Time-Life - Mysteries of the Unknown - The UFO Phenomenon

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and guided-missile expert on active duty at the White Sands

teen minutes later; it did not behave in any way like the

Proving Grounds in New Mexico. McLaughlin wrote that on

unidentified object, he said firmly. Even the severest critic had

April 24, 1 949, he and a group of other engineers had been

to think about this report. And the sighting grew in impor­

preparing to launch a Project Skyhook high-altitude research

tance when it came out that the navy had cleared McLaugh­

balloon. As a preliminary, they had released a small weather

lin's article for publication, even though i t sharply contra­

balloon to establish wind patterns aloft. And when the the­

dicted the findings of Project Grudge.

odolite operator swung his instrument to track the balloon, a strange obj ect had crossed i ts path. McLaughlin reported that the object was elliptical and

The sighting itself was not the only point of debate in the article. McLaughlin was one of the first to note a pattern of UFO incidents around military bases and atomic facilities in

close to I 05 feet in diameter. It was flying a t the extremely

the southwest. He calculated that the planet Mars had been

high altitude of about fifty-six miles, and the engineers cal­

in an excellent position to observe doings on Earth on july 1 6,

culated that it was moving through space at five miles per

1 945, the day the first atomic bomb was exploded in New

secon d - 1 8,000 miles per hour. At the end of its trajectory

Mexico; the flash might have been bright enough to be visible

across the horizon, it soared higher at 9,000 miles per hour

from that planet, and thus have prompted a visit by curious

until it was lost from view. The object, said McLaughlin, was

Martians. Critics responded that more sightings should be

visible for one minute, and all the observers agreed that it was

expected at closely guarded facilities because more people

flat white in color. McLaughlin wrote that he was convinced

there are on watch. True enough, but it could then be said

the object "was a flying saucer, and further that these disks

about the sightings themselves that the quality of the observ­

are spaceships from another plane t . "

ers lent credence to the reports.

T h e White Sands sighting carried weight. Here was an

Still, one thing that had been missing through i t all was

experienced naval officer backed by a crew of engineers and

any reasonable photograph of a UFO. But that changed dra­

a technician with a theodolite. What is more, McLaughlin

matically on May I I , 1 950, when Paul Trent, a farmer in

largely eliminated any possible "balloon" explanation by

McMinnville, Oregon , took two clear photographs of what

stating that they had released a second weather balloon fif-

looked very much like a hovering saucer.

In 1950, Donald E. Keyhoe created a sensation by claiming the government was hiding UFO evidence.

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