Honduras: Journalism in the Shadow of Impunity

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553. “Piden Justicia por la Muerte de Celin Acosta en Olancho” (February 5, 2013), El Diario De Olancho. com, online: http://www.eldiariodeolancho.com/piden-justicia-por-la-muerte-de-celin-acosta-enolancho/ (accessed January 14, 2014). 554. “Matan a empleado del rnp de Juticalpa” (January 31, 2013), La Tribuna, online: http://www.latribuna. hn/2013/01/31/matan-a-empleado-del-rnp-de-juticalpa/ (accessed September 18, 2013). 555. “Capturan a presunto cabecilla de banda que mató a Aníbal Barrow” (November 16, 2013), Tiempo, online: http://www.tiempo.hn/portada/noticias/capturan-a-presunto-cabecilla-de-banda-que-matoa-anibal-barrow (accessed January 14, 2014). 556. “Así secuestraron y asesinaron al periodista hondureño Aníbal Barrow” (July 12, 2013), El Heraldo, online: http://www.elheraldo.hn/Secciones-Principales/Al-Frente/Asi-secuestraron-y-asesinaron-alperiodista-hondureno-Anibal-Barrow (accessed January 14, 2014). 557. Amnesty International, “Journalist kidnapped in Honduras” (June 26, 2013), online: http://www. amnesty.org/en/library/asset/AMR37/004/2013/en/9ac13ca8-c3e0-48f5-a9ab-1fec5cc86f79/ amr370042013en.html (accessed September 18, 2013). 558. Inter-American Press Association, “iapa outraged at murder of cameraman in Honduras” (October 28, 2013), online: http://www.sipiapa.org/en/iapa-outraged-at-murder-of-cameraman-in-honduras/ (accessed January 14, 2014). 559. Ibid. 560. Amnesty International, “DOCUMENT - HONDURAS: Honduran Journalist Shot and Killed: Juan Carlos Argeñal” (December 10, 2013), online: http://www.amnesty.org/en/library/asset/ AMR37/018/2013/en/3c288ab9-d885-428e-8585-25d139236532/amr370182013es.html (accessed January 14, 2014) [Honduran journalist shot and killed]. 561. “Prioridad para MP aclarar crimen contra dueño de canal” (December 10, 2013), El Heraldo, online: http://www.elheraldo.hn/Secciones-Principales/Sucesos/Prioridad-para-MP-aclarar-crimen-contradueno-de-canal (accessed January 14, 2014). 562. Honduran journalist shot and killed, supra note 560.


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