In Double Jeopardy: Adolescent Girls and Disasters

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Coalitions Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) is an international organisation working for women’s rights, gender equality and development. It works to build alliances and influence international institutions to advance women’s issues. AWID provides current and up-to-date information on women’s rights in the news as well as profiling recent research and information on a multitude of topics, themes and countries. The AWID Forum is a global women’s rights and development conference which brings together leaders and activists to inform and broaden understanding of gender equality. Visit:

Adolescent Girls Advocacy and Leadership Initiative (AGALI) is a partnership initiative implemented by the International Health Programs of the Public Health Institute. It intends to strengthen advocacy efforts and leadership capacity to improve the economic circumstances and educational opportunities for adolescent girls and young women in Latin America and Africa. AGALI’s partners have provided direct training and services to over 40,000 adolescent girls and their allies, in addition to engaging 600 grassroots organisations in girl-centred advocacy efforts. See:

NGO Working Group on Girls’ Rights is an international network which aims to promote the human rights of girls at all stages of their youth, advance their inclusion and status as agents of change, as well as assisting girls to reach their full potential. More information can be found at: A Safe World for Women is a woman-led not-for-profit organisation working with grassroots groups to promote the rights of women and children. The organisation aims to provide a platform for global interaction as well as a news outlet documenting the rights and violence of women and children. A Safe World for Women acts as a valuable resource for academics, researchers and the global community. Visit: Haiti Adolescent Girls Network is dedicated to the empowerment, safety, health and wellbeing of girls in Haiti. The network envisions a world where adolescent girls are free of violence, discrimination and ill health, a world where girls feel supported, heard and safe, and have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Their website is currently pending; until then, stay updated here: haitiadolescentgirlsnetwork and


t h e s tat e o f t h e w o r l d ’ s g i r l s S E C T I O N 3

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