1950-1951 Mooring Mast

Page 79

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Hoorin a HiI.§t Coronat:ion,

" ,'t..Jrlc

I,I'T HIR"" ·U,.,"" 1'Il1l1\'

,pm '

Door Prizes, ' ,. Variet:y Show Tonight:


TOOl")lI', Ihe niahr !

....;:1>. lon.!thr :1f 7 p_m tm doc" d tilt

.\II:"lcri�1 gymn.l'; "TI. 'If-:-D on Ibis .,tll r'" bia:.�r ;md bella rquote

Kul B�hn{'r) �,JJP C.'IrnivJI. Pttp.antions .lnd wuri... ww mn 10 JUItun'l Ibu � l!il .Jnnulll L.lrl'unJ I rJ,� fundi fot I� SJ.�'}. Ple y�u­ book , d u;mIjI'ht, I'i".:.- (,�""'J" .. \: 8 " d CQmmi:uiugcr Harry Spnlll.rr w.U r_'n th.,ir Jl�ilJ II .Rlu...- I, KI,. and Q� 01 .... c.unlul .\\ 8tlU p,m_ �ni � V:.orj,;l\, JI.c>w. 'JKlIIJofl"d gOing on for II ""uplc 0( months 1n urdu to brinll

Local Blue Key Chapter Takes Tawasi's Place

by Curnill L.l.1I d"h, .1141 J"dudJI'lIIi �ntt!rtainl1l("nl by DKl" l'l,e Wort·

I� bJ.I>4. �,..d .,lh

T*w:u; will ,�.U>' -.In.),, Ap.-iI Zl. alld 81 r,,,lernity.


1. 1.... 1 ..1 1,'1' �"'IU�o("f uf ....• Ite}, :-.._ CwuJII t....u. .61 11 Riel, liivin Jh1l"_ wil1 1w • 1 , (hi On "How to PrOf"'''' '' At .«:ordlll" to o.-..n L. 0 1::.1110".. • Irtmh' �uer, 101"15 p.lII. 'Will bt iii"" "'"



l ii S"lunia), ni", t tJ.: e.-m.t will a T.. linu.., wilh doors ,..,n •• In.; *' 7 f'nurmll,

tile pnln h o·doclt.

p.m, AI 8


em in tbr ap("IDg olIl·schoo! chre'.... I\:t play, "Ttx: Bishop's M.uulC',' · aN five men olnd .viln women. Try outs aod ':Jscing IVI ·· .... b.u wnk. and prolcticr and blOCking "' m · •. MonW•••. � • ..." (0-"1 • � ft.d ' '-'1 .. Y Uln .. "'" f\ffII' WI.,' � . ..pnlll: ·e,k . " ... CU J rwruns ,I" . ' , . . ·or '�. dlrIXtor of ( hit bow, wll1ch Will bt Wll4l lIlt' e-ampu..t f rldolY. &.-1:0., i, ....n: (. e ; ,- J.>,n M...-r ,� -.. r"- ... nt�-d �b), 1 6 . 1 7" 1 8. Tht till".'thl;t! PU:; �11t" "f""I1 ,"-,,1. .... ,om«ly , dr.lm.l: 'ill.c:S pl� '" t� 1' ...... of I. "by Q..rr� ...... Ni" t " ,� f.(udy of ::it � uul)t!w ' , 1,�.. , ,n WlU hl''','_ It 1 p.lll- 14 fit< t'�,1tnh ;n !�, .,. F, ... ..,.. .., \ . OJ'. c I ., ,Id I ( :,C'f1n.U'OfI ,r 'fVIJ-' m4m1U. 11li.uv ual""tll 'Wt' """'"11 _iU be (olkM.-d by a pro. I III the ,,",Joo r t.m t " COn.... to I..t. "'"r! .he- 1 II "h, I I, ,. lU.( ,( ",,1'Ca1 .tId OKbc.. rll", 1;..1\ fl w,D t ·JiIVV'! . 111 i� IlUIdl' lOp ehidly of -I'll" ... .. h. . Y 01 tn.l .u4 • �p lit rol' r..''1 I T·! II., I \I w. _., f:" " n� 'f't ." .... 'I.ic'. '(;l will Ix: 1II!r;,",J ""• . \1 . " 1 ,lL.. fnl .. " , " '" W.... It<!' IlUU l.Irio .... .Por \ , ....,.." hoi. I II 1 ' 1'.111, .. rb,IIrd,. '1�b1' i. I�'" �l'I). ' '''"' fX'01 ,11' ifllll th Dr E_ B ·'�oc:n w II ('t, '''I ,he­ �ins. :too 1M plol kurla.. ,ou !KI 1 ·.Indrn.:o. �Inwid 'IU.I t:rllie Ran. Illut· I WI"")to'. Dr So � &a1l\'Old h•• (onOifl$ .II.II{1 p,.,.Jru" . n... lrd coch:lirdol... ..,. ..h ha,� be.:n II""'Karl &rnlK" ..ill porl�y tho' pan _n <If thl' d;oy'� ...1J Iltt..... h rbr ,tn'r.on., .and P'(I.(. o,,)r Ihilio. Mn.. Ke_l' :O; R.... ....i11 Hoiun th& wp­ 01 the ret.lor, Hil-l'}' l.::oll� Hi' kh.::.d.;a Young '" n ...,,-I thr,,, ,n (,Iba· IIJJI'" """,,1.. ,. :and Ihl' �nfirTNl1loll brDthcr D;c1. i. pblfll by J�ny JlQIh. ",.., tho: f'IIf'"OIlauon a-remOI!l'. Two ('mpio"," uol Ih.. �Iury. B.Ut. X-*lndI e( Ih <jlK'<:n .rod hrr twu w .. h Mr ft,Ill'J tn.·...., wJI prrwnt II' '. wlio II ,I'f· ..·"to;on, i. pl;1)'f'd b., pntv ... ",ill be :an"vulll'otd III I

J'loe Announces ':onJirmation










lhc B.I fur

Blu(' Kt)· is

l!w tlIUlb­


Ill-- JO""'IIIU[I

pur-pox limil.::or door IliloplC"d by


... �





fral'mily w,l.b •




� ,"mop it m""fI qlll,oIiRnl ,...tlr, .ppn>­ 10


l -1w;u; and




l t

,�'" 1"''''' h,,, "", _d '0 ""'" K,y �II '" """m,i"'" #;ttl" nu.ny boothi wlrlk'.h b.wl" bcr. w., H'I up Ihoc: Ju" oM trw S. · ... fi \tl ·..n roo'n, -


mg sevenl ",,:.u. Th...


B'lshop's Mantle Cast Chosen,· Coronation Will 7 Women, 5 M en W·In R0 I es Hig hi ig h t May or "

ouupvl., .md �n Itf'I.nl�

","" Gun. I'll'..s>:n: l II minsl,d



iu �Iu,.

pruQ will a�in Lc aW'.lnled ;t1 10:-I) .n 10 p..eo. t",morro'" lIu!tU. rtat Khol3rshjp, Wr¥II'!'. :ul4l When the are nol being pt<':. irlOC::lb of K....r .K. tit t cdJ<olV ;tltd ....tc:d. �trorn ...ilI hJ.\Oi; p en y 1lI ' IIudeni body. TI>C' _I .... i' . r-'O'l:I.b r:nkrl.Olin thL'nl. (k-�r �v. mik-' oJ rlX" ..1J"tbility lor mcm�nbip m !111M

n 1.II ...

S,ho"n ludin.

Da y Fes t' 't'les



Il-ImM'nl "f



_II.,..., including dar LrUl:mlan'. cl,OC"

..1 ., hdnc J.ul.biran C'CII�ce will be � � I ""'•...,. m Ib .. ..flep PlIL Th., prUV'ilm bo com,lew h-om pIoHhr_lnll' te tua·bOtbfl. ablv. 1ft � ,., kJfII' ... qu....n ol Ihe Clrnl'1ll. l,.rt 10 riCb' U'-U' I&n! He-liP), Vrit.k.."lll, L:trsoll, � \Wn", I.dllll Jl.torKII_. Gear S.... ... I_tte Ibnlelt. PNft,ecb IIr ramh.., will III �"" 1U"'k II.", ., ,t. ,4I*t'.ooo.k. �.


,I.,. Lo·t!· ,

"ru!cr the da..Ltiun ul 1 lUrl, �i,,, J..- • \f G, , I Jl;il.1

�. L. C. CarnivaJ -The SW "llauul SAJiA eumh

�i pclilioru:d

to 1llJ1

'he in


u« k.'"K' will "" 'h,


Hi, SP''''>,

_K' � "


"'''' .I"" d •• bo'


. l , u . ...

ric- Throw, Wrt SI'OI\�' nrc-. D,IrI�, in thl: 1001 dtllPlrt of Ibt' �t'"naJ [{ino:

Fun Hou�.


mO\·ic 'h�r", .b,/wUIi! a;i. Ikndl1u. wrtJry Dl-D�. ROlhr"



frat�rnitv. 'TIlty II.Ie: P"\l1

",-,pott. Ju.r--

.I --' )c\"\:13I ;)1...no, - -'d '" .. ' EI• � R011:1."<l •1M • . ..-... • .... SJlru... OOM, line e- :>'I • PI"\.UII th" YI":I, .... br Ihr IIMltI ,en\on, H" nry " " • ..,.., Rt r� r'l( .. ntlr. ' "', au. I dILl, Kc:nn(th M...... JlfflIr:I :oJ.u.k.� Olltll"" • .."" "'''I ,. ,,'"tIr'nI mun· (':('0'\1 I � L_. . '.l ntt n L ' .. .. urmaa __ u .oa II' , r.� ;t _ o:.uni�al. eo. ,tUrn. mrl!ll' Do� Rrirr .. u l, O .""r n .. Rriu, 1 ...1.. 16" f bo,.. bill, (Ir .....b ...., " � qu·hnod. RoI� r� Jtl, uxl lrb-n , find I .utl.. �O\I. i m; 'Ot , oJ Wil u .. n .






oJ ;hc-

fi uru I...

t.. n


.... .tUUI. .

"Ch ' f h t" olr 0 t e Wes To Present Concerts


... in t1t< T*w

'"""P h..J;�

do l;DI'd '.",lnl,..I"1I, p 'n Slue- K.... Alt

fflmll'r l·.wali. IlU'mbrn

I,... ''''\1 ' 1"

liun. .

1'1. .'

",.. nJ � Ihr fKW GoIpt:J.m. . aff'


Th" �."0I1t...110. �"'IWt will u1r.e .' . • h " , ' II ,. .t Cul1l1;tr MaJ. ", , • ...... I\!\ u,' .... . r... ,,\11m . ..ptr-Clin, Ihoc: ?hair oC Ihe Wut wIII n�h tj.lQ .• t'ipr:1 21 l ue It,..., r _ l I I p.m IWV po:hh,' ;tppelllr..�, I l' Suod.-y knt:\ti...,.. Irt.om t CE l n j ''t:t-..ty or , In EYl"td. :lnd 8t:1l:rut, Wulu'll:ton tlcbt.o., Ltwu 1!lId Clouk wlIl'!",. Osc. t h f r e in bt.!n :u P""Lfit U"ivuti1l ..noJ llnderd.", ,Jit·,


p.ll I.

coneeN wll)





I Ulllvt"uily, unbr I""" dir(':I;on 0'

Hamelt M ott '. 10 d,P lUl'm.... n of tbt' �rd Wurh:y. and 27. c. ,\. lhr L.'\ I Choir of hal . 80:,' B.\rn�l t, Ili/,tion.r.1 camptrolkr 1 1 '11 of, )1n.I ShiT ...., fr.t1l" , wtll pta th" F;irt of :-diu 1I1qwl",),y, MI' �"\"0IC"d 111»n ;1\ ....l. wnd,'. rh·c. JUlt rcturned bUill a "t.. 1, will olhQ.llI� ""hU 'rom Hr.U.,.... rw ,U ,ocluJ.· Aoulbcn. ILIlt"S, "" t un ....n: . senion M:arjorif "ndcrlon, 1mI�( dlr n- potIV In hrb..! ' of Ion· t.... lln- n .. the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rloo. Al.';U "'1d"lI:" Mrl.-:'-"Uy, Hilary'. CIlhIHI< :\"nc, Lolnw o..mm;n,., .t.oJtI<: mu:lkal 1(ICCliflr,-. in thrlt " ,.-I .., II •- " �' ,,' com:uu �t wl"r� lun, "" 1..... K.. - . . ',", " ... . 0 ".' 'f 1Tl�ll!btn 01 t� 1�.-s ,,,. : Shiro (janr..... playoc:d by LaWanliti Well. DU. IQUT. Thil .1<:.1 01 ptollfl'anu wtJl Sh2.w L;,Wanft3 .... IrY "run..,•• Grit":ll'l\l'r. MD. IOI.ndt. Her . .. lO<'i:\l\y IJrOIIl " .... tIA.' " t .. bt' unc of the ln.1 .. .. r.:t lman. tot>p .. " h F I "IIIUn: a IIln or M.nl"n 'K,l,,"U,," J..-An R)·ul. Jol(q\l(\o' Ipinner, is the p:\rt pbytd by S. •.lIly 1'wup Ihi. "h(M)l )'f'Jor. r r, Wl,itlc:,. J. V. Dunn, olnolhcr Vroln- dAU:1 will C".{h do;'::l t....o attclltlbnll cntin' 10.. Wnlhc:rmon, All"'" Wn·Jti" the pn""" t Lboc: d· >0 " to-,. Ihl: cbutdl. ....ill be Iu Ihe qu<'oc:n. Fnd Wlltlll'T, Hltl CkM1\ Wilio,.. ..-nl IDIrl1lhrr J\II "'nior ....0"'.·" . .te ,nv11.t-d to gelho �l.It.,. ..,f I"e rhona, , 111('" 1 for In CIl oruiur.. tI,U:U:1C-riT.cd bf Bob ro.;ub<ln, and "111 d; • • Jat"<" pl'l:j):lon.c:- for Ih� Junco LUlhq \lnend II." I'I,(� AI,'1\t1.'\J!: \u'l'ld!.-.:<n y,bl'\l..ll-'l' 6 IC1 Apt11 1 1 . "'I"be in· Doni 01 in v�· Ct>n"1"ntion s.-atdr. ",h"'I' lomOftow ill I ·I,ly .l 4!( d:it'l I,ltr. whu n'CIIIUilllr oil Ih. S•• 11). -T....«t·, . .lifllOrl. )l:roup lou btC1\ "",it,d to tt:.. .illF. II (.;.hri.li2.n Il"1in;n, ,.;i.YII III lM Pf'Olidrl rom:t lic inlefOC:II for Did." M..u Craa BI<.I�tr1 Wlll �1r. to m.:r.in turhin,.. of thoPb..,b:" MT ."lvoN, � . Ihee 11tNj) .leo,,1 I e Alnoc:rit... '\_ J" tJtC' is Brdmo. no- ,><timed lip. .. 01. BurlOn T OUrllMln , had of thoc: CI-ILioll of 1."fth...rsiIY W(omfD, ., q�'r· OjIpoaltl}l ."Ivon;!'. way 01 think. b,oIoJ:Y . ....:u <'1M:Int )In:I. ! tl"t 0( PLC ;ilIum•• BctlUCl" " should be noo, 1<'rOC In. bow • .1 'h, rx_ """""""" _ Ahon !k�ff(" Mllfj Pbn :lnd Jib � Hila., wilh n\Olny :md cirty al �. ,'·1 1"....1:"0; April I]. rurn;,h Ihr: !T;;t�i­ .\ big !':'\"QIln� Ia in SlOH' for the bd C:.Jbnitil. p""","" i. .. ,'d,,', m,mh", of M". fonnerly of l1'.li1 It\! ,ohrn. lud nt 0 0 nou c.htlr�h, W.fTl<"T R(cd, pillycd by bl,()I,,1'T f,u'uhy al PI.c. wu .... dertr.d .. ..,u­ ff iI thco fin! .. ibn gl'3m ;\t 6::IQ (l III , l Sprint!' run" hu o"flI l'h� :til Robctu Schuc:ukr. SamanthA AJ:onu, tel btr 1I0Il. • kcn;tary u{ Elieholl. I,resi 'pollJ(>rcd b�' the 1Io;:...ly OIOnHrulrd to ;t((oroinll IiI;try's :auin:lnt. and of 1tIK tbr'"lll.. I,., Ihe :l.nl-lU.I Dl'hll Ph1 plilin ia :an or8:1'" cknt. t\lull'lllu IIr;,JU;P, WI'&. DorothY H",�· . __i-ll work�r ,0 th.. le""ml:,\lI, I, UMiC>1I dl"'O"Otcd 10 furthrring i cn:st K.a'1'" WOIJKa·. do>rtt" lory 1 m,·o;un!t. .0 111.111 i, iu � at at.GIa.II;DIIPn\L lir'(�idoc: a br tn iI It B;..ry. Mary 1'('r. by 1 0 ;prn Sallnda, ",-,... ..... . I ill ool'""8i Jol 'IP' in R<'no:r.lI and in el ding :11 I..uio" 01 singi,,:s "(liD" . u t('fIr· l:re IT'DIn 11\'10 A .....iII bt-gin km' l\I(Comb, 0i..Qf. \pr,1 -UI. 'I'he Pf"OIlltilill;8 Ikwk'lxncnl o a loo , toIl';', :0 dc1r-tcl"�:& n'port Irom Ihr Swel"l. m..r.ts, is porlR)nl by al Ii 51m ta � �Ul"t room of TAto"':t. rellC-I1 by Cu.c<, •.Q(',,, :tm.! W...lt �... \"O" �I .ar.. In Ta.:nm2., nr. t ),;"'nlo'\n ;Itto wu r':l'r::ntly l),.,rn;o.dt. 1I0Illin:oti..m� fOT IIC. " IIU .).tarn NIdJM1. dire("wr ,�n � ,Jr,U 01 "Ir P ' n ' , .'ued VI(e.p" d'liccn ror next yu'. 20'. ,., ,d"t.&UOD .1 PLO, will be �, , .'\11 I'IInI :are di!llbi( j, lhe , Nonl.""",1 Bird I.lul Mammal Discussion, :t110 will bt: on the! �'T roll, w t'\'l'lIblll!. H�lrn Jrll' Pay BiOs By Then up infnrtnlri(JIl ('yl'Io_ nal M'lcutlfie op..:.mil,ln-*t with . .. rtllC' nd:a. Ont.: uf t em will boc: ahou1 ill dNUI .. ' '''-1\. �,pIICa:IO"'" will 111' mistreu "f no r i n lj Ihoc: cdkgc qu.:llifyinlt ;aptitude hrld I:w: (IJ to uka l OJWn " n 1d";II!{U from A Lul!;,er b. ,d-ip :III ao;U\t" h. H f' ....u ... • IJtal ... T It �f I'HMDOn/r:a. " .. OfT] 29. AroOlhcr will Ie" in DtiUI tUund 1 olfio:' i C i t I c..mpu, IbtID .. whu shll lOWI" moncy should .... I, 11,,:" affair is ,., be: Io(IT ./('In All lII ... n, n-�rdlcu 01 dua .taM­ wilh PLC of I� publi·', the "Mqr- bc on Ih Jo1nt I ellt 0r ,',e , ,!rin, U(lUnd thnr finStlS :and I T"is . !Inl III Amy Knut'on, JI""I'd • tot asrd inn, should ;tptilude nf Univtn'ly the 01 Club uthn .• I Itx: qu.lltrriy rckl, " ' dcvo'rd Jvurn " al ..... .IUlI Ap il 10 is III( lin:ll , VI' lUId ,,',n'.,·', OPK. Jf1Ilr.It'I 10(;'11 borIrcb will illlerpf'('t I� re, , :ond J.Aul,,�r..ln Bibh:: Inlli" W:t.1hington and ormthology on P.\PCtl :nllllC KI<. 10 s<:hool rre u c fl)[ d:atc -. 'go: 0r d•r . ,..... Myer- lite ," C' . [I,-, I"," 01 St:mk. ,. l. _ "illlWIU.... "" :a[, . � I Dd pn.






M.Ht FtJd..:Iy. April





I "Spnng Fever» Theme a,hl

Of A







Gror.sc pia)', the patl h..., Muu.Jr(', n seninr wtny· _n church, Don


its Rl·"in:t So-Ilgh.








\Ie· "udtn"



Tl'lt. Zool�ic:ll \IOCicly

Remember Apr!1


Dr. Ostenson FJeeted To Two Biology Posts d��rtn""l'll

Ih( churrh h�lpin�





"JIftit"1l0n ..

, Ihe




r""."'n :





th( Wnt. whl(h




the IOCi\·ly.



f ,



Alums Invite S e n i o r

Women to Luncheon p.m.


{hi:. GJd:w mao"


Variety Keyn otes Outdoor LSA Nlte


I c J whit ;llticnd tho.' LS.'\ pro­

. So.!nd:r.,. cvl;ninc. lI<'nry

Pel-non. t.ia·




an"r .ucio'l'.

Draft Info On Hand In Eklund's Offic e



hOl.uc April nl(e\in;l




who ,h..,uld 'Piclt

l:alie Ihe

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