe trip home, but tbe otber,




while the king received a replica of

porn pom�.

Entertainment was

slowed only by ice, snow, and cold ( .1 3 Q




O n e b u s suffered engine failure

near Castle Rock, Wasb., on ,t be last

with a double load at passengers,

furnished by . returned safely to tbe college.

Tommy and Benny from Portland,

Tbe high point ot the tour for m t �I�� ��:��� :��I: �e: !� :�r:;-�: most of the Cbolr members was Salt I e r r:.ake- Clty,- Utall.- The congregation and trumpet. Tbey are returning tbere bad arranged an excellent from a tour of 'Vashlngton· and Ore- tour of points of Interest, which oc-


I;'ollowlng the coronation the king

l.! nd quee=t were honor guests at tbe


In the gym,

Many gayly

dceorated booths awaited tbe huge (:rown which joined In the .festlvi·


Saturday night the Lettermen's






cupled the wbole day, First there was a tour of Temple Square, with

a special organ concert glyen In tbe

� lormon T 'aber.'cle bY, Dr. Fra,nk A s p e r, the T abernac e organ st, Chu(ch.



concert, the choir members went


the home or Anne Stewart where

audltorJum. Directing




whisked oft to nee.rby

will be Jerry Bayne and accompany- Bingham, Utah,

(Cont1nu� on Pace Four)


a view


(Continued on Pue Fov)



eduC'atell at Queen


He has

.\Iary College Cnion, deputy presi­

I!�nl of. the University o f London,

and he was a member of the BMUsh

Ilelegation �J)onsored by the Coun­

cil tor Education in World CItizen­ flhip

to Youth

Festival. He was a

l'orporal in the Royal Air Force and flpent his service time In the Drltlsh

Above is pictured Queen Janet Towe, who will reign over the Saga festivities, along with King Vern Han.on. this weekend.

Library Circulars To Aid Students The


l ibrary


presented circulars to the student

body today in chapel. These circu.

lars contained eleven quesl ions to be answered by the students. This

was done to create i n terest i n the library. A similar questionnaire was

sent to over 200 students this sum·

mer to lind out different opinions

and to recel\'e suggestions (or jm­ provement.

"It must be emphasized that tbe

library is maintained for the bene·

at at tbe students and gives a dis·

tinctl n opportunity for the students to lind out i( they can make good at self government," remarked Mr. Solbert.

Se \'eral student committees have

"been formed to work on is!ues conc ernlng the library. The committees Klttelso�,




VanBuren and Elwood Rieke; poll.

Kat:hy Biery Receives CSA Scholarship Kathryn Dlery, a senior at PLC,

recently received word that she has

been chosen as one of twenty �tu­ te d

be t O 9 1 :.,l, _·O OU�� ·,' by th• " lSt·ed' . I$" .... ho ' a .�'" h , p n

l nt







that In

ta t










this SUlUlller st!.ldylng the Christian


Glenn Johnson.

Both of the foreign debators are







which the CSA Is a part.



In order to apply for tb e scholar·


Ka'hj filled out- one of the

application blanks sent_ out by tbe

. :\'atlonal



to tbe

C.S.A. �roup,;;. She also bad to write

a paper or::. "What I Tbink Should Be

t he


This is the fourth year out ol {tve

for PLC to be honored with Inter­ national



earned b y participation.



The students picked tor the de­

bate were chosen by Mr. Theodore

O. H. Carl, speecb director, on tbe

basis of partiCipation, ability, and

interest. This is, Indeed, an honor for the PLC debaters, for

M r,


bas this to say ot the contest, "We

bave always had the reputation that

we have given them the best de­

bates i n tht! entire country, and we want to�eep tbat." Stuart




junior at

PLC. majoring In �peech, He is ac­

holds an Q..onor degree, tbe second

highest dll>tinctlon this organization offers. By tbe end of tbls year he will have earned specIal distinction,

with this they wJII study tbe Wo�ld ,the

Pu rpose




S tudy p.-ogr a m and What I Should Get Qut of .It." She was chosen on


honor. This

placed ti["8t In

torical contest.



the all-college ora­

Stu comes to PLC tram StadJum

High School In Tacoma, Tbls i s his

third year In debate and for the liSt



has been on all major

(Continued on Page



T h e executive committee, by issued a call to


tion In C,S.A. activities during her Rev, Robert W. Lulnes, pastor


serve as pastor of the Pacific





a n d

service ratings, and her particlpa­ Tbe boat Kathy will sail on will

evaluation, Wally Berton and Gor­ leave New York City between J�ne

the don Huesby ; alms and objectives,


23 years old.

I!> to be used for ex­ ti ve In Pi Kappa. Delta and now


ing, Myrna Berg; ways and means, tour years at PLC.

Hinstrel Show at 8: 00 p.m. I n tbe they were red a delicious meal; then Larry Eggan and Phil Nordquist;


f l h e has been

[niver!>ilY [nion,

don. He is now reading tor an hon­

whose wife Is organi s t In the local and chairmen are : Steering, Joan Lutberan


heen af'!ive as president o f Queen

the use of tire chains which sloweO

line gave way and the bus

fllutif"nt at , t i v i ti c s ,

ori\ degree i n

on Snoqualmie Pass made necessary

sooner had the second bus arrived

She hoilifl an Honor"


:'oIl'. no r lp),



Kappa Delta.

:'oIAr)" College and t ' niversily of Lon­

I t s buses, b u t In spite o f it w a s late

Spokane concert.


of the Cniversity or l..ondon t ' nion and cf! i l o r o f lhe Bed­ fnrd Coll e�(' literary magazine,

ally great amount of trouble w i t h


Illat'ed on


The Choir expertencea an unusu-



\·i(·P·prPflillf>n l

They will be heard local­ I y this Sunday, March 20. at First Lutheran Church in Tacoma.



prp.'lidem of the

Ihey went.

now ned by Burt �t c :-'1urtry. A gold nown with pink split carnations was


Clah. and then

Jown tra\'el to such an extent tbat

Inlernational Debate I n the

l a r e :-'Ianagcment anll University of


Icndanl'e was very good everywhere



:-'Iis!>! Copeman hai\ been educated

r�a lls,

half or the Choir was thIrty minutes



at DeMonl Colle�e. College of 8s­

back to :\' ilmpa, Idaho, and to La



tion. InC' .. and are sponsored on the

(:ralHle and Hermiston. Oregon. At·

to only one concert.


PLC campus by

and Idaho I"alls i n Idaho, qgden and




sponsored a5 international debaters







by I n s titute of International Educa­





:-.n"s Copeman and :\1r. Borley are

Seattle and Spok;lne, and

Po t'at e





C:\IS Frida)" :-'larch

week tour , T ll i !! year their tour took

the m (0



but haJJ!>:': members of the Choir o f

Ballard o f :-:;t!attle w a s K i n g liaise, \'PI'Il's hi.r.:h sdlooi fnlll' years ago.


Copeman and

r the campus as good as t h e t'l'OWIl she is wea ri ng Ihe \Vest elUrned to after ha\'ing completed their twa­ ( o n l � h t . l ' n UI Ulen, :!he takes part in



Choir Peo p le Tel l of Tri p Last

18, 1955

15·20. She �111 be abroad until some

time i n the latter part of Auguat.

tborlzation ot tbe college board or trustees, has

Hope Lutheran Cburch, Tacoma,





.tlon. The Rev. Mr, Lutnes


under advteement.

of to

haa the


Page Two

Friday. March 18, 1955

;}loorin'fI ;}f asl

'l l"e

Published every Friday during t h e school y e a r by students o f Pacific Luthcr:,n College.

OUlce: Student Union

SubserilHion PriC'e-$3.QO per year


I , !

. � -'



Telephone GR..1.nite 8611

A Supercilious> Sn,,�r

Reminder From Old Main Spring i:: just about to appeal' into of



Silring i ' Olll e,;




\\"i .h





idea of flowers

The season of

Spring woult! not be official Oil the was not w('\·

t',II11PUS of PLC if it .. . .. . ........10AX KITTELSON

EIJITOH-I.': ·C I I I E F. .


. .. . ... ..... KATl-JEHINE SAN!\EHUD

1�: lJ[TO H

I S r I i ra Gronke, Ar· ���� · j:��. : 1�;: ;��;;�::\:;;';;:t-"� \.� ��! �;��� Lo� �:�,I;�� ��; N J.���lP I








" G ard€'n i n the Ibill." Yes, at last

you know the naille ant! now IN's

learn something abollt the happen. ings of tbe '1'010.

The resernltions \rere sold in a . . .. .. . .. .......... .. C .. .J OA NE PO F.N � matter of d_�ys and now there is a N . . . . " FE"TCTIl� S'L\FF-llen�rlr S.\'erdll .�sol�. Phil Nordquist, Ted Carlstrom, waiting list of girls wilo want to :'I 1 �·rna Ber�. Wally, flerton. :'IIartba Douglass, AI }"'reed, Wilbur buy tiekets. lu · want of a more· fit� k . t} ... __ ... ......... .. .. DOROTHY JOHNSON ting atmos phere the Lakewood Tel'-


:">L.\·K:�\; ��l::.�l� rrO ]{









Nordquist · Carlltrom










wandel' about l'arupu;; looking for db't and (ollowing the well(I'ai\;t of red hNring we usually run smack into something to



write about. 'l' his week our myopti{' d'es and keen ear'! "seized" on {\. of cross senion or the PLC mind. So, tak� the P r9:

yeritable gem. a sort

\'€l'bial ,£:"rain of !'alt and into the mire ot another S.S. observntlon. here Thp faithflll l't'ader probably knows that llllH'h of w hat. he sees shop . fir"t ('onw's i!�to being' i n t h e dark-o\"er.crowded. Inspiring coffee This \H'el,'!-; nipe i;; no eXi·eplioll. To wri ll' (hi" thing :;;O IllP !-;ort o f in",piralion had to come. As we were booth1>d in the above mentioned e.o;tabli;;hment. receiving succor. stimu· lilnt and of ni'cessity in�piralion. we chanced to hea"r a w h ispered com·


we rne�t from thi' n('xt booth. To .c·lear the record. let it be known \rel'en ' t eavP!'dI'OPIJing. Thl' cOoPt! t h a t mado thi� comment " aid s h e was "Oil, so worried · ' as tn when :;lle would get her . "oh, so much" studying

done: thE'1l with a raUCOU>I, bllt heart·rending sQuca.1 �lte bubbled, "it's too mud,! ['11 I�ever g-et it �Ioll e ! " ( This is -not i n t etu\.cli a � an affront

w i t h the shed· . SP0.11TS EUrrQH. ._ _ .,.� __. .,;;_.:\;.. .....__...."...... ...._. \VALT BALL race was rcserve(� for t.he: ���� - ,. J'�:JOII wh� are feminists ) . To this stat.ement we responded SPOIlTS STA F·F-I....ooic Spry, ClYlle Genz, Dan Rose. and n'rian Prh� e sellii·[onllals� -a·Iong·r ,;'·itb ,boutOn- ding o f 'us ual tear; ' in� \\i tll' 'taste drageU..:l'.-nu .gutp-ed .

. -----------. -- --

E X C I I A :'\ G E ]-:IIITOHS

AD :'I1 ,,:'\A(;I·:n. IIl·SI.':I·:S:-; :">lA:'\AGErL_ .


c. S .




. .


the hazardous pllr:;ttit of knowl-

o r Ollr rea(ling be-


............. . RA Y GOLD

. . . ._.................


!Juring these frantic days spent

f'd.c:e . I he

. '.

.............. .........PAUL Ll.:CKY

( 'nme:- naITO\H'f .and narrO\rer, un-

will take plaee.

:1 new magazine . exclusively for student!'.






til a t last we find ollrselves cOllcen- ,.;ugg:ests a n olltrearhing toward new trating 0111' attention on a few com· pnlsory te-xt;;; illlli very little else be·

yont! · the

·o L

ng Sam·' atlll is

Pirates:· This

"Terry and mini-

not to

mize Ihe aforesaid lIIediums of en-

liA:htenmelll, bllt merely to point up the fact t.hat mMl of us have sadly

neglected the area of reading in our li\·es.

very apparent

:(reas and idea>" a magazine with a . \·i:<ion: The €' n t i re Christian world is s t e adily moving forward, in every endeavor,





· · frontiers" to those who are willing to approach i t . Dut hold:

Could i t be that some

\\'e permit our eyes to be opened

tier 1ll0\'eme n t ? Or will it grow in

w i t h (he advent o f teleyision and

\·il'ted support?








hearing all


motion pictures tlte most <.:omplete

and most reliable source o f informatioll is still the writtell word.

At t h i s jllnctllse. we m u s t be m o s t

that we might be a IJart o f this fron·

,< pile of us, i nstead of with our con-

Frontiers is a n eye-Dilener. Every

area. o f the C hristian mo \' em cn t f rom the greatest to the least, indiddllal

a n d



b ei n g

di:<crilllinating, [or in oilr every-day opened for examination and consid. I'xperit'n('e w e come i n contact with

ri'ams and volumes of printed mat,.;orne





otherwi..;e, and some not worUI the

pa JiN 01' Ihe effort. \Ve must choose.

We are li\'ing i n an age of pres-



comes a



when alt are i n terested in what the l;Luc!ent has to offer Lo this confused

globe and, even more important, we

are concerned with freshness) of ap-

Notes from Emanuel Dear PLC-ites :

We heard that you


11 1anning

and that news




• • •



brings to mind


wonderful time we had giying ours I'�ebrllll rr 2.j. QU I' theme, around


which the program and decorations

("ration. Thro\\· those pre·conceived notions to the winds. This is a reve n r i rply



o l n \ionary

n e w a n d different .


the:-<e lIlaHers are so vital that all




Judy Starwich,

and a dramatic reading by one of the sOllbomore diploma girls.

Ollr L.S.A. has been \'ery active

since t h e firsl o f the year, so L.S .A. IIPW:-< js plentiful. When the J unior Degree class moved to Salem for

their Ilsychiu�ric affiliation, lea\' ing we sophomores as the only PLC-ites

be the major Question floating about The act of griping o r perhaps mor�

i s not wrong. :'\0; not wrong. unless

each student realizes it i s only an

a c t . not the whole play.

Disco\·ering a problem is like one


or a step i n a math problem. T o

;ltTomplish t h e e n d o f the play or a

"olution to the problem more a n d steps m u s t be




h a y €, done well ill ollr discovery, but the ('hallenge to do better i n our solilt ion stilt stands before us.

-"';ow step number two. I f a prob­

lem exists there must be a cause.

C sing as a prime example of our

z i n e and accept the chalenge it presents.

Dorm Dom · \s

. . .

l'llbenownst to certain elements







sprung forth. As






Spring bethe


hours of dayligilt. the birds singing

in the early morning, and the first tou ches of tender green shoots, so

bit of nostalgia at tbe farewell to

(:erain jots and titles neglected in

tlte pas t few weeks. . What i s dOI'm news wItbout a n


!;1Irprise Carol


This one was a req,1

all 20ncerned.



ment, do we know what we are crlt·

of the following Questions warrant tell ourseh'es that we have a. factual problem.

willtert w!!! attempt to 1'.llIp !!!fl.,rlze


What's tlte gripe '.' This seems to

some official answers before we can

Frontiers maga-


Mrrna Pfallne-

kuclten planned a surprise birthday

party for "Iyrnu. After ha\'ing bel'






council have on our campus in gen­ eral,






1\ d o l P h ,



'for us all Sunday, .'.Iarch 13, when ( CoillinueJ all Page Four)





part...1.ken o f







( Continued on Page Four)



in knowing how

many freshmen

there are at

Our Regular is Supreme - Supreme



Mechanic on Duty

Pacific Avenue


GRanite 7863



million times a day at home, at work or on the way There's




t.he s t u d e n t council? (E\'eryone the











meetings. How can rO il make your j(\ ea � k nown to t he members of the cOllncil'! we


the answers



some of the thin-gs we bave been


about to






actual. solution than

e\'er before. And i f we don't have the answers




.'.11'. \Vebb's

"just get !fIe facts."

better start



There i t Is-just like tbat. Xow

all that UlUSt be done is that every

student Pllt out the time and effort

to filH\ out what makes things work

�·akt:. slIlall envelolles were passed



\Ve are


l·�lllanuel, Iled.icatt!d "Lutlterhouse "

t here.

From now

Say. hrn( many of you have seen the LSA monthly publication, ..,' . . It·s really fine and well wor·th a subsniption. ' ··F'rontier;;; . ·

money used? \Vhat is your part in

plan to have all our I..S.A. act!\'jties


.'.liss Co·ed saying. "I:m o h so bllsy � It's too mllch� I'll never get it done ! " Well. thili story has a moral. a n object lesson o r something. It's so

What is its budget and how is the

friends go throilgh cOlltorlions to around here. and the reasons and keep hel' from dlseovering 'her" sur- facts behind what is done; o r stop prise pany, she shocked them by \�'asting his own (and anyone who playing a game witb them. After \\'ill listen) time griping about some

a t Emanuel, \\·e acquired the house

wltere they had lived a s our own

to satisfy 0111' fright-

For all of your Automotive Service needs

icizing and trying to improve? Some

Here is an opportunity

Subscribe now to


obvious we ' lI just forget ahollt emphasizing il, howe\·er.

to join the "frontier" movement.


).(irI8, a piano solo


LeUerst:o t:he Edit:or •

[ully rtlillblitl.L:

PL.C (apply this in a "broad" sense ) . \\'l1at do you s a y ?

recent criticism o f stu�ent govern­

your �nlimental columnIst, with a


in the Rain" dinner dat.e please (e ply w i t h :! yes and then help her

up off of the gr01lnd-for here she ha :. fallen, rill sure,

are affected by tbem, consciously or

were (·entered, was " Come to the .\{ardi · Gras.'· The jlrogram included music

the "Garden


ably stated, discovering a problem

we as

il i!<

boys, when tbat

ollr campus these last few months.

thIngs by being everywhere, or see-



timid girl a"T;s :lo O U

things are transpiring i n this world

that w(' kl1o\\' nothing /about ? Will


� .s u n

to!ll U · It S \\· i lll a l·atuly bar. ( :"\u!llber one reason wby we are fund le"". ahrays h U llgry. Killd of fUllny. eh ) ? ('I'S a s Dr: Sn:lcketlberg, the Squires, · t h e Corlleues. and all outstanding \Ve were standing before the �·O\tnter transacting candy bar business band. Also memory pictures will be· when i t h;1I1pened. A familiar clutter aro"c from the rea.r of the coffee tak('n for the price of a dollar. :-<hop, a familiar hreeze whipped tllmllgh the place. \Ve turned around to I_pril Fjth a t i : OO p.m. This mOst !-;ce who's oral e;tvitv \\·a5 having the camival-guess who? The same along with s Hch other top perform·

' outst�nding dinner date o( the year

pmach Hnd c larity of thought. Into this turbulent pot pourri has come


Iliers aud corsages, are i l l order. l\1I':-- and \\· t>re off 10 "ee the ·Queen. S'e ve ral hOlll'" I;lto:r \\'1' wPre bad< in the

Kellrhe wil1 be the guest speaker

fiction haring no basis in

fact. If

we are willing to sol\'e, let us be

llrepared to learn.

-Deverly Sveningsoll

.��(.: �� .�

1. Bright, bracing taSte . • • ev� resb and sparkling. .

. of quick energy -,. brings you . i. ' �)'* back "�/,.esbeJ. j: 'f�!\�ORI1Y O' THE COCA-COLA C�MPANY IOmtD.X�� IY

- �.


·: i

2• .A1we1come bit

• • •





-"'tob.. � 0 r.olltwad

: /:4.�j �

.." ..J,� ..

C 195,. THE





.1 !

I NTRA M U RAL H I G H LIGHTS I Jp.Janline's sllc cessful l y defendeu

Tennis Team Begins Seaso n By Clyde Genz

lh.-·ir eh:ull pio n sbl p in the Intramur-

.11 ha�ket ba l l . by s pli tting- the han- of



Lall" .

I )�·.Ia/"tli ll"-·. H"mo.

1'";)\\ (\11




l Iall



�..]lllai bl{'.

C :1 ) :

i m :: .


He1Il .C". a YOlln� an �1 I!rf'E.>!l tealll


I II,.,

ll y ' I O els t ad .

It ' C I>





1 . a rry

1 ."1" Ho::,.>hTl rg·:i

Hall c :1 ,

( ' " p J. •


ofr". till:!

I I ::! l

I :!

!i";1 ., S I

� IO


!:I l l




I :� 1::

I I' �' I i a l l ( A )



1 :!




( i l ) ..


A pr i l


l ih'

l ..o\\('tt

i n l {) �('I'ond pla{'('





1'6 .·'




IOlal of :! S - I .


:'\on h




Sbootlng o S;U� b��:r���:

�\I� � �I:�I�S ��� ��c!\:� .

c 'ontes[



was over two deadeyes h i t


u an e �Ioe

(Ivy al l ) H


poured In 90 to set the new lndi· \idual record.

2':orth Hall ( 1 )



!i the winning


TRICKS - JOKES - MAGIC Costumes, Tuxedoes, Setlpentlne MA. 48E1:1 926Y2 Broadway

e l a tl;;






Top Ten F ee Throwe ll

D r tree H i

e (N.H. l ) 9 0 .

" : /1 11

Ihl' StalE';; of \Vashington. Oregon,

ld(llio, -'I ol l t a ll a and t hc Territory o f


Ala�ka. To



a p P6l i n l Ulen t



1 ,,1

h \"e


t"oIH pletf'd

1�'!9d. :uu!



d ug

01' :1 �'olllbi n a ti on an i ma l h u s



of the I1<ltu lll

nd ry . et c .

Ap·plie<ltiolls . w i l l



from collf'ge students in th ei yeilr of study.

sc i·





,,{' t



usf'd at



Stelson's College of La.w th is fall when l'10rida's

bpgi lllli ng

oldest {"ollege of


aw opens i l s fi f ty·

fifth year and. its seconJ on

,';llllIHIS i n



Petersbu rg.


i �c '��:d��:d

Gpr ry Re cl bll rg. Tacoma)

T o

Norm Pi ess. (K.H.

Credit must be given to the cour·

Halt (ll)

squad .


enl for the games and always put up a good righ t.

gets underDefending co·chamWhen You Want Book. pions are DeJardlne's, Clover Creek The c mpeUtio C. Fred Christensen and the i"aculty. m be , rough and Bookseller and Stationer be some new champs at 932 Pac fic Ave. Wash. eR. 4629 the Tacoma, looks


there may

t h e end of





tussle .

Parkl a.nd XXX Drive-In Delicious Double Patty HAMBU RGER-45c Delicious Hot Chocolate

GR. 3211

ing. d eba te .




:\1:1Y 1 3-C . P.K, here.

PLC Board oJ Trustees To M eet


Th€' college board of trustees w i l l

h o l d i [ i-!

nn u a


s p r i n g meeting o n

I" os,; o f Seattle. pre�l�


Luthemn Church,




of the boa






fe c li ng Ihe haure expansion of the


reception following, C �I S lounge.

:-ponsored by PI Kappa Delta.

cottege w ill be made at this meet� ing.

In the evening the board





be hosts to the college

faculty a n d


I I'

h11sba nds



connection wit:}

the rr:orning



and oratory. He

Is tak.


The Re\'. S. E. Vevang. father oC

Shirley, PLC freshm an.




for cpo


I m p omptu speaking. He is al30

a.ctive in drama.

1'000 and Stu for



debating a speaker, and Tom,

the past year a n



'Ve need two men stud e nts w 0

I' k





ev en in gs


week. .. : 00-8: 30. a d 4alf days Sa.t· urday.

Applicants shOUld h�ve a car. $�5 per week. Applicants

Pay wi l be


will be i n terviewetl a t the Student

Lliion Bldg., i n

p . m . �'on da y, �11". Al'Ilold.







A s k for


129th & Pacific

GR. 9945



ked to order Deluxe Hamburgers .... - Fish and Chips H�ome-made Pies Tacoma 9th &.. Pa�ific

Tom's home town is Parkland.

His main interests in Forensic� are




Stella's FlowfJrs

Flowera for All Occaalona. WE DELIVER - 415 Garfield St. GR. 7463





Support Saga Carnival

is pastor of

St. Timothy·s.

special distinc.

w i l l recein

an d

tion In the spring.


GRanite 4242




re.l aw co u rse.

half. Stu i s first



9-WeilterTl . t.h er e.

" . ay


Gaylo rd Falde, president of Ca lifornia district, Evangelical Swindland is also a ju I r Lutheran Church, will speak a t the at PLC, his majors being speech regular chapel service next Thurs nnd history. Tom. also active in PI day. I{appa Delta, hol ds a d egre e of o ning a

the second.


, ., with a

\�: �� : 2��


[erests are extemporaneous speak·


Mad den' s Men 's & Little Men' s Shop Parkland Center Bldg. .

! � 7u �e

a l this year:' The golr

both begin·

. orensics trips. His ma in speech in· ....

although they lost Tomp every game. They were always pres· up.


(Continued from Page One)

1 ) 7S. Kent (lS".H. 2) 7S. hy



side a!< ('hal m a n


English D,bators


Jerry ilensol1 (Western) is.




Dave Berntsen ( Easlern) 80.

ne\'er gave


('ourse in

Fall term classes bE'gin Seplembel'

SS. G l e n Dlll1bllrg. ac ma ) S3. Wendel Slakkeslad (C. C.) S2.


ea n .


·\- 1 " . n.C . . here.

Or. II.

s. S ru k.





denl of the Pacific District, Evan�

Friday, March 25 Faculty \VJ"es, :\I r t n p. m. -


Okk Kent

.\Iay 1 0- L B.C . . there.


1 5-W hi le Caps. L-l().1.

8 : 00


" am pus n e x t Thur;<day.


be obtained

SUlIlmer session fur

Dua ne :\loe ( I v y H a l l ) 90.

Tom Gilmer (CPllt. Bar.)


room .

7: 30-F'.T.A.. upper SliB.

Competitil'e examillatlons will b e



1 : OO-Campus Devotions.



.Ierry Rf'Ilf;OIl.

Apri! � �-C.P.S .. there.

6 : 30-,;\lpha Phi Omega, L-10-l.


O\'el' a three·year p e i od. will



.;\ pri1 I -I-We!\[ ern. he e.

lb Thursday, March 24

The ;;dlOlilrshi[Js. valued at $ 1 .500


Illen gone

he rem:lining men.

h('re with \\'estel'll.

7 ; 00-Americ an Chemical Society.

'I[ � l e l ,;oll rni\'f.�rsity.


.l le;;.t ll€';<l'O.

be hard )0

Il.l11.-Alpha S i gma Lambda. u


:"1€'I"on a nd


" . ea."-on bf'gins A p ri l

l Wl!dnt"sday, March 23 fi: 15 a.m.-Toastmasters.

O ll ie Edmunds. president



mer' rNlnfng. (he Cute golfer.;l·g-nould

9 : 00-(:$:\ Co u nc i l, c u br oom.

· �.Ii)�. -'l o\·ie. "; : 30- L .. 'ldy Llltes, c


to a good

from last year's fine MtlllHI ar� S tll­

W i t h I�f' cotioge ,l::;o lf

Con('cr[, (;.\ 18.

in g

t h i ;;. yellr'� ):olf team looks forward

fine {'ontl i t loll Id ter ('xtepsiv� sum­

"; : :�O-Col1firmation, Roe's home. .,, : 3(J- Tal'oma Civic Orcbestra in



w i t h a t h ree won. four lo t record,

C:\IS Bldg. ' he back f("lr hfs la�t year.

G: �O-SP\ll''', -!th floor lo un ge, (i: 1 i"'- -'1J!-lsion Crusaders. TC. G: I i," -g tut l en t Council, ASBO.


Golfers To Meet WWCE For First. Match

l.arsol1. Flob Uomrr.€'s, a se nio r. will

March 2l

·I : OO- I •. D.H.



pl edgi ng,

:! : O�l- -Do rll\ 1\1Ix i l i a l :. .

law' at




Tuesday, March 22

be se·



1 :! : 30-0aYl"Oom Girls.


college "tlld e n ls w i l l

r ,

!J:OU:-n;_�.Ji..Kappa Delta, C�lS�12::!.


sett io


Luth era !1 Chu ch

Monday, �i: I ':' I'my('r S, n'ice, ";: \:;-1.<':'C. . L-IO-1.

cc ep ted


p .m .

Choir of \Vest Homeco mi ng

C-'IS I .o u n ge.

�ppli .

l..1\ l1t;i �sholllll have a d egree 'in one


Sunday, March 20

:� : OO-:\Iu

,It'gr('t:· Idlh ::0 !rOlLl'" i n chemistry.

__ .

.\ C I S . ..

I I : �)I)-Ser\"ice. C � I S .



jUU . .

Cuncert. "'ir;;t

a bac�clor ' s



T;t �·om a .

applh-anr."- for the posi t io!1 of chern.

Y " a r ("IIHI"e lead i ng


Saturday, March 19

grm .

a t � ea t 1 e Di;;.trict. 1\' hicIt includes

r li e


Intramural volley ball

&. Pacific


S a .c:a ( ' arlli ya l ,

('�I SlalE.>;;'. Some aPJlo�qtmenls ' w l l l

a mi nations

way next week.

1 19th

r�e d l i l' s throughout t b e U n i t·


I ii

I. �·()grilill

Bill Foege, as ea�'h had 6�.

!J{I Ollt o f Ih e 100. Bl'uce Hille (KH. 1)

ch e mi !


Page Three


Saga. C arnival-S p.m., C � l S ; 9 p.m.,

76; Cl yd e Gem;. 73 ; Bill ,l::; i n' n to select the schol arsbl p win­ ( ) rmf' . tii. and (l it her nave Steen or !leI's. Time and pla..-.� [or tbese ex· I-Iall

:'\orm l-' e ::. i s

In the- f.·ee·throw conlest records I



and drug in;:per-tor;;. are availa ble In

�h l io n or LOl lis v i lle. Ky. . a cco

and ('a me breaking total of

II' p re

k und. Dean of :-.iell.

I,aug-h. Sr., o f the I- 1 ighbaugh Faun·

T h t' olt! 1'('1'01"11 !' e t by Easte rn fh' \\" a:.: :: I � . T ht:> p on the team t rom

fifth place.

100 sho ts in com pe ti t i on . J erry R d e -


>=- ;; and food



law "l'Ilool:4." lII11ler the seil01 ar:;h i p

o n fi r::: t ('olllbill��d ('fforts

J ); t \" (� Berll t on had :!5[i 1101nts. weI'€' ."-hat1f!red by

m(>l1( of "{'alth, Educalion and 'Vei·






rt:>am in t h f' I'on[(>!'t. The f


ami ""Drug i n ­ Food

" om' or Amerj(·;t·s mos t intcresting

__ _____

up w i t h a re�'o nl


Admini stration,

far€'. ('a n o b t a i n appliratioll forms

frolll I..


Su pport Saga Carnival

Central llarrarks, ('orne i n 4tb




the l as t two


l}Oi ntmen ts




Friday, Mareh

l'art'er nn­

spector;.. or dlemj,: ts w i t h the

a n ti


-'lay 1 :1- ( .1'.5 . . h('re.

]lojnt::. \\';lS third. Stan Pa wley ,


1 ·- l · . I U· ..



Ten Students Offered Law Scholarships

�l ay I:!-\\· t•.� I � J'll. t hE' J·c . .


polnl)'l.. Hichard Schwindl . wilh



·\\·p,:I l'I"II. hf'l"('

-'!;IY I I I�. C.B.C . .


;..: a nws and had a !'pason's total or


Knl1t7.f'II. a nd

April ] li� { ·" n t ra! . I h (> I·(' .

I-Ia<,ffele jUIU]Jed in

th i s

for 1II0rc :lI"liol1

7-C. I'. S ..

A III'il �I)

as top i nd l" i d ual scorer for




' mat\'hf's a l r('aliy ."-che� l uled :

;p'"raJ:e fo r tWPllly ,c:Il11e!'. Thi� pul him

(''' Il l ral

i n g- r n




Iloi n l�

p.)·?J.·lw.....LUI" ."- Qlll i:.rtlTn l;:·, ��r9t� ! o� .

April ::�-r f'l1tra t . h{'I"('.

gil II . fini:4h,�d t h e "I�a:.:on w i t h


l .u ":1:1!"-l I il l (' combi na ti on

net mf'Tl han' a t o u g h ."-dl E'tl ule w i l ll

l'11I"I 1 10\· lall'1. I t l ( ' Crf'w Cuts ' b i g

l a l of

I ,u ,

With spring fal't a p IJroal'hln.c:. t h e

lo-:� 9


. 1)


h'an Sf']lpa l a .


l'lk l'r,;

Ivy I i alt



('on frreTl cf' ]llayorr�.

l I i l l .I o hll O I1 . Adrian

l u :l1


. .. I �) 1':a!'L Parkland .. . 10 FacullY .. .. �\

T a " om;,

l o��,

a l l i l B ru c c H H l e

thp {]uart('r fi na l s



7�j 'is It IS

I ii


in :.: i ll glp::, 1.lay. In t.he :":AIA pl a y·


:'\nr i I i



Spn i or

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\'all:': ;II.�() rp;\I.;!iptl Ihc qllal·t p r·fi n a l ."-

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real ly

spaso ll

r" a l ' h i l \ l!

lJ.l i c h·'y :->tl1b". paeetl lJy I, p o i n t " , \\"011 l he i r

I':i� hlt�r. T h , '


\"par. the ra c -kel !nen J!llt·nff to

l a >"

Heierso n ,

l�ralH1 I . l. : o ·doll ( ' h l ' j S:: l i a n a

�. -,,"� ,·w "�·a n.


Ph i l W iJ!(lll. ,IIHI Duane "low' �'art hilt lowanls the (,lid of



M nu ri ce



f i y E.> o f l a ;;. t year '� !< i x tll (' n r etu r n·

i n l! on thp dlalllpioll�hlJl fh'es were: I J'·.!ilr,liJu· · ;< : Uob TI III IU. h' er Ella· Did,



Lu 'aa s thl' Lut€' {('nllis t ea m

!'-hould han> a :"11('('(';';;';(111 y ea

"r� with :'\nrlh I-Iall ( 3 ) . Thos e play -


" !Hler the plaYer-eoa('h I('adershlp


Attention, Seniors

ART'S SHOE SHOP Garfield Street


3·IN-1 TO SERVE YOU BETTE'R Heating Oils - Heating Equipment - Heating Service Standard . Enjoy That "PLUS" Service MARV TOM MERVIK'S • . •




120th &. Pacific Avenue


Phone· GRanite 8684_ �

-......... �....."....... ..... .-��......--.... .... ...- ........ ...... .... .... .. _-..... .... ......... ....-,.. ........ _............... ..............................-.::-::.::. . .::....................... ..............




"Take a Look at Yourself" NEW LOCATION: 415 Garfield St., ne t to the Donut Bar PARKLAND PARKLAN D CENTRE x



F riday,

--;,;,;; .�� �::;:::::;,.. ::: -'-----=TtiE MOO R I N G

Page Four



'Pastor NeaT E". XelsoD of Broa.d ' View Lutheran .\lemorial Cbutcb In

Seattle sroJi;e at the eSA fellowship

Sunday night at the SUB. ThIs was the beE:innlng of :\Iission 8mpbasis

Week an e! Pasto r Xelson spoke on the genera.l theme of "The World :'IW:�i on o f r h e Churcn." H e , how. e yer. mad\! a more Pt'rsonal appliea· t ion a nd (' hose as his topIc. "Where Do We Go From Here?" A \\ l,j" omc is again ex tended to

ilil stlld('lItr and teachers who wish

to join In the Christian fellowship that

18, 1955

by Bill Johnson, ACP .'

.��- -------�- -----

CSA Fellowship Meet




thi!! gathering can and does


_. _ .

(Continue d' trom. Pago Two) �

Saga Calendar

( Continued trom Pale One ) Ing will be Cali C b rlste{lsen.

--------_ ._-- ----

�otes from Emanuel .

(Continued from Page Two)'

Dr. Knorr Elec:ted President of fAa.'fl.


dimes in time will grow into




Choir. Trip Resume


is Part of Your Education

Salt Lake and back to the church

for supper before the concert.

Open a Savings Account NO W

wherever t h e y w e n t. Individual booth and drawing prizes �Ieals were served to them In homes Including dlnDer and theater tick· and church basements, and they ets. ---------spent the nights In homes otr mem_ reception

bers or the congregations.

The choir is looking forward to

ne;t year's tour. which will take them to Call1ornla, but It still has

"UUUIIC' no ..Al 0"01" COA'OUTIOII • fliO'Ul us....., .nn"

year. Its home concert '\\'111 be given

.. , .....

this Sunday, �Iarch


in Tacoma's

First Lutheran Church.


you need printing

programs, cards, ribbons, pamphlets, tickets, etc. . . . lIIat's our business!

GRanite 7100

LaCrosse Pri n ters

PRtNTERS FOR YOUR COL.L.EGE L.ocated acro.. ''1m the Triple X at 118th and Pacific Avenue 44

U. S, P'OSTAGE Bulk Mailing


Permit No. 51





1949 ehev. Convert., radio, heat· er, low mileage. gray, c I e a n, stock. Gerald Baxter, 2617 North Orchard,"Tacoma, Ph. PR, 9300.

:======::: British Columbia.



The Parkland Junior Chamber of

Commerce will play an exhibition

I 22,



at 8 : 30 p.m.,

Tuesday. with


the Texas


several appearances to make this \"cowgirls.


Remember us

Parkland and T a c o m a mer-

The reception given the choir chants . Include lamps, portraits, members by the Salt Lake City con· ('arneTa, a set ot d i shes, and a pen typical or the tine and pencil set. Ther. will also be



Some of the door prizes, furnished


.gregation was



the' Ail;partlan,d L.S.A. met with us snapshot" ot Myrna and Dick Nodt'Dr: E. C, Knorr, head o f .the d�" Complete wilt! black·tace a:nd a there. "edt with the exciting announcesocl ology a t P'LC. was J.�manuel L.S.A. has been taking parlmen,t ' of r t B va d he iety men I. congratulations. mystery Interlocutor, ·e I a t e of tht> Ll�lberall electe(l/pr('sident program will Include such numbers a n :l ('th-e part In the orgaplzaUon �lyrlla and Dick� or Piel;ce County a t Societ)' lfare We two last The L..S.A. \t1onal birthday par- as ":'Ilood Indigo," " Dry Bones, " or an all·city tradi the Then . meellng I I I t h e monthly meetlngs have been h e l d t h e society's annual I :'I " ties. R u t h Sather waR a surprised "Old M a n Rlyer," and This s ly here, a n d another meeting Is being Bethlehem Lutheran Churell, Feb--­ girl Wednesday morning. Thinking Country." Pnil Nordquist, J e r r y ruary H. "LutherApril 1·7 In planned for it was i : 1 5 a.m. ( i t was really 7 : 00) , Benson, Jack Hoover, and h'er Ell a· \ house." Our last meeting " He succeeds the Re\'. Carl E. Ry· as at· .. she. left' for breakfast and was son will be the end men In their tentlet! by students from Portland dell of Tacon1a. who sen-ec.l as pres· routine. ,i'!"reeted by "Happy Birthday" when and ls ge, n versitr, Reed Colle Iden.t of that orga.'lizeltioll for many Le""' Also featured I n two spiritual L" l she reathed the main (loor. In the Clark College. and, ot course, Eman· years. kitchen \\'ere her s e c 0 n d tloor numbers will b� , double Q uartet lie!. Other 1955 offi�f'r!l. of the Welfare friends who had prepared a break. consisting of Vet'll II;tnson, Drian \\"e are looking forward to the board re : The Hev. A. \\". Hamstad, a fast of scrambled eggs, little pigs, Prke. Dennis Rodin, Bruce Hille, be at to held Area Retreat L.S.A. Parkland. and H. F'. Engwall. TaLarry Ross, Ric'lle Heins, Dwaine rolls and coffee. Camp \\"estwind on April 15, 16 and (" oma . \" icf':")u'e sidents : Rev. Loui s Brandl. and Eddn: Larson. Devotions in South H a I I have i . Plan:>; are bein� made concerning Pu . h! Ta (" oma, secretary; nnd At­ Officers of the Lt:ttermen's Club I been particularly thrilling In the who worke,{ on tilE" program arc : the p r o g r a m and the Portland ( or ile y Ben j am i n G. Hanson. Taco· past few weeks due to messages gl��llll!l� :�:�� \ � � ��::� O �eI���I����' m a o trea �u!'f'r. Those elected to the ' president, Bud 1 .t:st.el'; ,·ice·prcsi· I ' from Dr. Rogness, Mrs. Rolander, ed et Il e board we're Godwin Horem. O. E. dent. Jack SinderS'ln: secretary· I :'Itrs. Robert Olson and :'Itrs. l-r ltts. of Judy Slarwich . . anee Krllg, Lois :'Ilorken, the He\". :'Ilanley Gjerde trea::urer. Curt Hovland: ICC rep· A speci 11 thank you to these people Danielson. and Joanna Linlieblom, and the Re\". Erling Thompson. re�elllati\"e, Stan Jacpbson, and ser· who took time Ollt to come and are .eoin� on it recruiting trip this Other appointments made at gE' Jerry Benson. speak to us. \Vorking many honrs Oil the de· weeken,d to Aberdeen , Ho quiam, first meet ! :l � p. f the We lfare board 1-'or independent thinkers only: S. and Olympia. Esther Edlund and on F'ebrllary 21, were named to the tails of the entire ellrnl\'al , the pro· ' Sneer has begun a worthwhile cam· r ertH s �Iichael!ion (fz at PLC b f tb o rI a er l'eeds of which go to the 19 55 Saga. B paign. Who's going to pick It up in 1952 · 53) are also on tbe recruit· H �� :I�(� ��:�i�l ;O�:���I�n� han been Walt Schwindt, busines5 and carry It through? ing team. They are: The Re\,. O. K. Davidson, manager; Anita Schnell and Gerda Loa.ds of luck to you PLC nurses the Rev. R. W. Hah'orson, R. F'. :\'erg&.ard, coronati on; Dick 1\"odt. In your waffle �llpper. We know Engwall. and O. E. �'Iorken. .... edt and Dick DeJardlne, carnival you'll have a wonderful time giving construction, and Lee Roseberg, Fred Webber succeeds Lillian (Continued Cram Page One) It. and we're sure the rest at you 1--'ranzen as director of social work famous open-pit copper mine there. solicitor chairman. students will turn out the wonderful oC the Lutheran Welfare Society. They arrived just in time to see the Tickets from the coronation and food and entertainment. He is a graduate of the school of blasting operation.' Following this, the minstrel show will be the admit· The Emanuell tes social work at the University or they were taken to see the Great taoce to the gym for the carnival.

CALL 'HA, 3371 for

Sani�one Appr� ed y


City-wide Daily Pick-up and Delivery Service


3820 South Yakima

For ncarE''' C O U R T S H I P /cwe'c1 C O U R TS H I P, P

0 8 0 .111 1914

and b'ochu,,� wro'e Wa\hlngton

Sca"'c I I ,

College To Build New St:udent: Union .

7� }


. N U M BER 2 1

. ?1ta4t


Rev. Lu,tnes ,. ��-:.,.,Ac��?!:, 9';;,I..;._��"c;,.. Church Ca'i r "


Imm ediate construction of a college ul)ion � bui lding and a whopping salary r:lise for f.1culty and employees were major deci­ sions made Thursday by the Pacific Lutheran College board of trustees at its al)nual spring mcel ing. The board adopted an operating budger for the coming school year of S909,772.40, the la rgest in ,h(, history of the college, ----- . In .1 move to expand (he currlcu-

tor of Hope Lutilcml1 Churl'h, Ita;;

:tt!l'cpted the call ext('nded to him

by Pacltlc Lutheran College to be

)):1:; [01' of it!> student ("()ngregation.

In waking the announcement F'ri-'

day, President S. C. Easlvold staled

his dllti('� in September when t h e

l..'' ngregatioll will be organized. The O Jlew pastor and family will live in Cmmer COllage 011 the cnmpus. The l1:e\". :'III'.




lIope Church


Thursday e\'e·

La�t Pall the PLC board. of trus­

tees �"'t up til(' student congrega­

tion. Ils nlt'mbel'ship will be com­ pl"lsed of college students. and it

will OIlE'rnte like a regular church,

Pi Kappa Delta Will Host London International Debators Here Tonight

Nurses Plan For Comi ng Waffle Supper

Tonight the Pi Kappa Delta spon­

sored International Oeba.te . fea.tllr'

ing I. e s t e I' 'Dorley ,lml Jennifer

Copeman. Unh'el'slty of l ...ondon stu·

dent!!. and S t u a r t Gilbreath and


tor in Napa, Calif., and Hines, O re. The 50-cent ticket Includes one At both of thes� ('ities he estab- waffle, two llttle pig sausages, cof· IIshe-d new conl;Tega:Uons and su- ree or milk. The supper will b e pervised erection of nt'w <:hurches ser\"ed from 8 : 00 to 1 0 : 00 p.m., in

and ·parsonages.

the upper Sl'U, one session going


Johnson, tickets; Marcia Leln and

Student Aid To Be Needed for Coming Daffodil Parade Again this year. the name of PLC

wil] go f l o a t i n g brilliantly into downtown TaCOil1a decked







serve as symbol and motive· tol' the

Tom Swindland. PLC studE>uts, will Annual Daffod i l Parade. b£' IH'(>�E>nteli ill the C,·)I ·S buildIng.

They \\ill deba.te the :'\a.tional CarOllSE'J is the theme announced with worship services, organizations for the annual W hite Caps waffle debate Question of this school year, and boards. SlIlllH'r to be held on April 16. Tick· which I s : Resolved: That the Unit. Tt:e Rev. )Ir. LutnE'S, class of ' -13 et:; will be sold for 50 cents by all ed States should extend diplomatic at PLC, has ·;erved Hope Church nursing sl\)(\<>nts. beginning next re cognl tl on to th e government of since 1951. Priol" '0 that he was pas·

25, 1955

Present Union' Building >"i"'''"'''� :-;::'''�'' lecome Cl'ils'srooms�' '..

The Rev, Hobel:t W. Lutnes, pas­

t.hat nile new pastor will take oyer


The general theme of this year 's

annual festival is "Golden FlIItllre."

lum. an engineering IH'Ogram was

· chool year and It added for next s

was decided to add a major In home N'onomic!,! by the tall of 1956.

To JlH.'e-t the demamls ot a grow­

ing E>nmllment and exp.a.lHling cur­



f)OSls were added.

:�I �(�e:l.


The college union


will be built

y l e ' 1,�� ;I:�I:·� s��j���:I :tr:�I��II\� !��;


O , �;I I ����tr��(;� �11:1�;!;� /): I�:��(" �� '

Const.I"Uction of the union will be­

gill at once. and It l� hoped


This festival Is held each Spring to stl"Ut·ture will be ready for use jn present the bounteous crop of Puy­ Septt'mber. allup Va.l ey dafodlls. I The Choir of the West will pre--



building will

bring a

l f l I concert Thursday ;::: ��:�: I�� ��u��:,� \:�f;n ��:;:�I�� (� Commu nist China. PLC will debate night, April H. In -the Tacoma Ar­ will be converted Into muclb needed .the negative. and the guests, the mory during the Coronation pro­ classroom space for next !'all . The dining fac;lliUes on the ground floor affirmative. 'gram. The Queen, who will be a Jo­ This event rates among the top I.'al high school girl. is to be select­ of O ld �1aln will be cJlanged also classroom space. into {'\'E>nIS in Forensic.s. and Is, there-- ed a.t this time. fore, :l great honor for PLC.




This year,





longer an Industrial -arts program

A dining hall whicb will seat 700

j)E>r�ons will be a feature of the new grE>e from L u t h e r Seminary, St. from 9 : 00 10 1 0 : 00. Entert.ainment reputation of being the be9\. compe· on campus, the float will be spon­ ('ollege u n I o n.' The building will fl· with body student the by sored and, re a c o f f e e shop, bookstore, ha sessions. in the Paul, M.lnn., and has done graduate wi ll be presented 'Lt both ,tition In this country work at the l"ni\"ersitY of Callf.)rChairmen (o r the waffle supper words of Mr. Theodore 0, H. Karl, nanclal support coming from this lounge�. ki tchen, post orrice, work­ nia. He is a graduate of R. A. Long are Edith O lund, general ('hairman : ·speech director, "'Ve want to keep bodlf" Jerald Slattum is In charge shops and offices .for student gov­ of the art work on the float and ernment, student publications and High School, Longview. nnd Is the Lyndall L o v e .t t, .entertainment; that. " Stanley Read Is handling construc· .the alumni association. son of Johan �I. Lutnes of Long- Marilyn G.'lr1son, f o 0 d; Dorothy He has a bachelor of t!heolo�y de- from 8 : 00 to 9 : 0 0 and

This year and also in 1952-53, the

Bett)" Johnson,


the otber

He Is \.he author of "Ever One God."

novel to be published this year

b�' At1g�burg Publishing House, Min­ a

neapolis. Last (all he .....rote "'The

Eternal S]a\·e." an historical pag­

eant wh l eh was presented at tbe sixtIeth ann h'ersary celebration at PLC,

�frs. Lutnes, nee Betty Hanson,

aDtended PLC. The Lutnes's have

,three chUdren-8ylvta. 1 1 ;


and Mark, !.


Choir o,f _the West Plans Three More Concerts The Cbolr oGlthe West wdll leave

lor Portland,

Oregon. where they

will give an annual Palm Sunday

concert on April 3rd a.t 8 : 0 0 p.m. i n the Central Lutheran Churcb.



Scheele. waitresses.


in lIH� past.



Some people are like blotters- Uon. Pay raises across lIbe board to The biggest job \vlll come Friday 110 faculty members, clerical and co-chalr· they soak It nil i n and get It back· (Continued on PaEe Four) wards. maintenance staff personnel will to­

HIH'. �I:-. LUlnes has been a part- men; Pauline Hering, decorations:

time (1sslstant In English at PLC. Donna



Orchestra, Chorus Make Plans For Spring Concert

Tbe concert chorus and college orchestra on Saturday evening,

Sprjag Tolo Is April 15 At 'Lakewood Terrace

'"Garden in th.e Rain," Old Main's semi-formal Spring Tolo, will be held at the Lakewood Terrace -on Friday , April 1 5. , The evening . will commence wich (he serving of dinner at 7 : 00 p.m. The em ire 'meal per couple will be covered b y the fee of five dollars, paid for in advance by the girl.

April 2, 1955. at 8:00 p.m., will preTbe basic planning of this Spring raeDt a formal concert in the C-M-S audllo·rium. The music oWmng will Tolo has been done by Peggy ArLt, the feLLow the girl is taking must include ,the music of Schubert, Bach, general chairman. The p\lbllcity also be known, committee was headed by Cat hy Brabms, and others. AHer knowing ·where the Tolo The concert chorus, under the Johanson and she In turn gave jobs would be held it was Jane Wolk's direction of Mr. Fritts, Is a singing o( maklng posters -to ber committee, ob to plan hle, Helen and Paul1ne Hering' s j organization of eighty-fIve voices eonslstlng of JoAnn .. Rosie the meal for the evening. dedJcated to the artistic perform. Jordanger, J o y c e Hamlin When the name of the Tolo bad ance of' .the great choral master- Ness. Jane Wolk, MonlQue' Wet.ton,


Tbe Choir on April 14th will sing pieces . 01 Ol'8ltorfa. opera, cantata Pat Bondurant, Marilyn Hefty; Anne tlnally been announqed It was the at ·the opening celebration of the and other representative works of Hall, Ordetlta Bechtel, !.orille Hefty, job of Janet Wigen, a I o n g with Tacoma Daffodil Festival beld at bath the paM and the contemporary. Janet Frybllng, and Sklp Douglass. G r e t a Haagensen, Dana Blount, at The conoer:t. cborus wUl be accom. Marilyn Lerud, of the Lorraine S c h m I c k. Marilyn Edthe Tacoma Armory beginnin .g Wet8: 00 p.m. pallled by the orchestra and the pipe ticket committee, took in the money "\\-ards, JoAnn Jackson, Monl reservations along with Ordetta ton, Marilyn Kleve, Gail Gmys, and for . the of presentation otbe1r for In collaboration with the Central organ' Hoogner. On Sklp Douglass, to plan out ilhe most Lutheran Church's 30th AnnlveJ"o Brabma' "Song ot Fa.te," and S-chu- 'Bechtel and Carolyn The Schubert :April " and 5 the eotJre &mount of appropMate decorations to blend in 16, the bem.'s '''MiuJs tn ISary ceiebration, on pa.1d. Along with the atructure at the room at be e dollars five ot work fea.tured Ith be Choir will &ive conoert at 8 o'clock w111 ( ConUnued on Page Four) p&)"Ul&nt tbe name of with the evening. in the church's


a auditorium.


must thla last

L.'ll $100,000, bringing individual In­

creases of from 5 .to 17 per cent.

"This Is the largest s.lngle percen­

't.nge increase

given to



'p10yees or the college," Prell1dent S. C. Eastvold E#t.arted.

Additional faculty persons wHi be

employed In the fIelds ot biology,

English, mathematics and englneer­

dng, poUtco.l science, speech, Indus­ trial arts atMl' reUgioJ;l pa:;tor) .

(a college

In cooperation wilh well knoWll

'Schools of engineering througbout·_Ithe nation, wHl offer a five-


year course in engineering. The &tu.-

dent will attend PLC three year s a n d t b e engineering school two years. At the conclusion of the "3-2 program" the student will receive

degrees (rom both PLC and the englneering school.

In other action the boa:rd com


J P Pfiueger, prof sor me nded es Dr. . . o f reUgion, upon the completion of d g ve cu y, 25 y ears on. the � � ,fa lt im bree month s leave, With pay. I! !h fo r travel. Thursday evening the board and their wives gave a smorgasbord din­ ner and reception

and tbe1r apousee.

fOr the



Page Two


Friday. March 25. 1955

Published every Friday dming the �chool year by students of Pacl(lc . Luther<tn Gol\ege. Office: Stmlenl t' nion

Telephone GRanite


Sub�("ril)\io n·· l'ri c-e--$-�.OO per year .


Editor. :\looring .'1:1. :< { :

� r Y



� �l r �� I;,�:.::i;; t': �� I\n:;n ;

il .

:: �

. .. . .. . . .. ..... . .. _DOROTIIY JOH�SO� . SI'GHT::' T-:IJITOB. .. ..... .... . . . .... ...... _ ..WA LT BA LL . A . SPOHTS S T I'T�Looie S p ry' Clyde Genz. Dan RO:ie, e B��� �� EXC I I A :'\GE I': I H T OI:� . . .... . TtJ-;VEHLY PIERSON, SHI R�, A. E AI) :\IA�AGJ-: IL . .. . . . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . � . il U S I "' F.SS :'oIA:,\AG"'-: H . . . ..... ... . .... . ... . ._ ... . . . . _ ._ ._ :\iA K I.:.t;1'


.. � � .. �_\....




Dr. Schnackenberg Attends Executive Ifoo.4t ieidu L. S. A. Meeting

I n the past weeks several very

Dr. ,v. C. Schnackenberg, assoelate proressor of hlslory at PLC, returned early this week from Chlhave warned us concerning the con­ cago \\-here h e had been attending dition of our intellectual status. a meeting or the execul..l ve commitThey have w:lrncll us concerning tee of Lutheran Students of A merf']mll!ent






a n d stagnation, a n d

have sternly admonished liS to think morc, to do more, and to see more. Since last Fridgy night there bas

ira Association. He is one or the

fnur na.tlonal advisors to the LSAA.

The meetings were held from Fri­ day lhe 18th 10 Sunday the 20tll. There





come into being a perfect example

b\1�iness matters that were handled

notes arising Crom the enchanted

committee organized their fj\-e proj­

o( one aspect of tll3.t Intell"'ectual at the meeting. . st:lgnaLion. I-'ll I' from the sombre The commissions of the executive

Nordqu ist - Carl.trom



: -" .,,,",ph, �' P-"1: ;lIIll a ny peo , ' e o n ' i � , a n p n ' "' h j I a-

ed, Ill) llIa.l lf'!' Wh:Lt I l l (' pro,£'ress of Pl.C m o n.... unhinder all conscious of the j)roJ.,:J'(,s:< i n



, fro" the I'e\' erbrant lones booming sions. and Social Action. Plans [or the Ashram Conference, forth from the goillen throat or baritone Gerard Souzay, was the which will be held In Banff, Canada,

presented Friday night by August 23-27, w e I' e revised and " Tommy and Denny," called "Va· completetJ. Decause>. of limited facil­ it..i e s, only 600 students ,\i1l be able rieties in :'otusic." Their show was, to a.ttend. Dr. Schnackenberg "il l nonetheless, quite entertaining and b e o n e o f tlle speakers a t t h e Con­ enjoyable to those who can accept ference, and will speak on "The variety In tbelr passive dh'ersions. Role o( People of God In the Aca­ Dut to those who are stuck in tbe demic CommAnity." ) rut of the only music they deign Tbere were (our scholarships rec­ to consider titting entertainment ommended in consultation with the for an intellectual, the lilting melo· Lutheran World Federation. Tbey dies of tbose two talented young were recommended for India, Tan­ s how







South Africa


the carolyal

A lack ot dh'erslty In diversion

can certaInly be considered oC l!!!ellectual




wben it

frowns upon appropriate entertain­ ment, and surely no

music could

have been more appropriate to a

carnival than that brought to us by the two young POJ'tJanders.

There were, on the other hand. ' those peopl e who enjoyed the show.

those people who can accept each

ilhlllg for what It Is and appreciate

more than what they consider to be the best.

Hear this then, it you would heed

the admonitions o( the more flam­ buoyant writers who have preceded your Ghost Rider, In this endea,'or. That which Is good In Tts Qwn rlght

lms a rlgilt to be considered good.




:'\ow I got t h i s 0 f r my chest.

Thank:; for reading this Far in your


!;chedule. I know that putting

alit a paper demands plenty of time and effon along with the studies.

poims to a paradox of sorls : What e?i:Oe is there [or us to believe oilier

than we are incapable of handling such "weighty" problems as expanded

student gol't'rnment and the like? To have asked the question is to

have answered it.

50 million

_\Inre power to you in your work! Sincerely.

Edwin E. Sandylg, Pastor,

0111' Savior's Lutheran.

times a day

Spurs Hold 'BiC] Sister' Kidnap Breakfast

at home, at work or white at ptay

Dreakfast doesn't s e e m to b e


early enough on



the PLC




least not on Saturday. :'tlarch 19, because on

that day at

6: 00


the Spurs were over at South Hall,

each awakening her own "Big Sis­

-tE'lr" and Inviting her doW!1 to the South Hall lounge (or a "Kidnap


The Kidnap Break(ast consisted


o( waffles, toast, jam, and cottee_


s n e e r e d across the cludes Southern Rhodesia), and In­ atter eating, a songs ere sung lengths of their pointed noses an? donesia_ and some pictures takeo. made such erudite comments as, Plans for the European S t u d y At any rate, a good time was had "Dear me! They played In six eight Project, which w1ll Involve twenty by aU.

ne\'er ha\'e a.ttended

it (',Hl

p Ogl'es?: · · po��� }.£�l e \l_e � nY l lJllg wor'� h� of being caJ�l}l�" �: �e(orl? . _, , bly wh(>n "olller h i n � o f Ihi�' natlll"f' Is thought t o have been at:t:li'Tl�" \\"� w i l l lJlen, flllli thal i t is a 11l ! f:lge-.r n d this t o .OIlI· g-onrl. for t hi � would '}lUl US in the constant mooll 'of ;<eeing the necessity for t.he de\'elolllllcm


("\fhich In. A fire was lit Iq othe (ireplace and

tim e ! " The person who was In mood students from America, were com­ or mind for a Bach Fugue or a fu­ (Continued on Page Four) neral dirge Friday nIght s h 0 u I d


, rOllr pa ller--is helping to form :luiand fe.1.tul·es . 10 th;'o,,' in with this' long Jlilgrimag� wllich is tudes in the 5tudent body and also of idea:;· . lhronghOllt the church, especiallr progress. 1:1llger Ih,LL we observe is thjs: we are putting, albeit IInl'on· The c b u being o s t and i t i ere Jf mailed have termect-ma tel'ial progre!-is SciOli sly, too 1ll11f"h�f<)n there. , T ho er and are adding to it features and RllWh of what is rel11l) not th e. lt " ISsr' e O C· S.A · lI"' C " ' ' tb , . :. ; ! ...... spiritual clime (in the above sense) of PLC Is cerJailll) foreboding in s P .. .. ks " t oot ,, I d m . to r 'd that " to seek main­ would that moves and at present, thoughts concerning Christian witness, It was lhat there are, statlls Cjllo-erroneol1sly' assuming that It Is perfection. The s�d, " As members of an academic tain the be unbalanced In favor of Ideas of ),eslerday instead of community, our t I r s t wi.tness is scales seem to the ideas of lhe day in which .w e live. �rholarshlp . " r !to'pe no one got the with this static situation and a defense of atavism of ntermingled I idea that scholarship a.nd the search seems to be an underCllrrent lack ot faith. A lack of faitb for truth is so all-important that sorts, lhere of the sludent in himself: of the student In his go;ernmeM; and lack of Chl'ist Himself c o m e s second i n Cjuarters, of the college in the student. The first two oC (,hri�tian \\Ci tnessing. Jesus calls us faith, in some three have been expounded upon before and the implications to he His w i tnesses. proclaiming, these obvlolls. but the third statement possibly demands a short sharing Him : not Just sharing learn­ sholl"l be \1rsuppMlon. _� ng abo ut Him and Tnltb. Learrung 'We 3,'e told, and probably. think, that we are the finest and best IS very helpful in witneSsing, but stlldent body that XI!lts (no dou b t ) . bllt yet some would argue that � C h l'ist (not scholarship) Is our first cannot assume dutIes and responsibilities that would be to the best ad­ witness whether gathering know 1van'tage to all for liS to assume, Now conclusions along this line seem €'d ge in college or garbage In a fnirly cllscernable so we could possibly end this with a question that �arbag-e tru(,k.

strings under the command of cell­ eNS for t ile year which Includes:

ifH .Jo!leph Schllster, a far cry, too, Worship, Study. Evangelism, :\Us­


(\(>!"i)"f' to

I·· \ : (� ' � , ,'I:A t L HI. I I I I I UH I O g student bO(b· . .: . . �'�;Q " · + ...;\· l� I\ lll� ·��\·..·�",·,'··!,Q ����. ,',.:�- " .rl\ I':"'- I l ;\:� rl ' -i�;.�;�ci;�:;..:�;,·�:··��· . I,'?'� J� ' ;40j:.i.:A ,� I o• Q • "t . T d C ' ."" , s t om , Litlle t h i .n g s, a s well as b if :\1 I���� fr ).: f.rh, \\.a IIy I h.' rto n . " . a r t h a Douglass, AI F'reed, Wilbur �};. thing� help t o form o u r :lttiturl es. j


, , , .· \· ',., \ ' H . , n r' ' h ' '

P{':l r :\\ i. � K i1 l(> 1 ;:01l.


'HP Th f' :'IJnn!'l!!!! .\ l;L�t h"H heen ,'Oill. Ill:!\" blo('k th .... wa\' . :'.Ioreover, \\'e is truly g,oo, 1, I h:J.I ha;:.· been seen here in the jl:'l!'J,t decade. Tbis j o g 1 0 011:' h ome hUE'lr. \\'f' allilre. {'xl;an",ion () . . y illlpo,·t for we Illn" be "W .H·e " iat. ,we i " l n , It . •s p cially s1nee bu,. how"p,·. " is of , " ,,,,,', ,.<,on.1,,· . in thl n){s. not idi'a.-;, By 7� Illy wi f.� a nd [ h:l.\'e "'both a.;,ended thaI thi . i.� {l l l y material pro�r{':;;l : :l progress . f:lll:lciolls fOl' US !O blan.tly ,'1.(', l ' l . e i:< 0111' (, hurdl (,oll(".!:'e 111 .- .11"1 0( "inlllly .. rf'(· lill� :l. ." tt:n("tun� it :;eE'lll:: . ;\;; . hE're i n ll1f- :'\ol·I II\\"es1 . \\-e .1l"e ('011- hpli" 1 I' Ill:l; :01 " QH i \':tl�>I1 T (lpl;n"p of "pir!tual progre�s, or' �)I'og r('!;" �: PI�l5S " l l be seen :liong _ '-_ _ _ _ _ _ ...:... C€'1'!I .t! 111.11 j'l.(; i.� l·orl.�lal\l ly ;:en·. rp!!"ard.� Ilh' :<l'r" ;I<I ot" Ollr lhollg:itl and efi ecli"e al'tion, w i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l er[:1 1 progrE'�s. in� I h i ;: area of ollr t ou n t r\" t o t he I \ i l h . an,1 IWall.�t" of. h .. m a F. .:; :1 0A :,\ K ITT J O :'\ i e i n the phy.�k:\l �\.� :1 ( · n l l l.: " . \ h ,> I I'IIi' 1) 1"1)[:"1":1-:'; of pl.e doe" not l glory or l 1 r great GOIL Th:t't WP be. I plalH. (even lhoH�h it is undeniably impOrl:1l1t) K'\T l J-: W :,\ }-: N\:'\:'\ I·:nUD lie"e i t I;. doi ng. The .\loOl'ln; :\I:l,.�. t ;.17.e of Ilie edHr:tliolial 11"(1), of thinking. 0\11' To ,;piril. · or mind PLC · the ;:i7.e of Ihe n i ralhel' bill g Agnp� 1 1,.11 H�.<::"'r 1 \ H I),Ira Gwnke, Ar ('an be a n effeCli\'e \\' a)' ·to e n'"" �Dirlt h"� "a lon,g" a n d roll !.!:!! rOil" I n I lt),," I , 1 I1 f l 'I f'e 1 1 1 111 T o k k f ' 1 l ' C hrist a n d H i !'. Ch.urCrl, espec iall y the "�i7.€''' of t.he PLC mind and

",. � --f �1�O I:. I; . ( . I l I l_:-F ....


A Supercilious Sne er

LeHers �O �he Edi�or . .


There's nothing like a

DAWN MOMENT Rolling around a bald mountain dawn I? �i�s fire on the crags, DIstills the absolute of green-black fir Slou�hing stunted shadowy i n the crevasse Where from red to orange iron turns As puma yawns. Thrumming life begins i n the void Of . a basin where a raven croaks. And a great snowy owl watches. the hawk Launching downward in great swoops. Deer wander lower, the whistle-pig seeks. A rocky ridge on the lee:

And the dawn moment dies interred to rise From the grizzly's den, From the lichen o n a down cedar, From the flat-land below the foot-hills Farther WE:st '. The dawn dieS" . . . heat reigns with light; The dawn moment goes �cross the prairie. . by Michael Griffen

.... ....,-fmb ..-

1_ so BRIGHT lD its hOG

2. so BRIGHT lD itS brisk, frotty oporlde. 3_ SO BRIGHT lD the

bit of quick ..,..,gy it I>riap )'OIL


COMP� 11'


-c.a- It·. � �





by Walt


.r i

Lut:e Track Team Works

' --' guess '�J�;�:':< � :� � (�lt:';:l��� � : :� : �: :�


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



\\ it h Ihl' \'lI1T('1I1 track .<:eason un. ,Jf'!" way, Coach S:llzllIan I"('ports t� ' i ' ti � n 'l l r l l d ;: :::u FrIday aftl'rnoon a" the fir"t 1 1":1\,1, 11lt'N with \\"e;:tern is ,,;I'!ledu ll'd fo r April :1. ,.Ithough it lIlay bl' " : 111' " 1'111-11 dllt' (0 E:ls.ter "a�'a;ioll. \ft'''tern ha� a good lr:u'k leam anti i� al\\':\\"s. m ugho ' :'\0 1 1ll {, lltiOIl �d h dore all d turn., in� oul for thell" first lime al I'LC ' a re [ r(>!' h !U(' 1l \r es A llker, who runs the Illile:antl Stan Pawl "ey, who also

Well. !"NHIi!1" . SPOl'ts copy j� llli�hty scarte l he!'(' days, so I I I I just han> to i m· .... nt ;:ome. 1 1 10\�:: :1": thollghl the polky adopted by thi> Catholic Chllrl'h ::;"choois :,J"lllt a dp('lll\f' a,go j " really payillg orr. 1 " 111 refe rri ll .\! to til t:' tende lH' Y o r loi ).! Catholi(' llnh"('r,.:iljl'" 10 drop fO(l1ball and IHn al l the' Jl I"I';.; stJ l'(> on p m· •! l!'i:l� topno! ! h ha.� l,(':uall 1 (':I Ill;.. 1'-inalii'ts in the :'\1'1'. IJUt!llesne ant! 1 1a�'lOn, \I"en.' hath Homan Cathnlil' :ls. \\"{' 11 :1!' both finali!'t,. in the :'\CAA 1"'l ) :ln l� (, lI1. 1 111' l 'll� i I Y or :-::In ]"" [ul {"i:,eo :lIld La ::5alll'. I won!I>:'I: if :1." ,.h lt . t of " !ll Ph;�l1lil!hl h:l\'e had any ('olllw("lion wilh Pacific Lu. t hcr<ln· s a dc!cat Gonzaga U n i ve rsi ty i 1 9 41. Go n zaga . i f you ,�t)11'1 ;Lln·ady lillOW, had .ill>'! \\'hipped ])(>(rnit C. a co uple of weel,:!' pre\ :,,.. ] >' 1O,"JWI. il \ 1 ' La:-: I S a ! ] ! �'�I:l�' ni �l.1 1 in 1)1(> C·�I:S 1110000 t or us \\·it nes.sell the .?!!c an(I _ �'::I � \�\�ol::, �1 I:��I ::lIt�: �I��s2·;elJn: ol\L�' _worthwhHe,.erm31l·s SflO\\- tn .! 1�('•.cO.l.ltJ �ry. The at,h_I�!,��,"" l.!:!rned . rr;·\iijfo .·�f[i!il.H[rr�'" HI .hie"r-ilf;hes is .• ; , I ' ; I S I and rf"ally gayp liS a gootl, night of enlertallllllcnt. . J�'!TY Oboll. ·T1I(> basf'ball season .t!(>\;; 1l1lde\"ll"ay in a week or so and there arc Back from last year's squad and .'1 couple o(changes "nd additions to tile schedllle-at le,ast tent.atively. !'howillg \'ast im ll rO\·ement is Stall T ! l !' Lules will (If'finitely meel the linjversity of Wa!'<hington diamond. J;Il:0UsOIl. Coach Salzman says this llll"n liP at . the "c.oo on April lst. The nine inning siilgle will begin nt should be Stan's finest year. Stan 1 : :\0 or � : O O 11.m . nllls the Qllarter-mile and half-mile, There is a possibility that Harshman might get a /!ame with tbe as well as anchor man on the relay Fo1rt 1.ewis Chiefs some time next week as a added pre-season practice \ team. Dick Drown has been turning ('ontest. Theil, too, ollr scheduled g'lmes with C\VCE on April 9tb may out this week f r o m l a s t year's be lllo"cd up 10 April 5lb becanse of Easter vac::J.tioll. squad. quick observation about track-Eastern and 'Whitworth are Just The weather has not hindered the the teams to beat as il looks now. Both were strong last year and accord- rthinclads so far, as "'lIn or shIne the ' o t r. Whitworth bas picked up a few Yalliable additions to the team turns out. "Sa\z" says tbat � l ' ; (' this is the finest team he has's get fired up and support our spring inlramural program. This coadH::u , so far as hustle and practime of the year seems to bring with it a lag in tbe abofe mentioned h f e a � � field of endeavor, but with the new hOUsing arrangement on can�pus this I li n \�IO � I year competition and participation should remain at a maximum. {lIrn out there is still time, as more picks! men can be used. it is:

foot b ll



!: � � �:: a


Friday, March

25, 1 955


I NTRAM U RAL H I GH LIG HTS The \'olleylmll "e;l;';OI1 h:ts been � lIHIf'r \'.. ity for t he last two :,:eeks ,Ill the 1II11-anlllrai 1l'Ogram. I llere ar£' fifteell teams � �1J;ned up as or now. forlllill,!! a large le"gll!:'. Tbe ddending ('halllp�, lJe.lartliue ' s, lost their first g;llll(' of the nel\" year to 'th(' :-;Itil,:ers of I v y Hall, ] ."" t3 :Ind. The Faf'lI !t\·, [\Iso co. (\efenrl. inl-: challlP;; of la, ;t year, have won 1.,h ....'ir IOli' t two /!ames. bea.l ing Ta. l'OIll;!. 1 :-,-(; al\(\ 15-.1. 'the dlird cot\ef('ndinl-: champ. Clovel' Creek. has t;pl;it til,?i,I:, t'�:!?� IICOUl1ters, winning ,; from the J[llns, 15-9 a n d 15-8, tben falling to Tacoma, 15·3, 1f\..;! , Th[s ye,'\!" promises tQ ha\'c a tight race for the number one spot w ith so' mallY tt!ams' in the league. The competition will be tough and the tea�n or teams that the honors will have to work every mlnute to gal n' tbe top poslUon. Should spring ever arrive some of the 'spring sports will be Included in the Intramural program. Tennis, horseshoes, b.1.dmln.ton and other sports w'm be !ncluded, Results of last week's volleyball games: Cramer Crackers over the

l;j·l l .


a e Th ree

P g



Friday. March 25

........ [nternational $: on


Debate, C)�S. HeeePtion follo\\-ing, PI Kappa I S 1001Il�e. Delta, at u rda , M c 26 9 : 00-l-'nelllty meeting. TriO".


y ar h

Sunday, March

7 : OO�C.S.A " , SL'D .


Maret! 28 I) : l:i-Pt·ayer ScrYice. C:'IIS· B. Friday. April 1 Monday,

:lO�G ei'm:l!� and I·'rench films.

Saturday, April 2

)Iid-::;em(>ster ('IHIi'. .. on('('rt, orchestra, band $ : 00 p�m:!...C and rhOl'Us, C-'tS. 9 : 00·5 :00....::..\v.:t�h. F'l1ture Teacrrers'"• Assoclatloll, SU B-Library. I : 30-�.enlor luncheon, Sonth Hall. Sunday, April�3 7 : 00-C.S.A. 7 : 30-Conflrmatloll, at T r i n i t y Chapel. H u n s, 15-12",113-15, 15·8; Eastern over Central Barracks, 15-8, 1 5-7 ; Eastern over Cramer, 15-2, 15-10; Hippps over North Hall (3), 15.11, 15. 1 3 : Western a v e r Polson Ivy, 15-1, 15·10: Crew Cnts over Central Barracks, 1!i·13, 8-15, 15-10: and the Stubs over Western. forfell

:;\�: :n�: !�: � : �� � �� : �� �: r:=====....;::.;,.='----===:=;

Evergreen Conference coaches' All-Conference FI RST TEAM SECOND TEAM



SOUND A V E Bob Stone ...... ................... ..Western llalph Dohannon ...........\Vbitwortb Take time to think-It Is a source po\\·er. of DOll Heacox ........................... Central Jack Theissen ..._. . ....._.__'Whltworth Take time to play-it is the secret of perpetual youth. .lac!;: Sinderson ... Paclfic Lutheran Take time to read-it is tbe foun::"ick Kelderman and Jack Hoover were given bonorable mentioll. & dation of wisdom. There were two unanimous choices this Take time to pray-it is the great8624 h i Nordquist. J\s " Harsh" said. commenting all the fact that Phil est power on earth, r e('eiYed e ,·ery possible yote. "he cert..'l.inly deserves it. " All five s t..1.rters Take time to love and be loved-it '-== ========::""___-::=== = = = = = = = will return next rf'ar. so 100], out for tbe Lutes! is a God given privilege. h baske t. Take time to be friendly-it is the LAST WORD! Don't forget to support the banquet road to bappiness, April 2nd. team Take time to laugh-it Is the music of the soul. Books Take time to gh'€'--it is too short a RUSLER'S MARKET day to be selfish. C. Fred Christensen Take time to work-it is the price BOGkseller of success. 932 P a f c Ave. • to save-it is the founda· time Take Tacoma, tion of the future. · Take time to read your Dible-it Is food for the Soul. Feature Lock

J'hil :\"ordQuist. .... Pacilic Lutheran ......_.EWCE Pick Edwards ,10hn ::'IlcCleod_.. . . ... ...................UBC ........\Vhitworth Hall �1iller .'Ian Adams . ... _ ........_\Vhitworth

own P l


Poehel Distributing Co.


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Your Fuel Oil

year-Dick Edwards and our

Appliance Dealer

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140th and �acific Avenue

for t e



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When You Want

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ART'S SHOE SHOP �arfield Street





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That's...... the sccr.e_L of Sp.alding S.Yt-lCtl.. RO..:.P...'lNJ;Q® clubs.

And, it will pay off for you from the first round. You'll make the same shots with new unifonnity. The perfect balance of these clubs lets you swing through the ball with confidence. Without "choking-up" or "compensating." You get the ball away cleaner, longer, and with mo�e shot control. PThese are the clubs that have lowered handicaps by as n;uch as

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d� T E M OO R N G M AST ;;;;; ; Pa 'U'C h 25, 1 955 ' M� ' Y� ';,; F; H::: �;;;;;I;;; ;;;; ;;:;;: ;: ;;:;;:;;:: U';;:;;;:;;: O;;: Fr ,_ o_ __.:. ;; � II � �

"+"·'--'- :5��� "inO- Camiv-o+"' �' , I


T errrred Success, Says Schwindt

The 1955 Saga Carnl\'ai was a success, both in finance and spirit, according to the caroiyal commit­ flee. As yet the actual proceeds from the event have n o t b e e n deter­ mined. F r i t1 a y n1fht's. . coronation of Queen Janet Towe and King Vern Hanson was well attended. On Sal­ urday night the Letterman's Chorus presented one of their finest shows. Many students assisted In the construction of the booth::! Thurs. day night and also helped. to take them down Sunday. Walt Schwindt, general chai rman of the carnival, reminds all those ·who borrowed. tools and have not returnee! them to please leave them at the switchboard. S�veral tools are still missing.



(or cooked to order Deluxe Ham· burgers Fish and Chips Home.made Pies 9'th &. Pacific Tacoma

ek��r��:i�;:i:a�.��c����tss.:�::� B;I;: A'n' d Lea ders hl·calll. a nti Thomas Sw1ndland, and During the .....eek �fu Phi Epsilorl Speech- DirectOl' Theodore O. H. Ihas had' a pledging ceremony and

At th' la,t Stud,nt Counc;1 meet ; n., the eloven m,mbc," p",.' ent nominated twelv�students for the student body offices. Those selected are: President, David Wold, Topper Neilson, and Stewart Gilbreath; vice-president, Philip Nordquist, Gordon Strom, and Richard Nodtvedt; secretary, Helen Jordanger. Delphine Danielson, Jantl,t Wigen; and treasurer, Merle Hanson, M i ldred Van Buren, and .b.Jzora Albrecht. Further nominations will be accepted when a petition contain· ing signatures of 15 percent of the student body is submitted be· fore Tuesday, March 29. The Student Council will furnish one pic' ture of E:ach candidate. Campaign expenses for all offices othe';. than president are not to exceed $5.00, with $10.00 being the limit for preSidential aspirants.

D I' strl' ct FTA To Be A p ril


The IlOstponed Western District meeting of the Washington Associa. lion of ruture Teachers of America will be held in the C:\IS on Saturday. Aplil 2, with the the�e, "Our Role in School Legislation." Represent.atives from Western Washlngton colleges will participate. Speakers are Vern Archer, right hand man of Joe Chandler, executive seca e -;��rr s��:��t:::�t :� �! �I�� school. Registration will be from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Visitors will be charged $:!.OO; boarding club members $1.00. "B€. S��::�� all, on �lorning ses hind the Scenes Details Necessary for School Legislation." Archer, on Women Wanted Temporary, six months. m a i I "School Leglsla1ion for 1955." Lun· postcards. Good handwriting 01" cheon ; Archer, on "Where Do We typewriter. Box 47, Watertown, Go from He '-e'!" Mass. Afternoon-Business m e e t i n g; nomination ot candidates for state officers.

I ===========:':===========� -: r

by Bill Johnson, ACP

ator�.to Jrave L" �it 1!.!t i Pledg� , ' Slude�tlJocrY"'E'�ct:,on'-"�," , Deb For p, K, D. M eet 1'\ ew Members'

Dr. Sc:hnat;kenberg Attends LSA Meet (Continued from Page Two) pleted. K.ahryn Biery, PLC senior, is one of th e students who received a scholarship, Plans were also heard for the I nternational Study Service Pmj ec: t meet.ings. One is to be held in :'\ew York, and the other at lilt. Cmss, California, in June Hi-30. Dr. Schnackenberg wil be the speaker here also. During the course oC two PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS weeks he will give ten seminars on lh i :::�r�'� helping to : n;,7;�i ;:�a�� prepare stllden1 material was taken Parkland wben the Student Servlce of NaAND KEY tiona I Lutheran Council and LSAA joined in a committee of Public ReBICYCLE RENTAL lations. Garfield St, GRanite· 5772 The '56 budget is close to $45,000.



For all of your Automotive Service needs

\Ve need two men students who g t e -�e�k:v .�: ��� ��: a:� :al�V��� �a� urday. Applicants should have a car, Pacific Avenue Mechanic o n Duty GRanito 7863 Pay \lill be $25'per week. Applicants will be intel"liewed at the Student m::*::,::.-....:�::·::::::-::::-::=" :-::..*:::: .:: ..·::::-: .:: :--...::��:::� Union Bldg., in :r,V. lounge. 12:00·::::-::::·:r 12:30 p.m, Monday, Mareh 28. Ask , for'Mr. Arnold. Our Regular Is Supreme - Supreme Is Best





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• • •





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Sewing of all Kinds

r coa . ��:�::�:Eu � Parkland 418 Garfl,ld

Parkland XXX Drive-In

Kal'l \\-ill I e it \. e next Thursday, �larch �l. for Hedlands, California, where �hey will represent PLC tn lhe Xa.tional Pi Kappa Delta Con· ventlon-Tournament April 3-8: Mrs, Kurl, a I s o. m a y accompany the group. Stu and Judy will participate in oratory and extemporaneous speakin g, and Tom and Connie, in dJs<:ussion. All four will pal"tlclpate in debate. In their years a.t PLC, these students have all participated in all F'orensic9 events and have taken pa!1. in tbe many major forensics 'conventions. This meet, which is held every 'two years, is one { f the foremost forensics even!.,> of the nation. Here PLC students contest 'I'ojth the country's best forensics participants. Tom S\\indland, local Pi Kappa �::� \��7��:�:�dent, will be PLC's i g


OR, 3211


eed Student Aid For DaHodil Parade (Continued from Page One) night. April 15, when the daffodils will have to be put on the floaL s l n l r ��� ��i �v:��n�� �t� p��:a.c;::��:� ing seeing by -the first dawn's light the float ready -to go before the television screens. This is the first year television coverage Is being used. "PLC has alway·s done well v.1th Us float, taking a Nrst or second prize In Us division," stated Stan Read. "With cooperation we can expect nothing else."


Laurinat's Apparel



Madde � s Men s & Little Men � Shop r

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Parkland €enter-B1dg.





GRanJte ..,42<i2__

Remember us , when you need printing •

programs, cards, ribbons, pamphlets, that's our business! tickets, etc.

GRanite 7100

LaCrosse 'Printers '


l1tth .. Pacific

Wednesday evening In the South Hall lounge the following were i n stalled as new officers : Presidem, Pat Gahring; viee-president. KatllI"yn Gulhaugen; corresponding :-lec· retary, �1th Bueltmann; recorlllng secretary, Jeanne Frieske; troos­ urer, Onella Lee; historian, Conni� Hanson; warden, Mina Raaen; and cho:Jster, Nancy Turman.

Old Mal 0 0 Be H Id e(Con ued h errace anel the tneme of the �o�o� The planning of the entertain­ ment was left to Carol Bottemlller, along wiVt �Iarcia Lein, Betty Johnson, Marilyn Kleve, Peggy Harpster, Greta Haagensen, Esther E1l1ckson, and Donna ).1fller. A f t e r several weeks of planning, the program was finally made up and will co�slst of Janet Turman, Mr. Elberson, Ca.thy PATRONIZE O U R ADVERTISERS Johanson, The Squires (made up or Duane Ramo, Stan Hulsman, Ray Rierson, Pete Luvaas), the 'Choralettes (Carolyn Hoogner; Marilyn . "Dlatlnctlve Merchandlae" Lerud, LaVon-Stenjhon). Mr. Kuelhe w1ll be guest speakQl" 409 Garfield St. Parkland and Dr. Schnackenburg wl.ll play Phone GRanite 5317 sev�ral piano numbers.

Dellcloua Double Patty HAMBURGER--45c

Hot Chocolate

� T:I T

installation of new officers, accord· ing to Onella' Lee, preslden.t. The faculty lounge In C-M-S was the scene of the Sunday afternoon pledging of the m u s i c sorority. Those accepted as pledges were: Detty Anderson, Delphine Daniel­ son, Cora Svare. and Eunice Swen·


FOR VOUR COLLEOE the Triple X at 11eth MId Paclf)c


aero.. from



White Cap Annual'Waffle Supper- To Be U S B t i n U!f;r h � � �. � �!� � � � � l. � VOLU M E 32, N U M B E R 22



a! Hs Caps will present their annual Waf- PLC's Fo'tlr Aces ant! their pantorle Supper, Carousel, In the upper mimes, Lind Carlson and baritone SUB. The supper will be served,ln, selections. �. <three sessions at 7 :30, 8 :'30 and Decorations 11a ve been planned �!.Jg�� �� a:�u�d....l�� �� rou sel t heme. � Jffl�€t;IL�,.a �'i�T he.!.! :. _' _\O�� ... �? tlcket �1 include one waffle, In-tIe ·l'1cKer.9 c30 n "'h i te Caps member a nd will also pIg sausages, mJlk or coffee. Entertainment will be presented be sold at the dool". " We want to see at each sesslQn at 8 : 00, 9: 00 and a big c,'owd th ere and hope that . 1 0 : 00. featuring such personalltIes enryone will come," says Edith I as Mr. Stan Elberson, giving a skit; Olund. gen eral chall'man for 'the . �.t Ros s Geotz and his magician act. supp er -Barbara .Johanson and her piano I medley of songs from Carousel. yo· I l. ---' 110... cal seleclloll!s by Jer� _ ya__ K_"_ ,an_, M'e I p I� ee d e d

l' I

Debators Rated Well at Redlands

For Work On Daffodil Floal

Each Spring, in order to present Lutheran College debators the bounteous crop of Puyallup dar· excellent In the na· fodJIs, an annual Daffodil Parade I s al Kappa Delta. tournament held. The parade this year wl11 be at Re{:iands Unl\'Crsltr, Redlands, on April 16, beginning at 1 0 a.m. Pictured ahove are the committee chairmen for tne annual dorm Spring Tolo, "Garden In the Rain." Front California, according to Prof. Thea- sharp . PLC w i ll again have a float row, left to right: Marilyn Lerud, Peggy Arlt, Janet Wigen and Jane Wolk. Second row, left to right Kathy � dore O. H. Karl, debate coach_ The entered In the parade. but because Johanson and Carol Bottemlller. event was held trom April 4 to 8. there Is no industrial artsl program Tbe PLC epeakers were rated ex- on campus, tbe PLC float will be cellep.t In both the men's and worn- sponsored by the student body Jer­ en's division sweepstakes competi­ tlo';l' Teams and individuals were An urgent call is being given ra-ted In categories in the tourney, to all PLC students for help In rather tba n as i nd ividu al wInne rs putting the daffodils on the float Dasl1 lbtbbonc. Qt.a.r 01 radio, �a1e­ ot eventz. Friday night. There will then be vision, movies and tbe .stage, will be a sense of accomplishment and at the Lakewood Terrace, which has been transformed Members of the PLC team In­ PLC for the third annual Drama­ intoTonight pride for all, when we see the Music a beautiful garden, will be the center of activity for the dude: Stuart Gil breath , Thomas ival to be held 1\1ay 5·8. PLC float go sailing down the The actFoest Spring Tolo sponsored by the girls of Old Main. At 7 o'c lock Swlndland, J u d I I h Bureker, and currently stl,\rring In ·the streets of Tacoma under the eye Sherlockr,Holmes Constance Hustad. Tom was also television serIes, the dinner w i.l l be served and late.r; i n the evening [he program the officIal d'elegate 1.0 the PI Kappa of tne TV camera on Saturday will be on the campus for seven will begin. Delta convention whIch was held morning. This Is the first year days. He will appear FrIday after- The couples that will attend are at TV coverage Is being used. noon in an informal presentation. JoAnne Dahle·Clyde Gentz, Marilyn Ray Schwartz, Ruth Haugae-Rlchie -with the tournament. Heins, JoAnn Knutson-Jim Jacob­ Among the 550 competitors repre-· Friday everung he will star In tbe Herty.Jlm Colberg, Lavonne Slen­ son', LeNell Howell-Neil Eastvold, senting 116 colleges from the eDtire aid SlaM-um is In charge of the art award winning play, "The Winslow jen·Sven Winther, Jerine Larson- Ca rol P ritchard-Bob < Ward, Ca:tol . c t en tud ast s as a isted BoY," � by ·work country were such sister colleg�s as.", and Stan Reed Is handl1ng the Geldaker. enn Ross, i\1onlque Welten-Gor­ Boltem1ller·Chuck y St. Olat, Augustana, Sioux Falls, construction. Tbe general theme of The cast for the play Is: Arthur D Helen Jordanger·Ph11 Nordquist, S.D 'and Augustan-t, Rock Island, the parade Is "Golden Future" and "'lnslow. is not cast; R o n n i e don Curi stenson, Janet Wigen-Dick Shirley Sa.vage.Jerry. Kln'th, Lor· l111nols, the PLC noat will be a take-off on Winslow, Neil Munson; Violet, Mrs. Bromley, Cathy Johansen.Jim'Peter- ralne Johnson·Dave Churness, DonLucille S m I t h ; Grace Wi nslow, so "I was well satistied with the that. n , Del phine Danielson-T o m m y na �tl 1le r-l ve r Eliason, Na.t Ho.Jerry standings of our group," asserted The parade, with the PLC ·band Carol Hartman ; Dickie Winslow, Householder, Carolyn -Ro o g n e r­ Sialtum, Evelyn Relman.Jack DrexProressor Karl. "It was one of the marchIng and ¢he PLC float as the Chuck Slater ; Catherine WinslOW, Sharo) Lawson-Bill Anderson, stiffest competitions we have had twenty.flrst entry, will begin at the Jean Christianson ; John Wa ther- Maurie Hillis, Liz OmlH>ave WOld, el, Kleve--AJ Carlson, Lorille , Dave Wold; Desmond Curry, :\larllyn LeRud - Rod Christiansen, �larlJyn to Cace." 'corner of 19th and Broadway. It will stAlodne Hefty-Dave JoAnn Benson­ on McKechney ; Miss Barnea, Anita Schnell-Elwood Rieke, Ann Rick WellingSteen, Travel1ng by car, the group vis- continue North to 9th street. From , Bev Svenln;g80n-Blll Hed Hollywood on Wednesday with there It wIll go down Pacific and Pat Bondurant ; Sir Robert Morton, HaH-Paul Lucky, Carol Buschke-JIm Knorr, Joan Meyer-Ed Larso n, Janet .-the tournament .tout'S. On the way back u p, over to River Road B a s i I Rathbone ; and Thed, Rod KnoIT, Bob Winkle,SaIly Wood, Bon­ Turman-Stan Hulsman, Lola Meyer· nle Troedson-Stan Jacobson, Dor- Tom back they saw San Francisco and ' and then down to Puyallup and Kastelle . (' Jacobsen, R O lS i e Nesa-Carl h e a action dr aw i n g passes T· In othy Hickman-Jim Holland, J a n e rtraveled -througb the Redwoods. Sumner. room of a hoUse In Kensington, and Wolk-Ted Scbule, Peggy Harpster- Holmgren, B a r b a r a Ristau-Mark Their Easter 'Was s pent M. KIng's Freed, Joyce Seeberg-Jerry Larson, period Denny Rodin, Peggy arit-Bob Stuhlextend s over .two years of City. California, W'he� they attend- Luther Lea"ues To Erekvan-Earl Llesever, Marian which, thougb unspecified, may be miller, Betty Toepke -Bob Keller, Lois "":I ed .servl ces at a new Lutheran ,t a k e n as preceding . the war of Sandy Jacobs-Larry Shoberg, Pat Churness-Jerry Bayne, Carol Soren­ church, whose congregation was re- Visit Here April 24 sen-Don Fren� Jane t Towe--Bud -Bondurant-Tom Reeves, M a u d i e centIy orgamzed. PLC campus will be the &cene ot 1914-18. Lester, LaurIe Taf t-Don Seeberg, Paclflc Lutherah College also had· an all.synod- Luther League Day Mr. Rathbone will arrive here dur- Straub-Norm Sehnaible, Betty John- Sylvia Johnson-Erv Severtson, Esso n-Maurice Fink, Marcia Lein-JIm a graduate represented at the tour- Sunday, Aprll 24, Leagues from the tng the week of April 25. ther ElIIckson-Duane Romo, Janet - S imonson, CaroL Sheffels- Howard nament in the -person of Don 'Gra- -enUre--Paclf1c Northwost have beenGeUlaker:Ray- RelersoD,' tolTalne--=--­ bam, who Is the speech coach ot i nvited by the sponsoring group, 'Seminary Grads Brandt, Pauline Hering-Roger SerSchmIck-Ronald Ulmer. wold, Sandy Voss-A! Tate, Martha Northwestern LouJslana State CoI- CSA. The guests for the evening are lege. WhUe a student at PLC, Don Douglas-BIll Orme, Dore en zeuske-The leaguers will devote- their Accept First Calls Dr. and �1rs. Schnackenberg, Mr. also participated In several debate time to campus tours at 3:00 o'clock Five PLC alumni will be graduat- Milo Sherer, Barbara Gronke--Bill Elbers on, Pastor and Mrs. Kuethe tournaments. and a band concert in the C-MS at ed from Luther Theological Semin- Foege, Dana Blount-Gordy Turcott. and Miss ROllze and Mr: Dvergscial. 4: 00 with the PLC band directed by ary, St. Paul, .Minn., on :\Iay 22. Maril yn Edwards-F e d ,llasted, EASTVOLD ATT E N D S MEET Mr. Gilbertson. Ordetta. Bechtel·Paul Hovland, Jamen graduating and place s net Emllson-L.rry Egg.n. G r . t President S, C. Eastvold. returned. Following the C9�cert w1ll be a The they .. for have calls accepted where lawn_ campus Haagensen-Larry L a n e, Marilyn Hau.."":Ie Recuperates the Thursday night, April 14, by plane, picnic supper Pblllp E. Ha.uge, Dean of PLC, Is .Dar: include ce I Janet rv e s Erickson. Smith the to Henry Tomk, return Boe-Ken hen t , wUl s leaguer The where nnesota, from �UnneapolIs, M·i he attended the meeting of the Ex- C-M-S where they Will meet, with Savage, Monl; Grant Gard, U. S. rell Rasmussen, Arlene Wersen- again back at work after undergo-­ ecutl,-e Directors of Higher Educa· Dr. S. C. Eastvold as speaker. PLC Air Force Chapla1ncy) L u d w i g Jerry Berg, Joyce Hamlln-J err y lng surgery at the Tacoma General tion in the Evangel1cal Lutlheran -students will entertain the leaguers SiQueland, Camano Island, Wash.; Farmer, Marilyn Carlson-Roy Raff, Hospital on Ap ril 1. The students . Churcb. The' 'President ot all the 'with an informal varIety program Jesse Thompson, FalrbaD.ks, Alas- Jan Bondurant-Kenny Gjerde, Marle welcomed him ba�k with a. warm McCarlson-Dlck Bersle, Call ChrisELC colleges were also in attend- to close the day_ - ka; and'Nyer Urness, Pequot Lakes, tiansen-Merle Hanson, . Rose Ann lhand�lapplng at the Chapel . axer­ chair Is freshman, Goetz, s s Ro ance. Dr. Eastvold also Interviewed Jacobson.Carl ·Forsell, Gail Gruys- clses on Wednesday. Minn. 'Prospective faculty members. man of t:be get-together_ Pacific

won ratings of ti on PI

Basil Rathbone To Be Festival Star


Old Main Tolo Tonight , At Lakewood Terrace











Page Two



. Alpha Psi To Accept New Memberships

1 5 , 1955 ·

.1tl at"'




ious. Sne er A Sup . .. ercil , 'w Alpha Psi Omega, national draNordqullt - Carlatrom � , considering now is honorary, matk, oC Pacific applications for memhership Publlshed eyer)" Friday during the school year by students It Lu the,fntl College,". consider we what with onrselves In pa�t wee!,,,, we han:! concerned pledging board of tLie ('ast Teiephone GRanite 8611 is The Office: Student Union Depending on . now accepting letters from those 10 be ha�ic problems of concern to 115 nll as students here. many Subscription PMcc-$3.00 ppr of these t' year who han� taken an actin:! ,interest )-Olll" peculiar ntlltage IlOirit lind nngle of ,-isian possibly . Possibly you are of .. .. ...............JQA;'; K!TTELSON in dramatics-on this campus. Some sketch('s ha\'e seemed irrelevant lind unnecessary EDl10R:t�·CHIEf-'... hal'e worked back stage and the school of thought that f'eels there �re relatlvely no problems. no con­ 1\E\\-S EDlTOH.. .. .. ..KATHEHINE SA..�NERUD may others Oil-stage. T h e s e st{ldents nictions. thre Is nothing wrong at this Institution. We feel that such a a S r e ke, Grol ra i l l E\ Ar· should submit a l�tter regardless of view is unsophisticated and naive and an unawarenes s ot the factg in I' ���e ��\':����.�.: ;�:�;��� J:n�� � \.���� J��� Lo����\� whether or not they think they have this ar'ea Is as dangerous, In many respects. as zealou_s, over·patrlotism (the f:l'�millg type). We feel I'ha;t PLC has problems of varying shapes points accumulated. ���·�;;�·S·�:��·i·;����·�·.··;hi·i·N�·�d·���t������· enough �n�. � ", � ��!������ All letters must be in to MarK" and sizes. She has educatlon-lyt1e problems that have to be solved If PLC :'>Iyrna BHg, Wally Oerton, Mal·tha Douglass, Al rTeed, Wilbur ·Freed or Jerry Slattum by Tuesday is to take her plac� at the "ery 'top ot higher education. .PLC has to proSacknHIll . will pl'Ovlde leadership In all areas of lite. The MAKP.-UP l;�D!TOn . ..... ....................... ...............:I}OROTHy JOHNSON nooll. This leiter is to. inel.ude all duce educated gnl(isen!flat literally what t he SPORTS EDlTOR....... WALT BALL work done on play!},· back-stage and type of Christian l dcl"shlp PLC must l)l'oduce is trained S:P�.I.\-rs: STAFF-Looie Spry,_ CJ):��·Genz, Dan Rose, a.nd Brian Price on�stage, and l"e�sons. why �he per- world today needs. l'Ifecha�lcally pe't-rect. care.fully u tr technicians .t.:-Y,-- xtl\!V"A.��.:'>:·.; �k��ft-�<."1!7. ,<!U.�UJh::,s� -8.��_�!J:e� ,����_ iU �gg�t, .�e�.)��I�� ""today ; · ho';\'�ver, �t:!� � a pro!� !\,� . �t.h . .t.h ��. 3.�� r... . ---;....':. RXCI·iA..'\"GE EDlTDRS_. ; Il£.¥.ERr.y_ g1.��sm�'-- �Rl�l , so'clefY ' needs reat( " Jeadersttfb,''".o01 mecnanl Cal1� fJC� - �- ... . .. . . ... .. ;. _:; PAUL LUC�Y work sHch as summer theater a'i,(l -secu iar: ma'fetrli AD MANAGER... ............................RAY GOLD church plays should also be In- feet al1tomans. BUSI�ESS :'>IA:-,;AGElL. ude lea9-s logically into P;'C as a Christian college. Stuthis Perhaps . . ........... ..Laetit.ia TIasehore. Doris DuMouchel d ( Exchange Editor:-... denlc;, as Individuals thinking and as searchers aliter truth, have a very . great, albeit not alw·aY5 recognized, responsibility. Students a t a C�lristian college, If they recognize their responsibility, a much heavier Easter Vaca�ion Mis h cps We II burden. This Is what makes PLC distinctive and Is also whM makes Christia.n higher education so vitally Important and very .dlfflcult DisUoellve ", jnst nscd Is not a shibboleth. bnt ,.-ather Is something to be w.orth Journey To Distant liomes thought over and understood, � The stln \\"a� shilling brightly as (he road. The boys nar 'Owly missed · So, as Christian students, we have a burden to shoulder. a burden or t:;;iI � thn'e PLC students boarded a prl- the blade at the l plow when leader!<hip. Until we come to an &\\"9-reness of this burden PLC Is not yate plane at the Sea.ttle-TacOrua the car besan to �pln on the Icy doing its jl)b completely and we can't consider ourselves, in the full By Roy E. Olson In mr office hangs a framed docu- ��:;p���:ll��eL:;::��llt�o�:�ne�.:a;�� ��l��:�e·o�vi�:�a��� h;�\�h�!hR��::e���� sens11�ftl�!�\�:�r�:��I�:�:��: :�Ut�e;�:�'el of student affairs and activities, ment. If YOll ha\-e not read it, let me Hor Schwarz. Everyone expected to mendolls that day) Roy brought the I f leadership and Its concommitant responslbllity can't be found and t y n be home eating a home.-cooked meal car under control and proceeded un- developed on the student level how can leadership suddenly ut:\'CI 01' �1:;:..�f�ll :(�.ll(�n���;�e�; g� :w���':n� fol' s.uppel'. Howe\·er. f a t e inter- eventfully to the town of Parkland. from .the same people after graduation in th big. wide world. 1'here bas do s o m e thinkillg� The heading veiled. Journeying on to school after re- be leal:ning and the lievelopment of a sense of duty on the college reads, "I,"*ressions." Then it.·.go�s 'the group being re-fused gasoline pairing a ruined til-e. the advelltur- to level. EdUcation is more than a pourlng-into-the-enr-of kno\'.-Jedge and on 10 s a r. '·A co.rpar-a lion m a y .Tac, were told to stop {'J"S beg-an to evaluat.e their trip. leave uftel' fOllr years. We can't be _told what to do for fOllr (or more) spread itsf'H oyer the \\·11ole world. ttt the- Sea conclusion the at arrived They hat then graduate and suddenly take O\'er world lead.ershlp�'s a years, t home. at the Kent airport. llIay employ a hundred thousand Dr-inl! informed we'll never that the condition despi te hardships the Ilioneer spirit trifle ridiculous. Either we are capable of leadership now or lllPll. Yet the ayerage person will of cut the must:t.rd later. 'Ve lun-e to start thinking and working now, not was l"Ough bllt suit- still ]j \'es form his judgment of the corpora- abletheforairstrIp next week. It would seem that this could be applied to student governthe group soared (ion through his contact with one skyward. landing. ment and general student apathy. o r course. apathy is much easier anti Ar!'iving at Kent airport. 1.0 Lhe LeLLers indh'iu1ml. If this person is rude or the field, haying bN!1l plowed good paying jobs Wi Ul retirement benetits are easy to come by, � 1: 1;1: inefficient, iT. will l"eQujre a lot of b e f e, was exceptionally ("ourtesy and efllci�ncr to overcome days rough. The tricycylE: gear g-ave out -the bad Every her tile i,lane landed and tile nose of Ed it�r 50 million times a day of an organization who comes in the plan tiug inl0 the ground. Luck. In t·he pagt rew ("0I1t11('t with the public in any ca- ilr no one injured due to the has arj,,(>p' over many of the ad­ at home, at work or while at play pa("itr, is a salesman. The impres- fastening of tileir safuty bellS upon mini ,,\r:l th·e de(·isions. Some stu­ dents Ilon·t kno\\,- enollgh about it ;.;ion he makes is an advertisement, leaving the Sea-Tac airpol't. g"ood or bad:· "Ye are our epistle, \· nt!aun!(>-d by a mel'e plane ca- to gi\·e an opinion. while others, l lO l s l l t and Hoy journeyed \"i�:;:ll�:lt�l�I ��:e;:��:: �� . la"\ l"Ophy ;.:.:::/:� a\� ��: ;.. �l�t�:�il�t��:�� ��: ]);lI·k 10 the PLC campus and pickeLl There?s ."h:-ircl, to the he,l\'ens about "unfairLookillg at the picture from t.he the ··liHle· bl;l(;k bug .. · Lee·s '33 nes.". r·ailroad. dictatorship, etc." public relatjoll!, critical (>-ye, the stu- Ford ("ollpe. and head,=,d for t ile df'llts at PLC are the best saleiOmen ··lll!HI of the Shilling :"-fountains." T11(>,,(' ··p;;;eIHlo-Cl"tlSaders" seem to nothing we have. I think it f:"hould be said 1\leanwhile Karen and her father thinl,: that by being n.!l.Sly, Cl�t­ lhl"Ough this column that in fOUl· ,ll (elldt'd 10 the plane lind made ar- lin!; and cynical as .possible that Ihey ha\·e given the shackled stu­ to return h o m e via dents year" at PLC, I have yet to have - like food for t 11 0 u g h t. Sadly the expel'ience personally of having L-llitNI Airlines and train. ��l� a student say no to a request that Ror and Lee made the trip to ��:i� �!��:t���e�sti�� ��s,;�:e:::�: l be do something to belp make the American Falls. Idaho, in seventeen w a visits of high school students pleas- hours with little trouble except for ���:�errePcr �:eSn!s'Of students are ant. We bave never had to go beg· the lack of sleep w'bicb caused them those who vainly strive -to be "indi­ ging for beds for timse students. All to change drivers every ten miles viduals" by murmuring in t h e I we baye had to do was to let you for the final 100 miles. beards about everything stndents know t h a t guests were K a r e n returned to T�coma by t-scholastic happ'ens. To be an individual coming. One fellow offered to sleep train but the fellows put their faith i �hata worthy gcffil, but they are mere­ on the floor so a visiting high school In the "little black bug" and began Iy aeting as negativists, halt the seniol' boy could have his bed. You -their journey back. Leaving Ameri- . energy wasted \on opinionsIf were :h a ,. e always been pleasant and can Falls the duo encountered a forth In a worthwhile effort, theput re­ ready when we have stopped you, blinding dust -storm which forced suits would be {astounding. ove them at to a rate es of m .... mlddle of one of those :;:n five U even in the Too much Is being said while spring "half huddles,' to brake it up per hour for seven mjJ�s . Night over· nothing Is being done, We shouldn't 1. You feel its alld show some kids around, take took them at Boise so on came the gather in our clannish Htlle groups UVEUNESS. lights. But low and behold! One and decide "We're against it!' Don't 'them to see your room, etc, headlight d Ito refus prop· funcbon e oody drop to be at argue the r ot I should like to share with you a 2. Yo.u_ tas.te_ iqL ...­ 'l�he genUemen, gambling with a chance remark. Try to analyze <testimony frequently heard In high, BRIGHT GOODNESS. proceeded across Idaha Into the situation and see what can be sch091-college conferences, "I have flh there a state trooper ap- done about it rather .than putting on Oregon (3. You experience visited several campuses and PLC pr hendand them PERFEcr REFRESHMENT. e ed . Lee, beIng at -the your horn rims and staring down is the "friendliest!" Let's guard that ·wheel w h I I e Roy was sleeping, your bony nose at the "mass." reputation. The vJsitors y o u are found little difficulty in persuading In friendly to now will pass it on to the pol1cemELn 10 withhold a fine not a Christian communHy, we canallow these difficulties to crerat s c n issue a warning ticket, ate tactions. On the other hand, we ;�� ���x�erf:::e j��� � b�t�ri:� andProceed.lng vicinJty of ca.n't say that the end jusUfies the convenience for 4n ·hOUT or a nJght White's p&$ bytowaytheof Yakima. the means, for when will .the end be To haye that studeq,t go back into boys encountered that typical Wash· ·? If you are truly Interested a community and say, "Did I ever ington weather In the form of 12 realized In· a situation, try to become well meet some swell students at PLC! Inc-hes of snow. MovIng slowly be- acquainted with it. If you aren't in­ One of -the reasons I have hesitated a logging truck, they gained terested enough to d� this, -then abOut going a"\\"3y to college is · tb� :hind access to the summit. The wind· don't meddle, for you would only fear of loneliness. But if that is the sbJeld Lee's arms, then gave be a hindrance. IOmID _ -.,., Of THI COCA-coll COMPAHt OY way It is at PLC. ·that is where I out andwipers, the couple proceeded down Above all. don't overexer'cise your COCAoCOLA BOTTLING, INC.. T'ACOMA, want to go!" WAS"'. the pass with Roy dr:lving with his "rJght to be· wrong." Use it! -.:.a.-. . ....... ....... 0 19...,. !HI! COCA.c:OLA COMPANY THANKS A ?tnLLION, LUTES! 'head out the window in order to see -W. BURTON 'l l.e Mooring






\. ,


\ !

. ........ .......... .. . ..... .. ..... . . . ......... .... ........ ......


•• .


. . .. . . ....

.... .... ..... ...... ......





f'1l I.01ltf'



a I'








week!', dissention


\ l · : i� �1:lO\�li{






PLC Travels To Ellensburg For Twin Bill

PLCs defending �'ergreen Con-

fer('nee C' hamplons tra\-et to Ellens-

bl1l'g.. this weekend for a pair of non-


,'o:J! erence games with the ·Central

\\':"I;;hington a

Wildcats. Central got

i t in tbe Tu(><sd�y, April 5, t\\;n

:oill bet\\een the two teams by ex-

;110,1ing for eight runs In Uie fourth

: n n i ng to win the nightcap 9. 2 after



\\ 0 11

fifth· Inning

the opener 2-1.

rally' had


Lutes, Central Split Doubleheader Bil

� � � : �"�l�l:� :� �� � :!� ' 5.

i (' ' we l l e

By CI)'de Genz a

t e



� �


Washington in a twin bill at Cheney j.'ieJd April

The Lutes srored a J).'\ir of runs

in the fifth inning to take a 2- 1 decil;jon i n the opener. then dropped a ' 9-2 nightcap.

These �aI1les were

both non-conference ga�and did

not. counl in the Evergreen Conference standings.

Bud Lest:;r and


Ve r n


both right-banded seniors, divide?

FrldOllY, Aprll 15, 1955 .



league has


going now for two or three weeks

and the Eastern crew stands unde­




t u rned





paced by :'II r.. Salzman">s spiking, has

they e"e�ed tbelr season slate

• I:,y

drubbing St. �Iartin's ]7.3.


The probable tr:"l\"eling squad \\ill

c:"Itchers, Don Gaarder and Lynn


('al k l n s ;

first basemen, RAy Reep.







fielders, Don �tay, Jim ::\loore, Jack

the hl,lrling c-pores for the Luther-

C pntr:"ll run in the fourth Inning.

�� : ; �� ; � ::: V�:�: n


t1 ; ; u e n ... t

ed t

: i d

'third place.



The faculty, last year's co-cham.

l)ions, are making their bid early

The winning Lutes got their two

Lany Lalle and Roger :'<1iku-

Gale Thompson's single into center

when Centr:"ll's pi tcher, .Tack Lind-

'Iarv Harshman. in an effort to look


ent !e--am. But to the L\ltes despair.



When You Want BGoks

pacif�C ���, a




,,-ho played both




need two men students who (·:"111 \\"ol"k l n y two (>n.'nin�s a w('ek, .1 : 110,8 : 00. an(l half ,by Saturdays. Arrlieants ;;hOllld h:"lve a car. Pay will be $�5.00 a week. Al11Jlirants should write to: William n. Hob· Nt;;. IOG2� �th A \ e .. :-':.W .• Sea.ttle, \\.ashi ngto n.-( Ap\'. ) .



926Y2 Broadway

Parkland Drive-In


DeilcloU8 Double Patty HAMBU RGER-45c

Hi-Fi Fonographs

Delicious Hot Chocolate Pacific

MA. 4861




Magnavox, Columbia, Webcor • and others TED BROWN MUSIC 1121 Broadway Taco�a'8 Record Headquarters.

GR. 3211

Madden's Men's Lit le Men's Shop &

Parkland Center Bldg.


GRanite 4242


Poc:�el Distributing Co. Your Fuel Oil & Applia�ce Dealer

140th and Pacific Avenue


'''acuity Stubs

............ ...... .

Phone QR. 8824


Won Lost


............ .. . .. .....



. . .... ... ............ ...._

Poison Ivy .


TRICKS - JOKES - MAGIC Costumes, Tuxedoes, Serpentine


5th ) :

(including games up to April

only 6 hits.


GR. 9945


Clover Creek

LutilPI'ans in control, allowing them

to get two hits for the day. BoUl



ther work "cry smoothly together

Central pitcher SIll Hanson kept the

came in the secon� game.

Milk Shakes


the stronger clubs this year, Is a

"·estern .

ond J::ame. was the lone PLC hitter

Bookseller and Stationer BR. 4629 Wash.


strong all the time. Eastern, one of

over his ne-w talent".started a differ·

C'enterfie-Id .1.nd shortstop In the sec·

C. Fred Christensen 932


and are undefeated. .Following are the league stand-

Brandt, Bu d Lester, Ve rn

( Lefty)


s P(' nd: Th cn with two out Don .May

also walked setting the st.lge for

berg. m:"lde a \\·ild throw to third Ii'ck y ; outfielders, Gary Samblla, on the rel:ly from �en l er. Gale Thompson, Han ).[cAllister and In the sec-Dnd gathe. PLC Conch I. li t e Jerst.a d ; pitchers, Dwaine Hanson and Jerry Larson.


te:"lm consisting of four players, but

H€'IlIH!Il, Chuck Hobbs, Arden �Iun- field scm·ing ),[unson. �ray scored SOil,








Friday, April 14

7 : 00 p.m.-Spring '1'010, Lakewood

3:00 p.m.-F'aculty WIves, w i t h Terrace.

::\lrs. Harsbman.

.. 3

header. started � l g oyer prospects tor tbis sea.· 1. : 30 p.m.-Track, CPS. � 1 : 30 p.m.-Tennis at Central. n

Sunday, April 1� . gf��j�_..-r����l. ·] : ,�O p.m.::-J.. .��!lne �i.s�� , _�e...cttaI.. .


·Salzlll an 's biggest worry is in the weights dh'lslon, where Jt looks as

weeks ago.

Galen Nusbaum are

back to take faced



figure t o handle

the mile fairly well.

The Qllarter and half will·be taken

pOs ted

by St.1.n Jacobson with Zarndt help-

Ing out in the half mile event.



Dale Storaasll will be trying for

high jump points and Nusbaum is

. 1 ]

a prospective pole vaulter.

As to the conference outlook, Mr.


sign up on t e rosters





Couse­ fairly

The next meet will be Wednes-

' ua)', April 20, against Western. BoUl

toss the discus. Also out [or the

... ...


CPS and Western are home meets for



the Lutes tra.Yel

Centrru on Sa.turday, April 2 3.




not once has It rained the day of


get out and watch the aeUon!


Garfield St.




signing u p in the doubles league be

sure your partner lives in the same .


for cooked to order Deluxe Ham­ bUrgers Fish and Chips Home-made Pies 9th &. Pacific Tacoma



Bobby Jones registered woods and irons, and Jimmy Thomson registercd woods arc


dubs . . . the ollly 'dubs made that orrer you


. . . and an


identical contact feel.

Because every one of these clubs swings andfeels alike • . .

dimes in . time wi'lI(grow into

" Thrift is Part of Your Education

Open a Savings Account NO W




K STREliiT ,,,.... .




...., .... .




CQI.oU"O. _ HDILLI. un

e.. ••u ' ,,,,'"1

�l '

your golf becomes more uniform, your shots con­

sistently better. With golfers reporting handicaps cut by as much as

• .

these are

the clubs to play.

Make your next round a better one _



meet." Well It should be pretty well

o,'er by this Saturday, too, so let's

Tho se




Coach Salzman commented that

the differe t bulletin

boards. The tennis matches e-ither

the �me

quently ;,things

points i n the lOO·yard and 220-yard

dashes. FTeshmeu Don Zandt and

The spring sports '\ill be starting Salzman picked Whitworth, Eastern next week. Those interested I n bad- and Western to finish o n top. Whitminston. tennis or hors hoes are worth defeated Eastern. by three to

at. .

Lack of practice time has really work alone, He thinks our strong point are In the dashes and dJs­ :slowed the Lutes thus tar, but our s tance runs. Both Don Gaarder and first meet is with CPS who has

broad jump Is Date Schimke



poLnts in a dual meet a couple

take a crack at the broad jump and

.. . 2


. 7 : 0 0 p.m.-CSA, SUD.

though Curt Hovland will have to

Crew Cuts

. ....._.


- Our first action wlll be t9morrow

t '�!l���I:o¥ v��� �, meet at 1 : 30 p.m. ,

dies. respectively. Gilmer will also


Central Darracks . .......... 2


fle Supper.

1 : 30 p.m.-Base bull. Central, double

of a hall storm wben we

ja.velln throw, while

Tacoma .


S : 00·10 : 00 p.m.-White Caps' Waf-

work. "Salz" had jtlst come j n out

Hippo!> ................................ 2

Huns . ' :\"orth Hall (3)


are/ running the low and high hur- in his "three years as track coach,

...................... 3 m.....

Saturday, April 15

S : OO·5: 00-�tll Phi l::pslloD Conter-

Chuck GlImer a.nd Iver Eliason

........................ 3 ... .......


Page Three


Fine weather for Spring sports, wi th- Isn't It? Coach Mark ' Salzman's out dropping . :1. contest and are track and field men have had only o n l y a half game out ot first. The three days to dote whl.;:h COUld. t S ubs from second floor, being beat. with any stretch ot imaglnat.lon, be en ill the first encounter, have ral- (!onslde-red good days for cinder

runs I n the nrth inning as grst man up Arden ::\Iunson walked and stole

Track Squad To Host: CPS Tomorrow "

five opponents

;.g :n:.a�a -;v;:. .::.:;.. �� ��.:. !..�•.;.=..;-.= ���dqi�:)I�h-1i�hl!:'- i"ft:,.RZ".,..J�j.Ii'«� q.wt"d ",,;;e.;- "t; fhi' 1,1I.(;g· vj lo.-:inJ:: to the li. of Washington, eight hits over the seven Innings. to keep their tille. DeJard lnes and I1·:?, in Seattle. On Tuesday they Bud. wllO pitched tbe first four in- Clovt'r Creek h ave not yet made :OJllit with Central and on Wednes- nings. \\: as {ouchpd tor the .o n1y their rally, but ate expected to be On �10nday. April 4. of last \veek


• _

with Spalding.

Page ' Four Pa


Friday, April 15,





Gordon Strom; secre­ reet student ute In any significant that the student is capable ot the �ordQulst. With the forthcoming election of for our student activities. t.ary, Delphine DaD.lelson, He l e n. see If througli the help of way. I.e., discipline. curnculum, etc. responsibility at administrating' the Jorda.nger .the ASPLC ofricers at hand, the all4. Tocould , Donna Swanson, Janet nOl build a more salis- 3. Social Actl vitle reate more affairs of the campus I t would be we campaign issues are now being an- factory Mooring ,)fast Into a news-- diversified social affairs, increased my desire to introduC'e'a program of Wigen;' 'treasurer, Alzora. Albrecht, nOlinced. The [ollowlng platforms paper which does justice . to this recreat1Qnal ra�ilIties and insure the gradual promotion ot the student to Larry Eggan, Merle Hanson, )1i\· dred Van Buren. �'ere submitted and approved by the school of over a thousand students . best possible utilization or the new t�is responsibility. Student Council: 5. To help create greater interest C.U.B. 3. Honor System-A suming that Campaign speeches tor those mn· fOI" the otflce ot president will Illng in student body meetings and In 4. Chapel Progra ma-Set Ull com· it is the goal ot an educational in­ Platform of St� Gilbreath . mlttees to work for an Increase In stitution to develop the character be given the. following Tuesd.ay in in student g _Snmenl :'I1y reasons tor desiring to bave working . with the value , quality, and participation In and stimulate the desire for learn- chapel. Voting will be done the tol· finally to the responsibility of being ASPLC 6. Andd �:� Ing In the student In the process at lowing day by machine, I t was an­ t1resident are many, and therefore ;e��I�;, �lI ::t�ct�orb�� p�e� �::u�:�:: ;::f����:C�r;m and to producing a capable and usefu� cit!· nounced by the student councll. . to make lbis platform as clear and practical Cbristlan life to each and investlft3.te 5. Student Con g regatio n-Wor to zen. I would seriously concise as pOSSible. I III outline every one of us who walk on this cooperate With the proposed student the \\oJ'th ot adopting an honor eys- ... them and break them do\\n Into SIX campus and enable said con- 1em at PLC. areas These are my reaSOns Cor want· congregation gregatlon to find its true posltlon 4 M.orlng Mast-It IS my dpsire:Sl t���CU"�2-}.h",,; �r..'\..'!=.:;::. �:: ��;'I:;':..:J.. 2Y�t-:aody �i1i.di'; e ];ttrp:os-e"tt (,,�PU$"I: tif iiT tn'\! scboor'fi��� -W-- �if.n""-"' ...... erv . portu�lty of representing PLC to de'nt: and these I Will fulfill as rar 6, Interschool Relationships-En. as a talthtul ;}.-pression ot student S e le s ou OL���� :�t l:�� :f�e:: t::��ea of :�eclt.�: �oU7�:I�e::=����Il!�. y �:�O�th�r kc�fe!�Catr:�a:!:=:��� ���n!�:e��:ra:t �1�;;!�tsa;:r:nCeu:t Saniton,e �pproyed e in I l e T and assure PLC representa- to our college life. for ��:r:!� t��:��::, ::� \: :����:�: Th:I;�::: ,::n : :o:�a:�udent level tion at such meetings as the West 5. College Union Building-It Is groups and divisions, but In a com· responsibility. Coast Student Leaders Conferences. my desire that the new' College UnCleaning ty spirit to a much greater 1. Student B u dge t I ncre e the munl Saga and Mooring Mast-St ve Ion Building become the center at \scope or the ASPLC budget to widen to7.gain benefit Cor our school. remunerative r e w a r d s social activity on campus If It Is to 3. To help create a better social the tinancial responsibility at the (scholarships) ror the editors and be such it is necessary. tha.t the life and social attitude among our· student couDcli and evenUally ere- business City-wide managers ot this building be under selves as students and men and ate economic independence and en­ :'Ilooring )'last. ot the Saga and facilities stlldent direction 90 that the buHdDaily Pick-up and women. and also in rela.tion to this. trance Into logically open a.reas ot ing may be maintained for the serv­ Platform of Dave Wold to use tho influence of the ASB of- finance. of the stupents. Delivery Service fice towards working with the ad- 2. Student-FacultY·Adminlstration th!' :��:I::t �:�YaAsC�i:lilti::��:; �� iceOthersbenefit running fOI" offices are: 1-"-0 ministration in making the new Col- Relationship--Create student memo students control most student act!1'- Vice president. Dick :\'odt"edt, PIllI ! _ lege Union Building a desired center bershlp on those tacult}··adminlstra- Hies, and not simply because ot the ' PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS lion committees that touch and et- willingness of these rew to partlcl- i-=========== 't =. + pate. I would seek the purchase ot Laurinat's Apparel lIIe a Such file. activity student TOM'S awould give all organizations ready ART'S SHOE SHOP "Distinctive Merchandlae" to the names ot students ICE CREAMERY access Garfield Street Parkland . 3820 South Yakima showing 'previous interest or par- 409 Garfield St. SANDWICHES HOT DOGS QUALITY Phone GRanite 5317 ticipation in that particular activity. SHAKES MALTS REPAIRING - DYEING ( b) In the opinion that the scholastic standing ot the school otters ;: -. H:�: -Plumbi ng - Window __J'o'O._ -·�. :��I�: o;e�:::���� o� s�:!:n� Tools - Sporting;sa�e�r_;Vr.a�!d; re S, � "' ''' A ''' ''' � ''''' HARDWARE ;,: I greater number ot students particl� FLOOR COVERING -.:::::; .. -.:::::; pate WI�t fewer activities for each �I,I: * Jndivldua.\ IF YOU CAN'T EAT IT-WE HAVE IT !j 2. Admlnl.t,.tlon-[n the opln!on 121.t and Paclflc Avenue Phone GRanite 3171 * ONE·DAY SERVICE -* a---C


' '''J'.-.:': . ':

l CALL HA.3312




:';;", _



.. .... ....









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L::======:======�:;��:;;;�:;;;:;:;;�:;;;=;;, �


-.--.-J'o'O-.-........ _--




- -- -- -



--:::� :: ::;:; -:=-:::;== o ;: ====::::-= ::; ::=�-:=;:=� -��., ;:=== Women Wanted ==� F F or a II ' f your Automotive Service needs . . .

'":t Temporary, aix months, m a I I Good handwriting NEW LOCATION: 415 Garfield St., next to the Donut Bal'" gt! poatcards. typew,".,. Box 47, Watertown, Mass. PARKLAND CENTRE PARKLAND . �-::-::==-;:-::-::::.!!:::=-=-t:.::.::u::-: .=-= : -:-:: :-:: �� �-==s:x "HAPPY EASTER"




Our Regular la Supreme


of all


Relining Cloth and Fur Coate MRS. WHITE 418 Garfield Parkland

One of the most important habits

you may ever learn is the life i"sl/r(Jflce method of saving. It is regular. protecled. compulsory. and The LVTIIERAN BROTlIERHOOD home office will be glad'to supply complete information on how life insurance can serve y'bur needs during and after college, Sf/reo



Remember us



Non·Profit Ortafti&allol1

Permit No. 51


when you need printing

programs, cards, ribbons, ·pamphlets, ' tickets, etc. . . . that's our business!

GRanite 7 1 00

-LaCrosse Printers

PRINTERS FOR YOUR COLLEGE �ocated aero.. fl"'Om tho Trl"lo X at 118th and Pacific Avenue

L I F E I N S U R A N C E S O Cl. E T Y

;tuthera" )11 rothtr'h o od LEGAl RESERVE liFE INSURANCE




Life Insurance in force

EINAR BOTTEN, ,General Agent, 312 North 85th St., Seattle 3, Waehlngton

�==� �==��--U. S, POSTAGE TACOMA Bulk Mailing



Flo "ra fol'" All Occaaiona \- WE DELIVER GR. 7483 415 Garfield , St.


Supreme la Beat

Pacific Avenue Mechanic On Duty ;:::;;::;:;::;:;:�:;:;::;:;:;:;� �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; �;;;; ; ��;;�;;;;� ;; GRanite 01""

Stella's Flowers


- - - --


Feature Lock Diamonds Waltham

Parkland Jewelers

Doria and Elmer Gable Parkland �arfleld S �Ranlte 7828

3-IN·1 TO.SERVE you BETTER Standard Heating Olla - Heating Equipment - Heating 8ervlce Enjoy That "P"US" Service MARV TOMMERVIK'S • • •

PARK'LAND FUEL OIL SERVICE Phono GRanito P.aclflc Ave�ue •

120th 6.



Wold, nordquist to Head ASPbC . In '&&·58 .


I· I , ��:�a�.�y!;;:o_����o:;lIs PU BL I


J \



������ ��� �� �? �?� ��� � ed

'! b


April 27, according to


President Erv Severtson. Deginnlng

at S : :IO a.m. the entire student body and

fa cul ty



d h l de d








U a k e r,


mo m ing o f



t ll p !"f'll:lral e ,ero11lIS , the 1100n meal ,\'ill b(! � er\ e l pit-nil' �tyle on cam -


Spanaway Park

will be Ihe scene

of Ihe afternoon pil:nie ami games, 'rhf'

e vc n i n g me:li

J1i�'nk !'>Iy l{·


:\ :

will be served

StlHl;> nr::· a re a�keli 10 ('heck the I ti n to find

b u l le t i n huard ill Old

0111 their ':;1'01111 a:,s-ignmCllts, In ca!'e

0; I'a i n . t h e



The Q�een oC ' the tesLival will be

,\I arion Gabrielson. The two senior ,\;11 be A lt a Prestbyo

c" ellt '\'ill be POSiJ)olled




s-ta n d i n g eOlll11111nily lead er sh l l) , He

w:�,< inten'sled in <llhletics anll the needs of YOllll� m e n ;

Wilde-ii t h

;,t! 'I.C

h e oflen a.t­

baseoall games u n;

l malic this impossible_ til ill hea l i'l

lendaut:! Phil Nordquist

David Wold

Seattleite Is Elected To ASPLC Presidency

gifts o f approxi mately


st.'l ff.

.a::i fl�



10 t h e fa cu lty ami


1....1t.:e Stevens, \\-aslrington,

Roe: Confl'rms 11 n PaIm S unday

Vice-president Philip ;';onlqu!st was "At t h i s moment." s;aid Dr, Easl· b(' s t rerognized on campus in the o f Ihe College Uand will be present· Yold, " I fee l I should recommend to alhletic ca,paclty, for he is a three· eel this Sunday, April 2,\, at 4 : 00 i n . the n o a r tI of T l'Us le es that this ' p , ay e r III rootba " as rear "al�lty . ... · "hose" 's been .. ' ·, 0 J.",. u.. " ,.to, C\'o. ,· " ,' .� mOlley be im'estell i ll a ne w dormi· well as basketball, sen·lug on the �o tha t 'the Luther Leaguers attendtory all the cam pus or some such latter as captain for the past sea· i n g the Tacoma CirCUit Con"ention ' Reverend Kelmer :-.J. Roe cond u ctSOIL Other activities Include Blue at Trinity Church may come. bo f Key, Toastmasters and Leterman's ed his last College Confirmation a nd, under the direction of The

The annual $plin!; Hand Concerl


::::�� � !�: :�� ':�I�C��:�


shorlly lo act on this recommendaClub ,and Chorus. class service on 'palm Sunday eve· Professor Gordon 0, Gilbertson, will 'l ion. " Secretary Donna Swanson, also a nln� April 3, ''''hen ,he ,baptized present_a widely varied program, junior, 15 fro mSllverton, Oregon, conSisting of music from the c1ast h r e e college 6tudents and conand i s Q, former officer o t Spurs, sic repertoire to the latest ot ult ra. ,firmed twelve at the Trinity LuAnother acUv:lty ot the South ,Hall modern band music, including mu. resident is LOR, in which "Swan. theran Cha..pel. .sIc of Beethoven, Roslnl, S o u s a,





man y

others, The band w11l teature sev-

era! instrumental soloists.


Wl' ns D'IYl'Sl'Ona I 'Irst


PLC agfun �ed first place in the Education Divieion for their

The program Sunday will be in ,three parts. The first will contain float in the annual Daffodil Parade standard band \\-'Orks : Opening d� 'W,hlch was held last Sa.turda.y, April votlonal-Re,ading of the Hundredth 16th.

Psalm-Band Chaplain; FaIrest of

This year, for the !1re:t time, the rtbe Fair, John Philip Sousa. ; Italian float was done completely by stu· In Algiers, G. Rossini; From the dents; in the lield ot designing, conShores of the Mighty Pacific, Her- strucUng and fi nancing.




tl'UlDpet solo


Last year tbe·PLC float received

Jerry Bayne ' band accompani- second 'Place in its division, but the ment; Ballet Music from William two years before that, 1952 and 1953, Tell, G. Rossini ; Colonel B o g e y, Kenneth Alford,


Misenhlmer aCcompaIrl,&t. < rd part will en d the proThe hi

gram with some novelty number&Wingding, Lou Sio'ger;


Lou S i n g e r; Facll1ta, H&.r.tman; baritone solo by Und K .. I' I s e D,



Our United




be ;\lonique \Vet·ton


HIHI Elisabeth Omli, and freshman a tlendallls are

I lana



I I-ai n

Lol'i llc Hefty and

b c a r e r Is

T,�a Jlra1i�, rJowel' girls :'alznlan aud


are Cheryl

C:Lthlene ;';orby and

Luther League Day on Sunda y

" !"Own bf'are r

is llichal'd 1-IOllJl.!! s,

Spring Outing Starts

clal music was ottered in the fonn

of a vocal 8010 by Shirley Buschlng. Dr. S. C. Eastvold dellvered t:he

sermon and Phillp Wigln spoke a Rainbow Lodge at Brinnon, Wash· little on C.S.A. befo re presenting ington, on Hood Canal will be the .the contirmands w1th C,S.A, pins, ' site for the annual Spring outing WiIl}a.m Anderson was chosen ' by for all PLC studen1..s, sponsored by the' class to give t he class response. Llnne Sodety. !t will be.,n tonlght The confinnatlon cl.... chose the and last .through Sunday noon, followd ng ,to serve as ushers ror the The DRG annual hOUBe party will A bout 30 students will attend. evening : Anton Johnson, Bud Lee· be held ,thls year the weekend or Hiking, _ boa.tlng and cla.m ' d , ging ter. Carro)l Olson, and G o I' d o n lg May 13, 14 and 16. President Joy 1Ohr19ten'Sen. are O.n ,the ag&nda. f9r the ,event nt ar rangeme s Gilmer said turtlher Pastor Lutness. ,pask.r at the stuMiss Schmeldvr, Dr. Leraas and are being made: and tor all Day girls contact her df ,th'ey are intereeted hie daughters and Mr. Ostenson and dent Congregation, will now take

DIG House Party' To Be Held May 1 3 , 14, 1 5

OneJla Lee 8.ccomp.a.nist. VeniN, will to March, by in attending. conclude the program.

v ; ted Leagues from the entire Pa·

c'iflf' ;';ol·thwest and between three and four hundred are expected.


The program will begin at 3 : 0 0

wit ,I

stur , f:nl




Leaguers the campus. Dave 't:hur-

;�: :�

b��:�: ! :

ness, chalnnan of the guides, asks

that all students m eet at ,the back

door of Old Main at 2: 45 p.m., so : U th �:� � s s e nd the

PLC Band Concert and following t'hls will be a plcn.ic supper on the

campus lawn. The

evening will close with a

bls f,mUy will also eJttend,

;�� �



It took first place, Congratula.t1ons were in order for &.11 'the students and Mooring Mast editor, respec- ducted ,the Liturgical Service, Spe--

the float undp.r way, for w1th· by conte,mWrary composers-Fo re· rUng out tile ,oo�eration 01 the student cast o t a Modeln Overture, Frang· dy the undertaking would not 'k lser; Pageant, v. Pere1chettl.; Ron· bo tlle success it was. do from Con'cellto tor Clarinet In <have been Solo by David Knuts(tn with Karen


M-S The ' class of twelve was organ· meeting in the CJ Dr. Eastnee" is an active member and cur· void and Rev. Lutnes as the speakrent candidate tor office. lze'd on October 6, 1954, and had ers. Other student numbers w1l1 be Second Seattleite Merle Hanson twenty-two sessions of Intensive ed te Is the �Ie sophomore on the slate. study under Reverend Roe. dents w;fll entertain the TIle candidates tor baptism were: As a. Pre-d�tistry major, Merle has Leaguers wi'th -an informal variety also been ,1,n tere.sted in class govern- Kent Freeman Louie Geisert and , he candidates tor' ment, being 'his class ,president this Gary Morris. Other chairmen for the League year and vlc&1)resldent w h i e a 'ContlrmaltJion were : WllUam AnderDay are Ross Goetz, general chajr· freshman. His other s.ctlvH1es In- son, F a y e Armstrong" Marjorie man; Kathy and Evelyn Biery, pubelude rbasketball and student coun- ' Bevan, Kent Freeman, Louis Getsl1c1-ty; and Gloria Kvlnge, chapel ell. ert, Frank Karwoski, Oarol JacobP · Elwood Rieke, Larry Helm, and son, Stanley Jacobson, Gary .Moms, sttlWnts are welcome to Walton Bel1ton are also in leader- Lyndall Lovett, LJllIan PeUila, and attend all events of rtlbe day and we ship positions tel' the coming year, Paul Sjunnesen, would like to see them there," says Pastor Erling C, Thompso n can· Ross Goet z. as Saga ed1,tor, buSines9 manager,

in the work of getz.. t:lvely. The second part gives some pieces ,who 1)artlc1plI.ted

n fiat, OpUs 107" ,Mot:aJ'¢; Clarinet


te nd a n ts will be Phyl li s Ornndt and ·

H u t l! I-I cino, The two sophomore aU:

David \Vo J d , junior pre-semin,uy s t u drn t from SeJltle, \VClshington, W,15 ejected by thr s t u den ts 10 pres i.d e over governmental " f f,lirs for the coming school lerm, His platform, which slre<;scd hili) to tht! eolJege building fund uur' PLC "' ill piny host 1 0 th e All· morc s t u d e n t partic ip.llion a nd respo nsibility, e xpress('d his plans ing the l a s t I :': yenrs, I n 'lIltlitioll , il e for his coming term of office, Thi" i" the second of presi dential RYllorl i.;nhf!r I .liague Dflj' �o be had p:' l :tbli�h\'d :1 studl'n: l oa n fuud c.lmpJi�ns. he has been successful in this year. the first being r he 1[(' I t! her e next S1I1l(lay, April 24. whif'h b£.ar:i his name and h ad lIJade C$A. the sponsoring gronp, have Inrecent CSA elect i on , _ iliadI'

Band �o Give Concert: Sun.


PLC ';\len)oria\ Gy m appeal

VI'. 1:;a"l.vo1t1 !'>altl lh;�l Dal{Cr

\lnlil TllIIr!'>day,


10 t h e Tal'ollla l'itlzcns i n l!'lH. He l'O!ll!lL("llI'emcn t

be the annual

provided by the folk dancing team

:\11', Baker was honomry chairman



of the college.

to Its use.

was- given a citation of honor at the


ot PLC and also by a men's quartet


to which he lefl a like sum, of the


Ma y Fe�tl va1. Ent ertainment will be

Tal.'oma financier and

phi\anthroPist. The sum



IWedacsday, May..,4, at 8 o'clock

in the PLC gym



;'0.1 1'. ilake l Ilad long been a bene­ work, at a NO l fO i' this ('allege and for CPS,

\\-hic'h al lendance will be taken in


_ .t. . . ...

been given to PLC by tbe late John

gl'Oups 10 cl e an tIll the campus un- without speclricrutlon

der the !;upeni!';ion of the Dlue Ke)' .




May Fest:ival Planned For




FRI DAY, APRil 22,

over this work,

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

C.S.A. To Sponsor Basket Soc,ial Sunday

"C.S..A. will sponsor a basket socia! Su�day night, May 15th," announces Evelyn 'Biery, c�hafrman

with Dick Nieman.

Rl'hard's Studlo ot Tacoma will rtake .pictures and effoI'lt� are being made to feature the story, and pie­ 'tures in LIfe magazine.

The seene ot the bask9t. social e W'lU be the upper SUB_ Wh n f� ther defill1te phutB are made, :they wiU be -lWn�unced. '


Page Two -I





Mooriq ltJ ft81

7. he

22, 1955

Published every Friday during the school yeflr by students or Paclf1c Luther<tn:College. ' . ',. . Te..ephone l GRanite 8611 Office: Student Union Subscription Prke--f;3.00 per )'ei?-'r -::::::': =;::: :-::: ---:� � --- . ......._.... .JOAl -O- � KIT :,fLSON EDITOR-IN-CHIEF .... . �.. !'\' EWS.oEDITon -...................-.... . . . ........ ..........KATHERINE SANNERUD :K EWS ST A n �- o is "�rekvam, Agne� Hallanger, Barbara Gronke, Ari l a .. .. . . . .. FEA i m, FF...ATURE STAFF-DevorlY Svoningson. PhH Nordquist, Ted Ca Myrna Derg, WaUl' Berton, Martha Douglass, Al l<Teed, \Vllb ur Sackman.

. L ;��� �� �;�� ���.���.��: �.���.� .��:��.�.. � �..�Jk���NE pof�lcur �

. �:o�g:.�PEJ�?i6�:::::.............. Spry, SP�'..tS_ T AFF Lo ""EXCH.tL'\'"GE EDlTORS .. AD MA NAGER .. .. . ........... .. . .. . BUSINEss �iAi"iAGER.. . .... ... ........... S






._........ ......__.._._


:::::�:.::::�����.���:��� ...__.. . � ..

Dan� Ros.e. cUld Brian Price �RLY PiERSON, SHIRLE Y VEVANG'E HEVF


Clyde 'Genz,

. _..


_ . . ___

. ..LaeUti a Basehore,

Exchange Editors...

Editoria l


_... . ............_._.............. _..._ .

Doris DuMouchel

_ \_


In late .June 1954 the business manager of Gr�'\t \VesLern Yearbooks, cthe ('ol-poratlon contra-cted by Ithe 1954 SAGA to produce the ye-arbook, W8!; i n telephone ('onversation with the SAGA business manager, at which timr he offm'eel a !,lIbstantial perCl:'ntage of In-terest on any money ad\'aneed on thf' ('o1'])OIOl.tion':- "Pay As You Go Plan." After consulting lse\'eral pE'Ople the SAGA bl1:-iness manager, together with tbe college �'Hlministration ad\'anced the C'orpo mtion $5.250.10. This move was based :primarily on the information received by the College President in oonvel·sation with the Pre:-i(\pnt of the Glendale Dranch of 'the Bank o f Amel-ica. wh,., st.atC'd very Ill'ofOl1ndly tilc ex('client financial situation of 111<.> Yt�arbook Corporation. A month later \\.(' received \\"01'£1 from the S. K. Smltll Co., which firm was ('ngage.-l 10 make co\·el"S for 1he 1�54 SAGA, that the Great ,,'estern Y('arbook Co. was in a ,'ery bad financial state and suggested we ill\'estigatc thorllllghly. The Il('Xt mornin� in ('oll!'ultatioll with the College Administrati�n it was suggested that we should combine the 195·1 and 1955 SAGAS In 'the ('vent that Great Weslern went bankrupt. The cOIl\·ersation ended "ith the Preshlent saying. "Well. you lost your money, what are you 'going to do now?" For 'the next ge'·eral ·weks I hoped against hope tbat Great \Vestc rn oould reorganize and gel O\ll onr book. But eventually tile word came !that ti:Jey were ofticlally bank nlpL School had now begull so Wa l t St'hwindt ant! I went in to see the PrE'Sident about finane-ial help: we were given a friendly but firm " n o. " The SAGA /lOW Ilaid the ('xpenses for onr ach· isor to go to California 1 \· lla l d :Iu d 1 ( l th b (!�ln�Il�;n:li\�e to find a llrinting com. 'Ilany thaI w o u l d gin: liS a goot! b i d on both oook;.; ( I n :" d and 1 9 5 5 ) . 1 wbat J belien� 10 be all ans'wer 10 lll'ay('!". il('rnard Bridges, a tinc C hristinn layman. offered to put out both books for $7.500. T h i s is about half retail

����t �: ;

�� �;:I)�

�::I: ('h


The Collt'>ge President now (·oll!!.ed Ihe S. K. Smith Co. and for us obtained the l·o\"(�rs at a redu(,ed prie-e be<'ause the (·,)\"er company stood to lose all the cost of producing them if we failed to pufehase the covers. Prclise God. from Whom all blessings now, on December 15 , 195-1, the 1954 SAGA was deliYered. .Judging from the abole, can rou honestly say that 'the College Ad. ministration in the capacity of our '·problem solnr," actually soh'ed ,the SAGA situation? I submit to you that next to God, Bernard Bridges was our "problem Solver" since he produced the book at a price even below cost. He actually set most of the type on Saturdays because at the agreed

price he could not afford to pay union wages.

It h UM IDe dee-ply to h ear the College Administration time a.n d time a·ga.ln take credit tor getting pu't rt:be 1954 SAGA without even the mention of t he name of Bernard Bridges With all due respeot <to the College AdminIstration I could no longer ,\ithhold ,this information from the students and faculty.

May God grant that we, the College family, as Chrlatian men and women may go forward "living for Jesus a life that Is true, striving to pleale Him in all that we do." Respeotfully,

Congraihllations . •

Congrats .to the nve lucky gir t h e i r engagement


vaca.tlon. The

\\�ho received rings o\'er the Easter 1u\I)11), couples are Lillian Pietala nnd Tom Morrls, Sherol Lawson and Bill Anderson, LaVonne Stenjem and Sven Winther, lAls Anseth and Martin Simmons, Naomi Rasmussen


- w.








every day Easter days,

The gift o on

experience ·that

l asting


joy of


even aH He <lied and arcse, He Is

stlU with


That th-ls triumph ot

Easter will e na



with King

"How precious


unto · me, 0




Jesus will



For us now anUclp8.lting the fu-

e. l


wh.,e we �re going. what we

wli be dOing, who we will be, Eas�er

orters a precious comfort. In our

health and




fa lure, joy and sorrow, evening and morning, and Ufe d death, we can


o ehi1),



e l g Hi� He O rer bl e <: h- .n_ ' :� 8 . ! n: � � kd nOw ....1.... to u H e TO "" nt u to

·with us.

Spec ks



fOliowlllg'E'a�ter, Ohrlst waJl<ts us to

an t ri l

"Wha.t do the gifts of Christmas experience the h l and joy of this time mean to you ? Perhaps nfter !C nstan and unbroken cQmpanlon­ gift exchanging, you rUe them away in �o ball dra.wers, or you have and Don Rast. ChrJ!)t, .the gtm. or Easter, brings also extend our congratula- great oy recel vl Dg j us t what .you US the joy or knowing we are sUll Uon� Gal Taylor and Don Morris, "want 'with tum, ;Y;hether we rise tn the f Easter .tlme a So takea mornIng wedding vows no similar values. Some wJll not reAprJI 6. GORDON CHRISTENSEN

We to l who exchanged


for a vlctqry on the deathbe�.

"\\-1·th Jesus It we


C5 A



l"eive it (or they are holding on to s ti ch fine imita.lIons. Or they wlll twi!:tt and. turn ,tills triumph of l' hl"li sL to suit their ta:stes and end UJl " Ith sand instead ot -salt. A few w i t h foresight recognize the great­ ness o[ this gift, but put il ln moth t,!ll ls, reserved not for the lite It wou ld 110"" enable one Ito live but

God! . . . When I awak�. I am still




�: � ����� �

wHh 'l'hee." If we dIe, we


Nordquist· Carlstrom




Supercilious Sneer


also are 'l'hy

1954-55 Saga. Business Manager.

Our ..


SAGA Business Manager,

� (




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �--...:. l"ow Ulat we Well, kiddie!!, away we go illLO the 'tumultuQus SCll o f profound ASPLC officers is I"tst, rOll should ask yom"self a rew questions. 1) t hought. being loosely interpreted " Superclllous Sneer." Uoy! it you Did you vo l e? If you didn't you don't think U's hard to write a \reekly column and attOnll)t to bo somemight as well slop rending. Chances wha:t orlgllla\ eacll lime , you have been misled. Bu t. as we modest ly are you ean·t read very well anl'- mnst admit, we havo been profound. Possibly the pearls and acorns tlls:�o:··q�� �� � 'tributoo baH no l>tl'iklng originality, but In these d al's of I nflat ion, I n1 S swere<l by the work uf tb e new om- s t.ability and fear a pearl a pearl anc.l not to be sneeT.e(f at. Our columns this last semester have had �a ra.ther ob vious central cel'S. :Jut, If yon did ,·ote, Ulere must ha,;e been some reason (or your theme. Beliefs, firmly believed In, have been promulga.ted through the veblcle of student expression. These IS8ue discussed have not been taken choi ce. Was tt bec ause your roommate from a vacuum but rntlher from ,trhe cru cl blo of thought. I�rany things go into !the molding ot thougbt and oc nvlctlo ns ( this word rts not used 15Uppo,t'lted that part1<:hlar candidate, be made there or becaus(L h� she !has a . p.ic� doosely ) and although- no accumte count of sources could .. ��mount iDl!:"",NA1.\�. •����':1-,"" le sinHe,' or was tt 'tlbat .ltt . can,�ldatc are certain basIc factor!! that ce.rt.:Sln..ts-:.!!·.� . and atUtrude, nre . dressed well? I si nc erel y hope It <--allege s tu den ts, tho prillcil)al al'e8S molding thought accurately. i!mited. to the coUege envi}oftment, taking the pr&--college wa-s none of these . It you didn't vote most 1>rof8, lectures, according .to your own opinion of environment factors J n to consideration. We can say thIlt who would do the best job, then the reading, Nrlnklng, bull ·SesSIO·DS, prevailing thoughts and a.\tltudeis are all more thinking, insights, new In e l p result m o c f o Hllngs art These . x the election would 'have been ·beLter off -p an d If Lhe disturbances are large enougb, a real search afLer truth. T his without your vote. s quite obviously important. Too or·ten the group of etudents J In t·he case of th e S. Sneerers, reading ha-s ..,played a very i mportant who are Interested �n student gov. ernment and affairs become over· part In -the leanllng process, One of the hlgb points was the discovery ruled by a larger number of our of Jeffel'SOn. Sot as a dim historical figure, but rather as a ;th1nking memberShi p who don't care who man, as a searcber after truth. ,Ve W9uld li ke 'Lo quote JeCferSCIn a bit wins, just so U was the one tbey because we feel he is ....vol'rh listening to since he said somotblng. Rgar(\ing libel'!)'. he wrote. "I would ratber be exposed to the Incan­ supported . 1'hese are the people who stand in groups 8:t .the '" polls veniences attendi ng too mlloh Iibel·ty. than Lhose attendi ng too sOlall a and decide where to put the little degree of It." regarding IIbel·ty, he wr �te, "Opinion, and Ute jllst "x" on the ballot by asking whom maintenance of It, �hollid never be n. cl'ime In my view: nor bring Injury e\'el'yone�be Is voting for. on the I I i ,' l d u al ." He wl'ole, ' · Tim hl men . . . prefer the calm of des· To :;olve this problem, perhaps potisDl to Ihe boisterous sea of liberty." He wrote to T. Pinckney that, PJ.(' :: hould · have \'oter's registnt- "Poiltlc:d dissension Is . . . a less evil than the letharty of despotism.'· Undoubtedly we have all read Lhese, but possibly we should all l ion. O nly those \,-ho are really inl er-ested wOllld get otf t heil' soft search back and Ullnk on these and olher things. It Is our pel-sonal.Qpln­ . \'halrs to come to the polls twice. lon -that truth doesn't come neatly packaged (In the form of a diplolna) Al the registration ,they would reo after four years of sitting around with one uplifted ear to receive cch· e a l" anl en titling the lll to yote knowledge via the water·cun-pollr-ln-the-good·type-Iearning-process. H's 111u!; a pamphlet or the p);\.t rorm and a bit more difficult. Qualifieatiol1s or nomi nees. There Is ----- ------_ a Ilosslbility tlmt some of the voters woltitl read the pampblet and then be a b e to m 1\ k e an Intelligent (,boice. 50 million nll l. 110\\'('\'01' it may be, the mao jority I'ule s. So , we abide by times a day decision and remember t h a t our membel'ship in th e ASPLC i ncludes � o lO SUllJlOrt our studelll, -... at home, at work . d f r. So. ('ongratulations and good luck or while at play to I he new officel·s.

DavId to exclai m :


LeHers to the Editor a,nullal . . .t.'iection or





1. so BRIGHT

• • . so right for you • _ • so tangy in taste, ever-fresh in sparkle.


• _ _ so qukkly refreshing with its bit of wholesome energy.


. COCA.cOLA � .. . .......







. .-





-�r ' I

I �

Page Three


Radio Engineers ave les

PLC Opens "'bleh one of these shortstops T I-ounce C' PS ::Sm:�d�nO:: :r: 7:;ep!!�S��z::' Lea gue Play . Coach :'Ifark Salzman's trackmen (b) Harvey Kuenn, Luke Apapened the-ir 1955 season last SaLur- piing, (d) J.ohnny Pesky. At:. Be 11°In9 h a m H a decisive (jay afternoon \Vhich ball clubs do these men Th. Sport: Quiz

PLC Track


Friday. April 22. 1955

. __ __ __ __

Baslc.tball Tean, I. Honored

The ba'Skmball team was honorea ACI'IVI'I' this p..'\SL week by a dinner glYen C n Pa Ific g Lutheran open'S oup its which re Ever h as O brought e r e· cros town through the courtesy of the Student to 55� ykton' OHr our s own : Lou Perini, Walter O. Brlgss, ,gre�n Conrere�ce baseball season ognition to Pacific Lutheran College Body. The festive oCl,as\on WfI.S beld rh'alS: Colleg� of Puget Sound, bere Jr.. Powell Crosley, Jr.?" st �::te W��hlng{on at Del· through their endless efforts and nc. at the La Pergola. a.t PLC. .gal�am ot 1.bese players never ;109 Which 3. s �day. PLC has won complishments is tbe radio engi. To start Leading the vic-torious Lutes were played in the minors.? (a) Al KUne, the honors given that championship two neers, nnder Don Zarndt, freshman from Kenne- ('b) Robin Roberts" (c) e k e ,. e rsconference the direction of Stan. eVf:nlllg: Marv Ha�jlluan waf! prerow' b ut \\itISo be hard ' w i-ck; Galen 2'\usbaum, junior from �rantle, (d) Bob Feller, (e) John Il ssed1nt0arepea 'Sell;cd with a g1f� from the l£'am, t. Puge und and Ie,' Elberson, speech Instructo-. , . Puyallup, and Iver Eliason, senior "ro kles Vestern will be strong again this Members of the group, which was �a�o;��:'e,:.t::�\�h:.:;O�!���lt .::: from Kennewick. Zarndt won both Antonellt., y ( 953) � 'season Imd PLC must beat them to organized In 1951, are head engl· Ins i a AWli rd. Tlten v n' l he �f' 0 and mile i n addition to run. r\!elec: I� Ca tai on l r � 11 neer.. Bill Finkle; aSSistant, Rod Philpirat N p.·�sented the Con­ ning on the relay � Nusbaum I�i �':ro��� ·(a� Ra� J::I�n:Skj , 7;:; lain the playoff berth. , Nell M.unson, Eric Jor- fer.....nceordquist Trophy won ,the 220. tied for first In .the Belt)' Hunter, (c) Junior Gilliam, The Lutes' record is now 2-6, as Basehore to. ,""trv Harslt.nlln. Wold, Jon Sotne, Don Harsllman gave "gold loken (mlnla- , ""Tlo'le '"1'I'nlt an� hj� jump, wacs thIrd (d) -Han-e.y Haddix (e) Tom UQlp h. they have lost four. �tglbt. ·La-s.t dahl, Q;tdve on " lUre) b:.u;ketballs" the- team mf'!t1- · :;Jt �J·Q.o�r�-<!aR� JltUr �""·· "'.: ��t. -(1') Har;-.;;j"'!:=::: ,",, -" ,-...-"':'''i.� '':'' ''' ' . Satluday t�ey dT'Q!PP6 d a pa1r to �O.hI),.aJ1 ..R P!.rimmer._ : .. . .,.�.-,.-'-...��... ,,- . . .':i.)�',);�"'" ._, �e:ootdillg' for the ·speech classes. }rem. ' on, the wlllnmg mile :ela� team. 5. This year Bob Feller's lifetime Cent�l;itfE:rrnMDUlif a'rid'"ioSt' t';-o� and handling the microphone equip. · Gerry Sdll:ukc �a.; the ch� Eltason- won rthe 120·yar;t high hUT- vi ctories total passed' 2.00, 250, 300? 'more 'Monday to Seat;tle Pacific. c for ment p. just / are hapel of some to The Sa:turday. losses proved be <lies and won the discus with a for the ev n t. cos-tly as veteran C61tcher Don their daily activities. The group also The guests for tbe evenIng were: throw of 114 feet, 2 inches. 'O·S('; 'S\} more programs for outside use, :\1:1", a.nd ':\Irs. tIarshman, Mr. and Others showing up \\'ell for PLC l I Gauder received a .toe injury in a .records uua uch as "Joey," a series of dramatic ;'o.ll's. Salzman, r. and Mrs. Hoover, wf're Tom Gilmer, who w"On the );eAJ'eH pU'e m"elll!!) o ! u n r ·t t.'ollision and will be out for a month, oSprograms, M Dr, Eastvold' s pro· l\lr. and :\Irs. Gubrud, broad jump and also tied for first 'meu0lUV" pUl! .lanad 'a Unl!� 1: This leaves .th� Lutes withoul their gram. Theyand Kelder. have also recorded the ,ruan,. Phil XordqUi'St,. Nick for the conference Choir in the high jump with Dale Storaasli \ 'll1lU"uI;)U�8 '.{aIS0.l8 :1!· OJlI leading hitter Denny Ross, the of West for broadcast and Lane (Rocky) y r r a L chase. and John Coffee, both of PLC. l d Denny Iltldln, Vern HaDson, .la -aa 'S��UH :aa){n1?\\{ [ l� Iu ('; . . . ' ' ( sawn · Lynn (Stonewall) Calkin'S will prob· O\'er the Voice of America and the Sinderson, Dab J\Iarvonek, T e. Je,.ck CPS Coach Rich Dodds was the rr y annual Christmas programs. big point·getter in the meet, which £) .{a1'js"d pUR (a:>!.\\l) uuan� .[ . ably share the c.a.1ching chores. M kl b t l e Eli Oh ck G 1: , of trus is made possible by ,�:kel� �:I'r/ �Chl=:�' L u� e J:r: was run Oil a wet. sloppy track. Pro ba:ble starters for .the opening IheAllfllle .SJ;olM9UV of the radio stu· Dodds finished wiLlI 1814 points. He games will be Lefty Brandt (O·3Y dlo, suchequipment Gates radio equip· stad, Lal'rY Eggan, and Erv Severtwas first in the jayelin throw, tied (PLC). Time-l0.6. and Vern Han�on (1-1). Other pitch. ment withas tthe p :: =======:::; eed turntables -==::::= for first in javelin throw, :tied for e s th th o· . S"""d "·ol,:1 boe. Je'"' T(>leco lines toriple·s KTAC and formerly � ' " s b a u m ' _ ''·' o. )0 first in the high jump, was second 2� O" ' a-d d ,o. ,,'. '-N t n U 2) a d ( Le d ( , B " o n L a . ' to 1C\1 0 enable live broadcasts to When You Want Books in the lOO-yard dash and the broad (PLC)' 2-Scoralle (CPS). 3-Ma· nuzzy Brandt (1.0). be made. jump and placed third in the shoL guinez (CPS). Time-: 23.6. Ollher probable members at the C. Fred Christensen " The quality of the equipment G Don aarder, who runs the dashes HO·yard dash: I-J a (' 0 b s o n traveling squad are: CatchersBookse!!er and Stationer which we ba"e is equal to tllat of and catches on the baseball team. (PLC), 2-Pnlitt (CPS), 3-Steue· Calkins and Lane; , i nfielders-Reep, BR. 4629 932 Pacific Ave, S) i a n n u he \ I Olson, May, Moore, Hobbs, �:�t:\�:��.-,s�:�o�el!:ledtl��r. P���:\� Tacoma, Wash. Hoss, !.:� �/�I:e y::r �it: : ,�C;;����"n�. \'��:O.��:d �t: �I:=;:;!�t (PLC),z Mi outfielderskulecky, Munson ; '·\Ve are also considering an �=::=:::::=::;::=��� meet the Central 2-Jacobson (PLC), 3-S c h w a r llister, Thompson, Jer- son. The Lutherans affiliation \\·itll a national radio fra· Washington \Vildcats at Ellensburg (PLC). Time-2 :09. �����:n��� ternity." on ·thi,s Saturday afternoon. Stella's Flowers Mile run: l-Zarndt (PLC). 2- The batting averages follow: The Summary Sheldahl (PLC). 3-Core); (PLC). Player Flowers for All Occasions AB H Ave. To someone talking continuously 120·yard high hurdles: 1-Eliason Time-.-I : 50.S. ,500 in class : I believe that last Ume .Terstad . .. .. · -I C ohn 3, · · .1 .429 you were vaccinated it was wi th a . 4 5 G fieWE DELIVER GR, T\\'o·mile run: 1-Corey (PLC). Gaarder . . · · · ·:::::14 ::� :c:����;���� 7463 ar ld St. 1 odle. ne::: g.:.:.' h� �20.yard low hurdles: I-Pruitt ���;��i)�1:��:23:-S It e I d a h I �:���Il · :::::.::::::::::::::::l� :��� p�� On�O� rnph::: --.!=-==========� :::::. � (CPS), 2-Gilmer (PLC), 3-Hauge ·:\t ile r e i a y : 1-(PLC) Zarndt, :\1'Unson ... .................. 6 2' .333 (PLC). Time-:28.2. .333 Schwarz. Xussbaum, and Jacobson. H. Brandt ................ .. 3 r as : Sc .333 2��0�'� : : (�p�� ;�������� Ti�he�:3 :l�Wiler (CPS), 2--{)wen ��;!:�g. . ..................:: � .250 (CPS). Distance---H feet, 7 inches. :\fay .. . .................2 2 227 ,214 l-Eliason (PLC), 2- :\foore . .... ...........14 Dis ...19 .211 Owen· (CPS}. 3-Scoralle (CPS). McAlHster .. Distance-11 ·l feet. 2 inches. Lane ................. . .........10 .200 Javelin: I-D o d d s (CPS), 2- Lester ........................ .200 5 Owen (CPS). 3-Ward (PLC). Dis· Thompson .182 t.ance-140 feet. -I inches. .161 D. Brandl .. .... ....12 Pole Vault: l�D o d d s (CPS), Sambila ......................13 .134 !\ussbaum (PLC) tied. Heig'ht-11 Olson .......................... 8 1 .125 feet. Mjkulecky .................. 9 1 .111 Broad Jump: I-Gilmer (PLC). Players with no hits (at ,bats in ART'S SHOE SHOP 2-D o d d s (CPS). 3-8c 'h i m- k e parentheses) : Dunbar (1), Elliott (PLC). Dlstance-20 feet, 6 inches. (1), Poore (1), Johnson (2). Calkins Garfield Street High Jump: l-StoraasU' (PLC). (2), Hanson (6), Ross (6). Hobbs . QUALITY Coffee (PLC), Gllme� (PLC)' Dodds (7). REPAIRING - DYEING (CPS) tied. Helght-5 teet, 2 inches. ATTENTJON, COLLEGE M EN 'Ve ne� two men students who NEAL E. THORSEN can work any ,two evenings Q week, Milk S�akes a a f TRICKS - JOK ES - MAGIC l:will :�i�da�is ��O�l� n!�! : :��; THE HANDOUT be $25iOO a week, Applicants Costume., Tuxedoes. Serpentine should write to: WUliam R. Rob· ·. GR. 91145 129th 4- Pacific el·ts, Ib622 80tb Ave., N.W Seattle,· MA_48S1 926!t. Broadway Washlngton.-(Adv:} "Tenois Twins" (e)





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Page Four


Friday, Apri l 22, 1955


LDR To EI.ct Hood ',New OHicers

St:udent: LibrarY Com miHee Drama-Music Festival Tickets Announce s Result:s of Poll Are Going Fast

The Student Libmry Committee IUse o f the library, especially I n restudy has announced the results of a reo gard to hours, the problem or i dl.sotractlons and availability or need-. v J 'lj\'al shapes up cent poll of the student body. Th s ed ma.terials. 1'lus,' c,Dranla F� poll was taken to asceNain whether as a buge spceess. A majority or s1.ude�ts showed a To date all the student ti ckets PLC students were sath3fled with willingness o trust rtbemselves In for the for.thcomlng �lusic·Drama present library service and to ob- cliecklng outtmatenals without start Festi"al on May 4 have been sold. L.1.ln grewter cooperation In achlev- supervision. However, an interest· 23 and other seat sales are going better Ing the main objective or the Col- ing comparison. may be made be9 : 00-F'aculty meeling. than last year at ,this ti me. The pro- lege Li brary, be ter 5ervlce to� tween the negative figures in the Central-PLC track, there. t gram for Ute week-end certainly '\111 �From {he Questionnaire, the cbm� third and tenth Questions. Linne Society Outing, Hood Canal. e well ,,'ol'th .the support It is mllt�e recelyed suggestions on th� , Poll resuH� stand as follows: 24 Presidential nominees: Thelma proy being ginn. Linne Society Outing, Hood Canal. :-\ygaard, Ellen .Henry and Virginia Tjmrsday nlg-ht the three�ay Fes- 1. I feel that I had sufflc·ient in!Jtruction i,n the crr- it. Grahn; vice presidents, June Wlg� 1 .8 p.m.-'Luther League Day. .. ll oPeIl,. '\'to:th Jennie 'Toux:el, ...342 115 22 " brnry faciltt:les " 4 : 00 p.m.-nand Concert. da.hl and Donna Swanson; secre- 'lival "i l r tan' , Marilyn He�ty, Betty Soine, . y .ic soprano. �l iss TOurel, a Metro· 2. I feel the IIhrary lias sufficient material fa'r s-tudy pur· 5 : 0 0 p.m.-Picnic on Campus. '-- '�'li� 6o-pQ��baverMServiCo: '- �- ... ·, Ltetate!1·· �·ic· .an1t :�k;abetb.. eZ)�; " .pgJj�!}�.9.B�H!.�te!'.�"�I.: !r.e�_�\ ��,. � ����,n�mY..1i�ld:'"""':" ''' '� ':''';' '-:�'''-:--''7�.�'-';'''�C.;;z..;:..2.�? 142 lOS , r : selection or songs. , .. .. 7 : 00 p.m.-SoCial, SUB. �, (About fifty various fields were listed as lacking in t'he Itre.."lSUrer, Syhia Kirkebo and Bon· n a n r h��d��:; a� �:� :� ��� � library -col1ectfon : art. 'sociology, contempor�ry fiction, nie Troedson; I.C.C. Tepresentative, 25 n il W Cl J1 zoology, Greek, ancient history, etc.) 6 : 45 p.m.-Prayer: 'SerYice, C·M-S Do rothy Hickman, �Iarllyn Leltud .f'S entitled and C a t h y Sannerud; publicity, and perha'ps �liss Tourel, balcony. . " 3. i feel that as a college student I can be trusted ,to sign onal Pi Gerda Nergaard and Helen Jordan· "An AI't1S't's Conversat' , 64 7 ; 30 p.m.-I.C.C., L-104. ��� .....384 stamp out mwterla-ls wH!hout supervision.... . and r. read ng by ger; worship offering. Lorill e Hef,ty It \\-111 contain a 8 : 0 0 p.m.-Pierce County A. C. 253 177 50 informal ex- 4. I use the library on Sunday,.. and Carolyn Hoogner; 'hostess, Mar- Rathbone a nd some periences in the 5. I conSistently use the library from 5 : 30·6:30, evenings . .... 46 397 31 l Jene St lhml11er. Lorraine Schmick cerpt-s on his ex � elta, C.M-S. 9 : 0������;!\�a���D 6. e and Connie Hustad. m 26 . Winslow Boy, " whose cast 203 79 ' .. . .. . 1 2 : 3(}-Oayroom Girls' Cabinet, Day e o h be blisl d I I �: �: �: P�� 1. ;k : � �'� 1 7. I feel that lighting conditions in the library are satlsfac· Room. th Sil r \ l .........29 6 121 58 tory for studying .. 1�: 50-Lettermen, �1-109. Sir Robert Morton. This will be the ........ 3 7 4 0 2 3 3 2 : 00-:-Dorrilltory Allxiliary, South main attraction Fctday night and S . I ha\'e been guilty of hoarding libra� materials... D Harold J. Grimm, chairman o f r. . Hall the major spring production of the 9. I feel students should have some ex pression as to what the hi!' tory departmel,lt at Indiana 6 :,;W-SPI1)"s, -!th floor lounge. .. ....328 40 94 books and pe"iodicals are ordered... drama department. 6 : 30------=-�tudent Council, ASB office. ;:"�:;�;:Ii t��;��,(:�;t�� : ::e-�::: ���� The following day, Saturday, mu· 10. I feel thafall students at PLC can be trusted ' to sign and l l r 27 sic 'will predomina.te the scene. In . ... 205 16·1 110 stamp Ollt material without su pervision...... 7 : 50 to 5 : 0 0 p.m.-Campus Day. l ege campus today. the afternoon the Seattle Symphony 11. I feel whispering shon](\ be permitted in the: . . O ) O ( 6: l �· �I.-Toastmaslers. C o f f e e P , � Orchestra ! of , 5 members, ��� under the �� :� 33 3 �: �; �; ��. ��:� Lobby � . ... . ... .. . . . .... .. .. . .. . . l 9 in i to , s m t h p . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ., . . ,g1 S 23 ., 53S baton of :\Iiltoll Ka.tims, presents a Reading Room . . . ope :, to ali c lergy men. A small r�g- symphonic concert. That evening 7: 3 0 p.m.-Cllrt.;in Call, C·:\I·S. .. ...................... 214 20S 63 Stacks . 8 : 30 p.m.-Alpha Psi Omega, C�lS- i!'lmtion fee , in d uding luncheon. the orchestra is to be joineu by the .. ............271 155 5.1 Catacombs . wa;;; chargeli. 1:!3. F' e s t i , a 1 chorus. At thls time, : 6 : -:0-Parish 'Vorkers. The program open€'<l at 10 a.m. " Glol'ia," by Vi,'aldl, tlone entirely 7 : 00 p.m.�Alpha Sigma Lambda. wilh a let'lUre by Dr. Grimm 011 the in Latin, combines orchestra, organ 9 : 00 p.m.-�Iu Phi Epsilon. Music IOpil-. "The Heformers As Preach· and chorus with three soloists. The Is Libral·)". F'ollO\\' jllg the discussion pe· second "'ork to be performed is rjod: h i i l sel'OIHI top.ic was, "Did the "Litany , " \niUe-n by n. Byard Fritts 28 J:f'rormer� 1-':\\'01' the Bowegeaisie?" of the LC music department. TIlls 1 :OO----a -C mpus Devotions, TC. 7863 C : 3(l-Alpha Phi Omega, L-10-l. . The afternoon; sessioll sta!.ted at {'ompo;;ition. begun last Slimmer, 7 : 0 0-EtiQuette Series, SUB. 1 : 30 o:clock and the lecture topic was finished last month \\ith help 7 : 30-A.L.C. Students, upper SUB. Waf<. "German Protestantism Be- giyen in copying by Pat Gehring and ;o..;1In('y 1\11'. Pl'etlerick l\\'een I':ast and West." Dr. Grimm is a graduate of Capi- !\ e\\' ltham, ba ritone, sings the solo. , tal l. :nj\'ersity, Columbus, Ohio, and Capital Seminary. He has his doc· tor of phIlosophy degree from Ohio Sinners all, we were condemned to State University, where he taugh t a life of misery. trom 1937 tp 1954 .. He bas studied at But out of love God s,ent His Son the Unlversl,t1es or Hamburg and to die upon thEnre-e. LeIpzig and last summer taught at What did we do? How earned we the University of Frelburg. this? He Is the author or two books, Have we fultilled .the law? "Martin LutbeT As A Preacher" and Far rrom It; 'Twas or LOVE His "The Reformation Era." He Is coback was beaten raw. author with P. T. Tsc:han all'd J. D. Squires' of the two--volume work, What did he want? Why did he thus? "Western ClvlUzatlon." Dr. Grimm fa a past president or Why dId he sacrltlce Thrift is Part of the American Society of Retorma· His Holy Body on the tree ? tlon :Research and Is reoogn1sed 8.S To give us ageless lite. Your Education one or the outBtanding scholars in Oh, Son or God, look down we pray • the world today. Upon our sin sick souls. F======;;; ReceIve our Uves, clean'leii by thee, 6 : 00 p.Dl.-L I n n e Duling, · eanal. "\Vestern·PLC tennis, there. Central-P� baseball, �ere. 7: 30 p.m.-Dr. Patrick, North Hall lounge. French and German Clubs, SUB.

Saturday, April Sunday, Aprll

XomlnatJons for the officers that will take over the LOR work ror the : school year o[ 1955-56 was the maln business of the LOR meeling that was held April 19 jn the lounge of North Hall. 'fhe nominating committee Bub· milled names for approval in each of the ol(ices. There were also nom· inatiorrS' made from the floor.

Yea No

Monday, April



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Drama-Music Festival Preparations Near Completion As All Final Plans Are Made

For the fourth yenr Parkland will Conductor "1.Ul1on Katims and t!le be a world ll!-emiere of n. Dyard be' host to great stars of tbe music Seattle S:rmphony Orchestra will FrillS' number, "'-\ Litany" for chor­ and E'ntertaimuent world when Pa� two concerts &!.turday, at. 3 us lllHI Qrch(>stl":l. The chorus will cuic lAltllerau College h a l d its and 8:30 o'clock. Frank Beezhold, al;;o Sing "Gloria·' by VivaldI. drama-Ulllsic festh-al !\Iay 5 to -S. ,iolinist, will appe..'l.r with the Sym- The Rev. Olaf Anderson of SeJennie To�re1. Metropolitan Op- phony as soloist In the afternoon. will preach the sermon at the era sopra , acclaimed as one of The festival choms of 150 vo!ces attle festival worship in the chapel Sun. ,.the grea· Jiving singers, w i l l will sing ,two numbers willi the or- day morning 11 o'clock. allen the· fe I\'al Thursday, �Iay 5, chestra in the ennIng. The-.e "ill DUring the atfestival there will be at 8:30 juil. in a recital ip. the nn exhibit of contemporary art by chapel auditolium. professional Northwe-st art.lsts In b , the college buildIng. In the li�c:�� r:� :�: t:����n��\��i � PQ to Acc ept 'brary there art will a display ot art take �llt .in two events Friday, May .p'.nblil;ations f r o m all v e r the 'G,it e ,;·Jir1ia:v�' tlii;1eli"R'itTe·nrtae ��"" -" , � 1I Oe Dlednes _ D\ '� . ' ,; ' lHR 'r ' l::1 J ' �" . ��'J»,... "",. '_ . Selence-' . �' - -'-'F'ESTIVAL STARS-Jennie To�rel, left, Metropolitan· Opera mezzo so. play, "The Winslo,v Bo . " \\-orklng Alpha PSI. Omega, Na,4onal Drn- llsvtays of s"Clentlflc na.ture. prano and concert artist, w i l l app·ear in recital Thursday evening at 8:30 ,with a cast of 10 PLC Sr;l(lents. n i l r e l to open the 4th annual <lrama-music festival, Basil Rathbone, right, reo In ,vhe afternoon, · Rruthbone wlll �e�: �!���: �r ��: :�s:I�: ye::' nowned stage, screen, radio and television actor, will appear twice Fri· , r met the require- Basil Rathbone/ Arrives ���:�, o;n�tie:�� l�:�: �:n� 'I'hoset awho haye P ie e t ra A On Campus Friday :�����;���.'::i I7�:a�i��ea l::���:��;:�� �;�: ��:s�::;�:��'� c ," yersatlon Piece." �I���:l, �:� ��� �ro�e::.· �:r:e ��:� - � .;;a � sett, Richard Brown, Richard Barn- sc�e:�I'a��\�::,e�\i��:a:: .�!�!:: i.__ __ � :���I,��:�n�I!:�)\\'n, David Wold, ing role in "The Winslow Boy," Fri- '4.,1.__ -. evening, May 6, at S :30"'p.m. 1n _-, T h e s e neophl'"tes w1ll . pres€nt ·Vday he C�1S. This \\il1 the fourth anVOLUME 32 PAC I FIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE,'-F R I DA-'Y , APRIL -'29, 1955 NUMBER 24' vhemselve s to members of the nual of drama and music at Theta Pi caost. will undergo Pacificfestival Lutheran College. informal illJtiation followed an Mr, Rathbone arrrveJ on campus BI ue Key T0 a fonnal ceremony. Plans fol' these yesterday and will be working WIOl have as yet been unrevealed, but the 'students in the ·play rrext week. will soon seen donned in Basil H:.1ttbbone PI edge EI even they was born in Jo. t)�pical attire of a pledge. hannesberg, South Africa, his father The Blue Key National Honor C n o a ' �u ':i�� Holmes is on the college staff. Alpha Psi Omega selects these being a British survey ineer. Mr. Fraternity has selected eleven men' ���� : �:� � h 2 be .::\- ��b Folk art from· Poland, Sweden, to pledge for membership in this pledges on 'the basis <!! points. In RathbQne received his eng education at l I 'f ' :e l':!l ' England, Austria, order considered Canada, for member Lith u· a a g Repton and other ! schools � In org ��� tion. ��! ibility niz for eli ���e� ;:; tl � ed d ; ania, Germany, :\fexlco a n d t h e ship an applicant mU'st ·have a num- land. In this organiza.tion. ber evening, :'t1ay 4. The festival is United States will be presented by memhershlp of points · i n acting and a numis dependent upon s-cholarshi-p, per- bel' of p ints in I ns-teati of follo\\1ng In foot. ,sponsored the Associated Stu- the fol-Iowing people: C<y'OI work. steps O of his father, :Mr. Rathbone dents of PLC, and 1s under t'he miHer, Ca�hY ,}ob.ansen, Peggy Arlt, sonality, character, and leadership. desired to go on ,the st.age. His first following have been selected dire'dion of Jlrs. ·Walter Young, Carol Breece, H e l e n JorJanger, forThemembership: play was "The T a m i n g of the Merle Hanson, wODlen·s physical education dlrec- Peggy Harpster, Glenda Simonson, C II F 'I k 0 ege 0 S Shrew." He 'also starred In "Romeo Bill Foege, Edward Larsqn, Dwaine 'lOr. n n Juliet and "' and " Othello," oa d ut o n ":oI<ly' w ",rndy 'H' �:��� :o:���� F,��:��ew��;r7�t��: B1,-, �Iarion Gab-rielson, senior a l a Rathbone made 'his debut in HoI· I ·in,£: �tud{'nt from Eugene, Oregon, O R e o r I h O a o t e s n pr Coll facboth ves r m . e :,!n , �!: s�er�:�u�� �� :�W;�: uml e e re ge ::: : ���! : :�:: ; :�� BP���;� ;�: � � �la;;�:���; gn :� � ���� e le ;.�l; :��f�e :t�����d �y �� ��::�: �Hansen, e much re doin Betty Jean Condr y g � arl· , i �� � �e�I:(� a l e q t w ed a ban ll be held honoring u Basker.vllles." He left Hound of t he �h�� '��:k� bye and- Delore!'l Hage\;k. seniors; Phyllis Grahn, Greta rthese men in an official installaHollywood Jun�, 19 ·16, and conPhrlli" BI'andt and Ruth He I n o, Iyn Hoover, Alvhild !' � lid.ay morning a .,tuaent La· tion. exclusively on radio, makjUnior,,; �Ionique Wetten delegation left for Bellingham to ing Stenhjem, Sharon �[organ, guest a1)pearanCes . belh Omli. sophomores, and LariUe Vonne hllte part ir. a student governme-nt and Brian Price, Dan Rose, �lcstarring in his own show, "Scot. Hefl), and Dana Blount, freshmen. Gr at parl(! y . S('hoo\" of the Evergreen Lawr h, Pe e ence on, e r n l rs V Yard:' The program will with a LSA Re.treat: Conference 1' gathering on the land He opened in "The Heiress" on ( oncel·t by the band un. Hanson, Jerry Slattum, Dick Kent, n h!::��g C:l���l� ���: Broadway del' the" direction of Jolr. GQrdon �:�.�on�o�vce�., B\�Oe�_n�l��:�\��rt\���I:, At: Ellensl:.urg in Ithe fall of 19-17 and co��:s1�� l��S staned with Hiller In the Gilbertson. :\Iay Day proclama- ton Spen'er Aus' , "_y u�.h o thl" S .. turuil:1 :.light. miles fourteen Ranch, F Lazy H 4 Reep , Me-Ie show for two full years. He starred !tion will read Severtson, H n' t l i S ve o V r A . O :!h:_�::::�' s:�en�: de!�, �:a:e: �� �L��:�I�g::�� ����: ��!�;e�ro:.WZd:�:w����� ���: :���� for the occasion �::�'a���j�:::g :::�nts will be ::��:�: Retreat, April 29, 30, Others going include David Wold, play, and' Associa ion t cos· a W. Somerset are t!b.e follov:ing senior girls: Bar- colorfully dres�ed in -the n�ttve and May 1. presldent-eleC1t; Philip Nordquist, Mangham short sotory. tumes of the peoples whom was very bara Newland, Jeanne Pierce, Anita <portray elect; Elwood RIeke, active in telev:lsion andHe . 'l'he3e costumes have been Theme of ,the ReM-eat -will be, v:ice-president radio. Anderson� Allee Cude., Helen Simona o e e ��� ;. and �� Christ," of the of two themselves, "Parables ne Is married and has Tranum, Joy Gilmore, made the students son, ���n : :/ :{'x� ;�a : o��� Mr. Rlldalthoo Mrs. Yonog. en The Rathho..': es llVe ln O Marlene Wendt. Edl:th Olund, 'Oe'raSnlI,�nS EEI� I�GtMAST sE�aC:Se;Sn o"rillFi ,best PLaUsth editor, y k .nd no at'nV aCp'lartn',en', , nNew Carlson, Marlene Wilken, Mar- Otner entertainment. for eveand P s ot o Roland H, Prellllle:lt. S. C. Ea'Jt"old, wbo has· longer maintain residence in Hoi· "The Squires" ," m be·songs Hamlet VOrvick, Solion y od sinc home e hi:) to. Cen of confined Swanson been In Lutheran tral <.> . velg Gudbrands.en, Mary Knudson,, composed of Ray Reiers n, akima. \ Sunday because of laryngitis, "\\0,11 I wo Mr. Rath�e's chief interests are Beatrice Hansen, Carol Paul, and P e t e Luvaas, Duane Romo, and Y . twice this weekend, reading, mUJ!� dogs, While at· Jean Baker. Sta.n Hulsman, and vocal duets by A prograII.I of study, m�ib'tlon speakurday evening he will an ,tending 'school In England he Salz- Janet Wlndecker Steve Brandt. and recreation is planned tor all Salt convention banquet active In ·sports. He s w m, rode be $8.75 days. . The cost man, daughter of Mr. and :\Irs. Mark Phil WIg;n and Sylvia Herrian District horseback and .played tenni's, golf, Salzman; and Cathlene �orby, the comprised committee on ar. for ,the weekend. Co-chairmen ot/the ()f the Pacific of .the Evangelical Lu- football and cricket. T e n n 1 s reare Bob Keller and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip rangements. Construction will Church theran a Sund In Everett. v mains ,his favorite recreation. Skjol1'Sby, Norby, former PLC students. Mr. by the APO and the Spurs are .� Salzman.. on the PLC faculty_ f o r decorations a n d' 'The follo\\1ng students will �ri;�e\��:r:t .:�n,�� .i :r:::C���:� 1 v i n g this afternoon: Kathy annual F'ishermen's Festival spon- Mr_ Weiss to Speak ?\Iarllyn T·sa:PI'3lis, daughter ot Mr. ushering. ' , Jh T I ro h bI l re ���n ����rer: :nd :����� �:��:s� \\1it :e �� ��a::e io":t�e �:!i�� !���,Y'A�� �re�:y:� �� �:a�d�� :�:e�a�c��:e�:�:�an Churches of At Mu Phi Monday· of Mr. and Mrs, 'John Holmes, "I think tllis will be the most col- Bob Bob Keller, Nor· PhI EpSilon announces that Rev, Hoy E. OlSon, lllrertor Mr.MuWeiss a lecture Mon­ w:ill ortul May FesUval yet," says Mrs. man Schnalbe, Moudle Straub, Bet· of public ,",ilal �f' C'lhfor!lew rela;tlous, ..... rriet Vo Toep rvick, Sea- nla Tuesday where he repregenterl day night on the history meanke, Ha Young, director. "We have been -ty Basting. Paul rice t , Schule, to be present· of Ing time long a that ----'--:-1 'WorkJng· and feel -at two Ca:l.foroi.� DI�,the college t-ft)OVER IS PRESIDENT ,entions. 'Vcdne�.1 morn- ed ,In the Drama-Music Festival. To we can guarantee a very interest, c,II�, tri(;t be held at 7:30 in CMS, this otters evening. The students partlci- VESPERS OVER KTAC Jack Hoover wa:s chosen preslhe was at... th e Au.stana dent of the Paciti"c Lutheran Col� pating have worked especially hard T h e PLC Vespers tprogram is Itheran Church conclave in River- an· opportunity for -students to get lege chapter or t!be FIlture Teachers and done a wonderful job!" broadcast over KTAC (850 kc.) ev· 's1de, and in the afternoon he spoke a fpller enjoytoen.t of ·the entire of America in electiQns which we're Those in folk art presentations be-- ery Sunday afternoon at 4: 30_ This aot the Evangelical Lutheran Church festival.-----gan practice sessions in Odtober. Sunday, PresIdent S, C_ Eastvold parley in Van Nuys. He returned concluded Thursday. Other oftlcers elected were: Stan­ The RecessiOnal, played by the will give mebage on "The Lord's !to thO) campus Thursday eVE'ning. COLLEGE BAKER RECOVERING ley Jacobson, vIce-presIdent; De­ band, close be rec- W�:!nesday the Hev. �f1lton Nes· Leona Siegle, member of the·oafeSupper. � The music person Who does lores Beck. recording 'secretary; ording ot' the testival chorus. director of publicity, addre!,ed 'tena statt and -the been discharged has Janet Geldaker, corresponding sec­ Good. manners and soft words the Lutheran Brotherhood ot First ilhe batheking, retary; Jerald S,latltUm. treasurer; 'have The foolish ·man seeks happiness Lutheran Church in Bothell>. I..oast from , ·hospl1a1 and Is recuperat· brought many ing difficult 'Peggy Ml"S. ot th homeI .the and. Ka.thryn Gulhaugen. inter�lub n the dlstaD"ce; the wIS'8 grows it Saturday be was baliquet speaker fng at to pass.M!llee, college nurse_ . Aesop. council repretteIl't.at1ve. under hJs teet.-Robeut Oppen:heim, (Cont1nued on PaJte Four) give






May Festival to Feature Queen, Court With Music and Costumed Folk Games








to be





La " 'Y Eg g·n ' o' Ve " o" k o c e" , e J a_d , ne,


Thi s




by Erv










Bar· anG




C F10wer girls will be heryl

t he

o s n





addref!s at the





















_ -


and ElIza-


" T


0 0 r ... e











Tsa n bear be r ' Cro : pL . C ::: .?tle':t' P� �lrS, o ud , and me�





trhe numbers





the program.













Page Two



F r i d a y , April

29, 1 955

Published e\'ery Friday during the school year by students of Pncltlc Lutheran College.

OWce: Student Union

Telephone GR.·mlte 8611

Sub!'-('ril)Iion Prit'e-$-3.(l O per year

.... EDlTOIU::-.:·C I-I I F:F·.

---, _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


.... . ........ ............. ..... . _

. . . ...JOA:S K IT T ELSON


�E\\'S STAFJ.'-l-ols Erpk\'alT1, Aglle!'- Iiallanger, narbara. Gronke, len .. rlaker. U a n � Englund, JanN Svcen . .Jilll Lokken.

LeHers to the I l Editor April 23, 1955

\\'e rej.!'rel to Il:Ive ra1l5et\ sOllie

mi!<untit.'I";;lalldlng editorial


ill r£'�anl







A Supercilious Sneer

, --------------------�---... The 1II00d �r ASPLC has �eell1lngly been sel: selr examlllaLlon. Tho Nordquist - Carlstrom


result ha�ef'n the [)OSiliv(> evhlt'IH'e that a majority of sotudents d o have

hlt"a� alltl have been thinking, ASI't.C hns undergonro do�e !l(: rUltiny (·on··

2::!, '1955, by UIC UIl·' cel'll lug the worth and po::ilion of their reJ)resentallVt.'s and go vernment.

�ta!<t of Apl;1


TILe pl1!'lmsc of tlIt' editorial was not to <.Iiscredit the COlle� e Prosi-

Ce" talnly this I s something we recognize.


ill I>ast years has been recognized ;u'ciuhll and adherent'e, It Is merely

\\'ha t

by the �ew has now rec'eived

witler the fact thM. as s u pposooly FEATURE EDITOIL. . _ .. .. . ....... . .. .. . . .. ... ...IOANNE POENCET Col· self·governlng students, we must censc and desist tn thinking of student FEATURE STAI" I"-nev�rly S"enlngson, Phil �ordQlIlst, Ted Carlstroni, dellt anll . Alllllinis�r:1.tlon. I'll s part 'govc rnmen t as n comruunicatlve 'tool of the AdmlnistrMion. I t only stands �IYl'lla Derg, Wally Uerton. �Iartha lJouglass, Al Freed, Wilbur lege IlI'eSHlent, re1'l!tTed to Sackman . i n solving the SAGA situation. With to re:1.son that what Is called government Is, reality, no such Item MAl';: ;;,UP I P.DITOIL. . ..... ..... .......... ........... DOROTHy JOHNSON all sln,cerily we thank him for what ' when I t fails to express its own itle:1.� and act upon them reasonably al\d SPOnTS EDITOR.. . .. ... -..... ...... .. ....._. . . ... ............WA LT DALL' he d i d : obtaining the 195·1 SAGA effectively: This by no Ill�'lns i m plle� that �t\ldent 8dDlI IlI�lrat;l()u I''ela' �PO�TS ST AF'P-Looie Spry, Clyde Genz, Dan Rose, and 'Brian ,Prl ce covel'S at :l I'edu�ed !atc from the . , 'ti onshlps ean flnd IlO ('onll!loll ground, for It IS just this commo n, grou nd . EXCIIA�GE EDlTOHS .......IJEyEHLy PIEHSO:S� SHIRLEY VEVANGE 1\, S �l i tJl ' Co,: slgtlin� t.he con· �\'hi ch I s soughl . ' . . ' ' . ..... :.;- ��� "¥� � �.:..:..:,'A ____ � _ ,..:�::_.:,:.,...�!/.:..,.;.� . ........... ........ .. ..,; ..�:r-x: (iG;--lo'VCKY 'lfic"l(fi'ft'w� li p� by B�:�;� rd rl ' ' · lJ dgW-- r�' """ii'o'st ce�la in l� � (i�:c::tio ,i is n ( st�'ethillg '\�h[�h"1�" 'cii nde'sdenMn Sfy" DUSI::-':P'SS �tA::-':AGER... .. : ....... RA Y GOLD for the 19:, 1 and 19:":,, SAGAS n.nd ' · h:1.I\(led down to Ute stu(ient bllt I s rnther something which Is placed thus umking the t m nsaction pos' abo\'e for him to have rO!· the rea c hJ ng anti (or him to mold into a living ,"' '; b lb .:�I.lC'·',',ue '·,·l ,k';n :; g�i�t,�po ��'; " :,: ,:l" e�rO� l' O : l',"�a'd ,; l· f ), a tor on( 'c h e has gras lled I t. It Is in the sludeH{s "reachlng"/whereby visor to go ,to CaIiCorlli,\- and pick ground :1.1It! cam�e I s sC(,lII ('(1 for the desire to have an equitable share in UI) the unfinished 195·1 SAGA Crow ,l ' ' infhtcnC'ing w}w.'l goes o n "above." Like unto Aesop's Fox, the student � �a'�� t'u l)t G r'ent Westem Y ear· ' naught but SOl iI' grapes does not wa'fl t to rea dl \l P, and with efrort. sleze . k from the vine, but rather the l>tudent wants to eye'glasses ot.o cure . ll V l e l o l I s his adminIs trative myopio anti be of worth and a�R!stall<;e In deciding ' l tl l l cr d o I bl y l! l t t r.l nt l' f good a n c i which are SOliI t o t h e better welfare which "grapes" 'i l l rtnd i t anyonc. The College President and ;�r:� :, � in � !'-��i t� I'�� :e ttl �� where he student and his government and to the standards of tho college as a llc/.!'c Adminis tration are faith· kah>iclosropc or color, a paradox of c an !<i! dowli ;lnd enler into a. do se .Cu wholc, ' fully serving the st�lents and fac!'-ymphony w i t h ;;!\'rcecb· and tlN'P communion \\i th his God, The pel"f>on who beliCH'S that education and etlucaUO!Hlf adminlstra( in no wise did we i l l,!!' l i res, t.he rumble of (\i":s('1I:;iol1. T i l f' (l \li(, I limc i;; uscli by both : Ilion is ha rHled .lowlJ stllUCllt in a cO!hlesrentllng manner Is i n ) :::��:'Il ;� :Ie�:��� l . 1 h ( ' , . J ' l'� ! l o f hlr'\� Yet w e 'ICC(>Il't mall a n d God. I I \\'a� in the Garden opposition to it1ea.l� of Irue scholastic· al'ailemic freedom l ; lld this pseudo:In co nclusion, we voluntarily apol· I Ii i ": "'; l ix('d up" �;I;I t 'Onfusil1� exis- of J-;.I.'n tl n rill,e I l le 1'00 1 of the liar magna n i m i t y should fintl 110 nlt'he to d\\'ell in at PLC-:l Christl alt Col:t ze , 110 I('Il.'r -a,c; norma! ";Iuti{'nt l i fe 'V(' t.hal Iilr Lord (iild ('on\'irlc41 Adam lege . •{':l I'ing the tradition of !h(' fieformalion and demo(T3i i c tbought . ��! C�� I��: " :1 1 1 il a ,"'YlllphoIlY b('(':lll!'e i t tloes :lnd !-:\' ro o f �ill anl1 prollli�C'd IhC'lIl . in ilarmony \\' it.h 01lr :lttltudes tilt' hopt' o r a SavioI'. 01' notiL:C thc ATT E N T I O N, C O L L E G E ..M E N ai' young "HI1\I!� aud w{' ,elory it. l ra n q n i l i t y of till' ::!3r'd Psalm whcre \\'" IIt,,'d t w o m e n l<tlHlt"l l t5 who When You Want Books lIow(>\'('r, whE"1l th{' Odll specimen Ilip P"::lll11i,,\ lay,.: his ('util'e trll�t can work any two ·eve.nings a \\'eek, a I l 1f s �\'\ O/l i:1 I l ;:��� Bookseller Stationer will be $25.00 a week, A-pplit.:a nls 932 Pacific Ave, BA. 4629 should w r i l l ' 1 0 : William H. Hob· Wash, .,rt�. A\·c. . X.\\'" Seattle, . \\' 1!<hin,:noll.-( Acb· ) A d m i nistration. : Thf''':l' ":(,I'f'II{' momellt" al'ro trllly during: day for a ff'w (Iulet mo· Hespectfully, nW111� of IlH" <Wation, A calm :1.nd 1.\n� ,tlhl llreciolli'l eXl1(>l'ience, but EIlV SEVERTSOX llnhnr l'ie<1 period of time, a relaxing pa." ily be p:l!'l!';e{\ by, TI}('I'£' WALT SCHWIKOT ;ltmo=" l lh(,I'f', a stllhl{,i'S in the !'oul ar,-" no f';:.labli ;;.]u·t! l"Iill's for the





®'/,' �/ )

S. A.








to Ihe

n ��<IIII�I��i:���:i:� �/I�I��




'1�\:I;l i�.;,:I�i

IOr.::!� �tII

mi.z hl

. . . Yf'1 filled with CXIlE'ct.'l.ncy, The

QlliN time, Some \"111 consit\er tbe

thoi"e wbo sepk t.h('m. Perhaps the

" i l £,111

broall!y of the lower chapel, or un·

('('pI God will heal' their \-okes. The , method mattt"rs little, but the pur· po 'f' m il ;; 1 I:P "dc!'lell(,;;�" \\. i t it


a. r e



Quif"t time is fOUlHI alone i n the soft

del' a tree at a weekend retreat. or maybf' a g:llY'\\· hen-"





find It



�'Ti p l l 1 n'", others


may wOJ'ship


pm),..r, still oth!'rs lIIay !ling of Ilraisr wher(' no one ex·

C' 1l1'1",1. "S('('k

and y!' shall find,"

Toastmaster History Told In 1 951



!;(�Vf'n men gathered in the tory in







arpa, d i s l l'il't, amI' a sec·

ond place in the zone ('ontesls. This

C. Fred Christensen and

: l :� ��;:I::c ;I��'l::


50 million times

at home, at work or while at play

Thirty Seniors Entertained At Gratln Home of

Phy l l i s Grahn entertained thirty Ihe S{!niors who

will graduate

f!'OUl J'LC this Spring at her home Smlllay, April


The ill\'ited guests began arl'ivlng

ilt the Grahn home I n Seattle, 'Vash· \\'hic\l would further prepare them li t(>rally meant Lhat John had beingWll, at about 2 : 00 on Sunday ItO meet the n;osponsibility of future come the champion of 6,QOO Toastafternoon and a t about 2 : 30 a roast lead('r�hip in the community. Their llIa!'tE"Nl in t h e Xorthwest. This year beer dinner with a l l the trimmings main objet'tive, at Ulat tim�, was to a junior, Stuart Gilbreath, pl:1.cE'd \\-a5 served.

a day

There's nothing like



bPf'ome all active l�rt Of Inter· �e('o'nd In the arE'a contest. How· As il "warm-up" game, a "saying" organization k n o w u as ever, at tbls moment the chapter was pinned to each guest's back i s not being recognized for having and Toastmasters. by ba'/Ing others givo! hints, Toastmasters, very simply put, one or two outstanding jrtdlvld uals . each person was to guess whO\ he tri(>s 10 achien' speech improve. rather as an organization of young represented. natioll:1.i

ment on all le"ell>-:--mechanics, per.


grammar, and


b y prnctice and e\'aluation,

Tbe charter members, who were






Arito n , ' Judd




Glen Werner,,8.nd Oliver Magnuson,

should receive more credit Lban just

'm ention,

The first year was one of organi·





th f' lr opinions. This Is


a witne ss i n

th(' fact t ha·t during tbe



ten or our members b a v e b e e n

;t!';ked ,to partici.pate I n different In­ terna:Uonal affairs ing communities.


¢be surround­

PLC Toastmasters succeeded where ali other college grou ps ha\"e failed ? Perhaps the Why ha"e' the

Other games,


(acting out proverbs) and Scrabble enjoyed during afternoon.


Some of the boys went the short

�j;ttance to the University of 'Vash· ington campus and looked it over, whUe


few of



down to the watert'ront,

L BRIGHT. RIGHT TASTJI • • • '""BY. bncia& ....fresb. .



Supper was served and Lu'Va.nna

Huber was honored with a birthday Zation and turmoiL One of ,the griev· reason lies in the t'®l that·through­ cake, out the club"s four-year history it ances was Lbe problem Of keeping At the beginning of Lbe afternoon, in a cold, bllildlng, and has continually been an organiza­ everyone had received 3 ribbons to drinking cold carCee. To 'further tlon Of minority groups wit:h divers1- pin on himself that wel'e t , o repre­ complicate the situation, ,Lbe ser­ fl� ! n terests, bound ,together to 'sent degrees. If tthe words "com­ geant a.t arms was continually try· better facilltate the benefits tor all. mencement, baccalaureate, or grad· ing to persuade the men to put out A s e\'idence ot this, the membership uation," or any derivation Of oomprlses8ive pre-sems; five pre· th('ir c'igarettes. were used throughout arternoon Yet, the product ot' Toastmasters law; two pre-med ; six future teach· and even ng by someone and caught l . !S pl'og l'es's-and progress we have! ers; four business by someone using Lt, he must give fl\'e up one of tbe"'degrees." At the end From the s('yen Olen we have grown -six athletes; five veterans;





f i r s ( successful college

chapter i n the nation members. Dr the


2. PAST IIl!FRI!SHMENT• • • • bl. of quick' for • wholeoome liuI. lift.







tbird. rear,

admlnlstrat,10n; and

from the speech department,

All men are welcome 10 join

Toastmasters at t ,h

e I I' 6 : 1 5




or the day Gerald Schimke had the most

"degrees" and

was the winner.


The best vfay to secure futUre ednesday meeU ngs, as prospec­ Toastmasters entered Into interna- 'W happiness is to be as happy as Is tional aHairs \\ith John Osborne ti n members or as guests in the rightfully possible ,tod y. carrying the local chapter to vic: Coffee�Shop. -Charles W, Eliot





"'eeb- II . ....I.-.d trad..mcuL










�l I



r '1 ,







Track Track T a e


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: ��:�:��n��:ice ����: �:te;i:

--=-, ' dayFcoBows 10 Wesle rn -

Page M A ST M OO R ' N G _ _ _ ------'_ _ _

THE , _ 2 9, ' 955_ ,I ' _ _ Ap _

Th ,


t. c , a Sh n t d S s , r dua, CIU b S till remains 'undefea.ted. bad lOa much depth for Pacific Lu- traek meet at PLC. The fina.l score . , season came to a close ther:\11 The Pacific Lutheran CO, IJege 00- Wednesday, A,)I"II �7, the PLC Th(> o f r.lela College. defeating the Glad- wa -6- � � T h tll';.r.!ay evening and J.t looks as iators 96-35 in an E,'ergreen Confer- ;1 � \ :n ;.; l" f . S 'l Do fending champion ba.seball tMm golf t e a com]}eted agains-t the to Bellingham Frldiiy and \\'ester'u Washington links le:Ull �tra"eled � � :1l ; � �� ;� ��; th01ndl the Eastern lads will be enee track meet. Zarn�dt . ;�.;: � �y s i lost a pair of close games to West- and the mat\:h ended in a draw, aowned the champs. The Faculty Top point maker for PLC was a Ithe 0\\' hunll ' p s and Tommy Gilmer ern . tll e c b amp . - 7lh·il,6. Play took place on the PLC . s. ' CO nference opt-!n made a \'aliant eUort to hold their l"ederal \\"ay product-Tom Gilmer. and 1Dale Storaasli. Gilmer \_ the er. The scores were 1.0 :tnd 13·4. G<>Ir Course ant.! was played in ra1ny 1)';lt·� in the champions-hip but took He won the broad jump with a dis. broad jump with a good Ie 21 \�� n.dr wea 'ther. I'ouple 'on the chin and now hold rtan(' e of :!l feet, 9 inchps and LOok feet, � inches and shared first lace Lefty Brandt gave \\'estern onll' and four hits but lost the opener -\0 Le!:l Bob Do:,?)'e 'of 'Western was medal. :<l"cond place. second :n the high. j ump and 10"" in the high jump' with Sto;aasll. . a s\�ore of iI, one over par. is witb t l e m a s the owed al who Knudsen T h e Summary The Oval !'port is L.1.king its place hurdles. t was a type of od(lity in the faot. in the inlramural Jlrog�m with 1ts ' \'el" E" lason WOll lhe h.igll h U'd les . 100·yard dash: I-John�on (W), number. Brandt struck out two and 'i ha Doyle Wli'nt one over par on the walked two. Knudsen fanned tw,) t .t II II U a I lntramllt'lli Track Meet, fOl' the Lutes -and placed third in �-:-;usbalttn (PLC) ' 3-Kays (w').. and first hole and then proceeded to walked none. · which is to be held either the 11th the tliscu,; and low hurdles., Dale Time---- : ]0.6 . shoot st! ] 'a!�,ht pars. Bob Romnes' i rn �cored run only the Western · .l:!(h " d �\H�l.;llio..Y\l: � . e.. .��u:.':.�.� ��.?r��.Y:A��ar e.� ,�.ir.. �.e:�� �� ��:t.n ��� wa I0 h o . , -..t, .2�9;ya.r� ��b: r P C i l),�"", . l-Whan ( W ) , 2Se� Mr. Salzman for any par- lIl g1i' j"u" mp a.nd'"1'1Ori Zarndt tame fn' � Irs ()' "a-u m n t:tr;" 3'':�::::' f1il!' (tv,. - :::.� :;.;:---=- :.:�=:..'=': "'':a:�� :s-:·lW�¥�ud.�_,'sc � o\.\'.,S4lQ t �.t: .;AQ . � \f U!. , .. ,gen scored while another base run· ;: ����' first til the half mile also for PLC. Time---":22.5-.· ticulars which may arise. e h to the very ' close \vas t. ne b e a PLC, tied for first ' HO·yanl . dash : l-Whan (W ), 2- ;���� ��; �:� :l� b lntl'llmural fastball will be get- �I ��l: �ll: ���� . b n came in the end and the outcome \�'as not sure (PLC)' 3-�tuir (W). pI�x.ed the foursome final ,the until ling underway vert' soon now. All fifth. Rocky Lane and Brandt got The Summary � :��e�: �� �� r I e as re . te e e i l a a ( r e I v �::!� next match \\ill be ::� �II�I)� �n�� ::;. g:! �; ���I �:g:: Ad��!. ;� )� ;�K��t��� ��) . ;i� �":����'l���n 1'1�;� ) . -;�;��� (:��)!� ��I��:�U��'� ��lg:��'ne�l��v=�� � , hisi��a �ernoon :Ifle ' the �lusic-Drama Festival. All : 10.3. . Gut Knuch;en got Don May to fOl.1 tcrest Ct" lf Club.against CPS at Fir· . ! Tirne-..:2 : 03. 2'. male stu dents are urged to p a.rticI· 220'yard dash: l-Adams C) , 2- (PLC). �1 i I e G<> ground to Munson ArdU!l and out n : J-S\\'an (W) , 2� I,ate in the national sport, so let's t'a dy ( C ) , 3-Corkurm (C). Pacific Lutheran Time, Zarndt ( PLC), 3-Shelda'hl (PLC ) . OWL to end Lh� inning. all sign up on a team and have D: 25.0. The Lutes opened up strong in 1. &ltlie Lut'son (76) ............... ......0 .1 :3ti.2. TimE.'� :-:ome good league play. tw scored and game second he u 2. Bob Homnes ( i5 ) HO'yarJ dash: I-Higgens (C), Two.mile rUIl : I-Swan (W), 2- ,t ..3 �-Peterson ( C ) , 3-B r a d y (e) , Core;- (P LC), :3-Barker (W). Time� runs in the first inning o ff starter 3. Dick Kent (82).. . .. .. ....... 1 LeRoy Galley. Al Evans came on to I. Da\'e BCl'lltsen (80) ...... ... .....2 ¥" Time-:54.2. 10:30. ":-'O ·ya�·d rlln: l-Zarndt (PLe), I �O·yat'll high hut'd les: I-Eliason retire tile side witllOut fUrther dam· 5. Gal'Y �s (SO) .. .... ........ .. .. .1 � -Oo\\·en ( e l . 3-Sdll\·al·tz (PLC). ( P ]: 'C'). :!-Langley (W). 3-Coffee age ami eventually received credit f \ n Ti a ( TOt I il .... . 7 �:�ed li k e thi s : Jim �l oO re �e �;,�t� �g �::.���� �����.�I��:·s·l -SLaI,kPOle (C), �._ 1'�;�.�::::�l l;:::�l\�;.�·les: l-Langler fO���(Con·Unued 10 � ��� ��r �� � � ���·�·� · -w·��hi n g ��� ·. · ¥.! ' ur) o Pag�l; on 11·:! and 6·0 on Tuesuay. Infanll"Y 1. Bob Doyle ( il) . .. ................. . 3 Hall (ei, 3-Schuue (C). Time- ( \\'). :!- Eliawn (PLC) ' 3---GilDler Don West (SO) ............ ........ ..0 ( I'LC). TinW-: :? J erry Larson pitcheu a three-hit- ·I : -li.:-'. ::. .Ieny Thall (SO) .. . .. . ....... ._ ........ 2 ret· to win the Qpene,· while Buzz T\I·o·mile run : ]-\Vilson (C), :?- �lile t'elay: I-Western (:\1 u i r, .1. Toby Scruggs (82) Grandt diu not give UD a hit in the St-1.d.;:pole ( e ) , 3-5 II u t t P. (C). !\:;lY>;. \\"han, anLi Johnson) . Time6 3 : Time-tO :3,s.5. ,:hort sP('ond game. 5. Tom �Iul'ray ( i ;j ) .. .. ... 2 bats \\'el"e hot in the opener l:!U·ranl higlh hunlles : l-Bliason Pole vaul t : I-Hall (\V) , 2-l\"us· High hopes are held by many that TotaL. ...... .................i l}.l as they I'ombed three Army pitch· ( i >LC ) , Guar ( C ) lied, 3-Coffee battltl (PI.Cl. 3---G i l m e r (PLC). the tennis team this ye,tr will win (,l'S for 13 hits. Jack Hennen, Rocky ( 1'L(' ). Time-- : lti.7. many m a t c h e s. F'j\'e members IIeig-ht -l t feel, 7 indies. Lane, Denny Ross. and Lynn Calk- :!:!O·yard low hunlles: l-Kenitzer lIig-h j llmIl: I-S{ora.a.sli (PLC) of las'! year's squat! are back. Pete (Cl. �-Gilmer ( PLC) , 3-Eliason ,tilt! Gilmer (PI£) . tied: 3-0ker· Lllyaas and Bruce Hille hold down ins had two hits. Six runs in the first inning proved (PLC). Tjme-: :?S. .!. IUll(1 (W). Height-5 feet, 6 incbes. the tlumber one and two spols teulU. to be plenty for Buzz Gmndt in the �Iile t· e I a r : l--centraI (Hall. Broad j ump: . I-Gilmer (PLC) , 'l'his cOlllbinatioll in doubles may be The Lutheran tennis team jour: second ga;n� as !Iii' allowed only one Bowen, G1iay, Higgens). Time, 3 n. :::-\\" han (W) , 3-Schimke (PLC ) . one of the strongest in the league. tiered -to Seattle 'ruesday and lost J'unner to rearh first through a walk Iligh j Ulll P : l-SIOJ'aasli ( PLC). l ) i " la1H'(>-�l fpet, :? inc-hes. As it stands'now the mJrnber three a ma.tch to Seattle Pacific College, I a u d uble play ended th o ti g e Q kl( u e ���lj��\:I��P(1�� � · t��.� I������6 ;� D i s<:ll S : J -K . Swalwell (W), 2- :�:: �'�l�� �l ;::r : ��o �: :��t� :a: ., �a:)'tain Pete LUYaas paced the Pole vault: l-XIlSballm (PLG). :-�·i �::·�I!;��i;';!�;-;�I \anS;hne�.PLC l. begun to improve ra-pidly. Ivan Sep· local club wltll a singles \\il' and The 3hort scores: , PLC .. .. ... ..... . 040 130 3-11 13 {; .lohll�on (C) ' Grown (C), tied. Hgt., pala is in ilie number four position. leamed up \\ith Bruce Hille to cop � hQt : 1 -l\. S\\-alwell (W) , 2- 'I'hase two men make up the second 'the doubles. Hille also won his ;,th Infa�;1 y . . . 000 020 (1- 2 J ;j 1 0 feet. ill\\ 3Dis(W), er (W). ' Neer <LL Ha I rn : j (PLC), Lun· -Gilmer Barber, p u Broad Larson :JnJ Calkins; doubles team. The rest of the team ,singles match as did Ivan Seppala, dy (4) , Lej,)e;' (6) and Secora. u><;. :::-B01lrl1 ( e ) , 3-0xwang f C ) . Dis· lal1<:e- -IS feel , ., inches. is still uncertain "ith three conten· A strong north \\ind marred the J a\'elin: l-Ball (W) , :?-F'romm deI'S for the number f i v e s p o t; match play and kept both teams tanc(>----21 feet. � inches. er, Barber. l PLC ( 3-Gil e Distance, (PLC). , ll Knutzen, Don Rohe and Don from playing their best, Adrian ,· ) .... ................60(,-6 J l' Disc.!is : I-Schultz ( C ) , :!-Henry PLC 5th Infano'Y .......... ....... 000-0 0 2 ( C ) , 3-Eliason ·(PLC). Distance- 1 59 feet. 1 Inch. Selson. The teams were slMed to meet . H. Grandi. and Lane; Vigo anJ 135 feet , � inches. PLC s'tarted slow "ith a 7-0 loss on ihe Lute courts this Friday aft� ' 'forrech. to Central o er on Central's Courts. Shot: I-Boyington ( C ) . �-Ho\' e· v however, the Lutes ,:::====::::; The next week, land (PLC). 3-H e n ry (C). Dis· came back with an impressive show· tall< : e-39 feet. 10 inches. ' Stella's Flowers Ja\'eiin : 1--Correll (C). 2-Eaton This year s ASSOCIated Womer:[ ing of the potential strength of the ( C ) ' 3-Stackpole (C). Distance-- Students Tea will be held Thu·rsday team, beating Western 6·1. Since KEY Flowers for All Occasions afternoon, May 12, at the patio of then the team has lost two heart175 feet, 5 inches . WE DELIVER South Hall. As yet the theme fo r breaking matches ; one to Central, Wester n vs. PLC BICYCLE RENTAL GRanIte 5n2 GR. 7463 The Lu-te ·t1ljnclad'S Io&t a close the annual affair 'has not been an- 5·2, and the other to Seattle PacifIc Garfield St. 415 Garfield St. College, 4·3. \ hard·fought ,tI;;ack meet to Western llounced. Sllring dresses wlll be in order aV Men with tennis e",perience the tea, dUring which next year's i ll\'it�d to try out and challenge for . , on tolle t e a m. They are Mil k Shakes Spurs will be tapped and Tassels ·posHlOns 'usually on the courts from three will be announced. Garlield Street in Chairman of the tea Is June Saih. o'clock the atiternoon. till dInner. QUALITY \,r, socIal chairman of AWS. She has GR. 9945 129th &. Pacific REPAIRING DYEI NG announced . ,filie follOwing commit· PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS tee's : program, Margaret Canis and ";:'============-2�:": Alzora Albrecht; decorations, Janet 3-IN-1 TO SERVE YOU BETTER Turman and Jo Ann Jackson; and Standard Heating Oils - Heating EqUipment - H e'aUng Service Enjoy That "PLUS" Service refreshments, Liz Oml1 and Gerda MARV TOM MERVIK'S Nergaard. (>rn




-::.- � or ::!..






l' u

.... ....

PLC_ Nine 'Takes Two From F."fth Infantry lt:;. �


Netmen Win Match Over WWCE, To 1


_ •. ., __,,,,,,.





Tennis Team Loses Close Match to Falcons



AWS Tea To Be Held Thursday, May 12th

Parkland CYCLE AND



, ����� ������ :::::::=:::=1�� �:::::::::::::::::;;:;:: � THE HANDOUT




Madde n's Men's &

Parkland Center. Bldg"


Men's Shop

GRanite 4242

Poehel Dislr�uting Co. 140th a n d

Pac1flc Avenue



Parkland Drive-In



. • .

Applia nce Dealer


Phone OR 8024


120th &. Pacific Avenue


Delicious Double Patty HAMBURGER-45c

Delicious Hot Chocolate

119th · &.


GR. 3211




Page Four

T,V, Competition For Col ege Plays Is Announced

Friday, April 29, 1955


Viking Nine Tri ps Lutes WEEK'S CALENDAR In Doubleheader There Saturday/April

30 (Continued from Page Three) singled, Don ::'olal' walkeu and both 1 � : 30·5 p.IlI.�A.AU\\", South Hall. runners advanced on a throwing L. S.A. Iletrea t (near Ellensburg). error. :\Ioore scored on Gale Tbomp- Track me€'t, CPS and PLC at CPS. son's infield roller and Branch douSunday, May 1 bled May home. L.5.A. Retreat. In the th i rd , singles by Th omp so n 3 : 00-A.'iV.S. Tea for p rospecti ve and Brandt plus Bob Olson' s ground students. ball to the right side made it 3-0. 2 : 3 ()--.... (South Ha l l ) Altrusa Tea. \Vestern shelled starter V e r n �Iother-Daughter, SUB. Hanson for six runs In the last of 7 : 00-L.S.A.. SUB. tll e third and th i s ,'.-as enough to y/ May -2 ,\·In. although :\loore singled home �:".5-Pra,Monda yer S�rvlce, C�fS balGary Sambila with PLC's fourtn run cony.

in qu:i fourth i,!lIling. ..,. �. The '


P. l. C. Hobb.. ..




2 0 0 0


Hennen. rf .. .3 Reep. 'b . . 3 If . 3 Th'mp.·n, d 3 3 lone. c

Rondoll. If .... 3 ...II. cf .• , I Hon.on, ' b . 'homo•. rf ... . . 2 . 2 Kohl ...... c 2 Knud •• n. P

0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 I 0


1 . 2





D. IIrondl. P 3 0 I 0 Tolal •......26 0 • ,


Lulh.,o W••I.,n Wo.hinlira n .



. " . .3

'2 0


.,., , 2 1 0 0 cf 3 1 I 0

May. 2b Thome.'n.



2 0 0 0 0

0 D. Brandl. Ol.on. Ib . .. . 3" 0 Mikulecky. 3b 3 0 Sambilo. If . 3 1 I 0 lone. c


n , .





Smith. 3 b . .. C.ook. rf A"mme"




'2 ' 1 0 1 , 0 I

. .. . '2

.2 Randall. If • S"(olwell. cf .3 .3 Hon.on, Ib Hugh.. , 2b . . SI"n •. c .,., . 2




1 2 0 1 1 , 0 1



0 1 0 0 0

� � g � �ya���:, /.....:.:::g g g �

�: �:� / .

0 0 0 0 0

. .. 22 . 05 I I

Pacific Lulh"on .,', .

TOla l•

. . ... 18 6 8 3 1 O-A

.... 201

... 006 Ox-6

W••I,," Wa.hinlilon (Cal'ed. rain) 2b-8rondl,



3b---Sw olwell.

Rill_Moore. Thomplon, Brandl, Ol.on. Randall, Hugh.. , Slern.. Winn,,_EYons; Swolwell 3 , lo.er_Hanlon,




3312 Sanitone Approved for Cleaning



__<_ ,

Talent Associates, Lt. . th

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Daily Pick-up and


1 2 : 5 0-Lettermen, M-I09.


U.B.C. m. Cou Wednesday, May 4

Q---. as

here. eb all . B nci l, clu broo OO-C.S.A.

1 :3

6 : i 5 a.m.•Toastmasters.

a m .-Caree r Conference, In­ " ase ball, S e a t t l e Pacific, 1: 3()--"B there.




dustrial Accounting, SUB.

1 : 3 0--Tennls, UBC here.

I : 30---Golf,

VBC here,

7 : 00 p.m.-Alpha Sigma Lambda, clubroom. S: 00

p.m.-May Festival.

Thursday, May 5 Drama-�l1sic Fes.tival. 1 : DO-Campus Devo ti on, TC. G:30-Alpha Phi Omega, L-104, 7: DO-Bi b le St u dy Groups. club­ ro om and L1l7 . i : 30-Ski C�ub,


L-1 0 .

Friday, May 6 Dra ma- ),fusi c Festi val. Saturday, May 7 Drama·�r usic Fes'U....aL Sunday, May 8 Drama-Music Festiv aL

the judges are three of tele­ ·to .the students and faculty of PLC accomplished drAma­ for their hospitaJiity and kindness tists--:-N. Richard Nash, Robert Alan during their brief visit here. David Sha . Aurthur Each t levisi n play must be sub­ may be h urit n, but to ad­ mitted in scrip t form. on regulation and

vIsion's most


and e o

p a p e r,






To err




mit It lsn·t.-Herber:t Prochnow_


a ccept ed. It is suggested Feature Lock Diamonds Waltham enclose a stamped, selt­ Elgin order 10 ex­ Jewelers Parkland 'pedlte return of ma teri al. (How­ Doris and Elmer Gable ever. k eep a copy of the play as they Parkland St, Garfield cannot be responsible for the return GRanite 7828 :::: : : =-=-=-:::=: =: =:::: =. : :i :::: : :=:::: :::::: :: ' of the original) . Be sure a name :: r and address are on ,the script. Scripts should be submitted by It's VERN'S ma.i1 .only, postmarked no later than for cooked to order DeLuxe Ham­ .June 1 5 . 1 9 55. to: Play A wards Ed!­ Fish and Ch ips burgers 'tor, Talent Associates, Lt., 41 East Home-made Pies 50th Street, l'\'ew York City_ Tacoma 9th & Pacific will not


tha.t one

addressed envelope In

LOR's Elect Henry

ewly elected o fIc rs for The LOR are Ellen Henry, presiuent; Wi g ah l , vice-president; Eliz­ b th Omll, secretary; D o n n j e Troedson. treasurer ; Dorothy H ck­ man, ICC; Gerda Nergaard, pub­

f e


June ae



lIcity' Lorille Hefty




3820 South Yakima

Reme�ber US

1 2 : 3 0-Dayroom Girls, dayroom_


Thrift is Part of Your Education

Open a Savings Account NOW







•'O,Ul D,"O�" '�5un c. SH.. �'" _ "D'a CO;:pOR, ro , .... u •

.. ..

.... .. ... ..




when you need printing

programs, cards, ribbons, pamphlets, tickets, etc. . that's our business!

GRanite 7 1 00

LaCrosse Printers

PRINTERS FOR YOt;JR COLLEGE Located. aCI'"Oa8 from the Tri ple X at 118th and �aclflc 'Avenue TACOMA

U, S. POSTAGE Bulk Mailing


Non-Profit OrgOIl�lIol1


Permit No. 51

from Page One)

at the Evergreen Conference ot the


::-::.::.::.::.::-::.!:': ::.::. :'::::1:'::'::::'::'::'::-::::'::::'::'::'::'::'::-::::-::'::::::'::'::':::t.::.::::::::-::::::::::


worship offer- b tng; and DON'T B E A "DIRTY BI RD" WILL DO TYPING in My Home These girls will take o!fice next V ' September, and wIll be I nstalle d at � Term Papers, Reports, Etc, 415 Garfield St., next to tho Donut Bar LOCATION: EW N !! a future date. . * MRS, BRUCE COLE PARK '=:AND PARKLAND CENTRE 6835 So. Huson Ph. HI. 5070 COLLEGE FOLKS TRAVELo



. le- social economy




.001 000 x-I



The DnG annllal llOuse party wi l l be be!d this year on the 13, 1-1 and 1 5 ot MaY , at L a k e 'Wilderness, w h ere the gil'is \\1 11 occ upy t hreo cabins. As yet, the chaperones bavo lIot been selected. The rood C'haJrmen are' Glenda Si mo n son and Ilene Luebke. Anyone who Is Interested In at,tendlng Is askeJ to co nlac t Joy Gilmore as . s

2 0 ' ·0 3 0 I 0 2 0 0 0

C'ook>. .. Anderoon, 2b

0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 1 0

VlslHng on our C'amptis for a week James G. Patrick, chairman economic and business adFirst annual Talent Associates mi nisetmti on here 1lt PLC from 194G TV awards competition ' announced to 5 2 . He l e ft the starf to do re---o pen to· college students only-, sea19 r h wri ting In the field of \\�ork, c contest ends June 15, 1 955. was Iir.

of th

DRG House Party Slated for May 13- 1 5


... 3 0 May. 2b 0 I Mun.on. 3b .. 3


PLe Host To Doctor Patrick T his Past Week



vision producinf. ' alHl packa Ig Dr. Patrick came hel'e as a guest soon as pos ible firm which is 'resj>Ollsible for " Jus- of the college through an i n vitation {ice," "Army C ln: le Theatre." the f r o m Dr. Eas tv ol d and the fac - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTW3ERS Pbilco - Goodyear Television Play- uit), to give reports on some aspects '- ' house. "Mr. Peepers" (all on NBC-. of his resea rc� . V n ) ln g "Appointn and h c om the fo T Prior to comi g to PLC he did IU.ent with A<:!ven t ure" (COS-TV be- p rofe ss iona l r e s e a r'c h work at ' 7 : 15-I.G.C., "L-lO.. 'g i'h njng Aprlr 3) -announc�s tb.,e Wa�Shj1?g{.::.n; -D. C.: tn .the llur�\\:..-� 9: OO-Blue 'Key. ASB Otfice . Talen t Associates T e l e v i s i o n Labor Sta-tbtlcs and ' a..s a 'Soclal · 7 : 30-0rgan Guil�l, C�lS. A wards competition for the three F--COllomist. now called the Soc:lal dimes in tilDe 7 : 3Q---.Lecture by "ruslc Festival, best ori gi nal half-hour television See urHy Agency. Chorus Room. plays by undergraduate students In He VI'as formerly on the start of 0 Tuesday, May 3 any accredited American college or will grow into , University, Wash:lngton Spokan e 4 : OO-L.D.R. uni versity. State C\lllege. U, S. C. , anti was dean 0 The awards will tot..1.1 $1,750 In all 0 6: 30:-Spurs, 4th floor lounge_ Whltworth College trom 19231 -$1,000 first prJze, $500 second , of 6: 3 0'-Stud ent taunciI, ASpo. 1926. and $250 ,third prize. Tba deadline 6: 45-Misslon Crusaders, TC. Mr. and Mrs. Pa'trlck w1sh to ex­ 000 000 for the competition is June 1 5. 1955, 7 : 4 5-B i ble Study, L-11 4. press ·their hoo[1t-feJ.t appredation _

box sc�res:

- I/






Ii ,


ij �a: ...: � . :dt .... .... .... . . =� ..,:;.::.w � ""' �=�� :-:: ::�w · -:::3:::::

American Lutheran Church conven-

tion in Por:t



Angeles. Fl yd Ohman of this Luther League



Thursday night Marv Harshman.

director ot

athletics, 'was

speakers at ;the


one ot the


new h:igh school gYlT'Daslum n....

of the




TRICKS - JOKES - MAGIC .Costumes, Tuxedoes, Serpentine MA.4861 926V2 Broadwwy

Laurinat's Apparel 409

"Distinctive M�rchandlse" Parkland Garfield St. Phorie GRanite 5317




/ V O L U M E 32, N U

MB ER 25

�:�;o; r;�:�� t�:�es n e h





6, 1955

Katims Announces His \'oting the da::s members for At the meellllg of the \Ipha Phi offh:('I"":-< that will tak e oyer the class g�\"I� a SI:IOI·t lal � and ilud Lester, . Onu:-g.l on Thursd.l\, AP;II the P rogra m f or S atarday elected the men \\-ho "lll lea.d lmsille.'<:-< Ill-ginning in September of Ylce-lll"esHl ent, Is"to present the Classes Ele�t: S laH ' m, Goeb b�'

APO Eleds th� ��:�U�I(' ;;'�i:r\��;:�:�� ;�: Dean H urst: 7 da :-<s president, \"e/"l1 Hanso�l. \\il l 2f,

chI\) :\lilton, conductor of the the following-school y(>,\J' has finally ('lass gift . There wi1l'-l?e additional It hem fOl the \ear to come Those Sealtle Orchestra, has Ilartman, Santa Rosa, Calif.; Jean (alent from the. senior class. eleetetl wel'e: pl"es., · Dean .Hurst; anlloyll.�eSylliphony been .(·omple-ted. sym· Christianson, 'Nehalem, Ore:: Neil .� sc�. e�tlons 2nd . o y w.Urd p�h�ay .or p.icnic wm, . .'be lield 1st. �('.�J;m�s., Gonlen Huesby; ..This y�(s_ JunioPs. ..n�]o;�. year's FJThea �s.p.�! . . : . �. Ws N{\n� (\t. �l\lnson. Port. Orchard;. Glenri··.Jo�n�. SatUr.d�. n �u t l T< " trco · . Ul· hlt t) a p s J Iay nal : e . V1-ce<-Pl: �:e'StJIl r lan .. er S s tu PI ng 27 :fa .}:'" :\ 'Selfiors. have ei�cted ' Vi��-presi. �bcing Odlif.; Alden Mc�ech made. secretary, Warren Meyers; corre- rthe selectlons have been played by 5011, Oakland, dellt. Warren :\tycrS; se<c,f, Mil. Bellflower,. C a I i f.; /Patriclo. spondlng ·secretar:,.;, Don Nelson; the syml,hony in Tacoma thls.sea- ney� lie Van BUrC'n; treasurer, G i n n r Dond lirant, Charles Slateran�, DRtreasurer, Bob Olsen; I.C.C. RepreG ra h II ; Student COllncil, Dehill '\111 be vld Wold, all Seattle. sentatlve, D.·lYe Churness; sgL'1\t- Frank Beezhold, violinist,Saturday H!ltton ; ICC representrutlye, Larry . o f fe he close Sunday will 9ti\"al T soloist M the a r m s, Don Mortenson; u'Sherlng featured '·:.r;-gan. T'hc "acc for president end. nJng at 11 o'clock wUh a wor· afternoon concert beginning at 3 mor chairmen, Carl Forsell and Milo o'clock. ed in a llie vote and the result of lie '\111 play Dmitri Kaba· ship service at which tihe Rev. Oint Seher'er. tbe run-<l-ff election was Jerald Slat. I ommU Anderson, pastor of Phinney Ridge mm, president. . Later on tbe same night the fel� � 1954, ap Iey Mr. April, In L-Ultheran Ohurch, Seattle, ,viII give Eddlc Larson was e-le<lted as the ,proached Student Body President low's of the APO gathered and ·the sermon. 'I)resident of the Junior class of next John Hsdgrell about a student 11. tll\"akened Dick Brand-t and Dick Special art exhibits will be on Yf':U. Sen- in ):: with him are Dick De· i P e l't. . Knutzen for a surprise party in y display dUring the fes.tival days. .I:m:\ine. yke.prcf'l:ident: Sherry Lee, brar Icommt ttee. i r sidel Ryd their honor. Afiter convincing them The works of professional artists in 's("('retar)" ; Kf'1l Ilobinson, treasur· �i�e��I:l �!:� �I(�:��\ :;u�:j���:S�� 'lhat it was only a fire alarru they the Tacoma area ,\ill be on display all joined ill fhe recreation room of eJ'; Rod Christiansen. Student COUll· office. in the ("ollege art building. In the ('il; and nob Stuhmiller , ICC reprc- President Ery Severtson brought .:\"ol'th Hall for refreshments, library tbere \\'ill be an exhibit ot <.;ent'LtiYe Tbe inal the f act of this year' s offlsituation -to the student council CUrrent a!·t periodicals from all over . TI;e S�Phomol'e class \ of 1955. 56 and .loan Kittelson, ElwoorJ Rieke, cers was to instigate the moving of the world. 'hayc I"ho;;:en a" �.hejr officers : Ross an(1 :\l i1dred Van Durell were ap- the kicking post. POl' I:easons known Cocti. prf'o�jdell'l: .Jim Haaland. \'ice poi nted to be on the committee. to everybody of Lute\ille (those tha.t don't know need not know) the IH·f'!<.;1Ient : .To Ann J:lck;;:on. secre· Th and employed WEEK'S CALENDAR tary; nonnie Trof'd"oll. treasurer; Joanis committee EI"\" -tomet '\\Tite ques. beloved I>ost wa.s moved from its .. up a and well·lit location behind the new DaYe KnUTson. Stu(\f'nt Council; r S im mer, which l e during the tionnai Monday, May 9 Bob Au!'.!. ICC represcntative. dorms to a dimly·lit location. on the they did. This questionnaire 7 ::Hi--AWS CabinN, fourth floor l'hf' members of the Freshman, mailed to 206 students. In the tall lowe campus. The 'reason for this IOllng-e. Sophomore an!} .Junior ela!<ses h;l\'e ,the commiLtee selected six persons (\\'e might as well tell you) was to 6: -I�-Prayer SCZ'vil'e. C·:\l-S. also planned ph;nirs which will be that seemed most interested from discolll-age the students of PLC ':15-I.C.C., l.rIO",. �akilll! pla('c som£> IimI" in the next Itlleir well thought out answers on from going tlJ.ere. Now that it Is !.l:O()-Pi Kappa lJelta, C�lS·122. f{>\\" weeks. the questionnaire. Thesc were: Phil dimly lit it wlll be harder to tlnd Golf Ll t \\'estet·n. 'rhc F'I"(>shm('n are gOing to Span" :\"ordQuisl. \Vally Berton, :\lyrna nnd cOIIPlai...i.v. ll not sot out on tho Tuesday, May 10 Milton Katlms away i�"\ ke Oil :\1ay 1-1, and the mCIll· Berg, .Larry Eggan, Gordon Hues. time honored exp€ditlon. D'lyroom. leysky's "Violin Concerto, Opus 4�." 1�:30-Cabillet, bel'", of the Junior l"ia"s have decili· and Glen Johnson. The whole ! 2: ;j(}-Let Lennen, .\1.] 09. ('ommittee met, went over the Ques· ed \lIlOJl Surprise Lake. The program '\ill open ,with the tionnaire, and made a list of recom· LSA Retreat Is overture to "The Abduction from �;��=��I�::��I (�O�IJ:�, J�l�n:�: Olendations to the library adminlthe Seraglio," by Mozart. 7: OO-I.inlle Sm'iety, S·108. Lumbermen Pay :-<tration. it l:ontained things we Su :\Iajor work for tbe matinee per- !:l:OO-C.S.A. COllndl, clubroom. u Event ccess f I would like changed and improved. formance "vil1 be Beetboven's sec· Baseball. \Vestel'll. i-'l"Om this, another questionnaire Sore muscles, good meals, fresh ond symphony. Other selections will Tennis at here. Visit: t:o Campus l'.B.C. help drawn of Mr. was up with the air, and evening are a few devotions "Essay for Orchestra," include by Golf art V.B.C. Last Wednesday morning Mr. Solberg, a member of the library of the memories that come to the Barber, and tbe "Miller's Da.nce" 7 :00-Bible Study, L-1l7. Cliff Studholme, auditor, and Mr. faculty eommitt"ee. It was handed minds of Kathy Biery, Carol Botte- and "Final "The D a n c e" f r o m Charles Carlsson, budgeting and in- ' out in chapel Wednesday May 1 1 and was then tabu- miller, Peggy Arlt, Alta Prestbye, Three-Cornered Hat," by ltlanuel ternal auditing, from 9t. Paul and lated. 6 : 15 a.m. Toastmasters, Coffee '\' Don Gaarder, Bob Stuhlmlller, Bob de Falla. Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma. came Shop. interpreta- Keller, X.orman Schnaible, Maudie The ISO-voice festival chorus of 1:30-Track From Mr. Solberg's 10 PLC rto give a brief description meet, PLC vs. West. aUb, Betty Toepke, Hamet Vor- PLC students wll1 sing 'vith the of the history of the plant and Ilbe ·tion and the results ot the (,lues· Str In the committee decided on Yiek, Beatrice Schule, Paul Basting, symphony wt. the 8:30 p.m. concert. 6 : ���r�I �;�� ����n, Musl� LI. oPllOl"tUnities Jror students to be tionnaire, four basic issues that we felt should w b e n y o u mention the Lazy F Featured work \\;ll be the world brary. emilloyed there. Ranch or the LS.\ Retreat. These are: premier of "A Litany," by Prof. R, i:30-Cllrtain. Call, Cl\IS. he beginning of rUle com· be1.recommended. Since <t]886 Charge · out of a l l The long horeback rides taken ,Byard Fritts of the PLC faculty. 8 :3 Q--Alpha Psi Omega, CM.S-123. it bas converted six pany In a f o ry t c n e l, s d s o j May 12 e ed t u m b u � n �f���� :� r:� �: � � : :� �� �� : U� ;��: ��:� al: in ���:��I�g \\;:�al:i 3:3O--A.Thursday, :�:�o�i1�:r�qf::e :e!::��;I�: ��t:o�� e:�:�: \V.S. Aw-ard Tea, South body has been educated on the baye almost been forgobten. 'rhe""" "GIOria." in Olympia. Ove t�," by Ber- �:��A.W.S. Cablnet:rourth floor At first railroads were used (or m��t� to the lobby for conversa- :��e�i1��a��v�:llt��:� u�ra�Sro:l!� \I�oz,"The,\illCorsair open the rprogram. The lounge. ng lumber, but now trucks are been smelllng have fresh The group for catacombs the tion to and �::� Symphony of Brahms ,viII 1 :OO-CampIiS Devotions, TC. mountain all' along with the chuck 11'ourth recommend further We (a) study. of the complete pro· 6:3Q-Alpha Phi Omega, L-104. half. the first .;\E'W improvements have been that the lighting in the catacombs wagon meals have been digested gram. 7:00-German Club. made which produce a better grade be Improved. . and almost forgotten. But the memo[ lumber. Scien'Ce contributes to 3. Kever <take a reference book o� whch never will be lost is that B.1.sii Rat'hOOne, sLar of stage, 7: 15-Viklng Glub, L-lO.... . radio and television, will be Tennis at Western. lumber utili�tion and cross-breed- from the reading room. of the deep-felt fellowship .that was '!screen, :he {eatured arotist FTIday. At 3 p.m. 7 :Oo--Bfllie Study, groups clubing of <trees. Be careful 1n ,the use of mate- found everywhere. he will in a program en- room L-117. In the future, lumber prices will rials and 'the prompt return ot mao The blazing bonfire at n i g h t,s '��!':!:. "appear An Artlstts Conversation Friday, May 1 3 btion increase. Manufactured ,products teriah; when due. the around dev evening which class picnic, at ,,-ill also increase in value. Pulp and A Co-operative LJbrary Proced· were held, is one memory whJch A student cast of 10 \\;11 work 2:00·j:Oo--Soph American Lake or SUJ1)r1se Lake paper woad "ill remain about the lire was suggested. This Includes: \\ill never be forgotten. For here, 5: Oo-Junior picnic. the presenting in \\"!th Rathbone same in price and plywood and ;;-eo- 1. Fair ·play in the library, around the fire, .souls weI'(! tied play, "The Winslow noy," Friday Baseball away, CPS. closer together in 1he fellowshJp of neer will increase in price till at �. Undisturbed study. 8 : 30 o'clock at PacIfIc Tennil} 'here, CPS. least· 1975. 3. Materials w·hen you need t.!l.em. Christian meaning and understand. evening atCollege. This play will be Colt here, CPS. Lutheran Summer jobs and pa.rot�time work 4. Library service to all requires Ing through 'prayers and testomlnes. th e third e"en� on the drama-music Saturday, May 14 A1ter each night that' passed the festival is 'POSSible, if Qua;l1f1ed. Qraduates, 1'alr play ,by oJl. program. " 9:0Q--Faculty meeting, L-104, especially those who have had a The committee suggested. the fol· next day's outing was 'pretty much Prot. Theodore 30-5: 30--Class picnic, Spanaway. Karl is di· required amount of accounting and lowing students:to be on nen year's the same.. m·th brrakfast, B I b I.e be �etudent llbrary comm1ttee: Agnes study, lunch, ourtdoor recreation, reetlng the ·play. The members 6:. Oo-Pi K a p p a Delta banQ.uet. ttbe chemistry majors will sought., ALso tilose Qualified for Hallanger, LDrilee Hemy, Chuck and dinner. On Saturday night a <Include: Lawrence Duran and Lu· Cha:lrman, John Holum. Sunday, May 15 fo restry and clLemical engineerIng. Geldaker. Dwaine Brandt, Norita ,banquet was given, the theme being clle Sm11l:t, bot!h Tacoma; Carol Choir of the West at Central Lu· MHler, and Stu Gilbreath. The chair· "Christ, You and I." Everetlt. When a norm8.I. girl's interest man 1s 1:0 be selecled. from tile Stu· TIle trouble w l t·h ready·made 6 theran. Lambda ban· Q--Alpba centers on one single thln.g, It's a . dent nc11 by PresIdent Da.!e One dog barks at lGmeth.1ng and opinions is that they are usually : 3Quet Wold. Ii ·hundred bark &.t the sOund. Ihaod-me-down'a� N. Peace. (b&chelor.-8hannon rue.

Fl'nal Results L'brary C 'Itee






0, H.







. a.


----- -

Page Two

Friday, May 6, 1955




- -- ---- - -------,--

'1 he MoOrinfJ

PUblished. every

Friday during the school year . Luthen.n College.

Otflce: Student Lnion

by studen ts



Telephone GHanite 8611

Subsl<'l"ilHiOIl l'rke-$3.00 p e r year


Tourel Pleases Openi n g Day



.. .........I0A:"\ KITTELSON

.. .........

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nUl' el't,








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o n>\"·a hulldallc·e o f pxtra·r-lIrric-u la[·


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1Ij"(:1 ' ;; ,'oice is so couto


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Cr'-'f'k ' O!l!"" rL..i11 I!' fr ll hll ' "I' p(>[':'On fica ti n o f a" I1 \ \\' hat wit h he 'H'{'I-; II ;> :-<.tllllf'11 1 , .. h·, abollt til t> a n d ,,("r€- a m i ng: y ki g our Ilail". 'fIJbl se c'ollljllet ely II" T ,:';1[ ls week-this S('elll>l I " I).· d I\(' h:t\'e a lTo m p l i :<heli rela lil'ely little famille". It',.; fU l 1 0 ;JI.,y II( l:a l u rt"riLle:; w o d of II gaille IhOl;C"ll a [; y ot' 11lf' w h e hu.::.inf'ilil. Thi� I!'; h e r ti cal . becall:->;> l ilt' Am··r· jean \I'ay thi ngs is t to prnpo:<f' a .�ll�lJ: 1'1 1\1']''':-< :'' , w i l h l o nguf' i n c hef'k. we a ( I :..: ) � '''': 'i' ILl " ni ph:.:-< i .�. \\'" �lIblJlii the pr f u d Idea o f th t·l i · " " l l Ti l ·u li �l I The f i r,;l f u r y e�l rs Ile\"OIRti 10 .p y ic"ll ex(;rL��''-,''\of.. �11 lY l\(:;i . \\· itJ} �lWI) \\\t.f'l.'¥,'ios�. � on�:en _t1:: Lic�l1l pC e!ll!l" .. i . I j ust ic'e" ld'II"bf' (fo'n�'-tn a t h rptit·· spillll, '!oller'e wfil � ! ',)' fil i 1 l ! r.� !O Ii[ vl :-<! Ol : of ,;0 n lUr y enoug-h no ...fn! � tl-:Lliull J-: 'Nyo n e lI' i ll be "':lI bt"ied. :\'eetlle,;,; to ";�5' re al'll fl l i :->Lwh i,rncntlu hll drp,j;; fa-liS er" aet[\·1tieli. fOl1r years w i ll be d voted to e 'fhe OH jo a t' (" ub:: t O \-:' l bp of lilprally hlllloir,.t\.. ll i \ n Y n ll lh I Y nf lh:ll eq�ry 11ll\101'1:!!1t aS lleCI f Illig i" t he TlltO nti el'ery re o w "' i .c n l fka!lT'� k i ,g-. 0,1'(·1 1 on lho re wi ll a a :\I y : i n · l [ 1 t a I :����.l���it�;; pm l�����r. :� d��I ��;: 7;:�:;:·.�: f�; ��;�: .e��� :� ;:n:� �� ��S�� ��:�� d h;­ j;; the h ng to the ref"t of Ibe 1'011e)::"e pi L-tur£,. doc it? . t last ;;e(·lion. t

w a s one

a,-; a ,;tandard'



..' m pf.rrluou.... "Illirk," seemillJ:;"ly ;\




Nordqul.t . Carl.trom

ill til(' 'planning Of fUlure m u

A,C.lf'''; I i a l langer . l1;lrbar:'l Grollke, Ar. . .lim I.okken. l e n (' Hal,.·r. I ' a \'l' En.:!'lll hi . Jalll'l ... l FJ;;ATUH I;; E I )ITOI �... . .... .JOA�:"o:E POF.:";'CET ;-'; It\\'.� ...�;""" "'-'_" �":""_''':'' ;:,.�,.,",," .. !rrll i:.'J..5-I s �...§.A?>�1::.!l-� Y . C T F":ATUn� STAI" P-l1f;\"erly S\'eli i n g-son,-:Phil :--';ord q uist. Ted e r� ro lll , TSTA F J-"_J.o i ...







EDITOR·I � · C I I I I·:F'_...




F ,-; h

c- - -

A Superci lious Sneer

Festival Crowd

Last c \'c i ll · the F' o rth e t a CilIIIIHlS. be h 1\ hkh l up tOll anl which we

_ . ,


[("'a rin J!' an, ]

l i ke





o f do i ng

:"o: e \"('






woulcl i l k e


certainly diane ..

lwei.\"{' a.

wi l l he



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he best-even without ti�lng l uves'bgated. o o

T"ilan.l!(> !'() l lf' �('




a n t i de,.;1 i nl' o f !lI (·m be r,.; of {'ollege

the- ::1 !'I1,'WI'{'

I" , ,

pro\'el'bial ('ollf'�f'

a l l ' ph :\ ",e s of t-he




cam1·:nITOIL DOROTHY JOHNSO� Ihill� we WNe all aware . . SPOHTS 1·:/ lrrQIl... �. . . : ......... \\·ALT BALL of with to this ncen S PORTS STAI" !"-Looie Spry. C l yc Gonz. R se. and Brian P rice· . AD . . ................................. PAUL LUCKY ti r e r , it was JUSt a bit too far beDt.:SI�ESS . . . . .. R A Y OLD yond the \;orn p reh n siO n o f tile 10' � k e e I E'��}ll��/;�:: I;i���'�l:��. iJorl:< )u �l udl('I Be\'edy Pierson. S i l y Ve\'ange ��I/n�;U��:I:C��:;I:�:h: r���:� : :o�� a r pr l ���:: t�\�h; ����n�f :�:l r ::s�: � �� do n t o th eir ra.tiler Menta·1 H ealth • • • Ulan he r tastes built up to the e t available ill music. But T his week, �1.1y 1 - 7 , is Mental Health \Veek . \V hat is Men­ [.11 Health \\Trek, you say � \Vhy, it's the kickoff to the Mental o f t -y a, to often-the gap be­ der Welt abhanden gekomen was kick . This wes sheer fun! �[u sical· Health fund Cam p,lign continuing through the month of May w e n on e of the moM beauLihtl parts or Iy, it was tops'. The 1'ew York elst. n ci e al y . wrote Lbose wonls little the en ti e p l'og m . and obsernd in nearly 1 0 .000 communiti es throughout the U. S, In 'fchaiko\'Sky lullaby, Miss especially for )Trs. T urel . For a and i n Haw,l i i . Pta'no Rico. Alaska. :l.Od the Philippi nes. To i n ­ lOO diffi ul t Toul'el d e n s tra t d nc m p a r b e form the public about mt'nul ill ness and mental health, t o stimu­ Une of t most interesting num­ in the program was the almost op­ o n t h program was the J ewish late their parlicipation in the fight against mental ill ness, Jnd to build good m('ntal health is its purpose. c po e r's where in e Russian group hi h pres!->ively familiar, but undeniably i p ia n ss o G beautiful. Schubert Statendchen. It So often w(' he.1r of the cancer patient, the T . B . pati�t, and closely bllt sparsely p I a c e har- a p rfectly In general Tchaikovsky was was s u er bl done, despite a i t of now l'spl'cially with the Salk vaccine, the polio patient, but how monies against the Hebrew chant i l' l t ion and de· a welcome a e n he p ro r . thou q ual . often is i t that we hear anything mentioned about the mentally The a b l Dlitzstein words for spIte the j)O sl i l t or familiarityac tor in afflicted p.u ie-nt. This point is forcibly brought out when one ',.; Tulipatan were a real bred contempt o n e artist's part. f a O e ll r or In . Chansons y D us stops to look a t the amount spent per patient each year i n re­ thl' Trois (' h ev u , she ,,'as truly a girl searc h : polio. 5 6 8 : cancer. 5 2 7 : T.B .. S 2 6 : and . . mental. S 3 . 40. o f what she'd done--and Let's consider a few pertinent facts for a momen t : at least 9 jO million timet a. day million A m cricans-one in every 1 6-arc suffering from a men­ y e-t experiencing a "shi\'er of d. e· she I'ecalls it. T h e exquis­ tJI or emotional disorde r : about 2 5 0 . 000 people w i l l go to men­ tal hospitals (or the first time. this year; there arc approximately itely e pr :i i l' Debussy-esque pla­ at home, at w.ork or whife a� play incomparable 6 5 0,000 palil'nls i n mental hospitals. as many as there arc i n a l l well per· other hospitals combined; a n d t h e average state mental hospital al'l:olll]lanilllcnt Sack man i\lyrna

Hel'g, \\'al1y




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... .._.. ............




I"r�ed, \Vilbur

to hea r a

\·o i(: c. l




all (>1:i a 1 11" ' .


i ll ex t reme heaviness, AllllOrlt eu-

........ ... .. ............ ........... .•... ..


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ext'!'--cllrrh- ular


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\\-i l l be n ecl l P-t1 .

anti t'he-er lead

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fa !'t










sion and the music was just a c

to hurdle.









pmdLlced an effect w i











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('ontl'o l - he r


:\i l';;. Tourel was a rea l








the ·aadience's




regard rhis








of th !E





h r e




eH'n,,; .



l 1'''ll'l: l i a l i t y .

su 'd



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gre:Ll many people, the high point



g am



1\llv;\ncing throat



b l

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ashamed light" as



e s



has only abollt 6 doctors for ('very 1 0 it needs. 3 registered nurses formed. A ,'ery for t'V('fY 1 0 it needs. J n d 2 clinical psychologists for every 1 0 it nel·ds. Shocking, isn ' t i t , (0 say the least.

But what is bcing done Jnd what can be done. The solution is a three-point program of research. then {raining and treatment. Very positive resu i ! s have alrcady been produced b y resea rch and if there were enough psychiatrists and C l i nics, there would soon be a nl.lrked decline in the ravages of mental i l l ness, With proper treatment. up to 7 0 r;� of the patients entering mental hospitals could be discharged as improved or recovered w i t h i n a year. But if headwJ y is to bc made, there must be adequate finan ces. Here is wher.e you fit i n . During the next few days. m a n y of you w i l l be contacted concerning giving to this demanding cause. A S 1 . 00 contribution entitles you [Q membership. i n the local mcnt.l l he.l1th group and a mon tl? l y magazine discussing r h e latest news on mental achievements. Give it your most sincere- attention a n d "give most wht're it counts most."



impressi\'e g o u p 0[1 th e program was t e German grouD. The :\lalJiel' lI'as profound: he-;.n-y , yet powerful. as rani te; thitk. yet lyrical; opaque, yet emo­ tional; frequently nebulous. but al­ ways " orupe ing the listener to eo me in an u n e s ta nd . co n c l ud in part of Ich b i n and







d r g


May Festival Is Gay Event

The 22nd annual Festival is\ part o f PLC'scolorful illstory. too. can be very inler· estln . So, with t is thoughl in e we fl'esh all' and, fo rt nate y , g o o d mind., t re\'lew (. few of the In a h T et U n si l Rathbone w e;�l i n er sti ng facts about past f es ti­ g('(,IH"'� at r. He considered tbe rtook tbe opportunity to comment on 'lhe perfect location fo cul tura l I'als, qu ns and attendants-and :Lt PL.C. lie has worked center as we ha \'e strh'en to be. He mishaps. h i,; st bt'for . th has never beard. of a f stlyal The · :'.Iay Day l;oestivul trad tio n of C orado a n d � 6- f<Lll"i.1 our . and wished us the best was begun Ule Day Gi ls' organ­ l izatio n in :\Ia)' of 1934 when they br'aska, In Il ('sl' l i n "King D V id ," of luck in future years, narrative with dlOral o r hes­ presented their llrogram, sim.ilar to tral a c(.o llan im t. but tills is the Box Social To Be t day 's act!\·itr, on Lbe aw n before I first ·time he has acted In a 'play Ol d La e r "On' the Associated A t S panaway Lake 'I-Hh coll og Wo en Students took over the pro"The W i l s o w Dol''' Is one of �lr. C.S.��. iii sp nso ri n ilox Soci , ductlon and it is now sponsored by Rathoono':; favoriles, although be whi t-I be at Lake the Assoc:;lated Students. ·bas IJreSente<i o nly In summer Sp naw y on Sunday, ::\laY . 15. at .&' For several.years the fe ti\'al was stoek :Ind n ver the New York 1 : :l(). Is t e cu t o h eld on the lawn and all folk art box sodal. the girls will bring the pl'esent.'niolls were done i n are st:Ig"C. decOl-ated fet-t. I n 1 9·IS, o vel'. the festival :\Il". was quite pleased. undl for t\\"o In a with <the f i i ies In OUI' C � S . boxes wiII be auctioned was moved to the ymnasi um ; this has prol'ed more successful, since of the best in the nation. He con- orrand sold to lhe h i he t bidder. sid('l-ed it a genuine pleasure to ' There will be Insta ation or the rthere is no inconveulence because o rk t.ilere. However, he has not lie\\" 1955-56 of fic rs or e.S.A. some of the weather, hi,; activities ('amin the aJ'terllooll . . andthe rest :\II'S, Y u ng, present director of pus. ving two of i me will be ",pent llia ing the f tiva , has taken part In a nce and one radio performance games :'lnd eat in g. but three of the festirnls. Sbe par­ ' of t.he gl'Oup -a,'e this week. ticipated I Il 'th e f k art in th e taken for LIFE magazine. S i nce he now lives In bustling festivals. Then she attended �ew York, our star e lj ):ed PLC's E' erybody co ! (Continued on PlIge FoUr)

Rathbone's Notes on "PLC I i

mOlllE' nt



b t





bUI history.








u u h'ersltleil



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I i:; going to As





m at





1. You fed ltll


2. You taste its BRIGHT GOODNESS. ,3. You experieqce




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box. and the






H:t t.hbone

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e students.






w i t h ('ollege s"lId,!nts




There's nothing






cO llfLlted ha




to the

TV appeal""




·to be -




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. Page


baLi got. hot in the second tilt M' E- 'l1 to take the top honor,;, Pacific Lutheran lost a doubleSpring !<pOrlS arc here even if spring itself isn't. Let's see how things Lute and J)o\lnd�d three Puget Sound Ttl('f nlt:;pik f' (1'001 h'y Hall made a hC<lder to DriUsh Columbia Tues�oing amund the Evergreen Conference. l" ilcrs pil for 11 hits amI a ,·3 \'ic!ory Ja....t of��OIl "phlrge and landed day, 1 -0 and ,.... Buzz Brandt was Basebal l : \Vell, the Lilies are off to a "Jow start. reminiscent of the in a doubleheader pla�'ed April 28. in _ " ('o t 'ond. Th(' ].'at:H!ty was unable the \'ictim of a shutout in the open­ j-;IIlII>.:Ii,l::1l of a year ago. Gur boys ha"e won 1 antI lo!>t 3 in conference The LUles failed tal get Dwaine to n'!ain the ]Ian of the champion· cr, although he threw a three·hltter. play. dllplkalinJ;:' last }'('ar's (·arl), s(>ason.reconl. the only difference be· ill'anllt any in the opener and "hi I hllt settled for third The nnal JetTY La.r!K>n pitched well until inc: that this time \\,e'\,o !';plit with CPS anll lost t\\'o to Western while >;0 he ,thsorbed his second straight rthe flrth when the 13irds opened up _ aJ'� as follo,,·s: la;q AprJI it wa!o; \'i!-e versa. for six .un::;, The Lllte� put on ral­ ".aJ·shJ�lalJ hop:!; that the hitting spree in Lile ltasl week or ��JII:'(':i�...:n ;;�t�d:t��I��·fleL:���e�al�;�n : "::1 NlI .... ... ....__... . 1 1 . ('�lal':J lies In the late Inllings, but they tell ..... .. l � tn.(il�·illI\·e 01 pO \\,(·J' In the future. The lack of power at ...the I)i;tto.!. h .i tJ lu'k Ollt eight and walked one. Spiker,; .... ' shot·t. ' .. __ .... . 1\ Fa('ully 11('fJJlllcly the llI;!.in contributing factor in the !>tow start. The . Dwaine D n d t went t\\"O for 1:i1dlillJ;:' wa."; .'i1l1H('witat shaky d U ring the first few ga'fl!e-s . but that was . P e t e J.. ax;;;o n's single and Don Oe Janlines .. . . .. . . . .. .. lu , h . three to· pace the ],tfte attack In mainly'till(' to lal'k of wa)'m wpaLh('r to limber up the ar·flIs. Since ..hen. I{ai'lmu( !;sen':, double' ga\'e P u g e t lIippo:, i il the t lrd. Ihe �el·ond game. Gale 'rhomll:;on I� tilt· .hoy� ha\'(' 10:'1 i'�j me :o.lIgl_l.O!l€'S. . , . . ' , ., �,OU.I� �.;; �'; . !,i��' ._��� � _, � _ Stubli -:�,. .... .. ....-1" - j pl�ked u£ two to·r :'���? .tQr�':�Y' . , e.,.'Onf.... thWC: tp f'elllclIlber is the raet that almost all of the Lu te �, ., t'it;."'S ".. 1 'Y'i't"'-" h "in ,1t\l lSl.'·\,l·lIth .'"tI� . scores: ... ,.[,; rhi" :O;I':I!'on <lI'P playing l:oiil,��,-o,in 'ror O; e C1rsi.',tj iut:.-,r.-xpC:rfen rc AU\b'y _4mburgl�� '$"tn,l,"v.",,· passed C"'r;l/J(er .i;:)ir.ige .. ...... . __ Tbe short �S and Larson'� Uoh :'Ila· lIun,; bu', ('\'<' I'y thing-, but I think it's,enough tc} out ollr wrinkles. The h"lI. l". U. C.. ... : ........ 000 000 1-1 3 4 uin and lOp z the. wcn' L;uson \\'r',;tl't'lI . . .. � p g" :'I ' "c L. C ................ 000 000 0-0/ 3 3 1,(jYs are b<,).!lnning to find the Eatting r,�nge. Gale Tholll n, Don lay'(·r hiller,; in the fh·s>, �ame, Poison hy . ..... 4 If) P.·Williams :IIHI Lyun Calkin:" l'!'l'edally, ;Ire swinging h�a\·y wood. and Smrtbe; H, 'Orandt Central Barl";'w",:s . I f hlnk the "llar,;hIllPn" �tan'd a good <:hance to take the Wes t ern (·adj h;n-i ng two for thr�. and Calkins, Crew Cuts! . .. . . . I:! £If the Ev('r;::re£'n Lf'al!'ue, while Central look" . strong on the , Padfit' I.utheran blew its best 13 L'. n, C ..........000 061 0-7 8 20 j.;(·ol"ing opportunity in the fifth. Trl('Oma olher side. Track : The PLC lraek team has rompl'te(1 in four meet!'> lit!,"' 'far ' 1lltd Lc:;ter stnned thillgS with The all'Slar team w-as chos(>n duro P... L. C ........... ...000 thi" !t('a son, ('ollling- up with a :-0·50 record. Co,wh :'Ilark Salzman l\t ltar. !;ingle. lJennis Ross bunted but the ing the meeting of leaglte officials. :\oJ"th Hall ( 1 ) ................ 1.t2.S til·lIlarl)" ha'ppy with having defeated Lhe rro,,:Hown CPS Loggers both Log:g£'r ('huckeI'. ,lac-k lJmbl'iaco, lJale Storaasli. Jac;k Sinderson and Ea,;tem .... ....... . ........ .... . . 654,S f�il(>d tome liP \\·ith the ball and I� l-;lIason were picked for fit'st times thl�1 season. Hall (3J .....................633,0 The Lut('s have lost to \Ve:;tern and Centra.l. bu�·ill ha\'e another Ito:;;.; was safe a.t first. Anlun :'Ilun· tea�. as Spikers. The three set·up :";nrth Clo\'er Creek ......... ....... ..' .. .S!H.'! .'ion also bunted and UllIbAaco 's meil are Gene Haugo. Andy Zeinal Tacoma crack at them In t.lle E\'ergreen Conferenc� track meet. \Vhitworth looks ............ ,........583.7 throw to third was too "Lte to nab and Dan Rose, The second team \\'estern ........... like the outfit 'to beat het·e. ................................580.8 . are Hugh :'Ilarsh. Charlie Central Barracks (lright Rpols the Ltltes I.hili !>eason have been Tom Gilmer, Galen Lester and the bases were loaded. Rpikers ................ 56-;.:1 :";usballUl and Don 7...U'tHIt. The loss of Don Ga.arder \ia the Injury route There the rally stopped as Larry Geldakcr and .Jack Hoover. The set, I"aculty ................................. .460,0 has hlll't the Lutes in the sprints but rhere is a IXlsslbility he will be ��:��es�:��\l �� l �t � l t alld Jim �� :I ��::; ��er.::��:��';� Intramural sohball will begin : ��\ i n �tng. so v available ror 1he conference meet :'I1ay 20.21. Monday evening. Those who do not Tennis: The Lute tennis team. headed by number one man Coach The l.aggers opened second game \Ves Apker. have a learn roster I n please do this Pete J.U\·aa!'. has shown,1Ul. "npl)(n·ement over last ye,,(s club, The net "foring in the top of the second standings In Total t e a m immedla.tely. lIlf'n, who went winle!'>!'; in 1%4. h·ave won two matches thus far, 'posting "'h"n Rasmussen hit his second rear·s race has Ivy Hall out In lh& The Intramural t r a e k meet Is ';·1 win We�lern Washington and stopping Sea.ttle Paclfir' College double of the day orr the right field lead with a total of 833,6 points, scheduled for either the 11th or ·I·:!. Our number J and men, Pete Luvaas and Bruce Hille, have shown w,lll !oj ·ored on a pair of infield De.lardines In second with 778.9 I:!th, depending on the weather. All some �ood lenni!'. In our home matches and have lost !tome close ones points. and :\"orth Hall (2) In tbird contestants are urged to work out on the road. Pf'le :llld Bntc'e, who learn up on donble�, cctn be eXIlf'!ctcd Padfic LlIthf'ran sr'ored r e e wlLh a total of 739.6 pOints, 1n the afternoons to get , ln some ,10 show well In the ('onferem ' e meet: SOt t ot condition, See :'Ilr Salzman Intramural Standing fimes in lhe second when Galo Golf: OU('h! Everyone hits , hi!'; trouble:;. but thin,trs are 10(Jkin� lip. Thompson "inglecl and .Jack 'H en­ Ivy Hall . .... 833.6 and· he will give aid to those who The bt'jghtest note here is the work turned in by freshman Da\·e Bernt· lI f'n was s.u.fe on an error. Both DeJardlnes ............................ 778.9 want it. Let's have a big turnout sen, who has been medalist on more. than one occasion tlds spl'ing. The !'lInnCI'S advanced 011 an infield out !\'orth Hall (2) . .................... 739.6 for the oval event, J,!"olf ,L,<;plrant" have a r('('ol'd of 1 win, 3 losses, and 1 lie, CPS looks very bJ"i!l�ing up Lynn Calkins who hit a LPtTific dli\·e to ('enter but :'Itaslrong: In t.his field. Off the Track: Everyone bas his own ideas and opinion". C'\'en if g:uincz made a diVing catch. Bud "Olll C don't evcr gel a cha.nce to voice them. In fa(:t. I Kliess !hoiie \\"ho L(',;lPr tiingled hoth runners home llol\'t .u'e bettN ofr. Anyhow, who's going to go to the Worl d Sel'ies t.hls and la.tN scored on a wiht thro\\', :-;elltelllber. I SrlY Brooklyn and Chicago, and said the Dums before the In the third, Thompson's triple, season beJ;:'an, too : So. ,,-ith Lhis sour note I'll sign off-if Cleveland ,g-ets a \\'alk to Hennen, and Ray Reep's tl\(>l"e It'll be fOllr straight for the �ational League again. double off the 350,foot sign shelled 91,I['ter Jim Fitzsimmons. Calkins Wllen started out in radio, the it is witl" our judgments as with .Tim :'IrcDonald with a. Single Lone Ranger was just a Boy Scout our watches; no two go just alike, gr(>Ned to score Reep. and DUZ was too young to do It, yet cae-it belie\'es his own.-Pope. The Lutes picked up their final -Eddie Cantor in the fourth on Don "[ay's single. an error and Brandt's single, When You Want Book.!; Le-ster was in bot water In the FOR SALE-'49 Mercury 4.door sixth when Rale P I a t t doubled C.Bookseller Fred Christensen sedan, rebuilt motor, new paint horne Russ Wilkerson and Bob Ma. �nd Stationer and seat covers, $550, Telephone gulnez to make the score 7·3. That 932 Pacific Ave. BR. 4629 HI, 5070. was Ihe last of the scoring, how. Tacoma, Wash.

;1 1"('


May 6, 1955

::Oi l 1 �





I' a.

('Irn·t-'r ('n,,,h: .




iro l1 ,

I :!





013 D--4


� � ___ __ _ _ __ _•.•









t 11








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o�r1TiOer b� for Friday night t

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We need two men students who can work any two evenings a week,, ·1: 00·8: 00, and half day Saturdays AppH('ants should ha\'e car. Pay will be S:!5.00 a week. AppUcants should write to: William R. Rob­ erts. 10G22 8th A'·e., N.W" Se..1.ttle, WashinglOn.-(Adv.)

when you need printing,

prog ra ms, cards, ribbons, pamphlets, tickets, etc . . . that's our business! .

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PRINTERS FOR YOUR COLLEGE Located acroa. from the Triple X at 118th and PacifIc Avenue


keep up your g�lmc is built right into this line Spalding racket. The Spalding KRO-BAT® de­ livcrs all the "H'C'" for better con­ .. Irol'and accuracy. It's built to take power serves and smashes, and gi\c you top performance, Buy the KRO·IMT in your,own ... eight anJ grip size. Just one set will lell you , . . Ihis isyollr pmrfor

Parkland Drive-In


Delicious Double Patty HAMBURGER-45c


Delicious Hot Chocolate

1 19th & Pacific


The confidence you need to


Remember Us

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GR. 3211





J ,





Page Fou r


Friday. May 6, 1955

Spri n g Rhapsody

Track Squ ad In Wins Over CPS

A WS Tea Theme

PLC ma�e i t two in a row over ... "'" "Spring Rbal's..ldy" is the theme cross-town ch'al CPS by defeating them in a dual track meet last Sat- or the annual AWS tea to be held May 12, announces J une Sather. urday, 76.55, at CPS. A \VS social chairman. At the. tea It ·was almost the - exa'H re.t.ake of thejr first meeting. in whiCh the the Spurs wlll be tapped, Tassels will be chosen and the scholarships Lutes won, iH4 to 5 5 1.4, . Galen ::\'uswill be awarded. There will also be baum "-as one of the big point \\;ne n tert.!l.inmen4 ners .for the victorious Lutes 'with The tea will be ir(l!.he South Hall firsts in the lO(!-yard d:\.:Jh. 2::0-yard loun.c;e and patio. All girls are urged dash and pole vault. Other v.inners to attend as ·this is the biggest � for PLC were Don Zarndt. \'itb o f the yoo.r sponsored by firsts in both the 440 and SSO; Corey, who took the mile and two-


"}tatr'Seattle Pacific

' ' ;:'� f �� :��c" �piit� ;::�';: �� �: � � ;�� l: :· � ;'-�= - � yith �pSf s Richard Dodds. who was



ner "\\-itb two s dn !C .i:� �: : {h

Pacific Lutheran traveled to Se.

attle Wednesday and spHt a pair

PLC made i't an Im,presslve vic· of 1-0 ball games. Lefty Brandt won o y by aking 1 e 15 out of the opener but Bud Lester lost the tb 0 t t r events-tailure to win more was ni ghtcap. go l or he We k men. weight d o ac !t The Gladiators scored the only lost all wei t even o the discus, run or the opener In the ee,enth ts t gh shotput and jSl.Velin. inning like this: Co h Mark Sal man s pleased Bob Olson' s long driv� to right "W"3. z ac 'with his boys' victory and hopes was dropped and he pulled up at they can do as �\'ell in ,th€ annual second. Ardun Munson was sent in an ouver, B. C., elays next S t· a. R ,to run for him. Lynn Calkins struck V c uroay. out but the centertielder COUldn't

Pacific Lutherans Golf Squad Bows to CPS

Queen Marion Gabrielson, i��ter, ' with her Junior' attendants, Delores Hagevlk, right. and

-_ ._----.,,-


( Continued from Page Two) school a:t the Universi"ty of Wash· i' ngton, but returned and has direct· ed every testival since 1939. The f.lrst May Queen was' Kath·

11\ 1952, Pastor Kelmer Roe's...Bon "\VIhere's the crown ?" was the cry of distress at one year's testlval. and daughter bobh 'Participated In � It seemed that the committee had the folk art of the festival. eryn Johnson, who is now the wIre completely overlooked .the making . Many dl'stinguished people have them .Lhe Among queens. of Dr. McCleary of Puyallu1>. Thel· o( IT.he crown so Just a tew minutes erown� .

Yashlngton State Governors, rna Daniels, the second may queen, before the ceremony began Hart- are \ otridals, local clvlc men, married Stanley Willis, professor man Huff rushed to the art room churc nts or the AlumnI Qssocla. 'presld Mr. crown. a {ogether" "threw and m. e t s y s schoo� In ,the Parkland 1 ihang on to Dwaine Brandt's fly ball They are planning to 'Spend the Hartman Huff is a brother of Starte 't�on 8 d two famous aotors. Lo 1li.,se next two years In Gemmny. Their Senator l\""e il Hoff, who crowned 9te\'cnson, 1952 queen, was crowned and '�lunson scored. 'by Clarence Derwent, and Walter Brandt struek out eight and gave daughter ha's recently been a flower the queen this year. ,\II'. and Mrs . ROil Douglas . nee Abel cro"med Grace Foege in 1953. up one hit while Elll MarUneau girl in t'he festival acth-itlee.

On Friday, A P Iil 29, the CPS golf fanned nine and allowed only one :team �gcd the' Lur�' links five· single. some, ] 8-3. Th ,ma:tch 'was played In the !;€'cond contest, Bud Les· < at the Meadow � rk golf course. tel gave up a run in the second in· ' The only good poi nt of th e day nlng and pitched well af.ter that for the Lutes . was the fact that it but lost 1-0. :was nice weather. CPS, having per· �es hit Loren Anderson and Glen

Carol Ha'avlk. 1940's May queen. }largaret Lucas, recently won a 1\11'. Derwent and �11'. Abel are both now Mrs. �I a r v Tommervik. number of fabulous prizes on a ra. famous men of stage, screen and Ma n', a man well known to PLC'ers. dio sho\\' (or answering a question TV. Dean Phm p Hauge crowned runs ,the Parkland Thel Oil busl. correctly. ·Among the prizes was a 'lhe queen of '5 ·1. The festival has st:ayed much ,the ness. He was formerly coaeh at trip to Brazil, a mink COM and PLC . Their son and daughter also $3,000 cas·h. Mrs. Douglas 'was May same each year in form, with Ya­ is

have taken part in <the 'festivals. haps the strongest all·around team Nutter to sta};t 'things. Anderson Ruth J ensen , daughter of Mr � . O. in 'fhe EY ergreen Conference this went to third on a passed ball and L. Jensen, on PLC maintenance year, made short work of all of their scored on an error. Istaff, reigned as Queen in 19 -17. oponents ex cept one. Dave Bern t· Gale Thompson was the only Lute Ruth is now �l rs. Ken Arenson. n PLC 's number four man, shot er , with 1\\-0 hits, both in the second Mrs . Kenneth St"o raasli , the for. e. 78 for the low Lutheran score of game. mer Catherine Breum, graced the the day and 'w'on all of the points Ithrone in 19 .19 . �Ir. Storasli is now that PLC garnered. a teacher in the Clover Park school

PLC Chorus To Have Picnic As Year Closes

dimes in time will grow into

members that "she was a pretty terer Is on the taculty of August.ana College at Sioux FallS, S. D. miserable gird!."

queen' attendant 1n 1952 and she riety In folk art and costuming. and her husband are now lIvlng in Since the first festival there have .:\"ew York. where he is attending ahn�ys been S attendants, 18 rib. Columbia University. lncidentally, bon bearers and flower girls, train

the question was , "How many peo· and crown bearers. The a:Uendants and qneen bave always wo rn for. 'PIe were aboard Noah's ark ?" Last year one of the Dower girls JDals and activities In folk ar:t have landed in the hospital at flve o'clock been presente<l. the day of ,the festival. A�ter falling This year's festival, too, is now a a e k a t o f history and in only five :\�!� 'P l' �:��n: ,:!� ;:c:�n;:e f:�ti:� months work wlll begin on another ,scheduled for 7:30 and so there was of the colorful festivals, which are need for a "mad nlsh." Several of the festival f l o w e I 'so great a part in the tradition .of ' girls have grown up to be PLC stu· Pacific Lutheran College. dents. Connie Hansen, now youth

y t ' S �:: teaching in Germany is �1a.r-One day in May the Cho":Is, u n· jorie Anderson, PLC's 19 51 testival d el' direction of Mr. FriLts, will pack queen . She plans to retu rn to the u p <their song 600ks and leave on U. S. this fall. an all-day picniC. On Monday, May Grace Foege, 1 953 queen, was the 9, ,th-e exact place and date will be first PLC girl ever to have gained discussed. 'admittance to the me<lical school at director art Trinity ; Mrs. Gerald At the picruc there v ... m be boat· the Universtly of Washington. She Hedlund, whose husband runs tlhe ing, swimming, fishing, e�ting and is now finishing her second year a.t PLC Book Store ; Mary Olson, now resting for all the chorus members. tile " U." She is a sister ot Bill nursing student aJt Stanford Univer· sity, and Mrs. Gerhart Schmutterer, Foege, PLC sophomore. 1955 is the second consecutive daughter of Professor Pflueger, all year to have a nurse, as Marie were once flower gJrls. Dr. Schmut·



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llloowquist, 1 954's queen, was also

Stella's Flowers


Permit No. 51

a nursing student.

Mrs. Young recalls many Interest·


jng ,incidents Which, :though thel{

'Seem amusing now, caused a great

deal ot comotion at the time. The year Ruth Jensen was queen the u r �:� �� t�� � ' d�::'t�:� C:��d . d


Ruth was queen without a train and Ih er train bearer jus� walked behind . her.





the queen took a jaunt rto the moun· taln and so sunburned as re-

Relining Cloth and Fur Coats MRS. WHITE 4 1 8 Garfield Parkland


for cooked to order DeLuxe Ham­ burger. Fish and Chip. Home--m�de Pie. Tacoma Dth .. PaclfJc


TRICKS - JOKES - MAGIC Costume., Tuxedoes, Serpentine 926V2 Broadway MA. 4861 .. -

- .


- Paint - Plumbl,,; Window Travis Rods HARDWARE K e . e �§ FLOOR COVERING I F YOU CAN'T EAT IT-WE HAVE IT 1211t and Pacific Avenue Phone GRanite 3171

,b e postpOned for two weeks because

Sewing of all Kinds


-.. . .

Tools - Sporting - Ho usewares Shade. -

One year the May Festival had to

,to cause the delay. '1.... Young



WILL DO TYPING in My Home Term Papers, Reports, Etc. MRS. BRUCE COLE 6835 So. HUlon Ph. H I. 5070

. -

.......... -



.... -.- ..... ....




� -





St., n



to the







0 20 Spurs,

Insl:allal:ion Of Officers Takes Place ;'\ext





1 8 Tassels


senting 'the advisor. Mbs Margaret


Wlcksu:om, Dean of WOlIleJl at PLC.

the chapel progra.m as the class ot








came out 011 the stage and took

In ;:,.ppreciati� ll lIf hIS

o�'gani'i)t on student body day, Hans

Molle nl p was- presented wi th a girt.

of a


leaUler traveUng case.

Hans expressed his apprec:laUon to

'the entire student b(\dy for thp.


and for the fel lowship he ha<\ en­ joyed here. Presented with tokens of remem­

brance :In -apprecl aLlon of their ef­ forts were �u.zann('- Skublnna, trea�­ urer;


Nygaard, :;Iecretary.

a.nd Don G<,.o"der, vice-presIdent. 1:1

THE OLD AND THE NEW-Outgoing and Incoming ASPLC officers are pictured above at student body chapel Tuesday. The incumbents, seated, are: left to right, Delores Hagevik, Joan Kittelson, Peggy Arlt, Esther Ellickson, Suzanne Skubinna, Thelma Ny-

gaard, Donald Gaarder, and Erving Severtson. New leaders, back row, are: left to right, Elwood Rieke, Lawrence Helm, Walton Berton, David Knutson, Law­ rence Eggan, Merle Hanson, Donna Swanson, Philip Nordquist and David Wold.

Lettermen Sponsor Awards Will Be Given in Chapel Golfing Contest PLC's Letterman

The annual awards assembly will

be �lay 20 in chapel. A<t this time

Is [or the the Who's Who ,in AmerIcan Col-

LOR Spring Tea Is This Tuesday


, by






and girls. four balls

tennis. The

boat i ng &.Dd playing girls attending wur be

Joy Gnmore, G 1

en da


C a t h y Sannerud, Margaret AiJJ.­ buehl, Ilene Luebke, Jo Sanford, Be tty Anderson, Jean Baker, Hope Hammerstrom, Audrey Gjerde, Car­ olyn Hutcot, Karen



l:I&lt&lt 1U14

balls for 25c;


the contest.


(The record

by Jeanne Frleske, senior, who sang Follo the song, Sylvia Klrke­







Spurs was done by the members ot

Spurs for 1954-55. The Spurs tapped

were: Ordetta Bechtel,

Ve rntta

DUesner, Dana Blount, Janice Bon­

Durant, Carole Clark, Janet EmU­ son, Gall Gruy.s, Lor:llle Hefty, Rob­








JoAnn Knutson, J o y c e

�farkert. Joan -Meyer. Roselyn

Evelyn Quass, Janet Sveen, Mary (ConUnued on Page Four)

Ambassadors To Travel

This year's Ambassador Quartet



begin tlhelr summer concert

trip on June

The four members.

-Jim Simonson, t e n 0 r;


Brandt, 4't1d "tenor; RonCmJth, bar-

1 tone, and Rlcbard Rbea. bas&--->wHl

11,000 mUes

travel aJPproxtma.tely

through WashIngton, Oregon

fomta, Idaho, boys


, Call­




September 11.

Some ot bhe numbers on

Iprogram wIll be: God,"


their toOl' on


theli­ Be to

"I Walked T a d a y Where

Jesus Walked." Deep


River," and

"Pants Angelicus." Re.:.ides their message In BOng, the membeNJ'take turns In presellt- "'" Ing s ermonettes Also on their program are scrivture, a talk about


Quartet :takes ·publicity mate­

dents to fill ouL These cards are kept on file here at

the college: as many Bible

bThese· four sing at

<camps as


The boys ar­

lange their own tours.

be viewed in a. lobby ot


Quartet was only tully organ­ weeks ago. Eddie Larson French and Rlchard Rhea took the ,place "of J4m lA>kk.en. Then Eddie developed. a throat trri­

show case that Is In the

Ized a tew

replaced ReJd


The Letterman '€lub Is planning a. picnlc which Is goIng .to be hel d art. Lake Wilderness on Snnday, May

dates will be attending. iMr." and Mrs . Marv Harshman and Mr. and 141'8. Mark Salzman ani the chaperones.

by Tassels,

Next on the program was a solo



eQual chance of winning the batr

15. Lettermen and their

was gtven

rials aod cp.rds for prospective etu­

the longest shot tor girls 18n't very tar, Sal every girl on ca.mpus has an


Rotary, presented a scholarship to

Beatrice Mulford. Ida Jo GronJE:<& re­ ceived t'he scholarsWp award that

the college and announcement.

All students are nrged to enler

pres ident. The girls will spent the dryer ) . The prizes can all time swimming, hOI'Seback ridIng,

roller skaUng<,



bo, president ot Spurs. gave a short

The final LOR event of the year,




\Va ller

"Somewhere Over ·the Rainbow."


The annua1 DRG hous e party will be h�ld this weekend at Lake W.u­



scilolarshi"p to Audrey , Muhr: Mrs.


House Party Will Be Held This Weekend


Emerson \Vonders, rrom \Vomen ot

The .(he annual Spring Tea, is now be­ fOUrth consecutive year sponsoring leges w1ll he acknowledged. , membrance for his endless efforts a "Hoie-ln-one" contest wbich Is Fisher trophy, the athletic insplra- Ing planned by Co-chalrmen Betty be given; the Lu· Solne and Joanne Dahl and their tlonal award, will as student body presIdent. As oe ogaln open (0 both fellows and girls. theran Brotherhood scholarship to committee. H will be held next o pened t� present. which tnnlpd The contest opened on :,\londay, out to be 3. tape recorder, Erv ex­ May 9, and Is running through Sat· a Junior man wlll be awarded; the Tuesday aflternoon, May 17, at 4 : 00 math award \\;11 be presented ; the p.m. In tbe South Hall lounge and pressed Ws a1)preclatlon to the stu­ urday, May 14. announcement . of those receivIng patio. dent body !or the remembrance a'1d The grand prize for women this assHantships and fello\vships will After refreshments are served the for the cooper.-ltlon he bas re<:: eived year is an Oster eleotM.c hair dryer. be made; also the names of those program will begin, led by mistress as president. Last year Maudfe Straub, junior, being accepted to medIcal and den- of ceremoniee Thelma Nygaard. It As out'iotag preslden.t, Erv then won the grand prize tor women tal schools w .fll be made known ; w1l1 Include Mrs. Erling Thompson' 'Presented D'lVe Wold with the preswhich was a GenAral Electric steam :'nd the daffodil award for the best as the matn speaker. Several mus1,ident's gavel. Acce.l1ling It as the Iron. float will be given. cal selections and the formal candle­ new president, Dave stressell that At 'the opening of the contest, the light Installation ot next year's LDR only togethe r 'W t t h t h e a for nd sleeping was gr prize inen a floor. A faculty wife guest Is also officers will also be hlghllghted. council could the 'President fUnction 'bag, but on :ne tim day of the con­ suggested for each girl. Those at­ All girls are invl·ted to atteJld adequately. test. Mr. Theodore O. H. Karl, pro­ tending are asked to sign by Satur­ event and are urged to sign up by Other outgoing student co uucil fessor of Speech at PLC. made a day night. ilIhe -past otflce boxes on the second membel"'S are: Delores Hagevkit, (hole-in-one, ,thereby receiving the ------ ---Saga editor; }Vah Schwindt, bu si prize. Jack Sinderson, chairman ot ness manager; J 0 a n Kittelson, the contest., has now put up a Pen­ Mooring Mast edttor ; Peggy Arlt, dleton jacket as grand · prize for ICC representati ve; Merle Hanson, men. Last rear the grand prize, a sophomorere 'Presentative, and Ea­ portable radio, went ,to Don French, ttber Ellickwn. freshman represen­ sophomore. Ilative. The proceeds from the contest Ne:r.t year's student council tns! �Il be used' according to the dudes Phil NordQulet, vtce pre cretIon. at ·the club. Because the golf dent; Donna Swan90D. secretary; and tennis Itcams were unsupported Merle HanSOD, t.rea.surer ; Elwood. ·the College last year, the pro­ Relke , Saga edltor ; Larry Heln ceeds at that conteM went towards !business manager; Wally Berton, the furtherance ot S1)ring sports o.n Mooring Mast editor; Dave Knut· campus. SOD. sophomore representat1v�_ Prices tor entrees in ·the conte�t tu rn Don presented Erv with a

upper SUB

from Ladles ot Kiwanis, awarded Jl

their place!;.

services as


at 3-: 30 on Ma.y 12, tor the tea.


introduced as


\\'ho were present at the

class. new


studenlS, raculty wives. and guests

, accepted the trophy on behalt of hls



then ga\'e greetings t6 the women

'55, Senior president Vern Hanson



-annual AWS A,\'aro Tee. with pre­

Tues<.lay's student body chapel. Erv

v1�- ·ot·ule.....

Ceremonies' J u


program w a s �warded at




i n·

. ;;..flOO an4 't�;,.·.... ...,..�· :o�. :!:"' � ·""·':· chapel

13, 1955

taUon, eo Steve Brandt will second tenor. Therefore.

is rela.Tt1vely new.


this group

On May 20 they w1Il travel to Of<>. AMBASSADORS QUARTET-Left right, Jim Simonton, Steve Brandt, &'On to give their aret concert. Ron Smith, and Richard Rhea. They begin their tour June 4th.



Page Two


Published e\·ery


Friday, May

Friday during the school year by Lutherdn College.

Ottlce : St d en.t U nio n


13, 1955

stud ents of!1c


d-Ranlte 8611

Prica-$3.00 per year



Nat'l Co�lege Queen Contest

\ rt has been very Int.erestlng to v :-.; J .-The Ue..'l.d· last week. The neophytes of s everal esoteric organlzatlolls datE' For rocch'ing requests for dents time honored traditions <I - ha\'e been fanned, because of "insUtullons" and Clltl")' bLank forms ill tbe th.l nl n engage in Ini tiation proceedings. This usually consists of IJ uttl ng ou a ' IlUal national col lege Queen contest 10 performance in any populated area on campus. These little 8how·8 nrc has been extended to mldnlgbt, July QuHe of.ten ridiculous. After {\ week of this, the Initiates are someho w I?, 1 955 . I t was announced by :\Iayor ready 10 be better, mor� Imal§inatl�e members. Otten this whole business Genorge A. Smock. 2nd, honorary . takes ( .fferent form ; .this, too, Is Quite Interesting. This form Is ev liS. subtl e thing. It amounts to wearing a distinctive garb, chairman of the contest commIttee. more e mysteriQus serl'ee of wardA and listening to the (I.ttribut� saying s The nation<tl 'college queen grand of the par.Ucular organization you are joining. Atter all thi s gobble-definals will be neld llere at Conven- g i \'"e ook s o r-blngo ! Everyone Is a. member In good g.tandln g and every. . �;: Ha�'� :ve: :e: t;:��� !.�!, �!�: OD e general ly (orgets about his or her pa�Ucular clu'b (�r another year. Asntin Y PARK.



,,;::-..:':.�.-�.;.�.:(:: :.�� .�JOANNE

Nordquist -Carlstrom

i ew the antics



�.� .. . . . ....


. .....




..-.... .. .. . ..... .. .. . . .. :.......... CkTHERINE SANNER UD

FEATURE STAFT-De"erI5' Snuingson, Phil Nordquist, Ted Carlstrom, Derlpn, Martha Douglass, AI 'Freed, Wilbur Myrna Berg, \}t al Sac man .



. .. .. ........ .... ........ DOROT HY JOHNSON


PosslbTy <t�ls is all Yery·tmpor,tant to the devel<\pment of Individual o g�e Collegg �'.,.t�<C.�r3aQa��t'�_��.Ny 1,�. J.��e r1dic���: !, ��bIY thI.�ijJ�U.e. · pro�lia.ble I f dlsconUnned·. It Con\'enllo�' Hall, Asbury ihas n o meaning a�d might be moch more Invitations of the banquet season and t h e extending �s conceh'able Park, N. J. I s nf)t an end In I.ts ell. Is It 'l7SSlble the Undergradurute college girl s, be- rto join this or that organization the ·runnlng? It just might be too that a person could In Is race the of (un 17 of years 24 ages and the tween and joining less to enter the contest. d velo p adequrutely, 'PersonalitY wise, by studying more are Tilt! extension of the deadline date -clubs.

;''1'" '''">HtJngt.O.:

POi;N�ET �:':"i:U irect r




of so�e selected stll'

e e r l n NEWS es Hallanger, Barbara Gronke, Ar· . · lene Baker. Ua\'C Englund, Janet Sveen, .TIm Lokken. .plete conLest InformaUen can be ob-

'�-:"�- �·Tik"lf'EiJf"r'"O·R .


STAFF-Lois Ereknm, Agn

A Supercilious Sne er

I !

�i _ _


EDITOR-I N-CH lEF'... __,_..


.• _ . �




the unwas made necessary due N�TE: We are amazed and flab bergasted ! Brlan, old 20 k. buddy to SPORTS EDITOR ................................. ....................... .-................WALT BALL X'pected amount of request.s for en- paJ, why? Why? Why? Truly, this Is-too much! . Cl d e Genz, Dan Rose, and ,Ian Price SPORTS STAFF-LoOIe onns to date. Over six -thousand AD MANAGF..R .... .... ....... .. ...... . ... .... ... ......... ... ....... ....... _ .............. PAUL LUCKY -coJlege girl s In every state i n the to BUSINESS MANAGER .............................................................. ........RAY GOLD nwt10n have requested permission

Spry, y

<try· f

Exchange Edito!'�-

Laetitla Basehore. 1)ori3 Dn!\follchel, I3eYerly Pierson, Shirley VC\'angc


Thanks Given to Festival Helpers

enter the ontest. The purpose of the contest is to This is an open message to all of the students who in any 'Select and honor ;the nation's most outstanding co llege girl. Judglngs way participated i n the Drama·1vlusic Festival. will be based on scholastic a.ttaJn­ From [he ticket-taker to the members of the chorus, from the

WEA Hedflf Speaks at Pi Kap, Alpha Psi ent beauty, personallty and typi­ In itiation Banquet Slated for Saturday Each encal college menls, extra-currlcular accomplish­

Ramstad of Seattle, state

�r:s!�::� :!� � : :: 'Voi1l1a.Dl

·Washlngton Education Association s e n: ;:� P:� l �� n �

Lutheran o

C llege speech and c1tk: dra.matics soeletles Saturday night at the Greenwood Ma nor.

� !

a:llv:r�I�� ;

PI Kappa Delta. national forena h:��� : :g :�;r:�' son, Tacoma; AlvIn SyllIng, Park-

�::�; ;n�! !���: L

a sc

will be

man on [he light- bridge CO every member of the cast, to all of you m y deepest and most sincere appreciation for your unselfish, girl a·ttrlbutes. sincere help. The Festival is primarily for .you and at last it is of ceremonies. e o you v.c1Jg. make· it a success. You have done a grand job at it, and :� recognition will be gI ven :�;��;"'!� �:'�;�:t �: b e I. as one of the directors of the Festival. honor you for it. o e c t on Means Me," as well as Thanks. kids. �� t!�e� ;:���� ft i Sincerely yours, year. m

,the master

· Speclal

S f �:al���h��� ,\�n 'Pe ti tion this



Reg on i




50 million

e h ���:Il �:!: ����:�:::t a�n�:v::: to u


tlon Hall in September. Each will receive ro n d .trIp transportation

n and from ASbury Park 1.0 compete Puyallup; and Ken· w'bich the Christian Student Asso. in 'the grand finals as guests 01 the 22, Su �Iay io t part, day, a ll da Callt. Beach, neth Robinson, Long city of Asbury Park, sponsors of the n Nine neophytes will be taken Into has been set aside by the CSA contest. There they w1ll be assigned t-he PLC chapter of Alpha Psi council for a sDeclal LSA day. It is to leading beachtront hotels durIng Omega, national dramatics society. also the time set for the first stu­ ,the competition and will be under They Include Myrna Berg, Rlcbard de nt sen'ice in the Chapel-Muslc­ .the supervision of the Asbury Park and Terrance Brown, all Tacoma ; S eech building. A s tud en t liturgy Women's University Club member­ D i a n.e Bassett, Parkland ; Mary has been prepared in which tbe en­ ship, who will serve a·s otflclal hos­ Alice Drexol and David WOld, both ti re service Including the message tesses for the conteSl.. State fl nal­ jsts competing i n the grazid"1iwuil' Seattle ; Ida Jo Gronke, S a e m, w ill be given by students. Ore.; Richard Barnwell, C o e- u r Dr. Walter C. Schnac ken berg wlU w ill appear on at Convention Hall in college sweaters, evening I

d'Alene, Idaho ; and Donald Liles, at this eleven o'clock worship serv­ Glendale, CaUl. i-ce Install t'he incomIng CSA offl- gowns and bathing su:l.ts. A national 1965 board of judges wIll select William Fi �k.1e, Portla.nd senior, cers formally. winner and National College runnerSJ{Jp a.t the grand Hnals. The judges wUl represent education, the arts ·beauty, fashion, as well such as stage, screen and The national college queen\ win­ ·ner will receive $5,000 In prizes, in.:' cludIng scholarships, a grand tour of Europt:, wardrobelO, nebwork appearances and other valuable rutllIty prizes.





Tire annual Delta Rho Gamma

.pecial meanin.: .be'll treaJure for a4Iifetim.e. Re,:ule«d and in.ured. quality Court.lup �eDU in .ettin. of incomparable beauty,


found only at jewelen of hi�b-

installation supper will be Thurs­

day, May 19, in the day room. At this time, ,the officers for next year

w111 be

announced and


nothing like



Q_RG Officers To Be Installed Thursday

it a chen,1ed .:ift carryw,: a


. or while at play




at home, at work

Janet Tunnan,

Her CourlJlhip Diamond Rio�


FOl"'tY'elght stat� college queen · ------!Inal l .t, and one from 'he Dlatr10t

'pertai ning to general topics.

Service May 22

:!� ::::;' Lu llheran

to e :���:�I�I:: o:t::�!s�I!�D�r! ;::

FeI rst Stu d en t In accordance with the



tangy. bracing, eve!-fresh.

2. FAST R�fRESHMENT . . . a bit o f quick energy for a wholesome litde lift.


Co-chairmen for the event are Kar­ en Malfalt and Eleanor Gilreath. VOting for officers w1ll be next week.






Ii i


Gilmer Victor In Th-rEte D ay D ecathalon

Friday, May


_ -_., -- -



Page Three

13, 1955 , . _--_ .

PLe Baseballers Split Doubleheader With Western Washingfon Vikings

Netmen Trip Western , Lose to c.PS Loggers

!:: :�� ���;:; �� � ��::':



, !I

' ' w t r .. n e» :'Itonday by a .. to 3 score, and l..ast. week, with the track team Pacific Lutheran's WootenL dl'o'I· ':\Ioore, 2b ...... ......... 3 dropped theIr match wit.h the ,.edf.:' slon title hopes died OlLt Tuesday :\Iay, ss .......... .........4 not having a meel, Cbach Salzman lege of Puget Sound Loggers on lhe when they could gain only a split Thompson, cf . .. ....1 Parkland ('ourts T·hursday by the ran a decathlon with all lr ck mem� 0 �ame tally. with the Vikings of !Vestern Wash- �lcAlllster, rf ... ... .2 bers l>a.rticlpating. It took three . ington. The Lutes won the flr&t Gaarder, It ... -.. ......2 0 Evergreen conterence s i n g I e s days to run off 1 3 even� of which game 7·::! behind Dwaine Brandt's Olson, 1 ..._ .... .2 champion Medin ot CPS waa Ihe best 10 were taken. The system three-hit pitching performance but �lIkulec , b .......3 too much for the Lutes. Pete Luof scoring was 13 points for a first committed se\en errors in the �ec- Calkln-s, .. _.. . ....... 1 vaas gave him a. battle In the sec: Lane, c .. ...... .. ......... 1 ond g,Lme and lost 8-2. place. 1 2 points for a second and \ ond :Je,t before losing 8-6. Medin Western opened the scoring 1 cOPlled the flrs.t 6-3. Medin teamed D. Brandt, p ..........3 on down Ito 1 point tor 13th place. the second inning when Aida Ander. with Jerry. SchaUn -to trim Luvaas Tom Gilmer won the decathlon son walked. stole second and scored 2t Totals .:.... 25 and Bruce HJlle In the doubles 6-l, with a total of 1 1 4 . 5 pOints. 'His first 3' 4 7-5: Bill Johnson and Adrian Knut.. ..,.... 010 001 0--2 on a .palr of throwing errors. • 'Vestern . ;; rlgbt;"lx;.:..holr.e, . .- =�:-=-.�I�...1...: ..!!' :�'.'!;�!r.:t:::-'::- _ ,�'. =-� :):::-.:!:::�::,":1:;,�-::'�.!. ..!�'!.-'�" .� ' �·:'/,.�ac� : ft.i,tt,.-':,:i?tll e: J()W ·nch·a;;;�·;Zriu· "),f- l Q I� .u�"""'. •.hl> ."'� ,�I\���:�:·;!!"!:i.�!�; down scoring 61 points ; . In second 'bottom ot the inning .to tie the R-Crook. Anderson. Moore, May,' son �'nd Ivan Seppala too� their b'road juUl'D. �co.Dd Dlace' went�o P �c was Clo\'er Creek .with 2'0 � score. Don Gaarder singled : 01· Thompsc}n, McAlllster 2, Gaarder, doubles ma.tch. � Galen Nusbaum, �vho won ...the 100� 'WID tS . Other teams scoring:. East- SOil bunted s a r e i y and Gaarder Olson. B-SmlUl, Swalwell, Hanson ....Luvaas SAd mile t9Dk singles 220 and javelin. Dale Storaasli was ern 1 9. Cen l ral B..1.rracks 15 . Fac- moved to third. The first baseman's 2 . Thompson, Calkns, Brandt. RBI""": matches at Westenl, and the two t.hird with a flrst In 'lhe high jump. lty 1 7, Vestern 9 , No rth Hall (2 ) throw to third went awry and Gaar..: Randall, Thompson 2, Olson, Lane Lute doubles teams were wlnners_ II \ Dave Englund won first in the shot- 7, Tacoma 3, and :\orth Hall ( 1 ) 1 3. 2B--Randall. 3B-Thompson. BB Luvaas leads the Lute nellers ·wlth . der scampeJ;e1l home. 'Put, discus and pole v a u I 1. Roy slngl�s play PLC went abead 'to slay in the --CrOOk, Thomas, Anderson, McAI- 5 wins �nd 3 losses Schw'arz took no firsts, but tinished 140- )·a ''d d Sh : 1.', m e 1 ' 01 V ' 1 ' t 0 fourtb when Ron �lcAl1lster made lister. SF-Lane. W-Drandt. L- for the season . fifth. , first on an error, Olson was safe Eckertt. H SS ( , C ) He ,;y) C , �tty ( , , 2n d, Saturday Coach Salzman \\i11 take Track. Tennis, G01 his thlncJads up 1'0 Bellingham for 3 1'd. Rawley (Cen. Bar) ; 4th, Salz- on a fielder's choice and an Infield out moved botlh ru nners up. Larry a 5·team meet consisting of U BC, (man ( Fac. ) ; &th, Rodin, (Ivy). Men Go To Spokane both score runners. Smith, 3b .... ..... .... ....1 IOO-yard dash: time ],0.9 ; 1st. J. Lane singled to 3 CPS. Western, PLC and an athletic A group ot 15 tennis, golf and A walk to Jim Moore. Don May's Crook. ss dub from Va'ncouver, B. C. On the Hennen.(Ivr). Haugo. (Elast. ) ; 3rd, track men will represent PLC a.t - Munson (1vy) ; 4th. Rawley (Cen. single, Gale Thompson's triple, 3 Randall, If tollowing Saturday oyer at 2 ,the Evergreen Conference springs 'IIlOl'e walks to McAllister, Gaarder Hanson, 'WOrtil the top performers In the Bar.) ; 5th, Larsen (NH2). . .. . 11 s.ports championships at Whltworth 120 low hurdles : Mme 15.'I. Haugo and Olson and Lane's sacrifice tly Aemmer, rf ............3 league will compete In the Ever: o In Spokane next Friday a.nd Satur­ ( Eas t). Pawle}' (Cent. Bar. ) . :!\lun· ' ve PLC four insur�nce m ns in E 'green Conferen� track meet. day, May 20 and 21. vans, p ...... 1 """"-I son (Ivy). Harshman (Fac. ) . Weh- Lhe (" r th , Coach 'Mark Salzman's f o r c e 8 Hughee, 2b . ........2 T m Western pu:t together two hits Sterna, c ..................4 aren't given much of a c h Q n c e .)' : time 25.5. Hennen a nd four errors, plus a walk and a against the powerful Whitworth a.nd Knudsen, ,p-rt . _...2 (Lvy), Haugo (Bast.), J. L a r a e n catcher's intert'erence <to score six Eastern cinder squads, but they tlg(NH2). D. Ross (Cl. Cr. ) , Knutson llllearned mns In -the fourth inning H ure to place in several events. Tom Totals ....... ._...32 21 (NHl). or the second game. ot · e eight Gilmer the broad jumrp is PLC's Hlg·h jump: 5 feet, 8% Inches. D. runs off Lute hw:1er Bud Lester Moore, 2b ..._ ... .... ..4 3 3 best chance for a tlrst in the meet. The PLC goU team has played Ross eel. Cr.). Schimke (West . ) . only the two in the seventh were May, ss ............... ....3 It Don Gaarder can get in shape . two matches 19 1 n e e the Mooring Harshman (Fa,c.), Haugo (East.) , earned. be could be a threat In the dashes. Thompson, cf . ....2 Webmer (Ivy). Mast last went to press. An injury to his right toot bas kept The Glads' runs came In the sl.xth Swalwell, cf . . ......4 Shotput, 38 feet. 2 inches: Marsh like 'this : Thompson was hit by ort. Last Friday the UBC Thunder· him on the shelf for three weeks. the College Harshman course on (Fac.). came birds to L. Ross Bvans, McAllister Singled, Gaardel (h-y), McAlHster , rf ... _. ..4 part of a 9-day ex,t,ended tour. They (Ivy), Salzman ( Fac.), Moe <iVY). singled to score Thompson and Me­ ART'S SHOE SHOP Ihad defearted CPS the day before, Broad jump: 19 feet, 4 y'! I nches. AIlis.ter scored on Olson's In· ·bllt when tlhey encountered the Schimke (WesL ), Mun'Son (Ivy), f ield roller Garfield Street Olson, .�. _... ... ....2 2 Lute forces they were held to stale- Haugo (Easi.) , Rod)n (Ivy). Pitch·fng was the Lutherans' big Lane, c .................. ..2 mate 7 1h-7Y.o!. Fbotball tos'S: 165 feet. 5 inches. gun as Western could muster only ' .. . Lester, p .... ...3 The UBC number three man, Har- Marsh (Ivy). Harshman ( Fac.) . three €larned runs during the day, I old Rice, shot a 72, two over par, Larsen (NH2), Pawley (Cent. Bar. >' but the 10 Lute errors led to their Totals ... ._....... 10 for medalist honors. Low for PLC Hennen (Ivy). downfall. W-estern . ............000 600 2-8 0 M rI'!I. with 73 880d R Ia TI 2 27 Iv wa G f Pac. Luth. ..........000 002 ()-2 5 7 . � �e, nson nda rsh e PLC f rces went Hall Od n � l to Bellingham to face the Western The sofltball league has just start· R-Smlth, Swalwell, H a n a 0 n, THE HANDOUT same number. Aemmer, Hughes 2, Sterns, KnudWashIngton ViKlDgS, whom they ed up and Norbh Hall (2) began the &. The box scores: 'tied. earlier this year. 'l'h1s lime, season with a smashing bagfull of sen, Thompson, Mc.AllIster. E-May ,bowever, ·they met with a WOI'�e run'S. A total of 30 runs were scored . , Olson 2, Lane 3. RBI- Swalwell ' 0 3 2, Hughes, Sterns, Gaarder, Olson. fa.t e, as rthey lost 13lh·4lh. Low tor In the seven Innings of play by the Smith, 3b . ...... . ... ..4 .. 2 'Vestern was Bob Doyle with 7 4, lads on second floor. Their oppan- Crook, ss 2B-Hugbes. SB--Hughes 2, Gaar. C. Fred Christensen while Moms was once again ents were held to 13, which is usu· SwalweU, cf ........... ,4 der, DP-Moore !lo May to Olson. low for the Lutes with 81. ally enough ,to win. Too many ot the. Randall, It ... . . . .... .. .3 HBP-May, Thompson, Lane. Wg a m e s are going by the forfeit Hanson. Ib .............. 3 Knudsen. L-Lester. •. route. To make this season a suc- Thomas. rf .. . ..... 2 cess let's play all -the scheduled con- Anderson, 2'b ..... . .. . 1 Kohlwes, c .............. 3 tests. TOM'S In the other sprlng events, borse- Eckertt, p ..............2 PROMPT, COURTEOUS FUEL shoes, gole, badminton and tennis Ohrls-tlaw, p .......... 0 IC.E CREAMERY (sin�les and doubles) are now en- Galley, .p .. ............. 1 OIL DELIVERY • • • lering <the semi·flnals. The, school year is coming to an end very qulckTotals ..............25 18 I)', so let's get those matches played i The 'nlramural track meet was held Wednesda.y. ,,'IUt the track wet and slow. A tall \\1nd aided the dash men but the slow track kexn the times down. Denny Hoss coupe{} thlee first places. wlnntng the 440yard dash, the SSO-yard and the high jump. Jack H e n n e n aDd Hugh :-'Iarsh both took two e\'eots. Hen· nen winning the lOO -yard <la� and 220-yard.�'\sh and Marsh .laklng the honors r:l ')he SIH)tput and football throw.. Haugo. running for Easter-n. dId all the ,honors tor the squad, taking 1 9 , points ot: Eastern's total








r�� � ;'



Madden's Men's & [iUre Men's Sho Remember us


Pacif c Luth.

' when you need printing

GRanite 7 1 00 ,

LaGrosse Printers

PRINTERS FOR YOUR CO'LLEGE Loc.ted a'cross from the Triple X at 118th and' Pacific Avenue

In -------




Pacific Luth_




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o1 o 2







Milk Shakes

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GR, 9H5

When You Want Book.

Bookseller and Stationer 932 Pacific Ave. BR. 4629 Tacoma Wa.h.


Poehel Distributing Co. Your Fuel Oil

GRanite 4242

programs, cards, ribbons, pamphlets, tickets, etc . . . . that's our business! •




Parkland Center :aIdg.


��B�:�dt�blf : ::: ::::� Ib

:: : R 1: Le��:;�:�;��I�! :�� :: �:! :�: Western






� �r: � �

. .


l%ler �



��� :�:�:!h

Pl.:C Golf Team P I ays



Track Meet Results

140th and Pacific Avenue


Appliance Dealer

Phone GR. 8824

Parkland XXX Drive-In Delicious Double Patty HAMBURGER�5c Delicious Hot Chocolate

119th a. Pacific

GR, S�ll





Page Four

Friday, May 13,






by Bill Johnson, ACP










_L_:....� ;.r.. �:--::::: :; .-

� _.7:'"_ �-.... "I..;.r.'-' -_-...:.-"':-�'."" ��_-:-"'-!."'. '''�'" ;,._�.

Tassels. Sp urs Tapped Box Social Is . _.

�:�I :�:·I���. J et


(Continued from Page One) an

Turman. and Dor-

Marlon Leonard was I n charge of

pinning the Tassels for 1 955-56. The

Tassels who

were pi nned


Eety Anderson. Myrna Berg. Bobbie

Birkedahl. Jean Cogburn, '"Virginia

Grahn, Ida Jo Gronke, Ruth HeIno,



Miller, Barbara Howard, N O l I t ' eatrice )lu][ord, R u t h Myrwang, Thelma



an ne-

Sunday[, May 15 Swimming.

Malldie Straub, Donna



aod - Installa-

program of the C.S.A. 'Bpx


Sunday. May 15. The event w111 be Lake Spanaway lt rthe day Is


sunny, but In the SUB Ir the weath­

er Is poor.

Stuart Gilbreath will be Installed president of

S-(;,ao- 'Ross







'Judy Eureker as publicity chair· The AWS officers (or the coming man. and Eddie L.1.rson as steward-

son. and �1i1dred Van BUren.

Bchool year were also installed.

ship chairman.

her Sllccessor. The new officers are :

event should meet In the front hall

Each out·going

B e t t y Jean

Thelma Gerda

otflcer I n stalled





vice-pres ident;

secretary ;


Anderson, treasurer; Janet Wigen.

ICC representatlve; Pat BonDurant. publicity chairman;

ger, social chairman.

Helen Jordan-

All those planning to attend the

boxes of lunches and then they '\\ill

be auctioned off to the ceeds from




event will go to the

C.S.A. Pedal pushers are in order


the Box







please sign up on the list in Old Main.

Pictures of the activity "'ill

taken for Life magazine.


SUrprise Lake.





Saturday, May

9 : 00 <l..m. --Facuity meeting. L-104. 1 30·5: 30-Freshman .

clas�. · p cn ic .

Spana\\'ay Lake.


1 : 30--Track meet at West. Wash· College - PLC. CPS. Western. Central and UBC .

6 : 00 p.m.-Pi Kappa Delta banq uet.

Sunday , May



7 : OO-Al'pha SIgma Lam'bda, room.

U. S. POSTAGE Bulk Mailing PAID



Per.mlt No. 51


Thur5day, May 19

4: OO-F.T .A.


Council to distribute- cash contributions of over $'10.000.000 as well as

sllpplles valued at another $40,000"

000. The 1954 contributions In cash

and goods exceeded $11,000,000, of which $4.000.000 was the value of

surplus foods donated by the U. S.

Government. Lutheran

World Action,

nual fund appeal of Lutheran

the an·

1: OQ--Campus Devotions, TC.

backbone of world-wide churches


and t o




the nearly






pated from the 1955 Lutheran World

Action appeal, the National Luther-

Laurinat:s Apparel

"Dlatlnc:tive. Merchandllc" Parkland 409 Gadie ld St. Phone GRanite 5317 Stella's Flowers


Flowers for All Occasion. WE DELIVER PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS 415 Garfield St.. GR. 7463 Klopscb.



TRICKS - JOKES - 'MAGIC Co'tumea, Tuxedoes, Serpentine MA. 4861 926!1z Broadway

burger, .



FI,h and Chip, .' PI.,.

.�e-made &" Pacific �


U n!ted StItte





Refugee Rellef ' Lu ' theran m S lssion llelds I






Ta · n.


Jordan, Syria, Ja;pan, Hong Kong. South


a.n d'

Southwest Africa

Lutheran World Actio n funds gath-

ered I n 1955, and another $HO,OOO






La t i n


WOMEN WANTED Temporary, six montha. M a l l poatcards. Good nandwrltlng or typewriter. Box 47, Watertown,

Mass. �=== ===;


Feature Lock Diamonds Waltham

ri nd Elmer G���e Garfi �l� :t� kland GRanite 78.28 ':::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::." ::::

Parkland Jewelers


BICYCLE RENTAL Garfield 8t. GRanite 5n2 Announcing the opening of the office of DR. LYNN H. THURMOND Optometrl.t


Vlsua lAnalysfs - Prescription of Lenses -�l TrainIng

,Summer Hours: Tue,day thru Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 5 :30 p.m. CLOSED MONDAYS

- --

-- , , --}::::=::.::::::1t::.::-::.::.::::.::.::.::�::::::.::.::-::::::.::.::-::.::.::.::.::.::.::::.::.::'::::::�-=a:


I ::: -:::-:::'::: :i � -::: -::: t's::: :::Y:::ER:::: N:::'S:: ;:::1:: for c:ooked to order DeLuxe Ham-


refugees. I t and

and a $4,000,000 donation or govern­

1 1 : 00-Award Da.y, OMS. Faculty Wives,


other� relle f . supplies, and $150,000 for a refugee

as girts. to Lutheran World RelIef ,:

Friday, May 20

Junior Class Cruise. Track, Whitworth, Conf.


,____________" ,


Caps, L-104 .


also supports tb.P. Lutheran Church's

1954. Including caSoh contrtputions

7: 3Q--FTA, u-pper SUB.


opment of Lutheran congregation s



The National Lutheran Council's

6: 3Q--Alpha Phi Omega, Irl04.

7 : 1 5-Whlte

addiUon, $325,000

' ce ssing and distribution of clothing,



total contribution to rellef work in

5 : 3 0-DRG Installation, Dayroom.


earmarked for the gathering,

cooperation In mission fields, aid to have been earmarked for .t he devel-

lerent countries.

pIcnIc, W-a·pato.

from war effects as well as be­

the National Borneo will receive $750.000 of the

Council. is the financial

people 'have been clothed and fed



used clothing. food and other relief food,

'by Lutheran World Relief in 28 dif-

5: 3Q--DRG Installation, clubrOQm.



in war-ravaged countries. Ho

7 : 3()--8purg' Installation.

. • .



7 : 00-American Chemical Society. ment surplus food, . 108. 000,000.

3-IN-1 TO SERVE YOU BETTER Standard Heating Oils - Heating Equipment - Heating Service Enjoy That "PLi:fS" Service MARV TOMMERVIK'S


hind the Iron Curtain.


The more than $8,000,000 gltts


s upport to minority

Lutheran World Action gifts have


May 18


groups in countries which SltIU But­

Dllring the last fifte€n years the

LWA and LWR since 1940 have 4 : DO-LDR Tea. South Hall lower ,been used for emergency activities loullge. of the Lutheran Church at home 1 2 : 30--Dayroom Girls, Dayroom. 'and In 75 countries abroad, mosUy


000 for I�ter-church aid, service to

observe Lu· refugees


SPC here.

Tuesday, May



minIstry to American mll1tary per-

9 : 00-Blue Key, ASHO office.

I: 30-Track-PLC,


theran World Action Sunday .


6 : ,15-Prayer Sel"Vice. L-104. 7 : 30-I.C.C., L-104.

Mrs. Svare's home (open to the

3820 South Yakima

120th & Pacific Avenue

Monday, May 16

On May 22 more than 10,000 Lu­ an , Council expects to spend $865.·


{he United States

S y I v i a StoraasU-Ql"lhopedfc Tea, from Lutheran World Jtetion as well


HD''''':, .nun .uu"


the Ocean.

9: OO-C.S.A. Council, clubroom.






7 : 30-Lady Lutes, clubroom.

DaUy Pick-up and Deli�ery service


q uet. Top

7 : 00-Toastmasters banquet.




6: 30--AJpha

6 : 45--)flss:\on Crusaders, TC.

for Cleaning

Open a Savings Account NO W


6 : 3()--spurs, 4th floor lounge.


Thrift is Part of Your 'Education


2 : oo-7: 00-Junlor

1 2 : 50-Lettermeri, M-I09.

CALL HA. 3371 Sanitone Approved



1 : 3 0�Golf.'here, PLC vs. CPS. vs.

4 : 30-----C .S.A. Basket Social, on cam-

Social who will have room In


1 : 30-Tennls. here, PLC

The girls are -to pr�pare pretty


: 3 O-Baseball. away, PLC vs. CPS.

L OO-S : O O-Lettermen's picnic, Lake

rides for everyone.

Anyone wishing to go


Wapato Park.



class picnic.

of Old Main at 4 p.m. There will be

for the girls.

dimes in time will grow into

ri a , May ::! : 00-7: 00-Sophomore

F dy

of ol'flcers wlll comprIse the


kuchen, Joyce Puffert, Myrna S�ek... as



i" '




i" I

NEW LOCATION: 415 Garfield St.. next to the Donut �ar �ARKLAND CENTRE PARKLAND


" I








• "": '-�

-.! �7· :-·






FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1955

Goi Langlie to Speak

,.j; .... <JI�� : �;�;,�r<l!��-€....'\fi�':-JBtiS .. --:"'-:;'!'r- �•., l"r *� .. h"O�.'!.·;;- (�t)£'���n1 if' 'proce5'!1rumll- :unr


�1�Db���'�I�b�Q�!! "I�O�C�'� !! : Lt 1 "1 1 of d benediction. re('eiyc wi t h their be is first of wi inl ng wil

rl..��", ,,,

., I.ll.ltlleatc sertnon Sunday morning I:lIOIHtl P.l(,lflC LutlHh,:tn College ' The J>1'('�hlellt{\'old will preside PI.C president ..will -speak to tho and confer tl.rc ,legrp(,s. The �el\iol" class at Lhe service schedlkandt Aber een will uled for o'clock in the college pronol1l;ce the Go,'. AI'lbtl/" B. Lang1ie will give' �Iernbers of Trinity Lutheran tile adlJress anll an honor­ Church, Pa·rkland, will worsill!) ;try degree at the commencement the seniol's and gHests. The exercises that "ftemoat" at 3: 30 He\'. Erling c. Thompson, Trinity p.m. ill tile gymnasium. The lJuhliC Jtaslor, will the liturgist. in.iled to attend the gradnation. The PLC " Choir of .the West," A group of 150 students are candiA d for degrees. ates under the direetion of Prof. Gu nnar For the time in the history .I \tahnin, will sing three anthems. Following the service, the gradn· ihe college -the ma-wter ot arts d given. be l l F'our persons class of 159 students form egree ring on the enmpliH green and be have completed their work for thls fOl"wally accepted Into the PLC degree in the field at education. They are Harry Er:ickson, Tacoma; SOON TO RISE! Pictured above is the architect's conception of the new College Union Building, due to be Alumni AssociaUon. Hillman and Cora Svare, Governor Arthur Langlle will "resley o m�p I 'ted ne xt fa I I c�:_. land; and, David Roberts, Aber_ give t'he commencement address at ::;� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ..: :_. :... :_. :_. � :_. � _ � _ . __ ___ 3 : 30 p.m. Sunday in the college r of the graduai d 5 Let Tor N ew U nlon, " Gra d ua t'Ion Reel'fa I ::;:7�SI::h�::r:�I��t:�1l0��:�:: aUng class will enter the field of I t eachlng and will get degrees in degr�. education. Another three. -.; N e x1. Bu," Id ", ng S1.-.;ar1.s The Rev. W. n. Hellman or San nursing -.; Wee k . Features Salal'sts up medical technology. Calif., wlll receive a doc- willThelake Bids were 'let Wednesday tor con- executive committee granted a sab- The Pacific Lutheran College de- Marino, graduates tor the most part e batical leave to Mrs. 'Valter Young, partment of music will 'present its ��r structlon of .the new college union 'assistant e �;s��c�� !:;��::� ��: �::n��oOft;::le�:n:���' :�� prof�ssor ot P YSlcal ed tlnnual commencement recItal Sat- I.l.t t��A ��f:��: and a decislon. was made to erect a th ra.n Churcb. He w:UJ e-I..... .. !romr: No J"W4.y and OUQ trom C.l..lladn. -caUon. She wl!l_ do �ra�ua;: \�r: .�.lI-day evening .at. 8 o·alouk. ·ln tb9 nei- dormitory In -the fall at a meet..- at n tor lohe graduation exer- BachelQr the University 0 Wa9" in on college chapel auditorIum. The pro- invocatio of Arts: Anita Andering at the executive commUtee of during elses. r sc I CO lng t!he -son, Richland; Roger Arestad, Can. gramc "ill be complimentary to the The eollege choIr will sing two the college board ot trustees �ir sa��:� i , ca l th eave Thl by, Oregon; Jean Baker, Tacoma; th . publi were awarded e grant� �y 1.�I.' co�lege under new T�a anthems. 'Dhe college band, under Berg, Kent; Richard Bersie, contraots efor the college u n I o n. system set up .this year. While on Voice and p I � n 0 students wlll rthe direcUon ot Prof. Gordon O. GIl- Roy dominate the program, but- a string 0'____________ �nag:::�La�a:!�, ��� ::::�;' which wlll cost $300,000 when com- a l be paid half ,fleted in the fall. Northern Con- �� �:r�:����:�a;;� quartet will play. Borden, Parkland; Arthur struclion Company will be the gen- R. Byard Fritts, assistant prates- Jeanne Frieske, Spokane senior, Sen ,"or Chapel .WilHam Bowman, Tacoma; rue-hard Brandt, eral construction contractor, and sor of music, was granted a year's will sing three s o n g s, Including Aberdeen; Alan Carlson, Aberdeen; Bergh-Griggs Company will be the leave at absence to work on his doc- "Songs My M9ther Taught e, arbara Carlson, Eugene, Oregon ; mechanical contractor. Tune Thy Strings" and "Free-M Is" D ay Fea tures B'fiheodore . t or's deg;ee at Eastman School of " Carlstrom, AnUoch, Cal.; Johnson-Austin, Associa�e Archi- M Rochester, N. Y. The college the GYPSY," all by Dvorak. f L Gordon Cbristensen, Everett; Flor· G tects, Tacoma archItectural firm, grausic, nted hIm a scholarship of $1,2{)() James Simonson, sophomore tenChristensen, Oo.k Harbor; RobCI ass Ir� ence Curtis, designed rt:he modern building and for this year of study. In addition to or, will sing two Handel selections, ' 55 Cashmere; Geraldine The class of 1956 .presented the ert will 6upervise con3lruction. rt! the DepaI'tment of Christian "Rendi Sereno Al ClgHo" and "Non annual Dixon, Seattle; Rodney Ellertson, S e n l o r Day program In Par land; "Funds are on hand to completely Education ot the Evangelical Lu- Lo Dlro Col ;.abbro." Evenson, 'l':Illito begin the k Wil Edward rpay tor the building," President S. theran Chureh has granted Profes- James LaMont, Tacoma tenor, will chapel this morning, Ham Finkle,.Portland, Ore-commencement weekend. It was cgum; C. Eastvold stated atter the meet.- sor Fritts a scholarship. ane; on; Orning F lstad, sing "Where'er ou Walk," by Hanje Y t , l also the ast day o school at PLC Alan Freed, Seattle; ReidSpok ; ing, "and ·the contractors have asdel, and "Q u e s t a a Quella," bY 'tor French, , most "Ot them. sured us that construction wlll start Four) Verdi. PU6 on ontlnued (C 'MarchIng 1.n the Quditorlum, led ,the first of next week." Tacoma mezzo-sopranb C,rmen by j1.iIi1or marShallS S it u a r t Ga. The one-story building will have N· ieIsen ' C hosen Nordlund by will sing "Aurora," brea· t h and Ruth HeIno, ;the class covered area,.pf 23,000 square teet, A5 ' 1 955�1' 95 6 Faure, and " Orevre Ton Coeur," formed a.n impressive group. Class Homecoming and a terraced court and patio area · 'by Bizet. advisor Pastor Kuethe .then presentin Ule middle of 3,000 sQuare teet. 81 ue Ke.y H ead baritone, ed the graduating class to the stu- To Be Oct. 1 5 ; Seattle Price, Gerald New Dormitory Blue Key officers for 1955-56 are: '....ill sing "Love T.hat's True Wlll dent body. Scripture and prayer was The owo.oodo°r.mllO�n �!�: ° �� Presiden Homecoming plans for the com­ t, Topper Nielsen; veep, Live Forever," by H a n d e l, and I�d by Bob Keller_ 1 .... a"bout $�e nd Leads to Ba.tItie," by Buonon- Class Pr�l6.eni.. Vera H a n s o n ing year .have been announc� by students. It wi.ll be located west ot Gordon Strom: recording secretary· "Love a talk on bellaH of the class_ gave hairmen 'Ellen Henry, Terry Brown . clni c North Hall and wlll torm a Quad· treasurer, Stan Hulsman; corre- . presenta.tion of the class gtlt and Dale Sch1mk.e. The date select­ rangle with North and South Halls. &pOnding secretary, Bill F o e g e; Joan Meyer or Espanola wlll play The was made by Bud Lester. ed is October 15, but at this time three piano opleces by J�us lsser- . Following this the senior class the theme has not·been Ratification of this decision mUBt rep., Dwa.1ne Brandt. chosen. The ling-"Medilation,'" "Moment · M uslIbe made the PLC AssocIation, I.C.C. football team will meet Central in Sunday cale" 'and "Le Vol D'Une Hiron- &ang the school 'hymn. which will meet here June 7 In con- A banQueL was held..6 on Entert.a.lnment in).he program. inthe Lincoln Bowl. nectioD "ith the Pacific District evemng, 'May 22, at o'cfock, at delle." J e a n n e Frieske, singing Committee 'heads are: convention of the Evangelical Itu- Top of the Ocean a chicken Pianist Onella Lee of Ferndale eluded "SOng of Love" and "Deep in My Coronation, Virginia Gra:hn, �Hel· Itheran Church, smorgasbord. At this Ume the 11 will play "RejoIce, Beloved Ch_ris- Heart"; Carlstrom presenUng en Jordanger; Pep Rally, cheerlead­ The $100JOOQ bequest rec,eived r - neopkytes were initiated into Blue tlans," by' Bach·Busoni, and the a reading,Ted "Why Bothe� About Bro­ ers; Coffee Hour, Joanne Poencet, cently by' the college trom the es-a Key fourth movement [rom "Sonata III," therhood"; a.nd a. plano duet lty Esther Ellickson; Girls' Football, and the new officers installed. by DelIo Joio. tate ot the late John S. Baker, Ta- Pledges Anna Lee and Kathy Elde. Barbara MacDonald, Monique Wet­ conclude Initiation coma f1�ler and 'Philanthropist, by usheringwill GrlfCharles by Peacock," "White Following <tt1e chapel program the 'ten; Parade, 'Hoover, Carol commencement. at 'will be applied toward the cost ot SwenEunIce played flth, by will be class gathered outside for the plant- Bottemlller; Regls1:raUon, Margaret the new dormitory. Antioch, Calif. ing of the class bUs'h. The planting Canis; PubUctty, Connie Hustad, The hOusing needs of Ithe college Congratulations! ·sonA orstring by the class president, J e r r y Slattum; Campus Decora­ was elthe play will et t Qual'l during the comins yea.;: will dete�- With the coming of summer, two legro movement [rom M a z a r t's Vern done and class secretary, tion'S, Ross Goetz; AlumnI Banqu!1-, mine whelher the new dormitory more engagements have been an- "Quaret I." The players will be AI- 8e\'erlyHanson, Tranum. Holum read Marlys Solterbeck, Lorille Hetty; will be used for men or ,,'"Omen. It·is Dounced. Delores Hotrstrom and zora Albrecht, Kennewick; Janet the proclama.tion John ·the ceremony. Halt-time enteI"tainment, JaBe Wolk expected that the buildIng wm be Catherine Sannerud bave both re- Smith, Port-Angeles; Joan Meyer; ' To complete ,thea.t daY', there will be and Anita Schnell; public add� 19 e S ready Gordon O. Gllberlson, PLC mu- : ��as� �:� at Lake Wilderness system, Larry E g g a n; a.dvJs8r8, =;8��O��g ����L�:V!' 56. celved that special piece of jewelry asicndprofessor. h Nesvig, Karl and Ramstad. a . � In other action Wednesd�Y the for the lett !land, fourth finger. Hcv, H. D.


. •

1 .


I·�ifty·six member!l 12








, f fif'


I, '

JU N 3 . '55

Page Two \ . r l'

-� -: flI �





: : � :� o

.;·':;:o ,

o t

: :� t


Dedication An no u nced;

Professor Ramstad Is Selected

or a new experience. ��::�5�beS:�ir:�::��to�!:u�::� After all, for .the seniors It Is "Com-

ch m WIlIi!lm Ramstad, head ot e · s y t � � 1� =:�e ot S&1nt Olaf Col� Office: Student UnJOn B Telephone GRa.nJ.te 8611 the a n n u 11 to PO)fessor Anders lege in 1914, Dr. Ram lrtad 8Ittended Subscrlptlo!' Price-S3.00 per yeu mencemenL" Why shouldn't It be Luther Theological "Seminary and just same for the rest of us? his C.T.S. in 1918. From !bere ,took the congrega.t1on at Next year we'll be seniors. juniors, Phinney Ridge hu rch in and sophomores, whlch 15 In itself Seattle and some yean later a..c:. something new ..B1,I.t �\'e need not go Hls Bremerton. cepted a call to that scllOOling was complete when in ' Summer Is the next step (If they from 1936 he was granted his 'N ,have one ¢h Unlversit} 01 Washington wJllhere). A few of tl;lec'hstu� s ool att nd dents . �roreS6or Ramstad'e e-oare� on . NKWs...STAF..f�I; Erekvam, Agnes Halla 4 Barbara q ronke, Ar· here and at other colleges. Others the PLC campus bas been long and . r: � r l - "�·� . ..

Wng tina1. We should consider it as ahe beginning


Hagev1k, editor or



received be

Lulheran C



Q U O VA DI S? S�ga the



7. he Moori"9 M ast .,

FrIday, May 'ZI, 1955

Published every Friday during the &Choot year by student. of Pa.e.Lt!e ' Luthenr.n College.







...........JOAN KITTELSO


su et mm

:��..'���: J�:: :����;.� ��::��::�:;:r �:n:?:?:?��:���:��

· �:�;a..E·�;�ifa o · WS E vIT O R.. . NE

..... .







-travel, the Ariibassadors will t nventi n , s:��· O 8 :� :�: . In the v.'"aD.derings the vacation MAKE-UP .................................... _._ . . ...._..DOROTHY JOHNSON you will find that you are a ·travel. billboard. You will come to rea.l� SPORTS EDITOR .. .. . . ...... . .. .. . _._.. ...... . .._........... . .. .._.WAL1\BALL jng b e that you are an advertisement SPORTS STAFF-Loole Spry, Clyde �nz. Dan and Brian PrIce . of PLC, of college, or Ohrist. Before AD f4'ANAGF..R........._..... . . ....... . . . ........_.._.._.._...PAUL LUCKY th.Is knowledge comes to you, it .. .. . . . ... ._,.... .... ... _.._. .JlAY GOLD wHl unimportant how you act. "" Bm atter you see how much your Exchange Edltorsconduct, thoughts and speech influ�aetit18 Basehore, Doris Beverly P·ierson, Shirley Vev ge a.n ence "your" school and "your" God, ...........

. ... . . .. . . .. . . ........ . BUSIN�S MANAGER . .... . . . . .

E e nl s P u . .F r F A��r�� ���: ;�; �;::, ��:�� �u���: � ��� w��; Sackman.


. .. . Rose,






""=;==:: �-;:=:�:=.��}:-:��2E : '" Tfien tn 1925 he' jolned the�llege




rtt wil be 'hard to be less than


ProfeSior Ram.tad

example -to others.



seniors are on the threshhold while the underclassmen seem mere­ ly. to hav� begun their trck-�on the path to learning. But time goes s"'6 ·fast-w ill be ready to open the door when our commence­ ment is here?



The prayers o the college family will be with each graduat­ . ing student; prayers for happiness a n d success. And prayers also , that God will lead them. as Weill ::a(" ::all ont students:, on the right . paths to His eternal kingdom.

Led by the Hand Sopb..,


The moon looking down A river close by.

A musical cricket, A gay Ut�e frog. A 'playful SQuirrel,



Awards Give n PLC St:udenb In Assembly


wRh a talk challenging the enUre A a calm, student body 1.0 strive for excellence A bright twinkling star. (If scholarship and service. He em­ An answer to prayer phasized that the student body rep­ too far. resented the future leadership In The a.till of ,the nJght church, s.tate and home. A $Ofit, cooling breeze, 'The 15 who were chosen The tinkllng music for "Who's W'ho Among Students Of the leafy trees. 1n American and Unlverai· Gone despair, but Victory must ties" were trod, They are: Faltoh Bueltman, Donald Led by the hand of Al ghty God. Garder, Vernon Hanson •. J8bn Hol­ um, Jack Iris Nordman. Carol PaUl, Alta Pre tbye, Brian s Price, l\lina Raaen, Ramon Reier­ son, Gerald Schlmke, ErvIng Severt08on, Nancy and P h i P



50 milliMl

RocognlUOD tor eOhola.r.htp and

fear of life and tomorrow?

limes a day a, home,

III work





An old brown ldg.

"Senior .Burgers" this

leadershtp was given' several stu­ 'c.. dents last Friday at the annual What Is It' :that causes the tear and awards day chapel program. the sorrow; Dr. Eastvold opened the program

Written by Beverly Smith, Can It 'be

A figure of despatr, A tear; a Sigh,



presented certificates.



Turman, 'Wigen. . Clifford M Korsmo,

.coma area. Their son, 'Yilllam Jr., ts past president of the state W.E..A. and has on the alumni board.




the way

Dr. ECistvold

S. C.


EaMvold win be 8pea..k:� Dr. baccalaureate sernc&8 o n Ing at Thursday, June 5 . The fIrst. one w1ll 'be for F'rilnklln Pierce at 3: 00 build­ and w ill be held In the tng. He wIll give the address en. titled "Tall Lights," at lssa.quah at 8 : 00 p.m.






nothing like


Lutheran Brotherhood Life In­ surance Society, presented $300.00 scholarships to ipra.semlnary &tu� � dents Delvln Hutton and av1d Wold. The George Fisher Memorial Tro­ phy was awarded to Vern Hansen. This trophy is annually to a senior �t'hlete on lbas·ls of char·


still the head of that diviB1on. '.At one time, "Rammy" � the athlM1c coach (or all sports, a.t wQllch time he received his tamiUar nJckn8.¥. Prof&S6or and Mnt. RamMad have ,three children, aU Uvlng In the 'J'W,o

_ _ _ - --------_ _ _ _ �

fect. This ·Is not only for the. sake or La.k.e.. Wilderness will be the scene Rather, It Is ' to afternoon. show yourself tba.t you live the of the Senior picnic " With the past put behind us, we set our steps towards the T h e Hamburger supper will be free which you express and future. " for attending members and enterto believe. The student body of Pacific L u theran College may this week tainment wll1 be provided. The piclook forward again to the time of graduation-the commence· nlc Is under ,the chairmanship of ment of a new life in an ageing yet opportunity -filled world. Our Phyllis Grahn and Brian Price.

Step Toward the F u ture

<" �

r e ��:u�he����a�!;:!:n� g:n�z�




given the

, · A cLcri.Led poI.n.aiOD for W. - Ler cuefull,. Mlected Coorllhlp diamond. Set in a:quisitel,. C&ned mOUDtin�,

of .beer Lriltanca and Le.ut,..

tLe.e radiant "em' are a cODltaDt .fOurc.

A1t1oo�L of ...""' ....d quality, '* utered alld iD'l:l.I"ed Co�hhlp iHa. mood Rip".

modedl,. pri«d.

f., IH,"f co••rs", ,...,. _ ....,... .... COIITS." , ,. O. It. l'lf, SHftl. fl, .....,ltfft. &re

acter, scholarship, leadership, con­ tnbutlons to school llfe and athletic Te<:ord. OneMa Lee was given the annual music scholarship the Tacoma Alumnae Chapter ot M'll Phi Ep.­ silon, natJonal music sorority. Five senior men received fellow­ ships and a.ssistantshl1)S gmd· uate study. They are: William Knorr, a·teachlng rellow� . ship in zoology at the University ot Washington. Donald Mann, teaching asslstant­ Sb..I p In mathematJcs at the univer­ ·slty. . Alan Moen, teaching assistant. (Continued on Page Th e )


L-l'OB. TASTlI • • • br/aht,

bradaa. _&eoh oporIde,



qa!d: .......,. -

2. !OR I!I!PIllISHMI!N ...

.. - jalq ...pc&u, • few calories .. half

- "- A01ItCIJTf Of 11tI COCA.cOLA COMPANY ..


� II • Neh...... trode-t. .... ..


, AJ_L., " /lAW�_ SfW""'f ""' : ��




by WI" Bill


Happ>" daze. ·pomp and Circumstance: It's all ove r-for 80me, tba.t Is. As far as athletics are concerned, everyone can go home happy. havfug witnessed 'everything' from gOOd. hard-fought football to Bud Lester s ' dat.zllng agility at the ping-pong table. V ern Hanson also ",-anted me to

be sure and ma ke known the ract that fie Is Intramural horseshoes cham· pion for the third year in a row.

Seriously speaking, though, since this Is -the last edition of the M oorin� Moast, It is only fitting to bid adIeu to the graduaUng atbletes,' and In so doing ac.Qualnt the reader with BOme of their aocompliehments. So, boodbye and good luck to: .



Dud Lester. "'ho bas lettered In baseball for (our s.easons. Urian Price, who ' has earned two letters fn : football, and one In


: .-t_� ::"' -"' �1l:"' : -' '- ':";'':'' -. � .. .-:.�_., .�::. A:�. :.-.lo?-�":'-" ••" ' \





Vern Hanson .

�e: �::.:�.::�� Pete


.'�.'. '�:" ;




tour letters In baseball



has four letters In tennis. e


thre6'ln basketball.


�::.::. � �:t � jn football. Ivan Seppala, two-year letterm:an at tennis. :F'mnk Lanca9ter, who earned two letters n football. Bob Romne�. with




And to Bob Marvonek, who baa managed all four sports tor the last

12 years..

1 ,.,·ould like to take this opportunity to thank all of ·the memb.ers

of the sponts starf during


past yeaT,

Dw-alne Brand1, Dan Rose, Loole Spry,

Gary Schulenberg.


And then I suppOse �d t.ha.nk


who read


which Includes Brian Price. Eddie Larson, Clyde Oenz, and


worthless column_


or two


The PLC golf team closed Ollt

their season with two Imllre8slYe Ivy Hall, who b&ve been In the triumphs in the JaM. two weeks. championship running tor e .. c '"First among the vlotarles was the sport. h ve won .the over-a cham U & win over the CPS SQuad. The score plonahlp for the ear. They led the y In faYor of PLC. Th stood 11 nner.up Elastern team by a. large scores for the Lute golfer� were' argln of ovet' 300 .polnts. Gary IMorris. 69. the low s c o r e In the soM.ball league, this spting, amon g the I inksmen this se& n ; 9o Central Barracks and Tacoma -tied Dick Kent, 78 Bob Romnes, ; Ed fOT the first place honors. Bach Larson. 81 : and Dave �rntsen. 82. tteam sported a 5 and 1 record In In ,the last match of the 8ea�n . flnl9hlng the S8a90n. Jerry Schimke the �olf squad defeated the U. of W. won the stngles .tourn�y In ten�ls, _______


�.3 '"

73 ;

. take the dou�le9 round. Vern Han· 75 Gary Mom s 76 D I c k son dumped Bud Lester tor the ' , Kent 78, and Dali.e. Berntsen, !third stral ht yeaT to. win the .tl� These last two matches also d� In h�rs oes. HUl Johnson took termined who went to the conter. the badmJnton cllamploll.8'hl.p. e e e dl ::� B�: �:: : :r: " j g n , Qualifiers and Ed Larson edged Dick tion. co l Intramura anned mpeti tOT Kent In a play-off for ··the third spot .pl All thl')!le Interelrted, get those a1"1ll8 In Spokane the Lute torces fin· 1n s'ha-pe this Bummer and next tall {shed fourth. Play was at the Indian 'be ready for the idng pin sport Canyon Golf Course. Rumors were A word of thanks goes .to those rthat 'horses were furnJahed to belp men who make .this intramural prothe players up and down the hllls, gram <posSible, Mr. Sal man, the z It was around 85 degrees both days maln eupervi80T, who does the sa. over there. �rso



: ':: ::o:'::�:


lebters In goU:



, . "Y = TH E M o --- __ _ � PI•• Thr. 9", 27, 1= ly M.,;. F,ld.;. ==;-=-:hosen � C I NTRAMU RA L The Lyceum commlttee haa been HIGHLIG HTS cbosen for 'MOt yoor. T h e y are


DavId Knutson and Myrna Sheher, co-cbairmen ;

class repreeenta.t1Tee

are: senior, Stan Hulsman: juruor. D e 1 .p hlne Danielson;


Janet EmHson ; freshman. to be

lected next }'t!ar. The commlttee· \1Q.

der a faculty advisor chose

the Ly-

oeum ArUst guests who will per.



Idiots (besides my.



;."::: c:;,:,�:: ':'� : '! ;:.::


Homnes Is the only member of the ·team who will be lOEJt by gradu­

a:tion, so prospects are1.Of!>a

tl stlcs scheduling of games and of. flcJat:l�. Gary Sam'ble. sa,lzma.n'. claUng 4nd

durlng the.

keeps ordet'

contest. The men who par.tlclpate In. . trvJnura l want say. ..Thank

the y



Final Softball Standing.

(31�) . - -...�::_ ::� ( .. . . ... .......2

CentnU Barraclal Tacoma ...... ..._.._.......


. .


Nor h all t: ;r r &! rth r No l

�orth Hall (2).



.... ... ..

. . ... . . •.-. ._.. ••. •.. .


Ivy Hall ................... ...._...._....2 ....._.._ ...1 Clover Creek ..._.. _

-any. have not been disclosed. :mIt I look ror


entries: Gaarder, Nus-

baum. Gilmer, Storaasli. ElJasofl.. Schimke, Luvaas and Hl l Ie


Should any or the aforementioned win In their speci fic event, the

chances are they would Qualify ror a 'trip 0 Abilene. Texas. In

tional N.AJ.A. meet. Good luck. rellas!



And 80 with this happy prospect, I say farewell.



129th &. Pacific



Philip Wigen, teachIng fellowship :

GR. 9946

For his putst3.nd:ing a.chlevement

in freshman mathematics Knutson

"Standard In



GRanite 7 1 00

LaCrosse Printers

PRINTERS FOR YOUR COLLEGE Located aero.. from the Triple X at 118th and Pacific Avenue You eM trust ,our lumBee minIS to a friend of LutileraD eduCl onl"

a;� ���":i'r!�:�E��:�ts�

Dunng 1955 more than $40,000.00 in scholarships are being distributed to worthy college juniors and seminary and high school graduates selected by Ibe schools they altend. Inquire now about the advantages of a policy while you are in college.


This new AIR-FUTE will last longer

tlrst place floa.t

the Youth and Education Division the Daffodi l Parad'e was given to Read. cons.tMlction chair­

man, and 'J_�rry Slatum, art des.lgn­ er.


when you need printinCJ


The award for the


G a�fi!!ld Street

programs, cards, . ribbons, pam phlets, tickets, etc. . . . that's our business!-

Da v 1 d W8.S . given a volume at

by the Chemical Rubber Co.


GRanite 4242

� -


than any other · high-compresSio n ball ever madel

Jack ot Tacoma, president


�rvlce organizations on campus




No other high-compression ball can resist scuffing like

praise for their were: Spurs,

work dUriflg the year

the ncw DU RA.TH I N · covered AlR·FLlTE.® This ex-(

Tassels, Blue Key and Alpha Phi



strength to dery cutting up

explosion shots.



GR. 32-11


. . even on high-iron and

It's a more compact ball, too

. . •

Play your nex.t round with this great new Spa lding

in distance and accuracy : beller golf.


. better shot control . .



j[U t h c· r Q n- J1; rot h trh o 0 d lEGAL

More· than


AIR·FlITE. You can expect AND GET new unifgpnity



offe rs you longer

pIa), and real economy.

Delicious Double Patty .HAMBURGER-45c

Delicious Hot Chocolate


elusive Spalding cov�r adheres to the ball with a ney(

__ _ __ \ � __ __ O meg".__ __ __ � � � � r

Parkland XXX Drive�ln


of Ole PLC Alumni A.saociation. wei· comed the' senlors into the associa·

�������I Re ember us


in chemistry at h-UO\Igan State Uni·

Madden's.sMen's & Little Men's Shop

Parkland Center Bldg,

(Continued from Page Two)

ship In physics at Washington State Gerald Schimke, fellowship In a.c-



Awards Are Given

counl!ing at Stanford University.

Milk Shakes





$565,000,000.00 of Life Insurance in



.... _ ..... 5

The only thing left on ,tht!"'8ports scene year Is the Start:.e N.A.I.A. season next year. This year's final record was 3 Track and Tennis l'deet In Renton this afternoon. At the time I am ' the names of tlle l)6.rtlelpants trom PLC, Jf there w ill be wlns. .'J losses and 2 ties. �



. ..::. ;:·-· :.'.;'{�;,th�����;;:�\.k����. ,_;-�-��'!;;·-�': �:·���--:�-·;y;;;.:iu ;..'d ��u';"ij-o.;.j;.- w�U;;; '1;:;'_" . ':. _� . _::

with ODe letter In football, two In ·track and two In . .


Golf Sq ua d Ends Successful Season

EINAR BOTTEN, General Agent, 312 North 85th St., Seattle 3,


sets·the pace in sports


Montana: Carol Brace, Honolulu, Vernon; Na.ncy Turman, Puyallu-p; Friday', May 27, 1955 THE MOORING,M;A.ST Hawaii; F'altllB ueltmant)', Tacoma; Marlene Wendt.. Pacific Palisades: �::':"--'-----------'-----:'---'-'thefilmed WE'stern 8m;ope Tour by GOV. Lang I ie: <krald Cashen. Parkland; ,Marie .CaUr. ; Janet Whitllllore, West Los Marjorie Young, SpanaThis trip starts on a u lt.y Llnjehuss School Fac Clu'WitopheTson. Parkland; A I j c e Angeles; . way. :'Ilonday with the departure poilit To Speak ' elida, Vancou\'er; Judd Doughty, Frances Jollnson. Georgiat'Stay, at ey Paris. go to From Pans th lled from Pap:e One) Mem b ers PI a n utusse{s and then such stoPP1n& Pl!.rk(Clnontln all Parkland; and : Donald Gaarder. Furl Tacoma; Int Eliason, Kennewick; E t ft e 1 Weeks. nd points ,as Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Shaw, Montana; J o y c e. 'Gllmore, :,\1 a r r Estergreen, Lynden; Mar� , Garda Weist, Tacoma, Bachelor of Science Su mamert To u rs I?rankfurl. Swltberiand, MUan, Ital· Puyallup ; Phyllis Grahn, Sealtle; I """:: ret Ellingson, " llcoma.; Maurice While tr veling hrough Norway, ian Ili\'iera, Nice, and Aries. This Lowell Haeffeie, Portland; Da\id U;:;nk, Odesso; Jack Foote, Auburn; i\tar !�I:�:�:�.E:��::I� Kalh. J Denmark, France and England, Miss lour will last fQf twenty-one days, Hammerstrom, Tacoma; Doris Han· Jeanne F'rI eske, Spokane; Solvig ryn Elde. Stanwood; Marlon Ga· Kn\).tson was followed by two spe· \Vhen summer session ends, Miss sen, Sea.tUe; Gerald Hickman, Port. GUdbrandsen, Skien, Norway; De. 'brlelsen, Eugene, Oregon; K a r e n clal agenL<; of the Univerfle. Time Schmie<.ier wlll pack up 'and begin land. Oregon; Raymond Hili, Ta' lores Hngevlk, Seattle; Violet Han. H i l i e. Ritzville; Patrlcl(\. flogg. and Calen(lar. These two forwar(l h ('r Ion )! JOllrnE'Y home t \Vest VII" coma; H·aroI I HI·II esIand , a oma; neman, Tacoma; Berutrlce Hansen, Jl.lyrlle Creek, 01'(', ; Barbara Johan' Indtvlduals kept sllch a good watch ginhL Her home\\"ard travel will J I n H I k S ne e on n('l' t hat soon she had to recog· ulke her through I daho, when� she H°tl�er, °s�:;"'m:to� �allf,; :v�: �:I��:C:s;:::: H�;t71��I�I;:\� e::r;. �:::�n!:il!�rS�;;Hl��; t��e�,n��b��;: nlze them as a hlndl'ance to her \\'i11 SlO" for a few weekS ' �lltd then Jensen, Coeur d'Alene. Itlaho; Glenn EmeRt Herlgs1ad, Parkland; Bertha Or• •. Edilh 0 I II n d. �'I-anchester; . tl<l\'els. Finally Time and Calendar r Ill'nll!!Il' ,,l ontana, the .Dak0tas and Johnson, Oakland, Cali!. ; F' ra n k c u e l e n Simonson. Graham; Con· lmJught bel' back to tile campus of liP Into C:\nada. back through Nla· Karwoski. Tacoma; Hobert Keller, :�:;;'�;II �I��!: O�I���g��1�7att�e� c;::� Hslance Stay, Parkland; Gall Taylor PLe, where she must .I5tay for lhe gara F.H \s and Pennsylnuia to \V. r ' f" ld I�d,��:�; Sl�lf;�:�o���n��� . Morris, Tacoma. rest of her life and have the ,,'Oil· \'ir�inia' alld h�me, ... :�:::�� c ;'Iolnes; Ri h. Des Knorr. al� � I: �� " . Bach � Lor of Science -;---;:.--..£lgrJ.!! i ..1Qe!l,I.2,I I,'lli... of�he��t��,,�I;...}I�_ .!: I��:'��.I}'!; ��!�IJI.u �del lea \.:s����_ d K.,tU1.J.. r l.!\s.. � . E auL. . k�,� bl"uba.m I...op�z, ' Tacoma.; �.:e Europe 'ttIcked" a\\ ay 1n °a bottom \1"Ud ol �1;'o"�cttm�"So ---- � ��es. · Pll rkT;; �I:- � �am L (;"'e'(l, 6�'il£ia��1e(;ratn:-�'P{iYii"tlt1'j���:�n;:.....�:::.!:,:, :.�' !,";.l�'�. ;���,�:.:-:..:::::-.'':;�.:;:;,;.r; I " n Cataldo, t d a b·o; ;lg�till ,V-'xt fall. out will co'''n t �n\le . X" v�r Karen drawer. DUI'lrngtoll; Ra.y Lestez', Silverton, z('lIe 'Manahan, Tacoma ; GlatTyce . anet Olsell. ,E:zgene, Ore.; ' DQ'nnn Fridar. .TUllC �. thi� !lllll��-hdmired with her leaching at \y'est ":irginia J n n En�Ii�'h jll"O fessot will boahl a Stl'a ' Th i " sl\lumer Dr. Pflueger will g:��i�� :p��� e�\�':�I�� J·\..�:;:� ��:��c:'\.;' '1;��l:�II��il:���:�����', Pll)�lll �I;; Nor, Srmkins. Tacoma. Bachelor qf Education ttwl"lI i "er at Ih(' TiH'Olll. 1 .·Senttie Ail" :-'jlelHl l h n::{' months ilL Europe. As Robe t '":".lcPhersoll, Elma; Florence �lartil\. Puynllup; Helen Nelson. Phyllis r MaJtzahn anti S h I I' 1 e y pol't allll begin her journey to Eur' a beginning trill, he will fly to Du, :'\lagllllssen, Seattle; Do ald :,\lallli. F't. Lewif: ; narbara Newland. Ta.. n I\lolter, both Tacoma; an�1 Stanley Knutson will arri\'c in blltlue, Iowa, Monday, wiler he will It('anlan; Robert l\lan'onek. Chicn. O!l('. Frank Carol Paul, 'racoma ; ' at gi\ address llt e :Villis. Parkland. eOIUWenl'elll ::'\o!"\\'ay ill time to t.he last days e the Ill. ; Allen Moen. Yakima; Hob. Pa\'ia, Ta(,ol1l�l; :\1al'y Payne, Park. Master of Arts l"n Education of til .... "Grie� I:-estintl." composed of \\�nbUrg Seminal'Y, JUlie i, and 011 elgo.'t Nelf;oll, Albel't Lea, Mlnn,; lOch. 1;111(1 ; r,awrence Peterson, Seattle; t l al k a h \\ ill l I s J i Kieholson. Parkland ; Iris Nord- El v i ra Potrntz. North Hollywood, J I iJI����:'� ���,\l"�:(�:�' ��:�:���t�V;:lrE': <. P �� A\���������j��f:�orF�'��1 t��� U�� �J u:e �, a�:�:'�a:le� �; ��� �' man. Kpw \Vestminster. B. C.; Calif.; A1t:� Prestbye, Kalispell, David Roberts, Aberdeen, ;���;[,:tlll�, ��I:\,·\\�:yt:�,�l ro�\I��;:;p�� 1·'lord Ohman, Tacoma; Gerald Pet, :,\lonUtfla: Brian Price, l..ongvie\\, ; land; - -Mina H.aaen. Salem, Oregon; Rutli - They plan to ylsit l-Tance, Italy, tile �1::O�:;I�:�e8t?�:::I�o��:�.n,;:c�e�:e;, HiJloli. WOM Ei,.N WANTED Hogel· Walla.ce Pal'kland ; I-Iolr Land, Turkey, Grece, Gel"' OakrllJge, Ore. ; Suzanne Sku- Temporary, ... month M a l l many. Scandinavia an<.i the British �::�I"s�r� n �:I'�I��i,lIi��:,� �:::� stati, blnna, Walla Walla; Eileen Tervo, postcards. Good han�wrltlng. or Isles, Romnes, Tacoma; Joan Rutherford, Aberdeen; Beverly Tranum, Mt. typewriter. Box 47, Watertown, dimes in time -The friendly smile' of Mr. Dvergs- Parkland; Robert Schackel, Taco d�l, Norwegian exchange teach· ma: William Schantz, Steilacoom;. rATRON IZE OUR ADVERTISERS Mass. will grow into er, will long be remembered on the Gerald Schimke. Parkland; l'\orman � campus of PLC, or ',the cllck of Schnalble, Maxo N, D.; Ivan Sep' Feature Lock\ one of our gatherings or pain. Kent; erving Severtson, I:ark· RUSLER'S MARKET � ham Elg f n D l amond � possib'V'the sk lll a.nd grace he has land; Ivan Sh'affer Jr., ParkJand; GROCERIES - MEATS on skis. 01' just ·the memories from Theodore Simonson, Astoria, Ore.; VEGETABLES Parkland Jewelers 'his langllage class; matter what Pauline Skjonsby, Onalaska; Duane Garfield St. D<H'fa and Elmer Gable Parkland Garfield 11 was he sball be remembered' by Tbompson, Parkland; Patricia So, Parkland St. GRanite 7828 many, derman Thompson, Parkland; Donhand The of on fate smiled. Mr. aid Tigges, Clarkston; Otto Tone!­ Thrift is Part of Dvergsdal for he I"was called to the son, SeatUe; Kermit Undseth, Park­ Parkland When You Want Book. UIrlverslty of Wisconsin for the land; Hamet Vorvick, Kennewick; Your Education CYCLE AND KEY coming year. If he ts able to work Philip Wigen, Spokane; Martene· C. Fred Christensen out :the plans with hls country and Wilkin, Kendrick, Ida.ho. BO,okleller and StatIoner BICYCLE RENTAL obtaIn a renev.·al of his visas, this Bachelor of Arts In Education BR. 4829 Ave. GRanite 5n2 932 Pacific Open a Savings man from Norway will spend an ad· LaetiUa Basehore, Honolulu, Ha- Garfield 8L Tacoma, Wash. year traveltng In the United \VI B :I all; e r >.:' spell, Kathryn Kal 1 Account NOW �:�::I Homer ·La.wl�s"S, assstant profes. Laurinat's Apparel AnnouncIng the opening of .the sor of eoonomics and busIness ad­ office of "Dlltlnctlve Merchandl.e" LAKEWOOD BRANCH ministration, :Is leavIng t.o do grad­ uate work. Parkland 409 Garfield St, CALL HA, DR. LYNN H. THURMOND Elvin Akre, associate professor PUGET SOUND Optometrist Phone GRanite 5317 of history, who ,has been an ex· Sanitone Approved NATIONAL BANK change teacher ·In Norway this year, Visua lAnalysia - Prescription or MAIN OFFICE l1NCOLN . will return In the fall, as will Grace Lenscs - Visual Training LAKEWOOD K STREET Blomquist, associate professor of Stella's Flowers Summer Hour. : Tu thru English, who haa been teaching in ' Flowe,. for All Occ.slon. Cleaning ,saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p;m. Germany, � WE DELIVER CLOSED MONDAYS GR. 7463 415 Garfield SL

Page Four




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