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Paint Like a PRO

HGTV star gives tips on color and paint Carmen De La Paz, designer and former host Hammer Heads, offers these tips to help you paint like a pro. The task of home painting projects may seem daunting, but by following a few helpful steps you can give your home a fresh, clean appearance and incorporate some of your favorite new home decor trends. “Whether your painting projects call for sprucing up your indoor space or freshening up outdoor trim, a little advance planning, sweat equity and the right tools can go a long way in ensuring a professional looking result,” said De La Paz.

Start with the Right Tools Whether working on interior or exterior projects, be sure to use the right tools - especially the appropriate tape - to ensure a professional looking result. For indoor projects, make sure you read the label to find a painter’s tape that is appropriate for the surface you are working on to ensure sharp, clean lines. For exterior projects, ScotchBlue has an Exterior Painter’s Tape specifically designed for exterior paint jobs and is resistant to sun, wind and moisture.


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