NaSTA Affiliation Guide 2014

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D NT PANIC NaSTA Affiliation pack 2014

ts Table of Conten Introduction to NaSTA Meet the NaSTA Exec Meet the Other Guys Red Oak Roller Discount Code Janet Meet the Alumni Officer More About PaSTA How to Film a Graduate Ball Meet the Regional Officers Freshers TV Meet the Host Officers List of Awards NaSTA 2015 Awards Summary How to Film SU Elections NUGEN audio Affiliate Map @NaSTAuk

Introduction to NaSTA Hello, welcome, sit down, grab a cuppa and allow us to introduce you to the wonderful world of NaSTA. NaSTA exists not only to draw new and existing student television stations together from across the UK, but also to provide the platform upon which stations can ask each other for advice, overcome problems and make friends and contacts in a like-minded community. In recent years NaSTA has grown, introducing Regional Officers to help coordinate stations and provide support on a local level, and organise regional conferences up and down the country filled with workshops and industry speakers up and down the country. This year we hope to continue this and help improve student media as a whole. This year’s amazing NaSTA conference will be the weekend of the 27th March 2015 and will be jointly hosted by PSTV and LA1:TV, with PSTV taking over host duties and LA1: TV organising the technical side of the broadcast so those who unfortunately can’t make it can tune in live. We of the Exec wish you the best of luck for this year; student television isgetting better and better and with more industry professionals seeing student media as a stepping stone into the industry, it has never been more important. All the best, and we will see you in March! ......................

NaSTA Chair Mia Obertelli




NaSTA Marketing NaSTA Development NaSTA Technical Officer Officer Officer

Mitchell Perry Catherine Darcy

Rob Sumner

c e x E A T eet the NaS


Mia Obertelli NaSTA Chair @NaSTA_Chair

Hi there! I currently work in London as a video editor for a music media company. I spent a year as Development Officer after doing NUTS (now NSTV) for two years and as Chair I want to make sure everyone gets involved.. If you have any questions or comments or are looking for some advice, please get in touch. I’m more than happy to chat away with you! I also love visiting stations, seeing different setups, and meeting everyone, so let me know if you think it would be beneficial for me to come and see your station! All that’s left to say is that NaSTA is truly fantastic and if you want to get its full benefits you need to throw yourself in and let it help take you to wonderful places.

Robert Sumner Technical Officer @NaSTA_Technical

Hey. I am currently studying Chemistry at the University of Birmingham. Over the course of the next year I will be working with the Marketing Officer to develop the website further, and I want to add a lot more information on the wiki about our history and the different stations. We have an amazing history, so why not document it so future stations and committees can learn all about it. If you want to help in this effort then head over to and start editing!

Mitchell Perry Marketing Officer @NaSTA_Marketing My aim is to make NaSTA fun as well as professional, after all most of us are students, and those that aren’t still want to be. Little bit about me? Ok; I’m funny, witty, courageous, lovable, I’m gracefully likeable and I’m wonderfully competent, if I weren’t so modest I would go far. Currently working in Leeds I’ll be around to help any station with marketing queries, promotion and anything else you can think of. If you have any broadcasts coming up, send me the info and I will spread the word among our fellow NaSTAfarians.

Catherine Darcy development Officer

@NaSTA_Dev I can help with developing your station, creating links with other stations and providing you with ideas you might not have tried before. I’m now currently working at Pozzitive Television Ltd A comedy production company who work with Milton Jones, Steve Coogan and Jeremy Hardy to name a few. Student TV is ultimately about fun and experimentation but I’m also keen to help you get your first step on the job ladder so please do contact me if you need help with your CV or where to find jobs.

.. . s y u G r e h t O Meet the

Calum Brookes returning officer

@NaSTA_RO I’m Calum, your Returning Officer. I was the Executive Technical Officer for two years before Rob usurped me. I’ve gone onto the wider industry now, as an engineer for the BBC, and it’s student TV that made it all possible. My job as part of NaSTA, is as a check and balance: providing advice to the new team and helping them to make their decisions in line with what the constitution allows. I also arbitrate in any complaints made against the executive team along with my deputy, Disco Dave.

Dave Tipping

Deputy returning officer Hello, Dave here, currently in my third year at LSTV, my role is to support Calum and the Exec to ensure that everyone in NaSTA gets an equal and fair say in how your association is run, and to be an impartial speaker in constitutional matters and voting.

cial SpeNaSTA Discount J ur rder


Have you thought about streaming? Well, as a member of NaSTA, you can make use of Janet streaming servers to stream all your station’s up-coming shows! Every NaSTA station has access to our servers, so why not try them out? The servers currently have a capacity of up to 5000SD or 3000HD viewers (at 1MB stream). The servers come with an integrated web player (but of course, you can use your own if you have one), are enabled for RTMP streaming and are running the latest Wowza software. There is also a NaSTA-run booking service that you can use to make sure the servers are available when you want them. The booking service can be found at: Should you have any problems logging in to the server, then please contact Rob Sumner at For more information, including technical details, go to; You can also contact Janet for information on the servers or


Janet Updat

Due to some stations accounts being inactive, Janet has deactivated the accounts to save space on their servers. If you are a new station, a station whose account has been deactivated or a station who’s just forgot, please contact and we will sort you out ASAP.

r e c fi f O i n m u l A e h t t e Me y...

nl o d n a e n o e h T

Matt capon Alumni Officer @NaSTAAlumni

Ok the short version. I’ve restarted a student tv station whilst I was a student (LUST) been a NaSTA Conference Coordinator (NaSTA 2008) later working as an independent advisor supporting another NaSTA Host station (GUST) to being on the NaSTA Exec (Marketing Officer) as well as serving as the NaSTA Returning Officer and now the NaSTA Alumni Officer (I wasn’t lying when I said it). I was part of the original team that launched ‘FreshersTV’, I actively introduced the idea of a ‘Student Media’ press conference to the NUS on all national events, with Student TV stations at the forefront (obviously) and worked to see NaSTA as an annual presence at the NUS Student Media Summit, delivering support and advice to new and existing stations at the start of each academic year. I also wrote the mission statement document for NaSTA which is still in place today. Outside of Student Media in what academics and historians call the ‘real’ world, I’ve worked freelance as a videographer and social media consultant for the last ten years working with the likes of the NBA, McCain, Sony Music and Channel 4. I’ve also had a colourful career in the live events and nightclub industries. I also took a degree in Physics from Oxford University. The owner hasn’t asked for it back yet.

More about PaSTA The Alumni Association (or ‘PaSTA’ as it is affectionately known e.g. Past NaSTA get it?) exists to help develop a bridge between your time in student TV, and the first steps you make into the working world. Many people want to chase the dream of working in TV and the Media, and it is the role of the Alumni Association to help provide you with the opportunities to help make your dream a reality. But then there are many people who come out of student tv who don’t follow a career path into the media industries, but who SIMPLY want to retain involvement with the student tv community they were once a part of & to stay in touch with friends who’ve moved on elsewhere. The Alumni Association is developing an ongoing programme of socials and events to give all alumni the chance to stay in touch with each other after graduation. The Alumni Association will also be launching a NaSTA ‘mentor’ scheme for stations in 2014/2015 as well as working with the NaSTA Regional Officers who are organising their local NaSTA conventions, and bringing NaSTA to wider national media bodies who are looking to support student media on a local and national level. Oh and did we mention we also judge an award at the NaSTA awards? We’ve only been in ‘formal’ existence for the last 2 years, but the NaSTA alumni have been around for almost as long as NaSTA has, and that is a bloody long while. @NaSTAAlumni

How to Film a graduate ball or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Filmed the Ball

1. Create a plan before you go. Storyboard a few sequences you want and aim to match those ideal shots. Carry around a plan in a notebook if you need to. 2. Sell yourself to the union, remember filming this is a service, minimum you should get is free tickets. If you’re making the event look amazing, your video serves as instant advertising for the next one so everyone benefits. 3. Organise your crew. Give everyone a job and make sure they stick to it. Always have one or two people on “Drunk watch” nothing ruins a good night like a man crashing through a length of wire, yanking your camera to the ground and tossing your mic into the dance floor. Good tip not to have final years on your crew, chances are they’ll be distracted by their friends and leave you in the lurch. 4. Liaise with the venue/location manager; permission to film anywhere is key on any shoot. Get some press passes that allow you access to everywhere you need, and to make sure security don’t throw you out. 5. When choosing what equipment to take, make sure it’s light and easy to carry, and you can find it in the dark(adding some Hi-Vis strips will help with that). Also ensure you’re comfortable - wear shoes that wont kill you if you?re on your feet for hours. 6. Do a recce of the venue before the event, so that you can get to know the place, the best routes around the venue and some of the staff. Scout where good shots might be and chat to the manager about getting up onto ‘closed’ balconies or platforms. It is also worth making sure you have a base to store your kit. 7. Film establishing shots and vox pops. They are a editing godsend, especially when you have to cut quick because that funny guy who shouted “woooo!” 8. Bring a stamp/business cards/some kind of marketing memorabilia that you can give them. They will probably be too drunk to remember being interviewed so this will help them remember. They are then more likely to go to your YouTube/Website to see what the hell they’ve done. 9. Remember, this is the last time everyone is together so make sure your video highlights that. Make it emotional, poignant and downright embarrassing. Choose the right songs, try and avoid the cliché Black Eyed Peas’ song, be more original than the ‘Time of My Life’ and remember Simple Minds’ “Don’t forget about me” is a classic and can never be over played. 10. Capitalise on the night. Get it edited as quickly as possible, throw it out everywhere with the relevant hash tags. Make your videos easy to find and you’ll rake in the views.

A T S a N e h Meet tnal Officers Regio Campbell Logan Scottish regional officer Hi, I’m the ‘14-’15 Scottish regional officer for NaSTA. I was the ‘13-’14 Technical officer for DUSATV. I plan on developing a stronger Student Television community in Scotland & hope to hear from you and your station soon!

Hamish Mullen North regional officer

I’ve been involved with Student Television for the past two years, with my home station Staffs TV, where I was Station Manager for 13-14! I graduated this year and I’m now off working in various parts of the country! I’m always here to provide support to your station, but also you as an individual - as I know how stressful times can be.

Julia Bond

North East regional officer Past Station Manger of NU:TV now lives in London working in telly. Working on new Youtube series Bond’s Bitchin’ Gluten Free Kitchen. All round coffee snob.

Elliot Wengler East Midlands regional officer I graduated from the University of East Anglia, with a degree in Politics with Media. I’ve always had an obligation to media production working with Livewire and serving on UEA:TV’s committee. I roam the East-Midlands and London performing as a stand-up comedian.

Robert blowers West Midlands regional officer I’m in my final year at the University of Birmingham and the Head of Production at Guild TV. Once I graduate I want to work my way towards becoming a film director, but in the mean time I’m in love with student television!

Hollie Abbott London regional officer

Last year I was Station Manager of newly affiliated station Fresh TV. We had a fantastic year; winning Highly Commended Drama and The Tim Marshall Award at last year’s NaSTA Awards and now work all over; a freelance videographer, editor, video archivist and runner. I’m very excited to be working with the London stations this year and supporting some exciting and innovative content!

Samantha Booth Wales regional officer

I’m the former station manager and co-founder of SU-TV at Swansea University. I graduated in 2014 aand I’m super excited to get more involved with NaSTA this year, even if it is just to share links of funny animals with new people. If you need any help with anything, please get in touch!

Sebastian Frend South regional officer

Hey, my name is Seb and I’m a recent graduate of French and Russian from the University of Nottingham. I’m really looking forward to working with all the heads of stations in a variety of projects, and making this year an excellent year for the Region.










Catherine “Oh mr” Darcy’s Freshers TV highlights:

On the 29th October, the NaSTA exec headed to Leicester to help with Freshers TV at Demon TV! It was the first time we had all been together since being elected at NaSTA 2014, it was a surreal moment seeing people you’ve been working with and chatting to for months actually in the flesh! NaSTA is fascinating, everyone is connected without really meeting. I can honestly say it was a true pleasure to meet all of Demon TV, their professionalism and generosity was brilliant. Hannah Gorzelak, Station Manager, let Mia and I stay at her house; she was a true hostess and it felt like we’d known each other for years. Although she said she was a bit stressed,she was composed and so organised, and should be incredibly proud of what her and her team have managed to achieve. Demon TV have some amazing facilities at their disposal.They have a whole studio with a professional set, a green screen studio, an amazing gallery and an audience room. The whole team were like a well oiled machine, and were immediately ready to go on time. As we are all student TV here, we all understand how hard it can be to start on time, so this is a huge achievement! Demon TV have also been very lucky with their new intake of keen freshers!

At this point, I’d like to thank Paul and Paul for all your hard work on the tech side of things we love you guys! We know Freshers TV is a fantastic way to see fresher content from around the country and this year was no different. Stand out moments for me are XTV’s drone shot going over their Uni and their use of animation. My home station of SUSUtv being as crazy as ever with their desert island vibes. YSTV with their emotional and well constructed montage of 20 years as a station, using past footage to compliment the new. UEA:TV’s fresh approach on highlighting freshers by interviewing them and discussing their own highlights. Scratch TV’s coverage was great and I’m so impressed with everything they’ve been able to do so far. Basically, I loved it all!












A star mention has to go to the host presenters Matt and Dave, they were hilarious, charming and clearly looked at ease in front of the camera, I’m sure we’ll see great things from them. Going to Leicester for Freshers TV, was my first NaSTA visit to a station and it couldn’t have been more perfect. Thank you for everything and I can’t wait to see who hosts it next year!

s r e c fi f O t s o H e h t t e e M Matthew Murphy Host Officer @NaSTA_Host Hi, I’m Matt. I’m Chief Exec of PSTV, and the Media Officer at UCLan Student’s Union. Last year was my first NaSTA, and this year I’m taking on the role of Host Officer. I know, it’s a big role, and a big step but I’ve fallen in love with student TV faster than the length of a Golden Bodge. I’ll be working closely with PSTV; a team of dedicated volunteers to ensure everything at the conference runs smoothly, from the food to accommodation and workshops available. Looking forward to seeing you all in Preston next March!

Christopher Osborn deputy host Officer @NaSTA_Host Hi, I’m Chris. I’m a History PhD student and I’m currently Station Manager of LA1TV. LA1TV are leading on developing the website; technical support filming and live streaming. I will be ensuring that the website is kept up to date and working with the web team to ensure there are no problems during the uploads period. Alongside Matt I will be working to get the best judges and workshop leaders from the industry and I will also be working with the awards venue to make sure the awards ceremony including the live stream runs smoothly. See you all at conference in March.

Awards List Animation Best Broadcaster Cinematography Comedy Documentary Drama Factual Freshers’ Coverage Ident Light Entertainment Live Music News and Current Affairs Best OnScreen Male Best OnScreen Female Open Sport Marketing Technical Tim Marshall Award for Special Recognition Title Sequence Best Writing Best Video to Music

Awards List

About the host Stations PSTV & LA1:TV are both young stations based in North Lancashire. They make an ideal partnership with PSTV having access to excellent conference facilities in Preson and LA1:TV having technical knowledge, live streaming experience and skills to support them. The team of enthusiastic and experienced members running NaSTA 2015 will be made up of members of both stations.

Accomodation & Facilities Although the University of Central Lancashire hasn’t the ability to make immediate space within our halls to accommodate conference goers, we have made alternate plans alternatively with a number of city-centre based hotels, and will make sure everyone is as close as possible to both the awards and coinciding events of the weekend. We have made contact with hotels including Premier Inn and Preston International Legacy, two of the best located sites for our event as they are within a 5 minute walking distance of our university campus, the awards venue in town, and the train station. Every room will have an ensuite bathroom.

Awards venue The awards ceremony will be held at the Guild Hall in the Preston city-centre. The venue has a capacity of 534 people for an event of our style. The date is to be the weekend of the 27 March 2015. The Guild Hall is a historically renowned venue, and plays host annually to UCLan’s graduation ceremonies, and a number of other popular live entertainment performances such as Jimmy Carr, John Bishop, and The Kaiser Chiefs.

The Golden Bodge will have a scheduled time slot and entries will be shown between in the AGM.

No short term pricing just one price per ticket with clear availability.

Preston The Media Factory where the workshops will take place.

Flexible ticketing options. Conference with accommodation & Conference without accommodation tickets available.

High quality accommodation With en-suite at a lower price than the previous conference.

Preston Guild Hall; venue for the NaSTA 2015.

All feedback for All entries scores, placings and feedback sent out within a week of conference

Submission information released Early All will recive submission infomation by January 2015

Premier Inn Preston, accomidation for the NaSTA awards.

Clear Contact Information Contact infomation about the host team will be readily available

Professional handover Hosted in Preston by PSTV Broadcast by LA1:TV

A professional handover for the next hosts, providing them with all the contacts and information needed.

How to Film SU Elections “That’s how you devour a whale, One bite at a time...” - Frank Underwood

Be organised.

Create a schedule. Where will all the candidates be? How can you get to talk to all of them? Do you want to interview them all? Do you just want a sound bite? Has your station got enough people around to help coordinate all the candidates? How do you want to cover elections? Live? Pre-recorded? Format? News-night show? The one show Format? Only you can really answer these,

Create good links with your union’s democracy department.

Make contact with the SU well before the election, arrange meetings and ask how you can be involved in first promoting that nominations are open, then on how to help cover the elections themselves. Getting in well before the elections means a) you’ve more time to plan b) You become a integral part of the elections boosting your stations profile c) You make vital contacts with those planning the elections, you can usually have the time table before hand, which will help you plan.

Know who the candidates are.

Get a team together to read manifestos, make notes of key points (especially ones that have been tried and failed before e.g. I want to stop the rain on campus) so you can highlight their plans without trawling through manifestos again and you can hold them to account once they are in power. Create fact files on each candidate.

Be creative.

What has your station never done before? Why don’t you try and top it? NaSTA is here to offer advice on how best to achieve it but also try your own union, chat to your own alumni as they will know the difficulties your station faces as they’ve done it before.

Be ballsy.

Candidates want to get their face out there. TV is such a good platform for them, so you’re doing them the favour, not the other way around, use that to your advantage. Demand sound bites and ask the hard questions, make it worth watching.

Be respectful. If you show a candidate saying ”I’m the best” or “I’m going to win or else I’ll eat my shoes” then immediately cut to a shot of them losing in tears, people remember that. If you’re just going to mock the candidates next year’s will be less likely to cooperate.

Campaign videos Unless it’s part of your agreement with your SU to record campaign videos, be it 1 minute Alan Bennett-esque talking head videos or elaborate, don’t. It’s your responsibility as a media to be unbiased throughout the process, if you record one campaign video, you’ll have to record all of them otherwise the other candidates will see this as unfair. Aim to be as neutral as possible; it will make your coverage more varied and more professional.

NUGEN Audio has supplied licenses of VisLM, the company’s industry-leading loudness metering plug-ins to NaSTA. You can use the plug-ins to help videos comply with the European Broadcasting Union’s EBUR128 loudness recommendations, helping add a professional finish to your already amazing projects. All NUGEN have asked for in exchange is for you to write a little piece on how you found using the software, and hopefully you’ll be able to answer two questions: 1. How is NUGEN Audio VisLM helping your station’s audio production? 2. Which software tool on the market would you find most useful for audio production?

Please have fun using the software; being able to edit audio and use this software will boost your CV and the quality of your broadcasts so its win win!

te a d p U n e g u N

This deal was brokered as part of a last year’s membership, as such new stations will not automatically have a code for the software, however if your station would like acess to the software and you’re willing to write a marketing blog about your experiences, using it please email and we will sort you out a code.

GUST University of Glasgow StrathTV Strathclyde University

SparkTV University of Sunderland

AirTV University of Stirling

DUSA TV University of Dundee

Granite City TV University of Aberdeen

Affiliates map

JUMP TV Univeristy of Bornemouth

RU:ON Reading Univeristy XTV University of Exeter

ICTV Imperial College London FreshTV Univeristy of Roehampton

UBTV University of Bristol CampusTV Univeristy of Bath

CUTV University of Cardif

SU-TV University of Swansea

GuildTV University of Birmingham ScratchTV Birmingham City University WTV University of Warrick BullsTVUniveristy of Bedfordshire

DemonTV De montfort University LUST Univeristy of Leicester

StaffsTVUniveristy of Staffordshire

LA1:TV Lancashire Univeristy BeTV Leeds Beckett LSTV University of Leeds FuseTV Univeristy of Manchester PSTV UCLan LSUTV Univeristy of Lougbrough

SUSUtv University of Southampton SonarTV Southampton Solent SmokeTV University of Westminster KingsTV King’s College London

UPSUtv Univeristy of Portsmouth

UniTV University of Sussex

StagTV University of Surrey

KTV University of Kent

SX:TV University of Essex

University of East Anglia


TrentTV Nottingham Trent NSTV University of Nottingham

ForgeTV University of Sheffield

HullfireTV University of Hull

YSTV University of York

64 Established 19




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