The Exodus

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That is the way dear children of Macedon - follow it! THE SECOND BOOK OF MACEDON commonly called


Ma’at and Isfet (Order and Chaos)

In the ancient times Egypt was the Sun Kingdom of Ma’at and the Semitic hoards their Isfet. It was a time of major social changes that influenced the whole of the Mediterranean world, and caused colossal changes in the cultural life of the indigenous population of the region. Let me clarify, in those times civilizations were created on several places in the world: Tibet, Egypt, Macedonia, the Andes... These places had either favorable climatic conditions to provide for agricultural societies to develop, either that or there was a sort of divine intervention that enabled the appearance of such as sophisticated civilization as that of Egypt for instance. It is well accepted that Egypt and Sumer did have a stair-step evolution, in which they did not appear to have progressed from a low evolved point, but rather began with all the necessary ideas, knowledge and technical skills required to instill a social civilization overnight, as it were. Nevertheless, due to climate changes, there were migrations of hoards, looking for better pastures. The Kingdoms were created upon a heroic lineage. In other words you had to have descendants of a God or a hero to establish a Kingdom, in any other case you were just a hoard,

or a pack. The history of Egypt is divided in several stages, which are fairly different. However, there is a drastic change in cultural life during the Second intermediate period, which is the time that we can associate to the migrations that brought the Danaos to Greece. Apparently before 1650 BC the Egyptians lived peacefully and in accordance with the Sun god, a culture they called Ma'at1 - Order. “Ma'at as a principle was at least partially codified into a set of laws, and expressed a ubiquitous concept of correct from wrong characterized by concepts of truth and a respect for, and adherence to, this divine order believed to be set forth by the goddess Ma’at at the time of the world's creation. This divine order was primarily conceived of as being modeled in various environmental, agricultural, and social relationships.”2 In the 1650's BC the Semitic tribes invaded Egypt, in search for pastures. This is even recorded in the Hebrew Torah with the story of Joseph3 in Egypt. The Hebrew tribes took over one part of Egypt and forced the Pharaoh to relocate its seat to Thebes4. These "foreign rulers" or Hyksos as a term can be traced down in Coptic as a phrase that means: "Desert Princes". As we know from the Bible the Hebrew tribes had spent a lot of time in the desert. Egyptians lived in the Ma'at principle and were therefore non-violent, thus allowing these foreigners to settle in their territory, which caused the decline of the Egyptian rule and the relocation of the seat of the Pharaoh. The new principle of rule, based on lucid territorial theft by imitating the system of the Ma'at in Egypt became known as Isfet - Chaos. Ma'at and Isfet Order and Chaos. This is the blueprint of any civilizational clash in history of mankind. This was the first time the Ma'at kingdom of Egypt, also known as the Sun Kingdom of Egypt,


Ma'at, unlike Hathor and Nephthys, seemed to be more of a concept than an actual goddess. Her name, literally, meant 'truth' in Egyptian. She was truth, order, balance and justice personified. She was harmony, she was what was right, she was what things should be. It was thought that if Ma'at didn't exist, the universe would become chaos, once again. (Caroline Seawright) 2

From Wikipedia


From Wikipedia: Joseph, son of Jacob, is one of the best-known figures in the Torah, famous for his coat of many colors (although this may be a mistranslation of the Hebrew word for "sleeves") and his God-given ability to interpret dreams. Due to jealousy, his brothers sold him into slavery. Eventually he worked under the Egyptian official Potiphar, but was freed and became the chief adviser (vizier) to the Egyptian Pharaoh, allegedly during either the Hyksos Era or, according to Kenneth Kitchen, the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.


From Wikipedia: Around 1650 BC, as the power of the Middle Kingdom pharaohs weakened, Asiatic immigrants living in the Eastern Delta town of Avaris seized control of the region and forced the central government to retreat to Thebes, where the pharaoh was treated as a vassal and expected to pay tribute. The Hyksos ("foreign rulers") imitated Egyptian models of government and portrayed themselves as pharaohs, thus integrating Egyptian elements into their Middle Bronze Age culture.

met the Shadow of Isfet. The main antidote to the Sun god of Egypt was the snake Apophis5. It was the carrier of the Isfet. Isfet was opposite of any principle of Ma'at. In his book Black Athena, Martin Bernal states: “The second revision I want to make is to put Danaos landing in Greece near the beginning of the Hyksos period, at around 1720 BC, not near its end – in or after 1575 – as set out in the ancient chronographies. Ever since late Antiquity, writers have seen links between the Egyptian Model of expansion of the hated Hyksos by the Egyptian 19th Dynasty, the biblical tradition of the exodus from Egypt after the Israelites sojourn there, and the Greek legends of the Arrival in Argos of Danaos. According to Greek tradition Danaos was wither Egyptian of Syrian, but he definitely came from Egypt after or during his struggle with his twin, Aigyptos – whose origin is self-evident. This three-way association would seem plausible and has been reconciled, by some authorities, with the archeological evidence. The ancient chronographers varied in their dating of the arrival of Kadmos and his 'second' foundation of Thebes. I would associate these legends too with the Hyksos, though they could refer to later periods. Greek tradition associated Danaos with the introduction of irrigation and Kadmos with the introduction of certain types of weapons, the alphabet, and a number of religious rituals. According to the Revised Ancient Model, it would seem that irrigation came with an earlier wave but other borrowings, including the chariot and the sword - both introduced to Egypt in Hyksos times-came soon after to the Aegean. In religion, the cults introduced at this stage seem to have centered on those around Poseidon and Athena. I maintain that the former should be identified with Seth, the Egyptian god of the wilderness or sea, to whom the Hyksos were devoted, and with the Semitic Yam (Sea) and Yahweh. Athena was the Egyptian Neit and probably the Semitic Anat who also seems to have been worshipped by the Hyksos. This is not to deny that other cults of such divinities as Aphrodite and Artemis were introduced over this period.” We cannot tell why the Danaos left Egypt and migrated to Greece, but we can assume that the events that preceded this intrusion had significantly altered the life of the Egyptians, who had to change their principal system of values, learn warfare, and move away from the territories now occupied by those foreign rulers, where the rule of the Shadow was in full power. The Danaos seems to have moved to the Aegean regions, previously settled by the Pelasgians, which was a name used for the native population, who were devotees to the Great Mother Goddess cult, the oracle of Dodona being one of their main sanctuaries. This is yet another indication that the Pelasgians were non-violent, just like the Egyptians, and we can assume that what was Ma’at to Egypt - was the Great Mother Goddess to the natives of the Aegean region, including Macedonia to the north. The reason I am telling this is that the House of Macedon was another heroic lineage of the Sun god. It was a Ma'at Kingdom. In fact, in the Demotic text of the Rosetta stone the Macedonians are literally described as “the children of Dea6 ”. Alexander the Great was 5

In Egyptian mythology, Apep (also spelled Apepi, and Aapep, or Apophis in Greek) was an evil demon, the deification of darkness and chaos (Isfet in Egyptian), and thus opponent of light and Ma'at (order/truth), whose existence was believed from the Middle Kingdom onwards.


In Roman mythology, Bona Dea (literally "the good goddess") was the goddess of fertility, healing, virginity, and women. The term Dea, obviously implied goddess, and it can be associated to the name used in Dodona for the Great Mother goddess, Dione. There is an interesting correlation between the name Dione and Dionysus. It seems that the relation between Cybele and Attis in the Phrygian Magna Mater cult can be linked to the relation between Dione and Dionysus. If we consider the Rosetta stone material, it turns out that among the Macedonians the name of

welcomed as a Sun God in Egypt, when he took it from the Persians. This evidently provides a larger context for a more objective perspective on the correlation between the Egyptian Ma’at and the Macedonian Great Mother Goddess cult. It seems that the Egyptians of that era knew better who was who. The Persians must have represented the Isfet to the Egyptians, while the Macedonians were obviously treated as liberators, since they reintroduced the codex or the set of principles that the Ma’at represented to the Egyptians. The Macedonian codex, which later became the Justinian Code7 or Roman law, was created upon traditions and customs of the Emperor's native folks, and we know he came from Taor, a village in the vicinity of Skopje. This codex has been Macedonia’s customary legacy since the most ancient of times, because the ancient Macedonians considered themselves descendants of a heroic lineage. These laws - even today - are woven in the Macedonian traditions, songs, dances, spirituality, respect for all, love of freedom, human rights, equality through diversity… The Macedonian identity is that of cosmopolitanism. It was Alexander's legacy ever since he mixed 10 000 of Macedonian men with Persian women8 - the most famous wedding ceremony of all times. It seems that the Macedonians have the responsibility to carry on with the Ma'at principles of truth, order - law, morality, and justice (sometimes personified as goddess). And not only the Macedonians - all the good people devoted to these principles should join forces and realize their true agenda, as well as their true foe. Our Justice must prevail against the Isfet that the goddess was Dea, while the god’s name would be Deonis. Deo corresponds to Teo, denoting God, while Nis is very close to the term Nas [nash], meaning Our in modern Macedonian, thus the name of Dionysus would mean Our God to the ancient Macedonians. 7

Rule of Law: The Story of Human Rights in World History (2004 ORIAS Summer Teachers' Institute) Corupus Iurus Civilis or the Justinian Code, was the result of Emperor Justinian's desire that existing Roman law be collected into a simple and clear system of laws, or "code." Tribonian, a legal minister under Justinian, lead a group of scholars in a 14-month effort to codify existing Roman law. The result was the first Justinian Code, completed in 529. This code was later expanded to include Justinian's own laws, as well as two additional books on areas of the law. In 534, the Justinian Code, made up of the Code, the Digest, and the Institutes, was completed. The types of laws contained in the Justinian Code: 1. 2.

Unwritten laws based on customs and usage. Types of written law: leges, plebiscita, senatusconsulta, constitutiones of emperors, edicta of magistrates, responsa of jurisprudents.


The Susa Weddings was a mass wedding arranged by Alexander of Macedon in 324 BC in the town of Susa. Alexander intended to symbolically unite the Persian and Macedonian races, by taking a Persian wife himself and celebrating a mass wedding with Persian ceremony along with his officers, for whom he arranged marriages with noble Persian wives. The union was not only symbolic, as the new offspring would be a new mixed race of rulers. Susa was the place of the famous incident told by Herodotus: When Darius was king of Persia, he summoned the Greeks who happened to be present at his court, and asked them what they would take to eat the dead bodies of their fathers. They replied that they would not do it for any money in the world. Later, in the presence of the Greeks, and through an interpreter, so that they could understand what was said, he asked some Indians of the tribe called Callatiae, who do in fact eat their parents' dead bodies, what they would take to burn them. They uttered a cry of horror and forbade him to mention such a dreadful thing. (Herodotus, Histories 3.38; tr. Aubrey de Selincourt)

has been imposed on us. Who do you think is the Isfet to the Macedonians, if the Hyksos tribes were to the Egyptians? This is what Black Athena says on the issue: “In the 12th century BC there was a more disruptive historical break. In Antiquity, what is now called the “Dorian Invasion” was much more frequently termed ‘The Return of the Heraklids’. The incomers undoubtedly came from the north-western fringes of Greece, which had been less affected by the Middle Eastern culture of the Mycenaean palaces which they destroyed. Their calling themselves ‘Heraklids’ is fascinating, as it was a claim not only to divined descent from Herakles but also to Egyptian and Phoenician ancestors of the royal families which had been replaced by the Pelopids. There is no doubt that the descendants of these conquerors, the Dorian kings of Classical and Hellenistic times, believed themselves to be descendants from Egyptians and Phoenicians.” The Egyptians here were most probably the rulers of Egypt after the Hyksos invasion. Therefore, the Dorians were most likely the Semitic people, whose disruptive intrusion had been the legacy of their Isfet. They were the war-inducing hoards of Apophis, the raiding destroyers of the Sun kingdoms. Could it be that the Dorian tribes who invaded Greece and destroyed the Mycenaean civilization, had actually derived from the Hyksos tribes, who brought forth the Isfet to Egypt, thus replacing the Ma’at in a deceitful manner, promoting war as an advance, against peace as a weakness? I do not intend to sound that dramatic – I simply want to mirror the Biblical tone when depicting the quest for the Promised Land9 - an event that has inspired and justified so many monstrous crimes against humanity, starting from the Hebrew exodus from Egypt up to the European conquest of the new continent. In his book The Bible: "Word of God" or words of men? - Daniel Joseph Malane poses the following query: Did the Creator of the Universe send the Israelites into a "Promised Land" to kill all of the women, children and elderly in sixty of the cities they conquered? "The Bible says so". Read the passages below: And the Lord our God delivered him over to us; so we defeated him, his sons, and all his people. We took all his cities at that time, and we utterly destroyed the men, women and little ones of every city, we left none remaining” (Deuteronomy 2:33–34) Sixty cities, all the region of Argob, the kingdom of Og in Bashan . . . And we utterly destroyed them, as we did to Sihon, king of Heshbon, utterly destroying the men, women and children of every city. (Deuteronomy 3:46) 9

The Promised Land is another name for the Land of Israel, the region which, according to the Hebrew Bible, was promised by God to descendants of Abraham and to the Israelites, descendants of Jacob, Abraham's grandson. Mainstream Jewish tradition regards the promise as applying to all Jews, including the descendants of converts. (Wikipedia)

"They utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword" (The book of Joshua 6:21) There are many more verses like this that could be quoted. Is this the WORD OF GOD? Or words of men? Was the Old Testament then a creation of the Hyksos tribes who conquered Egypt, and then moved on to conquer other cultures, thus imposing the will of their “God”, which seems to be a very violent deity, if you pay close attention to the instructions he gave to his “chosen people”? Was this a way to justify their Isfet, their vile agenda for an unprecedented conquest of the world, thus inspiring violence as a means to attain divinity, destroying everyone that was on their way, given by their god? It seems logical for the Hyksos to have wished to promote their god as their own savior, themselves as the chosen people, but what about all those that died for these people to reach their Promised Land, their state of divinity, a quest that has spread like a disease among the nations, and has not stopped yet, bringing such an unspeakable misery to this world? Only because they were more violent, does not make them more sacred. How did they manage to persuade the whole world to take their god’s lead and follow their quest, and to what end I wonder? Was this the God of Love that we all cherish or the God of War and Destruction that the Isfet promoted? How much more will it take for this world to stop following the wrong trail? How much do we need of the Shadow to be able to see the Light? What happened to Egypt, repeated over and again, first with the natives of Europe, then with the natives of America, as well as those of Africa, and even those of Asia, if we consider the British conquest of India for instance? It seems that at some point in history the mentality of the packs had prevailed over that of the peaceful natives, inciting a method of systematic annihilation of individuals and groups that came as a result of this sacramental abuse, which has created a butterfly effect that is threatening the existence of humanity in general. The natives of Europe, the Pelasgians or the indigenous population as it seems, were those that felt the Shadow of Isfet right after the Egyptians did, and this time it was by the self-acclaimed Heraklids, the packs that introduced the Greek Dark Ages, after defeating the peaceful natives, something that has been well preserved in their oral tradition through the legend of Troy. The devastation these packs brought forth can clearly be attributed to the Isfet mentality, and can be equated to that of the Hyksos invasion of Egypt. The Greek Dark Ages, even though disputed by some academic circles, can be well supported by a great many archeological evidence that show the decline of the cultural life in Greece for a period of about 400 years, which followed the Dorian invasion. During that time: “The writing of Greek language appears to cease.”10 And it goes further: “The Greeks of the Dark Age lived in fewer and smaller settlements suggesting famine and depopulation.” 10

The extracts are from Wikipedia.

”The palace centers and outlying settlements of the Mycenaean’s highly organized culture began to be abandoned or destroyed.” “The kingdoms and elaborate systems of the Mycenaean culture were gone.” “Many explanations attribute the fall of the Mycenaean civilization to environmental catastrophe combined with a Dorian invasion. Whatever the reason, there was an irrevocable systems collapse which resulted in the complete failure of two civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean region.” ”In the Dark Ages after the collapse of the palace cultures, there were no more monumental stone buildings, writing ceased, vital trade links were lost, and towns and villages were abandoned. The population of Greece fell and the world of organized state armies, kings, officials, and redistributive systems disappeared." And these facts reveal the pack mentality that replaced the Ma'at one: ”Greece in this time was divided into independent regions known as demos. A demos contained the main town and outlying settlements. The title of a war leader in this time was basileus; such a leader was not quite a king, but held a position of power with a limitation of his powers over others.” ”The syllabary of the Mycenaean Linear B script was replaced with a new alphabet system, adopted from the Phoenicians. The Greeks adapted the Phoenician alphabet, notably introducing scripts for vowel sounds and creating the first truly alphabetic (as opposed to syllabic) writing system. The adapted alphabet quickly spread throughout the Mediterranean and was used to write not only the Greek language, but also other languages in the Eastern Mediterranean. As Greece sent out colonies west towards Sicily and Italy, the influence of their new alphabet extended further.”11 ”Most Greeks did not live in isolated farmsteads but in small settlements. Law12 was customary and most disputes were resolved by the village chieftain (basileus) or a simple council of elders. Murder was a private affair with settlement through material compensation or exile.” I have to make a stop here and tell you a story of those “noble” times that followed the Dorian invasion. It was an unstable period for all people, and it is around this time that large-scale revolts took place and attempts to overthrow existing kingdoms (which were established as oligarchic societies where the few ruled over the masses in a most cruel manner), by surrounding 11

This, however, contradicts the rock art engravings found in Macedonia as well as the Vinca script, which are dated much earlier than the Greek alphabet. If we combine the Phoenician adaptation of the signs they obviously borrowed from someone else, which they used for bookkeeping, and the adaptation the Greeks did to produce the “first” phonetic alphabet, with the Vinca script that preceded them, we might assume that the Phoenicians simply transformed an earlier script (probably used in rituals with mystical application), and then the Greeks further developed it for their civilizational requirements, as it seems. 12 A system of values of the Dorian tribes that was later established as Draconian Law.

people who were already plagued with famine, hardships but most likely as a result of economic and political instability occurring in whole of the Mediterranean. The glorious kingdoms of the legendary epoch, such as that of Troy, had already ceased to exist, and the newly arrived Dorian tribes needed to establish order within their rule. They did that by imitating the system they encountered and impounded from their predecessors. The cruelty they were inclined to was the reason for the riots of the common people. The following extract is taken from The Story of the Greatest Nations and the World’s Famous Events, a historical reference book first published in 1913 by Edward S. Ellis and Charles F. Horne, PhD: The son of this Alcmaeonides13 was called Megacles. During the days when Megacles was foremost of the nobility occurred the first effort to turn Athens from an oligarchy14 to a tyranny15. In the year 610 B.C. a young nobleman named Cylon called all the people to aid him in overthrowing the rule of the nobles. The revolt failed; Cylon escaped in secret, and his followers clung to the shrines of the gods for protection. They were deliberately torn thence and murdered by command of Megacles. Because of this insult to the gods, the entire family of Megacles - the Alcmaeonidae - were thereafter regarded as accursed. Even before this outbreak, the nobles had agreed that somewhat more consideration must be shown to the common folk. The rulers decided that all the cruel laws they had passed whenever the impulse seized them should be arranged in a single plainly stated system; thus, at least, the nobles could no longer twist the laws as they willed; and a poor man might know what the law really was, and so avoid breaking it unconsciously. The man who was summoned thus to "codify" the laws was Draco16. So severe were many of the old half-forgotten laws that when they were all thus clearly set forth, men were horrified at their severity.


The Alcmaeonidae or Alcmaeonids were a powerful noble family of ancient Athens who claimed descent from the mythological Alcmaeon, the grandson of Nestor. Nestor was an Argonaut, helped fight the centaurs, and participated in the hunt for the Calydonian Boar. He and his sons Antilochus and Thrasymedes fought on the side of the Achaeans in the Trojan War. In Greek mythology, Nestor of Gerênia (Greek: Νέστωρ) was the son of Neleus and Chloris, and the King of Pylos. He became king after Heracles killed Neleus and all of Nestor's brothers and sisters. (from Wikipedia) 14

Oligarchy (Greek Ὀλιγαρχία, Oligarkhía) is a form of government where political power effectively rests with a small elite segment of society (whether distinguished by wealth, family, military powers or spiritual hegemony). 15

In ancient Greece, tyrants were influential opportunists that came to power by securing the support of different factions of a deme. The word "tyrant" then carried no ethical censure; it simply referred to anyone who illegally seized executive power in a polis to engage in autocratic, though perhaps benevolent, government, or leadership in a crisis. Support for the tyrants came from the growing class of business people and from the peasants who had no land or were in debt to the wealthy land owners. It is true that they had no legal right to rule, but the people preferred them over kings or the aristocracy. (from Wikipedia) 16 During the 39th Olympiad, in 621 or 620 BC, Draco established the legal code with which he is identified. Little is known about his life. He probably belonged to the Greek nobility of the Atticus region called the Eupatridae, with which the 10th century Suda text records him as contemporaneous, prior to the period of the Seven Sages of Greece. It also relates a story of his ironic death in the Aeginian Theater. Ironically, in a traditional ancient Greek show of approval, his supporters "threw so many hats and shirts and cloaks on his head that he suffocated, and was buried in that selfsame theatre". Aristotle specifies that Draco laid down his legal code in the archonship of Aristaechmus (Ἀρισταίχµος), 620 or 621 BC. (from Wikipedia)

Death was made the penalty for every tiny crime, even the stealing of an apple from an orchard. Draco is said to have declared that the smallest crime deserved death, and that he knew of no severer penalty to attach to greater crimes. Of this grim code of laws men said that they were “written in blood”, and the word “draconian” remains in use today as signifying a rule unflinchingly severe. The laws of Draco did not quiet the tumults in Athens. The friends of Cylon continued to aid the common people, especially in their protests against the “accursed Alcmaeonidae”. Supernatural portents were said to betoken the anger of the gods, and threatening ghosts appeared. Disasters overtook the Athenians in a war with the city of Megara. Finally, the Alcmaeonidae were banished in a body. Even the bones of their dead ancestors were exhumed and sent from the country with solemn formalities to avert the wrath of the gods. At the same time another lawmaker, Solon, was authorized to prepare a new set of laws relieving the misery of the poorer classes.” All of this indicates that the Dorian invasion was more than a disruption of the continuum in the cultural life of Greece. It was rather a devastation of a kind that changed the whole of the ruling system in the region, introduced warfare, imposed severe and cruel laws, and inflicted misery among the poorer classes. This all caused a new period in Greece known as Archaic. Since the Archaic period followed the Greek Dark Ages, and saw significant advancements in political theory, and the rise of democracy, philosophy, theatre, poetry, as well as the revitalization of the written language (which had been lost during the Dark Ages), the term Archaic was extended to these aspects as well. The newly arrived Doric tribes who destroyed the glorious kingdoms established a new rule, since they could not provide the heroic lineage, and they called it democracy. It was the citystates that started developing on these grounds that later saw themselves as civilized in comparison with the barbaric Macedonians to the north, who were still followers of the “old system”, which was detested by the sophisticated invaders, while they saw themselves as modern, and civilized, and democratic. It was this vision of democracy that has blinded the western mind in the 19th century, which proved beneficiary to Greece, and so devastating to Macedonia. Nothing seems to have changed over the ages, since the same principle is applied even today. The Classical Greek values, which came as a consequence of this turbulent era, would later serve the industrialists of the modern era, regarding the nation building processes, in their agenda to establish “democracy and equal rights for all”. Again, the hidden agenda of the Isfet mentality can be clearly seen even in modern times, since democracy is an imitated concept applied to inflict social changes that would apparently serve the masses, when in reality it serves the few “nobles” that are running the market economies, to their own benefit only. The difference between the city-states ruled by a pack mentality or Isfet, and the Sun God mentality of the Great Mother goddess cult in the Kingdom of Macedon, was that of “democracy” (based on slavery and discrimination), and monarchy based on a heroic lineage and a Ma'at mentality. The following chart summarizes the differences between both concepts:

Ma’at Peaceful agricultural societies Divine order based on a heroic lineage Balance of polarities and Matriarchate Individualistic originality Writing used in mystical rituals Spiritualism Equality through cosmopolitan diversity Love and forgiveness

Isfet Nomadic hoards Self-acclaimed divinity by means of warfare Rule of the Patriarchs Imitation and uniformity Writing used for accounting Commercialism Discrimination imposed by elites Cruelty and punishment

If we take this perspective, it turns out that what happened to Egypt, which had devastating consequences on the whole of the western civilizations, happened to Macedonia as well. Both, ancient Egypt and Macedonia were Kingdoms of the Sun and were created in a heroic age, only to be interwoven with the shadows, that came with the packs or the desert princes, and thus created this fusion of lights and shadows that we call western civilization today. And since history repeats itself, all we need to do is take a deep look in it and recognize the patterns. In that way we can prevent unwanted events from repeating to us and thus heal our world from this division we are living in. The best way to heal the world is to love and forgive. And since we hold the legacy of “this divine order that we should remodel in accordance to various environmental, agricultural, and social relationships”, we should realize that those who took over our land and history, similarly to “the Hyksos (“foreign rulers”) who imitated Egyptian models of government and portrayed themselves as pharaohs”, are simply imitating our Ma'at. They are only trying to learn the true way. Since this revelation has inspired me to write this book, I would like to close this chapter with a manifesto that implies to all those who follow the light in their hearts, and know truth as mild and comforting, not cruel and devastating, as well as those who would feel bitterness in their souls for all the suffering they have gone through in their lives as a result of this colossal game of polarities, which has shaped our world in general. This brief manifesto is to all those who cherish the wisdom of the true teachings, those which are not imposed, but self-evident and innate to every human being: There are times when we all need to move away from the blind odium that has accumulated in our tormented hearts, afflicted with suffering of all those who have lived before us and have felt the cruelty of those who are blinded by their desire to cause further pain to their neighbors, and pray for their lost souls. My dear children of the Sun - let us show them then. Let us show the Macedonian17 love and forgiveness for all that the Greek Isfet has done to the Macedonian Ma'at. Let us open our hearts and allow the Truth to help those in the shadow see the light of the Sun. The time is closing up. We need to be truthful to our teachings. It was the Macedonians who preached the Gospel in the New Testament. Marco, Luke, Philip and even Mary Magdalene, who was Philip's sister, were ethnic Macedonians not Greeks. Marco 17

I hereby attribute Macedonian to the Great Mother. (Majka/Makea-Mother, Dona-Lady)

was never a Greek name, neither was Luke nor Philip. This misconception lies within the Aryan view only. The ancients knew that the man who appeared in St. Paul's dream was a Macedonian, and Lydia - the first European to be christened - was also Macedonian. Why Macedonians? Why the children of the Sun? Why were we the Word-bearers, to give the light to many who have derived from us in the past and maybe even wandered away from the flock? We have done it many times, why not now? Do not detest those who persecute you, detest their ignorance and sin. Love the people who have done you harm, after all that is what Christ teaches us.

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