Peachtree Christian Hospice Winter 2012 Newsletter

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Working in healthcare, I find that many people avoid preparing advanced directives in epidemic proportions. Advanced directives are a written plan for your future healthcare if you are unable to communicate your wishes. There are many reasons that people put off making end of life decisions. It is a daunting task after all. Some people become anxious or sad contemplating the care that may be needed at the end of their life. Others think that someone already knows their wishes. Misconceptions about advanced directives, such as they must be created by a lawyer, signed by a notary, or they cannot be changed, abound, which in turn creates fear in preparing advanced directives. There is an answer to this: FIVE WISHES.

NATALIE McNEAL Administrator joined PCH in December 2011

Five Wishes has been deemed by various new sources as a “living will with a heart and soul.” Jim Towey, the driving force behind this concept, worked closely with The American Bar Association’s Commission on Law and Aging and other end-of-life care experts to create a living will that is easy to complete, valid in most states, and incorporates emotional and spiritual needs. Completing the Five Wishes document is as simple as reading basic statements and crossing them out if you do not agree or using check marks to designate your preferences.

The Wishes Are: Wish 1 - D esignation of the person who will make healthcare decisions for you when you are not able

Wish 2 - T he type of medical treatment or life support wanted when death is close, in case of a coma, brain damage, and other end-stage medical conditions

Wish 3 - T he level of comfort measures such as pain medications, music, religious readings, and touch

Wish 4 - How people should treat you and the preferred surroundings during serious illness

Wish 5 - What you want your loved ones to know. In this area, love, forgiveness, and remembrance are common themes.

If you want to complete the Five Wishes document, you can do so online at, or you can obtain a paper copy from the United Hospice Foundation by calling 678-533-6462. Completing the Five Wishes document is a gift to you and your family. You can be at peace knowing that your wishes will be known and followed, and your loved ones will have the guide you designed for the level of care that you desire.

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