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n my heart l am a republican. I cannot adhere to the world of deference through position, l cannot doff my cap to those born of supposed

high status, nor can l offer respect to any human due to the coincidence of their birth. I

cap and stroke his ego. He was probably totally correct, as God knows what l would have done to their blood line, but that was not the point. Therefore, l regard no one to be superior to me. There are those with much more talent,

will certainly pay due respect to those with

those with much more money, those who give

talent or those who have worked their way

of themselves to worthy causes and certainly

from the bottom to the top, but because of

those with far more success, and l respect

an accident of birth? l think not.

these people hugely for their achievements,

I realised this when l was 22, met a beautiful girl at a Grosvenor House ball and we spent the next three weeks together in a haze of passion and laughter. She then revealed that she actually carried

and isn’t that the point? People should be respected for what they have achieved and what they have done in their lives rather than for the womb from which they entered this world.

the title of Lady and that her father, a very high-profile Lord, who shall remain nameless, demanded to meet me if we were to continue our affair. The following weekend, we duly drove into the Shires and arrived at his ancestral stately pile, where l was whisked into an anteroom by an aide and was briefed on how l should

“It’s also been noted that, compared to republics, monarchies seem to perform better on the stock markets..”

address him. I was taken aback when told that l should only ever refer to

Elizabeth ll, you would have to do it over my

‘My Lord,’ and from there

dead, cold body.

on as Sir. I just couldn’t do it. I

This woman has been the Queen for as long as l have been alive, and by the looks of her

met him and stated it

glowing health, she might still be there when

was a pleasure, with no

l pop my clogs. I don’t respect and admire her

sycophantic additions or

so much for her status as monarch as for what

pre-fixes, and although

she has managed to do for this country over

he seemed to take it on

the past 63 years, seven months and two days

the chin and was quite

(at the time of writing). Duty is a word that she

charming, l was later

lives by, and duty is what she has offered for

told he was not happy

longer than l have been alive, and she has not

and that we had no

wavered in this, not once.

future. He decided his


But if you wanted to harm or depose Queen

him as ‘Your Lordship’ or

But apart from garden fetes, ship launches

daughter had no future

and civic centre openings, what has she really

with me based on the

done to benefit this country? Well, l believe

fact that l would not

she has attracted billions of pounds to the UK,

toe the line, doff my

forged business links where no other could

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