Growing Without Schooling 67

Page 28


HOW TO GET STARTED Herc are some wa1nr you can ffnd out the legal situatlon inyour statc, l) Look up the lavyourself. tn a publlc librar5r or law llbra6r (courthousc, law school, etc.) Laws are lndexcd; try'school attendancc'or

'educadon, compulsory.' 19 statcs havc rwlscd thelr horne educatlon laws slnce 1982 so check the recent statute changcs. Wc havc prtnted or summarlzed thcsc ncw larys ln our back lssues. 2) Ask the state dcpartrncrrt of educaflon for any laws or r€guladons pctatntng to horncschoollrg and/or starHng a prlvatc school, In some states (partlcularly CA, lL, lN, Kfl therc arc few regr-rlations concerlfng prlvatc schools and so you can call your home a school, Ifyou are concemcd about revealing your rrarne and addrcss to the state, do this through a frlcxrd. 3) Contact state or local homcschootlng groups. Thls list was last prlnted ln GWS #66, and ls updated and sold scparatcly for $2 as part of our 'Homeschooling Resourcc Llst.- Somc groups have prepared handbooks or gutdelines on legal matters. Often, thesc groups can tell you more about thc lcgpl cllmatc tn a statc than anyone else can - whether ncrr legfslatton ls pendtng, for cnample, and hor thc present law ls beingenforced. 4) Contact other farnllles ll,stcd ln our Dtrectory. This is particularly uscful lf you llve tn a state that lcaves homeschooltrg declsions up to indivldual school distrlcts. When you contact these families, help them by havturg done some rq9€arch on your own flrst. 5) In general, lt ts not wlsc to start by asklng your local school dlstrict; thcy usually don't know the law either. Bcttcr to gather the facts first on your own.

At the bottom ofthls pagc ts a form you can us€ to renewyour subecrlpdou. Plcasc hclp usby renewing early. How can you tell when your subscrlptlon exptrgs? I49k at thls samplrc labcl:




SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscrlpuons start wlth thc next lssue publlshed. Our crrrrcnt ratcs arc $2O for 6 lssuca, $36 for 12 lssues, $48 for 18 lssucs. GWS ls publtshed cvery other month. A slngle lssue costs $3.50. Forctgn paymcnts must bc clthcr mone)r ordcrs tn US funds or checks drawn on US banks. W€ can't alford to accept personal checks on Canadtan acclunts, e\rcn lf they havc'US funds' wrltten on them. Outsidc of North Amerlca. add $lO peryear for alrmall (otherwlsc. allow 2-3 months for surface rnall). BecL lrucr: We strongly urge you to get thc back lssues of GWS, cspcctally lfyou plan to take your chlldren out of school. Many of thc ardcles ere as useful and tmportant as when they wcf,c prlntcd. and we do not plan to repcat thc lnformatlon ln thcm. All back tssucs arc kcpt ln





The number that ls underllned In thc example tells the number of the ffnal lssue for the subscrlpdon. The Smiths'sub cxplres wtth Issuc #68, the next issuc. But |f wc were to recclve thclr renewal beforc we scnt our ffnal ac.count changes

mcans you get one copy of each lssuc, 2X means you get 2 copies ofeach lgsuc, 3X means 3 coples,


lx 2X 3X 4X sx 6)(

I year 2 yrs. 6lss. l2tgs.

3 yrs,

$20 $36 $48 $60 $70 $78


$36 $64 $90 $l l2 $130 $144

l8tss. $sO

$126 $156


$216 7& 8X, etc: $12 p€rpersonpcrycar.

Plcasc scnd tn thc names and addrcsses of mcmbers ofyour group sub, so that we can keep ln touch wlth them. Thanks.

cWS s.r foundcd ln ls77 by John Holt. Editor - Susannah Sheffer Managtng Edltor - Patrtck Farenga Contribu6ng Edltor - Dom Rlchoux Editorlal Asslstant - Maqr Maher Editorlal Corrsultant - Nancy Wallace

prlnt. Book & Sube€rlptlon Manager - Day Fat€nga Book Shlppcr/Rccrlvcr - Ann Barr Offfce,{.gslstant - Mary Maher

Our rates for back lssues: any comblnadon

ofback tssues. rnailed at onc tlmc to onc addrcss, csst $2 pcr lssuc, plus $2 per order, A completc sct cqsts $lOO. These rates ar€ for subscrlbers only: non-suhscribcrs pay $.j.50 pcr issuc. Indcrcr to GWS (spcciff ttcm numbcr): #38O Indcx to GWS #l-30, $2.5O #382 Index to *3f-4O, $l #384 Indcx to #41-50, $l.5O #385 Index to #5 f -6(), $2. #381 Set ofall Indexcs. $5. Blndcrr arc avatlablc wlth rods that hold GWS without obscurtng any to(t. Gold letters on

Holt Assoclates Board of Dircctors:

Patrick Farenga (Corporate President). Mary Maher, Tom Mahcr, Dorura Rlchoux, Susannah Sheffer Advlsors to thc Board: Stwe Rupprecht, Mary Van Dorcn, Nancy Wallacc

Copyrlght O 1989 Holt Associates, Inc. All rlihts rescrvcd.




to thc rnatliqg housc (carly Aprll), they *ould qualry for the frce bonus lssuc. Rcncwal ratcs ar€ thc samc as for ncw subecrlpuons: $2O for 6 lssu€s, $36 for 12 lssucs. tll8 for l8 tssues.

#3ilo Bt:derwlth 24 rods (holds GWS #l24), $f O; #328 Btnderwith l8 rods (holds 18 latcrlssucsl, $9.5O. #326 S€t of4 Binders and 78 rods (holds cWS #l-78), $35. Add pacldng and delivery charge for btndcrs (scc center pagesl. Ad&cr Ch.ngc.3 lf you'rc movlngi, let us knowyour new address alr soon as posslble. Plcasc cnclosc a reccnt labcl (or copy ofone). Issues mlss€d because of a drangp ln address may b€ r€placed for $2 each. Thc post olffcc destroys your misscd lssues and charges us a notillcatlon fee. so we can't afford to replacc them

wlthout chaqge. Grcup Subrcrlptlona: all copies alc mallcd to one addrcss. Pleasc pay with onc ehecl. Her€ ar€ thc currcnt group rates {lX






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