1990 1991 v 21 no 1 4

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Paclftc Lutheran University scene June


25 In Memoriam

In Memori a m

Gladys Mortvedt

Cladys Mortvedt, 89, wife of PLU President Emeritus D r. Robert Mortvent, d ied M ay 28 at Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Home. She was bo rn i n LaSa l l e Cou nty, Ind., J u ne 5 , 1 901 . She attended country schools prior to high school in Newark and Ottawa. She ta ught in a s m a l l country school i n 1 920 and attended St. Olaf Col l ege in N o rt hfiel'd, M i n n . , i n 1 9 23-24. There she met a yo u n g professor, Robert Mortvedt; they were ma rried i n 1 92 6 . Dr. Mortvedt often observed that he received many awards and recog­ n i t i o n s d u r i n g and fol l o w i n g h i s career. But i t was d u e t o Gl adys' support that he was able to follow career d i rect ions that offered opportu nities for service. He was president of PLU from 1 9 6 2 - 6 9 . M o rtvedt L i b ra ry was named i n his honor. Th ree years ago Mortvedt estab­ l ished an endowed scholarship at PLU, the Gladys Mortvedt Voluntary Se rvice Award, t h at is awa rded annually to a student who has "qui­ etly won attention by rendering ser­ vice without expectation of recog ni­ tion or compensation." That criteria, M ortvedt explai ned, m i rrored his wife's l ife. The Mortvedts were ma rried for n e a rl y 6 5 years. They h a d one daughter, Patricia Arneson of Cary, III. Mrs. Mortvedt is survi ved b y her husband, daug hter, six g randchil­ dren, seven g reat-grandch i l d ren and sisters Myrtle Ness and Arly Jacob­ son. Memorials may be sent to the G l adys M o rtvedt Schola rs h i p Fund at PLU, the Alzheimers Foundation, or the Tacoma Lutheran Retirement Ho m e.

Dorothy Cone

Dorothy M. Cone of Roy, WaS h . , a n u rsing professor at PLU from 1 96 1 to 1 988, d ied May 2 at the age of 64. Cone earned her n u rsing d i ploma, bachelor of science and master of education deg rees at the U n iversity of Minnesota. Prior to joining the PLU faculty she was a staff n u rse i n M i n nesota and Colorado hospitals. From 1 959 to 1 96 1 she was educational coordi­ nator at Madigan Army Medical Cen­ ter near Tacoma. During the last decade of her PLU career she served as coordinator of the n u rs i ng curricu l u m com m ittee and l i b rary liaison. S u rvivors i nclude h e r husband, Powell, two sisters and a b rother. Memorials may be sent to the Dorothy Tol l efson Cone Endowed N u rsing Scho l a rs h i p Fund do the PLU Office of Development. Harry Wicks '69 of Colorado Spri ngs, Colo. d ied Feb. 2 8 at the age of 4 3 . He was president and chief executive officer of M a n age­ ment Development Foundation Ltd. Born i n Tacoma and raised in Lew­ iston, Mont., where he was b u ried, Wicks was a busi ness admin istration major at PLU, where he excelled i n forensics and was active i n student government. An active PLU a l u m n i supporter and former alumni board preSident, he was named Alumnus of the Year in 1 980. Widely recognized fo r h i s many volunteer activities, h e received Col­ orado's Vol unteer of the Year award in 1 988 and national recognition for volunteer work in 1 989. He i s su rvived by his wife M i kki (Plumb '69), daughters Heidi and Jill. and two sisters.

Elvin Akre

Doug Herland

Elvin Akre, a PLU history profes­ sor emeritus, d ied May 1 3 in Shel­ ton, Wash . , at the age of 88. In recent years he and his wife of 58 years, Magdalyn, had l i ved i n nearby Hoodsport. Akre joi ned the h istory depart­ ment in 1 9 37 as the second mem­ ber i n a two-person departm ent. When he retired in 1 972 with what is sti l l the history department's lon­ gest tenu re, the n u m be r of faculty members in the department had tri­ pled. Trained in the classics and m usic at Conco rd i a Col lege i n M i n n esota, Akre came to PLU as dean of men, band d i rector and p r i ncipal of the PLC academy. Soon he was teaching American and ancient h istory, and thousands of PLU a l u m n i took h i s Pacific Northwest history course. Born in North Dakota, Akre was a teacher, principal and superi nten­ dent in seve r a l m i d west h i g h schools before com i ng t o PLU. He earned his master's deg ree at t h e U n i ve rsity of Wash i ngton in 1 941 . During the 1 954-55 academic year he taught i n Norway under a Ful b right Teacher Exchange G rant and stu died at the U n i versity of Oslo. He also studied at Exeter Col­ lege, Oxford U n i versity, in 1 96 5 . M rs. A k r e stated that through genealogical research they lea rned that he is a d i rect descendent of Norway's fi rst V i k i ng ki ng, Harald the F a i r h a i red. Ancient fa m i l y records are in the Norwegian royal a rch ives. Akre is su rvived by his wife, son Grover, daughter-in-law E l n a May, sister Agnes Engnes and five grand­ children. Memorials in Akre's name may be sent to the PLU Scandi navian Cultur­ al Center, which contains a copy of Akre's family history. The Akres also a nticipated est a b l i s h ment of a Viking era research scholarship.

Douglas Herland '73, PLU's only Olympic medal w i n ne r, d i ed M a rch 26 at the age of 39. Herland was the coxswai n on the U n ited States two-man rowing shell that won a b ronze m ed a l at the 1 984 Los Angeles Olym pic Ga mes. He had tried out fo r the Olympic team seven ti mes, from 1 9 7 1 to 1 983, and seven times had been the last m a n cut. H i s acco m p l is h m ent earned him a PLU A l u m nus of the Year award in 1 984. In 1 987 Herland had retu rned to PLU to coach crew and serve as assistant to the d i rector of t he physical plant. He suffered from osteog e n i s is i mperfecta, a b rittle bone d isease that left him partially d i sabled and unusually small at 4 feet. 8 inches. F ro m his days on the PLU crew team, 1 970-73, he had been i nter­ ested in i n volving disabled people in crew. He was the national d i rector of Rowing in the Mainstream, a p ro­ g ram that promotes rowing for rec­ reation, fitness and competition. I n Ann Arbor, M ich., where h e h a d coached t h e U n iversity o f M ichigan rowing team, he founded the Free­ dom on the River rowi ng p rogram for the disabled. He had a l so coached rowing for Oregon Institute of Technology and the Lake Ewauna (OreJ Rowing Club. F ra n k Fiedler, a col u m n i st i n h i s hometown o f Bend, Ore., recently wrote of him: "He demonstrated how anyt h i ng is possible; how self-imposed l i m ita­ tions are fa r more detrimental than phYSical l i m itations. Here was a man, out of the m a i n st ream i n many ways, showing what it's really l ike to be rowing with and against the cur­ rent of l ife." Because of h is achievements i n the face of adverSity, Herland was the subject of several national mag­ azine feature articles.

Class Nates Continued from page 24 LUO Mannion and Eric Black of Seat· tie were married Dec. 29 in the Moore M a ns ion , Pasco, wash . L i i o works as a model Katle Schmidt and John Hurley of Seat t l e were m arried i n Westm i ns ter Presbyteri a n C h u rch, Olvm pia, Wash . katie 15 a sales rep fa: Centu v 21 Promo (ions. John is a sales reo tor Joh n I_ana Associates.

Michael Lynn and Judy Oblanas of Madison, WiS., were married Jan. 5 at the Maso n U n ited Methodist C h u rch, Taco· ma. Tim Engman and Lfs-a Unterman 1'901 of F ede r a l Way, Wash , were mar­ ried Sept. 1 5 . T i m is a copier systems spec ia list witl1 Pitney Bowes and Lisa is an R N at· Swed ish Hospital, Seattle Usa Hlllemeyer is graduati ng in May from Ou ke U n l ver'Sity I n North Caroli na wi th a maste r 's i n physical thera py.

Joel Maler is a nanny for an Italian family in M a ngrando. He spent spri ng vacation in France and su mmer at C l u b Med. Cherry Chong m a rried Danny M o k Feb . 22 i n M a laySia. S h e wo rks i n t h e benefits operations dep art ment of Sea­ Fi rst Bank in Seattle Sarah Rehfeldt of C o l u m bus, O h i o , fin ished h er m aster's i n German l itera­ tu re a t O h i O State U n i versity . She w i l l s p e n d the next academiC yea r in Germa­ ny o n a Fulbrigh t 5cholar s l 1 1 p

Karey Wood married Joey Kirk Oct. 7, 1 989. They are l i v i ng i n North Pole, Al aska and are the proud parents of Kay­ shia Renee. Mary W.alker m a rried Pat D e M u th Dec. 2 9, 1 990, at the Firth U n ited Meth­ odist C h u rch in Issaquah, Wa sh She is an English teacher at Lakeridge J u n i o r H ig h in Sumner,

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