1950-1951 Mooring Mast

Page 23

High School Con gress Convenes Here Saturday

11� umpU$ wUl b inv�dtd tomort1>W toy "'m lh.lD. 10 IOUI ,(ud,ou ....ho will conV('or heu from InJHtDl ioru lhrous:hout tht lUte lor tbe and St"\l<k-llt eoo ,rl:SS. B"lItmnio Jl ,fj,,"lO .l. n,. . 111\7 Cunxrw will continUo'! until 6: I 'j p. roo wbrn 4lw,uds will b� prcscn[('d to rh<- ouu[3nding sludl'nrs .:mJ 11l1o


Come One. Come A ll To the "Witches BraId"

Offiei211y opc'nin!l'

Marchin g Ban d Makes H it: At: Gam e i n New U niforms

rh" joint �.. will be Thor

..ho ..·ilI ddinr th." Slav '-"i'llI aJd....-a. :\ Iludenl cbaplain ....,D ,i.." tbe 1!)"C1.";l.lioa, tbr hl"\lJc ("halraun will bo inlrQlillcrci


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In L.bna.-y 1(», CrnPUllI"J T

No. 6 will ., I

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To 320 Magazines

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,bllli 'I I<"IfDIJIJ.II I In 1I11� • torllmll'<:n ... ill L4 udl 1,

fiaal dC"etsjom


b. madr by !\ p�ntl ot j...dca in Iht 1:.11 jOllnt lalion of lilt CwI,h:SI. 'n,t o,..,,;r.ndinJ boy or gid in the Congl"CJ.l will be: ....�tdod: ;I. 10 I:lkt bac:k to hu nilool aDd

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1laO luli" ,... --=::::; ':: :::::::: ::: : = :' --= '::: :: :"; ::: :":; l ,--=5fl"o'illp' R("l\"tur:lllion _ IO-'�I,\ nic::on Bu,Winli tVtIl

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I't".MV, ....lJeanl at anm; AI .....UI.' krJDllll .., ..".,..

ltl. .... .. n.. HOUK w,U ,.....- , m W !' ,dil(ltlUIII ,m..! Lnw. mtTt.n


rlcr...; �I:t Murl., ahalan! .Jut. (. I.udwil �iqllcbnd. "..s.ju; Sob M..

Tolid�n T0 Open

a...;n IJ' IDe (;Qrll:"rll

oW )It .moI. • a'IiI.unt KJ�!n .\'

Hou:k. •.,rr'�n indvdr 1011 EndLon-. kurk, �hlL:l "Il, prDid�nl :

1"1: Conlfn"U.

Th e Mo ori De Ma §t .!,



.. nt, will "d· 01 dw .prech d.:par1n � chc IludcnlS pl.nicip:nin, la

And join the revels of H.Uowe'�.


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-r, &b Br.. ' Dr. S. c. E&t1 ....14. P"'"'ldrru, lind Rid mOlet., bnoI K.ul, H. O. "'alr-'f Th�

Cl":"lmt join with u, th,n rou may know, Th� Hallowr'rn t'ltdls of years "ItO. An 211-schooJ part}' 2t tho! MrmoriJI gym This �\'Clltng at 8:00 p_ m. Sc..vtnger hunt, refrtshmrnClii and iolmei. Sponsortd by \V.A.A, (or hllowl Ind damn. So ,orne yr with us, wheel' whthu cnnvrn ...




trophy :I; �old





10"1111 .. . 10 lIJ--j.."., S.ftiun _ :51 l ,.J.oto l'·IUll"lc. lO;jl)- �n,u. 1.1, "�-I.fhl I(H. H<lll.' boicd ln (-.5l.i1&f1l u ..tJ. l'ni(>· tIIo ldi I J -(WI - �IIII:U"" MC�1n:' l, d boo- ••1 iC.�1D.I oo:r:ua. J,ooI I 10 Lm," �I ., ),{. tinl :;:l"O-Huu U· ... M" liIl&" u l:nKoD.. � n. bhry I(H. R"lffi ( 1..c-t».1ation aI 3:15 .. Io:l exc:hll.ftSed). :L llJ.- 11_ Mt"tlin); - SllIIkn t Union BUlId "'''" Scmle M�n --Library 104 l\t .:H - Juilll Sali.,n _ S, Union B"iSd1t1,. 6:M-Adj"urnm.-..r;I,

mrda! lor h\mSt-I£. Sih"Cr :lind bronu medals will br Jlcocntcd KCOfId and L� 'M -: 'C ' ,, .,7 .i, ,� (C )I",, 7 ,.. C i� ' --' "' th ird plac� ;-;nnc:n and '�'TII , addi- Sltirlc-y t"ran"i" JClY. Gcru. . IHmo! (·..rnllC:,lIes nltnt wil l iif' f)'n Eick, Charlou.. I ....Qu' iliad. IGur ·•...n Qllo.l" oul'....Ad'nlt dc:b;i:IOTS. Spun .n�m.bc-rs. Ballot CIIIIIIGI U;




Cornmilled Na.roe.d manben :arc: kon l'tttbootu, dw,.Commiltro-. up 01 mc:mbC'n 1IDII ; ;IIld Ikab Pr"""",1. J"'II(' t: .J! lAo (olen' "Iuad "ill wOfk on kln, Edith l:n ...I, Jv.1lTfV &:Air! a.nd .� i"l" to UIMI� Lt.c11 M r 1111 ),I",ruJ, I t... (' 'icmli TlI ltul a. III". J \(.u.,.. , 100:",-. art" I ....... 7, ... dnI1. � ...... ,oJrl\l; Joka >'rd by Inr SJlUr• •ill _II _ VIo llldt;r', IIi.' If;rk; J n'"1 Kliptl(II, It.. s.ro.',.. , R."oJImtl(lD. t ranlt... 'lJ',"l ckric :

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