Historic Resource Inventory: Volume I

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The Natio n a l Register of H isto ric Pl aces ( N RH P) is the official fe dera l list of districts, bui l dings, sites, struct u res, a n d objects significant in American histo ry, a rchitectu re, a rcheo logy, cultu re, a n d e ngi nee ri ng . National Registe r pro pe rties a re significant to the histo ry of their co m m u nity, state, or the n atio n . CRITERJA

The National Register's sta nda rds fo r eva l u ati ng the significance of pro pe rties were developed to recognize the accom p l i s h m e nts of all peoples who have made a significant contrib ution to o u r co u nt ry's h i story a n d he rita ge . To be e ligi b l e fo r the N ational Registe r req ui res the fo l lowing as stated on the National Pa rk Se rvice ( N PS) we bsite: An exce ptional q u a lity of significance in America n histo ry, a rchitectu re, a rcheol ogy, engi n e e ring, a n d c u l t u re is present in districts, sites, buildi ngs, structu res, a n d o bjects that possess i ntegrity of l ocation, design, setting, materia ls, workm a n s h i p, fee ling, a n d a ssociation, a n d: A.

That a re associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the b road patterns of our h istory; o r


That a re a ssociated with the l ives of persons significant in o u r past; o r


That e m body the disti nctive cha racteristics of a type, period, o r m ethod of construction, or that represent the work of a m a ster, or that possess h igh a rtistic val u es, o r that re present a significant and d i sti nguis h a b l e entity whose co m p o n e nts may lack 路i n divi d u a l disti nction; o r


That have yie l ded or may be likely to yie l d, info rmation important in prehistory o r h isto ry

Ordi n a ri l y cem eteries, birt h p l a ces, graves of histo rica l figures, p ro p e rties owned by re l igio u s institutions or used fo r religious pu rposes, structu res that have been moved fro m thei r origi n a l locatio ns, reco nst ructed histo ric buildi ngs, p rope rties p ri m a ri l y c o m m e m o rative in natu re, a n d pro pe rties t h a t have achieved significance within the past 50 yea rs sh a l l not be considered e ligi b l e fo r the National Registe r. However, such p ro p e rties wi l l q u a lify if they a re integra l pa rts of districts that do m eet the criteria or if they fa l l wit hin the fo l lowing categories: a.

A religious pro pe rty deriving pri m a ry significance from a rchitect u ra l o r a rtistic distinction or histo rical i m portance; or



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