1976-1977-1977-1978 catalog

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96 Prerequisites: 2 8 t and 282. I It




A program o f full time experience closely rel ated to the student's specific career and acade mi c interests. The student rs expected to develop the internship opportunity with a fum or organization. Before registration, the stude nt , the organization, and the School will pre p are an internship agree ment. This agreemen t identifies the problems to be re earched, ex perience to be gained, and rel ated readings to be accom plished. Monthly progress reports and other measures of achieve ment will be used to dctermine the grade. Not more than 2 hours of credit will be granted for a fuH month of in ternship, and not more than 8 hours of accumulated credit will be granted for the in ternships taken. The internsh ip cannot be used to meet the minimum requirement for 2 business administration elective courses, and it must be ďż˝'Ompleted prior to the last semester before graduation. Prerequisites: BA 28 t , 282, 350; Economics 1 50; Statistics 3 3 t ; one additional course in the student's area of concentration. (4)

435 B U S I N ESS LAW Procedures, contracts, agencies, negotiable ins tru men ts, business organizations, property, tru ts and willi , transportation, insurance and mployment. II 450

M f N U FACTURI NG M A N A G EM ENT Principles of scien tific management; planning products, physical facilities, equipment and materials for production ; methods and techniques of supervision and control of perso n nel ; production control; purc hasing and inventory manage m e n t. The course includes su pervised studen t projects and major case studies. Prerequisite: 350. I OPERATIONS A N A LYSIS 45 1 In troduc tion to and the examination of selected decision sciences techniques and their applications to a c c o u n t i n g, finance, managemen t, marketing, ' and production. Topics include modeling, inven tory control, resou rce allocation, project plann ing, forecasting, and logistics. Prerequisites: BA 28 t , 2 8 2, 350; Economics 1 50 ; Statistics 3 3 1 . PERSON E L A N D I DUST R I A L R E LATIONS Detailed examination of behavioral processes of indivi duals and groups in business organizations. Em phasis on policy issues and s p e c i fic problems in managing human res u rces with focus on modern practices of i n d u s trial relations and p e r so n n e l m a n a ge m e n t i n i n d ustrial and other organ izations. Prerequisite: 3 50. I II


455 B U SI N ESS PO L I C Y Formulation o f policies to integrate all f u n c t i o n s of business. Social , ethical, r e l i g i o u s , e c o n o m i c , edul,ational and in ternational im plications in the formulation of business policies and o bjectives. Includes comprehensive case analyses. Required for b u siness m aj o r s . Prerequisites: Senior standing; 28 t , 282, 350, 364 and 370. J L 1 456


461 F I N A NC I A L ANA LYS I S Study o f financial policies a n d the analytical framework for sup pliers and users of private ind ustrial capital. In tensive studies of selected companies and industries. Prerequisites: 2 8 t , 282, 3 6 4 and Econ 1 50. I 464 F I N ANC I A L M A N A G EM ENT Problems of working capital management, planning the financial struct ure, issue of new securities, and major financial policies. I n tensive and ex tensive use of cases and advanced rc,adings. Prerequisites: 28 1 , 282 , 364 a n d Econ 1 50. I I 4 7 0 M A R K ET I N G M A NAG EM ENT Analytical approaches for the solution of marketing problems, developing stra tegies, planning and administering com prehensive marketing progra ms; evaluation and con trol of marketing operations. Prerequisite: 3 70. t 47 1

M A R K ET I N G RES E A RC H A N D CONS UM E R B E H A V I O R Techniques a n d uses o f marketing research in the b u s i n e s s d e c i sion¡making process. Emphasis is placed on research design, various survey methods, research instrumen ts, and sa m pling plans as they relate to marketing consumer products and services i n a changing e n v i ro n m e n t . Co ntem porary behavioral science concepts to be examined and incorporated in selected marketing projects. Prere q u i s i t e : 3 70. Stat 33 1 strongly recommended. I

47 2

A DV E RT I S I NG A N D S A L E S M AN A G E M ENT Role of advertising and personal selling in the marketing program ; analysis of market targe ts' developing market poh!ntials; media selection: designing the promotional message ; evaluation and control of the promot,ional mix. Prerequisite: 370. I I I 473

I N DUSTR I A L M A R K ET I N G AND P U RC H AS I N G Analysis o f t h e indus trial buying a n d selling process; purchasing policies and proced ures; selection of sources of supply; contract analysis and negotiation, marketing problems of m a n u facturers of indus trial good s; d e v e l o ping and im plementing industrial marketing strategies. Prere quisites: 3 5 0 and 370. II 482 A DVANC E D ACCOUNT I N G Co mprehensive study of accounting for corporations, including the accounting aspects of c o n s o l i d a t i o n s a n d mergers, and partnerships; treatment of incomplete da ta; specialized accounting concepts related to funds and cash flows, statement an alysis, and accounting for estate and trusts. Prerequisites: 2 8 1 and 3 8 1 . II 484 A U D I T I N G The principles a n d procedures o f auditing as they apply to the major balance sheet and income accoun ts; generally accep ted auditing standards used by CPA's; professional ethics. Prerequisites: 2 8 1 , 3 8 t and 482. I I 488

SYST EMS A N A LY S I S A N D D ES I G N Com p u t e r - o r i e n ted-Iaboratory study of system design and analysis. Emphasis on systems documenta tion, the auditing of

c o m p u te r ized systems, t h e u s e of . m a t h e m a t i c al models III systems and simulation techniques. Prerequisites: 28 1 , 28 2 an d 3 8 7 . "

490 SEM I N A R Seminar on specifically selected topics in business. Offered on demand. Pre requisite: consent of the instructor. 49 1 D I R E C T E D STUDY Individual studies; readi ngs on selected topics approved and su pervised by the instructor. Prerequisite: consent of the instructor. 5 50

ORGAN I Z A T I O N A L B EHAVIOR AND ENV I R O N M ENT The study of open sociotechnical systems within which a manager must operate. It encom passes three major perspectives: the ex ternal organization environment, including legal, ethical, social, economic and political intluences; the organization itself as an e n tity; and the in ternal organiza tion environmen t. I It 551

SEMINAR I N O P E R A T I O N S M ANAGEM ENT A n a l y t i c a l a p p ro a c hes to operational manage ment; the relationship of prod uction to other func tions and external factors; case stud ies of modern techniq ues/me thodologies a s a p p lied in selected situations and i n d u stries; quan titative models, systems design and compu ters. Prerequisites: 350, 550, Stat 3 3 1 and Econ 543. I II 552 APP L I E D D EC I S I ON AN A LY S I S USC a n d application o f sclectcd decision science techniques to projects. The focus is on the examina tion of managerial decision situa tions and the development of decision a n aly sis m e th o d s for t h t) manager. Appl ications include forecasting, resource allocation, project plann ing, data analysis, and simulation. Prerequisite: Economics 543. 553

CONTEMPORARY I S S U ES I N M AN A G EM ENT I nvestigation of the roles of managers in the modern society. The ex ploration includes, bu t is not limited to the topics of corporate responsibility, ethical issues in management, and the impact of technological change on organizations and society. The workshop approach to these topics com bines the use of cases, readings, discussions, and simulations. Pre requisites: BA 550; Economics 504, or equivalent. 555

B U S I N E SS STRATEGY AND PO L I C Y M a n a ge m e n t f u n c t i o n s o f p l a nning, organization and con trol. Prerequisites: 55 1 , 564 and 5 7 0. I I I 557

SEM I N A R I N PO L l C Y SC I E N C ES I n tegrate conceptual elements and decision-making techniques. Developmen t and i m p l e m e n ta ti o n of s p ecific strategies

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