The big move sample answers

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PROBLEM PAGE: The page where your parenting problems are answered


Dear Joyce, We’re writing because we’ve decided to move out of London so that Jack can have all the benefits of growing up in the country. We think the country is safer than the city. The air is cleaner and there is less pollution. Ø Jack can have individualized education. Don’t worry. You can visit us when you want and you can enjoy the country life. You will have a open door. Best wishes SAMPLE ANSWER 2

Dear Joyce, Your son William and I have decided to move out of London to Kingsbridge with your grandson. Our main reasons are the following: There we’ll have Ø more relaxed lifestyle without the danger of the big city. Ø There is less pollution, so Jack will grow up in a better environment. Thinking about his education, we prefer the school there because there is less pupils in class. PD. If you are thinking of coming with us, forget it, Ø is not possible.


Dear Joyce, As you know, our house is too small since Jack was born. We are thinking about moving to the country because our son will be better there. There are a lot of advantages: less pollution, Ø big house, less crime rate, healthy food, not much traffic and Ø relaxed lifestyle. Don’t worry because you can visit us and enjoy the country life wherever you want. I hope you are well, best wishes SAMPLE ANSWER 4

Dear Joyce, Our family have decided to move to the countryside near London. We think living in the countryside has the most positive points in our lives than living here. We need a relaxing lifestyle and our baby Jack can grow healthier in the countryside because there is no pollution there, the air is cleaner and we’re thinking to grow our own vegetables or crops, it’s more healthier. There we can enjoy the friendly community, Jack could play in the street or outside out of danger. We’ll have a big house where you can visit us whenever you want to see your grandson, and enjoy the nature. Good bye

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