1 minute read

The Science Behind A Rock Sails By

In October 2017, the University of Hawaii's Pan-STARRS1 telescope caught a glimpse of an object from another solar system whizzing past the sun heading straight towards the Earth Scientists were baffled by its odd size, appearance and its behavior About the size of a football field and flat like a pancake, the object was dubbed "Oumuamua," Hawaiian for "scout" or "messenger from our distant past " Oumuamua's path was being tracked by many observatories, including NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, when suddenly, it swung around the Earth, sharply turned its course and began to exit our galaxy It was unlike anything astronomers had ever seen Scientists from across the globe proposed various theories in scientific journals. Was it a dust cloud? A hydrogen iceberg? The mysterious object Oumuamua was between the orbits of Uranus and Neptune in November 2021. It left our solar system in December 2022 and can no longer be traced by Earth telescopes.

Do you recognize these faces?

They are Peninsula Players Theatre's hard working interns.

Participating in the theater’s internship program this season are 10 students from theater programs across the country. These students and recent college graduates have focused their studies on various theater disciplines. They are joining us to help create the dynamic performances you are about to experience. Please welcome and thank them for all of their hard work in helping to make each performance possible.

Standing are Jessica Krol, a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University; Emily Muirhead, a graduate of Loyola University Chicago; Eamon Moriarty, a graduate of Michigan State University; Justin Roberts, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Cody Diedrich, undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.

Sitting are Alexis Flaten, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point; Hannah Kwak, an undergraduate at Loyola University Chicago; Maria Guardino Schreiner, a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College; Caitlin Preuss, a graduate of Carthage College. Not pictured is Isabel Osterhus, a senior at Lawrence University. To learn more about our internship program, visit www.peninsulaplayers.com

The Kathryn A. Doerr Intern Fund

Established in 2013 in memory of Kathryn A. Doerr (Katie), by her family, this fund provides critical support for Peninsula Players Theatre's intern program. During her lifetime, Katie was an advocate and supporter of art education, notably to art education in the Door County community she loved. Her legacy will provide a scholarship for Hannah Kwak during the theater's season this year.

If you are interested in supporting Peninsula Players Theatre's internship program please contact Danielle Szmanda at danielle@peninsulaplayers.com or (920) 868-3287.

Our 88th Year

June 13 – July 2, 2023

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