1989 1990 v 20 no 1 4

Page 144

Board Of Regents


Tacoma and Vicinity

1 -31

Thomas R. Anderson Cynthia W i lson Edwards Barry Rogge Jane Russell

se ttle and Vicinity


Frank R. Jennings (Vice Chai rman) Anne Long Donald Morken John Oakley Gary Severson Christy N. U l leland (Secretary)


western washington Petra Onel la Brun ner David S. Steen Karen M. vigeland

Eastem washington / Idaho

Christine Larson George Weh m a n n Donald M. Wick Jan Wigen

1 5-1 7 ontana

Oregon Neil R, Bryant Ronald G rewenow Michael Foss

Connye Hager Arthur Peterson Wayne Saverud


Jerold Armstrong, I l linois Robe rt Howard, Alaska Wal l a e McKi n ney, Kansas Richard Muel ler, M issouri J on Olson, C l ifornia Jeff Probstfi e l d , M a ry l a nd Willia m Ramstad, Ca lifornia

18 2 2-23


William O. Rieke, President. PLU Synod Bishops, ELCA Region 1 · Robert Keller, EaWa/ldaho Lowel l K n u tson, Northwest Wash. Donald Parsons, Alask a Paul Swanso n, Oregon or m an Wick, Montana David Wold, Southwestern Wash. (Ch a i rman)



Fac ul ty : Ann Kelleher. David Robbi ns. Sh ri Tonn Stude ts: Becky B reese, Marya Gingrey, B r i a n Slater A d m i n i st rati o n : Luther Bekemeier Luci l l e Giroux, H a rvey Neufeld, S : Er ving Seve rtson, Donald Stu rg i l l (Treasurer), J. Robert W i l ls ELCA, Div. of Ed.: James U nglaube



Editorial Boa rd

Dr. William O. Rieke . . . . . . . . President ucille Giroux . . . . . . Pres. Exec. Assoc. walter Shaw . . . . . Dir. Alumni Relations D r, Marti n J . Neeb . . . . . . . . Exec. Ed itor James L . Peterson . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor M!I<e Larson . . . . . . . . . . . sports Ed itor Ken neth D u n m i re . . . . P h otographer Paul Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . Art Director Janie Attridge . . . . . . . . . . Class Notes



Women's History Month. F i l ms, lectures, exh i bits. For com plete sched ule of events ca l l 5 3 5-7487. u n i versity Gallery, "Ancestral Sou rces:' an invitational exh i bit featu ring regional women a rtists. Gallery hours are 9 a.m .-4 p . m . weekdays, 1 -4 p . m . Sundays. Lecture, David Brower ' fi rst executive d irecto r of the Sierra Club, "Environmental Imperatives in the 2 1 st Century, Univ. Center, 7 : 30 p . m . Paid adm ission. u n i versity Theatre, "The Man Who Came To Dinner," by George Kaufman and Moss Hart ' d i rected by W i l l iam Becvar. T h i rty-fou r cast mem bers and some surp rise guests from PLU's faculty and staff. Reservations: 5 3 5-7762. Tickets at the door. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m. U n i versity Theatre (see a bove) 2 p . m . J u ngkuntz Lectureship, theologian·author Dr. Mart i n Marty of the U n i versity of Chi cago School of Divi nity. "Clarity, Chaos, Conversdt i o n : Liberal Education in A C h ristian Context," both eveni ngs, U n i versity Center, 8 p . m . , free. U niversity Theatre (see March 1 5) 8 p . m . Women of Vision Conference, 9 a. m .-5 p . m . , Advance registration, $ 1 5 . Information: 5 9 1 -51 6 1 . Lecture, Rep. Patricia Sch roeder (o-Colo.1, "Developing A Public Policy D i rection for Women a n d Their Fam i l ies," sponsored by Women of Vision Conference, U n iv. Center, 1 p . m . Paid adm ission. Centennial Celebration for PLU staff, faculty a n d guests, Olson Aud., 5 : 30 p.m. U n iversity Theatre (see March 1 5) 2 p . m .





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Concert, U niversity Orchestra d i rected by visiting conductor Rube n G u revich. Symphony Serenade featu res Neilson's Sy m phony NO. 3 and Mozart's Symphony No. 25. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . , free. U n i versity Gal lery, "A Fam i l y Affa i r," exhibition of pa i n t i ngs and d rawings by Tacoma artist Mered ith Essex and I i nocut p ri nts by Seattle art i st and teacher Edw i n Essex. Ope n i ng recept i o n A p r i l 3, 5 p . m . Gal lery hours are 9 a.m .-4 p . m . weekdays, 1 -4 p . m Sundays. Homecom i ng Concert, U n i versity Chorale d i rected by Edward Ha rmic. Spring tour program featu res Swed ish folksongs and music by Vaughan W i l liams and Herbert Howells. Eastvo ld Aud., 8 p . m . , free. Lecture, South African author and teacher Simon Farisa n i . Un iv. Center, 8 p . m ., paid adm i ssion . Concert, "Chamber M usic Potpourri"; student chamber m usic concert features two string quartets, a piano trio and brass and wind g roups. U niv. Center, 8 p m ., free. Dance, "Dance Vision," PLU Dance Ensemble program d i rected by Mau reen McGi l l Seal features energetic choreography, stu n n i ng costumes a n d dazzl i n g lights. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . , paid adm ission.


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mail to AI� mni Office (NAC), PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447







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Concert, U n i versity W i n d Ensemble d i rected by Tom O'Neal, Eastvold Aud., 8 p.m., free. Regency Concert Series, Camas Wind Quintet, chamber m usic by Ravel and Mozart, Liadov's "Eight Russian Folksongs." UniV. Center, 8 p.m., paid adm ission. Concert, " M usic You Hate To Love," annual potpou rr i of m usical nonsense benefits the music scholarship fun d . M usic faculty a n d friends are featured. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . , paid adm ission.

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20 Homeco m i ng Concert, Choi r of the West d i rected by Ri chard Sparks. Spring tou r program featured. Eastvold Aud., 8 p.m., free. U n iversity Gallery, "Where They've Been; Where They're Going:' exhibit features 1 990 Bachelor of Fine Arts can d i dates. Opening reception May 1 , 5 p.m. Commencement reception May 26, 1 p . m . Gal lery hours a r e 9 a.m .-4 p.m. weekdays, 1 -4 p.m., Sundays.

Regenty Concert Series, Regency St ring Quartet performs chamber m usic classics, i ncluding Beet hoven's Op. 1 8, No. 2 qua rtet. U n i v. Center, 8 p . m . , paid adm ission. Artist Series, Eugene Ballet of Eugene, Ore., p resents Tchai kowsky's "Cinderel la." Eastvold Aud., 8 p.m. Concert, PLU Instrumental Jazz Ensemble d i rected by Roger Gard. U n iv. Center ' 8 p.m., free. May Festival. M ayfest Dancers "final performance:' Olson Aud., 8 p.m. Concert, U n iversity Si ngers d i rected by Cathy Bleecker, U n iv. Center, 8 p . m . , free. Concert, PLU Vocal Jazz Ensemble "Park Avenue" d i rected by Cathy Bleecker. U n i v. Center, 8 p.m., free. U ni versity Theatre, "The Glass Menagerie" by Tennessee Wi ll i ams, d i rected by W i l liam Parker. Remnants of southern genti l ity l i v i n g in poverty. Reservati ons 5 3 5-7762. Fastvo l d Aud , 8 p . m . , p a i d a d m ission Q Cl u b Banquet, featuring PLU cente n n i a l historian P h i l i p Nordqu ist, Olson Aud., 6 p m . Opera Wor shop, d i rected by Ba r bara Poulshock . Fam ous opera scenes, ensembles and arias a re recreated in ful l costume with props U n iv. Center 8 ' p . m . , free. U n iversity Theatre (see May 1 01 2 p . m Con cert, U n iversity Sy m p hony O rchestra d i rected by visiti ng conductor Ruben Gurevich. Guest soloist Steven Staryk performs Mendelssohn's Viol i n Concerto i n E m i n or, orchestra p resents Mahler's Sym phony No. 1 . Eastvold Aud , 8 p.m., free. Concert, M u lti·media concert. M usic, a rt, dan ce, poetry and l ighting com b i n e to bring this Contemporary A rts E n semble program to l ife. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . , free. Concert, U n i versity W in d Ensemble and Concert Band, d i rected by Tom O'Nea l . Eastvold Aud., 8 p m . , free. Concert, Chora l U n io n a l i-a udition com m u n it choir d i rected by R ichard Sparks. Music for choi r a n d percussion is featu red, including Bernstein's Chichester Psal ms. Eastvold Aud., 2 p . m . , pard adm ission.




Com mencement, Fi rst Centennial Graduat i n g Cl ass, Olson Aud., 2 : 30 p.m. Centennial Flag flies


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