The Rumble - Issue 4

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IN THIS ISSUE Special thanks to: Cover Page Photography: Lajeen Bilal Year 11





Editors' note Aug/Sep/Oct calendar

02 03


The Seasons



Reflecting by Ria


Girl Power @ UniMelb




Astrology w/ Jingyi + Evelyn



Book Review: Refugee


Blockbusters w/ Sachini


Turn the Page


Fresh Finds



ORS' NO TE We are thinking of you all during yet another lockdown, and hope that you are all coping alright. We know firsthand how tough online learning can be, whether it's trying to find the motivation to do homework, or go outside and get some exercise, or missing friends and family, and your regular extracurricular activities.

Firstly, make sure to give yourself some rest and don't be too hard on yourself. Even though we're at home all day, you still deserve to unwind and relax -- don't overwork yourself just because you have extra time. Instead, use this opportunity to try something new, do some baking, or catch up on some much-needed sleep. Also remember to check in with your friends and family; maybe organise a movie night or even an online study date!

We hope this edition of The Rumble can give you some temporary stress relief from your studies, as the submissions we received this month are some of the best! ALSO... a special shoutout to our hardworking Year 12s! All the best for your exam prep. <3 Take care and happy reading! The Rumble team Tiff, Aarabi & Claudia


AUG MON // 30

TUE // 31

Crack open a book

Make a midnight snack

MON // 06

TUE // 07


Listen to the Fresh Finds playlist on p18

Make a cup of tea

WED // 01

Do a Spring clean; We know there's a pile of clothes outside the zoom frame...

WED // 08

THUR // 02 Watch the press conference!

FRI // 03 First day back (maybe...) Bake a cake !

THUR // 09

FRI // 10

Happy R U OK Day!! Are you guys doing okay?


SEP Watch a movie from page 11

On today's fun game to play: Will the GAT even go ahead?

House Theatre Sports

WED // 15

THUR // 16

FRI // 17

Watch one of my favourite movies... 10 Things I Hate About You

Get outside today!

claudia's picks

tiff's picks

aarabi's picks

spend the holidays with us! MON // 13 Revamp your Spotify Make an extra playlist or 10 !

Currently listening: Esprit // Jiwoo

TUE // 14 Be creative today!

Bake something (I'll make my fav cinnamon buns!), dust off your instrument, maybe open up some paints or a sketchbook

MON // 20

TUE // 21

Try a new hobby

Take care of yourself Tuesday!!

my personal favourite: crocheting

Run a bath, relax, get an early night's rest :)

MON // 27

TUE // 28

Re-decorate your room!


Get onto pinterest and find new ways to revamp + spice up your room!

MON // 04

TUE // 05

Get ready for school Pack your bags, finish any homework and set your alarms for tomorrow!



My current read + reccomendation: On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous Year 10+

WED // 22

THUR // 23

FRI // 24

Listen to a podcast

Eat your favourite snack!

Check in on your friends and family :)

currently listening: Anything Goes - Emma Chamberlain (the SLTea podcast is also a personal fave)

Put on your fav playlist and throw a dance party for yourself - or with friends!

Go on a walk with a family member or a friend within 5km.

For me, it'll be Corn Thins

WED // 29

THUR // 30

Write a letter

If restrictions are eased...

Write a letter to your future self ? Or maybe a friend, or family member - whatever you're feeling!

Get out and do something fun w friends or family!!

Lockdown can be a difficult time for everyone, but we're in this together !

FRI // 01

Go on a picnic

Make a charcuterie board, bring your fav snacks and invite your friends for a day out!

Hope you enjoy the last term of the year!



Sandridge Bridge at Midday Annie Zhang Year 12 05

The Seasons Oneli Gunesena 7Stirling

Springtime never waits upon the perfect snow-free day, It pushes forth, at first chance, to warm the light of day. The breeze is a trembling petal, softly tinted with brown, It wraps love around me like a silken, flowing gown, Awakened by the innocence of a warm, gentle breeze. A newly radiant sun steps forth from springtime, Wrapping us in her warm embrace in summer; Sunflowers follow her rays when she rests behind the hills. The wind whispers a warm and gentle breeze like the windmills, So bright and deep it all is, like a daffodil drifting into slumber. As chattering autumn leaves of gold and scarlet, create a buoyant mood. The cold, crispy breath shakes the dancers off the trees, how rude. Maple trees cling desperately to their memories, One by one, they dance their final ballet in their faithful final mood. On an autumn day, I breathe in gold and let it flourish in my lungs. Winter brings an icy chant, a coolness to shake the warmth within. The snowflakes take their dance in the wintry air where Santa has been, The petals display a trace of white within the edges, Luscious green leaves trapped within frost in hedges, Winter lies down for the longest sleep as spring flutters in. The seasons are my favourite bedtime story. Each time, the same and yet different in its own ways, Seasons fade in and out like a soft, cheerful lullaby. Change is a blessing, We tend to ignore. Appreciate, What change has done, To me and to you.



Coming out of another lockdown, and now back into yet another, I now feel refreshed and every so slightly arrogant about my large collection of useless knowledge on music and TV shows. Sometimes I feel worried that I am consuming too much. Not of food, but of social media and other forms of entertainment. For around 3 weeks now, I have been kind of inactive on social media. I thought that I really was topnotch- that this single action would guarantee me a healthy lifestyle full of study, exercise and good conversations. Boy was I wrong. On one hand, I do have lots of free time now. I read books sometimes and occasionally see the sunlight (which is well above my usual average). Has my life improved significantly? Honestly, probably not. I’m still not sure whether it was the right idea to remove social media, especially now that we find ourselves in another lockdown. I’m not even sure if it is smart to invest this much time thinking about this somewhat insignificant first world problem. Nevertheless, here is a singular observation I would like to share with the world (or the people who get this far in my piece): Life is short. It is the inevitability of an end that makes it so precious. So do what you want, because why not. It's easy to feel squashed and constricted by so many things: societal expectations, expectations from school, expectations from your peers. But guess what- it is your life. Actually. Think about that. This life is yours. The world is truly your oyster. Nobody else owns your life, nobody else controls it. We are so privileged to have freedom and the chance to make our own choices. So that is exactly what I won't encourage you to do. To do what you want. Ria Singh, Vice School Captain





Pre-COVID19, I applied for a program called Girl Power. Girl Power is “a program for female high school students, contributing towards gender parity in engineering and IT disciplines.” It is run by Melbourne University and is a 4 year program with the hopes to get females interested in engineering & IT.

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After sending through my application and being shortlisted to go through the interview process, I was fortunate enough to be accepted into the program.


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I would like to focus on what normally happens in year 9, well year 10 for me because of COVID. Over the holidays I stayed on Melbourne Uni campus where I was able to meet just under 50 girls from different schools from around Melbourne. Together we spent a couple of days causing chaos around campus, doing workshops and eating croissants, drinking coffee and horrible quality tea from different cafes across campus. During the workshops, we were introduced to different fields of STEM, such as software, civil, mechanical and looked at other activities such as virtual reality workshops. We were also allowed access to the new Telstra Maker Space where we got to meet people who worked at the facility and learn about what they do. On the final night, we had a careers/ networking panel discussion where we got to meet CEO’s and engineers who have worked around the world where they talked about their experience in the workforce. This year was only the first of the program. Generally, in Year 9 you go on camp, in Year 10, you are offered work experience, and in Year 11 + 12, you participate in a mentoring program between yourself and a university student. However, this year was a little different because of last year's COVID-19 restrictions. Although it is early if you are in one of the younger year levels such as year 8 I highly recommend thinking about looking into the Girl Power Engineering and IT program, especially if you are interested in STEM and are not sure what sort of career path you want to go down. I have had such an amazing experience and made some great friends. I would highly recommend the program!

Click here to learn more! 08




With three stories running parallel, spanning several decades and oceans apart, all tied in together with the promise of tomorrow, Refugee by Alan Gratz is a thought-provoking must-read. Three children caught in the middle of unimaginable violence, are forced to leave all they had ever known and venture on into the unknown. This book covers broad themes, from violence, to power, and an unknown future. Covid-19 has shaken up our world and left our future in doubt. This story encapsulates all of the feelings and emotions that we face as a society today in one eye-opening tale. All in all, I loved how Alan Gratz manages to create these characters with diverse personalities, and yet all seem so familiar.






His magic with words brings the story to life. Every reader will draw something new out of every twist and turn the book takes. Refugee by Alan Gratz has tantalized my reading tastebuds and I can’t wait to read the sequel.

If you stayed invisible here, did everything you were supposed to and never made waves, you would disappear from the eyes and minds of all the good people out there who could help you get your life back. It was better to be visible. To stand up. To stand out.


Blockbusters with Sachini Ever wanted to sit with the family and watch something that the whole family can enjoy, but haven't been able to find anything? If so, this is the column for you! To watch these shows, sign into your Wyse account and then click the links included with the reviews below. Remember to watch seven minutes before liking or disliking it!

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a t ries n e m Bears (2014)

Amidst a harsh winter, a father must travel into the forest in search of his lost daughter. Click here to watch. Usually, bears are thought to be harmful and grizzly but this film suggests they can be just as loving the person that loves you the most.

Our Planet: Coastal Seas (2019) From fearsome sharks to lowly sea urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters; protecting these habitats is a battle humanity must win. Click here to watch.

The grown-up Erica Yurken, commonly known as `Yuk' or `Erk', looks back to 1975, to the time when she was fourteen and living in Barringa East with her family. There's Mum, a bingo addict, her older sister Valjoy who is boy mad, her younger sister Jedda who is horse-mad and her big brother Harley who's unemployed, and then there's Alison Ashley, the new girl who seems perfect. Click here to watch. We’ve all wanted to be like someone else. But what if it went too far?

Inside Out (2015) Eleven-year-old Riley moves to San Francisco, leaving behind her life in Minnesota. She and her five core emotions, Fear, Anger, Joy, Disgust and Sadness, struggle to cope with her new life. Click here to watch. This movie is the funniest and most relatable film ever. Sit back, relax and prepare to understand how your mind works.



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This documentary shows that the ocean creatures are not as carefree and plain as they seem.

Hating Alison Ashley (2005)

Turn the Page with Sharon Wang Yr 7

The Prison Healer by Lynette Noni Lynette Noni’s book The Prison Healer is a suspenseful, heartwarming and highly entertaining fantasy novel. It focuses on a seventeen-year-old girl called Kiva who works as a Healer at the notorious death prison, Zalindov. She treats sick patients and gives them all of the medical attention they need, and she is also responsible for carving a large ‘Z’ on new prisoners’ hands with a knife. Because of this, many prisoners do not like her and call her names such as ‘The Heartless Carver’. One day, the guards drag in Tilda Corentine, also known as ‘The Rebel Queen’. She is extremely ill and an inch away from death, but Kiva is ordered to keep her alive until she can serve her sentence: the Trial by Ordeal, a series of elemental challenges. Only assigned to the most dangerous of criminals, these trials have never been survived before. However, a coded message from Kiva’s family arrives. "Don’t let her die. We are coming." Kiva is aware that the Trials will kill the sick queen, so she risks her own life to volunteer in Tilda’s place. If Kiva survives all four Trials, they will both be granted their freedom. If Kiva fails any of the Trials, they will both die. On top of all this, a mysterious and deadly plague is sweeping through Zalindov, killing everyone who gets it, and Kiva is determined to find a cure before it kills her or anyone she cares about.

The message was clear: Don’t let her die. We are coming. Kiva’s breath caught as those final three words repeated in her mind. We are coming. We are coming. We are coming. No longer a vague promise of one day, but imminent. Her family was coming. Finally, after waiting so long, they were coming. For Kiva—but also for Tilda. They were coming for the Rebel Queen.

This book is told from the perspective of Kiva. It takes you through all of the struggles she had to face, both mentally and physically. As the book progresses, we learn more about Kiva’s past and how she ended up in such a horrible place. There are many plot twists throughout the book, and the sections about each of the Trials are suspenseful and addictive. The author keeps you wondering what is going to happen next, and this adds to the mystery. I would give this book 5 out of 5 stars as it is one of the best books I have ever read. I immensely enjoyed reading it and did not put it down until I reached the end. There are two books planned in the series, with the second book, The Gilded Cage, set to come out this September. The Prison Healer is suitable for anyone above the age of 12, but keep in mind that the claustrophobic settings evoke the horrors of concentration camps and may not be a good read for everyone.



Many people are drawn to different types of crystals. Whether it is because of the look or the energy, there is a deeper meaning to every crystal. Different crystals harness different qualities to help you become the best version of yourself. As well as this some crystals can help with protection from negative energies. Crystals can come in all shapes and sizes, no one crystal will look like another. They can be rough, rounded, smooth, big, small or sharp. If a crystal looks too manufactured and perfect, chances are they are probably fakes. The most popular crystals you will come across are described below. Amethyst is a violet quartz crystal that has clear quartz throughout it. It is the birthstone of Aquarius and it’s name from Greek translates to ‘not intoxicated’. This stone helps the wearer become grounded, more tranquil and overall a calmer and more thoughtful person. Clear quartz, also known as the Crystal quartz, enhances memory and concentration, your psychic abilities and stabilizes your immune system. This is one of the most popular quartz stones as it is an overall body stabilizing stone. Rose quartz, found in the mineral class of ‘quartz’, is a pink-to-light-rose looking gemstone belonging to the birth month of January. Rose quartz is associated with love and compassion. This stone helps to reinforce self love and harmony as well as attract blossoming relationships. Malachite is a green crystal with lighter green rings and is part of the monoclinic crystal system. This crystal is very powerful but is 100% safe to wear and carry with you, unlike some more dangerous crystals. It is the stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and pure intentions. Citrine, belonging to the mineral class of quartz, is a burnt yellow/orange crystal that targets inner self loathing. This crystal helps to enhance your self worth and self esteem. It brings positivity and can help to improve digestion and endurance. Turquoise is a part of the triclinic crystal system and is the birthstone of December. This crystal comes in a dark green-blue turquoise colour and is used for protection, spirituality and hope. It can represent wisdom and good decisions as well as bring good fortune into your life.


Crystal cleaning Different crystals require different methods of crystal cleaning; however, it is important to do the method that works best for you. To cleanse crystals of their spiritual impurities you can put them into salt overnight; however, there are a few stones that you should not do this with; for example, Turquoise, Amber, Opal, Moonstone and Kyanite. As well as the salt method, you can also put a crystal in a cluster of clear quartz or alternatively on a cluster of other crystals. Cleansing crystals is an essential part of owning them as if not done regularly or correctly, your present emotional baggage will be kept and passed on to your future self when using this stone again. Crystals can be worn, carried with you or put on display. Carrying crystals every day can be a great way of manifesting your dream life or keeping you a kind and caring person. However, if you wear crystals every day, your body can become co dependant on them. Remember to give your crystals a break and to live life without the help of them. :) Crystal theory is very interesting to me and I hope that it has resonated with you guys as well!

Alexa Boubouras Yr 9


Sofia Hurtado Yr 11


Ella Austin Yr 7

Ananya Khatry Yr 9


Sofia Hurtado Yr 11


PLANETS IN ASTROLOGY Hey guys! It’s Evelyn and Jing again and we hope you enjoyed reading our column in the last issue. If you are still hanging around, we hope that you are learning something new! Today, we will be talking about the significance of planets in astrology, and what it means for you.

KEY VOCABULARY: Home in: In astrology, a planet’s home is the zodiac sign over which it has rulership. For example, the reason why we associate Leos with the Sun, or Aries with Mars is because those are their home signs. It is a generally beneficial for the signs to be in their home planet, as this is said to be their most comfortable place. Fall in: An astrological fall is the sign positioned directly opposite a planet’s sign of exaltation; it is considered to be its fall. As the exaltation is a place of awareness and is relatively beneficial for the planet, the fall is a position of weakness. Exalt in: The exaltation is a place of awareness, whereas the fall is a position of weakness concerning the function of the planet. The sign position is directly opposite a planet’s sign of exaltation and is considered to be its fall. Each of the seven traditional planets has its exaltation in one zodiac sign. When a sign is exalt in a planet, it is usually said that it is the most beneficial place. Detriment in: A planet is said to be in detriment, or exile, when it is positioned in the zodiac sign opposite the sign it rules (e.g Sun rules Leo, opposite of Leo is Aquarius, thus Aquarius is in detriment in the sun). When a celestial body is in detriment it is said to be not comfortable in that sign and tends to operate with the least strength.

Sun Most of what you know about astrology revolves around our ‘sun’ sign. Popular astrology trends you’ve probably heard of before such as “The most social sign is…”, or “The most hated sign is…”. Although this type of astrology is fun to look at, it is often extremely inaccurate as it is based on one aspect of your chart- your sun sign, not looking at it as a whole. It is completely irrational to say that “The most hated sign is,” for example, “Aquarius”, because although it might be true for some Aquarians (sending love to our favourite Aquarians out there!!), it is not accurate for the whole population of approximately 498,900,000 people that were just coincidentally born in January - February. Thus, this is why we look at all the signs, houses, degrees and planetary aspects as a whole to determine one’s personality. The Sun Exalt in: Aries Detriment in: Aquarius Fall in: Libra Home in: Leo Represents: Our identity, our ego, and what we strive to be


Moon Cancer is ruled by the Moon in astrology, which is representative of feminine and motherly energy. Our personal needs, our habits and emotions, as well and our unconscious are all represented by the Moon. Some moon placements, however, are in detriment. Capricorn is the sign that is in detriment to Cancer, which might cause problems for persons born under this sign in some areas. Although persons born under the sign of Capricorn are often high achievers, those born under the sign of Capricorn may present as cold or uptight due to their past, and may have trouble expressing thoughts and feelings. However, this may not be applicable to all Capricorn moons. For example, Evelyn has her moon in Capricorn and although some lunar Capricornians are high achievers, she finds herself being a very low achiever with weeks of maths set work and other homework left unfinished The fall placement can also be recognized as a “hard” placement. The Moon in its fall is Scorpio, and people with this placement can sometimes find it hard to socialise. They also are very overshadowed by those around them and have a hard time expressing feelings. However, one placement cannot define your entire personality, so do not stress if you find yourself with “harder” placements. The Moon Exalt in: Taurus Detriment in: Capricorn Fall in: Scorpio Home in: Cancer Represents: Emotions, instincts, habits and moods

Mercury In astrology, as in Mythology, Mercury is the messenger. It is the planet of everyday communication and expression. Mercury's action is to disassemble and reassemble things. It's an opportunistic planet that's cold and inquisitive. The planets which Mercury rules are Gemini and Virgo, the sign detriment to Mercury is Sagittarius, and the fall is in Pisces. People with Mercury in Gemini and Virgo are very attentive and focused and can easily achieve their goals in life. On the other hand, people with Mercury in Sagittarius or Pisces may find it easy to lose track of small details, making it difficult for them to work efficiently. They may also be poor communicators, as Mercury also represents communication.

Exalt in: Virgo Detriment in: Sagittarius, Pisces Fall in: Pisces Home in: Gemini, Virgo Represents: intellect, logic, thinking and communication

Venus Venus is the dual ruler of Libra and Taurus in astrology. As a result, Venus is associated with two major aspects of our lives: love and wealth. Similar to Greek mythology, Venus is also heavily associated with beauty, representing personal taste, aesthetics and adorations. It also associated with relationships and love. For example, a person with Venus in Aries are more assertive and confident when it comes to love. The detriment of Venus is Aries and Scorpio, and its fall is in Virgo. For example, people with Venus in Scorpio tend to be obsessive and extremely dominant when it comes to relationships, which can pose issues in romance. People with Venus in Aries tend to move on from relationships very quickly and can have issues when it comes to being faithful in relationships. People with Virgo in Mercury may have issues with overprotection in relationships, and can present as very clingy. Exalt in: Pisces (I love my Pisces Venus!! Evelyn :D i love it too as well not - Jingyi) Detriment in: Aries, Scorpio Fall in: Virgo Home in: Libra, Taurus Represents: Romance, love, beauty and money

Mars Aries is ruled by Mars, the God of War. Mars is the planet of activity, drive, and energy in astrology. It is the survival instinct, and it might be considered man's "leftover" animal nature. Mercury is associated with communication, curiosity and how well someone can adapt to environments. Taurus and Libra are detrimental to Mars and the fall of Mars is in Cancer.

Exalt in: Capricorn Detriment in: Taurus, Libra Fall in: Cancer


Photography: 19 18

Lajeen Bilal Year 11

e n I n u T

Hope everyone is doing well this lockdown, we know it can get really tough but we hope these songs can get you through the week! Enjoy some mellow tunes in this edition’s Fresh Finds, also featuring a song by our artist of the month...Loyle Carner!

Artist of the Month Benjamin Gerard CoyleLarner, professionally known as Loyle Carner is a UK music artist from South London. Originally a supporting act for artists like Joey Bada$$, Carner had dreams of becoming a pro footballer. He began releasing music in 2017 with his debut album Yesterday's Gone after the passing of his father (as told in “Dear Ben” from his second album, Not Waving, But Drowning).

Fresh Finds 1. Famous Prophets (stars) Car Seat Headrest 2. Champagne Shots Sainte 3. Dear Ben Loyle Carner, Jean Coyle-Larner 4. Seventeen Peach Pit 5. Nobel Soldier The Murlocs 6. Nellie Dr Dog 7. Neon Peach Snoh Aalegra ft. Tyler the Creator 8. Mood Ring Lorde 9. Deep Brown Eyes Bedside Kites 10. Love Signs The Jungle Giants 11. Duvet Bôa 12. Take Care Beach House 13. Pain PinkPantheress 14. Eternal Summer The Strokes 15. Peach Broods

Lajeen, Clarissa & Chanuli 18



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