2010 2011 v 41 no 1 3

Page 1

Innovative Nursing Program, 10

Athletic Hall of Fame, 22

Homecoming, 24


A ng e li c a Boyd e n '11 a nd M a rissa Lyons '10 were two of 17 stu d e nt-ath letes who c a ptured t he first-ever wom e n's Divi sio n-III Ulti mate Frisbee national ch a mp io ns h ip t his May in A p p l eton, Wise.


September 1 4, 6 p.m.


S e mester Away Returner W e l c ome September 2-7

H o n g Hia l l , Ma i n L o u n g e

PLU New Stu d e nt O r i e ntat i o n Lo c ation s a c ross c ampus

October 4, 7:30 p.m. 6th A n n u a l Dale E. B e n s o n Lecture in

September 21, 4 p.m.

B us i n e s s a n d E c o nomic History

NSCI Division Summer 2010 U n d ergraduate

U n iv e rsity Center, S c a n Center

September 7, 9 a . m .

R e s e a r c h Prog ram Poste r and Oral

Opening Convocation

Presentation Session

October 5, 1 0:30 a.m.

O l s o n A u d itorium

Morken Center, Public Events Room and Atrium

" N ew We at Mount Saint H e l e ns-

September 7, Noon

September 22, 7 p.m.

p re s e ntation by E r n i e K a rlstom,

PLU A n n u a l Co rporation Lu n c h e o n

Ameri c a n S u eto - "Th e Ameri c a n Dream,"

U P S Professor Emeritus

U nive rsity C e nter, S c a n C e nter

written a n d d i rected by R e b e c c a Martinez

Garf i e l d Book Compa ny, C ommun ity R o om

Mt. S a int H e l e n s : Its R e b i rt h " featuring a

U n ive rsity C e nter, CK September 10, 8 p.m.

October 8-10

For the K i n g- All C a mpus Worship

September 23, 7 p.m.

PLU H om e c omi n g 2010: Luteology

U n iv e rsity Center, CK

Faith and R e a s o n d i a l o g u e

L o c ations a c ross c ampus

U niversity C e nter, S c a n Center September 1 0, 9 p.m.

October 1 1 . 7 p.m.

Karaoke i n the Cave

September 24-25, 1 p.m.

S o c i o l o g y Film N i g ht Showing -

U n iversity Center,

7th A n n u a l Stu d e nts of C o l o r

" S i n by S i l e n c e "


Retre at

R i e k e S c i e n c e Center, L e r a a s Lecture H a l l

cmltitwcd O f! i;lsicie back. cover



Pacific Lutheran University Scene Fall 2010 Volume 41 Issue 1 4

Here & Now


Life of the Mind


Intensive Caring N u rses take t h e i r ski l ls into the h o m e s of th e i r patients


Lost Boy of Sudan From 'Nowhere' to home at PLU



College is Hard A look at five c l asses a n d t h e fi rst-y e a r stud ents W flO take them


Attaway Lutes 2010 Athl etic Hall of F a m e i n du ctees


Alumni News & Events

Explore y o u r 'Luteology' at Homecoming 2010

Journalist Martin Jacques came t o PLU t o discuss a world where China i s the world's only superpower.


Alumni Profile


Giving Back


Alumni Class Notes




The Arts




Greg Brewis

Lia Big.ano

Loren J. Anderson President




Neeb Center Bui lding #207 253-535-84 1 0

B a rbara Clements

scene@plu.edu wwvvplu.edu/scene


Alex Schisel ' 1 1 Chris Albert Nick Dawson PHOTOGRAPHER

Ca�os Ja�er Sanchez

Steven P. Starkovic h Graduate Studies

Laura F. Majovski

Toby B e a l

Sumerlin Larsen '01


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Student Life and


Dean of Students

Congregation Relations

Karl Stumo

Nesvig Alumni Center Tacoma. WA 98447-0003 253-535-74 1 5 800-ALU M-PLU

Photo by Mike Urban.

Volume 41, Issue 1 Scene (SSN 0886-33691 i s published ·three times a year by Pacific Lutheran University. S. 1 2 1 st and Park Ave., Ta coma. WA . . 98447-0003. Postage paid at Ta coma, WA. and additional mailing offices. Address service requested. Postmaster: Send c h a n g e s to Development

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Explore your ' Luteology' at Homecoming 2010 he PLU campus will celebrate i ts black-and-gold roots October 7- 10, welcoming back alu mni from near and far. From the Homecoming football game to the Gala, from class reunions to the quest for you r own "Luteolgy," there is something for everyone. In addition to this year's class reunions of 1 960, 1965, 1 970, 1 975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995,2000 and 2005,there wil l be a special affinity reunion and events honoring all alulllni of [he School of Arts and Communication. Homecoming is proud to partner with Meant to Live for an enhanced Friday of activities. For more information, please visit the Homecoming 20 1 0 Website at wWUJ.plu.edu/homecoming, or look for more details on page 24.

Student group experiences the passion of Guatemala ike many students across [he coun try, 10 PLU students spent their spring break seeking warm weather. The group, organized by PLU's Campus Minis try office, was also seeking something more fulfilli ng: they traveled to Antigua, Guatemala, to participate in the world's second­ largest H oly Week celebration. The goal for the s tudents was, in the w rds of Luke Hansen ' 10, "to 'xpericnce the C hris tian tradition outside the

n i ted States." spending time

That mean t

4 PlU SCENE FAll 2010 >



with members of the Antigua commu­ nity, most of whom l ive on less than $2 a day. S till, they would put on elabo rate displays of devotion - jo ining proces­ sionals th roughout the city, or staying up all night to c reate decorative, color­ ful "carpets" made of dyed sawdust and pine needles. From senior Emily Isensee's perspec­ tive, this was an exercise in devotion u nlike anything she has witnessed. "From our perspective, [hey have nothing," she said. "But they are so happy and passionate about their faith and their culture. It is something we can learn frolll them and bring back Lw campus)." Hansen agreed. "It really helped me develop a ncw perspective and u nder­ stand what It means to be a servant and a part ofa commun ity," he said.


Three students and three faculty earn Fulbrights his year, three more PLU gradu­ ates Eric Buley, Nicolette Paso and Kelly Ryan - received prestigious U.S. Fulbrigh t Studenr Fellowships. Since 1975, 83 PLU stu­ dents have received [he coveted award. As the largest U.S. i nternational exchange program, recipients are enabled to undertake internationaJ graduate study, advanced research, and teaching positions worldwide. Buley will be placed in one of Venezuela's u niversities or at a Binational Center (learning centers affiliated with the u.s. E mbassy) as an English teach i ng assistant. There he will lead language learning classes, and present lectures and discussions on -

7 U.S. culmre and society. Paso will be moving to Leipzig, Germany, and w i l l study the early Reforma tion church ordi­ nances that created

the first

state-sponsored systems of social welfa re. Rya n will be cominuing work on his PLU capstone project at the Nansen Dialogue Network in S kopje, Macedonia, where he will be con­ ducting research in grassroots reconcilia­ tion in that war-torn country. Three fac u l ty members also received Fulbright awards. Joanne Lisosky, associate professor

of communication, will teach journal­ ism at Baku University in Azerbaijan. Janet Weiss, assistanr professor of

instructional development and leader­ ship, will do curric ulum work in

Tracy G o eh r i embraces a family membe r following Commen ceme nt. G o e h ri w a s honored with AII­ Conference Honora ble Mention for basketba l l earlier in the school year. Photo by Ted Charles '12.

630 graduates earn their degrees

Nami bia. Jennifer Jenkins, assis tant

his past May, 630 grad uates

p rofessor of German, will partici pate in

waLked proudly across the

the Badcn -Wurncmberg Seminar for American Faculty i n Ge rman and German Studies.

School of Arts and Comm.unication nam.es Cameron Bennett as dean

Taco ma Dome stage ro receive

urged the graduates to nor let the day­ to-day of li fe distract them from l arger goals. Don't

let the " b u ts" get in your way,

he cautioned. "The but for my job, but for my family, but for my girlfriend, I

th e i r BA, BS or master's degrees at

would do this," Bell said. "Live like you

PLU's 2010 commencemen t ceremony.

are the answer, and don't rest Llnril you

William Bel l, CEO of the Casey Famil)1

find the question YOll were mea n t to

Progra ms, was the keynote speaker. He

an swer," he said.

chamber m usician and soloist who has had an active and var­ ied career as an ad mini strator, artist and educator has been named dean of the School of Arts and Com m u nication. Cameron Be n nett comes from Ohio Wesleyan Universi ty where he is p rofes­ sor and chair of one of the most respected li beral ans music programs in the nation. He received both his Master's and Doctorate degrees in piano performance from the Manh attan School of M usic. He also holds degrees from the Un iversity of Western O n tario and the Royal Conservarory of M usic i n Toro nto, Canada. "Our School of Arts and Communica­ tion will be very well- served as we move forward i n to the fuwre wich Cameron's thoughtfu l and steady- h a nded leader­ ship," Provost S teve Starkovich s ai d .

HERE & NOW > PlU SCENE FAll 2010





& now

MBA p rogram named top business school PLU's MBA program was named as one o f the rop business schools by stu足 dents surveyed by The Princecon Review, as part of its second a n n ual "Student Opinion Honors for Business Schools." In particul ar, PLU was in the ro p 15 nationwide for the categories of general management and global man足 agemcnt. The list appeared in the April 2010 issu e of Entrepreneur. "We're th rilled ro receive this recogni足 tion from the Princeron Review. It's an honor co be the only MBA p rogram in the North west co be recognized, and especially gratifying that the PLU MBA program is listed among the rop 15 programs in twO of the six categories," said Jim Brock, Dean of PLU's School of Business. "It is a testament ro the commi tment, passion and experience of the busi ness school's faculty." mJ


PlU SCENE FAll 2010 > HERE & NOW

Th e PLU M BA p ro g ra m, wh i c h has its h o me in Th e M o rken Center for Lea rni ng a nd Tec h no l ogy, was r e c e ntly h o nored by The Princ eton Review.


'Reall y?!' spread bad liberal slant I was nor su rp rised to see that five of

the six points of view in rhe

to the editor

" Re ally ?! "

edi tOrial spread (S pring 2010 issue of Scene) had a ver), liberal slant. I'd like to know if there were op posing points of Send

your [etters to

the erutor to scene@plu.edu

50 Years of marriage -

view by orher fa cul ry members. It wo uld be nice ro know if rhe faculry leans JUSt one way, or if rhere is an o p en - m inded ­ ness permi tred i n class room s for s tu­ dents. As an undergraduate at a major

Big Ten university, I did not find much o p po rtunit y for o pe n- m i nd edness in my m aj o r, Zoology. However, as a g rad uat e

student at PLU and Western Kentuckv Univer si ty, I was e n couraged to be op � n­ minded an d allowed to d efe n d

par ti c­


ular poi nt of view. If t her e are different

points of view on the six folklore to pics , I ' d l i ke t o hear fro m those faculty members.[§] -Ernest F.



and ministry - started in

Tower ChapeJ It was Jan uary, a cold and rainy day. The year was 1961, the "Unive rs i ty Year." We were seniors at PLU . Both of us were Bridget Yaden,

from San Francisco, and we'd met at

assistant p rofesso r

PLU the previous school ycar, when

of Ilispanic studies,

Barbara transferred from San Francisco


Ciry College. Early on, we'd discovered

2010 "In pirarional

we shared the same birthday, one year

Lead e rshi p

apart. (She d idn't believe him: "January 16;> You're kiddi ng. Let me see your dri­ ver's license!") So giving birthday gifts to

each other became a special event. Many said to Barbara th:lt evening, "Let's go to the Tower Chapel to give our gifts . " Her re s pons e: "Bur it wo n't be o pe n now." To her surprise (b u t not his), the door w as

o pe n . Up the s tairs


\wnt, into the

c ha p e l, and sat i n the back row facing the beautifullVindow. A faint l ight

glowed through the stained glass. Barbara gave her gift

- a

s weat e r, if we

reme mber co rre c dy. Then Marty gave

his: an engagement ring, a soli tai re d i a­ mo nd, slipping it on her finger i n the darkness. (She said yes.) We graduated from PLU in May of'61,

Ma rry b e gan fo u r years of studY:lt Pacific Lutheran Theological SClllin:lry

in Be rke ley, and in November of '61 we were married i n S:ln Francisco. Now, a fr er fo r ry years of minist r y, Marty is retired, and ar rhis wri ting, Barbara is comp leting her 1 2rh year working in thl' f rom officc ar PLTS. We are happy to say that ou r commit­ ment to one another and to serve God tOgether began, as ir h as for orhers, in the Tower Chapel a t PLU.



'61 and Barbara (Weber '61)

awarded the

ertificare" by the

aUlhor of "An

of religioll, is the

Ethics of Biodlve rsi ty: Christian i ty. Ecology. and the Variety of Life,"

p u bli she d by G 'orger own Unlver iry Press. The book


both science

and theology to infornl a Christian



rhe extinction of

the need for

Was hi ngron Association for

li fe' s variery an d

Lan guage Teaching. Th� award recog­

thoughtful and comnu t rcd conser­

nize important conrribution in

vati on efforts. Donald Ryan.

p romoting , organizing. supporung,

faculr} [e1l0\\ in

defending, lobbying or planning some important a p 'ct of stuely of

world langu ages and/ r culru r es. Cl audia Berguson, associate

professor of Norwegian and Scandi navian area rudles, delivered a

Lillehamm er Liter ary Fes[ival in

igri d

UndseL'<; historical novel "Kristin Lavransdatter. "

Laurie C. Murphy, associat� pro­

fe sor of com puter science and


p u ter e ngin eering . was named co-edi­ tor in

chief fi r rill'


ompurer Science Education. Dean Waldow,

p rofesso r


istey, has received a Natural Science

-oundation grant of598,000 for h is

project "RUl: C om p :ltlbilizarion St udies

�., .� '. '




(he Sands of Egypr: Advenrun:s of an

Unconvcnti nal

Archaco\ogis[," published by

lecture on M ay 26. 2010. at the orwa y. Berguson discussed

h U l11al1i tics,

autbor of "Beneath


and Th1l1 Film Polymer Blend wich Copolymer Addilives." Kevin O'Brien. assistant prof esso r

I l arpcr 0111115. The

book includes

tales of Ryan's time in ngypt, as well ;u;

advcncu res with famed

Norwegian C'.. xp l orer Thai' H eyer dahl .

Kathy Russell, assisranl prof sor

of social work. is the recipien t of the 2009-201 () David

Service. Russell

T. Alger


Award for

honored fur her

service actlvitie. with .he \Va'ihingcon Corrections Cemc.!' for Women.

Associa.ted M III i�tries, and of inca rcera l 'd parents.

the child I'e n

Brenda Ihssen, visiting asSISli1I1l

profe 'sor of relig i on , published '''Strip rhe Rich Righr Dl)Wt\ m

Their Shirrs': Sr . John the Almsgi\'l�.r anJ the Tra.nsfom1arion

f [h I!

ity," ill rhe juurnal Ekklcslasukos

Pharo!., volunw 91.20.

HERE & NOW > PLU SCENE FAll 2010 7

life of the mind Journalist Martin Jacques imagines a world where China is the world's only superpower hina will be rhe economic colos­ sus on the block someday. Ie's not a quesrion of if, bur when. Thar's rhe proposal Brirish journalisr and author MarrinJacques broughr ro PLU as he delivered a series of lecrures based on his book "When China Rules rhe World: The End of rhe Wesrern World and rhe Rise of rhe Middle Kingdom." In making his argument for the rise of China in inf1uence and economic clour, Jacques (pronounced "Jakes") firsr points to sheer numbers. The Asian giam countS a biUion-plus popularion - four rimes rhe popularion of rhe United Srares. That alone will enable China to overtake rhe Unired Srares as the world's largesr econo­ my by 2027, wirh a continued climb to the posirion of world economic leader by 2050. China is already emerging as rhe new center of the East Asian economy, eclips­ ingJapall. The role of economic and cul­ tural relevance will, in our lifetimes, begin co pass from Manhatran and Paris co cities like Beijing and Shanghai,]acques claims. "And the assumption in all rhis is that China will grow and develop like a Western country,"Jacques said during one of his many interviews and lectures in Tacoma and Seattle lasr May. "But thar is simply nor the case. The U.S. wants co understand China on its own terms and defines progress as the Westernization of thc country. But rhat isn't going [0 hap­ pen. Nor in a month of Sundays will China ever be Like us." So what will China be like? And wh>' should the United States care? Jacques predicts that China will not only inf1uence world economics, but have a strong say in how environmental resources are used, and how rechnology is developed. The country will do it all without becom­ ing a democracy. It will borrow economic and political ideas for the Wesr,Jacques said, bur it will hold onto a velY patriar­ chal system, which China's growing mid­ dle class will tolerate, or even encourage. Jacques contends that it is the American

relationship with, and attitude toward, China that will determine whether the 21st century will be relatively peaceful or fraught with tension and insrability. America is just waking up to the fact thar its world influence is waning, while China's is growing,]acques said. "I remember being very excited (when I read his book) because this was a set of questions that I'd been waiting for about 10 years for someone to ask," said Gregory Youez, music professor at PLU and a faculty member in PLU's Chinese Studies Program. "He talks aboue how the Chinese have their own sense of superiority, just as rhe U.S. has its own sense that we're God's people, and the British before LIS," said Yourz. How China's own sense of hubris, as well as its developing role as the world's banker, may play out is uncertain. Currenrly, China is sitting on $2.5 rril­ lion in foreign currency. Generally, China has been more interested in making key trade and business alliances with other countries, and ignoring what might be happening in a humanitarian or ecologi­ cal sense within that country, he said "They have a very strict policy of non­ interference in orher countries' affairs in that way," Youtz noted. Although Youez agreed with many of Jacques points, he believes that the jour­ nalist hasn't answered all questions posed by his own scenario. China's growing, and powerful middle class is technologically savvy - and while they might tolerate a Communist regime now, they won't want to be cut off from rhe world, Youtz said. With the advent of new technologies, "more (Chinese middle class) will begin to think about other possibilities than what they know," Youtz said. Jacques has argued thar China will catch up and take on the modern view of envi­ ronmentalism, such as the use of solar and wind power technology. But Yourz counters that while the government may

be very progressive in environmental poli­ cy, the local government officials can, and often do, ignore such edicrs. In fact, if there is one rhing rhat may keep China hams[)'ung as a superpower, it's the widespread endemic corruption of local officials, Yourz said. "That is the major complaint of the average Chinese citizen," Yourz said. "And it contribures to the doom and gloom rhat overshadows their view of China as a country. "Thar corruption may bring down China and makes Jacques' vision of a growing, successful and peaceful China impossible," Youtz said. Several crirics of Jacques' work also poine oue thar they doubt China will emerge as rhe world leader because its workforce and leaders are unimagina­ rive. Orhers note tharJacques' main sources for rhe book seem to be Wesrern financial experrs or urbane Chinesc, nor rhe hundreds of millions of rhe under­ class workers who live in poverty. Adam CarhcarT, assisrant professor of history and a part of PLU's Chinese Studies program, saidJacques did bring up some interesring quesrions. Bur he noted rhar China may quickly become sidelined in its growth and inf1uence if it gers drawn into rhe rensions between North Korea and South Korea over lasr March's sinking of rhe Sourh Korean warship Cheonan. China is now in rhe uncomforrable posirion of chasrising irs unstable neighbor and longtime ally, Noreh Korea. If rhis dispure draws China in, don'r look for an emergence of a leading superpower any rime soon, Carhcarr no red. � -Barbara Clements Martin Jacqttes is a visiting senior [eliOt/! at the Londol1 School ofEconomio� IDEAS, a centrefor the study of international affai1'S, diplomaCJI (md grand stmtegy, and



research fellow at the LSE's Asia Resea.rch CenW: He is a columnist for the Guardian and the New Statesman.


urses take t11eir skills to cardiac patients at their homes LEO RlVAS, a Pacific Lutheran U n iversi ty nursing srudent, h

topped by for a chat with hi client, Trevor Modeste S4 who in a tidy ralnbler tuck d between a patchwork

of farms and

subdivisions south of Tacoma. Numng s uden leo Rivas visits with patient Trevor Modeste at his home, Photo by Gilbert Arias.




ing to understand the dis­ charge paperwork, failing to take their medications proper­ ly, or ignoring diet and exercise regImens. With any chronic illness, there is a lot of risk when a patient goes home, noted Marlo Moss, MultiCare Chronic Heart Failure Nurse Navigator and Clinic Coordinator. The students are key in helping with the transi­ tion, especially for patients who might not have the support they need at home or are reluc­ tant to bother their doctor with follow up questions. At the time of the quality committee meeting in


PLU had just received a


grant from the

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


improve health­

care in the community. Miller thought having PLU nurses visit these recently discharged patients would be a perfect match. So did Kathy Ueland, CHF RN Educa[Or for Cardiac Service at MultiCare. "These patients were fre­ quently being readmitted to the Nursing stu d e nt Carolyn Pratt h e l ps h e r client, Martha Massey, with p a p e rwork. Photo by Kathleen M o si o , Comprehensive G e rontologic Education Partnership Project Coo rd in a to r, PLU School o f Nursing.

hospital and therefore nor meeting our 90-day benchmarks for the hospital readmission rates," recalled

NOW (an order heard clearly through

Miller. "So we proposed a home visit

the receiver) for a checkup. Modeste,

program for all [he patients who would

gram between PLU and MultiCare

who had bypass surgery three years ago,

agree to participate in it voluntarily."

Hospital System - just shoots the breeze

co 111 pI ies and they both leave for the

with Modeste, usually talking about

hospital in Tacoma.

Usually Rivas - one of 160 nursing students participating in


joint pro­

their favorite sports teams, after asking

For the last twO years, once a week by

\Vhen PLU senior Kelsey Carlson gave Elai ne Streich a call two years ago after Streich received a valve replaceme.nt,

preliminary questions on his weight,

phone and twice a semester in person,

Carlson was surprised, bur willing [0

cating habits and medications.

160 PLU nurses-in-training have been

take part.

But not roday. Modeste admits, after some probing questions from Rivas,

checking on patients in the Pierce and King county area who suffer from con­

For all intents and purposes, Streich, 63, was trapped in her house.

that he hasn't been feeling weU, and he's

gestive heart failure. This program -

Her husband did all the shopping,

been having chest pains and shortness

which is gaining national attention -

attended social events for the pair and

of breath - news that sets off alarm bells

was conceived twO ye.ars ago, according

even had ro help Strejch tie her shoes.

for Rivas. The casual interview rurns

to Terry Miller, dean of PLU's nursing

Streich, who lives in Tacoma, was Strug­

serio LIS. He insists Modeste call his doc­

program, at a quality committee meet­

gling with the idea of not drinking too

ror - immediately. Modeste first resists,

ing at MultiCare.

much liquid in her daily diet, and deal­

not wanting [0 be a bother, but then relents. The nurse, after listening a few min­ utes, tells Modeste to get to the hospital


The board was concerned with the re­

ing with chronic diabetes. The dozen or

admit rate for congestive heart failure

so medications she was on were confus­

patients. The patients were found to

ing and expensive, costing S600 a

quickly return to the hospital after fail-

month. And some were at the wrong

dosage, making her faint if she walked

Ross, 43, was impressed by

roo far, even in her own house.

the work he saw the nurses

It was embarrassing. The lack of the ability ro do even the simplest tasks led Streich


deal with another challenge,

involved in as they treated patients. "I really appreciated what

depression. Carlson started counseling

they did for the troops," Ross

Streich about her diet, fluid intake and


exercise. Over the last two years the

So, for the past three years,

results have been dramatic. Now, the

Ross has been studying CO be

pair always has their consultations Out

a nurse, and for the past two,

of the house, on this day at a local cof­

he's been working with Gene

fee shop. Streich has lost

Meade, a fellow veteran who

70 pounds and


lives in Gig Harbor. When

cises five days a week. All of her blood

Ross met Meade, he quickly

levels are better. Carlson found pro­

discovered that Meade was

grams ro help pay for the medications.

trying co pay his

Shl' credits C:trlson, 25, with helping her take control of her own life. Carlson knows th:tt the program is

$300 med­

ication bill out of his own

pocker. Ross helped Meade

PLU n u rsing student Melissa Pelissier c hats with her

and his wife navigate the Veteran's

clie nt, Shirl e y Ba rker. Photo by Kathleen Mosio,

paying off when she calls one day ro

Affairs benefits labyrinth and also dis­

Compreh ensive G e rontologic Ed u c ation Partnership

find Streich isn't home. "Her husband

covered that he wasn't getting the dis­

Project Coordinator, PLU School o f Nurs i n g .


ability benefits he should have been


she was our with the girls."

Scott Ross is a nursing student who decided on a career change after retiring from the Arm}'. While serving in Iraq,

receiving for the last three decades. "Took a couple of visits ro figure out what was going on," Ross says modest­

students. Nursing student Megan

ly. "As a nurse, you don't JUSt take care

Armstrong admits she was one of them.

of the patient, but the whole family."

She was skeptical of how much good it

It's this SOrt of a((itude and the changes in the lives of the patients that recently won the Heart Failure

would do. Another "ro do" in a crammed nursing studies schedule. But in a recent e-mail ro Sheri Shull,

Community Transition Program

PLU's pediatric clinical instrucror and

MultiCare's President's Award for com­

the coordinaror of the Heart Failure

munity partnerships. Miller said he was

Community Transition Program,

surprised that PLU won the award, nOt

Armstrong wrote she'd been won ovcr

because he didn't think the program

by the program. She has visited her

was a success, bur because of the stiff

patient for the last twO years and the

competition from such heavy hitters as


Department of Agriculture and the

pice. Armstrong plans ro attend the

Washington Statc Department of


Health. "There's some groundbreaking work here that the health care community is just waking up ro," Miller said. "It's making a difference in patient'S lives.


of mid-April, is now in hos­

"I know I made a difference ro my patient," she wrote. "And I know she made an even greater impact on me." Meanwhile, Rivas has been checking on Modeste every day since he checked

To me it's a beautiful marriage betvveen

into the hospital. He wasn't having a

practice and the health care needs of

heart attack, bur his docror wanted him

the community. When that happens,

ro seay in the hospital for another day.

it's magical." PLU nursing student Leo Rivas weighs patient

Not that the program, at first, didn't have its detl'acrors among docrors and

MultiCare's Marlo Moss said this pro­

And when Modeste returns home, no doubt, Rivas will drop by for a visit.

Trevor Modeste, part of his r e g u l a r visit with

gram might be one of the first of its

This time, both hope they can talk

Rivas. Photo by Gilbert Arias.

kind in the nation.

about spores. I]]



By C h r i s A l b e rt P h otos by J o h n F rosc h a u e r

_os oy of S u d a n F ro m ' N owh e re' to h o m e at P L U


he table in David Akuien's South Hall apartment is covered with textbooks and worksheets, filled with menculous notes. He sits down at the table and spends hours studying - this day i t's for an environ­ mental studies test. Behind him is a poster of Mahatma Gandhi, with the quote "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." On the right is a poster of Martin Luther King]r. at the Lincoln Memorial, with his "I Have a Dream" speech below the image. " People like them can keep me on track everyday," he said, pointing to the posters. "These guys aren't alive, but their words are still very much alive." The study area, the decor on the walls, is all very much Akuien. "This is home," he said. For the first 12 years of David Akuien's life, he did not have a home - at least not the way most people think of one. He had places to live, but the word, the meaning of "home" was lost. The com fort and safety associated with the word did not exist. His first years of his life were spen t escaping from the horrors of a civil war in Sudan. "1 was born into this chaos right away," Akuien said. He is one of almost 4,000 " Lost Boys," who escaped a life of war and faced the fear of the unknown for a chance at a better life in America, in a faraway place called Tacoma, Wash. For the next 10 years, the place [he 22-year-old has called home has been Tacoma. The past six years have been at PLU. He has lived here longer than any place in his life. This May, Akuien (pronounced "A-Q-en") graduated with a double major in communication and political science, and earned minors in conflict resolution and religion. " Luckily, I was one of the children chosen to come here," he said. Life at PLU wasn't automatically easy for Akuien. He fel t dif14


ferent. He was different. He'd sit in a class and hear the prob­ lems his fellow students would talk abou t and reaLize how dis­ connected they were from the horrors of his past. "I didn't identif), with anybody," he said, "That was the thing that frightened me." But through the guidance of people like retired Professor Rick Seeger, and by getting involved in campus organizations and even working in PLUs conference and events, PLU became his home. "We were the 'go to' people," Akuien said of his time with conference and events. "That was the first time I felt at home. That's when I felt a sense of belonging. "PLU has become a home," he added, "all of that came because of my involvement." Akuien hopes to stay involved. He's considering getting his masters in education at PLU. He's passionate about educating people and giving people the opportunities that come with education. Someday, he hopes to return to Sudan as an educa­ tor. He hopes to make his country great. "If you know where you've gone, you know where you're going and you know where you've got to go," he said. His earliest memories are of being carried by a cousin with a group of refugees through thousands of miles of harsh wilder­ ness and a homeland ravaged by war. He was only five years old at the time. They headed to Ethiopia only to find another civil war. His father was killed and fout of his siblings met the same fate. "That's life in southern Sudan," he said softly. "A lor of peo­ ple didn't make it." "Sometimes we don't realize life is really, really horrible in parts of the world," Akuien said. "I wish people made the best of what they have." On the road to Ethiopia and then to Kenya, Akuien said it was common to see other refugees stop on the side of the road and give encouragement to each lifeless person laying beside i t. But staying put wasn't an option. "There was a sense of

urgency," Akuien said. "You had to always keep moving." It wasn't just sickness or malnutrition that would kill, but also the people along the way. It could be a bandi t or soldier, whose side wasn't always easy to tell. The faces he remembers most are those of the nearly 8,000 Lost Boys who didn't make it to America. Certainly some of them are now dead, but there's hope many have survived and one day he'll see them agajn. Being on the cusp of achieving so m uch for h imself, in many ways those achievements are also for those people, those boys that are always on his mind. "The Lost Boys," Akuien said, "I'm one of them." It took years, thousands of miles and unspeakable sights to make it to Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya - home to nearl), 1 00,000 refugees. In Swahili, "Kaku ma" means "nowhere." There were moments though where the boys, who were forced to grow-up too soon, truly experienced life as boys. In camp, the boys would gather around a soccer ball on a dirt field filled with rocks and no clear boundaries and just play. They'd play without shoes. The dirt would soil the few clothes they had and the rocks would tear at their skin. But none of that mattered in those moments, Akuien said. They were getting a chance to play a game, to escape the confines or their existence. "When you'd see them do that, you'd think these kids are tough," he said. "Despite everything, a lot of kids live life with hope and happiness." Eventually, programs organized by the United Nations and the United States enabled some of the "Lost Boys" to be moved from Kakuma to America. "The Lost Boys of Sudan" earned their name from the story of Peter Pan - all of their parents were either killed or separated from them. These boys who had lived a harder life than most men, hurried to apply for evacua­ tion. Not all would be rescued from "Nowhere," but some would. The day Aukien saw h is name he was filled with mixed feel-

ings, after all he was only a 12 year-old boy and was going to be leaving everything he had known to be a part of a place he couldn't explain or visualize. He didn't know the fate of many of his family members a.nd in camp he was withou t them. I t wasn't until years later, in America, that he would reconnect with his mother. "I fel t I was giving up a lot of myself," he said. Aukien lived in foster care in Tacoma during his first years in the United States. He went to Foss High School. He struggled to com municate and understand cultural differences. For some­ one who walked east Africa for years, just finding a classroom was hard. He asked h imself that first day of class, "How am I going to make it?" Akuien has always fou nd a way. He has made Tacoma and PLU home, but longs to open the door of the past in hopes for a bright future. He misses the mother he hasn't seen for more than 10 years a lifetime ago. She is back in southern Sudan, with his sister. Being with them, in one place, is an image he holds on to and he is eager for it to happen. "It's been on my mind since I first came to this country," Akuien said. "I want to see how l i fe is now." Even though Sudan was a place of many horrific memories, he misses his country. Today, southern Sudan is a nation in recovery. It was only a few years ago that phone service became readily available throughout the region. Since, he's been able to talk to his mother. A journey that's taken him from Sudan to Ethiopia, back to Sudan, to Kenya, then to Tacoma, will take him back to Sudan, not to the horrors of the past, but rather the hope of the future. "I'm not better," he said, "but I guess I can say it's the card I've been dealt and you just have to deal with the card you've been dealt. "Nothing is bigger than what I've already been through." �



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Athleti c H a l l of Fa m e 20 1 0 T H E 20 1 0 PAC I F I C LUT H E RA N AT H L ET I C H A L L O F FA M E C LASS, c o n s i st i n g of t h re e nati o n a ll c h a m p i o n s h i p tea m s a n d t h re e o utsta n d i n g ath l etes w h o wore t h e b l a c k a n d g o l d , w i l l b e t h e 2 1 st ,i n t h e h a l l 's h i sto ry. T h e l i,st o f i n d u ctees i n c l u d es t h e N A I A nat i o n a l c ha m p i o n s h i p wo m e n 's soccer tea m s o f 1 988, 1 989 a n d 11 99 1 ; J a s o n T h i e l (footba l l , a n d t r a c k a n d f i e l d); M il ke S i m m o n s ( m e n 's swi m m i n g ) ; and Ted Ca r l s o n ( m e n 's te n n i s ) . T h e i n d u ct i o n d i n n e r i s sched u l ed fo r 6 : 3 0 p . m . F r i d a y, O ct . 8, i n O l s o n A u d itor i u m . Tickets may be p u rchased by ca l l i n g t h e PLU ath l et i c d e p a rt m e nt at 2 53 - 5 3 5 -7 3 5 2 .

a similarly impressive 1 994 campaign when he suffered a career-ending ankle injury early in the 1994 season. When Thiel wasn't throwing opposing quar­ terbacks to the ground, he was throw­ ing shot puts and ham mers all the way to the national championships. As a star of the PLU track and field team, Thiel p rogressively increased his impact over the rhree years he partici pated. Moving from 14th nationally ( 15 1-9) his fresh man year ( 1991) in the ham­ mer throw, Jason then went on to sev­ enth- and third-place finishes in the fol­ lowing cwo years. Wi th a mark of 188-5 in 1993, Thiel claimed third p lace at thr nationa.i championships and aLso took home a First Team All-America honor. [0

ason Thiel was arguably one o f the greatest defensive linemen [0 play football at PLU, and he also placed himself among the best in the Track and Ficld record books. Thiel amassed remarkable stats as a defensive tackle, and as a star hammer thrower and shot putter. Thiel starred in 27 of the 29 games that he played during his PLU football career, accru ing 22 sacks, with 13 coming in his sophomore season. Thiel was a two-time tvlr. Rainier League All-Star ( 1 992, '93) and a mem­ ber of the Columbia Football Association championship teams of 1992, '93 and '94. He earned honorable mention All-America honors in the 1 993 season, and with six tackles, twO quarterback sacks, and a fu mble recov­ ery, he was named the Defensive MVP in PLU's 50-20 NAIA championship game wi n over \Vestminster. He was off 22


or several decades, PLU swimming was the toast of the NAJA, with a plethora of All-Americans and individual national champions. Beginnlng in

his freshman year of 1 995, M.ike won the NAJA narional championship in the l Oa-yard breaststroke in a blazing 57.90 seconds, shattering the previoLls school record. Simmons earned All-America honors in both the 100- and 200-meter breaststrokes. The following year, Simmons placed fifth in the 200-meter breaststroke and sixth in the 1 00-merer breaststroke. Mike's junior year proved to be his most proLific and fastest at PLU. Breaking his own school record in the l Oa-meter breaststroke, Simmons once again won the NAJA national championsh ip with a time of 57.46. At the same meet, Simmons placed third in the 200-meter breaststroke (2:05.43) and 1 2th in the 200-yard individual medley ( 1 :59.58). These outstanding feats earned Simmons another AU­ America honor. In the faLl of 1998. PLU transitioned from NAIA [0 NCAA Division 1II, marking a stark change in che qualif)ring times for swimmers nationwide. Simmons qualified and placed in boch the 1 00 and 200 breast­ stroke events at the Division HI meet in 1999, making him the only PLU swim­ mer [0 date [0 compete in an NCAA Division I I I championships. \Vith a 10th-place finish in the 100 breast­ stroke and a 1 6th-place finish in the 200 breaststroke, Simmons firrl1ly pLanted himself among the best swim­ mers [0 ever grace the PLU pooL eading into the 1 9 7 1 tennis sea­ son, PLU men's tennis had yet to make a mark at the regional leve.l, let alone establish a national presence. This changed with Ted


Carlson. Carlson was che num ber-one singles player all four years at PLU, amassing a record of 50- 1 7, and a 33-13 mark as the regular number-one dou­ bles parricipanL In his sophomore sea­ son of 1972, Carlson and teammate Dave Knodel won che NAIA districc dou bles championship. The next year, Carlson won both the conference and districc singles championships and, as a resulc, became che firsc PLU men's ten­ nis player to play ac che NAIA nacional championship cournament. "In so many ways Ted was the pioneer for whac we would consider the 'modern era' of PLU cen nis," said Carlson's for­ mer coach, Mike Benson. To cap off a remarkable and trailblazing career at PLU, Carlson won both the singles and dou bles championships ac the NAlA District I meet, once again making ic co che NAIA national tournament, before bowing out in the second rou nd.

acific Lu cheran University has been blessed with several teams that have completel}' outshined and dominaced competition nationally. Few, chough, have equaled the successes reached by the 1988 women's soccer team, finishing the season with a 2 1 -2-0 record. Led by fou r-time All-American Sonya Brandc and her 29 goals and Wendy Johnson's 15 assists, chis team stormed through opposicion to claim the NAlA nacional cide. A staunch defense, anchored by keeper Gail Scenzel, kepc opponencs to a 0.5 1 goals per game average. Along the way, the PLU women brought home Northwest

Conference of Intercol legiate Colleges, NAlA Districc I cide, and NAlA Wesc Region cides. The 1988 ceam scill holds che highesc winning percentage in ceam history (.913), making its successes even more valuable in historical significance. Assercing cheir will over opposing ceams, the Luee women netted a scag­ gering 83 goals for the season while allowing cheir opponents only 10. During the nacional tournament, che Lu ces scored 10 goals while only giving up jusc cwo. This ceam was che first of five consecucive women's soccer ceams co reach che NAJA nacional cide game, starring a dynascy chac would never be forgotcen in PLU history. Team members: Cathy Ayres, Sonya Brandc, Kirsten Brown, Laura Dutt, Tina Corsi, Karin Gimler, Robyn Hefc, Wendy Johnson, Patti Lirette, Dianne Moran, Sheri Noah, Sharon O'Donnell, Jenny Phillips, Lori Racko, Shari Rider, Sue Schroeder, Sue Shinafelt, Gail Scenzel, Heidi Van Shaik, Kate Wheeler. Head coach Colleen Hacker, assiscant coach Stacy Wacerworth.

ollowing the success of the 1988 national championship ceam, the women's soccer ceam of a year later equaled, and in some respects, sur­ passed its predecessor. The 1989 team won every possible championship put in front of chem, amassing a final record of 22-2-2 en rouce to their sec­ ond successive NAIA national champi­ onship. Kate Wheele( led the team in defense, holding a 0.28 goals againsc average wich an amazing 19 shutoucs.

In che actacking front, PLU was led by chree All-Americans, wich Wendy Joh nson earning NAIA first team recognition, and boch Karin Gilmer and Shari Rider on the second ceam. As the cacalysts of the ceam, chese women led che Luces chrough cheir compecition and sec the ceam record for highesc number of wins (22) and tying for fewest losses in a single sea­ son (2). The 1989 ceam also holds che PLU women's soccer record for mosc consecucive games wichoue a loss (23). The Lutes demonscrated cheir uccer dominance of opponents by scoring 80 goals in che season, including 16 each by Wendy Johnson and Laura DueL Team members: Shannon Arnim, Kirsten Brown, Tina Corsi, Laura Dutt, Karin Gilmer, Krisca Hallock, Robyn Heft, Linda Hollandsworth, Wendy Johnson, Cheryl Kragness, Sheri Noah, Kim Peccia, Jodi Pfaender,Jenny Phillips,Julie Priest, Shari Rider, Mary Rink, Sue Shinafelt, Jill Scraughan, Kate Wheeler. Head coach Colleen Hacker, assistant coach Stacy Waterworch.

fter a disappointing loss in che 1990 NAIA national champi­ onship game, che PLU women's soccer program wanted redempcion. Ic took chem jusc one year to do s o , win­ ning che tide in 1 991 wich a final over­ all record of 1 8-2-4. "On che day thac we came in second lasc year, che mem­ bers of this ceam very quiedy and very Continued 011 page 28


The Homecoming Commi ttee

this year's academic affinity

has partnered with PLU's Wild

reunion - graduates of the

Hope proj ect team to b u i ld a

School of Arts and

day during Homecoming that

C o m m un ication.

focuses on "vocation." The Wild H ope Project was made possible i n 2004 by a $2 million

S C I1 EDULE Thursday, October 7 路

Friday, October 8 Chapel

donation fro m the Lilly

Meant to Live Luncheon

Endowm ent and provides

and Lecture

opportunities for faculty, s taff

Apple Fest C o m m u n i ty

and especially s tudents to


explore vocation. One aspect o f

Athletic Hall of Fame

t h e W i l d Hope Program i s

D inner

Meant t o Live - an annual s tudent-initiated event, now fu nded by a gift from the C lass


Campus Campfi re Saturday, October 9 Reunion Coffee H o urs

of 1 9 5 8 , that b ring alumni b ack

H o meco ming C eleb ration

to campus to share thei r


"vo cational narrative." What be tter time than H o mecoming

Football G ame

to b ring alumni and st udents

Campus A l ternatives to the Football Game

toge ther in conversation abo ut vocati on? While all are i nvited

50th Ann iversary Banquet

to participate, we extend an

G ala at the Tacoma Art

extra special i nvitation to

M useum Sunday, October 10

Meant to Live Festivities include a School of Arcs and C o mmunication Luncheon providing networking and sharing opportunities for Alumni and current SOAC majors. There will be a

G ol den Club Brunch

Homecoming Worship

O rgan Recital

brief presentation, incl uding an intro to the Meant to Live Lecture


to be delivered by Jim Walker ' 76. The lecture will follow the

Fes tivi ties are planned for the

luncheon and is open to all . In keeping with the tradition of

class years ending in 5 or 0, as

relationships and connections, join the PLU Community for the

wel l as fo r the School of Arts

Apple Fest following the lecture. Current stude nts will engage all


attendees th rough a myri ad of talent an d skills. Favori te Ap ple i nspired fal l treats will be a tasty part of this comm uni ty celebration. 24 PLU SCENE FAll 2010 > AlUMNI NEWS & EVENTS

om m u n i cation.

n O O n n l\ T r S -

f l\ C U L T T

F L U n E I1 T O n S L U T E n E L l\ T I V r S


Use the spaces to fill i n the significant people i n your PLU experience. Who would you like to see at Homeco m i ng? \Vho do you want to reconne ct with? After filling out your Lute Fam i ly tree, contact those people to extend a personal invitation to meet YOll at Homecom i ng. If you need help contacting chem contact the ,

mce of Alumni and try to bdp }' u

Constituen t Relations a n d we will H mecomi n g.


find and i nvite tbese sp ecIal people r If you have questions, please contact

Dmce of Alumni and ul1Sri rucnr Relarion. at 25 3-535 -7415 or alumni@plu.edu.


Distinguished Alumnus Award Debra Kristensen Anderson For h e r outsta nd­ ing contri butions

a lso an advisor to WHO a n d has assist­ ed in the production of many t ra i n i n g materia l s f o r i m m u n i zation programs.

Outstanding Alumnus Donald Ryan For h i s outsta n d i ng

Distinguished Alumnus Award Karen Phillips

to the medica l field, Debra

contribution to t h e fields o f a rc h eolo­ gy and Egypt­ o l ogy, D r. Dona l d

For her outsta nd­

Rya n '79 receives

ing ach ievements

the Outsta n d i n g A l u m n u s Awa rd.


in the field of clini­

Anderson '80

cal n u rsing and for

Fol lowi ng h i s

receives the

her continued serv­

c h i l d h ood fasci n a t i o n for a nc i e nt

Dist i n g u i shed

ice and dedication

Egypt, D o n a l d 's a reas of research

A l u m n u s Awa rd .

to the u n iversity,

i n c l u d e Egypti a n a rcheol ogy,

Karen P h i l l i ps ' 5 5,

Polynes i a n a rcheol ogy, h i story of

Working for PATH (Prog ra m for Appropriate Tec h n ology in Hea lth) for the past 20 yea rs, Debra research has

receives the Disti ngu ished A l u m n u s Awa rd .

been focused o n ensuri ng that c h i l­

W h e n s h e was a l i tt l e g i r l , Ka ren

d re n i n poor countries receive effec­

k n ew s h e wa n ted to g o to sc hool at

a rcheol ogy, h i story of exp loration, experi menta l a rcheol ogy, and a n cient l a ng uages a nd sc ri pts. His most famous research i n c l udes excavations

tive vaccines. Every yea r, m i l l ions of

PLU and st udy n u rs i n g . After g rad ua­

i n t h e Egypti a n Va l l ey of t h e K i ngs,

d o l l a rs and l ives were once lost

tion, s h e worked as a n u rse i n h e r

where he red i scovered l o n g - n eg l ect­

due to vaccines spo i l i n g because

hometown hospita l a nd at Swed i s h

ed, u nd ecorated tom bs.

of the lack of app ropriate storage

Medical Center i n Seatt l e, before

Donald was a lso appoi nted as

h e l p i n g to open the UW Medical

research associate of the Kon-Tiki

conta i n e rs. Debra hel ped to develop the

Ce nter in 1 9 59. I n h e r 3 0 yea rs at

Museum in Oslo, has p u b l ished n u mer­

Vaccine Vi a l Mon itors (WM), ensu r­

U W, K a re n was head of t h e Medical

ous books and a rticles o n archeological

i n g that a d m i n i stered vaccines were

Outpatient Cl i n ic, h e l ped prep

su bjects, and has contri buted to many

not damaged by heat. WMs were

patie nts for t h e fi rst h e a rt trans­

a rcheological documentaries. H e has

i ntroduced in 1 996 and PATH worked

p l a nts, a nd served on the tea ms that

closely with the World Hea lth

esta b l ished t h e fi rst ca ncer cli n i c, t h e

O rg a n ization (WHO) to ensure thei r

fi rst A l z h e i mer's c l i n ic, a n d t h e fi rst

use by vacci ne producers. In 2007, she was recogn ized by the WHO i n honor

A I D S c l i n i c t h e re . T h a nks to h e r u n d erst a n d i n g of

of the 1 0th a n n iversary of the i ntro­

the u n ivers ity, a s i n ce re commitment

duction of WMs.

to t h e preservat i o n of a n i n depend­

Debra is cu rrently the group leader

ent, ch u rch-rel ated u n i versity, a nd

for vaccine techn olog ies and d i rector

h e r pass i o n for h e l p i n g others, Kare n

for the vaccine sta b i l ization project at

a l so successf u l ly served t h e u n iversity

also served as faculty fellow i n h u m a n i ­ ties a t P L U for many years and current­ ly teaches I ntroduction to Egyptology and Ancient Civi l izations of the Near East.

Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award Angela Meade

PATH, and is work i n g on a joint proj­

o n the Boa rd of Regents for n i n e

ect with WHO cal led " Opti m ize:

yea rs. H e r extraord i n a ry comm it­

For h e r outsta n d i n g achievements

I m m u n ization Systems and

m ent has been reflected by h e r

and ta l e n t as a n opera s i n g er, Ang ela

Tec h no l og i es for Tomo rrow." She is

fi n a n c i a l s u p port o f t h e u n ivers ity.

M eade '0 1 , receives t h e Outsta n d i n g


Recent A l u m n us

faithful i n her effort to keep her

Awa rd.

classm ates c o n n e cted to the u n iver­

d u r ing the h o l i d ay seaso n . By the

sity, as w e l l as e n cou raged them to

e n d of the 1 9 70s, the Facu lty Wives

A n g e l a made her profess i o n a l op eratic d e b u t at

d o n ate to t h e i r alma mater. Vo l l y was also one of the fou nders

vendors were broug ht to cam pus

C l u b had awarded $2 5,980 i n sc h o l a r­ s h i p s to deserving st ud ents .

the Metrop o l itan

a n d organ izers of a P L U Wo men of

Opera H o use in

the Lu n c h eon, a i med to b r i n g

2008. While st i l l a

together l ocal a rea a l u m n a e; an

welcomed a l l members of the P L U

st udent at the

event that deve l oped i nt o a 50-year

fa m i l y. For n e a r l y f o u r decades, t h e

In the 1 980, the c l u b chan ged its n a m e to the PLU Women's Club and

Phi l a d e l p h i a Academy of Voc a l Arts,

tradit i o n . The e m bodiment of a

proceeds from the a n n u a l Yu l e

s h e was c a l led to substitute for an i l l

" Lute for Life, " s h e has contri buted

Bout i q u e have been used t o f u n d a n

c o l l e a g u e i n G i useppe Verdi's " E lvira

h er ta le nts, t i m e a n d res o u rces to

en dowmen t now va l ued a t nearly

i n E r n a n i " and st u n ned the crowd

the un iversity and t h r o u g h out her

$ 3 00,000.

by her fi rst p rofess i o n a l perform­

l ifet i m e .

a nce. S h e ret u r n e d to the Metropolitan Op e ra a s M o z a rt's Countess in J o nat h a n M i l l e r ' s p roduction of " Le No zze di F i g a r o, " was at the S a n Franc isco Opera cove ring Konstanze in M ozart ' s " D ie E ntf U h r u n g aus

Special Recognition Award The PLU Women's Club

The Brian C. Olson Leadership Award Kelly Ryan . . For his leaders h i p

dem Sera i l " a n d , most recently, tri­

For 5 7 years of

u m p hed i n the title role of Rossi n i ' s

service t o the u n i ­

PLU and h i s

" Se m i r a m i d e " a t t h e Ca ramoor

versity a n d its

i ntended l ife l o n g

Festiva l . In 2009, Angela a l so

comm u n ity, The

dedicat i o n t o t h e

received the first prize and audie nce

PLU Wom e n 's C l u b

u n ivers ity, K e l l y

c h o i ce award at the C o n c o u rs

receives the

Ryan ' 1 0 receives

M u sica l I nternat i o n a l de M o ntrea l .

S p eci a l

the B r i a n C . Olson

Heritage Award Volly Grande

Award .

on t h e c a m p u s of

Leaders h i p Awa rd .

Recog nition Founded i n 1 9 53, t h e Facu lty

At PLU, Kelly has been a Te lALute, i ntern in the Office of Developm ent,

Wives C l u b a i med to " p romote bet­

resident assistant i n Hong

ter u n d e rstand i n g of Pacific

I nternatio n a l H a l l , com m u n ity

For her m a ny

Lut h e r a n Co l l ege activities and our

assistant in South H a l l , se rved on the

years of d ist i n ­

respons i b i l ities as wives . " Facu lty

leaders h i p of U n iversity

g u ished service to

wives got together, un der the lead­

Cong regation, and was part of the

the u n iversity,

ers h i p of pres i d e n t Emma Ra mstad,

Debate Te a m .

Vo l l y G r a n de '36

a n d orga n ized nu merous events at

receives the

PLC and in the co m m u n ity.

H e rita ge Awa rd. A g r a d u a te of

Over the years, the c l u b g rew i n me mb ersh i p a n d pu rpose. I n 1 9 72

Next year, K e l l y w i l l ded i cate h i s comm itme nt, ener gy a n d passion to serve others, by d o i n g g rassroots reco n c i l iation research with N a n s e n

the c l u b organ ized the f i rst Yu l e

D i a l o g Center i n S k o pje, Maced o n i a ,

she has served for the past 25 yea rs

Boutiq ue, a fundr a i s i n g effort

as part o f a U . S . F u l b r i g ht St udent

as c l a ss representative a n d h a s been

where loc a l h o l i d ay craft a n d food

Fel l ows h i p .

the class of 1 936,



alumni n

& even s


con tin lied

expenses for several stLIden ts i n the Social Sciences. Stan and Terri arrived in Taco ma in 1 9 7 1 , he as a new assistant p rofessor and she as a teacher at Washington High School. During his time at PLU, he became a wel l-liked teacher and col­ league and a very successful author. With professor emeritus Don \�/cntworth, he co-authored five edi­ tions of "Economic Scenes"; wrote "The Evolution of Economic Thought", a history of economic ideas; and co-

Brues put 'exclamation p oint' on their time at 'PLU n his words, former Professor of Economics Professor Stan Brue, along with his wife Terri, wanted to "put an exclamation point" on thei r long association with PLU. This past May, the university accepted their gift of $500,000 that wiH e ndow annual scholarships and offset study-away

I Penc i l Us I n I U PC O M I NG EVENTS August 20




. ...



September 2-1 September 1 1





. . . .

October 1-10

. . .






. . . .





. . . . . .

October 10-1 1






. . . . PLU at the Ta coma Rain iers baseball game







. . . . .







. . . .

. . . . . . .
























New Student Orientation

Ta llg ate at Hamline University, Sa int P a u l, Mi n n.






. . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . .

H omecoming 201 0

. . , . . . . . . . . . . . Al umni Board Meeti ng, PlU

. .

October 1 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tailgate at M e nlo College, Atherton, C a l if. .

November 5-1 . November 1 . . .



. . . . .




. .





. .










. .






















. .




. . .


. . Family Weekend, P LU .

. . Parent Council Meeting, P LU

For more informati on: www.p/ua/umni. org or call 800·ALU M - PLU .

atttaway lutes continued fmm page 23

determinedl), dedicated themselves to this season," said head coach Colleen Hacker. Winning the championship match 4-0 over M issouri Valle)" the 1 9 9 1 team laid to rest an)' speculation that they had lost the d),nastic stature they had built over the past four sea­ sons The Lute women also placed four players on the all-tournament team (Cheryl Kragness, Wend), Johnson, Shari Rider, and Mar)' Rink) . The team demonstrated this drive b)' outscoring opponents 68- 1 2 during the season and holding a 0.47 goals­ against average. The Lutes also placed three players on the NAIA All­ American Team, with Wend)' Johnson 28


authored with his former pro fessor Campbell McConnell "Contempo rary Labor Economics." H is biggest success, "Economics," will soon be in its 1 9 th edition. Nearly one in fou r U.S. stu­ dents cut their economics teeth on this text, which has sold over 14 million copies. I t is also a leading seller in many other countries. In making this gift, S tan acknowl­ edged that such success requires not just hard work on his part, but a bit of luck and the suppOrt of his fami ly and the entire u niversity. He said the gift was a " thank you to department, divi­ sion, and u n iversity colleagues and uni­ versi ty administrators for providing an environment of strong encouragement, helpful su pport, time flexibility and, above all, a huge amount of intellectual stimulation." In addition to gifts in support of the Morken Center and the Xavier remod­ el, the Brues gave the initial gifts behind endowed scholarships in honor of former economics professors Ernie Ankrim and Marlen M il ler, and in memory of the late wife of current eco­ nomics professor and Dean of Social Sciences Norris Peterson. They also e ndowed the B rue Excellence Award, which honors outstanding economics majors. In 2008, thC)' funded an endowment to help cover J-Term travel-related expenses for social science students. � and Shari Rider making the first team, and B renda Lichtenwalter earning sec­ ond team honors. Cher),l Kragness led the Lutes in points, scoring 1 8 goals and adding 1 1 assists. The team would end the ),ear in a familiar p lace - atop the national standings. Team members: Kim Alexander, Keri Allen, Shannon Arnim, Kirsten Brown, Rowena Fish, Robyn Heft, Wend), Johnson, Cher),l Kragness, Asta Kvi tne, M iss)' Law, Jennie Lee, Gina Moble)" Shawn Mood)', Dian ne Moran, Jodi Pfaender, Shari Rider, M ar)' Rink, Jill Straughan. Head coach Colleen Hacker, assistant coaches Stacy Waterworth and Kat Conner. �

Class Aepresentative positions available: 1937, 193B, 1939, 1941. 1942, 1943, 1 944, 1946, 1949, 1951, 1952. 1954, 1959, 1 96B,

1948 Class Aepresentative - Norene ISkilbred) Gulhaugen

1 939 Robert Mitchell died March 27. He served i n the U.S. Navy during World War II and the Vietnam War. After his military service, h e worked as a station­ ary engineer for the Tacoma Public Schools. He was a member of the South Lakeshore Christian Church and many service organizations. He is survived by his children, William '69, Gail and Jennie; seven gra n dchildren; 1 4 great­ grandc hildren, and many nieces and n e phews.

1 940 Class Aeprese ntative Johnson

Bob enjoyed duck hunting, fishing, volun­

Odven Aakre died Jan. 17.

teering in his community, and spending time with his family. He is survived by his wife, Don nie; c h i l d re n La rry, 'Dan, Cathy

1 957 Class Representative - Ed' Larson

The Aev. Chauncey ChristoHerson died February 27. He served as a pastor for

and Allen; brothers IDick and J a c k; 1 0 grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and many nieces and nephews.

Gary Gale died in November 2009. He is survived b y his wife Norma.

1950 Class Aepresentative - Oick Weathermon

many years, before retiring in 1 977. He

Luella (loso)

mayor of Stanwood from 1 985 to 1 993.

at the Bakerview Apartments in Eve rett, Wash., where he served for 20' more

1952 Jean Fritts died Feb. 1. J e a n and her husband, A. Byard Fritts, who taught organ and was the university organist at

years. H e loved hiking, climbing, rafting

PLU, moved to Tacoma in 1949 where

and traveling. Following the death o f his first wife, Nellie '46, in 2004, C h a u n c ey met Thelma Symonds and they were

they raised a family of four. Jean was a certified tea c h e r and h e r c u riosity about


life and meaning took her to various cor­ ners of the earth. She was preceded i n

Gerald Scheele received the 20 1 0 National C o n servation District

death b y her h u s b a n d , B y a r d . She is sur­

ProfeSSional Award, in Orlando, Fla.

continued to minister as a visitation pas­ tor, and began Mountain View Fellowship

married in 2008. He is survived by wife, Thelma; sister Naomi; sons Chris, Mark '84 and Ken; three grandchildren; many -

two years, h e continued his lifelong com­ mitment to his community by serving as

nieces, n e phews, and extended family.

vived by her children, raul, CarOl, Susan, and J udy; five grandchildren and count­ less extended family members and

Gerald P. Faaren died Oct. 26, 2009. After PLU, he taught 5th grade for 30 years in


Bernice (Odegrad) Ekern celebrated her 90th birthday on May 23 with family and

Olympia, Wash. H e loved his students

friends. She is retired from Washington Savings Bank and enjoys keeping in

and enjoyed following their c a reers. In

The Aev. Adolph Kohler died Feb. 2 1 . After PLU, h e attended Wartburg

touch with her PLU classmates. She is the widow of Steinar Ekern who also

ner, Grace. G erry loved dancing, travel­

attended PLU.

1941 Myrtle (Cribb) Bresemann died May 1 . After PLU, she taught a t G a u lt and Stewart junior high schools in Ta coma. Myrtle married Burrill Bresemann in 1 942. Myrtle was active i n h e r c h u rch, loved dancing, listening to music, doing needlepoint, dining out. and spending time with family and friends. Myrtle was a kind and caring mother, aunt, grand­ mother and friend. She was preceded i n d e a t h by her husband. Myrtle i s surVIVed by children Gordon and Kathryn; eight grandc hildren; many great-grandchil­ dren, nieces and n e p hews. 1942 Gloria (Rummer) Pederson cele brated her 90th birthday on June 15. Her hus­ band, Arne '51, was a professor of edu­ cation a t PLU. All of her sons, Les '64, James '67, Robert '66, Oavid '75 and Mark 'Bl attended P L U .

1945 Class Representative - Annabelle Birkestol 1947 Class Aeprese ntative - Gerry Lider Karl Olsen now resides at Tacoma Lutheran Aetirement C o m m unity a n d really enjoys t h e beautiful view of Mount Aainier from his apartment.


Cleo; seven grandchildren and 10 great­ grandc hildren.

1956 Class Aeprese ntatives- Ginny IGrahn) Haugen and Cia rene 10sterli) Johnson

19BO, 1990 and 1991'.

1936 Class Aepresentative - Volly ( Norby) Grande

where h e served a s superintendent for 11 years. After enjoying retirement for

1 95 1 , he m arried his longtime d a n c e part­

Theological Seminary and was ordained in 1 956. Adolph served a s a pastor in

1958 Class Aepresentative - Don Cornell

1 960 Class Aepresentative - Marilu (Miller)

196 1 Class Representative - Ron Lerch Ken Olson died J a n . 16. Ken is survived by his wife Roselyn INess '58).

1 962

n u m erous churches in California and

Class R e p resentative - Leo Eliason and Oixie (Likkel) Matthias

c h u rch choir and tea c hing S u nday school. He is survived by his wife, G race;

Arizona before retiring i n 1 992. He was preceded in death by his daughter Chris. H e is survived by wife Sylvia ( Narvesen

Jan Shabro was a p pointed the Pierce County Auditor by the Pierce County

brother Arthur; daughters Nancy '76 and Linda '7B, and their husbands John

'50); childre n Margo, Cindy, Karen, Pete, Mike and Amy; sister Trudy Williams;

Council in J a n u a ry 2009. She served in that position until November 2009.

Aosenberg and Jan Ruud '79; adopted dau ghter Judy; grandchildren and great­

many grandchildren, great-grandchil­

ing, playing cards, adventures and good parties. H e also enjoyed singing in the

grandchildren. Milton Hanson died Feb. 1 4. H e married Helen Marie Hawkinson i n 1 9 52. Milton loved to drive and travel with his family.

dren, lamily and friends.

1953 Class Representatives - Naomi IRoe)

1 963 Class Rep resentative - Merlyn and Joan (Maier) Overland

Nothstein and Carol (Schuler) Karwoski

Michael Macdonald, emeritus professor of European studies and, for many years,

Milton was a strong supporter of the civil rights movem ent, and was a passionate

Oorothy (Bauman) Freitag died J a n u a ry

advocate for children, elderly and under­

Bremerton, Wash., for 38 years. She loved being a Sunday and Bible School

director of the C.S. Lewis I nstitute at S eattle Pacific University, retired i n J u n e 2007 after a 40-year career. H e is t h e

privileged. H e and his wife Helen found­ ed the Institute for Creative Aging, a non­ profit organization that helped adult chil­ dren plan a n d care for their aging par­ ents. Milton is s u rvived by his wife, Helen; children William, Beny Sue and Aobert; and five grandchildren. Larry and Beth (Gottwald '50) Peterson celebrated their 60th wedding anniver­ sary on June 24 with a dinner hosted by their children, at the Madonna Inn i n San

1 8 . After PLU, Dorothy taught in

superintendent and tea cher, the Ladies' Guild president, the Altar Guild direc­ tress, a wedding coordinator and the kitchen cha i r. Dorothy is su rvived by her husband, Arthur; children Cheryl and James; nine grandchildren and four grea tog ra ndchi ldren.

1955 Class Aepresentative


a u t h o r o f Europe A Tantalizing

Romance, as well author/editor o f numerous other books, articles and reviews. H e is c u rrently president of the

emeriti faculty o f Seattle Pacific University.

1 964 Class Aepresentative - Jon and Jean I Riggers) Malmin

Phyllis (Grahn)


Luis Obispo, C a lil.

1965 Class Aepresentative


Oave Wytko

l. June IBunney) Justice died April 1 7.

195 1 Bob Larson died March 25. Bob married Donnie Hamburg in 1 95 1 . Following serv­ ice in the Korean War, he began his career in education. He was a teacher and later served as principal and as assistant sup erintendent. Bah and Donnie settled in Stanwood, Wash.,


She met h e r husband, Jack '51, at Kapowsin High School a nd they both attended PLU. Jack died i n 2006. J u n e's family was very sport-oriented and she loved attending ballgames played by h e r husband, children and grandchildren. She i s survived by c h i ldren Gary, Sharon and Cheryl; sisters Aeatha, Doris and

Stanley Hoobing finished his interim at Our Savior Lutheran Church i n Twin Falls, Idaho, on J a n . 31. H e i s cu rrently an o n ­ c a l l ELCA interim pa stor. Stanley and his wife, Carol, live i n Boise, Idaho. Francis and Karen ('65) Stack both retired after 40 years and moved to

Boise, Idaho. Francis worked in the phar­

to pan-time practice this summer. While

maceutical field and Karen worked i n the field of medical technology.

retired, he remained active in his other

1 974 Class Representative

less students. Alice taught junior high -

David Johnson

English, social studies and gihed stu­ dents in the Clover Park School District

Tammy Skubinna retired aher 26 years

where, for 10 years, she also served as

leslie (Geer) WaHs was honored as one

businesses, including four long-term care facilities, 40 Web site stores, a bar and a restaurant, Michael and his wife

as the 4-H extension fac ulty i n Benton

the administrator o f gihed education

of the 2009- 1 0 Distinguished Faculty

Francine live i n Marion, Ohio.

Cou nty, Ore. She is now playing tennis,

and fine ans. S h e is survived by hus­ band Ja ck; brother Ralph; and daugh­ ters Tracy, Manha and Paige.

Members at Pierce College.

volunteering and doing some 4-H work. lone Eastby died M a y 4. She met her

She recently received the Rotary Clu b's

h usband, Franklin lane Eastby, at

Meritorious Service Award for enriching the lives of the youth of Benton County.

1 966 Class R e p�esentative - Frank Johnson

Concordia College, and they married in

The Rev. Bob An derson died J a n . 9 aher a long battle with c a n c er. Bob met his

1 957. lone taught business and English at the U n iversity of Minnesota, Nonh Dakota State University, and Franklin

wife Mary (Gilbertson '65) in the Choir of the West. Aher P l U , he attended semi­

1 975 Class Represe ntative - Helen Poh lig

Pierce High School in Ta coma. I n 1 97 1 , s h e transitioned from tea c hing to coun­ seling at Washington High S c h ool in

Art Thiel has launched a new venture

parishes. Bob loved playing and coach­ ing soccer, cheering for the Mariners,

Ta coma, and eventually b e c a m e the

listening to opera and classical music, and all things S c a ndinavian. H e i s sur­

wife and mother, a tireless and generous public servant - dedicated to always helping her students ach ieve th eir great­ est potential in school and i n life. She is

span journalist, Steve Rudman, An, Steve and Mike Gastineau, span talk show host, also wrote the book The

nary and served i n several Washington

vived by his wife, M a ry; sisters Christine and Stephanie; c h i l d re n Erik, Kjell and Sonja (Anderson '99) Hardenbrook; five grandsons, and numerous nieces and neph ews.

guidance director. lone was a loving

s urvived by h e r two sons, Forrest and Je ff '83, and two grandchildren. Rick

called Spans Press llC along with fellow

Great Book of Seatrle Spans Lists, pub­

lished i n 2009.

1 976 Class Representative - Gary Powell

1 967 C l a s s Representative - Craig Bjorklund

Nelson married lenora Dines on

Cynthia (Wilson) Edwards was named Best Doctor by South Sound Magazine for the second year in a row.

1 968 The Rev. Linda Allen was recently

Feb. 1 3, 2009. The wed­ ding and recep­

Class Representatives - leigh Erie and

indu cted into the Nonhwest Women's

tion were held in the

Hall of Fame. She is currently touring more than 30 cities in Washington i n cel­ ebration of 1 00 years of women's suf­ f ra g e, She released her ninth CD, "H ere's to the Wom e n ! " and currently directs the Her son, Nathaniel, is a student a t PlU.

School and lenora retired from Boeing in 200 1 . They live o n Ta pps Island.

Mary Rennebohm was named Camb ridge

Jerry Crawford retired aher serving for 37 years as a parish pastor in the Evangelical lutheran Church i n America.

1 97 1 Class Representative - Joe Hustad, Jr,

H e i s a graduate of lutheran Semi nary. J e rry and his wife, Marilyn, reside in Anaheim, C a lif.

Paul Berg wrote a book titled "Sandra's Hand" about his remembrance as a teacher at Wounded Knee on the Pine

Marvin Kananen was the commence­ ment speaker at Fi n l a ndia University in

Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.

Hancock, M i c h . H e was a teacher and

Don Meyer was elected as 201 0 Pan of Ta coma commissioner. He has 1 0 years of experience a s executive director of the Foss Waterway Development Authority and 1 4 years in p a n senior management, including deputy director.

his career brought him from Michigan to Washington, and from Sierra leone to Tanzania. Marvin and h i s wife Jean spent the last 1 2 years as missionaries at the Maasae Girls lutheran Secondary School in Monduli, Ta nzania. Aher retir­ ing i n January, they are planning to move b a c k to Bellevue, Wash. Violet Turner died M a r c h 30. Marilynne (Buddrius) Wilson is a regis­ tered nurse with the Hyperbaric and Comprehensive Wound Care unit at D e aconess Medical Center in Spokane, Wa sh. She recently panicipated i n a 1 0day Witness for Peace h e a lth c a re research delegation to Cuba.

1 969 Class Representative - Rick Nelson Michael Belcher has been retired from private practice i n the fields o f psy­ c hotherapy, hypnotherapy and hypo­ analysis for five years but has returned

Joan (Nelson) MaHich

1 978 Class Representative

1 970 Class Representative - Bill Allen

1 972 Class Representative


Pete MaHich

Who's Who Professional of the Year in Education and Counseling for her com­ mitment to positive c hange and for her ex cellent counseling skills. She works a s a n international school counselor f o r the Elementary Division of Universal American School in Dubai. In her post, M a ry works with children of over 70 nationalities. She also authored Counseling Abroad: Using Your Skills in the World.

Molly Stuen

Judith Van Houten was named distin­ guished professor at the University of Vermont.

1 973 Class Representative - Karen (Wraalstad) Robbins and Sandy (Dimler) PriveH lyle Quasim was named interim presi­ dent of Bates Technical College in Ta coma. He served, most recently, as the chief of staH for Pierce County under county executive John ladenburg. He also served as a board m e m b e r for the State Board of Comm unity and Tec h n i c a l Colleges, and was a trustee a t Bates Te chnical College.

Eric Carlson resigned as the football coach at Newberg Senior High School in Newberg, Ore., aher 2 1 years. John Wallace was hired as the chief executive oHicer for the Oregon Real Estate Association Board of Directors. He previously worked as community high school business tea c h e r and as adjunct professor at North Carolina Wesleyan College J o h n, his wife Nancy, and their three ch ildren recently relocated to Salem, Ore.

] 982 Class Representative - Paul Collard Maria IMeyer) Mord became board c e nified by ANCC in Cardiovascular Nursing i n July of 2009. She is currently working at John Muir H e a lth in Concord, Calif., as cardiac rehabilitation nurse case manager. M a ria and her husband, Rod, live in lafayette, Calif. Their daughter, Karin, is a sophomore in college in Los Angeles. Patrick Swenson has been teaching at Riverside High School in Auburn, Wash., for a n u mb e r 0 1 years and also publishes a quanerfy magazine c a l l ed Talebones. S i n c e 2000 , he has published over 30 books. Patrick organizes several writers' conferences each year and is well known i n the field of dark tales and sci-fi. H e recently published the chil­ dren's book, Mrs. Annathena Gil/y Gully

1 979 Class Representatives - Dave a n d

From Puddle Rumple Tilly Willy,

Teresa (Hausken) Sharkey and Stephan Fjelstad

authored by his step-mother, Chellis Jensen.

1983 Stephan Fjelstad joined the law firm leahy P S in Kirkland, Wash.


(lee) Phillips

1 977

Ta pps Island Club House. Rick i s c u rrent­ ly tea c hing mathematics at Auburn High

Threshold C h oir i n Bellingham, Wash.

1 98 1 Class Representative - Dean and Susan

Joann (Johnson) Schafer died March 16. She a n d h e r hus­ band, Eldon

Class Represe ntative


Dave Olson

Jeff Chandler is the new head football coach at Redmond High School. He has nearly a decade of h igh school head coaching experience and most recently worked a s the athletic director at Skyline High Sc hool.

lamoine Schafer, lac ulty emeritus at PlU, met early i n life and enjoyed 58 years of marriage while teaching and traveling to several different universities and coun­ tries. S h e panicipated in many a rts and c rafts fairs, including the Yule Boutique a t PlU. Joann is survived b y her sons,

Brad Tilden received the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, given to Eagle Scouts who have distinguished them­ selves i n business, professions, and service to others. H e was also rece ntly appointed a s an independent director for Flow International Corporation,

Alice Watson died J a n uary 21. She was a warm and compassionate teacher who

Karen Weatherman is an inaugural steering committee member of the new Washington State tearning Communities Consortium. S h e works a s

left a long lasting impression on count-

t h e learning communities director at

Warren a n d Karl, and grandson, Justin.




March 20, 2010,

• g roup of

PLU lIumnl gllhered

from Hawlii, Oregon, and Wa shington to hille


Ml R a inier Nallonal Park. They beautiful sun and s now on the first day of s pnng, L to R: Reada l l Choy '96, Joh n Milia '92 'S5. Kay VOD Wren Milas '95, Nal8llla Woodwanl '17, S .. Kip 1111u al '99,

Westside Road trail It

enjoyed their ti me together in tile

Four old ruomnII lIl mil 10 C:llebrIII ltIeit frieadsIIiP in October 2.OD8, L to R: DlIli. (Lildlel '&2, ...... . Sandra lTy- '82' Hegevik. K8IIII (1IepIM '82' Raillar. KareD 1T0III . '&2, T_

pic1uJos 10 .. by . ..... '1 11 ...",.,. Hu. !If by ...U to Ihl Ollie. 01 AI_nj II1II t_ � ,.. I.udwren IJIIMIdr. 12 1 80 Part In s.. T_ WA 98441 PIuu feel t... to caD lIS " 81J11. AUIM-PW d yau hlw ll!y �L


Washington State U n iversity a n d coordi­

struction closing as well as relocations

nates Freshman Focus, a first-year pro­

a n d R E O transactions.


Terry Marks '88, Russ Cole '87, David

Lea d i n g Edge Solutions LLC in Ta coma,

Martinson '90, Kristin (Ford '92)

the Western Washington Fair Association,

Wash. H e has served i n leadership posi­

Martinson, and Bart Ti l ly '89 were also i n

Puya l l u p .

tions in the non-profit a n d government

attendance. T h e couple c urrently lives in

sectors for more than 20 years.

the Seattle neighborhood of Madrona.

1 986

Christofferson Teri Cadd-Rhodes' h usband, William Rhodes, passed away in 2006 a n d she late r married Daniel A. Contreras. Together, they have four children, Nick

1 3, Joey Rhodes,

T h omps on '62, Dale Thompson '64, and Wade Thompson '88. Steve Valach '88,

Ken Gibson i s the p r i n c i p a l consultant for

Class Representative - Mark


Malaysian Structural Steel Association.

Michael Nelson was elected treasurer of

gram that h e l ps students integrate with their reside n c e hall living.

\.onoIIml lriends and PlU 1lum1lll 1llll hi Tllcaon. AnI.. for I 3Q.ynr coIIe!I . reunion. lbey !MI 1h .... fmhman YHf wilen 1liiy III lived an lilt .eond flDIIf of PlUlger HId tIighIIghts lnducfed hiking StbIna Canyon I mofll ile TllephGne TI'III. the Tucson BotanIcll Ganl.na IIId II/IIDrI c ll PorIIr Haute, grHl cunvtnlllion lIId IllUC h IaughtIr. L 10 R: EvIIyI Cc-well '711 ....... .... (NeIun 'II. 'II) WoN. .... . . .... .. D..... lllllly StMlet 'l1. ... ....... C ...... .. , PecII.

1 7, Contessa

C ontreras, 1 5, a n d G a b ri e l Contreras, 2 1 .

C l a ss Represe ntative - Stacey (Kindred)

Whitney Keyes just returned from

199 1


M a l aysia where she was a speaker for

Shana (Weatherly) Osmer is a profes­

the Department of State a n d the U . S .

1 987

Embassy in Malaysia developing a n d

Class Represe ntatives - Lisa Ottoson and

facilitating t h e program "Empowering

John Carr

Women though Entrepreneurship". Whitney is the director of WMK

Theresa Wallace Mathew has been

Productions i n S eattle, Wash.

Loni Simone, formerly Linda Gioia, is a

appointed vice president of sales for the

retired a p p l i c ations development systems

Western R e g i o n of Xtend Health c a re.

Ben Jennings joined €Jiympia, Wash.,

Theresa a n d h e r h u s b a n d Jacob

based Sound/View Advisors as the firm's

a n a lyst for the City of Ta c o m a .

P a ul Swenson is a professional photogra­ pher, a n d lives i n Arcata, Calif., with his family. H e has done a n u m ber of art p i e c e s for p u b l i cations. I n 2009, h e col­ laborated with his mother, Chellis Jensen, to illustrate h e r children's book, Mrs. Annalhena Gilly Gully From

Puddle Rumple Tilly Willy. 1 985 C l a ss R e p resentatives - Janet (Olden)

Regge and Carolyn (Plocharsky) Stelling Susan (Georgeson) Hopper has earned


reside in Langley, Wash.

fourth fina n c i a l p l a n n er, b r i n g i n g more

Jerry Larson was elected s e c retary of the

is the past president of the Fi n a n c i a l

Western Washington Fair Association,

than 20 years of experience to the firm. He

sional pet siner with The Siners and a vet assistant at Coalition: Humane in Tacoma. She is a volunteer at the Ta coma H u ma n e Society, where she hosts the Comcast On-Demand Cat Adoption Show. S h e also volunteers at Point Defiance Zoo as a n animal handl e r.

1 992

C l a s s Represe ntative - Darcy ( Pattee)


P l a n n i n g Association of Puget S o u n d a n d


the Ta c o m a Estate P l a n n i n g C o u n c i l .

Greg Jones was promoted to exec utive

1 988


Valley B a n k. He ha s 32 years of banking

Michael Auton is t h e n e w principal a t

experience and has been with Valley

Lakeview Hope A c a d e m y i n Lakewood,

Bank for 1 9 years.

Class Representative - Brenda Ray Scon

vice preside nt/c redit a d ministrator of

David a n d Sara (Gregerson '87) Bowe are

Wash. H e was previously the p r i n c i p a l at

currently working with Baylor M e d i c a l i n

G r a n geville Elementary/Middle S c h o o l i n

Moshi. Ta n z a n i a . David is tea c hing m e d ­

G ra n geville, Idaho, a n d has m o r e t h a n 1 6

i c a l students h o w t o work with c h i l d ren

years o f experi e n c e a s a n e d u c a tor.

with H IV/A I D S .

Mike Martinez was named c h i ef mar­ keti n g officer for izmocars, the l e a d i n g I n t e r n e t b u s i n e s s solution provider for the autom otive i n d ustry. H e is responsi­

Jamie Oieveney is the new boys te nnis

b l e for a l l marketi n g functions at izmo­

Heidi (Menzenberg) H a l l is an instructor

head c o a c h at M e r c e r I s l a n d 'High School.

c a rs as well a s business development

of voice at N o rthwest Unive rsity, a n d her

H e is a l s o the c u rrent tennis pro at the

a n d product m a nagement ownership for

tion. S h e is a sales associate at Coldwell

h u sband R i c h a rd i s a mortgage broker.

Mercer Island Beach C l u b.

izmolndY, the c o mpa ny's Web 3.0 oper­

Banker Residential Brokerage. Susan, her

The couple lives with their d a u ghter,

husband John, a nd their four teenage

Abigail, in Bellevue, Wash.

the Coldwell Banker Previews International Property S p e c i a l ist designa­

Mike was the executive vice president

married Rebecca

of products and strategy at


Dena on

O n eC o m m a n d .

Class Representative - Lisa I Hussey)

D e c e m b e r 1 9,


2009, in Seattle's

Traci IWensel) Mitchell w a s recently

Pike Place

hired a s q u a lity program m a n a g er-pat­

children live in Frisco, Texas.

Kathy Kleinhenz rejoined Fidelity Title Agency of Alaska as a c o m m e r c i a l escrow officer. S h e b e g a n her career as

ating platform. Prior to j o i n i n g izmocars,

Brien Thompson

a real estate p a r a l e g a l . Kathy s p e c ializes

Fatahiyah Abdullah is the executive of cor­

M a rket. Fellow Lutes ;ncluded the groom's

ient satisfaction at Evergreen Hospital

i n commercial, residential a n d new con-

porate affairs and communication for the

father, u n c l e a n d brother, the Rev. N e i l

Medical Center in Kirkland, Wash.


Monica Reisch was promoted to manag­ er of globa l manufacturing fina nce and a c c ounting with Kinetic Conce pts, I n c . , in San Antonio, Texas. She has worked for KCI since November 2008. KCI is a med­ ical technology company that develops, manufactures and sells products for wound care treatment, tissue regenera­ tion, and therapeutic suppon systems. She has lived in San Antonio for five years and loves it. Mary (Tachell) Sigmen is the new d i re c ­ tor of finance and operations at Annie Wright S c hool in Ta coma. Mary i s a n experienced finance manager w h o previ­ ously served a s vice president of fin a n c e a t S a int Mani n's University in Lac ey, Wash. She also brings expertise in endowment and trust a c c o u n ting, non­ profit tax preparation and bond financing. M a ry a n d h e r husband, Ga ry, reside in Ta coma. Borge Steinsvik became panner at RS Platou ASA, a world leading international ship and oHshore broker and investment b a n k . Borge has been the managing d i rector f o r Russian operations since 2004. Susan Swanson recently moved to Richland, Wash., and staned working a s t h e gallery admi nistrator f o r Allied Ans Association. S h e has also developed a jewelry line a n d is a freelance illu strator.


an emergency room nurse at Swedish Medical Center in Issaquah, Wash. H e h a s previously served in the Army Nurse Corps a n d volunteered in Honduras. H e is survived by w i f e Melissa (Leppke '97); sons Brian, 7, and Logan, 4; mother Dale, and stepmother S h a ro n Andrews.

cations and mar­


Class Representative (Herlocker) Stewart



Suzanne Fritch is now a radiographer at Rady Children's Hospital i n San �iego,

will provide family c a re with an emphasis on women's health and obstetrics. Heather is board certified a s an

the wedding par1y were best man, Boyd Massie 'OS, as well as Gabe Miller '01, 'Nate Wiggins '01 and Andy Bentz '01.

Robert Mitchell died M a rc h 27, 2010. Myrtle (Cribb) Bresemann died May 1, 2010.

ies with the United Methodist Church in Asia for 1 1 years, and later volun­ teered in Haiti. Phil is survived b y his wife Kathy; two sons, Oayna and Dwight; and 4 grandchildren.

Rev. Chauncey Christofferson died

Gfenn Cooper died May 1 1 . He came to PLU in 2007 aher more than 25 years of

February 27, 2010.

Bulow von Dennewitz

Gerald P. Faaren died Oct. 26, 2009.

c u stomers. He will be remembered for

Milton Hanson died Feb. 1 4 , 2010.

his Hawaiian shins, his kindness, fol­

Bob Larson died March 25, 2010.

clever sense of humor. He was also a devoted Seattle Storm season-ticket holder and frequent player of bridge. Glenn is survived by his mother; his

the Parks & Recreation B o a rd of the

Puyallup City Couci!.

2000 Class Representative - Ashley Orr Emily Keys is now an adjunct professor


Jean Fritts died February 1, 2010. Rev. Adolph Kohler died Feb. 21, 2010.

brother Keith, a professor in the philos­ ophy depanment; his sisters Meg

Dorothy (Bauman) Freitag died January 1 8, 2010.

C o o per, Joyce Lush and Carol Hulton; and other relatives including cousin

l. June (Bunney) J ustice died April 1 7 , 2010.

Montgomery married Jonathan Ferris in September 2009. Melissa is

Washington Oepanment o f Natural Resources and received the Meritorious

The Rev. Frank Warren Strain died Jan. 16. H e served on the PLU Board of

Ken Olson died J a n . 1 6, 2010.

dren, Sylvia (Strain '66) Sizer and the

Regents for many years and his chil­

Rev. Bob Anderson died Jan. 9, 2010. Violet Turner died March 30, 2010.

Public Service Award from the U.S. Coast

Class Re presentative - Christi Rupp

Guard in August 2009. Jonathan is a soh­ ware developer at DNR. The couple lives

Kirstin (Hokanson) Doud was voted

in Olympia, Wash. Delilah Langer married Randy Hawkins on Feb. 1 , 2010, i n their home in M i nneapolis, Minn. Randy works a s an audio engineer and tour manager for musical anists. H e is currently working

Lysn e and Jenniler (Riches) Stegeman

with Atmosphere, Brother Ali and Faith No More.

Emily Dykstra leh for the Czech Republic on August 1 , 2010, to teach English as

Louis Hobson plays O r. Madden/Dr. Fine in the Broadway play Next to Norma/ that

pan of the Fulbright Exc h a nge Program.

recently won the Pul itzer Prize for

Duncan Foley, a professor in the geo­ sciences depanment.

Gary Gale died in November 2009.

a program man­ ager for the

experience as a cook. Glenn enjoyed his work and loved interacting wit/l his

lowing the band Little Feat, and his

Tony Aho was selected as the c h a i r of


Matthew Bouthi l lier died March 1 from a card i a c arrest in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Lakewood, Wash. H e is responsible for the college Web site,


of ex perien c e managing fixed portfolios.

1 997

J u ly 1 8, 2009, in Evergreen, Colo. Lutes in

Odven Aakre died Jan. 1 7, 2010.

Class Representative - Julie (Johnston)

strategist, he brings more than 20 years

C l ass R e presentatives - Andy and Stephanie (Merle) Tomlinson

Neal Massie married Brandi Haney on

College in

advanced n u rse practitioner in family medic ine.

Mark Amberson recently joined the retirement/wealth man agement team at Albers & Co. As a senior investment

1 996

Park Tec h n i c a l

Heather (Defatorre) Hokanson j o ined the staH of Sound Family Medicine at the Hartland Clinic in South H ill, Wash. She

Counseling at Lewis a n d Clark College.

Class Representatives - Mari (Hoseth)

aHairs and marketing for KSTW-TV, Channel 1 1 .



Outstanding M u s i c Educator for the San Juan region. She teaches orchestra at Sehome High S c h o o l in Bellingham, Wash.

ing in marketing and communic ations. H e b e g a n his c a reer working in public

keting .t Clover

in the G raduate S c h ool of Education a n d


publications, CPTC Television, advenis­ ing, m a rketing, and public relations. Shawn has spent the last 1 0 years work­

Shawn Jennison i s the new direc­ tor of communi­

Class Representative - Barbara (Murphy)

Class Representatives - Dan Lysne and Catherine (Overland) Hauck

200 1

Class Representatives - Keith Prangholer

Rev. Philip Strain '67, attended PLU. He devoted his life to serving parishes across the United States until his retire­ ment in the mid '80s. In 1977, his wife Marjorie died and he later married

lone Eastby died May 4, 2010.

Lavinia, to whom he was married for 30 years. D u ring their retirement, Warren and Lavina traveled the world. He is sur­

Joann (Johnson) Schaler died March

vived by his wife, Lavina; children Sylvia, Philip, Jan and Joanie; seven grandchil­

1 6, 2010. Alice Watson died January 2 1 , 2010.

dren and 13 great-grandchildren.

Matthew Bouthillier died March 1 , 2010

Eric Paulson died March 6. He served PLU as a member of the B o a rd of

TIHany Faith Lindsey died May 7, 20 1 0

Regents for several years. H e is sur­ vived by his wile Elna; his children



Solveig '70, Ann, David '72, Donn '75 and Rolf '77.



Philip E. Beal died J une 30,

Jane Rieke died M a r c h 4. She was a longtime member of Faith Lutheran

2009. He came Nathaniel Schlicher received the 2010 Leadership Award from the American

to PLU as dean 01 men in 1 968

Church i n Seattle. Jane was the moth­ er of Paul Rieke, synod attorney, J a n C unningham, Seattle attorney, a n d

Medical Association, and represented the American College of Emergency

H e was volunteering with Medical Teams I nternational, treating earthquake sur­

Physicians on March 3, 201 0 at the White Ho use. Nathaniel is an emergency physi­ c i a n at N o rthwest Emergency Physicians

vivors since Feb. 20. Matthew worked a s

of Te am Health in Tacoma.

and remained for 10 years,

concluding his tenure a s vice president of student lile. Aher his retirement, Philip and his wife Kathy were missiona r-

David Brau er-Rieke, bishop o f t h e Oregon Synod. Jarl Secher-Jensen died on April 4, 2010.



N e a l is B business rental executive with

Raechelle Watkins-Baghirov is currently

Enterprise Holding and Brandi is a n

selVing as a Peace Corps volunteer in

account manager with Charles River

Ganja. Azerbaijan,

Clinical Services. The couple resides in Tacoma,

Erika (Helm) McDonald is a n environ­ mental scientist with Jacobs Engineering

2002 Class Representatives - Nicholas Gome

and he r husband, Adam, is a network engineer. They live i n Anchorage, Alaska,

and Brian Riehs

Erin Mclaughlin married

Rachel (Morton, Cardwell is the

> P l e a s e fill o u t as m u c h information below as possible, i n c l u d i n g c ity of resi d e n c e a n d work, Feel free to use a n oth e r p i e c e o f p a p e r, but p l e a s e l i mit y o u r s u b m i s s i o n t o 1 00 words,

community e n g a g e m e n t manager at the


University of P u g e t Sound, H e r husband,

Sunerer on

Brandon, is a n a c cou ntant. The c o u p l e

August 7, 2009,

r e s i d e s in Ta c o m a ,

on S k i l a k Lake on the Kenai

P h otos are w e l c o m e , but o n l y one p h oto will be used, and o n

l i s a (Sims' Pelorak w i l l b e anending

P e n i n s u l a in

a s p a c e ava i l a b l e basis, N otes w i l l be e d ited for c o ntent.

Seattle U n iversity S c hool of Law,

Alaska. The c o u ­

P h otos m u st be p rints o r h i g h q u a l ity j p e g s , Please, no reprod u ctions o r c o p i e s from oth e r p u b l i c atio n s , Deadline for the next issue of Scene i s Aug ust 20, 2010.

ple h i ked to the m a r r i a g e ceremony,

Katie Weidmann married Adam B arrett

which was shared wilh close family a n d

on D e c . 1 4 , 2009, at the Lane County

friends, E r i n received her ma ster's

Courthouse i n E u g e n e , Ore,

degree i n mental h e a lth c o u n s e l i n g from


2009 a n d is currently working in family

Class Representative - E lisabeth Pynn

matters at Hope C o m m u n ity Resources in


A n c horage, Alaska, The couple resides

the U n i versity of N o rthern Iowa in May PLU CLASS YEARISI


i n Anchorage,



Allison Hicks is now a n assistant profes· IS THIS A




sor i n the division of social s c i e n c es at

Lori Morgan was hired as c h i e f admi nis­

Alfred University i n Alfred, N Y

trative officer at Legacy E m m a n u e l H o s p i t a l i n Portla n d , Ore, Previously, she




Patrick Pastor works a t t h e J o i nt B a s e

served as the medical director at

Lewis-M c C hord in t h e Central Issue

Tacoma's Trauma Trust.

Fa c ility where soldiers receive and E,MAIIJV\I!SSITE POST ON THE A �UMNI �'�1AlL DIRECTORY YES :J ND .J


J b InfomWlinn

return equipment before a n d aher


deployment or tran sfer. H e is employed

Class Representative

through Skookum, a non-profit o r g a n iza­

( Steffenson' Serr



tion based i n Western Washington that i s







degree in chemistry from Washington

Everen B a rr married Alyssa Hertel '07 on

State University,

January 16,

Trevor Roberts stepped down as football


dedi cated t o c reate jobs f o r p e o p l e with disabilities, Patrick earned his master's

2010, in


in en

coach at Kent-Meridian High School in

Wash, Alyssa is

Kent, Wash,. aher three years. H e will be

a school coun­

working as offensive coordinator at PLU

s e l o r . L u t e s in

a nd as the youth and rec r eationa l sales

the wedding p a rty were James lucase

representative for Riddell i n the state 0 1



Stonehouse '06, Darren Strulhers '06, Bethany Atkins '07, Julie Kerrigan '07, Kathryn Druback

Rob Rydberg married lynsey E l izabeth


Compton-Drake on August 22, 2009, in SPOUSE'S OCCUPATION






Promolll;ln IAwards



David Baure is c u rrently working at the

pleted his Ph.D. i n e l e c tri c a l e n gi neering

U niversity of Washington Medical Center

f ro m Washingt o n State University in May

emergency room as a registered nurse,

2009 a n d Lynsey works as a sohware

and as a flight nurse for the U,S, Air Force

e n g i ne e r.

Reserves, He will deploy to Iraq i n Aug ust.


Stephanie lewis is the new h e a d bas·


District, where she is also a health and

Holly Emmel is now the offi c e m a n a g e r f o r the E L C A Alaska S y n o d Off i c e .


Class R e p resentative - Micheal Steele

Patrick Bell married Resa lee '04 in Centralia, Wash" on D e c , 5, 2009, The

> MAIL TO: Offi c e of Alu m n i a nd Constituent Relations, PlU, Ta c o m a , WA 98447 - 000 3; FAX: 253-535-8555; E-MAIL: alumni@plu,edu;

1"lernel: wwwplualumni,org, Please l i mit to 100 words,



Lagerquist Concert Hall at PLU, R o b com­

Class Re prese ntative - Tammy lynn SIBUNGS/AGES


ketball c o a c h i n the Sequim S c hool fitness instructor.

Kathryn Suzanne

Irw i n married C a rmine

A n drew Pernini on Jan, 1, 2 0 1 0, at the Lutheran Theolog i c a l Seminary in Philadelphia were they are both semin ar­ ians. The c o u ple resides i n P h i l a d e l p h i a ,

2007 Class Representative - Kaarin Praxel

c o u p l e moved to Washington, D,C" in M a r c h 2010 where Patri c k is now the

Katie Crawford will be anending the

d i rector of new m e d i a for the U , S , House

University of Sydney, Australia, in 201 0

of Representatives a n d Resa is a social

for a maste r's degree in peace a n d c o n ­


f l i c t studies,

Jonathan and

Eric Bernerd Faris is the new music director at Creator Lutheran Church in

Mitchell Oliver, into the family

Meagyn (Keys)

Bonney Lake, Wash.

on May 1 7, 2009. The boys joined

Karmakar a n d

big sister Avery, 2

Sou men wel­ comed O l iver

Tiffany Fa ith Lindsey died May 4, 2010, in

Gig Harbor,

and religion. She was working towards her

March 13, 2009. Mea gyn is a teacher at West Linn High S c hool i n

Ashley Jordan

West Linn, Ore., a n d Soumen i s a n engi­ neer,

on Dec. 8, 2009. S h e was born at

goal of becoming a mental health coun­


Pondok Indah


son with a listening ear, TiH's many friends will miss her charismatic personality, bub­ bly sense of humor and positive energy.

Sam and Teresa have been in Jakarta for

Patrick on Fe bruary

2008 Class Representative - Christy Olsen Field and Courtney Stringer

has been the curriculum coordinator. They

the past three years where Sam has been the principal a t North Ja karta International School. Teresa has taught 4 th grade and moved to Manila, Philippines, in July, 2010. Sam is the coordinator for facu lty and stu­ dent learning and Teresa is teaching fifth grade at International School Manila.


'01) Shutt wel­ comed Truman

Marie on Janu ary 20. She joins siblings Joseph, 5, and

small farm


intern with the Women's Basketball Association III Georgia. She will be work­ ing as the convention logistics intern and

(Johnson) Williamson and

Walles wel­

h usband Troy

comed Sage

welcomed M o l ly Gayle on

ConventIOn i n San Antonio, Texas

April 1 3, 2009, i n Guangzhou, C h i n a . S h e joins siblings

N i colette Paso will go to Germany as a

i n M a p l e Valley, Wash.

Aaron and Jenny (Jacobsen '01 ) Jacobs wel­ comed Clark H e rbert in December 2008. The family resides In Tacoma. Jonas and A l ison (Brennan '01 ) Tanzer wei· comed Johan on Nov. 15, 2009. J o h a n joins big

Bill and Sarah (Nelson '93)

Yunyi into their family through adoption all


B a i nbridge Island. Lindsay

Trinity Gibbons is the Betty H . Jaynes

Timothy, 2. The family resides in Santa C l a ra, Calif.

3. Jason is a seventh grade science teac h e r and M a iread works for T h e Trust f o r Public L a n d . T h e y are caretakers of a

Maren Anderson

will assist the director of event planning and execution of the 201 0 WBCA National

comed C l a ra

Jason '98 '03 and Mairead

Hospital in Jakarta, I ndonesia. She joins older sib­ lings, Abigail, 3, and Zachariah, 1 6 months.

2009 Class Rep resentative and Amy Spieker

'99) Strand wel­


Samuel and Teresa (Kelly '93) Cook welcomed

PLU with degrees in psychology, women's studies

faith and friendship. Always a selfless per­

Ahna (Lietke

William on


selor. She was committed to supporting causes she believed in - she was passion­ ate about women's issues, music, running,


March 25. She joins siblings Jack, 4, and Kate, 1. The family lives in

brother Lucas, 2. J o na s owns a consulting firm estab­ lishing outlet malls i n S c a ndinavia and the Baltics and Alison i s a n English te acher for the Intercultural Language Department. The family resides i n Soderkoping, Sweden. Brandon Vrosh and Britta Hobbs '00 wel­

B o nney Lake, Wash.

Payton, Carter and Risa. The family lives

fare and justice programs that were implemented during the relormation. She

Peter and Rachel

1 995

(Hemphill '09)

Corey Bray and wife Leslie wel­ comed Landry

Collins wel­

Cooper on

on D e c . 29, 2009. Ella joins big

m a n a g e r of general merchandise in the

March 28, 2010. Landry joins big

international division of Supervalu. S h e i s responsible for importing merchandise

brother Luke, 2. Corey is the

will b e living i n five diHerent cities while i n Germany. Nanyoung Shiraiwa is now the import

from South-East Asia countries, Hong Kong, Ta iwan, China and Vietnam. Seth Schwiethale married Sarah Parnham o n

assistant athletic director at Eastern Kentucky U n iversity and Leslie is the

comed Ella J a n e

brother Charles James, 4. Peter and Rachel are both teachers i n the Puyallup S chool District. The family resides In Puyallup, Wash.

directo r of special athletic events at

Laurie Jo

Eastern Kentucky U niversity. The family resides in Richm ond, Ky.

(Jones) Davis and husband

1 997

J a n . 10, 2010, i n

Scott and Kim

P o r t Gamble, Wash. Seth is a user interface developer

(Creighton '97)

1 9, 2009. Laurie

Cushing wel­

Jo operates her

for Motorola and Sarah works in e a rly childhood education.

comed Toby in

assistant to U.S. Congressman Dave Reichert in his Washington, D.C , office. Jon Wedell c u rrently lives in Coos Bay, Ore., and is a production assistant/techn­ i c a l director at the locat TV station.

utu re Lute 1 990 Matt Wilde and his wife Amanda wel­ comed twin boys, Maddox Errol and

2009. Siri (Flesher '02) Preston a n d Rob Preston are his Godparents. Britta, Brandon and Soren reside in Vancouver, Wash .. where Brandon works a s a pharmaceuti­ cal sales representative and Britta i s a choir director at Covington Middle S c h ool and Trinity Lutheran C h u rc h .

200 1 Bryce and Audrey (Pinning '03) Miller wel­

Derek wel­ comed Logan Patrick on Nov.

Colin Swanson was hired a s a staH

comed their first child, Soren Lauridsen, o n November 4,

1 999

Fulbright scholar, resea rching social wel­

June 2009. Scott is a deputy

own business a s a management consultant. The family resides in Golden, Colo.

prosecuting attorney for the


a staH attorney for the Washington State Senate. They live i n Olympia, Wash.


Josh and Erin (Mortensen '97) Wyrick wel­ comed Dan

brother Trevin. The family lives in Battle G round, Wash.

Hartley and

Garret Schroeder and h i s wife

husband Kevin

Jennifer Blake

welcomed son Kaden on Nov.

S c hroeder wel­ comed their first

Corinne (Kenney)

Civil DiVision of the Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney's OHice, and Kim is

comed Tyson Gregory on Feb. 1. H e joins big

24, 2009. Kaden joins big brother Cohen, 3. The family recently moved b a c k to

Douglas on Feb. 24. He joins big

Washington state and resides in Adna,

sister Ella.


child, Grant G a rret, on March 17. G a rret is a radiology resident at Oregon Health and S c i e n c e U n iversity and Jennifer i s a pediatrician. The family resides in Portland, Ore.


,..----...... Michael Mauss

Ryan and Meghan (Paustian '04) Wagner wel­

and wife Kristine

O r c hard, Wash.

J oseph on April 1 0 . H e ,joins big

Oct. 27, 2008.

sister Avila


M a ri e , 2. The family lives in Tacoma.

director of bands at Auburn Riverside

A u b rn, Wash.


Adam a n d Jackie

ed for h e r

husband Steve

is t a k i n g an

first son, Owen Christian, on

Representatives. The family resides in

Aug. 1 9, 2009.

Puyal l u p, Wash.

family resides in Covington, Wash.

Lori works as a n


Hospital and Steve works for the City of

welcomed Liam

Crystal (Tullis '04) Morey wel­



comed M a g u i re

Ellen ( B rotherston) Aronson and hus­


b a n d Kyle welcomed their first child,

Walter on Sept.

Linnea M a ri e , on Fe b . 5. G ra n d p a rents


8, 2009. T h e fam-

extended leave from h e r j o b at the House of

b a n d Brett welcomed A b b i e on Aug. 20,

Tacoma. The family resides in Fife, Wash.


arrival. E l l e n

2009. S h e joins big brother Bryce, 4. The

Mitchef and

'05) Epperson

Brotherson '79

Lori (Hahn) George a n d

RN in the N I C U at Seattle Children's


Ruth (Swenson '79) and Stuart were also excit­

welcomed their

Kristy (Jacobson) Monahan and hus­

High S c hool. The family resides in


comed Ella on M e g h a n is the

9, 2009. The family resides in Port



Garfield B OO K l'O � l l'.\ � Y \ I I'll


J! u :;;



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.c "-




o rspective J

continuedfrom back page Definition and Foundations of Hope My research led me to a simp le, yet

parr of close, i n ri mare relarionships. I f

and desire for their relationship [0 be

y o u can view r h e nexr conflicr as an

happier. The other couple proceeded [0

comprehensive, defi n i tion of hope: "a

opporrun i ry [0 connecr and grow, you

tell rhe couple i n dis tress abo u t simi lar

belief and a feeling that a desired our­

are much more l i kely [0 s ray hopeful

challenges they had had i n their rela­

come is possible." I n addition, I idenri­

abo u t rhe fu ture of your relarionship

tions h i p five years ago, that they had

fied fou r fou ndations of hope: Options,

and find more op tions [0 choose from

since worked o u t and found themselves

Action, Evidence, and Connection.

to handle rhose conflicrs.

ro be very satisfied wi th their relation­

When couples who are un ure

renewed hope because of the evidence

To demons trate these foundations, imagine a yet u nacnieved desired out­ come i n yo u r l i fe . As you thi n k about how much hope you have about achiev­ ing that o u tcome, you will notice that yo u r hope is pardy based on your belief and feeling that you have options [0 c hoose from [0 achieve that outcome. The greater the number of op tions you perceive you have, rhe more likely you are


feel hopeful. Second, you r hope is

sustained (or diminished) by yo u r belief and feeling that you are both willing and able [0 act on those options. Third, you r hope is influenced by the evidence you have that the desired o u rcome is possible. For example, i f you've accom­ plis hed a sim ilar rask, o r seen others l i ke you achieve rhat goal, you're more L i kely [0 feel hope (hat you can also. Fi nally, your hope is related [0 your feeling of connecrion [0 others who sup port or help you [0 achieve the des i. red o u tcome. Having hope is inher­ e n tly relational. Our hope i ncreases as we are surrounded by ochers who suppOrt our hope, whether those "others" are h u mans, a higher power, or even pets.

about theirfuture begin to connect again) it builds hope

gives them a foundation to handle issu es that need to be

i n connecring with others thar we

addressed in the relationship. Second, a belief and feeling thar you are willing and able to acr on options can be increased by sim ply committing [0 a time frame [0 work on a desired outcome with an atritude of hope; that is, a belief and feeling that you are able to achieve your goal. Too often, desires get stifled by spending time debating in our m inds the obtainab i l i ry of the goal rather than putting energy i n [O acrion that will make the goal more possible. This happens i n dis tressed relationships as i n dividuals use each new i n reracrion as data [0 ask themselves the question, "Do I s tay o r do I go?" Rather then get­ staying for a certain amou n t o f time and put your energy i n [O being the best you can be and asking your partner to

foundarions, several i n rervenrions

meet you there. Don't ignore the voice

e merge [0 help individuals and couples

rhat asks " do I stay or do I go," simply

increase their hope for i m p roving rheir

acknowledge it and choose not to dwell o n i r for rhe rime being. Many ti mes, as people commit [0 a brighrer fu ture, rhe

achieving you r desired outcomes are

b ri ghrer furure begins to emerge. And

greatly in fluenced by how you view rhe

i f ir doesn'r, rhey have fewer regrets

siTuarion, particularly rhe apparent

abour moving rheir hope [0 somer h i ng

obstacles rhar srand in your way. Your

(or someone) else.

view of rhose obsracles ofren derer­ mines the n u mber o f op rions you per­

Fourth, you can work ro achieve greater connection with people who

see that the connection component of


Fi rst, your avai lable oprions for

their relarionsh ip could improve.

suppOrt your goals or who have a role

Apptying the Theory to

relarionshi p.

the other couple had given them that

that things can improve and

ting stuck in t h is dilemma, commit to

G iven this defi n i tion and rhese fou r

ship. The couple came ro therapy wi th

Th ird, you can acrively look for and

in achieving these goals. I have come to hope is the most powerfu l because ir is i ncrease our evidence, b u i ld oprions, and believe and feel we are capable of acring to ach ieve our desi red ou rcomes. For couples, rhis sense of connecrion is so i mportanr ro regai ning a sense of hope for rhe relarionship. Thus, I rou­ tinely tel l couples [0 build i n ro rheir rel a rionsn ip connecting rituals - gOillg on a dare each week, ending rhe day by relling each orher whar they appreciate abour each other. Amidsr rhe busyness that most couples face, connecring mllst be a priority and musr be done pu rposefu l ly or it may nor happen. When couples who are unsure about rheir future begin [0 connecr agai n, ir b uilds hope that thi ngs can improve and gives them a fou ndarion ro handle issues thar need [0 be addressed in rhe relationship. Sharing Hope A rherapisr once said co me that parr of o u t jobs as therapists is co "create a space where hope can prevail." I have come co see rhar rhis "job" goes well beyond rhe walls o f the rapy. Each of us can be a beacon of hope fo r someone else as we help them discover oprions, work coward acrion, remember evi­ dence, and creare connections around thei r goals and dreams. [ID

seek our evidence rhat you can achieve

ceive you have. For example, many cou­

your desired ourcomes. Sometimes this

David B. Ward, Ph.D, is assistant professor

ples believe rhar conflicr i s a sign of

evidence comes

ofmarriage and fami/:y therapy in the

inherenr problems in their relarionship

your hopes. One couple I worked wi th

Department ofMarricige and Family

when, in fact, conflicr i s an i n herenr

told anocher couple of their challenges





you tel l others about

calen . ar continu.edfrom inside fnmt cover October 1 8, 8 a.m. G e n e ra l E d u c ation Works hop - "Th e re's a C A P Po for that ! " U n iversity Center, C K October 20, 5:30 p.m. Visiti n g Writer S e ries: Laruen G roff, a ut h o r of " T h e Monsters of Te m p l eto n " Unive rsity C e nter, R e g e n cy Room October 29, 1 1 a.m., 4:30 p.m. ELCA S e m i n a ry Visit University C e nter, 2nd Floor Foyer

N OVEM B E R November 5-7 PLU Family We ekend Lo c ations a c ross c a m p u s November 7 PLU Parents C o u n c i l N esvig A l u m n i Center November 8, 7 p.m. 4th A n n u a l Conversation

O F!


foc using o n susta i n a b i l ity/ e nvironmental privil e g e U niversity Center, U n i o n P a c if i c R o o m November 1 1 . noon Veteran's Day C e l e b ration La g e rq u ist C o n c e rt H a l l November 1 1 , 7 p.m. H o l o c a u st Prog ram Le ctu re Xavier, Nordq uist Lecture H a l l November 1 3 a n d 1 4, 2 p.m. A n n u a l Swe d i s h H e rita g e Program Featu ri n g c u lin a ry feast prepa red and

November 20, 9 a.m.

December 1 1

d e m o n strati o n by Swedish c h efs

2nd A n n u a l D a nis h C h ristmas B a za a r

Fa l l C o m m e n c e m e nt

U niversity C e nt e r, S c a n C e nter

O l s o n A u d itori u m

U nive rsity Center, S c a n C e nter

November 20, 9 a.m.

December 1 6

A n n u a l N o rdic Sweater Ex c h a n g e

P L U C h ristmas Lu n c h e o n

U n ive rsity Center, S c a n C e nter

U n iversity C e nter, 1 s t Floor H a l lways

O l s o n A u d itori u m

November 1 5, 7 p.m.


November 1 5-18, 8 a.m. A n n u a l C h ristm as I n S c a n d i n a via Exh i bit

December 1 8, 6 p .m. A n n u a l N o r d i c Ch ristmas Fest

4th A n n u a l G ot ( M a r ri a g e ) Privi l1e g e ? U n iversity Center, U n i o n P a c ifi c R o o m

December 1 . 5 : 1 5 p.m.

November 17, 5:30 p.m.

Eastv o l d , R e d S q u a re

U n iversity C e nter, S c a n Ce nter


Ch ristm a s Tre e Lighting Visiti n g Writer S e ries: Matthew D i c k m a n a n d Mo n i c a Yo u n , p o ets

December 3, 7:30 p.m.

U n iversity C e nte r, R e g e n c y

A n n u a l S a n kta L u c i a Fest


Lagerqu ist C o n c e rt H a l l

ON THE WEB www. S c en eon l i n e. c o m


PLU Scene, Tacoma, Washington 98447-0003 Address change: If this copy of Scene is addressed to your son o r daugh ter who n o longer maintains a p e r m a n e n t address at your home, please notify the Office o f Alumni and Constituent Relations with his or h e r new mailing address. You c a n r e a c h u s by p h o n e a t 253-535-741 5 o r 1 -800-ALUM-PLU. You c a n a l s o fax u s a t 253-535-8555 o r e-mail

alumni@plu. edu with the new information. Thanks!

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Th e Pow e r of H o p e



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.c CL

D a vid W a rd h a s seen how h o p e c a n instill a h a ppier a n d h e a lthier future . H e sought o u t to understand h o p e within the spec ific c ontext of couples thera py, which h a s far- r e a c h i n g a p p l i c ations.

By David B. Ward s a marriage and fam ily rhera­ p isr, rhe couples I work wirh rend [0 wair u n ril problems in rheir relarion ship have significandy escalared before rhey seek rherapy. Forwnarely, amidsr rhe dis tress, by rhe end of the session I usually experience a feeling [har keeps me loving rhe work I do wirh rhese couples. Ir was rhar same feeling rhar encou raged me several years ago to ask myself the questions, "What is rhis feeling?" and "How can I make ir happen consisrendy in rhera­ py?" The answer thar came [0 me rhen, and rhar conrinues ro empower me now, is hope.

Hope is a life force. Ir keeps people moving toward rheir goals and dreams. I r keeps people alive in difficul r cir­ cumsrances. An individual's personal relarionship with hope infl uences his or her daily acrions. As hope is nur­ tured i n rherapy, clients move from hoping for a happier and healrhier furure, to actually having one. In cou­ ples therapy, " hope happens" as cou­ ples move from a posirion of uncerrain­ ry aboU[ rhe furure of their relarionship to a belief and feeling rhar rheir rela­ rionsh i p can improve. When I fi rsr decided ro srudy hope rhere was li rde to no research specifi-

cally relared [0 cou p les rherapy. There were myriad defini rions of hope, and various disjoin ted ideas exisred. Thus, a primary rask of my research was to find a definirion of hope [har would bring enough clariry to rhe concepr to rhen be able to describe clearly how hope can be nu rrured in rherapy. Whar srarred o u r as a journey to undersrand hope wirhin rhe specific context of cou­ ples rherapy, has developed inr o a rheo­ ry of hope rhar has far-reaching appli­ carions.

continued o n p'lge 38

Homecoming, 24

Service goes 'On the Road,' 12

Honor Roll of Donors, 40

c a lend a r

" U ntitled," by J P Avi l a , assistant professor of a rt. Hi s work was p a rt of t h e PLU f a c u lty s h ow, w h i c h to o k p l a c e this f a l l i n the U niversity G a l l ery.



November 2, 6 p.m. G a l l e ry Ta l k : J a net M a rc a va g e I n g r a m H a l l l 00 November 3, 8 p.m. Artist S e ries: Early and B a ro q u e C o n c e rt L a g e r q u ist C o n c e rt H a l l November 4 , 5 p.m. MBA S p e a k e r S e ries: Steve M a xw e l l , K ey B a n k P u b l i c Eve nts Room, Morken Center November 4, 7 p.m. Lit e ra ry Spot l i g h t S e ri e s with N a s e e m Rakha G a rfie l d B o o k C o m p a n y Fire s i d e Lo u n g e

November 7, 3 p . m .

November 1 1 , 7 p.m.

R i c h a rd O . Moe O r g a n R e c ital S e ri e s :

H o l o c a u st Program Lecture

K e v i n B i r c h , G u e st O r g a n ist

N o rdquist Lecture H a ll, Xavier

L a g e r q u ist C o n c e rt H a l l November 111, 7 p.m. November 9 , 7:30 p .m.

Literary Spotl i g ht S e ri e s with La u ri e Fra n k e l

D e p a rtment of R e l i g i o n L. e cture

Fireside Lo u n g e , G a rfield B o o k C o m p a ny

N o r d q u i st Lecture H a l l , Xavier November 1 4, 3 p.m. November 9, 8 p.m.

M a ry B a k e r R u s s e l l M u s i c S c h o l a rs R e c ital

Stu d i o Series:

L a g e r q u ist C o n c ert H a l l

P e rc u ssion a nd Steel Pan Ensemble R e c ita l La g e rq u ist C o n c ert H a l l

November 1 3, 8 p.m.

November 1 1 , 10:30 a.m.

Lagerqu ist C o n c e rt H a l l

Choral S e ries: C h o r a l U n i o n A N u rs e I n Vietn a m : J o a n Watts: I n H e r O w n Wo rds C o m m u n ity Room, G a rfi e l d Book Company

November 5-7

November 1 1 , Noon

PLU F a m i l y We e k e n d

Vetera n ' s Day Cel e b ration

Locations a c ross c a m p u s

La g e r q u ist C o n c ert H a l l

November 1 7 - December 1 5 J u ri e d Stu d ent Exh i b ition U n iversity G a l l e ry, I n g r a m H a l l

continued o n inside back cover


P a cific lutheran U n iversity S c e n e Winter 20 1 0 Volume 41 Issue 2 4

Here & Now


Life of the Mind


Best Foot Forward First-ye a r stu d e nts e m b r a c e tra dition of s e r v i c e



A University of Distinction E n g a g e th e World: The C a m p a i g n for PLU


Attaway Lutes Athlete m a sters h u rdles h e re and in I ra q



Ba rrett Bollen ' 1 2 returned to continue his track care e r after a combat tour in I r a q . See page 22,


Alumni News

& Events


2 0 1 0 Honor Roll



of Donors

H o m e c o m i n g 2010: Luteology

Alumni Profiles


Alumni Class Notes




Greg Brewis

John Frosc hauer

Loren J. Anderson President



Steve Hansen

Simon S u n g

Steven P. Starkovich Provost and Dean of



Barbara Clements

Steve Skramstad


Greg Brewis Steve H a nsen Barbara Clements Chris Alb ert N i c k Dawson Kari Plog ' I I Theodore Charles ' 1 2

Graduate Studies

Laura F. Maiovski O N LINE MANAGER

Vice President,

Toby Beal

Student Life and Dean of Students


Vice President,

University Communications M a rtin J. Neeb Center 253-535-8410

Admission and


Steve Olson


Vice President,

Enrollment Services

Development and University Relations

Sheri J. Ton n Vice President, Finance and Operations


ADDRESS CHANGES Please direct any address changes to

Executive Director


Sumerlin Larsen '01

ON THE COVER Assistant Professor of

Associate Director for Alumni and Constituent Relations

G. Lee Kluth '69 Director, Congregation Relations

Nesvig Alumni Center Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 253-535-741 5 800-ALUM-PLU WWWpluB lllmni,org

alumni@plu.edu or

Chemistry Neal Yakelis and Chelsea Berdahl i n the laboratory in Rieke Science Center. Photo by J o rdan Hartman '02



Volume 41, Issue 2 Scene (SSN 0886-33691 is published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran University, S. 1 2 1 st a n d Park Ave., Tacoma, WA., 98447-0003. Periodicals postage paid a t Tacoma, WA, and additi o n a l mailing oHices. Address service requested. Postmaster: Send changes t o Development O p e rations, Office of

Scene i s printed on 10 percent post-con-

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at a Forest Stewardship CouIlcil-certified plant.

Develop ment, PLU, Tacoma, WA, 98447-0003, deveops@plu.edu.

© 2010 by Pacific

Lutheran University







enjoy the smaller, more i n ti m ate venue,

worsc econo mic recession si nce che

the concen will take place on thre e

1 930s.

dates, D e c . 5 , 9 and 1 0 .

"Parr of it has been careful manage­

Tickets fo r the Po nland, Seatde an d

menr," Anderson said in explai ning the

Taco ma concerts are all on sale now. To

university's growth and success at p ush­

find out how


p u rchase tickers, and

fo r m9re i n fo r mation, visit

ing toward its acad e m ic and economic goals. " Pan o f that has been ju st good

www.plu. edtt/christmas.

fortune . . . sim ply put, we are able


focus on what we d o best. " Everyth ing we do here begins and ends with studenrs," Anderson sai d .

New orientation program aids fIrst-year student success



know thei r new classmates,

learn abo ut the campus and its services,

he almost 700 fi rst-year studenrs

and d iscover o p ponuni ties in the greater Puget Sound region. (See related


campus i n

s t u d e n t orientation program,

J . A n d e rs o n

program hel ped studenrs find new ways (0

who came

S e p te m b e r took p a n i n the n e w PLU President Loren

Opening week at PLU

D iscove ring Horizons Toget h e r. The

story, "Best Foot Fonllard, " on page 12.)

" We h ave designed new studenr o rien­ tati o n


give new students a fou n da-

State of the university: 'stron g and stable'


u ring a t i m e of economic crisis, Pacific Lutheran University has n O t o n ly managed


hold i cs

own, b u c as a co m m u n i cy, push fo rward wich i cs vision


educate students who

have a pass i o n


make changes i n this

wo rl d, said Presidenr Loren j. Anderson i n h is 20 10 state o f c h e u niversity

address. "My simple thesis is the u n iversity is s c ro ng and stable," Anderson said. "We are p lanning fo r the decade ahead fro m great strength." As insticutions o f higher education nationally h ave scruggled under econom­ ic restrainrs, PLU has fared well by nearly every measure, h e said. He ci ted PLU's



Thrivenr Financial for Lu therans has launched Thrivent Choice Dollars a new program that allows eligi ble mem bers to designate charitable dollars


their favorite


scable enrollmem - near 3,600 scudenrs which feacures the mOSt ethnically diverse incoming class ever. Retention races fo r firsc-year scudenrs h ave (Opped 82 percenr. The university concinued add



its number of Fulbrigh c scholars,

which now num ber 8 3 . Despite a difficult economic environ­ m e n c, fu nd ra ising successes co nrinued, wich more chan 1 0 ,000 donors comribuc­ ing (0 che un iversity lasc year. New endowed chairs in H olocausc Scudies and Elemenrary Educacion, as wel l as an endowed p ro fesso rsh i p in Lucheran Scud ies were escab l ished lasc year. All this occu rred in the same year that

To designate yo ur Choice Dollars to PLU, please fo llow these three steps:


Call 1 -800-847-4836 and say, "Thrivenr Choice" or visit


Select PLU to receive you r Thrivenr Choice Dollars for 20 1 0 .

www. thrivent. comlchoicedoLLars.

3) Set up a "recurring d i rection" to a u toma tically designate yo ur Choice Dollars to PLU every time you r balance reaches $ 1 0 or more.

r Thriven t Financial for Lutherans'

the coun try scruggled t h rough che


here continued

& now

ti o n CO su c c eed here at PLU," said

Allison Stephens, direccor of srudem . en gage m em at PLU. The new srudem o r iema t i on program c omb i n ed need-co-know learning

o p p o [( u n it i e s with j ust-fo r- fu ll evenrs d u r i ng a five-day p e r i od . The events and acrivities he lp co m ak e


fee l l i ke

home fo r srudents m o re q u i c kly, Stephens said.


big parr of new student o rientation

is giving sru dems the chance to meet the people o n cam pus who can help them with their concerns and p roblems, l i k e t h e i r academic advisors and Residence Hall advisors. "We wam them co be able co recognize people they know t h ey can go to,"

S tep hen s said.

PLU's me n's a c a p e l l a g ro u p PLUto n i c s

New sports mascot

PLUtonics p erform

unveiled for sports events

before 12 millio n on

- the Knight

'America's Got Talent'

oaming the sideli nes this fall has

his summer, John Ma rzano ' 1 3

been s ome t h i ng PLU has n ' t seen

and n i n e o t he r friends fo und

fo r seve ral decades - a Knight. The nick name fo r P LU ' s sports teams will re m a i n the Lu te s , but the n e w cot is a nod



the 1970s and '80s, when

teams were also known as the Kn i g h ts. Members of the Srudem Athlete Advisory Commi ttee who he lp ed select the mascot wanted to p reserve the long­ stand i ng trad i t i o n o f the Luroes, but also wan te d a visual representation to generPLU's new m a s c ot, the Knight

a te L u t e S p i r it on cam pus and a t a t hletic events. The students wamed

to i nspire s p i ,rit and pay h o m age co the past, said Jennife r Thomas, assistant ath­ letics di rector and advi­ sor to PLU SAAC. The PLU K n ight made i ts first appear­ ance d u r i ng Welcome \X!eek, and was o n the sideli nes c heering o n Lu tes a t the S e p t .


football game against Cal i fo rnia Lutheran

themselves singing o n national television as parr o f NBC's "America's Got Tal en t " p ro g ra m . "T would have never, ever th o ugh t I'd be o n s tage singing in fro n t of


m i l­

lion peop l e ," said M a rzano, a sopho­

more vocal performance maj o r, and p resident of PLU's a c appel l a gro u p PLUto n i c . I n July, PLUtonic made i t o n to t h e e n tertai nment realiey s how as one o f the


finalists b y way o f t he show's

national YouTube conte s t . " B e fo re we knew i t we were d own in L.A. j u m p i ng right i n to rehearsals," Marzano said. Fo r the live show, the gro u p per­ fo rmed a rendition of the song " Low" by Flo Rida and received posi tive remarks from the j u dges. Following the live performance and nationwide vot­ ing, PLUto nic was i n the last e l i m i na­ tion ro und d u r i ng the live results and was the second-to-last act e l i m inated, bri nging their fame to an end. The m e m b e rs o f PLU tonic may h ave

U n iversiey at S parks

fi ni shed their natio nal j o u rney, b u t

Stad i um in Puyall u p and

ano ther is j u s t beginning. PLU to n i c is

has appeared at spo rting

continuing wo rk o n an album, which is

events si nce.

c u rre ntly i n the ed iting p ro c ess.

Big changes at PLU bookstore . he Garfield Book Company (GBC) has im [oduced several changes this academic year, espe­ cially for parems and scudems looking fo r ways to save money. (And who isn't?) Most sign i ficandy, GBC has launched a website where scudents can find what tex tbooks each professor is requi ring fo r their class, and compare how much that book will cost, used or new, at the book­ store, as wel l as how much it w i l l cost on other online merchan ts, such as Amazon or Hal f. Matthew Crom, textbook man­ ager of the bookstore, thinks chat visi­ tors to the site will quickly find that the GI3 's prices are competitive.

Elizabeth E.

Rebecca M. Wilkin, assistant

Brusc o, profes­

professor of French, had her sec­

sor of anthropol­

ond book published for the series,

ogy, contribured

" Chicago's Other Voice in Early

a chapter titled

Modern Europe." Wilkin's book,

"Gender and

co-translated by Donna Stanton, is

Power" to the

a compilation of the works of the

book "Studying Global

late 1 7th century French philoso­

Pentecostalism: Theories and

pher Gabrielle Suchon. It is the

Methods," University of

first time Suchon's works appear i n

California Press, 2 0 10.


Brenda Uewellyn Ihssen. visit­ i ng assistant professor of religion, had her article, "Strip the Rich

ciate professor

Right Down to Their Shirts: St.

and chair of histo­

John the Almsgiver and the

ry, had his book

Transformation of the City"


published in "Ekklesiastikos Pharos," 9 1 .20. Laura McCloud. assistant pro­

each year for [he srudents retu rni ng fo r the fa ll semester, and then again in the spring, will also offer a textbook rental program, which will also have a l i n k off the G BC main site.

" \'(Ie

w i l l offer many options for Stu­

dents here," Crom said. "They can buy a used book, purchase a new book here, or participate through the buyback pro­ gram." G B C has al.so expanded " Luteworld" and re - i n r roduced a Scandinavian Shop, two

popular departmems of the book­

store. Now, the enti re second floor of GBC will be dedicated to All-Thi ngs­ Lure, from PLU sweatshi rts to PLU­ themed Christmas gifts. The Scandinavian Shop will feature

Lutheran Orthodoxy" published in September. This his torical mono­

her paper "The Fragile American:

graph presents original research

Hardship and Financial Troubles

that opens a window on the forma­

in the 2 1 s t Century" accepted for

tion of early Lutheranism i n late

publication in "Sociological

1 6 th century Germany.

authored with Rachel E. Dwyer.

GBC, which buys thousands of books

Heshusius and Confessional Polemic i n Early

fessor of sociology, .·ecently had

Quarterly." The paper was co­ G a rfield Book C o m p a ny

Michael ]. Halvorson, asso­

Karen E. McConnell, associate

Amy Siegesmund, assistant pro­ fessor of biology, was one of 23 biologists selected to participate i n

professor of moveme nt studies

the 2 0 1 0 American Society for

and well ness education. and d i rec­

Microbiology Biology Scholars

tor of assessment. was quoted i n

Program Research Reside ncy. The

the September 24, 2 0 1 0, edition

program is a national leadership

of "The Chronicle of Higher

program established in 2008 to

Education." The article, "A

help faculty improve student learn­

Measure of Education Is Put to

ing in the laboratory or classroom.

the Test," reported on the Collegiate Learning Assessment results. Maureen McGill, associate pro­

Bridget E. Yaden, assistant pro­ fessor of Spanish and director of the Language Resource Center. has been awarded the 20 1 0 "Inspira­

fessor of dance and theatre, pre­

tional Leadership Certificate" by

sented a paper at the International

the Wash ington Assoc iation for

Association of Near Death Studies

L:ll1guage Teachers. The award

in Denver. The paper was based on

"recognizes contributions i n pro­

her forthcoming book (co­

moting. organizing, supporting,

aurhored with Nola Davis) "Live

defending, lobbying, or planning

from the Other Side," Ozark

some important aspect of study of

Mountain Publishing, 2 0 1 0.

world languages and/or cultures."

numerous gifts and del i cacies with a Scandinavian flair. [ill


O n e stu d e nt's ex p e ri e n c e at th e Tri b a l G ath e ri n g i n N e a h B a y, a n d h ow o n e c o u rs e o uts i d e th e c l a s s ro o m c h a n g e d h ow h e s e e s t h e wo r l d Photos and text b), Theodore Charles '12 very morning i n Neah I3ay, \'\Iash., the cold fog wou ld sweep through our camp and shake us from our sleep as we trundled across the grounds of the Makah Cultural and Resou rce Center for the showers. It was my second time at Neah Bay. I had been here once before, parr of a J足 Term course, "Makah Cultu re Past and Present." My experience from that time

was why I returned this past summer. Along with several other PLU students and Professor of Anrhropology David Huelsbeck , we came ro volunteer at Tribal ]ourneys, one of the largest Native American celebrations on the West Coast of the United States. My first experience at Neah Bay taught me the warmth of the Makah people - 1 never had been welcomed so

warmly by people I had just mer. I returned [0 Neah Bay [ 0 not only con足 tinue [ 0 learn aboU[ the Makah, but [0 expose myself [0 the traditions of the many Norrhwest rribal nations anending the celebration. On the da), of arrival, almost 1 0,000 people crowded onro the beach [0 watch 86 canoes from as far away as Alaska address the Makah Tribal Council, requesting permission [0 come ashore. Qu ileute, Qui nault, Tlingit, Swi nomish, Cowichan, \Varm Springs and Lummi are only a few of the tribes [0 attend. For 1 1 days, we were essentially the 'go [0 ' people for anything that need足 ed [ 0 be done. We were assigned as volunteers for elder hospitality, an incredibly honorable task of handling the needs of important tribesmen. On an average day we volun teered for fom [0 10 hours - assisting elders, 損

life of the mind ronrilllled



on the assumption that their values are " right." (In other words, to recog ni z e when they are being e t hn oce nt ric. ) These anthropological learning objec­ tives are congruent with PLU's \Vild Hope Project, i n that they give students

the chance to discover the kind of " big enough questions" that will contin ue to have an impact in the student's l i fe beyond the classroom, today and in the future. Both courses involve on-campus in­ class preparation, and then 1 2 days in Neah Bay, Wash. Ordinarily 12 days is not nearly enough time to recognize often s ubtl e differences in customs and values and, more i m portantly, not e n ough time to resolve conf1icting

making sandwiches, dri ving people i n go l f carts. transporting sal m on , d i rect­ ing traffic and hauling canoes fro m t h e water. In ou r time off w e chatted with eld e rs, went h iki ng , joined drum circles and ate fry bread. No matter what we did, we learned a great deal abom native culture and a l ittle about our own trad itions, as well. I come from an extensive

never, in my wildest dreams, consid­ ered a poss ibil i ty. This fantastic e x p eri ­ ence broadened my gaze from a simple love of the di s c ipline of anthropology, [0 a passion for the su bje ct. [§J


Scandinavian family that hosts a S morgasbord around C h ristmas and garlands its trees with Swedish and Norwegian f1ags. My time with the Makah taught me ro look at my own cui I re in a war that is not simp!)' sea­ s o n a. l I think of the M akah who partici­ pated for six hours of dances hat have never been performed before and may never be again. These songs and dances are not only an incredible form of expression, bur the right [0 perform rhem are the most valued p roperty a fam i ly ca n h ave . I was captivared br rhat dance. Not simply the b e a u ty of th e performance, but the value in that gesture. It left me with a desire ro " lIve my heri tage" more thoroughly. To m e appreciaring




who I am rhrough understanding my h e ri tage im pacts the actions I make on a daily basis.

To h ave been a part of Tribal Journeys was an experience rhat I

emotions abour cultural differences in a way that allows one to understand the other c u lture. The c o u rs es are a collaboration between PLU and the Makah Cu l t ura l and Research Cente r (MCRC). PLU st u de nts learn about Makah and Native American cul tu re from Native Am e rican s. The Makah are eager to s h a re their culture and are ve ry talented cross-cultural educators. \Vhy is this collaboration so effective? I began working with the tribe during graduate school in 1 977. We know and trust each other. I 've been bringing PLU s tu dents to Neah Bay sin ce 1 995. Year i n and year out the students are eager to learn, respectful and honest even if they

Learning anthropology b y doing anthropology he two courses mentioned in Ted Charles' essay seek [ 0 pro­ v id e an opportunity for students

experience a different culture: To learn anthropology by doing anthropology. This summer, as part of the Tribal Journeys celebration, the focus was on Northwest Native A meri ca n cul ture. The J-Te rm course specifically focuses on Makah culture. [0

The goal is [0 help students learn [0 recognize cultural values that are d i f­ ferent from their own, and l earn [0 rec­ ognize when they are acting/reacting

don't always agree wi th every Makah value. The students have earned the trust of the Makah people who work with us. The trust makes po ss i ble an

openness and sharing more characteris­ tic of the multi-),ear relationship than a 1 2-day experience. The trust re l a tion sh i p is reinforced by service activities. \'(1e h el p out." I t m ig h t b e so m e thing as simple as stack­ ing firewood for an elder, creating an o p por tun i t to get to know each other as i n d ivid uals. I t might be helping serve d inner at a potlatch or helping with elder hospi tality at Tribal Journeys, creating an opportunity not just to observe, bur to participate. Participating in another cultu re is truly a li fe ch anging experience. -[)aIJid R Huclsbcck, proJe.GOI· o[m'tiJropolog;r "





pMi O� 'Otv � Ro�, ' �Ut&t-�� � uvJ,� Pf..U '� fAaJdwtv o � �yi.U


.un !.'

C'aniplI f I (lricm,u ioll \\,eekt'lId this p." r S 'I [('mhcr, orgn 11 1 zcrs m ade 'un! tel



th.1 ( fi r t Satur la). r h �)se stU­

p rom ! rly s"nr nlfcanl pus. )11 rhe Ib.1d program. which rakl's r ia t' '(I -h reM lent!>



It \\'3 f an }[ I'I.U'


hel l first- '1'.11' �rud\' n rs become

fa m ilial with rhl' ciry II

md r�gion th a r LlI l � t hei I' h.'Il1C for thc nt.>xr fou r


Some '''' l' lnr�'\1

i n g .It /\bbey

Cl\', s a t 1\ I t. leafllt,d salsa d..ulc­

rhe l a\':1

St. H lens. l )rht>rs

rr.ld i rillll uf, l·n'ice. "WC'Ve noticed o\'er

dut th,' outdo r rc,- trips and r h e "cn 1Ct' tnps rc a.l ways the fi rst om' tu fill u p , " . aid , leI.m ll! Dea n e ' I 2 ASPLU pwgrams co ,rdll1:1wr and :.tucienr or�an izl'r of On rhe' Road "


rhe \'Ca �

rhl. ear. \I'\! \I',m rcd

thcre Ih'r� l11ure 0pp0rLU­ n l flc!> ill f s[ud,'m . ' One uf rho ' c IrIp:. v. as ttl Ten i no. \Va.sh . . II'I1l'TI' ahour a cloZL'n students ro l l ed u p thelT s lcl.'ws and gor muddy Ln n1.lke !'our '


Ld r f'oOt Orgnni s , n non-profh fnnn

wh i c h aim, tl� promote Self.su tTiCiCIlCY i nclusion and mdependence rmal vomh.

"I J u st likl'd rhe l l m i ssion " Anna

Parton . a fi rsr-�'car srudl'nr

the\' s;ive dis':I.I:h-anraged yourh and P(!l1pic \\;th dJ!>abil i ties rill' opportun i ry

Pavton <lod rhc resr of r he srudcIH i ll her �mllF . pem rhe day IC<lrn 1 llg about Left �'oor' m ission ol nd helpl·d fil l m

And �<'rne pu l l e d " ,'cd s,

pl,Kc when

pan i n .lr 2 .'\ li ffen' n r locations. l' , u r of rh�lse tri ps wa\.' icsigneJ help st uJents find .l f I.lce II h 'r ' they rould vllllll1t�l:r 1I'l:ir ri llle ,md energy �t lll1' rh a n 390 srudent" ro ok



all i ll rhat t,'1'e.1t 1 .1Ili lCrall



workl'!'. pull weeds.

l n th


Puyall u p . \X J.! h., sald " 1 rcall), l i ke rhat

Bali I' om i n T.1·ol11 3.. 1I111 e \'isited Tac.lIna's a rt a.nd glass

museul11 .

for people

v. l th developmen tal d isab i l i ries ,l n d

"Th eir hearrs 'cern to

Ir comes ro

be i ll

[ill' light

hclplllg Olhcrs

and p rovi dmg healthy fCll,d i'0 I l he COm­ mu n i ty: ' �h '



s a I i n le ha rd


work ro h e lp our a \I'ondel fu l calise,"

\\'ho c,lIIn.: (0 Wash becausc of rhe ' [rl1og scml' of com m u n i f)'. said �lll.· rm,r-vc;!r Sarah K i n m e r.

PLU from Wenatchee.


wen t on the Ld-[ rom rnp rhe dire. "Vol u n rceling l i ke rhar was








for som e t h i ng

grcat opponll n l ry

and ger ro know




\\'3S rrue

for ASPLU's Deane. a

a�o she pari i C l pa rcd 1 11 an l !1 the Road Tri p ro [h., T.u:nm.'l Rescue

IYl ts

same [ l m c , . she s.ud. rom Org:ullcs

low and I:I\'\.· I h "' [11 sel vcs to

l..ak ., O�m:�(). Orc., nam-c. Two years


pt'oplc and ger muddy and d l ny at t i l t!



as nCw (0 rillS

ion ilnd [hat expcricnn: IS suB

i m po rc anr to her. Shc's fo und more

ycar's state of 011 [hc Road [rip�. The

oppo rr u n i n es ll> VLl1 uI1teer t hen:,

nOll.profi t farlll grows Inore [han 50

and s he expects thl' srudCJ1[S on

han estS l'b'gs [0 sell as \l'd l as boasc l ll g

awe so m c way to conllnllC commu­

varil'ue'> of wgctahll's yea r.ro u nd :l11 d a

Fcsllode.frec OpCI lion. I t has

rhis }'I!'ar's trips W i l l


!11 t\. -"['\'In,,"

rhan 700 volu n teers who plll i n

biology, s:ud h,' cilOse minule, but ell)O 'cd

n i ng

till' crip 3r [he last

o th e r On [l)

rhe Road



" "'t. ilU

well( [() No('[Il\\"l�st

I owaI'd



lOda)' and wc are working

common gonl," c:utO


ty." And th.11 1 - something dut I u'st­ Far slUdeIH J ohann.J. �lullcr, \\ ho coml's from Denair, .:111(, do!tillitely

ect on the PLU campus. t\nnrher ! r i p I I l troduced firs t· war srlldl'nrs r o PI.U's olin comm u n i £)' garden . which donarl's orgalll c \1'gerablt,s to Illt'mbcrs of rhe Parkland com m ll n i r�·.

KI rk Rose, om: of rhe e mpio),<'es tor


or service' while in collegl'. and


That goJ..l might b... called "communi­

h U llgcr reltef agencIes. A n orher grollp LOok parr in a habitat n:storanon proj­

Lei! �()(][, said he learned abour




Harvcst one or \\ ash i nl![o n 's br�esr

s pi r i t


rill' ('. peril·nfl!' \\' l l h l he new tl'll'nds h e

eneou rage st u·

d e n t s to I l ml \\",l\'S LO be of ser\'lCL'


IS an

1)eJ. n said

.1 FproxlJllatclr 3.800 hour� o f" vo\ u n [ecI TheIl' were three


Cody CJIll>. a ti rst-rear rudcnt plan­

work last vear. [( i ps that also sought




slands bcllJ Ild , W .1S

hi.-; low l1fvolu l1tcl'ring .1 nJ his

f.lrmmg backgro u l ld thal hr,'ughl him [�) LdT FOOL at our Trip� to ria l'S ,1£e ludcn[\



l ike

yt'OlI' ago. Left rnO! cncour­

" l l.t\,� on a farm 111 CaJit wn ia and I \'O/tuHeerins .md helping oth�r

101 I.'


t-I ulb- ald. "Till: secmed l i ke

a .?()od I ! [ to stan off the

" year, [§]

fi n d l h� conllection

[hat Kirk Rose dtd - soml·thin g that

Phoro� b)' Megun Randich ' 1 2 feATURES > PLU SCENE WINTER 211 1 0

E ngage theWorld




ACA D E M I CS & M I S S I O N P L U's fa c u l ty, a c a d e m i c progra m s , and c a m p u s - w i d e W i l d H o pe Project -

ex p l o r i n g vo c a t i o n in the 2 1 s t century - are n a t i o n a l l y a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y reco g n iz ed f o r t h e i r q u a l i ty a n d d is t i n c t i v e n e s s . Enha n c i n g t h e e n d o w m e n t to a level better a l i g ned w i t h t h e u n i versi ty's st a t u re a n d s i z e w i l l a d v a n c e q u a l i t y a n d d i s t i n c t i veness a n d strengthen the u n i v er s i t y ' s c a p a c i t y t o c a rry o u t its m i s s i o n i n t h e s e a re a s :

G LO BA L E D U CAT I O N E n d o w m e n t su p po rt for t h e b u i l d i n g o f a g l o b a l l y focused u n i ve r s i ty i s cen t ra l to P L U ' s f u t u re s u ccess. Great p rog ress h a s been m a d e i n b r i n g i n g a g lo b a l e m p h a s i s more b road l y t o t h e a c a d e m i c , c u r r i c u l a r a n d pro g ra m m a t i c a reas of t h e u n i v ersi ty. That w o r k c a n be accele rated t h ro u g h the f u n d i n g of e n d o w m e n t s w i t h a part i c u l a r g l o b a l e m p h a s i s , i n d u d i n g : c u r r i c u l u m d eve l o p ment, ex p a n d i n g s t u d y - a b ro a d op portu n i t ies, creat i n g mo re st u d e n t - fa c u lt y researc h o p p o rt u n i t i e s , m o re fu l l y o p e n i n g t h e c a m p u s to i n ternat i o n a l students, a n d named fac u l ty c h a i r s a n d endowed professo r s h i p s in the g l obal curr ic u l u m .

STU D E N T- FACU LTY R E S EA R C H A N D C R EAT I V E P R OJ E CTS S t u d e nt - fa c u lt y res earch o p p o rt u n i t i es e n h a n ce the e d u c a t i o n a l ex p e r i e n ce o f s t u d e n t s a n d fac u l t y w o r k i n g o n e - o n - o n e a n d i n s m a l l g r o u p s t o d e l ve d e e p l y i n to i s s u e s c r i t i ca l to d i s c i p l i n es a c ross t h e c u r r i c u l u m . O p p o r t u n i t> i e s i n c l u d e : esta b l i s h i n g s t u d e n t - fa c u l ty research endowments i n p rofess i o n a l s c h oo l s, e n ha n c i n g the e n d ow m e n t s t h a t exist i n H u m a n i t i e s , N a t u ra l S c i e n ces a n d S o c i a l S c i e n ces, a nd e n d o w i n g o r expa n d i n g e n d o w m en t s for e q u i p m ent f u n d s i n a rt, b u s i ness, ec on o m i c s , m u s i c, n a t u ra l s c i e n c es, n u r s i n g , p s yc h o l o g y a n d t h eater.

W I L D H O P E PROJ E CT - VOCAT I O N , I D E N T I TY A N D E D UC AT I O N A L E XC E L L E N C E T h e W i l d H o p e Project i s t h e u n i fy i n g n a m e for seve ra l p ro g ra m s t h a t e n s u re each P L U s t u d e n t receives a c o m p rehens'ive u n d ersta n d i n g of h o w to g o a b o u t d i sce r n i n g o n e's voc a t i o n . C o l l e g e i s t h e c r i t i c a l j u n c t i o n i n t h e l i v es of most young p e o p l e a s t h e y m a ke d e c i s i o n s a b o u t l i fe g o a l s a n d c a reer p a t h s t h a t w i l l affect t h e m f o r a l i fet i me. I n s t i t u t i o n a l i z i n g that p ro g ra m i s c r u c i a l to effe c t i v e l y l evera9' i n g t h e $2 m i l l i o n g ra n t P L U received from t h e L i l l y E n d ow m e n t I n c., t h a t m a d e t h e W i l d H o p e p ro g ra m pos s i b l e . N a med e n d o w m e n t f u n d s w i l l e n s u re t h e s u ccess of t h e se prog ra m s i n p e rpetui ty.

N A M E D FACU LTY C H A I R S A N D E N D O W E D P R O F E S SO R S H I P S N a med fac u l ty c h a i r s a n d e n d owed p rofe ssors h i p s b r i n g p u b l i c reco g n i t i o n t o t h e u n i v e r s i t y a n d i t s p ro g r a m s a s well a s p rov i d e s a l a ry s u p p o rt , t ravel, research s t i p e n d s a n d prog ra m m i n g fu n d s f o r fa c u l t y m e m b e r s .

E n gage theWorld


FAC U LTY D EV E LO P M E N T E x c e l l e n t facu l t y c u l t i va te t h e i r i n t e l l e c t u a l c a p i t a l t h ro u g h o n - g o i n g


d ev l o p m e n t i n tea c h i n g , s c h o l a r s h i p a n d u n i v e r s i t y c i t i zen s h i p . Fac u l ty d eve l o p m e n t fund i ng p ro v i d e s educa t i o n a l , resea rc h and stu dy, a n d l ea d e r s h i p deve l o p m e n t o p port u n i t i e s .



E n dowed s p o n s o rs h i ps for m a j o r s y m p o s i a , a n n u a l l e c t u res, sem i n a r s a n d w o r k s h o p s a re c r u c i a l to a f l o u r i s h i n g a c a d e m i c c u l t u re a n d extend t h e ex p l i c i t l y a c a d e m i c reso u rces o f t h e u n i ve rs i ty o u t i n to t h e co m m u n i ty. S u c h eve n t s p rov i d e a fo r u m for fac u l t y a n d v i s i t i n g s c h o l a r s to s h a re k n ow l e d g e, e n g age s t u d e n t s in n o n - c l a ssroom sett i n g s and p ro v i d e co m m u n i t y o u tre a c h .





E N S U R I N G S T U D E N T ACC ESS E n h a n c i n g t h e e n d o w m e n t for f i n a n c i a l s u p po r t for s t u d e n t s i s c r i t i c a l to e n s u r i n g access to c o l l e g e for a l l , reg a rd l ess of t h e i r econo m i c s t a n d i n g . I t a l so e n a b les t h e u n i ve r s i ty t o a t t ra c t a d i verse g ro u p o f h i g h l y q u a l i f i ed s t u d e n ts, a n d e n r i c h t h e i r e d u c a t i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e s , t h ro u g h s c h o l a rs h i ps, s t u d e n t-fa c u l t y resea rch g ra n t s , and s t u d y - a b road s t i pe n d s . N a med e n d o w m e n t scho l a rs h i p s and g r a n t s m i rror t h e u n i ve r s i t y ' s com m i t m e n t to s t u d e n t a c cess, the recog n i t i o n o f s c h o l a r l y a c h ieve m e n t , and a com m i t m e n t to g l o b a l e d u c a t i o n .

We can reac h oLir goa l

w i t h yo u r h e l p ! D O N AT E N OW

1 -800-826-0035 G l o b a l S t u d y O p portu n i t i es

Www. p/u E'e/(//gJve

S t u d y - a b ro a d s c h o l a rs h i p s for l o w - i n c o m e s t u d e n t s w h o o t h erwise m i g h t n o t be a b l e t o t a ke a d v a n t a g e of s t u d y-a broad o p p o rt u n i t ies.

G l o b a l S c h o l a r G ra n t Prog ra m S u p p o rted by s i n g l e or mu l t i p l e d o n o rs, an e n d o w m e n t of $1 m i l l i o n wo u l d p ro v i d e $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 a yea r for one o r m o re u p p er-d i v i s i o n s t u d e n t s ' t u i t i o n ,

For rll Ore I nforrnatlon o n Encla�Je tlw Wm lcJ The C a nl p a l g ll for P l� U , V I S i t

wwvvp/u ec!u/cc1lnpClICjn

room a n d b o a rd, t rave l , a n d resea rc h .

P LU Ach i ever O p po r t u n ity g ra n t A $ 5 0 0, 0 0 0 en dowment p rov i d e s fu l l t u i t i o n or $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 p e r year f o r l ow­ i n c ome a n d/or stu d e nts o f c o l o r to e n co u rage a c a d e m i c acc o m p l i s h m e n t a n d h e l p e n s u re ac cess to c o l l e g e . T h e s c h o l a rs h i p s a re awarded to s t u d ents who s h ow the p rom i s e o f su ccess.

Rege nts' S c h o l a rs h i ps A $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 e n d o w m e n t s u p p o r t s the most p re s t i g i o us u n i ve r s i ty s c h o l a rs h i p offered to h i g h a b i l i ty, i nc o m i n g fi rst -yea r st u d e n t s a n d i s c o n t i nued a n n u a l ly, f u l l t u i t i o n o r $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 a yea r.

Pres i d e nt's S c h o l a r s h i p A $ 3 2 5 , 0 0 0 e n d ow m e n t reco g n i zes o u t s t a n d i n g a c a d e m i c


a c h i evement i n t h e c l a s s r o o m a n d beyo nd a t $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 a yea r.



E ngage theWor l d


Aca d e m i c M e rit S c h o l a r s h i p s

A $ 1 0 0, 0 0 0 e n d o w m e n t p ro v i d e s $ 5 , 0 0 0 p e r yea r t o reco g n i ze a n d s u p po rt a c a d e m i c a l l y m e r i t o r i o u s s t u d e n t s .

Donor- Desig nated S c h o l a r s h i p s

A $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 ( m i n i m u m ) e n d o w m e n t p ro v i d e s s c h o l a rs h i p s u p po rt a t $ 1 , 2 5 0 a year f o r a s t u d e n t i n a p a r t i c u l a r m a j o r o r co u rs e of s t u d y. Do n o rs h e l p d eter m i n e t h e criteria fo r s t u d e n t s rec e i v i n g s c h o l a r s h i p s u p p o r t from t h e e n d ow m e n t, ty p i ca l l y na med i n t h e i r o r a loved o n e's h o n o r o r m e m o ry.

C A. P I T A L



ACA D E M I C FAC I L I T I E S A s c h o o l w i t h a s t ro n g com m i t m e n t to t h e l i bera l a rts m u st p rovide h i g h ­ ca l i b er fa c i l i t ies to s u p p o r t i t s a c a d e m i c a n d cocurri c u l a r pro g ra m s . A rc h i te c t u ra l l y d i s t i n ct i ve fa c i l i t i es, co m p l ete w i t h a p p ro p r i a te eq u i p m e n t a n d tec h n o l o g y, i n s p i re s t u d e n ts a n d fa c u l t y a n d e n h a n ce t h e aca d e m i c v i t a l i t y of t h e u n i ve r s i ty. P L U h a s w o r k l eft t o b e d o n e o n t h e a c a d e m i c s c h o o l h o u se, b r i n g i n g o u r fa c i l i t i es u p to t h e l evel o f o u r pro g r a m s , i n c l u d i ng: •

Perfo r m i n g A rts C e n t e r a n d C h a p e l , a t Eastvo l d , P h a s e O n e

R i eke S c i e n ce C e n t e r

O l s o n A u d i to r i u m a n d G y m n a s i u m

U p g ra d i n g o t h e r c l a ss ro o m s a n d tea c h i n g fa c i l i t i e s a n d acq u i r i n g state­ of-the-art i n stru c t i o n a l tec h n o l o gy and eq u i p m e n t .

Perfo r m i n g Arts Center a n d Chapel at Eastvo l d H a l l T h e f i r s t p h a s e o f t h e renova t i o n o f o n e o f P L U 's h i st o r i c l a n d m a r k b u i l d i n g s bega n i n s u m m er 2 0 1 0 . A n ew roof, n ew exte r i o r b r i c kwork a n d renova t i o n o f s pa ce fo r m e r l y occu p i e d b y K P LU i n to a f i r s t - c l a s s " b l a c k b o x " S t u d i o Theater i s i n c l u d ed i n t h e f i r s t p h a s e of t h i s proj e c t . N a m i n g o p p o rt u n i t i e s ra n g e f r o m $1 m i l l i o n for t h e s t u d i o theater to $1,000 fo r li n d i v i d u a l s e a t s .

R i eke Scie nce Center

H o m e to t h e P L U D i v i s i o n of N a t u ra l S c i ences, R i eke S c i e n ce Center i s n o w

m o re t h a n 2 5 y e a r s o l d . S t i l l s t a t e - o f - t h e a r t i n i t s d e s i g n a n d o pe n l a b c o n cept, R i eke re q u i res u p g ra d e d eq u i p m e n t a n d reco n f i g u red i n te r n a l s pa c e to m eet t h e d em a n d s of s c i e n t i fic i n q u i ry i n t h e 2 1 s t C e n t u r y. T h e i nvest m e n t p l a n ne d fo r R i eke H a l l w i l l b e u s e d t o : •

Reconfi g u re i n terior l a b o ra to r y s pa c e to s u p port a n d e n h a nce s c i e n c e i n s t ruct i o n a l m e t h o d o l o g i e s a n d fo r s t u d e n t fac u l ty research

U p d a t e c l a ss ro o m s

I m prove t h e second floo r " o p e n l a b " s pa c e

U p d a t e va r i o u s b u i l d i n g i n frastructu re, s u c h a s h e a t i n g a n d vent i l a t i o n .

There w i l l b e n u m e ro u s n a m i n g o p p ortu n i t i es a s s o c i a ted w i t h t h e R i eke S c i e n c e C e n t e r renova t i o n . For a g i ft o f $1 . 5 m i l l i o n , d o n o r s w i l l h a ve t h e



o p portu n i ty to n a m e the s i g n a t u re fea t u re of R i e ke S c i e n ce C e n t e r, t h e s e c o n d - f l o o r o p e n l a b oratory s p a ce, u s e d p r i m a r i l y f o r c h e m i s t ry a n d p h y s i c s e x pe r i m e n ta t i o n . O t h e r o p po r t u n i t i es, rang i n g from $1 m i l l i o n ( fo r

t h e a t r i u m o f t h e R i eke S c i e n ce Center) o r $ 5 0 0,000 ( f o r c h e m i s t ry fa c u l ty res e a rc h l a b) , to $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 ( fo r fa c u l t y o ffi ces) a re a l s o ava i l a b l e .


CA M PA I G N C E L E B RAT E S $90 M I L L I O N M I L E S TO N E O N T H E WAY TO $1 00 M I L L I O N G OA L

The p u b l i c p h a s e o f P L U's new $ 1 0 0 m i l l ion fu n d - ra i s i ng c a m p a i g n began Oct. 1 0 at a ce l e b ration that i n c l u d ed the a n nou ncement that more than $90 m i l l i o n of t h e goal i s a l ready i n h a n d . K n o w n a s " E n g a g e t h e Wo rld: The C a m p a i g n for P L U , " t h e d r ive is ra i s i n g fu nds fo r academic program su ppo rt, student scholars h i ps , i m p roved aca­ d e m i c and a t h l etic fa c i l i t ies a n d opera t i n g su p port and s pecial p rojects. C a m pa i g n leaders h � p celebrated at Tacoma's M u seum of G lass, m a r k i ng the beg i n n i n g of a broad a p p ea l fo r s u p p ort from a l u m n i a n d f r i e n d s of t h e u n iversi ty. At t h e event, Pres i d e n t Loren J. A n d e rson a n n ounced a $10 m i l l i on g i ft from the estate of Karen H i l l e P h i l l i p s who passed away Sep tem ber 1 3 . " Karen was dece p t i v e l y w i se, c a r i n g of heart, h u m b l e in bea r i n g a n d g e nerous in s p i r it," he said. P h i l l i p s, the largest benefactor i n t h e h i story of t h e u n i vers ity, h a s n o w g i ven a l most $20 m i l l i o n . She was a 1955 g ra d u ate of the PLC School of N u rs i n g a n d s h e served a s a m e m b e r of t h e Board o f Regents fo r n i n e years beg i n ­ n i ng i n 2000.

(Editor's Note: watch for a feature o n Karen Phi l l i ps in the next issue of Scene )

"The c a m pa i g n celebra t i o n p rovided us the op portu n i ty to t h a n k t h e peo p l e w h o have h e l ped u s reach the $90 m i l l i on ma rk," s a i d James A . P l o u rde, d i rector for ca m p a i g n and strategy. "We were a l so a b l e report to them on c a m p u s e n h a ncements that the c a m ­ p a i g n has made pos s i b l e and e n l i s t t h e i r su pport f o r meet i n g t h e c h a l l enges that re m a i n i n rea c h i n g o u r $100 m i l l i o n g o a l , " he sa i d . P l o u rd e s a i d t h a t w h i l e l a rge ca m p a i g n g i fts have prov i d ed a re m a rkable legacy to da te, fu l l p a r t i c i p a t i o n i s i m p o rt a n t and g i fts o f a l l s i zes a re wel­ come and a p p reciated. "People have been remarka b l e in thei r gen erous responses," h e said. "G ifts to

Q C l u b in su pport of student scho l arsh ip s, g i fts i n s u p p ort of students who study abroad, g i fts i n s u p port of acad emic and athletic programs and g i fts from those who are re m e m bering PLU in t h e i r estate p l a n n i n g a re a l l essentia l ." Last year there were m o re t h a n 1 0,000 don ors who cont r i b u ted to PLU m o re t h a n ever b e fore i n the h i story of the u n i versi ty. "A l l don ors m a ke a d i fference," P l o u rde s a i d . "And our don ors are, in effect, cast ing a vote in favor of what we do here at PLU a nd demo nstra t i n g to the broader comm u n i t y t h a t they s u p port' PLU' s m i s s i o n . " Everyo ne w h o ca res d e e p l y a bout P L U s ho u l d consider m a k i n g a gift t o t h e ca m p a i g n ." llij

attaway l utes Fro m P LU , to I ra q, a n d b a c k: B a rrett B o l l e n atta c ks l ife 's h u rd l es arrett Bollen ' 1 2 settled mco the

coast. In the eighth grade he fi n is hed

back and have the o p porcunicy co o nce

s tarting blocks fo r the 400-meter

last in a 400-meters race and cook that

again compete in athletics."

h urdles finals. It was the 2 0 1 0

as a perso nal challenge. By the time he

Bol len sought out his coach co discuss

Norchwest Conference Track and Field

was a senior h e had shaved 30 seconds

his desire co be a team leader, and soon,

Champions h i p s i n Spokane last April.

o ff of his time and ended up placing

as Kreier said, " h e was on the fas t track

Ten hurdles measuring 3 6 inches i n

fourth i n the state.

co team leade rship."

height se parated h i m fro m t h e fi nish line. Com pared co the hurdles that Bollen crossed one year earLier as a member o f

PLU track and field, and cross country head coach Heather Kreier saw h i m

"I know that being a Marine has done a great deal fo r m e i n terms o f mak i n g

while he was a n athlete a t tiny acosta

me a better leader and athlete," Bollen

H igh School. "When I saw him as a

said. "Many o f the characte ri stics that

the United States Marine C o r p s i n Iraq,

recruit, he was this highly posi tive and

go i n co being a successful Marine s u c h

those 10 h u rdles seeoled like a walk in

talented k i d - and he could back it u p."

a s s e l f discipline, confidence, men tal

the park.

H i s personalicy and temperament lent

But more on Iraq later.

themselves co leaders h i p , a qualicy that

Bollen, ru nning only the third 400-

Kreier val ued. When he got co PLU,

meter h u rd les race in h is l i fe, surprised

Bollen's athletic career was ready to take

most everyone by winning the confer­

o ff.

ence title with a time o f 5 6. 1 3 seconds. In doing so, h e lowered his personal

And that's when the m i l i tary called. Bollen had enlisted in the Marine

and physical to ugh ness, are also attrib­ utes o f most s u ccessfu l athletes." Bollen's approach co leaders h i p, whether on the track and field and cross-co u n try teams, or with the Marines, is about i n i tiative. "Everyone has the capacity co be a

best by more than two seconds. It was

Corps i n J u ly 2005 when h e was 1 7-

great leader, but i ns p i ring others only comes as a res u l t o f i ndividual effort,"

only Bollen's t h i rd time running the

years-old. A year later, one month after

event, including the first time when he

his high school graduation, he went to

he said. "Si mple things like a posi tive

tri pped over a h u rdle, got back up, and

boot camp at Marine Corps Recruit

attitude, good work ethic, accountabi li­

established a conference meet-qualifY­

Depot (MCRD ) San Diego, graduated

cy, and confidence can prove co others

ing time.

meritori o u s ly, and was promoted to pri­

and co me that success is always possi­

vate first class fo r earning a perfect

ble through i n itiative.

The h urdles tide capped an outstand­ i ng meet for Bollen, who placed fi fth in

score o n his Marine Corps physical fit­

"It works b o th ways. Every day I see

the 400-meter dash in addi tion to ru n­

ness test. After attending combat train­

my friends, my teammates and my fel­

n i n g the second leg on both of PLU's

ing and occupation specialcy school to

low Marines aspire to I m p rove them­

relay teams. Two weeks earlier, Bollen

become a motor transport operator, he

selves, and as a res u l t they i ns p i re m e to

fi nis hed fi fth i n the confcrmce

checked i n with his reserve unit at Fort

do the same."

decathlon cham p ions h i p meet. He start­

Lewis i n December 2006.

ed the �;econd of two days of competi­

In the fal l of 2007, Bollen's first

tion in seventh place, but moved up two

semester at PLU, his unit received acti­

spots with 5,650 points. He recorded

vation orders fo r deployment to Iraq.

personal bests in all five o f the second­

He too k that "ready- to-go" attitude i nto

" He's an example that the other ath­ letes can aspire co," Kreie r said. "He li kes that role, he s h i nes m that role." Bollen may or m ay not choose a career in the Marine Corps. His current

day events - 1 1 0 h u rdles, discus, pole

Iraq'S Al Anbar p rovince, where his unit

focus is to earn a degree i n hiscory

vault, javelin and 1 ,500 meters.

conducted secu ricy missions fro m April

by May 20 12, two months before his

through October 2008. The unit was

six-year contract with the Marines expires.

"I certainly have a new love i n the 400meter h u rdles, so that has co be my

then deacrivated and Bollen returned

favo rite s i ngle even t now," Bollen said.

stateside. He re-enrolled at PLU and

" When I Joined the Marine Corps I only wanted to return the service that

"But competing i n the decathlon is cer­

res u med classes i n Janu ary 2009, b u t

others had provided for me," Bollen said.

tainly the greatest experience I've ever

remains involved in t h e Marine Corps

"I had always planned on going co col­

had i n track and field. Iv!)' favo rite part

Reserves as a corporal.

o f the decathlon is the l ,500-m('tcr ru n .

Bollen came back ready for h i s first

lege and purs u ing all the things that made me happy, b u t I didn' t wam to do

I t ' s t h e l a s t event and) si nce everyone i s

full season as a me mber o f the PLU

those things u n til I had proved co myself

J us t exhausted, i t comes down c o how

track and field team. His natu ral leader­

that I h ad earned the right

badly you want to win."

s h i p ab i li t ies had b e e n refined by h i s

At fi rst, track and field didn't come easi.!y fo r Bollen, who grew up i n

seven months i n Iraq. "Yo u 've got a man coming back to the

Grayland, \Va s h . , a s m a l l co m m u nity

program with m u c h greater life experi­

located on the central Washingcon

ences," Kreier said, "and gratefu l to be



do so.

"I believed that there was no better way co earn that happiness than to serve my coumry and fam i ly in a time of conflict, and I stand by that belief to this day."


- Niclc Dawson



Homecoming brings together current students and alumni as part of 'Meant to Live' hen rhe studenr-organ­ ized Meanr co Live pro­ gram blossomed on rhe PLU campus in 2004, irs mission was a simple one: To bring speak­ ers co campus who can share rheir voca­ rional journey. In shorr, co ger rhem to talk co scudents aboU[ how and why rh ey do whar rhey love. The program was qui re a succ ess and over rhe pasr several )'ear5, it brought people from a wide array of vocarions. One person, for example, sough t to build world peace and global under,

standing though a non-profit called "Companion Flag international." Another chased tornados. Their scories were as diverse as th y were compelling. But the theme was always the same: Live Your Passion. Or, co pur it a differenc way: co ger srudenrs to think aboLit whar they can do wirh rheir one wild a precious life. This year, on rhe Friday of home com­ ing weekend, saw a significant change in rhe Meant to Live program - it joined forces with Homecomi ng. Afrer all, homecom .i ng was already a time when

hundreds of successful PLU graduares already came to campus, and organizers rhoughr rhis lVould be rhe perfect opportuniry to rake Meanc ro Live and rum i r up a norch. " Whar could be a berrer rime to bring alumni and s cudenrs togerher rhan ar homecomi ng)" asked Lauralee Hagen execLitive direccor of PLU's offi ce of Alumni and Consriruent Relarions. Her poinc is well taken. And ir seem s ro fir n icely wi rh a gifr that the class of 1 95 8 gave to the university. That gift ­ almost S 1 0 7 ,000 provi de d by 67 gener,

" "U S,," ", "01 0 > A,"MN"EWS & EVENTS .

Ir � _

ous alums - sought to endow the Meant

a simple one: bring together Lutes from

together to connect and converse, listen­

to Live program, part o f PLU's signa­

all ages and d i sci plines, and let them

ing to vocational narratives and advice

ture "Wild H o pe Project."

talk about their own vocational passions.

" M eant to Live i s the convergence of a

And judging by the group assembled in

gift from the Class of 1 958 and Home­

the University Center on Friday, Ocr. 8.,

comi ng, where an alumnus of the uni­

the union is al ready a success.

versiry can speak to students about his

from alumni mentors, and alumni will hear about srudents' current experiences and hopes for the future. Following the luncheon, \Val ker, who is

With this year's homecoming affinity

currently partner and creative d i rector fo r

or her L i fe's work," said Samuel

group being graduates of the School o f

Twin Creek Productions and whose work

Torvend, project d i rector o f the Wild

t h e Arts a n d Communication, Meant t o

has been recognized from the Cannes

H o pe Project and professor o f the histo­

Live organ izers tapped film maker and

lnrernational Film Festival to TBS's

ry o f C h ristian i ty.

advertising guru Jim Walker '76 to

Funniest Commercials in the \Vorld, dis­

address participants and take part in the

cussed how his education at PLU con­

This is the first year that Meant to Live will o fficially be associated with

first-ever Meant to Live luncheon. There,

tributed to, raised questions about, and

Homecomi ng. Even so, the i d e a remains

SOAC students, faculty and alumni came

provided him with a sense o f vocation. l3:l

....�� .. ..

iNI NEmi -...

SCENE FAll 2010

6... � .�


•• .�


1 I1 G

�L U T E O L O

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Nominations must include supporting letters and be returned to the Office of Alumni and Parent Relations by Jan 5, 2011. Here are the categories: .

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I Pe n c i l Us I n I

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Heritage Award

Awarded ro an alumnus for vears of distin:Tuishcd service to the �tnivcrsiry. Yl )lOn �(" M J 1 L


. .

December 4


December 6 . December 6










. . .

. . . .




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLU G O LD event in Portlend, Ore .

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M u sic a l u mni pre-concert event, Portl and, O re.










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P L U GOLD event a t T h e Gonyea House



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. . . . . . . . .

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University Wind Ensemble To u r Southern California ,



. . • . . . . . .

. .

Special Recognition Award

Awarded ro an alum nus or friend of the u niversity who has uniq uely served the universi ty. \OL

. Jd �.Hr-:EE

PLU G O LD event at Vessel in Seattle

.Music Alumni pre-con c e rt event at The Capital G rille, Seattle


Ja nuarv 25-31



. . . .

, . • .


. .

. .

December 5



PW Connection Eve nt, St Paul, Mi nn.

Alumni Service Award

Awa rded to an alumnus who has demon· strated outstanding volunteer leaders h i p and/or service t o their communi ty. \(�LR l'\O�UNEE

February . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLU Connection Event, D e nver, Colo . Feb ru a ry 5 .


Febru ary 13

. . . . . . .

March March

. . . . .






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. . . . . . . • . . .







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PLU Alumni Basketball event at PLU

PLU SUN DAY in ELCA Region 1 Congregations

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PLU Connection Events, Montana



Olson Student leadership Award

Awa[ded ro a student who has demon· str�ted potential for a l i felong commit·

ment ro the univt'rsity and the alumni associa tion . " uL A .NO�ll� rF





. .
















. . .






PLU Connection Event, Portland, O re.

For more information : www. plualumni.org or call 800-ALUM· PLU .


wrangling, culmi nating in a monumen­ tal decision at the U.S. Federal Counhouse in Tacoma. This September, federal J udge Roben Le ighcon ruled that sexual o rieneation does not negatively i m pact unit morale or cQhesion , and that W i t t is constitu­ tionally enti tled co re i n statement. With the ruli ng, Witt has won the opportunity co get her job back though she und erstands there may b e many more years of appeals, perhaps a l l the way co the U.S. S u p re m e Cou rt. M o re impo nant ly, she acknowledges that she has become the ceneral figure fo r what many consider a key civil­ rights issue: allowing all gays and les­ bians to openl y serve in the m i l i tary.

" I just wane to be with my u n i t," she said of her batrle. "At the same time, I know it is a much b igger issue [than just me] ." Witt had a part i n h igh-profile co urt cases before - i n 2008, the U.S. Nineh C i rcuit Coun of Appeals ruled the m i l i ­ tary's "do n't ask, don't tell" policy could remain in place. However, a test known as "The Witt Standard," came out of it - U. S. armed services that wished co discharge someone under "don't ask, don't tell" had co fi rst p rove that hi s o r h e r conduct h u rr morale and u n i t cohesion. I n the Septe m b e r 20 1 0 ruling, ]u dge Leighton fo und that it did n o t. In the court'S fi nding of fact, h e ruled "no credible evidence was preseneed co this court which ind icated that Major Witt's sexual orientat ion ever had a negative effect o n the u n i t morale, order, disci­ pline , o r co hesion."

Years after PLU, track star keeps breaking records


arm (Bell '86) Steen has yet to meet a running challenge she cannot overco me.

The 1 9 86 PLU graduate and fo rmer track team member reac hed the nation­ al tourname nt fo r the Lutes in each of her fo ur years. Her athletic acco mplish­ ments s i nce then have been even more imp ressive. D uring her senior year, Steen became the first collegiate woman in Was h i ngton state to break the 60-sec­ ond barrier i n the 400-meter h u rdles event. Her time of 5 9.79 seconds still stands as the PLU record. Bradford Moore , Steen's fo rmer coach at PLU and current associate professor of movement studies and

Wi tt, in her experien ce, cercainly fo und that to be the case. "The armed

wellness educat i o n, described her as

services aren't given enough credit," she

one of PLU's all-time top competitors.

said. "We can adapt co this. We are the

"Ir was her tenacity and competi tive

most d iverse worktorce in the wo rld."

spiri t that led her to extremely h igh lev­

Of her time at PLU, Witt, who played

els of athletic achievement," Moore

both softba l l and basketball, speaks

said. "She combined her talent wi th an

fo ndly. "I practically grew up on that

enormous work eth ic, stimulated by

campus," she said, noting that many

her desire to excel. Excel she d i d . "

relatives attended PLU, i ncluding h e r

Steen earned All-American honors

s i b lings and her pare n es - a s well as her

du ring her junior and senior seasons at

great uncle Harold Lcraas, of the Leraas

Pacific Lutheran.

Lecture Hal l .

After leaving PLU, she married fellow

"I've had tremendous s u p p o n from

PLU al u m M i ke Steen '85 i n 1 9 87. She

PLU, especially from my oId professors

spent a few years away fro m runni ng.

l in the Nursi ng and Women's And

But when she returned, the fo nner col­

Gender Studies] ," she said. "At the trial,

legiate hurdler decided to trans ition to

PLU was very well represeneed."


-S eve

"I did the local marathon ju st to do one marathon," Steen said, "and I ended up doin g 1 5 . " Steen won t h e Cap i tal C i ty race seven ti mes in 15 years. Her top time was two hours, 43 m i n u tes. A t that p o i ne , she elected to move o nto another challenge: the 2,OOO-meter steeplechase. At age 40, Steen set

Olymp ia's Capi tal C i ty event.

new world

the race i n seven m i n u tes, five seconds. Bur she was not done. Five years later, i n 2009, Steen shattered the 45-49 age group record by nine secon ds when she ran a 7:07. Steen's response to such success? Setting her Sights on other records to avo i d co mpeting with herself. " I t is a new challenge because I'm afraid that I m i ght not be able to run faster i n an evene," Steen says. "So, i f I find a new event I won't have co worry abo ut that." While any one o f Steen's acco mplish­ ments re q u i re dedication and pe rsever­ ance, s h e does not spend all of h e r t i m e running. S h e is also the mother o f three and has taugh t p hysical education at Mountain View Elementary in Lacey, Was h . , fo r about 15 year�. I n summer 20 1 0 , Steen began co focus on t h ree d i ffe rent events: the outdoor mile , the 800-me ter, and a return co her collegiate event, the 400-meter h u rdles. She said she'd l i k e co break the national records fo r each o f those evenes, "just fo r the fu n of i t . " -Tyler Scott ' I 0

running marathons, starr i n g with HClnsell


record fo r her age group by completing


Proples lire contill/,ed on page 39


Class Representative positions available:

Judy Carr '70 (Jack Kirkman); son Brian

1 946, 1949, 1951. 1 952, 1954, 1959, 1 968, 1 988, 1 990 and 1991.

Willis '77 (liz Pine Willis '75); 11 grand­ c h i l d ren, including Lutes Mark '05 and

Paul Wangsmo died December 1 2, 2009. Paul was an educator for more than 30

1 9�

Class Representative - Don Cornell

lauren '06, an d five great-grandchildren.

years and he received many awards d u r­ ing that time. Paul was mOSl proud of

Golden Club Class Representative

Caroline And erson died on July 1 4. She


being elected student body president o f P L C i n 1 952 and b e i n g involved i n many

lived in Bothell, Wash.

activities at that time. Paul, along with

and leadership for his jewelry art. The

his wife, Birdell, remained active a t PLU

award honors an individual who demon­ strates extraordinary ability as a n artist

Marie (Espeseth) Hauge died April 28 in Bend, Ore. She was 1 0 1 -years-old. Marie and her h u s band, Larry, owned a n d oper­ ated Larry's I c e Cream in Portiand, Ore., for 27 years. She also taught elementary school in Poulsbo, Wash., and Kent. Wash. She is survived by two c hildren, Margaret Hauge larson '64 and Evelyn

throughout his lifetime by being members


and by particip ating in many activilies.

and who has worked 25 years or more in their respective c raft field. His necklace

I .

70" at Facere Jewelry Art i n Seattle.

,Golden Club Class Represe ntalive

Mary (Nicklason) Grover died May 26. She married Capt. Ernest Grover on May 26, 1 942. After Ern est's retirement a s a Lt.

Colonel in 1 954, they settled near

Spokane, Wash. In 1 960 they moved to Carson City, Nev., and then, in 1976, to Hogan's Corner, Nev. Mary loved spend­ ing time with her family, her dog Benji,

Golden Club Class Representative

watching the Mariners, and growing

Edgar R. larson died J uly 4. After gradu­ ating from PLU, h e taught briefly and then worked with the Red Cross in J a pan after World War I I . He went on to earn a master's degree at the University of

flowers. She was preceded in death by Marga ret. and a granddaughter. Mary is survived by her son, Peter; her b rother, William; and grandchildren and great­ grandchildren.


Golden Club Class Representative

Congress, but he spent the majority of his


( larson '28) Daughters and Pauline

Robert Parker died June 27.

Class Representative - Annabelle Birkestol

(larson '30) Nelson, and his brother Pauf Larson '38. H e i s survived by several PLU relatives, i n cluding nephews larry larson '67 and Bruce larson '92, and great-niece Emily larson '03.


Class Representative - Volly (Norby) Grande

Class Representative - luella (Toso) Johnson Mildred Wallace died J u ly 10 Mildred was proud of her Norwegian heritage

of Q Club (Paul was a Q Club Director!

was recently exhibited i n "Celebrating

David Kelmer Roe died July 2 in Portland, Ore. During his long career a s a profes­ sor of chemistry, Roe held faculty posi­ tions al MIT. the Oregon Graduate Center and Portland State University. David was the son o f beloved PLU Professor Kelmer (and Hannah) Roe, and brother of Naomi (Roe) Nothstein '53.

Class Representative

Phyllis (Grahn)

Shirley Kohl-Dimler died J u ly 4 at Ta coma Lutheran Home. Shirley taught elementary school and music a t several Ta coma-area schools before s h e found her true calling as a kindergarten te acher at Life Christian S c hool. She was i n cluded in "Who's Who Among American Tea c h ers" in 1994. She is sur­ vived by many members of a loving fami­ ly including her step-daughter Sandy (Dimler '73) Privett. Karen (Hille)

1 8. Dorothy and h e r husband, Gusta' '48,

Phillips died

lived in Spokane and Mercer Island,

September 1 2.

Wash., until they bought Anderson B l u eberry Farm in Bow, Wash. H e r life

Karen first heard of PLC in the late

centered on being a very active member of Edison Lutheran Church, her commu­

to 1 964 and was honorably discharged as a submarine oHicer. H e remained in the Naval Reserves, retiring as captain. 'Upon d i s c harge from active duty, Larry took fly­

more than 30 years, Ihe last five a s a line­ c h e c k caplain and instructor. Larry and h i s wife, Jani ce, lived in Henderson, Nev., and enjoyed spending time on Lake Mead, following U N LV basketball, and traveling.

19 0

Class Representative Person


Marilu IMil ler)

Dan Witmer looks forward to celebrating his 50th reunion a t PLU th is fall. He is retired after many years of service a s a college professor, pastor and chaplain. His wife, Betty Jean (Patterson '611. i s a retired real estate broker. Together they have raised three chi ldren and now enjoy 1 1 granddaughters and one grandson.

1 940s when P LC President Seth

nity, and both the Washington Blueberry

'78 '87 (Krista Neely '83) and David '81 (Catherine!; brother Robert '50 (Pat Nieman!; fOllr sisters-in-law i n c luding



Dorothy (Nieman) A nderson died June

COrilO1ission and the American Blueberry Council. She is survived by sons Gerald '70, Donald (linda Clement '72), Richard

l'J'i9 larry Eichler died suddenly on July 20. H e proudly s e rv e d in the U . S . Navy from 1959

ing lessons and was hired as a commer­ cial airline pilot in 1965. His career lasted

her daughter, S u san; her sister,

Washington and became a librarian. His first fibrary job was at the U S. Library of career a t the Navy Post Graduate School in Monte rey, Calif. H e retired i n l982 and moved to Lakebay, Wash. H e was pre­ ceded in death by his sisters Syfvia

tion of outstanding artistic achievement

11 I

H a u ge H e llwig; three grandchildren, two step-grandchildren and three great­ grandchildren.


Ron Ho has been designated a s a Fellow of the American Craft Council in recogni­

Eastvold came to visit her pa rent's family farm in Ritzville,

Class Representative - Ron lerch Gerald Fosen died from cancer J u ly 23 at

Wash. She graduated from the School of

his home in Litchfield Park, Ariz. Gerry

Nursing in 1 955, working at Swedish

served in the Marine Corps. H e earned

Hospital in Seattle before helping to open

his master's degree in guidance and

the new University of Washington

cou nseling from the University of Arizona. H e also earned a Master of Divinity from Trinity Lutheran Seminary. H e moved to

Medical Center, where she was its first

s p e n d i n g time with her grandchildren.

Stella (Anderson '57) Nieman and Anna (Anderson '47) Hoiland; nine g ra n d C h i l ­

She was a kindergarten teacher for many

dren, e i g h t great-grandchildren and

Karen Phillips was the greatest single

years in the Ta coma Schoo l District.

numerous nieces and neph ews, some

benefactor i n the history of PLU, support­

who attended PLU.

ing scholarships, Xavier Hall, the Morken

of Commun ity Church of Joy. H e loved

Cente r, the coming renovation of the

watching PLU Lute Football and often

Performing Arts Center and Chapel at

spoke to the team when they played in

Eastvold Hall. She served on PtU's Board

Southern California. He is s u rvived by h i s

of Regents for nine years beginning in

wife, Janice '66; two daughters, Grethe Hedrick and Ruth Diehl; and five grand­ children.

and enjoyed traveling, gardening and

Thelma Willis died August 28, just shy of her 94th birthday. Thelma was raised in Parkland, Wash. Thelma and her h u s ­ b a n d , Stan '42, a l s o lived in Spain, Germany and Puerto Rico. Thelma spent a lifetime sharing h e r musical skills and interests a s a tea cher, a c companist, organist and concert pian ist. She con­ ducted the bell choir at Parkland Lutheran Church for 1 9 years, until June of this year. Thelma was preceded i n


Class Representative - Gerry tider

Class Representalive - Norene (Ski lbred) Gulhaugen


Class Representative - Dick Weatherman


d e a t h by h e r husband, Stan '42, and son, Jim '68. Thelma is survived by two

Class Represen tatives - Naomi (Roe)

d a u ghters, Kathy (He nry) Pollakowski,

Nothstein and Carol (Schuler) Karwoski


nurse. She worked there for 30 years.

2000. She we preceded in death by her husband and longtime companion, J.w.

Arizona in 1 984. H e was a retired Lutheran pastor and currently a member

Phill ips, who died i n 1998.

6 Class Representatives- Ginny (Grahn) Haugen and Clarene ( Osterl i ) Johnson

'I ';'

Class Representative - Ed larson

Class Representative - Leo Eliason and Dixie (likkef) Matthias

Class Representative - Merlyn and Joan (Maier) Overland

1 I

1 961

1 9 68

mentary s c h o o l teacher a n d they are

Ann Marie Mehlum, president and chief

Class R e p resentative - Jon and Jean

Class Representative

researching international te a c h i n g

executive oHicer at Summit Bank in

Dolores Insel died June 5. After P L U , B i l l Robb died May 23. He is s u rvived by

D o l o r e s taught seventh and eighth

his wife, Marilyn (Brueggemeier '65)

grades for 1 6 years at Holy Cross School

Robb, and his daughter, Liz.

i n Ta coma, where she later b e c a m e reli­ gious education coordinator for the


parish. In 1 979 she began work a s reli­

Class Representative - Dave Wytko

gious education director at Ft. Lewis, where she continued until her retirement

Arden Flam died July 20 after a long



in 2008. D o l o res will be remembered for

struggle with cortical basal degenera­

her sense of humor and her appreciation

tion. Arden was the director of theatre at

o f the people with whom she worked.

Everett C o m m u nity College f o r 31 years.

S h e loved reading, gardening, c o o ki n g ,

H e earned a master's degree Irom the

calligraphy and dogs. Dolores is survived

University of Oregon and did additional

by her cousins, Dawn Mitolo and D i a n e

graduate work at the University of

Akins; her nieces a n d many friends.

D enver. H e is survived by his loving wife o f 43 years Cathy; his children Erik and Kristen; and six grandchildren;

Eugene, Ore., was elected president of


(Riggers) Malmin

the Oregon B a nkers Association at their


annual meeting in July.

Class Representative - Karen

(Wraalstad) Robbins and Sandy (Dim ler) Privett

I 7,+ Class Representative - David E, Johnson

Kris Polda Bulcroft has been named as the 6th president of Capilano University in North Va n c o uver, British Columbia. For the past two years, she has served as provost and vice president for academic aHairs at Franklin College in Switze rland. H e r husband, Richard, is an associate professor of sociology at Western

l 69

Washington University in Belling ham,

Class Representative - Rick Nelson



Marv Slind has published a two-volume

Randal Spitzer h a s re-branded his busi­

Stanley Hoobing has begun another

women serving in World War I I , "Luther

sister Audrey and brothers Richard and

c o llection of letters from men and interim assignment at Ascension

C o l l e g e Goes to War: 'Sc uttlebutt'" and

Lutheran C h u r c h in Orofino, Idaho. This is

"The World War

his sixth interim assignment since the fall

i n c lude letters sent to Luther College h i s ­

of 2002 when he completed 35 years as a

t o r y professor, Chellis Evanson, w h o

parish pastor in various c h u r c h e s in the

published a newsletter that w a s sent to

Pacific No rthwest.

a l l former Luther students serving in the


Letters." The volumes

military. Slind is associate professor in the D e p a rtment o f H i s tory at Luther Class R e p resentative - Frank Johnson

College in D e corah, Iowa, where he s e rves a s department h e a d .

Hope Cecelia (Svinth) Carpenter died J u ne 25. She taught several years in the Ta coma School District and was an

19,0 Class Representative - B i l l Allen

Indian historian and advocate. She h a d p u b l i shed several books dedicated t o her

Charlotte Thompson i s a family nurse

Native American heritage and to her

practitioner at The Boeing Company.

Nisqually people. S h e received several awards and a c knowledgements thro ugh­

l tl

out h e r lifetime as a proud member of the

Class Rep resentative - Joe Hustad, Jr.

Nisqually Indian Tribe, including the PLU o r a ry doctorate from the University of Puget Sound. She was preceded in death by eight brothers, four sisters, her moth­ er, father and husband o f 60 years, Marvin C arpenter. Cecelia is survived by her son, Dean, daug hter, Susan; eight grand c h i ld r e n and four great-g r a n d c h i l ­ dren.

Class Representative - Molly Stuen

Christopher Howell released his ninth collection o f poems, " D reamless and

ness, Shared Values G roup is now called Responsibil ity Cultures. More information about the c o m p any and his new book, "Take Respons i b i l i ty: How the Best Organizations

in the

World Survive in a

Down Economy and Thrive When limes are Good," may be found at

www. responsibilitycultures.com.

She worked at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center i n Seattle for more than 30 years. Kooch loved movies, costume design, cooking, fishing, shopping, and her friends and f a m i ly. She is preceded in death by her mother, Hiroko, a n d her Father, Jun. S h e is s u rvived by her broth­ er, Mark; sisters, Kris and Lori; and two nieces.

Ray Heacox 76, president and general

TV, recently received

the Northwest Regional Emmy for Overall Station Excellence from the Northwest C h a pter of the National Academy of Te levision Arts and Sciences. The top h o n o r was o n e of 17 Emmys awa rded to KING·5

TV, the

most awards given any

N o rthwest television station.



Class Representatives - Leigh Erie and

Joan (Nelson) Mattich Kim Green retired after 34 years work i n g as a physical therapi st, t h e last 2 2 years

Keith Davis served as president of the

with Multnomah Education Service

I d a h o Academy o f Family Physicians

D istrict in Portland, Ore. She now con­

2008-2009 and IAFP Immediate Past­

centrates on improving her game of golf

President 2009-20 1 0. H e continues to

and going o n vacation (during the school

serve on the IAFP board. Keith was

year!) with h e r husband, Mike Goebel.

e l e c ted District 5 trustee fo r the Idaho

She'll continue o n a limited basis to 'help

Medical Association to represent physi­

students with physical disabilities in east

cians in central southern Idaho at the IMA board of trustees. In addition to h i s

Multnomah County.


2 5 years i n private p r a c t i c e at Shoshone


Family Medical Center i n Shoshone,


Steve Browder received the Faculty

Wendy Enger, a vice president at

Disting uished Service Award. He is a

Merrill Lynch,

professor of biology at Franklin College

sug gests "new

i n Franklin, I n d . Since 1 984, Steve has

hobbies for the

served as the D e p p e Endowed Chair of

Class of 75"

B i o l o gy and the adviser for pre-medical students. I n addition, he has served a s

Janine "Kooch" Kikuchi died May 25.

manager of K I N G - 5

Class Rep resentative - Helen Pohlig

Distinguished Alumni Award and an hon­

1 "'" Class Representative - Gary Powell

Idaho, Keith is employed part-time a s an emergency department physician at SI. B e n e dict's Family Medical Center in Jerome, I d a h o . H e welcomes communi­ cation with a l u m n i at docda vis4L@hot­

mail. com or docdavis@shoshone.net. 1 '.1 Class Representative - Pete Mattich

Theodore Hile, a current MBA candidate

head of the natural s c i e n ces division

in the PLU School of Business, will spend

Class Representatives - Dave and Teresa

since 2002.

the 20 1 0 fall semester as an exchange

(Hausken) Sharkey

student at the Trondheim School of

Possible: Poems New a n d Selected"


published by the University of

The Rev, Richard Stetson was inducted

Business in Norway. In addition,

Washington Press. A two-time winner of

as rector of the Parish of Salt Spring

Theodo re's daughter, D a nica Hile, started

Lionel Alford graduated with a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from the

the Washington State Book Award, he

Island, in the Southern Gulf Islands,

PLU tall term a s a junior transfer student,

tea c h e s at Eastern Washington

British Columbia. This completes his

majoring in history. She will study in

University of Dayton in May 2010. He

University"s Inland N o rthwest Center for

transition to the Anglican Church of

Vienna, Austria, d u r i n g the Spring 201 1

received a patent for the Capped H e l i x

Writers, in Spokane.



Winglet, a b l e n d e d winglet, i n January 2010.


Joe Evans rece ntly published " D eath,

Dr. Terris Kennedy has recently acce pted

Despair and S e c o n d C h a n ces in Rocky

the newly created position of c h i e f nurs­

M o u ntain National Park." Available

ing oHicer for the Hiverside (Va.) Health

Dr. Alan Hedmaii recently p u b l ished the

through Amazon.com, h i s book chroni­

Care System. For the previous seven

book, "Killer B s and Worker Bs: Su rvive

cles the n e a rly 300 deaths in the history

years, Kennedy served a s chief nursing

or Thrive?" The publication asks the

of the national park, as well a s stories of

oHicer and vice president at Riverside

question, "Is there more to life than just

many injured visitors that survived a cci­

(Va.) Shore Memorial H o s p ital. She has

dents. The book provides many tips on

also served as associate dean for a c a ­

living out our passion or dreams?" For

how to stay safe on public lands. He and

d e m i c affairs at Duke University School

more information, go to www. killer- b ­

h i s wife, Caroline, live i n Estes Park,

of Nursing, a n d a s assistant chief of the

Class Representative - Dean a n d Susan

project. com.

Colo. Caroline rece ntly retired as an ele-

Army Nurse Corps.

(lee) Phillips

Class Representative - Craig Bjorklund

survivi ng?

Is life

getting i n the way o f us

John Swanson has been promoted to the rank of Captain i n the U.S. Navy. H e has been a Navy Chaplain for the past 1 9 years a n d i s currently stationed i n Yokosuka, J a p a n . He a n d wife, Shirley

(Cole '80), h a ve four children and four g r a n d c h i ldren.




1 982

Class Representative - Paul Collard

John Wolfe was named the executive director of the Port of Tacoma Wolfe

Lucinda ICindy) Watters has been selected as the new assistant principal

had served as the dep uty director of the Port of Tacoma since J u n e 2005.

of Einstein Middle School i n the Shoreline (Wash ) School District Cindy has been the house administrator at

1 91s3

Class Representative - Dave Olson Brad Tilden was appointed a s independ­ ent director of the board of Flow International, the world's leading manu­ fact Jrer of industrial waterjet m a c hi � es for c u tting and cleaning applications. Brad has been president of Alaska Airlines since 2008.

Darrel Bowman, won the new veteran­ owned business "Top Gun" award from the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber. Bowman, a disabled veteran, owns mynetworkcompany.com, a company that prioritizes hiring veterans and cur­

rent active duty information tec h nology military personal. Bowman was one of seven award winners at the 20 1 0 Spotlight on Business awards l u n c lleon.

1 984

Class Repre sentative - Mark Christofferson


Regge and Carolyn Ii'locharsky) Stelling

Class Representative - Lisa I H usseyl

Class Representatives - Janet 1 0 lden)

Clas Representative Hesterly


Stacey IKindred)

Paris and works as the communi cations director for the International Brain Research Orga nization IIBRO), which works to promote excellence in neuro­ science research and teaching world­ wide.



Lisa Ottoson and

Erik and Heather IMcDougal '97) Melver have just completed their first year living in Saudi Arabia working for Saudi Aramco Schools. Erik is teaching drama, film and improvisation classes i n middle school, a n d Heather i s working as a library aide at the loc a l elementary school o n Dhahran camp. They are both active members of the Dhahran Theatre Group. The Melvers first met i n t h e theatre program at PLU.

basketball. From 1994-2005, she held vari­

ous positions in the Puyallup (Wash.) School District

, Q97

Anne neigh borhood of Seattle. Previously, she served a s an instruction­

Benjamin, Moore has written and pub­ lished his first comic book. I t became

Class Representative - Shannon (Herlocker) Stewart

al intervention specialist in the Edmonds

available i n Portland, Ore., area stores on September 7. It is available online at

1 91

Stacey Loftin was appointed principal at

School District.

Class Representatives - Dan Lysne and Catherine (Overland) Hauck

hltp.//tinyur/_ com/benjaminmoore.

1 :);,,1

Class Representative - Darcy (Pattee)



Class Representative - Christi Rupp

Class Representative - Barbara

Chris Egan received a regional Emmy Award for his work as a sports anchor at

(Murphy) Hesner

KING-5 TV in Seattle.

t./eIIIItaII 'D11 s.m•• end lorI lBlecIIowIId 'lSI IIIr,rIIoII flglatared nurns llt MuIIiCIR Mary Bndge CMdren'l HoIpibI, pOle willi • Vletn Illll8Se baIIV girl I' NlII 00111 '1 CbIIdfIn', lIoIpitaI ln Ho Chl MInh City. Viltn8m



School in China tea c hing social studies, serving as athletic director, and c o a ching

Class Representatives - Andy and Stephanie IMerle) Tomlinson


Class Representatives John Carr

Lysne and Jennifer (Riches) Stegeman


Cae El ementary School in the Queen

Robynn (Roc kstad '87) Rex i s living in

Eckstein, Cindy spent three years at the Shanghai Community International

Lakewood, Wash.


1 98

Class Representatives - Mari (Hoseth)

Lakewood, W a s h . Prior t o this assign­ ment, h e was the assistant principal at Woodbrook Elemen tary School, also



past two years. Prior to h e r position at

Greg Wilson has been named principal of G reenwood Elementary School i n


Class Representative - Brenda Ray

1 985

Eckstein Middle School in Seattle for the

Brian Laubach has been appointed director of teaching and learning for the Clover Park School District i n Tacoma, Wash.


] 91


C l a s s Re presentative - J u l i e (Johnston) Bulow von Dennewitz Zach Hiatt is working with Graham

& D u nn in Seattle as an environmental l awyer. H e received his J.D. Irom the U n iversity of Washington in 2006.

Carol A. leeper died September 29, 2009

Danielle (Cook)

Tamara lynn

after a long battle with c a n c e r.

Beck c o m pleted

Schaps and

her Ph.D. in

Andrew Roland

Roni (Young) Cagle is a nurse case m a n ­


Sternard '03

ager at M a d i g a n Army M e d i c a l Center

psychology at

were married on

the University of

August 2 1 , 2009,

Washington in

at Lagerquist

best b a c k to t h e m for all t h e y do for u s

December 2009.

C o n c ert Hall on

and ours.

D a n ielle is an

near Ta coma. S h e loves taking care


America's service members, giving h e r

the PLU campus. Lutes in the

assistant professor of psychology at S i m pson University in Redding, C a l i f Class Representative


Dave Edmiston '04, Jamie Sowell 'OJ, Joey Sternard '08, Bridget (Roth) Baeth

Ashley Orr

Jeremy Johnston was rec ently named a

Class Representatives - Nicholas Gorne

partner at the law office of Messina

and Brian Riehs

B u lzomi Christensen in Tac o m a . H e was named by the magazine "Washington Law a n d Politics" as a Rising Star, largely for his s u c c essful cases against negli­ gent drivers, ma nufacturers, medical providers and prope rty owners. J e remy was also named member of the M i l l i o n Dollar Advocate Forum, w h i c h includes attorneys who have returned results 0 1 $1 million or more.

1 Class R epresentative


Elisabeth Pynn

Troy Dppie mar­ ried Carly Lucille

Marie (Espeseth) Hauge d i e d A p r i l 28


from compli cations related to

Edgar R. larson died July 4,

1 940

pulmonary fibrosis. He c a m e to PlU

Caroline Anderson died July 1 4.

i n 1967 as rhe director o f the

Mildred Wallace died J u ly 1 0. Thelma Willis died August 28.

Counseling and Testing Center and assistant professor of psychology.

1 941

H e served i n the c a p a c ity of director

Mary (Nicklason) Grover d i e d May 26.

until 1 975. His PLU career s p a n n ed

1 944

wedding were

Robert Parker died J u n e 27.


1 946


'OJ) Coughlin,

32 years a n d he entered phased retirement i n 1 999. Throughout his

Dorothy (Nieman) Anderson died June


195 3

Melissa Rasmussen '05, Jaci Hendricks

Paul Wangsmo died December 1 2,

'04, Andy loe '03, Taryn Arvold '02, Dan Gomez '03, Eric Beckemeier 'OJ, and Ben Blixt '03. Amanda Weiss

lab, Wrangell.

married Craig D . Sherrod on

Angela Meade sang the title role of

November 7,

"No rma" in a c o n c ert performance of the

2009, ,n Malibu,

David Kelmer Roe died July 2.

spending time at his family's

1 955

prope rty on Hood C a n a l and, of

poetry, growing vegetables,

Shirley Kohl-Dimler died July 4.

course, playing badminton. He is

Karen (Hille) Phillips died September

survived by his wife, Yoko, and son,

1 2.

D erek '92.

1 959 larry Eichler died July 20.

Calif. Other Lutes i n atte n ­


Katonah, New York. She also performed

d a n c e were

Gerald Fosen died J u ly 23.

Sandra Kostelecky died

1 964

September 9

Kari (Keller) Rallo '02, Chris Ra l l o '05 and

Bill Robb died May 23.

Jen Baumgarten ' 01 . A m a n d a a n d Craig

1 965

are both teachers and they live in

Arden Flom died July 20.

Moorpark, Calif

Hope Cecelia (Svinth) Carpenter died Roni (Dittli)

Tarah Demant

R. Brian Crews

c o m pleted h e r

o n August 22,

P h . D . in English

2009, a t the S a n

to students and colleagues alike. He enjoyed listening to Mozart, writi n g

great B e llini opera "Norma" at the 2010

Crews married

thousands of students as a therapist

2009. 1954

Caramoor I n ternatio n a l Music Festival in

maid of honor

years of service he assisted and was a good friend and mentor

Matt Coughlin '03, Erin (Feutz '04) loe,

in the year ahead.

Friends and FamUy S e i i c h i "Se;" Adachi died J u n e 1 5

Booth o n May 1 ,

in C h u g i ak, Alaska, with their c h ocolate

Minn., I r e l a n d , Pittsburgh and Austria

2 0

2010. Other Lutes at the

29, 2010 in Sun

performances s c h e d u l e d , n S t . P a u l ,

Mercy Health Partners on July 1 .

I n M em o ri a m 1 928

Chris Anderson recently moved to

Hartman on May

Opera in the Park series. She h a s

began her four-year OBGYN residency program in Muskegon, Mich., at

is a network engineer. They reside in

Hartman married

the Portland (Ore.) Summe rFest's

University in Des Moines, Iowa. She

Spa naway, Wash.

Craig Thomas

in Giuseppe Verdi's "il Trovatore for

medicine 10.0.) from Des Moines

Class Representative - Jenna


sales representative for lilly USA. Craig

2010 with a doctor of osteopathic

(Steffenson) Serr

Brooke Anne

is a pilot for FedEx. They currently reside

Jennifer Schlies graduated in May


Keith Pranghofer

of h o n or. Brooke is a pharmaceutical

Kansas Wesleyan University in Salinas, K a n .

S c h ool District and her husband, John ny,

sions at Portland State University.

Heather Bledsoe

new director of a l u m n i relations at

happy c o u p l e has moved to Washington,

Portland, Ore., to take a promotion as

' m was the maid

Anna ( Mastrodonato) Amstutz is the

D . C ., in pursuit of graduate education

assistant director for international admis­

Valley, Idaho.

than 30 Lutes were i n attendance. The

Micheal Steele

fourth grade teacher in the Bethel

degree from the University of


(Steffenson) Serr '06 '1 0 . The reception


maste r's degree in May 2008. She is a

Washington School of Law i n J u ne 2010.

Class Representative

'04, Sheila Biallas '04, Jenna was held in Puyallup, Wash., a n d more

Jennifer (Osier) Castaneda received her


Sarah Cunningham received a law

wedding party included Josh Baeth '04,

U Class Representative

of canc er. She joined PLU in 1995 as a senior office assistant in the School

J u n e 25.

1 968

of Physical Education. She became

Dolores Insel died J u n e 5.

assistant to the dean a n d athletic

1 976

director in 200 1 , and in 2006 became

Janine "Kooch" Kikuchi died May 25.

the assistant to t h e athletic director. Sandra thoroughly loved her work at

and American

Fra n c isco


literature, a n d a


Carol A. Leeper died S e p tember 29,

PLU a n d was passionate about all

graduate certifi­

Semin ary i n San


sports. She was also a committed

cate in women, gender and sex­ u ality studies at

Anselmo, Calif. Fellow Lutes in tile wedding party were bridesmaid Heather Short '04, Heather

Washington U niversity i n St. Louis, Mo.

(Applegate'03) Co l l om and Zachariah

Fellow Lute Josh Dasler '05, flew to St.

Collom '01. Rani is currently the parish

Louis to h e l p celebrate commencement.

a d m i nistrator at the Episc o p a l Church o f

Ta rah and' her husband, Christopher

S t . M a ry t h e Virgin in S a n Francisco.

comm unity volunteer, and

2006 Teresa Ann Marie (Palmer) Autrey died August 15.

coordinated advertising for the P L U W o m e n ' s C l u b a n n u a l Yule Boutique. She was known for h e r bright s m i l e , infectious l a u g h , a n d w a r m and g e n t l e spirit. S a n d r a i s

Watson, will be moving to Oakland,

survived b y her c h i l d r e n A d a m , Sara

Calif., where Tarah has s e c u red a

and Amy ·04.

position in the English department at

Class Representative

Mills College.



Tammy lynn


Teresa Ann Marie (Palmer) Autrey died August 15 at the age

01 44.

After the birth

01 her three c h i l d ren, Lawson ( 1 61. Emily (14) and Hunter ( 1 01. Teresa returned to

Future Lutes Michael and Jana (Steiner) Strasburg

school at PLU and earned' her BA degree in history. She is survived by her children and her husband Ralph. Rase (Ryan) McCray received an MA in com parative literature Irom the University of Cincinnati, and a n MFA in

i n c l u d i n g c ity of resid e n c e and work. Feel free to u s e a n oth e r p i e c e of p a p e r, b u t p l e a s e limit y o u r s u bmission t o 100 word s . Photos a re we l c o m e , but o n l y o n e p h oto will be u s e d , a n d o n a s p a c e a v a i l a b le b a sis. Notes w i l l b e ed ited for content. P h otos m u st b e prints o r high q u a lity j p e g s . P l e a s e , n o r e p r o d u ctions or c o p i e s f r o m other p u b l i c a t i o n s .


for t h e next issue of Scene i s January 5 , 201 1.

Marie on J a n u a ry 5. She joins b i g sister Emma,

new position as writing specialist at JeffersDn CDllege Df Health S c iences in

age 4. Michael is kept busy as a stay at home dad and J a n a is working as a research sc ientist at P a c ilic Northwest National Laboratory. The lamily lives in

RoanDke, Va.

Rich land, Wash.

creative writing from Hollins University ,i n

> P l e a s e fill out as m u c h information below as possible,

announce the birth of Audrey

Roanoke, Va. He recently a c c epted a


200i Class Representative - Kaarin Praxel Katie Oxenford was prDmDted tD a c c ount executive at Wag gener EdstrDm

his wife, ".

WDrldwide in Bellevue, Wash. She PlU CLASS YEARiS)





married Joe Meszaros '06 in Elkhart, Ind. on

' \.

resides in Renton. Wash, Lindsey Balogh

Seth Cooper and



Sara Locke and her husband,

Job Informallon

Meikle. Also in attendance were Lutes Kris Olsen '06, Matt Kennedy '07, Kasey EMPLDYER






McPherson '07, Katie Gribble '07, Wes Telyea '06, Jess Muir '06. Jeff Maahs '06. Allison Haar, Margaret Chang '07.


Ina engaGements, please )

200 Class Representative - Chrisry Olsen Field and Courtney Stringer


Class Representative - Maren Anderson


and Amy Spieker

Timothy Siburg earned his masters


01 arts degree in management from

announce the birth of Madison Grace on J un e

21. She joins big

sister Mackenzie, 7 . Sara, Aaron,

Mackenzie and Madison live in Sumner, Wash. Sara is a special educatiDn teacher in the Puyallup S c hool District and Aaron works for the Walt Disney Company as a computer storage engineer.

2 00

Beth (Colwell) Isenhath and Scott Isenhath '99 announce the birth o f twin girls, Annie and Claire, on May 22. The family lives in Seattle.

Ihe Peter F. D r u c ker and Masatoshi Ito


Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University, May 20 1 0.




Emilee (Sieverkropp) Telyea '06, Molly Meszaros '11, Cam Ouncan '07, Morgan Keys '07, Regan Babst '06 and Matt

Phyllis, on J uly

Elysia is the beloved granddaughter of Delores (HoI! '69) and Ken Klubberud ' 67 .

party i n cluded ZIP


birth of their first child, Elysia

30. The family lives in Fairfax Counry, Va.

May 30, 2010. The wedding

NEW ADORESS? YES ::::l i\;O r...J


Gretchen, announce the




20 1 0

Class Represenlative - Nick Caraballo, Jillian Foss Trey Watt signed a free agent contract with Major League Baseball's Arizona Diamondbacks. IHe plays for Ihe Missoula Ospreys, the Dia mondbacks' Rookie League team in Missoula,



> MAil TO: O ffice Alumni and Constituent R e lations, PLU, Ta c o m a, WA 98447-0003; FAX: 253-535-8555; E-MAIL: a/umni@p/u.edu; Internet: www p/ua/umni. org. Pl ease l i m i t to 1 00 words.


Montana, Brett Monson recently relocated to Washington, D.C., where he is a research assistant lor the H e n ry M . J a c kson Foundation l o r the Advancement of Military Medicine. He is doing research D n Iherapies for phantom l i m b pain.

Anna ( H a l l '01) and Joe Anderson announce the birth of their first child, Rachel Grace, on August 4. Anna is pursuing a Master's of Science in marriage and family therapy at Seattle Pacific University. Joe works as a clinical manager for a medical device company in Seattle. The family lives in Seattle. Tricia (Schmidt) and Mike ('00) Berger announce the birth of their son _... ,...--_, Jordan Diesel William, on March 2. Tricia

became a National Board Certified teacher i n

2008 and

Michaef Mauss,

teaches in the

wife Kristine,

Renton School District. Mike is a senior

and daughter

tech support engineer with Certain

Avila Maire

Software in Bel levue, Wash. They live in

would like

Issaquah, Wash.

everyone to know that the newest addition


10 - is

Kristen IBail ey)

to their family - born April

Boudon a n d her

Maximilian Joseph Mauss, not Joseph

husband, Chad,

Mauss, as reported i n the Fall

annou n c e the

of Scene.



birth of Evelyn


G r a c e o n April 3.

Kristen were married in

2003. Lutes

Lee a n d Megan

Chad and

IFreiling 'OJ)

in the

wedding party included Sarah Yonich



Lindsay ISmith) Beal. Sarah (Phill ips)

announce the

Rasmussen '02, and M e l issa ILagen)

birth of their

Bowers '02. They live in Mukilteo, Wash.,

first child, C o l i n

where Kristin i s a tea cher.

Jeremy and Kristen (Luddy '03) Rolf

Dietrich, o n A p r i l 1 4 , They live in Auburn, Wash,

a n n o u n c e the birth of their d a u g h ter Pearl Elena on April 6. J e remy is a m a n · a g e r with the FedEx O f f i c e in Puyallup

00 . Noah Frerichs a n d his wife, Kjersten,

and Kristen tea c h e s sixth grade at

announce the birth of their son, Vance,

Lighthouse Christi an School in Gig

on Feb,

Ha rbor, Wash.


27, The family resides in


humanosphere (def): 1.

C ome by and see what's

tha t part o f the Ea rth inhabited by, or in fluenced by huma ns.


88. 5 KPL U's new blog

with news and dia logue about the worldwide

m ission to end poverty and improve health. Topics include fa ke drugs, Bill Gates, the la test superbug, and the Northwest'S gro wing 'ea,aE�l/D role in a/C)DCI /.


Garfield U ()()K C O M I'A i': 'i .\T P L \I


alumni profiles cOlltmlled

busi ness school," Cook said.

i ng. That wo u l d come in handy when

Over the years, Cook also worked fo r Investco Fi nancial Corp., and PAC CAR,

trate her chi ldren's book " M rs.

and Peterbi l t, a Fortune 200 company

Annathena Gilly Gully From Puddle Rumple T i l ly Willy." The story i s about

From 2004 t o 2 0 0 6 , C o o k worked as

and unusual name. The book was pub­

In 2006, while visiting friends i n Los

lished in September 2009. Jensen, who struggled at fi rst to get the

"I we nt down fo r the weekend and

s vice president of SO I Media, a subtitling and dubbing service fo r media and entena.i nmem com panies, PLU alum Ron Cook '86 knows the m e an i ng of achievement. But a long the way, his path feacured

both expected and unexpected curns. One t h i ng was fo r certai n: Cook was go i n g to be a Lute. "I was born and raised in Tacoma JUSt a few blocks fro m PLU," Cook said. "I grew up going to PLU fo otball and basketball games. I was always around PLU." Several of Cook's fa m ily members had al ready graduated from PLU. In fact, Olson Aud i torium is named after his grandfather, C l i ffo rd Olson, who

book pub lished, eventually sought help

ended up buying a condo," Coo k said.

from Paul and his brother Patrick, both

"I had been in Seattle all my l i fe . 1 just

of which curned out to be wise moves.

needed a change." Coo k didn't h ave any trou ble finding work. "1 had five job offers in the fi rst

week," he said. One of those o ffers came from PeopleSu p p ort, I nc., a firm now known as Aegis, where h e was the corporate con troller fo r three years. Now at SOl Med ia, Cook is working on a project called Oracle, a product that wo u ld enable busi nesses to accu­ rately compare cu rrency witho u t con­ ve rting numbers. Ro n Cook credits his undergraduate education as the foundation fo r much of his success. "Attending a smal l l i ber­ al arts u n ivers i ty gives you a lot more access to p rofessors and potencial men­ tors," Cook said. -Stephen Odell

was coach and athletic d i rector from


sidered another college," Cook sai d . Coo k and h i s brother, B ryan Cook, e n rolled at PLU in the fal l o f 1 98 2 . Bryan transferred t o the University o f Wa shi ngton after o m� year. But Ron stayed on, keeping busy with business and acco u n ting classes, chapel choir and residence h a l l l i fe. Professo r J u d i th Ramaglia sparked Coo k's in t('rest i n acco unting. "The atti tude she had really inspire d

Patrick Swenson '8 1 , an education maj o r at PLU who i s now an Engl i s h teacher at Auburn (Wash.) Riverside High School, is rhe owner/operator of Fairwood Press, a small p ublishing company established i n 2000. Before starti ng Fairwood, Swenson owned and publis hed a science fiction magazine

1929 to 1 948. "I don't know that I really ever con­

a woman who grapples with her i de n t i t),

an i n dependent consultant i n Seattle. I\ngeles, he made a bold decision.

for success

C hellis Jensen , asked i f h e could i l l us­

I n c., the parent company of Kenworth with annual revenues o f $ 1 0 b i l l i o n .

Cookin g up a recipe

Swenson's moth er, Tacoma author

Alum joins family members to create children's book m i ly businesses are nothing new. B u t Paul Swenson '84, a fi n e arts major at PLU, says i l l ustrating a book written by h i s mother and pub­ .Iished by his brother proved to be a unique experience. "It was challengi ng, speak i n g

m e t o g o i n to this profession," Cook

euphe mi stically," Swenson said o f

sai d .

work ing with his mom. Swenson now

called Talebones. "I had to switch gears and approach everyth ing d i ffe rendy because of the mother-son dynamic," said Patrick Swenson. The family considers the book a suc­ cess. So much so, Jensen and her son s now are t h i n k i n g abo u t worki n g togeth­ e r o n a sequel. "There is no guaran tee it will be a SllC­ cess," according to Jensen. "All 1 really care about is fi nding chil dren who wo uld l i ke to have the book to read." For his part, Paul Swenson said he's

l ives in Northern Cal i fornia with h is

open to the idea of d o i n g another

Public Accountant, and earned his first

w i fe and two kid s, and runs Paul

project with his fa m i ly.

acco unting Job at the Ma tsushi t a

Swenson Photography, which he

C o o k ulti mately became a Certified

Sem iconducto r Corp., t h e parent company of Panas onic. "I got the job based o n the recom mendation of the dean of the

. opened in 2000. A l t hough photography is his focus, Swenson works i n all facets o f art, incl udi ng painti n g, d rawi ng and writ-

" I t was a great learn i ng experience," said Paul. "And now 1 know that i f 1 can work with my mot her, I can work with anyone."


-Caitlyll Hom' 'J 1


UFETIME GMNG SOCIETY ILl The Lifetime Giving Society recognizes an extraordinary group of leaders h i p donors who

have comm itted substantial personal resources to sustain and support Pacific Lutheran U n i versity. These c u m u lative l i fetime contributions include the total gifts and current

pledges of cash, securities, real estate, a p p reciated property and the charitable value of

i rre.tocable planned gifts. These totals do not include gifts to KPLU.

HERITAGE SOCIETY (HI Heritage Society is a group of donors committed to securing PLU's future by making provisions for the u n i versi ty in their estate plans through a

documented deferred gift. Membership in the Heritage Society i nc l ud es the following types of

gifts: bequest, gift of retirement assets, charitable remainder trust, charitable gift

a n n uity, life insurance or a gift of farm or residence with a retained life estate.

Q CLUB IQCI o Club is the leadership giving society for PLU's o Club Annual Fund and provides essential funding for the university's most fundamental priorities: student scholarships, academic

excellence, campus life, or the area of greatest need. With a minimum contribution of (special levels for students and recent graduates),



Club members are committed to

helping provide quality education for all PLU students. Gifts to Project Access, a special

initiative that provided an additional

300 0 Club


scholarships for students struggling financially, are also included.

U n restricted g i fts provide a steady foundation for the u n ivers ity'S work and are central in furthering the university's mission. Fortunately, it does not take a large gift to make a bi g


Club Supporters sig nifie s donors who

have given a gift of any size less



Club Annual Fun d .

than $500 to


John Aakre ('7 1 ) and Cynthia Michael ('82), L

Odven Aa re ('SO), H, l, OC, OTen


Paul ('61) and Nita Aasen, Q

Eris ('64) and H aro d Aasland,



Bradley tmd Debra ('99) Abbott, QC

Gerald {"78) and Bonnie Abbott, Q

QTEN (QTENI OTen was established in


James ('70) and lulie Aa g e!ion


i m pact.


2007 to celebrate 0

Club's 35th birthday and honors individuals who have sustained their support for


or more

years, including the current fiscal year, to

the 0

Clu b Annual Fund. Regardless of th e amount of their g i ft, these donors' consi stent support represents a remarkable investment in our

Michael and Kimberly Abel, Q Kimberly Abra ham ('9 1 ) and Gary Haussmann, Q

Stanley and lynnl'> Abraham, Q

David Abramson

Daniel and Daria Abs h e r, QC

Thomas and Katherine Absher, L, LC Tina and Daniel Abshier, Q


Accenture Foundation, Inc. , Patrick ('85) and Carolyn { 87)


Denise Achman ('78), Q

Accimus, lC

Lute Club contributions assist the Athletic Department in providing an additional source of funds for team travel, recruiting, equipment and other tools ne<essary to ensure that teams sustain a competitive advantage over their rivals. As stakeholders i n lute Athletics these donors are paramount i n helping our student athletes

fulfill their goals. Donors to Lute Club at all levels are acknowledged here.

Maryanne and Monti Ackerman, lC

Seiichi and Yoko Adachi, QC

Mark ('79) and Ingrid ('80) Albee, Q

Mohamed Ali AI·Dobashi ('91) and Samirah Dobashi, Q

& Company P.5.,


Aislinn Addington ('06), 0

Daniel ('98) and Holly Alexander, lC

Kimberly ('90) and David

Marc ('88) and lisa Andersen, 0

Dawn ('95) and Mark Alger, Nancy ('83) and Christopher Jacob Allan ('Oll

Patrick ('92) and Janet Allan, Q Jack ('72) and Karen ('78) A l lard

designated to a particular fund identified by the employee or given to the


Club Ann ual Fund.

INDEP&NDENT COLLEGES OF WASHINGTON III This deSignates a group of individuals.

AHen, l, lC

KImberley and James Allen, lC

Marilyn and Jeffrey Allen, Q

Melanie ('87) and Mark Allen

Peter and Grace Allen, 0

Robert and loretta Allen, Q Sean Allen ('07). 0

companies and foundations who have contributed to PLU by making contributions through the Independent Colleges of Washington. ICW supports private higher education in Washington by soliciting

Tony ('99) ..1nd Jolaine Aho, 0

LaWanna Ahrendt ('51), L OC, OTen

AIG American International Group, Inc, Q, M Shirley Aikin ('71), H, l

AJ Kollar fine Paintings, lC. Oc

u n restricted gifts.

Alaska Ai rl i n es AAG, Inc., L, Q,

M, I




Jeannette ('67) and James Allphin, Q

Daniel and Anne A l sa er. OCo OTen

Mariam ('03) and Todd Anderson, Q





Kathleen ('86) and David Alves, Q

Marci and Steven Alvord, LC

Anderson, 0

Mik.e Anderson and Mary




Myrnil ('86) and John ('58) Ande.rson, LC, QC, QTen

Paul ('71) and Janice

Anderson, Q, QTen

Robert ('65) and Mary ('65) Anderson, Q

Robert and Katherine Anderson

Borgny ('67) and Stephen Anderron, Q

Ronard and Carolyn Anderson, 0

Brian Anderson ('79 )

Thomas and Jull Anderson, L, QTen

8radley Anderson and Theresa letlan-Andenon, 0 i 7 ) 2 j�r;,�!:!o����� 8¥e�

e Ch���e�gn��O�: OTen

Charles Anderson ('7 1 ) and Janet Sire-Anderson, 0

Christina ('94) and R. Anderson, 0

Connie ('68) and John ('68) Anderson, Q,


Dan ('86) aod Shannon Ande�n, 0

Ch f l n Thomas �t h����� 8


Michael and Andrea

Ann ('67) and Timothy Anderson, Q

Christopher Anderson ('03), lC. O

Theresa and Donald Althauser,

E l swor t h a n d Na n ' A lvord ,

Marian Anderson, LC

Reger and Kristi Anderson


Judy Alsos

OC, OTen

Maren Anderson ('09)

Angela ('97) and Jonathan Anderson, lC, 0

Christine Anderso , 0

Karen ( '85 ) and Gregg Allyn, OC


Anderson Foundation, l,


Allen-Pickett, Q

Laura Almaas



Suzanne ('99) and lohn Allore



Marcia Anderson ('71>. Q

Aage ('59) and lucy Anderson.

Charles and Nancy Anderson,

Allen, 0

Agnus Dei lutheran Churc.h, G i g Harbor, WA. QC

Reginald and Valorie Ah Yal,

loren and MaryAnn Anderson, H, l, le, Oc.

Alan ('85) and Marilyn ('85) Anderson, L. OC

David ('98) and Keleigh ('97) Allen, QC, QTen

Gregory ('00) and Jessica ('01)

Sarah ('90) and Mark Agsten, OC

Ander�on, Q


Agilent Tec.hnologies

Michael ('84) and Kris Agostini, Q

Stacey ('94) and John Andersen, Q

Anderson, 0

Kevin ('SO) and Barbara Ande�on


Allaire, 0


lodene Andenon ('80). Q, QTen

Keith ('89) and Randa

Mark Andersen ('67) and Bonnie MacMaster Andersen ('66), L, LC, OC, OT


Zachary Alger ('09), QC

James and

Julie Anderson ('69), Q

Andersen, 0

Alexande.r, lC

Allenmore Medical Foundation, l

Foundation, 0, M


Gary ('78) and Donna

Robert Adler ('10), 0

Arlis Adolf ('11 ), l, OC, OTen

Gayle French ('79) and Stephen Amorosi, lC

linda Alexander, 0

Susan ('92) and Harry ('76)

contributed the PLU by matching the gifts of

American Chemical Soc.iety,

Herluf and Else Andersen

The matching gift program re<ognizes

their employees. This support is either


Anacortes lutheran Church., Ana<ortt:'s, WA, L. QC

John and Mary Adix. l, QC.

companies and foundations that have

('56), H, L,

Yoolee ('96) a nd Sonny An, 0

Carol ('98) a nd Paul ('99) Alexander, lC



('69) and Beveriy Adams, Q, QTen

leland ('53) and Carol ('51) Amundson, 0

An e a Alexander, l, QC, oi�n

Jim and Beverly Allen

Robert ('79) a n d Cheri ('79)

1 Dougl as

AMR InSlJranCe, LlC, Q, OTen


Shoran Adair, Q

James and Jeanne Adams.. Q


Gloria Alcordo, Q

Jeffrey ('87) clnd Rosa ('89)

J . Daniel ('67) and Ellen ('68) Adams, QC

Laverne Amend

Alcoa Foundation, L, 0, M

Al eg ri a

Ellen and William Anderson, Q

lielen Anderson ('38). Q. Qlen

John ('60) and Joann Am end . O. OT.n

James Albre<hl, Q

Janis Aldrich ('74), 0

Duane and Marlene Anderson


Amazing Grace lutheran Church, Aberdeen. WA, Q

Albina Fuel

Eloise and Gene Adair

Robert Adair, Q

Marshall ('72) and Mary Alworth. Q. Qlen

Meleney ('87) and Frederic Alben. Q

Dana Anderson and linda Johnstone

DaVid ('76) and Nancy Anderson, 0 , Deborah Anderson ( 0 ), QC 2 D eborah Anderso n

Don ('62) and Gail Anderson,


Ronald ('83) and Rebecca ('8l) Anderson, lC

Ruth ('65) and Andy Anderson, H, l

Timothy ('77) and Kerry Anderson

Carolyn Anderson·Kriz ('59) and George Kriz, Q

Lisa Anderson·Swanson ('99) and Torey $vJanson ('99), lC

Troy Andrade, 0

Roger and Karen Andrascik, lC. O

Kiltherine Andre


Q, QTen

Beth ('79) and Steve Andres, Q Susan Andresen ('99), QC, OTen

Robert and Pi:lmela Andrew, O, OTen


Karla ('68) and Ma rti n Angle,


Christine ('94) and Devin Anglemyer, 0

Elizabeth C96) Clnd Brian Anglin, 0

Jeanne ('76) and Don Anglin, 0

Amy a nd Brian Ankenman, Q Ernest and Pamela Ankrirn.




Anna Ankrum ('55), Oc. OTen

Shirley and David Atk i ns, 0

An ony mous, l, oe, OTen

David Aubrey, L. QC

Anonymous, l. oe, OTen Anonymou�, L, OC, OTen Anonymous, l, Oc, OTen

Anonymous, lC Anonymous, l Anonymous, H, l Anonymous, l, OC, OTtm Anonymous, L aTen Anonymo,lS, L aC, OTen


Anon mous, L A nony� ous, l

Anonymous, l Anonymou'), le, I Anonymous, l, OC, OTen Anonymous. L, Oc. OTen Anonymous, H, L Anonymous, l, OC, OTen Anonymous, OC, OTen Anonymo!.;s, l, OC, OTen

Auburn Collision Center Inc, LC

Stacy Augustine ('88), QC Elizabeth Aulerich (,08), a Ann Auman OTen

Brian Aust ('92) and Dorothy Lesher, 0 Susan ('68) and Francis Austin, o

M.;lureen and Doug Averill, LC Jennifer ('97) and Ron Aviles, OC


John A e lson ('75) and Mary Kealing, O

Gail ('84) and Dan Ayres, Q Roben ('69) and Carol ('73) Ayres, 0

- B -

Regan Babst ('06), L

K i mberly ('95) and Geoffrey ('95) Backlund, 0 C hristopher ('99) and

Nathan Appleton ('00), 0

John (,60) and Karen Backman, 0, OTen

Donna Arba\..lgh, H, L. OC, OTen James ('B5) and Linda ('B5) Arbaugh. H, OC William and Sdndra A rbau gh Karen ('7B) and Harold Arb ogast, a

Mareesha Backman, a


i""able Barnes, LC

Maxine and Jack Barnes

Michael and Marcia Barrett, Le Tho m as Barrett, LC

Roger and Elizabeth Barth, 0 Victor ('B') and Cindy Bartling Pamela Bartol, Q

Richard ('65) and Judith Baerg, l, Oc. OTen Sara Baertsch iger ('07), OC


z Olson Cornils Baich ('65), c

Marie-France Ba il ey ('95), 0


Pamela ('87) and Dale Bailey,

Kaylyn ('74) and Michael Armstrong. a

Donna and David Baill ie, LC

Larry ('77) and Julie ('81) Ash,



judith ('62) and George B a i rd,



� ��t�



6) and


Ronald and Kathryn Behrens, 0

Bradley Baker ('85), 0 , OTen Janice Hendly Baker, l


Judith Bell

Marisa Bateman ('10) Jdy ('B9) and Krista ('90) Bates, o

Teresa and Richard Bates, 0

Ellie a n d William Batlle Verle Battaglini ('95), 0 William Battermann ('63), 0 Mark ('78) and Sidni ('76) BaUle, 0

William Bau e r and Paula Hatfield-Bauer Jerald ('61) and Myra ('62) Baughman, L, 0, QTen

Laura Baker ('94), 0

Maren Bekkedal-Johnson Genove a ('02) and Cu rti s Bell, OC Joseph Bell, OC

Stephanie B aue r ('95), 0

Karen ('70) and Glenn Bell Mary and Raymond Bellant, LC Mary a n d Leo Bellarts Marsha ('72) and Joseph Belusko, 0 James and Linda Belz, 0 David and Janet BeMiller, H, L


Ben B . Cheney Founda io n, L Michael ('7B) and Karen ('78) Bena, 0 Charles Bendock ('9B), lC Kenneth and Diana Benedick,


Diane Bengston ('72). OC, OTen Steven and lOIS Benham, 0, OTen Rachid Benkhalti and Fanny Cordero, 0 Stanley ('79) and janet Bennatts, 0

Singh.ild Baker ('62), a

Gary and SylVia Baughn, H, L, OC, OTen

Carl and Marge Benr;-)ett, H, L, QC. aTen

Theodore and Sheila Baker, LC

Lois ('49) and David Bauman,

Thomas ('74) and Maureen Baker, 0

Carla Bennett ('77) and Jo hn Kulhanek, 0

Charles and Ann Baumann, Q

John and Mary Bakke

Howard and Jean Baumann, a

lois Bakken ('58), OC, OTen

H_ Kaye ('70) and ChnS'

Ole ('50) and Dia n e Bakken, 0

Luke ( ' 00) and Melinda Balas h, LC, 0, OTen


Baumgartner, 0

Thomas ('68) and Tondy Baumgartner, O. OTen

Elizabeth and Chadd Bennett, I John ('76) dnd Ki m Bennett, 0 Na ncy ('91) and Gary BenneH, o Rodney Benoit, LC

James Balcom ('66), 0

Walter and Elizabeth B<lU(, 0

Donald and Brenda Bensel, LC

Diana ('86) and William Ba l dw i n, 0

David aaute ('06), a

Anne a nd David Baver, a

Benson Family Foundation, L Bra ndon Benson

Kristen ('8.2) and David Baldwin, 0

Baxter International foundation, Q, M

Carrie Benson ('88), L, 0

laura ('90) and Emory Baldwin

Suzanne Bay, 0

Dale ('63) and jolita ('63) Benson, H, L, QC, QTen

Phyllis and J ames Bales

John and

Dennis Benson

Bonnie and Robert Bayliss, Q

Darice B ales ('B9), a



rla Bayard, a

Carol ('75) and Walter ( 56) BaH, a

Gerald ('58) and Mary Ann ('50) Bayne, LC, QC

Nolan Ball ('07), Q

leta Baysinger ('93), lC

Richard and Loretta BaH, 0

Ardelle and Paul Askegaard

Sharleen ('9B) and Vincent Samba, a

Eunice ('02) and Tim Beachy. 0

Jon Beake ('81), OC, OTen James ('69) and Patrica Beal, 0 David ('69) and Cynthia ('72) Beam, a

Erik ('90) and Jennifer ('9 1 ) Benson, LC

JamE's Bittle

Sherry Bishop, LC

Jack and Inez Berkey, 0

Linda ('69) a nd James Berma n,


Craig Bjorklund ('67), L, OC, OTen Ant onette and James Bjorkman, lC

Randy and li bby Berndt, 0 Kristina ('63) and Bruce

Gwendolyn ('4B) and Jonn Bjork.starn, l, 0, OTen

Berney, a

Eli Berni ker, 0, OTen David ('58) a nd Cafolee ('59) Berntsen, H, L, OC, OTen

fv1ary ('63) and Denis Berrigan, o

ladd Bjorneby ('BO), Q Hans and Vivj Bjorn en Pamela CM) and Lennie Bjornsen, O David and Dorothy Bjornson, OC. OTen Andrew Black ('04). OC

Harriet and Phillip Berry, lC June ('78) and Thomas Berry, O, OTen Robert and Karen 8erry, 0

W. Blane ('79) and C hr isti ('79) Berry, 0 Myrna Bertrand, lC

Beverl ey and Gerald Black Eugene ('63) and Laura ('64) Black, O Karlyn Black Rodney and Elizabeth Black, OC

DaVid and Margaret Blackburn, 0

Lee and Cheryl Bertucci, LC Keilh (' 72) and Dikka ('72) Serven, OC

Blanche Blackmore, lC

Oliver ('61) and Emma Berven. Q Karen Bessette ('S3), a Beth any lutheran ChurCh, Bainbridge Island, WA, OC Bethesda Lutheran Church, Eugene, O R, L, 0, OTen

Daniel ('94) and Jeanne ('94) Blair, OC Doane ('49) and Alice ('5 1) Blair


Kendall Blair ( 0 5), a Laura ('B2) and John Blaisdell, o

Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA, L, 0, aTe n Thomas ('90) and Victoria Betterbed, a

Janet ('84) and Jonathan Blake M ichel e ('74) and Kenneth Blake, 0 Jonette ('85) and Mitchell Blak ney, OC, OTen

Denise ('B6) and Patrick Bettinger, LC

Marian Blanchard ('69), 0

Bonnie ('62) and Dennis Betts,


Linda ( 64) and David Betz, OC Frank ('53) and Birgitta Beutler, 0

Jerry and joAnne Bland, 0 jessica Bland ('04), lC David ('88) and Sidney Blank, OC, OTen Ivana and Matthew Blank

Michael and Judy Bevers, LC Beth Beyers ('Bl), 0 Beyond Victory Ministries, LC D ebo rah ('77) and Donald Bialik, a

Randall ('B 1 ) and Cynlhia (,81) Blank, O Cheryl and Marc Blau James and Vivian Bleecker, lC Robert and Wanda BleeCker, LC

Sheila Bia llas ('04), 0 Ernest and Rebecca Bianco, L OC, OTen John and Vinnie Biberdorf, L, O C, OTen

Rod Bleecker, LC Ann BIE"gen ('8B) and Craig Massie, 0


john ('SO) and Ni na ('B1) Bley, LC, 0, OTen LR. and Marion Bloc h, a

Unda ('72) and T. Bieker, a

Virginia Benson, H, L, 0

Gary ('6B) and Mardel B i erwagen, 0, OTen

Peggy (' 92) and Bru ce ('B6) Blocher, 0

Michael ('69) and Mary ('7 1 ) Benson, H , LC Charry ('98) and J, Thornas Benston, O

AT&T Foundation. a, M

Christine ('85) and David Beasley

David ( ' 7 1 ) and Lyn ne ('70) Bangsund, H, L, ac, OTen

Robert ('69) and Linda Beath,

Kathleen Benton (' 73) and Robert Brown, a

Dyana and John Bangsund, 0

Lavonne Beatty, LC

Ronald Benton ('7B) and K i m je ns en, l , ac, OTen


Herum and Annalee Bjork, 0 Jane ('90) and Kevin Bjork, OC

Diane Bjorklund ('75), 0

David Berndt ('94)


Bruce (72) dnd Jill ('71) Bjerke, H, L oe, OTen

Patricia and Rocky Biebe r, a

Beverly Bancroft ('53), Q, aTen


Jennifer 8erk ('93) and Ale>c Hoffner, a

fJ!ichael and Sarah Benson, a

I-tj ordis Asper, 0 Brenda ('91) and Brad Atencio,

Heidi ('06) �nd Christopher Bishop, 0

Ja n ice Beman ('63), 0

Mary Beare ('94), 0

Bammert, a


Claudia Berguson, 0

Audrey ('53) and Clifford 81egen, O

OrdelJe ('52) and Robert

Beard, H, Q, OTen

Elaine Birgil1, 0 Annabelle Birkestol ('45), H, L, QC, OTen , Grace Birlt.estol ( 45), H, L, OC,

Noah and Patricia ('96) Bickell, LC

George ('64) and Andrea

Karen Aspegren, LC

Linda and Robert Bergstrom, LC

Richard 8ird ('82) and laurie Prince, 0

Arturo Biblarz, a

Gary ('70) and HII1 Bt!nson, 0

Lowell ('77) and Janet ('61) Bamford, 0

Charlotte and Roger Aspegren, LC

Andrew ('00) and JooHee ('01) Berglund, H, OC

Rose Ann ('72) and Richard Berntsen, 0

Karen Bell

Kevin Baughn ('92), 0

luann ('B7) and Lauriston Baker, lC, 0, OTen

Ballew's Hitch, Truck & RV, 0

Inez Asmus

P. Beetham, LC

Vivi ('71) and Pa,JI Bamon, 0

Jennifer Bauer ('01). 0

Garima Bajaj Baker & McKenzie, O C

Richard and Sheryl Ashleman,


Nancy and Phillip Berggren

William Barton (' 1 1 )


Elliott Badzin

Debbie and Ch.ule.s Armstrong, LC

Ash Grove Charitable Foundation, I

Pamela and Robert Bird, lC

Darwin and Paula Bergeson, 0

les and Mary Ba dd g o r, 0

Orphil ('72) and Wanen Bailey,

Pamela ('74) and James Asberry, Q

Amy Beegle, 0

Colleges of

Den a (']4) and Ste-ven B i nde\."Ja l d , 0

Alfred and Judy ('S8) Bergeron, 0

Carl a ('72) Clnd Ethan Bergman, 0

Va l erie Beebe ('79), a Thomas and Nola Beel er, a

, , , . . . Indep"ndenl

Bob ('59) and Carol Bills, H, L, lC, QC, OTen

Luther and lois ('B2) B ekem eier, H, l, OC, OTen

Douglas ('B9) and Roberta Batey

Aratani, LC

Krist; ('84) and Scott Beebe, 0

Susan ('B5) and Dan Berg

Roberta ('85) and John Bdrton,

Susan Armbruster ('00), a

Lauren As-aba and Mark

JOiln Beebe, LC


Marla Berg ('60), 0 Rosemary ('77) and Alan Berger, a

Ronald ('59) and Jane Bacon,

Wi lliam ('62) and Dee Ann Bates, OC

Frantine ArtIS

David and Melanie Bee, 0

H. Heritage Society Q Club Supponer Q. Q Club QC . QTen . ,Q Club 10 Years M . . . . . Matching Gift

LC . . . . Lute Club

Barbara ('BS) and Joseph Bernard, 0

JClmes Bailey, LC

Thomas ('7 1 ) and Maryan ne Anhur, O

Vickie Bednark, 0

John and Nancy Berg Lynn ('64) and Karen ('65) Berg

Eliz abeth Bekemejer ('84), 0, OTen

julie ('8 1 ) and John Armbruster, 0

Angel ('76) Clnd Enid Rose Arredondo , QC

Darrell ('64) and Ruthanne Beddoe, Q



Carol Beitz


Georgia ('59) ano Denis Bailey, H, L OC, aTen

Ellen ('07) and Kyle Aronson, OC

Wil l ia m Becvar, L. OC

G iving

. . . . . , ll feti me

Helge Berg ('73) and Susan Williams, L, QC. OTen

Paul ('86) and Dolores Barton,

William ('76) and Charline Arent, a

George Ar ol a ('63) and Ka ren (Mitten) Arola ('66). L, OC, OTen


Penelope Beckwith ('06), OC



laura and Jeffrey Barton, lC

Rulh ('69) and Phillip Backup Janet and Gary Bacon, lC


Neal ('58) a nd Joyce Arntson, H, l, OC, OTen

James ('62) and Karen Beckner,

Brian Berg ('74) and Joyce Avery, H, L aC. OTen Gayle ('72) and Richard Berg, L, 0, OTen

Eugene (' 59) and Karlene ("61) Bern, Q

Cathy ('B4) and Robert Arciero, a

Julianne ('85) and William Arns, 0

John ('70) a nd )0 Ann ('6B) Beckman, 0

Daniel and Susa n Berentson, 0 Duane (' 5 1 ) and Joanne Berenlson, l, OC, OTen

Sara Beimborn ('74) and Michael To rran ce, 0

James ('76) and Kathryn Bash, Oc. OTen

Raymond ('67) and Charlotte Arnold, a

Beckman Coulter Inc, a, M

Heidi and Gerald Berendt

Gratia ('90) and Jeff Barton, a

Betty and Robert Backstrom, LC

Tom and Kathy Bassett, LC

Joshua ('96) and Ale>ca ('97) Arnold, a

Douglas ('79) and Barbara Becker, lC

Gina and Bradley Begalka, LC , Marlene ( 97) and Gerald

Cindy Bahr-Merino ('B5). O.

Geoff ('07) and Kayla ('07) Arnold, O

Dianne Bec htold ('72) and Robert G r i der, 0 Thomas ('74) and Kathryn Marie ('74) Becl(, 0

Michael and Kristine Barlanen, OC, OTen

Audrey Bahr ('56>. ac, OTen

Ar t hu r ('7]) and Evelyn Arnho l d, 0

Chelsea Berdahl ('08), a

Michelle Beeman, LC

Diana Arc h i bald ('86) and Dane Netherton, Q

Glenn ('59) and Jan Arney, OC

Gary ('78) and Tori Benzel, Q

Jennifer and Thomas B'arrows,



Sharon Mae Benz ('66), 0

Bec'htel Foundation, 0, M

Harvey ('95) and Becky Beckman, 0

Karan and Vincent Barich, 0

Ronald and Rosealyn Benton, LC Evelyn ( ' 7 1 ) and Larry Bentti,

Dan ('63) and Terre Bechtel, l,

Audrey and Marty Barger

Arby's, a

Alice Armstrong ('65)


Kathleen Becker ('B9), Q

Barrett-Wilt, 0

Pauld ('85) and Alan Aplin, LC,


l(rista ('93) and Gregg Bea ers,

Myron ('60) and Sandra Barbour, OC

Gregory ('90) and Karen

Steven ('74) and Suzanne Ap pe l o, L, OC, OTen

Arbaugh, a


Enrique Barot

Karen Backlund

David ('B2) and Elizabeth ('82)

John Barbour and Meg Ojala,

Donald and Marlon Baartz, 0

Gail ('88) and Steven Aoki, LC

Timothy Aratani, lC

LeAnn ('7D) and Tom Ba rbe r, a

Linda ('63) and Charl es Ba rbo, H , l, lC, ac, OTen

Scott ('77) and Deborah Barnum, L, 0(, OTen

Helen Bache ('55), a

Annette and J Aratani, LC

Jerry and Cindy Bannister, 0

Diane and Anthony Baade

Iris Anspach, 0

Timothy and LeeSd Beaudoin, Q

Theresa and Bob B eav e r, 0

OC, OTen

Ramon ('S4) and Do rot hy ('68) Barnes, LC

Sharon ('65) and Bruce Anthony, a

Harry and Merrily Appjewhite

Mary Bankes Banner Bank, I

Emily ('06) and Joel Barker, 0

Joa nn a ('95) and Bri an ('92) Babbitt, 0


Banken, a

Kirsten ('90) and Eric ('01) Barkman, 0 , Kari Bar nes ( 9B) a

Anonymous. l, OC. OTE"n

Anonymous, a

Joel ('91) and Julie ('90)

Daniel Ayiel, a

Anonymous, l, OC, OTen

Anonymous, l

Daniel ('B7) and julie 8anken, QC, OTen

Kathleen and Ralph Aye, Q

Anonymous, H , l, OC, OTen

Anonymous, L. OC, OTen


Willum a A s herm a n ('60), 0,

Bank of America Foundation, O, M

Ed\'-Jard ('78) and lois Bentley, o

Erniko and Richard Benton, 0

Jacob and JanICe Block

Bill & Melinda Ga.tes Foundation. l, Q. M

Eva n Blom Renee and Don Blom, 0

Rosalind Billharz, a Donald ('7B) and Judith ('61) Billings, a, OTen Evangeline Bill ingsley ('50) Melanie ('85) and Terence Billi ng'iiey, 0


Charles a n d Carolyn Bloom Christopher Bloom ('07), a , Dennis ( BB) and Connie Bloom, 0 Maggie Bloom


20 1 0 4 1

Rolf Bloomquist ('94) and Pamf'!lla Howard (' 94), 0, OTen

James ('96) and Ton":' ('97) Bloom'tlne

K(lren and StiJnley Blou\ In� Daniel ('83) <tnd lori




Donald Blucher ('54), 0

David ('61) dnd Judy Bluhm, L, Oc. OTen Daniel and Gail B l ume, Q

( , S 1 ) and JeAnette ('54)

D ",. fll d , H. 0, OT."

CaUe_f'rl at OtSJ1r, ef�'l ta.rd, o Jell" ('68} and J"ni � ('6B) B�.l.':!fc:� I{ I 0 QT... n �me ('95) .tnd _" e,-::.:..:! h..w Q Harold ( '74) a nd Cltrryl ('7]) e-rlS �hllw. Q Paul and r'� .yv B ' "cI��:n\l. L Vrrgu'bt e:.ad�h::l'"''

Debi ,jInd Jon Bocl(, LC

Karen Ann B octor ('63). 0 Daniel Bode ('83), 0

Joyce ('85) and Todd Bodeuu ,


James and Debra Bodenham er, LC

Marcia Bodin ('75) and Donald Young, Q Eleanor Boe, H. l. QC. OT !' n

Tim Boeck. 0

��r;�Ot������ �'52) and Q


The Boeing Company, l, lC. OC, M, I

Kimcerly ?lnd Gene B oqg io, lC

RlChard and Grace Bogqio Gail ('75) and Randolph Bohannon, QC OTen

K a ren ( ,63) and Charll.'5 Bohlke, 0, OTen

tilerin e 8nldy

(,99) ,::: , d RarGrt


NordqUist ( 92) and M-.I'-. e ' ''''' rd <3t'D rg c 'no J ":�'I'" fI·.., .... �ar, l, ,


Mlldrf!.d Br3rrn'!!r ('56), 0

O';car Br an

and Edi t h luther, 0 Car:OI B ranctIJe ( ' 9 7) . 0 C:ndice Btl:otde!'\bLlfJ ('97). 0 Brittany ('94) and Jeffrey ("94) Bf�"dt HarJey and Ke!hlc"'fl B�5nct.


Richard ('55) and Br�f1da Branjt, 0

Steph()1'1 {'56} and Brl'mdt . 0

N :;rma

DaVid a'1 d Rllth Branhl1


David Boitano ('83) and Cappri John'Orl-Boitano, 0 Joseph ('7 1 ) and Cathy Boles,


Emily ('71) and Doug Bol<'Yn,


Thomas Jnd TereSd Boling. LC

Rosemary and Ralph ('36) Bolstad, H, Q

Charle:; and Marilyn Bomgren,


Lester Bona ('40), 0, OTen

Roberta Brasi Paul (' B2 )



John and B ,rI..,. , � LC

Sf :.sfield.

Jane! Brattl nd

('99). LC, 0 KilY and Fre d Brat.e�, LC Dave ('7B) clnd G re:<hen ('7S) B raU N-R �kE', 0

Gordon and Mary B r :wn. OC, Qnn

Yvor>rJt' Braune (,60). 0

Karen and Achim BrilUs.er. 0

Paul ('B3) and Molly Boots, OC

Ryan Borde ('02), LC

Jamin ('86) and K<'Iren ('B6) 80rg. LC Norma 8orgford (·S6). H. OC, QTen



B arrie Borich ('09)

Emily ('64) and Thomas Borlinq. 0

Donald ('B6) and Patricia LeAnn Bosch. lC

Jeanne ('65) and John

Boschker, 0

Jillinda Green� Bossen ('74), H,

QC. OTen

Andrew ('70) and Sharon ('70) Bostrom, 0

Renee and Kevin Bouchey, lC

James Boult er ('92) and Chri�..j;1@ Em rson ('91), Q


Clifton and Juanita Boutelle, LC frank Bouten

Joel Bovee

Robert ('S4) and Belinda ('86) Bowden. OC

Charles and Judy Bowen, 0 Diana and Donald Bo

wen, LC

G ene and Jackie Bowen, LC

Kristi ('B5) and Bilj Bowen. 0

Julicln and Melissa 8owen- Rees

Charles ('76) clnd Cynthia

8owles. 0

Brafldon (,02) and !Cristina ('03) Bowman. 0

Sandra ('99) and Joel Bowyer,


8arbarit ('68) and Rodrick Boyd. QC, OTen

Linda and Harold Boyd. 0

Michal!ll and Maroa B oyd , 0 Sill and Shelley Boyden, Q

K a ren ('86) and Michael B oyer,


Sally Boyer-White C'91) a n d Robert While, Q

John and Jeanne Boyle, Q

Kjeri ('66) and Joseph Boyle, H Marilyn Boze

Philip ('SO) a n d Jeane ('54) Braafladt, 0


8r-ay, LC.



Seyller Bo rgl u m ('99),


""d Corinne B�cw:;e�'.

Ellen BreitE'�


ljU. �'e.4}


"d B('�'d Br')':m, 0

R ·1· - � � ! ':""�.� .... £':: ::'1, 0 ..g: Bro·.....n R.:b r-

Ritk '::: 1d L��ra Brown, Q

Rcnald ('76)

ard GrC'tchcn

('n) Br�',\'n

Rus�E'!1 er ..... '..10. Q


Brc·.... n, L, OC, QTen Sh.:.ilr-ne ('73) �nd Tirr.�:hy Br�'.':n. 0

Sh.lron Brc·:..n and Jack H - "'l · ··�n, LC nnd Dwid


SU\f("(l ('76) and Jill ('78) Bro::':m. H. 0, QTrn

Ch,-istcpher and knnifer

Andrew ('90) and Chris Bongfeldt, OC, OTen

SUlanne ('9B) and Sdm Boone,

C.lth(!rine Dl.. n lap ('04) Kyle Brr n . Q

David and BarbcHCI Brasgalla. LC


.nd J u l i et Bonqfeldt.

Collin Brown ( ' 1 0)

FrMi f'rk k il:ld Jilnet Brown, 0

Jal'It'. �:1d Kenr.c.th Brown. QC

Vinc:mt Bro'::n ('70). Q

Corey ('95) and Le�lie

Paul ('57)

[l·-�·�n. 0 S�., �jJ- t (' 79) J"::! R',. :�� ('79) g� "" I---' , Q �/_ . . !lz _ :·'}C:. O M ..l th.:: ErJ -:_c r. lC Betty and L::!rry Bro·.·m, Q

Ed ('64) and Angela 8r..: :-:�for�.

Shelley Bond. LC

Ellen Bonebrake, lC

Kariena Brosten ('82) and B:;t�h CI-:l-::'n. 0

�c;bJI\I I.-: ('S3) clnd H('r:r:�

S1)6� b���

H , L. L(

Doris Schnackenberg Bohman. L, OC, OTen Karl Boh()cky ('88),

Will cr

('96) and Curt BrE-eo;, 0 ('6 9), Q , QTel"' Erik an'! aH it �rcivik. OC Lola Bre ku. lC Dorothy Br �:-,:h!ey (' 95 ). 0

Ruth Anne- ('72) ilrH� T!' ...m.J5 Brenrr"rr�"" °

Mich�1 und Pflmfll16 Br"!lll1 . 0

Dougla� ('82)

and teann::. Br"·.·lstf'r. O J.:lmes Brkt:.l!r ('S5), L, 0, QTen EI I �n Bridgn ('74), 0 Vir I Ro� �rt

! . ����� � �� l CheryIe ('74) and John Briggs,


Dorothy Briggs

Kathl"�n Bro·.-m lield,


Brc':Jl'\ing, l. 0, OTen

Betty ('83) <lqd Douglas Bro·:..r!ee Je'1 firler ('9G) Br , O


M.:! ry B ruc e.

.;:.j T!1':''''3S

lC ('On. 0

Va 'H!:ssa Br�.H:e

GrM'It and Linda Bruneau. 0

Ala�/ne BrunN'r ('03), Q

t cuis (,SO) and G' t''1a ('50) Brunner, 0

P. Ond!... Brunner ('S6), l, Oc. OTtn

Gil e n, q tz, 0

F"�h �!-. B r ' .lSC("l. H. L Ha-ald (,t..,,) a r -l H · 1 · :1 ('43) 8 �·- ' ·:fl. 0

SJ r.,. (,Q2)

;;'1� <lr�uH Pr� n . QC

Ad:!nl Br,·'::!nt nO), Q K..· ;in and Sara Br'l3nt, lC tllE-il ('70) and Mary Alice ('70) B(�',)nt, H, L, LC. QC, QTC:l S'JeAJ , n ('90) and I(to : ,nt' :h Br�'11tH"I, 0

In� 1(.1""'"" " B uc h ana n.

De ... m and MMilyn BII<"ha!lan. H, L

Tellf�'\a. and Ror.. ert Bu(hholz. 0


A i fred dnd EJiz4N1h Buck


AI!� lind Lawrence Bri§ke

Joanne and Q�·," · .h1 Shke­ Brlstot ·Myc n SqlJ ,b b

foundati-on. 0, M

Ca t hy B(:lt ('07). Q

Altan and Mui� Brittle, Q J <'J irne ('00) .::. nd O"n,3ld Broadfoot, 0

Arthur ('52) and Jan ('B2) Brol:;lad(. OC, OTen

James Brock

Mark (' 79) and Donne") ('BO) 8r:Jck�r, Q. QTo:''"'I

Blair Bre-die ('09), 0

Rob('rt and RO';.::lIlp. Brodin. 0

Kathy ('70)

and :"Ioyd

Brodnlak. 0, QTf'"1

n ('00) and Barry f!,Kh ..... illE>f, 0

W I H.Jm "n� t "


Suck. Q

No:-m J Bucknr-r ('59), 0

Cheryl and M;::rk BU('IHI':rlf'i<::'r,


Shaun ('00)


and Lena ('99)


('r (l and K"ith B ull, lC ('69) and Ken Bullard, 0 P:c!:'':'rt and Emily Bump :.J�. 0 Ril,,.�-:-wnd 8'Jnlc: ('06), ° CHlrlfd and D.ln Bunf', lC FuhoM nd LDr"f '::' "tt Bun' in. o Grace

Frank and W;:I nda BU.!:InfJmo

M{,'MlI P .Jnc:l R oJ rt e ( ,oy. 0 R:::· b.:cca BHred ('74), H , L. Oc, QT"�

�o�(t 30d Br-vrrly Burbridg.e,

Reg er B rcd n ;lI k ('91). 0

AMr"w ('88) and J i l l ('S8) Burch, LC, 0


Thc-:; .:: � Burchc!t, lC

AL�n ('61) 1nd Elaine ('62) BrOOkS', l. 0, OTen

Brian ('71) and SU�3n ('69)

Alvin ('6 0) dnd June ('57) Broeckel. LC, O. OTen

Manufdctl.:nng Cpmp'1Y. t

.lohn ('90 and Shu ' lIyn Brooks.


Mel�nie Breoks

Timothy ('72)

Brc"'k�. 0

William ('62) Brooks.. 0

and r'k�rtl1<'J ( ' 74) .and Joy ('63)

Vonda Broom-Parri� ( ' B 1 ) and llmior Pimis, 0

Troy ('92) and Cheryl ('93) BroH, H, lC. QC. QTen




Tertii and Jay Burcham, 0 B:.Jr"ham� M�tals


BurcMi(lld, QC

Kathryn Burdalcin ('09), 0

Thom�!i ('78) and Hclly BLI�\irk , H, L, OC, OTrn

GNitld ('83) and 0 done 0\J5S, H, L oc. QTt'n Carie ('95) and Troy B t J��ey, Q Ocr s ('S 5 ) Jnd Ch.::lf !es Bt.. tler P;.mick ('Q7) l1 f1d Janet Butter, o Rober a t ery;orth. 0 SmJM.J ('97) .'!nd Jomes BI" 't: r ff. O

Sar �bl"l�h

('03) dnd Steve Butts, o Anfla 811Z.1l rd ('02). 0 I\i",l � ,'8:2) IIl.IlC J wn Vi, L. OC R �e ('77) a:1d Robert Bylanr1. O. OTen

Unda ('75) and Pete Bylsma, 0 Lewi'i ('76) <md Sue Byrd Kcnneth ('89) and Kristin Byrne. L. LC

Kevin and Mary Byrne, OC

- c C. J.

& Esther AlelCllnder Fr. . . - .... - t;<Jn. LC

Melissa ('78) and Greqory ('76) CJip


P;:: Ulc:k Ca lc 9 e ('96}, 0


Bar gla;.�n Patrida



a.r.d Wi!liam C.lldvvt!II ,

RI"�ra ,;,nn Tho::

r;;,�s Cal c','!C'1I

Y. .)!i1m ('9S) and R . C�rE'Y �� .-I ·.� : l Q C.. .,.' ( Jn d S�lJy C"lei', 0 iUlltln CJHil5 ('85) 3rd Tom Pnl,rc-k, O

P<' H<;C: C�rhCttn ('02), QC Joseph "'fiG Joreen Califano. LC

Callahan Law Office. LC

Loui�e LQ-Jd �re", 0

(rDig (·9 1 l .Jn d Carrie

Ciro'mqr.:k, H, L, oe, OTen Jto-ifrc!Y " Edn.) c.::mp. LC

M,�f< rva WI m p ('04). 0

Su�J:�;;��I� Br?nd.l




S' I""" "�:1

C8 rn .... b:rI I .

O;nnie Jo Campbell ('F.l4) and AtI>Jr�_-'.-I""r V.'���.':'�. Q D'l:

I {'69J ,md Try y ('68) (� mr " -!l. Q Micna�1 Otnd l a\tQT1(Ie StE'Wtirt


Patt�k ('7 3 ) and Dor�hy Catrpbc'l

Rc !::" rt Campbell

Terry ('72) and Ellen ('6 8)

C.:-m:-- I'll, QC, QTen

W · II , , ; ( ' 71) and PJtricla

C31'T1pt-r>1I. 0

Burlington Northtrn Santa Fe foundat ion, L, 0, M, I


Gladys and Duane Carlson

Ji:tCk Carlson

James ('78) and Susan Carlson, LC. 0 Janet Carlsen ('-46), H , L. OC, OTen

Tom Carlson. L. OC, QTe n

Jon ('77) and Donna Carlson,


Kelty and

J Carlson. 0

Carlmn, °

Melinda and Tre\'in ('99) Carison

Owen and Juanita Carlson, 0, OTen

Paul ('60) and Mary Lou ('59) Carlson, L, QC, QTen

Sheila ('64) c1 nd Loney Carlson, L, OC, OTen

Stephen Carlson ('S3) and , Stacy Waddell Carlson ( B3),

OC, OTen

Ted ('74) and Wendy Carlson.


Thomas Carlson ('65), H, L, QC, QTen Theodore ('SS) and Allara ('57) Carlstrom. H, l, Oc, OTen

Jeff e nd Christabel Ca r lton , �, b� Robert ('64) and Judith Carmichael. O. OTen

Todd ('87) a n d Sara ('87) Carmichael. 0 Robert Carney ('90) and .lennifer Woznick

Craig ('96) and Megan ('97) Carns, 0

Ste hen and Jennifer Carow, g E.


ilnd Paula

Cecelia ('66) and Marvin Carpenter Amber Carr (,06), Q

John ('87) and Heidi ( 8B) Carr,



Peter and Margaret Carr. LC

Eric and Lorenda Carroll, Q Michael CaIson

('76) and

Ronald Steigerwalt, H. L, QC, OTen

Richard ('56) and Delores ('56) Canten,en, 0, OTen

Ro'a Cartledge ('85). LC

Joseph and Celeste Carvalho, LC

Davis ('65) and Pamela Carvey, L. QC, OTen Cascade Natural Ga, Corporation, I

Bever!y ('92) and Paul Cascio,


Anne ('63) and Thomas Case, L. OC, OTen

Yvonr'H! and Dan Case, 0

Frederick Casebolt and Pamela Raymond, O

o o

Ann!! C';ls'iidy and Robert Full er, I

Sandrd Camnerio ('01), 0

Robert Casteel ('74). 0, OTen

Vi.:.toria ('B8) and D.ilve Car lsen, OC. OTe.n OTI'n

Andrew ('66) and Virginia Cilt'l�on. Q

Carole and David Carlson, Q

Daniel Carlso n ('98) and Abby Wigstrom-Carlson ('99). 0

Centrdl lutheran Church, Portland, OR.

l, 0, OTen

Central lutheran Church, Yakima, WA, OC

Marna and Michael Cessnun,


Daniel Chad burn ('81), QC

Mary and Randy Chalberg, Q

Vernon and Ma r Cha lberg, O

y Lou

Ray and Charlotte Chal ker, OC

Vicki and Gari' Chambers. 0

Jay and Susan Chan, 0

Raymond ('CO) and Cecily ('DO) Chan. 0 Wing and Sophia Chan, 0, OTen

Sharon ('01) and Jay Chance. 0

Kenneth and Kathleen Carlson, 0


K.lth�ri:'1e Car l ;sle ('92). 0

l. OC.

lewi .. and Fern Carlson Mark ('64) a nd Nancy ('80)

Lori ('83) and Robert Casteel,

Sandra ('59) and James Ca rl ile,


Craig ('SS) and Kathy ChancE', Q, OTen

Carbaugh. Q

Cathe�ille arid Jitmes Carlisle. LC

Center Electm Inc"

Kenneth ('63) "nd Bernita Carlson. 0

Susan ('72) and lee Casperson,

l\lan ('55) and Loi� Carl�on, 0,

Jnhn and M ichele- BUlt C', Q

Carlson. °

Dorothy Carlson (,49)

wa::J fr. C.J;--D��(I (' ('oq) J.::: ( G�f'llr(' ;;'.d Frolnk CJPIl G e ra ld ('63) and V.lJt.rlr Capps, o Lois Capp'i ('59). 0, OTen P�.;lip ('81) and f...�ar9.3re-t .

E'Stl ('B 1 ) ar-tj Jo pn 8urk, 0

KevIn Burke. lC

Dianne ('8B) and P�ter

Kathryn ('SO) and Pau I Casey,

L"''ilie and Rol;NI Bu�in, Q

0..1 "'Id R..lr barJ e.1.J�ke, 0 H ldi BlH �e, lC

Dennis and BarbtJTCl Carlson, Q

Ed�ar .1m1 Syt\lfll Cantillo. QC

P�trick Carll�le ('OB), LC

Kent and Linda Bu rge�s. Q

Central lutheran Church. A nch or d ge, AK, L. OC, OTen

Harold and Marian Carlson

N.-::ncy C.Jr.'1t" · · . � (,1;4), 0


Oilvid Carlson, 0, OTen


8r.ld1ev ('88) and Tisha Bus€'y,


J-'n nirN

Beverly and Rocco CeHetti

David ('72) and Flavia ('72) Canson, O. OTen

BU5('r'dn, Q

Janet ('57) and Hl"inz

a'1d Jnn BlJchanan, Q ('0 1 ) ru-:d Brac k ('00) f' wh"'''':ll, Q. I)Tp'1


David Carlson ('86). QC, QTen

Timothy Carlson ('87) and Elizabeth Border� Carlson ('87), L, LC


SJ I <lh Co!!" _v D� �bi� ��d F.�'J:-I (ahm�lr'1 J'.11;�: m C::-:7'��� �e ('09), Q [' �.:d (�, . .d .... h ("63) ar.d

l Terry ('83) and !(c.rr/ fl '!'l �, l, QC OT!!!" Jo Anne ar.d Larry Brinkm�n .

Oan!el ('85) fwd Joyce Busby,

Bruce W. Gilpin Memorial FI')·..!�[b,t;""n. L, QC

leanne Briggs ( " 10). OC Li nd a Bringer

Jame� and Danielle Brin k.

c . Gie.nn Bwne t ('B6), 0 Df'� ond Jrrome Bur nott, 0 v (r.:?tN ('65) !'1d Supn e:J·�"H. 0 D- ·1 • rr'i I'OD), 0 r: ; � t r:�. 0 tJ In -: P... nn.,: Burton, 0


Bromon CaneUano ('07). QC Luvaine and Angela Casteliano, 0

Heather ('98) and Giovanni

Castillo, 0

Robert ('79) and Lisa ('81) Ca t k im, QC OTen


Dianne ('61) and Merlin C aven de r, 0

Celebration Lutheran Church

East Wenatchee. WA, OC .

Robbyn ( 84) and Bernard Cele'tin, O


David ('69) and Marcia ('71) Chance, L. OC, OTen

Nelda Reede Chandler ('61). 0


('00) and leff Chandler, o Cynthia ('BO) and Douglas Chaney, OC

Robert and Kelley Cha ney. 0 Diane (,69) an d Richard Chapman, 0

Joan {'99) and David Chappell Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation, M

James ('56) and Ramona ('53) Charlston, 0, OTen Scott ('Bl) and Nancy Charlston, Q

Martin and Shelly Charnin, Q David Chase ('76), Q

Matt he w ('96) and Rebecca ('97) Chase, 0


Michael Ch a e (,79), OC

Vicki ('90) and J i m Chase. 0, OTen Bradley ('93) and Elizabeth Chatfield

Jun ('92) dnd Jeannie Chea, OC Paul Cheek ('B9), ° Ming Chen, 0

Laurel ('72) and Stephen Chentow. Q

ChevronTexaco Corporation, O, M


Charles and Gayle Chev,'. 0 Joe and SuSClri Chiado,

l. �C

Carol ('77) and Alan Chilcoat,


Gre ) and Jennifer ('96) {h\;;

Jhanica Mnois

ChIng ('12)

Melvin ('71) and Jane Chinn, Q, QTen

P,l LJline and John Chiriaco, lC Laurie Choate, Q

Robert Choderker and RosC'lC'e Cui n, 0 Mi and Wing·ChlJk


Shirley ( , 98) and GClry

Chrisman. 0

Christ lutheran Church, lakewood, WA, l. Oc, OTe-n

Allan ('74) and Carol Christensen, Q

Dan and Jolene Christemen, Q

Ron and Kay Christensen, 0


Russ ('61)

a nd Cla d ia Christensen, L, OC, OTen

Sandy ('74) and Don Christensen, Q

Shasta Chri �temen (06), 0

carolyn Christian, Q

Cory Christian ('00), LC. 0 Da


Don Christian


( 6f�n

('SO), 0, OTen

Rhoda Christian ('71), OTen

l, 0,

car ('1 1) Zh:i��a�:�

Curt ('84) and Monique Christiansen, QC

EdWilrd dnd Alene Christi amen. l, OC, OTen

AI.... �10 and Kalma Christianson

Howard ('56) and Vernita ('68 ) Christ ia nson . l, OC OTen

Joan Christnacht ('84). Q

Chauncey ('50) and Thelma Christofferson. H, QC, QTen


Mark ('84) and Nanette ChristoHer�on, QC, Olen

Stephanie Christopher ('04),


Ken and Polly Christopherson, H, l, Oc. Ole n

David ('84) and Heidi Chun, Erin Chung and Edward Cummings

Community Foundation of North Central Washingtion, OC

J . Randall Chushcotf

Lori ('S7) and Claude Ciancio,


Sue and Gerald Conger, lC

Cihgroup Foundation, Q. M

Jeffrey Clapp ('90) and Ndnette Martin-Clapp ('90), OC

Jeffrey ('84) and Clare,

Lorraine ('88) Q Roger ('66) and Deane Claridge. l. QC Carolyn Clark Charlene and Robert Clark Chr��:�r�Qr ('96) and Ann Dottie ('53) and Charles Clark, o Glenice ('70) and Frederick Clark, Q

Patrick Cla(k and Carol Hoeksema, Q

Petra Clark ('86), 0

graduates out there in the world , " Cammock sa i d . " PLU turns out some good citizens. H The Cammocks enjoy PLU activities l i ke the Christmas Concert, which has become a holiday tradition, but being a b l e to give the opportun ity of a va l ued education is why the Cam mock's keep PLU cl ose to thei r hearts. In today's world, a person's education can't stop at high school, he sa id. It's just not a n option. "I can't i magine coming out of high school and just q u itting

there, " Cammock sa id. "We're a l l better off if we're a l l better educated . " For him, PLU was a place from which h e not only gai ned a n educiltion, but grew as a person. He'd l i ke t o see other students have that opportunity. " PLU is a uni que place," Cammock sa id. " I don't think mature is the right word, but it just provided the right ground for transitioning i nto adu lthood . " O n e o f the experiences h e had while a student a t PLU was a semester in Vienna, Austria. The experience d i d wonders i n shaping C a m mock and providing the bridge t o adu lthood. H e couldn't be happier to see the u n iversity embrace g l obal education and see the programs grow. " I think it's j ust a great thing to do, " Cammock sa id. " No matter where you go. "

Robert Clark ('44), L, Q, OTen

Sherry ('89) and Arthur Clark,


Ken and Alite Clarke, Q

Robert ('75) and Barbara ( ' 8 1 ) Clarke, 0

Sue Clarke ('7 1 ) and Ronald Lee, Q Kerry and Gary CI<!Usen, LC

Sard Clausen Petty, 0


and Michael

Ivan Clemons, LC

Debra ('74) and Gregory Clerc,


Lloyd ('SO) and Phyllis ('54) Cleven, OC, OTen Eileen cnd Philip Clough, LC



. . . lifetime GiV ing Society

R. Heritoge Society Q.. Q Club Supporter QC . Q Club QTen . . Q Chlb 1 0 Years M . . . Matching Gift Pr�ram I . . . In�ependenl Colleges of Washingtofl


Danl Connelly

G ra t C

LC .

Lute Club

n onner, Q Kathi Ann Conner ('92), lC Christine Connerly (,81) and Jay Fuller, 0 lorri ('SS) and Robert Connolly Dan and Helen Conroy, 0 Rachael and Robert Conroy, 0 Candace ('91) and Vincent Conte, 0

Dixie and Gene Cox, Q Mary Cox ('95), lC Sarah ('96) <tnd Carl Cox, 0 Suzanne Cox

Cullin ('89) and Mark Cont

R i cha d ('S3) and le

Anthony Conti, LC


Daniel Contreras and Teri Rhodes ('84), lC


Anna Coy ('S6) Q, OTen


Kathleen Coyle

David Coyner ('95), 0



Coyne-r, lC

James ('64) and Ann ('64) Crabtree, Q

Eugene ('63) and Mary ('54) Cook, 0, OTen

Carol ('S7) and Charles Craft,

James ('74) and Joan Cook, 0, OTen

Marlin ('67) Cram, Q


Geneva and Thomas Cook, 0

H , David Crain

Melissa Cook, LC

Kay Crandell. LC

TiHany ('02) and Timothy Cook, O

John ('60) and Mary Cooley, L, O, OTen

John and Sandra Cooney

Bruce (, 82) and Carol Coop�r, O, OTen

Keith and lynn Cooper, OC, OTen

Kristin ('01) and Chri�topher ('97) Coovert, OC


s � ��:: �;���:������ l, n

and Bette ('67)

Heather Crane ('O S), 0

James ('76) and Dianna Crary Srian Crawford ('91) and Gwen Gutow-Crawford ('92), L. OC

David and Dana Crawford, LC

Gayle Crd"',ford, 0 Katherine Crawford ('07). l(, o Patricia ('81) a nd Kevin Crawford, Q

Randy and Charlene Crawford,


Creator lutheran Church, Clackamas. WA, OC

John and Theresa Creatura, lC

Breanne Coats ('OS), Q William and Wanda Coats, LC Deborah Cobb, LC Allison ('02) and Philip ('OS) Coburn, 0 Ba rba ra Cornrc1n Kent and Bonnie Coch rane, 0 David Cockrel l ('93), 0

Oc, OTen ler Coplen ('66), QC karen and Michael (oragiulo, o Pam and lyn n Corbridge, lC Patricia ('78) and David Cordier Jared (ordts. Q Kenneth ('67) and Dorothy Corliss Ali� ��;l ���David � iS Donald ('58) and JoAnn ('59) Cornell, L, QC, QTen Jeffrey ('86) and Maria Cornell, Q, QTen

Eric and Mary Jean Crecelius, o Jennifer Cree ('S2), Q Cr�ekview Orthodontics, lC JanICe and Kent CremoliOi Kathleen Creso, l, OC, OTen Mrs, linda D. Cress In Memory of Dr. lav,/rence D. Cress, H, O. OTen

Debbie Colbert, LC

Paul Cornelsen, L. QC

William and Roberta Crooks,

Steven ('93) and Jenn ifer ('94) Cornie, LC

Juliane Cross ('70), 0


Ronald Claw ('62) and Evonne Hammond, Q

James ('77) and K imberly Clym�r, QC

Joseph and Margene Coates,


Sharon ( ' 0 1 ) and Jeffrey ('02) Cockrunl, O

Viola Colbert, lC

Robert ('68) and Susan Coiba,


Tammy ('81) and Kendall Colburn, 0, OTen


Maxine Cornell, L, OC, OTen

Julie ('93) and Jeffrey Cornfeld, O

Luann and Pat Corso

Jo,Ann <lnd Kenneth Colc, LC Randy Cole, lC

Skylar Calc ('09), Q

Ki mberly ('94) and Cole Cosgrove

annon ('03)

Aaron Couch ('79) and Melinda Wagner, 0

Frank ('80) and Barbara Couch,

Emily ('03) and John Collins, 0

James Collins ('72), 0

Kathryn and William Collins, 0 Susan Collins, lC


Vitale, Q LC David ('77) a nd Karoline ('77) Colombini, 0 Carlo and lynda Co lo mbo, 0 ROl1ald ('61) tlnd Sarbc1ra ('61) Coltom, H Columbia Banking System, John and Katrrna Cologerou,

InC, 1

Colville H,udware Do-It Center, 0

Sheryl and Sherman Coulon, 0 Emma Coulson ('07), lC


Judy Collins ('75)



Lori ('90) and Michael Coulson,

John ('76) and Sylvia ('n) Collins, L. OC, OTen

Karen ('7 1) and George Crombie, Q

LC, 0

Edward and Marilyn Crosby, 0, Te

O n

Marilyn Cmss, LC

Lorraine CrOS!'ictt

Jannie Crossler-laird ('SO) and Rich laird, 0

Ruth ('82) Clnd Richard

Ryan and Sh Cotton, Q

Ernest Collard (,48), H, L, 0, QT�n

Christine Croft. lC

Marla and Roy Cottier, lC

L�slie Collar ('68), OC, OTen

Catherine Ann Collins ('70), OC, OTen

Beth Crippen ('05), OC

lisa Crowder ('95)

William and Lois Castine, OC, OTen

Kristine) ('96) dnd Richard Coleman, 0

Deirdre ('92) and Thomas Crebs, Q

Cost(O Whole�le Corporation, O. M, I

Christine and Edward Coleman, 0

Dawn Collins-Vitale ('95) a n

-Chris Albert

Carmella ('89) and Ralph C n ne ly, 0

e o and w � h!'r�O��� (.;�)

John and Rita Cline, 0

Laura Clouse ('10),

nd Joshua Livermore, Q

Congregation Kol Ami

Helene and Joseph Clancy, lC

" I think the world would be better off with more PLU

('86) and Elizabeth Ann ('86) Comstock, 0

Sara ComS'lock ('04) a

Citizens for Shirley W.nsley

It's a big reason why Cammock and his wife, Carrie, support education at Pacific Lutheran U n iversity through fina ncial s u pport to i nitiat ives l i ke Q Club student scholarshi ps, the Morken Center, the ath letic fields and g ifts to the economics department, which included honoring facu lty emeritus Ernie Ankrim.



Sandra and Anthony Ciarochi,

There is one thing Craig Cammock ' 9 1 fi nds to be true every time he encounters a Lute in the wo rld: "They're always a pleasure to run into."

Date Corner ('01)

Commodities Plus, 0

Jodi and Craig Church, Q

remains a place for students to grow

Combined Fund Drive, 0

T o m a n d Debor.. h Comerford,



Cammocks ensure PLU

CombIned Federal Campaign of South Puget Sound, QC

Melanie Coulson ('95) and Graham Johnson ('96)


Coulson ('OT), 0 u ell ('69) and 8auer. Q Ralph ('57) and Gloria CournyE'r, Q Rhonda ('85) and Henry Covelli, O Kay COVlan, 0 Sally Cowan ('84), 0 Clayton ('S8) and Cammy CO\'II'I, 0, OTen John and Leslie Cowles. 0 Da vi d Cowley William Co ns lou-lee

Denise ('85) and William Crowe, Q

Culbertson, 0

Luann and Martin Culhane

Heather ('97) and Jon Cullom,


Sylvia Cullom

('66), 0

C. Mun o ('81) and H�ikc ('81) Cullum, 0


Anke ('70) and lowell Culver Maude and V,lIl1ia," Cumming, LC Jeffrey and Kirsten ('05) Cu m m i ngs, 0 Sara ('93) and U. Cummings, o Melannj� Denise Cunningham, OC Kim and Michael Curley, lC John c1nd Carol Currie, 0 ,

Brian (,S5) and Ardys { S6)

Curtis, OC

Robert ('55) a d QC, OTen

n Vera Curtis,

Thomas Curtis ('75), 0


rah ('00) and Heath Curtiss


Elizabeth ('89) and Jack Cushman, Q

- D 0 & R Gas Piping. Inc., LC DA Dav1dson & Company, le, M

Warren and Belly Oaheim. Q. QTen

Nancy Dahlberg ('86), Q

Kristen Dahle ('87) and Erich Hahn, Q Jonathan ('S6) and Wanda Dahlstrom. Qe. Qlen

David and Laurie Dahms, Q Danny and Carol Dailey, Q

James and Francine Dalley. Q

Katherine and John Dailey, Q

Margaret Melver Dakan ('38). H. l, QC. QTen Douglas ('Bl) and Kristi (,81) Oalenberg, LC. 0

Steven ('66) and Susan ('67) DalgleIsh, 0, OTen Ray and Deanna Dally, H, L, QTen

Don and lOIS Dal:l:iel, lC

lien Dam ('91), OC

Elsie ('61) and David Dam<ke,

Her belief in the kind of education Pacific Lutheran University provides is why she has supported the un iversity t h rough scholarsh ip programs like Q Club, Project Access a n d an endowed scholarship that benefits education students: the Marga ret Melver Dakan Endowed Scholars h i p .

Stacy ('91) and Keith Daniel. 0

_ I be lieve in private colleges a n d u niversities, " D a k a n said. -I'm very i nterested i n PLU, so I try to give where I can.

Douglas and Vande Daniels, LC

_ I try to encourage other ch i l d ren who are ready to go college to go to PLU," Dakan said. She looks back fond ly at her time at PLU. "There weren't that many students at the time because i t w a s a hard t i m e f o r parents t o s e n d their k i d s to college." There were a lso only three buildin gs on campus. The school was co-ed with one side of the residence h a l l for boys a n d the other for gi rls. Every day they'd go to chapel something she rea l ly enjoyed. Everybody got to know each other and she sti l l stays in touch with friends. Dakan has enjoyed seeing the university grow. That is evidenced by her support of the Eastvold renovat ion. "The campus is beautiful with a l l those new buildin gs," she said . The opportun ity for an education is very important to Dakan. Her t i m e at PLC led to a career as an educator. She started as a teacher i n one room cl assroom in Manchester, Wash. and continued to Port Orchard, Wash., to Seattle to E u rope a n d finally to California. "The training a t PLU," she said, " re a l ly gave m e a great background for teaching."


Darrel and Joan Damhof

Kary and Barbara Daniels, 0 Lar

('70) and Kristy Daniels, 3' William Daniels

Donald ('56) and Jean ('56) Danielson, 0

Jean ('61) and Donald Danielson, 0

Katherine and Bill Danielson,


LOfi Danielson ('83), 0

Danish Sisterhood Thyra Lodge " 9 Jani<e ('60) and Dale Dann, L, O, OTen Gail ('84) and Jerry Danner, 0 lisa Darli ng-Gower ('S7) and John Gower, 0 Cindy Darracott, Q

Theodore ('67) and Marilyn Dauer, Q Dar � tyn (.��;��� �� � Q���

E. Fred and Ann Deal. l, OC, OTen

Lawren<e Deal ('91) and Lisa Simonsen ('91), OC, OTen

Patricia ('78) and Robert Deal, LC

Kara DeArmond ('07), 0

Ronnie and Diana Deatherage,


John ('95) and Kai,J ('94) De8oer, LC Nicote DeCamp ('09), 0 Linda DeCarlo ('05), lC

Alice Decker

Decorators Service Co Inc

Violet Deeds. LC

Douglas and Mary Sue Deeks.


Oark and Julie Deem, OC 8arbara ('62) and Lauren DeFreece, O Ross ('01) and Constance Degerstedt. OC

Dennis and linda DeHart, 0 Yvonne Deiti!: ('57), 0

Stephanie ('93) and Douglas Del Bosco, 0 Clarabet DeLeon, 0

Patricia and Terry Oelrkat. LC

Paula ('75) and Dennis Delong. 0

Glorian ('62) and Gene DeLorme, 0

Andrea Deluca ('02), OC

John and Debbie DeLuca, 0 Karen ('82) and Kendall Demaree, 0

Thomas Deming

Howard Dempsey ('60), OC, QTen Janette Dempsey ('92) and Thomas Sampson, 0 Julie ('02) and Joshua ('03) Dennis, lC Karen ('70) and William Dennis, 0

Scott ('83) and Katherine (' 84) Dennis, OC Depot Properties, LlC, lC

Cynthia Deming, Q

Judith and Robert Deroma

Ri(hard ('62) and Joan ('66) Davenport, Q

Darryl ('61) and Joann Dettmann, l, Q, OTen

laWanda ('63) and J . Paul Dauphin, 0

Christina ('89) and Harold Davey, 0

LaVonne ('56) and ThorTlclS Davidson, 0

F. and Julie Desseau


Heather Dewey ('01), H, l, QC

Robert and Sharon Davies. 0 Alan and DeniSE> Davignon, 0

Ronald and Margaret Dickerson, lC

Aaron Davis ('10), 0

A Dick inson, LC


Fred ('77) and Elma Davis, Q

Jeudi ('72) and Harry DaVIS, 0

Mark ('B2) and Nan(y (,81) Davis, QC, OTen

Nancy Dirlam ('66), 0

Gerald ('64) and Marla Dittrich, O

Martine ('89) Clnd Richard Di tty, Q

James and Jean Dixon, 0

Siiri ('93) and Hung Doan, Q Dale and Cindy Doane, Q

William and Beverly Dobler, Q Judith ('65) and Terrance Dobson, 0

lois ('79) and Mark Docken, 0 Thomas Dodd ('74) and Gay Kramer-Dodd ('76), Q

Douglas and Debra Dodson, 0

George ('60) and Nancy Doebler, 0

Jennifer ('01) and Kevin Doerr,


8rian ('86) and Lori Oohe, 0 Ann Dolan, Q

Rebecca and Louis Dolan, lC Jytte and Patrick Doles

Darin ('B9) ilnd Shannon ('92) Doll emore

Susan Dominy ('70), Q C

Jerry ('60) and Janet Dona he, H, L, lC, OC, OTen

5hari Oonahe ('61), L, Q. OTen Patrice Donahoe, lC

Ryan ('DB) and Kari ('OB) Donaldson, 0 Ge

e and Marian Donohue, �e

Frands ('73) and Glenda ('73) Donovan

Patrick (·83) and Patricia Donovan, 0 Emily Dooley ('08), QC

Gayl and John Dorcas, LC Cathy ('71) dnd Dennis Dorma ier, O Darlene Dornath ('52). 0

Charles Dorner ('04), 0

Jeanette and William Dorner,


David ('77) and \;Vendy Dorothy, OC, OTen

Edwin Dorothy ('SO), Q, OTen

Kathleen and Dickson Dorr, 0 Elizabeth ('74) and Richard Dorsett, 0

Valerre and Daniel Dorshorst. LC John ('90) and Amanda ('90) Doty, 0

Carolyn Doughty, OC

Ian and Penny Douglas, 0 Louise Douglas ('59), Q

Michael ('68) and Janet ('66) Douglas, Q

Elsa ('62) and Dennis Douglass, Q, QTen , Mark ('BI) and Teresa ( 83) Douglass, lC, 0, OTen Peter ('B7) and Janine Douglass, OC, OTen

R ( O(���) �;��I��/���'8tQTen Paul and Mardeth Dovre, 0

Amy Drackert ('90) and DaVId Pelton, QC

Jean ('48) and Robert DeVa/ve,

Ronald and Christy Dickerson, OC

Eileen (,SO) and Mitchell Davis,

Jeffrey Dirks ('BO)

Teryt Oirks ('73), Q

Stuart and Anne Deuring, 0

loel DeWitt ('07), 0

Crystat Davis ('on 0

Sheryl ('79) and Robert DiPiNro, LC

Michael Dire, lC

Janice and Paul Downs, LC

Earl and Anita D.wie, L

Clara Davis, H, L, OC, OTen

Robert and Bertie D iPietro, LC

Janet Delering

leeann ('87) <lnd Robert Davidson, 0

Judith Myers Oilvis ('92) and Jack Davis, 0


Roger and Marilyn De Veer, 0

David and Pamela ('99) Deacon-Joyner, 0

EdWard ('54) and Bernice ('56) Daugs, O

Janet Davis ('55). Q


E.G. ('77) and Patricia De Mare. Q

Rkhard ('57) and Carol DeJardine, 0

KeVIn ('79) and Emily ('77) DavIs, 0


Sander De Haan ('88), Q

Matthew (,02) A m6�� ��ls�Q�

Keith ('77) and Diane ('75) Davis, OC



Brent and Debora Deines. Q

Kar; ('B5) and Odie DaVIS, 0


Earl and Mary Dawson, lC

H�len ('51) and Cecil Dammen, H, l. QC, OTen , Drane and Michael ( 02) Damone. O

Heidi and Rick Davis, OC

-Chris Albert

Ralph clnd Christine Davison, 0

Frank ('S4) and Ikuko Da�'. 0 Monika Day ('B8), 0

Janet ('81) and Rolf Dahle, QC, QTen

It's a place that leads to a successful vocation, she said.

Charles ('70) and Cheryl ('70) Davison, 0

Heg_ Dahl ('06), 0

Norman Dahl ('61) and Patncia Mullen Dahl ('62), L. Q. QTen

" I think PLU does a very good job and they have very good instructors and the leadersh i p is very fine."

Bill and Nancy Davis, L. QC, OTen

Sherman Davis. 0

Joan ('73) and Patrick DCtwson,

Kevin ('89) and Sonja ('90) Dahl, O

As a teacher for 3S yea rs, Marga ret Dakan '38 saw the difference an education could make in a pe rson's l ife.

Molly DaVIS ('75) and Thomas Pierson, 0

Carol Dahl ('62), H. Qe. QTen Oa\lid Dahl ('60), L

From PLU to a one-room school house, instructor sees value in great instruction

Michael ('92) and Darlene Davis, lC

Lynne and David Dickman

Duane Dickson ('89), 0 Gregory ('90) and Ruth Di(kson, O Robin Dickson (', 0)

Jan ('79) and Marc OiConti. 0

Alan and Ardyth Diercks, L, LC

Caren ('85) and Alan Doyle, 0 Robert ('95) and Janet ('92) Dra9goo, Q

Beverly Jean Drake ('73)

Carol ('71) and Ted Drake, Q John Drake

Susan and Terry Drake, Q

Elizabeth ('73) and George Drane, 0

Robert and MarjorIe Drewes, L, 0, QTen

Andrew ('96) and Lori ('96) Dreyer, 0 Kristin ('82) a nd Richard Dreyer, H, QC, OTen Richard Driskell, Q

Chong and Robert Diercks, 0

James and Tamara Droppo, 0

Edwin Dierdorff ('88). 0

linda DuBay, 0

Kristin Dierck.s ('04)

JennIfer ('94) and Craig Dietrich, Q

Dillingham Trinity Lutheran Church, Dilli ngham, AK, 0

Dimmer Family Foundation, L

Deborah Diotl

James ('68) and Debbie ('72) Dion

Gait and David Duba, 0

Steven DuBay, 0 Janet Dubois, 0

David ('86) and Laura Ducolon, l.C Mariah Duffy ('10). Q

Duke Energy Corporation, 0

Jerry and Deborah Dukleth, 0

M. Elaina ('90) and Stephen Dulaney, Q

Scon ('85) and Unda Dumas.


Gretchen ('84) and Jim Du mcstre, O

Blythe and Charles Dun, lC

JoAnn Dun, L C

Mary and �Vi lliam Dunbar

Jon and Ca n dy Duncan, LC

Kcu h lp.en c1nd Arnott Duncan, lC

Robefit ('76) and Ann D'U nger, OC, OTen

Calvin ('72) clnd Fra n Dunham, o Bt!tsy Dunlap and Timothy Tully, 0

Alden and Andrea Egg, LC

Lawrence ('56) and Christine Eggan, l, Q, Q en


Richard and Jeanette Egge, Q Claire ('57) and Hilkka Egtvedt, O

Ericksen, l, 0, OTen Donald ('SS) a nd Sara ('88)

Kenneth an d Jan� tte D un mire,

O, OTen

Monica ('82) and Greg Dunn, o Jessica Dunton ('06), 0

Janet ('55) Clnd Travis Duran, 0

David and Leanne Durham, 0

M ar k Duris ('94), OC

Jamie and Lynn Durose, LC

Gregory c1nd Kat h erine ('03) D ' U rso, O Keith DusseU ('97), 0

Michelle DuVerney ('99), QC, QT.:!n

Cynthia and Rkhard Dvorchak,

o Secky Lynne ('83) and Douglas Dyer, Q

Barbara (, 62) and Tom Dykman, 0

John ('70) and Kelly Dykstra, O, OTen

Dynamic Fi n anc ia l

David ('77) and Nancy

5 ) n a e W, �;hrS � L� �d, Q�� n ,

Ericksen, OC, OTen

Alan Eidsness

Kurt ('00) and Erin ('00) E i l mes,

o Bjorn Einar ('94) a nd Lil i n et h La rsen , OC

Michael Eisenhauer, LC

Wallace and Gale Dunlap, Q

Ardith and Richard Eisenhauer, lC

Clark ('87) and Stephani e ('88) Eisert,


Karla and Alan Ekblad

Bruce ('69) and Ba rbara ('69) Eklund, OC, OTen

K e n neth ('66) and Sa n d y Ek re m, QC

Thomas and Nancy Elander, Q

E L CA Alaska Synod, L

ElCA Montana Syn o d, L

fLCA Northwest Washington Synod, L ELCA Oregon Synod, L


Glenn ('76) an d Sert ha E ades,


Heather and J . Eo}gon Grace ('60) and Joh n Easley, Q Frede ric k ('72) and Mary lo u ('93) Eastman, l, Oc, OTen

Neil ('58) and Janice ('59) Eastvold, 0

Fred ('65) and K aren Eaton, 0 Vic tor ('70) and Karen Eaton,

Camille ('59) and Iver ('55) Eliajon,

H, L. lC, OC, OTen

Leo ('62) a n d Barbara ('59) E li ason , 0, OTen

Robert &nd Geneva E l l erby, Q

E l i erby, O

Cd l ly Eckles

Andrew ('99) and Katie Ecklund

Earl ('66) and Denise Ecklund.


L, Le, OC, OTen

Ecolab Foundation, 0, M

Ju d it h ('66) ctOd Paul Eddy, Q

loyal and Particia Edgren, 0

Edi son lutheran Church, Bow, WA, L, Q, OTen

PhIlip Ed lu nd (,00), H, L, O C, OTen

John ('61) and Virginia ('64) Edlund, H,

L, OC, OTen

Ta lmage and Molly Ed man, H, l, QC, OTen

Kenneth ('64) and B arbara ('64) Edmonds, 0, OTen

Rage, ('66) o}nd Ve rd ('66) Edstrom

Alfred and Betty Edwards

Go}yle ('75) and David Edwards, 0

Luella ('54) and Franlc:

Edwards, LC, Oc, QTen

Mary EdW{lrds

Matthew Edwards ('91) and Monica StraUb, 0

Terry ('76) and Cynthia ('76)


Edwards, L, QC, O en

Martha and Gp.orge Eger, LC

Henry ('5 t) and Ca rol Erickson , Joanne ('70) and Gary Erickson

John and Sharon Erickson

Kimberly ('97) and Trent ('94) Erickson, 0, OTen

Maria and Robbin Erickson , 0 Mari lyn ('62) and Harol d Marion Erickson, 0

Don al d ('52) and Dodl E l lertson, H, L, LC, OC,


M a rga ret EJiickson ('59), OC, QTen

Linda ('69) and John


O C , OTen



E velyn (,4 1 ) and Chalmers ElIioH, Q

Rose ('05) and Hollis Elliott, 0 K athe ryn Ellis, 0

Martha ('77) and S teven Ellis, o Guy ('B2) and Brenda ('83) E l l ison, H,

Vicki and Gary Erickson, 0

leigh ('77) and Janice ('77) Erie, 0, OTe n

Deborah ('94) and Eric Eri ksen,


TherQsa Erker, 0

Daniel ('62) and Karen

Erlander, H, L, 0, QTen

Ernst & Young Foundation, l, Q

Esther EB ick.son ('58)


Russell and Emelyn Ell ison, 0

Rich a r d ('67) and Patricia E l me r, 0

Larry a n d Ca ro l Else


Elston, LC, OC, QTen

Dougla s ('76) and G retch en ('77) Ely, 0, OTen Emdnuel Lutheran Church, Cornelius, OR. OC

Emanuel lutheran Church, Ritzville, WA, L, Q. QTen

Betty Ann ('57) dnd James E m erson , 0

Charlene and Calvin Emerson, o Elene ('43) and Ral p h Emerson, 0

Michael ('77) and Gwen

Ca'" Field ('08) and Christine

Mae Fadaak and Christopher Carter, Q

Jeffrey and Deanna ('83) Fine,

Fabl"'rt, Q

Julianne ('S8) and Thomas Fagerstrom, 0, OTen

Merrily and J effery Fagg, lC, 0 Kristina and Maurice Fahnestock., O

Wenche Fa i o l a

Fairbanks Luth€ran Church, Fa i rbanks, AK, L, OC, OTen Faith Lutheran Church, Shelton, WA, OC, OTen

Faith Lutheran Church, Redmond, WA, QC

��C�Q���e ('80)

R ic hard ('68) a nd G ladys E rstad, O

lynn ('66) and Willy ('66)

Ertsgaard, O

eScrip, I

James and Ginny Eshelman

Kim ('94) and Stan EspeJon, 0

K irk ('96) and Kristin ('9]) Estes Ma rc Etchevers ('08), 0

Edgard and Nellie Herno, lC

R obert and D ia ne Eterno, lC K are n Eudaiiy ('08), 0

Michelle ('01) and John ('00)


Amparo and Alberto Farias, 0 E ric Faris ('07)

Tracy Farmer, lC

Richard a nd Kathleen Farner,

o Do na ld and Le n n ice Farnh a m ,


Margrethe ('61) and E ug en e Farnstrom, OC

Peter and Sandra Farrow, Q Kare n Faster ('84)

Dennis Fatland ('59), LC

Karen ('90) and Tarn Faul k n er,

o Scott Faulkner ('91) and

Anne ('86) and Kenneth Faus1, QC QTen

Jason ('95) and Mare n Fawcett, LC

Erik Evans ('89), OC

Joanne ('6S) a nd Robert Evans,


Joseph ('72) and Caroline Evans, 0

Mary Evans ('76), 0, OTen

Linda ('61) and Gerald ('63) Evanson, H,

l, QC,


Marga re t ('72) and M ark Evensen, 0 Morten Evensen ('99)

Melodee Evenson ('S3), 0 Everg reen

Excavation, Inc., LC

linda ('75) an d Donald Fay, 0

Steph an i e Fay, LC

Harold Feaster, LC

Ma ren ('74) and Stephen Engh, 0

Margaret ('52) and O. Lee


England, O

Justin Engler ( 06), Q

Kevin ('92) and Jennifer Engman, LC

Lisa ('90) and Timothy ('89) Engman, 0, QTen

Philip and lorraine Engstrom, o Marl and Terry Ennis, LC

Expeditors International of Washington, Inc., I

ExxonMobil Foundation, Q, M Thomas ('79) and Linda Eylande" 0

Audrey and John Eyler

Gretchen ('85) and Ez a ki, O



- F Nancy Faaren ('76) and Jo h n Rosenberg, Oc, OTen

Betty Fisher, L , OC, QTen

George ('60) and Carol Fi5her, OC lohn and Jocelyn Fisher, lC


Mathilda, Kenneth, and Phylaine Fol50n, H, L

R e n a te Font, LC, 0

Suzanne and Peter Font, LC

B ec ky ('79) and G a ry Fo n ta i n e, OC

Robert and Lori Fontana, Q


Ta m i ( 81) and Donald Forbes,


Donald and OTen

Barbara Ford, 0,

Fred and Wendy Ford. QC Ingrid Ford ('97), 0

Alf and D idne Forde, lC

Nancy lum Fisher ('79) and Peter Fisher, Q

Burton Foreman ('50), 0 Edward ('72) and Didne


Formoso, Q

Jo anne ('73) and Robert Fitz gera ld , LC

Robert Forness ('44), L, Oc. OTen

Dale ('77) clOd Lynn ('77)

Pa t r i ck and Veronica



Mary Forslund ('97) and Drt.'w Wi l lia ms, 0

Hilary and Marc Forsythe, LC

H. Ge raldine Fiveland ('66), Q

William and Tamara Forsythe, lC

Kaj Fjelstad ('89). Q

Jean and Jerry Foss, 0

H&II ('92) and Sheri ('92) Fee ney, 0

Dalene ('77) a nd O, OTen

Eric ('84) and Carolyn ('S3) Fjelstad, Q

Molly Fei d e r ('06)

John ('S2) and Kristie ('96) Feldmann, H, L, LC, QC, QTen

Tammy and John Fe/an d is, LC Arth ur and Wend i Felts, 0

L in d a ('SO) a n d Rodney Fender,


Julie ('B8) and Joh n Fenedick,



Fenimore, 0

Mary ('97)

Fay F ensk e ('74), LC

Thomas ('82) and K im Fergin,



Jana ('77) and G. William Ferguson, Q

Robert Ferguson ('53). LC Sherwin Ferguson, OC

Todd ('B4) and Florence ('84) Ferguson

Ferndale North Homeowner� Assoc I nc


Ferri, LC

Cdtherine and Doug Ferrie, 0

Earla Ferry, 0

Ant h ony F eser

Bdrbara Fetty-Solders ('79) and Kenneth Solders, Q

fetz ('66) and

Michael ('70) and Christine


ms, O

Karl Fou�r ('99), QC

Don a ld ('57) and Margaret ('57) Fossa, 0, OTen

Daniel ('90) and Julie ('90) Flahiff

Dianne ('82) i:lnd J effrey

Kenneth ('77) and ·Teri ('78) Flajo l e

Foster, LC, Oc, OTen

Lar l a n ('61) � a��!, 8� �;��

Karen and Rolf Foste r­ Jorgense n

Lars Foster-Jorgense>n, 0

Kristin ('93) and Kevi n

Ruth ('88) and David ('88) Foster-Koth, QC, OTen

John ('87) and Susan Flatebo, o

Jennife.r ('87) and Col in Fo)(, 0

Paul Flaten ('65), 0

Leslie and M Fenske, lC

Scott, Q

nd Wealtheo} Or i �i�? i:��}a s

lames ('75) and Constance F l ad land, O

F l a n d rea u

Fen ner, 0


Foss Maritime Com pa ny, I

Jillian Foss ('10), H, 0

Melinda ('99) and Jason F l a naga n , 0

Ron a l d ('61) and Carol ('62)

Chris and Patricia Ferguson, OC

David and Diann Foslien, 0

Mary Fjelstad ('73)

Patrick a.nd Patti Felchlin, lC


Rhondi ('73) and Robert Feucht, 0

Kenneth and Lindd Fial kovvski

Dennis ('6S) and Helen ('65) F lath, Q

James ('69) and Gail ('70)


Terry ('79) and Michelle ('821 F letcher, 0

Carlotta ('72) and G eo rge F li n k , H. 0, QTen

Anita and Stcph�n Fran so n, LC

David and

Silndra Frauenshuh

J e n n i fe r Ffcwmeni ('01), 0

Julie ('89) and John Frazier, 0

Nancy Frederick, LC

James ('78) and J.ane


d Janet Flodin, L. OC,


Laura and Eric Floodeen, Q

Staci ('96) and Mike FIO\'Vers, 0

D iane ('74) and W. Russell


Cyn th i a and M ic ha e l Flynn, lC

Ida ('63) dnd Larry Ficca

Decky Fiedler and Roland Barach, 0

Sharon and Michael Fogarty,

Lynn Foerster ('78) and B i H

Vlahos, 0




Ph il Franklin ('B4), 0

M. Josephine F!etcher ('41), 0,



Outi ('93) and Steven Francis,


F lesher, 0


Frak e r

Kyle Franklin ('07), l, OC

Fleming, 0 lisa ('79) and Benjamin

David ('97) and Ra chel

and K evi n

Ruth Frank, lC

Larry ('65) and Barbara


El i zabeth

Wi lli am a n d Anne Fra me, OC

Franco Fi�h Products, Inc., L.

Flatness, 0, OTen

John and Joy Flaxel, lC


MarJin and Anna Fountain, 0

Maureen Francisco ('99), 0

Flatness, LC, Q

Paul ('63) and Kathleen

Michael Flynn and Angelique Dietz, Q

F idelity Investme nts Charitable Gift Fu n d, QC, M

Forsyth, OC

Jeanine F orsythe

F itzpat r i<k , O

Stan Ft:>ero,

Joseph and C la ire Exner


Alisha Fisher (' 1 1 )

ogwe ll , l

Rebecca ('88) and Michael

Ora E n born, 0


Patricia ('57) and Fred Fischer, o Rhonda Fischer ('73), L, 0, OTe n


leslie ('BS) and Duncan Foley,

Robert Federowicz ('76), 0

Michael ('81) and M a ry Anne

l i za beth E ngel hard t

Juanita Fischer, LC

Robert and Helen

James ('87) an d Teresa ('90)

Leslie and David Everson, 0


First Lutheran Church, Ketchikan, AK, L, OC, OTen

Fi rstg iving, lC

Damien and Mettie ('01) Foglio. 0

Mike and Marie Fitzpatrick, LC

Paula ('75) a nd Daniel Evjen, 0

LuAnne and Robert ngh,

Fi rs t Lutheran Church of Poulsbo, Poulsbo, WA, OC


Theresa ('B3) a nd Timothy Fitzgerald, 0

Bonnie ('63) and Charles Fedd e, O

ErnmanLJe.l Lutheran Ch urc h , Reardan, WA, OC

Executive Conversation, M

Paula Fiorenza, Q

Robert a nd Wanda Firman, Q

Phyllis and Hugh Fitzgerald, LC

John ('65) and Sonja Fe. rrL 0,

laura Excell, 0

Richard ('64) and Judith finstuen

li fetime Giving Society H' Herildge Sodety Q Club Supporter Q' QC " Q C1ub QTeJl , Q Gob 1 0 Years M , , , , , Matching Gift Program , , , , , Independent Colleges of Washington LC ' , , • lute Club


Marian Feaster, LC

Joh n Evermann ('99), Q

Employees C o m mu n ity F u n d of the- Boe i ng Company, OC

Claudia ('77) and Richard ('75) Finseth, O

Scott and June Fish er.

ElI�n and James Emerson, 0

Joyce Emilson ('69), 0, OTen

O C, OTe n

Paul ('90) and Julie ('91) Finley

Wade and Diana F isher, Q

Julianne Fawcett, 0

Thomas ('68) and Katherine Fenn, 0 John and Dorothy Fenner

David ('64) and Karen ('63) Evans. 0

William ('55) and Helen Finkle,

Jackson and Mary Fisher, LC

Ma r ion Fauske

Eustice, 0

Carolyn and Alan Eva ns


Martin ('81) and Ja net Fink, 0

Peter ('98) and Jessica Fins!uen

Ralph and Sandy Falkenberg,

Curtis ('98)

Evangel ica l lutheran Church In America, l, QC

Alvin ('53) and Jan et ('56) Fink, l, OC, O en

Norma Flnstuen

Phi lip ('50) and Roberta ('51) Folk, lC, 0

Eussen, LC

Vicki ('70) a n d H. Edwa rd


Finstu&n, H, l, 0, OTen

Kathy ('85) and Mark ('84) Fol k, O



Andrew ('99) and Ingrid ('00) Fi nstuen , O John ('70) a nd Katherine ('70)

Gar B ) �al� e� L


Ol,.n Field ('08), lC,

Pa tty ('68) and James Field, lC

B arbara Fin kelstein ('09)

Andrea Lenz, 0

Phyllis Erickson

Ph i l i p ('60) a n d Delore s Erl a nde r, O

Donna an d Michael Ebertz

Cdrol Echols, LC

Erickson, 0

Jon (' 52) and Amy ('5 t) Ericson, QC

Eli Ully & Company Foundation, l, Q, M

Michelle ('87) and Scott (,8B)


Heidi ('89) and Brian ('91)

Alexander Eli ('09), Q

Jeffrey ('85) and Lindsay ('93)

Ann ('06) o}nd rdvis (' 05) E by

Eli se Erickson ('03), OC

Steve and Susan Erickson, 0

o Gerald and Crysta/le Ebbinga, o Jeffrey Ebol ('08), lC Scott Eberle

Carol and Courtney Erickson

Mart i n ('83) and Machelle ('84) Eld red

Donald and Darlene Ellingson

Jud i th Earle

Jack and Lois Earnest, lC

Mark ('94) and Natasha Ericksen, 0

Robert Ericksen ('67) and Judith Meyers. OC

E r ick son

ELCA Southwestern ""'ashington Synod, L

Erica Ellersick ('10), 0


0, QTen

Erickson, 0



John ('70) and Marita Ericksen,

Leonard ('59) and Bettelou ('59) Ericksen, 0

Katrina ('00) and Ma r k

ELCA Eastern Wash i ngton · Idaho Synod, L

Scott ('B2) and Patricia ('B3)

Karen ('B8) and Edward Eac rett, O

Henry and Josephine Ericksen, l

James and Elizabeth Ericksen, L


Management LLC, 0

Bobbie ('96) and Ja mes Dysart,

H eath e r Erdmann, LC

Angie ('69) and James Eichholtz, 0, OTen

Catherine D unlap ('04) and Kyle Brown, Q


Equifax Foundation, 0, M

David ('S6) and Nancy ('S7) E r ick se n , LC. 0, OTen

Alvin and Doris Eise l e

Jackie ('94) an d Kevin Dunlap,

0ry and Kathy Epperson, 6

Jacqueline ('OS) and Adam ('02) Epperson, 0

Sandford and Linda Eguchi, 0

Richard E h li nger ( ' 65) and Irina Volkova, 0, OTen

Ellen Dunlap

Gerald (,64) and Maren ('64) Dunlap, QC



Craig ('90) and Jan Fredrickson, 0, OTen

Stanley ('61) and Denn ise (,64) Fredrickson, Q

Anna Free ('91), Q

Stuart ('79) and Sally Freed, LC The Freeman Foundation, l

K eit h and Annette Fre.ier, Q Dietrich and Catherine Freiling, Q

Jame') ('60) and Sandra ('5B) F reishei m, Q, OTen

Margarete ('84) and Gregory

('71) Freitag, 0

Carter ('60) and M ari lyn French, Q



Richard French, Q

Lc1uren Frerichs

Robert and Karen Frerichs, 0

Jennifer ( 95) and Nick Freudenstein, 0


James and Shirley Fricke, 0,


Milton and Judy Fricke, Q

Elise Friedrich ('09) and Jeffrey Nie lsen, 0 William and Liliana Frier, 0

Diaer ('81) an d Richard Friesz, Stephanie ('96) and Kenneth ('98) frisch, lC, 0 John Fritz ('59), lC

, Karla ( 85) and Lance Frodsham, LC

Marjorie ('62) and Donald Froiland, Q

Eric ('81) and Maria Frokjer, Q

Duane ('78) and Becky Fromhdrt, LC

John F rom m ('58) Lana Frost, lC

Carolyn and Gregory Fry, 0

Craig and Deanna Fryhle, QC

Tom Fryxell ('81), Q

Tnomas ('78) and Susan Fuesler, O

Jerry and Betty Fugich, Q

Richard and Joyce Fujimoto, 0 Jon Fujioka, LC

Earl and Linda Fujitanl. 0 Clarence and Cynthia

Fukumoto, 0

Darcie ('76) and Steven Fulkerson, 0

Casey Fuller ('09)

Erin ('95) and Michael ('94) F u l ler, 0, OTen

Genevieve and Ermine Fuller, Q

Andrea and Craig Fullington,


Cecelia Gardlin ('45), lC, 0, OTen Andrew Gardner ('08), OC

Brian ('90) and Kay(e ('91) Gardner

Eric Gardner ( 98), OC


Ken Ga rdne r ('90)

Robert and Millic.e nt Gardner,


William ( '7 2) and Gail ('72) Garland

Terri ('8S) and Douglas Ganner, Q Helen Garner

James and Judy Garrett, 0 Karen ('95) and Michael Garrett, 0

Ma ('89) and Patrick Garrett, z

Steven ('67) and Elizabeth Garrell, O

Michael and Bev Garrick, Q

Julie and Richard Garrison, lC Shirley Garrison, 0

Virginia Garrison ('75), 0 Brian Garrow, 0

Alan Garvey ('8S) 'and Mary Shapiro, 0

Gary E, Milgard Farnily Foundation, L

Christine ('88) and Burton Gasaway, 0 Lynn Gassner ('66), 0

Je Hr ey ('86) eind Stacy Gates, LC

Tim ('84) and Nancy Gates, 0 Da

��o���be:r:�� �2


Tad ('91) and Joanne ('93) Gaulke, 0

Estate of M i l d red BerVt!rl Gault ('JI), QC

Neil ('97) and Sanjia ('97) Gilvin

Nan(y (' 9 1 ) and Randy ('91) Gay, 0

}\nna Fulton ('09), 0

William and Marlys Gazecki, O, OTen

Clarence Funk ('70), OC

J. Walter ('70) and Marilyn ('58} Gearhart, OC

James Funfar ('80) and Patrici�, Evo}" l, QC, OTen Roland ('66) and Annette Funk, H, l, QC, OTen

Jamie Furutani. LC

Kay and Roger Fuson

Karen Fynboe ('88) and

William Oltman, H, 0, OTen -



Don ('55) and Alta ('55) Gaarder, 0

GE Foundation, l, 0, M

Thom as ('86) and Rosemarie

Gearhart, 0

Julie ('69) and James Gearheard, 0, OTen David Gcbert, lC

William ( ' 7 1 ) and Carlynn Gebhardt, Q, OTen

Mary Sue ('89) Jnd Arthur Gee

Pak ('73) and Mary Gee, OC

Shari Gehrke ('06), Q

Scott ('91) and Rena Geibel

Glenn and Sharon Gaboury, Q

Beth and Jerome Geis

luther ('50) and Dolore-. ('51) Gabrielsen, 0

Robert Geisler ('64), Q

Kay Gabrelcik

David ('61) and Linda Gaenicke, O

Sarah Gail

Dondld Goines ('84), H, L, OC, OTen leanne ('85) and FrclOco Ga la ti, O

Katheryn and Steven Gdlbraith, LC

Myriam ('98) and Stephen Galbraith, 0

Cheryl ('76) and Michael Gale, OC, QTen Heidi dnd Andrew Gd�e, LC

Duane and Jean Ga lt. 0

Leanne ('87) and 10hn G allag her, 0, OTen

Raymond Gallie ('61), Oc, OTen

Kelly Gallipeau ( , 94), 0

Georgia GallJs ('78), 0

K enne th ('59) and Barbara

Gamb, OC

He:di ('93) and J.)son Gamble, 0 Michelle and Bennie Gamble, LC

Curtis ('67) and Judith Gammell, LC

Ralph and Theresa Gamon, 0

Tereasa Gandhi ('86), 0

Jeffrey ('85) and Usa ('87) Ganung, l, 0

Ange!d and Robert Garcia, lC

Carol and Jose Garcia, lC

James ('77) and Ann Gard, LC

Jim and Donna Gard, LC

Mi:lrika and Jay Gard, LC

Garden Home Interiors, 0

Joan ('89) and R.J. Garden, 0 Randal ('78) and Paula Gardiner



Betty and Arnold Geise, lC Robert and Donna Geisler Shelley Geisreiter ('00), 0

Carol Geiszler ('68)

Charles ('58) and Carol ('57) Geldaker, l, OC OTen Patrida ('61) and DUane Gemachlich, 0

Mad �6;�t e


Generations for Peace, l

Gerald and C<:Irol Gengenbeich. QC

Kenneth and Sylvia Genti l i

Adam Gentz ('05), 0

Laurel ('68) and Robert Gerald,


Art Giddings ('94), 0

Rochelle ('91) and WHIi<lm Giddings, l, 0, OTen

Winfield Giddings ('93), 0 Ed na Giesler ('81), 0

Eric ('49) a n d Mildred Gerstmann, 0

Jo Ann Gervais ('73), 0

John and Diane Gessner, Q

Arthur ('57) and Carol ('58) Getchman, lC

Gethsemane lutheran Church, Portland, OR, l, 0, QTen

Robert ('60) and Shirley ('61) Gettel, O

Marie ('86) and Michael Gettel-Gilmartin, 0

Reilph Geyman ('10), 0

Cindy (,77) <md John Gibbon, 0 JamE'S ('52) and Be ver ly

Gibson, Q

2010 I


Susan Greenberg

Damian and Maureen Greene,



H, E, Anderson Family

Sandra and Bruce Gilbert

John Gordon ('78) and Catherine Burton, 0 Karen Gordo n ('76), Q

Da�� ���!�� e OTen

Gordon Gilbertson, OC, OTen

Scott a nd Tad Gordon, LC

Inger Gregersen

Colleen Hacker, Oc, OTen

linda ('71) and C rai g Goring,

Paul Gregersen ('77), 0

Anne Hafer ('77). Oc, OTen

Nordic Association

Tamara Gilbel1son Morris ('82), H

Jan Gilbertson ('65), OC

leroy ( 67) and Ruth ('68) Gilge, O


Grete Gordon, LC

Marvin Gordon lC


Helen and Richard Gorenson


Penny and Ddv(d Gill, 0

Joann ('74) (lnd John Gorrel l

Michael and Rita Gillan, 0

Catherine Gosse, lC

George and Marilyn Gillam, 0 Sandra and William Gillespie, LC

Jack ('72) and Cynthia Gilletti,


Jimmy ('00) and Trina Gilletti, L Katie Gilliam ('02), 0

Ronald ('76) and Susan Gilliam, Q

Theresa Gillis, L

Thomas ('58) and linda ('Gl) Gil mer, Lc 0, OTen ' Jerr��n and Timothy Gilmore, Gilmur, LC, 0

Charle') and Thelma ('42) James ('68) dnd Georgia ('6S) Girvan, H , 0 Patty aod Robert Gisvold

Katherin(' Gitch ('96) and Danny Ken ny, Q

Margaret ('90) and Robert Giuntoli, O

Michael Givens ('83) and Kelly Philip Givens, OC, OTen

M . Kenneth ('58) and Patricia Gjerde, lC, 0

Gjerset & lorenz lLP

luAnne and James Gjerset

Candace Gjertsen, LC

James ('59) and Raynelt G laser,


Margaret Ann G l aser ('58), OC, OTen

Pamela ('69) and Gary Gl az e

Hildur ('65) and Stephen Gleason

Sabrina and Norman Glenn, 0



Gretchen Glew ( 40), 0

Kat (n ��� Glick ('55), H, L, O

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Coos Bay, OR, QC OTen

Gloria Dei lutheran Church, Lynnwood, WA, 0

Gloria Dei lutheran Church, Olympia, WA, l, OC, OTen

Gloria Dei lutheran Church, Tacomd, WA, 0, OTen

Shen.vood ('63) and Jeanne Glover, 0

Eric Gnezda ('09)

Jennifer ('91) and Don Gochanour, 0

Margit and Kenneth Gorton

The Gottfned and Mary Fu(hs Foundation, l

Mark Gould ('9 1 ) and Lisa Dobson-Gould, OC

Paul ('89) eind Lori Gould, Q Alice Govig, H, L, OC QTen

Dian and Willic'lm Gowen, Q

GeoHrey and Deborah Gmvens, lC Frankie Go,<ver, lC

Mike and Debbie Gowey, 0

GracE! lutheran Chur ch, Wenat(hee, WA, l, OC

Lola ('54) and Rona!d Gracey

Sandra ('87) and Ronald Graf

Antonio and Tomasina Graham, lC

Arthur Graham ('80), 0 Christina Graham ('99)

Douglas ('9 1 ) and Cristy Grdham. O

Glen ('66) and Christie ('66) Graham, l, lC. 0, OTen Jack Graham, lC

K athy and Mock Graham, LC Kristal ('02) and Shawn Graham, OC

Leiurence and Dahna Graham, O, OTen Lynette Graham, LC

Marn(e Graham ('89) and Doug Vollman, 0

Michael ('93) and Heather Graham, OC

Tommy Greiham, lC

Jon Grahe, 0

Margaret ('83) and Te rry Gram, Q

Robert ('69) and Victoria Gramann, O

Joseph Grande ('66), 0 louise Grande ('57). 0

Volly Grande ('36), l, 0, OTen

Goelzer, O

Step hen Goetsch

Karen Goettling

Michdel ('71) and Pat ricia ('71) Gain, 0

Gretta Goldenman ('66), oe

Philip Goldenman ('69), LC, 0 Richard and Brenda Goldner, Q

Goldstone Lutheran Church.

Rudyard, MT, 0

Sandra Gollofon ('79), Q

1. Rich ard and Barbara Golob, LC

Steph.:tnie ('92) and Andre",¥, Gomsrud, O

Phyllis Gonigam

Georgina Gonyeau ('50), 0 Kristi ( ,92) and Andrei Gonzales, 0 Roger and laura Gonzales, lC

Kenneth and Beryl Goodchild, I

Elizabeth Goode ('93)

Jan and David Goodhec,d, lC John Goodman

� �a�(a �, ('74) Q

Lorna Greer ('43), H, L

Nora Gregersen ('00) Shirley Gregory, LC

Colleen and Terr y Grass, 0

Darke Grass ('OG) and Nels

Flesher ('06)

Delbert and Shirley Grauerholz, O

Ann ('05) and Danny Graves, 0

Andrew ('94) and Nicole ('95) G ray David and Kathryn Gray, 0, OTen

Donald ('G6) and Carol ('63) Gray, 0, OTen

Green Diamond Resource Company, I

Clyde and Alethd Green

Joni ('03) .:lIld leonard Green, OC, OTen Ketlie Green ( 90), Q


lawrence ('76) and K imberlea Green, H, l, LC, QTen Raymond ( ' 5 1 ) and Luanne Green, LC


a edorn, Q

Gerry Hagedorn ('G6) and James Peterson, H, L, 0,

Drew Griffin

Gary ('65) and Geraldine

Ja n e and James Griffith, 0

Andrea Hagen·Arndt ('G4) and Otfried Arndt, Q

Griek, LC

Donna ('8G) and Ken Gri ffen, Q

Heather ('02) and M ark ('02) GriHith, O John and Lori GriHith, LC

Terry ('72) and Sandra Griffith, Q

Angela ('87) and Le'Nis Griggs,


lawrence Griggs ('70), QC Paul Grigsby ('86), 0

Mary and Pet!::'r Grimm, lC

Michelle ('88) and Jack Grinnell, Q

Ronald and Srith Grinnell, 0

Amy Grinstein£'f

Dwight and Barbara Griswold,


Barbara ('59) and Reijer Groenveld, OC

Ed ('93) and Kathleen Grogan, H, L, OC, OTen Karl ('63) and Sh a ron Gronberg, l, OC, OTen

Janice Gross ('65), 0

Kenneth and Susan Gross, 0

Owen Grossman, OC

James ('93) and Michelle Grossnickle, 0

Jan and lawrence Grouse, Q Jonathan Grove, Q

lynn Gruber

Guaranteed Real Estate Inc., LC Allan ('56) a nd Sharon Gubrud, Q

Dennis ( 62) and Shirley ('63) Gudal. 0


Andrew Guinn ('09), lC. OC

Kimberly and David Guinn, Q OTen

Norene Gulhaugen ('48), 0, Gull Industries, Inc., I

Thomas Gumprecht ('71). l, 0, OTen Ann ('85) and Todd Gunderson, 0

Martin and Tammy Lynn G underson, 0

Ralph ('48) and Dorothy ('49) Gunderson, 0 o h s ��X:;��� ��Q�:�

Terri ('95) and Duane Guscott, Q Ardette Gustafmn

Bryant Green ('95), lC

Cynthia ('98) and William Hagan, oe, OTen

Vickie and Randy Hagedorn, LC

Sharon GrdY ('75) and Tracy Brooks, 0

Community Foundation, l, QC

Mary Haemig, 0

Ellen ('53) and Dan G rewe, Q Forrest ('00) and Jennie ('02)

David (,82) and Jana Gunovich, l, LC, QC, OTen

Greater Seattle Insurance ProfE'Ssionals

Catherine ('84) and Henry Haas


John Grettenberger and Mary Mahaffy, 0

Marci Gray ('98) and Richard Howard, O

The Greater Tacoma

Dale ('89) and Jennifer Haarr, QC

Jihan Gre-ttenberger, lC

Anne (75) and Steven Gresham, 0

Eric ('86) and Kim ('87) Gunnerson, 0

Michael and Shelley Gray, 0

James ('58) and Susan Haaland, L, 0, OTen

Christine HaHey ('96) and Appi Habbout, Q

Donald Gray ('56), l, OC, OTen

Joanne Gray

Foundation, L

David ('61) and Joanne HaalClnd, L, lC, OC, OTen

Aaron Grenlund (,00), 0

Rickard ('74) and Kathleen Guild, O

Wallace ('98) and Sandr<l Cathleen and

Bre' Greenman ('09), 0

Jeffrey Greenstreet, 0

Susan ('86) and Randy ('87) Grant

Cornelia ('92) and Joseph G ra nt, 0

Kendall ('83) and Sheryll Graven, l, OC, OTen

Jeffrey and Karen Goemmel, 0

Kirk and Maureen Greene, 0

Susan Gubsch ('84), lC

Karen ('62) dnd Ulrich Goebel, Q

GeQ� eQ� d Janet Goehren , H, en ,


K arl ('82) and Renae ('82) Granlund, Q

Brent ('90) and Mary Gr duerholz, 0

Golden West Women of the fLCA, Q

William and Andrea Gernon, Q

Carol ('69) and T ho ma s Goodwin, Q


H & R Block Foundation, 0, M

GiGi's Happy Hair, 0

Gig H a rbo r Scandinavian

Kent Gerlach, H, l, Oc, OTen

Stephen ('87) and Kathryn Gernon, Q

Yvonne Goodwaler, 0

Roger Green

Todd ('93) and Amy ('94) Green

Gordon Thomas Honeywell M a lanca Peterson & Daheim PLLC, L

Steven Goett ('98), LC

Keith ('00) and Vivian Germain, 0

GoodSearch, 0

Geoff ('01) and Laura ('00) Gifford, O

Richard ('76) and Elizabeth Gerety, 0 Earl ('66) and Sherrie ('69) Gerheirn, 0, OTen

Pat and Joelene Goodover, 0

Joanne Gunnerson ('54), 0 Mark eind KarlCl Gurr, lC

Curtis and Donna Gustafson

David ('8S) and Karen ('S8) Gustafson, Q , Garard ( G7) and Carol lef('68) Gustafson, 0

Ray and Mary Gustafson, Q

Gustafson's Fine Flooring, lC


Amy Hagen, 0

Erven ('50) and Lois Hagen, QC Hagen

Lauralee Hagen ('75), H, L

T. Olai (' 3 1) and Sarah Hageness, l, 0, OTen

James and Susan Hagense.n, 0

Max i ne Hagensen ('SO)' lC

Edward ('80) and Jody Hager, Q Georgette Hagerman, 0 Richard ('63) and Teresa Hagerty, 0, OTen

Sandra Hagcvik ('62) and lame') Williams, OC

linda ('82) and Melvin Hagge,


Mark ('78) and Patricia Haggen, OC

J u liet Laycoe Hagley ('95) and Thomas Hagley, Q Victor Haglund ('51), 0, O Ten Sylvia Hagmann ('8G). OC

Kace�' ('96) and David Hahn, 0 linda ('93) and David Hahn, 0

Lene Hajek

Ed\'.Jard ('54) and Jan Hakanson, 0

Russell and Mary Halaas lc�lee ('99) and Michael Halbert. 0

Mark and Nancy Bourne Haley, Q Alvin ('79) and Elsa Hall, Q Barbara and Ronald Hall, lC

Chad Hall ('10), Q

Constance ('71) and Alan Hall, O, OTen Dennis Hall and Patti Ricker

Jennifer ('77) and Ga ry Hal!, 0

Robert and Helen Hall

Shane ('02) and Davna ('02) Hall, OC C. 8('(1 ('G3) and Aaste Ha llad ay

Mary ('63) and Stanley Ha l l er,


James ('77) and Joanne Hallett, Q

Joan Halley ('82) and Thomas Egnew, 0 Ore....' H<lll ll1<1n, LC

Michael and Mary Kay Hallman, L. QC, OTen

r...,arcia and Price Hallmann, 0

Gayle ('70) and James Hal ma ,


Barbara H alpern ('08), 0

JudO ('63) and Irwin H d l pe rn,

Brandy ('01) and Evan Halprin, LC, Q

Carol ('90) and Matthew Hal sey, L. OC

lackie ('92) dnd John Halsted

Michael ('9a) and Dana H al te r,


Karen ('62) and Fred Hahiner, 0

Barbdra ('91) and Peter Halver, Q Gail and Ike HCllverson, LC

David Gu'zler ('71), QC, OTen

Kenneth ('69) and Janice Halverson, 0

Jack Guyot ('SO) and Phyllis COok ('SO), Q

Paul ('63) ,l n d Marilyn Ann 0

Thomas and Dawn Guy, 0

Margaret and Angel Guzman, LC Linda Gwinn ('70), 0

Allen ('66) and Janet (,66) Haivor, Q

Milton Halvorsen, l, OC, OTen Chris ('62) and Janet Halvorson, 0

Eillng and Bar�dfa H ii l..-e�}on. l. QC, Olen MJ<.l-ioJel ('8s) ar\J 1(llniA.1'ly Hal.. _on. l Q. Qren Oavld ( "95 ) and CU.::.t .• ('95) 8 rnktau Hd'tvc r. Q Jo'ry Jn� : . �;"'d .�tSm.Jrd •. Q J.. e1I ca " . �rid DaMn lI.. mby C'S7}, H. l, le, Qe. QTen

Ddr _ ...tt .or.d J '.H\.d HJ�1l 1toil a r•..; hila I IJ t lte". Q Seth ('SS)


Randill; ('85) dn Hamlin. Q Ry.m ( ' 9-1) al. H'<TJ1rn. Q

('69), Q rta

Sarah ('00) a;id Rolf Hol .r�e(��!], Q

"Well, why not give?" she asks with a laugh. It is a n opinion both she a n d her husband, Chris, PLU's associate provost for i nformation and technology services, share. Both see the i n herent va l ue of giving something back. Pat considers it the best - and easiest - way to "support the things that we think are i m portant." I n part i c u l a r, the couple shares a deep commitment to work o n social issues and toward social justice. It is the reason they a re actively involved with the Peace Commun ity Center in Tacoma's H i l ltop neighborhood, where Pat works largely with high school tutoring and Chris serves as president of the board of di rectors.

Co"-ey Joan

The i r commitment to social issues is also why they give to PLU. "We see both as age nts of change, " Chris said. " If that weren't true, I wo uld n't be here." Chris cites some of the th i ngs he and Pat feel PLU does so wel l - particu larly the focus on global education and the u niversity's contin ued inte rest in peacemaking. He a l so sees Project Access - the u niversity's ongoing effort to provide $3.500 in Q Club sc holarships to more than 300 students - as a worthy soc i a l issue. They believe PLU provides a different type of education, one that prepares students to become what Chris a nd Pat believe is so important - caring and active partici pants i n the issues of this world. "We want to support students who a re g iving of themselves," Pat said. " PL U does a wonderful job preparing students for that. "

Patflod and uryan Had ,plon, o "''II . ::t� ... . . ..\.r and Frances Hampton, 0 DiS'lld and Barbra Har.. : y, l, OC. OTen

('94) and Mdrc Hdnjer, o i\�ukQ I i oJr�( n, l( t-14t'1oy Hum , LLC, LC Jenlyn

MIles "'t,"dy\ld�

Connit!! HJney ("B 1 ), Q

Ed ''',r ord ('73) and Rulh I-bnwn, Q -no

, Harold ('50) itnd Oom ( �31 Hans('n, O


(':a) and Cor.�lo:;ce

Karen ('71) and RlCh.:!rd Ha ' \en. 1.. 0, OTen


lC R-==gq H<l t l .l. 0 \ " luI, Q, Q I �n St�(::n H.-nlt- n, lC


.m�l1. lC 11•

DaVid ('69) and Sh�ila Helnwll,


Haf':j, on,

('59) )

Hd l:"lJUr (,07), 0

Derlnis Hardtke ('66) ..nd Kathleen SVlaru, 0, OTE'!n

Mer;tyn ('77) and Hardy, 0


W. Bensen HJrcr Kelly

('�b) and RU��I:!II

HargrJ\"t'. Q

Maggie H.ilrgr.ve

('OB), 0

5uSdn Hargrd'o-e. 0

Alan Hedman ('67), 0, OTen


Arthur (' 9 ) and Lorelee 5 Hedlund. Q, OTen

Cheryl Hedman, 0, QT�n Connie {'BL) and larry Hedman, Q

nd llSJ It,;l.��cll, 0 Stanlty anJ litd HIt) m, 0 ROI u.l ('51) and ElfJno re

Tracy and Duane HeHclfin ger,



Gerald ('52) and Donna Marie Hefty, lC

nt �a�; � ���, � : r Lc:n.:lfd and Prlscllia Hathon Kel

Milton ('52) and Camille Hefty, L, LC

Ron and


..: � .;;t





Jud,th and Lany Helgeson

Harry and C<trol Heller,



('70). H,

J v.t,lI IOlm H(UJ9

Wa}" C ('68) dnd Karen Haug,


Joel ('73) a,:d Kath:een ('72) H<luge, 0, OTen


RoL.:rt ('48) and ShIrley Hau:;e, 0, OTen

HE'l m�, Q

Mary and William HemmIngs. LC

Jeanne Hemstock ('74), 0 Keith ( ' S 1 ) and Mischelle Hendershot. Q

Sherrill Beanor ('56) Henderson, 0


Oeni�e (' 8) and Russell 8 Hl'ndr ickson, 0

Oa""d , 05) dnU "'lonna

Harold Hendrickson ('73). lC

H Jugen, O

lynn and Vernon Hendrickson,

'O) t I VC������ t. ' Q ��e�

Rayrn<>nd and Andrt'a Haugen,


Rebert al�d GIt1lda H.lU9I!f1. 0

Torval and Manlyn Haugen, 0, OTen Nafll:. y (,69) and RICk Haughee,



Robert <lnd Dl'bor ah Hendrickson, lC ShIrlee Hendriks..


Patty Hendrix ('8]), OC

Cha;��r�:��ty:r��t) t01t Q Charlotte Henke, 0

Rusel (')9) and Lois ('S9) Hause, 0

Sandra ('87) and Greg Ht!nley. 0

Chris ('90) ar, J Jennifer Havel, LC

Cindy and Bruce Henninger, 0

FrederIck Henning, LC

Chus.tie ('88) and Russ Hau�l.Jn, 0



)' HJ' �n ('OS) cmd ;;torah

J efff y Hd\", !.. �ns ('S 1 ) and Ale�ia Pinney-Hawkins, lC

Ron.. ! d ('S9) ant.! ":'.mL n Launa (,62:) Harrt'l on, QC

Roxy and G regory Helm

Patr icia ('01) and Philip

Annl'tte Hendrickson, Q

D.:nnl� and Evelyn Hdrt'J'.....�

('SO), LC Robt;rt ('73) and Jc.mne Harmon, lC

Michelle ('8S) and Kurt Hellwig. OC

Mark ('95) dnd Christine Henderson, 0



Shin.,y HonTl. "


Andre\'01 ('54) and Marilyn Helling, 0

Kri\tiana Henderson

la' '. n.. .ce {'SO} and Dt'��rly HdUg(:, H, L. 0, OTen


She.ri Heidenrei(h, LC

Derek ('79) and Cristina Heins,

Dan ('82) and Kather :ne Harkins, lC Eltle Harlan. lC


ShHlen� ('73) and 80bby H at','�'J" 0

MorTIS Hauge ('61),

Frank ('59) and Ma. Byn Hanson. OC, OTen

Err�a�;!����t ���Z�e�63

Jnd Oall Hart ;;\:!II. Q

Use (,82) and Maynard Hedegaard, l, OC. OT�n



Albert and Marilyn Hanson,


Susan Hedahl


Dc:nr11S and Deborah Harvey.

ll�,] l'�:17)

Cathertne Marlc� Haug

"'al'1!ien ('84 ), LC

Rolph ('56) dnd 6eby Ann Hanson, L

Webb. 0

Har-m. O

t..J r, ("B 1 )

Kartn ('97) and Sc.oH Hameth,

Merl� ('57) dnd Au':ry Hdoson, 0, OTen

Carol and James Hec.k�r. Q

Sharon Hecker and Bryan

Catl ' .. rlf\ e ('94) and Joseph Hauck, 0, OTen

M.l'tldfll:'t Han ....",


Gurdon and Deborah Hedeen,

Marilyn ('S7) and William Hecht. Q, QTen

Roe Hatlen ("65) and Beverly Thompson Hatlen ('66), H, l, OC, OTe n

Kathe rlne ('88) and �ry..n HJnsen

Lmy ('65) dr\U Lana

JOyce Hdl tvl9�n ('65). H, OC, Qlen


Juli� Hebert

Hatlen, QC, OTen

Jean Hansen, Q

Jlnnle I 'J� '06)


Randall Heath ('90, Q

Nancy Thomas ('74) Heavey. Oc, OTen

Founc!.atlt)n. QC Mark ('82) a:�J ��1ary ('84) Hatlt.n., L OC. OTen .. , . t :> It.:lc fI, lC Rdlph ('52) and Dons (':11)

H�""''''1, 0


H3r�tJd ('89)

(t.t'::t ..' ,d Andl Hart, lC Ha, cld I !.m, Q Kaf(m I I Mt ('70). 0, OTen Oc:;olJh ,lnd Ja mes Hdfi ley, o Cor., ,{t:! ('63) and AII�n HartmJn. L OC, OTen D,H; :(it ('94) dlld lorl



Jc.m t4d�n


RaCine Heacox ('76) and Cynthia Huffman

Ri(hard and Melinda HelUsey,

Hast,t-,vcod, Q

E!IotJie of Dale Hansen ('51), H, OC Gail l-i .,.,

logan ('74) and Verna ('76) Hazen, 0

H.£:ri�on ('74), lC, 0 (lnj Ilolly HoiIr .Ih."w, 0


and Jefirey Hanna,

MIchele and Doug Haymoln. 0 RIChard and Poltncia Hays. 0

C.h� I Y ; diiu j l lc/)drd

Dornt Mae Hane y ( " 62), Q


-Steve Hansen


, , ,

lisCla�d��:�dE��Y!��� 1;85)

John H.:r:.:ad

Den/us ('00) .md Gabrhde Hampton, Q

lifeti me G IVI ng Society H' Hentage SOClfty Q' Q Club Supporter QC . Q Oub QTen , Q Club 1 0 Years M ' , . . . Matchlng Gift Program I , " . . Independ�nt Colleges of W�hlngton LC , , , , lute Club L,,,

Jalmle Hays ('09)

G.H�' and Kelly Harshaw, lC

H .:l� "cr ('9�). Q ('S9)

Brent ('(6) nd Mon. a Hc'ln'ple. Qe. OT�n

Dt!bc:'ilh lC, O

s ('.72) aoJ j,�diy Lou ('13) Ham, 0, OTen


('69) JI1d juhrl H<lrrr,}l1d, Q

VerneU ('5]) a"d Carol H, l, 0(, OTen

Ha rr),

Ha�rl�, lC


CI.:me H.J'11p:on, Q

If you ask Pat Ferguson why she gives to PLU, she has a simple a nd concise answer.

HJrcld�on, Q

(�cl�la ('61) anJ La\'m::n:::e H3rpC!, O

l( ;h� ('OS) and JO,ihua HarrIS i.. :J'i� I t.. �, O N.::m(y ('06) and Jonath.:10

Mdr H.Jmmc. nd ('ul) .•r,j Jt.:�lint'l·Mal le ColOrflbu ('03), 0 H(..jtt cr

"I1"r, ...� ( .)3), 0 A A ·Il.... Co RCilltors, 0 H .. ol jt,o n SdnJla (' SO) an.:! HoJfo�d


K.:!thf,n ('75) and (rtoalf rey Helms, Q

E . DavId ('S5) '):--;d E...n1U! rc'1'l, Q, OTtn Ha �

Fergusons see PLU as an agent of change - for the better

DI,,"� H.I�n t·y


Ake- l3r:d JO ph Horns, LC C..·� IJ �.n c <t f, d La'JI • n(e' H.;rf lS . i tin!!! /iatris ('58), OC, OTen Cht s Co:y and Cadio ('8 7) Harris, 0 Ja�s dnd :drn.ll;) Harris, 0

"1 �-

Karl (' ) Ill".d ?.ob tQp---er, OC


Afll,V.,.. ' i? (''10) and Kmtlim Hilrl1 t\. s. O

Jell "

Jill. ('92)

('90) and w,," Har'"'l , ....". lC


Dcnna Hlln?not.

Su�,.m Ha -.yn, Q

TCHY Ann (Net:n , n) Hornt' ('70) and Rodn�y H.:: rne, 0,

H,lw·....,Jn, 0

Robert ('74) and Carol Hawes, Q

Marlene H.vd�n. ,Q

�':( ...J 1I..,J�n \ 0 1 ) , 0 0.:.:... .... . .... , ('72) and Willlil",


Judy Henry ('OS), 0

Nichel1e H�nry ('05), 0

Ruth Henry

John and Zandra Hensel. H, L, LC St�fanie Hen$h .....J,


Dorothy ('65) and Richard Hemley, O

Cynthia and Rdymond Hen$on, LC Robert Henson



d ) ���� i�;' O��Q�:�



WINTER 201 0 47

Alicia Hinckley

Myrna ('56) and Lawren(e Heppe, 0, OTen

Herbert B,

Jones Foundation, l \<Vi lli<l m ('70) and Cameron (' 7 4 ) Herbert, 0 Herb's Servicenter, Inc Edward ('86) and Karen ('87) Herde, O Harry ('SO) a nd Liz



David ('68) and Ann ('69) Herfindahl, 0

Heritage Bank


Myron and Greta Hertel. 0 Joseph (,96) and Christine Hertig, 0

Her�og-Olson and lance Olson Barbara ('93) and Michael Hesner, OC

Jeannine Hess ('6S), 0 Margaret Hess ('70) 0

H esterly ('86), 0 Cynthia and Guy Hettrick, 0 Johann<l Heussman. l David ('7S) and M ary Jo Hewett. 0 Paul ('77) and Sandra Hewett. Guy

Samuel Hewston ('SO), lC, OC Barbara ('71) and James Heyel. o


Colleen Heyer ('87) and Judd Klinger, l

Ronald ('63) and Miriam ('64) Heyer, L. O. OTen

Joseph and Deborah Hickey­ Tiernan, 0 Cathy

Dennis ('BS) and Hickman, 0

Sharon ('S6) and Geral d ('55) Hickman, OC, OTen Brenda ('87) and Brian Hicks,


Darryl ('75) a nd Kathy H icks, LC, O

Erin Hicks ('99), 0

and Ginger Hk ks, Susan and David


Higginbotham, 0

('87) dnd Tony Higgins,

Phyllis H ig gi n s ('00)

Jeffrey Highland ('69), 0

Richard ('6S) and Connie ('65)

Hildahl, H, L. OC

Roger ('62)

and Joanne Hilddhl. H, l, QC, OTen


and Kristina Hilden, 0 Theodore ('S2) cmd Lisa Hile Christy (,69) and John Hilgers, o

and Thomas

H i l l,

Dusti n H i ll,

Nina ('61) and D aVi d Hill. 0

PPter an d

Shirley Hill, 0 Sheryl and Allen Hill Timothy Cl n d Margot Hill Wayne ('61) and D�borah Hill, l, QC, OTen Bruce ('57) and Yvonne Hille, H, O David ('58)

and Linnea ('64) Hillesland, 0, OTen Donald ('89) and Dolores Hillier. 0

Carolyn Hillis ('57). 0

Catherine ('8B) and David (,89) Hillman. OC, OTen

Daniel ('SO) and Jeanne ('81) Hillman, 0



Nanine Hills. lC

Chris,topher ('80) H i lls, 0

Wendel! Hills.

and Jennifer


Kathryn Hilmoe-Nevels and Richard Nevels, 0


Hilstad ('69), Q

Youlander Hilton ('91), 0

Karen and John Himle John Hinand JOE: and Audrey Hinch, OTen


Susan ('S7)

Ernest Hopp ('4S), l. LC, OC,

Richard Horch, lC

Marilyn an d Robert Hirsh, LC Dale and Sharon Hirz, L. Oc,

Roger ('96) and

Mary Ho rne, Horner Darren ('90) and Jamee Mary and Donald

Ronald Ho

Kathryn Horntvedt ('97). 0 Heidi ('9B) and Stuart Hornung. 0

('58), 0

Helen ('60) and Thomas Hoban, 0

Daniel ('72) and Katherine ('73) Horsfan, L, OC, OTen

Judilh Hoban

Constance Horton, 0 Judy and

l, OC,

W()(ren Horton

and Michael Hobbs Elmer and Sharon Hoc.kman,

Jesse Horwath ('10), 0

rhomas and Jadyn Hodel, lC




Linda and

('74) and Kathryn Ho ff,

Gordon ('58) and U na ('57) HoHenbacker Betty ('6S) and Alfred HoHman, L. OC, OTen

Amy ('S6) a nd Mark ('B6) HoHman, 0 Mavis ('51) and Donald Hoffman, L, 0, OTen

Robert and


Joel Houston

Eric Hogan, 0

Curt and

G ai l Hogenson, 0 James and Georgi<l Hoghaug, LC

Paul and Vesta Hoglund, L, OC, OTen Nita

('B9) and Cody Hostick,


Eve " l n n ('86) and ien �����: O

('00), 0 Rachel ('7S) and Douglas Hovde, 0

Vernon OC


Karen Hoven, l,

Kenneth and Inge Hover

Jean ('60) and Richard Hovet, O, OTen Ronald ('62) and lois Hovey,

O, OTen

Dennis and


Hovis Curtis ('57) and Nola Hovland,

Haines ('63).

0 lee dnd June Hoium, lC

H, l, OC, OTen

dnd Ka' tie Hoium, lC and Cdral)' n HOlem Alice ('55) and Julius

Ordelta Hovland ('58), H, Oc, OTen


Jessica Holden ('07), OC

Patrice Hovland (,S7). lC Howard s. Wr i gh t Constructors, I Sarbara and Max Howard Carrie ('78 ) and Alexdnder

Ddle ('84) and Mary Holland, LC. OC

Dennis ('64) and linda ('6S) Howald, H, l, OC, OTen

Hokenson, 0

Wendy and Mark Holcomb, OC laVon Holden ('67), OC, OTen

Howard, O

H, l. O. OTen Jdme.. ('73) and Randi ('74)

Robert ('63) and H owa rd, H, l

Robert ('80) and Karin ('80) Hoiland, O. OTen

Frank and Bonnie ('93)

Gilbert Holland, Holland, OC


De" drey ��Yl i� ��'���h�Q

Marnee Hollis ('77). Erin Ho llowell ('09)



Edward ilnd Margaret


Terry lee Holm ('76), 0 Bob

and Andrea Holmen, 0 Clarence Holmes, LC Grace ('53) and Frederick Holme.., 0 Mary Ann Holmes ('71), 0 Paula Holmes ('71), 0 Richard ('69) and Karen Hol mes. OC, OTen Roger ('59) and Mdri lyn Holtey, 0 Stephen ('79) and Patty Holtgeerts, 0

Susan ('81) and Thomas Holtzapple, 0 Jo

Everett ('67) and M a ry Holum, l. 0, OTen




Stephen ('SO)

Howard, O


and Karen

Howarth, Q

Holldndsworth (,65), 0



('99) and Tom Huelsbeck, H. OC, OTen


Gordon ('56) and lois ('59)

Huesby, 0

Laurence and Bo nn y l, OC, OTen


Bobbi Hughes Bynum, 0

Colleen and

leonard ('60) and Jeanette ('S6) Ho....e. . 0 Arthul Howel l ('03) Christopher Howell and Mary Stonecypher-Howel" lC Julie Anna ('72) and H . Marc Howell. L, OC, OTen Keith and Doris Ho..wll, Q Sean How�1I ('02), H, L O C Susan dnd Roy Howell, lC Susan ('88) and David Howell. o

LaDonna and

Thomas Hoy

Edmond ('96) and Jennifer Hrivnak

HSBC, 0,


Am ('9S) and O

Sam Hubbard,

Kari ('87) and David Hubbard, O, OTen

Walter ('67) and O. OTen

Joan Huber,

Marilyn ('70) and Ralph Hubert, 0

M Intel Volunteer Grant Program, lC, 0 Tharen ('0 0) and Ch ristop h er


Diane ('75) and James H u nt, Eric ('97) and Nataliya Hunt,


Galven and Virginia Irby, l, OC, OTen


Erica Hunter ('03), 0

Gerda ('92) and Keith Hunter, OC

H untington,

and Thomas Isaacson, 0, OTen Michael Isaacson ('as). 0 Stephen ('76) and Kristine ('7B) l')clacson, OC. OTen

Judith and Roger Isaksen

Pamela ('77) and Kirk I�akson, OC. OTen

Donald ('64) and Mary Jane ('6S) Isensee, l, OC, OTen

Michael Isensee ('92) and Jana Scho1i eld , 0 Philip L � en s ee ('69) and Martha Maier, OC

Karen and Michael Hurlbut, 0 , Kathryn ( B9) and Jo hn ('90) Hurley, OC. OTen Richard ('93) and Monica ('94) Hurley, H, L, OC, OTen Linda

and Robert Hurt.

lois Huseby, 0


David and Helen Huseth, 0

James ('70) and Debordh ('72) Hushllgen, H, l, OC, OTen a J h O J��e��� ���:��� (�7�), OC, OTen Joseph Hustad ('71), OC Roben Husted ('64) David

('77) and Carmella

Brigitte (' 7 1 ) and Jackman

O. OTen

Melissa Jackson ('94), 0 Monica ('96) and John Jackson, 0

Paul Jackson and Cathy VogelJackson, LC, 0

('00) and John Jacob, 0 Frank ('87) and Kerry Jacobs, 0



Brian ('B9) and Jennifer ('9 1 ) Jacobson, 0 , OTen Iris Jacobson, H, l, OC, OTen

Joe Jacobson

John ('60) and Karen ('65) Jacobson, L, LC, OC, OTen Julie ('86) and Steven ('82) Jacobson, OC, OTen

Huycke, 0

Kathryn Jacob50n ('62), 0

Arthur ('78) and Elizabeth


l. QC.

Hydro Physics, 0 Dennis and Ruth Hylilnder, 0 Constance ('75) and larry Hyndman, 0

- 1 -

Karl ('Sl) and Zel da Lavine lams, 0

Julie Jacobson




Matthew Ihle ('B6) and Paula Lindquist ·lhle ('87), 0

Cindi ('77) and Steve Ulman, 0 Reid ar

and Eivor !lvedson

Immanllel lutheran Ch urc h , Centralia, WA. OC Immanuel lu t heran Seattle, WA. OC


Immanuel Lutheriln Church, Silverton, OR, 0


Richard Jany, LC

Edith and Norman Jaques. Ann

and Arthur Jeffrey, lC Donna Jeffries ('92), lC Jeide linda ('8S) Clnd Peter Jekel, 0 Eric ('77) and Annette J ell u m,

Kristen Q

Jemstone, l.l.c, 0

Debbie and Keith Jenkins, 0 Betsy

Kathleen Johansen, lC Johansen, LC S. Johansen, lC John Hancock Mutual life Insurance. O. M W. Marvin and Delore.. Johns. David

O, OTen


Alan John�on ('60), 0

Amelia Johnson ('OS), 0 Anton ('52) and lyndall ('55) Johnson, l. O. OTen Art ('58) and Joan Johnson, 0 AShley Johnson, Q Beatha Johnson ('73), OC, Ron Johnson,

Brett Johnson ('95) and Helen Tennican ('95), OC

Brice ('99) and Julie ('9B) Johnson Briet John�on ( ' 1 0). 0 Carl and lillian Johnson, LC Carol Johnson ('60), 0 Caryl Johnson ('SO), Q

John .. on ('94), 0 and Allen Johnson, H, l, OC, OTe n Daniel ('76) and Darcy ('78)


Cia rene ('56)

Johnson, L, 0, OTen

David ('78) and Sandra ('7 6) Johnson, Q David ('69) and Pa tsy ('69) Johnson, l, LC David ('74) and Ma rlys Johnson, 0

Johnson, l,



Johnson Douglas Johnson (' 74) , 0 E. Marvin ('SO) and Virginid ('4S) Johnson, l, lC, OC,

Kathryn and Alan Janicek, 0


Johannsen, 0

Darrell and

Johnson, OTE'n

Thomas and Janis James. 0

Gary ('68)

Eugene J i n dr a, lC Joan and larry Johannes, lC Estate of Wa lter Johannes, 0 Nolan and Genevieve

Delphine ('71) ilnd

('07). 0

Len Japs


leon and lois Itft, lC


Jestrab, O

Donovdn and Wanda

Johanna James, lC John James ('06), 0


Frederick ('S1) and

Siyao Jia

Debra ('84) and Steve Johnson, QC

('56) Jaeger, lC, 0

Yvonne and Ross Jannesen, Sharon Jansen Kyle Jans..on, 0


Steven ('76) and Coralie Jensen, 0 Bradley (,SO) and Cynthia ('81)

Deborah Johnson

Jaech James ('54) and Constance

, Mel issa Ibanez ( 85), 0

Erik Ibsen ('01) and Cecile Kongsvik-Ibsen. 0

('71) Clnd Karen ('73) Jensen, 0

Jade and Wayne Jensen, 0 li nda ('77) and Carl Jensen, 0 Pame!iI an d John Jensen, 0 Ray ('76) and Joan Jensen, 0 Robert and Jean Jensen, l, 0,

OC, OTen Deborah Johnson,


JClmes Jahnsen



Dean and laVo nne

Thomas ('69) and Kathleen Jacobson, H, l, OC, OTen



Alvin Jensen,

David Johnson ('74), l, lC, O C, OTen

Russell ('5 7) and Margaret Jacobson. 0, OTen


l, Oc, OTen

Christine J ensen ('07), 0


, Aaron ( 0 1 ) and Jennifer ('01)




Son ita ('74) and


Emmer Jackson ('75).

Agnes ('66)


- J -


Charles HvaS5 Bill and Betty Hyde,



Hustoft, O

Gordon ilnd Jean H u ston MarHyn Hutson Norman and Harriet Hutson, Step hen and Shelley Hutson, Daniel and Amy Hutton, 0 Lee ('03) and Megan ('03)

Linda and Janson Iwakami,


Johnson & Johnson,

('02) Iverson,

Janet I......akami. . lC


and Sandra ( '83 ) Johnsen, 0

Greg and Carol Iversen, 0


Sandra ('60) and Frank

Terence. ('S3) and Jennings. OC

Stephen ('75)

Richard Isett and Rosemarie Alexander Islam Family Foundation, l Chet and Annika


James ('0 6)

Joe and Debbie Jeske. 0

Linda (' 76)

Roger Iverson ('59), lC

('B3) dnd Carlene ('83) Hurd, O

Emily Jennings

lindsey ('04) and Jennings. LC

Sandra Jerke, l, OC, OTen

Jennifer ('92) and Tim othy ('93) Irwin, OC, OTen


Malcolm and Beth Jenk.ins Joh n ('63) and Gra(e Jenkinson. 0, OTen Edward and Karen Jennings.

Jenson, Q

lorna Irion, LC

Kristi ('89) and Peter ('90) Isensee. OC. OTen

imd Kosin Hunt,



Intel Foundation, l, OC,


Claude Hunskor ( 5 1 ). O.


W;lIiam Innis,

('01) Inver)o

Ch risto p her Hunt ('OS), QC

Kent and Kat hryn

Jeanne ('Sl) and

H, l,

Intel Corporation





Roberta and Calvin Inouye, 0


Elaine and Russell H umberd. 0 P atti Hume, lC Kay ('96) and Steve Humphrey,


Paul and


Robert Hull, LC


Jay Ingalls, 0

Denise and Kirk Ingertila, 0 lames and Cathy Ingram, 0

Marvin and Cherylyn

Matthew ('95) and Kristin ('95) Hulquist, lC, 0 Normoiln ('73) and Hulscher. 0

Washington, l, OC

Bonnie ('99) and


louise and Franklin Huie Katherine ('82) and Hulings, lC

Edward and Pamel<l ('94) Inch, OC Thomas and Cindy Inch. 0 I n dependen t Colleges of

Innovative Sourcing, Inc., 0

('00) and Seth

Rachetle and Richard

Kim Ina, LC Lon and Sheila Inaba, lC

Regina OC, OTen


Clement and PhyllIS Hunter,

Charles ('79) and Lorettd

linda Hofstad


Samuel ('09)

Judy Houser ('90), 0 David ('B3) and Wendy ('B3) Housholder, 0



Gregory ('SO) and Jean Hostetter, 0

Kristin ('S9) and Michael Houle, Oc, OTen

Diane ('66) and Frank Hogan, laurel ('89)


Hould, O


Monica and

Tina and Dennis Huehl, 0

Thomas Hoskins ('47) and Nancy Magnussen Hoskins ('59), 0


Travis and Lorrie Hoffman. 0

Angel ('97) and Patrick Hofmann, 0

Jeanne ('80) and Paul Hoseth, l, lC, OC, OTen

Mark ('7t) and Susan ('7 1 ) Houglum, OC Theodore and Carol Houk, 0 Daniel ('07) and Angell a ('07)


HoHmann, 0 Paul Clnd Jane HoHmdnn,


' Charles Hosack ( 7 5). 0 Hoseth ('95) and Alison Wigstrom-Hoseth ('93)


Michael ('79) and Ked Hoffman, 0 , Rebecca ( 87) and Charles HoHman, LC

Jean ('70) and

David Horwath,

Kristine ('84) and Hoskins, OC

Aaron Hoffman ('00), 0

Susan ('S1) and HoH ma n. 0


Horning. OC

and Carolyn


Joanne Hudiburg, OC, OTen

Hughes, 0

Horn Photo, Inc., LC

John and Suzanne Ho, 0


Ronald a nd

Ardys ('4S) and Raleigh

Horizon lines, 0


Angela ('00) and Hudiburg, 0

Ramonda ('93) and ('83) H uff, 0


Hirchert, 0, OTen

Raymond ('62) Ho, O


and Chris Hopen, Carla and Art h u r Hopkin') linda and Kenneth Hopkins


Tyler Hildebrand ('06), 0

Molly ('05) and OC


Kimo and l i sa Hirayama. 0 G eo rge ('74) and Karin ('75)



Jennifer ('0 1 )



Stac ey

OC, OTen

Carol Hintze ('56),

Douglas ('77) and Stephanie Hoover, 0


Sarah Hester ('66), 0


Joanne Hinkle ('76). L. OC, OTen

Esther H inschbe rge r

Britta Hobbs Vrosh ('01) and Brandon Vrosh ('OO), 0

' David ('54) and Nancy ('55) Hestenes, O Roseanna He ..ter ('65), 0


Robert ('94) and Jennifer Hines, 0 Sherri and Roger Hines, 0

Sylvia Hjelmeland, 0



Marion Holum ('55), 0 Holy S pi ri t Lutheran Church. Kirkland, WA, OC Virginia Homan Beverly ('72) and Robert Hamler, 0 Carla ('S2) and Todd Hoover, 0

larry Hltterdale ('64), 0

Herzog. L

Sally Hev','ett ('SO) and Roche, OC

('10), OC and Jennifer

Sharon H in z ('82l and John Harvey, 0

Dorothy H�rivel, l, Oc, OTen Gregory ( '88) and Jen nifer ('90) Hermsmeyer, 0 Sonja ('85) and Patrick H erol d,

John and CoHeen OC, OTen

Richard Hines Hansen, 0

Jenkins, 0


Elrna Johnson, l, 0, OTen Emily Joh nson, LC Emmett Johnson, lC. OC Erik ('89) and Miki Johnson, 0 EVd Frey Johnson ('95) an d Kevin Johmon, H, OC Franklin ('66) and Joanne ('69) Johnson, 0 G_ Craig ('96) and Victoria Johnson, 0 Gordon ('54) and Alphild ('53) Johnson, 0

Greg and leann Johnson, 0 Greg ('S2) and Kristin ('84) Johnson, 0

HolI}' ('02) and Brian ('02) Johnson, 0

James Johnson. lC James and Holly Johnson Janice Johnson en). l Joel ('83) and Randi ('84) Johnson. L. Q. Olen Jonathan Johnson ('99), QC Joy ('60) and Robert Johnson. Q, OTen Judy Johnson, Q

Jeffrey ('76) and Katherine ('77) Johnson, H, L, LC. QC, Qlen Keith Johnson ('68) and J a n et Clausen Johnson ('68), Q Keith and Nancy lohnson, Q

KeUy ('01) and Justin Johnson Kenneth ('65) and Terry Johnson. QC, OTen

Kevin and Karen Johnson, Q

La rry Johnson ('60) and Sally Nixon-Johnson ('60). Q , Lars ('6 1 ) and Judith ( 6 1 ) Joh nson. L . Le, QC. QTen

Dwayne ('52) and Diane Jorgensen, QC, QTen K i m Jorgenson ('71)


Susan and Eric orgenson, 0 Paul Jorstad and 8rigitte


Joy Lutheran Church, Eag le River, AK, Q

S tephe n and Ka ren Joynt, LC JP Morgan Chase & Co, L, LC, M

John and Teresa Judd, 0 Inc.

foundation. L. QC

giving back.

Mark and Robyn Joh nson , 0

Marvln Jo hn s o n

to wait Kyle Fra n k l i n

Luke Johnson ('78l, 0

Mary and Kenneth

Johnson, 0

Meg J oh n son , 0, QTen


never waited for the right time to sta rt



attracted by the university's location and its focus on social justice - he began giving, and continued to give. As of last year, he'd contributed

$ 1 0,000 to various

PLU programs,

Ph i l i p and Nancy Johnson, Q

, Rochelle Johnson ( 07), Q

Roderick Johnson ('76) and Tami Sze.rlip, Q Roy (' 60) and Katherine

called to min ister in the jungles o f Africa, but someone is, H he sa i d . H pLU students have the potenti a l to do wonderful thi ngs, - he added. HAnd I can su pport that vocation and


Susan ('67) and Glen J oh nson ,


Theodore Johns,on ('60), H, L. OC, Qlen


Tracie ('90) and rank ('90) Johnson, QC

Whatever the amount of his take-home pay, Fra n k l i n tries to give

10 to 1 5

Helen Johnston HO'Nard and Maxine Johnston,


Ja net Joh nston, 0

percent of his income to charitable causes.

And he q u i ckly dispels the im age that he was one of those rich kids. He came out of school with student loans and worked his way through PLU.

Charmian Jonadll ('61), L. 0, OTen Jones, Q

Floyd Jone s Karin ('8l) and Ro ss Jones, 0

I did, H he sa id of the Q Club schol a rsh ips. H Project Access

Ka thle en ('98) and David Jones, Q


can make a d i fference.

Richard Jones, 0 Richard ('78) and Teresa ('80) Jones, 0

Roberta Jones, lC Ronald and li nda Jones


Shirley ('53) and Preston Jones, Q. OTen Virginia Jones, 0 Susan Jones-Nelson, lC

Lu ther and Dee Jonson, Oc, OTen

Barry ('69) and Sandra Jordahl,


Eric Jordahl ('S81. H, l, Q, QTen

-Barbara Clements

Dav i d ('86) and Julie ('86) K a ng as, 0

Peter ('60) and Karen ('6 1 ) Jordahl, H , l , Q C , QTen Ann Jordan Esther Jordan, 0 Paul ('56) and f ri ed .. Jordan, L. QC, OTen

Karen ('98) and Lance



Scott and Kristine Kennard, Q

John and Jayme Kan iu, 0

Monty and Gail KantoroVlicl�


Carol ('69) and J a mes Ken n edy, 0 Cyn thia ('81) an d Dan ie l Ken ned y, 0

Julie ('63) and John Kennedy,


David ('87) and Christina Kanz,

Kerry ('74) and Beth ('74) Kennedy, l

Dennis ('75) and leslie ('77) Kanzler, Q

Kjirsten Kennedy ('07). QC


Pete.r Kaperick ('10), Q

M<3rilyn and Richard Kennedy, lC

C. and C. Ka rge

Teresa and Thomas Kennedy,

Lind..; and Gregg Karle, LC Laura ('85) and Tim K ar lse n , Q


Terris Kennedy ('75), 0

�:� ��k:��crucker and


Gregory ('67) and Car rol ('67) Karlsgodt. 0, Qlen


Karleen Karlson ('64) and K i ngsley G reene, 0

Glenn Kensmoe, LC

MIChelle ('92) a nd Tim Kensrud, O

Myra and larry Karp Beverly Kasper (,68), OC

Rodney ('58) and Arlene ('59) Kastelle

Marilyn Katz ('57), Q Sharon and John Kauinana, LC

Joseph Jone�, 0



Darryl and Shari Kamna. 0

Alexis Kaullen ('10), 0

HI want to make sure that they have the same opportunities

wait unt i l they've Ha rrivedH to begin givi ng. Even

Ralph and Judy Kendall ('72),

Linda ('03) and James Kammerer, Q

Karen ('68) and Paul Jolly, Q

Elizabeth ('88) and Mark Jones, Q

Fra n k l i n encourages a l umni, especially recent al umni, not to

Don and Jan Kamis

Kathryn and Robert ('89) Jonas, Q

Project Access. He knows many students wouldn't be at PLU

sa i d .

Kat hryn ('82) and Kevin Kendall. Q

Richard and Sharon Johnston Whi t n ey ('01) and Jeremy ('00) Johnston, LC

Kemmer, 0

Richard and Carol Kemp

Carroll ('54) and Delores ('49) K astelle, O

Beverly Jone§, LC

the thought of a student leaving for financial reasons,H he


Marj o y Kallem, QC Abraham Kam

Gary Kasper ('69), Q

Sara Johnston, Q

Gurn and LaCinda Kelly, lC

Michael ('83) and Joni

Mark ('94) and Hoa Jo hns ton,

Ch ristoph er ('76) and J anelle

started when the economy bottomed out, and I would hate

Usa Kellogg ('01), Q

Kalista, Q

Craig and Catherine Karwal, 0

To a large pa rt, that explains his affinity to both Q Club and without the help of scholars h i ps.

Pat Ke ll ey, L, QC v. C. Kelling

Roxanne Kala ('0 I), Q

Lisa Johnston and 10hn Katibah, O


ca l l i ng with my gifts.H

Kristen Kalbrener ('78), 0

Carolyn and Steven Kanuch, Q

D. Britton and Lori Johnston, 0

- I know for myself I'm not cal l ed to cure cancer and I'm not


K ari n K ell y


Susan Johnson,

gives so much, and gives at all while he's st i l l in school.

Estelle Kelley ('82), l, OC

Aron ('99) and Michele Kaipainen, Q

Cory Kantorowlu: ('OS), H, QC

Sue ('13) and Carl Joh nso n, 0, OTen

Robert ('55) and Betty ('58) Keller, H, L, QC, QTen Wayne Keller ('B2) and Lynn Tschantre-Keller, Q

Ellie and John Kahelin Canly Kah ler, LC

Johnson, H, QC, OTell

This dogged determination to giving contin ues as Fra n k l i n

Ministries for three yea rs, admits he's often asked why he

Larry and Karen Keller, QC


Jim and Vera Kalkwarf, lC

Ruth Johnson ('47), L, QC,

Fran k l i n, who worked as program special ist in Campus

- K Bruce and Barba ra

Noreen Johnson

including Q Club, the Women's Center and Project Access. pursues h i s graduate deg ree i n Spokane.


Christopher Rallo ('OS), OC

Mich a el ('B3) and Sherrie ('02)


Lute Club

Kari Keller ('02) an d

Jim and Carol Kaliamos. 0

Paul Johnson ('71), 0, QTen


JoDee Keller and Wi ll i a m as plica

Phyllis Jurkovich ('SO), 0

Michael and Lan" Joh nso n, lC

Paul ('76) and Janet Johnson,

When he fi rst started attending PLU as an undergrad - fi rst

(olleges of

Jessica ('02) and Ty1er Jurasi n,

N oel ('76) and Patricia ('75) Johnson, 0 Pamela ('90) and Dou g las Joh nso n, 0, OTen


I . . . . . . Independem LC .

Ember Junge


Marian Johnson ('46), 0


H.. Heritage Society Q Club Supporter Q. QC Q Oub QTen . . 0 Club 10 Years M . . . . . Matching Gilt


Lorelei untunen ('97), 0

Jim ('5 8) and Patricia Joh nson , Luella Johnson ('40), L, 0, OTen


Jumpstart Com pu ter Train i n ,

. Ufelime Giving


June a nd Julian foss

Lawrence Johnson ('75), 0

When It comes to giving, recent grad sees no reason


Ronald ('59) and Jeri Jorgenson, QC

Jam� ('53) and Lee Kau th, l, lC. Oc. OTen Burley ('92) and Winona ('92) K�....asaki, . QC

Bruce ('83) and Dawn ('83) K en t, 0

Priscilla Kepler, Q Darren Kerbs ('96), H, QC. OTen

Patricia Kerns, Q, QTen

David ('76) and Kathleen ('77) Kerr, QC, QTen Jennifer ('00) and Avery Kerr,


John and Cecile Kerr, lC

Darlene Kerwin, Q, Qlen

David ('70) and Mary Kesler, 0 Kes§ler Rentals, LC

Charles ('85) and Kathryn Kessler, 0

Rocco and Rogene Kay, Q Cathy Kayser ('92), Q

Joan and Kenneth Kessler, LC

Sue Kearns, LC, Q

a K ittelson Keating ('73)

li n d

and John Keating

Carolyn Ke-ck ('62), Q

Cassie and Bryan ('97) Ketcham, LC

Kaley Ket tering Key Foundation,

0, M

Beverly ('87) and Andrew Kee,

Key Ba nk, l, QC

Kenneth ('03) and Holly Keeler, Q

Whitney Ke�'es ('89) Edward and Elizabeth Keys, Q Emily Keys ('00), Q


Michael ('87) and Georgina K eene, 0

Keene, Q William ('65) and Ca rolyn ('66) Rebecca

Kees, H, OC

William Keilman, LC

�d';.��im and D. Katharine

Je H

M ichael ('86) and Sari ('87)

Keirn. Q

Michael and Barbara Keys, OC

Morgan Keys ('07). Q

Mary ('60) and John Keyser, 0 Sandra and Harold Keyser Lee ('74) and Carot Kichen, Q Katherine Kidd ('71). L. Q

d Brenda Kidd,

Thomas ('70) an


Andrea ('81) and Robert K iehl,

Ann Kelleher, OC, OTen , Dale ('53) and Joan ( S3) Kel ler, L. OC, Olen


Winifred Kildahl, 0 Kenneth Kilen ('73) and

Dan and Barbara Keller

francine Miltenberger, QC, Olen

Emily Keller. Q

Gloria ('54) and Walter Keller,

Patricia and David Killen, L

Jacklyn ('69) and BiH Keller, 0

Michael ('91) and Amy ('92) Kim, LC, 0





Rose (,02) and Ste-ven Kimball, Q

, Timothy ('79) and Seth ( 80) Kobernik, O

Kin re���altta���� ����'h

Kandice Koch LJera ('84) and Jorge Llera, OC, OTHl

Erik ('79) and Christine Kindem, Q

Kn o t r n j e �! �� �� �� �D Q h c i , , C

Katharine King and Rita Damberger, LC

Kimberly ('90) and Joseph ('92) King, 0

Mart ('68l and James King, 0

Steven King (78), OC OTen

Thomd.s King, lC

Valda ('73) and Gundar King

Jerome and Carol Kiniry

Craig clnd Cynthia Kinnie, QC

Fay Kinsley, lC

Douqtas ('79) and Elizabeth , ( 79) Kirkpatrick, 0, OTen

James Kittllsby ('60), L, LC, Oc, QTen Kim Kitt.i lsby ('84)

Timathy ('S4) dnd lisa ('84) Kitti lsby, l, LC. QC, OTen Joel Kittinger ('93), QC

KiwaniS Club ParklandSpana\o....ay

Christine Kjenner ('85)

Michelle ('87) and David Koblas, 0, OTen

Gar! and Mavis Koch, H, l, OC, QTen Gregory Clnd Dawn Koch

Robin Koch ('94) and Rich(lrd Seeger, L wilbert Koch ('52), l, OC, QTen

Jan and Maria Kocian, 0

Kyoko and Nobuyuki Koda, 0

Charlotte Koebel ('60), 0

Thomas ('Sl) and Katherine Koehler, LC Shannon ('93) and Erick Koehnen, OTen

Donn ('54) and P(ltricia ('56) Koessler, 0, OTen , Gary ( 85) and Wendy ('85) Koessler, 0, OTen , Paul Koessler ( 87) and Rebecca Clayton Koesslp.r, lC Timothy and Rita Koester, 0

Randal ('S3) and Ma Yi:ln Koetje, Q

Ellen Kjesbu

Curtis ('78) and Michele ('78) Koger, OC, OTen

loren Klabunde ('94), LC

Gregory and Deby Kohlwes, 0

Erik and Marcia Kjesbu, 0

Mary ('80) and Jeffrey Klaiber. Q

5andra Klapperich

Kenneth and Lois Klarquist, H, l, OC, OTen Robert ('69) and 8yrna ('70) KJavano, Q, OTen

Cynthia ('76) and Robert Klein, L, QC, OTen

Jeanette and Eric Klein, Q Joanne ('63) and Richard Klein, L, OC, OTen

Karen Klein

Kirsten Klein ('9 5), 0

Stephen Anthony ('83) and Colleen Klein, LC

Herman and Barbara Kleiner

Klett Family Trust. H , L, OC

Joel ('74) and Barbara Klett, L

le\' Kline

Mabel Klingen berg, LC

Marian Kli ngensmith, H, 0, OTen

il Kat�l� ) ��!� ��� ;2. �Ten h

Michael and Linda Klokow, 0 Ki:lr<:l {'98) and Timothy Klotz

T1mothy ('92) and Aunika Kluchinsky, Q

Glen ('69) and Pamela ('69) Kluth, QC

Doreen and Jon Knapp, 0

Jessica ('05) and Josh Knapp, 0 Bill and Carol Knebes

David ('64) and Diane Kniefet, 0 Nancy ('85) and Paul Kniest, Q

ClaIre ('66) and Ken Knight, 0 David ('82) and Anita ('82) Knight, L

Jason Knight (,00), QC

Terry and Elizabeth Knight Katherine Kni�ter; LC Kent ('74) ()nd Susan Knobeliluch, 0

Cannie ilnd Robert Knoblauch, lC

Reuben a-nd Tamara Knobliluch, 0

Stephen and Mary Knoff Katherir.e Knorr ('7 1 ), 0

William and Gail Knowles, Q

Gar d Penny Knowlton, 0, 6:e� David and Ann Kno x, 0

David and Ruth Kohler

Karen and Robert Koh l\·..,es, LC

Trula Knudson, LC

Carmen Knudtson ('S1)

Michael ('81) and Debra ('81) Knudtzon, O

David ('99) and DakotCl ('00) Krueger, 0

Oavid ('80) and Laurel ('BO) Krueger, OC, OTen

Kristin ('90) and Bob Krueger, O, OTen Nancy ( ' 74) and Ray Krueger, Q

Gregory ('88) and Barbara Kruger, 0

Kimberly Krumm ('83), lC, 0

Dennis and Brenda Kruse, 0

Rebecca Knmarzick ('10), 0

Bernd ('70) and Karen Kuehn, Q, QTen

Richard ('00) and Julie Kuehn, LC

Von ('66) and Elizabeth Kuehn, 0

Dalene and Larry Kunkel. 0

Allan ('70) and Mary Kollar, L, lC. OTen

Ann ('65) and Ronald Kolzing, Qe, OTen Robert Komac ('69), 0 Philip ('82) clnd Su�ie Komornik, O

Marlene ('67) and Nick Konen,


Lola Kooley

Cheryl ('72) and Thomi:i� Koonsman, 0, OTen Kjn,ten Koos, LC

Mary Kaos, lC

Jason and Angela Kors, 0

John Korsmo Construction Inc. John ('84) and Lisa ('S7) Korsmo, L, OC, OTen

Janice and Jas Korstange

Stacia and Stan Koshak, LC

James ('SO) and Carol Koski. lC Joanne and Kenneth Kostka Carl and Patricia Kostol, Q Belte and Louis Kotlarz KPMG LLP, Q, M

Tara ('84) and Frederick Kraf, Q Betty Krafft, 0

Jim and Linda Kuhlmann, 0 Kate Kuhn ('08). 0

Holly ('92) and John Kulits, 0 Jeanne ('80) and Torn Kundig, Q Kunkel Farms, Inc., 0

Anne ('84) and Richard Kunkle, LC

Karen and Randolll Kunkle Marjorie Kunschak ( ' 5 1 ) Lita K u rt h ('09)

Suzanne Kurth. lC

Nathan and Shelly ('98) Kurtz, Q

Peggy ('89) and Davtd Kurtz, Q Martin (,S8) Clnd Shawn Kurtzahn, Q

Paul ('70) and Teena ('70) Kusche, O

Lois and Norman Kutscha Marietta ('59) and Glen Kuykendall, 0

Olaf Kvamme ('46), Q

Tom ('82) and Janice Kvamme, Q Neil ('58) and Rose Kvern, 0

Lloyd and Audrey Kvernvik, Q Craig ('92) and Stacy Kvinsland, 0 Eugenia Kvinsland ('38), L, 0, OTen

Jon ('63) and Mari Kvinsland, H. L, LC, OC, OTen

C. Todd ('84) and lisa Marie Kraft, H, O

Ma r t Kv\ns!i:ind ('40), L, 0, o,� �

Cyndee Kraiger ('84) and Brett Burris, L, 0, OTen

Andrew ('84) and Marie Kyllo, Q

Robert and Peggy Krakenberg, lC

Paul and Julia Kyriss, 0

8eth Kraig and SlJzanne Kli nger, L, 0, OTen

Richard ('59) and N aomi ('59) Kraiger, L, QC, QTen Jeremiah Kramer ('02), OC

Mary Kramer ('77), 0, OTen , Rebecca Kramer ( B7). LC Ste

ne C r-�6)����:t�, ��!�

Edwin ('59) and Maureen ('60) Kranu, L, OC

Robert ('79) and Mclrian Kratzke, LC, Oc. QTen Jace ('04) and Ellen ('04) Krause

Konstantinos ('65) and Constance ('67) Kravas, L. lC


Ellen and Steve Krebs, 0

Kurt Krebs ('85), 0

Sandra ('65) and Roger Kreis, l, QC, QTen

Melanie ('84) and Keith Kreiger, 0




,ad cholarship a fitting tribute to a PLU leader auaAl.&&D ..

Philip and Judy Kut:hnert

T(lhlia Kuether ('10)

Janice ('59) and Peter KolJoen, Q

Richard ('55) and Beverly ('55) Knutzen


Inga Kromann-Kelly, LC

David and Elaine Krueger, 0

James and K()ren Kullnat, 0

Heather and 8rE't Kreier


Elsie Kristoffersen

E luther ('52) and Charlotte ('59) Kroenk, 0

William ('63) and Gloria ('63) KolI, L, OC, OTen

Lowell ('51) and Shirley Knutron, OC, OTen

Marilyn Knutson ('59), H. L. oc. OTen

Debra Kristensen ('80) and Kurt Anderson, 0

Tommi ('00) and 8rian (,Ot) Kukl ish, lC, 0

Melissa ('98) dnd Robert ('96') KolI. O

Pamela ('87) and Keith ('S8) Krass.n

Richard ('68) and Rene Knudson, Q

yn e �r:��� 8t Q��

Margery and Gerald KolI, 0

Gerda ('S7) and T"'eodore Knudson, 0

Mark ('70) and Sue ('70) Knudson, H, l, Oc. OTen



Robert ('67) and Anas thasia Krieger, L, 0

Henry Kuhlman, 0

Tracy ('94) and Andy Kramer, Q

Katherine Knudson ('69), 0


Carol ('90) and Kenneth Kolasinski, LC, Q

Angie ('97) and Scott (,97) Kolbet, 0

Karen ('61) and Norman Knudsen, 0

Lauren and John Knudsen, 0

Jen n and r�:�re���;n���, 3�'

Amy and Richard Kress, 0

Ozzie Kvithammer ('66) and Anne-Lise Berger, OC

Helen Kyllo ('50), H, L, LC, 0, OTen

- L -

Lois ('70) and John La Curan, Q

Joanne ('64) and Scott La Framenta, 0

Mark and Patricia La Haie. 0 Kristen LaBate ('07)

Karolyn Labes ('91). OC, OTen Paul ('55) and Janet ('59) labes. H. L. QC, QTen

Nancy ('64) and Larry Laballe, Q

Nathaniel and Glori<1 Labrador, Q Rebecca ('96) ilnd Kristopher Lachenmaier, OC, QTen

Stacie ('97) and Edward ('97) Lacina, Q

Wayne ('87) and Vickie ('79) Lackman, 0

Karen ('72) and John Lacko, 0

Jeffrey ladd ('08). Q

Nils and Lois Lcldderud

Gifts in memory of a loved one are a cherished part of the close relationship with the unive rsity that are often built by PLU famil ies. There is surely no more poignant example of this than the esta b l ishment of an endowed sc ho l a rship by fa m i ly and friends in memory of Marvin J . Ramstad '38. The sc holarship i s the recognition and reaffirmation of the significance of one young man's college expe rience, a n experience that tota led only two years but wou l d serve h i m for a l ifetime. I n 1 936, at age 1 6, Marvin Ramstad left the family farm in N o rth Dakota after graduating from high schoo l . H e was headed to Pacific lutheran Co l lege where h i s cousin, Anders Ramstad (for whom Ramstad Hall was later named), was a professor of sc ience, mathematics and religion and dean of men. It was Anders Ramstad's role as founder of the PlC footba l l program that would change Marvin Ramstad's l ife. " Dad spent two years at PLU earning h i s AA degree and absolutely loved playing football there, n sa i d Marvin Ramstad's daug hter, J udge Sheryl Ramstad. " H e would often te l l us how he considered his time at PlU to be when he really got his sta rt i n l ife and how it gave him h i s fondest memories of college. H Sheryl Ra mstad said the family cou ld think of no more fitting tri bute than esta b l ishing a scholarship. "He was proud of his PLU heritage, " she said. H is time at PlU served Ramstad well. He went on to earn a degree in m i n i ng engi neering from the U niversity of Washington, ta k i n g time off to pay for school by working i n a gold mine northeast of Fairbanks, Alaska, near the Arctic Circle. He served as a naval officer in World War II, met and married Della Mae Fode and eventually settled i n North Dakota. Employed in h i s fath er-in-I aw's automobile and machi nery business, Ramstad rose through the ranks to retire as president and CEO of Midwest Motors. The M a rvin J. Ramstad E ndowed Sch olarship, total i ng $25,000, was funded 50 percent by Sheryl Ramstad and her brother, former U.S. Congressman J i m Ra mstad, and 50 percent by more than 200 other family and friends. That ma kes it among the gifts with the l a rgest number of contrib utors in university history. -Greg Brewis

GloriCi La f ran ch i . lC Steven ('92) and E ri nn lakey, Q Joe a nd Jeannine laky, Q Eev La l on e D i a ne a nd n t h o ny laMag n a, Q Dawnell Lamb, H, L. QC Isa be l le Lamb, 1 Lori Lamb, Q



David Lamberson and Joyce Ta ute

Elizabeth ('70) and David Lambert. 0 MelissCi ('8 1 ) and Steve Lamoreaux, OC, QTen

Marti ('80) and Ala n lampe, Q Ld nd O'lakes Inc

Landskov, OC, OTen

William and Arlene landwehr, Q


and Da niel lane,

Howard ('65) a n d Mary lang,


Linda ('91) and Dav id ('64) Lang, 0 Lonnie ('75) and Joan langdon, 0


Erik ('91) and K rf tine ('91) la nge, 0 Jens langebrek ke ('04) Andrea Langeland ('89), 0

Liz Langeland ('85), Q

Joyce and David la ngley, lC Philip ('63) and Carolyn Langston, 0

Shawn ('89) and Shelie-I ('88) Langston, lC, 0

Lori and

Larry Langsweirdt, lC

Deborah Lanning-Wade ('93) and William Wade, OC

L ni

an i n 9 ('72) and Bo n e Vallton, 0, OTen



Duane and Pe ggy OC, OTen

N ei l

Lansverk, l,


a pi d us

Karin ('89) find Deon LaPierre, Q

Anne ('92) and Gene Larsen, 0 Betty Larsen, LC

Bjorn Einar ('94) and Lilineth Larsen, QC

Carl and Janice la rsen , lC

Donald ('S8) and Janice Larsen.. 0, OTen

Gary and G dys Lar�en, lC Ivan ('62) and Kristine Larsen, Q Joseph and Anne larsen, 0

K erry and Richilrd larse!n, 0 Oliver ('60l and carol ('60) larsen, 0

Ronald and Erin la rsen , lC Sumerlin Larsen ('01), OC

Abigail Larson. 0

Carl Lilrson ('71), L, Oc, OTen

Curtis ('8 1 ) c.nd l, QC, QTen

Cindy La rs on ,

David ('83) and Jen n ifer ('84) Larson, 0

Doris dnd Ouentin Larson

D ua n e larson ('75), 0 Arthur ('47) and Larson, l, LC Ed

lorraine ('47)

n 5 l�r!;:? �, � ��;��: J�en

Gwrge C'65) <lnd Norma Ldrson, 0, OTen

Georgi., ('58) a nd H, QC. QTen

lars Larson,

Howard Lar'.ion ('63), l, 0, OTen James ('64)


and Linda larson,

J e ffr ey ('90) and Fumiko


John and Jo Larson

Larry ('67) a d Kare n La rson, l, QC, QTen


Margaret larson, L, OC

Maria Larson (' 5 1 ),




Me lv in larson, 0 Michael C'S3) and Beco larson, lC. QC, QTen

i nda ('73) Larso", OC, OTen


Richard ('54) an d Sharon larson, l. lC, OC, OTen

Robert and JoAnn larson, l, OC, OTen

Robert lar'lion ('00), OC, OTen Ronald ('71) and linda ('73) Larson, 0

latham, 0

Kristin latham ('98),


lo ne lathrop, Q

Marclls Le Master ( ' 9 1 ) and Ve lie Vee, lC

Jeanne and Ernest lindstrom

LeMay Family Foundation , H. Eugene ( 62) and Carla ('64) LeMay,

l, QTen

Ki mberly a nd

David lemen, Q Joan ne ('12) a nd Bili lemke, 0 N orma ('63) and Gerald

lemke, 0

Felicia and James Lindus, 0

Stanley and Ulla L i nd wood James and Christy Lineweaver, Q

Trent ('88) and Siauw Ling, L, QC, QTen

Colfeen ('93)

a nd Raj

Eric ('97) and Emily Lati mer, 0 e and Walter latimer, 0

Susan and Michael Linke, LC

Tiffany lemmon

Joe and Tammy Linn, 0

8rian ('95) and Melissa Laubach, Q, QTen

Joseph lenberg ('63), lC John lennon ('61) and Brie Bergman, l, OC, QTen

Chelsea Linsley ('10), Q

Kristina leo na rd ('OS)

James and Robyn linxwiler, 0

Ja n

Mary Latimer

Nadine Ann ('62.) a nd Verner laursen, Q R eg i n a l d (' 66) an d J eri ly n ('68) Laursen, Q

Ross ('92) and Dana ('92.)

Laursen, l, OC, OTen G r o r ia laush, lC Jane

and Kev i n laVig ne, Q la w OHice o f David B. Johnson, lC

Dawn ('99) and Tefry lawrence Kath leen lawrenCe" ('68),


Margo ( SO) '

Sharon ('62) and Frank Lav.s, 0

John (,89) and Carolyn lawson, 0

linvog, lC

Anna leon�Guerrero and Srian Kathryn LePard ( '74) Schroeder, Q

Te resa litt ('89), 0

William ('69)

and lu Ann

leonard, 0

Sull ivan



l r

William ('63) a nd Ded n n e Less l y, 0

Jorge L1era, OC, OTen

Kelly lester, L OC, OTen

Molly Loberg ('981. 0

Robert ( '54) and Jeanette

James (76) and Lori lockert, 0

lester, 0

Lodge Norden "233 V.O.A.

Robert lester ("80), l, OC,

Anthony C'95) and Meredi th

layton, Q Carolyn le Fevers ('93) an d Frank lefever�, 0 Ch r ist i ne leAir ('06), Q Richard ('70) a nd Pe-nny ('68) ledke, lC

Pa-trida ('76) and Kenneth leal , O

John ('66) and Kathleen ('66) le-ander, l,

QC, QTen K r ist i n e lea nd e r

Carol and John levan dows k i , Q

Barbara ('84) and vVi lliam Lear

Douglas ('96) and Jo e Lear, 0


Barbara leary

Marilyn ('53) and J ac k leatherman, Q

Wynn and Suzanne lo i l and 0



Erik lewerenz,

Rebecca and Dan i el lewinski,



Lewis, 0 DaVid lewis and E l l en G ree n,

Dean and Tamara L ewis, 0

and Catherine lewi s, Q

Karen ('69) a nd M icha el


Karsten Le\.·..is,


(!nd Mckenzie lee Anne ('S4) and Robert lee, Q August u s lee and D ia n e E l l io t lee, QC 80b lee ('58), 0 David and Ju l i e lee EliZabeth ('74) and John lee, Q E ric and Roberta lee, Q Eun Ja(' lee , Q , Hak lee ( 07), Q Joseph ('00) an d Mdria lee, Q Karen lee ('S8), 0

Piper Peterson Lee ('86) ilnd Mark lee, 0, OTen Robert ('76) and K risti lee, lC Rob ert Lee ('07), 0 Solveig Lee ('58), 0, OTen William ('55) and Neva leed,

0, QTen

Jdme:s left ('88) and Carolyn lee, Q

Carol ('60) and David Legg, 0 K evin lehr, lC Oc, QTen

Birdena ('86) an d Michael

leini nger, 0

Susan leise, 0 DeCamp, 0

Philip Leith ('06) Paula and St eve OTen

leitz, l,

Jerome and Jo Ann

lC. Q



Edith ('65) and Ronald leland, Q

Julie ('94) and M ichael ('94) leMastl?r, Q

Charles and Rosalie lundin, Q Robert a nd Heather


Ric h ard ('59) and Anita ('59) londgren, l, OTen

Donilld and Dot1i long John and Sara long lawrence ('69) and R<1elene Michelle long ('84),

Sha ro n longmire, Q



, .

Society Heritage SlXiety H. Q Club Supporter Q.. 0 Club QC . QTen , .Q Club 10 Years M . . . Matching Gift Program . . Independent Colleges of

lundquist, 0


Susan lundquist and Philip Beckman, Q



Kar5ten ('64) and Kirsten ('64) lund ri ng, QC, OTen

Finn lunoe and Cheryl Chesnut, 0 d Lisbeth L usk , �;e�

8rendan Mdngan ('83), 0, OTen

lutheran Community Foundation, lC, OC

Diann Mangan. 0, OTen

Jason Mangold ('92) a nd Karen LCl rd Mangold, 0


Debby WaHen Ma n ning and Ronald Manning, Q

Vicki ('69) an d B ri a n M ann x,

Joan Manolis

and Jeffrey Manser, 0 Raymond Manske, 0 e and Mark Manso, lC Randy Man th ey, Q Erik ('98) and K i mberly ('95)

Robert ('7 1 ) and Judy lycksell,


Alexander lyle ('08), Q



Nicholas and enni fer Lyman

Zachary lyman, Q

Andrea ('77) and Bo b Lynch, 0

lynch ('56), c

Grace lyn h


Karen lynch ('58)

Heidi lynn ('90), 0


a ren ol nd




James and Anne Luzzi


lute CltJb


Dou�las ('57) d nd Crlfol ('57) Mandt, 0


lutheran Church of the Ma st e r, Pasco, WA, 0, OTen


a l d Lyn n

8ecky Lynne ('83) and Douglas Dyer, 0

Susan Lyon ('82)

Mari ('96) and Daniel ('91l)

lysne, OC, OTen Sh erri e lyt le

Steven and

Joni and


Claudette ('60) and Joseph Manzo, 0

J a n i� Maracie, lC Florence Marc h Diane ('77) a n d Steven ('82) Marcotte, Q Harold and I nge Marcus, OC, OTen

Marguerite Casey Foundation, l, QC Mark ('98) clOd Erika ( ' 97 ) Ma r i an i , O Ronald and Vicki Marll m , 0

Ma ry and David M a ri ng Tom and Diane Mark, Q

- M -

Geoff and Anna ('93 ) loomis, Q

As h ley lopez ('08), 0


. Lifetime Giving

Dan ('65) and Christine ('65) Marken, l, OC, OTen

Cha rlene

F. Lewis.-Hawkins, Q

Keith ('72) a nd linda lor as, 0

Emily Marks ('10). 0

Richard lewnau ('70), 0

William and Carolyn loranger, Q

John and louise Maakestad, l, QC, OTen

Dean ('58) and Mary Libner, Q Carol ('87) and Steve Lidb erg,



and Amy l idd le, 0

Susan and Lars liden, OC

Gerald ('47) and Mildred ('46)

lider, OC, OTen

Kirk ('82) and Carol ('82) Lider, O, OTen

Leontina and B re tt Lynn and William

Liebe, lC li ebe, lC

Do u91as ('70) and Ingrid

lIeberg, O

Marie lieberg ('07), OC

K re a

n ( '78) lC

a nd Da n i el l ie bert,

Elizabeth Anne lien ('76), 0

Ea r l (,58) and


liesener, 0

Li nda Lou ('62) and Jerry light,


Carole Lightell, l. 0 Peter and Constance Liljengren, 0 Prakash ('),S) and Nandini Limaye, 0, OTen

John ('52) and Marion ('53) Liming, l, OTen

JoAnn ('n)

and Richard

Delo res Li ndah l

Sarah and Burton

Lindah l

Susan lee ('67) and Richard li ndberg, 0

Debra and David linde!, LC, 0

Cheryl leiter and Ken net h

Bryan lundgaard ('82), lC


M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, � Q, M

lincoln, 0

leichtman, Q

Ann ('S5) and Dona ld leighty,

Ian ('B4) and Donna lunde, Q Gene ('51) and Marian ('51) lundgaard, l, lC, Q, QTen


Sara lopez ('83) and E lea nor

Mercedes lick felt

Aaron ('02)


Megan Le-.vis ('02), 0 Wi l lia m ('63) and Harriet lewis

Di ane ledger ..... ood ('65), 0


\."lI ,


Joyc e ('62)

, ( 7 1 ) long, 0


Dorothy leyden

VICt or ('71) a nd Karen ledou)(,

loftu s ('59), Q Gerald ('63) a n d Judy Lohn, 0

H i l a ry ('95)

Gary Lebow ('85), 0

Paul leCoq ('7a). l, QC, QTen


K e n ('62)


Lea rn i n g is Forever/l.l.F.E.

Donald and Helen lofton, LC

Daniel and Sara levant

Robert dnd Joa n leven s

Roger lu nd blad ('61), lC, QC,

Darrell and Joanne lundby, Q

Debordh and David lyman

Donald ('91) and Kristine (,90) Lofton, L lC, 0, OTen

and lohre, Q

Justin Lunday ('04),

lC lC

OC, OTen

and Rose lot, OC Pat/ieia loftin, 0


Michelle Letourneau ('81) and John lum, 0

and Kathy lu msden, i n


Kandice Koch L1era ('84) and



lutheran Church of the Good Sh epherd, SdCfamento, CA,

Jesus lizama, lC

David and Patty Lester, 0


Katie luther ('02)

Walter livingston, OC, OTen

lois ('83) and Jerrold Lerum


Aaron Lunday ('03),


litt l ejoh n, Q Montel ('69) dnd



Carolyn ('59) and David

Darcher, H

Jeffrey ('SS) <:Ind Molly

Samuel ('99) and Hilary ('00) Lester, 0

ld�"Ner, lC Beverly ('65) and Thomas Layton, Q

Joanne lisosk,' and Mie.hael

Carrie li tt le


Ronald ('61) and Judy ('62) e ch , OC, OTen

Mary and Kendall lawson

Ronald dnd Karen la\.'Json. lC


R ic h dfd and Lori Lioy, Q le rem i e ('97) and Beth ('97) l ipto n, 0

Grdce leque-Brown ('48) Robert Srown, 0

Sharon and Paul lave II

Paul ('91) and Taml linnerud,

Douglas ('68) a n d Betty ('6S)

David leonard, OC

Ja nice Laukaitis, Q Robert ('SO) and Karla

larry ('18) and lew/rence, 0


Stephen emonds ('72:). lC, OC

Dean lueck, Q

Cynth ia Lujan ('S9), Q


lingappaiah, 0

Ralph Lemke ('77), 0

Kalman ('72) and Alice


Paul ('73) and

Helen ('57) larson, l, QC, QTen Gregory Larson, Q Edith and Simon lasfetto, Q D dvi d ( ' 8 1 ) and Sarah ('S1) lashua, lC Claudia ('67) and Ronald

Launhardt, Q

Arthur land Eric and Linda landen, 0 R obert and Sharon landrud Julie ('66) a nd Arthur

Marcia ('95)

Selmer ('50) and

Tammie and

Theodore ('77) and Patrice

Linde, 0

John and Ma ry lindeblild, OC W.

li ndel ('80),

l, QC, QTen

William ('69) and Susan ('69) Lindeman, OC, OTen

Timothy lindemeier ('87), OC Michelle

L ndgr n i


('09), 0

Kristin lindlan (74). 0

Richa rd ind Gail Lindquist, 0 Amy Lindsey ('99>. 0

McElvaine, lC


Lord of life lutheran Church, Renton, WA, Q Russell and Denece QTen

lord, Q C,

Norman lore-ntzsen and

Donna Boller, H, l, LC

a nd M'l(g lorentzsen, l, lC

Thomas ('67)

Carleen lorenz, 0

,Erik lorenz ('90), Q,

Q Ten

Gerald ('65) and Janet (' 66) lorenz., L, lC, QC, OTen

Robert ('68) and Caren lorenz, lC, OC

Theresa ('S8)

lorenz, 0



Ja me ('93)


laurie ('92)

B etty

and Jeremy Los, 0 lott ( '7 6), Oc, OTen

Henry Loughman, 0 Julie Anderson love ('86) and Gregory love ('83), 0 Kay love, lC Jennifer lowdermilk and Thomas SaathoH ('861, 0

Daniel ('S6) and Paula Lowe

Phillip and Lynnaeo

lowe, 0

N orm an and Debora lowery,


Karen ('72) and Norman Lubahn, 0 Erika ('99)

and Benja mi n lucas, 0 Lori and Joe luchak, lC PatriCia luc k a Andrea (, 9 1 ) and David ('88) lucky, OC, QTen

Donnd lucky, 0, OTen

Bruce ('73) and Sharon ('74) ludeman, Q

Jonathan and He ludeman, QC

id i ( OS ) '

Anne ('80) and Tom lu d low, 0


Ma � a


' 6 and ;i�i�i\

Terry ludwig ( '73), lC

Cynthia ('85) and Glen luebke, ' Q

Judy and Walter Maass

Kurt ('80) and Robin Maass, 0, QTen

M. Farrar

Keith Macfie, lC

J mJackson, a l a

.s M cl vai e a nd Judit h




Shana Macleod ('92) and Michael DeArmond, Q

Will a nd Debbie Marlow, LC Inc.

J o h a n na ('72) a n d Clarence M arq u a rd t, lC Marlaine Mars ('76), 0

Duante' Marschall

Diane M.1fsh, LC

Ha wa i Comm u n i ty


Patrick ('83 ) and Pau l i no

Foundation, l

Madde", OC

Ka ren d n d D o na ld

David and lynda Madeira

Stephen and Barbara Madison,



M d rsha l

li ndsey Marshall ('OS), 0

Pa me la Marshall ('95). 0 Shanna ('94) and Travis Marshall, O

Kathryn ('50) nd Ra lp h Madsen, 0, OTen


Cara Magallon ('03), 0 Alan ('70) and Jodie Magee, 0

Jane ('75) and Thomas Marshburn, 0

Marten ('92) and Cindy Martensen, OC

Helen ('46) and Enar Mdgnuson, lC

Judith and Paul Magnuson,


Sean ('94) and Katie Magoun, lC

Donald ('S3) and Kar i n ('86) Maier, 0

laura and lawrence Majovski, H, L. lC, QC, QTen

Edward and Marilyn Maki, 0 Cindy ('73) and Robert


Frederick ('91) and Lianne Malloy, 0 Jon (' 64) and Jean ('64) Malmin, LC, OC, OTen

MU!d ock and Susan

Martensen, 0

John ('63) and Frieda ('64) Martilla. OC

Carole .and Anthon y Martin, Q

Carolyn and H aro ld r,,'Iartin , Christina ( B3) and DWI911t

Martin, Q Denni� and Gloria Martin, l, QC, QTen Diane ('63) an d Reben Martin, Q

Glenn Martin, 0

Kathleen Martin ('85)

lo ri ('85) ('SI)

Maribeth and K i rk M.,lnor, 0 Katherine M o ey ('OOl. 0

al n Patsy and Richard M a loney, OC Maltby Container & Recycling, lC David Ma lvin, 0, OTen

Duane and Patricia Markuson

Alexandra ('9S) and Boyd ('8S) Marler, Q

Ellen Marsh, 0

Macy's Foundation, M


Carolyn and Randy Markuson, Q

Julie and 8 r ia n MClrotz, 0

JeHrey ('79) and Debb ie ('77) Mac n nan , 0

Harold ( ' 5 1 ) and Ca rol yn Maines, 0


Ma r m i ro Stones,

Robert Mack Bonita Mac K en zi e Martha Ma clay, lC

David ('85) and

('68) and John

Ma ks, Q

Kyong and James Mdrtin, 0 M i ch ael and Patricia Martin, 0 Norma M a rti n Patricia Marti n, 0

Stephen ('78) and Deborah ('77) Martin, 0 Alfred Martinez and Janis Johnson, lC Amy ('01) and Abraham Martinez, Q


E i lee n a n d R oge r Martinez, lC Lillie Martinez, lC

Lois ('84) and Robert Maninez.


Roxanne and Ricardo

LC a nd Karen ('82) Martin-Schramm. Q David ('90) and K rist i n ('92) Ma rt i nson , Q Jeffrey a n d Diane M a rti nson , Q Martinez,

James ('81)

Ronald and Marilyn Martins on, H, l, QC,


Donald ('69) and Karen Martyn, 0

Delores Ann Q. OTen

M a rvonek


Asta Marx

J u li an ne Marx a nd Jam es Potter. Q


Muriel Masseh ('71),

Law firm aeademi community

ports students, way to build

Bria n Massey ('80), Tho ma s ('89) and Marsha Masters, Q linda ('83) and Robert Mata, Q

Valentin Mata ('07), 0

M a thes Thomas Mathews, LC Loyal and N an cy Ma t hews, Elsie

Julie ('79) and


Susan ('93) and Darell Mathis Naomi Math isen ('49), 0, OTen

Matthew ('88) and D iane Matson, OC, QTen

Two institutions have served the South Sound region for more than 1 1 5 years have a 40-year relationship that i s both professional and p h i l a nthropic i n character. It was in 1 972 when Warren Peterson, one of the fo u n d i ng partners of Gordon, Thomas, Ho neywell, Mala nca, Peterson & Daheim (GTH), began as legal counsel for Pacific Lutheran U n iversity. Throughout the yea rs, 45 of the Tacoma firm's partners have served PLU in capacities rang i ng from labor and e m ployment law, student l i fe, w i l ls and trusts, to general counsel on business practices. Today B i l l H olt, A l a n Macpherson, Warren M a rtin a n d Va lerie Zeeck are the GTH partners who work most closely with the u niversity. Stephanie Bloomfield, another partner who also works with the unive rsity, related the story of what she cal led a n . . Antique Road Show" moment for PLU. She was referring to the work the f i rm did to gain leg a l title to a rtwork that the un iversity later sold to benefit the Scandinavian Cultural Center endowment. I n 2007, the painting by beloved Norwegian a rtist N i k olai Astrup sold at Sotheby's i n London for $525,000. In a d dition to providing the university legal advice a n d counsel, t h e firm h a s been a major benefactor o f PLU. "We were honored to help support the recent esta b l ishment of the Kurt Mayer Chair i n Holocaust Studies and we have for many years contributed funding for student scholarships at PLU, H B loomfield said. B l oomfield sa id that, from its very foundi ng, the firm has been i nvolved i n supporting commun ity organizations. G iving to PLU is a natural part of their p h i l a nth ropy. " PLU provides an im portant service to the com munity as it is one of the few private institutions of h i gher education i n the region and has a l ong-stand i ng reputation for educational excellence. .. And i n my personal v i ew, the best thing a bout having PLU as a c l ient are the people who work for the un iversity, " she said. "They p l ace a h i g h va l ue on addressing issues promptly a n d with a colla borative approach that ensu res good com m u n i cation with a l l who need to be i nvolved. " It is a pleasure work i ng with PLU and knowing that it i s a enduring asset in our commun ity."

Dianne ('08) and Matthael, O

C. Frederick

Julie ('63) and David Matthews, 0 Wil l ie ('78) and Annie Matthews, 0 Dixie ('62) and Paul ('68) Matthias, L, QC, OTen

James D. ('95) .md Mar i ('94)

Matthias, 0

Peter ('78) and Joan ('77) Mattich, H, L,


M a tt i e , 0

LC, OC, OTen

Amy ('93) a n d Scott Mattingly, Q Katherine M atting ly ('76), OC, Olen

Trust, OC D an iel ('78) a nd Theresa Inez Mattison

Mattsen, O

Douglas ('83) and Sharon ('84)

Mattson, OC

Elaine ('65) and Kenneth Mattson, 0 Darrel and Shirley Matz, LC Jerome and E la ine Matz, 0 Ka ren ('90) and Marc Mauer Janet ('83) and Chr isto p he r ('83) Maul-Smith, 0 Lisa ('89) and Erik Mau rer, OC Wilson ('79) and Lorraine MalJes King ('73) -and Cathy Mawhinney, 0

JeH Maxwell, 0 K imberly ("90) and Steven ('90)

Julia ('90) and

Maxwell. OC

M i chael a

a n d H owa rd M axwel l, O Kim and S u sa n May, 0 Joseph and Gloria Mayer, l K u rt is and Pamela Mayer, H, l, O C, OTe n Shannon ('a7) and Steven ('B7) Mayer, 0

Natalie Mayer-Yeager, L 0 Sandra and Me ra l d Mayfield, LC Katie ('03) and Michael ('03) Maynard, O

Michael and Kathryn Ma yn ard, Q

S tephen and Ellen Mazoff Jack and Sa n dy Mc Bride, 0 R eb ecc a ('74) and Kenneth Mc Call Decmna Mc Dermott ('66), 0 Bdrbara and Richard Mc Ghee, LC Teresa Mc Goffin ('83), 0 Thomas and Nancy Mc IIraith Kelli McAbee ('08), 0 Robert ('54) Clnd Inga ('54)

McAdam� Randy and Mary McAllister. 0 Ro n ald ('Sa) and Julianne ('58) McAllister_ lC

Sumner ('91) and Na n cy

-Greg Brewis

McAllister, 0

Rachel (' OO ) and Ja mes

McArthur, 0



20 1 0



Andrew and Elizabeth

Arnie ('96) and Ryan

McAuliHe, O

McBeth, 0 Ro ber t McCaffery, LC F. and Md rga ret McCaffre y, 0 Diane ('64) and Malcolm McCal lu m, H, OC, OTen Emily ('06) and Chad McCdnn, Scot and Rosanne


Kirsten ('99) and Antho ny McCarl, O

Amanda McCarty ('04),

Warren ('70) and Susan


Nathan McClintock, LC, QC, OTen ('S1) and William McCloud, 0 Josephine McColm Lewis dnd San dra McCord Kevin and Vicki McCo rma ck, 0 Tofa McCormick ('94) , 0 Dorot hy McC otter BobanettE! and Ray McCo y Bri an McC oy, 0 Karen 1'92) an d

Ja cqu el ine

Caroline and Justin McCoy Robert McCoy ('7S) and Sandra Mc Kin ney McCoy,


aen ('54) and Annie ('55) McCracken, H, L

and E l len ('S6) McCracken, L, OC, OTen Ronnie ('74) and Ruth Mc Cu l l och , O James and Catherine McDade, Q Helen ('83) an d Pdtrick Senjamin ('78)

McDaid, O

William ('77) and Phy!1i�


Mark and Linda McDonald, lC

Michael a nd Teresa McDonald, Q

McDonalds Corpo ration, 0, M Norman McDonell Robyn ('90) and Mark McDonnel l, O

Marion ('69) and Patrick McDougal. Q Mark ('7S) an d

Ge rd- I nge r ('72) McDougall. L, lC, OC, OTen Guy (' 73) and laura McFadden, 0 Patty McGa!!ia", LC Kristin ('91) and Robb McGee, Q

Mary and Richard McGee,



Katherine ('SO) and Jeff

McGinnes, 0 and James McGinnis, Q Matthew McGinnis ('96), 0

Marilyn ('60)

Richard ('63) and lina

McG in n is, l, 0, OTen Joseph and Joan McG linc hy Deirdre McGoldrick, 0

D ona ld McGraw. lC

Phillip and Denise McGuiness

and Chris


lynne McGuire (' S3) and Robert S hirley, 0


Mcllraith (,07), lC

Mclnt urf1

Mike ('64) dnd

Mcintyre, 0

Mead or 0 Medtronic Foundation, Q, M Marsha and Kevin M eeh an , LC Michael Meehan, lC Michael and Gayle Medley,

Alyssa Mehl. 0 Ann ('79) an d

Steve Mehl,

Pierre Me i l ha n



('67) and Nancy Melary, OC

Duane ('59) and J oa n ('59) Melcher, Q, OTen

Alice Mellfng ('B3), 0 Mellon B an k Co rpor a ti o n, 0, M

Phyllis Melton Ronald ('68) and Carol ('68) Melver, Q, OTen Te rri ly n ('7B) and Stephen Mende.., 0 Men doz a, 0 and Ruth Mendoza, 0 Paul Menzel, H, L, OC, QTen S usa n ('86) and Scott ('86) M en zel . Q Micha el ('79)

William McDonald, LC Brian an d Mary ('75)



BJo rg

Breona Mendoza (,10)

Barbara and


Michael and Teri McNellis, LC John and Colleen Mc Ph erson, Q Melanie and Jo h n Mcquaig Patrick and Patricia McVay, 0 Barbara Mead ('76), l, OC, OTen Mary ('90) a nd Steve Mead, 0 Lori na and James Meade Susan Meader and J . Gamble,

Judy and Kevin

McDaniel, O

Eleanor ('78)

David McNabb, 0, O Ten Tristin ('92) and Ch ristopher McNabb, O Carol McNally, 0 La ure n McNa l ly ('08). Q

Cyrus ('64) a nd Carol Mc Nee ly, Q

McCasland, 0

McG inley ('71 ),

('68) and N ancy ('70) McMullen, QC, OTen

Michael ('83) and Joanne McNamara, l, QC


Craig dnd Susan McCaw, lC William a n d Carat McClain, Q Douglas M cCla ry ('63), lC Jo h n McClimans ('07). OC Scott and Kathie McC l i ma ns,


McMillian, lC


M a rgi e ('66)

Frances McKamey ('S2), 0 Matthew and Linda McKee, 0 Er i n McKenna, H, l, 0 Bradley McKeown ('S6), Q Wa l lace and Joan MCK i nney, L, OC, Olen Allan ('63) an d Sa l ly Ann Mclean, 0 lori Jo ('82) a nd Odie Mclean. Q

and Peter Mclellan, O, OTen Bob McM ahon dnd Cathryn Kurtz, 0 Karen McMahon ('08), 0 Raymond ('75) and Susa n Betty ('57)

McMaster, lC

Kirk and laura McMichael, 0

Robert ('85) and Melanie McMichael, 0

Vivian and Edward Merkle

George and M. S u za nn e Merriam

Merrill Lynch & Com pa ny Foundation, l, 0, M

and Carmen Merrill. 0

Barth ('87)

Patricia Merrill. 0

Daniel ('03) and Heidi Mertlich


John Mertz and Tammra Garrow, Q

Margretta Jo ('62) M erw in , OC




Messen ger ('91) and Scott Jones, 0

Messi a h Luthera n Churc h , Auburn, WA, 0, OTen

Joan Metcalf ('59). 0

QC, OTen Corpora ti on,

Jolene Metcalf ('7B). MetLife Capital Q, M

Julie ('89) and Steve Meulemans, lC Dayid Meyer, 0 Donald Meyer ('71) lloyd and Marie Meyer, 0 Mark Meyer ('73), 0 Jean and Jack Meyers

H arry Michael. 0 David a n d Ch ris t ine Michau d, Q Ann ('93) and Kendall ('93) Michels, Q Microsoft Corporation, L, LC,

Mavis and

Q, M

Teri Mielke Stanley and Dorothy Miles, Q Donald Milholland ('72) and

Debra Coscorrosa, OC Jutta and Wayne Millard, 0 Rob ert and Alice Mi l l ard, 0 Nancy ('58) dnd Pressly Millen, 0 Miller N �sh LLP, I Ann (,86) and Marlen M i l ler, H , L, Oc, OTen B i rg i t ('94) and Scott ('92)

Miller, 0

Brian Mi ller, lC,



Brittany Miller ('10), 0

Bruce and M ari e Mil ler, 0

C. Mi l ler,

Q Carolyn and H. Miller Christie ('65) an d Raymond Miller, 0

Clyde ('63) and (a'ol Miller, Q Daniel and Evelyn Miller

Donna and B ruce Miller, Q Edward Miller Inge Miller Jeanne Miller a nd hilip leatherman, Q


John and Joyce Miller, QC

Jon ('79) and Sally Miller, Q Jon ('70) and Solveig ('70) Miller, l, lC. QC, QTen

Joshua Miller ('01)

Kari (�67) and David Miller

Ke'lin ('70) and Jitne Miller, LC Kyle ('95) and Julie Miller, OC

lyle and Sonja Mil ler, QC, QTen

Mark ('88) and Michelle MWer, l. lC. 0, OTen

Mary ('76) and Andrew Miller, Q

Mary J<lne MlIIer, lC

William and Beverly Monroe, O. OTen Robert Monsen ('67). l J ill Momon ('68)

Mary Monson ('59). 0

Donald Manta ('71), 0

Jim and Delores Moody. Q John ('67) and Melody ('69) Moody. l. O. OTen Rebccca dnd CIUton Moog. lC

Mclrvin ('83) and Renu Moon. Q Yvonne and William Moon, lC K ri stine

('92) and Scott ('91) Moor, OC

Antoinette Moore ('98). Q

Barbara ('69) and Jerry Moore,


Brian ('85) and Charisa Moore. Q Connie and Curtis Moore. lC

Fred ('75) and lark ('14) Meore, O

Maxine Miller, 0

Gayle and C. Ann Moore, lC

Paul Mil ler, QC

Jd nice ('88) and Scott Moore. o Marilyn Moore ('61), 0

Nancy and Kurt Mi l ler, 0 Ronald ('65) and Jean ('65) Mi l ler, L, 0, QTen

Sherril ('67) and Paul M i l ler, Q

Terry itnd Julie M i l ler, l, Oc, OTen Yun ('96) and Jeff Miller

Janel ('84) and Steven Milliren,


Mark Milne ('83> Q '

Morris and Martha M ilsten, 0 MonICa ('96) and Max ('96) Milton. Q

Sue Minahan and Donna Ewing

Ruth ('70) and James M inek e, Q

Steven Mintz. 0

James and Martha Mioni, 0 David ('77) and Ma ri ('79) Misterek, H. l, QC, OTen

Karl ('88) and Ma tthew ('88) Mist�rek, 0


7 ��tchell ('80), H, L. Oc. n

Kristy and Robert Mitchell. Q

Robert ('77) and Glenda Mitchell. 0

Shplti Mitchell ('06), 0

Tiflnaki and Sam Mit�ui, lC

Joan Mitton ('67). l. OC, OTen Sara Miura ('03), OC

Patricia and James Mix, Q

Bradley Mize ('07). QC

Ronald ('70) itnd Su�an Mablo, Q Pettricia Mocabee ('69), 0 Dennis Modahl ('5B). 0

Anne ('88) and Robert Modarelli. l, OC, QTen

Duitne Moe ('58). 0

Erin and Donald Moe, lC

Julie Moe ('84) and Darryl Rogers. Q

Linda Fahlgren Moe ('91) and Timothy Moe. 0

Richard and Marcia Moe, H. L. lC, OC, OTen

Ru th Moe

Gary Meed, 0

Craig and Gra e Moeller. 0


Evangeline ('48) and Orville Moeller. 0 Allen ('55) and Julia ('58) Moen, 0

Dani�1 Moen ('88i. 0 Donald and Kathryn Moen. OC JOd ('88) and Michael Moen.


Maynitrd ('48) and June Mo e n. Q Jim Moersch, LC

Faye ('66) and Ray Moffitt. Q

Ra n da l l ('82) and JOiln Mogen, Q

Martin ('98) clnd Sartth Mogk. QC. QTen , Jack ( 77) and Marilynn Mohlenhotf, 0

Gerrit and Jeanettt" Moore, 0

Nadia ('92) and Jason Moore, Q Paula Moore ('00), 0

R ic ha rd and Ruth Moore. 0 Robert Moore ('62), 0 Serena Moore ('62), 0

Ted and Joe Moore. l, Le, Qe

Vivian ("68) and Gary Moore, 0 Ronald and Sharon ('81) Moorehead

Saranne ('76) and James Moresch i. O

Crystal and Mitchel ('03) Morey

Magdalen Morgan ('07), QC luann Mor iarty

laraine ('71) ,md Harris MOflguchi, Q, OTen

J ohn Mori t sug u

Olivia and John Mark

Donald ('60) and Wanda Morken. H, l

Ronald and CatherIne Morlan. Q Debr.. and Kenneth Morrell, 0

James Morrell ('91). l. QC. QTen Brenda ('91) and Randy Morris. H. l, OC

Carolynn ('99) and John Morris, 0

Joann and D.., ni el Morris. lC

Peter ('78) and Alana ('79) Morris, l. 0, OTen Ken Morrison ("79)

Kristine ('S5) and Joseph Morrison, 0

Katherine ("92) and Mc1Uhe\'IJ Morrisson, O

Thomas Morrow ('79)

MIChelle ('03) and Judson Morse. 0

Tad and Michael Morse. Q Gretchen .>nd Douglas Mortensen. lC

Richard ('67) and linda Mortensen, 0

Mortgage Mdrketplace Inc.• lC

Judith Mortimore ('5n 0

Joyce Morton, lC

Todd Morton and Edye Cole"o-Morton, Q Cha rla ('67) itnd Matt Mosbrucker, 0

Carol ('77) and Kenneth Moser, Q

Patricia Moser

Donn.a ('63) Clnd Melvyn Mosher. 0

Q. QTen

Rebecca ('87) clnd Brian Monette. lC. OC

Rachel and Erik ('96) Moniek, LC. Q Elizabeth Monk

Tim and Joelle ('01) Nausin. Q

James ('85) and Kay Mueller. 0

Julia ('74) and Stanley Mueller, L. LC

Martin and leeann Mueller. Q

Richard and Kathleen Muel ler. l, OC. OTen

Robert and Joanne Mueller. l.

QC, QTen

Russell ('61) and Nancy Mueller, 0

Nita and James Muir. 0

Kathleen (73) and R. Mulder, Q

Rachelle ('96) and Curt is ('96) Mulder, lC Naomi Mulhern ('59). Q

Bonita Mu lholland ('55). 0 Lavonn e and Fred Mulholland

Karalee ('69) and Gordon Mulkey, 0

Joyce Mull e n Heitkamp ('59). Q

Jon and li nda Mulvenon, Q

�� and Thomas Mumford,

Debbie Mundy, 0 Fredrid and Peggy Munich, Q

Barbara ('82) and Frederick Moneler. l, Oc. OTen Kristin ('74) and Dale Moultine, Q

Mount Cross lutheran Church. University Place, WA. OC, QTen

Negstad, 0

Neil's Service Center. lC

Cheryl Neils ('71). 0, OTen Jennifer ('68) and Michael Neiswender. Q

Gregory ('71) and Marie ('72) Nelsen, OC, QTen

Abbie and Craig Nelson. 0

Wette and Mark Musick. Q

Pamela ( ' 84) and Roy Musland

Barbara and Steve Mustach. lC

J. Stephen ('79) and Deborah Nelson. 0

Julie Nelson ('87), lC

Kirk ('7 8) and Pa tricia Nelson. OC, OTen

Kurt ('86) and Theresa Nelson. L, LC. QC

Liisa Nelson ('09). 0

Matthew ('99) and H ather ('99) Nelson. 0 Patrkia ('83) and Steve Nelson, Q Paul ('71) and DClflene ('70) Nelson, 0, OTen

Richard and Anne N el �on. lC Nelson, 0

Robert Nelson ('55), l, Q, OTen

�; ;�6:)Qrld Barbara

Ro e


Ted ('89) and Brian Nelson, 0

Thomas Nelson ('58), Q, OTen

Janice Nerem

Karl Ness ('SS), lC, Q

Ruth MyerS-Melching i n memory o f Pastor Joseph Myers, H, l, Q

Ma rlys Nessel ('86) and John McAuliffe. Oc. OTen

Anabel ('87) clnd Elmer Nagma. O Marlene and Glenn Nakaishl, Q Sharon Nakanishi-Acena and Terry Acpna, lC Ken Nakata and laura Ruby ('87). Q

Names Family Foundation. l Susanna ('94) and Eric Nancarrow, 0

Dana Nasby ('90) and Matthew Wetmore, 0

Douglas ('95) and Mar it ('95) Nierman. OC. QTen Elizabeth Nierman ('92) and Torrance Schmidt ('9Z). Q

,O ('64) and Colleen Nikkari.

Sven·Erik ('92) and Michelle Nilsen. 0 Sue Nixon ('87). OC

Susan ('01) and Brian NIxon, 0 Ronald (,74) and leslie Noborikawa. QC. OTen

Carol Ann ('74) and Curt Nohavec. Q Nancy Nole

Betty ('B9) and John Noll Karen Nolte

Sandra and Christopher Nolte. Q Spence Nonaka ( , 02), 0

Donald ('SO) and Naomi (' 53) Noth stein, H, l. QC, OTen

Novarti� US Foundation. O. M

G eorge ('52) and Phyllis ('52) Nowadni(k, l. lC. OC, OTen

Kurt ('76) and Deanna ('76) Nowadnick., lC

Denni� ('9 1 ) and Mclrgaret ('71) Nugent. 0

Bruce ('6 1 ) and Ann Nunes. 0, OTen

Randi ('96) and Mark Nunez, 0 Rosemary ('68) and Tuff}' N u nn. O Sandra ('92) and Tommy Nuzum, Q

Pauline and Maurice Nyberg, Q

James ('61) and Carolee ('61) Nyborg, 0

Judy ('77) and David Nygaard, Q Stanford ("65) and Annette ('621 Nygard. QC

Betty Nylander ('68). 0, OTen

David en) and Carey Nyman,


liza ('02) and Douang ('99)


Nonthaveth. 0

Mitry Noonan. 0

The Norcliffe Foundation, l. I

Rodney ('61) and Marie Nordberg. Q

Robert ('57) and Evelyn ('53) Nordeen, l. OC, OTen Eric Nordholm. l. OC. QTen Nordic Adventures Inc.



The O. D. Fisher Charitable Foundation, I

Shirley Oakley ('69), H, L. Q, OTen Douglas and De borah Oakman. Oc. QTen

James ('71) and Mary Oberg

David and Andrea Obermiller. Q

Kevin O'Brien

Dclniel ('74) and Wendy ('75) Nephm, QC

Shane ('00) and Emily Ness, QC

NAF Financial Services

Randall and Gretc h en Niemi. 0

O. Norum

KennE'th ('68) and Mary Nordlund. 0

Gerald and Martha Myers, O. OTen

Mary Nadeau ('90), OC. OTen

Allen Nieman ('94). Q

Northwestern Mutual life Insurance. l, 0

El ilabeth ('82) and Randall Nepsund. O

Arne Ness ('72), H, l. Oc. OTen

Kathleen Nace (·6S). 0


Virginia and Do nald Nelson

Wayne and Susan Nel�n. 0

Tcrt!S<l clnd Michael Nesheim, Q



R . • lieritag� SocIety Q ' 0 Oub Supportt!f QC , O Club Q'l'en .0 Club 1 0 '1'ars M . . . . . Match I1lJ G It I'TOgram J Independfm

Judith ('70) and Patrick O'Boyle. O

Judith Myers Davis ('921 and Jclc.k Davis. 0


. , . , . . lIfenme Giving

Nordic EJlposure

My Sports Dreams Uc, l. lC


Donald and Judy Nielsen

Peter NIlsen-Goodin

Joann Nelson. Q


Martha Niebauer

Dale ('59) and Donna Nielsen, QC


Mae Neriwn. lC

Magne ('93) and Kristine ('95) Myrmo. Oc. OTf'n

Herman Nickel, 0

Lori Nicol ('78), O. OTen

Gregory (' 94) and Janet ('95) Nelson, OC

Philip and lorraine Muxen. Q

Gtmnutf Myrbo

Laura ('93) and Gary Nicholson, lC

William ('69) and Carland Nicholson. l

Dale Nienow ('79) and Rebecca Brown-Nienow. 0

Lori Neptun ('051, 0

Richard ('58) and Marlene ('56) Myking, l, QC. OTen

Tobias and Ann Nichols. Q

Ellen ('50) and Bruce Nelson, 0

Drew ('BO) and Manlyn Nelson. l, lC. OC. OTen

Terry ('93) and Regina Mutter, Q

Michael and Deborah Myers, 0


Charles Niemi ('63), Q

Robert ('60) and Colleen

Kelley Murray, l, oe. QTen Lori ('81) and Terry Murray, 0 Betty Museus " 59). H, Q

Matthe",\' ('Ol) and Jaime

Doug and Alice Nelson

Shannon Murphy ('07), 0

Kenneth ('75) and Deborah Murray. OC. OTen

Brenda Nichols ('93)

Stella Nieman ('57), O. OTen

Carol ('7 1 ) and len Nelson, 0

Randall ('71) and Karen ('68) Nelson. 0

Murrity Pacific Management. Inc, l, lC

Adam Nichols ('OS)

Chad es and lois Nelson. l

James and Vicki Murphy

Shannon Murphy-Olson ('81). Q

Han and Kim-Hang Nguyen, 0

Au drey Nel.son ('67), H. QC. OTen

Murrity and Bonnie Nelson

Pamela and Michael Mu rphy, LC

N�v.tton, 0

Deryl and Patricia Nielsen, 0

M�: ���hand Yasuhiro r Gillian Murphy, 0

Duane ('60) and Conchita

Charlone Nicholson

Paul ('69) and Doreen ('69)

linden and Diane Nelson

Carleen ('61) and Daniel Murdock, O

Jill Ne\vson

Martin and 8arbara Neeb. l

larry Neeb. H. l, QC, OTen

Ruth and Andrew Munson

Solveig ('04) and Patrick ('OS) Munson, Q

Nora and Robert News<Kk. lC

Richard and Mary Nichols

Haley Nelson ('08). 0

Holly Mulvenon ('04) and Michttel Wright ('02). lC

The Ne\.....s Tribune, l

The Neeb Fclmily Foundation. QC

Janice Mullins and Robert Frost. lC

Joanne Muller ('89). 0

Janelle Nagel ("00). 0

Beret ('90) and Donald Mott, H. l. OC. OTen

Alison Navarrete ('04), 0

Gerald and Meredith Nelson, Q

Moss Adams Foundation, OC,

Thomas Mothersbaugh ('08), Q

Michael Naughton

Ch���F �er and Tina ('98) e

William ('60) and Elfie Ann Nadell. Q


Michael ('79) and Alberta Natwick . Q

Christine and Robert Mueller, LC

Annette (·96) and Michael ('99) Mueller. 0

Susan ('81) and Brett Moshofsky, 0

Marlo ("98) and Doug Moss, Q

National Semiconductor Corporation. Q, M

Al lyson Mrachek ('05). 0

Canda<e ('82) and Steven Mumm

Whitney Morean ('10), 0

David and Ruth Ann Nasby. Q

Sarena ('01) and Edward ('99) Nau

Maria ('82) and Rodney Mord

Nab;1 and Amira Marcos. 0

Ron and Virginia Mohr. 0

Kathleen and lawrence Molyneux, lC

Mowers Markel


Beverly ('59) and Armin Mohr. H. L. QC. QTen

Susan ('86) and Erling Molver.

A.J. and Jeffrey Mousseau. 0

Cherie ('91) and Tracy Moras<h, O

Gifford Moskal ('82), 0

Ka thleen Moisio ('87). 0

Mountain View lutheran Church. Edgewood. WA, l. QC, QTen

Peter ('76) and Annette Nesse. 0 David ('57) and Tracy Jane Nesvig. OC. OTen

Jonathttn ('67) and Marrene Head Nesvig Kirk ('74) and Mary ('75) Nesvi g , O

leah ('05) and Michael ('05) Nordin


Michael ('57) and Bevtlrly ('59) O'Brien, l, QC, OTen

Gary ('72) and Treena Nordmark. O

Allen and linda Ochsner, 0

Darrell Nordmark ('66), lC. Q Kathleen and Donald Nordquist

Paul Nordquist ('92) and Melissa Braisted

PhIlip ('56) and Helen ('57) No rdquist. H, l. lC. QC. OTen Nordstrom. l, I

Duane ('50) and GlOria Nordstrom, 0

Robert ('72) and Joan Nordstrom, oe. OTen

Thomas ('78) and Adelle Nore. Q

Mark ('71) <Jnd Jea ni ne Nesvig, Q

Gwen Norlander ('89), 0 Gregory and Jill Norling, OC

Network for Good, lC

8rian Norman ('99) and Gregory Nicholl ('99). OC

Philip ('70) and Natalie ('79) Nes',Itg, H Steven Neuder ('84) and Elizabeth Foster, 0

D. Brian ('80) and Kristin ('84) Neufeld, O

Glenn ('74) and Patricia ('67) Neumann. 0 , Jeffrey ('89) Clnd Anila ( 91) Neumeister, OC. QTen Ki mberly Nevels ('06), lC

Karina Ne"'/el l ('92), 0, OTen

Norman Archibetld Charitable Foundation, l, I

Gloria Nornes. l, OC. OTen

June Norris and J levoIis, lC

Martin North ('42), 0, OTen

The Northern Trust Compdny, Q. M laura and 8i11 Northey, Q

NOf1hland Corrosion Services, Ltd.• Q

Richard ('67) and Margie Newell. l, OC. OTen

Nonhrop Grumman Foundation. l. O. M

Ruth Newhouse. lC

Roger Northway-Meyer ('70), Q

Betty and Robert Newgi'ud

Clifford and Hazel Ne......man. Q Jane ('95) and 81ake Newman. Q

K�lIi O'Brien ('98) and Jeff Weisgerber, 0

Marion ('64) and Curtl� Northrop. Q

Northwest Marine Chf'mist.


Patti <lnd Timothy O'Brien

Tyler O(h�ner ('07)

John ('53) and Jer;s ('60) Ockfen. l, Oc. OTen

Shelley and lohn O(kwell. 0 Kevin ('74) a nd Suzanne O'Connell. QC. OTen

Beverly O'Connor

Carmen ('61) and Richard Ode. O, OTen Diann ("89) and Robert Oden, Q litwrence and Joyce O'Donnell. 0

Terrence rind Mary Anne O'Donnell. Q Sandra Odren ('59), 0

Elizabeth (6) and Frederick Odsen, 0, OTen Stacie and JeHery Oehlerich, Q

Jan ('97) and David Ol?rtel, 0 lisa ('92) and Michael Ofenl<Kh. O. OTen

David and lind" Offner

8ruce ('89) and Michel le


Of�tun. Q

�i�, a�dO���te�S4)

Eric ("88) and Diane ('88)

Ogard, H, l. OC. QTen

Marguerit� ('64) and Gerald Ogden. Q

Margaret Ogden-Howe ('65) and Henry Howe, oe, QTen John Oglesby and Michelle Dufour. lC



Troy ('03) a n d Ca rly Oppie

Vivian Ogren


Scott ('83) and Michelle Q'HMd, Q

Sharon O'HarJ, Q

Frances Ohman ('66), Q

Ann ('6 1 ) and Wa" iKe

Dien, Q

K eit h and Janice Oistad Ojennus, Q


Carol O'Keefe-



Laleef Olaniyan. lC


Petrude Olds. Q


Edward and Linda Oliphant. Q

Si nce 1 998, Intel has provided the primary grant, at $2 5,000 a year, to fund the South Sound Reg ional Science Fair, which attracts hundreds of students and exhi bits to the PLU campus each spr i n g . The fair is part of a feeder syste m, where winners eventu a l l y com pete i n the I ntel International Science and Engi neering Fair. There, individuals compete for prizes and scholarships. " Col leges and u niversities come to the Intel I nternational Science and Eng ineering Fair to recruit students and offer scholarships, H sa id Rick Meeder, corporate affairs manager at I ntel Corp. The science fair on the PLU campus fi rst started with about 1 00 students and projects, and now has grown to more than 500. "We are i nterested in science-based education and encouraging those students i n authentic research, H Meeder sa i d . Intel a lso h a s su pported Tacoma South Puget Sound Mathematics, Engi neering, Science Ach ievement (TSPS M ESA) over the years. Hosted on the PLU campus, TSPS M ESA provides academic support in math and sciences to traditionally underrepresented middle and high school students. Each year, for the last three years, I ntel has also contributed $ 1 5,000 to the Mathletes program. i n which PLU students go out to middle schools to coach students in math. and prepare them for the Wash i n gton State Math Olympiad i n t h e spri ng. Most i m portant, t h e P L U stude nts form a bond with the middle school students. and teach them that math can be fun.

AhNin and Carol Oshi ro, 0

Shana ('91) and James Osmer, Carly Osness ('OS), 0

Lynn O<.itenson ('7 1), L p et

��i������t ��Q%n

Kaye and Denni<.i Ostgard, Q

Sharon and Mark Oliver, 0

Dennis ('67) and Beverly ('67) Ostroot, Q


Kathryn Oliver ('09), Q


��� ����a� and n , Diane ( 8 1 ) and Ric.hard Olsen, OC


Gladys ('57) and David Olsen, Q, QTen

Karl Olsen ('47), L, Oc, OTen

Patricia and Ronald Olsen, lC

Peter ('83) and Carey Olsen,


R . B rad ('89) and Joyce ('73) Ol se n , 0

Richard Olsen ('S9l. Q, QTen

Steve ('79) and N a n

Olsen, 0

Michelle ('97) and Mict"aael O'Sullivan, Q

Florence Turney ('83) and Terry Oswald, O Karen Otis

Connie ('59) and Douglas Otjen, 0

Marcia ('87) and John Ott

linda Olsen ('74) and Paul Benz, Q

cy ('78)

Wayne Olsen ('57)


B onn ie O gaa rd

Mary Olson Cornils Baich ('6 5 ), OC

Aaron Olson ('09), 0

Amanda Olson ('06), 0

Da n iel Olson ('64) and Doris

Perez, 0

Daniel ('93) and Cheryi Olson, o David ('77) and Dawn ('77)


David ('83) and Jan Olson, 0, OTen

David and Arvis Olson, l, lC, O, OTc-n

David ('52) and Elizabeth Olson, 0 Dorothy Ol�on ('89), l, 0 Edna Olson, lC Elizabeth Olson ('0 1 )

Eric Olson ('91) a n d Anne Gie na pp, 0 Gen Ol�on

Patricia and Michael On

R. Thomas and Kelly OU

Susan and Dennis Onemiller, lC

Sally OnerIDn ('83), 0 Lisa Marie Ottoson ('87), H, l, OC, OTen

Mark O

John Ol son ('71) and Eileen Buskirk, O

Jon ('62) and Carol ('63) Olson, H, L, 0, OTen Karen ('90) a n d Franklin Olson

Kafen and Kenneth Olson, LC

K aren Ol<.ion ('77), 0

Knut Olson ('90) and Kimberly Morter Olson ('88), H, L. LC, QC. OTen

Laurence and Eleanor Olson Linda Nel<.ion Olson, L. OC, OTen

Lynn ('77) and Paul Olson, 0

Mark ('88) and Mary ('82) Olson, LC , Mary Olson ( 81) and Dave Babcock, L

Robert and Sandra Olson, Q

Sandra ('91) and Ronald Olson,

o Stephen and Barbara Olson, lC. OC

SU<.ian ('68) and larry Olson, 0

Suzanne ('95) and Daniel O lson, 0

Trevor Olson

William ('69) and Donna ('65) Olson, 0, OTen

Kathleen and John Olsutka, lC

Carol O'Malley John and Margaret O'Neal Thomas and Sar<l O'Neill, 0 Fred and Donna Ophus, 0

UOIDn ('89), 0

Ina belle J u ne ('63) and Wilbur Otwell, O

Paula ('63) and larry Oty, 0, OTen Rick Ouhl ('76), l, 0, OTe n

Our Redeemer lU l hercm Church , Seaule, WA, OC Our Savior lutheran Church, Chester, MT, 0

Our Savior's lutheran C hu rch, EvereU, WA, l, OC

Our Saviour's lutheran Church, Bremerton, WA, l, OC, OTen


Jo ep h and Amy Over, 0

Merlyn ('63) and Joan ('63) Overland, Oc, OTen

Paul Overvold ('73) and

JJ Parker and Eileen O'Brien


Timothy Parker ('89) and Tracey M a rt inso n

George Parkerson ('82), OC, OTen

Parkland·Spanawi)Y Rotary Club, l

Thomas and Mary Ann Parks

J a n i ne and J i m Parque, lC

Ka r en ('83) and Steven Parr, lC

Joni and Craig Parthemer, LC


Future, l

Nicolette Paso ('09), OC

Paul Pa<.itor and Ann N ichol<.ion, O

Karen ('92) and Daniel Patjens, O, OTen

Usa Patter<.ion ('98)

Myron and Robin Patter<.ion, 0

Gisele Patton ('06), 0

Colteen Paul ('92), OC Shirley Paul, Q

Joseph ('96) and Kodene ('96) Paull, O

Susan Paulsen ('821.



E ric ('93) and Heidi ('92) Paulson, 0

Gerald ('57) and Carol Paulson, Oc, OTen Melissa ('02) and Jamie Paulson. OC


Robert ('65) and Marjorie ('66) Paulson, 0 Mark and Diilne Pa}(ton,


Thomas Payne ('87) and Alexia Eide-Payn� ('87), l, O. OTen Peace lutheran Chun:h, Astoria, OR, Q

Peace lutheran Church, Colfax, WA, 0, OTen

u e

Peace l t h ra n Church, Puyallup, WA, 0, OTen

Peace lutheran Church, Silvani), WA, l, 0, OTen

Step hen and Beverly Pearce, 0 Eugene and Barbara Pearson,


Janet ('79) and Alan Pearson,


Pease Construction Inc Nanette ('89) and la n



David Pedack ('on lC

Richard and Diane Pedack, lC, OC

Kenneth and Susan Pedde, 0


Evelyn Pedersen, Q

Heather ('87) and Glen Ow�n, Hugh and Torill Owen, lC

leon ard ('68) and Anne ('74) Ozmun, Q, OTen




Carl and De/itnie Paasche, 0 PACCAR Foun dat io n, 0, M PACCAR Inc,


Pacific Mutual life Imu ra nce C ompany, 0, M

Idabelle and Raymond Packard, lC

ard, LC

Les and Diana Pac k

AmO ('79) and Craig Padavich,

Eileen Padden ('04), OC

Michael and linda Padden

Aurilio and Carmencita Padilla,


Lloyd and La Verne Paff, H, L. OC Calvin Page

DortaQ�n8 ��stin Page, H, L, , T Roxann and Clifford Page. Q

Jessica ('08) and Travis ('07)


William Painter

('06). 0

Gwendolyn Palazzolo. lC

S. Ake ('72) and Carol ('72) Palm, lC

Emilie Pedersen ('41), H, l

laura Pedersen, l, QC, OTen Nina and Georg Pedersen

Sveffe and Grace Pedersen, 0 John ('68) and Cathy ('69) Pederson, H, l, OC, OTen

e l

leslie ('64) and Ch ry ('65)

Pederson, 0, OTen

Maria ('92) an d Jonathan

Pederson, 0

Carol ('70) and Gary Pedigo, 0


Pedot ('73),


Scott ('72) and Nancy ('73) Peeble<.i, 0

Eileen ('65) and larry Peeler, Q , Geoe ( 58) and Carol Pe i s k er� H. O. OTen Phyl lis ('55) and Donald Pejsd , H. l. QC. OTen

Melvin and Lillian Pekrul, 0

Phyllis Pelletier, lC

Susan Pell-Govig ('96), 0

Jane and Steve Pelosi, 0

PEMCO Foundation, Inc., M. I

l, 0,

Judith and Samuel Pena, 0 Ethel Yoakum Pender, l

Christina Pendrak

('04), Q

Peninsula Lutheran Church, Gig Harbor. WA, L, OC, OTen

Rachel and Rick Pen?, LC

8ett)' and Ted Palmer, lC

Marvin ('79) and Kathaleen Perala, 0

Theresa and lawrence Palmersheim

Shirley Perkim

Connie and Dan Palmer

Charles and Sara Palmquist. 0

Sonja ('97) and Joel Pancoast, 0 Ma ry lynn ('82) and Donald Pannen, O Rhoda Pappajohn ('65) a nd Kenneth Miller ('64)


Partnel"\ In vest i n g i n N u r i n g '

Norene Smith ('76), 0, OTen

Jody Olson ('88), Q

K je l l ('82) and A n i ta Olsson, 0


Janet ('58) and Roger Ose, 0

Jana ('9 1 ) and Dale Ostlund,

Timothy and Suzanne Olson, 0

-Barbara Clements

Josephine Flores Ortiz, 0

Edward Oliver

Eric ('80) and Carol Olsen,

Fortunately for PLU, the foundation for the world's la rgest chipmaker has i nvested tens of thousands of dollars during the last decade i n engaging young m i nds - whether it be through new appl ications of the scientific method or enjoying, yes, enjoying, a particularly difficult theorem.

Vincent Ortiz ('76) and


Zenon Qlbertz ('7 1 ) and Molly 5tuen ('72), l, le. Qc. QTen

The Intel Corporation has a laser focus on the next generation of future scientists and engi neers.

S ha ro n ('73) and Clyde Parker,

M. Osborne, LC, 0

Ann and James ('69) Olander.

or engineers

Debra and William Orsborn

Palmer and Ruth O<.iborn, lC

John Olafson ( '7 7 and Bift Burgua. Q


J a c ob Parker (77)


Marc ('93) and Camille O<.iborn

Barbara Okeson ('87), Qc.. QTen

Preparing the way for future

Robert ( 53) a n d J u d y Orlando

Kimberly ('89) and Michael O'Rourke, 0

N orm a n and Maizie Orth, 0, OTen

Djen nus, Q

Valerie and Rod Okazaki, QC

Patrick and Susan

C h riste l l e ('74) and James Parker, 0

Alexis Ortega ('96), 0

Paul ('95) and Deanna ('95)

aree, Q

Kirk ('83) and Wendy P

RO!ilrld (,57) <lnd Margaret Op h l

Mary and James Perkins, OC

Tedd Perkins ('06), 0

Blayne Perteth ('61) and June Conway, H, OC. OTen

Colleen and Scott Perrault, lC

Shereen Perreira ('07). Q

Kenneth Perrine ('98), OC

Betsy Jo ('90) and John (,91) Perry, L. Oc. OTen

louise ('50) and Bill Pi hi, H. l, OC, OTen

David Perry ('81), 0

Sally and Georg e Pillsbury

Dale ('78) and Betty Perry, Oc. OTen Glenn and Janice Perry, 0

Judith Perry ('63) and John INa terworth, L. Oc. OTen

Lois ('62) and S, Peter Per ry, H, Oc, OTel'

Mi(hael and Lillian Perry, LC

Gisela Perryman

Mar;fu ('60) and Wendell Person, H, L. 0, OTen

Janelle ('57) and Gordon Pe rson i us

Jennifer ('85) and Alberto Pe rugini, O Stanley Pesis ('75). 0 Harold Pete ('74), 0

Alfred Pete�, Oc, OTen

Deborah ('n) and David Peten:, O

Petersburg Lutheran Church, Petersburg, AK, OC

Carol and Glenn Petersen Jackie P�tersp.n, LC

John and Manlouise Peterlen, L, 0, OTen

Roger and Sherene Petersen,


Julie Petersen-Comfort ('83) dnd Ddvld Co mfo r t, 0 Alisil and Timothy Peterson

Allen and leslie Peterson

Ann Peterson

8i1rbara Peterson, L. OC, OTen

Betty and David Peterson, lC

Dale Peterson ('66), OC, OTen David and Lois Peterlon, 0

David Peterson ('58), 0

Gary ('6S) and Gloria ('65) Peterson, 0 Gerclld peterson ('55), 0

Hanna Peterson ('97), 0

Helen Peterson ('47), 0

Jill ('68) and WClllace Peterson,


Joel Peterson ('80) and Lea Mathieu, 0 Karen Peterson

Lawrence ('50) and Beth ('50) Peterson, H, l, LC. 0, OTen

Lawren(e ('54) and Wilma Peterson, lC

Jeanette Pilgrim ('87), L. 0, QTen

Matt ('86) and Treas.!! PHot, 0

Debril ('77) and Richard Pi ne,


Gwen Pitz., lC

Theodore and Jeri P i tl, lC

Jeff and Nan(y Pilder, lC. 0 K ri� ti n Plaehn and John Maxwell. lC, OC


Roderick Plath, LC

('64) and Nancy Ple....-s. ..

Theodore ('76) and Rosemary Plocki, O Bryanna Plog ('10), 0 Claire Plourde

James and Juli Plourde. lC. Oc. QTen

R Eugene ('55) and Jean ('55) Po(hel, O Bessie and WiHiilm Pocklington, LC

Nancy Poffenberger

Robert and Rebecca Pohlad Helen Pohlig OTcn

(75), H, L, OC ,


laura (75) and Ma k Polcyn , H, l, OC. OTen

Nancy ('60) and Howard Polen, Oc. OTen

Joseph ('75) and Connie Pa leo Polhamus HeClti ng lC

& AlC Inc.

LazoJrus ('511 Clnd Martha Politakis, L. OC, OTen

Anna ('66) and Wiljo Pollari, 0 linda and Roy Polley

Julia Pomerenk ('83), Oc. OTen

Ed\"Ja rd and Verna Pomme r enk e, 0

Marilyn ('821 clnd Clifford Ponnikas

Edward ('76) and E l izabeth ('76) Poon, 0 John and Uilil Pope

Marie Popovic· Pietras, lC Dedn Popowski

('98 ), 0

Leona Peter)o f'\, L, 0, OTen

Jerry ('64) and Nancy Poppen, O, OTen

Mark ('71) and elaine ('78) Peterson, 0

Gr ory and Katheri ne Porter, ea

Usa and David Peterson, lC

Marv and Shirley Peterson

Nan(y Mra(hek Peterson ('03) and Mike Peterson, Q

Paul ('65) and Roxanne Peterson, 0

R�b�kah ('81) and Tim Peterson, 0

Richard ('70) and Linda ('70) Peten;on, 0, OTen , Robyn ( 92) and Robert Peterson

Williclm ('84) and Mignonne Petef$on, O William ('65) and Mary Peterson, OC, OTen

Willis ('63) dnd Gail ('62) Peterson, 0

Joy Pe.terson,Tupil(k ('71) and Robert Tupack, 0

Linda Kay ('70) and Philip ('69) Petrasek, 0 Vdlentina Pe1Tova

('OS )

Randy ('91) <lnd Claudiil Pett is,


Scott ('99) and Mi(helle Peyree, QC

Kenneth ilnd Mar" Pfohl, 0

Rebecca ('73) and J<lmes Pharris Kathryn Pheister ('91)

Annetta ilnd Tracy Phelps

Sarah ('72) and Gordon Phelps

Dean ('81) and Susan ('81) Phillip\, Oc, QTen

Jam., Phll�p, ('59), 0

Jenn ife r Phillips ('91), lC, QC, OTen

Karen Hille Phillips ('SS), H, l, OC, OTen

Theresa Phillips, QC

Perry and Vida Pickelt. Q

Carl Pierce ('08), 0

Skip and Linda Pierce, l, lC

Joan ('95) and Michael Pierce

Marlin Pierce ('63)

Scott ('99) and Katie Pierce Kristine


('OS) and Ken Matthe\'Vs

Arne ('79) and Molly Pihl, 0


Brian ('55) and Jane Price, H, lC, 0, OTen

Deanna ('82) and Rich a rd Price, 0 Gregory ('78) and WE.>ndy Price, OC

Jon ('98) and Christy Price Julie Price ('01)

Steven ('73) and Karla Price. 0

Barbclra Port!!r, lC

Linda (72) and Larry Porter, 0

Lori Thompson Porter ('90) and David Porter, Q Portland General Ele(tric Company, 0, M

linda ('82) and 8rian ('82) Priebe, 0

Prince of Peace lutheran Church, Everett, WA, 0, OTen

Prince of Peace Lut heran Church, Seatac, WA, L. OC. OTen

Princc of Peace lutheran Church, Spokane, WA, l, OC. OTen

Linda ('73) ilnd ThomCls Prior,


William ('77) and Pa(rice Pritchard

E. Barry and Sue po ·a. 0

Jeffrey Po�t, LC

John and Judyth Post, l C MClry and David Po!> t,

BilrbiHil ('90) and Lars


Posthumus, 0

Janet and Frank Post.lewajte, 0 Krys Postma ('01), lC

Marie Pothan ('02), 0

Virginia P roch now ('57), L. OC, OTen

Alexandra ('88) a n d Steven Proctor, 0

Katherine ('85) and Steve Proctor, 0

Geoffrey dnd Carolyn Proehl, Q

P ros tock Athleli( Supply Inc, lC

Jerry ('63) and Elizabeth Protextor, 0

Prudential Foundation. lC, O.


Cdrta and Eric Pryne, lC

Cami ('91) and Greg Przybylski,


David and Jane Pubols, 0

Puget Sound Energy, L. 0, M

Puget Sound Energy foUndation. QC

Ingrid (73) and Philip Pu gh, 0

Sylvia (Morken) ('62) and Mel Pugh, H, 0, OTen

Janice ('68) and lowell Pullen,


loretta ('69) and Theodore Pullis

Raymond ('78) and Judith Puls i fer

Thomas Purbaugh ('06), 0

Gctry i.4nd Sue Purdy, 0 lois and Paul Putn<lm

Puyallup Fair Foundation. l


Kristi ('93) and Craig Ouadrato, O

Larrv and Janice Ouanbe(k

Oueen Anile luth erCl n Church. Seattle, WA, 0 Janice Kay Ou ello, H, Kara Ouello ( ' 92), 0



Timothy ('67) and letitia ('67) Ouigley, QC, OTen

Kathleen Ouintola ('73). 0

Eric Ouinn ('06), 0

Neil ('49) and Anita ('46) Potthoff, O

Joseph and Kirsten Qu inn, 0

Deborah ('78) and Bruce Poutin, O

Owest Foundation, l

Aaron ('82) and Lia nil Potts, Q

Arthur Powell, L. 0

Shannon and Timothy Quiroz.


Cathy Powell. lC Dian� ('86) and



Monte Powell.

Gary ('76) and Jane Powell, H, L. Oc. OTen

Nancy Powel l and Pau l Kirsc hner, H, L. OC

Nancy and David Powel l, Q

Ronald Powell ('72), 0

Ella and Daniel Poz?uto, 0

David and Virgi nia Pranghofer,


Cathedne Pratt ('9])

Janet ('70) and John Praxel. OC Kaarin Praxel ('07), OC

Liisa and Richmond Prehn

Andrew Preis ('On. 0

Elizabeth clnd Peter Preis, Q

The Presser Foundiltion,

E i leen Preston, 0




( 4 9). H, l,

Winifred and A, R a m stad

Judy Ramstead ('62) and Milton Morey, OC. Oren

Flora nte and Eva Ranada, 0 Alvin and Marl Randall. Q, OTen

Barbara Ranger�lynch ( ' 6 1 ). 0

Catherine RanUivage, lC

Craig Raosilvage. LC

Robert Ransavagc, LC

Wil l i am ('69) and lois Ranta

Gregory ('85 ) and Cindi Rapp

Robert Scott Rapp ('91) and Amy LeFor, Q Michacl and Judi Rash, H

D avi d ('72) and Karen Raskin, o Ronald Rasmus ('99) and

Fran(e5ca lane Rasmus, OC


The Ra bel Family Advised Fund, I

Cindy Reiquam

Donna ('86) and Lenny Retsberg, O. OTen

Patrick. and Debra Reisenthel,

William ('50) and Elaine Reiss

Chris Reilan ('89) and Sharon Ahngasuk. O

Nina ('96) and Alvin Reiten, 0

Blake and Becky Reiter, OC

Robert and Jeanette Remo!e

Renaissance Charitable Foundation I nc.. 0

Dilvid and Dorinda Rendahl. 0

Thomas and Mclry Ren ne, lC.


Jerome ('76) an d Jan i ce Renner, lC

Winston Renaud

Rentals Northwest

G, Ronald ('53 ) and Carol Reule, 0

Hilman and Oe-Iores Rauch

MCl orie- ('69) and James Ray, g

Vicki and Lawrence Retherford, 0

Betty ('6 9 ) and David Rit(hie

Glenn ('90) and U�a Ritter. 0

Evelyn Reynolds

Armand Riveness, l, 0, OTen

John Reynolds, lC

C. Robert ('91) and Krist i ('91) Rice, OC

REiMAX Territory, Inc. lC

William <lnd Elaine Rea. 0 , Darlene Read ( 54), 0

Patrick and Jane Reagan, 0

Bette and Dwayne Rice Carrie Rice ('98)

David ('68) and Joan Rice, 0, OTen

Gail Ri(e ('84) Whiting

and B radley

Joseph Ri(e, lC

'67) and MM ie ('81)

Jd(k and Janet ReCll, lC


Caren Reaves

Patti and Wade Rice, 0

Elvira ('55) and William Reardon, 0

John Reay ('56) and SarClh J a(ob son, H, l, QC, OTen

Karil Reckin ('OB), 0

John and Irene Rector, 0

Erik ('61) and Do ret ('82) Redal Torleif ('61) and Valborg Redal, O Gerald ('58) and Marie Redb urg. O

Redeemer lutheran Church, Fircrest. WA, Oc. OTen

Redeemer lu thera n Church, Great Falls, MT. 0

Joye Redfield·Wilder ('80) and Gr� Wild er lois Redlin, Q

Penny ('66) and Michael Redman, 0 louis and Vera Reece

Amelia R eed Reinke ('01) and Derek Reinke ('98), LC. 0

J (!rry Clod Faye Reed

Norman and Vivian Reed, 0


'Oilvid ('82) and Vonnie Reep Fl orence Reep ('55), 0

Gail ('78) and Steven Rees, 0

Donilid RE'Cse ('5]) and Keva Monson, H, l, 0, OTen

Donald Reese ('87) and Shari Evans, 0

Donald Reet? ('66), 0

Cody (77) dnd Eliz.abeth Reeves

Patricia ('76) and John Reeve.. , OC

R ege nce E mp loyee G iving Campaign, lC, 0, M

Janet ('BS) and M a rt i n Regge, Q. QTen Ronald and Jamie Rehn, lC Scott and Bonnie Rehn, 0

���� c

linda and S tAnley Rice, lC


Justine Richard s ('72), O(

Kelly ('92) and Daniel Richards., LC

laura Richards ('41), Q, OTen Carrie ('96) and Tom Rkhardson, OC

Roy ('89) and Tina ('90) Robbings , O

Jessica Robbins ('05). 0

Judy ('70) and edward Robbjn�, 0

Karen (73) and David Robbins, Oc. OTen

Anita and Alden Robens. 0

John ('73) ilnd lucf ('74) Rober ts. 0

Jon ('97) and Corette ('97) Roberts, LC Mary Roberts. 0

Maureen and James Roberts,


Michael ('66) and Ma rianne ('66) Roberts Scott Roberts ('89), 0

Christina ('90) and Geoffrey Richardson, 0

V ictoria Roberts. lC

Katherine Robertson ('10), 0

Sharon ('62) Clnd John Richardson, 0

Charles ('78) and SU5an Robin�on, lC, OC, OTen

Richland Hanford Softball Assn,. LC

Ginqer il nd Randolph Robinson

Richland Lutheran Church, Richland. WA, L. OC

Joanna Robinson ('S3) and Tim Neuberger, Q

Nan(y ('79) and William Richmond, O

Kenneth ('57) and Sandra ('56) Robinson, H, L. Oc. OTen

laura Ricketts ('02), 0

lynette Robinson, 0 Timothy Robles, lC

Jacqueline Rochelle, lC


Vern ('52) and Jean RockHad,

Steven Ridgway ('76). l


Patty ('68) and Campbp.1I Ridley, 0

Katherine Roderi(k-langdon , ( 9 0), 0 , Jon ( 86) and Dawn Rodin, Q

K i p p Rieb�, 0 Myrna Rieck

Ka thy ('65) and Dennis ('58) Rodin, lC

James and Karen Riede, Q Katherine Riede ('97), 0

Mary ('77) and Peter Rodman

1(001 and Fred Riedel, 0

Elwood Rieke ('S6) and laVon Driessen-Rieke, H, OC, QTen

Joanne Rieb ('54), H, L, OC, Qlen

Leroy and Glenna Rodriguez,


Ed\\!ard and Charlotte Roe, OC

Christy Roeber ('06). 0

Robert ('72) and Jan Roegner,

Judy and Paul Rieke, Q

Stacy (,88) and Michael Riffle,


MarciCl Riggers, OC Ma

Po-Chuan ('68) and Chiu Yu Ro , H elen Roalkvam ( 51). LC

Jennyann Roberts, lC

Celina Richards. 0

Jessie ('73) and Tom Richards,

linda Rickett s ('68), 0

Cynthia ('88) .1nd Darren Rivers, 0

B i l l ('04) and Allison Robert.s, OC

Russell Rice ('91), 0

James (72) and Lyn ne Ridgeway, 0

. . , LlIIe Club

Robert ('67) and Carol R ismil ler, O

Brian Reynolds. lC

Rebe« d ('79) and Raymond, O

Stanley ('92) and les!ee Rayno, OC


LC ,

linda and Ralph RisE", lC

Dale and Sharon Rhodes, 0


I , . ' , , , Independent (ollegl"i QI

Patti Risdal ('76), OC. OTpn

Slev�n ('80) and Beth Ray, 0 Jared Rayborn ('10), Q


H, Henu;ge Society o 0 Club Supporter Oc , Q Club OTen ' ,0 Club 1 0 Year� M' , Matching Gift

Jeffrey ('78) and Melissa Rippey, H, l

Jeanine ('86) and Doug las ('84) Rasm ussen, OC

r r

, , Lifetime GiYing


Sandra ('67) and Joseph Renall. LC

Andrea Rent eria ('10)

F as e ('66) and lynn ('68) Rasmussell, 0, OTe.n



Mary louise Rasmuson, l

Rdchel ('78) and Paul Reede r,

Carol Ann Quigg ('58), L. QC, QTen

Gregory ('70) and Su.san Potl�r, OC OTen Maradee ('73) and John L. OC, OTen


Sandra ('73) (lnd William Privett, 0

Douglas and Unda Post. 0

William RarT'l5tad OC, OTen

lClwrence and Jane Ran ge, 0

Anthony Pridemore, lC

Raymond ('82) and Susan Plattner, 0 O

Karen ('91) and Curt Preston,

The Pride Foundation

Ma ) and Jack �?:;:;t sg


Glenn (76) and Janna ('75) Preston, lC

i ( ) and �� f � bV �� 6� e s .

o N a ncy ('66) and Paul Roes(h, QC, OTen

Ja(queline ('49) ilnd Arthur Roessel. 0 , WClllace ( 55) and Marion ('55) Rogelstad, 0

Bruce ('76) and Eileen ( ' 7 1 )

Gwendolyn Riggim

Debra and Neil Race, 0

Doris Reichert, 0

Kenneth ('59) and Audrey ('62) Riis, 0, OTen

Clifford ('91) and Oleryl Rogge, 0

Kevin ('78) and Diana R<lhn, 0

Martorie Reigstad, l, QC, QTen

Bruce ('76) and Peggie Riley, 0

D.Jrrel Rohal' (' 04), 0

Kirsten ('92) and P aul ('02) Role

John ('90) and Tonya Ralston, o Alberto and janice Rami rez, 0

Ana Ramos ('OS) , Judy ( 68) and Rufino Ram�,


Wilson and Beatr iz Ramos, Q

Rei chert

Maureen and John Reid, lC

Loeda ('64) and Horst Rei!. 0

Sandra Reilley-Huddlestone ('76) and John Huddlestone, Q

Janet Reim.ln ('55) and Hdrry Ames, H, l. OC, OTen Heidi Reimann ('97), Q

William and Li l l ian Ramsay

Glenna and Virgil Reimer, lC

Janet and Donald Ramstad

Mary Anne Reinhart

James and Kathryn Ramstad

Jerome and Jane Ramstad Philip ('61) dnd R<lmstad, O

N. lyn n e

Shtt-ryl Ramstad and lee Larson

Ann Reiner

Joy Rikala

Joa n Ril ey, OC

Wilham and Ann Riley, l

Ruth Rogers, 0

Robert and Mar"y Rognlien



77) and SuzannE" Rohde,

Eva ngel ine Rimbach ('52), 0

Michael and MarCl Rohrenbach, 0

lynn <lnd Donn R ing. lC

DaVId Rolle r ('70), lC

Jennifer ('89) and John ('89) Ringler, 0

Michael and Paula Romey, 0

lYlln and Ken Ring. lC

Michael and C.. rol Rolf, 0

Kerstin Ringdah l ('82). H, 0, OTe n

leanne ('99) and Brian Romas.


Jeanne and Alan He-inke, 0

Carolyn Ringo ('77), 0

Julie ('85) and Dar,!1 ('84) Ramo

Ch ri st i n<1 Reiv ('06)

Mary ('66) and Fred Ripley. 0

A rvid and ConstClnce Ronning

Christy ('79) clrod Gary Reinking, 0

Dea nna ('92) and William Rink, O



Jilnet Tagge Ronneberg ('75) and Russell Ronneberg, lC

PLU SCENEWiNrER 2 0 1 0 55

Nancy Schultz ('7o. L. ac, OTen

Emily Scarborough, Q

Nelius ('63) and Nada Ronning, 0

Ken.neth ('62) and Barbara ('65) Ruud, LC, Q

Svend Ronning ('89), 0

Christopher Ruzyla ('06), 0

Terry ('72) and Randena Schaap, 0

Tonia ('94) and Karl ('94) Ronning, 0

Rebecca ('86) and Kenneth ('87) Ryals. OC, OTen

Charles Schaefer ('8 1 ) and Kathryn Rowberg ('80), 0

Ron's Coin & Collectibles, lC

B(enden Ryan ('08), 0

Martin ('61) and Barbara

Joan Root

Elaine Ryan

John Root, 0


J. Brendan ('89) and Ke y ('89) Rorem, OC

Kelly Ryan ('10), OC Michael and Gina Ryan, 0

Daniel Rosales ('07). lC

Michael ('98) and Jane ('98) Ryan, 0

Aaron ('01) and Robyn Rose, 0

Pacll ('89) and Elizabeth Ryan, Q

Daniel ('56) and Marilyn Rose, l, OC, OTen

Patrick ('00) and lynn (,02) Ryan

Judith Ann Rost:' ('72) and MClry Dey, H, OC

Lisa ('92) and Brian ('93) Rybloom. Q

Kay and Robert Rose

Glenn ('75) and Frances ('7S) Ryder, 0

Laura ('03) and Jonathan ('04) �ose, oe lynnette Rose ('83) and lawrence Witt, Q Solva Rose Susan ('75) and AI.=m Rose, 0 leland ('56) and Greta ('57) Roseberg, l, 0, QTen Thomas and linda Rosenbaum

George and Barbara Rye lisa and Greg Rye Caley Ryerse ('10), 0 Michelie and Matthew ('OOl Rygg, Q Jan Rystrom. Q Bruce and Sheryl Rytkonen

- s -

Steven ('88) and lori Roser, QC Gary and Betty Roska, Q loy ('96) and Scott ('96) Ross, Q Lawrence ('S8l and Marit Ross,

OC, OTen

Linda and David Ross, Q Sheri and Jeffrey Ross, a Suzie Ross ('56), a, OTen Karen ('73) and Jon Rossi, Q Geir ('76) and Kari Rosvik. 0 Gerald ('51) and Marlene Roth. Q Wayne and Patricia Roth, 0 laura (' n) and Gary Rothenberger, OC, OTen Paul ('88) and JoAnn ('91) Rothi, OC, OTen

Schaefer, H, l, 0


Kimberly ('91) and Martin ('91) Schaeferle, 0 Miriam Sc.haeuble, 0 Delbert ('SO) and Afton ('48) Schafer, l, lC, OC, OTen Eldon Schafer, l, Q, QTen Ruth ('93) and Albert Schaffler, OC, OTen Neil and Mindy Schaffner, OC Kathy ('S2) and Paul SchaUer,


Michael ('93) and Shari Schaub, 0 Grace ('65) and Delmer Schauer, 0 Ronald and Patricia Schauer, 0 Nova Schauss ('04), OC Sharon Schauss, OC

Al fred Schedler ('SO), 0 Beatrice Scheele ('58), H, l, OC, OTen Randall ('72) and Trudi Scheele, 0

Aline and '-Villiam Sacha, lC

David ('70) and Karen Scheels, 0

Kathleen ( 95) and Brian Sachse, 0, OTen

Nancy ('60) and Rich Scheffel, Q, OTen


Elmer Sackman ('74), 0 leeju Saechang ('09), a SAFECO Insurance Foundation


Kris ('85) and Ric

Safford, O


J<,unes Scheibe (83), 0, OTen Judith Scheinuk ('66), 0 Milo ('58) and Mary Scherer, a Elizabeth Scherman ('89)

lana and Richard Sager, lC

Michael Schkk and Katherine Hanson

Scott ('91) and Julie ('91) Sager, Q

Charles ('72) and Shirley Schiller. 0

Chris Sakas ('97) linda ('66) and Thomas Salatiello, a

Paul Schiller ('n) Charles Schilling ('84) and laura Giddings, 0

William and Susan Rothwell, 0

Beverly S�lin9 ('89) and Frederrck Marshall, QC

Danny Rotter-Thomassen

Carmen Salisbury ('01)

Patricia and George Roundy, OC, OTen

Susan ('84) and Eric Sallee, 0

Janet Schimke-Crist ('68) and Tedd Crist, Q

Richard Rou5e ('69) and Beth le\,l,'i-s, H, l Ruth Ann ('00) and Michael ('99) Rouse, OC Gerard Rousseau and Diane laughter, 0

Douglas ('74) and Li!id ('74) Ruecke-r, H, OC, OTen C<:Jrol Rueppel James and Patricia Ruesken, Q Jesse Ruhl ('99), 0 Eric ('SO) Cind Stephanie ('79) Runni"g Richo'lrd ('65) and Sharm Running. Oc, OTen Wiliiam and Aase Running Julia Runyan Donald and Vicky Rupp, a Matthew and lorraine ('04) Rusch, O

Julie ('83) and Jim Shanafelt,

Aimee Sieverkropp-Dubbs ('01) and Matthew Dubbs ('OO), OC

Deborah ('85) and Timothy Schuppe, 0 Nancy Schutz ('63), 0 Phillip ('66) and lynn Schuur, LC The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving, OC

Arlene Sandberg ('57), 0 Myron ('6S) and Marva Sandberg, Q Heather ('93) and Nathan Sande

lynda ('82) and Theodore Schlosser, 0 Ca.sper Schmcmd ('72), 0 David ('74) and Patricia Schmidt, LC Perry ('78) and Cc�rol Schmidt, Q Meldna Schmike ('87)

JanE" ('84) and Daniel Schwabe, Q

Christina Shannon, 0

Tiffany and Kenneth Schwander, LC

Elizabeth ('89) and Del ('89) Shannon, 0

Elaine ('76) <''lnd Mike Schwartz, 0

John ('67) and Cheryl Shannon, l, Q, OTen

Donald ('67) and Barbara Simmons, OC, OTen

lee Shannon ('66), 0

ErneS"t and E l izClbeth Simmons

Tavmya Schwartzen trub ('09)

Susan Shardelman ('84), 0

Warren and Nancy Schwegel, o 8arbara Schwisow ('61). 0

David ('79) and Teresa ('79) Sharkey, l

Jacquelyn and Ralph Simmons, lC

Olive and John Scornaienchi Brenda Ray Scott ('88) and Dana Scott, OC Eleanor ( , 73) and Gordon Scott, 0 Judith Scott ('97) Julia ('77) and Curtis Scott,


Kalissa Scott ('07), 0 Karen ('92) and Curtis Scott, LC Laurie and Michael Scott, lC Linda and Carl Scott Rose Ann ('58) and Ed....Jin Scott, 0 Sandra Scott, le

Dale ('70) and Joyce ('67) S ears, O. OT('n lisa ('98) and Ron Sears, 0, OTen

Sheryl ('75) and Stanley Sharp,


Gene ('74) and Carol Sharratt, Q Heidi and William Shaughnessy, lC

Nathan and Gretchen Simons,

Elaine Shaw, lC

Alvin and M i ldred Simonson

Jessica ('98) and Dan Shaw

Brian and Tonia Simpson

Marc Sheehan ('98), 0

James ('68) and Paula ('69) Simpson, 0

J<)mes ('72) and Beth Sheets, LC Jerry ('54) and Lois ('59) Sheffels, l, oe, OT@n Carol and Douglas Sheldon, LC, O

Paul Shelley ('92) and Diane Downie, 0 Alan and Sharon Shelton, lC Dorothy Shelton, L Edward and Lindd Shelton, 0

Selra Seed ('06), lC ,

Daniel Seetin ( 06), lC

Suzanne Sheridan ('72), l, OC

Mark ('75) and Katherine ('74) Sjostrom, Q

Noel and laurie Shillito, Q

Patti Schnittgrund-GoU ('70) and P.wl Gotz, 0

Robert Sekijima, lC Stanley Selden

Janet ('95) and Dennis Shimabukuro, 0

Donna Sasser, 0

Carolvn Schoenrock, 0

Stanley Sather, lC Randy ('74) and Alice ('74) Satrum, l, 0, OTen

Rosario Sc1vella, lC

Jacob Schonau-Taylor ('07) Stuart Schopf ('97), 0 Christine Schrecengost, 0

Robe rt (75) and Angela Schreiner, 0 Kerri ('9S) and Robert Scl)roeder, 0 Duane ('58) and Pauline ('55) Schryver, 0


Borghild Selid, Q Sellen Construction Coo, l Ge

��l��/g and Sandra l

Jerry Sells ('59) and linda larson, H. L, ac. OTen Dan ('64) and Judith ('64) Selmann, Q, OTen Rosemary ('61) and Jerome Semrau, lC Randolph ('70) and Vera ('70) Senn. O Ivan ('55) and Iris Seppala, 0 Dennis Sepper and Nancy Connor, l, QC, OT("n Kathleen and Brian Seppi, o Cynthia Sepulveda

Amy Schubert, lC

Sequoii) Foundation, l

Jazelle ('S4) and Michael Savin, 0

Eleanor and Keith Schubert Scott Schuler ('00), lC

Steven and Nenita Serdenia, Q

Elizabeth ('98) and Ryan Sa.-...yer, QC, QTen

Susan Schulkin, lC

Jt:mna ('06) and Mcnthew ('05)

luiz Rusw, 0 Karen ('82) and Edward Ruth, Q

Thomas ('58) and Georganne Sawyer, 0, OTen

Brian ('90) and Carin ('90) Ruud, l, OC, OTen

Kristina ('02l and David SawyeN-Dowling, 0

Janet Ruud ('70), Oc, OTen

Donny and Vlrginia Scanlon



��� �]���g�:�dford S I


Charl� ('90) and Kimberly ('89) Schultz, OC, OTen Earl ('SS) and Natalie ('84) Schultz, lC

Sen, OC

April and Alex Serrano Gary and Kit Se\lerson, H, l, lC, OC, OTen Maryanne ('66) and Richard Severson, 0

Gerard ('73) and Mary Siuta, o Terry and Jody Siverson, 0

Marna Skaar

Jollene and 8ruC� Shields, 0

Sheri lynn Sasaki ('08), lC

Fermin and Alicia Sion9co, Q

lee ('87) and Cathy ('87) She-rman, O

Karen Seinfeld, l

David ('68) and Christelle ('68) Schoening, L, OC, OTen

Jeanie ('91) and Richard Singler, Q

Cath leen and Timothy Sherman, 0

Phillip Schne�er ('95), QC

Terry Sapp, 0

Jennifer ('86) and Richard Singer, a

Sheraton Seattle Hotel & Towers, I

Nada and f...lartin Secondo, lC

Nicola ('83) and Bruc� Seiler, l, OC, OTen

Michelle Schoenberg ('80) and John Carton, Q

Melvin ('42) and Beulah Sinex, Q

Jarl and Delores Sec herJensen

David ('91) and Nilncy ('90) Schneider. 0

Deborah Sclpp, 0

Jack ('58) and Janice Si nderson, l, OC, OTen

lonn ('95) and Susan Sipes, 0

John Shephard, lC

Julia Sandoval, LC


Morgan Simpson ()nd Ann Bray, l.C, 0 Shawn Simpson (,93) and Scott Haines, lC

larry ( ' 7 1 ) and Joy Sirianni, QC

Stephen ('76) and Rachel Seiffert, 0

Valerie and David Schock, 0


Elaine Shen ('89), QC

Miles and Patricia Seeley, 0

Todd ('01) and Tamara Schoen,

Harold Simons ('76), Q Justin Simons (' OS ) , 0

Michele ('99) and John Shaver, 0

Jennifer ('02) a!'!d Brandon Schneider. lC

Harry ('59) and Carin!'!€' Sannerud, 0, OTen

Kathleen Simonis-Bennett ('70) and Thomas Be.nnett, Q

Craig and Maureen Shaver

Sarah Sanders ('OS), 0

Clinton and Sdndrd Sanford, 0

Violet ('96) and Gerald Simmons, Q Nancy Simonds, 0

Karen-Marie Shepard

Thomas and Karin Schmitz. LC

lennette Schnur-Rubel (72), 0

Sandra ('85) and Stuart Simmons, 0

Karin ('01) and Mike Sebree, Q

Wayne ('67) and Sheryl Saverud, H , l, 0, OTen



Jeffery and Elisabeth Sandgren, LC

Sausalito Design Group, QC

Kathleen Russell

Marion Sharp and Noel Blyler,

Dennis ('82) and lois Seibert,

�:� Sri

Silverdale lutheran Church, Silverdale, WA, l, 0, QTen Simmons Filrms, 0

lois Sch\,,;a rtz, l, QC

Janet ('82) and Paul Schneeman, 0

Cecil and Lori Sanford, Q


Ray and Nancy Silcox, Q

David ('74) and Cheryl Seibel, LC, Q

lauren Sandven An ) and Sha ..·m d

Pamela ('94) and Russell Sikes,

Carolyn Silflow ('72) and Paul lefebvre. 0, OTen

George and Jan Seetin, 0

Henry and Catherine Sandstrom

Robert Sievertsen

Alison ('90) and Kent Shane, Q

Dorothy Schnaible ('49), H, l, OC, OTen

Russell lnvestment5, l, 0, M

Pamela ('72) and Alan Russell, H, L. OC, QTen

Jane Shanard Don ('73) and Kathy Jean ('73) Shandrow, Q

Maudie Schnaible ('56), 0, OTen

Dave and Sue Sander, 0

Chadotte and Dennis Sauer, lC , Katherine ( 62) dnd Robert Saunders, 0

George and Dion Russell. l


Roger ('86) and Carolyn ('86) Shanafelt, H, OC

Carl ('61) and Anita Searcy, l. LC, OC, OTen

Candice ('91) and John Rushton, 0 Carol ('55) Ctnd James Russell. Q

Mae and William Schunk

Nathaniel Schlicher ('00) and Jessica Kennedy-Schlicher, OC, OTen

Helen Marie Holtcamp Sanders ('3 71. LC, 0 Robert Sanders ('65). 0

Philip ('68) and Mary Rue, OC, oTen

Theodore ('57) and Marian Siek, O

John and lee Sheldon

Susan ('88) and Dennis Sanborn, 0, OTen

Siegenthaler, a

Armen ( ' 8 1 ) and Marie-Claude Shanafelt, ac

lois Sheldon (' S8). 0

Pdut and Donna Rowold

Marianne ('80) and Terry Rudd, O

Don and Betty Shalhope. 0

Kerri ('84) and Fred

Robert Schumacher Tina Schumann ('09)

Dianna Sealy-Gipner a n d Gary Gipner, Q

Andrea Sander ('05), Q

Rockford ('82) and Grace ('84) Ruddy Cara ('8l) and Howard Rudolf, Q

Paul and Doris Schumacher, 0

Richard ('61) and Carol Schlen ker, 0

Dale ('73) and Ellen ('74) Rowley, 0

Lois ('63) and Byron Ruck. OC

Steven Siefert ('83), Q

Jeanetle ('59) and John Saltwick, O

Rachel Sanborn, 0

Jason Rubottom ( '04), 0

Gail Siec.kman ('74). Q

Audrie ('77) and Glen Shagren, 0

c e,

Estate of Murial Seal. H, O C

Cli fford ,md Jille RO'o...e. 0, OTen


Linda ('80) and Joseph Siebert, le, 0

Charlotte ShaHer ('S9), a

�h'J�:S� �ng Mary

F. Joan Sc.rim, 0, QTen

Donna Schlitt, H, l, OC, OTen

F rederick G.A. and Janet


Susan and Casey Scott

Andrew Schliep ('03), QC

David ('80) and Patricia ('80) Siburg, OC, OTen

Larry Shafer

Robert and Joan Schlegel

Ruth Parrow Salzl ('83) and Gregory Satz!, 0

Yoav ('07) and Usa Sibony

Ann ('87) and Steve ('82) Schumacher, 0

Steve and lynn Schinnell, 0

Kath leen and Dean San berg

Robert and Mary Row!and, Q

Elle and Robert Shadley

Janice Lynn ('62) and Dick. Shabro, O

Julie and Charles Schisel. Q

Carmen Rowe ('92), OC

Kathleen Rowe-Maloret ('92) and Peter Maloret, 0

Joann and Raymond Schulz, LC


Salt and light Communications llC, 0

Anthony Sampas and Monique Paturel, 0

James ('75) and S<lndra Rowland, L, OC, OTen

S. Erving ('55) and Nancy ('79) Severtson, H, L. lC, OC, QTen

Mary Saltis ('65), 0

Alan Rowberg ('66), a Arija ('63) and 1n.'\Iin Rowe, 0

Nathaniel Rowe ('02), QC

Dale ('57) and Katherine ('S8) Schimke

Esther ('57) and Alfred Schulz,

Michael dnd Shauna SkaH, 0

Ronald ('73) and Diane Sherman, a

lerry ('73) and Janine ('72) Skaga, L, OC, OTen

Timothy ('67) and Marcia ('67) Sherry, lC. Oc, OTen

Sharon Skar ('74), 0

Emily Shields, 0 Joe ('70) and Frances ('68) Shields, QC

Adele clnd Lon Shimanuki, QC Terryll Shimada ('96). lC Sheila Shio2aki, LC Paula and Richard Shively, lC William and Kathleen Shivitz,


lawrence ('57) and Karen Shoberg, O C Shelley ('85) a n d Rod Shockley, 0

Stanley Clnd Brynhild Skibiel, 0 Helen and James Skindlov Mary Skladany Patricia Sklow, 0 Theolinda Skogsberg, 0 Daren ('91) and Pam Skonord,


Kimberly ('90) and Krestian Skrinde, O Tamelyn Skubinna (' 74) , l, lC, OC, OTen Richard Slana ('69) i)nd Maxine Atkinson. 0 Gordon ('62) and Mary Slethaug, OC James ('74) and Mary ('75) Sletten, l. O. Oren

John Shoji, lC

Lisle ('89) and Matthew Slichko

Joyce ('64) and Thomas Short, Q

Marvin ('69) and Anne Slind, Q

Peggy ('76) and Gary Shortt, Q

Charles Slocum

Kirk and Mary Sloan, lC

�( and Helene Slocum.

Richard and Susan Shotwell, Q


Victoria Shotwell ('01), 0 Marjorie ('SS) and Ahmad Shouman, O

Gail Small ('79), 0 Shannon Smiley ('92) and Chris Michaeles, 0

John ('87) and Debbie ('87) Sho�JP, lC, 0

Ann Smith Sehdf:'v ('90) and Paul Schdev, l

Paul and Dianne Shoup, lC Sean and K imberly Shoup, lC Be

����� ��� ��ane I

Robin ('9S) and Peter Shultis Jeffrey Shumake ('84) and Sheryl Bombardier­ Shumake. lC

Amanda Smith ('00), 0 CClrlos ('78) clnd Janet Smith,


Cathy Smith. 0 Cecilia ('95) and Thomas Smith, lC, Q Daniel ('07) and Katelyn Smith

Daniel Smith. lC

Dean and laurel Smith, lC

Denn is ('70) and Sharon ('71) S m I th

Diane ('72) and Dennis Smith,


Francis dnd Myrn a Smith, Q

J ane ('73) and Ronald Smith, Q Ja n ice ( 80) and Timothy S m i th, O


Jennifer ('S3) o

and Todd Smith,

Kristi ('90) dnd Norm Smith, Q Kristine dnd James Smith

Nancy and Michael Smith, LC

Patrie and Jodi Smith, Q

Pau l ette and William Smith. Q

Ronald Sm it h

Sheila ('86) and Brad Smith, Q

Stephen and Jane Smith, Q Stephen Smith ('81), Q

Susan and Dean Smith. Q

Tammy and Duane Smith, Q

A mother's sacrifice acknowledged through support of first-generation students Eva Frey Johnson's '95 mother, Beni l da Regis Arinto Frey, never completed her college degree. But that d i d n't mean she, and her husband Steven, did n't consider it essentia l . M My parents have a l ways been committed t o provid i ng a n education f o r their children, M Johnson s a i d . MThey have been saving ever since the day we were born . "

Joan ('78) and Paul Smock, Q

Barbara ('S3) Smythe

a n d Robert

Ray mo n d a n d Li n da Sna r i ng, LC. O

Loretta and Martin Snead, LC

J oh n


OTe n

Marldn Snee,

l, 0,

Dianne Snelt

Marvin ('64) and Sharon ('64) Sne l l. 0 Nancy and Dale Snesrud, 0

Re becca Snider-Fuller ('76) ar.d Wil l ia m Fuller; Q

Karen Espeseth Snow ('79) and WlIIiam Snow, 0

Debra ('00) and f\1ichael ('00)

Snowden, 0

Paul Snyder and laurie Synd er, LC Elizabeth and Neal Sobania

Da le Soden ('73), 0, OTen

J (tc


��d�rli � ,2

a n d Scott ('92)

DClVid ('71) and Ca rol Soderlund, OC

A s a way of acknowledg i ng that, Joh nson - PLU's dean of student development and d i rector of Student I nvolvement and Lead ersh i p - and her husband, Kevin, have endowed the Beni lda Regis Arinto Frey Scho larship. The schola rsh i p will be awarded t o female students who, l i ke Johnson, were the fi rst i n their family to attend co l l ege. Johnson is q u i ck to point out that, as someone i n her mid30s who works at PLU, she doesn't have the money to make a sizeable one-time g ift. Eva and Kevin's g ift to PLU is made i n the form of a deferred g ift - they named PLU as the beneficiary of the i r life insurance policy. The couple doesn't have children, so this is a g reat way to honor the legacy of Eva's mother by ensuring that, in the future, other fi rst­ generation students can attend the university.

Dianne .1nd G<Jry Soderlund,


Lloyd Soderlund ('57), LC, OC Harry and Tina Soete, LC

Theresa Soholt ('02), a

Jeffrey ('89) and Den ise Sai ne, l Jon Soine ('58)

Laurie Saine (,87), QC, OTen

Walter and M. Marie Specht,


Ronald ('76 ) an


Robert ('84) an d Speer



. . Ufetime G iving Sodety

Julia Sped(, 0

Col!een ('85)

Carol Sp i rs ('88),


Cynthia Spencer, lC

Robert ('95) a n d Amy ('97) Spencer, 0

Francis (,67) and Dee Spera, 0

Jeffrey ('72) and Kathy Spere, H, L, OC, OTen Gary and Cheryl S pid a hl

H Heritage Society Q.. Q Club Supporter Q Gub QC . QTen . . Q Club 10 Years M. . Malchlng Gih 1...

Amy Spieker ('09), Q

Michael and Jill Sp ieker, OC

David ('69) and Mary Spies, 0

Ja mes Spinhirne, lC



. Il1dependenl Colleges of Washington . 1 ute Club

Jerrold Spinhirne, lC



Jo l Sp inhi rn , LC

Martha S pi nh ir ne. lC

Steven Spi nney ('68), 0, OTen Laurel and Kurt Spi tze r, 0

leRoy ('52) and Connie ('S 1 ) Spi tler, H, L , lC, Oc. Olen d B rian ('07) Kat rpr;g t:� O

Spokane County MediCal Society

Ba rry ('82 ) <Jnd lisa Spomer, Q,

OTe n

Erica Span berg ('03), 0

Ha(ly Spao. lC


Dave ('67) dnd Lindy ('67) Staub, l, Oc, Olen Michel l e Stauffer ('91), Q

Sara ('05) and Scott ('05) Stauffer, Q

Robert ('70) and Rosalie ('70) Stavaas, O

Carol and Conrad Stayton Christie Ste<>rns, 0

Nancy and Robert Steblay, 0

Maricel( ('96) and James SteE.'le


Twila ('S9) and 8ru e Springer,


Barbara ('61) and Glen Sta ton ,

Jean ('63) and LM Springgate,


louis ('58) and Mari lyn Spry, lC

, Scott ('88) and Sherith ( 88) Squires, H, l

David ('51) and larilie ('58) Steen, H, l, OC, OTen

Paul ('54) and Judith Steen, 0, OTen

Karen ('82) and Scott Stegman, 0, OTen

Ariadne Stein, H, l, 0, OTen

Carrie and William Steiner. 0

St. Andrew's lutheran Church, Believue, WA, l, OC, OTe n

Jon ('7 1 ) and R u th Steiner, 0

St. Lukes Lutheran Church, Spokane, WA, OC

Emily lewis Stelter ('90) clnd Kendall Stelter, 0

St. John 's lutheran Church, Ch�halis, WA, OC

St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Spokane, WA, OC, OTen

St. Mark's Lutheran Church by the Narrows, Tacoma, WA, L. Oc, OTen

St. Matthew lutheran Church, Renton, WA, OC

St. Paul lutheran Church, M issoula, MT

Francis ('65) and Karen ('65) St ack, O

Kend ra Steiner ('10), Q

Rose (,69) and Del Steiner, OC, OTen

Kimberlee Stender ('87) and Steven Hiett, 0 Robert and Sharon Lee Stender, lC

Rita ('8i) and Danny Stene, 0

St <> n ley ('68) and Sharon ('68) Stenersen, Q, QTen

Heidi ('91) and Casey Stenzel, 0 Marsha S tep han ('81),

Allison Stephe ns


Deborah linn ('86) and Mark

larry Sokol, lC

Karen and Frederick Stafford,

John n 2) and Ca rol S olda no,

Thomas ('89) and Sherry Stafford, O

Kent and Rene Stephens. lC

Marilyn and Cha rl es Stager, lC

Melody and William Stepp

Dorothy Soland ('51), 0 O, OTen

Thelma Solie ('37), Q, OTen

Kay and David Soltis, QC, OTen

Jeremy ('90) and Rhonda SoltroH, Q


Mary and Robert Stageberg

('80) and a Km i B�:�rO�� ���y

Gwen Soillm, 0, OTen

Shannon Stagner and Christopher von der Gruen,

Janet and Gary Somers

Peter ('80) and Karen Stahl, Q

M a tthe','v ('80) and Dianne Sol um


linda and

Brian Sta hl,


Miriam S t ahle r ('81), 0

Erika Somm ( 9 1 ) and Peter Davis, Q

Leah ('93) a nd A la n S titjd u ha r,

larry and Wendy Sonnenberg,

Doris an d Jim Stam ps, lC


When Eva and Kevin told Beni lda that they were going to name a scholarship after her - and only her - she was shaken. "This is for me?" Eva recalls her mother ask ing, " O n ly in my namer

Thomits Sommer

As a fi rst-generation student herself, Eva cou l d n 't think of a more fitting tri bute.

Alexia Sontag ('64), 0 , OTen

"I came to PLU and was educated for the world, " Johnson sa id. "I want that to be offered to other female fi rst­ generation students."

Allan Sorensen ('74), Q


C. George ('73) and Karen Sonray,


Sons Of Norway Vesterdalen 2 131 Margaret Sopkovich ('57), 0

Gwe n ('08) and Blake Sorem,


Brianne Sorensen

Cathy Sorensen ( ' 8 1 ) , QC Eric ('84) and Maureen Sorensen, lC

Evan (,77) and Ma rk Soremen,

-Steve Hansen

Timothy ('87) and Debra S pau ldi ng, 0


Darlene and Mike Sorenson, LC

E . Arthur Sort land ('70)

Forrest Soth, L aC, OTen

Satta Voce

Inc., lC

Hope and Randal Souders, lC


Karen an d Gary Stamps, lC

Steven Stamps, lC


Patricia Spanner, Q

Ronald ('74) and Linette ('72) Sparacino, QC

laurel Steva h n ('SO), 0

James Stevens, lC

John ('63) and Ann Stevens, lC. O

OUo and Shirley Stevens,

OC, OTen

StandiSh, lC

Alan ('60) and Sharon Kay St an g, OC, OTen

Michael ('S2) and Theresa St an gel and, 0

Catherine and David Stangland, 0

Paul and Eileen Stankavkh, OC

Gavin ('95) and Ste ph anie ('95) Stan ley, LC

Jean Stan l ey ('61), lC,


Pamela Pappas Stanoc:.h and Joseph Stano(.h


Starbu ks Co Hee Company, A, M

Kevin Stark ('08) Hazel Starkey

James and Cy nth ia Starks, 0



and George Start,

o State Farm Companies Foundation, 0, M


State Fa rm I ns u ra nc Co m pa n i es, L, lC

H, L,

Karla ('83) and Ro bert Stevens, 0

Alice S tewa rt

l, OC, OTen

Steven Starkovich

Gretchen ('63) and John Spangberg, Q


Faith ('55) and Kurt Stern , 0

Andrew S t er n a rd ('03) and Ti:lmara Schaps ('04), OC

Neil ('60) and Wyoma Standal,

Tracy ('92) dnd M ichael ('9 1 )

Patricia ('71) and Douglas Janice ('76) and Carl Spane, Q

Sterling Savings Sank,

Gerald Stevenson ('77),

Eric Stanczyk ('06), lC

Maria and Jeff Stark, Q

Sowder, Q

Rebecca Stephenson ('01), 0

Jonathan S tan e ry ('04), lC. 0

South Pierce County Altrusa Club

Arne Sovik, Q

Stephens, 0

larry and Connie Stephens, Q


David ('86) and Sonja ('86)


('10), Q

An�ela Stewart ('04) and Cliff 'Messer, O

B i l l and Rosemary Stewart, 0

Ja mes and Ann Stewart, 0 James Stewart ('59), L, QC, OTe n

John ('63) and Kristine Stewart, 0

Marsha ('68) and leo Stewart, OC

Norita Stewart ('56), L. QC, OTen

Eric ('95) and Rikka ('95) Stewart, H, l, 0

Therese ('86) and Joh n Stewart, Q Willie ('69) and Faye Stewart, le, Q, QTen Gloria and Joe Sthen, 0 Paige Sthen (,07), 0

Kathleen ('SO) a nd JeH Stickney, OC

Joan Stiggelbout, l, Q, OTen Robert and Diane Stil lson, 0

Kathleen S t i llwe l l ( '89) and Ge o rge


Stilnovkh, Q



Randolph ('63) and C hr i �t i ne Stime, O

Evelyn Sv�nd�n ('39). L, 0, OTen

Lawrence <md Barbara Stith, 0 , Alan ('83j and Kathryn ( 83i St i tt, LC

Senlamrn a n

Nea! ('6 1 ) and Ann tte ( '6 1 ) Stixrud, O

Sarbof d S\.�Janson ('79), 0


Menie ('89i and Donald

Stoddard, Q

Alfred ('52) <Ind Ruth ('56)

Stolte, Q

Diane and Torn Stone, Q St,,�y Ston

e ('06)

Stonehenge Financial Partners, LLC, 0

Steve ('72) and Kari Stoner, 0 Cather i ne Storaasli ('49), OC, OTen

Dianne and David Storby, Q Lo


e l ('6 1 ) and Byrde ( ' 6 1 ) Stordahl, 0

d Ana Swaab, LC

M ichae l ('86) and Re.becca Swan, Q

Donald ('72) "nd Wendy ('74) Swanson, L, QC, OTe n

Jerry and Debbie Tecc,), 0

Donnd SWd fl..S On ('56), Q, OTen Laef Swan'SAln ('05)

Marilyn Strand Ruth and Elmer S trand, LC Joseph {'84) ilnd Karina Strandjo rd , 0 Edith Strand ness ('55), H, L, Oc, OTen Larry ilnd Marlene Stranz, LC LeRoy Clnd Barbard Strd l ton, 0 Lesl ie Straub, LC

Richard nO) and Donna Straub, Q

Lab t

Wesley ('90) and EI i

Strauss , 0

e h

Dyanne and Gi!yle Streff Str i ctly Scandinavian Gift§ Co u rtney Stringer ('08), LC, OC C. G ordon Strom ('56) ilrld Diane Do ro n, 0

Mark Strom ('07), Q Mark and Debra Strom, 0

Debi ('83) and Paul Stromberg, OC

Sh,JII'm Sack. Q

Kim and Tim Teegardin, LC Paul Tegels. 0

Terry ('75) and Martha ('75) Teigen, 0

Mark ('68) ilnd Wendy ('7 1 ) Swanson. l , OC, OTen

Kent ('62) and Jeanine TeKrony, L, QC, OTen

Michelle ('83) and K u r t

T�'ktronix Foundation, Q, I'll



Paul ('66) and MalY ('67) Swanson , OC OTe n Peter Sw�mon ('70), H. LC, OC

Scott ('88j a nd Lynn SINdnson, LC

David dnd Carrie Story, Q

Thomas ('90) and Karen ( ' 9 1 ) Taylor, LC

Nancy and Cha r les Teahan, Q

Darlene 5torkson ('62) and Dennis Brawford, Q


O, OTen

Teresa T,1ylor-8ilck ('93) and

Ro b ert ('54) and Annabe l l e

John and Brenda Sto r m, Q

Sandra (,77) and Terry Tay lor,

Donald Tigges ('55), 0

Cara�yn Swanson ('61), 0

lsobel Swanson ('68), 0

Sv.'aman, 0, OTen

Wil1iam and CynTh1,,, Swanson,


w dbCJ

SUiah S � S and ra

B rendan Te-Ies ('04), 0 Ronald and Eileen Tellefson, H, L A. Ardelle ('60) and Lee Temanson, O Peter and Barbara Temple­ Thurston Scott ('75) and Susan (' 7 6) Tem p(elon , 0

Phyllis Templin ('59) and Bur ton Nesset, 0, OTen

ISa be l le Swartz

g ('72), 0

Sweeney ('77), Q

Timothy Templin ('86), LC

Jeffrey Tengesdal ('77) and

8arb;)ra Arnold-Tengesdal. o

Sweet SixteE'n Acres LLC, LC


Bfl1ce and Evangel ine S en son, 0

Erika ('99) and Aaron ('99) Swenson, 0 Eunice Swenson ('56), L

Lavern ('72) and Anne ('72) SI....enson. LC Michael ('73) and Nancy SI,venson, 0 Paul Swenson ('84) and MiHceJ1a Ely, Q

Rodney dnd Evelyn Swenson, L, OC, OTen Lois Swen.son-Grudt ('85) and Daniel Grudt ( 'S 5), 0, OTe_n Karin Swenson-Moore ('84) and NicholCis Moore, 0 Joseph and S herry S,.vi c k ard, 0 Harr i et and Blaine S'....ieso

Jodi S\Nift ('97), Q Thomas ('76) and Marybeth SV,'ift, LC

Marlys Ti dwe l l ('53). OC, OTen

Joan ('82) and Randy Tiede, 0

8ruce ('67) and Deborah S wanson, 0

SUL<lnne ('88) and Paul ('88) Stordah l , O

Michelle Storms-Van Howe ('78) and Robert Van Howe,

Linda Taylor ('58). 0, OTe n Peter and Krisflne Taylor

M .)fk Tengesdal ('81), OC

Victoria and Steven Tennant, OC


Christina Teren i Allen and lori Tern q u i s l, LC

Ann ('85) and Doug l as Terrel,


David and Mary TCf\\lilliger, 0

Jo A nne Terwilliger, LC Justin and Cdtrina Ter LC

wi l l


Pame la Tes( he

Tetra Oil Compa ny, Q Nadine ('62) and Gene

Tetrilutt, 0

B, Janee Theleman ('58), 0

Danielle ('85) and 8radl�y ('83) Tilden, L, OC David ('89) and Ann Tillotson, o Shannon Tilly ('94) and Craig Norton, Oc, OTen Robert ('57) and Anne Timm, 0, QTen Jan ('81) and Ming Tin, 0



Jean T ndal l · O' el l ('89) and Patrick O' De l l , 0

Kristin ('05) and Jeremy ('04) Tinder, 0 Tiny's Tire Fdctory, Inc, 0, OTen , Brian ('80) and Traci ( 82) Ti ppl e, L

Titus W i l 1 Families Foundation, L, OC, OTen, I


Steven and Sara T us, H, 0

, Jean Trucco ( 46). L. QC, OTen

Giovanna Urdangarain

Jean and Sandy Trude l

Brittany Urich ('10), 0

David Trulson ('68) and Carla Tru1son-Essenberg, Q

Samuel and Alice Uyeda, 0

Trudi ('85) and Trueit, O

Wi ll iam ('82)

Mary Jo ('81) and Michael Tucci, L, QC James and Arlo Tucker, LC Louise ('57) and


Wi llian Tucker,

Brooke ('97) and DdVid Tuengel, 0 Diane and Greg Tugby, LC

Patricia and Ross Tuininga, 0 Ceci l ('51') and Mdry Tu ngsvik,

o Kent Tuohino ('SO) and Valerie Kemp, 0

Nancy ('8 1 ) and Geoffrey

Ray ('5 1 ) and Phyllis ('50) Tobi('lson, L, Q, OTen

Michael ('87) and Cindy Turco,

Seth ('84) and James Tobin, 0

Gordon ('60) and Dana ( ' 58) Turcott, LC

Laurie ('85) and Patrick Tobosa, 0 Edward ('71) and Janice ('72)

Todd, L

Kathryn Toepel ('74) and Rick M i nor, O C

Tupper, 0


Michael Turcott ('08), LC


Andre ('74) and Bar bara Turner, L Laurie Turner, Lc OC ' Patricia and Jack Turner, LC


Florence Turney ('83) and Terry Os a ! d, O

Tollefson, H, 0

R ut h Toll efs on (' 09). 0

Sam ('85) and MMgaret ('85) Tu tt l e, 0

H arvey ('44) and Anne ('44)

Ronilld ('74) and Vickie ('74)

Stanley and Evelyn Tolzmann, o , Cour'tney Tornfohr ( 00), 0

Clifford dnd Ro n n i Tvedten, H, L

ToHfe1dt , 0

Stephanie ('97) �nd Andre'l'! ('97) To m l i nson, OC, OTen Inga Tommervik ('43)

Marvin and Lissa Tommer�'ik, L, LC, OC, OTen

Carrie ('96) and Mark Thib odea ux

Sandra and Thomas Tompkins,


Tuvey, OC

Thomas ( ' 7 8) and Kim Tveit, 0

Twin Harbors Lutheriln Chu(ch, G r yland , WA, 0


Willis and Je fr i Twiner, L, OC Lanae Twite ('74), 0

Chri st i ne Tye ('91)

An i ta and Robert Stuart, 0

Swisscraft Corporation, lC

Pamela and J eff rey Thiernilnn,

Scott ('91) and Lori Stu bberfield, 0 Gilda ('65) and Pilul Stubbs, 0 Doris Stucke, H , L, Q C, QTen Florence Stuen, L , Paul ( 76) ilnd Karin ( ' 8 1 ) Stuen

Karen Syk e s

Nancy Ann Syn,�kO\·vski ('69),


Jdy Stuller ('73) dnd Susan Sutton, LC Karl and Nicole Stumo, OC

Beverly Stump ('57), 0 Sa br inil and Michael Stupfel, o Lois ('69) and Donald S turd ivan t, 0, OTen

LaVonne ('49) and Edward Stu rgeon, 0

Robyn ('85) Clnd Steve Toschi. 0

Jacquline and Pe t er Thomas, 0

R o bin ('S4) and Kenneth

- T Linda and Edward Tabish, LC

Tdcomd Golf Association, LC


Tacoma Jewish Community F u n d/U


T oma ·0 1 ympia Sect i o n Arnerican Society of C ivil Engi n eers Aster Tad�sse, 0

Michael and Janet Taft, 0 Pamela ('07) and Craig Taft, 0


ath ! een Tag gart. 0

Betty and Richard Tagman, LC

Lenora Ta htinen ('63), 0

Susan ('76) and Phi l ip

Chr i Sline and Thomas Ta kayoshi, LC

E l da S u l erud , 0

Pau1 Taladay ('07), OC Matt Ta i ler ('06), LC

Tamashiro Pl umbi ng, LC

Amy and Paul Tanaka, 0

Michael S u l livan Traci ('80) and Bill Sul l i van, 0

La rs Tanaka ('09), 0

Summit Financial Group, Q, M

Ailron ('94) and Lori ('94) Tang

J i l l Sundby ('l8), L, QC, OTen

Larry Tang and Jean Lacy-

leland and Lou i s

e Sundet

Pamela ('68) ilnd Don il l d Su ndheim, 0

Adam Sundstrom (,01) and Sarah lord ('00). Q ,

Monica Sung ( 9 1 ) and Wi ll iam Wu, O. OTen Elaine ('93) an d T, Sutherland,


Tang, 0

H arold and Imogene Tan ner, LC ,

Erika ( 94) and Amin Ta rz i. 0

K i m and Robert Tate KarJi Taubene.ck ('10), OC Robert ('6 1 ) and Grace ('59) Tauring , 0

Galen and Rose!ie Sutton, Q

Erin ('01) and Christopher ('02) Ta vern , 0

H eid i ('91) and Ku rt Sutton , 0

Michae.l and Shawn Tavern

Kristin ('01) and Scott Sutton,


E, Sil ,Js ('47) Clnd Alice ('48) Torvend, H, 0, OTen

Donald and Audrey Thomas, L, OC, OTen

Rh i annon Taque, LC

Stutzman, Q

Edward and Judy Torger s on. 0 , Sea n Tormey ( 05), 0

Eric ('82) and C indy Thomas

Carol Sturgill. L, 0

Elaine ('60) an d Do ug las • Suhm, 0

Brian ('74) and Susan Thomas, OC , OTen

Jennifer and C hr i stopher Toote l l , Q

Kathy Szolomayer, 0

M ich"el Sturgill ('90) a n d

Nadean Border, Q


David Tookey ('85), 0

Anne Syvertson ('07), OC

PatrICia ('90) and Bnan Stueve,

o E. Robert ('57) and Willamae ('59) Stuhlmiller, L, 0, QTen

Christine ('74) and James This,

Ann ('94) and David Tdylor, 0 David dnd Li nda Taylor, Q

Mar i l l yn Thomas

Shamay Thomas ('09), 0 Steven ('87) and Sherri ('B4) Thomas, 0 Carol and Roy Thompson

Carol and Steven Thompson, 0

Charlotte Thomp�on ('70) and Nik Dunbar, OC

Gary and Mary Tot iand, 0

Totten, 0

Audun Toven Caro l and Ear l Tower TO\l'1n and Country Markets, I Karna To


n, 0

Kimberli Townley ('90), 0 Neil ('84) and Linda Tracht, OC

Dick cmd G!orid T hom pson, OC

Erif: Tracy, lC , David ( 79) and S haron Trageser, LC

Ernest ('54) and Mildred Thompson, 0

TereSi! Tranholt-Hochstein ('94) and Gregory Hoch�tein, 0

G org in � Thompson , 0


Duane ('55) and ud i th Tho m pso n , QC


Kari ('81) and Andreas ('83) Udbye, LC, OC

, Kathleen ( 83) and Jon Ue l and

Paul ('76) and Bobbie Ueunten, LC, 0 Phyllis Ufer, H, L, OC, OTen Steven ('68) and Valerie ('76) Ufer, 0, OTe n Walter and Janice U h lenhoff, Q Kendra ('99) and David ('99) hl OC

U c_r,

K a t h ryn Ulberg

Vdlerie Ulberg ('41), LC, 0

Jay and Carol Thompson, 0

David and Elizabeth Tribby

Lo u ise ('82) and Robe rt Th om ps o n , 0

Roy ('S8) and Edith Tribe. L, OTen


Roger ('76) and Cheryl Thompson, Q Tom a nd Connie Thom se n , L Julie Thomson ('95), 0

George Thorleifson ('42), LC, O, OTen Jake and Audrey ('07) Thornb urg

� ���� a d Zachary ('01) ' O

Tri nity Lutheran Church, Enumddw, WA, L, OC, OTen Tri nity Lutheran Church, Freeland, WA, L, Oc, OTen Trin i ty Lutheran Church, Gresham, OR, OC

Trinity Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA, L, OC, OTen Dennis ('60) and Ardis ('62) Trocdson, 0 Linda and Rob€ rt Troller

John and Dorothy Trondsen, LC

Laura and Douglas ('03)

Ullrich, Q

Una Stella LLC

United Way of Lane County,


U n i ted Way of OC

Pierce County,

Thomas ('S9) and Sharon ('60) Unmacht, O

Pame l a ('86) and William Trotter, 0, OTen

Gregory ('S8) a n d Heather Thorwald, OC, OTen

Bdrbara ('68i and Phi 1ip Troyer, Richilfd (' 7 7) and Li nda Troyer,

Everett Thykeso ' l, H, L

Kurt Truax, LC

J oyce ('73) and Chris Taylor, Q

R i ta and Stephen Th sel l

Martha Truax, LC


John Van kat ('10), 0 Raymod and Lois Va nk a t. 0 Erin VanStone ('OS), 0 Wanda VanWoudenberg ('57),

o Gloria ('0 1 ) and Ryan Varey, 0

John ('80) and Monique Vaswig, QC Desiree Vaughan ('03), 0

G enyss Vaughan ('60), 0 R odney and Lynn Vaught, Q

G reg Vavricka, LC Mark Vedenoff, LC Marianne ('82) dnd Craig

Veeder, Q

Arthur and Ci! th leen Vegh, 0 Susan Vento

Verizon Foundation, L, 0, M Peter ilnd Mar,' Vermeulen, 0 Loretta Clnd Steven Ver m i l l i o n ,


Raben Vernon ('73) and

Marjorie Bianco, OC

Christine Vertrees-Dixon and Wayne Dixon, Q Setty and Jerry Vevig, LC


George ('63) and Karen ('67) Vigeland, L, 0(, OTen Ted ('65) dnd Julie Vig e ! and, 0 Ra l ph Vigil ('58), 0

Brian ('78) and Pamela Vik, 0 Vi ki ng Bank, L, 0, M Russell and TIffany ('99)

Villarete, 0

Marianne and Brian Vincent,

James ('80) and Julia ('SO) Thorsne-ss, 0

Edward and lillian Taylor, 0


Peter Vandenvdrker ('87), 0

TI-)omas Clnd Brendel Viloria, LC

Brian and Kimberly Unti, 0

Kermit ('59) and Hanna Sveen, OC

De_nnis Vanden Sioomen ('76),

Catherine Unseth ('70) 0, ' OTen

UPS United Parcel Service of America, Inc, I

Lc 0 '

Laurin Vance ('68), Q

Sharon Vi

United Way of King Coun ty, L, OC

Robert ('84) and M i chele



Rubert dnd yanda V na k en, Q

J u l i e and DaVid Vance. LC

United Lu theran Ch u rch, Eugene, OR, 0

Cella ('79) and Frank Troth, 0

Debla and William Tayl or, 0


Nostran, 0

Esther Van Nay

Gene and Mary Ann U n ger, 0

Paul Thorsnes ('83) and Elizabeth Schaughency

David ('78) and Lisil S\laren, 0

Mark Van M ou\','erik ('86), Q

Kristin Van Nostran ('03), Q William and onne Van

VirKi Vidal and Barbara Idle­ Vidal, O

Em f l

Trond s en, LC

Judith Van Houten ('72), 0

Carol ( ' 5 6 ) and Oliver Var n es, OC , OTen

The U,S, Charitable Gift Trust

Christy Ulleland ('63), H, L, OC, OTen

Ned ('62) and Edith Thompson,

Stephen and Kaye Van GildeJ

G eorge dnd Ann Vargas


DUane ('52) and Marilyn ('54) U l let and , H, L, 0, OTen

M€C}an Thompson ('06), 0

Lorraine: Van Eilton, LC Thomas and Louise Ann Van Eaton, Q

U , S , Ban k, L, I

Michdel and Enid Trenholm, 0

Thompson, 0

Mar ily n Van Der Werff

l i nda Van Dyk. 0

U,S, 8ancorp Fou nd at ion, L, 0,

Norman and Ann Tre m a i ne, L, O, OTen

Thrivent financi�1 for lutherans, L, LC, QC, M



Jason ('93) and Gloria Thompson, QC. OTen

, Martin ( 58) and Carolyn

Tove Van Der Maas

Shannon ('8 1 ) a nd Peter van Oppcn, L, OC, OTen

Suzanne ('94) and Daniel ('94) Tye, 0

Jdy Israel Sy ('Q9)

Kristine ('72) and Don Van Au k en, 0, OTen James ('59) and Faye Van Beek, H, L, LC, Oc, OTen , Monk { 93) dnd Caro ly n Van Seek, O

Barbara and Dan Van Slyke, LC

Per and Be t ty Tonning, 0

Margaret Stuart ('95), 0

Edmund Valentin ('10), 0 Shan Valpy-Misthos ('79) and George Misthos, QC

Scott ('92) and Sabina Twei\, 0

Richard Thiel and


Susan Valenti ('6S), 0

E l aine and Earl Twietmeyer

David a nd M o n a Sw i neha rt, 0 Teresa and Karl Swope, LC


Dennis and Jackie Van Heel

Connie Lee Tye, 0

Jeffrey Stuart


Char1es and Barbara V i l, Q , Ann ('90) and rne ( 9 1 ) Valdez, OC

Gary ('75) and Victoria ( ' ( 5 ) Van H e u velen, 0

Turnidge, Q

Robert S t r uzc l berg, 0

Teri Struzenberg {'80j, 0

('57), 0

Ange1a ('90) and F'J1 ichael Vahsholtz-Andersen, O

Theresa Turpin ('86), OC

Kristin ('64) and Richard Thibe deau, 0

Patricia Berg

Don dnd Marlene Vah l , Q

J oa n nne Peterson Vahsholtz

Otto ('55) and Barbara ('55)


Sheri and Jeffrey Tonn, H, L, OC, QTen



William ('66) and Carol


Nancy Jo ('72) and John Th i ebes, 0, OTen

c a Swift. Q



Tim and Rebecca Vader

Robert and Chery l Toland, 0 n Tollefson ( , 56), Q,


Wi l l i a m and Mar i

Sara Strueby ('10)

Galarneau, Q

Louis ('6S) and Judy Ann ('67) Truschei. 0 Guy and Kathryn Tsutsumoto, LC

Fred ('58) and Dorothy Tobiason, L, 0, OTen

Claire Todd, 0

Eric ('87) and Beth ('81) Utto ­

Carmen Unti ('04), 0

Joseph and Margaret Upton, Q Christine ('76) and Robert Urala, lC David and Doris Urban, LC

William and Kathleen Urban, Oc, OTrn

o Julie ( ' 9 1 ) and Michael ('88)

Vindivich, 0

Glona Virak ('52) and Gene Zi mmerman, H, L, L(, OC, OTen Vision Solutions Inc, 0, M Stephen Vitalich ('132). H, OC, OTen Judy ('68) and Raymond

Voeller, 0

Michael Warner ('72),

linda Voelp, 0


Daniel ('83) and Gwendolyn Voelpel

Sharon AS Warner ('65),

ca rol

Jack and lillian Warnick

Margrethe Vogel (79)

clnd Thomas Voigt

lynn and Sue Voigt.


Denic� ('92) and Edward Voss,


Thomas ('85) and Belly Vozenile�, lC

Allen and Sally Vraspir, 0

Diane ('74) and James Vrba,

Britta Hobbs Vrosh ('0 I) and Brandon Vrosh ('00). 0

Suzanne Wastier ('9 1 ) and Andrew Podolske ('92), Q

Quc ('89) and Debbie Vuong,


- w Cris al ('92) and Todd Waetzig, � David ('67) and Roberta Waggoner, OC, OTen

John and Janoette Wagner, lC louis Wagner ( 64), l, Oc, OTen


Vesta and William Watt, lC

Juli� ('00) and Brent Watts, 0 laurence ('68) and DLirlene Weatherly, 0

Karen Weathermon ('83), 0


wa d ('76) an d Beth Weaver,

Phyllis Wagner

('59) and Gretchen WahL

Kathleen ('77) and Richard Wahlquist. 0


Cynthia Weaver· Bennett ('65) and Walter Bennett, 0

Diane ('60) a nd William Webb,


Donald and Barbara Webb, 0

Kirk ('85) and Jill Wait, Molynellx, 0

Marie Webb,

David ('58) and MMvalee Wake, l, 0(, OTen

OC, OTen

H, l,

Thomas Dnd Ruth Webb, H

Thomas Wake ('67), 0, OTen

Scott ('76) and Kim Wakefield, L, Oc, OTen Edward Walawender ('B5), 0

Thomas and Catherine Waldron, 0

John and Ellen Webber, Q

Greg and Ruth Weber,


Karen ('68) and Hartan Weber,


Susan ('91) and Douglas Weber, OC, OTen

Jon ('59) and Ruth Wefald, 0

Delores Walk, 0

Ronald ('73) and Maggie Wehmann, OC

James ('76) and Robin ('78) Walker, 0, OTen

Angela Wehmeyer ('92), 0

Karen Walker (,97), 0

Katherine Walker ('98) and Brian loffer ('97), OC

Kirk ('85) and Terr i Walker. OC

Robert ('90) and Bonnie Walker, 0

Robert Walker and Ranotta McNair, lC, 0

Jack ('B 1) and E l i zabeth (' B4) Wallace, 0


Peter and Marylu Walle rich, l

Joyc.e Waller,Nelson

Sarah ('93) and William ('93) Walles, 0

David ('92) and Stacy Weidkamp, QC Weigel, O

Clifford ('6S) and Weimer, H, 0


Kim Weingart, Q

Kathryn Weinman RO

Kaye ('62)

('BI), 0

and Janel Weinman,

Ursel Weinman ('02), Q

Janet Weiss and Anthony Evans, 0

William and Judith Weiss, 0

Kathryn ('96) and Mark Wallinger

Jan e ('03) and Marc Walston, �


lonnie ('88) and Tim Walter,

linda ('97) and John Weibel

Rebecca Weichers ('07), 0

Kathleen ('94) and Bruce

Mic elle and Richard Wall, l(, �


David ('82) and lon ('82) Wehmhocfer, 0, OTen

Jill ('77) and Michael Weier, 0

CoHeen Walker-Nel'.ion and Steven Nelson, 0


Laine Young ('OS) clnd Michael Walters Younq, 0

Clarence ('67) and Janet ('67) Wahers, L, OC Marjorie Walters ('53), H, 0

Dwayne and Julia Weissenbuehler, OC

Bert and Cynthia Welch,

Alice Weichert ('74), 0


' n e a d S e n t f�� s�: l k \.�) Q , d uc a

Steven ('76) and Martha ('77) WMd, H, l, OC, OTen Robert Wargacki ('031. 0

Elizabeth Warner ('03),


BrookHunter ('01) and Christel ('02) Whelchel, 0, OTen Jan and Malcolm Whitaker, 0

Kristi ('72) and Cliff W(!lIs, 0

Robert Wells

Norcl Weltzin



Virginia ('58) and Walter Wendland, O

Uzbeth ('B7) and Mark Wentz, 0 Gwendolyn ('63) and William

Werner, 0

Jan and Sally Werner, 0 Alma Wertz


wilkins ('08>.

Joy Will ( 98), Q


Greg and Sarah ('95)




Alan dnd Junell Whitford, 0

Rayette and Daniel Whitford, LC, 0 Rita and larry Whitford, lC lauren Whitham ('07),

Stewart and Suzanne Whitham

lucy and Charles Williams, lC



Anne Whitley JUd 6




J i l l Whitman and Donald

Marsee, l, OC, OTen

Robert ('83) and Angie Whitton, 0


Donald ('49) and Virginia ('49) Wick. l, OC, OTen D0' glas ('81) and lainy Wi<k, Q

Kolleen ('80) and James Wi<ken�

Megan WickIi" ('03).

Dennis ('70) and Jan Wicks,

Joanne Widman ('57)

Debra ('79) and Robin Wieber, 0 Carotyn ('70) and Alan W,ec:hmann

Jim Wiedeman ('82) and Paula , She. ( 82), 0

Cheryl ('84) and Peter ('87) Wiederspan, QC Beth ('75) and William Wiegand, l, O. OTen

John and Bonnie Wiegand, OC


Keith ('82) and Carol Ann Wiemerslage, Q


Shirley and Donald Wiese Esther ('47) and Robert Wie�ner, 0

Rick ('76) and Valorie ('76) Wigen, 0

Janell Wigen ('78). 0

Jane! Wigen ('S7). l, 0, OTen

Philip ('55) and Sonnle Wigen, H. L, Oc, OTen Reid Wiggins ('03), lC

Dean and Helen Wigstrom, H , Q C , QTen

James ('10) and Mary Ann ('70)

Wiitala, 0


Wiitala ('97), OC

Barbara and


Sharon ('88) and Timothy Williamson, 0

Brett ('17) and Constance Willis, lC Bruce ('72) and Ann ('13) Willis, l, lC, QC, OTen


and Mark Vllillis, OC



('40), l, 0, OTen

Cheryl Wilpone ('62), 0

David and Carolyn Wilson, Don ('74) and Kim ('76) Wilson, H , l

George Wilson, 0

Howard and Donita Wilson, H, l, OC, OTen


lin a ('72) and Steve Wilcox, �

Hildy Wolfe

John ('87) and Connie Wolfe,

James and Gayle Wil50n

Robert Wolfe, l

Jo Ann and Andy Yoshida. lC Robert ('68) and Ann ('68) Yost, l. OC, OTen

Helen Wolff ('60, 0

B. and Walker Young, Q

The Wollenberg Foundation, L. I

Jeffrey Young ('93) and Kelly oeckelberg-YOung ('93), �

Deborah ('72) and Jim Woltring, O

Julie Young ('07). 0

Marcus ('98) and Sara Womack, OC

('74) and Betty Wong,

Barbara Wood ('47), OC, OTen

Daniel ('04) i1nd lilra Wood, O


Judith and Richard Wood

Kathryn Wood ( 02) ,

Larry ('69) and Ellen ('75) Wood, O

laurie Wood ('93) and Charles Uhrig, 0

Peter Wilton,

Kevin ('96) and Kateri Wimsett, O

Robert ('58) and Sa l ly Winkel,


Romanu'i and Barbara Winkels, Q

('73), 0

John ('76) and Janke ('76) Winskil1, O

Shirley ('11) and Gordon ('52) Winsley, lC

Robert ('51) and Carolyn ("'52) Winter'i, 0, OTen

lydia ('68) and Frank Wise, 0, OTen

Timothy ('8S) and Susan ('85) Wise, 0, OTen RO ' ) and Tonya ('90) ��h��� O

l, 0,


Bernard Wittman, lC

Brian ('93) and Michelle Willmer�, Q

John and Oarice Wittreich, 0

Ashley 'lJVoare ('08), 0

Michael and Faith Wochna, 0 Forrest ('52) and Virginia Wohlhueter, lC Marcia ('77) and SteIJen Wohlwend, Q

R. lorraine Wojahn

ie and Glen Young, Q'

Be\sie Young-Mielcarek ('83) and Marco Mielcarek, 0, OTcn Christine ('72) and Brian Youngquist, 0

William and Gloria VlIschalk, LC

lisa Woods ('93), Q

Christopher Vstad ('06)

Jay and Eileen Vstad, 0

Evad n e ('60) and Rob()rt


Tami ('82) and J. Mark Woolsey, 0

Ellen Worlund ('77) and

Dana ('80) and Jeanette ('78) Zaichkin, O

Richard Voorhaar, 0

Todd and li� Worswick, 0

Patricia Zalaznik

Perrin and Mary Z�nck, lC

Margaret Zander ('74), 0


WPG Solutions, Inc., lC, 0

Cr.1i9 Wright ('83) and Ruth Fischer-Wright ('B2), H, l, OTen


t ar ���_��wn, ?a�d�� ������

Brad and Janet Wyman, 0

David ('6S) and Shirley Wytko, LC, QC

Charles and Carla Wytko, 0

QC, OTen


Susan ('74) and Richard Yamamoto, 0

e dnd William Yankee,

Stephdnie Yanni, 0

Katrina ('81) and Jeffrey ('87)

Yarnell, 0

Phil and Uncia Yates,


Cur s and Sonya Zieske, 8


Connie and Wade Zinne<ker, Q Zion lutheran Church, Kent, WA. l OC, OTen Zion lutheran Church, The Dalles, OR, 0 Benedict ('17) and Carol Zlateff. O Phylis lolier (' 72). 0

Shelley Zoller ('90). 0, OTen Bruce and Clarice Zornes

Joel and Jennifer ('99) Zovar,



Andrew Vee and Irma Urbina Kevin ('87) and Robin YNisaker, O

Claire Zovko

('04), 0

Charles ('62) and Janet luber,


Stacey ('97) and Brian Zuber,

Ethel Yoakum Pender, l

Adrienne Yoder ('06),

Patrida and Gunter Zierlein, Q

Ryan Zimmerman ('04),

Anne and Vernon Yak�, lC


lorraine Ziemer

Patricia Zimmerman

- y -


Elizabeth ('82) and Ben ('B3) Zielke, 0

Jay ('50) and Brita ('48) Zimmerman. 0

Xerox foundation, 0, M

Neal Yakelis,

Michael ('80) ilnd Roni Sue Ziegler, QC, OTen

Zimmer-Gunsul-Frasca Partnership, 0

- x -

H, l.

luann and Raymond Zeutenhorst, lC

Valerie Zeutschel ('82),



David Yagow,

Helen ('52) and Claude Zenkner, 0

Doreen Zeuske ('58), OC

Dale Wright

Theodore and Abigail Wuerffel, O

Karen Zapata ('96)

Barbara ('07) Clnd K�ilh Zettel, OC

Karen ('76) and Damon Wright Matthew wuerlfel ('07).


Fern Zabriskie and Jon Robins, OC

Walter Worley ('50). 0

Paul Worth, 0


PhiBp ZabeU and Kathleen Nacis Zabell, 0

John and Mclrgarel Worden, LC


Vicky Winters ('07). H, OC, OTen

Bonnie Witrak,


Charles ('02) and Michelle Woodard, O

ThOmas ('63) and Carol Wood, l OC, OTen


Margaret ('7Z) and Ray Winn, Q

Ross and Julie Winters,

Tilla and Robert Young, lC

Sylvia Wood, OC, OTen

Cynthia Wright, lC

Stacy Wil.son ('03), OC

Everett Winsberg

Susan Young ('92), Q, QTen

Gregory Voutz and 8ecky Frehse, Q

Wright Runstad & Company, I


Merryl Young ('17), 0

William ('76) and Karen Voung, O

Peter Wilson ('03)

Michael and Terry Wilson, 0

, lute Club

Caroline and Matt Yorkston

Ellyn Wotfenson

D0 glaS 'Q


LC '

Mi<helle ('09) and David Vonce, QC

Jan and laura Wouters,

Wendy ('93) and

Colleges of

Robert Voon ('07), 0

lynn and Frank Wil'.Oon, lC

Travis Wilson

' , , , Independent

Wood'iide, O

Douglas ('77) cnd Rebec<iI Wilson, 0

Sarah Wilson, 0, OTen


Michael ('83) a nd Julie Wiebe. Q


1111 ('9 1 ) and Dave Williamson,

Richard and li4a Wilson, Q


Stewart ('80) and Suzanne ('75) Wick l in, 0

Peggy Wiersma ('82),


Franklin ('72) and Marcia ( ' 7 1 ) Wilson, 0, OTen

D.wid ('73) and Connie Wkk, O, OTen

Kathryn Wiegman,

Rosalie Williamsen,



Ronald and Mary Whit ney,


William ('51) and laverne Williams, 0


rant Whitley,

Whitney Foundation


Michael ('72) and Diane Willis, lC, 0, OTen



Rob�r1 ('88) and Carolyn Wolfe


Nancy Williams

Program • .

Christine ('74) and John Wolfe,

Kristina ('87) and Eric Williams,

Tamara William�,

Rhea and Raymond Whitehead

Q, QTen

Richard Wolfe ('80), 0

Phyllis and Doug Wi l l iams,

Nancy White



Kari Williams ('08), Q

Sandra and Glenn William�, lC

Shannon and Donna While, 0

Paul ("63) and C"rolyn ('62) Wold, 0, OTen

David ('56) and Elisabeth ('57) Wold, H, L. QC, QTen

John ('87) and Deborah ('87) Wolfe, lC

Kathy ('77) and David Wil1iam�, 0


Hege Dahl ('06), Q

Andrea Wold ('06), Q


Jacquelyn ('S4) and Bnx.e William�, 0

, Lifetime Giving



Heritage Society H. Q Club Supporter Q', Q Club QC , QTen , ,Q Club 10 Years M , ' , , , Matchrng Gift

Ti moth y and 5usan Wolbrecht, l O

Tal Wold, lC


Dennis White

('75), 0

Sara Wolbrecht ('01) and Jason , Bendickson ( 02), 0

Karen Wold


Naomi ('87) and Roger Williams, O

Richard ('39) and Marie Wiesner. l, 0(. OTen

Tom and Jeanette Wellman

Marion WHkie, lC

Cyndra White, lC

Judith and Michael Wellen

Joseph Weller ('78), 0

Martin Wells and Susan Sriehl, l, OC, OTen

Paul ('53) and BirdeU Wangsmo, 0, OTen

Jeanne (,69) and lewis Wheelock, O

Ted and Margaret Wiese, 0

Vivian ('49) and Erwin Walz. l, QC. QTen Jennifer Wamboldt and Gary Addy. O

Jennifer Wheeler ('00), Q

Julie ('08) and Michael Wellborn

Ronald ( 69) and Katie Waltz, 0


Launi and Davtd Whedon, Q

AIW 'n and Elizabeth Wheeler, d


Wells Fargo Foundation, lC, QC, M

Gayle Walz ('76). OC, OTen

Joy<e and Steve Wheatly, 0

Wianc.ko Charitable Foundation, l

Carol ('61) and laWrence Weberg, 0

Kristine ('93) and Chris walhof. 0

Shari and Ronald Wiley, lC

Bruce and Judith Williams, Q

Jean ('71) and lyl e Whiteman,

Tom and Wen dey Weathers, 0

Peter ('B8) and Julie Wagner, OC, OTen

Thomas ('66) and linell Whalen, lC

Monica and Brian White, 0

Barbara Watt, LC

('73) and K.ristina Wi ley,

William W. Kilworth Charitable Foundation, l,

David White, lC

Brian Watson ('92) and Elizabeth Roberts, Q


Elizab�th Willard

Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation, l

Mark Whitaker


Richard Wearhermon ('SOl, LC. QC

Marlene ('70) and Harvey Wagner, 0

Charles ('83) and Naomi Walsworth, 0, OTen


Kathleen Watness ('71)

Donald clnd June Waalen, 0

' a a Tim ���ra� :, [, Q�,

Frank ('61) and Janet ('62) Waterworth, l( 0, OTen ' Stacy Waterworth ('87) and Wendy Carlson, lC Julia Watness ('52), H, l, OTen

wdchoviit Corporation, lC, M


Kimberly ('93) and John Waterstraat, 0

lynnia Watkins,

Kenneth ('74) and Julie Ann Waag, 0


GeoHrey Waterman ( '07), 0

Christina Wolbrecht ('92) and Matthew Doppke, 0

leAnne ('02) and Kristi.1n ('02) Wites, QC


Kathryn and Mark Westin

Weston, Q

Washington State Auto Dealer'.i Services, Inc.., I

Bruce and Nancy Wojciechowski


Matthew Wilde ('90) and Amanda Brailsford, QC

Carl and Valerie Wiley, Q

Western Rosemalers Association

Steven ('S S) and Evelyn

Marlc. Wasson, lC


Scott ( 82) and Susan ('80) Westering, QC

Robert and Cynthia We<.;ton, lC

Janis ('7S) and Frank Washburn, lC

Washington Women in Need, I

Tom and Viebecke Vraalsen, QC

Jeanne ('99) and Kevin ('91) Wiles, 0

Elizabeth Weston ('85) and William Weston HI, 0, OTen

Jennifer ('02) and Shawn War\.'.Jick

and Liane Voss

Glo Westerdahl


Shirley and Bob Wanaw, lC

David- ('77) and Debra ('76l Voss, 0

Steven and linda Wilcox,

Frosty and Donna Westering

Raymond Warsaw, lC

Karen and Robert Voris

Roger ('S8) and Eva Westberg, l 0, OTen Ann Westendorf

Kristine ('85) and Garth ('82) Warren

and Roger Von Doenhoff, Q

S . ('92) Bruce


DaVid ('99) and Nichole Warren, 0


David ( 69) and Joan ('69) Vold, O



Stanley ('64) and Elaine Warner, QC



Susan ('75) and Ortin vodef,


Stephanie ('78) and Jon luck, QC


Dwight and lee ('5 0 L, lC. QC. QTen

Elizabeth and



u uf, H, f

Z la

John Zu l au ('75) and Stevt!n Zumalt,

Donna and William Zumbrun.


Lori and

Shirlt!y Zurfluh, Q, QTen



Mike Zumbrun,

Jon ('90) and Emily Zurfluh.


('49) and Amalia

Zurfluh, Q. QTen

Joel Zylstra ('05), Q

Norma Zylstra ('65), Q

A commitment to educating the entire student If you want to see the intersection of athletics and academics in the l ives of PLU students, look no farther than Molly Stuen '72 and Zenon Ol bertz ' 7 1 . Both were athl etes at PLU - M o l l y raced for the ski team and Zenon played footba l l . The couple, who later married, met on the slopes of Whistler, B.C., where the ski team was practicing. Molly is also the granddaughter of O l e Stuen, former German, N o rweg ian, math and science professor, as wel l as the school's first basketball and ten n is coach. Ole Stuen built PLU's fi rst tennis courts, right where Red Square is today. Call it educating the entire student. It has been someth i n g P L U h a s been doing since its i n ception. A n d it is something both Ol bertz and Stuen bel ieve is worth su pporti ng. HThere are academics here, and they are the most i mpor­ tant Ol bertz sa id. " B ut there are also athletic programs here that need support - not j ust for the ath l etes [playing intercollegiate sports), but for a l l of the students. It is part of col lege life. H H

Olbertz took matters into his own hands when it was made known that the floor of Olson Audito r i u m - where one of h is two daug hters, Anella ' 1 0, played vo"eyba l l - needed resurfacing. He gathered a group of donors to help pay for it. Si nce then, he has been involved with helping the u n iversity make other athletic fac i l ity improvements. He sees it as a great way for others - a l ums and com m u n ity members - to make a connection with PLU. " People wo u l d feel m uc h closer t o t h e schoo l , " he sa id. All this wou l dn't be i m portant, Stuen and O l bertz agree, i f PLU's mission wasn't something they could believe i n . They do. The i r other daughter, E l a i ne ' 1 2, also attends PLU. Stuen, who vo l u nteers for PLU as the a l u m n i representative for her class of 1 972, points to the u niversity's cont i n u i ng focus on g l obal education, as one of many thi ngs PLU does we " . Add that t o PLU's commitment t o academ i cs, t o service even athletics - and you are educating the entire student.

o P a c i f i c L u t h e ra n U n i ve rs ity M a ster of B u s i n ess Ad m i n istration 2 53-53 5-7330

Www.p/u. edulmba p/umba@p/u.edu

V i s i t o u r website at Email:

"The students who graduate from here are students of l ife, " Stuen sa i d . -Steve Hansen

fi'aclfk L.uthMVI lIftNel'\lty ' i. proud to pannu 'WIth the Unmd S!.oIII L6 o.pll t lrtHUi l Qf Vl:lel�M A'r..hll IQ q"� .. lO� lJf XIO h.fHlJl t{C/I1 YfB(rwfjij)bQn SthoIOimipa 10 qUjllt 'ltd '411itf.fl1 or �t. �t1 I1LU hM (� hl.wry 0' worltntg :nU1 the mlh� coownunily..,-,d II ellrltil'O to ptOy,dt �11i!r� II) pi ;;Iotl!! kip' .aduca1i(Jn thtougk 11'11, i�.n' I)tQghlM.




Project Access Proj ect Access is a focused campaign launched i n January

2009 to raise financial aid support

for students who are most vulnerable to either postponing their dreams of a college educa tion or having to withdraw because of financial hardship due to the economic down turn .

$ 1 million goal by $83,500 when the special fund-raising effort 3 1 , 20 1 0, thanks to the gifts of 1 ,468 donors. Project Access funded 309 addi tional Q Club scholarships, providing an average scholarship of $3,500 to our most deserving students. Donors who contributed $3,500 or more to Project Access were honored Project Access exceeded i ts

concluded on May

by having their named scholarship awarded to a specific student. A total of 1 1 7 of these

scholarships were awarded in the

20 1 0 fiscal year and they are l isted below.

The university is grateful to all who contributed to Project Access, many of whom made


gift above their annual Q Club con tribution to PLU. They are shown throughout this year's Honor Roll of Donors in bold. To lend your support to students in need, please visit

www.plu. du/qclub.

TH Odvcn Aakre Memorial Schobr,;hip (26) Daniel and Anne Alsaker (,L Club Scholar.s hip Alan and Marilyn Anderson Q Club Scholarsh ip Marcn I . Anderson

Q Club Scholarship Bruce and Jill Bjerke Q Club Scholarship Samuel Brown Q Club S chola rs h i p (2) Bruce G i l pi n Memorial Scholarship Tom and Karen Carlson Q Club Scholarship A. Frances Carlson Anderson i'rojecr Access Scholarship Rurh and Les Copen hagen

Q Club Scholarship Paul and Fl o)' Corne/sen

Q Club Scholarship Carolyn Do u ghty Q Club Scholarship (2) Anne and Kenneth Faust Q Club Scholarship Dale Hansen

Q Club Scholarship (23) Richard and Connie Hildahl

Q Club Scholarship

I r is J acobs on Q Club Scholarship

K YOU J F R Foundation Sc ho l a rs h i p (8) Kc)'Bank foundation Scholarsh i p Kcnncth K la rquis t

Q Club Scholarship ( 5 )

Kari Lee Olson

Q Club Scholars h i p Karen P h i l l i p,

Q Club Sch o larsh i p (2)

Mark a n d Sue Knudson

Laura a nd Ma rk Pol cy n

M a rgu eri te else), Foundation

Carol Quigg

Q Club Scho la rsh i p

Q Club Scholarship ( 1 4) Man i ch Family Scholarsh ip Alumni Board Q Club Scholarship Class of 1 965 Q Club Scholarsh ip Class of 1 966

/vlem o r ia l Q C l u b Scholarship Class of 1 97 1

Q Club Scholarship

Class of 1 97 2

Q C l u b Scholarship Cia,;,; of 1 974

Q Cl u b Scholarship Class of 1 97 5

Q C l u b Sc h ola rs h i p Class of 1 976

Q Club Sch o larsh i p

J o h n Fi nsruen

M e morial S cholarshi p

Summit Financial Group

Q Club Sch o la rship

Q Club Scholarship

John Rea), and Sarah Jacobson

Q Ciuh Scholarship

Justine Richards and Gene Newman Q Club Scholarship Donna Schlitt

Q Club Sch o la rs h i p

Murial Sea l

Memorial Scholarship (2) Ann O. ;",I iller Q Club Scholarship Thrivenr Financial for Lutherans Q Club Scholarship ( 5 )

Brad l ey a n d Dan i e l le Ti l d e n Q Club Scholarshi p Jeff a n d Sheri Ton n

Q Club Scho l a rs h ip George and Karen Vi gel and Gayle J . Walz Q Club Scholarship Wi n s lO n Zee and

Peggy Chan Scholarship (7)

Gig Harbor Sc h o l ars hi p Donald a nd Naomi Nothstein

Q Club Scholarship (3)


perspective COlltilll/�d from back page

report was adopted. I n that same docu­

education will continue to expand . The

ment we set OUt our pathways to aca­ demic disti nction in global education,

Master's may become the new BA and, i n man)' fields, the applied docto rate will

purp oseful learning and lives o f service, and the close i n teraction becween scu­ dents and facu I ry. What a gift this collective vision has

A merica i s an)' better positioned than Pacific Lu theran U n iversiry to affi rm

be the new MA. Whi le we have a solid

and consolidate our strengths, to address the challenges o f this second

foothold in graduate education, we h ave,

decade o f the third m i l lennium, and

in recent years, tended to focus o u r greatest energy on u n dergraduate educa­

even more excellent u niversity.

to emerge in 2020 as a stronger and

been as we build on our accomplish­

tion. In the next decade, our focus will

ments and plan for the fu t u re.

need to b roaden (not change, b u t broad­

1 believe this is the case because we stand on and within the great heritage of

en) to include new master's and possible

Lutheran h igher education; a heri tage


doctoral programs. Our mission chal­ lenges us to do our part in meeting these

that calls us to accept all o t- creation and

While we like who we are, and what we

each person


God's great gift.

do, there can be no doubt that the drum­

emerging educational needs, and o u r

beat of change is rumbling around us. Said more formally, there will be signifi­

opportunities tor enrollment growth and fmancial return are most ab u ndam

as we explore and seek to u nderstand

cant changes in the educational landscape


der and awe and always i n gratitude. It

in the coming decade and no insticution will stand apart fro m the individual and

Our nationally recognized

collective impact of these changes.

position as a leader in global

First, there are major demographic changes ahead in our region of the coun­ try. The n u mber of traditional age Stu­ dents will not change dramatically, but their composition will, as the new cohort becomes more diverse in learning experi­ ence and style, in their economic sicua­ tion, in their ethnic heritage and in their educational expectations. I believe that both more non-traditional age scudents and more first generation students are headed our way. The implications for the

Second, the wise and effective use of

the world, always with a sense of won­ cal ls us to use our hearts ful l y as we e mbrace one another on this campus and i n the global community. I t calls us ro use our will as we seek

education is a huge strength.

i ndividu all), and collectivel), ro serve

But we will not be able to 1rest

each day i n the h ighes t traditions of

on our laurels) we must find ways to (globalize " eve1J! PLU student 's education) both on campus and through additional study-away possibilities.

the world on God's behalf, educati ng the l i beral arts and academic freedom, and p reparing each graduate to dis­ cover a vocation-driven life that truly matters. I believe this is true because for over 120 years, we have evolved a clear and

defining u nderstanding of our m is­ sion and p u rpose; an u n derstanding that is relevant and that connects with

schedule and the calendar, as well as the campus and the classroom, are many fold.

So it calls us to use o u r minds fully


The great task facing us at Pacific

our wonderfully rich and diverse Paciflc Norrhwest setting. And in p u r­

Lutheran University will be to b u i ld on our strengths as we address signifi cam

suing o u r m i ssion we have buiJt an

versiry, a n d we may not, at least i n the short term, o ffer completely online class­ es or programs. But I bel ieve that we

c h anges - changes not of our own mak­

r icular p rogram that is at once charac­

ing - in the educational landscape that

terized by excellence, and

lies before us. Said d i fferen tly, the great

m ust contin u e to stay near the cutting

long-range question is how do we wisely and strategically navigate a path that

work in p rogress. Yes, all o f us who care abou t PLU h ave been tasked to p artici p ate in this

technology in education will con tinue to grow. We will never be


fully online u n i ­

edge i n classroom-based technology use i f we expect to compete for the ncxt gen­

absolutely superb academic and cocur­ as

always a

will ensure t h at our mission and pro­

i mportant work. It is work grounded

eration of the best and brightest. They

gram remains compclling, relevam,

i n our religious faith, shaped by o u r

will expect nothing le.ss. Third, the world continues to get

effective and, yes, affordable in the years

Lutheran heri tage and trad ition, informed by enduring educational val­

smaller. Our nationally recognized posi­ tion as a leader in global education is a

ahead? To do so will require that we face c h ange boldly and with confidence as we

huge strength. B u t we will not be able to rest on o u r laurels, we m ust find ways to

prepare ro serve a new cohort of S tu­ den ts, i ncorporate technology, become

" globalize" every PLU stude n t ' s educa­ tion, both on campus and through addi­

more global, teach more graduate scu­ dents and seek new e fficiencies m all

tional study-away possi bilities. Global

that we do.

education i s c urrently a key to admis­ sions marketing, I believe it may become


even more im portant. Fourth, the market for " higher" higher

ly believe that no college or u n iversiry i n


As 1 begin my 1 9 th year here, I honest­

ues, and dedicated to good and h umane p urpose. M ay God bless all that we do in this new academic year for the calling we hold is both a remarkable gift and a sacred trust. �

Loren j. Anderson is president ofPacific Lutheran University. This article was adapt­ ed from his September 1, 2010, Universil)' Conference State ofthe University address.


continued from insidep-ont cot'er F e b 1 0 - Mar 9

November 1 7. 5:30 p.m. Visiting Writer Series: Matthew D i c kman a n d M o n i c a Yo u n


H e ath e r Cornelius Exhi bition I n g ra m H a l l

R e g e n c y Room. U n iversity C e n te r

November 1 8. 7 p.m. The C h i n e s e 21st Ce ntury Lecture S e rie s : D a n i e l B e l l o n C h i n a's N e w Confu c i a n ism S c a n Ce nter, U n iversity Cente r

November 1 8, 8 p.m. Artist S e ries: J a m e s H a ll, G u e st Flutist L a g e r q u ist Co n c e rt H a l l

November 20, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 2nd A n n u a l D a n is h Ch ristm a s B a z a a r S c a n d i n a v i a n C u ltural Ce nte r

November 20, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Yu l e B o u t i q u e M e m o r i a l Gym

November 20, Noon Studio S e r i e s : Sol vv inden Flute Cnoir L a g e r q u ist C o n c e rt H a l l

A PLU Christmas: "Peace" D e c e m b e r 4. 7:30 p . m .

Arlene S c h nitzer C o n c e rt H a l l . Portl a n d

A PLU Christmas: "Peace" D e c e m b e r 5. 3 p.m. L a g e r q u ist Conc ert H a l l

A PLU Christmas: "Peace" D e c e m b e r 6. 7:30 p . m .

First Floor H a llways. Unive rsity Center

DECEMBER December 1 , 5:15 p.m. Light U p Red S q u a r e R e d S q u a re

December 3, 7:30 p.m. A n n u a l S a n kta Lucia Fest La g e r q u i st C o n cert H a l l

December 6 , 1 0:30 a.m.

Wa ng Center's World C o n v e rsations Locations a c ross c a m p u s

February 24. 7 p.m. Faith & Rea son D i a l o g

S c a n C e nter, U n ive rsity Cent e r

MARCH March 2. 7:30 p.m.

B e n a roya C o n c e rt H a l l . Se attle

R e l i g i o n D e p a rtment P u b l i c Lecture:

A PLU Christmas: "Peace"

N o rd q u ist Lecture H a ll, Xavier

D e c e m b e r 9. 8 p . m .

L a g e rqu ist C o n c e rt H a l l

A PLU Ch ristmas: "Peace" D e c e m b e r 1 0. 8 p.m. L a g e rq u ist C o n c e rt H a l l

" R e s u rrecting the D e ath of God"

March 8. 9 a.m. Voices Ag ainst Vio l e n c e C o m m u n ity P a rtn e rs h i p Confe r e n c e CK East, U n iversity Ce nter

March 10. 7 p.m.

J o l ita Benson Edu cation Le ctu re

November 20, 9a.m.-5 p.m. A n n u a l N o rd i c Sweate r Exc h a n g e

February 1 5

S c a n Center. U n ive rsity Center

December 1 2. 2 p.m. C l os i n g M atinee: "The S e a g u l l " E a stvold Audito rium

December 16 P L U Ch ristm as Lunc h e o n O l s o n Auditorium

December 1 8. 6 p.m. A n n u a l Nordic C h ristmas Fest S c a n d i n a vian C u ltu ra l Center


March 12 Sc hool of B u siness 50th A n n iversary C e l e b ration Morken Center

March 1 7-Apri1 13 Bret Lyon Ex h i biti on I ngram Hall

March 1 6. 5:30 p . m . Visiting Writer S e r i e s : Kellie Agodon a n d J u l i e Wa d e S c a n Center. U n i v e rsity Center

No O a r- d i n a ry Event: Rowi n g Ac ross

Marc h 1 7-1 9

the Atl a n t i c

January 20. 10 a.m.

C o m m u n ity Room, G a rfield Book C o m p a n y

FDA and Food Safety with Dr. O l ufs:

Powell a n d H e l l e r H o l o c a ust Confe r e n c e

Our Food our H e a lth

Locations a c ross c a m p u s

December 9-1 1 , 7:30 p . m .

R e g e n cy Room, U n iversity C e nter

March 1 7. 7 p.m.

P e rform a n c e : " T h e S e a g u l l " E a stv o l d Auditorium

December 1 0. 6 p.m. S c h ool of N u rs i n g R e c o g n it i o n & P i n n i n g Ceremony

Trin ity Lutheran C h u r c h

J a n uary 26-29, 7:30 p.m.

Annual Lemkin Lecture

A l p h a P s i O m e g a 's O n e -Act Festival

La g e rquist C o n c e rt H a l l

Ea stvold Auditori um

Marc h 1 8- 1 9. 4 p.m.


B u sin ess Plan Com petition Morken Center Atrium


February 9. 5 p.m. December 1 1

O pe n i n g R e c eption - H e ath er Cornelius

Fa l l C o m m e n c e m ent

Exhi bition

O l son A u d it o r i u m

I n gram Hall

www.pl u.edu/scene


PLU Scene, Tacoma, Washington 98447-0003 Address change: If this copy of Scene is addressed to your son or daughter who n o longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the OHice of Constituent Relations with his o r her new mailing address. You can reach us by phone at 253-535-741 5 or

1 -800-ALUM-PLU. You can also lax us at 253-535-8555 o r e-mail alumni@plll.edll with the new information. Thanks!

perspective C o n s o l i d ati n g o u r stre n gths a n d a d d re s s i n g n ew c h a l l e n g e s

PLU President Loren J . A n d e rs o n greets students d u r i n g o p e n i n g c o nvocation. H e bel i eves the next few years will be critical as PLU plans for its future.

By L01'en]. Anderson he public announcemen[ lasr

cam paign success will hel p transform


monrh of rhe u niversity'S new

the universi ty. My response is always

fu nd-raising effon, " E ngage the

the same. I don ' t k now, because the

At PLU we l i ke who we are and what we do. Said more formally, there is

Wo rld: The Campaign for PLU," sets

long-range plan will be shaped and

broad s u p port both on and off campus,

out one o f twO critical initiatives that

II'r,irren by the PLU commu nity. And

the campus com m u n i ty will be u n der­ taking over the next two years. The

o u r donors will p l ay a determining role

for our c u rren t mission and our aca­ demic program.

in the nature and pace of our campaign successes.

You know o u r mission statement well: "To educate studenrs for l ives of

orher is work on rhe long-range plan PLU 2020. Together they will set the

stage for the u n i versity'S progress In the

Bur I have been listening to the cam­ pus community on the topic of long­

though tfu l inquiry, service, leaders h i p and care, for orhers, for their communi­

range planning and I have been listening

ties, and for the earth." It was formally

In recen[ months, I have been asked

to donors on their vital interests in the

accepted by our Board of Regents when

many times for my views on new direc­

university'S future. Here are some of the key perspectives that I have heard

decade ahead.

tions thar will arise out of our long­ range planning process and how o u r

emerging fro m these conversations.

the PLU 20 1 0 long-range planning

contilwed 0 1 1 page 62

Karen Hi lle Phillips, 12

Social Justice at PlU, 16


Heritage Society at 30, 21


Taylor C a p e l l a r o '14 gets up c l ose and p e rso n a l o n a s u n ny ahernoon n e a r Red S q u a re .

A PR I L March 1 6


Apri l 1 3

Apr i l 1 5 & 1 6, 7:30 p.m.

April 20, 5:30 p.m.

D a n c e 201 1

Visiting Writer S e ri e s

E a stvold A u d ito r i u m

Auth o r J e ss Walter

B ret Lyon Exhibition

S c a n d i n a v i a n C u lt u r a l C e nter

University G a l l e ry, I n g ra m H a l l

April 1 6, Noon Lute Crew A l u m n i Association Lu n c h eon

April 22

April 4-5

M eyer- La m b e rth C u p R e g atta,

7th A n n u a l Latino Youth S u m mit

M ESA D a y 201 1

A m e ri c a n lake

Lo c ations a c ross c a mp u s

RSVP: 253-222-8480

April 1 4, 6 p .m.

April 1 8, 1 0:30 a_m.

State Farm M B A S p e a k e r Series

P a n a m a a n d the C a n a l

Kim N e s s e l q u i st, C E O/C o n s u l of N o rway

G a rf i e l d B oo k C o m p a n y Community R o o m

Apr i l 27 - MaV 25 S e n i o r Exh i b ition

M o rken Center, Room 1 03

Unive rsity G a l l ery, I g ra m H a l l April 27, 7:30 p.m. R e l i g i o n D e p a rt m e nt P u b l i c Lecture

Apri l 1 9, 6 p.m.

G u est s p e a k e r C h a r l otte Cote

Apri l 1 4, 6 p.m.

E a rth Day C e l e bration

S c a n d i n avi a n Cultural Center

H e brew Idol Fi n a l e

S c a n d i navian Cultural

A d m i n istration B u i l d i n g , Lecture H a l l


continued on in.,ide back. cOlle,-


Pa cifi c luth e r a n 4

Here & Now


Life of the Mind

University S c e n e S p ri n g 201 1

Vo l u m e 41

I ssue 3

COVER STO RY: A d a y i n the 'l ife of P LU's g e o l o g i sts i n Anta rcti c a

12 16

Karen Hille Phillips A lifeti m e of s e rvi c e to oth e rs

Social Justice at PLU Stude nts l e a rn th e v a l u e of d iversity t h r o u g h stu d e nt- r u n p ro g r a m s


Giving Back A u n iv e rsity of d i stinction


Heritage Society at 30


Attaway Lutes


Alumni News & Events

Sarah M a i n ' 1 1 The required surviv a l b a g s for b a c k c o untry travel were never far from PlU's Antarctic s c i e ntists. See page 8. ( Photo by C l a ire Tod d l


Alumni Profiles


Alumni Class Notes






G re g Brewis

M i c h e l l e Sto ry '09

Loren J . Anderson




Volume 41, Issue 3

Please d i rect any

S c e n e ( S S N 0886-33691

Lauralee Hagen '75, '78

alumni@plu.edu o r

address c h anges to



Steve H a nsen

N e e b Center

Steven P. Starkovich

Executive Director


Building n.o7

Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies

Sumerlin Larsen '01


Associate Director

Student M i c h ae l



B a r b a ra C l e ments

scene@plu.edu www.plu.edu/scene


Kari Plog ' 1 1 C h ris Albert Nick Dawson




Vice President, Student Life and Dean of Students

John Fro s c h a u e r

Vice President, Admission and Enrollment Services


Simon S u n g O N L I N E MANAGER

Toby Beal

Assistant Director Jessica Pagel '08


Vermeulen '12 stands atop Brice J o hnson '99

Steve Olson

Vic e President, Development and University Relations

Web Strategies, Programs and Services Manager G. Lee Kluth '69

Director, Congregation Relations

Vice President, Finance and Operations

M o u nta ins of Antarctica. Photo by C l a i re Todd.


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253-535-741 5 Sheri J . Tonn

a p e a k in the P e n s a c o l a

is p ublished three times a year by P a c i f i c Lutheran






Students rated PLU above the national average in 1 0 out of 1 2 categories: •

instructional effectiveness

acade m i c advising

re gistration effect iveness

service excellence

student centered ness

campus c l imate

ca m p us life

ca m pus s u p port services

COncern for the in di vidual

recruitment and financial aid

Students prepare for (Relay for Life' nee again, PLU students are busily preparing fo r the annual Relay For Life fu ndraiser, set to take p lace this year on April 29-30, 2 0 1 1 , at the PLU athletic track. The event, which encourages srudents, staff, fac ulry and members of the PLU com­ m u n i ry to walk over an 1 8 -hour period as a way o f rai sing money fo r the American Cancer Society, b rings abo u t $35 ,000 p e r year i n donations. This year, with a goal of $3 8,000, the commi ttee sec che bar even h igher. " Relay For Life is an event to honor survivors, both near and far. \Vi th ener­

gy and exci tement, we invite PLU Stu­

dents , fac ul ty, staff, friends, and fami lies to join us both on the [rack as well as in our fund-rai s i n g effo rts," said Melanie Deane ' 1 1 , Relay For Life co-chair. To learn more about this year's Relay For Life evem, view their " Pu r ple Glove" video, and [Q learn how to donate and get i nvolved, visi t phfrelay.my,.

SAVE Faculty and staff


honored for excellence LU fac u l cy and scaff members were honored chis pasc December ac P LU's annual C h riscmas


Luncheon. Four m e m bers of che PLU scaff were honored fo r cheir superior work and dedication: Angie Hambrick (di rector, Diversity Center, Student Involvement and Leaders h i p) Rebecca R u m pza (office su pervisor and Residential Life faci l i ties coordinator),

20 1 0 Carol Quigg Award winners from 1& TS

Darren Strut hers (se nior Web develop­

French), and Claire Todd (visiting assis­

er, D ig i tal Media Center), and Charry

tant p rofessor of geosciences and envi­

Benston (ass istant d i rector, Wang

ronmental s tudies).

Center) . In addition, fo ur fac ulry me mbers

Also a t the lun cheon, this year's Carol

H omeco m i n g October 1 4-1 6

Sheffels Quigg Award fo r Excellence

were honored as Faculry Excellence

and I n novation were announced. The

Awards rec i p ients. The recipients were

award, wh ich seeks to honor those who

nomi nated and selec ted by their peers,

foster a cli mate of i n novation and excel­

signifying their h igh regard among

lence i n their daily work, was awarded

those who know them well. This year's

to t h ree gro u ps: The S tudent Athlete

awards we n t to M arianne Taylor (asso­

Advisory Com mi ttee, Information and

ciate p rofessor of psychology), Rick

Technology Services and, j o i n tly, the

Barot (ass i stant p rofessor o f English),

D iversiry Center, Student I nvolvement

Rebecca Wi l k i n (assistant p rofessor of

and Leadership and Residential Life.

Affinitv Reunions: > School >

of Nursing

D ive rsity Center

> Class

Reunions 6's & l 's



here & now


ent of the MacArthur Award, named for General Douglas M acArthur. This year, PLU's program earned the honor repre­ sent i n g the U.S. Army's Eighth Brigade. "The nation has recognized the pro­ gram at PLU as one of the top national­ ly," said Lr. Col. Jason K. S h rader, p ro­ fessor of m i l i tary science, U.S. Army ROTC. The Army ROTC battalions selected for the awards were the most successfu l of t h e command's 2 73 u n i ts i n accom­ plishing the m ission of trai n i ng and commissioning the majority o f the l ieu­ tenants entering t h e U.S. Army. Nearly 1 20 PLU students are cadets i n the PLU Army ROTC program, i nclud­ ing six from the graduating class who are distinguished m i litary graduates.

Another successful J-Term, here and away his past January, 22 c lasses rook place somewhere other than the PLU campus. As parr ofJ-Term, the month-long term between fal l and spring semesters, nearly 300 studen ts studied off campus in places li ke G reece, India or Neah Bay, Wash. And for those studems who didn't get the chance to study away - and even for those who d i d - PLU brought the world to campus. On February 1 5 - 1 6 , PLU hosted a campus-wide evcnr called World Conversations, which gives stu­ dents and faculcy an opportun i cy to share with the community what they learned and experienced through study away. To see more abou t the event, vis i t

Student wins Folgers

rest of the Kalispell, Mom., based band,

jingle contest

learned their j i ngle was voted the win­

January. To see t h e video of S n i pstead

Ethan Thompson Band" - spent a

and band mates performing the win­

whirlwind week in Los Angeles recording a new jingle for Folgers coffee. The honor - and the £25,000 top prize - was a result of a contest sponsored by the coffee com­ pany. Her band's jingle was picked as one of the top 1 0 out of 1 ,000 submissions, and a subsequent video performance vaulted them into the top five. Early this wi nter, Snipstead and the


ner. A television spot featuring their

his past fall , 1enny Snipstead ' 1 1 and her band mates - called " the


song starred playing nationally i n

ning emry, visit


ROTC p rogram among nation's best ach year, o ne ROTC program rep­ resen t i ng each of the eight U.s. Army Brigades is named a recipi-


School of Business celebrates SO years his March saw PLU's School of Business [LIming S O . The school, its alumni and cu rrent s[LIdcnts and professors celebrated the milestone on March 1 2, 20 1 1 , at Hotel M u rano i n Tacoma. Founding deans Dwight Zulauf and Gundar King were honored, as the theme for the evening centered

around " Lead. In novate. Succeed." Distinguished alumni spoke at the event and were featured in a Video of how the school D helped them achieve their dreams. C u rrent students also spoke o n how their training at PLU will help them accomplish their goals i n the future. [ID


Volunteer Center advances tradition of service n the first floor of Ramstad Hal! is the Volunteer Center, a small office where big things happen. "A lot of scudents want to volunteer' but they don't know how to get staned," said Hannah Reece ' 1 2 , co-director of the Volunteer Center. She and co­ d i rector Sara Main ' 1 1 love to poi nt stu­ dents in the right direction. The Vo lu nteer Center connects S[LI­ dents with agencies and organizations throughout the area. There are no lim­ i ts to what students can find through the Vol u nteer Center, Reece said. \Vhatever time a student can commit is needed and appreciated, whether it's just an hour a month - o r more. There are opportu nities in schools, in hospi tals or even environmental p roj­ ects l i ke creek restoration - Reece's favorite. \Vhatever a student's passion is - Reece and Main will help find a good match. Volunteering i s i mporrant at PLU - i t is a key component o f the Lu theran tra­ dition of service. I n fact, many p rofes­ sors incorporate service learning in the.i.r courses, allowing stud.ents to experience the world through service and connect it to their academic studies.

Anna Leon-Guerrero, professor of sociology, has a new textbook, "Social Problems: Community, Policy and Social Action," sched­ u led for publication i n 20 1 1 bv Pine Forge Press/Sage Publica i on . Nathalie op d e Beeck, associate professor of English, published "S uspended Animation Children's Picture Books and the Fairy Tale o f Modern i ty," in November 2 0 1 0 (Universitv of M i n nesota Press). The bo k p ro­ vides an innovative analysis of chil­ d ren's picture books fro m the interwar period in America.


Maria Chavez­

assistant professor o f polit­ ical science, was recen tly elected to the executive council of the Pacific Northwest Pol itical Science Association. Pringle,

Robert Ericksen '67,

pro­ fessor of h istory and Kurt Mayer Chair of Holocaust Studies, will have his chapter, " Protagonists: Protestan ts," appear i n the "The Oxford H andbook on the H olocaust," published by Oxford University Press, 2 0 1 0 .


profes­ sor of H ispanic studies, co-edited with Leopoldo Bernucci the vol­ u me, "Literatura a ciencia cierra: Homenaje a Cedomil Goic," publ ished by Juan de la Cuesta H ispanic Monographs, Williams,

20 10. Loren ]. Anderson, PLU presi­ dent, was quoted in The Journal of H igher Education in the article "When Lead ing a College in Tough Times, Getting Faculty Support I s Crucial," published January 6 ,

20 1 1 . Wendelyn Shore, professor of psychology, Amber Dehne Baillon, assistant director of Scudent Involvement and Leadership, and Eva ]ohnson, dean o f Student Development and d irector of Scudent Involvement and Leadership, collaborated on the article "The Pedagogy of Event Planning: Faci litating F irst-Year College Students' Reflective Learning," published in the Jo urnal of College and Character (Vol. 1 1 , No. 4, Nov. 2 0 1 0) . The article con­ siders the impact of PLU's EXPLORE! retreat on the develop­ ment and education of first-year students.










sn.1Ck .)11 CraCKC

Karen's l(,'tzv;lle '!/'jh 5c.hool 3raduat:on 'photo, 1950


" P LU was so imporranr

probably would have found her [0 be norhing more rh:ln a

versity pres ident. " I suppose rhar MaryAnn a n d I c a m e t o per­


Karen," said Loren J. Anderson, u n i ­

demure, devour, si ngle n urse of modesr means - a homebody

sonify her relarionship wirh rhe universi ry. So much so, rhar each

wirh a kindly way abour her, reflecrive of her roors as a f.1rm girl.

of rhe many le[[crs we received from her over rhe years ended

And you would have been quire wrong.

wirh rhe nore, 'You rwo rake care of my universi ry. ". Anderson said thar Phill ips would l i kely be uncomfortable wirh

Karen Phillips, who passed away la,r fall ar age 78,

all of rhe a[[enrion rhar i s now coming her way. He rells rhe s[Ory of

was all of those rhi ngs and much, much more. She was modesr and shy, bur we l l known fo r her charm­ ing smile and disri ncrive bugh. Her friends say she had a keen i nrel lecr and was a voraciulis reader of everyrhing fro m taculry aurhors [0 newspapers and periodicals. And,

sranding before 500 people in a packed banquer hall [0 announce rhar PLU had received an anonymous gifr of $ 1 2 million.

The audience j u m ped [() irs fee r in cheers and applause. i n clud­ ing Phill ips who ac[(:d su rprised as she joi ned in. I n faer, she was

rhey say, she was j us r plain fu n [() be around.

rhe a n onymous donor.

She was a deeply re l i gious Chrisrian and member of her

" ] 'm sure rhar Karen would rarher he remem bered as rh<: quier,

c h u rch, bur very privare, al mosr asceric, in her expression of fai r h . S h e was single fo r mosr o f h e r life, b u r had a decades-long relarionship wirh J.W Phillips . They married only after

She was a PLC n u rsing graduare, rrai ned in hands-on care, bur came [0 esrablish and manage ourparienr c l i n ics fo r rhe Universiry of Washing[On Medical Cen rer.



Nursing col l eague and longrime friend Sally Flaherry said, " Ka ren loved J.W. very, very much and, afrer he died, PLU became rhe love of her l i fe."

reriring from long careers in medicine and healrh cart.

hearr, cancer, Alzhei mer's and A I DS duri ng her

hum ble, selfless, comisrenr and caring person rhar she was," Anderson said.

H :

Flah erry said rhar Phillips' focus on rhe u n iversiry was an expres­ sion of how "she always cared deeply abour orhers and rhoughr she co uld make a d i fference in rhe world. I rh i n k she did." Her awareness of rhe wider world developed over rime.

She was raised on her fam i ly's whear farm in Rirzville,

"Growing up, Karen was somewhar of a homehody," said her

Wash . , bur later i n l i fe helped J . W manage - and afrer his

brother, Bruce H Ule '57. " B ut she always knew rhar she would

dearh managed on her own - exrensive holdi ngs in agribusi­

become a nurse."

ness, commercial real esrare, fine an and collecribles.

P h i l l ips' perspecrive began

As a girl she was simp ly dedicared to her home l i fe, pareIHS

fr iends wirh

and school work, bur brer i n l i fe blossomed


become a

sophis rica red globaJ rraveler. She was always eager to share rhose experiences wi rh srudenrs and orhers. She always l ived modesrly. bur during her l i ferime gave morc rhan


m i ll i o n to her alma marcr - and her bequesr [0 PLU

may cxceed an addirional


million. Her gifrs have supporr-

ed scholarships, capiral improvcmenrs and rhe endowmenr.


"] .\'\1.

] . \'\1. ,


change when she became close

who was a physician at rhe hospiral where she

rook his morher rr;lwl ing rhe globe and Karen would go

along as a companion


borh of rhem," H i lle said.

"As rhe years wenr by, rhe rwo of rhem, Karen and J .W. , conrin­

ued [0 rravel togerher. They didn'r l i ve [Ogerher, bur rhey l ived as togerher," he said.

Phillips was nor close ro her brorher and his family Iarer in li fe, bur he was parr of her weddi ng parry in RirzvilJc in J 996.

"She asked me [Q be her ma r ro n of hon o r," H i l le said, laughing. "Thaes righr. I s[Qod up for Karen. Ir was rhe happiesr momenr of her l i fe and a wonderful occasion for bmh of rhem."

Re novati on s wil l tra nsf orm Ea stvold Hal l int o the Ka ren Hi lle Ph illi ps Ce nte r for the Perfor mi ng Ar ts in 20 1 3.

" \'fIe were absol u rdy shocked when Karen gO[ married," said Par S m i rh , one of a group of rerired nursing co lleag ues who meer once a monrh for l u nch. Anorher member of r he group, S h i rley Hanson '60 agreed , " Karen was a very privare person and spell[ mosr of he r l i fe si ngle. We were flabbergam:d when she married They borh knew that Karen had

J . W."

been close [() J . W.


rhe years and thar rhey had traveled rogether. " Bu r then all

01' a sudden rhey were married! I guess he j us t decided i t was r i me," S m i th said. P h i l l ips' cous i n , Mark Meyer, sai d she was very happy hav­ i n g a marriage parmer fi nally. "The rwo of them rogerher were fu n [Q sec. They had a goo d relarionship. And it was clear that J .\'\1. was vcry w i l l i ng ro pass on


her the

responsi b i l i ty of being the sreward of the estate he had cre­ ,1[ed," he said. " Karen was nor rhe kind of person who ever called a([en­ fion


herself, panicularly rega rding the size of her estate.

I think she would l i ke ro be remembered for her heart fo r educarion and for the values of young people who have rhe ideals and the com m i rmeJ1[ ro build lives," Meyer s aid . Phi ll ips' Mercer Island neighbor, Ron Stevenson, agrees.

"I recall Karen speaking in j uS [ loving terms abour PLU. She would ralk about the young men hom rhe college who came


pick her up and take her to board mectings,"

Srevenson said. "She so enj oyed si rring w i th rhem and d is­ cuss i n g thei r dreams and their aspirations. Shc fou nd i t wonderful r o b e around young people." One o f those young men, former ASPLU presidcJ1[ W i l l i e

Pai nter '06, s a i d P h i l l i ps wou ld w a n t [() be rcmem bcred as a "servant leader." " D u ri n g

the various s tages of her l i fe Karen had l i m i ted

fi na nc i a l


a n d then almost u n l i m i red resources,"

Painter said. " But t h ro ugh out her l i fe, whether with time or money, she made sure that she gave of herself back ro her church, her nursing pro�ess ion and her universi ty. " Everyrhing about K:m:n spoke to he r service and leader­ ship. She would be proud to be remembered in thar way." [ID

Due ro rhe extraord i n ary gen eros i ty of Kar en H i L le Phi l l ips, Pac ific Lut heran Uni vers i tv has beg un a reno vati on pro ject lead ing to a ew perform i n g arts cen ter, to be nam ed after the form er regent.

"Ka ren H i l l e Ph i l lips care d deeply abo ut the Uni vers i ty, and began thar rela rion ship deca des ago, whe n PLC Pres iden t Serh Eas rvo ld visi ted her fam i ly on a fun dra isin g rrip to the fami ly's easr ern Was hi ngt on farm ," said Pres iden t Lor en ]. And erso n. " I r is real ly app rop riate tha r her esta te wil l fun d the ren ova tion of a b u ildi ng and program tha t s h e cared so muc h abo ut." Wi thin the Phi llips Cen ter, Easrvold Aud itor ium will rera in its nam e i n memory of Seth Easrvold , and Tower Chapel rem ains as a donor nam ing 0ppo lTun l ty. Wh en com pler ed, rhe $20 mil lion , 47,5 00squ are- foo r perform ing arts cen ter reno vati on wi l l l I [era lly tran sform the s tage for PLU 's per­ form lI1g arcs progra ms.

PH ASE 1, whi ch i s now und er way. wil l i n clud e the con stru ctio n of a new srud io thea ter and ser- con srru ctio n sho p i n rhe nor th win g of rhe buil d ing. The cos t of th is pha se is $4.9 3 mil­ lion and is fu lly fu nde d by the gifts received for the cap ital cam paig n to date . Thi s pha se is due to wrap up i n Aug ust. The lead gift for this projecr was from Ph i l l i ps. PH ASE 2 will incl ude wor k on the mai n aud i­ rori Ul11 , Tower Cha pel, thea ter offi ce, the buil d­ ing 's emr)' and lobby spa ces. Work o n the elev a­ ror, hea ting and mec han ical sysrcms wi l l also be incl ude d in rhis pha se. All con srru ctio n will be wi thin rhe exis ring foor prin c of rhe bui ldin g. Gro und brea king for this $ 1 0 mil lion pha sc is set for N/ay 20 1 2 , with a tent ativ e com plet ion date ser fo r a yea r late r.



By Ka r i P l og ' 1 1 with additional reporting by Steve Hansen

S t u d e n t s ta ke l ea d e rs h i p ro l e s t o h e l p u n d e rsta n d i ss u e s a ro u n d p owe r, p r i v i l e g e a n d i n c l u s i ve n e s s


t h e bottom floor o f PLU's

g reat p l a ce to h a n g o u t . I t i s a l so a

n i ty t h a t c a n serve s t u d e n t s i n a n y

U n i vers i t y Center, s t u d e n t s fi l l

p l a ce w h e re s t u d e n t s c a n foc u s o n

way t h ey see f i t . H a m b r i c k's role a t

t h e ove rstuffed c o u c h e s - s o m e

b i g i s s u e s - l i ke power, p r i v i l eg e ,

P LU s e r v e s t o s u p p o rt s t u d e n t s

s t u d y i n g , s o m e tex t i n g t h e i r

e q u i t y a n d i n c l u s i ve n e s s .

w h o a re l e a r n i n g a b o u t i d e n t i t y,


f r i e n d s , s o m e j u st h a n g i n g o u t . I t ' s w h a t h a p p e n s everyday a t t h e D i v e r s i ty Center. T h e " D C e n ter," as it is k n o w n , i s a

I t c a n be b o t h . I n fac t , t h a t ' s t h e w h o l e p o i n t . T h e D C e n ter, i n t h e

c u l t u re a n d e q u i ty. T h a t ' s i m p o rt a n t , s a i d H a m b r i c k ,

w o r d s of D i rector A n g i e H a m b r i c k ,

beca u s e st u d e n t s d o n 't w a n t t o be

i s i n te n d e d a s a n e q u i t a b l e co m m u -

a ss o c i a ted w i t h s i m p l y one g r o u p


mys e l f, " s h e

H ometown : E . Wenatchee, Wash . Maj o r: F i ne a rts

and her

tra d i t i o n s

t h a t s h e never s a w b a c k

home. As a d i v e r s i t y a d vo c a te, P u t n a m 's j o b

When C h e l sea P u t n a m t h i n ks back to h i gh s c h o o l

s a i d . F o r her, that m e a n t

beco m i n g fa m i l i a r w i t h cu l t u res a n d

ex po s u re

to d I ver足

s i ty issues, one word c o m e s to m i n d : shel te red . " I h ad n o backgro u n d o r ex perience," she reca l l e d . " I j us t knew I w a n ted to m a k e a d i ffer足 e n ce."

that c h a n g e d when s h e ca m e t o PLU . Putnam was i n t ro d u c ed to the R i eke S c h o l ar s h i p pro 足 gram , w h i c h is awarded to students who a r e com m i tted to ra ising aware n ess abou t i ssues rel ated to d i versity. m u l ti c u ltu ra l i sm a n d s o c i a l justice. I t was t h e n t h a t Putnam rea l i zed h e r p a s s i o n . Al l

" Be i n g a Rieke S c h o l a r abso l utely o pe n ed

my eyes to a worl d much l arger t h a n


to o v e r s e e the 4 0 - p l u s R i eke s c h o l a rs

on ca m p u s , a n d help t h e m f i n d ways to g row, J u st a s s h e h a s . " M y g o a l i s t o h e l p t h e m l earn t h e i m p or t a nce o f s o c i a l

J u s t i c e i n a s m a l l er

co m m u n i ty b e c a u s e i t's t h e f i rs t step to p ro m o t i n g s o c i a l j u s t i ce o n a l a rg e r

she said. many s t u d e n t s choos e n o t to get i n vol ved because of the a s s o c i a t i o n s w i t h the word "d i ve rs i ty." Part o f her J o b as a d i vers i ty advocate is to r e m i n d p e o p l e that everyo n e i s d i verse - i t I n c l u des everyt h i n g from c u l t u re, s ex u a l o r i e n t a t i o n , re l i g i o n , and even e co n o m i c factors. " D i versity does n ' t m e a n you have to look di fferen t, " she said. " W h a t we ar e try i ng to do is gather peop le w ho ar e d i verse i n m uch more complex ways


Putnam said

t h a n appeara nce ."


o r a n o t h e r. "They d o n ' t want to be

de nts go t o d i ffere n t houses

p u t in one box." She said. "They

of wors h i p , l i ke a m o s q ue,

have m u l t i p l e i d e n t i t i e s , a n d t h ey

s y n a g ogue or a B a h a ' i F a i t h

w a n t to ta l k about t h e m . So i t i s

t e m p l e . Leaders h i p o p portu­

o u r j o b t o ta l k a bout a n d h o n o r

n i t i e s a re a l s o made ava i l a b l �

those identities."

to s t u d e n t s i n s u p p o r t o f

T h e ways t h a t PLU stud e n t s e n g a g e i n t h e s e i m p o rta n t i s s u e s a re n u mero u s . S o m e of t h e enga gement is though pro­ g ra m m ed e v e n t s l i ke t h e " G l o b a l

soci a l j u s t i ce awareness. (Ca l l e d D i versity Ad vocates, you can meet t h i s yea r ' s fo u r s t u d e n t advocates i n t h e se pages.)

G e t - Down," - w h e re peo p l e o f d i f­

I n many ways, the p ro­

fere n t c u l t u res pres e n t d a nce a n d

g r a m s t h a t run t h ro u g h

s o n g , o r " Ta s te o f F a i t h , " w h ere s t u -

t h e D C e n t e r have t h e i r

CAR R I E HYLA N D E R '12 H o m etow n: Seatt l e, Wa s h .

more t h a n just tak i ng c l ass and c o m pl e ting a majo r," she s a i d . "I t's about l ea rn ­

Maj or: H i s pa n i c s t u d i e s a n d

i n g who we are and our

gl obal studies

place i n the world."

When Carrie Hylander wrote about diversity issues in her entrance essay to

PLU, her admiss ions counselor told h er

that she wo u l d be the perfect candi­ date for t he Rieke Schola rsh ip .

Given that connect ion, i t makes sense that H y la n d e r works with the p rogram " Word Up," which focuses on i nn er­

group d ia logu es about social justice

and equity, with empha s i s o n first-year students. "We learn about the language we use

and the impact that language has on ot h e r people," she s a i d . "We f oc u s o n

who we are and how that effects wl,at

we're say i ng "

H yl and er said ta lking about these i ss ues i s important at PLU because i t

en r i c he s t h e l earn i ng exp eri ences stu ­ dent s have in the c l a s s room. "College i s

Hylander s a i d the Diversity Center h e l ps her apply what she learns i nside the c lassroo m , out ­ S ide in the real world, The

focu s , she said, is on

a cti o n .

"There a re so many

opportun i ti es at PLU to t h i n k about a l l of these

d iffe rent aspects of our l i ves and real l y think crit­ ically of how to better ourselves and our socie­ ty," Hylander sai d . " Don't j ust tal k the tal k, walk the wa lk ," s h e

added .


S O C I A L J U ST I C E M ATT E R? groups help create the " Tu n nel of

root in a sc holarsh i P made ava i l ­

l i ttle or no experience with it. but

a b l e b y former PLU Pres ident

s i m pl y want to learn more.

Oppression" w h e re pa rtic Ipants

Hambrick says there are typica l l y

navigate thro u g h a maze of s i m u l a ­

W i l l ia m O. Rieke. Started I n


the R i eke Leadersh i p Award is

made ava i lable to students who a re i n terested in social j ustice and d iversity issues. Any student can a p p l y - those wh o have a l ways have had a passion for soc ial j u s­ tice issues, and so me w ho have ha d

M AU R I C E ECKSTE I N '1 1 Hometow n : San F e r n a n d o,

Tr i n i dad a n d Tobago M aj o r' Co m m u n i c a t i o n




rece iving

Rieke Scholars a year,

tions I nvol v i ng topics as d iverse as


the drug wars i n M exico or what I t



a year.

Rieke Scholars, in turn, work w i t h the D Center t o program e ents that e ngage t he enti re student body on issues of d i versi ty a nd tol ­ erance . Fo r i nstance,



For i n s t a nce, Eckstein has been

c o l l e g e s t u d e n t . T h e s e n i o r, from Tri n i d a d and To bago, learned a bo u t s o c i a l j u s t i ce i n di re c t l y a fter c o m i n g to

P LU . " I d i d n ' t rea l ly k n ow a l o t a b o u t s o c i a l j u stice before I g o t here ," he s a i d . " When I came here I w a s forced t o b e c o m e aware of i t." Eckstein said that he felt t h rust into t h e rea l m o f studying social j u s t i ce when he realized he could i d e n t i fy w i t h t h e Afri c a n - A m e r i can com m u n i ty because of h i s a p pearance. Back h o m e , i n h i s v e r y c u l tu ra l l y d i verse Cari b bean nati o n , h i s a p pearance did n't cause h i m t o stand o u t . Here, t h a t wa s n ' t a l ways the case. It a l l owed h i m to l oo k a t issues in ways he m i g h t have never considered before.



percent of the student

body i s students of colo r. The i dea, acco rdi ng to H a mb rick, i s to get pa rt ici pa n t s to experience a poi n t ­ of-view they m i ght not othe rW ise

i n g i ssu es," E c k s t e i n s a i d . ' ' I ' m t r y i n g to

wrest l i n g w i t h concept o f p r i v ilege -

ens ure [what s t u d e n t s ] b r i n g to the

t h e i d ea t h a t some peo p l e have a d va n ­

world i s g e n u i ne."

t a g es i n l i fe t h a t others d o n o t . The most obvious exa m p l e m i g h t be access to a u n i ve r s i t y e d u ca t i o n .

Maurice Eckste i n i s a fi rst-gen erat i o n

m i g h t be l i ke to attend a col l ege where

" C o l l eg e w a s n o t a n a u t o m a t i c t h i ng for me," he s a i d . I t i s n ' t f o r a l o t o f p e o p l e . A n d by

Eckste i n helps students from around t h e world acclimate to t h e PLU co m ­ m u n i ty, a n d he is a l ways t h i n k i n g o f n e w w ys t o a d vocate fo r t h e m . H e p l ays a p r i m ary role i n orga n i z i ng m u l ­ t i cu l t u ra l n i g h t a n d " G l o b a l G e t - D o w n , "

s i m p l y l o o k i n g at h i s - a n d o t h e r ' s -

w h e re s t u d e n t s c a n s h owcase a piece

o p p o rt u n i t i e s t ll ro u g h t h a t l e n s has

o f th

been i m po r t a n t to how h e sees the

c u l t u res.

world. " I t ' s a b s o l u tely necessary to pay attention t o t h i s aspect of understand-

ir c u l t u r

and l e a rn about o t h er


experience. This year. 369 people

grou p with a facu l ty member on

took part In the event.

the changes I n North Africa and

In its t h i rd year, the Soc i a l Action

the M i ddle East.

and Leadership (SAL) wing I S

This sprin g was also an exc iting

another way the university pro­

t i m e for the D Center - they organ­

motes soc ial justice i ssues . Set in

ized their first "Alternative Spring

Stuen H a l l . a bout 30 students make up a

u n i q ue

com m u n i t y that seeks

Break," in which students took a Civil Rig hts Tou r of Georgia and

to deve l o p leaders Who wa nt to

A labama . H a mbrick who was one

have a b ette r underst anding of

of the l eaders of t he trip. sai d i t

the i r ow n b el iefs a nd va l ue s - a n d

h e l ped s t u dent s better u n dersta n d

t h e n a re w i l l i n g t o p u t t h e m t o t h e

t he Civi l r i g hts movem e nt - a n d its

service o f others. F o r i n sta nce. t h i s

conn ect i o n to th e issues of the day,

s p r i n g , m e m bers of the S A L w i n g

l i k e gay rig hts a n d i m m i g ration

were busy org a n i z i n g a d iscussion

i ssues.

A N G E LA P I E R C E J12 Ho m etow n ' Taco m a , Was h . MajN: Socia l work A n g e l a Pi erce i s t h e d a u g h t e r of a F i l i p i n o m o t h e r and a Cauca s i a n father. S h e neve r saw herself as w h i te. At some p o i n t . however, Pierce rea l ­ ized other people d i d see h e r a s w h i te. S h e noti ced when s h e saw people trea t i n g her d i fferent than they d i d her mother. I t was t h e n she k n ew she would be an advocate for s o c i a l j u s t i c e - even i f, as s h e s a i d , " I d i d n ' t know t h e l a n g u a g e [ o f s o c i a l j u s t i ce] y e t . " P L U h e l ped h e r f i g u re t h a t o u t .


do j u s t t h a t . P i e rce said it is the perfect p l a ce to come and learn a b o u t y o u r s e l f - and others. "Come a n d hang out, and you w i l l fi n d s o m e t h i n g to get i n volved in," s h e s a i d . "Just s how u p." For Pi erce, t h ere i s no wrong way to get involved. ;'Social j u s t ice to m e i s speak­ i n g up for those w h o are l eft u n heard - and h e l p i n g others find their p l a ce," s h e s a i d . "You can get i n volved j u s t by spea k i n g up in c lass."

As a d i versity a d vocate, P i erce p l ays a primary ro l e in coord i n a t i n g the S t u d e n t s o f Color R e t reat, wh i e ll i s i n i t s seventh year a t P L U . I t i s a chance for s t u d ents to come together and talk about their experiences with iden t i t y deve l o p m e n t . As a s t u d e n t who strug­ g l e d w i t h some o f the s a me i s s u e s . Pierce wanted t o m a k e s u re t h ere was a safe p l ace for students to d i s c u s s such issues. Pi erce i s ha ppy t o help s t u d e n t s find that comfo r t a b l e p l a ce, and PLU's D i ve r s i t y Center offers t h e c h a n c e to



A U n i ve rs i ty o f D i st i n ct i o n "O u r statu re i s meas u red by h ow we se rve st u d e nts a n d h ow t h ey i n t u rn s e rve t h e wo r l d ." - P LU P res i d ent Loren J . A n d e rson Pacific Lutheran U n iversity IS

An i n n ovator in values-based

a learning com m u n i ty that

g l obally-focused education, t h e

d istingui shes itself by developing

campus com m u n ity Is comm itted

generations of g l obal l y

to a set of priorities that e n l iven

conscious, self-aware ci tizens

Its m i ssion of serving the wo r l d .

who a re equi pped to engage

We n o w I nvite others t o invest

the wor l d I n senous and

f i nanc i a l ly i n the pLU experience

m ea n i ng f u l ways.

and the priori ties o f E n gage the

PLU l i ves out its Lut heran

Worldďż˝ The Campaign for PLU.

heritage by providing each student preparation both for a successful career and for a


l i fetime of service to others.

E n g a ge theWorld





hiny years ago GenT Evanson

'63, Lori (Hefty '58) Steen, Jim

Sparks '6 1 , Din�cror of Planned Giving Ed Larson '57, PLU President William o . Rieke and a few others got together ro solve a problem. At the time, PLU did not have much of an endowment. And they knew that, for the university to prosper, that needed w change. So the group initiated PLU's Heritage Society, which honors people who have made estate-plan ning provisions on behalf of the universi ty. These deferred plans include planning vehicles such as bequests, charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts. "We really wanted w focus on the 'her­ itage' of the school," Evanson said. ''The people I've met here have been life-long friends; my time here was a life-changing event. It made sense �@) make plans to give ro the university [through our will]." Ed Larson, executive direcror of chari­ table estate planni ng, thinks back on those days, and the need for a long-term strategy. "\'(Te knew we were late bloomers in terms of endowment," he said. "This was a big step in solving that pwblem." Now, 30 years later, people l ike Evanson, Larson and others have been

an in tegral parr of PLU's long-term financial success. The Heritage Society now includes more than 400 families with documented deferred gifts wtaling approximately S 1 00 million. Larson also notes that many who have named PLU as a beneficiary in their will have not notified the university. He encourages those people w contact the university, if for no other reason than so PLU can "express our gratitude" ro them. And it isn't simply the older genera­ tion that is gerring involved. Jillian foss ' 1 0 thinks the same wa)'. Jillian knows she's unusual - most 2 0 1 0 graduates aren't thinking about making a will, let alone a deferred gift to their universi ty. But after she finished PLU, she had a lirrle money left over from what was given to her by her grandfather, and decided ro make a deferred gift ro PLU through her will. She knew she could help PLU con tinue ro have long-term financial stability, not only after she graduated, but into perpetuity. "It just made sense to me," Foss said. "[ don't want my degree at PLU w lose its value." Members of the Heritage Society include those who have commirred to

one or more of the following deferred gi fts: bequest, charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuity, life insur­ ance, gift of residence or farm with a retained life estate, or making PLU a beneficiary of a retirement account. Larson said there is the obvious bene­ fit ro those who have joined the Heritage Society - the $ 1 00 million in expected gifts. Bur there is another ben­ e fi t, roo. When people see that others are participating in the long-term finan­ cial health of the universi ty, it builds confidence. And others are more inclined ro take part. " I t is a testimony to other people," Larson said. "It lets them know that there is other money in the pipeline. And that is great for the university." �

-Stel'e HaIJset1

There are man)' way to make a gift to PLU through the Heritage Society. Contributions can be made through planned giving vehicles, such as a bequest prot'ision, trust, gift annult)' or gift oflifo insm-ance. To learn more, please contact Ed Larson or Doug Page at giftplan ning@plu.edu or 800-826-0035. Or visit www.plu.edu and click on "Make a Gift. " FEATURES > PLU SCENE SPRING 2011 21

and their coaches, face every year: How

asked i n dividuals at rhe

docs thc studcl1[-athlete balance the

University of Chengdu ro

personal expectations of bei ng a Stu­

find a nearby swi mming pool

dent with the personal and team expec­

where she cou l d work o u t. A

tations o f being an athlete?

25- meter i n door lap pool was fo u n d approximately a 40-

For Klauder, there was l i ttle hesi ta­

m i n ure walk from the un iver­

tio n .

si ry. With workout p lans pro­

Growing up i n Klamath Falls, Ore.,

vided by Sell man and her

Klauder learned early fro m her paren ts, John and Christi n e, to work hard i n

father, who had beell her

both t h e classroom and i n athletic

youth coach, Klauder usu<llly

end cavors. Bur "school always overrode

met her goal of swi mming

swi m m i ng."

5 ,000 meters per workout, primarily i n sers based on

Good grades, hcr pare n ts told her, w i l l g c t you t o col lege. A n d good college

1 00- and 200-yard freestyle

grades, Klauder k new, wo uld ger her

and breaststroke. In addition, daily fo ur-m i l e

i n to n u rsing schoo l . She has r.aken rhar

r u n s w i r h a fe l l ow nursing

to hean, earn i ng Dean's List recogni­ tion during each of her semesrers a

s tudent helped her stay i n

PLU an d e n tering her lasr semesrer with

shape. " I w a n red r o p rove



rhar I was rra i n i n g when I

grade point average.

was in China," Klauder said.

Over time, Klauder came ro u nder­

After rhree weeks of inten­

srand how academics and athlerics at PLU worked togerher to make her a

sive class and clin ical work,

morc ro u n ded i n d ividual.

and a onc-week tOur of

"Watc h i n g my nursing budd ies bc ing stressed our, ir was d u ring my sopho­ more year I realized rhar I n e ed s\\'i m­ m i n g because ir helped me as a n u rs ing studen t," Klauder said. "They balance each orher really we ll. For my men tal health, swi mming is very rherapeutic." Classcs and c l i nical work in her major h ave caused her to miss a n u mber of ream practices over rhe years. For instance, during her sophomore year, Klauder wo u l d miss Tuesday and Thursday workouts because of c l i n icals. She has worked coope rarively wirh rhe PLU coach ing sraff in making up missed pracrice rime. "If I wo uldn't be able to d o both," Klauder said, "I wou l d n ' t fU llcrion as well as an i n d ivid­ uaL" So when i t came to choosing China over a month of comperi tive swi mming, Klaudcr was committed to hcr nu rs ing srudies. S h e spoke to Marr Sellman, h i mself a fo rmer PLU swi mmer .1l1d rhe firsr-ycar

Jessie Klauder knew her travels in China d u ri n g the swim

China 's capital, Beijing,

season could jeopardize her swimming perfo rmance. but it

Klauder rerurned to cam pus.

would be g reat for her total e d u c a t i o n .

In her firsr meet b ack, swim­

swimmer since

ming against rival Un iversi ry of Puget


Even tho'ugh Klauder adm itted rbat she "wo u l d love to get a narional


(qualifying rime), I decided to stay on course. Coach was okay with it." "PLU values the study away program," Sell man explai ned. "If swi mming as a sport didn't fit inco thar p h i losop hy, we wo uld shoot ou rselves in the fo ot. The swi mming program is part of the greater PLU comm u n i ty, and as their coach I want them to have the best experience they can have while they're srudents ar PLU." There are tradeoffs, Sellman admitted, because of sacrifices made by i n d ividual srude n t-arhletes and by r h e i r teams when rhe srudent goes abroad during

Sound, Klauder won twO events and registered one of her best colle giate rimes in the 200-yard fre estyle, her sig­ narure event. "I was very surprised," Klauder said of her perfo rmance. "I fel t really good the whole ( p racrice) week i n rhe water, bur tak i n g a chunk our of regular rraining can really h u rt, es pecially endurance." Klauder and her teammates then enrered the Northwesr Conference Championships i n late Febru ary, a meet thar marked the end of Klauder's col­ lege career. With the c o n ference meer pushed back twO weeks later rhan past years, Klauder had more rime to focus on fi n is h i n g her collegiare career with some of her best times. And she will ger

tbe season. "The teams lose out on you

ro do something equally i m porram: [0

being there d u ring the competitive sruff

train with her reammates.

a little b i r," he said.

" Not only do I love the sport, I rcally

Stlll, S e l l man figured Klau der wo uld

love the team," Klauder said, noti n g

p l ans. Bur when Klauder swam parricu­

be rrue ro her word and work OLlt while

t h a t she is one of s i x seniors w h o are

larly well ar rhe srarr of the season,

in Chi na.

head coach, te l l i ng h i m of her J-Te rm

Sel l m an asked her to reconsider her

"China wo u l d not be an easy place to

srudy away plans. Continued hard work.

fi nd a pool," Sell man said. " B u t Jessie

he tol d Klauder, could lead to her

was proacrive i n fi nding a fac i l i ry before

achieving a rime good enough to earn a

she went. Fo llow-through is imp ortant,

berrh ar rhe NCAA Division I I I national

and the only person h o l d i n g them

cham pionship meer, a fe ar rhat has

accountable is themselves."

been accompl ished by o n l y one PLU

Before leavi ng for China, Klauder

wrap ping up fo ur-year srints with rhe swi mming program. Five of those sen­ iors are women. "1 have some really close fr iends, and I'm always go ing to have that," she said. And she'll also have rhe memories of a month spent srudying i n Chi na.


Nick. [)aUJsoll




alumni news & events �

gust is one of the most beauriful

months in the Pacific NorthwesL ugust evenings provide beaueiful

to be oue i n our communi ey, participating in a favorite Tacoma pastime and show­ casing the great things PLU is doing,"

sunsets, warm temperarures and Tacoma

Allison Stephens, di rector of student

Rainiers baseball.

engagement, Student Involvement and

PLU Night at the Rainiers started sever­ al years ago as a way [0 celebrate our PLU

Leadership said. "\Ve're excited [0 connect with our

communiey and the end of summer. In

incoming first-),ear and transfer students

2 0 1 0, 250 Luees enjoyed an evening at the

several weeks before we'd eypically meet

ballpark. August 12 marks the date of this year's

them on campus fo r orientation," Stephens said. "What a great wa), for

end-of-summer bash, PLU Night at the

them to kickoff their PLU experience:

Rainiers. For only $ 1 0 a person, panici­

mixing with alumni, faculey and current

pants will enjoy admission (0 the game, a

students before they come to campus to

ho tdog, soda, chi ps and viewing of fire­

start classes."

works afte r the game. Perhaps more excit­ ing than the fireworks, is the total renova­ tion of Cheney Stadium. "The fact that 250 students, al umni, faculey, staff and friends all came out for the game in 2 0 1 0 was a big hint [0 us,"

With all the festivities alread), associated with the newl)' remodeled Ch ene), Stadium, what would have already been a great event will only get better with a planned 500 Lutes in attendance. "With opening day rapidly approaching

said Sumerlin Larsen '0 1 , associate direc­

on April 1 5, the new Cheney Stadium is

(Or fo r Alumni and Constituent Relations.

aru.:iously awai ting its $30 m illion dollar

"There's opporruniey [0 get even more of

debut," Santman said. "Featuring ameni­

our PLU communiey involved."

ties that you will find at some of base­

In preparation for this event, a panner­

balI's best ballparks, Cheney Stadium is

ship has been forged benveen the Office

poised [0 become the crown jewel of the

of Alumni and Constituent Relations,

Northwest for all fans [0 enjoy."

Student Involve ment and Leadership,

While PLU N ight at the Rainiers is

Student Athletic Advisory Council and

annual program, it has never been pro­

the Administrative S taff Council. The

grammed or publicized [0 this extent.

goaP To connect our current students, i ncoming students, alumni, faculty and s taff i n one big end of summe r bash. This ),ear PLU Night at the Rainiers is


Rich H i nes, director of annual giving for the Office of Development attended the game fo r the first rime last summer. He signed up to participate in the salmon

dedicated to showcasing PLU. There will

toss competition with Andrew Eisentrout

be a PLU hospitality tent with lots of Lure

'07. When asked abou t his experience

mementos, PLU information and friendly

Hi nes recounted, "\Ve gOt a [Otal of eight

smiles will be accessible [0 all attendees,

catches, winning that evening's competi­

and the entire evening's program will rep­

tion. The bouney was some fu n prizes -

resent PLU and the best the universiey has

Apple i Pod Nanos - and the not-too­

[0 offer. Everyth ing from the National

badly bruised fish, which grilled up nicely.

Anthem to the first pitch and the on-field

But most of all, it was fun [0 JUSt be part

games between innings will feature Lute

of the PLU communiey on

talent, participants and ptograms.

the Lutes won the salmon ross and the

"The Rainiers are thrilled to partner with one of the long standing pillars of the Taco ma communi ey, Pacific Lutheran


night when

Rainiers won the game." Five hundred tickets are available to the PLU communiey [0 watch the Tacoma

Universiey. We look fo rward [0 engaging

Rainiers take on the Iowa Cubs. Ticket

the students, faculey, staff and alumni in

sales will begin M a)' 1. Tickets can be

an environment full of tradition and

purchased fro m the Office of Alumni

excitement," said Shane Santman, direc­

and Constituent Relations fo r $ 1 0,

tor of ticket sales for the Tacoma Rainiers. "This is a rcall), exciting wa)' to continue

through www.plualumni. org or b)' calling 253-535-74 1 5 .



alumni news & events Join

I Cl i ck �



oving ro a new c ity' Wouldn't i t b e nice ro see i f therc are other Lu tes living thcre? By joining

the online community you can do that and more. Just by dOlllg



e-mail your roommate with whom you

promotion, and of course we love ro

may haw lost touch.

receive pictu res of your new baby. By

An addi tional benefit of the online

search in the on line dirccrory you can

being a part of the online community you

com munity is having a permanent e-mail

can do all that and more. Membership is

find all of the al umni who Live in your

address. The online community will fo r­

free and exclusive ro alumni.

city. You can even take it a step further

ward your mail to any other account

and search for alumni who live in you r

when you sign up fo r a permanent e-mail

To take advantage of the online

ci ty, who have the same major, or who

address. Imagine having your own name

community, beg in at

graduated the same year. The online com­

followed by a proud statement of your

From there it is a quick and easy

mun i ty is a fab ulous way ro reach out.

status like joelute@alumni.pltt.edtt.

registration process.

There is another great benefit ro the


In a recent su rve)', we werc reminded

online direcrory: You can search and con­

that Class Notes was one of the most

nect with you r old friends, roommates

widely read sections of Scenc magazine.

righ t-hand side of your page you will

and classmates. We know that it is hard

We arc so happy to hear that you enjoy it!

fi nd the Online Community log-in sec­

Begin at www.plualunmi.org. On the

ro stay in contact with people over time,

Please continue to keep us updated on

tion. Click on the "Register Now" link

b u t with the online d.irecrory, you have a

what's happcning in your life. We want to

right below the log-in.

chance to search for former teammates or

know all about your recent marriage or Registering involves filling in your fi rst

r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �


and last name, as well as your official graduation year (i.e. 1 986 rather than 86) . When th is is completc, select " ,Find


my Record."



The fo llowing scrccn will show all the records matching the search criteria.


Select your name.

The following candidates are nomi nated fo r the 2 0 1 1 -20 1 2 Alumni Board of Directors. Please vote fo r five candidates - two response boxes are provided i f

[wo alumni l ive i n the same household.

will be asked fo r your alumni I D num­ ber. TI1is n u mber is listed on thc label

Detach this fo rm and mail before J u ly 1 , 20 1 1 , to thc Office of Alumni and

o f this magazine. You wiLl now choose

Cons titue n t Relations, Nesvig Alumni Center, Pacific Lutheran U n iversity,

your own user 10 and password fo r

1 2 180 Park Avenue S . , Tacoma, WA 98447. You can also cast yo u r ballot online at

To verify that this is your record, you

continual access ro the online co mmu­


n i ty. Once you have agreed ro terms

0 0

Annette (Foege ' 6 1 ) Stixrud - Portland, Ore.

Registration" bucron. A confirmation e­

Dale Haar '89

mail will be sent if you have requested.

0 0

0 0


Bill ings, Mont.

S te phanie (Merle '97) To mli nson - Nampa, Idaho

0 0

Isaiah Johnson '96 - Aub urn, Was h .

0 0

Jan Praxel '70

0 0

and conditions, click the "Comp lece\



Spokane, Was h.

C!\N D I D!\TE(S)

You are now registered! As a member of the online co mmunity, you might update your current information, search the d irectory for you r friends, or establish comacts by bookmarking [hem . Contact us with any questions a[ alumni@plu.edu or 253-5 35-74 1 5 .



Alumni Board seeks ways

The Alumni Board also dis­ cussed how to encou rage alum­

to encourage alums back to .campus


n i to not only participate i n events, b u t also to partici pate in the fi nancial l i fe of the uni-

he PLU Al umni Board j uS t com­

versl t)'-

pleted i ts spring meeting March

"The Alumni Board repre­

5-6. Newly elected President Pam

sents PLU's entire a l u m n i com­

Russel l '72 and Vice President Laurie

mu nitv and we want vou to

Soine '87 will lead the board as they


strive co be an alumni voice fo r the uni­

in participating i n giving co the

versiry. The spring agenda included

campaign. Each of us has a

u p dates from the Development Office,

chance to i m pact the lives of

Admission Office, AS PLU, \'{1ild Hope

current students by giving gifts

and presentations on recent fac u l ry and

of time, talent and resources,

student research.

said Pam Russell ' 72.

One of the highligh ts of the weekend was a work sessi on, in conjun ction with the Student Alu m n i Association, on

Newly a p p o inted Alumni Board p r e s i d e nt P a m R u s sell '72

how to b ri n g alumni back to campus

op portuni ties; bringing alu m n i back fo r

for engaging and meaningful experi­

lectures, ath letic and music events, as

ences. The work session i ncluded con­

well as creating other events o u tside of

versations around career m e n toring

those affi n i ties.



Distinction " insert in this issue of Scene, cmd

at \v\vw.plu.edu/cam paign.

UPCOMING EVENTS April 29-30 April


May 7

. . . . . . . . . . . .

. .

May 29

, . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e l ay for Life

. .


. . . • . .


July 1 3

. . . .


. .

. .




. .

. . .



. . .


. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

H o m ecom i ng

August 4*. 1 1 *

201 1

August 12




. .




. .

. . .


. .






. . .

. .








. .



. . . . . . . .






. .





. . . .



Strawberry Festival, Pill campus

. . .

Raspberry Festival, PLU c a mpus

, . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . B l ueberry Festiva l, PLU ca mpus

. . . . . .

. . .









. .

. . .










. . J a zz Under the Stars, MBR Amphitheater .

. . . . J a zz Under the Stars. M B R A m phitheater .

. . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . .

September TBA 14-16

H a waii Club Luau

"Star Gazing at the Keck Observatory after the concert

September 6 .


. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Club/Spri ng D onor Banq uet, Campus



. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spri n g Commence ment. Ta c o m a D ome

. . . . . .

June 22

. . .

July 7.1 4. 21 *, 28* . . . . . . .

Keep your calen d a r open

Join usl Information about the campaign can be found in the "Univer;il)' of

I Pe n c i l Us I n I

August 3

October 1 4-1 6


join us, and fel lo\\' classmates,

. . . . . . . . .


. ..





. . . .


. .

. PLU Ni ght at the Ra ini ers, Ta coma .

. . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . .

. . . • . . . . .

. . . .









. . .





. • . . . . . . . .

. . .






. .

Opening Convoc ation

Norway Conn ection Event

Homecomang 201 1 Weekend

fo r a weekend of great fri ends and fu n !

For more information : www. plualumni.org or c a ll 800-ALUM -PLU.



anforth Comins '97 is an Old Timer. He is, at least, compared ro many other residem acrors at

It req u i res a differem approach than i n the company's larger stages, such a s the

left for the Utah Shakespearean

Lutheran college did so," he said - he

l , l OO-seat o u tdoor El izabethan stage.

Festival. \Vhcn performing in "Caesar"

the O regon S hakespeare Festival. Tn his

Whereas Comins has performed - and

there, a producer from OSF saw his per­

nimh year at the counrry's largest resi­ dem theater, he has spem a comparative

enjoyed - all of the stages, he finds

formance, l iked it, and asked him ro

there is a special appeal ro the New

l i fetime at the Ashland, Ore., company.

Theatre. "In the New Theatre, a slight twitch of

come ro Ashland. He and his wife, PLU grad Shannon Park '96, a licensed clini­

The abi l i ty ro setrle-in and become a part of the local community is one of

the eye is all you need to communicate

cal social worker, have been there ever slllce. Even though OSF is decidedly in

the things he loves abou t his work with

what you want," he said. "In the

the company.

Bowmer [Theatre], i t is that, plus rais­

Comins' comfort zone, it is no easy task.

ing an eyebrow. In the ou tdoor theater,

Each season, he'll perform in [wo ro three productions, rotaling about 120

"I'm u n l i ke so many people in my pro­ fession - I get ro sleep in the same bed

i t is a slight [Witch of the eye, a raising of the eyebrow, AN D a cock of the head."

as many as 10 productions a week.

performing in twO p roductions: William

Playing a lead role in "Julius Caesar" is a p rofessional full-circle for Comins.

" b u t you get used ro i r. I t's a rhythm.

Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" in which

After h e earned his M FA at the

he'll play Mark Amony, and a world

University of Illi nois, he came ro PLU as

premiere about the assassination of San

a visiting i nstrucror for a year, fi lling i n

all year 'round," he said. "It enriches my work. It is ref1ected in my work." For the 20 1 1 OSF season, Comins is

Francisco mayor George Moscone called

for o n e of his menrors w h o retired. His

"GhOSt Ligh r." Both productions wil l be cast i n OSF's most i n ri mate venue, the New Theatre.

goal was always ro act, however, so after


a year and the mounting of "Angels i n America" on campus - " ,the fi rst time a

shows a year, sometimes performing in "It's a grueli n g schedule," he said, "I would not trade my experience for anyth ing . " -Steve Hansen 'Julius Caesar" plays

in OSF's New

Theatre March 25 through Nov. 6, 201 1 .

"Ghost Light" pla)15 the New Thecttl"e Jttne 2 8

througb Nov. 5, 201 1 .

Port of Tacoma CEO sees strength in comm unity orthwest native and Port of Tacoma CEO John \:{/olfe '87, prides himself for bei ng part of an organization that creates jobs. Established by the citizens of Pierce Coun ty, Wash . , in 1 9 1 8, The Pon of Tacoma is among the largest conrainer ports i n North America. Bur Wolf sees the port as so m uch more than that - as a catalyst for community vitality, and a c rearor of economic growth for both the county and the state. "At the end of t h e day, i f we are creat­ ing more, healthy, family wage jobs, then we're winning, " \'{/oLfe said. Accord ing ro port statistics, aerivities directly and indirectly conneer the Port of Tacoma ro abour orle in six jobs, or more than 43,000 jobs in Pierce County and 1 1 3 ,000 jobs statewide. Wolfe arrived at the Port of Tacoma i n 2005 after five years a t the Port o f

Olympia ( \'i/ash . ) , and 1 2 years with Sea Land, a North Carolina-based conrainer

sh ipping fi rm. \�/olfe served as depury execurive direcror at the Porr of Tacoma u n til June 2 0 1 0 , when he was named CEO by the porr ' s publicly elected

John Wolfe '87, Port of Ta coma CEO

a common understanding of success. I n h is position a t t h e port, Wolfe d raws on h is PLU experiences dai1ly as he works with commissioners, customers and the co ffimlln i ty. Wolfe's role at the port includes work­ ing with the Board of Commissioners to ensure strategic alignment, customer sat­

board of commissioners. "It was really humbling ro me ro be

isfaction and co rl1l11 unity involvement.

accepted because there were some great candidates for this position ," Wol fe said.

�ough experience and

M odesty, Wolfe said, is one of many things Ice learned at PLU. Wolfe graduated in December 1 987 with a degree in business administra­ tion. A " red s h i rt" freshman d u ring his first year at PLU, \,\/olfe stayed i n school an extra semester ro play football , an activity that allowed him ro learn many l i fe lessons from retired head coach "Frosty" Weste r ing. "I learned humility from him, " \'(!olfe said. "That was a h uge lesson . At that time i n my life, it was very easy for me ro get ful l of mysel f." One such lesson occu rred d u ri ng Wolfe's j unior year when he was asked to switch positions. He i ni tially balked at the idea. Bur Westering and Paul Hoseth, an as sistant coach, rold Wolfe something he says he will never forget. "They shared with me that ir's not about what I need ," said Wolfe, "but what the team needs . " Wcstering stressed how to be part of a team and how ro work together roward

contemplation, painter hones his craft n creating oil paintings at his Tacoma studio, artist David Gray, '92, takes inspiration from what is beautiful, good, excellent and wholesome. Gray has worked as a fu ll - time anist since December 2002. In this relatively short time, he has distinguished himself by winning p restigious awards such as the 2009 Chairman ' s Choice Award at the I n ternation al Art Renewal Center Salon, a competition for artists working in the classical tradition. Gray completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at PLU. But while he always was i nterested in an, Gray did not immediate­ ly know after graduation what he wanted to do. Initially, he moved [0 Cali fornia's Bay Area to work with youth at Bayshore Christian Ministries. But eight months later, he returned to Tacoma, where he started working as a waiter. It wasn't until 1 996, the same year that

"We i nvite the community in," Wolfe said. " I t's real ly i mportant that we COI1nect with the community because they own the pon." Com m u n i ty means a lot to Wolfe, who grew up in Puyall u p and still lives there today with his wife, Debbie, and twO child ren, Alyssa, 1 6, and Zac h , 15.

Katie A. Scaff '13

G ray married his wife, Jessica, that he began


paint. "That's when I got seriolls

about my life," said Gray. "I had [0 strike a path." In 2000, G ray attended the Pacific Ri m Art Expo in Seattle, where his work caught [he eye of the owner of Howard/Mandville Gallery, the first [0 feature his work. G ray quit waiting tables two years later and began devoting his full atten­ tion ro art. "You got ro take the plunge at some point," said G ray. "Any self-employed person knows this. You got ro cut off what's safe." G ray h as narrowed the focus of h is work to still life and figurati ve art. Through a classical approach, L1tilized by artists for centuries, G ray paints [ 0 convey beaut)' and order. " Each pain ting is a step and a jour­ ney," said Gray. To be an artist, Gray said, a person needs [0 possess natural ability and [0 hone that abiLity through education, experience, as well as trial and error.



alumn i n ews & events continlted

" I t's gOt


be a refined, honed commu­

nication," said Gray. " I t's a crafr." G ray gathers inspiration from numer­ ous sources, including cloud patterns, ' mu sic, or witnessing acts of kindness. He is inspired by things i n life that are beau­ ti fu l and good. "Everything I do see that's excellent, orderly and pure, it's fro m God," said G ray. He believes his faith plays a part in why he does what he does.

Gray gathers inspiration from numerous sources, including cloud patterns, music or witnessing acts of kindness. He is inspired by things in life that are beautiful and good. "The fact that I'm a believer gives me a spiritual awareness," said G ray, making him "more vulnerable to beautiful things. Excellent things. So, those things turn m l' on." Gray has several figure paintings of his fam ily, including his wi fe, Jessic� his six­ year-old son, Forest, and daughter, Lauren, 9. Teac h i ng is also something Gray does as the opporru n i ry arises. He has received really posi tive feedback from students and it has allowed h i m to sharpen his understanding of his c rafr. As part of thar, G ray recently starred a figure draw­ ing class which he attends with other artists every Thursday nighr. Together, Gray and Frances Buckmaster, an artist from Puyallup, h i re a live model to come in fo r them and about 20 other arTists to paint fo r mostly fun, but also


practice their skills.

G ray's dedication to living the life of a p rofessional artist with a co mmitment to l i felong learning to improve one's craft inspires the other artists, said Buckmaster. " He ' s not only talented and experi­ enced," said

Buckmaster, "but he's my

idea of a person living the l ife of a seri­ ous, professional artisr."


-Katie A. 5c41" 13


Busy dad envisions healthy 'Plan B' for parents ust l i ke so many other fam i lies, Peter G radwohl '90 and his wife, Andrea, once struggled to balance busy work sched u les with the stress of providing healthy food for their t h ree kids. So, three years ago, with people l i ke themselves in mind, the G radwo hls launched Fantazimo, a Seattle-based company that packs well-balanced lu nches for local school kids. "I kind of had an ah-ha moment," Peter G radwohl said, "when I was mak­ ing three lu nches." Creating options every day was no easy task. Especially for the G radwohl's youngest son, M ajor, who suffe rs fro m Celiac disease, an i ntOlerance t o gluten. G radwoh l began seriously thinking about convenient alternatives to pack­ ing lunches every day. Fantazimo Foods was the solution. I n partnership with the Seattle cater­ i ng firm Gretchen's Shoebox Exp ress, parents can order lunches online by 4 p . m . and lunches will be delivered to schools and camps the next day. Fanrazimo cu rrently offers seven d i f­ fe ren t entree selections, i ncluding a bar­ beque ch icken wrap, a chicken and cheddar sandwich, and sides such as apple wedges, carrot sticks and string cheese. Each lunch comes with an en tree, a vegetable, fru i t, p rotein and a

Peter G radwhol '90 shares l u n c h with his s o n, M a j o r.

Du laney, who l i ke G radwohl, has a

being among his warmest memories.

bottle of water. Lunches are available i n two sizes: Varsity ($4.99 plus tax) and

son with Celiac disease, says one of Fantazi mo's great values is i ts ability to

"T made the best friends of my life, who T still talk to every day," G radwohl

Junior Varsity ($4.57 plus tax). Fantazi mo has delivered i ts food to

supply nlltritious lunches to c hildren who have special die tary needs. "It's great to know I can order a lunch

said. "The Godparents of my kids are

more than 65 schools i n the past two years. Gradwohl describes Fantazimo as a " Plan B" for parents.

that's safe," said Dulaney. G radwoh l grew up in Edmonds, grad­

my friends fro m PLU." After PLU, G radwohl married Andrea in 1 99 5 . They have three children: Max, 1 2, Sophie, 9, and Major, 6 .

"We're not there to replace mom and

uated in 1 986 fro m Woodway High

dad," says G radwohl. "We're a backu p."

School, where h e played football. H e also p layed football at PLU.

schools, works on p roduct development,

I n add ition to sports, G radwoh l also participatcd in PLU's student media. He

He hopes Fantazimo can expand and

At rantazi mo, G radwohl works with several othcr former Lutes, i ncluding Elaina D u laney '90, Larry Knudsen '8 1 , a n d M ichael " Elmo" Wright '90. G radwohl said the connections he made wh ile at PLU have "really been a

Today, G radwoh l oversees Fantazimo's day-tO-day operations. H e meets with and maintains the company's Website.

wrote fo r the M ooring Mast and hosted a radio show. He graduated with a

provide nutritious lunch options to

huge help." Knudsen serves as a business

Bachelor of Arts in Com m u n ication. Reflecting on his experiences at PLU,

" \Ve want to be there for parents," Gradwohl said. "We want p arents to

advisor to G radwohl. Wright helps with

G radwohl mentions participating in the

Fantazimo's Web site. And Dulaney helps with the company's marketing.

football p rogram under Frosty Westering and making new friends as

more parents and children in the region.

know wherever their kid is at, we can

deliver them a lunch." tm

-Katie A.

Scaff '13



a l umni class notes Class Representative positions available: 1968, 1980, 1991 and 1996.

192'8 Golden C l u b Class Rep Committee

1936 Class Representative - Volly (Norby) Grande 1 937- 1 93 9 Golden C l u b Class R e p Committee

1940 Class Representative - Luella (Toso) Johnson M. Virginia (McFadden) French died Nov. 5. For 50 years she was the organ­ ist for Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, where she also directed the choir. She was preceded in death by h e r husband, D o nald French and daughter, Eileen. Virginia i s su rvived by children Howard, Marvin, Allen and Beverly Carberry; six grandchildren, and three great-grand­ c h ildren.

Emely Sholseth died J u ly 8. She is sur­ vived by her brother, Edward, sister Helen, and numerous nieces and nephews. Frederick Geiger, Jr. died Dec. 22 in Bremerton, Wash. Fred had a passion for tea c hing and later became an adminis­ trator in the Centralia School District from 1950 to 1 970. Fred continued his love of teaching a t the North Mason ' S chool District for 10 years. While Iiving I n Rustlewood, Fred and his wife, Fran, were instrumental in organizing the Rustlewood Homeowners Associ ation. Fred served as the president for three consecutive terms. After his retirement from teaching, Fred filled his days by working part-time for the Bremerton Sun a s their handyman. H e is preceded in death by his wife, Francis Geiger, and his daughter, Michelle Geiger. H e is s urvived by children Randy Geiger and Christine Alonso; three grandc hildren; two step-grandchildren, and one great­ grandchild.

1 95 2 Golden C l u b Class R e p Com mittee Evangeline Rimbach recently published "Accent on Johann Kuhnall." Eva ngeline is a retired music professor. 1953 Class Representatives - Naomi (Roe) Nothstein and Carol lSchuler) Karwoski

1954 Class Representative Alvin Kageler died Dec. 1 8 a t St. Joseph Hospital i n Ta coma. After graduation, AI served in the Army in Germa ny. After his retllrn, AI spent the majority of his career a s a chemist at Reichhold Chemicals for 33 years. AI is survived by his significant other, Pat; children Julie Kageler '84 and Dean Kageler; and one grandchild. He was preceded i n death by his wife, Jane.

Golden C l u b Class Rep Committee

Class Representative Pejsa


1 945 Class Representative - Annabelle Birkestol

1 946 Golden C l u b Class Rep Comm ittee

1 947 Class Representative


Gerry Lider

1 948 Class Represe ntative - Norene (Skilbred) Gulhaugen

1 949 C lifford Korsmo died Nov. 24 i n Tacoma, Wash. I n 1 954, Clifford became a Lutheran Brotherhood agent and enjoyed many opportunities to present scholarships to outstanding stu­ dents a t PLU. Clifford then lItilized his math and education degrees from PLU to teach j u nior-high math in the Tacoma School District. H e later became the department head at Mcllvaigh J u nior High. His wife, Marie Korsmo '64, pre­ ceded him in death in 2004. H e is sur­ vived by his five c hildren, Karen (Korsmo '67) Vigeland, M a rk Korsmo, Wayne Korsmo, Dale Korsmo and Elise (Korsmo) Michaels '87; and seven grandchildren.

1950 Class Representative Weathermon




Margaret (Franke) Rosin died J uly 1 9 at St. J o h n Medical Center in Lon gview, Wash. Margaret was a homemaker who taught piano and worked a s a n activities director at a nursing home. She was a m e m be r of Trinity Lutheran Church and sang in the church choir. M a rgaret i s survived by children Mark Rosin, Celeste Stubbs, Julie Thorsness '80 and John Rosin; and fou r grandc hildren. Margaret was preceded in death by husband fdward Rosin 'SO. Mavis (Sanderson) Hoffman and hus­ band, Don, celebrated 50 years of mar­ riage o n D e c ember 30. Their sons, Keith and Robert, and their fa milies hosted the cele bration. Harold "Ole" Anker died Dec. 03 at home with his family close by. H a rold served 30 years in the U.S. Marine Corps, which i n c luded a tour in Korea and tvvo tours in Vietnam. H e retired with the rank o f major. H e moved to Bend, Ore., and started a second 20-year c a reer in real estate, founding Anker Realty. H e is su rvived by his wife, Nora (Covey) Anker; childre n Christian Hammond, Edward Anker, Andrew Anker, J e rry Simer and Sharon Isbell; and four grandchildren . Roberta (Schoessler) Falk died D e c . 23 with h e r family present. After graduating, Roberta began a career in educ ation. She took incredible pride in raising h e r children and being a wife of a Lutheran pastor - two roles she excelled in and greatly cared about. Roberta is survived by her husba nd, Phillip Falk '50; children Bryan Falk '76, Brad Falk '79, Patty (Falk '82) Nielsen and Mark Falk '84; eight grandchildren and one great-gra n d c h ild.


1 959 Golden C l u b Class Rep Committee


Phyllis (Grahn)

196 1

1 94 1-1944 Golden Club Class Rep Committee

1 95 8 Class Representative - Don Cornell

Class Represe ntative - Marilu (Miller) Person

1955 1951

Walton F. Berton died Nov. 6. Walton served the Northwest as a Lutheran minister for 50 years. H e earned his D o ctor of Divinity from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, as well as a teaching degree from California State Long Beac h. He was a senior pastor at First Lutheran i n Hines, Ore.; Our Redeemer Lutheran i n Eugene, Ore.; Bethany Lutheran in Portland, Ore.; and St. Andrew Lutheran in Vancouver Wash. Wally i s s u rvived by his wif , Carole; children Greg, B rad, Bruce '83, Ann a n d Bani; step-Children, J e ff , Chrissy and M i chael; s i x grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Otto Tollefson died Dec. 24 a t Franciscan Hospice in Ta coma, Wash., His family was by h i s side. Otto served as a mis­ sionary ,in Brazil from 1 958 to 1 977. He also served as co-pastor at the Poulsbo First Lutheran Church; worked with Home Missions; and founded Christ Servant Lutheran C h urch i n Lacey, Wash. Otto and his wife were active in Intern ational Lutheran Marriage Encounter in Brazil No rway, Finland and Iceland. Otto is s � r­ vived by his wife, Barbara IJohansen '55) Tollefson; c h ildren Scott Tollefson, Dean Tollefson '81. Joel Tollefson, Hefen Tollefson '88 and Lisa Adel; and ten grandchildren.

1 956 Class R epresentatives- Ginny (Grahn) Haugen and Clarene (Osterli) Johnson Walter Ball died Dec. 30. Walter was a retired reserve U.S. Navy commander. H e was also a disti nguished Clover Park Elem entary School principal. Walter served a s the associate executive director of the Association of Washington School Principals. Everyone who knew Walt enjoyed his com passion, Ihis heart to serve, and his corky sense of h umor. He enjoyed his farm, his 1939 Ford 9N tractor, fishing, sports, friends, c h urch and most of all, his /amily. Walter is s u rvived by his wif e Carol lGarlinghouse '75) Ball; c h ildren Kathleen, Kristin and Kelly; and eight grandchildren.

Class Representative - Ron Lerch Nelda (Reede) Chandler is a retired nurse but still works as a registered nurse i n the operating room at a c o m m u ­ nity hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio.

1 962 Class Representatives - L e o Eliason and Dixie (Likkel) Matthias Helen Marie Josephson died Sept. 4. Helen was a n active member of Grace Lutheran Chllrch, where she was a Sunday school teacher and helped with vacation bible school. Helen is survived by her hllsband, Larry; children Maria and Karen; five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.

1 963 Class Representative - Merlyn and Joan (Maier) Overland Donna (Baerg) Mosher is a retired med­ i c a l te c hnologist from Freeman Hospital i n Joplin, M o . Beverly (Stimson) Kirkpatrick became a n a pproved member o f the D a u ghters of the Ameri c a n Revoilition.

1964 Class R e p resentatives - Jon and Jean (Riggers) Malmin

1 965 Class Representative - Dave Wytko

1 957 C l a s s Representative


Ed Larson

1 966 Class Representative - Frank Johnson

Dwaine Brandt retired from Concordia University i n Portland, Ore., after 50 years. He and his wife, Rachel, cu rrently reside in Butteville, Ore.

Tyler Coplen is the director of the U.S. Geological Survey's Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory i n Reston, Va. He is a

member of the International U n i o n of Pure and Applied Chemistry's ( l U PAC) Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights, which oversees the evaluation and dissemination of atomic­ weight values. The changes of 10 ele­ ments b e c a m e offic i a l in December 2010. The 10 elements will now b e expressed in a new way that will more a c c urately refle�t how these elements are found in nature. Instead of single values, they will get expressed a s intervals, having u p p e r a n d lower b o u n d s , t o m o r e a c c urately convey variations in atomic weight.

1 967

Class Repre s e ntative - Craig Bjorklund

Carolyn Joyce Christensen died Aug. 9. Carolyn practiced a s a n emergency room nurse and wound - ca re nurse until her retirement i n 2004. She saved two lives off d u ty. She is survived by her husband, D avid; son Kai; a n d tl'VO grand c h i l d re n .

Sandi (Brye) Renati retired a h e r 3 0 years a s an intensive c a re nurse i n Mountain View, C a l if. For her, it h a s been a n ever­ c h a n g i n g ride, but now she feels it is time to smell the flowers - a n d clean the house.

1 968 Class Representative

Philip Formo retired a s senior pastor of

1 972 Class Representative - Molly Stuen

College in Moorhead, Minn.

Bruce Bjerke has been elected Chair of the Board of Regents of PLU. He is an attorney at Davis Wright Tremaine in Seattle. His wife, Jill (Farver '71) Bjerke, rece ntly retired aher 30 years of te a c h ­ ing in t h e Seattle P u b l i c S c hools, most recently at J o h n Stanford International.

1 973 Class Representatives - Karen

(Wraafstad) Robbins a n d Sandy (Dimler) Privett

1 974 Class Representative - David E. Johnson

Maren (Bailey) Engh and h usba nd, Steve, c ele brated 35 years of marriage in

B l o o m i n gton, M d . , i n Februa ry. H e h a s Roseville, M i n n . and Bloomington, M i n n .

1969 C l a ss R e presentative - Rick Nelson

1 970 Class Representative - Bill Allen

Karen (Winter) Schmidt died July B. Karen was known for her patience, gen­

but is mentoring first-year t e a c h e rs through Oregon's mentoring program. J i l l a n d h u s b a n d , Don, l i v e i n Medford, Ore.

Kim Nordberg h a s done eight short-term d e ntal mission trips i n the last ten years to Guatemala and EI Salvador. The last four have been with CMDS Southern C alifornia U S C group to Guatemala, men­ toring 30 students in poor sections of Guatemala.

1 975 Class R e p resentative - Wendy Enger­


J 976 Class Representative - Gary Powell

Margie Hershey was ordained into the ministry of the word and s a c r a m ent of the ELCA in July. S h e c urrently serves as a pastor of the Prairie Fellowship Parish i n Bison, S . D .

R i c k Wigen is t h e n e w v i c e president of

h e r a d u l t life, s h e was a n active member

pro d u c t development at ALMO i n

o f Grace Lutheran a n d Later Calvary

Philadelphia. He a n d h i s wife, Valorie

Lutheran i n M o d e sto, Calif .. participating

(Anderson '76) Wigen, have recently relocated. Their daug hter, Cora Wigen '12, is c u rrently atte n d i n g PLU.

oning of p e o p l e w i t h d i s a b i l ities l e d her to position s with M i d - N ebraska Mental Reta rdation Services a nd Howard Trai n ing Center. She taught s p e c i a l e d u ­ c a t i o n at Waterloo a n d Sylvan elemen­ tary schools, finishing her career as a

resource a i d e at Agnes Ba ptis t. Karen i s

s u rv i v e d b y h u s b a n d R o n a l d S c hmidt, and c h ildren P h i l i p and Erika S c hmidt.

Peggy (O'Neil) Shorn is c urrently an adva n c e d registered nurse practitioner and deep brain stimulation program

1 97 1 Jerry Fjermestad was awarded the N J I T t e a c h i n g excellence award f o r graduate instruction. Jerry is c urrently a professor of m a n a gement information systems at the New J e rsey Institute o f Tec h nology. In 2009, he won for the third ti m e the

Michaef Sugino received certification as a wound care nurse. H e also renewed h i s a d v a n c e d c a r d i a c life support c e rtifi­ cation. Between assignments a s a trav­ eling nurse, h e a n d h i s wife, Janet, live i n Brinnon, Wash.

of southwest Florida. The H P C serves a seven-county area with a population of special shout-out to the last classmate he saw 17 years ago in R e dding, Pa: Cindy S.

Park, Wash., a n d Va n c o uver, Wash. She taught a total of 1 0 years. S h e then earned h e r Master's degree from PLU. Judith worked at PLU in the communica­ tions department. She later worked for the DEA and returned to Stanwood aher her retirement. She was active in the Sons of N orvva y Frijov Lodge # 1 7, Elks club, the Nordic Heritage Museum, the

Stanwood Camano food b a n k a n d thrih store. J udith leaves a n u m b e r of c o u s i ns a n d family b e h i n d .

Pani (Gingell) Hendrix a c cepted a posi­ tion as a certified regi ste red nurse a nesthetists at Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center in March 2010. She is president of the Alaska Association


Nurse Anesthetists. Patti

c urrently resides in Kodiak, Alaska.

1984 Class Representative - Mark

Christofferson Jazelle (Budlong) Savin b e c a m e the registered nurse s u p e rvisor for t h e Family Birth C e n t e r at L e g a c y Emanuel

1 979 Class Representatives - Dave and

Teresa (Hausken) Sharkey

Medical Center in 'Portland, Ore. The hospital does hig h-risk labor and does about 1 700 deliveries a year.

1 980

1 985

Class Representative

Class Representatives - Janet (Olden)

Patricia Kirkwood rec eived tenure as

Regge and Carolyn (Plocharsky) Stelling

associate professor i n engineering a n d m a t h e m a t i c s at the Un iversity o f Arkansas.

1 98 1 Class Representatives - Dean a n d Susan

(Lee) Phillips.

1982 Class Representative - Paul Collard

Karen (Thomas) Scon married George Scott on June 1 2, in Auburn, Wash. Karen is currently the chair of business and social sciences at Pierce Col lege in Puyallup.

Kristi (Running) Chiaravalloni retired i n D e c e m b e r 2009 from t h e N a v y Reserves aher 24 years of a c tive duty and reserves. She has worked as a critical care nurse most of her career in numer­ ous military hospitals. Her most recent assignment was working in the inten­

Jon Zulifluh was recently named the new d i rector o f the Ang lo-Ameri c a n School of Moscow, a n international sc hool in Russia. The s c hool s e rves students from more than 64 c o u ntries in grades pre­

sive c a re unity at Nati o n a l Naval M e d i c a l Center i n Bethesda, Md. She a n d her family live in the Metro D . C . area in Silver S p r i n g , M d . Her h u s b a n d J o e is also a retired n a v a l offi c e r.

k i n d e rgarten to 1 2. He will start this posi­

Liz (Pulliam) Weston recently published

tion in J u ly. Jon and h i s family will be

her fourth book, "The Ten Command­

Linda lTingelstad) Davis is the founder

Joan (Nefson) Mattich

directors of the Health Planning Council

Lacey, Wash .. a n d later taught in Clover

Peggy and her husband, Gary, reside in

1 977

Levko Klos serves on the board of

taught seventh grade l a n g u age arts in

relocating to Moscow, Russia, in July.

Edmonds, Wash.

Roger, the singer-who-lived-in-B 16Rainier-for-three-years Roger, is still

nearly 1 . 8 million people. He sends a

Judith Solberg d i e d D e c . 10. J u dith

manager at Swedish Medical Ce nter.

Class Representatives - Leigh Erie a n d Class Representative - Joe Hustad, Jr.

20 1 0 issue of the S c e n e .

Lutheran c h urch, a n d Martha Circle.

derived from her strong faith i n Christ. In

and eva ngelistic m i n istries. Her c h a m p i ­

off the "Legacy Lute" list in the Winter

J udith was a reg u l a r volunteer at the

tleness a n d inner strength, which she

i n t h e i r e d u c a tion, m u s i c , s o c i a l welfare

and sister of soon-to-be PLU graduate

Lynsey Tveit '11, was inadvertently leh

C a l if

J i l l (Ta l lman) Veverka is newly retired,

not the basketball legend, but the Other


Cof, Tom Tveit's d a ughter, Tori Tveit '14,

August. The c o u p l e lives in C a m a rillo,

St. Luke's Lutheran Church i n served several parishes i n Austin, M i n n . ,

Roy H a mmerling is c urren tly the chair of the religion department at Concordia

a n d executive pro d u c e r o f Art Beat, a vi deo production c o m p a ny that encom­ passes a l l forms of art. The first y e a r, this program won a c o m b i n ation of five awards, i n c l u d i n g " B est Crew" and "Spi rit" awards.

ments of Money." She currently writes two personal finance columns for MSN Money as well as a weekly syndicated newspaper column.

1986 Class Representative - Stacey

(Kindred) Hesterly


1 983 Class Representative - Dave Olson

Class Representatives - Lisa Onoson a n d John Carr

The Other Roger Iverson, as in Roger

Don Esterbrook wa s named the Port of

J unior, the one who lives in Tacoma and

Tacoma's chief commercial officer. He

teaches elementary stude nts, the one

is the lead on the port's operations,

Bright I d e a award from the New Jersey


who remains married to the eternally

commercial strategy and asset man­

Business Association for innovation in

Class Representative - Pete Mattich

patient Cindy (Banken '891 Iverson, who

agement functions. Esterbrook, a former

has four, c ount 'em, oh-my-gosh , four

senior executive with Orient Overseas

with a Ph.D. student, he won the Best

Roy Hammerling rec ently p u b l i s h e d the

c h ildren -Soren,

Martin and Erik, 1 1 ;

Container Line, was most recently OOCL

Paper award at the 2009 Americas

book, "The Lord's Prayer i n the Early

a n d Kirsten,

Roger who continues

regional sales director for nine western

Conference on Information Systems.

C h u r c h : The Pearl of Great Price." Dr.

to act, direct a n d write for the theatre,

information technology researc h . Along


B - the




Kevin Ylvisaker was recently promoted to c h ief investment oHicer at Perkins Coie Trust Compa ny, LLP, in Seattle, Wash. Debra (Weber) Pruitt i s the owner of Old McDebbie's Farm i n Span away, Wash. All PLU students and a l u m n i with 1 0 cards (free admission) are welcome to visit. There are barnyard animals, pony rides, d u c k races, carnival g a mes, trout fishing, a n o utdoor play area, and an "eye spy" nature trail.

1 988 Class R epresentative


Brenda Ray Scott

Edwin DierdorH is a m e m b e r of the Barbershop Harmony Society internation­ al archives committee and board member at large with the Bellevue and Seattle c h a pters of the Barbershop H a rmony S o c iety. H e has also been a member for 32 years with the Bellevue, Seattle and Ta coma c h a pters. He i s part 01 the Bellevue, Northwest Sound M en's Chorus, who won the 2010 Evergreen District Division I I Chorus Championship, and the Seattle c h a pter won the most i m p roved chorus award for 201 0. Todd Kelley is the new communication specialist for Boeing. Todd is also a museum docent and driver for the LeMay Family Collection a t the Marymount Event C e nter. H e lives in Puyallup, Wash., with his wife, Suzanne (Capelli '89) Kelley, a n d two da ughters.

1 989

Class Represen tative


Del Shannon recently pub­ lished his first middle-grade children's novel, "Kevin's Point of View " This book was recently selected by the _.......__-...1.101 B o u l d e r I C olo.) Valley Sc hool District for use by a team of interventionist teachers for re ading edu­ c a tion in grade schools. Mary (Walker) DeMuth is set to release h e r sixth novel, "The Muir HOllse," in April. S he 's also written fOUl parenting books and a memoir, "Thin P l a c es." Mary lives in Texas with her husband, Patrick, and their three c hildren.

Send �Ictulu '0 UI

by . mill II a/unmitlploJ,edu. or by ....1 10 !he Ollie. or AloJInnl .nd ConstrlUtnl ReI.trona, Pac,,". turnor.n U"'I...l!y, 12180 Pi'" Avo S . Tacoma. WA � Pt .... rea' I". 10 .an UI .' IIlO-ALUM PW If you hi •• "'V questions

1991 Yo ulander Hillon recently took a 1 5 -day cruise from Venice, Ita ly, to Athens, Greece. During her trip she also visited Israel. Lisa Manning is a personal and spiritual development coach. She c u rrently lives in San Anselmo, Calif. Susan Lindsey was rec ently honored with two awards for her media relations work on behalf o f the Louisville-based Presb\1erian Disaster Assista n c e . Her media campaign helped generate more than $10 million in donations i n less than six months for relief and recovery work in Haiti. H e r eHorts were recognized with a local Landmark for Merit Award and a regional Diamond Award. Susan is the owner of Savvy Communication LLC, in Louisville, Ky,


Class Representative Andrews


Class Representative Hesner -


Darcy (Pattee)


Barbara (Murphy)

Erik Bensen and

Rod Bigelow is the new deputy director of operations and admi nistration at Crystal Bridges Museum of Ameri c a n A rt in Bentonville, Arkansas. Rod b r i n g s o v e r 1 4 y e a r s of fina ncial and exec utive management to this new position. Robert Carney is set to release his third collection poems entitled, "Story Problems."

and Ihlll

era l hohdays and family .vanlS togemal

Brendan Rorem

Betty (Rickett) Noll is the director 01 the practical nursing program at Sumner College in Portland, Ore.

1 990 Class Representatives Mark Kurtz


families have Slaved connected lor me past 25 ylars. spending say ­

Stuart Lewis died Sept 4. Stuart was very active i n the Boy Scouts, the Masonic Lodge and the Lutheran Church. H e is sur­ vived by his son, Tristan, and d a u g hter, Sheridan; mother, Nell Lewis; brothers Walter and Dean Lewis; sisters Patricia Brawly and Jen nifer Lewis. Cliff Mills currently works a t Swedish Medical Center as an emergency room social worker. He is continuing his dedication to working wrth those in psychiatric crisis. CIiH lives i n Seattle, Wash.


William Kiser has been appointed inaugural commandant lor the new medical education and training campus at Fort S a m Houston, Texas, where essentially all medical enl isted training for each of the armed services has been consolidated. They train more than 24,000 medics, techs, and corpsmen annua lly. Eric Schuck is a lieutenant i n the U.S. Navy Reserve, currently serving in Kuwait. In his civil ian life h e is an economics pro­ fessor at Linfield College. He and his wife, Cally Turner '92, live in M c M i nnville, Ore., with their three children. Joel Kittinger married Prabha Devi Sukumaran on Oct. 21, in Hyderabad, India.

19 94 Class Representatives - Dan Lysne and Catherine (Overland) Hauck Jimmy Grierson was awarded "2010 Man of the Year" for Stan­ wood/Camano Island, Wash. He was also promot­ ed to chiel 01 lam­ ily medicine at Skagit Valley Regional Clinics. Jimmy is the launder 01 Safe Harbor Free Clinic, which has more than 200 volunteers and sees 40 patients per night when open.

Chris Balmes Properties. She currently resides in Lake Oswego, Ore. Kara (Holland) Hursl recently became a museum c urator with the B u reau of Land M a n a g e ment in the Utah state oHice. She is responsible for the cura­ tion of arch eological objects recovered through law enlorcement criminal investigations. Kara has also been a volunteer ski patroller lor eight years at the Canyons Resort i n Park City, Utah.

1997 Class Representatives - Andy and Stephanie (Merle) Tomlinson Sirine Fodslad is the executive director for Ernst and Young i n Oslo, Norway. Keilh Dussell is the new specialist for diversity and i n c l usion at Alaska Airlines/Horizon Air. Wendi Garrison recently became the education and training manager for Kids I n c luded Together. Their mission is to provide learning opportu nities that support recreation, c h i l d development and youth enrichment programs to include children with and without dis­ abilities. Wendi c u rrently resides in S a n Diego, Calif. Christena (Stores) Anderson currently works lor the Evergreen School District. Christena and her family currently live in Vancouver, Wash.


Young Kim married S h a n n o n (Smith) on May 22, 2010, in Port Gamble, Wash.

lisa Kupka recently moved to Dallas, Texas. Lisa is the vice president of business development for Tru c o Enterprises.

Scott Kolbert was ordained a deacon for the Archdiocese 01 Portland, Ore" on Nov. 6.


Class R e p resentative (Herlocker) Slewart

Class Re presentative - Christi Rupp

lisa Balmes is cu rrently the co-owner of




Kristin latham is an assistant professor o f biology at Western Oregon University. She also plays bass guitar with a Corvallis-based jazz trio. Kristin c urrently resides in Corvallis, are.

1 999

Class Representative - Julie (Johnston) Bulow von Dennewill Brian Norman has recently published a new scholarly book called " N eo­ Segregation Narratives: Jim Crow in Post-Civil Rights Ameri c a n Literature." H e was also named the director of the new program i n African and African American Studies at Loyola University in Baltimore, Md. Julie Ann (Johnston) Bulow von Dennewill par­ ticipated in and completed the Amica Mid­ Summer Triathlon. The event took place at Blue Lake near Troutdale, are. Maureen Francisco is a guest o n the radio show "Valerie's New York." Maureen calls in and talks about what she thinks are the "honest reality-show casting calls." She was the first co ntest­ ant on CBS's " P ower of Ten" in 2007 and was a contestant on FOX reality chan­ nel's "Sol itary 3.0." Heather (Dooley) West married Jevin West on Oct. 2 in Winthrop, Wash. The couple c urrently lives i n Seanle, Wash.


Ross Degerstedt recently joined Stantec Consulting as a principal i n their build­ in g's engineering practice in Seattle, Wash. Stantec's Seanle oHice special­ izes i n sustainable design, energy and water conservation, a n d m e c h a n i c a l engineering for all type of fa cilities. Keith Pranghofer married Angela Crowe on April 17, 201 0, in Key West, Fla. H i s brother, Kelly Pranghofer '97, was h i s b e s t man. Emily Cook was recently hired a s the business development director with Rusty George Creative. Shonda (Hoyt) Moon became national board certified i n the area of English l a n ­ guage arts/adolescence and y o u n g a d u l t on N o v . 1 9.


Class Representatives and Brian Riehs


Nicholas Gorne

Ashley Seffernick is liv­ ing and working i n London as a learning and development , consultant for Mic rosoft. Ashley is responsible for train­ ing teams throughout Europe and Asia and has traveled to more than 15 coun­ tnes in the past year. O n Aug. 1 5, 2009, Ashley married Mel Carson in Gig Harbor, Wash. Lutes in the wedding party were Aubrey Sellernick '00 and Chason Hendryx '99.

Matthew Tucker is the owner of Northwest Computer, Fin a n c i a l and Social S e rvices in Ta coma. NWCFSS was voted in 201 0 as "Best Lo cal Business" and " Best B a rg a i n " business in Tacoma by KaMa -TV and Ka M a - Radio listeners.


Class Representatives - Brianne (McQuaig) Vetrees and Michael Mauss Lisa Atkinson was recently hired a s a relationship manager for Key B a n k's Key@Work program. She has more than nine years of finan c i a l services experi­ ence. Lisa rejoins Key Bank after serving as assistant vice president, professional banking oHicer for Bank o f the Cascades. Lisa is also treasurer for The First Tee of Idaho and c h a i red the Family Advocates Annual Golf Tournament in 2009 and 20 1 0 .

Class Representative - Elisabeth (Pynn) Himmelman Matthew Coughlin recently released his first CD, " Live at the Dive". Man Coughlin and the Growlers have a multitude of ref­ erences and successfully combine rock 'n' roll, cou ntry, folk, funk and jazz. Kristen Madsen was recently promoted to director of emergency services and critical c a re registered nurse float pool a t Parker Adventist Hos pital/Centura H e a lth. Nichole (West) Turgeon is going to be honored by the Omaha Jaycees a s one o f this yea r's "Ten Outstanding Omahans." The award has been given s i n c e 1 933 to honor people between the a g e s of 21 -40 who strive for excellence and have a strong commitment to c o m m u nity service and personal and professional development. Nic ole is the directo r of fund development for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Midland, Neb. She currently is a part of B B BS of America Nationwide LeadershipC ouncil Fund Development Comminee, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, American Parkinson Disease Association, Junior League of Omaha, the Ronald M cDonald House, Film Streams and Habitat for H u m a n ity.


Class Representative Schaps


Class Representative - Michael Steele Scott Stauffer currently works for advancement services at C o n cordia University in Portland, are. Sarah (Luckman) Stoddard mar­ ried Shaun Stoddard on D e c . 3 1 , 2009. Sarah is a library

M. Virginia (McFadden) French on Nov. 5 Clifford Korsmo on Nov. 24 Emely Sholseth on July 8 Frederick Geiger Jr. on Dec. 22


Class Representative - Ashley Orr

Camille ( M esmer) Vancil and husband Matt Vancil '01 rece ntly moved back to the Tacoma area. Camille is c u rrently employed at Northwest Art Glass as a Website content m a n a g e r and Man is working at Paizo, LLC.

Daphne (Smith) Buren married Erik Buren on M a y 22, 2010, at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Medina, Wash. Fellow lutes who attended were Scott Olson 'OJ, Marianne (Silvera '04) White, Ben White '04, Gwyneth (Benson '04) Lang, Margaret Smith '04, Jessica Bruce '04, Kristin (Singer '05) Tinder, Jeremy Tinder '04, Melinda Johnson '04, and James Conrad '04.


Tammy Lynn

Margaret (Franke) Rosin on July, 1 9. Harold "Ole" Anker on Dec. 3 Roberta (Schoessler) Falk on D e c . Alvin Kageler o n D e c . 1 8 Otto Tollefson on D e c . 24 Wafter Ball on Dec. 30 Walton F. Berton on Nov. 06 Helen Marie Josephson on Sept. 4

Carolyn Joyce Christensen on Aug. 9 Karen (Winter) Schmidt on July 8 Judith Solberg on Dec. 1 0 Stuart Lewis on Sept. 4

Arno 0, Zoske died Aug. 29. Arno served a s the PLU's men's soccer c o a c h from 1 980-1 982. Arno also spent 1 0 years a s soccer coach/ath­ letic trainer at Evergreen State College. He survived by P a u l a Towne,

media specialist i n the Kent S c hool District. The couple c u rrently lives in Se attle, WaSh. W. Kit McGurn is currently working for Conservation Northwest a s an outreach coordinator in Seanle, Wash. Conservation N o rthwest protects and restores wild lands in the P a c ific N o rthwest and supports such eHorts in British Columbia. Kelsea (Lundquist) DeVries married Todd DeVries on OCL 1 5, 20 1 0 at the Marines' Memorial Club and Hotel i n S a n Francisco. Lutes in anendance were Jinnie Hanson '06, Rebecca (Schmidt '05) Miller, and Jill (Schliep '06) Schaumburg The couple currently resides in S a n Francisco.


Class Representative - Jenna (Stellenson I Serr

his best friend and companion of 25 years. Rev. Donald W, Taylor died Dec. 25. Don served in the U.S. Navy during World War II. H e graduated from the University of Washington and later moved with his family to Minneapolis, Minn., where he anended Luther Theological Seminary. He was ordained in 1957 and served congre­ gations in Bellingham Wash., Sandpoint, I d a ho, Portland, are. and Everett, Wash. He was the campus pastor at PLU from 1 969-1 97 1 . In his retirement, h e skippered a research vessel to the Arctic, taught Bible classes, and served for a time as interim pastor a t the c h u rc h on G uemes Island. Don was preceded i n d e a t h by h i s wife, Helene Taylor, o n Dec ember 8. H e is su rvived by h i s children, Julie (Taylor) Aagerson '70, Marcia Wilson, Laurie (Taylor) VanderWeyst '74, and Martin Taylor '83; �JVelve grandchildren; and three great -grandchildren. Ralph D. Gehrke died J a n u a ry 4. Ralph earned a B.A. from Northwestern College in 1 94 1 , and a B.D. from Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary in 1 944, where h e was also ordained as a Lutheran Pastor. H e earned his Ph.D. i n 1 959 from the U niversity o f Chicago. Ralp h came t o P L U i n 1 975 a s a professor in the religion department until his retirement in 1 990. In his years at PLU, G e hrke taught courses i n the Bible, a s well a s courses in the I ntegrated Studies. His final academic appoi ntments were as a guest lecturer at Martin Luther Seminary in New Guinea in 1 993 and 1995



Jeremiah Dunham was recently promot­ ed to president of Design-PT. Jeremiah currently resides in Eagle River, Alaska.

> P l e a s e f i l l o ut as m u c h information below as p o s s i b l e , i n c l u d i n g city of resid e n c e a n d w o r k . F e e l f r e e to u s e a n oth er p i e c e of p a p e r, but p l e a s e l i m it your s u b mi ssion to 100 words. Photos are we l c ome, but only one p h oto will be used, and on a s p a c e ava i l a b l e b a s is. N otes will be edited for c o ntent. P h otos m u st b e p r i nts o r h i g h q u a l ity j p e g s . P l e a s e , no r e p ro d u ctions or c o p i e s from oth e r p u blic ati o n s .

Deadline for t h e next issue o f Scene i s M a y 1 , 201 1 .











Sara (Laden burg) Savala mBrried Travis Savala '06 on Aug. 14 in Bellevue, Wash. Lutes i n the wedding party were best m a n Kent Leatham '06 and groomsman Kenneth Westcott '06. Travis teaches math and science a t Hazen High School and Sara teaches K-6 music at Beverly Park Elementary. The couple c urrently live is Kent, Wash. Mariesa Bus married Tyson David fEugene Griffin on Oct. 8 in Troutdale, Ore. Lutes in atten­ d a n c e were Greta Jaeger '06, Benjamin Monte Cavlo '07, Chris Blanco '06, Laurent Nickel '07, Ricky Buchanan '07, Benjamin Rasmus '06. Natalie Heikkenen '08, Erin, Burgess '04, Christopher Pearson '06, Marlin Gengenbach '05, Shannon Schrecengost '08 and Steven Donovan '06.


Class Representative



rently lives in Bel lingham, Wash. Lutes in attendance were Eric Pfaff '09, Sheena Kern '05, Jay Sy '09, Velena Rudenko '08, Sarah Vidal '05 and Scon Posey '10. Elizabeth (Lamb) Lamb-Ferro was hired onto the Rusty George Creative team in August as an ac count manag er/strate­ gist. Rachel (Fuller) Wrenn married Ttm Wrenn on May I , 2010, in Ada, Minn. Lutes in attendance were Emily (O'Leary '06) Barker, Karin Johnson '07, Bethany Atkins '07, Laura Thompsen '06, Candis Tyler '07, Nolan Ball '07, Jessica Holden '07, Kaarin Praxel '07 and Nicholas Weber '06.


Class Representative - Christy Olsen Field and Courlney Stringer

__Io.oI:�1 Joslin

(Echavaria) Williams mar­ ried Cass Edward Williams on Sept. 18 in Anchorage,

Alaska. -


Kaarin Praxel Stefanie (Copeland) Santie married John William S antie, J r. on Sept. 1 9 in University

Kara (Powell)

Joh Inlorm;lhon JOB TITLE






Marriage [ no engllgem

IS, pieJl$el








Promnri o�Awald


Pla ce, Wash. E l izabeth (Zimmerman) Grolberl married Roberl Grolberl '06 on Aug. 14 at the St. Patric k's Church in Ta coma, Wash. The couple resides in Firc rest, Wash. Amanda (Leenhouts) Drake married Adam Drake on J u ly 3, 2009, in Lynden, Wash. Amanda i s a marketing represe ntative for WECU in B ellingham. Lauren Whitham is currently living in B e l lingham, Wash. She is pursuing her Master's degree i n choral con ducting. Christian Wong was the October State Farm M BA speaker series presenter a t PLU. Christian is president of Chocolati Handmade Chocolate s in Seattle.


> MAIL TO: Office of Alumni a n d Constituent Relations, PLU, Ta c o m a ,

W A 98447-0003; FAX: 253-535-8555; E-MAIL: a/umni@p/u. edu;

Internet: www.p/ua/umni. org. P l e a s e l i m it to 1 00 words.

�........... . -t


Maryanne Wirkkanen mar­ ried Tony Hajdu on July 1 0, 2010, i n Vancouver, British Columbia The couple cur-

Jill Russell recently started work at the D a ily News a s the education and g e n e ra l assignment reporter. Jill currently resides in Tacoma, Wash Kael Fisher married Jamie [ B rink) on Aug. 1 at B e l l e Chapel in Snohomish, Wash. Jeff Da nforlh '08 was i n the wedding pa rty. Matthew Sinnes married Sarah ( P a trick) on Sept. 25 at Hidden M e a d ows in Snohomish, Wash. Curl Oliver '08 was in the wedding party. Since M a tthew and Sarah are bas­ ketball coaches, playing basketball and seeing how high the wedding p a rty c o uld j u m p were part of the festivities. The couple c urrently lives in Spa naway, Wash. Jessica (Luppino) Pagel married Travis Pagel '07 on J u ne 1 2, 2010, at First Lutheran Church in Tacoma, Wash. Lutes in the wedding p a rty were Rebecca Keys '08, nna Reindl '07, Tina Liming '09, Tove Tupper '08, Andrea Calcagno '08, Ryan Stephens '07, Matthew Burlness '07 and Eric

Wahlquist '09. The c o u pl e c u rrently resides in Ta coma, Wash

1 ..I!1. . I111.. ........�

Lindsey (Larsen) Evans married James Evans on July 25. Lutes i n a nendance were Heather Kistler '08, Karen ' McM ohan '08, Amber Plambeck '07, Desiree (Neary '96) Sumers, Kyle Nowadnick '07, Rob Thomsen '07, Abi Mclane '08, Jared Wigert '07, Christa Ledesma 'OB, Monica (Ric arte '94) Hurley, Rich Hurley '93, Kelli Dukleth '07, Nolan Adams '10, Becca Keys '08, Cory Cummings '09, Tracy Rauk '08, Jessica (Luppino '08) Pagel, Travis Pagel '07, Kate (Stockly '08) Stockly-Meyerdirk and Blake Thiess '07. Andrea Calcagno mar­ ried Chris Beavers on Aug. 22 at the Oregon Garden in Silverton, O re . Lutes in t h e wedding pany were Erin (Parr) Catala '08, Becca Keys '08 and Cory Cumming '08 Donovan Jones married Lesley (Dan ielson '08) Jones on J uly 19, 2009, in Portland, Ore. Lutes in the wedding pany were Sarah Kehoe '08 and Jonathan McFadden 'OB. Donovan works in Bellevue and' is pursu­ ing his Master's of science in finance at Seanle Unive rsity. Lesley teaches kinder­ garten in Federal Way, Wash. The couple and their two dogs currently live in Seanle, Wash. 'OB


Class Representatives - Maren Anderson and Amy Spieker Tina Schumann is the recipient of the 2010 Stephen Dunn Poetry Prize for h e r manuscript "As If." Timothy Siburg married Allison Mabel (Parks '09) Siburg on Aug. 7 at the First Lutheran C hurch in Pouslbo, Wash. They are both students at Luther Seminary i n SI. P a u l, Minn. The couple c u rrently resides in Lauderdale, Minn. Sarah Knutson is c u rrently interning with Oregon's senior U.S. S e n a tor, Ron Wyden. She was very excited to be in Washington, D.C., during the midterm ele ctions. Sarah is currently living i n Takoma Park, M d . Michelle (Lindgren) Story married Adam Story '11 on Aug. 14 i n Yakima, Wash. Lutes in the wedding

pany were Kelly Ryan '10, Laura Moorhead '11 and Jamie Fale '09. The c o u p le cu rrently resides in Puyallup, Wash,


Class Representative - Nick Caraballo and Jillian Foss Dannielle Hanson c u rrently lives in G rah am, Wash., and is a commun ication arts teacher for the Bethel S c hool District. Philip Munson married Kari (Stout) Munson on July 31 in Ellensburg, Wash. Philip is curre ntly working as a research assis­ tant at Washington State University.

utes 1993

Tasha (Werkhoven) Sullivan and husband, Sean, welcomed the birth of their son, Manhew J a mes, o n M a r c h 13. Manhew joins b i g brothers And rew, 9, and Ryan, 7.

1 994

Kim (Kemmerling) Truebenbach and husband, Craig, welcomed the birth of their son, Scan, on August 1 4 . S c an joins big sister Sierra, 7. Kim recently p u blished a comment in the journal; Lutheran Quarterly titled "Luther's Two Kingdoms in the Third a n d Fourth Petition."

1 9 95

Jason Fawcett and wife, Maren, wel­ comed the birth of their son, I s a i a h J ames, on J uly 24. T h e f a m i l y c urrently resides in Beaverton, Ore. Katy (McCallum) Sachse and hus­ band, Brian, wel­ come d the birth of their daughter, M a re n G race, on October 30. Lori Wambolt and husband, Chad, wel­ comed the birth of their son, Brenden, in Februa ry. Chad j o i ns big sisters M a d elyn and Au drey. The family c u rrently resides in Melbourne, Australia. Daniel Manson and wife, M a rianne, wel­ comed the birth of their son, Joseph D a niel, on Septe m b e r 1 0 . H e j o i ns b i g sisters Adeline, 9, Mol ly, 7, and Grace, 3.

Craig Vattiat and wife, M a rgaret, welcomed the birth of their daughte r, Edith, on December 1 2, 2009, The family


Judd McCaffree and wife, Amy, welcomed the birth of their son, Landon, on April 19, 20 10. Judd works a s an MRI technologist and is a member o f the National Ski Patrol at Mt. Spokane, The couple c urrently resides in Spokane, Wash.

1 997

Noelle (Dennis) Nelson and husband, Christopher, welcomed the binh of their daughter, Hannah, on May 28, 2010. Jesse Caryl and wife, Cindy (Sinnes) Caryl '97, welcomed the birth o f their son, Maximus .:::• :!I •� Blu, on D e c ember 3, 2009. The family lives i n West Hollywood, Calif.

1 998

Jessica (Hoffman) Resendiz and husband, Robeno Resendiz wel­ comed the birth of their daughter, Elise Ember on June 1 2. She joins big sister Natalie, 4. The family lives in Honolulu, Hawaii. Leslie Harstad-Bell and husband, Anders Harstad­ Bell, welcomed the Ibirth o f their daug hter, Iris Peace, on April 23, 2009. Leslie is a teacher at Creswell Middle S chool and Anders works as a Farmer's Insura n c e agent. The family lives in Springfield, Ore_


Jennifer I G oody) Hughes and husband, Rene Edward, wel­ comed the birth o f their son, Ethan Hug hes, on March 25. H e j oins big brother Ryan, 3. Jennifer (Johnson) Zovar and husband, Joel, welcomed the birth of their son, H e n ry Werner, on October 22. Jennifer is pursuing h e r Ph.D. in anthropology at Vanderbilt U n iversity in Nashville, T e n n ., and is working as an adjunct instructor of anthropology a t Heartland Community College. Joel is pursuing a Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of Illi nois. The family lives in Urbana, III.

lives in Portland, Ore_ Audra (Buckley) Osborn and hus­ band, James, welcomed the birth o f their son, James Aaron, on July 28. The fam­ Ily c u rrently resides in Fort Worth, Texas. David Uhler and wife, Kendra (Huling) Uhler '99, welcomed the birth of their daughter, liesl Lou, on Septem­ ber 24. The family resides in Seanle, Wash. David i s the director of research and development for Slalom ConSUlting. Liesl is the first grandchild for Richard '69 and Nancy Huling. liesl's great­ grandparents are Anita (Stuen) '46 and Neil Potthoff '49. Kristy (Ha lverson) Bingham and husband, Levi, welcomed the birth of the daughte r, Josephine Hanalei, on October 8. Josephine joins big brother O s c a r, 3. The family c u rrently lives in Puyallup, Wash.


Beth (Steele) Cavanaugh and husband, Colby, welcomed the birth of their daughter, Iris Anne, on March 31. Iris Joins big brother Liam, 2 . Beth is excited to spend a year at home with the linle ones, as she takes a leave of absence from her position as a drama and English teacher a t Milwaukie High School. The family resides in Portland, Ore. Tricia (Schmidt) Berger and husban d, Mike Berger '00, welcomed the birth of their son, Jordan Diesel William, o n March 3, 2 0 t O. T h e family lives in Issaquah, Wash. Heather (Wendtl Wahl and hus­ band, Allen, wel­ comed the birth of their son, Sawyer J o h n David, o n j o i n s big sister Abrielle, 2.

200 1

Sarah (Scales) Schultz and hus­ band, Jim, wel­ - "" . comed the birth of their twins, Cody and Claire, " on August 1 2 . The family lives in Snoqualmie, Wash.



Karl Ryan a n d

d a u g hter, Sylvie

w i l e , Wendy,

Lauren, on April

Heidi (Larsen) Ludeman and

welcomed the

25, 2 0 � 0. Kristin

husb and,

birth of their

is a registered

J o n athon, wel­

daug hter,

nurse i n the

comed the birth

Dela ney Ann, on

neonatal inten­

of their d a u g h ­

S e ptember 28.

sive care unit at

ter, Kjirsten

The family c u rrently resides in Bellevue, Wash.

Kristen (Roddel) Steinle and husband,

Ta coma G eneral Hospital. The c o u ple c urrently resides in University Place,

6, 2 0 1 0 . The family currently resides in Renton, Wash.


welcomed the birth of their

S c hool District. The family lives in

band, Kelly, welcomed the



Sophia, on D e c e m b e r 1, 2009. S h e joins b i g brother

Fi nneg an, 3.


Kristin (Becklund) Ph i l i p s a n d h u s b a n d , Brendan, w e l c o m e d the b i r t h of their


Melissa (Fenstermacke.) McGuire a n d

welcomed the


birth of th e i r

Jonathan, w e l ­

s o n , H enry

comed the birth

M c C a l l , on

of their son,

August 25. The family currently resides in

C a l le n Michael, on November 16. The

Portland, Ore.

family lives in Tacoma, Wash.


on October 1 2. The family c u r rently lives i n Puyallup, Wash.

Scan Stauffer and wife, Sara (Stores) Stauffer,

runs the office a n d Aaron wo r ks in the field.

birth of t h e i r

M i c hael, 3.

d a u g hter,

opened a lawn care company. K eig ha

d a u g hter, Lydia,

Corps a n d is c u rrently stationed a t

birth of their

Stone-S!. Clare, on March 13. 2010. Amara joins big

husband, S cott,

2009. Kris is a captain in the U.S. M a ri n e

a flight i nstructor. She joins big brother

birth of their d a ug hte r, Amara

welcomed the

Faith, on Aug. 8,

Naval Air Station, Meridian, Miss., as

Julie (Dames) Ryan a n d hus­

welcomed the

Amber (krick) Simonsen and

daug hter, Lauren

brother Brady, 2. Kristen is a school

Orange, C a lil.

son, Emmen James, on May 4, 2010.

the birth of t h e i r

William, o n July 1 5. Aiden joins big counselor for G a rden G rove Unified

(Pointowsky), welcomed the birth of their

'02, welcomed

so n, Ai d en

and husband, Aaron Stone,

brother Oillian. 2. ,his year the couple

David Eichholtz and wife, Ashley Kris Harris a n d wife, A'iison (Johnson) Harris

Keigha St. Clare

Astrid, on J un e


Thomas Steinle,


Garfield -----



- A T P I.!I ------

continuedfrom back page Germany (and writing books about the subject, o f course). He rea lizes it is an odd com bination: Not many people are experts in cutting­ edge compu ter p rogramming and 500year old political and religioLls history. He's also aware that some people might suggest that, in studying 1 6th Century European his tory, he is again writing books abou t things nobody cares about.

'When Ifirst came here)


thought it was the biggest place in the world) .lJ Halvorson said ofhis days as an undergradu­ ate student. (Now) I see it as pretty small - a place where

froms. Tentatively titled "Golden Age:

said. This was, after all, what M artin

Ten Brilliant Leaps of Imagination," the

Luther and the German Reformation

book considers some of the ideas that

was all abou t.

came out of Europe between 1 400- 1 700 that still hold sway today. Inventions

I t's also what PLU is abou t. Halvorson knows - he's seen i t from both sides, as

l ike the printing press, d iscoveries in

a student and a history pro fessor. "When I fi rs t came here, I thought i t

one person) one teacher; can

anatomy and astronomy, and the cre­

malee a big diffirence. "

fication by fai th. Or, too, the very Lutheran concept o f

ation o f ideas like h u manism and j usti­

was t h e biggest p lace i n the world," Halvorson said o f his days as an under­

Hardly. He's currently working on a

l iving a l i fe o f fai th a n d i n te rjecting it in

graduate student. "Now, I see it as pret­ ty small - a p lace where one person, one

book that addresses this "why should I

the world. "It's the idea of connecting you r morality with your c i tizenship," he

Steve Hansen

care)" question he someti mes con-


teacher, can make a big d i fference." �

alumni news continued

& events

April 29, 6 p.m.

May 7 , 7:30 p .m.

201 1 S c h o o l of B u sin ess H o n o rs B a n q u et

Choir of the West I nternati o n a l To u r

S c a n d i n a vi a n Cultural

Preview C o n c e rt


Christ E p i s c o p a l C h u rc h , Ta c o m a

April 29, 6 p.m.

M a y 10, 8 p . m .

La n g u a g e a n d Lite ratures Film Festival

U n ive rsity Chora l e H o m e c o m i n g C o n c e rt

I n gram H a l l

M a ry B a k e r Russell M u s i c C e nter

Ap ril 29-30

May 1 2, 13 & 1 4, 7:30 p.m.

R e l a y for Life

Theater perform a n c e : "The F u l l M o nty"

PLU Ath letic Tra c k

Eastvold Aud itorium

April 30, 8 a.m.

May 1 3, 8 p . m.

J U N E & J U LY June 22, 1 1 :30 a.m. Strawbe rry Festival Red S q u a re J u ly 7, 7 p .m. J a zz U n d e r the Stars M a ry B a k e r Russell Amphitheater July 1 3, 1 1 :30 a.m. R a s p b e rry Festival R e d S q u a re

20 1 1 B u sin ess Plan Com petition

C o n c e rt B a n d p e rfo r m a n c e

J u ly 1 4, 7 p.m.

M o rken C e nter

L a g e r q u ist C o n c e rt H a l l

J a zz U n d e r the Stars M a ry B a k e r Russell Amphitheater

April 30, 1 0 a.m. N o rweg i a n H e rita g e Festiva l S c a n d inavian C u ltura l C e nter April 3D, 6 p.m. A n n u a l Hawaii Club Lu a u O l s o n Aud itori u m

May 1 3. 1:30 p . m.

Greater Tacoma Community foundatIOn presents. BE TH E S PARK WITH D E S M O N D TUTU

Ta coma Dome

M AY May 1 , 2 p.m.

J u ly 21 , 7 p.m. J a zz U n d e r the Stars M a ry B a k e r R ussell Amp hitheater July 28, 7 p.m. J azz Under the Stars M a ry B a k e r R u s s e l l Amph itheater

A U G U ST May 1 4, 5:30 p.m.

N o rdic Film Series

P LUton ic/H ER m o n i c Am p h itheater C o n c e rt

August 3, 1 1 :30 a.m.

S c a n d i n a v i a n C u ltural Center

M a ry B a ke r R u ssell M u sic C e nter

B l u e b e rry Festival

A m p h it h e ater

Red S q u a re

May 1 , 3 p.m. Mu P h i Epsilon C o n c e rt M B R M u s i c Center May 3, 7 p.m. U n iversity Symphony Orchestra C o n c e rt M B R M u sic Center May 4

May 1 5, 6 p.m.

August 4, 7 p.m.

Ath l etics Awards Dessert

J az z U n d e r the Stars

O l son A u d itori u m

M a ry B a ke r R ussell Am phitheater

May 17, 1 0:30 a . m . B e n g a l Tigers a n d N e p a l w i t h B e c c i Crowe G a rfield B o o k C o m p a n y Commu nity Room May 20 & 21 , 7:30 p.m.

7th A n n u a l Latino Youth S u m mit

T h e ater p e rform a n c e : "The Full M o n ty"

Locations th roughout c a m pus

Eastvold A u d itorium

May 6, 6 p.m.

May 22, 2:30 p.m.

La n g u a g e a n d Literatures Film Festival

Theater p erform a n c e : "The Full M onty"

" J a n ela da A l m a , " by J o a o

E astvold Aud itori u m

W a l t e r C a rv a l h o I ngram Hall May 7, 9 a.m. 1 7th An n u a l Natural S c i e n c e s A c a d e m i c Festival

May 27, 6 p.m. N u rs i n g G ra d u ate R e c o g n ition C eremony Tri n ity Lutheran C h u r c h

August 11, 7 p.m. J a zz Under the Stars M a ry B a ke r Russell Amp hitheater August 12. 7 p .m. PLU N i g ht at the R a i n i e rs O m a ha C u b s vs. Ta c o m a R ai n i e rs C h e n ey Sta d i u m , Ta c o m a

S EPTEM B ER September 6 O p e n in g Convocation Olson Auditorium

M a y 28, 2 p.m. N u rsing P i n n i n g C e r e mony


M orken C e nter

Tri nity Luth e r a n C h u r c h

May 7, 6 p.m.

M a y 29, 2:30 p .m.

H o m e c o m i n g We ekend

o C l u b/Spring Donor B a nq uet

PLU S p ri n g Com m e n c e m e nt 201 1

Locations a c ross

O lson A u d itori u m

Ta c o m a D o m e

c a m pu s ďż˝

October 14-16



PLU Scene, Tacoma, Washington 98447-0003 Address change: If this c o py of Scene is addressed to your son or daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please notify the Office o f Alumni a n d Constituent Relations with his o r her new mailing address. You c a n re a c h u s b y phone a t 253-535-74 1 5 or 1 - 800-ALUM-PLU. You can also fax us at 253-535-8555 or e-mail alumni@plu. edu with the new information. Thanks'

one -an -one Fro m M i c ros oft to M a rti n Lut l e r, a n d b a c k a g a i n

Aher a uthoring more t h a n 30 books a b out computer software, Associate Professor of H istory M i c h a e l H a lvorson d e cided h e w o u l d study (and write a bout) M a rt i n Luther a n d Reform a ti o n G e r m a ny.

n 1 9 94, M ike Halvorson was the fi rst one to wri te a book abollt something nobody else cared about. The book? How to use a li ttle-known software p rogram called M icrosoft Office. \Ve can guess how that turned out. H alvorson graduated PLU in 1 985 with a degree in computer science and a minor in h i s tory. That unique com b i 足 nation seemed to help when, soon after graduation, Halvorson found himself

working for M icrosoft, back in the days when t hC)' onl), had two b u ildin gs . He was employee #850. "Why would a liberal arts degree mat足 ter?" he asked, m u s i ng on the days after his graduation. " I t got me a job ! " The job was a t M icrosoft Press, the software giant's in-house book publish 足 i n g division. He worked there u nti l 1 9 93 and the.n s e t off on his own. 8)1 2 000, he had au thored more than 30 books on how to master various soft-

ware p rograms, from M icrosoft O ffice to Visual Basic. H e's sold more than a million copies. And then, as H a lvorson described it, he " p us h e d the re-set bu tton." He decided to earn his master's - then his Ph.D. - in European hi story. And soon thereafter, he found h imself back at his alma mater teaching about Marrin Luther and Reformation continued o n page 38

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