Pets in the City Magazine January 2014 Issue

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January 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

This past year and a half has been enlightenment for all of us at Pets in the City Magazine. We have heard your stories of rescue in your submissions to “Saving Lives in the City”. You have shared your heartfelt tributes to the companion animals that made a difference in your lives in our “Saying Goodbye” section. We envisioned who they were as we read and what their personalities were like. At the end of the bereavement we felt like we knew them. Thank you, they will not be forgotten. They mattered.

Pets In The City Magazine

Letter From The Staff

We have heard from people who care, extraordinary citizens that want to make a difference. Thank you for your feedback and concerns. And thank you for taking action with your legislatures. Change will happen!

We have a dream---to make Utah the first NO Kill State. We have a dream---to raise our Utah ranking from the bottom six in the US, to the top protector of animals! We have a dream---to see all animals treated with the respect they deserve. It all starts with the actions of people like you. Please continue to submit your stories to us; continue to write to your local, state, and federal representatives; and encourage your family and friends to speak out for the protection of animals, since they are unable to speak for themselves. Let’s make this dream a reality.


We wish you a Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true!

January 2014

The New Year is filled with dreams. Some want to lose or gain weight, buy a new car, or read that book that’s been gathering dust. These are all great things to dream about; but we at Pets in the City Magazine have a dream to make a better life for the animals who share this planet with us.

Call or Email to Advertise in our next issue! 801.702.1171 - OR -

debbiepetsinthecity Send in your February and March events now and you’ll see them in our monthly Calendar of Events! Calendar submission must be in by the 10th of the previous month. PUBLISHER PICM Publishing, LLC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Genevieve Campbell MANAGING EDITOR Deborah Myers COPY EDITORS Chanté McCoy Jennafer Martin Tina Brunetti Mumford

Pets In The City Magazine

WEBMASTER / SOCIAL MEDIA Jennafer Martin STAFF WRITERS Chanté McCoy Elizabeth Cornwall Heidi Gertsch James Maughan Jennafer Martin Megan Waller CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Alissa Grover, DC CAC Jessica McKay Lynn A. McCarron, DVM Ronaleigh Wheelwright Tonya Landon


January 2014

GUEST WRITERS Ace Avery Bobbie Pyron Lance Weeks

Lisa Allison Miriam Coons Mona Mistric STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Chris Dickinson CIRCULATION City Weekly Shane Myers BOOKSMARTS ACCOUNTING Jenny Groberg Lindsay Kirby GRAPHIC DESIGNER Michelle Bellinger All illustrations created by Michelle Bellinger. Copyrighted 2014.

SALES & ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Deborah Myers Beverly Egleston CONTACT US: EMAIL: PHONE: Debbie 801.702.1171

TABLE of CONTENTS 3 5 6 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31

LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER ENGLISH BULLDOG: STRENGTH OF MANY, HEART OF ONE - Chanté McCoy EXPERT ADVICE Laser Therapy For Pets - Dr. Lynn McCarron 5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Happier & Healthier Pet - Dr. Alissa Grover PET PEEVES - Animal Ordinances: Are You Following Yours? - Chanté McCoy WILD BIRDS NEED YOU DURING THE WINTER MONTHS - RonaLeigh Wheelwright ASK STETSON Q & A - Tonya Landon RESCUE ME SAVING LIVES IN THE CITY Malcolm’s Rescue - Deb Myers NOTABLE ORGANIZATIONS IN UTAH - Jessica McKay YOUR TRIBUTES TO VOLUNTEERS MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN UTAH Friends of Animals - Lisa Allison / Claire Desilets EMOTION CODE: RELEASING NEGATIVE ENERGIES IN PETS HELLO, DOLLY - Mona Mistric MY DOG, ROVER - A. C. “Ace” Avery SAYING GOODBYE BETTAS: SIAMESE FIGHTING FISH - Lance Weeks DOG BOOTIES: FASHIONABLE AND PRACTICAL ACCESSORIES - Chanté McCoy FAMILY FUN Crossword Puzzle Caption Contest! Dot-to-dot Coloring Contest Winner Holiday Caption Contest Winner Book Reviews - Bobbie Pyron YOUR PETS IN THE CITY PHOTOS MADAME TABU’S PET HOROSCOPE

December Issue, Article Byline Correction: From Stray to Movie Star By Tonya Landon

Cover photo by Chris Dickinson

Last Month’s Issue

PICM Disclaimer: All reader submissions and photos are voluntarily submitted without expectation of compensation. All opinions of the authors in this Magazine are those of the writer or contributor and are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. The publisher has not confirmed the accuracy of information contained in the articles. PICM reserves the right to edit, alter, or modify the submitted article to the extent in which we deem necessary.

A RESCUE PLEA Pets In The City Magazine is dedicated to and encourages rescuing companion animals of all types. There are thousands of animals in Utah and across our nation needing a forever home. If you are interested in rescuing a companion animal, there are over 100 animal rescues in Utah. A good resource is, a nationwide database for companion animals of all types. A rescued animal can be rewarding and lead to a forever grateful love.

Pets In The City Magazine © 2012 is an independent, free monthly magazine published by PICM Publishing. For information regarding PIC Magazine visit Any and all articles in PIC Magazine are submitted for reading enjoyment only. Please consult a professional and make wise personal decisions regarding health and safety issues of pets and family.

English Bulldog: Strength of Many, Heart of One Chanté McCoy Bulldog is the term most commonly used to refer to the English Bulldog. With their wrinkled folds, pushed-in faces, and short, muscular builds, they are distinctive: distinctively cute, that is. While originally bred for baiting bulls, breeders have since worked to breed out aggression in the breed. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), a Bulldog’s disposition should be “equable and kind, resolute, and courageous (not vicious or aggressive), and demeanor should be pacific and dignified. These attributes should be countenanced by the expression and behavior.” According to the AKC, Bulldogs are one of the most popular dogs, due to their gentleness and adorable mugs. The English Bulldog is different from its original bullbaiting ancestor. The old version was crossed with the pug, and the breed ultimately developed into a shorter, wider dog with “brachycephalic” (wide and short) skull. Today’s version with the short muzzle would not be able to grip a bull with its short muzzle, let alone handle running.

With their short coats, their grooming needs are relatively easy. Regularly brushing will keep their coats glossy and shedding minimal. Special attention needs to be given to their facial folds. The folds need to be wiped and dried habitually to prevent bacterial build-up. Baby wipes with lanolin can be used for a quick cleaning. All breeds have known health concerns. Some common health issues with English Bulldogs are hip dysplasia, respiratory difficulties, and cherry eye where the inner eyelid protrudes. Their short snouts result in small nasal cavities, so Bulldogs have great difficulty keeping their bodies cool and are at risk of overheating and dying from hyperthermia (i.e., they don’t make good running companions). When being whelped, their large heads generally require Caesarean section. Bulldogs make for mellow family companions. They are known for making strong bonds with children. They are loving and definitely lovable.

Full grown, these medium-sized dogs weigh between 40 to 50 lbs. They are considered mature around two and a half years. Their coats are short and sleek, coming in a range of colors: red, fawn, white, brindle, and piebald. They have naturally stubby tails, so they have no worries about being docked. Their average life span is 8-12 years.

Pets In The City Magazine January 2014 5


Laser Therapy For Pets

Lynn A. McCarron, DVM, Diplomate ABVP

Recent advances in laser technology now allow veterinarians to

offer their patients a noninvasive alternative to medications and surgery (or a complement to them), to reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and speed healing. This is accomplished through medical devices known as Class IV therapeutic lasers. Laser therapy can often provide pain relief and enhance healing when other approaches do not work, or no longer work as well as they once did.

What is laser therapy? Laser therapy uses a beam of light to

deeply penetrate tissue without any resulting damage. Laser energy in tissue elicits a biological response called “photobiomodulation” which stimulates the body’s own natural systems for healing itself. Photobiomodulation is essentially a biochemical cascade of events producing pain relief, reduction of inflammation, and enhanced healing at the cellular level. As we explore these cellular changes which activate the body’s natural repair and pain control mechanisms, we can see how the laser produces such amazing results.

Pets In The City Magazine

When hemoglobin contained within red blood cells absorbs laser light, the transfer of oxygen to cells and the uptake of cellular waste products is enhanced. This results in an environment more conducive to healing and one where more cellular energy is available for cells to repair themselves, thus speeding healing of the body. Endorphins are morphine-like chemicals which the body naturally produces. Increased endorphin release caused by laser treatment results in pain relief. Increased nitric oxide production also produces pain relief, swelling reduction, and enhanced healing by blocking the conduction of pain signals along affected nerves and enhancing local blood flow which, in turn, speeds healing. Bradykinin is a chemical involved in creating the sensation of pain as a result of stimulating nerves which sense pain. Laser energy blocks the production of bradykinin, thus decreasing pain sensation. There are other electrochemical changes induced by laser energy which cause blockage of pain sensation by diminishing the ability of nerves which sense pain to transmit that sensation.

January 2014

What is a laser treatment like? The laser light is delivered


through a noninvasive hand piece touching the fur or skin and treating affected area. Your pet may feel gentle and soothing warmth as the laser light penetrates the body. Most treatments using a Class IV laser take just a matter of minutes. Laser therapy is extremely well tolerated by pets, often times causing pets to become very relaxed as the treatment occurs. No known side effects are associated with laser therapy. Treatment protocols are unique to each patient and condition. Therefore, treatments will vary in time, frequency, and cost.

Is laser therapy proven? Laser therapy has been scientifically

proven to be successful in treating post-surgical pain and many acute and chronic conditions. In addition to the thousands of pets who have benefitted from laser therapy at veterinary hospitals around the world in recent years, clinical studies over several decades have proven that laser therapy alleviates pain and inflammation, reduces swelling, and stimulates nerve regeneration and tissue repair. Class IV laser therapy is also widely used in human medicine.

Why might my veterinarian include laser therapy as part of your pet’s treatment? Depending on your pet’s medical problem, laser therapy may be used as a complement to other treatments, like the use of medication, dentistry or surgery, or it may be used as a standalone treatment. Because laser treatment increases circulation, enhances healing, and produces pain relief, there is a wide variety of conditions your pet may have which would benefit from its use. Let’s look at just some

of the conditions which have benefitted from laser therapy: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Post-surgical healing and pain relief (orthopedic and soft tissue) Post-tooth extraction healing and pain relief Wounds Abscesses Skin allergies, infections, and eczema Sprains, strains, and fractures Hip dysplasia, arthritis, and other degenerative joint diseases Intervertebral disk disease Degenerative myelopathy Otitis (ear infections and inflammations) and aural hematomas Burns Frostbite Lick granulomas Inflammatory bowel disease Feline acne Feline cystitis (bladder inflammation) Periodontal disease and feline stomatitis Sinusitis and rhinitis Anal gland inflammation Feline asthma Feline pancreatitis

As you can see, the list of conditions which may benefit from laser therapy is extensive. This is why the use of laser therapy is becoming increasingly common. Of course, as with any treatment, not all pets will respond favorably. But, many pets have experienced favorable results from laser therapy. In some cases, the improvement produces dramatic increases in quality of life. When visiting with your veterinarian, you may want to ask about how your pet might benefit from laser therapy. You and your pet may be very glad you did! Dr. Lynn McCarron is the owner of University Veterinary Hospital and Diagnostic Center in Salt Lake City, She is Board certified in the veterinary care of canines and felines, and a member of the American Asssociation of Feline Practitioners. Originally from Ohio, Dr. McCarron has been practicing in Utah for more than twenty years.

Pets In The City Magazine

January 2014



5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Happier & Healthier Pet

Alissa Grover, DC, CAC

The start of another year is a popular time for turning over a new leaf, but did you ever think to help your pet do the same? Making New Year’s resolutions for your furry companion can be a great way to assess their needs and develop an even closer bond. Read on for five suggestions for how to make 2014 great for you and your critter! 1. Achieve a healthy weight According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, over half of all dogs and cats are overweight or obese. This is a serious issue that can lead to conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, joint injuries, and even a decreased life expectancy. How do you know if your pet is overweight? In our clinic, we have a rule of thumb: your pet’s ribs should feel similar in prominence to your knuckles. They should also have a visible waist from above and a tucked tummy from the side.

Pets In The City Magazine

If you suspect that your pet may be overweight, have your veterinarian do a healthy weight exam to confirm this and help you determine how much weight they should lose. Most vet offices can calculate the proper amount of food to feed your pet so they can reach their goal. Be diligent with the quantity of food they receive each day, and take treats into account or eliminate them altogether. Regular exercise is also important for weight loss—see resolution #2!

enjoy. It doesn’t have to be for competition; the training alone will give your pet a since of purpose and provide a lot of fun along the way. Not that ambitious? Even daily home obedience training will work. If your pet is already well trained, consider therapy dog certification.

4. Pet hygiene The biggest offenders of pet hygiene I see in my practice are long nails and bad teeth. As an animal chiropractor, I can vouch that long nails affect your pet’s conformation and lead to biomechanical problems. Have them trimmed about once a month, and more often if the quicks are overgrown to encourage them to recede. As for teeth, how does your pet’s breath smell? If it is unpleasant, they probably should have their teeth checked. Pets need oral hygiene too, and daily brushing, dental chews, and oral sprays are all preventative measures. Talk to your vet for the best recommendations for your pet.

5. Wellness exams

January 2014

After all you’ve done at home, your pet is well on its way to being healthier. However, it is still important to have regular check-ups with your This is a great resolution to make together, because exercise will make both veterinarian, animal chiropractor, and any other practitioners you may see. you and your pet healthier. If you’re like me, knowing I’m making my dogs The more familiar your pet’s doctors are with you and your pet, the better happy by taking them out for a walk, run, or hike is more motivation to do it recommendations and care they can give. myself. Regular exercise will keep your dog more physically fit, help achieve and maintain a proper weight, strengthen their bodies, and prevent many Dr. Alissa Grover is a chiropractic physician certified in diseases through a healthier lifestyle. It can also curb hyperactivity, anxiety, animal chiropractic by the American Veterinary Chiropractic and aggression.

2. Exercise regularly

3. Get a job


A dog with a sense of purpose is a happy dog, and being a couch potato doesn’t count! Consider trying an agility class, obedience training, dock jumping, flyball, or another activity that you think your dog and you would

Association. Her animal chiropractic practice is located at the Animal Care Center in West Bountiful, UT, and Dr. Grover travels throughout Utah to adjust animals. She can be reached at (801) 294-5960 or

Pets In The City Magazine

January 2014


PET PEEVES ANIMAL ORDINANCES: ARE YOU FOLLOWING YOURS? Chanté McCoy Local animal ordinances have the broadest, most direct impact on pet ownership and pets themselves. These municipal laws determine what types of pets you can have, how many pets are allowed, and what treatment is permitted (e.g., tethering). As pet owners, we should take notice of the laws that govern an interest so close to heart, especially inasmuch as these laws are routinely amended – for good and bad. A Case in Point A current example is Cottonwood Heights where the city council is taking public comment on an exotic pet ordinance, revised in response to a situation concerning snakes. Back in spring 2013, local residents learned that a neighbor was housing a large quantity of boa constrictors in drawers. They were initially alerted because of the smell of rotting rat carcasses and apparently because the owner washed out rat and snake feces in his driveway, with the run-off going into a gutter drain.


January 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

The owner did not have permits, only applying for them upon neighborhood outcry. The city, going against its own current ordinances, issued 29 permits. The owner then requested additional ones. While he initially represented the snakes as pets, he subsequently said they were a “hobby” when it became clear that he bred and sold them.

Freedom vs. Hysteria? This case has inflamed many on both sides of the issue. For some, it is a fear of snakes, of them getting loose, that makes people nervous about having so many snakes in a neighborhood. For others, they say boas are perfectly safe (although a quick Google search on “boa constrictor deaths” suggests otherwise), anyone who’s “anti-snake” is hysterical, and that the issue is about “freedom.” Myself, I like snakes and am sympathetic to pet snake ownership within reason. The Proposed Ordinance The proposed ordinance (8.12.120) raises many questions. It would allow for 50 exotics (with a limitation on the percentage of household space used), with an extended allowance for up to 100 if bred. It allows – without limitation – for the breeding of “feeder animals,” such as rats and mice. The ordinance appears inequitable with other city animal ordinances which sanction a mere handful of the usual suspects (i.e., dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits). It also permits hoarding and encourages the breeding and selling of animals under the guise of a hobby. A Reasonable Number As pets, how many snakes should be permitted? Cottonwood Heights ordinance restricts the number of cats and dogs to no more than 3, or a combination of 4 in a household. With a hobby permit, cat and dog owners are allowed 5 to 8, depending on their residential zoning. Should exotics be treated any differently? If the council chooses to be more liberal in their allowance, should the allowed number of cats and dogs be revisited? What is a Pet? A pet is defined as a companion animal. When you allow for inordinate numbers, do animals still qualify as pets? Are they given individual attention on a regular, if not daily basis? Are they handled, given stimulation, a break from a cage? Are they habituated to human touch? What about housing? A pet owner would presumably want to create an appropriate environment for a beloved pet. In the case of a snake, a spacious cage that allows its long muscular body to easily move would be appropriate. A single adult boa constrictor requires a minimum of 10 square feet of floor space with 3’ walls, a strong

branch for climbing, and a hiding space to feel secure. That’s not possible with drawers which are more about “efficiency” and concerns associated with a business trying to accommodate volume. What is a Hobby? The city ordinance for hobbyists of the furry kind stipulates that the animals be rendered sterile, so they don’t breed. Obviously, snakes aren’t routinely neutered, but they are generally housed separately. Thus, prevention of breeding via isolation should be adequate. However, the proposed exotics ordinance anticipates breeding, allowing for an additional 50 animals to accommodate “[young] that are born to exotic animals.” Sooooo… Any municipal entity needs to look at equitable treatment among pet owners, including their ordinance definitions. For example, if exotic animal ownership numbers are wide open, the governing body should consider Salt Lake City’s lack of limitations on the number of cats and dogs allowed (successfully relying instead on nuisance laws to ensure proper care and treatment). They also need to be clearer about what constitutes pet/hobby ownership versus running a business with animals as commodities, and whether such activities are appropriate in a residential neighborhood. After all, laws ultimately are about balancing group “rights” with individual “rights,” since ordinances affect all of us, not just one owner wanting special consideration. Cottonwood Height’s issues aren’t unique. Be sure to follow your city’s (or county’s) ordinances. When a change is proposed or desired, get involved. Ask questions. Become knowledgeable on impacts. Attend public hearings and have opinion heard. After all, your pets don’t have a voice, so you must be theirs.

Pets In The City Magazine

January 2014


Wild Birds Need You During The Winter Months RonaLeigh Wheelwright On a cold and dreary winter day, birds can be the highlight of the WHOLE DAY! Besides benefiting the birds, it will lift your spirits to see at the activity going on around the feeders. And if you are not allowed to have pets of your own where you live, feeding the birds can give you a multitude of little feathered friends.


January 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

We do have a large segment of the bird population that doesn’t migrate to warmer climates. House Finches and Valley Quail are year round residents. Chickadees migrate down into the valley to spend the winter in lower altitudes. Some years, we get “eruptions” of birds we don’t normally see in this area, such as Pine Siskins,

and Cedar Waxwings. Mourning Doves are considered a migratory bird; we have quite a few that are residents year round. Reward yourself and keep your feeders’ filled year round, high energy seeds such as black oil sunflower, Nyjer, peanut butter and suet are a hit. The seeds that you are feeding during the summer are even more important now, as they provide nutrition without a lot of energy output. Water is even more important to provide during the wintertime. Having water available so that the birds don’t have to use their precious energy and heat by eating snow, is a big help for them. Clean water (not polluted by roadside salts and oily runoff) is very beneficial for them. Heated

bird baths filled with fresh clean water during the winter will attract a lot of very appreciative birds. You will even see them bathing, even though it is chilly outside.

n o s t e t S

Tonya Landon

NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS FROM A DOG’S POINT OF VIEW. • I will remember that not all things thrown away in the trashcan should be eaten. • I will try to keep my composure when someone rings the doorbell. • I will try to remember that falling leaves are not a good excuse to jump at the window and bark. • I will try to remember that if I don’t want my humans to find my bones or toys I should not hide them in between the sofa cushions or in the bed sheets. • I will try to remember that the vacuum isn’t a monster and it is not trying to eat me, even though I have seen it eat some of my chewed up toys. • I will try to keep my composure and stop chasing the kitten, even though he provokes me by attacking my tail or jumping on my back while I am sleeping. • I will remember that ‘counter surfing’ is not an Olympic sport. • I will try to remember that my humans don’t find it funny when I nothing. • I will remember that my tail is NOT mocking me; therefore I have no reason to chase it. • I will show restraint by only squeaking my toys in the day time and

human is trying to sleep. • I will keep my human alert even when she is sleeping, by making her sleep as close to the edge of the bed as possible. • I will eat the cat’s food sparingly since it is considered junk food. • I will improve my humans’ reflexes by grabbing the couch pillows off of the couch and playing “keep away” with them. • I will try to improve my human’s health by yanking them down the street while out for our walks. • I need to remember that there are no sea critters in my water dish and digging out all of the water won’t kill them. • I will teach my humans not to fear pond water by waiting to shake off until I am standing next to them. • I will teach my human to have better balance by trying to knock them off their feet while out playing. • I will try not to perform open heart surgery on new squeaky toys within 5 minutes of receiving one.

Pets In The City Magazine

stare at the wall in the middle of the night growling fiercely at

not at night when my

January 2014 13

Rescue Me jasmine is a sweet 6 year old Siamese

who loves to curl up on your lap, purring as loud as any diesel engine and start to make “happy biscuits” with her paws to show you how much she loves you. A bit shy at first, but once she gets you alone, her sweet personality shines. Jasmine is a special girl who needs a special home ready for this oneof-a-kind beauty. Contact our adoptions department at utahadoptions@ to get more information about our friend Jasmine.

yvette meow At 6 years old, this gorgeous

ticked tabby is looking for a one of a kind home to call her own. Any old home won’t do for Yvette Meow; this beauty knows she deserves to be treated like a queen. A mellow home where she can live a life of luxury is all that she asks for. Come in and meet her today! Contact our adoptions department at utahadoptions@ to get more information about our friend Yvette.


January 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

With his gorgeous blue coat, pleading gold eyes and playful personality, how can you resist this handsome guy? This fun-loving character has traveled all the way from Los Angeles, California and has brought his movie star smile with him to charm everyone that he comes across. Maxx enjoys canine companions his own size, older children, and the company of women. Housebroken and ready to play, this dog has the whole package! Meet him today and you are sure to bring this little guy home. Contact our adoptions department at to get more information about our friend Maxx.

roscoe is stunning black and tan coonhound


who loves to follow his nose wherever it takes him. This guy just wants a home of his own where he can be doted on with lots of walks, games, and, of course, love and attention. Stop by the Best Friends Pet Adoption Center today and we will gladly tell you all we know about this handsome fella. Contact our adoptions department at utahadoptions@ to get more information about our friend Roscoe.

koko is 7-yr old beautiful Siamese/Tonkinese

mix now in foster. He has beautiful blue eyes but he has an eye condition that will require daily drops. Being declawed, he needs to be an inside cat. Because of his Tonkinese breed, he is extremely affectionate, loves to be petted and being a lap kitty. KoKo would love to be yours! He can be found on Petfinder at zip code 84032.

dessie lives at the Friends of Animals Ranch

and hangs out in the offices. She really is what we call “bomb proof ”. The kids’ camps handle her, people go in and out, no trouble. She lives communally with other cats and when they breach her “zone of comfort”, she lets them know :) So, she’d be ok with other cats, just as long as they realize that she doesn’t want to play; probably not a kitten. She’s not a huge fan of dogs. Dessie has been with FOA almost 2 years. WE LOVE THIS CAT! She likes to be brushed, play with catnip, curl up in a bed or box on the desks. Email Lisa at lallison@foautah. org or call Furburbia at 435-649-5441 to schedule a visit to the Ranch.


is a spirited two and a half year old Chihuahua/terrier mix. This sweet little guy is a sensitive soul who feels the need to act tough at times. Duncan gets along with other dogs, but doesn’t like to be bossed around by his playmates. Duncan does fabulously in a home; he has terrific house manners and just loves being a companion. Duncan loves to go for walks, he plays fetch (sort of) and he loves to tug. If you’re looking for a playful and active, yet still traveled sized pup, Duncan is your dude. Email Lisa at or call Furburbia at 435-649-5441 to schedule a visit to the Ranch.


Why hello there my name is Katniss!! When I first came into the program, I was very pregnant and worried about my future. But then the nice people at Friends of Animals Utah gave me a great foster home where I could have my first (and LAST) litter of babies, and raise them up right. I am a very sweet girl who is about 3 years old and loves some loving! I am playful but I am also mellow. I like other cats. I’ll Brighten your day, and hopefully your life. Email Lisa at or call Furburbia at 435-649-5441 to schedule a visit to the Ranch.

Saving Lives



Malcolm’s Rescue

Deb Myers

On Saturday evening around 6:30 pm, I received a call from our writer, Jessica McKay. A Shar-Pei dog had shown up at her house to sun himself on the porch, at around noon. Jessica, and her husband George, assumed he was a dog from the neighborhood and would soon head home. The dog was so gentle and loving that they just let him take a little nap. After a couple hours had passed and the sweet dog hadn’t set off on his way, they feared he was lost. George took him to the nearby vet to see if he had a microchip. Sadly there was no collar and no microchip. The vet thought the dog was about 10 years old and he had cataracts. Jessica took photos and immediately got his picture posted on as many social media sites as she could while George purchased some dog food; he was very hungry and thirsty. At that point Jessica called me to see if I could keep him for the night. I immediately rushed to pick him up. I noticed he was friendly, well cared for, and house trained. In fact, I had never met such a polite dog and he was my first Shar-Pei. He was tired and snuggled in with our dogs for the night.

On Sunday, I took this little Shar-Pei boy to my friend Tracy Thomas’ house, a dog-friendly realtor and all around lover of animals. She immediately helped me get the word out on her Facebook page and our Pets in the City magazine Facebook site. Tracy took his photo and in minutes he was online. She also made me a big sign on a stick; it read: FOUND DOG. In the meantime, Jessica and George teamed up to make “Found Dog” signs and post them in their neighborhood. I drove the little Shar-Pei friend to the area where he was found and together we walked the neighborhood with the sign. When he got tired I put him in the car and we drove with me holding the sign out the window for the next 3 hours. I was so disappointed when I couldn’t find his home. We met wonderful people who deeply cared, but nobody recognized him. One woman posted his picture on her Facebook page. No luck on Sunday, so I took him home to my house for the night. On Monday, I drove with him out to Tracy’s house again. We had plans to get him groomed and continue with the social media. That’s when we got the news from Jessica that his Mom called! We were elated! His name is Malcolm and he is 15 years old! Louise (Mom), contacted the “No Kill” Salt Lake County Shelter and they checked all of the social media sites for her. They found the Shar-Pei posts and put her in touch with Jessica. Tracy drove him to meet his companion Mom and he was so happy he hopped around like a little young puppy. What joy! Never give up! Act fast! These are the lessons we have all learned concerning a lost pet. As a team, we were determined to help our new friend. We will never know where Malcolm spent the cold Friday night. But, we know where he is now and that is at home with his loving Mom who didn’t give up on him.

Pets In The City Magazine January 2014 15


Animals, like people, sometimes need a little help. Utah is populated by numerous animal lovers, some of whom are a part of amazing animal rescue organizations. Animals, and the people who love them, are thankful for the tireless efforts of these organizations. Below are a sampling of some of the rescues in the state who are committed to the health and well-being of all types of animals. Jessica McKay

HUMANE SOCIETY OF UTAH 4242 S 300 W • Murray, UT 84107 801-261-2919


January 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

The Humane Society of Utah has been rescuing animals for 52 years. In addition to animal rescue, some of the services they offer are foster homes, adoptions, behavior and training classes, as well as animal abuse investigations. There are always volunteer opportunities available, and monetary donations are accepted on their website. The Humane Society is committed to caring for animals, and the volunteers and donations help the organization to succeed. FRIENDS OF ANIMALS UTAH Furburbia - Tanger Outlet Center 6699 N Landmark Dr, Suite B-103 Park City, UT 84098 435-649-5441 •

Friends of Animals was founded in 1990 by volunteers dedicated to rescuing animals on the euthanasia list in Utah shelters. Animals are brought to the Rescue and Rehabilitation Ranch to be assessed, spayed/neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. Once the animals are ready to be put up for adoption, they are brought to Furburbia in Park City. Animals up for adoption can be viewed on the Friends of Animals website, if you are interested in adopting.

BEST FRIENDS ANIMAL SOCIETY 5001 Angel Canyon Road • Kanab, UT 84741 435-644-2001

SECOND CHANCE FOR HOMELESS PETS 200 E Gordon Lane • Salt Lake City, UT 84107 801-590-8999

With their “Save Them All” tagline, it’s obvious that Best Friends Animal Society strives to create an environment where euthanasia of healthy, adoptable animals is a thing of the past. Best Friends has been saving animals in Utah since 1990 by implementing a number of different programs. They run a national spay/neuter campaign, have a volunteer program, and run a remarkable sanctuary to care for and love all animals from dogs and cats to pigs and parrots. The sanctuary is a place for animals to go to heal, be loved, be adopted, and if necessary, live at as their forever home. Best Friends partners with several other animal organizations in order to reach their goal to “Save Them All.”

Second Chance survives solely on donations and does not receive any other funding. Despite their limited financial resources, they are committed to saving healthy animals who are near the ends of their lives simply because of overpopulation in other shelters. In addition to their main goal of saving lives, Second Chance also offers boarding services for cats and dogs and educational opportunities for the community. If you are interested in one of their services, would like to adopt an animal, or would like to donate time and/or money, please contact Second Chance for Homeless Pets.

CHING FARM RESCUE AND SANCTUARY PO Box 935 • Riverton, UT 84065 801-446-7741

CAUSE FOR PAWS UTAH PO Box 526051 • Salt Lake City, UT 84152

Farm animals are not often thought of in the traditional “pet” manner. Faith and Mike Ching began Ching Farm Rescue and Sanctuary to create a safe place for farm animals in a world where these animals are more likely to be thought of as a product. “Farm animals have the same emotional capacity as traditional companions like dogs and cats, yet modern cruelty laws do not apply to them.” The animals that come to live at Ching Farm are able to find a safe haven at the sanctuary. Tours of the farm are available and time, financial, and item donations are accepted to help the farm remain successful.

Cause for Paws is dedicated to finding forever homes for homeless animals and eliminating the need for euthanasia. Using social media, more animals are being adopted and their lives saved than ever before. The website lists animals up for adoption through Cause for Paws as well as local shelters. This organization is a great resource for someone looking to add to their family.

NOTABLE ORGANIZATIONS IN UTAH Making a Difference in The Animal Community BLACK DOG WALK 801-710-4984

Black Dog Walk is a non-profit group of volunteers in Ogden, dedicated to educating the public about Black Dog Syndrome and breed-specific discrimination. They help local shelters increase the number of adoptions for “underdogs” and “undercats”. In 2009 the Black Dog Walk group began walking dogs from the Ogden City Shelter every Saturday afternoon to downtown, creating awareness and to exercise the dogs. By working with volunteers, loving foster homes, caring local veterinarians, and rescue organizations the group has been able to help rescue and facilitate hundreds of adoptions from the South Ogden Animal Shelter and Weber Count Animal Shelters.

RONIE’S FOR THE LOVE OF BIRDS 9187 South 700 East • Sandy, UT 84070

Ronie’s For the Love of Birds opened in 1997 as a bird retail store. The store quickly switched from retailing birds to re-homing birds as the community’s needs for helping homeless birds increased. Whether you are adopting a new family member or if you need grooming, boarding, or consulting services for your bird, Ronie’s facility is a friendly educational and enjoyable experience. At Ronie’s, you will find healthy, well-socialized, and happy birds. Ronie believes in offering education and support for the life of your new bird.

Paws for Life is a newer organization, founded in 2012, but has already “rescued and found forever homes for over 700 companion animals.” This organization is a major player in keeping the Heber Valley Animal Shelter both running and euthanasiafree. Donations and volunteers help keep the animals healthy and alive.


Community Animal Welfare Society (CAWS) is one of Utah’s oldest animal rescue organization and is committed to caring for and finding homes for the animals they save. The organization has received many awards for their dedication to the cause and their successes are due to their wonderful volunteers and the donations that they collect. CAWS does not have a shelter, but instead houses the animals in foster homes. They are strong advocates for spaying/neutering and have a trap and release program to “fix” feral cats. This program helps to decrease the amount of wild, homeless cats in the area.

Salt Lake County Animal Services offers several animal related services from adoptions, placement with local animal rescues, foster programs, and community education, just to name a few. They are dedicated to helping the animal community, and their noble efforts show in their offered services. Salt Lake County Animal Services also founded the “Pit Crew” that educates and promotes “responsible ownership” of pit bulls. The “Pit Crew” program offers a free spay/neuter program for pit bulls and outreach programs to teach the community more about the breed and to “transform the image” of this commonly misunderstood dog.

PAWS FOR LIFE 635 West Airport Road Heber City, UT 84032 435-654-5727 •

January 2014

SALT LAKE COUNTY ANIMAL SERVICES 511 W 3900 S • Salt Lake City, UT 84123 385-468-7387 •

“The mission of Utah Animal Adoption Center is to eliminate euthanasia of healthy, adoptable dogs and cats through rescue, spaying, neutering, education and adoption.” The sanctuary where the animals live while awaiting adoption is set in a homelike environment to create a comfortable atmosphere for the cats and dogs. In addition to the educational and adoption services offered, there is also the “Pets for Patriots” program that helps service members adopt pets and the “Senior for a Senior” program that pairs senior cats with senior adopters at no cost to the adopter.

Pets In The City Magazine

COMMUNITY ANIMAL WELFARE SOCIETY PO Box 160554 • Clearfield, UT 84016 801-328-4731 •

UTAH ANIMAL ADOPTION CENTER 1955 N. Redwood Road Salt Lake City, UT 84116 801-355-7387 •

A Special Thank You to Volunteers A Special Tribute to: Lisa Allison BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (Oncology) Executive Director, Friends of Animals Utah Lisa Allison is Executive Director of Friends of Animals Utah (FOAU). She brings a long list of acronymic credentials, including BS, LVT, CVT, and VTS (Oncology), speaking to her expertise as a veterinary technician. She is a founding member of the Veterinary Technician Specialty College of Internal Medicine at Mercy College, and the founding Director of Oncology at Veterinary Specialists of Southern Florida (VSSF), a large veterinary hospital that provides emergency and specialty care to pets. Lisa and her husband, Dave, made Park City their full-time residence in 2010 after retiring as Director of Oncology and Diagnostic Imaging at VSSF. At that time, Lisa was looking forward to some leisure time. She became involved with Friends of Animals Utah first as a volunteer, then a Board member, and now is entering her second year as Executive Director. Her favorite phrase is “thank you” because, she says, “it means someone has done something nice for us.” “What I like best about working at FOAU: we make an immediate difference in the lives that we touch. People are often overwhelmed to take that first step in making a difference. ‘I’m just one person. My effort will have little impact.’ Nothing could be farther from the truth. There is no greater thrill than showing someone the return on their investment - the lives saved, the suffering alleviated. Giving should be thrilling and bold and spontaneous and generous (to whatever level that means to someone). Funds, time, a kind word… How people give is more important than what they give.” Her goals for the organization are to expand and strengthen current projects, seek new collaborative nonprofit and for-profit partners, and save more lives. She enjoys working with other local nonprofits to strengthen FOAU’s ties in the community and is always looking for new opportunities to collaborate. On the home front, Allison and Dave share their home (and hearts) with dogs and cats, all rescues, ranging in age from 2 to 16 years old. To learn more about Friends of Animals Utah, visit

Pets In The City Magazine

As an organization that relies heavily on talented volunteers like Claire, FOAU is grateful for all she offers to us. She is a person who sees a job to do and gets it done, improving it as she goes along. Her passion and enthusiasm is apparent as she speaks to others about why their help is so vital. Most importantly, she knows the power of expressing a quick thank you to everyone about how meaningful their contributions are for our dogs and cats.


The door swung open on Monday, and I saw all my office cats hop off their respective beds to greet the person who just walked in. It was early afternoon, and judging by their responses, I didn’t have to look up to know it was Claire. The cats enjoyed watching her daily routine as she set her computer and bag down, saying hello to each of them by name.

January 2014

A Special Tribute to Claire Desilets by Lisa Allison Friends of Animals Utah

Claire Desilets transcribes medical records into our database, reaches out to volunteers for events, and is a knowledgeable community ambassador for Friends of Animals Utah. She serves to inspire others through her efforts. She has been giving her time and expertise to FOAU for two years. Claire moved from Florida with her husband George, two dogs (Denver and Aspen) and two cats (Kudu and Suni) where she gave her time to local animal rescue efforts before coming to Park City and assisting FOAU. Whether she is hosting a committee meeting, handing out dog treats at a community function, or sitting at our booth at a Sunday market, Claire is a familiar face to those who already know or are just learning about Friends of Animals Utah.

We are proud to have Claire as a friend and supporter to Friends of Animals Utah. She is part of our family and makes us stronger with her daily contributions of time.

Pets In The City Magazine

January 2014


E m ot i o n C o d e : R e l e a s i n g N ega t i ve E n e rg i e s i n P e t s H a ve yo u eve r wo n d e re d a b o u t a l te r n a t i ve o r complementary therapies? Increasingly, people are seeking these therapies for themselves, as well as their pets. And, why not? Complementary therapies, such as energy work, when performed by a skilled practitioner, have no side effects and are safe. Energy work can be performed anywhere, requires no special equipment, and is noninvasive. Energy work is based on the idea that life force energy is everywhere, and that we are energetic beings. Energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive.


January 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

However, there is negative energy that manifests itself as negative emotions. This energy can also cause illness because you can’t separate the mind

from the body. For example, stress can lead to lower immunity which may lead to illness and disease. Emotion Code is one such type of energy work. Because it requires no active participation by the recipients, it is an ideal treatment for animals. Emotion Code releases energies in the form of negative emotions which are trapped within the body. The immune system is then strengthened, allowing the body to heal itself and reverse the disease process.

Miriam Coons, a C e r t i f i e d E m ot i o n C o d e P ra c t i t i o n e r, wo r k s o n a n i m a l s . “ A n y p e t ow n e r k n ow s t h e i r a n i m a l s fe e l a w i d e ra n ge o f e m ot i o n s , b ot h p o s i t i ve a n d n ega t i ve , ” s h e s a y s . “ T h i s m a y i n c l u d e fe e l i n g s o f a b a n d o n m e n t , a n x i e t y, b e t ra ya l , c o n f u s i o n , d e p re s s i o n , d i s t r u s t , fe a r, g r i e f, g u i l t , h e a r t a c h e , helplessness, loneliness, a n d rej e c t i o n , t o n a m e a few. ” In her practice, she’s worked with animals in the Utah Humane Society Foster Care Program. “Because of the animals’ troubled life experiences, they often come to the shelter with emotional baggage. These emotions trapped within are often the root cause of behavioral and/or physical problems. Releasing these trapped emotions allows the problems to reverse, improve, and possibly disappear altogether.” One of her first experiences with the Humane Society illustrates the success she believes result from her work. A two-year-old Great Dane named Jaira arrived at the shelter after her owners’ divorce with extreme separation anxiety. The large dog was noticeably agitated,


was distrustful, paced back and forth, and had difficulty eating. Unbeknownst to Miriam when she began working on the Great Dane, Jaira also had a diagnosed cancerous tumor on her chest and would be euthanized if the tumor grew. Fortunately for Jaira, her next mammogram showed that the tumor had diminished in size, and continued to shrink from one day to the next. Jaira’s behavioral issues also resolved, allowing her to be successfully adopted into a foster home to live a more peaceful and content life. While Miriam initially worked with animals in person, she’s able to attain the same successful results working remotely. She can talk with an owner over the phone about a pet’s issues. Using kinesiology and muscle testing, she can identify where the negative energies are and clear them with a magnet made especially for healing. After the first session, improvements are often evident within days, if not hours. The number of sessions required depends upon the individual animal and results may vary. “The body can only tolerate so much negative energy clearing until reaching capacity because the body needs time to process the changes” she says. When negative energies are released, the benefits are far-reaching, often translating into other areas. Randall Scripter, one of Miriam’s clients, can attest to the results achieved with Emotion Code work. He has three cats and a dog which have been rescue animals. “Two of our cats and our dog have had the most visible improvement, “he says. The dog no longer lowers her ears and drops her head when petted, fearing she will be hit. She has also stopped trembling at the groomer’s. One of the cats now allows herself to be picked up. Another, who wouldn’t purr, seeks out her human companions, rolls over for tummy rubs, and purrs contentedly. “It’s really incredible what Miriam can do,” he says. Miriam Coons is a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner with Blue Summit Wellness (



up to her, grab hold of her bridle, and walk her into the stall. I gave her some sweet feed and sang “Hello Dolly”. The next day I brushed her and let her out into the pasture again.

When the girls came home from school, we headed out with the bucket of feed singing Hello Dolly again. This time she came right up and went into I grew up in small town USA. We visited my grandparent’s farm on the stall. After a couple of days she came up on her own, watching and weekends. Those were working weekends for the grownups, but I would play waiting for the bus to drop the girls off. You could have set your watch by with the dogs, tag along when they milked the cows and watch them gather her. eggs. Many of my friends lived on farms too and the one I liked to visit the most had horses. We would ride around the pasture and laugh and giggle The girls would ride the mare laughing and giggling and come back at the sites we saw---hopping rabbits, grazing deer, foxes running into their and tell me about the hopping rabbits, grazing deer, foxes holes and many more adventures. running into their holes and many more adventures.

Mona Mistric

Then we moved to the big city, far away from my grandparent’s farm. Oh how my heart longed for the country. It took years of living, starting a family, and lots of moves, until the Lord blessed me with a beautiful, peaceful 30 acres with 10 of it cleared pasture and a 5 acre horseshoe shaped pond. I was finally “home”. The only problem was that I was so young when I moved from the country that I really had no idea what I was doing; however, I knew I could learn. Let me tell you about one of my learning experiences. My girls, 6 and 12 years of age, wanted a horse. I met an old timer who said he had a gentle old chestnut mare, Dolly, who loved it if you sang “Hello Dolly” to her. I bought her and put her in one of the horse stalls. The next day I brushed her, then rode her around the pasture and showed her the place. She truly was a nice gentle horse for the girls. I let her out while we waited for the girls to come home from school.

I had to figure out a way to get the horse back up to the barn. I decided to use the pickup truck to herd the horse like the dogs do. I’m sure everyone thought I was crazy, chasing the mare around the field in the truck. When she zigged, I zagged, and when she zagged, I zigged---all around the field we went. Finally, Dolly ran into a corner and stopped. I was able to walk right

Pets In The City Magazine

The girls came home and we took a bucket of feed out into the pasture to coax Dolly to come up. We sang “Hello Dolly” and tapped the side of the bucket, but she wouldn’t come. Every time we got close, she would run off. This went on for a couple of hours until the girls were discouraged and I was exhausted. I talked with one of my neighbors about it and he said, “That’s what we call Field Smart. Good luck catchin’ her.”

January 2014 21

My Dog, Rover A.C. “Ace” Avery

This story I’ll tell you, as true as it may seem. Didn’t actually happen, it was only a dream, But it’s a typical example of a dog you’ll meet On a farm in the country, or a big city street. This puppy was born on a cold winter night, So dog faced and ugly, such a horrible sight. His mother bewildered, looked down through her tears, She just couldn’t figure his long floppy ears. For his mother was Collie, his grandmother too. To speak of his father, oh no, that wouldn’t do. For speaking of bloodlines, it’s safe to say, They won’t register his father for many a day.


January 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

As the days grew warmer and Rover grew up, It was a common expression, “That poor ugly pup.” For his left eye was green, and his right eye was gold, His long nose so twisted, a sight to behold. With his boxcar feet he ran oh so gaily, His body scarred up from fights almost daily. And his color would change as the seasons turned ‘round, But generally speaking, it was some shade of brown. Old Rover made quite a reputation they say, When he turned up at the racetrack one warm summer day; How the people did laugh and poke fun at his master, They were all quite sure he couldn’t run any faster, Than the turtle in the story, you’ve all heard about. When the gun went off, they let out a shout. Old Rover sprang forth, three lengths to the lead. He rounded the corner; he turned on the speed.

His huge ears spread out, like an airplane he flew, And the vision was blocked for a minute or two. Like hamburger, he ground up the track, Threw rocks and dirt all over the pack. Then all of a sudden, there arose such a clatter, The people stood up to see what was the matter. The rabbit he caught, he tore to a shred, Took one look behind him, then onward he sped. The greyhounds behind him seemed to be dazed, And all who watched him were simply amazed, At the ease and grace, the old dog had won, The odds, so against him, before he’d begun. It wasn’t only at racing that rover was good, He could round up cattle better than most dogs could. One autumn day, the weather so pleasant, Rover went to the cornfield to look for a pheasant. I guess the poor rooster never realized his plight, He’d waited too late, no cover in sight. And there on the ground, in the afternoon light, The poor quivering bird died simply of fright. Not a shot had been fired, not one bullet spent, Rover picked up the pheasant, and then homeward he went. So, listen my children, that you may hear, Of a dog so homely, of a dog so dear. He caused lots of talking, he made people laugh. These following words were printed for his epitaph, “Here lies Rover, man’s best friend, He fought against nature, ‘till the very end. He never cheated and never lied, But excelled in everything he tried. Now the moral of the story is plain to see: Don’t kick a man down when he’s ugly as me. Ace is now 83 years old. He wrote this poem at the age of 24, in 1954. He resides in Kaysville, Utah.


The Love of a Feathered Friend

On a bright sunny day 11 years ago Craig walked into Ronie’s shop unknowingly changing a bird’s life forever. This little birdy was named Cricket and she was so excited to meet Craig that she could not stop talking from excitement. Instantly the connection was made between Cricket and Craig and they became inseparable. When Cricket was taken home she was accepted into the family which consisted of Craig, his wife Anita, and two other feathered friends Ullr and Bella. Cricket loved to spend time in the sun and loves taking naps with Craig. Cricket also loves coming to Ronie’s when Craig and Anita went on vacation. She has so much fun talking with the other birds and loves getting spoiled by the staff. Cricket knew she was getting older and showed as much love to the family as possible. Cricket came to stay with Ronie while Craig and Anita went on vacation; she had a lot of fun but became weak from old age. She had laid an egg before coming over to Ronie’s which led to a collapsed vent during her stay. Ronie rushed Cricket to the Veterinarian to have her operated on and Craig rushed to Cricket as fast as he could once he heard. She made it through surgery but was still too weak to make it much longer. Craig took cricket home so that she could pass on comfortably with her beloved family. Even though Cricket has passed her memory will never fade and her presence is still felt by all of us. Craig and Cricket will remain together to the end, the love of a feathered friend never disappears. With love, Craig, Anita, Ullr, Bella and Ronie

Pets In The City Magazine January 2014 23

Bettas: Siamese Fighting Fish Lance Weeks One of the reasons bettas are so cool is that each one of them are unique. They can recognize their owners; they often swim to the front whenever you come into the room. They can even do tricks like eat eating off your hand, follow your finger around the aquarium, and flare on command. Their cute personalities get the best of you, and soon you start spending more and more time with your betta, soon to be bettas. They are like potato chips. You can’t just have one. Just remember to look impressive. One way to make them flare is to hold a mirror in front of them. give the best to your betta, and they’ll thank you with their unique personality. They’ll think that they are seeing a rival and quickly stretch out their fins. Just make sure you don’t leave the mirror visible for more than 5 or 10 minutes, so that Housing they don’t get tired. There are many options for your betta’s new home. But not all of them are ideal. So, what are the options and which one is the best? Males are bubble nest makers. This is a good sign, and it means that they are healthy and ready to mate, but you will need a female and lots of education. Option #1 - The Individual Tank This is the best possible home for your betta. Aquariums 2.5 gallons and up will Filter vs. no Filter give your friend plenty of room to swim around and show off his best colors and The topic of whether or not filters are necessary for keeping bettas has been highly amazing fins. Plus, you can add a heater, filter, and decorations to make his home debated in the fish-keeping world. Some say that filters are necessary, because if other fish need filters, then bettas should get one too. To them, not providing even better. Just remember that you can only have one male betta per aquarium. bettas with filters is just being lazy and not giving them the best possible care. Others believe that filters are unnecessary and even cruel to bettas, because it’s Option #2- The Smaller Individual Tank putting the bettas in an environment that they are not accustomed to. Many bettas, If you’re tight on money or space, then this is the choice for you. However, it’s especially the long-tailed varieties, go through a lot of stress swimming in the important to at least try to get the largest home you can afford. In such a small current, because their fins act as a sail and are pushed to wherever the current space, waste accumulates to toxic levels in only a few days. Like I said before, if takes them. Betta owners want their bettas to feel at home by making sure there is you buy those quart sized jars, be prepared to change all of the water every 2 or 3 little or no current in the aquarium, just like the bettas natural habitat in the rice days. Not only is this inconvenient for the owner, but it’s stressful for the betta as paddies of Southeast Asia. well.

Pets In The City Magazine

Option #3 - Divided Aquariums This option is third best, because it allows you to have more than one betta. However, this option has its flaws. For example, if one betta is sick, the rest will become sick since they share the same water. There will also be problems with the water flow. One betta will be swimming in a whirlpool, while the others won’t have any filtration. In addition, if the dividers aren’t high enough, one of the bettas may jump to the other side, and then you would end up with injured or even dead bettas. We always recommend a heater for even a small tank; your betta will be more active and enjoy his new home more while helping fend off disease and other sicknesses. Feeding a variety of foods is important to their health and overall care. Overfeeding is a huge issue and can be regulated by simply feeding your betta every other day, depending on the food product you choose. Your pet store will have a variety of food items for your betta.

January 2014

Betta Aggression Bettas are well-known for their aggressiveness. When a betta sees a rival male, both will flare their fins and tear each other up. In the wild, they don’t usually kill each other. Instead, the loser swims away. However, in a small aquarium, the loser has nowhere to go, so he is constantly being picked on until he dies, which is why you can only have one male betta per aquarium. On the contrary, it is possible to keep multiple females in a large aquarium, as long as there are more than 4 or 5 females. They may fight each other for a few days, but its important to leave them alone, because they are setting up a pecking order. As soon as that is over, the fighting will stop.


Male bettas use flaring as a form of intimidation against other male bettas. Flaring bettas stretch their gills and their fins to make them look twice as big, and they do

So, should I use a filter? If there are other fish/aquatic animals housed with the betas, a filter is definitely needed, because the more fish, the more waste, which ultimately leads to more ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Additionally, most fish don’t have the ability to live in low oxygen waters, such as the betta, so the water agitation caused by the filter is necessary. Tank size of 2.5 gallons or less A filter is not recommended, because most filters rated for these sized tanks are too strong for bettas. However, there are filters that work for 2.5 gallons. It is recommended to do bi-weekly water changes of 25%. Tank size of over 2.5 gallons For these tank sizes, a filter is recommended because there is more room for bettas to escape the current, and it allows the owner to do water changes once a week instead of twice a week. However, it’s important to find a filter rated one level down for the specific size tank so the current isn’t too strong.

Quick Facts Size 2’’-3” Temperature Prefers 78-82 F pH Range 7 is best, but can handle 6-7.5 Life Span 3 years or more with good care Food Carnivorous- picky eater Water Treated clean freshwater Temperament Males are aggressive to other males Lance Weeks is the owner of Living Safari.



Fashionable and Practical Accessories Chanté McCoy

Winter officially arrives this month, and snow already whitens the Wasatch. Sure, it’s nippier outside, but you can still take Fido out for walks and hikes. Of course, with the white stuff, you can also enjoy cross-country skiing and snowshoeing 1 with your buddy. With the collection of ice crystals (i.e., snow), you might want to consider another accessory for your dog: booties. Boots are no longer just for Puss. Nor are they just a fashion statement. They are protection against slicingand-dicing ice, build-up of snow between the paw pads, sharp rocks or glass hidden underneath, and toxic salt and de-icing chemicals. My dog, Elvis, sliced off half a toe pad on a rock, and bled from icy snow a couple times before I discovered booties. Now, he can frolic to his heart’s content, and I don’t have to worry about those types of injuries and accompanying vet bills. Many brands are available. Look for waterproof booties with flexible rubber soles and tread patterns for traction. Some come with gaiters (“sleeves” which cover the lower leg) for added insulation and protection against the cold. Read reviews so you can buy with confidence.

Another consideration might be finding a manufacturer that will sell the booties individually, so you can replace worn or lost booties later, as opposed to purchasing another set of four. Fido will find the booties awkward at first. Have your video camera ready, because he’s going to high step like a pony. Nowadays, I put Elvis’s on in the car, right before hitting the trail, and he forgets about them almost immediately.

If you choose not to get booties, watch for blood spots in the snow as you go, and cut your hike short, if need be.

January 2014

Booties can be used year round. They can protect against such dangers as glass and hot pavement in summer.

Pets In The City Magazine

Be sure to size the booties for best fit. Sizing depends on the manufacturer. Some base it on the width of the paw. Others on the length, from the front edge of the small pads to the back edge of the large pad. So, if ordering online, be sure to check out their sizing guidelines. If possible, try on some booties for fit at a store.

1 See


“Beginner’s Guide to Snowshoeing with Your Dog,” March 2013 issue, at

y l m Fa i Fu n Ring Out The Old, Ring In The New!


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Pets In The City Magazine

OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW The new year was traditionally celebrated in Britain and its colonies on March 25, one of the four Quarter days of the year: • Lady Day (25 March) • Midsummer Day (24 June) • Michaelmas (29 September) • Christmas (25 December) The Quarter days, observed since the Middle Ages, fell on four religious festivals that were close to the two solstices and two equinoxes. On these days, rents were due, accounts settled, and servants hired.

January 2014

In 1751, the Gregorian calendar was adopted, and the day marking the new year moved to January 1. The Gregorian calendar was based on the Roman calendar.


January is the Anglicized version of the Roman “Januarius” which comes from either Janus, the dual-faced god of beginnings, openings, passages, gates and doorways, or Juno, the Roman equivalent to Hera, queen of the gods, and the patron goddess of Rome. The new year in western culture is often represented by a baby, while the

6. 8. 12. 14. 15.


The Roman name for January The Scottish name for the New Year The first month of the year The ancient calendar on which our calendar is based In 2014, the _____ new year begins January 31 Up until 1751, the day on which the new year was celebrated in England and all British colonies The song traditionally sung at the stroke of midnight on the new year The Chinese calendar is based on a ______ calendar The season when many southeast Asian cultures celebrate the new year


The season when the days are shortest and the nights are longest An anthropomorphic representation of time, usually depicted as a white-haired, bearded old man A commitment made on New Year’s Day The old British new year was also called _____ Day The season when Rosh Hashanah occurs Each year on the Chinese calendar is represented by a ________ In 2014, the animal associated with the Chinese calendar

previous “old” year is represented by Father Time, an elderly man holding a scythe or hourglass. The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, with the new year falling on the last month of the calendar year and being celebrated to the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the new month. The Chinese calendar is based on a 12-year cycle. In 2014, the new year – represented by the horse – falls on January 31. Other cultures mark the beginning of spring or the beginning of autumn as the new year. For example, on many south and southeast Asian (e.g., India, Burma, Nepal) calendars, the new year falls between April 13-15. Autumnal examples include the Hebrew new year on Rosh Hashanah and Coptic Orthodox new year on Neyrouz. New year traditions vary the world over. In Scotland, New Year’s is referred to as Hogmanay. The day is celebrated with symbolic gift giving. A Scottish song based on a Robert Burns’ poem, “Auld Lang Syne,” is traditionally sung in English-speaking countries on the stroke of midnight. In Greece, the lights are switched off at midnight, followed by the serving of Basil’s Pie in which a coin is hidden; whoever finds the coins gets good luck for the year. In the Philippines, fireworks and horns are used to dispel evil spirits to prevent them from bringing bad luck for the year. Parades, traditional meals, dips in ice-cold water, and church services are also common practices.

y l m Fa i Fu n

Dot-to-dot and Coloring Contest Winner: Brooklyn!

Caption Contest! Fill in your caption here:

Holiday Caption Contest Winner: Maverick!

Scan and email it to: debbiepetsinthecitymagazine@ Or mail your finished picture to: PICM • 470 E. Mill Street • Bountiful, Utah 84010 We must receive all submissions by 01/20/14.


In this delightful picture book, readers explore the winter woods on cross country skis, discovering the secret world of all the different critters who live under the snow. What do frogs do in the winter? Where do bees live when it’s snowy? Charming, informative winter reading!

When it’s too cold to get outside, here’s a great activity book that’ll keep kids of all ages engaged. This interactive book is packed with gorgeous animal photos, fascinating facts, plus games, stickers, crafts and all kinds of neat things to do. This isn’t a book you’ll find in your local library, but it could be well worth buying for those days your kids complain they’re bored.

January 2014

Over and Under the Snow, by Kate Messner, (ages 3 and up)

Animal Creativity Book, by National Geographic Kids, (all ages)

After the fall of the Soviet Union in the mid 1990’s, thousands of children and teens found themselves homeless, trying to survive on the streets of Moscow. Ivan was just one of those children. What set him apart was the fact that he chose to live with a pack of wild street dogs rather than humans to survive. Inspired by a true story, The Dogs of Winter explores not only the relationship between dogs and people, but also what makes us human.

Pets In The City Magazine




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Dobby, Peanut, Raisin & Mya


Kiwi Tiki



Squeaky & Snickers Dandy

Waffles & Pickles

Gusgus & Tyzan




January 2014

Pets In The City Magazine


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Darcie & Lucy


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Sassy Libby Zoey & Angus



Chita Rose

Pets In The City Magazine


January 2014 29



January 2014

Pets In The City Magazine

Madame Tabu’s

PET HOROSCOPE January 2014

Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19) Throw out your predictable routine for the New Year and switch things up to keep you flexible and fun.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) You love lending a helping paw to a good cause—encourage your humans to get involved with animal charities in the New Year.

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20) Your generosity and thoughtful nature sometimes puts you last on the priority list – be sure to take time for yourself this month to recharge.

Aries (March 21 – April 19) You enjoy always being on the go, so enjoy an outdoor hike in the snow with your human this month.

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20) Let your hosting skills shine bright in the New Year by throwing a doggone good party.

Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) Your mental multi-tasking will be an asset as you start on your New Year’s resolutions, but be sure to take a mental break to celebrate your accomplishments!

Cancer (Jun 22 – July 22)

Leo (July 23 – Aug 22) Use your charismatic nature to lead your neighborhood pack on some new adventuresfor the New Year.

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22) Make some extra cash this month by offering your organizing skills to packmates trying to do some doghouse cleaning for the New Year.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22) When it comes to debating, you’re top dog—but avoid needless dog fights this month to keep the peace.

Use your fantastic resolution skills to craft some howling good ones for the New Year.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) Resist the effort to be too blunt during the Full Moon on January 15, but definitely get your howl on to kick off the New Year.


Madam Tabu’s horoscopes are translated through the human pet psychic Jennafer Martin,

January 2014

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Pets In The City Magazine

Don’t be shy—get out of the dog house and enjoy time with your packmates this month.

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