Gymea Technology High School International Prospectus

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Gymea Technology High School

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia ◣བྷ࡙ӊᯠইေቄ༛ᐎᚹቬ

NSW Department of Education and Communities - Schools - CRICOS Provider Code: 00588M

Our Location

Our Curriculum

Gymea Technology High School is a NSW Government High School located in the southern coastal suburb of Gymea, Sydney, Australia.

At Gymea, we offer a wide curriculum to give all students opportunity to succeed. ᡁԜᨀ‫׋‬ᒯ⌋Ⲵ䈮〻䘹ᤙˈ䇙⇿սᆖ⭏䜭ᴹᵪՊ㧧ᗇᡀ࣏

Close to train and bus services. 䘁ൠ䫱ㄉ઼‫ޜ‬䖖ㄉ Quick access to Sydney City. ᘛᦧࡠ䗮ᚹቬᐲѝᗳ

A strong and growing reputation for academic success. ԕᆖ⭏ՈᔲⲴᆖҐᡀ㔙㘼ӛᴹ䎺ᶕ䎺儈Ⲵ༠䂹

A wide curriculum choice integrating academic and vocational pathways. ᒯ⌋Ⲵ䈮〻䘹ᤙˈॷབྷᆖ઼㙼ъᮉ㛢ษ䇝⴨㔃ਸ

Learning environments that support 21st century learning success. ‫ݸ‬䘋Ո㢟Ⲵᮉᆖ⧟ຳᑞࣙᆖ⭏ਆᗇ ц㓚ⲴᆖҐᡀ࣏

Digital technologies integral to learning across all areas of the curriculum. ᮠ⸱、ᢰ䘀⭘Ҿ਴、ᮉᆖ

School to University Over 70% of our students move onto tertiary studies when completing the Higher School &HUWL²FDWH ZLWK PDQ\ HQUROOLQJ LQWR WKH IROORZLQJ universities: University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, University of Technology Sydney, University of Wollongong, and Macquarie University. ᡁԜⲴ∅ъ⭏ѝᴹ 䘋‫ޕ‬儈ㅹᆖṑᆖҐˈ ᖸཊᆖ⭏ॷ ‫ޕ‬лࡇབྷᆖ˖ Ь Ь Ь Ь Ь

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Our Results

Our highest international student ATAR result was a Chinese International student gaining 99.5. ѝഭ⮉ᆖ⭏㧧ᗇ儈㘳ᴰ儈࠶ ࠶

41 citations were awarded by the Board of Studies Distinguished Achievers List in the lasts 2 years. 䗷৫ ᒤ㧧ᗇ儈㘳ငઈՊ ԭᶠࠪᡀ㔙㦓䂹హ྆DŽ

90 per cent of our academic pathway students aiming for university achieved results in the top 30 per cent of the state. ᆖ⭏ԕॷབྷᆖѪⴞḷˈ 儈㘳ᡀ㔙਽ࡇ‫ޘ‬ᐎࡽ

All international students are successful in gaining placement in an Australian University. ᡰᴹ⎧ཆ⮉ᆖ⭏䜭ᡀ࣏ॷ‫ޕ‬བྷᆖ

High quality learning

Welcome to Gymea Technology High School


Modern science laboratories. ⧠ԓ༆Ⲵ〠ᆖᇎ傟ᇔ


Resourced with equipment and technology. â€ŤÝ¸â€Źä˜‹Ⲵä‡ŽŕźˇŕŞźă€ ᢰ


Modern and innovative classroom design. ⧠Ô“ă˜źŕĄ‹ᯠ䇎䇑Ⲵᎉᇔ


)XOO :L² LQIUDVWUXFWXUH ZLUHOHVV SUHVHQWDWLRQV students using modern technology in their learning. á†źâ€Ťâ˛´Ţ˜â€ŹZLIL ä‡ŽáŻ­Ëˆá°?ă“Żâ•„⽪ˈ ᆖâ­?䘀⭘⧠ԓ༆Ⲵ〠ᢰ䘋 㚟ᆖŇ?

Academic Success Our top student Ms Lin JIANG , a Chinese International student was listed by the Board of Studies as an allrounder achieving Band 6 results across all courses. Lin received an ATAR of 99.5 and was awarded the University of New South Wales Academic Scholarship. ᥠÔœⲴ⣌‍ݳ‏ᆖâ­? âŠ?⊣ˈ аս᜕㠚Ń?ഭⲴ⎉ᆖâ­?ˈ ăť›ĺ„ˆă˜łá€„ŕŞˆ ŐŠŕĄ‡ŃŞâ€ŤŢ˜â€Źăœ­á†–â­? ᥰᴚă€ â´žäœ­ŕ¨†á—‡Ňśá´°ĺ„ˆĐ°áş“áĄ€ă”™Ë„ă…œ áş“Ë…Ç„ âŠ?⊣ਆᗇҜ Ⲵĺ„ˆŕ śËˆá’Śă§§á—‡ҜᯠŕŚ‡á€ąá‰„ŕź›ŕ˝—á†–Ⲵŕž†á†–ä

At Gymea, our international students are valued learners and members of our school community. Gymea Technology High School offers opportunities in and outside the classroom to inspire students to engage in their learning and strive for personal success. Learning in this digital age that inspires collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and effective communication is the approach that underpins the direction in teaching and learning at Gymea. We have strong success in preparing students for university through strong academic teaching and opportunities to get involved in excellent student support programs.

Leadership Qingxuan Wang, a Chinese International student has performed at the top in areas of mathematics and language. Qingxuan is a leader in our school and has organised many events bringing together Australian and Chinese students. She has developed many skills that will assist her in her studies at the University of New South Wales. Ń?ഭ⎉ᆖâ­?⌝Ფ㊥㧧á—‡Ꭰᆖટ ཆäˆ?á´°ĺ„ˆŕ śÇ„⌝Ფ ㊥áą&#x;ᥠáš‘Ⲵᆖâ­?äşśăť†Ëˆă“´ă“ˇŇśá–¸ŕ˝ŠŃ?◣ᆖâ­?â?ŤŕŁ˜Ëˆ 䘉Ӌᢰăœ­áˆŠŕžŠŕľ˜ᯠŕŚ‡á€ąá‰„ŕź›ŕ˝—á†–ⲴᆖŇ?ᖸᴚᑞࣙ

Supporting students

Our experienced and enthusiastic Student Support Team guides students with welfare and academic organisation. у䰘䍏䍓ᑞࣙᆖ⭏Ⲵᮉᐸഒ䱏ˈ ᤷሬᆖ⭏Ⲵ⭏⍫઼ᆖҐ ᆹᧂ

Wellbeing curriculum delivered by teachers as part of learning to equip students with skills to build resilience and understanding. ᒨ⾿䈮〻ҏᱟᆖҐⲴа䜘࠶

Welfare counsellor – to assist accessing support and assistance when needed. ⭏⍫䖵ሬઈ ̢ ᤷሬᡆᑞࣙᆖ⭏㧧ᗇᡰ䴰Ⲵ਴⿽ᨤࣙ Careers counselling – for planning university options. 㙼ъ㿴ࡂ䖵ሬ㘱ᐸ ̢ 䪸ሩປᣕབྷᆖᘇᝯˈ уъ䘹ᤙᨀ ‫׋‬ᑞࣙ

International Student Success

International Student coordinator : Looking after welfare arrangements and courses for all international students. ⮉ᆖ⭏һ࣑䍏䍓Ӫ˖ ➗亮⮉ᆖ⭏ⲴᆖҐ઼⭏⍫ᆹᧂ

ESL Support – In class, withdrawal from class, assistance with study and course work.ESL ˄ᱟа䰘䈮Ⲵ਽〠ˈⴤ䈁 Ā㤡䈝ѪㅜҼ䈝䀰āˈ ᤷ уѪ⮉ᆖ⭏ᔰ䇮Ⲵа䰘㤡䈝䈮ˈ儈㘳ᗵ㘳、ⴞ˅᭟ᤱ ̢ वᤜ䈮า઼њ࡛䖵ሬˈᆖҐ઼䈮ъᑞࣙ

Specialist ESL English course for HSC уᇦ㓗Ⲵ(6/ 㤡᮷儈㘳䈮〻

ESL Resources to assist teachers in the classrooms. ѠᇼⲴ(6/ 䍴ᯉˈ ॿࣙᮉᐸⲴ䈮าᮉᆖ

Strong relationships with peer groups to assist with developing English language skills. о਼ᆖ⽮ഒ㢟ྭ㍗ᇶⲴ‫ޣ‬㌫ᴹࣙҾᨀ儈㤡䈝㜭࣋

Mentoring teachers: Students meet with mentor teacher 1:1 to guide study and ensure focus remains to success.ᤷሬᮉᐸ˖ሩᆖ⭏ᨀ‫׋‬аሩаⲴ ᑞࣙˈ⺞‫؍‬ᆖъᡀ࣏

Peter Marsh– Principal ṑ䮯 ᖬᗇ 傜Ӱ ‫⭏ݸ‬ Sydney, New South Wales, Australia ◣བྷ࡙ӊᯠইေቄ༛ᐎᚹቬ e ˄⭥䛞˅ a ˄ൠ൰˅ Cnr Hotham Rd & Princes Hwy, Gymea NSW 2227ˈAustralia w ˄㖁൰˅ p ˄⭥䈍˅0061-2- 9521 3244 f ˄Րⵏ˅0061-2- 9545 1540 NSW Department of Education and Communities - Schools CRICOS Provider Code: 00588M

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