NaSTA Affiliation Guide 2015

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Contents Page Introduction.................................................................................1 Meet the NaSTA Executive........................................................2 Meet the NaSTA Returning Officer............................................4 PaSTA...........................................................................................5 Meet the NaSTA Regional Officers............................................6 How to Film SU Elections.............................................................8 JANET............................................................................................9 NaSTA The Movie......................................................................10 MIMOTV Competition...............................................................11 NaSTA Survey Results................................................................12 SMPTE..........................................................................................13 How to Film a Graduate Ball...................................................14 Red Oak Roller..........................................................................15 Meet the Host Officer...............................................................16 Awards List................................................................................17 @NaSTAuk NaSTA_uk NaSTA_uk

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Introduction Hello everyone, and welcome to the wonderful world of Student Television. Thank you for affiliating to NaSTA this year. We have a lot planned for the year but let’s start with a quick introduction. NaSTA at its core is a support network. We are here to help you any way, shape and form you can think of, whether it’s helping share your work with the wider world or advising you and your unions of the best way to operate your Student TV station. Our regional officers are always ready to lend a hand, and of course we, the executive, will always be here to help. We will be planning some amazing regional conferences with workshops covering a variety of topics, and will give you the opportunity to meet like-minded people from within your region. The biggest event of the year; NaSTA conference 2016 will be hosted by LSTV in Leeds in April, we look forward to seeing you all there! All of the NaSTA executive can be reached at and we will do our best to respond quickly. We can’t wait to see what amazing projects you produce this year so have fun and remember, NaSTA is always here to help. ......................



...................... ......................

Robert Blowers

Louis Clift

Polly Bartlett

Mitchell Perry

Jess Courtney

NaSTA Chair

Technical Officer

Development Officer

Marketing Officer

Returning Officer

ve ti u ec x E A T S a N e th t ee M Robert BLowers NaSTA Chair Hello! During my time at the University of Birmingham I spent far more time with Guild TV than I did on my degree. I served as the Head of Production for two years and worked on all manner of student productions, from music festivals to live entertainment chat shows, though my personal favourites were always short films. I always loved getting more people involved with student TV and learning and teaching practical skills that will benefit mine and their futures. Through NaSTA I was able to make some great friends and fantastic industry contacts, which gave me my first piece of work experience. This encouraged me to become Chair in order to make sure the association keeps running smoothly, that all of our members have the best experience possible and that they are afforded great opportunities to enhance their future careers. Having just graduated with a degree in Ancient and Medieval History I’m now a runner in the film industry.

Louis Clift Technical Officer Hi, I’m Louis, a PhD student at the University of Essex. By day I’m a computer vision and robotics researcher, by spare minute (and the bit of time off I can squeeze in whenever I can) I’m involved with anything student TV or broadcasting. Student TV has always been an inspiration to a lot of my work from undergraduate projects through to cutting-edge research into 4K-UHD live streaming. The world of Student TV is an exciting place to be and it’s been an amazing experience so far! I look forward to working with you all in the year ahead and seeing your amazing content.

Meet the NaSTA Executive Polly Bartlett Development Officer Hi! I’m Polly, a Music and Drama student at the University of Manchester and the newly elected NaSTA Development Officer. My years as Station Manager of Manchester’s Fuse TV and my experiences of student television have shown that NaSTA is an association that celebrates the content we create whilst helping us to develop skills and friendships through our shared love of TV. It is a place for people wanting a career in television, and those not, and throughout the coming year I am going to make sure that NaSTA provides a range of opportunities for everyone. With plans already in place for a number of regional conferences and a lot of inter-station collaborationstudent television is going to be taking over the UK… One video at a time!

Mitchell PErry Marketing Officer Hello, I’m Mitchell Perry, you may remember me from such NaSTA Videos as “Fresher’s TV 2014” and “SX:TV Golden bodge - The Nude Beach.” Having been on the Exec last year (and due to a loophole, technically the year before) I’ve helped Student TV stations and attended events and NUS conferences up and down the country and I’m back for one more year. Aside from peppering NaSTA with film and television references I market NaSTA to the rest of the word, helping show off your work to industry professionals as well as the NaSTA community. Outside of NaSTA I went to the University of Essex, and after being station manager for two years started a career in marketing... What a surprise. If you need any advice on design, marketing or just want me to share your station’s projects get in touch.

Meet the NaSTA Returning Officers Jess Courtney Returning officer Hello, my name is Jess and I’m your Returning Officer for the next year. I’ve been lucky to be involved in two different stations, first NSTV (or NUTS as it was known at the time) at Nottingham University, where I studied Archaeology and Art History. I have spent the last two years at The University of York, studying Cultural Heritage Management MA, whilst still being involved in student TV, with YSTV. I’ve always been interested in news and factual programming, and in the future I want to combine my studies with working on historical and archaeological documentaries. As NaSTA Returning Officer, I’m responsible for overseeing all NaSTA elections so you’ll be hearing a lot more from me around the time of the Conference and Awards regarding all things elections and AGM. I’m also responsible for investigating any complaints or issues that might be raised throughout the year. Basically, if there’s democracy involved, I’m there!

Dave Tipping

Deputy Returning officer

Hello, Dave here, your Deputy Returning Officer at NaSTA (for the second year running). Currently in my forth year at LSTV, although I’m a first year journalism student. Anyway, my role is to support Jess and the Exec to ensure that everyone in NaSTA gets an equal and fair say in how your association is run, and to be an impartial speaker in constitutional matters and voting. I love NaSTA because it brings people with a common goal together from all over the country and that can’t be a bad thing, can it?


PaSTA is the alumni association of NaSTA. Up until this year it was an organisation within NaSTA, and an Alumni Officer sat on the NaSTA Executive Committee as a non-executive member. It has been decided to split the two organisations, to help both bodies achieve their aims, which will in turn benefit their respective members. A steering group has been created to assess the creation of PaSTA as its own entity, and to define a suitable mission statement for the organisation. A lot was achieved with an Alumni Officer on the NaSTA Executive Committee, and this new steering group will build on that progress, continuing to have a close relationship with NaSTA and its members, as well as its own. For members of NaSTA the role of PaSTA is to provide you with access to alumni who have gone on from student TV into a wide range of media related careers: television, online, film, PR, advertising, journalism and more. The alumni association is made up of a wide network of media professionals who have worked for the likes of the BBC, ITN, Sky, Kiss FM, MediaCom, and the London Evening Standard, to name but a few! These alumni can be available to your TV stations for a number of different things, including; networking events, skills sessions, CV advice, work experience enquiries, awards judging, or even just a quick email exchange. And the best part is: they all want to help; they want to pass on their knowledge to you guys. Please bear with us while the steering group sorts everything out – we are creating an entirely new organisation here, and it’s going to take time and patience – but don’t ever be put off from getting in touch. We’re here to help in whatever way we can.

Meet the NaSTA Regional Officers Gillian Howieson Scottish regional officer Hello! I’m Gillian, former Station Manager of DUSA TV and fourth year Psychology student at the University of Dundee. I’ve been involved in student television for the past three years and have met some incredible people along the way. As Scottish Regional Officer, I can’t wait to be part of someone else’s story and help them discover just how much student TV has to offer.

Josh Baker

North-East regional officer

I am Josh and I am the North-East Regional Officer for NaSTA. In my spare time I’m a Film Studies student at the University of Hull and the Station Manager for Hullfire TV. I can’t wait to work with the North East stations this year and very much look forward to helping them develop the experience of student TV into the professional TV or Film industry. I was going to throw in some really odd facts but the time I danced for Princess Anne would probably put people off.

Ben Hinton

East-Midlands regional officer

Hello there! My name’s Ben and I have been involved in NaSTA for the last two years during which I’ve been Station Manager and Executive Producer over at UEA:TV in Norwich. I’ve some sort of degree in Media Studies, but I also have a background in theatre and writing. I’m very much looking forward to meeting more of you and working together to keep NaSTA awesome! You look great by the way!

Ron Morrow

West-Midlands officer

Hey everyone, I’m Ron: two-time Station Manager at CampusTV in Bath and an engineering graduate. Student TV allowed me to learn a whole load of stuff that was far more interesting than my degree, and I’m really looking forward to helping other stations improve. My specialities are live events, editing, and candle-lit dinners for two.

Sophie Wiggins Welsh regional officer I am passionate and dedicated about all things media. As soon as I started at Swansea University I couldn’t wait to get stuck in. Since then I set up Swansea Universities Student Unions TV Station, worked on two feature length films and worked for an engineering company and I cant wait for NASTA this year!

Tom Phillips

London regional officer

Hi my name is Tom Phillips and I’m the Regional Officer for London. Previously I have been SX:TV Station Manager at the University of Essex. I Like to think out side of the box and I always cut to the chase. Currently, I am due to start a course with National Council for the Training of Journalists in Wimbledon so I will we always a round if you need me.


Southern regional officer

So S cial e c ret

Alistair Heath

Hello, I’m a Theology student from Exeter University, now studying IT Management for Business, also at Exeter, I’ve spent the last three years making content for XTV. As well as being Technical Manager in 2014-2015. I particularly enjoy doing VFX and Web Design work for XTV so if you need any advice with that, or anything else please let me know!

How to Film SU Elections “That’s how you devour a whale, One bite at a time...” - Frank Underwood

Be organised: Create a schedule. Where will all the candidates be? How can you get to talk to all of them? Do you want to interview them all? Do you just want a sound bite? Has your station got enough people around to help coordinate all the candidates? How do you want to cover elections? Live? Pre-recorded? News-night show? The one show? Only you can really answer these,

Create good links with your union’s democracy team: Make contact with the SU well before the election, arrange meetings and ask how you can be involved in first promoting that nominations are open, then on how to help cover the elections themselves. Getting in well before the elections means; a) you’ve more time to plan, b) You become an integral part of the elections boosting your station’s profile, c) You make vital contacts with those planning the elections, you can usually have the timetable before hand.

Know who the candidates are: Get a team together to read manifestos, make notes of key points (especially ones that have been tried and failed before, e.g. I want to stop the rain on campus) so you can highlight their plans without trawling through manifestos again and you can hold them to account once they are in power. Create fact files on each candidate.

Be creative:

What has your station never done before? NaSTA is here to offer advice on how best to achieve it but also try your own union, chat to your own alumni as they will know the difficulties your station faces as they’ve done it before.

Be ballsy: Candidates want to get their face out there. TV is such a good platform for them, so you’re doing them the favour, not the other way around, use that to your advantage. Demand sound bites and ask the hard questions, make it worth watching.

Be respectful: If you show a candidate saying ”I’m the best” or “I’m going to win or else I’ll eat my shoes” then immediately cut to a shot of them losing in tears, people remember that. If you’re just going to mock the candidates next year’s will be less likely to cooperate.

ical TechnOfficer

Have you thought about streaming?

Well, as a member of NaSTA, you can make use of Janet streaming servers to stream all your station’s up-coming shows! Every NaSTA station has access to our servers, so why not try them out? The servers currently have a capacity of up to 5000SD or 3000HD viewers (at 1MB stream). The servers come with an integrated web player (but of course, you can use your own if you have one), are enabled for RTMP streaming and are running the latest Wowza software. There is also a NaSTA-run booking service that you can use to make sure the servers are available when you want them. The booking service can be found at: Should you have any problems logging in to the server, then please contact Louis Clift at For more information, including technical details, go to:

Due to some stations accounts being inactive, Janet has deactivated the accounts to save space on their servers. If you are a new station, a station whose account has been deactivated or a station who’s just forgot, please contact and we will sort you out ASAP.

NaSTA: the Movie NaSTA has been around a while and in all that time we’ve never had one big collaborative project until now. NaSTA: the movie will consist of each station submitting a small video clip which will then be edited into one feature length film. Your clip has to be 1-2 minutes long. These videos can be unconnected, random, strange, funny or dramatic. There are no limits and at the end of the year they will hopefully combine to become an amazing sketch compilation, containing a little piece from every affiliated station. What will link all these videos? Simple! A ping pong ball; they’re readily available and inexpensive. All you have to do is open your scene with a shot of the ping pong ball rolling in from the left, and close the scene with a shot of the ping pong ball rolling out to the right.

He ad Pr of od u c ti on The ping pong ball can interact with your scene, be a major plot point, used as a prop by one of the major characters, or just be a visible piece in the background, cutting through a scene of one of your ongoing projects or anything else you can think of. The only must is that is must enter on the left and leave on the right. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Rules; Cannot be animated, stop motion or otherwise. Cannot contain music. Ideally we will score it once it has been put together. (You can suggest music) Has to have the ping pong ball. Keep it sensible.

The deadline is the end of the academic year so we can end on a high. We look forward to seeing your bit.

That ononelygutuyrnwhs oup to socials 30 NaSTA-affiliated Student TV Stations took part in the following survey. Some participants asked their stations remain anonymous as such a full breakdown is not available to all members.





Of all the stations surveyed 73% Stations are classed as a ‘Student Media’, 23% were classed as ‘Societies’ and 3% operated independently of the union completely. AVERAGE BUDGET FOR ALL STATIONS CLASSED AS A MEDIA WAS



average Budget VS average Membership

£8000 £7000 £6000 £5000 £4000


£3000 £2000 £1000 0










We would like to thank all stations who took part in this survey and we hope you found the infomation useful.

The Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers - Membership Education and Standards -

If you are interested in the Technologies of Television, SMPTE offers you free first years student membership – and then about £7 a year. SMPTE Student Membership can help you to get and stay on top of today’s Latest media Technologies by • •

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Participating in technology relevant webcasts at no charge Access our archive - Look back over SMPTE’s work over the past 100 years Attending our meetings; see Supporting those like you joining our varied industries through the Graduate Initiative Taking part in standards work and directing the way our industries move Just being an active member of the world’s largest Members society for those working with the moving image, its audio and metadata - on any platform - Film, Television , Digital media.

And then when you graduate You get Full membership at half price on a sliding scale to the full subscription of under £100 a year and continue the support from other SMPTE members SMPTE hold meetings across the UK – where you can meet others in the Industries, at “places where people work” and hear & discuss with experts. SMPTE has many very keen members working in a wide variety of companies who are willing to help and advise you and your station on the best ways forward and helping you to take part in our activities – Including a Student Film festival in Hollywood! We would like to welcome you to our community of 6500 members across the world – and about 500 members in the UK;

To join Go to and follow the link for Free Student membership SMPTE UK Section serves all who are working with the technology of film and associated sound & metadata. (And if you do not know about metadata – join SMPTE and find out!)

How to Film a graduate ball

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or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Learned to Film the Ball

1. Create a plan before you go. Storyboard a few sequences you want and aim to match those ideal shots. Carry around a plan in a notebook if you need to. 2. Sell yourself to the union, remember filming this is a service, minimum you should get is free tickets. If you’re making the event look amazing, your video serves as instant advertising for the next one so everyone benefits. 3. Organise your crew. Give everyone a job and make sure they stick to it. Always have one or two people on “Drunk watch” nothing ruins a good night like a man crashing through a length of wire, yanking your camera to the ground and tossing your mic into the dance floor. Good tip not to have final years on your crew, chances are they’ll be distracted by their friends and leave you in the lurch. 4. Liaise with the venue/location manager; permission to film anywhere is key on any shoot. Get some press passes that allow you access to everywhere you need, and to make sure security don’t throw you out. 5. When choosing what equipment to take, make sure it’s light and easy to carry, and you can find it in the dark(adding some Hi-Vis strips will help with that). Also ensure you’re comfortable - wear shoes that wont kill you if you’re on your feet for hours. 6. Do a recce of the venue before the event, so that you can get to know the place, the best routes around the venue and some of the staff. Scout where good shots might be and chat to the manager about getting up onto ‘closed’ balconies or platforms. It is also worth making sure you have a base to store your kit. 7. Film establishing shots and vox pops. They are an editing godsend, especially when you have to cut quick because that ‘funny guy’ shouted “woooo!” 8. Bring a stamp/business cards/some kind of marketing memorabilia that you can give them. They will probably be too drunk to remember being interviewed so this will help them remember. They are then more likely to go to your YouTube/Website to see what the hell they’ve done. 9. Remember, this is the last time everyone is together so make sure your video highlights that. Make it emotional, poignant and downright embarrassing. Choose the right songs, try and avoid the cliché Black Eyed Peas song, be more original than the ‘Time of My Life’ and remember Simple Minds’ “Don’t forget about me” is a classic and can never be over played. 10. Capitalise on the night. Get it edited as quickly as possible, throw it out everywhere with the relevant hash tags. Make your videos easy to find and you’ll rake in the views.

Meet the NaSTA Host Officer Jess Todd


Host officer - LSTV

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am a fourth year Broadcast Journalism student at the University of Leeds. Having just completed a year in the Netherlands, I am excited to return and be host officer for this very special event. Being part of LSTV has been the highlight of my university career. As a previous NaSTA award winner in the News and Current Affairs category I understand all the hard work involved and the importance of the conference weekend. I hope to make your NaSTA 2016 the highlight of your annual calendar.

The Awards Evening

The Refectory is a perfect location to host the much awaited awards ceremony. Previously it has hosted the likes of The Who and Jimi Hendrix, and can hold between 300-600 people. The catered event, including a three course meal, will culminate in the award celebrations presented by highly respected media professionals.

Accommodation Facilities The University of Leeds does not ask any students in halls to leave accommodation over the Easter break. Therefore, like the 2015 conference, we will be hosting students in local hotels. We have made plans with a number of city-centre based hotels, and will make sure everyone is as close as possible to both the awards and coinciding events of the weekend.

Travel Leeds is located in the heart of the UK, with regular and convenient services by train and bus. The buses between the station and the University also run throughout the night. We have also secured parking on campus for an additional ÂŁ5.

Awards List Animation Broadcaster Cinematography Comedy Documentary Drama Edit to Music Factual Freshers’ Coverage Ident Light Entertainment Live Music News and Current Affairs Best OnScreen Male Best OnScreen Female Open Sport Marketing Technical Achievement Tim Marshall Award for Special Recognition Title Sequence Writing

Awards List


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