PHHS-Options book 2014 2016

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PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF YEAR 9 PUPILS YEAR 10 OPTIONS COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 2014 Dear Parent/Guardian This is a very exciting time as your son/daughter looks to the future and thinks about the subjects he/she will take for the next two years. Since your son/daughter started with us in September, he/she has been following a common curriculum. We are now beginning the important period when all Year 9 students must choose the subjects they wish to study in Year 10 towards the GCSE examinations which will be taken at the end of Year 11. The important decisions made now will have significant consequences for their future careers and working lives, especially in the present economic climate. This booklet has been prepared to help you in making these decisions. Last November you may have attended a Year 9 Form Tutors' Evening when your son's/daughter's progress was discussed. By Friday 7th March 2014 you will receive a school report detailing your son's/daughter's progress during the first half of the school year. A Parents' Evening will be held on Wednesday 12th March 2014 giving you an opportunity to consult your son's/daughter's subject teachers and careers staff, Mrs Biggs and her year team and other senior staff. You will then be asked to complete the Option Form at the back of this booklet and return it to your son’s/daughter's Tutor by Friday 14th March 2014. Your child will be carefully guided by my colleagues. They will need to consider all of their Options carefully and reflect upon all the opportunities available to them. As they do this, they may need to research their individual strengths and weaknesses as well as their personal preferences. At Prince Henry’s not all subjects are optional. All students will study English, Maths, Science, ICT, Personal and Social Education (PSE) and one Modern Foreign Language, as well as Core PE. As we are a Specialist Language College there are plenty of opportunities for pupils to study languages and there is a separate section outlining how these language opportunities can be pursued. It is now recognised nationally that there is a real shortage of young people with language skills and the career opportunities, as well as the social opportunities, for those with language skills are very appealing. It is for this reason we are offering an additional opportunity for students to study an extra language, either German or Spanish. Apart from a language, they will have three other choices. We hope that the choices of students will reflect the advice given by the school, their own personal interests and the needs of their future career if they already know what they want to do. English Baccalaure ate There is an extra factor to be taken into consideration. The government has introduced a new award called the English Baccalaureate. This is not a new examination, but students will be deemed to have achieved the award if, at the end of Year 11, they achieve C grades or above in English, Maths, Double (or Triple) Science, a Foreign Language and History or Geography.


All students at Prince Henry’s study English, Maths, Sciences and a foreign language, but it is not compulsory to study History or Geography, although many of our students do. It is unclear how significant the English Baccalaureate will become. It is already being used by the government as a performance “League Table” measure to judge schools and it is quite possible that in due course, it could become more important in terms of employer recognition, university entrance, etc. Students and their parents should be aware of this. At Prince Henry’s, we have decided not to make History and Geography compulsory subjects. However, we do believe that it is important to bring this matter to your attention, so that you can give due consideration to it. Vocational Curriculum There has been a lot of discussion and media coverage recently about the quality of vocational education in this country. We believe that it is the right thing for some students to follow a curriculum which includes a vocational subject(s). We also believe that the best way of doing this is by offering some adequate BTEC qualifications. In the end there may be some restriction on your son's/daughter's choice. The size of the teaching groups and the number of groups in particular subjects are limited by the staff and accommodation available. If because of these restrictions we are unable to offer a particular course, we will allocate places by random selection. Also a subject can only be timetabled if enough choose to take it. Please understand it may not be possible to give first choices in all cases and reserve subjects are therefore important. Final decisions can only be made when next year's Timetable is completed towards the end of the Summer Term. Who can help? We hope that by the time the process of arranging Year 10 Option Groups is complete your son/daughter will have a combination of subjects which they will enjoy and which will enable them to achieve success. If there is a problem, or if you want to know more, please contact Mrs Biggs, Mrs Workman or Mr Thompson, who will be very willing to help you. GCSE Reform Finally, I must draw your attention to a very important matter. The government has decided that the GCSE examination system is in need of reform and there is a lot of speculation about this currently in the media. We do not believe that there will be radical changes to the subject content that will affect your child during their studies over the next two years. For most courses, the current changes have involved moving from modular based examinations to linear, with examinations at the end of Year 11. We will keep you informed of any important changes that may occur. Thank you for the support that you give to your son/daughter through this very important time.

Dr A Evans Headteacher


THE SIXTH FORM We are very proud of our Sixth Form at Prince Henry’s and believe we offer an excellent experience for all of our students, both academically and with the range of extra-curricular activities we offer. Prince Henry’s Sixth Form and the choices open to you at 15/16 will seem a very long way away at the moment. Whilst this is true, the decisions you are about to take will influence the options which are open to you later in life. The more information you can obtain, the easier it should be to make the right choices now. At 16 you will have various choices open to you: carry on your education either at school or college or to seek employment with training. If you decide to continue your education at school, the Sixth Form currently offers the opportunity to study a wide range of A Levels as well as Level 3 BTEC courses in Media and ICT. Just as you are now deciding which GCSE subjects to take, at 16 you will decide which A Levels to take. It is important to think carefully about what options you take at GCSE because they could have an important bearing on your future A Level choices or even what careers are open to you later. To study some subjects at A Level it is necessary to have gained a grade B at GCSE in that subject or others like computing require you to have gained a good grade in Maths at GCSE. Other subjects can be taken at A Level without having been studied before. These include Business Studies, Computing, Economics, Psychology, Religious Studies and Politics, although they may have other entry requirements instead. Your choices now clearly affect what you can take at A Level, but this is not the end of it. If you have a specific career in mind after leaving school, then you may need to study specific subjects to qualify for that career; eg to qualify as an Engineer you will probably need to have studied Maths and Science. It is particularly important if you are considering highly competitive careers such as medicine or veterinary science that you get good grades in Science especially Chemistry. Many careers can be entered with a wide range of A Levels therefore if you have no firm career plans in mind at this stage, it would be best to choose a range of GCSEs that are going to give you the most options when you have to start thinking about A Levels. Many of the top universities will expect you to have achieved excellent grades at GCSE in a range of GCSEs including the most traditional ‘academic’ subjects so bear this in mind when making your choices. Try to find out what subjects need to be studied. Ask your teachers to help, visit the Careers area in the Library, ask Mrs. Tozer or use the University and College Admissions service web site at To find out what GCSEs and A Levels the Russell Group of Universities prefer go to I wish you luck in your GCSE subjects and look forward to welcoming you into the Sixth Form in 2016.

Mr W McGarvey Head of Sixth Form 3

HOW DO I CHOOSE? READ all the information in this book. CHOOSE which GCSE Modern Language you wish to study. CHOOSE THREE other subjects plus TWO reserves. DECIDE if you want to take an additional language. CHOOSE subjects you are good at. CHOOSE subjects you enjoy. CHOOSE subjects which will be useful for the sort of work you have in mind. DO NOT choose subjects just because your friends choose them. DO NOT choose subjects merely because they are new. REMEMBER that if you would like to be eligible to achieve the English Baccalaureate, you will need to take either History or Geography. DISCUSS your choice with your parents, tutors and teachers. FILL in the Option Form at the back of this booklet carefully and clearly. DETACH it and give it to your Form Teacher by FRIDAY 14th MARCH 2014. You can keep a copy of your Option Choices in the grid below. LANGUAGE OPTION OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3

Reserve 1 Reserve 2 If you would like to take another Language as an Additional Subject please indicate your choice of GERMAN or SPANISH in the box below. ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE CHOICE 4

INDEX OF COURSES English Mathematics Science Information and Communications Technology PSE Physical Education


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Modern Languages : Guide to Language Options French GCSE German GCSE Italian GCSE Spanish GCSE


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12 13 14 15 16

Art and Design GCSE OPTION Business Studies GCSE OPTION Computing GCSE OPTION Construction BTEC OPTION Drama GCSE OPTION Food Technology GCSE OPTION Geography GCSE OPTION Graphic Products GCSE OPTION Health and Social Care GCSE OPTION History GCSE OPTION Information & Creative Technology BTEC OPTION iMedia OCR OPTION Music GCSE OPTION Physical Education GCSE OPTION Physical Education BTEC OPTION Religious Education with Philosophy and Ethics GCSE OPTION Resistant Materials GCSE OPTION Textiles GCSE OPTION

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This must be completed and signed by both student and parent/guardian, detached and returned to the form tutor by Friday 14th March 2014.





In 2016, students will be entered for AQA’s Key Stage 4/GCSE examinations. Most students will gain two separate GCSE qualifications: one in English Language and one in English Literature. There may be a very small number of students who take one GCSE qualification in English only.


During this integrated course, students will study a diverse range of poetry, prose and drama from our Literary Heritage and different cultures. Controlled Assessments will offer opportunities for students to study Shakespeare as well as producing a spoken language investigation, an extended text study and creative writing. Students will also take part in Speaking and Listening assessments.


A variety of teaching and learning styles will be used. For written work, students will be expected to prepare carefully for their Controlled Assessments, thus developing their independent learning skills. At the same time, they will be given opportunities to practise the more formal skills required in an examination. They will be encouraged to involve themselves in group or paired discussions so that the learning process is an active rather than a passive one. Where appropriate, students will use computers.


In both GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature Controlled Assessments and final examinations form the basis of assessment.

GCSE English Language 60% Controlled Assessment and 40% final examination.

GCSE English Literature

25% Controlled Assessment and 75% final examinations.


Mrs N Barker





Mathematics is studied by all pupils in Years 10 and 11. Pupils will follow the Edexcel Linear GCSE course with examinations only in June of Year 11. During Year 10 more able pupils will study GCSE Statistics alongside their Mathematics and will sit Statistics GCSE at the end of Year 10.


The Mathematics National Curriculum forms the basis of all GCSE Mathematics syllabuses. Pupils will reinforce and extend their earlier work in numeracy and algebra, shape and space (geometry) and data handling (statistics and probability). Pupils’ ability to apply mathematics to substantial problems is developed by working on a variety of extended tasks.


Pupils will encounter a variety of learning styles and may expect to experience teacher exposition, rote learning, topic work, investigational work, exploratory and practical work, class discussion and group work. Calculators will be used throughout the course, a scientific model is needed by most pupils. Pupils must supply their own calculator. Pupils are placed in ability sets. Sets will be reviewed regularly and pupils whose progress and achievement indicate that a different set would be more appropriate may be moved. It is very important that pupils are able to accept a degree of responsibility for their own learning.


GCSE Statistics requires one controlled assessment task which contributes 25% of the final mark. Most pupils will sit two papers at the end of Year 11. To allow as many pupils as possible to demonstrate positive achievement there are two tiers of entry. As pupils progress through the course the most appropriate tier of entry for each student will emerge, the final decision being taken late in Year 11.





EXAM BOARD AQA/EDEXCEL The most appropriate course will be chosen for students based on their performance in Year 9. COURSES OFFERED Triple Science leading to 3 GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Double Award leading to 2 GCSEs in Core Science and Additional Science. BTEC leading to a Level 1 Award or Certificate in Applied Science. GCSE CONTENT Students will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics as well as How Science Works. They are expected to come to lessons with an enquiring mind and a willingness to work hard. As well as learning facts students will develop their practical skills and problem solving. They will also study scientific principles and ideas as well as the way Science affects society. Triple Science (AQA) This will be studied by students in all top sets. At the end of Year 11 students will be awarded with three GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Double Award (AQA – Science A & Additional Science) Students will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics and will achieve two GCSE certificates: one in Core Science, completed in Year 10 and one in Additional Science, completed in Year 11. GCSE ASSESSMENT / INVESTIGATIVE SKILLS ASSESSMENT (ISA) These investigations will be carried out throughout the two years where appropriate. They are completed in normal lesson time in examination conditions. The students are expected to plan investigations, carry out practicals, produce results tables, draw graphs and complete exam papers based on the investigation. Several may be completed during the two years and the best marks submitted. The ISA is worth 25% of the GCSE. Triple Science Three ISAs will be submitted at the end of Year 11. Triple Science students will sit all exams at the end of Year 11. Double Award One ISA will be submitted in Year 10 (Core). One ISA will be submitted in Year 11 (Additional). Students completing two Science GCSEs will sit Core Science exams at the end of Year 10 and Additional Science exams at the end of Year 11. BTEC CONTENT 100% portfolio work (EDEXCEL). Pupils will work towards an extended certificate. Students will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics throughout the year. Work will involve practical activities in lessons, classroom based theory work and aims to improve understanding of Science and Science in the workplace. BTEC ASSESSMENT Work to be assessed through written assignments, posters, presentations or practical tasks. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Mrs C Fisher 8


Students who choose to study ICT as a full option subject will use their weekly ‘core’ lesson to continue with current tasks. All other students will study a discrete ICT course (one hour per week) which is designed to develop ICT skills and support learning in other subjects. (Please note: Pupils who choose to study an additional language will not study ICT as a core subject). Core

BCS Level 2 ECDL Certificate in IT Application Skills


Students will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills in Information and Communication Technology using the latest Industry Standard software available on the school network. BCS Level 2 ECDL Certificate in IT Application Skills Pupils will be studying 2 units towards this qualification which can then be completed in the future, either in employment or further study. Two units of work are studied: Word Processing Develops the learner’s ability to create word-processed documents: entering text, editing and formatting work, using graphs, tables and pictures for a professional finish, and effectively using tools such as the spell-checker and mail-merge. Assessed through an externally set online examination. Presentation Software Shows the learner how to produce high quality presentations using a variety of tools including charts, graphs and drawn objects.. Assessed through an externally set online examination. Two additional units of work are required to achieve the full qualification: Spreadsheet Software and Improving Productivity using IT.


Pupils will have a variety of practical lessons.


Both units are assessed through an online examination. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Miss H Berry



This course is taken by all students in Years 10 and 11. Its aim is to encourage students to think about aspects of their own lives and to consider the needs of those within society. Whilst the course is delivered during 1 hour sessions which take place fortnightly, students will also be given the opportunity to discuss social issues during tutor periods; assemblies which are run by members of the Senior Leadership team and which take place on a weekly basis may also encourage students to consider issues affecting both themselves and others.


Key Stage 4 units cover:-

Sex and Relationships Education: In this module, pupils will have the opportunity to study and discuss issues relating to relationships and sex, including sexually transmitted infections, contraception, the risks people take relating to sex, sexual orientation and issues regarding domestic abuse.

Careers Education and Guidance: The programme of study is a practical

introduction to work. Students will consider issues relating to job applications and CVs, the interview process and career choices. They will also think about issues relating to both independent living and the labour market.

Citizenship: In these lessons students will be encouraged to reflect on such social issues as wealth inequality, human responsibility, and crime.

Drugs Awareness: In this module, students will consider the health and social issues relating to drug taking. The programme is designed to promote both an awareness of the effects of drugs upon themselves and others and an understanding of the pressures which may lead to drug taking.

Religious Education: This programme of study is philosophical in nature and encourages students to reflect on what it means to be human; they consider issues which raise ethical questions and the philosophy of suffering.

Emotional Health and Wellbeing: In this module, students reflect on the

link between emotions and behaviour; they consider how we manage our emotions with our behaviour, what can happen when we fail to respond to emotions in a healthy way, and how we can manage them more effectively.


As the topics studied in PSE are so varied, we use a variety of methods in our teaching. A large proportion of the time is spent discussing the material, whilst active learning is achieved though group work and card sort exercises. Educational DVDs are also employed. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Miss S Thomas 10




Students have four one hour lessons over two weeks and are taught in mixed ability groups. They will have a structured programme in Year 10 and have a part structured and part optional programme in Year 11.


All students follow a programme which consists of a variety of activities. The National Curriculum requires them to participate in a range of activities and specialise in different roles, ie. Coach. Currently our programme consists of: Rugby Hockey Football

Basketball Rounders Cricket

Tennis Leadership Netball

Athletics Badminton

Other activities over Key Stage 4 will include: Badminton Trampolining Volleyball Ultimate Frisbee

Rounders Leadership Module Pop Lacrosse Tag Rugby

In addition to this, all students will follow a compulsory Health and Fitness unit, in line with National Curriculum requirements during Key Stage 4.


Whichever activities they choose, students will be improving their performance and increasing their knowledge and understanding of them through a variety of teaching styles and learning environments. Throughout the course students will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own and others’ learning and through this develop their confidence and leadership. Students will be encouraged to play different roles within each activity such as coach, official, manager, captain.


Key Stage 4 Physical Education is essentially a practically based course, however each student will be expected to be assessed in all practical areas and focus on improving their own personal fitness throughout Year 10 and 11.


Students can opt for GCSE or BTEC Physical Education in addition to the Core Physical Education Course and they will be advised on which course to pursue. ACTING HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Mr J Bridgens


MODERN LANGUAGES There has never been a more important time to learn languages and the career opportunities for good linguists are becoming more and more attractive. Even if students are not considering continuing with languages into Further or Higher Education, it will be increasingly important for them as professional people to have skills in more than one language. 1.

Students studying ONE Language only

All students must study at least one language. We assume that in most cases this will be French, but German or Spanish (for those who have followed courses in these subjects in Year 9) may be acceptable as a single language option in some cases. Students considering this must discuss this with their language teachers.


Students studying TWO Languages to GCSE

As we have already stated, students with skills in more than one language will be in increasing demand with potential employers, so to maximise your option choices there are two ways in which students can take two languages. a)

Students should choose French as their language option and select either German or Spanish in the Additional Language option. OR


Students should choose French as their language option and either German, Spanish or Italian in one of the option blocks.


Students studying THREE Languages to GCSE

Students select French as their language option. They must then choose either German, Spanish or Italian in the option blocks and choose one of the additional language options.





This is a very useful subject to learn which you can use on holiday, in your free time or at work. By learning French you can improve your communication skills and your chances of getting a job. French is spoken as a first language in over 28 countries. This is not including the whole Francophone world across the continents.


French is split into three simple sections: In lessons: Intensive practice in all 4 skills (Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing) Topic based work (Lifestyle, leisure, work and education etc.) Team games. Group activities and discussions. Homework: Reading tasks. Preparing for speaking and writing assessments. Revision. Personal research. Extra-curricular: Exchange visit to France. French games on the internet. French magazines and books in the library.


French is taught in different ways such as listening to interviews and watching programmes about France, reading articles from the internet or magazines, speaking with the assistant and preparing for the writing and speaking controlled assessments.


The final examination will be a GCSE qualification. The writing and speaking elements will each take the form of two controlled assessments. The following weightings make up your final grade. LISTENING READING

20% 20%




30% 30%



Exam Board AQA

German is also offered as an Additional Language

GENERAL INFORMATION Fact! 90% of businesses said that finding German speakers was their most pressing need. Fact! German is central to Western Europe as the language of Germany, Austria and most of Switzerland, as well as areas of Northern Italy and Eastern France. Fact! More Europeans (93 million) speak German than French, Italian or even English (all 58 million). Fact! German is the second most common European language used on the internet (after English).

CONTENT You will cover a wide variety of topics using videos, games and music. Other topics such as travelling and working aboard are covered for practical use. Opportunities will be given to develop an understanding and appreciation of the culture; you work closely with the German language assistant. There will be the possibility to take part in the German Exchange.


The language will be taught in lots of different ways, such as listening to interviews, reading articles from the internet or magazines, speaking with the assistant and preparing for the writing and speaking controlled assessments.


The final examination will be a GCSE qualification. The writing and speaking elements will each take the form of two controlled assessments. The following weightings make up your final grade. LISTENING READING

20% 20%




30% 30%



Exam Board AQA

GENERAL INFORMATION Italian is one of the most beautiful European languages, not to mention the language of modern culture; football, fashion and cars. It is a phonetic language and so therefore relatively easy to learn; even easier if you already have some knowledge of French or Spanish. Italy is a wealthy nation and there are lots of Italian businesses in the UK. As Italian speakers are few and far between, anybody with a knowledge of the language will be highly sought after.


Italian is split into three simple sections. In lessons: Intensive practice in all 4 skills (Listening, Speaking and Writing). Topic based work (school, holidays, healthy living etc.). Team games. Group activities and discussions. Homework: Reading tasks. Preparing for speaking and writing assessments. Revision. Extra Curricular: Italian games on the internet. Italian teen magazines in the library.


Italian will be taught in lots of different ways such as listening to interviews, reading articles from internet or magazines and preparing for the writing and speaking assessments.


The final examination will be a GCSE qualification. The writing and speaking elements will each take the form of two controlled assessments. The following weightings make up your final grade. LISTENING READING

20% 20%



30% 30%



Exam Board AQA

Spanish is also offered as an Additional Language

GENERAL INFORMATION Spanish is one of the easiest foreign languages to learn. Written Spanish is almost completely phonetic; look at almost any Spanish word and you can tell how it is pronounced. Being able to speak a foreign language is a significant asset for job seekers, as more and more companies trade internationally. It can also play a major role in your own personal development; the Spanish passion for living is contagious and once you start to learn about their language and culture, you won’t ever want to stop! Over 400 million people worldwide speak Spanish; why not you?!


Spanish is split into three simple sections: In lessons: Intensive practice in all 4 skills (Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing). Topic-based work (school, holidays, healthy living, etc.). Team games. Group activities and discussions. Homework: Reading tasks. Preparing for writing and speaking controlled assessments. Team games. Personal research. Extra-Curricular: Exchange visit to Spain. Spanish games on the internet. Spanish teen magazines in the library.


The language will be taught in lots of different ways, such as listening to interviews, reading articles from the internet or magazines, speaking with the assistant and preparing for the writing and speaking controlled assessments.


The final examination will be a GCSE qualification. The writing and speaking elements will each take the form of two controlled assessments. The following weightings make up your final grade. LISTENING READING

20% 20%



30% 30%




GCSE Art will appeal to students who are creative, imaginative and interested in visually exploring the world around them. The course will help students develop skills that are readily transferable and desirable for other subjects and/or careers. Students will develop their abilities to work independently, research thoroughly, analyse, evaluate, adapt and modify ideas through creative problem solving and lateral thinking. Students interested in a career within the creative industries will find this subject highly valuable.


Students submit one portfolio of coursework and complete an Externally Set Assignment. For each unit students collect visual research, make observational studies, analyse the work of artist, develop their own ideas and use of materials before producing a final piece of work.


In Year 10 students are introduced to different project starting points. They are taught how to use a variety of materials and are taken through the processes required to develop an effective project. As the year progresses students are given more freedom and responsibility for carrying out their own research and investigations and controlling the direction of their work. In Year 11 students are encouraged to work more independently and greater importance is placed on personal judgement and experiences. In the Externally Set Assignment students demonstrate their knowledge of the assessment criteria and their understanding of how to construct a project.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION COURSEWORK Students complete a series of coursework projects which

form the coursework submission. Students work throughout Year 10 and until February in Year 11 on coursework projects both in lessons and for homework. EXTERNALLY SET ASSIGNMENT Students work on a project that responds to a theme set by Edexcel from February in Year 11. In the Externally Set Assignment students explore a theme and produce a sketchbook of ideas before sitting a practical exam just after Easter. Coursework and exam units are assessed internally and then examined by a visiting moderator.






The specification followed is the Edexcel 2BS01 This course introduces you to the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to be enterprising in business. It considers the practicalities of making a business idea happen and looks at how and why some businesses grow. The skills acquired are applicable to a wide range of occupations and professions and the grades available are A* to G. Investigation of real life businesses and application of ICT in a business environment are central to the course.


There are THREE units:Unit 1 : Introduction To Small Business (25% of total marks) Spotting a business opportunity. Putting business ideas into practice. Understanding how the state of the economy affects business. Unit 2 : Investigating Small Business (25% of total marks) Researching and analysing how a real business works. Unit 3 : Building A Business (50% of total marks) Marketing, financial management, people management and the impact of the wider world on business.


The delivery of the course will involve a variety of approaches. Current business practice will be investigated through visits and case studies. There is an opportunity to attend a specific revision conference in the spring of the second year. One unit of the course requires independent research into how a real business works. Pupils will gather information for themselves, using their own ideas and initiative.


A controlled assessment will take place in the Autumn Term of Year 11 in normal lessons. This accounts for 25% of the total marks. There will be two external examinations in the summer of Year 11.






GCSE Computing has been designed to introduce pupils to computation and problem solving using computers. The course will develop pupils’ understanding of current and emerging technologies and how they work as well as the use of algorithms in computer programs and solving problems using programming. This course would appeal to pupils who enjoy Mathematics and Physics and is a good introduction to the field of Computer Science.


Three units of work are studied on the GCSE Computing course, these are detailed below: A451 Computer Systems & Programming A 1½ hour written paper which will test pupils understanding of the main concepts of Computer Science including: The fundamentals of computer systems. Computing hardware. Data representation. Databases. Communication and Networking. Programming theory. A452 Practical Investigation An examination board set controlled assessment in which pupils will look in depth at an aspect of Computing that goes beyond the subject matter covered in A451. Examples of previous projects include: Research into computer architecture and program sets. Using assembly language to perform mathematical calculations. Using JavaScript to validate web forms. A453 Programming Project An examination board set controlled assessment in which pupils will complete the following tasks: Algorithm design. Developing a coded solution. System testing.


Pupils who choose to study the GCSE Computing course will have a variety of theory and practical programming lessons.


1½ hour written examination taken at the end of Year 11. 20 hour controlled assessment. 20 hour controlled assessment





Architects to surveyors, from bricklayers to carpenters: anyone who is interested in the built environment should select this course. There are over 2 million jobs directly connected to the Construction Industry and this course will give you a head start into this dynamic and important industry. If you like the practical side of learning, then this course is for you and it will give you a strong foundation in the skills and knowledge of how the modern construction industry works. The course will be taught by staff with direct experience of working in the construction industry.


There are four units one of which is externally assessed by an examination; you will also produce a significant portfolio of work providing evidence as you go of all the new skills you have learnt. These will include both practical modules such as Carpentry and Joinery and also theory based modules which give you a working understanding of how a building site operates, how buildings go from an architect’s  drawing board to a fully finished building and all the parts in between. We will investigate how buildings are constructed, and how modern techniques and materials make designing more sustainable and eco-friendly buildings possible. We will look into how a building site works and how many trades and professions are involved with a typical project. This is an interesting and demanding subject requiring your enthusiasm for learning and your commitment to learning new skills.


In both years we will cover key areas which look into some of the fundamentals in the construction industry. We will teach you some of the real skills that are needed on building sites all over the world, and produce carpentry work of a professional standard which is suitable for the building site. We will learn how a modern building site works and how Health and Safety is the most important part of working in what could be a very dangerous situation. We will investigate some of the roles within the industry, and see how a building develops and how many different skills are required to get the work done on time and to budget. We will research sustainable construction techniques and look at the impact this multi-billion pound industry has on the environment.


BTEC First Award 75% coursework internally verified by the school and then externally moderated by Edexcel. 25% External Assessment. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Mr N Dowling 20

DRAMA Exam Board AQA



This course aims to increase your interest in and understanding of drama and the theatre, to develop your own performance, and imaginative and communicative skills. This course also aims to help build confidence in group situations. The specification you will follow is AQA Drama 4242.


During this course you will have the opportunity to develop your own acting and directing skills, to study modern plays and to discuss and write about your own experiences. You will also be expected to see live theatre when possible. For your final grade you will be assessed on: Unit 1 A written paper 40% of the final grade. Unit 2 Practical work 60% of the final grade.


The course consists mainly of active learning: working in groups; role play; improvisation; self and group evaluation; problem solving as part of a team. Written work will also be required in the form of note-taking, and essays in preparation for the written paper.


There are 4 practical assessed modules throughout the GCSE course. These take place in the spring and summer of Year 10, and autumn and spring of Year 11. From these 4 modules the best 2 marks are taken to form the 60% of the final GCSE grade. The written examination is taken in May of Year 11 and is worth 40% of the final GCSE grade.






Food Technology is a practical subject area which requires the application of knowledge and understanding when developing ideas, planning, producing products and evaluating them.


The syllabus is very broad and detailed but these are a few of the areas you may be interested in: Designing products to meet different dietary needs. Analysing and evaluating existing products. Health and safety issues linked to practical situations. Investigating and selecting appropriate ingredients. Selecting and using tools and equipment to produce quality products. Evaluating your work against specific criteria. Working accurately and efficiently in terms of time. Checking the quality of your work at key points and suggesting ways to improve it.


Practical work – each week there will be a practical lesson for you to develop your skills and learn how to adapt and modify recipes. Some weeks we will give you a recipe and others you can make your own choice. Other teaching and learning methods will include sensory analysis, analysing existing products, practical experiments, industrial applications, DVDs and textbooks.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION 60% coursework : to be completed in Year 10 and Year 11 40% examination : to be taken in Year 11 HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Mrs D Cox





Geography is about the world today; its people, places and problems, but also the opportunities to develop a sustainable future. The GCSE course studies the geographical aspects of the important environmental, economic and social issues which are relevant to your generation and your changing world


Six themes are covered during the two year course: PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY The Restless Earth The structure of the earth and the reasons for the formation of tectonic landforms, as well as the causes, effects and responses to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and supervolcanoes. Water on the Land Processes that operate in a river and the landforms created. Causes and effects of flooding events and managing rivers sustainably. The increasing demand for water and strategies to deal with this demand. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Changing Urban Environments Processes of urbanisation and the social, economic and environmental challenges it brings to both rich and poor countries e.g. squatter settlements, traffic, segregation and waste. Population Population distribution and patterns such as growth and decline. The challenges of overpopulation and ageing populations. Causes and impacts of migration. Plus a human topic from: Changing Rural Environments, Tourism, the Development Gap or Globalisation. Finally a physical topic from: The Coastal Zone, The Living World, Ice on the Land or the Challenge of Weather and Climate.


The main approach is to use selected examples from the real world to illustrate basic geographical principles, patterns and relationships. This is achieved through the use of a wide range of text books, work sheets, television programmes, fieldwork and Information Technology. Students will develop their research skills, learn how to present data effectively, analyse data and evaluate their own work as well as developing map and graphical skills.


The controlled assessment worth 25% will comprise of a Fieldwork investigation. Two 1½ hour examinations will be taken in June 2016 and are worth 75% of the total mark. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Miss J Coxon 23



Exam Board EDEXCEL

GENERAL INFORMATION GCSE Graphic Products will appeal to any student who has an interest in the following subjects: Computer Games, I-pod Touch, Mobile Phones, Architecture, Magazines and Books, Webpage design, Interior or landscape design, Comics and Graphical novels, Packaging Design, Board games, Animation, Car Design - the list goes on and on. We work using both computers and traditional methods to teach you how to design and manufacture your own modern products. This is a GCSE using your own ideas, so creativity and enthusiasm are the most important skills you need. This is a course about design and designing, learning how products are made in the real world and producing work that will amaze you. We will teach you how the really cool things, like how the latest Skullcandy’s or the Wii, get from the drawing board to you, and end up being recycled. CONTENT Students produce a portfolio of work showcasing both design and practical skills. This can be anything from Computer Generated houses to designing the launch of a new fragrance to packaging for a new computer game. This course is about your ideas, backed up with a mixture of modern and traditional skills that will allow you to surprise yourself with the high standard of work you can produce. We will teach you how to draw and sketch and how to use complex computer software to present your work professionally and to the highest of standards. We explore how modern products are produced in a global market and how sustainability is now the cornerstone of all design and manufacturing. LEARNING STYLES In Year 10 we delve into the world of design and introduce the student to different tools and skills to help improve the level of design and creativity. We have a number of mini-projects and design problems which prepare you for the major GCSE project in Year 11. You are given the freedom to produce highly creative designs from your own research and learn to model those ideas into a practical and exciting final prototype. In Year 11 you will produce a major project which you get to pick from a large selection of projects set by the exam board. This is worth 60% of your total grade and it is therefore very important that you can work independently. Your project will include a 2D and 3D element designed and modelled by you, using computers and hand tools, CAD/CAM or other equipment in the department, to make your design ideas as professional as possible. ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION 60% coursework in the summer of Year 10 and the Autumn and Spring Term of Year 11 requiring a high level of commitment and 40% examination. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Mr N Dowling 24


Choosing to study GCSE Health and Social Care is a great decision for lots of reasons. It is an area of work which gives many varied opportunities for you to make a difference to people’s lives in a positive way. At the same time you are gaining skills that you can transfer to other professions later. The opportunities are endless. It is an ideal subject if you are thinking of working in the caring profession, for example, teaching or nursing.


The syllabus is very broad and detailed. The first area you will focus on is ‘Understanding Personal Development and Relationships’ where you will learn about physical, intellectual, social and emotional development across all life stages. The second area is ‘Health, Social Care and Early Years Provision’ where you will look at the individual needs of a focussed client group and how these are met.


Teaching and learning will involve: Individual work. Group work. Research tasks. Design activities. Observation of client groups.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION 60% coursework. 40% External examination.






History GCSE is an extremely popular course. It is the essential option for anyone interested in current affairs, politics, and the past. Our aim is to make the course meaningful, enjoyable and relevant to you. As well as being a very interesting subject, History will give you vital skills that will help you with other subjects as well as future careers. We will teach you to analyse opinions and situations, communicate effectively, and help you to understand why the world is as it is today. History is a challenging and highly respected GCSE, and is often the starting point for careers in journalism, law, business, finance, tourism and a multitude more.


Our course is the Edexcel Modern World History Course. The course will cover four main areas: International Relations : The Era of the Cold War 1943 to 1991 In this key area we examine how the Cold War began and developed. We study the effect of the Cold War upon Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia and how it all came to an end by the late 1980s. Modern World Depth Study : Germany 1918-39 This topic area covers the development of the Weimar Republic from 1918 until 1933 and includes key events such as the Munich Putsch. We will also examine the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany and its eventual consolidation of power. Modern World Source Enquiry : War and Transformation of British Society 1903-1928 This section of the course closely examines the role and actions of the British Army while fighting on the Western Front. It also covers the effects upon the British Home Front during the First World War. Other aspects of British History covered include the Suffragettes and the General Strike. Representations of History : USA 1919-41 (Controlled Assessments) There will also be a piece of extended writing for students to complete.


Our aim is to make our teaching as varied and interesting as possible so that the subject comes alive. As well as using group work, projects, games, videos and software programmes, we also believe in making our teaching active. Discussion and debates are essential features of GCSE History and these are encouraged in a wide variety of ways throughout the course.


Your final grade depends on how well you do in two kinds of assessments, controlled assessments and examinations. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Mr B Freeman 26




Pupils who choose to follow Option ICT will study the BTEC First Award in Information & Creative Technology. As well as using their option lessons to complete the course, pupils who choose to study ICT Option will also use their core lessons to continue with their option work. This course is equivalent to GCSE and pupils are able to achieve the full range of grades from A* to F. There are many benefits to choosing to study ICT as an option not least that employers value employees with ICT skills. Pupils also develop their ability to work autonomously and effectively which will inevitably support their learning in other subjects. This is a relevant and exciting course which covers a wide range of ICT applications and some of the more technical aspects of Computing in a practical manner. The vocational nature of the BTEC course allows pupils to achieve the practical skills that they need when they progress into employment or higher education.


Pupils will have the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding in specialist areas of Information and Creative Technology and Computer Science. The course provides pupils with experience in working in the creative, technological and business areas of ICT. The units covered during the course are: Technology Systems Technology systems are involved in many of the objects we use every day, from a laptop computer and routers relaying internet traffic, to logging in to a social networking site. This unit provides a first look at how the main building blocks of technology systems work and is assessed through an online test. The following units are assessed through coursework portfolios completed during Year 10 and Year 11: Website Development In this unit, you will investigate the features and uses of websites by exploring what they are and how their integrated components and applications interact with each other. You will also learn how to design, develop and test a website for a brief. (This unit also includes work on mobile app development). Web App Development In this unit you will understand the many uses for Web Apps and the tools and techniques that are available and become skilled at using them. You will be able to apply some of your findings to your own Web App solutions. A Digital Portfolio This unit is your chance to show off! A digital portfolio is an exciting onscreen way to showcase your achievements to potential employers or when applying for a course.


The emphasis will be on “hands on” computer experience with relevant software and digital equipment. Pupils are expected to meet strict deadlines and will therefore need to be well organised and committed.


Unit 1, Technology Systems is assessed through a 1 hour online test at the end of Year 10. All other units are assessed through a coursework portfolio. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Miss H Berry 27



Cambridge National Certificate


Pupils who choose to study iMedia will follow the OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in iMedia which is equivalent to a GCSE. iMedia has been developed to enable pupils to study the principles, knowledge and skills of the Media industry. The qualification has broad appeal and would appeal to any student who has an interest in the media industry and will enable pupils to continue on to further study or gain employment.


Four units of work are studied during Year 10 and Year 11: Pre-Production Skills Completed during Year 10. This unit is assessed through a written examination at the end of Year 10. Pupils will learn the processes which need to take place before production can take place. Creating a Digital Video Sequence Completed during Year 10. Working independently and in small groups, pupils will create a short film to demonstrate their skills. Creating Digital Graphics Completed during Year 11. Assessed through a coursework portfolio, pupils will create a selection of digital graphics aimed at a professional audience. Digital Photography Completed during Year 11. Pupils work independently and in small groups to practise photographic techniques using DSLR equipment. They complete a short project into the history of photography and photographic equipment before planning and carrying out their own photo shoots. This unit is assessed through a coursework portfolio.


The emphasis is ‘hands on’. Pupils are expected to get involved in practical work and will be expected to meet strict deadlines.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION Cambridge National Certificate in iMedia

Three units of work are assessed through a coursework portfolio, the Pre-Production Skills unit is assessed through a written examination at the end of Year 10. HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Miss H Berry


MUSIC Exam Board OCR



Why study Music? Music is all around us. It influences our moods and emotions and stimulates and excites us in many ways. Following the GCSE Music course will develop your understanding of how music is created through various Areas of Study. These provide focus and detail of specific areas of music. In the course you will learn how to compose and develop skills in performing and appraising music. GCSE Music is an interesting course in its own right or may lead to further study at A Level and beyond.


You will study: Spotlight on my Instrument: My Music: Area of Study 1 allows you to study your instrument, perform on your instrument and compose a piece for your instrument. You will learn about the piece you choose to perform and find out how to use your instrument to its best effect. Shared Music (Musical relationships and roles): How musicians work together to make music. You will learn about the different roles and relationships that exist. Examples will be from a wide range of different times and cultures. Dance Music: Candidates will explore the various forms and styles of social dance music, exploring how sounds are organised and produced for various dance styles. Descriptive Music: In this area students listen to pieces that depict a mood or scene, and learn how composers convey emotions, events and places in their music. Students also find out how composers devise their music to support the action and story of a film.


You will learn the following skills which are inter-related and will be assessed: Composing. Performing. Listening and Appraising.


Unit 1: Integrated tasks Students record one solo performance and one composition for their own instrument. Students complete the work that they submit for Units 1 and 2 in school. This is termed ‘Controlled Assessment’ and worth 30% of total marks: 15% for performance, 10% for composition and 5% for a commentary. Unit 2: Practical portfolio Students record one performance that shows an understanding of how parts work together. Students will also produce one composition based on a task that they select; a piece of dance music, an Ensemble piece, or a piece of descriptive work; 30% of total marks, 15% for group performance, 10% composition and 5% on log and evaluation. Unit 3: Creative Task Students create a short composition based on an idea, called a stimulus, which will be set by OCR. You will have 45 minutes to compose and present your piece; 15% of total marks. Unit 4: Listening Test Students will sit a ‘Listening’ test. The exam will last for about an hour. The questions will be based on Areas of Study 2, 3, and 4 and is worth 25% of total marks.




Exam Board AQA Students who opt for Physical Education will be advised on whether to pursue the GCSE or BTEC option.

GENERAL INFORMATION Students are taught in mixed ability option groups. The courses involve both theory and practical elements. Students should have a keen interest in sport and be participating in sport regularly.


The syllabus followed is the AQA Physical Education syllabus. Theory content : 40% 1½ hour examination at the end of Year 11. Range and content taught: Roles of active participant Body type Performance demands Injury Skeleton System

Muscular System Cardiovascular System Respiratory/Energy Healthy lifestyles Training methods

You will be taught using a range of teaching methods, including interactive and practical lessons. Practical content : 60% Students will be assessed in their practical performance in FOUR ACTIVITIES chosen from at least TWO of the following activity areas: Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Athletics, Swimming, Outdoor and Adventurous Activities and Fitness and Health (see your PE teacher for a list of specific activities). This could include coaching and officiating roles as well as their practical performance.


COURSEWORK Practical Performance : 60% Practical performance in four activities. Assessment on: Technical and effective performance Analysis of performance Knowledge and understanding of each activity Performing different roles; coach, official Written analysis of one chosen sport. Controlled assessment of activities in Year 11. GCSE EXAMINATION Written examination : 1½ hours = 40% ACTING HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Mr J Bridgens 30



Exam Board Edexcel Students who opt for Physical Education will be advised on whether to pursue the BTEC or GCSE option.


Pupils will work towards a BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Sport. Please note that this course involves both practical and theory lessons. Units studied include: Fitness for sport and exercise. Practical sports performance. Leading sports activities. Training for personal fitness. What to expect: Classroom based theory work. Practical activity in a range of team and individual sports. To improve understanding of sport, the sports industry and how to use this knowledge in the workplace. The course is for you if You are considering a career in the sports/coaching industry. You prefer completing coursework but can complete an exam worth 25%. You are committed to continually improving the standard of your work.

BTEC ASSESSMENT COURSEWORK Work to be assessed through written assignments, posters, presentations or practical tasks in three units.


75% coursework, internally assessed and externally verified. External Assessment: There is a formal one hour online test on Fitness and Health for Sport and Exercise worth 25% of the total mark


RELIGIOUS STUDIES with Philosophy and Ethics


Exam Board OCR GENERAL INFORMATION One of the key things employers need today are employees who are creative and intelligent thinkers; this GCSE will encourage pupils to think critically, to listen to others’ ideas and evaluate them. The decision making skills developed in Religious Studies are essential life tools and can be applied to numerous other subject areas. Discussions will form an important part of our lessons, as pupils learn how to construct well supported arguments. The issues under discussion are very relevant to a modern world, e.g. euthanasia, cloning and war. The course would be equally beneficial to religious and non-religious students – we always have plenty of atheists in our GCSE and A Level groups as well as those with faith. If you enjoy discussing philosophical and moral issues and want to develop your own views as well as consider the opinions of others then this subject is for you! Philosophy and Ethics – a GCSE for Life!

CONTENT This syllabus explores the following areas and is looked at from a religious and non-religious perspective: Nature of God: Arguments for the existence of God as well as the response of atheists. Medical Ethics: Abortion, Euthanasia, Genetic Engineering and Cloning, Animal Rights, Suicide. Human Relationships: Marriage, Divorce, Sexuality. Science and Religion: Has Science killed God? Origin of Life and the Universe – religious and scientific views. The Problem of Evil: Is it possible to believe in a good God with all the suffering in the world? Religion and Equality: Racism, gender equality, equality between religions, forgiveness and reconciliation. Life after Death: What happens when we die? Is there any evidence for life after death? Funeral rites. War, Religion and Justice: How should religion respond to conflicts in the world; can war ever be morally justified? How should we deal with those that break the law? Should capital punishment be reintroduced?

LEARNING STYLES It promotes independent thought and the ability to construct reasoned arguments. It develops problem-solving skills and encourages team work. It encourages students to consider and value the views held by others. It helps students to formulate their own ideas and beliefs and increases students’ awareness of the world and their place in it. It promotes an understanding of modern social issues and looks at ways of dealing with them as well as inspiring understanding and promoting self confidence. Assessment will be through exams at the end of the course.




Exam Board EDEXCEL GENERAL INFORMATION GCSE Resistant Materials will appeal to any student who has an interest in the following: Architecture, Engineering of all types, Product Design, Interior Design, Furniture Design, Construction, Automotive Design, Surveying, Car Mechanics - the list goes on and on. We work using both computers and traditional methods to teach you how to design and manufacture your own modern product. This is a GCSE using your own ideas so creativity and enthusiasm are the most important skills you need. This is a course about making and designing, experimenting with different materials and learning how they are used to suit different situations in the real world. We will give you real life skills that you can use forever. Without knowing how to use materials Zaha Hadid would not have been a world renowned Architect. (Why not Google her work to see the possibilities?)

CONTENT Students produce a portfolio of work showing off both design and practical skills. This can be anything from furniture design to children's toys made from any number of different materials from the various plastics or from metals or even wood. Do you want to learn to braise metal, to dip coat, to turn a beautiful piece of oak, to cut then shape then finish ABS to make a shiny new product? Then consider Resistant Materials. This is about your ideas backed up with a mixture of modern and traditional skills that will allow you to surprise yourself with the high standard of work you can produce. We teach you how to draw and sketch and how to use complex computer software to present your work professionally and to the highest of standards. We explore how modern products are produced in a global market and how sustainability is now the cornerstone of all design and manufacturing. If you are creative and you work hard then the possibilities are endless.

LEARNING STYLES In Year 10 we investigate the three main materials groups to show you the differences and the strengths of each, so you can design and manufacture your own products. We will introduce many new tools and pieces of equipment to you, which will allow you to use the materials properly to produce exciting and high quality products. We use mini-projects and design problems to prepare you for the major GCSE project. You are given the freedom to produce highly creative designs from your own research and learn to model those ideas into a practical and exciting final prototype In Year 11 you will produce a major project which you can choose from a large selection of ideas set by the exam board. This is worth 60% of your total grade and it is therefore very important that you can work independently.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION 60% coursework and 40% examination. Coursework will be completed in the summer term of Year 10 and the first two terms of Year 11. The coursework is assessed internally and then moderated externally and is a substantial piece of work requiring a high level of commitment.





Textiles is a practical subject area which requires the application of knowledge and understanding when developing ideas, planning, producing products and evaluating them.


The syllabus is very broad and detailed but these are a few of the areas you may be interested in: Designing products to meet the needs of clients. Analysing and evaluating existing products. Health and safety issues linked to practical situations. Investigating and selecting appropriate materials and components. Selecting and using tools and equipment to produce quality products. Evaluating your work against specific criteria. Working accurately and efficiently in terms of time. Checking the quality of your work at key points and suggesting ways to improve it. Using CAD and CAM.


Practical work: Skills and techniques. Use of CAD/CAM. Design and make tasks. Other teaching and learning methods will include product analysis, internet research, visits and use of textbooks.

ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATION Unit 1 : Written paper Unit 2 : Controlled Assessment

2hrs 45 hrs



40% 60%

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OPTIONS FORM Please complete clearly, detach and return to your form tutor by Friday 14th March 2014. Enter ONE subject in each box including TWO reserves. Enter your Language Option followed by your OPTIONS 1, 2 and 3 together with your reserve subjects in order of preference. Decide whether you would like to take an ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE.




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