1989 1990 v 20 no 1 4

Page 112

scene DeCember


12 Heritage

8asketbal l - Pa rt Two By r. Philip Nordquist centennial Historian

(This is the 1 4t h feature in a 20-part se ries) PLU's most pu blic i zed success­ es d u r i ng the 1 9 5 0s a n d early 1 960s were i n ath letics, especial­ ly basketbal l . The best basketba ll teams in the i nstitu ti on 's history e m e rged after 1 9 5 5 , a n d records appeared that have not been equ a l ed . F rom 1 95 5 to 1 964 the basketba l l teams won the Evergre en conference cham­ pi o n ship n i n e times in ten years and went to the NAIA tou rna­ ment in Kansas City seven t i mes, fi nishing third in 1 9 57 and sec­ ond in 1 9 59. There were ten a ll-conference Lutes du ri ng that period, most selected more than once. Six of those al l-conference pl ayers lat-

er ea rned adva nced degrees; fou r earned doctorates, conti n u­ i ng a tradition of sc holar-ath­ letes that goes back to the Uni­ versity's fi rst d e c a d e a n d cont i n u es to the present. Bas­ ketba l l success d i d not mea n academ ic anemia. The g reatest of those basket­ ball teams were the Marv Harsh­ m a n a n d Gene L u n d g a a rd coached 1 956-1 959 tea ms whic h featu red the fa m o u s t r i o of Chuck Cu rtis, Roger Iverson, and Jim Van Beek, and a n able sup­ portin g cast . Th ose tea ms won 1 00 ga mes and lost o n l y 1 6, they were 49-3 in the Evergreen Conference ( 36-0 from 1 9 5 7 to

A � C E N T E N N I A L � T R E A S U R E Coming May 1 990


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Service, PLU

Offe r ,ood throu,h March 30, 1990_

Edw:ating for

1959 L u tes - From left, Roger Iverson, Jim Van Beek, Chuck Curtis, Bob Roiko, Norm Oahl and coach Gene Lun dgaard.

1 95 9 ) , They won second a nd t h i rd place finishes at the Kansas City to u rn a m e nt a n d m o st experts and a l l PLU fans t h i n k they ca me with i n seconds of the n a t i o n a l ch a m p i o n s h i p i n 1 957 (Dick B a rnett, who later starred in the NBA, h it a 35-foot fa ll-away jump shot as time was r u n n i n g o u t a n d Ten n e ssee State defeated the Lutes 71 ·70>. Those tea ms a lso pl ayed the mo st d ra m a t i c a n d exc i t i n g series of games any PLU basket­ b a l l team has eve r p l ayed, agai nst the national Amate u r A t h l et i c U n i o n power B u c h a n Bakers, a team l oade d with recently g raduated west coast basketba l l talent. It wo uld have been i m poss i b l e to stuff more noise or people i nto Memorial Gym d u ring those games. PLU lost only once. Curtis and Iverson were ai l-con­ ference fo u r ti mes each, Van Beek twice. Cu rtis and Iverson made the NAIA a l l-tou rnament teams in 1 95 7 and 1 9 59. Cu rtis was PLC's fi rst l ittle All-American basketba l l pl ayer in 1 9 5 9 . That same year he was drafted by the NBA's Detroit Pi stons and l ater played for the National Indust rial Basketba ll League's New York Tuck Tapers a n d then for the American Basket b a l l Lea g u e's New York Ta pers and Pittsburg Rens. Iverson and Van Beek were dom inant players on the reg ional AAU circuit fo r many years, the bionic Va n Beek for two decades. In 1 9 71 Iverson made the NAIA Al l-Ti me Tournament Team and in 1 972 Marv Harshman and Iver­ son were na med to the NAIA Hall of Fame. Curtis and Iverson are st ill the leadin g scorers i n PLU basketbal l history and Van Beek is tenth. Basket b a l l was e n o r m o u s l y popular on the PLC campus (and i n Tacoma) d u ri n g this period. M e m o ria l Gym was reg u l a rly fil led to overflowing with people and noise (much made by a the­ ater organ, brought from Seat­ tle and installed in the Gym, that used to shake t h e wal ls). Why the buil ding was not reduced to

r u b b l e i n mome nts of great frenzy i s hard to u ndersta nd. The teams a nd PLC got a great deal of press and television cov­ erage. It was an excit i n g ti me, and memories are vivid. The orchestrator of those bas­ ketb all su ccesses, Marv Harsh­ man, left PLC fo r Was h i ngton State U n iversity in 1 9 58. He was rep l aced by Gene Lu n d g a a rd . Harshman had coached t h i rteen years at PLC and won 2 3 6 games; h e would coach thi rteen more at WSU, and com pleted his forty-year coach i n g career at the U n i ve rsity of Washi ngton where he was widely recog n ized as one of the fi nest coaches i n the nation. PLU players and fans had known that fo r years. PLU tea ms d i d n ot ret u r n to the national tournament in 1 960 a n d 1 96 1 , but from 1 96 2 to 1 964 they did once aga i n . They were led by the h i gh-j u m p i n g scori ng, reb ounding, and clown­ i n g of Swed ish i m po rt H a n s Al bertss o n a n d t h e daz z l i n g j u m p shooting of Tom Whalen. Both were a l l-conference. M a rv Fredrickson (who along with Gus K ravas was a lso a l l-co nference) added a new award to the ath­ letic trophy case in 1 96 3 when he won the Uston Award (which went to the NAIA's most accom­ pl ished scho lar-athlete>. Despite nu merous conference champ ionsh ip s since 1 964, PLU has not been able to return to the n a t i o n a l NAIA basket ba l l tou rnament. Central Washi ng­ ton State U niversity has become the d o m i n a n t l o c a l p o w e r . Ret u rn i n g t o Kan sas C ity after an ab sence of a quarter of a centu ry wou ld be a n ice way to celebrate the centen n ial, howev­ er, ce rta i n ly for t h ose who re m e m b e r t h e d ra m a a n d excitement of 1 9 5 5 -1 964, and certa inly for the present coach and tea m . Fol l ow the Lu tes i n yo ur local newspaper and i f you are determ ined to help subsid ize travel to national tournam ents (1 34 ath l etes and twelve teams last year) join the Lute Club. (Next time: Women a t PW)

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