1989 1990 v 20 no 1 4

Page 19

Padflc �utheran university scene

OCtober 1989


Class Notes Con tinued from page

School District Honors Th ree Al u m n i Teach ers

1 967 William Young owns and manages the Packa g i n g Store, a u n i q u e Tacoma

Jerry Evanson ' 63. Pat Soder­ berg '71 and Harry DeRu yter '75 recently earned Employee of the Year hon ors from the Clover Park School District, Tacoma . The three teachers were nomi­ nated together in recogn ition of thei r work with the ha nd bell cho i r a t Ameri can Lake South. The Bell R i ngers are all h a n d i­ capped ch ildren . Their nomination read in part: "The love. creativity and in itia­ tive of th is th reeso m e h as h e l ped t h e h and i ca pped stu­ de nts g row soc i a l ly. i ncrease their self-esteem and pride. work as a team. perform an art and become expressi ve , h ave fun. polish their manners and show­ mansh i p, com m u n icate, learn respo nsib i l ity and h a rd work, lea r n good moral va l u es a n d i ntegrity, care about their physi­ cal appearance, inspire and ed u­ cate others, and "belong" more and fit i nto the co m m u n ity. They have grown i n t h e i r aca­ demic a reas at an exce ptional rate beca use they are positive and su ccessfu l. These th ree teachers have shown how handi­ capped st u d e nts h a ve great pot enti al for com m u n i cation and mu si ca l exp ression if the right c hannel is discove red . They refuse to be blocked by m th ical barriers and always look beyond previously conceived a nd preIcted patterns of achi evem ent. They dream big an they foster understanding and accepta nce ."

shop that packages and sh i ps ··anvth lng from >1 to 1 ,000 pounds'· including furni· cure and antiques. ·Wtlen It'S 00 big 0 m a l l and too s m a l i to move · they Will pick It UP. package and ,hip it for you



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sel l i ng offi e products E l l e n had the op portu ni ty [Q represent the Amer ican Ca ncer Society at Angel Stad i um J u ly 2 2 n d and sing the Nat i o n I Ant�l e m . El len s a n g w i th t h e C h o i r of the West while at PLU and went on Four tours includ i ng S candinavia Roland Malan worKs with the State Comptroller In New York, auditing state agencies and public utho rities .

1 968

Rick Nelson of Seattle, Wash , was electe to the Board of Trustees of the Youth Su icide Prevention Center in Both· ell. The center provides counse l i n g for youth who demonstrate suicidal behav·

LTC Anders tAndy) Aadland of Ha rker Heights, Tx., was promoted to L i e u t e n a n t Colonel in t h e U . S . Ar my Corps of Engineers in J u ly of 1 987. Andy took command of the 1 7th Engineer Bat· talion, 2nd Armored Division, Fort Hood, Tx., in J u ne of 1 988. He will complete hiS command i n June 1 990. Ceorge Long of Seattle, WaSh . , works as a systems analyst a t Blue Cross of Washington and Alaska. He and Wife Georgie Post annou nced the b i rth of thei r first child, TraviS, on March 3rd. Ike MCDowell and wife Cindy announce the birth of daughter Marga­ re arah Secrest on May 28. he joins J ustin (1 4), Timothy (1 2) and Fiona {9L M ike works as dean of s t u d ents at Montreat-Anderson College in North Car· olina. David Monsen is a volunteer pOlice chaplain In Helena, Mont, and contribut­ ed a sto ry about his outreach m i nistry to the J u ne edition of Seeds for the Parish, the resource paper for leaders of ELCA congregations.

1 969 Chris and Terrie Rae (Stedman) Anderson l i ve in Everett, Wash . Chris teaches special education at C O . Soren· son SCllool in Woodinville, Wash . Terrie was ordained May 6 at Central Luth eran in Everett and serves as a socia e pas tor for Kent Lutheran, Kent. Wash. Sons Jon (16) and Eric ( 1 1 ) attend school in Everett after spen d i ng several years in Iowa w h i l e Terrie attended Wart b u rg Semi· nary and Chris taught I n Dubuque



coordinates the religious education pro· gram at her chu rch. She will be com mis· sioned as a lay m i n ister Decem er 3rd. Ellen (Schnalble) Huhta of Hu nting· ton Beach , Calif. works for Boise Cascade

Paul Olsen (wife Karen Walley '72) IS me reglsuar at St. Tnomas U n iversll:v In Miami. Fla . Their address is 7460 NW ' 1 0 Cou rt, Plantation, Fla. 333 '1 3 .

,------------------- -- --


Pamela Brauner of Columbus, Oh io,



iC fri<ruhhip' =ite when the

la Alumni host a reception fo llo � ing the Tacoma

appearance by internationally acclaimed RUSSian plamst

NITKOLAI PETROV 8pm, Friday, October 27

Pantages Centre, 90 1 Broadway Program includes Mussorgsky's popular Pictures �t an Exhibition. . Tickets for the reception cost $10. Please complete thiS form and mall .It With your check (payable to PLU School of the Arts) to: Elodie Vandeven, School of the Arts, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 9844 7 . Your tickets w i l l be held for you at the Pantages Will Call booth.

ior and for survivors of the famil ies who have experienced a suicide death of a loved one.

1 971 Roger Anderson of Woodbu rn , Or e. teaclles the O ld Testament at the Uni· versity of Z i m bab e He has a PI1.D. in Old Testament from the U niversi ty of C h i cago. Wife Arle te s udies frican chur h m us ic. Daugh ter Brita (elgh ) will 5 udy in .A fflcan sc hools for two years

Vlvl (Rhode) R i ck ie of Tacoma, Wash ., works at the Deoartr1f nt of SoCial and Healt h Servic 5 III Tacoma S e is ac tive at Gethsem ane Lu herem a n d is c rrently the secretary of the church co ncil. Son, G eo rge, is a senior at Wash· ington H!gh near PLU . Renee Sahlberg marn e d Antho ny Ford July 23 in Chnst Lu theran Ch u rch, Tacoma, Wash . Renee works fo r the Bethel School District. Anthony Ford Management Company


Mary L. Bra svick Strehlow has a masters in social work planning and works for Clark County She has th ree children, Eric, Matthew and Adrienne and her husband is a broker and family finan· :ial planner.

1 970 Carol Barth of Astoria, Ore., is taking ten high school students to Russia, Byelo­

1 972

russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania for th ree and one half weeks.

Ronald Gilbertson married Bethany Harder June 24. Ronald owns Century 21 Valley Homes and Investments in Mount Vernon, Wash. Bethany works for Won­ der Bread In Seattle.

Ken Halverson of Highwood, Mont., works as the school suoerintendent in Hig wood. Previously, he was an lemen­ tary prinCi pal in Shelby, Mont Irvin Johnson of P o rt l a n d , Ore., works as a systems engineer for Interna­ tional Business Machines. His wife (Susan Manary of Warrenton, Ore.) works as a

project leader in the system develop· ment department of U S Bank of Ore· gon.

Philip Nesvlg received a three year call as the pastor of the Stavanger (Nor· way) In terdenom inational C h u rch. This E n g l ish·spea k i ng congregation is com· prised of British, Canadian, American and Norwegians who desire a m a i nstream chu rch i n English The congregation also hel ps sponsor African refugees. Abraham Philip of Wilmington, Del ., works as a systems support microbiolo· gist with the Dupont Company in Wil­ mi ngto n . Abrallam has been in clin ica! microbiology for 1 5 years, the last six of Which have been with Dupont.

1 973 Mark Buchanan a n d fa mi l y, wife Elaine, daughters Alison (10), Ashlee (7), and son brooks (1 1/2), have moved to Sacramento, Calif, from the P u g et Sound area. Mark is branch manager of Continental Hardwood's newly opened distribution center. Mark ReIner accepted a call to serve as associate pastor in Conrad, Mont With his family, he is moving from Belg rade, Mont., where he recently fin ished h is internship. He g rad uated from Luther No rthwestern Theological Seminary. wilUam Weiss of Kelso . Wash . , has been the d i rector of Cowlitz Co u n ty Offender Services since rerelVlTlg I l is Mas· ters in Social Work at the Un iversitv of Lou isvi l le in 1 97 5 . He is married with three sons, eight, four and 1 1 months.

Continued on pag


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David Dahl p lays organ masterp ieces from the 18th century






Digitally recorded in the vibrant accoustics found in Christ Church, Tacoma, Washington, on the highly acclaimed and recently augmented John Brombaugh tracker organ.

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City, State , Zip Day Phone

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Evening Phone

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Sponsored b:f the PLU School of the Arts and Alumni Association


This new recording captures a variety of colors, textures and national sounds from that remarkable ccnrury-thc 18th century! S I 2.\15

COM PACT DISC $8.95 CASSETIE QUAi'ITITY D1SCOUi'ITS c.JJ 1-8(J().727-5566. Visa "rut MflStft"Urrl lUUJltuI. 1'1 l itn(,,,h .lIui 1 �.'I('

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