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THE TERTIARY SECTOR IN CRIPTANA I´ve made a report about a company from the Tertiary Sector. I have asked some questions about one activity of this sector to a person that works in a transport enterprise. He is a man. His name is Fernando Pintor Muñoz. He is 23 years old and he´s working in his father enterprise at present.

It´s a transport company called Transportes Pintor Barrilero S.L. They have trucks.


The company is private and it´s a microenterprise, because they have less than ten workers. It´s a private limited company .They are eight workers in total. 2) HISTORY OF THE COMPANY. The company was created in 1993 by Cosme and Ángel Luis Pintor (Fernando´s father and uncle respectively). The company was created by investing in the purchase of two trucks and they invested the necessary money to create the society. They didn´t receive subsidies. There wasn´t a great capital when they started. They created the company without any help. The first years of the society were very difficult. There were problems, but, as time went by, it started to evolve and prosper. The situation is good today. 3) WORKERS. The workers are employed and self-employed. There aren´t different categories of workers in the company. All the workers are drivers. There aren´t salary differences. The workers are qualified and they don´t belong to any union.

4) WORKING CONDITIONS. The working schedule is from Monday to Friday. The workers have thirty days of holidays per year. They start to work around 6-8 a.m until 6-8 p.m. In winter the workers start to work later, to avoid the frost and in summer they start to work sooner to avoid the heat. The company has security and a safety system against thieves.

The workers haven´t got any collective agreement. They respect the general transport agreement.

5) DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITY. -The workers transport chemicals and foodstuffs. The chemicals that they transport are: caustic soda, solvents, acids… The foodstuffs that they transport are: milk, oil, cheese, vine, cream, vinegar… - The clients are from multinational enterprises (such as Repsol) to small private companies. They go to foreign countries such as France and Portugal and they travel around Spain.

- They get the clients by offering their services to different companies. - The workers load and download the freight in the places where the client decides. -The workers have to drive nine hours a day. In a week they have to drive fifty-six hours. Every 4.30 hours, they have to stop for a 45 minutes rest. Or they can drive 2 hours and rest 15 minutes and then drive 2.30 hours and rest 30 minutes. In a year they travel around 144,000 km. -If the freight is dangerous (hazardous materials), they drive at a reduced speed and with panels indicating its danger. The qualification needed to carry chemicals is the A.D.R. It´s a special certificate to carry hazardous substances. The workers take courses

of prevention of work risks. They have to take also a traffic course. Every five years they have to renew it. -The workers go to a repair shop, to fix the trucks. -To transport chemicals, they don´t use other trucks. They use the same truck, changing the tanker -About the trucks, the average price is 72, 000 € the cab and 66,000 € the tanker. The maximum weight that the trucks can carry is: 40,000 Kg.

6) COMPETITION They handle with this in a good way. The workers take advantage of the confidence and the personalized care that a small company can provide. The company is affected by the competition. 7) PRESENT SITUATION OF THE INDUSTRY AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES. The company has benefits, because they earn more money than they invest. The future perspectives of the company are to maintain what they have achieved and to renew the material (the trucks´ fleet).

The workers think in keeping the firm for many years more.

8) MAIN PROBLEMS. The main problems are the increase of fuel price, taxes, competition… 9) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. At the moment, the workers of this company haven´t never suffered a raid in a rest area. I have asked Fernando about what he thinks about the job of truck driver and if it´s difficult to combine with the family. He has said that this job has good and bad things. There are weeks in which you are travelling to different cities during all the week, without seeing you family and it´s a little hard, because you are far from your family. The best thing is to become accustomed and enjoy with your work.

Author: Rebeca García Olivares. 3ºA

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