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motion. Gulping air, Erika jumped to her feet, glanced at Joseph’s body—and fainted dead away. Later Erika sat in the kitchen, staring absently at the tabletop. “My God, what do I do?” A tear ran down the left side of her face. “I can’t abort it, that would be a sin. But it is the Anti-Christ, which has to be some kind of exception. No,” she reasoned, “I can’t. Besides, it’s all been prophesized: First, the Anti-Christ, then various tribulations, the apocalypse, and then, the second coming in glory of the Lord.” If she prevented the coming of the Anti-Christ, then she would also be thwarting God’s design for the end of this world—she would be sinning against the Lord twice over. “No, there is no choice,” she concluded, “I must have this baby.”

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